F.E.A.R. 2 WALKTHROUGH Developer: Monolith Studios Platform: PC Written by: Lunadea Contact at: drakulya[at]gmail[dot]com ---------- ---------- -- -------- ------ | | | | / \ | \ / \ | ------- | ------- / \ | ----- \ | ----- \ | | | | / /\ \ | | | | | | | | - ------ - ------ / / \ \ - ----- | -- ---- | | | | | / / \ \ | / / / - ------ - ------ / ------ \ - -- / / ----- | | O | | O / \ O | | \ \ O / / | | | ------- / ---------- \ | | \ \ | -------- | | | | / / \ \ | | \ \ | | -- ----------- -- -- -- -- ----------- P R O J E C T O R I G I N oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ Table of Contents // oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo Note: If you need to find a specific part of the FAQ, just press Ctrl+F to bring up the Find box, and then type in the letter or number code of the section you want and press find twice. E.g. to find the Controls section, type in CNTR into the find box; to find the Mission 3 section, type 7.3. into the find box. 1. Introduction [INTD] 2. Copyright Information [CPYR] 3. Version History [VRSN] 4. Controls [CNTR] 5. Characters [CHRC] 6. Playing Tips [PLTI] 7. Walkthrough [WLKT] 7.1. Mission 1 - Sanctuary 7.2. Mission 2 - Awakening 7.3. Mission 3 - Discovery 7.4. Mission 4 - Withdrawal 7.5. Mission 5 - Replica 7.6. Mission 6 - Ruin 7.7. Mission 7 - Top 7.8. Mission 8 - Elementary 7.9. Mission 9 - Nurse's Office 7.10. Mission 10 - Snake Fist 7.11. Mission 11 - Keegan 7.12. Mission 12 - Epicenter 7.11. Mission 13 - Approach 7.11. Mission 14 - Climax 8. Intel/Booster List [INBL] 9. Weapon List [WEPN] 10. Item List [ITML] 11. Credits [CRDT] oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ 1. Introduction [INTD]// oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo As a fan of the first F.E.A.R., it was a given that I'd be eager to play the second game. Although some tricks were familiar, F.E.A.R. 2 manages to still keep me more scared than I would admit, and can definitely stand up against its strong predecessor. Similarly I was also eager to submit another walkthrough for another game in the series. So here you see the product of my labor. This walkthrough is largely spoiler-free - I will try not to put any direct information here, but I won't go to great lengths to avoid it either, so skip ahead at your own risk. If there's anything you think is worth letting other people know about that I've missed, feel free to contact me at drakulya[at]gmail[dot]com. Enjoy your F.E.A.R. 2 experience! ~Lunadea oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ 2. Copyright Information [CPYR]// oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo The websites that may currently host this walkthrough are: - www.gamefaqs.com - www.supercheats.com - www.thegamereviews.com - myfrag.com.au The latest version of this walkthrough can always been found on GameFAQs. This walkthrough/FAQ may not be distributed in any form without permission from me (except for personal use), and cannot be used for commercial purposes. If you wish to use any portion of this FAQ on your site, you must contact me and gain my written consent first. In simpler terms - don't steal my walkthrough! *Sharpens kitchen knife* oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ 3. Version History [VRSN]// oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo 02/27/2009 - 0.1 - Started this walkthrough, completed everything except the main walkthrough. 03/12/2009 - 0.2 - Began working on the missions. Completed up to Mission 3. 04/02/2009 - 0.7 - Completed up to Mission 11. 04/04/2009 - 1.0 - Completed the whole walkthrough, submitted to GameFAQs. 15/02/2010 - 1.1 - Added melee glitch tips. oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ 4. Controls [CNTR]// oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo Note: These are all default controls for F.E.A.R. 2. Feel free to configure these to your own preferences. I will refer to these controls if I mention them in the walkthrough, to make things easier. oo-------- Movement --------oo W - Move forward S - Move backward A - Step left D - Step right Space - Jump Alt - Sprint C - Crouch Left - Turn left Right - Turn right oo----------- Interaction -----------oo Left mouse button - Fire Right mouse button - Melee attack B - Cycle Fire Mode E - Use F - Flashlight R - Reload G - Grenade Mouse wheel up - Previous weapon Mouse wheel down - next weapon X - Next grenade Z - Use medkit Ctrl - SlowMo Third mouse button - Weapon select menu V - Thermal vision H - Drop multiplayer items oo---- View ----oo Shift - Zoom in/out End - Center view Up - Look up Down - Look down oo------ Status ------oo Tab - Player status T - Talk Y - Team say Q - Map mode oo------- Weapons -------oo 1 - First weapon 2 - Second weapon 3 - Third weapon 4 - Fourth weapon 5 - First grenade 6 - Second grenade 7 - Third grenade 8 - Fourth grenade oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ 5. Characters [CHRC]// oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo // MICHAEL BECKET: A superb soldier with strong telepathic potential and a prime candidate for the Harbinger Project. Alma appears to be stalking him so she can absorb him. // REDD JANKOWSKI: The smart-ass member of Becket's team who doesn't like Becket very much, nicknaming him Bucket. His brother was recruited for F.E.A.R. active duty. // CEDRIC GRIFFIN: Leader of the team and a man with strong morals. A candidate in the Harbinger project due to his physical and mental excellence. // HAROLD KEEGAN: A member of the team that has a strong psychic connection with Alma, and frequently suffers the severest symptoms when she is near. // JAMES FOX: Another member of the team that is an approved candidate for the Harbinger project. Like many others of the team, he is somewhat entranced by Alma. // MANUEL MORALES: The APC driver of the team, as well as a competent soldier. A reserve in the Harbinger project due to his low telesthetic potential. // KEIRA STOKES: The intel girl of the team, and the only one who isn't a candidate for the project. She's usually the one that informs you of your objectives and sometimes backs you up. // RICHARD VANEK: The man sent out by the ATC Board of Directors to command the ATC teams to kill Aristide and destroy all evidence of the board's involvement. He crosses paths with Becket at various points in the game and tries to kill him. // GENEVIEVE ARISTIDE: A member of Armacham who made the stupid decision to open the Vault, and thus let out Alma. Becket's team was sent in to extract her from the attack of the other Armacham force, but it appears she has other ideas for them. // TERRY HALFORD: A researcher for ATC who worked under Aristide. He randomly cuts into the team's radio communication early in the game and from then on starts to help them, because he knows the only way to stop Alma is to kill her. // ALMA: The strong psychic who was a girl during F.E.A.R., and now retains the image of a young woman. She maintains her hallucinatory afflictions on the main characters and seems to be pursuing Becket in order to absorb him. oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ 6. Playing Tips [PLTI]// oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo 1. SlowMo is like your left arm in this game. Not necessary, but it's a lot easier having it around. When faced with large groups of enemies or fast-moving enemies, it is incredibly useful activating SlowMo before you charge in or before they charge you. 2. Pick the right guns for the job. A sub-machine gun may do well against normal Replica soldiers, but you'll be doing minimal damage on more heavily armored enemies who will be laughing as they shoot you down. Heavy armor requires heavy weapons, e.g. a laser. 3. Headshots are essential. An unaware enemy will die with one bullet with a headshot, and even alert foes will take higher damage. Headshotting an enemy or two before you burst in will make the fight a lot quicker. 4. Find cover, or else keep moving. Many objects like tables can be flipped over to use as cover, and often the landscape itself is sufficient. If you really can't hide, then run around so that you're less likely to get hit. 5. Listen to the communication between enemies. This can tell you what they're planning to do next as well as your own visibility. Also, the background music is also worth paying attention to - usually if there are no enemies left in the vicinity the music will stop, so if you don't see anyone but the music's still playing, watch out. Of course, being a F.E.A.R. game they like to surprise you, so this is not always the case. 6. Don't overuse the flashlight. They're useful in dark rooms, but enemies can spot your flashlight's beam and be alerted to your presence. oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ 7. Walkthrough [WLKT]// oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo (Since there is a great deal of checkpoints in this game, I decided not to write CHECKPOINT every time they came up and instead decided to split the walkthrough into paragraphs accordingly. Therefore between every paragraph, there is a checkpoint.) ---------------------------\\ 7.1. MISSION 01 - Sanctuary //--------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Security concern ----------------- [ ] I.M. transcript #1 --------------- [ ] Bad news ------------------------- [ ] Good luck ------------------------ [ ] Termination notice --------------- [ ] To-Do list ----------------------- [ ] Info: Sgt. Becket ---------------- [ ] Info: Sgt. Keegan ---------------- [ ] Walk forward and follow Alma until you reach a glowing yellow patch. Head into it to return to reality. Watch the scene until you get dropped off in front of the building, then make your way past the fountain and into the coffee shop. Go through the door on the left of the counter, then make your way through the area until you get to the others. At this point the game will have pointed out the PDA, the flashlight and the crouch button, all very useful functions. Head into the reception area and go into the alcove to the left of the desk to find a door leading behind it. Go in to pick up SECURITY CONCERN (1/8) and you can also watch the deaths of the receptionists if you use the computer. Join your comrades by the elevator and then go inside. Headshot the ATC as soon as the elevator doors open, then dispatch of the other 2 soldiers. Go through the door and you'll fight another bunch of soldiers. If you need, there's a MEDICAL INJECTOR near where you entered the courtyard. To the left of where Stokes is, on the pile of stuff, is I.M. TRANSCRIPT #1 (2/8). Pass through the shutter Stokes opens up. Pick up BAD NEWS (3/8) to your left as soon as you enter the door and go through the corridor until the game prompts you to sprint. Do so through the glass corridor so you don't get shot up too much. At the end of it are a SUBMACHINE GUN, PISTOL and some ARMOR. Head forward and then right and pick up GOOD LUCK (4/8) on the table in the middle of the room. Head up the stairs into the door. Make your way around the dark room and pick up the MEDKIT in front of you. Pass through the door and pick up the SUBMACHINE GUN AMMO and 2 FRAG GRENADES. You'll be attacked by 7 ATC in this room, once the first 3 guys are dead the rest'll file in from the other side of the room, so you can easily pick them off while they approach. In the middle of the room are SUBMACHINE GUN, PISTOL and ARMOR. Go through the blasted door and down the corridor. Outside there's a SUBMACHINE GUN and 2 FRAG GRENADES. Go around and you'll see 2 guys coming down from a helicopter, so blast them (and the 4 more that come to help) away. Head indoors from the left of the counter to pick up some ARMOR, then go through the shutters on the left and through the double doors. There's a SUBMACHINE GUN, a PISTOL and a FRAG GRENADE in front of you. Pick them up and turn right and kill the 4 soldiers in the next room from behind the cover of the low wall. There's a MEDKIT in the upper right corner of the room. Go down the corridor to your right until you hit an office. Pick up the MEDKIT and SUBMACHINE GUN in front of you, then headshot the lone guy up on the roof through the window. Jump through said window and jump onto next balcony to your right, then quickly jump onto the ledge ahead. Crawl through the ventilation shaft and jump into the pool in the next room. When you come out, cross the pool and go up the stairs and turn right to find some ARMOR. Open the door to your right to find 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS and a SUBMACHINE GUN. Backtrack a little to the door beside the bathroom and head inside. In the next room are a bunch of enemies. You can use the wall ahead for cover. If you're quiet enough you can take a couple of them by surprise too. In the center of the room are 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS and a SUBMACHINE GUN. On the counter in the kitchen is TERMINATION NOTICE (5/8). Go up the stairs at the back of the room and kill the enemy that comes out of the door. Go through it and pick up the TO-DO LIST (6/8) on the ground. When you reach the bedroom, examine the music box to open the secret door. Pick up the INFO: SGT BECKET (7/8) and INFO: SGT KEEGAN (8/8) ahead and enter the door down to your right. When your screen gets fuzzy, head out of the room and follow Alma to end the mission. ---------------------------\\ 7.2. MISSION 02 - Awakening //--------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Memo: M. Becket ------------------ [ ] Info: 1SG Griffin ---------------- [ ] Info: SGT Jankowski -------------- [ ] Surgical Notes ------------------- [ ] Check the news ------------------- [ ] Urgent warning ------------------- [ ] Info: 1LT Stokes ----------------- [ ] Diode Implants ------------------- [ ] Admitting patients --------------- [ ] Evaluation report ---------------- [ ] T.A.C. overview ------------------ [ ] * Reflex Injector #1 ------------- [ ] Pick up MEMO: M. BECKET (1/11) by the door. Go down the corridor and turn left at the intersection. Go into the room at the end to pick up a MEDKIT. Go into the other room to find INFO: 1SG GRIFFIN (2/11) on a table. Go down the main corridor now and continue along until you hear a radio. Go through the double doors opposite the desk and turn left to enter Recovery 106. Turn left and go through the toilet to the next room, and pick up INFO: SGT JANKOWSKI (3/11) on the counter. Backtrack to 106 and through it to the other corridor. Continue along and turn right at the fork and enter the room at the end to pick up SURGICAL NOTES (4/11). Go back to the fork and turn left and enter one of the doors to the large room. Ascend the stairs and check out the male toilets to your right. The room in the middle contains CHECK THE NEWS (5/11). Go through the double doors to your left, then turn left again and head through this area. After you meet Aristide, continue through the room and into the next corridor. To your left is a door that leads to the MEDKIT you probably saw earlier. Keep going into the next lab area which contains URGENT WARNING (6/11). Past this lab is a burnt door, near which the game will reveal SlowMo to you. Use it, go in and grab the SUBMACHINE GUN or PISTOL in front of you and kill the enemies (shoot the tank on their backs, they'll explode). There's also some ARMOR and 2 FRAG GRENADES in the same spot. Another FRAG GRENADE and PISTOL lie on the table to the right. Move behind the bookcase to the next room. Pick up the SUBMACHINE GUN in front of you and shoot the TV if the voice unnerves you. Enemies will burst through the double doors once you're halfway across the room, so prepare to face down approximately 10 enemies. The room to your left contains 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS and a SUBMACHINE GUN while the room to your right contains 3 MEDICAL INJECTORS, a PISTOL and a FRAG GRENADE. Enter this room and 2 more gas tank soldiers will charge in from the other door and head into the corridor. Let a grenade cook in your hand and toss it down the window to your left to kill the 3 soldiers, then jump down. Turn around and head right into the female toilets to find INFO: 1LT STOKES (7/11) in the last stall. Head back into the main room and pick up the ARMOR, SUBMACHINE GUN and 2 FRAG GRENADEs on the table. There're 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS further ahead to the left of the elevators. Call the elevator. A number of ATC will jump down from where you did and attack you at this point, so kill them and then head into the elevator when it arrives. When the doors open, activate SlowMo and kill the 3 soldiers up above. Crouch and crawl through the gap and continue until you hit a half-opened door. Don't open it yet - look through the gap and take out the 2 guys by the elevator shaft and then enter the room and kill the rest. There're 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS and a SUBMACHINE GUN directly ahead. Head through the door and down the corridor. Go down go down the corridor and visit the room to your right if you need SUBMACHINE GUN ammo. The room at the end of the corridor contains a keycard. Take it and backtrack through the corridor to open the first locked double doors you may have noticed, and enter the room for REFLEX INJECTOR #1. Now go back to the place where you found the keycard and swipe the double doors there, then head through. Take the PISTOL, FRAG GRENADE and ARMOR ahead, then head left. Kill the soldier ahead and then the others that pop up. Propped against a pillar in the room is a SUBMACHINE GUN and PISTOL, and 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS lie on the counter behind it. There's also a MEDKIT on the wall. Go down the hallway and continue til you reach a desk. Behind the desk is DIODE IMPLANTS (8/11). Go through the door around the corner and continue through the area. Jump on top of the cart and then slide it away to get the elevator moving. Once you reach the top, hold E to pry open the doors. Pick up the COMBAT SHOTGUN to your left, then head right and grab the ARMOR. Head into the room down the corridor to the right to pick up ADMITTING PATIENTS (9/11). Now take the door across the hall and make your way through the room and kill the 3 soldiers in the next area. Proceed through and into the next room. Kill the soldier here and pick up the MEDKIT on the desk in the corner if necessary. Go through the door to face another group of soldiers in the room on your left. Some ARMOR lies on the table in the middle of this room, and 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS on the counter by the door. Move across the room, kill the enemies and take the PISTOL, SUBMACHINE GUN and 2 FRAG GRENADES. Continue down the next hallway and swipe the door at the end. Go behind the counter for 3 MEDICAL INJECTORS and turn right to crawl into the vent. Shoot the grating off at the end and in the room you come out at is EVALUATION REPORT (10/11). Head back to the main room, turn right and continue down the new corridor. Go through the broken windows to reach the TAC lab. There's a MEDKIT on the pillar in front of you, and a COMBAT SHOTGUN and SUBMACHINE GUN on the bench to the right. Just before the chamber are 3 MEDICAL INJECTORS and ARMOR. Get into the chamber and watch the scenes. As soon as you're out of it, a bunch of ATC will attack so quickly kill them. Backtrack to the elevator room, killing all the soldiers along the way, and you'll find that the door next to the broken elevator that was previously locked will now be open. Take the T.A.C. OVERVIEW (11/11) on the railings and make your way down to the bottom. ---------------------------\\ 7.3. MISSION 03 - Discovery //--------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Demolition plan ------------------ [ ] I.M. Transcript #3 --------------- [ ] I.M. Transcript #2 --------------- [ ] Op guidelines -------------------- [ ] * Reflex Injector #2 ------------- [ ] Open the door and headshot the nearest unaware soldier in the next room. To your left are 3 INCENDIARY GRENADES, and on the couch are a SUBMACHINE GUN, a FRAG GRENADE and ARMOR. There are also a few explosives around the room so use those to help you in your fight against the horde of ATC here. The room to the left contains a MEDKIT. Go up the stairs and head into the nearest room to find a PISTOL and DEMOLITION PLAN (1/4). Make your way around the floor, taking the COMBAT SHOTGUN by the glowstick if needed, and head past the elevator for some ARMOR. Go into the open elevator and activate it. Once you arrive at the next floor, head around the hallway. Keep going until you hear ATC talking. Kill the tank guy through the window, then kill the other soldiers that pop out. To the right is a room with a MEDKIT opposite the charred pile of rubble. Head into the burning room and through the door on the other side. As you may realize, fire is not good for you so try not to get burned. Climb the ladder into the vent. As soon as you drop down you'll see a guy torching a doctor with a flamethrower. Get up close with the shotgun and SlowMo and blast him away, then pick up the MEDKIT in front of you. The soldier you just killed drops a NAPALM CANNON with which you can have great fun setting enemies on fire. To the right are 2 SUBMACHINE GUNS and some ARMOR. There's a bathroom beside the Squee-Z Juice vending machine where REFLEX INJECTOR #2 lies. Take it and make your way through the burning room into a lab area. A PISTOL and 2 INCENDIARY GRENADES lie on the counter. Continue through the other door and into the hallway. Pick up the I.M. TRANSCRIPT #3 (2/4) on the ground and open the door. Carefully make your way through the room and into the next corridor. There're 4 enemies in the next room, and a MEDKIT on the wall by the door. Head through the room into the lab to find some ARMOR as well as several ATC in the adjacent room. Make your way out to the hallway where a few more ATC will attack you. Go down the hallway and through the door. Go down the stairs and take the MEDICAL INJECTOR by the door if needed. Go through the door and slip into the room on your right to spot a few soldiers talking through the window. Kill them and pick up the I.M. TRANSCRIPT #2 (3/4) by the computer and the 2 FRAG GRENADES by the window. Go down the corridor and into the surgery room, then continue into the storage area. Enter the door by the shelves and kill the limping solder ahead and the remainder of his team, then head down the hallway. In the charred Patient Room 212 is a MEDKIT. Further along a few more ATC will attack, kill them and keep going til you hit an office. Pick up the OP GUIDELINES (4/4) between the bookshelves and watch the death of the soldiers through the window. Yep, you'll get to fight that thing soon too. Head through the door up ahead. Make your way through the room and down the stairs. There're 2 FRAG GRENADES in the room by the stairs. Go through the double doors on the other side and kill the soldiers in the hallway. The monster will kindly assist you in various places here, too. Eventually you'll find a bloody elevator, call it and get in. Once you reach the next floor, the surgery room to your left contains a MEDKIT. Go through the double doors and pick up the 2 SUBMACHINE GUNS and ARMOR. Approach the broken glass and you'll end up down in the surgery room. Kill the monsters that appear (SlowMo is recommended, if only for accuracy) and then take the MEDKIT on the wall. 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS lie on the box by the door, and another MEDICAL INJECTOR, a COMBAT SHOTGUN and a PISTOL lie near the sliding door. Kick the cart a few times to allow the door to open then head down the hallway. Head into the room at the end of the hall, then go through the vent and leap into the pile of guts at the end. ----------------------------\\ 7.4. MISSION 04 - Withdrawal //---------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Info: SGT Fox -------------------- [ ] Info: SGT Morales ---------------- [ ] Harbinger Failures --------------- [ ] Schedule change ------------------ [ ] Info: P. Fettel ------------------ [ ] * Reflex Injector #3 ------------- [ ] Head into the sliding doors directly ahead to find INFO: SGT FOX (1/5) on the counter. Proceed down the hallway and into the last room. Use the computers to open up the x-ray room and head through. Make your way down the hallway. Keep going through the rooms and take the MEDKIT in the storage room to your left when you reach the next x-ray room. Enter the room opposite it and go forth. Take the INFO: SGT MORALES (2/5) on the table, then go into the next corridor. When you turn the corner and hear a doctor speaking, get into the room to your left and shoot the soldier through the window. You may choose the kill the rest of them from this spot, or you can go out. Either way pick up the ARMOR lying on the ground ahead and then sweep up any remaining ATC and go through the door in the corner. Kill the 2 tank soldiers that run in and take the SUBMACHINE GUN on the table where they came from, then make your way through to the next area. Go up the stairs around the corner and then turn right into a glass-walled corridor. Continue through and when you pass the x-ray control room, kill the monster that appears a little further along. Go down the steps and turn left at the corner around the box to find a MEDKIT. Head back around and pick up HARBINGER FAILURES (3/5) by the dead nurse and then go up the stairs. Go down the stairs on your left to find a SUBMACHINE GUN and REFLEX INJECTOR #3. Go back up and run towards the elevator, call it and quickly get in and go up. If you want to kill the ATC on the way, feel free. When you get out of the elevator a few ATC will attack you from behind. Kill them and then head into the next room to pick up a FRAG GRENADE and ARMOR. On top of the stairs are a MEDKIT, 2 FRAG GRENADES and a SUBMACHINE GUN. Take what you want, then go down the yellow ladder beside the door. Make your way through the tunnel and out the other side. Kill the soldiers through the window if you want, then keep making your way down the area. Go around the flames. Go through the tunnel and you'll encounter a few soldiers. The tunnel to your right leads to some ARMOR and you can blast the door open for an alternate route to surprise the enemies. SCHEDULE CHANGE (4/5), a SUBMACHINE GUN and 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS lie in this room. Keep heading forward and turn right on the catwalk to find a FRAG GRENADE and a SHOCK GRENADE. Backtrack and go left this time. The APC will deliver a few enemies, so you can either kill them from above or go down to fight. Either way there's some ARMOR and a SUBMACHINE GUN down the ladder on a barrel. A few more ATC will run in when you get to the bottom. You need to activate SlowMo to get through the slamming door. There're several enemies in the next room, but also many explosives. Once you're done with them go around the back to find a SUBMACHINE GUN and a MEDICAL BOOSTER, then use the manual override lever to open