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Sorry! Trying to get Locations up soon. Am also making corrections by various people who sent in emails. Thanks all! Also working on Johto Gym tips. ============================================================================== ABOUT THIS FAQ: ============================================================================== This is a walkthrough of Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. There are going to be detailed sections on the locations, trainers, and other things in the game. I added a "How can you help" section, and I would appreciate it if you read over it! I hope this FAQ is the sort of thing you are looking for. Updates will come slower than other FAQs, but that is because of the vast amount of detail that I will be putting into the FAQ. :) The Table of Contents will show the upcoming section, but not the ones afterward. Keep checking back for each update. An update will mean a whole new section from the contents has been added. If you have any suggestions/questions/comments, see contact info! Onward! ============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS [ToC] ============================================================================== Use Ctrl/Apple + F to skip to specific sections, simply search for the letters within the brackets listed below. Most sections likely have a "Mini-section" in them, of which another Table of Contents will be listed accordingly. All sub sections of the walkthrough are in their respective sections. The walkthrough 01.) Table of Contents [ToC] 02.) Gameplay Basics [GMB] 03.) Walkthrough [WLK] a.) Johto Journey [JHT] b.) Kanto Journey [KHT] 04.) Catching Legendaries [LGN] 05.) Trainer Guide [TRG] 06.) Locations Guide [LCS] 07.) Extras [EXT] 08.) Pokedex [PKX] 09.) Events [EVT] 10.) Closing/Credits/Contact Information [CCC] 11.) How can you help? [HLP] 12.) Version Info [VIN] 13.) Authorized Websites [ADS] ============================================================================== GAMEPLAY BASICS [GMB] ============================================================================== CONTROLS: You can view the controls as soon as you start the game for the first time; but you can use the below for reference. A Button: Advance Text/Confirm Choice/Check/Chat B Button: Exit/Cancel X Button: Move within menu (on bottom screen, using D Pad) Y Button: Use Key Item D Pad: Move Character/Make Selections Touch Screen: Specific Choices can be made/Access menu options on bottom screen ============================================================================== WALKTHROUGH [WLK] ============================================================================== This is the "walkthrough" section, where I will detail where to go, trainers to battle, Pokemon to catch in the area, etc. Basically, the course of the story. It will tell you where to go, who to battle, etc. However, it will not give specifics, as they are covered in their own sections. Trainers will be covered in the walkthrough, by name and the Pokemon they have and the awards with it. For Pokemon, they are covered in the LOCATIONS section of the FAQ. SHOPS are covered in the LOCATIONS section as well. Below is a quick reference list: Use Ctrl + F and find the specific section you may be looking for. Here is a World Map which displays, well, the HeartGold/SoulSilver Pokemon World, and can be used for reference where any place is: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/960099-pokemon-heartgold/faqs/60129 Note: * = Gym Battle ** = Legendary Pokemon Received a.) Johto Journey [JHT] -Beginnings- [CH1] -New Bark Town [001] -Route 29 [002] -Cherrygrove City [003] -Route 30 [004] -Cherrygrove City [005] -Route 29 [006] -New Bark Town [007] -Route 29 [008] -First Badge- [CH2] -Cherrygrove City [009] -Route 30 [010] -Route 31 [011] -Violet City [012] -Sprout Tower [013] -Violet City [014] -Violet City Gym [015] * -Violet City [016] -Second Badge- [CH3] -Route 32 [017] -Union Cave [018] -Route 33 [019] -Azalea Town [020] -Slowpoke Well [021] -Azalea Town [022] -Azalea Town Gym [023] * -Azalea Town [024] -Third Badge- [CH4] -Ilex Forest [025] -Route 34 [026] -Goldenrod City [027] -Goldenrod City Underground [028] -Goldenrod City [029] -Goldenrod City Gym [030] * -Goldenrod City [031] -Fourth Badge- [CH5] -Route 35 [032] -National Park [033] -Route 36 [034] -Route 37 [035] -Ecruteak City [036] -Burned Tower [037] -Ecruteak City [038] -Ecruteak City Gym [039] * -Ecruteak City [040] -Fifth Badge- [CH6] -Route 38 [041] -Route 39 [042] -Olivine City [043] -Olivine Lighthouse [044] -Olivine City [045] -Route 40 [046] -Route 41 [047] -Cianwood City [048] -Cianwood City Gym [049] * -Cianwood City [050] -Sixth Badge- [CH7] -Olivine City [051] -Olivine Lighthouse [052] -Olivine City [053] -Olivine City Gym [054] * -Olivine City [055] -Seventh Badge- [CH8] -Ecruteak City [056] -Route 42 [057] -Mahogany Town [058] -Route 43 [059] -Lake of Rage [060] -Mahogany Town [061] -Team Rocket HQ [062] -Mahogany Town [063] -Mahogany Town Gym [064] * -Mahogany Town [065] -Eighth Badge- [CH9] -Goldenrod City [066] -Goldenrod City Underground [067] -Goldenrod City [068] -Radio Tower [069] -Goldenrod City [070] -Goldenrod City Underground [071] -Goldenrod City [072] -Radio Tower [073] -Goldenrod City [074] -Mahogany Town [075] -Route 44 [076] -Ice Path [077] -Blackthorn City [078] -Blackthorn City Gym [079] * -Blackthorn City [080] -Dragon's Den [081] -Blackthorn City [082] -Pokemon League- [CH10] -Route 45 [083] -Route 46 [084] -New Bark Town [085] -Ecruteak City [086] -Ecruteak Dance Theater [087] -Ecruteak City [088] -Barrier Station [089A] -Bellchime Trail [090A] -Bell Tower [091A] ** -Cianwood City [089B] -Route 41 [090B] -Whirl Islands [091B] ** -New Bark Town [092] -Route 27 [093] -Tohjo Falls [094] -Route 27 [095] -Route 26 [096] -Victory Road [097] -Indigo Plateau [098] -Elite Four [099] -Champion [100] b.) Kanto Journey [KHT] -First Badge- [CH11] -New Bark Town [101] -Olivine City [102] -S.S. Aqua [103] -Vermilion City [104] -Vermilion City Gym [105] * -Vermilion City [106] -Second Badge- [CH12] -Route 6 [107] -Saffron City [108] -Saffron City Gym [109] * -Saffron City [110] -Third Badge- [CH13] -Route 7 [111] -Celadon City [112] -Celadon City Gym [113] * -Celadon City [114] -Fourth Badge- [CH14] -Route 16 [115] -Route 17 [116] -Route 18 [117] -Fuchsia City [118] -Fuchsia City Gym [119] * -Fuchsia City [120] -Fifth Badge- [CH15] -Route 15 [121] -Route 14 [122] -Route 13 [123] -Route 12 [124] -Lavender Town [125] -Route 10 [126] -Lavender Town [127] -Route 8 [128] -Saffron City [129] -Route 5 [130] -Cerulean City [131] -Route 9 [132] -Route 10 [133] -Power Plant [134] -Cerulean City [135] -Cerulean City Gym [136] -Cerulean City [137] -Route 24 [138] -Cerulean City [139] -Cerulean City Gym [140] -Cerulean City [141] -Route 9 [142] -Route 10 [143] -Power Plant [144] -Lavender Town [145] -Saffron City [146] -Vermilion City [147] -Saffron City [148] -Cerulean City [149] -Route 24 [150] -Route 25 [151] -Cerulean City [152] -Cerulean City Gym [153] * -Cerulean City [154] -Sixth Badge- [CH16] -Vermilion City [155] -Route 11 [156] -Diglett's Cave [157] -Route 2 [158] -Viridian City [159] -Route 1 [160] -Pallet Town [161] -Route 21 [162] -Cinnabar Island [163] -Route 20 [164] -Seafoam Islands [165] -Seafoam Islands Gym [166] * -Seventh Badge- [CH17] -Viridian City [167] -Route 2 [168] -Viridian Forest [169] -Route 2 [170] -Pewter City [171] -Pewter City Gym [172] * -Pewter City [173] -Final Badge- [CH18] -Cinnabar Island [174] -Viridian City [175] -Viridian City Gym [176] * -Viridian City [177] -Pallet Town [178] -Reaching Red- [CH19] -Route 26 [179] -Reception Gate [180] -Route 28 [181] -Mt. Silver [182] -Mt. Silver Cave [183] -Final Battle- [CH20] -Mt. Silver Cave [184] -End [END] ============================ JOHTO JOURNEY [JHT] ============================= This is essentially the first half of the game, up to the Indigo Plateau! ***************************** BEGINNINGS [CH1] ******************************* This chapter covers from the starting of the game to learning how to catch Pokemon. As soon as you start the game, you will be prompted to learn the controls. Choose "No Info Needed" to continue. You will now see Professor Oak, and the background information begins. Select your Gender. Enter your name. And the game will begin. :) ---------------------------- NEW BARK TOWN [001] ----------------------------- You will start off in your room. Go downstairs and your mother will begin to talk to you automatically. You will receive a BAG, TRAINER CARD, the SAVE function, and OPTIONS function. These are all accessed using the touch screen. After receiving these items, head outside the door, and see a minor event. Head west to PROFESSOR ELM's LABORATORY, the building in the top left of the Town. Speak to PROFESSOR ELM (top part of the lab), and then proceed to the machine with three POKEBALLS. Choose your STARTER Pokemon! After doing so, you will speak to PROFESSOR ELM again. He will then tell you to go slightly North of CHERRYGROVE, so, let's get going! You will receive five POTIONS from the AIDE on your way out. When you get out of the lab, you will run into your friend. They will remark on the Pokemon you chose, and suggests you see your MOTHER, so let's do that. Go back to your home, and speak to your MOTHER, she will give you the POKEGEAR. Now leave, and head out NEW BARK TOWN to the west. PROFESSOR ELM will stop you to give you his phone number, which will be added to the POKEGEAR. Now head west! ------------------------------- ROUTE 29 [002] ------------------------------- You can encounter Pokemon throughout this Route. Make your way west through the route, it is a pretty linear path. Head down and west, through the Tall Grass. It is a good idea to get some training done for your Pokemon, but you can take short routes through the Tall Grass if you just want to get through quickly. When you reach a point where there is an opening in the ledges (with the boy on the left side who tells you about Tall Grass), go north, then east and north again through the L shaped tall grass. There should be a Gatehouse to the north, but just keep going west for now. There is a boy on a ledge with an APRICORN TREE, but you cannot obtain any right now as you do not have proper methods to carry it; so, jump off the ledge going down, and follow the road to the west. You will enter CHERRYGROVE CITY. --------------------------- CHERRYGROVE CITY [003] --------------------------- As soon as you enter, an old man will stop you. He will show you around the town, and explain the functions of different buildings. After he shows you his house, you will obtain the RUNNING SHOES! This will make travelling just a bit faster. :) Now go to the Pokemon Center, heal up your Pokemon, and then leave the Pokemon Center to the west, and then leave the city north. On your way out, the kind old man will give you a TOWN MAP card, which can be accessed on the POKEGEAR. Now leave north to ROUTE 30. ------------------------------- ROUTE 30 [004] ------------------------------- Head east and pick up the POTION. Now head north to a house with an APRICORN TREE next to it. Go inside, and talk to the man to receive the APRICORN BOX, now you can pick up APRICORNS as you come across them! Head outside, and pick up the GRN APRICORN, then head east and up the path. At the top where the tall grass ends, you will notice an item to the left, examine it to receive an ANTIDOTE. North there is a fork, but the left side is blocked off by two Pokemon Trainers having a battle, so head up the east path. You will eventually come to a dead end, with a house and an APRICORN TREE, this house is MR. POKEMON's house, the one PROFESSOR ELM wanted us to see. So pick up the PNK APRICORN, then head into the house. You will receive the MYSTERY EGG, and your Pokemon will be healed. Then, PROFESSOR OAK will speak to you, and you will receive the POKEDEX! You will also receive PROFESSOR OAK's number. Head outside and you will get a call from PROFESSOR ELM. A distress call, it seems, so let's head back! Head south, now backtracking where you came from. When you reach the fork, head to the left instead of the tall grass, then down the path and hop the ledge if you want to avoid Pokemon. You will eventually reach CHERRYGROVE CITY again. Note: Since you received the Pokedex, you can now trade in Pokemon from other games as well as battle other players inside the Pokemon Center's second floor! --------------------------- CHERRYGROVE CITY [005] --------------------------- Head to the Pokemon Center to the right to rest up your Pokemon, then prepare to leave the city east, to Route 029. You will be interuppted by a boy, who will then challenge you to your first Pokemon Battle! PASSERBY BOY (500P)* (If you chose CHIKORITA) -CYNDAQUIL LV 5 -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Leer [Normal/Status] PASSERBY BOY (500P)* (If you chose CYNDAQUIL) -TOTODILE LV 5 -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Scratch [Normal/Physical] Leer [Normal/Status] PASSERBY BOY (500P)* (If you chose TOTODILE) -CHIKORITA LV 5 (M) -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Growl [Normal/Status] After this, head back to the Pokemon Center, heal up, then head back east out into Route 029. ------------------------------- ROUTE 29 [006] ------------------------------- Follow the yellow road east to where there is a girl, then hop the southern ledge and head east to make it back to New Bark Town quickly. You can make a detour to grab the APRICORN we ran across earlier, but that can wait if you do not wish to do so. Head east into New Bark Town. ---------------------------- NEW BARK TOWN [007] ----------------------------- Head to PROFESSOR ELM's LABORATORY. You will be in an event where a Policeman asks you information (after accusing you...) You can now name your RIVAL. You will then give the MYSTERY EGG to PROFESSOR ELM. He then suggests you take on the GYM CHALLENGE! Well, why not? But first, talk to your MOTHER. Head out and back to your house. Speak to your MOTHER, and she will ask if you want her to save money or not. This is up to you, by doing so, she buys various items for you on her own, but you obviously don't keep as much prize money with you. You can come back and withdraw money at any time. Afterwards, head out of New Bark Town. ------------------------------- ROUTE 29 [008] ------------------------------- You will run into your friend, who will teach you how to catch Pokemon. After that, you will receive five POKE BALLs from them. Now that you can catch Pokemon, I suggest you capture every Pokemon you encounter to help build your party. With this now learned, we are all set to begin the GYM CHALLENGE! Head to CHERRYGROVE CITY to the west, and into Chapter 2 of this Walkthrough. ***************************** FIRST BADGE [CH2] ****************************** This chapter will cover from you learning how to Catch Pokemon all the way to defeating the first GYM LEADER. --------------------------- CHERRYGROVE CITY [009] --------------------------- Back in Cherrygrove, heal up your Pokemon if you need to. Now head north into Route 030! ------------------------------- ROUTE 30 [010] ------------------------------- Go through the patches of grass, and past the house where you had received the APRICORN BOX from. You should reach that split in the road. Remember the previously blocked off Road? Well it's open now, and there are some trainers willing to fight. YOUNGSTER JOEY (64P) PokeGear -RATTATA LV 4 (M) 48 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Tackle [Normal/Physical] Tail Whip [Normal/Status] Just got a bit north, and you will run into YOUNGSTER MIKEY (64P) -PIDGEY LV 2 (M) 22 EXP -Type: Flying -Moves Tackle [Normal/Physical] -RATTATA LV 4 (M) 48 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Tail Whip [Normal/Status] With that done, keep going north, pass the silly Trainer Tips sign, and you will run into BUG CATCHER DON (48P) -CATERPIE LV 3 (M) 33 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] String Shot [Bug/Status] -CATERPIE LV 3 (M) 33 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] String Shot [Bug/Status] After him, go north and up the steps. The cuttable tree to the east leads to Mr. Pokemon's house. ------------------------------- ROUTE 31 [011] ------------------------------- Go right through the grass, as we can't cut down the tree for a shortcut. When you turn the corner, you will see a boy next to the cave. Don't worry, he is not a trainer. That cave is DARK CAVE, which we do not have to go into yet. Grab the POTION to the left of the cave, then head down the stairs to the west. There will be an APRICORN TREE next to a man, who is not a trainer. Grab the BLK APRICORN from the tree. Keep this man in mind, as there is a mini-quest you can do to bring the man a friend's letter to receive a TM. To the south is the only Trainer on this route; BUG CATCHER WADE (32P) PokeGear -CATERPIE LV 2 (M) 22 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves Tackle [Normal/Physical] String Shot [Bug/Status] -CATERPIE LV 2 (M) 22 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] String Shot [Bug/Status] -WEEDLE LV 3 (M) 32 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] String Shot [Bug/Status] -CATERPIE LV 2 (M) 22 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] String Shot [Bug/Status] Then grab the POKE BALL to his right, then head west across the grass, north onto the pathway, and west into the border house; which goes into VIOLET CITY! Note: While you're in the area; you should look for a BELLSPROUT, as you will be able to trade it for an ONYX in the next area. ------------------------------ VIOLET CITY [012] ----------------------------- In the Borderhouse, you should have received the VS. RECORDER from Ethan/Lyra. There is a lot to do in this city; I will give you only what you need to progress in the story. More detailed information can be seen in the Locations section of the FAQ. First, heal up at the Pokemon Center. Then, head up north, across the bridges, and you will see a Pagoda (tower); go inside. ----------------------------- SPROUT TOWER [013] ----------------------------- Once inside, climb the ladder in the top left, to reach the second floor. SPROUT TOWER 2F Head to the right and fight SAGE NICO (144P) -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] Afterwards, head right and up to the ladder that goes back to the first floor. SPROUT TOWER 1F Go straight down to get the PARLYZ HEAL. Then go back to the ladder and go left. You will eventually face SAGE CHOW (144P) -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] After him, go up the ladder below back to the second floor. SPROUT TOWER 2F Go up to get the X ACCURACY, then go straight down, and you will run into SAGE EDMOND (144P) -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] These guys are getting a bit repetitive, huh? Anyway, head right and up the ladder to the third floor. SPROUT TOWER 3F Go left and get the POTION. And then get ready for three battles as you make your way to the top of the room. The first man who will battle you is SAGE JIN (288P) -BELLSPROUT LV 6 (M) 108 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] The second man, in the middle; SAGE NEAL (288P) -BELLSPROUT LV 6 (M) 108 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] After him, head to the final man, on the right side of the center pillar; he is: SAGE TROY (336P) -BELLSPROUT LV 7 (M) 126 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Growth [Grass/Status] Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -HOOTHOOT LV 7 (M) 87 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying Now, head to the left around the pillar, you will run into your RIVAL, but no worries, you do not fight him here. After the little scene, go to the top right of the room to get the ESCAPE ROPE. Now, go and speak to the ELDER to begin the battle. If your Pokemon are weak, you can backtrack down the tower and heal them at the Pokemon Center. He isn't too hard, though: ELDER LI (1200P) -BELLSPROUT LV 7 (M) 126 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Growth [Normal/Status] Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 7 (M) 126 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Growth [Normal/Status] Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -HOOTHOOT LV 10 (M) 122 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] You will then receive TM70 FLASH, after teaching it to a Pokemon, you will be able to explore the DARK CAVE with ease. The walkthrough will not include it, however, check sidequests for more details on that. Now, you can either use the ESCAPE ROPE to return to the entrance, or just backtrack through the tower to the entrance, it's pretty linear, and your Pokemon will get additional training, either way, head back outside to VIOLET CITY. Time to take the GYM LEADER! ------------------------------ VIOLET CITY [014] ----------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center, then head to VIOLET CITY GYM, located west of the Trainer's school. I advise you bring an Electric or Rock Pokemon, or anything that is anti-flying. Those are just two examples. :) ---------------------------- VIOLET CITY GYM [015] --------------------------- Proceed forward onto the platform in the center, it will take you up to where the trainers and GYM LEADER are. If you wish to skip the trainers, simply walk on the hollow platforms that go around the edges, and make your way to the leader. I will go with assuming you are fighting the trainers too, so head forward and begin a battle with: BIRD KEEPER ABE (288P) -SPEAROW LV 9 (M) 110 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves Leer [Normal/Status] Growl [Normal/Status] Peck [Flying/Physical] Fury Attack [Normal/Physical] Then the next trainer; BIRD KEEPER ROD (224P) -PIDGEY LV 7 (M) 80 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves* Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -PIDGEY LV 7 (M) 80 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves* Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] And finally, the GYM LEADER: He's pretty easy if you have anti-bird Pokemon. There aren't too many tips to give for this battle, good luck! LEADER FALKNER (1560P) -PIDGEY LV 9 (M) 104 EXP -Ability: Keen Eye -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] -PIDGEOTTO LV 13 (M) 312 EXP -Ability: Keen Eye -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Roost [Flying/Status] Gust [Flying/Special] After this, you will receive the ZEPHYR BADGE, allowing you to use ROCK SMASH outside of battle, as well as all Pokemon up to the level 20 obeying you. You will also receive TM51 ROOST. Now, head outside the GYM. ------------------------------ VIOLET CITY [016] ----------------------------- You will get a call from PROFESSOR ELM. He will tell you to pick up an EGG from the aide in the Poke Mart! If you want to hold it, you have to make room in your Pokemon party for it. Go to the Poke Mart on the left, and inside the aide is standing on the right (the man with the glasses.) If there is a Red Deliveryboy here, that means your MOTHER has also bought you a gift, so pick that up while you're here too! When you exit the mart, You will run into a somewhat odd cutscene. Also, now that you defeated the GYM LEADER, you can receive the PAL PAD from the Pokemon Center. So, exit the Poke Mart, and head back to the Pokemon Center, and down the escalator to the right. You will receive the PAL PAD from Teala automatically upon entry. Now leave VIOLET CITY south to Route 32; south of the Poke Mart and past the APRICORN TREE (grab the YLW APRICORN if you haven't already) and out into the Route! ***************************** SECOND BADGE [CH3] ****************************** This chapter covers from leaving VIOLET CITY (after acquiring the ZEPHYR BADGE) to obtaining the SECOND BADGE from AZALEA TOWN. ------------------------------- ROUTE 32 [017] ------------------------------- From here, if you go left, you can make it to the Ruins of Alph, but at this point they are not significant to progressing. If you want more info on it, see the SIDEQUESTS info as well as LOCATIONS part of the FAQ. Anyway, proceed south to a man. He is not a trainer, instead, he will give you the MIRACLE SEED. You have to have gotten the ZEPHYR BADGE and the POKEMON EGG for him to let you through. Heading south, you will eventually run into: YOUNGSTER ALBERT (128P) -RATTATA LV 6 (M) 72 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -ZUBAT LV 8 (M) 90 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] Leech Life [Bug/Physical] There is a cuttable tree to the left, but as you probably do not have cut, just keep going down. When you reach a fork, one going left into the tall grass, and one going right onto a road. Go to the left first, and you should see an item in the grass; it's a REPEL. Now either backtrack to the fork, or just go south out of the field, they lead to the same place. If you feel like having another fight (which I highly recommend), then go to the rightside (where the road is) and talk to the girl who is facing the wall, turns out it's: PICNICKER LAZ (128P) PokeGear -NIDORAN LV 8 (F) 98 EXP -Type: POISON -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] After her, follow the road down. You will eventually come to a place where there is a set of stairs that leads down to a dock with FISHERMEN on it, but I will assume you will be going straight down, then coming back this way in order to fight all the trainers and get the item. So; going down, you will fight: CAMPER ROLAND (144P) -NIDORAN LV 9 (M) 114 EXP -Type: Poison After him, go down and right into the field, and at the top of the field is a GREAT BALL. Now go to the stairs right near the bottom of the field, but don't go down them; instead, go left and down the patch of tall grass to get TM09 BULLET SEED. Now backtrack to the fork earlier (with the stairs that goes down to the docks or to the road.) Go down the stairs now. Pass the little patch of grass onto the dock, and then head south. You will see two fishermen staring out to see. They are easy experience for your Pokemon. Talk to the one on the left; he is: FISHERMAN HENRY (256P) -POLIWAG LV 8 (M) 132 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Sport [Water/Status] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Bubble [Water/Special] -POLIWAG LV 8 (M) 132 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Sport [Water/Status] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Bubble [Water/Special] Then, talk to the one facing south. He is: FISHERMAN JUSTIN (160P) -MAGIKARP LV 5 (M) 21 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] -MAGIKARP LV 15 (M) 63 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -MAGIKARP LV 5 (M) 21 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] -MAGIKARP LV 5 (M) 21 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] Afterwards, head right and you will run into: FISHERMAN RALPH (320P) PokeGear -GOLDEEN LV 10 (M) 237 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Peck [Flying/Physical] Tail Whip [Normal/Status] Water Sport [Water/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] After him (and his depressing comments if you say no), head down and out of the docks. Then follow the road to the trainer: YOUNGSTER GORDON (160P) -WOOPER LV 10 (M) 111 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Mud Shot [Ground/Special] Water Gun [Water/Special] After him, head south, and you will see a man who sells...SLOWPOKE TAIL, yum. Well, it's a rip off. And very shady, anyway. Anyway, the Pokemon Center to the right is the more interesting part! Head inside. Heal up, and be sure to talk to the FISHERMAN to receive an OLD ROD. You can now catch MAGIKARP at pretty much any body of water you see! Also, for instructions on how to use the rod, speak to him again. Also talk to the man in the bottom left of the Pokemon Center, and answer "Yes" to receive 2 LURE BALLS! Now head back outside, and straight down, you will run into: BIRD KEEPER PETER (256P) -PIDGEY LV 6 (M) 70 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Sand Attack [Normal/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -PIDGEY LV 6 (M) 70 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Sand Attack [Normal/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -SPEAROW LV 8 (M) 98 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] Growl [Normal/Status] If you got damaged during the battle, head back and heal up at the Pokemon Center in the north, then come back. There is a rock smashable rock there with an item behind it, you could have actually have ROCK SMASH by now, but I did not include it in the WALKTHROUGH thus far as it is not a requirement, and we head back that way anyway so it should not be a problem. :) Head into UNION CAVE! ------------------------------- UNION CAVE [018] ----------------------------- Okay, first, I am just going to get you where you need to go, meaning I will not detour you to other floors; as you can't explore much without all of the HMs in your possession anyway. But, I will tell you where the stairs are in case you want to anyway, as there are some items you can grab without the use of HMs you won't have at this point. Anyway, head left, and you will reach a north/south fork. Go up and fight: FIREBREATHER RAY (288P) -VULPIX LV 9 (F) 120 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Roar [Normal/Status] Behind him is a staircase that will take you to BASEMENT 1F (B1F), but I will not cover that yet. The UNION CAVE's full exploration will be covered in the SIDEQUESTS, and a summary in LOCATIONS. Now head south from the FIREBREATHER, and take a left into the small area where there is an X ATTACK. Now go back to the fork, and head south, you will run into: HIKER DANIEL (352P) -ONIX LV 11 (M) 253 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Harden [Normal/Status] From him, head right and you will run into: HIKER RUSSEL (256P) -GEODUDE LV 4 (M) 62 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -GEODUDE LV 8 (M) 124 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -GEODUDE LV 6 (M) 93 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground Now head right, and you will go into a narrow path that turns downward. Keep going until you reach a fork. If you go right, you can fight a trainer, if you go left, you can get an item and skip the trainer. I'll send you both ways. Go left first, and then go left along the very narrow path over the body of water. At the end is an item, pick it up, it's a POTION. Now go back to the right side, where the FIREBREATHER is, but avoid his eye contact first, and obtain the GREAT BALL. Now, fight the FIREBREATHER: FIREBREATHER BILL (192P) -KOFFING LV 6 (M/) 145 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Smog [Poison/Special] -KOFFING LV 6 (M/) 145 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Smog [Poison/Special] Now head south from him and onto the little path that runs on the right side of the body of water, you will eventually run into: POKE MANIAC LARRY (704P) -SLOWPOKE LV 11 (M) 228 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Yawn [Normal/Status] Growl [Normal/Status] Water Gun [Water/Special] He is the last trainer you have to fight in this cave (for now). Head right, when you reach another fork, ignore the left path as it goes to a dead end. You should be able to see the exit to Route 33, grab the AWAKENING nearby the exit and head out! ------------------------------- ROUTE 33 [019] ------------------------------- There are two APRICORN TREES if you head south, containing a PNK APRICORN and BLK APRICORN. That person is not a trainer, so don't worry about it. Then head west and you will run into: HIKER ANTHONY (352P) PokeGear -GEODUDE LV 11 (M) 171 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -MACHOP LV 11 (M) 175 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Fighting/Status] There is something about them making you feel guilty if you don't accept. Anyway, head west along the road, and you will enter the border to AZALEA TOWN. ------------------------------- AZALEA TOWN [020] ---------------------------- Keep heading west and you will see a little scene with a man in black. How very nice of him! Anyway, head west into the actual town itself, and heal up at the Pokemon Center, and take a look around. You will notice you cannot enter the GYM yet...another man in black is in the way. When you've explored the town, go to the upper left most house, this is KURT's HOUSE, and speak to him. He will dash off toward where we just saw that scene. Head outside, grab the WHT APRICORN right next to his house, and head back to where the TEAM ROCKET GRUNT was standing earlier (that is, the man in black.) You will notice he is gone. Let's head into the SLOWPOKE WELL, which you just go down the ramp and into the hole. ------------------------------ SLOWPOKE WELL [021] --------------------------- Speak to KURT, then head into the entrance to the west. SLOWPOKE WELL 1F: While you won't actually go to any other floor, I will still point this out anyway. You will need more HMs you don't have to explore the whole cave, which you can see in the SIDEQUESTS section. For now, let's just get rid of TEAM ROCKET! Go straight up and run into: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (360P) -RATTATA LV 9 (M) 109 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -RATTATA LV 9 (M) 109 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Now go north and wind around the rock, and grab the SUPER POTION. Now fight the next TEAM ROCKET GRUNT: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (440P) -ZUBAT LV 9 (F) 103 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -EKANS LV 11 (F) 145 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Poison Sting [Poison/Physical] After her, head down the stairs and to the left to face: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (360P) -RATTATA LV 7 (M) 85 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] -ZUBAT LV 9 (M) 103 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -ZUBAT LV 9 (M) 103 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying After him, head up north to the one with different colored hair, he's their boss, let's take him out! EXECUTIVE PROTON (480P) -ZUBAT LV 8 (M) 91 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Leech Life [Bug/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] -KOFFING LV 12 (M) 292 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Poison Gas [Poison/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] Smog [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] After this battle, all the TEAM ROCKET members will disappear, and KURT will talk to you. You will now be in KURT's house, where he gives you a FAST BALL and asks if you have any APRICORNS for him. You can give him any color and he will make it into a corresponding ball (see LOCATIONS for more detail.) After that, his granddaughter will give you his phone number (if you want it.) Leave his house back into AZALEA TOWN. ------------------------------- AZALEA TOWN [022] ---------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center, and then head for AZALEA TOWN GYM! We can now get the SECOND BADGE. ----------------------------- AZALEA TOWN GYM [023] -------------------------- You can pick up tips from the man in the first room. He advises FIRE and FLYING type Pokemon, so do I. It will make this GYM very easy. Proceed to the next room. You will see three Spiders in front of you, these are actually platforms. I'm going to make you fight all the trainers in here, but if you want to skip them, just look for which platform proceeds ahead instead of into a trainer below. To fight a trainer, go onto the center platform; it will take you to: BUG CATCHER AL (192P) -CATERPIE LV 12 (M) 135 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: String Shot [Bug/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -WEEDLE LV 12 (M) 133 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison Then step back on the platform and it will take you back to the center. Now, to proceed, go onto the platform on the left side. Right in front of you is: BUG CATCHER BENNY (192P) -WEEDLE LV 7 (M) 78 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -KAKUNA LV 9 (M) 134 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Harden [Normal/Status] -BEEDRILL LV 12 (M) 408 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Fury Attack [Normal/Physical] You will notice a switch in front of you. If you want to fight the trainer in the top right, flip it. If not, then don't flip it. Flip it; and you will run into: BUG CATCHER JOSH (208P) -PARAS LV 13 (M) 194 EXP -Type: Bug/Grass -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Scratch [Normal/Physical] Leech Life [Bug/Physical] Jump back on to return to where you started. Now flip the switch back to it's original position. Now back on the lift, you will run into a pair of twins; prepare for a double battle! TWINS AMY & MIMI (320P) -LEDYBA LV 10 (F) 111 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Comet Punch [Normal/Physical] -SPINARAK LV 10 (F) 111 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] Now flip the blue switch next to them, and hop back onto the spider platform. Now on this deck, flip the red switch, and hop back onto the platform to reach the GYM LEADER! LEADER BUGSY (1800P) -METAPOD LV 15 (F) 231 EXP -Ability: Shed Skin -Type: Bug -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -KAKUNA LV 15 (F) 228 EXP -Ability: Shed Skin -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Poison Sting [Poison/Physical] -SCYTHER LV 17 (F) 681 EXP -Ability: Techinician -Type: Bug/Flying -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Leer [Normal/Status] U-turn [Bug/Physical] Focus Energy [Normal/Status] He may use a SUPER POTION, so be wary of that. After you beat him, you will receive the HIVE BADGE and TM89. Now, flip the blue switch, then jump on the platform, and backtrack and make your way out of the GYM and into Azalea Town. ------------------------------- AZALEA TOWN [024] ---------------------------- Heal up, and make all preparations you will need before heading into the ILEX FOREST to the west of this town. If you have the Pikachu-colored Pichu (the event Pokemon); then be sure to bring that along with you. Head out west into ILEX FOREST. But; you are interrupted, remember him? Get ready for your second battle with him! Remember; his party varies depending on the starter you chose! RIVAL (1152P) -GASTLY LV 14 (M) 284 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Spite [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 16 (M) 184 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Leech Life [Bug/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -QUILAVA LV 18 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] Smokescreen [Normal/Status] RIVAL (1152P) -GASTLY LV 14 (M) 284 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Spite [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 16 (M) 184 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Leech Life [Bug/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -BAYLEEF LV 18 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: PoisonPowder [Poison/Status] Reflect [Psychic/Status] Synthesis [Grass/Status] Razor Leaf [Grass/Physical] RIVAL (1152P) -GASTLY LV 14 (M) 284 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Spite [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 16 (M) 184 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Leech Life [Bug/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -CROCONAW LV 18 (M) 548 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Water Gun [Water/Special] Rage [Normal/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] Scary Face [Normal/Status] After Mr. Cranky leaves, heal up (again) and now head out to Ilex Forest, for real. ****************************** THIRD BADGE [CH4] ***************************** This covers everything up to acquiring the GOLDENROD CITY GYM BADGE, that is, the third badge of the game. ------------------------------ ILEX FOREST [025] ----------------------------- When you enter, just follow the path along until you run into a boy standign next to the cuttable tree. Talk to him and find out you're supposed to retrieve a lost Pokemon for him. So let's do that, it's not as hard as it sounds. Go right, and down the L-shaped path, you will notice the FARFETCH'D facing to the right. So; step on the first set of branches, and it will face down. Now, avoid the second set of branches in the top right, and take the path on the right side to come all the way around behind the FARFETCH'D. Simply walk up behind it (from the top, since it's facing down), and push A. You will automatically be taken back to the boy, who will tell you to get the other one. No problem! Head back to where you found the first FARFETCH'D, but this time follow the path in the bottom right. Make a quick detour to grab the REVIVE, then keep going right. You will notice one branch here. Step on it to make the Pokemon face downward. Now go up the left path and push A, yes, it will run away. Don't worry, that was supposed to happen. Now it should be facing left in it's new location, go forward, then up to the set of twigs on top. Stepping on this should make the Pokemon face up. Then go to the right and down to that set of twigs (on the right) to make the Pokemon face right. Now, go back up and around the top twigs, don't step on them! And come up behind the FARFETCH'D, and that's it! The "Boss" will then come and award you with HM01 CUT, meaning you can cut down all cuttable trees now. Teach it to a Pokemon that is capable, and cut the tree down. Most starter Pokemon can learn it, but I advise you teach it to a Pokemon of your own choice rather than forcing it upon one that you will likely use more often. :) Anyway, right after you cut that tree down, you will be at the Ilex Shrine! If you have the EVENT PICHU, set it to your first Pokemon, and examine the shrine, this will activate the SPIKEY-EARED PICHU EVENT! For more details on this, check the EVENT section of this FAQ. Anyway; head left and up the L-shaped path, and you will come to a sign near a body of water. Go right from here, and you will notice a short L-shaped detour, go in this detour to get the X ATTACK. Now get back out onto the main path and keep heading up. Then head right. You will notice a man facing the trees on the bottom area, but you can't get to him by going down. Instead, keep going along the path and eventually you will come to a fork, one going up to a lady and one path going right. If you want to meet the curious man, go to the right, and follow the path which will lead you right to him. Speak to him and he will teach your Pokemon the move HEADBUTT, which can be used to knock Pokemon out of trees! You can use this to acquire Pokemon in certain areas you could not before. He will teach it as many times as you want him to. After you speak to him, hop off the ledge to the left and go back to the fork where you can choose to go up or right. This time, go up, and the KIMONO GIRL will automatically start talking to you. Say "Yes" to her, and your lead Pokemon will show her the way out. Go grab the item on the right side, it's an ETHER. Now follow the path left, where she left. Keep going and you will see that you are north of the same body of water you saw before. You will notice an item on the little island, but we don't have SURF so we can't do much about that. So; keep going left and you will see the exit, and you're done with this place, for now! No trainers! In the borderhouse, talk to the girl with the BUTTERFREE, and you will receive TM12 TAUNT. ------------------------------- ROUTE 34 [026] ------------------------------- Follow the road; you will run into: YOUNGSTER SAMUEL (128P) -RATTATA LV 7 (M) 85 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -SANDSHREW LV 10 (M) 198 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Defense Curl [Normal/Status] Poison Sting [Poison/Physical] Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] -SPEAROW LV 8 (M) 99 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] -SPEAROW LV 8 (M) 99 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] Keep following the road, you will encounter: POKEFAN BRANDON (832P) -SNUBBULL LV 13 (F) 87 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -MAREEP LV 13 (M) 163 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: ThunderShock [Electric/Special] Tackle [Normal/Physical] After him, farther up the road is: YOUNGSTER IAN (192P) PokeGear -MANKEY LV 10 (M) 78 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] -DIGLETT LV 12 (M) 98 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Scratch [Normal/Physical] After him, you can go into the grass to fight another trainer, or you can proceed forward down the road if you want to skip her. If you fight her; PICNICKER GINA (192P) PokeGear -HOPPIP LV 9 (F) 142 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -BULBASAUR LV 12 (M) 163 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Special] -HOPPIP LV 9 (F) 142 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying Now, get back on the road, and go north. You will eventually run into ETHAN/ LYRA and a cutscene regarding the DAYCARE. You will also register ETHAN/LYRA into the POKEGEAR! About time. Leave the house, and you will receive the DAY-CARE MAN and DAY-CARE LADY's numbers in your POKEGEAR! Now keep heading north on the road. If it is nighttime where you are, then the security guard will battle you, if it's not night, then he won't. If he battles you; POLICEMAN KEITH (680P) -GROWLITHE LV 17 (M) 330 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Ember [Fire/Special] Leer [Normal/Status] Now, one last trainer before GOLDENROD! Get him out of the way and go on! CAMPER TODD (224P) PokeGear -PSYDUCK LV 14 (M) 237 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] Water Gun [Water/Special] Disable [Normal/Status] Scratch [Normal/Physical] After him, go into the grass to get TM63 EMBARGO. Now get back on the road. While you're here, you should catch a DROWZEE so you can trade for a MACHOP in GOLDENROD CITY. And now just follow the road into GOLDENROD CITY! ---------------------------- GOLDENROD CITY [027] ---------------------------- There is a lot to do here! I advise you check every building in this city to see what you can get, I'll give you a brief run through, as some of the items are not required for story progression, but certainly will be convenient! So first things first, go to the Pokemon Center and heal up! After that, visit the DEPARTMENT STORE, on the right, the tall building. You can buy a lot here, you can check the LOCATION section of my guide for details. There is also a man offering a MACHOP for a DROWZEE, so trade with him if you want. If you take the elevator to the basement, you can obtain some items that are lying around. They are an ULTRA BALL, an ETHER, and a BURN HEAL. You have to talk to the people there to get their MACHOKE to move the containers out of the way. Back out of the DEPARTMENT STORE, head northwest to the GAME CORNER, and go inside and talk to the man on the chair. He will give you a COIN CASE when you say "Yes." You can play his mini-game if you want. Outside again, go to the northeast part of the city with a boy who talks about a BIKE SHOP. Follow the winding path downward and eventually you will come across it. Go inside and speak to the man to receive the BICYCLE! Even faster than the running shoes. Now go to the northwest part of the city, where there is a black building. This is the RADIO TOWER, with a TEAM ROCKET member standing outside of it, Go inside and talk to the lady on the far right side of the counter to begin the QUIZ to acquire a RADIO CARD. The answers are (in this order): Question: "Can you check the Town Map with your Pokegear?" Answer: YES Question: "NIDORINA can only be female. True?" Answer: YES Question: "Kurt, the Poke Ball creator, uses apricots as ingredients?" Answer: NO Question: "It's impossible to use a TM on MAGIKARP. True?" Answer: YES Question: "In Professor Oak's popular show, Pokemon Talk, is he on with Marie?" Answer: NO You will now be able to listen to the RADIO on your POKEGEAR. Also, you just got GYM LEADER WHITNEY to go back to her GYM! Go upstairs and talk to BUENA if you want the BLUE CARD (she is on the bottom right of the second floor.) On your way out, try your luck with the LOTTERY, you just may win something! Take note of the GLOBAL TERMINAL to the west here. It is not story relevant, but can certainly help you out! Now to continue with the story, go north under the bridge and you will see a building next to a funny looking tent. (This tent has the NAME RATER in it.) Go inside the UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE (to the left of the tent). --------------------- GOLDENROD CITY UNDERGROUND [028] ----------------------- You will run into ETHAN/LYRA, who will give you the FASHION CASE. Go down the stairs and get ready for some fights! From the top of the room, going down, you will run into: POKE MANIAC DONALD (702P) -SLOWPOKE LV 11 (M) 232 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] -SLOWPOKE LV 11 (M) 232 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] Yawn [Normal/Status] If you read his "Loss Dialogue", I agree with him completely, as you should be doing. :) Next in line is: SUPER NERD TERU (432P) -MAGNEMITE LV 7 (X) 133 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -MAGNEMITE LV 7 (X) 133 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -MAGNEMITE LV 9 (X) 171 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -VOLTORB LV 11 (X) 241 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] After him, if you go down the long hallway, you can dress your Pokemon up in accessories and take a picture. If you go down, you will notice the stalls on the right, these change depending on the day of the week, check LOCATIONS for more details. Going to the south side now; two more trainers, the first (from the top) is: POKE MANIAC ISSAC (768P) -LICKITUNG LV 12 (M) 324 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] You will notice a long hall (to the right), keep it in mind, as there is not much we can do with it yet. The next and final trainer before we leave is: SUPER NERD ERIC (528P) -GRIMER LV 11 (M) 211 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Pound [Normal/Physical] -GRIMER LV 11 (M) 211 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Pound [Normal/Physical] Harden [Normal/Status] With that done, exit via the bottom stairs. ---------------------------- GOLDENROD CITY [029] ---------------------------- Now, heal up at the Pokemon Center, and head to the north side of the town (past the bridge, where you went to the UNDERGROUND), this time, go right, and there is the GYM, get ready! ------------------------- GOLDENROD CITY GYM [030] --------------------------- Talk to the man to get tips. He suggests fighting Pokemon. That would be a good idea. Rock may be useful too. But it's your choice. Anyway go forward and up the stairs onto the blue tiled floor, and go up and fight: BEAUTY VICTORIA (896P) -SENTRET LV 9 (F) 109 EXP -Type: Normal -SENTRET LV 13 (F) 157 EXP -Type: Normal -SENTRET LV 16 (F) 195 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] From her, go right along the blue tiled floor until you reach a staircase that goes down to the right side of the gym. Go downward and left under the blue tiled floor and fight: BEAUTY SAMANTHA (896P) -MEOWTH LV 16 (F) 235 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Scratch [Normal/Physical] -MEOWTH LV 16 (F) 235 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Scratch [Normal/Physical] Backtrack to the stairway, and this time go around the north side and come in to the center. You can either battle the trainer close to you by surprise or just fight the trainer farther than you. I will assume you did not surprise the trainer, so if you walk to the one farther away: LASS CARRIE (272P) -SNUBBULL LV 17 (F) 229 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] Now go up and fight the last trainer: LASS CATHY (240P) -JIGGLYPUFF LV 15 (F) 243 EXP -Type: Normal -JIGGLYPUFF LV 15 (F) 243 EXP -Type: Normal -JIGGLYPUFF LV 15 (F) 243 EXP -Type: Normal You can go heal up at the Pokemon Center and come back if you need to, get ready to fight WHITNEY! Note: She may use her SUPER POTION on the MILTANK, that can be frustrating if you have to hack the HP away. She has two of them! LEADER WHITNEY (2280P) -CLEFAIRY LV 17 (F) 247 EXP -Ability: Cute Charm -Type: Normal -Moves: Double Slap [Normal/Physical] Mimic [Normal/Status] Encore [Normal/Status] Metronome [Normal/Status] -MILTANK LV 19 (F) 813 EXP -Ability: Scrappy -Type: Normal -Moves: Rollout [Rock/Physical] Attract [Normal/Status] Stomp [Normal/Physical] Milk Drink [Normal/Status] After that, she...starts crying... ...so let's leave her to that and go, but then you will be stopped by LASS CATHY, and after talking to her, go back and talk to WHITNEY. You will now receive the PLAIN BADGE and TM45 ATTRACT. Congrats on getting your third badge! Now, leave the GYM! ---------------------------- GOLDENROD CITY [031] ---------------------------- Now, head right into the FLOWER SHOP. Talk to the person inside to receive the SQUIRTBOTTLE. Now heal up at the Pokemon Center, and head north into the guardhouse! ***************************** FOURTH BADGE [CH5] ***************************** This chapter covers everything from the PLAIN BADGE to acquiring the FOG BADGE from ECRUTEAK CITY. ------------------------------- ROUTE 35 [032] ------------------------------- In the borderhouse connecting this route to GOLDENROD CITY, you can do the "Letter to a Friend" sidequest. See: [SQ01] for more details. Anyway, this route has a nice fenced road. Go ahead and go up to fight: PICNICKER KIM (240P) -VULPIX LV 15 (F) 202 EXP -Type: Fire Follow the yellow road and pass the body of water on the left. Then, you will run into two trainers standing next to each other. Battle the one on the right first: CAMPER ELLIOT (240P) -SANDSHREW LV 13 (M) 258 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Rapid Spin [Normal/Physical] -MARILL LV 15 (M) 186 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Defense Curl [Normal/Status] Now, fight the trainer right next to him: PICNICKER BROOKE (256P) -PIKACHU LV 16 (F) 280 EXP -Type: Electric Go straight left to fight the next one: CAMPER IVAN (224P) -DIGLETT LV 10 (M) 85 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] Scratch [Normal/Physical] -ZUBAT LV 10 (M) 115 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -DIGLETT LV 14 (M) 243 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] From him, you will notice two more trainers on the road, facing the sides. Fight them in the order they appear. The first: JUGGLER IRWIN (448P) PokeGear -VOLTORB LV 2 (X) 43 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Charge [Electric/Status] -VOLTORB LV 6 (X) 132 EXP -Type: Electric -VOLTORB LV 10 (X) 220 EXP -Type: Electric -VOLTORB LV 14 (X) 309 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Sonicboom [Normal/Special] Tackle [Normal/Physical] The second: FIREBREATHER WALT (592P) PokeGear -MAGMAR LV 11 (M) 392 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Leer [Normal/Status] Smog [Poison/Special] -MAGMAR LV 16 (M) 571 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Leer [Normal/Status] Smog [Poison/Special] Ember [Fire/Special] After him, go up and you can fight the security guard! POLICEMAN DIRK (560P) -GROWLITHE LV 14 (M) 273 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] Ember [Fire/Special] -GROWLITHE LV 14 (M) 273 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] Ember [Fire/Special] Now, before moving on into the NATIONAL PARK, lets take a quick detour right into the grass, and there will be a Bug Catcher: BUG CATCHER ARNIE (240P) PokeGear -VENONAT LV 15 (M) 240 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] Foresight [Normal/Status] There is a cuttable tree near him. You can use CUT to get into ROUTE 036 and skip the NATIONAL PARK and such. However, I will take you into the NATIONAL PARK just to battle the trainers there! But for now, go down from the Bug Catcher, and take the first left, then wind around the tree, and grab the PARYLZ HEAL. Now get back in the grass, and keep going south until you reach the bottom, where you can only go left. Keep going left, and you will run into: BIRD KEEPER BRYAN (448P) -PIDGEY LV 12 (M) 141 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Gust [Flying/Physical] -PIDGEOTTO LV 14 (M) 339 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Go right from him, and grab TM66 PAYBACK. Now backtrack to the grass, hop the ledge onto the road, and get back to where the Policeman was, and the entrance to NATIONAL PARK. Go upward through the entrance, that will take you to NATIONAL PARK. However, the POKEATHLON DOME is to the left side if you want to visit it. As it is not really a required area, I will not cover it in the main WALKTHROUGH, but you can check the LOCATIONS or SIDEQUESTS for more details. Also, if you want, you can participate in the BUG CATCHING game, which takes place on certain days. For more information on that, check the SIDEQUESTS section, or LOCATIONS. Anyway, head through that door. ----------------------------- NATIONAL PARK [033] ---------------------------- When you enter, go to the right and talk to the lady next to the PERSIAN, she will give you the QUICK CLAW. Now go up, if you talk to the lady here, she will mention the trainers in the grass. So, you don't have to worry about fighting anyone on the road, just the lurking trainers in the grass. So first we'll get the items we can. Follow the road up. When it splits, go right, then keep going up until you come across the tired boy who talks about the Pokewalker. You will notice an opening in the fance, go through that and then down the right side, you will obtain the SOOTHE BELL! Go back to the boy, and now go left. Keep going left and straight down. You will notice an item hidden behind the trees, grab TM28 DIG. Now head back to the boy. Now I will make you battle the trainers, from the bottom of the park, though. So go back down the road to where the road first split off. Now, from here, go up and you will fight: POKEFAN BEVERLY (1024P) PokeGear -SNUBBULL LV 16 (F) 216 EXP -Type: Normal Go up to the center of the park, then go to the right in the bottom grass and you will fight: SCHOOL KID JACK (300P) PokeGear -ODDISH LV 12 (M) 199 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Sweet Scent [Grass/Status] -VOLTORB LV 15 (X) 330 EXP -Type: Electric Go back to the center, and to the top of the fountain, and go straight north to fight: POKEFAN WILLIAM (1024P) PokeGear -RAICHU LV 16 (M) 417 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Lastly, from him, head left and you will run into: LASS KRISE (272P) PokeGear -ODDISH LV 14 (F) 234 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Absorb [Grass/Special] -CUBONE LV 17 (F) 316 EXP -Type: Ground And we are done here! So head to the right and exit out into ROUTE 036. ------------------------------- ROUTE 36 [034] ------------------------------- Go right and grab the BLU APRICORN, then go down and fight: PSYCHIC MARK (512P) -ABRA LV 14 (M) 225 EXP -Type: Psychic -KADABRA LV 16 (M) 496 EXP -Type: Psychic -ABRA LV 14 (M) 225 EXP -Type: Psychic Now follow the road. The path to the left goes to the cuttable tree I mentioned earlier; leading to ROUTE 035. But we need to go right, so do so. You will run into: SCHOOL KID ALAN (340P) PokeGear -TANGELA LV 17 (M) 604 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Growth [Grass/Status] Absorb [Grass/Special] Now keep going right, and talk to the person facing the odd tree. You get a hint of what to do, so examine the odd tree, and say "Yes" and get ready for a battle! It's a SUDOWOODO! The only one you can get for now, so you should be sure to capture it! You will receive the BERRY POTS after capturing/defeating SUDOWOODO. You will then receive ORAN BERRIES, and PECHA BERRIES. The lady will then leave. Go east of here, and obtain HM06 ROCK SMASH by talking to the man if you have not already! You should also go to VIOLET CITY (east) to heal up if you need to, then go back to where you found SUDWOODO. Now, head to the north path and into ROUTE 037! ------------------------------- ROUTE 37 [035] ------------------------------- When you reach a fork (with grass to the right and the road on the left); go ahead and go into the grass and then go north. You will run into: PSYCHIC GREG (544P) -DROWZEE LV 17 (M) 368 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Dream Eater [Psychic/Special] Disable [Normal/Status] Keep going north, and you will find three APRICORN TREES! They are RED, BLK, and BLU APRICORNS. Also, if it's Sunday, you will meet SUNNY here, who will give you a MAGNET. Go back to the crossroads, and go up the road and you will run into twins: TWINS TORI & TIL (512P) -MARILL LV 16 (F) 198 EXP -Type: Water -MAREEP LV 16 (F) 200 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] When you go north of them, you will notice two trainers facing the same way inward. This means it's another double battle: BEAUTY CALLIE (1792P) -CLEFABLE LV 16 (F) 440 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Doubleslap [Normal/Physical] Encore [Normal/Status] -WIGGLYTUFF LV 16 (F) 372 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Defense Curl [Normal/Status] Pound [Normal/Physical] BEAUTY KASSANDRA (1792P) -WIGGLYTUFF LV 16 (F) 372 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Defense Curl [Normal/Status] Pound [Normal/Physical] -CLEFABLE LV 16 (F) 440 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: DoubleSlap [Normal/Physical] Encore [Normal/Status] Metronome [Normal/Status] Now, after that, head north over the grass. The path to the right leads to a ledge that leads back to those APRICORN we picked up earlier, so don't worry about that. Head north into ECRUTEAK CITY! ------------------------------ ECRUTEAK CITY [036] --------------------------- First things first, go to the Pokemon Center and heal up. You will meet BILL here. Anyway, heal up and head out. I would actually advise you head east into Route 042, while it is a big detour, just go there, and head toward the MT. MORTAR cave entrance, and a little scene will happen, but you will receive HM04 STRENGTH. While this is not a requirement, it will be convenient to have with you. Go back to ECRUTEAK CITY. Back in the city, go to the house to the left of the Pokemon Center, and talk to the man inside to get the DOWSING MCHN. You can now find hidden items! After that, head to the DANCE THEATER, it's located on the right, the big building. You can read the sign if you are lost. There will be a little scene, being the hero, go up there and talk some sense into that ROCKET GRUNT. TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (480P) -KOFFING LV 12 (M) 292 EXP -Type: Poison After that, while you're leaving you will receive HM04 SURF. This is a good one, and you will need it in the next chapter anyway! Now head back outside, heal up, and go to the BURNED TOWER. It is in the top left of the city. ------------------------------ BURNED TOWER [037] ---------------------------- 1F: Upon entering, go right and you will meet EUSINE, and the GYM LEADER MORTY. Go up from here, and, well, it's him again! Third time now! RIVAL (1408P) -GASTLY LV 20 (M) 406 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 20 (M) 115 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -MAGNEMITE LV 18 (X) 342 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: ThunderShock [Electric/Special] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -QUILAVA LV 22 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire -Moves: (Please email me if you know!) RIVAL (1408P) -GASTLY LV 20 (M) 406 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 20 (M) 115 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -MAGNEMITE LV 18 (X) 342 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: ThunderShock [Electric/Special] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -CROCONAW LV 22 (M) 673 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: water -Moves: Water Gun [Water/Special] Scary Face [Normal/Status] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] RIVAL (1408P) -GASTLY LV 20 (M) 406 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 20 (M) 115 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -MAGNEMITE LV 18 (X) 342 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: ThunderShock [Electric/Special] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -BAYLEEF LV 22 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Magical Leaf [Grass/Special] PoisonPowder [Poison/Status] Synthesis [Grass/Status] He's a bit of a soar loser, huh? Anyway, go up and pass the ladder he was standing next to in order to fight: FIREBREATHER NED (512P) -KOFFING LV 16 (M) 390 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -KOFFING LV 16 (M) 390 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -GROWLITHE LV 17 (M) 331 EXP -Type: Fire Then go and grab the ANTIDOTE to the left. Now go down the ladder where the RIVAL was standing. B1F: Go left to make all three LEGENDARY POKEMON run away. EUSINE will talk to you a bit, and then rush off, just like the dogs. Well, we're done here, go back to ECRUTEAK CITY. By the way, now that they are on the run, you can check your POKEGEAR to see two out of three of their locations! You can technically catch ENTEI and RAIKOU if you bother to chase them down! Check SIDEQUESTS for more details on this. Head back to the entrance and into ECRUTEAK CITY. ----------------------------- ECRUTEAK CITY [038] ---------------------------- Back here, heal up at the Pokemon Center, and enter the GYM! Time to get the FOURTH BADGE! --------------------------- ECRUTEAK CITY GYM [039] -------------------------- First off, talk to the man. He will give you tips, that physical moves do not hurt ghosts. Well, if you have FORESIGHT, that's not a problem, but anyway, bring a PSYCHIC Pokemon, which is what they are all weak against. You can also bring a DARK Pokemon, it's your choice. I won with neither, so it should not be too bad. Anyway, be careful not to fall off the path, as you will begin at the starting of the GYM. You can see the trainers you fight are lit up, but their lights go out when defeated. (However, if you win, exit the GYM, and come back in, their lights are on without having to fight them again.) Anyway, go up and fight the first trainer: MEDIUM GEORGINA (768P) -GASTLY LV 16 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -GASTLY LV 16 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -GASTLY LV 16 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -GASTLY LV 16 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -GASTLY LV 16 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Take one step up from her, then go right until you are in line with the next trainer, and go north straight. You will battle her, but at least you didn't fall off! MEDIUM GRACE (960P) -HAUNTER LV 20 (F) 540 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Night Shade [Ghost/Special] -HAUNTER LV 20 (F) 540 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Night Shade [Ghost/Special] The hint she says is pretty much how you proceed. Go one step right, one step up, and then straight left to the next trainer: MEDIUM EDITH (1056P) -HAUNTER LV 22 (F) 594 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] Go down one space, left two spaces, up one space, then go left until in line with the next trainer, and go straight up to them. Take note of the L-shaped path one square down and to the right of you: MEDIUM MARTHA (960P) -GASTLY LV 18 (F) 366 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Mean Look [Normal/Status] -HAUNTER LV 20 (F) 540 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Mean Look [Normal/Status] Night Shade [Ghost/Special] -GASTLY LV 20 (F) 406 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Take one step down, two right, three up, three left, then just go straight up, and you will be face-to-face with the GYM LEADER! I advise you heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center and then come back here, however. Talk to him to begin! He has two HYPER POTIONS, so be wary! LEADER MORTY (2760P) -GASTLY LV 21 (M) 427 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Spite [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -HAUNTER LV 21 (M) 567 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Dream Eater [Psychic/Special] Curse [???/Status] Nightmare [Ghost/Status] -HAUNTER LV 23 (M) 621 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] Night Shade [Ghost/Special] -GENGAR LV 25 (M) 1017 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] After you beat him, you will receive the FOG BADGE and TM30 SHADOW BALL (that annoying move GENGAR kept using...) When you talk to him again, he says to head west and south to OLIVINE! And that's exactly what we are going to do. To get out of here quickly, just step into the fog. Then exit the building. ----------------------------- ECRUTEAK CITY [040] ---------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center and make preparations. When you are set to go, head west and out of ECRUTEAK CITY into ROUTE 038! ****************************** FIFTH BADGE [CH6] ***************************** This chapter covers everything from the FOG BADGE to acquiring the FIFTH BADGE at CIANWOOD CITY GYM. ------------------------------- ROUTE 38 [041] ------------------------------- First, follow the road, and take the first path down and get the MAX POTION. Now backtrack to the middle of the road, and follow it to the left, and you will run into: BIRD KEEPER TOBY (576P) -DODUO LV 16 (M) 328 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODUO LV 17 (M) 363 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Rage [Normal/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -DODUO LV 18 (M) 369 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying From him, you can see an APRICORN TREE, go to it and get the WHT APRICORN! Now go back to the entrance to the Route you came from, and this time take the north path with the grass. You will run into: SAILOR HARRY (640P) -WOOPER LV 20 (M) 222 EXP -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Mud Bomb [Ground/Physical] Water Gun [Water/Special] Go straight left from him, and you should run into: LASS DANA (304P) PokeGear -FLAFFY LV 19 (F) 475 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] Thundershock [Electric/Special] -PSYDUCK LV 19 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Gun {Water/Special] She may use MOOMOO MILK, so be wary of that. From her, go down and left into the grass, and you can fight: BEAUTY VALERIE (1008P) -HOPPIP LV 18 (F) 285 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -SKIPLOOM LV 18 (F) 523 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Mega Drain [Grass/Special] Go left and out of the grass, and then go up to fight: SCHOOL KID CHAD (400P) PokeGear -MR. MIME LV 20 (M) 582 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Meditate [Psychic/Status] DoubleSlap [Normal/Physical] Now follow the road down and left, you will end up in ROUTE 039! There is an item there, but it will be out of reach for a very, very long time. ------------------------------- ROUTE 39 [042] ------------------------------- Go left a bit, and a little scene will begin with BAOBA. Register him in the POKEGEAR if you want to know when the SAFARI ZONE in CIANWOOD is open! Go ahead and choose, and then he will leave. Now, go left and you will see the MOOMOO FARM. There is a mini-sidequest that takes place here, that is, feeding the MILTANK seven ORAN BERRIES. You can easily do this using the BERRY POTS. See the SIDEQUESTS section for more details. Grab the GRN APRICORN next to the farmhouse, and then go south into the large open field, and keep going south until you reach the cliff edge, then go left, and you will see an item hidden next to the silo on the left side. Grab it, it's TM60 DRAIN PUNCH. Now go back to the road where you met BAOBA, and go south. You will first encounter: PSYCHIC NELSON (640P) -SLOWPOKE LV 17 (M) 360 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Water Gun [Water/Special] Growl [Normal/Status] -SLOWPOKE LV 20 (M) 422 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Headbutt [Normal/Physical] Curse [???/Status] Going south, you will reach some ledges going south and west. There are several trainers, I will list them in order from top to bottom. First: SAILOR EUGENE (648P) -POLIWHIRL LV 17 (M) 477 EXP -Type: Water -KRABBY LV 19 (M) 468 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Harden [Normal/Status] -RATICATE LV 17 (M) 421 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Hyper Fang [Normal/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] After him is: POKEFAN DEREK (1152P) PokeGear -PIKACHU LV 18 (M) 314 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Double Team [Normal/Status] And then the third: POKEFAN RUTH (1088P) PokeGear -PIKACHU LV 17 (F) 296 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] After her, just follow the road and you've reached OLIVINE CITY! ------------------------------ OLIVINE CITY [043] ---------------------------- While heading to the Pokemon Center, you will get cut off by your RIVAL. He won't battle you, so don't worry about it. Enter the first house you come to on the road, and talk to the man inside and say "Yes" to receive a GOOD ROD. Continue to the Pokemon Center, and heal up your Pokemon. If you want a battle, talk to the woman on the right side of the counter! Say "Yes" if want to battle and learn a little about SEALS. BEAUTY CHARLOTTE (896P) -BELLOSSOM LV 16 (F) 630 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Sweet Scent [Grass/Status] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] After her, heal up again, and then head back outside. Go right and up, to two lone houses on a hill. The one on the right has a girl that will give you SEALS if you acquired the SEAL CASE on the MOOMOO FARM sidequest (see SIDEQUEST section for more details.) The house on the left has a POKEMON TRADE if you're interested. You can get VOLTORB. Go left and up the thin path ane examine the rock to get a FULL HEAL. Now, go to the bottom right side of the city, where the tall structure is. This is the LIGHTHOUSE (called GLITTER LIGHTHOUSE, but I refer to it as OLIVINE LIGHTHOUSE). Enter it. -------------------------- OLIVINE LIGHTHOUSE [052] -------------------------- Inside, go all the way up, and you will see an elevator and a stairway. We are actually taking the stairway, so climb up to the second floor. 