Play Novel Silent Hill Translation of Harry's Scenario Version 1.15 - Last updated 11/03/2016 Written by and Copyright 2002-2016 Toby Normoyle (loc182) This is a translation of Harry's scenario for the Game Boy Advance game, Play Novel Silent Hill. This game was made by Konami and released only in Japan during the spring of 2001. Unfortunately, there appear to be no plans for an English release, so this translation became necessary. WARNING: This translation assumes knowledge of ALL things Silent Hill. Various plot elements are referenced and nothing is kept secret. So if you have not yet played the original Silent Hill on PlayStation then be warned that the entire story will be given away. Plot points from other Silent Hill games and the movie are then referenced in section four of this document as relevant. Japanese text support is necessary to properly display this document. If the following line is displayed properly then you have the proper language support: プレイノベル サイレントヒル PLAY NOVEL SILENT HILL (Note: You will probably need to change the encoding on your browser to Japanese manually to view this page. I also recommend setting the font to FixedSys as that is what was used to write this translation.) Table of Contents 1. How to Use this Translation 2. Translation of Harry's Scenario 3. Credits 4. Translation Notes 5. Contact Information and Update History 6. Copyright Information 1. How to Use this Translation Welcome to the translation of Harry's scenario! This translation is designed not only to bring you an English version of the game, but also to guide you through the game to each of Harry's eight endings. Before you attempt to use this translation I highly recommend that you first take a look at the Playing Guide for Play Novel Silent Hill, which is also available on GameFAQs. It explains exactly how the game works, and will help you to better understand the format and some of the terms used in this translation. Once you are ready to jump into the translation, you just need to read along as you play the game on your Game Boy Advance. In order to make it as easy as possible to follow along the following features have been integrated into this translation: -Chapter and Area subdivisions- The actual game is divided into chapters and areas, so the translation has been divided in the same way. All 19 chapters from Harry's scenario are present, in order from the Introduction to Chapter 18. Within each chapter the areas are then divided from one another. Each area is numbered using the numbering system from the official Konami guide book. This numbering system works well, and by remaining consistent owners of that book will not be confused. These numbers can be found at the beginning of each area on the far right of the screen, and will appear in this format: "Chapter #-Area #". Directly below these numbers a description of the background picture associated with the area on the flowchart will also appear. Although many areas have the same the background picture on the flowchart, this can still help you to figure out where you are in the game to a degree. (Please note that the numbering scheme will vary a bit in chapters 7 and 13 from that used in the official guide book. This is because they accidentally started numbering Chapter 7 from the number 6 instead of 1, and in Chapter 13 they accidentally added one number.) -Block Names and Event Descriptions- At the beginning of every block, the block name and event description will appear along with the Chapter number in both Japanese and English. By using these pieces of information you can always figure out exactly where you are in the game. All you need to do is compare the Japanese in the translation with what you see on the loading screen or the flowchart in the game. By doing so you will be able to figure out exactly where you are, even if you do not understand Japanese. (Note: The event description for a block will always be enclosed in Japanese quotation marks when a game is loaded, but not when viewed on the flowchart. For this reason I have not placed Japanese quotation marks around any event descriptions for the first (or only) block in any area that can be accessed with the flowchart in the translation.) -Page breaks and pictures- Within each block of each area all page breaks have been faithfully reproduced. So if there are 13 pages of text in a certain block in the game then you will find 13 pages here in the translation. A description of the current background picture will appear in parenthesis with the first page of each block, and all picture changes will be noted with the page that the change occurs on. Additionally, movies and important events will be noted in a similar fashion to help make it easier to keep your position in the game and in the translation in sync. (Please note that sometimes the format of the text on a specific page will vary between the original Japanese in the game and the translation.) -Area transitions and Automatic Branching- When you reach the end of an area or make a choice you will be told exactly which area you should move to next. This will be done using the same numbering system that appears at the beginning of each area. So if you are told to "Go to 1-1" at the end of an area, then that means you just need to go to Chapter 1, Area 1. All the areas are in order, so you can either scroll to the correct area, or use the find function to get there. (Unfortunately the find function will not always work so well, as several of the numbers are similar. For example, a search for 1-1 will also take you to many of the areas in chapter 11.) If you happen to reach a question area in which the choice you make will cause "Automatic Branching" to occur at a later point in the game then information regarding the future effects of the choice will be included along with the "Go to" text. This information will help you to more easily navigate through the game, and to reach each the endings. For the most part, very few choices have automatic branching associated with them, so do not expect to see this extra information very often. -Digital Trading Cards- Once you reach an ending, the translation will tell you exactly which digital trading cards you should receive. So now you should be all set to jump into the translation and use it to enjoy Play Novel Silent Hill on your Game Boy Advance. Please remember to check out the Playing Guide if you need any help with the technical aspects of the game. Finally, if there is a piece of this translation that you strongly disagree with then please see Section 4, Translation Notes before writing as the issue may have already been addressed. 2. Translation of Harry's Scenario _______________________________________________________________________________ 序章  「悪夢の始まり」 Introduction 「久しぶりの休暇」 (Not on flowchart) Introduction "The Beginning of the Nightmare" A first vacation in a while Page 1 (Long shot of jeep) It's been a while since I have taken a vacation. I am driving my jeep. Heading towards the quiet resort town of Silent Hill, the sound of the engine reverberates in the darkness. Due to some slight car trouble earlier, it has become this late. Page 2 (Harry in jeep) I am Harry Mason. I am a run of the mill writer. Page 3 (Cheryl in jeep) Her eyes closed, Cheryl sleeps peacefully in the passenger seat. Cheryl is my daughter. She is cheerful and lively, and the occasional carefree smiles she shows me make me feel happy. Page 4 I don't have very many relationships with people because of what I do for a living, so Cheryl's existence has become irreplaceable to me. Cheryl was very much looking forward to this trip. Page 5 (Harry in jeep) Although paved, this is still very much a mountain road. At this hour there is little reason for any other drivers to be about. I push in the accelerator. There is no light off in the darkness. I can depend only on my headlights. Page 6 (Cybil on motorcycle) Light reflects off the rear view mirror. It's a motorcycle. There is a motorcycle headed toward the same destination as we are at terrific speed at this late hour. With a roar the motorcycle effortlessly passes by the side of my jeep. Page 7 The seal of the police... Perhaps there has been an accident or something? But I don't recall hearing about an accident or anything on the radio. Page 8 (Cheryl in jeep) Cheryl is sleeping. A child should not be awake at this hour. I wonder if she is dreaming about something? Tomorrow I have planned to take her to the amusement park. Maybe she is dreaming about riding the merry-go-round? Page 9 (Harry in jeep) I glance over at Cheryl's sleeping face and then return my eyes forward. The lighted area of the road almost appears to be belched out from the darkness as it moves toward me. Huh? Something enters my field of view. Page 10 (Fallen motorcycle) It's the motorcycle from just before. It is lying on its side on the shoulder of the road. No doubt about it, it's the same motorcycle that just passed me. There is no sign of the driver. It looks like the driver smashed into the surface of the rocks by the side of the road while trying to avoid some kind of obstacle, and thus that part of the motorcycle has been destroyed. Page 11 (Road) I carefully check the way in which my vehicle is headed. However, I don't see anything that could be an obstacle to my advance in the area illuminated by the headlights. A strange atmosphere creeps in around me. The radio reception begins to become erratic. Page 12 (Harry in jeep) Perhaps I should turn back? But my foot persistently pushes down the accelerator with no intention of letting off. "You can no longer turn back now..." Something murmurs within me. "Please increase your speed some more..." Someone murmurs within me. Page 13 (Cheryl in jeep) Cheryl's eyes are closed. She is dreaming. I know that I should be awake. But what is this uneasy feeling? I feel as if my body is not totally my own. It's like someone, some strange being that is not me, is controlling I am floating. Page 14 My eyelids are heavy. As the steering wheel leaves my hand it creates the illusion of setting the course on its own. Freezing cold... Uneasiness... Almost like being ready to fall asleep, I am just barely conscious, and now at my limit to maintain even that. Page 15 (Harry with his hand off the steering wheel) "Ah......" Page 16 (Girl-like figure in front of the jeep) When I saw the human figure on the road I cut the wheel hard, and then there was nowhere else for my jeep and I to go but down into the darkness below the cliff. Go to 1-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「到着」 1-1 車で目覚めるハリー (Harry in wrecked jeep) Chapter 1 "Arrival" Harry wakes up in his jeep Page 1 (Black) The silence pierces my ears. As the wind blew, it was accompanied by piercing cold. Where am I? I can feel light faintly passing through my eyelids. Page 2 I don't seem to be hurt. That much is clear to me because I don't feel any pain in my body. No, perhaps I've suffered an injury that doesn't cause any pain? Page 3 I...slowly try opening my heavy eyelids. 第一章  「到着」 「季節外れの雪」 Chapter 1 "Arrival" Out of season snow Page 4 (Harry in wrecked jeep) Out of season snow is pouring into the town. Other than the sound of droplets of ice hitting the ground, there is nothing else to be heard. "Silent Hill" That is what is assuredly written on the sign by the side of the road. Without realizing it, Cheryl and I have reached our destination. Page 5 All my memories up to that point are gone. The wind is blowing in... When I take a look next to me, I am shocked. Page 6 (Empty seat of jeep) The passenger door has been left open. Cheryl is nowhere to be seen. 第一章  「到着」 「ゴーストタウン」 Chapter 1 "Arrival" Ghost Town Page 7 "Silent Hill." This town, which should just be a resort area, appears to have become just like a ghost town for some reason, or maybe it was waiting for us to arrive, or perhaps the town just nestled up to us... Page 8 So now I am alone. Cheryl is not here. While I was sleeping, no, while I was knocked out Cheryl opened the passenger door and stepped out "alone" into this tourist spot that is ruled by an unsettling silence. Page 9 And then she left me to head somewhere... Page 10 (Harry in front of wrecked jeep) I tightly close my jacket around my neck and set off on foot in search of Cheryl. I wonder what in the world happened here? Nothing makes any sense. The silence, the out of season snow... And strangest of all, the entire town is wrapped in a thick fog. Go to 1-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「無人の街」 1-2 人影を捜し求めて (Harry in front of wrecked jeep) Chapter 1 "The Deserted Town" In search of anyone Page 1 (Harry in front of wrecked jeep) "What is going on..." A) Cheryl's destination is... Go to 1-3 B) Is there no one in the town... Go to 1-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「シェリルの行方」 1-3 シェリル捜索に乗り出す (Street corner, heavy fog) Chapter 1 "Cheryl's Whereabouts" Beginning the search for Cheryl Page 1 (Street corner, heavy fog) I begin to run. Only the sounds of my footsteps echo in the surroundings. Just where in the world has Cheryl gone? Did someone lead her away? Various concerns run through my mind. Page 2 (Cheryl appears) (Ta ta ta ta...) (Onomatopoeia for footsteps) I suddenly get the feeling that I heard footsteps other than my own, so I stop moving right away to check it out. Page 3 Through the thick fog I can see a figure that is about the size of a child. "Cheryl?" Without a thought I cry out. The figure doesn't move at all. Page 4 (Cheryl disappears) At the moment I begin to move slowly towards the figure it starts to run. I fiercely chase after the figure. That's definitely Cheryl. Even though it is faint, I would not mistake someone else for Cheryl. Page 5 However, no matter how much I run I cannot catch up. Instead the figure is gradually getting farther away from me. The figure puts on speed as if it is gliding through the air. Page 6 (Middle of street, heavy fog) The figure appears to be absorbed by the fog as it begins to disappear. In order not to lose it, I run with all my strength while keeping my vision centered on the figure. Page 7 I then notice that I have come to an alley surrounded by buildings. Page 8 (Dark alley) I don't know how, but it is like a cover was placed over the sky, which had provided light until now, and the area has become engulfed in darkness. Go to 1-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「住人の存在」 1-4 他に誰かいないものか (Street corner, heavy fog) Chapter 1 "The Presence of Townspeople" Is there no one else here? Page 1 (Street corner, heavy fog) I thought, I must find out if there is anyone other than myself here. This is definitely Silent Hill. I recognize the signboard on that store. A long time ago, when I was young I visited here once. Page 2 All the doors on the shops and houses are tightly shut. No... Among them there is one shop with its door open, but there is no sign of anyone inside. Page 3 It feels like just the people here suddenly vanished. Go to 1-3 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「複数の足音」 1-5 不気味な裏路地 (Dark alley) "Multiple Footsteps" The eerie alley Page 1 (Dark alley) From the darkness I can hear multiple footsteps coming this way... A ) I don't know who it is. I will take a look. Go to 1-6 B ) I am going to get out of here... I don't have anything with me that can be used as a weapon. Go to 1-7 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「耳を澄まして」 1-6 様子をうかがうハリー (Dark alley) Chapter 1 "Listen Carefully" Harry looks around Page 1 (Dark alley) I stood ready. "What the... What are they..." With beast-like rage, they have closed in to right where I am. Page 2 (Mumblers appear, then fade) "Ah..." And then my vitality is sucked away by these strangely shaped monsters until I finally lose consciousness............ Go to 2-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第一章  「闇への逃亡」 1-7 逃げ出すハリー (Dark alley) Chapter 1 "Escape into the Darkness" Harry runs away Page 1 (Dark alley) I've got to get away. But I can't go back the way I came...because that eerie presence is back there... Page 2 So I move further in. I can only move gradually through the narrowing pitch-black alley by feeling around with my hands. Page 3 But I only end up reaching a dead end. Metal fences surround the area, and they are so high that I don't think that I can climb over them. Page 4 They are coming from behind... Page 5 I stood ready. "What the... What are they..." With beast-like rage, they have closed in to right where I am. Page 6 (Creatures appear, then fade) "Ah..." And then my vitality is sucked away by these strangely shaped monsters until I finally lose consciousness............ Go to 2-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「運命の出会い」 2-1 シビル・ベネットと出会う (Close up of radio) Chapter 2 "The Fated Meeting" Harry meets Cybil Bennet Page 1 (Black) Cybil Bennet. She is a full time police officer working in the neighboring town of Brahms. There was no one else in the cafe other than her and Harry. She took a seat at the counter and waited for Harry to awaken. Movie: Harry wakes up in Cafe 5 to 2 Page 2 I suddenly awoke. Where is this place? Why am I here? Was I brought here by someone? There is no boundary between dream and reality, just confusion. Page 3 As I lay on the bench seat in the cafe my eyes slowly begin to focus. The woman sitting at the counter stands and folds her arms. She walks over and looks down at me. 第二章  「カフェ」 「シビル・ベネット」 Chapter 2 "Cafe" Cybil Bennet Page 4 (Cybil standing in the center of the cafe) She is wearing a police uniform. The woman smiles a little bit, as she appears to be relieved that I have regained consciousness. Page 5 "It looks like you have come around." "Who are you?" I try talking to the unfamiliar woman. Page 6 "I'm Cybil. Cybil Bennet. I'm here because all communication with this town suddenly went dead and so I came to investigate." Page 7 "I'm...Harry Mason. I brought my daughter to this town for some sightseeing, but on the way there was an accident and I lost consciousness... Oh, yeah, Cybil...You haven't seen a little girl in this town have you?" Page 8 (Cybil's picture changes) "A little girl... No, I haven't seen her..." "When I came to after the accident my daughter was nowhere to be seen. The passenger door was open and she was gone. Page 9 Cheryl...uh, sorry, my daughter's name is Cheryl... She is a timid person, so it is hard to imagine that she headed out into this weird town alone. Plus I was there in the driver's seat... And since she gave me no warning it just doesn't make sense. Page 10 Are you familiar with this area? There is no sign of anyone, and what is going on with the snow at this time of year... Just what in the world has happened in this town?" I said all of this while breathing deeply. Page 11 (Cybil's picture changes) "I'm afraid I don't know either. I still haven't seen anyone other than you. It's like the town is as silent as a graveyard, left without even the means to contact any neighboring towns." "I see." Page 12 "You also had an accident, right? I thought it was a good idea to head to the police station in this town alone on my motorcycle, but... I guess I was going a little too fast. Page 13 A girl suddenly jumped out into the road...I am pretty sure it was a girl...I almost hit her. I cut the handlebars hard in order to avoid her... After that I can barely remember anything...... Page 14 When I came to I was lying in the street in front of this cafe. So naturally I came in here to get out of the snow. And then I found you sleeping there..." Page 15 "I...was having some kind of a terrible dream. As for if I made it here on my own, I don't remember at all... Just what in the world has happened in this town... What is going on with everything?" Page 16 "Well, the situation is definitely strange. I will head back to Brahms for reinforcements, and then return here. How about you?" Cybil stood and fixed her collar with resolute fortitude. Page 17 "I've got to look for Cheryl... There is no way I can just leave her here alone." Page 18 (Gun in Cybil's hand) "I see. Well, I'll give you this then. You never know what might happen under these circumstances. If you feel threatened then pull the trigger without hesitating." Go to 2-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「拳銃」     2-2 拳銃を差し出されて (Gun in Cybil's hand) Chapter 2 "Handgun" Cybil holds out the handgun Page 1 (Gun in Cybil's hand) I take the gun into my hand. A ) Thanks...I hope I don't have to use it... Go to 2-3 B ) Thank you, but...I'm no good with guns. Go to 2-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「拳銃の重み」   2-3 シビルより銃を受け取る (Gun in Cybil's hand) Chapter 2 "The Weight of the Handgun" Harry receives the gun from Cybil Page 1 (Cybil standing in the center of the cafe) Having never handled a handgun before I am surprised by how heavy it is. Page 2 "But you...will you be alright?" "I'm not like the average girls around here. I have undergone proper training." Page 3 (Close up of Cybil in front of cafe door) Cybil placed her hand on the exit door, but then she turns and faces me again. Page 4 "Harry. Don't go shooting me by mistake or anything. I haven't had any training on how to stop bullets." She smiled after saying this and then disappeared into the thick fog. Page 5 (Empty cafe) (No text, page automatically is dismissed) Go to 2-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「銃器は苦手」   2-4 使い方を教えるシビル (Close up of radio) Chapter 2 "No Good with Guns" Cybil shows Harry how to use the gun Page 1 (Cybil standing in the center of the cafe) "Thank you, but...I'm no good with guns. I haven't even touched one. I can't handle it." Page 2 (Gun in Cybil's hand) Amazed, Cybil takes a deep breath. "It's simple. I'll show you how to use it. See, first hold it in your right hand, then place your forefinger on the trigger." I reluctantly followed her instructions. Page 3 "Like this?" "Yes. Now place your left hand on your right hand so that it doesn't move. Then all you have to do is slide this, fix your aim, and pull the trigger." "Like this?" Page 4 (Black) Bang! The bullet grazes Cybil's cheek and penetrates the wall of the cafe. One of pictures on the wall falls. Page 5 (Cybil standing in the center of the cafe) "He...Hey! You need to watch it!!" "I'm sorry, I was just doing what you said and it just..." "No it's not "and it just..." Just a few centimeters over and you would have been a murderer!" Page 6 I lost even more self confidence. "Well, it's all right. Please use it carefully. Well then...I'm going." The sound of the door closing reverberated woefully inside the cafe. Page 7 (Close up of Cybil in front of cafe door) (No text, page automatically is dismissed) Go to 2-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「再び一人に」   2-5 カフェを後にするシビル (Close up of radio) Chapter 2 "Alone Again" Cybil leaves the cafe Page 1 (Harry with the gun in the cafe) After being left alone in the cafe I gazed at the handgun Cybil gave me for a little while. And then I thought about Cheryl, who had disappeared in this town. Page 2 The figure I saw in the fog... That was definitely Cheryl. But she didn't answer my calls, and she was quite possibly moving away from me? Page 3 I don't understand... I am getting a bit mixed up. Still, the one thing I know for sure is that Cheryl has vanished in this town. Page 4 All I can do is look for her. I may not have any knowledge of the surroundings or any clues, but I won't find Cheryl if I stay here. I stood up energetically and placed my hand on the cafe door. Page 5 (JiJiJi...JiJi...JiJiJi.........) (Onomatopoeia for radio static) Page 6 Something is making noise. Page 7 (JiJiJiJi...JiJiJiJi...JiJi...) (Onomatopoeia for radio static) Page 8 ? Go to 2-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「音の源」                            2-6 どこかで音が鳴っている… (Close up of radio) Chapter 2 "The Source of the Noise" Noise is coming from somewhere... Page 1 (Harry with the gun in the cafe) What is that noise? A ) It's somewhere inside the cafe... Go to 2-7 B ) It's somewhere outside the cafe... Go to 2-8 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「カフェの中に?」                        2-7 ラジオを拾い上げるハリー (Close up of radio) Chapter 2 "Inside the Cafe?" Harry picks up the radio Page 1 (Harry with the gun in the cafe) I look around the cafe. I walk in the direction the noise is coming from. And then I pick up the source of the noise. "Radio?" Page 2 (Close up of radio) (No text, page automatically is dismissed) Page 3 (Air Screamer breaking cafe window) At that moment the window glass shattered with a thunder and a giant birdlike creature flew into the cafe. Page 3 (Air Screamer, animated) No, it is not a bird. It is a creature with reddish-brown skin that looks as if it has been burned. Page 4 In its belligerent pale green eyes it is clear that my life is in danger. Go to 2-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「カフェの外に?」                        2-8 窓越しのラジオ (Close up of radio) Chapter 2 "Outside the Cafe?" The radio beyond the window Page 1 (Street outside of the cafe) Outside? I open the door and hurry out into the street. The snow still continues to fall. I breathe in the cold outside air and it feels like waking up. Page 2 The noise I just heard until now had stopped. Is the wind drowning it out? My question was soon answered. Page 3 Through the glass I can see that a radio has been placed on top of a table inside the cafe. "Is it that..." I immediately went back inside the cafe. Page 4 (Close up of radio) The noise has stopped. Thinking that it may come in handy for something, I slide the portable radio into my pocket and once again walk toward the cafe's exit. Go to 2-17 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「空からの使者」                         2-9 突然の襲撃にハリーは… (Air Screamer breaking cafe window) Chapter 2 "Messenger from the Sky" In this sudden assault, Harry... Page 1 (Air Screamer, animated) I... A ) hide underneath a table. Go to 2-10 B ) ready the handgun in my inexperienced hands. Go to 2-11 C ) run outside of the cafe. Go to 2-12 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「テーブルの下へ」                        2-10 咄嗟に隠れるハリー (Air Screamer breaking cafe window) Chapter 2 "To Under a Table" Harry instantly hides Page 1 (Animated flying creature) I immediately hid underneath a nearby table. However, it was smarter than I thought. Page 2 At a glance its legs appeared thin, but it spreads them wide and uses its long nails as a tool to lift the table up and then lets out a loud laugh. Page 3 I don't have a choice. I have to try and fight. But if I randomly fire blindly then I will only waste bullets. Page 4 That's it. I must set my aim. Its body. When it spreads its wings, at that moment when its body is undefended, I will... Page 5 It swings its large arm-like wing down at me and using that "weapon" it just misses my neck. Page 6 This is my chance. The target is its body... Mumbling, I tell myself that. However...I can't fix my aim very well. My hands are shaking. (Gun shot sound, then Air Screamer falls) Page 7 (Dead Air Screamer on cafe floor) When that single bullet hit it... It finally lost its life force and fell to the floor like a rag. Go to 2-16 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「発砲」                             2-11 慣れない手で拳銃を構える (Air Screamer breaking cafe window) Chapter 2 "Fire" Harry readies the handgun in his inexperienced hands Page 1 (Air Screamer, animated) "Damn!" I firmly held the handgun that I just received, quickly pointed it at the creature, and pulled the trigger. Page 2 I am not used to using guns, so some of my shots hit the ceiling. Go to 2-13 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「カフェの外へ」                         2-12 狭い室内では戦えない (Air Screamer breaking cafe window) Chapter 2 "To Outside the Cafe" Harry cannot fight in the tight space indoors Page 1 (Air Screamer, animated) I've got to get out of here. Outside. I can't move about so well in this tight indoor area. However... Page 2 Almost as if reading my mind, it moves to the only door in or out of the cafe, blocking my route. I can't escape. Page 3 Then right as I think that maybe it has pulled one of its wings far back, it swings it down at me just missing my neck. "Ah!" Page 4 I just barely avoided death, but in the process I ended up falling backwards. Page 5 However, I didn't let go of the gun. Page 6 The target is the wing... Page 7 If I can destroy its wing it won't be able to move. Then I can finish it at my leisure. (Gun shot sound, then Air Screamer falls) Page 8 (Dead Air Screamer on cafe floor) My one shot hits the wing, blasting a hole in it. The creature loses altitude as it falls to the floor. Page 9 I can't afford to waste bullets. I crush it with the with the thick sole of my shoe many times. As its strange cries die out, a dark red stain spreads out on the floor. Go to 2-16 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「照準」                             2-13 狙いを一つに絞って (Air Screamer breaking cafe window) Chapter 2 "Aim" Focusing the aim on one thing Page 1 (Air Screamer, animated) I limit my aim... A ) Its vulnerable spot is...its body. Go to 2-14 B ) Aiming at the wing will bring it down. Go to 2-15 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「狙いは胴体」                          2-14 胴体に照準を絞る (Air Screamer breaking cafe window) Chapter 2 "The target is its body" Harry focuses his aim on its body Page 1 (Air Screamer, animated) That's it. I must set my aim. Its body. When it spreads its wings, at that moment when its body is undefended, I will... Page 2 It swings its large arm-like wing down at me and using that "weapon" it just misses my neck. Page 3 This is my chance. The target is its body... Mumbling, I tell myself that. Page 4 However...I can't fix my aim very well. My hands are shaking. (Gun shot sound, then Air Screamer falls) Page 5 (Dead Air Screamer on cafe floor) As my third shot pierces it... It finally lost its life force and fell to the floor like a rag. Go to 2-16 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「狙いは翼」                           2-15 翼に照準を絞る (Air Screamer breaking cafe window) Chapter 2 "The target is its wing" Harry focuses his aim on its wing Page 1 (Animated Air Screamer) Those large wings. It uses them nimbly to maintain its balance in the air. Page 2 If I destroy its wing it won't be able to move. Then I can finish it at my leisure. (Gun shot sound, then Air Screamer falls) Page 3 (Dead Air Screamer on cafe floor) My one shot hits the wing, blasting a large hole in it. The creature loses altitude as it falls to the floor. Page 4 I can't afford to waste bullets. I crush it with the with the thick sole of my shoe many times. As its strange cries die out, a dark red stain spreads out on the floor. Go to 2-16 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「戦いを終えて」                         2-16 夢じゃなかったというのか… (Dead Air Screamer on cafe floor) Chapter 2 "After the Battle" This is not a dream... Page 1 (Close up of Harry in the cafe) "What the hell... This is not a dream. What's happening to this place?" Page 2 Only the sound of my fist hitting the table echoes in the cafe. At my feet the still warm corpse of the creature lies in the center of a pool of oddly colored liquid. Go to 2-17 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二章  「カフェを後に」                         2-17 裏路地へ向かうハリー (Close up of Harry in the cafe) Chapter 2 "Harry Leaves the Cafe" Harry heads for the alley Page 1 (Street outside of the cafe) After leaving the cafe I decided to first head toward that alley from before. Go to 3-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第三章  「カフェを後に」                         3-1 これから… (Air Screamers in the sky) Chapter 3 "Harry Leaves the Cafe" Now... Page 1 (Air Screamers in the sky) Black figures fly about in the heavens as if searching for prey. I then come to realize a constant. The static on the radio changes based on their movements. Page 2 The closer the monsters come to me the louder the static gets. My sight is hindered by the fog and on top of that the weather is so bad that snow is falling. So this is extremely important information. Page 3 I run through the snow that appears to have no intention of stopping. Increasing my speed each time the static comes in on the radio, I proceed into the fog. 第三章  「カフェを後に」 「路地裏」 Chapter 3 "Harry Leaves the Cafe" Back alley Page 4 (Alley) Following the thin thread of my memory I finally arrive at the alley from before. The evil atmosphere has dissipated and light pours in along with snow from in between the buildings. Page 5 I move into the alley and it dead ends after a bit. Page 6 (Sketchbook) At the end of the alley I see a familiar sketchbook that appears to have been thrown away. The likeness of me that Cheryl drew is on the cover of the sketchbook. Page 7 "This is definitely Cheryl's..." (Sketchbook opens) Page 8 (Open sketchbook) I try opening it. Inside the following is written in red ink: "to School" 第三章  「カフェを後に」 「レビン通り沿い」 Chapter 3 "Harry Leaves the Cafe" Along Levin Street Page 9 (Black) Along Levin street I slip through the backdoor of a house that had a doghouse and then head for the school. The surroundings gradually fill with darkness and only the flashlight on my chest illuminates this strange street. Go to 4-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校校門」                          4-1 さらなる闇の到来 (School entrance) Chapter 4 "The Entrance to the Elementary School grounds" The advent of further darkness Page 1 (School entrance) I pass through the entrance to the elementary school grounds. When I open the door that leads into the school building I see that even more darkness is waiting for me inside. Page 2 It is possible that Cheryl scribbled those letters "to School." I can't be sure whether Cheryl is here or not. It's just that I haven't a clue other than that sketchbook. Page 3 A guide map of the school has been tacked to the sidewall of the entrance with a rusted thumbtack. After removing the map from the wall I place it in my pocket and push open the heavy door that leads into the interior of the school building. 第四章  「小学校」 「学校廊下」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School" School hallway Page 4 (School hallway, dark) My footsteps, and the creaking of the hallway... They sound like screams as their reverberations rock my eardrums. I had been walking carefully step by step, but without realizing it I had began to run. Page 5 There is no sign of anyone. The silent innards of the school building are dark, and with only the flashlight on my chest it is impossible for me to see any of the details. Cheryl doesn't have a flashlight, so if she came in here and got lost then she probably wouldn't even be able to walk around. Page 6 Since I have my flashlight turned on she should be able to notice me easily... At least I have that modest hope. Page 7 I then notice that I have come to the entrance to the music room. I place my hand on the heavy door. 第四章  「小学校」 「音楽室」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School" Music room Page 8 (Piano in music room) When I open the door I see that the inside of the room is large and there is a grand piano placed in its center. Page 9 As I sit on the chair of the piano I am shocked. The seat is still warm, as if someone had been sitting here just a few minutes before. Cheryl's smile runs through the back of my mind. Page 10 Cheryl often played the cheap upright piano in our home. It had become nice background music when I was working. Perhaps Cheryl had come to the music room? 第四章  「小学校」 「グランドピアノ」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School" The grand piano Page 11 (Piano keys) I gently open the cover over the piano keys. I notice that there is red mixed in among the black and white. I try touching the liquid. It has a lukewarm feel, it is still holding heat. It is definitely blood. Page 12 My heart pounds in my chest like an alarm bell. The large amount of blood spilled on the keys... If this is Cheryl's blood then she may no longer be alive. I wipe the stain off my hands onto my jeans, stand, and leave the music room. Page 13 (Black) At the same time I closed the door thought I heard someone scream......... Maybe it was just my imagination? 第四章  「小学校廊下」 「暗がりの中庭」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School Hallway" The dark courtyard Page 14 (School hallway, dark) I walk down the hallway. The sleety mixture of snow pounds hard against the windows facing the courtyard. I take a look through a window down at the dark courtyard. Page 15 The not so large courtyard is dotted with areas in which withered plants are growing. In addition to that an old clock tower is faintly visible. From here I cannot determine what time the clock is pointing to. Page 16 Wait. Something appears to be wriggling about in the darkness. An animal? No, it's dark and I can't see so well, but it is slowly moving on two legs. It appears to be searching for prey. Page 17 (Radio begins making noise) (JiJiJiJi...JiJiJi.........) (Onomatopoeia for radio static) At that moment the radio I had clipped to my chest suddenly began making noise. As I return my sight to the hallway a sharp pain runs through my thigh. Page 18 (Mumbler, animated) When I look down I see that the tips of those long claws are piercing my thigh. Those oddly shaped monsters. They are posed like they want to hug me and have gathered around my waist. They are about to bite me. Go to 4-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校廊下」                          4-2 奇怪な化け物と遭遇 (School hallway, dark) Chapter 4 "Elementary School Hallway" Encounter with the oddly shaped monsters Page 1 (Mumbler, animated) I... A ) Instantly pushed the monster away with my hands. Go to 4-3 B ) Readied the handgun and fired. Go to 4-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校廊下」                          4-3 払いのけるハリー (School hallway, dark) Chapter 4 "Elementary School Hallway" Harry pushes Page 1 (Mumbler, animated) With my right hand I push on its head part with force and knock it away. It then totters and falls down on its face. That was when I noticed that I had been completely surrounded by those monsters. Page 2 I ready the gun. I fix my aim on their heads and pull the trigger with my trembling index finger. (Gun shot sound) Page 3 I continue to shoot as each one of them appears. The smoke from the gun powder began to fill the air around me so I placed one hand over my mouth. (Fade to red and radio stops) Go to 4-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校廊下」                          4-4 発砲するハリー (School hallway, dark) Chapter 4 "Elementary School Hallway" Harry fires Page 1 (Mumbler, animated) I instantaneously readied the hand gun I was carrying and fired at the monster. (Gun shot sound) Page 2 "Ow!" I hit it, but its long claws dug deeper into my thigh, widening the wound. Page 3 With my right hand I push on its head part with force and knock it away. It then totters and falls down on its face. That was when I noticed that I had been completely surrounded by those monsters. Page 4 I ready the gun. I fix my aim on their heads and pull the trigger with my trembling index finger. (Gun shot sound) Page 5 I continue to shoot as each one of them appears. The smoke from the gun powder began to fill the air around me so I placed one hand over my mouth. (Fade to red and radio stops) Go to 4-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第四章  「小学校廊下」                          4-5 呆然と立ちすくむハリー (School hallway, dark) Chapter 4 "Elementary School Hallway" Harry stands paralyzed in amazement Page 1 (Black) Even after the noise from the radio had stopped I could only stand there, paralyzed in utter amazement among their corpses. Is Cheryl all right? She shouldn't have been carrying anything that could be used as a weapon. Page 2 (School hallway, dark) I begin running. I can't just stand around. There is not a moment to lose. Cheryl is waiting for me. Wait a minute. Suddenly my vision became hazy or something and I rubbed my eyes. Page 3 When I look back... I see that all the bodies of the monsters have unexpectedly vanished. "What..." Was I hallucinating or something? .............................. 