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Version 1.0 Copyright (C) 2010 Flaminggamer1 / Josh Betts ____________________ ( Introduction ) (____________________) Hello and welcome to my very first complete guide. I decided to base this guide on one of my favourite DS games, Warioware D.I.Y. This guide will hopefully help to guide you through a sort of 'Sub-Mode' in the game called the Assembly Dojo. There are 32 puzzles loaded on to the game. I hope this guide helps, and I have tried to make it as simple but as informative as possible. Hope I help! ____________________ ( Guide ) (____________________) Yep, here's the guide. This is how it's set out: #.(The number of the lesson.)Title:(What the lesson's called.) Objective:(What the game tells you to do.) Edit:(What Trigger/Action/Win Condition you have to edit.) Tutorial:(Step by step instructions on how to complete the lesson.) Okay, On with the guide! 1. Title: Stick on Contact! Objective: Make one object come to a stop when it touches another. Edit: A's AI 2 Trigger. Tutorial: Change the trigger to Contact - Touch - Another Object - B. 2. Title: Drop like a Rock! Objective: Make the object fall when the down arrow appears. Edit: Block's AI 2 Trigger. Tutorial: Change the trigger to Art - Specific Art - Down arrow. 3. Title: Beep Beep Beep Ding! Objective: Make the * appear at the same time the "ding" sounds. Edit: Block's AI 1 Trigger. Tutorial: Change the trigger to Time - Exactly - 7-1. 4. Title: Tap Anywhere To... Objective: Make the circle appear when the stage is tapped. Edit: Circle's AI 1 Trigger. Tutorial: Change trigger to Tap - Anywhere on stage. 5. Title: Victory Confetti Objective: Make it rain confetti when the game is won! Edit: 2's AI 2 Trigger. Tutorial: Change trigger to Win/Loss - Win. 6. Title: Thud! Objective: Make the stage shake when an object hits the ground! Edit: Block's AI 2 Action. Tutorial: Change action to Screen Effect - Shake. 7. Title: Swap Magic! Objective: Swap the two objects' locations instantaneously. Edit: A's AI 1 Action. Tutorial: Change action to Travel - Swap - B. 8. Title: All or Nothing Objective: Requires that all objects be tapped to win the game. Edit: Win Conditions. Tutorial: Set in CONDITION 1: When 1 switch in ON & When 2 switch is ON & When 3 switch is ON 9. Title: Roll Down The Hill Objective: Make the ball roll when it reaches the bottom! Edit: Ball's AI 2 Trigger. Tutorial: Change trigger to Contact - Touch - Location. Now hold L/R and drag all acroos the bottom of the 'frame'. 10. Title: Rocket Launch! Objective: Make the rocket launch when the countdown reaches "0"! Edit: Rocket's AI 2 Trigger. Tutorial: Change trigger to Art - When art finishes playing. 11. Title: Go on Green! Objective: Make the ball go when the signal turns green. Edit: Ball's AI 1 Trigger. Tutorial: Change trigger to Switch - SIGNAL - When switch turns on. 12. Title: Go on Green 2 Objective: Make the car go when it's tapped AND the signal is green. Edit: Car's AI 1 Trigger. Tutorial: Change trigger to When CAR is tapped & When SIGNAL switch is on. 13. Title: Deadly Spikes Objective: Keep the disc from moving after it hits te spikes! Edit: Disc's AI 2 Trigger. Tutorial: Change Trigger to When DISC is tapped & Win/Loss - Not yet lost. 14. Title: Vanishing Magic Objective: Make the object disappear When the stage is tapped! Edit: !'s AI 1 Action. Tutorial: Change action to Travel - Jump to - Select - Point. Drag it to the checkered orange background, and make sure NONE is in the 'frame'. 15. Title: Perfect Fit! Objective: Make the plus symbol fit snugly into the moving circle. Edit: Plus's AI 1 Action. Tutorial: Set action to Travel - Jump to - To another object - CIRCLE. Do not move where the plus will appear, just select OK straight away. 16. Title: Pick Any One Objective: Allow the game to be won even if only one object is tapped. Edit: Win Conditions. Tutorial: Set... Condition 1 | When 1 Switch is on Condition 2 | When 2 Switch is on Condition 3 | When 3 Switch is on 17. Title: Count to Four Objective: Make the object disappear when tapped four times! Edit: Square's AI 4 Trigger. Tutorial: Change Trigger to When SQUARE is tapped & Art - Specific Art - 1. 18. Title: Don't Touch! Objective: Allow the game to be won if nothing is tapped. Edit: Button's AI 2 Trigger. Tutorial: Change trigger to Time - Exactly - 8-4. 19. Title: Once And Done! Objective: Make a button that can only be tapped once! Edit: Button's AI 1 Trigger. Tutorial: Change Trigger to When BUTTON is tapped & Switch - BUTTON - Switch is off. 20. Title: No Multi-Tapping! Objective: Make a button that can't be tapped in rapid succession! Edit: Button's AI 1 Action. Tutorial: Change Action to Art - Change Art - PUSHED - Play Once, Normal Speed. 