2F: Go down and you will fight: GENTLEMAN ALFRED (4400P) PokeGear -NOCTOWL LV 22 (M) 763 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Confusion [Psychic/Special] After him, head toward the ladder on the right, you will fight: SAILOR HUEY (640P) PokeGear -POLIWAG LV 18 (M) ## EXP -Type: Water -POLIWHIRL LV 20 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Water Now go up to the third floor. 3F: You will notice this floor is split up in two areas. Battle the trainer close to you: BIRD KEEPER THEO (480P) -PIDGEY LV 17 (M) 199 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEY LV 19 (M) 223 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEY LV 15 (M) 175 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEY LV 15 (M) 175 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEY LV 15 (M) 175 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying Climb the next ladder to the fourth floor. 4F: Fight the trainer on the right: GENTLEMAN PRESTON (3600P) -GROWLITHE LV 18 (M) 351 EXP -Type: Fire -GROWLITHE LV 18 (M) 351 EXP -Type: Fire Then, fight the last trainer in the room: LASS CONNIE (336P) -MARILL LV 21 (F) 261 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Rollout [Rock/Physical] Now, what you do is instead of going back down the ladder, walk out of the window on the right! OUTSIDE: Run to the left side of the entrance to grab the RARE CANDY, then go into the opening. 3F: You're back on the third floor! Only now on the other side. Now battle the sailor to the right if you want: SAILOR KENT (640P) -KRABBY LV 18 (M) 442 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Harden [Normal/Status] Leer [Normal/Status] -KRABBY LV 20 (M) 492 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] Grab the ETHER to the right after you beat him, then go left toward the next ladder, and fight: BIRD KEEPER DENIS (576P) -SPEAROW LV 18 (M) 223 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -SPEAROW LV 18 (M) 223 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -FEAROW LV 20 (M) 693 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying After him, go up the ladder. 4F: Go up the next ladder. 5F: Up here, there are two sailors. Fight the first one: SAILOR TERRELL (640P) -POLIWHIRL LV 20 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] DoubleSlap [Normal/Physical] Now go around and fight the second one if you want to: SAILOR ROBERTO (576P) -MACHOP LV 18 (M) 288 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] Karate Chop [Fighting/Physical] -MACHOP LV 18 (M) 288 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] Karate Chop [Fighting/Physical] -POLIWHIRL LV 18 (M) 504 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Gun {Water/Special] Then go up and grab the SUPER REPEL. Now, climb the ladder. 6F: Up here, talk to JASMINE. She will ask you to get some medicine from CIANWOOD. So, let's do that. Go through the door she just opened, go right and get the SUPER POTION. Now go to the elevator, and it will take you back to the first floor. 1F: Now exit back into OLIVINE CITY. ------------------------------ OLIVINE CITY [045] ---------------------------- Go to the Pokemon Center and heal up. We will now be crossing the sea, so make necessary preparations. You will need a Pokemon that can learn/knows the move SURF. I would say bring REPELS, as TENTACOOL can get annoying to run into too much, as I will be making you fight every Trainer along the way! Once done, head left out of the city. ------------------------------- ROUTE 40 [046] ------------------------------- You will now be on a beach. Note the BATTLE FRONTIER to the left. It cannot be accessed right now, however. Go to where the beach juts out into sea the most, and begin surfing! You should be able to see a swimmer, so battle him!: SWIMMER SIMON (320P) -TENTACOOL LV 20 (M) 450 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] -TENTACOOL LV 20 (M) 450 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Toxic Spikes [Poison/Status] Swim on a straight path downward, and you should spot: SWIMMER ELAINE (336P) -STARYU LV 21 (X) 477 EXP -Type: Water Swim to an island on the right to find TM88 PLUCK. Then jump back in the water and head left, then down. You should run into: SWIMMER RANDALL (288P) -SHELLDER LV 18 (M) 373 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Withdraw [Water/Status] -WARTORTLE LV 20 (M) 612 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -SHELLDER LV 18 (M) 373 EXP -Type: Water There should be a trainer swimming left to right (back and forth) below him. Battle her: SWIMMER PAULA (304P) -STARYU LV 19 (X) 430 EXP -Type: Water -SHELLDER LV 19 (F) 394 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] Protect [Normal/Status] Now, keep surfing downward and you should enter ROUTE 041! ------------------------------- ROUTE 41 [047] ------------------------------- You may want to keep this place in mind, as it contains the WHIRL ISLANDS. Anyway, I'm going to make you fight every trainer, but if you want to reach CIANWOOD CITY with ease, surf to the left and you will reach the shore line. But I suggest you first surf right, and get ready for some battles! So, surfing right, you will first run into: SWIMMER CHARLIE (304P) -SHELLDER LV 21 (M) 436 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] -TENTACOOL LV 19 (M) 427 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Acid [Poison/Physical] -TENTACRUEL LV 19 (M) 834 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] Toxic Spikes [Poison/Status] From him, sailing downward, you should just pass a WHIRLPOOL and run into a trainer. Battle her: SWIMMER KAYLEE (320P) -GOLDEEN LV 18 (F) 427 EXP -Type: Water -GOLDEEN LV 20 (F) 475 EXP -Type: Water -SEAKING LV 20 (F) 727 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] From her, go to the left and fight: SWIMMER MATTHEW (368P) -KRABBY LV 23 (M) 565 EXP -Type: Water Now go back to the right side, and then sail down along the right side. Keep going, and eventually the path will turn left. Keep following the path left. The first chance you get, take the path that goes up. You will run into some trainers. The first is: SWIMMER KARA (320P) -STARYU LV 20 (X) 453 EXP -Type: Water -STARMIE LV 20 (X) 886 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Swift [Normal/Special] Rapid Spin [Normal/Physical] Go north of her, and there is one trainer in place looking around. Battle him: SWIMMER BERKE (368P) -QWILFISH LV 23 (M) 492 EXP -Type: Water/Poison There is one more trainer to the north, fight her: SWIMMER WENDY (336P) -HORSEA LV 21 (F) 373 EXP -Type: Water -HORSEA LV 21 (F) 373 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] BubbleBeam [Water/Special] Now go back down to the bottom path, and surf left this time, where there is a trainer swimming around. Battle him: SWIMMER RONALD (320P) -GYARADOS LV 20 (M) 916 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -GYARADOS LV 20 (M) 916 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Bite {Dark/Physical] Go left from him to reach another trainer: SWIMMER DENISE (352P) -SEEL LV 22 (F) 471 EXP -Type: Water Now surf west, until you hit land! This is CIANWOOD CITY. However, there are two trainers we have not fought yet, you can heal at the Pokemon Center if you want, but surf north and then right to fight two more; if you went left like I said you may want to earlier (to avoid all the other trainers), you would have already fought these two in the reverse order: SWIMMER SUSIE (352P) -PSYDUCK LV 20 (F) 342 EXP -Type: Water -GOLDEEN LV 22 (F) 522 EXP -Type: Water And next to her (on the right) is a trainer swimming around; fight him! SWIMMER GEORGE (304P) -TENTACOOL LV 16 (M) 360 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Acid [Poison/Physical] -TENTACOOL LV 16 (M) 360 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Acid [Poison/Physical] -TENTACOOL LV 17 (M) 382 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] -TENTACOOL LV 17 (M) 382 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -REMORAID LV 19 (M) 316 EXP -Type: Water -STARYU LV 19 (X) 430 EXP -Type: Water After that battle, you have fought every trainer on this Route! Now sail west and south to CIANWOOD CITY! ------------------------------ CIANWOOD CITY [048] --------------------------- First things first, heal at the Pokemon Center. You can get tips on the GYM from the man standing at the counter, as he's not in the GYM. Now, exit the Pokemon Center, and go to the building right next to it (the PHARMACY), and talk to the man inside. He will give you the SECRETPOTION. If you go to the house on the left of the PHARMACY, a boy will give you a SHUCKLE to take care of. Make room in your party if you want it! Now head north in the city. You will see CAMERON's house, take a photo if you want. Keep going north, there is a cave to the left, this leads to the SAFARI ZONE, through two routes. This is not part of the main story, so check the SIDEQUESTS section on details about that! Keep going north, and...is that SUICUNE? Try going close to it, then an event will begin, and it will look at you and run away, again. Then EUSINE will come, and...battle! MYSTERY MAN EUSINE (3429P) -DROWZEE LV 25 (M) 543 EXP -Ability: Insomnia -Type: Psychic -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Dream Eater [Psychic/Special] -HAUNTER LV 25 (M) 675 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Mean Look [Normal/Status] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Curse [???/Status] Lick [Ghost/Physical] -ELECTRODE LV 27 (X) 867 EXP -Ability: Static -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunder [Electric/Special] Screech [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] Rollout [Rock/Physical] After that, heal at the Pokemon Center, and head for the GYM! ----------------------------- CIANWOOD CITY GYM [049] ------------------------ So, we have to stop that waterfall on him. Even though we go left to do that, let's go right first to battle the Trainers on that side. So, go right and fight: BLACK BELT LAO (648P) -HITMONCHAN LV 27 (M) 810 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Mach Punch [Fighting/Physical] Now go to the top and fight the one pacing back and forth: BLACK BELT LUNG (600P) -MANKEY LV 23 (M) 364 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Fury Swipes [Normal/Physical] -MANKEY LV 23 (M) 364 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] -PRIMEAPE LV 25 (M) 798 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Now go back down to the entrance, and this time, go left. Fight the first trainer you see! BLACK BELT YOSHI (648P) -HITMONLEE LV 27 (M) 804 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] From him, go up and fight the next trainer: BLACK BELT NOB (600P) -MACHOP LV 25 (M) 400 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] -MACHOKE LV 25 (M) 781 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] He probably covered the stairs you were supposed to use to get up there. No problem, either go to the right side of the GYM and across the bridge, or just exit the GYM and come back in. I advise the second option, as you can go heal your Pokemon and get ready for the fight with the GYM LEADER! So, heal up, come back in, climb the left set of stairs again. and examine the large red button. That should stop the waterfall. Speak to the GYM LEADER to begin! He has two HYPER POTIONS, so be wary! LEADER CHUCK (3720P) -PRIMEAPE LV 29 (M) 950 EXP -Ability: Vital Spirit -Type: Fighting -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Double Team [Normal/Status] Focus Punch [Fighting/Physical] Leer [Normal/Status] -POLIWRATH LV 31 (M) 1228 EXP -Ability: Water Absorb -Type: Water/Fighting -Moves: Surf [Water/Special] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Body Slam [Normal/Physicla] Focus Punch [Fighting/Physical] After that, you will receive the STORM BADGE and TM01 FOCUS PUNCH. Now you can use FLY! What is FLY? Well exit the GYM and find out! ------------------------------ CIANWOOD CITY [050] --------------------------- Upon leaving, you will receive HM02 FLY from the lady. As she says, you can now fly back to any city you have previously visited! It will put you at the Pokemon Center. This makes getting the next badge a whole lot easier! Also, you can give Shuckie (the SHUCKLE) back to it's owner if you wish. Congrats on your FIFTH BADGE! The next chapter is very short, fly back to OLIVINE CITY! ******************************* SIXTH BADGE [CH7] **************************** This covers from the STORM BADGE to the SIXTH BADGE in OLIVINE CITY. This is a short chapter! ------------------------------ OLIVINE CITY [051] ---------------------------- Once you arrive here, head for the LIGHTHOUSE. -------------------------- OLIVINE LIGHTHOUSE [052] -------------------------- Take the elevator to quickly reach the top. Go and speak to JASMINE, and the Pokemon will become better after you hand her the SECRETPOTION you got from CIANWOOD CITY. Now, get back in the elevator and head out into the city. ------------------------------ OLIVINE CITY [053] ---------------------------- You will get a call from BAOBA. The SAFARI ZONE, or the Gate to it, is now open! Check the SIDEQUESTS section for more. With that done, you can head to the GYM. Make all necessary preparations and then move out! ---------------------------- OLIVINE CITY GYM [054] -------------------------- The man will just say she uses Steel-type. I advise bringing a Fighting or Fire Pokemon with you for this one. You can also bring a water type, as her last Pokemon is weak against it. There are two people in the gym, but they are not trainers, so do not worry about them. They will thank you for getting her back to the gym. Talk to JASMINE to begin! LEADER JASMINE (4200P) -MAGNEMITE LV 30 (X) 571 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] -MAGNEMITE LV 30 (X) 571 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] -STEELIX LV 35 (F) 1470 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Steel/Ground -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Sandstorm [Rock/Status] Iron Tail [Steel/Physical] Rock Throw [Rock/Physical] You will then receive the MINERAL BADGE and TM23 IRON TAIL. Now exit the GYM and back into the city. ------------------------------ OLIVINE CITY [055] ---------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center, and congrats on your SIXTH BADGE! Just two more to go. This was a short chapter, huh? FLY to ECRUTEAK CITY. ***************************** SEVENTH BADGE [CH8] **************************** This covers from the MINERAL BADGE to the SEVENTH BADGE. It includes the ROCKET HIDEOUT and LAKE OF RAGE events. ----------------------------- ECRUTEAK CITY [056] ---------------------------- You will need a Pokemon that knows SURF, and another that knows CUT. Once you have them, head out the east exit, it will take you to ROUTE 42. ------------------------------- ROUTE 42 [057] ------------------------------- If you did not come here before, then head to the cave entrance near you, where a Hiker will bump into you, and give you HM04 STRENGTH. If you have done that before, then go north and pick up the item, it is TM55 SHADOW CLAW. As far as we're concerned, we do not have to enter the cave. You can if you want, check the SIDEQUESTS section for details on exploring MT. MORTAR. To get to where we want to go, start surfing on the body of water on the right side. You will reach land not before too long, and will notice three APRICORN TREES, and more noticeable, SUICUNE. CUT the tree, and head down, for a brief scene where SUICUNE escapes and EUSINE appears yet again, talks a bit, and leaves. Head down and collect the three APRICORNS (PNK, GRN, and YLW). Now head back up, and to the right, ignoring the cave entrance, and to another body of water on the right side. Pick up the item next to the water, it is a SUPER POTION. There is a Fisherman facing downward at the shoreline, battle him! FISHERMAN TULLY (608P) PokeGear -QWILFISH LV 19 (M) 406 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Minimize [Normal/Status] After him, head right, ignoring the cave entrance, and fight the Trainer next to the cave: POKE MANIAC SHANE (1088P) -NIDORINA LV 17 (F) 426 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -NIDORINO LV 17 (M) 429 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] Right next to him, there is a Hiker, battle him too: HIKER BENJAMIN (544P) -DIGLETT LV 15 (M) 259 EXP -Type: Ground -DUGTRIO LV 17 (M) 556 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] -GEODUDE LV 15 (M) 234 EXP -Type: Rock And keep heading east, and you will reach MAHOGANY TOWN! ----------------------------- MAHOGANY TOWN [058] ---------------------------- We can't really do much at the moment. So heal up at the Pokemon Center, and head up through the north exit of the town, into ROUTE 43. You will need a Pokemon that knows SURF. ------------------------------- ROUTE 43 [059] ------------------------------- Once here, head north and face the first Trainer you see: CAMPER SPENCER (320P) -SANDSHREW LV 18 (M) 358 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] Rapid Spin [Normal/Physical] Swift [Normal/Special] -SANDSLASH LV 18 (M) 628 EXP -Type: Ground -ZUBAT LV 20 (M) 231 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying From here, rather than following the road into the gate, go through the patches of grass on the left side. The reason is that the gatehouse will charge you money for passing. So, we may as well save money and gain experience from the Trainers along the way. So, heading north through the patch of grass, you will run into: PICNICKER TIFFANY (336P) PokeGear -CLEFAIRY LV 21 (F) 306 EXP -Type: Normal From her, if you have a Pokemon that knows CUT, then SURF left across the small body of water. CUT the tree, and get the BLK APRICORN. Now SURF back to the Trainer you just fought, and continue north through more grass, you will run into: POKE MANIAC BRENT (1536P) PokeGear -NIDORINA LV 20 (F) 501 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -NIDORINO LV 24 (M) 606 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Horn Attack [Normal/Physical] After him, instead of continuing north, go down through the grass on the right side (you came up from the left path.) Head down to the ledges next to the gatehouse, and pick up the MAX ETHER. Now go right and follow the yellow road to the north. Keep going, and you will run into: POKE MANIAC BECKETT (1280P) -SLOWBRO LV 20 (M) 702 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] From him, you can see another Trainer to the top left, standing in another fork. So, battle him! POKE MANIAC RON (1280P) -NIDOKING LV 20 (M) 835 EXP -Type: Poison/Ground -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] Before we head up through the north exit, take a quick detour to the left of this Trainer, down the patches of grass. You will see a Trainer to the left of the grass, between two bodies of water, battle him! FISHERMAN MARVIN (480P) -MAGIKARP LV 10 (M) 42 EXP -Type: Water -GYARADOS LV 20 (M) 914 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Surf [Water/Special] Thrash [Normal/Physical] -MAGIKARP LV 15 (M) 63 EXP -Type: Water After him, backtrack to Poke Maniac Ron, then head up through the north exit into the LAKE OF RAGE. ------------------------------ LAKE OF RAGE [060] ---------------------------- If you need to, FLY back to MAHOGANY TOWN, heal up, and then FLY back to this location. It is a flyable area. Now, head up to the shoreline where the old man is standing, you will see a Pokemon out in the water. SURF, and get ready for a battle! RED GYARADOS LV 30 -Type: Water/Flying -Ability: Intimidate -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Dragon Rage [Dragon/Special] Leer [Normal/Status] Twister [Dragon/Special] I would advise capturing the above. It is a guaranteed SHINY POKEMON, as well as being a GYARADOS, a very useful Pokemon. Anyway, either defeat it or capture it. Either way, you will obtain the RED SCALE. You can exchange this with MR. POKEMON (remember him?) to get the EXP. SHARE, which is a very useful item! Heading back to the shoreline, you will see a Trainer with a DRAGONITE next to him. Don't speak to him yet! Instead, we will fight two Trainers first. But, if you want to skip Trainer battles, or did them already, then just speak to him, and ignore the next section with Trainers. However, if you want to fight the Trainers, then head right of the old man, and talk to the Fisherman: FISHERMAN ANDRE (864P) -GYARADOS LV 27 (M) 1237 EXP -Type: Water/Flying From him, head right and up to another Fisherman: FISHERMAN RAYMOND (704P) -MAGIKARP LV 22 (M) 93 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] -MAGIKARP LV 22 (M) 93 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] -MAGIKARP LV 22 (M) 93 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] -MAGIKARP LV 22 (M) 93 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] Now, stick to the right path, and go all the way up. You will see a Trainer facing out to the lake, talk to her: ACE TRAINER LOIS (1500P) -MAREEP LV 25 (F) 315 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunderwave [Electric/Status] Thundershock [Electric/Special] -NINETALES LV 25 (F) 952 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Nasty Plot [Dark/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] After her, head back to the Trainer and DRAGONITE, and speak to him. Agree to help him out, and he will FLY away. You should do the same, FLY to MAHOGANY TOWN. ----------------------------- MAHOGANY TOWN [061] ---------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon center, and then head to the "Souvenir Shop" north of the Pokemon GYM and Pokemon Center. Inside, you will see a scene with LANCE. After this, head down the stairway, and into the TEAM ROCKET HIDEOUT. --------------------------- TEAM ROCKET HIDEOUT [062] ------------------------ B1F: Inside, you will notice a statue of a PERSIAN in front of you. When their eyes are glowing red, it means when you cross in front of them, you will trigger an alarm. That's okay, though, since they shouldn't be too much of a problem, and you get experience out of it. You will fight these two Rocket Grunts back-to-back each time you trip an alarm: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (760P) -DROWZEE LV 17 (M) 370 EXP -Type: Psychic -ZUBAT LV 19 (M) 219 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (720P) -ZUBAT LV 16 (M) 184 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] -GRIMER LV 17 (M) 327 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] -RATTATA LV 18 (M) 219 EXP -Type: Normal I usually go through all the statues to get as much experience as I can, but if you want to disable them, then head left from the first statue, until you see an opening to the south. Go into this opening, then follow right. There should be an opening before the statue, go down. Now head left, once again going down and following the winding path. You will run into: SCIENTIST GREGG (640P) -MAGNEMITE LV 20 (X) 381 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -MAGNEMITE LV 20 (X) 381 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -MAGNEMITE LV 20 (X) 381 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel Behind him is a computer. If you want to deactivate the statues as not to trigger more guards, go ahead and do so. If you decide to keep it on, then you will face the two Rocket Grunts (listed at the first statue). It's your choice. Grab the item next to the PC, it's a GUARD SPEC. Now backtrack to the entrance, then head all the way left to fight: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (640P) -RATTATA LV 16 (M) 195 EXP -Type: Normal -RATTATA LV 16 (M) 195 EXP -Type: Normal -RATTATA LV 16 (M) 195 EXP -Type: Normal -RATTATA LV 16 (M) 195 EXP -Type: Normal If you want, you could go down to a rigged checkerboard floor, where you face Pokemon on certain spaces. If you do not want to go through this, however, read the paragraph below the Floor Traps info below. Here is a useful chart for the Floor Traps I made; explaining it better than I can with words: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/960099-pokemon-heartgold/faqs/59998 Details regarding the above: On Electric Squares: (The ones that zap) VOLTORB LV 23 (X) 338 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Spark [Electric/Physical] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] On Rock Squares: (The ones that show rocky crumble) GEODUDE LV 21 (M/F) 219 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Smokescreen [Normal/Status] On Poison Gas Squares: (The ones with purple gas) KOFFING LV 21 (M/F) 342 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Smog [Poison/Special] To skip the floor traps: Head back to the winding way where you went to deactivate the statues and/or fight the Scientist. But only stay in the first hallway, and cross the statue that has an item on the other side. If you did not deactivate the statues, you will fight the same two Rocket Grunts here. Pick up the HYPER POTION. Now head downward, until it forces you to turn left, where there is another statue. Keep heading left, and pick up the NUGGET, and then continue, until you reach a teleporter and stairway beyond another (last) Pokemon statue. There is a teleporter that will take you to the entrance if you need to heal up. This isn't needed, as LANCE will heal you on the next floor. So, head down the stairs. B2F: In a brief scene, LANCE will heal your Pokemon. Now head right, and keep that locked door in mind. Fight the first Rocket Grunt you see: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (720P) -VENONAT LV 18 (M) 288 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -VENONAT LV 18 (M) 288 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison From him, head downward, right, and to a stairway. Battle the nearby Grunt: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (720P) -GOLBAT LV 18 (M) 658 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying Now go down the stairs. B3F: Another scene with LANCE. Now, head all the way to the left, ignoring the entrance into a room next to the defeated Grunt. Go left into a room with a Rocket Grunt and a Scientist, fight the Scientist first: SCIENTIST MITCH (768P) -DITTO LV 24 (X) 313 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Transform [Normal/Status] From him, go under the Grunt nearby, and get the two items. They are a PROTEIN and an X SPECIAL (left and right respectively.) Now, battle the Grunt: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (760P) -RATICATE LV 19 (M) 421 EXP -Type: Normal Now you know one of two passwords. You don't actually have to memorize it, so don't worry. Now head back right to the defeated Grunt, and go up into the room with the PCs, a Grunt, and a Scientist. Battle the Scientist: SCIENTIST ROSS (704P) -KOFFING LV 22 (M) 537 EXP -Type: Poison -KOFFING LV 22 (M) 537 EXP -Type: Poison Now head up and fight the Grunt: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (720P) -EKANS LV 18 (F) 238 EXP -Type: Poison -GLOOM LV 18 (F) 508 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison Now you know both passwords for the Boss's room. Let's head there. First, exit the room south, and go right, then up, get the FULL HEAL, then head up and left to get TM49 SNATCH. Now head to the stairway in the top right, going back to B2F. B2F: Head straight left, and fight: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (680P) -RATTATA LV 17 (M) 207 EXP -Type: Normal -ZUBAT LV 17 (M) 196 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -RATTATA LV 17 (M) 207 EXP -Type: Normal Now head down the stairs next to him. B3F: Go down and take the next stairway up. B2F: Pick up the only item in this room: TM46 THIEF. Now head back down the stairway. B3F: Go to the door in the bottom right, and your RIVAL will interrupt you. There is no battle, so don't worry. After him, get the ULTRA BALL on the right, then examine the door. You will then face: EXECUTIVE PETREL (880P) -ZUBAT LV 22 (M) 253 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] -KOFFING LV 22 (M) 537 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Smog [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Assurance [Dark/Physical] Selfdestruct [Normal/Physical] -RATICATE LV 24 (M) 595 EXP -Ability: ???? -Type: Normal -Moves: Hyper Fang [Normal/Physical] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] Scary Face [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] After he runs away, his MURKROW follows. Let's get that bird! Go back to the stairway in the top left. B2F: Go right a bit, and the bird will run off again. Follow it down the path, to the stairway at the end, go down. B3F: Talk to the bird, then follow it down, then go up the bottom right stairway. B2F: Now, face it one last time, and it will run to the locked door. Follow it to the locked door, and it will get it to open. But as you enter the room, you will be interuppted. You will now fight a double battle, with LANCE as your partner. LANCE is as follows: PKMN TRAINER LANCE (Partner) -DRAGONITE LV 40 (M) -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Fly [Flying/Physical] Twister [Dragon/Special] Thunder [Electric/Special] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] The DOUBLE BATTLE is with a ROCKET GRUNT and ARIANA. Her Pokemon are listed first, his are listed second. However, they appear in pairs: EXECUTIVE ARIANA (2960P) 1 -ARBOK LV 25 (F) 787 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Poison -Moves: Glare [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Wrap [Normal/Physical] Poison Sting [Poison/Physical] -GLOOM LV 25 (F) 706 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Sweet Scent [Normal/Status] Mega Drain [Grass/Special] Acid [Poison/Special] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] -MURKROW LV 27 (F) 618 EXP -Ability: Super Luck -Type: Dark/Flying -Moves: Night Shade [Ghost/Special] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Pursuit [Dark/Physical] TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (2960P) 1 -DROWZEE LV 18 (M) 393 EXP -Ability: Insomnia -Type: Psychic -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] Confusion [Psychic/Special] Headbutt [Normal/Physical] Poison Gas [Poison/Status] -GRIMER LV 20 (M) 385 EXP -Ability: None -Type: Poison -Moves: Mud-Slap [Ground/Special] Disable [Normal/Status] Minimize [Normal/Status] Sludge [Poison/Special] After this battle, all the Team Rocket memebers will leave. Now to shut off the power, and to do this we have to take out the three ELECTRODE on the left side. So, let's do that. Approach the first one and start a battle. Do the same for all three of them. You can faint or capture all three if you wish. All three have the following stats: ELECTRODE LV 23 (X) 492 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Spark [Electric/Physical] Rollout [Rock/Physical] Screech [Normal/Status] After this, LANCE will give you HM05 WHIRLPOOL. After he leaves, go back up the stairway to the left. B1F: Take the teleporter to the entrance, and then leave. Now that you cleared this area, you can go give a RED SCALE to MR. POKEMON to get the EXP. SHARE if you have not already. You can also go to the LAKE OF RAGE on WEDNESDAY to fully explore it, as the Lake water recedes on those days. The "Souvenir Shop" becomes a normal shop now, as well. Otherwise, get ready for the SEVENTH BADGE! ----------------------------- MAHOGANY TOWN [063] ---------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon center, and bring some Anti-ice Pokemon with you. Fighting or Fire both work. I advise the Electric-type as well, as there are many that are both ice/water or just water with ice moves. Head into the gym! --------------------------- MAHOGANY TOWN GYM [064] -------------------------- A few ice puzzles to do. You can either view the gameFAQs "Mahogany Town Gym Ice Solutions" image another user uploaded, or you can try to follow along with my steps. So, in the first room, make sure you're standing next to the man who gives you tips, and go up. Now, slide left, then up, then right, then up again. Next room, go fight the Trainer on the left: SKIER DIANA (928P) -JYNX LV 29 (F) 850 EXP -Type: Psychic/Ice -Moves: Mean Look [Normal/Status] And then the Trainer on the right: BOARDER PATTON (864P) -SWINUB LV 27 (M) 450 EXP -Type: Ice/Ground -SWINUB LV 27 (M) 450 EXP -Type: Ice/Ground Now, go back to the Trainer on the left, and stand on the upper left most square, so you are in line with one of the two blocks on the ice. Now slide right into the block, causing it to push and collide with the one on the right side. Now slide right so you are up against the block again. Now go up. Enter the next room. We're going to clear the room of Trainers before doing the Ice Puzzle, so go battle the Trainer to your left: BOARDER DEANDRE (800P) -SEEL LV 25 (M) 535 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Ice Shard [Ice/Physical] Encore [Normal/Status] -SEEL LV 25 (M) 535 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Ice Shard [Ice/Physical] Encore [Normal/Status] -DEWGONG LV 26 (M) 979 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Aqua Ring [Water/Status] Ice Shard [Ice/Physical] Go behind him, slide right, then up, and battle: SKIER JILL (928P) -DEWGONG LV 29 (F) 1093 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Rest [Psychic/Status] From her, slide right, down, left, up, right, up, right, then up, to fight: BOARDER GERARDO (800P) -SHELLDER LV 25 (M) 519 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] -SEEL LV 25 (M) 535 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: -CLOYSTER LV 26 (M) 1131 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Toxic Spikes [Poison/Status] Aurora Beam [Ice/Special] From him, go down, left, down, left, down, to reach the entrance to the room again. Go through the door and come back to reset the Ice Puzzle to the room. I also recommend healing up at the Pokemon Center and following the steps to come back here. Anyway, to reach the Gym leader from the entrance of the third room: From the entrance, take one step to the right, then up, so you are facing one of the blocks. Slide up and push the block forward. Now go straight back, and then take one step left, and then up, left, down, right, right, and then up. You should now be facing the Gym leader, battle him! LEADER PRYCE (4080P) -SEEL LV 30 (M) 642 EXP -Ability: ???? -Type: Water -Moves: Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Rest [Psycic/Status] Snore [Normal/Special] Hail [Ice/Status] -DEWGONG LV 32 (M) 1206 EXP -Ability: Thick Fat -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Aurora Beam [Ice/Special] Rest [Psychic/Status] Sleep Talk [Normal/Special] Ice Shard [Ice/Physical] -PILOWSWINE LV 34 (M) 1165 EXP -Ability: ???? -Type: Ice/Ground -Moves: Blizzard [Ice/Special] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Mud Bomb [Ground/Special] Hail [Ice/Status] You will get the GLACIER BADGE and TM07 HAIL. Congrats on the Seventh Badge! Just one more to go! Exit by going down left down, then in the next room, down, left, then the first/final room, straight down, right, down, and out. ----------------------------- MAHOGANY TOWN [065] ---------------------------- You will get a call from PROF. ELM. He will talk about the Radio talking about Team Rocket. Well, before we get our next Badge, we have to deal with them first. Heal up, and FLY to GOLDENROD CITY. ***************************** EIGHTH BADGE [CH9] ***************************** This covers everything from the GLACIER BADGE to the final JOHTO BADGE. It contains the TEAM ROCKET event regarding Goldenrod City and the Radio Tower. The Ice Path is also in this section. ---------------------------- GOLDENROD CITY [066] ---------------------------- Back here, you will notice there are more Team Rocket members than there used to be. Talk to some to get an idea of what's going on. Talk to the one near the flower shop in the north side of the city. Now go to the underground, we're going to do something interesting... --------------------- GOLDENROD CITY UNDERGROUND [067] ----------------------- In the underground, head to the north side (the studio), and go in front of the Team Rocket member. It is not a battle, rather, he will give you a Rocket Uniform! With this, head back up into Goldenrod City. You will not be able to leave the city for now! ---------------------------- GOLDENROD CITY [068] ---------------------------- Before we go to the Radio Tower, make an empty space in your party and pick up an EEVEE from BILL if you haven't already. You can also register his phone number from the little girl. It does not matter if you are in Rocket Uniform. You can try talking to people to see their reactions. When you're done, head to the Radio Tower! ------------------------------ RADIO TOWER [069] ----------------------------- 1F: Talk to the Grunt in front of the stairway, and he will move aside. But, you will be interuppted, once again, by your Rival! However, you will not fight him, instead, you will fight the grunt, after your disguise is exposed: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (960P) -RATICATE LV 24 (M) 595 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] -RATICATE LV 24 (M) 595 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] After a few more words from your Rival, you can then proceed upstairs as he leaves it up to you to take care of Team Rocket. 2F: Proceed forward, then take a step down when you can, and get ready for a fight! TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1040P) -ARBOK LV 26 (F) 819 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Acid [Poison/Special] Glare [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Now take a step left and up, then fight the other grunt: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (920P) -RATTATA LV 21 (M) 256 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -RATTATA LV 21 (M) 256 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -RATTATA LV 23 (M) 280 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -RATTATA LV 23 (M) 280 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -RATTATA LV 23 (M) 280 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] Now fight the Grunt who is looking around near the center of the room: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1040P) -ZUBAT LV 26 (M) 300 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -ZUBAT LV 26 (M) 300 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying Lastly, fight the Grunt in the bottom left corner: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1000P) -GRIMER LV 23 (M) 442 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Minimize [Normal/Status] -GRIMER LV 23 (M) 442 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Minimize [Normal/Status] Sludge [Poison/Special] -MUK LV 25 (M) 840 -Type: Poison -Moves: Minimize [Normal/Status] Sludge [Poison/Special] Now, proceed to the next floor! 3F: Lets fight the Grunt at the top first: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (920P) -KOFFING LV 23 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -GRIMER LV 23 (M) 442 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Mud Bomb [Ground/Physical] Minimize [Normal/Status] -RATTATA LV 23 (M) 280 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -ZUBAT LV 23 (M) 265 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying Ignore the stairway next to him for now, and fight the Scientist on the bottom side of the area: SCIENTIST GARETT (864P) -MAGNEMITE LV 27 (X) 514 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Lock-On [Normal/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 27 (X) 514 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Lock-On [Normal/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 27 (X) 256 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Lock-On [Normal/Status] Now fight the Grunt on the right: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1040P) -WEEZING LV 26 (M) 963 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Assurance [Dark/Physical] Sludge [Poison/Special] You will notice a Locked Door. Keep this in mind for now, we need to open it. Go back to the first Grunt in the room, and go up the Stairway to his right. 4F: Head to the bottom right, where the two non-Rocket members are standing, and fight the one Grunt looking through the glass: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (920P) -EKANS LV 21 (F) 279 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] -EKANS LV 21 (F) 279 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Acid [Poison/Physical] -ODDISH LV 23 (F) 384 EXP -Type: Grass -GLOOM LV 24 (F) 678 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Now head back left, and fight the Grunt near the stairway you came up: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (880P) -ZUBAT LV 22 (M) 252 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 24 (M) 879 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -GRIMER LV 22 (M) 423 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] Lastly on this floor, fight the Scientist before going up the stairway: SCIENTIST TRENTON (960P) -PORYGON LV 30 (X) 835 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Charge Beam [Electric/Special] Recover [Psychic/Status] Now, heal up if you wish and come back, or just proceed to the fifth floor. 5F: Speak to the Director...and get ready for a battle! EXECUTIVE PETREL (1200P) -KOFFING LV 30 (M) 732 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Selfdestruct [Normal/Physical] Tackle [Normal/Physical] Sludge [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -WEEZING LV 32 (M) 1185 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Sludge [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Explosion [Normal/Physical] -KOFFING LV 30 (M) 732 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -KOFFING LV 30 (M) 732 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -KOFFING LV 30 (M) 732 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -KOFFING LV 30 (M) 732 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] You will receive the BASEMENT KEY. For now, we have to leave the Radio Tower, so proceed back down and out of the Radio Tower. ---------------------------- GOLDENROD CITY [070] ---------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center, and then head for the Tunnel/Underground. --------------------- GOLDENROD CITY UNDERGROUND [071] ----------------------- 1F: Go down the stairway. B1F: On the south side of the Tunnel, you will see a Kimono Girl. After a brief dialogue, proceed to the end of the hall, where there is a locked door. The \ Basement Key will unlock this! Go inside. There is a stairway, go down. B2F: More Grunts to fight. So, let's fight the first one facing right: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1080P) -RATTATA LV 27 (M) 328 EXP -Type: Normal Go left and fight the next Grunt facing downward...but you will be interrupted, yet again, by your Rival... but this time...he wants to battle! Get ready! (Be sure to look for which starter you chose below!) RIVAL (2176P) -GOLBAT LV 32 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Bite [Dark/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -HAUNTER LV 30 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Shadow Ball {Ghost/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 28 (X) ## EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Spark [Electric/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] -SNEASEL LV 32 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Fury Swipes [Normal/Physical] -QUILAVA LV 32 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Swift [Normal/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Flame Wheel [Fire/Physical] RIVAL (2048P) -GOLBAT LV 30 (M) 1098 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Bite [Dark/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -HAUNTER LV 30 (M) 810 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Shadow Ball {Ghost/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 28 (X) ## EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Spark [Electric/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] -SNEASEL LV 32 (M) 904 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Fury Swipes [Normal/Physical] -FERALIGATR LV 32 (M) 1440 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Water Gun [Water/Special] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Thrash [Normal/Physical] RIVAL (2176P) -GOLBAT LV 32 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Bite [Dark/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -HAUNTER LV 30 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Shadow Ball {Ghost/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 28 (X) ## EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Spark [Electric/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] -SNEASEL LV 32 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Fury Swipes [Normal/Physical] -MEGANIUM LV 32 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: Reflect [Normal/Status] Petal Dance [Grass/Special] PoisonPowder [Poison/Status] Synthesis [Grass/Status] Afterward, he will run away again. Heal up back at the Pokemon Center if you need to, then come back here. Now, go fight the Grunt who is facing downward: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1000P) -MUK LV 23 (M) 772 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] -KOFFING LV 23 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Poison -RATTATA LV 25 (M) 304 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Hyper Fang [Normal/Physical] Go left from him and pick up the FULL HEAL. Now go down, don't worry about the switches right now. Go down over the red tiles, then turn left on the green ones. Now fight the man standing above the next set of red tiles: BURGLAR DUNCAN (368P) -KOFFING LV 23 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -KOFFING LV 23 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Assurance [Dark/Physical] -MAGMAR LV 25 (M) 894 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Fire Spin [Fire/Special] Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] From him, go left and pick up the SMOKE BALL. Now go up and fight the next Burglar: BURGLAR ORSON (384P) -GROWLITHE LV 26 (M) 507 EXP -Type: Fire -KOFFING LV 24 (M) 585 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] Now, go up and fight the Grunt: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (960P) -KOFFING LV 24 (M) 585 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Assurance [Dark/Physical] SelfDestruct [Normal/Physical] -MUK LV 24 (M) 807 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] Minmize [Normal/Status] After him, head back to the center room, which has a Blue, Green, and Red switch. Press them in this order: Blue, Red, Green. That should open the doors we need, go down then right, and fight the Grunt near the exit to the room: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1000P) -GLOOM LV 25 (F) 706 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Mega Drain [Grass/Special] -GLOOM LV 25 (F) 706 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Mega Drain [Grass/Special] Note, the purple button next to her opens the door if you want to leave quicker. After her, enter the door next to the Grunt. In this room, it's mostly a winding path with a few Grunts. So, go up the path, making sure you grab the ULTRA BALL on the left side of the boxes. Keep going, and you will run into: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (960P) -RATICATE LV 24 (M) 595 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 24 (M) 879 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Continue down the hall, and pick up the next item, it's a MAX ETHER. Now go up and fight the moving Grunt: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (920P) -GRIMER LV 26 (M) 501 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] -WEEZING LV 23 (M) 852 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Smog [Poison/Special] Now, ignore the stairway for now, and fight the final Grunt: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1000P) -KOFFING LV 25 (M) 610 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -KOFFING LV 25 (M) 610 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] Now, go down and you will see the *real* Director. But first, grab the item, it's TM82 SLEEP TALK. Now talk to the Director. You will get the CARD KEY! When he's done talking, leave using the nearby stairway. B1F: Grab the item, it's the AMULET COIN! A very useful item, that will increase your income. Keep in mind I will still give the normal rewards when presenting Trainers. Take the elevator back to the 1F of the Department Store, and leave. ---------------------------- GOLDENROD CITY [072] ---------------------------- Heal up, as there are several big fights about to happen. When you're ready, head to the Radio Tower. ------------------------------ RADIO TOWER [073] ----------------------------- 1F: Proceed up to the third floor. 3F: When here, ignore the stairway and head for the locked door in the bottom right, and then open it with the CARD KEY. Now, fight the Grunt: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1040P) -RATICATE LV 24 (M) 595 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -KOFFING LV 26 (M) 634 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Assurance [Dark/Physical] Now, go up this stairway to the fourth floor. 4F: You will see an item and Executive Proton. Get ready to fight him: EXECUTIVE PROTON (1320P) -GOLBAT LV 28 (M) 1026 EXP -Ability; Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Leech Life [Bug/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -WEEZING LV 33 (M) 1222 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] Double Hit [Normal/Physical] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Smog [Poison/Special] Pick up the item, it's an ULTRA BALL. Heal if he wounded your team badly, then come back here. Now, go up to the fifth floor. 5F: You will see Executive Ariana. Battle her! EXECUTIVE ARIANA (2560P) -ARBOK LV 32 (F) 1008 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Poison -Moves: Glare [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Wrap [Normal/Physical] Poison Sting [Poison/Physical] -VILEPLUME LV 32 (F) 1261 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Sweet Scent [Normal/Status] Mega Drain [Grass/Special] Acid [Poison/Special] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] -MURKROW LV 32 (F) 733 EXP -Ability: Super Luck -Type: Dark/Flying -Moves: Night Shade [Ghost/Special] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Pursuit [Dark/Physical] Once again, if she hurt your team, then go back to the Pokemon Center and heal up. Go to the Elevator when you're done, and get ready for the final fight in this Radio Tower. 6F/Observation Deck: EXECUTIVE ARCHER (3040P) -HOUNDOUR LV 35 (M) 855 EXP -Ability: Early Bird -Type: Dark/Fire -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Roar [Normal/Status] -KOFFING LV 35 (M) 855 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] Haze [Ice/Status] -HOUNDOOM LV 38 (M) 1660 EXP -Ability: Early Bird -Type: Dark/Fire -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] Smog [Poison/Special] After this, Team Rocket will disappear! The Director comes up to congratulate you, and gives you a RAINBOW WING [HeartGold] or a SILVER WING [SoulSilver], which are needed to get HO-OH and LUGIA respectively! However, we can't get them just yet. Let's go get some rewards before leaving. Go down to 3F, and talk to the girl who was in front of the locked door, you will get TM11 SUNNY DAY. Now go up to 4F from the stairway that is not behind the locked door, and speak to Mary (pink haired girl in bottom right), and you will get the BRIGHTPOWDER. It may vary. Now, leave the Radio Tower. Time to go after that final Johto Badge! ---------------------------- GOLDENROD CITY [074] ---------------------------- Heal up, and then FLY to MAHOGANY TOWN. ----------------------------- MAHOGANY TOWN [075] ---------------------------- From here, exit east, you will reach Route 044! ------------------------------- ROUTE 44 [076] ------------------------------- Grab the RED APRICORN, then fight the nearby Psychic: PSYCHIC PHIL (928P) -NATU LV 27 (M) 421 EXP -Type: Psychic/Flying -KADABRA LV 29 (M) 900 EXP -Type: Psychic Go right from him and pick up the MAX REPEL. Now go down the road and you will run into a dock, with a Fisherman on it. Speak to him: FISHERMAN EDGAR (896P) -REMORAID LV 28 (M) 468 EXP -Type: Water -REMORAID LV 28 (M) 468 EXP -Type: Water Keep going right from him, and you will run into: ACE TRAINER CYBIL (1740P) -MAREEP LV 29 (F) 366 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Cotton Spore [Normal/Status] -BELLOSSOM LV 29 (F) 1143 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Magical Leaf [Grass/Special] From her, keep going right, and you will run into: ACE TRAINER ALLEN (1740P) -CHARMELEON LV 29 (M) 882 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Ember [Fire/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 29 (X) 552 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Spark [Electric/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Before we go out of this route, which we do by going down the right path, we will clear up the rest of the Trainers here. If you don't want to, just skip down to the next section. To clear Trainers, go north from Ace Trainer Allen, you will see a Trainer next to an item. Pick up the item, it's am ULTRA BALL. Now battle the Trainer: POKE MANIAC ZACH (1920P) -RHYHORN LV 30 (M) 866 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] Now go slightly left and fight the Fisherman: FISHERMAN WILTON (896P) PokeGear -GOLDEEN LV 26 (M) 618 EXP -Type: Water -GOLDEEN LV 26 (M) 618 EXP -Type: Water -SEAKING LV 28 (M) 1020 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Flail [Water/Physical] Now head back to where Ace Trainer Allen was, and head right. You will see a long stairway going up. Go up, and face the final Trainer in this Route: BIRD KEEPER VANCE (896P) PokeGear -HOOTHOOT LV 28 (M) 348 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEOTTO LV 28 (M) 678 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Twister [Dragon/Physical] Now, head into the Cave entrance. This is the ICE PATH. There are no Trainers inside, just some Ice Puzzles. Be sure you have a Pokemon that has STRENGTH and one with ROCK SMASH with you. -------------------------------- ICE PATH [077] ------------------------------ 1F: There are Wild Pokemon, several Ice Puzzles, and a Strength Puzzle. For the Puzzles, just follow what I say step-by-step. If you mess up, leave and re- enter the room to reset everything. The first ice sheet in front of you is no puzzle. Simply slide your way over to the path by going right and up, right and up. Follow the linear path until you come to a large sheet of ice. This is the first puzzle. There is only one way onto the ice, so follow these movements exactly from that location. Up, left, up, left, down, left, up, right. You should now be on the other side. Now go forward to another sheet of ice, (past the stairway), and once again it only has one way in. Follow these steps once again: Right, down, left, up, left, down, left, up, right. Pick up the item, it's HM07 WATERFALL. Now, to get back: Left, down, left. Now go up the stairway, and the man there will stop you as you pass him. He will not fight, just talk a little about the HM you picked up. Now continue to the end of the path where there is a ladder, going down. B1F: You have to be very particular with steps down here. I advise a repel so you are not interuppted by wild Pokemon, but you can also just walk instead of run to make them appear less. Okay, for this part, I will give a step by step again. Stand below the first boulder (the boulder positioned farthest left), and follow these instructions: Use STRENGTH. Push the boulder UP 4 times. Leave it for now. Next, go down to the second boulder (that was to the right of this one you just pushed.) Push it RIGHT 1 time, DOWN 2 times, LEFT 5 times, DOWN 1 time, RIGHT 1 time. It should fall down. Go down and to the far right, and there should be a lone boulder all the way to the right of the room. Follow these steps: Push it LEFT 1 time, DOWN 5 times, RIGHT 1 time, DOWN 3 times, UP 1 time, LEFT 4 times. It should fall down. Go up from this hole, there should be another boulder. Push it UP 2 times, RIGHT 2 times, UP 3 times, LEFT 2 times. It should fall down. Now go back to the first boulder we left behind. Just go left from this hole that you dropped the boulder into. Push it RIGHT 1 time, and DOWN 1 time. It should fall down. Now jump down the same hole you just pushed the boulder into. B2F: Slide left from your position, and pick up the MAX POTION. Now slide your way to the ladder at the top right of the room to go back to B1F. B1F: Back here, fall down the hole closest to you (and the ladder.) B2F: Now slide down, left, up, and right. Pick up the FULL HEAL. Now go down the ladder. B3F: Go right, and use ROCK SMASH to get the NEVERMELTICE. Hop the ledge on the right and get to the ladder. B2F: Go left and down, you will see another sheet of ice. However, don't go on it yet. Instead, hug the wall and go up the stairs, follow the path to the second set of stairs. So you will now be at the top right of the ice sheet. From the wall, stand on the fourth square to the left (second from the right). Slide down, then right. Pick up TM72 AVALANCHE. Now slide left, and up. Go up the ladder. B1F: Follow the path to another sheet of ice. See the boulder? Use STRENGTH, and push it DOWN 1 time. Now head to the right side of the ice sheet, so you are standing one step above the bottom wall of the area (Meaning you are at the bottom right of the ice sheet, facing left.) Slide left, up, left, down. Pick up the IRON. Then go up, right, and up, to get off the sheet. Now go to the ladder, and go up. 1F: Get the PROTEIN up the stairs. Now go down, and there is a final ice sheet. There is also a Kimono Girl...so let's talk to her. Standing on the right square (two squares facing the ice sheet, stand on the second one with the obstacle in front of it), slide: Down, left, down, right. Then face down and speak to the Kimono Girl. If you want to leave, then just slide down. But, let's get that item. So slide up, left, down, left, down, right, up, left, up, to get back to the starting location. Now, again, on the right of the two entrance squares, go: Down, left, down, left, up, right, down, right, then down. Get the PP UP. To leave, from the PP Up, go up, right, up, left, down, right, down. And there's the exit. We're done with the ICE PATH! ----------------------------- BLACKTHORN CITY [078] -------------------------- Blackthorn City is pretty small. Heal up at the Pokemon Center. The MOVE DELETER is in this city, which may be useful if there is an HM move you've been wanting to get rid of. There is a Pokemon trade, a DRAGONAIR (female) for a DODRIO, in the top right house. After you visit everything in the city, go to the GYM, which is in the top left part, with a body of water behind it. -------------------------- BLACKTHORN CITY GYM [079] ------------------------- Go forward, and you will get some tips, and your Pokemon will have to stay in it's Pokeball. Ice Pokemon, or other Dragon Pokemon, will work well in this Gym. It may be tough, but it's not impossible. Once again, there are small puzzles, involving the floor shape and movement. I will provide a step-by-step. It will be nice to save before each platform, in case you mess up the order, as it's hard to re-align it. It would be quicker to just load game. There are teleporters that will take you back to the entrance if needed. So, on the first one: Press the LEFT ARROW, BLUE CIRCLE, BLUE CIRCLE, RIGHT ARROW. Then, go forward and fight: ACE TRAINER PAULO (2100P) -DRATINI LV 35 (M) 502 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] -DRATINI LV 35 (M) 502 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] -SEADRA LV 35 (M) 1162 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] Brine [Water/Special] Then go forward and fight the other Trainer in this section: ACE TRAINER LOLA (2220P) -DRATINI LV 35 (F) 502 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Dragon Rush [Dragon/Physical] -DRAGONAIR LV 37 (F) 1141 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Dragon Rage [Dragon/Special] Next moving platform; follow these steps: UP ARROW, BLUE CIRCLE, BLUE CIRCLE, UP ARROW, BLUE CIRCLE, RIGHT ARROW, BLUE CIRCLE, DOWN ARROW, BLUE CIRCLE, BLUE CIRCLE, BLUE CIRCLE, RIGHT ARROW. Now, fight the first Trainer off the platform: ACE TRAINER CODY (1728P) -HORSEA LV 35 (M) 622 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Twister [Dragon/Physical] Brine [Water/Special] -SEADRA LV 37 (M) 1128 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Twister [Dragon/Physical] Brine [Water/Special] From him, go up and fight: ACE TRAINER FRAN (2280P) -SEADRA LV 38 (F) 1261 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] Twister [Dragon/Special] From her, you can take the teleporter if you need to heal. If not, go and fight: ACE TRAINER MIKE (2280P) -DRAGONAIR LV 38 (M) 1171 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Dragon Rage [Dragon/Special] Now for the third and final platform: LEFT ARROW, BLUE CIRCLE, BLUE CIRCLE, RIGHT ARROW, BLUE CIRCLE, UP ARROW, UP ARROW, UP ARROW, BLUE CIRCLE, RIGHT ARROW, BLUE CIRCLE, UP ARROW, UP ARROW. You should be able to challenge the Gym Leader, now. But if you need to heal, take the teleporter, and then go heal up, and follow the steps to come back. Talk to her, begin the fight! LEADER CLAIR (4920P) -GYARADOS LV 38 (F) 1741 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Dragon Rage [Dragon/Special] Twister [Dragon/Special] Bite [Dark/Physical] Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] -DRAGONAIR LV 38 (F) 1171 EXP -Ability: Shed Skin -Type: Dragon -Moves: Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Slam [Normal/Physical] Fire Blast [Fire/Special] -DRAGONAIR LV 38 (F) 1171 EXP -Ability: Shed Skin -Type: Water/Dragon -Moves: Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Slam [Normal/Physical] Aqua Tail [Water/Physical] -KINGDRA LV 41 (F) 1818 EXP -Ability: Sniper -Type: Water/Dragon -Moves: Hydro Pump [Water/Special] Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Be wary of the two Hyper Potions she will use when you lower the health of her Pokemon. After you defeat her...you don't get the badge. Instead, she wants you to take a challenge. It's not as bad as it sounds, and you get a nice reward, so let's go! ----------------------------- BLACKTHORN CITY [080] -------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center. You will need a Pokemon with SURF and WHIRLPOOL. If you can, free a space in your party. If not, don't worry about it right now. When you got what you need, go to the Gym, and SURF behind it, going up, and you will see a Cave Entrance. Enter it. ------------------------------ DRAGON'S DEN [081] ---------------------------- 1F: Go forward, and down the ladder. B1F: Go forward and fight: ACE TRAINER KOBE (2220P) -DRAGONAIR LV 37 (M) 1141 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Thunder [Electric/Special] You will reach a dock. Start surfing, and SURF left. Keep going, until you see a lone Ace Trainer. Go and battle her: ACE TRAINER PIPER (2100P) -HORSEA LV 33 (F) 586 EXP -Type: Water -HORSEA LV 33 (F) 586 EXP -Type: Water -SEADRA LV 35 (F) 1162 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Agility [Normal/Status] Waterfall [Water/Physical] Now SURF south and west, and you will see Twins. Battle them! TWINS CLEA & GIL (1120P) -DRATINI LV 35 (F) 500 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] -DRATINI LV 35 (F) 500 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Now pick up the MAX ELIXIR below them. Now SURF, and use WHIRLPOOL on the whirlpool to the right. Cross it, then enter the structure there. It will automatically take you into a scene where the master speaks to you. Answer the questions in this order: 1 - Friend 2 - Strategy 3 - Anyone 4 - Love 5 - Both When everything is answered, you will get the Rising Badge. But, no TM... Well, SURF back to the entrance, and on your way out, Clair will talk to you, and give you TM59 DRAGON PULSE. Leave the place, back to Blackthorn. ----------------------------- BLACKTHORN CITY [082] -------------------------- You will get a call from PROF. ELM, saying he has something for you. You can FLY if you want, but I would advise you just take the Routes south of BLACKTHORN CITY. There are some Pokemon you can get there as well as a lot of Trainers to battle. Whatever you do is fine. I will likely skip over the two Routes and include them later for convenience. **************************** POKEMON LEAGUE [CH10] *************************** This section goes all the way up to defeating the ELITE FOUR and becoming Champion. It includes the capturing of Ho-Oh and Lugia in HeartGold and SoulSilver respectively. ------------------------------- ROUTE 45 [083] ------------------------------- There are three ways to go on this path. I'll start by going left. Then the middle, then the right side. Left Path: The Left path refers to taking the first bridge left upon entering the Route, and hugging the left wall as you go downward. Go past the DARK CAVE entrance, and go into the patch of grass. Pick up the ELIXIR at the end of the grass, then go down the stairs and hop the ledge. Hop the ledge again, and you will run into: HIKER PARRY (960P) PokeGear -ONIX LV 30 (M) 693 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock Go down from him, hop another ledge. Hop another ledge into the grass patch, and there is a FULL HEAL. Go down from there, and hop another ledge. Grab the NUGGET. Hop again, into another field. At the bottom of that field, is yet another ledge. Hop it. Grab the REVIVE, keep going southward. You will eventually go down a stairway. There is a boy there you can talk to. Go down more, and hop another ledge. Go left down the stairway to reach ROUTE 46. Right Path: The Right path refers to skipping the first bridge on the left, hopping the first ledge, then going down the right stairway. You will face: ACE TRAINER RYAN (1620P) -PIDGEOT LV 25 (M) 921 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -ELECTABUZZ LV 27 (M) 901 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Light Screen [Normal/Status] You will then go down, and it converges with the center path. Center Path: The center path refers to when you enter Route 45, and go downward past the first bridge, then before the second bridge, you hop the ledges in the center, not on the right (to the left of the patch of grass, basically.) Hop two ledges, and you will run into: HIKER ERIK (864P) -MACHOP LV 24 (M) 385 EXP -Type: Fighting -GRAVELER LV 27 (M) 774 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -MACHOP LV 27 (M) 433 EXP -Type: Fighting Go south from him, hopping a ledge and entering a grassfield. Keep going down, you will go down some stairs. Skip the bridge to your left, keep going down. Hop the ledge, and grab the MAX POTION to the right. The right path converges with the center path here. Go down and fight: ACE TRAINER KELLY (1440P) -MARILL LV 27 (F) 334 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Ring [Water/Status] Rollout [Rock/Physical] -WARTORTLE LV 24 (M) 735 EXP -Type: Water -WARTORTLE LV 24 (M) 735 EXP -Type: Water Ignore the bridge to the left, and hop the ledges on the right. You will run into: BLACK BELT KENJI (672P) PokeGear -MACHOKE LV 28 (M) 876 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Foresight [Normal/Status] Seismic Toss [Fighting/Physical] Hop off, and go down. There is another split, where the right path continues. Take the right path, as you can battle the same trainer in the center path. If you don't want to battle them, just hop down the center ledges. If you went right, you will run into: HIKER MICHAEL (800P) -GEODUDE LV 25 (M) 390 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GRAVELER LV 25 (M) 717 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GOLEM LV 25 (M) 948 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock Hop the ledge below, and then go left and fight the other Hiker, who you would have fought having gone down the center: HIKER TIMOTHY (864P) -DIGLETT LV 27 (M) 468 EXP -Type: Ground -DUGTRIO LV 27 (M) 885 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Sand-Attack [Normal/Status] Go down, hop a ledge, keep going, down a stairway, and you will reach a small pool of water. Grab the GRN APRICORN in the bottom right. Hop the ledge, and then go left across the bridge. Go left and down the stairway. ------------------------------- ROUTE 46 [084] ------------------------------- No matter which path you took above, you will reach here. Go left past the cave entrance, and take the small path between the trees, at the end is a YLW and GRN APRICORN. Grab them. Now go back through the path, then go south, hopping the ledge. You can hop two ways here, left and down: If you go left: You will run into: (It is possible to have a double battle with the two trainers if standing between them.) CAMPER TED (272P) -MANKEY LV 17 (M) 268 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] After him, there is: PICNICKER ERIN (224P) PokeGear -PONYTA LV 17 (F) 553 EXP -Type: Fire -ODDISH LV 14 (F) 234 EXP -Type: Grass If you've been following this guide, their levels are very low in comparison because this is assuming you came out of the DARK CAVE, which I left as a sidequest to explore. Anyway, grab the X SPEED to the left, then go down, hopping the ledge, and out into the lower Route. If you go down: Go forward and fight: HIKER BAILEY (832P) -GEODUDE LV 13 (M) 202 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GEODUDE LV 13 (M) 202 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GEODUDE LV 13 (M) 202 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GEODUDE LV 13 (M) 202 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GEODUDE LV 13 (M) 202 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock Then hop the ledge. You can now FLY to NEW BARK TOWN, or walk there, as it's within walking distance. I'll assume you're using FLY, though. ---------------------------- NEW BARK TOWN [085] ----------------------------- Head to PROFESSOR ELM's LAB. Inside, you will meet ETHAN/LYRA, and PROFESSOR ELM. They will talk a little, and you will receive the MASTER BALL! Then ELM tells you the Kimono Girls were looking for you. Well, they won't let us go to the League without visiting them first, so exit the lab and FLY to ECRUTEAK CITY. ----------------------------- ECRUTEAK CITY [086] ---------------------------- Heal up your Pokemon, as the next fight is considered to be pretty challenging if not prepared. When ready, head to ECRUTEAK DANCE THEATER. BUMP. Rival again! No battle, though. He will pout a bit on his loss, then run away. Now enter the Theater. ------------------------ ECRUTEAK DANCE THEATER [087] ------------------------ Inside, you head up to the platform with the five girls on it. There will be some talking, and then if you don't feel prepared, say NO. The way this works is that all five will fight you with no breaks, so be prepared. The order is PSYCHIC, DARK, FIRE, ELECTRIC, and WATER. So prepare a Pokemon in that possible order to counter if you wish. When ready, speak to them and say YES to begin! KIMONO GIRL ZUKI (4560P) -UMBREON LV 38 (M) 1603 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Dark -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] KIMONO GIRL NAOKO (4560P) -ESPEON LV 38 (M) 1603 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] KIMONO GIRL MIKI (4560P) -FLAREON LV 38 (M) 1611 EXP -Ability: Flash Fire -Type: Fire -Moves: Fire Blast [Fire/Special] Will-o-Wisp [Fire/Status] KIMONO GIRL SAYO (4560P) -JOLTEON LV 38 (M) 1603 EXP -Ability: Volt Absorb -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Double Team [Normal/Status] Thunder Wave [Electic/Status] Last Resort [Normal/Physical] KIMONO GIRL KUNI (4560P) -VAPOREON LV 38 1596 EXP -Ability: Water Absorb -Type: Water -Moves: Surf [Water/Special] Aurora Beam [Ice/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Last Resort [Normal/Physical] After all that, you will receive the CLEAR BELL [HEARTGOLD], or the TIDAL BELL [SOULSILVER]. They will leave. Exit the Theater yourself. ----------------------------- ECRUTEAK CITY [088] ---------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center. Stock up on Revives/Balls if you wish. Okay, the guide will have to split here. If you are playing HEARTGOLD version, then read the next sections: [089A], [090A], and [091A]. If you are playing SOULSILVER version, then read the sections [089B], [090B] and [091B]. Both will come back together at [092]. HeartGold players, go to the BARRIER STATION at the north side of the city! SoulSilver players, FLY to CIANWOOD CITY! ---------------------------- BARRIER STATION [089A] -------------------------- In here, head right and talk to the man blocking the passage way to the stairway. He will move, and then go down. Follow the corridor to the end. Go up the stairs. ---------------------------- BELLCHIME TRAIL [090A] -------------------------- The path is linear. Follow it all the way to the end, and there stands the tower. Enter! ------------------------------ BELL TOWER [091A] ----------------------------- 1F: Go left and up, toward a man standing next to a ladder. He will interrupt, and will then let you through. Go up the ladder. 