=============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough for DRAGON BALL Z: BUU'S FURY =============================================================================== GUIDE INFORMATION ----------------- Author: Tom Hayes E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com System: Game Boy Advance Updated: 18th June, 2008 Version: 1.1 CONTENTS -------- 1. Introduction 2. Tips 3. Walkthrough 3.1. The Other World 3.2. Great Saiyaman 3.3. World Tournament 3.4. Babidi 3.5. Majin Vegeta 3.6. Dragon Ball 3.7. Majin Buu 3.8. Janemba 3.9. Super Buu 3.10. Fusion 3.11. Kid Buu 3.12. A New Beginning 4. Hercule Exhibits 5. Z-Fighter Exhibits 6. Item List 7. Equipment 7.1. Accessories 7.2. Body 7.3. Feet 7.4. Hands 8. Scouter List 9. Shop List 10. Skills List 11. Frequently Asked Questions 12. Copyright Information VERSION HISTORY --------------- 1.1: 18th June, 2008 (Format update) 1.0: 22nd September, 2004 (First version) =============================================================================== 1. Introduction =============================================================================== Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury is the third game in the Legacy of Goku series on the Game Boy Advance, based on the animated Dragon Ball Z series. After defeating Cell in the previous game, Earth was once again peaceful for many years. But now, an evil magician named Babidi is hoping to bring back the most powerful enemy in the universe: Majin Buu. Goku must return from the Other World to join his friends in their most difficult battle yet. There are only slight differences between Buu's Fury and Legacy of Goku 2. The new fusion ability which allows two characters to create a whole new character is great to see, and there are also some new special moves here as well, but apart from that there are no outstanding game play additions. Though the game is very short and simple to complete, there are lots of well made story scenes to watch throughout the game that make up for this. Overall, Buu's Fury is a good conclusion to the Legacy of Goku series. =============================================================================== 2. Tips =============================================================================== 1: Like the previous game, a device named the Scouter can be used to record the statistics of all characters in the game. This is done by pressing select and L at any point in the game. If any characters are present, you can move the target onto them and press A to record them. To view the statistics, travel to Dr. Brief's laboratory in Capsule Corporation and walk west to arrive in a room with a computer. Use the computer to view the stats. 2: As well as recording statistics, the Scouter is also used to record the maps of locations. All you need to do is walk through the various locations in the game to record the map, which can then be viewed by pressing select at any point in the game. The maps are quite detailed and will list objects like flight pads and save circles, but unlike the enemy list, the maps cannot be viewed at a later point in the game. In chapter 9, the Scouter is upgraded so that areas that have not yet been visited can also be viewed. 3: Press start to access the start menu. The first screen will display the status of the character and will list various statistics. The important part of this screen is the stats at the right side: Strength, Power, Endurance and Speed. Though speed cannot be altered, the other statistics can, although it is quite possible to go through the game without noticing this. Whenever you level up, press start and then A to start changing the points. 4: The second start menu screen is the inventory, which lists of all the items that have been collected in the game so far. The supplies section will list all of the items that make a character recover health (HP) and energy points (EP). The second section of the item list is accessed by presisng right on the d-pad while on the item list menu. This list shows the story items that have been found so far: Items like Hercule and Z-Fighter Exhibits, and items like the Ninja Key which make the story progress in some way. 5: The third start menu screen is the equipment, which gives four categories in the form of body, hands, feet and accessories. All equipment is either found in shops, or by battling the various enemies. The best equipment is usually found by defeating bosses. When you select any of the categories, move the arrow down the list of the equipment you have collected so far and look at the statistics on the right. Red means that the this statistic will be lower than what it was, while green means that it will be higher. A description about the equipment will also appear at the bottom of the screen. 6: The A button is used to attack. Try this out by walking up to any enemy and hitting them. You should notice a red number appear above the enemy when you hit them: This number refers to the amount of HP you have taken off the enemy in the hit. You can walk toward the enemy while attacking, although be careful when doing this as the enemy will likely strike back. If you time the hits correctly, you can reduce the chance of the enemy attacking. 7: The B button is used for special techniques. Not all techniques are available at the start of the game, although ones that are can be seen by pressing start and down on the d-pad. While playing, press the L button to cycle through the different techniques in the window at the top-left corner, then use a technique by pressing B. An energy blast is the most simple of these techniques, and is very effective as it can hit enemies at a distance. 8: A new feature to Buu's Fury is the block. To do this, just press R at any point in the game. You can't move while blocking, but it is a very useful way to guard against enemies that have a strong single attack. Make sure that you face the enemy while blocking, as the enemy will still be able to inflict a normal amount of damage from the side or the back. =============================================================================== 3. Walkthrough =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1. Chapter 1 - The Other World ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SNAKE WAY --------- The game begins with Goku and King Kai walking along the winding track of Snake Way to meet Yenma, the Master of Other World. Kai explains that the only way to get to the Grand Kai's planet is to take a plane called The Higher Plane. Walk east along Snake Way until Goku says that it would be faster to run. Double-tap right twice on the d-pad and continue to hold right to make Goku run east. At the end of Snake Way, walk through the giant snake's head and go north twice to enter Yenma's office. Walk to the front of the desk and press the A button to talk to Yenma, who recognises Goku and King Kai. Go to the door at the top-left corner of the room and talk to the blue guy there to make him move out of the way. Continue through the door to the docking area, and board the right plane to travel to the Grand Kai's planet. GRAND KAI'S PLANET ------------------ Goku and King Kai arrive outside of Grand Kai's mansion. King Kai tells Goku to look around and talk to the other fighters, and then goes onto explain that the circle on the ground nearby is called a save circle. For now the save circles can only be used to save the game, but later on they can also be used to select different characters. Walk south to meet Olibu, who King Kai explains is also from Earth. After King Kai finishes talking, a message will appear with the text Journal Entry: Train with Other World Fighters. Journal Entries appear frequently throughout the game, and they are a great way of keeping track of what to do next in the game. To access the journal, press start, and then L. We only have one goal for now, so let's attempt that one. There are a total of eight fighters in this area, and nearly all of them have some useful information. Talk to all of the fighters, and then open the chests at the bottom-right corner of the area to find 1 Ton Armbands and 1 Ton Boots. These useful items will enable the selected character to gain experience more quickly in the game, so let's equip both the armbands and boots now. To equip items, press start, and then R twice. Scroll down to Hands and press A to reveal a list of the items that can be equipped. If you look to the right side of the screen you will see statistics that the item will give the chosen character after it has been equipped. The gray text means that those statistics will stay the same, and the red text means that the item will actually decrease that statistic. We want the 1 Ton Armbands as they enable the character to gain experience quicker, even if they do decrease speed slightly. So select the 1 Ton Armbands to equip them. Select Feet and select 1 Ton Boots to equip them as well, and then press B to exit the menu. Walk east to meet Olibu again, who says that the Battlefield Royale is just up ahead. Select Yes when he asks if you're ready, and then continue east to enter the Battlefield Royale. Walk east to start the battle against the Kais. These fights are incredibly easy, so don't worry if the Kais land a few punches on Goku. Just keep tapping A while moving toward the Kais to defeat them. Walk up the path at the top-right corner and defeat the three Kais in this area. You should have gained one level by this point, and will have earned 3 stat points. To use these points, press start and then A to select Goku. Distribute these points however you like, and then press B to return to the game. Walk down the path at the bottom-right corner and defeat the four fighters, and then walk east at the bottom-right corner of the area to talk to Olibu, who decides to fight Goku for himself. Just keep moving toward Olibu and press A to attack him, and it's very likely he won't even throw a punch. After beating him, Olibu walks through the character gate with the number 65 on it. To open this gate, walk back into a previous area and beat the fighters until Goku is at least level 65. Return to the area where you fought Olibu and hit the gate to destroy it. Walk through the doorway to enter the cave of the ancients. Walk north to the door at the top of the cave and press L once to select the Kamehameha level 1 icon. Hold B to charge the Kamehameha, then release B to blast the doors open. Walk north through the door to arrive in a room with a wall made of Katchin, which Olibu explains is the strongest metal in the universe. Press L once to select Instant Transmission. Hold B to make a target appear on the screen, then move the target onto the chest behind the wall. Goku transports through the wall to open the chest on the other side, which contains a cotten gi. Goku returns to Grand Kai's mansion to find two of the King Kai's arguing over who is the better fighter. Grand Kai agrees to have a tournament held in his mansion. Equip the cotten gi and then walk north into the mansion. Fights are shown from the tournament, but eventually the only two fighters left are Goku and Pikkon. The battle strategy here is no different from previous battles. Just keep moving toward Pikkon and tap A to keep attacking him. Goku will soon suspect that Pikkon is not fighting to his full abilities. Pikkon shows his true form, and Goku transforms into Super Saiyan. Keep attacking Pikkon, and both fighters will soon fly up out of the ring to hit the ceiling. Grand Kai explains that as both fighters hit the ceiling of the stadium, they are both disqualified from the tournament. Grand Kai agrees to give both Goku and Pikkon lessons in 200 to 300 years, and then the first chapter ends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2. Chapter 2 - Great Saiyaman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EAST DISTRICT 439 ----------------- The second chapter starts in Goku's house. Gohan, Goku's son, has decided to enroll in high school. Walk south to exit the kitchen. Go upstairs and walk south to enter Chi Chi's room. Open the chest at the left side of the room to get a Lazarus Crystal, which will revive a character if they die. Walk north twice to enter Gohan and Goten's room. Look in the purple chest at the top-left corner of the room to find a Z-Fighter exhibit. Walk out of the room and go downstairs, then walk south to exit the house. Walk south toward the bridge and Chi Chi will call Gohan. After she gives him the rice ball and milk, Goku will call Nimbus. Walk onto Nimbus to travel to Hercule City. HERCULE CITY ------------ Walk east after landing in Hercule City to see a Criminal threatening people. After goku changes into Super-Saiyan to prevent people from recognising him, walk toward the two criminals and defeat them. Goku flies away after the fight, and the people are left to gossip about the mysterious character that saved them. Goku returns in his normal form and sees Videl, Hercule's daughter. After Goku leaves the area, walk north up the alley at the right side of Hercule Cafe and continue north to enter Orange Star High School. Walk north and go through the exit at the top-left corner of the locker room to enter the classroom. After the lesson, exit the classroom and walk south to exit Orange Star High School. Goku decides that he needs a disguise from Bulma in West City. Walk on the World Map Circle on the left and press A to view the world map. The star over at the left side of the map is our destination, so fly there until the word West City appears on the bar at the bottom of the screen. Now press A to land on the World Map Circle in West City. WEST CITY --------- Walk east along the road to Capsule Corporation. Follow the path along until it turns off to the right, and then follow the path right to see a small dome. Go through the door at the front of the dome to enter Bulma's house. Talk to Bulma and she will agree to make a disguise for Gohan if he gets her a number 2402 capsule from the supply room. Exit Bulma's house and walk north up the path to see Mrs. Brief. You can talk to her as many times as you want to keep getting cookies, although one cookie only restores 5 HP. Continue north through the doors to enter the lobby of Capsule Corporation. Walk north through the blue doors to enter the atrium, and go through the door at the top-right corner of the atrium to enter the capsule room. Get the number 2402 capsule in front of the shelf at the top-right corner of the room. Exit the room and return to Bulma's house. Talk to her to give her the capsule, and she will make the Great Saiyaman outfit for Gohan. Bulma asks if you still remember how to use the Scouter, which is a device used to record statistics of enemies and characters throughout the game. Select yes to get an explanation on this, and then walk south to exit the house. Return to West City and use the World Map Circle to fly back to Hercule City. HERCULE CITY ------------ Walk east and Gohan will see someone getting mugged. After he changes into his Great Saiyaman outfit, defeat the single Criminal in this area and walk north. Defeat the two Mercenaries and two Gunmen and continue north. Defeat the four Criminals and walk north into Orange Star High School. In the lesson, Videl hears news that the Red Shark Gang has kidnapped the mayor of the city. She leaves the class, and Gohan follows to help. Walk south to exit the school, where Videl confronts the gang. Walk toward the gang to start the battle. The most difficult enemy in the Red Shark Gang is the Thug with 340 HP, but he is also the slowest so it's best to deal with him last. The rest of the gang consists of Bombers, Gunmen and Mercenaries. Beat the Bomber first as he can attack from a distance. Defeat the Gunmen and and Mercenary by using normal attacks or energy blasts on them. Now for the Thug. Either attack him in the normal way and block his swing with the bar by pressing the R button, or select the Electric Kamehameha and continue to hold down the A button to defeat him. After the battle, Videl will approach Gohan to demand to know who he is. He flies away from her and lands back in Hercule City, where a small crowd has gathered around a yellow pterodactyl in a cage. Gohan recognises the small petrodactyl as Chobi, and worries that his parents may be looking for him. Gohan asks Musaka to release Chobi, but Musaka laughs and carries Chobi off into the circus. Walk west to enter Musaka Circus. MUSAKA CIRCUS ------------- You can choose to walk up either side of the circus, so take either the left or right path and battle the various enemies while walking north to arrive in an area with three Thugs at the top of the circus. Defeat all of the thugs by attacking them and holding R to block when then the attack with the bar. Walk up to Chobi's cage and press A to free him. Walk south to the bottom of the circus, then attempt to exit the circus to see a tank will block the exit. Walk to the bottom-right corner of the tank and keep attacking to defeat it. Defeat the two Bombers and Criminals that appear, and then exit Musaka Circus. HERCULE CITY ------------ Walk east and take the first road leading south. Walk west to the save point and Videl will appear to accuse him of stealing Chobi. Chobi calls his parents and Gohan lets him out of the cage to join them. Videl figures out that Great Saiyaman is Gohan, and says she will tell the world unless Gohan enters the World Martial Arts Tournament. After Videl leaves, walk west and use the world map circle. Goku will talk to Gohan at this point. He says that he is allowed to return to Earth for one day, and that he wants Gohan to tell everyone that he is coming back. After the conversation, Gohan will fly up to the world map. It's not necessary to talk to everyone to complete this chapter, so if you don't want to talk to people about Goku's return then just fly to the star on the world map. If you do want to talk to people then just follow the purple circles on the maps. In Kami's Lookout, talk to Dende, Mr. Popo and Piccolo. At West City, walk east into Capsule Corporation and enter Bulma's house to talk to Bulma, Trunks and Vegeta. At Roshi's Island, talk to Android #18, Krillin, Marron and Master Roshi. Use the world map circle and fly to the star. EAST DISTRICT 439 ----------------- Walk north into Goku's house. He tells Chi Chi about the prize for winning the tournament and she agrees to let him enter. In Yenma's office, Yenma agrees to let Goku return to Earth for one day. After another short scene where the Soul Cleansing Machine explodes, the second chapter will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3. Chapter 3 - World Tournament ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EAST DISTRICT 439 ----------------- The second chapter starts outside of Goku's house, where Goku is about to start training with Goten. Goku tells Goten that he is going out to the forest east of the house, and that he should meet him there. Walk south over the bridge to enter the forest, and walk east to the next area. There are lots of enemies in this forest to fight, but nothing new. Fight all of the enemies until Goku is at least level 65, and then continue north to the character gate where Goten is waiting on the other side. Hit the character gate to open it. Talk to Goten and Goku will ask him to throw rocks at him so he can practice dodging. Move left and right to dodge the rocks. After dodging ten rocks, walk toward Goten and he will become a Super Saiyan. He has 1050 HP but his attacks are weak, so just keep attacking him until he loses. We next see Trunks and Vegeta training in the gravity chamber. Trunks changes into a Super Saiyan, and asks Vegeta if he is also allowed to enter the tournament. Vegeta agrees, providing that Trunks can hit him once. Run toward Vegeta and hit him once. Trunks and Vegeta travel to West City to start training for the tournament. WEST CITY --------- Trunks will be currently be at level 60. Vegeta tells