------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front Mission ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents Sections Ctrl+F Keyword 1) What Is Front Mission? $123$ 2) Title Screen and Menus $915$ 3) Battles $791$ 4) Skills and Experience $114$ 5) Town Menus $555$ 6) Setups $331$ 7) Arena $009$ 8) Walkthrough OCU $668$ 9) Walkthrough UCS $226$ 10) Items $564$ 11) Parts $821$ 12 Weapons $165$ 13) Version History 14) Legal Info I'm going to say this now. The Walkthroughs will contain spoilers. =============================================================================== What Is Front Mission? $123$ =============================================================================== Front Mission is a turn-based, strategy game developed by Square Enix. Well, it came from Square originally, but we all know about the merger... if we haven't been living under a rock or something. And I'm not going to explain how the genre works as I assume there are enough games in the market that you know the basics to these sort of games. As in all games, there has to be some sort of catch, right? In this case, Front Mission involves mechs. You know, big robots that happen to have a human pilot controlling it to attack ando ther things, usually for warfare. However, in the game they are wanzers, which is probably the more accurate and appropriate name Basically, that's Front Mission in a nutshell. A turn-based stategy game that has mechs in it. HOWEVER, there is a story behind all of the gameplay. One that is worth check ing out. I will also note that this game is the first of the series and originally on the SNES (which I suggest you check out in somehow. If you happen to enjoy this game, feel free to explore the rest of the series and expand the fanbase. =============================================================================== Title Screen and Menus $915$ =============================================================================== As soon as you start the game and press start at the title, you should come across these options. I will also note that the game manual does explain this. At least, I hope and recall it did.... NEW GAME LOAD GAME GAME SETTINGS DUEL NEW GAME: This should be fairly obvious. You are going to start playing one of the two available campaigns. More on this later. LOAD GAME: This should also be obvious. You will be loading a save or a quick- save. More on what a quicksave later on. DUEL: I have not played with this yet (due to no one around having this game) but it is the multiplayer option of the game. From what I recall of the manual this is basically an Arena fight between you and a friend. More on Arena fights later. GAME SETTINGS: Upon selecting this option, you'll see a menu like this. CONTROLS SPEED BATTLE SPEED SOUND BACK CONTROLS: Here you can alternate between Semi-Auto and Manual. In Semi- Auto, the game will automatically select an available units but allows you to cycle through them with the L and R buttons. In Manual, you have to select the units yourselves. I recommend Manual just for the fact that it is easier to select an enemy unit to see how far their movement range is. SPEED: Controls how fast the text and game goes. Options are Fast/Normal. BATTLE SPEED: Controls how fast battle goes. Options are same as SPEED. SOUND: Typical sound options of Stereo/Mono. BACK: Gets you to the previous menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that all of this is taken care of, let's start a new game shall we? Upon selecting NEW GAME, the game offers you a chance to play the tutorial. I have not done this myself, so I cannot offer any opinion on the matter. However, I will assume that if you are new to at least see how it is like to give you some familiarity with the game, unless you want to be reading this >_>. Regardless of what you do about the tutorial, you will be given an option of selecting which campaign you'll like to play on. You have the options of the Oceania Cooperative Union otherwise known as the O.C.U. or the Unified Continental States otherwise known as the U.C.S. If you are new, I suggest you stick with what the game tells you to pick and start off with the OCU. =============================================================================== Battles $791$ =============================================================================== Almost immediately, you'll find yourself in the first mission. When it comes to these missions and some extra missions you may come across, the win conditions are usually clear. They might be, and usually are, kill all enemy units. When I think about it, I think that might be the only win condition although they are a few other things that you might have to consider in some missions, such as protecting certain units, etc. Unlike other tactics-based games, you don't have one single HP stat. In this game, you have four: Body, Left Arm, Right Arm, and Legs. When the HP of any part goes to zero, the following will happen. Body: The unit is destroyed. This is the MOST important part. If this goes, so does everything else regardless of the other parts' HPs. Arms: Weapons and shields that are attached to that arm cannot be used for the remainer of the battle, unless repaired. Legs: Movement stat is halved, meaning you cannot travel as far as you did before. However, you may use items that repair destroyed parts or heal some damage. I will note that you cannot do anything regarding a destroyed body. So heal it, before it is destroyed. ONE VERY IMPORTANT THING. If the leader dies, GAME OVER. It should be obvious who the leader is regardless of the campaign you select. However, if you are oblivious or forgotten, they are Royd (OCU) and Kevin (UCS). If they go, you go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When it comes to attacking, there are three different types of attacks: Melee, Short, and Long. Melee: Involves your wanzer's fists and sometimes hand rods. When it comes to targeting, has a higher chance of hitting the body. Short: Involves your guns wheter it is a machine gun, rifle, flame-thrower or whatever. This also includes bazookas and grenade launchers if they are not used for long-range fighting (beyond a range of 1). Long : Involves shoulder-mounted weapons. As the name suggest, this attack will hit enemy units from afar. Typically have a minimum and a maximum range of where it will target. This includes bazookas and grenade launcers if they are not used for short-range. Take note, that when you attack, anything except for Long-range risks a counter attack from the enemy unit. Now what determines who strikes first? First, here is the chain of priority regarding these attacks. Melee is SLOWER than Short Short is SLOWER than Long Long is SLOWER than Melee I will note that unless you are in the Arena only the FIRST rule will apply as Long range attacks cannot be counterattacked nor counter attack themselves. If both units use the same attack, the owner of the phase (yours or computer's) determines who goes first. Basically, your turn, your first-strike. According to the manual, Arena battles are "player always goes first unless priority is going to screw him over". There is also another thing. Generally, when you attack, damage will be not be given in a predetermined way (with two exceptions). Damage dealt will be randomly assigned to the various parts. So brace yourself for those times when you are trying to get a certain part destroyed but you just hit something else instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now for the actual movement and attacking. During your turn, you will select one of your units. Then you are given the options of MOVE ATTACK (only if a target is already within range) USE ITEM (more on the items themselves later) CANCEL (deselect unit) You can move an unit as far as its movement range will allow, designated by the blue grid. If you happen to attempt to move a NPC or enemy unit, you won't be able to, but you will be greeted with a green grid, which can be useful with your stategy. If you choose to move a unit, after it finishes making its move, you will see the following ATTACK (only if a target is within range) END (end the unit's turn) USE ITEM CANCEL (places unit back in its original position) If you choose to attack an enemy, you will be given a list of your weapons that are currently available of hitting the enemy. Usually the order of the weapons will be. Left Hand Right Hand Left Shoulder Right Shoulder Why is this important? Well, regarding counterattacks and attacks. Say you are being attacked. You are going to counter with whatever is in your Right Hand. However, the enemy destroyed your Right Hand with his attack. Guess what? You just stand there and take it! So when it comes to picking a weapon to attack with, it is also important to note the HP regarding whatever arm that it is a part of. When it is the enemy's turn, you have the same options regarding a counter- attack BUT with a slight change. When you are attacked, you can have the option of GUARD. Basically, this supposedly helps you dodge the attack in lieu of fighting back. This may or may not be good, depending on your situation. I will also mention that your shoulders don't necessarily have to have weapons on them. Instead of weapons, you can have shields, which obviously will help to defend you. Items can be used on the selected unit or another target, depending on the item itself. These items can inflict status aliments that can hinder or help you. There will be a list of items and their effects at some other section. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I should note that during a mission, if you care to look at the top screen, there is some information that will come in handy for you. If the cursor is not on an unit, you'll be given the terrain information. This is basically how it looks Name of the terrain Cover % (defensive bonus) Normal: # Hover: # Treads: # Tires: # What does all of this mean? Well the Cover % should be obvious, as that's how much being on that terrain will help whoever is on it. The numbers next to the four categories are the movement costs to each of the 4 leg types. For example you have Hover-type legs. You also have a movment stat of 10. The movement cost for a certain terrain is say, 3. You can move 3 spaces in that terrain. Rough idea, but you should understand it. More on leg types later on. If the cursor is on an unit, you will see three boxes. Let's look at the VEHICLE STATUS first. This is what you'll see NAME: Name of the wanzer BODY ##/XX LEFT ARM ##/YY RIGHT ARM ##/ZZ LEGS ##/UU MOVE: ## STATUS: --- --- --- --- Basically, this is where you'll see the HP of all your parts as well as how much movement an unit has and any status aliments it might have. To the right of the VEHICLE STATUS, you will see the PILOT STATUS. NAME: Name of Pilot LV. ## -LEVEL- -EXP.- MELEE # ### SHORT # ### LONG # ### DODGE # ### TOTAL #### SKILL: --- --- --- --- --- Explanation of this can be found in the next section. Below both these two pieces of information, you will find this NAME: Name of wanzer -NAME- -AMMO- -RANGE- BODY L. HAND R. HAND L. SHOULDER R. SHOULDER Basically this is where you'll find info regarding the parts that an unit has. It will also give you some info regarding the weapon and shields that are on it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If at any moment you press START, during a mission. You may come across a menu regarding this END PLAYER PHASE GAME SETTINGS QUICKSAVE CANCEL Basically END PLAYER PHASE is obvious. You are ending your turn. GAME SETTINGS are basically whatever you saw in the same menu at the title screen. QUICKSAVE allows you to save during battle. After all, some battles can get quite lengthy and you'll be needing a break here and there. By the way, there is only one QUICKSAVE file and it puts you back at the title screen after saving. At the end of each battle, you will get Huffman dollars (the game's currency) equal to... Mission Reward + Kill Bonus (enemies destroyed - Repair Costs (units you lost) =============================================================================== Skills and Experience $114$ =============================================================================== During missions, any time you interact the selected unit with another unit such as an attack, counterattack, or item useage, you gain experience (EXP). EXP is divided up into four different categories Melee Short Long Dodge The first three go up the more you use their respective attacks. The last one, Dodge, goes up when you are on the defensive such as dodging and using shields. Basically whatever points you gained (which you can see as a EXP +X) in the corner after a battle will have that respective category gain that much EXP. When the cumulative total of your EXP hits certain levels, you level up. If at any level up, specific categories have certain number of points allotted to it, you may choose to learn a skill. Skills basically enhance different things during a battle. They also have four different levels: Lv1, Lv2, Lv3, and Last. They tend to level up randomly and typically start at Lv1 although sometimes they start at Lv2. The more you use them, the better they get (as you have a chance of them leveling up then). Skills come in 3 different categories, the same as what you find in attacks: Melee, Short, and Long Melee Skills First : When activated, you go first, regardless of priority. Stun : Chance that a melee attack will inflict STUN. Double: Chance that as long as both hands are using melee weapons for a comboing attack (aka 2 or more hits). Short Skills Duel : Allows you to target specific parts to damage. Speed : For machine guns, gives you extra rounds to shoot with. Switch: Chance that as long as both arms are armed with short weapons for the unit to use the other gun while attacking. Long Skills Guide : Allows you to target specific parts to damage. Nothing else, no.. I'm not kidding you.. Long-range doesn't get much. At most, any pilot can only have a maximum of 5 skills. Even then, you will get pilots that can't even learn 5 but 4, 3, or even 2. Some pilots will also come with a skill already learned. I will also note that you have very few chances to learn a skill. Sometimes your chance to learn a skill might be your only one at it. So plan out what you like. Oh wait.. one other thing. Not all skills may be accessible to all pilots. You will come across someone who can't learn this skill or that skill. I may make a section regarding this, but for now you can always ask for help elsewhere. =============================================================================== Town Menus $555$ =============================================================================== Aww, town. The place you come to when you miraculously return from a mission with money you have won from the deaths of others. Typically, this what you will be seeing, though it will vary depending on what is happening in the story and other things. So, this is the basic gist. SHOP MILITARY WARD BAR ARENA PILOT STATUS SETUP SAVE/LOAD As you can tell, the shop is where you'll be buying various parts, weapons, and items. More on that in a bit. The MILITARY WARD is usually where you will go to for advancement of the story and other information. This may not always be there, but when you see it, you should go there anyway (unless no one is there). The BAR is where you can go to in order to talk to whoever happens to be there. You might come across rumors that lead to extra missions or just random pilots that you can have join you. PILOT STATUS just allows you to check up on your pilot info such as what items they might be carrying, their skills, what their wanzers are, etc. SETUP allows you to modify the various wanzers if you happen to have some parts lying around. It is also the only place where you can put items onto a wanzer for use during missions. SAVE/LOAD should be obvious as it allows you to save into one of the 3 files available and to load from them if you wish to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the SHOP, you will see something like this. SETUP BUY SELL TALK EXIT All are self-explanatory except for SETUP. When it comes to buying or selling, you pick one of the two. Then you select the category of what you are acting on such as weapon, parts, or items. In weapons, you select either hand or shoulder weapons. In parts, you select one of the various body parts. Items are just items. In SETUP, anything you choose to purchase will automatically be equipped to the wanzer and the previous weapon/shield/part will be sent to your stock. If you select SETUP, you will need to select from the list of your pilots' wanzers. Then you will see a menu like this. WEAPONS PARTS PAINT