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All rights reserved! ============================================================================= Platform : PC Release : 14 Feb 2007 by Last Day of Work ( http://www.ldw.com ) Walkthrough by : Slimmerik ( qtur2me@yahoo.com ) Updated : 30 Apr 2007 (version 1.0) This walkthrough is allowed to appear ONLY on the following sites: GameFAQs ( http://www.gamefaqs.com ), HonestGamers ( http://www.honestgamers.com ), IGN ( http://faqs.ign.com ), and Neoseeker ( http://www.neoseeker.com ). NO OTHER INDIVIDUAL/ENTITY is allowed to post this walkthrough ANYWHERE else. You can try e-mailing me for permission, but bear in mind, I prefer writing walkthroughs to keeping updating the existing ones on too many sites, so I might turn you down. A good reason for NOT e-mailing me is asking a question, that is already answered in this walkthrough. Please consult the chapter in question, and if you still can’t find an answer, then e-mail me! If anything in this walkthrough is wrong or doesn't make sense, please e-mail me as well, so I can make the corrections! Or, you might simply want to send a comment, a remark, your shoe-size, or something else equally life- important. In any case, welcome, and I hope this walkthrough helps you, if you get stuck! To move around this walkthrough the easiest thing to do is press CTRL+F, then search by the chapter number, for example: [C3-06]. To help you with this walkthrough you can use the map I have compiled together from the graphics provided by Last Day of Work (with permission). The map contains a detailed legend of where to find what in Virtual Village, so you might consider having it open in a separate window. The maps are posted at (copy/paste the URL, don’t type it as I know some do): Size 800x800 (copy BOTH lines!): http://www.ldwforums.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number= 67505&page=1#Post67505 Size 600x600: http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/938491/47623 ============================================================================= ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ C O N T E N T S ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ============================================================================= [C1] Game Facts, Tips & Tricks [C1-01] General [C1-02] Collecting Food [C1-03] Discovering Isola [C1-04] Increasing Skills [C1-05] Collectibles [C1-06] Parenting [C1-07] Speeding Things Up [C1-08] Tips Given by the Game [C2] Solving Puzzles [C2-01] Fire [C2-02] The Dam [C2-03] The Scarecrow [C2-04] The Cutting Tool [C2-05] Herb Mastery [C2-06] The Elder Totem [C2-07] Sustainable Fishing [C2-08] The Vine Wall [C2-09] The Stew [C2-10] The Ancient Mosaic [C2-11] The Hospital [C2-12] The Sewing Hut [C2-13] The Sunken Gong Piece [C2-14] The Inlaid Gong Piece [C2-15] The Boxed Gong Piece [C2-16] The Overgrown Gong Piece [C3] Recipes of Stews [C3-01] How to Make a Stew [C3-02] The Recipes [C4] Making Esteemed Elders [C4-01] How to Increase Skills [C4-02] Some Additional Tips for Gaining Skill [C5] Step by Step Walkthrough [C5-01] Start [C5-02] The First Child Grows Up [C5-03] Collected 1.500 TP for L2 Farming [C5-04] The Second Child Grows Up [C5-05] Collected 5.000 TP for L2 Engineering [C5-06] The Third Child Grows Up [C5-07] Nursing Mother Stops Nursing [C5-08] The Dam is Build [C5-09] The Crops Grow [C5-10] The Crops are Depleted [C5-11] Hut #1 is Built [C5-12] Collected 10.000 TP for L2 Exploration [C5-13] A Villager Masters a Skill [C5-14] The Last Child Grows Up [C5-15] The Birds are Eating Away Crops [C5-16] The Breeding Hut is Repaired [C5-17] Coconuts are Depleted [C5-18] Collected 20.000 TP for L2 Medicine [C5-19] A Villager Masters Two Skills [C5-20] Collected 16.000 TP for L2 Science [C5-21] Algae Infest the Ocean [C5-22] The Briars are Cleared Away [C5-23] Three Builders are Masters [C5-24] Collected 20.000 TP for L2 Culture [C5-25] Population Reaches 13 Villagers [C5-26] A Villager Masters Three Skills [C5-27] The Sewing Hut is Built [C5-28] Collected 90.000 TP for L3 Farming [C5-29] Population Reaches 15 Villagers [C5-30] Collected 65.000 TP for L3 Medicine [C5-31] Hut #2 is Built [C5-32] Collected 75.000 TP for L3 Engineering [C5-33] Collected 85.000 TP for L3 Culture [C5-34] The Hospital is Built [C5-35] Writings on the Wall are Uncovered [C5-36] Collected 160.000 TP for L3 Exploration [C5-37] Population Reaches 25 Villagers [C5-38] Ancient Mosaic is Uncovered [C5-39] Population Reaches 31 Villagers [C5-40] Collected 150.000 TP for L3 Science [C5-41] Hut #3 is Built [C5-42] Population Reaches 50 Villagers [C5-43] Population Reaches Maximum ============================================================================= ~~ ~~ [C1] G A M E F A C T S, T I P S & T R I C K S ~~ ~~ ============================================================================= Below you can find some tips and tricks that will help you with finishing the game successfully. This chapter is NOT a walkthrough on HOW to complete the game - if that is what you want, go read ”[C5] Step by Step Walkthrough”. As the title of the chapter implies, in here you will only find facts, tips and tricks I have found helpful when playing the game. >>> [C1-01] General <<< ----------------------- (01) VIRTUAL TIME. Under “Options” of the main menu you can adjust game speeds, which of course influence the amount of real time needed for the time in Virtual Village to pass. The times for 1 YEAR to pass are as follows: 1/2 speed : 3 hours and 20 minutes normal : 2 hours 2x speed : 1 hour It is therefore safe to leave the game on 1/2 speed overnight, or when you know you will not check on the villagers soon - not too many virtual years will pass in the meantime, so you can be fairly sure nothing drastic will happen to your little people. If you are leaving the game for a few days, “Pause” is the best option, as one of the game hints is suggesting! (02) ZERO TIME REMAINING. When waiting for the events that take time to be completed (nursing, growing of crops) you might notice the message saying “0 minutes” remaining while the event is not completed yet. This is due to the minutes shown being truncated (the seconds are not shown). For example, crops still need 1:00 minute to grow. Then the time goes down to 0:59, 0:58, 0:57, etc. Yet, the seconds are truncated so all you see is 0, even if the whole minute still needs to pass. NOTE: For nursing, the amount of time that still needs to pass after 0 minutes are displayed depends on the game speed. Based on the amount of time subtracted as nursing time passes these were supposed to be: 1/2 speed - 10 min; normal - 6 min; 2x speed - 3 min. But for some reason after this time passes, the same amount of time needs to pass again, for the mother to stop nursing. Therefore, actual times are: 1/2 speed - 20 min; normal - 12 min; 2x speed - 6 min. (03) FIRE BURNING. Full time for fire burning (from starting it and until it goes out) depends on the game speed, as well. At 2x speed the fire lasts for 10 hours, at normal speed for 20 hours, and at 1/2 speed for 34 hours. To see the remaining time for the fire, click on it. To restore the burning of the fire take a villager to gather more firewood (dry grass is not needed, if the fire is still burning). The burning of the fire will be restored to its full time, NOT added to the hours of fire remaining when you added more firewood. Fire DOES help with general health of villagers, so keep it burning to prevent too many epidemic outbursts. (04) MAXIMUM POPULATION. You start the game with two huts of which one needs construction (the one next to the research table), and the other one repair. Before you finish the construction of the first hut your maximum population can be 10. After you build hut #1 (see map) maximum population increases to 17. With the hut #2 (see map) your village can support population of 35. With the final hut #3 (see map) maximum population can be 90. NOTE: Foundations for huts #2 and #3 only appear when the population reaches 13 and 31 villagers, respectively. Breeding hut, sewing hut and hospital do NOT influence the maximum possible population. Completed collections do, though (see #2 of ”[C1-05] Collectibles”). (05) TECH POINTS. Each time a scientist successfully completes research tech points are awarded. The amount of tech points depends on the skill of the scientist, on the speed of the game, and on the level of Science technology. Below are shown the points awarded based on all three criteria. NOTE: As the skill bar increases also the amount of tech points awarded to Trainee, Adept or Master skill level increases. The numbers below are therefore given as from-to for each skill level. For example, at 2x speed and L1 Science: when a Scientist becomes Trainee he starts earning 4 points. Still a Trainee but just before he becomes Adept, the number of points awarded raises to 8. 1/2 speed: Untrained Trainee Adept Master L1 1 1-2 2-4 4 L2 1 1-2 2-5 5 L3 1-2 2-5 5-9 9-10 Normal speed: Untrained Trainee Adept Master L1 1 2-4 4-8 8-9 L2 1-2 2-5 5-10 10-12 L3 2-4 4-10 10-18 18-20 2x speed: Untrained Trainee Adept Master L1 2 4-8 8-16 16-18 L2 2-4 4-10 10-20 20-22 L3 4-8 8-20 20-36 36-40 (06) TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES. In order to complete the game and solve the puzzles you will have to purchase technology upgrades. Below are the tech points required for each of the technologies, for level 2 and level 3 upgrades. Tech points required to upgrade technology to Level 2 Level 3 Farming 1.500 90.000 Engineering 5.000 75.000 Medicine 20.000 65.000 Science 16.000 150.000 Exploration 10.000 160.000 Culture 20.000 85.000 (07) UNPRODUCTIVE CHORES. If you see a villager: - a little bit lonely, - bored, - cooling feet in the stream, - doing laundry, - enjoying the pond, - exercising, - (rain) dancing, - thinking, - unsure what to do, or - something else I might have forgotten but is equally ‘productive’, it is just a nicer way of saying “I am doing NOTHING to contribute to the welfare of the village”! Meaning, if you catch them doing anything like that, drag them back to what they are being skilled for! NOTE: They also do not contribute to the village welfare by “eating” or “getting a drink”, but these doings contribute to their own health, so you might want to let them do that, or they will die sooner. (08) AGING. Upon reaching certain age villagers become elderly and start moving around very slowly (it is therefore best you turn them into researchers once they reach that age). With Level 1 Medicine the villagers become elderly at the age of 50. After purchasing Level 2 Medicine they will become elderly at 58 and live on average 8-10 years longer. All elderly villagers below 58 will become ‘vital’ again. With Level 3 Medicine the elderly age will be 66 years, and lives of villagers will on average prolong for another 8-10 years. Also in this case all the elders below 66 will become ‘vital’ again. NOTE: Villagers who become elderly due to their age have NOTHING to do with Esteemed Elders; elderly are simply villagers who have reached respective age! >>> [C1-02] Collecting Food <<< ------------------------------- (01) Below are gathered food points gained when certain food items are collected. If food points gained depend on the game speed, they are given in a form of: 2x speed | normal speed | 1/2 speed. Brown mushroom : 6 Coconut : 8 | 4 | 2 Crops : 10 | 7 | 4 Fish : 11 | 8 | 5 Reddish mushroom : 35 (rare) Crab : 55 (rare) Double yellow mushroom : 100 (VERY rare) (02) If you disturb a villager