Trunks to go and train, but even at level 60 the tournament will be easy. So walk north to the road, then east to Capsule Corporation. Talk to Bulma outside of her house, and then select Yes to travel to the tournament on Papaya Island. On the shuttle over to the island, Gohan tells Vegeta that it would be best not to change into Super Saiyan in the tournament, as people might recognise them from the Cell Games. PAPAYA ISLAND ------------- The shuttle lands at Papaya Island and Goku arrives to meet everyone. Go north to see the three shops on the island. Make sure to buy some items from the food shop to restore HP in the tournament. Talk to the woman behind the desk and she will enter Trunks in the junior division. Walk through the doors to switch play to Gohan. Talk to the woman behind the desk, and then walk through the doors. Talk to the man at the right side of the door and select yes. He says that the finalists will be selected by their punching strength. When the punch bar appears, press the A button when the marker is in the green area. After hitting the target, the man will let Gohan through to the World Tournament stadium. Trunks is the first to fight in the tournament. The first four fights consist of humans with 850 HP, so just keep advancing toward them and attacking in the normal way. Idasa is the fifth opponent, and with only 1320 HP he's slightly harder than the other opponents. Defeat him and the next four humans to enter the final against Goten. Advance toward Goten and attack him until his life bar decreases to about 20%. At this point, Goten and Trunks will both change into Super Saiyans. Beat Goten to win the junior tournament. The announcer will say that as Trunks won the tournament, a special match will be held against Hercule, the previous winnder of the tournament. As Hercule tries to run away, the announcer will call him up onto the platform. As the fight starts, a quick look at Hercule's stats (20 HP) will tell you this is going to be a very quick fight. Hit him once to knock him off the platform. After he stands up, he tricks the crowd into believing that he let Trunks win the fight. He leaves the stadium and the adult division will begin. As Gohan, talk to the monk and select yes when he asks if everyone is ready for the tournament to begin. Krllin beats Pintar in the first round. In the second round, Piccolo goes up against a mysterious purple character who calls himself Shin. Piccolo decides not to fight in the match and exits the stadium. As Shin enters the waiting room, Piccolo asks him if he is the Grand Kai. Shin admits that he is the Supreme Kai, a being even higher than the Grand Kai. The tournament continues outside, with Videl fighting against Spopovich. As Videl, stay close to Spopovich and keep attacking him. He is powerful but very slow, so defeating him shouldn't be a problem. After the battle, the announcer says that Videl is disqualified for using excessive force. Spopovich will stand up and the second part of the battle will start. Knock his life bar down to 50%, and Videl realise that Spopovich has become much stronger. Videl will attempt to continue fighting against him, but Spopovich keeps getting stronger and eventually knocks Videl out of the ring. Videl wakes up in a room at the staidum, where Hercule is asking her questions about what happened. Gohan enters the room and Videl asks him to beat Spopovich for her. Gohan exits the stadium and tells Goku that he is going to get a Senzu Bean from Korin at Kami's Lookout. Goku offers to go instead. As Goku, walk south and use the world map circle near the shuttle. Fly to the star at the left side of the world map to land on Kami's Lookout. KAMI'S LOOKOUT -------------- Walk to the flight pad at either side of the lookout and use it to fly to the small island where Korin and Yajirobe are standing. Walk anti-clockwise around Yajirobe three times to reveal a Hercule Exhibit, and then talk to Yajirobe to receive a Senzu Bean. Use the flight pad to travel back to the main section of Kami's Lookout, and then use the world map circle to fly back to Papaya Island. PAPAYA ISLAND ------------- Run north to the entrance of the stadium to give the Senzu Bean to Gohan. He gives the Senzu Bean to Videl, who recovers instantly. Goku enters the stadium to fight against Kibito. Goku changes into Super Saiyan, and Spopovich and Yamu enter the arena. When both Spopovich and Yamu are fighting, an energy blast can push one of them back. Fight against Spopovich first as he is the strongest of the two, and then defeat Yamu. After the battle, Spopovich will pick up Gohan to collect energy from him. Spopovich and Yamu will fly away, and Supreme Kai says that he needs to follow them to find out where they are taking Gohan's energy. Kibito revives Gohan and they both fly after Supreme Kai. Kibito explains that Spopovich and Yamu were used to find out which wizard was controlling them. He goes onto speak about an evil wizard called Bibidi, who brought a monster with him when he arrived on Earth many years ago. The monster was called Majin Buu, and it's only purpose was to destroy life. Majin Buu became so strong that Bibidi could no longer control him, so Bibidi trapped Majin Buu inside a ball and transported him to Earth, where he intended to free him. Bibidi was killed before Buu was released, and the ball remained on Earth. Kibito speaks of Bibidi's son, Babidi, who intends to continue his father's plan to release Majin Buu into the universe again. Babidi needed a large amount of pure energy to free Majin Buu, which Kibito explains is why they needed to get Gohan at the stadium. He says that Babidi's magic enables him to harness the evil in the hearts of certain people. Kibito notices the others up ahead, and speeds up to meet them. Supreme Kai sees that Spopovich and Yamu have landed below, and everyone flies down to meet them. The third chapter will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4. Chapter 4 - Babidi ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUTHWEST FOREST ---------------- The fourth chapter starts in Southwest Forest. Supreme Kai explains that this is the area where Spopovich and Yamu landed, and that Babidi's spaceship must be hidden around here. Use the save circle and switch to Goku. If Goku isn't at level 70 yet, then use the World Map circle to fly back to East District 439, which is found at the bottom-right corner of the biggest contintent on the map. Fight the enemies there until Goku reaches at least level 70, and then use the world map circle to return to Southwest Forest. Run north and hit the character gate to open it, and then continue north to go further into the forest. The first enemy we see in the forest is a Majin Fighter, which will give quite a considerable experience boost at level 70. Defeat the four Majin Fighters in this area, and then view the map by pressing select. Go to the exit at the left side of the area and walk west to the next area. Walk south to the bottom of the area and open the chest to get the Talisman of Light. Exit the area, walk east to the next area and continue north twice. A level 120 door for Vegeta can be found over on the right, so ignore that for now. Walk west and follow the path along to arrive in an area with a human standing in front of the cliff. If you walked anti-clockwise around Yajirobe three times earlier, a crate will be visible near the human. Open the crate to collect the Z-Fighter Exhibit 12. Continue north up the mountain path and exit north to the next area to meet the Destroyer. The Destroyer will shoot flame out of a barrel on his left hand, so make sure you always stand near his right hand while attacking him. Walk north to the next area and east to the area with the save circle. Use the save circle to change characters to Gohan. Walk back to the previous area and battle the enemies until Gohan is at least level 85. Walk east to return to the area with the save circle, and then walk north to the ledge overlooking Babidi's spaceship. Babidi and Dabura walk out of the ship, and Babidi collects Gohan's energy from Spopovich. After he kills both Spopovich and Yamu, Dabura flies up to the cliff to turn Krillin and Piccolo to stone. Supreme Kai explains that they will be returned to normal if Dabura is defeated. Use the flight pad to fly down to the area outside of Babidi's ship, and then hit the character gate to open it. Walk north to enter the ship. BABIDI'S SHIP - STAGE ONE ------------------------- Walk south and save at the save circle, then walk south to the next area. The small panel at the top-left corner of the room hides a laser turret, which will appear when you walk near it. Many of these turrets appear throughout Babidi's ship, but as long as you stand close to them and keep attacking they shouldn't be able to fire a single shot. Walk east to the next area and press the button at the front of the machine to turn it green. Walk west, and then south twice. Go through the left exit and press the button on the second machine. Walk east three times and press the button on the third and final machine on this floor, which will open the main door. Walk west twice and then south once to pass through the newly opened door. Save at the save circle and continue south to go through to the room on the other side of the door. Vegeta wonders why they haven't all met much of a challenge so far, and then Supreme Kai enters the room to say that there is no way out of the ship unless Babidi is defeated. PuiPui enters the room and the boss battle will start. As Vegeta, go toward PuiPui and hit him once to win the battle. BABIDI'S SHIP - STAGE TWO ------------------------- As with stage one of the ship, three machines must also be found on this floor to open the door leading to the boss area. Walk south to the next area, then west to the room with the first machine. Press the button on the front of the machine, then exit the room and walk south to the next area. Walk south again to arrive in a room with a Majin Shield Soldier. True to his name, this enemy carries a shield in front of him which blocks attacks. Keep hitting the shield and it will break, allowing you to defeat the soldier in the normal way. Walk west twice, south once and press the button on the front of the second machine. Walk north once, east four times and press the button on the front of the third machine. Walk west twice and south twice to pass through the newly opened door leading to the boss area of Stage Two. Babidi uses his magic to transport everyone to Yakon's planet. Supreme Kai explains that Yakon is one of the most feared monsters in the universe. Only normal attacks work on Yakon, as energy attacks will actually increase his energy. Keep attacking him until he blocks. When he blocks, wait until he starts walking again before continuing to attack. Keep following this method of attacking to defeat Yakon. BABIDI'S SHIP - STAGE THREE --------------------------- Unlike the previous stages, switches must now be found to activate the three machines. Walk south and use the save circle to save the game. Walk south three times and west six times to enter a room with three red panels on the wall. Press the left panel to change it to green, which unlocks a door in a previous area. Walk east twice, north once, and then continue north through the newly unlocked door to enter a room with the first switch. Get the switch, then walk south twice and west twice to return to the room with the three switches. Press the middle switch. Walk east four times and north through the unlocked door. Get the second switch and exit the room. Walk west four times to return to the room with the three switches. Press the right switch. Walk east four times, south twice, west twice and north through the unlocked door to enter a room with the third switch. Get the switch and exit the room. Walk east twice, north twice, and then east twice to the main room of stage three. Walk north twice, west twice and use the first machine. Walk east four times, south once and use the second machine. Walk north once, west twice, south twice and east twice. Walk west twice and then south twice to pass through the newly opened door leading to the boss area of Stage Three. After Supreme Kai once again warns everyone to take things more seriously, Dabura will enter the room. With 10000 HP, Dabura is the strongest boss seen so far. If he levitates, a force field will extend outward from Dabura which will damage Gohan. It moves slowly, so you will plenty of time to move away from it. When he starts laughing, Dabura will soon start spitting purple blobs which will turn Gohan into stone. If you get hit, just rapidly tap left and right on the d-pad to return to normal. Keep attacking Dabura until he blocks, then wait until he starts moving again before continuing to attack. Vegeta will soon notice that Gohan is not as strong as he used to be, and says that he should be the one fighting Dabura. Dabura calls to Babidi and tells him he has made an important discovery. Back in the ship, Dabura explains that they have found a perfect warrior. Supreme Kai wonders who this warrior could be that is even stronger than Dabura, and eventually figures out that the warrior is Vegeta. As Supreme Kai realises this, Babidi starts to take over Vegeta's mind. Vegeta transforms into Majin Vegita, and the fourth chapter will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5. Chapter 5 - Majin Vegeta ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPAYA ISLAND ------------- The fifth chapter starts on the World Tournament stadium on Papaya Island. Babidi tells Vegeta to kill everyone, but Vegeta refuses and says that he only wants to fight Goku. As Goku refuses to fight, Vegeta shoots the crowd sitting on the stands of the stadium. Vegeta threatens to shoot again if Goku refuses to fight him. Supreme Kai explains that more energy will be sent to Babidi's ship with every injury that Vegeta causes. Goku tells Bibidi to transport him to a place away from people. Everyone is transported to the rocky canyon. ROCKY CANYON ------------ Supreme Kai decides to continue fighting against Babidi and Dabura while Goku and Vegeta fight. After they leave, the fight against Majin Vegeta will start. This fight is divided into sections, as the game cuts from the story of Goku and Vegeta to the story of Supreme Kai and Goku. The first part of the battle against Majin Vegeta is very easy, made even more simple by the fact that Goku should be a high level from all of the battles inside Babidi's ship. You don't need to even bother using any energy attacks. Just concentrate on using normal attacks to lower Vegeta's health bar to about 75%. Goku and Supreme Kai land outside Babidi's ship and see that the door is open. Supreme Kai suspects that it may be a trap. The game switches back to the fight against Majin Vegeta. Lower his health bar to about 50%. Goku and Supreme Kai enter Babidi's ship and find the ball that contains Buu. Babidi and Dabura walk out from behind the ball, and the scene ends. As Goku, lower Majin Vegeta's health bar to about 25%. Goku and Supreme Kai are transported outside, and the ball starts to move as Buu begins to wake up. Gohan realises that the energy caused by by Goku and Vegita fighting has caused Buu to wake early. As Goku, continue fighting Majin Vegeta to defeat him. Buu will start to hatch from the ball, and Goku quickly shoots the ball away. Supreme Kai says that only Babidi and Dabura have to be defeated to make everything return to normal. Goku fears that his attack wasn't strong enough to destroy Buu. Soon after, Majin Buu lands on the ground. Goku and Vegeta stop fighting when they feel a surge of energy, which Goku realises must have been Buu hatching from the ball. As Goku is about to fly off to battle Buu, Vegeta knocks him out and decides to battle Buu himself. Use the flight pad and fly to Southwest Forest. SOUTHWEST FOREST ---------------- After landing, walk north fives times, west once, north twice, east once and north once to return to the cliff overlooking Babidi's ship. Use the flight pad to fly down to the ship area. As Buu is about to attack Goku and Supreme Kai, Dabura returns to the area and throws a staff at Buu. After Buu turns Dabura into a cake and eats him, Vegeta blows up Babidi's ship and lands in the area. Buu gets mad when Vegeta calls him ugly, and the battle against Buu will begin. Hit Babidi when he lands on the ground. While Babidi is dizzy, Buu can be hit normally. Buu has two attacks in this battle: The first is a simple energy blast, and the second is a laser. The laser is the main thing to avoid in this battle, as it will turn Vegeta into food if it hits him. You can still move while in food form, but you won't be able to attack until Vegeta returns to normal. If Buu does catch Vegeta, quickly tap left and right on the d-pad to move away from him. Continue to attack Buu while Babidi is dizzy to defeat him. After the battle, Goten and Trunks fly down to Vegeta, who is still lying on the floor after the battle against Buu. After Vegeta wakes up, he knocks out Goten and Trunks and tells Piccolo to take them far away from Buu. Vegeta destroys himself in an attempt to kill Buu, leaving a giant crater in the middle of the area. After a few seconds, Buu will reappear in the middle of the crater. Piccolo flies away to tell Krillen that Buu has returned. Krillen asks what else they can do to defeat Buu, and Piccolo decides agree that Goten and Trunks may be able to help. The fifth chapter will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.6. Chapter 6 - Dragon Ball ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROCKY CANYON ------------ After Goku wakes up at the rocky canyon, he says that he can sense Krillen and Piccolo at Kami's Lookout. Use the flight pad and fly to Kami's Lookout. KAMI'S LOOKOUT -------------- Goku arrives at the lookout and walks toward Piccolo, who informs him of all that happened since Vegeta knocked him out. Goku explains that he learnt a special technique from a race of aliens in the Other World, which allows two people to fuse. He says that with two Saiyans combined, there could be enough power to defeat Buu. Goten and Trunks want to perform the fusion, but first Goku wants them both to search for the seven Dragon Balls. As Gohan, walk south and use the world map circle to fly to West City. WEST CITY --------- Walk east to Capsule Corporation and enter Bulma's house. Talk to Bulma to get the Dragon Radar. Exit the house and walk west to return to West City, then use the world map circle. The dragon radar will appear at the top-left corner of the map. Fly around the map until one of the arrows on the radar glows purple. Now follow this direction until the arrow glows red, then continue following the red arrow until the circle in the middle of the arrows glows red. When this happens, descend to the location below. Let's start our search for the dragon balls travelling to the Thieves Den at the bottom-right corner of the map. 1-STAR DRAGON BALL - THIEVES DEN -------------------------------- The first barrier we find at the Thieves Den is a level 80 character gate for Trunks. If Trunks has not reached level 80 yet, then travel to Musaka Circus in Hercule City. Once there, walk north to the top of the circus and fight the Thugs until Trunks reaches at least level 80 before flying back to the Thieves Den. After landing, walk north and hit the character gate to open it. Continue east twice and fight the goon on the bridge. Remember to block by pressing R when the goon swings his bar. Walk east, then walk north three times to arrive outside the entrance to the thieves den. You should have picked up at least one bandana from fighting enemies up to this point. Select accessories in the equip menu, and equip the bandana to Trunks. Walk north and talk to the criminal with the green hair to enter the den. Enter the house at the top of the den and walk up the steps at the top-right