..... MMMMMMMb. .dMMMMb. MMMMMMMb. MMMMMMMMMM MMM MMM :MMMMMMMb BBBBBBBBBL dBBBBBBBBL BBBBBBBBBL BBBBBBBBBB :BBB: BBB dBBBBBBBBB: 888 888 888' '888 888 888 888 :88888: 888 888' :888: HHHHHHHHHP HHH HHH HHHHHHHHHP HHH HHH HHH HHH :HHP' PPPPPPPP' PPP PPP PPPPPPS. PPP .PP: :PP. PPP :PPP7 FFF FFF. .FFF FFF 'FFF. FFF .FFFFFFFFF. FFF ,uFFF: SSS TSSSSSSSSP SSS 'SSS. SSS uSSSSSSSSSu SSSSSSSSS rSSSSSSSSS: iii 'iiiiit' iii 'iii. iii .iii iii. iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii: M M M rMMb M tMMMML Mb YMMMMP MMMMMMP' MMMMMq MMMMMML MMMM'MML MP 'MMMv ML. SMP MMML MTMML M.MMP MMM' MMP M' M M Portal 2 o-----------------------. FAQ / WALKTHROUGH \ by >----------o selmiak / o-------------------X o------------------------------< \ v1.02 \ \ 30.11.2012 \-'----. oO----------------------' \ >----------@ o---------------------' O--------------------------. o--------------------------. \.---------@ Content ----\__}------------------------------------------- [A] o-------------------------' Content .............................. [A] Intro ................................ [B] Solution ............................. [C] The Courtesy Call - Chapter 1 . . . . . . . [1] Chamber 00 .................... [1.0] Chamber 01 .................... [1.1] Chamber 02 .................... [1.2] Chamber 03 .................... [1.3] Chamber 04 .................... [1.4] Chamber 05 .................... [1.5] Chamber 06 .................... [1.6] Chamber 07 .................... [1.7] The Cold Boot - Chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . [2] Chamber 01 .................... [2.1] Chamber 02 .................... [2.2] Chamber 03 .................... [2.3] Chamber 04 .................... [2.4] Chamber 05 .................... [2.5] Chamber 06 .................... [2.6] Chamber 07 .................... [2.7] Chamber 08 .................... [2.8] The Return - Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . . . [3] Chamber 09 .................... [3.1] Chamber 10 .................... [3.2] Chamber 11 .................... [3.3] Chamber 12 .................... [3.4] Chamber 13 .................... [3.5] Chamber 14 .................... [3.6] Chamber 15 .................... [3.7] Chamber 16 .................... [3.8] Chamber 17 .................... [3.9] The Surprise - Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . . [4] Chamber 18 .................... [4.1] Chamber 19 .................... [4.2] Chamber 20 .................... [4.3] Chamber 21 .................... [4.4] The Escape - Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . [5] Manufacturing Area ............ [5.1] Factory ....................... [5.2] Neurotoxin Generator .......... [5.3] GLaDOS ........................ [5.4] The Fall - Chapter 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . [6] Sluice Area ................... [6.1] Tower Area .................... [6.2] Test Sphere 01 (1953 01) ...... [6.3] Test Sphere 02 (1957 02) ...... [6.4] Test Sphere 03 (1958 27) ...... [6.5] (1958 28) ..................... [6.6] Pump Station Beta ............. [6.7] Control Room .................. [6.8] The Reunion - Chapter 7 . . . . . . . . . . [7] Test Sphere 04 (1972 01) ...... [7.1] (1972 02) ..................... [7.2] Test Sphere 05 (1976 05) ...... [7.3] Pump Station Gamma ............ [7.4] Test Sphere 06 (1982) ......... [7.5] Elevator shaft ................ [7.6] Way to centr. pump station .... [7.7] Central pump station ......... [7.8] The Itch - Chapter 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . [8] Wheatley TestChamber 01 ....... [7.0] TestChamber 01 ................ [7.1] TestChamber 02 ................ [7.2] TestChamber 03 ................ [7.3] TestChamber 04 ................ [7.4] TestChamber 05 ................ [7.5] TestChamber 06 ................ [7.6] TestChamber 11 ................ [7.7] TestChamber 12 ................ [7.8] TestChamber 15 ................ [7.9] TestChamber 16 ................ [7.10] TestChamber 17 ................ [7.11] The Part Where He Kills You - Chapter 9 . . [9] Death Trap .................... [9.1] Test Chamber 75 ............... [9.2] The Bombs ..................... [9.3] Wheatley - Boss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [10] Version History ...................... [D] Credits, Thanks, legal stuff ......... [E] I implemented a clever search system into this FAQ, you just have to press Ctrl+F to activate the search function of your browser and then enter the code in brackets (including the square brackets) behind the desired chapter and so you will be brought to the secion you wish to read. Of course you can also view the solution in a nice html version with lots of links between the pages, easy navigation and lots of images. See here: > http://selmiak.bplaced.net/games/pc/index.php?lang=eng&game=portal2 < To support me and get something back or for easy portable reading while sitting in front of your TV with the game playing you can also buy this guide with images for your kindle. Please do so here: > http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AIX95X2 < O--------------------------. o--------------------------. \.---------@ Intro ----\__}------------------------------------------- [B] o-------------------------' Back in the year 2007 when Portal was released on steam everyone interested in interesting games talked about it. And the cake (that was a lie) was also heavily discussed. But this was well deserved, the game was the first 3D puzzler ever (better and anyways than Myst) and featured a cool story with a lot of humor and great gameplay, so it was just plain fun to play Portal. So the expectations for the second part were even higher, but Portal 2 is longer, has a lot more varied settings, and is as funny, if not even funnier than the first part. The different gels are a welcome addition to the portal universe. The only critic I have is that the levels are very linear and there is only one solution most of the time. The first part was different with that and a lot of different solutions for a problem were possible. But Portal 2 is a really funny and interesting game and just rocks. And that's why I decided to write an FAQ for Portal 2. You can read this FAQ now below here (I just mention this in case you missed this part). This is my 25th complete FAQ! And this is counted gamewise, and I translated a lot of FAQs which should be counted as complete new FAQs. But now it's getting philosophical... besides, I have written this FAQ last year already but only published it on my own website (for the link see the end of the TOC chapter right above this here), now I'm just putting all the written stuff into this oldschool .txt file so that all the people on GameFAQs and where else the file is posted can read it. .:ivYU1SSPq0PGNPPqXX55U1ju77i:,. uBi: .::2B@B@B@@@B@B@@@B@B@B@B@B@@@B@BBMBBi.,.. M B@M@:iJkXNSUj@B@MGkSJLvLLvr7i7vJLU5kuvUN8@B@B@7i;;iiii:iriv@MSBr vB@BMrSP' .rjN@B@P. .:,:i::ii:,. .::v@Bj@F ,B@B@7 k@Buiri::r7YB@O58@O,.... ..:,:71FZ0OY. P.B@: B@B@B. .5B@u:,:...,..7k5 ....,,:.:JOFLB@BU7r rv7BM G@B@B@ L78BP,. ..,..5qu ...;uOkr:..:.:::.E7@B. 2@BB@S :Y2vZM2,.,:;vLuJ2GB17Lj7r:, . ..rFM8r:,,,:7ivviG@B@1 r@BZ5v7v:EMF7rvUU1uuuL7P1L7LL21k5j7i..:ruNOvi::0.:N@M751L8MY J@B2,::jMSLJYJJvi:,:.:G. , .;7iY512LLL5MZ,: i7..:J7:,Y5Z8Li r :::7YLL7:ii. . 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[ 1 ] The Cold Boot - Chapter 2 . . . . . . . [ 2 ] The Return - Chapter 3 . . . . . . . [ 3 ] The Surprise - Chapter 4 . . . . . . . [ 4 ] The Escape - Chapter 5 . . . . . . . [ 5 ] The Fall - Chapter 6 . . . . . . . [ 6 ] The Reunion - Chapter 7 . . . . . . . [ 7 ] The Itch - Chapter 8 . . . . . . . [ 8 ] The Part Where He Kills You - Chapter 9 . . . . . . . [ 9 ] Wheatley - Boss . . . . . . . . . [ 10 ] To not confuse the quicksearch from the complete table of content (but to probably confuse you even more) I added spaces to the codes for the chapters here. So if you want to jump to a chapter press Ctrl+F to open your browser's search function and then search for the code behind the chapter INCLUDING the square brackets but EXCLUDING the spaces. Alright?! Let's go! o-----. .------o o-------------'------------. .------'--------------@ The Courtesy Call \__.--------'------------------------------->>> [1] o-------------------------' \ Chapter 1 '------------------------o Chamber 00 .................... [ 1.0 ] Chamber 01 .................... [ 1.1 ] Chamber 02 .................... [ 1.2 ] Chamber 03 .................... [ 1.3 ] Chamber 04 .................... [ 1.4 ] Chamber 05 .................... [ 1.5 ] Chamber 06 .................... [ 1.6 ] Chamber 07 .................... [ 1.7 ] ... we wake up ... ... in a room that looks like an old motelroom straight out of a film noir. A voice which speaks but you can't see the speaker greets us and then also wants that we physically move. Luckylie it's just Wheatley, a small sphere that talks with an english accents all the time and gives us hints and wants us to learn the controls this way. The workout is not that bad, as you just have to move the mouse as we are not playing on the wii but Portal 2. So come on, do what he wants to please him, look at the floor, look at the ceiling and then look at the picture on the wall until Wheatley send you to sleep while calm music is playing. After sleeping for obviously a long time the room looks even more rundown but whatever we are awake and someone is at the door. So you better go have a look who's there. Ah, it's Wheatley again and he comes inside and thinks he can get us out of here. Eveything starts to shake and Wheatley tells us something about brain damage and drives us against a wall for so long until we must get a brain damage. But after some time we finally arrived where ever we should arrive and can jump through the damaged wall. So the wall took the damage, not our brain, and we need our brain later on for this game. So jump into the hole in the wall and find yourself in a scifi toilet. \ \ .-------------o The Courtesey Call o--------------------------. \ / [1.0] Chamber 00 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Out of the toilet and right into the first chamber that is chamber 00. Everything is easy in here and the game gets you into the controls and what lies ahead. Walk around the toilet and the first door just opens without you doing anything. In the next room a Weighted Companion Cube drops out of a cube dispenser from the ceiling. Use the E button to use things like the cube and by pressing E again you get rid of things you just picked up. So pick up the Cube and put it on the huge red switch on the ground. The door to the next room opens up and you solved the first riddle, but don't worry it's getting better in no time and you will make good use of this guide. Step into the elevator and drive down to the next riddle filled chamber. You never know if it's faster to leave Aperture Labs to the top or to the bottom. \ \ .-------------o The Courtesey Call o--------------------------. \ / [1.1] Chamber 01 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Walk to the chamber and take a look around. Then jump inside. Right behind you is an orange portal, but you can't do anything with it without the counterpart, the blue portal. So if you press on of the buttons right in front of you you can create blue portals and you have a working connection between the two portals. Press the button to the right at first to open the way into the seperated chamber with the weighted companion cube. Step into the orange portal, get the cube from the chamber and get back into the main room. Now press the button to the left to get into the chamber with the big red switch on the floor. Put the cube onto this big red switch to open the exit door. Step back into the main room and open the portal to the exit chamber by pressing the button in the middle. Walk through the orange portal and then through the exit to get to the elevator further down. \ \ .-------------o The Courtesey Call o--------------------------. \ / [1.2] Chamber 02 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ The first thing you will find in this chamber is an empty small pillar where the long awaited portal gun should be on but nothing is there. Perhaps you can find it if you step closer. Whohah, what is this, the floor crumbles and collapses under you. At the end of the hallways you'll find a chamber where the long sought after portal gun is sitting. So shoot a blue portal onto one of these colorful painted walls and step through the newly created portal. See, we now are on the railing that was unreachable before. Shoot a portal to the wall on the upper right or just follow the metallic hanging bridge. This hallway is a bit longer but sooner than later you reach another chamber. Before you fall into the hole and you are trapped just shoot a portal to the wall right in front of you. Step through it and you are past the hole. You can see the exit from this chamber from here and when you place a portal right next to it and step through the orange portal again you'll be there in no time. Through the exit you get to the elevator to the next chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Courtesey Call o--------------------------. \ / [1.3] Chamber 03 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ The whole procedure in here is very easy, but it will get better later on. Walk towards the weighted companion cube and just be happy that one of the cubes comes out of the cube dispenser. Sadly it drops down deep and is rather unreachable. But if you stick a portal under the cube it flies out of the orange portal and is on your level. It's this easy. Pick up the cube and lay it down onto the huge red switch and you won this part of the chamber. If you should fall down into the hole, no problem, just use a portal to get out of the hole in no time. \ \ .-------------o The Courtesey Call o--------------------------. \ / [1.4] Chamber 04 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Right after the chamber 03 the chamber 04 is fitting in there seamlessly. And here it's getting a bit more complex. Only a bit though. Walk to the hole between the two pedestals and place a blue portal under the companion cube. The cube lands on the one pedestal with the orange portal next to it. Now you can jump into the portal at the bottom of the hole or be relaxed and create a new portal somewhere and walk straight through the new blue portal and get the companion cube and drop it on one of the huge red switches. You get the second weighted companion cube by walking through the blue portal again and keep standing on the one pedestal with the orange portal. From here you shoot a blue portal next to the other companion cube on the other pedestal. After walking through the orange portal you are right next to the cube, pick it up and place it on the 2nd red switch. The exit opens up, so walk out. But now you are stuck. Above your head is an orange portal so you shoot a blue portal on one of the walls, go through it to fall on your head. After destroying the ceiling you can proceed without further problems. You can have a look at a buero with a scribbled wall but there is nothing really interesting. So head into the elevator. \ \ .