=============================================================================== _____ _ ____ _ |_ _(_)_ __ ___ ___ | _ \(_)_ _____ _ __ | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | | | | \ \ / / _ \ '__| | | | | | | | | | __/ | |_| | |\ V / __/ | |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___| |____/|_| \_/ \___|_| _____ __ __ | ____|___ _ __ | \/ | __ _ _ __ | _| / _ \| '_ \ | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ | |__| (_) | | | | | | | | (_| | | | | |_____\___/|_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| =============================================================================== This FAQ was made for the NES FAQ Completion Project. You could contribute to this yourself! Just check out Devin Morgan's web site about it: http://faqs.retronintendo.com Thanks to The Admiral for letting me use his format. =============================================================================== T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S =============================================================================== 1. - Controls....................................................TD01 2. - Walkthrough.................................................TD02 3. - Items.......................................................TD03 4. - Enemies.....................................................TD04 5. - Art Attacks.................................................TD05 6. - Disclaimer..................................................TD06 This whole FAQ/Walkthrough is designed for easy access! What does that mean? You could easily locate any section to your liking. Just click the edit button in the tool bar and click find, or press ctrl+f. A search box will appear and you could type in the name of the section or code and you will be brought right to the section. The code is the code to the right that looks like this: TD##. If you want a specific level, just search for "stage #". That's right, it's that easy! =============================================================================== 1. - C O N T R O L S TD01 =============================================================================== D-Pad Using the directional pad on your controller, Eon Man will move around the screen. You could also hold up and attack (B) to perform one of your "art" attacks. For more information on those attacks, go to the weapons section. A Pressing A will allow Eon Man to jump. Just like any other platformer, you will need to jump. You could also kick with the A button. All you have to do is press A again while in the air and Eon Man will kick whoever you're in front of. It's kind of a pointless feature though since you could still punch while jumping. B Pressing B will make Eon Man attack whoever is in front of you. The attack you will perform will be a simple punch. You could still punch while jumping and crouching too. There is also "art" attacks if you hold up and press B at the same time. More information about the "art" attacks can be found in the weapons section. Start This simply pauses the game, nothing special. You don't even get a "Paused" message or anything, everything in the game just freezes in place. Select The Select button allows you to switch in between your "art" weapons. For more information about those attacks, just check out the weapons section. =============================================================================== 2. - W A L K T H R O U G H TD02 =============================================================================== ==================== Stage 1 ==================== Start out by going to the right. After you reach the first building with the sign "Beef" on the front, a jet pack enemy will appear. From here on out, a steady stream of jet pack enemies will appear from ahead of you. The next building will have a sign that says "Elle" on it. There are two windows at the top of that building. A goon will smash through the glass and fall down from both windows once you get close enough to them. Keep moving to the right after those and when you reach the end of the building, another goon will run towards you. Keep going into the garage door to enter the factory part of this stage. Simply move to the right and you will enter a furnace area. You will see fire along the lower part of the level and a moving platform. The fire will obviously hurt you. To avoid it, jump onto the moving platform. Let it move to the right and stay crouched. A jet pack enemy will appear from the left. Stay crouched on this platform and the enemy will eventually fly off the screen to the left. As you reach the end of this platform's path, you will meet up with a turret. Destroy it and fall onto the conveyor belt. This conveyor belt will move slowly to the left so keep moving to the right. Another jet pack enemy should appear fairly low so crouch and kill him that way. After you have made the jet pack enemy reach its unfortunate demise, move to the right. The middle of the next conveyor belt will spit fire every now and then. Jump there right after the fire dies down. This and the next conveyor belt will also move to the left. Jump to the third conveyor belt and jump onto the high moving platform. Stay crouched while moving along this to avoid the turret. Another jet pack should appear from the left and float up in front of you. Just stay crouched and punch him when he gets in front of you. At the end of this platform's path is another turret. Kill that turret and that