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The only websites allowed to host this FAQ are: www.selmiak.de.vu www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com www.dlh.net or just dlh.net, without the www. www.supercheats.com If you want to host or publish this guide you need my permission. I'm a nice guy (most of the time, not always, and not in this FAQ...) and will most of the times say yes, but hosting my guide without asking me is stealing my work, and you commit a crime. Same is for claiming this guide as your work, altering its content, selling it without my permission and what else you can think of to profit from my work. If you find Typos or other constructive criticism, different pathes or other stuff that should be in this guide drop me a line at: !!! please make sure that you have the name of the game in the subject !!! ---> faqs [at] gmx [dot] de If it's not obvious, the [at] is for @ and the [dot] replaces . I replaced these symbols because of robots scanning the web for email-adres- ses and spamming my account. Hell, how do they know my dick is smaller than these dicks in internet porno- graphy... I don't need you enlargements! If you think one (or more) of my statements posted in this guide make you sick, embarresed or are against your nature, please mail me at: imnotinterestedyoucanstopreadingallthetime@chitchat.fuk So, that's enough to my position of right, that means: you have no right! :P _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | iii | Preface *_____* After sucessfully translating my Flight of the Amazon Queen FAQ from german to English I decided to translate my oldest PC only FAQ also into english language and present it to a broader audience. It's been on gamefaqs for over a year now, so it's about damned time. I hope I get to translate all my jokes I threw in in my first german version, so if something looks rally strange, don't worry, this is just a german joke I tried to translate word by word and that didn't work out to be funny in english or it's just a normal typo or you just don't have the required sense of humor, that is needed. Whatever it is, like I said, don't worry, and Enjoy the game. Be Vigilant. selmiak July '05 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | iv | CONTROLS *______* ____________________________ 1. Gamescreen 2. Inventory 3. Menu ____________________________ ____________________________ 1. Gamescreen ____________________________ The first Chapter of the CONTROLS Section is all about what happens in the gamescreen and what happenes if you do something. After all you don't have that many choices of what to do. To be precice, you only have three options. Here are all three options. 1st Action Touch an Object with the Cursor: -> Show what it is. 2nd Action Click with the right Mousebutton: -> use and/or pick up Foster decides himself what he will do with the object. 3rd Action Click with the left Mousebutton: -> Look at That all you can do with the combination of Mouse and brain. _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ____________________________ 2. Inventory ____________________________ You can access your Inventory by dragging the Mouse to the upper end of the screen. The Inventory window rolls down. You just have to watch this and then choose the Item you would like to use. You do this as described in iv-1 (1-3) Controls in Gamescreen. The only difference here is, that you must keep the left Mousebutton pressed to read what the object is. When you release the button the words explaining the object disappear. _______________________________________________________________________________ =============================================================================== ____________________________ 3. Menue ____________________________ You access the Menue by pressing F5. There are a lot of buttons offering you to push around on them. What happens when you push a specific button is explained here. - Load Game here your Options are: - load a saved game Here you can - cancel - load a saved game - save game here your Optionens are: - save a game with a filename of up to 27 characters. All in all you can save up to 999 Savegames in the ScummVM version thanks to MBB for this info! - cancel and get back up one level in the menu. - end the game - yes - No - start a new game - yes - No - FX - sounds on (bright) - sounds off (not bright) - Talkie and text - Text and talkie. - Text only. - Talkie only. - Music Volume You can't turn off the music completely, but you can turn it quieter and louder. - gamespeed If Foster is walking too slow for you, you put that switch to the very top and after this he will definetaly not be to slow for you anymore. Some riddles in this game are structured in a way, that you need to do something fast, while something else is happening. In this case you'll have to set the gamespeed to veeeeeeeeeeery veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery slow. Don't panic, and don't forget your towel, I will explain this in the Walkthrough when needed. - back to the game That's a good thing to ask, eeeehrm, I mean that's a good thing, that you found that button, use this button to get back to the game. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | v | CHARACTERS *_____* __________________________ 1. Robert Foster 2. Joey 3. Lamb 4. Hobbins 5. Stephen Reich 6. Anita 7. Dr. Burke 8. Miss Piermont 9. LINC ___________________________ ******************** * IMPORTANT NOTE * ******************** Just read the Character descriptions if you want that the whole game has nothing new to offer for you, or if you already made huge progress in the game or already finished it. In the following section of this FAQ there are lots of Spoilers, that will tell you parts of the plot of the story,and a lot of gamers are really pissed if you tell them what is going to happen in the game. So, by this you have been warned, continue reading in this section on your own risk. ******************** * IMPORTANT NOTE * ******************** 1. Robert Foster _______________________ Robert Foster comes from the Gap, a wilderness out of the huge metropolitan town, called Union City, in this near future. His parents died in a helicop- tercrash. A tribe of wild, uncivilized (whatever that means) people have raised him. The thing is, his name actually isn't Robert Foster, and that's the reason he's kidnapped out of the Gap and taken to town. So what else should happen, than the helicopter crashing again and Foster surviving again. At once the security man Stephen Reich is after him, but he will be history more soon than late. 2. Joey ______________ Joey is a robot, build by Foster. He's kinda C3-PO for Anakin Skywalker. Just that it's Joey and Foster. At the beginning of the game Joey is damaged and Foster just carries Joey's main circuit board around. But if Foster manages to stick the Circuit board into another soulless robot, Joey can take over this guy and talk stupid to Foster. Very funny sometimes. At the end Joey mutates to a jerk and is called Ken then. 3. Hobbins _______________ Howard Hobbins works in the repair shop in the recycling plant. Foster can steal his sandwich. hehe. Hobbins will be punished very hard later because of the things YOU did. Well, in the end it turns out that he will get a good job. He looks kind of Irish to me, but that could also be, that in the Talkie version all english speakers with strong accent do the voicing, even though the game is set in a futuristic Australia, and this makes me thinks so. Well, he looks like an Irishman, and I say he is, but I have no proove on this. Hell, I would ask him if I could. And I would eat all his sandwiches all the time if I could. 4. Lamb _____________ Lamb is a controller in the Pipefactory, in which also Anita is working. He's an asshole but he's very usefull for your aims. It's very nice when you can downgrade him to a D-LINC. He loves his cat and shows her Videos titled Pussys on Parade. Does this make him a pervert. I think not, but he sure is pervert. 