This is a guide specifically for a GUNNER LION in Trickster. As far as guides go, this is, perhaps, less of a guide and more of a recording testament of my progress along the game. As some of you may notice, my General Trickster FAQ was last updated... a long time ago, suffice it to say. The reason for this was that I had quit eTO at the time, and in fact, had no intentions on returning; and would not have done so either, had it not been for the insistent urgence of a friend. Can't spell to save his life, but so persistent that it gets annoying. Well, I guess we've all got him to thank for this guide. So as I amass galders for my bullet fund, I finish typing my introduction and bring you this: ----------========== TRICKSTER LION GUIDE ==========---------- (Do excuse the crappy title, I apologize for my lack of ASCII art skills.) Like always, to find something, use the find command (CTRL+F for IE) and then type in the code for a section, then press find. (i.e. CTRL+F ->[-=TOC=-] ->find next ->arrive at table of contents) [=-TOC-=] Table of Contents [=-TOC-=] [=-INT-=] Introduction... again [=-INT-=] [=-CCR-=] Character Creation [=-CCR-=] [-SSB1-] Stat Build [-SSB1-] [-SSB2-] Skill Build [-SSB2-] [=-TTL-=] Through the Levels [=-TTL-=] [=-EQP-=] Equipments [=-EQP-=] [=-HAT-=] Hints and Tips [=-HATS-=] [=-SLB-=] Skills Library [=-SLB-=] [=-PRG-=] Progress [=-PRG-=] [=-FAQ-=] Frequently Asked Questions [=-FAQ-=] [=-CON-=] Contact Me [=-CON-=] [=-CAC-=] Copyright and Credits [=-CAC-=] Version: For Version, check "Progress" section. [=-INT-=] Introduction... again [=-INT-=] This is going to be very short. The fact that you're reading a guide made exclusively for a specific character in Trickster tells me that you know enough about the game for me to not need to repeat it. Therefore, this guide will not contain stuff like basic controls, term explanations (maybe a bit), gameplay details, and so on. This is, more or less, a training guide for Lions, from start to finish. As stated above, this is a guide for gunner lions. I will update as frequently as I feel like for as long as I play Trickster as a lion. This guide's completion will be a long time coming, and will progress as fast as I do in game. [=-CCR-=] Character Creation [=-CCR-=] Character creation. Why lion? Lion is the marksman of Trickster Online. Lion is good in several ways: it has a ranged attack, it does good damage (well, later on it does), it can hold it's own against bosses (if you do it right), and lastly, gun is in a class of it's own. Of course, that can be taken in several ways, all of which are correct (most likely), but what I meant was battle mechanics. Gun does not count as "physical damage" in Trickster, it counts as GUN. So unless a monster has GUN PROTECTION status, your gun will be quite good against it, because the damage is not reduced by defense but rather Detect Ability/Gun Defense, which most monsters have very little of. Of course, nobody is to forget the unique drilling system in Trickster. Lions, being a sense type character, are the second best at drilling (next to foxes). You'll be getting many good items from drilling just by being a lion. Now then, creation. There are a total of 12 stats in Trickster Online, divided into four categories: POWER (Category 1) AP (Attack Point) AC (Accuracy) DX (Dexterity) MAGIC (Category 2) MA (Magic Ability) MP (Magic Points) MD (Magic Defense) SENSE (Category 3) DA (Digging Ability) WT (Weight Limit) LK (Luck) CHARM (Category 4) DP (Defense Point) HP (Health Point) HV (Evasion) It takes very little common sense to figure out what those stats do. For Lions, even though they are a sense type, their damage is determined by AC, which is under power. Keep this in mind. When you create a character, it will ask you to allocate points. As a lion, sense is your base type, and as thus, Sense is locked onto 4. You then have 6 points to distribute amongst the remaining three types. This point distributions directly affects the growth of your character's abilities. each number represents how much of which stats your character will gain per level. An automatically defaulted 4 in Sense guarantees you 4 points added to each of the sub-statuses (DA, WT, LK) per level, and the other categories grow in the same manner, depending on what number you assign it during character creation. Addtionally, each status will level ONCE per 4 points (so for sense, you gain 4 points to all stats per level, all the sense stats will level once every time you level) and for MOST stats, the actual value increases 1 for every 4 levels you have. (So to have 4 DA, you must have LEVEL 16 DA, which is 64 points worth.) One more thing is that you receive 4 bonus points to use upon level up, you may put these in any stat you wish. [-SSB-] Stat Build [-SSB-] When creating your character, it's important to know what you want. Out of all the possible ways to configure your character, these four are the best as far as lions go: 4141 (power, magic, sense, charm): A decent build. If you can maintain even 50% of your bonus points into AC throughout the levels (and hopefully switch to 100% later on), you'll be doing serious damage. The drawbacks of this build, however, are not to be neglected. A 1 in charm guarantees that you will be weak. VERY WEAK. You won't be able to take hits very well (if at all) and will have to use HP potions nearly after every hit. Of course, this means at lower levels (and possibly even higher levels) you will have to kite (hit and run) A LOT. 3142 (power, magic, sense, charm): Slightly better. By maintaining 75% of your bonus points into AC, you will be a very strong character. The drawbacks of this build are same as above. Although slightly better off, you still won't be able to take too many hits. And if you waste too many bonus points on Charm stats, your might as well just be 1144 instead, because your AC would grow just as fast. 2143 (power, magic, sense, charm): Reasonably balanced. Dump all your bonus points into AC. Much better in terms of survival, and fairly strong to boot. This is one of the builds I highly recommend. 1144 (power, magic, sense, charm): Possibly the most widely used and popular build for lions. Very good survival skills. Dump all your bonus points into AC. Optimal for taking hits. Packs a decent punch. I also highly recommend this build, using it myself. [-SSB2-] Skill Build [-SSB2-] This is the skill build that I myself use and recommend: General Lion AC Gunner Build: - MAX = Master, as in the level BEYOND level 10. 1. Stone Strike Lv 5 2. Gun Carrier (passive) 3. Invincible Reload (passive) 4. Max Gun Booster 5. Loading on the Move / Quick Reload (passive) 6. Max Power Shot 7. Max Shooting Spree 8. Stone Strike Lv 10 9. Armor Destructor Lv 1 10. Max Lucky 7 11. Get either Fortune Hit or Keen Sense. Keep enough points free to master Double Shot at TM115. 