while he is carrying a coconut or crops and he drops the food he is carrying, the food points are NOT subtracted from the food source (the coconut trees or the crops field). (03) EACH villager (including children!) consumes about 2 food points every: 3 minutes (at 2x game speed); 6 minutes (at normal game speed); 10 minutes (at 1/2 game speed). Thus, one Farmer can provide food for about 7 people and children (to be on the safe side and without children collecting mushrooms), so make sure to have sufficient Farmers collecting food before you start making babies. For example: you have population of 7, you need the 2nd Farmer before you make a child to continue the population from 8 to 14. Then, you need the 3rd Farmer to increase population from 15 to 21, etc. (04) When you start growing crops at the beginning of the game, and ESPECIALLY if the ocean is already infested with algae, have as many villagers as possible harvest the crops when they come out of soil. You don’t need to change their preferred skills, just stay with them! If they try to walk away from the field to return to their original tasks, or if they want to go harvest coconuts, drag them back on the field. There are a few reasons for this tactics: (i) Most importantly, with having as many villagers as possible harvesting crops you can gain more food out of the field than actually grows on it, and this is important at the beginning of the game! Here’s the trick. The field produces 800 food points of crops per time. These points reduce for 10 every time a villager DROPS food in the food bin (and NOT when he collects it). So, when a villager drops in the bin the last 10 points of food, all the villagers that are at the time still harvesting crops will collect food, even if the field appears empty. That means: # of villagers still harvesting x 10 = amount of more food points gained than what grew on the filed originally. (ii) When you are not able to fish due to algae infest, the coconuts are the only continuous supply of food beside the crops, but ONLY until they are depleted as well; so while you are having crops, leave the coconuts alone. But Farmers prefer harvesting coconuts to crops, so they will collect maybe one portion of crops and then start walking towards the coconut trees. For stated reason, drag them back every time! But this means, you would need to stay with the Farmer until the field is empty, and this is time consuming. Exactly! So, this is your second reason why you should have ALL your villagers harvest the crops - time to collect all the crops significantly reduces. If you drag them onto the field (North of it - see #2 of “[C1-07] Speeding Things Up”) as oppose to let them walk, it only takes about 12 minutes (2x speed) with 5 villagers to deplete the field (6 minutes with 10 villagers, etc.). (iii) With the exception of the very first time (30 minutes), it takes crops 120 minutes to grow from the moment the previous crops COME OUT (NOT from when they are depleted). If you don’t clear away the crops currently on the field, the new ones will come out anyway, and all the food points from the previous crops you did not collect will be lost. For example, out of 800 crops you have only collected 200. When the new crops come out you have fresh 800 points on the field, but you lost 600 food points from the previous harvest. So, make sure you have enough people collecting crops to do it in time. >>> [C1-03] Discovering Isola <<< --------------------------------- (01) Your villagers will often leave the chore they are doing and go wander around the village. Pay attention to where they go and what are they observing there (even children are often observing things), it is usually a spot where something can be done. They might not be able to do it yet, see below the reasons for it, but nevertheless, mark the spot for future explorations! NOTE: Of course they also wander off to do one of the above mentioned ‘productive’ things (see #7 of “[C1-01] General”). To figure out which of the things it is (helpful or trying to escape work), gently click on the villager in question, and if what he intends to do is on the list above, drag him back to his chore. (02) You can discover something-to-do spots also by dragging a villager around the village, and if he “sees something”, drop him there to see what he can do. If he is “Confused”, he will not do the job, and there is either of two reasons for it. If the message says “It is not clear to this villager what to do”, he might not be the right person for it, either because he does not have the necessary skill, or needs to have more skill (Master) first. The reason might also be you need to fulfil some other requirement first. The message can also say “Additional research may be necessary”, which means a villager cannot complete the task because you need higher level of some technology. >>> [C1-04] Increasing Skills <<< --------------------------------- (01) One of the game tips says “It can take several tries to teach something to a villager”. Mind you, take this one seriously, some villagers are plain stubborn, so it might take as many as 7-8 attempts to teach him a new skill (if one of villager’s dislikes is “learning” the number of attempts might go up into twenties). Luckily, if he fails to learn a skill in the first couple of attempts, at least when he does improve at what he is doing, the skill bar is up more than for just ‘one point’ (two or three points, usually). (02) When you drag a villager where he needs to be for a skill in question, stay with him until he gets Trainee level. Meaning, if he keeps shaking head, keep dragging him back, even if it takes five or more attempts, it is worth it! Once he reaches Trainee level, you can leave him at it, he will continue on his own. (03) When assigning skills to villagers pay attention to their “Likes” and “Dislikes” (under “Detail” of a villager), it sometimes tells you what chore they will be totally good at, and what training they might actually run away from. For example, if a villager likes running, make him a Farmer, it requires the most moving around. If he dislikes swimming or ocean or fish, don’t make him a Farmer, he will never fish, etc. >>> [C1-05] Collectibles <<< ---------------------------- (01) Collectibles are items children can collect. At the beginning of the game they can only collect butterflies (all around the village) and shells (along the ocean shore). Once you build a dam and drain the Southeast flats to uncover an ancient place, the children will find pebbles there. And finally, when you clear away the thick patch of thorny bushes in front of the cave in the North, the children will find there beetles. From each category they can collect 4 common, 4 uncommon and 4 rare items. Which rarity they will find depends on the fulfilled requirements and the level of Exploration technology - the higher the level, the more rare items children will find. Basically, this is something you simply need to be on the look out for. The first time a child finds a new item it is added to the collection (which is accessible by clicking “Collections” from the main screen menu). When children find items that are already in the collection, each found item counts as 100 tech points. (02) COLLECTIBLES ARE NOT IMPORTANT FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE GAME! Nevertheless, they help you increase maximum possible population. Each completed collection (all butterflies, or shells, etc. ) increases maximum possible population for 5 villagers. When you complete a collection its symbol appears on the roof of the ‘research institute’: a butterfly, a starfish, a beetle and a pebble. (03) If the children do not pick them up, the collectibles (as well as mushrooms) are only visible for 1 minute and 20 seconds (at ALL game speeds). Therefore, when you spot a collectible, grab the nearest child and drop him on the item, you don’t know how long it has been displayed already. (04) At the beginning of the game collectibles are NOT visible on the Overview Map (accessed by clicking “Map” in the main menu or pressing “M”). But after you purchase Level 3 Exploration the collectibles and mushrooms ARE visible also in the Overview Map. This makes it easier to find them, since you don’t need to frantically move around the village all the time to spot them. >>> [C1-06] Parenting <<< ------------------------- (01) Children inherit some skill from their parents, so ideally you would like mothers to be masters in different skills. This becomes good tactics only when you have all three levels of Farming. At the beginning stages of the game, though, DON’T MAKE FARMER a mother. Collecting food is your priority #1 and you don’t want to waste Farmer’s time on nursing! (02) For as long as food is scarce and you don’t have big enough supply of villagers to farm, let only be WOMEN that are improving at parenting skill (meaning, put a woman on a man, not a man on a woman when making a baby). Otherwise, if a man is too skilled of a parent, he will go around the village and make a baby to all the women, and you might end up in everybody-eating- no-one-working situation, which can lead to eradication of your village due to starvation. (03) Try NOT to have too many Master Parents! Villagers whose preferred skill is Parenting go around the village all day and kiss other people. These then go indoors, which distracts them from gaining on their own skills. What you should do is have one or two males work on their master parenting. This way not too much breeding will be happening. Furthermore, the guy parent(s) will make sure that as soon as someone dies, they will make a baby to one of the women, so your population will go on automatically. Make sure once the Master Parent guys get too old to be able to make babies, to make another one or two young ones parents again. >>> [C1-07] Speeding Things Up <<< ---------------------------------- (01) Some chores (collecting FOOD, collecting TECH POINTS, BUILDING a hut, etc.) are faster when the game is not opened, so if you are sure the villagers will not run out of food, you might as well shut the game down for couple of hours, and check on them later. (02) You can speed up COLLECTING FOOD if, as soon as a Farmer drops the food in the food bin, you drag him back to where he needs to be for collecting food, as oppose to let him walk, which takes up more time. This means, as soon the food points increase and the farmer stands up next to the food bin, pick him up an drag him to the ocean, to the coconut trees or on the field. When they are harvesting crops they ALWAYS start in the North part of the field (close to the food bin), so drop them down there. If you drop them on the field in its South part (close to the ancient place), they will still walk all the way up to the North part of it, which costs you time. (03) Similarly, as stated in #7 of “[C1-01] General” it is better to leave the villagers to “EAT” when they want to, or they might die sooner. But, if you see them going to the food bin to eat (pay attention to what it says under “Action” of the villager), pick them up and drop them on the food bin. After they finish eating, which is after 2 bites (the message under “Action” says “Nothing”), pick them up again and drop them back to their chore. (04) When trying to MAKE A BABY you do not have to wait for the couple to go indoors. Unlike in real life it is enough for them to kiss for the woman to get a baby. So keep dragging one onto the other and keep an eye on the population number. As soon as it jumps up, the baby is on its way. (05) To