goop at the end will fall. A zombie will walk around on the platform he lands on. Another jet pack will also appear from the left. Once you kill the turret, you could jump through the wall. You do have to jump though to make it through the wall. _________________ Continue to the right. Pay attention to these pipes because | | | /\ | they will spit fire out at you. At first nothing will | | | / \ | appear from the pipe, then a small flame, and then a large | | |< \ | flame. It will repeat that pattern. Only the large flame | | | \ \_____| can hurt you so you could jump through the small flames. | | | \ | | You will eventually reach a taller platform. You could | |__| \ | | actually jump off of walls to get up there. To jump off a | >| | wall just hold the D-Pad in the direction of the wall and | / | | press the jump button again. I will draw out a path you | / | | should make while jumping just since this is the first | / | | difficult jump to make so you will know what to do in the | / | | future. |____/_____|______| Once at the top of this platform, move to the right. Two more zombies will fall in this area. Kill those two and you will approach more fire spitting pipes. As you approach them, another jet pack enemy will appear. Kill him and jump over the pipes when you get a chance. At the top of the pipes will be another zombie so quickly kill him. This part can be a little tricky. Fall down onto the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt will keep moving to the left, which will lead you into a wall of spikes. Move under the pipe when fire isn't being shot through it. Jump to the next conveyor belt and kill the zombie that falls down. This conveyor belt will also move to the left. Be careful because on the right half of the conveyor belt will have some fire shooting up. Jump to the next conveyor belt before you get burned. This next conveyor belt will be the first that you see that will move to the right. Again, it will move into a wall of spikes and again, another zombie will fall onto this conveyor belt. Kill the zombie and jump onto the next platform. Another jet pack will appear, quickly kill him. Go under the pipe while it's not shooting out fire. Jump to the next conveyor belt. This conveyor belt will push you to the left. Watch out for this area because it's a little tricky. You have to jump past the pipe that spits out fire from the ceiling. You will land on a small conveyor belt which will move you to the right. Right under that conveyor belt is fire spitting upwards towards you. You will have to quickly jump to the conveyor belt to the right. This conveyor belt will move you to the left. Jump up and jump along the edges to get to the highest platform. Kill the zombie up there and enter the door. Now you will be back in the streetside setting. Move to the right and you could jump onto some boxes. From here you could take two paths, I highly recommend the higher path. To get onto the higher path, you need to jump on top of the boxes, then make some wall jumps to get on top of the canopy. Kill the goon running around up there. As you continue on your way to the right, a ninja will hop out of the fifth window and throw a shuriken at you. Quickly kill him and continue to the right. Kill the goon on the next canopy and fall off when you reach the end to land on the ground. As you approach the boxes, a ninja with shurikens will appear on top of them. Kill him quickly and jump over the boxes. When you get over them, pay attention to the windows. A goon will break through the third window and fall all the way to the ground instead of onto the canopy. Quickly kill him and continue to the right for another goon. Once you have killed him, jump up to the top of the Bill building by wall jumping. Kill the ninja on top of it and fall off to the right. Kill that ninja and go through the garage door for the next area of this level. In this factory setting, there's a few paths you could take at different times. I will list what I personally believe to be the easiest path to take. Start out by going to the right. Wall jump your way all the way to the top of this area and you will reach a platform with two gunners. You will be below them but you could still jump and kill them from underneath them. When they are both killed, you could jump in between the two higher platforms above you and land on the one to the left. Jump to the right and a jet pack enemy will appear to you right. Kill him and climb along the higher platforms starting from the right. Kill the two zombies along these platforms and get on the highest possible platform you can reach from this area. From there, you could wall jump all the way to the top of this area. Destroy the turret to the right and fall down that small pit area. A jet pack will come down in the middle of the screen when you fall down there. Climb to the top of this area and kill the two gunners along the way. The last platform will have a zombie on it. Kill the turret and zombie to your left and jump along those platforms to gain access to the higher platforms. You will approach another gunner and jet pack enemy to kill. After you have disposed of them, move to the right and jump onto the boxes. Jump onto the moving platform when it starts moving to the left again. Kill the gunner to the left and jump where he was standing when you get a chance. Jump onto the next moving platform and kill the zombie and gunner to your right. Jump up there once you get a