corner of the room. Continue north up the next two sets of steps to meet the bandit king in a room at the top of the house. He tells Trunks to pick any item from the table. Walk to the bottom of the table and get the 1-Star Dragon ball. After collecting the Dragon Ball, a monkey will swing down to steal the bandana from Trunks. The theives notice this, and a battle will start. As the goon is the slowest moving enemy, concentrate on attacking the other three enemies first. Block the goon's attack when he swings the bar, then keep attacking him to defeat him. Get the Iron Kabuto that the goon drops, then exit the house to return to the den. All of the thieves outside will have turned against Trunks as well, so defeat them all before exiting the den. Go south three times, west three times, and then use the world map circle. Fly to Diablo Desert near the left side of the large continent on the map. 2-STAR DRAGON BALL - DIABLO DESERT ---------------------------------- Hit the character gate to open it and talk to the man standing near the rock. Use two energy blasts to destroy the rock and defeat the three enemies that appear. Walk north three times to arrive in an area with four gold steps. The aim in this area is to find four hidden buttons that will remove all of the steps. Start by walking south three times and east once. Destroy the rock at the bottom-right corner of the area and walk onto the button to remove the first gold step. Walk east twice, destroy the bottom rock near the three Mad Bombers and walk onto the button to remove the second gold step. Walk north once and west once. Open the chest at the bottom-left corner of the area to find the Spiked Breastplate. Walk north and destroy the bottom rock, then walk onto the button to remove the third gold step. Walk north and destroy the rock to find the Z-Fighter Exhibit 2. Walk east once and destroy the rock at the top-right corner of the area. Walk onto the button to remove the fourth gold step. Walk east once, north once and climb up the steps. Walk east once and open the chest to find the Iron Armor. Walk west three times and use the save circle at the left side of the area to save the game. Walk north up the slope and use the flight pad to fly onto the roof of the Diablo Desert Express. Walk west three times along the roof of the train, then drop down the hole to land in the train. Walk east three times and defeat all of the enemies in the room with the people to be given the 2-Star Dragon Ball as a reward. Walk west three times and move left to fly up to the roof of the train. Use the world map circle on the right to view the world map. Fly to Pilaf'S Castle at the bottom-right corner of the large continent on the map. 3-STAR DRAGON BALL - PILAF'S CASTLE ----------------------------------- Walk east and hit the character gate to destroy it. Go north, follow the path to the top of the area and walk west. Walk west along the path and go east to the next area. Walk through the gap in the wall and defeat the Destroyer. Go north twice to enter the castle. Defeat the Destroyer at the top of the room and go north to arrive at an outside area with two Destroyers at the top. You can avoid these Destroyers by entering the small buildings at either side of the area. Continue north through the doorway to return to the castle. Hit the cracked wall and walk north through the new tunnel. Defeat the Goon and walk north twice to arrive in a room with three Ghosts. Defeat the ghosts when they are visible, but just walk past them when they become invisible. Continue north to the next room, then walk west and use the save circle to save the game. Defeat the two Goons and go north to meet Pilaf. After he realises that Trunks is after the Dragon Ball, Pilaf's Guardian will appear. Block when Pilaf's Guardian attacks with the sword, and continue to attack to defeat him. After the battle, Pilaf will drop the 3-Star Dragon Ball. Get the 3-Star Dragon Ball and Pilaf's Gloves. Walk south, east, south, west and south six times to exit the castle. Continue to follow the path back down to the save circle, and use the world map circle to view the world map. Fly to the Airship at the top of the large continent on the map. 5-STAR DRAGON BALL - AIRSHIP ---------------------------- Walk east twice and defeat the Bio Mech before using the lift to travel up to the second floor of the airship. Walk west twice and use the platform to travel over the gap to the next section of path. Walk west and defeat the two Bio Mechs before using the lift to travel up to the third floor of the airship. Go east to encounter the Mechanoid. This enemy will transform into a ball after it has been hit a few times. Make sure you move away from the Mechanoid when it transforms into a ball, as it can't be damaged while in ball form. Walk east twice and use the lift to travel up to the fourth floor. Walk south. Go north through the left door and use the platform to ride over to the section of path on the left. Walk west and defeat the two laser turrets that appear in the middle of the path. Continue left to the end of the path and walk south to the next area. Walk north through the left door and use the lift to travel up to the fifth floor. Walk east and defeat the two Mechanoids on the path. Continue east twice and use the lift to travel up to the sixth floor. Walk west and defeat both the Mechanoid and the Bio Mech on the path. Continue west to the next area and use the platform to ride across to the next section of path. Walk west and use the lift to travel up to the seventh floor. Defeat all five enemies here, and then go through the door at the right side of the area. Use the lift to travel up to the eighth and highest floor of the airship. Defeat the Mechanoid first, then focus on the Airship Warlord. He fights in exactly the same way as a Bio Mech, so just attack him normally and block his attack with the claw until he is defeated. Get the 5-Star Dragon Ball to start a three minute countdown. Quickly run back down the airship in exactly the same way that you came until you reach the the first floor. Use the world map circle and fly to Fukurou Forest at the bottom-right corner of the map. 6-STAR DRAGON BALL - FUKUROU FOREST ----------------------------------- Hit the character gate and walk north to the next area. Continue north twice to enter the ninja stronghold. Climb up to the top of the steps to face the first Ninja, who will throw a ninja star toward Goku. The ninja only has 585 HP, so defeat him and walk toward the barrel on the right. Though most barrels contain items, some in the ninja strongold will start to shake, which means they have an enemy inside. Defeat the Ninja that appears, and continue right to the next area, where a Ninja appears telling Goku to leave the stronghold. Ignore him and walk east to the next area, then north up the steps. At the top of the steps, you will face the new type of enemy in the stronghold: Samurai. With 2175 HP, they are much more difficult to defeat than the standard Ninja. They only attack by swinging with the sword, so just stand up close to the Samurai and quickly keep attacking. After defeating the Samurai, walk east twice, north up the steps, west twice, and then north twice up the next set of steps. Use the save circle to save the game. Walk east three times, south down the steps, west once, and use the dragon head to get the Ninja Key. Walk east once, north up the steps and west three times to return to the area with the save circle. Walk north through the door to meet the Ninja Boss. Like the normal Ninjas, the Ninja Boss will also throw ninja stars. He also has the ability to transport to different locations in the room. If you move near to the Ninja Boss and keep attacking, he won't have the chance to transport to a new area. After defeating the Ninja Boss, get the 6-Star Dragon Ball and hit the box at the top-left corner of the room to get the Gokuu Hat. The Gokuu Hat is a very useful accessory which will give a +1 bonus to all stats when you level up. Walk south three times, east twice, south down the steps, west twice, south down the steps, west twice and south down the steps to exit the ninja stronghold. Walk south twice and use the world map circle to view the map. Fly to Kyodai Pyramid in the middle of the large continent on the map. 7-STAR DRAGON BALL - KYODAI PYRAMID ----------------------------------- Hit the character gate and walk north to the next area. Continue north toward the entrance to the pyramid to meet Dr. Challenger, who says that he will give Trunks the 7-Star Dragon Ball if he rescues all four of his friends and gets the headdress of Pharoah Totenhotep. Walk north to enter the pyramid, where we meet the first of many Mummies. The Mummy will throw pieces of bandages, which will stick to Trunks when they hit him. With each bandage that hits Trunks, it become increasingly more difficult to move. Quickly tap left and right on the d-pad to get rid of the bandages that are thrown. Walk north to enter a room with statues at either side. Look carefully at the tiles in the middle of the room: Some are raised while some are normal. Make sure you only step on the normal tiles, as stepping on the raised tile will cause a spiked disc to be thrown at Trunks. Also in this room are two Skeletons which cannot be beaten. You can hit the Skeletons until they fall down, but they will always stand up again after a while. Walk north and go through the left door at the top of the room to arrive in a room with three tombs. Open the tomb at the top of the room to find the first of Dr. Challenger's friends. Walk south and go through the right door at the top of the room. Hit the first blue orb to make the nearby platforms move. Walk north over the platform and hit the second blue orb. Walk south over the platform and shoot an energy blast at the first orb on the left. Walk north onto the first tile of the platform and shoot an energy blast at the third orb on the right. Walk north onto the ledge and shoot the third orb again. Walk south onto the platform and shoot the third orb once again to move over to the right. Walk north onto the ledge and shoot the fourth orb at the top-right corner of the room. Walk south onto the platform and shoot the fifth orb on the left. Walk east to exit the room. Avoid the four skeletons and go south to the next area. Navigate past all five of the Mummies and walk south to arrive in a dark area with an invisible path leading through it. Follow the first shown direction on the path until you stop moving in that direction, then follow the next direction, and so on: Go south, east, south, west, south, east, south to the bottom-right corner of the room. West, north, west, then north to arrive on a platform with a man walking on it. Talk to the man to rescue the second of Dr. Challenger's friends. To get out of the dark room, walk down to the bottom-left corner of the ledge, then walk west along the invisible path. Walk south, east, south, west, south and then west to exit the room. Walk north through the door at the top of the room, walk north twice, and walk south through the doorway at the bottom-right corner of the room. Defeat the three Mummies that all start throwing bandages at Trunks as soon as he enters the room, and then walk south to the next area. Climb up the steps to arrive on the second floor of the pyramid. Use the save circle in the middle of the room to save the game. Walk onto the red button in the middle of the room to lift the door slightly. Go west, and then south at the bottom-left corner of the room to arrive in an area with four Skeletons. Walk onto the button at the right side of the room to lift the door in the main room. Exit the room and walk north to the next room. Walk over the platforms to the right side of the first orb, then shoot the orb to move the platforms. Walk north up the right platform and shoot the second orb. Go north over the platform and shoot the second orb again. Walk over both platforms and go east along the path at the top of the area to exit the room. Walk onto the red button and continue east to arrive in a room with a series of paths and ghosts. Unlike most other areas in the pyramid, it is possible to fall off of the paths here and drop down to the first floor. The ghosts can be troule here as they can push Trunks off the edge of the path, so try and defeat them before they have a chance to attack. Follow these directions along the path in this room: South, east, south, east, north, west, north, east, south, east and north to the button. Stand on the button to fully open the door in the main room. Follow these directions on the path: South to the bottom of the path, west, south, east, south, west, north and west to exit the room. Talk to the man in the room to rescue the third of Dr. Challenger's friends. Walk east to the previous room and fall off the edge of the path to land on the first floor. Walk north, then south through the exit at the bottom-right corner of the room. Continue south and take the steps up to the second floor. Go north through the newly opened door and wak north up the steps to enter Totenhotep's chamber. Totenhotep almost exactly like the normal Mummies in the pyramid, with the difference being that he sometimes throws more than one bandage. Remember to tap left and right on the d-pad to shake off the bandages, and continue to attack Totenhotep to defeat him. Get Totenhotep's Headdress and go north to the next room. Talk to the man to rescue the fourth of Dr. Challenger's friends. Open the four chests in the room to collect Mystic Aegis, Hercule Exhibit 11, Emerald Amulet and Ox King's Hat. Walk south four times to return to the first floor of the pyramid. Go north twice, south through the exit at the bottom-left corner of the room. Continue south twice, west once and then south to exit the pyramid. Walk to Dr. Challenger and he will give Trunks the 7-Star Dragon Ball. Go south and use the world map circle to fly up to Gohan. Trunks accidentally drops the radar onto a village below, and he flies down with Gohan to find it. 4-STAR DRAGON BALL - NATADAY VILLAGE ------------------------------------ The 4-Star Dragon Ball won't appear on the radar until Gohan and Trunks land in Nataday Village. When they land, they discover that the radar is pointing north toward the top of the village. Walk into the hut at the top-left corner of the village to see the priest, who is wearing the 4-Star Dragon Ball as a necklace. He says that he will give the Dragon Ball to the one who beats the monster. Exit the hut and walk to the save circle at the bottom of the village. Save the game, then switch characters to Gohan and make sure he is at least level 100. Walk north and talk to the man at the top of the village to make him move. Hit the character gate to open it, and then walk north to the northern wilderness. Walk north and take the top-right exit. Continue north three times, east twice and south once to arrive in an area with the Knight Destroyer. Fighting this incredibly strong enemy is a great way of levelling up, so be sure to return to this area to keep battling the Knight Destroyer. Walk east twice, north twice, west once, south once and west once to arrive at the other side of the broken bridge that you passed earlier. Walk north twice to arrive at the volcano, then use the save circle on the right to save the game. Walk west and go through the small entrance at the left side of the area to enter the cave. Walk through the tunnel at the top-left corner of the area to arrive in a room with Bruiser. This is a much stronger version of the Goons, but they fight in exactly the same way. Attack like normal, but make sure you block when Bruiser swings the bar. Walk south to the ledge outside the cave and open the chest to get the Evil Talisman. Walk north and go through the tunnel at the top-right corner of the room. Go through the exit at the bottom-right corner of the cave. Walk across the bridge and go through the next tunnel on the right. Defeat the three Vlads in this area and go through the exit at the bottom-middle section of the cave. Open the chest to get the Charge Gloves. Return to the cave and go through the exit at the bottom-right corner of the area. Walk up the steps and go through the tunnel, then walk west and defeat the two Phantoms. Take the exit at the top-left corner of the cave, battle the three Hooligans, and then walk north to the next area. Destroy the rock at the top-right corner of the room and walk into the hole, then walk east to arrive in a room with Vlad. Quickly walk south to avoid Vlad and go through the exit at the bottom of the room. Open the chest on the ledge to get Hercule Exhibit 12, then walk north to return to the room with Vlad. This small room with Vlad is actually one of the best places to level up in the whole chapter. All you need to do is walk north to the rocks in the middle of the cave, and you should find that Vlad will fly toward you only to be blocked by the rocks. He can't hit you, but you can hit him. Just keep exiting the room and entering again to battle Vlad as many times as you want. From the cave with Vlad, walk into the hole and go west to return to the cave with the two Cursed Ones. Walk west through the exit at the top-left corner of the room, then go south twice to arrive on a ledge. Walk onto the button to make a bridge appear. Walk north twice, east at the top of the room with the two Vlads, south, east, and then take the bottom-left exit in the area with the three Phantoms. Cross over the new bridge and enter the tunnel on the other side. Defeat the Knight Destroyer and walk west at the top of the room. Walk north through the exit at the top of the room with the six Ghouls, then use the save point to save the game. Walk south through the bottom-left exit and walk up the steps to arrive at the Volcano Summit. The boss fight against Broly will start. Despite being the legendary Super Saiyan, Broly is very easy to defeat here. He will start off by shooting energy blasts and following Goten around the area. His punches won't do too much damage, so don't worry abou getting too close. When Broly stops to lift both arms, he will do a slightly more powerful attack that is simple to avoid as he pauses so long before attacking. If Broly jumps in the air, watch his shadow on the ground and keep walking away from it. This is his most powerful attack, but as long as you move away from the shadow it is easily avoided. Walk up close to Broly and continue attacking to defeat him. After the battle, get the Z-Fighter Exhibit 10 from the middle of the area and walk south. Walk through the next tunnel to return to the area with the save circle. Defeat both Ronins and go through the exit at the bottom-right corner of the room. Walk to the bottom of the room with the five Ghouls and go east. Go south, east along the bridge and north through the tunnel. Walk through the bottom-right exit in the room with the three Phantoms. Walk down the steps and through the tunnel. Go through the bottom-left exit in the room with the Vlads, then cross over the bridge and walk into the next tunnel. Walk south through the bottom-left exit, then continue south to return to the Northern Wilderness. Walk south, east, north, east, south three times and west twice to the area with the Knight Destroyer. Walk north, west twice and south six times to return to Nataday Village. Walk into the top-left hut to talk to the Priest, who is surprised to learn that the monster has been defeated. After refusing to give Goten the 4-Star Dragon Ball, Trunks shoots a pot and the Priest changes his mind. Exit the hut and use the world map circle at the bottom of the village to fly to the yellow ship near Kami's Lookout. The sixth chapter will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7. Chapter 7 - Majin Buu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KAMI'S LOOKOUT -------------- The seventh chapter starts in Kami's Lookout, where Goku decides to teach