/\ ------------------------------------ /\ / \ ---------------------------------- / \ /____\ -- |Windfall Island FAQ | -- /____\ /\ /\ --| v1.2 (06/17/09) |-- /\ /\ / \ / \ ---------------------------- / \ / \ /____\/____\ -------------------------- /____\/____\ by Bradley Sattem (Anubis IV) /\ ---------------------- /__\ -- Table of /\ /\ -- Contents /__\/__\ ------------------- I. The Introduction :::::::::::::::::: [1A] II. The Good Stuff A. The teacher and the Killer Bees : [2A0] 1. Find the brats :::::::::::::::: [2A1] 2. Find the Joy :::::::::::::::::: [2A2] 3. Find more Joy ::::::::::::::::: [2A3] 4. Find EVEN MORE Joy :::::::::::: [2A4] B. Free the wanna-be fairy ::::::::: [2B] C. Get the Picto Box ::::::::::::::: [2C] D. Get the Deluxe Picto Box :::::::: [2D0] 1. Catch 'em in the act :::::::::: [2D1] 2. Shaking in his boots :::::::::: [2D2] 3. Find the secret glance :::::::: [2D3] 4. Colorful insects :::::::::::::: [2D4] E. Dance to the sun :::::::::::::::: [2E] F. Find the pigs ::::::::::::::::::: [2F] G. Find the pigs again ::::::::::::: [2G] H. Help the silent lovers :::::::::: [2H] I. Pale and round :::::::::::::::::: [2I] J. Stop the thief :::::::::::::::::: [2J] K. Joy Pedestals in town ::::::::::: [2K] L. The windmill/ferris wheel ::::::: [2L0] 1. Start it turning :::::::::::::: [2L1] 2. Let the light shine ::::::::::: [2L2] 3. Leap to the balcony ::::::::::: [2L3] M. Stop the gossip ::::::::::::::::: [2M] N. The auction ::::::::::::::::::::: [2N] O. Rags to riches :::::::::::::::::: [2O0] 1. Long distance love :::::::::::: [2O1] 2. Buying antiques ::::::::::::::: [2O2] P. Photos of Legend :::::::::::::::: [2P] Q. Miscellaneous ::::::::::::::::::: [2Q0] 1. Battleship :::::::::::::::::::: [2Q1] 2. Chu Jelly ::::::::::::::::::::: [2Q2] 3. Cursed Night :::::::::::::::::: [2Q3] 4. Trading goods ::::::::::::::::: [2Q4] III. The Appendices A. People in town :::::::::::::::::: [3A] B. Joy Pedestal locations :::::::::: [3B] C. Directions in Picto Box maze :::: [3C] D. Quickest way to trade ::::::::::: [3D] IV. The Conclusion A. Version history ::::::::::::::::: [4A] B. Quirks/Notes :::::::::::::::::::: [4B] C. Contact info :::::::::::::::::::: [4C] D. Copyright info :::::::::::::::::: [4D] E. Credits ::::::::::::::::::::::::: [4E] To use the code next to each item on the table of contents, merely press Ctrl+F (Command+F for you fellow Mac users out there) and then type the code in and press Ok. It should take you directly to the section for the corresponding code. /\ -----------------[1A]- /__\ -- The /\ /\ -- Introduction /__\/__\ ------------------- Well, the day has finally come...I finally broke down and wrote an FAQ. I had long wondered what it would be like to actually sit down and write one, and while I always imagined myself doing something along the lines of a full walkthrough for a massive 80+ hour RPG, I figured something simple, like this in-depth FAQ for Windfall Island, would be much more feasible. So anyway, long story short, I just got finished with my first play-through of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker a few days ago, and of the whole game, the one place I always went back to in my idle moments was Windfall Island. It had an allure...an innocence. It was just simple and pure fun to sit down and work my way through the riddles that the town had in store for me, and it sure didn't hurt that I was picking up loot along the way. The thing is though, every single time I thought I had managed to find every little thing to do in the town, I would take a glance at an FAQ and see mention of something else that I didn't even know I could do! After having that happen three of four times, I realized I could probably use some more in-depth help with Windfall, and I figured that if I needed it, surely someone else could use it as well. So I've gone ahead and compiled solutions to the riddles, means of getting items, and things you need to do while on Windfall. I know I've relied on FAQs at various times in the past, so I figure it's about time I started giving back. I hope you enjoy the FAQ, and let me know if there's anything I can do for you. Oh, and if you see this FAQ any place but the places listed in the "Copytight info" section, please let me know via the e-mail address in the "Contact info" section. You'll be doing me a favor...and who knows...if I sue the guys that posted it illegally and get rich, I might spilt the profit with you 50/50 for tipping me off ;) So, for those of you people that actually took the time to read my intro, I thank you from the bottom of my heart (and if I can sucker you into it, why don't you drop me a line at bradkun@gmail.com and let me know what you think of the FAQ, even if it's something like "it sucks" or "i rEd iT"), and I'll direct you to the next section: the actual meat of the FAQ. From little green men to Killer Bees, this island is chock full of things to do and see. Thus, without further ado, the stuff you've all been waiting for... --Anubis IV /\ ---------------------- /__\ -- The /\ /\ -- Good Stuff /__\/__\ ------------------- -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -The teacher and the Killer Bees- [2A0] /__\ When: Anytime Day/Night: Day Items Needed: Joy Pendants Items Received: Hero's Charm, Joy Pendant, Oasis Cabana, Rupees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go up to the school that's at the top of the town (has a chalkboard out front), and talk to the teacher, Mrs. Marie, who is standing at the front of the classroom. She'll tell you the sad tale of the four boys that aren't very cheerful, then she'll ask you to talk to their leader on her behalf. Agree to help her out then go outside and talk to the kid that has the hat on. He'll challenge you, and after you accept, his team of vandals will scurry away for a game of hide-and-seek. -----------[2A1]- 1. Find the brats ----------------- After the so-called "Killer Bees" split up to play their game, head out through the left arch (the one near the woman in orange) that is at the top of the town. You should be on a narrow walkway now, so take a left and head straight towards the bush that is directly in front of you. Walk around the bush, and you should scare one of the hidden rascals into fleeing. He'll jump down behind the gate and run into the heart of the town, so just jump down after him and give chase. if you want to use the roll-attack to try and catch up with him, feel free to do so, but make sure you don't accidentally talk to someone rather than roll. Once you catch him, head up towards the dancing man who's outside the town. Look behind the stone, and the next kid will jump out and run down to the open field outside of the gate. He doesn't do anything strange, so just chase him around until you tag him. The next one is on top of