chance to. Jump on the boxes and kill the gunner to your left. Now start jumping along those platforms to continue on your quest to the top. Go all the way to the left where the turret is and destroy it. Wall jump your way to the top of this area and kill the jet pack enemy up there. Move to the right once you reach the top and go through the doorway for the final area of this stage. Move to the right and jump over the boxes. Fall to the right of them and get under the gunner. After he finishes shooting, jump and punch him. Let the hawks fly by and then jump over this box and continue to the right. Kill the next gunner and let the hawk fly by. Once the path is clear, wall jump up to the higher platform. Fall off to the right and kill the gunner and hawk at the bottom. Another hawk will adjust its height for you so kill him too. You will see a gunner at the top of this platform. He won't shoot until he sees you which means you are safe to wall jump up there at any time. Once you get up there though, it's a different story. You will need to quickly jump over his shots and punch him before he can hurt you. Once you have killed him, kill the two hawks that will appear, one from both sides. Watch the gunner on the bottom and wait until he is all the way to the left. Jump over him and walk into the door. This boss is fairly tough considering it's the first boss of the game. The only thing he will do is run from side to side. He will charge into the walls and shake the room. When the rooms shake, you will fall down from the higher platforms and for some reason, stop in the middle of your jumps. Just as he turns around, he will throw a grenade at you. Those are his two only attacks but you could punch the grenade too. Just punch him whenever you can but don't get too close. Always punch and run away as he gets stunned. If you just keep punching in one spot, you won't last very long. Just do that and wall jump over him to avoid his charge and you'll be fine. After you defeat him, just run to save the hostage. ==================== Stage 2 ==================== Just to note, the enemies have the same patterns as the previous stage, they just have different models. Start moving to the right. Once you reach the horse, two hawks will appear from the right. Quickly kill them and continue. Kill the next goon and continue. You will run into a gray barrel. This barrel will drop and roll towards you. You could destroy it or you could just jump over it, do whatver you feel more comfortable with. There will be another goon waiting for you as you jump the barrel so kill him quickly. Keep moving to the right and you will see some barrels on the roof of one of the salons. The three barrels will drop and roll towards you. Avoid them and kill the next goon you see. You will run into two more barrels. Avoid them one way or another and kill the goon. Wall jump up these boxes and get onto the roof of the next building. Kill the goon on the top of this building and continue to the right. Kill the hawks and goons along the roof and jump onto the next roof. Fall onto the wagon at the end and let the barrel roll under you. Kill the goon and hawk to your right and then enter the building. Go to the right and fall down in between the floor boards. Go to the left side of the screen and go as low as you possibly could. Kill the two bats and the dog here and grab the power items that they will drop. Move all the way to the right and switch to the digger art attack. Use it to go down and kill the gunner and bat down there. Wall jump to the higher platform on the left and kill that gunner. Use the digger art again and fall below to the lower platform. Immediately kill the gunner once you land and move to the right. Kill the next gunner and continue on your journey downward. You will fall down a pit and see a path to the left. Immediately take that path and kill the gunner and bat. Jump over the small gap and make sure you are on the far left. Use the digger art to fall below and kill that gunner. Use the digger art one more time and go through the sand here. Quickly kill the gunner when you land and move to the left. Kill the two gunners here and move to the far right. Again, use the digger art to go through the sand to get to the lower platform. Kill the gunner where you land and move to the left. Fall down one more time to the last platform and kill the gunner and dog here. Now all you have to do is move to the right. This section can be as hard as you make it. There will constantly be carts rolling in from the left with spinning blades in front of them, touch them once and you're dead. Immediately move to the right and kill the bats. The first cart should approach you just as you see a higher platform. Jump upon the cart and let it bring you towards the platform. Jump up and wall jump to get on top of that platform and start moving to the right. Kill the bats and the gunner. Fall down when you reach the next platform. Just then, another cart should be coming by. Jump onto it and get onto the next platform. Move to the right and kill the gunners and bats here. You should be able to jump to the next few platforms. Kill the gunners and bats as you approach them and stick to the high path on your journey to the end of this cave. This section isn't too difficult at all. It does however take a little bit of patience. You will see numerous black squares along the background. There will be three types of blocks that will appear in sequential