12. Max Double Shot Couple of things about this build: you CAN change it up. There is considerable debate about whether one should get Lucky 7 before Power Shot. As far as this goes, I'm not going to try to tip your opinion. Lucky 7 is a buff skill that boosts your luck. By the time you are able to learn Lucky 7, you will know firsthand just how much Lions miss. Power Shot, however, is a lion's main offensive skill and presumably the skill Lions are best renowned for. One more thing to consider is that Lucky 7 has L10 Stone Strike and L1 Armor Destructor as pre-requisites, so getting Lucky 7 will cost you considerably MORE TM points than Power Shot. If you think hitting with normal bullets more often is more important than getting a really strong one hit skill, then by all means go for Lucky 7. If not, get Power Shot. I myself plan to get Shooting Spree before Lucky 7, even, because I don't find Accuracy terribly important. Additionally Lucky 7 will be very helpful for your compounding results which should be becoming important at around level 65, when you start getting good ultimates and all kinds of accessories like S. of Creation and Rhythm Earrings. But still, you just can't beat a Level 2XX public compounder no matter what. One last thing to mention is that Power Shot NEVER misses when you're fighting a monster you should be fighting. (That is to say, at level 60 it can hit monsters in the low 100s without missing at all) For those that don't know, Power Shot and Shooting Spree are second job skills and Lucky 7 is first job. [=-TTL-=] Through the Levels [=-TTL-=] Ah. This is probably the main point of this guide. This section will guide you smoothly through the levels in your journey to become the ultimate Trickster. Do take note, I will not be telling you specifics about how to make money or any such thing in your area, this is purely for levelling. If you want to know how to make some money, check out the hints and tips section *hint hint*. Levels 1 to 5 - Tutorial. Do it. It'll teach you everything you need to know about the basic gameplay and give you some cool items. Levels 5 to 10 - Out of Tutorial, and landed on Coral Beach. Go pound some weak monsters one map left of town. Do some of the quests there. ***IMPORTANT*** PICK UP ALL YOUR LOOT ***IMPORTANT*** Might not be necessary all the time, a good habit to get into. Well. At least pick up all your loot for now if you don't want to later. Scrunge up enough in items and galders for 400 (maybe 500) and head over to your local skill master to purchase STONE STRIKE. Skill Shrine in Coral is near the left of town. After you get stone strike, level it up to level 5, and stop. Head over to the Monster Guild and talk to Hunter Robin. Take his quest. Do it 5 times (All you're allowed to do) as fast as you are able. I won't mention this in the future, but before you hit TM level 25, try to do Robin's quests as much as possible. To be fairly honest, you NEED the TM EXP boost. Train on various nearby monsters around your level and do quests to hit level 10. Get used to partying. Partying is your single best tool for training. It's better than any equipment. 2.5 times EXP, why would you NOT want to party? Levels 10 to 20 - Keep doing those quests. If you haven't done so already, now might be a good time to take up Hunter Master's quest. You have to hunt a deviant monster (looks the same as a weaker, more common monster) in 5 minutes. Walk around with ALT held down, then when you see one of your target monsters kill it and go back to complete your mission. You will get either a Disabled Person's Pocket (DPP) or some level 20 equipment for your troubles. Equip the DPP immediately if you get it. You have nothing on accessory so far, and the +1 DA is welcome for extra stone strike damage. At this point you should buy a lucky amulet and penguin from shop. It isn't much, but more chances of doing crit is better than nothing. You should also keep a lookout (for vendors) for anyone selling a BEGGAR BELT for a reasonably low price (10k or lower), if you are 1144 or 2143. Purchase it and head over to Paradise shop. Compound it at Nate with Noctilucent star dropped by Fanta Slimes for +1 DA (+2 if you have Godlike luck. Impossible for your level). (You will need 9 of those stars to compound) Keep fighting monsters around your level, doing quests as you go along, you should be at Thiefmon and Blue Penguins (Coral) until you are in the latter 10s, then head on over to Paradise and train on some harder prey. Notice how fast you're using up those pots? Yup. Get used to it. When you reach TM15, go buy Gun Carrier the skill, and you can use a gun. Now then, I highly recommend AGAINST using a gun at this point. Why? Without invincible reload, it's a waste of time. Your reload bar resets every time you get hit and you have to stand there like an idiot while you are smacked silly or you have to run around so much it makes training very slow. I suggest you keep meleeing and rely on Stone Strike until Level 25, at which point mount a Gun Type 2 (compounded with EYE DROPS for AC) after learning invincible reload. Levels 20 to 30 - At level 20, get a pet FOX for the DA bonus, use a KNIFE (or sharp knife, if you can manage) also for DA bonus, and update your shield and hat to the level 20 ones (you should have at least one of each from Hunter Master's quests, right?). Keep toughing it out Melee (yes I know it's slow, but just endure a bit longer) for a few more levels. It might be a good idea to visit Aquarius and fight the monsters there. Sand Demon is also a good choice, located one map north of Paradise (town). Visit the pyramids if you have time. *For you rich or funded lions out there, you can do the Nora Sewage quest for EXP. Nora Sprays are sold widely in vendor shops and cost quite a fortune. Well worth it if you can afford it though. Doing the quest up to the maximum limit guarantees you a free pass from level 25 to 35* (As of September 2007, Sprayers can be widely found in Megalopolis at a price of 4k each. 5 are needed per run, which equates to 20k for 80k EXP, for a total of 25 runs.) By now you should have a good habit of partying whenever you can, so do that. With 2.5x EXP party at all times, hitting TM20 shouldn't take long. At TM level 20, learn invincible reload, and now you're ready to go gunning. Each VALUE (not level) on AC you have is worth 20 damage (yeah I know, you should have 50 something AC so technically 1000+ damage, but it doesn't work that way. But each additional AC you get increases your damage by 20) so you should COMPOUND Gun Type 2 with EYE DROPS (conviniently dropped by Popoyed Anemones) for an extra AC (extra 20 damage). At this time, also swap your pet fox for a pet bunny, there's another 4 extra AC (80 extra damage). Depending on your preferences, you may choose to get rid of Beggar Belt for an Impact Vest (Store Bought) at this time, or you may keep it and alternate between shooting and using Stone Strike to conserve ammo AND increase the rate at which you do damage (use stone strike right after shooting, it reduces the animation time of the shot to nothing and you get to attack again faster) (This is only close range, so of course if you're doing hit and run it won't work) Note that you will be keeping the bunny until MUCH later, unless you get your