5. Stephen Reich ___________________ Stephen Reich is a Safetyman. First he's after you, then he's gone very fast! He has a LINC Status of 5 and lives in Belle Vue Gardens 2291. You will make your way through half of the game with his ID Card. He also has a pair of cool sunglasses! 6. Anita ______________ Anita is a beautiful girl that works in Lamb's pipesfactory. The sad thing is she gets displaced to the Reactor and was a D-LINC before. She has no future. Anita is a hacker and she's on your side. She wants to help you to destroy LINC and hosts a virus for you in the Cyberspace of LINC. Now you only have to get it. But that is harder than you think it could be. Or something like that. 7. Dr. Burke ________________ In then middle area of the big town is Dr. Buke's practice. It seems like he's addicted to the narcotic that he's sniffing all the time. It should be for his patients, but he uses it for himself. Dr. Burke is specialized in plastic surgery. He can implant you a Schriemann- Port and he can also change and manipulate your fingerprints. You can also talk to his patient with the opened stomach. heheheh! 8. Miss Piermont ________________________ Miss Danielle Piermont is a nice old lady, that always walks her dog. She has got some very god connections and can introduce you into the club in the lowest area. But before that you have to torture her dog. Only a bit ;) 9.LINC _________________ So here is the big Spoiler, the socalled Plotkiller, so don't read on when you want to find out by yourself! LINC is a virtual Programm, written and created by your father. He spend more time with LINC than with you and your mother. Then LINC took control over your (Fosters) father and cLINCed directly into his brain. LINC controlls everything in Union City, LINC wants you as a replacement for your father, because he is too old. If you take the job or you delegate it to someone else just standing nearby is your own choice. But be fast and think about where you come from. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | vi | WALKTHROUGH *______* _________________________ Introduction _________________________ The Voodopriest is standing at the fireside, he's your stepfather and he's babbling to you. Your selfmade robot sees, that something is comming at you. Helicopters appear and they land, armed soldiers come near you and explain to you that they are seacrching for someone. You remember, that your mother died at a helicoptercrash and you got raised by a tribe in the gap. They gave you the name Robert Foster. The soldiers do a DNA Test on you and find out that you are the one they are looking for. So they do the only thing logical, they extinct the tribe that rasied you, your family, and kidnap you from the gap and stuff you in a helicopter (again) to take you to the ciy. Of course the helicopter crashes (again) and you survive (again...). Hunted by the security of a mysterious Mr. Reich you find yourself in front of a picturesque junk press. After this nice introduction I do not want to keep you on tenderhooks anymore, so here is what you have been waiting for, the long awaitet Walkthrough: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ____________________ Walkthrough ____________________ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Recycling Plant _____________________ Here is the place you run, as the cop is after you. Go left to the stairs, but don't go down, as you will be shot when you step down the stairs. So you better search for the crowbar, because the door is locked and the crowbar might be useful here. Well, the crowbar is not easy to find, that's kind of the first riddle in this adventure. Drag the mouse on the upper border of the stairs, the game shows you the word stairs, now move the mouse to the left end of the stairs and a little bit up. Perhaps you need to go a little bit to the left. Now it shows rung so you click with the right button and get the crowbar. Use the crowbar on the door on the left. The guard hears the noise and comes to check out, where the sound came from! With a little bit of luck you survive this unpleasant situation. Now enter the recycling Plant again. Go down the stairs and enter the door to the right. Look at the trash there. One of the robots seems to not have a circuit board, so smash in Joeys Circuits, and Joey will come to life. Now talk to Joey, who's trapped in a cleaning robot by now. Go one more room to the right and talk to Hobbins. Open the cupboard door. So Hobbins won't let you open the door, so go back one room. Now step on the lift. Once the alert is activated Hobbins will enter the scene, get you away and turn off the alert. While Hobbins is turning off the alert enter his room and steal the wrench and the sandwich. The wrench is more important, doesn't matter if you don't get the sandwich. !!!!!!! Attention please !!!!!!! If this doesn't work out for you because Hobbins gets back too fast and displaces you even before you could get the wrench do the following: step on the lift and set the game speed to the sloooooooowest possible and this shouldn't be much a problem. !!!!!!! Attention please !!!!!!! Now go back to the broken robot that's standing there and is waiting to be repaired. Try to repair it with the wrench. This doesn't work out quite well, so ask Hobbins 'what's up with the robo?' (in Foster's wors). First you have to talk a lot about escaping and so, thats also interesting, so the last question will be about the robot and he tells you what the problem is, make sure you get it all, and then ask Joey if he can help you repair the robot. Now everthing works as it should and the robot starts bringing barrels. I don't WANT to know whats inside these barrels. Well, the robot puts them on the lift and the lift carries them down. At the very moment the lift is down Foster can slide down the liftbar (right- click on the hole!) Try to open the door and stuffing stuff in the slot. After finding out, that this doesn't work, ask Joey for help (once again). Now Officer Reich enters the room and wants to kill you, because he thinks you are Overmann. But LINC (the camera) prevents him from killing you in a radical manner. Thank you LINC. Before you continue your quest search the corpse for the sunglasses and Reich's ID-Card. Take both with you and hurry on. Finally escaped from the recycling plant _____________________________________________ Go one screen farther right. Here you'll find the Elevator, that isn't working, a way to a wrecked helicopter that got nothing for you besides some informa- tions, so enter the factory. Here you can brabble at the woman, after that she will be displaced by Super- visor Lamb and Lamb will throw you out. Now leave the screen for once and enter back in. Now you can talk to Lamb and he will throw you out again. Now wait outside and you should be able to talk to the woman without getting thrown out or her getting displaced. Now throw yourself out and meet Lamb in front of the factory. You can talk to him but that's not that productive, so you better enter the factory again and go one screen farther. Try to get into the storage room. Doesn't work, so ask Joey to get in. He will find a fusebox. Well done Joey, for this you will get a new shell. Now stuff the wrench into the gearwheels (that are very deep between the meachnic and the door) and take back the wrench. Go to the welding robot where Anita was working before. Use the wrench with the robot and then ask Joey if he wants a new shell. Go to the entrance to the storeroom and send Joey in again to turn off the fuses. You can watch it all through the window :) After Joey burnt the fuses you can enter the storeroom. Now kick the gateway to get to the stuff on the other side of it. Just click it to kick it. Take the WD40, and