Metroid Prime 2, Bonus Disc Index 1: Introduction 2: Version History 3: The Metroid Chronicle 3.1: Metroid 3.2: Metroid, Zero Mission 3.3: Metroid Prime 3.4: Metroid Prime 2 3.5: Metroid II: the Return Of Samus 3.6: Super Metroid 3.7: Metroid fusion 4: Metroid Prime 2 Demo Walkthrough 4.1: Demo Basic Controls 4.2: Opponents 4.3: Demo Walkthrough 4.4: Playing with the Demo... 5: FAQ 6: Legal Stuff ****************************************************************************** 1: INTRODUCTION ****************************************************************************** Hey! Welcome to the first Metroid Prime 2 FAQ/Walkthrough! I just got the MP2 bonus disc a while ago and thought it'd be a good idea to get a Walkthrough/FAQ for Metroid Prime 2's bonus disc onto Neoseeker. In this adventure, Samus Aran ( the heroine ) is sent to rescue a squad of federation troopers who have dissapeared on the remote planet of Aether, located in the Dasha region. What she finds on Aether isn't exactly what she was looking for. Aether has been split into two dimensions by the hazardous material introduced in Metroid Prime, known as phazon. The two dimensions, which represent Light and Dark, are unstable, and will cause the planet Aether to collapse if the two dimensions do not reunite into one. When Samus arrives, she finds that most of the federations troopers have been killed. The inhabitants of the Light world, the Luminoth, who are a peaceful race with great technological advances ( much like the chozo ), are being attacked by the Ing Horde, who were spawned by the creation of the Dark World. The Luminoth have four massive power generators, which are all that keep the Light world from collapsing, and three have already been taken by the Ing. So it's now up to Samus to aid the Luminoth, close the rift between the dimensions, and defeat the Ing. There are other characters in this game aswell, including the Space Pirates ( a race of scavengers who are on Aether collecting phazon for their experiments ), and Dark Samus, a mysterious creature who feeds on the precious phazon that the pirates have collected... By stealing it! All in all, Metroid Prime 2's gonna be a great game, but until it comes out, enjoy the demo disc... ****************************************************************************** 2:Version History Update 1: Metroid Chronicle Completed! And a Version History Added... Yay! Update 2: "Spacing" fixed, and the FAQ updated. Update 3: New tricks added to "Playing with the demo" Update 4: New list of sites added. ****************************************************************************** 3: METROID CHRONICLE ****************************************************************************** In addition to the demonstration game, this bonus disc offer an extensive look at every single one of the Metroid Games. This list is in chronological order according to the game's timeline. Here's what the bonus disc had to say about the Metroid games: ****************************************************************************** 3.1: Metroid ****************************************************************************** METROID Nintendo Entertainement System ( NES ) Release Date: 1989 "A research vessel dispatched by the galactic federation discovers and captures a strange life-form called a "Metroid" on the planet SR-388. However, on it's way back to federation HQ, the research vessel is attacked by Space Pirates, who steal the Metroid. Once they discover the Metroid's ability to multiply through beta-ray exposure, the Space Pirates conspire to make use of the Metroids in their plot to take over the universe. To stop them, Samus lands on the planet Zebes and single-handedly destroys their underground base -- and their leader Mother Brain -- after a series of intense battles." ****************************************************************************** 3.2: Metroid: Zero Mission ****************************************************************************** METROID: ZERO MISSION Game Boy Advance ( GBA ) Release Date: Febuary 2004 "In an expanded look at Samus' first mission to Zebes, the bounty hunter heads to Zebes to wipe out the Space Pirate threat. However, this story doesn't end after Samus destroys the Mother Brain -- As she escapes the planet, her ship is shot down by Space Pirates and she crash lands on the surface of Zebes, near where the Space Pirate Mother Ship has landed. Having lost her power-suit in the crash, Samus must infiltrate the Space Pirate ship and fight her way off the planet. ****************************************************************************** 2.3: Metroid Prime ****************************************************************************** 3.3:METROID PRIME Nintendo Gamecube ( GCN ) Release Date: 2002 ****************************************************************************** A group of Space Pirates who escaped the