Megaman Xtreme Copyright info. This walkthrough is copyrighted 2001 by NBPPP. All rights are reserved, including the right to reproduce this document in whole or in part in any form. Megaman, Megaman X, Megaman Xtreme, Sigma, Dr. Light, and any other names of characters are registered trademarks of Capcom Co. LTD All Rights reserved. I give anyone rights to post this on there own website as long as everything contained within this document stays in this document in the format that I have created. This includes the legal info, walkthrough, contact info, and anything else I add to this document. Also, I'd prefer that you give me your e-mail address and web address so I can note where it has been posted. Please don't take credit for any of this because it's just uncool! If you want to use some of the information here, contact me just ask as long as it isn't you promise to use only a little of it (specify what info) and put me in your acknowledgements (or whatever you call it in your walkthrough/faq). Contact info. AIM: nbppp web address: e-mail: I'm hardly ever on AIM. Your best bet is to e-mail me because I constantly check my e-mail. My e-mail is subject to change without notice, so please check the website for the most current e-mail address. If you have information to help me out with, corrections, constructive criticism, suggestions, or questions about future walkthroughs etc., just send me e-mail and I'll try to be prompt. Version info. 1.0 - Mostly walkthrough and General Strategies/Secrets. Contents: 1)About this walkthrough and future walkthroughs 2)Acknowledgements 3)How you can help me (after all, I'm helping you!) 4)FAQ 5)Difficulty levels, Intro to story/characters 6)General Strategies & Secrets 7)Walkthrough 1)About this walkthrough and future walkthroughs Welcome to my first guide! It took me approximately 17 hours to write this and play through all difficulty modes. I chose Megaman Xtreme as my first walkthrough because it is my favorite game ever, and it is full of important strategies. I was going to do a Final Fantasy game but decided not to because at the time of this writing all the Final Fantasy games have been out long enough to have a ton of guides written for them. Another reason I chose the Megaman series is I know just about every detail about them other than the names of minor robots and some bosses that are not named by the instruction booklet. In the future I plan to write more walkthroughs for the Megaman series, rare games in the request list at, and many classic games. I especially want to do Megaman Xtreme 2. I hope to start on it on its release date. I probably will never write any walkthroughs on games that have Official Strategy Guides because I feel those are usually the best kind of guide you can ever have due to the awesome charts, graphs, screenshots, plus you can have it right there while you are playing the game. If you want to use this guide while you are playing the game, you either have to print out a ton of pages, print out the needed parts as necessary, or have a laptop handy, thus an official guide is more convenient. Unless I land a job with a strategy guide publisher, I won't be writing any of those. I also noticed that there are no guides for Megaman 1 and 3 for pc (not to be confused with Megaman X and X3 for pc). I hope to do these in the future. It has been a really good experience writing this guide. I felt determined to discover every little detail about a game. I have fine tuned my own personal fighting strategies on this particular game and I seriously thought that it couldn't be done. I thought I had this game down and then I discovered all sorts of new boss weaknesses and the Shatokan moves which I thought didn't exist in this game. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this walkthrough as much as I have! 2) Acknowledgements I gained much of my love for video games in childhood. I'd like to thank Jeff Kidd, Guy Kidd, and Eric Schelin for teaching me gaming skills and how to enjoy games this much. Also, I would like to thank my family for helping me purchase some rare games when I come across them. I would also like to thank my English teachers throughout school, especially Mrs. Snow and Mrs. Lofgren. They taught me how to enjoy writing. Finally, I'd like to thank my mom for allowing me to use her laptop to write this walkthrough and for being patient with me and my video game playing! 3)How you can help me. 1. Let me know of speling erors and grammer erors like this ones :) 2. Send in Gameshark/Game Genie codes. I used to make my own codes for games, but both my game genie and gameshark broke :(. Maybe I'll get both of them again sometime and start making codes for this game and others. 3. Read the walkthrough before asking me questions that might be answered in the walkthrough. 4. If this gets used a lot, I'll write more walkthroughs so spread the word! 5. Don't harass me. I'll write more walkthroughs the less I'm harassed. 6.Notify me of redundancies. I hate redundancies! I really hate redundancies! Note: it is not necessary to notify me of this one 7. If you need any more help, just ask nicely and be patient because I do have a life other than video games, walkthroughs and answering people's questions. I will get around to you as long as you are nice! 8. I don't know of any of the names for the minor robots so somebody please inform me on these. Anyone that gives me information will be added to the acknowledgements section. Thanks! 4)FAQs Q: What does NBPPP stand for? A: Neon Brown Plaid Plasma Potion. It was my band's name. The band never happened because the drummer moved and it just went downhill from there. I still love the name though and it is what all my friends know me by on the internet. Q: If Dr. Light didn't create Zero, how does he know to create special weapons for him? A: Good question! Don't worry about it though. At least you get those awesome weapons right? Unfortunately, I really don't know the answer, so write to Capcom if you really are that concerned 5)Difficulty levels, Intro to story/Characters There are three difficulty levels. They are Normal, Hard, and Extreme. When you first play the game, you'll notice that it doesn't give you an option. This is because when you finish the game in one difficulty level, you end opening the next hardest up. In Hard mode it is almost a totally different game! You get all the stuff you had in Easy mode and you can get more stuff and there are four new levels to choose from. The four in Normal mode are not accessible in Hard mode though. In Extreme mode you have to start with no power ups, but all the levels are accessible. This makes the game have more replayability than any other game I've played thus making it my favorite all time game! For the exact story, see the instruction booklet. Basically, you are a reploid, Megaman X. Due to a nasty computer hack, some of the reploids are going nuts. I would say more, but once you start playing you'll understand. The characters are as follows: Megaman X: The main character. Zero: Your trusted friend . In Hard and Extreme mode you learn Zero Scramble moves that allow you to summon him for a quick, usually lethal attack. Dr. Cain: Discovered Megaman X in a capsule that was buried under Dr. Light's lab. From X, he created new robots known as reploids. Dr. Light: Creator of Megaman, Megaman X and many other robots. He is now dead, but shows up as a hologram when X discovers the capsules that contain body part upgrades and Zero Scramble attacks. Middy: Computer genius that explains what Techno has done and how it all can be fixed. Techno: The enemy that hacked the computer to cause the reploids to go into utter chaos. Zain: Nasty reploid with giant sword. Not the worst reploid though. Geemel: A really powerful reploid that works with Zain. Geemel REALLY hates X. Sigma: The ultimate enemy. If you don't already know why, you will. 6)General Strategies & Secrets 1) If there is an area that looks like it might be accessible, but almost impossible, you are probably right! I'd keep going after it because there is probably something good there. 2) Collect every sub-tank, heart, body part, and Zero Scramble. They are important. 3) Don't hesitate to use those sub-tanks when you need them. Try to save them for bosses though. 4) Learn how to use your dash!! To perform it, press down and the A button or tap right or left twice. This is of most importance against bosses as you will be dashing under, over, and around them constantly, especially Morph Moth. 5) Learn your extra weapons' uses, strengths and weaknesses. This will be covered in the walkthrough as needed. 