the key. Under the gateway is a putty, Take this too. As you step out you'll be reliefed of the sunglasses, the WD40, the key and eventually (if you got it) the sandwich. Darn! At leas you got the piece of wax. Let Joey examine it! It's a plastic explo- sive! Now leave he factory and as far left as you can. Pass the guard and farther left, there is the door we want to enter. The old man on his chair doesn't matter (as always), try to push one of the buttons on the machine on the right. This doesn't work, because the are held back by some mechanism. With the wrench you can get rid of these locks. So ask Joey if he perhaps wants to push the button on the right. As he does it (and as you are not standing in his way) it's now your turn to push the button on the left. The old man will now leave the room and you can take the bulb with you (switch off the switch before!!!) Leave the switch this way and use the plastic explosives in that place the bulb was. Now switch on the switch and the cage will be blown open and you are able to regulate the energy. Use the right switch and then leave the left one as it is and go to the elevator on this level. Do you see the red cable on he right side of the screen? Ask Joey if he's in the mood for welding. So let him weld the cable. Open the elevator with your (?) ID Card and enter the elevator. Watch out for Joey, he sometimes misses the Elevator. Down one floor __________________ So take the cable with you. Leave the screen to the left and take the way to the back. Here you use the ID- Card with the Lock next to the left door. Enter Reichs appartement and stalk in. Use the pillow and take the magazines with you. Step outside and wait for Lamb. He sometimes walks on by. Ask him who repaired the elevator? After talking to Lamb get back on the track that's connecting everything in this level and walk to the very right. Enter into the Travel Angency called TravelCo. Talk to the man behind his desk and ask him politely for tickets. He won't give you any, the are waiting list and other stupid stuff. But look at him, yes, you're right, how clever you are, you saw on first sight, that he's a biker, so give him the biker magazine from Reich's appartement. He will give you the tickets at once. Back-up ______________ Use the elevator to get back up again and wait for Lamb. Give him the tickets you just got from the Tavel agent. He will invite you to a fantastic event, to the thing you have been waiting for all your life, you will pay a visit to his factory. Yeeehah! So get in the factory and wait for him. After he told you everything you need to know you can finally go past the jerk and see Anita again. Talk to her and after some talking she will be a nice girl and upload her jammer to your ID Card. You only have to give it to her. You can get some more useful information from her if you want to. After you're done with talking to Anita get out of the factory and use the ID Card with the LINC Terminal. As you can bypass the Retinascan in the LINC Terminal you should make a profit of that opputunity. So use the LINC Terminal and log in to Option 4 - Security Service. After the sucessfully passed retina Scan choose number 2 - Special Operations and then go to 1 - file adjustments. Hehe, now you can degrade Lamb to a D-LINC, just press 1 and 2 to degrade his LINC Status and clear his bank account. Easy and funny, eh? Now exit the terminal ad wait for Lamb in front of his pipe factory and talk to him about the Tour. So he'll send you to his friend Anchor to get an insurance. Wait until he tries to use the elevator and talk to him again. He has a serious problem, because he can't use the elevator his Cous Cous might die, and as you are a nice person you will look for her, won't you. So get down one level. Down one level again ________________________________ So get to Lamb's appartement. It's the one next to Reich's where you got the magazine. So take the Video Cassette and get t into the Video Recorder. So you can have a close look at Lamb's Pussies on Parade. Alright, so do what you are here for, feed the cat if you want to, you can do so, by using he machine. Now pay a visit to Anchor. He's the insurance guy, he's not as hyperactive as Stan from the Monkey Island series but he's a good replacement. His office is next to the Travelagency on right on the second level. Talk with him about the Schriebmann-Port. He will advice you to Dr. Burke's surgery. So go to Dr. Burke's surgery, it's on the left end of this level. When you're there talk to the hololady. To do so activate the projector. Uh, she won't let you in, so ask Joey to talk to the Hololady that she should open the damned door, so when Joey wants to know what to say use the last option. Now you can enter and talk to the doctor. He wants some of your organs in an exchange for an Schriebman-Port. So try giving him the first 2. You are too healthy for him, so try the least and the last option, if you only were a robot, than you had no problems in trading in your nuts. So finally you get your Schriebman-Port. After this operation talk to the Doc again and tell him you need to get on the ground floor. He will advice you to anchor again. So let's check that out. Ask him about his special policy. Of course he wants to know who send you, so tell him who send you. After that Anchor will look somewhere in the back of his office. In that time ask Joey to weld away the Anchor from Anchor's statue. Take the Anchor from Anchor with you. When Anchor returns before you got the Anchor from Anchor ask him again about the special policy and try again to get Anchor from Anchor while anchor is away. Okay, so you finally got the Anchor (from Anchor). Get back to the Recycling plant with it. Get up the stairs you once fled from Reich to and enter the fire exit. Out there use the Anchor you stole from Anchor with the cable and thow this to the sign on the opposite side of the gap. Ta ta tata, Indiana Jones is nothing against Foster. You see the lockers in the back? One of them is Reich's and you can open it with his ID-Card, but there is nothing useful in there so go into the next room and enter the Cyberspace there. You do so by using your ID-Card in the Slot next to the interface and then take a relaxed seat on the chair for the interface. CyberSpace ______________ Now it's getting really cool! So take a look at what you got, so drag the mouse to the upper end of the screen and the Cyberspace menue will drop down. There you have a lot of Symbols, to find out, what they are all about , have a close look at section viii - LINC Space there you'll get all the Info you need. By now I'll assume, that you have red that chapter or you know your way around LINC Space, it's not that difficult. At first you pick up the ball, thats lying around there, it's some compressed Data. Now continue to the right. Use the open order to open the Carpet bag. Pick up the magnifying glass and the Birthday Surprise. Now enter the next room. Here you must use the decompress routine on the compressed Data to get two Passwords out of it. Here you use the Passwords to puzzle around and then continue. Hey ho, let's go: There are 9 Password nodes there, I'll give them numbers from 1-9 when looking from top on it. 3 6 9 2 5 8 1 4 7 The nodes 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 have a ying yangish Symbol on them on which you can deposit your Passwords. Of course you first have to collect your Password gain before you can use it again somewhere else. So let's get it on. PLEASE don't read what's coming up now, I just included it for completism but it's a thousand times more fun to solve this by yourself.! -green on 1 -red on 4 -green on 2 -red on 5 -green on 7 that's it for this funny interesting riddle, now enter the next room and take the bust and the book with you. Now use the decryption Programm for decryption the three Text document you collected and now