attack on planet Zebes begin to rebuild their forces on the planet Tallon IV, where a strong energy sourced has been deteceted. Discovering that this energy, called "Phazon," has a capacity to mutate creatures into more violent forms, the Space Pirates start experimenting with it on the creatures of Tallon IV. Samus learns of these dangerous biological experiments and heads to Tallon IV to destroy the experimental facilites and uncover the mystery of Phazon. ****************************************************************************** 3.4:Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Nintendo Gamecube ( GCN ) Coming Soon 2004 ****************************************************************************** A Galactic Federation ship has disappeared in pursuit of a band of Space Pirates. At the request of Federation, Samus journeys to the planet Aether, the location of the ship's last transmission. There, Samus finds herself in an incredible world where Light and Dark intertwine in two unstable dimensions. The Light World is controlled by the Luminoth, a peacful tribe with a unique and highly developed civilization. Their four gigantic energy generators are all that keep the Light World from collapsing. But that civilization faces imminent destruction at the hands of the invading Ing Horde, beings born of the Dark World. If the Ing seize control ofthe generators, the Light World will be extinguished forever. Samus embarks on her mission to defeat the Ing and to restore peace to Aether. However, there is an ominous shadow lurking in the darkness, a shadow which is quietly stalking Samus. ****************************************************************************** 3.5:Metroid II: The Return Of Samus Gameboy ( GB ) Released 1991 ****************************************************************************** A number of research vessels dispatched by the Galactic Federation to investigate SR388, the home planet of the Metroids, vanish in succession. Assuming that the crews have been overcome by the Metroids living in the planet's caverns, the Galactic Federation commissions Samus to eradicate the Metroids. After fighting all types of Metroids, Samus defeats the Queen Metroid deep underground and completes her mission. However, unable tobring herself to destroy a baby Metroid that has just hatched, Samus takes the hatchling back to the Space Science Academy. ****************************************************************************** 3.6:Super Metroid Super Nintendo ( SNES ) Released 1994 ****************************************************************************** While the base on planet Zebes is being reconstructed by a group of Space Pirates who survived the assault by Samus, Ridley attacks the Space Science Academy and abducts the baby Metroid, the only one left in the universe. Congregating at their rebuilt base on Zebes, the Space Pirates once again concoct a plot to use Metroids as biological weapons. To retrieve the Metroid and stop the Space Pirates' evil plans, Samus once again flies to the planet Zebes. There, Samus destroys Mother Brain--thanks to the sacrific of the baby Metroid's life--and escapes just as planet Zebes is utterly destroyed by the Space Pirates' self-destruct program. ****************************************************************************** 3.7:Metroid Fusion GameBoy Advance ( GBA ) Released 2002 ****************************************************************************** Samus is attacked by an unidentified parasitic creature called an "X" during a research mission to study the ecosystem of the planet SR388--the planet she had cleared of Metroids. Samus escapes death with an injection of a vaccine made from a Metroid, the only natural predator of X, and heads to the Biologic Space Labs, where a mysterious explosion has recently rocked the research facility. Bolstered by her new genetic link to Metroids, Samus is now the only being in the universe who can fight the X, so she sets out to wipe all trace of them from the labs. However, she's unaware that she's being hunted by the SA-X, an incredibly powerful enemy mimicking Samus herself...Will she be able to accomplish this mission? ****************************************************************************** 4. Metroid Prime 2 Demo ****************************************************************************** As straightforward as it seems, there are some key points that players miss, such as the missile expansion, logbook scans, and a fun trick I call "getting stuck", which I think I may have discovered... Anyway, this FAQ covers all the enemies you'll meet, the easiest ( and hardest, if you're feeling suicidal ^_^ ) way to beat them, and the basic part of the story line that you're covering in the demo. You'll note I also included the extended demo in this walkthrough, though you probably won't be able to get your hands on it, I wanted to cover