make the PREPARATION OF STEW faster have one villager set the cauldron, get the water and get the food. In the meantime drag 3 villagers to the 3 plants you want to add (or all 3 at the same plant) and they will each collect one herb and take it to the stew, even if water and food are not yet in the cauldron (but the cauldron NEEDS TO BE SET first!). This is way faster than dragging 1 villager to the necessary plants 3 times one after the other. (06) When you are HEALING a sick villager, it is enough for the healer (doctor) to turn towards the villager (until he sneezes), and the villager will be healed. You do not have to wait for the entire hustle the doctors are doing until they finally walk away from the patient. This is especially important if an event happens that makes more villagers sick at the same time. Being fast in healing is crucial here. NOTE: Besides a health meter under “Details” being on “Sick” you know a villager is sick if he sneezes or coughs when you pick him up to drag him somewhere. (07) IMPROVING A SKILL depends on the number of SUCCESSFUL attempts, therefore, when training a new skill drag villager to a spot that will require the least walking back and forth. Examples: - To train a FARMER you don’t have to wait for him to bring the food to the food bin. When fishing, it is enough he catches a fish - which is when the message says “This villager improved in farming”. So, immediately pick him up again and drop him back in the ocean. The same is valid for planting and harvesting crops. - To train a RESEARCHER pick him up as soon as you see the notification “This villager improved at research!” and drop him back at the table. Namely, they continue the same research attempt for about 10-15 seconds AFTER they have already gained tech points (and improved at research). - To train a BUILDER at the beginning of the game when there are still things to be built (dam, huts, hospital, etc.), train him on the hut that needs repair in the Southwest of the village. If this one is repaired already, train him by examining and fixing the existing hut #1 (see map). Walking from a new construction site to where he collects material for building (wood pile in the South, or stones in the North), and back to the construction site again, takes a lot of time. The hut that needs repair (breeding hut on the map) is right next to the wood pile with material needed. Examining and fixing of an existing hut(s) doesn’t require any walking at all. In both cases the time to get him to the Trainee level will be much shorter. - Similarly as Researchers, also BUILDERS tend to hustle with their job for a while AFTER they already improved their skill. Again, as soon as you see the message “This villager improved at construction!”, pick them up and drop them at the construction site again. (08) To speed up the CONSTRUCTION OF THE DAM it is best NOT TO DISTURB the Builders. The reason: for the dam construction a Builder goes to the wood pile in the Southwest of Isola (below breeding hut on the map), collects material, then brings it to the dam. If he was NOT successful in bringing the material (he will shake the head “no-no”), he might fiddle a bit around the dam, but will eventually return to the wood pile and collect more material. But, when he IS successful in bringing the material to the dam, he will walk away from the dam a few steps, then return to the dam and do some additional work on it. Only this stage of the dam construction - RETURNING to it - actually adds to the percentage of the dam built - it adds 0,5% (so it needs to happen two times - with the same builder or more Builders - to increase the construction for 1%). Therefore, if you disturb the Builder between depositing material at the dam, and walking away and returning to the dam, he will need to start construction from the scratch, meaning, he will start with going to collect material at the wood pile. And this takes time, so, don’t disturb the Builders, unless you are SURE which stage of their work they are at! (09) If due to some event villagers start DANCING and CELEBRATING, it is difficult to drag each individual back to their chores, especially when their population increases over 50 villagers. To quickly fix this either exit the game and start it again, or, if you have another tribe, change tribe to that one and back again. At the beginning of the game everybody is more or less doing what they should be doing. >>> [C1-08] Tips Given by the Game <<< -------------------------------------- At a start-up of the game and by clicking on the brown and green mask in the main menu, the game gives you the following tips (alphabetically): (01) A master in several skills becomes an elder. (02) A villager prefers the skill type you set. (03) A villager’s skill preference can be set on the Detail Screen. (04) Add wood to your fire so that you don’t have to relight it. (05) Adult villagers are naturally excellent swimmers. (06) Bored villagers tend to hang around the center of the village. (07) Building more huts supports a larger population. (08) Certain herbs on the island can be examined. (09) Children can start working around age 14. (10) Children inherit some skill from their parents. (11) Children will tend to look like their parents. (12) Different combinations of herbs make different stews. (13) Different stews have different effects on villagers. (14) Duplicate collectibles are turned into tech points. (15) Fire assists researchers. (16) Gently selecting villagers doesn’t disrupt what they’re doing. (17) Having children pick up collectibles is optional. (18) If your hand gets tired, give it a rest! (19) If your healer is sick, who is healing your villagers? (20) Isola is pronounced ee-zoh-lah. (21) It can take several tries to teach something to a villager. (22) Keep a fire burning to reduce disease. (23) Likes and dislikes can affect villager’s behavior. (24) M displays the map. SPACE toggles pause on and off. (25) Master scientists generate more tech points than others. (26) Medicine improves fertility. (27) Medicine reduces disease and extends longevity. (28) Older villagers start to slow down. (29) One male villager can father many children. (30) Pause the game if you go away for very long. (31) Reaching a milestone can benefit your villagers. (32) Research can be hazardous for your villagers. (33) Researching culture helps kids get a head start. (34) Safe and happy villagers attempt new things. (35) Sick or nursing villagers do not work. (36) Sick villagers tend to hang around the fire. (37) Skills can be trained with various tasks. (38) Sometimes villagers stubbornly do what they want. (39) Success at a task may require meeting key requirement first. (40) There are many useful spots to which you can drag villagers. (41) Time passes whether you’re playing the game or not. (42) Unlimited fishing is available in unpolluted waters. (43) Villagers can die of old age, disease, or starvation. (44) Where did the parents go? (45) Who inhabited Isola before your villagers? (46) You can zip around the island with your keypad. (47) Your village can grow to a large population. ============================================================================= ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ [C2] S O L V I N G P U Z Z L E S ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ============================================================================= In the continuation you can find detailed descriptions of how to solve all 16 puzzles. The puzzles can not be done in the order from 1 to 16 but in the order in which you fulfill requirements that are prerequisites for completion of a puzzle. To help you with where you need to drop a villager in order to complete a puzzle SEE MAP! To complete some of these puzzle you need certain items, that are not all visible from the start of the game. Don’t worry about that, there is nothing wrong with your game! It simply means, that you either need to fulfill some task first, or buy some necessary technology upgrade. Or both. When anything like this is necessary for completion of a puzzle, it is therefore clearly stated under “Requirements” of each puzzle. >>> [C2-01] Fire <<< -------------------- REQUIREMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Drag any villager to the pile of wood in the Southwest of Isola, just below the hut that needs repair. Drop the villager there, he will collect firewood and take it to the fire pit. When he places firewood in the fire pit, drag him to the Northeast part of Isola, at the very top between the coconut trees and the ocean. If you drag him around there he will “see” two things there, the strange plant and very dry grass. Drop the villager on the dry grass. After he collects that and places it in the fire pit as well, pick up the villager for the third time and drop him on the fire pit, he will finally start the fire. >>> [C2-02] The Dam <<< ----------------------- REQUIREMENT: . Level 2 Engineering DESCRIPTION: Drag any villager to the rocks over the stream in the Southeast of Isola (the three rocks crossing the water just above the flooded area). >>> [C2-03] The Scarecrow <<< ----------------------------- REQUIREMENT: . Adept Farmer and . Completed Puzzle #2 (The Dam - requires Level 2 Engineering) DESCRIPTION: Drag an Adept Farmer to the left hand side of the sacred area for the dead. Move him around the brown soil just next to the white stones, and when “(S)He sees twisted pieces of wood and vines”, drop him and he will start making a scarecrow. You will need to drag him there for the SECOND time, after he puts up the frame for the scarecrow on the field. >>> [C2-04] The Cutting Tool <<< -------------------------------- REQUIREMENT: . Master Scientist and . Level 2 Exploration DESCRIPTION: Drag Master Scientist from the research table in direction North. Do you see those white rocks? Take the Master Scientist on the right side of these rocks, where on the brown soil there is on object that looks like three short grey lines next to one another. It is a sharp stone. Move the Scientist around that stone a bit, until the message of his action says “(S)He sees something”. Drop him there and he will start making a cutting tool. After he takes the stone to the research hut, the message will say he needs special wood to complete the tool. So take him to more or less the same area, and move him around a bit until the message says “Twisted pieces of wood and vines”. Drop him, and he will complete the cutting tool. >>> [C2-05] Herb Mastery <<< ---------------------------- REQUIREMENT: None DESCRIPTION: Drag any villager to all 6 indigenous plants around Isola (it can be different villagers studying different plants). You know you have found an indigenous plant when you see a “(S)He sees the strange plant” message, while dragging a villager around. (See “[C3-01] How to Make a Stew” for details on where to find the 6 indigenous plants). >>> [C2-06] The Elder Totem <<< ------------------------------- REQUIREMENT: None DESCRIPTION: You solve this puzzle by training a villager to become a Master in three out of five skills. (See “[C4] Making Esteemed Elders” for more help on mastering skills.) >>> [C2-07] Sustainable Fishing <<< ----------------------------------- REQUIREMENT: . Master Farmer or Master Scientist and . Level 3 Farming DESCRIPTION: After you purchase the necessary technology drag either Master Scientist or Master Farmer (or both) to the pond under the waterfall. He will start catching algae-eating fish and carry them over to the ocean. When he drops them in you will get