6) Many areas will require you to know how to use your long wall jump. Basically, while clinging on a wall, you can press jump to climb up it. If you are pressing towards the wall and then press opposite of the wall while jumping you will jump a long ways. This is required to get into many secret areas, and it is also the key to defeating Morph Moth. This strategy will help a ton with the other bosses also, but it is most important with him. 7) On Normal and Extreme mode you can go to Chill Penguin's level. Part way through this level is an excellent place to fill up your sub-tanks. There is also a high frequency of dropped extra lives in this area. Keep running back and forth from end to end to make robots show up again. Make sure you don't go in the auto-save at the end of this area unless you finish this trick. This place is indicated in the Chill Penguin part of the walkthrough, but if you want to check it out right now, it is right after all the spiked wheel guys. The area has a bunch of helicopter like guys and ostrich robots (somebody let me know the names of the regular robots in this game please!). On Hard and Extreme Mode you can go to Morph Moth's level and grab an extra life at the very beginning. It is up high before you enter the area with a ceiling, after about three robots I think. The place is sort of hidden but easily accessible. Use the Escape in your weapons menu to exit the level and come back for the extra life again! Your maximum is 9 lives. Also, there is a certain area of Morph Moth's stage that has a lot of Dragonflies that seem to have a good life energy drop rate so fill your sub-tanks here if you can't at Chill Penguin's stage. 8) Charge up your weapon! This will make your attack twice as powerful, and sometimes more! You'll learn when you really don't need to. Usually you don't need to charge your special weapons. You can only charge them when you get the weapon body part upgrade. Their are a few cases where the charged special weapons come in handy. They'll be indicated in the walkthrough. 9)Auto-save trick: Auto-save is your friend! If you lose at a level you will come across a menu that asks you to Save and Continue (save and go to stage select) Save and Quit(save and return to the title screen), retry which starts you at the beginning of the stage without saving, and To the Title Screen which takes you to the title screen (how about that!) without saving (note: this is a little different than what the booklet says because the booklet is a little wrong). If you choose To The Title Screen, you can then choose to "continue" to load a save game. Here it asks if you would want to use your auto-save once you enter the load screen. Now you are back at your last auto-save point rather than starting the level over! Don't rely on this to keep working however! Once you have used an auto-save, it will be deleted and unless you come across another auto-save, you will not be able to do this trick again. Be careful when doing this trick because of this fact. 10)Time records: If you want a good time record (to show off to your friends or whatever), don't save if you don't complete the level. Also, the only thing you should choose is To the Title Screen when you die and then Continue your saved game to have optimal times. My best time in Extreme mode is 00:53, but it probably could be better if I tried this. 11) When you are low on life, some areas have enemies that have a good rate of dropping life energy. However, some won't drop any life energy at all, such as the bats. The most important time to take advantage of this is right before a boss and when you need to charge sub-tanks. See tip 7 for more info. 12) Using weapons when climbing walls and ladders: Do not shoot while climbing walls because you'll probably shoot the wrong direction, so make sure you are sliding down the wall while shooting. On ladders point the direction you want to shoot and then shoot otherwise it'll choose the direction for you. 13) When charging up your weapons, don't let go of your weapon button when you are hit. If you do, the weapon isn't fired and you have to charge all over. 14) You are invincible for a short period of time when hit. Use this time to walk through enemies, walk on spike safely, etc. Be careful because it doesn't last long. 15) Use special weapons sparingly! If you are going to use a special weapon on mini-bosses or bosses don't use that weapon at other parts of the level unless you know for a fact that you have enough weapon energy or you know a good way to get weapon energy (bats are the best for weapon energy). Also, your best weapons are S. Tornado and R. Shield. S. Tornado is very useful especially against many of the regular robots that take multiple hits. A charged R. Shield will prevent you from getting hurt by spikes. Some enemies can nullify your charged R. Shield, so be careful not to use it over spikes when there is an enemy to destroy your shield because it will kill you! When you reach a boss, don't use your special weapon if you have more than one life and you don't have enough life energy to defeat him. Instead, use this turn to practice and when you die, come back to use your weapon energy against him. 16) When you have a hard time with a certain type of regular enemy, try using special weapons and see what is effective. Make sure you aren't needing this weapon later though. 17) If it makes it easier, change the button config in the option menu to allow start to be used as a dash button. Also in the option menu is an option called extra. Under the extra option is Auto Charge and Rapid Fire. Both are useful if you are a beginner. If you use Rapid Fire, make sure you use Auto Charge because you cannot charge with Rapid Fire by holding down the weapon button. You can only charge if you have Auto Charge enabled and you sit and do nothing. I find all of these options to actually impair me but that is because I am so used to playing without these options. I write this walkthrough assuming that you are not using these options so when I give you directions contrary to these options like when I say to do a dash-jump by pressing over twice then A instead of start then A , just substitute according to the option you have in use. 18) Boss weaknesses: Chill Penguin: S. Burner Wheel Gator: M. Mine Spark Mandrill: S. Ice Magna Centipede: S. Shot Storm Eagle: S. Wheel Armored Armadillo: E. Spark Flame Stag: S. Tornado Morph Moth: R. Shield Zain: S. Ice Geemel: S. Burner + Final Spider: M. Mine (charged) 2nd Sigma level boss: S. Burner Sigma 1: E. Spark Sigma 2: R. Shield 19) Secret Weaponry (Shatokan): On the second Sigma level, when you arrive at the point where you have a choice to go up a ladder that seems impossible to reach or go down a ladder, go up! You'll notice that their are spikes on the wall. Charge up R. Shield all the way. This will allow you to stand on the spikes. Now jump towards the spikes and land about half way up the wall. From the spikes jump up as high as you can and grab the ladder. This may take a few tries because you will usually just hit your head and fall down rather than jumping up. Once you reach the auto-save, recharge your R. Shield so you are invincible on spikes again. When you reach the end, climb down and slide down the left wall for a long time until you reach a illusionary wall! You should fall right in if you are pressing against the wall, but if you reach the bottom first, don't fall down but climb up back a little ways and try again. Inside you will find a capsule with Dr. Light. He gives you the powerful Shatokan moves known as Hadou-ken and Shouryu-ken from Megaman X and Megaman X2. If you have a hard time doing it this way, you can use that ride platform that I tell you to skip to get to the ladder. I consider that the hard way though it is the only way to get it in Normal mode since you won't have R. Shield. I believe that these moves are actually from the Street Fighter `series. Dr. Light will describe how to use them. The one that is a flame uppercut is the Shouryu-ken and the blue fireball is Hadou-ken. These won't do as much damage as they did in the previous Megaman X games, but they have their uses. I'll list the best uses in appropriate places in the walkthrough. Use them wisely because sometimes it is better not to use them. A good of example of when not to is the 2nd Sigma boss. You can use Hadou-ken, but using Shouryu-ken will usually get you killed. 20) What bosses to use Shatokan moves on: 2nd Sigma level boss: Use Hadou-ken to destroy his shields then follow the usual strategy. Chill Penguin (2nd time): Use Hadou-ken to destroy both Ice Sculptures and do heavy damage to Chill Penguin all at once! Any other uses are listed in the walkthrough. They are according to what mode you are in, so I don't list them here. 21) If you have a really difficult time playing this game, go through the 8 stages and collect all the sub-tanks, hearts, and capsules that don't require a special weapon to get to them. Every time you go to a new level while doing this, at least try to get to the boss and defeat him, but don't worry about it if you don't. When you lose all your lives (or defeat the boss), just head to the next level and grab everything there. This way, you will be as upgraded as possible to defeat your first boss. You should also fill up your sub-tanks all the way. Remember that some upgrades are unattainable unless you have the proper weapon. A good example is the Zero Scramble on Morph Moth's level in Hard/Extreme mode. You are required to have the S. Wheel weapon from Wheel Gator to obtain this weapon. Note: Specific boss strategies will be in the walkthrough. Heart, sub-tank, and capsule locations will also be described there. 