Goten and Trunks the fusion technique. Enter the commands that are shown to perform the Fusion Dance correctly. Babidi meanwhile is communicating telepathically with the Earth, so that anyone can communicate with him by thinking. A scene is shown where Babidi discovers the location of Capsule Corporation. Goku tells Trunks to get the Dragon Radar. As Goku, go south and use the world map circle. Fly to Majin Buu, who is hovering above Capsule Corporation at West City. ABOVE WEST CITY --------------- Goku lands on the roof of the ZZTV building in West City. After Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 3, walk toward Buu and start attacking. Buu will use energy blasts and punches most of the time in this battle, but will sometimes stretch his arm out to hit Goku. No attacks are too damaging though, so just keep on standing close to Buu and attacking to win. Goku will return to Kami's Lookout. KAMI'S LOOKOUT -------------- Trunks returns to Kami's Lookout, and Goku continues teaching Goten and Trunks the fusion technique. He teaches them how to perform Super Saiyan 3, but the effort made his time on Earth run out. Goku tells Piccolo to continue teaching Goten and Trunks, and then he returns to the Other World. Enter the commands that are shown to fuse into Gotenks. After flying to the world map, fly back to Majin Buu above Capsule Corporation at West City. WEST CITY --------- Buu uses exactly the same attacks here as he did in the previous battle against Goku, only this battle will be even easier due to the fusion. Attack Buu until his health bar runs out. After this happens, Buu will punch Gotenks into the side of the area. Gotenks returns to Kami's Lookout. After Piccolo tells him that they need more training before facing Buu, the seventh chapter will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.8. Chapter 8 - Janemba ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HERCULE TOWN ------------ The eighth chapter starts in Hercule Town, where Hercule tells the people that he is going to save them from Majin Buu. He travels to a grassy area where he has been told that Buu lives. As Hercule, walk north to find Buu's house. Buu lands behind Hercule, and Hercule gives him a bomb. After Buu eats the bomb, he decides that he likes Hercule and wants to be his friend. The game will switch from Hercule to Goku, who has returned to Snake Way in the Other World. SNAKE WAY --------- Goku notices that various souls are floating around Snake Way. Go east through the snake head at the end of Snake Way and continue north to see Yenma, who has been trapped inside his building. Yenma says that an evil spirit named Janemba from the Demon World has taken over the Other World. He tells Goku to get some help from Vegeta. Walk onto the Instant Transmission circle and travel to HFIL. HFIL ---- Walk north and defeat the three Living Dead. Go to the top-right corner of the area and use Instant Transmission to travel through to the button on the other side of the ledge. This will lower a set of spikes in another area of HFIL. Walk east, north and east to arrive in an area with spikes at the right side. Carefully walk up the path at the right side of the area to avoid the spikes. Open the chest near the tree at the top-left corner to collect the Talisman of Light, then walk west to the next area. Defeat the Nosferatu and go south past the spikes that were lowered by pressing the button earlier in HFIL. Walk north twice and defeat the Annihilator. Walk east, north and then south down the right path. Walk down to the bottom-right corner of the area and walk north up the path at the side of the spikes to arrive in the next area. Walk east and use the save circle at the bottom-right corner to save the game. Open the chest at the top-right corner to find the Spirit Geta, then walk south down the path at the bottom of the area. Walk south to the purple spikes at the bottom of the path to see a button on the other side. Use the L button to select instant transmission, and use it to teleport onto the button in the middle of the area. Go south past the first set of purple spikes and teleport to the button again. Follow the path along to the east until you arrive at the next set of spikes in the middle of the area. Teleport onto the button, walk west past the spikes and teleport to the button again. Follow the path along to the next set of spikes. Press the button, walk north past the spikes that have just lowered and then press the button again. Instead of heading toward the spikes this time, follow the path west and open the chest at the end of the path to find the Doom Amulet. Return to the spikes and teleport onto the button. Walk past the spikes and press the button again, then continue north to the top of the area. Walk west along the path with the series of spikes until you arrive at the top-left corner of the area, then walk south down the next path. Walk east to the bottom-right corner of the area, north to the top-right corner, and finally east to exit the area. Talk to the top-right soul to find Vegeta, who agrees to help Goku. Meanwhile, Hercule is still at Buu's house. Buu has found a puppy that keeps following him around. After Hercule points out that the puppy has an injured leg, Buu heals the puppy. Hercule changes his mind about destroying Buu, and talks him into not destroying cities or killing things again. Up on Kami's Lookout, Dende and Pikkon notice that Majin Buu has changed, and they realise that they might not have to fight him at all. The game returns to Goku in HFIL. Walk west to return to the maze with the button in the middle. Go back through this maze in the same way that you came, lowering the spikes by using instant transmission to teleport to the button in the middle of the area. After exiting the maze, walk west, south, north up the left path, south down the left path and west to the area with the Annihilator. Walk south twice, north up the right path, east, west along the path at the bottom of the area, south, west and south to return to the area with the Instant Transmission circle. Use the save circle to save the game and switch characters to Vegeta. As Vegeta, walk through the exit at the top-left corner of the area and hit the character gate to open it. Walk north and use the save circle to save the game, then continue north to meet Janemba. The Janemba hand will frequently appear in this battle, so it's best to keep moving and not stand in one place. Start by attacking Janemba as quickly as possible. When he jumps, move away from his shadow, as when he lands it will cause five Mini-Janembas to appear. Defeat all of the Mini-Janembas, and then keep attacking Janemba to defeat him. After the first battle against Janemba is over, Super Janemba will appear. This is a more difficult battle as Super Janemba has much more health, more powerful attacks and can now move around the area. Fortunately, Super Janemba doesn't have the ability to make the five Mini-Janembas appear. Move up close to Super Janemba and keep attacking. After winning the battle, Super Janemba will still be standing, so Goku and Vegeta decide to fuse. Enter the commands shown to fuse into Gogeta. Attack Super Janemba in the same way as before to defeat him. After Vegeta flies away, go south three times and use the instant transmission circle to travel to Yenma's Office in the Other World. YENMA'S OFFICE -------------- Walk north to enter Yenma's office and move to the front of the desk. Talk to Yenma and he will tell Goku that Gohan is still alive. Back on Earth, Hercule is making dinner for Buu when he is killed by someone that jumps in through the window. Buu brings him back to life, and as Hercule is thanking him, Buu tells him to quickly get out of the house. Hercule hides and watches as Buu walks out of the house. Another different form of Buu appears. A fight between the two Buus starts, with the Buu from earlier losing to this new form of Buu. The new Buu transforms into Super Buu, and the eighth chapter will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.9. Chapter 9 - Super Buu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YENMA'S OFFICE -------------- The ninth chapter starts in Yenma's Office in the Other World. Walk south to exit the office. Goku realises that Gohan must be with the Supreme Kai, so he travels to the Planet of the Kais to help him train. PLANET OF THE KAIS ------------------ Supreme Kai explains that he brought Gohan to the planet to get the Z-Sword, which he believes is the only weapon that can defeat Majin Buu. Walk north up the three sets of steps to the top of the mountain and try to get the sword. Quickly Press A and B while moving left and right on the d-pad to pull the sword out of the ground. Gohan will climb down from the mountain to start training with the sword. Goku will agree to help, and so he throws a rock at Gohan. Press the A button to hit the rock at the correct time. Don't worry if you miss, as you can have as many chances as you want to hit the rock. Next, Supreme Kai will tell Goku to throw a block of Katchin, the hardest metal in universe, at Gohan. Press A at the correct time to snap the sword. Supreme Kai realises that Gohan should now be strong enough to fight Majin Buu without the sword. An old Kai enters the area and explains that he had been trapped in the Z-Sword until it was broken, and also says that he has menacing capacities that he can teach Gohan. The scene will then end. KAMI'S LOOKOUT -------------- Back on Kami's Lookout, Goten and Trunks plan to escape from the bedroom. The Scouter suddenly beeps, and the grandfather of Trunks speaks to him. He says that more dangerous enemies have appeared on Earth, and also that he has made and upgrade for the Scouter. After Goten flies way, climb out of the window to view the world map, and fly to West City. WEST CITY --------- Walk east to Capsule Corporation and then north to the lobby. Walk west to the laboratory and talk to Dr. Brief to get the upgraded Scouter, which can now be used to view areas that have not yet been visited on maps. Go east to exit the lab. Walk south, west and use the world map circle. Fly back to Kami's Lookout. KAMI'S LOOKOUT -------------- Use the bed and select Yes to sleep. As Trunks sleeps, Super Buu will enter the lookout to demand to fight the challenger. He says he will give everyone an hour before he kills them all. After Trunks wakes up, he will travel to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Goten. Inside the chamber, talk to Goten and keep attacking until you defeat him. He uses no attacks except a punch, so the fight should be no problem. After the battle, destroy all of the pots in the kitchen and collect the items that appear. Walk west and then south. Talk to Goten and either select Yes to stay in the chamber or No to stop training. HYPERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER ----------------------- Super Buu meanwhile decides that he wants to fight early. As he threatens to attack unless he is taken to his opponent, Piccolo takes him to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. As Goten and Trunks, enter the commands that are shown to fuse into Gotenks. After Buu arrives, the battle will start soon after. Buu once again has the ability to transform the character into different sweets. As before, make sure you move away from Buu when this happens as there is no way to attack him in this state. He will also use energy blasts and strong punches, so make sure you keep close when attacking. After the first part of the battle, Piccolo will think that Gotenks is tiring, when really he is saving his energy for his best technique. As Gotenks pretends that he can't fight any more, Piccolo believes him and destroys the exit to the time chamber. Buu realises that he can't have any more candy if he's stuck in the time chamber, so he makes a portal appear and escapes the chamber. Piccolo explains that the vibrations of Buu's voice made the portal appear, so he tells Gotenks to also try and make a portal appear. Gotenks transforms into Super Saiyan 3 and opens the portal to return to Kami's Lookout. KAMI'S LOOKOUT -------------- Gotenks and Piccolo arrive back at the lookout to discover that nobody else is there except for Buu. They ask him what happened, and he tells them that he ate everyone. The next battle against Buu starts. He has the same attacks here that he had back in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, so attack him in the same way. When Buu's health bar reaches 50%, he will destroy Kami's Lookout. Walk north and use the left flight pad. Use the flight pads to fly over to the island at the left side of the lookout, and open the chest to get the Super Gloves. Fly back to the right and use bottom flight pad to exit the lookout. BARREN WASTELAND ---------------- The second part of the battle against Buu takes place when he reappears in the middle of the crater. Walk down to the crater and attack Buu until his health bar decreases to 5%. The fusion ends, and Goten and Trunks appear. SOUTHWEST FOREST ---------------- After Gohan gains his new powers from the old Kai on the Planet of the Kais, he travels to Southwest Forest to rescue Goten and Trunks from Buu. Use the world map circle and fly to the barren wasteland at the left side of the world map. BARREN WASTELAND ---------------- Gohan lands at the side of the crater, and it is now his turn to fight Buu. There is no difference here from any of the past fights against Super Buu. He will still try and change Gohan into varieties of sweets, but as long as you stay close and continue to punch he shouldn't get much of a chance to attack. Decrease Buu's health bar to about 40%, and he will blow himself up. Gohan realises that he can still feel Dende's energy, and they all decide to go and look for him. Walk north twice and defeat the two Death Machines. Continue east and hit the character gate to open it, then walk north to find Dende. Super Buu appears again and asks to fight Goten and Trunks. Enter the commands that appear on the screen transform into Gotenks. Buu absorbs them and starts to fight against Gohan. Super Buu is much more powerful here, with over 100000 HP and more devestating attacks. He will still energy blast, but he now has the ability to create ghosts of himself. The ghosts can't be beaten, and will take over 100 HP off of Gohan each time they hit. The best thing to do is to walk to another part of the area where the ghosts can't be seen. Super Buu seems to have lost his cake-making ability in this fight, so you don't have to worry about being turned into a sweet in this battle. Instead, stay as close to Super Buu attack to lower his health bar to about 80%. Super Buu will shoot Gohan, and the scene will change to Goku on the Planet of the Kais who is watching the events happening on Earth. The old Kai agrees to give up his life to let Goku return to Earth to help Gohan. He gives Goku Potara Earrings, which is an easier way to fuse than the previous fusion technique. If each person wears and earring, they will fuse together instantly. Goku flies to the Giant Crater and tries to throw the Potara Earrings to Gohan, who doesn't catch them. Buu absorbs him before he has the chance to find them, leaving Goku alone. Buu decides to let Gohan fuse with one person to make a more interesting battle. Gohan flies to Vegeta and tries to persuade him to fuse, but Vegeta flies away. Walk west to the next character gate and hit it. Select yes when the message appears asking if you're ready to confront Majin Buu, and Goku will walk north to the next area. The ninth chapter will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.10. Chapter 10 - Fusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BARREN WASTELAND ---------------- The tenth chapter starts in the barren wasteland, where Goku walks toward Super Buu to start the next battle. Buu will start by flying onto high rocks in the area, seemingly out of reach of Goku. He will also drop flames onto Goku which can kill him in one hit, so be sure to keep moving to avoid being hit by one of the flames. When Buu stops on one of the rocks, use instant transmission to teleport to the top of the rock. Buu will drop down to the main area and Vegeta will hit him. Do this two more times and Vegeta will agree to fuse with Goku. As Vegito, start attacking Super Buu. He will still occasionally shoot energy blasts and the very powerful flame, but both attacks are easy to avoid. Sometimes a pink blob will appear in the area that will try to eat Vegito. If this happens, tap left and right on the d-pad to escape the blob. Buu can also summon ghosts which are impossible to defeat, so make sure that you walk away from them until they disappear. Continue attacking Super Buu until his health bar reaches 5%, and Buu will then eat Vegito. INSIDE BUU ---------- Use the flight pad and walk north twice to arrive in an area with blood cells floating around. They only have 3085 HP and weak attacks, so they are a great way of earning EXP. Walk north again and go east twice to enter an area with a Blister, an enemy that creates Enzymes. Defeat the Enzymes if they get near, and then destroy the web at the top of the room to open a door in a previous area. Walk west twice and go north through the newly opened door. Continue north and then go through the door at the top-left corner of the area to enter a room with two worms. These worms won't attack Vegeta, and are best left alone as they will divide into different sections if attacked. Continue north, then walk through the exit at the top-right corner of the area. Walk to the top of the room and destroy the three webs. Exit the room, go south twice, east three times and use the save circle to save the game. Walk through the newly opened door to enter the intestines. Continue north four times to arrive in a room with what seems to be Goten and Trunks. They fuse into Gotenks and start to attack Vegeta. Defeat the fake Gotenks and walk west to see that the real Goten and Trunks have been captured in pods by Buu. Continue west and walk north to battle the fake Gohan. Go east twice and battle the fake Piccolo, then walk west twice and use the save circle to save the game. Walk north and Gohan and Vegeta will discover that the original Majin Buu has also been captured in a pod. Super Buu will appear and the battle will start. Like earlier fights against Buu, he has his cake-making ability so prepare to be turned into any number of tasty sweets. He will always pause before he attacks though, so you will have plenty of time to walk away from him. He can extend his arm to attack, and will also shoot energy blasts. As with previous fights, close-ranging fighting is the best method here, so just walk near to him and keep attacking to defeat him. After the battle, walk north through the door at the top of the room to escape from Buu. The tenth chapter will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.11. Chapter 11 - Kid Buu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLANET OF THE KAIS ------------------ The eleventh chapter starts on the Planet of the Kais, where it is explained that Majin Buu has changed into his original form. The Kai explains that Buu is now into a form of Buu which is pure unrestrained evil. EARTH ----- On Earth, Goku and Vegeta realise they will have to train before they attempt to fight Kid Buu. You can level up by fighting enemies if you want, but level 140 should be high enough to defeat Buu. When ready, go to the barren wasteland and select yes to confront Kid Buu. BARREN WASTELAND ---------------- Goku and Vegeta land at the wasteland and Kid Buu appears. Instead of fighting, Kid Buu decides he is going to blow the Earth up instead. He explodes, and Goku and Vegeta manage to teleport to the Planet of the Kais. PLANET OF THE KAIS ------------------ Supreme Kai explains that Buu is reforming after destroying the Earth, and Goku realises that Buu can now even use