a message “That still may not be enough algae-eating fish”. So, drag him back to the pond for more algae-eating fish. Rinse and repeat until you get the notification that your villagers re-established clean state of the ocean. You can now fish again! >>> [C2-08] The Vine Wall <<< ----------------------------- REQUIREMENT: . Completed Puzzle #4 (The Cutting Tool - requires Master Scientist + Level 2 Exploration) and . Level 3 Culture DESCRIPTION: Drag any villager to the wall covered with vines, alongside the stream on the East side of Isola. >>> [C2-09] The Stew <<< ------------------------ REQUIREMENT: . Level 2 Exploration DESCRIPTION: Pick up any villager and take him to the pile of wood, where you collected the firewood for fire. There, if you look closely, you should see something black protruding from one of the planks. Drag the villager around until “S(He) sees something”, then drop him to collect the cauldron. He will take it to the fire pit and you can now make the stew as follows. a) Drop the villager onto the cauldron next to the fire pit, he will start preparing stew (set the cauldron on the fire). b) Drop the villager onto the cauldron again, he will go get the water for the stew. c) Drop the villager onto the cauldron for the third time, he will go get the food for the stew. d) The villager now needs to add 3 herbs - these are any of the 6 strange plants that are to be found around Isola (see map or “[C3-01] How to Make a Stew” for details on where to find the plants). If this is the first time any of the villagers is at a strange plant (any of the 6), he will first study the plant. In this case you need to drag him to the plant for the second time, and now he will collect the plant to add it to the stew. Repeat this step of adding a herb two more times, either with the same plant or a different one(s). Once he adds all 3 herbs the stew is ready. (See “[C3-02] The Recipes” for complete list of all the possible stews you can make.) >>> [C2-10] The Ancient Mosaic <<< ---------------------------------- REQUIREMENT: . Level 3 Engineering and . Level 3 Culture DESCRIPTION: After purchasing both technology upgrades drag any villager to the ancient covered flood in the Southeast of Isola (where the flooding used to be, before your villagers built the dam). >>> [C2-11] The Hospital <<< ---------------------------- REQUIREMENT: . Level 3 Engineering and . Level 3 Medicine DESCRIPTION: After purchasing both technology upgrades a new construction site will appear in the South of Isola, between the breeding hut and the ancient place. Drag any villager(s) there to build the hospital (make building their preferred skill, or they will go away to attempt other chores). >>> [C2-12] The Sewing Hut <<< ------------------------------ REQUIREMENT: . Level 2 Science and . Level 2 Culture DESCRIPTION: Once you purchase both technology upgrades a new construction site will appear in the South of Isola, a bit to the right from the repaired breeding hut. Drag any villager(s) there to build the sewing hut (make building their preferred skill, or they will go away to attempt other chores). >>> [C2-13] The Sunken Gong Piece <<< ------------------------------------- REQUIREMENT: . Completed Puzzle #9 (The Stew - requires Level 2 Exploration) and . Completed Puzzle #16 (The Overgrown Gong Piece - requires completion of Puzzle #4) DESCRIPTION: This piece of Gong is sunk in the pond under the waterfall. If you drag a villager over the pond you will read a message “(S)He sees something down there but it is too deep”. The only way to get that piece is to prepare a special stew that enables no need to breathe. To make it prepare the stew in the usual way and for herbs use: - 1x dark purple string of flowers just above the waterfall, and - 2x red flower to the left of the ancient mosaic ruins. Once the stew is made have one villager eat it, then drag the same villager to the pond, he will start retrieving a piece of Gong of Wonder. >>> [C2-14] The Inlaid Gong Piece <<< ------------------------------------- REQUIREMENT: . Complete Puzzle #6 (The Elder Totem) and . Complete Puzzle #10 (The Ancient Mosaic - requires Level 3 Engineering and Level 3 Culture) DESCRIPTION: Pick up a totem and drop it in the middle of the ancient mosaic. When you see an item appear in the middle circle pick up any villager and drop him on the item, he will retrieve a piece of Gong of Wonder. >>> [C2-15] The Boxed Gong Piece <<< ------------------------------------ REQUIREMENT: . Three (3) Master Builders and . Completed Puzzle #16 (The Overgrown Gong Piece - requires completion of Puzzle #4) DESCRIPTION: Drag 3 Master Builders to the crate that is on the ocean shore a little above the repaired breeding hut. With a little bit of effort they will break the crate open. Pick up one of the Builders and drop him on the revealed item, he will recover a piece of Gong of Wonder. >>> [C2-16] The Overgrown Gong Piece <<< ---------------------------------------- REQUIREMENT: . Completed Puzzle #4 (The Cutting Tool - requires Master Scientist and Level 2 Exploration) DESCRIPTION: Drag any villager to the thick patch of thorny bushes in front of the cave in the North of Isola. Drop him on there and he will start to clear away the briar. It is important you chose “Builder” as his preferred skill, though, or he will keep sneaking away to do other things. Once the briars are clear away the villager will discover a piece of Gong of Wonder. ============================================================================= ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ [C3] R E C I P E S O F S T E W S ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ============================================================================= >>> [C3-01] How to Make a Stew <<< ---------------------------------- To make a stew you need to have LEVEL 2 EXPLORATION. Then you do the following steps (as described in “[C2-09] The Stew” as well): a) Drag (any) villager to the pile of wood in the Southwest of Isola, below the hut that needed repair. There, if you look closely, you should see something black protruding from one of the planks. Drag the villager around until “S(He) sees something”, then drop him to collect the cauldron. He will take it to the fire pit. b) Drop the villager onto the cauldron, he will start preparing stew (set the cauldron). c) Drop the villager onto the cauldron again, he will go get the water for the stew. d) Drop the villager onto the cauldron for the third time, he will go get the food for the stew. e) The villager now needs to add 3 herbs - these are any of the 6 strange plants that are to be found around Isola (see below). If this is the first time any of the villagers is at a strange plant (any of the 6), he will first study the plant. In this case you need to drag him to the plant for the second time, and now he will collect the plant to add it to the stew. Repeat this step of adding a herb two more times, either with the same plant or a different one(s). Once he adds all 3 herbs the stew is ready. As stated, there are 3 herbs required to prepare a stew. By combining different herbs you can prepare different stews. The herbs come from 6 plants around Isola, and these are (also see map): 1 - brownish-green flower next to the dry grass in the Northwest 2 - blue flower to the right of the cave 3 - light purple flower North of the sacred area 4 - dark purple string of flowers just above the waterfall 5 - red flower below next to the wall below the dam 6 - red flower to the left of the ancient mosaic ruins With 6 flowers and 3 needed for the herb there would theoretically be 216 combinations possible (6x6x6=216). But, the ORDER in which you add the herbs DOES NOT MATTER (so you can speed up preparation of stew by dragging 3 villagers to 3 plants at the same time, instead of 1 villager to 3 plants one after the other). This means, for example, adding flowers 123 would produce the same stew as 321, or 213, etc. Therefore, with 6 flowers there are 56 unique combinations for stews possible. Below is the list of all of them, which herbs to add (the numbers are referral to the plants stated above) and what they do. >>> [C3-02] The Recipes <<< --------------------------- #1-3 Makes feeling healthier (this one appears as new stew 3 TIMES!): 111 . 112 . 113 . 116 . 122 . 126 . 133 . 136 . 166 . 223 . 225 . 233 . 235 . 236 . 256 . 266 . 333 . 335 . 355 . 366 . 456 #4 Nasty, not edible: 114 . 134 . 145 . 146 . 245 . 246 . 334 . 345 . 346 . 455 #5 Very, very spicy: 115 . 135 #6 Clears nose and throat: 123 . 234 #7 Makes so thirsty: 124 . 224 #8 Makes go to the bathroom: 125 #9 Makes very ill: 144 . 244 . 344 . 445 . 446 #10 Gives burst of energy (for dancing): 155 . 156 #11 Makes jumpy (allergic?): 222 . 226 #12 Makes feeling tired: 255 #13 Completely restores health: 336 #14 Burns, very harmful: 444 #15 Enables no need to breathe: 466 #16 Gives burst of energy (for exercising): 555 . 556 #17 Forces embracing: 566 #18 Has sweet smell: 356 . 666 A lot of these stews have no purpose of whatsoever, except they count against a new stew recipe (if you are statistics freak, as I am). Couple of them are very helpful, though: #13 which fills the “Health” bar of any villager, and #15 that you need for solving puzzle #13. Even stew #9 can come in handy (see #3 of “[C4-02] Some Additional Tips”). A stew lasts for about 15 minutes, regardless if none of the villagers eats it or if they all do. If you want to get rid of a stew to prepare a new one either wait 15 minutes or stop the game and start it again (if you have more than one tribe you can just change to a different tribe and than back to the one you are playing) - the cauldron is always empty at the beginning of a game. ============================================================================= ~~ ~~ ~~ [C4] M A K I N G E S T E E M E D E L D E R S ~~ ~~ ~~ ============================================================================= An Esteemed Elder is a villager that has mastered (at least) three out of five skills. To help you master individual skills of villagers here are some tips on what to do. (There are some additional, but more general tips on skills in “[C1-04] Increasing Skills”.) >>> [C4-01] How to Increase Skills <<< -------------------------------------- FARMING: Fishing, harvesting coconuts and crops are the logic choices. But it can also be increased by watering and planting crops, even if neither of these two actions actually contribute to crops growing faster. BUILDING: To increase building skill have villagers build huts, a dam, and a hospital. Also cutting away the thorny bushes in front of the cave, cutting away the vines over the writing on the wall, as well as uncovering ancient ruins increases building skill. When everything is build and cleared away, increase this skill by examining and fixing huts that are already built (meaning, drag a villager to an existing hut). RESEARCH: The only way to increase skill in research is by making the villagers research at the research table. HEALING: A villager obviously improves in healing by curing sick villagers. But better doctors are also made by studying any of the 6 strange flowers around Isola (see map or “[C3-01] How to Make a Stew” to find the plants). PARENTING: Parenting skill is increased by making babies, of course (see #4 of “[C1-06] Speeding Things Up”), but also by teaching children and telling them a story. You can do the latter two by dragging an adult villager on a child. >>> [C4-02] Some Additional Tips <<< ------------------------------------ (01) Make