the gate or simply go up the nearby ladder. Atop the ladder is another set of SUBMACHINE GUN and MEDICAL INJECTOR. Near the ladder on the other side is a FRAG GRENADE and a SUBMACHINE GUN. Go down the tunnel and go up the newly formed ramp, then drop down and pick up the ARMOR and ASSAULT RIFLE nearby. A MEDKIT lies behind the large box to the right. Enter the main room and kill the napalm-wielder and the many soldiers with him. There's some ARMOR by the machinery to the right under the catwalk, and some more ARMOR and a ASSULT RIFLE in the center of the room. Make your way up the ladders and kill the ATC across the catwalk. If you continue all the way to the end of the catwalk you'll find a MEDKIT and 2 FRAG GRENADES. Backtrack a little to the ladder and head down, then make your way through the tunnel. In the next room are some ARMOR and a FRAG GRENADE. Prepare yourself and then go through the door at the top of the room. In total about 15 or so enemies will come and attack you; it's probably easiest to stay where you are instead of going down, but it's up to you. Once they're dead, head down and go up the other ladder to find a MEDKIT. Make your way around and kill the ATC, then go into the nearby storage area for some ARMOR, a SUBMACHINE GUN and INFO: P. FETTEL (5/5). Further down the room are 2 FRAG GRENADEs, and a COMBAT SHOTGUN and a MEDICAL INJECTOR lie on the shelf by the wall. Some more ARMOR lies by the other exit. Go down to the end of the tunnel and turn the valve. Head back up the tunnel and kill the horde of ATC, then go up the now accessible ladder and through the door. Go along the catwalk and take the ARMOR and MEDICAL INJECTOR by the dead body, then head through the door. Crouch under the left flame and take the 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS if necessary, then go down the hall. Keep pressing forward and the level will end once you get out onto the catwalk. -------------------------\\ 7.5. MISSION 05 - Replica //------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Replica upgrades ----------------- [ ] Testing reminder ----------------- [ ] Combat testing ------------------- [ ] Threat report -------------------- [ ] Lift problems -------------------- [ ] * Reflex Injector #4 ------------- [ ] Go up the ladder into the room. If you turn around you can actually see Alma standing behind a distant door. Leave this room and go into the nearby door, and continue down the hallway. Enter the room to your left to find REPLICA UPGRADES (1/5) by the body, a SUBMACHINE GUN leaning on the barrel and a MEDKIT at the bottom of the steps. Head back into the hallway and continue down it. When you reach the blood-splattered windows Alma will materialize and attack you. Spam the melee button indicated and she'll soon disappear. Continue along and enter the green-lit door to the left. Cross the room and crouch through the broken window, then head left. Go through the sliding door and down the stairs for a PROXIMITY MINE, a SUBMACHINE GUN and 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS. Ascend the stairs and go through the misshapen door. Head forward over the rubble and down the stairs at the end to reach a control room. Open the chamber doors via the computer and then go back up the stairs and jump down through the gap in the glass. Kill the monster that pops out (don't forget to use SlowMo to make things easier) and then go through the sliding door and down the hallway. Make a note of this flame (we'll be back later), then enter the room to your right. Ignore the monster in the seat and continue forward, killing the monster at the door. Head around and kill the monster that leaps in from the top window, then continue around and then kill the 3rd monster that appears. Enter the double doors opposite the monster in the chair and turn the valve to shut down the flame I mentioned earlier. Backtrack there and enter the room to find REFLEX INJECTOR #4. Go to the other room again and this time continue forward and go up the stairs. Pick up the MEDKIT and TESTING REMINDER (2/5) in the next room. Proceed through the sliding door. Head forward and left and kill the monster. In the area further along, 4 more monsters will attack - they may not all appear at once, so make sure you count 4 of them before you let down your guard. Pick up the ARMOR on the crate and go down the stairs. Take the COMBAT SHOTGUN, SUBMACHINE GUN and ARMOR and then head through the door. Kill the 2 monsters here, then head along a bit and when the next monster appears, shoot the explosives to take care of it and the 2 others lurking underneath the platform (if that doesn't work, shoot them as per usual). There're 3 MEDICAL INJECTORS up ahead; take them if you need to and then go through the gap in the wall. Head past the gas wheel and kill the monster that appears. Climb up the ladder and enter the room. There's COMBAT TESTING (3/5) on the nearest table, as well as some ARMOR and a COMBAT SHOTGUN. As you approach the other door 3 monsters will proceed to attack you. Kill them and head through the next room down the hallway. Call the elavator and activate it. Ignore the monster above you, it'll die of its own accord soon enough. When you get out, head forward a bit and take the MEDICAL INJECTOR on the ground if needed and enter the mesh door nearby. There's another 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS, a COMBAT SHOTGUN, an ASSAULT RIFLE and some ARMOR here. Head back into the main hallway and go into the next room. There're a number of supplies here, namely several MEDICAL INJECTORS, a MEDKIT and ARMOR on the car in the center, and 2 SUBMACHINE GUNS and a COMBAT SHOTGUN. Take what you need, then prepare for a fight. This one will be long and hard so use your supplies wisely. There are 4 waves in total - the first 2 consist of 3 Replicas, and the next two consist of 4 Replicas. There'll be a checkpoint after the second wave. A pretty good strategy is to take cover behind a 'window' from where you can see the middle of the room and then napalm the Replica as they come out of their pods, then cap their asses. Some time during the 4th wave, Alma will appear and kill the commander, effectively disabling the remaining Replica. When this happens it's time for you to get out of there, so look around on the ground near the bloody window for an open hatch, and jump in. Jump down and turn right to pick up an ASSAULT RIFLE, then go the other way. You'll encounter many Replicas but there's some ARMOR and about 5 MEDICAL INJECTORS scattered around here. Go up the ladder at the end cross the catwalk, then kill the 3 Replicas coming out of their pods. Take the ARMOR and AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN on the bench, then head through the doorway and follow the path til you hit a heap of Replica cases. Kill the masses of Replica that come out - note that sometimes they can play dead, so make sure your crosshairs are no longer red before you stop shooting. Approach the blocked door and hold E to move the case. Take the MEDKIT in the room and then go through the double doors. Further along the next area you'll hear Replicas fighting against ATC, who of course are being pwned miserably. Enter the room and run straight up the ladder on the other side to pick up a MEDKIT, ARMOR and THREAT REPORT (4/5). From here you can kill the Replicas or you can go back down and fight them. Either way head into the next room and go up the staircase on the other side. Head through the tunnel and at the end of it kill the monster you probably saw scurrying off ahead before. Go up the stairs and through the door. You'll fight a handful of enemies in the next room, who will call on backup at some point. These will file in through the elevated door on the other side of the room, so you can kill quite a few of them as they come in. As usual there're explosives waiting to be exploded, so use them as appropriate. Take the ARMOR on the crate and then enter the meshed area to the left (shoot the lock off the door, or lift the case depending on which way you enter from). This area contains another ARMOR, a COMBAT SHOTGUN, an AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN, 3 ASSAULT RIFLES and 2 FRAG GRENADES. Go up the stairs to where the backup enemies came from, and head into the tunnel. At then end of it you'll come out into a large room. Kill the Replicas below you and go down the ladder. Enter the room close by and take the ARMOR, LIFT PROBLEMS (5/5), FRAG GRENADE, PROXY MINE and AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN. Go into the main room and attempt to activate the lift. Get off the lift and kill the 9 Replicas that pop out of their cases. Take this time to heal up with the many supplies scattered around the room, then plant any mines you have beside the shutter door between the 2 valves against the wall. Turn both valves and then take cover - a Power Armor's coming! This guy's very nasty to deal with. You'll need to cook a shock grenade and throw it at him to temporarily disable him, then activate SlowMo and unload a shotgun mag into him, then run away and reload when it recovers. After a few rounds of this it will explode. Heal up and shut the remaining valve and activate the lift. ----------------------\\ 7.6. MISSION 06 - Ruin //---------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Replica activity ----------------- [ ] Civilian threat ------------------ [ ] Powered armor -------------------- [ ] * Reflex Injector #5 ------------- [ ] Get off the lift and go up the elevated area to the back of the room. Go up the ladder against the crate and then go up the stairs. Head into the door directly ahead and pick up the COMBAT SHOTGUN and FRAG GRENADE. Go back to the previous area and enter the door on the other side. Cross the catwalk and enter the door. Pick up the REPLICA ACTIVITY (1/3) on the table, then jump on the table and crouch to go through the window to the next room. Turn left to find 2 FRAG GRENADES and a MEDKIT. Head back around and go the other way this time. Head down the stairs and go through the door in the next room. Walk through the ash figures for some fun, then turn left onto the street. When you hit a dead end turn left into the alley and head through the door. Make your way down the hallway and turn left. Shoot the lock off the door and turn right, then right again to find a COMBAT SHOTGUN, some ARMOR and a FRAG GRENADE by the body. Turn around and go through the door at the end of the hallway. Make your way over the broken wall and you'll see what I call a Necromancer appear in front of you. These guys are incredibly annoying if you don't know what to do with them, but I'll tell you now. From my experience, you do the most damage to them when they howl near you, causing your screen to go yellow - at this point, activate SlowMo and blast away with a shotgun. Try it with this one, or you can run past him if you want. There's some ARMOR on the car by the bus. Go through the shattered windows and take the MEDKIT on the small table; go into the office nearby for CIVILIAN THREAT (2/3).Take the COMBAT SHOTGUN and ARMOR on the desk on the other side of the room after you kill the ghost there (a single bullet will suffice). Lift the desk and head under the shutter to find some ARMOR, a MEDKIT and 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS. Go through the door and kill the ghosts in this room, then head through the door at the other end. Kill the ghost in the hallway and turn right and go up the stairs. Head into the door to your right and into the next room. Make your way through the vent and continue forth until you jump down outside. Go down the alley. Continue down the street and climb over the rubble. Kill the napalm wielder and the other 7 or so Replica here. The 'room' beside the airplane contains a MEDICAL INJECTOR and a COMBAT SHOTGUN. Use the next room to the left for cover - it also contains ARMOR, 2 FRAG GRENADES and a MEDKIT. After they're dead, approach the windows and another napalm wielder and Replica will appear. Kill them and head through the windows. Pick up the MEDICAL INJECTOR and COMBAT SHOTGUN ahead, and go up the stairs. At the top there'll be 2 Replicas greeting you from the other side of the room. Use the perfect bit of cover right ahead and kill them, then kill the other 2 Replica in the building across. At the far end of this room is a small area which contains POWERED ARMOR (3/3) and REFLEX INJECTOR #5. Jump onto the airplane's back and make your way to the other side. One of the Replica you killed will drop a missile launcher; this is a recommended replacement for the napalm cannon, but it's up to you. Go through the doorway and through the hole in the wall. Shoot the electrical canister thing that's sparking up through the hole in the ceiling. Go through the now accessible door and take the ARMOR, MISSILE LAUNCHER, PROXY MINE and 2 SHOCK GRENADES. These supplies should give you a hint of what's coming up, however it'll be easier than you think. Jump down the hole further ahead, then quickly locate and shoot the canister on the power pole by the power armor to destroy it. Shoot a missile to kill the Replica missile launcher user in the far building, then kill the other Replicas around here with your guns (save about 8 missiles). Approach the opening and another power armor will appear; retreat into the buildings and continually shoot missiles at it from behind cover. It should be dead by the time you use up all your missiles. If not, use the good old shotgun strategy