第四章  「小学校」 「ボイラー室へ」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School" To the boiler room Page 4 I pull the guide map out of my inner pocket and shine the flashlight on it. And then I confirm that there is a boiler room located in the basement. My feet naturally began to take me there. Page 5 (Animated stairs) I descend the stairs to the basement taking one step at a time. A school building without light. As I move forward I am beset on all sides by absolute darkness. As I head towards new fear and new enemies my feet have no intention of stopping their advance. Page 6 But oddly enough I don't have a sense of justice. I just want to make sure that Cheryl is safe, to catch her in my arms... That is my only goal. 第四章  「小学校」 「停止したボイラー」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School" The stopped boiler Page 7 (Boilers) The boiler is not running. If I simply press the switch in front of me then this eerie machine should begin operating. However, I just stand still. 第四章  「小学校」 「配電盤の操作」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School" Operating the switchboard Page 8 I try pushing the switch but the boiler doesn't do anything at all. So I try opening the switchboard cover below the switch. Page 9 It appears that I must somehow supply power from the main power supply to the boiler. Page 10 The power supply is on the right. From the left of the switchboard a thick pipe extends out and is connected to the boiler... (Boiler Switchboard Game) Page 11 "Got it..." Page 12 I have an instinctive feeling that by pushing this switch that something outrageous may happen. Page 13 Although at the same time I also notice my daughter Cheryl's scream run through my heart, like a sense of duty that makes me feel that I must push the switch. Page 14 I slowly push the switch in. The entire school building shudders as if it were a giant ship. The entire elementary school building appears as if it has been swallowed by Cheryl's heart as she stands alone in the darkness. Page 15 I understand that I must do something. "To the courtyard." The darkness softly whispers to me. 第四章  「小学校」 「時計台」 Chapter 4 "Elementary School" The clock tower Page 16 (Clock tower base) The clock tower looks to be about tall enough to reach the third floor of the school. At its base there is a small door about big enough for an adult to enter while bent down. Page 17 The door solemnly opened. After opening, the door seems to beckon the one standing in front of it to enter with an irresistible mental energy. I cannot resist that power. As I enter the door closes with a hopeless thunder. Page 18 (Black) Inside the clock tower a physiologically loathsome stench hung in the air. However, the smile of my beloved daughter in my heart lessens my uneasiness and lets me forget my fear, if even for only a moment. Page 19 Reassured, I place my foot on the ladder leading underground, with my greatest motive, called love. Page 20 The inside finally became a small passage about large enough for an adult. I run. Trusting that I will see her smile ahead, I run forward stomping on concrete stained with the smell of death. Page 21 Once I climb the ladder at the end of the tunnel, there will be no going back. I mutter Cheryl's name one more time. Go to 5-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「急変」                           5-1 奇怪な紋様 (Clock tower base) Chapter 5 "Sudden Change" The mysterious design Page 1 (Clock tower base) The depressing sound of the door closing echoes throughout the courtyard. "...Where am I?" Page 2 A raw, warm breeze brushes past my cheeks. The view lets me know that this is like a completely different world from the school I was just in. Once I again I think, where am I? Page 3 (Mark of Samael in courtyard) I descend the small stairs leading away from the clock tower and become even more convinced. An extremely religious-looking design has been drawn in the center of the courtyard. Within a large double circle a triangle has been placed, and within that a strange pattern that looks like hieroglyphics is drawn. Page 4 "Hmm, I don't remember this being here before." I mutter. This is definitely the school I was just in. The placement of the trees, and the construction of the building... Page 5 However, an overpowering feeling of nausea rises up throughout my body. A revolting horrible smell, like that of the stench of cutting into rotten meat, thickly wafts throughout the air, and is nearly visible to the eye. Page 6 I begin to run. I can no longer bear to stay in this spot. By the time I place my hand on the door that leads inside the school building I no longer have the strength left to tell how long I was running. Maybe it was only for an instant? 第五章  「急変」 「変貌した校舎」 Chapter 5 "Sudden Change" The transformed school building Page 7 (Nightmare school hallway) The school building has dramatically changed. Metal grated floors... Blood covered walls... Corpse-like puppets hanging everywhere... It's like a nightmarish scene in which everything is isolated from the real world. Page 8 In spite of that, I run. I am searching for Cheryl. The unpleasant metallic sounds of my footsteps resonate throughout the inside of the school. Page 9 (Table with blue telephones) And then I open the door to the Teacher's Room. Perhaps the door is not installed correctly, as it took me several forceful tries to force it open. Once I enter the room I am shocked. This is... Desks are strewn about, and a raw, rotten stench rules the room. Go to 5-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「職員室」                           5-2 受話器を手に (Table with blue telephones) Chapter 5 "Teacher's Room" Picking up the receiver Page 1 (Table with blue telephones) I... A ) call the police to get help. Go to 5-3 B ) call home, where no one should be. Go to 5-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「職員室」                           5-3 警察に電話 (Table with blue telephones) Chapter 5 "Teacher's Room" Calling the police Page 1 (Table with blue telephones) With slight hope I pickup the telephone receiver. Just as I had guessed... The depressing busy signal just repeats over and over. Page 2 As I gently hang up the telephone receiver I realize that all means for contacting the outside world have already been lost. I must find Cheryl right away, and escape from this insane world with her. Go to 5-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「職員室」                           5-4 誰もいないはずの自宅へ (Table with blue telephones) Chapter 5 "Teacher's Room" Calling home, where no one should be Page 1 (Close up of telephone) Without knowing why, I dialed my home number, where no one should be. Maybe there is a chance that Cheryl has already returned home... With slight hope I... Page 2 (Bururururu...Bururururu...) (Onomatopoeia for ringing telephone) The phone is ringing... The mechanical electrical sound repeats over and over. Then all of a sudden it stopped. Page 3 (......Hello) The voice of a man I do not know escapes from the receiver. "Hello...who is this..." Page 4 From the receiver I hear a gasp. (Ah...) Click... (Onomatopoeia for hanging up of a phone) Page 5 The phone went dead. I stood bewildered for a bit with the receiver pressed against my ear. Page 6 There is a man in my house, where no one should be... A man I don't know. Page 7 (Black) I gently hang up the receiver and for a bit I am captivated by that blue telephone. Go to 5-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「職員室を出る」              5-5 受話器を置いたハリー (Table with blue telephones) Chapter 5 "Leaving the Teacher's Room" Harry after he hung up the telephone receiver Page 1 (Table with blue telephones) I begin to leave the room. Page 2 Jiriririri...Jiriririri... (Onomatopoeia for ringing telephone) Page 3 My heart rapidly contracts. The mechanical bell sound echoes throughout the room. I nervously approach the telephone, and once again pick up the receiver. Page 4 "...Daddy...Help me..." Page 5 It's Cheryl...! There is no mistaking it. I firmly press the receiver against my ear. Page 6 "...Daddy...Where are you..." "Cheryl! Is this Cheryl?!" Page 7 At that moment Cheryl's voice is replaced with a busy signal. I knew it, I think. Cheryl is here. Page 8 Being located in the residential area, many children probably come to this school. The interior of the elementary school is larger than I imagined. Including classrooms, there are a lot of rooms, so locating Cheryl will be extremely difficult. Page 9 If Cheryl wasn't brought here by someone and instead came here of her own free will then perhaps she might be in "that one room". Page 10 (Black) I spin around, run to the stairs at the end of the hall, and then sprint up them. 第五章  「図書室」 「開かれた文献」 Chapter 5 "Library" The open book Page 11 (Table with an open book) I have come to the Library and my eyes are drawn to the open book here. Go to 5-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「図書室」               5-6 開かれた文献 (Table with an open book) Chapter 5 "Library" The open book Page 1 (Table with an open book) It was... A ) a children's book. Go to 5-7 (This choice will result in automatic branching if you reach 5-16. From 5-16 you will then automatically go to 5-18; however, this choice does not affect anything else.) B ) a pharmaceutical book. Go to 5-8 (This choice will result in automatic branching if you reach 5-16. From 5-16 you will then automatically go to 5-19; however, this choice does not affect anything else.) C ) a dictionary of religious science. Go to 5-9 (This choice will result in automatic branching if you reach 5-16. From 5-16 you will then automatically go to 5-20; however, this choice does not affect anything else.) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「図書室」               5-7 児童書を手に取る (Table with an open book) Chapter 5 "Library" Picking up the children's book Page 1 (Close up of children's book) I pick up the book and see an abstract illustration of a youth carrying a bow and arrow on its cover. Page 2 Someone has been reading this book. I begin to read the book from the beginning of the page it was left open to in a quiet voice. Page 3 "Hearing this, the hunter armed with bow and arrow said, "I will kill the Lizard." Page 4 But upon meeting his opponent, he held back, taunting, Page 5 "Who's afraid of a reptile?" At this the furious lizard hissed, Page 6 "I'll swallow you up in a single bite!" Then the huge creature attacked, jaws opened wide. This was what the man wanted. Page 7 Calmly drawing his bow, he shot into the lizard's gaping mouth. Effortlessly, the arrow flew, piercing the defenseless maw, Page 8 and the lizard fell down dead." Page 9 "This is from an old fairy tale. I remember reading it as a kid." As I say this I take a step back as if I have realized something. Wait, I think. Go to 5-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「図書室」               5-8 薬学書を手に取る (Table with an open book) Chapter 5 "Library" Picking up the pharmaceutical book Page 1 (Close up of pharmaceutical book) A pharmaceutical book Page 2 "[White Claudia] Perennial herb found near water. Reaches height of 30 to 40 centimeters. Oblong leaves, white blossoms. Page 3 Seeds contain hallucinogen. Ancient records show it was used for religious ceremonies. The hallucinogenic effect was key." Page 4 The next page is all blurred... Page 5 "[...........tis] from from the above-mentioned White Claudia,......dr...has.......... perform exor...... It is a viscous liquid, red....color, and is..... adminis..........remedy.....illnesses for which the cause is not kn...." Go to 5-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「図書室」               5-9 宗教学辞典を手に取る (Table with an open book) Chapter 5 "Library" Picking up the dictionary of religious science Page 1 (Close up of the dictionary of religious science) "Depending on the region each have the characteristic of having individual doctrines. From ancient times the practice of offering a living sacrifice was the only way to avoid disaster. Page 2 Most believers are those who have chosen to renounce the world for the sake of their beliefs, while those believers who can not yet give up their material possessions need to deepen their knowledge of the sacred texts. However, some believers have a tendency to strictly hide the fact that they are believers from others. Page 3 This is because they believed that if the fact that they are believers becomes known then their effectiveness would become nothing. Even with black magic, which is thought to have vanished in present times, its magical spells are actively researched in such areas. Page 4 In that process an altar set alight with a sacred flame and a symbolic seal were required. Then by summoning an evil being and bringing it to contact with a saint a new existence is said to be able to be created. Page 5 In this case the saint is not limited to a priest, as an inanimate object can also be used." Go to 5-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「自覚」                5-10 自らの進路 (Table with an open book) Chapter 5 "Awareness" One's own course Page 1 (Black) I become gripped with the sense that my actions have been controlled by someone this entire time. Coming to the Library, seeing that specific page in the open book... Even whatever it is that I must do now, it is a decision that is out of my hands. Page 2 Everything that has happened has been in someone's hands. I have gradually come to understand this. Even still, I probably cannot determine my own course. Page 3 I accept the direction of the unseen one, to whom I must obey. In order to find Cheryl there is no other alternative. 第五章 「地下室の死闘」 「生暖かい空気」 Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle in the Basement" Uncomfortably warm air Page 4 I now know where it is I need to go. Page 5 As I journey there I walk firmly, stepping forward one step at a time. I descend a staircase from which uncomfortably warm air flows and find an elevator at its base that invites me to descend even further, as its doors slowly open. Page 6 Once I enter it's doors close, and in the next moment, with a rusty clunk sound the elevator begins to descend at a high rate of speed. Just how far down is it going? All I can do is go with the flow. Page 7 (Sconce with animated fire column) Gradually the elevator and I are enveloped in hot humid air. The elevator stops, and I step off as its doors open. Beyond a short passage a dazzling light emitted from a small room, a small room which has been waiting for my arrival. Page 8 (Split Head, animated) In the center the fires of hell burned, and everything made it look like this room was meant for prayer. And then it...was there. It slowly moved around the enormous sconce from which flames and ash rose. Page 9 The lizard looks to have suddenly mutated. Its outer shell is a mucous membrane type. It just stares at me, and with surprisingly comfortable speed, it looks for a chance to attack. Go to 5-11 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「地下室の死闘」              5-11 どう戦えば… (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle in the Basement" How should I fight... Page 1 (Split Head, animated) Here... A ) I fired the gun at its large body. Go to 5-12 B ) I am no match for this enemy with the weapons I am carrying. Running is the best bet. Go to 5-13 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「地下室の死闘」              5-12 巨体に向けて銃を放つ (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle in the Basement" Firing the gun at its large body Page 1 (Split Head, animated) Smoke and powder emit from my handgun. I am certain that I hit it. However, those armor-like scales more than fulfilled their purpose. Page 2 This isn't effective at all. This is no good, I need to make my bullets hit somewhere softer. Go to 5-14 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「地下室の死闘」              5-13 逃げるのが得策だ (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle in the Basement" Running is the best bet Page 1 (Split Head, animated) I was overwhelmed by its size. I've got to escape. I don't stand a chance with the feeble weapon in my pocket. Page 2 I look for an escape route. However, the entrance I came through is now closed by a thick, solid metal fence, without any opening which I could slide through. Page 3 I cannot escape. Go to 5-14 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「喚起」              5-14 突如湧き上がる記憶 (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Awakening" Suddenly, a memory springs up Page 1 (Split Head, animated) At that moment a part of my memory was suddenly awakened. Go to 5-15 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「記憶」              5-15 突如思い出すハリー (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Memory" Harry suddenly remembers Page 1 (Split Head, animated) Definitely... A ) in the Library... Go to 5-16 B ) in the Teacher's Room... Go to 5-17 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「回想」              5-16 確かあのときに… (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Reminiscence" Certainly at that time... Page 1 (Split Head, animated) I remember. That book I just picked up not too long ago. Its contents run about in my head. While paying very close attention to the movements of my opponent I recall its passages. Go to 5-18 if you selected A in 5-6 Go to 5-19 if you selected B in 5-6 Go to 5-20 if you selected C in 5-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「回想」              5-17 確か職員室で… (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Reminiscence" Certainly in the Teacher's Room... Page 1 (Split Head, animated) In the Teacher's Room... Page 2 The phone call I received. Cheryl's cries dance about in my memory. Page 3 That's right...I cannot let myself die here. Cheryl is...Cheryl is waiting somewhere for me to rescue her. She is still alive. Page 4 I raised my head. Its hard scales shined in the light from the hell fires. It must have a weak point. If I can just hit that. Page 5 I stood my ground and waited for its attack. I let it draw as close as I could. Inside its mouth. If I can just fire blindly in there. Page 6 (Split Head, mouth open) It had drawn close and then its mouth sprung open. It looked as if it were planning to swallow me whole. My fingers trembled at its size. Page 7 I can no longer hesitate. I aimed at the inside of its mouth and quickly pulled the trigger. Over and over, over and over, the sound of gunshots rang out from my weapon for as long as I had ammunition. Page 8 And then I lost consciousness... Go to 5-24 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「記憶」              5-18 児童書の内容 (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Memory" The contents of the children's book Page 1 (Split Head, animated) (Effortlessly, the arrow flew, piercing the defenseless maw, and the lizard fell down dead.) Page 2 All I can do is draw my opponent closer. Each bullet that hits its body only seems to increase its strength. Page 3 I am running. My entire body is soaked in sweat. The heat from the flames and the large amount of perspiration are working together to rob me of my emotional strength. And then my feet finally get tangled and I fall to the bone-dry floor with a thud. Page 4 (Split Head, mouth open) My supply of bullets is running out. This is my limit, I turn around. Its enormous mouth is there, measuring about 4 meters, and open in all directions. It was only for an instant, but I thought of that passage again. Page 5 "...the arrow flew, piercing the defenseless maw..." Go to 5-21 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「記憶」              5-19 薬学書の内容 (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Memory" The contents of the pharmaceutical book Page 1 (Split Head, animated) ([White Claudia] Perennial herb found near water. Reaches height of 30 to 40 centimeters. Oblong leaves, white blossoms. Page 2 Seeds contain hallucinogen. Ancient records show it was used for religious ceremonies. The hallucinogenic effect was key.) Page 3 .......... An herb with hallucinogenic effects... However, no measures for dealing with the monster that I am now faced with were written in the book. Page 4 (Split Head, mouth open) I'm in danger. When I returned to my senses its wide open mouth was right in front of me, opened in a way that suggested that it planned to swallow me whole. Page 5 It's too late. I was caught in its mouth, easily lifted, and then crushed by its teeth as I fell inside it. Page 6 ................... Go to 5-24 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「記憶」              5-20 宗教学辞典の内容 (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Memory" The contents of the dictionary of religious science Page 1 (Split Head, animated) (Even with black magic, which is thought to have vanished in present times, its magical spells are actively researched in such areas. Page 2 In that process an altar set alight with a sacred flame and a symbolic seal were required. Then by summoning an evil being and bringing it to contact with a saint a new existence is said to be able to be created. Page 3 In this case the saint is not limited to a priest, as an inanimate object can also be used.) Page 4 The monster in front of me was possibly summoned by or descended from black magic. Page 5 However, that literature did not contain any information that would help me right now. Page 6 (Split Head, mouth open) I'm in danger. When I returned to my senses its wide open mouth was right in front of me, opened in a way that suggested that it planned to swallow me whole. Page 7 It's too late. I was caught in its mouth, easily lifted, and then crushed by its teeth as I fell inside it. Page 8 ................... Go to 5-24 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「死闘」              5-21 弱点を狙って (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle" Aiming at the weak point Page 1 (Split Head, mouth open) Ok... A ) Fire into its mouth. Go to 5-22 B ) I'll stop its movement first. I fired at its legs. Go to 5-23 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「死闘」              5-22 口の中へ発砲 (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle" Firing into its mouth Page 1 (Split Head, mouth open) I can no longer hesitate. I readied the gun as calmly as possible, aimed at the inside of its mouth, and quickly pulled the trigger. Over and over, over and over, the sound of gunshots rang out from my weapon for as long as I had ammunition. Page 2 And then I lost consciousness......... Go to 5-24 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「死闘」              5-23 まず動きを止める (Sconce) Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle" Stopping its movement first Page 1 (Split Head, mouth open) The legs. If I can stop its movement then I will be free to do as I like to finish it. Page 2 I aimed at its fore-leg and fired one shot. Although I hit dead on, it appears to be meaningless. On the contrary, it increases its speed and persistently pursues me as I trip on my own feet. Page 3 I only have a few rounds left. While waiting for my greatest chance I was doing my best to keep my distance from it, but the heat from the hell fires had me on verge of passing out and then I was chased into the corner of the room before I realized it. Page 4 I have already lost the willpower to fight back, and it stands in front of me with its mouth open wide. With resignation I silently closed my eyes. Page 5 .................. Go to 5-24 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第五章  「穏やかな光」              5-24 暗い部屋で目覚めるハリー (Boilers) Chapter 5 "Peaceful Light" Harry awakens in a dark room Page 1 (Boilers) When I came to I found myself in the middle of a dark room. Where is this? I wondered to myself. Page 2 The monster from before has vanished. I heavily stood up and then waited motionless for a bit until my eyes came into focus. Somehow...somehow this looks to be the boiler room. It is oddly quiet. Page 3 Maybe I was dreaming? My very exhausted body seems to have also recovered somehow. The low hum of the boilers strangely calms my nerves. Page 4 And then I sense the presence of a person and I shift my gaze. Page 5 (Alessa appears) There was a girl standing there. She was wearing dark blue clothing, and her light brown hair was neatly combed. Page 6 The girl was just staring right at me. Once I noticed her and began to step towards her she completely disappeared, as if her body just dissolved into the air in the room. I was alone in the room again. Page 7 Alessa disappears "What was that?" 第五章 「穏やかな光」 「妙な安心感」 Chapter 5 "Peaceful Light" A strange feeling of relief Page 8 After standing for a bit I let out a long breath and then place my hand on the door at the entrance. Page 9 (School hallway, light) Sunlight is shining into the hall of the school building. As usual the snow is still outside, but I am gripped with a strange feeling of relief, as if cancerous cells had just been removed from me. Page 10 Filled with relief I slowly walk toward the exit of the school building. And then I learn that Cheryl is not here. From the loud sound of the church bells that seem to call out to me. Go to 6-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「教会へ」              6-1 教会へ向かうハリー (Street, heavy fog) Chapter 6 "To the church" Harry heads for the church Page 1 (Street, heavy fog) I begin to run toward the church on a road half covered in mud. Snow falls above my head, some of which freezes my hair as chilly air flows by. Page 2 When I reach the church I push open the heavy door without hesitation. 第六章 「教会」 「狡猾そうな女」 Chapter 6 "Church" The sly looking woman Movie: Dahlia turns in the church Page 3 (Dahlia in front of altar) A cross is mounted on the front wall. Long benches are lined up on both sides of a small walkway. It was as if time had stopped for this familiar style church. Page 4 In front of the altar a sly looking woman with cold eyes looks down at me with a eerie grin. As I walked up to her stepping one step at a time she gazed at me without blinking. She looked as if she had predicted that I would arrive. Page 5 "Were you ringing that bell?" The woman snorted with a humph. "I've been expecting you. It was foretold by Gryomancy." "What are you talking about?" Page 6 "I knew you'd come. You want the girl, right?" "The girl? You're talking about Cheryl?" My eyes grew wide. Page 7 "I see everything." "You know something!? Tell me!" Page 8 "Stay back!" The woman held the palm of her hand out at me and then lowered her chin in a way that suggested, "please calm down." Page 9 "Nothing is to be gained by floundering about at random. You must follow the path. The path of the hermit, concealed by Flauros..." Page 10 "What? What are you talking about?" I asked once more without hiding my bewilderment. Page 11 "Here, the Flauros, a cage of peace. It can break through the walls of darkness, and counteract the wrath of the underworld. These will help you. Make haste to the hospital before it's too late." Page 12 The woman held up a strange object and then softly placed it on the desk on top of the altar. "Wait! Don't go yet!" Go to 6-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「ダリアの話」              6-2 奇妙な情報を得たハリーは… (Altar in church) Chapter 6 "Dahlia's Story" After receiving the strange information, Harry... Page 1 (Black) I will... A ) Believe that woman's story. Go to 6-3 B ) Her story was unclear and I don't understand it. I cannot just carelessly believe her. Go to 6-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「ダリアの話」              6-3 話を信用するハリー (Altar in church) Chapter 6 "Dahlia's Story" Harry believes her story Page 1 (Black) She lives here. I choose to believe her story without objection. Go to 6-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「ダリアの話」              6-4 迂闊に信用できない (Altar in church) Chapter 6 "Dahlia's Story" Harry cannot just carelessly believe her Page 1 (Black) I thought that that insane woman's behavior and the details of her story were questionable. Go to 6-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第六章  「教会」              6-5 一人取り残されて (Altar in church) Chapter 6 "Church" Left all alone Page 1 (Black) All that remains in the church is the reverberations of the sound of a door closing. I go after that woman. I am convinced that that woman definitely knows some secret of some sort. However, the knob on the door that she went through will not turn at all. It must be locked from the other side. Page 2 "Damn!" Now I am the only one left in the church. Almost as if taken from a nightmare, this space has heat. This warmth, it feels like it is protecting me from something. That is the best way to describe the heat. Page 3 I move away from the door and begin walking to the altar that woman was at. The object that the woman was just holding has been placed there. Page 4 (Flauros and key on altar) The Flauros. That is certainly what that woman had called this. I try picking it up. And then I place it back on top of the desk right away. Page 5 It is power. The overwhelming power of the gods rests inside this four-sided object. It was a sensation like an electrical current passing into the palm of my hand, and then power moving throughout every nook and cranny in my body. Page 6 I pick it up once more. This time I calmly take it into my hand and then place it in my pocket. For some reason I am convinced that this object will help me find Cheryl. 第六章 「教会」 「フラウロスと鍵 」 Chapter 6 "Church" The Flauros and a key Page 7 (Black) I pick up the key that was next to the Flauros, open the door of the church, and rush out into the heatless snow world again. 第六章 「教会」 「地図上の病院 」 Chapter 6 "Church" The hospital on the map Page 8 (Street, heavy fog) Hospital? That woman certainly said something about one. "Alchemilla Hospital" The only hospital I could find on the map was that one. I could see my breath as I exhaled while I headed toward the entertainment district. Page 9 (Drawbridge tower) The bridge to the entertainment district has been raised so that boats can pass by it in the river below. In other words, it is split in the middle, and is fixed in a raised position that makes it look like the Japanese katakana character ハ. I enter the nearby drawbridge control room, place the key I was holding into the control panel, and forcefully turn it to the right. Page 10 While emitting a sound like an old woman laughing the bridge finally begins to lower, inviting me to the entertainment district. Go to 7-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「病院を探して」              7-1 アルケミラ病院の所在 (Hospital gate) Chapter 7 "Searching for the Hospital" The location of Alchemilla Hospital Page 1 (Street corner, heavy fog) After crossing the bridge I shudder. The temperature is gradually declining. Or maybe it is just a result of the thing inside me that produces nervousness and fear. Page 2 On this wide road there is not a single motorcycle running. I am running right down the center of it. If I continue forward Alchemilla Hospital should be on the right. Page 3 (Hospital gate) An old building appears in the thick fog. On the signboard "Alchemilla" appears in faded letters. Its eeriness caused me to hesitate for an instant, but in the next moment I placed my hand on the cold gate. Page 4 I open the heavy hospital gate, and then open the door directly to my right that has "Entrance" written on it. 第七章 「病院」 「静寂に包まれた病院 」 Chapter 7 "Hospital" The hospital wrapped in silence Page 5 (Hospital reception area) The inside of the hospital is wrapped in silence. To the left there is a reception area, in which various papers are neatly placed on a shelf. Waiting benches are lined up along the back of this hall, and a television is pointed at them. Page 6 I do not feel the presence of any patients, or even any people. Only faint light pours in through the windows from the cloudy sky. The hall is filled will a trace scent of alcohol, which penetrates my nose. Page 7 I begin walking. After passing through the waiting room I reach a long corridor. I open the door marked Examination Room. Page 8 (Examination room with Kaufmann) At almost the exact same time as I opened the door a man inside jumped up out of his chair. He is holding a handgun in his right hand. Go to 7-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「銃を握った男」              7-2 カウフマンと遭遇 (Dead monster on examination room floor) Chapter 7 "The Man with the Gun" Encounter with Kaufmann Page 1 (Examination room with Kaufmann) I... A ) hid behind the door in a panic. Go to 7-3 B ) immediately counter attack with my gun. Go to 7-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「銃を握った男」              7-3 扉の陰に隠れるハリー (Dead monster on examination room floor) Chapter 7 "The Man with the Gun" Harry hides behind the door Page 1 (Examination room with Kaufmann) "Wait......" I hold my right hand out to try and stop the man. "Hold it... Stop! Don't shoot! Wait...I'm not here to fight." Page 2 (Kaufmann lowers his gun) The man calms down and lowers his readied right arm. "My name is Harry Mason. I'm in town on vacation." I said all of this without pausing, and then the man took a deep breath and began to speak. Page 3 "Thank god. Another human being." "Do you work here?" I was truly relived. Silent Hill, which has become a habitat for strange monsters... Those words showed his candid questioning of the situation. Go to 7-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「銃を握った男」              7-4 銃で反撃するハリー (Dead monster on examination room floor) Chapter 7 "The Man with the Gun" Harry counterattacks with his gun Page 1 (Examination room with Kaufmann, he lowers his gun) I instantly ready my gun. That plump man appeared to realize that I was a human, but as soon as he saw the gun his eyes grew wide. Page 2 "Hold it... Stop! Don't shoot! Wait...I'm not here to fight." After I lowered my gun the man sat down in his chair in a way that showed that he was relieved. "Thank god. Another human being." Page 3 "My name is Harry Mason. I'm in town on vacation...Do you work here?" Page 4 The man nodded. I was truly relieved. Silent Hill, which has become a habitat for strange monsters... This is my first contact with someone from this town. Go to 7-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「カウフマン」              7-5 街の異変について聞く (Dead monster on examination room floor) Chapter 7 "Kaufmann" Asking about what happened to the town Page 1 (Examination room with Kaufmann) "I'm Doctor Michael Kaufmann. I work at this hospital." "So maybe you can tell me what's going on?" That man who called himself Kaufmann once again stirs in the chair he is sitting in. Page 2 "I really can't say. I was taking a nap in the staff room. When I woke up, it was like this. Everyone seems to have disappeared. And it's snowing out. This time of year." Page 3 (Dead monster on examination room floor) He looks off at the floor of the examination room. There, on the floor, the corpse of a still warm monster lay on its side. Page 4 "Something's gone seriously wrong. Did you see those monsters? Have you ever seen such aberrations? Ever even heard of such things? You and I both know, creatures like that don't exist." "Yeah..." Page 5 (Examination room with Kaufmann) And then I turned to face him as I realized something. "Have you seen a little girl anywhere? I'm looking for my daughter. She's only seven. Short, black hair." Page 6 "She's missing? I'm sorry. But with all those monsters around, I highly doubt that she's... Sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you. Your wife, she's here with you?" Page 7 "She died four years ago. Now it's just me and my daughter." "I see... I'm sorry. Well, I'd better be going. I can't just sit around here doing nothing." "So long. Good luck out there." Page 8 (Door of examination room) Bang. (Onomatopoeia for door closing) The examination room door shuts powerlessly. Doctor Michael Kaufmann... Oddly enough I have completely memorized that name. Page 9 "Huh?" I suddenly notice that there is something on the floor that looks like a white scrap of paper. Page 10 "What is this?" I pick it up. Letters have been disorderly scribbled on it. Page 11 "Arrival tomorrow morning Be prepared" Go to 7-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「診察室」               7-6 謎のメセージ (Dead monster on examination room floor) Chapter 7 "Examination Room" The mysterious message Page 1 (Door of examination room) this...? A ) Check to see if there is anything else. Go to 7-7 B ) Go after Kaufmann. Go to 7-8 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「診察室」               7-7 他には何かないか… (Dead monster on examination room floor) Chapter 7 "Examination Room" If there is anything else... Page 1 (Door of examination room) I carefully look around on the floor, but it doesn't appear that anything else interesting has been dropped. Page 2 I look all around the examination room. Page 3 (Examination room, alternate angle) Up until a short time ago this was just a normal room in a hospital, with its various instruments and tools all about, each aptly arranged per function. Only people have been erased from this normal scene, making the situation unnatural. Page 4 (Black) I leave the examination room. I pass through the medicine room and reach a planked floor corridor that silently extends in an L-shape. I moved forward and found that there was an elevator with a large door at the end of the corridor. Go to 7-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「診察室」               7-8 カウフマンを追跡 (Dead monster on examination room floor) Chapter 7 "Examination Room" Going after Kaufmann Page 1 (Black) I leave the examination room. Kaufmann is nowhere to be found. I begin to run. Page 2 I pass through the medicine room and reach a planked floor corridor that silently extends in an L-shape. I moved forward and found that there was an elevator with a large door at the end of the corridor. Go to 7-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「エレベーター」             7-9 ボタンを押してみる (Dead monster on examination room floor) Chapter 7 "Elevator" Harry tries pressing the buttons Page 1 (Black) I try pressing the buttons beside it. Nothing happens. It looks like the power is off. Page 2 There are several doors in the corridor. I begin opening each one in order. 第七章 「会議室」 「テーブル上の鍵」 Chapter 7 "Meeting Room" The key on top of the table Page 3 (Meeting room) I open the door marked "Meeting Room", head inside, and close the door behind me. A large table rests in the center of this room, and I notice that there is something glittering on top of it. Page 4 (Black) I grasp the light green key, leave the room, and once again step into the chilly corridor. Page 5 (Kitchen) The next room looks to be the kitchen. I guess that the food for patients is probably prepared here. Various bronze cooking utensils are neatly arranged in order on the stainless steel countertop. It does not appear that anything terribly important is here. Page 6 I carefully look through the various cooking utensils. Inside a large pot there is......nothing at all. Page 7 While continuing to search to see if there might be some clue here or not I notice that on the far wall various objects have been scattered about. Page 8 I carefully move forward on the wet floor as not to slip. Something is there. Go to 7-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「厨房」              7-10 何かが置かれている… (Kitchen) Chapter 7 "Kitchen" Something is there... Page 1 (Kitchen) I reach out my hand towards the thing in front of me. A ) Pick up the pet bottle. Go to 7-11 (This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. If you wish to reach ending A then you must make this choice.) B ) Pick up the kitchen knife. Go to 7-12 (This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. If you wish to reach ending B then you can make this choice.) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「厨房」              7-11 ペットボトルを拾う (Kitchen) Chapter 7 "Kitchen" Pick up the pet bottle Page 1 (Kitchen) I move past one of the sinks and notice an empty pet bottle sitting on the end of the counter. Page 2 "Perhaps this might come in handy for something." I mutter this and grab the empty pet bottle. Then I leave the kitchen. Page 3 (Hospital corridor) After leaving the kitchen I head right and place my hand on the first door that I come to. I notice the words "Director's Office" out of the corner of my eye as I open the door. From inside the room a strong stench overflows outward and causes me to feel dizzy. Page 4 (Director's office) Someone has ransacked the room. Behind the desk that probably belongs to the director several bottles have been broken leaving red and blue liquid spilled all over the floor. Go to 7-13 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「厨房」              7-12 調理用ナイフを拾う (Kitchen) Chapter 7 "Kitchen" Pick up the kitchen knife Page 1 (Kitchen) I picked up a knife that appears to be for kitchen use. "Perhaps this will come in handy for something..." I only have a limited number of bullets. When the time comes I might be able to use this as a weapon. I left the kitchen. Go to 7-17 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「院長室」             7-13 床一面にこぼれ出していた液体 (Spilled liquid) Chapter 7 "Director's Office" The liquid spilled all over the floor Page 1 (Spilled liquid) If I use the pet bottle... A ) Scoop up the red liquid. Go to 7-14 (This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. If you wish to reach ending A then you must make this choice.) B ) Scoop up the blue liquid. Go to 7-15 (This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. If you wish to reach ending B then you must choose this or C.) C ) Scoop up the mixture of purple liquid. Go to 7-16 (This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. If you wish to reach ending B then you must choose this or B.) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「院長室」             7-14 赤色の液体をすくう (Spilled liquid) Chapter 7 "Director's Office" Scoop up the red liquid Page 1 (Spilled liquid) I...get out the pet bottle and use a fragment of the bottom section of one of the broken bottles to pour the vermilion liquid into the it. Page 2 The sticky liquid drips into the pet bottle. The last drop lingered, but once it finally hit the surface of the liquid already inside the pet bottle I tightly closed the cap and then left the Director's Office. Go to 7-17 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「院長室」             7-15 青色の液体をすくう (Spilled liquid) Chapter 7 "Director's Office" Scoop up the blue liquid Page 1 (Spilled liquid) I...get out the pet bottle and use a fragment of the bottom section of one of the broken bottles to pour the blue liquid into the it. Page 2 The sticky liquid drips into the pet bottle. The last drop lingered, but once it finally hit the surface of the liquid already inside the pet bottle I tightly closed the cap and then left the Director's Office. Go to 7-17 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「院長室」             7-16 紫色の液体をすくう (Spilled liquid) Chapter 7 "Director's Office" Scoop up the purple liquid Page 1 (Spilled liquid) I...get out the pet bottle and use a fragment of the bottom section of one of the broken bottles to pour the purple liquid into the it. Page 2 The sticky liquid drips into the pet bottle. The last drop lingered, but once it finally hit the surface of the liquid already inside the pet bottle I tightly closed the cap and then left the Director's Office. Go to 7-17 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第七章  「病院廊下」             7-17 奥深き地下への階段 (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 7 "Hospital Corridor" The stairs leading to the deep basement Page 1 (Black) I crept out into the corridor once more and stood in front of the door that was closest to the elevator. Page 2 I open the door, and the reverberations of the sounds of it opening and then closing shake my eardrums. The walls are made of concrete. And a few steps in a staircase leading to the basement extends like the folds inside the body of a snake. Page 3 (Stairs, animated) It is dark and difficult to see, but it looks like there is a door at the bottom of the staircase. Page 4 Be brave, I mutter to myself. Leaving only the echoes of my footsteps, I descend the staircase to hell one step at a time. And then I open the door leading to darkness. 第七章 「病院廊下」 「光を失った世界 」 Chapter 7 "Hospital Corridor" A world without light Page 5 (Black) A world without light I could see that the electricity was most likely out in the entire hospital. I pressed the switch on the flashlight on my chest and tried lighting the area. Page 6 (Dark hospital floor) It is creepy, and yet there is nothing noticeably out of place. Chilly air drifts from the cold concrete, and it seems as if touching it would completely rob my body of its warmth. Page 7 While moving through the corridor I try opening the doors as I come to them. Of them, one opens with a creak. 第七章 「発電機の部屋」 「非常用発電機」 Chapter 7 "Generator Room" The emergency generator Page 8 (Generator room) "Emergency Generator" is written on the machine that occupies most of the room. To reach the second floor and above it did not look like there was any method other than using the elevator. So without hesitation I turn the machine on. Page 9 (Black) I immediately head for the elevator. I press the up button. The heavy sound of the motor and the sounds of metal parts coming into contact with each other almost sound like intertwined screams. With a 'ding' the elevator stops and its doors slowly open. Page 10 (Elevator panel, three floor buttons) The inside of the elevator is large. It seems to be about big enough to accept three hospital beds. Buttons for each floor are lined up to the right of the elevator door. They are marked 3, 2, 1, and B from the top down. Page 11 (Black) First I head to the second floor. However, after I step off the elevator I find that the door connected to the corridor that leads to the rooms on this floor is locked. With no alternative I try heading to the third floor, but I find that it is in the same state. Page 12 Well, what now? I have already tried moving to every floor. With nothing else to do I re-entered the elevator and then could not believe my eyes. Page 13 (Elevator panel, four floor buttons) Of the buttons for each floor, 3 was definitely the highest floor just before. In spite of that a new 4 button has been added. Go to 8-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「病院4階」             8-1 変貌する光景 (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "Hospital, 4th Floor" The changing scene Page 1 (Black) The elevator doors open with a familiar sound and I step out on to the fourth floor. "Again?", I think. A condition extremely similar to that which I encountered after passing through the basement in the clock tower at the elementary school was present right in front of me. Page 2 (Nightmare hospital corridor) Dark red rusted walls, metal grated floors... And a ringing in my ears that seems to creep up from the depths of hell is a menace to my mental state. Page 3 I open the door in front of me and a long corridor extends beyond it. I very carefully move forward while keeping my eyes fixed on the wall. Could Cheryl be here? The only way to find out is to search this place. Page 4 Huh... Page 5 I can hear something in the darkness in front of me. It sounds like the groan of something dragging on the ground. The owner of that groan is slowly closing in on me, but I cannot see what it is for sure with the faint light of my flashlight. Go to 8-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「何物かが…」            8-2 揺れる白い影 (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "Something is..." The swaying white figure Page 1 (Nightmare hospital corridor) I instantly... A ) ready my gun. Go to 8-3 B ) leave this area. Go to 8-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「何物かが…」            8-3 銃を構えるハリー (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "Something is..." Harry readies his gun Page 1 (Nightmare hospital corridor) It is probably not human. I firmly grip the gun, position my finger on the trigger, and begin to walk towards it with the gun readied beside my face. Page 2 (Nurse appears) Eventually something white enters my field of vision. I adjust aim the flashlight on my chest with my hand and shine light on it. A white figure appeared, which is stooped over like an old woman. It looked to have undergone a grotesque change. Page 3 (Puppet Nurse, animated) The monster has a very large hump on its back, which twitches and moves as if it were alive. In one hand it holds a knife, which it waves as it approaches me. Page 4 In the instant I readied my gun the monster began to run. By the time I realized this it slashed at me. I instantly dodged the attack, and thanks to that my clothes were slashed and I had only a scratch on my side. I suppose I was lucky. Page 5 "Damn...!" I kick it in the face with the bottom of my shoe, and it falls down on its back. It then begins to stand for its next attack. Page 6 I close my left eye and steady my aim. Even after one shot hit its movement does not change at all. Page 7 I fire more bullets at it. It is laughing. In a voice great enough to shake the entire world it laughs as its face twists and distorts. Page 8 (Black) I cannot give up. When the final bullet loaded into my gun hits it finally stops laughing. This time it is face down and I begin crushing it with my foot. completely stops moving. Go to 8-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「何物かが…」            8-4 逃げるハリー (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "Something is..." Harry runs away Page 1 (Nightmare hospital corridor) I'm in danger. I try running away. Page 2 However I can hear the owner of that eerie groan pursuing me from behind. I thought that maybe it was echoing off the walls, but that is not the case. Page 3 I became aware of my situation. I am clearly surrounded. There is nowhere to run to. I have no choice... Page 4 It is probably not human. I firmly grip the gun, position my finger on the trigger, and begin to walk towards it with the gun readied beside my face. Page 5 (Nurse appears) Eventually something white enters my field of vision. I adjust aim the flashlight on my chest with my hand and shine light on it. A white figure appeared, which is stooped over like an old woman. It looked to have undergone a grotesque change. Page 6 The monster has a very large hump on its back, which twitches and moves as if it were alive. In one hand it holds a knife, which it waves as it approaches me. Page 7 In the instant I readied my gun the monster began to run. By the time I realized this it slashed at me. I instantly dodged the attack, and thanks to that my clothes were slashed and I had only a scratch on my side. I suppose I was lucky. Page 8 "Damn...!" I kick it in the face with the bottom of my shoe, and it falls down on its back. It then begins to stand for its next attack. Page 9 (Puppet Nurse, animated) I close my left eye and steady my aim. Even after one shot hit its movement does not change at all. Page 10 I fire more bullets at it. It is laughing. In a voice great enough to shake the entire world it laughs as its face twists and distorts. Page 11 (Black) I cannot give up. When the final bullet loaded into my gun hits it finally stops laughing. This time it is face down and I begin crushing it with my foot. completely stops moving. Go to 8-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「何物かが…」            8-5 迫り来る化け物 (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "Something is..." The approaching monsters Page 1 (Black) "This is insane..." Another monster approaches from behind the corpse of the first one. "At this rate all the bullets in the world would not be enough..." Go to 8-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「異形の物」             8-6 弾を無駄にはできない… (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "The Strangely Shaped Things" I cannot waste bullets... Page 1 (Black) All I can do is run...! A ) Run past the monster in front of me. Go to 8-7 B ) Run past the monster behind me. Go to 8-8 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「異形の物」             8-7 正面に銃を向けて (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "The Strangely Shaped Things" Pointing the gun forward Page 1 (Black) I begin to run towards the monster in front of me. Evading the large swings of its knife I run down the dark corridor, occasionally stumbling. Page 2 I see a staircase leading down. I race down it, knowing not whether if something is waiting for me or not at its base. Go to 8-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「異形の物」             8-8 背後に銃を構えて (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "The Strangely Shaped Things" Readying the gun to the rear Page 1 (Black) I turn around and begin to run towards the monster that was behind me. Evading the large swings of its knife I run down the dark corridor, occasionally stumbling. Go to 8-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「これまでの行動」           8-9 階下への階段を駆けて (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "My Actions up to this Point" Racing down the stairs to the next floor Page 1 (Stairs, animated) I am thinking about Cheryl. Even if she is held prisoner somewhere in this hospital there is no guarantee that I can rescue here. In fact, there is no reason that the staircase I am descending should lead me to Cheryl Page 2 I begin to think that all of my current actions are all meaningless. Page 3 However, generally speaking, since I arrived in Silent Hill, no, since the day before leaving for Silent Hill, no, even longer ago, since the day I met Cheryl, perhaps I have had no choice in my actions, that they have been determined by the someone's will. Page 4 As I continue to the base of the stairs I contemplate, what if my "life" up to this point had just been on one track? Page 5 As I descend the stairs my ears began ringing again. The ringing is so forceful that it cannot even be compared to before, and it forces me to squat down. What in the world has happened? Perhaps I have opened a door to hell, a door that should never be opened. Page 6 Something is clearly changing, and it is for the worse. Going back will not be permitted. I must move forward. Forward. I put my hands together on my head, and then squeeze my temples tightly by using my elbows. Page 7 The ringing then begins to sound like a demon is whispering in my ears; however, it doesn't stop. Page 8 I blindly begin to run. Even if I am to die in this mad land, I must save my beloved Cheryl first. Believing that the answers are beyond the door, I know that I must discover at least one clue. 第八章 「倉庫」 「ビーカーの中の液体」 Chapter 8 "Storehouse" The liquid in the beaker Page 9 (Nightmare hospital corridor, flickering) Several overlapping square figures are shaking in time with the sound of my heart. It is the wall at the end of the area. Another wall is lies perpendicular to it. There is a door present on this wall with a plate on it that says "Storehouse". Page 10 Some chemicals have been placed on the table that is next to the door. There are three beakers of different sizes and a test tube. The test tube contains a liquid that is of a different color to that which is in the left-most beaker. I found a memo. Page 11 "To create it you must come up with one deciliter of liquid and pour it into the test tube. No more or no less, that man had said. But there are no graduations on the beakers. This makes it impossible to come up with one deciliter using these three large beakers." Page 12 "Explanation of Controls" Use the d-pad to select a beaker that contains liquid and then confirm with the A button. Then choose the beaker that you wish to move the liquid to and press the A button to move the liquid. Page 13 Using the 10 deciliter, 7 deciliter, and 5 deciliter beakers you must create an amount of exactly one deciliter. Page 14 (Door with chain on it) The door won't budge an inch. (Beaker Game) Page 15 (Beakers and test tube) This "page" is the text that you will see during the beaker game: このビーカーを選ぶ? = Do you choose this beaker? このビーカーは空だ。薬品の入ったビーカーを選択せねば = This beaker is empty. You must choose a beaker that contains chemicals. どのビーカーに液体を移す? = Which beaker will you move the liquid to? その行為には意味がない = Doing that makes no sense. こぼさないように… = Without spilling any... よし…! = Got it! Page 16 (Door with chain on it) Harry melted the chain on the door with the completed liquid. (This page is automatically dismissed.) Page 17 Door with chain melted (No text) Page 18 Black The door slowly opens with a 'click'. 第八章 「倉庫」 「不自然な擦り跡」 Chapter 8 "Storehouse" The unnatural scratches Page 19 (Black) Inside the storehouse nothing important looking stands out. I carefully edge between the simple metal shelves that have been placed here in a specific arrangement. However, nothing is here that makes this room worthy of being called a storehouse. Page 20 I am drawn toward the cabinet in the back of this room. This is because I found the presence of the wooden cabinet strange and unsuitable for this simple room. I approach the cabinet and try to open it; however, it will not budge. Go to 8-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「倉庫の棚」           8-10 こんなところになぜ? (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse" Why, in a place like this? Page 1 (Black) Well... A ) I will look at the floor under the cabinet. Go to 8-11 B ) I will look inside of the cabinet. Go to 8-12 C ) I will look on top of the cabinet. Go to 8-13 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「倉庫の棚」           8-11 棚の下の床を調べる (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse" Looking at the floor under the cabinet Page 1 (Black) If there is an important clue inside this cabinet then I should be able to open it right away. But then I gradually come to understand that there is no need to do so. Page 2 The necessity of the cabinet here is thin, as anything could be used to satisfy the requirement; if something is needed to block my path then a bunch of stones could work just as well. I thought this as I looked at the scratches on the floor that were the same same width as the cabinet. Go to 8-14 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「倉庫の棚」           8-12 棚の中を調べる (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse" Looking inside the cabinet Page 1 (Black) Putting force into my fists I pounded the cabinet's small wooden doors until they broke. Inside there is...nothing of particular value. Page 2 At that time I noticed that I could feel cold air coming from behind the cabinet. And at the same time...I also noticed marks that looked like they had been left from dragging something on the floor. Go to 8-14 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「倉庫の棚」           8-13 棚の上を調べる (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse" Looking on top of the cabinet Page 1 (Black) I stood up straight and looked on top of the cabinet. Page 2 Other than a layer of dust so thick that it almost appeared as if a cloth had been laid on the cabinet there is nothing of interest. Page 3 "Ah!" My field of vision shakes violently. I lost my balance and fell to the floor. I landed on my butt hard enough for it to be unpleasant. (Ahh-ta,ta,ta,ta,ta...) (Onomatopoeia for Harry's pain noise) Page 4 There I discover something odd. Countless lines have been bored into the old flooring, and fiber-shaped wooden chips are exposed. Page 5 It looks as if someone has moved this cabinet. And then returned it to its original position... Go to 8-14 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「床の擦り跡」           8-14 引きずったような跡が… (Hidden door in storehouse) Chapter 8 "The Marks on the Floor" Marks left from something being dragged... Page 1 (Black) The marks on the floor are still fresh. They tell me that some other human probably came down here. Is there something beyond this cabinet? Page 2 (Hidden door in storehouse) Using my body weight I slowly push the cabinet from its original position. The existence of the inviting door behind the cabinet seems completely natural. So of course, I place my hand on it. 第八章 「倉庫奥」 「ツタの絡んだ鉄格子」 Chapter 8 "The Inner Area of the Storehouse" The iron grate covered in vines Page 3 (Grate with vines on it) The room is very inorganic. While shining my flashlight about I move through the room and eventually discover a grate in the floor. From between the bars in the grate I can see a staircase that leads to a lower floor. Page 4 The grate makes a 'clunk' sound as I open it. It is quite heavy. Even though I am sure of my strength I do not believe that I could pick it up. After opening the grate enough so that I can pass through it, I gently place one foot on the staircase that has appeared. Page 5 (Black) Slowly and cautiously... Confirming each step as I go, I descend the staircase to a mad place in which light cannot reach. Finally I reach a wide room, much wider than I imagined. I guess this based on the echoes of my footsteps. 第八章 「病院地下」 「走る。」 Chapter 8 "Hospital Basement" Run. Page 6 I am running. Through this eerie space that lies in the basement of the basement of the hospital. It is lifeless, and there is no light. All I can do is run through it. Page 7 Does this world have an end? Or did it even have a beginning? Everywhere I go, all that I do is solve the mysteries that appear one after the other and then move on... Page 8 I understand this, and expect that the same situation will continue. Still, all I can do is move forward. My thinking always results in this conclusion. 第八章 「謎の病室」 「人の居た形跡」 Chapter 8 "The Mysterious Hospital Room" Traces of a person being here Page 9 (Alessa's hospital room) This door has awaited me. I slowly turn the knob. The inside of this room is different from the ones I have encountered up to this point, and I can feel life in here. There are traces and a sense that someone was in this room. Page 10 (Picture of Alessa) I softly pick up the picture frame that was displayed on the desk. "Alessa." That is engraved on the picture frame. I gaze at the picture. Page 11 It is a face that I think I have seen somewhere. I try to remember where as hard as I can, but in the end I cannot remember at all. But I am sure that I have met this girl somewhere. And more than just once. Page 12 A diary has been placed next to the picture frame. Go to 8-15 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「アレッサの空気」          8-15 机の上の幻影 (Picture of Alessa) Chapter 8 "The Atmosphere of Alessa" The illusion on the desk Page 1 (Picture of Alessa) I reach out with my hand. A ) Pick up the diary. Go to 8-16 B ) Pick up the picture. Go to 8-17 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「アレッサの空気」          8-16 書きかけの日記 (Picture of Alessa) Chapter 8 "The Atmosphere of Alessa" The unfinished diary Page 1 (Black) Something is written in the diary. Page 2 "April 15 Page 3 From today this will be my new diary. Lisa secretly gave this to me as a present. And it means that soon I should be able to take my bandages off. Page 4 A bird landed on a branch of the tree outside my window. I gazed at it for a bit. Seeing those beautiful colors I thought again that it must be spring. Page 5 I wish I could play outside like the other children... Page 6 It is now afternoon, and they have come again. I pretended to be asleep, and it looks like they did not notice. Page 7 They talk quietly as not to be heard outside my room. I do not understand the meaning of what they discussed. They never talk in this room, I thought. Page 8 April 16 Page 9 Someone is talking outside my room. It sounds serious... But it doesn't seem to be about me. Page 10 Perhaps it's because he doesn't want to disturb me? Even the hospital director has not come to see me much lately. I don't like the director very much, so I am honestly quite happy. Page 11 April 16 P.S. By some strange chance I learned a certain person is coming to visit me. Page 12 April 17 Page 13 Everyone has been in a rush for some reason since before sunrise this morning. Something about a dead person coming back to life. Does that really happen? Page 14 It is a frightening story... And because of that my meal was a little late. The cold soup is disappointing. Page 15 Suddenly I remembered him. Maybe he has forgotten me, but I definitely remember him. Lately I think of him often. I want to see him. Page 16 It looks like my visitor is coming in the evening on the day after tomorrow. Before then... Page 17 Before then just once. Page 18 April 18 Page 19 It is finally tomorrow. I will not tell anyone about this. If I tell anyone they will probably strap me to my bed. Page 20 Before they arrive... The friend that can share my feelings. The only one... Page 21 I wonder if she will realize this? Tonight I will go to bed early. Page 22 April 19 Page 23 I must get out of here. For the first time in a while I have wore my favorite pendant. Does it look good on me? Page 24 I will write about the results here tomorrow. Page 25 April 20 Page 26          " Page 27 The last page is blank. I place the diary under my arm and prepare to leave the room. However... My eyes once again returned to the picture frame that the diary had been placed next to. Page 28 (Picture of Alessa) She was all alone. But I have Cheryl. The girl in the picture is appealing to me for something. In the painful silence I can feel a spiritual message. Page 29 After wavering, I removed the picture from the frame and slid it into my pocket. And then I left the room. Go to 8-18 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「アレッサの空気」          8-17 写真を手にとる (Picture of Alessa) Chapter 8 "The Atmosphere of Alessa" Picking up the picture Page 1 (Picture of Alessa) Alessa. That name is appears in a small engraving in the lower right of the picture, and I read it aloud. Page 2 The girl in the picture just looks at me, with her gentle lips open in way that makes it look as if she wants to say something. Page 3 That face, which I have a memory of seeing is especially pretty. "This girl is..." In the middle of my sentence I went silent. Page 4 As I began to return the picture frame to its original position I noticed that something is written on the back. Page 5 "02/4Y DNA" Page 6 What is this? The incomprehensible letters had been scribbled there. Page 7 A feeling of doubt runs throughout my chest. I removed the picture from the frame. I place it in the diary that was sitting beside the picture frame. I then held the diary tightly under my arm and left the room. Go to 8-18 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「1階診察室へ」          8-18 アレッサを思って (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 8 "To the First Floor Examination Room" Thinking of Alessa Page 1 (Black) Alessa, Alessa... Just who is she? And why was her picture on display in the deep basement of the hospital? And where was that strange feeling of a life that I sensed in that room coming from? I am unable to figure any of it out. Page 2 And so I am irritated. Page 3 I head for the examination room on the first floor. All the mysteries of the hospital are surely prepared in that room. Believing so, I race up the stairs while having difficulty breathing. Page 4 When I open the door to the examination room I feel the presence of a person and stop moving. The inside of the room is dark. ......Someone is here. Go to 8-19 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「診察室」          8-19 ナース服の女 (Nightmare examination room) Chapter 8 "Examination Room" The woman in a nurse uniform Page 1 (Black) Who is it...? A ) Slowly approach. Go to 8-20 (This choice will result in automatic branching once you reach 8-22. From 8-22 you will then automatically go to 9-1. You must make this choice if you wish to have a chance to reach endings A, B, C-1, C-2, D-1, or D-2.) B ) Fire the gun. Go to 8-21 (This choice will result in automatic branching once you reach 8-22. From 8-22 you will then automatically go to 9-6. You must make this choice if you wish to reach endings E-1 or E-2.) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「診察室」          8-20 抱きつくリサ (Lisa looking at Harry) Chapter 8 "Examination Room" Lisa throws her arms around Harry Movie: Lisa comes out from under the desk Page 1 (Lisa looking at Harry) Once the woman realized that I was a human she ran towards me and threw her arms around me like a child would. Page 2 "Finally. Someone else who's OK......." After mumbling those words in a tearful voice she held me more tightly. Page 3 "Who are you?" "My name's Lisa Garland. What's yours?" "Harry Mason." Page 4 After we exchanged our simple introductions, I sat in a chair and she sat on the bed so that we were facing each other. The woman that called herself Lisa had blond hair and an intelligent look to her. Maybe she might know something. Go to 8-22 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「診察室」          8-21 リサに向け銃を構える (Nightmare examination room) Chapter 8 "Examination Room" Harry points the gun at Lisa Page 1 (Black) I readied the handgun. "So there's more of you bastards...!" I can depend only upon my gun in this hospital, which had become a nest for monsters. Page 2 At the moment I was about to pull the trigger a woman shrieked. "Wait, don't shoot! I'm human!" Page 3 With my gun still readied, I carefully looked at the woman under the desk. "What...what are you doing under there?" Go to 8-20 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第八章  「診察室」          8-22 実像か虚像か (Lisa looking at Harry) Chapter 8 "Examination Room" A real or a false image? Page 1 (Lisa looking at Harry) At the moment I was about to speak the woman began talking. Page 2 "Harry, tell me what's happening here. Where is everybody? I must have gotten knocked out. When I came to, everyone was gone." Her voice did not feel like it was coming from her body, and was accompanied by a strange reverberation. Page 3 "It's awful..." "So you don't know anything either. Great. I just don't get it. It's like this is all some kind of bad dream." Page 4 As I select my words, I have a feeling that even my own words are not coming from my body. 第八章 「診察室」 「ところで…」 Chapter 8 "Examination Room" Let me ask you... Page 5 "Yeah. A living nightmare." "Let me ask you, have you seen a little girl around here? Short, black hair. Seven years old." I mutter "Cheryl" in a voice that Lisa would not hear. Page 6 "A seven-year-old girl? What, she's your daughter?" "Yes." "A seven-year-old girl... I can't say that I have. I was unconscious all this time. I'm sorry." Page 7 "Ah, that's alright." That was just as I expected, but I continue asking questions without showing my disappointment. Page 8 "Do you know anything about all that weird stuff in the basement?" "No. Why? Is there something down there?" "You don't know?" Page 9 "Don't you work here?" "We're under strict orders never to enter the basement storeroom." After changing the subject to the hospital basement I began to notice that my thoughts were becoming muddy... Page 10 "So I really don't know. What did you say was down there?" Page 11 "Well, it's..." I try as hard as I can to remember the pitiful sight of that room in the basement. However, in trying to trace my memory back to then that ringing, which had been gone for a while, returned to my ears. A sound like the bells of that church runs throughout my head. Page 12 "Nmmh... Damn! My head..." Page 13 (Black) "What's wrong? Harry...?" "Harry, let me help you. Harry..." Page 14 .................. 第八章 「明るい診察室」 「いなくなったリサ」 Chapter 8 "The Bright Examination Room" Lisa has vanished Page 15 (Examination room) After a while I notice that my body is freezing cold. It is as if I am dead. But I am clearly conscious. Where is Lisa? I was definitely talking to her in this examination room. Page 16 I no longer feel the evil presence that I felt in this room, no in this entire hospital up until just before. From the window soft light is pouring into the room. Page 17 "Was I dreaming?" As I slowly get up I hear the sound of a door opening. I instantly look toward the source of the sound. The creepy woman I met at the church was standing there with an expressionless look on her face. Page 18 (Examination room door) (Dahlia appears) "You were too late." "It's you..." "Yes. Dahlia Gillespie" "Tell me everything you know. What's going on?" Page 19 "Darkness." She responded before I was even done speaking. "The town is being devoured by darkness." The woman continues while maintaining a devout look. Page 20 "Strength must overcome petty desire. Childish sleep talk. I knew this day would come." "What are you talking about? I don't understand a word of this." Page 21 "Believe the evidence of your eyes." So I should believe the evidence of my eyes... I understand. I am in a situation in which I can only believe what I have seen with my own eyes. Page 22 "The other church in this town. That is your destination. This is beyond my abilities. Only you can stop it now. Have you not seen the crest marked on the ground all over town?" Page 23 "So that's what I saw in the schoolyard. What does it mean?" "It is the mark of Samael... Don't let it be completed." "Hey! wait!" Page 24 (Black) Dahlia Gillespie... She places an oddly shaped key on an examination table with a tap, spins around, heads to the door, and then opens it. I open the door that she closed and roll out into the hospital corridor. But she is nowhere to be seen. 第八章 「病院廊下」 「もう一つの教会」 Chapter 8 "Hospital Corridor" The other church Page 25 The other church. But if I exclude the church I already visited I do not see anything that looks like a church on the map. I slowly open the phone book attached to the payphone in the corridor. Page 26 In there a mark is present to guide me. It is next to the phone number for an antique shop in the northeast area of the shopping district. Go to 9-1 if you chose A in 8-19 Go to 9-6 if you chose B in 8-19 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第九章  「骨董屋」          9-1 シビルとの再開 (Entrance to antique shop) Chapter 9 "Antique Shop" A reunion with Cybil Page 1 (Entrance to antique shop) The door to the antique shop is ominously open. The open door connects to a staircase leading down to the basement. At the end of the stairs there is another door. I insert the key I was carrying and slowly turn it. Page 2 (Antique shop) The inside of the shop is small. I take a look around using my flashlight and find that the place is such a mess that it looks almost as if it has been ransacked by a thief. Is something here? At first glance I don't think that there is anything here that concerns me. Page 3 However, I did not miss that which was hidden behind a shelf. I move the shelf step by step and an eerie passage leading into darkness appears. 第九章 「骨董屋」 「安堵」 Chapter 9 "Antique Shop" Relief Page 4 "What's this?" "Harry!" I look back toward the familiar voice. Page 5 (Cybil appears) "Cybil?" Cybil, who should have left for the next town over to call for backup, was there. Page 6 "I'm glad you're OK. I shouldn't have left you. Things are worse than I thought. It's nuts!" "What are you doing here? I thought you left town." Page 7 "I saw you go in here, so I followed you. I couldn't get out. All the roads out of town are blocked. Cars have completely stopped running. The phones and radios are still out, too." Page 8 "What about my daughter? Did you see her?" "I did see a girl." My heart began to beat faster. Page 9 "Was it Cheryl?" "I only caught a glimpse of her through the fog. I went after her, but she vanished. I don't know about your daughter, but..." Page 10 "And you just let her go!? Where was it?" Page 11 "On Bachman Road. She was heading towards the lake. Now don't get excited. It wasn't like she ran off exactly. There was no place for her to go. The road has been obliterated." Page 12 "What!? So then Cheryl..." "It was like she was walking on thin air." An uncomfortable silence occurs between the two of us. 第九章 「骨董屋」 「ダリアについて」 Chapter 9 "Antique Shop" About Dahlia Page 13 "What about you? Anything?" "Yeah... I met this bizarre woman. Her name's Dahlia Gillespie. Do you know her?" "Dahlia Gillespie. No. And?" Page 14 "She said something about the town being devoured by darkness. Gibberish like that. Any idea what it means?" Page 15 "Darkness devouring the town? Must be on drugs. They sell 'em to tourists. The force still can't figure out who's behind it. None of our leads have panned out, and the investigation is stalled." Page 16 Drugs? Cybil's response was far from what I had imagined, so I shake my head back and forth. Page 17 "What could drug trafficking have to do with all this?" "I really don't know. But maybe that's the darkness she was talking about. That's all I can think of." Page 18 Cybil looked slightly irritated and took a long breath. Then she shifted her gaze to the passage behind the shelf. Page 19 (Passage entrance) "What's this?" "Just discovered it." "Maybe there's something back there. Let's have a look." Go to 9-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第九章  「骨董屋」          9-2 どちらが先に? (Antique shop) Chapter 9 "Antique Shop" Who should go first? Page 1 (Passage entrance) "Cybil..." A ) I will go first. Go to 9-3 B ) I will let Cybil go first. Go to 9-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第九章  「骨董屋」          9-3 私が行く、とハリー (Antique shop) Chapter 9 "Antique Shop" Harry says "I'm going" Page 1 (Antique shop) (Cybil appears) "Wait. We don't know what's back there. I'd better check it out first." Page 2 I'm a cop, I should go." "No. I'm going." I said in a rough tone. "Alright. I'll cover you from here. Be careful. If anything looks fishy, get back here on the double." "Okay." Page 3 I peer inside the hidden passage. Inside it looks like an unseen barrier of darkness has been set up, which makes it look like a place no one should enter. I intuitively sense that it would be dangerous to move into this passage. It is that kind of passage. Page 4 I look back at Cybil once. "Cybil." "Yes?" "Do you know anything about... some other world... It's like some kind of bad dream...?" Page 5 "What are you talking about?" "I'm not quite sure. I try to make sense of it, but then my mind goes blank. Everything's dark there, and I hear sirens in the distance... Page 6 I met this nurse...Lisa. It's like I was there, but not really. It's all a blur. Like some kind of hallucination, you know?" Page 7 "I have no idea what you're talking about, Harry." Cybil spoke while shaking her head from side to side. "Oh... I was just wondering. Never mind." "Harry. You're tired." "Yeah, maybe..." Page 8 Am I tired? Yes, I am tired. If that is all it is then that is fine. If my being tired is what caused me to see all the hallucinations up to this point then Cheryl should return to me. Page 9 The only thing is the sensation I am feeling is not that of being tired. Rather my body feels as if I have been on the floor sleeping continuously like a human in cold sleep. And I am feeling the agonizing suffering of not easily being able to escape from that state. Page 10 (Black) Leaving Cybil behind I step into the passage. I begin walking, carefully taking one step at a time. Cybil can probably no longer see me from where she is. Even if I could see her from where I am. Go to 9-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第九章  「骨董屋」          9-4 私が行く、とシビル (Antique shop) Chapter 9 "Antique Shop" Cybil says "I'm going" Page 1 (Antique shop) (Cybil appears) I cannot beat her bravery. "Even though I look like this I am a police officer. Please trust me." "I will stay here. If anything looks wrong, then yell back to me." Page 2 Cybil brightly smiled and then disappeared into the darkness. Page 3 (Black) After a bit I was not longer able to hear the echoes of her footsteps from the passage. It looks like the passage is longer than I thought. Page 4 I took another look around the disorganized antique shop. The shop in itself is just beyond the bottom of the stairs leading down from the entrance. Inside it looks like what I would expect an antique shop to look like, as it is all cozy and such. Page 5 So things like that passage leading deeper in are unimaginable. Page 6 ......... Page 7 Drowsiness is threatening my consciousness. It is not unreasonable. We left past midnight and without sleeping a wink I have been walking all over town while searching for Cheryl. Page 8 I am on the verge of falling asleep ............ A scream from what I think was Cybil brought me round. Page 9 I know I heard it. I energetically stand up and rush into the passage. There is something at the end of the passage. Something dangerous is... Go to 9-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第九章  「骨董屋奥」          9-5 もう一つの教会 (Altar in the other church) Chapter 9 "Antique Shop - Inner Area" The other church Page 1 (Altar in the other church) I made my way into the room at the end of the passage. It is small, and the smell of something having been burned is in the air. Once I saw an altar appear in the darkness I realized that this is the "church" that Dahlia was talking about. Page 2 I look around the area. An axe have been displayed on the wall. But nothing else stands out. While shaking my head I decide to try going back through the passage I came from. And at that moment...a light bright enough to make me look away emanates from the altar. Page 3 (Flame appears on altar) I think I heard the sound of a giant match being stuck, and then two enormous pillars of flame rose from the altar, as if a ritual were beginning or something. Even at the distance I am at I can feel the heat from those flames. Page 4 My surprise and that heat cause me to fall into a state of barely being conscious, and then I gradually lose myself, until I finally end up lying face down on the concrete floor. And the coldness that remained in the floor was drawn away by the heat as my consciousness grew distant... 第八章 「診察室?」 「闇からの呼び声」 Chapter 9 "Examination Room?" The voice calling from the darkness Page 5 (Black) ...rry? Are you OK? Harry? Harry? .............................. Where am I? Harry. Lisa... Then I'm in the hospital. Page 6 (Nightmare examination room) (Lisa appears) You were having a bad dream. Was I? Hey, you don't look too good. Are you OK? I'm fine. Nothing you need to worry about. Well, if you're sure... 第八章 「診察室?」 「貴重な情報」 Chapter 9 "Examination Room?" An important piece of information Page 7 Lisa... Do you know a woman named Dahlia Gillespie? Page 8 Oh yeah, that crazy Gillespie lady. She's kinda' famous around here. She never sees anybody, so I don't know that much about her. Page 9 But I heard her kid died in a fire, and supposedly she's been crazy ever since. Well, she says the town is being devoured by the darkness. Do you have any idea what she's talking about? Page 10 The town...devoured by the darkness. Yes, I think I do. Before this place was turned into a resort, the townspeople here were on the quiet side. Page 11 Everybody followed some kind of queer religion. Weird occult stuff... Black magic, that kind of thing. Page 12 As young people moved away, the people figured they'd been summoned by the gods. Evidently, things like that used to happen around here all the time. Page 13 Before the resort, there wasn't really anything else out here. Everyone was so flipped out. Gotta blame it on something. Then a lot of new people came in and everybody clammed up about it. Page 14 (Lisa looks down) A cult... Last time I heard anything about it was, gosh, years ago... When several people connected with developing the town died in accidents. People said it was a curse. Page 15 Oh, I'm sorry. I'm rambling... I'll shut up. ............................... 第八章 「再び骨董屋」 「リサは…」 Chapter 9 "Antique Shop, Again" Lisa is... Page 16 (Antique shop) The reverberation of Lisa's "I'll shut up" remained in my ears. I wonder how long had I been asleep? I found myself in that antique shop again, lying face down in the same position I was in just a short while ago. Page 17 Was that another dream? Did I pass out again? I don't want to think so, but maybe this is all just going on in my head. Page 18 I could have had a car accident, and now I'm lying unconscious in a hospital bed... I don't know what's real anymore... Page 19 Cybil said Cheryl was heading towards the lake. But, the road to the lake is blocked... Aren't there any other roads? Lisa would probably know... Page 20 Although I am limited in what I can do, I still have one piece of information for finding Cheryl. So I cannot just remain here. I energetically stand up, open the door of the antique shop, and rush back into the town. Go to 10-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第九章  「骨董屋」           9-6 陰に同化していくシビル (Antique shop) Chapter 9 "Antique Shop" Cybil assimilates into the shadows Page 1 (Street corner, heavy fog) After leaving the hospital I began to walk at a loss. It's not that I am tired, but that I am sick of the constant weather. Page 2 I recall what Kaufmann said. He is person that lives in this town. Yet he did not appear to know why everyone disappeared. "When I woke up, it was like this." That is most certainly what he said. Page 3 Dahlia... She is a mysterious woman. She seems to be holding some secrets, but she always disappears before I can ask her anything. Her timing in meeting me and talking to me was just a little too convenient. Page 4 Maybe she read the future or something... At any rate she seemed to have predicted that I would come here, and she spoke about this. Page 5 And then there's Cheryl's whereabouts... Page 6 (Entrance to antique shop) Everything has been unreasonable and illogical. My irritation is increasing, and I will end up losing my cool. The antique shop? Yeah...this is it. Page 7 For a moment I was taken with the sense that someone was watching me, but without looking back I entered the door as if I was being swallowed by it. 第九章 「骨董屋」 「雑然」 Chapter 9 "Antique Shop" A mess Page 8 (Antique shop) The inside of the shop is small. I take a look around using my flashlight and find that the place is such a mess that it looks almost as if it has been ransacked by a thief. Is something here? At first glance I don't think that there is anything here that concerns me. Page 9 However, I did not miss that which was hidden behind a shelf. I move the shelf step by step and an eerie passage leading into darkness appears. 第九章 「骨董屋」 「安堵」 Chapter 9 "Antique Shop" Relief Page 10 "What's this?" "Harry!" I look back toward the familiar voice. "Cybil!?" Cybil, who should have left for the next town over to call for backup, was there. Page 11 (Cybil appears) "Oh, I'm glad you're OK. I shouldn't have left you. Things are worse than I thought. It's nuts!" "What are you doing here? I thought you left town." Page 12 "I saw you go in here, so I followed you. I couldn't get out. All the roads out of town are blocked. Cars have completely stopped running. The phones and radios are still out, too." Page 13 "What about my daughter? Did you see her?" No, Cybil shook her head back and forth. "Unfortunately...I haven't." I looked down. Page 14 "What about you, anything?" "Yeah... I met this bizarre woman. Her name's Dahlia Gillespie. Do you know her?" "Dahlia Gillespie? I just met her at the church. Something about her...she is quite a creepy person." Page 15 "She said something about the town being devoured by darkness. Gibberish like that. Any idea what it means?" "Hmm...I really don't know... As for me, she said "You can no longer make it time" and such, things I did not understand the meaning of." Page 16 We then just looked at each other for bit, each of us thinking of something. "How is the gun I gave you?" Cybil asked with a bright smile. Page 17 "There have been several situations in which I have had to use it... It seems like I have finally gotten used to using it." "Well, you know you won't get over that if you don't use it after all." Cybil brushed her finger on the tip of her nose. 第九章 「骨董屋」 「空虚感」 Chapter 9 "Antique Shop" Feeling of emptiness Page 18 ......... ......... Just where is that feeling of emptiness that runs through this room coming from? Page 19 My body, and the images entering my pupils, it all seems like I am in a dream and that my mind is isolated from them. Page 20 Cybil's calls brought me back around. "...rry..." Page 21 "Hey! Harry?" "Uh...yeah... What's wrong?" Cybil looked slightly irritated and took a long breath. Then she shifted her gaze to the passage behind the shelf. Page 22 (Passage entrance) "What's this?" "Just discovered it." "Maybe there's something back there. Let's have a look." "Wait. We don't know what's back there. I'd better check it out first." Page 23 I'm a cop, I should go." "No. I'm going." Cybil placed her hand over my mouth to keep me from speaking. "Even though I look like this I am a police officer. Please leave everything to me. Think of this as my job." Page 24 I remained silent for a bit and then gave in to her. "Okay, please be careful." Page 25 I peer inside the hidden passage. Inside it looks like an unseen barrier of darkness has been set up, which makes it look like a place no one should enter. I intuitively sense that it would be dangerous to move into this passage. It is that kind of passage. Page 26 (Antique shop) (Cybil appears) I talk to Cybil once as she enters the passage. "Cybil?" "Yes?" "Do you know anything about... some other world... It's like some kind of bad dream...?" Page 27 "What are you talking about?" "I'm not quite sure. I try to make sense of it, but then my mind goes blank. Everything's dark there, and I hear sirens in the distance... Page 28 I met this nurse...Lisa. It's like I was there, but not really. It's all a blur. Like some kind of hallucination, you know?" Page 29 "I have no idea what you're talking about, Harry." Cybil spoke while shaking her head from side to side. "Oh... I was just wondering. Never mind." "Harry, you're tired." "Yeah, maybe..." Page 30 Am I tired? Yes, I am tired. If that is all it is then that is fine. If my being tired is what caused me to see all the hallucinations up to this point then Cheryl should return to me. Page 31 The only thing is the sensation I am feeling is not that of being tired. Rather my body feels as if I have been on the floor sleeping continuously like a human in cold sleep. And I am feeling the agonizing suffering of not easily being able to escape from that state. Page 32 (Black) Leaving me behind Cybil steps into the passage. I can no longer see her from where I am at. Go to 10-21 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-1 モニターの中のシェリル (Gigastore storefront) Chapter 10 "Town Center" Cheryl appears on the monitors Page 1 (Nightmare town, snow falls) The town has turned into that nightmarish world. It's as if the danger in this town increases with every second. In order to find Lisa I turn on the flashlight on my chest and begin to run at full speed. Page 2 I left the antique shop with the intention of reuniting with Lisa, but I discover that all the roads leading to the hospital are blocked. With no other choice I enter the shopping mall "Town Center" in the shopping district. 第十章 「タウンセンター」 「廃墟ビルのように」 Chapter 10 "Town Center" The building appears to be in ruins Page 3 (Gigastore storefront) Inside everything has naturally changed to the otherworld as well. I can hear the groans of monsters in the vicinity, and it would not be surprising if they attacked at any moment. The floor has changed to metal grating, and this building looks as if it has been left in ruins for several hundred years. Page 4 Large monitors have been placed in the hall at the entrance to greet shoppers. After wandering around the first floor and finding nothing interesting I begin heading up the powered down escalator. And at that moment... 第十章 「タウンセンター」 「ホールのモニター」 Chapter 10 "Town Center" The monitors in the hall Page 5 (Image of Cheryl, animated static) Suddenly light overflows from out of the monitors in the hall. A bound Cheryl is displayed on the screens. Page 6 "Daddy...Help me!" "Cheryl!" Page 7 I turn around and run back down the escalator toward the first floor hall. The image of Cheryl on the monitors then begins to get more and more fuzzy, until it dissolves into video static on the picture tube. Page 8 And then, in place of Cheryl an eerie crest is displayed. It... looked a lot like "that" which I saw in the courtyard of the elementary school. Page 9 I pound on the monitors. I pound with all my strength, as if I believed that Cheryl is trapped inside the picture tube. However, Cheryl's image did not appear again. Page 10 (Black) I am convinced. Cheryl was definitely taken away by someone and is being held by them, and she is waiting for me to rescue her. I must hurry, I say to myself. Go to 10-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-2 どこから… (Gigastore storefront) Chapter 10 "Town Center" From where... Page 1 (Black) All right... A ) Search the second floor. Go to 10-3 B ) Search the first floor. Go to 10-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-3 2階を探索 (Gigastore storefront) Chapter 10 "Town Center" Searching the second floor Page 1 (Black) The second floor is more brutal that first, and is completely deserted. However, I am paying attention. I can hear a sound like a liquid substance splashing from somewhere. Page 2 I can sense that something that is not human is there. I turn toward the direction of the noise and began to run. And then I discover the source of the noise. As soon as I step there... The section of the floor that I was standing on gives way and falls with me on top of it. I scream almost right away. Page 3 Although I just fell one floor strangely enough I am not hurt. The floor of the somewhat wide room is sandy, and it is most certainly what cushioned my fall. Go to 10-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-4 1階を探索 (Gigastore storefront) Chapter 10 "Town Center" Searching the first floor Page 1 (Black) Instead of going up to the second floor I decided to check out the first floor. Page 2 Dilapidated department stores can be seen through the metal gratings. Everything is scattered about, and a giant spider web bigger than any I have ever seen stretches throughout the area. Page 3 I walked along the fence that bordered the first floor. After passing by a show window with mannequins, I came to a walled-off space. Page 4 Sand is spread all over the open area inside, and it is lit by incandescent light from above. At first glance I thought it was outside. There appears to be a high ceiling that can not be seen so well in the dark. Page 5 There is a circular hole in one of the metal gratings that surrounds the area. From there I can enter the area. Page 6 I bent down and stepped into the walled-off area. Upon moving in just a bit I find...a rifle. Go to 10-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-5 獰猛な牙を持つ芋虫 (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" A caterpillar with fierce tusks Page 1 (Sandy area in Town Center) I pick up the rifle at my feet and try readying it. As I do so an unspeakably unpleasant tremor comes from below me, and it shakes my entire body. Page 2 It is not something that I can see. I decide this because I felt it only from below me. I can clearly tell that something with a long body, like a caterpillar, is moving around below me. Page 3 As I move it moves in the same direction. So it is obvious that it is aiming for me as it moves. And then it shows itself. Page 4 (Twin Feeler, animated) It is a giant caterpillar about 5 meters long. It sprays a green liquid from its fierce tusk-covered mouth. I can tell that the liquid is poisonous just from looking at it. And that it is definitely being discharged towards me. 第十章 「タウンセンター」 「ライフルを入手」 Chapter 10 "Town Center" Acquiring the rifle Page 5 I did not dodge it in time, so some of that liquid got on my arm. The pain is sharp. Red is rising up where the poisonous liquid got on me, as it is dissolving the components of my skin. Go to 10-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-6 最善の選択は? (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" My best option is? Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) Damn...! A ) Fire the rifle. Go to 10-7 B ) Run. Go to 10-8 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-7 ライフルを撃つハリー (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" Harry fires the rifle Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) I am in danger now. I once again ready the rifle that I just picked up. And then I rain bullets into the creature that has appeared above ground. Page 2 Green fluid began to leak from its abdomen, so it twisted its large body and once again burrowed underground. Page 3 A steel plate is conveniently lying in the middle of the area. If I can just get on top of it then I should be able to avoid direct attack... Go to 10-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-8 逃げるが得策とハリー (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" Harry decides that it is best to run away Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) I've got to escape. I turned around. The only thing I am satisfied with is getting a hold of the rifle. Page 2 But I cannot find the hole in the fence that I just came through. Odd. Page 3 I begin to run. However, it pursues me from under the ground with unthinkable speed. The tremors at my feet gradually get stronger and stronger. Page 4 I fling my self to a stop and notice a steel plate lying in front of me. Go to 10-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-9 一瞬の迷い (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" A moment of hesitation Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) However... Go to 10-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-10 揺れる戦略 (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" A shaky strategy Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) I... A ) move onto the steel plate. Go to 10-11 B ) stay where I am... Go to 10-12 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-11 鉄板の上へ移動するハリー (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" Harry moves onto the steel plate Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) After moving onto the steel plate I discovered one problem with doing so. I can no longer tell where it is coming from. Page 2 I can only go with my intuition. Just where it is going to appear from... Go to 10-13 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-12 そのままの位置で戦う (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" Harry fights where he was standing Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) I will not move from this position. The steel plate looks like it would be safe; however, I would not be able to sense its movements below me if I moved on top of it. I judged that staying in this position is best for attacking. Page 2 Finally... It is about to rise above the ground again. Just where is it going to appear from... Go to 10-17 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-13 見えざる敵の気配 (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" A sign of the unseen enemy Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) I gamble. A ) Behind Go to 10-14 B ) Front Go to 10-15 C ) Side Go to 10-16 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-14 鉄板上…背後に気配 (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" On the steel plate...I sense it from behind Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) I listened carefully. I wagered that it is coming from behind. Page 2 I spin around and fire the rifle. It had just appeared there and my first shot went right through its head. Page 3 It exploded like a piece of fruit exploding, and liquid with a revolting color and horrible smell began to flow around it. I pursue it as it begins to try and escape back into the ground, firing the rifle on this deserted floor of the Town Center. Go to 10-20 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-15 鉄板上…正面に気配 (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" On the steel plate...I sense it in front of me Page 1 Twin Feeler (animated) The front... I hold the rifle low, and aim at the area where I think it will come out with my finger poised on the trigger. Page 2 I pulled the trigger at the same time I heard it come up out of the ground. However... The bullet just flies through the air. Page 3 Once I realized this it was already too late. Its giant body was towering over me from behind, with its tusks already brimming with poison, and then that poisonous liquid fell upon my raised arm. Page 4 Ow...! I immediately turned, aimed at its abdomen, and fired. Luckily the poison liquid only burned my jacket, and did not reach my skin. Page 5 I pulled the trigger over and over until I ran out of bullets. As its screams echoed, the only that that kept me going as I was about to pass out was...... Cheryl's smiling face in my memories. Go to 10-20 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-16 鉄板上…側面に気配 (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" On the steel plate...I sense it at my side Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) From the side... I ready the rifle with my right hand. I can quickly attack to the left, but it will take a little time to attack to the right. Page 2 So I wager on the left. I calm my breathing so that I will be able to fire as soon as I see it. Page 3 However, it... It went against my prediction and appeared behind me. ...I won't make it in time. Page 4 As soon as I turned around a shower of poisonous liquid sprayed from its mouth and fell all over my face. Page 5 "Ugh...!" I cannot even speak. I wipe my face with my hands. This time I felt the pain of burning on the palms of my hands. Page 6 I aimed at it and pulled the trigger over and over. The sounds of an explosion and then a scream repeat over and over. Then a great tremor shakes the earth and it escapes underground. Page 7 Without resting I stand. Because my intuition tells me that Cheryl is in danger. Go to 10-20 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-17 推測 (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" Guessing Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) (No text) A ) Behind Go to 10-18 B ) Front Go to 10-19 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-18 砂地…背後に気配 (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" Sandy soil...I sense it behind me Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated) I listened carefully. I wagered that it is coming from behind. Page 2 I spin around and fire the rifle. It had just appeared there and my first shot went right through its head. Page 3 It exploded like a piece of fruit exploding, and liquid with a revolting color and horrible smell began to flow around it. I pursue it as it begins to try and escape back into the ground, firing the rifle on this deserted floor of the Town Center. Go to 10-20 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-19 砂地…正面に気配 (Sandy area in Town Center) Chapter 10 "Town Center" Sandy soil...I sense it in front of me Page 1 Twin Feeler (animated) The front... I hold the rifle low, and aim at the area where I think it will come out with my finger poised on the trigger. Page 2 I pulled the trigger at the same time I heard it come up out of the ground. However... The bullet just flies through the air. Page 3 Once I realized this it was already too late. Its giant body was towering over me from behind, with its tusks already brimming with poison, and then that poisonous liquid fell upon my raised arm. Page 4 Ow...! I immediately turned, aimed at its abdomen, and fired. Luckily the poison liquid only burned my jacket, and did not reach my skin. Page 5 I pulled the trigger over and over until I ran out of bullets. As its screams echoed, the only that that kept me going as I was about to pass out was...... Cheryl's smiling face in my memories. Go to 10-20 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「タウンセンター」         10-20 タウンセンターを後に (Gigastore storefront) Chapter 10 "Town Center" Leaving the Town Center Page 1 (Black) I leave the Town Center. Go to 11-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「骨董屋」          10-21 揺れる視界 (Antique shop) Chapter 10 "Antique Shop" Swaying field of vision Page 1 (Antique shop, flickering) .................. Page 2 My field of vision is swaying... Page 3 I pressed my back to a wall and steadily slid down until I reached the cold floor. The shadows of several of the items in the room expand and contract as the light moves. It is as if a great number of spirits are laughing at me. Page 4 Eventually those shadows pounce on me. The bodiless beings bind my hands and feet, and corner me until I am unable to move. Page 5 I cannot speak. Page 6 One long shadow extends a tentacle towards my neck. Please stop, I implore. Page 7 I hold my both of my palms up, but the shadow passes through the areas between my fingers and reaches my neck. I try to speak but only a gasp comes out that will not reach Cybil. Page 8 Finally, activity in my brain begins to stop due to a lack of oxygen. I saw stars in my eyes and then nothing at all. I lost consciousness as if I were just going to sleep. 第十章 「骨董屋」 「冷え切った身体」 Chapter 10 "Antique Shop" Frozen body Page 9 .................. Page 10 My body is freezing. Where am I...? I cannot focus my eyes. Page 11 That's right...this is the antique shop... I am sitting on the floor with my back against the cold wall. I must have dozed off for a bit. My fingers are as cold as ice and so I cannot move them normally. Page 12 While chasing around after Cheryl fatigue must have been building up without me realizing it. However, this is no time to be sleeping. Page 13 Oh, I wonder how Cybil is doing? I look around the room and see that the eerie passage that was hidden behind the shelf is still open just as it was before. Page 14 Cybil is still in there. When she comes out I will have a word with her... I hope she is ok. It seems like quite a bit of time has passed. 第十章 「骨董屋」 「銃弾は残り3発」 Chapter 10 "Antique Shop" Only three bullets remain Page 15 I heavily stand and check the gun in my pocket. I then stand at the entrance of the completely dark passage. I have only three bullets left. I cannot afford to waste any. Page 16 My breathing breaks the silence. I get out the gun and hold it near my temple, with it aimed at the stomach of that dark demon, and then I begin to walk forward. I am worried about Cybil's safety, so I am guided forward by my quivering feet. Page 17 (Black) After walking for a bit I sensed light coming from somewhere other than the flashlight on my chest. I leisurely turn off my flashlight and see that something is shining at the end of the passage. Page 18 I rush forward. I am running toward the light, not unlike how a small insect would. Something is there. Is Cybil all right? Or will I have to confront a monster again? 第十章 「骨董屋」 「眩い光」 Chapter 10 "Antique Shop" Dazzling light Page 19 (Altar in the other church, flame is burning) There was a room at the end of the passage. As I enter the room the light is so dazzlingly bright that I have to shield my eyes with the back of my hand. Page 20 There is a simple altar on the wall to the right of where I entered the room. A large flame is coming off of a thick candle and green smoke is billowing from it. Everything in the room was shaking in the light from that flame. Page 21 " this place...?" Once my eyes adjusted to the light my line of sight jumped to an unbelievable sight. Page 22 (Cybil, dead on the floor) At first, I thought it was just a well made doll. A mannequin with a red shirt on... It was on its back, lying in a pool of red liquid. But...I soon understood what it was. Page 23 Cybil. I softly call to her. Her light green shirt had been stained crimson by the flow of red liquid from the back of her neck. Go to 10-22 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「骨董屋」          10-22 屍と化したシビル (Altar in the other church) Chapter 10 "Antique Shop" Cybil has become a corpse Page 1 (Cybil, dead on the floor) I was completely confused. A ) Rush to Cybil's side. Go to 10-23 B ) Step back and run away. Go to 10-24 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「骨董屋」          10-23 シビルに駆け寄るハリー (Altar in the other church) Chapter 10 "Antique Shop" Harry rushes to Cybil's side Page 1 (Cybil, dead on the floor) "...Cybil. ...Cybil! Hold on!" I shake her shoulders. But she does not respond. Page 2 "Why has this happened...!" I cover her dead body. Her cold body. Page 3 Lost in hopelessness I lost consciousness again. Go to 10-25 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「骨董屋」          10-24 後ずさるハリー (Altar in the other church) Chapter 10 "Antique Shop" Harry steps back Page 1 (Cybil, dead on the floor) Something is in this room... I became frightened and left. Page 2 (Black) I head back to the passage that I just came through. "Dam...Dammit...!" My flashlight won't turn on. It seems to be broken. Page 3 I continue to run through the darkness. There is no source of light in front of or behind me to tell me which way I am going. Page 4 After running for a bit I thought, was it really this far to the antique shop? Even though I am moving I do not feel like I am moving forward. Page 5 I hallucinate that the corpse of Cybil is pulling at my feet and won't let go... Perhaps I will end up running on this moving floor forever. Page 6 Finally my consciousness grows distant and I fall to the cold hard floor and pass out once again... Go to 10-25 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十章  「病院」          10-25 リサの言葉 (Nightmare examination room) Chapter 10 "Hospital" Lisa's words Page 1 (Black) ...rry? Are you OK? Harry? Harry? .............................. Where am I? Harry. Lisa... Then I'm in the hospital. Page 2 (Nightmare examination room) (Lisa appears) You were having a bad dream. Was I? Hey, you don't look too good. Are you OK? I'm fine. Nothing you need to worry about. Well, if you're sure..... Page 3 Lisa...... Do you know a woman named Dahlia Gillespie? Page 4 Oh yeah, that crazy Gillespie lady. She's kind of famous around here. She never sees anybody, so I don't know that much about her. Page 5 But I heard her kid died in a fire, and supposedly she's been crazy ever since. Well, she says the town is being devoured by the darkness. Do you have any idea what she's talking about? Page 6 The town...devoured by the darkness. Yes, I think I do. Before this place was turned into a resort, the townspeople here were on the quiet side. Page 7 Everybody followed some kind of queer religion... Weird occult stuff... Black magic, that kind of thing. Page 8 As young people moved away, the people figured they'd been summoned by the gods. Evidently, things like that used to happen around here all the time. Page 9 Before the resort, there wasn't really anything else out here. Everyone was so flipped out. Gotta blame it on something. Then a lot of new people came in and everybody clammed up about it. Page 10 (Lisa looks down) A cult... Last time I heard anything about it was, gosh, years ago... When several people connected with developing the town died in accidents. People said it was a curse. Page 11 Oh, I'm sorry. I'm rambling... I'll shut up. ...............................'s all right. Page 12 Hey, Harry. What your hand...? Oh, this... I just hurt it a little bit. Page 13 Is it OK? Yeah...just a scratch... Nothing major... Even if it is just a scratch there is a lot of blood... If we don't look after it soon... Page 14 It's OK... Please don't touch it. ...Why are you so angry? ...Sorry. ...But this does not concern you. ...I don't want to get you mixed up in this... Page 15 ...I'm sorry... 第十章 「骨董屋」 「リサの言葉」 Chapter 10 "Antique Shop" Lisa's words Page 16 (Black) The reverberation of Lisa's "I'm sorry" remained in my ears. I wonder how long had I been asleep? I found myself in that antique shop again, lying face down in the same position I was in just a short while ago. Page 17 (Antique shop) Was that another dream? Did I pass out again? I don't want to think so, but maybe this is all just going on in my head. Page 18 I could have had a car accident, and now I'm lying unconscious in a hospital bed... I don't know what's real anymore... Page 19 Cybil's body has vanished. She is gone, almost as if she was absorbed into the concrete floor. Page 20 Maybe Cybil never came here in the first place? Just what did I see... A hallucination? A delusion? Page 21 I want to talk to Lisa. She knows something. She is holding some secret. I will go to see her. Page 22 Keeping one hand on the wall to support myself I stumble out of the antique shop. Go to 11-15 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「再び病院」        11-1 リサとの再開 (Nightmare examination room) Chapter 11 "Hospital, Again" A reunion with Lisa Page 1 (Close up of metal grating floor) Perhaps the caterpillar from before was blocking my path to the hospital, as my route, which had been blocked until just before, was now restored. Page 2 The entire town seemed like the insides of an enormous living thing. If a part of it is treated...then a part of it is destroyed. If a part of it disappears...then a part of it appears. I get the feeling that I am wandering about within a living organism that has become a labyrinth. Page 3 (Nightmare examination room) I open the gate to the hospital and then energetically open the door of the examination room. Inside Lisa was waiting for me. 