order, green, yellow, and then red. You can jump onto the bricks as they flash without falling through. Just keep jumping and wall jumping until you reach the top. When you reach the top, just move to the right and you will enter the boss area of this stage. The boss of this stage is fairly tough. One thing you need to keep in mind is he is invincible when he is curled up into his little ball. He will only move while in his ball form too so be very careful since he can hurt you but you can't hurt him when he moves. He will just jump onto random platforms and scream at you. If you are caught in his shockwaves you will be hurt. The only time you could attack him is before and after he screams while he isn't in his ball form. The best way to kill him is to wait until he jumps on a platform and avoid him at on the ground. When he turns human for a moment, jump and hit him. Then you could get under his shockwaves. Another great strategy is to get behind him and keep punching him before he morphs into the ball again. Just keep avoiding his attacks and hitting him until he dies. Just move to the right to free the hostage for the next stage. ==================== Stage 3 ==================== Move to the right and jump over the first wall. There will be two lasers above you, the one to the left will shoot down at you. Quickly avoid it and continue to the right. Kill the gunner below and you will see some debris fly up. It will land on the ground again, it will be the top half of the robot gunner. Quickly kill him again and kill the laser on the next wall. Jump over it and continue to the right. Watch the lasers on the ceiling because if you stay in one space for too long, they will shoot down at you. Kill the two cogs and you will later approach a robot. You need to kill all three parts of it as it disassembles. Keep moving for more gunners. Wall jump up the next walls and kill the next robot. Jump onto the next wall. You couldjump this gap to avoid all of the lasers and the gunner. Kill the laser on the next wall and wall jump over that wall. Kill the next gunner and keep moving to the right. Kill the gunner and the next laser. Jump the wall and kill another gunner. Keep moving and you will approach one last robot. Kill that robot and enter the next door for the second area of this stage. Let the first train roll by overheard and then jump up there. Follow the path the train takes to the right and you will reach a pit. Let the sentry shoot first and then jump down there. Kill the sentry and robot and let the next train roll by. Jump up there and wait at the next train when you see the higher platform. Wall jump off of it and onto the roof of the train as it approaches. Use the art attack to kill the sentry ahead and move to the right along the platform. Kill the robots and fall downthe next pit when you reach it. Let the train fly by overhead and you could quickly jump behind it. If you jump up there really quickly you could just run along this path until you reach the next pit. Kill the sentry and robot in here and let the next train go over you. Jump up behind the next train and pass the first platform. Wall jump up the next and kill that sentry. Move to the top right for the next area. Fall down to the right and land on the platform right below you. Move all the way to the left and use the digger art. Go down and fall at the end. Land on the platform in between the two paths and go to the right. Fall down and land on the platform next to the laser on the left wall. Fall down the pit to the left and avoid the flames. Watch out and make sure you don't fall all the way and get hurt. Avoid the lowest flame and jump onto the platform as it's moving to the right. Kill the robot in front of the door and jump to it while avoiding the flames. This area really is not too complicated at all. Jump just along the moving platforms will killing all of the robots in your way. Be very careful and make sure not to fall into the electric current along the bottom of the screen. Take your time and take a break on every stationary platform that you pass along the way. It shouldn't be too difficult if you just keep using your art attack to shoot down all of the enemies ahead of you before you reach them. The boss of this stage is difficult, he's just a little tough to reach. Let the spiked ball go by you and wall jump to the upper right platform. Climb to the top left area here while avoiding the ball and you will approach two hands, one coming in from each side at a time. Move to the right up here and climb to the top of this area and then move to the left. Climb to the top of the head and attack it. It will shoot out and make a figure eight around the screen. Just keep attacking the head while avoiding it and the hands until it explodes. Move to the right to free the hostage for the end of this stage. ==================== Stage 4 ==================== There aren't any new enemies in the beginning of this stage so it won't be anything new to keep an eye out for. There are a lot of jet pack enemies in this stage flying around all over the streets. They will always appear so long as you move. I would advise you to try to avoid them all at all costs. If you have to, you could kill them. However, don't stay in one spot for too long or they will eventually shoot you. Move to the right. You do not have to jump over the cracks in the sidewalks since you can't fall down them. However, you should still keep an eye out for them. Some