villagers mainly masters in Farming, Building and Researching. Doctors take a lot of time, and with Master Parents you run the risk of no-one working. Namely, they will go around the village and keep kissing everybody. These villagers will then “go indoors” with the Master Parents, so you might end up in hardly-anybody-working situation. (02) HEALING: If one of villager's "Likes" is herbs or medicine, make that villager doctor first. True, this one takes the longest to master, but you do need someone to heal your people, so why not someone who likes doing it! Once he is a Master Doctor make him Master also in Farming and Researching. (03) HEALING: Make a stew that makes villagers ill (see #9 of “[C3-02] The Recipes”), then make the villagers eat it, and the doctor heal them. (04) PARENTING: When women reach age of more or less 50 years old they can’t have babies anymore. You can use this fact for making villagers skilled in parenting. To increase the parenting skill of a female who is over 50 drag her on another villager (of any age). To increase a parenting skill of a male drag him on whichever female that is over 50 years old. In both cases, the only effect this will have is increase their parenting skill (of the villager that initiated the breeding - was dropped on another villager), since the female is too old to have a baby. NOTE: This strategy works best when you are not at your village maximum population. If you are, that annoying message will keep popping-up, that your village doesn’t have enough housing to support more population. (05) What helped me out a lot is color-coding the villagers (once I had ALL TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES and did not need tech points anymore!). I dressed all my Farmers in one suit (different for male and female, obviously), different outfit for Builders, etc. This way, for that 1 hour per day I played the game I knew exactly where I needed to drag which villagers. This turned out handy because, for example: a villager has mastered farming, then I wanted him to research. But when I was not paying attention he might have gone back to farming, yet by the color of his outfit I knew I needed to drag him back to research table. Besides, once you have bought all the technologies, you need to spend all those tech point on SOMETHING... ============================================================================= ~~ ~~ [C5] S T E P B Y S T E P W A L K T H R O U G H ~~ ~~ ============================================================================= For this walkthrough the game was played at NORMAL difficulty, at 2X SPEED unless noted differently, and WITHOUT any villagers that (dis)like RUNNING or LEARNING (these 2 qualities influence the evolution of the game at the start the most). Between the adult without skill (NOT Trainee Builder) and the oldest child (15-year-old) at least one was a FEMALE - this is important for breeding reasons. The game was paused when not in front of PC until noted differently. If you want to completely control the game, you might want to do the same. The least you should do when not playing (if you don’t want to pause), is put the game to 1/2 speed. The walkthrough is divided into chapters, separation of which is based on tasks the villagers need to complete in order to be able to do something more. For example, subtitle “Collected 1.500 TP for L2 Farming” means that you should keep on doing whatever it is you are doing, until you collect 5.000 tech points; then you can move on to the next chapter to read what your little people can do next. Just in case the abbreviations are not clear: TP - Tech Points L2 - Level 2 (technology) L3 - Level 3 (technology) NOTE: A lot of random things in the game influence its speed and development (likes and dislikes of villagers, events, frequency of villagers getting sick, etc.), so the order of completed tasks in your game might now be exactly the same as described in here. But that should not pose a big problem, simply search for the title of the task you have successfully completed, to see what should follow. Bear in mind this walkthrough provides SUGGESTED strategy, that to my experience worked best. It is NOT THE ONLY POSSIBLE way to go, so if you have a different tactics, you are not doing anything wrong! The most important thing is, you manage to do everything the game requires you to do, i.e. complete the 16 puzzles. In this walkthrough I am always referring to a villager as “he”. It should go without saying, but to be on the safe side: everything said for “him” is valid for “her” as well! It is just too time consuming - and would drive me nuts - referring to both genders at all times. It would probably also be difficult to read. One last note before I start - the positions in the walkthrough are referred to using the following directions (as stated on the map, as well): N NW | NE \ | / W --- --- E / | \ SW | SE S >>> [C5-01] Start <<< --------------------- You start the game with 7 villagers: 2 intrepid adults, that fell down the waterfall from the other side of Isola, and 5 children who are 15, 13, 12, 9, and 4 years old. One of the adults is Trainee Builder, the rest don't have any skill. You have 60 food and 99 tech points. There is a construction site near the research table with 45% completed hut and there is a hut that needs repair (1% repaired) in the Southwest of the island. Below the research table is also a fire pit where you can make fire. To make walkthrough easier to understand, I will name these villagers as follows. The Builder will be One and the other adult will be Two. The kids from the oldest to the youngest will be Three, Four, Five, Six and Seven. Start off by dragging the Builder (named One) to the construction site next to the research table (hut #1 on the map). Since he is already Trainee skilled you can leave him at it, he will continue construction on his own. You have two more people that are old enough to work already: the second adult (named Two) and the 15 years old child (named Three). Right now your first concern is food, so make one of these two a Farmer. If they are a male and female, make the MALE a Farmer, you will see the reason later on. Drop him into the ocean and stay with him until he becomes a Trainee or he will not fish on his own. Your second most important skill to be trained at the beginning of the game is Research. You will soon need to buy upgrades to existing technologies, so make the third work-able villager a Researcher! But before you drag him to the research table, there is something else you can do: make fire. To do so, drag the villager to the pile of wood in the Southwest of Isola, just below the hut that needs repair (see map). Drop the villager there, he will collect firewood and take it to the fire pit. When he places firewood in the fire pit, drag him to the Northeast part of Isola, at the very top between the coconut trees and the ocean (see map). If you drag him around there he will “see” two things there, the strange plant and very dry grass. Drop the villager on the dry grass. After he collects that and places it in the fire pit as well, pick up the villager for the third time and drop him on the fire pit, he will finally start the fire (~~PUZZLE #1~~). Once the fire is burning drop the villager at the research table, and again, stay with him until he reaches a Trainee level. NOTE: Even at Trainee level (or Adept, later on) a villager will still shake head and hum “m-m” (as in “I cannot do that” manner) sometimes, but at least they will return to their respective chores after a few moments, as oppose to go sit in the middle of the village and “worry about food” or “be bored”, which is what they do if they are not yet Trainee-skilled. You might be wondering, what to do if your villagers get sick, since you don’t have a doctor. Unlike in real life, ANY villager can become a doctor! So, if someone gets ill, drag whatever villager on the sick person. You might make it a habit, though, that the healing is always done by the same villager, so that one will already be working on two skills, plus heal sick villagers on his own, while you are not in front of the computer screen. >>> [C5-02] The First Child Grows Up <<< ---------------------------------------- After 6 minutes into the game at 2x speed (12 min at normal speed; 20 min at 1/2 speed) the 13 years old child (named Four) will become older and thus able to work, and you will train him to be a scientist. But before you drag him to the research table, you will train him in something else. Pick up the villager Four and drag him to 6 strange plants, that can be found around Isola (for details on where to find them see map or “[C3-01] How to Make a Stew”). After each strange plant is studied a message in the bottom line of main screen will notify you, that your villagers now understand the plant in question. That is when you can move the villager to the next strange plant. Once he studies all 6 plants, you will complete ~~PUZZLE #5~~. Furthermore, this villager is now also skilled in healing, so if any of your villagers get sick, drag Four to them. NOW you can drag him to the research table and again stay with him until he becomes Trainee. You should now have one Builder, one Farmer and two Researchers working, and not much else to do, until more children grow up and/or you collect enough tech point for your first technology upgrades. Actually, there is one more thing to do... Keep and eye on the mushrooms and collectibles for the children to pick up. The former add to so needed food, the latter to tech points (for more details see #1 of “[C1-05] Collectibles”). >>> [C5-03] Collected 1.500 TP for L2 Farming <<< ------------------------------------------------- After approximately an hour of playing (2x speed) you should collect enough tech points (especially if your children were collecting items for the scientists, as well) to be able to buy ~~LEVEL 2 FARMING~~ upgrade. Do so, then make your Farmer harvest the coconuts by dropping him on the coconut tree. Villagers usually grasp the idea of climbing pretty fast, but if your Farmer needs a second push, do so. Coconuts are worth less food points than fish (see #1 of “[C1-02] Collecting Food”), so if your Farmer will only harvest coconuts, you might start running low on food. If that happens, simply speed collecting food by dragging the Farmer (as oppose to letting him walk, which takes more time - see #2 of “[C1-07] Speeding Things Up”) to the coconut trees, or even better, into the ocean. This should be more than sufficient (especially if in addition your children collect a mushroom here and there), but in the worst case scenario, temporarily assign one of the researchers to help collecting food. Nevertheless, this last option should not really be necessary, yet. >>> [C5-04] The Second Child Grows Up <<< ----------------------------------------- About 1,5 hour into the game (2x speed) your next child (named Five) should become able to work. Make him a scientist, as well, and teach him to research until he reaches Trainee skill level. You desperately need tech points for the next technology upgrade, that will provide your villagers with another option to get food, once the coconut trees are depleted and fishing will no longer possible (see “[C5-21] Algae Infest the Ocean”). >>> [C5-05] Collected 5.000 TP for L2 Engineering <<< ----------------------------------------------------- When you collect another 5.000 tech points you can buy the next technology upgrade, ~~LEVEL 2 ENGINEERING~~ this time. Once purchased take the Builder named