to finish it off. (If you wasted your missiles earlier, check out the following paragraph for ammo locations.) Patch yourself up with the MEDKIT, 2 SHOCK GRENADES and PROXY MINE if needed, then turn left and head towards the red glow to find a MEDICAL INJECTOR, SUBMACHINE GUN, 2 SHOCK GRENADES and some ARMOR. Go around the right side of the plane and enter the building for 3 SHOCK GRENADES a COMBAT SHOTGUN and some ARMOR. Go up the stairs to find another ARMOR, 3 SHOCK GRENADES and a MISSILE LAUNCHER. Jump down from the balcony to the other side of the live wires if you don't mind losing a bit of health, or go back downstairs and get out from the window. Walk along the dry land and go up the ladder, killing the Replica on the other side. Go to the other end of the balcony and jump down. Cross the water area by sticking to the left and head towards the dumpster. Pick up the ARMOR, MEDICAL INJECTOR, 2 FRAG GRENADES and SUBMACHINE GUN and then go through the door. Turn left and walk over the rubble. ---------------------\\ 7.7. MISSION 07 - Top //--------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: EPA Manual #1 -------------------- [ ] EPA Manual #2 -------------------- [ ] * Reflex Injector #6 ------------- [ ] Take or be mindful of the COMBAT SHOTGUN, INCENDIARY GRENADE and MEDICAL INJECTOR in front, and kill the Replicas in the next room. Take the EPA MANUAL #1 (1/2) on the desk and move through the next areas til you meet Stokes. Go up the stairs nearby and headshot the sniper at the top. Take the SNIPER RIFLE ahead and stick by the door. There's a sniper in the building to your left. Kill him and Stokes will make a run for it. Another sniper will turn up in the same building, albeit to the right and lower down. Use the wall in front of you to snipe the 3rd sniper in the building up ahead. Another sniper lies in the building to the right. There's some ARMOR, a MEDICAL INJECTOR and an INCENDIARY GRENADE for your use. After this point 3 enemies will flank you from the stairs. Kill them, and an APC will appear. Head down the stairs and around to find a MISSILE LAUNCHER and a MEDICAL INJECTOR. Shoot missiles at the turret to destroy it. When the back doors of the APC open, shoot a few more missiles to kill the Replicas coming out and quickly duck, then kill the sniper in the building across. Go into the door behind you and descend the stairs all the way to the bottom for a MEDKIT. Enter the door nearby and turn left to find a SNIPER RIFLE, 2 FRAG GRENADES and some ARMOR. Take out the sniper up ahead and any Replicas down below and to your right. Head right and then go down the stairs. Kill the enemies through the windows and head around the bend to see another Replica coming out of a door ahead. Kill him and head into the courtyard. Several more Replica will appear, gun them down and pick up the MEDKIT, 2 FRAG GRENADES and COMBAT SHOTGUN behind the wall. Go through the door where you saw the Replica come out of and go down the stairs. Jump down to the lower level. There's a MEDICAL INJECTOR around the wall. Go through the door and head down the hallway, then turn left at the intersection and cross the room. Continue down the hallway and jump over the wall. Snipe the unsuspecting Replica, then kill the other enemies in the area. There's a HEALTH INJECTER, an ASSULT RIFLE, an INCENDIARY GRENADE and a FRAG GRENADE in the corner across the area. Take them if you want, then climb into the power armor. Now this is where the fun begins! Here's a quick breakdown of the power armor: the power armor has unlimited ammo, however with normal shots you have to watch the temperature to make sure you don't overheat, otherwise you'll become paralyzed for a few seconds while the armor cools down. You also have thermal vision (V) and missiles (G). The armow is also not invincible, so keep an eye on its health. If you see your vision getting noisy, quickly kill off everything around you and let the armor stand for a while so it can self-repair. There is very little to be afraid of whilst in the power armor but make sure you kill all heavily armored foes or armed foes (e.g. Replicas with missile launchers - you can spot these by their green lasers) first, as they can pose a threat. If for some reason you want a challenge and choose not to use the power armor, there are supplies scattered around. However, due to the sheer number of enemies, it's recommended you use what you're given. Anyway, kill all the Replica in the area and head through the gap to the next area. Walk through the rubble and make your way into the next area, killing all the enemies there - watch out for the missile launcher Replica on the roof. Go down the alleyway and into the garage. Kill all Replica here and then exit the power armor by holding E. On the elevated area opposite the door you came in are some ARMOR, an ASSAULT RIFLE, 2 FRAG GRENADES and an INCENDIARY GRENADE. There's an ASSAULT RIFLE, a MEDICAL INJECTOR, 2 FRAG GRENADES and PROXY MINE under the stairs by the other door. The room at the top contains some ARMOR, EPA MANUAL #2 (2/2) and REFLEX BOOSTER #6. Go downstairs again and activate the manual override for the door. Climb back into the power armor and go out into the alleyway. Kill the Replica on the balcony above and then turn left. You'll face a fellow power armor here, but he's much easier now that you're his equal. Shoot some missiles and blast away with your gun. Further down the street is another power armor. Head into the building on the left and kill the many Replicas, and go up the ramp to face a 3rd power armor. When they're all dead, get out of the armor and take the MEDICAL INJECTOR and ASSAULT RIFLE by the door. Head into said door and go down the stairs. Shoot the padlock off the door and go through the next door and into the alleyway. Go up the steps and climb over the fence. Head down the alley and then through the door on the right. Continue through the area til you meet up with Stokes. Jump down into the rubble and up the stairs. Approach Griffin and watch the scene. Go into the area on your left and through the door. Descend the ladder and get into the APC. ----------------------------\\ 7.8. MISSION 08 - Elementary //---------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Conference request --------------- [ ] School attendance ---------------- [ ] Status report -------------------- [ ] Event flyer ---------------------- [ ] * Reflex Injector #7 ------------- [ ] The main entrance is blocked, so examine the grates on the ground to its right and shoot off the padlock. Jump down and enter the room through the window. Pick up the CONFERENCE REQUEST (1/4) on the ground and lift the bookshelf off the door. Go down the hallway and turn left at the end. Head through the doorway and down the next hall. Go into the first room on your left to find SCHOOL ATTENDANCE (2/4). Go back into the hallway and go all the way to the end to find STATUS REPORT (3/4) on the ground. 2 PROXY MINES lie at the top of the stairs. Return to the room you went into and follow Stokes across the rubble. Head into the room and go out the other door. Walk along the wall in the hallway and shoot the ghost when you turn the corner. Follow Stokes again and enter the door she stops in front of. Go through the door in front of you and go down the hallway and into the music room. Head into the partitioned area of the room and through the door. A Necromancer is in the next room; wait for him to roar, then SlowMo and blast away. When he's dead take the MEDKIT on the shelf on the other side of the room and the ARMOR in the area behind the blackboard. Lift the cargo nearby and go through the door. Slide the small bookshelf away and crawl through the space. Proceed through the room and enter the door. The first alcove to your right hides a ghost. Continue forward and enter the study hall to your right. Slide the small shelf away and pick up REFLEX INJECTOR #7. Now head down the hallway and turn the corner. From here on it will be difficult to see, but ghosts will periodically attack you so watch out for them. Stick to the left wall and turn the corner and enter the computer room. Take the 3 MEDICAL INJECTORS, 2 INCENDIARY GRENADES and ASSAULT RIFLE and quickly jump through the window. Go through the double doors and head down the hallway. Fend Alma off when she attacks and go around the corner to find 3 MEDICAL INJECTORS. Pick up the MEDKIT further ahead. Go out into the courtyard and kill the Replicas coming out from the opposite building. I'll bet you were never so glad to see them after the nightmare you just experienced, hehe. Head into the doors they came out of to find an ASSAULT RIFLE leaning on the pillar. Further ahead is a patrolling Replica, some ARMOR, 2 PROXY MINES, 2 SHOCK GRENADES and a MISSILE LAUNCHER. Approach the fire and you'll notice that it's blocking your way, so your new objective is to get up to the second floor and shut the gas off. Head back into the courtyard. The crashed chopper will reveal a power armor. Not hard, simply activate SlowMo and unleash 5 missiles at him, and he'll die. If by some chance he doesn't, finish him off with any remaining missiles you might have or use the shock grenade/shotgun strategy. Go up the ramp that the chopper conveniently made and go into the room. Head into the hallway and enter the room directly ahead to find EVENT FLYER (4/4). Get back into the hallway and go down it. Turn the corner and go down the stairs to the right for a MEDKIT at the very bottom. Head back up and go through the window, killing the 5 Replicas in the next room. Take the ARMOR here and go out the other window. Kill the Replicas that appear and proceed into the next indoor area. Turn left and shut off the gas. Jump down and head out the window. To the left is a MEDKIT - run for it just as the chopper blade comes down to avoid damage. Nearby is a path in the rubble; go up it and jump down the hole to find 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS and Keegan and Stokes. Approach them and fight off Alma again to end the mission. (NOTE: Some people have melee problems here as well with Alma. There are a few options: 1) lower your screen resolution, 2) assign melee to a keyboard button or two buttons so you can press them faster, 3) press the melee button slowly and rhythmically, and 4) restart this level. For this fight you should also try to look away from your allies to prevent the 'no friendly fire' rule from blocking your attack on Alma. The rest of the tips above can be applied to any other melee fight in the game, and you may need to apply more than one option in order to succeed.) --------------------------------\\ 7.9. MISSION 09 - Nurse's Office //-------------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Updated schedule ----------------- [ ] Student essay -------------------- [ ] Supplements ---------------------- [ ] Updated orders ------------------- [ ] Info: Ladybugs ------------------- [ ] Info: Bluebirds ------------------ [ ] Dress code ----------------------- [ ] Strange nightmares --------------- [ ] Info: Treefrogs ------------------ [ ] PARAGON manual ------------------- [ ] * Reflex Injector #8 ------------- [ ] Go out through the double doors and snipe the unsuspecting soldier, then kill the half-dozen or so more than follow. An ASSAULT RIFLE lies beyond the double doors to the right. Head straight ahead and pick up the SUBMACHINE GUN on the bench. Hide at the corner and then surprise the 3 enemies running this way. Kill the other 2 further along and pick up the SUBMACHINE GUN on the low bookshelf if you want. Turn left at the end of the hallway and past the lockers. Wait for the Replicas to kill the ATC if you're lazy, and pick up the ARMOR on the bench. Kill the 2 hammerhead wielders outside and their fellow Replica and pick up the ASSAULT RIFLE lying to the right of the double doors. Go into the doors to find some ARMOR and a HAMMERHEAD, as well as a MEDKIT and 2 PROXY MINES at the end of the hallway. Head back out into the courtyard and go to the basketball court. Shoot the lock off the gratings and jump down, and crawl into the classroom. Go out the door and down the hallway, the jump down the rubble. Stay hidden behind the wall and headshot the soldier that wanders into view from behind the bookshelf. Kill the rest of the ATC here (I recommend planting a mine or 2 by the hole in the wall, as they're prone to appearing from there). There's a SUBMACHINE GUN on the left desk. Go through the door on the other side and continue til you reach the toilets. The girls' toilets contain an INCENDIARY GRENADE and a MEDKIT. Enter the boys' toilets and go through the hole in the cubicle wall. Pick up UPDATED SCHEDULE (1/10) on the table, and head through the door. Go right and enter the room at the end to pick up a MEDICAL INJECTOR and STUDENT ESSAY (2/10) on the shelf. The ghosts here don't attack you, so don't worry about them. Backtrack and go through the double doors opposite where you came from and up the stairs. Turn left and go down the hallway. Take the ARMOR, AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN, 2 INCEDIARY GRENADES and ASSAULT RIFLE, and then go into the girls' toilets to find REFLEX INJECTOR #8 in a cubicle. There's another ARMOR in the art room further down the corridor. Go through the door at the end and jump down and take the HAMMERHEAD. Kill the 2 Replica that appear ahead, then activate SlowMo and kill the additional Replica as they come down from the chopper. The music should stop when you've got all of them. Go