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E-mail: bjsalari[at]hotmail[dot]com Things you should know: Use Ctrl+F to search fast for certain items on the document. Use Ctrl+C to copy to another writing document for printing. Use Ctrl+P to paste to another writing document for printing. ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* _______ ____________ ______ Section Section Name Code ------- ------------ ------ I. Game Information 1230 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Version History 1231 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Intro 1232 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. E-mail Policy 1233 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Controls 1234 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Team Information 1235 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Tips and Tricks 1236 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Secrets 1237 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIIII. Legal Information 1238 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Credits 1239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Press ctrl+F and type in the code for quick navigation. ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. G A M E I N F O R M A T I O N 1230 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* A little background on the game. I am sure most people have not played this before. Here is the general game information. a) Game: Front Office Football b) Platform: PC c) Released: 1999 d) Type: Simulating Football game e) Purpose: To manage the best team possible f) Creator: Solecismic Software g) Game Rating: "E" for Everyone h) Personal Rating: 9/10 where 10 is the best i) Start of FAQ: 3/19/03 j) End Of FAQ: ?/??/?? ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y 1231 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* _______________________________________________________ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| ----------------------------------------------------- /| |Update: 01 |/| |3/19/03 |/| |Version 1.00 |/| |Info: Started the FAQ. I began the beginning format.|/| |____________________________________________________|/ _______________________________________________________ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| ----------------------------------------------------- /| |Update: 02 |/| |3/20/03 |/| |Version 1.01 |/| |Info: Added Team Information and such. |/| |____________________________________________________|/ _______________________________________________________ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| ----------------------------------------------------- /| |Update: 03 |/| |3/21/03 |/| |Version 1.02 |/| |Info: Added art and Secret and tips and tricks |/| |section to the guide. |/| |____________________________________________________|/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| ----------------------------------------------------- /| |Update: 04 |/| |3/21/03 |/| |Version 1.03 |/| |Info: Finished Team Info section |/| | |/| |____________________________________________________|/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////| ----------------------------------------------------- /| |Update: 05 |/| |3/31/03 |/| |Version Final |/| |Info: Fixed errors and completed FAQ. |/| | |/| |____________________________________________________|/ ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. I N T R O 1232 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* !* P L E A S E R E A D *! -------------------------- Hello and welcome to the one and only Front Office Football game for the PC. It has made its way through sales without a whole lot of people knowing too much about this game. It really is worth the buy and displays excellent replay value. The game tests your management skills. You are essentially a coach and you have to organize a pro NFL team. You have many options just as a normal coach would have. You can draft, sign free agents, and even record records in the record book. This makes you want to play season after season as each one will work on top of each other letting you succeed on. Now it may seem as if you are a coach but you really can sign your "team's" coach. You are the one that manages the team. Let us put it that way. This FAQ is purposed to display regular information on the game. As this is not one of the step by step games, I will give you general information on completing good seasons and organizing a well built team. This really is the main goal of the game and certainly is worth writing about. I hope that you enjoy my writing! ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. E - M A I L P O L I C Y 1233 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* E-mail: bjsalari[at]hotmail[dot]com I will not be very strict when it comes to e-mail. Why? Simple! There will probably be nobody interested in e-mailing me. I am sure not many people have this game, but I really want to encourage people in getting this game. If you do have this game, which somebody probably does, you must at least follow the following e-mail rules. 