will shoot flames out of them so make sure not to get burned. The only other enemy you need to keep an eye out for in the beginning of this stage is zombies. Most will appear on the ground by a few will drop from the ceiling so keep an eye out for when you see them crawling around up there. Just keep moving to the right jumping over the obstacles until you reach the next area of this stage. In this new area of the stage, you will see a moving platform moving downward. Jump onto it until it reaches the bottom. Jump towards the platform on the left and land on it. Fall off the platform to the left and land on the next lower platform. Fall down to the left again and skip the next platform. Pay careful attention because you will eventually land in fire. Before you hit the fire, wall jump to the upper right platform of that area. Kill the gunner on the platform here and fall down to the right. As you fall, move to the left. Land on the next platform to your left and you'll see a moving platform moving to the right and left. Land on it and duck to avoid the lasers. Fall off along the left wall before the spikesn and land on the second platform to the right. Kill the gunner and there and dig down below for another gunner. Kill him and fall onto the moving platform below this platform. Move to the right side of the screen killing the two gunners and zombie in your path for the next area. The current over hre will slowly push you to the left. If you want to move quicker in this area, just jump to the left instead of walking. Keep moving to the right and after you pass the second support beam on the top, two sharks will appear. Kill them and jump onto the platform when you reach it. Kill the gunner there and advance to the right. Kill the shark and use an art attack to kill the gunner to the right. Wall jump to the higher platform here and kill the gunners up there while moving to the right. Jump to the next platform and kill the gunner sitting there. Jump into the water to the right and kill the two sharks. Wall jump to the top of the next platform you reach and kill the gunner walking around at the top. Fall into the water to the right and there will be three sharks that approach you. Kill all three of them and get on the platform at the end. Kill the gunner and advance to the right for the next section. This section is just like one from the previous level. Just jump onto the platforms as they flash there and climb your way to the top. Right away in this factory, you will see a conveyor belt to your right. Hop onto that conveyor belt and keep moving to the right. Kill the jet pack enemies at the end and use the moving platform that will move up and down to get to the higher platform. Hop onto the next moving platform when it is as high as it can go to avoid the flames and immediately jump to the next platform. Keep moving and kill the two jet pack enemies and one zombie as you approach them. Wait for the fires to die down before you wall jump up the next platform. Kill the jet pack enemies and use the moving platform when the fire is down to get to the higher platform. Jump across the conveyor belts while killing the jet pack enemies. Kill the zombie when you reach it and wall jump up the walls when the fire is down. Move to the bottom right of this section while you kill the four zombies. Go through the exit for the boss of the stage. This boss is actually really simple. He only has three real attacks, and that's if you consider him running an attack. He will kneel and shoot flames across the ground. Once you see him kneel, jump to the platforms opposite of him. He will then run to the other side. Jump down behind him and keep punching him. He will jump. You need to jump as he jumps and make sure you aren't on the ground when he lands. Then the process will repeat. Keep fighting him until he dies. ==================== Stage 5 ==================== *Please note - Before you start this level, remember to horde up art attack points. The last boss is a lot easier when you have the full sixty art attack points and my strategy for it will only include a way to beat the boss with those points. Move to the right and go over the wall. Land on the conveyor belt and start to kill all of the robots in this area. There should be a total of four. When you have killed all of them, jump over the next wall and continue to the right. Just move along the ground and you will run across four simple robots. No serious threats at all. Kill all of them and wall jump over the next wall. Jump up and land on the platform just under the windows above you. Kill the flying dog robot and continue to the right. Land in between the next two small walls and kill the little bug robot on the ground. Jump and kill the sentry robot that shoots wind which will push you back. After that robot is dead, continue to the right. Kill the small bug robot and you will approach another wall. You will see an orb floating down towards you. Let it come down to you and kill it. After it's dead, wall jump up this wall and continue to the right. Just keep jumping over the rest of the walls and kill the small bug robots until you reach the next section. The toxic sludge level will keep rising in this section. It looks like it rises quickly but don't worry because it's easy to keep moving upwards at a steady rate. You will need to wall jump up the first platform. Wall jump again to the next and kill the robot on that platform. Wall jump up to the left