through the mesh door and around, up the steps and around the thumping building to the vent against the wall. Jump onto it and go through the window at the end. Pick up and MEDKIT and go forth. Kill the ATC behind the barn and use it for cover as you shoot down the Replica forces in the room. There's some ARMOR on the ground behind the donkey and another by the first bench with 2 FRAG GRENADES atop it. A HAMMERHEAD lies on a bench further ahead. When you approach the bench the window on the roof will break - activate SlowMo immediately and kill the Replicas as they rappel down, and the ones that run out from the room ahead as well. When they're dead go into said room. You can either go left or right, both ways lead to the same kitchen area. Kill the Replicas and the ATC that follow, then enter the storage room at the back. Pick up the ASSAULT RIFLE and SUPPLEMENTS (3/10) and go through the door. Move around the room and jump down the hatch. Crawl through the small area nearby and head forward. Make your way through quickly - don't worry, there's nothing of importance here that you might miss. When you reach the larger room, be careful of the ghosts as they WILL hurt you. Cross the room to where the gas is spraying and pick up the 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS if the ghosts got you, then continue left and go around the back of the machines til you reach another tunnel area. Take the ARMOR to your left and head right. Cross the room and approach the bright area, where a gas leak is cutting off the way. Turn left at the flame and head past the machines to find the valve. Turn it and then return to find your way blocked. Turn right at the blocked door and shoot the lock off the mesh door nearby. Now that you're in the main room again, turn left to find the flame and topple the table. Jump down after it and go up the stairs. Head past the flame-throwing thingie and continue through the door, then turn left. Go down the corridor and take the door at the end of it to find a MEDKIT. Go down the corridor on the left and kill the soldiers ahead, and the ones in the room on the right - there should be 6 total. Go through the room and pick up UPDATED ORDERS (4/10) in the corner on the upended desk. Go left and take the ASSAULT RIFLe and 2 INCENDIARY GRENADES to your right and the SUBMACHINE GUN lying ahead if you wish, then call the elevator. Snipe the unsuspecting ATC here and the one that comes running from up ahead, then take the SUBMACHINE GUN on the right and the 2 INCENDIARY GRENADES, HAMMERHEAD and ARMOR on the left. The office nearby contains an ASSAULT RIFLE and INFO: LADYBUGS (5/10). Go down the hallway through the door and enter the finance room on the right for INFO: BLUEBIRDS (6/10). The office next to it contains a MEDKIT. Go to the end of the hallway and approach the door you saw the ATC running towards to find that you need a cardkey for it. Enter the door on the left instead. Beyond the windows are 4 ATC. If you don't feel like moving, the sniper rifle comes in handy when used with SlowMo. Just shuffle forward a bit so you can see most of the room. Otherwise just go in with guns blazing. There's an ASSAULT RIFLE on the table to the right. Go through the door at the other end use the elevator at the end of the corridor. In the room right ahead are a MEDICAL INJECTOR and an ASSAULT RIFLE; next to you are another MEDICAL INJECTOR and ASSAULT RIFLE, a MEDKIT and a SUBMACHINE GUN. Further down the corridor are 2 INCENDIARY GRENADES and a SUBMACHINE GUN. The area through the door to right of those supplies contain 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS and a HAMMERHEAD. The information services room contains a second MEDKIT and an ASSAULT RIFLE. Continue down the hallway and pick up the ARMOR by the desk. Take the keycard to the left, then enter the Principal's room through the window to pick up DRESS CODE (7/10) and STRANGE NIGHTMARES (8/10). Backtrack towards the elevator. Along the way you'll meet the Necromancer Principal. He's just like the rest of them - try not to get too close, especially if you're playing on hard because he can kill you in 2 swipes with full armor or even one hit without armor. Just use SlowMo and blast him when he's standing still, and if he runs into a room wait for him to come out instead of chasing him as it's much easier that way. When you're done, patch yourself up with the supplies and then activate the elevator. Pry open the doors and fend off Alma, and jump down the shaft to return to the floor you were at before. From here, make your way back to the keycard-locked door and go through it. Go into the door down the stairs and kill the ATC there. Head to the right of the room and go up the steps to find some ARMOR and INFO: TREEFROGS (9/10). There's also a SUBMACHINE GUN further along by the exit door. Go through that door and go around the corner to find 4 ATC soldiers. After killing them, head into the program coordinator office to find an ASSAULT RIFLE and PARAGON MANUAL (10/10). Pick up the SUBMACHINE GUN and ARMOR in the main room and then enter the Nurse's office. Activate the program on the computer. -----------------------------\\ 7.10. MISSION 10 - Snake Fist //----------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Elevator checklist --------------- [ ] Supplemental notes --------------- [ ] Cancellation --------------------- [ ] PARAGON findings ----------------- [ ] Recommendations ------------------ [ ] Test results --------------------- [ ] I.M. Transcript #4 --------------- [ ] * Reflex Injector #9 ------------- [ ] Exit the elevator when it stops and pick up the 2 PROXY MINES ahead. On one of the computer tables beyond is ELEVATOR CHECKLIST (1/7). There's a MEDKIT to your right, by the elevator. Now, there'll be a gunfight soon, and there's a reason why the game gave you the mines. There are 3 places where enemies will definitely go to: the red-lit doors, from where they will come out of, and the ramp behind the elevator. Placing proxy mines there will rid you of several ATC without you breaking a sweat. Once you're happy with your setup, go up the stairs nearby, take the SUBMACHINE GUN and FRAG GRENADE if wanted and enter the room. There's an ARMOR by the sink. Activate the blue panel to override the lockdown. A bunch of ATC will run in, about half a dozen or so. Stay in the room and use the window to kill them from, and duck if you need to reload or whatnot. Once they're dead head out and through one of the sliding doors (both lead to the same room, although you have an opportunity to take out an unsuspecting ATC through the right door). Go through the next door and continue through the area. Pick up the MEDICAL INJECTORS by the broken window and jump down. There're 3 ATC in the next room - you should be able to headshot one of them unawares. Once they're dead head through the room and under the half-open door. Head into the room right ahead and down the ladder to find SUPPLEMENT NOTES (2/7). Further along are 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS. Go back up and head out into the corridor, and follow it til you reach a large area. Turn right and right again and go down the ladder you see. In the room you come up to, there's a MEDICAL INJECTOR directly ahead. Take the HAMMERHEAD by the computer and override the lockdown. Go back down the ladder and back into the main room, then enter the first room you see ahead with the half-open door. Inside are CANCELLATION (3/7) and a MEDICAL INJECTOR. Go down the ladder to find 2 PROXY MINES and REFLEX INJECTOR #9 (which can be taken when the arm lifts up). Head back into the main room and go through the sliding door at the opposite side. Head along the path and enter the room to your left to find PARAGON FINDINGS (4/7). Snake Fist will oh-so-casually mention on the way that Aristide opened the specimen cells, and you know what that means - yes, more monsters soon! Go through the sliding door and take the ARMOR on the cart. Continue forth and approach the ATC behind the glass. Another fight with the ATC will commence. It's worth noting the yellow explosives on the wall, which can be utilized most of the time. Throwing a mine down among the cargo may also catch an ATC or 2, if you're lucky. After the first 3, go down the stairs and kill 2 more on your left. Go up the steps to find a HAMMERHEAD and 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS, then enter the next room to fight 3 ATC. There's some ARMOR by the back of the stairs. Go up the stairs and when the ATC approaches the door, shoot the gas tank. Go up and kill the 3 ATC in the area, utilizing the gas tanks on the wall across the room if you can. The alcove to your right contains 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS and a FRAG GRENADE. Make your way across the catwalk and into the room on the other side to find an ASSAULT RIFLE and MEDICAL INJECTOR. Go down the stairs. Enter the room and kill the 4 ATC here. Melee the glass cabinet holding RECOMMENDATIONS (5/7) and take it. Head through the sliding door nearby and use the computer to start the decontamination process. Once the process completes, you will have a button-mashing fight with Vanek. Spam the right mouse button, then click the left button when prompted to finish him off. When he's dead make your way down the hallway. (NOTE: It seems that for some people, this part is a little glitched in that Vanek doesn't get shot even when you press the left button. If this is the case, put a proxy mine in front of the door so that he gets blasted away when the door opens. If this kills you too, try going at it with full armor and on easy mode. If you still die, apply the options in the note written at the end of the Mission 8 - Elementary part of this walkthrough.) Pick up the MEDKIT just before the specimen room, and crouch and go in. Wait for the 2 monsters you saw to come to you, then kill them. The monsters here may not immediately come out of their cells as you pass, but passing will trigger their appearance. You can tell when they appear by the little lilting noise that the game makes. I recommend you take your time here, because if you run you may well end up with a dozen monsters on your trail which can be a major pain. A good idea is to start by passing the first row of cells, then running back into the corner by the entrance and kill the monsters that come out. Go up the nearest stairs and make your way around to the control room, killing any monsters that pop out. Pick up the 3 SUBMACHINE GUNS, 2 INCENDIARY GRENADES and TEST RESULTS (6/7), then override the lockdown. Go back into the main area and turn left to crawl through some newly-opened half-open door. Go into the armory on your right. There're 5 SUBMACHINE GUNS, 3 ASSAULT RIFLES, 3 AUTOMATIC SHOTGUNS and 4 INCENDIARY GRENADES. Go back into the main corridor and follow it to find Snake Fist AKA Terry. Pick up the MEDKIT and I.M. TRANSCRIPT #4 as you listen to him speak, and then take the PULSE WEAPON when he offers it. Leave the room. A good chance to try your new baby is just up ahead. Several Replicas will cluster at the end of the corridor, so just send a pulse towards them and it should fry everyone in its path. Mop up any survivors and go back into the hold area. You won't have to worry about monsters because the Replica here will wipe them out. Kill the dozen of them and go into the control room. You may have noticed the other door in this room, which was previously locked, but now there's a hole in it so go through. Kill the 3 Replica down in the next room and head through the room. Pick up the ARMOR and NAPALM CANNON ahead and torch the Replica down below. From here you may be able to torch a good number of Replica in this area. A couple will come out from the sliding door below while if you go to the very left of the balcony you may be able to spot a Replica in another room, which you can also torch. Once you've had your fun jump down and make your way into the next room. You'll probably notice here that you're back in the room with the ladders. Kill the rest of the Replica here, and go down the corridor. Pick up the MEDKIT and ARMOR on the bench, then go through the sliding door. I'll warn you now that there're 4 Assassins in this room. You can see them as a green fuzzy shape when they're in invisible mode - shoot them and they'll uncloak. Try not to let them get too close as they have a pretty damaging melee attack, and use SlowMo if you're having trouble aiming. The office in front of you contains some ARMOR. It is likely that 3 of them will attack you at first and when you approach the elevator on the lower floor, the 4th will appear. Either way do away with them and call the elevator. When it opens you'll receive a nasty surprise. Anyway activate the elevator when you're ready. Once you get off the elevator headshot the unaware Replica in the room ahead and kill his buddy. Go through the room and down the corridor, killing the 2 Replica by the door, then get into the APC. -------------------------\\ 7.11. MISSION 11 - Keegan //------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Auburn woes ---------------------- [ ] Electrical hazard ---------------- [ ] Line extension ------------------- [ ] Supply report -------------------- [ ] Laser manual --------------------- [ ] * Reflex Injector #10 ------------ [ ] You'll start the mission off in the APC's turret - go trigger-happy here, there's no ammo count, although you still have to keep an eye on your health as well as the meter on the turret's