NAME CANCEL WEAPONS will lead to select for which hand/shoulder you want a weapon for. You will also find shields here, too. PARTS does a similar thing but you select for which part you are buying for... you know, body, legs, and arms. PAINT allows you to just change the color scheme of the wanzer, which can be of some use if you have a favorite unit or something. NAME allows you to change the wanzer's name. Also, if you go to SETUP from the town menu, after PARTS, you will also see ITEMS. This is where you can stock items onto certain wanzers and stuff. =============================================================================== Setups $331$ =============================================================================== Regardless of you are accessing SETUP through the town menu or the shop menu, it is basically the same thing. As you are scrolling through the various parts and weapons, you will see in a box below the list, the stats that go with what you are looking at. For example, weapons could appear like this AT : 5 X 20 ( +17) DF : 0 ( + 0) HIT : 76 ( - 4) RANGE : 1 ( + 0) WEIGHT: 36 ( +36) AMMO : 99 ( ---) TYPE : Short What does this mean? AT stands for Attack. The first number is how many hits or rounds the weapon has. Usually this will be 1 unless it is a multi-hit rifle or machine gun. The second number is damage. DF stands for Defense and is only important shields. HIT is accuracy, the higher the better. RANGE will usually mean nothing unless you happen to get a bazooka or something similar. WEIGHT is how much the thing weighs and will affect your Weight to Power (W/P) ratio. More on that soon. AMMO really applys to shoulder weapons as they have limited amounts such as 2, 3, or 4. If it says 99, it basically means infinite. TYPE should be obvious as it will determine what type of attack that weapon uses. Exceptions would obviously be SHIELD. However, for the hand weapons, LONG will mean it is a bazooka or something. It doesn't mean that it is exclusively LONG-type. When it comes to parts, you will see 3 different sort of stats. First, body. DF : 25 ( + 2) HP : 90 ( -10) POWER : 240 ( +60) WEIGHT : 55 ( - 5) INT.WEAPON: NONE ( ---) DF is the same as it is for weapons. HP is how much HP that part will have, so as defense, the higher the better. POWER is how much power that the body has to handle the weight you put on it. At this point, I would like to draw you to the upper right corner. See the W/P? That is the weight to power ratio. If this is over 100, you are over the weight limit and the game will not allow you to do what you tried to do that would have put you over it. The rationale for this is, if you are too heavy, you can't move. Anyway... WEIGHT is again how much the part weighs. INT.WEAPON is the inital weapon. Basically, nothing when it comes to BODY parts. Second, we will look at the arms. DF : 12 ( + 1) HP : 50 ( + 5) HIT : 57 ( + 2) WEIGHT : 18 ( - 2) INT.WEAPON: TENDUS PUNCH AT 8 HIT 80 We have already gone over DF, HP, and WEIGHT. However, now you have HIT as a stat. Basically, it just tells you how accurate the arm is. So basically if you have a highly accurate weapon but an inaccurate arm, you are going to be somewhat accurate. Same thing the other way around. However, I think the HIT stat on the arms shouldn't be too much of a concern as long as they aren't too low. INT. WEAPON is a interesting thing. For most arms, the initial weapon will be a punch, aka melee attack, and you have the stats to go with it, AT and HIT. However, some arms have a built-in gun to them. You can usually tell if you are going to have a gun based on the appearance of the arm, if the AT gets a "X" indicating a machine gun, or if you can't equip anything to the shoulder. That's right, you can't do anything to the shoulder when you have a built-in gun. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's the case. So now you are probably thinking why would you want an arm like this? Well, cost. You don't have to buy a gun when the arm comes with it right? They also tend to be light so if you seem to be having too much weight for the wanzer, well you can guess from there. Lastly, we have legs. DF : HP : POWER : MOVE : WEIGHT: I'm not going to bother with numbers here, I'm lazy Short and simple, you should know everything by now EXCEPT for MOVE. This is your MOVE stat. You know, the only you see in the VEHICLE STATUS box during missions? Yeah, basically, the higher the better. Now it is a good idea to mention the various leg types. You have 4 types: Normal, Tires, Treads, and Hover. You can tell which leg is which just by looking at it. Of course, some types do better in certain terrains over others. Also, Normal-types have a bit of an advantage when it comes to elevation on terrain. All other types cannot go anywhere up or down a steep elevation (aka more than 1 level in difference) while Normal types can go up or down if elevation happens to be 1 or 2. So, at the expense of having possibly the most generic movement costs with no other bonuses, you can go higher and lower? Seems fair >_>. So that's all for wanzer parts.. but THERE'S MORE! As you can see, there are CPU and BACKPACK. In CPU, you basically choose what computer, processor, whatever you want to use for that wanzer. Basically these CPUs will help you in these categories MELEE 0 ( - 4) SHORT 30 ( +22) LONG 2 ( + 2) DODGE 0 ( + 0) Thus, the higher the better, as you will perform better in the appropriate areas for that given wanzer. In BACKPACK, you are basically putting an add-on to the back of your wanzers. The relative stats will be... ITEM 1 ( + 1) RANGE 0 ( + 0) POWER 30 ( +30) WEIGHT 10 ( +10) Basically, ITEM determines how many more items you can carry. The default is 3 items, so with a backpack you can carry 4 or even more. RANGE basically increases your maximum range when it comes to Long-range attacks. POWER adds more power to what the BODY is already giving. WEIGHT is well.. obvious. Usally there is nothing wrong with adding a backpack. Heck, it is usually encouraged. I also bet you are still wondering what those numbers in parenthesis mean. Well they are just comparisons to what you already have equipped. So if something was +30 in one stat, that item you are looking at is 30 points higher than what you already have on. =============================================================================== Arena $009$ =============================================================================== The Arena is a place you can go to get get some EXP and money. How it functions is like this. You select one of your wanzers. You select an opponent based on the odds that the game calculates and the opponent's abilities. Afterwards, you choose how much you want to bet. During the Arena battle, you basically select your actions as you would during a mission. So you pick what weapon you want to use, but you are also given the options of GUARD and your shields (if any) if you feel like not attacking. You can also choose to give up if you feel like. Though why give up when you might have a chance at winning? Anyway, you and the opponent will switch blows until one of two conditions. 1) A BODY is destroyed. 2) BOTH ARMS are destroyed. So it doesn't matter if your BODY somehow manages to hold on with 1 HP, or if you get your legs blown off or even one arm. As long as one of those two do not occur, the match goes on. If you win, yay for you. You win money equal to what you bet times the odds. So, if you are playing the Arena for money, you should be picking opponents who give odds such as 1.5 or higher.. but not too high unless you believe in miracles or suicide. If you lose, well.. you know. Also, after the match, you gain some EXP, although not as much as you would gain during a mission. However, this is a good way to level up so of the lower-leveled pilots you might have. =============================================================================== Walkthrough OCU $668$ =============================================================================== DISCLAIMER: HP-Spreads might be off due to the fact that I'm replaying the game through New Game+ on .5 difficulty just to quickly get through the game. However, the numbers are more or less accurate. I'm guessing the margin of error for the HP will be +/- 1. Basically, Royd Clive (the leader unit) is on a recon mission with Ryuji Sakata and someone else while Karen Meure, Royd's fiance, has already been at the area in question. Well, would you look at that? Karen is surrounded.... better help her right? ---------------------------------Mission 1------------------------------------- Mission Reward : N/A # of Allowed Units: 3 # of NPC Units : 1 (1 KAREN) # of Enemy Units : 5 (2 ATTACKERS/2 MISSILEERS/1 DRISCOLL) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER GUST MG 99/99 1-1 20/16/16/18 GUST MG 99/99 1-1 MISSILEER CALM PUNCH 99/99 1-1 24/18/18/20 CALM PUNCH 99/99 1-1 PIZ-3 3/3 3-4 DRISCOLL TYPE 11 CLAW-B 99/99 1-1 250/250/110/250 URANIO 99/99 1-1 There really isn't anything much to say except to attack from afar when you can with whatever long-range you happen to have. Also, you might just want to stick with your guns for the first-strike advantage. While the big guy won't go after you, it's best not to bother him either. By the way, NPC dies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After losing all of his men, Driscoll just blows up the area. Leaving Royd to well... be very pissed about Karen and about the whole incident. Sadly, it is Royd's fault that the Second Huffman Conflict is going to occur. Fast foward a bit. Royd "Hellspawn" Clive is apparently working at the Arena as a fighter now. Some man will approach you before your Arena match but let's you be. It's probably best if you win your match, but it doesn't matter as the story will progress the same. Apparently the man is named Olson who wants to recruit Royd as part of the merc group the "Canyon Crows". Given the thought about having revenge for Karen, Royd accepts the offer and joins. Olson gives you 1,000 Huffman dollars for upgrades. Enter the MILITARY WARD after upgrading and proceed to leave. Royd gets reunited with Ryuji and is introduced to Natalie. Seems there are other members that you have to meet... Heading to your next destination, it appears that your missing members, J.J. and Keith, have been out looking for kills to earn some money and ended up in trouble. Good thing, Royd and Co. comes to save the day. ---------------------------------Mission 2------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 3000 # of Allowed Units: 5 # of Enemy Units : 8 (5/1/2) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER CALM PUNCH 99/99 1-1 24/18/18/20 RAPTOR 99/99 1-1 COMMANDER SIEGE 99/99 1-1 30/22/22/24 ZORA PUNCH 99/99 1-1 PIZ-3 99/99 3-4 MISSILEER CALM PUNCH 99/99 1-1 20/18/18/18 CALM PUNCH 99/99 1-1 PIZ-3 3/3 3-4 Largely, I say, stick together, though you can probably have someone go 1-on-1 with that randomly misplaced attacker in the corner... Either way, just don't have any of your pilots surrounded by the enemy and you should be fine. For the time being, missileers won't be a hassle so go after whoever you feel like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the mission and saving the two greedy idiots, head to the MILITARY WARD. Apparently a plane crashed nearby with something very important. Guess who is being sent to get it before the UCS? That's right.... ---------------------------------Mission 3------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 2000 # of Allowed Units: 5 # of NPC Units : 1 (WITNESS) # of Enemy Units : 9 (4/1/1/3) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER SIEGE 99/99 1-1 24/18/18/32 CALM PUNCH 99/99 1-1 ATTACKER ZORA PUNCH 99/99 1-1 36/22/22/26 SIEGE 99/99 1-1 EGRET 1/3 3-6 COMMANDER TYPE 5 99/99 1-1 32/24/24/26 ZENITH PUNCH 99/99 1-1 PIZ-3 3/3 3-4 MISSILEER PABOTTE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 15/12/12/13 PABOTTE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 PIZ-3 3/3 3-4 Apparently, the NPC is some sort of journalist, and as good little tools of war, we have to protect him. I don't know what happens if that wanzer is ever destroyed though, since I always protected him. So... anyone care to solve the mystery for me? Anyway, on with the mission. See that second ATTACKER? Well... he'll be the one to avoid. Why? Well, the UCS will be getting to the cargo first, and that lucky guy will get to use it.. on you. Fortunately, he only has one shot.. but it is painful and has some distance to it, too. At least, he won't chase after you. Basically what sort of tactics you should use is this. Take to the hills and protect the journalist. There really isn't a way for you to get to the cargo before the UCS, so might as well be safe and have some distance from the ATTACKER. Besides that little one-shot danger, much of this mission is like the others. A bit easy as long as you are careful not to get yourself into a three-enemy gang-assault. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the mission, or at least, after you killed that ATTACKER, you got the weapon itself. Make sure to put it on one of your units as this long-range weapon is ahead of its time for this part of the story. Oh yeah, you get Frederick to join you as well... Head back to town and talk to Olson. Apparently you have to escort trucks to town. ---------------------------------Mission 4------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 7000 # of Allowed Units: 6 # of NPC Units : 3 (Supply Trucks) # of Enemy Units :10 (5/1/4) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER GRAVE 99/99 1-1 32/24/24/26 WINEE 99/99 1-1 COMMANDER GRAVE 99/99 1-1 42/24/24/32 ZIEGER 99/99 1-1 MISSILEER ZENITH PUNCH 99/99 1-1 30/24/24/26 ZENITH PUNCH 99/99 1-1 PIZ-3 3/3 3-4 MGR-1B 2/2 3-5 Obviously, you have to prevent the trucks from being destroyed. Sadly, this is the start of when MISSILEERs become very annoying. After all, these guys have 5 shots to use on you. I suggest that you divide your forces into two groups. One basically heads to the group of 4 in the corner as those guys are too near for comfort. The other group should head up to the hills to at least take down the MISSILEERs. The enemy may or may not gun for the supply trucks, but if you are in their way, they will focus on you. I forgot what happens if the damage to the convoy isn't minimal, but if all the trucks are still around you'll get the full mission reward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the mission, head to the next town. Enter the MILITARY WARD and you are told to just have a break until new orders come in. Head to the ARENA and you come across a girl named Meihua. Interesting.. Karen is alive, and Meihua knows where she is, too. Agree to battle her and re-enter the ARENA. Win, and you advance the story. Lose, and you suck. Carrying on... seems that Meihua wants to join you and does in exchange for leading you to your next destination. So start heading out, despite the fact that you will be disobeying direct orders. Who cares anyway? Royd needs some Karen! ---------------------------------Mission 5------------------------------------- Mission Reward : N/A # of Allowed Units: 6 + Meihua # of NPC Units : 1 (RAINBOW) # of Enemy Units : 13 (6/3/1/3) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER GRAVE 99/99 1-1 42/21/21/12 GALBO PUNCH 99/99 1-1 COMMANDER GIZA PUNCH 99/99 1-1 44/26/26/34 WINEE 99/99 1-1 BONE 3/3 3-5 DRISCOLL TYPE 11 CLAW-C 99/99 1-1 250/120/120/250 TYPE 11 MG 99/99 1-1 MISSILEER HUSKY III PUNCH 99/99 1-1 38/24/24/30 --- BONE 3/3 3-5 Hmm.. is it just me... or does it seem that we have a familiar face in here? We do! It's Driscoll! As much as I would like to say, hunt him down like the dog he is, it is best to avoid him. He'll just slaughter you short of miracles, cheating, and/or New Game+. After a few turns, a supply truck will come around and Driscoll will "take a stroll". Don't worry about the truck, you won't be able to get to it, so just worry about the normal enemies that are around you. There really isn't much to say except to just take care of the missilers and the commanders. The attackers aren't too much of a threat to you. For those who are curious, yes. It is possible to destroy the supply truck. It would require New Game+, however, as parts and weapons you have access to won't give you the range for it. Also, you might not be able to survive a rush to the truck unless you were overleveled. However, what happens is basically it ends the mission immediately in your favor. Oh yeah, the remains of the city's defenses is that lone NPC wanzer. Just let him do his thing. If he is destroyed, he's destroyed. If you want to protect him, feel free to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as