7) Walkthrough Note: Search for a dollar sign (shift + /) using the find feature in your word processor which is usually indicated by binoculars for Hard mode and an asterisk (shift + 8) for the Sigma Level section. All Difficulty Modes: First Level: This level is pretty straight forward. Try your best to get comfortable with the controls. Spiked balls can be destroyed with one charged up hit, several rapid hits, or if you have to, jump over them. The helicopter robots are the same, except you can just run under them, if you are quick about it. Watch out for crumbling road because it'll fall from beneath you. When needed climb up out of the pits by constantly jumping when against the wall. When the big robot comes out (the one you can't damage until it is all the way on screen), constantly fire at it and maybe use a couple of charged shots while avoiding the missiles. If you stay all the way to the left, it is easy to avoid the machine gun and easier to have enough time to jump over the missiles. Ignore the robots it drops unless they start to get close to you. You can shoot these in the head to get rid of them or they'll just blow up once the giant robot is gone. At the end, face Vile. The text says VAVA in mine, but if you have played the other games, you know that his name is Vile. If I remember correctly, Vava is Vile's name in Japan, so it was left untranslated this time. Vile/VAVA: All you need to do is charge up your weapon (hold down b). When you are fully charged, shoot it at him and charge up again. When he charges towards you just jump as high as you can while pressing over. To jump higher just hold the A button down as long as you are in the air. After some practice, you'll find this fight all yours every time you come across Vile/VAVA. Afterwards you will go through some storyline, Except in Extreme mode, and then you will come to the stage select screen. In both Normal and Extreme mode, I recommend starting with Chill Penguin. In Hard Mode, I recommend Armored Armadillo. Chill Penguin can be defeated with just the X Buster (your normal weapon) if you are careful enough and Armored Armadillo can be beaten with E. Spark which you should already have from Spark Mandrill. Of course any of them can be the starting stage if you are careful enough, but these two are the easiest. Alternative starting stages are Flame Stag and Storm Eagle for normal and Extreme mode, and Wheel Gator and Morph Moth for Hard and Extreme mode. My strategies recommend using your X buster on these ones or their weakness (see general strategies), depending on your play style. I tell you to do Chill Penguin first because his stage has the leg upgrade that is probably the most important upgrade. Also, if you do Morph Moth first, you'll have to return to get one of the Zero Scramble weapons because you will need Wheel Gator's weapon. Note: If playing Hard mode, skip down to the dollar sign (shift + /). To do this easily go click on the binoculars (in notepad or wordpad and many other word processors) and type a $ in the "Find what:" field and click on click the "Find Next" button. Normal and Extreme (Hard mode if you start it from the menu): Chill Penguin: This level starts out with lumberjacks chopping at platforms that will go flying towards you and hurt you. If you want you can jump on these and ride them, but I wouldn't bother with that. Just charge up and don't head up the hill yet. When he shoots both platforms, they will just go over your head if you stayed below. He will be vulnerable for a couple of seconds once those platforms are gone and you can release your charged shot, a couple more hits after that and he'll be gone. Use the same strategy for the next one. If you have already acquired the arm upgrade from Spark Mandrill's stage, you can just charge up until you are red and hit them blowing up their platforms and them at the same time without having to wait! After the lumberjacks, there are bats. They only take one regular shot. However if you want to take out several at a time, use your charged shot. After the Auto-save there are spiked balls that can be stopped with a two shots (one to slow it down and one to destroy it, however if you just shoot it once, it will blow up in a second) or a charged shot to instantly destroy it. Climb up and shoot these as they come. When you reach a high wall, don't climb yet. Jump up as high as you can and move out of the way to your right a little ways. A spiked ball should come down for you to shoot. Using this method you can avoid being hit by it. Climb up and head right to the capsule to get the foot upgrade. To use it press over twice rapidly or down and A. If you want to do a dash-jump, which will make you jump faster, longer and higher press over twice, then A. Holding down the left or right button (depending on which direction you dashed) and A will make you go further. Down and A, then A doesn't work very often and if it does, not very well. The next robots are helicopter robots and ostrich robots. One charged shot takes care of the helicopter robots while the ostrich robots are best taken out with a charged shot followed by many regular shots as rapidly as possible. If you have the arm upgrade, charging up until you are red will destroy the ostrich robots instantly. If it throws it's weapon at you, just jump or press left to avoid it. This area has a great life energy and extra life drop frequency so use the trick listed in general strategies and secrets when you visit here. Next you will find some ride armor. To get inside just run then stop when you are aligned with it. B uses the arm on it, charge with B to do a charging hit. The A button will make you jump. Holding A will make you rise slowly, and pressing up and A at the same time makes you jump out. Take out the dome by hitting it with your arm a few times. Jump across the hole and when you get to the high ledge rise a little bit then jump out while in the air. Then grab onto the ledge or if you jumped high enough, just land on the ledge. You can take the lower route, but it is a bit harder. You can't destroy this dome unless you have Flame Stag's weapon. Come back here once you defeat Flame Stag and you can use his weapon to destroy this dome and obtain the heart. Keep heading right and you'll come across some snowball hurling robots. These can be taken out by 4 regular shots or 1 charged shot. Go through the doors to get to Chill Penguin. Chill Penguin: Weakness = R. Burner (Flame Stag) You should be able to beat him with your X buster, if not go to Flame Stag's stage and defeat him. Then return and Chill Penguin will be easier with his weapon. For those of you that have played Megaman X, Chill Penguin's weakness was Fire Mammoth's (or is it Flame Mammoth?) weapon. You should be climbing the walls most of the time while fighting Chill Penguin. Chill Penguin will shoot four ice shots at a time. When he isn't using ice sculptures to shield himself, after the fourth shot shoot a charged shot a him. When he uses penguin ice sculptures to shield himself, you can do one of three things: 1) Destroy the ice sculptures and then shoot at Chill Penguin. This method isn't very effective because it takes too long. 2) Charge up and climb the wall until he hangs from the ceiling (or jumps towards you), then release your shot at him. 3) If you are skilled and impatient, charge up and aim so that the shot goes barely about the ice sculptures and hits Chill Penguin. This is my favorite method. When he deflects your shots this means he's going to slide across the ice. Climb the walls when he does this. Also climb the walls and shoot him when he jumps towards you. Occasionally he'll do a snowstorm. This will force you against the wall and blow the ice sculptures at you. Make sure you are climbing the wall when this happens. You can shoot Chill Penguin as soon as he grabs the ceiling to prevent this move. Once you defeat Chill Penguin, you will receive Shotgun Ice. Afterwards head to either Spark Mandrill who's weakness is Shotgun Ice, or to Storm Eagle. I recommend Storm Eagle first because you need the head upgrade before Spark Mandrill's stage to get the arm upgrade. Storm Eagle: When you start out, there is a platform above your head that has the sub-tank. On Megaman X, it was the heart, but they have switched places with each other. You can't get there by climbing up the wall on your left. You must take the long route. Head right and you'll meet up with a new type of helicopter robot. This kind will pick you up and drop you. This is very lethal if it drops you above a pit so be careful! There is a platform system just a little more right. It has robots with flail weapons to the right and the new helicopter robots all the way up. You can destroy these annoying helicopter robots with a charged shot if they pick you up. Otherwise they can be destroyed with a couple of regular shots or a charged shot. Try to kill