2F: Another straightforward floor, go down and there is a ladder at the bottom. Go up. 3F: On this floor, you will notice ramps on the sides. You can only cross over one-way. So first, go to the ramp to the left of you, facing left. Hop across and get the FULL HEAL. Now hop back using the ramp above that. Now go right and hop across that ramp. Go up, and hop left across two ramps. Make your way around the central pillar, and hop across two more ramps. Go up, and hop across three ramps going to the right. You can't see the ramp with the pillar in the way, go all the way up, touching the wall, then go down one step, and then head right and you will hop across a ramp. Now go down and hop across two more ramps. Go up the ladder. 4F: There...are a lot of ramps in this room. I will just name the directions you should hop to avoid confusion. First, hop down, left, down, left, down, down, and grab the item to the right, it's an ULTRA BALL. Now go right, down, left, down, down. You should be on a platform with an item and a ladder. Grab the PP UP. This ladder serves no purpose, so ignore it. Go left, left, then up the platform. Now, hop left, left, left, down, right, right, down, left, left, down, left, left. You should be at the bottom left of the room, with another platform with an item and a ladder. Grab the ESCAPE ROPE. This ladder, like the last one, is also a "return ladder." So ignore it for now. Go up this platform, and hop right twice. Go up again, and hop left twice. There is another ladder. Go up this one. 5F: If you want a RARE CANDY, then follow the directions below. It will cause you to go down a floor and come back around, however. If you want to skip it, then ignore the paragraph below. Hop right twice, go all the way to the right side, then down a bit. Hop left across twice, then down twice. You should be at the center of the room, grab the RARE CANDY. Now hop right, then down, and go down the ladder. On the fourth floor, follow the instructions from the bottom right ladder (the one that serves no purpose) and make it back to the fifth floor. Ignoring the RARE CANDY, or if you picked it up; follow below: Hop right twice (from the starting ladder), then take the first hop down. Go left, then hop left once, then down once. Take the left path, hopping down twice. Then, take the right path, hopping downward four times. Go up this ladder. 6F: Go forward and pick up the MAX POTION. Then go right across a bridge, and up. Ignore the first of the two bridges, and take the top one. Cross it, and grab the FULL HEAL. Now hop down twice and go up the ladder. 7F: Woohoo, Warp Panels. These yellow squares warp you to a corresponding square elsewhere. Well, here's a brief side trip for you to take. Take the first warp panel you see, going up from the ladder. Take the only other warp panel on this platform. Now go down.Hop in this order: (First) Left, left, left, down, left, left, and left. Warp at this panel. Hop left, grab the NUGGET, hop right, warp. Now hop left, down, down, right, right, and right. Warp at this panel. Grab the MAX ELIXIR. Warp on the panel you came from. Now take four hops right. Go up and warp at the only other panel. Then warp at the only other panel here. We should be back where we started. Hop right five times, grab the MAX REVIVE. Hop down five times. Head left, and take remaining Warp panel. 8F: Head down across the bridge, take the first warp panel. Grab the HP UP. Go to the panel at the end of the area. Warp. Head up across the bridge. Ignore the panel for a second, cross the bridge going left, grab the FULL RESTORE. Now head back across the bridge and take the first warp panel you see. Take this ladder you see, the only other thing on the platform. 9F: Just one other ladder here. Go up! 10F: Finally, the top! Go up, and a brief scene will commence involving the Kimono Girls. HO-OH will appear! You will have time to save after Zuki is done talking. Once she is, save, and speak to HO-OH to begin the battle! HO-OH LV 45 (X) 1414 EXP -Ability: Pressure -Type: Fire/Flying -Moves: Fire Blast [Fire/Special] Extrasensory [Psychic/Special] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] Sacred Fire [Fire/Physical] You can try and endure it, throwing balls at it often, weakining it both in HP and status, etc. Or you can throw a MASTER BALL at it and get it over with. Alternately, you can KO it, and you will get another chance later down the line. I advise you capture it now, though. Whatever you choose, after you defeat/capture it, FLY to NEW BARK TOWN. You're done here! ---------------------------- CIANWOOD CITY [089B] ---------------------------- You will need a Pokemon with SURF and WHIRLPOOL. FLASH is also very helpful, as the cave is dark. While you could attempt to navigate it, it is much easier to illuminate the cave. Go to the northern part of the city, face east, and SURF. We are aiming to enter the WHIRL ISLANDS from the NORTHEAST (Top RIGHT) side. So we are looking for the WHIRLPOOL closest to OLIVINE CITY. ------------------------------- ROUTE 41 [090B] ------------------------------- Basically, if you SURF from north CIANWOOD, skip the first WHIRLPOOL you see, keep going right, then down, and it will be that one. Once you cross over it, make your way into the entrance. ---------------------------- WHIRL ISLANDS [091B] ---------------------------- 1F: Use FLASH to illuminate the cave. Now proceed forward and hop off the ledge. The path splits in two, take the upper path, hop the ledge, go up, and go down the ladder at the end of the passageway. B1F: Go down, and follow the linear path until you reach a ladder, go down this ladder. B2F: Grab the MAX REVIVE to your left, then go down, and take the right path down. You will see a man standing there. Speak to him! He moves aside, now go down the series of ramps, ignoring the tunnel. There is a cave entrance at the bottom of all the ramps. Enter it. WATERFALL BASIN: You will enter to see a scene with the Kimono Girls, they will briefly talk, then begin a ceremony. LUGIA will appear! Don't worry if you didn't save, you won't battle right away. After she's done talking, I advise you save, and get ready to battle LUGIA. Go up to the water, SURF, head to the LUGIA, and press A to begin the battle! LUGIA LV 45 (X) 1413 EXP -Ability: Pressure -Type: Psychic/Flying -Moves: Rain Dance [Water/Status] Hydro Pump [Water/Special] Aeroblast [Flying/Special] Extrasensory [Psychic/Special] You can capture or KO it, you will get another chance after the Elite Four to capture it if you want. You can either throw the MASTER BALL and get it over with, or you can weaken it, give it a status ailment, and keep trying to use conventional balls to capture it. Either way, capture or defeat, you're done here. Either use an ESCAPE ROPE, or backtrack out the same way we came in. Then FLY to NEW BARK TOWN! ---------------------------- NEW BARK TOWN [092] ----------------------------- Note that you will not be able to heal for awhile in this next part. You will be able to FLY back, but I advise you heal up and buy recovery items from other stores. When you're ready: There is a body of water right next to your home. Face east, and SURF. ------------------------------- ROUTE 27 [093] ------------------------------- SURF east until you see a place you can get off. Take a few steps to the right, and a man will welcome you to KANTO. There is a cave near him, enter it. ------------------------------ TOHJO FALLS [094] ----------------------------- This is a very straightforward cave. SURF up, and use WATERFALL to go up the waterfall. Now make your way down the linear path of water, then go down the second waterfall. Let's get an item quickly, so instead of SURFing to the exit, SURF to the right, and you will see a stairway. Go there. On the stairway, run all the way to the end, and grab the MOON STONE. Now go back, SURF, and go to the exit to the cave. ------------------------------- ROUTE 27 [095] ------------------------------- Back out of the cave, you can try and avoid the Trainer, or just fight them: ACE TRAINER MEGAN (1920P) -BULBASAUR LV 32 (M) 438 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Status] -IVYSAUR LV 32 (M) 966 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Status] -VENUSAUR LV 32 (M) 1425 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Petal Dance [Grass/Physical] After her, if you go inside the house, and you have a Pokemon with a high happiness level, the lady will give you TM37 SANDSTORM. Now leave the house, and go behind the Ace Trainer, and SURF east. You can either arrive at the grass patches in the north, or go more east and land next to another Ace Trainer. Battle him! ACE TRAINER BLAKE (1860P) -MAGNETON LV 33 (X) 1136 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -QUAGSIRE LV 31 (M) 909 EXP -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Yawn [Normal/Status] Water Gun [Water/Special] -EXEGGCUTE LV 31 (M) 651 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Status] Now go east, and you will reach some docks. Battle the Trainer who is going back and forth: ACE TRAINER BRIAN (2100P) -MAREEP LV 35 (M) 442 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Signal Beam [Bug/Special] Cotton Spore [Grass/Status] Keep going east, and then you will reach a set of stairs. Go up, take the next flight and the flight after (past the grass patches), then head right, and down two sets of stairs. Grab the DESTINY KNOT on the left, then descend the last set of stairs, and battle the Psychic standing there: PSYCHIC ELI (1088P) -STARMIE LV 30 (X) 1330 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Swift [Normal/Special] -GIRAFARIG LV 34 (M) 1084 EXP -Type: Normal/Psychic -Moves: Psybeam [Psychic/Special] -EXEGGCUTE LV 30 (M) 630 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Now go down and east across the dock, fight the Ace Trainer: ACE TRAINER REENA (2160P) PokeGear -GROWLITHE LV 36 (M) 702 EXP -Type: Fire -STARYU LV 36 (X) 817 EXP -Type: water -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] -NIDORINA LV 33 (F) 826 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Go east and up a stairway, and keep running. Eventually you will enter Route 26! ------------------------------- ROUTE 26 [096] ------------------------------- Keep going forward and you will run into: FISHERMAN SCOTT (1088P) -QWILFISH LV 30 (M) 642 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Rollout [Rock/Physical] -SEAKING LV 34 (M) 1237 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] -QWILFISH LV 30 (M) 642 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Stockpile [Normal/Status] After ruining his day, go north and you will run into patches of grass. Go up through the patches, and you will eventually run into: PSYCHIC VERNON (1152P) -ESPEON LV 36 (M) 1519 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psybeam [Psychic/Special] Ignore the left path, and take the north one instead. Keep going north, and you will see a house. Finally, a place to heal. Enter it, heal up. You can use this as your Pokemon Center of the Route. Go outside, and fight the Ace Trainer on the left side of the house: ACE TRAINER JOYCE (2160P) -PIKACHU LV 36 (F) 631 EXP -Type: Electric -BLASTOISE LV 36 (M) 1620 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Tail [Water/Physical] Surf [Water/Special] Grab the BLU APRICORN, then go up the stairs. Keep going north, and ignore the long stairway on the left, as that's for a quick way back. Go right instead, and down the road, you will eventually fight: ACE TRAINER GAVEN (1920P) PokeGear -VICTREEBEL LV 32 (M) 1309 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Toxic [Poison/Special] -KINGLER LV 32 (M) 1411 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Protect [Normal/Status] Stomp [Normal/Physical] -FLAREON LV 32 (M) 1357 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] From him, go up and left, up the stairs, and you will run into: ACE TRAINER JAKE (1980P) -PARASECT LV 33 (M) 904 EXP -Type: Bug/Grass -GOLDUCK LV 35 (M) 1305 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Water Pulse [Water/Special] -VAPOREON LV 33 (M) 1386 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Surf [Water/Special] Lastly, continue down the linear path, and you will face a final trainer in this Route: ACE TRAINER JAMIE (1860P) PokeGear -RAPIDASH LV 36 (F) 1480 EXP -Type: Fire -FLAFFY LV 31 (F) 777 EXP -Type: Electric Now enter the building at the top. This is the Reception Gate. Go forward, and go through the security guard. He will let you in after seeing all Eight badges. You will notice two more guards. The left goes to MT. SILVER, which we cannot access right now. The right goes to VIRIDIAN CITY, but the road is blocked, so, only one way to go. Forward. Victory Road is beyond the gate. You can FLY back to the reception gate, so if you need more preparations, then do so now. There are no Trainers in Victory Road, except the very end, where you will fight your RIVAL. You will need a Pokemon with STRENGTH, and while it is not a requirement, ROCK SMASH would be nice if you will be using the DOWSING MCHN to find hidden items. When you are ready, enter VICTORY ROAD. ----------------------------- VICTORY ROAD [097] ----------------------------- 1F: Head forward, and use STRENGTH to push the boulder upward. When the path is clear, go left, and keep going until you go down a stair way. You can find some nice things with the DOWSING MACHINE, so I advise you keep using it. Go up, then right, following the path, as it's the only way you can go. (The north path is covered with a ledge.) Keep going right, and grab the POTION. Go left up the long stairway, and then north over the wood bridge. At the end of the bridge, go left, then down the stairway. Go right, and grab the FULL HEAL. Now go left, until you reach a fork with a path going north, and one going south. Let's go north. Keep going up until you reach a place with a long stairway and two boulders. Push the lower boulder to the right by one square. Now go down around it, and go right, winding your way to the item. Grab the item, a MAX REVIVE. Now backtrack to the boulders, and go up the long stairway. There is a ladder, go up. 2F: Go downward, ignoring the boulder and item at the top. Go down and right, where you should see two sets of small stairs. Go up both flights, then to the right. Follow the winding path, and eventually you will get to a ladder. Ignore the lower stairway. Go up the ladder. 3F: Drop down the only hole in this room. 2F: When you land, get off the space, turn around and check it, you will get an ULTRA BALL. Go up, and you should see a boulder. Push it to the left only ONCE, then go down the stairs, and up the next stairway, so you just went around the boulder. Grab the FULL RESTORE. Now push that boulder to the right, and go up the stairway it was in front of. Another stairway, and at the top there is a ladder, go up. 3F: Ignore the hole in front of you, and keep going downward. Evetually you will see a stairway going up, so go up. Go forward and get the item, and if you have a Pokemon with ROCK SMASH, then smash the rocks around. The item is an ULTRA BALL. Go down and left down the path, this time. Follow the pathway as it winds around, eventually leading you to two holes. Take the upper hole. 2F: Grab the HP UP, then hop the ledge, and take the ladder back up to the third floor. 3F: Follow the path upward, when you reach a path that goes north, take it. Don't go right, yet. Go around the hole you see, and grab the RARE CANDY that is hiding behind the rocks. Now drop down that hole. 2F: Go left, and take the long stairway down, and pick up the very useful TM26 EARTHQUAKE. Now go back up the long stairway, then go left, and take the ladder. 3F: Go right, and hop the ledge. Now you are back before you dropped. Go down, and then head right. You will see three smashable rocks with an item beyond them. Smash the three rocks, and pick up the item. It's TM79 DARK PULSE. Now, I advise you save. You will be fighting your RIVAL on the way out. Heal up your Pokemon using items if needed. Head to the exit, which is up and right, and you will be interuppted by your rival: Be sure to look for which starter you chose below! RIVAL (2560P) -SNEASEL LV 36 (M) 1017 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 38 (M) 1392 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Air Cutter [Flying/Special] -MAGNETON LV 37 (X) 1276 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Spark [Electric/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] -KADABRA LV 37 (M) 1149 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Disable [Normal/Status] Psybeam [Psychic/Special] -HAUNTER LV 37 (M) 999 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] -TYPHLOSION LV 40 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire -Moves: Lava Plume [Fire/Special] Swift [Normal/Special] RIVAL (2560P) -SNEASEL LV 36 (M) 1017 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 38 (M) 1392 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Air Cutter [Flying/Special] -MAGNETON LV 37 (X) 1276 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Spark [Electric/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] -KADABRA LV 37 (M) 1149 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Disable [Normal/Status] Psybeam [Psychic/Special] -HAUNTER LV 37 (M) 999 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] -FERALIGATR LV 40 (M) 1800 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Waterfall [Water/Physical] Slash [Normal/Physical] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] RIVAL (2560P) -SNEASEL LV 36 (M) 1017 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 38 (M) 1392 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Air Cutter [Flying/Special] -MAGNETON LV 37 (X) 1276 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Spark [Electric/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] -KADABRA LV 37 (M) 1149 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Disable [Normal/Status] Psybeam [Psychic/Special] -HAUNTER LV 37 (M) 999 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] -MEGANIUM LV 40 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Petal Dance [Grass/Special] PoisonPowder [Poison/Status] Synthesis [Grass/Status] After he's gone, head up, and out of VICTORY ROAD. ---------------------------- INDIGO PLATEAU [098] ---------------------------- Go straight up the path, and enter. This is both a Pokemon Center and a shop. The Elite Four is fought four in a row, of which you then go on to the champion. There are breaks in between, but there is no turning back once you go on. As such, stock up on all the items you think you will need. You do get breaks in between each member to heal up, but no returning to the Pokemon Center or Shop until after you are Champion. I recommend your Pokemon to all be LV 40 or above, however, it can be done at lower levels, too. Ready? Proceed up the stairs, and through the exit in the back. ------------------------------ ELITE FOUR [099] ------------------------------ First Room: Proceed forward, and talk to the only other person. Get ready for battle: General Tips: Remember, they usually have about three FULL RESTORES at their disposal, so if they're down to red health, you can count on them using it. Tips: For Will, who is a Psychic user, it is good to have those that can damage the Psychic. However, he has a lot of dual types, meaning you can take advantage of the other weaknesses (Such as Xatu being flying, so Rock or Electric can take it down, while Exeggutor is weak to flying/fire.) His defense is generally low, so you should use Physical moves over Special moves. Most of his brutal attacks are Special (that is, Psychic), so high Special Defense helps, too. ELITE FOUR WILL (5040P) -XATU LV 40 (F) 1465 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic/Flying -Moves: U-turn [Bug/Physical] Me First [Normal/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] -JYNX LV 41 (F) 1203 EXP -Ability: Oblivious -Type: Ice/Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Lovely Kiss [Normal/Status] Ice Punch [Ice/Physical] DoubleSlap [Normal/Physical[ -SLOWBRO LV 41 (F) 1440 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Water Pulse [Water/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] -EXEGGUTOR LV 41 (F) 1861 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Egg Bomb [Normal/Physical] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] -XATU LV 42 (F) 1539 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic/Flying -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Ominous Wind [Ghost/Special] Aerial Ace [Flying/Physical] After Will, the next door will open. Proceed. Second Room: Speak to the only other person. Get ready to fight: Tips: Koga, as he says, likes status draining. All his Pokemon are vulnerable to Psychic attacks. Forretress has double weakness to fire. His last two Pokemon have weaknesses to Electric/Rock. He isn't too difficult, strike fast, though. ELITE FOUR KOGA (5080P) -ARIADOS LV 40 (M) 1147 EXP -Ability: Insomnia -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Spider Web [Bug/Status] Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] Baton Pass [Normal/Status] -FORRETRESS LV 43 (M) 1086 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Bug/Steel -Moves: Swift [Normal/Special] Protect [Normal/Status] Explosion [Normal/Physical] Toxic Spikes [Poison/Status] -MUK LV 42 (M) 1413 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Poison -Moves: Minimize [Normal/Status] Gunk Shot [Poison/Physical] Screech [Normal/Status] Toxic [Poison/Status] -VENOMOTH LV 41 (M) 1212 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Toxic [Poison/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Gust [Flying/Special] -CROBAT LV 44 (M) 1818 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Poison Fang [Poison/Physical] After him, proceed to the next room. Third Room: Speak to the only other person. Get ready to fight: Tips: Bruno has all fighting. All are weak to Psychic and Flying. His Machamp is the most dangerous, while the others aren't too hard to handle. They have high attack, and low Special attack. Make sure you have a good defense and high Special attack. High Attack works just as well, though. ELITE FOUR BRUNO (5520P) -HITMONTOP LV 42 (M) 1242 EXP -Ability: Technician -Type: Fighting -Moves: Dig [Ground/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Counter [Fighting/Physical] Triple Kick [Fighting/Physical] -HITMONLEE LV 42 (M) 1251 EXP -Ability: Reckless -Type: Fighting -Moves: Blaze Kick [Fire/Physical] Focus Energy [Normal/Status] Hi Jump Kick [Fighting/Physical] Swagger [Normal/Status] -HITMONCHAN LV 42 (M) 1260 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Fighting -Moves: Ice Punch [Ice/Physical] ThunderPunch [Electric/Physical] Fire Punch [Fire/Physical] Bullet Punch [Steel/Physical] -ONIX LV 43 (M) 994 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Sandstorm [Rock/Status] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] DragonBreath [Dragon/Special] -MACHAMP LV 46 (M) 1902 EXP -Ability: No Guard -Type: Fighting -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Cross Chop [Fighting/Physical] Revenge [Fighting/Physical] Foresight [Normal/Status] After him, go on to the last of the four. Fourth Room: Talk to the only other person, get ready to fight! Tips: Karen uses mostly Dark Pokemon, with the exception of Vileplume and Gengar, which a Psychic can handle. Fighting Pokemon would be good, but once again, you can take adventage of the dual type Pokemon. Umbreon is the only pure Dark one you fight. Be wary of Houndoom. ELITE FOUR KAREN (5640P) -UMBREON LV 42 (M) 1773 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Dark -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Payback [Dark/Physical] -VILEPLUME LV 42 (M) 1656 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Petal Dance [Grass/Special] Acid [Poison/Special] Moonlight [Normal/Status] -MURKROW LV 44 (F) 1008 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Dark/Flying -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Pluck [Flying/Physical] Whirlwind [Normal/Status] -GENGAR LV 45 (F) 1831 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Focus Blast [Fighting/Special] Destiny Bond [Ghost/Status] Spite [Ghost/Status] Lick [Ghost/Physical] -HOUNDOOM LV 47 (F) 2053 EXP -Ability: Flash Fire -Type: Dark/Fire -Moves: Nasty Plot [Dark/Status] Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Well, that's the Elite Four...now just the Champion... ------------------------------- CHAMPION [100] ------------------------------- The final battle before you become Champion! And well, look who it is. Not like that was unexpected. Save, heal, do as you want, this is probably the hardest of the five: Tips: Lance, being a Dragon master, has a weakness to Ice. However, his Charizard is to compensate. The three Dragonites can also get annoying, with high Defense and Special Defense. Gyarados goes down to Electric easily. It should not be a problem. Use Electric on both Gyarados and Charizard (Rock works well, too.) And focus on using Ice, if possible, on the remainder. Aerodactyl is very speedy, but falls quickly to Electric/Rock/Ice attacks. CHAMPION LANCE (10000P) -GYARADOS LV 46 (M) 2109 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] Flail [Water/Physical] Waterfall [Water/Physical] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] -DRAGONITE LV 49 (M) 2288 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Hyper Beam [Normal/Status] Thunder [Electric/Special] Dragon Rush [Dragon/Physical] -DRAGONITE LV 49 (M) 2288 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Hyper Beam [Normal/Status] Blizzard [Ice/Special] Dragon Rush [Dragon/Physical] -AERODACTYL LV 48 (M) 2076 EXP -Ability: Pressure -Type: Rock/Flying -Moves: Thunder Fang [Electric/Physical] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Aerial Ace [Flying/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] -CHARIZARD LV 48 (M) 2149 EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire/Flying -Moves: Air Slash [Flying/Special] Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Shadow Claw [Ghost/Physical] Dragon Claw [Dragon/Physical] -DRAGONITE LV 50 (M) 2335 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying Safeguard [Normal/Status] Outrage [Dragon/Physical] Fire Blast [Fire/Special] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] Congratulations, you are now the Pokemon Champion. You will skip the interview, and enter the HALL OF FAME! Enjoy the credits, it took exactly 100 sections to get here, neat, huh? ============================= KANTO JOURNEY [KHT] ============================ This is technically "post=game", but is a significantly large amount of the game, and is included in the main walkthrough. This covers getting the eight Kanto Badges, the second half of the game. These chapters are significantly shorter, as the Gym's are accessible and not too far apart. ****************************** CHAPTER 11 [CH11] ***************************** From becoming Champion to getting the Vermillion City Badge. ----------------------------- NEW BARK TOWN [101] ---------------------------- Back home! Go downstairs, and out the door. Head to Professor Elm's lab. When there, speak to Elm to receive the S.S. Ticket! Now we can head onboard the S.S. Aqua and head for Kanto! When he done talking, exit and FLY to OLIVINE CITY. ----------------------------- OLIVINE CITY [102] ----------------------------- Go down to the Olivine City Fast-Ship Pair, which extends out into the water, and enter the structure there. You will run into Professor Oak, who will upgrade your Pokedex to NATIONAL MODE, giving you the NATIONAL DEX. He will then leave. Talk to the Sailor blocking the southern exit. He will move aside, now exit down that way. Follow the path to the Sailor standing in front of the ship, and talk to him to be let into the ship. ------------------------------ S.S. AQUA [103] ------------------------------- 1F: Go a little forward and you will run into somebody who is looking for his granddaughter. We will need to find her to get off the ship. However, we have Trainers to fight, so let's get to that. Note that the room on the far right of this floor is your room, where you can heal your party by sleeping in the bed. Anyway, head left, and go into the room top left room. The man who is looking for his granddaughter is here. Now go to the room next to it. Inside, there are a pair of twins and a man on the left. Fight the man first, take one step forward: POKEFAN COLIN (2560P) -DELIBIRD LV 40 (M) 1567 EXP -Type: Ice/Flying Now step right and up to fight the twins in a double battle: TWINS MEG & PEG (1248P) -TEDDIURSA LV 39 (F) 1034 EXP -Type: Normal -PHANPY LV 39 (F) 1034 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Charm [Normal/Status] We're done with this room. Exit it, and now go to the room right across the hallway. The bottom left room has nothing of interest. Inside here, there is a Hiker, fight him: HIKER NOLAND (1344P) -BRONZOR LV 39 (X) 601 EXP -Type: Steel/Psychic -Moves: Safeguard [Normal/Status] -GOLEM LV 42 (M) 1593 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Rollout [Rock/Physical] Exit the room. Now go to the right side of the hallways with four more doors. Let's go to the top right one first. Enter, and battle the lone Firebreather in the room: FIREBREATHER LYLE (1152P) -KOFFING LV 36 (M) 879 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Gyro Ball [Steel/Physical] -KOFFING LV 36 (M) 879 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Specail] -FLAREON LV 39 (M) 1654 EXP -Type: Fire Exit the room, then head across the hall to your room and heal up if needed. The door left of your room has a sleeping sailor, but we'll come back and wake him up later. Head to the center of the hall, then go up and then go down the stairs. B1F: Go down, and take a left into the multiple bed room. Go to the top left, and talk to the Trainer in the top left facing away: JUGGLER FRITZ (1184P) -MR. MIME LV 37 (M) 1077 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Substitute [Normal/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] -MAGMAR LV 37 (M) 1323 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Fire Punch [Fire/Physical] -MACHOKE LV 37 (M) 1156 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Seismic Toss [Fighting/Physical] Now go back in the hallway, and head right. There is a Sailor there, but ignore him, and go up into the room instead, and fight that Sailor: SAILOR JEFF (1280P) -MAKUHITA LV 40 (M) 745 EXP -Type: Fighting -RATICATE LV 40 (M) 993 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Crunch [Dark/Physical] Double-Edge [Normal/Physical] Now go down and talk to the Sailor. He says to look for his buddy. Well, we saw him earlier. So head back up the stairway you came from. 1F: Head to the room next to yours [bottom right is yours]. Talk to the sleeping Sailor: SAILOR STANLY (1008P) -MACHOP LV 39 (M) 625 EXP -Type: Fighting -MACHOKE LV 41 (M) 1282 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Submission [Fighting/Physical] -PSYDUCK LV 34 (M) 582 EXP -Type: Water He will rush off. Now we can proceed. Go back to the stairway and down. B1F: Go down and right, and now that Sailor will let you through. Go up to see a ladder, but first battle the nearby Trainer: PICNICKER DEBRA (656P) -SEAKING LV 41 (F) 1492 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Ring [Water/Status] Flail [Normal/Physical] Waterfall [Water/Physical] Now go up the ladder. 1F: Go down, and there is only one room. Enter it. Talk to the little girl next to the Captain. She will want to play Hide and Seek. Leave the room, and go down the ladder. B1F: Head to the far left side of this room, past the mutliple bed room. There is a small hall there, the girl is there. Talk to her. She will go back to her Grandpa. 1F: You will be there, too. The Grandpa will give you a METAL COAT. The ship will then announce arrival. Leave the room, go right in the hallway, talk to the Sailor, he will move, then exit the ship. ------------------------------ VERMILION CITY [104] -------------------------- How nostalgic. Follow the path to the building. Enter it. Talk to the Sailor and he will move aside. Leave the building, and follow the path, and you will run into SUICUNE and EUSINE again. After a brief scene, they will leave. Now keep going up. Take a left as soon as you get on the land, and you are in the city. Heal up at the Pokemon Center. Head to the Pokemon Fan Club [Left side of the city], and go inside. Talk to the president, who is the Gentlemen in the top right, and say "yes." You will receive a RARE CANDY after hearing his story. We will come back here later for something else, so keep the building in mind. Now get ready to head for the Gym. You need a Pokemon with either CUT or SURF. When ready, go to the Gym. You can either CUT the tree out of the way, or SURF around to get to the Gym. Either way, enter. --------------------------- VERMILION CITY GYM [105] ------------------------- Before we do anything with the switches, we will battle the three Trainers in the room. So take three steps left from the entrance, then go up and fight the Trainer. (If you take one step left and go up, you will be in a double battle with the Trainer right after the one listed below): JUGGLER HORTON (1376P) -ELECTRODE LV 43 (X) 1381 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Screech [Normal/Status] -ELECTRODE LV 43 (X) 1381 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Swift [Normal/Special] Double Team [Normal/Status] -ELECTRODE LV 43 (X) 1381 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Screech [Normal/Status] -ELECTRODE LV 43 (X) 1381 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Rollout [Rock/Physical] Now fight the Trainer next to him, or if in a double battle, the Trainer below will be in a double battle with the above. GUTARIST VINCENT (1008P) 1 -JOLTEON LV 45 (M) 1899 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Helping Hand [Normal/Status] Pin Missile [Bug/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] -VOLTORB LV 43 (X) 948 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Swift [Normal/Special] -MAGNEMITE LV 42 (X) 534 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Magnet Bomb [Electric/Special] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Now fight the lone Gentlemen: GENTLEMEN GREGORY (8400P) -PIKACHU LV 45 (M) 807 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] -FLAFFY LV 43 (M) 1077 EXP -Type: Eletric -ELECTRIKE LV 42 (M) 936 EXP -Type: Electric You should heal up at the Pokemon Center and then come back here. Okay, now to turn that fence off. Look in all the trash cans laid out around the room. As soon as you find the first switch, as the Trainer said, the other should be right next to it. If you mess up, it resets, and the switch changes location. It's randomized, so I can't do much to help you. Once you the fence is unlocked, head up and talk to Surge to begin! Tips: Most of his Pokemon are fast, and have the move Shock Wave, which is a never-missing Electric move. All of them, aside from MAGNETON fall easily to Magnitude/Earthquake. MAGNETON can be handled with a fighting move. If using one weak against fighting, be wary of ELECTABUZZ's low kick. LEADER LT. SURGE (6360P) -RAICHU LV 51 (M) 1332 EXP -Ability: Static -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Double Team [Normal/Status] -ELECTRODE LV 47 (X) 1510 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Double Team [Normal/Status] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] -ELECTRODE LV 47 (X) 1510 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Electric -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Double Team [Normal/Status] Selfdestruct [Normal/Physical] Charge Beam [Electric/Special] -MAGNETON LV 47 (X) 1621 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] Double Team [Normal/Status] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Mirror Shot [Steel/Special] -ELECTABUZZ LV 53 (M) 1771 EXP -Ability: Static -Type: Electric -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] Low Kick [Fighting/Physical] You will receive the THUNDER BADGE and TM34 SHOCK WAVE. He talks about SAFFRON CITY, and that's where we're heading next. Exit the Gym. ------------------------------ VERMILION CITY [106] -------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center. Then, head north out of the city into Route 6! ****************************** CHAPTER 12 [CH12] ***************************** This covers the second Kanto Badge, that is, SAFFRON CITY's badge. ------------------------------- ROUTE 06 [107] ------------------------------- Head left along the road. You will see a Trainer in the grass, but let's first pick up TM62 SILVER WIND. Now battle the trainer: PICNICKER SELINA (672P) -CHERUBI LV 42 (F) ## EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Worry Seed [Grass/Status] Take Down [Normal/Physical] Head right, then up the road. You will see Twins, battle them: TWINS DAY & DANI (1312P) -PLUSLE LV 41 (F) 1052 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: -MINUN LV 41 (F) 1052 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunder [Electric/Special] Go left from them along the road, and you will run into: CAMPER VIRGIL (688P) -SLAKOTH LV 43 (M) 763 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Now head up into the border house. The man on the right of the house will tell you that the underground path is closed, so we can't go there. ------------------------------ SAFFRON CITY [108] ---------------------------- There are a lot of things to do here. Let's go item collecting first. First, heal up. Then, from the Pokemon center, head right, until you reach a house with you can go inside. Talk to the only man inside, he will give you TM29 PSYCHIC. Head out. Now head right, then go up, so you're on the second road. Head left, until you see a large building. This is Silph. Co. Go inside. Go left, and to the top left of the room, where there is an elevator. Talk to the guard next to it, and you will receive the UP-GRADE. Now head out. Head left, then up, to the next road. There is one house you can go inside, do so. Go upstairs, and talk to the girl there. You won't get anything yet, but keep this house in mind for later. Head down and out. Now let's head for the Gym, it's in the top right of the city. Enter it. ---------------------------- SAFFRON CITY GYM [109] -------------------------- It's all Psychic-type here! So bring Bug/Ghost/Dark Pokemon. Go into the Teleporter in front of you, and you will be in the bottom right room. Fight: MEDIUM REBECCA (2160P) -BRONZOR LV 45 (M) 693 EXP -Type: Psychic/Steel -Moves: Gyro Ball [Steel/Physical] -HYPNO LV 45 (F) 1590 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] Psybeam [Psychic/Special] Take the top left panel. Now, in this room, fight: PSYCHIC JARED (1440P) -MR. MIME LV 42 (M) 1224 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] -EXEGGCUTE LV 42 (M) 882 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Status] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] -EXEGGCUTE LV 45 (M) 945 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic Now take the bottom left panel. In this room, fight: MEDIUM DARCY (2208P) -SLOWPOKE LV 44 (F) 933 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -SLOWBRO LV 46 (F) 1615 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Take the bottom left panel if you want to get to the Gym Leader. I will cover how to get to the last Trainer, first. So take the top right panel, then the bottom right panel. Now in this room, fight: PSYCHIC FRANKLIN (1504P) -KADABRA LV 44 (M) 1366 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] Disable [Psychic/Status] -GIRAFARIG LV 47 (M) 1500 EXP -Type: Normal/Psychic -Moves: Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] To get to Sabrina from here, take the bottom left panel, then the top right, then the bottom left. If you want to heal before fighting, take the Red Panel, which will take you to the entrance. To get back from the entrance after healing, take go to the first panel, then the top left, bottom left, and bottom left panel again. Get ready for battle! Tips: She has three Pokemon, all which know Psychic and Skill Swap. Psychic will do heavy damage to your Pokemon which don't have a high special defense, so watch out for it. Her Pokemon have a general high speed, too, so they may attack first most of the time. You would have to have well trained Pokemon, or hit her hard and fast. Her Pokemon have high special defense too, so you may want to use physical moves! LEADER SABRINA (6600P) -ESPEON LV 53 (M) 2236 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Calm Mind [Psychic/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] -MR. MIME 53 (F) 1543 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Psychic -Moves: Mimic [Normal/Status] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] -ALAKAZAM LV 55 (M) 2191 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] Reflect [Psychic/Status] Energy Ball [Grass/Special] You will receive the MARSH BADGE and TM48 SKILL SWAP. After her, take the red warp panel, and exit the Gym. ------------------------------ SAFFRON CITY [110] ---------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center. When ready, head west out of the city! ****************************** CHAPTER 13 [CH13] ***************************** This covers the third Kanto Badge, that is, CELADON CITY's badge. ------------------------------- ROUTE 07 [111] ------------------------------- There are no Trainers on this Route, and the Underground is locked. So just head straight west into CELADON CITY. ----------------------------- CELADON CITY [112] ----------------------------- Not as many things to do here as it may look. First, go to the Department Store, you can buy some TMs and other useful items that are not avaliable in Goldenrod City. On the second floor, talk to CRASHER WAKE, who is standing in the top right. He will give you the TURTWIG MASK, CHIMCHAR MASK, and the PIPLUP MASK. These are three accessories. Now exit the Department Store. There is also a Game Corner. The Tips man is inside there, but he doesn't tip you on the Gym. To get to the Gym, you will need a Pokemon that knows CUT. Once you have the Pokemon, go to the bottom right of the city, and CUT the cuttable tree that is there to access the path that leads to the Gym. Enter the Gym! --------------------------- CELADON CITY GYM [113] --------------------------- It's all Grass type, in case you didn't realize already. This Gym is a mini-maze. Start by cutting the Tree in the middle, then go up, adn then left (where you see two openings, on the left side of the center path, and right side of the left path.) Go up and you will run into twins: TWINS JO & ZOE (1504P) -VICTREEBEL LV 47 (F) 1902 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Giga Drain [Grass/Special] -VILEPLUME LV 47 (F) 1850 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Go back down from them, and take the first right as soon as it allows you to. Now go up, right, and down, following the narrow path, eventually turning right where the sprinkler is, into an opening. You should now be in the right path. Take a right turn to fight a Trainer. Don't if you want to skip her: LASS MICHELLE (736P) -SKIPLOOM LV 44 (F) 1281 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Giga Drain [Grass/Special] -HOPPIP LV 45 (F) 712 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -JUMPLUFF LV 46 (F) 1734 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] Go straight up the path, and you will run into: PICNICKER TANYA (784P) -EXEGGUTOR LV 49 (F) 2226 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Light Screen [Psychic/Status] Egg Bomb [Normal/Physical] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] Now go up, left, down and take the first left to fight: BEAUTY JULIA (2632P) -PARAS LV 44 (F) 660 EXP -Type: Grass -CARNIVINE LV 44 (F) 1545 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Wring Out [Normal/Special] -PARASECT LV 47 (F) 1288 EXP -Type: Grass/Bug Now go down, take the first left out. Go down and left a bit so you are back in the left path. Then go up and left out of the left path to the thin path hugging the wall. Go up and CUT the tree, then follow the path to Erika, using CUT with the one tree behind Julia. If you need to heal, backtrack out of the Gym, heal, then follow the path back here. Get ready to fight! Tips: Erika, all Grass, is weak to Fire and Flying, mostly. The only Pokemon she has with an anti-Flying move is Tangela, with "AncientPower." The rest do not have a way to counter. Be wary of Sunny Day + Synthesis/SolarBeam, as that SolarBeam fires instantly, and Synthesis will heal a lot more. She should not be too difficult overall. LEADER ERIKA (6720P) -JUMPLUFF LV 51 (F) 1923 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Status] U-turn [Bug/Physical] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] -TANGELA LV 52 (F) 1849 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Grass -Moves: AncientPower [Rock/Special] Wring Out [Normal/Special] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] -VICTREEBEL LV 56 (F) 2292 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass -Moves: Sunny Day [Fire/Status] Synthesis [Grass/Status] Leaf Storm [Grass/Special] Grass Knot [Grass/Physical] -BELLOSSOM LV 56 (F) 2208 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass -Moves: Sunny Day [Fire/Status] -SolarBeam [Grass/Special] -Giga Drain [Grass/Special] -Synthesis [Grass/Status] You will receive the RAINBOW BADGE and TM19 GIGA DRAIN. Now backtrack out of the Gym. ----------------------------- CELADON CITY [114] ----------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center, then head west out of the city. ****************************** CHAPTER 14 [CH14] ***************************** This covers up to the fourth Kanto Badge, that is FUSCHIA CITY's badge. ------------------------------- ROUTE 16 [115] ------------------------------- No Trainers, just a straightforward path. There is a cuttable tree that leads to a secluded house, which a man gives trendy sayings, but that's it. Follow the path left and down, and enter the border house. You will be forced to get on your Bike. ------------------------------- ROUTE 17 [116] ------------------------------- This path is also known as the "CYCLING ROAD." There are Trainers along the way down. You will start to go downward automatically, as it's a downhill slope. I will list the Trainers in the order I encountered them, and on which path. For information on the one you may be fighting, look for their name below:
BIKER DALE (752P) -GULPIN LV 47 (M) 754 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Gastro Acid [Poison/Status] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] BIKER REESE (720P) PokeGear -WEEZING LV 45 (M) 1668 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Double Hit [Normal/Physical] Sludge [Poison/Special] BIKER AIDEN (720P) PokeGear -TENTACRUEL LV 45 (M) 1975 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] Barrier [Normal/Status] BIKER DAN (678P) 1 -GULPIN LV 39 (M) 624 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] -WEEZING LV 37 (M) 1370 EXP -Type: Poison -WEEZING LV 37 (M) 1370 EXP -Type: Poison BIKER THERON (720P) 1 -CROAGUNK LV 45 (F) 798 EXP -Type: Poison/Fighting BIKER GLENN (688P) -KOFFING LV 39 (M) 952 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -WEEZING LV 43 (M) 1593 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Explosion: [Normal/Physical] -MAGMAR LV 41 (M) 1467 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] BIKER MARKEY (752P) 1 -SKORUPI LV 47 (M) 1147 EXP -Type: Poison/Bug -Moves: Crunch [Dark/Physical] BIKER TEDDY (736P) 1 -SEVIPER LV 46 (M) 1626 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Night Slash [Dark/Physical] BIKER JOEL (688P) -MAGMAR LV 43 (M) 1537 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] -MAGMAR LV 43 (M) 1537 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] BIKER JACOB (688P) -MAGMAR LV 43 (M) 1537 EXP -Type: Fire -TENTACRUEL LV 43 (M) 1888 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] BIKER ERNEST (704P) -TEDDIURSA LV 45 (M) 1195 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Charm [Normal/Status] -MARILL LV 44 (M) 546 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Tail [Water/Physical] You should end up in Route 18, and not be automatically going downhill anymore. ------------------------------- ROUTE 18 [117] ------------------------------- There is one more Biker, fight him! BIKER CHARLES (672P) -KOFFING LV 41 (M) 1000 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -WEEZING LV 42 (M) 1557 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Double Hit [Normal/Physical] Sludge [Poison/Special] -CHARMELEON LV 41 (M) 1246 EXP -Type: Fire Now go to the right and into the border house. When you come out, there is a little field below. Go in if you want to fight two Trainers: BIRD KEEPER BOB (1536P) -NOCTOWL LV 48 (M) 1665 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying And BIRD KEEPER BORIS (1312P) -DODUO LV 39 (M) 801 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODUO LV 37 (M) 760 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODRIO LV 41 (M) 1387 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Uproar [Normal/Physical] Whether you fight them or not is up to you. Head right on the yellow road into FUCHsIA CITY. ------------------------------ FUCHSIA CITY [118] ---------------------------- There is a Shard trader in the city, as well as PAL PARK. But we're here for the Gym, so head south, where the Gym and Pokemon Center are. Heal up, then head for the Gym. ---------------------------- FUCHSIA CITY GYM [119] -------------------------- There are invisible walls in here, making it another maze-like Gym. I will give you the exact steps. I submitted a map of the Gym that you can see if you cannot understand my wording. http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/960099-pokemon-heartgold/faqs/60091 So, go to the tile that is second from the right, and go straight up. You will run into a Janine-clone, talk to her: PICNICKER CINDY (768P) -NIDOQUEEN LV 48 (F) 1995 EXP -Type: Poison/Ground -Moves: Body Slam [Normal/Physical] Then take one step right, so you are against the right wall. Go up all the way, so you are in the top right. Now go all the way across to the top left. Go down until you hit a wall, then go right until you hit a wall. Now go down until you hit a wall again, then go left, and talk to the other Janine-clone from behind: CAMPER BARRY (768P) -NIDOKING LV 48 (M) 2005 EXP -Type: Poison/Ground Go left one square, down two squares, and then all the way to the right to fight: LASS ALICE (656P) -GLOOM LV 41 (F) 1159 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Sweet Scent [Grass/Status] -VILEPLUME LV 41 (F) 1615 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Drain Punch [Fighting/Physical] -ARBOK LV 45 (F) 1417 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Crunch [Dark/Physical] Now go all the way left until you hit a wall. Go down until you hit a wall. The person directly to your right is the real Gym left and down, and fight: LASS LINDA (720P) -BULBASAUR LV 41 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -IVYSAUR LV 43 (M) 1299 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -VENUSAUR LV 45 (M) 2005 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Now go to the final person, the Gym Leader, get ready to fight! Tips: She uses Poison, but she has three Bugs on her team, making her weak to Flying attacks. A Psychic Pokemon would really do well, here, too. High speed and special attack will allow you to win this one easily. The Crobat may seem deadly, but it only has one physical attack, which can be handled if against a Rock, as it is Flying as well. It shouldn't be too hard of a battle. LEADER JANINE (6000P) -CROBAT LV 47 (F) 2053 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Screech [Normal/Status] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] -WEEZING LV 44 (F) 1630 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Toxic [Poison/Status] Explosion [Normal/Physical] Double Hit [Normal/Physical] -ARIADOS LV 47 (F) 1348 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Swagger [Normal/Status] Night Shade [Ghost/Special] Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] Pin Missile [Bug/Physical] -ARIADOS LV 47 (F) 1348 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] Screech [Normal/Status] Pin Missile [Bug/Physical] -VENOMOTH LV 50 (F) 1477 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Signal Beam [Bug/Special] You will receive the SOUL BADGE and TM84 POISON JAB. Now backtrack out of the Gym and into Fuchsia city. ------------------------------ FUCHSIA CITY [120] ---------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center on the right. Now exit the city on the right side. We can't go down as the road is blocked off... ****************************** CHAPTER 15 [CH15] ***************************** This covers up to the fifth Kanto badge, that is, CERULEAN CITY. You also get the PASS in this chapter, as well as the EXPN CARD. ------------------------------- ROUTE 15 [121] ------------------------------- Well, you can skip this Route if you want. You can FLY to SAFFRON CITY and exit east, if you want. If you want to skip these Routes, then look for the Route 8 [125] section below. If you're going on these Routes (15-12), then keep reading. Go forward, following the road, and you will run into: SCHOOL KID KIPP (800P) -VOLTORB LV 36 (X) 793 EXP -Type: Electric -MAGNEMITE LV 36 (X) 685 EXP -Type: Steel/Electric -MAGNETON LV 40 (X) 1380 EXP -Type: Steel/Electric -VOLTORB LV 40 (X) 882 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Swift [Normal/Special] After him, there is: SCHOOL KID TOMMY (860P) -XATU LV 41 (M) 1501 EXP -Type: Psychic/Flying -ALAKAZAM LV 43 (M) 1713 EXP -Type: Psychic Go right, hopping the ledge, and you will face: TEACHER HILLARY (1488P) PokeGear -SUNKERN LV 41 (F) 456 EXP -Type: Grass -AIPOM LV 31 (F) 624 EXP -Type: Normal Hop the next ledge, and pick up the ROSE INCENSE. Hop the next ledge, and you will run into: POKEFAN BOONE (2624P) -SPINDA LV 43 (M) 783 EXP -Type: Normal -VOLBEAT LV 41 (M) 1282 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: Protect [Normal/Status] Travel down the road to another Trainer facing left: SCHOOL KID JOHNNY (840P) -BELLSPROUT LV 39 (M) 702 EXP -Type: Grass -WEEPINBELL LV 40 (M) 1293 EXP -Type: Grass -VICTREEBEL LV 42 (M) 1719 EXP -Type: Grass Keep going right, and you will hop another ledge. To battle the remainder of the Trainers and grab an item, read the next few paragraphs. If you want to skip them, then skip to the "Route 14" section below. So, go up, into the grass, then left, and hop a ledge. You will face: SCHOOL KID BILLY (700P) PokeGear -PARASECT LV 39 (M) 1069 EXP -Type: Bug/Grass -POLIWHIRL LV 37 (M) 1038 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Mud Shot [Ground/Special] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] -DITTO LV 35 (X) 457 EXP -Type: Normal* -Moves:* Transform [Normal/Status] * = Will change to the Pokemon it changes into. Adding this School Kid may be helpful when it comes to Gym Leader rematches. Anyway, keep heading left, and you will eventually run into: TEACHER COLETTE (2160P) -CLEFAIRY LV 45 (F) 655 EXP -Type: Normal Hop the ledge to the left, and go left, and you will run into Twins: TWINS KAY & TIA (1312P) -QUAGSIRE LV 41 (F) 1202 EXP -Type: Ground/Water -Moves: Rain Dance [Water/Status] -QUAGSIRE LV 41 (F) 1202 EXP -Type: Ground/Water Now fight the Trainer to the left of them: POKEFAN ELEANOR (2624P) -SPINDA LV 43 (F) 783 EXP -Type: Normal -ILLUMISE LV 41 (F) 1282 EXP -Type: Bug Go left and grab the PP UP. Now we can continue. Hop the ledge left, and follow the road, hopping ledges once again, until you reach Route 14. ------------------------------- ROUTE 14 [122] ------------------------------- We'll go up first to fight some Trainers. But if you want to skip them, go ahead and just go right (skip a few paragraphs down) Going up, you will first run into: SCHOOL KID CONNOR (840P) -ZIGZAGOON LV 42 (M) 540 EXP -Type: Normal Then there are two Trainers, you can go into Double Battle by going between them, or just battle them sepearately, your choice. SCHOOL KID TORIN (780P) PokeGear 1 -SANDSLASH LV 41 (M) 1431 EXP -Type: Ground -GOLBAT LV 39 (M) 1428 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Poison Fang [Poison/Physical] Air Cutter [Flying/Physical] TEACHER CLARICE (2064P) 1 -ZIGZAGOON LV 41 (F) 526 EXP -Type: Normal -ROSELIA LV 43 (F) 1399 EXP -Type: Grass Go up a bit and fight the last of the School Kids: SCHOOL KID TRAVIS (840P) -BUDEW LV 42 (M) 612 EXP -Type: Grass If you have a Pokemon with CUT, then use it on the upper tree, and talk to the Girl, she will ask you to bring CHANSEY and she will give something to you. You can keep her in mind for later. Head back to the lower road. This is where you want to skip to if you were skipping the Trainers above. Go right and fight: BIRD KEEPER ROY (1408P) -FEAROW LV 38 (M) 1318 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -FEAROW LV 44 (M) 1527 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] Assurance [Dark/Physical] Mirror Move [Normal/Status] Go up and fight the next Trainer, who is near the windmill: POKEFAN CARTER (2432P) -BULBASAUR LV 38 (M) 520 EXP -Type: Grass -SQUIRTLE LV 38 (M) 537 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Steel [Steel/Status] -CHARMANDER LV 38 528 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Ember [Fire/Special] Now go north, and a bit right, you will see SUICUNE again. Once again, it will hop away. Eusine will then come and say some things. Now go up, and you will run into another man near a windmill: POKEFAN TREVOR (2688P) -PSYDUCK LV 42 (M) 720 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Zen Headbutt [Psychic/Physical] Screech [Normal/Status] Now fight the next Trainer up: BIRD KEEPER JOSH (1184P) PokeGear -FEAROW LV 37 (M) 1294 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying Go up, the road goes into Route 13 and ends. ------------------------------- ROUTE 13 [123] ------------------------------- This place is a little maze-ish as well. I'll be making you fight every Trainer, it's not as complex as it looks, though. So first, the Hiker to your left: HIKER KENNY (1056P) PokeGear -SANDSLASH LV 27 (M) 942 EXP -Type: Ground -GRAVELER LV 29 (M) 832 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Selfdestrcut [Normal/Physical] -GOLEM LV 33 (M) 1251 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Go up from him, take a right, and fight the trainer facing left on the upper path: PICNICKER GINGER (656P) -WHISMUR LV 41 (F) 597 EXP -Type: Normal Go left from her, you will face: CAMPER CLARK (640P) -BUIZEL LV 40 (M) 642 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] Swift [Normal/Special] Go up and right from him, all the way down the path until you run into: POKEFAN ALEX (4160P) -NIDOKING LV 29 (M) 1210 EXP -Type: Poison/Ground -SLOWKING LV 29 (M) 1018 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -MAGIKARP LV 65 (M) 277 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] From him, go left, down, left, and you will run into: CAMPER TANNER (608P) -SUDOWOODO LV 38 (M) 1098 EXP -Type: Rock Go straight right, down, up, right, and you will run into: POKEFAN JOSHUA (2048P) -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Feint [Normal/Physical] -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Slam [Normal/Physical] -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Faint [Normal/Physical] -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -MOves: Double Team [Normal/Status] From him, go right, and you will fight a Double Battle: YOUNG COUPLE TIM & SUE (5888P) PokeGear -KADABRA LV 41 (M) 1372 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Role Play [Normal/Status] -PSYDUCK LV 46 (M) 393 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Go right, onto the dock, and you can face: BIRD KEEPER PERRY (1344P) -FARFETCH'D LV 42 (M) 846 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] Go east on the dock, then go up. There is a Trainer hidden in the trees, they will fight you: PICNICKER PIPER (688P) -SPOINK LV 40 (F) 762 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Zen Headbutt [Psychic/Physical] Right up from her is: BIRD KEEPER BRET (1312P) -TAILLOW LV 41 (M) 517 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] -FEAROW LV 41 (M) 1422 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Assurance [Dark/Physical] Then keep going up, into Route 12. ------------------------------- ROUTE 12 [124] ------------------------------- Following the dock up, you will see a Fisherman, battle him! FISHERMAN KYLER (576P) -MAGIKARP LV 18 (M) 76 EXP -Type: Water -MAGIKARP LV 18 (M) 76 EXP -Type: water -MAGIKARP LV 18 (M) 76 EXP -Type: Water Going up, the first left leads to a cuttable tree, with an item beyond it. Keep going up, and there is a Fisherman on the right. Fight him: FISHERMAN BARNEY (1184P) -GYARADOS LV 40 (M) 1833 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Aqua Tail [Water/Physical] -GYARADOS LV 37 (M) 1696 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] -GYARADOS LV 37 (M) 1696 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] Head left, then up, you will run into a Bird Keeper: BIRD KEEPER GAIL (1248P) -FEAROW LV 42 (M) 1458 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Assurance [Dark/Physical] -SPEAROW LV 39 (M) 484 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying Go into the house to the right. Talk to the man inside, and answer "Yes." You will get the SUPER ROD! Now exit the house. Go right and up the dock. Go straight up, ignoring the left, to fight: FISHERMAN STEPHEN (1216P) -QUAGSIRE LV 43 (M) 1260 EXP -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Rain Dance [Water/Status] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Yawn [Normal/Status] -QWILFISH LV 38 (M) 813 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Revenge [Fighting/Physical] -TENTACRUEL LV 38 (M) 1668 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Barrier [Psychic/Status] Now go back down and onto the dock on the left. There is another left turn, this goes to Route 11. We will be fighting the Trainers there later on, so we can ignore it for now. Go up, you will run into a double battle: YOUNG COUPLE VIC & TARA (5504P) -MAGMAR LV 44 (M) 1572 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Sunny Day [Fire/Status] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] -SUNFLORA LV 43 (M) 1344 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Mega Drain [Grass/Special] Razor Leaf [Grass/Physical] Go up and right to fight the Fisherman: FISHERMAN MARTIN (1344P) -REMORAID LV 36 (M) 601 EXP -Type: Water -OCTILLERY LV 42 (M) 1476 EXP -Type: Water Go left from him, and fight: BIRD KEEPER JUSTIN (1248P) -XATU LV 44 (M) 1611 EXP -Type: Psychic/Flying -Moves: Wish [Normal/Status] Tailwind [Flying/Status] Future Sight [Psychic/Special] -NOCTOWL LV 39 (M) 1353 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Confusion [Psychic/Special] Now go left, up, and to the right, up, left and down, and fight the final Fisherman: FISHERMAN KYLE (1248P) PokeGear -GOLDEEN LV 39 (M) 927 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Flail [Water/Physical] -GOLDEEN LV 39 (M) 927 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Ring [Water/Status] -QWILFISH LV 35 (M) 750 EXP -Type: Water/Poison Go up, right, across the bridge, and up the stairs, into LAVENDER TOWN. ------------------------------ LAVENDER TOWN [125] --------------------------- There is the Kanto Radio Tower in this city, as well as a NAME RATER. Keep the Radio Tower in mind, as we will be coming back later. To the North is the Rock Tunnel. There are no Trainers inside, just low level Pokemon and items. For this reason, I am going to be taking a slightly different Route that goes around the Rock Tunnel, but the Rock Tunnel will be included in the cave exploration section of this FAQ. If you want to skip unecessary Trainer battling, then skip down to SAFFRON CITY [127]. So go north, as there are two Trainers we will fight in Route 10. ------------------------------- ROUTE 10 [126] ------------------------------- There are two trainers to fight, and an item to get. First, go up the stairs and left, then use STRENGTH on the boulder. Grab the item, it's TM69 ROCK POLISH. Now go right, and up, and fight: POKEFAN ROBERT (2752P) -QUAGSIRE LV 43 (M) 1260 EXP -Ability: Water Absorb -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Earthquake [Water/Physical] Rain Dance [Water/Status] Now go up, if he's blocking the way, you can go around him by going down the stairs and then to the right and up the stairs there. There is a Hiker pacing back and forth in front of the entrance, fight him: HIKER JIM (1400P) -MACHAMP LV 45 (M) 1860 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] Submission [Fighting/Physical] Now go back to LAVENDER TOWN. ------------------------------ LAVENDER TOWN [127] --------------------------- Heal up, and this time exit the Town west, to Route 8. ------------------------------- ROUTE 08 [128] ------------------------------- If you skipped the long routes from Fuchsia to Lavender Town, then you can get here by Flying to Saffron and exiting east. Make sure you go to Lavender Town, so we can fly there later. Anyway, assuming you left LAVENDER TOWN west, go up and grab the YLW APRICORN. Now go down, and left, and fight: GENTLEMAN MILTON (9000P) -GROWLITHE LV 45 (M) 877 EXP -Type: Fire Go left and up, following the road. There is a cuttable Tree to the left, which you can CUT and go through a field, skipping Trainers. But I'll assume you're going on the road, so fight the next Trainer: SUPER NERD TYRONE (1920P) -MAGNEMITE LV 40 (X) 762 EXP -Type: Steel/Electric -Moves: Lock-On [Normal/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 40 (X) 762 EXP -Type: Steel/Electric -Moves: Lock-On [Normal/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 40 (X) 762 EXP -Type: Steel/Electric -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Go up and left, and get ready for a double battle: YOUNG COUPLE MOE & LULU (5504P) -LOTAD LV 43 (M) 680 EXP -Type: Water/Grass -SEEDOT LV 43 (M) 680 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Nature Power [Normal/Status] Go left and down, and you will face: SUPER NERD SAM (2112P) -GRIMER LV 44 (M) 847 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] -MUK LV 44 (M) 1479 EXP -Type: Poison -Movs: Screech [Normal/Status] BIKER ZEKE (688P) -KOFFING LV 43 (M) 1050 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Gyro Ball [Steel/Physical] -KOFFING LV 43 (M) 1050 EXP -Type: Poison BIKER HARRIS (720P) -FLAREON LV 45 (M) 1908 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] BIKER DWAYNE (656P) -KOFFING LV 38 (M) 927 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -KOFFING LV 39 (M) 952 EXP -Type: Poison -KOFFING LV 40 (M) 976 EXP -Type: Poison -KOFFING LV 41 (M) 1000 EXP -Type: Poison With that, head left into the guard house, and into SAFFRON CITY. ------------------------------ SAFFRON CITY [129] ---------------------------- Heal up here, and then exit NORTH. This is the section you want to be at if you were skipping Trainers earlier. ------------------------------- ROUTE 05 [130] ------------------------------- There are no Trainers here, just head up the left or right road. If you hop the ledges to get to the house, inside you will find two people. Talk to the one on the left, and you will get the CLEANSE TAG. Now hop off the ledge, go up and into CERULEAN CITY. ----------------------------- CERULEAN CITY [131] ---------------------------- We're not actually doing anything here, yet. Exit the city to the east. ------------------------------- ROUTE 09 [132] ------------------------------- This place is full of ledges, and there are Trainers to fight. So, when you see the first set of ledges, hop down twice, and grab the MAX POTION. Now battle the nearby Trainer: PICNICKER EDNA (720P) -NIDORINA LV 41 (F) 1027 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Toxic Spikes [Poison/Status] -RAICHU LV 45 (F) 1176 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] Go up from her, then right, then up, and left, then up to a grass field. Go into it, heading left, and fight: CAMPER SID (640P) -DUGTRIO LV 43 (M) 1408 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Earth Power [Ground/Physical] -POLIWRATH LV 40 (M) 1585 EXP -Type: Water/Fighting -PRIMEAPE LV 40 (M) 1276 EXP -Type: Fighting Backtrack to where the sign is, and this time take the right path. Keep going right, and you will run into: CAMPER DEAN (672P) -GOLDUCK LV 44 (M) 1639 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Zen Headbutt [Psychic/Physical] -SANDSLASH LV 42 (M) 1467 EXP -Type: Ground From him, go right, and up the stairs, and all the way up to a field where you see a Hiker. HIKER EOIN (1344P) -GRAVELER LV 42 (M) 1206 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -GRAVELER LV 42 (M) 1206 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -GRAVELER LV 42 (M) 1206 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground If you go right from him, you can CUT the tree, and grab the item on the other side. Hop the ledge facing down, and fight: PICNICKER HEIDI (688P) -SKIPLOOM LV 43 (F) 1252 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: U-turn [Bug/Physical] -SKIPLOOM LV 43 (F) 1252 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Worry Seed [Grass/Status] Cotton Spore [Grass/Status] Hop downward off the ledge with the cuttable tree next to it below the trainer you just fought. Go down the stairs, pick up the FULL RESTORE. Now fight the Hiker to the left: HIKER CLARKE (1440P) -ONIX LV 43 (M) 994 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -DUGTRIO LV 45 (M) 1474 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Earth Power [Ground/Physical] Go all the way left until you see a way to go up. Do so, then take a right, then up the first stairway you come to, then up, and hop one ledge down. Now go right, and into a field with a row of cuttable trees. There is a body of water above you. There is a Pokemon Center in Route 10 to the south if you need to heal up. When ready, SURF on this body of water. The river is straightforward. Follow it as it flows downward. ------------------------------- ROUTE 10 [133] ------------------------------- Keep going downward. When you see a large building and fields of grass, hop off onto the ground, and make your way inside the building. ----------------------------- POWER PLANT [134] ------------------------------ Inside, go up the stairs, and make your way to the back of the room. There is one man facing the generator in the center of the room, with a Police man behind him. Speak to him. Then the Police man behind him. Now head back to the stairway. Another Police man will interrupt you, asking you for help. There is a Pokemon trade in here, as well. A DUGTRIO for MAGNETON. So, exit the Power Plant and FLY to CERULEAN CITY. ----------------------------- CERULEAN CITY [135] ---------------------------- Go into the Gym! --------------------------- CERULEAN CITY GYM [136] -------------------------- The shady man with interesting way of speaking will run away soon after talking a little. Leave the Gym after him. ----------------------------- CERULEAN CITY [137] ---------------------------- Go up and exit the city north, into Route 24. ------------------------------- ROUTE 24 [138] ------------------------------- He will see you, and dash between a couple. Talk to him, and get ready to fight! TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1500P) -GOLBAT LV 39 (M) 1428 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Mean Look [Normal/Status] Poison Fang [Poison/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Okay, now let's head to Cerulean Gym, again. ----------------------------- CERULEAN CITY [139] ---------------------------- Head for the Gym. No need to heal up, but do so if you wish. --------------------------- CERULEAN CITY GYM [140] -------------------------- In the Gym, Go right, and go to right side, then up to the top of the Gym, past the platforms. Then go left, so you are at the top left corner of the Gym. Now, go to the inflatable tube (the red/white objects), and examine the right side, facing downward, right next to the pool. You should find the MACHINE PART. Now leave the Gym. ----------------------------- CERULEAN CITY [141] ---------------------------- We need to head back to the Power Plant. So exit the city right, again, into Route 09. ------------------------------- ROUTE 09 [142] ------------------------------- Make your way to the right side of the Route again, going up and down ledges. When you get there, SURF on the water, and follow it down into Route 10. ------------------------------- ROUTE 10 [143] ------------------------------- Hop off on the first chance you get, and enter the Power Plant. ----------------------------- POWER PLANT [144] ------------------------------ Go speak to the Manager. The