Instant Transmission to teleport to other places. Buu is destroying even more planets, so Goku and Vegeta become Super Saiyans so that Buu can find them on the Planet of the Kais. After Kid Buu arrives, Goku will chaneg into Super Saiyan 3 and the battle will begin. Buu uses Instant Transmission to teleport to different locations on the planet, and he can also split himself in two. When there are two Buus, try and attack them both at the same time to prevent the other Buu from attacking. Eventually the fake Buu will disappear and the real Buu will continue to fight. Hit Buu until his health bar decreases to about 75%, and Vegeta will then take over. Attack Buu until his health bar reaches about 40%, and Goku will then continue the battle. Buu's health will be restored, so attack him until health bar reaches 75% again. Vegeta tells Goku to transform into Super Saiyan 3, but Goku tells him he needs time to get his energy back. As Vegeta, walk behind the cliff at the bottom-right corner of the area and wait there until the timer reaches zero. Goku finds that he can't change into Super Saiyan 3, and Vegeta tells Dende to gather the Dragon Balls as quickly as possible. On New Namek, Dende tells Vegeta that the Dragon Balls have been found. Vegeta tells him to restore the Earth, and to bring back the people that were killed since the Martial Arts tournament. After the Earth is restored, Vegeta tells Goku that he wants to try a Spirit Bomb. King Kai lets Vegeta speak to Earth, and he tells everyone to offer up their energy so Buu can be defeated. The spirit bomb is small, and it seems that only a few people on Earth are giving energy. Vegeta decides to give Goku more time, so walk back to the cliff at the bottom-right corner of the area and stay there until the timer reaches zero. The people of Earth still don't trust the strange voices from the sky, so Hercule talks to Earth and persuades them to give energy. The spirit bomb will become large enough to use against Buu, but as Goku about to throw it Vegeta finds that he hasn't got enough energy to move. Hercule rushes in to save him, and Goku throws the spirit bomb at Kid Buu. Vegeta makes a third wish for Goku to have enough energy to transform back to Super Saiyan 3. Press the A button as quickly as possible to fill the strength bar to green, and Goku will push the Spirit Bomb into Kid Buu, which finally defeats him. You can view the ending sequence by flying to Capsule Corporation in West City, although there is plenty to do in the game before that. New enemies have now appeared in different areas of Earth, and you can now open the new character gates in some of the previous locations. A new airship has appeared at the top of the large continent of the map which contains the most powerful enemy in the game: Shadow Colossus. You can also use the instant transmission circle in Kami's Lookout to return to locations outside of Earth. And there are also all of the Hercule and Z-Fighter Exhibits. When you're ready, fly to West City. WEST CITY --------- Walk east to Capsule Corporation and north to the lobby. Walk up to the doors at the top of the lobby and select yes to end the eleventh chapter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12. Chapter 12 - A New Beginning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDING SEQUENCE --------------- The twelfth chapter starts in the atrium of Capsule Corporation. Goku arrives late with the excuse that he had been helping to protect pterodactyl eggs. The next scene takes place ten years later on Papaya Island, where Videl and Gohan have married and had a daughter named Pan. Pan is planning on entering the tournament along with Goten and Trunks. In the stadium, Hercule and good Buu are still friends, and Hercule is using this to his advantage by telling Buu to let him win the final fight of the tournament. In the arena, Vegeta asks Goku why he really entered the tournament, and Goku explains that there is an extremely powerful fighter he wants to battle. The announcer places Goku against the new fighter Uub, and Goku explains to Vegeta that before he destroyed Buu ten years ago, he asked him to come back as a good person so they can fight. Goku senses that this boy is the good version of Kid Buu. After battling Uub in the arena, Goku realises that Uub can't fly, and decides that he will go to his village to help him train. Goku tells everyone that he is leaving, and the game will then end. =============================================================================== 4. Hercule Exhibits =============================================================================== Note: Enter the Hercule Cafe in Hercule City to find the exhibit room. 1. PUNCHING BAG ------------ Location: In the Thieves Den, use instant transmission to teleport to the chest on the roof of the top-left hut. Description: Hercule's first punching bag, restored to its original condition after it was pummeled into shreds by Hercule's fists of fury. 2. CHAMPIONSHIP BELT ----------------- Location: After defeating Buu in chapter 11, return to Fukurou Forest and open the character gate. Go north and give a bandana to the ninja. Description: Hercule won this belt in the 24th Tenkaichi Budokai after beating Spopovich in the final round. 3. WEIGHT SET ---------- Location: Found in the same way as exhibit 2. Description: This weight set was used by Hercule when he first got into weight training. 4. MOUSTACHE WAX ------------- Location: Found in the same way as exhibit 2. Description: One of the many products that Hercule endorses. Discriminating gentlemen and pugilists alike love Hercule Brand Greasless Moustache Wax. 5. SANDWICH -------- Location: Found in the same way as exhibit 2. Description: After his famous adventure, fighting the Warlord of West City, Hercule partially ate this open faced club sandwich 6. CAPE ---- Location: Found in the same way as exhibit 2. Description: Hercule's trademark white cape. Before starting a fight Hercule will often remove the cape and throw it to the ground with a flourish. 7. AUTOBIOGRAPHY ------------- Location: Found in the same way as exhibit 2. Description: Hercule's Autobiography "Awesome Power, Awesome Responsibility." Chronicles Hercule's rise to stardom! Available in the gift shop and wherever paperbacks are sold! 8. HERCULE COMIC BOOK ISSUE #1 --------------------------- Location: Available as an item in the Z-Mart at West City. Description: The rare first issue of Hercule's comic book. Highly sought after by Hercule collectors, this issue contains Hercule's origin story, and a special message about forest fires. 9. HERCULE ACTION FIGURE --------------------- Location: Give the hercule-ade to the man in the lighthouse at the Thieves Den. Description: A fully articulated Hercule action figure with Dynamite Kick action. 10. PIIZA ACTION FIGURE ------------------- Location: Give the root beer to the man in the lighthouse at the Thieves Den. Description: Hercule's P.R. Manager Piiza comes to life in this posable figure. Comes with three different outfits. 11. PIROZHKI ACTION FIGURE ---------------------- Location: Found in the second chest in the room with Dr. Challenger's fourth friend in Kyodai Pyramid. Description: No one messes with Hercules student Pirozhki! This action figure features a spring loaded rocket launcher! WARNING: Do not aim rocket launcher at face. 12. CARONI ACTION FIGURE -------------------- Location: Destroy the rock at the top-right corner of the room in one of the caves on the volcano, north of Nataday Village. Walk south to arrive on a ledge with the exhibit. Description: Hercule's student Caroni is ready for action in this fully articulated action figure! WARNING: May contain small parts. Not for children under three. 13. HERCULE: THE MOVIE ------------------ Location: Enter Hercule's Mansion in Hercule City and walk west to the room with the TV. Open the chest at the left side of the TV. Description: The adventures of Hercule are now a major motion picture! In a world where androids attack, only one man can stop them. And that man is Hercule! 14. KEY TO WEST CITY ---------------- Location: Give the elixir to the man in the lighthouse at the Thieves Den. Description: After Hercule saved West City from the West City Warlord, Hercule was awarded the prestigious Gold Key by the mayor of West City. 15. BOXING GLOVES ------------- Location: From the save point in the forest near East District 439, walk through the bottom-left exit and continue south, then west to arrive in an area with a tree with blue fruit growing on it. Look behind the tree. Description: A pair of boxing gloves that Hercule often used in training. 16. COLLECTOR'S PLATE ----------------- Location: After defeating Buu in chapter 11, fly to the airship at the top of the large continent of the map and defeat the Ultra Bio Mech on the top floor. Description: No home is complete without this stunning Hercule collector's plate. Adds a touch of elegance to any collection. 17. VIDEO GAME ---------- Location: Give the super elixir to the man in the lighthouse at the Thieves Den. Description: The adventures of Hercule are now a hit video game! Fight the evil Cell in stunning 16 color graphics! 18. HIT POP SINGLE -------------- Location: Give a turkey to the man in the lighthouse at the Thieves Den. Description: Hercule tore up the charts with this cover of Silver Spider's song "Eyes Of The Lion." 19. AIR HERCULE SHOES ----------------- Location: Go to Orange Star High School in Hercule City and go north to the running track. Talk to Sharpner and race around the track three times in under seventeen seconds. This is easier in Super Saiyan mode. Description: What is the secret of Hercule's Dynamite Kick? Perhaps it might be the shoes! 20. DIPLOMA ------- Location: Give the dino tail to the man in the lighthouse at the Thieves Den. Description: Hercule's diploma from martial arts school. 21. HAIR CARE PRODUCTS ------------------ Location: Walk to the top-right corner of West City and give a steak to the man near the green dumpster. Description: One of the many products that Hercule endorses. Hair products for active men on the go! 22. SMOKE AND MIRRORS ----------------- Location: Walk to the top-left corner of West City and use instant transmission to open the chest behind the planter. Description: This smoke machine and mirror were used by the evil Cell to trick people into believing he had incredible powers. 23. WARLORD'S SWORD --------------- Location: From the Ninja Key door in Fukurou Forest, walk south twice and go through the tunnel in the tree. Defeat both Shadow Warriors. Description: This sword was used by the Warlord of West City. His giant sword was no match for Hercule's Dynamite Kick! 24. HERCULE CEREAL -------------- Location: Available as an item in the gift shop on Papaya Island. Description: Hercule Cereal, the breakfast that gives you the energy you need to make it through your day! Contains 23 essential vitanutrients! 25. HERCULE COLLECTIBLE CARD GAME ----------------------------- Location: Available as an item in the gift shop on Papaya Island. Description: Are you up to the challenge of the Hercule Collectible Card Game? Fight and trade with your friends! Contains Hercule's moves, his allies, and his deadly enemies! =============================================================================== 5. Z-Fighter Exhibits =============================================================================== Note: Walk east from the lobby in Capsule Corporation to find the exhibit room. 1. GOKU'S POWER POLE ----------------- Location: Outside of Babidi's ship in Southwest Forest, go to the top-right corner of the area and use instant transmission to open the chest on the ledge. Description: A magical pole Goku obtained from his Grandfather Gohan. The pole extends on command to great lengths. 2. YAMCHA'S BAT ------------ Location: Found by destroying one of the rocks in Diablo Desert. Description: This bat was once used by Yamcha during his professional baseball career with the West City Titans. 3. GOHAN'S TRAINING SWORD ---------------------- Location: Enter Goku's room in East District 439 and look in the purple box at the left side of the bed. Description: Gohan used this sword while he was training with Piccolo after the fight with Raditz. 4. THE BANSHO FAN -------------- Location: After defeating Buu in chapter 11, break the level 140 character gate with Gohan in the forest near East District 439 and continue east to an area with lots of rocks. Go north to Grandpa Gohan's hut and get the key on top of the desk. Return to the area with the rocks, break the fourth rock from the top and continue east to the next area. Follow the path along and open the chest. Description: A mystical fan capable of creating an extremely strong wind. The original Bansho Fan was owned by Master Roshi, but was lost. Goku and Chi-Chi made a new one. 5. OX-KING'S HELMET ---------------- Location: After defeating Buu in chapter 11, enter Goku's house in East District 439 and talk to the Ox King. Description: In the old days Ox-King wore this intimidating helmet on his head. 6. KING KAI'S HAMMER ----------------- Location: After defeating Buu in chapter 11, enter the cave at the right side of the Grand Kai's planet and talk to Bubbles. Description: While training with King Kai, Goku used this hammer in one of King Kai's tests. 7. GINYU'S SHIP ------------ Location: From the lobby in Capsule Corporation, walk west to the room with Dr. Brief and talk to the scientist at the left side of the room. Description: Goku used this ship to escape from Namek. This ship used to belong to the Ginyu Force. 8. BABA'S CRYSTAL BALL ------------------- Location: After defeating Buu in chapter 11, go to Yenma's office in the Other World and talk to Baba. Description: The crystal ball of the fortune teller Baba. 9. MR. POPO'S TURBAN ----------------- Location: Hit one of the trees at the top-left corner of Kami's Lookout. Description: A turban worn by Mr. Popo. 10. BROLY'S CROWN ------------- Location: Defeat Broly in Nataday Village. Description: This crown worn by Broly was once used as a mind control device by Broly's father Paragus. 11. ANDROID #20'S HAT ----------------- Location: After defeating Buu in chapter 11, break the level 100 character gate with Gohan in Diablo Desert. Exit the area and return to Diablo Desert with Trunks to break the level 135 character gate. Enter the train, walk to the end and defeat the Grand Mechanoid. Description: This hat was worn by the evil Android #20. He wore this hat to cover up his exposed cyborg brain. 12. YAJIROBE'S SWORD ---------------- Location: Walk anti-clockwise around Yajirobe three times in Kami's Lookout to make the exhibit appear near the man in Southwest Forest. Description: Yajirobe always carries around this sword, but how often does he really use it? 13. KORIN'S CANE ------------ Location: Travel to the fishing point near the lighthouse at the Thieves Den and equip all of the items that may be helpful: Scuba Gloves, Flippers or Snorkel. Fish off the end of the pier until you find a Red Snapper. Give the Red Snapper to Korin at Kami's Lookout. Description: This is the cane that was used by Korin, who lives at the top of Korin's tower. 14. GRAND KAI'S BOOMBOX ------------------- Location: After defeating Buu in chapter 11, talk to Grand Kai, who can be found standing near the car on the Grand Kai's Planet. Description: This boombox was owned by the Grand Kai, one of the guardians of the universe. Goku encountered the Grand Kai in the Other World. 15. KING YENMA'S MUG ---------------- Location: After defeating Buu in chapter 11, break the level 145 character gate with Goten in Pilaf's Castle and go to the area where the 3-Star Dragon Ball was found. Defeat the left Power Mechanoid. Description: This giant mug was owned by King Yenma, a giant ogre who guards the entrance to the Other World. =============================================================================== 6. Item List =============================================================================== CHERRY SODA ----------- Cost: 575. Result: Restores 175 energy points. CHICKEN LEG ----------- Cost: 400. Result: Restores 80 hit points. COOKIE ------ Cost: Not sold. Result: Restores 5 hit points. CURRY PLATE ----------- Cost: 2000. Result: Restores 400 hit points. DINOSAUR MILK ------------- Cost: 5000. Result: Restores 2500 energy points. DINOSAUR TAIL ------------- Cost: 7500. Result: Restores 1500 hit points. ELIXIR ------ Cost: 2500. Result: Restores 500 energy points. HAMBURGER --------- Cost: 600. Result: Restores 120 hit points. HERCULE-ADE ----------- Cost: 1350. Result: Restores 350 energy points. HOLY WATER ---------- Cost: Not sold. Result: Increases statistics for 30 seconds. LAZARUS CRYSTAL --------------- Cost: Not sold. Result: Revives a character when they die. MILK ---- Cost: 50. Result: Restores 20 energy points. MISO SOUP --------- Cost: 100. Result: Restores 20 hit points. ONIGIRI ------- Cost: 1000 Result: Restores 200 hit points. RICE BALL --------- Cost: 200. Result: Restores 40 hit points. ROOT BEER --------- Cost: 950. Result: Restores 250 energy points. SENZU BEAN ---------- Cost: Not sold. Result: Fully restores hit points and energy. SODA ---- Cost: 200. Result: Restores 80 energy points. STEAK ----- Cost: 3000. Result: Restores 600 hit points. SUPER ELIXIR ------------ Cost: 3750. Result: Restores 750 energy points. TEA --- Cost: 50. Result: Restores 40 energy points. THREE COURSE MEAL ----------------- Cost: 5500. Result: Restores 1100 hit points. TURKEY ------ Cost: 4000. Result: Restores 800 hit points. VANILLA SODA ------------ Cost: 350. Result: Restores 125 energy points. =============================================================================== 7. Equipment =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1. Accessories ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. AMETHYST AMULET --------------- Level: 80 Result: +7 Power. Description: This is an amulet made of amethyst. 2. BANDANA ------- Level: 70 Result: 3 Endurance, +3 Power, +3 Strength. Description: Only a really vicious criminal would wear something like= this. 3. BLACK BELT ---------- Level: 145 Result: +25 Endurance. Description: This is a black karate belt. 4. BLUE BELT --------- Level: 116 Result: +15 Endurance. Description: This is a blue karate belt. 5. BROWN BELT ---------- Level: 134 Result: +17 Endurance. Description: This is a brown karate belt. 6. CLEAN BELT ---------- Level: 150 Result: +20 Endurance, +20 Power. Description: A belt so clean it shines! 7. CLEAN CAPE ---------- Level: 84 Result: +11 Endurance, +8 Power. Description: A cape so clean it shines! 8. CRISIS RING ----------- Level: 132 Result: +13 Endurance, +2 Power, +5 Strength Description: When you're about to die, this ring makes you stronger. 9. CRYSTAL PENDANT --------------- Level: 112 Result: +10 Endurance, +15 Power. Description: The crystals in this pendant increase the power of energy attacks. 10. DEMON MASK ---------- Level: 95 Result: +10 Endurance, +7 Strength, -5 Power. Description: This is a terrifying looking mask. 11. DIAMOND AMULET -------------- Level: 145 Result: +20 Power. Description: This is an amulet made of diamond. 12. DIRTY BELT ---------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Maybe you should get this belt cleaned before you wear it. Note: Mrs. Brief outside of Capsule Corporation will clean the belt. 13. DIRTY CAPE ---------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Maybe you should get this cape cleaned before you wear it. Note: Mrs. Brief outside of Capsule Corporation will clean the cape. 14. DOOM AMULET ----------- Level: 95 Result: +10 Endurance, +10 Strength. Description: There's an evil aura around this amulet... 15. ELDRITCH CAMEO -------------- Level: 140 Result: +30 Endurance, -10 Power, -10 Strength. Description: This carving of unfathomable age is eteched in a long forgotten ancient language. 