them before they pick you up. When you reach the top, do a dash-jump using left, left and A. Holding left and A will help for a longer jump. You will end up on the platform that was above your head and you can collect the sub-tank. Drop straight down, take the platforms to your right up again, and this time head right. If you've played Megaman X, you'll notice there is an auto-save in place of the platform you took to get the sub-tank, or on this game, the heart. You have to take an alternate route on this game. Head right until you see a platform with a flamethrower robot riding on it. Blow up the flamethrower robot with several shots and ride it all the way up. Jump left and grab onto the tower. Behind the glass is a heart. You'll know when you get it when you hear a chime. Head back down and carefully take the platforms across the pit, destroying the flamethrowers first of course. After the second set of platforms there is a wall of explosives. You can blow these up by shooting at them. To shoot at them you'll have to slide down until you are in the middle of the explosives and then jump and quickly shoot and grab on again. Repeat this process to receive an extra life. It may not be worth the trouble if you haven't had much practice climbing walls as a false move will land you quickly in the pit. Climb back up and keep heading right. Climb the skinny tower and drop down the hole. In here is the head upgrade that you are needing in Spark Mandrill's stage as well as other areas. You can reach the high ledge by doing a long wall jump as described in general strategies, or you can go below the ledge and use that wall to climb and boost yourself up and left to grab onto the ledge. I think the long wall jump is easier, but you can decide. When on the ledge, just shoot until the explosives are gone and head in for the head upgrade capsule. You can test it out on the blocks right there. Just get directly below a block and jump. This should destroy the block. If not, just move a little bit right or left and try again. Climb back out of this area and head right. This area is filled with the grabbing robots and metals (is that their name?). Get close to the metals and shoot as fast as possible. When they open up to shoot, you should hit them twice to destroy them. At the end is an auto-save. This area has what I call bunker robots. They shoot straight, then diagonally. Shoot them with a charged shot. At the end, climb the ladder down and head left. If you played Megaman X, the alternate route (sliding down the right side) will kill you, so don't do it! Storm Eagle: Weakness = S. Wheel (Wheel Gator) If you followed my advice, or if you are on Normal mode anyway, you won't have S. Wheel. If you do, substitute charged shots with S. Wheel. For strategies using S. Wheel on Storm Eagle, see the Sigma Level 3 section of the walkthrough. In Megaman X, his weakness is Sting Chameleon's weapon, but since Sting Chameleon isn't on this game, this doesn't apply. Try to use a charged shot every time you shoot him. Storm Eagle has the following attacks: 1) Storm Eagle will use S. Tornado on you. This attack causes you to be sent flying backwards. Dash forward to prevent being blown off the edge. While being attacked with this, charge up and counter him with your charged shot when he is in sight again. 2) Storm Eagle will flap his wings causing you to go back slowly. Don't worry as much about this attack, but essentially use the same strategy as you did with S. Tornado. 3) Storm Eagle's least devastating attack is when he rises up in the air and drops an egg with four baby bird's in it. These can easily be taken out with one charged shot when the bottom two rise up a little bit. You can also jump over them if you are careful. 4) Storm Eagle's fourth attack is the most annoying. He will disappear off the screen and then dive bomb you. To avoid his attack, watch carefully and dash out of the way. If you have time, turn around and shoot him. Hopefully you've been charging up. If you couldn't charge up all the way, wait until next turn to release your charged shot to do full damage. Once you get used to this attack, the time that he'll dive bomb should be predictable. If you didn't manage to beat Storm Eagle this time around, don't worry. You can use the auto-save trick I mention in General Strategies, retry the level, or come back later. If you decide to come back later, try to do it before going to Flame Stag because he is weak against S. Tornado. You can destroy him with a regular charged shot easily though. However, I mention several places throughout the rest of the walkthrough where S. Tornado comes in handy, so it is recommended that you defeat Storm Eagle now. If you don't, at least make sure you picked up the sub-tank, heart, and head upgrade. If you are in Hard mode and you didn't manage to defeat Storm Eagle, come back and defeat him once you have received S. Wheel from Wheel Gator, if you can't manage to destroy Storm Eagle before you fight Flame Stag. The next recommended stage is Spark Mandrill's Stage. You can also head to Flame Stag's stage, but it is recommended that you pick up the arm upgrade at Spark Mandrill's Stage first because it'll make Flame Stag easier. Spark Mandrill: Before you head right, there are a couple of things you should know. This first area contains big robots that will take multiple hits. Near each of these robots is a spark that runs through the glass tube you are standing on. You must dodge the sparks on the ground and the big robots' missiles and sparks in order to keep a healthy level of life energy. It is alright if you get hit a few times. Use S. Tornado twice on the big robots to take them out quickly. Head right, destroy the robot, and grab on the ladder. Before climbing up, wait for the spark and any enemy shots to pass. Defeat this robot. Do the same thing again. After the last big robot on top, there is a ladder that heads down. Go down it and destroy the robot here. Head Left, down the ladder and you will see a sub-tank that is blocked off. Jump up against these bricks like you are climbing a wall and when your foot hits them, they'll break. Grab the sub-tank, then head back up all the way and right as usual. This next area will darken. Ships will fly by lighting up the area. Use these brief moments of light to examine the area. If you have really good light, the area will faintly show up in the dark, so you won't need to worry about that. Move ahead slowly and these ships will usually pass overhead, and occasionally underneath. Use the usual strategy for the ostrich robots. When you reach the ladder at the end, head down, then right to the mini-boss. This bubble mini-boss is really easy if you are careful. Keep charging up and dash past his attacks which include a lightning attack, two tiny bubbles that drop down to make you stuck where you are, and an attack where he drops down on you. The lightning attack is predictable because he'll suction cup himself to the ceiling and flash rapidly before he fires it, so just dash away from it. The bubble attack is easy to get out of. To escape, hit left and right rapidly. Dash underneath or away when he drops down. S. Tornado works well against this mini-boss, but you might want to save it for the upcoming giant turtles and other robots. After the auto-save, head right. This area has two robot types. One of the robots move back and forth. When they sense you, they will ram themselves into you, so be careful. If there is an edge near one if these robots, you can trick it to go off the edge by letting it charge at you while you are near the edge, and then jump over it. They take quite a few hits. The others you came across in Storm Eagle's level. The only difference is you need to look out for some that will be on the ceiling. This area starts out with a giant turtle. Use S. Tornado to quickly dispose of it. To dodge the parachute bombs, be far away when they are launched, then move in close and you should be left unharmed. When you reach the wall, you can climb up to get a heart piece. Use the same strategy here as you did to receive the head upgrade. Afterwards, head down the ladder, but with caution. Before dropping off the ladder, wait a second for the ramming robot to turn around. As it turns, drop down and shoot it. Head down the next ladder with the same amount of caution. Before heading all the way right, stop when you see the turtle. Notice that if you stopped early enough, all of it's parachute bombs will hit the wall (or strangely enough, go a little ways past the wall). While keeping your distance, shoot at it. Get close to the next turtle and use S. Tornado. You'll probably get a little damaged, but you should be alright. If you want, forget the turtle, but hurry and grab the ladder. Head up to another dark area. Pay attention to the ceiling when the first light robot whizzes by. Did you notice the bricks in the ceiling? Use your head upgrade and break them. Climb up to receive the arm upgrade. Finish up this area, and get ready to fight Spark Mandrill. Spark Mandrill: Weakness = S. Ice (Chill Penguin) Spark Mandrill will freeze when hit with S. Ice. Once he thaws, he will be temporarily invincible and perform another attack. He has the following attacks: 1) Spark Mandrill will climb the ceiling and drop down on you. Use the S. Ice on the wall to reflect it at him while he is on the ceiling. He will drop down because he is frozen, so make sure you are not underneath him. 2) His second attack type is the E. Spark. Spark Mandrill will pound the ground sending one spark to his left and one to his right. The sparks will follow the wall and ceiling and will eventually dissipate. Try to dodge these by jumping as they come together. 