the tree that's right outside of the gate (the "poor guy" is standing in front of the tree). Roll-attack the tree to knock the kid off the tree, then chase him up the hill. You might be able to cut him off at the ramp since he tries to double-back and go up the wooden ramp into town. After you catch him, the last one can be found behind the bomb shop, so head back down towards the shore, over the field, and then go around the left side of the bomb shop. Sidle across the narrow ledge, then chase the brat around the field until you catch him. Once you get them all, the kids will ask you to apologize to Mrs. Marie for them, so go ahead and do that for them. ---------[2A2]- 2. Find the Joy --------------- After you apologize to Mr. Marie on behalf of the kids, talk to them again and they'll tell you that they want to get her a birthday present, more specifically, they want to get her a Joy Pendant. They also know that there is one on top of a tree somewhere in town, but they can't seem to remember where. To save you the time of roll-attacking every tree in town, just head down to the bomb shop and roll-attack the tree that is to the right side of the shop. The Pendant should fall down and the kids will show up to tell you that they didn't forget where it was, they had actually hidden it (Annoying twerps...). Anyway, go back to the school and give the Pendant to the teacher. She'll be very happy, but she'll mention that she wants 20 Joy Pendants in total. I'm sure you'd be happy to indulge her, especially considering that you have to if you want to beat the game... ----------[2A3]- 3. Find more Joy ---------------- After some gallivanting through the dungeons you'll probably manage to scrounge up 20 Joy Pendants. Once you manage to get 20 of them, head back to Windfall and give them all to Mrs. Marie. She'll be overjoyed that you gave her so many, and in thanks, she'll give you the deed to the Oasis Cabana that she owns. You might have already stumbled upon the island in your travels...it's the resort-looking place with the rude butler that won't let you inside the building. Take that deed back to the butler and the place is all yours. ---------------[2A4]- 4. Find EVEN MORE Joy --------------------- For those of you patient enough to get a total of 40 Joy Pendants (that's 20 more after the first 20 you gave her), Mrs. Marie will be willing to give you yet another item: the Hero's Charm. Though not everyone finds it useful, it does serve its purposes. While wearing the charm any enemy that you target will have a life meter displayed next to it indicating how much life the enemy has remaining. The meter can get a bit annoying for those weak one-hit-kill enemies, but it could prove useful against Darknuts or Staflos. One other gripe is that the charm just looks corny...it's a golden mask that makes Link look like he's always smiling. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Free the wanna-be fairy- [2B] /__\ When: Anytime Day/Night: Either Items Needed: None Items Received: Tingle Tuner, Tingle's Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as you get into town, head away from the shore and up the hill that's to the left of the gate, then go into the prison. Once inside, turn left and move those jars out of the way to expose a switch. Step on it, and the green clothed man that was trapped in the prison cell will be released. After Tingle gives you the Tingle Tuner and Tingle's Chart, he'll head out the door and go back to his island. The Tingle Tuner can be used with a GameBoy Advance to access other features, while Tingle's Chart can be used to find his island and a few other things in the world map. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Get the Picto Box- [2C] /__\ When: After you free Tingle Day/Night: Either Items Needed: None Items Received: Picto Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go up to Tingle's old prison cell and roll-attack the wooden box that is against the back wall of his cell. Crawl into the hole that is revealed. If you want a step-by-step of the maze-like crawl space then just go past this next little bit and skip to Appendix C...all you really need to know though, is that you need to get to the back and towards the right from where you started. Just keep heading in that direction. Also, there are rats that will drop you through wooden trap doors if you take the wrong paths, so, to get around those, just see if the path you are about to turn to is wooden rather than stone, and if it is, avoid that path since it will drop you into the sea...rather annoying actually. Once you get through the maze, you'll find a few pots, a few skulls, and one nice treasure chest. Open the chest to claim the Picto Box. Basically, it's just a black and white camera. Nothing special really, but you need it before you can get the Deluxe Picto Box. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Get the Deluxe Picto Box- [2D0] /__\ When: After visiting Forest Haven Day/Night: Day (for parts 1-3) Items Needed: Empty Bottle, Firefly, Picto Box, Wind Waker Items Received: Deluxe Picto Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you get the Picto Box, head up to the pictographer's shop that's near the top of the town. It's the brick building to the right of the school. Talk to the man for awhile and eventually he'll give you the first of three tasks that you need to accomplish before becoming his assistant. -----------------[2D1]- 1. Catch 'em in the act ----------------------- The first task he gives you is to take a picture of an unknown love-letter sender as they're in the act of mailing a love letter. The guy that you're looking for is the man in red coveralls that is always wondering if "the Rito postman has already come today...". Every time you come to the island or exit a building during the day, he starts next to the pictographer's shop and walks all the way down through the town until he reaches the mailbox, at which point he glances around to see if anyone is looking, and, if he sees no one, he'll quickly put a letter in the box. To get the best picture of him, either stand near the base of the hill that's by the gate, or go over onto the docks. Be sure to capture a good image of him from head-to-toe, and make sure that you get it just as he is putting the letter in the box. Take the picture back to the pictographer, and if it's good enough, he'll be sure to tell you as much. If it's not good enough, you'll have to endure that 3-4 minute wait again while the guy walks through the town again. Just make sure you get it zoomed in far enough, and it doesn't hurt to make sure that you can see the mailbox in the photo as well. -----------------[2D2]- 2. Shaking in his boots ----------------------- After the pictographer gives you your second assignment as his