screencaps zip file: Final Fantasy XII International Zodiac Job System Walkthrough Version 1.20 by Red Scarlet ----- Version History 1.00 05/03/10-Guide started. 1.10 06/18/11-Got the names for areas. 1.20 07/20/11-Began finishing up the screencaps, added Spells and Techs screencaps section. ----- This guide uses "search codes" in an effort to make finding specific points in the game easier to zip right to. Just do a 'find' for the combination shown in the table of contents and it should send you right to that point in the guide. If you want to jump to where to get the first loot mentioned, オルギン (Book of Orgain), you would search for wt08b. Hopefully that makes sense. Also, if a mark shows up twice in the table of contents, the first entry is for finding the petitioner for the mark, and the second entry is where to find the mark itself and fight it. Included in the Table of Contents are when I fight the marks as well as when I am at the point in the game/guide where there is some loot to make something useful. That makes the ToC kind of long, my apologies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Table of Contents | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | wt01a | 王都ラバナスタ (The Royal City of Rabanastre) | | wt02a | They Took our Jawrbs | | wt03a | 東ダルマスカ砂漠 (Dalmasca Estersand) | | b | Mark: はぐれトマト (Rogue Tomato) | | c | Mark: テクスタ (Thextera) | | wt04a | ラバナスタ・ダウンタウン (Rabanastre Lowtown) | | wt05a | ギーザ草原 (Giza Plains) | | wt06a | 西ダルマスカ砂漠 (Dalmasca Westersand) | | b | Mark: テクスタ (Thextera) | | wt07a | Ye Olde Expensive Text Things | | b | Mark: 花サボテン (Flowering Cactoid) | | wt08a | ナルビナ城塞 (Nalbina Town) | | b | LOOT ALERT: オルギン (Book of Orgain) | | wt09a | ガラムサイズ水路 (Garamsythe Waterway) | | wt10a | ラバナスタ王宮 (The Royal Palace of Rabanastre) | | wt11a | ナルビナ城塞地下牢 (Nalbina Dungeons) | | wt12a | バルハイム地下道 (Barheim Passage) | | b | LOOT ALERT: ボムの灰 (Bomb Ashes) | | wt13a | 東ダルマスカ砂漠 (The Dalmasca Estersand) | | wt14a | 王都ラバナスタ (The Royal City of Rabanastre) | | b | Mark: レイス (Wraith) | | c | Mark: ニワトリス (Cluckatrice) | | wt15a | 空中都市ビュエルバ (The Skycity of Bhujerba) | | wt16a | ルース魔石鉱 (The Lhusu Mines) | | b | LOOT ALERT: コウモリの翼 (Bat Wing) | | wt17a | Chains, Chains, the magical fruit, the more you chain... | | wt18a | 空中都市ビュエルバ (The Skycity of Bhujerba) | | b | Mark: ロックタイタス (Rocktoise) | | c | Mark: ニーズヘッグ (Nidhogg) | | d | Mark: ニーズヘッグ (Nidhogg) | | e | Mark: ロックタイタス (Rocktoise) | | wt19a | 戦艦リヴァイアサン (Dreadnought Leviathan) | | b | Mark: ワイバーンロード (Wyvern Lord) | | wt20a | 西ダルマスカ砂漠 -Dalmasca Westersand- | | b | Mark: ワイバーンロード (Wyvern Lord) | | wt21a | 大砂海オグル・エンサ (Ogir-Yensa Sandsea) | | b | LOOT ALERT: ボムの抜け殻 (Bomb Shell), エンサのヒレ (Yensa Fin), | | | サラマンド (Salamand Halcyon), | | | 飛竜の翼 (Wyvern Wing), 火の魔晶石 (Fire Crystal) | | wt22a | ゼルテニアン洞窟 (Zertinan Caverns) | | b | LOOT ALERT: カエルの油 (Frog Oil), | | | サジタリウス (Sagittarius Gem) | | c | LOOT ALERT: アリエス (Aries Gems) | | wt23a | 大砂海ナム・エンサ (Nam-Yensa Sandsea) | | b | Mark: ワイバーンロード (Wyvern Lord) | | wt24a | レイスウォール王墓 (The Tomb of Raithwall) | | b | LOOT ALERT: 石材 (Solid Stone) | | wt25a | 王都ラバナスタ (The Royal City of Rabanastre) | | b | LOOT ALERT: 土の魔晶石 (Earth Crystal), ノーマ (Gnoma Halcyon) | | wt26a | モスフォーラ山地 (Mosphoran Highwaste) | | b | LOOT ALERT: 獣王の角 (Beast Lord Horn), ジェミニ (Gemini Gem), | | | 大蛇の牙 (Great Snake Fang) | | wt27a | サリカ樹林 (The Salikawood) | | b | LOOT ALERT: さけびの根 (Screamroot) | | wt28a | 東ダルマスカ砂漠 (Dalmasca Estersand) | | b | LOOT ALERT: レオ (Leo Gem), 地竜の骨 (Tyrant Bone) | | wt29a | Getting the Barheim Key | | wt30a | バルハイム地下道 (Barheim Passage) Revisited | | b | LOOT ALERT: ボムの欠片 (Bomb Fragment), キャンサー (Cancer Gem), | | | 鉄鉱 (Iron Ore), 闇の魔晶石 (Dark Crystal), | | | 神々の怒り (Wrath of the Gods) | | c | ザルエラ (Zalera) | | d | LOOT ALERT: 水の魔晶石 (Water Crystal), | | | モルボルの花 (Malboro Flower) | | wt31a | 王都ラバナスタ (The Royal City of Rabanastre) | | b | Mark: ホワイトムース (White Mousse) | | c | Mark: リングドラゴン (Ring Wyrm) | | d | LOOT ALERT: 円月輪 (Moon Ring) | | wt32a | ゼルテニアン洞窟 (Zertinan Caverns) | | b | Mark: マリリス (Marilith) | | c | LOOT ALERT: スコーピオ (Scorpio Gem), | | | 悪魔のため息 (Demon's Sigh), ミスリル (Mythril), | | d | アドラメレク (Adrammelech) | | e | LOOT ALERT: 血染めの首飾り (Blood-Stained Necklace), | | | 攻竜の殻 (Battlewyrm Carapace), | | | 皇帝のウロコ (Emperor Scale), 死竜の骨 (Wyrm Bone), | | | 水の魔晶石 (Water Crystal), | | | デスパウダー (Death Powder), | | | 裂かれた衣 (Tattered Garment), | | | 静寂のアデド (Grimoire Aidhed), | | | 千年亀の甲羅 (Aged Turtleshell) | | f | Mark: オルトロス (Orthros) | | wt33a | ギーザ草原 (Rainy Giza Plains) | | b | Mark: ケロゲロス (Croakadile) | | c | Mark: ギルガメ (Gil Snapper) | | wt34a | オズモーネ平原 (Ozmone Plain) | | wt35a | ガリフの地ジャハラ (Jahara - Land of the Garif) | | b | Mark: エンケドラス (Enkelados) | | wt36a | ゴルモア大森林 (The Golmore Jungle) | | b | LOOT ALERT: リーブラ (Libra Gem) | | wt37a | エルトの里 (Eruyt Village) | | wt38a | ガラムサイズ水路 (The Garamsythe Waterway) | | b | キュクレイン (Cuchulainn) | | c | LOOT ALERT: アクエリアス (Aquarius Gem) | | wt39a | ヘネ魔石鉱 (Henne Mines) | | b | LOOT ALERT: 沈黙のトガル (Grimoire Togail) | | c | LOOT ALERT: 落雷衝 (Charged Gizzard) | | d | LOOT ALERT: シャレコウベ (Death's-Head) | | e | LOOT ALERT: 吸血の牙 (Vampyr Fang) | | f | LOOT ALERT: 鏡のウロコ (Mirror Scale), | | | 風の魔晶石 (Wind Crystal), | | | 風切りの羽根 (Windslicer Pinion) | | g | LOOT ALERT: 皇帝のウロコ (Emperor Scale) | | wt40a | パラミナ大峡谷 (Paramina Rift) | | wt41a | 神都ブルオミシェイス (Mt Bur-Omisace) | | b | LOOT ALERT: ダマスカス鋼 (Damascus Steel) | | wt42a | ミリアム遺跡 (Stilshrine of Miriam) | | b | マティウス (Mateus) | | c | ゼロムス (Zeromus) | | wt43a | 王都ラバナスタ (The Royal City of Rabanastre) | | b | Mark: イシュタム (Ixtab), マインドフレア (Mindflayer) | | c | Mark: チョッパー (Feral Retriever), トリックスター (Trickster) | | d | LOOT ALERT: レーシー (Leshach Halcyon) | | e | Mark: ボーパルバニー (Vorpal Bunny) | | f | Mark: ブラッディ (Bloodwing) | | g | Mark: アントリオン (Antlion) | | wt44a | ルース魔石鉱 (Lhusu Mines) | | b | Mark: アトモス (Atomos), ロビー (Roblon), キャロット (Carrot) | | wt45a | モスフォーラ山地 (Mosphoran Highwaste) | | b | Mark: アトモス (Atomos) | | wt46a | サリカ樹林 (The Salikawood) | | b | ボムキング (King Bomb) | | c | Mark: ブライ (Braegh) | | wt47a | 死都ナブディス (The Necrohol of Nabudis) | | wt48a | ナブレウス湿原 (Nabreus Deadlands) | | b | LOOT ALERT: 輪竜のキモ (Ring Wyrm Liver), | | | 銀色の液体 (Silver Liquid) | | c | LOOT ALERT: 戦馬の殻 (Destrier Barding), | | | リョスアルブ (Leamonde Halcyon), | | | フカヒレ (Dorsal Fin), ヒヒイロカネ (Scarletite) | | d | Mark: ロビー (Roblon) | | wt49a | Sluice and Dice | | b | Mark: キャロット (Carrot) | | wt50a | フォーン海岸 (Phon Coast) | | b | LOOT ALERT: ミスリル (Mythril) | | c | LOOT ALERT: とんかち (Hammer) | | d | エクスデス (Exodus) | | e | LOOT ALERT: 円月輪 (Moon Ring) | | wt51a | ツィッタ大草原 (Tchita Uplands) | | wt52a | ソーヘン地下宮殿 (Sochen Cave Palace) | | wt53a | アルケイディス旧市街 (Old Archades) | | wt54a | 帝都アルケイディス (The Imperial City of Archades) | | b | White Leaves and Pinewood Chops | | wt55a | ドラクロア研究所 (Draklor Laboratory) | | wt56a | 港町バーフォンハイム (Port at Balfonheim) | | wt57a | セロビ台地 (Cerobi Steppe) | | b | LOOT ALERT: アダマンタイト (Adamantite), | | | 輪竜のウロコ (Ring Wyrm Scale) | | c | Mark: ヴィラール (Vyraal) | | d | 魔神竜 (Hellwyrm) | | e | Mark: リンドヴァルム (Lindwyrm), オーバーロード (Overlord), | | | ダークスティール (Darksteel), ゴリアテ (Goliath), | | | デスサイズ (Deathscythe) | | f | Mark: 謎の男 (Ancient Man of Mystery) | | wt58a | ルース魔石鉱 (Lhusu Mines) | | b | LOOT ALERT: とんかち (Mallet) | | c | Mark: ベリト (Belito) | | wt59a | ナブレウス湿原 (Nabreus Deadlands) | | b | カオス (Chaos) | | wt60a | 幻妖の森 (The Feywood) | | wt61a | 古代都市ギルヴェガン (The Ancient City of Giruvegan) | | wt62a | クリスタル・グランデ (The Great Crystal | | b | LOOT ALERT: クァールのヒゲ (Coeurl Whisker) | | c | シュミハザ (Shemhazai) | | wt63a | New Stuff at Old Places | | wt64a | リドラナ大瀑布 (The Ridorana Cataract) | | b | Mark: ピスコディーモン (Piscodaemon) | | wt65a | クリスタル・グランデ (The Great Crystal 2) | | b | LOOT ALERT: 生命のロウソク (Lifewick) | | c | アルテマ (Ultima) | | d | ジャンダルム (Gendarme) | | wt66a | More Marks | | b | Mark: デスゲイズ (Deathgaze) | | c | Mark: ディアボロス (Diabolos) | | d | Mark: ワイルドモルボル (Wild Malboro) | | e | Mark: ファーヴニル (Fafnir) | | f | Mark: カトブレパス (Catoblepas) | | g | Mark: キングベヒーモス (Behemoth King) | | wt67a | 魔神竜 (Hellwyrm) | | wt68a | リドラナ大灯台 (The Pharos at Ridorana) | | b | 大灯台下層 (Pharos at Ridorana, First Ascent) | | c | LOOT ALERT: オリハルク (Orichalcum) | | d | 大灯台中層 (Pharos at Ridorana, Second Ascent) | | e | LOOT ALERT: 死虫 (Corpse Fly) | | f | 大灯台上層 (Pharos at Ridorana, Third Ascent) | | g | ハシュマリム (Hashmal) | | h | ファムフリート (Famfrit) | | wt69a | Cleaning Up | | b | Mark: パイルラスタ (Pylraster) | | wt70a | ヘネ魔石鉱 (Henne Mines) | | b | ゾディアーク (Zodiark) | | c | Mark: パイルラスタ (Pylraster) | | wt71a | 暗影の層 (Subterra: Origin in Darkness) | | b | 暗影の層 (Subterra: Penumbra) | | c | 闇昏の層 (Subterra: Umbra) | | d | 陰裏の層 (Subterra: Abyssal) | | e | 行き先不明 (Unknown Floor) | | wt72a | 赤チョコボLv99 (Level 99 Red Chocobo) | | wt73a | Mark: ヤズマット (Yiazmat) | | wt74a | オメガ mk. XII (Omega Mark XII) | | wt75a | 空中要塞バハムート (Sky Fortress Bahamut) | | wt76a | Loot/Bazaar combinations list | | wt77a | Spells/Techs in pots list | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello! This guide is for the International: Zodiac Job System version of Final Fantasy 12. Story/event-wise, this guide would work for the original version of the game decently, but locations of a lot of things (weapons, armor, items, spells, some pots, a lot of pot contents) are different in the two versions, so I wouldn't recommend this guide for the standard release of Final Fantasy 12. This FAQ is for personal use only. It cannot be altered without the consent of the FAQ's owner (me), nor published in any magazines or any reproduced form. This FAQ is not meant for sale and is copyright 2010, 2011 Red Scarlet. If you want to use this FAQ on your Website or page, please email me for permission ( Most people reading this are probably playing the English patch version, but I only have the official Japanese version of the game. By including both the Japanese text that shows up in the game as well as the English text via the English patch, players of either version of the game can use the guide. This is *NOT* a translation guide. I don't know where they got "Armguard" from "Berserker". I will try to include useful stuff for all jobs, but there may be some bias for the party I tend to use (like for some loot to make certain things). This version of the game has a "speed up mode". Press L1 to toggle it on or off. Be sure to use it! Let's begin the game! ============================================================================= You'll be controlling レックス (Reks). Move the camera angles with the right analog stick. Use the left analog stick to move toward バッシュ (Basch). Move toward the ダルマスカ兵 (Dalmascan soldier) and talk to him. Afterward, get near the gate and press the circle button to enter. Attack or cast サンダー (Thunder) on the 小型飛空艇レモラ (Air Cutter Remora). It will be destroyed quickly. At the next area, use the locate map or the mini map to navigate through. There are many enemies here. You don't have to kill them all and you can hold down R2 to escape/avoid combat. Take the stairs to the north. Moving on, you will see a save crystal. You can check it to replenish HP, MP, cure abnormal status and save the game. Go on up and Rex will fight three Imperial Swordsmen. Finish them off and go south to a door. Continue to the northwest. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt01a | 王都ラバナスタ (The Royal City of Rabanastre) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Weapon Shop: ブロードソード (Broadsword) 390 gil 虎徹 (Kotetsu) 500 gil ジャベリン (Javelin) 500 gil 樫の棒 (Oaken Pole) 450 gil ショートボウ (Shortbow) 450 gil アルタイル (Altair) 400 gil ハンドアックス (Handaxe) 420 gil ダガー (Dagger) 390 gil ----- Armor Shop: ヘッドギア (Headgear) 200 gil クロムレザー (Chromed Leathers) 200 gil 魔法のカーチ (Magick Curch) 200 gil メディアスの服 (Light Woven Shirt) 200 gil レザーヘルム (Leather Helm) 250 gil レザーアーマー (Leather Armor) 300 gil レザーシールド (Leather Shield) 300 gil 革の帽子 (Leather Cap) 100 gil 革の服 (Leather Clothing) 100 gil 木綿の帽子 (Cotton Hat) 100 gil 木綿の服 (Cotton Shirt) 100 gil ----- Item Shop: オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ----- Magic Shop: ブラナ (Blindna) 200 gil ケアル (Cure) 200 gil ファイア (Fire) 180 gil スロウ (Slow) 200 gil ----- Tech Shop: ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil ----- As you get farther in the game, more stuff will be up for sale at the shops in Rabanastre. You'll be controlling ヴァン (Vaan). Finish off the three ウェアラット (Dire Rat)s in the area. Steal from them if you want to first. Besides the equip option, the world map option will also be added to the party menu. When you can move around, go east then south to meet with ミゲロ (Migelo). After speaking with Migelo, the item, weapon and armor shops become available. The magic and tech shops are still unavailable for the moment. Once you are ready, go into the northeastern house (with the red X if you look at the map with select) which is the 砂海亭 (Sandsea), aka the bar in town). Speak to the man named トマジ (Tomaj). You will get the Clan Primer and Licenses added to the party menu, as well as the accessory オルアケアの腕輪 (Orrachea Armlet). Tomaj wants you to defeat a 'Mark', the はぐれトマト (Rogue Tomato). Marks are basically monsters on a wanted poster that you can choose to find and fight if you wish. The License Board offers twelve jobs and each character can only pick one (or go with no job). You can't change the job after you've picked one, a la Final Fantasy 1. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt02a | They Took our Jawrbs | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are the jobs? Here's a short description of each: ----- 白魔道士 (White Mage) Master of the healing arts, White Mages can learn all White Magic and Green Magic. They are poor fighters and have a low max HP. Main weapon: Rods (can hit flying enemies) Main armor: Mystic Armor ----- ウーラン (Uhlan) This game's Dragon Knight/Dragoon, the Uhlan is all about spears. They are good fighters that can get a lot of HP boosts on the board, and even the level 2 black magic (Fira/Blizzara/Thundara). Main weapon: Spears (can hit flying enemies) Main armor: Heavy Armor ----- 機工士 (Machinist) The gun-wielder of the game. Gets a fair amount of extra HP. Can use some Time Magic like Hastega, but not until very, very late in the game. Main weapon: Guns (can hit flying enemies) Main armor: Light Armor ----- 赤魔道士 (Red Mage) Red Mages can use a mix of White, Black, Green, and Arcane magic. Although the top tier of White and Black are unavailable to the Red Mage, the magic power given to the class makes the character a capable main White and Black magic user. Red Mages are also superior fighters compared to the White and Black Mage classes. Main weapon: Maces Main armor: Mystic Armor ----- ナイト (Knight) One of the tank classes in the game. Knights are all about fighting and love swords. Other classes can gain more HP than the Knight, but the job can hold its own either way. Later on in the game, the Knight has the ability to become more of a Paladin, with some choice White Magic becoming unlockable. Main weapon: Swords (1h and 2h) Main armor: Heavy Armor ----- モンク (Monk) Another tank class, the Monk is much more agile than the Knight. Using fists or pole weapons, Monks are a force to be reckoned with. Monks gain a huge amount of HP and can cast some White Magic later on in the game. Main weapon: Poles (can hit flying enemies) Main armor: Light Armor ----- 時空魔道士 (Time Mage) Time Mages, as the name implies, use Time Magic and Green Magic. Spells like Slow, Stop, and Haste is the specialty of the class. Time Mages mainly use crossbows, but can use some 1-handed swords and a little White Magic later on in the game. Main weapon: Crossbows (can hit flying enemies) Main armor: Heavy Armor ----- ブレイカー (Breaker) Breakers like to break stuff. Mainly, attack and defense parameters of enemies. The Breaker is the only job that can use all four 'break' abilities (other various classes can use a few). As a frontline fighter, the Breaker's damage comes down to chance, since the job uses the weapons that do a random amount of damage. Main weapon: Axes/Hammers/Hand-Bombs (Hand-Bombs can hit flying enemies) Main armor: Heavy Armor ----- 弓使い (Archer) Archers use bows and a variety of techs. The job also can get a good amount of HP boosts from the board, and can cast Cura. Beware, the Archer has a low Magic stat, so this job probably will not cut it as a main healer. Main weapon: Bows (can hit flying enemies) Main armor: Light Armor ----- 黒魔道士 (Black Mage) Black Mages specialize in magic that hurts enemies. Black Mages can also use Green Magic. Don't rely on the Black Mage to physically fight or take a lot of damage. It is possible for a Black Mage to equip some heavy armor and Hand-Bombs as weapons. Main weapon: Staves Main armor: Mystic Armor ----- もののふ (Samurai) The Samurai is almost more akin to a 'fighting Black Mage' decently early in the game. Samurai are not the strongest physical fighter, but are much more capable than the mages. The job gains a great amount of HP as well, even more than a Knight. Main weapon: Katanas Main armor: Mystic Armor ----- シカり (Hunter) Hunters are like ninja, in the sense that they use the ninja-ish blades in the game along with daggers. They get a good amount of HP, too. Main weapon: Knives/Ninja Swords Main armor: Light Armor ----- One thing to note is that every character has some basic things no matter what job he or she is assigned. This can be useful to know before committing a character to this or that job. Here's the main things: Vaan always has the 盗む (Steal) tech and can use the equipment from 'Daggers 1' and 'Light Armor 1'. Penelo can always cast the ケアル (Cure) and ブラナ (Blindna) spells and can use the equipment from 'Daggers 1' and 'Mystic Armor 1'. Balthier always has the 盗む (Steal) and 応急手当 (First Aid) techs and can use the equipment from 'Guns 1' and 'Light Armor 2'. Fran always has the 盗む (Steal) tech, can always cast the ケアル (Cure), ブラナ (Blindna), ファイア (Fire), and サンダー (Thunder) spells and can use the equipment from 'Bows 1' and 'Light Armor 2'. Basch always has the ライブラ (Libra) tech, and can use the equipment from 'Swords 2', 'Heavy Armor 1', 'Shields 1', and comes with a Mythril Sword, which any job can equip. Ashe can always cast the ケアル (Cure) and ブラナ (Blindna) spells, and can use the equipment from Swords 2, Heavy Armor 1, Shields 1, and comes with a バングル (Bangle) equipped. Exit out of the bar and press select to bring up the locate map. As you can see, the next stop is to get to the east gate. Before going there, check out the magic and tech shops since they are available now. Your money is pretty limited early on, so buy what you think will help out the most (I tend to go with the ケアル (Cure) spell, since Penelo and Fran can cast it no matter what job they go with). Go north to another area. There is a gambit shop, but it isn't available yet. At the west side of the area, speak with the bangaa to get into the Clan hall. Talk to Montblanc to become a member of the Centurio Clan. Go southwest from the Clan hall. You will get to the Muthru Bazaar. As a Centurio Clan member, you can use the clan shop here. Right now, all the clan shop has for sale is the デコイ (Decoy) spell for 2,000 gil. As your clan rank goes up (usually by beating more marks), there will be more things sold here. Once you are ready, head to the middle section of Rabanastre. The west and south gates are blocked. Go to the eastern one. There is a save crystal here. Save the game, then exit out to the east once you are ready. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt03a | 東ダルマスカ砂漠 (Dalmasca Estersand) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No A note about pots and chests in FF12 International. In this version of the game, you only need to go one screen away to respawn pots/chests (instead of two in the original). ----- Spells/Techs: サイレス (Silence) ポイズン (Poison) Both spells are unreachable right now, but you can get them in a little while. ----- Possible useful items: ポーション (Potion) 7 of the 10 pots at 砂段の丘 (The Stepping) have Potions. フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 砂段の丘 (The Stepping), northwesternmost pot. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Phoenix Down / Phoenix Down Pic: ハイポーション (Hi-Potion) 小キャンプ (Outpost), along the northern wall. Pot stats: 15% to appear, 60% gil, contents: Hi-Potion / Hi-Potion Pic: ファイアフライ (Firefly) 小キャンプ (Outpost), far eastern wall. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- When equipped, the ファイアフライ (Firefly) accessory does not allow the character equipped with it to gain experience. It sells for 800 gil, which at this early point in the game may help you buy some weapons, armor, or spells for your characters. Explore around for items and enemies to fight. Make sure you avoid the ワイルドザウルス (Wild Saurian)! It's the big green dinosaur with a green life bar. At around the middle of the area is the はぐれトマト (Rogue Tomato). Before fighting it, you can check out the next screen to the north, the 小キャンプ (Outpost). If you go to the far west corner by the exit to the Outpost, the pot there can have a フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) inside. This is a pretty easy spot to stock up on some for free (check the pot, grab the contents, enter the Outpost, then walk back and check for the pot again). Or you could try stocking up on some Phoenix Down, Potions, and Hi-Potions by going back and forth. It's up to you. Check around the camp for gil and some items. One of the items is the ファイアフライ (Firefly) accessory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt03b | Mark: はぐれトマト (Rogue Tomato) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack it a few times, keeping your HP above 30-40. Chase after it to finish it off. You will get ガルバナの花 (Galbana Lilies) after beating the evil fruit. Head back to Rabanastre. Speak with カイツ (Kytes) by the gate. Now you can go to lowtown. Head back to Tomaj in the Sandsea first. You will receive the reward for beating the Rogue Tomato: 300 gil, 2 Potions, and a テレポストーン (Teleport Stone). Teleport Stones are very handy, they let you warp around to and from any of the orange save crystals. Blue ones are not warp points, and that is the only difference between the two (both replenish your HP/MP, cure abnormal status, and allow you to save the game). You can initiate the next mark right now if you wish. Remember, all marks aside from the Rogue Tomato are completely optional and not required to finish the game, but you can receive some nice stuff and probably get more out of the game by doing them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt03c | Mark: テクスタ (Thextera) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look at the board on the wall in the Sandsea. There should be one for hunting down Thextera. Speak with ガスリ (Gatsly), who is sitting down on the ground inside the bar. Tell him you'll do the job, then head to the lowtown area. You can find Gatsly here: ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt04a | ラバナスタ・ダウンタウン (Rabanastre Lowtown) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: No ----- Northern Item Shop: オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ----- Southern Item Shop: オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ----- Possible useful items: フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) Northeastern part of ダウンタウン北部 (North Sprawl), by the person icon. Pot stats: 40% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Phoenix Down / Phoenix Down Pic: 目薬 (Eye Drops) Center of ダウンタウン北部 (North Sprawl), north of the southern shop. Pot stats: 50% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Eye Drops / Eye Drops Pic: 毒消し (Antidote) Can show up on both areas of lowtown. First spot is southwest of the Eye Drops pot, second spot is west of the shop at ダウンタウン南部 (South Sprawl). Pot 1 stats: 50% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Antidote / Antidote Pic: Pot 2 stats: 50% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Antidote / Antidote Pic: やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) Found at the southeastern part of lowtown, across from Dalan's house. Pot stats: 50% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Echo Herbs / Echo Herbs Pic: ----- Head to the southern section of lowtown. Enter the house (icon with a person on it) to get to Dalan's house. After speaking to Dalan, head south to the Giza Plains. If you have the cash and need the maps first, head to the northwestern section of the center area at Rabanastre. There should be a mapmaker moogle walking around. You can buy three area maps from him: Dalmasca Estersand (30 gil), Dalmasca Westersand (500 gil), and Giza Plains (30 gil). After buying the maps or choosing not to, head south to the Giza plains. We will take care of Thextera soon. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt05a | ギーザ草原 (Giza Plains) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes (2) ----- Shop: ブロードソード (Broadsword) 390 gil 虎徹 (Kotetsu) 500 gil ジャベリン (Javelin) 500 gil 樫の棒 (Oaken Pole) 450 gil ショートボウ (Short Bow) 450 gil アルタイル (Altair) 400 gil ハンドアックス (Handaxe) 420 gil ダガー (Dagger) 390 gil ヘッドギア (Headgear) 200 gil クロムレザー (Chromed Leathers) 200 gil 魔法のカーチ (Magick Curch) 200 gil メディアスの服 (Medias Cloth) 200 gil レザーヘルム (Leather Helm) 250 gil レザーアーマー (Leather Armor) 300 gil レザーシールド (Leather Shield) 300 gil 革の帽子 (Leather Hat) 100 gil 革の服 (Leather Cloting) 100 gil 木綿の帽子 (Cotton Hat) 100 gil 木綿の服 (Cotton Shirt) 100 gil バングル (Bangle) 500 gil オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil ブラナ (Blindna) 200 gil ケアル (Cure) 200 gil ファイア (Fire) 180 gil スロウ (Slow) 200 gil ----- Spells/Techs: ブライン (Blind) Found at トーム丘陵 (Toam Hills), around the southeastern section. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: ダークの魔片 (Dark Mote) Found at 星ふり原 (Starfall Field), right next to the vertical bridge. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 45% gil, contents: Dark Mote / Dark Mote Pic: ----- If you bought the map of the Giza Plains from the map moogle in Rabanastre, you can press select and view the whole map. Without buying a map, the area will fill in as you explore it. Explore the first area if you want, then go south. You'll see a shop and save crystal at the camp. Speak with マシュア (Masyua) here. Penelo, the main character of the game, will then join the party. Set Penelo's job and purchase what weapons/armor/spells you need. A moogle here also sells the map to the Giza Plains for 30 gil. Exit to the north and Penelo will give you 3 Potions and 2 Phoenix Down. You can set the 'Gambit' on or off, as well as change the party leader with up or down on the D-Pad. Right now, setting the gambit to on mostly makes the character repeatedly attack a monster until it is killed (after you assign the character to attack). Take your time and explore. Be wary of the ウェアウルフ (Werewolf) monsters at the southwestern section of the Giza Plains, 星ふり原 (Starfall Field). They'll one-shot you at this point in the game. If you are feeling adventurous, you can save at the southern camp screen and try to have Vaan steal from a Werewolf while Penelo is the party leader and stays far enough away to escape back to the save crystal. If you can hurt them, either with a spell, Dark Motes found near them, or even the サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) item in a little bit, they can drop a スラッシャー (Slasher), an axe with 54 attack power. It probably is not worth the time to do that right now, however. The next destination is the southern small area on the map, 幼き水晶のほとり (Crystal Glade). Speak with ジン (Jinn) there to get the 陰石 (Shadestone). At the Giza Plains, there are 4 really bright rock formations. You can charge up the Shadestone at any of the 4 rock formations (shown as '!' on the map). Just walk up to each one and charge up the Shadestone. If you are in dire need of cash, it isn't that great of a source, but at the southeastern screen of the Giza Plains, ギーザス川沿岸南側 (Gizas South Bank), along the bridge by the exit to the Estersand, you can find a pot that only contains about 100 gil inside. It has a 50% chance of showing up and gil is all you can get in it. It is right here: Once you charge up the Shadestone to 100%, you'll obtain the 太陽石 (Sunstone). You'll automatically return to the northern camp. Masyua will give you 50 gil, 2 Potions, and 2 Teleport Stones as thanks. Some new stuff is being sold at the shop, too. The new things are: ----- やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ダーク (Dark) 500 gil ----- Story-wise, you are now supposed to return to Dalan's house in the Rabanastre lowtown area, but before doing that, let's get a couple things out of the way first. Return to Rabanastre, but don't go to Dalan's house just yet. Leave Rabanastre via the west gate to reach a new area. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt06a | 西ダルマスカ砂漠 (Dalmasca Westersand) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Shop: オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil ----- Possible useful items: ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet) Found at 風紋の地 (Windtrace Dunes), on the small "island" part. Pot stats: 25% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- The Diamond Armlet is similar to what it did in the original game; you can find a different set of items in pots, but in this version that mainly means サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust), or a 5% chance of the four various メテオライト (Meteorite)-type items, which are stronger than Knots of Rust. Knots of Rust only sell for about 10 gil each, but they can damage flying monsters. There are even rarer, more powerful items than the Meteorites in a few pots, stuff like ダークエナジー (Dark Energy), but I've never gotten those. Stocking up can be useful for those jobs that cannot hit flyers to be able to do some form of damage. Also in this version of the game, the Diamond Armlet blocks electricity damage. If anything, keep the Diamond Armlet for the electricity damage null. You can explore this entire area, but be careful, as monsters are much stronger here than at the Estersand and Giza (save the Werewolf monsters). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt06b | Mark: テクスタ (Thextera) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- At ガルテア丘陵 (Galtea Downs), you will find Thextera directly south of the Rabanastre exit. You should be able to take him and the wolf monsters down without trouble. Thextera can poison you with its attack, so have some Antidotes handy. He should be a big red dot on the map around here: Before heading back to Rabanastre, you might want to grab the above mentioned ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet). Make your way to the picture above (010), but you may want to have Vaan go for the pot while Penelo just heals herself a few times. I call this 'stranding' as it keeps a character either at a safer spot or at a screen border, so I can switch back to him or her after either getting the pot or seeing it is not there (or flipping a switch), then exiting the screen quickly. If you are using a 時空魔戦士 (Time Mage), you can try stealing a ボウガン (Bowgun) from the アルラウネ (Alraune) monsters. As of yet you cannot buy a Crossbow, so it is an early method to do so. Here's a picture of me doing so, making me type this paragraph: The Bowgun has 21 attack power, and you can sell it for 440 gil. Make sure you have オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) so the weapon can be used. Once you are ready, go back to Rabanastre. If you beat Thextera, head to the Sandsea and speak to ガスリ (Gatsly) for your reward: 500 gil, a Headguard, and a Teleport Stone. Gatsly will then leave and go to the bazaar area. Take a look at the wanted posters, and a new one should be there to initiate. Go ahead and start the 花サボテン (Flowering Cactoid) hunt now. Leave the bar and head north then west to the clan headquarters. The gambit shop is open, but you can't buy anything there yet. Speak to Montblanc and he may give you a couple of free items for reaching a new clan rank. Pretty much whenever you beat a boss or achieve a new clan rank, Montblanc will give you either gil or items, so come back to him periodically for some free goodies. After talking to Montblanc, go south into the bazaar and look for Gatsly. He should be near the clan shop. Here's a screenie if you are not seeing him: Gatsly will tell you to go to the clan shop. The clan shop may now sell the オイル (Oil) spell for 800 gil along with the ディコイ (Decoy) spell for 2,000 gil. Still not too much to get excited about. If you beat Thextera and spoke to Gatsly by the clan shop, there should be a new item to purchase at the 交易品 (Bazaar) option in the bazaar shop. The 古びた書物 (Forgotten Grimoire) will be available, for the low price of 18,000 gil. It'll be a while until you can buy this, so why not get all 7 of these items available now?! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt07a | Ye Olde Expensive Text Things | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are seven 心得 (Monograph)s altogether, and they all cost between 18,000 and 25,000 gil each. They all increase the chances of getting better drops from various types of monsters. Here are the seven Monographs, the price, what drops they affect, and how to get them available at the bazaar option at shops. It is a bit annoying, but it's probably worth your time to get them all unlocked and bought when you have some extra gil (especially if you are going to do all the marks and stuff). Once you have reached the criteria for a Monograph, it will become automatically available to buy at any shop. 18,000 gil = 狩人の心得 (Hunter's Monograph) Beat Thextera, then speak to Gatsly around the bazaar at Rabanastre for it to show up. Increases good drops from beasts and avions. 20,000 gil = 魔剣士の心得 (Warmage's Monograph) Read the wanted poster 20 times. Increases good drops from amorphs and undead. 22,000 gil = 竜騎士の心得 (Dragoon's Monograph) Read the wanted poster 40 times. Increases good drops from dragons and plants. 21,000 gil = 魔道士の心得 (Mage's Monograph) Talk to a magic shop merchant 25 times. Increases good drops from fiends. 22,000 gil = 学者の心得 (Scholar's Monograph) Talk to an armor shop merchant 15 times. Increases good drops from constructs. 19,000 gil = ナイトの心得 (Knight's Monograph) Talk to a weapon shop merchant 30 times. Increases good drops from giants and insects. 25,000 gil = 賢者の心得 (Sage's Monograph) Talk to any combination of shop merchants 100 times. Increases good drops from elementals. Wasn't that loads of fun? Before speaking to Dalan, you can now go past the Outpost at the Dalmasca Estersand. What awaits you there? Go out of Rabanastre via the east gate, then up to the small camp at the Outpost. Since you have two party members, you can try stealing from the Wild Saurian if you want. A レオ (Leo Gem) is a handy loot to have later on, but you can get it other ways. Remember the Phoenix Down spot if you do try to steal and Vaan gets killed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt07b | Mark: 花サボテン (Flowering Cactoid) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you started the Flowering Cactoid mark, the person you need to talk to is at the 小キャンプ (Outpost). Speak with ダントロ (Dantro) near the middle of the camp. You can find him right here: You can now also go farther in the Estersand, so you may as well at this time. If you didn't earlier, buy the map(s) from that moogle in the central fountain area of Rabanastre. Spells/Techs: サイレス (Silence) Found at 砂紋の迷宮 (Yardang Labyrinth), next to the exit going to Nalbina. Pic: ポイズン (Poison) Found at 砂原の天板 (Sand-swetp Naze), next to the small little screen. Pic: If you got the Diamond Armlet, there is not a whole bunch of really good items here (none that are really quickly farmable), so if you have bought 'Accessories 3' on the board, you can start loading up on サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) items to hit flyers with jobs that otherwise cannot. Exiting north from the Outpost, head to the ???? spot to the east. You can bump into the Flowering Cactoid here. Try fighting it after you go to the ???? spot, which has a save point. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt08a | ナルビナ城塞 (Nalbina Town) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Item Shop: オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ----- Magic Shop: ダーク (Dark) 500 gil ブラナ (Blindna) 200 gil ケアル (Cure) 200 gil サンダー (Thunder) 200 gil ファイア (Fire) 180 gil スロウ (Slow) 200 gil ----- Tech Shop: 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil ----- Armor Shop: ヘッドギア (Headgear) 200 gil クロムレザー (Chromed Leathers) 200 gil 魔法のカーチ (Magick Curch) 200 gil メディアスの服 (Medias Cloth) 200 gil レザーヘルム (Leather Helm) 250 gil レザーアーマー (Leather Armor) 300 gil レザーシールド (Leather Shield) 300 gil 革の帽子 (Leather Hat) 100 gil 革の服 (Leather Clothing) 100 gil 木綿の帽子 (Cotton Hat) 100 gil 木綿の服 (Cotton Shirt) 100 gil ----- Weapon Shop: メイス (Mace) 550 gil ボウガン (Bowgun) 880 gil ロッド (Rod) 510 gil オークスタッフ (Oak Staff) 450 gil ----- There aren't many new things to buy, but some stuff may catch your eye. Phoenix Down can be purchased for 200 gil a pop. If you want to kill Dustias in a bit, now is your chance to purchase however many you want. The Thunder spell is new and inexpensive. If you are using a Red Mage, Time Mage, White Mage, or Black Mage, you can buy a weapon for him or her now. Once you have bought what you need/can afford, save at the Teleport Crystal, then head back to the Estersand. Try taking on the Flowering Cactoid if you want to. If you cannot defeat it, you will have another chance in a little while with the odds much more in your favor. If you do beat the Flowering Cactoid, go back to the Outpost and speak with Dantro to get your reward, 500 gil and 10 Potions. After that (or if you did not beat the Flowering Cactoid), keep heading north in the Estersand until you reach the south bank area with a teleport crystal. ----- Shop: オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ブリザド (Blizzard) 240 gil ----- All that is new here is the Blizzard spell. Feel free to purchase it if you have a Black Mage. Either walk back to Rabanastre, or teleport there via the teleport crystal you can find here. Make sure you 'talk to' the teleport crystal even if you are going to walk back, so you can warp here later. If you know about the 'Dustia trick', you can do that now (killing off Penelo or having her leave the party first is recommended). If you don't know about the 'Dustia trick', there is a rare monster that can be fought at the Westersand. It will not appear unless the party leader's current HP is at 10% the maximum or less. You can get ダスティア (Dustia) to appear, then use a Phoenix Down to instantly kill him. At this point in the game, you can probably go from about level 5 to level 10 in a few Dustia chains. It is very easy to chain Dustia if you 'fight' it at the edge of a screen transition area (normally it will only appear once, unless you go to another screen before the experience/LP amount show). The easiest spot to bump into Dustia is to go west from Rabanastre to the Westersand. At ガルテア丘陵 (Galtea Downs), follow the wall on the right to an exit north. Before going to the next screen, 砂漠の回廊 (Corridor of Sand), have the party leader attack him/herself (unequipping a weapon may be a good idea) until he/she is at or under 10% of maximum HP (so if Vaan has 238HP, you will want him to have 23HP or less). Now, set the Battle Mode to Wait, and make the battle speed go all the way to the left. After doing that, go up to the next screen. As soon as you can move around, get very close to the southern exit back to the first screen, and Dustia should magically appear. As soon as you can see his red health bar, use a Phoenix Down on him. If you are close enough to the screen border, you can grab the loot he drops and switch screens before the experience/LP amount is shown, which allows you to chain him (since he will keep appearing at the northern screen). Here is where I encounter him: If you want to gain a few levels this way, go to the Westersand via the west gate of Rabanastre. If you are using a Black Mage, it is possible to get a 炎の杖 (Flame Staff) dropped by Dustia. It has 34 attack or can be sold for 1,125 gil. Be careful, it is very easy to gain a decent amount of levels, then buy some more Phoenix Down, then go and kill Dustia again. I do not recommend getting higher than about level 10 or so for Vaan, since enemies do scale with you, and if you get too high this early in the game, the enemies may be a bit too strong for you and your equipment to take on. If you really want to, you could equip the Firefly after you reach whatever level you want to be, and can keep chaining Dustia without worry of making the other badguys too strong. Do this if you really, really want to stock up on the loot/other stuff Dustia drops (or the 3LP a pop you get) to make money. The loot Dustia usually drops, オルギン (Book of Orgain), sells for 532 gil each. --------- | wt08b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the third Hand-Bomb weapon, the アスピーテ (Tumulus), have Dustia drop two オルギン (Book of Orgain) and keep them with you. The other two ingredients can be obtained in a little while. -LOOT ALERT- Once you are done with Dustia (or don't kill him at all), you can get a good weapon for a シカリ (Hunter). You will want about 350HP for Vaan and/or Penelo pretty much, but you can try with less (have some Phoenix Down though). The weapon in question is the グラディウス (Gladius), which has a whopping 56 attack, and is wind-elemental. If you want to go for it, you need to chain about 18 Wolf monsters at the Westersand. Once you have done that, go to the little section of the screen 1 west and 1 south of the Rabanastre west gate: There should be 2 Wolf monsters here, and when you kill them, a big red wolf, the リンブルウルフ (Lindbur Wolf) should appear. What you want to do is try to lure it to the screen border, because it does an attack that can do a little over 300 damage to everyone in the party. Try to use a Knot of Rust or something similar to get the Lindbur Wolf to pursue you, then leave the screen to the north. Heal up if you need to, then go back to the Lindbur Wolf (make sure the party leader is Penelo and she has 400HP or more). Put the game on wait mode if you haven't already. As soon as the screen changes to the one with the Lindbur Wolf, have Vaan try to steal from it. At the same time, have Penelo get as close to the screen border as you can. What you want to do is have Vaan quickly try to steal, then right after he attempts to steal, have Penelo go back to the other screen so you can avoid the Lindbur Wolf's attack, then repeat. It can take a lot of steal attempts, but you will eventually steal the Gladius: Now just equip it onto your Hunter and he or she should be good to go! One thing though, since the Gladius is wind-elemental, you probably will want to keep another knife weapon as a backup in case wind heals enemies (like the Cluckatrice), so you can equip the non-elemental knife and be able to do damage. If you want to make the strongest crossbow ammo, the グランドボルト (Grand Bolt), you can get one of the three ingredients here. Two screens west of the Rabanastre exit, you may see a skeleton monster by some wolves. Do the same steal 'trick' as the Lindbur Wolf, and you can steal カプリコーン (Capricorn Gem)s from フィディル (Fideliant). You need three Capricorn Gems, so just steal one now, then the next time you are here, etc. If you defeat Fideliant, it can drop the ヘビーランス (Heavy Lance), a spear with 42 attack that can also inflict スロウ (Slow). Once you've done what you need to do, return to Rabanastre and go to the lowtown area. Unequip Penelo (her accessory at least, if she has anything important equipped), then enter Dalan's house. Penelo will leave the party and you can go to a new area from lowtown after speaking to Dalan. Head north to the red X on the map. Kytes will unlock the door to the next area, then give you 2 Potions and 4 Eye Drops. Go through the door on the left. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt09a | ガラムサイズ水路 (Garamsythe Waterway) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes (4) ----- Possible useful items: メイス (Mace) Found at 第10主水路 (No. 10 Channel), at the end of the passageway. Pot stats: 70% chance to appear, 45% gil, contents: Phoenix Down / Mace Pic: ----- The Garamsythe Waterway looks rather maze-like, but it is generally straightforward. There are lots of pots here, mostly with stuff that isn't too good. This is a prime area for stocking up on the Knot of Rust item. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt10a | ラバナスタ王宮 (The Royal Palace of Rabanastre) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes Grab the map to the area and save at the save crystal. Go through the door, and in this next room are 6 pots guaranteed to be there with specific contents. Make sure you at least grab the エリクサー (Elixir) before moving on. At the north end of the area, you need to sneak past the guard, then go up the stairs. Speak to the seeq then press the square button to distract the guard. Now you can distract more guards to get to where you use that Crescent Stone of yours. There's an オルアケアの腕輪 (Orrachea Armlet) in a pot at the southeast corner if you want to grab it before yelling at the first set of guards. What you want to do is go south then east, and call for the guards to the north. Run back to the start, then go north and yell at the guards at the next intersection. Walk east, north, then west, and stop at the middle of the hallway. Use the Crescent Stone at the Lion Signet. Then just go west, distract the guards north of you, and go around to where the guards were (east, north, west) and look at the green glowing thing in the alcove on the far western end. In this dark area, just go straight across and look for a switch on the left at the end of the path. Go through the door that opens. You'll get the 女神の魔石 (Goddess's Magicite). Just go towards the door, and after the cutscenes you will have バルフレア (Balthier) and フラン (Fran) in your party. Assign them the jobs you want, then start going down the stairs to go through the gambit tutorial. Set up your gambits (pretty limited right now) and save. You can set 'status ailment curing' gambits right now, simply set 'Ally: any -> Antidote' if you want to have the character automatically use an Antidote when a party member is poisoned. You can do that with any status ailment curing items, including Phoenix Down to revive party members. For attacking, I tend to set it to 'Foe: lowest HP -> Attack' so characters will concentrate on the same enemy. 