generator will run again, and you will receive TM57 CHARGE BEAM as a reward. We can now get a RADIO CARD, as well as the TRAIN PASS, that will allow you to travel between GOLDENROD CITY and SAFFRON CITY by train. Exit and FLY to LAVENDER TOWN. ---------------------------- LAVENDER TOWN [145] ----------------------------- Go to the Radio Tower. Inside, talk to the President, the Gentleman standing next to the bench along the top wall. He will thank you and give you an EXPN CARD. Now exit and FLY to SAFFRON CITY. ------------------------------ SAFFRON CITY [146] ---------------------------- Remember Copycat? We have to visit her. Go to the house in the top right part of the city, south of the Train Station (It's a blue house.) Go inside, and upstairs, and speak to her. Now exit and FLY to VERMILLION CITY. ------------------------------ VERMILION CITY [147] -------------------------- Remember the fanclub? We have to go there and speak to somebody. So, go to the club house, north of the Gym. Talk to the person next to the table. You will receive the LOST ITEM. Now exit, and you will bump into someone else. He will tell you about LATIAS [HEARTGOLD] and LATIOS [SOULSILVER], and he will be important for filling out your Pokedex. As far as the walkthrough is concerned, we won't see him much. You can find him in SILPH CO. Now FLY to SAFFRON CITY. ------------------------------ SAFFRON CITY [148] ---------------------------- Go back to Copycat, and give her the doll. You will receive the PASS. Now you can travel easily between Johto and Kanto. Let's go and (finally) get the next badge! FLY to CERULEAN CITY. ----------------------------- CERULEAN CITY [149] ---------------------------- Actually, we still have to do a bit more before the Gym fight. Heal up, and head north into Route 24. ------------------------------- ROUTE 24 [150] ------------------------------- Head across the bridge, and it will take you into Route 25. ------------------------------- ROUTE 25 [151] ------------------------------- Up here, follow the road to the right. There are some Trainers that we need to fight, and you are rewarded soon after. Fight the first one: SCHOOL KID DUDLEY (900P) -ODDISH LV 45 (M) 751 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Petal Dance [Grass/Physical] Go right and you will run into the second: LASS ELLEN (704P) -WIGGLYTUFF LV 40 (F) 933 EXP -Type: Normal -GRANBULL LV 44 (F) 1677 EXP -Type: Normal Continue right, and you will run into the third: SCHOOL KID JOE (840P) -TANGELA LV 44 (M) 1564 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Slam [Normal/Physical] Ancient Power [Rock/Special] Knock Off [Dark/Physical] -VAPOREON LV 42 (M) 1764 EXP -Type: Water And the fourth you will run into: CAMPER LLOYD (736P) -NIDOKING LV 46 (M) 1921 EXP -Ability: Poison Point -Type: Poison/Ground -Moves: Thrash [Normal/Physical] The next two are fought in a double battle: LASS LAURA AND LASS SHANNON (1328P) -GLOOM LV 38 (F) 1074 EXP 1 -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: -PARAS LV 38 (F) 570 EXP 2 -Type: Bug/Grass -BELLOSSOM LV 41 (F) 1614 EXP 1 -Type; Grass -PARAS LV 38 (F) 570 EXP 2 -Type: Bug/Grass -Moves: Giga Drain [Grass/Special] -PIDGEOTTO LV 41 (F) 900 EXP 1 -Type: Normal/Flying -PARASECT LV 42 (F) 1152 EXP 2 -Type: Bug/Grass Go right, and up, and right. You will see another Trainer, get ready for a battle with the cheater: SUPER NERD PAT (2256P) -PORYGON LV 47 (X) 1308 EXP -Ability: Download -Type: Normal -Moves: Charge Beam [Electric/Special] After him, there is still one more battle. Talk to the Trainer at the end of the area. You will receive a NUGGET. Now he wants to challenge you, so fight him: ACE TRAINER KEVIN (2760P) -RHYHORN LV 48 (M) 1387 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -CHARMELEON LV 46 (M) 1399 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] -WARTORTLE LV 46 (M) 1408 EXP -Type: Water With that done, head to the right. The house to the north is Bill's. His Grandpa stays here, you can show him different things to get items as gifts. Anyway, go up the stairway on the right, to see two people. One will run away. The girl stays, it turns out to be the Gym Leader Misty. She heads back to the Gym now, so we can battle her. FLY back to CERULEAN CITY. ----------------------------- CERULEAN CITY [152] ---------------------------- Heal up at the Pokemon Center. Prepare yourself for a Gym Battle. When ready, head for the Gym. --------------------------- CERULEAN CITY GYM [153] -------------------------- The Tips man doesn't say much. But she uses water, if you couldn't tell. Go up and fight the first sailor: SAILOR PARKER (1376P) -HORSEA LV 43 (M) 763 EXP -Type: Water -SEADRA LV 43 (M) 1428 EXP -Type: Water Now SURF in the pool. and fight the first swimmer in the third lane: SWIMMER DIANA (768P) -GOLDUCK LV 48 (F) 1789 EXP -Type: Water Go back to the right side, head up, fight the next sailor: SAILOR EDDIE (1536P) -AZUMARILL LV 48 (M) 1573 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Ring [Water/Status] Water Pulse [Water/Special] Now SURF in lane two, and battle the swimmer: SWIMMER JOY (768P) -CLOYSTER LV 48 (F) 2088 EXP -Type: Water/Ice SURF up through the opening between lanes two and one, and fight the final Trainer: SWIMMER BRIANA (736P) -SEAKING LV 46 (F) 1675 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] -SEAKING LV 46 (F) 1675 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] That's it for the Trainers. Now SURF to the top of the lane, and get off, go up the steps to fight Misty. You should heal if needed. Get ready to fight! Tips: Against Water, Grass and Electric is always nice to have. QUAGSIRE is Ground as well, however, it has Water Absorb, so it may not be a good idea to attack it with another water Pokemon. Electric would be bad too, as it is immune to most of the attacks. A good tactic would be to allow QUAGSIRE to use Rain Dance if any of your Pokemon have Thunder, this way the accuracy will be raised, and you can take out the LAPRAS and STARMIE right after. LAPRAS has Ice Beam, which can damage Grass easily. STARMIE follows up, but is also part Psychic, so other methods can be used to deal with it. Be careful of the movesets and abilities! LEADER MISTY (6480P) -GOLDUCK LV 49 (F) 1827 EXP -Ability: Damp -Type: Water -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] Disable [Normal/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Psych Up [Normal/Status] -QUAGSIRE LV 49 (F) 1438 EXP -Ability: Water Absorb -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Rain Dance [Water/Status] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] -LAPRAS LV 52 (F) 2439 EXP -Ability: Shell Armor -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Ice Beam [Ice/Special] Sing [Normal/Status] Water Pulse [Water/Special] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] -STARMIE LV 54 (X) 2394 EXP -Ability: Natural Cure -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Ice Beam [Ice/Special] Recover [Normal/Status] You will get the CASCADE BADGE and TM03 WATER PULSE. That's that. Exit the Gym! ----------------------------- CERULEAN CITY [154] ---------------------------- Heal up, and FLY to VERMILLION CITY. This was quite the long chapter, the ones coming up are nowhere near as long. ****************************** CHAPTER 16 [CH16] ***************************** This covers getting a SNORLAX, DIGLETT's CAVE, and the VOLCANO BADGE. ----------------------------- VERMILION CITY [155] --------------------------- Exit VERMILLION CITY east, into Route 11. ------------------------------- ROUTE 11 [156] ------------------------------- As you can see... there is a SNORLAX in the way. So, open your PokeGear, go to your radio, and manually tune it to the center line, and go up. "PokeFlute" should be when you reach the top of the center line. Let it keep playing, and check the SNORLAX. It should get into a battle with you. SNORLAX (M/F) LV 50 -Type: Normal -Moves: Rollout [Rock/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Giga Impact [Normal/Physical] Block [Normal/Status] Either capture or defeat it. Now the way is open to DIGLETT's CAVE. I will cover Route 11 here, but if you want to skip it, just go down to the next section which is DIGLETT's CAVE. So head right along the path in the grass, and you will run into: PSYCHIC FIDEL (1376P) -XATU LV 43 (M) 1575 EXP -Type: Psychic/Flying Keep following the path right, and you will run into: YOUNGSTER OWEN (704P) -GROWLITHE LV 44 (M) 858 EXP -Type: Fire Go up from him, to the Youngster pacing back and forth: YOUNGSTER JASON (672P) -SANDSLASH LV 42 (M) 1467 EXP -Type: Ground -CROBAT LV 42 (M) 1836 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Poison Fang [Poison/Physical] Follow the path right and downward, where you can see a GRN ARPICORN and a Psychic pacing around on patrol. Take the GRN APRICORN, and battle him: PSYCHIC HERMAN (1248P) -EXEGGCUTE LV 39 (M) 819 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -EXEGGCUTE LV 39 (M) 819 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -EXEGGUTOR LV 39 (M) 1771 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] This Route is done. Head for DIGLETT's CAVE. ----------------------------- DIGLETT's CAVE [157] --------------------------- Before we proceed, make sure you have a Pokemon that has CUT with you. 1F: Go down the ladder right in front of you. B1F: Follow the path, as it is pretty linear. Keep the DOWSING MCHN out to find useful items. We can't fully explore the area as we lack ROCK CLIMB, so for now I will just take you to the other side. For full info on this cave, see the exploration section. At the end there is a ladder, take it to go up. 1F: Go up the set of stairs to the left, and out the exit. ------------------------------- ROUTE 02 [158] ------------------------------- Go to the right and up the path between the trees and the cave to grab the CARBOS. Now go down, and grab the PNK ARPICORN next to the house. Go inside the house and talk to the man to get the NUGGET. Go down, hop the ledges or just pass them, and into the gatehouse. Talk to the man inside, and receive the SACRED ASH. Exit the guard house. Keep going south, grab the ELIXIR. Now CUT the tree to your left, go left until you see a sign, then go down to get into VIRIDIAN CITY. ----------------------------- VIRIDIAN CITY [159] ---------------------------- We can't fight the Gym Leader yet, but check out the TRAINER HOUSE in this area. We're passing by, so heal up. There is a body of water on the left side of the city with a man on the other side, SURF across and talk to him. You will get TM85 DREAM EATER. Now, exit the city south. ------------------------------- ROUTE 01 [160] ------------------------------- Route 1! The very first. Hop the ledge on the left side, grabbing the BLK APRICORN. Hop the next ledge, but then go right and then up to battle: SCHOOL KID SHERMAN (860P) -FURRET LV 43 (M) 1068 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Baton Pass [Normal/Status] -PIDGEOT LV 43 (M) 1584 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying Now go back to the left side, and fight: SCHOOL KID DANNY (860P) -JYNX LV 43 (F) 1261 EXP -Type: Psychic/Ice -ELECTABUZZ LV 43 (M) 1437 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Light Screen [Psychic/Status] -MAGMAR LV 43 (M) 1537 EXP -Type: Fire Go down the left stairway, then fight: ACE TRAINER FRENCH (2820P) -ABSOL LV 47 (M) 1752 EXP -Type: Dark -ALAKAZAM LV 47 (M) 1762 EXP -Type: Psychic Follow the path downward, and stay on the path. Eventually you will run into: ACE TRAINER QUINN (2820P) -IVYSAUR LV 47 (M) 1419 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -STARMIE LV 47 (X) 2083 -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Blizzard [Ice/Special] Now hop off the ledge going south, to PALLET TOWN. ------------------------------- PALLET TOWN [161] ---------------------------- The most nostalgic area of the game. Well, there is OAK's LAB, but we don't have any business there, yet. Go south to the body of water, and SURF. Go downward, and out into Route 21. ------------------------------- ROUTE 21 [162] ------------------------------- Going south, you will run into: SWIMMER NIKKI (672P) -SEEL LV 37 (F) 792 EXP -Type: Water -DEWGONG LV 42 (F) 1584 EXP -Type: Ice/Water Go right and hop onto the small island. There is a Fisherman facing to the right. Talk to him: FISHERMAN ARNOLD (1408P) -SHELLDER LV 44 (M) 913 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Iron Defense [Steel/Status Use SURF again. This time head to the small island on the left side. There are two Trainers there. Start with the top one: BIRD KEEPER KINSLEY (1184P) -FARFETCH'D LV 36 (M) 724 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -FEAROW LV 36 (M) 1249 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEOTTO LV 37 (M) 895 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying Now talk to the Fisherman: FISHERMAN MURPHY (1216P) -CORSOLA LV 32 (F) 774 EXP -Type: Water/Rock -CORSOLA LV 34 (F) 822 EXP -Type: Water/Rock -CORSOLA LV 36 (F) 871 EXP -Type: Water/Rock -Moves: Rock Blast [Rock/Physical] -CORSOLA LV 38 (F) 919 EXP -Type: Water/Rock -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] Use SURF again. Fight the swimmer who is near the island we just left: SWIMMER CHELAN (640P) -AZUMARILL LV 40 (F) 1311 EXP -Type: Water Go straight south, ignoring the island to your right. Instead, go to the island with another Fisherman facing upward on it. Battle him: FISHERMAN LIAM (1344P) -SEADRA LV 42 (M) 1395 EXP -Type: Water SURF to the right of the island now, where there is a swimmer swimming in circles. Battle him: SWIMMER TYSON (672P) -QUAGSIRE LV 42 (M) 1222 EXP -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Yawn [Normal/Status] -OCTILLERY LV 42 (M) 1476 EXP -Type: Water Now go down and to the left, to yet another island with a Fisherman facing to the left. Battle him: FISHERMAN GIDEON (1280P) -LANTURN LV 44 (M) 1470 EXP -Ability; Volt Absorb -Type: Electric/Water -Moves: Discharge [Electric/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Signal Beam [Bug/Special] -MANTINE LV 40 (M) 1440 EXP -Type: water From him, SURF south and there is a stationary swimmer facing to the left. Battle him: SWIMMER ESTEBAN (608P) -GOLDUCK LV 38 (M) 1416 EXP -Type: Water -POLIWHIRL LV 38 (M) 1066 EXP -Type: Water SURF right from him, to see another swimmer. Battle him: SWIMMER DUANE (640P) -SEAKING LV 40 (M) 1456 EXP -Type: Water -KABUTOPS LV 40 (M) 1705 EXP -Type: Water/Rock -Moves: Slash [Normal/Physical] Now go all the way left, past the middle swimmer, to another island with a Bird Keeper on it. Battle him: BIRD KEEPER EASTON (1152P) -DODUO LV 35 (M) 720 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODUO LV 35 (M) 720 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODRIO LV 35 (M) 1185 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODRIO LV 36 (M) 1218 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying We're almost at the end, but let's SURF right and down, you will see a swimmer facing down toward the large island. Battle her: SWIMMER KENDRA (688P) -SLOWKING LV 43 (F) 1510 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Zen Headbutt [Psychic/Physical] Nasty Plot [Dark/Status] Swagger [Normal/Status] This Route is done. SURF left, and down, so you are between the rocks and the large island. ----------------------------- CINNABAR ISLAND [163] -------------------------- SURF down, and hop on the land on the right when you get the chance. Heal up at the Pokemon Center, first. Head outside, and up the stairs to the left. Talk to the only person there. Following this guide, you can't battle him, yet. So keep him in mind, we have to battle him last. Let's go take on our next Gym. SURF on the water again, and head to the right. ------------------------------- ROUTE 20 [164] ------------------------------- When in the open water, go up and fight the swimmer who is facing downward: SWIMMER FRANKIE (704P) -AZUMARILL LV 44 (M) 1441 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] Go south of him, and to the right, onto a small island with a Bird Keeper on it. Battle him: BIRD KEEPER BERT (1376P) -WINGULL LV 46 (M) 630 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Pursuit [Dark/Physical] -FEAROW LV 43 (M) 1492 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Mirror Move [Normal/Status] Go right from him and fight the Picnicker: PICNICKER CHEYENNE (720P) -SHINX LV 45 (F) 577 EXP -Type: Electric SURF up and fight the swimmer: SWIMMER MINA (656P) -LUVDISC LV 38 (F) 895 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Sweet Kiss [Normal/Status] -LUVDISC LV 39 (F) 918 EXP -Type: Water -LUVDISC LV 41 (F) 966 EXP -Type: Water Go right from her, and down. There is a Bird Keeper on another small island, fight him: BIRD KEEPER ERNIE (1536P) -STARLY LV 48 (M) 576 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying Go to the right edge of the island, then SURF east. Fight the swimmer along the way: SWIMMER LEONA (704P) -BIDOOF LV 44 (F) 546 EXP -Type: Water SURF right, you will see a place to land with a cave and a Trainer. Fight the Trainer first: PICNICKER ADRIAN (720P) -SHROOMISH LV 45 (F) 625 EXP -Type: Grass You may want to heal, then enter the cave. ----------------------------- SEAFOAM ISLANDS [165] -------------------------- 1F: Go up the ladder. --------------------------- SEAFOAM ISLANDS GYM [166] ------------------------ Go forward, and talk to the Tips man. The Gym is full of fire users, so water and ground would work nicely. Go forward and talk to the scientist: SCIENTIST LOWELL (1600P) -ARCANINE LV 50 (M) 2281 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] He will move back, opening a pathway. Take a left and fight the scientist: SCIENTIST DANIEL (1600P) -NINETALES LV 50 (F) 1906 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Overheat [Fire/Special] Will-O-Wisp [Fire/Status] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Now go back to the right, and go up, and go to the left side of the scientist, and talk to him: SUPER NERD CARY (2544P) -TORKOAL LV 53 (M) 1828 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Iron Defense [Steel/Status] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] Iron Tail [Steel/Physical] Go up now, and fight the next Scientist: SCIENTIST LINDEN (1600P) -MAGMAR LV 50 (M) 1788 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Overheat [Fire/Special] And then go up, anther Scientist: SUPER NERD WALDO (2544P) -NUMEL LV 53 (M) 999 EXP -Type: Fire Now go left and down, the final Scientist: SUPER NERD MERLE (2544P) -MAGCARGO LV 53 (M) 1749 EXP -Type: Fire/Rock Head right. Heal up if you need to, and get ready to battle!: Tips: He uses all Fire type. All weak to water and ground. MAGMAR and RAPIDASH have high speed, so be wary when they use Overheat on their first move, as their White Herb restores their status drop. You can get rid of it quickly if you have a Pokemon with Intimidate, which will force them to use the White Herb first. MAGCARGO and MAGMAR also have anti-air moves, so be wary of this. The fight isn't too difficult otherwise. LEADER BLAINE (7080P) -MAGCARGO LV 54 (M) 1782 EXP -Ability: Flame Body -Type: Fire/Rock -Moves: Overheat [Fire/Special] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] Smog [Poison/Special] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] -MAGMAR LV 54 (M) 1932 EXP -Ability: Flame Body -Type: Fire -Moves: ThunderPunch [Electric/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Overheat [Fire/Special] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] -RAPIDASH LV 59 (M) 2426 EXP -Ability: Flash Fire -Type: Fire -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Bounce [Flying/Physical] Overheat [Fire/Special] Flare Blitz [Fire/Physical] You will receive the VOLCANO BADGE, and TM50 OVERHEAT. Exit the Gym. If you want to explore the rest of SEAFOAM ISLANDS, that will appear in the exploration section of the FAQ. FLY to VIRIDIAN CITY when you're done! ****************************** CHAPTER 17 [CH17] ***************************** This covers up to the BOULDER BADGE! ----------------------------- VIRIDIAN CITY [167] ---------------------------- Heal up here. This time, we're going north. ------------------------------- ROUTE 02 [168] ------------------------------- Just follow the road. As you go along, you will see a Bug Catcher, it's been a long time! BUG CATCHER ROB (624P) PokeGear -BEEDRILL LV 40 (M) 1362 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -BUTTERFREE LV 39 (M) 1336 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying Keep following the road, and you will run into another one: BUG CATCHER DOUG (592P) PokeGear -BUTTERFREE LV 39 (M) 1336 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying -Mes: Tailwind [Flying/Status] -ARIADOS LV 37 (M) 1062 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison Continue up the road, you will see a border house. Enter it. ----------------------------- VIRIDIAN FOREST [169] -------------------------- This place isn't as hard to navigate as it may seem. But I will be taking you to fight every Trainer. No worries, they're all along the path we are going on to the exit anyway, none are off the path. So, go right and down the stairs, following the green pathway as it takes you to the first Trainer: BUG CATCHER DANE (768P) -BEEDRILL LV 44 (M) 1498 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] -BUTTERFRE LV 48 (M) 1645 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying -Moves: Safeguard [Normal/Status] A quick detour, go into the grass, and up to a brown patch. Grab TM77 PSYCH UP. Then go back into the grass and back onto the green path. Go up now. Going up, you will run into: BUC CATCHER DION (800P) -ARIADOS LV 50 (M) 1435 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison Take the right path, up the stairs. Keep going up, and you will face: BUG CATCHER STACEY (960P) -METAPOD LV 52 (M) 801 EXP -Type: Bug -METAPOD LV 56 (M) 864 EXP -Type: Bug -METAPOD LV 60 (M) 925 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: Harden [Normal/Status] Go up and left, and onto the brown path. Grab the BLUE FLUTE. Then go up, and take the right stairway down onto the green path. Go up, following it, and fight the Trainer pacing back and forth: BUG CATCHER ELLIS (737P) -WEEDLE LV 28 (M) 312 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -BEEDRILL LV 46 (M) 1566 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] -KAKUNA LV 38 (M) 577 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison Go left, and then the path will lead you into grass patches. Go south through it, then left, and back up through more grass. There is an item at the top, grab it, it's a DIRE HIT. Now go left, and down through more grass. You will run into the last Trainer: BUG CATCHER ABNER (704P) -BUTTERFREE LV 44 (M) 1507 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying -PIKACHU LV 44 (M) 772 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] -BEEDRILL LV 44 (M) 1498 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison Go left, and straight up, into the guard house. ------------------------------- ROUTE 02 [170] ------------------------------- Go up, and there is a Bug Catcher. Battle them! BUG CATCHER ED (688P) -BURMY LV 43 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Bug -BUTTERFREE LV 43 (M) 1473 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying -BEEDRILL VL 43 (M) 1464 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison Follow the path right. and up. ----------------------------- PEWTER CITY [171] ------------------------------ Heal up. Near the Poke Mart, there is an old man standing on an elevated platform. Speak to him, and he will give you the SILVER WING [HEARTGOLD], or RAINBOW WING [SOULSILVER]. This allows you to catch the other version's mascot Pokemon. There are two apricorn trees at the top right of the city. Grab them, they are BLU and WHT APRICORNS. There is the Museum at the top, where you can ressurrect fossils to get Pokemon if you need to. Anyway, when the tour is done, go to the GYM. --------------------------- PEWTER CITY GYM [172] ---------------------------- This Gym is straightforward. Everyone uses Rock pokemon, so Ground, Fighting, Grass, Water, Steel are nice Pokemon to have. High special attack would be nice too. The Trainers are skippable too, but assuming you're fighting them: CAMPER JERRY (800P) -RHYDON LV 50 (M) 2185 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] And the Hiker: HIKER EDWIN (1600P) -GOLEM LV 50 (M) 1896 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Sandstorm [Ground/Status] Double Edge [Normal/Physical] And that's it. Heal up if you need to, and get ready for battle with Brock! Tips: They keep boasting high defense, by try to sweep aside their weakness to several different types and especially low special defense. This fight is really easy if you use special attacks with weaknesses. Also, don't be afraid to use physical attacks coming from Pokemon with high attack. Moves like Earthquake still destroy him, even if it seems like they have high defense. Just look out for some moves, such as Rock Slide if you're using GYARADOS or AERODACTYL, and Giga Drain if you're using Water. Things like that. LEADER BROCK (6240P) -GRAVELER LV 51 (M) 1464 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Defense Curl [Normal/Status] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Rollout [Rock/Physical] -RHYHORN LV 51 (M) 1474 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Ground/Rock -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Scary Face [Normal/Status] Sandstorm [Rock/Status] Horn Drill [Normal/Physical] -OMASTAR LV 53 (M) 2259 EXP -Ability: Swift Swim -Type: Rock/Water -Moves: Spike Cannon [Normal/Physical] AncientPower [Rock/Special] Brine [Water/Special] Protect [Normal/Status] -ONIX LV 51 (M) 1249 -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Iron Tail [Steel/Physical] Sandstorm [Rock/Status] Screech [Normal/Status] -KABUTOPS LV 52 (M) 2217 EXP -Ability: Swift Swim -Type: Rock/Water -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Aqua Jet [Water/Physical] Endure [Normal/Status] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] You will get the BOULDER BADGE, and TM80 ROCK SLIDE. Exit the GYM. ----------------------------- PEWTER CITY [173] ------------------------------ FLY to CINNABAR ISLAND. Time for the final badge! ****************************** CHAPTER 18 [CH18] ***************************** This covers up to the EARTH BADGE, that is, the FINAL BADGE. You get ROCK CLIMB this chapter, too. ----------------------------- CINNABAR ISLAND [174] -------------------------- Heal up, and then go up and talk to BLUE. He will head back to VIRIDIAN GYM. So, FLY to VIRIDIAN CITY. ----------------------------- VIRIDIAN CITY [175] ---------------------------- Head for the Gym. ---------------------------- VIRIDIAN CITY GYM [176] ------------------------- This GYM is full of moving panels on the floor. I will refer you to a map on gameFAQs submitted by user "oblivion from aoc" http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/960099-pokemon-heartgold/faqs/57759 Use the above to reach the Gym leader. If you follow my guide, I will be making you fight every Trainer in the gym for the sake of Experience. If you want to skip them, follow the above, then just scroll down and look for info on the Gym Leader. To fight the Trainers: Take the far right red panel. then take the blue panel directly below you: ACE TRAINER SALMA (3180P) -SLOWKING LV 50 (F) 1754 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Surf [Water/Special] -LICKILICKY LV 53 (F) 2191 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Take the blue panel directly below you: ACE TRAINER ARABELLA (3120P) -STANTLER LV 53 (M) 1873 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Zen Headbutt [Psychic/Physical] -TAUROS LV 52 (M) 2350 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Normal -Moves: Fire Blast [Fire/Special] Thunder [Electric/Special] Take two steps down to return to the entrance. Now take the far right red panel again. Take the red panel to your left this time. Then take the red panel above you. Take on step up, then right, onto another red panel. Take the red panel to your right. Take the red panel to your left. Now you will be in a double battle: DOUBLE TEAM ELAN & IDA (12000P) -PORYGON2 LV 52 (X) 2004 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: charge Beam [Electric/Special] -AZUMARILL LV 50 (M) 1628 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Attract [Normal/Status] Waterfall [Water/Physical] Aqua Jet [Water/Physical] Take the red panel to your right to fight the final Trainer: ACE TRAINER BONITA (3120P) -SPINDA LV 50 (M) 910 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Trick Room [Psychic/Status] -SUDOWOODO LV 52 (M) 1503 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Take the blue panel below to return to the entrance. This is a good time to exit and go to the Pokemon Center and come back. To get to the Gym Leader: Take the far right red panel. Then take the red panel two steps to your left. Then take the red panel two steps above you.Then take the red panel one step up and to the right. Take the red panel two steps to your right. Then, take the red panel two steps to your right, again. Now go up, and get ready to fight! Tips: Blue is a well rounded Trainer, so you may have to bring Pokemon with moves that can counter his Pokemon as you will see below. His Pokemon are versatile with moves of their own. LEADER BLUE (9600P) -EXEGGUTOR LV 55 (M) 2497 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Leaf Storm [Grass/Special] Trick Room [Psychic/Status] -RHYDON LV 58 (M) 2535 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Ground/Rock -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Megahorn [Bug/Physical] Thunder Fang [Electric/Physical] -MACHAMP LV 56 (M) 2316 EXP -Ability: No Guard -Type: Fighting -Moves: ThunderPunch [Electric/Physical] DynamicPunch [Fighting/Physical] Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] -GYARADOS LV 52 (M) 2282 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Waterfall [Water/Physical] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Dragon Dance [Dragon/Status] Return [Normal/Physical] -ARCANINE LV 58 (M) 2646 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Fire -Moves: ExtremeSpeed [Normal/Physical] Flare Blitz [Fire/Physical] Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] Roar [Normal/Status] -PIDGEOT LV 60 (M) 2210 EXP -Ability: Tangled Feet -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Whirlwind [Normal/Status] Mirror Move [Flying/Status] Return [Normal/Physical] Air Slash [Flying/Special] You will receive the EARTH BADGE and TM92 TRICK ROOM. Leave the Gym. You can get out by going left and the yellow panels will take you right back to the entrance. ----------------------------- VIRIDIAN CITY [177] ---------------------------- You will get a call from Professor Oak. He wants you to pick something up, so FLY to PALLET TOWN. ------------------------------- PALLET TOWN [178] ---------------------------- Go to OAK's LAB, and once inside, talk to him. You will receive HM08 ROCK CLIMB. Now we can fully explore so many locations! He also grants us access to Mt. Silver...this is it. You will need a Pokemon with HMs ROCK CLIMB, ROCK SMASH, SURF, and WATERFALL. Exit the lab, and FLY to VICTORY ROAD. Or FLY to VIRIDIAN CITY, and exit west to Route 22, then get to VICTORY ROAD. Your choice! ****************************** CHAPTER 19 [CH19] ***************************** This chapter navigates MT. SILVER to reach the Legendary Trainer RED. ------------------------------- ROUTE 26 [179] ------------------------------- Enter the RECEPTION GATE, right above you. ---------------------------- RECEPTION GATE [180] ---------------------------- If you came from Route 22, you will come in from the right side. If you came in from Route 26, then from the bottom side. Either way, exit to the left! ------------------------------- ROUTE 28 [181] ------------------------------- Head left, through patches of grass. Go across the top, and when you reach a fork, go down, then left, and up a stairway. Continue left, going down under the ledge, to see another stairway, go up this one as well. ------------------------------ MT. SILVER [182] ------------------------------ Go up, there is a Pokemon Center here for your convenience. If you have a Pokemon with CUT, then go down the stairway to the right, CUT the tree, and enter the house. Inside, talk to the girl, you will get TM47 STEEL WING. Exit the house, continue right, and pick up TM35 FLAMETHROWER. Now head back up the stairway to Mt. Silver. Now go south, down the left stairway, SURF across the water, go across the grass, and up where the item is. Pick up the REAPER CLOTH. Now go back to the Pokemon Center. When you are prepared to enter, hop the ledge to the left, and go into the cave. --------------------------- MT. SILVER CAVE [183] ---------------------------- Entrance, Inside: Just so you know, Legendary Pokemon MOLTRES resides in here, too. But we are not going for it right now, check the Legendary Pokemon sidequests for where and how to get to Moltres. Anyway, go to the rocky wall on the right, and use ROCK CLIMB to go up. Exit out the exit on the right. Outside: Go down, pick up the ESCAPE ROPE. Go down, then go up the stairs to the left, and go up the second stairway too. Go up, and go up the first stairway you come to. Go down, and grab TM76 STEALTH ROCK. Now go back up, and at the top of this path is a stairway going down. Go down. If you go inside that cave entrance, you can get a FULL RESTORE, but that's it. Go down the next flight of stairs near the one you just came down. Then go down, and down another flight of stairs. Then go downward, and up the first stairway. Enter the cave entrance here. Inside: Follow the linear path as it winds, eventually leading you upward. Go up the large stairway you come across, and go to through the top. Go forward, and up the stairway, go left, and up that stairway too. Go left, and down, then right, and then up. Don't go up the stairs yet, go left and grab the MAX ELIXIR. Now go up that stairway. Go right, then down, then left, then up, and there is a stairway. Grab the MAX REVIVE to the right first, though. Then go up that stairs. Go left, then down. Smash the rocks, then keep going down, then right. Grab the CALCIUM. Backtrack to the stairway, and go right, and out the exit at the top. Outside: Go right, then down. Enter the cave and grab a PROTEIN, then go back out. Go down, then enter the second cave entrance. Inside: Go down, and out the only other exit. Outside: Go downward, then left. There is an entrance, but first use ROCK CLIMB on the left side. Go left again, and climb that wall too. Go right, and up, and grab the PURE INCENSE. Now climb down twice, back to that entrance we crossed earlier. Go inside. Inside: Go left, and out the only other exit. Outside: ROCK CLIMB on the wall right next to the entrance/exit. Then use ROCK CLIMB on the rocky wall on the far left. Climb up the next slope to get the DAWN STONE. Now go back down, twice, and take the middle path this time. Then climb up again, and enter the cave. Inside: Go left, and climb up the only wall. There is one way out. Go. ****************************** CHAPTER 20 [CH20] ***************************** A chapter dedicated to the final battle! --------------------------- MT. SILVER CAVE [184] ---------------------------- Peak: Head forward, save, heal up, do what you need to do. When you are ready, speak to him to begin! Tips: Oh my. His levels are near 100, with all his Pokemon 80+. He has devastating attacks and a good variety of Pokemon. You're going to have to put everything you've learned to the test. You can win out in a battle of endurance with enough REVIVE and FULL RESTORE/HYPER POTION. Also, the levels shouldn't intimidate you, a well trained Pokemon with a well placed attack will do him in. You can always go for Parish Song too, which came in handy, or other guaranteed kill moves. It may take awhile, but the reward is well worth it. Electricity packs a punch against Lapras, Charizard, and Blastoise. Water takes out Charizard as well. Ground works only against Pikachu, but Pikachu's defense is low enough for other Pokemon to take it out. You have fought one of each of these Pokemon before, just combine the knowledge of what you have learned. His harder-hitting moves will run out of PP quickly, especially if you have a Pokemon with Pressure as an ability, or if you keep using Spite. Status effects are key to winning as well, confusion and paralysis making a huge difference to the flow of battle. Make sure if he is in the yellow, you take him out quick before he uses a FULL RESTORE. It is also Hailing, which damages his (and your) Pokemon slightly at the end of each turn. This is good and bad. His Lapras is immune, however, so be prepared. Good luck! PKMN TRAINER RED (16800P) -PIKACHU LV 88 (M) 1545 EXP -Ability: Static -Type: Electric -Moves: Volt Tackle [Electric/Physical] Iron Tail [Steel/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] -LAPRAS LV 80 (M) 3753 EXP -Ability: Shell Armor -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Blizzard [Ice/Special] Brine [Water/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] -SNORLAX LV 82 (M) 2706 EXP -Ability: Thick Fat -Type: Normal -Moves: Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Blizzard [Ice/Special] Giga Impact [Normal/Physical] -VENUSAUR LV 84 (M) 3744 EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] Frenzy Plant [Grass/Special] -CHARIZARD LV 84 (M) 3762 EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire/Flying -Moves: Flare Blitz [Fire/Physical] Air Slash [Flying/Special] Blast Burn [Fire/Special] Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] -BLASTOISE LV 84 (M) 3780 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Focus Blast [Fighting/Special] Hydro Cannon [Water/Special] Blizzard [Ice/Special] Flash Cannon [Steel/Special] When you manage to beat him, he disappears. You can fight him again after you defeat the Elite Four again. The game will save. The credits roll. Congratulations on your completion, you are now a true champion~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END NOTES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [END] Thank you very much for using this Walkthrough. There are so many better ones, yet for some reason you are reading this one. I put a lot of work into my first full length walkthrough, and I hope it paid off. The rest of the sections of this FAQ will be coming in due time, but the main feature is done here and now. It's great to see I can help people out when they need it, gives a good feeling, as I think all FAQ writes can agree to. :) I hope you stick around long enough to see the updates I will be doing. That is, the completion of the SIDEQUESTS, the LOCATIONS, the TRAINERS, and all the wonderful EXTRAS that come with this long game. You may have completed the main Journey, but to fill the Pokedex and get the most out of the game, well, you may or may not have long ways to go! I hope you check back for future sections that I hope will help you out. Best of luck, and thank you. -MKay ============================================================================== CATCHING LEGENDARIES [LGN] ============================================================================== Below are the list of non-event Legendaries to catch in this game. They are listed in National Dex order. To ease your search, simply type their name in all caps between [ and ] to find it with ease below. Note that any Legendary Pokemon not on this list cannot be caught in this game (by normal means). Some may be avaliable through events, however. But the list below displays the ones that can be caught in-game without outside game requirements. -#144 Articuno [ARTICUNO] -#145 Zapdos [ZAPDOS] -#146 Moltres [MOLTRES] -#150 Mewtwo [MEWTWO] -#243 Raikou [RAIKOU] -#244 Entei [ENTEI] -#245 Suicune [SUICUNE] -#249 Lugia [LUGIA] -#250 Ho-Oh [HO-OH] -#380 Latias [LATIAS] -#381 Latios [LATIOS] -#382 Kyogre [KYOGRE] -#383 Groudon [GROUDON] -#384 Rayquaza [RAYQUAZA] In this game, if you defeat a Legendary Pokemon (that is, you faint it), you are actually able to try again. You do this by defeating the Elite Four and the Champion once again, and the Pokemon will come back. You can try again with this. Some re-appear in different areas, and that will be noted down. IV/EV/Natures all change each time you knock the Pokemon out. This is useful if you are the type who wants something specific. There are some general strategies that will be repeated said, so I hope you don't mind reptition! With each section, I will be using simillar formats: Where: Where this Pokemon is located Requirements: If there are any requirements for this Legendary to appear Walkthrough: How to get to the Pokemon. It will be a somewhat thorough guide, in the sense it will cover any Trainers that you fight, as well as how to get to the Pokemon itself. It will not, however, include wild Pokemon encounters. Note that the walkthroughs are not full cave explorations, but take you straight to the Legendary Pokemon. Items grabbed are usually not off the path, and are not found using the Dowsing Machine. For that info, look at the Cave Exploration section in the FAQ. HM: The HM's you need. The Pokemon Itself: Below the Pokemon's stats will be displayed = [VERSION] - If it is version specific. If it appears in both with different stats, it will be noted. ### POKEMON NAME LV ## -Ability: The Ability -Type: The Type of Pokemon, usually dual -Moves: The moveset Move 1 [Type/Type] PP Tips: Any tips there are regarding the Pokemon and capturing it. This section may be repetitive and state common knowledge, however. ********************************** ARTICUNO ********************************** [ARTICUNO] Where: Seafoam Islands, which is within Route 20. There are two ways to enter the Island, one from the Fuchsia side (right), and Cinnabar side (left). Requirements: *Reach SEAFOAM ISLANDS WALKTHROUGH: Starts from SEAFOAM ISLAND CAVE, the entrance closer to the Cinnabar side. You get here by surfing east from Cinnabar Island. HM: SURF, STRENGTH ------------------------------- SEAFOAM ISLANDS ------------------------------ 1F: Go down the stairway, ignoring the ladder going up. B1F: Walk left and up, and use STRENGTH on the boulder. Do not push it up, rather, push it to the left until it hits the wall (three times). Push the left of two boulders above you up once, and then the remaining boulder left or right. Go left and up the stairway, grab the ICE HEAL, then go left and down the ladder. B2F: Go onto the ice to the left, simply go under and slide up, or just slide left and up. The top left corner icicle has a PEARL hidden on it. Line yourself up with the Trainer you see standing there, and then slide right into them: SKIER CADY (1696P) -DELIBIRD LV 53 (F) 2077 EXP -Type: Ice/Flying Now slide down, so you're against the bottom wall. Then go right, to the Trainer sliding back and forth: BOARDER SHAUN (1600P) -CLOYSTER LV 55 (M) 2392 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -DEWGONG LV 50 (M) 1885 EXP -Type: Water/Ice Slide up, hitting the top wall, then slide down, hitting the bottom wall. Slide right out of the ice. Below is another sheet of ice. See that Trainer? Line up with him, then go down, so you're standing right above him: BOARDER BRYCE (1600P) -DEWGONG LV 55 (M) 2073 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Dive [Water/Physical] -LAPRAS LV 50 (M) 2346 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Hydro Pump [Water/Special] Brine [Water/Special] Slide directly to the right. Then, go down the ladder there. B3F: Head to the bottom left of the room, ignoring the left ice sheet near the ladder you came from. There is an ice sheet to the left with ice blocks on it. Push two of them out of the way, either up, or down. Just not right or left. Then push whichever one is remaining to the left (slide into it from the right). It will go left, and then slide left again, and then go up, and left. Go down the ladder that is in this new area, ignoring the ice sheet above you. B4F: Go down the stairs, and SURF on the water. Follow the slightly winding path to a stairway above where you just were. Go up, then turn right, then down those stairs, and SURF again. Go down, right, and up the next stairway, then up the ladder near the stairs. B3F: Go up the only other ladder here. B2F: Go right, down, and cross the wooden bridge, taking you to yet another ladder. B3F: Go down the only other ladder here. B4F: Go down, and SURF on the water, go left, and then up, onto the stairway. You are now face to face with Articuno. Save, prepare, and then push A on it to begin! That is pretty much all of Seafoam. You can exit quickly by going to the water, surfing, then going left, and up, then following the linear path that takes you out, on the Fuchsia Side. [HEARTGOLD/SOULSILVER] #144 ARTICUNO LV 50 -Ability: Pressure -Type: Ice/Flying -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] 20/20 Agility [Psychic/Status] 30/30 Ice Beam [Ice/Special] 10/10 AncientPower [Rock/Special] 05/05 Tips: Articuno has various weaknesses. Rock, Fire, Electric, etc. Be wary of that when doing your attacks. It has stat boosting moves, and only a total of 15 PP of offensive moves. Dusk Balls are your best bet for catching it, as the time of day does not matter within caves. Do the usual statis ailments/HP drain. If you KO it, it will be here again after you defeat the Champion. *********************************** ZAPDOS *********************************** [ZAPDOS] Where: Outside the Power Plant. The Power Plant is located in Route 10, by surfing down the L-shaped body of water. Route 10 is easily accessed by leaving Cerulean City east and crossing Route 9. Requirements: *Defeat BLUE at Viridian Gym; receiving the Earth Badge WALKTHROUGH: None, as it's out in the open with no obstacles in the way. HM: SURF (To reach the PowerPlant) [HEARTGOLD/SOULSILVER] #145 ZAPDOS LV 50 -Ability: Pressure -Type: Electric/Flying -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] 30/30 Charge [Electric/Status] 20/20 Discharge [Electric/Special] 15/15 AncientPower [Rock/Special] 05/05 Tips: Zapdos has two offensive moves, both of relatively low PP. The rest are stat boosters, which can keep it going for awhile, but gives you a lot of time to catch it. If you exhaust it of it's two offensive moves, you will have at least 50 turns to capture it, before it begins to succumb to Struggle. This is assuming you're not applying pressure. Try coming at night, so you can utilize Dusk Balls to capture the Pokemon; increasing your chances by a fairly large amount. There is no need to worry about it running away. Zapdos will appear again if you defeat it by accident/on purpose, after you defeat the Champion again. *********************************** MOLTRES ********************************** [MOLTRES] Where: Mt. Silver's interior. Specifically on the west side. You can access Mt. Silver by heading west from the Reception Gate, which takes you to Route 28, eventually to Mt. Silver. If you have been to Mt. Silver before, you can FLY there. Requirements: *Defeat BLUE at Viridian Gym; receiving the Earth Badge *Gain access to Mt. Silver from Professor Oak WALKTHROUGH: The Walkthrough starts from the entrance to Mt. Silver Cave. HM Requirements: SURF, WATERFALL, ROCK CLIMB ------------------------------- MT. SILVER CAVE ------------------------------ 1F: Go left, and SURF on the water. Use WATERFALL on the waterfall that is above you. 2F: Feel free to go up the stairway to the right and into the entrance to grab the EXPERT BELT. Go back out and use SURF again if you did so. Now surf left, up, and you can get off on the thin layer of ground against the top wall. Use ROCK CLIMB on the climable wall to get up there. 3F: Go left. If you examine that rock, you'll get an ULTRA BALL. Go up, then climb down the next climbable wall that goes to the right. 2F: SURF on the water there, and then use WATERFALL to go up. 3F: Go forward, and up the stairway, through the only exit/opening there. And there it is, if you ROCK CLIMB down either wall, you can fight it. From the Pokemon Center outside Mt. Silver to here, it should take less than 250 steps, costing you only one MAX REPEL, if you were using one. ROCK CLIMB down, and battle it! [HEARTGOLD/SOULSILVER] #146 MOLTRES LV 50 -Ability: Pressure -Type: Fire/Flying -Moves: Air Slash [Flying/Special] 20/20 Safeguard [Normal/Status] 25/25 Flamethrower [Fire/Special] 15/15 AncientPower [Rock/Special] 05/05 Tips: It has more moves than Zapdos for offense, making it slightly more difficult. However, being in a cave, regardless of time of day, Dusk Balls should be very effective against it. Do the usual HP drain and status ailment, then start tossing away. If you defeat it by accident/ on purpose, it will reappear here after defeating the Champion. *********************************** MEWTWO *********************************** [MEWTWO] Where: Cerulean Cave. It is accessed by going to Route 25, then go south to the far left grass, taking you into Route 24, and SURF on the linear waterway, taking you to the cave entrance. Requirements: *Defeat BLUE at Viridian City; receiving the Earth Badge WALKTHROUGH: It will start from the Cerulean Cave entrance. HM Requirements: SURF, STRENGTH, ROCK CLIMB, ROCK SMASH and FLASH (Not an HM, but cave is dark, and it would be very helpful). -------------------------------- CERULEAN CAVE ------------------------------- 1F: Go up, and SURF on the water. Go straight up, then left. Keep going left until it forces you to turn down. Go up the nearest stairway to the left, here. Grab the NUGGET, then go down the stairs below you, and past the rocks. Go up the stairway, and go right, and down, and right. Ignore that ladder. Go down the stairway to the left of the ladder, then up the next one. Go down, down the next stairway, following the winding path, which will lead you to a larger stairway with a ladder at the top. Go up this ladder. 2F: Back here, slightly more maze like this time. Go up the first chance you get, Then take the right, and follow the very long, yet linear, path to the end, where there is another ladder down a stairway. Go down. 1F: Go to the only other ladder in this room. B1F: Go down the stairs, and follow the linear path as it winds. Take the first right, and go up, grabbing the MAX REVIVE. Backtrack to the fork, then go down, right, and follow this path, it will take you to a stairway that goes into the water. SURF here. Go right, then up, and you will run into land. Go straight up, up the stairs, down the stairs on the right, and straight down you will run into more water. Ignore the first right, and go down and to the right, grab the BLACK SLUDGE. Now backtrack to the first right, and take it. On land, go up the stairs, and there is Mewtwo. Save, prepare, and then press A to get started! That's it for Cerulean Cave. The ladder behind Mewtwo gives quick access to the exit. [HEARTGOLD/SOULSILVER] #150 MEWTWO LV 70 -Ability: Pressure -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psycho Cut [Psychic/Physical] 20/20 Amnesia [Psychic/Status] 20/20 Power Swap [Psychic/Status] 10/10 Guard Swap [Psychic/Status] 10/10 Tips: This is easier than it looks. Mewtwo in this game seems to have three status moves and just one offensive move, of which it has 20 uses. If you apply pressure, than it's just 10 turns of being under fire. Then you have 40 unpressured turns of capturing. Use Dusk Balls, as time of day does not matter within the cave. Do the usual HP reduction/status inflictment, this shouldn't be too hard. ******************************** RAIKOU/ENTEI ******************************** [RAIKOU] [ENTEI] Like Latias/Latios, these two get their own section as they are almost the same in terms of requirements and finding them. Where: Everywhere! These Pokemon roam around, going into different Routes as soon as you do. You can check your PokeGear for their current location, to see if they're in your area or not. I believe they stay within Johto routes, only, however. Requirements: *Complete the Burned Tower, so the Legendary Beasts scatter -Note: You will do this in the midst of the story WALKTHROUGH: There is no walkthrough, as they can be anywhere. Instead, just follow the tips presented above to eventually find them. HM: No HM requirements. [HEARTGOLD/SOULSILVER] [HEARTGOLD/SOULSILVER] #243 RAIKOU LV 40 #244 ENTEI LV 40 -Ability: Pressure -Ability: Pressure -Type: Electric -Type: Fire -Moves: -Moves: Roar [Normal/Status] 20/20 Roar [Normal/Status] 20/20 Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] 30/30 Fire Spin [Fire/Special] 15/15 Spark [Electric/Physical] 20/20 Flamethrower [Fire/Special] 15/15 Reflect [Psychic/Status] 20/20 Stomp [Normal/Physical] 20/20 A common tactic is to find two Routes that are connected without interruption, and have fields of grass. You can keep moving back and forth between these Routes, checking the grass and PokeGear to see if any are near you. This way, you basically wait until they happen to be in the same Route as you. Repel is a good way to keep wild Pokemon from getting in the way, as you will only encounter the Legendary as a result--just watch out for it's level. Once encountered, they will run on the first chance they get. For this, you will have to keep them in the battle. Most people prefer to use Wobuffet; due to it's ability that prevents Pokemon from escaping. However, the move "Roar" can cause problems, as that in turn scares your Pokemon away anyway. Any damage you cause will remain on that Pokemon. Any status ailment will likewise. If they faint, then you can find them roaming again after you defeat the Champion. Fast Balls are a nice chance catch, as they are built mostly for this purpose. You can get Fast Balls by presenting WHT APRICORNS to Kurt, in Azalea Town. Raikou does not have much on the offensive side, as expected for a running Pokemon. It has quick moves, all Physical, none Special. Entei on the other hand has offensive moves, both Special and Physical. These two points are points of caution. It should not be too bad. You can try again if you mess up, after all. ********************************** SUICUNE *********************************** [SUICUNE] Where: Route 25, specifically Cerulean Cape. You can get there by exiting Cerulean City north, across Route 24, then east, through Route 25, past Bill's Cottage, and up the stairs. You will have to have defeated Cerulean City's Gym Leader Misty before it appears. If you make it faint, it will reappear in the Burned Tower, located in Ecruteak City, after you defeat the Champion again. Requirements: *Complete the Burned Tower, so the Legendary Beasts scatter *Encounter Suicune at Cianwood City *Encounter Suicune at Route 42 *Encounter Suicune at Vermilion City *Encounter Suicune at Route 14 *Earn the Cascade Badge (Defeat Misty; you have to find her on Route 25 first to make her go back to her Gym, then defeat her before Suicune appears here) -Note: The majority of these you will cross during the Pokemon League quest; that is, the story of the game. Route 14 is optional, but is the prime factor. WALKTHROUGH: There is no Walkthrough required, as it is in an accessible area. HM: No HM requirements. [HEARTGOLD/SOULSILVER] #245 SUICUNE LV 40 -Ability: Pressure -Type: Water -Moves: Rain Dance [Water/Status] 05/05 Aurora Beam [Ice/Special] 20/20 Gust [Flying/Physical] 35/35 Mist [Water/Status] 30/30 Tips: Well, this battle can last quite awhile, seeing as it has a total of 55 PP for offensive moves. The lower level helps though, as by this point in the game you are expected to have a much higher level, supposedly meaning your Pokemon can take quite a few hits. Gust isn't particulary powerful, either is Aurora Beam. Be sure to bring a Pokemon that is resistant, and begin the process of bringing down the HP. Mist may present problems when it comes to stats inflicting, and it's ability, in a drawn out battle, may cause problems regarding your Pokemon and their PP. You could try this battle at night time and use Dusk Balls, which would certainly help you out. Remember: If you defeat it, it will reappear at Burned Tower after you fight the Champion once again. Update: According to a reader, Net Balls will work quite well regardless of it being day or night, so feel free to use them too! Update 2: A reader emailed me and bought the fact that Misty MUST be defeated BEFORE you will encounter Suicune here! *********************************** LUGIA ************************************ [LUGIA] Where: Whirl Islands, within Routes 41 and 40; east of Cianwood City and south of Olivine City. Requirements: HEARTGOLD: *Receive the Silver Wing from the man in Pewter City SOULSILVER: *Receive the Silver Wing from the Radio Power president after you save it from Team Rocket *Acquire the last Johto Badge *Defeat the Kimono Girls to receive the Tidal Bell Note - In order to proceed in the story, you will have to have done this event anyway. WALKTHROUGH: The walkthrough starts from Cianwood City to help you get to the correct entrance of Whirl Islands; as it has four entrances. The top right/northeast one is what we are aiming for. HM: SURF, WHIRLPOOL, FLASH (Not an HM) would be helpful, as the cave is dark. -------------------------------- CIANWOOD CITY ------------------------------- Go to the northern part of the city, face east, and SURF. We are aiming to enter the WHIRL ISLANDS from the NORTHEAST (Top RIGHT) side. So we are looking for the WHIRLPOOL closest to OLIVINE CITY. ----------------------------------- ROUTE 41 --------------------------------- Basically, if you SURF from north CIANWOOD, skip the first WHIRLPOOL you see, keep going right, then down, and it will be that one. Once you cross over it, make your way into the entrance. -------------------------------- WHIRL ISLANDS ------------------------------- 1F: Use FLASH to illuminate the cave. Now proceed forward and hop off the ledge. The path splits in two, take the upper path, hop the ledge, go up, and go down the ladder at the end of the passageway. B1F: Go down, and follow the linear path until you reach a ladder, go down this ladder. B2F: Grab the MAX REVIVE to your left, then go down, and take the right path down. You will see a man standing there. Speak to him! He moves aside, now go down the series of ramps, ignoring the tunnel. There is a cave entrance at the bottom of all the ramps. Enter it. WATERFALL BASIN: You will enter to see a scene with the Kimono Girls, they will briefly talk, then begin a ceremony. LUGIA will appear! Don't worry if you didn't save, you won't battle right away. After she's done talking, I advise you save, and get ready to battle LUGIA. Go up to the water, SURF, head to the LUGIA, and press A to begin the battle! [HEARTGOLD] [SOULSILVER] #249 LUGIA LV 70 #249 LUGIA LV 45 -Ability: Pressure -Ability: Pressure -Type: Psychic/Flying -Type: Psychic/Flying -Moves: -Moves: Punishment [Dark/Physical] 05/05 Rain Dance [Water/Status] 05/05 AncientPower [Rock/Special] 05/05 Hydro Pump [Water/Special] 05/05 Safeguard [Normal/Status] 25/05 Aeroblast [Flying/Special] 05/05 Aeroblast [Flying/Special] 05/05 Extrasensory [Psychic/Special] 25/25 Tips: Lugia overall has very low PP Tips: The lower level, as well as low for any offensive moves. You can use PP concerning offensive moves may this to your advantage, if you have give you an easier time capturing it. a strong Pokemon with Pressure, it Do the standard lower HP and give-a- will drain the PP quickly, leaving status-ailment. Remember that if it only Safeguard. However, Safeguard does faint, you can come back and can still hinder your efforts to try again later. Being the version capture it with a status ailment. mascot, most use their Master Ball Be careful not to let it run all the here, too. Do as you wish, though, way out of PP, otherwise, the it should not be too difficult. expected low HP of capture, with the Struggle, will cause it to faint. The high level may cause it to be more descructive than for SoulSilver players, but by this time you may have Pokemon that can withstand the attacks. Use any ball you wish, it may take some persistence with a low catch rate. *********************************** HO-OH ************************************ [HO-OH] Where: The Bell Tower. Accessible from Ecruteak City. Requirements: HEARTGOLD: *Receive the Rainbow Wing from the Radio Tower president after you save it from Team Rocket *Acquire the last Johto Badge *Battle the Kimono Girls to receive the Clear Bell. Note - In order to proceed in the story, you will have to have done this event anyway. SOULSILVER: *Receive the Rainbow Wing from the man in Pewter City WALKTHROUGH: The Walkthrough starts from the entrance of Bell Tower. You can get here by leaving Ecruteak City through the north, crossing the Barrier Station, and the Bellchime Trail. HM: No HM requirement. --------------------------------- BELL TOWER --------------------------------- 1F: Go left and up, toward a man standing next to a ladder. He will interrupt, and will then let you through. Go up the ladder. 2F: Another straightforward floor, go down and there is a ladder at the bottom. Go up. 3F: On this floor, you will notice ramps on the sides. You can only cross over one-way. So first, go to the ramp to the left of you, facing left. Hop across and get the FULL HEAL. Now hop back using the ramp above that. Now go right and hop across that ramp. Go up, and hop left across two ramps. Make your way around the central pillar, and hop across two more ramps. Go up, and hop across three ramps going to the right. You can't see the ramp with the pillar in the way, go all the way up, touching the wall, then go down one step, and then head right and you will hop across a ramp. Now go down and hop across two more ramps. Go up the ladder. 4F: There...are a lot of ramps in this room. I will just name the directions you should hop to avoid confusion. First, hop down, left, down, left, down, down, and grab the item to the right, it's an ULTRA BALL. Now go right, down, left, down, down. You should be on a platform with an item and a ladder. Grab the PP UP. This ladder serves no purpose, so ignore it. Go left, left, then up the platform. Now, hop left, left, left, down, right, right, down, left, left, down, left, left. You should be at the bottom left of the room, with another platform with an item and a ladder. Grab the ESCAPE ROPE. This ladder, like the last one, is also a "return ladder." So ignore it for now. Go up this platform, and hop right twice. Go up again, and hop left twice. There is another ladder. Go up this one. 5F: If you want a RARE CANDY, then follow the directions below. It will cause you to go down a floor and come back around, however. If you want to skip it, then ignore the paragraph below. Hop right twice, go all the way to the right side, then down a bit. Hop left across twice, then down twice. You should be at the center of the room, grab the RARE CANDY. Now hop right, then down, and go down the ladder. On the fourth floor, follow the instructions from the bottom right ladder (the one that serves no purpose) and make it back to the fifth floor. Ignoring the RARE CANDY, or if you picked it up; follow below: Hop right twice (from the starting ladder), then take the first hop down. Go left, then hop left once, then down once. Take the left path, hopping down twice. Then, take the right path, hopping downward four times. Go up this ladder. 6F: Go forward and pick up the MAX POTION. Then go right across a bridge, and up. Ignore the first of the two bridges, and take the top one. Cross it, and grab the FULL HEAL. Now hop down twice and go up the ladder. 7F: Woohoo, Warp Panels. These yellow squares warp you to a corresponding square elsewhere. Well, here's a brief side trip for you to take. Take the first warp panel you see, going up from the ladder. Take the only other warp panel on this platform. Now go down.Hop in this order: (First) Left, left, left, down, left, left, and left. Warp at this panel. Hop left, grab the NUGGET, hop right, warp. Now hop left, down, down, right, right, and right. Warp at this panel. Grab the MAX ELIXIR. Warp on the panel you came from. Now take four hops right. Go up and warp at the only other panel. Then warp at the only other panel here. We should be back where we started. Hop right five times, grab the MAX REVIVE. Hop down five times. Head left, and take remaining Warp panel. 8F: Head down across the bridge, take the first warp panel. Grab the HP UP. Go to the panel at the end of the area. Warp. Head up across the bridge. Ignore the panel for a second, cross the bridge going left, grab the FULL RESTORE. Now head back across the bridge and take the first warp panel you see. Take this ladder you see, the only other thing on the platform. 