candidate assistant, head over to the cafe that is above Zaruni's shop. Inside, you'll find a lone man at a table. Roll-attack one of the walls next to him and take a look at his reaction. See how he's shaking? Well, you're going to need to get a picture of him right as he's doing that, but he stops pretty quickly, so it might be a little tricky. Rather than trying to roll-attack the wall next to him then quickly move to get a good picture of him, just go down next to the counter where the girl is standing, and grab one of the jars, then give it a good throw in his direction. Have your Picto Box ready to go, and it should be nice and simple to get a good shot of him. If you mess up, you always have the second jar to use as well, and if you still didn't manage it, you can always leave and come back in to reset the pots. After you get the picture, take the photo back to the pictographer and let him assess it. -------------------[2D3]- 3. Find the secret glance ------------------------- This third challenge is another waiting game, much like the first one. Park yourself outside of the pictographer's shop so that you have a good view of the woman in orange and the ramp (note: NOT the stairs) to the right of her. The person you're waiting for is the guy that has orange hair and likes to take strolls around the town. His walk starts at the base of the wooden ramp that is near the dancing man, goes down the hill, through the front gate, and up the earthen ramp that comes by the woman in orange. Anyway, set up your shot so that you can see her on the left part of your view and can see the ramp on the right part. Wait for him to show up, and, when they glance at each other, take your shot. Should be a piece of cake, so long as you were careful to get them both in the shot. Take it back to the pictographer, let him assess it, talk to him a few times, then leave, come back in, and talk to him some more. He'll tell you about a "mystical creature" that he needs. No, he's not looking for fairies, but rather for fireflies. -------------[2D4]- 4. Colorful insects ------------------- To get the firefly that you need, make sure you have an empty bottle and head over to the Forest Haven (Ballad of Gales helps out here...). Use your Grappling Hook and go up the river until you get inside. The firefly you are looking for can be located somewhere in this area. When you see it, you'll know it, but it is NOT just one of those specks floating in the air. The firefly actually shines out light kinda like a torch does, and it's a little bigger than those specks. Anyway, once you find it you need to trap it in a bottle and sail back to Windfall Island. Head back to the pictographer, give him the firefly, and let him work his magic. In short order you should have your Deluxe Picto Box. Congrats, now you can go and do loads of other stuff with it! -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Dance to the sun- [2E] /__\ When: Anytime Day/Night: Either Items Needed: Wind Waker Items Received: Song of Passing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an easy enough task to accomplish, and anyone who couldn't figure it out on their own should be shot immediately, so I won't go into great depth here. Basically, just go up to the dancing guy that's in front of the stone and hold out the Wind Waker. You can figure it out from there easily enough... -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Find the pigs- [2F] /__\ When: Anytime Day/Night: Day Items Needed: 3 Skull Necklaces Items Received: Rupees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find the big man that is standing near the bomb shop. Talk to him and offer him 3 Skull Necklaces and he'll give you a chance to play a little game with him. All you have to do is locate three pigs within two minutes. The task is simple enough since they're all pretty close to where he is. The first one is usually near the base of the ledge that is to the right of the bomb shop. The second one wanders around the field a bit, but is usually more towards the flowers where the gossiping girls are. The last one is about halfway up the hill that leads towards the dancing man and the prison. All you have to do is catch them one at a time and drop (note: NOT throw) them down in front of him. He'll give you 50 Rupees for accomplishing the task. If you're having a little trouble catching the pigs, remember the advice of the man from Outset Island: press R, crawl up right next to them, stand up, and grab them quickly. It's generally much easier than just trying to run up and grab them. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Find the pigs again- [2G] /__\ When: Anytime Day/Night: Day Items Needed: Very few Rupees Items Received: Rupees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're hurting for cash, the man from the "Find the pigs" challenge might just be able to help you. If you are low on money (i.e. have less than 10% of your max amount), talk to him and he'll offer to pay you if you can tend to his pigs. Unlike the previous challenge where you just had to catch the three pigs though, this challenge calls for you to locate a specific pig within two minutes since he's worried that it might be angry or depressed or something. Anyway, depending on what he says you'll need to locate a different pig. If he tells you to find the "slightly stupid" one, get the pig at the base of the ledge that the bomb shop is on top of. If he tells you to find the "stinky" one, get the one near where the gossiping girls usually are. The "angry" pig is the one up near the entrance to the prison where Tingle was being held. After you catch the pig, bring it back and set it in front of the man. If you bring him the wrong one he'll let it slip once, but bringing him the wrong pig again will end the challenge and you'll get nothing. Do it correctly and he'll give you 20 Rupees for the job. If you enter and exit a building or wait a day and are still low on cash, you can try the challenge again, but this time you'll only get one minute to accomplish the same task. Incidentally, the easiest way to tell the pigs apart is by their reactions. The "stupid" pig will release a lot of sweat when you pick it up, the "stinky" one releases a plume of yellow gas, and the "angry" one will turn bright red when you set it down. Many thanks go to eferrell for helping me to figure out this section of the FAQ since I had no idea how to trigger the challenge. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Help the silent lovers- [2H] /__\ When: Anytime Day/Night: Day Items Needed: Deluxe Picto Box Items Received: Piece of Heart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember the two lovers who shared a secret glance with each other? Well, you'll have to deal with the two of them once again, but this time your task is much simpler. Talk to the lady in orange and she'll tell you that she wants you to take her photo and bring it to the one she loves. Agree to do so, back up a bit, and take a nice head-to-toe shot of her. Then, take the picture and find the orange-haired guy that is always walking around the town. Show him the picture and he'll comment about how much he likes the girl, before finally deciding to ask her out for a date. Go back up to her and she'll tell you that he might come by tomorrow. Break out the Wind Waker and play the Song of Passing twice to skip a full day. After that, head over to the cafe above Zaruni's shop and talk to the two lovers. They'll give you a piece of heart so that you too can share in the love that they now feel for one another. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Pale and round- [2I] /__\ When: Anytime Day/Night: Day AND Night Items Needed: Deluxe Picto Box Items Received: Treasure Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locate the man that is sitting at the top of the stairs that are near the auction house's door (walk from Zaruni's shop towards the gate and you should run right over him). Talk to him a few times and try to tell him that you understand how he is feeling. He'll challenge you to find something that represents how he feels, so that's just what we'll have to do. Either by using the Wind Waker and the Song of Passing or by just sailing the open seas until you find it, take a picture of a full moon with no clouds obscuring it. Make sure that it is a true full moon that is perfectly round. Bring the picture back to the guy, and he'll tell you that you really do understand him, at which point he'll give you the Treasure Chart. Incidentally, had you wanted to figure out that he was thinking of the moon all on your own, you would have just have had to have come into Windfall at night and climbed the ladder up onto the wall that looks out towards the field. He's up there with his telescope every night, always looking up at the moon. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Stop the thief- [2J] /__\ When: After boss battle at Forsaken Fortress Day/Night: Night Items Needed: None Items Received: Empty Bottle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Possibly one of the most difficult tasks in Windfall, you could spend a good half hour or more trying to memorize the steps you need to take to finish off this task if you go about it randomly. After you defeat the giant bird at the Forsaken Fortress, head back to Windfall. If you come in during the day and talk to Zaruni at his reception desk (the left desk, not the right one) he'll tell you about how it looks like someone has been trying to break into his safe and how he just wishes that he could find out who was doing it. You don't actually have to talk to him though. What you DO have to do though is come back at night. You'll meet a poor, blonde-haired girl near the auction house. Talk to her and she'll tell you to go away, so play along for now and head towards the back of the town. A quick little cut scene will occur, showing her scampering away towards the gate. Quickly turn around and follow her. All told, you're going to have to follow her around through a large chunk of the town without getting seen, so here are the best/easiest places to hide since she'll occasionally turn around and check for people following her: 1. Behind the wooden board near the potion shop 2. On top of the shrub to the left side of the gate 3. Behind the tree where the Killer Bee kid hid 4. Near the top of the wooden ramp or behind the left part of the archway 5. At the base of the stairs that lead to the auction house's 2nd floor With 1-3 you'll probably be close enough that she'll turn around and look for you, forcing Link to "meow" so that she thinks it's just a cat. With 4 and 5 though, you may be far enough away that she doesn't ask the question, but she'll still be looking towards you, so maneuver your camera so that you can see where she is at all times, that way you can follow her once she gets moving again, but be sure that you don't jump the gun and walk right into her sights. Also, with number 4, be sure to let her go all the way up the wooden ramp before you start on it or else she'll catch you. Anyway, once she goes to the safe in Zaruni's stall she'll eventually start trying to break in. You can tell she's trying to break in since a little bubble will appear over her head. Quickly run up to her and you'll trigger a dialogue. She'll give you a longwinded sob story, but just pick the top answer for each choice and she'll give up her ways of crime while also giving you an Empty Bottle. Pretty good deal. One other thing: if you mess it up at any point, and trust me, you will, just duck into a building and then come back out. It'll reset her so that you can try again. Now, for those of you who are too lazy to try and follow her through the town, a much simpler means of accomplishing the same task is to let her run through town while you just wait for her. After you trigger the initial cut scene where she goes scampering off, go towards the back of the town and hide on the ledge that leads to the ladder on the backside of the ferris wheel. Aim your camera so that you have a good view of the area beneath the ledge, then just wait. It takes her about a minute and a half from the time that the cut scene ends to the time that you see her again, but you get to spare yourself the hassle of following her. Anyway, once you see her head into the stall, just jump off the ledge and run in after her. It's nice and easy. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Joy Pedestals in Town- [2K] /__\ When: Anytime Day/Night: Day Items Needed: Delivery Bag, several dozen flowers Items Received: Piece of Heart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout Windfall (and also on the Oasis island) you may have noticed strange pot-like things in buildings or on the ground. Well, the Joyous Volunteer Association has been attempting to spread the joy by planting flowers in those pedestals, but so far they've had little luck. If you're willing to help them out by planting some flowers they'll return the favor...the man that sits on the bench will be more than willing to share a heart piece with you. To get started, talk to Zunari at his reception desk and agree to trade things for him. After that, go to his sales desk and buy as many of the cheapest flowers as you can at 10 Rupees apiece. Take the flowers and plant them in the pedestals that are listed in Appendix B. After planting some you should be able to talk to the guy sitting on the bench (talk to him twice) and get a heart piece. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -The windmill/ferris wheel- [2L0] /__\ When: Anytime Day/Night: Night Items Needed: Deku Leaf, Fire Arrows, Wind Waker Items Received: 2 Pieces of Heart, Rupees, Treasure Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Probably the single-most defining feature of Windfall Island is what appears to be a giant windmill, but what is, in fact, a wind-powered ferris wheel. Unfortunately for us, the wind hasn't been favorable of late, and the ferris wheel seems to be shut down anyway. We'll just have to fix that. -------------[2L1]- 1. Start it turning ------------------- From the entrance of the ferris wheel's building, go left and follow the wall. You'll eventually come to a narrow ledge that overlooks Zaruni's shop, and that ledge will lead to a ladder that goes up the ferris wheel. Climb the ladder, press the switch, and switch the wind's direction to the north. If you did everything properly, the ferris wheel should start spinning. ----------------[2L2]- 2. Let the light shine ---------------------- Now that the ferris wheel is spinning, go back down to the entrance to the windmill, past the guy that wants you to play Battleship, up the stairs, through the door, and past the guy that's outside the door. Jump into one of the buckets for the wheel, then look inwards towards the ferris wheel tower. You should see a rotating thing on top (if it's not rotating, either the windmill isn't spinning yet or you forgot to wait for nightfall before trying to do this part of the FAQ. Tsk tsk on you). Well, if you had been talking to the fishmen all along, you'd know that the ferris wheel also doubled as a lighthouse. So, ready a Fire Arrow, and when the time is right, go ahead and launch it into the opening on the rotating portion of the tower. If you have a good eye and are quick, you can spot, target, and fire at the torch that's in the lighthouse. Once it lights up, a treasure chest on a small island off the coast of Windfall becomes visible. Before you go running off to get that treasure chest though, talk to the guy that was near the boarding area for the ferris wheel, and he'll give you a Piece of Heart just for firing up the lighthouse. To reach the treasure chest and the Piece of Heart it contains, go to the bomb shop area and jump while using your Deku Leaf. You might need to switch the wind direction to help out a bit as well, but just float on over to that island and open the chest. ----------------[2L3]- 3. Leap to the balcony ---------------------- Go to the loading area for the ferris wheel and look straight across the way. You should notice a door on the second story of the pictographer's shop. Jump into a ferris wheel car and ride it around until you can jump off of it and onto the balcony. Once you jump to the balcony, open up the door, step inside, then go ahead and open up the two chests that are in there. One has Rupees, the other a Treasure Chart. If the door is locked for some reason, I think you can get it unlocked by jumping down and talking to the pictographer. You might need to talk to him more than once to get it to unlock even. Before you go back out that door though, take a look at the next section of the FAQ. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Stop the gossip- [2M] /__\ When: Anytime Day/Night: Day Items Needed: Deluxe Picto Box, Fire Arrows, Wind Waker Items Received: Treasure Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After successfully completing the "Leap to the balcony" from the ferris wheel, you should crawl into the hole that is between the two treasure chests and follow it until you drop onto the floor inside the pictographer's shop. Once you move towards the entrance of the shop you'll find him and the lady that is always standing near the potion shop chatting amiably. He'll be rather surprised that you managed to sneak up on him, but once he's done talking to you, just get a quick photo of the two of them together. After that, go to the two women that are always gossiping near Zaruni's shop. Talk to them until they talk about Lenzo. At that point, show them the photo and they'll realize the error of their ways in spreading rumors. In thanks to you, they'll give you a Treasure Chart. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -The auction- [2N] /__\ When: Anytime Day/Night: Night Items Needed: Several hundred Rupees Items Received: Piece of Heart, 2 Treasure Charts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you even think about trying to start on the auctions, make sure that you have, at the very least, 200 Rupees for each of the three items. I would suggest 250 if you want to play it safe. Once you get the Rupees though, merely wait until nightfall (or play the Song of Passing) and then go into the bottom floor of the auction house (the red door). Talk to Zaruni and agree to take part in tonight's auction. In the auction there are four different items that you can bid on, but only three of them are worth actually trying to purchase: the Piece of Heart and the two Treasure Charts. If you see any of those three go up on the block for bidding you had better be prepared to shell out some serious cash to get them. Anyway, if you want a nice and simple win without having to play a bidding game with the other bidders, wait until about half way through the auction (Zaruni will mention that "Time is running out, dear friends") and then bid up to about 1/2 or 2/3 of the way. Once he gives the 10 second warning you should bid up until you are near the top of your bar (be careful though, since your bidding bar increases a little bit on its own). When he announces the 5 second warning, quickly bid up the rest of the way and then make a bid of "current bid+20 Rupees". So, if the current bid was 180, you should bid 200. When you do that, the other bidders will all be stunned at your audacity and will get the little stars around their heads for the next few seconds (like when you hit something with a boomerang). If you did it correctly they won't be able to bid at all until you've already won the item. Do that for all three items and they'll all be yours. Oh, and don't bother bidding on the Joy Pendants. You can steal them from enemies easily enough. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Rags to riches- [2O0] /__\ When: After boss battle at Forsaken Fortress Day/Night: Either Items Needed: Delivery Bag, 20 Skull Necklaces, Wind Waker Items Received: Piece of Heart, Treasure Chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you defeat the bird at the Forsaken Fortress head back to Windfall and go to the second story of the auction house. In the back of the room you'll find Maggie, a young girl who had been kidnapped by the bird, and then towards the front of the room you'll find her father, the formerly poor guy that stood by the tree near the gate and begged you to help him. The two of them managed to go from rags to riches after Maggie brought back some Skull Necklaces that her father managed to sell at a high profit. ---------------[2O1]- 1. Long distance love --------------------- If you talk to Maggie, she'll tell you the sad story of how she has been separated from Moe, her lover. As it turns out, Moe is a Moblin, and she fell in love with him while she was a hostage in the Forsaken Fortress. Unfortunately for her though, she has no way to express her love to him, but you can help out with that. Agree to aid her and she'll give you a letter to send to him. Take the letter down to the mailbox and pay the postage to have it sent. Use the Wind Waker to play the Song of Passing twice to bring on the new day, then go back to the second story of the auction house. You'll find the Rito postman, Quill, trying to delivery a letter, but Maggie's father won't let him through under any circumstances. After Quill leaves in a huff, head over to the cafe that's above Zaruni's shop. You'll find Quill inside, and after a brief chat, he'll give you the letter that was meant for Maggie. Take the letter back to the auction house and give it to Maggie. After reading the relatively simple letter she'll give you a Piece of Heart in thanks for your deeds. ------------[2O2]- 2. Buying antiques ------------------ For a quick and easy Treasure Chart, just talk to Maggie's father. When you get the chance, try to sell him 20 Skull Necklaces. He'll mention that Maggie brought back quite a few Skull Necklaces when she came from the Forsaken Fortress, and he had managed to sell them off for a pretty decent profit, so he wouldn't mind having some more. If you give them to him, he'll return the favor and give you a Treasure Chart. Nothing really tricky about it, but it's easy to overlook in that town. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Photos of Legend- [2P] /__\ When: After defeating Earth or Wind Temple(s) Day/Night: Either Items Needed: Deluxe Pictograph Items Received: Legendary Pictographs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you defeat either of the two dungeons that help to restore the Master Sword's power, head back to Windfall and talk to the pictographer. He'll tell the story of how it was many years ago today that he received his first legendary pictograph. Well, luckily for you he's willing to share them...or rather, sell them at 50 Rupees apiece. All told, you can get photos of Fado, Laruto, the King of Hyrule, Ganondorf, a Great Fairy, Jabun, and the Queen of Fairies. To receive the pictographs, you just need to have seen the subject of the photo, so, you cannot get the Fado or Laruto pictographs until you go and visit their respective temples and meet them. Also, you need to wait a full day between receiving pictographs, so you might want to use the Song of Passing to speed things up, and if he tries to sell you a pictograph you already purchased, just go pass another day and try again. As for what you can use them for...they make great figurines at the Nintendo Gallery that's near the Forest Haven, or, if you have nothing better to do you could just sit and stare at them all day, but that would just be weird. -/\-------------------------------------------------------------------------/\- /__\ -Miscellaneous- [2Q0] /__\ When: ???? Day/Night: ???? Items Needed: ???? Items Received: ???? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are just the little things that needed to be mentioned but weren't really worth the effort of writing up a whole section of the FAQ. -------[2Q1]- 1. Battleship ------------- Located inside the ferris wheel is a man behind a little table. He'll offer to let you play a game of Battleship for 10 Rupees. You'll get 25 shots to sink three squids of sizes 2, 3, and 4. Assuming you don't break the record on your first win you'll get a certain Treasure Chart, as well as a Piece of Heart. You'll get a different Treasure Chart the first time that you break the current record though. You'll also get a number of Rupees (as high as 100) depending on how well you do in the game. ------[2Q2]- 2. Chu Jelly ------------ You can trade in the Chu Jelly that you've been collecting all over the world to the man in the potion shop. Giving him five Chu Jellies will get you a free potion of that color, or, if he doesn't have a potion of that color yet, it'll cost you fifteen Chu Jellies in order for him to brew up the first batch of the new potion. Every five Chu Jellies of that color after that point will get you a free potion. ---------[2Q3]- 3. Cursed Night --------------- The Cursed Night (that's just my name for it...if there's an official name let me know) is the night that follows after you discover the destruction of Greatfish Isle and before you locate Jabun. All you have to do is locate the pirates and learn of their plans. The pirates are in the Bomb Shop, and you can get in there by going around the back side, climbing the ivy on the wall, and crawling into the hole in the wall. Once inside, be sure to remember the password that they say, then leave when you get the chance, go up to the hill where the dancing man normally is, jump onto the pirate ship, and enter the password EXACTLY as they gave it to you, capitalization and all. Beat the torch swinging game Niko sets up for you, then take the King of Red Lions and head for Outset Island. As for what's different in the town that night...some of the people in the town, such as those in the cafe, Kamo (the guy on the wall that likes to look at the moon), and Zaruni say different things than they normally do at night, and after you sneak into the Bomb Shop to spy on the pirates the cafe gets closed up for pirate partying. --------------[2Q4]- 4. Trading for goods -------------------- Once you get a Delivery Bag talk to Zaruni at his reception desk (the left desk) and he'll ask you to trade goods on his behalf. To do so, take the Town Flower that he gives you, locate the Traveling Merchants on the Great Sea, and trade back and forth using the items that you get from them until you eventually get the coveted Shop Guru Statue. You can actually stop once you get the Exotic Flower if you want to. Once you get the Exotic Flower (Step 3 in Appendix D), go talk to Zaruni at his reception desk and he'll give you his family's treasured possession, the Magic Armor. For a complete list of steps that you need to take in order to get all of the items, see Appendix D. /\ ---------------------- /__\ -- The /\ /\ -- Appendices /__\/__\ ------------------- ---------[3A]- People in town -------------- These are the initial positions of the people when you first encounter them in Windfall. Some of the positions can and will change depending on the actions you take in the