and kill these two small robots. Now keep going up by wall jumping and you will notice a split in paths. Take the path on the left and keep wall jumping to the top. Just keep climbing to the top and you will run across a lot of gunners. Kill them and the flying orbs on your way to the top and exit when you reach the top. This area is on a rocket ship flying through space. There will be a force pushing you to the left while you are on the higher platforms. Start moving to the right and jump and duck to avoid the asteroids that fly towards you. You will reach a lower platform. Kill the robots on this lower platform and move to the right. Jump onto the higher platform again and you will notice the force pushing you to the left. Continue to the right on this platform and avoid the asteroids as they approach you. Approach the cock pit for the next area. Move to the right and kill the flying dog as it approaches you. Jump onto the small platform above the spikes after the dog is dead. Jump to the right and kill the sentry shooting wind towards you. Jump over two higher platforms and turn around. The sentry shooting wind will shoot back to the right. Jump and let it push you all the way to the right. Punch the orbs as you approach them and you will drop at the end. Move to the right and get onto the higher platforms. Make your way to the sentry in the upper left corner of this section. Let it push you to the right and land on the next platform. Hop onto the moving platform and wall jump to the upper right when you get a chance. You will start the next section falling to the bottom. Keep trying to move to the right and land in the first break in the wall. Jump onto the platform to the right and make your way to the top by using the moving platforms. Work your way all the way to the top and kill the robot at the top. Move to the right of this new section and jump onto the higher platform. Move to the right and use the digger art attack to get on the other side of the wall. Staying on the higher platforms will help you avoid enemies. Move all the way to the right and fall down the hole when you reach it. Move to the right and wall jump to the top of these platforms. Move across these platforms and you will reach a wall. Fall down in front of it and kill the robot there. Use the digger art to go under it. Wall jump to the top of the next platform and you will reach another wall you will have to dig under. Get to the right of the sentry shooting wind. You will need to jump just before it shoots so you could get on the top of the wind cyclone. Move to the right and jump out of it to fall down the whole where there's a platform that won't hurt you. Kill the two gunners to the right and jump to the top of this platform. Kill the robot at the top and continue to the right. You will see an exit sign below, do not go that way since it's a trap. Continue along the higher platforms. Go across the conveyor belt to the right and onto the next platform. Kill the sentry and move to the right along the moving platforms. Get to the top right of this platform and kill the sentry. Go to the exit and free the hostage. You will have to fight the boss after the hostage this time. If you had saved up your art points for the full sixty like I noted at the beginning of this stage, this is a very simple fight. Jump onto the higher platform and move towards the boss. The boss will jump straight up and then land. It will jump again and to the other side of the screen. That is the only thing it will do. Just attack it when it jumps straight up and avoid it when it jumps from side to side. After you destroy it, you will fight the same boss as the boss of the future stage. Just use the flash art attack three times and it will be destroyed, it's that easy! =============================================================================== 3. - I T E M S TD03 =============================================================================== HEALTH The Health icons will appear as a small box with a large heart sticking out of the top. These actually don't show up too often so make sure to grab them when you spot them. They will only fill up four bars of your health bar. EXTRA LIVES Extra Life icons appear as the same icon in the lower left hand corner of the HUD (Heads Up Display). These come very rarely so definately make sure to grab them when you can. An easy way to obtain these is by having a score of 10,000. POWER The Power icons will appear as a circle with a P in the upper left and a W in the lower right. You will get six power points. These power points will go towards your art attacks. Those art attacks are you special abilities. You will gain a new attack after each level. For more information about the art attacks, check out the weapons section. =============================================================================== 4. - E N E M I E S TD04 =============================================================================== This section briefly describes the different enemies throughout the game. I will just list them under the same name even though the models may appear differently for the sake of saving time. So for example, the bats in the second level are the same as the hawks. This will just save time so I don't have the same enemy listed multiple tiems with just different names. GOONS These enemies are the common enemies you will run across. All they do is run along on the ground and try to attack you either with a weapon or