3) Spark Mandrill's third attack is a punch-dash. Make sure you jump at the wall and climb it when he does this. Also, do a long wall jump to the opposite side when you are near the top of the wall, but not all the way up. 4) The most common attack that Spark Mandrill will attempt is jumping at you. Just dash right under him when he does this. It is hard to tell whether he is going to do attack 2, 3, or 4, so be really careful. You need to be very alert. The only thing you can do to prepare is to get used to when he attacks. When you think he is going to attack, get ready to either jump on the wall, dash underneath, or once in a while, dodge his sparks. A charged S. Ice will often hit him multiple time causing devastating damage if you want to attempt it. I always use it, but you need to remember to charge until you are red. Be warned that it makes Spark Mandrill a lot more unpredictable when using this method. If you are playing in Normal mode, you have one of the four boss stages left, assuming that you have beat the others. If you are playing in Extreme mode, you still should head to the same stage. Head now to Flame Stag's stage. Flame Stag: You find yourself high up in the sky on a narrow platform when you start this level. A little to your right, a large flying robot will appear that will bash the wall. There is a place that is weak that stands out from the rest. If this robot bashes it, it will break open. You can go this way, or you can climb straight up. In Megaman X2, if you climbed straight up there would be a sub-tank on the left ledge. Since there is no sub-tank on this level, there is nothing on that ledge. Also, there was an extra life on the ledge on the right if I remember correctly, however there is nothing there as well. I go up anyway because I find it easier, so head up. To make things easier, let that robot crash into the weak wall anyway so you don't have to worry about it chasing you. The next robots only take one hit, so take them out and head right. Ignore the extra life and hurry up to the top. Hopefully, you have great climbing skills by now. This is one reason I had you take the straight up way because I thought you might need the practice. Anyhow, once you reach the top, quickly destroy the pillar using your S. Tornado to obtain the heart. Cross the bridge of sinking platforms quickly by jumping as fast as you can while making sure you land directly on each platform. Climb up and don't let the machine get destroyed until you reach the second or third weak wall. Climb up to the right of where the third weak wall is/was and you'll see a door. Here you will fight Zain. It is important that you defeat Zain before you finish this level. Zain: Weakness = S. Ice (Chill Penguin) Zain is really easy. He has two attacks: 1) Zain will jump and swing his huge sword straight down at you. Dash under him when he does this. Turn around and hit him with S. Ice. 2) Zain will delay a little before the fourth time he does his down swing. This time he will do a spin attack that you can easily dodge by being as far away from him as possible when he does it, or climb the wall if you have to. Don't bother trying to attack him while he is spinning because it won't do anything. Exit this room and drop down to your right a little. Head left across the platforms that sink into the lava. When you make it across, grab the ledge above you and climb up. Do it again for the smaller ledge. Now do a long wall jump from that small ledge and grab onto the ledge on your right. You will either grab onto the really high ledge, or the ledge right below it. If you grab onto the really high ledge, just drop to the one below it and climb up to get the body upgrade to increase your armor! Head down, and across the platforms. If the platforms aren't there, head left and then head back right to make them reappear. Head back to your right and climb up the wall. As you head up there will be some fire producing bug robots. Just sit there and wait until they get to where you can shoot them. Don't climb up until there are no more of them coming. Each ledge on the way you will be attacked by a couple of these. Head right once you reach the top and prepare for Flame Stag by switching to S. Tornado. Flame Stag: Weakness = S. Tornado (Storm Eagle) If you are used to Megaman X2, Flame Stag's weakness was Boomer Kuwanger's weapon. Since Boomer Kuwanger isn't on this game, you will have to use S. Tornado, or if you want, just a charged up X Buster. Flame Stag has the following attacks: 1) Flame stag will usually start out by climbing up the walls which will hurt you if you get in his way. Just stay on the ground and wait for him to come back down. Make sure you dodge him by dashing under him or staying right where you are depending on which direction he comes from. When he reaches the bottom attack him. 2) When he reaches the bottom, he will either do the previous attack again or attack with two fireballs at a time that will follow the walls upwards. Jump over them and attack him. 3) When Flame Stag reaches half of his life energy bar, his fire will turn blue. This means that he has a new attack. He will now dash towards you, grab you and fly up in the air with you, then slam you down. Try to avoid this attack because there is no countering it, and it hurts. Congratulations! You have finished the first four boss stages in Megaman Xtreme! If you are in Normal mode, you only have the Sigma levels left. If this is the case, skip down to the asterisk (shift + 8 to type an asterisk) using the find feature of your text editor. This is usually indicated by a binocular icon on your toolbar. If you are in Extreme mode, all you need to do is keep reading the next paragraph. You should go use S. Burner in Chill Penguin's level to obtain the heart their before you do anything. If you are heading to Sigma Level 1 next in Normal mode, fill up your sub-tanks and get 9 lives while you are there (see general strategies and secrets). $ Hard and Extreme mode: When you start Hard mode, use the usual strategy that you used in the first level except you can use S. Tornado on Vile or Hadou-ken if you received the Shatokan moves. The next four levels are Wheel Gator, Magna Centipede, Armored Armadillo, and Morph Moth. I recommend starting with Armored Armadillo because you can use E. Spark on him. The others can probably be defeated with X Buster or Shatokan moves, but it'll be easier to wait until you have their weaknesses. If you want, start Hard mode from the title screen rather than from the save point that you did at the end of Normal mode. The only advantage of this that I know of strategy wise is you will be able to use the sub-tank filling trick in Chill Penguin's stage. The downside is you'll have to defeat the first four robots again. If you are like me, this isn't a downside, it is just more fun anyway. Armored Armadillo: To your right is a bunch of bats, and ostriches. There is a platform that will head downhill once you get on it. Use it to ram into the ostriches. You can ignore the bats. After you ram the second ostrich, jump forward and you will be launched towards the auto-save. If you've played Megaman X, this was a good place to get an extra life. There is no longer a bat that will drop an extra life here, so don't worry about it. Shoot all the bats here or avoid them. Head down and climb back up when the machine starts up. Let it pass you and head left to get the sub-tank. Head back right and take out the robot with S. Tornado. If you managed to blow him up before he destroys the ground that is underneath the life energy, you can get the life energy by jumping and hitting the bricks. Remember this trick for the next robot because you will need to destroy the next one quickly in order to get the heart. Keep pressing forward, destroying any bats on the way before they hit you. When you get to the spikes, do a dash-jump. After the auto-save is an area with bats, metals, and spike robots. . Ride the platform again. You'll probably get hit by bats, but try to hit them with your X Buster first. The spikes will destroy the platform, so jump off before you end up in the spikes. Climb up and continue on. Drop down after the auto-save. Destroy the robot quickly with S. Tornado so you can pick up the heart easily by climbing up. Dash-jump across several sets of spikes. Climb up, and use the platform to ram the pick throwing robots, and shoot the birds to get some of them out of the way. Jump before you are at the end of the pit you go flying over and grab onto the wall. Climb up to receive Zero Scramble: Dash. Head back down and through the door and get ready to fight Armored Armadillo. Armored Armadillo: Weakness = E. Spark (Spark Mandrill) Armored Armadillo has the following attacks: 1) Armored Armadillo will shoot out of his head. If you hit him when he does this, he will counter with a charged shot that sends a ton of shots in all directions which is hard to dodge. 