log out, before your provider sends you your phone bill. Have you noticed how I avoided to mention a provider by name. The golden days without Popup ads... So, log out and use the LINC Terminal right there on the right. Use the Security Service (option 4) and read the encrypted documents. You'll find out about your real background. Now enter the special operations and use the second option to load special privileges on your ID Card. So leave the Police Station now and head for the ground floor, use the two elevators, the one on the second floor is in front of the junktion to Lamb's and Reich's appartements. Finally on ground level ____________________________ Once you reach the ground level Joey will do a good Job as a basejumper without a parachute. Crash boom bang, now he's broken and you get his Circuit board and need to find a new shell for him. Walk to the left and talk to the Doorman to the club St. James. He will tell you, that you need a reputation to join the club. So talk to Mrs. Piermont, she's the old lady that is walking around with her dog. Talk to her about Overman and then about her sponsoring your membership for the club. She wants to meet you in her appartement so ring the bell and say Robert is here and then enter her appartement. Talk to the old lady and sooner or later she will phone the club. That takes some time, so long you can put the Video Cassette into the Video recorder and her dog will be attracted by the cat. While the dog is away from his place you can steal some of his dog biscuits. Now leave. Get back to the Club, but make sure you take the southern path. You will come to a little hatch with a closed door. Take a closer look at the door by left- clicking it. Now the lock of the door also shows up. Youcan crack the lock with your ID-Card. An old trick, but it still works in a fictional future. Enter the hatch and pick up the secateurs. Leave the hatch and finally go to the club you should be able to enter now. Splash the dog __________________ So we are inside the club now, so go to the door right of the band and look at the lock next to the door. Talk to anyone about anything and then leave again. Go to the elevator and put the dogbiscuits on the plank next to the pond. Wait until the dog is near the biscuits and then pull he rope. This funny action distracts the guard and you can now enter the cathedral. The door on the right lead to a ventilation shaft looking like this: http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/5978/schacht7ft.jpg In there take the midde door and you enter the Krypta or however this thing is called. Open the lockers in there and in the middle locker you will find Anita. She died because Lamb exposed her to the radiation. Get up to the top floor again. Lamb says he doesn't know a thing about it, so what can you do, you can't kill him just for that, can you? So enter the pipe factory and go to the room before the ractor. Open the locker in the middle and put on the protection overall. Now you can enter the reactor. Use the terminal and open the reactor door (by using option 2 dummy). Now enter the real reactor and look out for a LINC-Card. After picking it up leave, if you are responsible in what you do close the reactor door again then put on your own coat again. LINCspace'd again ______________________ Now head for the police station and go down to the LINC Node. This time you use Anita's ID-Card for logging in. Now you got some different things in your invetory. Go to the second room and use the Blind file on the eyeball and enter the door he's guarding very fast. If you don't get it set the game speed to veeeeeeeeery slow. At the crusader just go up in the door you can enter. There you use the playback function from your inventory on the well. Anita left a message before her death to you. She tell you to contact Eduardo and get into the old subway system beneath the city and this is the only way to enter LINCs secret base. Okay, so get back into the first room you always start your journey through LINC-Space and set the gamespeed to veeeeeeery slow and blind the eyeball there and head back to the room with the well you just watched Anitas message and continue one door farther and pick up the tuning fork quick, before the eyeball deblinds. After picking this thing up get out of the LINC Space and get down to the ground level. [.LS.] But you don't have to pick up the tuning fork and can pick it up later. Eduardo __________ On the ground level go to the right to the two guys in front of Mrs. Piermont appartement. Talk to the gardener about everything, then talk to the boy playing videogames about everything possible and then talk to the gardener again about the flowers! An then about Anita and so on until he's got nothing more to say and comes out as Eduardo, Anita's contact. Now you have to check out the courtroom next to the club's entrance and watch what you have done hehehe. Inside the Club _____________________ So you are in that bar again and the band is gone. Whatelse should you do than turn on the Jukebox. By the way, the title above this section has nothing to do or is in any way affiliated with half a dollar! You can choose between "You search, but find nothing"... "as cool as you"... "Longbeech"... Choose "You search, but find nothing"... and talk to Colston, the Club owner. After some time the song will get on his nerves and he will kick the Jukebox. While he's away you can steal his glass, that's saturated with his finger- prints. Armed with the glass go to Dr. Burke. Use the glass on him and he will explain to you how to replace your fingerprints with Colstons fingerprints. Now get back into the bar and press your thumb on the metal plate next to the door at the end of the bar. Winecellar _____________ Step on the box under the grill and destroy it. Yeah, Rock 'n Roll. Now use the crowbar on the big box, called packing case. Rip off the wooden lid and use this to strongen the box under the grill. Now you can step on the box without hurting you or the box. Standing on the box use the crowbar on the grill to make a hole in it. Now you can use the secateurs to completely cut off the grill. So climb into the subway. Subway __________ Go to the right and there follow the junction and one screen farther you better save your game. Just for fun go on without doing anything. You will see a very cool animation for the graphics of these days ^_^. Okay reload and then put the bulb into the socket in front of the hole. This will keep the mutated monster away from you. After the subway station there is a small tunnel you just need to click on the exit and Foster will run there without loosing his life but with a rush of adrenaline in his blood. You will find yourself behind a blocked way and in front of some ugly pulsating veines on the wall. Smash your crowbar into the plaster and then again smash it into the now exposed bricks. Once again we use the Metal bar. Now smash it into the swelling in the veine. This doesn't do much of a harm so smash the brick on the crowbar. Hah, finallay the veine is bleeding, so wait a second and a droid will come it's way and open up the door. So get in! LINCs secret base ______________________ Look through the grill and look at that android. Creepy isn't it. Well, go through the door leading somewhere to the back. There is an iris. Use the controls unit to reduce the temperature. Set the gamespeed to veeeery slow (you know what to do) and then step on the closed iris and pull the handle. This loosens the grid above the iris. Now leave this room and continue to the right until you reach the robot. Just stuff Joeys platine into this robot and order him to look around and collect information. Talk with him about the infos he gatherd and talk about the nutrition tanks. So you find out, that the androids will die without the nutrition fluid. Whatelse should you do, than order Joey to open the tap and