by sliding into you and kicking you. You could just stand in one place and punch them when they come to you or you could run straight after them and attack. Both strategies are simple and effective. JET PACK The jet pack enemies fly around in a pretty much random pattern based on where you are in relation to these enemies. You could just go right under them and never slow down and they will fly right off the screen and disappear from harm. Whenever he gets low enough he will shoot at you a few times and then fly straight up and disappear. ZOMBIE Zombies will drop down from the ceiling. You will see what appears to be a goop of sludge moving on the ceiling. As you approach it, it will fall. Once it hits the ground, it will take the form of a zombie and start walking around aimlessly on whatever platform it lands on. NINJA There are two types of ninjas that you will encounter, The first ninja will walk around swinging his trusty katana. The other type of ninja will appear from his stealthy position and duck to throw shurikens. GUNNER Gunners will just sit in one stationary position and shoot at you. They will appear as random models but all they really do is crouch, stand, then shoot. They repeat that process until they either die or go off the screen. HAWK Hawks will simply fly across the screen. They will sort of sway up and down as they move from right to left. Most of the time they will just start off kind of high on the screen and fly at whatever height they're at. Some will actually stop and adjust their height based on your position and then they will fly towards you. DOG The dogs will just slowly walk around and occasionally jump up and down. Them jumping will make it slightly more difficult for you to successfully jump over them so your best bet is to just quickly kill them right away. CROSS These look like small X's and will spin around on the ground. All they really do is roll from side to side and they will occasionally jump. If you see them approaching you, try to kill them or get onto a higher wall. Chase them and kill them because they're a lot easier to kill from behind than in front of them. ROBOT Some robots are a bit strange. They move fairly slowly as they approach you. When they are relatively close, they will stop. You will see them disassemble. You will have to kill all three individual parts. If you don't kill all of them, they will slowly mold back into shape and fly straight at you even faster than they used to move. SENTRY Sentries will just stay in one spot. They will shoot in your general direction but they won't adjust their height. They shoot once and take a break to cool down, then they will shoot again. Kill them as they cool down. SHARK You will spot these enemies in the sewers. You will see rippling waves as they approach you. Some of them will jump out at you while others will just swim into and through you. All you have to do is hit them once, even if they are under the water. =============================================================================== 5. - A R T A T T A C K S TD05 =============================================================================== One thing that makes this game unique are the art attacks. There are a few art attacks that will be necessary to beat the game while there are others that will just aid you in your quest through time. All arts will take a certain amount of power from you so use them wisely. You can, however, regain your power through dropped items by killing enemies. To use them, just hold up and press the attack button. BEAM You start off with this ability. Each shot will take away two art points from you. Towards the end of the game, you could use this a lot without worrying about running out of power. DIGGER This comes in use in the second stage and comes in handy in prior stages. It will use four art points every time you activate it. All it does is allows you to dig through certain soft sands to reach lower platforms. STOP WATCH The stop watch will give you a small advantage over some enemies. It costs a hefty eight points to use though so use it wisely. What it does is freezes all of the enemies in place. It will however keep platforms moving. EARTHQUAKE The earthquake attack can really help get you out of some jams. It costs ten art points to use but it can be worth it at times. What it will do is freeze the screen and kill every enemy on the screen. Just keep in mind that it won't kill bosses. FLASH This art attacks is similar to the earthquake art attack except it is a lot more powerful. It costs twenty art points to use but it is definately worth it again the boss. It will freeze the screen and kill all of the enemies on it except for the bosses just like the earthquake attack. =============================================================================== 6. - D I S C L A I M E R TD06 =============================================================================== This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted © 2007 to Frank Grochowski. International Copyright laws protect this FAQ/Walkthrough. You cannot sell this FAQ/Walkthrough for a profit of any kind. You cannot reproduce this FAQ/Walkthrough in any way with out my written consent. You are however allowed to download this FAQ/Walkthrough for personal use. You can also post it on your web site as long as you give me full credit, don't change it in any way, and it is free. The latest version will always be found at: http://www.GameFAQs.com