16. EMERALD AMULET -------------- Level: 95 Result: +12 Power. Description: This is an amulet made of emerald. 17. EVIL TALISMAN ------------- Level: 105 Result: +18 Power, -5 Endurance, -10 Strength. Description: There is a terrible cost to this talisman's power. 18. EXPENSIVE WRISTWATCH -------------------- Level: 134 Result: +1 Endurance, +2 Power. Description: This is an extremely expensive wristwatch. 19. FOUR-LEAF CLOVER ---------------- Level: 126 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: This Four-Leaf Clover gives you good luck! 20. GARLIC NECKLACE --------------- Level: 85 Result: +25 Endurance, -10 Power, -15 Strength. Description: Food tastes better when you use the chopsticks. 21. GEROMANTIUM BANDANA ------------------- Level: 168 Result: +40 Endurance. Description: A bandana made of Geromantium. 22. "GOKUU" HAT ----------- Level: 100 Result: +5 Endurance. Description: If you wear this hat while you level up, you'll get a bonus! 23. GREEN BELT ---------- Level: 82 Result: +10 Endurance. Description: This is a green karate belt. 24. HARE'S FOOT ----------- Level: 81 Result: -1 Endurance, -1 Power, -1 Speed, -1 Strength. Description: This item looks like a rabbit's foot... but it's not real. 25. IRON KABUTO ----------- Level: 96 Result: +20 Endurance. Description: A traditional samurai helmet made of iron. 26. LUCKY CHARM ----------- Level: 58 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: This charm gives you good luck! 27. MAJESTIC CHOPSTICKS ------------------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Food tastes better when you use the chopsticks. 28. MERCURY'S CAP ------------- Level: 122 Result: +12 Endurance, +20 Speed. Description: The legendary cap of Mercury. 29. MONOCLE ------- Level: 80 Result: +4 Endurance, +1 Power. Description: Wearing this classy monocle gives you lots of charisma. 30. OX-KING'S HAT ------------- Level: 96 Result: +10 Endurance, +11 Strength. Description: This is the kind of viking hat that Ox-King is often seen wearing. 31. POLKA-DOT KAZOO --------------- Level: 96 Result: None. Description: This is a very silly kazoo. 32. PRIMORDIAL TWISTY-STRAW ----------------------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Drinks taste better when you use this straw. 33. PURE BLACK CAPE --------------- Level: 89 Result: +13 Endurance. Description: How much more black could this cape be? The answer is none. 34. QUARTZ AMULET ------------- Level: 60 Result: +2 Power. Description: This is an amulet made of quartz. 35. RABBIT'S FOOT ------------- Level: 86 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: This rabbit's foot gives you good luck! 36. RED BELT -------- Level: 75 Result: +9 Endurance. Description: This is a red karate belt. 37. RHINESTONE SUNGLASSES --------------------- Level: 50 Result: +2 Endurance. Description: These are some really tacky looking sunglasses. 38. RUBY AMULET ----------- Level: 134 Result: +16 Power. Description: This is an amulet made of ruby. 39. SAPPHIRE AMULET --------------- Level: 86 Result: +10 Power. Description: This is an amulet made of sapphire. 40. SKULL RING ---------- Level: 87 Result: +2 Endurance, +9 Power. Description: There's an evil aura around this ring... 41. SNORKEL ------- Level: 83 Result: +10 Endurance, +8 Power. Description: This snorkel helps you catch better fish. 42. STONE MEN-PO ------------ Level: 59 Result: +5 Endurance. Description: An armored samurai face mask made of stone. 43. SUPER CAPE ---------- Level: 93 Result: +6 Endurance. Description: This cape has magic that make Super Saiyan last longer. 44. TALISMAN OF LIGHT ----------------- Level: 95 Result: +2 Endurance, +10 Power, +9 Strength. Description: This talisman increases the amount of energy recharged when you use melee attacks. 45. TOPAZ AMULET ------------ Level: 70 Result: +5 Power. Description: This is an amulet made of topaz. 46. VAMPIRE CAPE ------------ Level: 128. Result: +22 Endurance, +14 Power. Description: This cape causes HP to be recharged instead of energy when you use melee attacks. 47. WHITE BELT ---------- Level: 50 Result: +3 Endurance. Description: This is a white karate belt. 48. WOOL CAP -------- Level: 54 Result: +4 Endurance. Description: A thick knitted wool cap. 49. YELLOW BELT ----------- Level: 66 Result: +4 Endurance. Description: This is a yellow karate belt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.2. Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ARMOR OF DARKNESS ----------------- Level: 86 Result: +15 Endurance. Description: This magic armor makes your HP increase faster when you use melee. 2. ARMOR OF LIGHT -------------- Level: 122 Result: +25 Endurance. Description: This magic armor makes your energy regenerate faster when you use melee. 3. "BAD MAN" SHIRT --------------- Level: 149. Result: +35 Endurance. Description: A pink shirt? Who would wear such a ridiculous thing? 4. BRONZE KEIKO ------------ Level: 80 Result: +10 Endurance, -5 Speed. Description: A traditional samurai scale armor made of bronze. 5. BRUTE COAT ---------- Level: 92 Result: +15 Endurance, +9 Strength. Description: The kind of coat a real tough guy might wear. 6. CLEAN ARMOR ----------- Level: 125 Result: +25 Endurance, +16 Power. Description: An armor so clean it shines! 7. CLEAN GI -------- Level: 90 Result: +13 Endurance, +10 Power. Description: A gi so clean it shines! 8. CLEAN SHIRT ----------- Level: 62 Result: +5 Endurance, +4 Power. Description: A shirt so clean it shines! 9. COTTEN GI --------- Level: 51 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: A simple cotten gi! 10. CRYSTAL O-YOROI --------------- Level: 155 Result: +38 Endurance. Description: The crystals in this armor make your energy attacks stronger. 11. DIAMOND ARMOR ------------- Level: 145 Result: +36 Endurance, -12 Speed. Description: A chestplate carved out of a giant diamond. 12. DIRTY ARMOR ----------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Maybe you should get this armor cleaned before you wear it. Note: Mrs. Brief outside of Capsule Corporation will clean the armor. 13. DIRTY GI -------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Maybe you should get this gi cleaned before you wear it. Note: Mrs. Brief outside of Capsule Corporation will clean the dirty gi. 14. DIRTY SHIRT ----------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Maybe you should get this shirt cleaned before you wear it. Note: Mrs. Brief outside of Capsule Corporation will clean the dirty shirt. 15. DO-MARU OF SHADOWS ------------------ Level: 99 Result: +20 Endurance, -5 Power Description: A traditional samurai armor that is good for stealth. 16. DRAGON ARMOR ------------ Level: 140 Result: +26 Endurance. Description: Armor made from the scales of a dragon. Reduces the cost of energy attacks. 17. ENHANCED SPACE ARMOR -------------------- Level: 140 Result: +30 Endurance, +16 Strength, -10 Speed. Description: This high tech armor emits an electronic aura. 18. FANCY WARDROBE -------------- Level: 69 Result: +5 Endurance. Description: This suit is expensive looking. 19. FORCE SUIT ---------- Level: 139 Result: +25 Endurance, +5 Power, +18 Strength. Description: This suit is imbued with the power of science. 20. GEROMANTIUM KATAGINU -------------------- Level: 175 Result: +40 Endurance. Description: A traditional samurai clothing made of Geromantium. 21. GOLD ARMOR ---------- Level: 120 Result: +24 Endurance, -10 Speed. Description: A chestplate made of gold. 22. HALLOWEEN COSTUME ----------------- Level: 85 Result: +12 Endurance. Description: It's a scary Halloween costume. 23. IRON ARMOR ---------- Level: 92 Result: +15 Endurance, -10 Speed. Description: A chestplate made of iron. 24. JADE KEIKO ---------- Level: 88 Result: +10 Strength. Description: A traditional samurai scale armor made of jade that reduces damage done while blocking. 25. LEATHER JACKET -------------- Level: 55 Result: +5 Endurance. Description: A cool looking leather jacket. 26. MONK'S ROBE ----------- Level: 108 Result: +4 Endurance, +15 Power. Description: A simple monks robe that is good for stealth. 27. MYSTIC AEGIS ------------ Level: 96 Result: +16 Endurance. Description: A mystical chestplate that reduces the cost of the energy block. 28. PLATINUM ARMOR -------------- Level: 135 Result: +28 Endurance. Description: A chestplate made of platinum. 29. PROTOTYPE SPACE ARMOR --------------------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: It's a prototype so it isn't working yet. 30. PYRITE ARMOR ------------ Level: 120 Result: -1 Endurance, -1 Power, -1 Speed, -1 Strength. Description: It looks like Gold Armor, but it's fool's gold! 31. REFLECTIVE TUNIC ---------------- Level: 60 Result: +4 Endurance. Description: A tunic made of a reflective material resistant to energy attacks. 32. RHINESTONE LEISURE SUIT ----------------------- Level: 124 Result: +20 Endurance, +7 Power. Description: This is a really tacky looking suit. 33. SAIYAN ARMOR ------------ Level: 150 Result: +24 Endurance. Description: Armor like the Saiyans once wore. 34. SILVER ARMOR ------------ Level: 92 Result: +22 Endurance. Description: A chestplate made of silver. 35. SPIKED BREASTPLATE ------------------ Level: 95 Result: +16 Endurance. Description: This breastplate is covered with sharp spikes. 36. STONE O-YOROI ------------- Level: 72 Result: +8 Endurance, -12 Speed. Description: A traditional samurai armor carved out of stone. 37. STYLISH HAORI ------------- Level: 121 Result: +5 Endurance. Description: This suit is expensive looking. 38. SUPER ARMOR ----------- Level: 141 Result: +29 Endurance. Description: This armor has magic that make Super Saiyan last longer. 39. TITANIUM BREASTPLATE -------------------- Level: 150 Result: +36 Endurance. Description: A breastplate made of titanium. 40. WET SUIT -------- Level: 142 Result: +25 Endurance. Description: This suit helps you catch better fish. 41. WOODEN ARMOR ------------ Level: 63 Result: +6 Endurance. Description: Armor carved out of wood. 42. WOOL SWEATER ------------ Level: 52 Result: +3 Endurance. Description: A thick knitted wool sweater. 43. "Z" ARMOR --------- Level: 155 Result: +35 Endurance. Description: This magic armor constantly heals you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.3. Feet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 1 TON BOOTS ----------- Level: 50 Result: -5 Speed. Description: Weighted boots slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 2. 2 TON BOOTS ----------- Level: 71 Result: -8 Speed. Description: Weighted boots slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 3. 10 TON BOOTS ------------ Level: 91 Result: -10 Speed. Description: Weighted boots slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 4. 20 TON BOOTS ------------ Level: 111 Result: -15 Speed. Description: Weighted boots slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 5. 100 TON ARMBANDS ---------------- Level: 131 Result: -20 Speed. Description: Weighted boots slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 6. ALLIGATOR LOAFERS ----------------- Level: 100 Result: +5 Endurance, +5 Speed. Description: These are some expensive shoes! 7. BRONZE PLATED BOOTS ------------------- Level: 104 Result: +10 Endurance, +18 Speed. Description: Leather boots covered in bronze plates. 8. CLEAN BOOTS ----------- Level: 153 Result: +20 Endurance, +20 Power, +25 Speed. Description: Boots so clean they shine! 9. CLEAN SHOES ----------- Level: 115 Result: +15 Endurance, +16 Power, +20 Speed. Description: Shoes so clean they shine. 10. CLEAN TABI ---------- Level: 75 Result: +8 Endurance, +5 Power. Description: Tabi boots so clean they shine. 11. COTTEN TABI ----------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance, +1 Speed. Description: Simple cotten tabi boots. 12. DIRTY BOOTS ----------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Maybe you should get these boots cleaned before you wear them. Note: Mrs. Brief outside of Capsule Corporation will clean the boots. 13. DIRTY SHOES ----------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Maybe you should get these shoes cleaned before you wear them. Note: Mrs. Brief outside of Capsule Corporation will clean the shoes. 14. DIRTY TABI ---------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Maybe you should get these tabi boots cleaned before you wear them. Note: Mrs. Brief outside of Capsule Corporation will clean the tabi boots. 15. ENHANCED HYPER BOOTS -------------------- Level: 115 Result: +18 Endurance, +25 Speed, +18 Strength. Description: These are powerful high tech boots. 16. FLIPPERS -------- Level: 113 Result: +20 Speed. Description: These flippers help you catch better fish. 17. GEROMANTIUM TABI ---------------- Level: 165 Result: +25 Endurance, +28 Speed. Description: Tabi boots made of Geromantium. 18. GOLD BOOTS ---------- Level: 135 Result: +20 Endurance, +15 Speed. Description: Boots made of gold. 19. IRON GREAVES ------------ Level: 110 Result: +12 Endurance, +18 Speed. Description: Shin-guards made of iron. 20. KILOTON BOOTS ------------- Level: 150 Result: -25 Speed. Description: Weighted boots slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 21. LEATHER MOCCASINS ----------------- Level: 65 Result: +4 Endurance, +8 Speed. Description: Moccasins made of thick tanned leather. 22. PROTOTYPE HYPER BOOTS --------------------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance, +1 Speed. Description: It's a prototype so it isn't working yet. 23. SAIYAN BOOTS ------------ Level: 151 Result: +24 Strength. Description: Boots like the Saiyans once wore. 24. SHOCK BOOTS ----------- Level: 138 Result: +12 Endurance, +15 Power, +20 Speed. Description: You can detect power flowing through these high tech boots. 25. SILVER BOOTS ------------ Level: 122 Result: +14 Endurance, +20 Speed. Description: Boots made of silver. 26. SILVERY BOOTS ------------- Level: 123 Result: -1 Endurance, -1 Power, -1 Speed, -1 Strength. Description: These look like Silver Boots, but the silver paint is scratching off. 27. SNEAKERS -------- Level: 84 Result: +5 Endurance, +5 Speed. Description: These are sneakers... For sneaking! 28. SOCCER CLEATS ------------- Level: 165 Result: +12 Endurance, +30 Speed. Description: These soccer cleats pack quite a kick! 29. SPIRIT GETA ----------- Level: 102 Result: +15 Power, +15 Speed, +5 Strength, -1 Endurance. Description: There is a mysterious supernatural aura around these sandals. 30. STONE GETA ---------- Level: 98 Result: +10 Endurance, +17 Speed. Description: Sandals made of stone. 31. SUPER BOOTS ----------- Level: 129 Result: +18 Endurance, +20 Speed. Description: These boots have magic that make Super Saiyan last longer. 32. WINGED SANDALS -------------- Level: 154 Result: +5 Endurance, +40 Speed. Description: These winged sandals will make you walk and run faster. 33. WOODEN GETA ----------- Level: 84 Result: +6 Endurance, +15 Speed. Description: Sandals made of wood. 34. WOOLEN SHOES ------------ Level: 55 Result: +2 Endurance, +5 Speed. Description: Shoes made of knitted wool. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.4. Hands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 1 TON ARMBANDS -------------- Level: 50 Result: -5 Speed. Description: Weighted armbands slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 2. 2 TON ARMBANDS -------------- Level: 70 Result: -8 Speed. Description: Weighted armbands slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 3. 10 TON ARMBANDS --------------- Level: 90 Result: -10 Speed. Description: Weighted armbands slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 4. 20 TON ARMBANDS --------------- Level: 110 Result: -15 Speed. Description: Weighted armbands slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 5. 100 TON ARMBANDS ---------------- Level: 130 Result: -20 Speed. Description: Weighted armbands slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 6. BRASS KNUCKLES -------------- Level: 85 Result: +6 Endurance, +9 Strength. Description: A pair of brass knuckles. 7. BRUTE GLOVES ------------ Level: 120 Result: +6 Endurance, +20 Strength. Description: It's a prototype so it isn't working yet. 8. CHARGE GLOVES ------------- Level: 108 Result: +8 Endurance, +13 Strength. Description: You can detect power flowing through these high tech gloves. 9. CLEAN GAUNTLETS --------------- Level: 72 Result: +15 Endurance, +14 Strength. Description: Gauntlets so clean they shine! 10. CLEAN GLOVES ------------ Level: 72 Result: +7 Endurance, +5 Strength. Description: Gloves so clean they shine! 11. COTTEN GLOVES ------------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance, +1 Strength. Description: A pair of simple cotten gloves. 12. CRYSTAL GAUNTLETS ----------------- Level: 156 Result: +12 Endurance, +23 Strength. Description: The crystals in these gauntlets make your energy attacks stronger. 13. DIAMOND GAUNTLETS ----------------- Level: 132 Result: +15 Endurance, +18 Strength. Description: A pair of gauntlets carved from a diamond. 14. DIRTY GAUNTLETS --------------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Maybe you should get these gauntlets cleaned before you wear it. Note: Mrs. Brief outside of Capsule Corporation will clean the gauntlets. 15. DIRTY GLOVES ------------ Level: 50 Result: +1 Endurance. Description: Maybe you should get these gloves cleaned before you wear it. Note: Mrs. Brief outside of Capsule Corporation will clean the dirty gloves. 16. ENHANCED ENERGY GLOVES ---------------------- Level: 140 Result: +20 Endurance, +20 Strength. Description: These are powerful high tech gloves. 17. GEROMANTIS GLOVES ----------------- Level: 170 Result: -1 Endurance, -1 Power, -1 Speed, -1 Strength. Description: Looks like Geromantium Gloves, but are actually a cheap knock-off. 18. GEROMANTIUM GLOVES ------------------ Level: 170 Result: +20 Endurance, +25 Strength. Description: A pair of gloves made of Geromantium. 19. IRON BRACER ----------- Level: 100 Result: +7 Endurance, +11 Strength. Description: An arm guard made of iron. 20. KILOTON ARMBANDS ---------------- Level: 150 Result: -25 Speed. Description: Weighted armbands slow you down, but give you more experience as a reward. 21. LEATHER GLOVES -------------- Level: 72 Result: +6 Endurance, +4 Strength. Description: Gloves made of tough leather. 22. MAGICIAN'S GLOVES ----------------- Level: 107 Result: +5 Endurance, +7 Strength. Description: These magic gloves reduce the cost of an energy block. 23. PILAF'S GLOVES -------------- Level: 87 Result: +6 Endurance, +5 Speed, +8 Strength. Description: Legend has it wearing these gloves will make you rich. 24. PLATINUM GAUNTLETS ------------------ Level: 119 Result: +10 Endurance, +16 Strength. Description: A pair of gauntlets made of platinum. 25. POWER GAUNTLETS --------------- Level: 133 Result: +5 Endurance, +20 Power, +15 Strength. Description: These gauntlets are glowing with energy. 26. PROTOTYPE ENERGY GLOVES ----------------------- Level: 50 Result: +1 Strength. Description: It's a prototype so it isn't working yet. 27. REFLECTIVE GLOVES ----------------- Level: 67 Result: +6 Endurance, +3 Strength. Description: A pair of gloves made of a reflective material resistant to energy attacks. 28. SAIYAN GLOVES ------------- Level: 152 Result: +20 Strength. Description: Gloves like the Saiyans once wore. 29. SCUBA GLOVES ------------ Level: 140 Result: +15 Strength. Description: These gloves help you catch better fish. 30. SILVER GAUNTLETS ---------------- Level: 105 Result: +8 Endurance, +12 Strength. Description: A pair of gauntlets made of silver. 31. SUPER GLOVES ------------ Level: 115 Result: +13 Strength. Description: These gloves have magic that make Super Saiyan last longer. 32. WOOL MITTENS ------------ Level: 55 Result: +3 Endurance, +2 Strength. Description: A pair of thick knitted wool mittens. =============================================================================== 8. Scouter List =============================================================================== 1. AIRSHIP WARLORD --------------- HP: 7680 STR: 34 POW: 0 END: 47 Description: Watch out for this Cyborg's killer claw! Location: Airship on chapter 6. 