-------------o The Courtesey Call o--------------------------. \ / [1.5] Chamber 05 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ And here it starts already before it actually starts. Shoot a portal to the ground to be able to reach the insides of this chamber. Now you place a blue portal under the cube dispenser in the corner of the room way over the gap. If you now press the only available action button there will be a weighted companion cube coming out of the cube dispenser into the blue portal and right out the orange portal high above your head to land right next to you. Get the companion cube and put it on the huge red switch. Stairs will appear and lead you to the other two action buttons. Next to the cube dispenser in the corner is another cube dispenser high in the air and at the middle of the wall over the gap. Place the blue portal under this cube dispenser now and then head to the two action buttons. Press the left action button first, wait a bit and then press the right one. The left one frees the companion cube and the cube has a long way, so waiting is good. The right button triggers a barricade that stops the companion cube from landing in the gap, but the barricade will disappear again after some time so good timing is needed here. After the companion cube stopped where it should you get it and put it on the huge red switch next to the two action buttons to open the exit. So let's head to the elevator to the next chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Courtesey Call o--------------------------. \ / [1.6] Chamber 06 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ There is no chance to proceed in this chamber without going through a portal first. So shoot a blue portal somewhere and walk through it and see that you landed in front of a hole. Shoot a blue portal to the ground of the hole and jump right through it from the top. What we learn from this is that the momentum from the fall is conserved and applied to the horizonzal direction the orange portal pushes you. The speed is enough to bring you to the other side of the room. Simple physics with portals. Up here you walk to the small hole in the ground and free the cube inside the cube by placing a blue portal under it, collect it and jump together with your weighted companion cube through a new portal on the bottom of the hole. Now place the companion cube on the red switch next to the exit. Walk through the open exit and follow the hallway behind it. So what's this? It's not over yet. This chamber is longer than the others, but this is no problem too. As soon as you are inside the huge room at the end of the hallway look to the left and you'll see some tilted platforms coming out of the wall. Stick a blue portal to it and then search for the orange portal at the bottom of the hole in the middle of the room. Right, you jump through this and get catapulted to the other end of the room where the weighted companion cube is. Now place a blue portal at the top left on the opposing wall. Really opposite of you or it won't work. Now pick up the companion cube and jump into the orange portal at the bottom of the hole in the middle of the room again and you'll land next to the huge red switch that is hidden behind the broken wall. Put the companion cube on the red switch. A landing area appears that sadly is no way up to the exit. So we have to jump through the orange portal at the bottom of the hole again to reach this landing area. Of course we stand under it first and place the blue portal directly facing the landing area on the opposing wall. Behind the landing area we finally reach the exit to the huge chamber and find the elevator down. \ \ .-------------o The Courtesey Call o--------------------------. \ / [1.7] Chamber 07 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ And in this chamber Wheatley is already waiting for you and greets you again and you should just listen to him. Shoot a blue portal right behind him and climb through the orange portal into the next room. Now Wheatley wants you to catch him. Stand under him and catch him with "E". Get him and stick him into the docking station. After you looked away for a moment he opens a secret door to the backstages of Aperture Science. Pick him up again and follow the way. Through the hallways you reach a huge transition bridge. Cross this and you are in an open area. Find a way through here and get back under ground again until you reach another docking station. Wheatley babbles something just for himself before he wants you to plug him in again. Clumsy as he is he reboots GLaDOS, your enemy from the first Portal game. There she is again. She throws you into the coolest trash funnel I have ever seen (I mean this is way cooler than in Star Wars 4) and you should just enjoy your ride. Down there you have to go over something like a bridge to the right, under some metallic structures and then back to the left until you find a real Portal Gun that features two portals, one on each mouse button. If your mouse has 3 buttons then you have bad luck, there are only 2 portals per Portal Gun. The rest of the level is about getting over obstacles with your new Portal Gun until you reach another elevator. This is the end of this chapter for now, to find out how the story with you and GLaDOS continues keep on playing or just scroll on. o-----. .------o o-------------'------------. .------'--------------@ The Cold Boot \__.--------'------------------------------->>> [2] o-------------------------' \ Chapter 2 '------------------------o Chamber 01 .................... [ 2.1 ] Chamber 02 .................... [ 2.2 ] Chamber 03 .................... [ 2.3 ] Chamber 04 .................... [ 2.4 ] Chamber 05 .................... [ 2.5 ] Chamber 06 .................... [ 2.6 ] Chamber 07 .................... [ 2.7 ] Chamber 08 .................... [ 2.8 ] \ \ .-------------o The Cold Boot o--------------------------. \ / [2.1] Chamber 01 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ JSo there we have it, GLaDOS is back on our back and wants to test us. Well, well, we don't find anything worthwhile in the first chamber at all, but after a short time of waiting everything builds itself up and the laser appears. So you better place a blue portal there where the laser is coming into the ground and can't go on. Now you walk along the left side of the water puddle and at the end you jump to the right onto the platform there in the water. Now you only have to open up an orange portal above the laserpod, and hey, what a lucky thing this place is lit with a dim red light. After opening this portal the platform rises from the puddlelevel to the exitlevel and you can walk through the exit on to the next chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Cold Boot o--------------------------. \ / [2.2] Chamber 02 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ This chamber also is not that hard, but we get introduced to the mirror cubes. Use the space bar to jump over the laser and have a good look into the chamber that is a bit hidden in the edge there. Eventually Wheatley pops in but hey, who cares, there is a shine new toy in there, the mirror cube. Place a blue portal right under the mirror cube in there and an orange portal somewhere on a wall nearby. The mirror cube comes tumbling in. Pick it up and use it to reflect the laser beam into the laser pod on the wall. You are now probably behind the laser beam, so jump over the beam and walk up the stairs, that just appeared. To open the door for a longer time you just shoot another portal onto the ground somewhere up there and a second portal again right under the mirror cube. Once the mirror cube is near you pick it up and place it on the red switch in the ground and you can finally leave this chamber and proceed to the next test chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Cold Boot o--------------------------. \ / [2.3] Chamber 03 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ So, yet another laser test. Let's get the mirror cube first. We do this by shooting a portal to the left of the entrance and another portal to the wall behind the mirror cube. We go up there, pick up the mirror cube and jump straight on to the elevated platform right in the middle of the room. Here we use the mirror cube to reflect the laser beam to the reachable laser pod on the wall and have solved the first part of this room. The second laser pod also want to be fed with a laser beam so let's go. This time we use the portals. So we move back up to where we found the mirror cube and here we shoot a portal to the place on the ground where the laser has to come from, indicated by the dim red light. The second portal fits on the wall right where the second laser beam hits the wall and so the exit opens up for us. Easy going. Let's proceed to the elevator. \ \ .-------------o The Cold Boot o--------------------------. \ / [2.4] Chamber 04 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ So, finally it's getting interesting, don't you think? At first you have to reach the action button you can see right on the opposite wall from the entrance. Shoot a blue portal on the middle(!) wall part just left of the entrance and an orange portal somewhere next to the button. So walk through the portal and activate the button. Watch out for the companion cube and make sure it won't fall into the water. Now you shoot an orange portal from here to the wall where the laser hits. Thanks to the still working blue portal the laser beam now hits the laser pod and you now have to wait a short moment until your shuttle arrives. While you are waiting you could and should pick up the weighted companion cube and then your shuttle will arrive. As soon as you are on the moving platform hold the cube into the middle of the platform. Once the laser hits the cube the platform wil stop moving and now it's time to move around the cube to the other side of the platform while still blocking the laser. When you arrived on the other side of the laser beam pull the cube out of the laser beam and continue your ride. Of course you can also jump over the laser. So jump off the platform in time and lay the companion cube onto the red switch to open the exit. Here we go to the next level. \ \ .-------------o The Cold Boot o--------------------------. \ / [2.5] Chamber 05 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ This chamber is one of the easiest in the whole game, but if you are bad with your timing it is hard, but actually it should be no problem, but I'll write this anyways, in case someone really needs help here ;). Start by using the catapult to get catapulted over to the other side of the room. Here you press the action button and afterwards a weighted companion cube will drop out of the cube dispenser in the middle of the room and gets shot up again and again by a straight catapult. Now you have to catapult yourself to the other side at the right moment to catch the cube in flight. I always start jumping while the cube is somewhere down, don't worry, you have a huge grabbing radius. And remember, you grab with "E". Now put the cube on the huge red switch on the ground and open the way to the elevator. \ \ .-------------o The Cold Boot o--------------------------. \ / [2.6] Chamber 06 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Here you will find quite some catapults. So walk on the first one and get catapulted in U form. If you are fast enough you'll make it and place one portal on each of the diagonal platforms. If not you have to go back one more time. So place a portal on the lower diagonal platform and one portal somewhere high around the corner so you can make it back to the start without falling into the water. Now you step on the catapult again and this time you place the second portal on the diagonal platform you are headed against so that your momentum is good enough to throw you further on to the next catapult and from there to the push button. Now only the companion cube is missing. So press the red button and let GLaDOS throw trash at you (meh). It works on the second try though, finally a companion cube is coming out of the cube dispenser. But before you release it you paint a portal on the wall above the 2nd catapult. Use the color that is used on the lower one of the two diagonal platforms. Shoot it on the wall with the 2x6 tiles, right in the middle of the lower line (see the picture here). Now it's time to release the weighted companion cube from its cage. Watch it flying the same way you flew and then come out of the new portal on the wall over there and land directly on the huge red switch a bit away from here. And there the exit opens. \ \ .-------------o The Cold Boot o--------------------------. \ / [2.7] Chamber 07 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ After some failed tries to pick up the weighted companion cube it finally works. GLaDOS is really neutral against the cubes so we can destroy them. Use the cube and place it right in the laser beam. The cube is still intact and even better the elevator platform comes down again. Stand on the platform and place a portal on the wall somewhere and one portal right under the companion cube. Now the cube is out of the way and the laser beam hits the laser pod again and the elevator platform moves up with you on top. Up here you shoot a portal on the platform that is furthest away from you and then you put another portal under the companion cube again so that the cube is teleportaled up here. Take the cube with you and jump into the portal down on the ground. You have enough momentum to make it over to the huge red switch oin the ground. Place the weighted companion cube on the red switch on the ground and a landing bay platform appears next to you that shortens the way over there. So put a portal on the other platform on the other side of the room and jump through the portal at the bottom of the rooms again and you will make it to the exit with the landing bay platform. You are free to leave this room now. Here is a small Easter Egg to be found: After GlaDos is hinting at NOT taking something with you, we want to DO so and steal a companion cube. As soon as you reached the landing bay platform you will see the concrete walls next to you and can put a portal on one of them. Do so, grab the cube and then again jump into the portal on the ground and reach the elevator with the Cube. This also gives you the trophy "Preservation of Mass". \ \ .-------------o The Cold Boot o--------------------------. \ / [2.8] Chamber 08 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Once you know what you have to do here it's really easy. But isn't it always like this? The most important thing is what GLaDOS tells you really fast. Which is something like: All portals and cubes disappear once you move across the blue energy field at the end of a chamber. The stupid thing is, there is a blue energy field right in the middle of the room now. So walk through the blue force field into the seperated room with the laser beam inside and push the button. A mirror cube comes raining down. But you can't carry it through the force field. So shoot a portal through the small hole in the wall behind the button to an outside chamber wall and one portal to a wall inside here, preferrably in front of the laser beam. Walk through the portal to the other part of the chamber and both portal are still there. Now place the portal here at bit lower on the wall so that it's easy to walk through and then grab the mirror cube. Walk through the portal to get back into the part with the laser beam and use the mirror cube to aim the laser beam at the laser pod in the other part of the chamber. The exit opens and you can walk through the force field as the portals are not important anymore. o-----. .------o o-------------'------------. .------'--------------@ The Return \__.