9F: Just one other ladder here. Go up! 10F: Finally, the top! Go up, and a brief scene will commence involving the Kimono Girls. HO-OH will appear! You will have time to save after Zuki is done talking. Once she is, save, and speak to HO-OH to begin the battle! [HEARTGOLD] [SOULSILVER] #250 HO-OH LV 45 #250 HO-OH LV 70 -Ability: Pressure -Ability: Pressure -Type: Fire/Flying -Type: Fire/Flying -Moves: -Moves: Fire Blast [Fire/Special] 05/05 Punishment [Dark/Physical] 05/05 Extrasensory [Psychic/Special] 30/30 AncientPower [Rock/Special] 05/05 Sunny Day [Fire/Status] 05/05 Safeguard [Normal/Status] 25/25 Sacred Fire [Fire/Physical] 05/05 Sacred Fire [Fire/Physical] 05/05 Tips: The level is lower than that of Tips: The level is higher than that SOULSILVER, however, the move set is of HEARTGOLD players, lowering the still menacing. The PRESSURE will chances of a capture, as well as cause your Pokemon to use twice the increasing it's power against you. PP amount, so be wary. Sunny Day However, it's PP is very low, with will up the fire attacks, which the status move Safeguard as the already deal great damage on their only move with a PP higher than 5. own. The common tactic is to give it You can drain it's attacks in the a status ailment, take the HP down process applying your own Pokemon as close to 1 as possible, as is with with Pressure. Be careful not to other Pokemon you catch. Any ball let it faint from struggling, is fine, the minimum chance of though. As with other Pokemon, get capture is 0.4%. It's PP may take the HP as close to 1 as possible, a while to deplete, and when it does, and give it a status ailment; be careful it doesn't use Struggle preferrably one that will stop it until it faints. from a possible Struggle [Sleep, Paralysis, etc.] Do not Poison or Burn it, as that will cause it to faint quickly. ******************************** LATIAS/LATIOS ******************************* [LATIAS] [LATIOS] Like Raikou and Entei, these two roam around. What separates them, however, is that they are version exclusive. Latias appears in HeartGold, while Latios appears in SoulSilver. Where: Everywhere! These Pokemon roam around, going into different Routes as soon as you do. You can check your PokeGear for their current location, to see if they're in your area or not. I believe they stay within Kanto routes, only, however. Requirements: *Recover the Machine Part, and return it to the Power Plant to return the Power Plant to a functioning state *Talk to the Copycat girl in Saffron City *Receive the Poke Doll from the man inside the Pokemon Fan Club in Vermilion City *Run into Steven when coming out of the Pokemon Fanclub in Vermilion City WALKTHROUGH: There is no walkthrough, as they can be anywhere. Instead, just follow the tips presented above to eventually find them. HM: No HM requirements. [HEARTGOLD] [SOULSILVER] #380 LATIAS LV 35 (F) #381 LATIOS LV 35 (M) -Ability: Levitate -Ability: Levitate -Type: Dragon/Psychic -Type: Dragon/Psychic -Moves: -Moves: DragonBreath [Dragon/Special] 20/20 DragonBreath [Dragon/Special] 20/20 Water Sport [Water/Status] 15/15 Protect [Normal/Status] 10/10 Mist Ball [Psychic/Physical] 05/05 Luster Purge [Psychic/Special] 05/05 Refresh [Normal/Status] 20/20 Refresh [Normal/Status] 20/20 A common tactic is to find two Routes that are connected without interruption, and have fields of grass. You can keep moving back and forth between these Routes, checking the grass and PokeGear to see if any are near you. This way, you basically wait until they happen to be in the same Route as you. Repel is a good way to keep wild Pokemon from getting in the way, as you will only encounter the Legendary as a result--just watch out for it's level. Once encountered, they will run on the first chance they get. For this, you will have to keep them in the battle. Most people prefer to use Wobuffet; due to it's ability that prevents Pokemon from escaping. They do not have a move to scare your Pokemon, however, unlike the Legendary Beasts and Roar. Any damage you cause will remain on that Pokemon. Any status ailment will likewise. If they faint, then you can find them roaming again after you defeat the Champion. Fast Balls are a nice chance catch, as they are built mostly for this purpose. You can get Fast Balls by presenting WHT APRICORNS to Kurt, in Azalea Town. But if you're keeping them in the battle, then you can use the standard Balls and try your best to catch them, lowering HP and giving Status ailments. Their levels are relatively low, so this should allow for an easier catch. Refresh will heal them of status ailments, so you may have to be wary of this. However, if put to Sleep, or constantly Paralyzed, then there is no worry, as they will be unable to use it. It should not be too bad. You can try again if you mess up, after all. ******************************** KYOGRE/GROUDON ****************************** [KYOGRE] [GROUDON] These two are in the same place, the difference being they are version exclusive. KYOGRE is for HEARTGOLD, GROUDON is for SOULSILVER. Where: The Embedded Tower. It is within Route 47, which is west of Cianwood City, on your way to the Safari Zone. Requirements: *Defeated RED atop Mt. Silver *Receive a starter Pokemon from Professor Oak *Visit Mr. Pokemon in Route 30 to receive the BLUE ORB and RED ORB [HEARTGOLD/SOULSILVER] WALKTHROUGH: The walkthrough will actually start at Cianwood City, to guide you to the Embedded Tower. HM Requirements: SURF, ROCK CLIMB -------------------------------- CIANWOOD CITY ------------------------------- Head up, and left into the cave that leads to the Safari Zone. ------------------------------- CLIFF EDGE GATE ------------------------------ You will meet Chuck in here. He will talk a little bit, then leave. Leave to Route 47 by going up the stairs, and following all the stairs up, and out into Route 47. ---------------------------------- ROUTE 47 ---------------------------------- Follow the path, in case you didn't fight the Hiker before: HIKER DEVIN (608P) -DUNSPARCE LV 19 (M) 508 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Yawn [Normal/Status] -DUNSPARCE LV 19 (M) 508 EXP -Type: Normal -DUNSPARCE LV 19 (M) 508 EXP -Type: Normal Go into the first entrance you come across, right past this Hiker. --------------------------------- CLIFF CAVE --------------------------------- 1F: Go down the ladder on the right. B1F: Go out the exit here. ---------------------------------- ROUTE 47 ---------------------------------- Face left, and SURF. Keep surfing left, past all the rocks, until you reach a shore with a climbable wall on it. Use ROCK CLIMB twice, then enter the cave entrance. ------------------------------- EMBEDDED TOWER ------------------------------- And there they are. KYOGRE if you're playing HEARTGOLD, and GROUDON if you're playing SOUL SILVER. Go forward, and push A to begin. [HEARTGOLD] [SOULSILVER] #382 KYOGRE LV 50 #383 GROUDON LV 50 -Ability: Drizzle -Ability: Drought -Type: Water -Type: Ground -Moves: -Moves: Ice Beam [Ice/Special] 10/10 Earthquake [Ground/Physical] 10/10 Aqua Ring [Water/Status] 20/20 Rest [Normal/Status] 10/10 AncientPower [Rock/Special] 05/05 AncientPower [Rock/Special] 05/05 Water Spout [Water/Special] 05/05 Eruption [Fire/Special] 05/05 Tips: Kyogre will cause a rain Tips: Less PP overall than Kyogre, but storm as soon as the battle starts. still destructive. It has Rest as well, This storm will stay the entire letting it sleep for two turns, but battle, boosting the water moves, healing it all the way! You should be (and raising Thunder's accuracy to wary of this when weakining it to 100%). Aqua Ring can heal it, while capture. However, you can try to take it's destructive moves can be it when it's asleep. Otherwise, drain trouble for your party. Be ready it of offensive PP, and keep using to take on a large amount of Dusk Balls, and you will get this one special attacks, bringing the eventually. From the start, the battle right counters for each type. will be in "Sunny Day" mode, boosting Use Dusk Balls, and the usual HP fire attacks, and reducing Ice's power, reduction and Status ailmen and Thunder's accuracy (Not that tactic. The catch rate is slightly Thunder would have worked anyway)... higher for these two. If you faint it, it will be here after you defeat the champion. *********************************** RAYQUAZA ********************************* [RAYQUAZA] Where: The Embedded Tower, where Kyogre and Groudon are/were. Requirements: *Capture Kyogre/Groudon *Trade in Kyogre/Groudon (whichever you don't have) from the other version. Has to be the opposite version, cannot be from previous games. *Put Kyogre and Groudon in your party, and visit Professor Oak *Receive the Jade Orb WALKTHROUGH: It's the same as above, starts at Cianwood City. But to have gotten the Jade Orb, you would have to have been to the Embedded Tower already, meaning this does not require a walkthrough. If you forgot how you got there, then just read the walkthrough of the above section. HM Requirements: SURF, ROCK CLIMB [HEARTGOLD/SOULSILVER] #384 RAYQUAZA LV 50 -Ability: Air Lock -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Rest [Normal/Status] 10/10 Air Slash [Flying/Special] 30/30 AncientPower [Rock/Special] 05/05 Outrage [Dragon/Physical] 15/15 Tips: So Air Lock prevents the effects of weather, in case you were wondering. It has a lot of offensive power, a total of 50 PP of offense, and 10 PP of status/HP healing. You could wait for it to sleep with Rest, but you would need to be able to take it's HP back down to near death in less than two turns to try the low HP + sleep trick. Once again, use Dusk Balls to capture it. You will need both good special and normal defense to last. ============================================================================== TRAINER GUIDE [TRG] ============================================================================== Below is a TRAINER GUIDE, as in every trainer you face in the game, where they are, what they say, and their Pokemon. They are in order of location, not appearence. Use the location table of contents in this section to find them, or enter their name if you know what it is. The format will be as follows: TRAINER NAME (### P) PokeGear (HM**,**,**,etc) -Pokemon Name LV ### (M/F/X) ## EXP -Ability* -Type: Type 1/Type 2 -Moves* -"Outside Battle Dialogue" -"In Battle Dialogue" -"In Battle Loss" -"Phone Dialogue" -Yes: -No: -Speak Again -"Loss Dialogue" TRAINER NAME: the trainer's type and name. (###P): the amount of Pokedollars obtained from winning (without amulet coin or money dealing effects) PokeGear: If they will offer to trade phone numbers after battle. (HM**,**,**,etc): If there are any HMs required to reach them, their number will be listed here. Pokemon Name: The Pokemon itself, if there is more than one in the trainer party, they will be listed together. LV ###: The Level of the Pokemon (M/F/X): The gender of the Pokemon. M = Male F = Female X = Genderless ## EXP: Amount of experience received from beating a Pokemon; without EXP altering items or boosted EXP. Ability: Pokemon Abillity, will probably only be included for special fights. Type: The type of Pokemon (Fire, ice, etc.) Multiple types will be noted Moves: The moves the Pokemon has, will probably only apply to special fights. However, the ones I see I will note down, but keep in mind I may not have some down. Please send me any moves you know of if you see I am missing any. "Outside Battle Dialogue": when the trainer first sees you and says a few things before the battle begins. "In Battle Dialogue": This is only a few trainers, but sometimes they say things in the midst of battle. "In Battle Loss": what the trainer says before giving you a reward. "Phone Dialogue": What the trainer says when about to ask to trade phone numbers. -Yes: If you select YES -No: If you select NO -Speak Again: If you speak to someone you said NO to. "Loss Dialogue": is what the trainer says outside the battle after having been defeated. Note: Some people are "Event", as in can only be fought once. They also have extra dialogues at times, they will be noted with a "*" Gym Leader rematches can be found in the Fighting Dojo section [KL05] . If the one you are looking for is not there, then they will be in coming updates. Elite Four rematches are right below the Elite Four themselves. There is a list for reference of location: Click here --> . And now use Ctrl + F to find the trainers in the areas listed below. Here is my World Map; in case you need to remember where each of the locations below are located: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ds/960099-pokemon-heartgold/faqs/60129 JOHTO TRAINERS: [JOHT] Cities: [JC00] -Violet City [JC01] -Azalea Town [JC02] -Goldenrod City [JC03] -Ecruteak City [JC04] -Olivine City [JC05] -Cianwood City [JC06] -Mahogany Town [JC07] -Blackthorn City [JC08] Towns: [JT00] -New Bark Town [JT01] -Cherrygrove City [JT02] Routes: [JR00] -Route 028 [JR28] -Route 029 [JR29] -Route 030 [JR30] -Route 031 [JR31] -Route 032 [JR32] -Route 033 [JR33] -Route 034 [JR34] -Route 035 [JR35] -Route 036 [JR36] -Route 037 [JR37] -Route 038 [JR38] -Route 039 [JR39] -Route 040 [JR40] -Route 041 [JR41] -Route 042 [JR42] -Route 043 [JR43] -Route 044 [JR44] -Route 045 [JR45] -Route 046 [JR46] -Route 047 [JR47] -Route 048 [JR48] Locations: [JL00] -Dark Cave [JL01] -Union Cave [JL02] -Slowpoke Well [JL03] -Ilex Forest [JL04] -Whirl Islands [JL05] -Mt. Mortar [JL06] -Ice Path [JL07] -Tohjo Falls [KL05] -Mt. Silver [JL08] Areas of Interest: [JA00] -Sprout Tower [JA01] -Ruins of Alph [JA02] -Pokemon DayCare [JA03] -Global Terminal [JA04] -National Park [JA05] -Pokeathlon Dome [JA06] -Burned Tower [JA07] -Moomoo Farm [JA08] -Olivine Lighthouse [JA09] -Battle Frontier [JA10] -Safari Zone [JA11] -Lake of Rage [JA12] -Radio Tower [JA13] -Goldenrod Underground [JA14] -Dragon's Den [JA15] -Ecruteak Dance Theater [JA16] -S.S. Aqua [JA17] KANTO TRAINERS: [KOHT] Cities: [KC00] -Viridian City [KC01] -Pewter City [KC02] -Cerulean City [KC03] -Vermilion City [KC04] -Celadon City [KC05] -Fuchsia City [KC06] -Saffron City [KC07] -Cinnabar Island [KC08] -Indigo Plateau [KC09] Towns: [KT00] -Pallet Town [KT01] -Lavender Town [KT02] Routes: [KR00] -Route 001 [KR01] -Route 002 [KR02] -Route 003 [KR03] -Route 004 [KR04] -Route 005 [KR05] -Route 006 [KR06] -Route 007 [KR07] -Route 008 [KR08] -Route 009 [KR09] -Route 010 [KR10] -Route 011 [KR11] -Route 012 [KR12] -Route 013 [KR13] -Route 014 [KR14] -Route 015 [KR15] -Route 016 [KR16] -Route 017 [KR17] -Route 018 [KR18] -Route 019 [KR19] -Route 020 [KR20] -Route 021 [KR21] -Route 022 [KR22] -Route 023 [KR23] -Route 024 [KR24] -Route 025 [KR25] -Route 026 [KR26] -Route 027 [KR27] Locations: [KL00] -Cerulean Cave [KL01] -Diglett's Cave [KL02] -Mt. Moon [KL03] -Rock Tunnel [KL04] -Tohjo Falls [KL05] -Victory Road [KL06] -Viridian Forest [KL07] -Seafoam Islands [KL08] Areas of Interest: [KA00] -Pal Park [KA01] -Power Plant [KA02] -Seafoam Gym [KA03] -Silph Co. [KA04] -Fighting Dojo [KA05] ============================================================================== JOHTO TRAINERS [JOHT] ============================================================================== This refers to Trainers fought in JOHTO. Refer to the contents above for a full overview. Here is a quick reminder of just JOHTO Trainers below, use Ctrl + F for easier navigating. Cities: [JC00] -Violet City [JC01] -Azalea Town [JC02] -Goldenrod City [JC03] -Ecruteak City [JC04] -Olivine City [JC05] -Cianwood City [JC06] -Mahogany Town [JC07] -Blackthorn City [JC08] Towns: [JT00] -New Bark Town [JT01] -Cherrygrove City [JT02] Routes: [JR00] -Route 028 [JR28] -Route 029 [JR29] -Route 030 [JR30] -Route 031 [JR31] -Route 032 [JR32] -Route 033 [JR33] -Route 034 [JR34] -Route 035 [JR35] -Route 036 [JR36] -Route 037 [JR37] -Route 038 [JR38] -Route 039 [JR39] -Route 040 [JR40] -Route 041 [JR41] -Route 042 [JR42] -Route 043 [JR43] -Route 044 [JR44] -Route 045 [JR45] -Route 046 [JR46] -Route 047 [JR47] -Route 048 [JR48] Locations: [JL00] -Dark Cave [JL01] -Union Cave [JL02] -Slowpoke Well [JL03] -Ilex Forest [JL04] -Whirl Islands [JL05] -Mt. Mortar [JL06] -Ice Path [JL07] -Tohjo Falls [KL05] -Mt. Silver [JL08] Areas of Interest: [JA00] -Sprout Tower [JA01] -Ruins of Alph [JA02] -Pokemon DayCare [JA03] -Global Terminal [JA04] -National Park [JA05] -Pokeathlon Dome [JA06] -Burned Tower [JA07] -Moomoo Farm [JA08] -Olivine Lighthouse [JA09] -Battle Frontier [JA10] -Safari Zone [JA11] -Lake of Rage [JA12] -Radio Tower [JA13] -Goldenrod Underground [JA14] -Dragon's Den [JA15] -Ecruteak Dance Theater [JA16] -S.S. Aqua [JA17] ****************************************************************************** CITIES [JC00] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------ VIOLET CITY [JC01] ---------------------------- For Sprout Tower Trainers, see Sprout Tower section [JA01] Violet City Gym: BIRD KEEPER ABE (288P) -SPEAROW LV 9 (M) 110 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves Leer [Normal/Status] Growl [Normal/Status] Peck [Flying/Physical] Fury Attack [Normal/Physical] -"I can't believe how ridiculously high this is! But from up here, you can tell what it feels like to be a bird Pokemon! Let me see if youre good enough to face Falkner!" -"This can't be true!" -"Even though you're a rookie Trainer, you're not bothered by these heights at all... You're really something!" BIRD KEEPER ROD (224P) -PIDGEY LV 7 (M) 80 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves* Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -PIDGEY LV 7 (M) 80 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves* Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -"Ho ho! You some kind of big shot? We'll see what happens if you get pushed around up here. Think you'll stagger and fall? People here are training night and day to become bird Pokemon masters. Bring it on!" -"Gaah!" -"Falkner's skills are for real! Don't get cocky!" LEADER FALKNER (1560P) -PIDGEY LV 9 (M) 104 EXP -Ability: Keen Eye -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] -PIDGEOTTO LV 13 (M) 312 EXP -Ability: Keen Eye -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Roost [Flying/Status] Gust [Flying/Special] -"I'm Falkner, the Violet City Pokemon Gym Leader! People say you can clip Flying-type Pokemon's wings with a jolt of electricity... I won't allow such insults to bird Pokemon! I'll show you the real power of the\ magnificent bird Pokemon!" -"The wind is finally with us!" -"We can still fly!" -"I understand...I'll bow out gracefully" -"...For pity's sake! My dad's cherished bird Pokemon... But a defeat is a defeat. All right. Take this official Pokemon League Badge. This one is the Zephyr Badge. With that Badge, Pokemon, including traded Pokemon up to Lv. 20, will obey you without question. It also enables you to use the hidden move Rock Smash anytime outside of battle. By using a TM, a Pokemon will instantly learn a new move. Think before you act --a TM can be used only once. TM51 contains Roost. It restores half the max HP. There are Pokemon Gyms in cities and towns ahead. Make good use of them! As for your next move... I would suggest Azalea Town." -"There are Pokemon Gyms in cities and towns ahead. You should test your skills at these Gyms. As for your next move... I would suggest Azalea Town. I'm going to train harder to become the greated Bird Keeper of all!" ------------------------------ AZALEA TOWN [JC02] ---------------------------- For Slowpoke Well trainers; see Slowpoke Well section [JL03] Azalea Town Gym: BUG CATCHER AL (192P) -CATERPIE LV 12 (M) 135 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: String Shot [Bug/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -WEEDLE LV 12 (M) 133 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -"You've come all this way, crossing the web like a bug Pokemon! Allow me to teach you the charms of bug Pokemon!" -"You proved how tough you are..." -"Just being in this Gym, I feel like I've turned into a bug Pokemon!" BUG CATCHER BENNY (192P) -WEEDLE LV 7 (M) 78 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -KAKUNA LV 9 (M) 134 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Harden [Normal/Status] -BEEDRILL LV 12 (M) 408 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Fury Attack [Normal/Physical] -"Bug Pokemon evolve young. So they get stronger that much faster." -"Just evolving isn't enough!" -"If you want to meet the Gym Leader, you have to move the web using the switch." BUG CATCHER JOSH (208P) -PARAS LV 13 (M) 194 EXP -Type: Bug/Grass -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Scratch [Normal/Physical] Leech Life [Bug/Physical] -"You saved all the SLOWPOKE? Whew, you're mighty! But my grown-up Pokemon are pretty tough, too!" -"Urrgggh!" -"If you move the web with the switch, you'll be able to figure out where the lift is going." TWINS AMY & MIMI (320P) -LEDYBA LV 10 (F) 111 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Comet Punch [Normal/Physical] -SPINARAK LV 10 (F) 111 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] -Amy: "Hey, are you challenging the Leader? No way!" -Mimi: "If you insist, we'll be your opponents." -Amy: "Oh, goodness!" Mimi: "I'm feeling a bit dizzy..." -Amy: "You're really strong!" -Mimi: "Our bug Pokemon lost! Oh, what a shame." LEADER BUGSY (1800P) -METAPOD LV 15 (F) 231 EXP -Ability: Shed Skin -Type: Bug -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -KAKUNA LV 15 (F) 228 EXP -Ability: Shed Skin -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Poison Sting [Poison/Physical] -SCYTHER LV 17 (F) 681 EXP -Ability: Techinician -Type: Bug/Flying -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Leer [Normal/Status] U-turn [Bug/Physical] Focus Energy [Normal/Status] -"I'm Bugsy! I never lose when it comes to Bug-type Pokemon. My research is going to make me the authority on Bug-type Pokemon! Let me demonstrate what I've learned from my studies." -"Even though it's my last Pokemon, Bug Pokemon are tough!" -"Hang in there! Just a little more!" -"Aw, that's the end of it..." -"Whoa, amazing! You're an expert on Pokemon! My research isn't complete yet. OK, you win. Take this Badge. Do you know the benefits of the Hive Badge? If you have it, Pokemon up to Lv. 30 will obey you, even traded ones. Pokemon that know Cut will be able to use it outside of battle, too. Here, I also want you to have this. TM89 contains U-turn. It lets your Pokemon attack, then switch with the next Pokemon in your party. Isn't that great?" -"Bug-type Pokemon are deep. There are many mysteries to explore. Study your top choices thoroughly." Second Rival Battle: RIVAL (1152P) -GASTLY LV 14 (M) 284 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Spite [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 16 (M) 184 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Leech Life [Bug/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -QUILAVA LV 18 (M) 547 EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] Smokescreen [Normal/Status] -"...Tell me something. Is it true that Team Rocket has returned? What? You beat them? Hah! Quit lying. Are you serious? Then let's see how good you are." -"Say, you've got a lot of nerve, coming here..." -"That's ridiculous, there's no way I can lose to a wimp like you!" -"...Humph! Useless Pokemon! Listen, you, you only won since my Pokemon were weak!" -"I hate the weak. Pokemon, Trainers. It doesn't matter who or what. I hate to see them hanging around. That goes for Team Rocket, too. They think they are big and tough as long as they are in a group. But get them alone, and they're weak. I hate them all. You stay out of my way. You won't be an exception if you get in my way." RIVAL (1152P) -GASTLY LV 14 (M) 284 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Spite [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 16 (M) 184 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Leech Life [Bug/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -BAYLEEF LV 18 (M) 542 EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: PoisonPowder [Poison/Status] Reflect [Psychic/Status] Synthesis [Grass/Status] Razor Leaf [Grass/Physical] -"...Tell me something. Is it true that Team Rocket has returned? What? You beat them? Hah! Quit lying. Are you serious? Then let's see how good you are." -"Say, you've got a lot of nerve, coming here..." -"That's ridiculous, there's no way I can lose to a wimp like you!" -"...Humph! Useless Pokemon! Listen, you, you only won since my Pokemon were weak!" -"I hate the weak. Pokemon, Trainers. It doesn't matter who or what. I hate to see them hanging around. That goes for Team Rocket, too. They think they are big and tough as long as they are in a group. But get them alone, and they're weak. I hate them all. You stay out of my way. You won't be an exception if you get in my way." RIVAL (1152P) -GASTLY LV 14 (M) 284 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Spite [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 16 (M) 184 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Leech Life [Bug/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -CROCONAW LV 18 (M) 548 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Water Gun [Water/Special] Rage [Normal/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] Scary Face [Normal/Status] -"...Tell me something. Is it true that Team Rocket has returned? What? You beat them? Hah! Quit lying. Are you serious? Then let's see how good you are." -"Say, you've got a lot of nerve, coming here..." -"That's ridiculous, there's no way I can lose to a wimp like you!" -"...Humph! Useless Pokemon! Listen, you, you only won since my Pokemon were weak!" -"I hate the weak. Pokemon, Trainers. It doesn't matter who or what. I hate to see them hanging around. That goes for Team Rocket, too. They think they are big and tough as long as they are in a group. But get them alone, and they're weak. I hate them all. You stay out of my way. You won't be an exception if you get in my way." ----------------------------- GOLDENROD CITY [JC03] -------------------------- Goldenrod Tunnel (Underground) covered in it's own section. Goldenrod City Gym: BEAUTY VICTORIA (896P) -SENTRET LV 9 (F) 109 EXP -Type: Normal -SENTRET LV 13 (F) 157 EXP -Type: Normal -SENTRET LV 16 (F) 195 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -"Oh, you are a cute little Trainer! I like you, but I won't hold back!" -"Let's see...Oops! It's over?" -"Wow, you must be good to beat me! Keep it up!" BEAUTY SAMANTHA (896P) -MEOWTH LV 16 (F) 235 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Scratch [Normal/Physical] -MEOWTH LV 16 (F) 235 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Scratch [Normal/Physical] -"Give it your best shot, or I'll take you down!" -"No! Oh, MEOWTH! I'm so sorry!" -"I taught MEOWTH moves for taking on any type..." LASS CARRIE (272P) -SNUBBULL LV 17 (F) 229 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] -"You shouldn't let your guard down just 'cause I don't look tough!" -"Gosh...I thought you were weak..." -"Who do you think are stronger--boys or girls?" LASS CATHY (240P) -JIGGLYPUFF LV 15 (F) 243 EXP -Type: Normal -JIGGLYPUFF LV 15 (F) 243 EXP -Type: Normal -JIGGLYPUFF LV 15 (F) 243 EXP -Type: Normal -"I like cute Pokemon better than strong Pokemon. But I have strong and cute Pokemon!" -"Oh, no, no, no!" -"I'm training really hard to try to beat Whitney, but I'm starting to get discouraged... What to do... Well... If I lose, I'll just try harder next time!" LEADER WHITNEY (2280P) -CLEFAIRY LV 17 (F) 247 EXP -Ability: Cute Charm -Type: Normal -Moves: Double Slap [Normal/Physical] Mimic [Normal/Status] Encore [Normal/Status] Metronome [Normal/Status] -MILTANK LV 19 (F) 813 EXP -Ability: Scrappy -Type: Normal -Moves: Rollout [Rock/Physical] Attract [Normal/Status] Stomp [Normal/Physical] Milk Drink [Normal/Status] -"Hi! I'm Whitney! ...You! I saw you at the Radio Tower just now. Everyone was into Pokemon, so I got into it, too! Pokemon are super cute! You want to battle? I'm warning you-- I'm good!" -"H-hey! Just one left? But... I ain't losin', you hear?" -"Poor me!" -"Ugh..." -"Waaaaah! Waaaaah! ...Snivel, hic.... You meanie!" -"Oh, no. You made Whitney cry. It's OK. She'll stop soon. She always cries when she loses." -"Sniff... What? What do you want? A Badge? Oh, right. I forgot. Here's the Plain Badge. The Plain Badge lets your Pokemon use Strength outside of battle. Oh, you can have this, too! It's Attract! It makes full use of a Pokemon's charm. Isn't it just perfect for a cutie like me? That's right! I heard that this thing called the Pokeathlon Dome is now open right next to the National Park. You should go try it, since you're so good at battling with your Pokemon!" -"Ah, that was a good cry! Come for a visit again! Bye-bye!" ------------------------------ ECRUTEAK CITY [JC04] -------------------------- Inside Dance Theater: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (480P) -KOFFING LV 12 (M) 292 EXP -Type: Poison -"Huh? Who are you? You dare to get in my way?" -"Looks like I lost..." -"Oh, no! You made me look like a villain! Oops! I have an important mission. If they find out I was wasting my time here, they'll make me start over as the lowest Team Rocket Grunt! I better leave now!" Inside Ecruteak City Gym: MEDIUM GEORGINA (768P) -GASTLY LV 16 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -GASTLY LV 16 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -GASTLY LV 16 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -GASTLY LV 16 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -GASTLY LV 16 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -"Can you inflict any damage on our Pokemon?" -"Ah! Well done!" -"We use only Ghost-type Pokemon. No Normal-type attack can harm them!" MEDIUM GRACE (960P) -HAUNTER LV 20 (F) 540 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Night Shade [Ghost/Special] -HAUNTER LV 20 (F) 540 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Night Shade [Ghost/Special] -"Not sure of your way? Defeat me if you want a hint!" -"Wh-what?" -"Having trouble finding your way around? The path is right before our eyes!" MEDIUM EDITH (1056P) -HAUNTER LV 22 (F) 594 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -"I spent the spring with my Pokemon. Then summer, autumn, and winter... Then spring came again. We have lived together for a long time." -"Wins and losses -- I experienced both." -"Where did Pokemon come from?" MEDIUM MARTHA (960P) -GASTLY LV 18 (F) 366 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Mean Look [Normal/Status] -HAUNTER LV 20 (F) 540 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Mean Look [Normal/Status] Night Shade [Ghost/Special] -GASTLY LV 20 (F) 406 EXP -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] -"I shall win!" -"I... I... Lost!" -"The one who most wants to win -- will!" LEADER MORTY (2760P) -GASTLY LV 21 (M) 427 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Spite [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -HAUNTER LV 21 (M) 567 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Dream Eater [Psychic/Special] Curse [???/Status] Nightmare [Ghost/Status] -HAUNTER LV 23 (M) 621 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] Night Shade [Ghost/Special] -GENGAR LV 25 (M) 1017 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -"It's good of you to have come. Here in Ecruteak, Pokemon have long been revered. It's said that a rainbow-hued Pokemon will come down to appear before a truly powerful Trainer. I believed that tale, so I have secretly trained here all my life. As a result, I can now see what others cannot. I see a shadow of the person who will make the Pokemon appear. I believe that person is me! You're going to help me reach that level!" -"No! It's not over yet -- not yet! I believe we can still do it!" -"We've got more discilplined Pokemon!" -"How is this possible..." -"I don't think our potentials are so different. But you seem to have something more than that... So be it. This Badge is yours. By having the Fog Badge, Pokemon up to Lv. 50, including traded Pokemon, will obey you. Also, Pokemon will be able to use Surf. Here is another thing... I want you to have this, too. It's Shadow Ball. It causes damage and may reduce Special Defense. Use it if it appeals to you." -"I get it... The person the Kimono Girls were talking about must be you... Never mind. You should be strong enough to go across the sea. When you go west and then south, you'll reach Olivine City. Why don't you head for it?" ----------------------------- OLIVINE CITY [JC05] ---------------------------- For Trainers in the LIGHTHOUSE, see the OLIVINE LIGHTHOUSE section. Inside the Pokemon Center: BEAUTY CHARLOTTE (896P) -BELLOSSOM LV 16 (F) 630 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Sweet Scent [Grass/Status] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] -"...There! All done! It's sure to surprise anyone! Oh, are you a Trainer? You came at just the right time! I just finished putting my Ball Capsule on my Poke Ball. Do you want to battle and be amazed by my decoration?" -(If yes): "All right! Here I come!" -(If no): "Oh, really? Talk to me if you want to see my Ball Capsule sometime!" -(Talk Again): "Now you want to see my Ball Capsule? Battle me so I can show you!" -"Were you really watching?" -"You can turn your Poke Balls into your own special creations by adding Seals. How cool is it to have a Poke Ball that only you have in the entire world? Give it a whirl! Oh, remember to put the ball Capsule on a Poke Ball once it's ready!" Pokemon Gym: LEADER JASMINE (4200P) -MAGNEMITE LV 30 (X) 571 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] -MAGNEMITE LV 30 (X) 571 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] -STEELIX LV 35 (F) 1470 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Steel/Ground -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Sandstorm [Rock/Status] Iron Tail [Steel/Physical] Rock Throw [Rock/Physical] -"Thank you for your help at the Lighthouse... But this is different. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Jasmine, a Gym Leader. I use the... clang! Steel type! ...Do you kow about the Steel type? They are very hard, cold, sharp, and really strong! Um... I'm not lying." -"Properly tempered steel won't be made rusty by things like this!" -"Well done..." -"...You are a better Trainer than me, in both skill and kindness. In accordance with League rules, I confer upon you this Badge. With that Badge, all Pokemon, including traded Pokemon up to Lv. 70, will obey you without question. Um... Please take this, too... It is called Iron Tail... Your Pokemon will hit the target with its hard tail, occasionally lowering the target's Defense..." -"Um... I don't know how to say this, but good luck..." ----------------------------- CIANWOOD CITY [JC06] --------------------------- Outside: MYSTERY MAN EUSINE (3429P) -DROWZEE LV 25 (M) 543 EXP -Ability: Insomnia -Type: Psychic -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Dream Eater [Psychic/Special] -HAUNTER LV 25 (M) 675 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Mean Look [Normal/Status] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Curse [???/Status] Lick [Ghost/Physical] -ELECTRODE LV 27 (X) 867 EXP -Ability: Static -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunder [Electric/Special] Screech [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] Rollout [Rock/Physical] -"Yo, *TRAINER NAME*. Wasn't that SUICUNE just now? I only caught a quick glimpse, but I thought I saw SUICUNE running on the waves. SUICUNE is beautiful and grand. And it races through towns and roads at simply awesome speeds. It's wonderful... I want to see SUICUNE up close... I've decided. I'll battle you as a Trainer to earn SUICUNE's respect! Come on, *TRAINER NAME*. Let's battle now!" -"I hate to admit it, but you won" -"You're amazing, *TRAINER NAME*! I'm starting to understand why SUICUNE was keeping an eye on you. I'm going to keep searching for SUICUNE. I have a feeling we'll see each other again. See you around!" Pokemon Gym: BLACK BELT LAO (648P) -HITMONCHAN LV 27 (M) 810 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Mach Punch [Fighting/Physical] -"We martial artists fear nothing" -"That's shocking!" -"Fighting-type Pokemon are afraid of Psychic types..." BLACK BELT LUNG (600P) -MANKEY LV 23 (M) 364 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Fury Swipes [Normal/Physical] -MANKEY LV 23 (M) 364 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] -PRIMEAPE LV 25 (M) 798 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] -"My raging fists will shatter your Pokemon!" -"I got shattered!" -"My Pokemon lost... My...my pride is shattered..." BLACK BELT YOSHI (648P) -HITMONLEE LV 27 (M) 804 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] -"My Pokemon and I are bound together by friendship. Our bond will never be broken!" -"This isn't real!" -"You seem to have a strong bond with your Pokemon, too!" BLACK BELT NOB (600P) -MACHOP LV 25 (M) 400 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] -MACHOKE LV 25 (M) 781 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] -"Words are useless. Let your fists do the talking!" -"..." -"I lost! I'm speechless!" LEADER CHUCK (3720P) -PRIMEAPE LV 29 (M) 950 EXP -Ability: Vital Spirit -Type: Fighting -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Double Team [Normal/Status] Focus Punch [Fighting/Physical] Leer [Normal/Status] -POLIWRATH LV 31 (M) 1228 EXP -Ability: Water Absorb -Type: Water/Fighting -Moves: Surf [Water/Special] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Body Slam [Normal/Physicla] Focus Punch [Fighting/Physical] -"Ooomph! The pounding waterfall right onto my head... Arrgh! Wby did you stop the waterfall from pouring on me! You just spoiled my training! I have to warn you that I am a strong Trainer training every day under this waterfall! What? It has nothing to do with Pokemon? ... That's true! ... ,,, Come on. We shall do battle!" -"We haven't lost yet!" -"No... Not...Yet..." -"We...Lost..." -"Hmm... I lost? How about that! All right. You're worthy of the Storm Badge! The Storm Badge lets your Pokemon Fly to any city or town you've already been to! Here, take this, too! That is Focus Punch. It doesn't land if the foe you're attacking hits you first, but it's very powerful if it manages to hit!" -"Wahahah! I enjoyed battling you! But a loss is a loss! From now on, I'm going to train 24 hours a day!" ----------------------------- MAHOGANY TOWN [JC07] --------------------------- Team Rocket HQ: PKMN TRAINER LANCE (Partner) -DRAGONITE LV 40 (M) -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Fly [Flying/Physical] Twister [Dragon/Special] Thunder [Electric/Special] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (760P) -DROWZEE LV 17 (M) 370 EXP -Type: Psychic -ZUBAT LV 19 (M) 219 EXP -"Hey! Intruder alert!" -"Grr... I failed..." TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (720P) -ZUBAT LV 16 (M) 184 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] -GRIMER LV 17 (M) 327 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] -RATTATA LV 18 (M) 219 EXP -Type: Normal -"It's my turn! There's no escape!" -"Surveillance cams are in the Pokemon statues. We'll keep appearing until you press a secret switch." SCIENTIST GREGG (640P) -MAGNEMITE LV 20 (X) 381 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -MAGNEMITE LV 20 (X) 381 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -MAGNEMITE LV 20 (X) 381 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -"This was once a ninja hideout. There are traps to confound intruders like you." -"I see..." -"The PC on my desk is the switch that deactivates the PERSIAN alarm systme. Don't you ever touch it, OK?" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (640P) -RATTATA LV 16 (M) 195 EXP -Type: Normal -RATTATA LV 16 (M) 195 EXP -Type: Normal -RATTATA LV 16 (M) 195 EXP -Type: Normal -RATTATA LV 16 (M) 195 EXP -Type: Normal -"Heh heh. Feeling lucky, punk? Go ahead, take another step. We've got explosives set in the floor! Step on one, and--BOOM!" -"Kaboom!" -"Where are the traps planted? That... well... I don't even remember!" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (720P) -VENONAT LV 18 (M) 288 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -VENONAT LV 18 (M) 288 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -"You rotten little pest!" -"Grrr..." -"Heh, only the one who guards the boss's room knows the password for that door. Where's the boss's room? Who knows? Go look for yourself." TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (720P) -GOLBAT LV 18 (M) 658 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -"The door won't open? Well, duh. It has to have a password that only Team Rocket knows." -"What? I lost?" -"Heh, I'm just a Team Rocket Grunt. I don't know the password. Too bad for you." SCIENTIST MITCH (768P) -DITTO LV 24 (X) 313 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Transform [Normal/Status] -"I don't care that Pokemon are hurt by our experiment." -"Thinking is my strong suit, but not battling." -"If we turn up the power of our radio signal for broadcast nationwide... The very thought excites me!" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (760P) -RATICATE LV 19 (M) 421 EXP -Type: Normal -"Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck! You're challenging me to a battle? Hah! You're nuts, but you have guts! I like that! If you can beat me, I'll tell you a password to the boss's room!" -"The password for the boss's door--RATICATETAIL." -"The password for the boss's door--RATICATETAIL. But if you don't have both passwords... Ha ha ha!" SCIENTIST ROSS (704P) -KOFFING LV 22 (M) 537 EXP -Type: Poison -KOFFING LV 22 (M) 537 EXP -Type: Poison -"I used to work for Silph, but now I run research for Team Rocket. A meddlesome child like you needs to be punished." -"A mere tactical error cost me..." -"A radio signal that drives Pokemon mad... My experiment is a complete success. My promotion is assured. This loss means abolutely nothing." TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (720P) -EKANS LV 18 (F) 238 EXP -Type: Poison -GLOOM LV 18 (F) 508 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -"Do I know the password? Maybe. But no weakling's going to get it!" -"The password for the boss's door--SLOWPOKETAIL." -"The password to the boss's room is SLOWPOKETAIL. But it's useless unless you have two passwords." TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (680P) -RATTATA LV 17 (M) 207 EXP -Type: Normal -ZUBAT LV 17 (M) 196 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -RATTATA LV 17 (M) 207 EXP -Type: Normal -"Oh, a kid? I don't really like this, but eliminate you I must." -"I knew I'd lose..." -"I got wiped out on the last mission by a kid, too. When we were abducting Pokemon, this kid with long red hair and mean-looking eyes just whomped me..." EXECUTIVE PETREL (880P) -ZUBAT LV 22 (M) 253 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] -KOFFING LV 22 (M) 537 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Smog [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Assurance [Dark/Physical] Selfdestruct [Normal/Physical] -RATICATE LV 24 (M) 595 EXP -Ability: ???? -Type: Normal -Moves: Hyper Fang [Normal/Physical] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] Scary Face [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] -"Muhahaha, we've been waiting for you. So, you are *TRAINER NAME*... Me? You don't know who I am? It is me, Giovanni. The majestic Giovanni himself! Wahahaha! ...Huh? I don't sound anything like Giovanni? I don't even look like Giovanni? How come? I've worked so hard to mimic him! I am a Team Rocket Executive! You must be trying to sneak into the radio-transmitter room. Well, that's not going to happen. That room is protected with a special password. The password is 'Hail Giovanni.' Surprised to hear it from me? Knowing the password won't help you though. The door won't open unless I say the password. It only reacts to my voice." -"Hey! You're good!" -"I...I couldn't do a thing...Giovanni...please forgive me..." -"Since disbanding Team Rocket three years ago, our Giovanni has been missing. But we're certain he's been waiting for the right time for our revival... Wahahaha! Losing to you won't change the fact that you are unable to get in the radio-transmitter room! You need my voice to unlock it!" EXECUTIVE ARIANA (2960P) 1 -ARBOK LV 25 (F) 787 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Poison -Moves: Glare [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Wrap [Normal/Physical] Poison Sting [Poison/Physical] -GLOOM LV 25 (F) 706 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Sweet Scent [Normal/Status] Mega Drain [Grass/Special] Acid [Poison/Special] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] -MURKROW LV 27 (F) 618 EXP -Ability: Super Luck -Type: Dark/Flying -Moves: Night Shade [Ghost/Special] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Pursuit [Dark/Physical] -"Hold it right there!" "We can't let a brat like you do as you please forever. It'll hurt Team Rocket's pride over and over again. Making it lessen, you see. ...So, it's time to finish you. However strong you may be, if the two of us fight at the same time, you'll have no chance of winning. Don't you agree? Hee hee hee! Sorry, baby. Now, get ready to be thrashed." "What? You had an accomplice? Where is your sense of dignity? As interim boss in place of Giovanni, I'll show you how wrong it is to meddle with Team Rocket!" -"Tch, you really are strong. It's too bad. You would have been a powerful Rocket Executive. -"But that's fine. The broadcast experiment was a total success. It doesn't matter what happens to this hideout now. We have much biger plans. You'll come to appreciate Team Rocket's true power soon enough. Enjoy yourself while you can... Hee hee hee..." TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (2960P) 1 -DROWZEE LV 18 (M) 393 EXP -Ability: Insomnia -Type: Psychic -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] Confusion [Psychic/Special] Headbutt [Normal/Physical] Poison Gas [Poison/Status] -GRIMER LV 20 (M) 385 EXP -Ability: None -Type: Poison -Moves: Mud-Slap [Ground/Special] Disable [Normal/Status] Minimize [Normal/Status] Sludge [Poison/Special] Mahogany Town Gym: SKIER DIANA (928P) -JYNX LV 29 (F) 850 EXP -Type: Psychic/Ice -Moves: Mean Look [Normal/Status] -"To get to Pryce, our Gym Leader, you need to think before you skate." -"I wouldn't lose to you in sking..." -"If you don't skate with precision, you won't get far in this Gym." BOARDER PATTON (864P) -SWINUB LV 27 (M) 450 EXP -Type: Ice/Ground -SWINUB LV 27 (M) 450 EXP -Type: Ice/Ground -"This Gym has a slippery floor. It's fun, isn't it? But hey--we're not playing games here!" -"Do you see how serious we are?" -"This Gym is great. I love snowboarding with my Pokemon!" BOARDER DEANDRE (800P) -SEEL LV 25 (M) 535 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Ice Shard [Ice/Physical] Encore [Normal/Status] -SEEL LV 25 (M) 535 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Ice Shard [Ice/Physical] Encore [Normal/Status] -DEWGONG LV 26 (M) 979 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Aqua Ring [Water/Status] Ice Shard [Ice/Physical] -"Hey hey, are you shivering? Are you scared to fight me?" -"You're so strong, it's scary!" -"The strongest don't usually look very strong. I think you fit that description." SKIER JILL (928P) -DEWGONG LV 29 (F) 1093 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Rest [Psychic/Status] -"Check out my parallel turn!" -"No! You made me wipe out!" -"I shouldn't have been bragging about my skiing..." BOARDER GERARDO (800P) -SHELLDER LV 25 (M) 519 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] -SEEL LV 25 (M) 535 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: -CLOYSTER LV 26 (M) 1131 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Toxic Spikes [Poison/Status] Aurora Beam [Ice/Special] -"I know Pryce's secret." -"OK. I'll tell you Pryce's secret." -"The reason Pryce is strong... It's because every day he sits on top of very cold ice and trains his body and spirit!" LEADER PRYCE (4080P) -SEEL LV 30 (M) 642 EXP -Ability: ???? -Type: Water -Moves: Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Rest [Psycic/Status] Snore [Normal/Special] Hail [Ice/Status] -DEWGONG LV 32 (M) 1206 EXP -Ability: Thick Fat -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Aurora Beam [Ice/Special] Rest [Psychic/Status] Sleep Talk [Normal/Special] Ice Shard [Ice/Physical] -PILOWSWINE LV 34 (M) 1165 EXP -Ability: ???? -Type: Ice/Ground -Moves: Blizzard [Ice/Special] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Mud Bomb [Ground/Special] Hail [Ice/Status] -"Pokemon have many experiences in their lives, just like we do. I, too, have seen and suffered much in my life. Since I am your elder, let me show you what I mean. I have been training Pokemon since before you were born. I do not lose easily. I, Pryce--the Winter Trainer---shall demonstrate my power!" -"Humph... You are quite the Trainer..." -"Willow is my middle name. Willow is flexible and not easily broken. I am not giving up yet. -"Hmm. Seems as if my luck has run out." -"I am impressed by your prowess. With your strong will, I know you will overcome all life's obstacles. You are worthy of this Badge! That Badge will raise the Special stats of Pokemon. It also lets your Pokemon use Whirlpool to get across real whirlpools. And this... This is a gift from me! That TM contains Hail. It summons a hailstorm that lasts for five turns. The hailstorm damages all types except Ice." -"When the ice and snow melt, spring arrives. You and your Pokemon will be together for many years to come. Cherish your time together!" ---------------------------- BLACKTHORN CITY [JC08] -------------------------- Gym: ACE TRAINER PAULO (2100P) -DRATINI LV 35 (M) 502 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] -DRATINI LV 35 (M) 502 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] -SEADRA LV 35 (M) 1162 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] Brine [Water/Special] -"Your first battle against dragons? I'll show you how tough they are!" -"That's too bad." -"You've met the Dragon Tamer Lance? I don't believe you." ACE TRAINER LOLA (2220P) -DRATINI LV 35 (F) 502 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Dragon Rush [Dragon/Physical] -DRAGONAIR LV 37 (F) 1141 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Dragon Rage [Dragon/Special] -"Dragons are sacred Pokemon. They are full of life energy. If you're not serious, you won't be able to beat them." -"Way to go!" -"Dragons are weak against Dragon-type moves." ACE TRAINER CODY (1728P) -HORSEA LV 35 (M) 622 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Twister [Dragon/Physical] Brine [Water/Special] -SEADRA LV 37 (M) 1128 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Twister [Dragon/Physical] Brine [Water/Special] -"It's not as if we all use Dragon-type Pokemon. It's about more than that-- We're interested in strong Pokemon. That's my theme!" -"Just what I expected." -"I need to make my Pokemon stronger! Pokemon and Trainers both need to train!" ACE TRAINER FRAN (2280P) -SEADRA LV 38 (F) 1261 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] Twister [Dragon/Special] -"I've been training hard with Clair. There's no way I can lose." -"Oh...that's disappointing!" -"Oh...Looks like I need more training, huh?" ACE TRAINER MIKE (2280P) -DRAGONAIR LV 38 (M) 1171 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Dragon Rage [Dragon/Special] -"My chance of losing? Not even one percent!" -"That's odd." -"I know my shortcomings now. Thanks for showing me!" LEADER CLAIR (4920P) -GYARADOS LV 38 (F) 1741 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Dragon Rage [Dragon/Special] Twister [Dragon/Special] Bite [Dark/Physical] Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] -DRAGONAIR LV 38 (F) 1171 EXP -Ability: Shed Skin -Type: Dragon -Moves: Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Slam [Normal/Physical] Fire Blast [Fire/Special] -DRAGONAIR LV 38 (F) 1171 EXP -Ability: Shed Skin -Type: Water/Dragon -Moves: Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Slam [Normal/Physical] Aqua Tail [Water/Physical] -KINGDRA LV 41 (F) 1818 EXP -Ability: Sniper -Type: Water/Dragon -Moves: Hydro Pump [Water/Special] Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -"I am Clair. The world's best Dragon-type master. I can hold my own against even the Pokemon League's Elite Four. Do you still want to take me on? ...Fine. Let's do this! As a Gym Leader, I will use my full power against any opponent!" -"One Pokemon left? This is where the real battle begins!" -"You're kidding right? I'm supposed to win! I already decided!" -"I lost...? I don't believe it. There must be some mistake." -"I won't concede this. I might have lost, but you're still not ready for the Pokemon League. I know. You should take the Dragon-master challenge. Behind this Gym is a place called Dragon's Den. There is a small shrine at its heart. Go there. If you can prove that you've lost your lazy ideals, I will admit you are a Trainer worthy of a Gym Badge!" -"What's the matter? Is it too much to expect of you?" -"So how did it go? I guess there's no point in asking. You did fail?...... What? You passed? That can't be! You're lying! Even I haven't been approved!" -"I...I understand... Here, this is the Rising Badge... Hurry up! Take it! The Rising Badge will enable your Pokemon to use the move for climbing waterfalls. Also, all Pokemon will know you as a Trainer and obey your every command without question." -"Wait! I'm sorry about this. Here, take this as my apology. That contains Dragon Pulse. Well, Dragon Pulse is kind of er... never mind! It's huge energy of some kind. If you don't want it, you don't have to take it. What's the matter? If you are headed to the Pokemon League, go back to New Bark Town and Surf along Route 27. Your face...is telling me you have some unfinished business... Come on! Whatever you have to face from now, don't you dare give up! If you do, I'll feel even worse about having lost to you! Give it your all." ****************************************************************************** TOWNS [JT00] ****************************************************************************** ----------------------------- NEW BARK TOWN [JT01] --------------------------- There are no trainer battles in this Town. --------------------------- CHERRYGROVE CITY [JT02] -------------------------- First Rival Battle: PASSERBY BOY (500P) (If you chose CHIKORITA) -CYNDAQUIL LV 5 69 EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Leer [Normal/Status] -"...You got a Pokemon at the Lab. What a waste. That's a Pokemon that's too good for a wimp like you....Don't you get what I'm saying? Well, I too have a good Pokemon. I'll show you what I mean!" -"Humph! You're doing OK for someone weak!" -"...Humph! Are you happy you won?" -"...Do you want to know who I am?...I'm going to be the world's greatest Pokemon Trainer." -"Give it back! That's my Trainer Card! Oh no! You saw my name..." PASSERBY BOY (500P) (If you chose CYNDAQUIL) -TOTODILE LV 5 70 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Scratch [Normal/Physical] Leer [Normal/Status] -"...You got a Pokemon at the Lab. What a waste. That's a Pokemon that's too good for a wimp like you....Don't you get what I'm saying? Well, I too have a good Pokemon. I'll show you what I mean!" -"Humph! You're doing OK for someone weak!" -"...Humph! Are you happy you won?" -"...Do you want to know who I am?...I'm going to be the world's greatest Pokemon Trainer." -"Give it back! That's my Trainer Card! Oh no! You saw my name..." PASSERBY BOY (500P) (If you chose TOTODILE) -CHIKORITA LV 5 (M) 67 EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Growl [Normal/Status] -"...You got a Pokemon at the Lab. What a waste. That's a Pokemon that's too good for a wimp like you....Don't you get what I'm saying? Well, I too have a good Pokemon. I'll show you what I mean!" -"Humph! You're doing OK for someone weak!" -"...Humph! Are you happy you won?" -"...Do you want to know who I am?...I'm going to be the world's greatest Pokemon Trainer." -"Give it back! That's my Trainer Card! Oh no! You saw my name..." ****************************************************************************** ROUTES [JR00] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------- ROUTE 029 [JR29]------------------------------ There are no Trainers on this Route. ------------------------------- ROUTE 030 [JR30]------------------------------ YOUNGSTER JOEY (64P) PokeGear -RATTATA LV 4 (M) 48 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Tackle [Normal/Physical] Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -"I just lost, so I'm trying to find more Pokemon. Wait! You look weak! Come on, let's battle!" -"Oh...I'm out of Pokemon that can fight." -"Hey, can I get your number? I'll ring you up to battle." -"I'll ring you whenever I get the urge to battle!" -"Oh, all right...But I won't lose to you again!" -"Can I get your phone number? I don't want to lose against you! We have to battle again, OK?" -"I knew it --if you don't have many Pokemon, battles are harder! I need to catch more Pokemon!" YOUNGSTER MIKEY (64P) -PIDGEY LV 2 (M) 22 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves Tackle [Normal/Physical] -RATTATA LV 4 (M) 48 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -"You're a Pokemon Trainer, right? Then you have to battle!" -"That's strange. I won before." -"Becoming a good Trainer is really tough. I'm going to battle other people to get better." BUG CATCHER DON (48P) -CATERPIE LV 3 (M) 70 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] String Shot [Bug/Status] -CATERPIE LV 3 (M) 33 EXP -Type: Bug Tackle [Normal/Physical] String Shot [Bug/Status] -"Instead of bug Pokemon, I found a Trainer!" -"Argh! You're too strong!" -"I ran out of Poke Balls while I was catching Pokemon. I should've bought some more..." ------------------------------- ROUTE 031 [JR31]------------------------------ BUG CATCHER WADE (32P) PokeGear -CATERPIE LV 2 (M) 22 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves Tackle [Normal/Physical] String Shot [Bug/Status] -CATERPIE LV 2 (M) 22 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] String SHot [Bug/Status] -WEEDLE LV 3 (M) 32 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] String SHot [Bug/Status] -CATERPIE LV 2 (M) 22 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] String SHot [Bug/Status] -"I caught a bunch of Pokemon. Let me battle with you!" -"Awwwww..." -"You're awesome! I like you! I look for Pokemon here every day. When I'm in the tall grass, I find all kinds of Berries. If you'd like, I'll share some. Could I get your phone number?" -"You'll hear from me as soon as I find anything that you might like." -"Oh well. Don't be shy if you want to get my number." -"I find all kinds of Berries." -"You can catch Pokemon even if you have six with you. If you catch one, it'll go to your Box automatically." ------------------------------- ROUTE 032 [JR32]------------------------------ YOUNGSTER ALBERT (128P) -RATTATA LV 6 (M) 72 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -ZUBAT LV 8 (M) 90 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] Leech Life [Bug/Physical] -"I haven't seen you around before. So you think you're pretty tough?" -"You're strong!" -"I'm going to try to be the best with my prized Pokemon. I'm not using the same tough Pokemon as everyone else." PICNICKER LAZ (128P) PokeGear -NIDORAN LV 8 (F) 98 EXP -Type: POISON -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -"Uh-huh. Yeah, and you know...Pardon? Pokemon battle? I'm on the phone. Oh, all right. I'll accept your challenge!" -"Pfft. Before I could get serious, I lost!" -"Oh? You're on a big journey to see the sights? Neat! Let's be friends! Can I have your phone number? I want to hear about everything you've seen!" -"I'll telephone you if I hear anything interesting." -"Aww... You won't be my friend? -"Let's be friends! Can I have your phone number? I want to hear about everything you've seen!" -"At least I can complain over the phone." CAMPER ROLAND (144P) -NIDORAN LV 9 (M) 114 EXP -Type: Poison -"That glance...It's intriguing." -"Hmm. This is disappointing." -"If you don't want to battle, just avoid eye contact." FISHERMAN HENRY (256P) -POLIWAG LV 8 (M) 132 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Sport [Water/Status] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Bubble [Water/Special] -POLIWAG LV 8 (M) 132 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Sport [Water/Status] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Bubble [Water/Special] -"My Pokemon? Freshly caught!" -"Splash?" -"Freshly caught Pokemon are no match for properly raised ones." FISHERMAN JUSTIN (160P) -MAGIKARP LV 5 (M) 21 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] -MAGIKARP LV 15 (M) 63 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -MAGIKARP LV 5 (M) 21 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] -MAGIKARP LV 5 (M) 21 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] -"Whoa! You made me lose that fish!" -"Sploosh!" -"Calm, collected... The essence of fishing and Pokemon is the same." FISHERMAN RALPH (320P) PokeGear -GOLDEEN LV 10 (M) 237 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Peck [Flying/Physical] Tail Whip [Normal/Status] Water Sport [Water/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] -"I'm really good at fishing, but I'm even better at Pokemon!" -"Tch! I tried to rush things..." -"Don't young people fish anymore? I can teach you how to fish well, if you'd like to exchange phone numbers with me?" -"That's great! I'm happy to have made a younger friend!" -"Oh...My own kids won't even give me their phone numbers...I guess that's just how young people are these days." -"Hm? Oh, so you would like to be my friend after all?!" -"Fishing is a lifelong passion. Pokemon are lifelong friends!" YOUNGSTER GORDON (160P) -WOOPER LV 10 (M) 111 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Mud Shot [Ground/Special] Water Gun [Water/Special] -"I found some good Pokemon in the grass! I think they'll do it for me!" -"Shucks. I thought I could win." -"Each Pokemon has its own nature. They seem different every time I catch one. So there must be many natures!" BIRD KEEPER PETER (256P) -PIDGEY LV 6 (M) 70 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Sand Attack [Normal/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -PIDGEY LV 6 (M) 70 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Sand Attack [Normal/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -SPEAROW LV 8 (M) 98 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] Growl [Normal/Status] -"That Badge! It's from Violet City! You beat Falkner?" -"I know what my weaknesses are." -"I should train again at the Gym in Violet City." ------------------------------- ROUTE 033 [JR33] ----------------------------- HIKER ANTHONY (352P) PokeGear -GEODUDE LV 11 (M) 171 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -MACHOP LV 11 (M) 175 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Fighting/Status] -"I came through the cave, but I still have plenty of energy left." -"Whoa! You've got more zip than me!" -"By the way, I'm a Hiker, so I often go to mountains and caves. I don't usually go to the town. I bet you go to all kinds of towns on your journey, don't you? You know, if we were to trade phone numbers, then we could exchange all kinds of information, yes?" -"I'll give you a call when I think of a good, heart-warming story, OK?" -"That's so sad. I might just end up secluding myself in the mountain..." -"What do you say? Would you like to exchange numbers with another adventurer?" -"We Hikers are at our best in the mountains." ------------------------------- ROUTE 034 [JR34] ----------------------------- YOUNGSTER SAMUEL (128P) -RATTATA LV 7 (M) 85 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -SANDSHREW LV 10 (M) 198 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Defense Curl [Normal/Status] Poison Sting [Poison/Physical] Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] -SPEAROW LV 8 (M) 99 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] -SPEAROW LV 8 (M) 99 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] -"This is where I do my training!" -"Whoa!" -"If you fail in practice, then you have to try harder! I'm aiming to be a Gym Leader!" POKEFAN BRANDON (832P) -SNUBBULL LV 13 (F) 87 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -MAREEP LV 13 (M) 163 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: ThunderShock [Electric/Special] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -"I just got my Pokemon back from Day Care. Let's see how much stronger it got!" -"Why did it have to end this way?" -"My Pokemon knew moves I didn't know it had. That confounded me to no end!" YOUNGSTER IAN (192P) PokeGear -MANKEY LV 10 (M) 78 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] -DIGLETT LV 12 (M) 98 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Scratch [Normal/Physical] -"I'm the best in my class at Pokemon." -"No! There are better trainers..." -"Hmm. If you transferred into my class, I'd become the second-best student in my class, wouldn't I? I want to get stronger before that could happen, so would you trade phone numbers with me? Then we can have Pokemon battles together!" -"Cool. I'll give you a call when I'm ready to battle again! You can call me, too!" -"Wait...don't tell me you're serious about transferring into my school?!" -"Hmm. If you transferred into my class, I'd become the second-best studentin my class, wouldn't I! Before that happens, I want to battle more with you so I can become much stronger! Let's trade phone numbers. Then we can have Pokemon battles together!" -"Loss Dialogue" PICNICKER GINA (192P) PokeGear -HOPPIP LV 9 (F) 142 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -BULBASAUR LV 12 (M) 163 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Special] -HOPPIP LV 9 (F) 142 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -"Are you a Trainer? Let's have a practice battle." -"Oh no! I just can't win..." -"Whenever I see a strong Trainer, I want to be their cheerleader. When I'm out on a walk, I sometimes pick up items. If I find anything, you can have it! Want to give me your number? I'll call whenever I get anything." -"I'll call as soon as I get anything!" -"Really? Well, I'll still be cheering for you!" -"If I find an item, you can have it! Want to give me your number?" -"Loss Dialogue" POLICEMAN KEITH (680P) -GROWLITHE LV 17 (M) 330 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Ember [Fire/Special] Leer [Normal/Status] -"What's with you? What are you doing?" -"You don't have to worry about the night when you're with strong Pokemon." -"The group stealing other people's Pokemon seems to be growing lately. You should be careful, too." CAMPER TODD (224P) PokeGear -PSYDUCK LV 14 (M) 237 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] Water Gun [Water/Special] Disable [Normal/Status] Scratch [Normal/Physical] -"I'm confident in my ability to raise Pokemon. Want to see?" -"Didn't I train enough?" -"We should both train our Pokemon some more and have another battle! So we should exchange phone numbers. Don't you agree?" -"OK! See you later!" -"Oh, don't you have any confidence that you can beat me again?" -"Hmm? Did you decide that you want my phone number after all?" -"Hmm... Maybe I should take them to Pokemon Day Care? What should I do?" ------------------------------- ROUTE 035 [JR35] ----------------------------- PICNICKER KIM (240P) -VULPIX LV 15 (F) 202 EXP -Type: Fire -"Are you going to the Gym? Me, too!" -"Oh, I couldn't win..." -"The Gym Badges are pretty. I collect them." CAMPER ELLIOT (240P) -SANDSHREW LV 13 (M) 258 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Rapid Spin [Normal/Physical] -MARILL LV 15 (M) 186 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Defense Curl [Normal/Status] -"I'm gonna show my girlfriend I'm hot stuff!" -"I wish you would have lost for me..." -"I was humiliated in front of my girlfriend..." PICNICKER BROOKE (256P) -PIKACHU LV 16 (F) 280 EXP -Type: Electric -"My boyfriend's weak, so I can't rely on him." -"Oh, my! You're so strong!" -"I can count more on my Pokemon than on my boyfriend." CAMPER IVAN (224P) -DIGLETT LV 10 (M) 85 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] Scratch [Normal/Physical] -ZUBAT LV 10 (M) 115 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -DIGLETT LV 14 (M) 243 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] -"I've been getting Pokemon data off my raido. I think I'm good." -"I give up!" -"Music on the radio changes the moods of wild Pokemon." JUGGLER IRWIN (448P) PokeGear -VOLTORB LV 2 (X) 43 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Charge [Electric/Status] -VOLTORB LV 6 (X) 132 EXP -Type: Electric -VOLTORB LV 10 (X) 220 EXP -Type: Electric -VOLTORB LV 14 (X) 309 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Sonicboom [Normal/Special] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -"Behold my dexterity and grace!" -"Whew! That was a jolt!" -"You're the best I've ever battled! Huh? You're the one who saved all the SLOWPOKE? Well, no wonder I couldn't beat you! Would it be OK to get your number? I don't want to miss anything you do from now on!" -"Wow! Gee, thanks! Now I can call you anytime, whether anything's up or not. You know, just to chat!" -"Oh, but...I'm not dangerous! I just want to call and chat about everything and nothing!" -"You will tell me your phone number?" -"I was going to dazzle you with my prize Pokemon. But your prowess electrified me!"" FIREBREATHER WALT (592P) PokeGear -MAGMAR LV 11 (M) 392 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Leer [Normal/Status] Smog [Poison/Special] -MAGMAR LV 16 (M) 571 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Leer [Normal/Status] Smog [Poison/Special] Ember [Fire/Special] -"I'm practicing my fire breathing." -"Ow! I scorched the tip of my nose!" -"Mostly I breathe fire, but want to exchange phone numbers?" -"All right! Don't worry. I'll stop breathing fire while we're talking on the phone... so give me a call sometime!" -"I knew that us Firebreathers weren't particulary well liked... -"Oh! Would you like to breathe fire with me? ...Oh, you don't. Would you like to exchange phone numbers with me after all?" -"The Pokemon March on the radio lures wild Pokemon." POLICEMAN DIRK (560P) -GROWLITHE LV 14 (M) 273 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] Ember [Fire/Special] -GROWLITHE LV 14 (M) 273 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] Ember [Fire/Special] -"Danger lurks in the night!" -"Whoops!" -"You know, nighttime is fun in its own way. But don't overdo it, OK?" -"Your Pokemon look pretty tough. You could go anywhere safely." BUG CATCHER ARNIE (240P) PokeGear -VENONAT LV 15 (M) 240 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] Foresight [Normal/Status] -"I'll go anywhere if bug Pokemon appear there." -"I see. So you can battle that way." -"You'll trade phone numbers with me... Won't you?" -"If I feel like battling again, I'll be sure to give you a call!" -"I see... That's too bad. Well, if you decide you'd like to battle me again, just give me a shout! -"Did you decide that you want to trade phone numbers after all? -"My VENONAT wom me the Bug-Catching Contest at the National Park." BIRD KEEPER BRYAN (448P) -PIDGEY LV 12 (M) 141 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Gust [Flying/Physical] -PIDGEOTTO LV 14 (M) 339 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -"What kind of Poke Balls do you use?" -"Yikes! Not fast enough!" -"Some Pokemon flee right away. Try catching them with Kurt's Fast Ball. Whenever I find a Wht. Apricorn, I take it to Kurt. He turns it into a custom Ball." ------------------------------- ROUTE 036 [JR36] ----------------------------- PSYCHIC MARK (512P) -ABRA LV 14 (M) 225 EXP -Type: Psychic -KADABRA LV 16 (M) 496 EXP -Type: Psychic -ABRA LV 14 (M) 225 EXP -Type: Psychic -"Let me guess what you're thinking!" -"I was wrong." -"If you read your opponent's mind, then you can attack more efficiently!" SCHOOL KID ALAN (340P) PokeGear -TANGELA LV 17 (M) 604 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Growth [Grass/Status] Absorb [Grass/Special] -"I can properly prepare for any Pokemon adversary!" -"Huh? ...Was my prediction incorrect?" -"When I'm reading textbooks and walking, I have to look down, so I notice items on the ground. Next time I find something, I'll give it to you. May I have your phone number?" -"I'll call you as soon as I find something. You can count on it!" -"Oh... I thought it would be a good break to call you when I'm studying..." -"If I find something, it's yours. So may I have your phone number?" -"Sniffle...I study for fice hours straight every day... If you only read the textbook, I guess you miss out on a lot." ------------------------------- ROUTE 037 [JR37] ----------------------------- PSYCHIC GREG (544P) -DROWZEE LV 17 (M) 368 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Dream Eater [Psychic/Special] Disable [Normal/Status] -"Pokemon can't do a thing if they are asleep. I'll show you how scary that is!" -"I lost. That's pretty sad..." -"Making Pokemon sleep or paralyzing them are good battle techniques." TWINS TORI & TIL (512P) -MARILL LV 16 (F) 198 EXP -Type: Water -MAREEP LV 16 (F) 200 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -"Tori: Let's battle!" -"Til: All right, I'm bringing out a Pokemon." -"Tori: I lost... " -"Til: I lost... " -"Tori: Even though I teamed up with Til, we still lost..." -"Til: Even though Tori tried very hard for me, we still lost..." BEAUTY CALLIE (1792P) -CLEFABLE LV 16 (F) 440 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Doubleslap [Normal/Physical] Encore [Normal/Status] -WIGGLYTUFF LV 16 (F) 372 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Defense Curl [Normal/Status] Pound [Normal/Physical] -"Oh, you are a cute little Trainer! Why don't you battle me?" -"You're good..." -"Oh, I've learned something. There are people like you out there who are very skilled even though they're young..." BEAUTY KASSANDRA (1792P) -WIGGLYTUFF LV 16 (F) 372 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Defense Curl [Normal/Status] Pound [Normal/Physical] -CLEFABLE LV 16 (F) 440 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: DoubleSlap [Normal/Physical] Encore [Normal/Status] Metronome [Normal/Status] -"Hey hey there, you young Trainer! Won't you battle with me?" -"Wow, you're strong..." -"You... I wonder what your future holds..." ------------------------------- ROUTE 038 [JR38] ----------------------------- BIRD KEEPER TOBY (576P) -DODUO LV 16 (M) 328 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODUO LV 17 (M) 363 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Rage [Normal/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -DODUO LV 18 (M) 369 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -"Fly high into the sky, my beloved bird Pokemon!" -"I feel like just flying away now." -"I plan to train in Cianwood City to teach my Pokemon how to Fly." SAILOR HARRY (640P) -WOOPER LV 20 (M) 222 EXP -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Mud Bomb [Ground/Physical] Water Gun [Water/Special] -"I've been overseas, so I know about all sorts of Pokemon!" -"Your skill is world class!" -"All kinds of people around the world live happily with Pokemon." LASS DANA (304P) PokeGear -FLAFFY LV 19 (F) 475 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] Thundershock [Electric/Special] -PSYDUCK LV 19 (F) 325 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Gun {Water/Special] -"Hey, are you good at Pokemon? If you're really good, I want you to teach me some things." -"I see. So you can battle that way." -"You're really good with Pokemon! Boys give me items after battles, but sometimes they give me too much. Next time, I can share some if you want. Let me get your phone number." -"Next time a boy gives me something after a battle, I'll share with you! Does that make me sound ungrateful?" -"Aww, you don't want anything? But it's all for free..." -"I'll share my gifts with you. Let me get your phone number." -"I know something good! Moomoo Farm's milk is famous for its taste." BEAUTY VALERIE (1008P) -HOPPIP LV 18 (F) 285 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -SKIPLOOM LV 18 (F) 523 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Mega Drain [Grass/Special] -"Hi! Aren't you a cute Trainer! May I see your Pokemon?" -"I'm glad I got to see your Pokemon!" -"When I see Pokemon, it seems to soothe my nerves." SCHOOL KID CHAD (400P) PokeGear -MR. MIME LV 20 (M) 582 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Meditate [Psychic/Status] DoubleSlap [Normal/Physical] -"Let me try something I learned today." -"I didn't study enough, I guess." -"Huh? Is that thing a Pokedex? Have you met Professor Oak? Huh? You have? That's way cool! I have a dream of becoming a Pokemon researcher like Professor Oak. May I please have your phone number? We should chat about Professor Oak. I'm sure it will be loads of fun!" -"You must listen to Professor Oak's Pokemon Talk, right?" -"Oh... I wish I had a chance to meet Professor Oak..." -"May I please have your phone number? We should chat about Professor Oak. It will be loads of fun!" -"I have to take so many tests, I don't have much time for Pokemon. So when I do get to battle, I really concentrate." ------------------------------- ROUTE 039 [JR39] ----------------------------- PSYCHIC NELSON (640P) -SLOWPOKE LV 17 (M) 360 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Water Gun [Water/Special] Growl [Normal/Status] -SLOWPOKE LV 20 (M) 422 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Headbutt [Normal/Physical] Curse [???/Status] -"Let me see what your Pokemon are capable of." -"Ooh, your Pokemon have potential." -"You know how Pokemon have different abilities? People are like that, too. Everyone has different potential." SAILOR EUGENE (648P) -POLIWHIRL LV 17 (M) 477 EXP -Type: Water -KRABBY LV 19 (M) 468 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Harden [Normal/Status] -RATICATE LV 17 (M) 421 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Hyper Fang [Normal/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -"I just got back to Olivine. So, how about a Pokemon battle?" -"Awaaargh!" -"My Pokemon were caught and raised overseas. They're my companions on those long voyages." POKEFAN DEREK (1152P) PokeGear -PIKACHU LV 18 (M) 314 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Double Team [Normal/Status] -"Is it OK to brag about my Pokemon?" -"I couldn't brag..." -"Hey, let's be friends! I figure nobody who likes Pokemon could be a bad person. Let's chat about PIKACHU and SLOWPOKE and TENTACRUEL and all kinds of other Pokemon. It'll be fun! What do you think? Can I get your phone number?" -"Sure thing! If anything Pokemon-related comes up. I'll call!" -"You...I bet you don't even like Pokemon..." -"Let's chat about Pokemon! Can I get your phone number?" -"I'm not listening to your bragging! We Pokefans have a policy of not listening to other people brag!" POKEFAN RUTH (1088P) -PIKACHU LV 17 (F) 296 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] -"Such darling Pokemon. Let's show our Pokemon together at the same time." -"I don't mind losing." -"Do you know about baby Pokemon? I'll bet they're just adorable!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 040 [JR40] ----------------------------- SWIMMER SIMON (320P) -TENTACOOL LV 20 (M) 450 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] -TENTACOOL LV 20 (M) 450 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Toxic Spikes [Poison/Status] -"You have to warm up before going into the water. That's basic." -"OK! I give up!" -"Cianwood City is a good distance away from here." SWIMMER ELAINE (336P) -STARYU LV 21 (X) 477 EXP -Type: Water -"Are you going to Cianwood? How about a quick battle first?" -"I lost that one!" -"I'd say I'm a better swimmer than you. Yeah!" SWIMMER RANDALL (288P) -SHELLDER LV 18 (M) 373 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Withdraw [Water/Status] -WARTORTLE LV 20 (M) 612 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -SHELLDER LV 18 (M) 373 EXP -Type: Water -"Hey, you're young and fit! Don't ride your Pokemon! Swim!" -"Uh-oh. I lost." -"Swimming excersises your entire body. It's healthy." SWIMMER PAULA (304P) -STARYU LV 19 (X) 430 EXP -Type: Water -SHELLDER LV 19 (F) 394 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] Protect [Normal/Status] -"No inflatable tube for me. I'm hanging on to a sea Pokemon!" -"Ooh, I'm feeling dizzy!" -"While I float like this, the waves carry me along." ------------------------------- ROUTE 041 [JR41] ----------------------------- Eastern Side of WHIRL ISLANDS: SWIMMER CHARLIE (304P) -SHELLDER LV 21 (M) 436 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] -TENTACOOL LV 19 (M) 427 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Acid [Poison/Physical] -TENTACRUEL LV 19 (M) 834 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] Toxic Spikes [Poison/Status] -"The water's warm here. I'm loose and limber. Sure, I'll take you on!" -"Yikes! I've got prune skin!" -"Isn't it relaxing, just floating like this?" SWIMMER KAYLEE (320P) -GOLDEEN LV 18 (F) 427 EXP -Type: Water -GOLDEEN LV 20 (F) 475 EXP -Type: Water -SEAKING LV 20 (F) 727 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] -"I'm on my way to the Whirl Islands. I'm going exploring with friends." -"Is that how you do it?" -"There's supposed to be a big Pokemon deep beneath the Whirl Islands. I wonder what it could be?" SWIMMER MATTHEW (368P) -KRABBY LV 23 (M) 565 EXP -Type: Water -"Are you seeking the secrets of the Whirl Islands?" -"Ooh, you've got endurance" -"A secret about the Whirl Islands... It's pitch black inside!" Northern Side of WHIRL ISLANDS: SWIMMER SUSIE (352P) -PSYDUCK LV 20 (F) 342 EXP -Type: Water -GOLDEEN LV 22 (F) 522 EXP -Type: Water -"You look so elegant riding your Pokemon." -"I'm crushed..." -"Wasn't there a hit song about a boy riding a LAPRAS?" SWIMMER GEORGE (304P) -TENTACOOL LV 16 (M) 360 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Acid [Poison/Physical] -TENTACOOL LV 16 (M) 360 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Acid [Poison/Physical] -TENTACOOL LV 17 (M) 382 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] -TENTACOOL LV 17 (M) 382 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -REMORAID LV 19 (M) 316 EXP -Type: Water -STARYU LV 19 (X) 430 EXP -Type: Water -"I'm a bit tired. If I win, lend me your Pokemon." -"Pant, pant..." -"It's so far to Cianwood. But it's no easy return trip to Olivine either. What should I do?" Center of the WHIRL ISLANDS: SWIMMER KARA (320P) -STARYU LV 20 (X) 453 EXP -Type: Water -STARMIE LV 20 (X) 886 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Swift [Normal/Special] Rapid Spin [Normal/Physical] -"If you need to rest, just read water. You'll get your breath back so you can keep on going strong." -"Oh! You have more energy than I do!" -"I heard roars from deep inside the islands. " SWIMMER BERKE (368P) -QWILFISH LV 23 (M) 492 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -"See those islands that are blocked by whirlpools? There just has to be a secret!" -"What's the secret to your strength?" -"It was a dark and stormy night... I saw this giant Pokemon flying from the Whirl Islands. Feathers were scattering from its silver wings." SWIMMER WENDY (336P) -HORSEA LV 21 (F) 373 EXP -Type: Water -HORSEA LV 21 (F) 373 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] BubbleBeam [Water/Special] -"At night, STARYU gather near the water's surface." -"Oh, dear..." -"The clusters of STARYU light up at the same time. It's so beautiful, it's scary." Southern side of the WHIRL ISLANDS: SWIMMER RONALD (320P) -GYARADOS LV 20 (M) 916 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -GYARADOS LV 20 (M) 916 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Bite {Dark/Physical] -"The waves are wild here. They tire you out as you swim." -"I'm beat!" -"The currents keep me from reaching that island." SWIMMER DENISE (352P) -SEEL LV 22 (F) 471 EXP -Type: Water -"The weather is so beautiful, I'm in a daze!" -"Ohhh!" -"A sunburn is the worst for skin. But I don't use sunblock. I won't pollute the water." ------------------------------- ROUTE 042 [JR42] ----------------------------- FISHERMAN TULLY (608P) PokeGear -QWILFISH LV 19 (M) 406 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Minimize [Normal/Status] -"Let me demonstrate the power of the Pokemon I caught!" -"What? That's not right." -"Hey, you're trying to be the ultimate Trainer, too? That makes us comrades! If I find any more items by the wayer, I'll give you some. Just give me your phone number." -"You'll be hearing from me if I find something good." -"Is that so? Then I'll just have to use them myself." -"If I find any more items by the water, I'll give you some. Just give me your phone number." -"I want to become the Trainer Champ using the Pokemon I caught. That's the best part of fishing!" POKE MANIAC SHANE (1088P) -NIDORINA LV 17 (F) 426 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -NIDORINO LV 17 (M) 429 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] -"Hey! This is my secret place! Get lost, you outsider!" -"I should have used my Moon Stone..." -"You're working on a Pokedex? Wow, you must know some pretty rare Pokemon! May I please see it? Please?" HIKER BENJAMIN (544P) -DIGLETT LV 15 (M) 259 EXP -Type: Ground -DUGTRIO LV 17 (M) 556 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] -GEODUDE LV 15 (M) 234 EXP -Type: Rock -"What's the other side of Mt. Mortar like, do you know? If you can beat me, I'll let you know." -"Gwa ha ha! I lost." -"I said a pretty boastful lie. I'm sorry! There's this huge waterfall in the way, so I've never been on the other side of Mt. Mortar!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 043 [JR43] ----------------------------- CAMPER SPENCER (320P) -SANDSHREW LV 18 (M) 358 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Sand-Attack [Ground/Status] Rapid Spin [Normal/Physical] Swift [Normal/Special] -SANDSLASH LV 18 (M) 628 EXP -Type: Ground -ZUBAT LV 20 (M) 231 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -"I can do so much with my Pokemon! It's super fun!" -"Losing isn't fun at all..." -"What is going on at Lake of Rage? We were planning to camp there." PICNICKER TIFFANY (336P) PokeGear -CLEFAIRY LV 21 (F) 306 EXP -Type: Normal -"Are you going to Lake of Rage, too? Let's play for a little while!" -"I played too much!" -"Hi! You like CLEFAIRY, too? They're so very cute, aren't they? I think we can be good friends! I want to know your phone number! Let's talk about CLEFAIRY!" -"Isn't my CLEFAIRY super adorable?" -"Aww... Oh well. Look for me if you want to talk about CLEFAIRY." -"Won't you give me your number? Let's talk about CLEFAIRY!" -"I'm having a picnic with Pokemon. Won't you join us?" POKE MANIAC BRENT (1536P) PokeGear -NIDORINA LV 20 (F) 501 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -NIDORINO LV 24 (M) 606 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Horn Attack [Normal/Physical] -"Hey! Do you have any rare Pokemon?" -"Oh, my poor Pokemon! Darlings!" -"By the way, you're a Poke Maniac... I can tell. Yes, you are. But your knowledge is shallow still! Do you know Bill? He's an incredible Poke Maniac. I revere him. I'll teach you all I know about Bill, so leave me your phone number." -"Bill--he's more than amazing! To be a Poke Maniac like him someday... That's my dream." -"You're definitely going to regret it..." -"I'll teach you all I know about Bill, so leave me your phone number." -"I'd be happy just to own a single rare Pokemon." POKE MANIAC BECKETT (1280P) -SLOWBRO LV 20 (M) 702 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] -"I love Pokemon! That's why I started--and why I'll keep on collecting Pokemon!" -"How could you do this to me?" -"What else do I like besides Pokemon? Mary, on the radio. I bet she's cute!" POKE MANIAC RON (1280P) -NIDOKING LV 20 (M) 835 EXP -Type: Poison/Ground -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] -"Would you get this? Some red-haired kid made fun of my precious Pokemon! Humph! My Pokemon's great!" -"My NIDOKING was outstanding!" -"It's OK for people to like different types of Pokemon. Pokemon isn't just about having the most powerful one." FISHERMAN MARVIN (480P) -MAGIKARP LV 10 (M) 42 EXP -Type: Water -GYARADOS LV 20 (M) 914 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Surf [Water/Special] Thrash [Normal/Physical] -MAGIKARP LV 15 (M) 63 EXP -Type: Water -"I'm in a slump. Maybe it's the gear I'm using. Let's battle for a change of pace!" -"I lost, but I feel better anyway." -"Kurt's Lure Ball is the best for catching hooked Pokemon. It's much more effective than an Ultra Ball." ------------------------------- ROUTE 044 [JR44] ----------------------------- PSYCHIC PHIL (928P) -NATU LV 27 (M) 421 EXP -Type: Psychic/Flying -KADABRA LV 29 (M) 900 EXP -Type: Psychic -"I'm gonna win for sure!" -"Arrgh... That's a shocking loss..." -"It's important to have conviction on your side." FISHERMAN EDGAR (896P) -REMORAID LV 28 (M) 468 EXP -Type: Water -REMORAID LV 28 (M) 468 EXP -Type: Water -"I fish until I can't anymore. I also battle until I drop. That's my relationship with my Pokemon." -"Hmmm...This isn't right." -"That's 100 wins to 101 losses. I won't battle again for a while." ACE TRAINER CYBIL (1740P) -MAREEP LV 29 (F) 366 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Cotton Spore [Normal/Status] -BELLOSSOM LV 29 (F) 1143 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Magical Leaf [Grass/Special] -"You look strong. Good Trainers seek tough opponents instintively." -"Nope! This won't do at all!" -"We all get better by experiencing many battles. I battled a lot to become what I am today--an elite." ACE TRAINER ALLEN (1740P) -CHARMELEON LV 29 (M) 882 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Ember [Fire/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 29 (X) 552 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Spark [Electric/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -"I can tell you're a good Trainer by looking at you. I'm good at Pokemon, and I can see that you are, too." -"Tch! It's a total loss on my part." -"Wow. You have a lot of Badges. No wonder you're so tough. I wonder if Ecruteak Gym's Morty is still in training? He really hammered me." POKE MANIAC ZACH (1920P) -RHYHORN LV 30 (M) 866 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] -"I'll do anything to get my hands on rare Pokemon!" -"Ooh, your pokeon are so appealing." -"If a Pokemon has different colors than usual, it's more valuable. What? You mean that's not true?" FISHERMAN WILTON (896P) PokeGear -GOLDEEN LV 26 (M) 618 EXP -Type: Water -GOLDEEN LV 26 (M) 618 EXP -Type: Water -SEAKING LV 28 (M) 1020 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Flail [Water/Physical] -"Aack! You made me lose a POLIWAG! What are you going to do about it?" -"Just forget about it." -"Well, that was a very interesting battle now, wasn't it? When I'm fishing here, I sometimes catch items that people have dropped. If I find anything, I'll give it to you. Will you give me your phone number?" -"If I snag anything good, I'll be sure to let you know." -"All right...Come back if you have a change of heart." -"If I snag an item while I'm fishing, it's yours. Trade me numbers?" -"That POLIWAG that got away... It was huge. I swear it must've been 82 feet long!" BIRD KEEPER VANCE (896P) PokeGear -HOOTHOOT LV 28 (M) 348 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEOTTO LV 28 (M) 678 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Twister [Dragon/Physical] -"Do you know about the legendary bird Pokemon?" -"Whew! You're hot stuff." -"You are sure strong. But I don't want to just slink away... I know! Could I get your number? Let's meet up for more battles!" -"Don't forget to come and see me when I challenge you!" -"A Bird Keeper friend isn't a bad thing to have, I'd say... Won't you reconsider?" -"I want to battle tough Trainers as often as I can! Could I get your number? Let's meet up for more battles!" -"ARTICUNO, ZAPDOS, and MOLTRES are the three legendary bird Pokemon. I heard there are other legendary birds, though." ------------------------------- ROUTE 045 [JR45] ----------------------------- HIKER PARRY (960P) PokeGear -ONIX LV 30 (M) 693 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -"My Pokemon are power packed!" -"Wahaha! I'm the big loser!" -"Sheesh, the way you attacked! That was something else! We should meet again! How about giving me your number?" -"I'll call you when I feel like battling!" -"No? That's fine. A definitie no is easy to take! I'll be right here when you're ready for a rematch." -"So you want to register my phone number for a rematch, huh?" -"I'm not much good at thinking, see? So I just plow ahead with power!"