2. ANDROID #18 ----------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Once Dr. Gero's evil Android, she has now changed her ways and fights for the good guys. Is married to Krillin. Location: Papaya Island before the tournament, Roshi's Island. 3. ALIEN ANNOUNCER --------------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: This fungus alien is well known as the announcer of the Other World Tournament. Location: Other World tournament. 4. ANDROID #18 ----------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Once Dr. Gero's evil Android, she has now changed her ways and fights for the good guys. Is married to Krillin. Location: Various. 5. ANNIHILATOR ----------- HP: 4768 STR: 37 POW: 70 END: 55 Description: A robot with thick geromantium armor that makes it invulnerable to most conventional attacks. Location: HFIL, Southwest Forest on chapter 11. 6. ANNOUNCER --------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: This Announcer has been announcing Martial Arts Tournaments since back when Goku was a kid! Location: Papaya Island before the tournament. 7. ASSASSIN -------- HP: 1645 STR: 25 POW: 54 END: 50 Description: A known criminal, wanted on several counts of mischief and multiple counts of high jinks. Location: Diablo Desert on chapter 11, Northern Wilderness. 8. ATOMIZER -------- HP: 6750 STR: 0 POW: 105 END: 58 Description: These advanced megawatt class chemical laser guns are quite dangerous. Location: Airship on chapter 11, Pilaf's Castle on chapter 11. 9. BABIDI ------ HP: 4300 STR: 0 POW: 85 END: 5 Description: An evil wizard. Babidi is the son of Bibidi. He controls people by exploiting the evil in their hearts. Location: Rocky Canyon. 10. BIO MECH -------- HP: 2175 STR: 29 POW: 0 END: 47 Description: Watch out for this Cyborg's killer claw! Location: Airship on chapter 6. 11. BLISTER ------- HP: 18530 STR: 0 POW: 0 END: 75 Description: This blister creates enzymes. Location: Inside Buu. 12. BLOOD CELL ---------- HP: 3085 STR: 55 POW: 0 END: 35 Description: The Blood Cells in Buu's immune system don't like intruders. Location: Inside Buu. 13. BOMBER ------ HP: 125 STR: 9 POW: 14 END: 18 Description: A bomber armed with dangerous explosives. Approach with extreme caution. Location: East District 439, Musako Circus, Stolen Airship, Rogue Submarine, West City. 14. BONES ----- HP: 1015 STR: 18 POW: 0 END: 45 Description: The bones of the dead are animated by an unseen force. Location: Volcano. 15. BROLY ----- HP: 20240 STR: 32 POW: 27 END: 70 Description: Broly is the Legendary Super Saiyan, prophesied in ancient Saiyan folklore. Once defeated by Goku, he has returned, insane with rage. Location: Volcano Summit. 16. BRUISER ------- HP: 6690 STR: 58 POW: 0 END: 65 Description: These tough guys have more muscles than brains. Location: Rogue Submarine, Stolen Airship, Volcano. 17. BUBBLES ------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Bubbles is an ape who hangs out with King Kai. Location: Snake Way, Cave of the Ancients on Grand Kai's planet after defeating Kid Buu on chapter 11. 18. BULMA ----- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Bulma Brief is the daughter of the founder and president of the Capsule Corporation, Dr. Brief. Bulma has many invention patents in her name, most notably the Dragon Radar. Bulma is often involved in Goku's adventures, and is married to Vegeta. Location: Capsule Corporation, Papaya Island before the tournament. 19. CHI-CHI ------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Chi-Chi is Goku's wife and Gohan and Goten's mother. She is the daughter of the Ox-King. Location: East District 439, Papaya Island before the tournament. 20. CHOBI ----- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Chobi is a dinosaur who is friends with Gohan's family. Location: Musako Circus. 21. CRIMINAL -------- HP: 115 STR: 10 POW: 0 END: 18 Description: A known criminal, wanted on several counts of chicanery and multiple counts of shenanigans. Location: East District 439, Musako Circus, Rogue Submarine, Stolen Airship, Thieves Den, West City. 22. CURSED ONE ---------- HP: 2062 STR: 0 POW: 37 END: 56 Description: From the ancient sands of time these mummies awaken to curse the living. Location: Kyodai Pyramid on chapter 11, Volcano. 23. CYBORG ------ HP: 875 STR: 22 POW: 26 END: 41 Description: Half man... Half machine... All deadly. Location: Airship on chapter 6. 24. DABURA ------ HP: 10000 STR: 22 POW: 5 END: 51 Description: Dabura is the ruler of the Underworld. He is a henchman of Babidi. Location: Babidi's Ship. 25. DEATH MACHINE ------------- HP: 12248 STR: 50 POW: 90 END: 70 Description: A robot with thick geromantium armor that makes it invulnerable to most conventional attacks. Location: Airship on chapter 11, Barren Wasteland, Diablo Desert on chapter 11, Diablo Desert Express on chapter 11, East District 439, Pilaf's Castle on chapter 11, Southwest Forest on chapter 11, Volcano on chapter 11. 26. DENDE ----- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Dende is the Guardian Of Earth and an alien from the planet Namek. Location: Kami's Lookout. 27. DESTROYER --------- HP: 3762 STR: 25 POW: 50 END: 40 Description: A robot with thick geromantium armor that makes it invulnerable to most conventional attacks. Location: Airship on chapter 6, Babidi's Ship, Diablo Desert, Northern Wilderness, Pilaf's Castle, Southwest Forest. 28. DR. BRIEF --------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Dr. Brief is the president of the Capsule Corporation, and Bulma's father. Location: Capsule Corporation. 29. ELITE MAJIN FIGHTER ------------------- HP: 1250 STR: 33 POW: 0 END: 51 Description: A martial artist who has been converted over to Babidi's side. Location: Northern Wilderness, Southwest Forest on chapter 11. 30. ELITE MAJIN SOLDIER ------------------- HP: 1380 STR: 0 POW: 45 END: 54 Description: One of Babidi's Majin Henchmen from an unknown alien species. Location: Northern Wilderness, Southwest Forest on chapter 11. 31. ELITE SHIELD SOLDIER -------------------- HP: 2100 STR: 0 POW: 45 END: 65 Description: This Majin Soldier will block your attacks with his shield. Location: Southwest Forest on chapter 11. 32. EMPEROR PILAF ------------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: The bumbling Pilaf has tried to take over the world many times, but is usually foiled by Goku. Location: Pilaf's Castle. 33. ENZYME ------ HP: 5420 STR: 25 POW: 0 END: 25 Description: Enzymes assist Buu in digestion. Location: Inside Buu. 34. ERASA ----- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Erasa attends high school with Gohan at Orange Star High School. Location: Orange Star High School. 35. FIGHTER ------- HP: 175 STR: 10 POW: 0 END: 20 Description: This is a martial artist from the Other World. Location: Grand Kai's Planet. 36. GHOST ----- HP: 750 STR: 15 POW: 0 END: 32 Description: These spirits come from the Other World to haunt the living. Location: Kyodai Pyramid, Pilaf's Castle. 37. GHOUL ----- HP: 1495 STR: 36 POW: 0 END: 36 Description: When there is no more room in H.F.I.L. the dead will walk the Earth. Location: Northern Wilderness, Southwest Forest on chapter 11, Volcano. 38. GOGETA ------ HP: Changes with level. STR: Changes with level. POW: Changes with level. END: Changes with level. Description: Gogeta is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta using the Metamorese Art of Fusion. Location: Various. 39. GOHAN ----- HP: Changes with level. STR: Changes with level. POW: Changes with level. END: Changes with level. Description: Gohan is the son of Goku and Chi-Chi. He is half human and half Saiyan. Gohan defeated Cell in the Cell games. Location: Various. 40. GOKU ---- HP: Changes with level. STR: Changes with level. POW: Changes with level. END: Changes with level. Description: Goku is a Saiyan from the planet Vegeta that was stranded on Earth. He is an all-around good guy, who often saves the Earth. Location: Various. 41. GOON ---- HP: 1595 STR: 40 POW: 0 END: 40 Description: These tough guys have more muscles than brains. Location: Diablo Desert, Diablo Desert Express, Pilaf's Castle, Rogue Submarine, Stolen Airship, Thieves Den. 42. GOTEN ----- HP: Changes with level. STR: Changes with level. POW: Changes with level. END: Changes with level. Description: Goten is the son of Goku and Chi-Chi. Despite his young age, he's one of the most powerful fighters in the universe. Location: Various. 43. GOTENKS ------- HP: Changes with level. STR: Changes with level. POW: Changes with level. END: Changes with level. Description: Gotenks is the fusion of Goten and Trunks using the Metamorese Art of Fusion. Location: Various. 44. GRAND KAI --------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: The Grand Kai is one of the Guardians of the universe and of the Other World. He is also a legendary martial artist. Location: Grand Kai's Planet. 45. GRAND MECHANOID --------------- HP: 5775 STR: 56 POW: 0 END: 51 Description: This cyborg transforms into a metal ball. Location: Diablo Desert on chapter 11, Diablo Desert Express on chapter 11. 46. GREGORY ------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Gregory is a talking cricket who hangs out with King Kai. Location: Snake Way. 47. GRENADIER --------- HP: 1475 STR: 23 POW: 55 END: 56 Description: A bomber armed with dangerous explosives. Approach with extreme caution. Location: Diablo Desert on chapter 11, Northern Wilderness, Rogue Submarine, Stolen Airship. 48. GUNMAN ------ HP: 130 STR: 12 POW: 13 END: 19 Description: A known criminal, wanted on several counts of mischief and multiple counts of high jinks. Location: East District 439, Musako Circus, West City. 49. HERCULE ------- HP: 20 STR: 5 POW: 5 END: 5 Description: The World Champion of Martial Arts. The world believes he was the one who defeated Cell, even though it was really Gohan. Although a powerful martial artist in his own right, he is no match for the Z-fighters powers. Location: Various. 50. HESSIAN ------- HP: 800 STR: 0 POW: 40 END: 40 Description: A ruthless soldier of fortune. Armed with rocket propelled grenades. Location: Diablo Desert, Diablo Desert Express, Pilaf's Castle, Stolen Airship, Thieves Den. 51. HOOLIGAN -------- HP: 560 STR: 22 POW: 0 END: 34 Description: A known criminal, wanted on several counts of chicanery and multiple counts of shenanigans. Location: Diablo Desert, Diablo Desert Express, Pilaf's Castle, Stolen Airship, Thieves Den, Volcano. 52. HUMAN ----- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: The Capsule Corporation database has no information on this person. Location: Various. 53. HYPER CYBORG ------------ HP: 6225 STR: 58 POW: 79 END: 92 Description: Half man... Half machine... All deadly. Location: Airship on chapter 11, Barren Wasteland, Diablo Desert Express on chapter 11, East District 439. 54. IDASA ----- HP: 1320 STR: 13 POW: 0 END: 28 Description: An elementary school student who has made a name for himself in various junior martial arts tournaments. Location: Papaya Island tournament. 55. JANEMBA ------- HP: 8880 STR: 0 POW: 0 END: 70 Description: The evil soul of an organized crime boss named Janemba has escaped and become this evil creature. Location: HFIL. 56. JANEMBA HAND ------------ HP: 50 STR: 35 POW: 0 END: 0 Description: Be careful of the hand of Janemba that travels through a dimensional portal. Location: HFIL. 57. JEWL ---- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Jewl is a popular martial artist. Location: Papaya Island tournament. 58. JUGGERNAUT ---------- HP: 1552 STR: 29 POW: 60 END: 125 Description: Battle tanks are fully armored in 2 inch plates of geromantium. These tanks are armed with a 120mm cannon. Location: Diablo Desert, Thieves Den. 59. KIBITO ------ HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Kibito is the body guard of the Supreme Kai. Location: Papaya Island tournament. 60. KID BUU ------- HP: 125000 STR: 66 POW: 110 END: 100 Description: Although he looks like a child, Kid Buu is actually the most dangerous of all Buu's many forms. Location: Barren Wasteland. 61. KILLA ----- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Killa is a martial artist. Location: Papaya Island tournament. 62. KING KAI -------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: This guardian of the North Galaxy is known as one of the greatest martial arts trainers in the universe, and his corny sense of humor. Location: Snake Way, Grand Kai's Planet. 63. KING YENMA ---------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: King Yenma is a giant ogre who guards the entrance to the Other World. Location: Yenma's Office. 64. KNIGHT DESTROYER ---------------- HP: 5656 STR: 45 POW: 0 END: 62 Description: The Destroyer's nastier, stronger, and meaner older brother. Location: Northern Wilderness, Southwest Forest on chapter 11, Volcano. 65. KORIN ----- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Korin is a wise martial artist cat who lives at the top of Korin's tower. Location: Kami's Lookout. 66. KRILLIN ------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Krillin is an old friend of Goku's. They trained together under Master Roshi. Krillin is married to Android #18. Location: Various. 67. LASER TURRET ------------ HP: 950 STR: 0 POW: 28 END: 32 Description: These advanced megawatt class chemical laser guns are quite dangerous. Location: Airship on chapter 6, Babidi's Ship. 68. LICH ---- HP: 2500 STR: 46 POW: 0 END: 50 Description: The bones of the dead are animated by an unseen force. Location: HFIL, Northern Wilderness on chapter 11, Volcano on chapter 11. 69. LIVING DEAD ----------- HP: 2260 STR: 43 POW: 0 END: 50 Description: When there is no more room in H.F.I.L. the dead will walk the Earth. Location: Fukurou Forest on chapter 11, HFIL, Northern Wilderness on chapter 11, Volcano on chapter 11. 70. MAD BOMBER ---------- HP: 585 STR: 17 POW: 35 END: 35 Description: A bomber armed with dangerous explosives. Approach with extreme caution. Location: Diablo Desert, Diablo Desert Express, Pilaf's Castle, Rogue Submarine, Stolen Airship, Thieves Den. 71. MAJIN BUU --------- HP: 14640 STR: 37 POW: 40 END: 55 Description: An evil creature created by Bibidi many ages ago. Although he is child-like, his extreme power, underdeveloped sense of right and wrong, and rubbery indestructible body make him a dangerous adversary. Location: Rocky Canyon. 72. MAJIN BUU 2 ----------- HP: 45000 STR: 42 POW: 38 END: 65 Description: An evil creature created by Bibidi many ages ago. Although he is child-like, his extreme power, underdeveloped sense of right and wrong, and rubbery indestructible body make him a dangerous adversary. Location: West City in chapter 7. 73. MAJIN FIGHTER ------------- HP: 500 STR: 18 POW: 0 END: 31 Description: A martial artist who has been converted over to Babidi's side. Location: Babidi's Ship, Southwest Forest. 74. MAJIN SHIELD SOLDIER -------------------- HP: 1000 STR: 0 POW: 28 END: 50 Description: This Majin Soldier will block your attacks with his shield. Location: Babidi's Ship. 75. MAJIN SOLDIER ------------- HP: 575 STR: 0 POW: 27 END: 33 Description: One of Babidi's Majin Henchmen from an unknown alien species. Location: Babidi's Ship, Southwest Forest. 76. MAJIN VEGETA ------------ HP: 8500 STR: 22 POW: 25 END: 36 Description: Vegeta has been taken over by Babidi's Majin powers. Location: Various. 77. MARAUDER -------- HP: 1685 STR: 0 POW: 75 END: 52 Description: A ruthless soldier of fortune. Armed with rocket propelled grenades. Location: Northern Wilderness, Rogue Submarine, Stolen Airship. 78. MARRON ------ HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Marron is the daughter of Krillin and Android #18. Location: Papaya Island before the tournament, Roshi's Island. 79. MASTER ROSHI ------------ HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Master Roshi is a master of martial arts who trained Goku and Krillin. He is also known as the Turtle Hermit. Location: Roshi's Island, Papaya Island before the tournament. 80. MECHANOID --------- HP: 2325 STR: 24 POW: 0 END: 52 Description: This cyborg transforms into a metal ball. Location: Airship on chapter 6. 81. MERCENARY --------- HP: 160 STR: 0 POW: 21 END: 20 Description: A ruthless soldier of fortune. Armed with rocket propelled grenades. Location: East District 439, Musako Circus, Rogue Submarine, Stolen Airship, West City. 82. METAL HULK ---------- HP: 17375 STR: 77 POW: 0 END: 70 Description: The Destroyer's nastier, stronger, and meaner older brother. Location: Barren Wasteland, East District 439, Fukurou Forest on chapter 11, Northern Wilderness on chapter 11, Pilaf's Castle on chapter 11, Southwest Forest on chapter 11, Volcano on chapter 11. 83. MINI-YAKON ---------- HP: 850 STR: 20 POW: 16 END: 38 Description: These aliens are like miniature versions of Yakon. Location: Babidi's Ship. 84. MONK ---- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: One of the monks in charge of running the World Tournament. Location: Papaya Island before the tournament. 85. MR. POPO -------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Mr. Popo is Dende's right hand man. He has lived on Kami's Lookout for countless ages. Location: Kami's Lookout. 86. MRS. BRIEF ---------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Mrs. Brief is Dr. Brief's wife, and Bulma's mother. Location: Capsule Corporation. 87. MUMMY ----- HP: 784 STR: 24 POW: 20 END: 34 Description: From the ancient sands of time these mummies awaken to curse the living. Location: Diablo Desert, Kyodai Pyramid. 88. NINJA ----- HP: 585 STR: 20 POW: 23 END: 25 Description: A ninja. These warriors value stealth and subterfuge. Some ninja use their ninjitsu skills for assassination and thieving. Location: Fukurou Forest. 89. NINJA BOSS ---------- HP: 5770 STR: 36 POW: 23 END: 25 Description: A ninja. These warriors value stealth and subterfuge. Some ninja use their ninjitsu skills for assassination and thieving. Location: Fukurou Forest. 90. NOSFERATU --------- HP: 2975 STR: 0 POW: 27 END: 53 Description: These undead monsters thrive off of the blood of the living. Location: HFIL, Northern Wilderness on chapter 11, Southwest Forest on chapter 11, Volcano on chapter 11. 91. OLIBU ----- HP: 565 STR: 13 POW: 0 END: 21 Description: Olibu is an Other World fighter, originally from Earth. Many of Earth's legends are based off of him. Location: Grand Kai's Planet. 92. OOLONG ------ HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Oolong is a friend of the Z-Fighters. He has the power to shapeshift. Location: Papaya Island before the tournament. 93. OX KING ------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Ox King is the father of Chi-Chi. Location: Papaya Island before the tournament. 94. PHANTOM ------- HP: 940 STR: 17 POW: 0 END: 43 Description: These spirits come from the Other World to haunt the living. Location: Kyodai Pyramid on chapter 11, Northern Wilderness, Volcano. 95. PHAROAH ------- HP: 7000 STR: 0 POW: 71 END: 60 Description: From the ancient sands of time these mummies awaken to curse the living. Location: Diablo Desert on chapter 11, East District 439, Kyodai Pyramid on chapter 11. 96. PHAROAH TOTENHOTEP ------------------ HP: 7320 STR: 0 POW: 26 END: 55 Description: From the ancient sands of time these mummies awaken to curse the living. Location: Kyodai Pyramid. 97. PICCOLO ------- HP: 75000 STR: 63 POW: 70 END: 57 Description: Once an evil villian, Piccolo has seen the error of his ways and is now one of Earth's greatest heroes. Piccolo is an alien from the planet Namek. Location: Various. 98. PIKKON ------ HP: 950 STR: 14 POW: 14 END: 303 Description: A powerful and respected alien warrior in the Other World. Location: Grand Kai's Planet. 99. PILAF'S GUARDIAN ---------------- HP: 10605 STR: 38 POW: 0 END: 62 Description: The Destroyer's nastier, stronger, and meaner older brother. Location: Pilaf's Castle. 