hands on an event pet or MyShop pet. Fight in Aquarius area and do Hunter Master's (note: NOT in monster guild, in AQUARIUS GATE) Bad Anemone quest when you're strong enough for some level 30 gear and beggar belt (to sell or donate away at your leisure to the poor new lions starting out ;) ) An alternative is to go into Pyramids and train for the latter part of your 20s. (You've seen it, right? Paradise Beach.) To breeze through 25 - 30 TM level, go find a Ghost Pirate card for sale (there's plenty, just look around vendors' shops) at a reasonable price (reasonable being defined by you and your budget) and buy one. Head on over to Card Girl over at Aquarius Gate and do her first riddle. You will get a VERY handsome reward in TM experience (400k+, I think it was. I jumped 4 TM levels with this quest) Level 30 to 40 - Two words: Oops Wharf (Path of, that is). One map west of SouthWest Forest. This place is fantastic. Get a 2.5x party (it's more of a hassle to NOT get a 2.5x party here, if you ask me) and train. With Gun Booster, turtles and Sea Tigers should be a breeze. Stay away from Gomas, they're more trouble than their worth at this moment. Also, deposit any extra stuff you have on you, loot everything, npc back in Megalopolis for major Galders. For those of you who wanna get a boost to your TM, several new card quests should be available to you at this point. In SouthEast forest, check out the Card Girl quests, needing Forest Mantis (found in SW forest) card and turtle card (which you should obtain several dozens of as you train in Path to Oops Wharf). Another very valid option (that is only valid to lions, atm) is the Gate to Phantom School (warp to Gate of Oops Wharf, exit upwards to Path to Phantom School, dodge Gallis 'til you reach the top portal, go through) Love Hunter Robin's quest. Hunt 30 Ghost Books (GUN WEAK!!!) in 20 minutes (which should be cake to you, although it might cost quite a bit of potions) for some easy 120k TM exp per run repeatable 5 times. This should boost you very close, if not at, TM40, at which point you should get Quick Reload. Marie Toys yield decent EXP here, if you wanna go for them (also gun weak), but you probably should wait until you get Quick Reload and can kill them without wasting half a dozen potions per kill. Be warned, however, that there is no item girl at Gate to Phantom School, so bring sufficient ammo and potions. Be on very vigilant lookout for a Shrewd Classic Gun. Level 40 to 50 - Level 40! Quick Reload (as with every other skill you have obtained so far) is a milestone in your path to becoming the ultimate marksman. After obtaining said skill, use phantom school as your location for skeet targets. Practice and become GOOD at kiting those Marie Toys. By now, with Quick Reload, you should be blasting enemies away without standing there stupidly taking hits at point blank. Kite. Kite. Kite more. You shouldn't be spending more than a dozen potions an hour. As for new equipments, you SHOULD get that Shrewd Classic Gun (if you haven't already) as soon as you can, because you WANT the damage boost. Having done so, Phantom School's Shaman Jia gives a quest (repeatable three times) that yields either Body Charm, Body Mind Charm, Mind Charm, or some cards or galder coupons. The rewarding EXP is decent too (40k, I believe) so give it a shot. It requires 3 of those wooden pens from both Maro Toys and Marie Toys. So head on in to Phantom School 1-1 and hunt. In this map, note that after a few kills Maro Toys stop spawning (they're aggro, be careful) and you have to kill Marie Toys to keep the spawn coming. Also: DRILL. LOTS. At level 40, the depth (40-50m) is no longer a problem to you. With store bought drills, or even a blue drill, drill as much as you can in here. Why? Several of the quests here you will need to do for some good prizes, and drilling here gives you those quest items. I will mention more on that in the Equipments section. After you get bored with Phantom School, head on over to Gate of Caballa Relics. Go into Azteca Monster Guild, and take Yuri's quest of hunting 30 Leaf Birds in 20 minutes. I suggest doing this in the latter half of 40s, when you can actually kill Leaf Birds in 3 hits, because they are NOT gun weak. The quest yields 70k EXP (which is pretty good, only thing so far that's been better is the 80k Nora quest) and hunting the birds should give you between as much to half as much, so all in all decent EXP. Not just decent, per se, but actually much faster than Path to Oops Wharf, as I see it. 10 minutes should be how long you take per run, provided that you shell out the necessary Galders to use Bunny Maid's teleporting services, and those 10 minutes should yield a minimum of 25%. This quest is repeatable for 25 runs, so by the end of it, you should be at 50, and pretty damn sick of those leaf birds. Another bonus is that Mandragoras found on the same map are gun weak, easy targets for easy EXP. Also, both Mandragoras and Leaf Birds drop HP recovery items, so potions won't bother you either. Pick up those leaves dropped behind to fill the insatiety of your bullet fund AND turn a profit. The disadvantage, of course, is that neither PSchool nor Leaf Birds give much of a chance for good parties. But, at this point, you should have some decently-close-to-your-level and fairly active friends you can drag along with you, right? --Note: Complete any available card quest that you haven't, because doing those leaf bird quests will bump your base way above your TM level, and that is, of course, disadvantageous to you. When you advance to Inventor, make sure you're at least above TM52. Then, the 12 million TM EXP bonus should bump you to 55, giving you the level and points necessary for mastering Power Shot. Level 50 to 60 - Job advancement! Items needed are two natural gases, two petroleum (both found in Ghost Blue maps. I suggest Field 4, go along the edges of the map, most especially behind obstacles to find your target items easily. Keep Shackles and Premium Liquors, the former a boss entrance item to use later or sell, and the latter a Raccoon 2nd to trade for Lion 2nd or sell.) 16x One Eyed Glasses (OEG) and 16x Pocket Watches. The OEGs and Pocket Watches are found by drilling in ROSE GARDEN, reached by going top right of Megalopolis to reach Event Garden, then go one map beyond that. Have with you either a diamond drill, Musume Drill, Blue Drill, or even Gao Drill (kinda a waste on that one, but meh.) Not much to say here. This WILL take you a LONG time. Make sure to trade other classes THEIR 2nds that you might have for the 2nds you need. The easiest trade to make here is Eagle Feather Pen (to Dragons) for a Pocket Watch or OEG. Make sure to watch the Megalopolis market scene frequently, know the average prices of ALL 2nd items, and buy any Lion 2nds (or even Feather Pens, 'cuz they're easily traded in Rose Garden) at slightly below average prices. With a lot of patience, some close market watching, and maybe a little help from friends, congratulations on becoming an Inventor. Your first task is to learn and master Power Shot