let these bastards die and distract the android. You should hear a dripping sound, wait some time or look through the grill again to see if there is a little puddle. When and only when there is a puddle you can enter the room with the android fetus. After the android is history you can cross the room and leave it somwhere in the back to another room with the cylindrical tanks. Only one door will let you leave here, it's the one in the back on the right. Here you have to use your ID-Card to enter the LINC Terminal. Use option 2 to Access to restricted Area and open the door with the option 1. Now leave the LINC Terminal and this room you are in. Beacuse you openend the door the android can come in to beat Joey up. After the fight it's your duty to take Joey's Circuit board with you. You should also take a close look at the corpse that's left now. You gain another ID-Card. With this one get back to the controll room and use Gallaghers ID-Card on the slot on the LINC Node and enter the LINC-Space. LINCspace ______________ So blind the second Eyeball again and walk on by. You will come to the crusader one last time. Use the DIVINE WRATH on the crusader. You find the Divine Wrath on Galaghers ID-Card. After the crusader is gone (with god) enter the room he's guarding. Now you see the small DNA helix rotating inside the crystal. Remember the Oscillator? Log out of the LINC space and log in again with Anitas ID-Card. She has got the Oszillator saved on her ID Card, if you have picked up the Oszillator of course. If you haven't picked it up yet, go back to the last LINC Space Chapter in the Walkthrough by pressing Strg+F and search for [.LS.] and do what is explained there with Galaghers ID Card. And then you do what comes next. Blind the eyball and move to the crystal again. Use the Oszillator to destroy the crystal around the Helix. So pick up the Helix. it looks like this: http://img317.imageshack.us/img317/6453/lincspacecrystal1tj.jpg The Helix is a Virus that Anita deposited there for you. Log out now, there is nothing left to do in LINC-Space. Final dutys ______________ finally leave the controll room and enter through the door you opened through the LINC terminal and enter the cryogenic freezer room. Left of the door to the right are tongs you need. Take them with you please and enter the next room. Open the cabinet in the MIDDLE and put Joeys Circuit Board in it and then use the Terminal next to it. Use the option 2 - Download Character Date and then option 3 - Run startup programm. The new Joey will awake. Sounds creepy, eh? Well, actually it is creepy, because Joey has turned into a complete jerk. Walk to the next room and ask this Joey Ken thing to put his hand on one sensor. Put your own hand on the other sensor simultaneously. Don't care about Ken for the moment and continue your way to the newly opened door. Tie the cable to the pipe support and then you have to get back to the cryogenic laboratory again. Use Anitas Id-Card (with the Virus helix on it) on the Terminal and crash the System. Now take a tissue out of the tank with the use of the tong and freeze it in the huge tank. Now get back to where you tied the rope to the pipe support. Climb down the improvised ladder and throw the tissue into the hungry orifice and poison it that way. A secret door will open up and you better save right now for the last time. Then you can do the Indiana Jones again and swing over to the door. Now everything explains and is explained and you only need to ask Ken to take a seat as your father it thrown out by LINC. Then this adventure finally has reached it's sad END _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | vii | Item List *_______* A List of all items, sorted in order of appereance, what to do with it and what Foster tells you about the Item! __________ RUNG \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I in inventory refered to as METAL BAR * Found? Found next to the stairs in the Recycling Plant . Fosters first impression "I could make USE of that" ? used for used to open the fireexit and later to destroy and open other things. : Fosters second impression, when in Inventory The crowbar is strong enough to give good leverage .: Joey's opinion on that. It's a metal bar. It's an alloy of iron and carbon. commonly known as Steel. ________________ CIRCUIT BORAD \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I CIRCUIT BOARD * already in the Inventory . n/a ? used inside different Robotshells to bring Joey to life. : The circuits on the board containe Joey's unique personality. .: huh! Mirror mirror on the wall! ___________ SANDWICH \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I SANDWICH * Hobbin's Workshop . It's GROSS! There's some kind of MEAT in it! ? nothing really : The meat is mosty fat and gristle which appears to be in the early stages of putrefaction. .: Lots of ingredients __________ WRENCH \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I WRENCH * Hobbin's Workshop . There's a hundred and one USES for a WRENCH! ? a hundered and one occasions. First to find out that the robot has no nuts. : The tool is a standard 30mm wrench .: It's a 30mm wrench! And you can keep it away from my nuts! ___________ ID-CARD \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I ID-CARD * Inside the Furnace Room. Reich's corpse! . n/a ? Accessing Linc Space and other stuff : The plastic Card bears only the security Logo .: It's an ID-Card in the Name of Reich ________________ DARK GLASSES \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I DARK GLASSES * Inside the Furnace Room. Reich's corpse! . n/a ? given to the guy in the pipe factory : The dark glasses are cheap, plastic and broken .: Of those shades? They're broken. __________ WD40 \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I WD40 * In the storeroom in the Pipefactory . LUBRICANT! This stuff is always USEFULL! ? n/a : The can contains an all purpose cleaning and lubrication fluid .: LUBRICANT! You can give me a SQUIRT of that ANY time! __________ KEY \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I KEY * In the storeroom in the Pipefactory . It has 'BULWARK' printed on it. ? n/a : The key has 'BULWARK' stamped on it's shaft .: It's and itricately cut key, Rob! __________ PUTTY \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I * In the storeroom in the Pipefactory . It's a lumb of grey stuff... ? bulbreplacement! : The puttylike substance is grey and plastic .: You're WRONG - That's plastic EXPLOSIVE! ______________ LIGHT BULB \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I Light Bulb * The steam room on the upper level . What a WASTE of ENERGY / there's no power lighting the bulb... ? Monsterkiller : The light bulb is a standard 100 W filament bulb. .: There's nothing SPECIAL about it. It's an ordinay LIGHT BULB. __________ CABLE \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I CABLE * hanging from the upper floor, falling to the second floor. . It's LONG and FLEXIBLE... just what I NEED! ? bulding a grappling hook. : The cable is made up of many strands of wire and appears to be very strong. .: It's mostly COPPER, with traces of iron, carbon and magnesium. Will it BEAR my WEIGHT? Oh, yes! Easily! ___________ MAGAZINE \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I magazine * In Reich's Appartement . 'DANGEROUS BIKES MONTHLY' - a MOTORBIKE magazine ? Trading it with the travelagent : The magazine is called 'Dangerous Bikes Monthly' and bears a photo of a man in traction. .: A MOTORBIKE magazine! Those MACHINES are SLEEK! __________ TICKET \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I ticket * Travelagency; swapped for Item above . 