第十一章 「再び病院」 「駆け寄ってくるリサ」 Chapter 11 "Hospital, Again" Lisa rushes to Harry Page 4 (Lisa appears) "Harry!" She changes from looking completely exhausted and rushes over to me in an innocent, childlike way. Page 5 "Glad you're OK." "Thank God you came back. I was scared to be here all alone." "I'm here now. I was worried, too. I'm real happy to see you." Page 6 I lightly hug Lisa and gently draw away. I then speak while looking into her eyes. Page 7 "Lisa, can you tell me how to get to the lake?" "The lake? You take Bachman Road." "The road's blocked." I recall what Cybil told me. Page 8 "Well, that's the only way out there." "Are you sure? There's gotta be another way." Lisa places her hand on her chin and thinks for a bit. Then her eyes open wide as if she has realized something. Page 9 "Wait, I just remembered something." "What?" Page 10 "There's a water works over by my old elementary school. It's been abandoned for years. There's an underground tunnel out there used for inspections, or something! I remember hearing it runs all the way to the lake!" Page 11 "Really?! You think I can get to the lake from there?" "I've never been down in there myself, so I'm not positive. Besides, it's all fenced off to keep people out." Page 13 "If there's a chance, I've got to try." Lisa embraces me again just as I think that her face is beginning to look tearful. Page 14 "Harry, don't go! I don't want to be alone. It's so scary I can't stand it." Page 15 This one room in an empty hospital. In this state in which monsters could kick in the door and enter at any time, she has no weapons with which to defend herself with. So her being gripped with fear is only natural. Go to 11-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「再び病院」        11-2 行かないで、とリサ (Nightmare examination room) Chapter 11 "Hospital, Again" Lisa says "Don't go" Page 1 (Nightmare examination room) (Lisa appears) What should I do? A ) Take Lisa with me. Go to 11-3 B ) Leave Lisa here. Go to 11-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「再び病院」        11-3 一緒に行こう、とハリー (Nightmare examination room) Chapter 11 "Hospital, Again" Harry says "Come with me" Page 1 (Nightmare examination room) (Lisa appears) I speak. "How about coming with me? This may not be the safest place in the world either. I can't promise you anything, but I'll do my best to protect you." Page 2 (Lisa looks down) "No...somehow I feel I'm not supposed to leave this place. Oh, Harry, I'm so scared... I'm cold." Page 3 I waver. Is it ok for me to leave Lisa alone... But then, what will happen to Cheryl? Cheryl has only me to depend on. My concern for Cheryl cannot be compared with my concern for Lisa. After all...she is my daughter. Page 4 "Look, just wait here a little longer. I'll be back as soon as I find my daughter." Perhaps those words rang cold for Lisa. But there is nothing that can be done. I must save my daughter. "Harry..." Go to 11-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「再び病院」        11-4 無理だ、とハリー (Nightmare examination room) Chapter 11 "Hospital, Again" Harry says "I can't" Page 1 (Nightmare examination room) (Lisa appears) I waver. Is it ok for me to leave Lisa alone... But then, what will happen to Cheryl? Cheryl has only me to depend on. My concern for Cheryl cannot be compared with my concern for Lisa. And no matter what she is my daughter. Page 2 "Look, just wait here a little longer. I'll be back as soon as I find my daughter." Perhaps those words rang cold for Lisa. But there is nothing that can be done. I must save my daughter. "Harry......" Go to 11-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「ビル給水塔」        11-5 成虫と化した化け物 (Close up of metal grating floor) Chapter 11 "The Water Tower on the Building" The matured monster Page 1 (Close up of metal grating floor) I leave the hospital. The water supply installation near the elementary school... I was told that I could go through those sewers and reach the lake that Cheryl was heading toward. I must hurry. Page 2 As I began to run I felt something fly over my head. It looks like something is flying in circles in the sky above me, but it is dark so I cannot see it so well. I climb the metal stairs of the building across the street, and then head up to the roof. Page 3 (Close up of Float Stinger) "What...what is this...?" A giant moth... I guess I didn't completely kill it. That caterpillar that I shot at the Town Center has followed me here. Page 4 (Float Stinger, animated) And it has matured. It dances against the black sky and is looking down on me. In addition to the poison that it can discharge from its mouth, it now has a stinger with which to stick me with. Go to 11-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「ビル給水塔」        11-6 ここで息の根を… (Close up of metal grating floor) Chapter 11 "The Water Tower on the Building" I must kill it here... Page 1 (Float Stinger, animated) I'm in danger...! A ) Fire the rifle while avoiding it. Go to 11-7 B ) Hide in the shadows of the buildings. Go to 11-8 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「ビル給水塔」        11-7 避けつつライフルを撃つ (Close up of metal grating floor) Chapter 11 "The Water Tower on the Building" Firing the rifle while avoiding it Page 1 (Float Stinger, animated) I fire the rifle. However, it is adept in the air and evades my aim, leaving the bullet to hit only air before being swallowed by the darkness. Go to 11-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「ビル給水塔」        11-8 給水塔の陰に隠れる (Close up of metal grating floor) Chapter 11 "The Water Tower on the Building" Hiding behind the water tower Page 1 (Float Stinger, animated) I hid behind the water tower, and from the slight opening I observed the gigantic monster. Page 2 A monster that circles the sky in attempt to catch me. Using the water tower as a shield I study its movements and at the same time look for a vital point. Page 3 Its head, with those poisonous tusks... Its abdomen, which contains a large amount of poisonous liquid... Its wings, which it can freely control... Go to 11-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「ビル給水塔」        11-9 落ち着け… (Close up of metal grating floor) Chapter 11 "The Water Tower on the Building" Calming down... Page 1 (Float Stinger, animated) "Calm down", I told myself. Go to 11-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「ビル給水塔」        11-10 見当たらぬ弱点 (Close up of metal grating floor) Chapter 11 "The Water Tower on the Building" The unseen weak point Page 1 (Float Stinger, animated) I must focus on only one target. A ) Abdomen Go to 11-11 B ) Wings Go to 11-12 C ) Head Go to 11-13 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「ビル給水塔」        11-11 狙いは腹部 (Close up of metal grating floor) Chapter 11 "The Water Tower on the Building" The target is its abdomen Page 1 (Float Stinger, animated) While dodging it, I point barrel of the gun at the soft area below its chest. It adeptly uses it large wings to pursue me, but eventually its strength runs out and it falls between two buildings. Page 2 Green liquid leaks from its insides, and its screams echo throughout the town. Go to 11-14 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「ビル給水塔」        11-12 狙いは翼 (Close up of metal grating floor) Chapter 11 "The Water Tower on the Building" The target is its wings Page 1 (Float Stinger, animated) I aim at its wings. It wings are so large that even if I did blow a hole in one that it would not make much of a difference. Page 2 The base of its wings... If I destroy the joint at the base of its wings then they will no longer function. I adjust my aim. Page 3 However, aiming at such a small area is quite difficult for an amateur like me. Besides, my opponent can freely fly in the sky, which makes me think that the shot is near impossible. Page 4 While dodging it, I point barrel of the gun at the soft area below its chest. It adeptly uses it large wings to pursue me, but eventually its strength runs out and it falls between two buildings. Page 5 Green liquid leaks from its insides, and its screams echo throughout the town. Go to 11-14 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「ビル給水塔」        11-13 狙いは頭部 (Close up of metal grating floor) Chapter 11 "The Water Tower on the Building" The target is its head Page 1 (Float Stinger, animated) I aim at its head. I rest the heavy rifle on my shoulder and while being careful not to let any sweat get in my eyes I place my finger on the trigger. Page 2 Like many creatures this monster has a brain. That is what I will shoot and destroy. But my target is quiet narrow and small. Page 3 The sound of my first shot reverberates into the night. But the bullet just grazes its head and disappears off into the darkness. "Damn...!" Page 4 But I do not give up. I must get closer to my opponent. ...But, if I draw it in then I must be ready. As doing so would be accompanied by danger. Page 5 I avoid a shower of poison. Fortunately the wind has begun to blow. To adjust its wings to the wind takes all of its strength, and it appears to be having a difficult time attacking me. Page 6 This is my chance. I once again steady my aim. And then I pull the trigger twice in a row. Page 7 In that moment its head vanished from its body all at once. Without its control tower those wings and poison tusks were just that and they fell like a rag between the buildings. Go to 11-14 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「ビル給水塔」        11-14 終わらない悪夢 (Close up of metal grating floor) Chapter 11 "The Water Tower on the Building" The endless nightmare Page 1 (Black) The nightmare still continues... Go to 12-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十一章  「診察室」        11-15 カウフマンと3人で (Nightmare examination room) Chapter 11 "Examination Room" With Kaufmann, the three of us Page 1 (Nightmare examination room) I open the gate to the hospital and then energetically open the door of the examination room. Inside Lisa is waiting for me. Page 2 (Lisa appears) "Harry!" She changes from looking completely exhausted and rushes over to me in an innocent childlike way. Page 3 "Glad you're OK." "Thank god you came back! I was scared to be here all alone!" "I'm here now. I was worried, too. I'm real happy to see you." Page 4 I lightly hug Lisa and gently draw away. I then speak while looking into her eyes. Page 5 "Lisa...have you seen a police woman named Cybil?" "Cybil...? That is the first time I have heard that name... I have not seen her... Since the town has become like this I have not met any humans other than you." Page 6 I was irritated that I didn't understand anything that was going on, so I loudly clicked my tongue. "What's wrong Harry? You don't seem yourself." "Sorry… I just cannot see the truth. Even talking to you now, I wonder if it isn't just a delusion." Page 7 (Lisa looks down) Lisa looks a bit sad. "I am me. Nothing has changed. I have just been waiting for you here all along." Saying nothing, I just looked at Lisa. Page 8 While we were talking I couldn't be sure if that I was currently sitting here or actually speaking. My voice and my existence were beginning to disappear into the dry air in the room... 第十一章 「診察室」 「カウフマン現る」 Chapter 11 "Examination Room" Kaufmann appears Page 9 (Examination room door) (Kaufmann appears) And then the door opened and someone came in. Doctor Michael Kaufmann. Yes. He definitely said that he was a doctor at this hospital. Page 10 "What are you doing?" Lisa took a deep breath and half smiled to greet him. "This is Harry. His daughter has become lost in this town." Page 11 "He already told me that. Have you found her?" No, I shook my head from side to side. "Harry, do you know Michael?" Page 12 "Yeah, when I first visited this hospital I met him once." I recalled the sight of him holding me at gunpoint. "Weren't you leaving town?" I asked sarcastically. Page 13 "It was no good. All the roads are blocked. It is impossible to get out." The three of us just remained silent. Page 14 "I grew up in this town. I know this area. As far as I could see all the roads leading out of town have become precipitous cliffs or were blocked with large boulders. We are completely isolated." Page 15 Lisa's smile disappeared. "Well...what are we going to do?" (Lisa) "We should start thinking about that. I am going to get some sleep..." With that Kaufmann left the room. Page 16 (Kaufmann disappears) "Where are you going?" "To the director's office. He often sleeps there." Lisa answered for him. Go to 12-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十二章  「アニーズ・バー」      12-1 争う物音 (Kaufmann and a mumbler) Chapter 12 "Annie's Bar" Sounds of a struggle Page 1 (Lakeside intersection, night) After passing through the sewers connected to the water supply installation near the elementary school I came up in the most popular part of Silent Hill, the lakeside tourist spot. Page 2 However, in spite of this there is no reason to expect anyone to be here. The area is wrapped in darkness, and in a condition in which it would be impossible to even walk around without a flashlight. Page 3 First I decide to enter "Annie's Bar", which lies on the road to the lake. As I approach the door I notice what sounds like a struggle coming from the other side. 第十二章 「アニーズ・バー」 「襲われたカウフマン」 Chapter 12 "Annie's Bar" Kaufmann is attacked Page 4 (Kaufmann and a mumbler) When I open the door, inside...Kaufmann is there. Doctor Michael Kaufmann, that is certainly what he said his name was. A monster has him cornered. His back is against the far wall of the bar and he is out of breath. Page 5 He did not notice me come into the bar, and looked as if he had lost all hope. I pointed my gun at the monster and fired. Even after the monster had died, with a cry like a metallic twisting, Kaufmann just stared into the air looking completely worn out. 第十二章 「アニーズ・バー」 「戦いのあと」 Chapter 12 "Annie's Bar" After the battle Page 6 (Close up of Kaufmann) "Are you OK?" As I spoke to him he weakly stood up, brushed his pants twice and then slowly looked toward me. Page 7 "Yeah, I guess so. But I'm beat. I thought I was a goner there. So, how'd it go? Did you find a way out?" "No. Not yet. How about you?" Page 8 "Zip. But it's too soon to give up. This craziness can't go on forever. A military rescue squad should be here any time now. If they come through the town, we're home free." Page 9 He looked at the darkness outside the window and clenched his fists. "I hope so." I say. Page 10 "I better get going. This isn't the time to stand around flapping out gums." Page 11 He fixed his collar, and then began to walk to the door. He walked as if he were incredibly hungry and when he reached the door I asked him the question that had been on mind for quite some time. Go to 12-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十二章  「アニーズ・バー」      12-2 抱き続けていた疑問 (Close up of Kaufmann) Chapter 12 "Annie's Bar" The question that had been on my mind Page 1 (Close up of Kaufmann) Kaufmann... A ) Ask him about Alessa. Go to 12-3 B ) Show him the picture of Alessa. Go to 12-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十二章  「アニーズ・バー」      12-3 アレッサについて (Close up of Kaufmann) Chapter 12 "Annie's Bar" About Alessa Page 1 (Close up of Kaufmann) "Do you know a girl called Alessa?" His hand, which he had placed on the doorknob, paused for a moment. And then he looked back at me. Page 2 "No." Kaufmann quickly looked back at the door and left as if he were running away. Go to 12-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十二章  「アニーズ・バー」      12-4 アレッサの写真を見せて (Close up of Kaufmann) Chapter 12 "Annie's Bar" Showing Kaufmann the picture of Alessa Page 1 (Close up of Kaufmann) "Do you know this girl?" His hand, which he had placed on the doorknob, paused for a moment. And then he looked back at me. Page 2 I hold the picture of Alessa in my hand. Upon seeing it a look of horror appears on Kaufmann's face and he freezes. "You...just who in the hell are you...?" Page 3 (Black) I was unable to understand the meaning of his question. In the next instant Kaufmann turned and then left the room as if he were sucked through the door. Go to 12-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十二章  「リゾート街」      12-5 カウフマンの秘密 (Lakeside intersection, night) Chapter 12 "Annie's Bar" Kaufmann's secret Page 1 (Black) Doctor Michael Kaufmann, He definitely has some secret. While I am not sure whether it is connected to me rescuing Cheryl or not, he knows the main reason why this town has undergone a transformation. Page 2 I followed him so that he did not notice me. Page 3 (Lakeside intersection, night) He races through the dark alleys. Perhaps it is because he is familiar with the geography here? The sound of the harsh wind blowing down from the mountains as it cuts through the eaves of the buildings hides my footsteps and my presence. Page 4 I continued to carefully tail him, making sure not to lose sight of him. 第十二章 「モーテル」 「ガレージ」 Chapter 12 "Motel" Garage Page 5 Finally his small figure opened the door of a certain building and he disappeared inside. He went into a motel. But not into one of the guest rooms. The door he went through is one that is off limits to outsiders, and only for use by employees. Page 6 I press down on my heart, which feels like it is going to explode, with my left hand, open the door that Kaufmann just used, and head inside. Page 7 (Hotel garage) Inside ancient dust is everywhere, and the room reeks of mildew. It looks to be a garage. Oil, a sprayer, tires, and such have been placed on a dirty metal shelf. Page 8 "Odd..." Kaufmann is nowhere to be found. There is only one other door in the room, and it is slightly open. He must have went through there into another room. Page 9 However, I did not go after him right away. Instead my attention turned to the motorcycle near the wall and I stopped. Page 10 The gas tank of the motorcycle differs from the rest of motorcycle as it is oddly clean and shiny. The motorcycle is so covered in dust that it is not possible to even distinguish what color it is. But I get the feeling that the gas tank area alone has been fiddled with by someone. Page 11 I try gently opening the gas tank. Page 12 (Red bottle in black bag) Inside the gas tank there is a black vinyl bag that is protecting a small glass bottle. At the moment I was about to reach out to it a familiar voice stopped me. 第十二章 「モーテル」 「血相を変えた男」 Chapter 12 "Motel" The man who's face turned white with anger Page 13 (Close up of Kaufmann) "Give me that!" When I turned Kaufmann was just glaring at me, his face white with anger. His clenched fists are shaking with rage. Page 14 "What is this?" "That's none of your business! Instead of messing with that, how about coming up with a way to get out of here?" "Humph." Page 15 "You shouldn't be hanging around here goofing off! What do you think you are doing? You want to get yourself killed!? Get outta here!" Page 16 Even if he had not said that I understood. I didn't know just how important this small bottle was to him, but I didn't think that it would help me to find Cheryl. So I gave it to him. Page 17 "Okay, take it easy." "Unless you want to die, keep your mind on business. Got it?" Page 18 (Black) Saying that Kaufmann acts calm and leaves the garage. I think, "That guy's got to be involved with the local drug racket. Page 19 Man, was he pissed. And in such a rush, too. That was probably dope in the bottle. Anyway, better let him do as he pleases. There's more than my life at stake." Page 20 I then realize that I am wasting time, and immediately leave the hotel. Go to 13-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十二章  「診察室」      12-6 ストーブを取りに (Nightmare examination room) Chapter 12 "Examination Room" Going to get a heater Page 1 (Nightmare examination room) It's cold. And not unexpected as it is snowing outside. But this room has no heating of any sort. I took off my jacket and went to put it on Lisa, but she shook her head from side to side. Page 2 (Lisa appears) "Isn't there any heating?" Lisa's eyes shifted to the heater in the back of the room. "I'm sorry. This worked until yesterday, but today it's broken. It's ironic." Lisa shrugged her shoulders. Page 3 "But there should be an oil heater for use in the patient rooms in the reception area... I will go and get it." Lisa begins to stand but I stop her. "I will go and get it. You just sit tight." Page 4 Lisa smiled. "You are kind." I pretended not to hear her as I left the room. 第十二章 「病院受付」 「何のために…」 Chapter 12 "Hospital Reception" Why did I come here... Page 5 (Black) I take an audible breath. While I was talking to Lisa I had become mentally tired. But I did find myself faintly attracted to her. An unexplainable irritableness took control of my feelings. Page 6 I placed my hands on one of the two heaters lined up under the reception counter and then was gripped with a strange sensation. Page 7 I raised my head and looked around. In the dark, gloomy lobby there is only the sound of a large wall clock ticking away the passage of undeniable time. Page 8 While listening to the irregular rhythm of that ticking sound, which was not unlike the irregular pulse of a patient just before they die, I completely forgot why I came to lobby. 第十二章 「病院廊下」 「黒き少女の影」 Chapter 12 "Hospital Corridor" The dark figure of a girl Page 9 (Click...Click......) (Onomatopoeia for footsteps) Footsteps? I turned back and as I approached the long corridor on the first floor I saw it. Page 10 (Hospital corridor) (Alessa's silhouette appears) At the end of the corridor, with the white light hitting her back from the window, the dark figure of a girl appeared out of the darkness. Page 11 She appears to be facing me, and can see me. Cheryl? At the moment I began to approach the figure vanished. Page 12 (Shadow disappears) Bang! The sound of gunfire reverberates throughout the hospital. From the door just left of where I am standing. ...Lisa! Page 13 (Lisa dead on examination room floor) I open the door. The faint scent of gun power wafts through the air... And in the middle of the room Lisa lay on her side, dead. 第十二章 「診察室」 「撃ち殺されたリサ」 Chapter 12 "Examination Room" Lisa, shot to death Page 14 "Lisa...!" I instantly thought of Cybil. The situations strangely resemble each other. Page 15 Only Lisa and I are in the room. In this closed room only a face-down corpse and me. In the short amount of time I was out of the room someone came and shot Lisa in the neck, and then left the room. Page 16 That girl. Yes, it was that girl. There is no doubt about it, she must have lied in wait for Lisa to be alone. However, for what purpose? Why Lisa and not me? Go to 12-7 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十二章  「病院廊下」      12-7 犯人は? (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 12 "Hospital Corridor" Who is the culprit? Page 1 (Lisa dead on examination room floor) "........." A ) Pursue the girl I just saw. Go to 12-8 B ) Or maybe the culprit is someone else...yes, and they are still close... Go to 12-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十二章  「病院廊下」      12-8 少女の影を追う (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 12 "Hospital Corridor" Pursuing the figure of the girl Page 1 (Hospital corridor) I violently open the door of the examination room. As soon as I got into the corridor, the corridor that that girl was in, I turned and raced in the direction of the elevator hall. Page 2 The reason there are no people in this town. A mass-murder? A murderer in the form of a girl that kills indiscriminately... My body shuddered. Page 3 As I reached the wall at the end of the corridor my eyes fell upon yet another gruesome sight. Go to 12-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十二章  「病院廊下」      12-9 犯人はどこへ (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 12 "Hospital Corridor" Where did the culprit go? Page 1 (Lisa dead on examination room floor) I search the area around the corpse. ".........!" There I found a familiar handgun. "This is...the gun that I received from Cybil..." Page 2 Just to be sure I check my pockets. Sure enough, the handgun is gone... At some point it must have been stolen from me... Page 3 Kaufmann...? Or maybe Lisa, when I was passed out? No, that is hard to imagine. Page 4 Kaufmann and I were far apart, and I cannot imagine that he managed to take the gun from where he was. Page 5 The same with Lisa. I cannot imagine that she would take the gun while I was knocked out for the purpose of suicide. Page 6 And then there is Cybil's death... Page 7 The girl. There is no doubt about it. She has been following me all this time, just out of my sight. She took the gun while I was sleeping and then shot Lisa. Page 8 (Hospital corridor) I darted out of the room and began to run in the direction where the girl was. I held the gun ready near my temple and arrived at the elevator hall ready for anything. Page 9 However... I couldn't believe what I saw there. Go to 12-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十二章  「ホール」      12-10 カウフマンまでもが (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 12 "Hall" Even Kaufmann as well Page 1 (Kaufmann dead against wall) "Kaufmann..." Kaufmann has shrunk into the corner of the hall, as if he was driven there. One of the walls is covered with a disgusting spatter, and he is already dead on the floor. Page 2 Upon seeing his injury I sank to the ground. I sat with my legs crossed on the hard tile floor, at a loss as to what to do. That girl is walking around and destroying everything she sees with the gun. Page 3 However, that girl is not here now. Page 4 I bury my face in my hands. I thought, please kill me soon. As each of the people in town are killed... I don't want to be the last one, please...kill me soon. Go to 13-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十三章 「レイクサイド」      13-1 小さな船の中で (Lakeside intersection 2, night) Chapter 13 "Lakeside" On the small boat Page 1 (Lakeside intersection 2, night) I check the map, and then head to the greatest part of this sightseeing area, the Lakeside. My visible breath brushes by my cheeks, drifting in the air as if to mark my trail, and then finally becoming one with the air around it. Page 2 (Nightmare street, Lakeside) And then the area gradually began turning into that nightmarish world. I abruptly come to stop. This time the change is not instant like before. This town, this world seems like it is being dumped into a demon's body. And I am filled with a feeling that there is no going back. Page 3 Something has changed. In a way that cannot be undone. 第十三章 「レイクサイド」 「絶望」 Chapter 13 "Lakeside" Hopelessness Page 4 (Background is Black when this block is loaded) There is a road before me. So I run along on it. That is all I can do. Is there any hope? Is Cheryl alive? In this situation in which I cannot be sure of anything, I frequently have to fight off the urge to get sick. Page 5 (Background is Black when this block is loaded) However, I believe that I will find something if I continue forward on this road. I run across a pier, and without thinking about it I wrench the door of a small boat stopped midway along the pier open, and then rush inside it. 第十三章 「船内」 「見慣れた笑顔」 Chapter 13 "Inside the boat" A familiar smile Page 6 (Inside of boat) (Cybil appears) There was already a passenger inside the boat. "Cybil!" "Harry!" Our voices revealed that we were both relieved. Page 7 "How did you get back here?" "I followed the sewer. Were you the one who cut the fence?" "Yeah. I'm glad you made it. I was worried about you." Page 8 "You were worried!? Where did you disappear to? Never mind. I want to know what's going on here. What is with this town?" Page 9 I condensed all the things that had happened to me into one, somewhat unclear conclusion. I look at Cybil and begin to speak. Page 10 "This may sound really off the wall, but listen to me. You've got to believe me. I haven't gone crazy and I'm not fooling around. Page 11 At first, I thought I was losing my mind. But now I know I'm not. It's not me. This whole town... It's being invaded by the otherworld. By a world of someone's nightmarish delusions come to life... Page 12 Little by little, the invasion is spreading... Trying to swallow up everything in darkness. I think I'm finally beginning to understand what that lady was talking about." Page 13 "Harry. Hold on a minute. I don't get it?" "Look, I don't understand it all myself. I guess I can't explain it." I honestly revealed how I felt. Page 14 "Well, what's making this happen?" I don't know that either. But, I do know Cheryl is "there"." "There...?" Page 15 "Under whoever created this darkness. Cheryl is somewhere. And she needs my help." Once I finished explaining everything Cybil faintly smiled, and looked at me as if she was worried. Page 16 "Harry. This whole thing's been a major blow to you. You need to rest." I was let down. This world, its state, and the reason it became like this... I understood, and I wanted Cybil to understand as well. Page 17 Even though I am a writer, I am cursed by a limited vocabulary. This is something that upsets me about myself. Page 18 "Cybil, I..." As I was speaking the door slowly opened and I could see someone enter the room. It was not a monster, but a human. 第十三章 「船内」 「ダリアの忠告」 Chapter 13 "Inside the Boat" Dahlia's warning Page 19 (Close up of boat window) (Dahlia appears) "The demon is awakening! Spreading those wings." "Dahlia Gillespie..." "Was it not as I said? I see it all, now. Yes, everything. Page 20 (Background fades to black, Dahlia remains) Hungry for sacrifice, the demon will swallow up the land. I knew this day would come. And what's more, the task is almost finished. Page 21 (Dahlia fades, the Mark of Samael appears) There's only two left. To seal this town to the abyss, the mark of Samael. When it is completed, all is lost. Page 22 Even in daytime, darkness will cover the sun. The dead will walk, and martyrs will burn in the fires of hell. Everyone will die." Page 23 "So what am I supposed to do? I've got to save Cheryl." Page 24 (Close up of boat window) (Dahlia appears) "It is simple. Stop the demon. The demon, the demon taking that child's form. Stop it before your daughter becomes a sacrifice. Before it is too late. Stop it. Stop it." Page 25 "What do I do?" "Go to the lighthouse on the lake, and to the center of the amusement park. Make haste. You are the only hope." Page 26 (Dahlia disappears) (Cybil appears) "Look Harry. I really don't get what's going on. But if there's a chance we can save your daughter, I'm in. I'll check out the amusement park. You go to the lighthouse." Go to 13-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十三章 「レイクサイド」      13-2 シビルと分担 (Inside of boat) Chapter 13 "Lakeside" Cybil and Harry split up Page 1 (Close up of boat window) (Cybil appears) "Cybil..." A ) I will go to the lighthouse. Go to 13-3 (This choice will result in automatic branching if you reach 15-5. From 15-5 you will then automatically go to 16-1. You must make this choice if you wish to have a chance to reach endings A, B, D-1 or D-2.) D-1, or D-2.) B ) I will go to the amusement park. Go to 13-4 (This choice will result in automatic branching once you reach 15-5. From 15-5 you will then automatically go to 16-6. You must make this choice if you wish to reach endings C-1 or C-2.) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十三章 「レイクサイド」      13-3 灯台に向かうハリー (Inside of boat) Chapter 13 "Lakeside" Harry heads to the lighthouse Page 1 (Black) "Cybil... Thanks." Gripping her handgun, Cybil left the boat and disappeared into the darkness. "You will need to use it." "Use what?" "The Flauros. Only with that can you stop it." Page 2 Wait...the Flauros. I check inside my pockets. That four sided object. However, does Cybil have such an object as well? Page 3 No, that is not likely. If she did, then she probably would have been able to understand my story a little better. Page 4 "What about Cybil?" I consider chasing after Cybil. However, my true goal is rescuing my daughter. And Cybil, with the same goal, is risking her life as she heads to the amusement park. Go to 14-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十三章 「レイクサイド」      13-4 遊園地へ向かうハリー (Inside of boat) Chapter 13 "Lakeside" Harry heads to the amusement park Page 1 (Close up of boat window) (Cybil appears) As usual I pretended to go along with what Cybil is saying and nodded. Page 2 Black I cannot let Cybil go alone. Even if she is a cop, it would be terrible if something were to happen to her while she is trying to help my daughter. Page 3 I waited for a little bit and then headed after Cybil. I decided that I could always go to the lighthouse later. Go to 14-8 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十三章 「真実」      13-5 銃を握る小さな右手 (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 13 "Truth" The small right hand holding the gun Page 1 (Black) With my eyes closed I prayed hard, and wished for that. And then the girl came. The low sound of a motor... And a chime announce her arrival. The doors slowly open and close. After stepping off the elevator the girl walked over to me and stood there. Page 2 I was able to tell who the girl was without even raising my head. Page 3 "Daddy..." Page 4 I could not hold back my overflowing tears. I placed my palms on my face and cried out. Cheryl...why... Why are you doing this... My unintelligible voice resonated with the walls of the hall. Page 5 (Cheryl with gun from waist down) "Daddy..." I looked at Cheryl through the spaces between my fingers. In her small right hand she held a black, solemn handgun, which was disproportionate to her size. Go to 13-6 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十三章 「真実」      13-6 最後の懇願 (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 13 "Truth" Last request Page 1 (Cheryl with gun from waist down) I said. A ) "If you are going to kill me then do it..." Go to 13-7 (Ending E-1) B ) "Give me that handgun...!" Go to 13-8 (Ending E-2) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十三章 「真実」      13-7 殺すなら殺してくれ (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 13 "Truth" If you are going to kill me then do it Page 1 (Cheryl with gun from waist down) "Sorry... You daddy doesn't understand, but... If you are going to kill me then do it... I am in agony... To finally be reunited with you...with you like this..." Page 2 With an expressionless face Cheryl points the barrel of the gun at me. Page 3 "Hand it over to him now, Cheryl." That voice woke me up. A particularly hoarse voice. Dahlia... I could faintly see her standing in the darkness behind Cheryl. 第十三章 「真実」 「見下ろすダリア」 Chapter 13 "Truth" Dahlia looking down at Harry Page 4 (Dahlia in hall) "Dahlia..." Dahlia did not move. She looked down on me and began to speak. "...It's terrible. The gods have passed judgment on you... Under the pretext of searching for your missing daughter you were unable to get her back." Page 5 What...what are you saying... Dahlia taps Cheryl's shoulder and Cheryl holds out the handgun. "Daddy, isn't this yours? It was dropped here." I remained seated, and then I reached out and took the handgun without knowing why. Page 6 "My...handgun?" I hurriedly checked my pockets. The handgun was definitely missing. "It doesn't appear that you have realized it yet." I carefully studied the gun I was holding. This is definitely the gun I received from Cybil. Page 7 One round is chambered in the gun. Page 8 ......... Wait... There is one round in the gun... One round? Page 9 .............................. 第十三章 「真実」 「夢想回顧」 Chapter 13 "Truth" Daydream recollection Page 10 (Cybil, dead on the floor) This is...the antique shop... Cybil heads to the altar at the end of the passage... I follow her... Without making any footstep sounds... Page 11 Cybil doesn't notice me... I strangle her from behind... I push her down to the floor... I press the gun I am holding to the base of her neck... And forcefully pull the trigger... Page 12 (Lisa dead on examination room floor) .........Where is this............... ...Hospital...? I leave the examination room... Yes, to get the oil heater... No...instead... I return to the room... Lisa was surprised... I grab her long blond hair... Her scream and the gun shot occur at the same time... Page 13 A terrible headache... I cannot take it and run out into the corridor... I run into a man that was surprised by the gun shot and has come out of a room... He sees what I have in my right hand... He sees the red stain on my clothes....... Page 14 (Kaufmann dead against wall) I persistently chase him... I look at his back as he runs away... He is a fool...that Kaufmann... There is a dead end ahead... You have no where left to run to... Page 15 He sank to the floor in the corner of the hall... What a pathetic end... I place my right leg on his shoulder... Page 16 .............................. 第十三章 「真実」 「刺すような声」 Chapter 13 "Truth" A piercing voice Page 17 (Elevator hall, Dahlia with Cheryl) "It looks like you have remembered." Dahlia's piercing voice penetrates my eardrums. Something snaps within me. "Dahlia...I..." I cannot speak through my tears. Cheryl clings to Dahlia, and stares fixedly at me. She appears to be frightened. Page 18 Silence... It's strange. That my daughter would cling to a woman that she has just met. Page 19 Even as I shared the same time and space with them, they felt completely like people from another dimension. Page 20 "If your going to kill...then you should do it... No one is left in this town. This town is dead." (Dahlia) 第十三章 「真実」 「降り続く雪」 Chapter 13 "Truth" The constant snow Page 21 (Black, falling snow) The snow still continues to fall even now... On the roof and walls of this decrepit hospital, on all the houses, a merciless source of white ice falls. Page 22 I fly into the sky. I look down on the town wrapped in thick fog, it is going far away. I spread out my arms and climb even higher. Page 23 This feels good. It's invigorating. If I close my eyes I feel that I would rise all the way to space. Page 24 ......... 第十三章 「真実」 「デスクの上で」 Chapter 13 "Truth" On top of the desk Page 25 (Harry dead on his desk, gun in hand) Cheryl has watered the dandelions that have bloomed in the garden. Page 26 My body is... In my distant consciousness my entire body trembles. Page 27 I am holding a gun in my right hand, lying face down on the desk in my study. I will never move ever again. Page 28 Calm sunlight... A gentle breeze blows in from the window... Page 29 Cheryl... The End E-1 You will now receive the following Digital Trading Card: 6. Kaufmann _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十三章 「真実」      13-8 拳銃を渡すんだ! (Nightmare hospital corridor) Chapter 13 "Truth" Give me that handgun! Page 1 (Cheryl with gun from waist down) "Cheryl...! Give me that handgun!" I try to take the handgun away from Cheryl. Page 2 It can't be... It can't be, this handgun is... Page 3 Cheryl grinned and then placed the barrel of the gun against my forehead. "Goodbye" The voice of the girl rocks my eardrums. Page 4 (Black) Bang! The sound of gunfire. With my eyes closed, I waited for my consciousness to fade away. However...something is not right. Page 5 I gingerly opened my eyes and saw Cheryl lying in front of me. Cybil was standing behind her, with the gun in her hand pointed at Cheryl. Page 6 (Cybil holding gun up) Smoke was rising from the barrel of her handgun. Cybil glanced at me and then let out a long breath. Page 7 "Cybil..." "Harry... I am glad I made it on time. Are you hurt?" I forcefully stood and wrapped my hands around Cybil's neck. Page 8 "What have you done! Have you lost your mind!!" Cybil is not surprised. With effort she remained calm, and pointed at Cheryl's body with her chin. Page 9 "Take another look, take a good look. That is not Cheryl..." I rolled over the face-down body and looked at its face. Page 10 "Dahlia..." I look up at Cybil. "You mistook her for Cheryl? ...You must have been hallucinating. But that's all right, I am just really glad I made it in time." Page 11 "What is this all about..?" "Dahlia and Kaufmann... and also Lisa. By chance I heard the three of them talking, so I listened in..." Page 12 Black (That wasn't what we discussed...) (Dahlia) Page 13 (Heh... It's not like we ever had a deal in the first place. I will take the white claudia. Because I don't care for trusting you with it.) (Kaufmann) Page 14 (Kaufmann... With this you are going to become very rich... I have a good route for distribution...) (Dahlia) Page 15 (You people... you're in cahoots with each other!) (Kaufmann) Page 16 (No one is conspiring against you. Since the beginning everything has going according to plan. You've taken care of distribution, right?) (Lisa) Page 17 (There is a record in which my share is clearly recorded...) (Dahlia) Page 18 (Ha Ha Ha! That piece of paper is now ash. Just like your daughter.) (Lisa) Page 19 ..................... Page 20 (Cybil holding gun up) "Then a gun shot rang out... and a woman's scream reverberated. Then for a bit there was a struggle, but in the end the man's voice ceased as well. Page 21 I was hiding behind a pillar. Dahlia came out of the room alone. She didn't notice me. She was holding a handgun, and her clothes were soaked in blood. Page 22 I tailed her without her noticing me to this hospital. Once she found you she pulled out her gun once more and pointed it at you. Page 23 To protect you I pulled the trigger on the gun I was carrying..." Page 24 In the dark hospital only Cybil's voice echoed on and on. All the people in this world had become corpses, and only outsiders remained. Page 25 No...wait. One person still remains. Just one... Page 26 "I have Cheryl somewhere safe. Well then, let's go to her. She can hardly wait to see her father." Cheryl... No, not her. There is still one other person in this world. Page 27 "Uh...yeah, let's go." "You are about to be reunited with your precious daughter, for whom you have been searching? How about looking a little more excited?" Page 28 Something is... Something is incomplete... Page 29 (Black) I began to walk behind Cybil. A reunion with Cheryl. I risked my life, and wished for this, but in spite of that my heart is filled with emptiness. Page 30 Cybil's figure sways up and down as I follow her, and my entire body trembles with extreme exhaustion. Page 31 Just where does Cybil have my daughter? I think that maybe we are walking without no destination. Page 32 At that moment I was then...unable to see what Cybil was really up to... The End E-2 You will now receive the following Digital Trading Cards: 23. Hospital 28. His Fate _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十四章 「灯台」      14-1 アレッサと対峙 (Lighthouse roof) Chapter 14 "Lighthouse" Facing Alessa Page 1 (Black) I think, I should believe in Cybil. No, maybe it is merely my selfishness telling myself that. However, my destination is the lighthouse that is not far from here. To run there is my mission, and my fate. Page 2 I entered the lighthouse and then ascended a spiral staircase to arrive at the roof. And then I could not believe my eyes. A giant crest is present on the floor I am standing on the roof of the lighthouse. Page 3 (Lighthouse roof) The mark of Samael. That is what Dahlia called it. She said I must not let it be completed. That this town is gradually being eroded away by this crest. 第十四章 「灯台」 「床一面の印章」 Chapter 14 "Lighthouse" The crest on the floor Page 4 (Alessa appears) Alessa was standing there. She looked as if she had just now completed making the mark here, and she just looked at me without any change in her expression. Page 5 For the first time, we just faced each other, each of us understanding each other to a certain degree. Just as I thought that her eyes showed a little sadness she turned around and suddenly disappeared as if she had jumped from this tall lighthouse. Go to 14-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十四章 「灯台」      14-2 姿を消した少女 (Lighthouse roof) Chapter 14 "Lighthouse" The girl disappeared Page 1 (Lighthouse roof) "Alessa...! Wait!" A ) I've got a bad feeling. I'll head back to the boat. Go to 14-3 (This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. If you are hoping to reach endings A or B then you can make this choice.) B ) Rush to the vicinity where Alessa disappeared from. Go to 14-4 (This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. (You must make this choice if you wish to have a chance to reach endings D-1 or D-2. You will still be able to reach endings A or B if you make this choice as well.) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十四章 「灯台」      14-3 あきらめて船へと戻る (Lighthouse roof) Chapter 14 "Lighthouse" Giving up and returning to the boat Page 1 (Black) In order to return to the boat from just before I retrace my steps from the lighthouse. The small boat stopped midway along the pier... Perhaps Cybil has returned, and with that expectation in mind I opened the door leading to the inside of the boat, but... Page 2 (Inside of boat) Cybil is not here. Maybe she is still on her way to the amusement park. Or maybe she has already arrived there. Or maybe something has happened to her. Go to 14-8 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十四章 「灯台」      14-4 少女は一体どこへ (Lighthouse roof) Chapter 14 "Lighthouse" Just where did the girl go Page 1 (Lighthouse roof) "Wait! Please talk to me!" I rush to the area where Alessa was standing. However, there was no trace of her at all. Page 2 The cold wind blew and ruffled my bangs. I just stood there motionless. Page 3 Huh... I can see something. Through the overlapping layers of fog, I can see something that looks like a pale light. Alessa. I said without thinking about it. Page 4 I had a feeling that I could see Alessa through a distortion in the space there. Go to 14-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十四章 「灯台」      14-5 空間の歪みに映る幻影 (Lighthouse roof) Chapter 14 "Lighthouse" The illusion reflected in the spatial distortion Page 1 (Lighthouse roof) "Alessa..." A ) Bravely jump in. Go to 14-6 (This choice will result in automatic branching once you reach 15-1. From 15-1 you will then automatically go to either 15-2 or 15-3. You must make this choice if you wish to reach endings A or B.) B ) On second thought I'd better turn back. Go to 14-7 (This choice will result in automatic branching once you reach 15-1. From 15-1 you will then automatically go to 15-6. You must make this choice if you wish to reach endings D-1 or D-2.) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十四章 「灯台」      14-6 歪みに飛び込む (Lighthouse roof) Chapter 14 "Lighthouse" Jumping into the distortion Page 1 (Black) I was walking on air... With each step I took toward the distortion I was stepping on air. Page 2 Finally my body is completely enveloped in that hole. Inside...Alessa was sitting on the ground sobbing. Page 3 Alessa. Alessa covered her face with her hands, and her shoulders trembled as she cried. I nestled up to her and knelt down. Page 4 Suddenly the area became a sea of fire. Among the heaps of debris Alessa is screaming. This is...what is in Alessa's mind. Alessa's suffering mind. Page 5 The detestable event of seven years ago... The flames that burned an entire section of the town... It was being replayed before my eyes. Page 6 "Alessa!" I shook her shoulders in an attempt to wake her from this nightmare. Page 7 Alessa raised her head, and when I looked at her my heart nearly stopped. Page 8 Cheryl. It is unmistakable, this girl is Cheryl, whom I have been searching for. Page 9 ......... Page 10 (Lighthouse roof) Cold rain moistens my cheeks. When I come to I realize that I am standing frozen on top of the lighthouse, staring off into the empty darkness. Page 11 A dream...? Was I hallucinating...? Oh...and what about Cheryl... Go to 14-3 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十四章 「灯台」      14-7 危険を感じ引き返す (Lighthouse roof) Chapter 14 "Lighthouse" Harry senses danger and turns back Page 1 (Lighthouse roof) Wait...I held myself back. I have a bad feeling about this. I think about Cheryl and then I cannot take any dangerous chances. Page 2 And the safety of Cybil, who is working with me to look for Cheryl, concerns me as well... Page 3 I'd better turn back. Go to 14-3 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十四章 「灯台」      14-8 遊園地に向けて走る (Lighthouse roof) Chapter 14 "Lighthouse" Running toward the amusement park Page 1 (Black) Within a current of guessing that raced by like a revolving lantern, I ran toward the amusement park. Go to 15-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十五章 「遊園地」      15-1 闇 (Nightmare amusement park) Chapter 15 "Amusement Park" Darkness Page 1 (Black) .................. Go to 15-2 if you chose A in 7-13 and did not choose B in 14-5 Go to 15-3 if you chose B in 7-10 or B or C in 7-13 and did not choose B in 14-5 Go to 15-6 if you chose B in 14-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十五章 「遊園地」      15-2 変わり果てたシビル救出 (Nightmare amusement park) Chapter 15 "Amusement Park" Rescue of transformed Cybil Page 1 (Nightmare amusement park) I arrive at the amusement park by going through the sewers. In the amusement park, which has changed to the form of the otherworld, several of the attractions run constantly as if they were broken toys. Page 2 (Merry-go-round entrance) I pass by the Ferris wheel, and arrive at the merry-go-round. However, only this attraction is not running. Page 3 While it is only natural for a ride to not be in operation, it seems unnatural for this merry-go-round to not be running... I walk around it. Page 4 Clink...Clink... (Onomatopoeia for walking sounds) While slipping between the horses I look for Cybil. Quite a bit of time has passed since she came here. Page 5 I suppose maybe she didn't find Cheryl and headed back to that ship. But the only way to get here is through those sewers. If she had gone back then we should have ran across each other at some point. Page 6 "Huh...what is this...?" I slowly kneel down and try touching it. The dark green liquid is still warm. Something moved through here, and if this trail is traced it will lead back to the source of the liquid. 第十五章 「遊園地」 「シビルの後姿」 Chapter 15 "Amusement Park" Cybil, from behind Page 7 (Cybil in wheelchair) And the darkness I see Cybil from behind. Page 8 "Cybil..." I try calling out to her. Only the low sound of the motor of the Ferris wheel echoes from afar. She should be able to hear me. I take another look at her. Movie: Monster Cybil stands up from the wheelchair Page 9 Black She slowly stood up from the wheelchair. Page 10 Odd. I do not see the brave attitude that was present in her just before. She walks as if something has drained the life out of her, like she is wandering about for no reason. I approach her. And call out to her once more. Page 11 (Cybil standing, black background) As I do this Cybil staggers as she slowly turns, and confirms my presence. Page 12 And then, as if I am watching her in slow motion she raises her right arm until it is parallel with the ground and then a bullet fires from the handgun she is holding. Page 13 (Cybil with arm raised, black background) "Cybil, it's me. It's Harry!" The bullet grazes my shoulder, and with a discordant metallic sound it hits one of the wooden horses. ...She is coming towards me. Page 14 Her eyes no longer appear to be human. The eerie red color of her eyes does not make it look like her life-force has been drained, but instead, it makes it appear as if she has been possessed by some evil being. Page 15 (Close up of Monster Cybil) I was too late, I think. Her heart had been devoured by someone, no by Alessa. What is there is no longer Cybil. Just an alter-ego of Alessa that is using Cybil's body... 第十五章 「遊園地」 「ペットボトル」 Chapter 15 "Amusement Park Pet Bottle Page 16 At that time I remembered. I searched my it. The pet bottle. The vermilion liquid is inside it. I scooped it up in the hospital. Page 17 The red of Cybil's eyes looked a lot like the red of that liquid. I hold up the pet bottle so that Cybil can see it and shake it left and right. Page 18 And then just for a moment her expression changed to one of imploring... She must be aware. But she seems to be caught on an edge in her body, her body that will not do her bidding. Page 19 It is like she is being attracted to me... With her gun ready, Cybil approaches. Upon closer inspection I can see that her eyes are full of tears. Page 20 I unscrew the cap of the pet bottle. No one is riding the wooden horses, so their speed increases. I think that it is like time is rapidly passing for everything but the two of us. Page 21 At the same time as the hammer falls in Cybil's gun with a 'click' I sprinkle the liquid in the pet bottle on Cybil without leaving a drop inside. Page 22 (Black) "Gu..." Cybil tries to speak, and her face twists agonizingly. At the same time white smoke rises from her entire body, and gravity pulls her to the ground, face down. Page 23 And then a creepy creature that is shaped like a human organ burrows up out of Cybil's back and approaches my feet. I forcefully crush it under my foot with all my might. Page 24 ........................ Page 25 (Cybil on ground) (Harry appears) "Cybil! Wake up! Snap out of it!" Cybil doesn't respond. "Cybil!" ........................ After a bit Cybil opened her eyes. Her eyes are a calm blue. Page 26 "...Harry? ...What...happened?" "Shh...Don't talk. I'll take care of you." A look of relief appears on her face and then she closes her eyes again. Page 27 Once I am done binding her wound, I close my eyes as well, and place my hand on Cybil's shoulder. Page 28 ............... Page 29 (Black) (Harry... Why did they take your daughter? Why her?) Page 30 (I'm not sure, myself. But, you know, Cheryl isn't my biological daughter.) Page 31 (I actually haven't told her yet. She probably already knows anyway, though.) Page 32 (We found her abandoned on the side of the highway. She was still a baby and nobody knew where she came from.) Page 33 (We didn't have any kids of our own. My wife was sick, and it didn't look like she was getting any better. So we took Cheryl in.) Page 34 (So in that case...) Page 35 (There might be some connection between Cheryl and this town.) Page 36 (So what do you do now?) Page 37 (Cheryl is my daughter. I will save her. No matter what.) Page 38 I slowly open my eyes. 第十五章 「遊園地」 Amusement Park 「闇に浮かぶアレッサ」 Chapter 15 "Amusement Park" Alessa appears in the darkness Page 39 (Alessa in nightmare amusement park) And then just as I had predicted, she appeared. Alessa. The girl that wrapped up this town and its residents in her otherworld. Page 40 That girl carefully formed her body from out of light, and appeared right in front of me. I begin to talk to that demon. Page 41 "I figured you'd show. Hold it right there. I don't know who you are, what you're trying to do, and I don't care. Just one thing. Let Cheryl go. That's all I ask." Page 42 Before I finish speaking Alessa raises her right hand toward the sky. Page 43 And then she brings her arm down and my entire body is blown backwards. My body tumbles across the ground like a rag for about 30 meters, and then finally comes to a rest. Page 44 "Damn!" Such incredible power. A servant of god, a demon's power. A normal person like me has no chance against her. Power is gushing out of her body, and it emits a pale light. I cannot even approach her. Page 45 (Spinning Flauros) "Huh? What is this?" Suddenly a blinding light emits from my pocket. It is that four-sided object, the Flauros. Light shoots out in a straight line from each of the points of its triangles, and it eventually rises up into the air. Page 46 Just as I thought that the great light and sound it was wrapped in meant that its power was greater than Alessa's, the power of the Flauros condensed, became a beam of light, and pierced Alessa's body. Page 47 (Nightmare amusement park floor) (Alessa appears) Just as I was just before, Alessa was blown backwards by that power, which she could not overcome. Page 48 "Where's Cheryl? Give me back my daughter." I was on the verge of passing out, and I thought of Cheryl. All I can do is calmly look at the unbelievable sight before me as it unfolds before my eyes. Page 49 What just happened? Is Cheryl okay? However, she does not answer me. Instead, a hoarse voice passes into my thoughts, and it is accompanied by the sound of footsteps. Page 50 (Dahlia appears) "We meet at last, Alessa." "......!" "Dahlia Gillespie......" Page 51 Unable to move from my prone position I thought about who's voice that was. And then using all my strength I stand. After confirming that it was Dahlia in front of me I spoke in a voice that was nearly a yell. Page 52 "Where's Cheryl? Where is she?" Page 53 Dahlia does not hear me yelling. She does not look back, and looks at Alessa with a creepy smile. Page 54 "Alessa. This is the end of your little game." "Mama..." Mother...? I am confused. "Huh? Could she be...?" Page 55 "You've been a ghastly little pest, haven't you? Alessa? I was careless. Thinking you couldn't escape from our spell. Page 56 But Mommy didn't know how much you'd grown. That's why I couldn't catch you all by myself. But what a pity, yes? Now you're half indebted to this man for his help." Page 57 "Hey! What are you talking about?" My voice just echoes emptily in the darkness. Go to 15-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十五章 「遊園地」      15-3 変わり果てたシビルに発砲 (Nightmare amusement park) Chapter 15 "Amusement Park" Firing at transformed Cybil Page 1 (Nightmare amusement park) I arrive at the amusement park by going through the sewers. In the amusement park, which has changed to the form of the otherworld, several of the attractions run constantly as if they were broken toys. Page 2 (Merry-go-round entrance) I pass by the Ferris wheel, and arrive at the merry-go-round. But, this is the only attraction that is not running. Page 3 While it is only natural for a ride to not be in operation, it seems unnatural for this merry-go-round to not be running... I walk around it. Page 4 Clink...Clink... (Onomatopoeia for walking sounds) While slipping between the horses I look for Cybil. Quite a bit of time has passed since she came here. Page 5 I suppose maybe she didn't find Cheryl and headed back to that ship. But the only way to get here is through those sewers. If she had gone back then we should have ran across each other at some point. Page 6 "Huh...what is this...?" I slowly kneel down and try touching it. The dark green liquid is still warm. Something moved through here, and if this trail is traced it will lead back to the source of the liquid. 第十五章 「遊園地」 「闇とシビル」 Chapter 15 "Amusement Park" Darkness and Cybil Page 7 (Cybil in wheelchair) And the darkness I see Cybil from behind. Page 8 "Cybil..." I try calling out to her. Only the low sound of the motor of the Ferris wheel echoes from afar. She should be able to hear me. I take another look at her. Movie: Monster Cybil stands up from the wheelchair Page 9 Black Odd. I do not see the brave attitude that was present in her just before. She walks as if something has drained the life out of her, like she is wandering about for no reason. I approach her. And call out to her once more. Page 10 (Cybil standing, black background) As I do this Cybil staggers as she slowly turns, and confirms my presence. Page 11 And then, as if I am watching her in slow motion she raises her right arm until it is parallel with the ground and then a bullet fires from the handgun she is holding. Page 12 (Cybil with arm raised, black background) "Cybil, it's me. It's Harry!" The bullet grazes my shoulder, and with a discordant metallic sound it hits one of the wooden horses. ...She is coming towards me. Page 13 Her eyes no longer appear to be human. The eerie red color of her eyes does not make it look like her life-force has been drained, but instead, it makes it appear as if she has been possessed by some evil being. Page 14 (Close up of Monster Cybil) I was too late, I think. Her heart had been devoured by someone, no by Alessa. What is there is no longer Cybil. Just an alter-ego of Alessa that is using Cybil's body... 第十五章 「遊園地」 「シビルを撃つ」 Chapter 15 "Amusement Park" Harry shoots Cybil Page 15 I ready my handgun and fire it at Cybil. I have no choice. If I do not fire then I will be killed. If I die then I won't be able to save Cheryl or anything. Page 16 "Cybil..." She should be my most dependable partner. The first person I met in town and a supporter. An irreplaceable friend that risked her life to help me search for Cheryl. Page 17 And now I am going to kill her in the name of rescuing my daughter. However, I have no choice. I will be killed if I do nothing. I pull the trigger. Page 18 (Red) Each time I hit Cybil I feel like I am going to pass out. And as Cybil collapses I become aware of my error. Page 19 (Cybil, dead on the floor) Cybil has become just an object. I rush over to Cybil and look at her. She is on her back with her eyes wide open. I sink to the ground. Tears distort my vision. Page 20 "Cybil...why... did this happen..." At the moment I am about to touch Cybil her back suddenly rises and begins squirming. Page 21 A nasty liquid-like monster bursts out of Cybil's lifeless back. It crawls on the floor, and begins to move at a speed not unthinkable for its shape. Page 22 Keeping only it in my sight, I pursue it. I am already exhausted, and maybe in no condition to correctly judge things. 第十五章 「遊園地」 「アレッサ出現」 Chapter 15 "Amusement Park" The appearance of Alessa Page 23 (Alessa in nightmare amusement park) And then just as I had predicted, she appeared. Alessa. The girl that wrapped up this town and its residents in her otherworld. Page 24 That girl carefully formed her body from out of light, and appeared right in front of me. I begin to talk to that demon. Page 25 "I figured you'd show. Hold it right there. I don't know who you are, what you're trying to do, and I don't care. Just one thing. Let Cheryl go. That's all I ask." Page 26 Before I finish speaking Alessa raises her right hand toward the sky. Page 27 And then she brings her arm down and my entire body is blown backwards. My body tumbles across the ground like a rag for about 30 meters, and then finally comes to a rest. Page 28 "Damn!" Such incredible power. A servant of god, a demon's power. A normal person like me has no chance against her. Power is gushing out of her body, and it emits a pale light. I cannot even approach her. Page 29 (Spinning Flauros) "Huh? What is this?" Suddenly a blinding light emits from my pocket. It is that four-sided object, the Flauros. Light shoots out in a straight line from each of the points of its triangles, and it eventually rises up into the air. Page 30 Just as I thought that the great light and sound it was wrapped in meant that its power was greater than Alessa's, the power of the Flauros condensed, became a beam of light, and pierced Alessa's body. Page 31 (Nightmare amusement park floor) (Alessa appears) Just as I was just before, Alessa was blown backwards by that power, which she could not overcome. Page 32 "Where's Cheryl? Give me back my daughter." I was on the verge of passing out, and I thought of Cheryl. All I can do is calmly look at the unbelievable sight before me as it unfolds before my eyes. Page 33 What just happened? Is Cheryl ok? However, she does not answer me. Instead, a hoarse voice passes into my thoughts, and it is accompanied by the sound of footsteps. Page 34 (Dahlia appears) "We meet at last, Alessa." "......!" "Dahlia Gillespie......" Page 35 Unable to move from my prone position I thought about who's voice that was. And then using all my strength I stand. After confirming that it was Dahlia in front of me I spoke in a voice that was nearly a yell. Page 36 "Where's Cheryl? Where is she?" Page 37 Dahlia does not hear me yelling. She does not look back, and looks at Alessa with a creepy smile. Page 38 "Alessa. This is the end of your little game." "Mama..." Mother...? I am confused. "Huh? Could she be...?" Page 39 "You've been a ghastly little pest, haven't you? Alessa? I was careless. Thinking you couldn't escape from our spell. Page 40 But Mommy didn't know how much you'd grown. That's why I couldn't catch you all by myself. But what a pity, yes? Now you're half indebted to this man for his help." Page 41 "Hey! What are you talking about?" My voice just echoes emptily in the darkness. Go to 15-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十五章 「遊園地」      15-4 ダリアとアレッサ (Nightmare amusement park) Chapter 15 "Amusement Park" Dahlia and Alessa Page 1 (Nightmare amusement park floor) (Alessa appears) (Dahlia appears) "Alessa. My dear little girl... There is one thing left I need you to do for me." "No. Get away from me." "Bad girl. Everything is ready. Let's go home now, uh-hmm?" Page 2 (Alessa and Dahlia disappear) Wait... What about Cheryl... Just where is she... give me back my daughter... my daughter... Cheryl... Go to 15-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十五章 「遊園地」      15-5 ………。 (Nightmare amusement park) Chapter 15 "Amusement Park" ......... Page 1 (Black) ...................................................... Go to 16-1 if you chose A in 13-2 Go to 16-6 if you chose B in 13-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十五章 「自宅」      15-6 書き上がった原稿 (Black) Chapter 15 "Home" The completed manuscript Page 1 (Harry's desk) "All right..." That is as far as my memory goes. Any thing beyond that is vague, and to give an account of it I would have to make things up. Page 2 However, I do not wish to include any fabrications in this story, that is my true intention. In this case truth is stranger than fiction. But if I said that it was the truth then I doubt anyone would believe me. Page 3 I carefully read over the manuscript again. I could never even think about forgetting the detestable events of seven years ago. Even now, my body quivers. Page 4 And because of this when the request came in, at first I considered refusing because the contents were too similar to the world view. However, the person in charge pushed me into it. Page 5 Perhaps it is an overstatement to call this a diary. It is not exactly my memoirs either. I just described those events within the range of my personal tastes. There was no commercial greediness, and I never had the ambition of having this story known by everyone. Page 6 It is merely a world of self-satisfaction. 第十五章 「自宅」 「口を尖らせたシェリル」 Chapter 15 "Home" Cheryl pouts Page 7 After looking over the manuscript again I let out a long sign, and neatly pushed the stack of papers together and placed them in the envelope I had prepared. Page 8 I licked the seal of the envelope and then tightly sealed it. The act of properly sealing the envelope with such feeling seemed like a certain kind of ceremony. Page 9 (Cheryl in Harry's house) "Daddy" I turn around and Cheryl is standing there pouting. "Ah, sorry. I have just finished. Sorry to have kept you waiting." Cheryl smiled, returned to her room downstairs, and pulled several of her best outfits out of a wardrobe. Page 10 (Black) Tomorrow is the deadline. If I mail it tonight by express mail it should arrive at the proofreader in time. "I'll just be a little longer." I said that to her in front of her room and then placed my hand on the front door. Page 11 (Telephone on desk) Ziriririri... (Onomatopoeia for ringing phone) The phone rings. Who is it? Go to 15-7 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十五章 「自宅」      15-7 けたたましく鳴る電話 (Black) Chapter 15 "Home" The noisy ringing phone Page 1 (Telephone on desk) I stopped, and listened to the ringing of the phone. A ) "It might be urgent, but Cheryl will probably get it." Go to 15-8 (Ending D-1) B ) "It's probably the publishing company, they are so impatient." Go to 15-9 (Ending D-2) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十五章 「自宅」      15-8 シェリルに任せる (Black) Chapter 15 "Home" Leave it to Cheryl Page 1 (Telephone on desk) It might be urgent, but Cheryl will probably get it. Or they can just call back later. The mailbox is not far from here. I mumbled to myself, opened the door, and left my house. 第十五章 「自宅」 「電話を取るシェリル」 Chapter 15 "Home" Cheryl answers the phone Page 2 "Daddy! Are you here?" Cheryl called out in a loud voice right after Harry left the house. There is no answer. There is no helping it. With no other choice Cheryl rushed to the phone and picked up the receiver. Page 3 "Hello." "Oh, Cheryl. It's daddy." "Daddy? Where are you now?" "I am in front of the mailbox. I am meeting an acquaintance of mine. I will be done soon." Page 4 "Hurry up and come home. Or else it will get late." "Yeah...sorry. I will hurry home. By the way Cheryl, there is a place I want to stop before we go to the amusement park. Is that ok?" "Where?" Page 5 "Silent Hill." The End D-1 You will now receive the following Digital Trading Card: 24. Study _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十五章 「自宅」      15-9 電話まで引き返す (Black) Chapter 15 "Home" Harry goes back to the phone Page 1 (Telephone on desk) I reluctantly turn and run to the phone. At this hour the only person I could imagine calling would be someone from the publishing company. Page 2 "Hello..." ........................... Page 3 The telephone is silent... Perhaps it's a prank call? Page 4 "Hello? If you have nothing to say then I am going to hang up. I have no interest in dealing with a prank call." At the moment I was about to hang up the receiver the unseen caller finally spoke. Page 5 (......Hello......) My hand holding the receiver trembles. That voice is...! Page 6 That voice is...... There is no doubt. The receiver fell to the floor, but I did not notice. Page 7 (Black) Seven years ago... The town clouded with fog... The school stained with the smell of mildew... The empty teacher's room... On the table... Page 8 The fragments of my memory come together in my head like a jigsaw puzzle. There is no doubt, that... Page 9 (Cheryl in chair) I rush up the stairs. "Cheryl...!" Cheryl had completed getting ready, and was sitting quietly on a three-legged wooden chair. Page 10 "What's wrong? Daddy?" "I'm sorry...but something urgent has come up. It doesn't look like we will be able to go to the amusement park. I will have to leave you here alone, but...will you be ok?" Page 11 The expression that I expected appeared on Cheryl's face. "Hey, you promised!" "I'm sorry... I have to go right away..." Page 12 Suddenly a different memory rose up in my mind. Page 13 (Black) The town with a lake... The pier in the darkness... The lighthouse at its end... Page 14 The man who saved me... And then... Definitely next to... Page 15 (Cheryl in chair) "Cheryl, I've changed my mind, why don't you come with me?" "Where to?" Page 16 This time I spoke with confidence. "Silent Hill... Yes, the lighthouse in Silent Hill. We're going to help someone that is in trouble there." Page 17 (Black) I took my amazed daughter's hand in mine and we bolted out of the house. The End D-2 You will now receive the following Digital Trading Card: 12. Twin Feeler _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-1 リサの囁き (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Lisa's whispering Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall) Lisa? What happened? Where's Alessa and Dahlia? Page 2 Harry, listen. Something you said before has been bothering me. I just can't get it out of my head. Page 3 What is it Lisa? Page 4 So I went to look in the basement. Even though I was scared as hell. Like you said, there were these creepy rooms. Page 5 But nothing really unusual down there. But while I was down there, I got this weird feeling. Like I'd been there before. Page 6 Like something happened there, but I can't quite remember somehow. What was it? Harry... help me... I'm so scared. I can't take this. Page 7 It's only a temporary thing. You're in shock from when you were knocked out. Don't fret about it, you'll remember after a while... Page 8 No. You don't understand... Page 9 Wait! Where do you think you're going? Page 10 ...................................................................... Page 11 Harry? Page 12 Lisa... What's the matter with you? Page 13 I get it now... Why I'm still alive even though everyone else is dead. I'm not the only one who's still walking around. I'm the same as them. I just hadn't noticed it before. Page 14 Lisa? Page 15 Stay by me, Harry. Please. I'm so scared. Help me... Save me from them. Please... Harry... Go to 16-2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-2 リサの願いに対して (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Responding to Lisa's request Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall) Lisa... A ) Sorry...I cannot stay with you. Go to 16-3 B ) Don't worry. I will do what I can. Go to 16-4 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-3 傍にいれない、とハリー (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Harry says "I cannot stay with you" Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall) "I'm sorry but... There are things I have to take care of. I don't think that I can protect you." Lisa has tears in her eyes. "I am afraid... I cannot do anything alone, I am a helpless woman. Please..." Page 2 I thought for a bit and came to a conclusion. "...I cannot do it. I love my daughter." Lisa appealed to me in a tearful voice. Page 3 "That girl that you don't even know if is alive or not, you don't even know where she is now. You should be worried about the person that is alive right in front of you!" Page 4 I lightly exhaled. "No mater what you say, I must go... Please understand what I am going through. ...please." Page 5 Saying that I turned toward the door. Lisa reached out to my shoulder. But I did not look back. Go to 16-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-4 安心しろ、とハリー (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Harry says "Don't worry" Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall) "Don't worry. I will do what I can." A quiet smile appeared on Lisa's face. I softly hold her delicate body. Page 2 I'm happy... (Lisa) Page 3 Lisa's body quivered. However, maybe that is just because she is relieved. She...looks at me with empty eyes, eyes that have lost their life. Then her lips began to tremble and a look of astonishment appears on her face. Go to 16-5 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-5 リサの最期 (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Lisa's end Page 1 (Lisa beginning to die) Lisa's condition becomes abnormal. Page 2 She then extends her hand out towards me. "Help me" She doesn't say it, but I know that is what she is saying from the movement of her lips. Page 3 (Lisa looking up) While she stares into the air, Lisa's body appears to drift and wiggle as she edges toward me one step at a time. Page 4 She falls to her knees. She falls on her hands. With me fixed in her sight, Lisa is falling headlong down the staircase to death. And then Lisa...stopped moving. Page 5 (Black) With Lisa now no more than a doll in front of me, I once again notice that I am inside the hospital, a place which is wrapped in an evil atmosphere that I have never seen the likes of. Page 6 "Ask the doctor to let me quit being in charge of that patient. It's too weird. The room is filled with insects. Even with doors and windows shut they get in to spite me. Page 7 To the hospital...... Still alive, but with wounds that won't heal Blood and pus flow from the bathroom faucet. I try to stop it but it won't turn off. Feeling bad. Need to throw up. Page 8 But nothing comes out. Vomiting only bile. Need drug. Told the doctor I quit. Won't work at that hospital anymore. Someone, help me......" Go to 17-1 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-6 リサの疑問 (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Lisa's question Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall, flickering) Lisa What happened? Where's Alessa, and Dahlia? Page 2 Harry... Since before... I went to check out the basement like you said... Page 3 Lisa? Page 4 I was on the verge of passing out, but now I am slowly getting more and more wide awake. Page 5 " went to check out the basement?" "Yes...even though I was told never to go there... It was on my mind..." Go to 16-7 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-7 リサとの会話 (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Talking with Lisa Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall) I swallow hard. A ) Listen to more of her story. Go to 16-8 B ) Change the subject. Go to 16-9 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-8 話の続き (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" The rest of the story Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall) "And then...?" Lisa looks down a bit and then continues to speak. "Hey, Harry, do you know a man called Kaufmann?" The image of the pudgy man I had met several times came to mind. Page 2 "Yeah...I have met him a few times. I believe he is a doctor at this hospital." Lisa raised her head in surprise, and her eyes opened wide. And then she let out a long sigh. Page 3 "Yes... For a long time I that there was something strange about it... Lately especially that..." I adjusted my sitting position and looked at Lisa as if I could see through her. Page 4 "Especially?" "I am working as his assistant at this hospital. As for what is in any room, I should know better than him, I must know better. Page 5 But when I learned that this hospital had a basement by strange chance, he suddenly got angry. He told me to never go near there... I was scared, so I never brought that subject up again. Page 6 But then he changed. It wasn't just the way he treated me, but he was also irritated with everyone else, and no one wanted to go near him. That was around last summer." Page 7 I quietly listen to Lisa's story. "After that he began saying things that did not make a lot of sense. Things like "This is the end of this world" and "Descent" and so on... Stuff that sounded like weird religious terms... Page 8 "That all humans would disappear from the world and only he would survive..." "That the landscapes seen by our eyes were all false," he said nothing but things like that... Page 9 And then...he killed himself." Go to 16-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-9 話題を変えて (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Changing the subject Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall) I sensed that Lisa seemed to be having a hard time talking about what we were discussing, so I changed the subject. Page 2 "Oh...yeah, hey, Lisa. I met a man called Kaufmann in this hospital not long ago. He said that he was a doctor in this hospital, but... Do you know him?" Page 3 Lisa raised her head in surprise, and her eyes opened wide. And then she let out a long sigh. Page 4 "Yes... For a long time I that there was something strange about it... Lately especially that..." I adjusted my sitting position and looked at Lisa as if I could see through her. Page 5 "Especially?" "I am working as his assistant at this hospital. As for what is in any room, I should know better than him, I must know better. Page 6 But when I learned that this hospital had a basement by strange chance, he suddenly got angry. He told me to never go near there... I was scared, so I never brought that subject up again. Page 7 But then he changed. It wasn't just the way he treated me, but he was also irritated with everyone else, and no one wanted to go near him. That was around last summer." Page 8 I quietly listen to Lisa's story. "After that he began saying things that did not make a lot of sense. Things like "This is the end of this world" and "Descent" and so on... Stuff that sounded like weird religious terms... Page 9 "That all humans would disappear from the world and only he would survive..." "That the landscapes seen by our eyes were all false," he said nothing but things like that... Page 10 And then...he killed himself." Go to 16-10 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-10 カウフマンの自殺 (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Kaufmann's suicide Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall) I was stunned. "...Suicide?" "Yes...he set himself on fire... The body was unidentifiable." I pressed my hands down on my trembling legs. Page 2 "That...that's impossible! I just met Kaufmann and spoke with him not long ago. Just who was that man?" Lisa looks amazed and smiles wryly while shaking her head from side to side. Page 3 "It was Kaufmann. Doctor Michael Kaufmann... I guess he didn't die after all. There were too many mysteries surrounding his death, and even the police were troubled by it. With no real proof they concluded that it was suicide." Go to 16-11 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-11 カウフマンについて (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" About Kaufmann Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall) I took a deep breath. A ) "Kaufmann was alive... Maybe he switched the bodies." Go to 6-12 B ) "Perhaps I mistook the man I met for him." Go to 6-13 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-12 死体のすり替え (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Switched the bodies Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall) "Maybe he switched the bodies?" "I don't know... But people have come forth that say that they have seen him recently. On top of that... They said it was inside this hospital." Page 2 I was at a loss for words. Page 3 "Don't tell me... that even you have had contact with him..." I recall my conversation with him. A dream? No, I don't think that was a dream. "So...he is in the basement?" Page 4 "I thought that as well. So I fearfully when down to the basement. But after moving just a bit forward I turned back. Just thinking about him being alive in that darkness was too dreadful..." As Lisa said this a tear rolled down her cheek. Page 5 I placed my hands on Lisa's shoulders, and made up my mind. "Like I have told you before...I am looking for my daughter, Cheryl. I don't know who this Kaufmann guy really is, but does he know something about the change in this town?" Page 6 Lisa doesn't answer. "Lisa, come with me to the basement. That might be where Cheryl is being held. Even if Cheryl is not there if we find Kaufmann then we might be able to talk to him." Page 7 Lisa thought for a bit and slightly nodded. "...Ok, let's go then." Go to 6-14 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-13 勘違い? (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Mistook him for someone else? Page 1 (Lisa leaning on a wall) "Wait...Lisa, maybe I mistook him for someone else. After all, since I have come to Silent Hill nothing but strange things have occurred. Page 2 It is as if I am a walking around in a dream world. Even talking to you now, I cannot say for sure that any of this is real." Page 3 Lisa shakes her head from side to side. " was definitely him. He is alive... He switched the bodies and hid himself... Just what was he up to?" Page 4 I placed my hands on Lisa's shoulders, and made up my mind. "Like I have told you before...I am looking for my daughter, Cheryl. I don't know who this Kaufmann guy really is, but does he know something about the change in this town?" Page 5 Lisa doesn't answer. "Lisa, come with me to the basement. That might be where Cheryl is being held. Even if Cheryl is not there if we find Kaufmann then we might be able to talk to him." Page 6 Lisa thought for a bit and slightly nodded. "...Ok, let's go then." Go to 6-14 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院」      16-14 リサと地下倉庫へ (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital" Heading to the storehouse in the basement with Lisa Page 1 (Hospital basement) Using the flashlight to light our way Lisa and I walked downstairs and headed to the storehouse in the basement. We entered the hidden room in the back of the storehouse and opened the heavy iron grate in the center. Lisa headed in first and I followed behind her. Page 2 "It's cold..." Lisa mumbles to herself. It seemed as if we had ended up lost in a giant refrigerator. I couldn't imagine that a person could live down here. I thought about that again. Page 3 If Cheryl is being held down here... My body trembled. 第十六章 「病院」 「鉄の扉」 Chapter 16 "Hospital" Metal Door Page 4 We finally reached the end of the passage. A solid-looking metal door towers in front of us. "I have never gone any farther than this." Lisa's voice was shaking as she spoke. Page 5 Lisa and I looked at each other and lightly nodded, then I placed my hand on the handle of the door. The skin on the palm of my hand was so frozen by the cold metal that I thought that my hand would get stuck to the handle. Lisa took a step back. I looked at the door, put my weight into hands and opened the door open with one pull. Page 6 (Black) The door opened with a 'thunk'. Beyond it a passage no different than the one we had just followed extended. 