immediately. Two Quiem cards are required, they are found one map to the left of Path to Oops Wharf, and being gun weak, should be easy to kill (with your newly acquired Level 10 Power Shot) and the cards drop just as easily. After that, head on over to Megalopolis monster guild, pick up the Galli quest from Hunter Yuri, teleport over to Gate of Oops Wharf, and go one map north to kill Gallis at Path to Phantom School. This quest gives SPLENDID exp and will easily tide you over to L60. MAX this quest! (repeatable for 25 times) Level 60 to 70 - The easiest 10 levels in my experience. You should now be looking into Ultimate Metal Gun (UMG) and Ultimate Basic Caps. Try to get a Gun with decent AP and 3 slots or GOOD AP and 2 slots. I recommend the 2nd, and don't be cheap about it here, because compounding UMG costs 485k, where the gun itself wouldn't cost over 200k or so. As for Ultimate Basic Cap, try to get a +4 AC 2 slot, or +2 AC 3 slot. Doesn't cost as much as UMG to compound, but still costs a LOT. Both items are compounded with Tree Saps, found off of Tritches at Path to Phantom School (1-3/1-4) and 5 are needed per compound. There are two quests avilable: Mimics (Azteca town monster guild) Electric Snails (Caribgal Monster Guild) Mimics are L61 - 70, Electric Snails have a much larger level allowance, and gives MUCH more EXP (390k), do whichever you want. You shall EASILY hit Level 70. Caribgal is Black Swamp town, and Electric Snails are located at Path to Black Swamp (you'll have to utilize the bunny maid teleport service, which rips you off at 1.2k per go, but you'll find PLENTY of silver screens and renaissance guns off snails for easy NPC money) and you will want to be careful of the S. Golden Moles, they crit for ~600, are fairly annoying, chases you all across the map without giving up, and has no good drops. As you are past 65 though, start blowing them away as soon as you see them because you will need a S.Golden Mole card for Level 70 Black Swamp card quest (and these RARELY drop. Took me 3 levels to find one). Additionally, you might wanna visit Phantom School Annex to drill up some metronomes. You need 15 of these for Tone-deaf Chris's quest, where you get a Rhythm Earring (+6 AC, +6 LK, 1 slot for AC compound), hands down THE best Gunner accessory (discounting event/MyShop items). You might even get lucky and get 2 or 3 of these, but if you don't 1 is at least guaranteed on the last trial (5th). If you got only one, don't ruin it by stupidly compounding colored paper into it, instead try to get a trustworthy public compounder to do it for you. If you got more than one, you CAN compound the first one on your own (and find out why you shouldn't) while you try to hunt down a trustworthy public compounder, or keep them all 'til you do. You'll probably also get some other quest items while drilling, and you should do those quests (all located in Phantom School) because they still give pretty decent EXP, even if the prizes are less desirable (but still vendable). Level 70 to 80 - Very long 10 levels. Or very short, depends on how much money you're willing to shell out. Haros - Buy these if you see them on the market for cheap. Again, cheap being defined by your budget and how much you're willing to spend for 500K exp. This is probably THE best quest available to you at the moment. You need 5 Haros per run, available for 25 runs (the prizes are okay also. There are 2 runs where you can get "random level 50 accessory"). Just like the Nora Sprayer quest way back when, this can easily boost you many levels. Card Girl's Favor - In Gate of Black Swamp, talk to Card Girl and choose the third option, "Do you have a personal favor?". This quest gives 180k EXP per run, available for 25 runs, and is MUCH more effective at 60-70 than it is now. But I didn't mention it back then. Why? This quest requires TWO Swamp Shark and TWO Arachne cards, both found in Swamp Field 2. At 70-80, Swamp Field 2 is definitely the BEST place to grind for you. And parties in that map are very easy to find, and undoubtly you will find MANY of those cards will training here. 180k EXP isn't much, but it's still a welcome boost in these long 10 levels. If you like to drill a lot (and like it or not, you WILL be drilling a lot come level 80, I will mention that again in the Level 80 section) but are one of those people who always have most of their WT in use, you might want to try getting a carry-all ring or a premium pocket pouch. I suggest the latter, because it's much easier to sell when you don't need it anymore, since carry-all ring is class inclusive. A Premium Pocket Pouch can be obtained by 1. Drilling. For hours on end. In Gate of Oops Wharf 2. Clever Owl (Gate of Black Swamp) quest. You need 4 amber, 10 music box, 1 arachne earring, and 1 emerald per run. You get it on the fourth run. Isn't that tough to get. Emeralds you should still have left over from your Annex drilling days, ambers can be drilled in Gate of Black Swamp (or any other map) or just as easily bought by going "B> Amber Piece" in Gate of Black Swamp. Music Box are from Rose Garden, if you didn't save any when you advanced, there's plenty in Megalopolis for sale, and arachne earrings are dropped by arachnes, which you should have plenty of from training. The WT+ item is more or less a precaution, since you're nearing 3rd job, and there's always that chance that you WILL find a Harkon (3rd advancement item) when you're drilling (not likely, but you never know). Harkons are found in just about every non-beginner map, and weighs a frigin tonne. This is why you should have low % of your wt in use, or keep a WT+ item handy. So. Do quests as you will, grind as hard as you can, and eventually you will hit 80. At which point, lots of quests become available, including TM quests that can tide you over to TM70 for Shooting Spree. [=-EQP-=] Equipments [=-EQP-=] The following are a list of equipments you should be using for your level. I do not count drills as equips. Drills are self explanatory, equip at your own discretion. Level 10: Disabled Person's Pocket - Lv0 - +1 DA, +350 WT, Prize for completing Hunter Master's quests in either Coral or Desert Beach. (The chances are fairly high that you will get it at least ONCE. Bronze Sword - Lv10 - +12 AP, +1 DA, Dropped by Fanta Fish (L10), Pineapples (L15). Pineapples also drop the Sensitive version (+2 DA). Try to get that. Wooden Helmet - Lv10 - adds DP, Dig around the beach. Various monsters drop. Wooden Shield - Lv10 - adds DP, Same as above. Lucky Amulet - Lv10 - +4 LK, store bought. Baby Penguin - Lv10 - +4 LK, store bought, various quests. Mini Stomach Band - Lv10 - +20 DP, store bought. OR Beggar's Belt - Lv10 - +26 AP, obtained from the Bad Anemone quest OR buy from vendors. <- Compound with 9 non-lucent stars for +1 DA. (EXTREMELY recommended for 1144 and 2143 lions.) Level 20: Disabled Person's Pocket - Look above. Knife - Lv20 - +24 AP, +2 DA, dropped by Sand Demons (L18). They also drop Sharp Knife, which is +38 AP and +2 DA. Try for that. Baby Fox - Lv20 - +120 WT, +2 DA, +4 LK, store bought. Impact