you are in town, Meihua leaves to see a friend while Royd gets to face a pissed Olson. Either way, after he chews Royd out a bit, head to the BAR. There you'll meet Paul, pilot that NPC wanzer you saw earlier. You may choose to recruit him if you want. Afterwards, go look for Meihua. You'll see her talking to her friend, Hans. After some chatting, go back to the Military Ward. Seems that Olson wants you to help push the UCS back to the original border. What's this? Seems Olson also has someone to put onto the team. I hope that Peewee is familiar to you somehow, since I KNOW I didn't mention him when he first showed up. Besides putting Peewee on your team, Olson wants you to help the army by going out and destroying some AA vehicles. Move out when you're ready. I'll also explain Peewee's functions here. As Olson said, he is going to drive the supply truck that will accompany you here on out. During missions, any unit that is damaged may stand next to Peewee have slowly have its parts repaired. This also means that if any part is destroyed (such as the legs), they will be restored to 1 HP and then continue to be repaired. I'm not sure if the repairs start at the end of your turn or at the start, but it's a slow process. Don't expect to rely completely on this method for healing, unless you are a very bad cheapskate. If Peewee happens to be next to an unit, and you select that unit, the unit has the option to resupply, aka reload, it's limited ammo weapons. So, say you wasted all your ammo on your long-range weapons, you can reload it and continue the fight. There is also the option of EQUIPMENT, which allows you to exchange your current equipment with spare parts and items to adapt to the whatever situation you're in. Peewee, like everyone else, can gain EXP, but he can only do so by dodging and by using that little pea-shooter of his. Listen to Olson, for once, and don't let Peewee see too much fighting. Without anymore interruptions, let's go to the next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 6------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 5000 # of Allowed Units: 9 # of Enemy Units : 6/2/3/3 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER GALBO SV PUNCH 99/99 1-1 48/36/36/36 LEOSOCIAL 99/99 1-1 COMMANDER GRAVE S 99/99 1-1 50/38/38/38 EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 --- EGRET 3/3 3-6 MISSILEER ZIGLE-6B PUNCH 99/99 1-1 42/30/30/30 ZIGLE-6B PUNCH 99/99 1-1 EGRET 3/3 3-6 EGRET 3/3 3-6 SAM LAUNCHER --- --- --- 100 Bad news. You have a time limit. I don't know the consequences of finishing late or not at all. So feel free to experiment for me. Worse news. You have a lot of long-range harrassment coming at you. Good news. You have 10 turns. I hope you bought some CHAFF and some shields. Okay, the enemy forces appear to be divided up into two groups. One group is a COMMANDER and a couple of ATTACKERs around one launcher. Everything else is on the other side. Probably the best method would be to focus as much as you can on the more dangerous side while having a small group on the other. Feel free to retreat back to Peewee for healing, you might need it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After this mission, you can continue on to Mission 7 or go back to town to save and other things. I suggest you go back to town, and not just any town. Go to Menasa. Up until now, I don't mention the towns by name, because it really doesn't mean much as they all function the same way, except for the people in the BARs and ARENAs. However, I did this time because of two reasons. One, I am assuming that you have talked to everyone in the Grey Rock BAR. There someone mentioned Alder. In Menasa, Alder is in the BAR, and you try to recruit him. But, he doesn't want in unless you beat him. This could have been done at any time ever since you had access to Grey Rock, but I find it this way is a bit easier due to reason number 2. Two, if you go to the Military Ward in Menasa, you gain access to an Extra Mission. Now when you are on the map, you will see two possible destinations for your missions. The higher of the two, is the extra mission, and let's go there. You can skip this if you wish, however. ---------------------------------Extra Mission 1------------------------------- Mission Reward: Clinton Model # of Allowed Units: 9 # of NPC Units : 2 # of Enemy Units : 10 (5/1/1/3) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER F-2 TONFA 99/99 1-1 54/32/32/42 F-2 TONFA 99/99 1-1 COMMANDER GALBO MRX PUNCH 99/99 1-1 54/42/42/42 LEOSOCIAL 99/99 1-1 SUNOWL 3/3 3-6 BREEZE PSG-5 99/99 1-4 72/42/42/60 STORK PUNCH 99/99 1-1 MISSILEER HUSKY III PUNCH 99/99 1-1 38/24/24/30 HUSKY III PUNCH 99/99 1-1 GALVADOS 3/3 3-5 GALVADOS 3/3 3-5 First off, don't be intimidated by the intro to the mission. After all, it is exaggerating her abilities a bit. However, as soon as you make an attack, she will leave due the enemy's wishes of getting someone back to base. So you don't have to worry about getting beaten up by her. There are probably a few ways to get through this mission. I think the best way is to let them come to you. Lure them if they aren't coming, otherwise retreat or hold your ground until you can assault them with your attacks. It's cowardly, but when you have pain coming around, you'd want to mimize it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to a town and save.. and head to your original destination. ---------------------------------Mission 7------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 2000 # of Allowed Units: 9 # of Enemy Units : 10 (6 MISSILEERS and 1 of each of Hell's Wall) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD DAVE IBIS 99/99 1-1 108/60/60/72 EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 GRIEG EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 108/60/60/72 IBIS 99/99 1-1 GHETTA F-3 HAND ROD 99/99 1-1 108/60/60/72 F-2 TONFA 99/99 1-1 JOSH F-2 TONFA 99/99 1-1 108/60/60/72 F-3 HAND ROD 99/99 1-1 MILLIGAN FROST PUNCH 99/99 1-1 108/60/60/72 FROST PUNCH 99/99 1-1 EGRET 3/3 3-6 EGRET 3/3 3-6 REBUS FROST PUNCH 99/99 1-1 108/60/60/72 FROST PUNCH 99/99 1-1 EGRET 3/3 3-6 GOLDIAS 2/2 3-6 MISSILEER GALBO SV PUNCH 99/99 1-1 48/36/36/36 GALBO SV PUNCH 99/99 1-1 GALVADOS 3/3 3-5 This isn't going to be pretty. Hell's Wall is well, in your way... like a wall and you will have to get through them. Lucky for you, all of them aren't using really powerful wanzers. Okay, they are, defensively... those things will take a while to break through. However, it seems that their little group is divided into the 3 attack groups of Melee, Short, and Long. The easiest way to handle this would probably deal with the Long-range ones first, which are closer to the bottom of the map. The Melee ones will just be on their own, and won't chase after you unless you get too close, or for some other odd reason. The Short ones seem to come after you once you finish with the first two. Be careful of GRIEG as he has SWITCH, which might allow him to hit you with both of his weapons. Be wary of the Missilieers as they are littered all over the place. Okay, not really all over the place, but each pair of Hell's Wall is accompanied by two Missileers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can choose to go back to a town to save, or to continue on to the next mission. Doesn't matter what you pick, though it would be recommended to save. ---------------------------------Mission 8------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 5000 # of Allowed Units: 9 # of Enemy Units : 4/3/1/5/2/1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER HUSKY IV PUNCH 99/99 1-1 48/38/38/38 DARK HOG 99/99 1-1 ATTACKER HUSKY IV PUNCH 99/99 1-1 54/38/38/42 PAP-55 99/99 1-1 COMMANDER CRABESANT PUNCH 99/99 1-1 60/48/48/48 LEOSOCIAL 99/99 1-1 SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 MISSILEER ZIGLE-6B PUNCH 99/99 1-1 42/30/30/30 ZIGLE-6B PUNCH 99/99 1-1 SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 CLINTON ARTASSAUT SP 99/99 1-1 310 Lucky for you, we don't have to deal with anything similar to Hell's Wall for a while. Don't those look like decent HP numbers to fight again? Well, ignore the CLINTON type. Sure, it's a boss unit, and it will hurt if it gets to you. However, it is somewhat slow, so you can keep your distance. Just focus on the MISSILEERS as they will be as annoying as ever. You also would want to place some priority on the enemy supply trucks to prevent them from healing and restoring parts unless you are EXP farming. It is save to split your forces up into two groups. You can have a small group go down to handle the truck that is on the bridge while the rest handles the area near the CLINTON. The ATTACKERS aren't much of a threat though the ones on treads (the ones with PAP-55) can get to you somewhat quickly. When handling the CLINTON, it is best to use your long-range attacks to avoid it punishing you. Everything else is standard procedure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congrats! You freed... Freedom. Also, you have Hans tagging along due to the Army wanting to smear nerd guts somewhere. Anyway, standard actions. Go to the MILITARY WARD for your next mission. If you enter it again, Royd will meet up with someone he knows for a little bit of chit-chat. If you enter the ARENA you get to see Gregorio fighting. If you challenge him and beat him, he'll join you. If you enter the BAR and chat with BART, he'll talk about the dam, which powers the city. Talk to him again will have him talk about the idea of the UCS troops destroying it. This is basically Extra Mission 2. It's your choice whether you want to go or not. Again you can skip this and go straight to Mission 9. The extra mission is north and the story mission is south. ---------------------------------Extra Mission 2------------------------------- Mission Reward : Clinton Model # of Allowed Units: 11 # of Enemy Units : 19 (4/5/ 3/ 3/4) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER PAP-55 99/99 1-1 66/54/54/54 CATSRAY SG 99/99 1-1 ATTACKER GENEM PUNCH 99/99 1-1 66/54/54/54 GENEM PUNCH 99/99 1-1 COMMANDER LEOSOCIAL 99/99 1-1 66/54/54/60 DARK HOG 99/99 1-1 SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 EGRET 3/3 3-6 MISSILEER GROPPE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 54/42/42/42 GROPPE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 BONE 3/3 3-5 MISSILEER GEIN PUNCH 99/99 1-1 60/48/48/48 GEIN PUNCH 99/99 1-1 SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 BONE 3/3 3-5 Well, you have to protect the dam... which should be obvious if you read what everyone has been saying up until this point. Don't worry you won't have to face all those units at the same time. However, as you destroy more units, the others will start showing up. I don't know what happens if the dam blows up though.... For stategy, you might want to split up the group into two. One up and one for across the river. Just make sure to have a couple of guys around the dam's area just in case. Basically this is how it breaks down. First you have 4 guys, 2 across the river and 2 up near the dam. Then 4 guys will spawn at the bottom. Then 4 more will spawn around the map. Then the rest will show up right behind the dam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to town. Save. Move out. ---------------------------------Mission 9------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 5000 # of Allowed Units: 10 # of NPC Units : 1 (Molly) # of Enemy Units : 12 (5 1 4 2) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER PAP-55 99/99 1-1 66/48/48/42 CATSRAY SG 99/99 1-1 COMMANDER SMASHER 99/99 1-4 66/54/54/60 LEOSOCIAL 99/99 1-1 MISSILEER MOTH PUNCH 99/99 1-1 54/54/54/48 MOTH PUNCH 99/99 1-1 SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 BONE 3/3 3-5 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 Seems really sad doesn't it? Town's in ruins, and there is a crazy lady that wants you to leave. Seems the UCS arrived and wants to kill her. A shame that you can't just leave and let her die. Guess who has to be the heroes again? You know the drill, handle the Missileers first, then the trucks. Might want to watch out for that commander.. that smasher has some range to that thing... There doesn't seem to be anything too dangerous here as long as you keep your units together and take out the biggest threats first. Never really ever had a chance for Molly to get destroyed, as the UCS didn't go for her.... so find out on your own. If anything, nothing probably happens. It is Molly after all.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sadly that b-... no wait.. that's an insult to all female dogs out there.. um.. that s-.. no wait she isn't attractive enough for that.. umm.. that tool.. no wait.. she's too useless.. anyway, that person is coming along with Royd and company after the mission. Well anyway, you have to report to Olson while Keith and J.J. are off on their own, doing their own thing. After report to Olson, Meihua tells the others to basically save Keith and J.J.'s asses... again as those two idiots attack an UCS convoy. Head out. And if you feel like it.. give Molly the worst equipment that you possibly can. Or maybe not if you want her to live (I did as I have a habit of wanting playable pilots to live despite how much I hate her). ---------------------------------Mission 10------------------------------------ Mission Reward : N/A # of Allowed Units: 8 + Keith and J.J. # of NPC Units : 1 (Molly) # of Enemy Units : 15 (5/3/4/3) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER GROPPE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 54/42/42/42 EMPIRE COMMANDER LEOSOCIAL 99/99 1-1 66/54/54/60 DARK HOG SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 EGRET 3/3 3-6 MISSILEER GENEM PUNCH 99/99 1-1 66/54/54/54 GENEM PUNCH SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 SUNOWL SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 Damn it, Molly! See why I hate her so much? Anyway, you have more pressing issues to deal with such as dealing with the UCS. The most annoying problem you will have be anyone with missles, namely the commanders and the missilers, as usual. Big surprise right? However, this time, make sure that you destroy them. So team up on them, if you have to. You can't leave anything to chance due to the 3 supply trucks in the area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back to Freedom, talk to Olson, get new mission. Seems too routine... ---------------------------------Mission 11------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 10000 # of Allowed Units: 11 # of Enemy Units : 15 (4/2/2/1/5/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER IBIS 99/99 1-1 84/48/48/66 AVENIA PUNCH COMMANDER LEOSTUN 99/99 1-1 120/84/84/96 VARSA PUNCH --- EGRET 3/3 3-6 GLOSTER GLOSTER MG 99/99 1-1 120/70/70/100 GLOSTER MG MISSILEER GROPPE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 72/42/42/60 GROPEE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 EGRET 3/3 3-6 MISSILEER MOTH PUNCH 99/99 1-1 72/54/54/60 MOTH PUNCH 99/99 1-1 BONE 3/3 3-5 BONE SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 Story-wise, you have to push the UCS back across the border and into their territory. Seems simple enough. Heck you have two ways, across the river or across the bridge. Bad thing is. Most of the MISSILEERs have hover, meaning an easier and faster time on the water. So unless you can swiftly go across, you will be meet with a lot of missiles. Across the bridge, however, it seems the enemy numbers are much smaller, but it will take longer. If you are confident in your dodge and luck, go ahead with the river. Otherwise be careful and take the bridge. The two boss units, like any other boss unit, can be dangerous if met up close. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save first then go to the Military Ward. Get your new mission. Get greeted by two people fighting. If you want a chance to get two more pilots, intervene. Win and you get the pilots, Bobby and Porunga. Now head to the next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 12------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 20000 # of Allowed Units: 8 # of Enemy Units : 10 (3/3/1/3) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER VONART PUNCH 99/99 1-1 96/72/72/72 DARK HOG ATTACKER MOSTRO-24 99/99 1-1 108/72/72/84 SLAB COMMANDER LEOSTUN 99/99 1-1 120/84/84/96 VARSA PUNCH --- EGRET MISSILEER ZEARAID PUNCH 99/99 1-1 84/48/48/60 ZEARAID PUNCH EGRET 3/3 3-6 You have 8 turns until the mission is over. At that point, you win, so do as much as you can in those limited turns. If you want at the cargo, avoid destroying all units and get to the train as soon as possible. You might need to disable a few, but don't destroy them all. Just make sure that it is safe to get to the train. Nothing on the train is worth a repair cost penalty. To get some cargo, just end an unit's turn next to the door on either side of the train. If you don't get an item, you might be at the wrong space. There are a total of 6 items, 3 on each side. For once, the long-range attacks won't be so annoying as it seems that there aren't too many shots of them around. Still be on your guard, though. If all those shots were aimed for one pilot, for example.. that would suck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to the next town and talk to Olson for your next mission. Sigh... it seems so boring.. even with that little father-daughter chat they threw in there... When you are ready, move out. ---------------------------------Mission 13------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 3000 # of Allowed Units: 5 # of Enemy Units : 9 (3/3/3) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER DESERT MG 99/99 1-1 108/72/72/90 DESERT MG DS-28 DS-28 COMMANDER DESERT MG 99/99 1-1 108/72/72/90 DESERT MG DS-28 DS-28 MISSILEER DESERT MG 99/99 1-1 108/72/72/90 DESERT MG RAGOS 2/2 4-8 DS-28 99/99 0-0 This will be surprising easy. For once, you don't have to worry about the long-range attackers. They have very limited shots, and you sorta have to be really out there for them to even target you. Of course, if they do hit you, it will be painful. The weaponary you'll be facing against isn't that strong, but just about everyone here will have a shield. Expect to do a bit less damage than you normally would here. Hidden here is also the Gloster model. If you want it, in the upper-right corner, there should be a ledge that looks like an upside-down "V" with an obstacle in the middle. Something like this Rock | /\ / \ /\ /\ / \/ \_Gloster \ /\ / \/ \/ Remember there is a rock in the middle of it and the treasure you seek will be on the right square. Also, you may or may not need treads to get it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to the new location, talk to Olson, head to new mission. *Yawns* ---------------------------------Mission 14------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 20000 # of Allowed Units: 10 + Meihua # of NPC Units : 1 (Yeehin) # of Enemy Units : 11 (4/3/1/3) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER GROPPE SPV PUNCH 99/99 1-1 120/84/84/102 LEOSTUN ATTACKER ORCUS II PUNCH 99/99 1-1 96/60/60/78 MOSTRO-24 COMMANDER GLOWTUSK-SE 99/99 1-1 132/90/90/96 RAPTOR FX 99/99 MAGICBOX 2/2 4-6 RAGOS 2/2 4-8 MISSILEER CICADA II PUNCH 99/99 1-1 144/96/96/114 CICADA II PUNCH MAGICBOX 2/2 4-6 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 For the first few turns or so, you will not be able to control Meihua as she wanders off on her own to the voice of the desert, who apparently is revealed to be her lost brother. Anyway, until you regain control of Meihua and basically until the end of the mission, all you really have to do is be a buffer to the enemy troops. In a way, you do tie them in numbers, so safety isn't too much of a big concern, especially considering the quality of the units they have. Weapon-wise, the only one that is really scary would be the commander. Everyone else, except for their HP appears to be relatively easy. Of course, even weaklings can win due to luck and ganging up on someone else. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to the base, talk to Olson, head to the next place. ---------------------------------Mission 15------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 20000 # of Allowed Units: 9 # of Enemy Units : 3/2/3/3/1/4/3 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER TYPE 90 PUNCH 99/99 1-1 168/120/120/114 FV-24 ATTACKER EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 54/42/42/42 GROPPE PUNCH ATTACKER TYPE 65 CANNON 99/99 1-1 132/84/84/108 TYPE 65 CANNON MISSILEER PRISOMARE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 132/78/78/114 PRISOMARE PUNCH DONKEY 2/2 3-6 EGRET 3/3 3-6 KIRKLAND CEMETERY-10 99/99 1-1 162/102/102/144 BANISH 99/99 1-4 FIREWALL 99/99 0-0 SLAY 3/3 3-6 DEFENSE GUN DEFENSE CANNON 99/99 1-10 150 LONG FORCE LONG FORCE 99/99 6-9 250 Okay, this is going to be a long one. As the pilots mentioned, your objective is to destroy the 3 main guns. However, there are some smaller turrents around and of course, UCS wanzers. Pay attention to the 3 wanzers that Driscoll is testing out. Those guys are slight pain in the asses. For the guns, well, unless you can destroy them the same turn you try to get into their range.. you're going to get shot. However, they are stationary. Thus you can just move around slowly and wait for the enemy wanzers to get to you as you pick them off. You might have to move a bit in order to lure some, but generally, they will come to you. When most of the wanzers are taken care of, you can make your moves to take care of the guns. Becareful, the guns hurt... a lot... If you want the ultra-cheap Ziege Rifle, on the same level as Kirkland was, go left, behind the wall, kinda behind that white structure-thing. At the end, you will find the ultra-broken gun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back, save, give that really powerful gun to someone to abuse. Move out. ---------------------------------Mission 16------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 20000 # of Allowed Units: 11 # of Enemy Units : 15 (2/7/3/1/2) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER TYPE 65 CANNON 99/99 1-1 132/84/84/108 TYPE 65 CANNON 99/99 1-1 MISSILEER ZINC PUNCH 99/99 1-1 144/102/102/108 ZINC PUNCH SKULL 3/3 3-6 MISSILEER PRISOMARE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 132/78/78/114 PRISOMARE PUNCH SLAY 3/3 3-6 SEAKING BLACKSTAR 99/99 1-1 580 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 Long story short, I'm shocked at the lack of short attackers in this mission. Then again, the sheer numbers of MISSILEERs just sorta destroys that. There is also the issues of Grieg controlling the SEAKING. However, like many other boss units, it lacks long-range attacks. Thus, if you are careful enough you can snipe at him after dealing with everyone else. Just don't let the fact that it is a bit faster bother you. It'll still take a while to even get close to you. But that would mean, you would need plans to deal wtih everyone else in the meantime. Even though there are a lot of MISSILEERS, a good number of them are spaced out through the map. Heck, only a few of them would get close enough to attack you if you stayed put. That is probably the better method. Retreat a bit to draw the MISSILEERS in, then rush in with your attacks. A bit crude, but hey, they won't be using long-range if the computer thinks that hitting you with melee would be the better option, and it does tend to do that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basically in town, head to the Military Ward to find out that for your next mission, you will have to be bodyguards to a certain character. Three guesses who he is related to on your squad... Anyway, if you feel like having another extra mission. Head back to the Military Ward again to get details about a second mission. On the island map, the default destination would be the story mission. Press 'up' if you want the extra mission. Edit: I think this fits here, basically there is someone named Ralph in the Arena. If you beat him, you can have him join you. If this doesn't fit here umm.. tell me and well.. I'll try to find the correct place to put this. But, I think it fits here because Ralph is in the Fort Monus Arena and you should have access to it now. ---------------------------------Extra Mission 3------------------------------- Mission Reward : Seaking Model # of Allowed Units: 11 # of NPC Units : 1 (Glen) # of Enemy Units : 18 (8/2/3/5) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER GRAVE II 99/99 1-1 168/108/108/132 TYPE 67C MG ATTACKER RATMOUNT MG 99/99 1-1 168/120/120/156 RATMOUNT MG COMMANDER CEMETERY-10 99/99 1-1 120/102/102/116 ZINC PUNCH SKULL 3/3 3-6 MISSILEER ZINC PUNCH 99/99 1-1 168/102/102/156 ZINC PUNCH SKULL 3/3 3-6 SLAY 3/3 3-6 Finally! An NPC that doesn't NEED protection.... wait where is he going!? Grr. Well, at least you don't have to worry about Glen after a few turns as he runs off to somewhere else. You do have to worry about what the Missileers and the Commanders are packing though. I really don't think this mission is at all different or much more difficult from your previous missions. Just make sure they don't flank you from the right side. Good thing these guys don't have a supply truck, right? Right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back to town, save, and time to go for the story. ---------------------------------Mission 17------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 20000 # of Allowed Units: 8 # of NPC Units : 1 (Helicopter) # of Enemy Units : 13 (3/3/5/1/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER WILDGOAT MG 99/99 1-1 162/108/108/144 WILDGOAT MG ATTACKER ZEROA PUNCH 99/99 1-1 150/108/108/120 CEMETERY-10 MISSILEER ZINC PUNCH 99/99 1-1 168/102/102/156 ZINC PUNCH SKULL 3/3 3-6 SLAY 3/3 3-6 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 GENTZ ORGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 150/108/108/132 ORGEL PUNCH Your main objective is to make sure that helicopter remains intact. However, there is very little to prevent it from being attacked during the first turn. This means that you have to be very vigilant in protecting it. If I recall correctly, destruction of the copter isn't instant failure, but I don't remember the consequences of it. Regardless, we want to be good guards for the chairman. The best method of protecting is being an obstacle to the enemy. Basically, just use your pilots to block off any possible routes to the copter. This will shut down the ATTACKERs, but you have to be careful of the MISSILEERs as they might still be able to attack it. Even when the copter has landed, it is still a target for attack, so make sure you at least clean up the enemies around the landing pad first. Despite having pretty good HP and decent weapons, these guys seem to not be all that powerful, allowing you to spread out your squad a bit, which is needed to adequately protect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back to town and talk to Olson for your next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 18------------------------------------ Mission Reward : N/A # of Allowed Units: 10 # of Enemy Units : 14 (1/3/2/1/6/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER BANISH 99/99 1-4 168/102/84/132 TYPE 65 CANNON ATTACKER GRAVE II 99/99 1-1 168/78/108/132 WILDGOAT MG ATTACKER IBIS 99/99 1-1 120/84/84/102 GROPPE SPV PUNCH COMMANDER CEMETERY-10 99/99 1-1 120/102/102/116 ZINC PUNCH SKULL 3/3 3-6 MISSILEER ZINC PUNCH 99/99 1-1 168/102/102/156 ZINC PUNCH SKULL 3/3 3-6 SLAY 3/3 3-6 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 There isn't much to say except that you basically have MISSILEERs in close proximity to you, making them, as usual, number 1 annoyances. Besides the fact that the war is over, this is basically the standard "kill everyone" mission. Really isn't much to say except that the only people you have to worry about are the same ones that always bother you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head out, talk to Olson, save, and move out. ---------------------------------Mission 19------------------------------------ Mission Reward : N/A # of Allowed Units: 5 # of Enemy Units : 10 (3/3/1/3) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER GRAVE II 99/99 1-1 120/108/108/116 ORGEL PUNCH ATTACKER ARPEGGIO PUNCH 99/99 1-1 156/96/96/120 GRAYEYE 99/99 COMMANDER SNOWMAN 99/99 1-1 168/108/108/120 ZEROA PUNCH --- WILDGOOSE 3/3 3-4 MISSILEER PRISOMARE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 150/78/78/156 PRISOMARE PUNCH --- SLAY 3/3 3-6 This.. will be pretty easy, especially if you happen to have any pilots with the skill GUIDE or DUEL at anything higher than Lv1. Why? Well, notice how just about every enemy here has their one good weapon on one arm. They aren't like recent enemies, which had a decent back-up weapon. These guys will be forced to melee (which isn't a bad thing, but considering the enemy, it is) if you can destroyed the appropriate arm. This will basically make this mission easy. Even if you don't it will still be easy as long as you get rid of the standard threats of the missileers and the commander. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINALLY! You get to learn some.. disturbing things about the plot at this point. Well, you probably pieced it bit by bit until now. Anyway, standard procedure of saving, talking to Olson, etc. ---------------------------------Mission 20------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 20000 # of Allowed Units: 11 # of NPC Units : 1 (Driscoll) # of Enemy Units : 13 (2/4/5/1/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER ORGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 150/108/132/120 BLIZZAIA PUNCH ATTACKER RATMOUNT MG 99/99 1-1 150/120/132/120 BLIZZAIA PUNCH MISSILEER PROSION PUNCH 99/99 1-1 156/72/72/120 PROSION PUNCH 99/99 1-1 DONKEY DX 2/2 4-8 GENTZ ORGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 150/108/108/132 ORGEL PUNCH SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 Sadly, Driscoll cannot be attacked. Also, chances of him being destroyed are probably very poor, but feel free in trying to get him killed. So don't even bother trying to get rid of the evil bastard. However, if you want, you can have Driscoll basically take care most of the job for you. Or.. you can have him be a meatshield. So, he does have his uses. As usual, worry about the long-range stuff, more so this time. Donkey DX actually are painful. Then again, Driscoll can take in all those shots, as they are very limited in ammo, assuming no retreats to their truck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you act out the standard procedure of talking to Olson and moving out, there is one thing you should know about before going into the Military Ward. Basically, as soon as you leave the room, Frederick will leave the squad. So, before going into for your next mission, you may choose to strip the guy of any parts or weapons you might want/need. Or you may choose to give him the best things. Whatever you want is up to you. Don't worry you'll see him again soon. Anyway, when you are done deciding what to do to the journalist and the talk with Olson, move out. ---------------------------------Mission 21------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 20000 # of Allowed Units: 11 # of Enemy Units : 15 (7/6/2) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER ORGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 150/108/108/144 HEXAFIRE-MKII MISSILEER ZEROA PUNCH 99/99 1-1 168/108/108/120 ZEROA PUNCH 99/99 1-1 SKULL 3/3 3-6 SKULL 3/3 3-6 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 This is actually... a difficult one or at least one that will be a bit more of a problem than others. The formation of the enemy is one problem. The arsenal they possess is the other. Basically, they actually have ATTACKERs as a shield between you and the missileers. As you noticed, the MISSILEERs will bring some pain to you, too. Regardless of what you do, you will have to break through the meat before you can get to the weak underbelly. If you have some CHAFF, it would be a good time to use it, but it isn't that necessary. As long as you aren't overwhelmed by the long-range strikes, you'll be fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Standard actions, again BUT there is one little thing that you have to make sure of before you proceed to the next mission. Make sure that for the wanzers that you will be using.. that they have NORMAL LEGS.. you know.. the ones that come in two legs.. without any wheels or stuff like that. Without them... you will have a tough time with the next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 22------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 5000 # of Allowed Units: 11 # of Enemy Units : 17 (4/9/1/1/1/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER ORGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 150/108/108/132 ORGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 MISSILEER PERZEA PUNCH 99/99 1-1 174/96/96/180 PERZEA PUNCH --- DONKEY DX 2/2 4-8 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 GENTZ ORGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 150/108/108/132 ORGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 ALGEM GLOSTER MG 99/99 1-1 300/140/140/200 GLOSTER CANNON 99/99 1-1 FREDERICK varied varied varied varied Basically, why