town. +=============================================================================+ |Name |Day location |Night location | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Anton |Walking around the town |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Cannon |In the Bomb Shop |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Candy |Wooden pier near town gate |Cafe | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Dampa |By the wall near Bomb Shop |Cafe | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Doc Bandam |In the Potion Shop |In the Potion Shop | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Garrickson |Walking to postbox |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Gillian |Behind counter in cafe |Behind counter in cafe | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Gossack |At the table in the cafe |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Gummy |On top of the town wall |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Kamo |On stairs near auction house |On top of town wall | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Kane |In front of town gate |Cafe | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Killer Bees |Around the schoolhouse |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Kreeb |2nd floor of ferris wheel |2nd floor of ferris wheel | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Lenzo |In pictographer's shop |In pictographer's shop | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Linda |By entrance to ferris wheel |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |*Loot |N/A |Cafe | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Maggie |2nd floor in auction house |2nd floor in auction house | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Maggie's Father |Tree in front of town gate |Cafe | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mrs. Marie |In the schoolhouse |In the schoolhouse | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mila |In front of Zaruni's stall |Left of the auction house | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Mila's Father |2nd floor of auction house |2nd floor in auction house | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Minenco |In front of Potion Shop |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Missy |On pier behind auction house |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Pompie and Vera |Near Zaruni's stall |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Potova and Joanna |Field outside of town gate |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sam |Bench near Zaruni's stall |N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |*Salvatore |1st floor in ferris wheel |1st floor in ferris wheel | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tott |Dancing by stone on hill |Dancing by stone on hill | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Zunari |Behind stall next to cafe |1st floor in auction house | +=============================================================================+ *Indicates that they are not a figurine in the Windfall Island portion of the Nintendo Gallery Changes from initial positions: --After you get Anton and Linda to date they'll be standing together by the schoolhouse in the day. --Maggie's Father and Mila's Father switch positions after you beat the boss at the Forsaken Fortress. --Mila does not show up at night after you stop her from breaking into the safe. --Some people will appear in the auction house at night if you choose to participate in the auction. This list does not account for that occurrence. -----------------[3B]- Joy Pedestal locations ---------------------- Here are the locations of all the pedestals I could find: 01-02 Left/Right side of Zunari's reception desk 03 Between auction house and potion shop 04-06 Left/Right side of bench where man is sitting 07-08 Wooden ledge overlooking bottom floor of auction house 09-14 On top of town gate 15 Auction house, top floor, by the bookcase 16 Auction house, top floor, on the coffee table 17-19 Auction house, top floor, by the china shelf 20-21 Auction house, on the stage, left/right sides 22-23 Auction house, lower floor, left/right sides of stage 24-25 Auction house, lower floor, left/right side of door 26-27 Schoolhouse, on the front stage, left/right side 28-29 Schoolhouse, left/right side of door 30-31 Pictographer's shop, bottom floor 32-35 Ferris wheel, bottom floor 36-37 Potion shop, left/right side of door 38-39 Left/Right side of Oasis Cabana door (on Oasis island) -----------------------[3C]- Directions in Picto Box maze ---------------------------- For those of you too impatient to figure the crawl space out on your own, go into the crawl space, then, when prompted, go: 1. Right 2. Left 3. Forward 4. Right 5. Left 6. Forward (you should pass a rat on your right side) 7. Left 8. Right 9. Right 10. Forward (should pass a rat on your left side and should get 5 Rupees) 11. Right and you'll be there. ----------------[3D]- Quickest way to trade --------------------- The following section was directly taken (with permission) from tnman's Trading Guide. This list is just one small part of what his FAQ contains, so if you want more information than what this list alone provides, check out his FAQ. STEP 1: Grab the Town Flower from Zunari. STEP 2: Give the Town Flower to Bomb Island's or Mother & Child Isles' Wandering Merchant for a Sea Flower. STEP 3: Present your Sea Flower to Great Fish Isles' Wandering Merchant for an Exotic Flower. STEP 4: Sail to Mother & Child Isles to consult the Wandering Merchant there about getting a Pin Wheel. STEP 5: Getting explosive now at Bomb Island where you hand your Pin Wheel over for a Sickle Moon Flag. STEP 6: Back to Mother & Child Isles giving away your flag for a new one - a Big Catch Flag. STEP 7: BACK to Bomb Island for a trade-in resulting in a Fountain Idol. STEP 8: To Great Fish Isle for a Skull Tower Idol! STEP 9: Give you Skull Tower Idol in for a new flag, a Big Sale Flag at Mother & Child Isles. STEP 10: More flag action at Bomb Island for a Hero's Flag. STEP 11: Getting back to idols now by a trade at Great Fish Isle for a Postman Idol. STEP 12: Mother & Child Isles is the place to be for a new Shop Guru Idol. STEP 13: Back to Great Fish Isle, and give the man what he wants! You will now earn yourself a Piece of Heart! STEP 14: Return to Zunari's Stall to get the Magic Armor if you haven't already. (Only possible from STEP 3+). /\ ---------------------- /__\ -- The /\ /\ -- Conclusion /__\/__\ ------------------- ----------[4A]- Version history --------------- v1.0 (03/19/04) --General editing done --Tried to make easier to read --Reduced size of credits drastically --Wrote up several more sections --Added The Appendices --Received permission to use part of tnman's Trading Guide --Added the line breaks --Added to the list of authorized hosts v1.1 (03/25/04) --Fixed minor spelling errors --Added info to "Find the pigs again" section (thanks eferrell!) --Updated the authorized hosts list --Added another Quirk v1.2 (06/17/09) --Fixed one or two minor spelling errors --Clarified when you could light the windmill's torch --Added some Quirk info regarding pedestals at the gate -------[4B]- Quirks/Notes ------------ 1. If you attack the pigs repeatedly you can manage to make them get angry. When that happens, all three of them will come charging at you at full speed and will attempt to kill you. They take off a heart per hit, so be careful. 