1. Don't e-mail me information already in the FAQ. Seriously, if you are going to waist my time and e-mail me, it better not be in the FAQ. That really makes it very frustrating when I have to answer questions I have already answered. Let's just put it this way, if you have a doubt in the game, READ the FAQ. If it is not there then please e-mail me. I would be glad to add information given by you (credit will be given). I also have no problem helping people on any puzzles or just one general area of the game. I think you are starting to get the point. 2. Subject Please, when you e-mail, place something related to this FAQ in the subject. I am not always in the mood to check mail that looks junky so I might throw it out. Usually if I get your e-mail I will write back to you. So if I don't write back, I probably didn't get your FAQ. All understood? 3. Credit Please, I encourage people to find information or alternate strategies in doing something. I would like to build it on my FAQ and will always give rightful credit to the one providing the information. That is something I really like to do. Just e-mail me a tip, trick, secret etc. Just please follow these rules and everything will go fine. I hope you are satisfied with these conditions. Thanks for your cooperation. ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. C O N T R O L S 1234 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* There are really no controls in this game. I am just going to show how to get into places in certain parts of the game. It really helps as there are so many options in this game. You will get lost looking for something very frequently. First I will list the Toolbar options for easy navigating. ******** Game ******** 1. New Game: Enables you to start a new game by choosing a team and difficulty level. 2. Load: Load's a previously saved game. 3. Save: Save's a current game. 4. Save As: Pick a name to save as. 5. Delete: Delete's a saved game. 6. Choose New Team: When playing a season, you can switch teams. 7. Options: Set depth charts, autosaves, and automatic scout drafting. 8. Franchise Nicknames: Change team nicknames. Example: Colts<-->Kings 9. City Names: Changes city names of teams. Example: Indianapolis<-->Phoenix. 10.Exit: Takes you out of the program. ********** Records ********** 1. GM Records: This is all time ratings records after a season. 2. Hall of Fame: People from around the league admired for their talent. 3. Individual Records: Your personal season records for all teams. 4. Franchise Records: Your personal season records for your team. 5. Season Awards: After a season players are sometimes awarded for special talent. 6. Front Office Bowls: The winners of the front office bowl placed in chronological order. 7. Team Performances: How your team is performing in seasons. ************ Franchise ************ 1. Franchise Value: Rates your stadium, support, economy, and city. 2. Balance Sheet: Shows last years profits in money. 3. Attendance Report: Shows how many people bought season tickets. 4. City Information: Gives your general city information. 5. Ticket Prices: Set ticket prices according to fan support. 6. Stadium Proposal: Request a stadium or build a new one. 7. GM Performance: Shows your records each season. *********** Roster *********** 1. Team Roster: Organize your roster. 2. Offer Trade: Trade with other teams. 3. Free Agents: Sign players here. 4. Scout Overview: Scouts personal opinions on what you need. 5. Roster Strength: Shows your ratings on starters and backups. 6. Scouting Staff: Shows scouts of each team. Hire/Release scouts here. 7. Coaching Staff: Shows coaches of each team. Hire/Release coaches here. 8. Transaction Log: Shows trades and signings of all teams. 9. Injury Log: Shows who is injured at the present time on all teams. *********** Game Plan *********** 1. Game Plan: Decided how many of what plays you do per game. 2. Offensive Depth Chart: Organizes your offensive positions. 3. Defensive Depth Chart: Organizes your defensive positions. ********** Season ********** 1. Simulate Games: Where you play your games during seasons. 2. Box Scores: In depth stats on games. 3. Schedules: What team plays what team. 4. Exhibition Standings: Standings after the first 4 exhibitions games. 5. Standings: Regular Season standings. 6. Power Ratings: Team power rankings after a season. 7. Individual Statistics: Individual player stats. 8. Team Statistics: Team total season stats. ********* Draft ********* 1. Draft Order: Shows drafting order by teams. 2. Draft Players: Allows you to draft players. 3. Past First Selections: Who was picked 1(1) in previous years. *********** Progress *********** 1. Begin Free Agency Period: Start the signing of free agents. 2. Continue Free Agency Period: Continues the signing of free agents. 3. Begin Amateur Draft: Begin Drafting. 4. Set Protection List: Set people you will give up in expansion draft. 5. Begin Expansion Draft: Starts the draft of a new expansion team. 6. Begin Training Camp: Start's the camp before a season. 7. End Season: End's current season to next season. ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. T E A M I N F O R M A T I O N 1235 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* Here I am going to type in certain information for each team. It is purposed for people in doubt of picking a team. I will give you good tips on what to choose and what to do with your choice. Just bear with me. __ / \ / * \ / ____ \ |_| |_|merican Conference +=-~+=-~+=-~ East +=-~+=-~+=-~ New England Patriots Buffalo Bills Indianapolis Colts Miami Dolphins New York Jets +=-~+=-~+=-~ Central +=-~+=-~+=-~ Baltimore Ravens Cincinnati Bengals Jacksonville Jaguars Tennessee Titans Pittsburgh Steelers Cleveland Browns +=-~+=-~+=-~ West +=-~+=-~+=-~ Denver Broncos Oakland Raiders Kansas City Chiefs San Diego Chargers Seattle Seahawks ___ _____ |_ \ |_ _| | |\ \ | | | | \ \ | | _| |_ \ \| | |_____| \___|ational Conference +=-~+=-~+=-~ East +=-~+=-~+=-~ Dallas Cowboys New York Giants Philadelphia Eagles Arizona Cardinals Washington Redskins +=-~+=-~+=-~ Central +=-~+=-~+=-~ Chicago Bears Detroit Lions Greenbay Packers Minnesota Vikings Tampa Bay Buccaneers +=-~+=-~+=-~ West +=-~+=-~+=-~ Atlanta Falcons Carolina Panthers New Orleans Saints St. Louis Rams San Francisco 49ers ________________________ More In-depth Team Info ------------------------ ************************ Quicklist: Press control F while highlighting a team to find info on that --------- team. New England Patriots Buffalo Bills Indianapolis Colts Miami Dolphins New York Jets Baltimore Ravens Cincinnati Bengals Jacksonville Jaguars Tennessee Titans Pittsburgh Steelers Cleveland Browns Denver Broncos Oakland Raiders Kansas City Chiefs San Diego Chargers Seattle Seahawks Dallas Cowboys New York Giants Philadelphia Eagles Arizona Cardinals Washington Redskins Chicago Bears Detroit Lions Greenbay Packers Minnesota Vikings Tampa Bay Buccaneers Atlanta Falcons Carolina Panthers New Orleans Saints St. Louis Rams San Francisco 49ers 1. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Arizona Cardinals <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 62 b. Offensive Line: 71 c. Defensive Front: 76 d. Secondary: 83 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 58 b. Reserves: 24 My opinion ---------- Well, the Cardinals are not generally the best team. They are weak on both the starters and reserves. They don't have any running game but there passing is decent. Plummer will set good records on your first few years. There defense, too, has very little talent. I am serious, this is one of the worst teams to start. I would say the only star player that will do anything is David Boston. He is a rookie and very good in catching. No matter what team I am on I usually try to get Randy Moss or David Boston. These really are one of the best receivers. Expect your numbers to show in the passing game. 2. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Atlanta Falcons <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 62 b. Offensive Line: 70 c. Defensive Front: 72 d. Secondary: 86 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 100 b. Reserves: 30 My opinion ---------- The Atlanta Falcons have the best starters in the game. I would say they would be an excellent choice if you are looking for a good team. Though they do not have the most sufficient reserves, they still supply you with key guns. First off, Jamal Anderson. He is probably the best back next to Denver's Davis. He is guaranteed to get you a good 1,700 yards or so. This is one thing that is a major plus. Eugene Robinson at safety is very good with interceptions. He will pick off a good 7-8 in a season. This is all you can ask from the current safetys. This is a good team to choose from. 3. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Baltimore Ravens <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 61 b. Offensive Line: 64 c. Defensive Front: 83 d. Secondary: 78 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 25 b. Reserves: 32 My opinion ---------- Sorry, this is the Ravens before they won the super bowl. They are pretty pathetic as of their starters. Rated poor, they have NO QB. The only actual good player on your team is the all-star Jonathan Ogden. The thing is, key blocks are not going to cut your slack. Your team will need some building. I would recommend that you start the building of your team after the first season. If you get good people too early, they may become bad do to performance of your team the first year. Expect better years than your first. 4. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Buffalo Bills <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 80 b. Offensive Line: 80 c. Defensive Front: 93 d. Secondary: 100 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 62 b. Reserves: 94 My opinion ---------- This Bills are a good team in this game. Rob Johnson, for some odd reason, is rated very good in this game. Well, that only makes the team much better. Antoine Smith is young and has some good future improvement for later on in the years. But the strength for the Bills is not all in the offense. A lot is in the Defense. Bruce Smith and Sam Cowart will give you a good amount of sacks and tackles. This will help you get the ball more often, thus scoring more points. Not bad at all of a team to start out with. 5. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Carolina Panthers <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 65 b. Offensive Line: 71 c. Defensive Front: 65 d. Secondary: 66 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 50 b. Reserves: 21 My opinion ---------- The Panthers are not my favorite team nor are they very good. They have a decent QB but horrible running game. I would work on getting a RB from the Free Agents before the start of the first season. I big disappointment is the fact that Mushin Muhammad is rated horrible in this game. I am sorry that I don't have a whole lot to say on this team but they really are bad. I would not recommend this to anyone playing this game. 6. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Chicago Bears <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 71 b. Offensive Line: 80 c. Defensive Front: 86 d. Secondary: 58 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 44 b. Reserves: 0 My opinion ---------- The Bears are good and horrible. I don't know which one to pick. Their offense is horrible. They have Cade but he is nothing in this game. I think his rating should be a bit better. Their RB is also bad. James Allen is good now but not back then. Sorry for in inconvenience. The defense is a bit better though. Walt Harris is pretty good for the interception game. Brad Minter is a good LB that should get you some good tackles. I know you all miss Brian Urlacher but you are going to have to live with it. 7. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Cincinnati Bengals <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 76 b. Offensive Line: 89 c. Defensive Front: 83 d. Secondary: 61 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 60 b. Reserves: 46 My opinion ---------- The Bengals are not good now and certainly are not very good here. Well, they have the usual Corey Dillion and Carl Pickens, but NO QB. I promise you that. Takeo Spikes is also a key LB, if not the best in the league. He should help out your Defense greatly. Maybe even keep you in some games. Overall, this team is one you are going to have wait on. Start drafting as soon as possible. 8. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Cleveland Browns <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 49 b. Offensive Line: 55 c. Defensive Front: 52 d. Secondary: Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 4 b. Reserves: 53 My opinion ---------- Hey, it is the expansion team of this game. They, of course, are rated pretty bad. There is one huge advantage though. You get to PICK your team. Yes, that is right. This game was made before the picking of the draft. So you get an expansion draft just for you. In the draft, immediately go for a QB, RB, and WR. These are the keys to the Browns success. 9. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Dallas Cowboys <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 100 b. Offensive Line: 81 c. Defensive Front: 80 d. Secondary: 90 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 72 b. Reserves: 53 My opinion ---------- This is the complete opposite of the Bengals. I mean the Cowboys are horrible this year. In this game they are almost perfect. Emmitt Smith will get you around 15 hundred yards while good old Troy Aikman is back. He will throw a good 4,000 yards. You cannot ask for much more than that. I would recommend this team to all those people who only like GOOD teams. Yes, you all know who you are. 10. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Denver Broncos <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 68 b. Offensive Line: 80 c. Defensive Front: 79 d. Secondary: 98 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 50 b. Reserves: 10 My opinion ---------- The Broncos are decent in this game. I mean, Terrell Davis is very good, maybe even the best in the game. But the passing is horrible. They have a Bring Griese. Not THEE Brian Griese. In this game he is rated horrible. I would say the passing is what really drops the offenseive rating. Expect good secondary though. Not a bad but not a good team. 11. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Detroit Lions <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 82 b. Offensive Line: 84 c. Defensive Front: 79 d. Secondary: 68 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 28 b. Reserves: 97 My opinion ---------- This Lions team is pretty good. Nothing like the one we all laugh at today. They have Charlie Batch, who for some reason is really good in this game. Barry is even in this! Man, he will tack on a good 15 hundred yards to the list. Herman Moore and Desmond Howard will also help your team greatly. 12. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Greenbay Packers <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 80 b. Offensive Line: 76 c. Defensive Front: 86 d. Secondary: 100 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 76 b. Reserves: 33 My opinion ---------- Yes! Brett Favre is back and is as good as ever. He, in my opinion is the best QB in this game. One thing you have to watch out for is that the rest of their offense is horrible. They have NO Wr or RB. I know the Packers were good this year but not for a while now. If you like passing pick this team and try your best to get Randy or David. 13. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Indianapolis Colts <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 56 b. Offensive Line: 75 c. Defensive Front: 75 d. Secondary: 61 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 12 b. Reserves: 0 My opinion ---------- This is my personal favorite team. The colts have Manning and James in this game. That is a plus. Unfortuantly they do not have Freeney. Not to worry. Harrison is horrible in this game which is really odd, but you can easily get Moss or Boston for some easy draft picks. I would recommend this team to all people liking the Colts and people looking for a challenge in their progressive game. 14. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Jacksonville Jaguars <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 71 b. Offensive Line: 76 c. Defensive Front: 77 d. Secondary: 62 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 61 b. Reserves: 37 My opinion ---------- Not a bad Jag team. They have Brunell, who is rated pretty good in this game. They also have Fred Taylor. He will get about 1,300 yards. This is not bad and is someone you should certainly keep. Jimmy Smith is a very good WR. Maybe one of the best. You have Bosseli and Tony Brackens. There are some major advantages in this team. If you are a noob, pick this team. 15. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Kansas City Chiefs <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 57 b. Offensive Line: 99 c. Defensive Front: 76 d. Secondary: 72 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 16 b. Reserves: 42 My opinion ---------- Let me guess? You guys want that almight Priest Holmes right? Sorry. He is in this game. But, he has the worst rating. It is better of to get a rookie running back off of the free agents. The Chiefs have Elvis but he is not that good. I would say that their defense is ok in the LB but is pretty bad in most other places. I would recommend this team to people in need of a challenge. 16. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Miami Dolphins <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 99 b. Offensive Line: 80 c. Defensive Front: 82 d. Secondary: 90 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 63 b. Reserves: 40 My opinion ---------- The Dolphins have Danny boy. Yes that is right. They have the amazing Dan Marino. He has no one to pass to on the other hand. That is why their offense is not as good as most. Since they do not have Ricky Williams in this game their running game is not as productive. I would not recommend this team even if your are a Dolphin fan. 17. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Minnesota Vikings <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 79 b. Offensive Line: 99 c. Defensive Front: 87 d. Secondary: 75 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 71 b. Reserves: 83 My opinion ---------- Daunte Culpepper is a decent QB to start of with. He has the best WR's to pass to. That is what makes their offense so good. I am always talking about getting Randy Moss. Well here you do not have to. You already have him. Him and Chris Carter will make a good team as they do in real life. 18. <><><><><><><><><><><><> New England Patriots <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 73 b. Offensive Line: 87 c. Defensive Front: 85 d. Secondary: 78 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 72 b. Reserves: 25 My opinion ---------- No Brady. The recent super bowl winners are not the same as this team. Man, they hardly have anyone. I really do not like this team. It is, again, a team in which you should wait until next draft to complete your team. In the beginning it will be very unorganized and unskilled. As your years progress you will get more experienced. A big advantage in this team is the fact that they have Drew Bledsoe. Yes, it is weird but fair. 19. <><><><><><><><><><><><> New Orleans Saints <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 58 b. Offensive Line: 61 c. Defensive Front: 85 d. Secondary: 61 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 23 b. Reserves: 50 My opinion ---------- The Saints are not particulary good. They have one big advantage. Ricky Williams is there starting RB and is pretty good. I would relate him to Edgerrin James. They also have Joe Horn who is a good enough WR to get you through the years. Good luck on this team as I really hate them. 20. <><><><><><><><><><><><> New York Jets <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 61 b. Offensive Line: 78 c. Defensive Front: 72 d. Secondary: 84 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 83 b. Reserves: 20 My opinion ---------- The Jets have very good secondary. Glenn will get you a massive amount of interceptions. Also, Curtis Martain will get you a