One from the hut construction and drag him to the rocks over the creek in the Southeast (the three rocks just above the flooded area) and he will start building the dam. True, hut #1 is not completed yet (unless your Builder likes “running”), and without it your population cannot exceed 10 villagers, but until you secure another food source you don’t want to increase the population above that mark anyway! So, have the Builder work on the dam. Next, take a researcher named Five (leave the one named Four to research - you will see the reasons later) and train him into Builder on the house that needs repair in the Southwest (for reasons see #7 of “[C1-07] Speeding Things Up”). Once he reaches a Trainee level drag him to the dam, to help with its construction (for help see #8 of “[C1-07] Speeding Things Up”). Another thing you can do now that you have both technology upgrades is MAKE YOUR FIRST BABY. Make mom a Researcher, the villager named Two or Three, depending on who the female was at the beginning of the game (which is why you chose the male to do the Farming, and a female to be a Researcher). Drag the FEMALE onto a grown-up male (see #2 of “[C1-06] Parenting”). It might take more than 10 attempts before the stork will visit the village, but be persistent (see #4 of “[C1-07] Speeding Things Up”)! The Farmer will now have to feed 8 hungry mouths, so you indeed might start running low on food. When so, do as suggested above (drag the Farmer to food source, preferably ocean; temporarily assign a researcher to help collecting food). >>> [C5-06] The Third Child Grows Up <<< ---------------------------------------- About 5 hours into the game (2x speed) the second youngest child named Six becomes old enough to work. Make him a Builder. As before, train him to Trainee skill level on the hut that needs repair (breeding hut on the map), then have him help with the construction of the dam. Yes, the damn dam is THAT important! >>> [C5-07] Nursing Mother Stops Nursing <<< -------------------------------------------- Two hours after the Researcher’s baby was conceived (2x speed), she will stop nursing the baby. When this happens make her continue her scientific work at the research table. >>> [C5-08] The Dam is Build <<< -------------------------------- Once the dam is finished (which solves ~~PUZZLE #2~~) and after all the partying and celebrating the villagers do, your Farmer might start watering the crops. Smart, but not necessary, the crops will grow without water as well, and it will take them 30 minutes (2x speed). Therefore, keep forcing the Farmer named Two/Three (depending on who the male was) to continue harvesting coconuts. Of the three Builders that were constructing the dam reinstate the one named Five back into Researcher. The other two (named One and Six) can either both continue construction of hut #1, or put only one on this job and drag the other to the hut in the Southwest, that needs repair (breeding hut on the map). >>> [C5-09] The Crops Grow <<< ------------------------------ As soon as the crops grow take the Farmer to harvest the crops. Apart from the Farmer, you might want to drag on the field ALL the rest of the villagers except the one named Four (see NOTE) of the other villagers as well, and return them to their tasks once the field is empty. After collecting some crops the villagers will keep trying to go harvest coconuts, but don’t let them do that. Be pushy, and keep dragging them back onto the field (for details see #4 of “[C1-02] Collecting Food”). NOTE: Leave the Researcher named Four at the research table, unless he is already a Master - in this case he can help with harvesting crops, as well. You will soon see the reason for this soon. >>> [C5-10] The Crops are Depleted <<< -------------------------------------- When the villagers empty the crops field, let them return to their original tasks. You are not totally out of the woods, yet, concerning food, but the food points have increased quite substantially with the crops harvested, so you might want to MAKE THE SECOND BABY. Make mom the same Researcher as before (named Two/Three, depending on who the female was at the beginning). Since your primary need - food - is more or less satisfied (remember though, you are not completely out of the woods yet), the order in which you purchase technology upgrades from here on does not really matter. Actually, it matters for getting the final Farming upgrade, but it will take quite some more villagers to bring in those tech points. So, in the meantime, let’s just better the life your villagers are having. For the purpose of this guide, if not stated otherwise, the purchased technology will be in the order as they come from the cheapest to the most expensive. >>> [C5-11] Hut #1 is Built <<< ------------------------------- When the Builder(s) complete the construction of the hut #1 drag them both (or one only, if the other one was on it already) to the hut in the Southwest, that needs repair (breeding hut on the map). >>> [C5-12] Collected 10.000 TP for L2 Exploration <<< ------------------------------------------------------ When you collect sufficient tech points, you could buy ~~LEVEL 2 EXPLORATION~~. I say “could” because right now you don’t have any villagers to spare to do all the things you can do with this technology upgrade. Therefore, buy it and do nothing with it for the time being, or wait a few more minutes to be able to do something with it, it really does not matter. >>> [C5-13] A Villager Masters a Skill <<< ------------------------------------------ When the game gives you a message, that one of the villagers became a Master, it is most surely the Researcher named Four, which is why you left him working at the research table at all times. The notification tells you the villager might try to attempt mastering other skills to become a wise villager Elder, but keep him doing research, Master Scientists collect more tech points than Trainees and Adept Scientists (see #5 of “[C1-01] General”). What you CAN do now, if you did not yet, is buy that L2 Exploration upgrade. As said before there are quite a few things you can do with this upgrade, and you needed a Master Scientist for the first one. So... NOTE: You need L2 Exploration to do this. If you don’t, skip to the next subtitle - “[C5-14] The Last Child Grows Up” - and return here once you have the necessary technology upgrade. Take the Master Scientist from the research table in direction North. Do you see those white rocks to the right of the cave? Take the Master Scientist on the right side of these rocks, where on the brown soil there is on object that looks like three short grey lines next to one another (if you need help finding it, see map). It is a sharp stone. Move the Scientist around that stone a bit, until the message of his action says “(S)He sees something”. Drop him there and he will start making a cutting tool. After he takes the stone to the research hut, the message will say he needs special wood to complete the tool. So take him to more or less the same area, and move him around a bit until the message says “(S)He sees flexible pieces of wood” (again, see map for help). Drop him, and he will complete the cutting tool (~~PUZZLE #4~~). Now take him back to the research table to collect more tech points. Now grab the Researcher that was helping the building the dam (the one named Five). Drag him to the thick patch of thorny bushes in front of the cave in the North of Isola (see map). Drop him there and he will start clearing away the briar. It is important you chose “Builder” as his preferred skill again, though, or he will keep sneaking away to do more research. NOTE: The 3 Builders (One, Five and Six) may swap job from time to time, going from working on the breeding hut restoration to cutting the briar thorns or vice versa. It does not matter, you can let them do that, it is the only two building job available at the time anyway, and they both need to be completed some time... >>> [C5-14] The Last Child Grows Up <<< --------------------------------------- After 10 hours of active playing (2x speed) the youngest child (named Seven), that was present on Isola when the two intrepid adults arrived there, will become of working age. You will make him a Researcher, but he will first complete another puzzle. NOTE: You need L2 Exploration to do this. If you don’t, skip the next 2 paragraphs and drag him to the research table immediately. Once you do have the upgrade, return here to complete the puzzle described in the following 2 paragraphs. To start with, pick him up and take him to the pile of wood, where you collected the firewood is located (Southwest). There, if you look closely, you should see something black protruding from one of the planks. Drag Seven around until “S(He) sees something”, then drop him to collect the cauldron. He will take it to the fire pit and you can now make your first stew, as follows (also described in “[C3-01] How to Make a Stew”). Drop the villager onto the cauldron, he will start preparing stew (set the cauldron). Drop him onto the cauldron again, he will go get the water for the stew. Drop him onto the cauldron for the third time, he will go get the food for the stew. Now he needs to add 3 herbs, so drag him to any of the 6 strange plants that are to be found around Isola (for details on the plants see map and “[C3-01] How to Make a Stew”). Repeat this last step of adding a herb two more times, either by dragging him to the same plant or a different one(s). Once he adds all 3 herbs the stew is ready and you completed ~~PUZZLE #9~~. (See “[C3-02] The Recipes” for complete list of all the possible stews you can make.) Once he is done with preparing stew, drag him to the research table and stay with him until he becomes Trainee skilled. So, the professions of the original villagers, with whom you have started the game, should now be: One : Builder (working on breeding hut) Two : Farmer or Researcher/Parent Three : Researcher/Parent or Farmer Four : (Master) Researcher/Healer Five : Researcher/Builder (clearing away the briar thorns) Six : Builder (working on breeding hut) Seven : Researcher All of them except Researcher named Four also have some skill in farming. Not too bad for the first 10 hours of playing! From here on I suggest the following strategy (until noted differently). a) Assign the skills of every 6 villagers: 1 Farmer (1st newborn), 1 Builder (2nd newborn), 3 Researchers (3rd-5th newborns), 1 Healer (6th newborn). After you have a Healer, start with a Farmer again, etc. The order of Builder, Researchers and Healer is not important, but I STRONGLY recommend you start with the Farmer, it will help you with sustainability of food when you start increasing the population. b) Don’t increase the population too fast until you are able to fish again! I found a good balance to make a new baby once the youngest one is 3-4 years old. For a mother use mainly Researchers or Builders. c) When a child grows up enough to work, train them in the above skills until they reach Trainee level. Then turn them ALL EXCEPT FARMERS to Researchers. When the crops grow, put them ALL to harvesting crops. When the crops are gone, put them all back to research table. (For reasons see #4 of “[C1-02] Collecting Food”.) d) The exception from the rule c) are Builders. When there is something that needs to be build, have one or two villagers work on the construction site. For the rest of the time, the same applies as under c). e) Apply this strategy at 2x speed while you are playing the game. When you close the game down, pause