HIKER ERIK (864P) -MACHOP LV 24 (M) 385 EXP -Type: Fighting -GRAVELER LV 27 (M) 774 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -MACHOP LV 27 (M) 433 EXP -Type: Fighting -"Be prepared for anything! Let me see if your Pokemon have been raised properly!" -"Oh, I lost that!" -"I'll head back to Blackthorn's Ice Path and train some more." ACE TRAINER KELLY (1440P) -MARILL LV 27 (F) 334 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Ring [Water/Status] Rollout [Rock/Physical] -WARTORTLE LV 24 (M) 735 EXP -Type: Water -WARTORTLE LV 24 (M) 735 EXP -Type: Water -"What is your battle strategy? It is foolish to use strong moves indiscriminately." -"Fine. I lost." -"I'm not for overly powerful moves. I want to win, but I also don't want to harm Pokemon." BLACK BELT KENJI (672P) PokeGear -MACHOKE LV 28 (M) 876 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Foresight [Normal/Status] Seismic Toss [Fighting/Physical] -"I was training here alone. Behold the result of my hard work!" -"Waaargh!" -"Our battle was remarkable! I wish for something to remember you by! Perhaps your phone number will do? My training makes it impossible to chat much, but..." -"I must train harder to become the mightiest!" -"If you decide you want my number, come and find me." -"My training makes chatting tough. So, take down my number?" -"This calls for extreme measures. I must take to the hills and train in solitude." HIKER TIMOTHY (864P) -DIGLETT LV 27 (M) 468 EXP -Type: Ground -DUGTRIO LV 27 (M) 885 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Sand-Attack [Normal/Status] -"Why do I climb mountains? Because they're there. Why do I train Pokemon? Because they're there!" -"Lossess... They're there too!" -"The best thing ever to happen to me was discovering Pokemon." ACE TRAINER RYAN (1620P) -PIDGEOT LV 25 (M) 921 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -ELECTABUZZ LV 27 (M) 901 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Light Screen [Normal/Status] -"What are your thoughts on raising Pokemon?" -"You've won my respect." -"I see you're raising your Pokemon with care. The bond you build will save you in tough situations." HIKER MICHAEL (800P) -GEODUDE LV 25 (M) 390 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GRAVELER LV 25 (M) 717 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GOLEM LV 25 (M) 948 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -"Yo! You're tough! But you know what? When it comes to sheer toughness, I'm the man!" -"My Pokemon weren't tough enough!" -"Boy, do I love HP Up! Mmm, yum! I keep drinking my Pokemon's! I can't help it!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 046 [JR46] ----------------------------- CAMPER TED (272P) -MANKEY LV 17 (M) 268 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] -"I'm raising Pokemon, too! Will you battle with me?" -"Wha...?" -"I did my best but came up short. No excuses--I admit I lost." PICNICKER ERIN (224P) PokeGear -PONYTA LV 17 (F) 553 EXP -Type: Fire -ODDISH LV 14 (F) 234 EXP -Type: Grass -"I raise Pokemon, too! Will you battle with me?" -"Oh, bleah!" -"It really made me angry to lose. I'll have to train much harder... Here's my number. I'm Erin-- don't forget! Want to battle me again?" -"I'll remember to call when I want to battle again!" -"Oh... I'm sad... If you do want to battle, come see Erin--that's me!" -"I want to battle with you again. Do you want to exchange numbers?" -"If you've promised to have a rematch, your opponent's location will be marked with an '!' on the map. You can check it on your Pokegear." HIKER BAILEY (832P) -GEODUDE LV 13 (M) 202 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GEODUDE LV 13 (M) 202 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GEODUDE LV 13 (M) 202 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GEODUDE LV 13 (M) 202 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -GEODUDE LV 13 (M) 202 EXP -Type: Ground/Rock -"Awright! I'll show you the power of mountain Pokemon!" -"Mercy! You showed me your power!" -"It's over. I don't mind. We Hikers are like that." ------------------------------- ROUTE 047 [JR47] ----------------------------- HIKER DEVIN (608P) -DUNSPARCE LV 19 (M) 508 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Yawn [Normal/Status] -DUNSPARCE LV 19 (M) 508 EXP -Type: Normal -DUNSPARCE LV 19 (M) 508 EXP -Type: Normal -"Longing for others is... what it is... But battles are battles, so let's go!" -"Wah ha ha!" -"After a battle, you should always leave with a parting laugh!" CAMPER GRANT (336P) -SKIPLOOM LV 21 (M) 612 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -MARILL LV 21 (M) 261 -Type: Water -"I'm not good with large crowds, so I'm camping out here with my Pokemon! Are you the same way? -"I should be headed deeper into the mountain, I guess..." -"See ya!" DOUBLE TEAM THOM & KAE (6000P) -ELECTABUZZ LV 25 (M) 834 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: -MAGMAR LV 25 (M) 894 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Protect [Normal/Status] -"One plus one is two. But the two of us together is much stronger! The two of us aren't just some boring pair!" -"That wasn't what I expected... You're unusual too!" -"I figured you were an ordinary lone Trainer. Boy, was I wrong! It seems your power is impossible to predict!" YOUNG COUPLE DUFF & EDA (2816P) -ONIX LV 22 (M) 506 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -CLOYSTER LV 22 (M) 986 EXP -Type: Ice/Water -Moves: Aurora Beam [Ice/Special] -"Watching over my girlfriend makes my heart soar! My heart's feelings for my boyfriend are as wide and deep as the ocean." -"I was no match for you. You're really something..." -"You should really find a wonderful partner, too. Thank you for the awe- inspiring battle! Bye!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 048 [JR48] ----------------------------- There are no Trainers on this Route. ****************************************************************************** LOCATIONS [JL00] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------- DARK CAVE [JL01] ----------------------------- Coming soon. ------------------------------ UNION CAVE [JL02] ----------------------------- First Floor: FIREBREATHER RAY (288P) -VULPIX LV 9 (F) 120 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Roar [Normal/Status] -"If there's light, a cave isn't scary. If you're strong, Pokemon aren't scary." -"FLASH!" -"It's my Pokemon's fire that lights up this cave." HIKER DANIEL (352P) -ONIX LV 11 (M) 253 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Harden [Normal/Status] -"Whoa! What a surprise! I didn't expect to see anyone here!" -"Whoa! I'm beaten big time!" -"I was conned into buying a SlowpokeTail. I feel sorry for the poor Pokemon." HIKER RUSSEL (256P) -GEODUDE LV 4 (M) 62 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -GEODUDE LV 8 (M) 124 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -GEODUDE LV 6 (M) 93 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -"You're headed to Azalea, are you? Let my Pokemon see if you are good enough to battle." -"Oh! Oh! Oh!" -"All right, then! I've decided. I'm not leaving until my Pokemon get tougher!" FIREBREATHER BILL (192P) -KOFFING LV 6 (M/) 145 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Smog [Poison/Special] -KOFFING LV 6 (M/) 145 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Smog [Poison/Special] -"ZUBAT's Supersonic keeps confusing my Pokemon. I'm seriously upset about that!" -"I flamed out!" -"I've practiced training my Pokemon, but I've practiced breathing fire many more times than that. Don't try this at home, OK?" POKE MANIAC LARRY (704P) -SLOWPOKE LV 11 (M) 228 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Yawn [Normal/Status] Growl [Normal/Status] Water Gun [Water/Special] -"I roam far and wide in search of Pokemon. Are you looking for Pokemon, too? Then you're my collecting rival!" -"Ugh. My poor Pokemon..." -"Every Friday, you can hear Pokemon roars from deep inside the cave." ----------------------------- SLOWPOKE WELL [JL03] --------------------------- TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (360P) -RATTATA LV 9 (M) 109 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -RATTATA LV 9 (M) 109 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -"Humph! I was standing guard up top when some old coot yelled at me. He startled me so much that I fell down here. How about I vent my anger and take it out on you!" -"Arrgh! This is not my day!" -"Sure, we've been hacking the tails off SLOWPOKE and selling them. Team Rocket will do anything for money!" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (440P) -ZUBAT LV 9 (F) 103 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -EKANS LV 11 (F) 145 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Poison Sting [Poison/Physical] -"Stop taking SlowpokeTails? What?! You want us to disobey a direct order from Executive Proton? If you want to stop us, you'll have to defeat us all! Go ahead and try!" -"You rotten brat!" -"SlowpokeTails grow back fast! Besides, it was an order from Proton, so I'm more concerned about that!" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (360P) -RATTATA LV 7 (M) 85 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] -ZUBAT LV 9 (M) 103 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -ZUBAT LV 9 (M) 103 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -"Quit taking SlowpokeTails? If we listened to you, Team Rocket's rep would be ruined!" -"Just...too strong..." -"We need the money, but selling SlowpokeTails? It's tough being a Team Rocket Grunt!" EXECUTIVE PROTON (480P) -ZUBAT LV 8 (M) 91 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Leech Life [Bug/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] -KOFFING LV 12 (M) 292 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Poison Gas [Poison/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] Smog [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -"What do we have here? I am often labeled as the scariest and cruelest guy in Team Rocket... I strongly urge you not to interfere with our business!" -"It doesn't matter where we go, there is always someone who doesn't agree with us." -"Are you serious? Did you come here thinking you could mess with our plans?" -"Grr...For a kid to be this good...I didn't see it coming" -"Humph... Team Rocket was indeed broken up three years ago. But we continued our activities underground. A small obstacle like you won't be much of a problem for our mission. I advise you to be very afraid of what is to come!" ------------------------------ ILEX FOREST [JL04] ---------------------------- There are no trainers in this forest. ----------------------------- WHIRL ISLANDS [JL05] --------------------------- There are no trainers in these islands. ------------------------------ MT. MORTAR [JL06] ----------------------------- ------------------------------- ICE PATH [JL07] ------------------------------ There are no trainers in this cave. ------------------------------- MT. SILVER [JL08] ---------------------------- PKMN TRAINER RED (16800P) -PIKACHU LV 88 (M) 1545 EXP -Ability: Static -Type: Electric -Moves: Volt Tackle [Electric/Physical] Iron Tail [Steel/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] -LAPRAS LV 80 (M) 3753 EXP -Ability: Shell Armor -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Blizzard [Ice/Special] Brine [Water/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] -SNORLAX LV 82 (M) 2706 EXP -Ability: Thick Fat -Type: Normal -Moves: Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Blizzard [Ice/Special] Giga Impact [Normal/Physical] -VENUSAUR LV 84 (M) 3744 EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] Frenzy Plant [Grass/Special] -CHARIZARD LV 84 (M) 3762 EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire/Flying -Moves: Flare Blitz [Fire/Physical] Air Slash [Flying/Special] Blast Burn [Fire/Special] Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] -BLASTOISE LV 84 (M) 3780 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Focus Blast [Fighting/Special] Hydro Cannon [Water/Special] Blizzard [Ice/Special] Flash Cannon [Steel/Special] -".............." -"...!" -".............." ****************************************************************************** AREAS OF INTEREST [JA00] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------ SPROUT TOWER [JA01] --------------------------- SAGE NICO (144P) -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -"However hard we battle, the tower will stand strong." -"I fought hard, but I'm too weak." -"The flexible pillar protects the tower, even from earthquakes." SAGE CHOW (144P) -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -"We stand guard in this tower. Here, we express our gratitude to show our respect for all Pokemon." -"Th-thank you!" -"All living beings coexist through cooperation. We must always be thankful for this." SAGE EDMOND (144P) -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 3 (M) 54 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -"I sway like leaves in the wind..." -"Oh, I'm weak!" -"I tried to copy BELLSPROUT's gentle movements for battle...But I didn't train well enough." SAGE JIN (288P) -BELLSPROUT LV 6 (M) 108 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -"I train to find enlightenment in Pokemon!" -"This little squirt sure made me hurt!" -"As Pokemon grow stronger, so does the Trainer. No, wait. As the Trainer grows stronger, so do the Pokemon." SAGE NEAL (288P) -BELLSPROUT LV 6 (M) 108 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -"The Elder's TM lights even pitch-black darkness." -"It is my head that is bright!" -"Let there be light on your journey." SAGE TROY (336P) -BELLSPROUT LV 7 (M) 126 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Growth [Normal/Status] Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -HOOTHOOT LV 7 (M) 87 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -"Let me see how much you trust your Pokemon." -"Yes, your trust is real!" -"It is not far to the Elder." ELDER LI (1200P) -BELLSPROUT LV 7 (M) 126 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Growth [Normal/Status] Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -BELLSPROUT LV 7 (M) 126 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves Growth [Normal/Status] Vine Whip [Grass/Physical] -HOOTHOOT LV 10 (M) 122 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Peck [Flying/Physical] -"So good of you to come here! Sprout Tower is a place of training. People and Pokemon test their bonds to build a bright future together. I am the final test. Allow me to check the ties between you and your Pokemon!" -"Ah, excellent!" -"Hmm...The way you battle is quite elegant. You should be able to stand up to Falkner. And you should be able to make good use of this...It is a Technical Machine called Flash. Take it with you! When a Pokemon learns Flash, you can illuminate caves no matter how dark they may be. You can try it on BELLSPROUT for example..." -"I hope you learn and grow from your journey." ------------------------------ RUINS OF ALPH [JA02] -------------------------- There are no trainers in this area. ---------------------------- POKEMON DAYCARE [JA03] -------------------------- There are no trainers in this area. ---------------------------- GLOBAL TERMINAL [JA04] -------------------------- There are no trainers in this area. ----------------------------- NATIONAL PARK [JA05] --------------------------- POKEFAN BEVERLY (1024P) PokeGear -SNUBBULL LV 16 (F) 216 EXP -Type: Normal -"My Pokemon is simply a darling. Let me tell you how proud my darling makes me." -"I can beat you in pride, but..." -"Your Pokemon is so cute and adorable! You love Pokemon just like I do! Want to trade phone numbers? Let's chat! It'll be so much fun!" -"To be honest, I want a MARILL. But I make do with my cute SNUBBULL. Aw! I'm just kidding! I'm just kidding, SNUBBULL! You're the cutest Pokemon ever, really!" -"Oh... That's disappointing... -"You have such cute and adorable Pokemon with you! We should totally trade phone numbers, don't you think?" -"I must say, your Pokemon are quite cute, too." SCHOOL KID JACK (300P) PokeGear -ODDISH LV 12 (M) 199 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Sweet Scent [Grass/Status] -VOLTORB LV 15 (X) 330 EXP -Type: Electric -"The world is deep. There are still lots of things we don't know. But I know more than you do!" -"Wh-wh-what?" -"Your knowledge is impressive! I like that! Want to trade battle tips? I'll phone if I get good info. Would you tell me your number?" -"I'll call you if I hear anything!" -"Oh, OK. Too bad... Well, if yo ever want my number, come and see me, OK?" -"Want to trade battle tips? I'll phone if I get good info. Would you tell me your number?" -"There is a lot to learn. For example... There are more than 90 kinds of TNs. And traded Pokemon level up faster." POKEFAN WILLIAM (1024P) PokeGear -RAICHU LV 16 (M) 417 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] -"We adore our Pokemon, even if they dislike us. That's what being a Pokefan is all about." -"M=my Pokemon!" -"I lost the battle, but my Pokemon win the prize for being the most lovely." LASS KRISE (272P) PokeGear -ODDISH LV 14 (F) 234 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Absorb [Grass/Special] -CUBONE LV 17 (F) 316 EXP -Type: Ground -"Hello? Why are you staring at me? Oh, a battle?" -"...Hmmm..." -"You... You think I'm cool right? So how about we exchange phone numbers?" -"Don't worry, you can call me anytime!" -"Oh, I see... Maybe I was overthinking things... -"I knew it! I knew you'd think I was cool! So, shall we trade phone numbers now?" -"I thought I did something wrong because you kept starting at me." ---------------------------- POKEATHLON DOME [JA06] -------------------------- There are no trainers in this area. ------------------------------ BURNED TOWER [JA07] --------------------------- Third Rival Battle: RIVAL (1408P) -GASTLY LV 20 (M) 406 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 20 (M) 115 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -MAGNEMITE LV 18 (X) 342 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: ThunderShock [Electric/Special] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -QUILAVA LV 22 (M) 668 EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire -Moves: (Please email me if you know!) -"................... Oh it's you. You must be here to catch the legendary Pokmeon to make yourself look strong. That is only a dream. You see, the legendary Pokemon suits a Trainer like me who has sworn to become the strongest Trainer. A battle with Team Rocket Grunts is just right for you!" -"Out of desperation, weak people are OK at fighting back." -"Don't you get that I'm going easy on you? -"...Humph! I'm not fighting with a another weakling ever again, it's just too much playing around." -"...Aw, whatever. You would never be able to catch a legendary Pokemon anyway. " RIVAL (1408P) -GASTLY LV 20 (M) 406 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 20 (M) 115 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -MAGNEMITE LV 18 (X) 342 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: ThunderShock [Electric/Special] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -CROCONAW LV 22 (M) 673 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: water -Moves: Water Gun [Water/Special] Scary Face [Normal/Status] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -"................... Oh it's you. You must be here to catch the legendary Pokmeon to make yourself look strong. That is only a dream. You see, the legendary Pokemon suits a Trainer like me who has sworn to become the strongest Trainer. A battle with Team Rocket Grunts is just right for you!" -"Out of desperation, weak people are OK at fighting back." -"Don't you get that I'm going easy on you? -"...Humph! I'm not fighting with a another weakling ever again, it's just too much playing around." -"...Aw, whatever. You would never be able to catch a legendary Pokemon anyway. " RIVAL (1408P) -GASTLY LV 20 (M) 406 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -ZUBAT LV 20 (M) 115 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -MAGNEMITE LV 18 (X) 342 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: ThunderShock [Electric/Special] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -BAYLEEF LV 22 (M) 664 EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Magical Leaf [Grass/Special] PoisonPowder [Poison/Status] Synthesis [Grass/Status] -"................... Oh it's you. You must be here to catch the legendary Pokmeon to make yourself look strong. That is only a dream. You see, the legendary Pokemon suits a Trainer like me who has sworn to become the strongest Trainer. A battle with Team Rocket Grunts is just right for you!" -"Out of desperation, weak people are OK at fighting back." -"Don't you get that I'm going easy on you? -"...Humph! I'm not fighting with a another weakling ever again, it's just too much playing around." -"...Aw, whatever. You would never be able to catch a legendary Pokemon anyway. " FIREBREATHER NED (512P) -KOFFING LV 16 (M) 390 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -KOFFING LV 16 (M) 390 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -GROWLITHE LV 17 (M) 331 EXP -Type: Fire -"Don't worry! We fire-breathers know the true power of fire better than anyone!" -"Thanks for such a heated battle!" -"The reason this tower's burned is that it was hit by lightning. The fire I'm breathing is tiny in comparison..." ----------------------------- MOOMOO FARM [JA08] ----------------------------- There are no Trainers in this area. -------------------------- OLIVINE LIGHTHOUSE [JA09] ------------------------- 2F: GENTLEMAN ALFRED (4400P) PokeGear -NOCTOWL LV 22 (M) 763 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Confusion [Psychic/Special] -"Eh? This is no place for playing." -"Ah! I can see you're serious." -"Well, now that we've made each other's acquaintance, shall we trade phone numbers?" -"Lovely! Now I shall be able to call you anytime." -"I see... As to be expected, children prefer to spend time with others their own age..." -"You don't really want to trade phone numbers with me, do you?" -"Up top is a Pokemon that keeps the Lighthouse lit. Pokemon glow when they are healthy, just like people." SAILOR HUEY (640P) PokeGear -POLIWAG LV 18 (M) ## EXP -Type: Water -POLIWHIRL LV 20 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Water -"Men of the sea are always spoiling for a good fight!" -"Urf! I lose." -"Cool! That's the first time I've lost in a while! Hey, give me your phone number. You'd be fun to battle, so I'll call you when I get stronger!" -"Hey, let's battle again!" -"Looks like you're a wimp..." -"Hey, give me your phone number. You'd be fun to battle, so I'll call you when I get stronger." -"What power! How would you like to sail the seas with me?" 3F: BIRD KEEPER THEO (480P) -PIDGEY LV 17 (M) 199 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEY LV 19 (M) 223 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEY LV 15 (M) 175 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEY LV 15 (M) 175 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEY LV 15 (M) 175 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -"What are you here for? Just to stand around and gawk? I suggest you leave!" -"You really are concerned..." -"How in the world do you go up? I want to visit the sick Pokemon, but I can't get up there..." SAILOR KENT (640P) -KRABBY LV 18 (M) 442 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Harden [Normal/Status] Leer [Normal/Status] -KRABBY LV 20 (M) 492 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] -"Jasmine must be worried sick about the Pokemon here. She won't even smile these days." -"I can't manage a smile, either..." -"Speaking of being sick, I've heard there's a good Pharmacy in Cianwood." BIRD KEEPER DENIS (576P) -SPEAROW LV 18 (M) 223 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -SPEAROW LV 18 (M) 223 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -FEAROW LV 20 (M) 693 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -"We're pretty high up here. My bird Pokemon are in prime form." -"Oops...they crashed." -"My bird Pokemon trained in Cianwood. Since I've lost, maybe we'll go across the sea." 4F: GENTLEMAN PRESTON (3600P) -GROWLITHE LV 18 (M) 351 EXP -Type: Fire -GROWLITHE LV 18 (M) 351 EXP -Type: Fire -"I travel the world to train my Pokemon. Now, I wish to battle with you." -"...Aww... I must train some more..." -"Jasmine used to use Rock Pokemon like ONIX." LASS CONNIE (336P) -MARILL LV 21 (F) 261 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Rollout [Rock/Physical] -"Jasmine is this city's Gym Leader. I intend to bring her back with me. Nobody better get in my way!" -"Aack! My Pokemon!" -"Right. Anybody would be worried if his or her own Pokemon were hurt." 5F: SAILOR TERRELL (640P) -POLIWHIRL LV 20 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] DoubleSlap [Normal/Physical] -"Sailors are both kind and strong. How about you?" -"You are both kind and strong..." -"Every time I come back to Olivine, I visit the Gym. The Gym Leader's Pokemon type changed without my noticing." SAILOR ROBERTO (576P) -MACHOP LV 18 (M) 288 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] Karate Chop [Fighting/Physical] -MACHOP LV 18 (M) 288 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Focus Energy [Normal/Status] Karate Chop [Fighting/Physical] -POLIWHIRL LV 18 (M) 504 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Gun {Water/Special] -"I wanted to battle Jasmine, but she's not up to it now. So how about you?" -"Woah! Woah! You're overwhelming!" -"Being a Gym Leader isn't just about being strong. A Leader also needs to be compassionate." ---------------------------- BATTLE FRONTIER [JA10] -------------------------- ------------------------------ SAFARI ZONE [JA11] ---------------------------- ----------------------------- LAKE OF RAGE [JA12] ---------------------------- FISHERMAN ANDRE (864P) -GYARADOS LV 27 (M) 1237 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -"Let me battle with the Pokemon I just caught!" -"I might be an expert angler, but I stink at being a Pokemon Trainer!" -"I won't lose as an angler! I catch Pokemon all day." FISHERMAN RAYMOND (704P) -MAGIKARP LV 22 (M) 93 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] -MAGIKARP LV 22 (M) 93 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] -MAGIKARP LV 22 (M) 93 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] -MAGIKARP LV 22 (M) 93 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Splash [Water/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] -"No matter what I do, all I catch are the same Pokemon..." -"My line's all tangled up..." -"Why can't I catch any good Pokemon?" ACE TRAINER LOIS (1500P) -MAREEP LV 25 (F) 315 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunderwave [Electric/Status] Thundershock [Electric/Special] -NINETALES LV 25 (F) 952 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Nasty Plot [Dark/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] -"The red GYARADOS? That sounds scary. It must be red with rage! Me? I'm not angry or anything, but let's battle!" -"Good going!" -"Come to think of it, I've seen a pink BUTTERFREE." ACE TRAINER ALTON (1440P) -IVYSAUR LV 24 (M) 724 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: -WARTORTLE LV 24 (M) 735 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Gun [Water/Special] Protect [Normal/Status] -CHARMELEON LV 24 (M) 729 EXP -Type: Fire -"If a Trainer spots another Trainer, he or she has to make a challenge. That is our destiny." -"Whew... Good battle." -"Pokemon and their Trainer become powerful through constant battling." ------------------------------ RADIO TOWER [JA13] ---------------------------- 1F: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (960P) -RATICATE LV 24 (M) 595 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] -RATICATE LV 24 (M) 595 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] -"What? You! You're not a newcomer? Then battle with me!" -"Y-you're strong..." -"You are too powerful. You could spoil our plan. I have to inform the others..." 2F: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1040P) -ARBOK LV 26 (F) 819 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Acid [Poison/Special] Glare [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] -"Ha ha ha! How boring. It was far too easy to take over this place! Come on, keep me amused!" -"Wh-who are you?" -"You beat me, and I won't forget it!" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (920P) -RATTATA LV 21 (M) 256 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -RATTATA LV 21 (M) 256 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -RATTATA LV 23 (M) 280 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -RATTATA LV 23 (M) 280 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -RATTATA LV 23 (M) 280 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -"We're Team Rocket! We like to cause trouble! Ooh! Are you scared?" -"You think you're a hero?" -"We're not always evil. We just do whatever we like." TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1040P) -ZUBAT LV 26 (M) 300 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -ZUBAT LV 26 (M) 300 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -"Hey, hey! Keep out of our way!" -"Arggh. I give up." -"Our Executives are trying to take this place over. They have some big plan. I wonder what it is." TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1000P) -GRIMER LV 23 (M) 442 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Minimize [Normal/Status] -GRIMER LV 23 (M) 442 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Minimize [Normal/Status] Sludge [Poison/Special] -MUK LV 25 (M) 840 -Type: Poison -Moves: Minimize [Normal/Status] Sludge [Poison/special] -"Three years ago, Team Rocket was forced to disband. But we're making a comeback here!" -"Gwah! Don't get cute!" -"We won't let you ruin our plans for our comeback!" 3F: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (920P) -KOFFING LV 23 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -GRIMER LV 23 (M) 442 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Mud Bomb [Ground/Physical] Minimize [Normal/Status] -RATTATA LV 23 (M) 280 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -ZUBAT LV 23 (M) 265 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -"I've been given strict orders. I'm to crush anyone who challenges Team Rocket!" -"!!!" -"I failed in my duties... I'll be docked pay for this..." SCIENTIST GARETT (864P) -MAGNEMITE LV 27 (X) 514 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Lock-On [Normal/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 27 (X) 514 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Lock-On [Normal/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 27 (X) 256 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Lock-On [Normal/Status] -"An unknown child wandering here? Who are you?" -"Tch! I took you too lightly!" -"Bwahahaha... I can transmit as strong a signal as I need from here." TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1040P) -WEEZING LV 26 (M) 963 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Assurance [Dark/Physical] Sludge [Poison/Special] -"It feels great ordering Pokemon to commit crimes." -"You're kidding!" -"I feel lousy over losing! Bah! I hate useless Pokemon!" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1040P) -RATICATE LV 24 (M) 595 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -KOFFING LV 26 (M) 634 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Assurance [Dark/Physical] -"Why did the door open? Did you have something to do with this?" -"Gulp! This is a bleak moment." -"What?! You made it past our men in the Underground? How could you have?" 4F: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (920P) -EKANS LV 21 (F) 279 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] -EKANS LV 21 (F) 279 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Acid [Poison/Physical] -ODDISH LV 23 (F) 384 EXP -Type: Grass -GLOOM LV 24 (F) 678 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] -"Proton, the leader of this Radio Tower mission... He is so cool. Who are you? If you are in the way of Proton... I mean Team Rocket. I won't allow that!" -"Oh, no! They're so useless!" -"Team Rocket and Proton are all I need! Who cares about Pokemon?" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (880P) -ZUBAT LV 22 (M) 252 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 24 (M) 879 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -GRIMER LV 22 (M) 423 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] -"You plan to rescue the Director? So sad that won't be possible--because I'm going to beat you!" -"No! Unbelievable!" -"I do not believe it! I was beaten!" SCIENTIST TRENTON (960P) -PORYGON LV 30 (X) 835 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Charge Beam [Electric/Special] Recover [Psychic/Status] -"Most excellent! This Radio Tower will fulfill our grand design." -"Hmm... All grand plans come with small problems..." -"Do you honestly believe you can stop Team Rocket?" EXECUTIVE PROTON (1320P) -GOLBAT LV 28 (M) 1026 EXP -Ability; Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Leech Life [Bug/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] -WEEZING LV 33 (M) 1222 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] Double Hit [Normal/Physical] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Smog [Poison/Special] -"Now, wait just one second! Aren't you the one who got in our way at the SLOWPOKE Well? I see... You're doing all this because you want to make me angry. Be careful! But since you seem to wish it, I'll show you the full extent of a Team Rocket Executive's wrath!" -"Seriously, you'd chase me this far?!" -"Ugh...What are you?!" -"Phew..." -"You may have won this time... But all you did was make Team Rocket's wrath grow..." 5F: EXECUTIVE PETREL (1200P) -KOFFING LV 30 (M) 732 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Selfdestruct [Normal/Physical] Tackle [Normal/Physical] Sludge [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -WEEZING LV 32 (M) 1185 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] Sludge [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Explosion [Normal/Physical] -KOFFING LV 30 (M) 732 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -KOFFING LV 30 (M) 732 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -KOFFING LV 30 (M) 732 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -KOFFING LV 30 (M) 732 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -"Ahem, do you hear me? ...I am the Director. We have decided to broadcast wonderful shows to praise Team Rocket! Everyone, I don't want to hear you complain. Just do a good job to... Yikes! I am busy impersonating the... Who are you? ...Oh no, it's you again, *TRAINER NAME*? No, no, no! I was pretending to be the Director to influence the entire region to support Team Rocket! This time I won't hold back! Give me all you got!" -"What? Am I losing?" -"Hey, wait. Are you serious?" -"Ok, ok. I'll tell you where he is." -"Listen carefully. We stashed the real Director in the underground warehouse. It's at the far end of the Goldenrod Tunnel. I am a nice guy. I will give you the Basement Key to get to the underground warehouse. Take it with gratitude!" -"We stashed the Director in the underground warehouse. It's at the far end of the Goldenrod Tunnel. Hahaha... I doubt a child like you'll get that far." EXECUTIVE ARIANA (2560P) -ARBOK LV 32 (F) 1008 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Poison -Moves: Glare [Normal/Status] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Wrap [Normal/Physical] Poison Sting [Poison/Physical] -VILEPLUME LV 32 (F) 1261 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Sweet Scent [Normal/Status] Mega Drain [Grass/Special] Acid [Poison/Special] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] -MURKROW LV 32 (F) 733 EXP -Ability: Super Luck -Type: Dark/Flying -Moves: Night Shade [Ghost/Special] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] Pursuit [Dark/Physical] -"Hey, you... Remember me from the hideout in Mahogany Town? This time... Hee hee hee. This time...it looks like you're really all alone. All alone... So it should be quite easy. Bring it! Let's finish this!" -"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" -"Wh...Wha...Why are you so strong?" -"Aiieeee! This can't be happening! I fought hard, but I still lost..." -"What a waste... not to use your strength to do bad things! Feh... People like you will never in a million years understand our brilliance! It's too bad... I've really come to respect your strength. 6F/Observation Deck: EXECUTIVE ARCHER (3040P) -HOUNDOUR LV 35 (M) 855 EXP -Ability: Early Bird -Type: Dark/Fire -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Roar [Normal/Status] -KOFFING LV 35 (M) 855 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Tackle [Normal/Physical] Haze [Ice/Status] -HOUNDOOM LV 38 (M) 1660 EXP -Ability: Early Bird -Type: Dark/Fire -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Bite [Dark/Physical] Smog [Poison/Special] -"Oh? You managed to get this far...? You must be quite the Trainer. We intend to take over this Radio Tower and officially announce our comeback. That should bring our boss Giovanni back from his solitary training. We are going to regain our former glory... I will not allow you to interfere with our meticulous plans!" -"We can't have you getting in our way before news of our resurgence reaches Giovanni!" -"That's impossible..." -"No! Forgive me, Giovanni!" -"How could this be...? Our dreams have come to naught. I was not up to the task after all. Like Giovanni has done before me, I wll disband Team Rocket here today. Farewell..." ------------------------- GOLDENROD UNDERGROUND [JA14]------------------------ B1F: POKE MANIAC DONALD (702P) -SLOWPOKE LV 11 (M) 232 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] -SLOWPOKE LV 11 (M) 232 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Growl [Normal/Status] Yawn [Normal/Status] -"I think you have some rare Pokemon with you. Let me see them!" -"Gah! I lost! That makes me mad!" -"Are you making a Pokedex? Here's a hot tip. You want to battle as many Trainers as you can when you see them on routes and in caves. Their Pokemon will be recorded in the Pokedex, and they'll also make your Pokemon grow!" SUPER NERD TERU (432P) -MAGNEMITE LV 7 (X) 133 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -MAGNEMITE LV 7 (X) 133 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -MAGNEMITE LV 9 (X) 171 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -VOLTORB LV 11 (X) 241 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -"Do you consider the Pokemon types in battle? If you know about the differnt types of Pokemon, you'll do better in battle." -"Ow, ow, ow!" -"I know all the different types of Pokemon. But I only use one type." POKE MANIAC ISSAC (768P) -LICKITUNG LV 12 (M) 324 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Lick [Ghost/Physical] -"My Pokemon just got a haircut! I'll show you how strong it is!" -"Ayeeee!" -"Your Pokemon will like you more if you give them haircuts." SUPER NERD ERIC (528P) -GRIMER LV 11 (M) 211 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Pound [Normal/Physical] -GRIMER LV 11 (M) 211 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Pound [Normal/Physical] Harden [Normal/Status] -"I got booted out of the Game Corner. I kept winning at the new Coin game, and they thought I was cheating..." -"...Grumble..." -"I guess I have to do things fair and square..." B2F: TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1080P) -RATTATA LV 27 (M) 328 EXP -Type: Normal -"I don't care if you're lost. You show up here-- you're nothing but a victim!" -"Urk! Yeah, you think you're cool, huh?" -"You must have ice in your veins to call out Team Rocket." Fourth Rival Battle: RIVAL (2048P) -GOLBAT LV 30 (M) 1098 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Bite [Dark/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -HAUNTER LV 30 (M) 810 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Shadow Ball {Ghost/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 28 (X) ## EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Spark [Electric/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] -SNEASEL LV 32 (M) 904 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Fury Swipes [Normal/Physical] -QUILAVA LV 32 (M) 1033 EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Swift [Normal/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Flame Wheel [Fire/Physical] -"Hold it! What I told you before was to deceive you. I thought it would let me tail you, and it would lead me to Lance. Well, he never showed up. ...No matter. I was planning to beat you after Lance, but since you are here, I will repay my debts!" -"Hey, hey! Why so serious?" -"...Why...why do I lose? I didn't ease up on the gas. So why did I lose?" -"...I don't understand. Is what the Lance guy said true? That I don't treat Pokemon properly? Love... Trust... Are they really waht I lack? Are they keeping me from winning? I...I just don't understand. But it's not going to end here. Not now. Not because of this. I won't give up my dream of becoming the world's best Pokemon Trainer!" RIVAL (2048P) -GOLBAT LV 30 (M) 1098 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Bite [Dark/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -HAUNTER LV 30 (M) 810 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Shadow Ball {Ghost/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 28 (X) ## EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Spark [Electric/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] -SNEASEL LV 32 (M) 904 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Fury Swipes [Normal/Physical] -FERALIGATR LV 32 (M) 1440 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Water Gun [Water/Special] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] Thrash [Normal/Physical] -"Hold it! What I told you before was to deceive you. I thought it would let me tail you, and it would lead me to Lance. Well, he never showed up. ...No matter. I was planning to beat you after Lance, but since you are here, I will repay my debts!" -"Hey, hey! Why so serious?" -"...Why...why do I lose? I didn't ease up on the gas. So why did I lose?" -"...I don't understand. Is what the Lance guy said true? That I don't treat Pokemon properly? Love... Trust... Are they really waht I lack? Are they keeping me from winning? I...I just don't understand. But it's not going to end here. Not now. Not because of this. I won't give up my dream of becoming the world's best Pokemon Trainer!" RIVAL (2048) -GOLBAT LV 30 (M) 1098 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Bite [Dark/Physical] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -HAUNTER LV 30 (M) 810 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Shadow Ball {Ghost/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Curse [???/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 28 (X) ## EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Spark [Electric/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] SonicBoom [Normal/Special] -SNEASEL LV 32 (M) 904 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Fury Swipes [Normal/Physical] -MEGANIUM LV 32 (M) 1514 EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: Reflect [Normal/Status] Petal Dance [Grass/Special] PoisonPowder [Poison/Status] Synthesis [Grass/Status] -"Hold it! What I told you before was to deceive you. I thought it would let me tail you, and it would lead me to Lance. Well, he never showed up. ...No matter. I was planning to beat you after Lance, but since you are here, I will repay my debts!" -"Hey, hey! Why so serious?" -"...Why...why do I lose? I didn't ease up on the gas. So why did I lose?" -"...I don't understand. Is what the Lance guy said true? That I don't treat Pokemon properly? Love... Trust... Are they really waht I lack? Are they keeping me from winning? I...I just don't understand. But it's not going to end here. Not now. Not because of this. I won't give up my dream of becoming the world's best Pokemon Trainer!" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1000P) -MUK LV 23 (M) 772 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] -KOFFING LV 23 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Poison -RATTATA LV 25 (M) 304 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Hyper Fang [Normal/Physical] -"Open one door, another closes. But you can't get where you want to go!" -"Uh-oh! I was also sunk by indecision!" -"I'm confused, too... I'm pretty sure that the green switch is the one to press last...I think?" BURGLAR DUNCAN (368P) -KOFFING LV 23 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] -KOFFING LV 23 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Assurance [Dark/Physical] -MAGMAR LV 25 (M) 894 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: SmokeScreen [Normal/Status] Fire Spin [Fire/Special] Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] -"Fork over your goods!" -"Mercy!" -"Steal and sell! That's basic in crime, kid!" BURGLAR ORSON (384P) -GROWLITHE LV 26 (M) 507 EXP -Type: Fire -KOFFING LV 24 (M) 585 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -"They ditched this project before they finished. I'm searching for leftover loot." -"So strong..." -"The underground warehouse? What do you want to go there for? There's nothing down there." TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (960P) -KOFFING LV 24 (M) 585 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Assurance [Dark/Physical] SelfDestruct [Normal/Physical] -MUK LV 24 (M) 807 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] Minmize [Normal/Status] -"Kwa ha ha! Confounded by the doors, are we? I'll let you in on a secret if you can beat me!" -"Uww... I blew it." -"All right. A hint! Look at the color of the door switches. You push a color switch, and the same color door opens up..." TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1000P) -GLOOM LV 25 (F) 706 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Mega Drain [Grass/Special] -GLOOM LV 25 (F) 706 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Mega Drain [Grass/Special] -"Are you lost? No, you can't be. You don't have that scared look. I'll give you something to be scared about!" -"How could you?" -"Go wherever you feel like! Get lost! See if I care!" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (960P) -RATICATE LV 24 (M) 595 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 24 (M) 879 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] -"You're not going any farther! I don't show mercy to my enemies, especially not brats!" -"Blast it!" -"I lost... Please forgive me, Giovanni!" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (920P) -GRIMER LV 26 (M) 501 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Disable [Normal/Status] -WEEZING LV 23 (M) 852 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Smog [Poison/Special] -"Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck! I remember you! You got me good at our hideout!" -"Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck, so that's how you did it!" -"Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck! That was a blast!" TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1000P) -KOFFING LV 25 (M) 610 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -KOFFING LV 25 (M) 610 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -"How did you get this far? I guess it can't be helped. I'll dispose of you." -"I got disposed of..." -"Team Rocket will keep going, waiting for the return of Giovanni. We'll do whatever it takes." ----------------------------- DRAGON'S DEN [JA15] ---------------------------- ACE TRAINER KOBE (2220P) -DRAGONAIR LV 37 (M) 1141 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Thunder [Electric/Special] -"You! How dare you enter uninvited!" -"S=strong!" -"The Shrine ahead is home to the Master of our Dragon Tamer clan. You're not allowed to just go in!" ACE TRAINER PIPER (2100P) -HORSEA LV 33 (F) 586 EXP -Type: Water -HORSEA LV 33 (F) 586 EXP -Type: Water -SEADRA LV 35 (F) 1162 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Agility [Normal/Status] Waterfall [Water/Physical] -"You shouldn't be in here!" -"Oh, yikes! I lost!" -"Soon I'm going to get permission from our Master to use dragons. When I do, I'm going to become an admirable Dragon Tamer and gain our Master's approval." TWINS CLEA & GIL (1120P) -DRATINI LV 35 (F) 500 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] -DRATINI LV 35 (F) 500 EXP -Type: Dragon -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] -"Its a stranger--someone we don't know. Who are you?" -"Ouchied. Meanie." -"It was like having to battle Lance." -"We'll tell on you. Master will be angry with you." Rival Tag Battle: Rival (Partner) -TYPHLOSION LV 60 (M) -Ability; Blaze -Type: Fire -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Rollout [Rock/Physical] Will-O-Wisp [Fire/Status] Swift [Normal/Special] -CROBAT LV 58 (M) -Ability; Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Toxic [Poison/Status] -GENGAR LV 56 (M) -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Rival (Partner) -FERALGATR LV 60 (M) -Ability; Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Slash [Normal/Physical] Aqua Tail [Water/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] -CROBAT LV 58 (M) -Ability; Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Toxic [Poison/Status] -GENGAR LV 56 (M) -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Rival (Partner) -MEGANIUM LV 60 (M) -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: Synthesis [Grass/Status] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] Petal Dance [Grass/Special] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] -CROBAT LV 58 (M) -Ability; Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Toxic [Poison/Status] -GENGAR LV 56 (M) -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] -"Outside Battle Dialogue" -"In Battle Loss" -"Loss Dialogue" CHAMPION LANCE AND LEADER CLAIR (22200P) -DRAGONAIR LV 52 (F) 1603 EXP 1 -Ability: Shed Skin -Type: Dragon -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Dragon Rush [Dragon/Physical] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] -KINGDRA LV 56 (F) 2404 EXP 2 -Ability: Sniper -Type: Water/Dragon -Moves: Ice Beam [Ice/Special] Yawn [Normal/Status] DragonBreath [Dragon/Special] Hydro Pump [Water/Special] -DRAGONITE LV 60 (F) 2802 EXP 3 -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Protect [Normal/Status] Thunder [Electric/Special] DragonBreath [Dragon/Special] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] -GYARADOS LV 68 (M) 3117 EXP 1 -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Dragon Dance [Dragon/Status] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Waterfall [Water/Physical] -CHARIZARD LV 68 (M) 3045 EXP 2 -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire/Flying -Moves: Dragon Claw [Dragon/Physical] Air Slash [Flying/Special] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] -DRAGONITE LV 75 (M) 3502 EXP 3 -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Draco Meteor [Dragon/Special] Fire Punch [Fire/Physical] Safeguard [Normal/Status] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] -"Rival: ...What? Are you here to make fun of my training? Humph! I took my time coming all the way here, but the Master won't tell me anything, and he's making a big deal out of it... So I decided to train my Pokemon here instead." -"Lance: Hi, *TRAINER NAME!* And...you. We met at the Team Rocket hideout." -"Rival: You! Where have you been all this time? Prepare to lose to me this time. I challenge you!: -"Lance: Calm down. I was in a bit of a hurry then. Sorry for that. But... I always welcome challengers! Hey! How about a Double Battle?" -"Rival: Humph! You can't beat me one-on-one, can you?" -"Lance: Come on. A Double Battle is really not bad. *TRAINER NAME,* you'll be on my side!" -"Clair: Well then, you over there! Will you team up with me?" -"Rival: You must be kidding! That embarassing one in the weird costume for me? No way I can battle with her! *TRAINER NAME!* Come to my side! We'll beat Lance together!" -"Lance: Did you see that, Clair? -"Clair: Oh, I see..." -"Lance: Just as I expected. You two are quite a team... Going solo is certainly one way to aim for the top... But that's not all there is to Pokemon battle. Although I don't feel it's necessary to remind you guys. See you, *TRAINER NAME,* another time!" -"Clair: I must excuse myself. ...