it so you know what you're missing. ****************************************************************************** 4.1: Basic Control System ****************************************************************************** Now, if you're a regular Metroid Prime veteran, you should just skip to the walkthrough, if not, here are the basic controls you'll need to know if you want to beat the game. A button: Activates the beam weapon. Press Left, Right, Down, or Up on the C-Pad to change your beam weapon. While in morphball, pressing A will activate a morphball bomb. B button: Jump ( press a second time while in mid-air to perform a double jump. Y button: Fire Missiles. X button: Activate Morphball, which turns Samus into a small, mobile sphere. L button: Lock-onto ennemies R button: Aim, useful for finding thing you can't see in your regular line of sight. D-Pad: Change Visors, the demo only offers two visors, the scan visor ( < / left D-Pad ) and the combat/default visor ( ^ / up D-Pad ). C-Pad: Changes your beam weapon ( as mentioned above ) That about covers it! ****************************************************************************** 4.2: Enemies ****************************************************************************** This is the complete list of enemies you find, how to beat them, and in the order you encounter them. Note: Does not cover extended demo! Kralee: A pretty easy enemy to take down. This guy falls after a single charged power beam shot. His scan information says something about the ability to change dimensions and escape... But he doesn't do anything like that. Splinter: A four-legged insect. They emerge from cocoons when you walk by, or when you shoot down one of their cocoons ( shoot one, the others wake up ). Again, easy to beat. You can even choose to simply ignore them by double jumping over them, for they lack the ability to climb small ledges... Lol... Space Pirate: A race of evil, scary looking bandits who have found themselves trapped on Aether. In reality, they're not all that tough. You encounter a total of 11 of these creatures, two of which use a gun turret to attack you. Normal ones attack using an energy scyth for close range combat, and an energy beam attack. Dark Samus: Ah, yes. Dark Samus. My favourite creature in the entire game. Although you don't actually get to fight Dark Samus ( unless you've managed to get the E3 demo... In which case I'd be willing to buy it from you... ), I think he's worth mentioning. You catch a brief glimpse of Dark Samus near the end of the bonus disc demo, you can't scan him, and it's almost as if he can't see you. According to a pirate log entry, Dark Samus is made entirely of phazon, and needs large amounts of it to survive. This creature has been stealing phazon from the space pirates, and they really want it dead. Warrior Ing: Probably the strongest thing you fight in the demo, the Warrior Ing appear to you when you enter the Dark World's feeding pit room. Although there are only two, they prove to be quite formidable. The Ing are incredibly weak against the Light Beam, but by this time in the demo, you'll probably be low on Light Beam ammo. The Dark and Power beams are still effective against the Warrior Ing, but for some unknown reason, Charged Dark beam attacks don't hurt them... Anyway, beat these two and the demo ends. ****************************************************************************** 4.3: Walkthrough ****************************************************************************** --- Mission File 02456 --- 30 Days ago, contact with Galactic Federation Trooper squad Bravo was lost_ --- Contract Agreement --- Locate Federation Troopers and render assistance_ --- Data Confirmation --- Last transmission received from a rogue planet in the Dasha region called Aether_ Uploading last known co-ordinates now_ Loading... After the intro, you start off in a small transport room. There are three webs in front of you, shoot their centers to clear them away. Behind the last one are three small plants that shake when you get close, now here's a neat trick ( pointless, but neat ). If you shoot a charged Dark Beam shot directly at them, they disappear... Anyway, shoot the door to open it. You'll then enter a corridor with a single Kralee in it. You can either kill it or ignore it, your choice. In the next room you'll find a transport ( aswell as a ledge which you can jump off of... Which will deal 5 units of damage to you if you jump off ). Scan the stick-like thing beside the transport to activate it ( it turns red when you turn on your scan visor, that way you know you can scan it ), Then step into the hologram. You'll be taken down to ground level ( apparently you were on a mountain before ). You can't go back though, because apparently the transport breaks as soon as it lands. Aim upwards and destroy the last of the webbing you'll find to access the door. In