第十六章 「病院」 「完全なる闇」 Chapter 16 "Hospital" Complete darkness Page 7 (Hospital basement) It is completely pitch black in there, and without my flashlight it seems that it would be utterly impossible to continue forward. I cannot understand why someone made this space so deep in the hospital basement. Page 8 "Look!" Lisa said. Page 9 "Lisa...? What's wrong?" "Wait a minute Harry... There is something drawn on the wall." Page 10 (Red Mark of Samael) I stopped and shined the flashlight on the wall that Lisa was pointing at. "Th...this is..." A familiar crest was drawn there. "Does...this mean something?" Page 11 "Lisa...since you have not left the hospital you wouldn't know, but this crest has been drawn all throughout this town... Have you not seen it before?" Page 12 Lisa looked surprised and muttered. "...Nope..." That crest was also drawn on the floor. Upon closer inspection I found that the mark had been inscribed in places all throughout this passage. Page 13 The mark of Samael... I recall that that is what Dahlia called it. And then my body trembled... "Alessa... Is Alessa here? In this area..." 第十六章 「病院」 「今、なんて…」 Chapter 16 "Hospital" What did you just say... Page 14 "Eh" For an instant we looked each other in the faint light that was lighting the darkness. "What...what did you just say?" "I said, Is Alessa here?" Lisa's face suddenly twisted in anger. Page 15 "Why do you know about her? No one should have told you!" I was thrown off balance by Lisa's sudden rage. "I saw her several times before I met you. She called Dahlia "Mama"... Are those two mother and daughter?" Page 16 Lisa looked down and her shoulders shook with anger. I had no idea why. "...What in the world Just what is wrong with you?" "I... can no longer trust anyone..." Page 17 "Lisa...?" "I only did as I was told. Like a true believer obedient to the scripture, I continued even though I lost everything." Page 18 "What are you talking about?" "However, after all this... There is no such thing as god. There are only ugly humans, ruled by desire!" Lisa said that and then forcefully pounded on the wall. Page 19 "So you know something. Won't you tell me please, Lisa?" Lisa smiles a bit, and then a creepy expression appears on her face. "You too... You are the same as them aren't you? Thinking that you know everything... Even now..." Go to 10-15 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院地下」      16-15 態度が急変したリサ (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital Basement" Lisa, who's attitude had changed suddenly Page 1 (Red Mark of Samael) "........." A ) "Who are "they"!?" Go to 16-16 B ) Show her Alessa's diary. Go to 16-17 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院地下」      16-16 彼ら、とは? (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital Basement" Who are "they"? Page 1 (Red Mark of Samael) "Lisa?" "Heh-heh...I was a fool." "Lisa! What is this all about? I had an accident while I was headed to this town and lost consciousness. When I came to I found that at some point I had arrived in Silent Hill. Page 2 However, my daughter Cheryl was gone. While searching for her I came into to contact with Kaufmann, Dahlia, and then Alessa. I have already told you all of this. I don't know anything beyond that...really." Go to 16-18 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院地下」      16-17 アレッサの日記を見せる (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital Basement" Show her Alessa's diary Page 1 (Red Mark of Samael) "Here, look at this." Lisa suspiciously snatches it. Page 2 "April 15" Page 3 From today this will be my new diary. Lisa secretly gave this to me as a present. And it means that soon I should be able to take my bandages off. Page 4 A bird landed on a branch of the tree outside my window. I gazed at it for a bit. Seeing those beautiful colors I thought again that it must be spring. Page 5 I wish I could play outside like the other children... Page 6 It is now afternoon, and they have come again. I pretended to be asleep, and it looks like they did not notice. Page 7 They talk quietly as not to be heard outside my room. I do not understand the meaning of what they discussed. They never talk in this room, I thought. Page 8 Lisa raises her head in surprise and I ask her a question. ""They" you mean the ones written about in there?" "Where on earth did you get this?" Page 9 "In Alessa's room." "So she kept a diary. She even wrote about me..." Lisa smiled a bit. Page 10 "Anyway... Are "they" the people that Alessa wrote about in there? Lisa? Please tell me what you know." Go to 16-18 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院地下」      16-18 リサの悟り (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital Basement" Lisa's enlightenment Page 1 (Red Mark of Samael) Before I finish talking Lisa shakes her head back and forth. "It's fine. I was used by that man. I know that. Maybe you are in cahoots with him, or maybe you were used as well. I don't care. Page 2 Now that I know I will have my revenge. I continued to believe that she was really Alessa... I never thought that even that was a lie." Page 3 "Used or not... I don't know what you're talking about..." 第十六章 「病院」 「驚愕に震えるリサ」 Chapter 16 "Hospital" Lisa shakes in amazement Page 4 And then Lisa's face twisted in amazement. "No...don't come...! I only did what I was told!" Page 5 Lisa's sight was fixed on someone behind me. "Lisa...?" "Why have you come for me? Shouldn't you be going after someone else! You have no reason to have a grudge against me!" Page 6 I timidly turned around. ...And at that moment... Page 7 (Black) My flashlight went out and the area was wrapped in absolute darkness. 第十六章 「病院」 Hospital 「何かがいる」 Chapter 16 "Hospital" Something is here Page 8 "KYAAA!" The scream echoed off the concrete walls... There is no mistaking it, it was Lisa's. Page 9 Something is here. I have not heard Lisa since she screamed, but I can hear a low howling and an unpleasant sound that sounds like something crunching on something. It is coming from somewhere very close to me. Go to 16-19 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院地下」      16-19 闇の中の怪事 (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital Basement" The mystery in the darkness Page 1 (Black) I... A ) move toward the direction that the sound is coming from. Go to 16-20 B ) immediately get away. Go to 16-21 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院地下」      16-20 何の音だ? (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital Basement" What is the sound? Page 1 (Black) "Lisa..." There is no response. Every now and then an uncomfortably warm liquid splashes on my arm. It is sticky and smells like blood, and is extremely unpleasant. Page 2 I take a few steps back. And then I decide to try getting away. After a few steps I have no idea of which way I came from. Page 3 Even so I continued to run. Page 4 I try mindlessly fiddling with the switch on my flashlight. It only makes a clicking sound, and there is no sign that it will turn on. All I can do is run blindly. Page 5 Those unintelligible things that Lisa kept babbling about. Lisa's attitude suddenly changed at the moment I said Alessa's name. In cahoots? One of them? I don't understand. It is that I too am being controlled by someone? Page 6 What was it that was behind me... What was that existence that frightened Lisa that much...? Page 7 And where is Cheryl? Page 8 I don't know anything anymore. If what Lisa said was true then Kaufmann might be somewhere down here in this basement. Page 9 He is said to have killed himself. However, I just saw him in the bar, and we spoke. At the moment I found the small bottle in the gas tank of the motorcycle he gave me a furious look and yelled at me. Page 10 There is no doubt, he is alive. And he must know something. An essential key regarding what is wrong with this town and Alessa's existence... Go to 16-22 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院地下」      16-21 この場を離れた方がいい (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital Basement" Getting away is best Page 1 (Black) I began to run at full speed. Page 2 From behind me another scream echoed, and it seemed to cut through the air. Was Lisa attacked by something? Or was she transformed? Page 3 At any rate I was unable to help Lisa. Page 4 I don't know anything anymore. If what Lisa said was true then Kaufmann might be somewhere down here in this basement. Page 5 He is said to have killed himself. However, I just saw him in the bar, and we spoke. At the moment I found the small bottle in the gas tank of the motorcycle he gave me a furious look and yelled at me. Page 6 There is no doubt, he is alive. And he must know something. An essential key regarding what is wrong with this town and Alessa's existence... Go to 16-22 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院地下」      16-22 扉に刻印された印章 (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital Basement" The crest marked on the door Page 1 (Black) Thud! I ran right into the wall in front of me, bounced off of it, and fell backwards. "Ouch..." Page 2 And then by chance my light begins to pour out from my flashlight. I rubbed the area around my lower back, stood up, and then shined the light on the wall that was blocking my path. Page 3 (Red Mark of Samael) The mark of Samael. It was drawn very large on the door. It has the power to deny the invasion of heretics. I shine the light around the area, but the circumstances are unexplainable. 第十六章 「病院」 「窮屈な立方体」 Chapter 16 "Hospital" The tight cube Page 4 (Black) I was trapped inside of a cramped cube, about 2 meters across. Page 5 The path I ran through to get here has suddenly vanished. In order to escape I can only open this heavy door. Page 6 I was no longer surprised. Or rather, my mind was paralyzed and I was no longer able to be surprised. Perhaps saying it like that is best. What should be and what should not be have become reversed. Go to 16-23 _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院地下」      16-23 窮屈な立方体の中で (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital Basement" Inside the cramped cube Page 1 (Black) I... A ) open the door in front of me. Go to 16-24 (Ending C-1) B ) let my body go with the flow. Go to 16-25 (Ending C-2) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院地下」      16-24 扉を開くハリー (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital Basement" Harry opens the door Page 1 (Black) I place my hand on the door. It opens much easier that I thought it would. An entrance to the deepest area. Dazzling light escapes from the inside, and I place my hands over my face and squint. (Headlights move toward screen) Page 2 But it was already too late. My body bounced like a ball, and smashed into the face of the rock several meters behind me. Page 3 The vehicle that hit me crashed through the guard rail and fell down the side of the cliff. After seeing that my mind completely shut down, and all the elements that formed me returned to nothingness. The End C-1 You will now receive the following Digital Trading Cards: 7. Lisa 8. Mumbler _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十六章 「病院地下」      16-25 流れに身を任せ (Lisa leaning on a wall) Chapter 16 "Hospital Basement" Let my body go with the flow Page 1 (Black) I gave up my resistance and closed my eyes. As I felt that all my actions up this point had been controlled by someone else, I just waited for that someone to tell me what would be next. Page 2 My five senses are sharp... A noise that I had not heard until now... Light I had not sensed until now... Something is all around me, and seems to be filling me with its incredible power. Page 3 The now red light passes through my eyelids, no it should be called a powerful, strong wave of red. It envelops me. My body temperature rises. Page 4 It has come... I must recognize the existence of that great power. However, it doesn't mean that I have forgotten Cheryl. Page 5 It doesn't mean that I have forgotten. I feared that somewhere in my heart. Page 6 With my eyes still closed, I tightly embraced the source of that faint light. Page 7 While tightly holding on, my body was wrapped in flames. As the sacred flames burned my body, and reached all the way to my brain, I never let go of that existence. The End C-2 You will now receive the following Digital Trading Cards: 17. Chemicals 21. Cafe _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十七章 「不明」      17-1 最後の扉へと向かう (Unknown corridor) Chapter 17 "Nowhere" Heading toward the final door Page 1 (Unknown corridor) The pocket radio continues to make noise. The raging of the unknown things around me rocks my eardrums. Those monsters, which always approach shortly after I use my flashlight... It was all I could do to intimidate them with the gun while running away. Page 2 After running for a bit I realize that I am no longer in the original hospital. I have no way of knowing where here is. Page 3 Bridging the gap of my faint consciousness, I move from place to place, I am being moved by someone... Maybe that is the best way to think about it. Page 4 Or maybe I am just painfully wandering around inside my own nightmare? I cannot tell at all. I can only trust my senses and rely on my own judgment. Page 5 And then I raise my head. A straight corridor extends forward from where I am standing. As I slowly walk forward one door seems to call out to me, and so I approach it. 第十七章 「不明」 「急階下する部屋」 Chapter 17 "Nowhere" The rapidly descending room Page 6 (Black) Boom! Suddenly the wall of the room creeks with a boom. And then the floor I was standing on begins to rapidly descend along with the rest of the room. I felt like I would begin floating in the air, so I used my arms to brace myself. And then I passed out... 第十七章 「不明」 「誰かの話し声が…」 Chapter 17 "Nowhere" Someone is talking... Page 7 ......... Page 8 It hurts... Page 9 My whole body hurts. When I come to I find that I am lying on the floor of a classroom in the elementary school. My body is spread out on the floor like the Japanese character 大. I can hear someone talking. I cannot make out what they are saying very well. Page 10 As I lie on my back I can see who is talking just by looking around. I cannot believe my eyes. Over there I see Dahlia and Alessa. They look like ghosts, and I can see through their bodies. Page 11 (Dahlia and Alessa in school) (No! No! I don't want to!) (Do what mommy tells you, now.) (I just want you to lend me a teeny bit of your power. That's all.) Page 12 (No! I don't want to do it!) (It will make everyone happy...and it's for your own good, too.) Page 13 (Oh, but mommy. I just want to be with you. Just two of us. Please understand.) Page 14 (Oh, yes, I see... Maybe mommy has been wrong.) (Mommy...) (Why didn't I see this before?) (There's no reason to wait...) Page 15 (Herein lies the mother's womb, containing the power to create life. (I could have done it all myself.) (Mommy?) 第十七章 「不明」 「教室」 Chapter 17 "Nowhere" Classroom Page 16 (Black) Finally, they suddenly disappear. The classroom regains its stillness as if nothing had happened. I got on my knees, stood up, and looked around my surroundings. Chairs and desks were arranged in order. Page 17 Using them as support, I unsteadily walk toward the exit. At the moment I place my hand on the wooden sliding door it opens with great force as if it had a mind of its own. Then the large flow of air coming from beyond it thrusts me into a dark space. Page 18 (Nightmare hospital room) I was forced down. I found that I had been thrown into a room of the hospital again. My body had rubbed on the disgustingly dirty floor. I picked my self up, and suppressed the urge to vomit while brushing off my shirt several times. Page 19 A videocassette recorder has been installed here, and it looks like it can be used. I insert the tape that I had picked up at some point into it, and timidly press the play button. Page 20 (Lisa's video, animated) After a moment of static a picture appears. On the screen Lisa appears. She is sitting alone with her elbows on a desk and her head down. I turn up the volume on the monitor and listen carefully. Page 21 (What is it? Still has an unusually high fever... Eyes don't open... Getting a pulse... But just barely breathing Page 22 Her skin is all charred! Even when I change the bandages, the blood and puss just start oozing through! Why... What is keeping that child alive? Page 23 I... can't stand it any longer... I won't tell a soul ...promise. So please...) Page 24 (Black) And then the screen goes black. The tape was ejected as if it were something dirty being spit out. It fell to the floor and it broke with a crash. 第十七章 「不明」 「磁気テープ」 Chapter 17 "Nowhere" Magnetic tape Page 25 There is no doubt, someone is eating away at my consciousness. The magnetic tape extends out of the fallen video cassette and wraps around my legs. I try to get away, but the tentacles of tape get around my neck, and begin to tighten. Page 26 With both hands I try as hard as I can to tear the tape away that is twisted around my neck, but I am halfway passing out and so my hands do not have the strength to do so. In the light that is reaching my pupils I can faintly detect what appears to be human figures. Page 27 (Cult members around Alessa's bed) They are standing around a bed, with Dahlia on the left, Kaufmann on the right, and just a bit away from him some people in white coats that looks like a doctors. Each of them has troubled looks on their faces, and they peer at the face of the person lying on the bed. Page 28 (Everything is going according to plan. Sheltered in the womb.) (Dahlia) (But it's not done yet. Half the soul is lost. That is why the seed lies dormant.) (Man 1) (And what soul remains captured in that husk, is buried deep down in the subconscious) (Man 2) Page 29 (Are you trying to say it won't work!? That wasn't our agreement!) (Kaufmann) Page 30 (No, no. These are just stalling tactics.) If we lend a hand, we will be able to get power. Never fear. The promise shall not be broken.) (Dahlia) Page 31 (But the power we can draw now will be very weak; almost nothing. Unless we get the other half of the soul...) (Man 1) Page 32 (We'll use a magical spell. Feeling this child's pain, it's sure to come.) (Dahlia) Page 33 (But that will take time...) (Man 2) 第十七章 「不明」 「消えゆく幻影」 Chapter 17 "Nowhere" The fading illusions Page 34 (Black) And then the illusions fade away. I carefully observe the inside of the room. This room is... I have been here before, I think. Page 35 (Alessa's hospital room) The tape which should be tightly wrapped around my throat is gone, and I realize that my own hands are wrapped around my throat. Something is on top of the desk that has been placed in the center of the room. "This isn't the first time I have been here." Page 36 When I was here before I was certain that unlike other rooms I had sensed the warmth and presence of a person in this room. When I looked at the picture on the desk my belief changed. Page 37 (Picture of Alessa) Alessa. I try calling out to her. She is the instigator that created this otherworld. However, it would be hard for anyone to forgive the experiment that was carried out on her body under the pretext of a magical spell. Page 38 (Alessa's hospital room) This is where she lived. Her hate spirals out in this cursed wing of the hospital. However, there is no way to prove the reality of it. As all I have is a vague sense of it. 第十七章 「不明」 「子供部屋」 Chapter 17 "Nowhere" Child's room Page 39 Reflecting in my blank eyes, the room I am standing in begins to change shape. The bed and picture frame from before are gone, and the room transforms into a completely different one. Page 40 (Alessa's childhood room) This is a child's room. Stuffed animals and art supplies are scattered about all over. I noticed something. Page 41 Alessa probably collected these. Butterfly specimens of many different colors are on display. Page 42 "...Huh...?" I think I just saw something flash. (Butterfly game) Page 43 (Final door) ...I found a key... This key invites me... Had I not been very careful I would not have found it, as it was hidden behind one of the butterflies. Page 44 There is a door in front of me. As I approach it, it seems to edge up to me. As I extend my hand to the knob the door makes a light tapping sound, and begins opening, as if inviting me into the heart of something evil. Go to 18-1 if you passed through 15-2 to get here (Ending A) Go to 18-2 if you passed through 15-3 to get here (Ending B) _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十八章 「降臨」      18-1 解放へ (Alessa with red stained clothes in final area) Chapter 18 "Descent" To freedom Page 1 (Black) I finally arrived at the deepest level of the otherworld. Inside the door it is wide, and the floor is a metal grating. It is filled with an evil atmosphere. Additionally, it is accompanied by a strong power that I have not felt before. Page 2 The ceiling is too high for me to see. This is a giant space, so large that I cannot tell if I am outside or not. Page 3 I carefully walk into the large space, one step at a time. All the answers I seek are probably in this room. Page 4 Cybil has arrived here before me, and has her gun readied. There are two people off in the direction that her gun is pointed at. Page 5 (Dahlia, Alessa, and Cheryl in final area) Dahlia and Alessa. It is definitely those two. Page 6 "I was shocked to realize the talisman of Metraton was being used. In spite of the lost soul returning at last. Just a little longer and all would have been for naught. Page 7 It's all because of that man. We must be thankful to him. Even though Alessa has been stopped, his little girl has to go. What a pity..." Page 8 "Freeze!" Cybil yelled out loudly, and her trembling finger pulled the trigger. An explosion resounds, and the bullet starts toward the two women. Page 9 However, the bullet smashes into an invisible barrier just before it can hit Dahlia, and it shatters into pieces. Dahlia smiles as if she is saying "but of course". Page 10 "What in the devil's name...!" Dahlia's demeanor becomes serious and at the same time I think I see something flash in front of Cybil. In the next moment Cybil's body flies in an arc through the air, and she lands near where I am standing. Page 11 Dahlia still has not noticed me. I boldly walk toward Dahlia, and I scream at her. Page 12 "Stop this! Dahlia!" Dahlia shows no compunction or surprise, and turns to face me with a calm expression on her face. Page 13 "Well, well, well. To think you'd make it this far." "Where's Cheryl!? What have you done to her!?" Page 14 "What are you talking about? You've seen her many times? Restored to her former self." "I'm in no mood for jokes." I didn't understand what she was saying. Page 15 "Don't you see? She's right there." Right there? Only Alessa, draped in her blue clothing, is where Dahlia is pointing. Page 16 "That's absurd." "You are the only one who thinks so." "Why? Why are you doing this?" Page 17 "It's been a long seven years... For the seven years since that terrible day, Alessa has been kept alive, suffering a fate worse than death. Page 18 Alessa has been trapped in an endless nightmare from which she never awakens. He has been nurtured by that nightmare. Waiting for the day to be born. That day has finally come. The time is neigh. Page 19 Everyone will be released, from pain and suffering. Our salvation is at hand. This is the day of reckoning. When all our sorrows will be washed away. When we return to the true paradise! My daughter will be the mother of God!" Page 20 (Dahlia, Mother Alessa, and Harry in final area) At about the exact time I began to speak another voice drowned mine out. "Quit screwing around! Return things to how they were before!" "Kaufmann!" Page 21 (Kaufman in final area) Doctor Michael Kaufmann stood there out of breath, as if he had just arrived in time. Page 22 "Did I ask for this! Nobody uses me! You won't get away with this!" Page 23 "Your role is over. We don't need you anymore. What do you think you can accomplish by coming here?" Page 24 A smile appears on Kaufmann's face and he reaches into his pocket. "My, aren't we getting cocky? Bet you can't see this and keep your cool." Page 25 (Red bottle in black bag) The item that Kaufmann pulled out of his pocket... It is definitely the small bottle that I found in the gas tank of the motorcycle that was in that garage somewhere. Page 26 "Aglaophotis! I thought I got rid of that!" "All I had to do was plant it somewhere for you to find. You, all, well, it kept you busy. Ha! You're easy! And there's more where this came from!" Page 27 (Black) "Stop it!!" Kaufmann throws the small bottle at Alessa. All four of us watch the bottle fly in a beautiful parabola, our eyes fixed on the sacred liquid within. Page 28 There is tension. Although she is normally calm and composed, that drug is enough to frighten Dahlia. That small bottle hit a part of Alessa's body, shattered into pieces, and soaked Alessa uncomfortably with the red liquid that was inside. Page 29 (Alessa with red stained clothes in final area) Dahlia looks completely emaciated as she watches the whole thing. However, not me, nor anyone could have predicted the situation that came out of that event. (Incubus is born) Page 30 (Black) Alessa's back splits open, and a giant creature the likes of which I have never seen before tears through the cloth of the one piece dress Alessa is wearing. It looks like an insect breaking out of its cocoon as it is being born. Page 31 (Close up of Incubus) It has large wings and a head like a bull, and with its green muscles swelling it rose up and out of its mother's body, Alessa. And then it let out an earthshakingly brutal evil cry, and looked down at us. Page 32 "Huh? What the!?" I yell out, not addressing anyone in particular. "What on earth? That's not supposed to..." Kaufmann just stands there in utter amazement, as the events unfold unlike how he had expected. Page 33 "It's awakening! It's awake! Now no one can interfere!" Dahlia, in a fit of insanity, had a feeling that could not be described as pleasant or angry. Page 34 "Cheryl!!" Page 35 I call my daughter's name one more time. "Give up! That person no longer exists. This is a God! Descended among us to reach out and save us!" Page 36 (Black) (Cheryl appears) I edge up to Alessa, the mother's body that has been cast off. And there I see Cheryl, about to fade away as always. Page 37 (Black) (Cheryl walks away) "Thank you Daddy. Goodbye." I am certain that is what she said to me. "Cheryl? Can't be? You can't leave like this..." Page 38 Cheryl is already beginning to run away from me. Page 39 "This can't be happening? Cheryl! Cheryl!?" I yell out. The figure of my daughter, who I have been searching for, gradually dissolves into the darkness just like the figure I saw when I first arrived in Silent Hill. Page 40 "Cheryl!! Wait......" Page 41 (Incubus, animated) Then electricity overflowed from the entire body of the creature that was born from Alessa. It divided into several lighting bolts, which struck above my head. Page 42 I run about trying to escape. However, that band of electricity follows me, and constantly appears in front of me. Page 43 I have began to sweat, and it is getting in my eyes. If I keep running about like this I will be beaten. Page 44 I vaguely think, even if it means that Cheryl will not come back, by killing this conceptually evil creature the situation will clearly improve for the better. Page 45 I ready my weapon. During the short time between the lighting strikes I fire many bullets into the creature's body, Page 46 During that short time from when it spreads its large wings and becomes ready to strike I do not even think about ceasing my attack. Page 47 Cheryl's smile flits through the back of my mind. What was it that she wanted? When we decided to travel to Silent Hill, you were the one to suggest it, right Cheryl? Page 48 Were you called here, or did you wish to come here of your own will? Page 49 Cheryl, I loved you more than anyone, and I still do even now. That is the truth. However, I must bury this creature. Page 50 I must make up for the sins that Cheryl took from me. And then, when the final bullet penetrated its body... Page 51 It lost the means to keep its body together, and finally the pieces of its body fell apart and dissolved into the darkness... It was completely gone. Page 52 (Black) The large space begins to shake heavily. A loud horrifying noise rises up from the below, and with it my existence is thrown from dimension to dimension, and I feel pain just being there. Page 53 (Alessa in burning final area) Fire has broken out in various places in the area, and I can tell that this space as well as the entire town are on the verge of collapsing. Alessa lies on her stomach in the center of the space, and she shows no sign of moving from there. Page 54 She is just protecting her entire body in a bird-like manner. She desperately holds out the new life that is just below her abdomen towards me. Page 55 I run over to Alessa. A pained expression rises on Alessa's face as she hands the newborn baby to me. Page 56 The hell fires burn with force and spread around, and my life is threatened. There is not enough time left to try and rescue Alessa from here. Page 57 I hold the baby she gave me tightly to my chest, and begin to run from this twisting space in search of somewhere safe. Page 58 Cybil who was unconscious, regains consciousness, and begins to run behind me to escape from the pit of this mad world. Page 59 I look back at Cybil. And then... I saw that the largest ball of flames up to this point was closing in behind Cybil. Page 60 "Watch out!" Page 61 (Alessa holding hand up) The great fireball, which was more that enough to completely burn both our bodies stopped just above Cybil, as she stood holding her head in her hands. Page 62 Time has stopped. Page 63 The small sparks and bits of concrete debris were all frozen in midair. I was at a loss for words. Page 64 Alessa holds both her hands high up into the air, as if she is supporting the falling wreckage, and her face twists in agony. Page 65 Alessa and I gazed at each other for a moment. Page 66 A tear travels down her precious cheek in a single line. Page 67 (Hurry and escape...) Page 68 Exerting the last of her power, Alessa stopped time to save me, Cybil, and the baby in my arms. Page 69 "Alessa..." Page 70 Understood, we won't let your volition go in vain. I make a sign to Cybil with my eyes and then return my gaze forward. And then I began to run with all my might. Page 71 I do not look back. Why did Alessa entrust this small life born from her at the end to me? I have no idea. Page 72 But I have a feeling that I am obligated to raise this child. Page 73 (Staircase to freedom) Behind me an explosion occurs. I run. All I can do is continue to run. Page 74 Without looking back I move forward towards the ray of light that I have a faint glimpse of. The End A You will now receive the following Digital Trading Cards: 9. Air Screamer 10. Split Head 16. Switchboard 18. Specimens _______________________________________________________________________________ 第十八章 「降臨」      18-2 脱出 (Alessa with red stained clothes in final area) Chapter 18 "Descent" Escape Page 1 (Black) I finally arrived at the deepest level of the otherworld. Inside the door it is wide, and the floor is a metal grating. It is filled with an evil atmosphere. Additionally, it is accompanied by a strong power that I have not felt before. Page 2 The ceiling is too high for me to see. This is a giant space, so large that I cannot tell if I am outside or not. Page 3 I carefully walk into the large space, one step at a time. All the answers I seek are probably in this room. Page 4 (Dahlia, Alessa, and Cheryl in final area) Dahlia and Alessa. It is definitely those two. Page 5 "I was shocked to realize the talisman of Metraton was being used. In spite of the lost soul returning at last. Just a little longer and all would have been for naught. Page 6 It's all because of that man. We must be thankful to him. Even though Alessa has been stopped, his little girl has to go. What a pity..." Page 7 Dahlia still has not noticed me. I boldly walk toward Dahlia, and I scream at her. Page 8 "Stop this! Dahlia!" Dahlia shows no compunction or surprise, and turns to face me with a calm expression on her face. Page 9 "Well, well, well. To think you'd make it this far." "Where's Cheryl!? What have you done to her!?" Page 10 "What are you talking about? You've seen her many times? Restored to her former self." "I'm in no mood for jokes." I didn't understand what she was saying. Page 11 "Don't you see? She's right there." Right there? Only Alessa, draped in her blue clothing, is where Dahlia is pointing. Page 12 "That's absurd." "You are the only one who thinks so." "Why? Why are you doing this?" Page 13 "It's been a long seven years... For the seven years since that terrible day, Alessa has been kept alive, suffering a fate worse than death. Page 14 Alessa has been trapped in an endless nightmare from which she never awakens. He has been nurtured by that nightmare. Waiting for the day to be born. That day has finally come. The time is neigh. Page 15 Everyone will be released, from pain and suffering. Our salvation is at hand. This is the day of reckoning. When all our sorrows will be washed away. When we return to the true paradise! My daughter will be the mother of God!" Page 16 (Dahlia, Mother Alessa, and Harry in final area) At about the exact time I began to speak another voice drowned mine out. "Quit screwing around! Return things to how they were before!" "Kaufmann!" Page 17 (Kaufmann in final area) Dr. Michael Kaufmann stood there out of breath, as if he had just arrived in time. Page 18 "Did I ask for this! Nobody uses me! You won't get away with this!" Page 19 "Your role is over. We don't need you anymore. What do you think you can accomplish by coming here?" Page 20 A smile appears on Kaufmann's face and he reaches into his pocket. "My, aren't we getting cocky? Bet you can't see this and keep your cool." Page 21 (Red bottle in black bag) The item that Kaufmann pulled out of his pocket... It is definitely the small bottle that I found in the gas tank of the motorcycle that was in that garage somewhere. Page 22 "Aglaophotis! I thought I got rid of that!" "All I had to do was plant it somewhere for you to find. You, all, well, it kept you busy. Ha! You're easy! And there's more where this came from!" Page 23 (Black) "Stop it!!" Kaufmann throws the small bottle at Alessa. All four of us watch the bottle fly in a beautiful parabola, our eyes fixed on the sacred liquid within. Page 24 There is tension. Although she is normally calm and composed, that drug is enough to frighten Dahlia. That small bottle hit a part of Alessa's body, shattered into pieces, and soaked Alessa uncomfortably with the red liquid that was inside. Page 25 (Alessa with red stained clothes in final area) Dahlia looks completely emaciated as she watches the whole thing. However, not me, nor anyone could have predicted the situation that came out of that event. (Incubus is born) Page 26 (Black) Alessa's back splits open, and a giant creature the likes of which I have never seen before tears through the cloth of the one piece dress Alessa is wearing. It looks like an insect breaking out of its cocoon as it is being born. Page 27 (Close up of Incubus) It has large wings and a head like a bull, and with its green muscles swelling it rose up and out of its mother's body, Alessa. And then it let out an earthshakingly brutal evil cry, and looked down at us. Page 28 "Huh? What the!?" I yell out, not addressing anyone in particular. "What on earth? That's not supposed to..." Kaufmann just stands there in utter amazement, as the events unfold unlike how he had expected. Page 29 "It's awakening! It's awake! Now no one can interfere!" Dahlia, in a fit of insanity, had a feeling that could not be described as pleasant or angry. Page 30 "Cheryl!!" I call my daughter's name one more time. "Give up! That person no longer exists. This is a God! Descended among us to reach out and save us!" Page 31 (Black) (Cheryl appears) I edge up to Alessa, the mother's body that has been cast off. And there I see Cheryl, about to fade away as always. Page 32 (Black) (Cheryl walks away) "Thank you Daddy. Goodbye" I am certain that is what she said to me. "Cheryl? Can't be? You can't leave like this..." Page 33 Cheryl is already beginning to run away from me. Page 34 "This can't be happening? Cheryl! Cheryl!?" I yell out. The figure of my daughter, who I have been searching for, gradually dissolves into the darkness just like the figure I saw when I first arrived in Silent Hill. Page 35 "Cheryl!! Wait......" Page 36 (Incubus, animated) Then electricity overflowed from the entire body of the creature that was born from Alessa. It divided into several lighting bolts, which struck above my head. Page 37 I run about trying to escape. However, that band of electricity follows me, and constantly appears in front of me. Page 38 I have began to sweat, and it is getting in my eyes. If I keep running about like this I will be beaten. Page 39 I vaguely think, even if it means that Cheryl will not come back, by killing this conceptually evil creature the situation will clearly improve for the better. Page 40 I ready my weapon. During the short time between the lighting strikes I fire many bullets into the creature's body, Page 41 During that short time from when it spreads its large wings and becomes ready to strike I do not even think about ceasing my attack. Page 42 Cheryl's smile flits through the back of my mind. What was it that she wanted? When we decided to travel to Silent Hill, you were the one to suggest it, right Cheryl? Page 43 Were you called here, or did you wish to come here of your own will? Page 44 Cheryl, I loved you more than anyone, and I still do even now. That is the truth. However, I must bury this creature. Page 45 I must make up for the sins that Cheryl took from me. And then, when the final bullet penetrated its body... Page 46 It lost the means to keep its body together, and finally the pieces of its body fell apart and dissolved into the darkness... It was completely gone. Page 47 (Black) The large space begins to shake heavily. A loud horrifying noise rises up from the below, and with it my existence is thrown from dimension to dimension, and I feel pain just being there. Page 48 (Alessa in burning final area) Fire has broken out in various places in the area, and I can tell that this space as well as the entire town are on the verge of collapsing. Alessa lies on her stomach in the center of the space, and she shows no sign of moving from there. Page 49 She is just protecting her entire body in a bird-like manner. She desperately holds out the new life that is just below her abdomen towards me. Page 50 I run over to Alessa. A pained expression rises on Alessa's face as she hands the newborn baby to me. Page 51 The hell fires burn with force and spread around, and my life is threatened. There is not enough time left to try and rescue Alessa from here. Page 52 I hold the baby she gave me tightly to my chest, and begin to run from this twisting space in search of somewhere safe. Page 53 I do not look back. Why did Alessa entrust this small life born from her at the end to me? I have no idea. Page 54 But I have a feeling that I am obligated to raise this child. Page 55 (Staircase to freedom) Behind me an explosion occurs. I run. All I can do is continue to run. Page 56 Without looking back I move forward towards the ray of light that I have a faint glimpse of. The End B You will now receive the following Digital Trading Cards: 4. Alessa 11. Puppet Nurse 13. Float Stinger 3. Credits This translation would not have been possible without the following: The official Konami guide for Play Novel Silent Hill: This book was written by Yusuke Yokoi and published by Konami. The ISBN number is 4-575-16265-5 and I highly recommend purchasing it if you have the chance. It is completely written in Japanese, but the flowcharts and pictures make it a worthwhile purchase even if you do not read Japanese. Plus this book is the only way I know of to see scenes and text from The Boy's Spring scenario. The script from the original PlayStation game Silent Hill: About 90% of the original game's voice over script is present word for word in Harry's scenario, and some of the text only script is as well. Once I realized this I began to substitute the "official" English translations from Silent Hill for my own. For the most part my interpretations were nearly identical to the ones done by Latina International Corporation for the original game; however, there are some exceptions. Please see section 4 for further info. Lost Memories - Silent Hill Chronicle ISBN 4-7571-8145-0: While Lost Memories unfortunately contains no information on Play Novel Silent Hill it does include a fair amount of the vocal script from the original Silent Hill. I was able to compare this to parts of Play Novel Silent Hill and determine exactly where to substitute the "official" translations for my own. The makers of this game. All I have done is change the appearance of what they wrote. What you will read is still their words, just written with my pen. My dear friend Ikuko Tanimura, who kindly answered all my questions regarding Japanese that I was not 100% sure on. Her efforts truly helped to make this translation much more robust. Everyone at Silent Hill Fever. I was hoping to find a complete English script somewhere, but alas, such a thing does not exist. At Silent Hill Fever I was able to listen to all the voices from the original Silent Hill and integrate them into the translation without having to play the game over and over. Finally, I would like to give special thanks to the following people from the Play Novel Silent Hill board for keeping the conversation interesting: Silent Hill Junkie Silenthiller Laguu11 code24 Blue Phoenix - Gets special mention for helping with Aglaophotis and answering other concerns I had with certain parts of the translation! Hopefully you will all come back now that we have something to discuss again! 