good 1,500 yards. That is someting you should really consider. To bad Pennington is not in this game. He would have a really good rating making the passing game much better. You are just going to have to live with Vinney. Have fun with this team. 21. <><><><><><><><><><><><> New York Giants <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 57 b. Offensive Line: 73 c. Defensive Front: 100 d. Secondary: 89 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 47 b. Reserves: 55 My opinion ---------- The Giants have gotten a lot better. They are decent in this game. They still have Tiki Barber, who is pretty good. They do not have Ron dayne on the other hand. They also have Ike Hilliard who can hook up with a decent QB, Kerry Collins. They have Sehourn, who is certainly a good CB. Expect decent things from this team. They can easily be doctored up after the first couple of seasons. I would recommend that you make them a full team after 2-3 years and drafts. Good luck! 22. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Oakland Raiders <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 75 b. Offensive Line: 83 c. Defensive Front: 78 d. Secondary: 65 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 27 b. Reserves: 65 My opinion ---------- The Raiders are back and are as good as usual. The only think that they do not have right now is Jerry Rice. Charles Woodson is very good in this game and the fact that Rich Gannon can hook up with Tim Brown will scare any team. I would recommend this team to the people who have never played before as they are easier then most teams. 23. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Philadelphia Eagles <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 51 b. Offensive Line: 67 c. Defensive Front: 67 d. Secondary: 81 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 0 b. Reserves: 30 My opinion ---------- The Eagles are a defensive team. They have very good CB's and Linebackers. I also think that their Qb is good. Donovan McNabb is also here with a pretty good rating. You will like this team a lot if you like defense. Offense is a little bit of a different story. 24. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Pittsburgh Steelers <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 71 b. Offensive Line: 95 c. Defensive Front: 92 d. Secondary: 66 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 52 b. Reserves: 57 My opinion ---------- Kordell is here. He is good as ever. They also have the BUS. Jerome Bettis is going to smash any defense in his way. I think you will enjoy there strong offense. They also have a good offensive line. Dawson is a very good center. He will get an amazing amount of Key Run Blocks. The steelers also have a good defense. The LB's amd DB's are not bad. The DE and DT are not too good but are not worth not picking this team. I would recommend this to all people of all skill levels. 25. <><><><><><><><><><><><> San Diego Chargers <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 57 b. Offensive Line: 78 c. Defensive Front: 91 d. Secondary: 86 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 55 b. Reserves: 83 My opinion ---------- LaDanian who? He is not even in this game. No one cares about him as he will not be any affect on any team. ONCE AGAIN, he was very good the years AFTER this one. Sorry for the inconveniance. They have Ryan Leaf who certainly dropped down in rating as expected. Hope you like this team. 26. <><><><><><><><><><><><> San Francisco 49ers <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 94 b. Offensive Line: 81 c. Defensive Front: 78 d. Secondary: 89 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 76 b. Reserves: 50 My opinion ---------- The best QB in the game is right here. You know, the retired Hall of Famer. It is Steve Young. He will surpass the 4,000 yard mark very easily. Terrel Owens is not good in this game on the other hand. But, you have another hall of famer. Jerry Rice is on your team in this game. It is highly recommended that you choose this team if you are interested in good ratings to start of with. 27. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Seattle Seahawks <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 63 b. Offensive Line: 76 c. Defensive Front: 85 d. Secondary: 77 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 10 b. Reserves: 55 My opinion ---------- The seahawks are a very unfimiliar team. I do not know anyone who like them. I never have played with them and probably never will. If you want to play with them you better be an expert. They are bad in almost all aspects. They do not even have Shaun Alexander. Not really much else to say about them. 28. <><><><><><><><><><><><> St. Louis Rams <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 57 b. Offensive Line: 71 c. Defensive Front: 72 d. Secondary: 91 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 52 b. Reserves: 12 My opinion ---------- Rams? What rams? These are the bad Rams. Sorry. Kurt Warner is in this game. But that really does not matter. He has no rating as he was good AFTER this season. I know it hurts for you St. Louis fans. Marshall Faulk is one of the best RB in the game. He is accompanied by Isaac Bruce and Torry Holt. Since this is Torry's rookie year, he is rated really well with a whole lot of future improvement. He is compared with David Boston. 29. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Tampa Bay Buccanears <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 67 b. Offensive Line: 100 c. Defensive Front: 89 d. Secondary: 80 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 45 b. Reserves: 52 My opinion ---------- The Bucs are not to bad but not to good. Sean King is in this game! He is just has a fake indentity. Alstott will give you an award every year. I am serious. You cannot beat him in FB position. You will also have Warrick Dunn for this game. That is a big plus as you really do not have him in real life. Overall the are good with their superb defense. 30. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Tennessee Titans <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 71 b. Offensive Line: 91 c. Defensive Front: 73 d. Secondary: 90 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 45 b. Reserves: 75 My opinion ---------- The Titans are not bad. They have some speed and power. McNair will give you a decent performance. The power is all coming from Eddie George. He will strike through any defense to gain a good 1,500 yards. This is something any offense would want. As always, the Titans have a good secondary. This is an average team with both ups and downs. 31. <><><><><><><><><><><><> Washington Redskins <><><><><><><><><><><><> Roster Cohesion --------------- a. Passing: 68 b. Offensive Line: 79 c. Defensive Front: 78 d. Secondary: 93 Roster Strength --------------- a. Starters: 56 b. Reserves: 60 My opinion ---------- Probably one of the worst teams in the game. They have Shane Matthews as their starter QB. What does that show? Nothing to me. Also, this is the year BEFORE Stephen Alexander became good. Thus, he is rated really bad for this game. It doesn't really matter because this is the worst team in the game. I would not recommend this team to anyone in all skill levels. This wraps up the teams' strengths and weaknesses. Enjoy the results of the games! ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. T I P S A N D T R I C K S 1236 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* 1. Load your game if you don't like your teams performance that season. 2. Do the same if you don't want a certain person to retire. 3. If you want to get rid of someone from the league, sign them a large amount of money but NO SIGNING BONUS. This will allow you to change their position to make their rating bad and then you can release them for no money loss. Pretty neat? 4. Do not judge a team at first. You can easily doctor it up with small little cheats. 5. Trade draft picks after 4 games to get the most accurate picks. ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. S E C R E T S 1237 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* These Codes are credited to Ign.com FOF Cheats: To activate the Easter Egg screen, with an active game hit CTRL+SHIFT+F7. All codes are case-sensitive. The following codes change one player on your roster to a player with maxed out ratings and a changed name: Jim (QB) Angela (K) Barry (CB) Roy (RB) Penelope (P) Clarissa (OT) Stephan (DT) Bret (S) The following code changes one quarterback on your roster to Donnie Jacobs, a youngster with maxed-out potential: LittleDonnie The following code gives all players on your team maxed-out ratings: Maddening The following code gives all players on your team minimum ratings (do this to Hell Atlantic when he's not looking): IrsayWhat The following code gives you the opportunity to play the Quarterback Slots (and no, there is no point to the slot machine): QBSlots The following code fills your message box with Spam (and I've never gotten this one to work): PizzaCabin The following code shows overall league totals for certain statistics: MoreStats ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIIII. L E G A L I N F O 1238 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* Sites allowed to use this FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com There should be no passing of this FAQ. It is (c)2003 to nintendomaster14. If I catch you with this on a site other than the one above charges wall be filed. Thanks for all your support. If you want to use this FAQ please e-mail me for permission. My email is bjsalari[at]hotmail[dot]com. ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X. C R E D I T S 1239 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* I would like to credit the following people... CJayC for creating a very informative and fun web site. Ign.com for codes Parents for their support. You for reading this. Friends for being my friends. You can be added if you email me a tip or secret. E-mail: bjsalari[at]hotmail[dot]com ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E N D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *******************************************************************************