the next room you'll see three splinter cocoons. If you destroy one before it hatches, the other two will hatch immediately. I advise you to run through this room and ignore the splinters, double jump over them to avoid them. They can't jump at all, so as soon as you reach the ledge you're safe. Open the door in front of you and proceed to the pirate fortress. Take a few steps forward, you'll be treated to a short cinematic sequence which introduces the Space Pirates. One will enter from the left, using the wall post. Two more will then come in using a flying machine called a shrike. Ignore the shrike and switch to your Dark Beam. Two shots will kill each of the pirates. When the first three are down, two more appear. Use your missiles for these ones, because you won't want to waste the Dark Beam ammo too quickly. Two missiles kill them. Again, more Space Pirates appear, but this time, they use gun turrets. The turrets are just as weak as the pirates are, so you shouldn't have too much trouble with them. When they're gone, the forcefeild in front of you will disappear, allowing you to proceed to the second half of the demo. Go through the door and shoot the barrier down with the Dark Beam. Go into morphball mode and bomb the floor panel to go underneath it. Bomb the crates and go into the hole. Keep going until you reach either another room, or a blue barrier. If you see the blue barrier, just wait a few seconds ( because the next room is loading ). When it disappears, go through to the next room. You'll notice electric panels in front of you. They stay online for a few seconds, then they disappear... But then they reappear another five seconds later. After the second electric panel, turn right. Go past the next electric panel to find the one and only missile expansion in the demo! Now go back to where you turned right and go straight this time, then left and down. When you exit the tunnel kill the two remaining pirates with your Dark Beam. Then feel free to scan the panels around you to discover useful information concerning Dark Samus, the swamp area, and Aether's current condition. By now you're probably thinking "whatever happened to the federation troopers?", well, they're not included in the demo... So for now just enjoy killing off the space pirates! Anyway, when you're finished scanning everything, go to the top level of the room using the elevator. Double jump over the gap and walk forward. A space pirate will appear. Kill it and the door will unlock. When you go towards the door a space pirate in a dome-like room will shoot through the glass to attack you. You can either attack it or ignore it... I advise that you attack and kill it off. Go into the next room. When you get near the glass dome Dark Samus will fall through the glass ceiling and float away ( man, that thing's rude ). Anyway, go right and go into the glass room where the Space Pirate just attacked you from. Scan the panel to activate the dark portal in the main room. Backtrack to the main room and go towards the dark portal. You'll be then treated to another cinematic experience, which involves Samus going into the Dark World, and you learning that the Dark atmosphere hurts you. Anyway, you can either choose to go directly to the door on your left by going into the Dark atmosphere or by taking the long way around using the Safe Zones. Personally, I take the quick way around. Anyway, shoot those glowing light things to turn them into safe zones. You'll also notice that safe zones heal you when you stay inside them. Now here are some tricks you can use with your beam weapons: If you shoot an active crystal with a Light Beam, it will intensify, and damage Dark Creatures if they enter it ( which doesn't happen very often ). If you shoot a crystal with your Dark Beam, it will deactivate... Now, I don't know why you would want to do that, but, hey! Anyway, go into the next room and shoot down the dark webbing with your light beam to destroy it. Then go down, burn the second web, and proceed to the final room. When you go down to the nearest safe zone, two Warrior Ing will appear. Switch to your light beam. Shoot them down. If they melt into liquid, don't shoot them, it won't hurt them. Wait until they reform to kill them. Shoot at least one charged light beam shot each time they reform. Their attacks are pretty easy to dodge. When you're finished with them a Light Portal will open up. Step into it to end the demo. Congrats! ****************************************************************************** 4.4: Playing with the demo ****************************************************************************** This is a small list of things you can do with the demo. Mainly my own personal trick "Stuck"! 1. Playing with Fire! You'll notice when you first enter the pirate fortress that there are two fires near the wall. Here's a trick to make them go away: Simply backtrack to the transport room, then go back to the fortress. The fires won't be there anymore! 