Vest - Lv20 - +40 DP, store bought. Upgrade of your mini stomach band. Keep the Beggar Belt if you're 1144 or 2143, though. Novice Helmet - Lv20 - +16 DP, store bought. Obtained from Hunter Master (Coral or Paradise) quests. Novice Shield - Lv20 - +24 DP, store bought. Obtained from Hunter Master quests. Power Amulet - Lv20 - +4 AC, store bought. Gate of Caballa Ruins. Just teleport there from another Gate of < > via Bunny Maid. Item Girl there sells it. While you're there, use the local bunny maid to go to Azteca. Buy some Level 25 necklaces when you're there (the NPC at the top) Level 25/26 (TM Level 25): Gun Type 2 - Lv25 - Buy from vendors. Compound with 3 eye drops for +1 AC (easily found at popoyed anemones). (OR you can get a Lv20 Shrewd Wooden Gun. I suggest Gun type 2 though) Baby Rabbit - Lv20 - +2 AC, +4 AP, -1 DX, Store bought. Contact Lens - Lv10 - +2 AC, +2 LK, Buy from vendors. Not easily found. The quest for (a chance at) this item is in Beach Field 1 (Desert beach), from pharoah boy. You have to dig in pyramid (Accessed by Beach Field 3) for the items required. It will be a long and painful process, I don't recommend it. You may wish to put it off until level 30, but get it quickly. <> If you can't, and I'm sure it'll be tough, get a contact lens, then go get a Sense-type exclusive ring from Azteca Town for now, or just stick with your DPP for another 5 levels. Impact Vest or Beggar Belt - Same as above, choose your preference. Bullets - Store Bought. Yes. You need to equip your bullets. Remember this. Level 30: Gun, pet, accessories, belt all same as above. Nothing really to update at this point. Maybe a helmet. Cutsy Duck Cap easily obtained on the market or through the Bad Anemone quest, which at this point you should have done. If you are still using a DPP or a L25 sense type ring, now's the time to get a Body (or Body Mind) Charm. Obtained at Phantom School, Shaman Jia's quest. Not guranteed, but pretty damn good chances. Compound with Turtle Shells, obtained from Path to Oops Wharf. If you still have it, make sure you shrug off your beggar belt for the vest, but keep it handy because the +1 DA will help with your drilling. Level 40: Shrewd Classic Gun - Yes. Very good damage booster. Can be drilled in: Master Mong (Transfer from Coral Field 7, Little Cora Card needed) Phantom School (Didn't I tell you to drill there?) and... dropped by several monsters, none of which easily killed for you. Can be found easily (?) on sale, as Nora Mummies (Gun Protection. Damn) drop them and there are a lot of Nora Sprayer farmers out there. Necklace Watch - Yes. Very yes. Might be tough to get at this point. The Poppuri Whistle quest (where you obtain it) is out of your reach right now, so your only hope is to try and get it in vendor shops. Good luck. Stats, btw, are +4 AC, +2 LK, +4 HV, with a slot (compound with Four Leafed Clovers for an extra LK). Contact Lens - Definitely. If you obtained it earlier, keep it. Good stuff. Power Amulet - If you can't get N.Watch and don't have a Contact Lens, this is still your primary source of AC. Caballa Relics Gate store-bought. Body Charm - Might be needed for those of you with a lower value on Charm. Also if you have an empty Accessory slot (i.e. no Lens OR N.Watch), get it. Obtained from Shaman Jia's quest in Phantom School. (A notable substitute for this is the Mind Body Charm, same quest.) (Compound with turtle shells, which you should have from your days of Path to Oops Wharf) Steel Band - A much needed upgrade to your increasingly outdated Impact Vest. Much more DP than before. Store bought, Caballa Relics Gate. OR Duo Doctor - Landed in the quest in Phantom School (Toilette), this is possibly the best belt you will have for a long time. But, here's the catch: not only is the quest damned impossible to do, the prize isn't even guaranteed. Three shots for it (although being a 5 trial quest), with 1/3 chance in each shot. Best of luck to you. Helmet isn't really important at this point, I guess you can get a L40 helm if you want, but you're on your own there since I toughed it out until L45 to use my World Helmet (+2 AC woot). Level 50: You should keep everything the same. At this point, you should be much too busy getting 2nd job advance (commonly known as 2nds) items to be worrying about your semi-outdated gear. One entry to note: Acceptance Trunks. +5 AC/MA, obtained from that 2F quest in Phantom School. Pain in the ass to do, not really guaranteed, but good nonetheless. Note that if you HAVE Necklace Watch, you can just skip this altogether. Getting 1 extra AC for all the pain isn't really worthwhile. And... another, actually. Since I was lucky enough to obtain World Helmet for the AC boost, those of you who don't have one should probably take this chance to get either Craft or Master Felt Hood. For former, having two slots for compounding DP into it, and the latter for great stats. Craft Felt Hood can be found in Phantom School 1-1 by drilling (told ya to drill there) or any Caballa Relics Field map. The L50 DP compound item might be tough to get, so you can settle for turtle shells. Note: From 50 onwards, you will be using MD hats in the form of CRAFT, for their 2 slots will land you a MUCH higher DP after compounding than a DP hat. If money is not a problem for you, though, ULTIMATE helmets are the way to go. Level 60: Ultimate Metal Gun - L65: Purchase one from vendors, as hunting Skull himself without one is out of the question. And even with one, it's still out of the question for most people as he hits VERY hard, and the place is crowded as hell. Aim for a 3 slotted one (I've yet to see a 4 slot one) or a REALLY GOOD 2 slot one (high AP) Ultimate Basic Cap - L65: Same as above. Aim for a +2 AC 3 slot, or +4 AC 2 slot. Anything better is rare, anything worse is a waste of time. You should end up with +8 to +10 AC after compounding. If you got higher, congrats to you. OR Custom Beret - L60: For you poorer lions out there. Or if you REALLY need extra DP. Compound for DP. The L50 DP compound item shouldn't be as hard to get now as it was 10 levels ago when you didn't have power shot. Sign of Invention - L60: Obtained from job advancement. Damned silly to have sold it. Don't compound it yourself, you'll ruin it. Wait 'til your level is MUCH higher, or get a public compounder. Necklace Watch/Acceptance Trunks/Contact Lens/Whatever you had before is fine for the other accessory slot. Level 70: Rhythm Earrings - L70 Finally. Very nice power boost indeed. You should be using a noobish +3/+4 one you compounded yourself or a clean one. If you managed to find a good public compounder (impossible nowadays in the new Fantasia server) then you should have a +5 to +7 compounded one. Congrats! Everything else stays the same. Custom Hunting Cap might be a little tough to get, and completely unnecessary if you have an Ult. Basic Cap. Level 80: Same as above. If you don't use an Ult. Basic Cap, go buy one of the many custom turbans in the market and compound it for DP. [=-HAT-=] Hints and Tips [=-HATS-=] The little tricks to get you through. Read closely, and follow even closer. 