I wanted you to have normal legs is because any other leg type won't be able to get you down the mountain you're on. Heck, even Peewee can't get down from there. However, the best plan would be to sit and wait for the MISSILEERs to come after you. You might have to have a few guys go down a bit more to lure more, but generally it will work. Once all the MISSILEERs are gone though, you would have to get a bit closer to the ATTACKERs and others to lure them to chase after you. Essentially, you're just leading them to the slaughter, otherwise, it would be you going into the slaughter if you went after them. If you want, you can destroy Frederick if you feel like. As far as I can tell, the only consequence is that you get more money for your kill bonus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While your on the island map, see that mission that happens to be all the way over there? Well, assuming you like extra missions, head to town, save, then go there, and make sure you don't go near the Military Ward. Of course, again, this is optional. ---------------------------------Extra Mission 4------------------------------- Mission Reward : Algem model # of Allowed Units: 11 # of Enemy Units : 17 (6/2/2/2/2/3) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER TYPE 67C MG 99/99 1-1 168/108/108/132 BLACKSTAR ATTACKER BLIZZAIA II PUNCH 99/99 1-1 204/144/144/180 WINEE-RR MISSILEER BLIZZAIA II PUNCH 99/99 1-1 180/132/132/144 BLIZZAIA PUNCH CRANE 3/3 3-6 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 BUREN SNOWMAN 99/99 1-1 999 --- DONKEY DX 2/2 4-8 MISSILEER BLIZZAIA PUNCH 99/99 1-1 180/132/132/144 BLIZZAIA PUNCH WILDGOOSE 3/3 3-4 DONKEY DX 2/2 4-8 Whatever you do, don't attack the Buren early on! As soon as you attack it, you will be facing another BUREN and another 6 wanzers, 3 of the second type of MISSILEERs and 3 of the first type of ATTACKers. So just stay away... far, far away until you feel ready to handle more enemy wanzers. These enemies are a bit tougher than your previous encounters. Just keep the pilots together, and destroy anyone who gets near you. Don't give the enemy a chance to run away to its supply trucks. And besides, one less enemy around is one less enemy shooting at you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you head into the Military Ward, you have to take care of a few thigns. Three wanzers to be more precise: Natalie's, Keith's, and J.J.'s. They will be leaving the squad. Like Frederick, they will come back, but not as fast as he did, and not in the same fashion either. You don't have to leave them with the best weapons, but leave them with decent parts for defense and HP. After all is done, head to the Ward, lose Natalie, try to exit and lose Keith and J.J. too. Then really exit to get to the next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 23------------------------------------ Mission Reward : N/A # of Allowed Units: 11 + Gentz # of Enemy Units : 12 (5/3/3/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER FLUGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 168/132/96/132 THUNDER BOLD 99/99 1-4 --- WILDGOOSE 3/3 3-4 ATTACKER TYPE 67C MG 99/99 1-1 168/108/96/132 BLACKSTAR MISSILEER PERZEA PUNCH 99/99 1-1 156/96/96/132 PERZEA PUNCH WILDGOOSE 3/3 3-4 DONKEY DX 2/2 4-8 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 DRISCOLL TYPE 11 CLAW-B 99/99 1-1 250/250/110/250 VRANIO Well, most of the units here have some sort of long-range weapon, even the ATTACKERs do too. So wherever you go, you'll somehow to shot at from a distance at least once. Basically, that means, you should stay where you are and let everyone come to you. Well, almost everyone, Driscoll seems to go off to the bottom corner of the map. However, this time around, I'm not going to warn you about getting near him. Driscoll is still pretty dangerous, but so are you. You can actually take him on, though probably with long-range instead of short or melee. Note that destroying any of his parts will net you a large amount of EXP and destroying him nets a large kill bonus. However, killing him will also end the mission in your favor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save somewhere and head to the next mission location. ---------------------------------Mission 24------------------------------------ Mission Reward : N/A # of Allowed Units: 11 # of Enemy Units : 15 (4/6/3/1/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER THUNDER BOLT 99/99 1-4 156/144/132/132 FLUGEL PUNCH ATTACKER FLUGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 174/132/144/114 WINEE-RR MISSILEER BLIZZAIA II PUNCH 99/99 1-1 204/144/144/180 BLIZZAIA II PUNCH CRANE 3/3 3-6 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 DRISCOLL TYPE 11 CANNON 99/99 1-1 250/120/120/250 TYPE 11 CANNON Once again, you face Driscoll. However, this type, it's winner take all. Sadly he brought some company, a lot of company. If you set foot onto the property you will basically be surrounded and flanked. Best way is to just wait for them to come to you. Then again, that always seems to be the best way. Oh wells, if it works, why bother? Driscoll will once again run away to some area. However, his death won't end the mission like previous times. If you managed to destroy him last mission, you can probably do the same now. At the end, you get a special type of CPU for you wanzers. It should be obvious what it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you head to the next location, it turns out to be the campsite of some dealer of wanzer parts. The parts here are the best at this point in the game, but there is one little thing. As soon as you finish shopping, you are dragged to the next mission. So save in some other location first, just in case you find that you can't handle the next mission for some odd reason. Head there, shop, stop shopping, exit, then fight. ---------------------------------Mission 25------------------------------------ Mission Reward : N/A # of Allowed Units: 8 + Natalie, Keith, and J.J. # of Enemy Units : 14 (4/2/6/2/1/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER FLUGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 204/132/144/180 CIRCULAR 99/99 1-1 ATTACKER BLACKSTAR 99/99 1-1 156/144/144/132 WINEE-RR MISSILEER BLIZZAIA II PUNCH 99/99 1-1 204/144/144/180 BLIZZAIA II PUNCH PROBATION 3/3 3-6 CRANE 3/3 3-6 BANYAN ARTASSSAUT SP 99/99 1-1 450 BANISH II 99/99 1-6 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 OLSON FV-24B 99/99 1-1 228/156/156/204 ELDOS PUNCH --- PARAINA 4/4 4-6 After the first turn, your former teammates will come back. This is why I told you to make sure that their defenses were decent. Because, as soon as they align back to your side, they are sorta close to the enemy lines. As for your main group, just make sure to handle the small group closest to you first, of course. For some reason, there isn't much strategy here besides the typical "Watch out for things that hurt you a lot". Then again, there never really is a lot of planning if you are careful enough with modern equipment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save, head to the next area, rinse and repeat. ---------------------------------Mission 26------------------------------------ Mission Reward : N/A # of Allowed Units: 9 # of Enemy Units : 11 (3/2/3/2/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER ARTASSAUT SP 99/99 1-1 192/120/120/156 TYPE 150 PUNCH MISSILEER PEGASE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 228/156/156/204 PEGASE PUNCH BLACKPANTHER 3/3 3-6 MISSILEER BOA-40 99/99 1-6 192/108/108/144 TYPE 103 PUNCH 99/99 1-1 --- BLACKPANTHER 3/3 3-6 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 GAVEL LONG FORCE 99/99 6-9 800 FV-24B 99/99 1-1 Typical. The MISSILEERs will once again bring you headaches, especially the ones that come with a bazooka. While inaccurate, don't underestimate infinte chances to practically shoot off a part from afar. The boss unit is the typical slow guy (then again, there aren't too many fast boss units are there?) with a very good machine gun and a familiar long-range weapon that you've experienced before. For those on New Game+, noticed the two warehouses to your left? The ones that conveniently happen to have a door open? The ones that allow a pilot to go one space into? That's where you can find the Dragonfang Arm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save, head out to the city, get parts/items if you need them, talk to the shop owner about the whereabouts of Sakata, head to the bar, talk to everyone there, save again if you are paranoid, head to warehouse for another fight. ---------------------------------Mission 27------------------------------------ Mission Reward : # of Allowed Units: 11 # of NPC Units : 1 (Blakewood) # of Enemy Units : 14 (3/2/3/3/1/1/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER IBIS III 99/99 1-1 204/144/144/156 BLIZZAIA II PUNCH ATTACKER BOA-40 99/99 1-6 192/120/120/156 ARTASSAUT SP 99/99 1-1 COMMANDER LEOSTUN B 99/99 1-1 204/144/144/180 ARTASSAUT SP MISSILEER PEGASE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 204/144/144/180 PEGASE PUNCH BLACKPANTHER 3/3 3-6 ARMORED CAR EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 OLSON FV-24B 99/99 1-1 228/156/156/204 ELDOS PUNCH --- PARAINA 4/4 4-8 After a while or so (in my case, destroying a commander), Blakewood, who is controlling an armored car will deflect to your side and take out the other armored car. If the wanzers last mission weren't too much of a hassle for you, it will basically be the same thing here. Also, if Olson wasn't too hard when you faced him last, he will be easy as well. Nothing really different here, but there is something hidden for you to find. Basically, on the upper-left corner/edge of the map, you can find the Korl II arm and the Tiran II legs. /\ / \ \ /\ /\ \/ \/ \ /\ /\ / / \/ \/ \ /\ / \/ \/ /\ /\ / \/ \ \ /\ / \/ \/ \ x/\ \/ \ \ / \/ That is basically a sample of how the corner looks as you try to move around. X marks the spot of where you need to have someone stand to get the items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save then head out to Dock No. 16. ---------------------------------Mission 28------------------------------------ Mission Reward : # of Allowed Units: 8 + Ryuji # of Enemy Units : 14 (4/4/1/3/1/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER WILDGOAT II MG 99/99 1-1 228/230/156/228 MOSTRO III SZ ATTACKER FV-24B 99/99 1-1 216/144/144/192 TYPE 105 PUNCH COMMANDER ARTASSAUT DEUX 99/99 1-1 324/156/156/204 FV-24B MISSILEER VALS PUNCH 99/99 1-1 240/180/180/228 VALS PUNCH BLACKPANTHER 3/3 3-6 ALBATROSS 3/3 3-6 ALGEN GLOSTER MG 99/99 1-1 320/140/140/200 GLOSTER CANNON SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 Assuming that you have skills like GUIDE and DUEL, this shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you don't allow the missileers to run amok on you or that you get surrounded by all sides by the enemy, as they start in three seperate groups. Honestly, the only thing majorly different about these enemies would be their HP numbers. So.. unless you have really weak weapons, you should be able to handle this without any guidance. You can also find the Banyan model here. See those two boxes that are on the edge, near the ocean/water? Basically follow the poor diagram to get an idea where you have to stand to get it. /\ w /X \ w /\ / w / B\/ w /\ / / B\/ /\ / / \/ \ / \/ B = the boxes, X of course marks the spot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save then head to the airport. Note, you might need some normal legs for this. ---------------------------------Mission 29------------------------------------ Mission Reward : N/A # of Allowed Units: 11 # of Enemy Units : 17 (4/4/1/5/2/1) Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER MOSTRO III SZ 99/99 1-1 240/180/180/228 VALS PUNCH ATTACKER MOSTRO III SZ 99/99 1-1 144/180/180/204 FIREBIRD COMMANDER WILDGOAT II MG 99/99 1-1 324/230/192/240 MISSILEER ELDOS PUNCH 99/99 1-1 228/156/156/204 BANISH II DONKEY DXII 4/4 3-6 INNOVA LONG FORCE 99/99 6-9 600 MOSTRO III SZ SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 Is it just me, or does it seem that you'll be needing some normal legs to even get close to the chopper? Anyway, Donky DXII's hurt... a lot. Innova is basically similar to Gavel. The only thing that you ahve to really worry much about is when you go up the ledges, the enemy might swarm you. Otherwise, there really isn't anything fancy with this mission. Oh wait there is! The HP numbers here have taken a drop from the last mission. But guess how they make it up? The skills they have. So, if you just have bad luck, you'll be hurting. Otherwise, have fun. Speaking of Gavel. You can find one on this map. Upper-left corner. See the 2x2 platform that appears multiple times on the map? /\ / X\ /\ /\ / \/ \ \ /\ / \/ \/ \ / \/ And X marks the spot as usual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find some other place, save, make some money/EXP in the Arena. Make sure you have the best parts. Outfit everyone decently, at least in defense and HP). You are heading to your final destination. ---------------------------------Mission 30 aka Final Mission------------------ Mission Reward : Completion and the ending # of Allowed Units: ALL 17 # of Enemy Units : 3/3/2/1/1 -> 1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER FV-24B 99/99 1-1 228/156/156/204 FIREBIRD ATTACKER KOPO MG 99/99 1-1 228/168/168/216 KOPO MG MISSILEER TYPE 105C PUNCH 99/99 1-1 324/214/214/240 TYPE 105C PUNCH PARAINA 4/4 4-6 DONKEY DXII 4/4 3-6 GROWNING GROWNING 99/99 1-1 344/200/200/250 GROWNING DRISCOLL MNP OPNEH 99/99 1-1 999 Ignore Driscoll for now. He can't move! Anyway, the enemy is divided up into 3 groups, similar to the way yours is. I hope you have various skills such as GUIDE and DUEL to make this mission easy. After all, it is better to fight afar than close up. However, if you somehow don't have any skills to use, that is the reason why I told you to make sure that everyone has decent parts. Basically, the lesser-used pilots will be meatshields for your better pilots.... If they managed to reach you that is... long-range attacks, especially guided, will make short work of enemy wanzers. Just take care of the mobile enemies first, then heal up, reload, whatever. Then move up to where Driscoll is. Lucky for you, he doesn't have anything for the long-range while you do. If you want you can get up close and personal to him. But, if you want to just wail on him with rockets and missiles, that's fine too. As soon as you destroy him though... you have to face him in his more familiar form... Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD DRISCOLL TYPE II CLAW-B 99/99 1-1 250/250/110/250 MOSTRO III SZ 99/99 1-1 Despite his lackluster HP, he is still a force to be reckon with.. if you want to fight him close-range or melee. He has Speed Lv3 for god sakes! Anyway... you have the choice of however you like to finish him with. After all, you won't be burning through all 17 of your pilots just to get to him or to even defeat him in this form. After you destroy Driscoll once and for all, enjoy the ending! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Various things happened to Huffman Island after these incidents and well you have to read to just know more of what happened. But after the credits, make sure to save your clear game data on one of the files. You've also unlocked New Game+ if this is your first time through any campaign. You've also unlocked Sound Test if this is your first time. You also get the Buren type model. =============================================================================== Walkthrough UCS $226$ =============================================================================== So playing as the United Continental States, eh? Well anyways, Kevin Greenfield is your leader, so if he dies, you lose. If you ever looked at the OCU part, you would notice that there was a number indicating how many units you could use on any mission. Not so in this case as the UCS has no hidden characters as well as you'd be using everyone you have for each mission unless you were doing a challenge. Without any more interruptions.. let's start with the first mission, shall we? ---------------------------------Mission 1------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 2000 # of Enemy Units: 6 -> 1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD AI GUST MG 99/99 1-1 21/16/16/16 GUST MG First things first... AVOID FIGHTING! Yes, you read that correctly. Avoid the enemy. Don't get near them. Don't let them get near you. Etc, etc etc. Basically you are just waiting for Matthew to turn off the lights. Once they are off, THEN you may start attacking. When lights are out, the enemy will not move at all. They will still attack and counterattack if you happen to be next to them, but besides that, nothing will happen. When it comes to attacking, it's probably best to attack with everyone at once to avoid the risk of your target(s) attacking back. Your wanzers are weak and very delicate, and you can't risk it. Thus, you need every advantage you can get a hold of. So find one target, use all three to attack, end turn, repeat. After you're done with these guys, you get to watch a little scene of Alpha Team coming in and doing their task. However, seems that something unexpected happens as the power comes back on, and you have to face something on your own. Don't worry, you're fully healed and resupplied from earlier. Also, if you stall long enough, Alpha Team will come up and save you. Of course, it is much more impressive if Bravo Team finished it up themselves, wouldn't it? Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD PROTOTYPE SIEGE 99/99 1-1 SIEGE 99/99 1-1 --- MGR-IB 2/2 3-5 Some would recommend that you shoot from afar and then rush in. I, however, do not recommend that. Why? Well, if he's in range.. so are you. I find it best to just repeat what you did with the drones earlier. Gang up on the guy and just beat him with your guns. You might have to have someone back away and heal, but he should fall assuming your luck isn't bad. If you want to use your long-range, though feel free. After all, damage is damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Room A, after some chit-chat, you'll wind up having talking about your next mission. Head to Room B when you're done and rest. The hanger is open, and is just a shop with a totally different name. Exit and move out when you are ready for your next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 2------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 3000 # of Enemy Units: 2/1/2/2/3 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD 20MM AAC 20MM AAC 99/99 2-6 80 OUTPOST RAPTOR 99/99 1-1 50 RIM-3 99/99 1-4 ATTACKER GUST MG 99/99 1-1 21/16/16/16 GUST MG LIGHT TANK RAPTOR 99/99 1-1 80 --- PIZ-3 3/3 3-4 PIZ-3 TWIN FORCE TWIN FORCE 99/99 6-9 100 TWIN FORCE This level is actually pretty funny to me. You'd think that you would have an easy time due to the fact that there are only two wanzers and the only other attacking units that can move are the tanks. However, what's funny to me is the damage you can receive from everything else. Basically the outpost and the twin forces can really do a number to your parts... as in practically shoot something off if you aren't careful. Just go slowly and you'll be fine, there aren't too many things to worry about here besides anything that wouldn't be considered a typical enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get sent to Huffman Island. Talk to Driscoll for your orders. Move out. ---------------------------------Mission 3------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 1000 # of NPC Units : 1 (Jeep) # of Enemy Units: 3/3/1/1/1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD HELICOPTER GRAVE 99/99 1-1 70 LIGHT TANK SIEGE 99/99 1-1 80 --- PIZ-3 3/3 3-4 PIZ-3 3/3 3-4 KAREN ZENITH PUNCH 99/99 1-1 33/24/24/26 IBIS BONE ROYD LEOSOCIAL 99/99 1-1 33/24/24/26 ZENITH PUNCH --- BONE 3/3 3-6 RYUJI IBIS 99/99 1-1 33/24/24/26 ZENITH PUNCH In some ways, this mission is easy. In other ways, it is a bit difficult. You have to protect the jeep. Don't know what happens if it ever gets destroyed, and I didn't even bother trying to figure it out. Maybe one day I will. You first will face the helicopters and tanks. Basically you can ignore the tanks, since they rarely will have the jeep within range. The helicopters, on the other hand, are a bit more dangerous as it is almost guaranteed that at least one will get to the jeep. You first do this solo, but after a few turns, you will have Matthew and Johnny coming in to help out. Once the vehicles are destroyed, the wanzers will come out. You can ignore them or choose to engage in battle with them. It doesn't matter either way, as long as the jeep is safe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move out... wait what? That's actually an option? Wow... that makes life so much easier for me. ---------------------------------Mission 4------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 1000 # of NPC Units : 4 (ATTACKERs) # of Enemy Units: 2 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER TYPE 90X PUNCH 99/99 1-1 18/11/11/13 TYPE 90X PUNCH Don't worry about the mercs. They will die anyway, as chances of them even surviving aren't that strong. Heck, use the mercs as meatshields while you still can. Anyway, these guys are a bit dodgy, and as you can see, will hurt a bit if they get a hit in. Basically, do what the mercs say and gang up on one of the two. You probably should use an MG of some sort so that you can at least inflict some damage to it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit from the room. Exit from the location. Then after the scene. Exit from the location again for Fort Monus. Go to the Command Room. Then after you get your assignment, head back into the room for an extra mission. Go to the Bar and talk to Hector twice. Then Hhead to the base and meet up with your two new members, Halle and Howard. One note though, Halle comes with the RIFF backpack, DON'T GET RID OF IT unless you want to give yourself a hard time. It's basically your source of constant and free healing. It will make things easier with it. Anyway, you have a choice of your story mission or your extra mission. The extra mission is the one near Fort Monus while the story mission is near your current location. The extra is, of course, optional, but I will be going over that first. ---------------------------------Extra Mission 1------------------------------- Mission Reward : Prototype # of Enemy Units: 1 -> 1/2 ->2/1/1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD HAHO4 CASSOW LEOSOCIAL 99/99 1-1 150 --- MGR-IB 2/2 3-5 MGR0IB 2/2 3-5 Make sure to pay attention to the three poijnts that Kevin points out. That will basically be the path that the helicopter will take. A turn after arrival, three wanzers will appear near it. Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER CEMETERY 99/99 1-1 48/36/36/36 CEMETERY MISSILEER PABOTTE II PUNCH 99/99 1-1 54/33/33/42 PABOTTE II PUNCH MGR-IB 2/2 3-5 BONE 3/3 3-5 If the copter passes point 2, four wanzers will appear near it. Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER CEMETERY 99/99 1-1 48/36/36/36 CEMETERY ATTACKER F-1 TONFA 99/99 1-1 54/33/33/42 F-1 TONFA 99/99 WS-II 99/99 0/0 WS-II 99/99 0/0 MISSILEER PABOTTE II PUNCH 99/99 1-1 54/33/33/42 PABOTTE II PUNCH MGR-IB 2/2 3-5 BONE 3/3 3-5 You lose if the copter leaves alive. You win whenever the copter goes down. If this is your first time, I suggest to focus completely on the copter as you get a game over if it remains alive. If you are confident that you can take it down quickly, by all means, destroy the wanzers too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save, then head to the next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 5------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 2000 # of Enemy Units: 2/3/6/1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD OUTPOST SIEGE 99/99 1-1 50 RIM-3 99/99 1-4 ATTACKER GALBO PUNCH 99/99 1-1 42/25/25/32 F-1 TONFA 99/99 WS-II 99/99 0-0 LIGHT TANK GRAVE 99/99 1-1 80 --- MGR-IB 2/2 3-5 MGR-IB COMMANDER GRAVE 99/99 1-1 72/42/42/60 F-2 TONFA --- WS-II You have to destroy the Radar Dome (310 HP) which is that big structure on the compound. You really can't miss it. You could always just destroy all units that are around you though. There really isn't much to say as you faced just about everyone before. The worse problem you'd probably face is just dealing damage to the wanzers as they have shields. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back and save, then go to the next destination. Go when ready. ---------------------------------Mission 6------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 3000 # of Enemy Units: 4/2/6 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD LIGHT TANK GRAVE 99/99 1-1 80 --- MGR-IB 2/2 3-5 MGR-IB M.B.T. SMASHER 99/99 1-4 300 SAM LAUNCHER --- 100 OUTPOST SIEGE 99/99 1-1 50 RIM-3 The thing that will give you the most trouble would be the MBTs. Smashers can blow off your legs and limbs pretty easily, though you should survive a shot to the body. Anyway, your priorities lie with the SAM LAUNCHERs. Destroy them as soon as you can. As far as I know, letting one escape isn't a big deal, but I don't know what happens if more escape. To basically keep them from escaping is to either destroy them (duh!) or just be in their way. They can't escape if you trapped them, can they? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reapeat what I said just now and head to the next destination. Go when ready. ---------------------------------Mission 7------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 3000 # of NPC Units : 3 (Supply Trucks) # of Enemy Units: 2/2/4 -> 3 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER WINEE 99/99 1-1 45/26/26/34 GIZA PUNCH BONE 3/3 3-6 WS-II HELICOPTER CEMETERY 99/99 1-1 70 LIGHT TANK GRAVE 99/99 1-1 80 --- MGR-IB MGR-IB You are suppposed to protect the trucks until they basically leave the map. Afterwards, you have to take care of the enemy units. After a while though, 3 of these guys might show up... Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER GRAVE 99/99 1-1 42/25/25/32 WINEE Then another 3 will show up. If it takes you too long to take these guys out, you'll basically get saved by wanzers that are dropped from the sky. There really isn't much to say as the units aren't much of a threat to you but to the trucks. Just stand in between them and your protectees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rest, then head to the Command Room. Exit when ready to your next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 8------------------------------------- Mission Reward : 4000 # of Enemy Units: 8/2/2/1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER LEOSOCIAL 99/99 1-1 48/36/36/36 IBIS LIGHT TANK PAP-55 99/99 1-1 80 --- BONE 3/3 3-5 BONE 3/3 3-5 M.B.T. GNAUTZ 99/99 1-4 300 SUPPLY TRUCK GRAVE 99/99 1-1 200 In this mission, you have control over your squad as well as Hell's Wall. You don't have to be too careful with the wall as they have pretty impressive defenses. Even then, I don't think you can have Kevin's squad do nothing for the sole reason of EXP, as in you won't be gaining any if you don't fight. Assuming that you still have Halle with her RIFF backpack, she can repair any units from Hell's Wall as well. There aren't anyone with missles besides the tanks, so it should be fairly easy with minimal annoyances if things go well. You probably should have the enemy come to the bridge to minimize the amount of contact between you and them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want, exit and go to Fort Monus, into the bar, and talk to Hector twice again. Whenever you are ready, go to the next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 9------------------------------------- Mission Reward : # of Enemy Units: 10/2/1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD MISSILEER VONART PUNCH 99/99 1-1 108/72/72/84 VONART PUNCH 99/99 1-1 BONE 3/3 3-5 MGR-IB 2/2 3-5 AAH34C DARK HOG 99/99 1-1 150 --- GALVADOS 3/3 3-5 GALVADOS 3/3 3-5 K.O.N.G. BOA-36 99/99 1-4 500 --- BONE BONE No, I'm not kidding you.. there are TEN MISSILEERS! To make things even worse, everyone here has some sort of long-range attack. If you have any CHAFF, now would be a good time to use them. Keep your men together so that you can gang up on one wanzer at a time. Make sure to protect Halle as she's probably the one with the RIFF and you source of healing when you really need it. Tread carefully, and you should win. They don't have infinite missiles, you do. Thus, persistance and patience are key. Apparently, having Grieg die is also a big no-no. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to Command for your story mission. Then head to Command for extra mission 2. Then head to Command again for extra mission 3. Oh geez, 3 freaking missions... well anyway. Head to the Barracks and rest. Exit when ready. The one to the right is Extra Mission 2.. and one to the north is 3. Guess where that leaves the storyline mission? You could just skip them though until a little later, as in when you aquire a new member. ---------------------------------Extra Mission 2------------------------------- Mission Reward :FROST HW wanzer # of Enemy Units: 6 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD DAVE HEXAFIRE-AG 99/99 1-1 128/90/90/103 GRAVE S 99/99 1-1 GHETTA F-3 HAND ROD 99/99 1-1 128/90/90/103 F-4 HAND ROD 99/99 1-1 GRIEG ANACONDA 99/99 1-1 128/90/90/103 HEXAFIRE-AG 99/99 1-1 JOSH F-4 HAND ROD 99/99 1-1 128/90/90/103 F-3 HAND ROD 99/99 1-1 MILLIGAN FROST HW PUNCH 99/99 1-1 128/90/90/103 FROST HW PUNCH 99/99 1-1 EGRET 3/3 3-6 EGRET 3/3 3-6 REBUS FROST HW PUNCH 99/99 1-1 128/90/90/103 FROST HW PUNCH 99/99 1-1 EGRET 3/3 3-6 GOLDIAS 2/2 3-6 This is going to be difficult. You had a first-hand experience knowing how high their defenses are. Imagine it being higher. So the hardest part for you would be to do damage.. and well survive. Listen to Kevin about focusing on one of them at a time. One less member of Hell's Wall can make a big difference regarding your survival. The only things I hope you have are decent levels and the best equipment possible for you. Besides that, I recommend that you focus on the long-range attackers (Milligan and Rebus) who are on the right. That way, it will be a few turns before the others can get to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back to town, get the FROST HW parts, save, head north for the next extra mission. ---------------------------------Extra Mission 3------------------------------- Mission Reward : K.O.N.G. # of NPC Units : 2 (SUPPLY TRUCKS) # of Enemy Units: 2/5/5/1/1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER GRAVE S 99/99 1-1 66/54/54/60 NAIL FIRE ATTACKER F-2 TONFA 99/99 1-1 72/54/54/60 F-2 TONFA MISSILEER GENEM PUNCH 99/99 1-1 66/54/54/54 GENEM PUNCH EGRET 3/3 3-6 GLOSTER GLOSTER MG 99/99 1-1 120/70/70/100 GLOSTER MG GENTZ ORGEL PUNCH 99/99 1-1 150/108/108/132 ORGEL PUNCH Good News! They aren't Hell's Wall. Bad News! They are much more numerous. Worse News! GENTZ and GLOSTER are just as bad as Hell's Wall. Worst News! You have to protect TWO feeble supply trucks! Well anyway, move toward the trucks as fast as you can. Basically you have to be a buffer between the trucks and the enemy. Do what you can to destroy any of them to decrease their numbers. However, watch out for the GLOSTER and GENTZ as they are either tough or too tough. If you have long-range attacks, abuse them. You can handle the normal guys, but both GLOSTER and GENTZ may be too much, hence the watching out for them. When the trucks start to move, you don't have to follow them, but you still have to be a buffer for them. You win when the trucks are gone or if you manage to destroy the enemy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go back, save, head out. ---------------------------------Mission 10------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 2000 # of NPC Units : 1 (MARIA) # of Enemy Units: 3/4/2 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD LIGHT TANK PAP-55 99/99 1-1 80 --- GALVADOS 3/3 3-5 GALVADOS 3/3 3-5 ATTACKER CEMETERY 99/99 1-1 66/30/30/54 LEOSOCIAL MISSILEER ZIKADE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 96/60/60/66 ZIKADE PUNCH BONE 3/3 3-5 EGRET 3/3 3-6 If you played the extra missions, this is a cakewalk. If you didn't, it is still pretty easy. Not too many big threats and is just the typical standard mission. Don't worry about Maria, there is no way you can even catch up to her. For the treasure-hunters, there is a Gloster model somewhere in the lower-left area of the map. In front of the doorway on a building. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Talk to everyone in the barracks, maybe twice. Then head to the Command Room. Then head there again. Exit when you are ready. In Grey Rock, head to the hospital. ---------------------------------Mission 11------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 7000 # of Enemy Units: 4/2/4 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 54/42/42/42 DARK HOG COMMANDER LEOSOCIAL 99/99 1-1 66/54/54/60 DARK HOG --- EGRET 3/3 3-6 MISSILEER GNAUTZ 99/99 1-4 66/54/54/54 GENEM PUNCH SUNOWL 3-3 3-5 SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 This mission is pretty easy. Sure it seems that the enemy has some decent stuff on them, but take note that they aren't exactly durable wanzers. Furthermore, these guys are pretty spread out so you don't have to worry about any of them ganging up on you. Heck, you could do that to them! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head back. Go to the Command Room, talk, go to the Barracks, talk to everyone, go back to the Command Room where you will finally get your next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 12------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 3000 # of NPC Units : 1 (GINA) # of Enemy Units: 5/1/1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER IBIS 99/99 1-1 84/48/48/66 DARK HOG MISSILEER GENEM PUNCH 99/99 1-1 66/54/54/54 GENEM PUNCH SUNOWL 3/3 3-5 EGRET 3/3 3-6 COMMANDER ZIKADE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 96/60/60/66 LEOSTUN SUNOWL 3/3 3-6 Well, this NPC isn't the type that would require much protection, but you can't sit around and let her take all the work. The enemy would just overwhelm her. However, you don't have to panic about reaching her or destroying the enemies quickly. Unless you are unlucky, Gina will be fine, capable of taking out units while you take care of them from the side and behind. At the end of this mission, you'll have a new squad member. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At this point, if you haven't done the last two extra missions, you probably should do them now before continuing. Gina's assistance might help out a bit. Anyway, save and head to the next place. ---------------------------------Mission 13------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 3000 # of Enemy Units: 9/2/1/1/2 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER MOSTRO-24 99/99 1-1 84/48/48/60 LEOSTUN AAH34C DARK HOG 99/99 1-1 150 --- GALVADOS 3/3 3-5 GALVADOS 3/3 3-5 SUPPLY TRUCK CEMETERY 99/99 1-1 200 COMMANDER GRAVE S 99/99 1-1 96/60/60/66 ZIKADE PUNCH EGRET 3/3 3-6 WS-20 99/99 0-0 DEFENSE GUN DEFENSE CANNON 99/99 1-10 150 The funny thing about this mission is, that for some reason, it's very possible for you to get swarmed by the enemy. So at least in the beginning, keep the squad together. Once you thinned out the enemy numbers a bit, then it should be safe for you to have everyone move out a bit more to take care of units like the truck and whatnot. One thing I should mention is that the defense guns WILL hurt A LOT. The fact that they also have a solid range of 10 doesn't do much good either. So stay away from them until you are ready to strike them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to Freedom, go to the Command Room. Save, then GO when you're ready... ---------------------------------Mission 14------------------------------------ Mission Reward : # of Enemy Units: 3/5/2/1/2 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER F-3 HAND ROD 99/99 1-1 96/60/60/60 ZIKADE PUNCH WS-2B 99/99 0-0 ATTACKER LEOSTUN 99/99 1-1 84/48/48/60 TYPE 502 MISSILEER ZEARAID PUNCH 99/99 1-1 84/48/48/60 BE-11 99/99 1-4 MAGICBOX 2/2 4-6 COMMANDER ARTASSAUT 99/99 1-1 120/84/84/102 F-3 HAND ROD WS-14 99/99 0-0 AAH34C ARTASSAUT 99/99 1-1 150 --- DONKEY 2/2 3-6 The numbers are really against you. The good news is that for some reason the enemy will only go across one of the bridges. The other may just be crossed by very few, if any, units. Don't worry about the communications you get from the U.C.S. troops. Sadly, you won't be able to help out much. So just wrap up the mission as fast as you can. You basically would want to lure them to you to minimize the amount of contact you will have with them. Some of the Attackers have STUN Lv1, which could be a nuisance if the effect affects you. So, group your squad at one end of a bridge, taking note of any random wanzer trying to go on the other end. Then, just wait for them to come to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to the Command Room for the storyline mission. Then head back in and out to get your next extra mission. When you are ready, exit. The extra mission is the one that is furthest away from your current location. ---------------------------------Extra Mission 4------------------------------- Mission Reward : Seaking (f-yeah!) model # of Enemy Units: 3/3/8/2/2 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER LEOSTUN 99/99 1-1 120/72/72/90 LEOSTUN 99/99 1-1 ATTACKER ARTASSAUT 99/99 1-1 120/72/72/90 GALE SG 99/99 1-1 WS-14 99/99 0-0 MISSILEER ZIKADE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 96/60/60/66 ZIKADE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 PIZ-8 2/2 3-6 MAGICBOX 2/2 3-6 T.C.K. ASSAULT BE-11 99/99 1-4 300 --- PIZ-8 2/2 3-6 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 Basically you have to prevent the enemy units from getting to the center building. Seems easy. Probably easier than you expect, too. Maybe it's just me, but it seems that the enemy doesn't seem so interested into attacking you. Sure, they will still attack you, but it doesn't seem like it is their biggest priority. Oh wells. Make sure you block all the exits, it's okay if you have to have one wanzer at each exit, just make sure that they can't get to the building. Alternatively, you can just have everyone near the building, instead. Just make sure to kill them so that the supply trucks won't allow them to come back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save, and go to your next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 15------------------------------------ Mission Reward : # of NPC Units : 6 (GHETTA, LAURENT, 2 SOLIDERS, 2 SUPPLY TRUCKS) # of Enemy Units: 3/3/2 -> 2/3 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER ZIKADE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 96/60/60/66 LEOSTUN ATTACKER ZIKADE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 144/60/60/114 ZIKADE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 WS-2B 99/99 0-0 WS-2B 99/99 0-0 MISSILEER PEREGRINE PUNCH 99/99 0-0 84/48/48/60 PEREGRINE PUNCH MAGICBOX 2/2 4-6 WS-2B 99/99 0-0 Well, you know you have to protect the NPCs (as usual), but these NPCs can actually decently run away. If you throw your units into the fight as soon as you can (assuming you have a decent movement stat), you should be able to just handle it without worry about the NPCs too much. However, after some turns, reinforcements for the enemy will arrive. Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER GROPPE SPV PUNCH 99/99 1-1 120/84/84/102 GROPPE SPV PUNCH WS-2B ATTACKER PEREGRINE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 84/48/48/60 CEMETERY DONKEY 2/2 3-6 These guys will spawn in the high hills, so you can wait for them to come down, which is actually recommended. They aren't too difficult as they aren't that different from the initial group of enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save and head to the next destination. ---------------------------------Mission 16------------------------------------ Mission Reward : 13000 # of NPC Units : Same as Mission 15 # of Enemy Units: 4/2/1/1/4 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER TYPE 67 CANNON 99/99 1-1 132/96/96/72 TYPE 67 CANNON ATTACKER ARPEGGIO PUNCH 99/99 1-1 144/96/96/120 ARPEGGIO PUNCH FIREWALL 99/99 0-0 MISSILEER F-4 HAND ROD 99/99 1-1 126/78/78/96 NOVARAID PUNCH --- MAGICBOX 2/2 4-6 COMMANDER FV-24 99/99 1-1 156/102/102/138 RIM-4 99/99 1-4 SAM LAUNCHER --- 100 I don't know what happens if you take too long with this mission. All I know is that there are copters waiting to land. So don't take too long. Also, the NPCs seem to really want to get into the fight. Heck, I don't think the soldiers can survive the fight, but their deaths mean nothing. However, if Ghetta or Laurent kick the bucket, well, let's not find out shall we? Lucky for you the enemies aren't too annoying and are adequately spaced. So just try to do this as fast as you can. At the end of the mission, Ghetta will join you as your 7th and final memeber. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to the base, then the Command Room, when you are outside again, talk to the people outside, then head back inside the Command Room for your mission. Exit when you are ready to go. ---------------------------------Mission 17----------------------------------- Mission Reward : 15000 # of NPC Units : 1 (Laurent) # of Enemy Units: 2/2/2/4 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER PRISOMARE PUNCH 99/99 1-1 132/78/78/108 PRISOMARE PUNCH FIREWALL ATTACKER ANACONDA 99/99 1-1 144/96/96/120 RAPTOR FX MISSILEER MARERAID PUNCH 99/99 1-1 120/72/72/72 MARERAID PUNCH SKULL 3/3 3-6 WS-2B 99/99 0-0 M.B.T. TYPE 704 99/99 1-4 300 Well, the NPC won't live, so don't worry about protecting him (finally one where the NPC is SUPPOSED to be dead). Really isn't much to say except that you can easily wind up surrounded if you aren't careful as the enemy is really all over the place. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit and move out when you are ready. ---------------------------------Mission 18------------------------------------ Mission Reward : # of Enemy Units: 3/2/4/1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER RATMOUNT MG 99/99 1-1 156/120/120/138 RATMOUNT MG ATTACKER ARPEGGIO PUNCH 99/99 1-1 132/96/96/108 ARPEGGIO PUNCH FIREWALL 99/99 0-0 MISSILEER CICADA II PUNCH 99/99 1-1 144/96/96/120 CICADA II PUNCH 99/99 MAGICBOX 2/2 4-6 MAGICBOX 2/2 4-6 SEAKING BLACKSTAR 99/99 1-1 580 THUNDER BOLT 99/99 1-4 Kevin wasn't kidding when he said that these guys are better equipped than anyone you faced before. If you have any skills, they would be useful right now. Also, focus fire would be handy too. Just don't let yourself get ganged up on. After all, it will take a while to bring these guys down, even with really good weapons. So focus fire + skills like Guide/Duel will help a lot to survive and win this. I'd also recommend that you take care of the few wanzers closest to you then let everyone else come to you since you probably don't want that SEAKING near you. Near the upper right building, you can find the Algem model. The moveable area around the building should look something like this... /\ /\ / \/ \ /\ /\ / / \/ \/ \ /\ / \/ \/ /\X / / \/ \ /\ BUILDING \/ \ \ Basically, it's next to the building. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as you are back in town (after getting out and stuff), head to the bar and talk to Hector for the Buren model. Then get ready to head out. ---------------------------------Mission 19------------------------------------ Mission Reward : # of Enemy Units: 4/2/1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER RAPTOR FX 99/99 1-1 144/96/96/114 F-4 HAND ROD OUTPOST GRAVE S 99/99 1-1 50 BE-11 99/99 1-4 LIGHT TANK DARK HOG 99/99 1-1 80 --- GOLDIAS 2/2 3-6 I'm pretty sure there were more tanks but for some reason my notes don't have the numbers. Oh wells. This mission is pretty easy considering that you only have 3 of your 7 squad members. The worst you really have to worry about will be the ATTACKERs and a melee hit that results in a stun. After all you should still have Halle with her RIFF backpack to make this a bigger breeze. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit the town when you are read and head to your next destination. ---------------------------------Mission 20------------------------------------ Mission Reward : # of Enemy Units: 9/5 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD BLIZZAIA TNPAH MG 99/99 1-1 204/108/108/180 TNPAH MG ZEROA ZINC PUNCH 99/99 1-1 156/102/102/120 ZINC PUNCH RAGOS 2/2 4-8 SLAY 3/3 3-6 I know that those names are really the names of the pilot, but since all the pilots have the same name, I'm using the wazner's name.. First off, these guys are difficult. They can hurt and they can take in some damage as well. Good thing that they are fairly spread apart so you can focus on a few of them at a time. Focus fire helps as do skills. Nothing much else to say except becareful as they really are tough ones. Also, there is a Banyan model outside the entrance of the shed thing near where you start the mission. Furthermore, if this isn't your fist time through the game, there is a Dragonfang arm inside the shed, too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to the new town. Save. Talk to the shopkeep. Talk to the people in the bar. Then keep watching until your new mission starts. ---------------------------------Mission 21------------------------------------ Mission Reward : # of Enemy Units: 8/2 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD BLIZZAIA LEOSTUN B 99/99 1-1 204/144/144/180 LEOSTUN B AAH34C RAPTOR FX 99/99 1-1 150 --- SKULL 3/3 3-6 SKULL 3/3 3-6 If you did well last mission, this should be easier for you. Even if you didn't do so well last time, this is still a bit easier. The Black Hounds or Spec Op units are pure short-range so you don't have to worry about a rocket coming into a wanzer. Okay, sure the helicopters have long-range, but since when does anyone fear a copter if there aren't any NPCs to protect? While the pilots say that they are to protect the town, I don't know if that means that the other units can't get to town or now, but you should be a good enough buffer to not let that happen unless you wanted it to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get to town and save then head off to the next mission. ---------------------------------Mission 22------------------------------------ Mission Reward : # of Enemy Units: 6/2/2/2 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD LV.25 LEOSTUN B 99/99 1-1 220/160/160/200 LEOSTUN B LV.20 IBIS II 99/99 1-1 220/160/160/200 BANISH 99/99 1-4 GIGAS LONG FORCE 99/99 6-9 600 GRAYEYE 99/99 1-1 SUPPLY TRUCK EMPIRE 99/99 1-1 200 Wanzers have the same name.. pilots also have the same now but the levels are different so yeah.. Defensively, these guys are a bit tougher than the others. I don't know if it is because of the higher HP numbers or if the parts actually have higher defenses. Either way, it is going to take a bit to take any of these guys down quickly. Hopefully you have the best equipment money can by as well as the skills, levels, and experience to back it up. As usual, don't let them gang up on you unless you want a quick end. The GIGAS should be handled with long- range attacks as if it's in range for you.. it will have to move further or closer to you in range for it's long force. In short, if you have good skills, mission is easy but sorta lengthy. If you don't have skills, mission will be harder. Also, if you want a Gavel model. Basically go for the upper right corner. The correct space will be right in front of the upper right hanger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get to some town, save. Make sure you have the best parts, etc. Last mission coming right up! ---------------------------------Mission 23 aka Final Mission------------------ Mission Reward : Completion and ending of the UCS campaign # of Enemy Units: 2/1 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD TYPE 11DS TYPE 11 CANNON 99/99 1-1 250/120/120/250 TYPE 11 CANNON 99/99 1-1 GAIL TYPE 11 CLAW-B 99/99 1-1 250/250/110/250 ZIEGE P 99/99 1-2 All I have to say is, I'm going to guess that getting up, close, and personal to these guys probably isn't a good thing. I wouldn't know how bad it is since I never got even close to this one. What I did? Easy. Guide + Donkey DXII + Body = Really really easy win. Of course, that implies that you have been using long-range for a bit and have the skill to use. If you didn't well.. focus fire anyone? There are a few of them so you don't have to worry too much about them surrounding you, though it is probably safe to say that if they surround anyone, it's goodbye to that pilot. Treasure-hunters! You can find the Innova model next to the right truck near where Gail was. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After all of that you have finally finished the UCS campaign. Enjoy the ending and just remember to save your cleared game data onto one of the files. You'll also be getting the T.C.K. ASSAULT as a bonus for finishing this part of the game. You'll also unlock New Game+ and Sound Test if this is your first time of finishing a campaign. However.. there is one final surprise here if this isn't your first time.... ---------------------------------Extra Mission 5------------------------------- Mission Reward : Gigas model # of Allowed Units: 3 + Matthew, Johnny, Renges, Darril # of Enemy Units : 2/7/9/2 Name PARTS AMMO RANGE HP-SPREAD ATTACKER FLAME FOX 99/99 1-1 36/25/25/27 RAPTOR FX ATTACKER F-2 TONFA 99/99 1-1 27/22/22/24 TENDUS PUNCH WS-II 99/99 0-0 WS-II 99/99 0-0 TYPE 10 ARTASSAUT 99/99 1-1 80 --- BONE 3/3 3-6 CONRADO BE-11 99/99 1-4 300 The game lied.. you have this one extra mission to do, which plays as soon as the game is done with the credits... now now.. just before you groan... there is some really good news.. The units here are just.. really really weak.. heck.. it's really easy.. I mean look at their stats!! This is cakewalk and really .. you shouldn't need any guidance. Well have fun!