21. Title: Mid-Air Tap! Objective: Can a seemingly invisible object be tapped? Edit: Blank, Start. Tutorial: Change START AI to NORMAL art - Location - Point. Now hold L/R and drag the object down twice so it blends in with the background. 22. Title: Back And Forth Objective: Make an object move back and forth. Edit: Ball's AI 1 Action. Tutorial: Set action to Travel - Roam - Reflect - Anywhere. Now hold L/R and drag a thin line in the center of the hole. Set the speed to normal. 23. Title: Magnet and Ball Objective: Make and object stick to the magnet when it get close! Edit: Ball's AI 1 Action. Tutorial: Change Action to Travel - Target - Magnet. Now drag the ball to the very bottom of the magnet. Set speed to Fastest. 24. Title: On, Then Off Objective: Require the light to be turned on then off again to win. Edit: Win Conditions. Tutorial: Set Condition 1 - When SWITCH swith is off & When LIGHT swith is on. 25. Title: Count to Eight Objective: Make the object disappear after eight taps! Edit: 8's AI 5 trigger. Tutorial: Change Trigger to Switch - 8 - Switch is on & When 8 is tapped & While Art is set to ARTD 26. Title: Round and Round Objective: Complete the full animation. Edit: Part's AI 5 Trigger. Tutorial: Set Trigger to While art is set to TOP-L & Art - When Art finishes playing. NOTE: This mission gives people a lot of trouble, but this'll help. 27. Title: One-in-Three Chance Objective: Make the "!" appear one in three times the game is played. Edit: Square's AI 1 Trigger. Tutorial: Change Trigger to When Time hits 1-1 & Time - Randomly - From 1-1 to 1-3 28. Title: Random Direction Objective: Make the "C" point left, right, up or down with equal probability! Edit: Sign's AI 3 Trigger. Tutorial: Change Trigger to When DUMMY-L switch is off & Switch - DUMMY-R - Switch is ON. 29. Title: Right or Left Objective: Set the arrow left or right with 50/50 probability! Edit: Randomise, Start. Tutorial: Set start to NORMAL art - Location - Area - Try not to overlap. Now hold L/R and drag over the entire frame - Don't go onto the checkered background. 30. Title: Shoo the Fly Away! Objective: Make the fly go away when the light is turned off! Edit: Light's AI 2 Action. Tutorial: Change action to Switch - Turn switch off & Change art to OFF. 31. Title: Hit in order Objective: Make the ball pass over the numbers in order! Edit: Ball's AI 1 Action. Tutorial: Change action to Travel - Target - 1. Don't change anything here, just hit OK. Set normal speed. 32. Title: Odd Man Out Objective: Set the win conditions correctly! Edit: Win Conditions. Tutorial: Set these: Condition One | When CIRCLEA switch is on & When CIRCLEB Switch is on & When SQUAREA switch is off. Condition Two | When CIRCLEA switch is on & When SQUAREA switch is on & When CIRCLEB switch is off. ______________ (Legal Info ) (______________) This guide may not be reproduced at all except for personal, private use. It may under no circumstances be shown on any other website other than GameFAQs without permission from me. Using this is any other way that has not been mentioned is a violation of copyright. ____________ (Version Info) (____________) Ver. 1.0 - June 10th 2010. Finished writing guide, submitted to GameFAQs. ____________ ( FAQs ) (____________) Q. How do you unlock the Assembly Dojo? A. You must finish all 3 game-making tutorials. Q. Do you unlock anything from completing the Assembly Dojo? A. Yes, you do. (Thanks to Nicolas Thivierge for giving me this info.) You unlock medals and records: By beating 4 puzzles, you get the "Assembly Pupil" medal, and one of 9-Volt's records. By beating 8 puzzles, you get the "Assembly White Belt" medal, and one of Mona's records. By beating 16 puzzles, you get the "Assembly Black Belt" medal, and one of Jimmy T.'s records. By beating 24 puzzles, you get the "Assembly Ninja" medal, and one of Ashley's records. By beating all the puzzles, you get the "Assembly Grand Master" medal, and one of Orbulon's records. Thanks again to Nicolas for telling me this! Q. Why didn't you include _______ in your guide? A. Did I miss something? E-mail it to me at Flaminggamer1@yahoo.co.uk. Q. ¥0µ $µ(|{ ß4Ð !!!!!!!oneoneeleven!11!!!1111! A. Shut up. You make a better guide. ______________ (Special Thanks) (______________) Thanks to... My mum for getting me a laptop :P Gamefaqs for being so awesome. My FINGERS! Nintendo for the DSI + Game. Windows for making notepad and Windows 7!