'Travelco Tours - one adult' ? Holiday for lamb : The printing on the ticket reads 'Travelco Tours - one adult' .: It's made of re-cycled paper. __________ ANCHOR \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I Anchor * Anchor's Insurance . n/a ? building a grappling hook : The decorative anchor is die-cast from a cheap metal .: It's a model anchor made of steel __________________ GRAPPLING HOOK \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I grappling hook * build from the cable and the anchor . n/a ? to do the Indy : The anchor and cable are fastended together to privide an improvised grappling hook .: How CLEVER! You've made a GRAPPLING HOOK! ___________________ VIDEO CASSETTE \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I Video Cassette * Lamb's appartement . It's titled 'PUSSYS ON PARADE' ? showing Ms. Piermonts dog : The Video is standard VHS Format and bears the title 'Pussys on Parade' .: It's a low-qualitiy video cassette, VHS Standard. ______________ SECATEURS \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I Secateurs * The little hatch on ground level . They're for CUTTING and PRUNING plants ? Cutting and pruning wire. : The shears are dark with rust but still sharp. _________________ DOG BISCUITS \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I Dog Biscuits * Ms. Piermonts appartement. . Little crunchy DOGGY Snacks! ? used as a trap for Ms. Piermont's dog. : The doggie snacks are hard brown biscuits with a coating of the dog's abundant saliva ____________ LINC CARD \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I LINC Card * in the reactor room . It's an ID Card - minus the Secrity logo. ? To enter LINC Space : The plastic bears a holographic image of Anita __________ GLASS \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I Glass * In front of Colston in the Club . There are GREASY fingerprints on the glass! ? To rip of Colstons fingerprints. : The glas bears the user's greasy fingerprints. ______________ WOODEN LID \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I n/a * in the wine cellar . It's a solid piece of wood... ? strongen the weak box : n/a __________ BRICK \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I Brick * in front of LINC's secret Base. . A good solid old brick. ? to destroy the pulsation veine. : The brick is standard sized, regular shaped, dark red in color and brick-like in every way. _____________ LINC CARD \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I LINC Card * carried by Gallagher . n/a ? to access LINC Space : he plastic bears a holographic image of Galagher __________ TONGS \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I Tongs * In LINC's base in the freezer room. . They're like the ones used by SURGEONS! ? pick up the tissues with it. : Imprinted on the handle are the words 'Surgical Steel- made in Hobard' _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | viii | LINC Space *________* You first enter the LINC Space in the Police Station on the upper Level after you got your Schriebmann Port. In the Cyberspace that LINC Space is you see everything in black background and Foster has turened into a purple man. Your Items have also changed into Cyber Space commands and stuff you only need here. When you drag the mouse to the upper end of the screen the Cyberspace menue will drop down. Let's see what we have got here. - QUESTION MARK Use it and drag it over any item or symbol and you will be told what it is! - DISCONNECT FILE: LOG OUT TYPE: SYSTEM COMMAND DESIGN: PROF. PIERMONT, UNION LABS To disconnect the eidos from the matrix - OPEN FILE: OPEN TYPE: SYSTEM COMMAND DESIGN: PROF. PIERMONT, UNION LABS To access folders - DOCUMENT (1) FILE: BRIEFING.DOC SIZE: 242 bytes DESIGN: UNION SECURITY Text file You cannt read it by the start you first need the reading tool to read it. - CHARON FILE: CHARON SIZE: 10k DESIGN: GRENDEL To override system log-on Security. Please distribute freely. Hi to Roo, Baz & Ian - DOCUMENT (2) FILE: REPORT.DOC SIZE: 201 byte DESIGN UNION SECURITY S03 Text File You cannt read it by the start you first need the reading tool to read it. - COMPRESSED DATA FILE: <> SIZE: 13k DESIGN: <> File unreadable/ data format unrecognized It's the ball you collect in the first room of the Cyberspace. In your Cyber inventory it looks like a two colored ball. Turns into two PASSWORDs after the decopression with the BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Decompressor. - DECRYPT FILE: KWIK-D-KRYPT SIZE: 33k DESIGN: ORRIS AND WERNER, UNION LABS A decryption routine for all standard UCSI coded files The magnifying glass out of the carpet bag. - DECOMPRESS FILE: BIRTHDAY SURPRISE SIZE: 32k DESIGN: THE WILDE BOYZ The ULTIMATE decompression routine for all SERIOUS system surfers. SPREAD'EM AND ENJOY. The birthday surprise out of the carpet bag. - PASSWORD FILE: CODE BREAKER SIZE: 22k DESIGN: L. THWAITES, UNION SECURITY Access to password protected nodes - Security use only. - PASSWORD FILE: CODE BREAKER SIZE: 22k DESIGN: L. THWAITES, UNION SECURITY Access to password protected nodes - Security use only. - PHOENIX FILE: PHOENIX PROGRAMM SIZE: 64k DESIGN: C. GRAY, UNION SECURITY Restricted use only, in accordance with LINC mandate 899. the bust found after the password riddle - DOCUMENT (3) FILE: PHOENIX.DOC SIZE: 183 bytes DESIGN: C. GRAY, UNION SECURITY Text file the book found after the password riddle - PLAYBACK FILE: PLAYBACK SIZE: 28k DESIGN: Y. OKUDA, UNION LABS To view holographic diary image files. Compatible with HOL standard formats. found on Anita's LINC Card. - BLIND FILE: BLINDFOLD SIZE: 23k DESIGN: P. INALCIK, PYGNOSIS Counter intrusion counter measure. The author does not accept liability for brain damage. found on Anita's and Galagher's ID-Card. - OSZILLATOR FILE: OSCILLATOR SIZE: 55k DESIGN: PROF. PIERMONT, UNION LABS Range of modulation increased due to class IV variants in LINC defense. Found as a Tuning Fork with Anitas ID. - DIVINE WRATH FILE: DIVINE WRATH SIZE: 53k DESIGN: INFORMATION CLASSIFIED Classified specification - Union Security use only. Found on Galaghers ID-Card in LINCs Secret Base. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | ix | FAQs *______* Question: Where can I get Beneath a Steel Sky? My trusted Gamedealer doesn't have it for sale anymore! Answer: Good thing to ask, the game Beneath a Steel Sky Freeware since some time. This is because the nice guys from Revolution Software gave the source code for the digital Theather engine Revolution used for Beneath a Steel Sky to the nice and busy guys at ScummVM and they wrote an emulator for Beneath a Steel Sky and the guys at Revolution are so nice they said, okay, it's freeware now, we want more people to play our old and ingenious games. So this means that you can download the game everywhere it is offered. And you don't even have to pay for this. Isn't this nice? I hope Lucas Arts' Management will do the same sooner or later! _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: That's very interesting, but you didn't answer my question I asked you, so, where can I get this game, goddammid? Answer: Good thing to ask, here is a little selection of different providers and hosts: http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a0200586/videogames/steelsky/ ^^^^ This is Clems Site, with a lot of Beneath a Steel Sky related stuff and lots of other Beneath a Steel Sky stuff! http://www.vollversion.de/download/beneath_a_steel_sky_430.html http://www.acid-play.com/download/Beneath_a_steel_sky.php http://www.gamershell.com/news_BBeneathaSteelSkyBFreewa.shtml and the most important source: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv > http://www.scummvm.org/downloads.php < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ At ScummVM you first have to download the ScummVM tool, and then the rewritten version of the game. ScummVM is a rewrite of the original Lucas Arts Scumm En- gine for Windows XP or NT or 2000 (or even MAC, dunno) and with this nice litle tool you can play nice little Games like Monkey Island or Zak McKracken again on your superfast XP Computer. Isn't that's