2) Armored Armadillo does the counter attack if you hit him before you knock his armor off, so make sure you wait until this happens. 3) Armored Armadillo's final attack is curling up into a ball and bouncing off the walls. Use your dash to quickly move out of the way. When he finishes the attack, you will have a short period of time that you can safely hit him with E. Spark. You must do this while he is shocked from the rough landing. E. Spark will instantly destroy his shields. This allows you to hit him safely from now on. Keep hitting him with E. Spark. You can hit him even when he does his 3rd attack type. Charging the E. Spark works great, but you don't need to. When you defeat Armored Armadillo, you will receive R. Shield. R. Shield is Morph Moth's weakness, so head their next. Morph Moth: Charged shots will cause these first robots' shields to flip into the air. Shoot the robots when the shields flip up. You can also hit them easily when they jump in the air. Their shield will just reflect normal shots. At the end of this part, just before you head indoors, there is a ledge (the beginning of the building) that has an extra life and a heart. Just grab on and climb up as usual. There is a shield robot up here as well. Remember this place for getting extra lives when needed. Continuing inside, you'll notice the ground changing from junk to solid ground (it is purple on Gameboy Color). This first piece of normal ground can be destroyed by S. Wheel. However, you probably don't have it this time around so remember to come back here after you defeat Wheel Gator. Use the weapon to break the ground and you will find another capsule containing Zero Scramble: Earth Gaizer! Keep heading right, destroying the hovering robots by shooting them in the head with a charged shot, otherwise their head will be left floating around and will eventually attack you. This next part is tricky. You must use the long wall jump to lunge yourself at the walls of each ledge. It also works to get on the ledges and dash jump if you can't do the wall jumps well. When you reach the top, head right and through the door. This mini-boss can seem like a real pain, but isn't too bad if you use S. Tornado. Aim S. Tornado at the robot's chest and shoot it once or twice to make the bug come out. One shot of S. Tornado should destroy the bug. Head right and destroy the dragonfly. Don't get close to these robots because they will grab onto you and control your jumping for a while. If they grab you just keep shooting until they let go. Don't bother to jump because you'll probably get grabbed again if you do that. Destroy the hovering robot and head down. Do the same thing here, but also avoid the spikes. I'd take the top route, in other words, use the big floating platforms to cross. Head down the ladder. Head left (finally!), destroying all the dragonflies and hovering robots. Here is a great place to fill up sub-tanks. The dragonflies seem to have a high life energy drop frequency. It is the best place I can think of in Hard mode if you didn't start it over fresh. Head down the ladder at the end, and head right to go through the door to the same mini-boss again. Use the same strategy you did the first time. Morph Moth: Weakness = R. Shield (Armored Armadillo) Note: In Megaman X2, you did not have R. Shield because Armored Armadillo is in Megaman X. Also, in Megaman X2 you had an air-dash which could be used instead of the long wall jump. If you are used to the air-dash way of doing this, hopefully you are out of the air-dash habit and into the long wall jump habit. In Megaman Xtreme 2, I believe you will be able to fight Morph Moth in a special new mode, so you may have the air-dash which will be a lot easier. To start, Morph Moth has two attacks. The first attack Morph Moth does usually is he drops to the ground and slides across the bottom throwing trash in the air. Climb the walls while dropping a R. Shield down on him. The second attack, Morph Moth hangs from the ceiling and does an almost impossible to dodge attack. Basically, he sends trash in a line (curved or straight) that you can only dodge by following its exact movement pattern while staying away from it. This will take some practice, but this is what makes Morph Moth the most entertaining villain in the Megaman series to me. The only way to do this is to stay near walls before the attack. When the attack starts you'll have a brief amount of time to see which direction the attack is going. It always starts pointing straight down from Morph Moth, but can go either clockwise or counter-clockwise. If the attack comes towards you, start by climbing the wall, if it starts by heading away from you, start by dashing towards the opposite wall. Follow its path, staying ahead of it. Do a wall long-jump right over Morph Moth, dash under Morph Moth and repeat once more. He always does this twice around the room. If you can, hit him with a rolling shield during this attack, but usually to be safe, don't bother. If this strategy is too tough, don't worry about getting hit with the second attack, but rely on sub-tanks. When Morph Moth has half of his life bars or less, he will start his last two types of attacks. He will morph into a bigger moth, and will fly all around attacking with dust and occasionally spheres of energy. The easiest thing to do here is not worry about getting hit by the dust because usually you will. Worry mostly about hitting him with R. Shield and not physically running into him. When he does the spheres attack the only thing you can do to avoid it is keep moving. You can tell he'll do this attack when he sticks out the palms of his hands a certain way. He focuses on a certain spot where you are at so if you keep moving, he'll miss. If needed, use a sub-tank or two because this guy is tough to dodge. When you are done dancing around Morph Moth, you will receive S. Shot which is Magna Centipede's weakness. Head to his stage next. Magna Centipede: The first robots here are shielded. Use a charged X Buster to destroy their shields, then shoot at their middle to destroy them. They are also vulnerable from the back. You will notice that as you continue there are square robots on the ceiling. Their are also circular scanners that will bring these security robots to life. The first to scanners are okay to hit, but if you want to avoid the robots it is possible to dodge the scanners. Basically you can try dash jumping off of walls over them, dashing under them, etc. All of them are possible to dodge, but you have to do it perfectly. If you trip the third scanner, don't worry too much. If you did, head all the way to the auto-save, but don't jump in. Head back right and the security robot will be on the ceiling and dormant. Keep trying to jump and grab the robot with your hand to climb up. This will take several tries probably, but it is possible. Make sure you are grabbing it when you are as high as possible. Climb up the wall and to your left will be a heart. Once past the auto-save, you will need patience! Stop as soon as you see giant blocks in the ceiling which will be right away. Make sure you stay away from them as they are falling because they destroy you instantly. Make sure you stay put until you are sure they have all fallen. You can destroy the red ones. The second set has a red one you can destroy right away. Get close the blue one and it will move forward and trigger the rest to fall. The third set is just two. Head towards the first slowly and it will move forward. The red one will attempt to squish you if you move in between them so be careful. On the fourth set, dash and stop where there is regular ceiling between two blocks that will fall and jump back to your left on top of the first one when it comes down. Move to the edge of it and stop and the red one will move towards it. Hop down and destroy the red one if you wish. Dash-jump across the pit. There is a high wall that leads to a sub-tank just after the pit. Use the same jumping strategies you used to get the heart. Head to the door on the right after you jump back down and fight the mini-boss. This time around the mini-boss will be easy. It is in its easiest form right now. Since he might be a lot harder next time, save your Zero Scramble energy for the next time around. He does two attacks, One is a set of three fireballs (usually three), and the other he jumps in the air and shoots three lasers. One laser straight down, and two at 45 degree angles. Judging by the angles, you can move to a spot where they won't hurt you. The fireballs you can just jump over. Damage this boss by