--------'------------------------------->>> [3] o-------------------------' \ Chapter 3 '------------------------o Chamber 09 .................... [ 3.1 ] Chamber 10 .................... [ 3.2 ] Chamber 11 .................... [ 3.3 ] Chamber 12 .................... [ 3.4 ] Chamber 13 .................... [ 3.5 ] Chamber 14 .................... [ 3.6 ] Chamber 15 .................... [ 3.7 ] Chamber 16 .................... [ 3.8 ] Chamber 17 .................... [ 3.9 ] \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [3.1] Chamber 09 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ After some strange tries with the catapult GLaDOS shows mercy and lowers the ceiling (after making fun of your weight of course) and now you can use the portal on the ceiling. Put the other portal above the row of platforms near the catapult. Now use the catapult to get up one step. Look around the corner up here. Here are 2 diagonal platforms, a laser beam and a cube dispenser. Place one portal on the diagonal platform in the edge of the room furthest away and walk back to the catapult. If there is no portal above the catapult anymore place the other portal above the catapult again and catapult yourself through the portal to reach the push button. Press it and a mirror cube will appear. Now place the portal from the diagonal platform on the other diagonal platform near the laser beam and catapult yourself through the portals again to reach the mirror cube. Pick up the mirror cube and point the laser beam at the wall that is between the laserbeam and the laser pod. But before you guide the laser beam to the laser pod you have to get up another step, so shoot a portal on the last slope platform near the laser pod and catapult yourself up to the exit. Now it's time to open the portals on the small wall to guide the laser beam to the laser pod. Once the laser beam hits the laser pod the exit opens and you can proceed. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [3.2] Chamber 10 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Here our first goal is to get the weighted companion cube that is all lost over there on the single shaking platform. To do so we stand right in front of the hole between us and the cube and shoot a portal down there. Now we turn around and shoot a portal on the opposing wall. Really high up there. So we jump into the portal at the bottom of the hole and finally land next to the cube. Here we pick up the cube, jump down the hole and from the bottom of the pit we jump into the portal down here. Do not jump into the portal directly or you will land back where you just were. Now it's finally time to make use of the catapult. After arriving up there we put the weighted companion cube right into the laser beam here and block the beam from reaching the laser pod. This makes the wall up here go down and we can shoot through. So we go back down to the catapult and this time we get catapulted up one level higher. So we just press the action button here and wait a bit until the mirror cube arrives here at the wall behind us. Now we shoot a portal to the white wall opposite the laser pod up here by the wall. Then we grab the mirror cube and jump down one level where the companion cube is still blocking the laser beam. So we exchange the companion cube with the mirror cube and aim the laser beam in a 90° angle straight at the white wall at the other end of the chamber. Now we place a portal where the laser beam hits and should hit the laser pod above our head through the portals. This eleminates the wall one level higher so we grab the weighted companion cube and jump down to the catapult and let the catapult shoot us all around the room until we land next to the huge red switch in the ground. This is where we put the weighted companion cube and open the exit to finally leave this chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [3.3] Chamber 11 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ In this chamber the lightbridges are used for the first time. You can walk on the lightbridges and also hide behind them, but more to this later, this time around you only walk on the lightbridge. So shoot a blue portal right at the wall where the lightbridge ends and an orange portal on the other side of the room all over the huge hole in the middle of the room. Now you can either walk over the lightbridge or just walk through the portal to reach the action button on the other side of the room. Press it and the cube dispenser will start spitting out weighted companion cubes. Sadly the cubes fall into the water so we have to rescue them. Walk through the portal back to the beginning of the level and from here shoot an orange portal to the white part of the wall that goes a bit into the hole in the middle of the chamber. A lightbridge leading into the hallway to the right of the cube dispenser should appear. If not, aim better and create the lightbridge into the hallway. Now walk through the portal and keep on walking until the light bridge ends. Now turn 90° to the left and shoot another orange portal to the wall over there to have a new lightbridge under your feet. Walk to the end of this lightbridge too and here shoot an orange portal to the white wall beneath your feet and to the right again. The new lightbridge will lead you to the companion cubes and you should now grab one of them. Use the portal to get back to the beginning of the room. Here you shoot an orange portal onto the white wall right above the hallway to the cubedispenser and walk through the blue portal and to the end of the lightbridge that ends next to the huge red switch in the ground on which you now put the weighted companion cube. So how do you get out of here? Just shoot an orange portal to the wall right or left from the part that goes into the hole so that you can easily jump on the lightbridge, walk through the portal and you are back at the beginning. And now you do what you already did at the beginning. Shoot an orange portal to the wall on the other side of the room and walk over there to get out of this chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [3.4] Chamber 12 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ After Wheatley fought the bird the game can continue. Again a chamber with a light bridge and birds and stuff. This chamber is quite easy but I will write the solution here anyways, as I also do for every other level I might rant about how easy it is. So shoot the blue portal right to the wall in front of you so that you can reach it easily. Shoot the orange portal somewhere a bit above the light bridge in the edge and then walk through the portal already. You are now standing on the light bridge, so shoot the orange portal to the wall exactly where the light bridge ends and walk through this portal. You are back at the beginning of the chamber. Look for the cube dispenser and guess where the weighted companion cube will fall once the cube dispenser is activated. Shoot the blue portal on the wall behind the imaginary place where the cube will pass and now it's time to push the button. If you placed the blue portal correct the cube will land on the light bridge. So get it and walk through the portal and continue to walk on a bit on the light bridge. Walk until you can shoot a blue portal onto the wall in the middle of the chamber so that the light bridge leads you to the red switch on the ground. And this is exactly where you are going now and where you put the weighted companion cube. The door will open, no birds come out, but the elevator to the next chamber is there. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [3.5] Chamber 13 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ This time there are no light bridges around, but turrets. But this is okay too. As soon as the turrets fall over they start shooting but soon after they are completely broken. Remember this. You can push the first turret until it falls over just by walking against it. The second turret is a bit harder though, just take a short look around the corner and shoot a portal behind the turret, then move back behind the corner. The turrets need a small moment before they start shooting so you better be fast. Once you are back in safety shoot another portal against the wall here and walk into the turret from behind to make it fall over. Around the next corner is already the next turret waiting for you, just have a short look around the corner and place the portal right under the turret. Wherever it will come out now it will fall over and be done. So follow your path and you will reach 2 turrets facing each other. What a lucky coincidence the ceiling above them is portalable. So place a portal right above one of the turrets and another portal under one of the weighted companion cubes here and the cube will hit the turret and kick it to death. Or something like this. Do the same with the other turret and another companion cube. Now there are only three turrets left and they aim at each other, making it hard to kill them. But just do as you always do, look around the corner for a short while and shoot a portal right above the one turret aiming directly at you. Now you can have a look through the bulletproof window to see if the portal is right above the turret. If it isn't just place it so that it is directly above the turret and then let the last companion cube fall through a portal onto the turret. Once this turret is gone you can just kick over the last two remaining turrets and then put the weighted companion cube that is already here on the big red switch on the ground here. And off we go to the next level. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [3.6] Chamber 14 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ After the rather unusual start to the level you will reach chamber 14 sooner or later without further problems. And inside it's rather easily done. Go get the mirror cube and use it to aim the laser beam right through two of the blue hats on the ground. To hit the third of these blue hats you just have to open a portal where the laser beam hits the wall and then open another portal somewhere near the third blue hat to hit it. If you don't get it on the first try keep on trying. Once you hit the blue hat the door opens and on we go. Short and painless level that is... let's see what the next level is about and if it is a bit more challenging. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [3.7] Chamber 15 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Right when you enter this chamber you see the turrets. But luckily they are behind the blue light bridge and can't shoot at you. But right around the corner there is another turret. But as slow as it is you can walk past the turret before it even starts to shoot at you. Then kick it over to deactivate it and put the orange portal there where the light bridge ends. Walk on and you see that there are 4 more turrets around the corner that are guarding a weighted companion cube. And one of the turrets sees you and wants to shoot you. So shoot a blue portal to the wall with the camera on it right there to let the light bridge shine between you and the turrets. Now keep on walking and you will come to a catapult. But don't use it yet, shoot a blue portal to the middle of the white wall above the way out with the two turrets inside. This will be right in your catapult way, so now is the time to catapult yourself over there and get stopped by the light bridge in midair. Up here is no danger from the turrets and you can walk over the 4 turrets right to the weighted companion cube. Throw over the turrets and then get the companion cube and put it on the red switch on the ground. And now you better hide behind one of the walls here as the bulletproof wall comes down and exposes you to the last 2 turrets. After the wall is down you look around the corner and shoot a portal behind the 2 turrets and the other portal somewhere save. Walk through the portal and you can approach the 2 turrets from behind and push them over (or not) and then leave for the elevator to the next chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [3.8] Chamber 16 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Right at the start there is yet again another turret somewhere inside there, but you can walk past it in no time. Around the corner there are 3 turrets, build a portal right in front of them. The other portal goes on the ground under the laser pod where the laser beam will shine once it's activated by the huge red switch on the ground. As soon as you activated the laser beam and the beam hits the turrets they will explode, one after the other. Now you get the weighted companion cube and put it on the huge red switch on the ground to have the laser beam there all the time. Use the mirror cube to aim at the last remaining turrets and shoot them all. Hah, tell me this is a puzzle game again and I will tell you it's a shooter. After all the turrets are gone aim the laser beam to the laser pod and the wall next to you will go away and you are free to leave this chamber to enter the elevator to the next chamber. And here we can find a nice Easter Egg: When you enter the room you pass the turret in a ventilation shaft. Aim the laser so that it is close to the ground and in a 90° angle to the entrance hallway. Now aim with the laser for the turret in the ventilation shaft. As soon as the turret explodes the crate in front of it is also blown out and you can now enter the secret passage. In here you will find some singing turrets that are probably preparing for the end of the game. If you turn around a bit you can see a fat turret on the wall opposite of the the 4 singing turrets and it will also start singing. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [3.9] Chamber 17 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ And here we go. We have to think around the corner a bit here. But only a bit. But it's getting interesting. So put a portal there where the light bridge ends and another portal somewhere down where you can reach it and get on the light bridge. Up here you shoot the portal you just opened down there on the white wall to the right of the red switch on the ground so that the light bridge is now shining above the red switch. So now you pick up the weighted companion cube and walk through the portal. Put it into the laser beam again and if you did it right the companion cube is now blocking the laser beam and right above the red switch on the ground. If not, then do it right. Now get down from the light bridge and step on the elevator platform at the back of the chamber. Once you are on it shoot a portal somewhere where no portal is yet and the light bridge will disappear under the companion cube, the cube falls down on the red switch and opens the exit while at the same time it lets the laser beam hit the laserpod and this makes the platform you are on right now move up and this brings you to the exit. o-----. .------o o-------------'------------. .------'--------------@ The Surprise \__.--------'------------------------------->>> [4] o-------------------------' \ Chapter 4 '------------------------o Chamber 18 .................... [ 4.1 ] Chamber 19 .................... [ 4.2 ] Chamber 20 .................... [ 4.3 ] Chamber 21 .................... [ 4.4 ] \ \ .-------------o The Surprise o--------------------------. \ / [4.1] Chamber 18 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ After the great and surprising confettistorm we finally reach a chamber that is bigger than the chambers before. So come on, there is a lot to do here. Luckily you are behind the light bridge and so you are safe from the turret. So look around and you will see another place to be at the other end of the chamber with 4 movable platforms in front. Shoot a portal to the wall there and shoot another portal to the ground right behind the light bridge to still be safe from the turret. Now jump into the portal and you are even safer from the turret as you are behind it now. Well, up here you will see two cube dispensers to your left. Shoot a portal right in front of the cube dispenser that is further away. Shoot the other portal to the ceiling, right there where the light bridge ends. Now there should be a light bridge right in front of the cube dispenser. So now is the time to press the button up here and watch what happens, both mirror cubes will land over there, near to the far away cube dispenser. And you need both of them, so if one of them will fall into the water locate the portal in front of the cube dispenser closer to the cube dispenser to stop the cubes in flight. From up here you can also move the cubes by placing a portal somewhere on a wall and the other portal right under the cubes. So move one cube right into the booth with the laser beam coming in and the other cube as good as possible behind the bulletproof glass wall in the middle of the chamber. Now use the wall behind you to place a portal there and move yourself into the laser beam booth. In the laser beam boot you use the mirror cube to reflect the laser beam along and a little bit behind the bulletproof glass wall. Now place a portal behind the glass wall and move there, grab the cube there and reflect the laser beam onto the turret on the other end of the room. Now the turret is gone for good and you have all the time you need. Walk back to the laser beam booth now and reflect the laser beam so that it hits two of the four blue bumpers on the ground. And with the second mirror cube you walk to the end of the laser beam and reflect the beam straight through the last two bumpers on the gound and right into the laser pod to open the exit. GLaDOS now calls your parents or at least tries to, but noone answers. But this doesn't matter anyway, so place a portal on the ceiling where the light bridge ends and another portal on the outsides of the laser booth to finally reach the exit and take the elevator to the next chamber. Wheatley appears and tells you some stuff, so maybe he is right. Hang in there! \ \ .