screen. When it's all clear approach Keegan, then crawl underneath the wire gap by holding E. Make your way through the rooms til you reach a train track. Go down the tunnel and an Assassin will pop up. Kill him if you can (don't worry if you aren't fast enough) and go through the arch in the wall to the next area. Take the ASSAULT RIFLE in the garbage to the right of the train, then jump up onto the platform to its left. Go into the corner to pick up a MEDKIT. The Assassin attacked me just past the gate by the medkit, so watch out for it if you haven't already killed it. Pick up the ARMOR on the seat and jump over the entry bar nearby. Kill the 2 Assassins that appear and the go into the ticket office to find an AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN and AUBURN WOES (1/5). Go up the escalator and kill the 2 Assassins upstairs. Take the AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN and 3 FRAG GRENADES by the wall in the middle section. In the adjacent area turn right and kill the 2 Assassins that appear from behind. Go down the escalator to find some ARMOR and REFLEX INJECTOR #10. Go back up and head to the other side of the room. Lift the vending machine and take the 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS scattered around here, then turn the corner and take the ELECTRICAL HAZARD (2/5) by the skeleton. There's some ARMOR on the rubble on the tracks. Head down the tunnel and kill the Assassin, then nudge along the rubble by the police car and headshot one of the Replica there. Kill the other one and then approach the door. A Hammerhead wielder and 2 friends will burst out. There're some gas tanks nearby for your use. Go into the door. Go around the corner and shoot the voltage box behind the Replica for an instant kill. Turn right and another few Replica should appear. The one in the room on your right can be killed via voltage box. There's also a MEDKIT on the shelf nearby. Hover by the doorway by the table and kill the unaware Replica. If you stay hidden behind the slab of concrete, another unaware Replica will rush out upon hearing his comrade's death. Head left and you'll encounter several more Replica on the elevated area. Move around and go up the steps and kill the rest of them. Beside the rows of machinery are some ARMOR and a HAMMERHEAD. Make your way around to the catwalk. Follow the path and go down the ladder at the bottom. Follow Keegan to the power control room and turn off the power. Fend off the ghosts and go down the yellow stairs, then make another right and kill the ghosts. Behind the shelf to the right of the doorway is a MEDKIT. Go into the doorway and make your way through this ghost-filled room and into the next area. Eventually you'll come out to another railroad. Jump into the train and out the other side. There're 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS and a PISTOL in the area behind the train. On the other platform, there're 2 MEDICAL INJECTORS, a PISTOL and a HAMMERHEAD up the steps. Enter the train here to find LINE EXTENSION (3/5). Go through the door at the top of the stairs and continue straight to find some ARMOR, 2 INCENDIARY GRENADES and an ASSAULT RIFLE. Backtrack a little and go down the stairs. Headshot the unaware Replica in the next room and kill the other half-dozen or so around this area. There are loads of explosives though, so try to use them. Once you're done go up the stairs on the left and take the AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN and PISTOL if you want. Head down the corridor. Take the MEDKIT and go up the ladder at the end to come face to face with a bunch of Replicas. The office to your right contains an ARMOR and a HAMMERHEAD lies on a seat. Cross the rail via the train and kill the rest of the Replicas on the other side. Make your way to the other end. Now here's my favorite part. Switch off the electricity and wait til you see the Replicas. Turn it back on and wait til they're all electrocuted, and voila, problem solved! Don't forget to turn it off again before you jump in. Take the LASER and INCENDIARY GRENADE before you and go down the tunnel. Go through the blasted-open wall and down into the room. Take the SUPPLY REPORT (4/5) on the table and make your way through the room til you end up outside. Jump over the wall (but don't move from your landing spot) and go left along the tracks. Enter the door to find a MEDKIT. Continue through til you see a train, and hop inside and make your way through to the other side. Behind where you come out of the train is some ARMOR. Approach the lit area and you should be able to headshot one of the Replicas in the coffee shop. Another half a dozen or so Replicas will emerge; use the partition for cover. There's a MEDKIT, 2 FRAG GRENADES and something sort of gas tank that I accidentally discovered in the cafe kitchen that can be used to your advantage. When they're dead go around to the other side of the room and through the door. The mesh door to your right leads to some ARMOR and a PROXY MINE. Head left and jump over the rubble. There're a couple of Replicas in the next room, you might be able to take them by surprise or maybe not. Either way there's a gas tank on the trolley near the entrance to this room so try not to stand there. There's an ASSAULT RIFLE on the left, a PROXY MINE on the bench to the right and a MEDKIT and 2 PROXY MINES in the ticketing booth. There's also a HAMMERHEAD and a SHOCK GRENADE out by the other wall. There's a laser-wielder and 2 more Replicas down the corridor. The easiest way to deal with them is to activate SlowMo, run out, shoot the voltage box on the wall beside them to paralyze them, and then spam laser until they die. Head past where they were and turn right to find an ASSAULT RIFLE and 3 INCENDIARY GRENADES. Enter the door behind you. Head through this room and you'll emerge in a subway area. Turn right and jump over the yellow handrails, then quickly make your way across the track and hide behind the piece of wood. A train will randomly appear and crush a number of Replicas, making your job easier. Get up onto the left platform and enter the enmeshed area to find an ASSAULT RIFLE, a PISTOL and a PROXY MINE. Go upstairs to find some ARMOR, an AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN, an ASSAULT RIFLE and 2 PROXY MINES. Enter the dingy backroom for LASER MANUAL (5/5). Go out the door to the catwalk and kill the Replicas on the other side. Jump onto the train and onto the other platform. Go up the stairs and kill the Replica that appears, then enter the door he came from. Make your way out into another subway section and continue right to end the mission. ----------------------------\\ 7.12. MISSION 12 - Epicenter //---------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: * Reflex Injector #11 ------------ [ ] Go up the stairs and kill the Replica outside. If any Replicas hide behind a car, shoot the car a few times to make it explode. Take the INCENDIARY GRENADE, FRAG GRENADE and SNIPER RIFLE nearby (you'll need it, so replace it temporarily with something easy to regain, like the assault rifle or shotgun). There's also a MEDICAL INJECTOR nearby. Hug the left wall and you'll see the red scope of a sniper ahead. Nudge right until you crosshairs turn red and kill him. Move on. Just ahead are another SNIPER RIFLE and some ARMOR. Move forward a bit a 2 Replicas will appear. Kill then and enter the room to the left for a FRAG GRENADE, an INCENDIARY GRENADE, a MEDICAL INJECTOR and a MISSILE LAUNCHER. Several more Replica will appear on the other side, as well as a sniper, so you would probably be best staying inside this room and using it for cover. Another SNIPER RIFLE lies on the hood of the car nearby, if you need it. Once you've taken care of all of them, cross to the other side and kill the other sniper. Quickly enter the small room on your left and kill the Replicas coming out of the building. There's a FRAG GRENADE, INCENDIARY GRENADE, MEDICAL INJECTOR and LASER for your use here. Once you've killed all 4 of them approach the building. When you enter the door a laser-wielder will burst out of the double doors in front of you. I still had a pulse weapon with me so I simply shot a pulse into him and he died. A laser works just as well, combined with SlowMo, otherwise try to find some cover and toss some grenades or try to snipe him from afar if you're desperate. Either way when he's dead pick up the ARMOR, 2 PROXY MINES and REFLEX BOOSTER #11 in this room and head through the double doors. Make your way through the theatre and out onto the street. Turn the corner to find an ARMOR and continue down the road. Shoot the canister on the power pole and enter the power armor. As usual, if you want a challenge and decide not to use the armor, there are supplies scattered around to support you. Go down the street and kill everything - note that all the bright collisions mean the arrival of a power armor, so save your missiles for them. Turn left and you'll encounter 3 power armors all shortly after one another. If you're low on health, you may want to take a rest before you proceed. Further down the street you'll meet another power armor which is the same model as yours and thus harder to take down. Aim some rockets at him and he should go down soon enough. Once you kill him and his friends you can exit the armor and go through the hole in the wall. Make your way through the rubble until you come out to a street. Don't worry about the ghosts here, just go down the street. Follow Keegan down into the rubble and make your way down until you see him again. At this point jump down into the hole behind him. ---------------------------\\ 7.13. MISSION 13 - Approach //--------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Replica brochure 1 --------------- [ ] STS guidelines ------------------- [ ] Transfer notice ------------------ [ ] Replica brochure 2 --------------- [ ] Project roster ------------------- [ ] Replica brochure 3 --------------- [ ] Replica brochure 4 --------------- [ ] * Reflex Injector #12 ------------ [ ] Jump down the pipes and pick up the ARMOR, ASSAULT RIFLE and HAMMERHEAD in this room. Make your way through the corridors until you end up in a huge room. Turn right and jump when the catwalk collapses a little, then enter the next room. On your way across the catwalk you may notice a ladder to your left. You can jump down here to find an area that contains a PROXY MINE, a FRAG GRENADE, some ARMOR and a LASER. Head back out onto the catwalk and this time use the mountain of rubble nearby to get down to the lower level. Continue forward and pick up the REPLICA BROCHURE 1 (1/7) on the ground. Turn the corner and you'll encounter 4 Replicas without helmets, showing what they really look like. At the same time this also makes them very vulnerable to headshots which makes them quite a bit easier to handle than usual. There are also lots of explosives, notably beside the pods they come out of. Approach the tram when you're done. Take the STS GUIDELINES (2/7) on the ground just before the tram, then board it. There's a MEDKIT and ARMOR near the control panel, though I recommend you leave the armor alone if you have half or more of your armor bar intact. Start the tram via the control panel. Now the hardest fight in the whole game begins! For this first part, plant a few mines in the covered area next to the control panel, as Replicas will come in from here at some point during the fight. A mine or two on the opposite end of the tram may also help, but that's optional. A few moments into the tram ride, Replicas will attack you from the side - try to get rid of them while they're on the other side so that fewer get onto your tram. Be careful that there are quite a lot of them. I found that staying by the control panel was a decent place, as the explosion of my mines would warn me of enemies coming from the other car while I could also utilize the cover to kill the enemies that get onto the tram from the other side. The only time you'd need to move was if they toss a grenade. After you kill them, the beginning of another wave will start. For this I recommend staying somewhere near the middle, where you can see the enemies coming from the other car and you can kill the Replicas as they rappel down in front of you. Whenever you see a rope descend, kill the Replica as quickly as you can before they drop down. Keep an eye on both sides and heal as necessary. The third part begins with your blue car about to get crushed. If you're not in the blue car, this won't apply to you. If you are, quickly run to the area where the cars join and climb up by pressing E. Kill the Replicas on the other side and then take cover in the middle area, killing the horde of Replicas that come from the area that used to be the blue car. There're 2 FRAG GRENADES and a MEDKIT on this car. Finally you'll be asked to find the control panel on this car and regain control of the tram. After you do this the tram will crash and you'll land in a new area. Approach Keegan and go up the ladder on the left. Take the TRANSFER NOTICE (3/7) on the ground and go up the stairs into the next room, where an Assassin will attack. Kill it and go down the hall. Descend the nearby ladder to find REPLICA BROCHURE 2 (4/7), then go back up and go down the stairs. Go down the next set of stairs and enter the space in the wall. Follow the path and you'll come out to an area above where you were before, with a MEDKIT, a PROXY MINE and an AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN as well as an Assassin. Kill it and take what you need, then drop down to where you saw Keegan. Continue forth and you'll see another Assassin, though you may or may not be fast enough to kill it before it dashes away. Follow the path and go up the ladder. Pick up the PULSE WEAPON and PROJECT ROSTER (5/7) in the next room and go through the double doors. As always the goal is to follow Keegan, but before you do that go down the ladder on the lower floor to find REPLICA BROCHURE (6/7). Use the control panel at the base of the platform to lower it and then quickly go up the ramp and get across the platform to the other side. There's a LASER, PROXY MINE, FRAG GRENADE and MEDICAL INJECTOR here. Go up the stairs and move across the platform to the left. Kill the 4 Assassins that attack, then jump down onto the catwalk. Turn right and go down then up the ladders to find REFLEX INJECTOR #12. Return to the catwalk and go down the ladder near the middle. There are 2 Assassins in this area as well as an ARMOR, a SHOCK GRENADE and a PISTOL on the other side of the room. Lower the platform and use it to get to the other side, where another Assassin will attack. Climb down the ladder and onto the catwalk, at the end of which 2 Assassins await. Walk into the white light and open the double doors after Keegan rejects you. Take the MEDKIT and climb down the ladder - watch out for the Assassin that appears at the top. Follow the tunnel and pick up the ARMOR and the REPLICA BROCHURE 4 (7/7) under the stairs in the next room. Go up these stairs. Take the SNIPER RIFLE (you'll need it) and open the door. Take cover behind the machine and kill the first sniper whose scope you spot. Nudge over and kill the other 2 snipers. Enter the room; if you have any mines left, plant some near the door. Pick up the SNIPER RIFLE and INCENDIARY GRENADE a little ahead. There'll be a 3rd sniper on your left, however he can be killed by normal means if you can't be bothered hiding. Cross the tram and jump down to where the MEDKIT and ARMOR are. Go up the ladder and head left. Further left are 4 snipers - you can either snipe them or use a medium-distance weapon, like the Hammerhead or laser. Take the SNIPER RIFLE and SHOCK GRENADE on the way and climb up the ladder in the middle of the catwalk. Release the cargo. Heaps of Replica will stream in from the door you entered from and the double doors to the right. Where you are is a good spot to fight from, however bullets seem to penetrate through the cover so you may find it easier to go down. I just combined sniper rifle with SlowMo which worked fine. Sniper rifle without SlowMo is just a waste of time unless you're very good with it. Once they're all dead, continue forward on the catwalk and take the ASSAULT RIFLE leaning against the cargo. Go down the stairs to the lower floor and pick up the ARMOR. Jump down onto the ground floor and activate the tram. When the tram stops, get onto the platform and resist Alma when she attacks. Navigate through the cargo, fending Alma off when she attacks again. When you get to the elevator, take the MEDKIT nearby and activate it. Alma will attack for the final time, so fight her off to end the mission. -------------------------\\ 7.14. MISSION 14 - Climax //------------------------- ------------------------ INTEL/BOOSTER cHECKLIST: Containing Alma ------------------ [ ] Situation update ----------------- [ ] Power flow ----------------------- [ ] Music box ------------------------ [ ] Emergency shutdown --------------- [ ] * Reflex Injector #13 ------------ [ ] Make your way through the room and into the door. Once the scene's over, exit the elevator and make your way through the room again. This time you'll have to jump on the crates to get through to the courtyard. Go into the mesh door and jump down the hole. Get into the pipe and keep going to the other side. Kill the unaware Replica that climbs down the ladder, then climb out of the pipe. Take the SNIPER RIFLE, REFLEX INJECTOR #13 and ARMOR. Kill the 2 more Replicas that run in. In the next room you'll encounter about a dozen or so Replicas - I recommend using the pillar/low wall on the left for cover. When you're done head forward and up the ramp. Take the ARMOR and kill the Replicas ahead. Make your way around to find Manny. Soon he'll motion for you to enter the APC and get on the turret. Woot, fun time! For the first part the enemies will be straight ahead, most of the filing out of the doors in the middle. There're, conveniently, several explosives there so that makes the work quicker. Once they stop coming out, turn left and kill the Replica with the missile launcher and his buddies. From there on they'll mostly come from the left. When this wave is dead as well, a few more will run in from the balcony on the top right to end the fight. (To tell the truth, during this fight Manny quickly became my favorite character, hands down.) Afterwards Stokes will open the door, so go in and press the button. Leave the chamber after the airlock is released. Pick up CONTAINING ALMA (1/5) on the keyboard of the computer, then enter the elevator with Stokes. Activate it to go up to the next floor. When it stops, head into the middle of the room to find SITUATION UPDATE (2/5) on the ground. Go up the steps and pick up POWER FLOW (3/5) on the other side of the room. Enter the chamber and cycle the airlock. Make a left when you get out and pick up MUSIC BOX (4/5) in front of the 3rd chamber. Don't worry, this is the last one. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN (5/5) lies directly in front of upon exiting the chamber. Enter the main room and head left when the path opens. Extend the bridge and get into the chair. Simply run for the switch the first time. The second time the switch is a bit further away and you'll have to fight copies of Keegan, which requires SlowMo. Shutdown the machine when you get there to enter the third stage. Head left for the machine, killing the copies on the way. In the fourth round just dash right and run for the machine whilst in SlowMo to engage in a button-spam battle with Keegan. Like with Vanek, when the appropriate time comes click the fire button to kill him. Now simply watch the ending, and wait for FEAR 3! You've deserved it. oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ 8. Intel/Booster List [INBL]// oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo These are listed in order of when they're found, so they have a fairly obvious sequence. A piece of intel of a higher number will definitely be further along the level than a piece of intel of a lower number. Therefore, if you find that you've skipped one, you'll need to do some backtracking. If you wish to start the game afresh to collect all the intel/boosters in one playthrough, delete your F.E.A.R. 2 save from your My Documents folder. ---------oo MISSION 1 oo--------- Intel list: 1. Security concern - Behind the reception desk when you join your team. 2. I.M. transcript #1 - In the left corner from where you split up with Stokes. 3. Bad news - Just past where you split up with Stokes. 4. Good luck - On the table in the room after the glass corridor. 5. Termination notice - On the kitchen counter in the room with the staircase. 6. To-Do list - On the ground in the hallway after the ATC atop the stairs. 7. Info: Sgt. Becket - In the alcove behind the secret door. 8. Info: Sgt. Keegan - In the alcove behind the secret door. ---------oo MISSION 2 oo--------- Intel list: 9. Memo: M. Becket - On the wall by the door of the room you start off in. 10. Info: 1SG Griffin - Down the hall from the 1st room, in a room on the left. 11. Info: SGT Jankowski - In the room through the toilet of Recovery 106. 12. Surgical notes - In the room at the end of the right fork at the junction. 13. Check the news - In the room right ahead when you ascend the stairs. 14. Urgent warning - Past the fenced area in the 2nd lab you come across. 15. Info: 1LT Stokes - In the women's toilet in the area you jump down to. 16. Diode implants - Behind a desk a few rooms past the swipe-door. 17. Admitting patients - In the room to the right after prying the elevator. 18. Evaluation report - In the room through the vent in the elevator room. 19. T.A.C. overview - On the handrails of the fire escape stairs. Reflex injector location: #1. After picking up the keycard, backtrack to another locked swipe-door that leads to the room containing the injector. ---------oo MISSION 3 oo--------- Intel list: 20. Demolition plan - In the first room atop the stairs. 21. I.M. Transcript #3 - On the ground past the burning room. 22. I.M. Transcript #2 - In the comp room near where the talking soldiers are. 23. Op guidelines - Between the bookshelves where you first see the monster. Reflex injector location: #2. In the bathroom near where the flamethrower guy was (beside the vending machine). ---------oo MISSION 4 oo--------- Intel list: 24. Info: SGT Fox - In the nearest x-ray room (doors open by default). 25. Info: SGT Morales - On a table in an office past the half-open x-ray doors. 26. Harbinger Failures - By the dead nurse before the monster attacks you. 27. Schedule change - In the room after escaping from the burning catwalks. 28. Info: P. Fettel - In the storage area near the gas valve. Reflex injector location: #3. When you see the ATC soldier get into an elevator to your right, go down the stairs to your left to find it on a table. ---------oo MISSION 5 oo--------- Intel list: 29. Replica upgrades - In the first room on the left in the hallway. 30. Testing reminder - In the room above the telepathic commander monster. 31. Combat testing - In the first lab room with 3 monsters in it. 32. Threat report - Up the ladder in the room with the Replicas vs ATC. 33. Lift problems - In the room behind the ladder in the lift area. Reflex injector location: #4. In the room blocked by the first flame you see (after the first monster). Turn the valve in the room opposite the psychic commander and then backtrack here to find it. ---------oo MISSION 6 oo--------- Intel list: 34. Replica activity - In the room directly after the catwalk. 35. Civilian threat - In an office near the Necromancer. 36. Powered armor - At the far end of the room where you jump onto the plane. Reflex injector location: #5. Found next to Intel #36. ---------oo MISSION 7 oo--------- Intel list: 37. EPA Manual #1 - On a desk near the very beginning of the level. 38. EPA Manual #2 - In the office above the stairs, by the override switch. Reflex injector location: #6. Found next to Intel #38. ---------oo MISSION 8 oo--------- Intel list: 39. Conference request - In the first room you enter, on the ground. 40. School attendance - In the first room on the left after the rubble. 41. Status report - At the very end of the hallway after the rubble. 42. Event flyer - In the room opposite the hallway after the chopper ramp. Reflex injector location: #7. In the study hall on the right side of the hallway where the black/white sequence begins. Slide away the shelf to get to it. ---------oo MISSION 9 oo--------- Intel list: 43. Updated schedule - In the room through the hole in the boys' toilets. 44. Student essay - In one of the rooms from the corridor after the hole. 45. Supplements - In the storage room after the barn. 46. Updated orders - On the upended desk just before the first elevator. 47. Ladybugs info - In the office after the elevator. 48. Bluebirds info - In the finance room near the aforementioned office. 49. Dress code - In the principal's office. 50. Strange nightmares - In the principal's office. 51. Treefrog info - In the room just after the keycard-locked door. 52. PARAGON manual - In the office next to the nurse's office. Reflex injector location: #8. In the girls' toilets just after you see Alma melting 2 ATC soldiers and just before the outdoors battle with Replicas on the roof. ----------oo MISSION 10 oo---------- Intel list: 53. Elevator checklist - On a computer table in the first room. 54. Supplemental notes - Down the first ladder you see. 55. Cancellation - In the room with the moving machinery. 56. PARAGON findings - On the ground in the room with the specimen chair. 57. Recommendations - In a glass cabinet in the room before encountering Vanek. 58. Test Results - In the specimen hold control room. 59. I.M. Transcript #4 - In Snake Fist's room. Reflex injector location: #9. In the room with the moving machinery, down the ladder. Wait til the arm's up before you grab it. ----------oo MISSION 11 oo---------- Intel list: 60. Auburn woes - In the ticket office where you first meet 2 Assassins. 61. Electrical hazard - In the area after lifting the vending machine. 62. Line extension - In the second train in the area with 2 trains. 63. Supply report 64. Laser manual Reflex injector location: #10. Just before lifting the vending machine, go down the escalator in this area to find it. ----------oo MISSION 12 oo---------- Reflex injector location: #11. In the room that the laser-wielder bursts into. ----------oo MISSION 13 oo---------- Intel list: 65. Replica brochure 1 - In the room after the mountain of rubble. 66. STS guidelines - On the ground just before the first tram. 67. Transfer notice - Up the ladder past Keegan's location after the tram ride. 68. Replica brochure 2 - Down the ladder in the room after the first Assassin. 69. Project roster - In the room where you find the pulse weapon. 70. Replica brochure 3 - Down the ladder past the base of the first platform. 