shooting him with a ton of charged shots. This round should be a piece of cake. When you head out the door, you will only be able to go down. When you head down, use the right wall and you will not be scanned at all. Head left, but be cautious, yet nimble. It will take every ounce of skill you have not to get scanned by a different scanner here. This scanner will check out X's weaponry and transfer this data to the mini-boss making him stronger with each scan. The maximum is four scans. I realize this is easier said than done, but don't worry too much about it. You can defeat this boss even if you get scanned four times. The ceiling will fall down on you while it is trying to scan you. There is a platform in the middle-top of the room. Climb on top of it and break the blocks with your helmet upgrade to climb up and receive Zero Scramble: Final! This will make the mini-boss really easy. Head right to the mini-boss afterwards. Get close to the mini-boss and use Zero Scramble: Final on him, then use Zero Scramble: Dash on him. Afterwards it will only take a few charged shots to destroy him. Depending on how many times you were scanned, the more powerful his attacks are and I believe the more damage he can take. His attacks may be a little different if you were scanned also. You should be safe if you saved your Zero Scramble energy for this fight. This next area may seem like you need to move fast, but not necessarily. Just make sure you dash-jump over the pits, and over or under the blocks. Dash under the first block, over the second and under the third. You can do it however you want, you should be able to judge what is safe by now hopefully. Get prepared to fight Magna Centipede. Magna Centipede: Weakness = S. Shot (Morph Moth) Magna Centipede will lose his tail when you hit him with S. Shot. This lowers his defenses and changes his attack sequence. For optimum results, hit him with it right away. Basically, Magna Centipede will teleport a lot and shoot out stars when you have hit his tail off. You really don't need to worry about dodging attacks too much because all you need to do is keep hitting him with S. Shot and he will lose life energy way faster than you will. Charge up your S. Shot to hit him with a giant shot. This is best to always do because it does a ton of damage. He will teleport to the ceiling sometimes. You can either use the S. Shot and a fragment will hopefully hit him, or you can do a long wall jump towards him to shoot him on the ceiling. When you defeat Magna Centipede, you should have only Wheel Gator left to defeat. M. Mine works best on this reptilian robot. Wheel Gator: Destroy the turrets that are letting the flying robots loose by using a charged shot followed by regular shots until they are destroyed or use S. Tornado. Keep going until you reach a place where you can head down or go up where a secret is (it is pretty obvious there is a secret there). You can pull this off by using a charged S. Burner. Using S. Burner will definitely be easier if you are used to Megaman X2, but the following is my favorite way: Ignore the first piece of wall you can grab on to but aim for the lower, further left piece of wall. Use your long wall jump from the right wall to grab onto it and climb up for the Zero Scramble: Rising! When you head back down, you will be at a ride platform and a ton of spikes. Ride it to the wall and let yourself drop down onto the next one. Use it to get across the rest of the spikes. Keep heading left to get to the ride armor. Use your ride armor to destroy the green pillar (green with Gameboy Color). Head down, and then right. Destroy other ride-armor robots by just using your claws. I don't bother to charge up; I just dash and attack. Jump out of the ride armor (A + up button) at the end and enter the auto-save. Up the ladder and to the left is a heart. If you have played Megaman X2, you remember this next heart being really tricky to obtain. Don't worry, you have something better than luck this time around! Charge up your R. Shield and you will be safe to climb up the spikes here. Head right, use the platform to head up, but when you reach the first drop off, don't head left! Keep going up and you will receive an extra life. Also, you can go fight Geemel through the door on your right. I highly recommend doing this because if I remember right, you are supposed to. I'm not going to go over the alternate route because this route is easiest anyway. The platform you rode up will protect you when you cross from hitting the spikes above you. A simple dash-jump should get you across safely. Geemel: Weakness = S. Burner (Flame Stag) & Final If you want a really quick fight, use Zero Scramble: Final on him first, then use two shots of S. Burner and he'll lose. That is all there is to it! Otherwise, wail on Geemel with S. Burner while dodging his stars. In order to dodge the stars, climb the wall when appropriate. Head outside, destroy the turrets, and head down until you see the auto-save to your left. You can go to the auto-save or head right for a hidden life energy all the way to the right. This isn't too useful because you'll probably just get yourself hurt in the process anyway. I usually do. After the auto-save, head left for another piece of life energy. Then head down and use your charged shot on the big robot. You can destroy his bullets with a charged shot, so time your shot when he shoots the bullets. You can also use S. Tornado. You probably won't get hurt if you pull it off right, if not don't worry because M. Mine makes Wheel Gator a piece of cake. Wheel Gator: Weakness = M. Mine (Magna Centipede) Wheel Gator has the following attacks: 1) Spin Wheel: Wheel gator ducks under the red water and sends out two spinning blades. They follow the bottom, then the sides and tops. Their are two of them and go opposite directions of each other making them hard to dodge. 2) Wheel Gator will grab attempt to grab you in his jaws and attack you multiple times. This attack will always be done right after the Spin Wheel attack. This makes dodging the wheels even more difficult. I recommend getting hit by the wheels over getting grabbed in this attack if you have to get hit by something. 3) Wheel Gator becomes temporarily invincible and shoots out little energy balls straight and diagonally up. Just before this attack and after are the times to hit him with M. Mine. 4) When Wheel Gator reaches half of his life energy or less, he does a spinning attack towards you. If you've played Street Fighter II, this is much like one of M. Bison's attacks. The only thing you can do is dodge by dashing over or jumping over. Wheel Gator is vulnerable for a very short period of time after the attack. That is all 8 standard robot bosses! Go to Morph Moth's stage again and pick up Zero Scramble: Earth Gaizer, extra lives and fill up sub-tanks. Pick up anything else you missed anywhere and head to the Sigma Stages again. * Sigma Levels: All modes: Sigma Level 1: When you first arrive here, it is all giant turtles and type 1 helicopter robots. You should be able to handle them. Head right as usual. You will come across a bunch of jet propelled platforms. Carefully ride them to the top while destroying the helicopter robots before they can damage you. To jump from platform to platform, just wait for them to come close. You may need to grab on to them and climb up. If they never come close, do a dash jump, but do it carefully! Do a dash jump to get to the ledge when you are on the last platform. Use the S. Tornado on the robots here. Climb up, head right, auto-save, and face Zain or Geemel, or both. Normal and Extreme mode: Zain is pretty much the same fight as before. The only difference here is he moves while he spins so climb the walls to avoid him. Hard and Extreme mode: Geemel is the same fight pretty much at first. When he reaches half of his life bar, he becomes a much tougher foe. He will start attacking by moving all over the screen. If you want to defeat him easily, line yourself parallel to him and press select. Switch to the Zero Scramble menu and choose Final. This will take most of his life away. Finish him off with S. Burner. I find this strategy to be the best because it will save you a lot of hassle and probably a good portion of your life bar! Continue on to the auto-save point. Afterwards, dash right until you hit the spring and hold down your jump button until you reach the end. This should help you avoid a ton of damage. You will most likely get hurt by the flail robots at the end of this hall though. To easily destroy these guys, use S. Tornado. Climb up using S. Tornado on all the guys here. If you want, you can use it charged up, but that wastes too much weapon energy. Once you are all the way up, head right and take out the metals, spike robots, and helicopter robots. This is a good place to get life and weapon energy before the boss. Spider: Weakness = Charged M. Mine (Magna Centipede) Since you don't have M. Mine yet if you are playing in Normal mode, use S. Ice instead. Don't bother charging it though. You can also use your charged X Buster. I use the X Buster on both the big spider and little spiders when in Normal mode because it does as much damage as the ice, and I don't have to switch when I attack the small spiders. If you are in Hard or Extreme Mode, a charged M. Mine will work best because it does more damage and doesn't make the spider go faster most of the time. The spider has two attacks: 1) The spider will create a set of monkey bars that it uses to climb down. You can attempt to guess where it goes, but it is very tricky. Try to guess where it will go to avoid contact with the spider. When the center of the spider is exposed, shoot it with the appropriate weapon. 