cool, eh! Another interesting thing for (ubuntu-)Linux Users just arrived in my inbox, send to me by Saborlas: For those who run Ubuntu Linux (a very user-friendly version of the open-source operating system), BASS is available to install quite easily, as it's in the repositories. You just open up the Applications menu, select Add/Remove Programs, and the system checks the repos for software you can install over the internet. BASS is in the Games section (although it's just the game data, you still need to install SCUMMVM, but you can do that in the same section). It's likely to take some time, as it's the full talkie version of the game and it compiles the engine from the source code (totally automatically, stop worrying!), but you do end up with a fully-featured version of the game running natively in Linux. Ubuntu is just awesome like that (try it out if you want, it dual-boots with Windows nicely). _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: Can I copy my old Savegame, I still saved from the original version of the game Beneath a Steel Sky to my current harddrive and use them with the ScummVM Version and play with them? Answer: No, this doesn't work, these Filetypes are not compatible. ______________________________________ | | | ...thanks to Wolfgang for this Info!| _______________________________________|______________________________________| Question: Can I die in Benath a Steel Sky? Answer: Oh yes, there are multiple ways to die in Beneath a Steel Sky, here are some possible deaths in this game, no guarantee on completeness. - walk down the stairs just at the beginning of the game and you will get shot by Stephen Reich. - Stuff the plastic explosive into the place you take the bulb from without switching off the power before! - enter the police station and try to use the elevator without cracking your LINC ID Card. - the bulb again! Pass the hole in the subway without putting the bulb in the socket! - Be too slow in the room after the Museum station in the subway and a huge Rock will fall on Fosters head. - stay too long on the iris under the androids room in the LINC Basis. - enter the androids room without unlocking the grid he will fall in. - don't ask Joey to take your Fathers seat in the LINC room. _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: What other games do you write FAQs for? Answer: A lot of games, if I have the time. I doubt I will ever finish this translation but when you read this it means I did it and some other games will follow up. I once wanted to write for all old classic Lucas Arts Games, but as it turn out, that I'm a slow progressing perfectionist, I might never finish this aim, but who knows what the future brings. I guess If you drop me a line on how much this FAQ helped you, YOU motivate me a lot! And a motivated selmiak means more guides on cool games filled with humor from the dark side and the obscure and also filled with lots of informative information! _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: So what do you want for this? Answer: I want to see you dancing naked on glowing coals and hear your crying my name in a orgasmic manner! _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: Are you serious? Answer: For Sure! _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: How long do you want to continue writing useless, sensless and brainless questions in here? Answer: Until you stop reading! _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: Hah, what do you do, if I stop reading? Answer: You will never know if you don't continue reading! _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: Why are you so great, goodlooking and such a winner? Answer: I'm so modest and shy, I don't want to answer! _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: Can I ask a serious question? Answer: Yes, please, that's what I'm here for! _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: What other games did Revolution Software bring to life? Answer: That's a good thing to ask, besides Beneath a Steel Sky they released Lure of the Temptress, In Cold Blood, and the Broken Sword 1-3 Series. _______________________________________________________________________________ Question: If I still have a question, even though this FAQ/Walkthrough is so filled up with tons of informations, ... can I send you an email? Answer: Sure, use Beneath a Steel Sky as a subject and send the mail to faqs (at) gmx (dot) de and as content insert whatever is on your mind. By the way, hatemails will be printed and used for amusement of me and my guests laid out in my toilet, it could be your letter, give it a shot! Loveletters and Fanmail is only accepted in connection with meaningful nude pictures ;) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | x | LINC Codes *_____* The original floppy disk version of Beneath a Steel Sky included a copy protection using Codes, which were subsequently removed in the CD-ROM versions. As a result of Beneath a Steel Sky being freeware, these codes have become public domain. When playing BASS in ScummVM, however, these codes are never needed as ScummVM has permission to bypass the copy protection even in the disk version. But if you still play the old Version of the game and perhaps you lost your Codes this might be usefull for you. So here we go, the LINC Codes are as follows: * Amritah Cola Company: 704723 * Anchor Insurance: 520228 * Beaudin Beauty Salon: 293852 * Blayde´s Emporium: 293944 * Celestial Sandwich Sushi bar: 257303 * Cole Brothers Gathering: 113668 * Dreamtyme Imports: 127813 * Frank´s Fisheries: 492132 * Hammond´s Drug Store: 113322 * Hvengelmir Heating Company: 180400 * Keading Memorial Pipe Company: 520394 * Martell´s Wine & Winkle Bar: 127174 * Mudd´s meat by-products: 305662 * Nonesuch data system: 386253 * Peejays Bakery: 284764 * Richy´s Metal Heaven: 386651 * Security Services Social Club: 815931 * Sqwak Security Systems: 284291 * The Piermont foundation: 704417 * Ultars Eatery: 257925 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | xi | TIVIA *______* - BULWARK ... what? The word (?) Bulwark, that is printed on the key found in the pipefactory's storeroom is an anagram for: War Klub or Bulkwar. - ROBERT FOSTER? Foster is called Foster because the Australian Tribe found him after the helicopter crash somewhere in the Gap next to a can of Foster's the Australian Beer. So they decided to call him Robert Foster. - LEVEL WARPING Warning! This feature might crash Beneath a Steel Sky; the safest way to perform this cheat is if you just started the game and enter the debugger before you do any other action. To enter the debugger, press CTRL-D. A text window will open. Type "section 0" and press enter. Type "exit" (and press enter) or hit ESC to exit the debugger. now the screen should fade out and fade in in another location in the game the following commands are available: section 0 - on the fire escape, ready to enter the police hq section 1 - after Foster escapes the furnace room section 2 - Belle Vue section 3 - ground level section 4 - in the collapsing tunnel section 5 - LINC section 6 - final scene, Rob entering the council room NOTE: these codes weren't accessible in the original BASS game, they were merely meant as helpers for the programmers of BASS. If the game should crash after using the debugger, please DO NOT bother the ScummVM team. The information presented here is rather inofficial. ...thanx to Clem for this nice info. More from him on his website mentioned in the thank you section - SHOW THE GRID To enter the debugger, press CTRL-D. A text window will open. Type "showgrid" and press enter. Type "exit" (and press enter) or hit ESC to exit the debugger. now you should see a grid of white boxes on every screen, roughly denoting where you can walk. the interesting thing is that the programmers also added some secret messages (such as "HELLO!" or "TONY") (to turn the grid off again, just enter "showgrid" once more in the debugger window) NOTE: these codes weren't accessible in the original BASS game, they were merely meant as helpers for the programmers of BASS. If the game should crash after using the debugger, please DO NOT bother the ScummVM team. The information presented here is rather inofficial. ...thanx to Clem for this nice info. More from him on his website mentioned in the thank you section _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | xii | VERSIONS *_______* Version 0.30 . 