2. Reaching new heights! This trick lets you reach the second floor in the dark World's Main room ( the one where you first come in ). Go to the only open door in the room, and turn around. On your right are two plant-like things ( as of yet, they have no names, so I'll call them planties ). Jump in between the two planties, you'll be standing right on top of them! This will allow you to access the second floor... Now, it doesn't do anything, and it'll definitely sap a lot of your health, but it's fun to do. 3. Stuck. This is a trick I made on my own. As of yet, I have not seen anyone else use or mention this, so I can only assume I'm the first person to have found it. Here's how to get stuck in the Dark World: As soon as you enter the feeding pit in the Dark World, jump to the right of the safe zone, but DO NOT go into the safe zone. Turn around and shoot the door, but don't go through it. Now go into the safe zone, the Ing will appear, but the door will remain stationary and won't lock! Now go through the door and wait for it to close behind you. You'll hear the same sound that would have happened if you had beaten the Ing. Now go back into the room. The Ing are gone, and they won't appear again! On top of that, the Light Portal will not appear! Now you are officially stuck in the Dark World with no way out... Enjoy! 4. Light and Dark forever! Again, this is one that I found on my own. First, use up all the ammunition of any given beam weapon ( Light or dark ). DO NOT SWITCH BEAMS WHEN YOU RUN OUT. Now, you'll notice that you have 0 ammunition, but you can still charge up the beam weapon and fire it! The beam is weaker, and the Light Beam's charge will only fire one beam, but aside from that it's normal! 5. Second level, landing site. Now, again, this one is pretty easy, but for some reason not everyone notices it. When you start the game go towards the first Luminoth webbing. Jump onto the green part of it, turn left until you're looking at the second level of the room. Without moving press B ( after you press B move forward ), jump again in the same direction and you'll be on the second level of the room! You can't do anything there, but it's still fun! 6. Secret World 1 Now, if Retro hadn't installed barriers around every room to prevent players from breaking the game, this would qualify as a secret world... But it isn't. But here's how you WOULD be able to reach it anyway: First, when you go into the room with the three splinters, kill off one of the coccoons. Then kill the other two with missiles. Now, look at the two on the left. Double jump onto the lower ruined coccoon. Now turn around and look towards the small ridge on the left above the other destroyed coccoon. Jump towards it ( this'll take some practice ). When you finally reach it you'll be looking at empty space. Shoot around if you want, but you can't jump any higher thanks to those barriers. Still, it's fun to do. ****************************************************************************** 5.: FAQ ****************************************************************************** Q: Do you get to fight Dark Samus in the demo? A: Only if you manage to get the E3 version. Otherwise Dark Samus is not a beatable opponent in the Metroid Prime 2 Bonus Disc. Q: What do you do in the demo disk? A: You basically get two previews, an art gallery, a database on all the Metroid games to date, named the Metroid Chronical ( above ), and a playable demo. Q: When will the real game be released? A: Metroid Prime 2 is due to be released around November 15th, although I might be wrong... Q: What's so different between Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2? A: New, upgraded beam weapons, and weapons in general. New enemies, and a very different story, although it involves phazon, which was introduced in Metroid Prime (1). Well, that's all I've been asked. If you want to ask me a question, feel free to contact me at ****************************************************************************** 6. Legal Stuff ****************************************************************************** I didn't make Metroid, Samus, or any of the other... Things invloved with this demo, aside from the tricks I mentionned above ( those are mine! ). They are the sole property of Nintendo of America and of Retro studios. If you have any questions, comments, or anything else, feel free to contact me or ask me via PM here on neoseeker! Anyway, thanks for reading my FAQ/Walkthrough. I'll update it anytime I discover something new, or if someone asks me a quesion or something else happens. Please do not copy this without my permission... Or I'll horribly... Do bad stuff... To you... Grrr! Anyway, in addition, the following websites have permission to use this Walkthrough/FAQ: ( although I don't see why they would )