*TRAINER NAME,* it was a fun battle. That goes for you, too, wise guy." -"Rival: *TRAINER NAME*... It wasn't supposed to go this way... Anyway, I am not giving up beating you! I'll train my Pokemon and... my own heart, too. I'll come back as the toughest challenge for you!" -------------------------- ECRUTEAK DANCE THEATER [JA16] --------------------- KIMONO GIRL ZUKI (4560P) -UMBREON LV 38 (M) 1603 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Dark -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] -"Welcome. My name is Zuki. I met you previously in Violet City. In order to bring back HO-OH/LUGIA, we needed someone with the right bond with Pokemon. We asked Mr. Pokemon to give this Mystery Egg to whoever showed true potential. The Egg was eventually handed from Mr. Pokemon to Professor Elm, and then to you. However, being pure alone will not be sufficient to face the power of this Pokemon. I must test you. Are you ready?" -"I will test how closely you've bonded with your Pokemon!" -"I don't have any Pokemon left..." KIMONO GIRL NAOKO (4560P) -ESPEON LV 38 (M) 1603 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] -"You are quite strong. You helped me in the Ilex Forest. My name is Naoko. I'm the one that's not so good at directions. My eyes witnessed you defeating Team Rocket when Kurt was in trouble at the SLOWPOKE Well. Allow me to challenge you and your Pokemon!" -"Oh, you are truly strong." KIMONO GIRL MIKI (4560P) -FLAREON LV 38 (M) 1611 EXP -Ability: Flash Fire -Type: Fire -Moves: Fire Blast [Fire/Special] Will-o-Wisp [Fire/Status] -"You are quite the Trainer. I remember you chasing off that Team Rocket Grunt from right here. I must thank you for that. Although, I am actually a Trainer myself. She who knows the most speaks the least! I am Miki-- the Kimono Girl! Allow me to challenge you and your Pokemon!" -"Ooh, you're good at Pokemon too!" KIMONO GIRL SAYO (4560P) -JOLTEON LV 38 (M) 1603 EXP -Ability: Volt Absorb -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Double Team [Normal/Status] Thunder Wave [Electic/Status] Last Resort [Normal/Physical] -"Excellent fighting spirit! You got me off the ice by pushing me from the back. I am the one who skates in sandals. I am Sayo--the Kimono Girl! I was listening in the Dragon's Den when you passed the test of the Elder. Allow me to challenge you and your Pokemon!" -"Oh, so close! I almost had you! KIMONO GIRL KUNI (4560P) -VAPOREON LV 38 1596 EXP -Ability: Water Absorb -Type: Water -Moves: Surf [Water/Special] Aurora Beam [Ice/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Last Resort [Normal/Physical] -"I am the last one. You were so dependable at the Goldenrod Tunnel. I am the one who twirls even underground. I am Kuni--the Kimono Girl! I looked at you in wonder when you thwarted Team Rocket's mission to take over the Radio Tower. You must show your strength to me now. Allow me to challenge you and your Pokemon!" -"Oh, you are wonderful..." -------------------------------- S.S. AQUA [JA17] ---------------------------- POKEFAN COLIN (2560P) -DELIBIRD LV 40 (M) 1567 EXP -Type: Ice/Flying -"Hey, kid! Want to battle with me?" -"You're strong!" -"You're traveling all alone? Isn't your mom worried" TWINS MEG & PEG (1248P) -TEDDIURSA LV 39 (F) 1034 EXP -Type: Normal -PHANPY LV 39 (F) 1034 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Charm [Normal/Status] -"You think I'm a baby? That's not fair! I'm not a baby! That's not a nice thing to say!" -"Oh! We lost!" -"Baby is a rude name to call someone!" -"Sometimes, kids are smarter than grown-ups!" HIKER NOLAND (1344P) -BRONZOR LV 39 (X) 601 EXP -Type: Steel/Psychic -Moves: Safeguard [Normal/Status] -GOLEM LV 42 (M) 1593 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Rollout [Rock/Physical] -"Are you alone? Then let's battle!" -"That's too much to handle!" -"I wonder if there are any mountains worth climbing in Kanto?" FIREBREATHER LYLE (1152P) -KOFFING LV 36 (M) 879 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Gyro Ball [Steel/Physical] -KOFFING LV 36 (M) 879 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Specail] -FLAREON LV 39 (M) 1654 EXP -Type: Fire -"I'm going to Kanto to put on fire-breathing shows!" -"Fizzle... The flame's tiny..." -"I guess fire is weak on the sea... It doesn't matter? Really?" JUGGLER FRITZ (1184P) -MR. MIME LV 37 (M) 1077 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Substitute [Normal/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] -MAGMAR LV 37 (M) 1323 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Fire Punch [Fire/Physical] -MACHOKE LV 37 (M) 1156 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Seismic Toss [Fighting/Physical] -"Urrf... I'm seasick!" -"I can't move anymore..." -"No more ships for me. Next time, I'm taking the Magnet Train." SAILOR JEFF (1280P) -MAKUHITA LV 40 (M) 745 EXP -Type: Fighting -RATICATE LV 40 (M) 993 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Crunch [Dark/Physical] Double-Edge [Normal/Physical] -"Nothing beats a battle when I'm on my break." -"Win or lose, my break's over!" -"I guess I can't win if I don't get serious." SAILOR STANLY (1008P) -MACHOP LV 39 (M) 625 EXP -Type: Fighting -MACHOKE LV 41 (M) 1282 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Submission [Fighting/Physical] -PSYDUCK LV 34 (M) 582 EXP -Type: Water -"What? You're saying I was asleep? Show some respect! A crewman on duty would never be so unmindful as to take a nap in a place like this! I resent your implication! I challenge you!" -"Mmmph...I just woke up...I couldn't concentrate" -"Losing to you has woken me up. I will mend my ways and work hard. Can you keep it a secret that I was taking a nap here? Please don't tell the Captain." PICNICKER DEBRA (656P) -SEAKING LV 41 (F) 1492 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Ring [Water/Status] Flail [Normal/Physical] Waterfall [Water/Physical] -"I'm so bored. Want to battle?" -"Yow! You're too strong!" -"Saffron, Celadon... I hear there are many big cities in Kanto." ============================================================================== KANTO TRAINERS [KOHT] ============================================================================== These are the Trainers fought in the KANTO region. Below is a quick reminder of the contents and search keywords. Remember to use Ctrl + F for easy navigation. Cities: [KC00] -Viridian City [KC01] -Pewter City [KC02] -Cerulean City [KC03] -Vermilion City [KC04] -Celadon City [KC05] -Fuchsia City [KC06] -Saffron City [KC07] -Cinnabar Island [KC08] -Indigo Plateau [KC09] Towns: [KT00] -Pallet Town [KT01] -Lavender Town [KT02] Routes: [KR00] -Route 001 [KR01] -Route 002 [KR02] -Route 003 [KR03] -Route 004 [KR04] -Route 005 [KR05] -Route 006 [KR06] -Route 007 [KR07] -Route 008 [KR08] -Route 009 [KR09] -Route 010 [KR10] -Route 011 [KR11] -Route 012 [KR12] -Route 013 [KR13] -Route 014 [KR14] -Route 015 [KR15] -Route 016 [KR16] -Route 017 [KR17] -Route 018 [KR18] -Route 019 [KR19] -Route 020 [KR20] -Route 021 [KR21] -Route 022 [KR22] -Route 023 [KR23] -Route 024 [KR24] -Route 025 [KR25] -Route 026 [KR26] -Route 027 [KR27] Locations: [KL00] -Cerulean Cave [KL01] -Diglett's Cave [KL02] -Mt. Moon [KL03] -Rock Tunnel [KL04] -Tohjo Falls [KL05] -Victory Road [KL06] -Viridian Forest [KL07] -Seafoam Islands [KL08] Areas of Interest: [KA00] -Pal Park [KA01] -Power Plant [KA02] -Seafoam Gym [KA03] -Silph Co. [KA04] ****************************************************************************** CITIES [KC00] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------- VIRIDAN CITY [KC01] -------------------------- ACE TRAINER SALMA (3180P) -SLOWKING LV 50 (F) 1754 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Surf [Water/Special] -LICKILICKY LV 53 (F) 2191 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] -"What do you think? You've never seen such a wonderful Gym before, have you?" -"Whatever!" -"There are many kinds of Gyms in the world, but I really like this one!" ACE TRAINER ARABELLA (3120P) -STANTLER LV 53 (M) 1873 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Zen Headbutt [Psychic/Physical] -TAUROS LV 52 (M) 2350 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Normal -Moves: Fire Blast [Fire/Special] Thunder [Electric/Special] -"Anyway, fight me and see!" -"I was deceived!" -"Me, I should be a pretty good practice partner... I shouldn't say that about myself!" DOUBLE TEAM ELAN & IDA (12000P) -PORYGON2 LV 52 (X) 2004 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: charge Beam [Electric/Special] -AZUMARILL LV 50 (M) 1628 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Attract [Normal/Status] Waterfall [Water/Physical] Aqua Jet [Water/Physical] -"I'm Ida! Next to me is Elan! Together, we're a double team! All right, let's get this fight started! Come on!" -"Wow, you're really something. Well, this is surprising." -"If the only thing Gym Trainers have is strength, they won't do well. Bringing out your opponent's strength is also very important! You're stronger than we anticipated!" ACE TRAINER BONITA (3120P) -SPINDA LV 50 (M) 910 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Trick Room [Psychic/Status] -SUDOWOODO LV 52 (M) 1503 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] -"Looking around the room like that, doesn't it make you a little dizzy?" -"All of my Pokemon... All dizzy and fainted..." -"Looks like you've still got some energy left." LEADER BLUE (9600P) -EXEGGUTOR LV 55 (M) 2497 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Leaf Storm [Grass/Special] Trick Room [Psychic/Status] -RHYDON LV 58 (M) 2535 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Ground/Rock -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Megahorn [Bug/Physical] Thunder Fang [Electric/Physical] -MACHAMP LV 56 (M) 2316 EXP -Ability: No Guard -Type: Fighting -Moves: ThunderPunch [Electric/Physical] DynamicPunch [Fighting/Physical] Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] -GYARADOS LV 52 (M) 2282 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Waterfall [Water/Physical] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Dragon Dance [Dragon/Status] Return [Normal/Physical] -ARCANINE LV 58 (M) 2646 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Fire -Moves: ExtremeSpeed [Normal/Physical] Flare Blitz [Fire/Physical] Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] Roar [Normal/Status] -PIDGEOT LV 60 (M) 2210 EXP -Ability: Tangled Feet -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Whirlwind [Normal/Status] Mirror Move [Flying/Status] Return [Normal/Physical] Air Slash [Flying/Special] -"Yo! Finally got here, huh? I wasn't in the mood at Cinnabar, but now I'm ready to battle you. ... You're telling me you conquered all the Gyms in Johto? Hahaha! Heh! Johto's Gyms are that pathetic? Hey, don't worry about it. I'll know if you are good or not by battling you right now." -"Heh heh heh... You're unprepared for this. We'll knock you down! -"Perhaps I was the one who was unprepared?" -"This is the real power of Johto..." -"No way! How the heck did I lose to you? ... Tch, all right... Here, take this. It's the Earth Badge. With this Badge, you'll be able to use the HM move Rock Climb! Here! Take this as well! It contains Trick Room! It allows slower Pokemon to move before faster Pokemon for a while. It's a very tricky move, isn't it? Hence the name!" -"... All right, I was wrong. You're the real deal. You are a good Trainer. But I'm going to beat you someday. Don't you forget it!" -------------------------------- PEWTER CITY [KC02] -------------------------- CAMPER JERRY (800P) -RHYDON LV 50 (M) 2185 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] -"The Trainers of this Gym use Rock-type Pokemon. Rock-type Pokemon have high Defense. Battles could end up going a long time. Are you ready for this?" -"I have to win these battles..." -"Hey, you! Trainer from Johto! Brock is tough. He'll punish you if you don't take him seriously." HIKER EDWIN (1600P) -GOLEM LV 50 (M) 1896 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Sandstorm [Ground/Status] Double Edge [Normal/Physical] -"R-r-r-r-R-r-r-R-R-r-R-R-R-R--CRASH!" -"BOOM!" -"Phew... Broken in pieces." LEADER BROCK (6240P) -GRAVELER LV 51 (M) 1464 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Defense Curl [Normal/Status] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Rollout [Rock/Physical] -RHYHORN LV 51 (M) 1474 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Ground/Rock -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Scary Face [Normal/Status] Sandstorm [Rock/Status] Horn Drill [Normal/Physical] -OMASTAR LV 53 (M) 2259 EXP -Ability: Swift Swim -Type: Rock/Water -Moves: Spike Cannon [Normal/Physical] AncientPower [Rock/Special] Brine [Water/Special] Protect [Normal/Status] -ONIX LV 51 (M) 1249 -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Iron Tail [Steel/Physical] Sandstorm [Rock/Status] Screech [Normal/Status] -KABUTOPS LV 52 (M) 2217 EXP -Ability: Swift Swim -Type: Rock/Water -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Aqua Jet [Water/Physical] Endure [Normal/Status] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] -"Wow, it's not often that we get a challenger from Johto. I'm Brock, the Pewter Gym Leader. I'm an expert on Rock-type Pokemon. My Pokemon are impervious to most physical attacks. You'll have a hard time inflicting any damage. Come on!" -"Ah ha ha! It itches! It itches!" -"Looks like you're the stronger one..." -"Your Pokemon's powerful attacks overcame my rock-hard resistance... I expected... Go ahead--take this Badge. I really enjoyed the battle with you, *TRAINER NAME*! I'll give you the move Rock Slide, too. It can sometimes cause your foe to flinch. The world is huge. There are still many strong Trainers like you. Just wait and see. I'm going to become a lot stronger, too." ------------------------------- CERULEAN CITY [KC03] ------------------------- SAILOR PARKER (1376P) -HORSEA LV 43 (M) 763 EXP -Type: Water -SEADRA LV 43 (M) 1428 EXP -Type: Water -"Glub... I'm first! Come and get me!" -"This can't be..." -"Misty says I have gotten much better in the past few years. But there are still Trainers who are stronger than me." SWIMMER DIANA (768P) -GOLDUCK LV 48 (F) 1789 EXP -Type: Water -"Sorry about being away. Let's get on with it!" -"I give up! You're the winner!" -"I'll be swimming quietly." SAILOR EDDIE (1536P) -AZUMARILL LV 48 (M) 1573 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Ring [Water/Status] Water Pulse [Water/Special] -"I've been relaxing poolside, so I've got enough strength!" -"You can't win with strength alone." -"Hey, let's go for a swim! Sailors have to be able to swim!" SWIMMER JOY (768P) -CLOYSTER LV 48 (F) 2088 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -"Swimming isn't just about speed! It's also about the beauty of grace!" -"I lost beautifully..." -"It seems an intruder has appeared in this Gym... I don't like that idea..." SWIMMER BRIANA (736P) -SEAKING LV 46 (F) 1675 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] -SEAKING LV 46 (F) 1675 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] -"Don't get nervous watching my magnificent swimming!" -"You're not nervous at all! Cool and confident.." -"Swimming is very good for both beauty and health! Just look at Misty, you'll see." LEADER MISTY (6480P) -GOLDUCK LV 49 (F) 1827 EXP -Ability: Damp -Type: Water -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] Disable [Normal/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Psych Up [Normal/Status] -QUAGSIRE LV 49 (F) 1438 EXP -Ability: Water Absorb -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Rain Dance [Water/Status] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] -LAPRAS LV 52 (F) 2439 EXP -Ability: Shell Armor -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Ice Beam [Ice/Special] Sing [Normal/Status] Water Pulse [Water/Special] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] -STARMIE LV 54 (X) 2394 EXP -Ability: Natural Cure -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Ice Beam [Ice/Special] Recover [Normal/Status] -"I was expecting you, you pest! You may have a lot of Johto Gym Badges, but you'd better not take me too lightly. My Water-type Pokemon are tough!" -"Hmm... You're pretty good." -"Looks like this is it..." -"You really are good... I'll admit that you are skilled... Here you go. It's the Cascade Badge. Here is another momento from this battle. Take it! It contains the move Water Pulse. It can sometimes confuse your foe. You've managed to defeat Trainers all the way from Johto. I'm sure you have a good use for it." -"Does Johto have a lot of powerful Trainers? I will someday go on my journey to battle with powerful Trainers!" ------------------------------ VERMILION CITY [KC04] ------------------------- JUGGLER HORTON (1376P) 1 -ELECTRODE LV 43 (X) 1381 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Screech [Normal/Status] -ELECTRODE LV 43 (X) 1381 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Swift [Normal/Special] Double Team [Normal/Status] -ELECTRODE LV 43 (X) 1381 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Screech [Normal/Status] -ELECTRODE LV 43 (X) 1381 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Rollout [Rock/Physical] -"I'm going to take you down! Prepare to be shocked!" -"Gyaah! I was overpowered!" -"Lt. Surge hid the electric fences' switches at the bottom of something... There are two switches. Once you've found the first, the second switch should be right next to it." GUTARIST VINCENT (1008P) 1 -JOLTEON LV 45 (M) 1899 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Helping Hand [Normal/Status] Pin Missile [Bug/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] -VOLTORB LV 43 (X) 948 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Swift [Normal/Special] -MAGNEMITE LV 42 (X) 534 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Magnet Bomb [Electric/Special] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -"Lt. Surge saw my potential with Electric-type Pokemon. Think you can beat me?" -"Ooh, how shocking!" -"The reason that Lt. Surge is protected by electric fences isn't because he's a coward! It's so you won't underestimate his strength!" GENTLEMEN GREGORY (8400P) -PIKACHU LV 45 (M) 807 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] -FLAFFY LV 43 (M) 1077 EXP -Type: Eletric -ELECTRIKE LV 42 (M) 936 EXP -Type: Electric -"You're here to defeat Lt. Surge? Not if I can help it!" -"Sorry I failed you, Lt. Surge, sir!" -"When I was in the military, this is what Lt. Surge taught me... Lock the doors, watch out for fire, and always have two electric fences for safety!" LEADER LT. SURGE (6360P) -RAICHU LV 51 (M) 1332 EXP -Ability: Static -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Double Team [Normal/Status] -ELECTRODE LV 47 (X) 1510 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Double Team [Normal/Status] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] -ELECTRODE LV 47 (X) 1510 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Electric -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Double Team [Normal/Status] Selfdestruct [Normal/Physical] Charge Beam [Electric/Special] -MAGNETON LV 47 (X) 1621 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Supersonic [Normal/Status] Double Team [Normal/Status] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Mirror Shot [Steel/Special] -ELECTABUZZ LV 53 (M) 1771 EXP -Ability: Static -Type: Electric -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Shock Wave [Electric/Special] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] Low Kick [Fighting/Physical] -"Hey, you little tyke! It may not be very smart to challenge me, but it takes guts! When it comes to Electric-type Pokemon, I'm number one! I've never lost on the battlefield. I'll zap you just like I do all my enemies in battle!" -"It's not over yet! It's just beginning!" -"My electric trick..." -"Arrrgh! You are strong! OK, kid. You get the Thunder Badge! That Thunder Badge suits those who've defeated me! Take good care of it, OK? There is something else. Here is a great TM for you! That TM contains Shock Wave... Zzzap! Use it to go like lightning! When you go north, you will see a big city called Saffron!" -"Hey, kid! Still slugging and chugging away? When you go north, you will see a big city called Saffron!" -------------------------------- CELADON CITY [KC05] ------------------------- TWINS JO & ZOE (1504P) -VICTREEBEL LV 47 (F) 1902 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Giga Drain [Grass/Special] -VILEPLUME LV 47 (F) 1850 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] -"We protect Erika! We're going to protect Erika!" -"We lost... We couldn't win..." -"How come you're that strong?" -"Wow, you're about as strong as Erika, huh!" LASS MICHELLE (736P) -SKIPLOOM LV 44 (F) 1281 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Giga Drain [Grass/Special] -HOPPIP LV 45 (F) 712 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -JUMPLUFF LV 46 (F) 1734 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] -"There's no way I can let some unknown Trainer go straight to Erika!" -"Oh, bleah!" -"I'm too ashamed to face Erika!" PICNICKER TANYA (784P) -EXEGGUTOR LV 49 (F) 2226 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Light Screen [Psychic/Status] Egg Bomb [Normal/Physical] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] -"Do you think a girls-only Gym is rare?" -"Ohh... I lost..." -"Thanks for not going easy on me!" BEAUTY JULIA (2632P) -PARAS LV 44 (F) 660 EXP -Type: Grass -CARNIVINE LV 44 (F) 1545 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Wring Out [Normal/Special] -PARASECT LV 47 (F) 1288 EXP -Type: Grass/Bug -"How can I get you to understand my hobby? Which is... talking in a deep voice!" -"Whoa!" -"The kindness of a woman and the strength of a man... I want to be a Trainer with both those qualities!" LEADER ERIKA (6720P) -JUMPLUFF LV 51 (F) 1923 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Status] U-turn [Bug/Physical] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] -TANGELA LV 52 (F) 1849 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Grass -Moves: AncientPower [Rock/Special] Wring Out [Normal/Special] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] -VICTREEBEL LV 56 (F) 2292 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass -Moves: Sunny Day [Fire/Status] Synthesis [Grass/Status] Leaf Storm [Grass/Special] Grass Knot [Grass/Physical] -BELLOSSOM LV 56 (F) 2208 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass -Moves: Sunny Day [Fire/Status] -SolarBeam [Grass/Special] -Giga Drain [Grass/Special] -Synthesis [Grass/Status] -"Hello... Lovely weather, isn't it? It's so pleasant... I'm afriad I might doze off... My name is Erika. I am the Leader of Celadon Gym. ...Oh? You are from Johto, you say? How nice... Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you wished to challenge me. I know. I have been training myself on not only flower arrangement but also Pokemon battle. I shall not lose." -"Don't go easy on me! Give me everything you've got!" -"Wow! That's a bit harsh! -"Looks like I underestimated you" -"Oh! I concede defeat... You are remarkbly strong... I shall give you the Rainbow Badge... That was a delightful match. I felt inspired. Please, I wish you to have this TM19 as a special token. It is Giga Drain. It is a wonderful move that drains half the damage it inflicts to heal your Pokemon. It is indeed a horrifying move. Losing leaves a bitter aftertaste. .. But knowing that there are strong Trainers spurs me to do better..." -"Losing leaves a bitter aftertaste... But knowing that there are strong Trainers spurs me to do better..." ------------------------------- FUCHSIA CITY [KC06] -------------------------- PICNICKER CINDY (768P) -NIDOQUEEN LV 48 (F) 1995 EXP -Type: Poison/Ground -Moves: Body Slam [Normal/Physical] -"I'm Janine! How did you know I was real? Let's battle! Or not!" -"Oh, dear! I wanted to win!" -"I feel stronger dressing up as Janine." CAMPER BARRY (768P) -NIDOKING LV 48 (M) 2005 EXP -Type: Poison/Ground -"Wahahaha! You betcha! I'm Janine!" -"My disguise was awesome! Grr!" -"That's right, I'm a boy! What's wrong with a boy dressing up as Janine?" LASS ALICE (656P) -GLOOM LV 41 (F) 1159 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Sweet Scent [Grass/Status] -VILEPLUME LV 41 (F) 1615 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Drain Punch [Fighting/Physical] -ARBOK LV 45 (F) 1417 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Crunch [Dark/Physical] -"Fufufu! I'm Janine, the Gym Leader! Wait, no I'm not! Gotcha! Fooled you! Hahaha!" -"I had you fooled..." -"It's so fun to dress up as Janine, our idol!" LASS LINDA (720P) -BULBASAUR LV 41 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -IVYSAUR LV 43 (M) 1299 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -VENUSAUR LV 45 (M) 2005 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] -"Fooled you! Hahaha!" -"Oh... I lost... you're not weak..." -"Well? Wasn't my disguise perfect?" LEADER JANINE (6000P) -CROBAT LV 47 (F) 2053 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Screech [Normal/Status] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] -WEEZING LV 44 (F) 1630 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Toxic [Poison/Status] Explosion [Normal/Physical] Double Hit [Normal/Physical] -ARIADOS LV 47 (F) 1348 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Swagger [Normal/Status] Night Shade [Ghost/Special] Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] Pin Missile [Bug/Physical] -ARIADOS LV 47 (F) 1348 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] Screech [Normal/Status] Pin Missile [Bug/Physical] -VENOMOTH LV 50 (F) 1477 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Signal Beam [Bug/Special] -"Fufufu... I'm sorry to disappoint you... I'm only joking! I'm the real deal! Janine of Fuchsia Gym, that's me!" -"You've got a great battle technique!" -"Not good. Seriously not good." -"...!!! So... so strong!" -"I see... You have defeated Koga, my father and a member of the Elite Four, to come here. No wonder you are strong! You've definitely won... Here's the Soul Badge. Take it. You're so tough! I have a special gift! It's Poison Jab, a powerful Poison-type move that may poison its victim. I'm going to really apply myself and imrpove my skills. I want to become much better than both my father and you!" -"I'm going to really apply myself and imrpove my skills. I want to become much better than both my father and you!" -------------------------------- SAFFRON CITY [KC07] ------------------------- MEDIUM REBECCA (2160P) -BRONZOR LV 45 (M) 693 EXP -Type: Psychic/Steel -Moves: Gyro Ball [Steel/Physical] -HYPNO LV 45 (F) 1590 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] Psybeam [Psychic/Special] -"The power of all those you defeated comes to me!" -"Strong... Too strong..." -"What is the source of your power?" PSYCHIC JARED (1440P) -MR. MIME LV 42 (M) 1224 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] -EXEGGCUTE LV 42 (M) 882 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Status] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] -EXEGGCUTE LV 45 (M) 945 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -"The Fighting Dojo next door was once this city's Gym." -"I was no match..." -"Karate King, the master of the Fighting Dojo, was just destroyed by Sabrina." MEDIUM DARCY (2208P) -SLOWPOKE LV 44 (F) 933 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -SLOWBRO LV 46 (F) 1615 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] -"Fufufufu...I see it clearly. I can see into your spirit!" -"Though I read you, I still lost..." -"Oops! I forgot that I predicted I would lose to you." PSYCHIC FRANKLIN (1504P) -KADABRA LV 44 (M) 1366 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] Disable [Psychic/Status] -GIRAFARIG LV 47 (M) 1500 EXP -Type: Normal/Psychic -Moves: Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] -"Psychic power is the power of your mind." -"Your mind has more power than mine!" -"You made your mind stronger, not just your abilities." LEADER SABRINA (6600P) -ESPEON LV 53 (M) 2236 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Calm Mind [Psychic/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] -MR. MIME 53 (F) 1543 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Psychic -Moves: Mimic [Normal/Status] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] -ALAKAZAM LV 55 (M) 2191 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] Reflect [Psychic/Status] Energy Ball [Grass/Special] -"I knew you were coming... Three years ago I had a vision of your arrival. You're after my badge. I don't enjoy battling, but it's my duty as a Gym Leader to confer Badges on anyone who has proven him- or herself worthy. Since you wish it, I will show you my psychic powers!" -"What will happen after this? I already know." -"I get it..." -"Your power... It far exceeds what I foresaw... Maye it isn't possible to fully predict what the future holds... OK, you win. You earned yourself the Marsh Badge. I failed to accurately predict your power. That means that your power is beyond my psychic ability. You deserve this. Please take this TM, too! It contains Skill Swap! It swaps Abilities between the user and the target. You will become a celebrated and beloved Champion!" -"Your love for your Pokemon smashed my psychic abilities... The ability to love, I think, is some kind of psychic ability..." ------------------------------ CINNABAR ISLAND [KC08] ------------------------ No Trainers here. To see Blaine's Gym; see SEAFOAM GYM at [KA03] ------------------------------ INDIGO PLATEAU [KC09] ------------------------- ELITE FOUR WILL (5040P) -XATU LV 40 (F) 1465 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic/Flying -Moves: U-turn [Bug/Physical] Me First [Normal/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] -JYNX LV 41 (F) 1203 EXP -Ability: Oblivious -Type: Ice/Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Lovely Kiss [Normal/Status] Ice Punch [Ice/Physical] DoubleSlap [Normal/Physical[ -SLOWBRO LV 41 (F) 1440 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Water Pulse [Water/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] -EXEGGUTOR LV 41 (F) 1861 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Egg Bomb [Normal/Physical] Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] -XATU LV 42 (F) 1539 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic/Flying -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Ominous Wind [Ghost/Special] Aerial Ace [Flying/Physical] -"Welcome to the Pokemon League! Allow me to introduce myself. I am Will. I have trained all around the world, making my Psychic-type Pokemon powerful. And, at last, I've been accepted into the Elite Four. I can only keep getting better! Losing is not an option!" -"We Psychics don't give up when we're down to the last Pokemon. That's what makes us so formidable!" -"Until we hit zero, our power is limitless! I'm not giving up yet!" -"I...I can't believe it..." -"Even though I was defeated, I won't change my course. I will continue battling until I stand above all Trainers! Now move on and experience the true ferocity of the Elite Four." ELITE FOUR KOGA (5080P) -ARIADOS LV 40 (M) 1147 EXP -Ability: Insomnia -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Spider Web [Bug/Status] Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] Baton Pass [Normal/Status] -FORRETRESS LV 43 (M) 1086 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Bug/Steel -Moves: Swift [Normal/Special] Protect [Normal/Status] Explosion [Normal/Physical] Toxic Spikes [Poison/Status] -MUK LV 42 (M) 1413 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Poison -Moves: Minimize [Normal/Status] Gunk Shot [Poison/Physical] Screech [Normal/Status] Toxic [Poison/Status] -VENOMOTH LV 41 (M) 1212 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Toxic [Poison/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Gust [Flying/Special] -CROBAT LV 44 (M) 1818 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Wing Attack [Flying/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Poison Fang [Poison/Physical] -"Fwahahahaha! I am Koga of the Elite Four. I live in shadows-- a ninja! My intricate style will confound and destroy you! Confusion, sleep, poison... Prepeare to be the victim of my sinister techniques! Fwahahahaha! Pokemon are not merely about brute force-- you shall see soon enough!" -"One Pokemon left? Ha ha ha! I've been counting on this since the very beginning!" -"Ah! You have proven your worth!" -"I subjected you to everything I could muster. But my efforts failed. I must hone my skills. Go on to the next room, and put your abilities to the test!" ELITE FOUR BRUNO (5520P) -HITMONTOP LV 42 (M) 1242 EXP -Ability: Technician -Type: Fighting -Moves: Dig [Ground/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Counter [Fighting/Physical] Triple Kick [Fighting/Physical] -HITMONLEE LV 42 (M) 1251 EXP -Ability: Reckless -Type: Fighting -Moves: Blaze Kick [Fire/Physical] Focus Energy [Normal/Status] Hi Jump Kick [Fighting/Physical] Swagger [Normal/Status] -HITMONCHAN LV 42 (M) 1260 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Fighting -Moves: Ice Punch [Ice/Physical] ThunderPunch [Electric/Physical] Fire Punch [Fire/Physical] Bullet Punch [Steel/Physical] -ONIX LV 43 (M) 994 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Sandstorm [Rock/Status] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] DragonBreath [Dragon/Special] -MACHAMP LV 46 (M) 1902 EXP -Ability: No Guard -Type: Fighting -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Cross Chop [Fighting/Physical] Revenge [Fighting/Physical] Foresight [Normal/Status] -"I am Bruno of the Elite Four. I always train to the extreme because I believe in our potential. That is how we became strong. Can you withstand our power? Hm? I see no fear in you. You look determined. Perfect for battle! Ready, *TRAINER NAME*? You will bow down to our overwhelming power! Hoo hah!" -"Fight as hard as you can till you faint!" -"Why? How could we lose?" -"Having lost, I have no right to say anything... Go face your next challenge!" ELITE FOUR KAREN (5640P) -UMBREON LV 42 (M) 1773 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Dark -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Payback [Dark/Physical] -VILEPLUME LV 42 (M) 1656 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] Petal Dance [Grass/Special] Acid [Poison/Special] Moonlight [Normal/Status] -MURKROW LV 44 (F) 1008 EXP -Ability: ??? -Type: Dark/Flying -Moves: Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Pluck [Flying/Physical] Whirlwind [Normal/Status] -GENGAR LV 45 (F) 1831 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Focus Blast [Fighting/Special] Destiny Bond [Ghost/Status] Spite [Ghost/Status] Lick [Ghost/Physical] -HOUNDOOM LV 47 (F) 2053 EXP -Ability: Flash Fire -Type: Dark/Fire -Moves: Nasty Plot [Dark/Status] Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Crunch [Dark/Physical] -"I am Karen of the Elite Four. You're *TRAINER NAME*? How amusing. I love Dark-type Pokemon. I'm known for my overpowering tactics. Think you can take them? Just try to entertain me. Let's go." -"This is far from being backed into a corner!" -"You're no ordinary Trainer to have made it this far! -"Well, you certainly are good. I like that in a trainer." -"Strong Pokemon. Weak Pokemon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled Trainers should try to win with the Pokemon they love best. I like your style. You understand what's important. Go on--the Champion is waiting." CHAMPION LANCE (10000P) -GYARADOS LV 46 (M) 2109 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] Flail [Water/Physical] Waterfall [Water/Physical] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] -DRAGONITE LV 49 (M) 2288 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Hyper Beam [Normal/Status] Thunder [Electric/Special] Dragon Rush [Dragon/Physical] -DRAGONITE LV 49 (M) 2288 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Hyper Beam [Normal/Status] Blizzard [Ice/Special] Dragon Rush [Dragon/Physical] -AERODACTYL LV 48 (M) 2076 EXP -Ability: Pressure -Type: Rock/Flying -Moves: Thunder Fang [Electric/Physical] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Aerial Ace [Flying/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] -CHARIZARD LV 48 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire/Flying -Moves: Air Slash [Flying/Special] Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Shadow Claw [Ghost/Physical] Dragon Claw [Dragon/Physical] -DRAGONITE LV 50 (M) 2335 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying Safeguard [Normal/Status] Outrage [Dragon/Physical] Fire Blast [Fire/Special] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] -"I've been waiting for you. *TRAINER NAME*! I knew that you, with your skills, would eventually reach me here. There's no need for words now. We will battle to determine who is the stronger of the two of us. As the most powerful Trainer and as the Pokemon League Champion... I, Lance, the dragon master, accept your challenge!" -"All right! I thought this would never happen!" -"I never give up, no matter what. You must be the same?" -"It's over. It's funny, I'm not angry. In fact, I'm happy. Happy I get to see the rise of a new Champion!" -"...Whew. You have become truly powerful, *TRAINER NAME*. Your Pokemon have responded to your strong and upstanding nature. As a Trainer, you will continue to grow strong with your Pokemon." -"This is getting to be a bit too noisy... *TRAINER NAME*, could you come with me?" -"It's been a long time since I last came here. This is where we commemorate the League Champions for all eternity. Their courageous Pokemon are also included. Here today, we witnessed the rise of a new League Champion-- a Trainer who feels compassion for, and trust toward, all Pokemon. A Trainer who succeeded through perseverance and determination. The new League Champion who has all the makings of greatness! *TRAINER NAME*, allow me to register you and your partners as Champions!" ELITE FOUR WILL -BRONZONG LV 58 (X) 2335 EXP -Ability: Heatproof -Type: Steel/Psychic -Moves: Gravity [Psychic/Status] Reflect [Psychic/Status] Payback [Dark/Physical] Psychic [Psychic/Special] -GRUMPIG LV 59 (F) 2073 EXP -Ability: Own Tempo -Type: Psychic -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Signal Beam [Bug/Special] Power Gem [Rock/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] -JYNX LV 60 (F) 1761 EXP -Ability: Forewarn -Type: Ice/Psychic -Moves: Fake Tears [Dark/Status] Lovely Kiss [Normal/Status] Dream Eater [Psychic/Special] Blizzard [Ice/Special] -SLOWBRO LV 60 (F) 2107 EXP -Ability: Own Tempo -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] Psychic [Psychic/Special] -GARDEVOIR LV 61 (F) 2718 EXP -Ability: Trace -Type: Psychic -Moves: Calm Mind [Psychic/Status] Charge Beam [Electric/Special] Focus Blast [Fighting/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] -XATU LV 62 (F) 2271 EXP -Ability: Early Bird -Type: Psychic/Flying -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] ELITE FOUR KOGA (7740P) -SKUNTANK LV 61 (M) 2731 EXP -Ability: Aftermath -Type: Poison/Dark -Moves: Toxic [Poison/Status] Dig [Ground/Physical] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] Explosion [Normal/Physical] -TOXICROAK LV 60 (M) 2326 EXP -Ability: Dry Skin -Type: Poison/Fighting -Moves: Swagger [Normal/Status] X-Scissor [Bug/Physical] Cross Chop [Fighting/Physical] Gunk Shot [Poison/Physical] -SWALOT LV 62 (M) 2232 EXP -Ability: Sticky Hold -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Pain Split [Normal/Status] Yawn [Normal/Status] -MUK LV 62 (M) 2085 EXP -Ability: Sticky Hold -Type: Poison -Moves: Minimize [Normal/Status] Screech [Normal/Status] Swagger [Normal/Status] Toxic [Poison/Status] -VENOMOTH LV 63 (M) 1863 EXP -Ability: Tinted Lens -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Baton Pass [Normal/Status] Double Team [Normal/Status] Silver Wind [Bug/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] -CROBAT LV 64 (M) 2797 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Fly [Flying/Physical] Cross Poison [Poison/Physical] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Toxic [Poison/Status] ELITE FOUR BRUNO (7680P) -HITMONTOP LV 62 (M) 1833 EXP -Ability: Technician -Type: Fighting -Moves: Close Combat [Fighting/Physical] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Counter [Fighting/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -HITMONLEE LV 61 (M) 1816 EXP -Ability: Reckless -Type: Fighting -Moves: Close Combat [Fighting/Physical] Blaze Kick [Fire/Physical] Reversal [Fighting/Physical] Swagger [Normal/Status] -HITMONCHAN LV 61 (M) 1830 EXP -Ability: Iron Fist -Type: Fighting -Moves: Close Combat [Fighting/Physical] Drain Punch [Fighting/Physical] Bullet Punch [Steel/Physical] Substitute [Normal/Status] -HARIYAMA LV 62 (M) 2443 EXP -Ability: Guts -Type: Fighting -Moves: Bulk Up [Fighting/Status] Low Kick [Fighting/Physical] Payback [Dark/Physical] Bullet Punch [Steel/Physical] -MACHAMP LV 64 (M) 2646 EXP -Ability: No Guard -Type: Figthing -Moves: DynamicPunch [Fighting/Physical] Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Bullet Punch [Steel/Physical] Foresight [Normal/Status] -LUCARIO LV 64 (M) 2797 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Fighting/Steel -Moves: Close Combat [Fighting/Physical] Iron Tail [Steel/Physical] Counter [Fighting/Physical] ExtremeSpeed [Normal/Physical] ELITE FOUR KAREN (7680P) -WEAVILE LV 62 (F) 2643 EXP -Ability: Pressure -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Ice Punch [Ice/Physical] Night Slash [Dark/Physical] Low Kick [Fighting/Physical] Ice Shard [Ice/Physical] -ABSOL LV 62 (F) 2311 EXP -Ability: Super Luck -Type: Dark -Moves: Detect [Fighting/Status] Perish Song [Normal/Status] Night Slash [Dark/Physical] Psycho Cut [Psychic/Physical] -SPIRITOMB LV 62 (F) 2232 EXP -Ability: Pressure -Type: Ghost/Dark -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Pain Split [Normal/Status] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -HOUNDOOM LV 63 (F) 2754 EXP -Ability: Flash Fire -Type: Dark/Fire -Moves: Nasty Plot [Dark/Status] Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] -HONCHKROW LV 64 (F) 2563 EXP -Ability: Super Luck -Type: Dark/Flying -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Whirlwind [Normal/Status] Drill Peck [Flying/Physical] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -UMBREON LV 64 (M) 2701 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Dark -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Curse [???/Status] Payback [Dark/Physical] Sucker punch [Dark/Physical] CHAMPION LANCE (15000P) -SALAMENCE LV 72 (M) 3363 EXP -Ability; Intimidate -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Dragon Claw [Dragon/Physical] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Shadow Claw [Ghost/Physical] Rest [Psychic/Status] -GYARADOS LV 68 (M) 3117 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Dragon Dance [Dragon/Status] Waterfall [Water/Physical] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -GARCHOMP LV 72 (M) 3363 EXP -Ability: Sand Veil -Type: Dragon/Ground -Moves: Outrage [Dragon/Physical] Swords Dance [Normal/Status] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Roar [Normal/Status] -ALTARIA LV 73 (M) 2940 EXP -Ability: Natural Cure -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] DragonBreath [Dragon/Special] Perish Song [Normal/Status] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] -CHARIZARD LV 68 (M) 3045 EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire/Flying -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] Dragon Claw [Dragon/Physical] Air Slash [Flying/Special] -DRAGONITE LV 75 (M) 3502 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Draco Meteor [Dragon/Special] Safeguard [Normal/Status] Fire Blast [Fire/Special] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] RIVAL (3840P) -SNEASEL LV 55 (M) 1555 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Shadow Claw [Ghost/Physical] Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Metal Claw [Steel/Physical] -MAGNETON LV 55 (X) 1897 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Discharge [Electric/Special] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] Mirror Shot [Steel/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -GENGAR LV 56 (M) 2280 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] Shadow Ball {Ghost/Special] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] -CROBAT LV 58 (M) 2535 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Toxic [Poison/Status] -ALAKAZAM LV 56 (M) 2232 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Reflect [Psychic/Status] Focus Blast [Fighting/Special] Recover [Normal/Status] -TYPHLOSION LV 60 (M) 2686 EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Rollout [Rock/Physical] Will-O-Wisp [Fire/Status] Swift [Normal/Special] RIVAL (3840P) -SNEASEL LV 55 (M) 1555 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Shadow Claw [Ghost/Physical] Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Metal Claw [Steel/Physical] -MAGNETON LV 55 (X) 1897 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Discharge [Electric/Special] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] Mirror Shot [Steel/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -GENGAR LV 56 (M) 2280 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] Shadow Ball {Ghost/Special] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] -CROBAT LV 58 (M) 2535 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Toxic [Poison/Status] -ALAKAZAM LV 56 (M) 2232 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Reflect [Psychic/Status] Focus Blast [Fighting/Special] Recover [Normal/Status] -FERALIGATR LV 60 (M) 2700 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Slash [Normal/Physical] Aqua Tail [Water/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] RIVAL (3840P) -SNEASEL LV 55 (M) 1555 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Shadow Claw [Ghost/Physical] Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Metal Claw [Steel/Physical] -MAGNETON LV 55 (X) 1897 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Discharge [Electric/Special] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] Mirror Shot [Steel/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -GENGAR LV 56 (M) 2280 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] Shadow Ball {Ghost/Special] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] -CROBAT LV 58 (M) 2535 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Toxic [Poison/Status] -ALAKAZAM LV 56 (M) 2232 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Reflect [Psychic/Status] Focus Blast [Fighting/Special] Recover [Normal/Status] -MEGANIUM LV 60 (M) -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: Synthesis [Grass/Status] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] Petal Dance [Grass/Special] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] ****************************************************************************** TOWNS [KT00] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------ PALLET TOWN [KT01] ---------------------------- There are no Trainers here. ----------------------------- LAVENDER TOWN [KT02] --------------------------- There are no Trainers here. ****************************************************************************** ROUTES [KR00] ****************************************************************************** ------------------------------- ROUTE 001 [KR01] ----------------------------- SCHOOL KID SHERMAN (860P) -FURRET LV 43 (M) 1068 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Baton Pass [Normal/Status] -PIDGEOT LV 43 (M) 1584 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -"Right after learning it in class, I head outside to practice!" -"I need to fllow the textbook." -"I should be sure to record all of today's mistakes in a notebook!" SCHOOL KID DANNY (860P) -JYNX LV 43 (F) 1261 EXP -Type: Psychic/Ice -ELECTABUZZ LV 43 (M) 1437 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Light Screen [Psychic/Status] -MAGMAR LV 43 (M) 1537 EXP -Type: Fire -"If Trainers meet, the first thing to do is battle." -"Aww... I've got a losing record..." -"For Trainers, it's a given that we'll battle whenever we meet." ACE TRAINER FRENCH (2820P) -ABSOL LV 47 (M) 1752 EXP -Type: Dark -ALAKAZAM LV 47 (M) 1762 EXP -Type: Psychic -"You! I've been waiting for someone like you!" -"Yep! Just as strong as expected." -"That was a great fight! Don't you agree?" ACE TRAINER QUINN (2820P) -IVYSAUR LV 47 (M) 1419 EXP -Type: Grass/Poison -STARMIE LV 47 (X) 2083 -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Blizzard [Ice/Special] -"You there! Want to battle?" -"Down and out..." -"You're strong. YOu obviously have trained hard." ------------------------------- ROUTE 002 [KR02] ----------------------------- BUG CATCHER ROB (624P) PokeGear -BEEDRILL LV 40 (M) 1362 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -BUTTERFREE LV 39 (M) 1336 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying -"My bug Pokemon are tough. Prepare to lose!" -"I was whipped..." -"Shall we trade phone numbers?" -"Call me anytime if you want to battle!" -"I figured that if I found anything in the area, I'd give it to you..." -"You wanna trade phone numbers after all?" -"I'm going to look for stronger bug Pokemon." BUG CATCHER DOUG (592P) PokeGear -BUTTERFREE LV 39 (M) 1336 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying -Moves: Tailwind [Flying/Status] -ARIADOS LV 37 (M) 1062 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -"Why do girls dislike bug Pokemon so much?" -"No good!" -"We should trade phone numbers, so I can educate you more on the merits of Bug-type Pokemon!" -"You betcha. Thanks! I'll call you sometime!" -"Don't say such sad things..." -"Oh, did you decide to exchange phone numbers after all?" -"Bug Pokemon squish like soft, toy Pokemon when you squeeze their bellies. I love how they feel!" BUG CATCHER ED (688P) -BURMY LV 43 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Bug -BUTTERFREE LV 43 (M) 1473 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying -BEEDRILL VL 43 (M) 1464 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -"If you walk in tall grass wearing shorts, do you get nicks and cuts?" -"Ouch, ouch, ouch!" -"They'll really string when you take a bath." ------------------------------- ROUTE 003 [KR03] ----------------------------- YOUNGSTER REGIS (640P) -GOLBAT LV 40 (M) 1465 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Mean Look [Normal/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Air Cutter [Flying/Special] -ELECTRODE LV 40 (X) 1285 -Type: Electric -Moves: Swift [Normal/Special] Magnet Rise [Electric/Status] -"Youngster? Goodness, how rude! Call me Shorts Boy!" -"That is...Fail Boy..." -"Looks like I need a bit more training!" YOUNGSTER WARREN (672P) -FEAROW LV 38 (M) 1318 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Assurance [Dark/Physical] Aerial Ace [Flying/Physical] -RATICATE LV 42 (M) 1044 EXP -Type: Normal -"Hmm... I don't know what to do..." -"I knew I'd lose..." -"You looked strong. I was afraid to take you on..." YOUNGSTER JIMMY (672P) -RATICATE LV 42 (M) 1044 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Crunch [Dark/Physical] -ARBOK LV 42 (M) 1323 EXP -Type: Poison -PARASECT LV 42 (M) 1152 EXP -Type: Bug/Grass -"I can run like the wind!" -"Blown away!" -"I wear shorts the whole year round. That's my fashion policy." DOUBLE TEAM ZAC & JEN (11280P) -ELECTABUZZ LV 42 (M) 1540 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] -DUGTRIO LV 47 (M) 1570 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Mud Bomb [Ground/Special] -"Really, you want to battle us? You've got a lot of courage for someone so young. Huh? You'd like to go up against us? Great!" -"You weren't bluffing. You're so much stronger than I thought!" -"Your future looks promising. I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of Trainer you'll become." FIREBREATHER OTIS (1502P) -MAGMAR LV 43 (M) 1537 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] -WEEZING LV 40 (M) 1482 EXP -Type: Poison -CAMERUPT LV 47 (M) 1762 EXP -Type: Fire/Ground -"Ah! The wather's as fine as ever." -"It's sunny, but in my heart, it's rainy..." -"When it rains, it's hard to get fired up. I just simmer..." HIKER BRUCE (1440P) -GRAVELER LV 39 (M) 1119 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: -RHYDON LV 44 (M) 1923 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -CLEFAIRY LV 45 (F) 655 EXP -Type: Normal -"My Bag is digging into my shoulders! When that happens, I like to take a break and have a battle!" -"Feh." -"All right, I guess I should carry my Bag again!" BLACK BELT MANFORD (1128P) -POLIWRATH LV 47 (M) 1863 EXP -Type: Water/Fighting -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Hydro Pump [Water/Special] -"How about you just slow down and give me the chance to defeat you!" -"Looks like I've been beaten at my own game..." -"Even though you're so young, you have the spirit of battle within. You must have trained under a well-known master!" BLACK BELT ANDER (1056P) -PRIMEAPE LV 43 (M) 1372 EXP -Type: Fighting -GRAVELER LV 39 (M) 1119 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -MACHOKE LV 44 (M) 1375 EXP -Type: Fighting -"Wait a moment! Come fight us!" -"You did it..." -"You came all the way from Johto? You must be very persistent!" HIKER DWIGHT (1408P) -MAGNETON LV 44 (X) 1518 EXP -Type: Steel/Electric -Moves: Lock-On [Normal/Status] -STEELIX LV 44 (M) 1848 EXP -Type: Steel/Ground -Moves: Rock Polish [Rock/Status] -"Peace! ... ...Huh? When you meet the unknown on a mountain road, all you want is peace, right?" -"Peace--even though I lost!" -"Exchanging lighthearted greetings with someone you don't know... That's the best thing about mountains!" FIREBREATHER BURT (1440P) -WEEZING LV 42 (M) 1557 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] -MAGCARGO LV 45 (M) 1485 EXP -Type: Fire/Rock -"Step right up and take a look!" -"Yow! That's hot." -"The greatest fire-breather in Kanto, that's me. But not the best Trainer ..." ------------------------------- ROUTE 004 [KR04] ----------------------------- PICNICKER HOPE (704P) -FLAFFY LV 44 (F) 1102 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Discharge [Electric/Special] Signal Beam [Bug/Special] -"I have a feeling that I can win. Let's see if I'm right!" -"Aww, you are too strong." -"I heard CLEFAIRY appear at Mt. Moon. But where could they be?" BIRD KEEPER HANK (1408P) -PIDGEY LV 13 (M) 153 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -PIDGEOT LV 44 (M) 1621 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: FeatherDance [Flying/Status] -"I'm raising my Pokemon. Want to battle with me?" -"Aw, I can't believe I lost..." -"If you have a specific Pokemon that you want to raise, put it out first, then switch it right away. That's how to do it." PICNICKER SHARON (688P) -FURRET LV 41 (F) 1018 EXP -Type: Normal -RAPIDASH LV 43 (F) 1768 EXP -Type: Fire -"Um... I..." -"..." -"... ... I'll go train some more..." ------------------------------- ROUTE 005 [KR05] ----------------------------- There are no Trainers on this Route. ------------------------------- ROUTE 006 [KR06] ----------------------------- PICNICKER SELINA (672P) -CHERUBI LV 42 (F) ## EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Worry Seed [Grass/Status] Take Down [Normal/Physical] -"I'm headed out on a picnic. Do you know why?" -"You're pretty good!" -"The reason I'm going on a picnic... It's because I really want to smell the fresh air... Do you kow what I mean?" TWINS DAY & DANI (1312P) -PLUSLE LV 41 (F) 1052 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: -MINUN LV 41 (F) 1052 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunder [Electric/Special] -"Are you going to beat us? We'll knock you flat!" -"Waah! Eeeh!" -"Looks like we got bounced. You beat us..." CAMPER VIRGIL (688P) -SLAKOTH LV 43 (M) 763 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Amnesia [Psychic/Status] -"Walking along with luggage and your companion Pokemon gives a great feeling of outdoor life!" -"Yaha! I lost!" -"Are you also on a solo journey? See you again sometime. Bye for now!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 007 [KR07] ----------------------------- There are no Trainers on this Route. ------------------------------- ROUTE 008 [KR08] ----------------------------- GENTLEMAN MILTON (9000P) -GROWLITHE LV 45 (M) 877 EXP -Type: Fire -"I am but a Gentleman stopped on the road. Would you care to join me in a quick contest?" -"You were very skillful." -"Stopping in the road for a battle isn't rude. No matter what, I am a Gentleman first!" SUPER NERD TYRONE (1920P) -MAGNEMITE LV 40 (X) 762 EXP -Type: Steel/Electric -Moves: Lock-On [Normal/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 40 (X) 762 EXP -Type: Steel/Electric -Moves: Lock-On [Normal/Status] -MAGNEMITE LV 40 (X) 762 EXP -Type: Steel/Electric -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] -"Hmm... You've got many Gym Badges." -"Just as I thought, you're tough!" -"That's to be expected for someone who has as many Gym Badges as you do!" YOUNG COUPLE MOE & LULU (5504P) -LOTAD LV 43 (M) 680 EXP -Type: Water/Grass -SEEDOT LV 43 (M) 680 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Nature Power [Normal/Status] -"Do I look weak? Don't make me laugh! When I'm with Lulu, I've got a hundred times more courage!" -"Moe and I make a great pair! You should prepare yourself!" -"Uwaaah! Eeek!" -"Don't you misunderstand this! It's not that Moe's weak, it's that you're too strong!" -"In short, you're just too strong..." SUPER NERD SAM (2112P) -GRIMER LV 44 (M) 847 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] -MUK LV 44 (M) 1479 EXP -Type: Poison -Movs: Screech [Normal/Status] -"How does the Magnet Train work?" -"I wish I had the change to see the Magnet Train." -"The power of magnets is awesome!" BIKER ZEKE (688P) -KOFFING LV 43 (M) 1050 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Gyro Ball [Steel/Physical] -KOFFING LV 43 (M) 1050 EXP -Type: Poison -"We're the Kanto Pokemon Federation! Rock on!" -"Yikes! Sorry!" -"We'll try not to disturb anyone from now on..." BIKER HARRIS (720P) -FLAREON LV 45 (M) 1908 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -"The cops shut down our Underground Path! That really annoys me!" -"F-forgive me!" -"Wiped out by some punk from Johto..." BIKER DWAYNE (656P) -KOFFING LV 38 (M) 927 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -KOFFING LV 39 (M) 952 EXP -Type: Poison -KOFFING LV 40 (M) 976 EXP -Type: Poison -KOFFING LV 41 (M) 1000 EXP -Type: Poison -"We're the Kanto Pokemon Federation Trainer group. We'll drive you under our wheels!" -"S-sorry!" -"The Kanto Pokemon Federation will never fall!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 009 [KR09] ----------------------------- PICNICKER EDNA (720P) -NIDORINA LV 41 (F) 1027 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Toxic Spikes [Poison/Status] -RAICHU LV 45 (F) 1176 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Tail Whip [Normal/Status] -"People shouldn't leave any litter behind." -"Oh... I lost..." -"Conserving energy is important, but the enviornemt is even more vital." CAMPER SID (640P) -DUGTRIO LV 43 (M) 1408 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Earth Power [Ground/Physical] -POLIWRATH LV 40 (M) 1585 EXP -Type: Water/Fighting -PRIMEAPE LV 40 (M) 1276 EXP -Type: Fighting -"Hey, you! Don't litter!" -"I was just pointing out..." -"Sorry. You weren't littering. It was my mistake." CAMPER DEAN (672P) -GOLDUCK LV 44 (M) 1639 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Zen Headbutt [Psychic/Physical] -SANDSLASH LV 42 (M) 1467 EXP -Type: Ground -"I came to explore Rock Tunnel." -"Woah! Danger, eh?" -"My Pokemon were hurt before even entering Rock Tunnel. I'd better take them to a Pokemon Center right away." HIKER EOIN (1344P) -GRAVELER LV 42 (M) 1206 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -GRAVELER LV 42 (M) 1206 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -GRAVELER LV 42 (M) 1206 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -"Mt. Silver is in Johto, right? It must be a silver mountain!" -"I was kinda focused on the mountain and forgot my Pokemon..." -"Battles are about concentration." PICNICKER HEIDI (688P) -SKIPLOOM LV 43 (F) 1252 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: U-turn [Bug/Physical] -SKIPLOOM LV 43 (F) 1252 EXP -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: Worry Seed [Grass/Status] Cotton Spore [Grass/Status] -"Have you ever been to a picnic? They're so much fun!" -"Ohhh!" -"We bake lots of goodies and share them around. They're delicious!" HIKER CLARKE (1440P) -ONIX LV 43 (M) 994 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -DUGTRIO LV 45 (M) 1474 EXP -Type: Ground -Moves: Earth Power [Ground/Physical] -"I'll tell you a secret. But first, we battle!" -"Grr! I lost that..." -"The Power Plant is across a small river." ------------------------------- ROUTE 010 [KR10] ----------------------------- POKEFAN ROBERT (2752P) -QUAGSIRE LV 43 (M) 1260 EXP -Ability: Water Absorb -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Earthquake [Water/Physical] Rain Dance [Water/Status] -"You really love Pokemon, don't you? I love Pokemon, too!" -"Looks like this means it's my loss..." -"My dearest, very important Pokemon... I won't forget what you did!" HIKER JIM (1400P) -MACHAMP LV 45 (M) 1860 EXP -Type: Fighting -Moves: Scary Face [Normal/Status] Submission [Fighting/Physical] -"Hahaha!" -"Hahaha-hachoo!" -"Hay fever is making me sneeze! Ahahah-CHOO!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 011 [KR11] ----------------------------- PSYCHIC FIDEL (1376P) -XATU LV 43 (M) 1575 EXP -Type: Psychic/Flying -"I can see it... Everything there is to see about you..." -"I couldn't foresee your power..." -"Strength in conviction... You're strong because you believe in your Pokemon." YOUNGSTER OWEN (704P) -GROWLITHE LV 44 (M) 858 EXP -Type: Fire -"There's no cheating with Pokemon. Let's keep it fair and square!" -"Huh? How did this happen?" -"I fought fair and square. I don't regret this at all." YOUNGSTER JASON (672P) -SANDSLASH LV 42 (M) 1467 EXP -Type: Ground -CROBAT LV 42 (M) 1836 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Poison Fang [Poison/Physical] -"It itches and tickles a bit when I wear shorts in the grass." -"Aiyaaah! I got stomped!" -"I'm going to catch more Pokemon in the grass." PSYCHIC HERMAN (1248P) -EXEGGCUTE LV 39 (M) 819 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -EXEGGCUTE LV 39 (M) 819 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -EXEGGUTOR LV 39 (M) 1771 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] -"..." -"..." -"... I lost while I had my eyes closed..." ------------------------------- ROUTE 013 [KR13] ----------------------------- HIKER KENNY (1056P) PokeGear -SANDSLASH LV 27 (M) 942 EXP -Type: Ground -GRAVELER LV 29 (M) 832 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Selfdestrcut [Normal/Physical] -GOLEM LV 33 (M) 1251 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: -"I should go to Rock Tunnel to get myself an Onix." -"I lost..." -"The same opponent, the same Pokemon, but the battle results are different every time! I'd like to battle with you again. Let's trade phone numbers!" -"Once I've gotten ready, I'll give you a call!" -"I see... Well, that's fine by me. I've always got my mountain!" -"I'd like to battle with you again. Let's exchange numbers!" -"Geological features don't appear to change. But they actually do change, little by little." PICNICKER GINGER (656P) -WHISMUR LV 41 (F) 597 EXP -Type: Normal -"Why is it I always get the urge to whistle when walking through nature?" -"Tweee!" -"Instead of communicating with Pokemon with words, you can communicate with them through whistling!" CAMPER CLARK (640P) -BUIZEL LV 40 (M) 642 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] Swift [Normal/Special] -"Collect water! Don't let the fire go out! Look out for wild Pokemon! Let's go, Campfire!" -"Pfuuuuh..." -"It doesn't matter what kind of preparation you've done. If you lose, you lose." POKEFAN ALEX (4160P) -NIDOKING LV 29 (M) 1210 EXP -Type: Poison/Ground -SLOWKING LV 29 (M) 1018 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -MAGIKARP LV 65 (M) 277 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Tackle [Normal/Physical] -"Bow down before my regal Pokemon!" -"How... How dare you mock my royalty!" -"Doesn't everyone wish to be a ruler someday?" CAMPER TANNER (608P) -SUDOWOODO LV 38 (M) 1098 EXP -Type: Rock -"I can fit in a quick battle while I'm in the midst of preparing a meal!" -"Oh... I'm hungry now..." -"Hey, how about we exchange phone numbers before we eat?" -"I've always got my Pokegear in reach, so if you give me call, I'll answer pretty quick!" -"Don't worry! I'm a really nice Camper..." -"Did you decide you'd like to trade numbers with me after all?" -"I figured it would be easy to knock you out..." POKEFAN JOSHUA (2048P) -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Feint [Normal/Physical] -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Slam [Normal/Physical] -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Faint [Normal/Physical] -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] -PIKACHU LV 32 (M) 561 EXP -Type: Electric -MOves: Double Team [Normal/Status] -"Ha ha ha ha! Would you like to fight my pack of PIKACHU?" -"My PIKACHU!" -"You look like you have many Pokemon, but PIKACHU is still the best." YOUNG COUPLE TIM & SUE (5888P) PokeGear -KADABRA LV 41 (M) 1372 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Role Play [Normal/Status] -PSYDUCK LV 46 (M) 393 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] -"I'll give you a little hint. Don't you think my girlfriend's much stronger than I am?" -"Women who don't take love seriously and who are reckless might get hurt." -"You're the strongest!" -"Wa...ha..." -"So how about we exchange phone numbers?" -"Give me a call if you think of anything!" -"Uh, OK. THat's too bad..." -"Did you decide you wanted to exchange phone numbers?" -"If you've beaten her, you must be strong!" -"That strength of yours... I've got it! Are you in love?" BIRD KEEPER PERRY (1344P) -FARFETCH'D LV 42 (M) 846 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] -"Agility is the key attribute of bird Pokemon." -"You beat me with your speed!" -"Your Pokemon are remarkbly well trained." PICNICKER PIPER (688P) -SPOINK LV 40 (F) 762 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Zen Headbutt [Psychic/Physical] -"Hey, hey, how about we bring out your Pokemon and mine for a battle?" -"..." -"The way you were walking with your Pokemon made me think that I could win." BIRD KEEPER BRET (1312P) -TAILLOW LV 41 (M) 517 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] -FEAROW LV 41 (M) 1422 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Assurance [Dark/Physical] -"Check out my Pokemon. Just look at their coloring and plumage." -"Shoot! Not good enough!" -"If you groom them, Pokemon get happy." FISHERMAN KYLER (576P) -MAGIKARP LV 18 (M) 76 EXP -Type: Water -MAGIKARP LV 18 (M) 76 EXP -Type: water -MAGIKARP LV 18 (M) 76 EXP -Type: Water -"Pokemon battles lure people in!" -"My Pokemon bucket is empty!" -"I'd like to have another Pokemon battle with you sometime. Can we trade phone numbers?" -"Hey! Thanks!" -"Hey! Oh well!" -"I'd like to have another Pokemon battle with you sometime. Can we trade phone numbers?" -"Really? Rather than always catching new Pokemon, it's good to train them?" FISHERMAN BARNEY (1184P) -GYARADOS LV 40 (M) 1833 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Aqua Tail [Water/Physical] -GYARADOS LV 37 (M) 1696 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] -GYARADOS LV 37 (M) 1696 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Leer [Normal/Status] -"What's most important in our everyday lives?" -"The answer is coming up next!" -"I think electricity is the most important thing in our daily lives. If it weren't, people wouldn't have made such a fuss when the Power Plant went out of commission." BIRD KEEPER GAIL (1248P) -FEAROW LV 42 (M) 1458 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Assurance [Dark/Physical] -SPEAROW LV 39 (M) 484 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -"BASABASABASABASABASA!" -"Pyopyopyopyo..." -"Chuun-Chuun? Chunchun!" FISHERMAN STEPHEN (1216P) -QUAGSIRE LV 43 (M) 1260 EXP -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Rain Dance [Water/Status] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Yawn [Normal/Status] -QWILFISH LV 38 (M) 813 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Revenge [Fighting/Physical] -TENTACRUEL LV 38 (M) 1668 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Barrier [Psychic/Status] -"I feel so content, fishing while listening to some tunes on my radio." -"I was listening to the radio the whole time... is that why I lost?" -"Have you checked out Kanto's radio programs? We get a good variety here." YOUNG COUPLE VIC & TARA (5504P) -MAGMAR LV 44 (M) 1572 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Sunny Day [Fire/Status] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] -SUNFLORA LV 43 (M) 1344 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Mega Drain [Grass/Special] Razor Leaf [Grass/Physical] -"All right! I'll be able to show off for Tara! I love to look at my boyfriend's face in profile while he's battling!" -"Oh no, my plans!" -"Oh no, oh no." -"Tara's already seen me humiliated..." -"Even though my boyfriend lost, he's still wonderful." FISHERMAN MARTIN (1344P) -REMORAID LV 36 (M) 601 EXP -Type: Water -OCTILLERY LV 42 (M) 1476 EXP -Type: Water -"Patience is the key to both fishing and Pokemon." -"Patience!" -"I'm too impatient for fishing..." BIRD KEEPER JUSTIN (1248P) -XATU LV 44 (M) 1611 EXP -Type: Psychic/Flying -Moves: Wish [Normal/Status] Tailwind [Flying/Status] Future Sight [Psychic/Special] -NOCTOWL LV 39 (M) 1353 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Confusion [Psychic/Special] -"Huh? The wind has changed direction!" -"Phew..." -"Since the wind has changed, I'll lay low..." FISHERMAN KYLE (1248P) PokeGear -GOLDEEN LV 39 (M) 927 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Flail [Water/Physical] -GOLDEEN LV 39 (M) 927 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Ring [Water/Status] -QWILFISH LV 35 (M) 750 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -"Do you remember?" -"You do remember?" -"So I don't forget just how great it is to battle with you, how about we exchange phone numbers?" -"Awesome! I definitely won't forget about you now!" -"I see... Too bad..." -"Oh! I see you've changed your mind about exchanging phone numbers with me!" -"The tug you feel on the fishing line when you hook a Pokemon... That's the best feeling ever for an angler like me." ------------------------------- ROUTE 014 [KR14] ----------------------------- SCHOOL KID CONNOR (840P) -ZIGZAGOON LV 42 (M) 540 EXP -Type: Normal -"I can't wait to go home and drop off my Bag!" -"I was in too much of a hurry." -"Don't rush, and take the road one step at a time. Great advice!" SCHOOL KID TORIN (780P) PokeGear 1 -SANDSLASH LV 41 (M) 1431 EXP -Type: Ground -GOLBAT LV 39 (M) 1428 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Poison Fang [Poison/Physical] Air Cutter [Flying/Physical] -"It's good to put what you learn to use immediately!" -"I see. I see." -"You know, I'm going to practice a whole bunch so we can battle again the next time we meet. That's right! Give me your phone number so I can call you!" -"All right, registration complete! Later!" -"That's too bad..." -"Hey! You really want to trade phone numbers with me, don't you?" -"All right! Next time, I won't make any mistakes!" TEACHER CLARICE (2064P) 1 -ZIGZAGOON LV 41 (F) 526 EXP -Type: Normal -ROSELIA LV 43 (F) 1399 EXP -Type: Grass -"All right, let's get this Pokemon battle started!" -"All right! That concludes today's battle." -"Don't relax just 'cause you won. Once you get home, you should do a full review!" SCHOOL KID TRAVIS (840P) -BUDEW LV 42 (M) 612 EXP -Type: Grass -"Do you have after-school study sessions?" -"So storng..." -"Maybe I should join your study sessions!" BIRD KEEPER ROY (1408P) -FEAROW LV 38 (M) 1318 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -FEAROW LV 44 (M) 1527 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] Assurance [Dark/Physical] Mirror Move [Normal/Status] -"My dream is to fly with my beloved bird Pokemon." -"I can dream, but I can't ever fly..." -"You have Pokemon that know the HM move Fly, don't you? I envy you." POKEFAN CARTER (2432P) -BULBASAUR LV 38 (M) 520 EXP -Type: Grass -SQUIRTLE LV 38 (M) 537 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Steel [Steel/Status] -CHARMANDER LV 38 528 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Ember [Fire/Special] -"Let me tell you, I had a hard time catching my prized Pokemon." -"Awaaah!" -"SQUIRTLE, CHARMANDER, and BULBASAUR... I think that's a well-balanced mix." POKEFAN TREVOR (2688P) -PSYDUCK LV 42 (M) 720 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Zen Headbutt [Psychic/Physical] Screech [Normal/Status] -"Sometimes I go back to the places I met my Pokemon. They bring back good memories." -"Where did I meet this PSYDUCK?" -"When and where did I get my Pokemon...I'll bet if I checked my Trainer Memo, I'd remember!" BIRD KEEPER JOSH (1184P) PokeGear -FEAROW LV 37 (M) 1294 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -"My weight puts me in the featherweight class! ...Huh? WHat do you mean that doesn't sound very strong?" -"I lost as lightly as a feather floats!" -"It was fun battling you! I'd love to trade phone numbers with you, please? Come on, let's trade numbers!" -"Thanks! Let's have another battle again sometime! Just give me a call when you're ready." -"Ulp! Are you saying you think I'm so weak, I don't measure up as an opponent?" -"I'd do anything to get your phone number! Please, let's trade numbers!" -"Maybe I should like and say I'm in the heavyweight class..." ------------------------------- ROUTE 015 [KR15] ----------------------------- SCHOOL KID KIPP (800P) -VOLTORB LV 36 (X) 793 EXP -Type: Electric -MAGNEMITE LV 36 (X) 685 EXP -Type: Steel/Electric -MAGNETON LV 40 (X) 1380 EXP -Type: Steel/Electric -VOLTORB LV 40 (X) 882 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Swift [Normal/Special] -"Hang on. I have to phone my mom." -"Sorry, Mom! I was beaten!" -"My mom worries so much about me, I have to phone her all the time." SCHOOL KID TOMMY (860P) -XATU LV 41 (M) 1501 EXP -Type: Psychic/Flying -ALAKAZAM LV 43 (M) 1713 EXP -Type: Psychic -"Let's battle. I won't lose!" -"I forgot to do my homework!" -"Sayonara! I just learned that in my foreign-language class." TEACHER HILLARY (1488P) PokeGear -SUNKERN LV 41 (F) 456 EXP -Type: Grass -AIPOM LV 31 (F) 624 EXP -Type: Normal -"On sunny days, I think that the kids would rather be playing in the playground than studying in class." -"I didn't want to lose..." -"I'd love to do smore battle preparation and review with you.. That's it! How about exchanging phone numbers with me?" -"All right, I'm looking forward to talking to you again. I'll be sure to give you a call if anything comes up!" -"Hey, you should listen when Teachers are talking to you!" -"Did you change your mind about exchanging phone numbers?" -"Studying is important, but exercise is just as vital." POKEFAN BOONE (2624P) -SPINDA LV 43 (M) 783 EXP -Type: Normal -VOLBEAT LV 41 (M) 1282 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: Protect [Normal/Status] -"Hey, your Pokemon... Show me. Show me. Show me!" -"Yay! That was great!" -"When you battle Pokemon, you get to see a bunch of Pokemon you've never seen before. It's so great!" SCHOOL KID JOHNNY (840P) -BELLSPROUT LV 39 (M) 702 EXP -Type: Grass -WEEPINBELL LV 40 (M) 1293 EXP -Type: Grass -VICTREEBEL LV 42 (M) 1719 EXP -Type: Grass -"We're on a school trip to Lavender Radio Tower for social studies." -"You're wickedly tough!" -"I'm tired of walking. I need to take a break." SCHOOL KID BILLY (700P) PokeGear -PARASECT LV 39 (M) 1069 EXP -Type: Bug/Grass -POLIWHIRL LV 37 (M) 1038 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Mud Shot [Ground/Special] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] -DITTO LV 35 (X) 457 EXP -Type: Normal* -Moves:* Transform [Normal/Status] * = Will change to the Pokemon it changes into. -"I love gym class the best!" -"Oh, no! How could I lose?" -"I'm researching Gym Leaders for a project at school! You can get the Gym Leader' phone numbers, so you can talk to them outside of the Gym! Hey, we should trade phone numbers!" -"The Gym Leaders' locations and times change, so I'll let you know by phone!" -"Huh? Don't you want to know anything about Gym Leaders?" -"I knew it. I knew you'd want to know about the Gym Leaders!" TEACHER COLETTE (2160P) -CLEFAIRY LV 45 (F) 655 EXP -Type: Normal -"Have you forgotten anything?" -"Kyaaah!" -"Before I became a teacher, I used to forget a lot of things." TWINS KAY & TIA (1312P) -QUAGSIRE LV 41 (F) 1202 EXP -Type: Ground/Water -Moves: Rain Dance [Water/Status] -QUAGSIRE LV 41 (F) 1202 EXP -Type: Ground/Water -"We're the twins Kay and Tia! Do you know which one I am? We're the twins Kay and Tia! Do you know which one I am?" -"Tia and Kay both lost... Kay and Tia both lost..." -"You had fun battling us, right? So ho wabout we exchange phone numbers, and that way if we want to battle again, we can just give each other a call?" -"All right, now you've got our number and we have yours." -"Oh? But... Oh well." -"Did you decide you wanted to trade numbers after all?" -"Absolute truth--I'm Kay! Maybe..." -"Maybe truth--I'm Tia! Absolutely!" POKEFAN ELEANOR (2624P) -SPINDA LV 43 (F) 783 EXP -Type: Normal -ILLUMISE LV 41 (F) 1282 EXP -Type: Bug -"All right, Pokemon, time for a battle!" -"Oh, well..." -"It's not that my Pokemon are weak! It's that your Pokemon are too strong!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 017 [KR17] -----------------------------