4. Translation Notes This section contains notes on the translation. It is divided into three sections: General, Specific, and Progress. The "General Notes" section contains notes that apply to the entire translation. In contrast, the "Specific Notes" section is filled with specific notes on individual items in the translation. The section on the progress of the translation is an explanation as to why this translation took so long to complete. General Notes: As I write the English translation of this I have found myself altering the tense a verbs from time to time for stylistic reasons. I don't feel that this hurts the work in any way, after all, attempting to literally translate is not a good idea! So if you see something in the translation that says "a picture falls" and you know that the Japanese is literally "a picture fell" please don't contact me about it. Both descriptions of the picture have the same meaning in context. Although I know that literal translations are not the best, I must confess that I am guilty of being a little (a lot?) more literal that I should be. This springs from my love of how Japanese grammar works, a love which has been the cause of some of the delays of this translation. A good example of this is the first word in the introduction. In Japanese it makes perfect sense, but there is just no way in English that I know of to accurately use the word in the same manner. This is not to say that the translation is wrong, it is just the best possible equivalent. Much like how "that memory" became "special" in Silent Hill 2, "it's been a while since" had to suffice in this case. (I suppose I should take my own advice and not be so literal in this case; however, there is just something very cool about the way the Japanese word 久しぶり works like an adjective and it saddens me that I cannot express this in English.) While I am confident in about 99% of the translations here, I would be lying if I say that there were not a few things that I was little concerned about. I am in the process of working with friends in order to clear up any potentially questionable translations, so I am hoping that within a short time my mind will be at ease and I can be happy with 100% of this translation. Right now I am confident that none of the potentially questionable translations have an overly negative effect on the work, as anything important was already taken care of before the initial release. So if you do see something that you do not agree with please check them notes and then contact me if you still think that something is wrong. Throughout Harry's scenario conversations that appeared in the original PlayStation game pop up quite often. In each case I have scrapped my translation and gone ahead and inserted the script from the original game. I occasionally will truncate a sentence if the meaning of the part I cut out is inferred and including it in English makes the sentence flow poorly. The Japanese for "and then" appears quite often in Play Novel Silent Hill. This is why it is all over this translation! In Japanese men and women speak slightly differently. This makes it a little easier to determine just who is talking in some of the conversations in Play Novel Silent Hill. Since this is lost in translation, literally, I have included the names of the speakers in parenthesis after their lines when I feel that it might be difficult to determine who is speaking. In the question areas the Japanese text often contains no final punctuation unless there are two sentences for one of the choices. In these cases only the first sentence will have a period, and the second will not. In the translation I have added periods as I feel that they are appropriate. In Play Novel Silent Hill quotation marks are often used they would be in English, and parenthesis are used to denote whispers. I have used the same system in the translation. But please keep the following in mind: - Single lines from a character can often cross multiple pages. So there will only be one set of quotation marks or parenthesis surrounding the entire block of text. - Not all lines have quotation marks or parenthesis around them. I am not sure why this is, but I have duplicated it in the translation. Quite a few of the sentences in the game are Harry's thoughts, and end up being him saying something like, "The key on the desk." To make this sentences work a little better in English I have often added three periods after each of them. Many times the lines of different characters appeared with no spaces in between of them in the Japanese in Play Novel Silent Hill. To avoid confusion I have added line breaks between the lines of different characters. In the Japanese version of Silent Hill, the enemy known as the Mumbler appears throughout the game. In the US version, the Demon Child replaces the Mumbler during the beginning of the game, the school sequence, and possibly more. Since Play Novel Silent Hill is based off the Japanese version of Silent Hill the Mumbler appears in places you might not expect. I have added Harry to several of the Event Descriptions to make the English flow better. (Some of the Event Descriptions have Harry in them in the original Japanese as well.) I changed the tense of many of the verbs in the Event Descriptions to the gerund (-ing) form if I felt that this made the English sound better. Throughout the translation I use "steel", "metal", and "iron" in place of the Japanese for "iron" (or "steel") as appropriate for the way in which speakers of American English think of metallic objects when they encounter them. Specific Notes: Introduction, page 5 Harry talks about it begin really dark her; however, you can clearly see that he is driving under street lamps. I found this a bit odd, but I suppose even with street lamps it is important to have your lights on at night. Introduction, page 7 The first line here is literally translated as "The seal of the police." I thought about changing this; however, then I considered that most of this game appears to be Harry's thoughts as he reacts to the things around him. This made the line seem more plausible, so I left it as is. Perhaps maybe I should just change it to "A cop" or "The police"... Introduction, page 12 I added the extra empty lines here because I really liked the text within the quotes and did not want it to get lost in a large block of text. Area 1-1, page 1 Here the Japanese (and the English) state that the wind blew once. (It blew and stopped once, at least.) It is just conjecture, but I have to wonder if maybe the wind blowing at this point was from Cheryl opening the door of the jeep? (And of course it just could have been a random gust of wind.) Area 1-1, page 7 Harry's line here about Silent Hill is definitely a run-on sentence, but I chose to leave it like this because I believe that Harry, like most people, would think in a run-on sentence in this situation. Area 1-4, page 1 Harry says that he knows this is Silent Hill because he recognizes the sign on a shop. He says that he saw the shop when he visited Silent Hill when he was young. In Japanese culture, you are "young" until you turn thirty, so I believe this refers to when Harry and his wife came to Silent Hill and found Cheryl seven years ago. He would have been 25 at that time and still "young." So we get some interesting information about Harry and Silent Hill here: he only came to the town once before. Area 1-4, page 2 Here the Japanese is not clear on whether it is just one shop that has its door open or multiple shops. I chose to interpret the Japanese as one shop because I like to think that this section references the store, Convenience Store 8, found in the PlayStation game. (Again, you could argue that this Japanese refers to both Convenience Store 8 and Cafe 5 to 2; however, since Cybil states that she was lying in the street outside of Cafe 5 to 2 it seems logical to conclude that Harry did not approach the cafe before chasing Cheryl or else he would have seen Cybil. At any rate, I do not believe that you can even access the convenience store before chasing Cheryl in the original game, so the argument is academic at best.) Area 1-6, page 2 and area 1-7, page 6 The last sentence on these pages contains a bit more information in Japanese: Harry also notes that he has never seen monsters like the ones that are attacking him. I could not find a good way to work this into the translated sentence without sounding terribly awkward, so it has been omitted. I do not feel that this omission hurts the sentence in any way, as it is pretty much inferred that Harry has never encountered the "strangely shaped monsters" before. Chapter 2 Oddly enough the conversation between Cybil and Harry in this chapter is almost completely different from the one that they had in the PlayStation game. Cybil is much kinder here, and the conversation feels more natural to me. (With the exception of her giving Harry the gun, no cop would do that.) At any rate, this new dialogue is very surprising because almost everything else that follows in Harry's scenario uses the exact script from the original game. (I think maybe this has to do with the fact that much of this dialog appears in Cybil's scenario as well.) Area 3-1, page 8 I chose to write "to School" as such from looking at how the letters appear in both the original Silent Hill and Play Novel Silent Hill. (The US version of Silent Hill states that it is "To school", but I prefer going with how the letters look.) Area 4-1, page 1 The block name of the first block in this area and the text on the first page refer to the school gate. In Japan schools and their grounds are generally surrounded by fences, and there is always at least one gate that allows access to the school grounds. That gate is what the Japanese refers to. However, since Midwich Elementary has no fence around it, as is the style with many American schools, I choose to translate school gate as entrance to the school grounds. Area 4-1, page 17 Here the Japanese states that Harry attached the radio to his chest, but I honestly think that this is an error. In the original game we never saw the radio, so it only makes sense that it was always in Harry's pocket, which is where he originally placed it in area 2-8. Chapter 5 Most of the phone sounds that play in the game appear to be Japanese sounds. It has been a while since I have lived there, but I am pretty sure that is what their telephone ringing, busy, and disconnect sounds are like. Area 5-5, page 9 Harry is speaking about Cheryl going to a room that he thinks that she would go to on this page. I am not sure what room it is, but I can only guess it might be the Music Room because she plays the piano. Of course, there is no Music Room in the nightmare elementary school, so I am not sure. Area 5-7, pages 3 and 9 The original translation from the game is used here. While there is nothing wrong with that original translation, I found a couple of things to be a little interesting: Page 3 In the Japanese the main character of the story is a "traveler" instead of a "hunter". Page 9 In the Japanese here and in Silent Hill that follows the story Harry says that the story is a fairy tale from a "foreign country" instead of an "old" fairy tale. Area 5-8, pages 2-3 Here is a more literal translation of the pharmaceutical book. Again, there is nothing wrong with the "official" translation at all. Page 2 "[White Claudia] A perennial that grows along riverbanks and lakeshores. Its height ranges from 30-40cm. It has long oval-shaped petals, and blooms into white flowers. Page 3 Its seeds contain a component with hallucinatory effects. Records remain indicating in the past that this hallucinogenic effect was used in religious ceremonies." Also, please note that I did change the measurements in the translation from Imperial to metric. Why? Because Play Novel Silent Hill uses metric, and with the exception of kilometers I prefer the metric system : ) Area 5-8, page 5 This is a very interesting page. I had originally figured out a fair amount of it using my knowledge of Aglaophotis. Then Blue Phoenix came onboard and helped put the rest of the pieces in place. After our discussion of this I now believe that each group of three periods represents a single kana character unless it is very obvious which kanji character should be used. Here is the original and completed Japanese text: Original Completed [………………ティス]          [アクラォフォティス] 前述「ホワイトクロジェア」       前述「ホワイトクロジェア」 から………れる薬……、……       からつくられる薬物で、ふる くから魔………の目的で……       くから魔はらいの目的でつか われている。粘質の液体で…       われている。粘質の液体でそ …色は赤…、…因不明の病…       の色は赤く、原因不明の病気 …特効薬………用され…         に特効薬でも服用される And here is the full translation: "Aglaophotis" Made from from the above-mentioned White Claudia, this drug has long been used to perform exorcisms. It is a viscous liquid, red in color, and is also administered as a remedy for illnesses for which the cause is not known." Again, big thanks to Blue Phoenix for helping to complete this page! Area 5-9, page 2 This is probably the single most confusing piece of Japanese I have ever read, and is actually one of the reasons I stopped work on this translation in the past. Between consulations with Japanese friends and some advice from Blue Phoenix I think it is in good shape now! Area 6-1, page 11 This is where the original game script really begins to show up in Harry's scenario. Harry and Dahlia's conversation is word for word to the original script here. I have inserted the original translation as usual; however, there is one part of it that I find interesting: フラウロス…静寂の牢獄よ。 This was originally translated as: "Here, the Flauros, a cage of peace." I find this to be an interesting translation, as 静寂 is generally "silent" and 牢獄 is "prison". So for me, I see this line more as: "Here, the Flauros, a silent prison." Now, this is not to say that the translation of "a cage of peace" is wrong in any way. It has a very good sound to it, and is probably the best way to translate this text. I just find it interesting, because 牢獄 (prison) seems like a very strong word to me, especially compared to "cage". After all, cages are not always bad things, but I cannot ever think of prison anything but a bad place. At any rate, it really doesn't matter for one reason. In an interview present in the official guide book for Silent Hill, the creators of the game state that most of the things that Dahlia tells Harry have no real meaning and are designed to just confuse him and keep him going. Area 6-5, page 6 In the style of the game script I changed "necessary to find Cheryl" to "help me to find Cheryl" in the final sentence. Area 7-1, page 3 I modified the format of the text because splitting the second sentence up just doesn't work as well in English in my opinion. Area 7-4, page 4 The Japanese truly says that "This is my first contact with someone from this town."; however, Harry met Dahlia in Chapter 6 already and in 6-3 Harry even states that he believes what Dahlia said because she lives in Silent Hill. Area 7-10, page 1 A pet bottle is a plastic bottle made of PET plastic. In the US, we have pet bottles as well, but we do not call them that. Pet bottles are the bottles that normally contain 8-20 oz. beverages. Areas 7-14, 7-15, and 7-16, page 2 Here I used the following: "The last drop lingered, but once..." I have thought about this for a while, and I worry that lingered might not be the best word to use in this case. The Japanese describes the last drop as leaving as trail as it drops. So it is kind of like how honey pours, each drop almost has a string attached to it. So originally I had used: "The last drop lingered in the air, but once..." However, I was worried that might not make sense, so I removed "in the air" and kept lingered. My concern now is that lingered might make some people think that the drop lingered on the edge of the glass shard that Harry was pouring it from. So if there is a better word out there than lingered then please let me know. (I may just go back to "lingered in the air" in the future.) Area 8-11, page 2 This is another run-on sentence that I left as is because I believe it is a realistic expression of the way a person in Harry's situation might think upon seeing the truth of the cabinet. Area 8-16, page 21 I assume that Alessa is talking about Cheryl here, so I went with "she" for the translation. While it is true that she is talking about a male on page 15, I still think that she is talking about Cheryl on pages 20 and 21. (On page 15 I am not sure if this refers to Harry or Andy. I have a feeling that one of The Boy scenarios might have been able to shed some light on this.) Area 8-17, pages 2 and 3 The way in which Harry describes Alessa here is not meant to be perverse, but to show that he subconsciously sees how similar she is to Cheryl. (All good parents think of their children as beautiful.) I actually toned down the English here as best I could to attempt to avoid any confusion. Area 8-22, page 9 This is an interesting case in which Harry's line "Don't you work here" and Lisa's response have become one line for Lisa in the Japanese. However, I have split this into two lines in order to maintain the script from the original Silent Hill. Area 8-22, page 19 Here Dahlia's look is defined more literally as "a look that she believes what she is saying". So I chose "devout", as I feel it is the best equivalent. Area 9-1, page 12 and area 9-6, page 16 The lines in each of these areas that follow the initial exchange between Harry and Cybil appeared to be third person in Japanese. However, since almost all of Harry's scenario is in first person I decided to change these lines to first person as well. In third person they really just stood out too much to me. Area 9-4, page 1 Here Cybil says even though I look like this I am a police officer. I believe this is just a little bit of the sexism still found in Japan coming through, although the same could be said of the United States as well. Basically, Cybil is defending the fact that she is a capable human being even though she is a pretty girl. Also on this page, when Harry says "If anything looks wrong" this is almost word for word to Cybil's "If anything looks fishy" in Japanese. I did not think that Harry would say "fishy", so I went with "wrong" instead. Area 9-5, page 16 In the original game Lisa's final line in the antique shop/hospital scene is "I'm sorry" in Japanese. However, this was translated as "I'll shut up" because it flows better after the "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm rambling" line. For this reason, the "I'll shut up" really should be "I'm sorry" on this page, but because of the original translation I had to modify it here. Area 9-5, pages 17-19 These lines exist in the original game in both Japanese and English. What is interesting is that they are also included in the vocal script of Silent Hill that appears in the Lost Memories guide book. This leads me to believe that these lines were meant to be recorded for the original game, but never were or were just lost. Area 9-6, page 3 The Japanese here is "a little too accidental"; however, I believe that "a little too convenient" works better in American English, so I chose that. Chapters 10 and 11 Throughout these chapters I use the word "tusks" to refer to the things on the body of the Twin Feeler and Float Stinger that it ejects poison from. If anyone has a better word then let me know! I just don't think that antennae would be appropriate though. Area 10-8, page 2 If you chose to go to the second floor in Area 10-2 then you will not have come through a hole in the fence to enter this area, so the text here does not make sense. (This is a text bug in my opinion.) Area 10-21, page 15 and area 13-7, page 7 In area 10-21 Harry notes that he has only three bullets left, but in area 13-7 we learn that he has shot three people. He should be out of bullets and yet, he has one round chambered in the gun. This drove me crazy at first, as I thought it was a serious "bug" in the text. However, I believe that Harry did not count the round chambered in the gun when he checked the magazine in area 10-21 and noted that he had only three bullets left. This seems plausible because when Harry receives the gun in Chapter 2 he tells Cybil that he has no experience with guns. Area 10-21, page 16 Two things here. First, Harry says that he holds the gun near his temple. I find this odd, but I am guessing that he is holding the gun in this way so that it does not interfere with his light, and because he is not so confident with the gun. As for the "dark demon", this is just a metaphor for the darkness. I should probably come up with a better translation for this someday. Area 11-11, page 1 and area 11-12, page 4 In both of these areas the fact that Harry is actually shooting at the Float Stinger is inferred. Area 12-5, pages 18-20 Once again, the text here was probably met to be a voice over in the original game, but it is not. What is really interesting here is that the voice over for this text actually exists on the disc, but is not played for some reason. Possibly the for the swearing? (Although it is light.) Area 12-6, page 5 The Japanese says that Harry breathes in with a FUU sound. I am at a loss for an English word for the sound that breath makes when you breath in, so I went with "audible". (Try breathing in through your mouth, it really sounds like FUU!) Area 13-8, page 6 This is another case in which a third person sentence springs up for no reason. So I changed "Harry" to "me". Area 13-8, pages 12-18 I believe I have the correct names associated with the correct lines in this very interesting dialog. I am 100% sure on pages 13 and 15-18, but I could be wrong about the females on pages 12 and 14. At any rate, who would have thought that Lisa could be so evil? Area 15-2, page 32 "She was still a baby and nobody knew where she came from." In the original game in both Japanese and English this line is just: "Nobody knew where she came from." The "She was still a baby and" part is present only in the text of Play Novel Silent Hill, so I chose to include it along with the original script. Area 15-2, pages 45 and 48, area 15-3, pages 29 and 32 In these areas the lines "Huh, what is this?" and "Where's Cheryl? Give me back my daughter." appear together on the later page. However, this is not how things were in the original Silent Hill, so I moved the "Huh, what is this?" up to the earlier page, right before the description of the Flauros. Area 16-5, pages 6-8 Lisa's diary does not appear in the same order as it does in the original game, so I changed the order of the lines to match the text as it appears in Play Novel Silent Hill. Also, in the final line of Lisa's diary I added "Someone" because it was always present in the Japanese. In this case I strongly feel that this "someone" should have been in the original English translation. Chapter 17 In Japanese the final area of the game is actually called "Unknown". This was changed to "Nowhere" for the English releases, and I have implemented this translation throughout Chapter 17. Chapter 18 With the exception of the pages regarding Cybil 18-1 and 18-2 are almost identical. I find this a little odd... Area 18-1, page 55 and area 18-2, page 50 Here Alessa's expression is described as "kuruoshii" in Japanese. This word means "mad or crazy with love or grief", and is generally translated as "mad" or "crazy". But in this case those words just do not work. So I decided to use "pained", as I know that the "kuruoshii" looks I have seen in my life were like that. A few notes on the progress of the translation: This translation has been in the works since sometime in 2002 and was finally completed in late July of 2007. There is no excuse for such a project to take five years, and for that I do apologize. Please allow me to explain just what has been going on since the beginning... May-???, 2001 - I work with a very talented programmer called Naflign to bring the English speaking world an English translation of Amia's Adventure. I also complete translations of Huey's Adventure and Shilka's Adventure; however, neither have been released to my knowledge. (These are text adventures based on characters from the amazing RPG, Phantasy Star II.) June, 2001 - Ironically enough I end up acquiring a used copy of Play Novel Silent Hill from a person in the US while I am still living in Japan. At this time I have never even played the first Silent Hill, and I only accept this GBA game in order to settle a debt. I end up liking the game for its story, and go on to play and love both Silent Hill and Silent Hill 2. 2002 - I decide to begin working on a translation of Play Novel Silent Hill after talking with people on the GameFAQs boards. Due to work, an addiction to games, and general depression about not living in Japan any longer progress is slow. 2003 - I renew my efforts on the translation of Play Novel Silent Hill. Final translations of the Introduction and the first four chapters are completed, and I consider releasing one chapter a week in order to motivate myself to complete the translation in a timely matter. My excitement also builds over the upcoming Silent Hill 3, which drives me to work harder. September, 2003 - Silent Hill 3 is released and I am severely disappointed. The game has almost none of the elements that brought me joy from the first two games, such as the freedom to explore, no invisible walls, and the Japanese horror elements. Additionally, in the game Harry is killed in a pathetic way, sections of Silent Hill 2 are recycled, I dislike all of the music and songs, and there is almost no access to areas of Silent Hill 1. This causes me to end up losing interest in the translation as well, but not before I write the small guide on The Boy's Spring scenario. June, 2004 - Moving across country leaves me some time to work, and I get a little more of the text out of the cartridge. The posting of images of the four Digital Trading Cards from the Boy scenarios by the guys at NurseryCryme increases my interest and I learn to hack the save file so that everyone can enjoy these cards on their own cartridges. However, I quickly become busy and progress on the translation stops again. May, 2005 - I have a little more time for the translation while between jobs, but do not accomplish much. The dreaded dictionary of religious sciences stops me in my tracks in no time, and then I become too busy again. March-April, 2006 - I push myself on a couple of weekends and completely extract all the text for Harry's scenario from the cartridge. (All by hand) I try to keep my interest in the translation high, as I wish to complete it, but then the Silent Hill movie is released. The movie severely disappoints me as a fan of the first two games for many reasons... (Dahlia becomes a good character, setting is present day, no Harry, a whole group of people exist in a town that is always described as empty in the games, a cult kills Cybil, and yet during the credits the song that normally only plays in the credits when Cybil is rescued during the GOOD+ ending plays, the games scare me to death, but the movie does not have a single frightening moment, and I could go on and on...) The movie upsets me so much that I do not want to have anything to do with Silent Hill and the translation stalls again. June-July, 2007 - With the translation only complete up to the beginning of Chapter 5, I push myself hard and spend the month of July to complete it once and for all. Again, I must apologize to everyone that has been waiting for this translation, as it should have been finished back in 2002. Life often gets in the way, but I should have pushed through and worked harder. As for where things will go from now, I do not know. I have a lot of living and gaming to catch up on, as I have been forcing myself to only work on the translation (or go to Burger King) since the end of June, 2007. I hope to start work on Cybil soon, and I expect that things will go quicker when I do. However, I do not know when I will start that right now. (Plus I expect that someone else out there has got to be close to completing a translation of her scenario.) Still, as a sign of good faith and another apology, here is Cybil's Introduction: _______________________________________________________________________________ 序章  「出動」 Introduction 繋がらぬ電話 (Not on flowchart) Introduction "Going into Action" The phone call that will not go through Page 1 (Black) "Hello...hello?" The phone had suddenly gone dead. She tried to call back right away; however, the call would not go through. Page 2 "Perfect... I wonder what's going on?" Cybil's co-worker Sally saw her blushing, and could not help making a joke. "It's because you are so hostile. I bet they just don't want to talk to you anymore." Page 3 "Hostile? Perhaps, after all I do always say what's on my mind." Saying this, Cybil smiled. Page 4 The peaceful town of Brahms. The population is small, and perhaps for this reason there has not been an incident worth calling an incident for several years. As for the officers on the night shift, they generally pass the time by staring at newspaper clippings or chatting with colleagues at other departments. Page 5 Even now, with nothing notable appearing in the local news, Cybil was just having a meaningless conversation about this and that with a friend in the Silent Hill police department. But then suddenly, the line had gone dead. Page 6 And they had not called back. Page 7 "...The call won't go through." "Maybe this is happening because someone is trying to tell you not to waste all your time chatting? How about settling down and taking your feet off the desk?" Cybil does not care for Sally's big sister-like attitude. Page 8 (Cybil seated in police station) Cybil calls the Silent Hill police station one more time. "Odd," Cybil thought. It seems as if this might be the result of the telephone lines having been severed. Page 9 (Cybil walking out of police station) Cybil leaps from her chair, causing it to spin, reaches for the helmet on top of a locker, and with it in hand prepares to leave the room. Page 10 "Wait! Just where do you think you are going at this hour?" Sally has a look of "you have got to be kidding" on her face, and then she absentmindedly allows the coffee cup she was holding in her right hand to fall to the floor. Page 11 "Ahhhh! Hot!" "You can take care of that yourself." Cybil mumbles this in her head, and in the next moment ran out of the room. Page 12 (Black) Cybil straddles the motorcycle in the garage, inserts the key, and revs the engine. The sound of the exhaust resonates in the small space. She pulls out onto the road, and increases her speed as she is bathed from head to toe in the uncomfortably warm wind. Page 13 (Cybil on motorcycle) Starlight falls upon her from the clear starlit sky. It doesn't look like the weather could have caused the problem with the phone lines. Page 14 Cybil tightly holds onto the handlebars and continues to increase her speed. At this hour there should not be any other cars heading to Silent Hill. The road has been lit in front and behind only by streetlamps since she reached this mountain road, and there is no sign of anyone in the area. Page 15 (Cybil behind Harry's jeep) However, after a while she was able to see the tail lights of a vehicle swaying far off in the darkness in front of her. There is a cliff on one side of the road. Whether they realize that or not, the vehicle is heading toward the same destination as Cybil at high speed. Page 16 "Normally I would pull this guy over." Cybil mutters this, increases her speed, and catches up with the four-wheel drive jeep in no time. Page 17 As she passes it, Cybil glances inside the jeep for a moment, quickly smiles, and then blasts in front of it. The jeep quickly becomes smaller and smaller in the side mirrors of her motorcycle. Page 18 (Road, flickering) .................. Page 19 And then... She started to notice that she could not keep her eyes focused. "Sleepiness? No, I have been on the night shift for a while, and should have gotten plenty of sleep this afternoon." Page 20 Her body becomes one with the motorcycle, and it slices through the darkness. "Maybe it was foolish to wear short sleeves..." Although it was rather warm when Cybil left the station, now her skin feels so cold that it is like the cold is cutting into her. Page 21 Her eyelids are heavy. Her mouth has become dry. "What's wrong with me," she lightly shakes her head left and right. Against her will, her right hand turns the grip that will cause her to accelerate. The needle is buried, and madly shakes back and forth. Cybil then stared straight forward. Page 22 (Alessa in road, arms crossed) But it was already too late. In the middle of the road a girl stood, with her arms raised to shield her from the light. (View moves side to side) Page 23 (Black) Cybil slammed on the brakes. The last thing she saw was the rapidly approaching rock wall on the side of the road... Go to 1-1...Someday! (Nine chapters to go!?) Just a few notes on the Cybil translation: I decided to translate this without being so literal. So I took more liberty with the material than I normally would. I added quotes around everything that I believe was spoken or thought to draw it out better. And on page 11 Sally yells "hot", which means she must have gotten some of the coffee on her. I was just going to use the "Ahhh!", but then I thought back to the last time that I ate pizza just a little too soon and realized that sometimes English speakers yell "Hot!" as well : ) The "Whether they realize that or not" in the final sentence on page 15 refers to whether or not the driver of the jeep realizes that there is a cliff on one side. At the moment I cannot think of a better way to write this sentence, but I will fix it eventually. Also, I just fixed an awful translation in on page 23 that I cannot believe that I did... And Blue Phoenix pointed out that I had accidentally extracted the wrong kanji in the Block Name, so I fixed that mistake as well. The small screen on the GBA SP will be the death of me yet! 5. Contact Information If you need to contact me about something in this guide I can be contacted at: toby at Naturally the word "at" represents the @ symbol. This is done to help avoid spam. You can also send me a message via GameFAQs. I try to always respond, but unfortunately I don't check either of these addresses more than once a month. So please be patient after sending me a message. Also, apologies to anyone who sent a message to the old Excite email I used to list here. That service cancels the mailbox after 90 days of disuse, which resulted in the loss of many messages. Please feel free to contact me if you feel strongly that there is an error or bad translation in this file. I am confident that everything is accurate, but nobody's perfect and I have been away from Japan for far too long. Also do not hesitate to let me know if there is an error regarding a picture or a page number, or anything like that. I have gone through this guide several times and I believe that I have caught everything, but again, nobody's perfect. I don't mind questions or concerns about the translation and its contents, but please no hate mail of any sort. It is just not worth anyone's time... Update History: 07/27/2007 - First submission to GameFAQs. 08/06/2007 - Fixed some spacing errors and one bad translation in Cybil's introduction. 08/08/2007 - Fixed more grammar issues and added a few notes. Also changed a few of the sentences that I did not like the flow of in various parts of the translation. 08/13/2007 - Blue Phoenix "rose from the ashes" and helped out a lot with fixing some things and completing the page on Aglaophotis. Thanks so much! 11/03/2016 - Updated the contact info. 6. Copyright Information Play Novel Silent Hill Translation of Harry's Scenario Version 1.15 - Last Updated 11/03/2016 Written by and copyright 2002-2016 Toby Normoyle. (loc182) This work may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for free distribution per the conditions noted below. Otherwise, it may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly for profit. Use of this guide in such a manner is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Posting Information: - You can post this guide on your site as long as it is free for anyone to look at, you do not modify it, and your site generally concerns Silent Hill. (I would prefer not to see this appear on general cheat code sites, it really just belongs on Silent Hill related ones.) - If your site charges an access fee or requires users to signup in order to view this guide then you may not post it. - Updates will only be posted at GameFAQs. - Konami may use this guide for profit, but if done so I would really appreciate being given credit. Also, I would prefer to see the guide used in a way so that PSP owners get it as a free download, or as a part of Silent Hill Origins. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.