100. PINTAR ------ HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Pintar is a martial artist. Location: Papaya Island tournament. 101. POLTERGEIST ----------- HP: 2405 STR: 34 POW: 0 END: 45 Description: These spirits come from the Other World to haunt the living. Location: HFIL. 102. POWER MECHANOID --------------- HP: 10521 STR: 82 POW: 0 END: 115 Description: This cyborg transforms into a metal ball. Location: Barren Wasteland, Diablo Desert Express on chapter 11, Pilaf's Castle on chapter 11. 103. PUAR ---- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Puar is a shapeshifting cat and a constant companion of Yamcha. Location: Papaya Island before the tournament. 104. PUIPUI ------ HP: 50 STR: 15 POW: 15 END: 15 Description: PuiPui is an alien from the planet Zoon and also a henchman of Babidi. Location: Babidi's Ship. 105. RAPSCALLION ----------- HP: 1425 STR: 45 POW: 0 END: 55 Description: A known criminal, wanted on several counts of chicanery and multiple counts of shenanigans. Location: Diablo Desert on chapter 11, Diablo Desert Express on chapter 11, Northern Wilderness, Rogue Submarine, Stolen Airship. 106. RONIN ----- HP: 1765 STR: 47 POW: 0 END: 50 Description: Although many of these ancient warriors live by the code of the Bushido, they should be considered highly dangerous. Samurai are known for their devastating sword attacks. Location: Fukurou Forest, Volcano. 107. SAMURAI ------- HP: 2175 STR: 22 POW: 0 END: 38 Description: Although many of these ancient warriors live by the code of the Bushido, they should be considered highly dangerous. Samurai are known for their devastating sword attacks. Location: Fukurou Forest. 108. SCIENTIST --------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: A man of science! Location: Capsule Corporation. 109. SHADOW COLOSSUS --------------- HP: 27824 STR: 130 POW: 0 END: 115 Description: The Destroyer's nastier, stronger, and meaner older brother. Location: Airship on chapter 11, Barren Wasteland on chapter 11, Volcano Summit on chapter 11. 110. SHADOW WARRIOR -------------- HP: 5150 STR: 63 POW: 85 END: 55 Description: A ninja. These warriors value stealth and subterfuge. Some ninja use their ninjitsu skills for assassination and thieving. Location: East District 439, Fukurou Forest, Northern Wilderness on chapter 11, Pilaf's Castle on chapter 11, Volcano on chapter 11. 111. SHARPNER -------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Sharpner attends Orange Star High School with Gohan. Location: Orange Star High School. 112. SHINOBI ------- HP: 1585 STR: 44 POW: 58 END: 50 Description: A ninja. These warriors value stealth and subterfuge. Some ninja use their ninjitsu skills for assassination and thieving. Location: Fukurou Forest, Northern Wilderness. 113. SHOGUN ------ HP: 5625 STR: 70 POW: 0 END: 60 Description: Although many of these ancient warriors live by the code of the Bushido, they should be considered highly dangerous. Samurai are known for their devastating sword attacks. Location: East District 439, Fukurou Forest, Northern Wilderness on chapter 11, Pilaf's Castle on chapter 11, Southwest Forest on chapter 11, Volcano on chapter 11. 114. SKELETON -------- HP: 775 STR: 21 POW: 0 END: 39 Description: The bones of the dead are animated by an unseen force. Location: Kyodai Pyramid, Northern Wilderness, Pilaf's Castle. 115. SNIPER ------ HP: 612 STR: 15 POW: 31 END: 36 Description: A known criminal, wanted on several counts of mischief and multiple counts of high jinks. Location: Diablo Desert, Diablo Desert Express, Pilaf's Castle, Thieves Den. 116. SOUL ---- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: This is a spirit that lives in the Other World. Location: Snake Way in chapter 8. 117. SPOPOVICH --------- HP: 225 STR: 15 POW: 0 END: 25 Description: This martial artist fought against Hercule in the 24th World Tournament. There appears to be something strange about him... Location: Papaya Island tournament. 118. SUPER BUU 1 ----------- HP: 35330 STR: 50 POW: 65 END: 55 Description: When Majin Buu was absorbed by the mysterious Evil Buu, the Evil Buu transformed into this new dangerous form. Location: Barren Wasteland, Hyperbolic Time Chamber in Kami's Lookout. 119. SUPER BUU 2 ----------- HP: 100000 STR: 63 POW: 90 END: 70 Description: When Majin Buu was absorbed by the mysterious Evil Buu, the Evil Buu transformed into this new dangerous form. Location: Inside Buu. 120. SUPER BUU 3 ----------- HP: 105300 STR: 55 POW: 75 END: 65 Description: When Gotenks was absorbed by Super Buu, Super Buu transformed into this new form. Location: Barren Wasteland. 121. SUPER BUU 4 ----------- HP: 125000 STR: 60 POW: 85 END: 65 Description: When Gohan was absorbed by Super Buu, Super Buu transformed into this new form. Location: Barren Wasteland. 122. SUPER JANEMBA ------------- HP: 25840 STR: 47 POW: 70 END: 55 Description: Janemba has transformed into a faster and more dangerous form. Location: HFIL. 123. SUPER MAJIN FIGHTER ------------------- HP: 5955 STR: 65 POW: 0 END: 63 Description: A martial artist who has been converted over to Babidi's side. Location: Kyodai Pyramid on chapter 11, Southwest Forest on chapter 11. 124. SUPER MAJIN SOLDIER ------------------- HP: 6250 STR: 0 POW: 110 END: 75 Description: One of Babidi's Majin Henchmen from an unknown alien species. Location: Kyodai Pyramid on chapter 11, Southwest Forest on chapter 11. 125. SUPER SHIELD SOLDIER -------------------- HP: 7200 STR: 0 POW: 110 END: 85 Description: This Majin Soldier will block your attacks with his shield. Location: Kyodai Pyramid on chapter 11, Southwest Forest on chapter 11. 126. SUPREME KAI ----------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: The Supreme Kai is the highest ranking Guardian of the universe. Location: Various. 127. TANK ---- HP: 576 STR: 13 POW: 30 END: 75 Description: Battle tanks are fully armored in 2 inch plates of geromantium. These tanks are armed with a 120mm cannon. Location: Musako Circus, West City. 128. THUG ---- HP: 340 STR: 24 POW: 0 END: 25 Description: These tough guys have more muscles than brains. Location: Musako Circus, Rogue Submarine, Stolen Airship. 129. TRUNKS ------ HP: Changes with level. STR: Changes with level. POW: Changes with level. END: Changes with level. Description: Trunks is the son of Vegeta and Bulma. Despite his young age he's one of the most powerful fighters in the universe. Location: Various. 130. ULTRA BIO MECH -------------- HP: 8945 STR: 75 POW: 0 END: 80 Description: Watch out for this Cyborg's killer claw! Location: Airship on chapter 11, Barren Wasteland on chapter 11, Diablo Desert on chapter 11, East District 439. 131. VAMPIRE ------- HP: 750 STR: 0 POW: 10 END: 38 Description: These undead monsters thrive off the blood of the living. Location: Pilaf's Castle. 132. VEGETA ------ HP: Changes with level. STR: Changes with level. POW: Changes with level. END: Changes with level. Description: Vegeta was the prince of the Planet Vegeta before it was destroyed by Frieza. Although he was once a villian, he usually fights for the Z-Fighters now. Location: Various. 133. VEGITO ------ HP: Changes with level. STR: Changes with level. POW: Changes with level. END: Changes with level. Description: Gotenks is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta using the magic Potara earrings. Location: Barren Wasteland. 134. VIDEL ----- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: The crimefighting daughter of Hercule. She attends Orange Star High School with Gohan. Location: Papaya Island before the tournament. 135. VLAD ---- HP: 1340 STR: 0 POW: 17 END: 53 Description: These undead monsters thrive off the blood of the living. Location: Volcano. 136. WAR MACHINE ----------- HP: 8280 STR: 51 POW: 90 END: 75 Description: Battle tanks are fully armored in 2 inch plates of geromantium. These tanks are armed with a 120mm cannon. Location: Diablo Desert on chapter 11, Northern Wilderness on chapter 11. 137. WEST KAI -------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: This guardian of the West Galaxy has fierce rivalry with King Kai. Location: Other World tournament. 138. WORM BODY --------- HP: 5170 STR: 35 POW: 0 END: 58 Description: These worms live inside Buu's digestive system. Location: Inside Buu. 139. WORM HEAD --------- HP: 7238 STR: 35 POW: 0 END: 58 Description: These worms live inside Buu's digestive system. Location: Inside Buu. 140. YAJIROBE -------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Yajirobe is a friend of the Z-Fighters. Although he carries a sword, he rarely uses it. Location: Kami's Lookout. 141. YAKON ----- HP: 1725 STR: 20 POW: 68 END: 41 Description: A notorious monster from an alien planet of darkness. Has the power to absorb energy. Location: Babidi's Ship. 142. YAMCHA ------ HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: Yamcha was once known as the dreaded Desert Bandit of Diabo Desert. He's now one of the good guys. Location: Papaya Island before the tournament. 143. YAMU ---- HP: 1476 STR: 20 POW: 0 END: 23 Description: There appears to be something strange about this martial artist... Location: Papaya Island tournament. 144. YENMA'S ASSISTANT ----------------- HP: ?? STR: ?? POW: ?? END: ?? Description: This assistant helps King Yenma usher souls into the Other World. Location: Yenma's Office. =============================================================================== 9. Shop List =============================================================================== HERCULE CITY Z-MART ------------------- ITEMS Miso Soup 100 Rice Ball 200 Chicken Leg 400 Hamburger 600 Milk 50 Tea 100 Soda 200 Vanilla Soda 350 EQUIPMENT Cotten Gi 100 Wool Sweater 300 Leather Jacket 495 Wooden Armor 850 Cotten Gloves 50 Wool Mittens 500 Cotten Tabi 50 Woolen Shoes 475 Leather Moccasins 820 Wool Cap 350 Stone Men-po 600 Topaz Amulet 840 Lucky Charm 4500 WEST CITY Z-MART ---------------- ITEMS Rice Ball 200 Chicken Leg 400 Hamburger 600 Onigiri 1000 Tea 100 Soda 200 Vanilla Soda 350 Cherry Soda 575 EQUIPMENT Wool Sweater 300 Leather Jacket 495 Wooden Armor 850 Stone O-Yoroi 1480 Cotten Gloves 50 Wool Mittens 500 Leather Gloves 1250 Woolen Shoes 475 Leather Moccasins 820 Wooden Geta 2050 Stone Men-po 600 Topaz Amulet 840 Red Belt 1925 Lucky Charm 4500 PAPAYA ISLAND SHOPS ------------------- DRINKS Milk 50 Tea 100 Soda 200 Vanilla Soda 350 Cherry Soda 575 Root Beer 950 FOOD Miso Soup 100 Rice Ball 200 Chicken Leg 400 Hamburger 600 Onigiri 1000 GIFTS Leather Gloves 1250 Brass Knuckles 2210 Leather Moccasins 820 Wooden Geta 2050 Lucky Chram 4500 Red Belt 1925 Topaz Amulet 840 Blue Belt 4450 Hercule Exhibit 24 25000 Hercule Exhibit 25 50000 THIEVES DEN Z-MART ------------------ ITEMS Chicken Leg 400 Hamburger 600 Onigiri 1000 Curry Plate 2000 Soda 200 Vanilla Soda 350 Cherry Soda 575 Root Beer 950 EQUIPMENT Leather Jacket 495 Wooden Armor 850 Stone O-Yoroi 1480 Bronze Keiko 2200 Wool Mittens 500 Leather Gloves 1250 Brass Knuckles 2210 Leather Moccasins 820 Wooden Geta 2050 Stone Geta 3780 Wool Cap 350 Stone Men-po 600 Amethyst Amulet 1925 Lucky Charm 4500 PLANET OF THE KAIS Z-MART ------------------------- Note: This shop is found by hitting the crumbling wall at the right side of the Planet of the Kais. ITEMS Steak 3000 Turkey 4000 Three Course Meal 5500 Dinosaur Tail 7500 Hercule-ade 1350 Elixir 2500 Super Elixir 3750 Dinosaur Milk 5000 EQUIPMENT Dragon Armor 11855 Titanium Breastplate 12350 Diamond Armor 14650 Geromantium Kataginu 99999 Diamond Gauntlets 6825 Scuba Gloves 11500 Kiloton Armbands 32650 Geromantium Gloves 85480 Silver Boots 7300 Gold Boots 10250 Kiloton Boots 33695 Geromantium Tabi 50210 Brown Belt 3250 Mercury's Cap 7300 Diamond Amulet 12250 Geromantium Bandana 73550 =============================================================================== 10. Skills List =============================================================================== GOGETA ------ 1. BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHA Level: Available from start. Description: Hold the B button to create a large ball of energy, followed by a long beam. 2. DRAGON FIST EXPLOSION Level: Available from start. Description: Hold the B button to create a giant dragon of pure energy. Use the +control pad to control the dragon's head. Release the B button to make the dragon bite. 3. ENERGY BLAST Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to shoot out a concentrated missile of internal energy. Press the B button multiple times to shoot out many blasts. GOHAN ----- 1. ELECTRIC KAMEHAMEHA Level 1: Available from start. Level 2: 100 Level 3: 150 Description: Hold the B button to emit a long beam of energy. Enemies hit by this beam can become electrically charged. 2. ENERGY BLAST Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to shoot out a concentrated missile of internal energy. Press the B button multiple times to shoot out many blasts. 3. MASENKOHA Level 1: Available from start. Level 2: 75 Level 3: 125 Description: Hold the B button to make a cursor appear in front of the player. Upon releasing the B button, a large ball of energy will be thrown at the cursor's location. 4. SUPER SAIYAN Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to transform into Super Saiyan. GOKU ---- 1. ENERGY BLAST Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to shoot out a concentrated missile of internal energy. Press the B button multiple times to shoot out many blasts. 2. INSTANT TRANSMISSION Level 1: Available from start. Level 2: 75 Level 3: 125 Description: Hold the B button to bring up the cursor. Use the +Control Pad to select an item, enemy, or switch. Release the B button to teleport there and back. 3. KAMEHAMEHA Level 1: Available from start. Level 2: 100 Level 3: 150 Description: Hold the B button to emit a long beam of energy. 4. SUPER SAIYAN Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to transform into Super Saiyan. GOTEN ----- 1. ENERGY BLAST Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to shoot out a concentrated missile of internal energy. Press the B button multiple times to shoot out many blasts. 2. ENERGY PUNCH Level 1: Available from start. Level 2: 75 Level 3: 125 Description: Press the B button to throw a mighty punch, enhanced with energy. 3. KAMEHAMEHA Level 1: Available from start. Level 2: 100 Level 3: 150 Description: Hold the B button to emit a long beam of energy. 4. SUPER SAIYAN Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to transform into Super Saiyan. GOTENKS ------- 1. ENERGY BLAST Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to shoot out a concentrated missile of internal energy. Press the B button multiple times to shoot out many blasts. 2. SUPER KAMIKAZE GHOST ATTACK Level: Available from start. Description: Hold the B button to create small ghost replicas. Let go of the B button to release the ghosts, which attack the closest enemy and explode on contact. 3. SUPER SAIYAN Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to transform into Super Saiyan. 4. ULTRA VOLLEYBALL ATTACK Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to emit a beam that turns enemies into giant volleyballs. TRUNKS ------ 1. BURNING ATTACK Level 1: Available from start. Level 2: 75 Level 3: 125 Description: Press the B button to shoot a spiked ball of chrono-energy which stuns enemies on contact. Hold the B button longer to increase stun time. 2. ENERGY BLAST Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to shoot out a concentrated missile of internal energy. Press the B button multiple times to shoot out many blasts. 3. FLAME KAMEHAMEHA Level 1: Available from start. Level 2: 100 Level 3: 150 Description: Hold the B button to emit a chain of energy flames. While holding the B button, press the +control pad to move the flames like a whip. 4. SUPER SAIYAN Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to transform into Super Saiyan. VEGITA ------ 1. BIG BANG Level 1: Available from start. Level 2: 75 Level 3: 125 Description: Press the B button and release to emit a large ball of energy that explodes on contact. Hold the B button longer to make the attack stronger. 2. ENERGY BLAST Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to shoot out a concentrated missile of internal energy. Press the B button multiple times to shoot out many blasts. 3. FINAL FLASH Level 1: Available from start. Level 2: 100 Level 3: 150 Description: Hold the B button to emit a long beam of energy which travels across land instantly. 4. SUPER SAIYAN Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to transform into Super Saiyan. VEGITO ------ 1. BANSHEE BLAST Level: Available from start. Description: Hold the B button to emit 5 thin, powerful beams of energy, one from each finger. 2. ENERGY BLAST Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to shoot out a concentrated missile of internal energy. Press the B button multiple times to shoot out many blasts. 3. ENERGY SWORD Level: Available from start. Description: Hold the B button to create a glowing sword of energy. When fully charged, continue holding the B button to spin around, and press the +control pad to move. 4. SUPER SAIYAN Level: Available from start. Description: Press the B button to transform into Super Saiyan. =============================================================================== 11. Frequently Asked Questions =============================================================================== Q. How do I clean the dirty equipment? A. Give the dirty equipment to Mrs. Brief outside of Capsule Corporation. Leave the area and return, then talk to her to get the clean equipment. Q. How do I get into the Thieves Den? A. You need to wear a bandana. Go to the airship that flies around the world map and battle the enemies there to find a bandana. Q. How do I get out of the hyperbolic time chamber on chapter 9? A. Select No when asked to spar to leave the hyperbolic time chamber. Q. How do I get the red snapper for Korin? A. Go to one of the fishing points in the game, like the point outside the lighthouse at the Thieves Den. It will help if you equip some of the fishing equipment, as this will increase the chances of catching the red snapper. Q. How do I get the secret character? A. Collect all 25 Hercule Exhibits and all 15 Z-Fighter Exhibits. Q. How do I return to places outside of Earth? A. After defeating Buu in chapter 11, an Instant Transmission circle will appear in Kami's Lookout, which can be used to travel to other worlds. Q. What do I do with the key from Grandpa Gohan's house in Southwest Forest? A. It is used to open a chest containing the fourth Z-Fighter Exhibit in Southwest Forest. Q. What is the best equipment for levelling up? A. Kiloton Armbands and Kiloton Boots. These are available from the shop on the Planet of the Kais. Q. Where is the best place to level up? A. After defeating Buu on chapter 11, a new airship will appear at the top of the large continent of the map. The Shadow Colossus will appear on one of the floors, and will give massive experience when defeated. Q. Where is the secret shop on the Planet of the Kais. A. Walk to the far right side of the Planet of the Kais to find a crumbling wall. Hit this wall and walk through the tunnel to enter the shop. =============================================================================== 12. Copyright Information =============================================================================== This file is Copyright 2004-2008 Tom Hayes. As it can be difficult to keep track of websites that haven't posted the latest version of this file, please do not distribute it without my permission. Send an e-mail to me if you would like to post this file on your website and you will likely receive a positive response. If you do post the file, please keep it in its original form with all of the sections intact and credit the author (Tom Hayes) as the writer of the file. The latest version of the file can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.