-------------o The Surprise o--------------------------. \ / [4.2] Chamber 19 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ In this chamber we have two of these blue hats that want to be hit by a laserbeam. So just leave the first mirror cube right at the entrance to this chamber where it is and jump down. You will need this mirror cube later on. Another mirrorcube is down here, just sitting on the ground and another one way up on a small single pillar on the right of the entrance. And exactly this is the cube we are getting now. Place the blue portal right above the catapult, there where the circles are drawn on the ceiling and the orange portal right on the ground down here. Jump into the orange portal and you will get catapulted high up in the air. While you are up in the air turn around to face the mirror cube on its pillar and then shoot the blue portal to the wall next to the cube (close to the edge), so that you are catapulted onto the mirror cube once you get shot out of the blue portal. The mirror cube will now land on another pillar, but this time closer to the ground. But still unreachable from the ground. But the ceiling above this pillar can hold a portal, so shoot a blue portal there and jump into the orange portal on the ground again to finally reach the mirror cube. So we use this mirror cube now. Have a look where the laser beam is pointing right now and use portals to get up there with the mirror cube. Up here you use the mirror cube to point the laser beam to the blue bumper hat diagonal across the chamber and then jump down again. Now get the second mirror cube that is already down here and drag it close to the catapult. Put the blue portal on the markings above the catapult and the orange portal on the ground again and then throw the mirror cube into the orange portal on the ground. Once the mirror cube is high up in the air put the blue portal high on the wall left to the smaller pillar where the first mirrorcube ended. The mirror cube will now fly across the chamber to the place where the laser beam is now pointing to. Now you get yourself up there too in the same way you got the mirror cube up there. Here you use the mirror cube to point the laser beam to the blue bumper hat at the entrance to the chamber. And now you portal to the entrance where the laser beam is pointing to at the moment. The ceiling above there is perfect for another portal. There is still a mirror cube around here so grab it and shoot all the turrets in front of the exit. Then you aim the laser beam to the laser pod and the exit opens up. You reach the exit by again catapulting you up with one portal above the catapult and one on the ground and then, while you are in the air you shoot a portal to the opposite wall of the exit and suddenly you are already standing in front of the exit to the elevator to the next chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Surprise o--------------------------. \ / [4.3] Chamber 20 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ If you know what you have to do this chamber is quite easy, so I just tell you what to do here, okay. Then it will be easy. Place a portal to the wall, right where the one laser beam coming from the wall that is displaced by the mechanical arms hits the wall and another portal to the pillar opposite the three laser pods. So the first laser beam already hits the left laser pod. Now you just use the two remaining mirror cubes to aim the last two laser beams through the portals into the laser pods and you are done here. The laser beam coming from the ceiling has to hit the right laser pod so the other laser beam parallel to the gound goes into the middle laser pod and the exit is already open. \ \ .-------------o The Surprise o--------------------------. \ / [4.4] Chamber 21 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ It all starts so innocent. Place a portal at the end of the light bridge and one up there next to the button. Walk through the portal and use the button up here. The weighted companion cube is coming out of the cube dispenser and as soon as you are going to get it the lights go out and even the light bridge is gone. Wheatley! He did it and now helps you escape the test chambers shortly before room 22/22. So follow him on the linear way through the hallways in the back of Aperture Science. Even though the music is quite hectic you have no need to hurry and can have a look at how it looks backstage of Aperture Science. GLaDOS will try to lure you into another really easy test chamber with nice green stuff at the exit but just ignore her, as this chamber is a trap. But you will earn an achievement if you do get in though. Follow the light bridge to the other way until you reach a chamber with three turrets inside. Destroy them and after the last turret there is a concrete wall you can shoot a portal at. Now turn around and see through the walls surrounding you to find another concrete wall out there to shoot a portal at and get out of here. Now follow Wheatley again until you are at another turret. The old shoot a portal to the wall and another portal under the turret trick works here too so do this. Afterwards you just walk up some stairs into a huge open room with lots of test chambers surrounding it and in here you better keep running the only possible way or you will be crushed. Once you reach the elevator you are safe and this chapter is over and you are fleeing from GLaDOS. But if your escape is successful depends on you, so turn the page... o-----. .------o o-------------'------------. .------'--------------@ The Escape \__.--------'------------------------------->>> [5] o-------------------------' \ Chapter 5 '------------------------o Manufacturing Area ........... [ 5.1 ] Factory ...................... [ 5.2 ] Neurotoxin Generator ......... [ 5.3 ] GLaDOS ....................... [ 5.4 ] \ \ .-------------o The Escape o--------------------------. \ / [5.1] Manufacturing Area \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Uhoh, the door won't open. So just shoot a portal through the door and another one in here and once you're through you're out and in a hallway. Follow this hallway and you are back in the guts of Aperture Science and Wheatley also appears again. After the light went out Wheatley turns it on again and you can now enjoy the nice shadow effects or just follow the hallway until you reach a conveyor belt where the turrets are made (see the picture). Jump on the belt and follow it to the end to the right and there are more stairs to another hallway. Here you have to jump over a broken part but this is no problem, after this you reach another conveyor belt, this time it's running. Don't get distracted by the plates and welding robots and jump off to the left before it's getting too hot. Walk through the dark room with the Weighted Companion Cube tubes until you need a portal once again to reach the hole up there. After some more portals you can watch how the turrets are made and packaged. Pretty fast. Sadly you cannot sabotage this... yet. Walk down the cube snail and jump off into the hallway shortly before the cube snail ends. In case you missed that jump or you fell down, there is a concrete wall that can hold a portal down here and the hallway directly above the concrete wall can also hold a portal. There is a place you can get stuck, some might say it is a bug, so watch out for this (or try it and have some wierd claustrophobic fun...) Right when Wheatley tells you about the previous caretake and you enter the area with the abandoned coveyor belt with the broken turrets. On the left side there is a brown and rusty support beam with two grey railings. If you try to come into contact with the railings, you will notice that you can completely pass right through them. But if you pass right through them, you will fall into a gap that you will be unable to jump or portal your way out of. found by Jeyl See the images for this on my page: http://selmiak.bplaced.net/games/pc/index.php?game=portal2&page=Chapter-5-The- Escape \ \ .-------------o The Escape o--------------------------. \ / [5.2] Factory \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Now you are in the factory area of Aperture Science. Here the turrets are made and other stuff. Shoot a portal to a wall in the buero and another portal above the conveyor belt. Jump through the portal and follow the belt and jump off to the right at the end. Via the venting shafts you reach another conveyor belt which you follow. Here is a nice easter egg waiting for you. After some time a clever turret will come along and tell you interesting thing about your future if you take it with you. It's the one with the active laser that is saying 'I'm different'. Then jump off from the conveyor belt to the left this time at the end. Follow this hallway until you reach the puppet that is shot by the turrets. Here you place a portal on the ceiling above the puppet but still behind the wall the puppet is standing in front of. Another portal on a wall of the hallway you are standing in right now and you can jump behind the wall. Now carefully look out from behind the wall and shoot a portal to the wall in the bureo behind the turrets. The only other wall that can hold a portal is the wall behind the puppet. So be fast, shoot the portal there and walk through the portal and then run around the corner to the right because the turrets will fire at and after you. Follow the hallway to reach the quality assurance for the turrets. Here some turrets are thrown all through the air. So stand next to the trash bin they land in, right next to the hallway and grab one of the turrets coming in here (with the E button). Now walk along the walkway in S-form and enter the control room. Here Wheatley "hacks" the door open and with two good placed portals we can get near to the prototype. Throw the prototype away and place yourself in the scan to get an achievement. Then replace the prototype with the broken turret you brough with you from the other side. Now Wheatley tries to open the door again and this time it really works. Through another buero room and past some kid's science projects about energy generation with vegetables, for example a potato battery you reach more hallways. Just follow Wheatley here. \ \ .-------------o The Escape o--------------------------. \ / [5.3] Neurotoxin Generator \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ This huge thing is the Neurotoxin Generator. Of course we shut this thing down. To do so follow the walkway and use the elevator to get up a level. Up here you switch off the switch right next to the elevator and all the wall parts will fall down. Now put a portal to the wall where the laser hits the wall and then get back to the massive room with the massive neurotoxin generator. Here concrete wall are driving up and along the ceiling. So put the other portal on one of these walls once they come out and let the laser cut all the hoses pumping the neurotoxin all around. Once all the hoses are cut get back to Wheatley and you will be sucked into one of these pipes. Here you and Wheatley are seperated but at least you are very close to GLaDOS now. If you keep close to my Walkthrough there is no neurotoxin bug that is not working. Everything works just fine, just like explained. \ \ .-------------o The Escape o--------------------------. \ / [5.4] GLaDOS \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Walk up the stairs and look out of the window. Well, the broken wall. Somewhere in the distance there is a ceiling made from concrete. So shoot a portal there and the other portal somewhere inside here and jump through it. Try to open the door here. Doesn't work. But it continues, we approach GLaDOS now. She tries to kill you but what we did before in this chapter prevents this. So Wheatley comes in. And we put him on the docking station. Now you only have to push the button and it goes on. Portal to the button behind the catapults and also use the portals to come in from behind and you will reach the button and Wheatley will take control of the whole Aperture Science Machine. He wants to bring you out with the help of the elevator but his new powers have corrupted him and he puts GLaDOS on a potato battery and hammers you both relly deep down into the Aperture Vaults. o-----. .------o o-------------'------------. .------'--------------@ The Fall \__.--------'------------------------------->>> [6] o-------------------------' \ Chapter 6 '------------------------o Sluice Area .................. [ 6.1 ] Tower Area ................... [ 6.2 ] Test Sphere 01 (1953 01) ..... [ 6.3 ] Test Sphere 02 (1957 02) ..... [ 6.4 ] Test Sphere 03 (1958 27) ..... [ 6.5 ] (1958 28) .................... [ 6.6 ] Pump Station Beta ............ [ 6.7 ] Control Room ................. [ 6.8 ] \ \ .-------------o The Fall o--------------------------. \ / [6.1] Sluice Area \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ After a longer fall (maybe this is where the chapter got its name from...) together with GLaDOS on the potato battery you finally reach the ground and a raven catches GLaDOS. So follow the only way possible, once you can't go on normally there is always a wall that can be used to place a portal near. Sometimes a bit higher up. At the end you are standing in front of one of these huge pillars with the scaffolding around them and a wall with "Condemned Testing Area" written on it. Just opposite this wall is the concrete wall for the portal and left above this yellow painted wall on the pillar is the other concrete wall for portal number 2. Walk along the walkway and portal down and then follow the "Do not Enter" signs. Makes perfect sense. Follow the pipe here to reach the huge sluice door. Use the switch to get even closer. To open the sluice door you have to push a switch in both of these small houses to the right and to the left of the sluice door in a short timeframe. Sounds impossible but now we have to start thinking with portals. Shoot the orange portal to the wall right in front of you so that you can reach it and then shoot the blue portal a bit above the stairs to the house on the left. Go through the portal and enter the house. Shoot the blue portal to the back wall in here, then walk out and shoot the orange portal above the stairs to the house on the right side, well, on the opposing wall. Go through the portal and then enter the house on the right. Place the orange portal on the backwall here too and then press the button, walk through the portal and press the other button and voila, the sluice door opens. The door it reveals also justifies the enormous size of the sluice door. \ \ .