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Items $564$ =============================================================================== Item Price Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Repair S 50 Repairs 50 HP. Repair M 100 Repairs 100 HP. B.A. Mine 120 Places a mine in current location. Flash 160 Stuns target. Chaff 200 Protects against long-range attacks. Repair L 200 Repairs 200 HP. Smoke 200 Lowers target's accuracy. Acid Bomb 200 Lowers target's defense. Repair SP 400 Repairs 400 HP. =============================================================================== Parts $821$ =============================================================================== BODY Name Price Defense HP POWER WEIGHT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALM 260** 8 24 55 12 ZENITH 340 11 33 130 24 ZORA-3A 340 11 30 140 22 PABOTTE 340 11 36 120 26 GALBO 400 13 42 130 28 GIZA 400 13 45 120 30 HUSKY MK.III 400 13 39 140 26 VAPOR 450 16 48 120 24 TEMPEST 450 20 36 180 32 PABOTTE II 460 18 54 140 34 ZIGLE-6B 460 18 42 180 26 GABLO SV 460 18 48 160 30 HUSKY MK.IV 480 20 51 165 30 VAJE 490 15 40 190 30 ZIGLE-11A 540 22 48 200 30 GALBO MRX 540 22 54 180 34 GEIN 540 22 60 170 38 GROPPE 600 24 54 220 32 CRABESANT 600 24 60 200 36 GENEM 600 24 66 180 40 MOTH VR.5 660 25 66 220 40 BIZANT 680 30 72 260 44 CRABESANT II 680 30 66 240 40 ORCUS 700 28 60 240 45 STORK 700 28 72 220 50 AVENIR 700 28 84 200 55 ZEARAID 800 32 84 220 40 FROST 800 32 108 200 60 TYPE 90X 800** 34 140 200 50 CROF 840 30 96 220 50 PEREGRINE 880 32 84 240 45 VONART 880 30 108 210 65 ZELT 900 25 90 240 55 ZIKADE 920 34 96 260 48 VARSA 920 32 120 220 60 GROPEE SPV 980 34 120 220 70 STORK MK.IV 980 34 108 240 64 ORCUS II 980 34 96 260 60 PROTOTYPE 1000* 30 200 400 150 FROST HW 1000* 42 128 260 80 MARERAID 1100 36 120 280 64 CICADA II 1120 36 144 260 80 NOVARAID 1200 38 126 300 64 S-ORCUS 1200 38 132 280 68 STREGA 1300 38 150 320 75 INDOS 1360 40 144 300 70 ARPEGGIO 1400 40 144 300 70 TYPE 65 1400 40 132 300 66 WILDGOAT 1400 40 156 320 76 TYPE 90 1400** 42 168 300 70 PRISOMARE 1500 40 132 360 60 ZINC 1500 42 162 300 80 TYPE 67 1580 42 132 360 70 RATMOUNT 1580 42 168 300 82 ORGEL 1580 42 150 340 76 BLIZZAIA 1640 46 180 300 80 PROSION 1640 44 120 400 70 ZEROA 1640 44 156 360 75 TYPE 67C 1700 46 168 330 78 FLUGEL 1700 46 174 320 80 PERZEA 1780 48 156 420 74 BLIZZAIA II 1800 48 204 320 90 PIOUS 1800 40 120 440 60 PEGASE 1880 50 228 340 96 TYPE 103 1880 50 192 420 74 TYPE 150 1940 52 192 440 74 ZERIA 1960 52 204 400 78 NUMSEKAR 1980 60 220 320 85 TIRAN 2000 50 204 440 80 VALS 2100 52 204 380 88 TYPE 105 2100 52 216 400 78 KORL 2200 52 228 400 90 VALIANT 2280 54 324 400 92 ELDOS 2280 54 228 420 80 IGEL EINS H 2300 60 250 440 75 ZENITH V 2400 58 540 460 70 K.O.N.G. 4000 30 500 800 100 NEW GAME+ ONLY CLINTON TYPE 4200 28 310 950 220 GLOSTER 4600* 43 120 550 80 T.C.K. ASSAULT 7900 65 300 800 150 NEW GAME+ ONLY SEAKING 8200* 54 580 1000 250 ALGEN 9000* 65 300 750 100 BUREN 9200* 70 999 1500 300 BANYAN 9700* 65 450 1250 250 GAVEL 10000* 63 800 1500 280 INNOVA 11400 75 600 1400 270 NEW GAME+ ONLY GIGAS 12500 40 600 2000 260 NEW GAME+ ONLY *Cannot be bought, only found. ** I have honestly no clue how I got this as it wasn't in the shop. I guess I salvaged it or something. ARMS Name Price Defense HP HIT WEIGHT ATTACK HIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENDUS 148** 12 22 57 18 ZENITH 160 14 24 60 18 9 82 ZORA-3A 160 15 22 62 16 8 83 PABOTTE 160 13 25 58 20 10 81 GALBO 200 16 25 62 20 11 82 GIZA 200 15 26 61 24 12 81 HUSKY MK.III 200 17 24 63 18 10 83 VAPOR 220 16 30 70 23 4X3 72 TEMPEST 220 22 24 60 26 12 84 PABOTTE II 250 23 33 63 25 14 80 ZIGLE-6B 250 24 30 66 24 12 84 GABLO SV 250 22 36 64 26 14 82 HUSKY MK.IV 260 24 39 65 26 15 82 VAJE 270 15 28 70 20 5 80 ZIGLE-11A 280 26 36 70 24 14 80 GALBO MRX 280 24 42 68 28 16 82 GEIN 280 22 48 66 32 20 80 GROPPE 300 28 42 72 28 18 82 CRABESANT 300 26 48 70 30 19 82 GENEM 300 24 54 68 32 20 82 MOTH VR.5 320 28 54 70 31 22 82 CRABESANT II 340 30 42 70 30 24 80 ORCUS 350 34 36 74 28 24 82 STORK 350 30 42 72 30 27 82 AVENIR 350 28 48 70 32 28 80 HORNET 350 30 50 70 36 25 70 BIZANT 360 30 48 74 36 4X7 74 ZEARAID 380 36 48 74 28 27 80 FROST 380 32 60 72 34 32 80 PEREGRINE 400 34 48 74 30 29 80 CROF 400 30 54 70 38 5X7 80 VONART 400 30 72 72 36 32 80 ZIKADE 440 36 60 76 30 30 82 VARSA 460 32 84 74 38 33 80 TYPE 90X 460** 32 88 70 30 GROPPE SPV 480 32 84 74 40 41 82 STORK MK.IV 480 34 72 76 34 37 82 ORCUS II 480 36 60 78 30 36 80 ZELT 495 29 63 70 31 20 80 MARERAID 500 36 72 80 32 38 82 SPRIGGAN 500 30 60 85 40 25 85 CICADA II 520 32 96 74 44 44 84 NOVARAID 580 40 78 82 34 40 80 S-ORCUS 580 38 90 76 36 40 82 FROST HW 580* 48 90 74 45 35 84 INDOS 640 40 108 76 46 4X10 90 PRISOMARE 690 40 78 86 38 44 82 ARPEGGIO 700 40 96 68 48 50 86 ZINC 700 42 102 78 48 49 80 TYPE 65 700 40 84 70 46 3X20 74 WILDGOAT 700 40 108 68 50 3X20 72 TYPE 90 700** 40 120 30 48 STREGA 715 43 105 72 42 40 80 BIZANT II 740** 38 150 55 55 TYPE 67 750 48 96 70 54 2X34 74 RATMOUNT 750 44 120 72 62 4X17 74 ORGEL 750 46 108 70 58 72 80 BLIZZAIA 800 50 132 76 64 77 76 PROSION 800 50 72 84 48 47 84 TYPE 67C 800 48 108 72 60 2X37 74 FLUGEL 800 46 132 70 68 72 82 ZEROA 820 48 108 80 50 62 80 BLIZZAIA II 880 48 144 78 70 79 80 PERZEA 880 50 96 82 50 56 80 PEGASE 900 50 156 80 72 83 82 TYPE 103 900 52 108 82 50 60 82 SPHINX 950 44 100 70 70 58 70 TYPE 150 960 52 120 84 50 62 82 ZERIA 980 52 132 82 62 77 82 PIOUS 990 45 84 70 34 50 80 TIRAN 1000 50 108 90 60 4X25 99 VAMPIRE 1000 44 130 78 90 5X14 78 DASLER CLAW II 1000* 42 150 80 65 NUMSEKAR 1089 68 154 90 48 90 90 VALS 1100 50 180 82 74 88 84 TYPE 105 1100 52 144 84 62 83 82 KORL 1180 52 168 84 68 4X23 82 VALIANT 1200 52 192 82 78 90 88 ELDOS 1200 54 156 84 64 84 82 KORL II 1248* 49 200 90 70 IGEL EINS H 1265 68 175 72 42 80 90 ZENITH 1300 56 180 86 60 88 86 BOGGART 1500 50 170 90 90 80 90 DASLER CLAW 1600 58 216 86 76 96 92 (R) DRAGONFANG 19000* 52 120 98 80 *Cannot be bought, only found. ** I have honestly no clue how I got this as it wasn't in the shop. I guess I salvaged it or something. LEGS Name Price Defense HP POWER MOVE WEIGHT TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TENDUS 240** 10 24 0 12 18 NORMAL ZENITH 260 13 26 0 12 20 NORMAL ZORA-3A 260 14 24 0 14 18 NORMAL PABOTTE 260 12 27 0 12 22 NORMAL GALBO 280 15 32 0 14 22 NORMAL GIZA 280 14 34 0 12 24 NORMAL HUSKY MK.III 280 16 30 0 14 28 NORMAL VAPOR 300 18 28 0 16 20 NORMAL TEMPEST 300 20 36 0 12 30 NORMAL GAROLE 320 18 42 10 14 30 TREAD ZIGLE-6B 320 22 30 0 16 24 NORMAL GALBO SV 320 20 36 0 14 26 NORMAL HUSKY MK.IV 340 20 39 0 16 26 NORMAL VAJE 340 15 32 0 16 22 NORMAL ZIGLE-11A 380 28 36 0 16 30 NORMAL GALBO MRX 380 24 42 0 16 34 NORMAL GEIN 380 20 48 0 14 38 NORMAL GROPPE 400 32 42 0 18 34 NORMAL CRABESANT 400 28 48 0 16 38 NORMAL GENEM 400 24 54 0 16 42 NORMAL MOTH VR.5 420 32 60 0 16 40 NORMAL BIZANT 440 30 54 10 16 34 TREAD CRABESANT II 440 28 60 15 14 32 TIRE ORCUS 450 34 54 0 18 38 NORMAL STORK 450 32 60 0 16 32 NORMAL AVENIR 450 30 66 0 14 40 NORMAL ZEARAID 480 40 60 0 18 36 NORMAL FROST 500 36 72 0 14 45 NORMAL CROF 520 38 72 15 16 44 TREAD PEREGRINE 540 40 60 0 18 40 NORMAL VONART 540 38 84 0 16 46 NORMAL ZORA-5A 548** 44 60 0 16 45 NORMAL OURS 550 35 62 10 16 42 TREAD ZIKADE 580 42 66 0 18 42 NORMAL VARSA 580 40 96 0 16 48 NORMAL TYPE 90X 580** 33 100 0 16 40 NORMAL GROPPE SPV 600 30 102 0 16 50 NORMAL STORK MK.IV 600 32 90 0 16 46 NORMAL ORCUS 600 34 78 0 18 44 NORMAL ZELT 630 32 72 0 12 42 NORMAL MARERAID 640 36 90 0 18 42 NORMAL CICADA II 660 34 114 0 16 60 NORMAL S-ORCUS 680 36 96 0 18 46 NORMAL NOVARAID 700 36 96 0 18 42 NORMAL FROST HW 700 53 103 0 14 60 NORMAL INDOS 740 36 120 20 18 50 TREAD GAROLE II 748** 44 80 5 16 45 TREAD ARPEGGIO 800 38 120 0 18 58 HOVER TYPE 65 800 39 114 0 18 54 NORMAL WILDGOAT 820 36 138 25 16 64 TREAD PRISOMARE 840 38 108 0 18 44 NORMAL ZINC 860 38 144 0 14 50 NORMAL TYPE 67 880 44 114 0 16 54 NORMAL RATMOUNT 880 40 156 30 12 70 TREAD ORGEL 880 42 120 0 16 60 HOVER PRISOMARE II 888** 35 150 0 12 60 NORMAL TIRAN II 896* 58 200 0 16 90 NORMAL BLIZZAIA 900 40 144 0 14 60 NORMAL PROSION 900 40 116 0 18 50 NORMAL ZEROA 900 42 120 0 16 58 NORMAL STREGA 910 48 120 0 12 57 NORMAL TYPE 67C 940 48 132 0 16 70 NORMAL FLUGEL 940 46 156 0 16 80 HOVER BLIZZAIA II 1000 46 180 0 16 80 NORMAL PERZEA 1000 48 132 0 18 60 NORMAL GODWIT 1000 38 110 0 20 60 HOVER PEGASE 1140 48 204 0 16 86 NORMAL TYPE 103 1140 50 144 0 18 64 NORMAL TYPE 150 1220 52 155 0 18 62 NORMAL ZERIA 1240 52 180 0 18 70 NORMAL PIOUS 1260 50 96 0 20 45 NORMAL VALS 1300 50 228 0 16 94 NORMAL TYPE 105 1300 52 192 0 18 70 NORMAL NUMSEKAR 1386 75 176 0 14 64 NORMAL KORL 1400 52 216 0 16 98 NORMAL VALIANT 1500 52 240 0 16 96 NORMAL ELDOS 1500 54 204 0 18 72 NORMAL TIRAN 1600 50 180 0 20 90 NORMAL IGEL EINS H 1610 75 200 0 18 57 NORMAL ZENITH V 2000 56 228 0 20 70 NORMAL *Cannot be bought, only found. ** I have honestly no clue how I got this as it wasn't in the shop. I guess I salvaged it or something. CPU Name Price MELEE SHORT LONG DODGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AEC 160 0 30 2 0 ZERA 160 8 8 8 8 RNYONS 160 14 7 9 2 LICORNE 180 10 10 10 10 RAYON 180 2 30 8 0 OURA 180 14 8 10 8 METEOR 200 6 36 16 16 SCHVIE 200 0 40 8 16 Yargea 200 22 10 10 22 CALOR 240 20 20 20 20 CRIER 300 28 28 28 28 ESXATON 360 34 34 34 34 GIGAS 360 30 38 38 30 ALTYPNA 360 38 30 30 38 ARGENTO 400 38 40 42 40 RUIDO 400 44 38 38 40 SOAERA 440 46 46 46 46 AMEUAYS 440 50 42 42 50 TEROS 440 42 50 50 42 RIPIS 500 54 46 46 54 QUO 500 46 54 54 46 OARAENM 560 38 60 84 42 SPHINX 560 72 40 46 66 VIRGO 600 54 70 60 56 SAPHIR 650 60 72 68 64 ECLAIR 680 70 66 66 70 VUNSTA 680 64 70 72 66 VYOGA 720 72 68 68 72 ERFOLG 720 68 72 72 68 HAPSIS 740 72 72 72 72 FRAXION 740 76 74 70 68 ORDEINA 740 70 74 74 70 VERSEAU 780 72 78 76 70 GLANS 800 99 53 99 53 POTENCIA 800 53 99 53 99 MEZZO 850 96 72 72 72 EICOS 850 72 96 72 72 ELWAKT 850 72 72 96 72 ALGA 850 72 72 72 96 PROXIMO 900 80 80 80 80 GANGE 960 82 82 82 82 KAINON 960 84 80 80 84 TERNA 960 80 84 84 80 WILLENS 1000 98 82 82 82 OYSTO 1000 82 98 82 82 DREIFACHN 1000 82 82 98 82 HELLSEHEN 1000 82 82 82 98 EVOLUCION 1100 98 82 82 98 YEATA 1100 81 99 99 81 SI BD-6KR N/A** 98 97 99 99 *Cannot be bought, only found. ** Cannot be bought or sold. Will get during the story. BACKPACK Name Price Item Range Power Weight ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHIPMUNK 400 0 0 20 10 RACEHORSE 500 1 0 30 10 CERVUS 600 2 1 40 10 TIGRE 700 2 1 50 10 ELEPHAS 800 3 1 60 10 BISON 900 3 2 70 10 SQUALO 1000 4 2 80 10 BAG WORM 1100 4 2 90 10 RIFF* 5200 0 0 0 20 UCS ONLY *Probably thinking what this exists, right? Well this allows the wearer to repair parts of other wanzers, restore destroyed parts of other wanzers, and if a wanzer is next to the wearer at the start of its turn, it can reload its long range weapons. Sadly the wearer can't do anything for him/herself. =============================================================================== Weapons $165$ =============================================================================== HAND Name Price ATTACK HIT TYPE RANGE WEIGHT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F-1 TONFA 170 1 X 13 85 MELEE 0 8 SIEGE 180 5 X 2 78 SHORT 1 8 ZIEGER 180 1 X 10 78 SHORT 1 8 WINEE 190 1 X 13 76 SHORT 1 10 GRAVE 190 4 X 3 76 SHORT 1 10 CEMETERY 200 4 X 5 74 SHORT 1 10 PAP-55 220 4 X 6 74 SHORT 1 10 CONGRE 220 1 X 20 76 SHORT 1 12 GLOWTUSK 240 1 X 21 76 SHORT 1 14 F-2 TONFA 240 1 X 26 80 MELEE 0 12 IBIS 260 1 X 23 76 SHORT 1 14 LEOSOCIAL 280 4 X 7 74 SHORT 1 14 F-3 HAND ROD 300 1 X 34 80 MELEE 0 14 EMPIRE 300 1 X 24 76 SHORT 1 18 MOSTRO-24 300 5 X 5 74 SHORT 1 16 CATSRAY SG 300 1 X 20 82 SHORT 1 18 RIM-3 320 1 X 13 58 LONG 4 16 NAIL FIRE 320 1 X 20 78 SHORT 1 20 TYPE 502 320 1 X 28 82 SHORT 1 20 DARK HOG 340 4 X 7 74 SHORT 1 16 GALE SG 360 1 X 27 84 SHORT 1 20 TYPE 7 360 1 X 24 58 LONG 4 18 SMASHER 360 1 X 24 59 LONG 4 24 GRAVE S 400 4 X 8 74 SHORT 1 18 HEXAFIRE-SG 400 1 X 34 84 SHORT 1 26 GNAUTZ 400 1 X 27 60 LONG 4 28 F-4 HAND ROD 400 1 X 37 80 MELEE 0 16 WINEE PLUS 400 2 X 18 80 SHORT 1 22 LEOSTUN 500 4 X 9 74 SHORT 1 18 SLAB 500 1 X 36 82 SHORT 1 20 ANACONDA 560 1 X 43 82 SHORT 1 22 BOA-36 600 1 X 32 60 LONG 4 26 ARTASSAUT 600 3 X 13 74 SHORT 1 20 FLAME FOX 640 1 X 43 80 SHORT 1 26 CATSRAY XX 640 1 X 31 98 SHORT 1 24 GLOWTUSK-SE 640 1 X 47 80 SHORT 1 24 RAPTOR FX 660 5 X 9 74 SHORT 1 24 FV-24 700 5 X 11 74 SHORT 1 30 RIM-4 720 1 X 60 60 LONG 4 36 URANIO 740 3 X 19 74 SHORT 1 26 COBRA 740 1 X 56 80 SHORT 1 28 IBIS II 760 1 X 58 82 SHORT 1 28 GRAVE II 780 4 X 14 74 SHORT 1 28 CEMETERY-10 800 4 X 15 74 SHORT 1 30 HOT DOG 800 1 X 61 80 SHORT 1 28 BE-11 800 1 X 59 60 LONG 4 38 BANISH 840 1 X 61 60 LONG 4 40 PAP-66 840 3 X 22 74 SHORT 1 30 GRAYEYE 860 3 X 22 76 SHORT 1 32 TYPE 702 860 1 X 64 61 LONG 4 32 HEXAFIRE-Mk.II 880 1 X 66 84 SHORT 1 33 SNOWMAN 880 1 X 66 82 SHORT 1 40 MOSTRO III 900 4 X 18 74 LONG 1 20 BLACKSTAR 920 4 X 19 74 SHORT 1 32 CIRCULAR 920 1 X 72 88 SHORT 1 34 THUNDER BOLD 940 1 X 74 61 LONG 4 40 WINEE-RR 940 1 X 75 82 SHORT 1 34 ARTASSAUT G 950 3 X 25 74 SHORT 1 40 GRAVE S-II 980 4 X 20 74 SHORT 1 30 LEOSTUN B 1000 4 X 21 74 SHORT 1 32 IBIS III 1000 1 X 81 84 SHORT 1 34 ARTASSAUT SP 1100 3 X 29 76 SHORT 1 32 CRUSADER ROD 1100 1 X 90 85 MELEE 0 40 ARTASSAUT DEUX 1180 4 X 23 74 SHORT 1 32 BOA-40 1200 1 X 82 62 LONG 6 44 COVET V300 1200 1 X 70 98 SHORT 1 35 MOSTRO III SZ 1240 4 X 24 76 SHORT 1 34 FIREBIRD 1280 1 X 87 90 SHORT 1 38 FV-24B 1300 5 X 20 76 SHORT 1 36 BANISH II 1400 1 X 86 66 LONG 6 50 ROCKJACK 1500 1 X 95 65 LONG 3 55 ZIEGE RIFLE 20000* 1 X 99 99 SHORT 1 10 PSG-5 TBD* 1 X 36 82 LONG 4 20 *Cannot be bought, only found. SHOULDER Name Price ATTACK HIT TYPE RANGE WEIGHT DF AMMO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WS-II 160 N/A N/A SHIELD N/A 6 4 N/A WS-20 200 N/A N/A SHIELD N/A 12 9 N/A WS-14 300 N/A N/A SHIELD N/A 18 12 N/A MGR-IB 340 2 X 12 74 LONG 3-5 20 0 2 BONE 360 2 X 14 76 LONG 3-5 24 0 3 GALVADOS 400 3 X 11 76 LONG 3-5 26 0 3 SUNOWL 500 3 X 14 76 LONG 3-5 32 0 3 EGRET 540 2 X 22 76 LONG 3-6 32 0 3 WS-2B 560 N/A N/A SHIELD N/A 24 17 N/A GOLDIAS 600 2 X 28 78 LONG 3-6 30 0 2 FIREWALL 600 N/A N/A SHIELD N/A 26 22 N/A WS-14B 700 N/A N/A SHIELD N/A 28 27 N/A DONKEY 860 3 X 20 78 LONG 3-6 34 0 2 PIZ-8 920 3 X 22 78 LONG 3-6 40 0 2 MAGICBOX 1000 3 X 22 78 LONG 4-6 50 0 2 DONKEY DX 1280 3 X 25 80 LONG 4-8 70 0 2 RAGOS 1280 2 X 37 80 LONG 4-8 62 0 2 SLAY 1300 2 X 37 80 LONG 3-6 64 0 3 SKULL 1300 3 X 24 80 LONG 3-6 64 0 3 WILDGOOSE 1380 3 X 30 80 LONG 3-4 74 0 3 CERES 1400 2 X 47 82 LONG 6-8 70 0 2 PROBATION 1480 3 X 30 80 LONG 3-6 76 0 3 CRANE 1560 3 X 32 80 LONG 3-6 80 0 3 BLACKPANTHER 1600 3 X 33 80 LONG 3-6 80 0 3 ALBATROSS 1700 3 X 34 82 LONG 3-6 80 0 3 PARAINA 1800 1 X 90 84 LONG 4-6 84 0 4 DONKEY DXII 2000 1 X 99 86 LONG 3-6 90 0 4 =============================================================================== Version History =============================================================================== Version 0.1 - Started this guide (11/19/2007) - Everything up to the Walkthroughs Version 0.15 - Up to Mission 5 on the OCU. - Some parts, items, and weapons. Version 0.20 - Mission 6 to Mission 13 up. Version 0.22 - Mission 14 to Mission 21 up. Version 0.67 - OCU Campaign completed. - Items, Body, Arms, Legs, CPUs, Backpacks (relative to OCU) completed. - Weapons (relative to OCU) completed. --> At least to the best of my knowledge >_> Version 0.82 - UCS Campaign started. - Up to Mission 14 up. Version 1.00 - UCS Campaign completed. =============================================================================== ===================================Legal Junk================================== =============================================================================== instantly_oatmeal@yahoo.com -that is my email address for if you have to address one of the following 1. Any MAJOR error 2. Any contributions such as an event I didn't cover 3. Any improvements I can make to the chart (as in make it more clear or so) 4. Asking for permission to post this FAQ 5. Alerting me of a site that is not suppose to have this FAQ posted ONLY THE FOLLOWING SITES MAY HAVE THIS FAQ: http://www.gamefaqs.com Contributions and Thanks: GameFAQs - The community, SBAllen, CjayC, just everyone. Square Enix - Thanks for the game and everything about it. Copyright 2007 Elric Chou (Azn Psycho) This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is prohibited.