1. This is where all your money making tips are listed. This is going to be VERY VERY long. For those just starting out, and even much later, money is invariably a problem. Here's a hint: Go around town and talk to every NPC you see. Don't even accept their quests, but LOOK at the items required for each quest. Memorize them. When you find these items, keep them. At the end of the day (or whenever you have to go AFK), sell them in your shop (look around other shops for the average price, otherwise the general rule is that if you sell out too quickly, you're underpriced. If you don't sell any in a long time, you're overpriced.) for a lot of easy money. Some items worthy of mention are LETTERS (in Paradise), SUNDRIES (Bathing Sponge, Shampoo, Soap) (in Paradise), and CARDS for card quest. Generally speaking, the rule is to NOT npc an item unless you have determined that it is worthless on the general market. Some items that say "no particular purpose" (especially ones you obtain through quests) usually have a very expensive particular purpose. One more thing to add here. Remember guys, communism is evil, capitalism all the way. If you see someone selling a certain item cheaper than it should be (especially in bulk), buy it. Then resell for money. Of course, take some pity. At least tell the guy he's underpricing after you buy him out =P. Also, NEVER EVER npc any equipment. Always sell it on the market (even if it can be store bought). You'll be surprised how many idiots you'll find buying your items even if you price them OVER the store price. (Note this only applies to lower levels, when you are vending in Desert Beach. Doesn't work nearly so well at higher levels in Megalopolis. You'll want to npc all equipments except bestsellers (you'll soon learn what these are, usually Custom s, Ultimate s, and some others.)) Once you are past 50 (and way past 2nd job), you can then watch the market for 2nd items, quest items (poppuri whistle, metronome, red tissue, to name a few; as well as the event quest items of the time), and other items to buy at low price and resell for high. Money making is real easy now. 2. Drill. LOTS. You're a sense type, so why not? You're naturally good at it, it yields some EXP and TM EXP, and you make a lot of money off the loots. The only downside is it gets boring and repetitive after a while. My advice is that you drill while your HP / MP recovers, at lower levels (before TM25) 3. Like I said before. Love Hunter Robin's quests: DO THEM. Free source of TM EXP is always welcome. 4. Card Quest. This one's a biggie. DO all the ones you possibly can. 5. Card Battling. A welcome break from all the repetitive training. If you win with a combo (that's a hint to go ahead and tell you to win with a combo), you'll get massive amounts of EXP (way worth it, since a card game takes about as long as it takes you to kill a dozen monsters). What are combos? Go look up a card battling guide =P. Also, you may only win EXP off the same person 10 times PER day. This limit resets the next day. You also get some pretty awesome prizes for winning with a combo (hint hint). 6. Events. Always know what events are going on. Make it your business to know all about it. Trickster is one of those games where there are events all year long. Events can be very handy for you to turn a profit, and unlike certain other games, you don't get 'novelty items' or 'collectibles', the prizes are REALLY useful. (Such as the MANY, MANY useful pets you can get from several events) 7. Maturing Compounding. If your item has a slot, use it. Compounding is easy, relatively costless, and 100% sucessful. The status boosts you get are also very advantageous. Relatively expensive on Ultimate equipments though. 8. Item Composition. Getting various crappy items, you might consider item composition (Compounder Paul, etc) to create better, actually usable items. Since the revolution patch, all Paul compound items have been taken out except First Aid potions and crystal coupon (paradise only). 9. There are several mines throughout Caballa Island. Visit one around your level. Drill in there. The ores (and other yields) are very useful if you're trying to make money since they are needed for refining and quests. 10. ALWAYS, ALWAYS drill in corners. Especially behind obstacles. Those spots always have an ungodly amount of items to be found where the rest of the map ends with you crying over and over. I haven't figured this out 'til 50 when I was drilling like an idiot for my 2nds. 11. Refinement. If you're going to do it, do it BEFORE you compound, and NOT on a very hard to get and powerful item. Chances are, likier than not, you are going to end up breaking it. Don't trust the success rates, they are evil. I had failed 2 items on 95% success rate, and 3 items on 85% success rate. (and I only refined 7 items in total. Go figure why that is.) [=-SLB-=] Skills Library [=-SLB-=] A brief description of all the skills, and my comments on why you should or shouldn't get them. (Ordered the same as they appear on the skillmaster's list) Invincible Drill - TM01: Useless skill. It makes it so your drilling doesn't get disrupted when you get hit, but really, you can just blow the monster away and keep going. And if you can't blow the monster away easily, then you probably wouldn't want to be getting hit by it, right? Do not get. Stone Strike - TM01: Your main source of damage until you get gun. Level 10 Stone Strike is needed to get Lucky Seven. Get Stone Strike to level 5, then leave it there until you need it at level 10 for Lucky Seven. Do get. Gun Carrier - TM15: This is why you chose a lion. Enables usage of guns. 'Nuff said. Heavy Carrier - TM10: Lets you have MORE WT so you can carry more items. You already have 4 on Sense, WT shouldn't be a problem for you... at all. Don't bother getting this. Sixth Sense - TM01: Support skill. Temporarily used to increase your DA. This is mainly for Foxes to increase their shuriken damage, so fairly useless for a Lion. I suggest that you don't get this (at least, not to start with), unless you're going with debuff Lion build, which is basically MAX Sixth Sense + MAX Sticky Foot. Those two skills used in combination greatly decreases the target's HV, which is gun defense, so you can do more damage. Not really useful unless you PvP a lot, and even then you easily die in the process of casting Sticky Foot unless you have some backup. Sticky Foot - TM20: Decreases target's HV. Effectiveness based on DA. Read Sixth Sense for more info on this skill. Not recommended. Shuriken Master - TM15: Enables usage of Shurikens. A fox skill. Do not get. Basic Detection - TM35: Lets you detect the presence of items up to 80M depth. Personally, I don't find this useful at all. It tells you where to drill, sure, but you still don't know what item you'll get, and the depth limit is kind of bad. Mostly a fox skill, if you want to get it then you can, but Lions are in great need of TM points as it is, you really shouldn't be wasting any points. Armor Destructor - TM40: Decreases enemy DP. Completely