-------------o The Fall o--------------------------. \ / [6.2] Tower Area \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ And now we are on the other side of the sluice and here is water. So we can't go any deeper. But who knows what the game has planned for us. So follow the walkway along the waterline towards the tower (that we will climb up later on) and up the stairs. Do you see the broken door where you can have a look inside? Shoot a portal inside and one on the wall out here and we are in. Pull the lever in the hallway and you are in a new room with new riddles. Once you enter you see the elevated room to the right where Enter is written above the door. This is where you have to go. But getting there is not that easy. But I will explain it to you anyways. Shoot a portal somewhere on the ground on one of the concrete plates here, and the second portal goes way up there to the small quadratic concrete wall left above the tunnel opening. Jump into the portal on the ground and you are up there already. From up there you shoot a portal to the only small slope directly under the quadratic concrete wall up here. Then find the concrete plates on the ground under the walkway. Jump down onto them and while you are falling down shoot the portal under your feet so that you land in the portal. You are thrown through the old aperture science sign directly to the door you want to reach. Here you can read about Cave Johnsen in the old newspaper article from 1947 or something (everything looks very old down here) and find out, that you are probably in an old salt mine in Michigan. Walk through the door and jump over to the tower. Press the button and up we go. Take a look around. Up here is an entrance to the Pump Station Alpha and right across the area are some doors. There is a concrete slope above the left door, so shoot a portal on this slope and then you walk down on level on the tower. Here you can look down the elevator shaft, jump down and shoot a portal to the ground, right under your feet. This will throw you to the door to the pump station alpha. In here you push the switch to activate the gel and then you portal up to the exit. But hey, the walkway is broken, but don't worry, you can just walk over the pipes full of gel to the exit. Strange that everything here still works, but on we go, right into the first test sphere... \ \ .-------------o The Fall o--------------------------. \ / [6.3] Test Sphere 01 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ In the first test chamber, that is called 1953 01 you get to know the blue gel. This helps you with jumping real high. So drop down on it and jump to the other side. From here you can see a wall above your head where you can portal to. So portal up there to the switch on the ground. Use the blue ex-pudding-gel to jump over to the push button on the other side. Push the button and you will get an oldschool companion cube. Get this cube and place it on the red switch on the ground and leave through the now open door. We are now between two test chambers. But the way to the next chamber is broken, so shoot a portal above the sign telling you to go to the right and another portal to the pillar here around the corner. From up there go to the right and you can enter the second test chamber in sphere numero uno. Place a portal above the moving wagon to your right and then use the blue repulsion gel to jump on the ledge behind the gel. Now place a portal on the wall here and look inside until you see the wagon move under it. Then you jump on the wagon of course and grab the vintage cube. With the cube in your hands you get to the ledge again and now you shoot a portal to the opposing wall and get there to the red switch on the ground where you can put the vintage companion cube. This opens another concrete wall which you can use to jump to the second part of this chamber via the blue gel. Here you just have to jump against the blue gel on the wall and you will bounce from wall to wall to the other end of the room. Watch out, don't fall into the hole. Get the cube from here and bounce all the way back. And now be careful not to walk through the blue energy field with the vintage cube in your hands or it will crumble to dust. So put the cube on the red switch on the ground and the next concrete wall opens up. And from up there you can jump through to the exit. \ \ .-------------o The Fall o--------------------------. \ / [6.4] Test Sphere 02 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Welcome to test sphere 1957. Well, at the ende there is 1957 02 written on it, and because everything in here is broken already the 1957 01 is sunk to unknown grounds already. But this doesn't matter, we have to go through there. Jump down and find a way across the water via the broken things in the water. Once you are standing on the platform shoot a portal high up one of these pillars, there is only one part where it is possible, and use one of the walls down here to get up there. Up on the pillar you can see into the next test chamber, shoot a portal on the ground in there and one to the wall next to you and enter the test chamber. Now we have to think outside the box a bit. Place a blue portal under the gel dispenser and press the button in front of it. The gel starts to flow. Now place orange portals on various places on the walls so that the blue gel is everywhere in the room. After this use the gel to jump up these stair like platforms two times. Up here you can see that the passage to the exit was destroyed. So turn around and notice the blue energy field. Put an orange portal on the step in front of it. Once the gel bubble is through the portal place it somewhere else so that the gel hits the step when coming back. Now you can jump to the step covered in blue gel from up here and again jump up one more step and through the force field. Your old portals are gone, but nevermind. Lay an orange portal on the slope behind the energy field and put the blue portal under the gel dispenser again. The gel will produce a nice gel stain towards the exit. Jump down from here and place a blue portal where you will land and you will be thrown through the air right to the blue gel stain and onwards towards the exit. Voila. \ \ .-------------o The Fall o--------------------------. \ / [6.5] Test Sphere 03 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ This test chamber has the number 1958 27. The 27 is written really big. The big trick about this chamber is finding the button. The button is opposit the blue energy field you just entered through. High on the wall. So put the blue portal to the ground in front of the button and the orange portal there where the blue gel runs down. Once the blob of blue gel is through the portals put the blue portal to the wall opposite the water dripping down. The wall that is a bit off, small and fenced off. Now use the stain the blue gel made in front of the button to jump up to the button and of course press the button. The water flow will stop and the blue gel coming from the fenced off wall will make a blue gel stain right where the water would flow. So be quick and jump up the huge step before the water flow returns and washes away the rain, uhm, blue gel. Now enter the next test chamber in this sphere through the blue force field. Here you put a portal to the slope and of course another portal under the slowly dripping blue gel flow. Now it takes some time until the wall up there is really dirty with the blue gel, but then we can go on. Use the portals to get up as high as you can in this room, there are even crates to step on up there. Once you are high up there put one portal on the slanted wall and the other portal on the ground, right where you are jumping now. Your momentum will catapult you out of the slope wall portal and onto the blue gel on the wall and this bounces you back and you are through a blue energy field and in the next chamber already. Just after you leave the blue energy field shoot the orange portal to the place where the blue gel hits the ground in the chamber you were in just a minute ago (or longer...). You can make good use of that now. Place the blue portal high on the wall just like shown in the picture here and it will spill the blue gel on the slope on the other pillar. Now you just have to place the orange portal on the ground deep down right in front of you and jump through it. You are catapulted to the blue gel and bounced back and onto a railway high up. Here you use the portals to get up to an even higher railway and from there you enter another new chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Fall o--------------------------. \ / [6.6] (1959 28) \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ So we are now in chamber 1958 28. Here you see a locked away Vintage Companion Cube. But even old cubes want to be free. So help this cube. Put a blue portal under the blue gel flow and the orange portal right above the vintage cube. Now the Vintage Companion Cube starts bouncing around because the blue gel is smeared on it. After some time the glass cage breaks and now you have to catch the vintage cube. After you got it carry it to the water and wash it, otherwise you wouldn't be able to put it down somewhere without the cube jumping away again. So put the clean vintage cube on the red switch on the ground. The elevator to the exit come down to you but you can't reach it yet. So place the orange portal on the ground in front of the elevator and as soon as enough of the blue gel has passed through the portal put the orange portal somewhere else. Now you can jump up to the elevator, but it won't move yet. Just shoot the orange portal above the red switch and as soon as the gel hits the cube again the cube starts jumping around again and the elevator moves up and you can leave this sphere. \ \ .-------------o The Fall o--------------------------. \ / [6.7] Pump Station Beta \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Even though you can read the nice word Exit right in front of you it is way too early to get excited for an exit. You better turn to the left and look at the pump station beta. 1971 is also written on it in huge letters. Here you shoot a portal a bit above the metal walkway going around the pump station beta building. Now enter the cave where the exit should be, if you want take a look around, but the portal to the pump station has to be placed near the entrance to the cave, there is no other wall that can hold a portal near. Walk along the metal walkway until you enter the pump station beta. Here you use portals again to get to the walkway high up on the wall. Now look down from here and you will see two areas on the ground that can hold a portal. Shoot a portal on each of them and jump into the one near to the walkway. Now the portals are throwing you out, taking turns. When you jump out of the portal farther away from the metal walkway you just jumped from you will see a concrete wall that can hold a portal right above the pump for the blue gel. Shoot the portal needed to this piece on the wall and get thrown to the walkway at the buero and control rooms. Here you turn on the blue gel for the next area and you turn on the orange gel too. After doing that the door to the next area opens up. You enter a wide area through this door. \ \ .-------------o The Fall o--------------------------. \ / [6.8] Control Room \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Sadly the ground floor of the control room has nothing of interest inside, so you need to get higher (and set the night on fire). Use portals to reach the metal walkway on the opposing side of the huge abyss. Up here there is also nothing of interest, so put a portal on the ground right in front of the metal walkway and the other portal on the slope to the right (seen from up on the metal walkway). The portal on the slope has to be on the right side of the pipe and on the highest possible position. Now jump into the portal on the ground and with the momentum from the jump you can reach the roof of the control room building without a problem. And here a door is already open for you. Oh, what is this? The bird, that stole GLaDOS at the beginning of this chapter has its nest here and GLaDOS is in this nest, still attached to the potato. GLaDOS is still talking rubbish, but we pick her up anyways. She tells us, that Wheatley will destroy the whole Aperture Science lab complex within an hour if noone stops him, so we should plug GLaDOS back into the aperture main computer and she will let us go. Well, do we have a choice...? Luckily GLaDOS is placed on the button controlling the elevator and as soon as you pick her up the elevator moves up. Now we have to get back onto the metal walkway again and place a portal high up on the wall directly opposit of the elevator. If you now jump into the portal on the ground the momentum will throw you onto the walkway leading to the elevator to another test sphere. And the next test sphere is already in the next chapter of Portal 2 and you can read all about the next chapter within the next chapter... makes sense, right...? o-----. .------o o-------------'------------. .------'--------------@ The Reunion \__.--------'------------------------------->>> [7] o-------------------------' \ Chapter 7 '------------------------o Test Sphere 04 (1972 01) ..... [ 7.1 ] (1972 02) .................... [ 7.2 ] Test Sphere 05 (1976 05) ..... [ 7.3 ] Pump Station Gamma ........... [ 7.4 ] Test Sphere 06 (1982) ........ [ 7.5 ] Elevator shaft ............... [ 7.6 ] Way to centr. pump station ... [ 7.7 ] Central pump station ........ [ 7.8 ] \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [7.1] Test Sphere 04 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ So, now we are in another test sphere (1972 01) and this time we have GLaDOS on a potato with us. And in here is our first encounter with the orange gel. So let's test this orange gel. Next to the vent for the orange gel is a platform a bit higher up with a push button. Use portals to get up there. Now put the orange portal on the ground right under the orange gel dispenser while you put the blue portal on the single wall that has the yellow black circle on it opposit the ramp. Now it is time to press the button. The orange gel splatters all through the room and covers the way to the ramp. Because the orange gel makes you faster you go to the wall and use the way over the orange gel as a warm up to make the jump over the abyss. Over here there is a wall with a yellow black circle on it that can hold a portal right around the left corner, so put the orange portal on it. Now step back a bit and look back to the push button and the gel dispenser. Put the blue portal on the ceiling next to it and jump back there through the orange portal. Here you paste the blue portal on the ground under the orange gel dispenser and turn the orange gel on again. The gel covers the whole hallway on the other side of the room. Jump through the blue portal back over there and use the momentum you get from the orange gel to jump over the ledge there. We are close to the vintage companion cube now. Just use a portal behind the cube and one portal on the wall opposite the cube and you can drag it out. Now use portals to move back to the huge room from the beginning step by step. Once you are in the huge room put the vintage companion cube onto the red switch on the ground and you will see, the ramp moves up. With the help from the orange gel and a long enough start in you can now make the jump to the other side where there is the exit near. But the exit is still closed. But on the right side of the exit door there is yet another concrete floor tile with this yellow black circle on it. Put a portal on it and the other portal to the other wall with the yellow black circle on it at the end of the orange gel on the ground all across the room. Jump through the portal and slowly walk up the ramp. Take care, so that you don't fall into the endless pit. Now run down, all over the orange gel and through the portal. With your momentum you will jump up to the push button next to the door. Press this button and the exit opens up. On the way to the next part of this test sphere you can sidestep a bit into a buero and see another picture of Cave Johnson, and GLaDOS will even mention that these people look familiar to her. So now get into the next part of the forth test sphere in the antique Aperture Science lab. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [7.2] (1972 02) \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Now we are in the second area of sphere 1972. So this is sphere 1972 02. Take a look at the tower that is standing openly around here without direct access. There is one wall on it that can hold a portal. So shoot the blue portal on this wall and the orange portal below the orange gel dispenser. Turn on the orange gel and an orange gel carpet should unfold from the edge to the back wall of the area. Now place the blue portal on the ceiling near the edge and the orange portal under the blue gel. Turn the blue gel on too and you now should have a small blue gel stain at the end of the orange gel carpet. Now run over the orange gel and jump to the tower. Walk around the tower and shoot the blue portal on the wall right in front of you. Shoot the orange portal to the wall a bit above you and get up there. Now it is important, that the orange portal stays where it is, so walk around the tower, shoot the blue portal to one of the walls near the gel dispensers and then get back there again. This is the time to place the blue portal on the side of the tower visible to you and run over the orange gel and jump right into the blue portal and right to the exit. Get in the elevator. Why does GLaDOS know Cave Johnson voice? We maybe find out later... \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [7.3] Test Sphere 05 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ The 1976 05 of the fifth test sphere after all greets you and you can just walk on by and towards the gel dispensers. Put a portal under the orange gel dispenser and the other portal on the normal wall across the gap under the slanted wall. The orange gel should cover the whole area in front of that wall. Now shoot one portal on the slanted wall above the normal wall and the other portal under the blue gel dispenser. The blue gel now covers another slanted platform. Get over to the floor covereed in orange gel. Lay one portal on the normal wall at the end and the other portal on the slanted wall above. Now run through the portal and you will jump to the slanted plattform coverd in blue gel which will bring you to the Vintage Companion Cube. Get the Cube and jump down from the crate plattform to the solid plattform below (don't jump into the water!) and use portals to get back to the gel dispensers. Put the Vintage Companion Cube somewhere here for later and search for the plattform island with the big red switch on the ground on it. See the floor tile with the yellow black circle on it in front of the red switch. This is where a portal goes. The other portal goes under the blue gel and the blue gel will now cover the plattform above the portal. Now you can grab the cube and get over to the red switch and put the Vintage Companion Cube on the red switch on the floor. After this portal back to the gel dispensers. Take a look at the island with the red switch on it and look to the right of it. There are two small concrete walls and one has a ramp in front of it. Shoot a portal on the wall with the ramp in front and the other portal under the orange gel dispenser. After the ramp is slimy enough get to the long hallway already covered with orange gel, put one portal on the wall at the end of the hallway and the other portal on the wall with the ramp in front. You can see this wall from the hallway, and need good aiming. Now run through the portal very fast and you will jump towards the exit in no time. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [7.4] Pump Station Gamma \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ You can see 1978 and 1982 written on the walls. Maybe 2011 is all upstairs, who knows. After all you should enter the door and get to the walkway right above you inside the building. After you get around the corner there is a wall that can hold a portal. Up here you get out again and you are a bit closer to your aim than before. Use portals to get to the place in front of where there is Pump Station Gamma written on the wall. Enter the open door and there you are inside the pump station gamma. Inside here you walk along the hallway to the left and turn on all the switches here. This turns on the blue, the orange and the grey gel for the next chambers. But this also turns on some stompers. But when you use a portal on the wall at the end of the hallway and one here you are out of here in no time. Now you can see the mess the grey gel made. But this is good, as the grey gel allows you to put portals on walls and ceilings (and grounds) that wouldn't hold a portal before. So you can beam up to the lonely platform in the middle of the room above the pumps and use the blue gel to jump over to the other side. Walk through the blue energy field and be quick when you run under the stompers over the orange gel and you will finally reach the exit to the pump station gamma. But what is going on outside here?! You can't go on?! So put a portal on the slanted wall here, outside the pump station gamma and walk back. You can see the wall with the yellow and black circle on it behind the stompers, so put another portal on this wall and run into it over the orange gel as fast as you can. This throws you over to the walkway and you can enter the enrichment center. Get through here until you see the portrait of the old Cave Johnson and go through the door to the right of the portrait. Here is a button you have to push to open the door to the elevator to the next test sphere. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [7.5] Test Sphere 06 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Walk past the numbers 1982 on the side of these fencing walls and have a look at the grey gel. So put a blue portal directly under the gel flow and an orange portal somewhere besides where the gel hits the ground. This will cover more surface with grey gel and you move the orange portal to the newly covered surface to cover even more surface with grey gel. Continue doing so until you finally cover some ground outside of the fenced in area. Then put the orange portal on the newly covered ground out there and jump outside through the blue portal. Out here you have to direct the grey gel with the orange portal towards the two towers and especially between them and cover the walls of the towers that face each other. Once there is some grey gel on one wall put the orange portal there and cover the wall of the other tower, then put the orange portal there and continue until you reach the top. Now it's time to cover the slanted platform next to the higher tower with the grey gel. Once you did that portal up to the walkway around the higher tower. Up there put one portal on the slanted platform and the other portal there where you will land when you jump down from the walkway. Jump through the portals and you will land on the elevated building that will bring you to the exit without problems. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [7.6] Elevator Shaft \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ The exit leads to an elevator shaft that claims to lead to the surface. So use portals until you reach the elevator cabin high up there. Jump on top of the cabin and shoot a portal on the floor of the cabin. Search around and shoot another portal on the ground of one of the edges around that is low enough. Jump through the low portal and get thrown up to the next level. Here you have two sides that can hold a portal, put the portal on one of them and then jump through the portal on the floor in the elevator cabin. While you are jumping up and down you will notice the slanted concrete wall up here that can hold a portal. Shoot the portal in the right color on it and you are at the exit to the elevator shaft. But we are still far from the surface. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [7.7] climbing up to the \__.X--'------------------------@ central pump station / \ o-------------------------' \ \ And on we go upwards. Take a good look at all the long concrete pillars. Shoot a portal as high as possible on one of the pillars and the other portal down here onto the pillar so you can get up there and finally stand on a steel beam. And there we go. Look at the grey door on the wall. There is a slanted wall above the door where the next blue portal goes, and the orange portal goes to the ground all the way down there. Jump down and through the orange portal and you will land where the blue gel drips. Put the orange portal right under the gel dispenser and the gel will fly all across the area till it hits another slanted plattform. So we put the orange portal back to the ground all the way down there, the blue portal still stays above the grey door and we jump through the orange portal again. We get thrown up one level and up here there is nothing. No more blue gel anyways. So put a blue portal on the small concrete area on the floor above the slanted platform with the blue gel and then jump down one level. Jump into the orange portal at the very bottom again and while you are thrown up by the blue portal look around for the next plattform to reach. Shoot the orange portal on the ground there and now you can walk over to the next area. So put the blue portal under the grey gel and the orange portal to the ceiling at the other end of the room between the pipes. This slimes on the whole wall between the two pipes and that is a good thing. Now put the orange portal very low on the grey geled wall and the blue portal under the orange gel. After a moment of waiting for the (orange) red carpet to unfold you put the orange portal on the grey slope between the two pipes above the blue portal and the blue portal now moves up on the wall it was just on. To the highest point possible on that wall. Run over the orange gel towards the wall, the blue gel will make you jump and hopefully you hit the blue portal and jump onto the platform a bit higher in this room. The place you land is made from concrete, so put the blue portal on this spot and the orange portal under the grey gel, which will cover the ceiling above this place in grey gel. After this you put the blue portal on the ceiling you just covered with grey gel and the orange portal goes under the slowly dripping blue gel so that is covers your landing area. Jump back down one level, put the blue portal on the slope between the pipes again and the orange portal on the wall between the pipes and now jump through the blue portal again, this time heading towards the high platform in the huge room. Walk around the pillar and shoot the blue portal on the grey gel ground and the orange portal against the wall above all this. Jump into the blue portal on the ground and walk along the catwalk. Put the orange portal against the slanted piece of wall above your head and watch the grey gel cover everything in the vent. After this you can put the blue portal very high up on a ceiling and the orange portal to the wall down here and then jump through it. Walk up the slope and shoot a portal through the grate to a wall that can carry a portal. Walk back a bit and find some grey gel on the slope. Use the other portal on it to jump through and finally enter the central pump station. \ \ .-------------o The Return o--------------------------. \ / [7.8] Central pump station \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Shoot a portal above one of the doors at the end of the metallic walkway high up in the sky and one portal against a wall down here and get up onto the walkway. Now take look around. You'll notice the control room that is glowing in a bright blue. You will notice it, as the rest of the pump station is all grey. Shoot a portal to the small concrete part on the wall directly opposite of the control room (when facing it from the walkway it's the wall to the right) and one portal to the ground, right where the walkway is open to jump out. So jump into the portal on the ground and reach the control room. Guess what, play around with the controls here and look a this, the huge valve opens and another elevator comes down for you. You better get into this elevator and it will bringt you back up, there where everything looks new again and lost that vintage look and it also brings you into the next chapter, but more about this after you turn the page. o-----. .------o o-------------'------------. .------'--------------@ The Itch \__.--------'------------------------------->>> [8] o-------------------------' \ Chapter 8 '------------------------o Wheatley Test Chamber 01 ...... [ 7.0 ] Test Chamber 01 ............... [ 7.1 ] Test Chamber 02 ............... [ 7.2 ] Test Chamber 03 ............... [ 7.3 ] Test Chamber 04 ............... [ 7.4 ] Test Chamber 05 ............... [ 7.5 ] Test Chamber 06 ............... [ 7.6 ] Test Chamber 11 ............... [ 7.7 ] Test Chamber 12 ............... [ 7.8 ] Test Chamber 15 ............... [ 7.9 ] Test Chamber 16 ............... [ 7.10 ] Test Chamber 17 ............... [ 7.11 ] \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.0] Wheatley Test Chamber 01 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ So we are back in the newer part of the the Aperture Science Labs. Go through the door and follow the walkway until you are in this small control room above the test chamber. Wheatley is brabbling something, he probably desperately and most of all unsuccessfully tries to teach the crippled cubes some tricks. But this is not that interesting for you, so turn away from the huge chamber and shoot a portal through the small opening in the wall behind you and another portal into the control room to jump through and land on another crate walkway outside of the test chambers. Follow this walkway until you finally are inside the testchamber. Get one of the broken cubes and put them onto the red switch on the ground. But somehow the exit is blocked now. After Wheatley and GLaDOS are done with talking about paradoxes Wheatley opens the door for you. Artificial Intelligences talking about paradoxes is a bit paradox in itself, but nevermind. Now we enter the first test chamber that our old favourite idiot Wheatley designed all by himself. And it's just as stupidly easy as you could expect. Push the button and the Weighted Companion Cube will fall out of the cube dispenser and land on the red switch on the ground and this will open the door already. But you can also refuse to do anything and just wait and listen to Wheatley go crazy... Portal over to the switch and exit through the giftshop, no, through the exit. But Wheatley is not only stupid but also lazy, so he makes you solve this chamber again. Do the same as you did just seconds ago and then you can exit to an elevator to more of Wheatley's test chambers. \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.1] Test Chamber 01 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Again chamber number 01, but this time it's more interesting than the last Chamber 01. The transport beams are introduced in this chamber. If you jump into these beam you are transported to the direction the beam moves to. Jump into the beam right now and travel up one level. Jump out of the beam once you are upstairs and shoot a portal to the place where the beam hits the ceiling. Shoot another portal to a wall here, so that the beam aims at the crippled cube