2) Little spiders will shoot down to attack you. Use your X Buster to take them out. You may need to use a sub-tank when you get low on health. Don't worry because you will have a chance to go refill before the next Sigma level. If you really have to, use two sub-tanks. When you defeat the spider, go refill on lives and sub-tanks. When you are ready, head to Sigma level 2. Sigma Level 2: The new robot here is a shielded robot (if you've only played normal mode). Use a charged shot to make his shield fly up in the air. When this happens, hit him several times in a row. Avoid his weapons that he throws by staying below them or jumping over them. When you reach the end of this hall, head up. There is a ride platform here. Use it to get all the way up or climb the walls like I do. The shielded, flying robot at the top can be destroyed easily if you let it turn around before shooting it. Head right, and head up the ladder once you come to it. Use this ride platform this time if you want the Shatokan weapons (see General Strategies and Secrets). Otherwise, just climb the walls again. If you screw up, you can head down the ladder and back up to make it reappear where it was before. To make it change directions quickly, hit A, and hit A again right away. Every time you jump on it, it changes directions. If you have too hard of a time with it, forget it because you shouldn't need the Shatokan moves, they are just a great bonus and a little extra firepower. When you reach the top, maneuver the platform towards the ladder on top to head towards the path for the Shatokan moves, otherwise use the strategy listed above using a charged R. Shield (Hard and Extreme only). If you don't want to get the Shatokan moves, skip the next paragraph. This next part is easier if you have the R. Shield. After the auto-save, use a charged R. Shield to safely pass through the spike ahead. If not, follow these steps: 1) When you get to the spikes, slide down the wall that is just underneath your feet and do a wall long jump. Do this before you hit the spikes. 2) You will see small spikes above and below you to your left. Charge up S. Burner and release when you are in the air between these so that you won't be touching them. 3) This is the trickiest of all! Charge up S. Burner, jump as far as you can past the first set of spikes. In mid-air turn left and quickly release your charged S. Burner. This hopefully will get you passed all the spikes. Slide down the left wall until you find a secret wall where the capsule for the Shatokan moves is! Head down and destroy the big robot. Avoid all spikes. Head down and destroy any robots that fly towards you. Keep heading right. When you reach the big hole in the ceiling, you have reached the point where you come out from getting the Shatokan moves. Head right to where there is bugs and spikes. Kill the bugs with a couple shots or a charged shot. Dash jump across everything here. If needed, you can wall long jump off of the bricks that are there, but be warned that they will be destroyed if you do this. When you get across, go inside the door to the 2nd level Sigma Boss. 2nd level Sigma Boss: Weakness = S. Burner (Flame Stag) Sorry, but I don't know the name of this boss! I can't remember from the other games. Anyway, destroy his shields with Hadou-ken or S. Tornado. Hadou-ken works better. Make sure you stay on the back platform on this part because he will knock down the other two when you destroy his shields. He will shoot energy balls, discs, and fireballs until you destroy his cannons/shields. Once those are gone, he will shoot energy balls still, but they will break apart and go in different directions. Use S. Burner, carefully aimed to destroy him. If you need to, get close and use a charged S. Burner, but be careful or you might fall down in the spikes. I wouldn't recommend this method though. It is too dangerous. If you manage to run out of S. Burner Energy use your charged X Buster or Hadou-ken. Use sub-tanks when needed. When you defeat him, go refill on sub-tanks and extra lives and continue on to Sigma Level 3. Sigma Level 3: From here, use the platforms to go straight up and avoid the spikes. You will have to destroy some flamethrowers here. The auto-save will take you to the boss rematches. Try not to use your sub-tanks here. You'll be needing them later. Here is the pattern in Normal Mode: _____ _____ | | | | |Storm| |Flame| |Eagle| |Stag | | | | | |_____| |_____| _____ _____ | | | | |Chill| |Spark| |Peng-| | Man-| | uin | |drill| |_____| |_____| Hard Mode: _____ _____ | | | | |Wheel| |Magna| |Gator| |Cent-| | | |ipede| |_____| |_____| _____ _____ |Arm- | | | |ored | |Morph| |Arma-| |Moth | |dillo| | | |_____| |_____| Extreme Mode: _____ _____ | | | | |Wheel| |Magna| |Gator| |Cent-| | | |ipede| |_____| |_____| _____ _____ |Arm- | | | |ored | |Morph| |Arma-| |Moth | |dillo| | | |_____| |_____| _____ _____ _____ _____ | | | | | | | | |Storm| |Chill| |Spark| |Flame| |Eagle| |Pen- | |Man- | |Stag | | | |guin | |drill| | | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| Use the same strategies as you have so far on these bosses. Some will have weaknesses that could not be exploited before. Just refer to the General Strategies and Secrets section for all boss weaknesses. After every battle grab the life that reappears each time. Fight the battles in whatever order you see fit. I always fight them like this: hard, easy, hard, easy, hard, easy, hard, easy. This means start with one you have a hard time with so you have full life. Next do an easy boss because you can handle them without having full life. Proceed with another hard one if you have full life once you pick up the life etc. Once you have defeated all four/eight, fill up your life and enter the middle capsule. There isn't much here except a bunch of guys that drop weapon energy. If you used E. Spark, R. Shield, and S. Wheel, fill these weapons up now! Sigma 1: When fighting Sigma, climb the walls all the way to the top. His climb attack will always miss if you stay at the top. Sigma has two attacks here. The first is to climb up the walls. When he does this, hit him with E. Spark when he is on the opposite wall while attempting to stay as high as possible. When he does his sword slash, still be at the top and throw some R. Shields or S. Wheels at him for minor, yet easy damage. This part only works in Hard and Extreme mode because you won't have R. Shield and S. Wheel. He actually has a third attack, but rarely uses it. It is an attack where energy balls shoot out of his head. Don't worry about it because even if you do encounter it, it isn't a problem usually. When you defeat the first form of Sigma in Normal mode, get prepared for some sad storyline! Anyway, it is time to go make Sigma pay for what he's done! Sigma 2: Use your charged X Buster on Sigma's head here if you are in Normal mode. If in the other modes, use R. Shield. This is why I think Normal mode is actually harder! You have 4 sub-tanks and R. Shield in the other two modes! Sigma has 4 attacks. The first is his claws will attack you. The second attack they will electrocute you. The third is he breathes fire, and fourth, he will breathe electricity. While climbing up the wall, wail on his head. Use R. Shield if you have it, otherwise stay on the wall and use your regular shot on his head as fast as you can. As long as you stay on the wall, you shouldn't get hurt much. Just make sure you stay at the top and just climb without jumping outward. If you are using R. Shield stay on the claws and shoot the R. Shield at his head. When you think they'll shoot electricity, jump off and climb back up. It should be really easy. Use your sub-tanks when needed. That's the end of the game! Congratulations! If you just finished Normal mode, after the ending save the game to start Hard mode without having to fight the first four bosses again, and you'll have all the power-ups you picked up previously including the Shatokan moves! If you want, start Hard mode from the menu instead and you can play Hard mode with a fresh start. Watch the melancholy ending. It has nice graphics for a Gameboy game. Now play through again in another mode. Each time it gets better. If you have beat all modes great because you've beat the whole game! Megaman Xtreme 2 will be out in September of 2001. It is August of 2001 at the time of this writing so it is probably available if you are reading this. Copyright 2001 NBPPP