useless, as Gun Damage isn't even dependent on DP. Might be useful for you PvP/GvGers out there, otherwise get it to Lv1 and skip. It is needed on Lv1 as pre-requisite for Lucky Seven. Gun Booster - TM30: Must get. Increases AC by +20 when mastered, which is 400 additional damage. It stacks with Power Shot (and other skills) damage. Master it as soon as you can. Invincible Reload - TM20: Must get. Without it, your reload bar resets whenever you're hit. And that gets quite annoying as you can't get off shots fast, or at all, when you meet some of those monsters with really low DX which attack very fast. Compound Master - TM70: It helps with Maturing Compound (Growth synthesis) so that you can get a better rate out of compounding. I don't know. Kind of split on this one. The skill description gives you a percentage, no idea how that works, but since it still goes up to a maximum of Level 10, it'll cost a lot of points. Just for the sake of conserving points: Skip. Plenty of public compounders to find. Lucky Seven - TM50: Increases LK by 45%, when mastered. You'll need to get this eventually. LK controls your gun accuracy and critical block rate. It also helps with compounds as well as dodging magic attacks. I suggest you get it AFTER Power Shot, if not after both Power Shot AND Shooting Spree. Quick Reload - TM40: Lets the reload gauge fill even while you move. Extremely useful skill, kiting is pretty much out of the question without it. With this skill, you shouldn't be hit close range AT ALL (unless there's a mob). --Second Job Skills-- Butt Plate - TM41: Lets you do a physical hit with your gun. Ammo is not required. Pretty much a better version of Stone Strike. Which translates directly into "pretty useless". Do not get. Power Shot - TM55: The main offensive skill of Lions. Does 280% normal damage when mastered. That's nearly triple your normal damage. Master as soon as possible. If you followed the skill guide I listed some ways back, you should have enough points to Master as soon as you hit 55. Shooting Spree - TM70: An AoE attack. Shoots several enemies at once. Problem is, you don't get to choose an enemy to hit, it's automatically centred around you. Which means, you will be in pretty close approximity with the monsters. Not a good thing for any lion. Still a very good skill, and you don't get any other mobbing skills until third job (? To be confirmed). Get it after Power Shot; either before Lucky 7 or right after, your choice. Lucky Fist - TM95: Oh my God. Roulette Shot -> Fortune Hit -> Lucky Fist? That is the worst rename for anything that I have ever witnessed. But enough about that. Yes, the great Fortune Hit (I will never refer to it as Lucky Fist. NEVER.) which does massive damage and influences many Lions to go through 95 levels of hell as a pure LK lion. The damage is based on LK, with a "10% enemy max hp" in the formula. This means that in addition to whatever you do, each hit will definitely cut down the monster's hp by 1/10th. Not very good damage unless your pure LK, but even then it's still awesome damage. This counts as a PHYSICAL attack, which is a plus because most monsters with GUN PROTECTION is PHYSICAL WEAK. A huge downside is that this skill has 6 second cool down time. Not good for any skill to have. Really recommended that you get this skill. You don't have to though. Keen Sense - TM100: Increases critical damage (Thanks to an in-game player for the correction) for the duration of the skill. Support skill, has a timer. Quite useful, I think, but don't get BOTH Keen Sense AND Fortune Hit. Pick one and ignore the other until AFTER you get Double Shot. Make sure you have enough points to master Double Shot at TM115. Alternatively, I suggest Fortune Hit anyways. Being an AC lion, you're probably not gonna have much LK at this point, unless you have MyShop items, so getting Keen Sense is kind of pointless if you're not gonna land crits. Moreover, even if you DO have high LK, Fortune Hit is still going to account for more damage than Keen Sense, even with the massive cool down time. Double Shot - TM115: Shoots two bullets for two hits of damage. An awesome upgrade to Power Shot. You should get this IMMEDIATELY and master as soon as possible. Alternating between Power Shot, Double Shot, and Fortune Hit (damn cool time =[ ), you will be doing massive damage. [=-PRG-=] Progress [=-PRG-=] A diary-like record of my progress. Use this to compare to your own, if you'd like. Each entry is based on results at the END of the day, not beginning. Day 1: August 13th, 2007. Level: 15 TM level: 14 Galders: 103K Comments: Not much. Tutorial, training, did all the Master Hunter quests and Love Hunter Robin Quests (that I was level qualified to do). Sold all items I got from Master Hunter quests, saving only 1 copy of each item for my own use. Drilled lots on Delta Island, sold letters and sundries. Day 2: August 14th, 2007. Level: 22 TM level: 22 Galders: 300k Comments: Training, quests. Went over to Coral to help a friend look for Thiefmon cards (he wanted to master power blow), inadvertantly found a blue penguin while I was there (actually I kept killing blue penguins intead of thiefmons til I found one, but.), sold in shop for 100k. Day 3: August 15th, 2007 Level: 28 TM level: 27 Galders: 150k Comments: A lot of training in Aquarius. Did all card quests in Coral and Paradise except the last one in Paradise. Finally got my gun. Made many friends. Plans for a guild are underway. Spent MANY galders on event items (World Certificate, Event Jewel, World Box) and even more so buying quest items cheaply based on rule of capitalism. Day 4: August 16th, 2007 Level: 30 TM level: 31 Galders: 200k Comments: Not many sales. Game keeps disconnecting me every hour. I get the feeling that God's mad at me for something. Finally decided to shell out 20k as it was the lowest price I could find for Ghost Pirate Card. Did the card quest. Jumped SEVERAL TM levels. Finally got Gunbooster. I now start to do 500+ damage steadily as opposed to the usual crap 200+. In way of training, fought Cora Pyupyuus, Torpedoes, and did Bad Anemone quest 5 times. Day 5: August 17th, 2007 Level: 30 TM level: 35 Galders: 300k Comments: Had work today. No game time =[ Sold lots and lots and lots of stuff though (and then bought 300k worth... to drop me back to 300k -_-). Wasted a trip to Azteca and learned the hard way and paid for my stupidity when I realized that Accuracy Necklace is POWER TYPE exclusive. I mourn for my wasted time more than my wasted Galders. Bought Isis and Nephthys cards for 50k (after passing up a chance at getting them for 15k. Dammit.) and did card girl quest #3 at Gate of Desert Beach. 