18.04.2004 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> Well, I just started translating my german Beneath a steel Sky FAQ into hopefully understandable english language. So the Version History section isn't that long after all. Check out my german FAQ on GameFAQs.com and look at the history, to see what long way this document came ;) Maybe some updates will follow up. Maybe not. Sometime I find some glaring errors just as the file is posted. Version 1.00 . 24.07.2005 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> Tatata! Finally done with the traslation. It's only been over a year, that I started. I hope the people translating the new Harry Potter are not that slow in progress. All other sections are also included in the translation. This FAQ is done for now. Version 1.01 . 25.07.2005 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> fixed some smaller formatting errors. I always find them just when the file is posted. Not before, always after. At least I take care of them ;) Also corrected some spelling errors. I don't think I found them all, but at least I hope I have eliminated most of them! Version 1.02 . 31.07.2005 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> Changed a bit in the controls section, as it's impossible to have the two Options Foster has, combined in one Mousebutton ;) Version 1.10 . 02.08.2005 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> So I added the LINC Codes I found on the Wikipedia entry on Beneath a Steel Sky as an own section and I hope that some might find them usefull! Version 1.11 . 05.08.2005 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> more spellchecking and some tweaks and twats here and there. You know, the usual stuff you do with such a small update. Before I forget, I added another (negative of the top one) ASCII Image at the end of the FAQ. It looks great, don't you think? Version 1.12 . 07.08.2005 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> corrected the webaddresse for the Ascigenerator mentioned in the Thank you section. Version 1.20 . 09.08.2005 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> Finally added the ITEM LIST as Section vii! added www.supercheats.com to the 'hosting permitted sites' Version 1.21 . 10.10.2005 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> This Version is, as the Number implies just a minor update, just some better ASCII-Art, some spelling errors eliminated and other small changes, that do not actually change the layout or the Solution much. You won't recognize it even if you would spend some 10 minutes on it! But now it looks better! Version 1.30 . 05.11.2005 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> There is another new thing in this FAQ now, it's section number 11 or xi, and it's the Trivia section. Have a nice read there! Version 1.31 . 03.24.2006 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> Some more (the last I hope) spelling errors eleminated! Yes, I killed'em, sir, just as you wanted me to do! added my website to the hosting sites, pay me a visit, drop me a line or just read on under ... www.selmiak.de.vu Version 1.32 . 08.20.2008 <>-------------=='#'==-----------<> Yes, YES! You better believe this, this guide still gets updates =] Thanks to Saborlas, who did send me a tipp on where to get BASS if you use ubuntu. You can install it over the internet very easy. But now I spoiled it all. You could also have read this in the FAQs section. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ | xiii | THANK YOUS *________* Thanks to Revolution Software, you made a very good straight game, spiced with a very nice portion of humour, that I would like to see nowadays again. Thanks to Gonzo Henning, even if I don't see you any more today or have any contact to you (or that I do want contact to you) you showed me that game back in the days and got a copy from a friend of a friend. Those were some days. Thanks for that, I still like this Game you see! Special thanks to Dave Gibbons, mastermind of this game's Artdesign. for more info it's best to look here: http://www.davegibbonsfansite.com/Beneath_a_steel_sky/beneath_a_steel_sky.html Thanks to MBB alias Ludix for a lot of stuff and corrections and other additions. Thanks to Clem for explaining the function of the ScummVM tool to me, and in that way to you too, cuz I used his explanation in this guide. I hope it is understandable, because I use my own words, and I don't know much about history, and biology, and at least about informatics. make sure to pay Clems site a visit, as it features a lot of stuff and good information about Beneath a Steel Sky. His siteadress is: http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a0200586/videogames/steelsky/ Thanks to wolfgang for pointing out that you cannot use the Savegames from the old Beneath a Steal Sky in the ScummVM Version of the game. Thanks to Saborlas (the nic sounds spanish, doesn't it?) for the information on the ubuntu linux native installation of BASS. Thanks to CjayC for keeping GameFAQs up and running. Thanks to Jonathan Mathews and his creation, the marvellous ASCII-Generator, found at: http://go.to/ascgen/ or http://ascgen.jmsoftware.co.uk/ Thanks to the technical university of Munich and their dictionary available under http://dict.leo.org. It helped me a lot. Thanks to http://imageshack.us/ for hosting images for free. At least at this time they still host them. Thanks to the unknown author on the wikipedia website for providing the LINC Codes Thanks to me cuz I wrote all this. Thanks to you because you still read this. SELFPROMOTION: To find more FAQ to other great games penned by me go to: > http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/39198.html < or browse my website: > www.selmiak.de.vu < Also available in html and colorful with lots of images on my homepage: http://selmiak.bplaced.net/games/pc/index.php?lang=eng&game=beneath-a-steel-sky or on amazon for your kindle > http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00G9FBOUU < _______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 2004-2008 - selmiak www.selmiak.de.vu cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC oCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCo .CCCCCCC oCCCCCC CCCCCC CCCCCo CCCCCC CC CCCCCo CCCCCC cCC: CCCCCo CCCCCC :C.CCCc CCCCCo CCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCo CCCCCC cCCCCCCCCCCC. 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C oCCCCoCC CoCCCCCCCCCCCC cCCCCCCC: .oCCCCo Co oCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCC cCoCoCCo o CCC: CCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCoC cCCCCCC CCC oCCCo CoCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCC cCCCCoCC oCoCC oCCCC: :CC CCCCCCCCoCCCCC cCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC cCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC oCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoCCCCCCCCCCo cCCCCCCCCCCCoCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCo .CCCCoCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCc oCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCoCCCCCCCCCCoCoCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC :CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCc :CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCo okay folks, it's done, that's all, good night, end of FAQ! Be Vigilant!