'Foe: lowest HP' is the top gambit on the 2nd page from the left. Now it's time to go through the Garamsythe Waterway some more. ----- Possible useful items: ダークの魔片 (Dark Mote) Found at 西部水量調整区 (West Sluice Control), in the water. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Dark Mote / Dark Mote Pic: ロングソード (Longsword) Found at 第10主水路 (No. 10 Channel), east of the long vertical hallway. Pot stats: 70% chance to appear, 40% gil, contents: Hi-Potion / Longsword Pic: ----- Right down the stairs in the corner is another map for the area. Make sure you grab it. Just go along the path and explore for pots if you want. At 第11主水路 (No. 11 Channel), you can find three pots at the southern part of the room where you can try stocking up on some weapons to sell and grab Ether. You can find the 虎徹 (Kotetsu) and 樫の棒 (Oaken Pole), which sell for 250 and 225 gil each, and Ethers are pretty handy early on in the game. Grab them if you want, then make your way past the save point and take out the four Imperial Swordsmen. Walk up to アマリア (Amalia) and she'll join as a guest. You can alter guest's gambits now, so set them up how you like, then go to the next room on the left. When you reach the center of the room, you'll be attacked by four プリン (Flan)s. Try to steal from them before killing them, then continue on to the left. You might luck out and nab a サジタリウス (Sagittarius Gem) from them, which can be used later to get the second best bow in the game. The first pot you see in the water is the one you can stock up on ダークの魔片 (Dark Mote)s if you want. Check a little above for the location and stats of the pot. If you plan on fighting the ニワトリス (Cluckatrice) mark in a little bit, I would suggest getting around 15 Dark Motes to make that fight a whole lot easier. Getting 15 should only take a few minutes. If you are using a job that can equip swords, like a Knight, the last pot you bump into can have a Longsword inside. Check a little above for the location and stats of that pot. The next room on the right has another save crystal. Go through the door to fight the ブッシュファイア (Firemane) boss. Try to stay in the water to prevent the Bushfire attack, and hopefully you have some Antidotes to cure poison. You shouldn't have trouble with the boss even if it does the Bushfire attack, since you have two characters that can cast Cure, which now heals multiple targets. Beating the Firemane will take you to the Nalbina Dungeons, and Amalia leaves the party. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt11a | ナルビナ城塞地下牢 (Nalbina Dungeons) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes (2) When you can move around, you may see that you are unequipped and have no items. Don't worry, you'll get that all back soon. Most of the pots in here are one-time spawns, so take your time and grab everything before going north past the save crystal. You'll fight a "boss", three seeq guys. Just beat the crap out of them and move on. You'll get all your stuff automatically near the save crystal, along with the map for the area. Feel free to grab the treasure in the room, since it won't take away the Zodiac Spear in this version of the game. In the next area you'll find a lot of imperial guards and some pots. Take your time and look for all the pots; you won't be coming this way again. After you've explored, follow the map to the exit. You'll get バッシュ (Basch) as a guest. Remember that you can customize his gambits. You'll now be in the Barheim Passage. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt12a | バルハイム地下道 (Barheim Passage) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes (not immediately) / Save Crystal: Yes (1/2) ----- Shop: ロングソード (Longsword) 800 gil サイプレスパイル (Cypress Pyre) 960 gil 銀の弓 (Silver Bow) 720 gil カペラ (Capella) 900 gil フレイル (Iron Hammer) 900 gil メイジマッシャー (Mage Masher) 640 gil メイス (Mace) 550 gil ボウガン (Bowgun) 880 gil ロッド (Rod) 510 gil オークスタッフ (Oak Staff) 450 gil ブロードソード (Broadsword) 390 gil 虎徹 (Kotetsu) 500 gil ジャベリン (Javelin) 500 gil 樫の棒 (Oaken Pole) 450 gil ショートボウ (Short Bow) 450 gil アルタイル (Altair) 400 gil ハンドアックス (Handaxe) 420 gil ダガー (Dagger) 390 gil ヘッドガード (Headguard) 300 gil レザープレイト (Leather Breastplate) 300 gil とんがり帽子 (Pointy Hat) 300 gil シルクの服 (Silken Shirt) 300 gil ブロンズヘルム (Bronze Helm) 450 gil ブロンズアーマー (Bronze Armor) 500 gil バックラー (Buckler) 500 gil ヘッドギア (Headgear) 200 gil クロムレザー (Chromed Leathers) 200 gil 魔法のカーチ (Magick Curch) 200 gil メディアスの服 (Medias Cloth) 200 gil レザーヘルム (Leather Helm) 250 gil レザーアーマー (Leather Armor) 300 gil レザーシールド (Leather Shield) 300 gil アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) 600 gil バングル (Bangle) 500 gil オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil ポイゾナ (Poisona) 320 gil ボキャル (Vox) 300 gil サンダー (Thunder) 200 gil ドンムブ (Immobilize) 500 gil ダーク (Dark) 500 gil ブラナ (Blindna) 200 gil ケアル (Cure) 200 gil ファイア (Fire) 180 gil スロウ (Slow) 200 gil Various Gambits. Too many to bother translating. ----- Upon entering the Barheim Passage, go down the stairs and into the little alcove on the right. There can be three pots here, one of which is a one-time, 100% to show up pot with 2,510 gil inside. Once you grab that, try using the switch near the save crystal. Now go down the stairs and speak to the bangaa. He'll give you the Tube Fuse to use at that switch. Before doing that, speak to the bangaa again, as he is also the shop. He sells a ton of stuff, but only a couple weapons, armor, and spells are new. You can also buy some, but not all, gambits from him. I just buy the 'Self' one and some of the 'Ally: HP < x%' ones from him. The new accessory, the アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet), protects you from the くらやみ (Blind) status ailment, if you want your fighters to not have to worry about that. Buy what you need/can afford, then use that Tube Fuse on the switch. You should see a 'Charge 100%' energy bar. There are some monsters in here, バッテリミミック (Battery Mimic)s, that like to suck out the electricity in the dungeon. Your job is to hunt them down to get the power to stay on so you can progress through the dungeon. As far as I know you can't get trapped, but I let the place run out of power at the end, so I'm not sure. If you can cast the ブリザド (Blizzard) spell, the Battery Mimics are weak to ice. At ゼバイア大空洞 (The Zeviah Subterrane), you can stock up on アクアラの魔片 (Water Mote)s and エーテル (Ether)s pretty easily. The two pots are right next to each other and close to a screen transition. Feel free to stock up on both items here if you'd like. The Water Mote pot has a 75% chance of appearing, 35% chance of having gil, and either has a Potion or the Water Mote inside. You can find it here: The Ether pot has a 75% chance of appearing, 30% chance of having gil, and either has an Antidote or an Ether inside. It is located here: If you are interested in the サイレント弾 (Silent Shot), you probably will want to steal from the プリン (Flan) monsters, since you can get one of the loot ingredients, 緑色の液体 (Green Liquid), from them. Near one of the switches is a little bit better of a spot to build up on Ether, since that is all you can get from the pot. This pot has a 70% chance of appearing, 30% chance of having gil, and contains an Ether or an Ether. The pot in question is located here: --------- | wt12b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the third Hand-Bomb, the アスピーテ (Tumulus), which has 76 attack power, when you see the ボム (Bomb) monsters, you can steal ボムの灰 (Bomb Ashes) from them (they can also be dropped). You want three of these, so if you need more, go two screens north then return and they will respawn. -LOOT ALERT- If you let the power run out near the end (where the Water Mote room is), you can fight a bunch of スケルトン (Skeleton)s. Do so if you want some more LP and extra money from the loot they drop. If you are going to try stocking up on Water Motes, the other pots right around it and on the screen above are pretty good for farming some Knots of Rust, too. This isn't too bad a spot to get 99 Knots of Rust, since you can try getting Ether and Water Motes too, and you have a chance at getting (B) and (C)-rank Meteorites. It's hard to tell unless you have more than one type, as the game will differentiate the メテオライト (Meteorite)s in your inventory. To get Knots of Rust and try for Meteorites, just equip the ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet) onto the party leader, and instead of the usual two items from a pot, you can get gil, or as an item a Knot of Rust (95%) or Meteorite (5%). Some pots can have ダークマター (Dark Matter) and ダークエナジー (Dark Energy), but they are really rare. Here's where you can get some Meteorite B if you are lucky: And some Meteorite C: It looks like Meteorite A's are the ones that cause スリップ (Sap) status, Meteorite B's cause ウイルス (Disease), and C does damage similar to the summon Exodus's "Comet" attack. Meteorite D looks like it has a 50% chance of doing 0-9999 damage and a 50% chance of doing 30,000 damage. You can also tell which Meteorite you have by the selling price: Meteorite A sells for 10 gil. Meteorite B sells for 1,000 gil. Meteorite C sells for 10,000 gil. Meteorite D sells for 30,000 gil. I seem to have figured out how to get the Meteorite B to be the contents. 5 out of 6 tries seem to be pretty good. Here's how I was getting Meteorite B's quickly: With Vaan as the leader, have him equip the Diamond Armlet and use the ライブラ (Libra) ability on himself. Save at 南北連結路 (North-South Junction). Turn off your PS2 (mine is an NTSC-J, 39000 model). Turn it back on, then go south to 大坑道中央交差区 (Great Central Passage). Down here, fight and kill *TWO* of the ミミック (Mimic)s here. Don't grab their loot drops. The two I kill are the ones *away* from the Meteorite B pot (one ahead on the right when you enter the room, and the one in the left corner). Open the pot with the Meteorite B (if it isn't there, I have gone one more screen south, then back and it would be there with the item). Grab the Meteorite B, then save back at North-South Junction, and turn off your PS2. Repeat until you have the amount of Meteorite B's you want! After doing it the first time, I repeated it 4 out of 5 tries (two in a row, one with Libra wearing off and not getting it, then getting two more Meteorite B). It doesn't seem to be 100% effective, though. After getting those 4 out of 5 ones, the game decided to stop giving them to me. Once you are ready, go on to the next screen and save at the save crystal, then go forward. The ミミッククィーン (Mimic Queen) is pretty easy. Kill all the タイニーバッテリ (Tiny Battery) babies first, then concentrate on her. Ice works well on them all, so if you can cast ブリザド (Blizzard), go for it. You can steal a 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage) from the Mimic Queen if you want to keep trying for it. The Rose Corsage grants immunity from the 沈黙 (Silence) ailment. If your party members are starting to learn Mist Knacks/Quickenings, feel free to finish the boss off with a mist combo (three level 1's will do the weakest finisher, 炎のインフェルノ (Inferno). Upon defeating the Mimic Queen, you will wind up at the Dalmasca Estersand again. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt13a | 東ダルマスカ砂漠 (The Dalmasca Estersand) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes There's nothing new here, so get back to Rabanastre. If you initiated it earlier but did not beat the 花サボテン (Flowering Cactoid), now would be a good time to do so. You can find the Flowering Cactoid in the middle of the area one screen south of the save crystal. Go back to the Outpost and talk to ダントロ (Dantro) for the reward (500 gil and 10 Potions). Before going to Rabanastre, there is one thing to consider. You have 4 party members. You might be able to take on those Werewolf monsters at the Giza Plains if you really want that スラッシャー (Slasher) (54 attack axe for a Breaker) they can drop, since the next time you can try for it, you can have a stronger (81 attack) weapon for the Breaker instead. If you can beat them and want to chain them, kill the Werewolves, then walk east past the save crystal (do NOT use it, as that resets chains) to the next screen to the right, then come back and the Werewolf monsters will be there to kill again, too. You can also play it safe and slow if you have some Mist Knacks/Quickenings; just do a 1/1/1 combo, kill them, then go two screens away, then go to the save crystal and repeat. You won't gain chains this way, and the Slasher looks like it is the rare drop from Werewolves, so it might take awhile until you get one with either method. Here's a successful drop of the Slasher from a Werewolf: If you want to do this, you have to avoid entering Rabanastre. Either warp to the Dalmasca Westersand (if you got to the teleport crystal already) then go to Giza Plains from there, or go from the Estersand to the Giza Plains. Head on in to Rabanastre once you are ready. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt14a | 王都ラバナスタ (The Royal City of Rabanastre) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you get to Rabanastre, everyone splits up for a bit. Next to the Teleport Crystal you should see a moogle with some weird thing behind it. It's basically a 'Rabanastre bus stop' thing, where you can instantly warp to the Sandsea/Bazaar/East gate/West gate/South gate. It makes going around the town a little faster. Go to Dalan's house first. He'll give Vaan the ダルマスカ検 (Sword of the Order). Take a look at your map and go to the red X. Basch will then join the party. Make him the job you want, then go to the Sandsea to get Balthier and Fran back into the group. Before going to the terminal at the west gate, there are some more marks you can do first. Since you are right here, check the wanted poster to start another mark, this time レイス (Wraith). Exit the bar and go north to the gambit shop. Now you can buy however many of the 241 (unless I counted wrong) gambits you want/can afford. 'Foe: flying' (like the 106th down) is handy for..flying enemies (cast spells or whatnot on them). Go to the clan headquarters since you fought some more enemies. Montblanc should give you some more free stuff and offer two new marks to hunt. Go ahead and initiate both ニワトリス (Cluckatrice) and ロックタイタス (Rocktoise). If you need to buy some weapons or armor for Basch, the Rabanastre shops have upgraded a bit to sell most of what you have seen in shops before. Once you are ready to fight the Wraith, go to the lowtown area's northern screen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt14b | Mark: レイス (Wraith) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look for ミルハ (Milha) to start this hunt. She is outside the northern house: Milha wants you to defeat the Wraith, which can be found at the Garamsythe Waterway, in the room Vaan fought Dire Rats at the beginning of the game (and the Bush Fire boss). Go back there and the Wraith will appear. This is where the Wraith shows up: Beat the Wraith, then go back to Milha for the reward: 500 gil, an Ether, and Gauntlets. You can go into the house Milha was blocking, where you can find a note with directions for the water gate in Garamsythe: 東南東東南西南東 (east, southeast, east, southwest, southeast). Further on in the game this information will be useful. You can take on ニワトリス (Cluckatrice) right now if you'd like. The battle will be easier if you collected some Dark Motes and/or have a few Mist Knacks/Quickenings learned for some characters. If you can't win, come back later. To try the battle out, head south to the Giza Plains then go to the northern save crystal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt14c | Mark: ニワトリス (Cluckatrice) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you are there, speak to the woman standing in the cockatrice pen, ダーニャ (Dania), to start up the mark. To find ニワトリス (Cluckatrice), just go one screen east of the northern save crystal, ギーザス川沿岸北側 (Gizas North Bank), kill all the enemies in the room, go to a neighboring screen, then go right back. If you see a golden cockatrice, you've got the mark to come out. But the actual Cluckatrice is not one of the gold cockatrices (cockatri?), it's the big white one that should come running once you attack a golden one (Chickatrice). In total there should be 3 Chickatrice and the white Cluckatrice. This is where those stocked up Dark Motes can come in handy; use them when the enemies are close together. If you have the ability to, finishing off Cluckatrice with a Mist Knack/Quickening combo can help a good amount. If you have some 金の針 (Gold Needle)s, you can cure the "countdown petrify" status effect. If you beat Cluckatrice, return to Dania for the reward: 1,000 gil, a(n) 格闘のアンバー (Amber Armlet) accessory, and a Golden Egg loot. When you are ready, go back to Rabanastre and enter the aerodrome via the west gate. If you want to try to get the strongest weapon in the entire game right now, you can try from this point in the game onward. Be aware that the supposed odds of getting the weapon are 1 in 10,000 (1% chance for the pot to appear, then another 1% for the bow to be inside). Vaan must be the party leader and have a Diamond Armlet equipped. What you need to do is speak to the woman in the grey outfit behind a counter and choose to fly to Nalbina. Once you are on the airship, walk straight ahead and you will see a shop on the left and one on the right. The shop on the right sells ギサールの野菜 (Gysahl Greens), and the one on the right sells 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock)s and 毒消し (Antidote)s. Buy some Alarm Clocks, since they cure the sleep ailment. Now turn around and go out either door to the Air Deck. This is where you can get the strongest weapon in the entire game, the ザイテングラート (Seitengrat) bow. Once you are out on the deck, go up the stairs next to you and walk straight up the middle of the stairs and onto the deck. If you bump into something invisible, that is the pot that can hold the Seitengrat. The pot should be a little before the thing with the blue circle glowing around it: The stats for the pot are: 1% chance to appear, 80% chance of gil, without Diamond Armlet equipped: Knot of Rust (50%) / Knot of Rust (50%), with Diamond Armlet equipped: Knot of Rust (95%) / Seitengrat (5%). Here's the other result I sometimes get: As you can see, the odds aren't great. But if you do manage to get it, the Seitengrat is a 2-handed bow with 224 attack that *any* job can equip, as there is no license for it. The pot can respawn too if you are really interested. I know there are some youtube videos showing some trick on getting the bow "easily", but I could never get it to work, and I have no idea if the trick works on a PS2 emulator. I have never gotten the Seitengrat. If you do manage to get it, congratulations! Enjoy your invisible superbow! If I ever do manage to get it, a cap will be right here: On 7/6/11, I *did* get a Seitengrat! Check the above cap. I tried via vaan1222's video (using an online stopwatch for 59 seconds after I stood still) and got it my first attempt, after quite a many tries. His youtube video is here: Thank you vaan1222! I got about 3 or so total, seemed to work well! Speak to Balthier inside the aerodrome to get to the next destination. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt15a | 空中都市ビュエルバ (The Skycity of Bhujerba) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Armor shop: レザーヘッドギア (Leather Headgear) 500 gil ブロンズの胸当て (Bronze Chestplate) 500 gil トプカプー帽 (Topkapi Hat) 500 gil キリム織の服 (Kilimweave Shirt) 500 gil サーリット (Sallet) 750 gil スケールアーマー (Scale Armor) 800 gil ブロンズシールド (Bronze Shield) 800 gil ----- Weapon shop: アイアンソード (Iron Sword) 1250 gil 備前長船 (Osafune) 1300 gil スピアー (Spear) 1300 gil エイビスキラー (Avis Killer) 1250 gil ブロードアックス (Broadaxe) 1600 gil ブロンズメイス (Bronze Mace) 1100 gil サクラの杖 (Cherry Staff) 800 gil ----- Magic shop: シェル (Shell) 250 gil プロテス (Protect) 250 gil ブリザド (Blizzard) 240 gil ポイゾナ (Poisona) 320 gil ボキャル (Vox) 300 gil サンダー (Thunder) 200 gil ドンムブ (Immobilize) 500 gil ダーク (Dark) 500 gil ブラナ (Blindna) 200 gil ケアル (Cure) 200 gil ファイア (Fire) 180 gil スロウ (Slow) 200 gil ----- Tech shop: チャージ (Charge) 1500 gil 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil ----- Gambit shop ----- Item shop (by save crystal): オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ----- When you get to Bhujerba, look at the teleport crystal so you can warp back here, then leave the airship terminal. As you leave, you'll meet ラモン (Lamont), who will join the party as a guest. Change his gambits how you see fit. He has the ケアルラ (Cura) spell and the 無作為魔 (Shades of Black) tech, which basically lets him use any black magic spell in the game. It's pretty useful in the Lhusu Mines. In the original version of the game, Lamont had an infinite stock of Potion/Hi-Potion/X-Potion. Not so in International. Make your way through town, going into the shops that are open along the way going to the eastern side of town. As for stuff to buy in the shops, you can find Leather Headgear and the Topkapi Hat inside the Lhusu Mines, or just buy it if you want. Don't buy a Sallet, since the skeleton monsters in the mine can drop Iron Helmets and they are better. Weapon-wise, you can find the Osafune katana and Bronze Mace inside the Lhusu Mines, so don't buy those. If you can use the other weapons and want to buy them, go right ahead. The Avis Killer can be dropped by an enemy from the Lhusu Mines that you can encounter after beating the boss, so it is up to you if you want to buy it now or go for the free drop. For spells, buy Shell and Protect if you will have a job that uses them. Both spells are very handy for marks and other strong monsters. Buy the Charge tech if you have any mages. Charge can recover a small amount of MP or bring the current MP to 0. Its puropse is to use it when you are almost out of MP. At the item shop by the save crystal, you can buy a new status-curing item, the あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief). It cures 'oil' status. It's always a good idea to have some of each status-curing item, so buy a couple while you are here. *If* you have enough extra money, try to buy one of those Monograph things from the bazaar, specifically the 20,000 gil one. You get better drops from undead monsters, which are in abundance in the next dungeon. If you cannot afford it now, buy it once you have the money (from loot/items inside the Lhusu Mines). If you can afford it, buy the 20,000 gil one, which will be the 魔剣士の心得 (Warmage's Monograph). If you can afford another one, try to buy the first 22,000 gil one, the 竜騎士の心得 (Dragoon's Monograph). Save the game first in case you buy the other one. You probably don't have the money for the Dragoon's Monograph, so just keep it in the back of your mind when you get out of the Lhusu Mines. The moogle right next to the item shop has the Bhujerba and Lhusu Mines maps for sale, for 70 and 650 gil. Buy them if you can, then save at the save crystal and proceed ahead into the Lhusu Mines. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt16a | ルース魔石鉱 (The Lhusu Mines) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes (not yet accessible) ----- Spells/Techs: サイレス (Silence) Found at 坑道入口 (Shaft Entry), take the first right to a dead end. Pic: 算術 (Numerology) Found at 第1運路 (Transitway 1), in the little side path by some traps. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: ブロンズメイス (Bronze Mace) Found at 坑道入口 (Shaft Entry), in the upper-left corner. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Water Mote / Bronze Mace Pic: 備前長船 (Osafune) Found at 坑道入口 (Shaft Entry), in the lower-right corner of the lower horizontal hallway. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Water Mote / Osafune Pic: トプカプー帽 (Topkapi Hat) Found at オルタム橋 (Oltam Span), in a pot on the lower hallway, next to a trap. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Dark Mote / Topkapi Hat Pic: レザーヘッドギア (Leather Headgear) Found at 第1運路 (Transitway 1), along the main path. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Aero Mote / Leather Headgear Pic: 蛇のロッド (Serpent Rod) Found at 第2鉱区採掘場 (Site 2), in a pot by the fence. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 30% gil, contents: Potion / Serpent Rod Pic: デスペルの魔片 (Dispel Mote) Found at 第2鉱区採掘場 (Site 2) straight across from the Assassin's Dagger. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 30% gil, contents: Dispel Mote / Ether アサシンダガー (Assassin's Dagger) Found at 第2鉱区採掘場 (Site 2), right before the large, open area. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 30% gil, contents: Gravity Mote / Assassin's Dagger バトルバンブー (Battle Bamboo) Found at 第2鉱区採掘場 (Site 2), in the lower-left corner of the large open room. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 30% gil, contents: Chronos Tear / Battle Bamboo ----- --------- | wt16b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- You may fight a much tougher bat at 第1運路 (Transitway 1), エアリアル (Aerieel). If you manage to steal a コウモリの翼 (Bat Wing), keep it at the top of your loot inventory (I put all the loot I am keeping above Teleport Stones) and don't sell it until later. You can make ダークエナジー (Dark Energy) from it. Dark Energy is an item that does 50,000 damage when used. It will probably take awhile to steal from the monster, but it is worth it. -LOOT ALERT- There are quite a few items you can grab here if you'd like, plus this is the famous "omg chaining" area, with those skeletons on the bridge. Before you get to that point though, you can try stealing テレポストーン (Teleport Stone)s from the スティール (Steel) bat monsters if you'd like. You can also steal a ハンドアックス (Handaxe) from them, but those suck now (17 attack). Once you've made your way to the infamous "skeleton bridge", スーニア平行橋 (Shunia Twinspan), you can make a good chunk of change from the loot they drop, specifically 骨くず (Bone Fragment)s. Each one sells for 193 gil apiece. Plus it is easy to chain the skeleton monsters (kill them, then go two screens back while fleeing, then return for more skeletons), and even faster in this version thanks to the high-speed mode and Lamont's "Shades of Black" tech. Some people go wild and chain a crazy amount for lots of LP. Do so if you wish. I personally get about 95 骨くず (Bone Fragment)s then sell them. The skeleton guys can also drop an アイアンヘルム (Iron Helm). They have 9 magic defense and +3 strength. Most likely this is better than what you have, so get as many dropped that you can equip if you can. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt17a | Chains, Chains, the magical fruit, the more you chain... | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The more you loot! What? A thing about chaining, as the 'stats' from the chain levels are different in the International version. As you probably know, there are four levels of chains, the little bag, the silver coin, the gold coin, then the big gold coin. Chains level up at random amounts, but it seems like chains level up faster if you leave the loot on the ground. If you go from level 1 to 2, the level 1 items (the bags) will upgrade to level 2, etc. So if you are fighting those skeleton monsters, try to leave the loot on the ground as long as you can so you can get to the higher chain levels faster. Once you are level 4, pick up the loot right away. The drop rates from the chain levels are different in the International version of the game. Here are the rates now: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Chain Level | Common Drop | Uncommon Drop | Rare Drop | Very Rare Drop | | 1 | 40% | 25% | 5% | 1% | | 2 | 45% | 30% | 8% | 3% | | 3 | 50% | 35% | 12% | 5% | | 4 | 55% | 40% | 18% | 7% | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure you get however many drops from the skeleton monsters before you reach the end of the cave, since Lamont will leave the party once you do so. Pretty much don't go any farther than the Assassin's Dagger pot. Try to get a few Dispel Motes before going on; at least two if you are going to fight the marks that show up here soon. The pots in this room seem to never respawn after you fight the boss coming up. Once you reach the end of the dungeon, 4 bangaas will attack you. You can choose to fight バッガモナン (Ba'Gamnan), ブワジ (Bwagi), ギジュー (Gijuk), and リノ (Rinok) if you want, or just run away like Lamont does. If you have some Water Motes, use them as all four enemies are weak to it. About three or so should kill the three henchbangaas, leaving Ba'Gamnan alone. Use a Mist Knack/Quickening combo to finish them off. If you choose to fight, you'll get a different cutscene and 22LP for your efforts. Don't use fire, since that heals Ba'Gamnan. Remember to go back for that バトルバンブー (Battle Bamboo) in the room if you are using a Monk. It seems like you only have one chance at getting the Battle Bamboo (or any of the pots in the room once you've initiated the boss fight). On your way out, you should see a new monster walking around, スレイヴ (Slaven). They can drop the エイビスキラー (Avis Killer) bow. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt18a | 空中都市ビュエルバ (The Skycity of Bhujerba) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon exiting the Lhusu Mines, Vaan decides to yell to get people's attention about Basch. Just yell around people to raise the 噂レベル (Rumor level) percentage, but do not yell around the guards. Doing so will bring the % back to 0. Yelling in front of ビュエルバガイド (Bhujerba Parijanah)s tends to give a big boost to the rumor level percentage. Once you've hit 100%, you can move more freely about Bhujerba. Now we can do two more marks. Since you are in the bar, go ahead and look at the wanted posters to start the next mark, ニーズヘッグ (Nidhogg). Go to the western item shop by the weapon shop next. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt18b | Mark: ロックタイタス (Rocktoise) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the southern end of the room with the western item shop, you should find the moogle ピリカ (Pilika). Speak to him to initiate the Rocktoise mark. Pic: Don't forget to sell the loot you got, hopefully you have enough gil now to buy the 竜騎士の心得 (Dragoon's Monograph) if you've already bought the 魔剣士の心得 (Warmage's Monograph). It should be the higher up 22,000 gil monograph, but you can always save your game in case you purchase the wrong one. You should check the shops, as there is some new stuff you can buy. Here's the new stuff: ----- Armor shop: 角付きの帽子 (Horned Hat) 700 gil チェインプレイト (Ringmail) 700 gil カロ型の帽子 (Calot Hat) 700 gil 羊飼いのボレロ (Shepherd's Bolero) 700 gil アイアンヘルム (Iron Helm) 1250 gil アイアナーマー (Iron Armor) 1300 gil ----- Weapon shop: ゾーリンブレイド (Zwill Blade) 1800 gil パルチザン (Partisan) 2300 gil バトルバンブー (Battle Bamboo) 2310 gil ヴェガ (Vega) 1400 gil アサシンダガー (Assassin's Dagger) 1920 gil クロスボウ (Crossbow) 1900 gil 蛇のロッド (Serpent Rod) 1250 gil ----- Magic shop: レイズ (Raise) 1800 gil アクア (Water) 700 gil ドンアク (Disable) 700 gil ----- Item shop (both item shops in town sell the same stuff): クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil ----- You can find a number of the weapons and armor that are new in pots in the next area. The Partisan, Crossbow, Ringmail, Shepherd's Bolero, Iron Armor, Iron Helm, Vega, and Zwill Blade are all free. That really just leaves the Horned Hat and Battle Bamboo (if you didn't get it that one try) as what to buy, aside from the new spells (Raise and Water are good buys). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt18c | Mark: ニーズヘッグ (Nidhogg) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now go to the save crystal by the Lhusu Mines. Go down the first set of stairs and speak to the seeq there, エイコム (Aekom), to get the Nidhogg mark initiated. Pic: Both marks are in the Lhusu Mines, so let's go back in there. In the first room, you can now open the fence at the southern end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt18d | Mark: ニーズヘッグ (Nidhogg) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You should see ニーズヘッグ (Nidhogg) at 第1運路 (Transitway 1). It is a big, blue snake. Pic: Nidhogg shouldn't give you much trouble, but if you want to be safe, lure it to nearby the screen edge in case you need to escape and heal up, then return and continue the fight. If he has the Protect buff on, try to stay just out of his range for it to wear off before starting the battle. Nidhogg is pretty easy to beat if you use a Mist Knack/Quickening combo when it reaches near-death status. When you beat Nidhogg, you can go out and save, or go to where the next mark is. Remember, if you bump into エアリアル (Aerieel) again, try to steal some コウモリの翼 (Bat Wing)s if you didn't manage to earlier. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt18e | Mark: ロックタイタス (Rocktoise) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the end of 第2鉱区採掘場 (Site 2) is where you will bump into the ロックタイタス (Rocktoise). Pic: The Rocktoise can do a good amount of damage, so cast プロテス (Protect) if you can. It also can cause くらやみ (Blind), so have the Blindna spell and/or some Eye Drops ready. Equip an アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) to avoid being blinded if you have some of those. As the enemy is a gigantic turtle, you can get him to chase you around the room while the other characters attack it. Just keep an eye on the red line and who is being targeted. Finish it off with a Mist Knack/Quickening combo when it is at near-death status to save some time. Speak to Aekom to get your reward: 600 gil, 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage), and a バラクラバ (Balaclava). The Rose Corsage protects against 沈黙 (Silence). Aekom will then also give you a 大蛇の抜け殻 (Great Serpentskin). Keep this as you can get 金のアミュレット (Golden Amulet) for it later. Plop the Great Serpentskin in your inventory above the Teleport Stones so you don't accidentally sell it. It seems as though the fifth room's pots have not respawned since fighting バッガモナン (Ba'Gamnan) and his gang. If you come back later, they will. Hopefully you got that Battle Bamboo if you needed it. Go back to Pilika on the west side of Bhujerba for your reward: 1,200 gil, 2 Hi-Potions, and a サバイバルベスト (Survival Vest). You're not done with Pilika yet, though. Talk to him again and reply with the top option (sure thing). Now go to the tech shop in town. Go up the first staircase and look at the bookshelf. You will find ピリカの日記 (Pilika's Diary). Grab it, choose not to read it, then go back to Pilika. Talk to Pilika again. You can get one of two accessories, a バングル (Bangle) or a ヒスイのカラー (Jade Collar). Choose the lower answer (I've done nothing) if you want the Jade Collar (since you can just buy Bangles anyway). The Jade Collar gives a +30% chance at parrying attacks. You can just sell it for 1,650 gil instead, if you want. That's pretty much all there is to do at Bhujerba for now, so if you're prepared to move on, go up to the guards at the red x on the map by the armor shop. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt19a | 戦艦リヴァイアサン (Dreadnought Leviathan) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes (2) ----- Shop: ゾーリンブレイド (Zwill Blade) 1800 gil パルチザン (Partisan) 2300 gil バトルバンブー (Battle Bamboo) 2310 gil ヴェガ (Vega) 1400 gil アサシンダガー (Assassin's Dagger) 1920 gil クロスボウ (Crossbow) 1900 gil 蛇のロッド (Serpent Rod) 1250 gil アイアンソード (Iron Sword) 1250 gil 備前長船 (Osafune) 1300 gil スピアー (Spear) 1300 gil エイビスキラー (Avis Killer) 1250 gil ブロードアックス (Broadaxe) 1600 gil ブロンズメイス (Bronze Mace) 1100 gil サクラの杖 (Cherry Staff) 800 gil ラウンドシールド (Round Shield) 1100 gil 角付きの帽子 (Horned Hat) 700 gil チェインプレイト (Ringmail) 700 gil カロ型の帽子 (Calot Hat) 700 gil 羊飼いのボレロ (Shepherd's Bolero) 700 gil アイアンヘルム (Iron Helm) 1250 gil アイアナーマー (Iron Armor) 1300 gil レザーヘッドギア (Leather Headgear) 500 gil ブロンズの胸当て (Bronze Chestplate) 500 gil トプカプー帽 (Topkapi Hat) 500 gil キリム織の服 (Kilimweave Shirt) 500 gil サーリット (Sallet) 750 gil スケールアーマー (Scale Armor) 800 gil ブロンズシールド (Bronze Shield) 800 gil 革のゴルゲット (Leather Gorget) 1200 gil トルマリンの指輪 (Tourmaline Ring) 300 gil 鋼のゴルゲット (Steel Gorget) 1300 gil アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) 600 gil バングル (Bangle) 500 gil オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil チャージ (Charge) 1500 gil 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil レイズ (Raise) 1800 gil アクア (Water) 700 gil ドンアク (Disable) 700 gil シェル (Shell) 250 gil プロテス (Protect) 250 gil ブリザド (Blizzard) 240 gil ポイゾナ (Poisona) 320 gil ボキャル (Vox) 300 gil サンダー (Thunder) 200 gil ドンムブ (Immobilize) 500 gil ダーク (Dark) 500 gil ブラナ (Blindna) 200 gil ケアル (Cure) 200 gil ファイア (Fire) 180 gil スロウ (Slow) 200 gil ----- Spells/Techs: スリプル (Sleep) Found at 中層東ブロック (Starboard Section), in the lower-right corner. Pic: MPHP (Infuse) Found at サブコントロールルーム (Sub-control Room), in the 'secret area'. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: パルチザン (Partisan) Found at the bottom-left corner of 中層西ブロック (Port Section). Pot stats: 80% to appear, 20% gil, contents: Potion / Partisan Pic: クロスボウ (Crossbow) Found at the far right end of 中層西ブロック (Port Section). Pot stats: 80% to appear, 20% gil, contents: Echo Herbs / Crossbow Pic: チェインプレイト (Ringmail) Found at 大型コンテナ倉庫 (Large Freight Stores), in the upper-right corner. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 25% gil, contents: Eye Drops / Ringmail Pic: 羊飼いのボレロ (Shepherd's Bolero) Found at 大型コンテナ倉庫 (Large Freight Stores), in the lower-right corner. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 25% gil, contents: Handkerchief / Shepherd's Bolero Pic: アイアンアーマー (Iron Armor) Found at 中層東ブロック (Starboard Section), in the right-center part. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Ether / Iron Armor Pic: アイアンヘルム (Iron Helm) Found a bit northwest of the Iron Armor pot. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Ether / Iron Helm Pic: ヴェガ (Vega) Found at サブコントロールルーム (Sub-control Room), by the lower door. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Potion / Vega Pic: ゾーリンブレイド (Zwill Blade) Found at サブコントロールルーム (Sub-control Room), next to the pot with the MPHP (Infuse) tech. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Hi-Potion / Zwill Blade Pic: ----- Do not worry about missing Sleep or Infuse; you can get them again in the next area. ウォースラ (Vossler) joins the party as a guest. Set up his gambits how you see fit. You'll also automatically receive the map, too. The place is pretty straightforward. You'll mainly fight guards and a couple of dogs. Avoid killing the dogs if you want to stock up on healing items like Phoenix Down. There are a number of items you can try to get for free here. Go through the east block (largest room) if you want the Sleep spell and Iron Armor/Helm, otherwise go to the circular room from the room between the west and east blocks. Make sure you grab the two リフレガの魔片 (Reflectga Mote)s in the pots too, as those can make a boss coming up in a while a lot easier. Once in the circular room, go to the top part then back down. You'll fight some Judges and Imperial Swordsmen. Beat them and you will get the No. 1 Brig Key to unlock the door in the southwest part of the room. Open the southwest cell and you'll get Ashe in the party. Assign her job, then go to the shop in the northeastern cell. There shouldn't be a whole bunch of new stuff, mainly the Round Shield and some accessories. Try to get 3 Tourmaline Rings and Argyle Armlets, since they protect against Poison + Sap (Tourmaline Ring) and Blind + half damage from Dark-elemental attacks (Argyle Armlet). Go across to the next cell and you can grab the 'system key' and save. Go back to the circular-shaped room, then go all the way up to the top to get to the sub control room. You can grab a Vega, the Infuse tech, and a Zwill Blade in this room (see the caps above). If you don't want any of those, go back to the red x on the map the way you came. Shortly before getting to the red x, Vossler will leave the party while Penelo becomes the last party member. You'll also get the 人造破魔石 (Manufacted Nethicite) accessory. Before you get too excited at the Magic Defense +3 and half damage from all elements, note that it puts the character with it equipped into 'auto Silence' status. It's not bad for non-mages. Now you have your full team! Go to the red x and you'll bump into the next boss fight. You can steal a 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt) from ジャッジ・ギース (Judge Ghis), but it is a rare steal. You'll wind up back in Bhujerba after the fight. Make your way to the red x on the map, and you will then be at the west end of the Dalmasca Westersand. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt20a | 西ダルマスカ砂漠 (Dalmasca Westersand) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Shop: 古代の検 (Ancient Sword) 2450 gil 小烏丸 (Kogarasumaru) 2500 gil 麝香勺 (Musk Stick) 3040 gil キラーボウ (Killer Bow) 2500 gil ウォーハンマー (War Hammer) 2500 gil ブージ (Bhuj) 2200 gil 魔法使いの杖 (Wizard's Staff) 1350 gil バラクラバ (Balaclava) 1000 gil ポンチョ (Poncho) 1000 gil 三角帽子 (Tri-Horn Hat) 1000 gil 魔法使いの服 (Magician's Cloth) 1000 gil バルビュータ (Barbut) 1800 gil リネンキュラッサ (Linen Cuirass) 1800 gil ラウンドシールド (Round Shield) 1100 gil 黒帯 (Black Belt) 600 gil 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage) 800 gil 革のゴルゲット (Leather Gorget) 1200 gil トルマリンの指輪 (Tourmaline Ring) 300 gil 鋼のゴルゲット (Steel Gorget) 1300 gil アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) 600 gil バングル (Bangle) 500 gil オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil 密猟 (Poach) 5000 gil 字間攻撃 (Horology) 2000 gil チャージ (Charge) 1500 gil 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil ケアルラ (Cura) 2000 gil エアロ (Aero) 1200 gil グラビデ (Gravity) 2300 gil レイズ (Raise) 1800 gil アクア (Water) 700 gil ドンアク (Disable) 700 gil シェル (Shell) 250 gil プロテス (Protect) 250 gil ブリザド (Blizzard) 240 gil ポイゾナ (Poisona) 320 gil ボキャル (Vox) 300 gil サンダー (Thunder) 200 gil ドンムブ (Immobilize) 500 gil ダーク (Dark) 500 gil ブラナ (Blindna) 200 gil ケアル (Cure) 200 gil ファイア (Fire) 180 gil スロウ (Slow) 200 gil ----- Don't bother buying *any* weapons or armor at this shop. You can find every single one (or better) at the next area in the pots mentioned above. Some of the accessories are good buys, though. Try to have 3 黒帯 (Black Belt)s, since they prevent ドンアクト/ドンムブ (Disable/Immobilize), and 3 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage)s, since they prevent 沈黙 (Silence). Be sure to buy ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts), as those cure the ever-annoying 混乱 (Confuse) ailment. Buy the techs if you want them. ケアルラ (Cura) and エアロ (Aero) are handy spells. Before going west to Ogir-Yensa, warp or walk back to Rabanastre. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt20b | Mark: ワイバーンロード (Wyvern Lord) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check the wanted poster at the Sandsea. There should be a new mark, the ワイバーンロード (Wyvern Lord). Since the person you are looking for is at the weapon shop in town, go there and find シャルアール (Sherral). It will be a little while until the Wyvern Lord is actually met, but it will now be on the way to Raithwall. If you are using a Breaker and did not get a スラッシャー (Slasher) from a Werewolf drop at the Giza Plains, now would be a great time to do so. Walk back or warp to the teleport crystal at the Dalmasca Westersand and go west into the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt21a | 大砂海オグル・エンサ (Ogir-Yensa Sandsea) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Shop: オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ----- Spells/Techs: スリプル (Sleep) Found at 第1工場東側タンク (Platform 1-East Tanks), at the bottom section, around the second ring. Pic: リフレク (Reflect) Found at 大型タク基地 (Primary Tank Complex), near the southeastern screen border. Pic: MPHP (Infuse) Found at 第1工場東側タンク (Platform 1-East Tanks), on the ground by a trap. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: ブージ (Bhuj) Found at 第1工場東側タンク (Platform 1-East Tanks), along the northern wall. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Potion / Bhuj Pic: 魔法使いの杖 (Wizard's Staff) Found at 第1工場東側タンク (Platform 1-East Tanks), around the first ring. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Ether / Wizard's Staff Pic: 古代の検 (Ancient Sword) Found at 第1石油工場 (Platform 1-Refinery), at the southern end of the area by a trap. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Hi-Ether / Ancient Sword Pic: 金のアミュレット (Golden Amulet) Found at 第1石油工場 (Platform 1-Refinery), up the winding stairs section. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ポンチョ (Poncho) Found at 第1石油工場 (Platform 1-Refinery), close to the Golden Amulet. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Hi-Potion / Poncho Pic: キラーボウ (Killer Bow) Found at 第1石油工場 (Platform 1-Refinery), southwest section. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Potion / Killer Bow Pic: 三角帽子 (Tri-Horn Hat) Found at 第1石油工場 (Platform 1-Refinery), southwest section. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Gold Needle / Tri-Horn Hat Pic: 小烏丸 (Kogarasumaru) Found at 第1工場南側タンク (Platform 1-South Tanks), south of the eastern ring. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Hi-Potion / Kogarasumaru Pic: 麝香勺 (Musk Stick) Found at 第1工場南側タンク (Platform 1-South Tanks), around the 3rd ring from the right. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Hi-Potion / Musk Stick Pic: バルビュータ (Barbut) Found at 東ジャンクション (East Junction), around the third ring. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 30% gil, contents: Ether / Barbut Pic: シリウス (Sirius) Found at 大型タンク基地 (Primary Tank Complex), around the very top-left ring. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 30% gil, contents: Remedy / Sirius Pic: 魔法使いの服 (Magician's Cloth) Found at 大型タンク基地 (Primary Tank Complex), around the 2nd ring in the middle row. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 20% gil, contents: Antidote / Magician's Cloth Pic: リネンキュラッサ (Linen Cuirass) Found at 大型タンク基地 (Primary Tank Complex), around the southernmost ring. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 20% gil, contents: Phoenix Down / Linen Cuirass Pic: メテオライト (Meteorite C) Found at 大型タンク基地 (Primary Tank Complex), in a pot right next to the Linen Cuirass one. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 20% gil, contents: Knot of Rust / Meteorite C Need ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet) equipped, Meteorite C has 5% chance. Pic: パラミナボウ (Paramina Crossbow) Found at 中央ジャンクション (Central Junction), near the westernmost ring. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Potion / Paramina Crossbow Pic: 閃光魔帽 (Lambent Hat) Found at 中央ジャンクション (Central Junction), around the southernmost ring. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Hi-Potion / Lambent Hat Pic: ウォーワーカー (Soldier's Cap) Found at 中央ジャンクション (Central Junction), south of the easternmost ring. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Hi-Potion / Soldier's Cap Pic: ゴールドシールド (Golden Shield) Found at 第2石油工場 (Platform 2-Refinery), west of the northwestern ring. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 25% gil, contents: Hi-Potion / Golden Shield Pic: ----- A quick note first if you are wanting to steal some of the loot mentioned below. Some of the steals appear to be rare or very rare, so if you do not mind waiting until after going through Raithwall's Tomb, you can get the accessory 盗賊のカフス (Thief's Cuffs), which increase the chances of stealing. It may save some time/annoyance if you wait. The choice is yours. This is the largest area so far, and the next one is similar in size. It's going to be quite a trek if you want to fully explore the area. There's lots of goodies here, too. Make sure you grab the map to this and the next area. Both of the maps are found at 第1工場東側タンク (Platform 1-East Tanks), next to each other. Grab them to reduce some headaches. If you missed the スリプル (Sleep) spell or MPHP (Infuse) tech at the Leviathan, they will show up here now. As you get to the second screen, ウォースラ (Vossler) joins the group again. Make sure you adjust his gambits (he really likes to attack, it looks like). You'll run into a ton of ウルタネンサ族 (Urutan-Yensa)s in this area. If you chain them, you can get a lot of free Teleport Stones and Phoenix Down. A シカリ (Hunter) equipped with a グラディウス (Gladius) will tear them to shreds in 1 hit most likely. There's a pretty good spot here if you want to try getting some メテオライト (Meteorite C). Check above for the location. --------- | wt21b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you bump into a rare bomb monster, the パイナップル (Pineapple), you can steal a ボムの抜け殻 (Bomb Shell) from it. If you want to get the second Hand-Bomb weapon, the ペジオニーテ (Fumarole), with its 71 attack power, keep the Bomb Shell with you, as you can steal the other ingredient, three 火の魔晶石 (Fire Crystal)s, shortly. Try the second screen, 第1石油エ場 (Platform 1-Refinery), that is where I fought him this time. Pic: The Pineapple can show up in other spots on the second screen, so try to do a sweep each time you are looking for it. I bumped into it east of the Golden Amulet after looking at the above spot about 10 times and it not showing up. If you are interested in creating the third-best gun in the game, the アルクトゥルス (Arcturus), you can get all of the loot for it in this area and the next one. The loot you need is エンサのヒレ (Yensa Fin) x2, サラマンド (Salamand Halcyon) x1, and 飛竜の翼 (Wyvern Wing) x2. You can steal the Yensa Fins from the Urutan-Yensa guys, or just kill some actual エンサ (Yensa) fish-things. Be careful though, because one of the ingredients, the Wyvern Wing, is stolen from the Wyvern Lord mark, so you need to steal two of them before you defeat him. If you go to 大型タンク基地 (Primary Tank Complex), you may want to turn your gambits off while you are there. If you see a big floating sun-looking thing, the 精霊サラマンド (Salamand Entite), don't cast any spells when you are near it. The thing on the left with 48,042HP is the Salamand Entite: If you do, it gets pissed off and will probably kill you with one casting of ファイガ (Firaga). If you are leaving the screen/zone and not coming back, you can always try to steal from it while controlling a different character from far away. You may steal a 火の魔晶石 (Fire Crystal) from them, and can find the Salamand Entite on a few screens here, so you can make that ペジオニーテ (Fumarole) at this point in the game pretty easily. If you are trying to get the Salamand Halcyon, you will probably get the Fire Crystals you need for both the アスピーテ (Tumulus) and ペジオニーテ (Fumarole) Hand-Bomb weapons. The Salamand Entite likes hanging around 大型タンク基地 (Primary Tank Complex) and 中央ジャンクション (Central Junction), so you can go back and forth between those two areas to keep respawning new Salamand Entites to steal from. If you decide to wait until later, make sure the sky is blue at Ogir-Yensa, the Entite doesn't like dust storms. -LOOT ALERT- If you do happen to have a ボムの抜け殻 (Bomb Shell) and 3 火の魔晶石 (Fire Crystal)s, sell them at the next shop you go to. If you are making the アスピーテ (Tumulus) and have the other ingredients, make it when you can. Here's the ingredients, as a reminder: オルギン (Book of Orgain) x2 + ボムの灰 (Bomb Ashes) x3 + 火の魔晶石 (Fire Crystal) x3. Grab the 金のアミュレット (Golden Amulet) on the second screen (Platform 1- Refinery), as that gives the character with it equipped double LP. Get the upgrades from the pots shown above while making your way to the southwestern exit of the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, Yensa Border Tunnel. You can get a tech now if you would like. Take the center screen exit, 中央ジャンクション (Central Junction), to the ゼルテニアン洞窟 (Zertinan Caverns). ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt22a | ゼルテニアン洞窟 (Zertinan Caverns) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a pot you can can find the 暗闇殺法 (Sight Unseeing) tech. Pic: --------- | wt22b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the strongest Hand-Bomb ammo in the game, キャステラノース (Castellanos), you can get two of the three ingredients here. リーチフロッグ (Speartongue)s can drop カエルの油 (Frog Oil), which you need two of. Very soon, you will meet バドゥ (Bagoly)s, which can drop アリエス (Aries Gems). You will need three of them for the Castellanos. The last ingredient, three ボムの欠片 (Bomb Fragment)s, can be obtained in a little while. If you want to make the second best bow in the game, the 宿命のサジタリA (Sagittarius A), one of the three ingredients can be found here. Steal from the スライム (Slime)s, and you might get a サジタリウス (Sagittarius Gem). For the bow, you need 4 Sagittarius Gems. Just get two screens away and the Slimes will respawn to steal from them again. You can come back later, too. It will be a long time before you can get the other ingredients. -LOOT ALERT- Still in the Zertinan Caverns via (Central Junction), if you go through to the exit to the northwest, you'll end up at a closed-off part of the next area, the Nam-Yensa Sandsea. There are two pots that respawn here, with a フライングヘルム (Winged Helm) and チェインメイル (Chainmail). The two pots appear next to each other, straight across from the Zertinan Caverns exit. The alternate contents for both pots is ハイエーテル (Hi-Ether) too, so you can stock up on those here if you'd like as well. It's one of the best spots to do so, so go for it. Extra Hi-Ethers will certainly help! Both the Winged Helm and Chainmail are probably better heavy armor than what you have, so you can easily stock up here. At the dead end, you can find a one-time pot with a 亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker) inside. It is a very useful accessory for mages when you have money to spare, it converts MP cost to gil cost for spells. --------- | wt22c | --------- -LOOT ALERT- You can very easily get some better heavy armor here. Kill all the バドゥ (Bagoly)s, which as mentioned earlier can drop アリエス (Aries Gems), an ingredient for the Castellanos Hand-Bomb ammo), then stand around on the circular platform where the 亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker) pot is. After a little bit of time, a rare monster, イムドゥグド (Imdugud), will fly towards you. -LOOT ALERT- Successfully steal from him and you will possess a suit of シールドアーマー (Shielded Armor). Shielded Armor has 25 defense *and* gives Auto-Protect. Just go two screens away, then return, and steal another suit of the Shielded Armor. Repeat as needed for everyone in the party that can equip heavy armor. Make your way to the southwestern exit of the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea (Yensa Border Tunnel). Sell the loot you've got, buy the 竜騎士の心得 (Dragoon's Monograph) if you didn't earlier, and 魔道士の心得 (Mage's Monograph) next. The Mage's Monograph costs 21,000 gil. There should only be a couple left after you've bought those. If you grabbed enough loot and spare equipment, you can always try to finish up buying the Monographs. The 賢者の心得 (Sage's Monograph) costs 25,000 gil, while the 学者の心得 (Scholar's Monograph) costs 22,000. If you gathered the ingredients for the ペジオニーテ (Fumarole), go ahead and sell them now. The bazaar package costs 3,280 gil and will net you the ペジオニーテ (Fumarole) and ポイズンボム (Poison Bombs). Instead of going west by the teleport crystal, go up to the other exit at 第2石油エ場 (Platform 2-Refinery). Save at the save crystal when you get to the next area, the Nam-Yensa Sandsea. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt23a | 大砂海ナム・エンサ (Nam-Yensa Sandsea) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Shop: ローエングリン (Lohengrin) 3200 gil ヘビーランス (Heavy Lance) 3500 gil ロングボウ (Longbow) 4600 gil シリウス (Sirius) 2600 gil チョッパー (Chopper) 3200 gil パラミナボウ (Paramina Crossbow) 3300 gil 癒しのロッド (Healing Rod) 2590 gil 古代の検 (Ancient Sword) 2450 gil 小烏丸 (Kogarasumaru) 2500 gil 麝香勺 (Musk Stick) 3040 gil キラーボウ (Killer Bow) 2500 gil ウォーハンマー (War Hammer) 2500 gil ブージ (Bhuj) 2200 gil 魔法使いの杖 (Wizard's Staff) 1350 gil ウォーワーカ- (Soldier's Cap) 1400 gil バルキーコート (Heavy Coat) 1400 gil 閃光魔帽 (Lambent Hat) 1400 gil 詠唱のジュラーバ (Chanter's Djellaba) 1400 gil フライングヘルム (Winged Helm) 2400 gil チェインメイル (Chainmail) 2300 gil ゴールドシールド (Golden Shield) 2000 gil バラクラバ (Balaclava) 1000 gil ポンチョ (Poncho) 1000 gil 三角帽子 (Tri-Horn Hat) 1000 gil 魔法使いの服 (Magician's Cloth) 1000 gil バルビュータ (Barbut) 1800 gil リネンキュラッサ (Linen Cuirass) 1800 gil ラウンドシールド (Round Shield) 1100 gil 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt) 800 gil 黒帯 (Black Belt) 600 gil 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage) 800 gil 革のゴルゲット (Leather Gorget) 1200 gil トルマリンの指輪 (Tourmaline Ring) 300 gil 鋼のゴルゲット (Steel Gorget) 1300 gil アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) 600 gil バングル (Bangle) 500 gil オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil ハイポーション (Hi-Potion) 180 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drop) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil 密猟 (Poach) 5000 gil 字間攻撃 (Horology) 2000 gil チャージ (Charge) 1500 gil 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil ストップ (Stop) 900 gil ケアルラ (Cura) 2000 gil エアロ (Aero) 1200 gil グラビデ (Gravity) 2300 gil レイズ (Raise) 1800 gil アクア (Water) 700 gil ドンアク (Disable) 700 gil シェル (Shell) 250 gil プロテス (Protect) 250 gil ブリザド (Blizzard) 240 gil ----- Spells/Techs: バランス (Balance) Found at 女王の治める砂原 (Demesne of the Sandqueen), on the western pier. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: フライングヘルム (Winged Helm) Found at the closed-off area from Ogir-Yensa -> Zertinan Caverns, 風化する岸辺 (Withering Shores). Pot stats: 70% to appear, 55% gil, contents: Hi-Ether / Winged Helm Pic: チェインメイル (Chainmail) Found at the closed-off area from Ogir-Yensa -> Zertinan Caverns, 風化する岸辺 (Withering Shores). Pot stats: 70% to appear, 55% gil, contents: Hi-Ether / Chainmail Pic: 亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker) Found at the closed-off area from Ogir-Yensa -> Zertinan Caverns, 風化する岸辺 (Withering Shores). Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ~11,000 gil Found at ぬくもりの消える路 (Trail of Fading Warmth), next to the second bridge. Pot stats: 10% to appear, 10% gil, contents: Knot of Rust / Meteorite B Need Diamond Armlet equipped Pic: 雛のティーペット (Embroidered Tippet) Found at 熱風の下りる高台 (Simoon Bluff), around the northeastern ring. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- There are some decent equipment pots on the last screen before the next area, but they are all rather far away from the screen transition. Speak to the moogle by the save crystal, choose the top answer, then move on. Two screens away, you should see a bunch of ウルタネンサ族 (Urutan- Yensa) guys beating up on a turtle, the ウルタニーター (Urutan Eater). Go ahead and beat them all up, then go back to the moogle by the save crystal. Talk to the moogle, then go east back into the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. As you climb up the first ramp, you should see the moogle talking to an Urutan-Yensa guy. Go back to the moogle at the save crystal. If you check the flower on the ground, you will get イクシロの実 (Eksir Berries). They will make a boss easier, but the boss is rather easy anyway. Make your way towards the '????' exit on the southern part of Nam-Yensa, 黄砂のたどりつく地 (Yellow Sands). Go east then southwest from 風化する岸辺 (Withering Shores) to get there faster. Remember, if you are trying to make the Castellanos Bomb ammo, those Bagoly guys can drop Aries Gems. In this part of the Zertinan Caverns, you can fight more リーチフロッグ (Speartongue)s and スライム (Slime)s, who have the カエルの油 (Frog Oil; dropped) and サジタリウス (Sagittarius Gem; stolen) loots that can make the Castellano and Sagittarius A. If neither of those interest you, just skip going into here for now, as that is all that is here for the time being. Make your way west to ぬくもりの消える路 (Trail of Fading Warmth). There is a pot that can have about 11,000 gil inside it. Looking at the odds of it appearing (10%) and having gil (10%), it seems like it is a 1 in 100 shot. Go northeast to 熱風の下りる高台 (Simoon Bluff) if you want to fight that Wyvern Lord mark from awhile ago. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt23b | Mark: ワイバーンロード (Wyvern Lord) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This guy flies around the northern end of the 熱風の下りる高台 (Simoon Bluff), by all the バドゥ (Bagoly)s. As it is a flying enemy, cast spells, use ranged weapons, or toss stuff like Knots of Rust at it. You can find it around here: Remember, if you plan on making the third-strongest gun in the game, the アルクトゥルス (Arcturus), the Wyvern Lord has one of the ingredients, 飛竜の翼 (Wyvern Wing)s. If you do not steal them from the Wyvern Lord, it will be a long time until you can get more. If the low success rate of stealing the Wyvern Wing gets annoying, come back just a little bit later on when you have Thief's Cuffs, since those increase the odds of stealing. You can also rush through to an area with a rare monster that the only thing that can be stolen from it is a Wyvern Wing, the エアロス (Aeros). Go to the northeaster rings first, as you can find an 雛のティーペット (Embroidered Tippet) in a pot. Embroidered Tippets are an accessory that give double experience points to the character equipped with it. This is a good place to chain バドゥ (Bagoly)s if you are trying to get アリエス (Aries Gem)s for the Castellanos (3 are needed). When you get to the shop at the end, buy what upgrades you want except 詠唱のジュラーバ (Chanter's Djellaba), as you can easily find as many of those as you want very shortly. Three 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt)s are good, since they prevent 睡眠 (Sleep). Move on, and you can save your game. You can finally buy ハイポーション (Hi-Potion) at shops, for 180 gil a pop. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt24a | レイスウォール王墓 (The Tomb of Raithwall) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Shop: Same stuff as Nam-Yensa shop ----- Spells/Techs: デスペル (Dispel) Found at 大通廊 (Royal Passage), take the north fork on the northern path. Pic: バニシュ (Vanish) Found at 大通廊 (Royal Passage), take the north fork on the southern path. Pic: 無作為魔 (Shades of Black) Found at 火炎の回廊 (Cloister of Flame) in the center of the room. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: 詠唱のジュラーバ (Chanter's Djellaba) Go through the door by Dispel to 北翼の通廊 (Northfall Passage), then turn left. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 30% gil, contents: Warp Mote / Chanter's Djellaba Pic: アイスシールド (Ice Shield) On the far-right side of 南翼の通廊 (Southfall Passage), in a corner. Pot stats: 30% to appear, 80% gil, contents: Aeroga Mote / Ice Shield Pic: ロクスリーの弓 (Loxley Bow) Found at 南翼の通廊 (Southfall Passage) (Southfall Passage). Get a Lich in near-death status, and let it split. If it splits into another Lich, kill them both and find another Lich. Repeat until the キャルトリッチ (Cultsworn Lich) appears and steal it from him. ----- After a short stroll, you'll be greeted by the ガルーダ (Garuda). You can use the イクシロの実 (Eksir Berries) on it if you want, but ranged weapons, the Dark/Aero spells, and Knots of Rust can do the Garuda in quickly, too. The teleport crystal is straight ahead. Behind you is the shop guy from Nam-Yensa, selling the same stuff. If you've played this game before, you know what is coming up. Equip spellcasters with a 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage). Physical fighters should have an アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) equipped. If you have a magic caster at all, wait for your buffs to go away (turn off any buff gambits beforehand), then use one of those リフレガの魔片 (Reflectga Mote)s from earlier, or cast リフレク (Reflect) on everyone if you have that spell. Proceed into Raithwall's Tomb. The first デモンズウォール (Demon Wall) is the one you do not have to beat, but if you do you can fight some キャンドル (Tallow) monsters and grab a Scathe Mote. Cast any attack spells you have on your party (Aero probably works best), and you should wipe out the Demon Wall pretty fast. Use a Mist Knack/Quickening combo to finish it off if you need to. You can do the same thing to the second Demon Wall, which you do have to beat. If you beat both Demon Walls, go back to where the first one was fought. Push the blue button and a path opens on both sides. Go whichever way you want to the secret area. Down here (and in the regular part of the area), you can try to steal a ブラッドソード (Blood Sword) from the シーカーバット (Seeker)s. Even if you want one and do not steal it, you can find one at the end of the dungeon. The Seekers can also drop コウモリの翼 (Bat Wing)s, which can make ダークエナジー (Dark Energy). Keep hold of those. Go all the way down and past the キャンドル (Tallow)s to a chest that holds a コラプスの魔片 (Scathe Mote). Go back to the teleport crystal, then west past the second Demon's Wall. Walk straight ahead and you'll see the map. Go to the very northern branch and open the chest at the end if you want the very useful デスペル (Dispel) spell. Pretty much every boss fight from here on, you will probably want to de-buff the bosses with Dispel. If you want to get a better mystic helmet, the ラミアのティアラ (Lamia Tiara), kill 10 Seekers here, then go to where the map was. You should see バルム (Barmuu) there. You can steal the Lamia Tiara from it. Very soon you can find an even better mystic helm from a pot, so getting just one Lamia Tiara should be ok. Go through the door by Dispel. Turn left and that is the easy-to-spawn pot with the 詠唱のジュラーバ (Chanter's Djellaba) mystic armor. Grab however many of them you need, then make your way to the red button in the center part of the area. Push the button then make your way back to the room with the map. --------- | wt24b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the ブラッドソードA (Blood Sword A), with its 92 attack and 100% 混乱 (Confuse)-infliction rate, one of the three ingredients for it can be obtained here. The ラゴウ (Ragoh)s can drop (or be poached) 石材 (Solid Stone)s, which you need two of for part of the Blood Sword A "recipe". The other two ingredients can be found in a little while. The Blood Sword A is a pretty good weapon for a Knight and/or Samurai. The Samurai requires "buying" the summon ザルエラ (Zalera) to equip the weapon. -LOOT ALERT- Back at the center area, go south. If you want to get to the other button quickly, take the northern door to grab the バニシュ (Banish) spell then go inside the door nearby. The southern door is the more scenic route (if you want to fight some more stuff). By the shortcut door you'll find a one-time chest with a ヘイスガの魔片 (Hastega Mote) inside. You can also find a chest with an アイスシールド (Ice Shield) inside, but it does not show up very often. Press the green button, then there should be an off-the-map passage west of the teleport thing in the middle by the button. If you have an archer, you can get a ロクスリーの弓 (Loxley Bow) here. It has 60 attack power. What you do is whenever a リッチ (Lich) spawns, bring it to near-death status, then let it split. If it splits into another Lich, kill them both and look for another one to spawn. Eventually a Lich will split and the キャルトリッチ (Cultsworn Lich) will appear. Steal the Loxley Bow from it. Go west from the green button if you want to go to the boss. If you want to save quickly first, use the blue Way Stone, which will take you to the middle room where the map was. Use the blue Way Stone then walk east to the yellow one, which takes you to the teleport crystal. Just use the Way Stones again to get back where you were quickly. When you are ready to fight the boss, head to the final chamber. Look for a pot with a Phoenix Down and Blood Sword in them first. Go down to the center part of the area to bump into ベリアス (Belias). Belias is weak to water and absorbs fire. In the battle chamber with him is where you can find an Elixir and the 無作為魔 (Shades of Black) tech, which is basically a 'Black Magic roulette' that costs 0MP. You can cast any Black Magic spell with it. Great on flyers. Belias's big attack is ファイジャ (Firaja), which is a fire-elemental attack and it inflicts the オイル (Oil) ailment, which makes you more susceptible to fire. Be sure to remove the Oil ailment as soon as you can. Beat Belias and you will get the 暁の断片 (Dawn Shard). Anyone can equip this accessory. Equipping it gives you +20 魔法防御 (Magic Defense) at the expense of having 0MP. Use the Way Stone nearby, and you will be pointed to your next destination, but there is a fantastic detour you can take instead first. Also note that summons are similar to those Mist Knack/Quickening squares; they will make a bridge to some 'island' squares on boards. Choose who gets a summon carefully. Here's what the Belias bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: Knight Potion Lore 1 Breaker Horology tech Samurai Libra tech At the next boss fight, Fran will be in berserk status. Vossler absolutely loves the リフレク (Reflect) spell, so much so that if you Dispel it, he'll re-cast Reflect. You can keep him busy re-casting it if you keep casting Dispel on him. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt25a | 王都ラバナスタ (The Royal City of Rabanastre) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story-wise, you are to head to the rainy Giza Plains. Before doing that, you can buff up your party by quite a good margin by going to a different area first. Sell your extraneous stuff at the bazaar shop, then visit Montblanc for some free goodies. If you are not interested in making the アルクトゥルス (Arcturus) and already beat the Wyvern Lord, go to the weapon shop in town and speak to シャルアール (Sherral) to receive the reward: 1000 gil, an エルフィンボウ (Elfin Bow), and a シェルシールド (Shell Shield). The Shell Shield doesn't offer much evade, but it does give the wielder Auto-Shell. Visit the Sandsea and you will see two new marks. Go ahead and initiate エンケドラス (Enkelados) and ケロゲロス (Croakadile). If you think you can take it, you can fight a boss in northeastern section of the Westersand. If you are interested, head to the west gate of Rabanastre. Speak to the green bangaa named リムザット (Rimzat). Answer with the top choice. Next, go to the central fountain area. You should see a man sitting around the southwestern part of the fountain by the name of カッツェ (Cotze). Speak to him and he will direct you to the next person to talk to, ノートン (Northon). Now head to the northeastern part of the lowtown area. A little south of the Garamsythe Waterway entrance, you should see Northon huddled down next to a red bangaa. Now you need to go into the Dalmasca Westersand, to where you found the ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet) earlier, 風紋の地 (Windtrace Dunes). Check the cactus in the southwestern part of the screen to find the 風の方位輪 (Wind Globe). It's right here: --------- | wt25b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you are planning on making the strongest gun in the game, the アルデバランY (Aldebaran Y), you can get one of the ingredients here. If there is a windstorm in the Dalmasca Westersand, you can use this time to steal the 8 土の魔晶石 (Earth Crystal)s from the 精霊ノーマ (Gnoma Entite)s. Pic: Just visit each area and look for it to steal from. As long as it is windy, you can go back and forth between 中央断層 (The Midfault) and 陽炎立つ地平 (Shimmering Horizons) as much as you want, since each Gnoma Entite will be a one new as well. You do not need to get any of the Earth Crystals here, as there is another spot a little later. It is up to you, but this is probably the fastest method. After you are done, return to Rabanastre. If you would like to make the アルテマブレイド (Ultima Blade), one of the ingredients is stolen and dropped by the 精霊ノーマ (Gnoma Entite). You need 1 ノーマ (Gnoma Halcyon) for the weapon. It is advisable to get what you need off Gnoma Halcyons right now, as after you finish the Westersand sidequest, it will be harder for windy weather to show up in the area. -LOOT ALERT- Back at the western gate in Rabanastre, speak to リムザット (Rimzat) again to receive the 風読のコンパス (Windvane). Save your game, then head back into the Westersand. Go north then east to the far northeastern part of the Westersand and you will bump into the アースドラゴン (Earth Tyrant). Earth- based attacks will heal it; use wind-based attacks instead. If you start running low on MP, don't forget about that 亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker) accessory, which makes spells cost gil instead of MP. Feel free to use a mist combo to finish it off. It can get pretty nasty at near-death status. If you manage to steal a 地竜の骨 (Tyrant Bone) bone the Earth Tyrant, keep it if you plan on making the 石化の弾 (Stone Shot). You'll need 2 地竜の骨 (Tyrant Bone)s, and can get the other one(s) in a little while. Beating the Earth Tyrant grants you access from the Westersand to a new section of the Estersand. Go this way if you like, but I go the other way, which is how you can get there without fighting the Earth Tyrant. Ok, now it's time for some fun. Warp to ナルビナ城塞 (Nalbina Town). ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt26a | モスフォーラ山地 (Mosphoran Highwaste) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Shop: 目薬 (Eye Drop) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ----- Spells/Techs: 貼付 (Stamp) Found at 灰白のひさし (Rays of Ashen Light), in the fountain plant area. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: ゴールドスタッフ (Golden Staff) Found at 頂きをのぞむ山道 (Summit Path), near the middle. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Potion / Gold Staff Pic: 菊一文字 (Kiku-ichimonji) Found at 頂きをのぞむ山道 (Summit Path), in a northern nook. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Bio Mote / Kiku-ichimonji Pic: アベンジャー (Avenger) Found at 灰白のひさし (Rays of Ashen Light), in the always-accessible section. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Echo Herbs / Avenger Pic: 盗賊のカフス (Thief's Cuffs) Found at 水音の伝わる処 (Babbling Vale), at the northern end. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: 亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker) Found at 水音の伝わる処 (Babbling Vale), on the western side. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ダイヤアーマー (Diamond Armor) Found at 岩板のそびえる路 (Trail of Sky-flung Stone), on the right branch. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Echo Herbs / Diamond Armor Pic: 黒装束 (Black Garb) Found at 岩板のそびえる路 (Trail of Sky-flung Stone), just north of the Diamond Armor. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Echo Herbs / Black Garb Pic: 黒装束 (Black Garb) Found at 北の山すそ (Northern Skirts), by the フンババ (Humbaba)s. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Echo Herbs / Black Garb Pic: メタルジャーキン (Metal Jerkin) Found at 北の山すそ (Northern Skirts), in the lower-left corner. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Echo Herbs / Metal Jerkin Pic: ドラゴンシールド (Dragon Shield) Found at 北の山すそ (Northern Skirts), by the ヴァルチャー (Vulture)s. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Echo Herbs / Dragon Shield Pic: 石の弓 (Giant Stonebow) Found at 北の山すそ (Northern Skirts), along the northern edge. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Echo Herbs / Giant Stonebow Pic: ----- First off, you cannot get neither the Stamp tech nor the Turtleshell Choker accessory yet, so don't freak out. There are two guards blocking the path to the west, but you may notice that the northwestern exit behind them is now blue. If you want to get past these guys, rent a chocobo nearby for 800 gil, then walk the chocobo up to the guards. One guard is deathly afraid of the birds, so he runs off, and the other guard chases after him. You are now free to explore the area they were blocking, a good while before you normally could. There are a whole lot of free upgrades to grab here and the two connecting areas. I tend to go from the Mosphoran Highwaste to the Salikawood if I need to, then the Dalmasca Estersand. --------- | wt26b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you plan on making the second-strongest bow in the game, the 宿命のサジタリA (Sagittarius A) and/or the strongest arrows in the game, the アルテミスの矢 (Artemis Arrows), you can get some of the loot here. The フンババ (Humbaba) guys can drop 獣王の角 (Beast Lord Horn)s, and you need 3 of those if you are going to make the Sagittarius A. You can steal ジェミニ (Gemini Gems) from the Humbabas too, which you need 3 of for the Artemis Arrows. The パイソン (Python)s in this area have one of the other ingredients for the Artemis Arrows, they drop 大蛇の牙 (Great Snake Fang)s. You need two of them for Artemis Arrows. The third and last ingredient for the arrows is not available until a little while later. -LOOT ALERT- Make your way through the Mosphoran Highwaste, grabbing whatever upgrades you need. There is each type of armor here, all of which is probably more powerful than what you have. If you have a Black Mage, you can find a ゴールドスタッフ (Golden Staff), which has 42 attack power. If you are using a もののふ (Samurai), the 菊一文字 (Kiku-ichimonji) has 71 attack power. For the シカリ (Hunter), you can find an アベンジャー (Avenger), which has 66 attack power and a 10% chance to inflict 狂戦士 (Berserk). Archers without the Seitengrat can find the 石の弓 (Giant Stonebow) at the northern end of the area. The Giant Stonebow has 73 attack power. フンババ (Humbaba)s can drop the スレッジハンマー (Sledgehammer), which has 66 attack power. There is an even stronger Breaker weapon to be found in a pot shortly, so don't pull your hair out trying to get the Sledgehammer. At the 'town' part of the area, 水音の伝わる処 (Babbling Vale), you will find a teleport crystal and can buy the map to the area from a nearby moogle for 2400 gil. At the northern end of this area is a pot holding the 盗賊のカフス (Thief's Cuffs). This accessory increases the steal rate, which can be very, very useful. According to the Ultimania book, this is the regular steal rate: common: 55%, uncommon: 10%, rare: 3%. With the Thief's Cuffs on, it is: common: 80%, uncommon: 30%, rare: 6%. Once you have picked up what you need, since you have the Thief's Cuffs, you can go back to earlier enemies to steal from them if you need to. The steals you need from a couple enemies, like the 精霊サラマンド (Salamand Entite) and 飛竜の翼 (Wyvern Wing), are rare. If you are making the アルクトゥルス (Arcturus) gun, now is when you can try to steal Wyvern Wings from the Wyvern Lord at the Nam-Yensa Sandsea. Once you have the 2 Wyvern Wings (or if you are not getting them), be sure to go and beat the Wyvern Lord. Speak to シャルアール (Sherral) at the Rabanastre weapon shop for the reward: 1000 gil, an エルフィンボウ (Elfin Bow), and a シェルシールド (Shell Shield). Before doing what you need to, there is still some more side stuff you can do that leads to more good equipment. Warp to the Mosphoran Highwaste, then head north to the Salikawood. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt27a | サリカ樹林 (The Salikawood) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: 勧誘 (Charm) Found at いやしの響く路 (Quietland Trace), southwest of the teleport crystal. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: ゴクウの棒 (Gokuu Pole) Found at 巨木に囲まれた路 (Trunkwall Road), north of the map. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 55% gil, contents: Ether / Gokuu Pole Pic: 錯乱のメイス (Chaos Mace) Found at 巨木に囲まれた路 (Trunkwall Road), far north of the map. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 55% gil, contents: Ether / Chaos Mace Pic: バスタードソード (Bastard Sword) Found at 別離の路 (Diverging Way), on a western branch. Pot stats: 65% to appear, 55% gil, contents: Ether / Bastard Sword Pic: ラス・アルゲティ (Ras Algethi) Found at 別離の路 (Diverging Way), at the northeastern end. Pot stats: 65% to appear, 55% gil, contents: Ether / Ras Algethi Pic: アダマン帽 (Adamant Hat) Found at 白きまだらの路 (Piebald Path), on the eastern branch. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Ether / Adamant Hat Pic: ----- There is not much to do right now at the Salikawood. There are a few items you can grab if you are using a job that can equip light armor. The Charm tech is here, too. --------- | wt27b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you would like to create the third-strongest katana in the game, the 雨のむら雲 (Ame-no-Murakumo), you can get one of the ingredients here. Steal さけびの根 (Screamroot)s from the Pumpkinheads. For the katana, you will need 7 of the loot. -LOOT ALERT- Grab what you need from here, then head back to the Mosphoran Highwaste. From there, keep going south into the Dalmasca Estersand for more goodies. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt28a | 東ダルマスカ砂漠 (Dalmasca Estersand) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Possible useful items: バーサーカー (Armguard) Found at 断裂の砂地 (Broken Sands), near the Mosphoran Highwaste exit. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ダイヤヘルム (Diamond Helm) Found at 断裂の砂地 (Broken Sands), southwest from the Armguard pot. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Remedy / Diamond Helm Pic: ドラゴンシールド (Dragon Shield) Found at 断裂の砂地 (Broken Sands), southwest from the Diamond Helm pot. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Ether / Dragon Shield Pic: オベリスク (Obelisk) Found at 断裂の砂地 (Broken Sands), northwest of the southern exit. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Ether / Obelisk Pic: 黒頭巾 (Black Cowl) Found at 断裂の砂地 (Broken Sands), northeast of the southern exit. Pot stats: 80% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Dispel Mote / Black Cowl Pic: ハンマーヘッド (Hammerhead) Found at ヨーマ大砂丘 (The Yoma), on the northwestern edge of the screen. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 35% gil, contents: Eye Drops / Hammerhead Pic: ----- You are now at the northern end of the Estersand (beating the Earth Tyrant also lets you get here). There are only three new screens here, but there are some helpful things you can grab here, and to get back into the Barheim Passage for even more good stuff! --------- | wt28b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- This is a prime time to chain the ワイルドザウルス (Wild Saurian) one screen south from the Mosphoran Highwaste, 断裂の砂地 (Broken Sands). If you plan on making the powerful/cheap accessory ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa), or the strongest bullet in the game, the 石化の弾 (Stone Shot), you can get an ingredient for both of those from the Wild Saurian. Try to steal 3 レオ (Leo Gem)s and get 2 地竜の骨 (Tyrant Bone)s dropped from it. To get the Wild Saurian to respawn, simply go north two screens then come back. Don't go to 水音の伝わる処 (Babbling Vale), as that will reset your chain. It shouldn't take *too* long to get what you need. -LOOT ALERT- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt29a | Getting the Barheim Key | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collect the equipment you need, then get to a teleport crystal and warp to Rabanastre. The Armguard is a very useful accessory for "tank" characters, as it gives auto-berserk status. While berserk, the character does what looks like double the physical damage, and a speed boost to attack faster than usual. Make sure you get it. After warping to Rabanastre, head to the Estersand. Speak with ダントロ (Dantro) at the Outpost. Now begins a little fetch quest for the バルハイムのカギ (Barheim Key) and a 金のアミュレット (Golden Amulet). Head north to the teleport crystal. Speak to the woman in front of the house by the shop (which doesn't suck as much as it did before, but not by much). The woman is ダントロの妻 (Dantro's Wife). She will give you 千本針 (Bundle of Needles), and wants you to bring those to Dantro. Either run back to Dantro or warp to Rabanastre and speak to him. Now go back to where Dantro's wife is. In the water, there's a boat that connects the south and north sections of the Estersand. Speak to the little boy named チグリ (Tchigri) and go to the northern side. There's a lot of cacti dancing around. Speak to the man talking to Tchigri named ルクセラ (Ruksel), and you will go back to the southern side where Dantro's wife is. Speak to Dantro's wife, then look behind her house to find the little cactus guy. Bring him to the northern side to reunite him with the others. Walk up to the mother cactus you will receive 1000 gil and the ナパームショット (Wyrmfire Shot) for your trouble. You are still not done, if you want to go back into the Barheim Passage. Go back to the southern side and speak to Dantro's wife. She needs a couple items to help someone recover. You only need one of each item she wants, but if you find them all and still have that 大蛇の抜け殻 (Great Serpentskin) from the ニーズヘッグ (Nidhogg) mark earlier, you will get a Golden Amulet. The first item she wants is セム貝の貝殻 (Semclam Shell). If you just want to get the Barheim Key reward, you can find one Semclam Shell in the corner by the shop. If you want the Golden Amulet along with the Barheim Key, there are five Semclam shells to find. You can find them in the following spots: #1 ネブラ河沿いの集落南側 (South Bank Village), northeast corner, in the water. #2 ネブラ河沿いの集落南側 (South Bank Village), northwest corner, in the water. #3 ネブラ河の岸辺 (Banks of the Nebra), northeastern corner, in the water. #4 ネブラ河の岸辺 (Banks of the Nebra), northwestern part, in the water. #5 ネブラ河の岸辺 (Banks of the Nebra), northwestern corner, in the water. Speak to Dantro's wife, and now she requests ネブラリン (Nebralim). If you want the best reward, you need to find two, otherwise just one. Head back to where Dantro is and check the jars south and northeast of him to find the ネブラリン (Nebralim). They are here: #1 #2 Bring the Nebralim back to Dantro's wife, and there is one last thing she will ask for. There are 3 谷間の花のしずく (Valeblossom Dew) at the northern end of the Estersand. Again, you only need one, but if you want the best prize, you will want to find all three. Sail to the northern side and go north to the 断裂の砂地 (Broken Sands). You can find the 3 Valeblossom Dews at the pink trees in the area. The three spots for them are: #1 #2 #3 Give Dantro's wife the Valeblossom Dew, and if you still have the 大蛇の抜け殻 (Great Serpentskin), give that to her too. Leave the area then come back, and talk to Dantro's wife again. Behind her house there should be the 'person' you were helping recover. If it is a moogle, you should receive the バルハイムのカギ (Barheim Key) and a 金のアミュレット (Golden Amulet) as the top prize. Now you can head south then southeast and use the Barheim Key to get back into the Barheim Passage. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt30a | バルハイム地下道 (Barheim Passage) Revisited | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes (2) ----- Spells/Techs: タクシク (Toxify) Found at 東西バイパス (East-West Bypass), by a lot of traps and mimics. Pic: 魔防破壊 (Shear) Found at ゼバイア連結橋 (The Zeviah Span), at the far southern end. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: デスブリンガー (Deathbringer) Found at 第5特別作業区 (Special Op Sector 5), stolen from the rare monster ターゲッター (Ithuno). Pic: メイスオブゼウス (Zeus Mace) Found at 東西バイパス (East-West Bypass), dropped by the rare monster ミニマムバグ (Mini Bug). Pic: 影縫い (Kagenui) Found at ゼバイア連結橋 (The Zeviah Span), at the southeastern part of the room. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: 村雨 (Murasame) Found at 西部新坑道区 (West Annex), on the eastern side of the room by some traps. Pot stats: 90% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Red Fang / Murasame Pic: ふわふわミトラ (Fuzzy Miter) Found at 西部新坑道区 (West Annex), around the south-center of the room. Pot stats: 90% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Reflectga Mote / Fuzzy Miter Pic: カメオのベルト (Cameo Belt) Found at 第7ターミナル接続路 (Terminus No. 7 Adjunct), southeast of the save crystal. Pot stats: 25% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- You will wind up at the southern end of the Barheim Passage. If you look carefully, you will notice that the save crystal to the north is now a teleport crystal. Go there to add the Barheim Passage to the warping list. If you are starting to run low on サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) items (to toss at flying enemies), the 2 screens south of the teleport crystal are a prime spot, as there are about seven or eight quickly accessed pots to stock up. You may also find a Meteorite C on the southern screen and Meteorite B on the northern one. Once you are ready, head southwest from the teleport crystal to the new area of the Barheim Passage. Go west again to a new part of the Barheim Passage. In this room there are a couple of pots with decent items, but if you are going along with the guide, most of the stuff in here is not as good as what you probably have. The ねじりはちまき (Headband) may be a good grab for those using light armor. If you have a Knight, the real treasure of the room is the デスブリンガー (Deathbringer) sword. Check all the pots, you may find a fake one. The impostor pot is actually the rare monster ターゲッター (Ithuno). You can steal the Deathbringer from it. Equip Thief's Cuffs if you have them. If you do not see Ithuno, just leave the room and come back, then open the pots again. You will bump into it eventually. If Ithuno is doing a bit too much damage while you are trying to steal from him, run to the screen border and let him chase you. Just go to the next screen and heal if you need to, then come back and it will still be there. Save your game if you want, then advance to the new northwestern room. --------- | wt30b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- This room, the east-west bypass, is crazy for loot! There are five types of loot you may want to get in this room. If you are going to make the strongest Hand-Bomb ammo, キャステラノース (Castellanos), you can get what may be the last ingredient, 3 ボムの欠片 (Bomb Fragments), right here. The ボム (Bomb)s can drop the loot. If you are going along with the guide, you probably already have the two other ingredients, 2 カエルの油 (Frog Oil) and 3 アリエス (Aries Gem)s. If you have those, remember to sell them to get the Castellanos. If you are interested in making the strongest Ninja Blade in the game, the おろちN (Orochi N), one of the ingredients can be found here, too. You can steal キャンサー (Cancer Gem)s or have them dropped from the プレゼンター (Mimeo) monsters. Mimeos can also drop the フランシスカ (Francisca) axe, which has 88 attack power. For the Orochi N, you will need 3 Cancer Gems. If you are trying to make the third-strongest katana, the 雨のむら雲 (Ame-no-Murakumo), one of the ingredients is stolen and dropped by the Mimeos. You will need 5 of the 鉄鉱 (Iron Ore) for the blade. If you are interested in making the ブラッドソードA (Blood Sword A), one of the ingredients for that can be easily gathered here. You will need 15 闇の魔晶石 (Dark Crystal)s for the weapon. Mimeos drop them, and they can be dropped and stolen from the デッドリーボーン (Dead Bones). Finally, if you are trying to get the strongest Bowgun ammo in the game, the グランドボルト (Grand Bolt), one of the ingredients can be stolen from a rare monster, the ミニマムバグ (Mini Bug). It will appear right by all the Mimeos in the room, so if you do not see it (it looks like those small mimic spider-looking enemies), just leave and re-enter. If you bump into it, you can steal 神々の怒り (Wrath of the Gods). You need 3 of them, but this is quite a bit earlier than when you can otherwise get it. It really won't take too long to bump into it and steal from it three times. If you are really lucky, the Mini Bug can drop the third-strongest mace in the game, the メイスオブゼウス (Zeus Mace). -LOOT ALERT- Mimeos can also be poached for ヘイスガの魔片 (Hastega Mote)s. It's the rare poach, so it can take a while to stock up if you choose to do so. The Mimeos, Ithuno, and Mini Bug are considered to be from the same monster family, so you kill them all to rank up the same chain to get the drops you want faster. After you've gotten whatever loot you need, proceed onward. You can find the 影縫い (Kagenui) ninja blade and the 魔防破壊 (Shear) tech at the southern end of the long vertical room. The next room has a ton of デッドリーボーン (Dead Bone)s and スペクター (Specter)s. A few decent items can be found here, but nothing spectacular. 