it. If you don’t want to pause the game, at least put it to 1/2 speed, BUT assign each villager their original profession first, this will help with sustainability of the village! From here on the order of described events might differ quite substantially from what will be happening in your game! Namely, it all greatly depends on random events and behaviour of your villagers (for example, how often they go “cool feet in the stream”, etc.), and on how many people you assign to do individual tasks. For the purposes of walkthrough I will follow the guidelines a) - e) provided above. But if the order of your completed tasks differ, simply jump to the corresponding title. >>> [C5-15] The Birds are Eating Away Crops <<< ----------------------------------------------- The game will give you this message either couple of minutes before the second crops grow, or when your Farmers are already harvesting the second crops. Either way, as soon as you get the message drag an Adept Farmer (named Two/Three) to the twisted pieces of wood and vines next to the sacred area for the dead (where the Master Scientist got wood for completing the cutting tool - see map for help). Drop him there and he will start making a scarecrow. You will need to drag him there for the second time, after he puts up the frame for the scarecrow on the field (~~PUZZLE #3~~). NOTE: Knowing that the pesky birds are disrupting the crops, you could make a scarecrow already before you even get the message, but where is the fun of the game, if you don’t get to face all the troubles the nature can throw at your villagers...? >>> [C5-16] The Breeding Hut is Repaired <<< -------------------------------------------- When the Builders One and Six complete the repair of the breeding hut, drag them to the briars to help Five clear away the thorny bushes. It is actually enough for a single Builder to do the job, but you will soon need 3 Master Builders. Nevertheless, if any of them is already a Master, or as soon as they reach Master skill while clearing away the briars, turn them into scientists and drag them to the research table. Of course you do need to leave 1 Builder to finish the cutting job, even if he is a Master already! You might in the meantime collect 16.000 tech points and are thinking about buying the Science upgrade. Indeed, this would enable your villagers to collect tech points faster. But the difference in amount of tech points collected with L1 and L2 Science is not THAT big (see #5 of “[C1-01] General”). So instead, rather wait for another 4.000, and then buy the Medicine upgrade, which will prolong the lives of your villagers. >>> [C5-17] Coconuts are Depleted <<< ------------------------------------- When the coconut trees are depleted, you obviously want the Farmer to return to fishing again (when there are no crops to harvest). They will not try to harvest coconuts anyway, since Farmers are smart and do not go climbing trees, if they don’t see any coconuts on them. But they WILL prefer watering the crops to fishing, so be pushy and keep dragging them to the ocean. >>> [C5-18] Collected 20.000 TP for L2 Medicine <<< --------------------------------------------------- As said above, buy the ~~LEVEL 2 MEDICINE~~ upgrade, your villagers will now become elderly only at age of 58 and generally live longer (for more details see #8 of “[C1-01] General”). >>> [C5-19] A Villager Masters Two Skills <<< --------------------------------------------- If you had more or less followed this walkthrough, than by now at least one of your villagers should be Master in two skills, and it would be most likely the villager named Five (or maybe One). He should by now be Master in building and researching. When this happens mark his preferred skill to be farming (for the reasons see #1 of “[C4-02] Some Additional Tips”). He should already have some skill in farming anyway, if you used all villagers to harvest the crops. And you are making him a Farmer because you want to skill him into a Master also in this profession - namely, will soon need an Esteemed Elder. Or rather, you will need what commemorates an Esteemed Elder... NOTE: Even if there are no crops and the coconuts are depleted, he can still improve farming skill by planting and watering crops (for more details see “[C4-01] How to Increase Skills”). But if you prefer him helping with collecting tech points, then let him research until the crops grow, and THEN make him a Farmer. Once he depletes the crops you can put him back to the research table. >>> [C5-20] Collected 16.000 TP for L2 Science <<< -------------------------------------------------- Now you can buy that ~~LEVEL 2 SCIENCE~~ upgrade. With this upgrade the researchers will be awarded more tech points for each successful research attempt (see #5 of “[C1-01] General”). And they will need all the help they can get, since after purchasing the last level 2 upgrade you will need some serious tech points for level 3 technology upgrades. >>> [C5-21] Algae Infest the Ocean <<< -------------------------------------- After your Farmer(s) collects a total of 100 fish/crabs (including the ones from before coconuts and crops harvesting), the ocean will become infested with algae. This means, the villagers will not be able to fish anymore, until they will clean the pollution with algae-eating fish. They will only be able to find these once you buy level 3 Farming, but surely you will not have enough tech points by the time the infest of the ocean starts, to upgrade. Therefore, if you forced your Farmer(s) to keep fishing you should have a few coconuts grow in the meantime. If so, have them collect those, first. If not, or when they deplete them again, there is no other food source available to your villagers (except for the mushrooms), so have the Farmer(s) do some researching. >>> [C5-22] The Briars are Cleared Away <<< ------------------------------------------- As the game will tell you, upon clearing away the thorny bushes in the North the villagers discovered there IS a reason for the strange statue to be there! And they also found the 1st Gong piece already (~~PUZZLE #16~~)! You can now start recovering the remaining 3 pieces of the Gong of Wonder. For the time being you will be able to recover at least one more piece, maybe 2, depending on how far your third Builder is with his Mastering of the skill. For the final Gong piece you need level 3 technology upgrades, so that one will for sure have to wait a bit longer. But, let’s at least get the second (and third) gong piece. The second Gong piece is sunk in the pond under the waterfall. If you drag a villager over the pond you will read a message “(S)He sees something down there but it is too deep”. The only way to get that piece is to prepare a special stew that enables no need to breathe. To make it prepare the stew in the usual way and for herbs use 1x plant #4, and 2x plant #6 (see map or “[C3-02] The Recipes” on where to find them, if not sure). Once the stew is made have one villager eat it, then drag him to the pond, he will start retrieving the gong piece (~~PUZZLE #13~~). >>> [C5-23] Three Builders are Masters <<< ------------------------------------------ NOTE: You can only complete the following task if you have already cleared away the thorny bushes in front of the cave. If not yet, wait until the briars are cleared away, and then return here. When the third Builder (Six) becomes Master, drag all three Master Builders (named One, Five, and Six; and you do NOT have to change their preferred skill) to the crate that is on the ocean shore a little above the repaired breeding hut. With a little bit of effort they will break the crate open. Pick up one of the Builders and drop him on the revealed item, he will recover the 3rd piece of Gong of Wonder (~~PUZZLE #15~~). When done, drag 2 Builders to the research table, and the third one, who has mastered two skills and is now working on the third, back to farming (see “[C5-19] A Villager Masters Two Skills”). >>> [C5-24] Collected 20.000 TP for L2 Culture <<< -------------------------------------------------- Purchase the ~~LEVEL 2 CULTURE~~ upgrade. Once done, another construction site will appear in the South of Isola, a bit to the right from the repaired breeding hut. Drag one of the 2 Builders at the research table to the new construction site, so he can start building a sewing hut. The better choice of the two is the one that is less skilled in research (should be villager named Six), as the other one will collect more tech points. (Leave the third Master Builder/Master Researcher to keep improving the farming skill.) >>> [C5-25] Population Reaches 13 Villagers <<< ----------------------------------------------- When you reach a population of 13 villagers yet another construction site (hut #2 on the map) will appear to the left of the fire pit. You have another Master Builder at the research table, that you could use for the job. But your next tech points target is rather high, so leave him there and forget about the construction of the new hut until the Builder named Six is done with the sewing hut. NOTE: You could move Builder named Six from the sewing hut to this new construction site, because you will not be able to increase the population above 17 until this hut is completed. On the other hand, increasing the population that much in short time and while you don’t have secure source of food, yet, might not be a good idea anyway. >>> [C5-26] A Villager Masters Three Skills <<< ----------------------------------------------- If you had more or less followed this walkthrough, than either One or Five (the one you made a Farmer in “[C5-19] A Villager Masters Two Skills”) should by now become master also in farming. This means, you have just made your first Esteemed Elder and thus completed ~~PUZZLE #6~~. In his honour the villagers made him a totem. Put it wherever you like for the time being, you will need it later, though. As for the Esteemed Elder, you can let him do whatever you need most right now, which is probably researching. Or, let him do nothing but enjoy the prestigious status he earned... If you like totems (there are 7 different looking ones), make more villagers Esteemed Elders - you can collect up to 50 totems. If you don’t, no problem either, they are not needed for the completions of the game. >>> [C5-27] The Sewing Hut is Built <<< --------------------------------------- Now that the sewing hut is completed (~~PUZZLE #12~~) you can change the appearance of your villagers. There are 30 different types of clothing available for each gender. But! If you want to change the clothing you need to spend 5.000 tech points per villager on it. And tech points is something you still need to upgrade all the technologies to level 3. So, unless someone is wearing something you are absolutely disgusted with, let the villagers walk around in what they are already wearing, and start changing their appearance only when you don’t need tech points for anything else anymore. To change the clothing of a villager drag that villager onto the sewing hut. A window will pop up asking, if you want to spend 5.000 tech points to change this villager’s cloths. If you agree, the villager will walk into the sewing hut. When he reappears another window will pop up in which you can browse through the 30 clothing collections. When you find the one you like click OK, and the villager will walk back into the hut. Once back out again he will be wearing the new cloths. The Builder named Six you had on the sewing hut construction can now go build the new hut (hut #2 on the