BIKER DALE (752P) -GULPIN LV 47 (M) 754 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Gastro Acid [Poison/Status] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] -"You're gonna lose! I've got a hunch!" -"Maybe my hunch was a little off..." -"You're so cool! You don't do anything halfway!" BIKER REESE (720P) PokeGear -WEEZING LV 45 (M) 1668 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Double Hit [Normal/Physical] Sludge [Poison/Special] -"Hey, you! You're from Johto, huh?" -"Whoa, you're kickin'!" -"I wasn't feeling my best today, that's all! We should trade phone numbers, then we can battle again!" -"The next time we meet, I'll be much stronger, I promise!" -No: -Talk Again: -"Don't get cocky, you Johto punk!" BIKER AIDEN (720P) PokeGear -TENTACRUEL LV 45 (M) 1975 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] Barrier [Normal/Status] -"Hey, who told you you could ride up and down this road?" -"Crash!" -"Hey! Trade phone numbers with me, old buddy!" -"Call me sometime! I'll call you sometimes, too!" -"No way!" -"Hey, hey! This time, let's get our phone numbers traded, old buddy!" -"See you later! Come back anytime!" BIKER DAN (678P) 1 -GULPIN LV 39 (M) 624 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] -WEEZING LV 37 (M) 1370 EXP -Type: Poison -WEEZING LV 37 (M) 1370 EXP -Type: Poison -"Parara parapara para-parara! My horn's got a great melody to it, don't you think?" -"Parararaaaa..." -"I love this melancholy melody. It really suits me well..." BIKER THERON (720P) 1 -CROAGUNK LV 45 (F) 798 EXP -Type: Poison/Fighting -"I'll toughen you up. Now, you come along with me." -"All right, thanks!" -"All right! That fighting yell was great!" BIKER GLENN (688P) -KOFFING LV 39 (M) 952 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -WEEZING LV 43 (M) 1593 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Explosion: [Normal/Physical] -MAGMAR LV 41 (M) 1467 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] -"Hey! Want to have a speed battle?" -"Yikes! You've got some awesome torque!" -"Hands-free riding is considered cool on Cycling Road." BIKER MARKEY (752P) 1 -SKORUPI LV 47 (M) 1147 EXP -Type: Poison/Bug -Moves: Crunch [Dark/Physical] -"Hey hey hey! You're in my way! IN MY WAY!" -"I lost. I lost!" -"Won't you give it a try? Would you like to join my team?" BIKER TEDDY (736P) 1 -SEVIPER LV 46 (M) 1626 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Night Slash [Dark/Physical] -"Hey, that's a cool Bike you're riding!" -"Great job." -"I love the way you do battle, too! Consider me a fan!" BIKER JOEL (688P) -MAGMAR LV 43 (M) 1537 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] -MAGMAR LV 43 (M) 1537 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] -"Wow. That's a cool Bicycle!" -"But you don't just look cool..." -"I look cool, but I'm weak, so I'm not really cool. I have to train harder ..." BIKER JACOB (688P) -MAGMAR LV 43 (M) 1537 EXP -Type: Fire -TENTACRUEL LV 43 (M) 1888 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] -"Modding my Bike costs a bunch of money! I need a job!" -"Argh. I failed!" -"Bike? Oh, I was talking about my Bicycle!" BIKER ERNEST (704P) -TEDDIURSA LV 45 (M) 1195 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Charm [Normal/Status] -MARILL LV 44 (M) 546 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Tail [Water/Physical] -"Vroom vroom! Baribaribaribaribari! What do you think of my engine imitation?" -"Hnff...Hnff...I'm out of breath..." -"You have got some nerve! That's awesome! Just what I look for in a friend! Whadda ya say we trade phone numbers and be best friends?" -"All right! Call me anytime! About studying, or about Pokemon, or about a puzzle, or abut a Gym trick. Even if you don't run into anything difficult, you can still give me a call! I probably won't know the answer, but I'll at least be able to listen! 'Cause we're friends, you know?" -"Hey! What're you, nervous?" -"Oh, I see you've finally figured out how just how amazing I am? Well, that's to be expected. Let's trade phone numbers!" -"We don't put out any exhaust fumes. We're a biker club that's kind to nature!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 018 [KR18] ----------------------------- BIKER CHARLES (672P) -KOFFING LV 41 (M) 1000 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Sludge [Poison/Special] -WEEZING LV 42 (M) 1557 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Double Hit [Normal/Physical] Sludge [Poison/Special] -CHARMELEON LV 41 (M) 1246 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: -"We're fearless highway stars!" -"Arrgh! Crash and burn!" -"Reckless riding causes accidents! Take it easy!" BIRD KEEPER BOB (1536P) -NOCTOWL LV 48 (M) 1665 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -"Cycling Road is a quick shortcut to Celadon." -"...Whew!" -"If you don't have a Bicycle, you're not allowed to use the shortcut." BIRD KEEPER BORIS (1312P) -DODUO LV 39 (M) 801 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODUO LV 37 (M) 760 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODRIO LV 41 (M) 1387 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Uproar [Normal/Physical] -"If you're looking for Pokemon, you have to look in the tall grass." -"Aiyeee!" -"Since you're so strong, it must be fun to battle." ------------------------------- ROUTE 019 [KR19] ----------------------------- SWIMMER JEROME (608P) -SEADRA LV 36 (M) 1195 EXP -Type: Water/Dragon -Moves: Twister [Dragon/Physical] -GOLDEEN LV 38 (M) 903 EXP -Type: Water -TENTACOOL LV 38 (M) 855 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -TENTACRUEL LV 40 (M) 1756 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] -"Swimming? I'm lousy at it. I'm just splashing around in these shallow waters." -"I thought I could win." -"I might be bad at swimming, but I love the sea." SWIMMER HAROLD (640P) -REMORAID LV 42 (M) 702 EXP -Type: Water -SEADRA LV 40 (M) 1327 EXP -Type: Water/Dragon -Moves: Brine [Water/Special] -"Have you ever gone swimming in the sea at night?" -"Glub..." -"At night, the sea looks black. It feels like it will swallow you up." SWIMMER DEBBIE (736P) -CLAMPERL LV 46 (F) 1399 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Whirlpool [Water/Physical] -"I'm disgusted by wimpy people!" -"I could beat you at swimming..." -"It's a quick swim between Fuchsia and Seafoam Islands... Sheesh, some big man my boyfriend is! What a wimpy!" SWIMMER TUCKER (704P) -SHELLDER LV 40 (M) 831 EXP -Type: Water -CLOYSTER LV 44 (M) 1914 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -"Pant, pant... Just... a little... farther... to... Fuchsia..." -"I'm drowning!" -"I... asked my girlfriend to swim to Fuchsia... Gasp..." ------------------------------- ROUTE 020 [KR20] ----------------------------- SWIMMER FRANKIE (704P) -AZUMARILL LV 44 (M) 1441 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] -"I guess it's impossible to swim all the way to Johto." -"Aiyah!" -"Besides the sea, I can also swim in ponds and rivers." BIRD KEEPER BERT (1376P) -WINGULL LV 46 (M) 630 EXP -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Pursuit [Dark/Physical] -FEAROW LV 43 (M) 1492 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Mirror Move [Normal/Status] -"Found it! A Trainer that I can enjoy fighting!" -"I lost with all my strength!" -"That was an incredible battle! I've got goose bumps!" PICNICKER CHEYENNE (720P) -SHINX LV 45 (F) 577 EXP -Type: Electric -"When I was a kid, I only played inside the house. Now I love playing outside with Pokemon!" -"Argh!" -"If I'm with Pokemon, I don't mind losing so much!" SWIMMER MINA (656P) -LUVDISC LV 38 (F) 895 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Sweet Kiss [Normal/Status] -LUVDISC LV 39 (F) 918 EXP -Type: Water -LUVDISC LV 41 (F) 966 EXP -Type: Water -"Mmph? Mmmph mmmmph? Mmmph mmmmmppphh!!!" -"Pwah!" -"I was trying to see how long I could hold my breath!" BIRD KEEPER ERNIE (1536P) -STARLY LV 48 (M) 576 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -"Hey, hey. Will you battle me?" -"That was pretty incredible..." -"You're something special!" SWIMMER LEONA (704P) -BIDOOF LV 44 (F) 546 EXP -Type: Water -"Look! It's my very best swimsuit and my very best Pokemon!" -"Ohhh!" -"Your Pokemon--are you following the latest trend in teams?" PICNICKER ADRIAN (720P) -SHROOMISH LV 45 (F) 625 EXP -Type: Grass -"Are you in a hurry? How about a quick battle break?" -"Aaah... That's it." -"Even though I lost, I had fun!" SWIMMER NICOLE (672P) -MARILL LV 39 (F) 484 EXP -Type: Water -MARILL LV 39 (F) 484 EXP -Type: water -LAPRAS LV 42 (F) 1971 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -"I feel so much lighter in water." -"Oh, no!" -"Swimming excersises your full body. It's really good for you." SWIMMER LORI (672P) -STARMIE LV 42 (X) 1863 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] -STARMIE LV 42 (X) 1863 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -STARMIE LV 42 (X) 1863 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -"What an impressive collection of Gym Badges. We should battle!" -"No!" -"Surf is no longer the only HM move you use in water." SWIMMER ELMO (672P) -POLIWHIRL LV 46 (M) 1290 EXP -Type: Water -TENTACRUEL LV 42 (M) 1845 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] -"I used to be a fisherman a while back. I've grown to love swimming so much, I'm always in my swim trunks!" -"Ulp..." -"Maybe I should go back to fishing..." CAMPER PEDRO (720P) -LINOONE LV 45 (M) 1232 EXP -Type: Normal -Moves: Dig [Ground/Physical] -"Have you ever gone camping with Pokemon?" -"You're strong!" -"If you forget your blanket when you go camping, you can snuggle up to a Pokemon and it'll be just as warm!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 021 [KR21] ----------------------------- SWIMMER NIKKI (672P) -SEEL LV 37 (F) 792 EXP -Type: Water -DEWGONG LV 42 (F) 1584 EXP -Type: Ice/Water -"Oh! Hey, you! Will you help me with my sunblock? Don't tell me... You'd rather battle?" -"I'm worried about sunburn..." -"I have to watch out for blemishes caused by the sun." FISHERMAN ARNOLD (1408P) -SHELLDER LV 44 (M) 913 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Iron Defense [Steel/Status -"I'm bored by fishing. Let's battle!" -"Utter failure..." -"I'll just go back to fishing..." BIRD KEEPER KINSLEY (1184P) -FARFETCH'D LV 36 (M) 724 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -FEAROW LV 36 (M) 1249 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -PIDGEOTTO LV 37 (M) 895 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -"Surrounding yourself with bird Pokemon gives you the feeling that someday you might be able to fly, too!" -"I couldn't fly..." -"I guess I just need to practice flapping my wings more!" FISHERMAN MURPHY (1216P) -CORSOLA LV 32 (F) 774 EXP -Type: Water/Rock -CORSOLA LV 34 (F) 822 EXP -Type: Water/Rock -CORSOLA LV 36 (F) 871 EXP -Type: Water/Rock -Moves: Rock Blast [Rock/Physical] -CORSOLA LV 38 (F) 919 EXP -Type: Water/Rock -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] -"Huh? I've caught a Trainer instead of a Pokemon!" -"My fishing line got cut!" -"It's sad that the Pokemon that escaped were huge. It's the truth!" SWIMMER CHELAN (640P) -AZUMARILL LV 40 (F) 1311 EXP -Type: Water -"I love bikinis! If I had an electric bikini, I could wear it even in winter!" -"Awww..." -"I suppose if you tried to swim in an electric bikini, you'd get a shock!" FISHERMAN LIAM (1344P) -SEADRA LV 42 (M) 1395 EXP -Type: Water -"Whoa! A nibble! ...Huh? A battle? OK, let's go!" -"If you try to chase two Pokemon, you won't catch either one!" -"I should've asked you to wait until I reeled that Pokemon in..." SWIMMER TYSON (672P) -QUAGSIRE LV 42 (M) 1222 EXP -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Yawn [Normal/Status] -OCTILLERY LV 42 (M) 1476 EXP -Type: Water -"Gotta keep going!" -"Glug..." -"This arrogant guy was at Cinnabar's volcano." FISHERMAN GIDEON (1280P) -LANTURN LV 44 (M) 1470 EXP -Ability; Volt Absorb -Type: Electric/Water -Moves: Discharge [Electric/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Signal Beam [Bug/Special] -MANTINE LV 40 (M) 1440 EXP -Type: water -"Question is... did I become a fisherman because I'm patient, or did I get more patient because I'm a fisherman?" -"Umm... Hmm..." -"What's the reason you became a Pokemon Trainer?" SWIMMER ESTEBAN (608P) -GOLDUCK LV 38 (M) 1416 EXP -Type: Water -POLIWHIRL LV 38 (M) 1066 EXP -Type: Water -"The teacher from the swimming class where I learned to swim had a face just like a POLIWHIRL." -"I'm sorry, Teacher..." -"Due to the incredible resemblance, we called our teacher Professor POLIWHIRL!" SWIMMER DUANE (640P) -SEAKING LV 40 (M) 1456 EXP -Type: Water -KABUTOPS LV 40 (M) 1705 EXP -Type: Water/Rock -Moves: Slash [Normal/Physical] -"Swimming is a full-body exercise, so it's really good for building strength!" -"My Pokemon and I have no body strength..." -"To win more, I need to work on my stamina!" BIRD KEEPER EASTON (1152P) -DODUO LV 35 (M) 720 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODUO LV 35 (M) 720 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODRIO LV 35 (M) 1185 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -DODRIO LV 36 (M) 1218 EXP -Type: Normal/Flying -"Bird Keepers are so wonderful with their bird Pokemon!" -"I couldn't handle it..." -"We Bird Keepers think we're using bird Pokemon. But somewhere along the line, the bird Pokemon started using us..." SWIMMER KENDRA (688P) -SLOWKING LV 43 (F) 1510 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Zen Headbutt [Psychic/Physical] Nasty Plot [Dark/Status] Swagger [Normal/Status] -"Hey, Trainer! How about you put on a swimsuit, too?" -"I didn't want to lose..." -"I wonder if there's any place that sells swimsuits that suit my Pokemon?" ------------------------------- ROUTE 022 [KR22] ----------------------------- There are no Trainers on this Route. ------------------------------- ROUTE 023 [KR23] ----------------------------- There are no Trainers on this Route. ------------------------------- ROUTE 024 [KR24] ----------------------------- TEAM ROCKET GRUNT (1485P) -GOLBAT LV 39 (M) 1428 EXP -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Mean Look [Normal/Status] Poison Fang [Poison/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] -"Oh no! Hiding I was, but you did me found in no time! ... Me only one from another country. Yet! No big business, OK? Think I did, if stop the energy, be big panic and unlucky for here people! Secret it is my mission, so tell you I not! But! If win you do versus me, a man I be and mine secret to you tell, You understand? Battle begin we do!" -"Aiyeee! No no no, match I am not to you! Strong be you!" -"OK. Tell you mine secret will I. Machine Part steal by me. Hide it I did in Gym of the Cerulean. Near inflatable tube put it I did. Look for Gym at. But you forget me not! Beat you for sure will Team Rocket. Come from Johto will they, mine allies, yes. Will revenge they are. ... You say what? Team Rocket bye-bye a go-go? Broken up it is says you? Oh, no! Should I do what now on from, me? ...OK. I my country go home. Make Team Rocket I will. Good-bye! So long!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 025 [KR25] ----------------------------- SCHOOL KID DUDLEY (900P) -ODDISH LV 45 (M) 751 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Petal Dance [Grass/Physical] -"Beat the six of us Trainers to win a fabulous prize! Think you've got what it takes?" -"Whoo! Good stuff!" -"I did my best. I have no regrets." LASS ELLEN (704P) -WIGGLYTUFF LV 40 (F) 933 EXP -Type: Normal -GRANBULL LV 44 (F) 1677 EXP -Type: Normal -"I'm second. Now, it's serious!" -"How could I lose?" -"I did my best. I have no regrets." SCHOOL KID JOE (840P) -TANGELA LV 44 (M) 1564 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Slam [Normal/Physical] Ancient Power [Rock/Special] Knock Off [Dark/Physical] -VAPOREON LV 42 (M) 1764 EXP -Type: Water -"Here's No. 3! I won't be easy." -"Ow! Stomped flat!" -"I did my best. I have no regrets." CAMPER LLOYD (736P) -NIDOKING LV 46 (M) 1921 EXP -Ability: Poison Point -Type: Poison/Ground -Moves: Thrash [Normal/Physical] -"OK! I'm NO. 4. I'll stomp you!" -"Whoa! Too much!" -"We both did our best. I have no regrets!" LASS LAURA AND LASS SHANNON (1328P) -GLOOM LV 38 (F) 1074 EXP 1 -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: -PARAS LV 38 (F) 570 EXP 2 -Type: Bug/Grass -BELLOSSOM LV 41 (F) 1614 EXP 1 -Type; Grass -PARAS LV 38 (F) 570 EXP 2 -Type: Bug/Grass -Moves: Giga Drain [Grass/Special] -PIDGEOTTO LV 41 (F) 900 EXP 1 -Type: Normal/Flying -PARASECT LV 42 (F) 1152 EXP 2 -Type: Bug/Grass -"I'm No. 5! Getting tired?" -"I'm the last in line, but I tell you, I'm tough! -"I lost too... You're kidding!" -"I did my best. I have no regrets." SUPER NERD PAT (2256P) -PORYGON LV 47 (X) 1308 EXP -Ability: Download -Type: Normal -Moves: Charge Beam [Electric/Special] -"Mufufufu... I have nothing to do with the six-pack Trainers. I waited here to beat you when you were tired out by all the battles." -"Aren't you tired at all?" -"I'm sorry... I won't cheat anymore..." ACE TRAINER KEVIN (2760P) -RHYHORN LV 48 (M) 1387 EXP -Type: Rock/Ground -CHARMELEON LV 46 (M) 1399 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] -WARTORTLE LV 46 (M) 1408 EXP -Type: Water -"You won all six battles. Here is the Nugget as promised. But after seeing how you battle, I want to see how I'll fare. How about it? Let me take you on." -"I've never had a battle this good!" -"I've never had a battle this wonderful! You and your Pokemon are really strong!" ------------------------------- ROUTE 026 [KR26] ----------------------------- FISHERMAN SCOTT (1088P) -QWILFISH LV 30 (M) 642 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Rollout [Rock/Physical] -SEAKING LV 34 (M) 1237 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Water Pulse [Water/Special] -QWILFISH LV 30 (M) 642 EXP -Type: Water/Poison -Moves: Stockpile [Normal/Status] -"I'm feeling great today! I feel like I could even beat the League Champion!" -"No! Not in this battle!" -"Just like in fishing, it's all over in Pokemon if you give up." PSYCHIC VERNON (1152P) -ESPEON LV 36 (M) 1519 EXP -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psybeam [Psychic/Special] -"Wow, look at all those Badges! I'm impressed. But you're not satisfied by just collecting them right?" -"Good battle!" -"People and Pokemon grow from their experiences. Don't get lazy and complacent." ACE TRAINER JOYCE (2160P) -PIKACHU LV 36 (F) 631 EXP -Type: Electric -BLASTOISE LV 36 (M) 1620 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Aqua Tail [Water/Physical] Surf [Water/Special] -"Since you've come this far, you must be good. I'm going to give this battle everything I've got!" -"No! I don't believe this!" -"I've defeated eight Gym Leaders, so I was feeling confident. I'll have to try harder next time." ACE TRAINER GAVEN (1920P) PokeGear -VICTREEBEL LV 32 (M) 1309 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Toxic [Poison/Special] -KINGLER LV 32 (M) 1411 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Protect [Normal/Status] Stomp [Normal/Physical] -FLAREON LV 32 (M) 1357 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] -"By experiencing tough battles, you gain power." -"Gah! Life is even tougher!" -"Wow, you're tough. I haven't battled that seriously in a long time. Could I get your phone number? I'd like to battle again after I heal my Pokemon."" -"Hpw should I beat you? I'm tormented by those thoughts all the time..." -"OK... I understand... But if you change your mind, give me a shout anytime." -"Could I get your phone number? I'd like to battle again after I heal my Pokemon." -"To get to the Pokemon League, you have to get through Victory Road. But Victory Road is tough. Practically nobody goes there!" TRAINER NAME (### P) PokeGear -Pokemon Name LV ### (M/F/X) ## EXP -Type: Type 1/Type 2 -Moves* -"Outside Battle Dialogue" -"In Battle Loss" -"Phone Dialogue" -Yes: -No: -Speak Again -"Loss Dialogue" ACE TRAINER JAKE (1980P) -PARASECT LV 33 (M) 904 EXP -Type: Bug/Grass -GOLDUCK LV 35 (M) 1305 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Screech [Normal/Status] Water Pulse [Water/Special] -VAPOREON LV 33 (M) 1386 EXP -Type: Water -Moves: Surf [Water/Special] -"I'm making my final preparations for the Pokemon League." -"I blew it!" -"It's going to be tough to win at the League. I need to do some more training. I hear that the League's Elite Four are tougher than Gym Leaders." ACE TRAINER JAMIE (1860P) PokeGear -RAPIDASH LV 36 (F) 1480 EXP -Type: Fire -FLAFFY LV 31 (F) 777 EXP -Type: Electric -"I lose to a redheaded Trainer. He was really strong, but... it was as if he absolutely had to win at any cost. I felt sorry for his Pokemon." -"Pokemon aren't tools of war." -"You're very good at battling. We should battle again sometime. By challenging a tough Trainer like you, I think I can get better, too. So how about it? Would you give me your phone number?" -"Let's battle again sometime!" -"That's too bad... Let me know if you change your mind." -"By challenging a tough Trainer like you, I think I can get better, too. So how about it? Would you give me your phone number?" -"Pokemon are invaluable, lifelong partners." ------------------------------- ROUTE 027 [KR27] ----------------------------- ACE TRAINER MEGAN (1920P) -BULBASAUR LV 32 (M) 438 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Status] -IVYSAUR LV 32 (M) 966 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Status] -VENUSAUR LV 32 (M) 1425 EXP -Type: Grass -Moves: Petal Dance [Grass/Physical] -"It's rare to see anyone come here. Are you training on your own?" -"Oh! You're really strong!" -"I'm checking out pre- and post- evolution Pokemon. Evolution really does make Pokemon stronger. But evolved forms also learn moves later on." ACE TRAINER BLAKE (1860P) -MAGNETON LV 33 (X) 1136 EXP -Type: Electric/Steel -QUAGSIRE LV 31 (M) 909 EXP -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Yawn [Normal/Status] Water Gun [Water/Special] -EXEGGCUTE LV 31 (M) 651 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Leech Seed [Grass/Status] -"You look pretty strong. Let me battle you!" -"...!" -"If you prevail on this harsh trek, the truth will be revealed! Heh, sorry, I just wanted to say something cool." ACE TRAINER BRIAN (2100P) -MAREEP LV 35 (M) 442 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Signal Beam [Bug/Special] Cotton Spore [Grass/Status] -"Hm? You're good, aren't you?" -"Just as I thought!" -"A good Trainer can recognize other good Trainers." PSYCHIC ELI (1088P) -STARMIE LV 30 (X) 1330 EXP -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Swift [Normal/Special] -GIRAFARIG LV 34 (M) 1084 EXP -Type: Normal/Psychic -Moves: Psybeam [Psychic/Special] -EXEGGCUTE LV 30 (M) 630 EXP -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Stun Spore [Grass/Status] -"Don't say a thing! Let me guess what you're thinking. Mmmmmmm... I got it! You're on the Pokemon League challenge!" -"You're too much!" -"With your skills, you'll do well at the Pokemon League. That's what my premonition says." ACE TRAINER REENA (2160P) PokeGear -GROWLITHE LV 36 (M) 702 EXP -Type: Fire -STARYU LV 36 (X) 817 EXP -Type: water -Moves: BubbleBeam [Water/Special] -NIDORINA LV 33 (F) 826 EXP -Type: Poison -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] -"You came from New Bark Town? You must be exhausted." -"Oh! You're much too strong!" -"Not too shabby... You're doing something right if you can beat me, even by an unlikely fluke... I like you! Give me your number! You an be my practice partner!" -"Don't get too high and mighty about beating me! It was a fluke!" -"I don't believe it! You're going to regret this!" -"Give me your phone number! You are going to be my practice partner!" -"If you're that energetic, you can definitely make it to the Pokemon League!" ****************************************************************************** LOCATIONS [KL00] ****************************************************************************** -------------------------------- MT. MOON [KL03] ----------------------------- Sixth Rival Battle: RIVAL (3200P) -SNEASEL LV 46 (M) 1300 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Shadow Claw [Ghost/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 47 (M) 1722 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Poison Fang [Poison/Physical] Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Bite [Dark/Physical] -MAGNETON LV 46 (X) 1587 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Discharge [Electric/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] -ALAKAZAM LV 48 (M) 1912 EXP -Ability; Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Reflect [Psychic/Status] Recover [Normal/Status] Disable [Normal/Status] -GENGAR LV 48 (M) 1953 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -TYPHLOSION LV 50 (M) 2238 EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] -"Hey, *TRAINER NAME*! You're here in Kanto, too? Some of the Trainers here are tough, which makes it easy to train my Pokemon! *TRAINER NAME*! I know you are strong... But... I can't help but challenge you!" -"I see. You weren't coming to Kanto just to show off..." -"Humph! I guess it just can't be helped." -"My training's still not good enough...? My Pokemon are so weak, it makes me frustrated... But I can feel that they are getting better after each battle... .........Tch! They're still too weak! I need to give them more training... I know! I should take them to Dragon's Den! See ya, *TRAINER NAME!*" RIVAL (3200P) -SNEASEL LV 46 (M) 1300 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Shadow Claw [Ghost/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 47 (M) 1722 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Poison Fang [Poison/Physical] Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Bite [Dark/Physical] -MAGNETON LV 46 (X) 1587 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Discharge [Electric/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] -ALAKAZAM LV 48 (M) 1912 EXP -Ability; Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Reflect [Psychic/Status] Recover [Normal/Status] Disable [Normal/Status] -GENGAR LV 48 (M) 1953 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -FERALIGATR LV 50 (M) 2250 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Waterfall [Water/Physical] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Slash [Normal/Physical] -"Hey, *TRAINER NAME*! You're here in Kanto, too? Some of the Trainers here are tough, which makes it easy to train my Pokemon! *TRAINER NAME*! I know you are strong... But... I can't help but challenge you!" -"I see. You weren't coming to Kanto just to show off..." -"Humph! I guess it just can't be helped." -"My training's still not good enough...? My Pokemon are so weak, it makes me frustrated... But I can feel that they are getting better after each battle... .........Tch! They're still too weak! I need to give them more training... I know! I should take them to Dragon's Den! See ya, *TRAINER NAME!*" RIVAL (3200P) -SNEASEL LV 46 (M) 1300 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Shadow Claw [Ghost/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 47 (M) 1722 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Poison Fang [Poison/Physical] Air Cutter [Flying/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Bite [Dark/Physical] -MAGNETON LV 46 (X) 1587 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Discharge [Electric/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] Supersonic [Normal/Status] -ALAKAZAM LV 48 (M) 1912 EXP -Ability; Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Reflect [Psychic/Status] Recover [Normal/Status] Disable [Normal/Status] -GENGAR LV 48 (M) 1953 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] -MEGANIUM LV 50 (M) 2270 EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: PoisonPowder [Poison/Status] Synthesis [Grass/Status] Light Screen [Psychic/Status] Petal Dance [Grass/Special] -"Hey, *TRAINER NAME*! You're here in Kanto, too? Some of the Trainers here are tough, which makes it easy to train my Pokemon! *TRAINER NAME*! I know you are strong... But... I can't help but challenge you!" -"I see. You weren't coming to Kanto just to show off..." -"Humph! I guess it just can't be helped." -"My training's still not good enough...? My Pokemon are so weak, it makes me frustrated... But I can feel that they are getting better after each battle... .........Tch! They're still too weak! I need to give them more training... I know! I should take them to Dragon's Den! See ya, *TRAINER NAME!*" ------------------------------ TOHJO FALLS [KL05] ---------------------------- There are no Trainers here. ------------------------------ VICTORY ROAD [KL06] --------------------------- Fifth Rival Battle: RIVAL (2560P) -SNEASEL LV 36 (M) 1017 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 38 (M) 1392 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Air Cutter [Flying/Special] -MAGNETON LV 37 (X) 1276 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Spark [Electric/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] -KADABRA LV 37 (M) 1149 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Disable [Normal/Status] Psybeam [Psychic/Special] -HAUNTER LV 37 (M) 999 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] -TYPHLOSION LV 40 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire -Moves: Lava Plume [Fire/Special] Swift [Normal/Special] -"Hold it. ...Are you going to challenge the Pokemon League? Victory Road is at its end, for sure. But did you notice...? You didn't see any real Trainers on the way, did you? Man, they were all spineless! Well, the fact that you have come this far means you're not one of them. But! Your journey ends here! Because...right here, right now... I will crush you!" -"I see. Seems it wasn't just luck that's gotten you this far." -"Humph! You were too strong." -"...I couldn't win... I gave it everything I had. What you possess, I lack, I think I'm beginning to understand what that Dragon Tamer said to me." -"............. I haven't given up on becoming the greatest Trainer... I'm going to find out why I can't win and become stronger... When I do, I will challenge you. I'll beat you down with all my power. ...Humph! You keep at it until then." RIVAL (2560P) -SNEASEL LV 36 (M) 1017 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 38 (M) 1392 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Air Cutter [Flying/Special] -MAGNETON LV 37 (X) 1276 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Spark [Electric/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] -KADABRA LV 37 (M) 1149 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Disable [Normal/Status] Psybeam [Psychic/Special] -HAUNTER LV 37 (M) 999 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] -FERALIGATR LV 40 (M) 1800 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water -Moves: Waterfall [Water/Physical] Slash [Normal/Physical] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] -"Hold it. ...Are you going to challenge the Pokemon League? Victory Road is at its end, for sure. But did you notice...? You didn't see any real Trainers on the way, did you? Man, they were all spineless! Well, the fact that you have come this far means you're not one of them. But! Your journey ends here! Because...right here, right now... I will crush you!" -"I see. Seems it wasn't just luck that's gotten you this far." -"Humph! You were too strong." -"...I couldn't win... I gave it everything I had. What you possess, I lack, I think I'm beginning to understand what that Dragon Tamer said to me." -"............. I haven't given up on becoming the greatest Trainer... I'm going to find out why I can't win and become stronger... When I do, I will challenge you. I'll beat you down with all my power. ...Humph! You keep at it until then." RIVAL (2560P) -SNEASEL LV 36 (M) 1017 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dark/Ice -Moves: Faint Attack [Dark/Physical] Icy Wind [Ice/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -GOLBAT LV 38 (M) 1392 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Bite [Dark/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Air Cutter [Flying/Special] -MAGNETON LV 37 (X) 1276 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Spark [Electric/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Supersonic [Normal/Status] Magnet Bomb [Steel/Physical] -KADABRA LV 37 (M) 1149 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Disable [Normal/Status] Psybeam [Psychic/Special] -HAUNTER LV 37 (M) 999 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Mean Look [Normal/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] -MEGANIUM LV 40 (M) ## EXP -Ability: Overgrow -Type: Grass -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Petal Dance [Grass/Special] PoisonPowder [Poison/Status] Synthesis [Grass/Status] -"Hold it. ...Are you going to challenge the Pokemon League? Victory Road is at its end, for sure. But did you notice...? You didn't see any real Trainers on the way, did you? Man, they were all spineless! Well, the fact that you have come this far means you're not one of them. But! Your journey ends here! Because...right here, right now... I will crush you!" -"I see. Seems it wasn't just luck that's gotten you this far." -"Humph! You were too strong." -"...I couldn't win... I gave it everything I had. What you possess, I lack, I think I'm beginning to understand what that Dragon Tamer said to me." -"............. I haven't given up on becoming the greatest Trainer... I'm going to find out why I can't win and become stronger... When I do, I will challenge you. I'll beat you down with all my power. ...Humph! You keep at it until then." ----------------------------- VIRIDIAN FOREST [KL07] ------------------------- BUG CATCHER DANE (768P) -BEEDRILL LV 44 (M) 1498 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] -BUTTERFRE LV 48 (M) 1645 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying -Moves: Safeguard [Normal/Status] -"Welcome to Viridian Forest. Enjoy my Bug-type Pokemon!" -"That's wonderful..." -"Pretty impressive! I'm sure you can go anywhere with that skill!" BUC CATCHER DION (800P) -ARIADOS LV 50 (M) 1435 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -"Shh! Be quiet! The bug Pokemon will run away!" -"Phew..." -"From Bug-type Pokemon come the sounds of munching on grass, walking on crunchy leaves, swimming in puddles... For bug Pokemon fans, knowing how to distinguish these sounds is key!" BUG CATCHER STACEY (960P) -METAPOD LV 52 (M) 801 EXP -Type: Bug -METAPOD LV 56 (M) 864 EXP -Type: Bug -METAPOD LV 60 (M) 925 EXP -Type: Bug -Moves: Harden [Normal/Status] -"Wow, that's a HUGE Pokemon! ... ... What kind of Trainer?!" -"I couldn't catch it!" -"Has anyone ever told you that from behind you look like a VENONAT?" BUG CATCHER ELLIS (737P) -WEEDLE LV 28 (M) 312 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -BEEDRILL LV 46 (M) 1566 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] -KAKUNA LV 38 (M) 577 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -"I'm sure that there's nothing more efficient and beautiful in this world than a Bug-type Pokemon." -"I lost beautfully!" -"If this is it, then I don't mind losing!" BUG CATCHER ABNER (704P) -BUTTERFREE LV 44 (M) 1507 EXP -Type: Bug/Flying -PIKACHU LV 44 (M) 772 EXP -Type: Electric -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] -BEEDRILL LV 44 (M) 1498 EXP -Type: Bug/Poison -"There are many people out there who prefer solid bug Pokemon over squishy bug Pokemon." -"Thanks for your hard work, my lovely Pokemon..." -"Doesn't matter what kind of Pokemon--as long as you like them, they all look cute." ---------------------------- SEAFOAM ISLANDS [KL08] -------------------------- B2F: SKIER CADY (1696P) -DELIBIRD LV 53 (F) 2077 EXP -Type: Ice/Flying -"To beat the cold, try warm clothes and a hot drink!" -"Argh, all the way out here!" -"That was a hot battle!" BOARDER SHAUN (1600P) -CLOYSTER LV 55 (M) 2392 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -DEWGONG LV 50 (M) 1885 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -"Hey, hey, you're in my way! Right!" -"I got kicked around..." -"All right, please pass through!" BOARDER BRYCE (1600P) -DEWGONG LV 55 (M) 2073 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Dive [Water/Physical] -LAPRAS LV 50 (M) 2346 EXP -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Hydro Pump [Water/Special] Brine [Water/Special] -"What did you come all the way out here for, I wonder." -"I lost all the way out here..." -"Trainers are everywhere." ****************************************************************************** AREAS OF INTEREST [KA00] ****************************************************************************** -------------------------------- PAL PARK [KA01] ----------------------------- There are no Trainers here. ------------------------------- POWER PLANT [KA02] --------------------------- There are no Trainers here. ------------------------------- SEAFOAM GYM [KA03] --------------------------- SCIENTIST LOWELL (1600P) -ARCANINE LV 50 (M) 2281 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] -"A white lab coat is a researcher's life. We may be living in a cave like this, but we never forget to do the laundry." -"It's pure white in my head!" -"This white lab coat makes me feel like I have become smarter for some reason." SCIENTIST DANIEL (1600P) -NINETALES LV 50 (F) 1906 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Overheat [Fire/Special] Will-O-Wisp [Fire/Status] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] -"We lost the Gym on Cinnabar Island and felt lost before we came here." -"Argh!" -"We take a step back when we are defeated... Don't you think we are downright honest? Never put us in the same category as Scientists who help bad guys." SUPER NERD CARY (2544P) -TORKOAL LV 53 (M) 1828 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Iron Defense [Steel/Status] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] Iron Tail [Steel/Physical] -"Wow, to see a Gym in a cave like this? I'd love to explore it." -"How do I feel about losing? It hurts!" -"Bitterness leads to improvement tomorrow." SCIENTIST LINDEN (1600P) -MAGMAR LV 50 (M) 1788 EXP -Type: Fire -Moves: Overheat [Fire/Special] -"Blaine may have lost his Gym, but he never gives up. His perseverance is what motivates me!" -"Argh, I can't do anymore..." -"Together with Blaine, we will rebuild our Gym!" SUPER NERD WALDO (2544P) -NUMEL LV 53 (M) 999 EXP -Type: Fire -"I am in the middle of collecting battle records. Can you help me?" -"I'm not done measuring data!" -"I didn't expect you to be so good! Who in the world are you?" SUPER NERD MERLE (2544P) -MAGCARGO LV 53 (M) 1749 EXP -Type: Fire/Rock -"Ooh! You look easily defeated!" -"I-I didn't win..." -"Pardon me! I failed to sense how strong you are." LEADER BLAINE (7080P) -MAGCARGO LV 54 (M) 1782 EXP -Ability: Flame Body -Type: Fire/Rock -Moves: Overheat [Fire/Special] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] Smog [Poison/Special] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] -MAGMAR LV 54 (M) 1932 EXP -Ability: Flame Body -Type: Fire -Moves: ThunderPunch [Electric/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Overheat [Fire/Special] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] -RAPIDASH LV 59 (M) 2426 EXP -Ability: Flash Fire -Type: Fire -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Bounce [Flying/Physical] Overheat [Fire/Special] Flare Blitz [Fire/Physical] -"Hey, you! My Gym on Cinnabar Island was burned down by the eruption! But I will not give up! Take a look at this cave. We have turned it into a Gym, and I am still acting as a Gym Leader! I will give you the Gym Badge if you manage to defeat me! Are you ready? Here we go!" -"I'll show you the spirit of this cave Gym!" -"We can still do it!" -"My spirit has not been defeated!" -"Awesome. I have burned out... Take this Volcano Badge! Here, I will give you this, too. It's called Overheat! It has a slight drawback, but it's powerful and well worth it! I did lose this time, but I'm going to win next time. When I rebuild my Cinnabar Gym, we have to hold a rematch." -"My Fire-type Pokemon will be even stronger! Just you watch!" -------------------------------- SILPH CO. [KA04] ---------------------------- There are no Trainers here. ------------------------------ FIGHTING DOJO [KA05] -------------------------- LEADER BROCK (6840P) -GOLEM LV 55 (M) 2085 EXP -Ability; Sturdy -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Sandstorm [Rock/Status] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Rock Polish [Rock/Status] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] -RELICANTH LV 54 (M) 2083 EXP -Ability: Rock Head -Type: Water/Rock -Moves: Head Smash [Rock/Physical] Aqua Tail [Water/Physical] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Rest [Psychic/Status] -OMASTAR LV 56 (M) 2388 EXP -Ability: Shell Armor -Type: Rock/Water -Moves: Protect [Normal/Status] Sandstorm [Rock/Status] Brine [Water/Special] AncientPower [Rock/Special] -ONIX LV 61 (M) 1411 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Rock/Ground -Moves: Stealth Rock [Rock/Status] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Rock Polish [Rock/Status] Sandstorm [Rock/Status] -KABUTOPS LV 55 (M) 2344 EXP -Ability: Battle Armor -Type: Rock/Water -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Aqua Jet [Water/Physical] Endure [Normal/Status] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] -RAMPARDOS LV 57 (M) 2430 EXP -Ability: Mold Breaker -Type: Rock -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Avalanche [Ice/Physical] Rock Polish [Rock/Status] LEADER MISTY (7200P) -STARMIE LV 60 (X) 2661 EXP -Ability: Natural Cure -Type: Water/Psychic -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Ice Beam [Ice/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Status] Surf [Water/Special] -QUAGSIRE LV 56 (F) 1644 EXP -Ability: Water Absorb -Type: Water/Ground -Moves: Rain Dance [Water/Status] Amnesia [Psychic/Status] Water Pulse [Water/Special] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] -LAPRAS LV 56 (F) 2628 EXP -Ability: Shell Armor -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Rain Dance [Water/Status] Perish Song [Normal/Status] Blizzard [Ice/Special] Surf [Water/Special] -LANTURN LV 54 (F) 1804 EXP -Ability: Illuminate -Type: Water/Electric -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Surf [Water/Special] -FLOATZEL LV 54 (F) 2059 EXP -Ability: Swift Swim -Type: Water -Moves: Agility [Psychic/Status] Waterfall [Water/Physical] Ice Fang [Ice/Physical] Baton Pass [Normal/Status] -MILOTIC LV 60 (F) 2737 EXP -Ability: Marvel Scale -Type: Water -Moves: Hydro Pump [Water/Special] Ice Beam [Ice/Special] Rest [Psychic/Status] Sleep Talk [Normal/Status] LEADER LT. SURGE (6720P) -RAICHU LV 60 (M) 1566 EXP -Ability: Static -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Grass Knot [Grass/Special] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] -MANECTRIC LV 52 (M) 1872 EXP -Ability: Static -Type: Electric -Moves: Natural Gift [Normal/Physical] Discharge [Electric/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Overheat [Fire/Special] -MAGNEZONE LV 52 (X) 2350 EXP -Ability: Magnet Pull -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Magnet Rise [Electric/Status] Double Team [Normal/Status] Mirror Shot [Steel/Special] -ELECTRODE LV 52 (X) 1671 EXP -Ability: Static -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Double Team [Normal/Status] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Explosion [Normal/Physical] -PACHIRISU LV 58 (M) 1491 EXP -Ability: Pickup -Type: Electric -Moves: Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Sweet Kiss [Normal/Status] Super Fang [Normal/Physical] Discharge [Electric/Special] -ELECTIVIRE LV 56 (M) 2388 EXP -Ability: Motor Drive -Type: Electric -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Ice Punch [Ice/Physical] Cross Chop [Fighting/Physical] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] LEADER ERIKA (6600P) -SHIFTRY LV 54 (F) 2094 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Dark -Moves: Leaf Storm [Grass/Special] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] Explosion [Normal/Physical] -JUMPLUFF LV 53 (F) 1998 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Flying -Moves: U-turn [Bug/Physical] Memento [Dark/Status] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] Giga Dragin [Grass/Special] -VICTREEBEL LV 56 (F) 2292 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Natural Gift [Normal/Physical] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Leaf Storm [Grass/Special] Leaf Blade [Grass/Physical] -BELLOSSOM LV 56 (F) 2208 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass -Moves: Sunny Day [Fire/Status] SolarBeam [Grass/Special] Giga Drain [Grass/Special] Attract [Normal/Status] -TANGROWTH LV 60 (F) 2712 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass -Moves: Swords Dance [Normal/Status] Power Whip [Grass/Physical] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] -ROSERADE LV 56 (F) 2403 EXP -Ability: Natural Cure -Type: Grass/Poison -Moves: Weather Ball [Normal/Special] Energy Ball [Grass/Special] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Stun Spore [Grass/Status] LEADER JANINE (6600P) -CROBAT LV 52 (F) 2272 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Poison/Flying -Moves: Heat Wave [Fire/Special] Cross Poison [Poison/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] U-turn [Bug/Physical] -WEEZING LV 56 (F) -Ability: Levitate -Type: Poison -Moves: Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Sludge Bomb [Poison/Special] Toxic [Posion/Status] Explosion [Normal/Physical] -TOXICROAK LV 52 (F) 2016 EXP -Ability: Dry Skin -Type: Poison/Fighting -Moves: Cross Chop [Fighting/Physical] Poison Jab [Poison/Physical] Attract [Normal/Status] Substitute [Normal/Status] -ARAIDOS LV 58 (F) 1665 EXP -Ability: Insomnia -Type: Bug/Poison -Moves: Bounce [Flying/Physical] Toxic [Poison/Status] Swagger [Normal/Status] Night Shade [Ghost/Special] -VENOMOTH LV 59 (F) 1744 EXP -Ability: Tinted Lens -Type: Bug.Poison -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Bug Buzz [Bug/Special] Sleep Powder [Grass/Status] Double Team [Normal/Status] -DRAPION LV 55 (F) 2403 EXP -Ability: Sniper -Type: Poison/Dark -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Swords Dance [Normal/Status] Cross Poison [Poison/Physical] Night Slash [Dark/Physical] LEADER SABRINA (6360P) -ALAKAZAM LV 60 (M) 2391 EXP -Ability: Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Gravity [Psychic/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Focus Blast [Fighting/Special] Energy Ball [Grass/Special] -ESPEON LV 58 (M) 2448 EXP -Ability; Synchronize -Type: Psychic -Moves: Calm Mind [Psychic/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Baton Pass [Normal/Status] -MR. MIME LV 56 (F) 1632 EXP -Ability: Filter -Type: Psychic -Moves: Reflect [Psychic/Status] Skill Swap [Psychic/Status] Thunder [Electric/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] -JYNX LV 54 (F) 1584 EXP -Ability: Forewarn -Type: Ice/Psychic -Moves: Psychic [Psychic/Special] Focus Blast [Fighting/Special] Blizzard [Ice/Special] Perish Song [Normal/Status] -WOBBUFFET LV 53 (F) 2010 EXP -Ability: Shadow Tag -Type: Psychic -Moves: Counter [Fighting/Physical] Mirror Coat [Psychic/Special] Destiny Bond [Ghost/Status] Encore [Normal/Status] -GALLADE LV 53 (M) 2361 EXP -Ability: Steadfast -Type: Psychic/Fighting -Moves: Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Psycho Cut [Psychic/Physical] Night Slash [Dark/Physical] Close Combat [Fighting/Physical] LEADER BLAINE (7440P) -TORKOAL LV 54 (M) 1863 EXP -Ability: White Smoke -Type: Fire -Moves: Yawn [Normal/Status] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] Overheat [Fire/Special] -CAMERUPT LV 57 (M) 2137 EXP -Ability: Solid Rock -Type: Fire -Moves: Eruption [Fire/Special] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] SolarBeam [Grass/Special] Sunny Day [Fire/Status] -RAPIDASH LV 60 (M) 2467 EXP -Ability: Flash Fire -Type: Fire -Moves: Flare Blitz [Fire/Physical] Megahorn [Bug/Physical] Quick Attack [Normal/Physical] Overheat [Fire/Special] -MAGCARGO LV 58 (M) 1914 EXP -Ability: Flame Body -Type: Fire/Rock -Moves: Curse [???/Status] Gyro Ball [Steel/Physical] Overheat [Fire/Special] Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] -HOUNDOOM LV 54 (M) 2359 EXP -Ability: Flash Fire -Type: Dark/Fire -Moves: Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -MAGMORTAR LV 62 (M) 2643 EXP -Ability: Flame Body -Type: Fire -Moves: Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Low Kick [Fighting/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] LEADER BLUE (11520P) -EXEGGUTOR LV 67 (M) 3043 EXP -Ability: Chlorophyll -Type: Grass/Psychic -Moves: Leaf Storm [Grass/Special] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Explosion [Normal/Physical] Trick Room [Psychic/Status] -MACHAMP LV 69 (M) 2853 EXP -Ability: No Guard -Type: Fighting -Moves: Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] DynamicPunch [Fighting/Physical] Fling [Dark/Physical] Attract [Normal/Status] -RHYPERIOR LV 70 (M) 3255 EXP -Ability: Solid Rock -Type: Ground/Rock -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Megahorn [Bug/Physical] Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Thunder Fang [Electric/Physical] -ARCANINE LV 68 (M) 3103 EXP -Ability: Flash Fire -Type: Fire -Moves: Flare Blitz [Fire/Physical] Thunder Fang [Electric/Physical] ExtremeSpeed [Normal/Physical] Crunch [Dark/Physical] -TYRANITAR LV 70 (M) 3270 EXP -Ability: Sand Stream -Type: Rock/Dark -Moves: Low Kick [Fighting/Physical] Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] -PIDGEOT LV 72 (M) 2653 EXP -Ability: Tangled Feet -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Return [Normal/Physical] Air Slash [Flying/Special] Steel Wing [Steel/Physical] LEADER FALKNER (6720P) -STARAPTOR LV 50 (M) 1842 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: U-turn [Bug/Physical] Close Combat [Fighting/Physical] Brave Bird [Flying/Physical] Attract [Normal/Status] -NOCTOWL LV 52 (M) 1804 EXP -Ability: Insomnia -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Air Slash [Flying/Special] FeatherDance [Flying/Status] Roost [Flying/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] -SWELLOW LV 52 (M) 1804 EXP -Ability: Guts -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Protect [Normal/Status] Double Team [Normal/Status] Facade [Normal/Physical] Endeavor [Normal/Physical] -HONCHKROW LV 54 (M) 2163 EXP -Ability: Insomnia -Type: Dark/Flying -Moves: Dark Pulse [Dark/Special] Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] Night Slash [Dark/Physical] -PELIPPER LV 48 (M) 1686 EXP -Ability: Keen Eye -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Surf [Water/Special] Tailwind [Flying/Status] Ice Beam [Ice/Special] Hidden Power [Normal/Special] -PIDGEOT LV 56 (M) 2064 EXP -Ability: Keen Eye -Type: Normal/Flying -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Return [Normal/Physical] Swagger [Normal/Status] Roost [Flying/Status] LEADER BUGSY (6240P) -SCIZOR LV 56 (F) 2400 EXP -Ability: Technician -Type: Bug/Steel -Moves: Swords Dance [Normal/Status] Bullet Punch [Steel/Physical] X-Scissor [Bug/Physical] Superpower [Fighting/Physical] -SHEDINJA LV 48 (X) 976 EXP -Ability; Wonder Guard -Type: Bug/Ghost -Moves: Shadow Sneak [Ghost/Physical] Toxic [Poison/Status] X-Scissor [Bug/Physical] Swagger [Normal/Status] -YANMEGA LV 52 (F) 2205 EXP -Ability: Tinted Lens -Type: Bug/Flying -Moves: AncientPower [Rock/Special] Detect [Fighting/Status] Bug Buzz [Bug/Special] Air Slash [Flying Special] -PINSIR LV 55 (F) 2356 EXP -Ability: Mold Breaker -Type: Bug -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Rock Tomb [Rock/Physical] X-Scissor [Bug/Physical] Guillotine [Normal/Physical] -HERACROSS LV 54 (F) 2313 EXP -Ability: Guts -Type: Bug/Fighting -Moves: Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Counter [Fighting/Physical] Close Combat [Fighting/Physical] Megahorn [Bug/Physical] -VESPIQUEN LV 52 (F) 2094 EXP -Ability: Pressure -Type: Bug/Flying -Moves: Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Attack Order [Bug/Physical] Protect [Normal/Status] Defend Order [Bug/Status] LEADER WHITNEY (6940P) -GIRAFARIG LV 52 (F) 1659 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Normal/Psychic -Moves: Calm Mind [Psychic/Status] Psychic [Psychic/Special] Shadow Ball {Ghost/Special] Baton Pass [Normal/Status] -LICKILICKY LV 50 (F) 2067 EXP -Ability: Own Tempo -Type: Normal -Moves: Wring Out [Normal/Special] Ice Beam [Ice/Special] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] -BIBAREL LV 54 (F) 1341 EXP -Ability: Simple -Type: Water -Moves: Double Team [Normal/Status] Charge Beam [Electric/Special] Surf [Water/Special] Ice Beam [Ice/Special] -DELCATTY LV 54 (F) 1596 EXP -Ability: Normalize -Type: Normal -Moves: Fake Out [Normal/Physical] Calm Mind [Psychic/Status] Assist [Normal/Status] Baton Pass [Normal/Status] -CLEFABLE LV 52 (F) 1437 EXP -Ability: Magic Guard -Type: Normal -Moves: Fire Blast [Fire/Special] Blizzard [Ice/Special] Thunder [Electric/Special] Calm Mind [Psychic/Status] -MILTANK LV 58 (F) 2485 -Ability: Scrappy -Type: Normal -Moves: Body Slam [Normal/Physical] Rest [Psychic/Status] Attract [Normal/Status] Sleep Talk [Normal/Status] LEADER MORTY (6840P) -DRIFBLIM LV 52 (M) 2272 EXP -Ability: Unburden -Type: Ghost/Flying -Moves: Destiny Bond [Ghost/Status] Substitute [Normal/Status] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] -DUSKNOIR LV 52 (M) 2340 EXP -Ability: Pressure -Type: Ghost -Moves: Pain Split [Normal/Status] Substitute [Normal/Status] Will-O-Wisp [Fire/Status] Payback [Dark/Physical] -SABLEYE LV 52 (M) 1092 EXP -Ability: Stall -Type: Dark/Ghost -Moves: Fake Out [Normal/Physical] Ice Punch [Ice/Physical] Brick Break [Figthing/Physical] Sucker Punch [Dark/Physical] -MISMAGIUS LV 54 (M) 2163 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost -Moves: Perish Song [Normal/Status] Mean Look {Normal/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Astonish [Ghost/Physical] -GENGAR LV 57 (M) 2320 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Hypnosis [Psychic/Status] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Focus Blast [Fighting/Special] -GENGAR LV 57 (M) 2320 EXP -Ability: Levitate -Type: Ghost/Poison -Moves: Substitute [Normal/Status] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Shadow Ball [Ghost/Special] Destiny Bond [Ghost/Status] LEADER CHUCK (7200P) -MEDICHAM LV 54 (M) 1770 EXP -Ability: Pure Power -Type: Fighting/Psychic -Moves: Psycho Cut [Psychic/Physical] Hi Jump Kick [Fighting/Physical] Attract [Normal/Status] ThunderPunch [Electric/Physical] -HITMONCHAN LV 52 (M) 1560 EXP -Ability: Iron Fist -Type: Fighting -Moves: Mach Punch [Fighting/Physical] Double Team [Normal/Status] Swagger [Normal/Status] Focus Punch [Fighting/Physical] -HITMONLEE LV 55 (M) 1638 EXP -Ability: Reckless -Type: Fighting -Moves: Fake Out [Normal/Physical] Bulk Up [Fighting/Status] Blaze Kick [Fire/Physical] Hi Jump Kick [Fighting/Physical] -BRELOOM LV 54 (M) 1908 EXP -Ability: Poison Heal -Type: Grass/Fighting -Moves: Substitute [Normal/Status] Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Focus Punch [Fighting/Physical] Drain Punch [Fighting/Physical] -PRIMEAPE LV 56 (M) 2320 EXP -Ability: Anger Point -Type: Fighting -Moves: Swagger [Normal/Status] ThunderPunch [Electric/Physical] Payback [Dark/Physical] Close Combat [Fighting/Physical] -POLIWRATH LV 60 (M) 2377 EXP -Ability: Damp -Type: Water/Fighting -Moves: Substitute [Normal/Status] Waterfall [Water/Physical] Double Team [Normal/Status] Focus Punch [Fighting/Physical] LEADER JASMINE (7440P) -METAGROSS LV 52 (X) 2340 EXP -Ability: Clear Body -Type: Steel/Psychic -Moves: Gravity [Psychic/Status] Meteor Mash [Steel/Physical] Bullet Punch [Steel/Physical] Explosion [Normal/Physical] -MAGNEZONE LV 56 (X) 2532 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Electric/Steel -Moves: Zap Cannon [Electric/Special] Lock-On [Normal/Status] Mirror Coat [Psychic/Special] Metal Sound [Steel/Status] -SKARMORY LV 52 (F) 1872 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Steel/Flying -Moves: Steel Wing [Steel/Physical] Spikes [Ground/Status] Night Slash [Dark/Physical] Air Slash [Flying/Special] -BRONZONG LV 50 (X) 2013 EXP -Ability: Heatproof -Type: Steel/Psychic -Moves: Gyro Ball [Steel/Physical] Hyponsis [Psychic/Status] Dream Eater [Psychic/Special] Gravity [Psychic/Status] -EMPOLEON LV 52 (M) 2340 EXP -Ability: Torrent -Type: Water/Steel -Moves: Roar [Normal/Status] Hydro Pump [Water/Special] Blizzard [Ice/Special] Aqua Jet [Water/Physical] -STEELIX LV 62 (F) 2604 EXP -Ability: Sturdy -Type: Steel/Ground -Moves: Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Iron Tail [Steel/Physical] Stealth Rock [Rock/Status] Roar [Normal/Status] LEADER PRYCE (7200P) -ABOMASNOW LV 56 (M) 2568 EXP -Ability: Snow Warning -Type: Grass/Ice -Moves: Ice Shard [Ice/Physical] Wood Hammer [Grass/Physical] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Blizzard [Ice/Special] -DEWGONG LV 58 (M) 2187 EXP -Ability: Thick Fat -Type: Water/Ice -Moves: Dive [Water/Physical] Rest [Psychic/Status] Sleep Talk [Normal/Status] Sheer COld [Ice/Special] -GLALIE LV 52 (M) 2083 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Ice -Moves: Torment [Dark/Status] Payback [Dark/Physical] Attract [Normal/Status] Blizzard [Ice/Special] -FROSLASS LV 52 (F) 2083 EXP -Ability: Snow Cloak -Type: Ice/Ghost -Moves: Ice Shard [Ice/Physical] Confuse Ray [Ghost/Status] Attract [Normal/Status] Blizzard [Ice/Special] -WALREIN LV 54 (M) 2221 EXP -Ability: Ice Body -Type: Ice/Water -Moves: Swagger [Normal/Status] Hail [Ice/Status] Body Slam [Normal/Physical] Blizzard [Ice/Special] -MAMOSWINE LV 60 (M) 2661 EXP -Ability: Snow Cloak -Type: Ice/Ground -Moves: Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Double Team [Normal/Status] Stone Edge [Rock/Physical] Avalanche [Ice/Physical] LEADER CLAIR (7200P) -GYARADOS LV 56 (F) 2568 EXP -Ability: Intimidate -Type: Water/Flying -Moves: Dragon Dance [Dragon/Status] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Waterfall [Water/Physical] Dragon Pulse [Dragon/Special] -DRAGONAIR LV 52 (F) 1603 EXP -Ability: Shed Skin -Type: Dragon -Moves: Thunder Wave [Electric/Status] Thunderbolt [Electric/Special] Flamethrower [Fire/Special] Dragon Rush [Dragon/Physical] -AERODACTYL LV 52 (M) 2250 EXP -Ability: Rock Head -Type: Rock/Flying -Moves: Rock Slide [Rock/Physical] Earthquake [Ground/Physical] Thunder Fang [Electric/Physical] Roar [Normal/Status] -KINGDRA LV 56 (F) 2484 EXP -Ability: Sniper -Type: Water/Dragon -Moves: DragonBreath [Dragon/Special] Ice Beam [Ice/Special] Yawn [Normal/Status] Hydro Pump [Water/Special] -CHARIZARD LV 52 (M) 2328 EXP -Ability: Blaze -Type: Fire/Flying -Moves: Air Slash [Flying/Special] Fire Fang [Fire/Physical] Shadow Claw [Ghost/Physical] Dragon Claw [Dragon/Physical] -DRAGONITE LV 60 (F) 2802 EXP -Ability: Inner Focus -Type: Dragon/Flying -Moves: Safeguard [Normal/Status] DragonBreath [Dragon/Special] Hyper Beam [Normal/Special] Thunder [Electric/Special] ============================================================================== EXTRAS [EXT] ============================================================================== These are just Extra things in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Some may qualify as "sidequests", as some sections you will notice have been moved from the sidequest section to here. They are in no particular order. [EX01] Letter to a Friend [EX02] The Master's Quiz The Daily Events will be listed here when they are completed. ---------------------------- "Letter to a Friend" ----------------------[EX01] WHAT: You have to deliver a letter from the Route 35/Goldenrod City border station guard to his friend in Route 31. WHEN: After you receive the PLAIN BADGE from GOLDENROD CITY GYM. WHERE: Starts: Route 35/Goldenrod City, ends: Route 31. REWARD: TM44 REST DETAILS: See below. This is a simple quest. You must free up one space in your Pokemon party, then speak to the guard on the border between Route 35 and Goldenrod City. He will give you a SPEAROW with a letter attached to it. Simply go north and to where you find SUDOWOODO on Route 35/36, west of the Violet City border. Go east into Violet City, then exit it east, too. Then go right, hop the ledge, and talk to the man next to the Apricorn Tree. Select the SPEAROW (holding the letter) and you will receive a gift (TM44 REST) in return! ---------------------------- "The Master's Quiz" -----------------------[EX02] WHAT: You have to answer some questions from the Master in order to receive a Badge, a TM, but most importantly, a DRATINI with EXTREMESPEED. WHEN: After you defeat CLAIR of BLACKTHORN. WHERE: DRAGON'S DEN REWARD: RISING BADGE, TM59, DRATINI DETAILS: See below. Master's Questions: -What are Pokemon to you?- 1. Ally 2. Junior 3. Friend (Best Answer: 3) -What helps you to win battles?- 1. Strategy 2. Training 3. Cheating (Best Answer: 1) -What kind of Trainer do you wish to battle?- 1. Weak 2. Strong 3. Anyone (Best Answer: 3) -What is the most important for raising Pokemon?- 1. Love 2. Violence 3. Knowledge (Best Answer: 1) -Strong Pokemon. Weak Pokemon. Which is more important?- 1. Strength 2. Both 3. Weakness (Best Answer: 2) After answering all of the above "correctly", you first will get the badge from CLAIR on the way out. Then, go back to the Master with an empty slot in the party, and he will give you a DRATINI, which comes with EXTREME SPEED. ============================================================================== POKEDEX [PKX] ============================================================================== Below is the Pokedex (listed in the order of NATIONAL POKEDEX). It will be worked on depending on which Pokemon are seen, and where for the first time. It will contain detailed information on each Pokemon. This is a mini Table of Contents for the POKEDEX section. a.) National Dex [PX1] b.) In order of appearence [PX2] NATIONAL DEX ORDER [PX1]: This is a general list. The Pokemon in story order is in the section afterwards [PX2] For a quick search, click your mouse here --> . Now push Ctrl + F, and type in the Pokemon name you are looking for and find next; make sure the direction is "down." #001 - BULBASAUR #002 - IVYSAUR #003 - VENUSAUR #004 - CHARMANDER #005 - CHARMELEON #006 - CHARIZARD #007 - SQUIRTLE #008 - WARTORTLE #009 - BLASTOISE #010 - CATERPIE #011 - METAPOD #012 - BUTTERFREE #013 - WEEDLE #014 - KAKUNA #015 - BEEDRILL #016 - PIDGEY #017 - PIDGEOTTO #018 - PIDGEOT #019 - RATTATA #020 - RATICATE #021 - SPEAROW #022 - FEAROW #023 - EKANS #024 - ARBOK #025 - PIKACHU #026 - RAICHU #027 - SANDSHREW #028 - SANDSLASH #029 - NIDORAN #030 - NIDORINA #031 - NIDOQUEEN #032 - NIDORAN #033 - NIDORINO #034 - NIDOKING #035 - CLEFAIRY #036 - CLEFABLE #037 - VULPIX #038 - NINETALES #039 - JIGGLYPUFF #040 - WIGGLYTUFF #041 - ZUBAT #042 - GOLBAT #043 - ODDISH #044 - GLOOM #045 - VILEPLUME #046 - PARAS #047 - PARASECT #048 - VENONAT #049 - VENOMOTH #050 - DIGLETT #051 - DUGTRIO #052 - MEOWTH #053 - PERSIAN #054 - PSYDUCK #055 - GOLDUCK #056 - MANKEY #057 - PRIMEAPE #058 - GROWLITHE #059 - ARCANINE #060 - POLIWAG #061 - POLIWHIRL #062 - POLIWRATH #063 - ABRA #064 - KADABRA #065 - ALAKAZAM #066 - MACHOP #067 - MACHOKE #068 - MACHAMP #069 - BELLSPROUT #070 - WEEPINBELL #071 - VICTREEBEL #072 - TENTACOOL #073 - TENTACRUEL #074 - GEODUDE #075 - GRAVELER #076 - GOLEM #077 - PONYTA #078 - RAPIDASH #079 - SLOWPOKE #080 - SLOWBRO #081 - MAGNEMITE #082 - MAGNETON #083 - FARFETCH'D #084 - DODUO #085 - DODRIO #086 - SEEL #087 - DEWGONG #088 - GRIMER #089 - MUK #090 - SHELLDER #091 - CLOYSTER #092 - GASTLY #093 - HAUNTER #094 - GENGAR #095 - ONIX #096 - DROWZEE #097 - HYPNO #098 - KRABBY #099 - KINGLER #100 - VOLTORB #101 - ELECTRODE #102 - EXEGGCUTE #103 - EXEGGUTOR #104 - CUBONE #105 - MAROWAK #106 - HITMONLEE #107 - HITMONCHAN #108 - LICKITUNG #109 - KOFFING #110 - WEEZING #111 - RHYHORN #112 - RHYDON #113 - CHANSEY #114 - TANGELA #115 - KANGASKHAN #116 - HORSEA #117 - SEADRA #118 - GOLDEEN #119 - SEAKING #120 - STARYU #121 - STARMIE #122 - MR. MIME #123 - SCYTHER #124 - JYNX #125 - ELECTABUZZ #126 - MAGMAR #127 - PINSIR #128 - TAUROS #129 - MAGIKARP #130 - GYARADOS #131 - LAPRAS #132 - DITTO #133 - EEVEE #134 - VAPOREON #135 - JOLTEON #136 - FLAREON #137 - PORYGON #138 - OMANYTE #139 - OMASTAR #140 - KABUTO #141 - KABUTOPS #142 - AERODACTYL #143 - SNORLAX #144 - ARTICUNO #145 - ZAPDOS #146 - MOLTRES #147 - DRATINI #148 - DRAGONAIR #149 - DRAGONITE #150 - MEWTWO #151 - MEW #152 - CHIKORITA #153 - BAYLEEF #154 - MEGANIUM #155 - CYNDAQUIL #156 - QUILAVA #157 - TYPHLOSION #158 - TOTODILE #159 - CROCONAW #160 - FERALIGATR #161 - SENTRET #162 - FURRET #163 - HOOTHOOT #164 - NOCTOWL #165 - LEDYBA #166 - LEDIAN #167 - SPINARAK #168 - ARIADOS #169 - CROBAT #170 - CHINCHOU #171 - LANTURN #172 - PICHU #173 - CLEFFA #174 - IGGLYBUFF #175 - TOGEPI #176 - TOGETIC #177 - NATU #178 - XATU #179 - MAREEP #180 - FLAFFY #181 - AMPHAROS #182 - BELLOSSOM #183 - MARILL #184 - AZUMARILL #185 - SUDOWOODO #186 - POLITOED #187 - HOPPIP #188 - SKIPLOOM #189 - JUMPLUFF #190 - AIPOM #191 - SUNKERN #192 - SUNFLORA #193 - YANMA #194 - WOOPER #195 - QUAGSIRE #196 - ESPEON #197 - UMBREON #198 - MURKROW #199 - SLOWKING #200 - MISDREAVUS #201 - UNOWN #202 - WOBBUFFET #203 - GIRAFARIG #204 - PINECO #205 - FORRETRESS #206 - DUNSPARCE #207 - GLIGAR #208 - STEELIX #209 - SNUBBULL #210 - GRANBULL #211 - QWILFISH #212 - SCIZOR #213 - SHUCKLE #214 - HERACROSS #215 - SNEASEL #216 - TEDDIURSA #217 - URSARING #218 - SLUGMA #219 - MAGCARGO #220 - SWINUB #221 - PILOSWINE #222 - CORSOLA #223 - REMORAID #224 - OCTILLERY #225 - DELIBIRD #226 - MANTINE #227 - SKARMORY #228 - HOUNDOUR #229 - HOUNDOOM #230 - KINGDRA #231 - PHANPY #232 - DONPHAN #233 - PORYGON2 #234 - STANTLER #235 - SMEARGLE #236 - TYROGUE #237 - HITMONTOP #238 - SMOOCHUM #239 - ELEKID #240 - MAGBY #241 - MILTANK #242 - BLISSEY #243 - RAIKOU #244 - ENTEI #245 - SUICUNE #246 - LARVITAR #247 - PUPITAR #248 - TYRANITAR #249 - LUGIA #250 - HO-OH #251 - CELEBI #252 - TREECKO #253 - GROVYLE #254 - SCEPTILE #255 - TORCHIC #256 - COMBUSKEN #257 - BLAZIKEN #258 - MUDKIP #259 - MARSHTOMP #260 - SWAMPERT #261 - POOCHYENA #262 - MIGHTYENA #263 - ZIGZAGOON #264 - LINOONE #265 - WURMPLE #266 - SILCOON #267 - BEAUTIFLY #268 - CASCOON #269 - DUSTOX #270 - LOTAD #271 - LOMBRE #272 - LUDICOLO #273 - SEEDOT #274 - NUZLEAF #275 - SHIFTRY #276 - TAILLOW #277 - SWELLOW #278 - WINGULL #279 - PELIPPER #280 - RALTS #281 - KIRLIA #282 - GARDEVOIR #283 - SURSKIT #284 - MASQUERAIN #285 - SHROOMISH #286 - BRELOOM #287 - SLAKOTH #288 - VIGOROTH #289 - SLAKING #290 - NINCADA #291 - NINJASK #292 - SHEDINJA #293 - WHISMUR #294 - LOUDRED #295 - EXPLOUD #296 - MAKUHITA #297 - HARIYAMA #298 - AZURILL #299 - NOSEPASS #300 - SKITTY #301 - DELCATTY #302 - SABLEYE #303 - MAWILE #304 - ARON #305 - LAIRON #306 - AGGRON #307 - MEDITITE #308 - MEDICHAM #309 - ELECTRIKE #310 - MANECTRIC #311 - PLUSLE #312 - MINUN #313 - VOLBEAT #314 - ILLUMISE #315 - ROSELIA #316 - GULPIN #317 - SWALOT #318 - CARVANHA #319 - SHARPEDO #320 - WAILMER #321 - WAILORD #322 - NUMEL #323 - CAMERUPT #324 - TORKOAL #325 - SPOINK #326 - GRUMPIG #327 - SPINDA #328 - TRAPINCH #329 - VIBRAVA #330 - FLYGON #331 - CACNEA #332 - CACTURNE #333 - SWABLU #334 - ALTARIA #335 - ZANGOOSE #336 - SEVIPER #337 - LUNATONE #338 - SOLROCK #339 - BARBOACH #340 - WHISCASH #341 - CORPHISH #342 - CRAWDAUNT #343 - BALTOY #344 - CLAYDOL #345 - LILEEP #346 - CRADILY #347 - ANORITH #348 - ARMALDO #349 - FEEBAS #350 - MILOTIC #351 - CASTFORM #352 - KECLEON #353 - SHUPPET #354 - BANETTE #355 - DUSKULL #356 - DUSCLOPS #357 - TROPUS #358 - CHIMECHO #359 - ABSOL #360 - WYNAUT #361 - SNORUNT #362 - GLALIE #363 - SPHEAL #364 - SEALEO #365 - WALREIN #366 - CLAMPERL #367 - HUNTAIL #368 - GOREBYSS #369 - RELICANTH #370 - LUVDISC #371 - BAGON #372 - SHELGON #373 - SALAMENCE #374 - BELDUM #375 - METANG #376 - METAGROSS #377 - REGIROCK #378 - REGICE #379 - REGISTEEL #380 - LATIAS #381 - LATIOS #382 - KYOGRE #383 - GROUDON #384 - RAYQUAZA #385 - JIRACHI #386 - DEOXYS #387 - TURTWIG #388 - GROTLE #389 - TORTERRA #390 - CHIMCHAR #391 - MONFERNO #392 - INFERNAPE #393 - PIPLUP #394 - PRINPLUP #395 - EMPOLEON #396 - STARLY #397 - STARAVIA #398 - STARAPTOR #399 - BIDOOF #400 - BIBAREL #401 - KRICKETOT #402 - KRICKETUNE #403 - SHINX #404 - LUXIO #405 - LUXRAY #406 - BUDEW #407 - ROSERADE #408 - CRANIDOS #409 - RAMPARDOS #410 - SHIELDON #411 - BASTIODON #412 - BURMY #413 - WORMADAM #414 - MOTHIM #415 - COMBEE #416 - VESPIQUEN #417 - PACHIRISU #418 - BUIZEL #419 - FLOATZEL #420 - CHERUBI #421 - CHERRIM #422 - SHELLOS #423 - GASTRODON #424 - AMBIPOM #425 - DRIFLOON #426 - DRIFBLIM #427 - BUNEARY #428 - LOPUNNY #429 - MISMAGIUS #430 - HONCHKROW #431 - GLAMEOW #432 - PURUGLY #433 - CHINGLING #434 - STUNKY #435 - SKUNTANK #436 - BRONZOR #437 - BRONZONG #438 - BONSLY #439 - MIME JR. #440 - HAPPINY #441 - CHATOT #442 - SPIRITOMB #443 - GIBLE #444 - GABITE #445 - GARCHOMP #446 - MUNCHLAX #447 - RIOLU #448 - LUCARIO #449 - HIPPOPOTAS #450 - HIPPOWDON #451 - SKORUPI #452 - DRAPION #453 - CROAGUNK #454 - TOXICROAK #455 - CARNIVINE #456 - FINNEON #457 - LUMINEON #458 - MANTYKE #459 - SNOVER #460 - ABOMASNOW #461 - WEAVILE #462 - MAGNEZONE #463 - LICKILICKY #464 - RHYPERIOR #465 - TANGROWTH #466 - ELECTIVIRE #467 - MAGMORTAR #468 - TOGEKISS #469 - YANMEGA #470 - LEAFEON #471 - GLACEON #472 - GLISCOR #473 - MAMOSWINE #474 - PORYGON-Z #475 - GALLADE #476 - PROBOPASS #477 - DUSKNOIR #478 - FROSSLASS #479 - ROTOM #480 - UXIE #481 - MESPRIT #482 - AZELF #483 - DIALGA #484 - PALKIA #485 - HEATRAN #486 - REGIGIGAS #487 - GIRATINA #488 - CRESSELIA #489 - PHIONE #490 - MANAPHY #491 - DARKRAI #492 - SHAYMIN #493 - ARCEUS ============================================================================== EVENTS [EVT] ============================================================================== This is for particular events in the game, such as Team Rocket or Legendary Pokemon Events. Events such as Wi-Fi events and/or any traded in Pokemon triggering some sort of event are also included here. This follows events for the NTSC-U version, as such, only events that have occured in the USA will be listed here, rather than Japanese or Europe. Team Rocket Events: [TRE0] 1 - Slowpoke Well ("TEAM ROCKET and the SLOWPOKE") [TRE1] 2 - Rocket Hideout/Lake of Rage ("TEAM ROCKET and the LAKE OF RAGE") [TRE2] 3 - Radio Tower ("TEAM ROCKET and the RADIO TOWER") [TRE3] 4 - Misc. Instances ("TEAM ROCKET") [TRE4] Legendary Pokemon Events [LPE]: 1 - Ho-oh [LPE1] 2 - Lugia [LPE2] Nintendo Events [NIN]: 1 - Spikey-Eared Pichu [SEP] ****************************************************************************** NINTENDO EVENTS [NIN] ****************************************************************************** Nintendo Events refer to distribution via Wi-Fi, involving Wonder Cards. Events held at Toys R Us and Gamestop stores are also included. Basically; any event that requires the downloading of something to trigger something else. --------------------------- Spikey-Eared Pichu: [SEP] ------------------------ WHERE: ILEX FOREST [JL04] HOW: Bring an EVENT PICHU to the ILEX SHRINE; it must be the party leader. (As in the one walking with you.) WHAT: You get a Spikey-Eared Pichu! A special Pichu with one ear with multiple spikes on it. The special thing is the move set, as well as set gender and special sprite. EVENT: (Below is the event dialogue) ---Start of Event--- "It's a PICHU...! One of its ears is spiky! "Hey, hey! You should not tamper with that shrine! People are said to disappear." "Kids and Pokemon sometimes disappear around this shrine. It is believed that a Pokemon which wanders across time does that. It is truly a strange thing..." "Well, well, this must be... This must be the PICHU that has lived in this forest for some time. When I saw it the first time, it looked lonely. It is full of energy today." "I see. It seems that these old friends finally meet again after a long time." "Zapzap chu!" "You are carrying a lot of Pokemon. Why don't you store one of them at the Pokemon Center? I will take care of it in the mean time." "Zapzap chu!" "...Your party is full! First go store a Pokemon in a PC Box." "It's been waiting for you all this time. Talk to it. That'll make it happy." "Zapzap chu!" "Oh, here it is! Young Pokemon Trainer, I will give you this Poke Ball. I used to use them when I was younger. Don't worry. It's still in good condition. "It seems that Spikey-eared PICHU wants to stay in your Poke Ball." "You named it *Insert what name you named it*? Such a cute name! Being with friends should make it happy. Take good care of it." ---End of Event--- There are additional things you can do, such as showing it to PROFESSOR ELM to get more background on it. Experiment, have fun. :) ============================================================================== CLOSING/CREDITS/CONTACT INFORMATION [CCC] ============================================================================== This is my first full length Pokemon FAQ. You will have noticed that I am more of an in-depth FAQ maker if you checked my profile. However, the original games that these two games (HeartGold and SoulSilver) are based off of were one of my favorite games of all time, and I felt I should at least pay my respects this way. Although I own the Japanese version of the game, I decided I would base the FAQ off of the US releases, as it would hold more relevancy. :) All names and other information used are from the US version of the game. I hope you found this FAQ hopeful, despite the constant updates and time it will need. The mini-sections are currently being done. I removed the incomplete sections to avoid clutter and make your scrolling easier. They will come as soon as they're ready! Please stick around for that, if you need to. If you find any errors, even as small as a typo, please email me! The address is shown below. Also, if you find missing info (Like some Pokemon moves in my Trainers' section, or missing amount of EXP), please tell me! If you would like to help, that would be nice too! Email me if you're interested. It will mostly be things regarding experience points and Pokemon Moves and the like. :) I will be sure to credit you! Please, if you want to use any information in your own guide (or some other circumstance), please email me. I will gladly accept, but it's nice to ask, you know? :) I put a lot of hard work into this guide. If you usually come back and use this guide, please tell me why. I would like to know what may make this guide good, and at the same time what makes it bad. The other guides are of much higher quality (the way I see it), so it would be helpful to know! :) And yes, that top logo did take me forever. Thanks for reading, cheers! -MKay CREDITS: Thanks to the Pokemon Company for this awesome game, the remake of the my two favorite Pokemon titles! Thanks to gameFAQs for the easy submission process! To a reader who emailed me years later telling me that you need to defeat Misty BEFORE Suicune appears on Route 25! I went to confirm it, and they were right! Thank you very much! Thanks to user pizzaman123 for the wonderful help recently in collecting additional Trainer data that I may have missed or had incorrect! Also for pointing out some mistakes here and there in the Walkthrough. I really appreciate the help! Thanks to you, the reader, for making my hard work worthwhile! I know you read this in every FAQ, but it shows those of us who make FAQs really appreciate it :) You see this in every FAQ, but that's because it's true! CONTACT: Email me at: mkaykitkats@live.com I read all emails, and respond if necessary. :) ============================================================================== HOW CAN YOU HELP? [HLP] ============================================================================== As you can see, the FAQ is still a work in progress, and while I try my best, I make a lot of mistakes and overshoot some details. What I ask is simple: If you find mistakes in Rewards, Pokemon Levels, movesets, move types, etc, or any other error, please, please, email me at mkaykitkats@live.com. Also, if there is anything that can make this guide better (Add/Remove sections), please, tell me. If you find any mini-section helpful, and find others not-too-helpful and/or useless, please tell me too, as I am constantly reshaping the guide to be easy to read and don't want needless clutter. Also, for anyone who chose TOTODILE or CHIKORITA as their starters, it would be nice to note down the EXP gained when fighting the RIVAL, as I cannot write that down as I can't fight him with certain Pokemon for obvious reasons. If anyone is planning on a re-play, I would appreciate them writing down notes on EUSINE and his events relating to SUICUNE as seen in the game. I want to include the dialogue in the EVENTS section, but have already missed the first few as I originally wasn't intending on doing so. Lastly, for Trainers who call on the Pokegear, if you could write down their conversations and resulting dialogue, that would be appreciated. Please send me a username I can credit you as, I will be sure to give you full credit on your work. :) Thanks! I really, really, appreciate it. ============================================================================== VERSION INFO [VIN] ============================================================================== Version 0.00 [3/14/2010]: The FAQ begins. Version 1.00 [3/14/2010]: Contains up to the end of Chapter 1, which is when your friend teaches you how to catch Pokemon. Version 1.10 [3/21/2010]: Contains up to the end of Chapter 2, which is up to obtaining the first badge. Added "Events" and "Sidequests" section. Version 1.20 [3/23/2010]: Contains up to the end of Chapter 3, which is up to obtaining the second badge. Edited some sections. Version 1.40 [3/25/2010]: Contains up to the end of Chapter 4, which is up to obtaining the third badge. Added the Spikey-Eared Pichu event to the EVENTS section. Version 1.50 [3/28/2010]: Contains up to the end of Chapter 5, which is up to obtaining the fourth badge. Version 1.60 [3/30/2010]: Contains up to the end of Chapter 7, which is up to obtaining the sixth badge. This update has Chapter 6 as well, which is the fifth badge. Version 1.70 [5/21/2010]: Contains up to the end of Chapter 8, which is up to obtaining the seventh badge. Sorry about the long delay! Version 1.80 [5/24/2010]: Contains up to the end of Chapter 9, which is up to obtaining the eighth badge. Added the "How can you Help?" section. Version 1.90 [5/28/2010]: Contains up to the end of Chapter 10, the Elite Four, ending the JOHTO JOURNEY. Added the EXTRA section, as well as KANTO TRAINERS and KANTO LOCATIONS. Version 2.00 [6/04/2010]: And it's over. Walkthrough completed. All additional sections will be coming in the future. Version 2.10 [6/05/2010]: Added the Legendaries section to the FAQ. Version 2.20 [6/08/2010]: Added the Trainers section to the FAQ. Moved Sidequests to Extras. Version 2.30 [6/16/2010]: Added the Rematches to the Trainers section. ============================================================================== AUTHORIZED WEBSITES [ADS] ============================================================================== If you find this FAQ on any sites OTHER than the ones listed below, please contact me IMMEDIATELY. www.gamefaqs.com [Original submission] www.neoseeker.com www.supercheats.com ****************************************************************************** , #@ #@@@ #@ @ @@# @ @ #@ @@@@ #@@#@@# @@ #@ #####@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ #@@@#@@@@@@@ @@@@@@. #@@@@@@# @ @@ @@@# #@ ##@ @@@ @@ @@@++@@@,#@ @ @ ##@@@@# @@ #@ ##@ @@ @@@@ @@#@ @ #@ #@ @@#@@# @@ @@ ##@@ # @ @@@ # @ #@@ #@@##@@@ #@ @ ###@ + @@ @@@@ #@@# # @ ##@#@ @@ @ #@# @@@@ @ ##@ @@ @ @ #@#@@ @#@@@@@@ @@ @ ##@ @ @ @ @@@@@@ @ @ @@ @@@@@ @@ #@ @@ @@ ##@@@# @ @ @@@ @@ @ @ @ @@ @@ #@ @ @ @@ @ ##@@@ @@@@ @@ @ @@ @@@ @@ @ @@ @ @ @ @ ###@ @@ @@ @@ @ @ @ #@ # @ @@@@@ @ @@ ###@ @ #@# @@@@@ @ #@ @@@ @ # @@ @@@ @ @ ##@ @@@ @@@ @ @@ #@@@#@@@@@# @@ @ ## @@ @ #@@ #@#@ @@ @@@@ ##@@###@ @@ @ @ @ @@ ##@ @#@@ @@ @##@@@ #@ #@@@@#@@@@ @# @@@ @ #@@ @##@ @@ @ ##@@@ #@ ####@@#+@@@ @@#@@@@@ @ @ ##@ @@#@@ @@@ @ ##@@@#@ ## ##@# #@@@#@ @ @@ #@@ @###@@@@@@#@@@@@ ##@@@ ##@@@@@@ #@# @ @ ##@ @ #####` @@@## ##@ ######@@ ##@@@@ @ #@# @ ## ## ##@ @@@ #@@@+@ ##@@@@# ####@@ ### ============================================================================== ~~~~~COPYRIGHT 2010 MKaykitkats~~~~ ==============================================================================