2. Zunari's stall will grow in size to accommodate the goods that you arrange to trade with the Traveling Merchants. 3. You can get some funny responses from Mila during the "Stop the thief" section if you pick the second choices instead of the first ones. Annoy her enough and she'll even ram Link out of the way. 4. If you can locate more Joy Pedestals or anything else of interest that I may have left out, please, fill me in so that I can add it and I'll give credit where credit is due. 5. The man that stands in front of the town gate during the day will ask if a festival is happening once you put flowers on top of the gate. If you put more valuable items on top of the gate he will even give you some Rupees. Putting Shop Guru statues along the top will net you 50 Rupees, Sickle Moon Flags get you 20 Rupees, and putting Rito Pedestals across the top will get you a purple rupee. Thanks to Sighter for the tip on Sickle Moon Flags! (If you know of any other things that will happen by putting stuff up there, let me know) 6. The man standing on the dock will give you different tidbits of information depending on which way the wind is heading at the time. Try switching the wind direction to get some info you might not already have. -------[4C]- Contact info ------------ You can reach me, Anubis IV, using one of the means listed below. Questions, comments, inquiries, and whatever else (except for solictation/spam) is welcome. If you're trying to send me an e-mail be sure to say "Windfall Island FAQ" somewhere in the subject line, though if you forget I won't just delete the e-mail outright since I'm a nice guy. Also, keep in mind that I might not be online 24/7 (like I was at previous stages of my life), so it might take me a few days, or even a week or two, to respond to you. In general though I respond to people within a day or two usually. So, if you need a quick response to a question, I'm not gonna guarantee you'll get an answer within an hour, but you will get one eventually, and I am always more than willing to try and help out anyone that needs it. E-mail: bradkun@gmail.com AIM: Anudari IV MSN: Anubis_IV@tamu.edu YIM: Orison_IV ---------[4D]- Copyright info -------------- Windfall Island FAQ by Bradley Sattem Copyright (c)2006. All Rights Reserved. This FAQ is protected under U.S. and International Copyright laws and all rights are reserved to the author, Bradley Sattem. The FAQ may not be reproduced or altered in any way and under any circumstances, whether in part or in whole, without prior written consent, except for the private, personal use as outlined in the proceeding paragraph. This FAQ may not be distributed electronically by any means without prior written consent, nor may it be used in any transactions, whether for profit or not, except as outlined in the proceeding paragraph. Individuals that wish to use this FAQ for reasons of an entirely private, personal, and non-commercial nature may print copies, distribute printed copies (for private, non-commercial purposes), and electronically/digitally store copies for private use, but the FAQ MUST remain intact with all parts present and in an unaltered state. Though individuals are permitted to store electronic/digital copies of this FAQ, the author in no way cedes any rights of ownership to those individuals, and electronic/digital distribution of the FAQ may ONLY be done at the sole discretion of the websites listed below, assuming that they continue to have the consent of the author. Should the author ever desire to have the FAQ removed from the websites listed below, it is the website's sole responsibility to ensure the hasty removal of all materials that the author so designates. Currently authorized hosts for this FAQ are: --IGN (www.ign.com) --NeoSeeker (www.neoseeker.com) Should this FAQ be found at any other site, or should it be distributed by any other means, the author can and will seek to prosecute the offending parties to the fullest extent of the law. In addition, the following sites will NEVER be authorized to use this guide under any circumstances and in any way, regardless of if they ask for consent or not: --Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com) All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and no claim to ownership of said copyrights or trademarks is made on the part of the author of this FAQ. All references, titles, names, and symbols, such as the "Triforce" symbol, are reserved to their respective owners, namely Nintendo and its affiliates. The step-by-step portion of Appendix D is copyright 2003 tnman as a part of his "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Trading Guide" and no claim to ownership of that material is made on the part of this FAQ's author. --[4E]- Credits ------- The people that contributed, if only in a small way (alphabetical order): Andrew (Zyre): Has a great Full Walkthrough for Wind Waker Ben (Aterus Elonar): College roommate and supplier of game, console, etc. Brad (Anubis IV): Umm...that's me. Chase (CerberusVII): It's his fault I played the game. eferrell: Submitted vital info regarding the "Find the pigs again" challenge. Jay (SineNomine): Rekindled my interest in writing an FAQ kadaj52325: Submitted information about Rito Pedestal on the gate arch Matt (Biff Slamkovich): Decent walkthrough for game. Good idea on the auction. Mon (Arctic): Best friend on the net. Got me interested in writing an FAQ. Nintendo: They made the game, they deserve some credit. Sighter: Submitted a tip for the quirks section. tnman: Many thanks to him for letting me use part of his FAQ (see Appendix D). And finally, everyone else that has thanked me or encouraged me in regards to this FAQ, both friends and complete strangers. Your e-mails really have meant a lot to me, and it's for people like you that I wrote this thing. /\ ------------------------------------ /\ / \ ---------------------------------- / \ /____\ -- | The Legend of Zelda: | -- /____\ /\ /\ --| Wind Waker |-- /\ /\ / \ / \ ---------------------------- / \ / \ /____\/____\ -------------------------- /____\/____\ Bradley Sattem Copyright (c) 2006. All Rights Reserved -EOF-