71. Replica brochure 4 - Under the stairs in the room before the snipers. Reflex injector location: #12. After encountering the 4 Assassins on the first platform, jump down onto the catwalk and turn right. Go down the ladder and then up the next one to find it. ----------oo MISSION 14 oo---------- Intel list: 72. Containing Alma - On the keyboard of the computer where you meet Stokes. 73. Situation update - In the middle of the room after the elevator. 74. Power flow - Just before the 2nd airlock chamber. 75. Music box - Just before the 3rd airlock chamber. 76. Emergency shutdown - Directly ahead after exiting the 3rd airlock chamber. Reflex injector location: #13. Directly ahead after emerging from the pipe. oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ 9. Weapon List [WEPN]// oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo -----------------\\ - F i r e a r m s //----------------- -------------oo ASSAULT RIFLE oo------------- "The Patten PK470 is a gas operated, selective fire assault rifle that is celebrated for its ruggedness and dependability. It features an ACOG scope and 30-round magazine. It has superior range and excellent stopping power. Use the Arsenal Selection interface to toggle between semi-auto and fully automatic fire." FIRST FOUND: Mission 4 - Withdrawal VERDICT: An excellent gun that has a good balance between fire speed and power. At first you probably won't be able to keep it for long due to the scarcity of the ammo, but later on it will most likely replace the submachine gun as your main weapon. -----------------oo AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN oo----------------- "The Vollmer Ultra92 is a gas operated, self loading automatic 12-gauge shotgun. It features a 12-round detachable box mag. For short to medium range firefights, the Ultra92 is a superior choice." FIRST FOUND: Mission 5 - Replica VERDICT: A shotgun like any other, with a tad more range than its sibling the combat shotgun. The larger mag is also good, as is the automatic reloading. However it is rather lacking in power, and you'll notice the difference especially at close range. Use this weapon if you want, but ultimately the combat shotgun is still superior. --------------oo COMBAT SHOTGUN oo-------------- "The SHO Series-3 is a manually operated pump-action repeating 10-gauge combat shotgun. It has an eight-round tubular magazine and smooth bore modified choke barrel. While the Series-3 has a limited range and penetration and modest rate of fire, it is devastating at close range." FIRST FOUND: Mission 2 - Awakening VERDICT: Your typical shotgun - deadly at close range, not so deadly at mid-range, and completely useless when the enemy's any further than halfway across the room. Effective on heavily armored enemies and a 1HKO for the rest if you use SlowMo to get close first. However, later in the game the heavily armored enemies get better weapons that make it difficult to get up close, so it may not be a good idea to use this gun against them unless you have a load of SlowMo to abuse. ----------oo HAMMERHEAD oo---------- "The Armacham HV Hammerhead is the successor to the HV Penetrator. Firing hardened 14mm depleted uranium spikes, the Hammerhead is devestatingly effective against armored targets. Its stability and high rate of fire are offset by its considerable weight." FIRST FOUND: Mission 8 - Elementary VERDICT: An excellent all-round weapon that is penetrative, effective at almost all ranges and has a quick rate of fire. Ammo is fairly uncommon, however, so it is best saved as a secondary firearm. -----oo LASER oo----- "The 1.7 kW Shark FL-3 Laser employs neodymium-doped glass amplified by solid-state, heat-capacity technology. The FL-3 cuts easily through armor, making it highly effective against hard targets. The Shark's size does reduce operator mobility, so this should be taken into account before the weapon is deployed." FIRST FOUND: Mission 11 - Keegan VERDICT: Very useful against heavily armored enemies and has a decent range. However it has a slow startup so it may be more effective to 'spray' it rather than zap one guy, stop, zap another guy, etc. ----------------oo MISSILE LAUNCHER oo---------------- "The Andra SR5 is a man portable missile launcher that can be deployed against hard targets and heavily armed opponents at a variety of ranges. A soft-launch signature limits the operator's exposure to infrared and visual detection, thus increasing survivability. The SR5 is ideal for enegaging hard targets and groups of hostiles." FIRST FOUND: Mission 6 - Ruin VERDICT: Probably the cutest missile launcher you've ever seen. Very useful when faced with multiple enemies, and even powered armor suits go down relatively quickly when you have this on hand. This missile launcher will probably replace the napalm cannon as your power weapon when you pick it up. -------------oo NAPALM CANNON oo------------- "The Balzer LM10 fires bursts of ignited napalm, making it extremely useful in situations where indiscriminate firepower must be brought to bear on multiple hostiles. Collateral damage when using this weapon is unavoidable. A superior weapon for close-in engagements, though care must be used to avoid operator injury." FIRST FOUND: Mission 3 - Discovery VERDICT: Great for toasting multiple enemies at once, especially when there are a lot of them. Unfortunately the range is poor and will require going up-close to make sure enemies get toasted properly. Useful weapon to keep in your inventory should the need to use it ever arise. ------oo PISTOL oo------ "The Seegert ACM46 9mm is a recoil operated, locked breech semi-automatic pistol with an impact resistant polymer frame and stainless steel slide. It comes standard with tritium sights and an 18-round magazine. It is reasonably accurate and has commendable stopping power but limited effective range." FIRST FOUND: Given at the start of the game VERDICT: Chances are you won't even use this gun much since you receive the submachine gun at the same time, but if you feel like you want to use a gun with more impact then this is your option for the time being. The relatively slow firing speed and lack of power makes this gun rather useless so don't hesitate to replace it with something better, unless you really like it. ------------oo PULSE WEAPON oo------------ "Armacham's Type-12 prototype fires pulses of superheated coherent energy capable of evaporating the soft tissue of organisms within several meters of the burst. A major shortcoming of the current design is the DPF reactor's limited yield, severely limiting the number of times the weapon can be discharged before it is fully depleted. Pulses gradually decelerate due to atmospheric resistance and destabilize violently after a short interval." FIRST FOUND: Mission 10 - Snake Fist VERDICT: Reminiscent of the Type-7 Particle Weapon in F.E.A.R., this firearm also fires energy, but in a much less stable and slower way. Best used against large groups of enemies clumped in a line, and must be shot with a certain degree of accuracy so that you don't completely miss the target due to the energy pulse's slow movement. Since you only get it twice, use it to your heart's content and then toss it. ------------oo SNIPER RIFLE oo------------ "The Raab KM50 is a semi-automatic box magazine fed rifle chambered for .50 BMG. The weapon has a precision cyrogenically stress-relieved barrel, a smooth match trigger and a 10x fixed power scope suitable for extreme distances. Penetration is also exceptional with this weapon, making it ideal for armored targets. The slow rate of fire makes it most suited for situations in which the operator has time to evaluate and engage potential targets at stand-off ranges." FIRST FOUND: Mission 7 - Top VERDICT: Excellent sniper rifle that more or less is always a 1HKO. Really only useful against other snipers (e.g. during the mission that it's found), or when the enemies are unaware or aren't moving around very much. --------------oo SUBMACHINE GUN oo-------------- "The Andra FD-99 is a lightweight, selective fire submachine gun (SMG) that fires from a closed bolt. The short barrel and folding stock make it ideal for close-quarters combat. It is a reliable, easily controlled weapon that fires a low recoil pistol caliber cartridge. Comes equipped with a reflex sight and high capacity magazine. Use the Arsenal Selection inferface to toggle between 3-round burst and fully automatic fire." FIRST FOUND: Given at the start of the game VERDICT: Very useful primary weapon with a high fire rate that makes up for its low power. If not aimed specifically for the head, enemies can take anywhere from 5-50 bullets to kill (especially if you spray). Nevertheless the low recoil makes it more accurate when fired continuously. Later on the SMG will probably be replaced by more powerful guns, e.g. the assault rifle. ---------------------\\ - E x p l o s i v e s //--------------------- ------------oo FRAG GRENADE oo------------ "The N6A3 Fragmentation Grenade is a steel bodied sphere designed to burst into numerous fragments when detonated. Composition "B" plastic explosives packed inside the grenade provide its explosive power. The weapon has an effective kill radius of 5 meters and is useful against entrenched or defiladed hostiles." FIRST FOUND: Mission 2 - Awakening VERDICT: The good ol' frag grenade, great for flushing out enemies or taking out a large group within a small area. Useful to keep at least a couple on you for extended fights. ------------------oo INCENDIARY GRENADE oo------------------ "The R3 grenade contains thickened polyphoric agent (TPA), which ignites when it contacts air and burns at approximately 1200 degrees Celsius. The R3 is devastating to soft targets caught within its blast radius." FIRST FOUND: Mission 4 - Withdrawal VERDICT: This grenade would probably be more useful if you let it cook in your hand for a bit first so that it detonates quicker. Its radius of effect isn't very large and enemies are usually smart enough to run away when you throw something, so its usefulness is limited. --------------oo PROXIMITY MINE oo-------------- "The AT-L4 is triggered to detonate when a hostile moves within a preset radius of the weapon. Primarily an anti-personnel device, the AT-L4 is comprised of a plastic explosive matrix embedded with steel shot. The weapon is highly effective in a defensive posture, both reducing enemy strength and providing the operator with warning of an impending attack. The Proximity Grenade is armed when deployed and will "stick" to most any surface it comes into contact with." FIRST FOUND: Mission 5 - Replica VERDICT: Good for defense or can be used as a trap if you're sure enemies will come your way. Not very useful in passing battles as the enemies won't last long enough to fall into your traps, but can greatly help when tossed around in an extended battle or when you know enemies will be coming. -------------oo SHOCK GRENADE oo------------- "The Armacham XS Shock Grenade was designed to temporarily disable organic and electromechanical targets. When detonated, it releases a localized electromagnetic pulse to disrupt electrical systems as well as a concussive wave to stun living targets without causing physical injury." FIRST FOUND: Mission 4 - Withdrawal VERDICT: Useful, if you can aim it right. Almost mandatory during fights with Power Suits, as they can cripple them for periods of time, allowing you to blast away at it before it recovers. Be sure to keep a stash of these with you whenever possible and try not to waste them. oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ 10. Item List [ITML]// oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo ----------------oo MEDICAL INJECTOR oo---------------- These look like reflex injectors, but are red in color. They are an on-the-spot source of HP recovery, usually found after long and hard battles to fill up your HP in case you don't have any medkits left. You can't take these with you so use these first before you hit the medkits. Also sometimes dropped by enemies. ------oo MEDKIT oo------ Medkits are a portable source of HP recovery and you can carry a maximum of 3 with you at any time. They are uncommon and are usually in out-of-the-way spots, but they turn up quite regularly so it shouldn't be too much trouble to find one. ----------oo ARMOR VEST oo---------- Much more obviously effective than in F.E.A.R - collecting these will fill up your armor bar which serves as an extra bar of HP. In most cases damage taken will take off the armor bar before it affects your HP bar, so make sure you pick up all the armor you find. ---------------oo REFLEX INJECTOR oo--------------- The only stat boosters in F.E.A.R. 2 are these, and they work the same way as in the first game - each injector permanently increases your maximum SlowMo time. A total of 13 to be found. -----oo INTEL oo----- These are floppy disk-like objects that are added to your PDA when you pick them up. They contain various types of information that contribute to the back story of F.E.A.R. 2. If you don't want to miss out on a large portion of the story, make sure you pick them up. They're usually not particularly hard to find, but may require a bit of poking around. oooo-----------------------------------------------------------------------oooo \\ 11. Credits [CRDT]// oo---------------------------------------------------------------------oo Thanks to: - You, for reading this. - GameFAQs for hosting this guide. - Monolith Games for making F.E.A.R. 2 so I could play it and write this guide. - Me, for writing this. :D FAQ/Walkthrough (c) 2009 Lunadea