map). Therefore, after all the necessary celebrating (c’mon, they need to have SOME fun), drag them to the foundation that appeared once you reached population of 13 villagers. >>> [C5-28] Collected 90.000 TP for L3 Farming <<< -------------------------------------------------- As soon as you collect the necessary points, buy ~~LEVEL 3 FARMING~~. You can now clear the ocean from the algae. To do so drag either Master Scientist or Master Farmer (or both) to the pond under the waterfall. He will start catching algae-eating fish and carry them over to the ocean. When he drops them in you will get a message “That still may not be enough algae-eating fish”. So, drag him back to the pond for more algae-eating fish. Rinse and repeat to a total of 10 algae-eating fish, when you will get a notification that your villagers re-established clean state of the ocean (~~PUZZLE #7~~). NOW you can fish again, NOW you are out of the woods concerning food. YUPPIE! Without worrying about food you can adjust the tactics of the game for the final time. You CAN now assign each villager their original professions as suggested under a) of “[C5-14] The Last Child Grows Up”. Or, if they don’t have that much to do in their original professions, keep them at the research table. Also, you can still drag many villagers to harvest the crops when they come out of the soil. Whatever strategy you apply from here on, it is a safe one for thriving of your village! Nevertheless... It is ESSENTIAL to assign villagers their original professions before closing the game down if you are not pausing the game. To prevent major disasters it is safest to put the game to 1/2 speed, and since you trained all the villagers at least into Trainees in their respective professions they will ensure the game will continue without them being lazy or even dying when you are not around. As for making babies, you can let your villagers pretty much loose on the topic as well, but always remember, one Farmer can comfortably provide food for 7 villagers (see #3 of “[C1-02] Collecting Food”). >>> [C5-29] Population Reaches 15 Villagers <<< ----------------------------------------------- When you reach a population of 15 villagers the game notifies you, that you reached the first population milestone. Nothing to do with it, it is just a notification of your village’s growth. >>> [C5-30] Collected 65.000 TP for L3 Medicine <<< --------------------------------------------------- With these tech points you will surely like to buy ~~LEVEL 3 MEDICINE~~. The lives of your villagers will prolong yet again and the elderly limit will move up to the age of 66 (for more details see #8 of “[C1-01] General”). >>> [C5-31] Hut #2 is Built <<< ------------------------------- The Builder(s) constructed a new hut! Your village can now support a population of 35 villagers. But don’t ever forget, you need enough Farmers to support a larger population, as well! Since there is nothing more to be built right now, you can put the Builder(s), that was/were working on the construction of hut #2, to help with collecting tech points. >>> [C5-32] Collected 75.000 TP for L3 Engineering <<< ------------------------------------------------------ Purchase ~~LEVEL 3 ENGINEERING~~ with the points gathered, and a new construction site will appear in the South of Isola, between the crops field and the sewing hut. It is a hospital, where your sick villagers will be able to recover, so if you did turn all the original Builders into Scientists, make them Builders again and let them build the hospital. >>> [C5-33] Collected 85.000 TP for L3 Culture <<< -------------------------------------------------- You can now buy ~~LEVEL 3 CULTURE~~. Once you purchase this upgrade you can finally start uncovering the ancient mosaic in the Southeast of Isola (the part that was flooded before you built the dam). You can also start uncovering the vines overgrowing the wall that is running alongside the stream. To do these chores drag there any villager(s), but choose “Building” as their preferred skill, though, or they will go do other things. You might be thinking you don’t have enough Builders to build a hospital, uncover ancient ruins AND cut away the vines covering the wall. Even though there are still two technology upgrades you still need to purchase, neither of them are necessary for completing the remaining puzzles. Meaning, you can without any worry sacrifice couple of Researchers and turn them into Builders to do the jobs on the ancient ruins and the wall covered with vines. >>> [C5-34] The Hospital is Built <<< ------------------------------------- When the Builders are done with the hospital, you can use them to do both of the uncovering jobs... unless your population increased enough in the meantime, so they can start working on the final hut (see “[C5-39] Population Reaches 31 Villagers”). >>> [C5-35] Writings on the Wall are Uncovered <<< -------------------------------------------------- It takes less time to remove the vines covering the writings on the wall than it does to uncover the ancient mosaic, so if you have the same number of Builder(s) on the two jobs, this one will be done first. When the writings are uncovered (~~PUZZLE #8~~) drag the Builder(s) to either help with the uncovering of the ancient mosaic, or to help build the final hut, if you see the construction site already (see “[C5-39] Population Reaches 31 Villagers”). >>> [C5-36] Collected 160.000 TP for L3 Exploration <<< ------------------------------------------------------- You could have bought level 3 Science 10.000 tech points ago, which would enable your researchers to collect tech points faster. But, the only technology upgrade you still need tech points for is Exploration... which is only 10.000 points away. So, wait until you have 160.000 tech points and buy ~~LEVEL 3 EXPLORATION~~. With this one you can now see mushrooms and collectibles also in Overview Map, which was not possible before (for more details see #4 of “[C1-05] Collectibles”). Also, the children will find the most rare collectibles now, so hopefully you will be able to increase your maximum population (see #2 of “[C1-05] Collectibles”) >>> [C5-37] Population Reaches 25 Villagers <<< ----------------------------------------------- When you reach a population of 25 villagers the game notifies you, that you reached the second population milestone. Again, nothing to do with it, it is just a notification of your village’s progress. >>> [C5-38] Ancient Mosaic is Uncovered <<< ------------------------------------------- When the ancient mosaic is uncovered you will complete ~~PUZZLE #10~~. But, you can immediately complete another puzzle. Remember that totem your first Esteemed Elder got? I said you will need it later on, and this is the moment for it. Grab the totem and drop it in the middle of just uncovered ancient mosaic. Something will appear in the middle of the mosaic, so grab whichever villager and drop it on that ‘something’. Yep, it is the final piece of Gong of Wonder (~~PUZZLE #14~~). Now that you have completed the Gong of Wonder you can ring it once every 24 hours. To do so, simply drag any villager onto the gong. The events that the Gong evokes are many, ranging from granting food, tech points, health, wisdom, etc., to taking all these, and many other things, not necessarily connected to food, tech points, health, or wisdom. Just ring that gong once a day and see what happens. If you already see the final construction site (see “[C5-39] Population Reaches 31 Villagers”), the Builders should of course start working on that final hut. If not, your Builders really have nothing productive to do for the time being. You can therefore turn them into researchers, to get that final technology upgrade. Or make them Farmers, and start increasing your population a bit more rapidly. >>> [C5-39] Population Reaches 31 Villagers <<< ----------------------------------------------- Upon reaching population of 31 villagers a new and final construction site will appear between the hut #2 and breeding hut: hut #3 (see map). Whatever you did with your Builders, reinstate them in their original profession and have them built the hut. >>> [C5-40] Collected 150.000 TP for L3 Science <<< --------------------------------------------------- Now you can buy the final technology upgrade, ~~LEVEL 3 SCIENCE~~. Your villagers will collect tech points even faster now (see #5 of “[C1-01] General”). Not that it matters much, since you have purchased all the technology upgrades already. But, in case you want to keep changing your villager’s outfits, remember you need 5.000 tech points for each outfit change. So, maybe collecting tech points faster does have some advantage. Since you don’t need tech points desperately anymore, you can now only have 2 or 3 villagers collecting them. Make everyone else (except for the Builders, they need to finish hut #3) into Farmers. NOW, you can go somewhat wild with making babies. Nevertheless, until you construct the final hut you will only be able to increase the population to 35 villagers. >>> [C5-41] Hut #3 is Built <<< ------------------------------- By completing the hut #3 you can increase your population to maximum of 90 villagers (without completed collections of collectibles - see #2 of “[C1-05] Collectibles”). This construction actually concludes the final ‘real’ assignment for your villagers, so from here on there is really nothing else to do but farm and breed to the maximum population. Meaning, you can turn all your villagers to Farmers. There are two exceptions to this rule, though. (i) Have 1 or 2 Healers, that will take care of sick villagers while you are not playing. (ii) Skill 1 or 2 MALES in parenting, and they will provide the tribe with sufficient babies when you are not playing. If you want to collect more totems, though (remember you can collect up to 50 of them), start to skill your villagers in different professions. (For help on this see “[C4] Making Esteemed Elders”.) You can also continue collecting collectibles, if you want the biggest possible population... Oh yes, and ring the Gong of Wonder once every 24 hours! >>> [C5-42] Population Reaches 50 Villagers <<< ----------------------------------------------- When you reach a population of 50 villagers the game notifies you, that you reached the third population milestone. Again, nothing to do with it, it is just a notification of your village’s progress. >>> [C5-43] Population Reaches Maximum <<< ------------------------------------------ The number of villagers in your village when the game notifies you about reaching maximum sustainable population will depend on completed collections of collectibles. If none of the collections have been completed yet, the notification about maximum will appear at 90 villagers. If you have already completed some of the collections, the maximum population will be reached at correspondingly increased number of villagers, i.e. +5 for every completed collection. (For more details see #2 of “[C1-05] Collectibles”.) Your village is now ready to survive more or less on its own. With couple of Healers and male Parents you can put the game on 1/2 speed and easily stay away for a few days; your village will thrive nevertheless. If you don’t want to quit yet, try that patience of yours to find all the collections, and thus increase your maximum population. Or, simply start a new tribe, and see what you have learned from previous mistakes. In any case, if there is an end to the game, this is the closest you will get to it, so CONGRATULATIONS, you managed to found a tribe!