992400 TM EXP. 112400 normal EXP too. Mastered Gun Booster. Woot. Day 6: August 18th, 2007 Level: 31 TM level: 36 Galders: 1.4mil Comments: Pretty much same story as yesterday. Work, sell stuff, and then buy even more stuff for sale overnight once again. Got one level. Wasted many many hours digging in Pyramid 1 for... no progress. Will have to be there for at least half of tomorrow (at the same rate, anyhow) to get enough items for the Contact Lens quest, and then hope I actually get it. Day 7: August 19th, 2007 Level: 36 TM level: 38 Galders: 1mil Comments: Contact Lens obtained within an hour. That was pretty fast. A stroke of luck would have it that I got the remaining two items in one pink drill lifespan AND score my prize on the first trial. A bit of training. Path to Oops Wharf is still as good as ever. Everybody loves that spot. Not getting in a special/royal party is next to impossible. Did a lot of Coral quests in anticipation for DOOMSDAY aka August 22nd. Plan to do Paradise quests tomorrow. Oh and also, scored a necklace watch for 140k ^^. Compounded already with four leaf clover too. Day 8: August 20th, 2007 Level: 41 TM level: 44 Galders: 600k Comments: After some an hour debate over the guild name (stupid 10 letter character cap), guild "Eclipse" was made, producing a heavy dent in my wallet, furthered by my need to buy certain quest items. Completed all Paradise/Coral Beach quests except three. That'll be a lot of Old Passports for me as the event ends on the 22nd. A bit of training in Path to Oops Wharf with what little time left in the day, and then did Love Hunter Robin's (Gate of Phantom School) quests for a good TM boost. Day 9: August 21st, 2007 Level: 52 TM level: 48 Galders: 150k Comments: Not much money made. Higher than my desire to acquire Power Shot at 2nd job, I want that damn Gacha pet <_<. Boosted myself 11 levels at the cost of some 800k (Nora Sprayers) and repeated abuse of the Leaf Bird quest. In fact, so much so that I never want to see a Leaf Bird again for so long as I play. Bought a Mimic card, did card quest. After some 7 hours of hell I finally broke the L50 barrier. 3 Gacha coins on doomsday. Doomsday tomorrow. Day10: August 22nd, 2007 Level: 52 TM Level: 48 Galders: 300k Comments: Sold NOTHING overnight, because I had expected Doomsday to take place overnight and thus did not leave my vendor nor computer on. Had to go out today (I do have a life, y'know), came back in the afternoon to find Trickster still up and running. Went on to drill for some 4 hours. Found exactly ONE useful item. Made approximately 150k from drilling and npcing drilled items (as well as a few of those event items, in the last hour). As I write these words, Trickster is undergoing server maintenance. I want my Passports and Gacha Coins D=. Day 28: Sept 9th, 2007 Level: 72 TM Level: 62 Galders: 7.2 Mil Comments: Been a while since my last update. Trickster Revolution made everything turn upside down. Spent a while making money, grieving over the loss of Master Weapons for the somewhat inferior Ultimate Weapons, which cost a BOATLOAD to compound, and then compounded said ultimate weapon which cost me roughly 2.7m for my L65 gear. Oh yeah. Ultimate Helmets are the best. That's the only good thing to come out of TRev, since I was already pass the Lv40 mark, thus missing the Stallion Sprint Lv40 Giftbox. Spent all my Gacha coins, got a load of crap. Several useless levitation charms, and one rare item -> a MyCamp doll. But enough ranting. Game's been good so far, leveling smooth sailing, new events making me richer than ever. Time to rush some levels then go farm Captain Skull for Ultimate items to sell. Day 41: Sept 22nd, 2007 Level: 81 TM Level: 69 Galders: 12 mil Comments: Slow leveling. Money and event and helping guild members have been a bit of a priority in the past two weeks. But, nonetheless, I hit 80 without exhausting too much resources and with the majority of the Haro quest still in tact to serve me from 80 - 90. Hooray! The Level 80 giftboxes are CRAP and give only some first aid potions so the only good thing about hitting 80 are the new quests. Current "level 50 times" event will be eating a good chunk of my time, as it is a good excuse to finally start that LK Lion I've been wanting to make. Expect a new LK Lion guide from me soon (?). [=-FAQ-=] Frequently Asked Questions [=-FAQ-=] Q: Why are you doing this? A: I like the Lion class. Is that a good enough reason? ...No? Well. When I first made my lion, way back when in OPEN BETA, I found information so scarce and scattered that I screwed up my character very nicely. Now, as I rejoined, I still find the information scarce and scattered. However, I researched enough to NOT get screwed over royally. I wish for no one else to get screwed over royally either. Is that good enough? If not, there's an idiot I'm trying to help. He knows who he is. (And by help, I mean make him feel bad.) Q. WHAT THE HELL. I'M LEVEL 1, I DO 0 DMG ON MONSTERS! HELP! A: I said it before, and I say it again: Beggar's Belt. It will be a life saver. Buy one. Q. I have a suggestion/correction/comment! A. That's not a question? So I have to answer your not-question with question formed answers to prevent a paradox from destroying the universe? Visit the next section for the answer to your question please? Q. What is your in game name, which server are you on? A. Visit the next section. Q. Can you help me level? A. Most likely, I will say no. You can try, though. Q. Can you lend me some Galders? A. You mean the same way I'm gonna lend you my account? Again, most likely I will say no. You can try though, you never know. Q. What does this item/skill being shown in this video/screenshot do? A. I don't know. Why don't you ask the person in/that made that video/SS? [=-CON-=] Contact Me [=-CON-=] wingzero75 ATtica hawtmail DOTtingham COMmunism. Use your common sense. All comments, corrections, suggestions, praise, flames, you seeing somebody HTML my guide out of bastardization without my expressed permission and actually wants to help me by doing something about it should go there, should you take the time to actually voice your opinion. My in-game name is TactNightZ, I play on Dream Island of Fantasia World, it is my main lion. I also have two sub characters I use to sell items with, scattered throughout Caballa. Furthermore, my guide on Fantansia is entitled "Eclipse". Applications... probably welcome. [=-CAC-=] Copyright and Credits [=-CAC-=] This guide is NOT public domain, which means this guide may NOT be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may NOT be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission from the author (that'd be me). Use of this guide or any section thereof on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright law. Disclaimer: I do not own the game Trickster Online or any content thereof; including, but is not exclusive to, skill names, item names, characters, place names, et al. This guide is Copyright (c) 2006 Jersey Guo, all rights reserved. The only places currently permitted to host this guide as a public display are GameFAQs are Neoseeker. Please report to me if you see any other place with this guide up for public display. And that's all she wrote, folks. (If you deduce from that sentence that I'm a girl, then you seriously have some intelligenciesies problems.) The Fat Lady's coming out, the curtain's ready to fall, the sky is about to dump many buckets of moisture onto the Earth. Have fun and enjoy the game.