in here. Now jump into the transport beam again and this time the transport beam drags you - through the portal - right to the cube. Get the crippled cube and jump down to the hole in the ground. Shoot a portal through the hole to a wall down one level. Shoot the other portal to a wall up here and take the cube with you down there. Now open one of the portals at the end of the transport beam and put the other portal to the ground right under the red switch on the ceiling. Throw the crippled cube you have with you into the transport beam and it will get carried towards and push down the button on the ceiling forever while you can easily escape this chamber through the exit. \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.2] Test Chamber 02 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Look down into the deep abyss right in front of you. Down there is a lone transport beam. So you have to jump into this transport beam and put a blue portal to the end of the beam. Now you shoot the orange portal to the only white wall that can hold a portal and that you can see from here. As soon as you are on the other side of the portal turn left and look for the white portable wall there. Put the orange portal onto this wall once you are directly in front of it. The transport beam will get you and move you above a small plattform. Shoot the orange portal onto the platform and you move up to a button to press. Press the button and the Weighted Companion Cube will fall down. Catch it with the transport beam and have it move towards the small platform and use the transport beam through the orange portal on the floor of the small platform again to move it up to you. So you are moving the Cube in the same way that you made your own way up here. Grab the cube out of the beam as it moves by and put it under the red switch in the ceiling. Now all you have to do is move the cube towards the red switch with another orange portal directly under it so that the transport beam reaches the cube and presses it against the switch on the ceiling. The bridge to the exit appears and you can escape to the elevator. \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.3] Test Chamber 03 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ And again it's all about the transport beams. So shoot the blue portal to the end of the transport beam and the orange portal to the part of the wall to the right of the exit. This creates a bridge you can use to reach the push button on the other side of the gap. But if you push the button now the cube just falls into the endless void of the aperture science depths. So shoot the orange portal real close to you to the wall on the left and push the button. The cube should fall into the transport beam and moves to the right. Once the cube reached the wall shoot the orange portal to the white wall behind the cube so that the cube moves towards you and you can grab the cube. But how do you get back now? It's quite easy, just shoot the orange portal to the left of the grey wall with the light blue circles on it. Get the cube and walk onto the catapult and while you are moving nicely along the corner of the abyss just jump back into the huge room you came from. Here you put the cube onto the checkered area close to the edge and walk towards the exit. Put the orange portal on the ground in front of it and use the transport beam to get up onto the plattform in front of the exit. Turn around really quick and shoot the orange portal under the cube while it is still on the checkered area. This has to happen really fast as the cube tries to walk away. Once it moves up above the checkered area wait until it is under the ceiling and then shoot the orange portal to the single grey plattform right above the cube dispenser in the distance and then you can watch the defunct cube move towards the red switch on the wall and see how it opens the exit for you. Wheatley is talking some more bull but you are gone with the elevator already. \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.4] Test Chamber 04 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ So, again shoot the orange portal to the place where the transport beam hits the wall. And place the blue portal where the turret laser hits the wall on the opposite side of the chamber to have the transport beam move the annoying turret to the abyss in the back of the chamber. After this is done (and the turret is done) shoot the blue portal to the white wall on the left over the gap to grab the cube on the other side with the transport beam. As soon as the transport beam got the cube, step on the big red switch on the ground to turn around the direction of the transport beam. The transport beam also changes color, but the direction is the important part here. So the cube will move towards the portal now, but you shoot another blue portal on the wall opposing your side of the chamber, but make sure to not hit the exact opposite location or the transport beam will drag you away from the switch. But you have to get down from the button anyways to make the cube come over to your side. Once the cube is close, grab it out of the beam and place it on the red button on the ground. Then jump into the now orange transport beam and let the transport beam move you over to the other side. Once you are over the gap, get out of the beam and place a blue portal directly opposing the cube on the red switch, so that the cube gets carried away from the red switch on the ground. This turns the transport beam blue again and you can place a blue portal on the ground directly in front of the platform where the exit is located and slowly move up to the exit. \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.5] Test Chamber 05 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ A true classic. Not just because of the music, the solution is really easy once you got it. Actually you just have to have the transport beam going up from the lonely platform in the middle of the room and then use the catapult to jump into the transport beam. Once you're caught by the beam and the transport beam took you to the top of the chamber you just shoot another portal to the slanted platforms opposing the exit. You will now fall down into the portal below you and just jump to the exit. And once you are there you do the same for the weighted companion cube that will come out of the cube dispenser once you pressed the button near the exit. Once the cube landed next to you, you just put it onto the big red switch on the ground and the exit opens up for you and you can use the elevator to reach another test chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.6] Test Chamber 06 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Well, well, it's just getting complicated, but not difficult. Just press the button to see what happens and what path the weighted companion cube flies. Sadly the companion cube dies when it passes through the blue energy field. Well then, shoot the blue portal to the end of the light bridge and the orange portal high on the wall opposite the button to be there as a barrier and stop the weighted companion cube in flight. Once the cube landed in front of the hidden turrets and didn't burn to dust shoot an orange portal on the wall down there as a barrier between you and the turrets and then jump in the pit and get the cube. Carry the weighted companion cube around one of these corners, so that the turrets can't hit you, shoot one portal high on the wall where you already had a portal to stop the cube in flight and the other portal to the wall right next to you and you can easily escape with the cube. Now you shoot a portal to the end of the lightbridge again and the other one to the single white platform on the wall to the right of the image of Wheatley. Use the catapult to shoot yourself and the cube against the lightbridge and you will stop on a metal walkway. Walk along the walkway a bit, then shoot a portal in front of the turrets to guard you with a lightbridge and after that it's finally time to use the metal walkway to walk behind the blue energy field, jump down and put the cube onto the big red switch on the ground. And voila, the exit opens and you can even portal yourself up to the exit from behind the blue energy field. Take the elevator to get to yet another test chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.7] Test Chamber 11 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Nobody knows why, but the next chamber is chamber 11. Wheatley tries everything to confuse you, but fear not, the solution is right here. Mabye he wants you to finish faster so he is done with you faster... At first we want to get the crippled cube. Shoot a blue portal to the end of the transport beam and an orange portal directly onto the single plattform on the ground right in the middle of the room right there when entering the room. Jump into the beam and once you are high up with the transport beam shoot the blue portal onto the slanted plattform with the lightblue circles on it right next to you and the beam. You get thrown right to the broken cube. Pick up the broken cube and jump down into the ditch to the laserbeam and put the broken cube into the laserbeam. The transport beam will stop working. Now portal up out of the ditch and put a portal onto the slanted platform above the laser emitting pod we just blocked with the crippled cube and the other portal onto the slanted wall we already used right next to the entrance to this room. Now use the catapult right next to the entrance and after the catapult threw you all across the chamber you will find yourself next to a mirror cube, and this is just what you need right now. Of course you take the mirror cube with you. Put it into the laser beam so that the beam is reflected straight into the wall down there. Take the broken cube from down there with you and leave the ditch through some portals. Put the broken cube right onto the single plattform on the ground in the middle of the room and leave it for a while. To the left of the slanted wall with the lightblue circles on it is another laser pod that just waits for the laser to come in, so put a portal on the short wall opposing the laserpod and another portal down in the ditch right where the reflected laser beam hits the wall. Now the laser beam should hit the pod in the wall and one step of the stairs leading to the exit will come down to you. Stand on this elevator step left to the pod you just hit with the laser beam and shoot one of the portals to the wall behind you so that the laser beam does no longer hit the laser pod and so the elevator will go back up with you on it. From up here you can see into the ditch, so shoot the other portal under the mirror cube to make it move out of the way of the laser beam. Once the laser beam hits the laser pod in the ditch again the transport beam will start working again. So shoot one portal right where the transport beam hits the ground and the other portal onto the single plattform on the ground where the broken cube is. This moves the broken cube up and once it hits the red switch on the ceiling the other step will come down behind you. Step on it and remove one of the portals to make the cube fall down again and the step moves up again and you can proceed to the exit. \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.8] Test Chamber 12 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ All important white walls in this chamber have some smaller tileing on them. So shoot the blue portal there where the laser hits the wall for a start. The orange portal goes to the tiled wall to the right of the exit in the same height as the exit. The laser beam will now hit the lower laser pod on the wall on the other site of the hole in the ground and the small plattform will start moving. Once the moving plattform is all the way on the left stop it by placing the orange portal on the white wall to the left of the moving plattform. Another portal on your side of the hole and you can jump over onto the moving plattform (that doesn't move at the moment). Now you shoot the blue portal again where the laser ends and the orange portal on the tiled wallpice on the right of the exit. Let the plattform with you on it move until it is halfway through the laser barrier, then shoot the orange portal to the tiled wallpice right above the one where the portal was just now. This stops the moving plattform and also disables the laser barrier. You can now walk to the other side of the laser barrier and then shoot another orange portal to the lower tiled wall and make the platform move again. Once the moving plattform reaches the other end jump down onto the solid plattform. Here you wait, until the moving plattform reaches the other end again, then you shoot a portal right above the plattform where you just jumped onto the moving plattform from. Now press the button and a mirror cube will fall down from the cube dispenser and onto the movable plattform. Shoot another portal right where you are and you can jump onto the movable plattform again, but this time you are there with the mirror cube. Now you move the plattform and the cube to the other side of the laser barrier just like you did before and once you are on the other side of the laser barrier you shoot the portal on the white wall on the left and above from the exit so that the laser beam now comes at you, standing on the platform. Use the mirror cube to aim the laser beam at the last remaining pod at the other side of the gap to open the exit and then jump down onto the solid plattform again. To get to the other side again you need some more portal action and once you replace one portal the exit closes again, but hey, the mirror cube doesn't move, so just jump through the portal that is already pointing towards the mirror cube and then again shoot the other portal to where the laser hits the wall. This finally opens the exit again and you are on the right side of the gap. Here you have to use a transport beam to directly enter the next chamber. \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.9] Test Chamber 15 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Oh, there is no exit to this chamber! But Wheatley creates an exit for us. And if you look really close you can see a robot running out of the exit. But this is not what it's all about, we have to reach the exit first... Move towards the push button in front of the abyss and press it. A broken cube comes down but stops somewhere above you. But this doesn't matter, just turn around and step on the big red switch on the ground to make the transport beam appear. A blue portal on the ceiling above the transport beam and an orange portal on the wall to the left of the transport beam makes the cube move and it moves towards the abyss. Once it reached the end at the wall shoot the orange portal right under the broken cube and the cube will now move towards you. But don't step off the switch in the ground too early, as this keeps the transport beam alive. So shoot a portal through the hole in the glass wall in the one edge and another portal to the wall right next to it and carry the cube through the portals and put it onto the second big red switch on the ground behind the glass wall and then leave this small room just like you came in. Step on the first red switch on the ground again to turn on the transport beam and make the orange gel move towards the ramp. As soon as a whole lava lamp full of orange gel is above the ramp step off the big red switch and gel will splat down and the whole way from the wall to the ramp should be covered in orange gel. If not, just repeat what you just did until everything is covered in orange gel. Now we need the cube again, so get a new one or grab the old one, doesn't matter, but grabbing the old one is faster, and then put it onto the big red switch in the ground out here to turn on the transport beam forever. Walk past the ramp on the left side and shoot a portal into the middle of the wall to the right, right behind the blue energy wall and another portal to the ceiling above the transport beam. So the transport beam is now going all across the hall over there and you can use the orange gel to get enough speed to jump over the ramp right into the transport beam that will bring you towards the exit. Wheatley tells another bad joke and then we can go already. There is no use in jumping into the transport beam directly and let it drag you all across the gap over there as the blue energy barrier deletes all portals... and this is not good. \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.10] Test Chamber 16 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ An attack! But with 2 portals you are over the gap and inside the mean chamber in no time. It's not that hard. Put one portal on the ground and another portal above the abyss under the gel dispenser and get over there. Once you are on the other side of the abyss you put the blue portal to the wall at the end of the transport beam and the orange portal to the wall under the gel dispenser so that the transport beam shines across the abyss. Now press the button here. The blue gel drips into the transport beam. As soon as some blue gel is next to you and the button, shoot one portal somewhere else and the blue gel will drip onto the ground next to you. Now you rebuild what you just had with the transport beam shining across the abyss. The next task requires you to be fast, so press the button and then use the blue gel next to you to jump into the transport beam. You should be ahead of the blue gel. So move across the abyss inside the transport beam, the turrets (hopefully) won't hit you, then jump out of the transport beam and step onto the big red switch on the ground. The transport beam now moves backwards because it is orange. Wait until the blue gel is through the orange portal and moves towards the origin of the transport beam. While standing on the red button you can see a small piece of white wall to the left of the turrets above them. You shoot the orange portal there and hope that this was the right color and the transport beam is coming out of this orange portal now. Step off of the big red switch and the blue gel now moves away from the origin of the transport beam again and towards the three turrets. As soon as the gel is above the turrets you shoot one portal somewhere else and the gel will splat on the turrets and the turrets will jump around like crazy and then disappear. Now you can walk behind the bulletproof wall and press the button there. A slanted wall appears. Now make the transport beam come out of one of the ground tiles and jump into the beam and let it carry you up to the ceiling. Now look down and look for the color of the portal below you, the portal with the other color now goes onto the slanted wall. You will jump directly to the exit! \ \ .-------------o The Itch o--------------------------. \ / [8.11] Test Chamber 17 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Here Wheatley prepared a nice trap for you, but you have to use the catapult anyways. This will bring you to a single plattform surrounded by even more mean spiked plattforms ready to smash you and this is where the next and last chapter starts... o-----. .------o o-------------'------------. .------'--------------@ The Part Where He Kills You \__.--------'------------------------------->>> [9] o-------------------------' \ Chapter 9 '------------------------o Death Trap ................... [ 9.1 ] Test Chamber 75 .............. [ 9.2 ] The Bombs .................... [ 9.3 ] \ \ .---------o The Part Where He Kills You o--------------------------. \ / [9.1] Death Trap \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ So, here we land on the single platform surrounded by spikey platforms ready to smash you. Shoot the first portal against the crumbled concrete wall high up next to Wheatley's image. And once the grey gel starts dripping you shoot the other portal onto the grey gel. The grey gel comes at you through the portal and you can now put a portal under yourself and get away from this trap alife. Now follow the way behind the scenes of Aperture or Wheatley Science. At the end of the walkway you put one portal on the single platform under you and one portal on the platform to the right and above of you. Now jump in the portal under your feet and get thrown onto another walkway. Follow the walkway until you reach the poor little broken cube that Wheatley destroys even more. So be fast, shoot one portal high to the wall on the other side of the gap and one portal to the door frame here on your side of the gap and you are on the other side in no time, and also in the next part. \ \ .---------o The Part Where He Kills You o--------------------------. \ / [9.2] Testchamber 75 \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ As soon as everything calmed down in here you shoot a portal right to the wall in front of you and the other portal to the ceiling of the chamber right in front of you. Through the portals you enter another death trap, but the turrets aim at you but they won't fire. Good thing! So let's get out of here! One small jump and you are heading towards the 3 turrets. Just put a portal to the end of the transport beam here and the other portal to the wall right behind the turrets until they are all gone. Now you jump into the transport beam yourself and let it drag you over the water. Watch out for the next death trap (the wall will open and show the trap) and jump out of the transport beam before reaching the open wall and land on save ground. Then walk through the blue energywall. Here it is quite obviuous what to do next. Put the orange portal to the end of the transport beam and the blue portal the the white wall, so that the transport beam drags you over the open space outside. But be careful, one of these spikey platforms follows you. But there is a concrete platform coming in last minute, just look in the direction the transport beam goes. Shoot the blue portal on the incoming platform and the next transport beam will bring you to another walkway, safe and easy. Now everything collapses in front of you. Again. But this time blue gel is involved and you can just jump over the gap to the other side. On the other side of the gap the door frame and the ceiling of the room, where the turrets aim at are a good path. You will find yourself next to the red switch in the ground, which you should activate now by stepping on it. The blue gel starts to flow. Put a portal under the gel flow and the other portal to various other locations on the wall to the right of the turrets until the are all covered in blue gel and finally gone. Now find a way to the catapult in the room you are and this shoots you back on track to the exit. \ \ .---------o The Part Where He Kills You o--------------------------. \ / [9.3] The Bombs \__.X--'------------------------@ o-------------------------' \ \ Well, here you enter the room and just press the button to watch through the window where the bombs land. Exactly where the bombs come down and explode you put one portal and the other portal to the wall above the button that you press right again after this. The bombs make the pipeline with the grey gel explode and the grey gel is splattered all over the place. Through the grey gel you can move forward to where the bombs came down and enter the next room. Here you jump on the converyor belt and Wheatley turns it on already. Be quick and sidestep to the walkway to the left before the spikes smash you. Now you put a portal on the wall on the opposite side of the pipeline with the orange gel (this is the wall, that is farther away from you) and one under the bomb dispenser. Use the button to call for the bombs to come, fall through the portal and destroy the pipeline with the orange gel in it. The leaking orange gel is collected with a portal and you put the other portal to the end of the coveyor belt. With the orange gel you now are fast enough to run along the conveyor belt and even jump through the portal at the end of the belt. Here you walk along the hallway to enter a huge room. High up in this room is a transport beam but you cannot reach it by now. So put a portal onto the wall at the end of the small hallway in this room and the other portal there where the orange gel hits the ground. The floor in front of the portal will get covered in orange gel. Now remove the portal that catches the orange gel and put it under the transport beam. Now it's time for you to run along the orange gel on the ground and jump into the portal on the wall and shoot yourself up to the transport beam this way. Jump out of the beam at the end and walk up to the door and inside the room get up one storey and get ready for the final boss battle... o-----. .------o o-------------'------------. .------'--------------@ Wheatley \__.--------'------------------------------>>> [10] o-------------------------' \ BOSS FIGHT '------------------------o After you climbed up with some portals you have to follow the hallway through the backside of Aperture or Wheatley Science and pass past the gel pipelines until you are at the end of this hallway. Here you stuff the talking potato also known as GLaDOS into the pod and here we go up, directly into Wheatley's command central that obviously is protected very weakly. Here you are faced with the last fight in Portal2, if you read on you will find the solution how to fight Wheatly, but it's better if you try on your own at first and only read on once you are done or you cannot make it. ________________________ WHEATLEY So whatcha gonna do when Wheatley comes at you? And he even throws bombs at you. Flee under the pipeline with the grey gel here and Wheatley will shoot at it and destroy it. And now we can even use portals in here. So put one portal in front of you and another portal high up to the panels up there around Wheatley. His bombs mostly go down a little bit in front of you, so just stand behind a portal on the ground with a good distance to him. As soon as you hit Wheatley the first time GLaDOS comes in and offers you a corrupted core. Use portals to get up to the metal walkway and grab the core hanging around up there. As soon as you have the core the metal walkway collapses under you, but therefor the blue gel is spilled everywhere. Use the blue gel to get close to Wheatley's node and put the first core there. Now you do the same thing as you did before, but this time you shoot at Wheatley from below as he covers his top now. This should be no problem if you managed to hit him before already. And now we have our second core on the field. Again get up to the metal walkway and jump over the gap by using the blue gel between the two ledges. Once you are on the other side it's quite easy to catch the bouncing core. With the core in your hands you jump at Wheatley again, this time from the other side and you put this core onto his metallic body too. Now Wheatley covers his machine body both from top and bottom but it is possible to hit him from the top. The last core is hard to reach but not hard enough for us. Luckily the pipeline with the orange gel breaks and the trail of the orange gel leads to a wall with grey gel on it. So put a portal on this wall and the other portal right under the core and use the speed you get from the orange gel to jump through the portal and up to the core and grab it. Again you put the core onto Wheatley, use the blue gel to reach the last node for the core. The last thing you should do it push the button in the side room, so portal there. But Wheatley prepared a trap in here too and almost kills you. But only almost... so use your last powers to shoot a portal to the MOON! and send Wheatley out into space. Finally you made it, now enjoy the END O--------------------------. o--------------------------. \.---------@ Version history ----\__}------------------------------------------- [D] o-------------------------' 16.08.2012 - v1.0 ------------------- The first version I uploaded. As the text in this FAQ is already published some time on my own website, some typo corrections have happened already so this might be the only version for a long time. 22.09.2012 - v1.01 -------------------- After winning FAQ of the month with this guide I fixed some ASCII errors and a chapter that was named wrong. 30.11.2012 - v1.02 -------------------- Replaced a not translated chapter with the actual translation... Shit happens! =) O--------------------------. o--------------------------. \.---------@ Credits, thanks & ----\__}------------------------------------------- [E] legal stuff ------/ o----------------v-------' /----------------------. o---------/ \ .-------------^--. '-------------------o < Credits + THX ! >-------------------------------------o '----------------' I want to thank the following: Valve - for Portal and Portal 2 awesome! THANK YOU! Jeyl - for a found bug in chapter 5 GameFAQs - for the biggest guide collection in the world divine beeings - without the otherworld we all wouldn't be here me - because I have written all this! ALL OF IT! you - because you read this and even still read here =) .--------------. < LEGAL ! >---------------------------------------o '--------------' This guide is written by and copyrighted to selmiak in 2012 and was exclusi- vely written for your personal use only. You can download or print this guide but you are not allowed to profit from my work in any way. As soon as you earn money with my work you steal my intellectual property and commit a crime which I will not tolerate and start legal issue against you. If you want to host this file on another webpage than www.selmiak.de.vu or www.gamefaqs.com or www.neoseeker.com please ask me for permission before. I will most likely give you the permission, as long as the file stays unalterd, but for unauthorised posting of this guide I will act as stated above. For any glaring mistakes you want to point out or additions you want to see in this guide or paypal donations you think I deserve you can use my email: faqs [at] gmx [dot] de Don't forget to pay a visit to my website. You can find it under: > www.selmiak.de.vu < and find some interesting stuff there, there is a lot of material gathered there =) more files by me on GameFAQs: > http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/39198.html?type=1 < Oh, you're still reading... well: If you somehow think, this FAQ helped you out, and you think I deserve a reward, drop me a line and write something nice, if you want to donate some money to me you can do this via paypal to the email address above. If you want to donate some money, but not your own, then please be so kind and visit my website for portal 2 and visit one of the solution pages and if you find an ad that catches your interest please visit it. I don't put ads on the startpage, so get deeper and enjoy your stay: > http://tinyurl.com/cbvxxd2 < You can't loose anything by doing so, except half a minute of your time and I get some tips and write more guides! Even little money is money! Thank you! To support me and get something back or for easy portable reading while sitting in front of you TV with the game playing you can also buy this guide with images for you kindle. Please do so here: > http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AIX95X2 < °._ | : | ______| : __°_/___ _____\___ _ ______/_ / 0000ooooooo... -------+--- / -__- +\----------/ :/ / |___/ ____ °--. \| \ ____/ / __ /|____| /|/__ ___ \ ___ \__\ [ \ /|___ ____/ / | / / ___| / __\ / /__ \/ \/\ \ \____/ / \ / / / .\/ /\ '---\/ /+ __\/ /---\/[--/-----]\/ / \/ : \/ [----\----] °/\ \_______/\/______/\______/\__/\__/\\_/\ \___|___/\____\_/ | \___ ___|/__[----] \ | \_______///||[ ] [---]---> ____ / ]----+----+ | / / : / [ ____ \____ _____| / /\ | | \ -----' ( )[-----|---]: :[] | °°oo.. [2012] [eof]