魔人の帽子 (Gigas Hat)s can be stolen by the Dead Bones here. Gigas hats grant +43 Magic Defense, +2 Magic, and +530HP. It's likely a nice upgrade, so grab as many as you need! Here's a screenshot of one being stolen: At the save crystal room, however, you can find a very useful accessory in the dead end at the southeastern end. It only appears 1 in 4 tries, but you will eventually see a pot with a カメオのベルト (Cameo Belt) inside. This accessory gives the wearer a 100% hit rate for physical attacks. Enemies will not parry or block any physical attacks. If you are missing a lot on an enemy, equip this accessory. The pot doesn't respawn, so you'll only have one for now. Save your game, then proceed ahead if you want to fight ザルエラ (Zalera). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt30c | ザルエラ (Zalera) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have 5 minutes to beat Zalera. At first, you won't do any damage to him. Zalera can summon a couple of デッドリーボーン (Dead Bone)s for you to fight from time to time. If you run out of time, you get sent back to the save crystal. Once Zalera uses アグレッサー (Enrage) and begins casting キル (Kill), you can damage him. You can steal a ジェミニ (Gemini Gem) from Zalera if you didn't get them from the フンババ (Humbaba)s at the Mosphoran Highwaste. If you have accessories that prevent ドンアク (Disable) and 睡眠 (Sleep), you can make the fight a lot easier. Zalera can cast Sleepga, レベル2睡眠 (Lv. 2 Sleep), レベル3ドンアク (Lv. 3 Disable), レベル4ブレイク (Lv. 4 Break), and レベル5逆転 (Lv. 5 Reverse). If a character is at a level that is a multiple of those, he or she will be afflicted with that status ailment. To avoid that, just equip the accessory that prevents those status ailments when you see Zalera start casting any of those. You can also be at a level that can't be affected by those, such as 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, or 89. Be careful, because if you take too long, Zalera can cast レベル素数デス (Prime Lv. Death), which will hit those prime numbered levels above. Your best bet is probably to be at a level that is a multiple of 2, 3, or 4 (if you have the preventative accessory and/or item that cures the ailment) and equipping the preventative accessory right as Zalera begins casting the spell. After you beat Zalera, you can get to the Garamsythe Waterway at the end of the dungeon. Make sure you check what Zalera can unlock on everyone's license board, and go with the most useful 'bridge'. Here's what the Zalera bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: Monk Traveler tech Time Mage Ether Lore 3 Breaker Traveler tech Black Mage Steal tech, Poach tech Samurai Blood Sword, Blood Sword A equippable Hunter HP+435 Get back to Rabanastre via the Garamsythe Waterway or the teleport crystal at the Barheim Passage. You will probably bump into some グレートキング (Malboro Overking)s. Try to steal 3 モルボルの花 (Malboro Flower)s, as you can sell them and get some of the C9H8O4 (Vaccine) item that cures the very annoying ウイルス (Disease) status ailment. --------- | wt30d | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the 雨のむら雲 (Ame-no-Murakumo) katana, you can bump into 水のエレメント (Water Elemental)s here, which have the 水の魔晶石 (Water Crystal) to steal. You need 9 Water Crystals, and you can get them from a turtle in the next area, so it is up to you how many Water Crystals you want to get from Water Elementals. I bumped into it here: If you want to make the third-strongest dagger in the game, the ゾーリンシェイプ (Zwill Crossblade), you can get one of the three ingredients here. Steal モルボルの花 (Malboro Flower)s from the グレートキング (Malboro Overking)s. You will need 7. The Zwill Crossblade has 87 attack and is wind-elemental, so it is more or less a stronger Gladius. The other two ingredients can be found in a later area, the Feywood. -LOOT ALERT- ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt31a | 王都ラバナスタ (The Royal City of Rabanastre) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you still have not spoken to シャルアール (Sherral) at the weapon shop for your reward for beating the Wyvern Lord, do so now. Then go to the Sandsea. Three more marks should now be listed. Go ahead and initiate ホワイトムース (White Mousse), リングドラゴン (Ring Wyrm), and マリリス (Marilith). You should still have エンケドラス (Enkelados) and ケロゲロス (Croakadile) ready to go, too. Speak to the bartender inside the Sandsea to get Marilith going. Before going to the lowtown area, give Montblanc a visit. He should give you some gil/items, and another mark. Go ahead and initiate ギルガメ (Gil Snapper). If オルトロス (Orthros) is also available, start that one up, too. Check the clan shop to see if you can buy the ドレイン (Drain) spell. It works great on flying enemies. Time to go after some marks! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt31b | Mark: ホワイトムース (White Mousse) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the western gate of Rabanastre and speak to ソルベ (Sorbet). Now head back in to the Garamsythe Waterway. White Mousse shows up in the southwestern-most room in the area. Beating White Mousse will net you the 壊れたカギ (Broken Key). If you initiated Orthros and spoke to the seeq that wants you to fight it, just go one room east with an all-female party to get Orthros to show up. If Orthros wasn't available, don't worry about it until later. Exit the Garamsythe Waterway (to Rabanastre), and go to the western part of lowtown to find バルザック (Balzac). Speak to him to get the リングドラゴン (Ring Wyrm) mark going. Find Balzac here: Now head back to the west gate and get the reward for beating White Mousse from Sorbet: 2800 gil, a バーニングボウ (Burning Bow), and the 水門のカギ (Sluice Gate Key). The Sluice Gate Key is for the Garamsythe Waterway, but don't bother with using it right this minute. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt31c | Mark: リングドラゴン (Ring Wyrm) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find the Ring Wyrm, go to the southern gate and warp to the Dalmasca Westersand. Go 1 screen east. The Ring Wyrm only shows up in a wind storm, so if the weather isn't windy, just go back to the teleport crystal, then walk east again until it is windy. The Ring Wyrm is pretty hard to miss, but just to be safe: The Ring Wyrm can cast ドンムブガ (Immobilizega), so have some 黒帯 (Black Belt)s ready to equip. Its attacks can inflict 混乱 (Confuse), so be ready to sure that ailment with some ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts). The Ring Wyrm is weak to fire and absorbs water damage. He can't be Oiled, though. The Ring Wyrm likes to heal its wounds with 治癒 (Renew). He can't be inflicted with ウイルス (Disease) to prevent it. Go back to Balzac for the reward: 200 gil, a 円月輪 (Moon Ring), and an アイスブランド (Icebrand). --------- | wt31d | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you are going to make the second-strongest bow in the game, the 宿命のサジタリA (Sagittarius A), that 円月輪 (Moon Ring) is one of the ingredients, so hold onto it until you have the 3 Moon Rings you need. -LOOT ALERT- Warp back to the Westersand, then go east, east, and south to 陽炎立つ地平 (Shimmering Horizons), and into the ???? on the map. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt32a | ゼルテニアン洞窟 (Zertinan Caverns) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: 暗闇殺法 (Sight Unseeing) Found at 地の森 (Canopy of Clay). Pic: ----- Possible useful items: 盗賊のカフス (Thief's Cuffs) Found at 海の止まり (The Undershore), in the hidden area past the save crystal. Pot stats: 25% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: バイオの魔片 (Bio Mote) Found at 砂時計の谷 (Hourglass Basin), via the hidden area past the save crystal. Pot stats: 90% to appear, 15% gil, contents: Bio Mote / Miter Pic: ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet) Found at 砂落ちる闇 (Sandfalls), past a few quicksand holes. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- First off: BEWARE OF アルケオエイビス (ARCHEOAVIS). They have been *super buffed* and can wipe you out in one attack. You can find them in the central room with the map to the dungeon, バラムカ断層 (The Balamka Fault). The Zertinan Caverns hold a plethora of useful loot. Because of this, I am writing down all the loot I go for in chronological order for the way I go through the Zertinan Caverns in one big -LOOT ALERT- thing instead of 10 scattered throughout the section. If you still need カエルの油 (Frog Oil) for the キャステラノース (Castellanos), the リーチフロッグ (Speartongue)s still drop it. The サジタリウス (Sagittarius Gem)s for the 宿命のサジタリA (Sagittarius A) can still be stolen from スライム (Slime)s. When you do have the loot for the キャステラノース (Castellanos), make the trade. Here's the ingredients for that, just as a reminder: カエルの油 (Frog Oil) x2 + アリエス (Aries Gem) x3 + ボムの欠片 (Bomb Fragment) x3, The Castellanos costs 12,000 gil to purchase. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt32b | Mark: マリリス (Marilith) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this first room, 異端を誘う岩窟 (Invitation to Heresy), head southwest to the large room with cacti and some sunlight shining through. Just stand there and wait, and マリリス (Marilith) will show up. It shows up if you stand around right here: Beat Marilith, and you'll receive 蛇酒の素 (Serpentwyne Must). You can go get the reward now or continue into the Zertinan Caverns. I keep going. Head southwest to the next area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt32c | -LOOT ALERT- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can bump into ブエル (Buer)s here. If you are interested in making the strongest hammer in the game, the 蠍のしっぽF (Scorpion Tail F), get 4 スコーピオ (Scorpio Gem)s from them, via drops and/or stealing. Also of note is the 悪魔のため息 (Demon's Sigh) loot, dropped and poached from a Buer. Each one can be sold at the bazaar (one at a time!) for 10 C9H8O4 (Vaccine)s at no cost (actually, you get about 705 gil profit after buying the Vaccines). With some patience, you can stock up on a lot of Vaccines right now. Just make sure you sell one at the bazaar, then buy the 10 Vaccines, then sell another Demon's Sigh. If you go west, you'll reach an area you can't get to yet. The Diamond Armlet is right across from the sandy hole, taunting you. Head south, instead. Smack the boulder so it plugs up the sand hole, then take the southwestern exit. Do not go west. Try to get some Scorpio Gems from the Buers flying around. You can also get a mystic helmet from Buers. The very rare drop from them is the 大地の帽子 (Gaia Hat), which has 41 magic defense and gives 90HP to the wearer, too. It looks like the Gaia Hat is the only mystic helmet in the game that gives a HP bonus. You will find the save crystal here. If you go east through the 'sand waterfall', you'll be at an area off the map. In the corner of the hidden area you may find some 盗賊のカフス (Thief's Cuffs) in a pot. Just keep re-entering the room until the pot shows up. Take the off-the-map exit to the northeast to get to a room with some グレネード (Grenade) monsters. You can find some should-be-crappy-by-now weapons in the pots here. The pot immediately to the left can have バイオの魔片 (Bio Mote)s inside. That pot is pretty much the best spot in the game to build up a supply of Bio Motes, so stock up on them if you are interested. You can steal an accessory from the Grenades, the オパールの指輪 (Opal Ring). The Opal Ring allows spells to ignore リフレク (Reflect) and go right through. You can also steal Scorpio gems from the Grenades. If you want to make the strongest pole in the game, the 鯨の髭N (Whale Whisker N), you can get one of the ingredients from a rare monster in the area. In the Bio Mote/Grenade room, walk all the way north to the pot at the end of the room. Look west across the ravine, and a golem-family monster will show up and start walking around after 10 seconds or so. Walk back to the save point, then take the regular exit to where those Buers are. You will see the rare monster アムスティ (Molen). Steal some ミスリル (Mythril) from Molen, then defeat him if you want. Water-elemental attacks do more damage. It looks like you are supposed to leave the Zertinan Caverns for him to respawn, but you can save at the save crystal then smack the reset button instead. Molen will respawn again if you go back and wait at the northern end of the Grenades area. You will need 3 Mythril total, but if you are doing the marks, you will receive one as a reward, so stealing 2 Mythril is fine. When you are satisfied with your supply of Bio Motes, save your game at the save crystal, then exit and take the other exit west in the next room. The radar will be fuzzy, then as you approach the middle of the room, アドラメレク (Adrammelech) will pop out. Get ready for a fight! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt32d | アドラメレク (Adrammelech) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adrammelech is a flyer, so cast spells/use stuff like a Knot of Rust on him. He absorbs electricity and seems to resist the other elements (he is weak to ice), so non-elemental spells (like Drain or Bio Motes) are the way to go for those that can't cast/equip ice-elemental spells/equipment. If you still have that Diamond Armlet accessory, equipping that onto your main healer is a good idea, since that will make Adrammelech's special attack サンガー (Thundaja) do 0 damage to him or her. Thundaja can also inflict Stop, so watch out (it won't affect anyone wearing a Diamond Armlet). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt32e | -LOOT ALERT- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are planning on making the ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa) accessory, one of the ingredients for it, 血染めの首飾り (Blood-Stained Necklace)s, can be dropped and stolen from the コープス (Shambling Corpse)s that join the fray. You need 3 Blood-Stained Necklaces, which won't be any trouble at all (they inhabit this room after Adrammelech is beaten). The Shambling Corpses can also drop a knife, the プラチナメッサー (Platinum Dagger), which is the fourth-strongest knife in the game, with 83 attack and a 10% chance of causing ドンムブ (Immobilize). The regular place to get this weapon is a lot later on in the game, so if you have a シカリ (Hunter) in the group, try getting one of these. Beat Adrammelech and buy him on whichever board will get the best benefit from it, then go back to the save crystal. Here's what the Adrammelech bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: White Mage Souleater tech, Battle Lore augment Uhlan Battle Lore augment Time Mage Cura, Raise spells Breaker Battle Lore augment Black Mage Fumarole, Tumulus equippable Samurai Souleater tech Hunter Shades of Black tech You won't lose your chain of Shambling Corpses by beating Adrammelech, so it should not be too difficult to get as many Blood-Stained Necklaces or Platinum Daggers as you need. You can get more Shambling Corpses to show up by going two screens away then returning. If you want to go for the map and two loot, you have to go to the room north of where you fought Adrammelech. This is the アルケオエイビス (Archeoavis) room. These guys do not mess around. Try to lure them away from the map and have another character dash for it, then make your way out. You can get two kinds of loot from the Archeoavis. If you want to make a バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt), you need 2 攻竜の殻 (Battlewyrm Carapace)s, which can be stolen from an Archeoavis. That's simple enough, just be by the edge of the screen and try to steal, and go back to the save crystal to heal, etc. If you are *really* daring, one of the ingredients for the best gun in the game, the アルデバランY (Aldebaran Y), is dropped by an Archeoavis. You must have already bought the 竜騎士の心得 (Dragoon's Monograph). With that, there is a 10% drop rate of the 皇帝のウロコ (Emperor Scale). You need two of them for the Aldebaran Y. If you manage to get one Archeoavis by itself, you can get it to chase you around one of the holes in the floor and kill it. Good luck if you try. The ブラッドソードA (Blood Sword A) is useful, since it will confuse an Archeoavis every time. You can smack it with the Blood Sword A, then cast spells until it hits itself, then smack it again to re-confuse it. Here's the successful drop of an Emperor Scale I got later on in the game: (I had Blood Sword A to confuse, Fran had the Ensanguined Shield and Decoy). After you've grabbed the map, go back to where you fought Adrammelech and take the western exit. You should see a スカルドラゴン (Skulwyrm) walking about. If you want to make the strongest hammer in the game, the 蠍のしっぽF (Scorpion Tail F), the Skulwyrm has one of the ingredients: 死竜の骨 (Wyrm Bone). You can steal it and it can be a drop. You need 3 Wyrm Bones. These guys can also drop the 攻竜の殻 (Battlewyrm Carapace), an ingredient for the バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt). Get them from these guys instead of an Archeoavis if you are afraid of them. Just north of the Skulwyrm is a giant turtle, the ジルコンタートル (Silicon Tortoise). If you want to make the 雨のむら雲 (Ame-no-Murakumo) katana, the Silicon Tortoise can drop 水の魔晶石 (Water Crystal)s. You will need 9 Water Crystals, and should have the other two ingredients already. Try to get the 9 Water Crystals from a different Silicon Tortoise further into the cave so you can get that katana once you leave. Supposedly you can steal Water Crystals from it, but in the ~50 kills I did to get 9 dropped, I never stole a single one. Head north once more when you are done getting what you need from the Skulwyrm and/or Buers in the room. You'll be at the southern end of one of the rooms you've been to before, 岸壁の回廊 (Darkened Wharf), but a new section. Take the eastern exit (the center one of the three). If you want to make the アルテマブレイド (Ultima Blade), one ingredient is here. ボギー (Bogey)s can drop and be poached for デスパウダー (Death Powder). You will want 2 Death Powders. The third and last ingredient for the Ultima Blade is a long ways away. Take the upper eastern exit in the next room too. Now you will be in another room you have been to before, バラムカ断層 (Balamka Fault). You want to take the exit out to the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, but you can fight the キラーカッター (Scythe Mantis) enemies here too. They can drop and be poached for 裂かれた衣 (Tattered Garment)s, which are the only ingredient required to get a 金のアミュレット (Golden Amulet) at the bazaar. You only need one Tattered Garment for the Golden Amulet, but can only get one from the bazaar. Exit to the north out to the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea now. All you want to do here is get to the other entrance to the Zertinan Caverns at 中央ジャンクション (Central Junction), so go southeast, west, then to the other Zertinan Caverns entrance. Back in the Zertinan Caverns, you will probably recognize this room, 地の森 (Canopy of Clay) as it was how you got to that secluded part of the Nam-Yensa Sandsea with those pots that had Hi-Ethers and where you can steal Shielded Armor. Check out the southwestern part of the room and smack the rock there into the sand pool. Now you can get here much quicker from the rest of the cave. Walk back to where you fought those Scythe Mantis things, バラムカ断層 (Balamka Fault). Take the lower exit heading east. You should see a rock to hit, so do that. Now you can access the room with that Diamond Armlet mentioned earlier. Grab that by knocking two more rocks into sand pools. Now the dungeon is completely open and rooms are totally accessible. You haven't been to the southernmost room yet, 暗きを愛でる路 (Halls of Ardent Darkness), so head there at this time. You will see lots of green horses, メリッサ (Mallicant)s. These carry one of the ingredients for ダークエナジー (Dark Energy). You can steal 静寂のアデド (Grimoire Aidhed)s, and they can be dropped and poached from them, too. Get 3 of the Grimoire Aidheds. You can also steal スコーピオ (Scorpio Gem)s from Mallicants. They also drop 土の魔晶石 (Earth Crystal)s if you need some more of those. 暗きを愛でる路 (Halls of Ardent Darkness) has a lot of Mallicants and a more accessible Silicon Tortoise to spawn chain. You can grab the 9 水の魔晶石 (Water Crystal)s from this Silicon Tortoise if you are going to make the Ame-no-Murakumo katana. You can steal/get as a drop an ingredient for making a デモンズシールド (Demon Shield), the 千年亀の甲羅 (Aged Turtleshell). Get 2 of these if you want to make a Demon Shield later. If this Silicon Tortoise just is not cooperating, you can fight a couple in the next area. There's an exit here to a new area, but hold up on that for now. Take the northeastern exit to the Dalmasca Westersand, then return to Rabanastre once you have gotten all the stuff you need/can get. Sell the loot you've gotten the complete recipe for, then go to the Sandsea and speak to the bartender for the Marilith mark reward: 2200 gil, a 蛇眼 (Serpent Eye), and 3 テレポストーン (Teleport Stone)s. Give Montblanc a visit. The mark オルトロス (Orthros) should be available now (maybe beating Marilith unlocks it). Go ahead and get Orthros started, then visit the clan shop. You should be able to buy 鋼銖の膝当て (Steel Poleyns) now, which allow you to just walk through traps. Purchase 3, since you know by now how well the other party members avoid traps. Now head to lowtown if you want to get Orthros out of the way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt32f | Mark: オルトロス (Orthros) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The client for Orthros, どろぼうシーク (Contrite Thief), is near the entrance to the Garamsythe Waterway. Pic: Enter the Garamsythe Waterway and go to 南部取水廊 (Southern Sluiceway) with an active party of females. Orthros will then show up. If you have Larsa as a guest, just kill him before entering and you'll still be able to bump into Orthros. Pic: Orthros is weak to fire, but can't be inflicted with Oil. Orthros can inflict スリップ (Sap), so be sure to protect against it with a トルマリンの指輪 (Tourmaline Ring) equipped if you cannot cure the ailment with a 万能薬 (Remedy). フラッシュ (Flash) and スロウガ (Slowga) are also in Orthros's repertoire, but those shouldn't be an issue to cure anymore. Do be careful when he casts サンダガ (Thundaga), however. Beating Orthros will net you 盗まれた品 (Stolen Articles). Go back to the Contrite Thief for the reward: 3800 gil, ホルアクティの炎 (Horakhty's Flame), and エーテル水 (Unpurified Ether). The Horakhty's Flame is an ingredient for the カノープスの壷 (Canopic Jar), so keep that with you until you get the other two ingredients. You will also receive the すすけたかけら (Blackened Fragment). Now head south into the Giza Plains. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt33a | ギーザ草原 (Rainy Giza Plains) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes (2) ----- Spells/Techs: リジェネ (Regen) Found at 遊牧民の集落 (Nomad Village), in the cockatrice pen. Pic: ----- Head south to the northern save crystal. You should see a pot in the cockatrice pen, which has the リジェネ (Regen) spell. Talk to the man standing around, サディーン (Sadeen). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt33b | Mark: ケロゲロス (Croakadile) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Croakadile is at 星ふり原 (Starfall Field), so make your way there. Pic: The Croakadile should be pretty easy to beat, and you will receive a カエルの指輪 (Ring of the Toad). Head to 幼き水晶のほとり (Crystal Glade) now. Speak to the woman ナナウ (Nanau) to start the ギルガメ (Gil Snapper) mark. The boy will hand you the 沈黙の壷 (Silent Urn). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt33c | Mark: ギルガメ (Gil Snapper) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You may spot trees you can knock down as you explore. Hit them all and you will unlock an area in the southeast. If you are doing the ギルガメ (Gil Snapper) mark, the new area is where it appears. Here are the 6 tree spots if you are having trouble finding them all: After you've knocked them all down, a bridge will lead to a new area. You can find decent stuff in the pots, but nothing stronger than what you already have. There are lots of ジルコンタートル (Silicon Tortoise)s walking around. If you couldn't get those 9 水の魔晶石 (Water Crystal)s at the Zertinan Caverns, get them here. You can also steal a(n) シャコーハット (Officer's Hat) from these turtles (not at Zertinan, here only). Officer's Hats have 34 defense and +350 HP. Grab as many as you need for your light armor wearers if you did not get 魔人の帽子 (Gigas Hat)s back at the revisited Barheim Passage. Gil Snapper shows up in this area, but only if it is pouring down rain. Just go one screen away and return until Gil Snapper shows up. He'll be here: Try to have an accessory that protects against ドンアク (Disable). You can get blinded too, but that isn't as big a deal. In the southeast corner of the area, you can find a 愛の羽根 (Feather of the Flock). It's used for a sidequest later that isn't too useful to do in the International version of the game. After you beat up the Gil Snapper, go back to the southern save crystal. Nanau and the boy will be gone, but they left you a letter saying they will be back when Giza is in the dry season. You can go back to the northern save crystal and receive the reward for beating Croakadile: 1200 gil, a 蛇のロッド (Serpent Rod), and one テレポストーン (Teleport Stone). Now head south to the '????' area south of the Giza Plains. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt34a | オズモーネ平原 (Ozmone Plain) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes If you are going along with the equipment suggested to get from this guide, then there really isn't anything important to get in the pots here. To reach the next destination, you want to go south, then southwest, then west. Feel free to look around. You can easily build up license points by repeatedly spawning ザグナル (Zaghnal)s and chaining them. They are weak to wind, so if you have someone in the party equipped with a グラディウス (Gladius) or 雨のむら雲 (Ame-no-Murakumo), you can tear through Zaghnals. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt35a | ガリフの地ジャハラ (Jahara - Land of the Garif) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Shop: フレイムタン (Flametongue) 4000 gil 孫六兼元 (Magoroku) 4000 gil 鉄棒 (Iron Pole) 4230 gil スラッシャー (Slasher) 4000 gil マインゴーシュ (Main Gauche) 4230 gil マイター (Miter) 3650 gil 炎の杖 (Flame Staff) 2250 gil ローエングリン (Lohengrin) 3200 gil ヘビーランス (Heavy Lance) 3500 gil ロングボウ (Longbow) 4600 gil シリウス (Sirius) 2600 gil チョッパー (Chopper) 3200 gil パラミナボウ (Paramina Crossbow) 3300 gil 癒し載ロッド (Healing Rod) 2590 gil グリーンベレー (Green Beret) 1900 gil サバイバルベスト (Survival Vest) 1900 gil 羽根付き帽子 (Feather Hat) 1900 gil 旅人の法衣 (Traveller's Vestment) 1900 gil ゴールドヘルム (Golden Helm) 3100 gil ゴールドアーマー (Golden Armor) 2900 gil アイスシールド (Ice Shield) 2500 gil ウォーワーカー (Soldier's Cap) 1400 gil バルキーコート (Heavy Coat) 1400 gil 閃光魔帽 (Flash Hat) 1400 gil 詠唱のジュラーバ (Chanter's Djellaba) 1400 gil フライングヘルム (Winged Helm) 2400 gil チェインメイル (Chainmail) 2400 gil ゴールドシールド (Golden Shield) 2000 gil 魔法の手袋 (Magick Gloves) 3000 gil ブレイサー (Blazer Gloves) 3000 gil 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt) 800 gil 黒帯 (Black Belt) 600 gil 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage) 800 gil 革のゴルゲット (Leather Gorget) 1200 gil トルマリンの指輪 (Tourmaline Ring) 300 gil 鋼のゴルゲット (Steel Gorget) 1300 gil アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) 600 gil バングル (Bangle) 500 gil ハイポーション (Hi-Potion) 180 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil 歩数攻撃 (Traveler) 4800 gil 密猟 (Poach) 5000 gil 時間攻撃 (Horology) 2000 gil チャージ (Charge) 1500 gil ストナ (Stona) 800 gil ファイラ (Fira) 2700 gil バヒール (Bleed) 1200 gil ストップ (Stop) 900 gil ケアルラ (Cura) 2000 gil エアロ (Aero) 1200 gil グラビデ (Gravity) 2300 gil レイズ (Raise) 1800 gil アクア (Water) 700 gil ドンアク (Disable) 700 gil ----- Speak to the grey moogle by the chocobo if you want to buy the map for Ozmone Plain and Jahara. Talk to the guys blocking the bridge then go through the town. At the shop there isn't too much to get excited over. Ice Shields are nice, but you can get them for free via drops in an upcoming area. Buy ストナ (Stona) and ファイラ (Fira) if you have party members that can cast them. Speak to the Garif guys in the northeast corner. ザヤル (High-chief Zayalu) will give you a ジャヤの木片 (Jaya Stick) to give to War-chief Supinelu. You will find him at the northwest corner. You can receive a bowgun or a bow from Supinelu depending on what you do with the Jaya Stick. If you sell the Jaya Stick, Supinelu will give you a キラーボウ (Killer Bow) and オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows). Do not sell the stick, and he will give you a クロスリカーブ (Recurve Crossbow) and オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts). The Killer Bow is pretty outdated, and the Recurve Crossbow is pretty strong. If you aren't using a job that can equip either of these, you will get more gil selling the Recurve Crossbow (3200) over the Killer Bow (1250). Speak to the chief and ラーサー (Larsa) will join the party. Set up his gambits as you see fit, then go back to the far left screen of Jahara, 古き者たちの丘 (The Elderknoll). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt35b | Mark: エンケドラス (Enkelados) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speak to 小長老シュグム (Low-chief Sugumu) to initiate the エンケドラス (Enkelados) mark. Check the far left cranny to find the ほろろの根付 (Pheasant Netsuke) accessory in a pot. The Pheasant Netsuke doubles the healing power of potions when it is equipped. Very useful for solo character playthroughs! Now you should go northeast then east twice across the Ozmone Plain, to ひびわれ谷 (The Shred). Kill all of the ウー (Wu)s, leave the screen, then come right back. You should see エンケドラス (Enkelados). He is weak to wind, so use whatever you have to take him down. Pic: When you beat Enkelados you will receive the エルモネアの葉 (Errmonea Leaf). Don't go back to Sugumu just yet. If you passed on stealing two 飛竜の翼 (Wyvern Wing)s for the Arcturus gun, you can get them here now. Enter the Shred and leave until you see a ブルダイル (Bull Croc) to fight. Beat it, and another rare monster, エアロス (Aeros), will fly towards you. The only thing you can steal from Aeros is a Wyvern Wing. Return to the previous area then keep going northeast until you see a save crystal. Next to the save crystal is the entrance to the next locale. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt36a | ゴルモア大森林 (The Golmore Jungle) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No There is not much you can do here right now. Take the first left turn then right turn to find the map of the area. Head east from the map to 針を狂わせる路 (The Needlebrake), then east again to ささやく木々の路 (Whisperleaf Way). --------- | wt36b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you are trying to make the 石化の弾 (Stone Shot) you can get one of the ingredients for it from the パンサー (Panther)s. You can steal リーブラ (Libra Gem)s from them. You will need 3 Libra Gems to make the Stone Shot. -LOOT ALERT- If you are using a Machinist, the rare drop of the ガーゴイル (Gargoyle)s floating around is a 計算尺 (Gilt Measure). If you smack an ally with the Gilt Measure, he or she can be buffed with the プロテス (Protect) buff. When you reach the glowing blue wall, you'll trigger a cutscene, then just run straight ahead into Eruyt Village. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt37a | エルトの里 (Eruyt Village) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Shop: エビルスレイヤー (Demonsbane) 5200 gil 雷の槍 (Storm Spear) 5600 gil エルフィンボウ (Elfin Bow) 5830 gil ベテルギウス (Betelgeuse) 4500 gil クロスリカーブ (Recurve Crossbow) 6400 gil 大地のロッド (Gaia Rod) 3700 gil 雷の杖 (Storm Staff) 2590 gil レッドキャップ (Red Cap) 2500 gil ブリガンダイン (Brigandine) 2500 gil 魔道士の帽子 (Mage's Hat) 2500 gil 魔道士の服 (Mage's Habit) 2500 gil ブルゴネット (Burgonet) 3800 gil シールドアーマー (Shielded Armor) 3800 gil フレイムシールド (Flame Shield) 3200 gil 瑪瑙の指輪 (Agate Ring) 3000 gil 魔法の手袋 (Magick Gloves) 3000 gil ブレイサー (Blazer Gloves) 3000 gil 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt) 800 gil 黒帯 (Black Belt) 600 gil 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage) 800 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil 歩数攻撃 (Traveler) 4800 gil 密猟 (Poach) 5000 gil 字間攻撃 (Horology) 2000 gil エスナ (Esuna) 2700 gil サンダラ (Thundara) 2900 gil ブレイク (Break) 1000 gil ストナ (Stona) 800 gil ファイラ (Fira) 2700 gil バヒール (Bleed) 1200 gil ----- Spells/Techs: ヘイスト (Haste) Found at 導きの宮 (Fane of the Path), at the far end. Pic: ----- Buy whatever upgrades (if any) are better than what you have. Buy エスナ (Esuna), サンダラ (Thundara), and ブレイク (Break) if you have party members that can cast them. The map to Eruyt can be bought from the grey moogle. Now just walk through to the end of the village. After the cutscenes, go back to the top right part of the village. You will find the ヘイスト (Haste) spell in a blue gem thing. Warp back to Jahara and speak to 小長老シュグム (Low-chief Sugumu) to receive the reward for beating Enkelados: 1100 gil, an エーテル (Ether), and a 金のアミュレット (Golden Amulet). If you want to try to get another summon now, warp to Rabanastre, then enter the Garamsythe Waterway. If not, warp back to Eruyt, leave the Golmore Jungle back to the Ozmone Plains, and talk to the injured guards to get a chocobo to ride to the Henne Mines. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt38a | ガラムサイズ水路 (The Garamsythe Waterway) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: アキレス (Achilles) Found at 第4処理区補助水路 (No. 4 Cloaca Spur). Pic: ----- Right next to the save crystal there are four pedestals. From left to right, they are numbered 11, 4, 3, and 10. If you have never messed with the pedestals, there should be two circles on the floor lit up. This means No. 10 Waterway Control is 'on'. Since you have the Sluice Gate Key, you can mess with the water gates. Turn on No. 3 Waterway Control, so both #3 and #10 are on. Now the southwestern branch (No. 3 Cloaca Spur) is open and explorable. Not much is here aside from a pedestal. Turn on No. 1 South Waterway Control then go back to the main water gate room. Turn off both No. 3 and 10 Waterway Controls, and turn on #11 and #4. Explore the southeastern branch (No. 4 Cloaca Spur). You can find the アキレス (Achilles) tech here and the No. 1 North Waterway Control to activate. Go back to the main room after turning on No. 1 North Waterway Control. Turn off No. 11 Waterway Control and turn #3 on (so 3 and 4 are both on) to unlock the southern branch (No. 1 Cloaca). Cast all the buffs you have (including Bubble) and save your game. When you are ready, go to the southwestern corner of the southern branch and you will bump into キュクレイン (Cuchulainn). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt38b | キュクレイン (Cuchulainn) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This fight can be very difficult at this point in the game. Having Larsa in the party can help quite a bit. Dispel Cuchulainn and watch out for the フォーバー (Foobar)s he summons. They can cast ダーラ (Darkra) and タクシク (Toxify). The room is in a permanent スリップ (Sap) state, so your HP will always tick down. If you have that 亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker) accessory handy, try giving that to your main healer. Spells will cost some gil instead of MP. Doing this lets you pretty much spam ケアルラ (Cura) constantly. Have Larsa cast Cura if your HP falls under 50%. Unequip any weapons that have an elemental bonus to them. As long as you keep healing, you should be okay. Cuchulainn likes to cast ドンアクガ (Disablega), and ドンムブガ (Immobilizega) so have some 黒帯 (Black Belt)s handy. He casts スロウガ (Slowga) too, but surely you have a good supply of Chronos Tears by now. Cuchulainn can also try to poison party members with タクシク (Toxify). Watch out for アンチ (Invert), it swaps a character's HP with his or her MP. Foobars can drop one of the ingredients for the best gun in the game, the アルデバランY (Aldebaran Y). The loot you want is 3 銀色の液体 (Silver Liquid), dropped by the Foobars. You can fight Foobars later on in the game if it is too dangerous to grab them here. It doesn't seem that they get summoned more than once, so you'd have to be really lucky to get 3 of them dropped here. You can also steal the fourth-strongest light armor in the game from these Foobars. The ミネルバビスチェ (Minerva Bustier) has 50 defense power and gives a +610HP bonus. If you beat Cuchulainn, congratulations! Buy him on whoever's license board gains the best benefit. Here's what the Cuchulainn bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: White Mage Libra tech Uhlan Wither tech Machinist Magick Lore augment Red Mage Firaga, Thundaga, Blizzaga, Sleepga spells Knight Battle Lore augment Breaker Shades of Black tech Samurai Stamp tech (Ultima also unlocks) Hunter Protectga, Shellga spells Leave the Garamsythe Waterway and give Montblanc a visit. Your clan rank may go up, so if it does, check the bazaar shop for the new stuff. At this time, you may be able to buy the ねこみみフード (Cat-ear Hood) and エーテル (Ether). The Cat-ear Hood is a little different in this version of the game. You will receive half damage from ice and wind, and won't gain any license points when it is equipped. Sounds pretty crappy, huh? Especially for 50,000 gil. The reason you don't gain any license points is because you gain gil instead. The formula is 'current level x 5' for every 1LP. If a level 23 character has a Cat-ear Hood equipped, you would gain 115 gil for every 1LP monster you kill, 230 for a 2LP monster, etc. This also is only per character, so they stack. Three level 20 characters would get you 300 gil *per* license point. You can make quite a lot of money with this accessory. What I personally do is use a "main team" and a "backup team". I try to get the backup team to fill out their license boards, then give all three of them a Cat-ear Hood. Getting more LP won't do anything, so why not get free gil every time I kill something? I'm weird though and try to get all three b-teamers 0LP upon filling out their boards and keeping them with 0LP for the rest of the game. Anyway, warp to エルトの里 (Eruyt Village), then exit the Golmore Jungle going back to the Ozmone Plain. --------- | wt38c | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the strongest pole in the game, the 鯨の髭N (Whale Whisker N), you can get one of the ingredients for it after you leave Eruyt. You can steal アクエリアス (Aquarius Gem)s from the トレント (Treant)s. It is not too big a deal to get all 4 Aquarius Gems needed for the weapon right here and now. -LOOT ALERT- Once you get back to the Ozmone Plain, you'll see a chocobo walking about. Turn to the left and talk to the injured guard. He will ask for a ポーション (Potion). Give him one and he will let you use his chocobo when you speak to him again. Go west one screen and follow the left wall. You should see some more yellow chocobos and chocobo tracks. Just walk through them and southwest off the map a little bit to get to the next location. Enter the cave after ditching the chocobo. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt39a | ヘネ魔石鉱 (Henne Mines) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Spells/Techs: 肉斬骨断 (Bone Crusher) Found at 第1期採掘現場 (Phase 1 Dig), near the eastern exit. Pic: ----- This dungeon isn't too hard or complex. You can get a couple loot here and some other semi-useful things. First up are the シーカーバット (Seeker)s, who can drop コウモリの翼 (Bat Wing)s, and the レッドマウス (Red Mouse) that can drop an アイスシールド (Ice Shield). As you go south, press the blue switch on the east side of the screen. The switch should change from blue to red and a door will open. In the next room, if you want to grab the map, press the red switch to turn it blue and go east or south (they go to the same place). A bunch of ゼリー (Jelly)s might drop down. They can confuse you, so make sure you can cure that ailment. Once you have the map, press the blue switch to make it red, then exit westward. Follow the path through the next room to a large, winding area. --------- | wt39b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make ダークエナジー (Dark Energy), the third and last ingredient can be found here. ナイトメア (Nightmare)s have the 沈黙のトガル (Grimoire Togail) from stealing, dropping, and poaching. For one ダークエナジー (Dark Energy) it takes 1 コウモリの翼 (Bat Wing), 3 静寂のアデド (Grimoire Aidhed), and 3 沈黙のトガル (Grimoire Togail). -LOOT ALERT- When the path divides, you just need to go south at the first intersection, then east at the next one to reach the end of the room. You may as well explore. The next room has some big red dinosaurs, ロックイーター (Tyranorox)es. Go north to the upper exit first. --------- | wt39c | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you are trying to make the strongest hammer in the game, the 蠍のしっぽF (Scorpion Tail F), the third and final ingredient can be obtained in this room (Crossover B). Go south and you will see some pots that turn out to be サンダーバグ (Thunderbug)s. They can drop/be poached for 落雷衝 (Charged Gizzard)s, of which you will need 3 if you are going to make the Scorpion Tail F. -LOOT ALERT- There are only the two Thunderbugs in that corner, so if you want to chain them, you will have to go two rooms away and back. Once you've gotten what you need, go north then east past the door and down the hallway. You'll end up in another small room with a red switch. Press it and fight the Jellies that drop down or just leave the room going west. You'll be back where those Tyranoroxes were, so just go through the door to the north again. Back at the Thunderbugs, go around to the northern door heading westward. There's a teleport crystal here, so go ahead and save. Go north to fight a boss. ティアマット (Tiamat) is a pretty big guy. Keep プロテス (Protect) cast on the party and you should be all right. He can cast エアロ (Aero) or ブレス (Breath) to hit everyone at once. Eventually he may cast リフレク (Reflect), which you can dispel, or you might beat him too quickly before that even happens, due to the equipment you may have. Watch out for ドンアクガ (Disablega). Once you beat Tiamat, you will return to Eruyt and receive レンテの涙 (Lente's Tear), which allows you to pass through those blue walls in the Golmore Jungle. You now have a couple of options. You are supposed to head east in the Golmore Jungle and fight a boss, then wind up in the snowy Paramina Rift. You can also go south instead, skipping the boss, then going east from the Feywood to the Paramina Rift. I go south, not because of skipping the boss, but because of some loot I can get. If you have been grabbing the same loot I have, you should need only one more to complete both the ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa) accessory and ブラッドソードA (Blood Sword A). Let's get them now. Don't forget to get that 蠍のしっぽF (Scorpion Tail F) if you have all the ingredients for it: スコーピオ (Scorpio Gem) x4 + 死竜の骨 (Wyrm Bone) x3 + 落雷衝 (Charged Gizzard) x3. The Scorpion Tail F costs 70,000 gil to purchase, but it can do a lot of (or very little) damage; my level 21 Balthier was able to do over 10,000 damage when in berserk status. He did only 200 with the next swing. The damage from hammers seems to be a random amount in a particular range. --------- | wt39d | --------- -LOOT ALERT- Leave Eruyt and go to the southernmost area of the Golmore Jungle. If you would like to make the ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa) accessory, which is very powerful (it allows you to inflict status ailments with the items that cure them), the last ingredient is here. Kill every enemy on the southernmost screen. Once you do that, ダークスケルトン (Dark Skeleton)s will start popping out of the ground. They can drop シャレコウベ (Death's-Head)s, which you need 2 of. It should be pretty easy to get them. If you still need some ガプリコーン (Capricorn Gem)s, you can steal them from the Dark Skeletons. -LOOT ALERT- If you want to, you can fight a rare skeleton monster here. Just walk around the screen again, killing Dark Skeletons along the way. Once you have killed enough of them, check the center square-shaped room. You should see the グレイブロード (Grave Lord) click-clacking around. You can steal a シャレコウベ (Death's-Head) from it, just in case you could not get two from the Dark Skeletons somehow. If you have the three ingredients for the ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa) accessory, レオ (Leo Gem) x3 + 血染めの首飾り (Blood-Stained Necklace) x3 + シャレコウベ (Death's-Head) x2, sell those and buy the accessory for 28,000 gil. It is definitely worth the money to purchase. You might also have the necessary ingredients for ダークエナジー (Dark Energy). It takes コウモリの翼 (Bat Wing) x1 + 静寂のアデド (Grimoire Aidhed) x3, and 沈黙のトガル (Grimoire Togail) x3. You can only buy one Dark Energy for 14,999 gil, unfortunately. When you are ready, go to the exit going south from the Golmore Jungle. You will now be in a new area, 幻妖の森 (The Feywood). Watch out for the trap at the entrance. There is nothing you can do here story-wise yet, but you can get a couple kinds of loot if you can handle the enemies here. キラートマト (Deadly Nightshade) can attack in packs, so be careful. If you are interested in the loot, read on. Before going east until you arrive at the Paramina Rift, you may want to try going to the first loot alert area for a useful accessory. --------- | wt39e | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you are trying to make the ブラッドソードA (Blood Sword A), the third and last ingredient for it is a 吸血の牙 (Vampyr Fang). You need 3 of these. From the northern entrance of the Feywood (from the Golmore Jungle), you will want to make your way to the southern exit of ゆがみうつろう路 (Walk of Flitting Rifts). Look for a cave at the northwestern part of the next screen, 影の舞う路 (Walk of Dancing Shadow). Going into the cave brings you to a closed-off section of the Henne Mines. There are only two or three enemies in here. They are アビス (Abysteel), bats with probably 20,000 or more HP. They hit really hard (well, more like suck out a lot of your blood). You can steal and they drop the loot you are looking for, 吸血の牙 (Vampyr Fang)s. You will need three of them, which may take some time, but the Blood Sword A is very good weapon at this point of the game (92 attack, 100% confusion infliction rate; if it *can* be confused, it *will* be). The スリプル (Sleep) spell is very effective on Abysteels. Cast it and use non-physical methods of damage (spells, etc.) and you can whittle them down. If you can't cast the Sleep spell, this is where the Nihopalaoa comes in handy. Just equip it and use an 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) on it to put it to sleep. Abysteels can also drop a デモンズシールド (Demon Shield), which has +40 evasion and absorbs dark-elemental attacks. -LOOT ALERT- Past the Abysteel, you may see two pots. The one on the right will have an エアロガの魔片 (Aeroga Mote) and never respawn again. The one on the left has a useful accessory inside, the 賢者の指輪 (Sage Ring). The Sage Ring halves the MP cost of all spells cast. Here is the pot: The Sage Ring pot has a 25% chance of showing up, and will always have the Sage Ring inside. The pot will not respawn after you open it. Once you get 3 Vampyr Fangs, go ahead and get the ブラッドソードA (Blood Sword A). It will cost 4444 gil. --------- | wt39f | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the strongest bullet in the game, the 石化の弾 (Stone Shot), the last ingredient can be grabbed here. Go south of the Abysteel entrance of the Henne Mines in the Feywood. You should see some winged owl-looking guys, ミラーナイト (Mirror Knight)s. They can drop or be poached for the last ingredient, 鏡のウロコ (Mirror Scale)s. Get 2 of them. Mirror Knights can be easily chained. Just take the southeastern exit to a room with a save crystal. Walk past it to the north, then go back to the Mirror Knights. You can also get the other two ingredients for the ゾーリンシェイプ (Zwill Crossblade) from Mirror Knights, if you want to make it. You need 9 風の魔晶石 (Wind Crystal)s, which can be stolen and dropped by Mirror Knights, and 5 風切りの羽根 (Windslicer Pinion)s, which are dropped by Mirror Knights. -LOOT ALERT- You can find another 雛のティーペット (Embroidered Tippet) on the left side of the room with the save crystal. It has a 25% chance of showing up, and will always have the Embroidered Tippet inside. It will not respawn after being opened. Find it here: If you can handle them, the キラートマト (Deadly Nightshade) monsters can be poached for a 守りの指輪 (Ring of Renewal). It grants Auto-Regen, which is nice. The ring is the rare poach, so it can take a lot of tries. The handy ほろろの根付 (Pheasant Netsuke) accessory is the rare steal from the little rabbits, ムー (Mu), running around. You *can* get one more type of loot here, but it can take a whole lot of chains, and getting the specific loot 'early' at this time probably won't let you net the other loot until later. Grab the map to the area at the top-right part of the room north of the save crystal. If you want to try for the loot (used to make the 玉鋼/Gemsteel loot), you can get 獄門の炎 (Hell-Gate's Flame)s via a drop from the ケルベロス (Cerberus) monsters. You will need 2 Hell-Gate's Flames to make a Gemsteel. I use it to make the マサムネI (Masamune I), while some folks make the トウルヌソル (Tournesol) with the Gemsteel instead. If you did get 2 鏡のウロコ (Mirror Scale)s and have the other loot needed to make the 石化の弾 (Stone Shot), which are 2 地竜の骨 (Tyrant Bone)s and 3 リーブラ (Libra Gem)s, go ahead and make the trade. The Stone Shot costs 1480 gil to purchase. Once you are ready, you can exit the Feywood at the northeastern part of the room connecting to the Golmore Jungle. You can also go back to the Golmore Jungle then head east and fight a boss on the way. I'll go that way just because I want to beat down the boss. --------- | wt39g | --------- -LOOT ALERT- Not really, it is because you can steal a(n) 皇帝のウロコ (Emperor Scale) from the boss, the エルダードラゴン (Elder Wyrm): If you want to make the strongest gun in the game, the アルデバランY (Aldebaran Y), try to steal an Emperor Scale from it. The only other sources for them is those supercrazyhard アルケオエイビス (Archeoavis) things in the Zertinan Caverns, and a rare steal from デスゲイズ (Deathgaze). Only needing one from them looks a little more appealing to me, personally. If you already have the Aldebaran Y, then I guess it isn't an issue. -LOOT ALERT- The Elder Wyrm is weak to wind, so cast エアロ (Aero) or use Aero/Aeroga Motes and wind-based weapons if you have them. Be careful, the Elder Wyrm can do an attack called Sporefall that inflicts a ton of status ailments onto the party. If you have the ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa) accessory, try equipping it and throwing a 万能薬 (Remedy) at him. Head east out of the Golmore Jungle to the next area. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt40a | パラミナ大峡谷 (Paramina Rift) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes (2) ----- Spells/Techs: デス (Death) Found at カーリダイン大氷河 (Karydine Glacier), on a small peninsula. Pic: 蘇生 (Revive) Found at 銀流の果て (Silverflow's End), along the eastern edge of the area. Pic: ----- The Paramina Rift, like other previous areas, won't really have anything good equipment-wise if you already went to the Mosphoran Highwaste and Estersand. If you didn't, you can find a pretty good selection of things in the pots. Feel free to explore the area and grab the Revive tech and/or Death spell. When you are ready, take the northern exit on the far northeastern screen, 凍りつく歩み (Freezing Gorge), to reach the next town. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt41a | 神都ブルオミシェイス (Mt Bur-Omisace) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Shop on left: アイスブランド (Icebrand) 6000 gil 村雨 (Murasame) 5800 gil 六角棒 (Six-fluted Pole) 6960 gil スレッジハンマー (Sledgehammer) 6000 gil グラディウス (Gladius) 6270 gil 棘のメイス (Thorned Mace) 5400 gil 氷の杖 (Glacial Staff) 3000 gil エビルスレイヤー (Demonsbane) 5200 gil 雷の槍 (Storm Spear) 5600 gil エルフィンボウ (Elfin Bow) 5830 gil ベテルギウス (Betelgeuse) 4500 gil クロスリカーブ (Recurve Crossbow) 6400 gil 大地のロッド (Gaia Rod) 3700 gil 雷の杖 (Storm Staff) 2590 gil フレイムタン (Flametongue) 4000 gil 孫六兼元 (Magoroku) 4000 gil 鉄棒 (Iron Pole) 4230 gil スラッシャー (Slasher) 4000 gil マインゴーシュ (Main Gauche) 4230 gil マイター (Miter) 3650 gil 炎の杖 (Flame Staff) 2250 gil ねじりはちまき (Headband) 3200 gil 柔術道着 (Jujitsu Gi) 3200 gil ラミアのティアラ (Lamia's Tiara) 3200 gil 妖術師の服 (Sorcerer's Habit) 3200 gil クロスヘルム (Close Helmet) 4900 gil デモンズメイル (Demon Mail) 4700 gil ダイヤシールド (Diamond Shield) 3900 gil レッドキャップ (Red Cap) 2500 gil ブリガンダイン (Brigandine) 2500 gil 魔道士の帽子 (Mage's Hat) 2500 gil 魔道士の服 (Mage's Habit) 2500 gil ブルゴネット (Burgonet) 3800 gil シールドアーマー (Shielded Armor) 3800 gil フレイムシールド (Flame Shield) 3200 gil グリーンベレー (Green Beret) 1900 gil サバイバルベスト (Survival Vest) 1900 gil 羽根付き帽子 (Feather Hat) 1900 gil 旅人の法衣 (Traveller's Vestment) 1900 gil ゴールドヘルム (Golden Helm) 3100 gil ゴールドアーマー (Golden Armor) 2900 gil アイスシールド (Ice Shield) 2500 gil ----- Shop on right: 舫結びのガロン (Bowline Sash) 1000 gil 瑪瑙の指輪 (Agate Ring) 3000 gil 魔法の手袋 (Magick Gloves) 3000 gil ブレイサー (Blazer Gloves) 3000 gil 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt) 800 gil 黒帯 (Black Belt) 600 gil 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage) 800 gil ハイポーション (Hi-Potion) 180 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil 暗黒 (Souleater) 6000 gil 歩数攻撃 (Traveler) 4800 gil 密猟 (Poach) 5000 gil 時間攻撃 (Horology) 2000 gil チャージ (Charge) 1500 gil ケアルダ (Curaga) 2400 gil ブリザラ (Blizzara) 3300 gil バーサク (Berserk) 900 gil ダーラ (Darkra) 3500 gil エスナ (Esuna) 2700 gil サンダラ (Thundara) 2900 gil ブレイク (Break) 1000 gil ストナ (Stona) 800 gil ファイラ (Fira) 2700 gil バヒール (Bleed) 1200 gil ----- Possible useful items: ダークエナジー (Dark Energy) Found at 神殿境内 (Temple Grounds), down some stairs at the eastern side. Pot stats: 5% to appear, 80% gil, contents: *Knot of Rust / *Dark Energy Need Diamond Armlet equipped on Vaan and he is party leader. Pic: ----- Check out the shops, as they should have some new things to purchase. Buy three 舫結びのガロン (Bowline Sash)es, as they prevent 混乱 (Confuse). You can buy Curaga, Blizzara, Berserk, and Darkra here if you'd like. If you want the map to the Paramina Rift and/or Bur-Omisace, speak to the moogle right past the teleport crystal. The map for the Paramina Rift costs 3200 gil, and Bur-Omisace's a measly 15. Once you've bought what you need, go to the end of town so you will know where to head next. Larsa will leave the party, so do what you need to with him if you want, like beat キュクレイン (Cuchulainn) if you haven't, first. At the southeastern corner of the area connecting to the throne room of town, there is a rare pot that shows up (5%) that can have ダークエナジー (Dark Energy) if you have a Diamond Armlet equipped. It respawns, so if you want to try for it, feel free to. Once you are ready to continue, leave Bur-Omisace and head south, then southeast, to the most south+east area on the map, カーリダイン大氷洞 (Karydine Glacier). --------- | wt41b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you are planning on making 玉鋼 (Gemsteel), which is needed for the トウルヌソル (Tornesol) and マサムネI (Masamune I) weapons, one of the ingredients is found at カーリダイン大氷洞 (Karydine Glacier). You will need 2 ダマスカス鋼 (Damascus Steel) to make one Gemsteel. This is probably the best (and earliest) spot in the game to get Damascus Steel. Simply kill every enemy on the screen, then go to another screen and come back. A rare monster, the アンクハガー (Anchag) should be walking around. Steal Damascus Steel from it (you can kill it if you want), then go two screens away, return, and do the process again (clear out the room, leave, come back, steal from the Anchag). If you are having trouble finding him, he is here: -LOOT ALERT- Follow the map and get to the southern exit of the Paramina Rift, 銀流の果て (Silverflow's End). ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt42a | ミリアム遺跡 (Stilshrine of Miriam) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: カウント (Countdown) Found at 対面の守護 (Ward of Velitation), in a chest on top of a trap. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: ~65,000 gil Found at 対面の守護 (Ward of Velitation), along the northern wall by the teleport. Chest stats: 5% to appear, 5% gil, contents: *Knot of Rust / *Meteorite B *Needs Diamond Armlet equipped (will get a Potion / Potion otherwise) Pic: ラストエリクサー (Megalixir) Found at 対面の守護 (Ward of Velitation), along the southern wall by the teleport. Chest stats: 10% to appear, 95% gil, contents: Megalixir / Potion Pic: シェルシールド (Shell Shield) Take the secret path from 剣王の守護 (Ward of the Sword-King) to reach the chest. Chest stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ルビーの指輪 (Ruby Ring) Found at 遠謀の回廊 (Walk of Prescience). Chest stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: パワーロッド (Power Rod) Found at 条理の回廊 (Walk of Reason), in a chest at the top-center part. Chest stats: 75% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Phoenix Down / Power Rod Pic: 賢者の指輪 (Sage Ring) Found at 鋼鉄の守護 (Ward of Steel). Chest stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- Kill the bats in the way, then equip the 暁の断片 (Dawn Shard) onto the party leader. Use the pedestal across from the entrance door (2nd choice) and you will be transported to a new part of Miriam. Watch out for the statue behind you, and run ahead to where three ドラゴネイビス (Dragon Aevis) are. The chest they are surrounding has the カウント (Countdown) spell. There is another pedestal after some more statues. Re-equip the Dawn Shard and use the pedestal. Go back to where the Dragon Aevis monsters were. You will see a door along the northern and southern parts of the room; open whichever one you want, since they lead to the same area. You'll see a green save crystal. Interact with it and it will attack you! Beat up the クリスタルバグ (Crystalbug) and a real save crystal will appear. Go directly west of the save crystal after saving. Head west then south, past/through the ヒルギガース (Blood Gigas) monsters. Right past the second set of Blood Gigases, hug the western wall. Part of the wall will then disappear, revealing a new passageway. Right here on the map should be where the wall disappears: Just go down the path, getting past the オイルタワー (Oiling)s to a chest with a シェルシールド (Shell Shield) inside. Watch out for the Befuddling Gas trap by the pot (inflicts Confuse and Berserk). You may run into a rare monster in the secret area, the パイダーボム (Matriarch Bomb). Just beat it, it shouldn't be a problem. If you want to try for some 銀色の液体 (Silver Liquid) to make the Aldebaran Y, the Oilings can be poached for it. Silver Liquid is the common poach from Oilings in the International version, so you can very easily get the 3 you need from them. After you have grabbed the Shell Shield, return to the non-secret part of the dungeon. Go south to a big sword in the way. Interact with it and you can then go to a switch directly north of where you are. You will be warped back to the first room of the Stilshrine of Miriam. Now you can go through the door on the far left side of the room. Some statues will come out of the walls, and there is only one way to go through the next two rooms. Kill the バルーン (Balloon)s if you want. You can find a ルビーの指輪 (Ruby Ring) if you go straight ahead from the eastern entrance of the room. The Ruby Ring gives リフレクの永久効果 (Auto-Reflect) status to the wearer. At the end of the room, you will see a big statue facing south. You want the three statues in this place to face the center, so rotate it until the statue faces east. The next room is pretty big, with lots of zombie monsters and treasure chests. In the southeast corner there are 4 chests. The chest containing the 阿修羅 (Ashura) will not respawn after being opened. The other three chests can have a プラチナソード (Platinum Sword), オベリスク (Obelisk), and a ハンティングボウ (Hunting Crossbow) inside. Make your way around the room, grabbing the パワーロッド (Power Rod) if you have a White Mage in the party. When you reach the statue in this room you will want to rotate it twice in the same direction, then proceed to the northern exit. Head eastward to reach the last statue. Before you can get to it, you will bump into ヴィヌスカラ (Vinuskar). Heavy weapons like swords will destroy it pretty quickly. The room is weighted, so heavy equipment will make a character take longer to perform actions. You can steal 盗賊のカフス (Thief's Cuffs) and ダマスカス鋼 (Damascus Steel) from Vinuskar, but they are rare, so you'll most often wind up with a サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust). Go east after Vinuskar to reach the third statue. In front of it will be a chest with a 賢者の指輪 (Sage Ring) inside. The Sage Ring reduces MP consumption by half and absorbs Holy-elemental damage, so it is a pretty useful accessory. Rotate this statue until it faces west, and if all three have been positioned correctly, you'll hear a little chime. Grab the map that is just south of the third statue. Leave the Vinuskar area, and that big statue holding a sword will raise the sword, opening a new path for you. Head north to the first room of the dungeon, then use the south teleporter again. After warping, head directly south to reach the end of the dungeon. You can save by going east after the teleporter is used. Open the door and prepare for another boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt42b | マティウス (Mateus) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run up to マティウス (Mateus) and five 氷のアーゼ (Ice Azer)s will come out. If you can cast サンダラ (Thundara), try casting Dispel or use a Dispel Mote on Mateus, then cast Thundara, and do a quick level 1/1/1 mist combo to get rid of the Ice Azers. Mateus is still kind of annoying, with its ブリザジャ (Blizzaja) spell. Equip any anti-Ice equipment (Ice Shields are handy) and a トルマリンの指輪 (Tourmaline Ring) to protect against スリップ (Sap) status. Mateus shouldn't be too difficult with the above precautions. Mateus is kind of like Vossler; if you get rid of リフレク (Reflect), Mateus may just cast it again each time it is is removed, over and over. Don't forget to grab the エリクサー (Elixir) and バブルの魔片 (Bubble Mote) on the west and east sides of Mateus's chamber. Purchase Mateus on whichever board benefits the most. Here's what the Mateus bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: Uhlan Magick Lore (2) augment Knight Curaga, Esuna, Cleanse, Regen spells Time Mage HP+230 Black Mage Caldera, Volcano equippable Hunter Gil Toss tech Head south to receive the 覇王の剣 (Sword of Kings). Any job can equip this 2-handed sword (with 53 attack power), as there is no license for it. Once you have the Sword of Kings, make your way out of the Stilshrine of Miriam and head toward the teleport crystal. Warp back to Bur-Omisace. ============================================================================= Back in Bur-Omisace, the shops sell a couple new things. ----- Shop on left: プラチナソード (Platinum Sword) 7400 gil オベリスク (Obelisk) 9200 gil ロクスリーの弓 (Loxley Bow) 7200 gil ラス・アルゲテイ (Ras Algethi) 6000 gil ハンマーヘッド (Hammerhead) 8000 gil ハンティングボウ (Hunting Crossbow) 9500 gil パワーロッド (Power Rod) 4950 gil パイレットギア (Pirate Hat) 4000 gil バイキングコート (Viking Coat) 4000 gil 魔術師の帽子 (Sorcerer's Hat) 4000 gil 魔術師の服 (Sorcerer's Habit) 4000 gil ボーンヘルム (Bone Helm) 5900 gil ボーンメイル (Bone Mail) 5700 gil プラチナシールド (Platinum Shield) 4750 gil ----- Shop on right: ふわふわミトラ (Fuzzy Miter) 1200 gil 万能薬 (Remedy) 400 gil バイオ (Bio) 4000 gil ----- Buy any equipment that is an improvement. Purchase 3 Fuzzy Miters, as they protect against 石化中 (Petrify). 万能薬 (Remedy) is also something good to stock up on (especially if you have the Nihopalaoa; you can go crazy with the status ailments with a Remedy + Nihopalaoa). Buy the Bio spell if you can cast it. Make your way to the throne room. Get ready to fight ジャッジ・ベルガ (Judge Bergan). A ルビーの指輪 (Ruby Ring) can be stolen from him. The Ruby Ring grants the wearer リフレクの永久効果 (Auto-Reflect) status. As it is the uncommon steal, it probably wouldn't take many tries to steal the accessory from Judge Bergan. If you have a ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa), toss a Remedy at him to inflict Sleep + Slow + Blind + Sap all at once on him. If you don't have a Nihopalaoa, you *can* kill him with a level 3/3/3/3/3 mist combo at the start of the battle (sometimes Bergan has a little bit of health afterward). Keep the character being targeted by Bergan healthy and he'll go down. After you see where to go next, you should see a short little guy with a staff. Speak to him and you will receive the 断罪の魔石 (Stone of the Condemner), then save at the teleport crystal. ============================================================================= Story-wise, you are to go to the Salikawood (northwest from Nalbina) and reach Archades. If you are not interested in doing some marks and all that, just skip this section and go to the Mosphoran Highwaste/Salikawood section ahead. ============================================================================= You can fight a summon right now, but it may be too tough at this point in the game. I wait until I can buy X-Potion, but if you'd like to give it a try, warp to the Stilshrine of Miriam. Equip any stuff you have that reduces damage from the 闇 (Darkness) element. Head to the southern teleporter, use it, then when prompted, use the 断罪の魔石 (Stone of the Condemner). Before opening the door, put on every buff that you have, and set any healing/revive gambits to use an item instead of a spell. Open the door when you are ready, and say hi to ゼロムス (Zeromus). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt42c | ゼロムス (Zeromus) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note the little staff icon with an X on the right? Yeah, that means you cannot cast any spells in this room (since Shades of Black is a tech, that can still be used). Have some X-Potion and/or Cura Motes handy. Zeromus likes to summon ダークロード (Dark Lord)s a lot, too. Toss Dispel Motes at Zeromus when any buffs are put up by him. Use whatever items you have that can help. If you stocked up on Bio Motes at Zertinan, use one whenever there is a Dark Lord. A couple of Bio Motes will kill the Dark Lords outright, making this battle *much* easier. You can easily farm Bio Motes right here in the Zertinan Caverns: Since *YOU* can't cast spells, any Auto-Reflect equipment can make a big difference here. You may have gotten 2 Ruby Rings, plus possibly some Reflect Mail earlier; if that is the case, equipping those do nothing but help in this battle. Zeromus really likes the Gravity spells, which are dark elemental. If you have any ほろろの根付 (Pheasant Netsuke)s, try to equip those after Zeromus has used グラビガ (Graviga), so you get more healing power from your potions. When in near-death status, Zeromus goes into overdrive with the Dark Lords. This is where some extra Bio Motes can save the day. Finish Zeromus off with a mist combo if you need to. If you can't seem to beat him now, come back later when you can buy X-Potion and he'll be much easier. After beating him, purchase Zeromus on the board that benefits the most, then warp to Rabanastre. Here's what the Zeromus bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: White Mage HP+270 Machinist Volcano T equippable Red Mage Channeling augment Monk Sight Unseeing tech Time Mage Addle tech, Shear tech Breaker Magick Lore (4) augment (Exodus also unlocks) Black Mage Giant's Helm, Carabineer Mail equippable Samurai Magick Lore (2) augment ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt43a | 王都ラバナスタ (The Royal City of Rabanastre) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- First off, take a look south at the Giza Plains. If it is the dry season, go there now to get the reward from beating ギルガメ (Gil Snapper) awhile ago. If it is the rainy season, just check back every few minutes or so. At dry Giza, head to the northern save crystal to find ナナウ (Nanau). The long-awaited reward for beating the Gil Snapper is 3000 gil and フォボスの上薬 (Phobos Glaze). The Phobos Glaze is the second of the three ingredients to get the カノープスの壷 (Canopic Jar) made at the bazaar. If you beat Orthros earlier, the other loot you should have for the Canopic Jar is the ホルアクティの炎 (Horakhty's Flame). Keep both the Phobos Glaze and Horakhty's Flame in your loot inventory for now. If you beat Croakadile earlier, speak to 長ブルノア (Brunoa), then find レジーナ (Regina) to receive an amazing 2 万能薬 (Remedy). Return to Rabanastre. You *can* talk to Masyua and charge up the Sunstone again, but all you get for it is 200 gil, 2 Potion, and a Holy Stone loot. Not really worth the time. Back at Rabanastre, speak to Montblanc for some rewards for beating some bosses and the 3 new marks. Go ahead and start トリックスター (Trickster), アントリオン (Antlion), and キャロット (Carrot). Now go to the Sandsea and initiate the *8* new marks here: イシュタム (Ixtab), チョッパー (Feral Retriever), ボーパルバニー (Vorpal Bunny), マインドフレア (Mindflayer), ブラッディ (Bloodwing), アトモス (Atomos), ロビー (Roblon), and ブレイ (Braegh). That's a pretty full plate. Let's start with イシュタム (Ixtab) and マインドフレア (Mindflayer). Warp to Jahara. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt43b | Mark: イシュタム (Ixtab), マインドフレア (Mindflayer) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Jahara, go to the elder's house on the far left screen, 古き者たちの丘 (The Elderknoll). You should see 大長老ザヤル (High-chief Zayalu) inside. He wants Ixtab gone. Go to the center area of Jahara, やすらぎの大地 (Lull of the Land), to find 戦士グロム (Guromu) on the southern side. He wants the Mindflayer out of commission. Both of these marks are at the ヘネ魔石鉱 (Henne Mines), so use a teleport crystal and warp there. You can get both marks in one fell swoop heading toward the Osmone Plain entrance of the zone. Where you want to go is east, then southwest to that long T-shaped room, then west one more time. You may have to flip the switch in that 'gear room' southeast of the teleport crystal to open the doors. If your HP is full, the マインドフレア (Mindflayer) will appear at the southern section of 第1期採掘現場 (Phase 1 Dig): The Mindflayer shouldn't be a problem. It'll cast ファイラ (Fira) then die probably. It can also cast ブリザラ (Blizzara) and inflict Stop with 時のレクイエム (Time Requiem). Beat him, then move on. Now go north to the second 'gear room' on the map, 第1期坑道 (Phase 1 Shaft). Press the button so the east/south doors are open. Take either doorway and you will see Ixtab around the southeastern intersection: If you can inflict the Confuse ailment, Ixtab should be no problem at all. Once you've beaten Ixtab and the Mindflayer, either warp back to Jahara or walk out from the Henne Mines. Back at Jahara, speak to 戦士グロム (Guromu) to receive the reward for beating Ixtab: 2200 gil, and some カーマニョール (Carmagnole) armor for a mage. Talk to 大長老ザヤル (High-chief Zayalu) on the far western screen to receive the reward for beating the Mindflayer: 1300 gil, an エーテル (Ether), and some ソウルパウダー (Soul Powder). Check your clan rank. If your rank is リスクブレイカーズ (Riskbreakers), warp to Rabanastre and talk to Montblanc. After speaking to him, check out the clan shop. If you can buy the バブル (Bubble) spell, buy it! It doubles the character's HP and is handy for the entire game. Once you are ready, warp to Bur-Omisace. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt43c | Mark: チョッパー (Feral Retriever), トリックスター (Trickster) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speak to ヒムス (Hymms), who is standing between the shop and chocobo stable. He wants チョッパー (Feral Retriever) to go down. Now talk to the chocobo stable moogle, チョコボ屋ガーディ (Gurdy), who wants you to defeat トリックスター (Trickster). Important note: if you leave Bur-Omisace and there is a snowstorm, you may as well go for Trickster first, since it will only appear during a snowstorm. If it is a snowstorm, go south from Bur-Omisace, then southeast to 氷結するせせらぎ (Frozen Brook) to find Trickster. If it isn't, go ahead and beat Feral Retriever first. For Feral Retriever: from Bur-Omisace, go south into the Paramina Rift, south again, then southwest to the save crystal. Feral Retriever is found at 氷竜の骨 (Spine of the Icewyrm): For Trickster: if Trickster is not at 氷結するせせらぎ (Frozen Brook), go to the save crystal by Feral Retriver, then return to the screen with Trickster (repeat until you get a snowstorm). He is pretty hard to see, but the bangaa looking for Trickster will say when Trickster is around. Trickster is tough. If you have a カメオのベルト (Cameo Belt), equip that onto your main fighter so he or she will land attacks. Trickster loves running around the area, so you will have to give chase. If he uses 白の風 (White Wind), Trickster can't be affected by status ailments while it is active. Once Trickster's HP reaches about 33%, he can use 魔法障壁 (Paling), which makes him immune to physical attacks, so cast magic. ドレイン (Drain) and バイオの魔片 (Bio Mote)s work really well, which is good because Trickster gets extremely fierce at near-death. Be very careful as Trickster can just combo you to death. If you have them, you can spam Bio Motes to finish Trickster off pretty quickly. If not, try to finish Trickster with a mist combo. --------- | wt43d | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the デュランダルA (Durandal A), one of the ingredients can be found at the Paramina Rift during a snowstorm. Look for the 精霊レーシー (Leshach Entite). You can steal (and it can drop) the レーシー (Leshach Halcyon). You only need 1 to make the Durandal A. Like the 精霊サラマンド (Salamand Entite)s and 精霊ノーマ (Gnoma Entite)s earlier on, you can steal from the Leshach Entite, then go 1 screen away and steal from a brand new version of the enemy. Just keep trying until you snag a Leshach Halcyon. Look for the Leshach Entite at 銀流の始まり (Head of the Silverflow) and 解けることなき流れ (Icebound Flow). -LOOT ALERT- After beating Feral Retriever and Trickster, return to Bur-Omisace. Speak to ヒムス (Hymms) to receive the reward for beating Feral Retriever: 1500 gil, a ハンティングボウ (Hunting Crossbow), and 2 テレポストーン (Teleport Stone). Next, talk to チョコボ屋ガーディ (Gurdy) for the reward for beating Trickster: 4800 gil, and ディモスの粘土 (Deimos Clay). You now have all three ingredients needed for the カノープスの壷 (Canopic Jar): ホルアクティの炎 (Horakhty's Flame), フォボスの上薬 (Phobos Glaze), and ディモスの粘土 (Deimos Clay). Sell those at the bazaar, and you can buy the カノープスの壷 (Canopic Jar). The Canopic Jar allows any enemy to drop アルカナ (Arcana), and some drops from enemies will not happen (like the various Meteorites from the Entites) unless you possess the Canopic Jar. The Canopic Jar costs 250,000 gil, so buy it when/if you have the cash. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt43e | Mark: ボーパルバニー (Vorpal Bunny) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you are ready to take on the next mark, warp to Eruyt. At the circular area on 精霊の住む大樹 (The Spiritwood), look for ネフィーリア (Nera) at the back. She wants the ボーパルバニー (Vorpal Bunny) to feel pain. That's right, it's time to go wabbit hunting in the jungle! Exit Eruyt and head for the Feywood. North of the exit at 葉ずれのしみる路 (The Rustling Chapel), a wild ボーパルバニー (Vorpal Bunny) will appear: Just like Trickster, this thing runs around the area and is hard to hit, so equip a カメオのベルト (Cameo Belt) on a fighter and chase it with spells. Don't forget to equip the Nihopalaoa and use a Remedy on it if you have that accessory. Upon defeating the Vorpal Bunny you will receive a ラビットテイル (Rabbit's Tail). Go back to Eruyt and speak to Nera for the reward: 2000 gil, 雷の矢 (Lightning Arrows), and ギリーブーツ (Gillie Boots). Warp to the Dalmasca Estersand next. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt43f | Mark: ブラッディ (Bloodwing) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Estersand, look for a bangaa along the shore, 囚人381号 (No. 381). He wants ブラッディ (Bloodwing) to pay. Warp to the Barheim Passage. Go towards where you fought Zalera earlier. Bloodwing will show up pretty close to the western save crystal, at 西部新坑道区 (West Annex): Bloodwing is considered a flying foe, so use party members that can deal with flyers. Leave the Barheim Passage via the teleport crystal and warp to the Dalmasca Estersand for the Bloodwing's reward: 2400 gil, スタンボム (Stun Bombs), and a 吸血の牙 (Vampyr Fang). Check your loot. Do you have 15 or more アルカナ (Arcana)? If you do not, warp to Bhujerba. If you do, go to Rabanastre first and hitch a ride on the air bus from Rabanastre to Nalbina (the aerodrome is at the west gate). On the air bus, check the shop on the right. You can buy テレポストーン (Teleport Stone)s and ギサールの野菜 (Gysahl Greens). Buy at least 33 Gysahl Greens, then sell 15 Arcana and 33 Gysahl Greens. You will be able to buy エルメスのくつ (Hermes' Shoes), an accessory that grants the wearer the Auto-Haste ability. When you arrive at Nalbina, warp to Bhujerba for the next mark. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt43g | Mark: アントリオン (Antlion) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Bhujerba, check the house just north of the tech shop on the map: Talk to ニレイ (Niray), whose children have gone into the Lhusu Mines. She will give you the 第3鉱区のカギ (Site 3 Key) to reach new parts of the mine in your search for the Antlion. Save by the Lhusu Mines, then go in. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt44a | ルース魔石鉱 (Lhusu Mines) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Spells/Techs: 防御破壊 (Expose) Found at 第9鉱区採掘場 (Site 9), right next to the Antlion. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: 甲賀忍刀 (Koga Blade) Found at 第3鉱区採掘場 (Site 3), in the northwestern corner. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: 伊賀忍刀 (Iga Blade) Found at 第9鉱区採掘場 (Site 9), along the southern wall. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- Where you want to go to use the Site 3 Key is the 'end' of the dungeon, where you fought the Rocktoise mark earlier. On the second screen, you will see エルロン (Yrlon) who then runs further into the mine. Upon reaching the room where the Rocktoise was, use the Site 3 Key on the gate to get to the new section of the Lhusu Mines. You can find two ninja blades in the new part of the Lhusu Mines, the 甲賀忍刀 (Koga Blade) and 伊賀忍刀 (Iga Blade). In the first new room, 第3鉱区採掘場 (Site 3), check the northwestern alcove to find the Koga Blade, which has an earth elemental-attack. Take the lower eastern exit to continue on. At 第2鉱区採掘場 (Site 2), be sure to go all the way to the right first, so you can lower the fence that links to the earlier part of the area. Go south through the western side of スーニア平行橋 (Shunia Twinspan), then open the fence at the southern end of 第1運路 (Transitway 1) to open a direct path between both sides of the room. Head west and you will see a teleport crystal. カイト (Kait) talks about the Antlion, so just continue onward. There is only one way to go here, since you don't have the Site 11 Key. Look along the southern wall across from the locked door to find the pot holding the 伊賀忍刀 (Iga Blade). Beat up the bats and キラーマンティス (Killer Mantis) monsters along the way (don't forget to grab the Iga Blade). You can steal a really good light helmet from these guys. Get as many 魔人の帽子 (Gigas Hat)s as you need before beating the Antlion. When you reach the Antlion and the 5 Killer Mantis hanging around, try using some wind-based items, like Aeroga Motes to eliminate the Killer Mantis monsters quickly. The Antlion likes using an attack that inflicts ドンアク (Disable), so equip the proper defensive accessories. After beating the Antlion, Yrlon and Kait appear, then head home. Before leaving, go back to where you fought the Antlion. In a pot there you will find the 防御破壊 (Expose) tech. Now go back to their house in Bhujerba and speak to Niray to receive the reward: 4300 gil, a バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt), and a セーブルサイズ (Sickle Blade). The Bubble Belt grants Auto-Bubble, which is really nice. If you want to make the おろちN (Orochi N), keep the セーブルサイズ (Sickle- Blade). You will need 2 for the weapon, and you can get the second one in a little while. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt44b | Mark: アトモス (Atomos), ロビー (Roblon), キャロット (Carrot) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warp to Nalbina to get some more marks underway. Near the gambit shop you will see a bangaa sitting down. Speak to ブロッホ (Burrogh) to initiate the アトモス (Atomos) hunt. Burrogh is here: Next, go to the top corner past the weapon shop and look for モルガン (Morgen). Talking to him will get the ロビー (Roblon) mark underway. He is right here: There's still one more you can start up, so go into the air terminal. You are looking for a woman named ザマドリア (Zammadria). Find her right here: Speak to her to get the キャロット (Carrot) mark started. Now it is time to start continuing on in the game story-wise, so warp to the Mosphoran Highwaste. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt45a | モスフォーラ山地 (Mosphoran Highwaste) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Shop: バスタードソード (Bastard Sword) 8900 gil 菊一門字 (Kiku-ichimonji) 7700 gil ゴクウの棒 (Gokuu Pole) 10360 gil 石の弓 (Giant Stonebow) 10650 gil アベンジャー (Avenger) 8700 gil 錯乱のメイス (Chaos Mace) 7700 gil ゴールドスタッフ (Golden Staff) 4200 gil プラチナソード (Platinum Sword) 7400 gil オベリスク (Obelisk) 9200 gil ロクスリーの弓 (Loxley Bow) 7200 gil ラス・アルゲティ (Ras Algethi) 6000 gil ハンマーヘッド (Hammerhead) 8000 gil ハンティングボウ (Hunting Crossbow) 9500 gil パワーロッド (Power Rod) 4950 gil ゴーグルマスク (Goggle Mask) 4900 gil メタルジャーキン (Metal Jerkin) 4900 gil 黒頭巾 (Black Cowl) 4900 gil 黒装束 (Black Garb) 4900 gil ダイヤヘルム (Diamond Helm) 7000 gil ダイヤアーマー (Diamond Armor) 6600 gil ドラゴンシールド (Dragon Shield) 5600 gil パイレットギア (Pirate Gear) 4000 gil バイキングコート (Viking Coat) 4000 gil 魔術師の帽子 (Sorcerer's Hat) 4000 gil 魔術師の服 (Sorcerer's Habit) 4000 gil ボーンヘルム (Bone Helm) 5900 gil ボーンメイル (Bone Mail) 5700 gil プラチナシールド (Platinum Shield) 4750 gil ふわふわミトラ (Fuzzy Miter) 1200 gil 舫結びのガロン (Bowline Sash) 1000 gil 瑪瑙の指輪 (Agate Ring) 3000 gil 魔法の手袋 (Magick Gloves) 3000 gil ブレイサー (Blazer Gloves) 3000 gil 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt) 800 gil 黒帯 (Black Belt) 600 gil 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage) 800 gil 革のゴルゲット (Leather Gorget) 1200 gil トルマリンの指輪 (Tourmaline Ring) 300 gil 鋼のゴルゲット (Steel Gorget) 1300 gil アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) 600 gil バングル (Bangle) 500 gil 万能薬 (Remedy) 400 gil ハイポーション (Hi-Potion) 180 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil 暗黒 (Souleater) 6000 gil 歩数攻撃 (Traveler) 4800 gil 密猟 (Poach) 5000 gil 時間攻撃 (Horology) 2000 gil チャージ (Charge) 1500 gil 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil エアロガ (Aeroga) 5700 gil バニシガ (Vanishga) 3800 gil バイオ (Bio) 4000 gil ケアルダ (Curaga) 2400 gil ブリザラ (Blizzara) 3300 gil バーサク (Berserk) 900 gil ダーラ (Darkra) 3500 gil エスナ (Esuna) 2700 gil サンダラ (Thundara) 2900 gil ブレイク (Break) 1000 gil ストナ (Stona) 800 gil ファイラ (Fira) 2700 gil バヒール (Bleed) 1200 gil ----- Spells/Techs: 貼付 (Stamp) Found at 灰白のひさし (Rays of Ashen Light), in a still unreachable area. Pic: ----- No, you still can't get the Stamp tech. It is almost time that you can, though! Wow, look at all that stuff being sold now! Too bad aside from a couple of the spells, you have probably had what is being sold here for hours now. Oh well. Speak to the bangaa next to the shopkeeper. 行商人ヴァカンサ (Va'Kansa) will ask for you to beat ブライ (Braegh) for him. Where you want to go now is north to the Salikawood. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt45b | Mark: アトモス (Atomos) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the way to the Salikawood, you will bump into アトモス (Atomos) at 北の山すそ (Northern Skirts), by all the Vultures. Pic: Beat him up, and continue on in to the Salikawood. Like Trickster, Atomos can use 白の風 (White Wind) to nullify any status ailments inflicted on him. Atomos can also use 治癒 (Renew) to heal, but it only restores about 50% of his life bar. Head northwest after beating Atomos. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt46a | サリカ樹林 (The Salikawood) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: 勧誘 (Charm) Found at いやしの響く路 (Quietland Trace), southwest of the teleport crystal. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: アダマン帽 (Adamant Hat) Found at 白きまだらの路 (Piebald Path), on the eastern branch. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Ether / Adamant Hat Pic: ----- If you have been here already, you want to go to the ???? on the far-right end of the area (from the entrance you want to go north, north, east, east). If you haven't been here already, follow the southern wall at 巨木に囲まれた路 (Trunkwall Road) to find the map at the 4-way intersection. You will see a tall gate blocking the way. Talk to the moogle and he will tell you how to open the gate. You will need to find 9 moogles in the Salikawood and ask them to come here. The 4 spots you can find the moogles will show up on the in-game map, so there is no need to cap those! This is where you can branch off; by talking to all 9 moogles, the path to the Phon Coast will open, which leads to the Tchita Uplands, Sochen Cave Palace, and finally Archades. If you are not interested in doing the marks, speak to the 9 moogles and skip ahead to the フォーン海岸 (Phon Coast) section of the guide. I talk to the 2 moogles not next to each other, then go to the teleport crystal to fight an optional boss. Doing so leads to two new areas with some pretty tough monsters, but good items and equipment. Talk to any, none, or all of the moogles, then make your way to the save crystal, buff up, then save. Go northwest to bump into a boss! Note: You do not have to fight this boss, nor step foot in either of the two areas you can reach after beating the boss. It is up to you if you want to do this section of the game. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt46b | ボムキング (King Bomb) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ボムキング (King Bomb) can be a very tough boss. It largely depends on what your party can do to him status-wise that makes the fight easier or not. The King Bomb will bring 3 ボム (Bomb)s with him. You can take them out pretty quickly with Water Motes, or try a デジョンの魔片 (Warp Mote) to send them away. The King Bomb can summon more Bombs, so if you want him to not do that, try to inflict 沈黙 (Silence) on him. You can do that in a variety of ways, such as casting the サイレス/サイレガ (Silence/Silencega) spells, hitting him with the メイジマッシャー (Mage Masher), shooting him with サイレント弾 (Silent Shot)s, or equipping a ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa) and using a Remedy or Echo Herbs to inflict silence. No matter what, Balthier can equip the weakest gun in the game, the アルタイル (Altair), so the Silent Shot method is always an option. As the King Bomb is a big ball of fire, he likes to inflict オイル (Oil) then cast fire spells, so have some Handkerchiefs handy or Gillie Boots equipped. Just because the King Bomb is silenced does not mean he is going to go down without a fight. When he is almost dead, he can use 治癒 (Renew) to re-fill his life bar. Unlike in the original game, the King Bomb can use Renew more than two times. While writing this guide, I let him cast it until he quit. After the 18th time using Renew, the King Bomb finally stopped. Try to finish the King Bomb off with a mist combo when it is at about 60% health, before it uses Renew. If you have a Nihopalaoa, you can stop Renew from working. Use a C9H8O4 (Vaccine) on it to cause ウイルス (Disease). You can also inflict Disease if you have a party member with 'Remedy Lore 3' (Hunter/Monk/Archer get it) and use a Remedy on King Bomb with a Nihopalaoa equipped. There is one other way to inflict Disease; if you have a Meteorite B, it will inflict Disease. Meteorite B is the Meteorite that sells for 1000 gil. Upon defeating the King Bomb, go back to the teleport crystal and save. Take a look at the map. Northwest and west of the Salikawood are two sets of ????. North goes to the Nabreus Deadlands, which goes to the Necrohol of Nabudis. West goes to the Necrohol of Nabudis, which goes to the Nabreus Deadlands. So, choose which way you want to try going through both areas. Be careful, as these places can be really tough. There is a decent amount of loot to get and some really good spells and equipment. Because a mark is on the way to the Necrohol of Nabudis (western) ????, I go that way. If you want that アダマン帽 (Adamant Hat) mentioned earlier, you will find it by going towards the northern ????'s. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt46c | Mark: ブライ (Braegh) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right before the entrance to the Necrohol of Nabudis, you will see Braegh. Fight him, then either save at the Salikawood or go into Nabudis. He can inflict Berserk on characters as well as Sap, and likes using electricity attacks. Pic: Braegh shouldn't really be any trouble. Beat him and go west into the new area. Use a レビテガの魔片 (Float Mote) before entering. Equipping 鋼銖の膝当て (Steel Poleyns) on everyone works, too. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt47a | 死都ナブディス (The Necrohol of Nabudis) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: No ----- Shop: パワーリスト (Power Armlet) 5200 gil ふわふわミトラ (Fuzzy Miter) 1200 gil 舫結びのガロン (Bowline Sash) 1000 gil 瑪瑙の指輪 (Agate Ring) 3000 gil 魔法の手袋 (Magick Gloves) 3000 gil ブレイサー (Blazer Gloves) 3000 gil 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt) 800 gil 黒帯 (Black Belt) 600 gil 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage) 800 gil 革のゴルゲット (Leather Gorget) 1200 gil トルマリンの指輪 (Tourmaline Ring) 300 gil 鋼のゴルゲット (Steel Gorget) 1300 gil アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) 600 gil バングル (Bangle) 500 gil ダークの魔片 (Dark Mote) 90 gil エアロの魔片 (Aero Mote) 160 gil アクアラの魔片 (Water Mote) 230 gil ----- Spells/Techs: サイレガ (Silencega) Found at 光満ちる回廊 (Hall of Effulgent Light), in a secret room at the northwestern section. Pic: プロテガ (Protectga) Found at 美しき調べの間 (Cloister of Distant Song), in front of the 恐怖の扉 (Door of Horror). Pic: ブレイブ (Bravery) Found at 気高き者たちの間 (Cloister of the Highborn), on the far left side. Pic: フェイス (Faith) Found at 白き約束の回廊 (Hall of the Ivory Covenant), in southwestern part. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: エルメスのくつ (Hermes' Shoes) Found at 光満ちる回廊 (Hall of Effulgent Light), in a pot by the Silencega spell. Pot stats: 25% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ペネトレーター (Penetrator Crossbow) Found at 光満ちる回廊 (Hall of Effulgent Light), in the southwestern part of the floor. Pot stats: 30% to appear, 30% gil, contents: Knot of Rust / Penetrator X-Bow Pic: 白の仮面 (White Mask) Found at 美しき調べの間 (Cloister of Distant Song), in the southwestern part of the floor. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: 黒のローブ (Black Robe) Found at 気高き者たちの間 (Cloister of the Highborn), in the center room. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: 血塗られた盾 (Ensanguined Shield) Found at 気高き者たちの間 (Cloister of the Highborn), in the northern part of the area. Pot stats: 3% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: エアリアル (Zephyr Pole) Found at 白き約束の回廊 (Hall of the Ivory Covenant), at the northern section. Pot stats: 30% to appear, 30% gil, contents: Knot of Rust / Zephyr Pole Pic: 時限のメイス (Doom Mace) Found at 力宿る回廊 (Hall of Slumbering Might), in the southwestern corner. Pot stats: 30% to appear, 30% gil, contents: Knot of Rust / Doom Mace Pic: ----- Something to note: unless it is one of the "100% and will not respawn" pots, the majority of the pots here have a pretty low appearance rate of 30 and 35 percent. There are 45 treasures/pots in the area, but you may see around 12 in a whole trip through. Ahh, Nabudis. Be very careful in here. There are a bunch of great things to find, as well as lots of monsters in the way. You'll run into a lot of バクナムス族 (Baknamy) guys. They can appear out of nowhere and bum rush you. Keep your HP and defenses up. Baknamies are weak to ice, so if you can cast ブリザラ (Blizzara), blast them with it. They like to dodge, so equipping a カメオのベルト (Cameo Belt) can be very useful. There is only one staircase on each floor, so directions are not too important here. I will note some good stuff to look for, however. Also to note is that you can steal リバースの魔片 (Reverse Mote)s from the エルヴィオレ (Elvoret) monsters. Reverse Motes are very rare, so try to steal as many as you can. Elvorets can also drop マクシミリアン (Maximilian), the second-strongest heavy armor in the game (64 defense). First up, go to the far northwestern part of the floor and through the part of the floor off the map. You will find the サイレガ (Silencega) spell in a pot here, and maybe エルメスのくつ (Hermes' Shoes). If you are using a Time Mage, the third-strongest bowgun, the ペネトレーター (Penetrator Crossbow), can be found on this floor by the stairs going to 2F. If the Hermes' Shoes/Penetrator Crossbow pots are not there (25%/30% chance), go to the next floor and come back to try again. Once you have looked around and are ready, proceed to the second floor/screen. Go around to the left part of the floor and grab the White Mask from the pot there. The White Mask has 56 magic defense and absorbs holy-elemental damage. Very nice. Proceed along until you see some of those big stone tower guys, バビル (Babil)s. Destroy them then go towards the door on the far left. You cannot open the 恐怖の扉 (Door of Horror) yet, but the プロテガ (Protectga) spell will be in a pot nearby. Go on ahead to the third floor. As you are going through, some really annoying ghost-like monster might show up out of nowhere, an オーバーソウル (Oversoul). They'll just follow you through most of the dungeon, so kill them before you have a big Elvoret chain going. If you have a Black Mage, the Oversoul can drop the strongest staff in the game, the 賢者の杖 (Staff of the Magi). They can be chained just like Dustia earlier, via a screen transition before the Exp/LP amount is shown onscreen. After you kill a couple of Oversouls (about 6, chained ones do not count), a big purple horse will show up, the ヘルヴィネック (Helvinek). This rare monster has 99,999HP a lot of the time. It can do a variety of status ailments, including poison, blind, and disable. You can be 'cheap' if you want to try to get Helvinek to drop the strongest heavy armor in the game, グランドアーマー (Grand Armor). As it is the rare drop from a Helvinek, that means it could take forever to get it to drop, especially since you can only fight one, then have to leave Nabudis to respawn more Oversouls, then another Helvinek will appear. How to fix this? Chain him like you can with Dustia! Simply get near a screen transition border and fight the Helvinek. Kill it, grab the drop (if there is one), then run to the other screen. If you do that before the amount of EXP and LP show up on the screen, another Helvinek will show up on the next screen, for you to chain, just like Dustia. Have at it! Proceed up the long northern hall and take the first left to find a pot with a Black Robe inside. The Black Robe has 56 defense, probably better than what you may have. Be sure to pick it up! As you may know, there is a hidden shop at Nabudis. It was moved to the lower-left corner in the area north of the Black Robe. Find it here: The パワーリスト (Power Armlet) protects against ストップ (Stop), so get 3 of those. You can buy Dark/Aero/Water Motes here, so if you can afford them feel free to stock up. Later in the game this shop will get some new stuff. Go to the 4th floor now. If you really want it, you can find an 血塗られた盾 (Ensanguined Shield) in a pot just south of the 4F stairs. The pot has a 3% of showing up. The Ensanguined Shield gives 90 evade at the cost of Auto-Slow + Auto-Poison + Auto-Sap status. Be sure to turn off gambits that cure the ailment on the character in question so you don't use them all up trying to cure the above ailments. Head to the 4th floor now. The fourth floor has the フェイス (Faith) spell and not a whole lot else. If you have a Monk in the party, there is an エアリアル (Zephyr Pole), which has 77 attack and is wind-elemental. It is pretty easy to find, since it is in the pot closest to the 5th floor stairs. You can find a 巨人の兜 (Giant's Helmet) in a pot just southwest of the 5F stairs. Grab what you need, then make your way to the fifth and final floor. The fifth floor does not really have anything worth noting item-wise, unless you have a Red Mage. You can grab a 時限のメイス (Doom Mace) a little bit southeast of the exit to the next area. Find the exit and enter the Nabreus Deadlands. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt48a | ナブレウス湿原 (Nabreus Deadlands) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: デジョン (Warp) Found at 命消えし水辺 (Lifeless Strand), in the off-the-map area along the northern wall. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: オパールの指輪 (Opal Ring) Found at 命消えし水辺 (Lifeless Strand), south of the eastern exit. Pot stats: 25% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: 下町のカルバドス (Spirit of Lowtown) Found at 命消えし水辺 (Lifeless Strand), on the western part of the area. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 40% gil, contents: Phoenix Down / Spirit of Lowtown Pic: ----- Treasure-wise, there is not much to get at the Nabreus Deadlands. However, loot-wise, there is a *whole lot* here. I'll try to go in appearance order from the Nabudis exit to the Salikawood exit. In the first room, 滅びし王家の広場 (Field of the Fallen Lord), head north a bit and you should see a シールドドラゴン (Shield Dragon). This guy has 2 types of loot to get if you are grabbing the stuff in this guide, but it's a bit easier if you wait until a later area. If you walk along the northern wall, you will find a pot with a クロススケール (Cross Scale) inside. Machinists can smack themselves/allies to cast バニシュ (Vanish) onto the target. --------- | wt48b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you are trying to make the デュランダルA (Durandal A), the second of three ingredients is found from a Shield Dragon. You need 4 輪竜のウロコ (Ring Wyrm Scale)s. This loot can be stolen from and dropped by the Shield Dragon, but it is very rare at the Nabreus Deadlands. It is *much* easier if you wait until a later area to get the Ring Wyrm scales, as it is a common drop and steal from Shield Dragons at another area. If you are trying to make the グランドボルト (Grand Bolt), the third and final ingredient can be dropped by the Shield Dragon. For the Grand Bolt, you will need 2 輪竜のキモ (Ring Wyrm Liver)s. Head west to the next screen after exploring. If you still need some 銀色の液体 (Silver Liquid) to make the アルデバランY (Aldebaran Y), you can bump into the フォーバー (Foobar) here. Foobars can drop Silver Liquid, and you need 3 for the Aldebaran Y. The very rare drop from them is the fourth- strongest light armor in the game, the ミネルバブスチェ (Minerva Bustier). -LOOT ALERT- At 命消えし水辺 (Lifeless Strand), you can find the デジョン (Warp) spell, as well as an オパールの指輪 (Opal Ring) accessory. The Opal Ring pot has a 25% appearance rate, but since it is so close to the right exit, it should be really easy to keep trying to respawn it. The Opal Ring allows spells to go through リフレク (Reflect). This counts for you too, so if character A has Reflect status and character B equips the Opal Ring, character A will reflect enemy spells while character B can, say, heal character A with a cure spell. Go through the area and explore. It looks like this is the only area in the game that has a pot that contains the 下町のカルバドス (Spirit of Lowtown) item that actually respawns. Spirit of Lowtowns cast ブレイブ (Bravery) on the target. --------- | wt48c | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you are trying to make a デモンズシールド (Demon Shield), the second of three ingredients can be dropped by ワイアード (Leynir)s. You will need 8 戦馬の殻 (Destrier Barding)s. The third and final ingredient, リョスアルブ (Leamonde Halcyon), is dropped and stolen from the 精霊リョスアルブ (Leamonde Entite) that can be found just south of the teleport crystal, at まどろみへ誘う平原 (The Slumbermead). You can steal, go 1 screen away, and steal again, like with the other Entites. Here's me snagging one: The ワイアード (Leynir) can also drop the ディフェンダー (Defender), a two-handed sword with 90 attack and +5 evade. They are very easy to chain for experience, thanks to the viewer Garlando suggesting I try to cast the レイズ (Raise) spell, which instantly kills them. Phoenix Down works too, so you can kill the three Leynirs north of the Teleport crystal at your leisure for loot, Defenders, experience, or whatever. The teleport crystal is found at はげましを受けた地 (Succor Midst Sorrow). You will have to fight a クリスタルバグ (Crystalbug) first. Make sure you save, then head south. If you are trying to make the strongest arrows in the game, the アルテミスの矢 (Artemis Arrows), the third and final ingredient is dropped by the フォカロル (Focalor) fish guys. You will need 2 フカヒレ (Dorsal Fin)s for the Artemis Arrows. If you want to make 玉鋼 (Gemsteel), an ingredient for both the マサムネI (Masamune I) and トウルヌソル (Tournesol), get one of the エメラルタス (Emeralditan)s to drop ヒヒイロカネ (Scarletite). You will need 1 Scarletite for a Gemsteel. The rare steal from Emeralditans is the 亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker), so grab one of those if you need another. -LOOT ALERT- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt48d | Mark: ロビー (Roblon) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the loot you need, then save again. Go 1 screen south of the teleport crystal, then walk west along the northern ridge. You will find another off- the-map area that goes to a new section of the Nabreus Deadlands. If you are having trouble, it is here: You'll run into a ton of デッドリーボーン (Dead Bones) along the path. At the end of the path is ロビー (Roblon). Try to kill as many Dead Bones as you can before confronting Roblon. You can draw Dead Bones out, then let them chase you away from Roblon, since he doesn't seem to really move around. This area is a pretty good spot for building lower level characters up in experience, although Leynirs is probably faster. Beat Roblon, then go back and save, and take the western exit at the room south of the teleport crystal. Also to note is that you can steal the second-best mystic helmet in the game, 黄金のスカラー (Golden Skullcap)s, from the Dead Bones at Nabreus. With the sheer number of Dead Bones here and the close proximity to a save, it should be pretty easy to get as many Golden Skullcaps that you will need right now. It's not as powerful as a Golden Skullcap, but バンシー (Banshee)s can drop 黒の仮面 (Black Mask)s, which absorb the 闇黒 (Darkness) element. There's just some バクナムス族 (Baknamy) guys as you travel to the other end of the room. On the next screen, just follow the right wall to find the map to the Nabreus Deadlands. Feel free to explore the rest of the area, then save at the blue save crystal. For those light armor wearers in the party, you can get the third-strongest light helmet in the game here. The rare drop from クルセイダー (Crusader)s is the ローレルクラウン (Crown of Laurels). You can chain them pretty easily at なげきよどむ地 (Vale of Lingering Sorrow). Just north of the blue save crystal, you should see a little guy named マクレイオ (Ma'kleou). Make sure you speak to him, then head south and out of the Nabreus Deadlands into the Salikawood. Back at the Salikawood, go southeast twice to the teleport crystal and warp to Rabanastre, then go to the save crystal at the Garamsythe Waterway where you can use the 水門のカギ (Sluice Gate Key). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt49a | Sluice and Dice | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, it's pronounced 'sloos', but 'deuce' does not sound right. Do you remember that letter on the table in the house you could enter after beating the レイス (Wraith) mark? Now you get to use the directions the letter said: 東南東東南西南東 (east, southeast, east, southwest, southeast). What you need to do is turn off any Waterway Controls that are active (for me that is numbers 4 and 3), then turn on the Waterway Controls in the order provided by the letter. I flip the view so I am facing south, so they look like this (the numbers are on the pedestals): S 4 3 E 11 10 W N So all you need to do is turn off any pedestals that are on, then use them in this order: 11, 4, 11, 3, 4. Once you do this, you will hear a little "plink" sound. Right across from the pedestals there is an object on the ground. Pick up the くすんだかけら (Dull Fragment). It is right here: Once you have the Dull Fragment, go to Dalan's house at the southeastern end of Rabanastre lowtown. A little guy like the one at Nabreus Deadlands should be speaking to Dalan. Talk to ロッケンモウ (Roh'kenmou). He'll blabber about medals and stuff. Leave Dalan's house, and look for フィロ (Filo) to the northeast. She is right here if you can't seem to find her: Leave the lowtown area and go to the central fountain part of Rabanastre. Speak to the たたずむ女徃 (Curious Woman). Answer her question with the top choice, 聞く (Okay, I'm listening). Now you want to go to the bazaar, so walk or warp there. Speak to the brown bangaa south of the bazaar shop, 市場の商人 (Merchant), and answer his question with the top response (Ask about the necklace). Now go to the magic shop in town. Look to the left and speak to the imperial soldier kneeling down, 酒場の帝国兵 (Sotted Imperial). Answer both of his questions with the top response (Ask about the necklace/Tell him about the woman near the fountain). Now head to the lowtown area and look for カイツ (Kytes), who is hanging out between the northern shop and entrance to the Garamsythe Waterway. Answer with the top choice (The good news). Talk to フィロ (Filo) again, who is still northeast of Dalan's house. Answer with the top choice both times (I need to see this woman/Sure, let's go). You'll automatically warp to the magic shop. Turn left again and speak to the 酒場の帝国兵 (Sotted Imperial) kneeling down. After blabbing for a bit, you'll receive the よごれたかけら (Grimy Fragment). Go back to Dalan's house and talk to Roh'kenmou again. Give him the three fragments you have (top response each time), and he'll mention Nabudis. That is all you can do with the fragments and medals for now. Warp to the Salikawood. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt49b | Mark: キャロット (Carrot) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the teleport crystal, go west one screen and south one screen, to 木もれ日の路 (Sun-dappled Path). Just run past the enemies, *do not kill them*. カロリーヌ (Krjn) will accompany the party. Run to the eastern exit of the screen, and you should see キャロット (Carrot) about 3/4 of the way to the eastern exit. Carrot should appear around here: Carrot is heavily buffed, with Reflect, Protect, Shell, Haste, Bravery, and Faith. Dispel those away. If you have a Nihopalaoa accessory, using a Remedy on Carrot should inflict slow and silence. That won't really help much, since Carrot can still use とてもくさい息 (Putrid Breath), which inflicts Petrify, Confuse, Sleep, Slow, Disable, Immobilize, Blind, Poison, Oil, and Sap! Sheesh! Equip some accessories that nullify Sleep, Confuse, or Disable if you can. Try to keep at least one party member away from Carrot to heal status ailments. Carrot can also use 時のレクイエム (Time Requiem), which inflicts Stop. Nullify that by equipping 3 パワーリスト (Power Armlet)s before Carrot uses the attack. When she reaches near-death status, Carrot can use 驚異 (Growing Threat), which increases her level. Now Carrot can hit really, really hard while still using Putrid Breath on you. Try to use a mist combo on Carrot either before or right after she uses Growing Threat. If you get into dire trouble, you can run away and come back, but Carrot will have full HP again. Healing spells/items hurt Carrot, so you can spam either/both when she uses Growing Threat, then finish her off with a mist combo. You should be near the last couple of moogles you need to find to open that gate, so go north of where you fought Carrot and get all 9 moogles to leave. When you talk to the last set of moogles, you will asked if you want to go to the gate. Go ahead and answer yes, since that is where you need to go next anyway. Before leaving, speak to the last moogle (in the center) to receive a サッシュ (Sash). The Sash halves fire damage and protects against Slow. Move on to the next area (finally!). ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt50a | フォーン海岸 (Phon Coast) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes (2) ----- Shop: ダイヤソード (Diamond Sword) 10600 gil ハルバード (Halberd) 11200 gil アルデバラン (Aldebaran) 7700 gil フランシスカ (Francisca) 9500 gil 天空のロッド (Empyrean Rod) 6000 gil 裁きの杖 (Judicer's Staff) 5300 gil バスタードソード (Bastard Sword) 8900 gil 菊一門字 (Kiku-ichimonji) 7700 gil ゴクウの棒 (Gokuu Pole) 10360 gil 石の弓 (Giant Stonebow) 10650 gil アベンジャー (Avenger) 8700 gil 錯乱のメイス (Chaos Mace) 7700 gil ゴールドスタッフ (Golden Staff) 4200 gil アダマン帽 (Adamant Hat) 5900 gil アダマンベスト (Adamant Vest) 5900 gil アストラカーン (Astrakhan Hat) 5900 gil カーマニョール (Carmagnole) 5900 gil 鋼鉄のダイサー (Steel Mask) 8100 gil リフレクトメイル (Mirror Mail) 7500 gil クリスタルの盾 (Crystal Shield) 6360 gil ゴーグルマスク (Goggle Mask) 4900 gil メタルジャーキン (Metal Jerkin) 4900 gil 黒頭巾 (Black Cowl) 4900 gil 黒装束 (Black Garb) 4900 gil ダイヤヘルム (Diamond Helm) 7000 gil ダイヤアーマー (Diamond Armor) 6600 gil ドラゴンシールド (Dragon Shield) 5600 gil パイレットギア (Pirate Gear) 4000 gil バイキングコート (Viking Coat) 4000 gil 魔術師の帽子 (Sorcerer's Hat) 4000 gil 魔術師の服 (Sorcerer's Habit) 4000 gil ボーンヘルム (Bone Helm) 5900 gil ボーンメイル (Bone Mail) 5700 gil プラチナシールド (Platinum Shield) 4750 gil パワーリスト (Power Armlet) 5200 gil ふわふわミトラ (Fuzzy Miter) 1200 gil 舫結びのガロン (Bowline Sash) 1000 gil 瑪瑙の指輪 (Agate Ring) 3000 gil 魔法の手袋 (Magick Gloves) 3000 gil ブレイサー (Blazer Gloves) 3000 gil 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt) 800 gil 黒帯 (Black Belt) 600 gil 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage) 800 gil 革のゴルゲット (Leather Gorget) 1200 gil トルマリンの指輪 (Tourmaline Ring) 300 gil 鋼のゴルゲット (Steel Gorget) 1300 gil アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) 600 gil バングル (Bangle) 500 gil バッカスの酒 (Bacchus's Wine) 120 gil 万能薬 (Remedy) 400 gil ハイポーション (Hi-Potion) 180 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil 暗黒 (Souleater) 6000 gil 歩数攻撃 (Traveler) 4800 gil 密猟 (Poach) 5000 gil 時間攻撃 (Horology) 2000 gil チャージ (Charge) 1500 gil 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil コンフュ (Confuse) 1400 gil ファイガ (Firaga) 6800 gil エアロガ (Aeroga) 5700 gil バニシガ (Vanishga) 3800 gil バイオ (Bio) 4000 gil ケアルダ (Curaga) 2400 gil ブリザラ (Blizzara) 3300 gil バーサク (Berserk) 900 gil ダーラ (Darkra) 3500 gil エスナ (Esuna) 2700 gil サンダラ (Thundara) 2900 gil ブレイク (Break) 1000 gil ストナ (Stona) 800 gil ファイラ (Fira) 2700 gil バヒール (Bleed) 1200 gil ----- Possible useful items: 裁きの杖 (Judicer's Staff) Found at リマタラの丘 (Limatra Hills), along the eastern edge of the area. Pot stats: 70% to appear, 50% gil, contents: Hi-Potion / Judicer's Staff Pic: ----- Head southeast twice, then east once to arrive at the teleport crystal/shop area. For those Machinists out there, try to steal a マルチスケール (Mutliscale) from the バドゥ (Bagoly)s. Smack allies with it to grant the ブレイブ (Bravery) buff. When you arrive at ハンターズ・キャンプ (Hunters' Camp), check out the shop. There is probably not a whole lot weapon/armor-wise to buy. You can buy Bacchus's Wine (inflicts Berserk) and the Firaga spell; pick those up if you can use them. You can buy the map for the Phon Coast from a moogle northwest of the teleport crystal for 1800 gil. There have been a couple of marks that you have not yet received the rewards for, let's do that now. Warp to Nalbina. Speak to ブロッホ (Burrogh) by the gambit shop for the reward for beating アトモス (Atomos): 1800 gil, a 大地のロッド (Gaia Rod), and a プラチナシールド (Platinum Shield). Up next is モルガン (Morgen), north of the weapon shop. He'll give you the reward for beating Roblon: 3100 gil, a 巨人の兜 (Giant's Helmet), and ミスリル (Mythril). --------- | wt50b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you are interested in making the strongest pole in the game, the 鯨の髭N (Whale Whisker N), ミスリル (Mythril) is one of the ingredients. You need 3 Mythril, which you may already have. If you don't have 3 Mythril, a quick search for "Molen" in the guide will help you out. -LOOT ALERT- Now enter the aerodrome and look for ザマドリア (Zammadria) to receive the prize for whooping Carrot's..tentacles: 5200 gil, 悪臭ボム (Stink Bombs), and some とてもくさい液 (Putrid Liquid). There's one more reward to get, but let's go to Rabanastre first. --------- | wt50c | --------- -LOOT ALERT- Give Montblanc a visit. If you beat the ボムキング (King Bomb), you will receive a とんかち (Hammer). If you want to make the マサムネI (Masamune I), the Hammer is one of the ingredients. You will need 2 of them, so hold on to this one. -LOOT ALERT- If your clan rank went up, you can buy the アスピル (Syphon) spell at the clan shop. Now warp to the Mosphoran Highwaste. Speak to the green bangaa next to the shop owner. 行商人ヴァカンサ (Va'Kansa) will give you the reward for beating Braegh: 1700 gil, a 千分のノギス (Caliper), and a ハイエーテル (Hi-Ether). The Caliper can grant the ヘイスト (Haste) buff if a Machinist uses it on an ally, so it is pretty useful. You should be able to fight a summon now that the gate to the Phon Coast is open. On this screen, 水音の伝わる処 (Babbling Vale), there are numerous small wind shrines with various cardinal directions. You need to turn three of them on to make a path to the boss. This is also how you can finally get that 貼付 (Stamp) tech. If you want to get Stamp, head towards the northeastern exit of the area. Before reaching the exit, you should see two shrines. On the right is the 東々 (Shrine of the East Wind, and on the left is the 東北 (Shrine of the Northeast Wind). Use the Shrine of the Northeast Wind, then take the northeastern exit to 灰白のひさし (Rays of Ashen Light). Just go forward and left around to the square-shaped part of the area to the left of the ! mark on the map. Walk across the the plant bridge and open the pot ahead to find the 貼付 (Stamp) tech. Here's a screenshot: Go back to the 東北 (Shrine of the Northeast Wind) and turn it off. Use the 西北 (Shrine of the Northwest Wind), which is right by the shop. Head south of the shop and use the 南々 (Shrine of the South Wind). Now go northeast, back to the 灰白のひさし (Rays of Ashen Light). You should see a wandering chocobo to your left. Speak to it and give the chocobo ギサールの野菜 (Gysahl Greens) so you can ride it. With the chocobo, take the southern exit to 天空へ続く路 (Empyrean Way), then follow the right wall and walk over the green vine bridge thing (where an ! is on the map). Ride the chocobo all the way west and off the map to the far western screen of the Mosphoran Highwaste, 空の果てを知る尾根 (Skyreach Ridge). You need to take the exit at the far western end, so you will need to dismount the chocobo to go through. At the far western side of 水音の伝わる処 (Babbling Vale), you can grab a 亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker) in a pot, then you will arrive at the 西々 (Shrine of the West Wind). Turn that one on, too. North of the shrine, there's a rock in the way. By channeling the power of Chris Redfield, Vaan can push the rock down with his superhuman strength. Walk across the bridge created by the rock slide to get back to the regular part of the teleport crystal room. The map screen should look like this if you used the three shrines: Save if you want, then go back to the Shrine of the West Wind where Vaan pushed the rock over, and take the western exit there. Back at 空の果てを知る尾根 (Skyreach Ridge), just take the first left and walk across the first plant bridge. Buff yourself up by the pot with a リフレガの魔片 (Reflectga Mote), then proceed ahead to the boss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt50d | エクスデス (Exodus) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will bump into エクスデス (X-Dea..oh, Exodus? Okay) up here. You cannot use any items in this fight, so it comes down to spells to heal. You can cast デスペル (Dispel) to get rid of his buffs. Exodus is quite the spellcaster, so you can reflect stuff back at him. If you have that オパールの指輪 (Opal Ring) from the Nabreus Deadlands and a way to cast/be reflected, you could put the Opal Ring on your healer, then bounce spells right back to Exodus. ファイガ (Firaga) bounced back at Exodus does quite a good chunk of damage to him. Exodus can make himself invulnerable to physical damage via 魔法障壁 (Paling), so if that happens you just need to wait for it to wear off. If you are fast enough with damage, he is beatable before he uses it. After beating Exodus, purchase him on whoever's board benefits the most, then leave and save. Here's what the Exodus bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: White Mage Battle Lore augment Machinist Oil, Decoy spells Red Mage Platinum Helm, Giant's Helm, Dragon Helm, Platinum Armor, Carabineer Mail, Dragon Mail equippable Knight HP+350 Monk Souleater tech Time Mage Battle Lore augment Breaker Magick Lore (4) augment (Zeromus also unlocks) Black Mage Platinum Helm, Platinum Armor equippable Samurai HP+500 Hunter Stamp tech --------- | wt50e | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the second-best bow in the game, the 宿命のサジタリA (Sagittarius A), you can get the last ingredient, 3 円月輪 (Moon Ring)s, here. You should have one from beating the Ring Dragon, so you need two more. Go back to where you fought Exodus, and you will see an アッシュドラゴン (Ash Wyrm). Just to be safe, he is right here: This guy can drop Moon Rings, and you should already have the other two ingredients: 4 サジタリウス (Sagittarius Gem)s and 3 獣王の角 (Beastlord Horn)s. It seems like you need to leave the Mosphoran Highwaste for the Ash Wyrm to respawn, so you can either go south into the Dalmasca Estersand, use the teleport crystal to go anywhere then warp back to the Mosphoran Highwaste, or save and reset the game (soft reset is fine). Of course, you can just reset if you don't get a Moon Ring, too. If you don't want to get the Sagittarius A, then you do not need to fight the Ash Wyrm at all. You can also get 輪竜のウロコ (Ring Wyrm Scale)s dropped by the Ash Wyrm if you are interested in making the デュランダルA (Durandal A). You need 4 total, but don't need to get them all here. Once you get the 3 Moon Rings, go on and trade for the Sagittarius A. It costs 100,000 gil to purchase. -LOOT ALERT- When you are ready, warp back to the Phon Coast. You need to go northeast to the ????, but feel free to explore the area. You can do the hunt troop rare monster bangaa brothers thing here, but most of the rewards seem pretty crappy (but better than what they were in the original game). It looks like the better prizes here are the Zodiac Spear, Zodiac Escutcheon, a Ribbon, and a Genji Glove. I don't think you can start the hunt troop stuff until after reaching Archades. For the Zodiac Spear (and?) Escutcheon, it looks like you give 10 trophies to all three bangaas (but it also says 16 or more to the weapon bangaa for the Zodiac Spear or 16 or more to the armor bangaa for the Zodiac Escutcheon). For the Ribbon, it looks like you need to give 16 or more trophies to the item bangaa. The Genji Glove says it takes 5 trophies to the weapon bangaa, 5 trophies to the armor bangaa, and 15 to the item bangaa. I don't even know how to really get this thing going (aside from fighting the turtle thing at the Phon Coast), so please refer to a rare monster guide for the info on this. Sorry, but the rewards do not really seem all that worth it aside from very few prizes. One screen east of the teleport crystal, ヴァドゥ海岸 (The Vaddu Strand), there are 16 pots in a line at the southeastern corner of the area. None of hese pots respawn. None of them have anything really great as their ontents. From the far eastern pot, going west, the contents of the pots are: グラビデの魔片 (Gravity Mote) ラウンドシールド (Round Shield) ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) デスペルの魔片 (Dispel Mote) とんがり帽子 (Pointy Hat) ウォーワーカー (Soldier's Cap) ダークの魔片 (Dark Mote) いかずちの牙 (White Fang) カロ型の帽子 (Calot Hat) ソレイユの牙 (Red Fang) ウォーハンマー (War Hammer) ひょうけつの牙 (Blue Fang) クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) ウール (Braid Wool) テレポストーン (Teleport Stone) イクシロの実 (Eksir Berries) In English, those do not really say anything (the first 4 almost do). But in Japanese, these items are giving you a clue as to where you can find the three invisible pieces of equipment, the ザイテングラート (Seitengrat) bow, トランゴタワー (Trango Tower) sword, and ジャンダルム (Gendarme) shield. Take the first letter/kana of each item and you will get the following: グランデ とウダいカソウ ひクウテイ That comes out to 'gurande', 'toudaikasou', and 'hikuutei'. 'Crystal Grande' is the name of the 'Great Crystal' area in the Japanese version of the game. Toudai is 'lighthouse', kasou is 'lower strata'. That is referring to the lower part of Ridorana. Hikuutei is 'airship'. You can find the Gendarme at Crystal Grande, the Trango Tower at the lower stratum of Ridorana, and the Seitengrat on the town-to-town airship. In case you were wondering what was up with those pots, now you know! G.I. JOOOOOOOOE If you are using a Black Mage, on the second to last screen of the Phon Coast, you can find a 裁きの杖 (Judicer's Staff) in a pot along the eastern wall, very close to the save crystal exit. You can just buy the Judicer's Staff at the shop in the Phon Coast, but if you want to save a little gil, there you go. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt51a | ツィッタ大草原 (Tchita Uplands) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes (2) ----- Spells/Techs: レビテガ (Float) Found at オリフザックの丘 (Oliphzak Rise), around the southeastern ruins. Pic: ブライガ (Blindga) Found at 三界交わる草原 (Fields of Eternity), in the ruined cul-de-sac. Pic: リジェネ (Regen) Found at 矢われた街道 (The Lost Way), around the middle of the area. Pic: ----- Yes! A new area! First up, take the southeastern exit at the south-eastern part of the first area. At オリフザックの丘 (Oliphzak Rise), look around the ruins at the southern/eastern section to find the useful レビテガ (Float) spell. If you are encountering a bunch of グレートキング(Malboro Overking)s, you are in the right area. After grabbing Float, take the exit on the east side to 名もなき泉 (The Nameless Spring). You will now be at a blue save crystal. Speak to the man and respond with yes, as you need to accept this to explore the next area. The man will then give you a wanted poster for ???? and the 封魂のカギ (Soul Ward Key). Save if you want, then go south from the save crystal. If you do not have the リジェネ (Regen) spell, you can find it by taking the lower eastern exit on this screen, then by exploring the north-central area of 矢われた街道 (The Lost Way). There's a screencap of where the pot is above. If you already have Regen, or just got Regen, go back to 終焉と旅立ちの庭 (Garden of Life's Circle), and take the upper eastern exit, to 全てを見通す地 (The Highlands). Now just go straight north until you hit the northern wall, then follow the wall westward to the northwestern exit. You'll see the teleport crystal to add Tchita Uplands to your warping list. There is a boy here that will show you the ???? poster and give you the 封魂のカギ (Soul Ward Key) if you come here before the save crystal. Take the eastern exit back to 全てを見通す地 (The Highlands), then follow the northern wall to a north exit. The ブライガ (Blindga) spell is about 30 feet north of the southern exit you are at. You just need to follow the left wall around to the pot holding the spell. Go north to reach the next area. You will asked if you want to save the game upon entering. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt52a | ソーヘン地下宮殿 (Sochen Cave Palace) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: 針千本 (1000 Needles) Found at 時の水洞 (Falls of Time), at the end of the 'swirl maze'. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- Possible useful items: 桜囀り (Sakura-Saezuri) Found at 時の水洞 (Falls of Time), at the end of the 'swirl maze'. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- The second-strongest shield in the game is here, but you cannot get it yet. Head north to the door, which is unlocked by the 封魂のカギ (Soul Ward Key). Buff yourself before opening the door, then go on in. You will run into the five creatures on that wanted poster from the Tchita Uplands. Say hello to the マンドラプリンス (Mandragora Prince), キングアルラウネ (Alraune King), オニオンクイーン (Onion Queen), パンプキンスター (Pumpkin Star), and トマトキャプテン (Topstalk)! These guys love inflicting status ailments, ganging up on characters, then running away like a decapitated chicken. Each veggie can use a status attack that inflicts Sleep, Slow, and Poison. Having a 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt) equipped on each party member will allow you to stay awake. You *can* go for an instant kill if you choose to perform a mist combo as soon as the battle starts, and you do enough hits/a good enough finisher to kill all 5 veggies outright. Once you send them to Veggie Heaven, the music to this area will begin, and you can move on. Take the eastern exit so you can grab the 4936 gil in a pot and the ヘイスガの魔片 (Hastega Mote) at the intersection. When you get to the save crystal, look out! Yes, it's another クリスタルバグ (Crystalbug). Destroy it, then save if you want to. The next room is where the Sochen Cave Palace actually branches out. Follow the eastern wall after opening the door to find the Sochen Cave Palace map. Take a look at the map. See that really small room in the middle, two 'lanes' west of your current location? That is where the 針千本 (1000 Needles) tech, 桜囀り (Sakura-Saezuri) ninja blade, and a ラストエリクサー (Megalixir) are hiding. If you want those, go north one screen up from the map, then stop. Check the map, there are 5 pathways north of you, and 5 south of you. Try to visualize it, think of the line paths like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 You are currently right above '0'. You need to make a clockwise "swirl" (like the Sega Dreamcast logo, but mirrored). Starting at 0, the pathways you want to take will end at the lower center small room (8). Take the pathways in this order: 061497238. Beat the enemies along the way, and open the pots if you like. If you want to make アルテミスの矢 (Artemis Arrows) and you did not go to the Nabreus Deadlands, the フォカロル (Focalor) fish around here can drop フカヒレ (Dorsal Fin)s. You will need 2 Dorsal Fins for the Artemis Arrows. Just make sure you go in the clockwise-swirl path. If you are going the right way, the game will say something about a waterfall. Here is a line drawing over the map: Upon completing the swirl, when you go through line number 3, a sound will play, confirming that the puzzle has been solved. Go towards line 8 and you will see the pots containing the 桜囀り (Sakura-Saezuri) ninja blade and 針千本 (1000 Needles) tech. Go down through line 3 and open the door to grab that ラストエリクサー (Megalixir) mentioned earlier. After taking the Megalixir, go back up through line 8 and across the bridge. Take line 3, 4, or 5 north, then go all the way east then north. Look at the map again. The area ahead has a diamond shape. If you want to unlock a passageway in this area, visualize the diamond as a compass. You start at east, then go to south, to west, then north, and back to east. A sound will play as you open the door going back to the eastern room. The door that unlocked is west of the western room. Go there if you want, but you cannot unlock the door at the far end of the newly-opened passage just yet. You won't have to worry about doing the puzzle later on, though. Head north into the square-shaped room to fight a boss. アーリマン (Ahriman) is a really big Specter/Bogey-like badguy. He's relatively easy until he starts making more copies of himself that also attack. If you have ファイガ (Firaga), that can help get rid of the clones. You can also just set your gambit to attack the enemy with the most HP, as that will zero in on the real Ahriman until it is just about dead. Ahriman can inflict 死の宣告 (Death Sentence), so be sure to cure that after the fight (or just let the person die then revive him or her, not that big of a deal). There's only one real way to go forward, so save at the teleport crystal ahead, then go forward to reach Archades!! Well, sorta. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt53a | アルケイディス旧市街 (Old Archades) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Shop: バッカスの酒 (Bacchus's Wine) 120 gil 万能薬 (Remedy) 400 gil ハイポーション (Hi-Potion) 180 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ----- You'll start in the slummy part of Archades. Make Vaan the party leader and equip him with a Diamond Armlet. There are 20 pots in Old Archades, all of them containing either 20 gil or less, or a Knot of Rust. With a Diamond Armlet equipped, you will have the usual 5% chance of getting メテオライト (Meteorite) A-D instead. Do not be too excited at the Meteorite D; the pot has a 2% chance of appearing at the very upper-right corner of the area. The Meteorite B and C spots are not that great, either. Stick to the Barheim Passage if you want a better shot at getting those. The place to go for Meteorite D is a bit later on in the game. The item shop sells the same stuff as the Phon Coast shop. Go ahead and give the Meteorite D pot a shot, as you will want to speak to a man right before it anyway. At the last corner in the upper-right section, there is a man sitting down. Speak to the 元ブローカー (Ex-Broker), right here: Now go west to the other part of Old Archades. At the far lower-left side of the area past the save crystal are some guards. Speak to them and pick the top answer. Balthier's "friend" 情報屋ジュール (Jules) will introduce himself. Pay him 1500 gil, then go back to the eastern side of Old Archades. All you need to do now is speak to a man sitting on the stairs about midway through the room. The 外民らしくない男 (Fresh Ardent) is right here: Now go back to the western side of Old Archades. You'll find Jules directly west of the upper exit to East Archades now: There will be some commotion and the guards will abandon their post, letting you move on up to the upper side. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt54a | 帝都アルケイディス (The Imperial City of Archades) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Weapon and Armor Shop: シャコーハット (Officer's Hat) 7000 gil バレルコート (Barrel Coat) 7000 gil 大地の帽子 (Gaia Hat) 7000 gil マディーンの衣 (Maduin Gear) 7000 gil プラチナヘルム (Platinum Helm) 9300 gil プラチナアーマー (Platinum Armor) 8500 gil アダマン帽 (Adamant Hat) 5900 gil アダマンベスト (Adamant Vest) 5900 gil アストラカーン (Astrakhan Hat) 5900 gil カーマニョール (Carmagnole) 5900 gil 鋼鉄のダイサー (Steel Mask) 8100 gil リフレクトメイル (Mirror Mail) 7500 gil クリスタルの盾 (Crystal Shield) 6360 gil ルーンブレイド (Runeblade) 12100 gil 邪迎八景 (Yakei) 9300 gil エアリアル (Zephyr Pole) 11850 gil バーニングボウ (Burning Bow) 11850 gil オリハルコン (Orichalcum Dirk) 11700 gil 時限のメイス (Doom Mace) 9700 gil ペネトレーター (Penetrator Crossbow) 12600 gil ダイヤソード (Diamond Sword) 10600 gil ハルバード (Halberd) 11200 gil アルデバラン (Aldebaran) 7700 gil フランシスカ (Francisca) 9500 gil 天空のロッド (Empyrean Rod) 6000 gil 裁きの杖 (Judicer's Staff) 5300 gil ----- Magic Shop: サンダガ (Thundaga) 7000 gil コンフュ (Confuse) 1400 gil ファイガ (Firaga) 6800 gil エアロガ (Aeroga) 5700 gil バニシガ (Vanishga) 3800 gil バイオ (Bio) 4000 gil ケアルダ (Curaga) 2400 gil ブリザラ (Blizzara) 3300 gil バーサク (Berserk) 900 gil ダーラ (Darkra) 3500 gil エスナ (Esuna) 2700 gil サンダラ (Thundara) 2900 gil ブレイク (Break) 1000 gil ストナ (Stona) 800 gil ファイラ (Fira) 2700 gil バヒール (Bleed) 1200 gil ストップ (Stop) 900 gil ケアルラ (Cura) 2000 gil エアロ (Aero) 1200 gil グラビデ (Gravity) 2300 gil レイズ (Raise) 1800 gil アクア (Water) 700 gil ドンアク (Disable) 700 gil シェル (Shell) 250 gil プロテス (Protect) 250 gil ブリザド (Blizzard) 240 gil ----- Tech Shop: 暗黒 (Souleater) 6000 gil 歩数攻撃 (Traveler) 4800 gil 密猟 (Poach) 5000 gil 時間攻撃 (Horology) 2000 gil チャージ (Charge) 1500 gil 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil ----- Item Shop: エクスポーション (X-Potion) 520 gil バッカスの酒 (Bacchus's Wine) 120 gil 万能薬 (Remedy) 400 gil ハイポーション (Hi-Potion) 180 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ----- Gambit Shop ----- Check out all the shops. You will find some new stuff in all of them but the Gambit Shop. Of note at the Item Shop are エクスポーション (X-Potion)s that you can now buy. If you were not able to beat ゼロムス (Zeromus) at the Stilshrine of Miriam, try the next time you can go there. Buy whatever weapon and armor upgrades that will improve your attack/defense (if any of them do). Talk to everyone walking around the streets by the magic and armor shops to get their 'real name' instead of the generic one. There aren't any new techs at the Tech shop. You can buy the map for the Tchita Uplands (3300 gil) and Archades (230 gil) from a moogle at the Tech Shop, though. The only new spell at the Magic shop is サンダガ (Thundaga). Go up the stairs and you should see ジュリー (July) crouched down. She will give you a サラマンド (Salamand Halcyon). If you never got one for the アルクトゥルス (Arcturus) gun forever ago, you can make one now and it will still be better than the guns you can buy up to this point. Say hi to ロッケンムウ (Roh'kenmu) in the magic shop too. He will mention the 月銀のメダル (Moonsilver Medallion). Respond with the top answer and Roh'kenmu will mention that 政民のオット (Otto) has it now. As he lives in Old Archades, go back there and find Otto at the northeast section of the west side of the area. He's right here: With the Moonsilver Medallion in hand, give it to Roh'kenmu at the magic shop. Now go to the twinkie-looking thing south of the armor/weapon shop. The driver of the twinkie taxi says you need 9 リーフ (Pinewood Chop)s. They cost 1,000,000 gil to buy, and the game will not let you buy them. Don't worry, good old Jules will tell you how to get chops for free (after you pay him 2500 gil). What you need to do is match up people on the four screens of Upper Archades. With each successful "hookup", you will get one ホワイトリーフ (Pinewood Chop). Nine are needed to advance the story, and there are 28 chops total. All 28 pairs are on the same screen with one another. If you get all 28 Pinewood Chops, you'll gain access to a new part of the town, which has a pot that can hold ダークエナジー (Dark Energy) if you have a Diamond Armlet equipped. It only appears 5% of the time and has an 80% chance to have gil. You can also do a side quest there that isn't really worth it. I get 9 chops then move on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt54b | White Leaves and Pinewood Chops | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just match up the 6 pairs at the armor/weapon shop screen, then go north to the magic/tech shop screen and match 3 more pairs to get the 9 chops I need. I played the North American version of the game shortly after it was released, and I made some screenshots of who I match up. As most of the people move around, it is kind of hard to pinpoint a location. I did however assemble this picture with the 9 pairs so there is some form of visualization: On ニルバス区 (Nilbasse Street): 見守る紳士 (Gentleman Onlooker) pairs with 売り込む男 (Eager Crier) おうえんする研究員 (Senior Researcher) pairs with 失敗した研究員 (Failed Researcher) 説明にこまる紳士 (Worried Husband) pairs with ブルーダイヤの婦人 (Materialistic Woman) 決意した研究員 (Determined Researcher) pairs with 元研究員の紳士 (Ex-Researcher) 空気を変えたい婦人 (Aspiring Starlet) pairs with 引退した婦人 (Faded Star) スポーツ好きの婦人 (Athletic Woman) pairs with 読書好きの研究員 (Avid Reader) On モールベリ区 (Molberry): ネックレスの男 (Poor Husband) pairs with ネックレスの女 (Poor Wife) 家庭教師の婦人 (Proud Mother) pairs with 家庭教師の紳士 (Tutor) そっくりの男 (Look-alike) pairs with そっくりの男 (Look-alike) ----- Once you have at least 9 ホワイトリーフ (Pinewood Chop)s, talk to the guy standing next to the twinkie taxi by the armor/weapon shop. In case you do want all 28 Pinewood Chops, here they are by each area: On ニルバス区 (Nilbasse), there are 6 pairs: 見守る紳士 (Gentleman Onlooker) pairs with 売り込む男 (Eager Crier) おうえんする研究員 (Senior Researcher) pairs with 失敗した研究員 (Failed Researcher) 説明にこまる紳士 (Worried Husband) pairs with ブルーダイヤの婦人 (Materialistic Woman) 決意した研究員 (Determined Researcher) pairs with 元研究員の紳士 (Ex-Researcher) 空気を変えたい婦人 (Aspiring Starlet) pairs with 引退した婦人 (Faded Star) スポーツ好きの婦人 (Athletic Woman) pairs with 読書好きの研究員 (Avid Reader) ----- On モールベリ区 (Molberry), there are 9 pairs: ネックレスの男 (Poor Husband) pairs with ネックレスの女 (Poor Wife) 家庭教師の婦人 (Proud Mother) pairs with 家庭教師の紳士 (Tutor) そっくりの男 (Look-alike) pairs with そっくりの男 (Look-alike) ホロッときた婦人 (Reminiscing Lady) pairs with 家族思いの娘 (Family-minded Girl) 魔道士の女 (Talented Woman) pairs with アカデミーの紳士 (Akademician) ジャッジになりたい男 (Would-be Judge) pairs with ジャッジの夫人 (Judge's Wife) アクセサリの婦人 (Daughter-in-Law) pairs with ギーザの男 (Man from Giza) 旅好きな婦人 (Avid Traveler) pairs with 旅の生活の紳士 (Traveling Gentleman) フェザーを目指す女 (Ardent Woman) pairs with フェザーを目指す男 (Ardent Man) ----- On トラント区 (Trant), there are 6 pairs: チケットの母 (Farce-Goer) pairs with チケットの娘 (Girl on an Errand) ビルヂングの紳士 (Builder) pairs with デザインが変な紳士 (Artisan Architect) 片思いの紳士 (Smitten Man) pairs with 片思いの婦人 (Smitten Woman) 歴史を知る老人 (Historian) pairs with 歴史を知りたい紳士 (Perceptive Man) ブティックの婦人 (Boutiquere) pairs with 金があまっている紳士 (Moneyed Gentleman) リュートの女 (Music Appreciator) pairs with リュート弾き (Lutenist) ----- On リーアナ区 (Rienna), there are 7 pairs: ガンビットの紳士 (Lazy Profiteer) pairs with カードをもらった婦人 (Researcher's Wife) 野菜を売る女 (Greenseller) pairs with 野菜を売る男 (Vegetable Seller) 入荷がうれしい紳士 (Good Brother) pairs with 入荷を待つ婦人 (Waiting Woman) ツアーの女 (Tour Leader) pairs with ビュエルバの婦人 (Bhujerban Lady) 手紙をひろった紳士 (Lucky Man) pairs with ロマンチックな婦人 (Romantic Lady) 美食研究家 (Philosopher of Cuisine) pairs with 料理が下手な婦人 (Dangerous Chef) タロットの女 (Tarot Reader) pairs with 幸せな小説を書く女 (Happy Novelist) ----- If you do get all 28, find the ギルドカウンター (Chopmaster) at the weapon, tech, magic, item, or gambit shop and choose the first response, リーフをフェザーに交換 (Trade pine chops for sandalwood). You can't get into the エア・アーケード (Grand Arcade) yet, which is where you gain access to for having the ブラックフェザー Sandalwood Chop. Once you are ready, talk to the タクシーガイド (Cab Guide) at ニルバス区 (Nilbasse) and respond with the top answer: ゼノーブル区へ行かたまえ (Take me to Tsenoble). There will be a teleport crystal nearby to activate. Fight Zeromus at the Stilshrine of Miriam now, or later if you were unable to win earlier on in the game, then warp back here. Head north, then when you regain control after the short scenes, speak to the twinkie Cab Guide. Respond with the middle response 例の場所へ行く (You know where to go), then the top one 行く (Let's go) to go to the next destination. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt55a | ドラクロア研究所 (Draklor Laboratory) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes (2) ----- Spells/Techs: 銭投げ (Gil Toss) Found on 第70階層 (70F), in room #02. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: リバースの魔片 / エアロガの魔片 (Reverse Mote / Aeroga Mote) Found on 第70階層 (70F), in the same room as Gil Toss. Pot stats: 50% to appear, 0% gil, contents: Reverse Mote / Aeroga Mote Pic: ----- Ok, I'm going to be honest, I really hate this area. Thankfully, in this version of the game, every single pot before 70F contains one of two Motes aside from one with a クレイモア (Claymore) on the 67th floor. The very first pot in the next area also has a Claymore, so if you can wait literally 10 minutes ahead in the game, you can get a Claymore anyway. If you are interested in mote farming, here is what each floor has. All pots here have a 0% chance of gil, so without the Diamond Armlet equipped, you will get one of two motes: -- 66F: バランスの魔片 (Balance Mote) / バイオの魔片 (Bio Mote) グラビデの魔片 (Gravity Mote) / エアロの魔片 (Aero Mote) アクアラの魔片 (Water Mote) / エアロガの魔片 (Aeroga Mote) All 3 pots on 66F have a 60% chance to appear, and 0% chance of gil. -- 67F: バランスの魔片 (Balance Mote) / エアロガの魔片 (Aeroga Mote) ケアルラの魔片 (Cura Mote) / バイオの魔片 (Bio Mote) Both pots on 67F have a 60% chance to appear, and 0% chance of gil. -- 68F: バランスの魔片 (Balance Mote) / バイオの魔片 (Bio Mote) アクアラの魔片 (Water Mote) / デスペルの魔片 (Dispel Mote) ケアルラの魔片 (Cura Mote) / アクアラの魔片 (Water Mote) バランスの魔片 (Balance Mote) / デジョンの魔片 (Warp Mote) All four pots on 68F have a 55% chance to appear, and 0% chance of gil. -- The Reverse/Aeroga Mote pot is at the top of the dungeon. Here is, as far as I know, the most direct path through the Draklor Laboratory: 66F: You start at the bottom center part of the floor. Head west until you reach an intersection, then go north until the next intersection, then go east at the next intersection, then north right afterward at the next intersection, then east at the next intersection. So from the start, just go W,N,E,N,E at each intersection you come across. Use the elevator to go to 67F. Here is a map I made of the directions above: 67F: Go east until the intersection, then north to the 研究室 (C.D.B.) door in the corner. After the cutscene, you will get the 研究所のカード (Lab Access Card) and the map. Now the map will be fuzzy and imperial guards will run at you. Also you get to fiddle with the red (more like orange) and blue doors/locks. Whatever color the panel is, that color of door is closed. It is very annoying trying to get through this area and to the chests. So here is how I get through the rest of the Draklor Laboratory. From the northeast corner, go south until the second room on your right (Rm 6703 East). The first room has a save crystal, but you probably just saved 3 minutes ago. The panel in here is blue, so hit the button to change it red (orange) then leave. Now just go back to the elevator, which is south until the first intersection, then west to the elevator. Go up to 68F. Here is a map I made of the directions above: 68F: Head east to the first intersection, then go north and into the first room on the left (Rm 6803 East). Flip the switch so the panel glows blue, then leave the room. Now go north to the first intersection, then west through the long hallway. Head south and go into the first room on the left (Rm 6804 West). Change the panel color to red (orange), then leave the room. Go south and west to reach the lower-left corner of the floor and go in the room (Rm 6811 West). Change the panel color to blue, then leave the room. Now all you need to do is go east, then north until the second intersection, then east to the elevator. Here is a map I made of the directions above: The room you run past on the way to the elevator (Rm 6801 West) is the room containing the Motes listed above for 68F, if you want to try farming them. The yellow dot on the 68F map is room Rm 6801 West. Take the elevator up to 70F when you are ready. 70F: When you can move around, you will see a save crystal in front of you to the right. Go ahead and save, then before you rush ahead to where Cid is, check out the room southeast of you (Rm 7002 East). In the corner away from you on the left is a pot with the 銭投げ (Gil Toss) tech. The real treasure is the one on the right. If the pot shows up (50%), you will get either a リバースの魔片 (Reverse Mote) or an エアロガの魔片 (Aeroga Mote). This is the *best spot in the game* for both of these Motes, especially the Reverse one. You cannot come back to the Draklor Laboratory after you leave. Stock up on however many Reverse Motes you think you will need for the rest of the game (including Trial Mode!), then save and go north to encounter Cid. At the start of the battle, make sure you grab the ヘイスガの魔片 (Hastega Mote) and ホーリーの魔片 (Holy Mote) in the area. As for Cid himself and the four ルーク (Rook)s, you will want to concentrate on the Rooks first. The Rooks will buff Cid, so Dispel what is cast on him. Upon beating one Rook, Balthier will talk some trash. Just get rid of the other 3 Rooks so you can concentrate on Cid himself. After a chunk of his life bar is removed, Cid will walk to the southern end of the room and do his special attack. If you block him, you can delay it for a little bit. Upon defeating him, Cid will tell you where to go next and you will wind up in a new town. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt56a | 港町バーフォンハイム (Port at Balfonheim) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Weapon/Armor Shop: デスブリンガー (Deathbringer) 13700 gil トライデント (Trident) 13500 gil 象牙の棒 (Ivory Pole) 13770 gil 裏切りの弓 (Traitor's Bow) 13500 gil スピカ (Spica) 11000 gil モーニングスター (Morning Star) 10000 gil プラチナメッサー (Platinum Dagger) 13700 gil ルーンブレイド (Runeblade) 12100 gil 邪迎八景 (Yakei) 9300 gil エアリアル (Zephyr Pole) 11850 gil バーニングボウ (Burning Bow) 11850 gil オリハルコン (Orichalcum Dirk) 11700 gil 時限のメイス (Doom Mace) 9700 gil ペネトレーター (Penetrator Crossbow) 12600 gil チャクラバンド (Chakra Band) 8100 gil 力だすき (Power Vest) 8100 gil ヒュプノクラウン (Hypnocrown) 8100 gil 碧玉のガウン (Jade Gown) 8100 gil 巨人の兜 (Giant's Helmet) 11000 gil キャラビニエール (Carabineer Mail) 9600 gil カエサルプレート (Kaiser Shield) 7000 gil シャコーハット (Officer's Hat) 7000 gil バレルコート (Barrel Coat) 7000 gil 大地の帽子 (Gaia Hat) 7000 gil マディーンの衣 (Maduin Gear) 7000 gil プラチナヘルム (Platinum Helm) 9300 gil プラチナアーマー (Platinum Armor) 8500 gil ----- Magic Shop: ケアルガ (Curaja) 7700 gil ブリザガ (Blizzaga) 7300 gil スロウガ (Slowga) 7000 gil ダーガ (Darkga) 7500 gil サンダガ (Thundaga) 7000 gil コンフュ (Confuse) 1400 gil ファイガ (Firaga) 6800 gil ----- Tech Shop: 暗黒 (Souleater) 6000 gil 歩数攻撃 (Traveler) 4800 gil 密猟 (Poach) 5000 gil 時間攻撃 (Horology) 2000 gil チャージ (Charge) 1500 gil 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil ----- Item Shop (by Gambit Shop): パワーリスト (Power Armlet) 5200 gil ふわふわミトラ (Fuzzy Miter) 1200 gil 舫結びのガロン (Bowline Sash) 1000 gil 瑪瑙の指輪 (Agate Ring) 3000 gil 魔法の手袋 (Magick Gloves) 3000 gil ブレイサー (Blazer Gloves) 3000 gil 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt) 800 gil 黒帯 (Black Belt) 600 gil 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage) 800 gil 革のゴルゲット (Leather Gorget) 1200 gil トルマリンの指輪 (Tourmaline Ring) 300 gil 鋼のゴルゲット (Steel Gorget) 1300 gil アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) 600 gil バングル (Bangle) 500 gil エクスポーション (X-Potion) 520 gil バッカスの酒 (Bacchus's Wine) 120 gil 万能薬 (Remedy) 400 gil ハイポーション (Hi-Potion) 180 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil ----- Item Shop (by teleport crystal): ローエングリン (Lohengrin) 3200 gil ヘビーランス (Heavy Lance) 3500 gil ロングボウ (Longbow) 4600 gil シリウス (Sirius) 2600 gil チョッパー (Chopper) 3200 gil パラミナボウ (Paramina Crossbow) 3300 gil 癒しのロッド (Healing Rod) 2590 gil 古代の検 (Ancient Sword) 2450 gil 小烏丸 (Kogarasumaru) 2500 gil 麝香勺 (Musk Stick) 3040 gil キラーボウ (Killer Bow) 2500 gil ウォーハンマー (War Hammer) 2500 gil ブージ (Bhuj) 2200 gil 魔法使いの杖 (Wizard's Staff) 1350 gil ウォーワーカ- (Soldier's Cap) 1400 gil バルキーコート (Heavy Coat) 1400 gil 閃光魔帽 (Flash Hat) 1400 gil 詠唱のジュラーバ (Chanter's Djellaba) 1400 gil フライングヘルム (Winged Helm) 2400 gil チェインメイル (Chainmail) 2300 gil ゴールドシールド (Golden Shield) 2000 gil バラクラバ (Balaclava) 1000 gil ポンチョ (Poncho) 1000 gil 三角帽子 (Tri-Horn Hat) 1000 gil 魔法使いの服 (Magician's Cloth) 1000 gil バルビュータ (Barbut) 1800 gil リネンキュラッサ (Linen Cuirass) 1800 gil ラウンドシールド (Round Shield) 1100 gil 西陣の帯 (Nishijin Belt) 800 gil 黒帯 (Black Belt) 600 gil 薔薇のコサージュ (Rose Corsage) 800 gil 革のゴルゲット (Leather Gorget) 1200 gil トルマリンの指輪 (Tourmaline Ring) 300 gil 鋼のゴルゲット (Steel Gorget) 1300 gil アーガイルの腕輪 (Argyle Armlet) 600 gil バングル (Bangle) 500 gil オニオンアロー (Onion Arrows) 100 gil オニオンシャフト (Onion Bolts) 100 gil オニオンバレット (Onion Shot) 100 gil オニオンボム (Onion Bombs) 100 gil ハイポーション (Hi-Potion) 180 gil ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) 50 gil クロノスの涙 (Chronos Tear) 60 gil 金の針 (Gold Needle) 80 gil 王子の口づけ (Alarm Clock) 50 gil あぶらとり紙 (Handkerchief) 50 gil フェニックスの尾 (Phoenix Down) 200 gil やまびこ草 (Echo Herbs) 50 gil 毒消し (Antidote) 50 gil 目薬 (Eye Drops) 50 gil ポーション (Potion) 60 gil 密猟 (Poach) 5000 gil 字間攻撃 (Horology) 2000 gil チャージ (Charge) 1500 gil 応急手当 (First Aid) 600 gil ライブラ (Libra) 400 gil ストップ (Stop) 900 gil ケアルラ (Cura) 2000 gil エアロ (Aero) 1200 gil グラビデ (Gravity) 2300 gil レイズ (Raise) 1800 gil アクア (Water) 700 gil ドンアク (Disable) 700 gil シェル (Shell) 250 gil プロテス (Protect) 250 gil ブリザド (Blizzard) 240 gil ギサールの野菜 (Gysahl Greens) 108 gil テレポストーン (Teleport Stone) 200 gil ----- Gambit Shop ----- There may be a few equipment improvements at the shop. You can possibly find some of the best stuff in the game for free at the next area, but the chance is pretty low for almost all of it. Be sure to stop at the magic shop and pick up whatever -ga spells you need. There is nothing new at the item/accessory shop. The moogle right by the teleport crystal sells the maps for the Cerobi Steppe (4100 gil) and Balfonheim (80 gil). The item shop by the teleport crystal is the guy from the Nam-Yensa Sandsea. He sells the exact same stuff as before aside from ギサールの野菜 (Gysahl Greens) and テレポストーン (Teleport Stone)s. There are six new hunts available at the bar and two from Montblanc. You can do the hunts now or go to the Feywood to advance the story. Or, you can go north of Balfonheim to the Cerobi Steppe, to try getting some good equipment from the many pots in the area. The overall chance of getting what you want is low, but hey, why not try? The リブート (Cleanse) spell and 遠隔攻撃 (Telekinesis) tech are helpful, so at least try to grab those. If you do not want to go for items at the Cerobi Steppe, search for 'Vyraal' to skip the Cerobi Steppe pot section. I'm going to try the Cerobi Steppe now, as I can get the loot to make the アルテマブレイド (Ultima Blade) and a バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt) in addition to maybe getting lucky with some pots! ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt57a | セロビ台地 (Cerobi Steppe) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: リブート (Cleanse) Found at 河岸段丘 (The Terraced Bank), in a pot on top of a trap. Pot stats: 20% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: 遠隔攻撃 (Telekinesis) Found at エルアニス旧街道 (Old Elanise Road) by the exit to the Tchita Uplands. Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- --------- | wt57b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- You can get the アダマンタイト (Adamantite) loot dropped and poached from the アダマンタイタス (Adamantitan) turtles at the Cerobi Steppe. Adamantite is used for the アルテマブレイド (Ultima Blade) and バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt) bazaar trades. The Ultima Blade needs 2 Adamantite and the Bubble Belt needs 1. Also, if you want to make the デュランダルA (Durandal A), you can get the 輪竜のウロコ (Wyrm Scale) loot from the シールドドラゴン (Shield Wyrm)s much easier here than at Nabreus. Get 4 Wyrm Scales for the Durandal A by stealing them from Shield Wyrms or via drop. -LOOT ALERT- Every single pot out of the 98 item pots at Cerobi will give you gil or a サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust). You *MUST* have a ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet) equipped on the party leader to have a 5% chance at getting the actual decent/good item. I am simply going to go room-by-room, include the good item and the pot stats, then link to a screencap of where the pots are in each area of the Cerobi Steppe. Hopefully you will get something good here! ----- 南リィーヴィル丘陵 (South Liavell Hills) Pic: 1-クレイモア (Claymore) Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) 2-バルガースケール (Arc Scale) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 3-クロススケール (Cross Scale) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 4-忍びの衣 (Ninja Gear) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 5-ペルセウスの弓 (Perseus Bow) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 6-阿修羅 (Ashura) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 7-櫂棒 (Sweep) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 8-大地の衣 (Gaia Gear) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 9-マルチスケール (Multiscale) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 10-プリニートロイデ (Hornito) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 11-ペジオニーテ (Fumarole) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 12-金の髪飾り (Gold Hairpin) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 13-桜囀り (Sakura-Saezuri) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 14-ダークショット (Dark Shot) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 15-アガザイ (Sapping Bolts) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil ----- 北リィーヴィル丘陵 (North Liavell Hills) Pic: 16-ドラゴンヘルム (Dragon Helm) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 17-ダークエナジー (Dark Energy) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 18-白の仮面 (White Mask) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 19-ラバーコンシャス (Rubber Suit) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 20-雲の杖 (Cloud Staff) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 21-ミネルバビスチェ (Minerva Bustier) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 22-マールコニーデ (Caldera) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 23-千分のノギス (Caliper) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 24-アルクトゥルス (Arcturus) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 25-八角棒 (Eight-fluted Pole) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 26-ゾーリンシェイプ (Zwill Crossblade) Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 27-ウォーターボム (Water Bombs) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 28-影縫い (Kagenui) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil ----- 河岸段丘 (The Terraced Bank) Pic: 29-ダークマター (Dark Matter) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 30-ダークマター (Dark Matter) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 31-メイスオブゼウス (Zeus Mace) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 32-フェイスロッド (Rod of Faith) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 33-デュランダル (Durandal) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 34-黒のローブ (Black Robe) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 35-ゴールドアックス (Golden Axe) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 36-リブート (Cleanse) / Pot stats: 20% to appear (no respawn after opening) 37-黒の仮面 (Black Mask) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 38-ラストエリクサー (Megalixir) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 39-ムラマサ (Muramasa) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 40-ブレイクブレイド (Stoneblade) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 41-石化の弾 (Stone Shot) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 42-伊賀忍刀 (Iga Blade) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil ----- フェディック川 (Feddik River) Pic: 43-クレイモア (Claymore) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 44-ミスリルブレイド (Mythril Blade) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 45-グランドメイス (Grand Mace) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 46-ぐりぐりばんばん (Cudgel) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 47-甲賀忍刀 (Koga Blade) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 48-鯨の髭 (Whale Whisker) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 49-マクシミリアン (Maximilian) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 50-竜の髭 (Dragon Whisker) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 51-ダークエナジー (Dark Energy) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 52-グランドヘルム (Grand Helm) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 53-ブレイブスーツ (Brave Suit) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 54-フォーマルハウト (Fomalhaut) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 55-ラストエリクサー (Megalixir) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 56-ミラージュベスト (Mirage Vest) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 57-メテオライト (Meteorite D) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil ----- 北部段丘 (Northsward) Pic: 58-黄金のスカラー (Golden Skullcap) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 59-光のスティフォス (Glimmering Robes) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 60-魔力のシシャーク (Magepower Shishak) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 61-おろち (Orochi) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 62-シェルシールド (Shell Shield) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 63-ビブロスの骨 (Bone of Byblos) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 64-ベネチアプレート (Venetian Shield) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 65-バルトロの種 (Baltoro's Seed) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 66-グランドアーマー (Grand Armor) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 67-シカリのナガサ (Danjuro) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 68-ローブオブロード (Lordly Robes) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 69-ラストエリクサー (Megalixir) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 70-ブルカノ式 (Volcano) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 71-アルテミスの矢 (Artemis Arrows) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil ----- 交差ヶ原 (Crossfield) Pic: 72-サークレット (Circlet) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 73-アルテマブレイド (Ultima Blade) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 74-柳生の漆黒 / (Yagyu Darkblade) Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 75-リジェネモリオン (Renewing Morion) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 76-デュエルマスク (Dueling Mask) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gil 77-ユークリッド定規 (Euclid's Sextant) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 78-宿命のサジタリア (Sagittarius) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 79-ミスリルソード (Mythril Sword) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 80% gi 80-蠍のしっぽ (Scorpion Tail) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 81-シャプロンの帽子 (Chaperon) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 82-イージスの盾 (Aegis Shield) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 83-デモンズシールド (Demon Shield) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 84-ダークエナジー (Dark Energy) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 85-グランドボルト (Grand Bolt) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil ----- エルアニス旧街道 (Old Elanise Road) Pic: 86-白のローブ (White Robes) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 87-ローレルクラウン (Crown of Laurels) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 88-賢者の杖 (Staff of the Magi) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 89-ディフェンダー (Defender) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 90-ドラゴンメイル (Dragon Mail) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 91-悪臭ボム (Stink Bombs) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 92-アルテミスの弓 (Artemis Bow) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 93-アンタレス (Antares) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 94-凍て雲の矢 (Ice Cloud Arrows) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 50% gil 95-ガストラフェテス (Gastrophetes) / Pot stats: 10% to appear, 80% gil 96-シーフの帽子 (Thief's Cap) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 97-アスピーテ (Tumulus) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 98-計算尺 (Gilt Measure) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 99-ホーリーロッド (Holy Rod) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 100-ブラッドソード (Blood Sword) / Pot stats: 20% to appear, 20% gil 101-遠隔攻撃 (Telekinesis) / Pot stats: 100% to appear (no respawn after opening) ----- Let's get some more marks started. Check out the billboard at the bar in Balfonheim. There should be 6 new monsters you can destroy. Go ahead and initiate all six: ダークスティール (Darksteel), ヴィラール (Vyraal), リンドヴァルム (Lindwyrm), オーバーロード (Overlord), ゴリアテ (Goliath), and デスサイズ (Deathscythe). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt57c | Mark: ヴィラール (Vyraal) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most of the clients are at Archades and Nalbina, but one is found inside this very bar. Looking out to the ocean is a 旅のヴィエラ (Viera Wayfarer). Speak to her to get the ヴィラール (Vyraal) hunt underway. It won't take very long to get リブート (Cleanse) or 遠隔攻撃 (Telekinesis), and they are useful. To get the Cleanse spell, go west two screens from the Balfonheim exit. A little south of the center of this area, you may see a pot with a trap underneath. This is either the pot with the Cleanse spell or the one that can have a ゴールドアックス (Golden Axe). It can also be both pots, the second one showing up instantly after the first one is opened. If you get the Cleanse spell, move on to the north. Keep going north past the save crystal, then go west in the next area. At the far northern part of this last area in the zone is where you will find the 遠隔攻撃 (Telekinesis) tech. This lets the character hit flying enemies no matter what weapon is being used. Go ahead and take the northeastern exit to the Tchita Uplands, and use the blue save crystal there. Return to the Cerobi Steppe. Go south then northeast if you want to fight the next mark. The 旅のヴィエラ (Viera Wayfarer) should say hi and join you to fight Vyraal. He's the only monster on the screen during the hunt, so he should be easy to find. You can try to avoid him if you want to go for any pots on this screen, since no other ones will show up while Vyraal is around. I'm not sure what Vyraal does, since I kept confusing him with the Blood Sword A. Earth attacks heal him, and fire, water, and dark do half damage. Wind is Vyraal's weakness. He used ドンムブガ (Immobilizega) and made himself invulnerable to magic at near-death one time. You will receive an item, the ヴィエラの荷物 (Viera Rucksack) when Vyraal is beaten. Return to the bar at Balfonheim to receive your reward: 3500 gil, a ハルバード (Halberd), and an イージスの盾 (Aegis Shield). You will also receive a 竜のうろこ (Dragon Scale). Let's put that to use now. Once again, go to the Cerobi Steppe. Actually, go right back to where you you fought Vyraal at, 北部段丘 (Northsward). You may have noticed the various numbered windmills here. What you want to do is go to #10: The man hanging out there will ask for the Dragon Scale. Hand it over, and you will receive the ぼろぼろのカギ (Ageworn Key). You can use this now if you want to fight a really powerful monster and/or try to get one of the strongest shields in the game. If you want to give the monster a try now, warp to ソーヘン地下宮殿 (Sochen Cave Palace). Go back to the diamond-shaped room where you unlocked a passageway going west, to the room on the left by itself on the map. Use the Ageworn Key on the door and say hi to the 魔神竜 (Hellwyrm). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt57d | 魔神竜 (Hellwyrm) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hellwyrm is a pretty large monster. You may notice the 50 little rectangles under its health bar. Each of those represent one full health bar. That's a lot of HP! The Hellwyrm has so much HP, that you can take some off, and it will not be restored later. This allows you to leave the room, heal up, then come back right where you left off. I don't fight this guy now; I wait until I have a couple of holy-elemental forms of attack, since the Hellwyrm is weak to the holy element. You can get the second-strongest shield in the game, the 最強の盾 (Zodiac Escutcheon), at the far north-central end of the Hellwyrm's lair. The pot only has a 1% chance to appear, but will definitely have the shield if the pot is there. It will not respawn. If you really want it now, you can go straight up and past the Hellwyrm to see if the Zodiac Escutcheon pot will spawn for you. The Zodiac Escutcheon is rather strong; it gives +75 evade, +45 magic evade, and the wearer is immune to thunder damage. Here is where the Zodiac Escutcheon pot is exactly: After checking out the Hellwyrm, warp to the Sochen Cave Palace (if you are not already there), then go north of the teleport crystal into Lower Archades. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt57e | Mark: リンドヴァルム (Lindwyrm), オーバーロード (Overlord), | | | ダークスティール (Darksteel), ゴリアテ (Goliath), | | | デスサイズ (Deathscythe) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Northeast of the blue save crystal/Jules, you will find フルモン(Fermon). Speak to him to get the リンドヴァルム (Lindwyrm) hunt underway. He is right here: Go to Upper Archades to get two more marks started. The first client is in the tech shop. Speak to the モデたいシーク (Insecure Seeq) to get the オーバーロード (Overlord) hunt going. Now go to the weapon shop of Upper Archades. As soon as you enter, look to the right to find the client, ふるさとへ帰りたい男 (Homesick Man). He wants ダークスティール (Darksteel) dead. There are still 2 more hunts to initiate, so let's get them going, too. Head to Nalbina. You can get there two ways: go south of the weapon shop to the twinkie-cab guy, then choose the first option. Use the teleport crystal to warp to Nalbina. If you want to fly there, go to the airship terminal and choose to go to Nalbina (if you want to try for that invisible bow again). The other two hunt clients are found at Nalbina. Since I'm incredibly hopeful, I flew there from Archades. The next client, バロング (Barrong), can be found in a little alcove northeast of the weapon shop. Speak to him to get the ゴリアテ (Goliath) hunt going. The other client is found near the tech shop at Nalbina. Speak to ポポル (Popol) to get the デスサイズ (Deathscythe) hunt underway. Go southwest to the teleport crystal, then warp to the Sochen Cave Palace. Head back into the "dungeon" part of the zone. You should see some really big purple-shelled turtle in front of you. Go and take on ダークスティール (Darksteel). As it is a gigantoid turtle, you can do the 'chase' strategy. If you have a Nihopalaoa, a Remedy will inflict the [Virus], Blind, and Poison ailments on Darksteel. He died pretty fast, so I do not really know what all the Darksteel can do in a fight, aside from 石化にらみ (Stone Gaze). Dark-elemental attacks heal him, so don't use those. Now go to the first room of the Sochen Cave Palace, by the Tchita Uplands exit. The モデたいシーク (Insecure Seeq) should talk to you and join the group for a bit. Just head southwest and you will bump into the オーバーロード (Overlord). With the Nihopalaoa, the Overlord can be affected by Confuse, [Virus], [Slow], Silence, and Blind. Confusing him while casting magic is probably the safest way to fight this guy. Don't use fire- based attacks as they heal the Overlord. Water is the way to go. After he's dead, exit the Sochen Cave Palace via the Tchita Uplands exit for the next mark. If you have not yet received the reward for the vegetable guys fought earlier at the Sochen Cave Palace, go to the '!' mark on the Tchita Uplands map (for me, it is at the blue save crystal. Go there after going to the teleport crystal, if that is where the '!' is). After receiving the incredible reward (1000 gil and 3 Remedy), go one screen south of the western blue save crystal, 終焉と旅立ちの庭 (Garden of Life's Circle). This is where the リンドヴァルム (Lindwyrm) appears, but it only shows up in rainy weather. What you want to do is head 3 screens east, to the eastern save crystal by the Cerobi Steppe exit. You want the weather at the save crystal to be cloudy/overcast. If it is not cloudy, exit east to the Cerobi Steppe, then go back to the Tchita Uplands. Keep repeating until it is cloudy/overcast: Once it is cloudy out, go west to 終焉と旅立ちの庭 (Garden of Life's Circle). One screen east of that room, 矢われた街道 (The Lost Way), it should be raining. Upon reaching Garden of Life's Circle, simply beat all of the enemies in the room (mostly Serpents), go to The Lost Way, then return to make the リンドヴァルム (Lindwyrm) come out of hiding: The Nihopalaoa inflicts Sleep, [Slow], Silence, and Blind on the Lindwyrm. Putting it to sleep allows you to blast it with spells. If your experience level is an even number, be ready to guard against レベル2睡眠 (Lv. 2 Sleep) if it is used against you in the battle. レベル4ブレイク (Lv. 4 Break) can also be cast by this guy. Wind attacks are very effective against the Lindwyrm, so use whatever wind-based attacks you have access to. Make sure to de-buff Lindwyrm whenever it tries to have Protect and Shell cast. At around 33% health, the Lindwyrm will use the 治癒 (Renew) ability to return to about 75% health. Try to have it asleep or use a mist combo to finish it off before Renew is used. The second time Renew was used, the Lindwyrm only went from 33% health to about 50%. Upon defeating the Lindwyrm, you will receive a 朽ちた鎧の破片 (Rusted Scrap of Armor). The last two marks are both found at the Necrohol of Nabudis. Get to a teleport crystal, then warp to the Nabreus Deadlands. You can fight the last two marks at the very back room and center room of Nabudis, so just walk there from Nabreus. At Nabudis, get past all those traps, then turn left and you will see a really big castle-monster thing. A Nihopalaoa'd Remedy will inflict Slow on ゴリアテ (Goliath). This guy likes to use Wind and Dark-elemental attacks, so equip yourself properly. Clobber him with your own Darkness-elemental attacks, then make your way to the third (middle) room of Nabudis. Once you are at 気高き者たちの間 (Cloister of the Highborn), デスサイズ (Deathscythe) will appear when two of your party members are in near-death status (or have 1 member in the party and make him or her be in near-death status). Achieve that, then feel free to heal. He would not show up for me until I got close to the Babil monsters: Deathscythe likes dark-elemental spells, so equip yourself accordingly. The Nihopalaoa can inflict Confuse, Slow, Immobilize, Silence, and Blind on it (via a Remedy). When it has reached near-death status, Deathscythe will become invulnerable to physical attacks. Spells will still work (at least fire, ice, thunder, and wind-elemental ones) on Deathscythe. Holy attacks work the best, if you have any of those. Upon beating Deathscythe, go get the rewards for the five hunts just completed. Exit Nabudis from either exit, then warp from the teleport crystal you choose to the Sochen Cave Palace. Head into Lower Archades. Up first is フルモン (Fermon), found northeast of the blue save crystal. Speak to him to receive the reward for beating the Lindwyrm: 4200 gil, a ミネルバビスチェ (Minerva Bustier), and one ハイエーテル (Hi-Ether). Now go to Upper Archades. Check on the seeq inside the tech shop to receive the reward for beating the Overlord: 3500 gil, 2 ハイエーテル (Hi-Ether)s, and 1 テレポストーン (Teleport Stone). Fantastic!! Now go to the weapon shop, then speak to the Homesick Man just to the right of the door for the reward for beating Darksteel: 3000 gil, 鉛のクォーラル (Lead Bolts), and 1 アダマンタイト (Adamantite). Get to Nalbina however you want, then speak to バロング (Barrong) in the little alcove northeast of the weapon shop for the Goliath reward: 3600 gil, the セーブザクィーン (Save the Queen) sword, and some アインヘリエル (Einherjarium). Check back with ポポル (Popol) by the tech shop for the Deathscythe reward: 2800 gil, 2 ハイエーテル (Hi-Ether)s, and a ソウルオブサマサ (Soul of Thamasa). You've seen a couple of the Nalbina mark clients speak to a seeq named 新人ジョヴィ (Jovy). Go back around the weapon shop and talk to him. He will blab with you for a bit, then give you an エリクサー (Elixir) and a サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust). Now get to Rabanastre whichever way you prefer. ============================================================================= Give Montblanc a visit. Your clan rank probably went up (I am "Knights of the Round" now), and there will be 2 hunts to start. Get the 謎の男 (Enigmatic Man) and ベリト (Belito) hunts started with Montblanc. Head to the clan shop, since you can buy a couple of new things there now. You can purchase フェザーブーツ (Feather Boots) and the リバース (Reverse) spell. Buy Reverse, as it is more useful in the International version of the game, and will help out when fighting a few marks. Warp to the Lhusu Mines. If you want to purchase some バランスの魔片 (Balance Mote)s, the seeq shopkeeper near the Lhusu Mines entrance sells them now for 180 gil each. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt57f | Mark: 謎の男 (Ancient Man of Mystery) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the Lhusu Mines teleport crystal, go west one screen and you will run into the "Ancient Man of Mystery". Get rid of エンキドゥ (Enkidu)'s haste, and try to use a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy on both Enkidu and ギルガメッシュ (Gilgamesh). Enkidu can be inflicted with Sleep, [Slow], Silence, Blind, Poison, and Oil. Gilgamesh will get inflicted with Slow. If you have anyone that can use fire attacks, roast Enkidu with them. You can also just keep him asleep and let him die from poison. As soon as Enkidu goes down, you can start stealing some stuff from Gilgamesh. First up is an エクスポーション (X-Potion). After Gilgamesh talks to you (around 15% HP loss), use another Nihopalaoa'd Remedy and steal from him again. This time you'll get an awesome ポーション (Potion). At around 40% HP loss, Gilgamesh will pull out a replica of Cloud's Buster Sword from FF7. Dispel the Protect on him, use another Nihopalaoa'd Remedy, and steal from him again to get another Potion. At around 60% HP loss, Gilgamesh will pull out a replica of Squall's gunblade from FF8. Dispel the Protect and Shell on him, use another Nihopalaoa'd Remedy, and be sure to steal from him yet again. This time you will get the 源氏の盾 (Genji Shield). Gilgamesh looks like he is about the only source of nearly all the Genji equipment (you can get a Genji Glove from the hunt guys at the Phon Coast). Up next is some curvy sword when Gilgamesh is at around 15% HP. Repeat the Dispel + Nihopalaoa'd Remedy + steal one more time. Gilgamesh will use a magic barrier, which makes him immune to all damage. Wait for it wear off, then keep trying to steal before defeating him, as this is when you can steal the 源氏の小手 (Genji Gloves). The Genji Gloves allows the bearer to have a higher combo rate. If you did not steal the Genji Shield and Genji Gloves, you should probably reset and try again. As far as I know, the Genji Shield is a "lost forever" if you do not steal it from him during this fight. When Gilgamesh is defeated, he and Enkidu will run away, deeper into the Lhusu Mines. To reach the deeper part of the Lhusu Mines, you need to have a key. Let's go get it right now. Warp to the Phon Coast. At the Phon Coast, walk northwest from the teleport crystal. Near a man sitting down, you should see something shining on the ground. Pick up the 第11鉱区のカギ (Site 11 Key), then warp back to the Lhusu Mines. The key is here: ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt58a | ルース魔石鉱 (Lhusu Mines) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: コラプス (Scathe) Found at 作業準備区 (Staging Area), by the blue save crystal. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: おろち (Orochi) Found at 第11鉱区採掘場 (Site 11), in the southwestern part of the room. Pot stats: 90% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: リジェネモリオン (Renewing Morion) Found at 第11鉱区採掘場 (Site 11), in northwestern corner of the room. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: 竜の髭 (Dragon Whisker) Found at ラッシェ橋 (Lasche Span) around the middle of the bridge. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: ビブロスの骨 (Bone of Byblos) Found at 第5鉱区採掘場 (Site 5), in the northwestern corner. Pot stats: 25% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: 光のスティフォス (Glimmering Robes) Found at 第5鉱区採掘場 (Site 5), in the southeastern corner. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: 鯨の髭 (Whale Whisker) Found at 第6鉱区北採掘場 (Site 6 North), in the hidden northern room. Pot stats: 100% to appear, %0 has gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: 魔力のシシャーク (Magepower Shishak) Found at 第6鉱区南採掘場 (Site 6 South), in the northeastern alcove. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: マサムネ (Masamune) Found at 第7鉱区採掘場 (Site 7), at the back of the room. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% has gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- Wow, there are a lot of high-tier weapons to find here! As it is easy to get them to show (25% isn't that bad), make sure you grab any of the above weapons that can be equipped by your party. Go west from the teleport crystal, then southwest to a fence (pretty close to where you fought the Antlion earlier). Use the Site 11 Key to open the fence. The exit is at the northeastern part of the area. You can find the おろち (Orochi) in a pot if you go to the southwestern alcove first. About halfway through the room, exit to the east to get to a fence that links to the earlier part of the dungeon, then double back and go northeast to the next room. You'll have to open a gate at the northwestern corner of the room first. There's a pot by the switch that has a リジェネモリオン (Renewing Morion). If you have any party members that can use light armor, be sure to take it. The Renewing Morion adds Auto-Regen to the wearer. Head east from the Renewing Morion pot to proceed to the next part of the mines. You can grab the 竜の髭 (Dragon Whisker) in a pot by a bunch of traps. Keep going. Watch out for the アイロネート (Aeronite)s, they can be kind of annoying. --------- | wt58b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you are planning to make the マサムネI (Masamune-I), you can get that second とんかち (Mallet) you need right now. Re-enter the diagonal room with the アイロネート (Aeronite)s until you see a bomb-family monster. You can steal a Mallet from the ブリート (Burrito! Nah, Bombshell). The Bombshell should appear near the southeastern exit, right around here: -LOOT ALERT- In this next room, go forward until the path splits three ways. Go south to an alcove to find the map. If you want the strongest mace for a Red Mage, go to the alcove northwest of the map, and the ビブロスの骨 (Bone of Byblos) can show up in a pot with a 25% chance of appearing. Now head to the small alcove northeast of the map, and in a pot you will find the second-strongest mystic armor in the game, 光のスティフォス (Glimmering Robes). Take either path eastward to the next room. If you want to grab the 鯨の髭 (Whale Whisker) pole, head directly north from either entrance to this room. You'll find a small alcove off the map with two pots, one has the 鯨の髭 (Whale Whisker), the other has マクシミリアン (Maximilian) armor. Head back to the larger room, then search the northeastern alcove to find a 魔力のシシャーク (Magepower Shishak), the third-strongest heavy helmet. Make your way south and you will reach the save crystal. Open the pot in the save crystal room, as it has the コラプス (Scathe) spell. Buff up the party, then go south to fight Gilgamesh a second time. Start the battle by getting rid of エンキドゥ (Enkidu)'s buffs, then toss a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy at Enkidu only (Gilgamesh resists it). If you run past them to the edge of the room, you'll see a pot with the マサムネ (Masamune). Concentrate on Enkidu first, until he is defeated. Or, since he can be put to sleep and be poisoned, you can just let him slowly die of poison. Just zonk him out again once he wakes up. Gilgamesh is a "Lv. _" spell fiend. He can use レベル2睡眠 (Lv. 2 Sleep), レベル4ブレイク (Lv. 4 Break), and probably the other Lv. _ attacks (he just used Lv. 2 Sleep and Lv. 4 Break this time through). Once you have Gilgamesh alone, steal from him immediately if you want a ハイポーション (Hi-Potion). At around the 85% HP mark, Gilgamesh will taunt you again. Steal from him now for another Hi-Potion and/or an エクスポーション (X-Potion). Once Gilgamesh hits about the 60% HP mark, he will pull out some sword with a skull on it. Dispel his Protect and steal from him now to get another Hi-Potion. This is where Gilgamesh will start hitting very hard, and combo much more frequently. This is where the リバース (Reverse) spell and Reverse Motes come into play. Hopefully you stocked up on Reverse Motes earlier at the Draklor Laboratory. Make sure you turn off any healing and エスナ (Esuna) gambits, so Reverse doesn't end up killing you. What Reverse does is it makes healing and damage opposite. Healing items and spells will hurt a Reversed target, and damage tends to heal. This includes all those 5-hit attack combos Gilgamesh can perform. If you have the デコイ (Decoy) spell, try having that cast on the character with the highest HP to increase the chances of not getting everyone obliterated when Reverse wears off. Unlike the original version of the game, the Reverse spell will always successfully get cast on your party, making it a very useful (some may say cheap) spell on particularly hard-hitting enemies. This is also the point at which Gilgamesh can definitely cast レベル3ドンアク (Lv. 3 Disable), if he couldn't already before. Make sure you defend against this! At around the 45% HP mark, Gilgamesh will pull out that curvy yellow sword again. Make sure to Dispel his buffs and steal from him at this time to get the 源氏の兜 (Genji Helmet). Keep Reverse on and smack him until his next weapon change. Upon reaching around 15% HP, Gilgamesh will pull out his final sword, the "Blade of Legend", aka Loto/Erdrick's Sword from Dragon Quest/Warrior 1-3. Very shortly after the weapon change, Gilgamesh will use 絶対防御 (Perfect Defense), which makes him immune to all damage. If you weren't able to steal or Dispel him, try to avoid him until it wears off. Without the Reverse spell, Gilgamesh can probably kill you quickly. Be careful! When Perfect Defense wears off, try to steal from Gilgamesh to obtain the last of the Genji equipment, the 源氏の鎧 (Genji Armor). Like the other Genji equipment (aside from the Gloves), I think most of the Genji equipment is only obtainable from the two Gilgamesh battles. If you couldn't earlier, get rid of his buffs, then wail on him. Another option is to try for a big mist combo before he reaches near-death status, to avoid the defense/stat increase a lot of bosses get. Upon beating Gilgamesh the second time, he runs away again, leaving the Sword of Legend on the ground. You can't pick it up, however. When you leave the room, Gilgamesh will sneak back to take the sword and run away. Well, you're pretty much done with the Lhusu Mines, so go ahead and get out, then warp to the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt58c | Mark: ベリト (Belito) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- For this mark, you will want to go to the area of the Nam-Yensa Sandsea that is by itself, where イムドゥグド (Imdugud) was fought. To get there from here, go to 中央ジャンクション (Central Junction). At the Zertinan Caverns, simply take the exit to the Nam-Yensa Sandsea to the northwest of you in the same room. At the Nam-Yensa Sandsea, just walk to the circular area at the end of the room. You'll see a bangaa sitting down. "Belito" will come out, revealing itself to be good ol' バッガモナン (Ba'Gamnan). One of his cronies, ブワジ (Bwagi), is with him. ギジュー (Gijuk) and リノ (Rinok) will come running from the other side of the room. Dispel each opponent as they reach you, and feel free to toss a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy at them, too. Just beat them one by one, it shouldn't be difficult. Ba'Gamnan likes to dodge attacks. Nullify that by equipping the カメオのベルト (Cameo Belt) onto your main fighter. You can steal a ダークマター (Dark Matter) from Ba'Gamnan (it's the rare; you may just get an Elixir instead). Once you've beaten Ba'Gamnan, the bangaa that fought with you, モーニ (Moni), will give you the reward for the Belito hunt: 5100 gil and a ラストエリクサー (Megalixir). Let's get the reward for beating Gilgamesh now, too. It must be a great sword, what with all those Gilgamesh wielded in the battle against him. Back at Rabanastre, speak to Montblanc for the Gilgamesh hunt reward: 10,000 gil and the エクスカリパー (Excalibur)!!! Oh, wait, it's the Excalipoor. The Excalipoor has 1 attack. I don't even know if you can do double-digit damage with it. It is a nice little throwback to FF5, however. Do what you want with the Excalipoor, then warp to the Nabreus Deadlands. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt59a | ナブレウス湿原 (Nabreus Deadlands) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the Nabreus Deadlands, go back to that マクレイオ (Ma'kleou) guy standing by the blue save crystal. He and two more...whatever-they-are's, will talk about a medal, then leave. Where you want to go now is the off-the-map area where you fought ロビー (Roblon). Go back there and stand where Roblon was (the dais). Ma'kleou and his pals will do a great Dhalsim impression and teleport right there. You'll receive the 勇気のメダル (Medallion of Bravery), 愛のメダル (Medallion of Love), and 力なき力のメダル (Lusterless Medallion). Now you can open 2 of those 3 sealed doors at Nabudis. Let's go there now. Inside Nabudis, at 白き約束の回廊 (Hall of the Ivory Covenant), you will see the 憎悪の扉 (Door of Loathing). Choose the first option, then select to use the 愛のメダル (Medallion of Love) to open the door. In this room, a gigantic Behemoth-family monster will appear. Then your true opponent will land on top of the monster's head. It's time to battle フューリー (Fury), the bunny rabbit of death. Make sure to Dispel Fury's buffs. A Nihopalaoa'd Remedy will inflict [Slow], Silence, and Sap onto Fury. Make sure you de-buff him whenever he uses 英雄マーチ (Hero's March) again. Equip the カメオのベルト (Cameo Belt) to get past Fury's high evasion rate. Use water-based attacks if you have some. When you see Fury start to use 時のレクイエム (Time's Requiem), equip パワーリスト (Power Armlet)s to avoid being Stopped. At near-death status, Fury will use a バッカスの酒 (Bacchus's Wine) to Berserk itself. You can remove it with Dispel or a Nihopalaoa'd Bacchus's Wine. If Fury uses another one, just keep him busy with undoing his Berserk and he should go down pretty smoothly. After beating Fury, grab the ゴールドアックス (Golden Axe) in the pot, then leave the room. Now go to 美しき調べの間 (Cloister of Distant Song) and open the 恐怖の扉 (Door of Horror) with the 勇気のメダル (Medallion of Bravery) to fight another boss. The フンババボス (Humbaba Mistant), to be exact. Dispel his buffs, and use a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy to inflict Silence and Sap on the Humbaba Mistant. My characters were too powerful for this guy to really do anything. He used some ダークネス (Darkness) and アースシェイク (Temblor) attack, and tried to do a big attack combo on me right before he died. Humbaba Mistant can inflict the Stop ailment with his attacks, so have someone on the team equip an accessory that protects against the ailment. For beating the Humbaba Mistant, you will receive the *much* needed map for Nabudis, and the 力のメダル (Medallion of Might). Check the pot at the western end of the room to score a コラプスの魔片 (Scathe Mote). You can now open the last door (on the third screen), but you may want to save first. The enemy in there is a little tougher than the two you just fought. Save at the Salikawood or the Nabreus Deadlands, then go to the center room of Nabudis, 気高き者たちの間 (Cloister of the Highborn). Open the 絶望の扉 (Door of Despair). You will be greeted by カオス (Chaos) and his four elemental pals. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt59b | カオス (Chaos) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can eliminate the four elementals quickly by using a couple of non-elemental spells/motes. If you have some バイオの魔片 (Bio Mote)s, use a couple of those to get rid of the elementals. Dispel the buffs Chaos has, and if you use a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy on him, Chaos can get inflicted with Slow and Sap. When Chaos is alone, attack him as usual. Oh, you can't. The "Attack" command and other similar commands are blocked. You need to use spells/items to damage Chaos (Berserk will not work, either). Did you collect a bunch of サビのカタマリ (Knots of Rust)? Now's a great time to use them. Chaos is not considered a flying enemy, so make sure you set "use Knot of Rust" to a non-flying enemy gambit. If you don't have a supply of Knots of Rust, use other items, motes, or spells. If you run out of those..then I don't know. As far as I can tell, you're boned. I had around 91 Knots of Rust, so I beat him before running out. Chaos's special attack is エアロジャ (Aeroja), a wind-based attack that can cause Confuse. Equip your characters accordingly. Watch out if Chaos casts フィアガ (Fearga), as that gets rid of everyone's MP. After Fearga is cast, it would be a good time to equip a 亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker) onto your mages, so they can keep casting spells. Chaos can inflict ドンアク (Disable) with his attacks, so look out. After beating Chaos, purchase him on whichever board gets the most benefit. Here's what the Chaos bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: White Mage Defender, Save the Queen equippable, HP+310 Uhlan Aeroga, Bio, Blindga, Silencega spells Machinist HP+350 Red Mage Ultima Blade equippable Knight Excalipoor, Revive tech, HP+390 (also unlocked via Zodiark and a Mist square) Monk Esunaga, Protectga, Shellga, Holy spells Time Mage HP+270 Archer Magick Lore augment Samurai Brawler augment Open the pot at the southern end of the chamber for a ラストエリクサー (Megalixir). You are pretty much done with Nabudis, so warp to Eruyt now. If you are low on Knots of Rust (I used about 68), feel free to go back to the Barheim Passage to stock up quickly, then warp to Eruyt. Exit to the Golmore Jungle, then go south to the Feywood. Now it's time to actually go through this area. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt60a | 幻妖の森 (The Feywood) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: デスペガ (Dispelga) Found at 白魔の愛でし路 (White Magick's Embrace), north of the map. Pic: リフレガ (Reflectga) Found at 思の最果て (The Edge of Reason), in a pot on top of a trap. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: 金のアミュレット (Golden Amulet) Found at 白魔の愛でし路 (White Magick's Embrace), near the southern exit. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt) Found at 英知の氷原 (Ice Field of Clearsight), around the center of the area. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: 守りの指輪 (Ring of Renewal) Rare poach of the キラートマト (Deadly Nightshade). ----- If you've been here before, you need to go south from the save crystal. If you have not been here yet, the save crystal is south, then southeast from the Golmore Jungle exit. I would suggest going back to the section of the guide that goes through the first half of the Feywood earlier for some items and loot mentioned there. Once you've reached the save crystal, head south to encounter what may just be the easiest boss in the game. Cast Dispel on ラフレシア (Rafflesia), and use a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy if you want to inflict Slow, Silence, and Blind on it. If you have any weapons that are wind-elemental, equip those and you can tear this thing up extremely fast. Your MP will constantly bleed out, so equip a 亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker) to keep casting spells. After defeating Rafflesia, continue south. There's only one way to go to reach the end, but you need solve a small puzzle soon. Around the center of the screen south of Rafflesia, you can find a pot with the デスペガ (Dispelga) spell inside. Keep going south along the eastern ridge to find the second map for the Feywood. If you are having trouble finding it: If you want another 金のアミュレット (Golden Amulet), just follow the western wall from the second map to a pot holding it. Now proceed to the first square-ish room with those flower-looking things on the map. If you are trying to make the おろちN (Orochi N), you may have one セーブルサイズ (Sickle Blade), as a reward for beating the アントリオン (Antlion). The マンティスデビル (Preying Mantis) enemies walking around can drop the second Sickle Blade needed. At 英知の氷原 (Ice Field of Clearsight), you need to go to the closest "flower" on the map. The circular seal in the center should be white, that is how the 'correct' flower-things on the map have to be travelled. What you need to do is get in the middle of the white seal. Now look straight ahead, and start moving the camera left or right. Stop when a mirage shows up, like this: The direction the mirage is seen is where you want to go for the next flower-shaped thing. For me, the mirage pointed southeast to the flower-shaped thing at the lower-right on the map. At that white seal, I needed to go southwest to the flower-thing at the southwestern part of the screen. Before doing that, you can grab a バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt) in a pot a little northwest from the second white seal. At the third white seal, you should see some ベヒーモス (Behemoth)s. Beat them, then go to the third seal. It should be pointing southwest, to the last screen of the Feywood. Go there now. At 思の最果て (The Edge of Reason), the first seal is the central seal to the southwest. If you want the リフレガ (Reflectga) spell, check a pot on top of a trap directly southwest of the first seal. Follow the path of white seals until you reach the door in the southwest corner of the area. But the door won't open! Have whoever bought the summon ベリアス (Belias) summon him now. Choose to open the door again, and Belias will open it for you. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt61a | 古代都市ギルヴェガン (The Ancient City of Giruvegan) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: スリプガ (Sleepga) Found at 水層都市ハルミカ (The Haalmikah Water-Steps), before the blue save crystal. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: イージスの盾 (Aegis Shield) Found at 水層都市アウダ (The Aadha Water-Steps), at the southwestern part of the area. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) ----- Save at the teleport crystal, then go west to the teleporter. A big headless guy will block you the second teleporter. Get ready to fight ダイダロス (Daedalus). At the very start of the fight, Daedalus has no buffs. This will change shortly, as he will cast ヘイスト (Haste) on himself. Once it has taken effect, Dispel him at that time. A Nihopalaoa'd Remedy will inflict Confuse and Silence. Since Daedalus can be Confused、 you can make this fight a lot easier with the ブラッドソードA (Blood Sword-A). Since the Blood Sword-A causes Confuse 100% of the time if the target can get Confused, you can pretty much try to keep him constantly under Confuse status to defeat him without much, if any, retaliation. At near-death status, Daedalus becomes a combo maniac. A combo maniac that hits really hard. Try to finish him right before he goes into near-death (try a mist combo) if you can. Once you've beaten Daedalus, go east to the teleporter and to a new area of Giruvegan. This wavy maze-like area reminds me of a highway for some reason. There are also a couple of switches and barriers to go along with the fun of this dungeon. Here is a line map of the route and switches I use to get through the first area, and to get the Aegis Shield before the exit at the second area: Go south to the weird switch on the left. Use the switch to remove the green gate to the southwest. Go south through the open pathway and keep going all the way south to a dead end with another switch. Use that switch, then go northwest. When you can go west (the 2nd "intersection"), go west then south and follow the path all the way to the next room. Be careful around the ヴィヴィアン (Vivian)s, their status attacks can get really annoying. You'll see some ミスリルゴーレム (Mythril Golem)s. Beat them or just walk straight ahead into the empty space, and a green bridge will form, leading to the next screen. This screen is similar to the first (hooray!). If you just want to get through to the next area, go south (ignore the first switch), and follow the winding path. At the northernmost part of the screen, just go all the way southwest to the far western side, and hit the ゲート・メッロン制御装置 (Tychi Gate Stone) switch. Now just go back the way you came, and take the first left to get through. If you want an イージスの盾 (Aegis Shield), just hit the very first switch, then go the exact same way as above. After hitting the second switch, keep going through the path and you will find the Aegis Shield just a little southwest of the second switch. Then just go back the way you came and take the first left near the top of the area. On the next screen, look to the right before using the save crystal. You'll see a pot containing the スリプガ (Sleepga) spell. Grab that, save, then open the door ahead of you. To reach the boss, just take the first left, then hug the right wall and the green bridge will appear near the middle of the room. There are 3 pots you can open before going to the bridge, but they do not contain anything really extraordinary. At the end of the bridge, a boss will appear! Techs are blocked from being used in the battle with the タイラント (Tyrant). Using a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy will inflict Confuse on him. So, if you can equip the ブラッドソードA (Blood Sword-A), have fun keeping him confused as long as you can. I think this guy uses darkness-based attacks, so equip anything that can defend against that element. When you are ready, use the teleporter in front of the most complicated area of the game to explain where to go! ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt62a | クリスタル・グランデ (The Great Crystal) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Possible useful items: ホーリーロッド (Holy Rod) Found at ベルム・ピス・サ (Bhrum Pis Avaa), around Way Stone VI (6). Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) ----- All right. Crystal Grande/The Great Crystal. First off, there is NO in-game map for this area. Second, this whole region is just a bunch of circular-shaped rooms with barriers and green bridges. Each Way-Stone goes by a Roman numeral. Hopefully we can get through here. Just in case, here is a map I made a long time ago to get me through: The teleporter you came from is VIII. Face the teleporter (called a Way Stone from here on out), then spin the screen to the left (right on the right analog). Walk towards the empty space to make a green bridge, and walk along it to get to the next screen. --------- | wt62b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the おろちN (Orochi N), the third loot needed for it can be dropped by the オセ (Ose)s. You will want to get 2 クァールのヒゲ (Coeurl Whisker)s to make the weapon. You can very easily chain the Oses right here by killing them in this room then going 1 screen ahead to fight two more. Double-back to Way Stone VIII (8), and keep going one screen past it, to セット・スコーピオ (Sthaana Scorpio). Now the Oses in those two rooms will have returned for you to kill again. Once you have the Coeurl Whiskers, go past the two Ose rooms to keep going. -LOOT ALERT- There is a pot in a trap with the Oses. It has a 雲の杖 (Cloud Staff). Go west from the Oses to a room with more Oses and a pot containing a シーフの帽子 (Thief's Hat). Grab it, then head to the other exit. You will see Way Stone VII (7) for you to use. You'll now be at Way Stone VI (6). To get to Way Stone V (5), spin the screen to the right (left on the right analog) until you see the green bridge gap. Go across to the next screen, セット・キャンサー (Sthaana Cancer). You should see a couple of ミスリルゴーレム (Mythril Golem)s hanging around a switch. Beat them if you want, then use the ゲート・キャンサー制御装置 (Cancer Gate Stone). The zodiac gates will deactivate a green barrier/wall in the dungeon. Take the unused bridge gap. On this screen, ベルム・ピス・サ (Bhrum Pis Avaa), you can find a ホーリーロッド (Holy Rod) in a pot. Take the unused bridge gap and you'll be back at Way Stone VI again. At the Way Stone VI (6) room, take the unused bridge gap on your left and go across the bridge. Just go straight across two screens to reach Way Stone V (5). On the way you will see a pot containing a 金の髪飾り (Gold Hairpin). Use Way Stone V (5) and you'll appear next to Way Stone IV (4). You'll need to use two zodiac gates to get through. Start off by rotating the screen to the right (left on the right analog) just a little bit to where you see the bridge gap. Take the bridge to トリアック・ザイレム・イノ (Trahk Jilaam Praa' dii). You should see some マザーグレネード (Mom Bomb)s as well as a pot containing 忍びの衣 (Ninja Gear). At the next room, you may encounter some ネクロフォビア (Necrophobe)s along the way to the ゲート・アリエス制御装置 (Aries Gate Stone). Use it, then head back to Way Stone IV (4). Once you've reached Way Stone IV (4), you should see a green barrier straight across, past Way Stone IV (4). Rotate the camera to the left (right on the right analog), and take the unused bridge gap to your left. All you need to do now is grab the 大地の衣 (Gaia Gear) in the pot you will see, then take the next unused bridge gap to a room with the ゲート・パイシーズ制御装置 (Pisces Gate Stone) that you can completely ignore. Just take the unused bridge gap ahead and to the right. You should see Way Stone III (3) straight ahead. Use it, and you are pretty much done with this dungeon! Skip or watch the cutscene, then walk straight ahead to Way Stone I (1). Be sure to save at the blue save crystal before using Way Stone I (1)! You'll be at an orange area now. Just open the door and you'll be greeted by シュミハザ (Shemhazai). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt62c | シュミハザ (Shemhazai) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dispel the Haste she has cast on herself, and use a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy to inflict ドンムブ (Immobilize) on her. Check the two pots in the room for a ヘイスガの魔片 (Hastega Mote) and a リバースの魔片 (Reverse Mote). Shemhazai can cast some pretty powerful spells, such as ショック (Shock) and フレアー (Flare). To counter the damage, have シェル (Shell) cast on everyone. Also try to have the バブル (Bubble) buff on whichever way you can, via the spell, バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt) accessory, or a バブルの魔片 (Bubble Mote). Shemhazai can inflict ウイルス (Disease) with her regular attack, so be sure to have some C9H8O4 (Vaccine)s or can cast the リブート (Cleanse) spell to cure the ailment as soon as possible. Upon beating Shemhazai, purchase her on the license board that gains the best benefit, then walk south to another door to open. Here's what the Shemhazai bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: White Mage HP+230 Machinist Caldera, Volcano equippable Red Mage Cleanse, Esuna spells Knight Potion Lore 2 augment Monk Potion Lore 3 augment Archer Dragon Helm, Magepower Shishak, Grand Helm, Dragon Mail, Maximilian, Grand Armor equippable Black Mage Steel Mask, Mirror Mail equippable Samurai Shield Block augment Hunter Spica, Antares, Arcturus, Fomalhaut equippable Use the Way Stone at the end and you will be given the 契約の剣 (Treaty Blade). Use the Way Stone again and you will be warped back out to the entrance of Giruvegan. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt63a | New Stuff at Old Places | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- By getting the Treaty Blade, a couple of shops in the game will sell new goods. Here's what you can buy now, in "place order": ----- 西ダルマスカ砂漠 (Dalmasca Westersand) Accessories page: ファイアフライ (Firefly) 1600 gil ----- 飛空艇定期便 (Sky Ferry) Nalbina<--->Archades C9H8O4 (Vaccine) 700 gil ----- 飛空艇定期便 (Sky Ferry) Archades<--->Balfonheim サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) 20 gil ----- 飛空艇定期便 (Sky Ferry) Balfonheim<--->Bhujerba デスペルの魔片 (Dispel Mote) 240 gil ----- バルハイム地下道 (Barheim Passage) Magic page: クラウダ (Scourge) 8500 gil ----- モスフォーラ山地 (The Mosphoran Highwaste) Accessories page: バトルハーネス (Battle Harness) 1000 gil ----- フォーン海岸 (The Phon Coast) Accessories page: ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet) 12000 gil ----- 港町バーフォンハイム (The Port at Balfonheim) Weapon shop: セーブザクィーン (Save the Queen) 16000 gil 雨のむら雲 (Ame-no-Murakumo) 11600 gil ホーリーランス (Holy Lance) 15700 gil 与一の弓 (Yoichi Bow) 15800 gil グレートアックス (Greataxe) 12000 gil Armor shop: 魔人の帽子 (Gigas Hat) 10700 gil 魔人の胸当て (Gigas Chestplate) 10700 gil 司祭の帽子 (Celebrant's Miter) 10700 gil クリリカルガウン (Cleric's Robes) 10700 gil Magic shop: アレイズ (Arise) 8000 gil ショック (Shock) 7800 gil グラビガ (Graviga) 5800 gil ----- If you would like to get some いかずちの牙 (White Fang)s or ソレイユの牙 (Red Fang)s, you can buy them on sky ferries, too. Take the Nalbina<--->Rabanastre one to buy いかずちの牙 (White Fang)s, and the Rabanastre<--->Archades one to buy ソレイユの牙 (Red Fang)s. ----- If you got the last ingredient for the おろちN (Orochi N) and have the other two from earlier, go ahead and sell the キャンサー (Cancer Gem) x3, セーブルサイズ (Sickle Blade) x2 and クァールのヒゲ (Coeurl Whisker) x2 to buy the Orochi N for 90,000 gil. Stock up on what's useful (specifically Vaccines and Dispel Motes), then warp to Balfonheim and go to where the red X is on the map, found at the southwestern end of town. Once you get レダス (Reddas) in the party, you can go to a few places. Story-wise, the Ridorana Cataract is the next place to go. I go to the first part of it, then go to some other places with Reddas in the party. It is your choice of where to go (the 6 marks, the new part of the Great Crystal, or Ridorana). I go to Ridorana first (but I don't go through it yet), then finish the Great Crystal, so go to the bar and start the ピスコディーモン (Piscodaemon) hunt for now. The client is at Bur-Omisace, so warp there and speak to アイヴァヌス (Ivanus). He is at 神殿境内 (Temple Grounds), to the left of the stairs to the throne room. Now head to Ridorana. I go to a Sky Ferry terminal and board the シュトラール (Strahl) to reach リドラナ大瀑布 (The Ridorana Cataract). It's found on the far eastern side of the world map, southeast of Bhujerba and Balfonheim. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt64a | リドラナ大瀑布 (The Ridorana Cataract) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes (2) ----- There are 29 pots located at the entrance to Ridorana, but nothing in them is an improvement over what my party has. Feel free to look around. You can steal the fourth-strongest light helmet, the シャプロンの帽子 (Chaperon), from the lovely キャシー (Cassie)s. To find the map for the area, head east from the save crystal, then southeast at the next screen. On the third screen, コロセウム (Colosseum), make your way to the northwest section. Here's a screenie: If you would like to get the second-strongest bowgun in the game, the ガストラフェテス (Gastrophetes), go to the screen north of where you got the map, 遠き日の都 (City of Other Days). Clear out the room of monsters, go 1 screen away, then come back. You should see the rare monster パル (Pallicant) around the main intersection of the room: Just keep stealing from him for the ガストラフェテス (Gastrophetes), then do what you like with him. When you are ready to keep going, take the eastern exit at the 遠き日の都 (City of Other Days). Save at the blue save crystal ahead, then go forward to the リドラナ大灯台 (Pharos at Ridorana). I don't go through this area, I just fight the monster that is bumped into at the entrance, ハイドロ (Hydro). This guy can be pretty tough. Hydro can cast dark-elemental spells, so equip accordingly. Make sure to grab the 2 motes on the sides of the area, and you can also get a バーサーカー (Armguard) and a ルビーの指輪 (Ruby Ring) too. Just exit and re-enter the screen until those two pots spawn (none of the pots on this screen will respawn after being opened). Use a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy to inflict Confuse, Slow, and Oil on Hydro. If you have a healthy stock of ン・カイの砂 (Smelling Salts) or the Blood Sword-A, try to keep Hydro confused as much as possible. This is where I am done with Ridorana for a while. I opt to go back to the Great Crystal for some new stuff there. Skip ahead to the リドラナ大瀑布 (Ridorana Cataract) section if you want to get through it now. All right, now I just go back to the airship (that harpoon symbol on the map) by the western save crystal. If you have a White Mage or a Monk that bought カオス (Chaos) in the party, you can now buy the エスナガ (Esunaga) spell from the merchant at the Necrohol of Nabudis. After getting Esunaga (or if you don't need it), warp to Giruvegan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt64b | Mark: ピスコディーモン (Piscodaemon) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Giruvegan, just head through to the Great Crystal. If you want the map for Giruvegan, just follow the left wall and you will get it after the first intersection. Save at the blue save crystal, then go to the next screen ahead. If you started the ピスコディーモン (Piscodaemon) hunt, you will find him at 火の門 (Gate of Fire), southwest of the big bridge that takes you to the Tyrant. Right here: Dispel the buffs on it, and you can inflict [Slow] and Blind on the monster if you use a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy. The Piscodaemon should go down relatively quickly. *If* you want to try to get the シカリのナガサF (Danjuro F) in Area 2 of the Great Crystal, chain the バロン (Baron) guys here and level up the chain before going in. Head to the Great Crystal when you are ready. You'll be back at Way Stone VIII (8). To access the new section of the Great Crystal, you need to remove the green barrier right behind Way Stone VIII (8). Rotate the screen to the right (left on the right analog), and go across the bridge gap. You will see the ゲート・スコーピオ制御装置 (Scorpio Gate Stone). Use it, then return to Way Stone VIII (8). The green barrier on the right will be gone, so you can take the bridge gap there to Way Stone IX (9). And here we go! ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt65a | クリスタル・グランデ (The Great Crystal 2) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: シェルガ (Shellga) Found at シルル・フロウェン・ウェサ (Sirhru Phullam Pratii'vaa), in Area 2, near Way Stone XIV (14), past the 1st Leo Gate. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) ヘイスガ (Hastega) Found at オルドビ・フロウェン・ウェ (Uldobi Phullam Pratii), in Area 3. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) ----- Possible useful items: ローレルクラウン (Crown of Laurels) Found at シルル・フロウェン・ノウェ (Sirhru Phullam Udiipratii), in Area 2, 1 screen away from Way Stone XIV (14). Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) メテオライト (Meteorite D) Found in pots that can spawn after collecting any non-respawning item in The Great Crystal 2. Equip the ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet) for 5% chance at Meteorite D. Pot stats: 5% to appear, 10% gil No Diamond Armlet: メテオライト (Meteorite B) / メテオライト (Meteorite C) With Diamond Armlet: メテオライト (Meteorite A) / メテオライト (Meteorite D) 柳生の漆黒 (Yagyu Darkblade) Found at シルル・ザイレム・ウェサ (Sirhru Jilaam Pratii'vaa), in Area 2. Pot stats: 25% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) 賢者の杖 (Staff of the Magi) Found at シルル・フロウェン・イサ (Sirhru Phullam Praa'vaa), in Area 2, 2 screens away from Way Stone XIII (13). Pot stats: 25% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) ラバーコンシャス (Rubber Suit) Found at シルル・ザイレム・イサ (Sirhru Jilaam Praa'vaa), in Area 2, one screen past the 1st Gemini Gate. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) 守りの指輪 (Ring of Renewal) Found at オルドビ・フロウェン・ノイ (Uldobi Phullam Udiipraa), in Area 3, one screen away from the Capricorn Gate Stone. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) エクスカリバー (Excalibur) Found at クリスタル・ピーク (Crystal Peak), in Area 4. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) ジャンダルム (Gendarme) Take the Excalibur, then leave and return to try spawning the Gendarme pot. Pot stats: 1% to appear, 20% has gil -NEED DIAMOND ARMLET EQUIPPED (5%)- ----- It's not called The Great Crystal 2 in the game, but it makes it easier to differentiate between the two sections. This new part of the Great Crystal is a really large and very, very confusing area. I made a map for the area, showing where the シェルガ (Shellga) and ヘイスガ (Hastega) spells are found, as well as the アルテマ (Ultima) summon. You can find it here: Let's begin with Area 1. You'll have Way Stone X (10) behind you. There's only one way to go here, so take the gap bridge. Way Stone XX (20) will be ahead, and you will see a green barrier on each side of the screen. Take the first bridge gap on the left, and you'll find a pot holding a マールコニーデ (Caldera). If you want to try stocking up on any of the 4 types of メテオライト (Meteorite), including the elusive Meteorite D, every single pot in the Great Crystal 2 is also a spawn point for Meteorite pots. Each one only has a 5% chance of showing up, but only a 10% chance of having gil. Without a Diamond Armlet equipped, you can get Meteorite B or C. With a Diamond Armlet equipped, you can get Meteorite A (95%) or D (5%). Grab the pot item, then leave and come back if you want to try to get some Meteorites. Go back to where Way Stone XX (20) is. Use either of the bridge gaps that aren't blocked, as they will both lead to the ゲート・サジタリウス制御装置 (Sagittarius Gate Stone). Use the gate, and you may notice at the upper-right corner of the screen it will say GATE TIME 72.00. That's referring to how long the green barrier(s) unlocked by the Gate Stone will stay open. Fun! After you use the gate, take whichever bridge gap back to where Way Stone XX (20) is. If you run out of time (probably not here, but later gates it can happen), you will have to return to the gate and flip the switch again. From either way you go back to Way Stone XX (20), there will be a green gate on the left and on the right. Touch the gate on the right (2nd Sagittarius Gate). If there is still time on the timer in the corner, you can remove the barrier. Past the barrier should be Way Stone XII (12). If you are at Way Stone XI (11) instead, go back to the Sagittarius Gate Stone and go to Way Stone XII (12). Now you will be at Area 2. Way Stone XIV (14) should be behind you. If you want to get the シェルガ (Shellga) spell, rotate the screen to the left (right on the right analog) until you see a bridge gap. Go across it and you should see the ゲート・レオ制御装置 (Leo Gate Stone). The Leo Gate Timer lasts for 216 seconds. Use the Leo Gate, then go across the unused bridge gap. You will get very familiar with the ネクロフォビア (Necrophobe)s in this area. They can be killed with a Phoenix Down and revival magic if you want to one-shot them. You should see a treasure pot behind a green barrier (1st Leo Gate). Remove the barrier and you will find the シェルガ (Shellga) spell. You want to get to Way Stone XV (15) to proceed, but there is some equipment you can grab. To get all the stuff in Area 2, you'll have to go back to Area 1 after getting what you can via Way Stone XIV (14), then going back to Area 2 via Way Stone XI (11). If you are interested in getting quite possibly the most annoying weapon in the game, the シカリのナガサF (Danjuro F), you can find it here. By "find", I mean either kill 256 monsters in the Great Crystal at one time, or get the Necrophobe guys to split a couple times. Then you have to go in and out of the Leo Gate and Way Stone XIV (14) area screens up to 100+ times, and you may see the rare monster (the rarest in the game?), the ラルヴァイータ (Larva Eater). Danjuro F is the rare drop, and the guy likes to hardly drop anything. Here's a picture showing the Larva Eater (looks like a gargoyle monster) being fought where Way Stone XIV (14) is: If you get the Larva Eater to appear, go back to the room with Shellga, which is 2 screens away from Way Stone XIV (14), so the Larva Eater can eventually respawn again. You can also go to Way Stone XIII (13) to fight him and try to farm some Meteorites. After about 20 hours of messing up, getting bored of re-zoning, or having to simply go get some sleep and turn my PS2 off, I did get the dumb Danjuro F: Really, it took me less time getting the Aldebaran Y than this thing. If you built up a chain from the Barons, you can get rid of the Necrophobes without breaking your chain by letting them die from Poison status. Putting them to sleep while they are poisoned helps, too. Let some of the Necrophobes split into new ones if you can. I'm not sure, but out of about 5 tries, 4 of them were with the chain at the highest level, and Larva Eaters rarely dropped anything (around 6 out of ~35 Larva Eaters). When I got the Danjuro-F, the chain level was 3 (the small gold coin). I have no idea if it was just random coincidence or what. I don't even know if I'll ever get the weapon again. It is rather powerful, with a 70% instant-kill rate. Ok, from the Shellga pot, go back to Way Stone XIV (14) and cross the bridge gap. You will see a pot in the next room containing a ローレルクラウン (Crown of Laurels). Go across the unused bridge gap. There's only one way to go here, the bridge gap on the right. At the next screen, you can take two exits, one 'northwest' and one 'west'. Take the 'northwest' one first. There is a 25% chance you will spawn a pot containing a 柳生の漆黒 (Yagyu Darkblade), if you want one. There's only one Way Stone going to Area 3, Way Stone XV (15). There are two ways to get to it from here. You can return to the Leo Gate Stone, use it, then run back to the "west" bridge gap at シルル・ザイレム・ウェ (Sirhru Jilaam Pratii) to open the 2nd Leo Gate. If you want any of these items: 千分のノギス (Caliper), 賢者の杖 (Staff of the Magi), or ラバーコンシャス (Rubber Suit), don't bother with the Leo Gate. Instead, just take Way Stone 14, use the Sagittarius gate again, remove the barrier to Way Stone XI (11), then grab the goodies. It is also pretty much the best spot in the game to farm all 4 kinds of Meteorite. If you used the Leo Gate to get to Way Stone XV (15), skip ahead to the Area 3 section. All right, back to Area 1 via Way Stone XIV (14). Go to where Way Stone XX (20) is. There should be a green barrier straight ahead of you, behind Way Stone XX (20). Take either of the bridge gaps on the left to the ゲート・サジタリウス制御装置 (Sagittarius Gate), use it, then get rid of the green barrier on the left (Sagittarius 1st). Take notice that using a Gate resets the barriers. Use the bridge gap to Way Stone XI (11). You'll be back at Area 2 now. Way Stone XIII (13) will be behind you. You can take one of two gates here, spin the screen to the left (right on the analog stick) and cross the bridge gap. Some ネクロフォビア (Necrophobe)s will block the way to the pot containing a 千分のノギス (Caliper). Grab it, then take the unused bridge gap. The pot here has a 25% chance of showing up, and has the best staff in the game, the 賢者の杖 (Staff of the Magi). Grab it, then if you want to farm Meteorites, you are right now at the best spot in the game to do so. Since both of these connecting screens had pots, *both* of them can have the 5% Meteorite pot spawn on *each* screen. Feel free to farm Meteorites here now or later, going back and forth between シルル・フロウェン・イ (Sirhru Phullam Praa) and シルル・フロウェン・イサ (Sirhru Phullam Praa'vaa). It'll take awhile, but the pesky Necrophobes can be cleared out on both screens for spawning the pots without any interruptions. If you are able to listen to your PS2 drive while loading rooms, you can hear when the Meteorite pot loads up; at least in the pot originally holding 千分のノギス (Caliper), 1 screen away from Way Stone XIII (13). For the Meteorite Pot, the normal access noise (aka clicks) is three: click, click..a When the Meteorite pot loads up, there will be a *fourth* click, making the sound of click, click..a, click. This can save some farming time. I don't know how to check via an emulator. Once you are ready, go back to Way Stone XIII (13) and take the unused bridge gap. You will see the ゲート・ジュミニ制御装置 (Gemini Gate Stone). This gate stays active for 144 seconds. Flip the switch, then follow the unused bridge gap for 2 screens. You'll see a barrier to remove and a bridge gap before it. If you open the 1st Gemini Gate, you can grab a ラバーコンシャス (Rubber Suit) in a pot. If that doesn't interest you, take the regular bridge gap and follow the path 2 more screens to the 2nd Gemini Gate, which you will remove the barrier from. If you did grab the Rubber Suit, go back to the Gemini Gate, activate it, then unlock the 2nd Gemini Gate. If you removed the 2nd Leo Gate too (first bridge gap on the right), Area 2 is now "connected" and you can just run through, killing whatever you find, then look for the Larva Eater around any of the Way Stones. If you just want to keep going, take the bridge gap on the left or the one straight ahead; they both lead to Way Stone XV (15). Use Way Stone XV (15) to reach Area 3. At Area 3, Way Stone XVI (16) will be behind you. You want to reach Way Stone XVII (17), which is only 4 screens away. But there are many barriers on this floor (8 total, 4 different zodiac gates). There are 3 treasure pots on this floor as well, which contain a 守りの指輪 (Ring of Renewal), the ヘイスガ (Hastega) spell, and an アルテミスの弓 (Artemis Bow). You may already have the Sagittarius-A, but just in case you don't, we'll go to where the Artemis Bow is anyway. If you do want to just get through, you only have to use 3 of the gates (2nd Libra Gate, 1st Capricorn Gate, 1st Virgo Gate). Ok, first up is opening one of the Libra barriers. From Way Stone XVI (16), walk straight down to a bridge gap. You should be greeted by Area 3's version of the Necrophobe, ライフフォビドン (Forbidden). On this floor is a rare monster that sometimes spawns with Forbiddens, the イビルスピリット (Evil Spirit). Evil Spirits are the source of the 竜の髭L (Dragon Whisker L), the second-strongest spear in the game. They can be fought at both Area 3 and 4. Evil Spirits will sometimes take the spot of a Forbidden. So anywhere you can fight Forbiddens, you can also fight an Evil Spirit. Here's a screenie of my nabbing one: --------- | wt65b | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you plan on making the デュランダルA (Durandal-A), the third ingredient for it can be stolen from Evil Spirits. Try to steal 3 生命のロウソク (Lifewick)s for the Durandal A. Evil Spirits also drop the second-strongest spear in the game, the 竜の髭L (Dragon Whisker L). -LOOT ALERT- Ok, at the ゲート・リーブラ制御装置 (Libra Gate Stone), flip the switch, then rotate the screen left (right on the right analog), to the bridge gap across from the actual switch on the Libra Gate Stone. You'll have 72 seconds to remove a Libra Gate barrier, but both gates are nearby. In fact, you should see the 2nd Libra Gate on your left. Remove the barrier, then use the bridge gap. At the next screen, walk straight across to another bridge gap. You'll see the ゲート・カプリコーン制御装置 (Capricorn Gate Stone) in front of you, but take the unused bridge gap first. There you will find a pot containing a 守りの指輪 (Ring of Renewal). This accessory grants the wearer Auto-Regen status. Now go back to the Capricorn Gate Stone. You can clear the screen past the Capricorn gate before hitting the switch if you want to get the rewards for killing what shows up there. All right, flip the switch on the Capricorn Gate Stone. You have 180 seconds to get where you need to go, which is one screen away from Way Stone XVI (16). Exit the Capricorn Gate screen the way you came, then if you got rid of the 2nd Libra Gate like I did, walk straight across to the next room. Next, take the bridge gap on the right. You should now be at the Libra Gate Stone. Use the bridge gap on your right, to Way Stone XVI (16). Take a left at Way Stone XVI (16), and you'll find a barrier. Remove the 1st Capricorn Gate. Now you will see the ゲート・ヴァルゴ制御装置 (Virgo Gate Stone) in front of you. Flip the switch. You'll have 108 seconds to reach the barrier you want to remove, which is on the same screen with the 2nd Libra Gate, オルドビ・ザイレム・イサ (Uldobi Jilaam Praa'vaa). Go back the way you came, then take the first right at Way Stone XVI (16). Take a left at the Libra Gate Stone, and you'll see the 1st Virgo Gate on your right. Remove it, then go across the bridge gap. Use the bridge gap on the left to arrive at Way Stone XVII (17). Use it to reach Area 4! There's only one way to go at Way Stone XVIII (18), so go forward to the blue save crystal. You'll see a path 'northwest', one 'north', and one 'northeast'. The northwest one is where the Aquarius Gate is (needed for obtaining the Hastega spell and Artemis Bow. Northeast lies Way Stone XIX (19), which takes you to Way Stone XX (20) at Area 1. Straight ahead is a summon and two useful pieces of equipment. If you have any equipment that reduces damage from the holy-elemental (White Masks and Sage Rings will absorb holy-elemental), equip those and save. Walk straight up to bump into the summon アルテマ (Ultima). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt65c | アルテマ (Ultima) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultima is a holy-elemental summon. Feel free to grab the pot in front of you. Inside is the エクスカリバー (Excalibur). Don't equip it here, as it is a holy-elemental sword, and will just heal Ultima. Remove her buffs, and toss a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy to inflict Blind on her. Without warning, Ultima will use her special attack, ホーリジャ (Holyja). This inflicts holy-elemental damage and puts everyone in the party under リバース (Reverse) status. Make *sure* you remove Reverse before anybody in the party tries to use a healing spell..they will hurt you under Reverse. Attacking party members under Reverse will heal them. After using Holyja, Ultima can make any parameter unusable (like "no magic" at the Zeromus battle, etc). Hope for something crappy like HP/MP draining. Make sure to check if Ultima has recast Protect/Shell on herself, and cast Dispel or use a Dispel Mote when needed. You can buy yourself a couple of free attacks/recovery sessions if you blinded Ultima. Whenever you see her begin casting ブラナ (Blindna), get ready to blind her again. If the attack command gets locked, try tossing some Knots of Rust or Bio Motes at Ultima. At near-death status, Ultima will start sealing multiple commands/parameters at once! Try to do a big mist combo here if you can (or right before she reaches near-death status). Buy Ultima on whichever board gains the best benefit, then save the game. It is time for some payback against that darn invisible bow/Danjuro-F. Here's what the Ultima bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: Uhlan Expose tech Machinist Magick Lore (3) augment also unlocked via a Mist square Red Mage Claymore, Defender, Save the Queen equippable Knight Telekinesis tech, Battle Lore augment Monk Swiftness (2) augment Time Mage Diamond Sword, Runeblade, Deathbringer, Stoneblade equippable Breaker Swiftness augment Archer Infuse tech, 1000 Needles tech (Zodiark also unlocks) Black Mage Telekinesis tech Samurai Stamp tech (Cuchulainn also unlocks) Hunter Phoenix Lore (2) augment ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt65d | ジャンダルム (Gendarme) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- NOTE: THIS IS NOT MY DISCOVERY OR METHOD. I saw this somewhere online, and did not jot down who discovered this. It was not me. Feel free to e-mail me if you did figure it out or want me to remove it. ----- A method has been discovered to get the ジャンダルム (Gendarme) shield very easily. It depends on the model number of your PS2 to figure out when to open the pot. Regularly, the pot has a 1% chance to appear, 20% chance of having gil, and the Diamond Armlet must be equipped for the 5% chance afterward. The Ultimania book cites the chance of getting it as 0.04%. This method lets you get it a whole lot easier. Again, this is not my discovery. What you want to do first, is only have one party member in the active party (a guest is fine). Remove ALL buffs on the party member (and the guest too). Unequip the weapon and shield of the party leader. Make sure you don't equip any weapon/armor that gives an auto-buff. Now equip that character with the Diamond Armlet. Save the game, then turn your PS2 off. Turn it back on, and load your game. Depending on your PS2 model number, you have to attack yourself a different amount of times. Here's the instructions for the models provided: SCPH-50000 series: Go to where you fought Ultima, leave, and come back until the pot spawns. Attack yourself 18 times, then open the pot. SCPH-70000/30000 series: Go to where you fought Ultima, leave, and come back. If after 10 visits to the screen where Ultima was fought and the pot does not show up, turn off your PS2, then try again. If the pot does appear, attack yourself 17 times. The 17th time should be a 2-hit combo, then open the pot. SCPH-75000 series: The number of hits for this model depends on how many visits to Ultima's room it takes for the pot to spawn. Keep track of how many visits it took to get the pot to spawn. If it took less than 10 visits to where Ultima was, attack yourself 17 times. The 17th time should be a 2-hit combo. Open the pot. If it took 10 or more visits, attack yourself 18 times, then open the pot. SCPH-77000/79000 series: Go to where you fought Ultima, leave, and come back. If after 10 visits to the screen where Ultima was fought and the pot does not show up, turn off your PS2, then try again. If the pot does appear, attack yourself 20 times, then open the pot. My PS2 is a 39000 model (fat silver one). So I smack myself 17 times, do a 2-hit combo on the 17th hit, then check the pot....success! And the stats for this invisible shield: Yeah, +90% evade, +90% magic evade, and it absorbs all 8 elements. You can get as many Gendarmes as you want. Having more than one probably breaks the game a bit too much. It's your call. I have no idea what method a PS2 emulator should use, or if any of them work. Sorry. Again, THIS IS NOT MY DISCOVERY OR METHOD. ----- There are still two more treasures to get here, so let's do that now. Save at the blue save crystal, then take the 'northeast' bridge gap to the ゲート・アクエリアス制御装置 (Aquarius Gate Stone). Flip the switch, and you'll have 288 seconds to get to the barrier. Run back to Way Stone XVIII (18) to get back to Area 3. Back at Area 3, you need to go 4 rooms away, by the Capricorn Gate Stone. All you need to do is go down from Way Stone XVII (17), then take first bridge gap on the right. Go straight across at the next room, then take the first bridge gap on the right to reach the 1st Aquarius Gate. Remove the green barrier there. Before going ahead, you will need to use the Capricorn Gate Stone again first. So after removing the 1st Aquarius Gate barrier, go back one screen, then take the first bridge gap on your right to get back to the Capricorn Gate Stone. Flip the switch, then go back the way you came. Go straight across, past the Ash Wyrm, then take the bridge gap on the right. You should be at the Libra Gate Stone now. Just take the bridge gap on the left, and you will see the 2nd Capricorn Gate on the right. Remove that, then go back to where the 1st Aquarius Gate was (back to the Libra Gate Stone, bridge gap on right, bridge gap on left, bridge gap on right). Back to where you were, there is only one bridge to reach the ゲート・タウロス制御装置 (Taurus Gate Stone). If all you want is the Hastega spell, you'll only be making one trip to the Taurus Gate Stone. The other gate leads to an Artemis Bow and creates the path to a boss that can be fought later. I'll just go and get both items and have the path made. To get both of the last remaining pots at the Great Crystal, you will need to remove both Taurus Gates. For now, flip the switch. You'll have 252 seconds to trek across 6 screens of Area 3, to where both Taurus Gates are. Go back two screens, then take the bridge gap to your left. You should be one screen away from the Libra Gate, which is at the first bridge gap on the right. At the Libra Gate, take the bridge gap on your left, to where you removed the 2nd Capricorn Gate. There should be a green Gate on the left (a Virgo one), so take the bridge gap on the right. Ok, this is where the two Taurus Gates are. If you want to get everything in the fewest number of trips, take the bridge gap on your left, and unlock the 2nd Taurus Gate. Follow the path after it to find the pot containing the ヘイスガ (Hastega) spell. Now you need to go back to the Taurus Gate, and remove the other barrier. From the Hastega pot, take these bridge gates to get back to the Taurus Gate Stone: only one to take, bridge to your left, bridge on the right, bridge on your left (to the Libra Gate Stone), bridge on the right, bridge to your left, bridge on the right, then the only one to take. Now flip the switch and go back to the room right before the 2nd Taurus Gate (only bridge there, only bridge there, bridge on the left, bridge on your right (to the Libra Gate Stone), bridge on the left, bridge to the right, then the bridge straight across. The 1st Taurus Gate will be in front of you. Remove the barrier, and you are now done with the gates and barriers. You never have to deal with any of them again! After getting rid of the barrier to the 1st Taurus Gate, you'll see the pot containing the アルテミスの弓 (Artemis Bow). You are now technically done with this place for now, but you can try to get the "FINAL FANTASY" spear, the 竜の髭L (Dragon Whisker-L). At Area 3 and 4, you've certainly seen ライフフォビドン (Forbidden)s in various parts of the areas. Sometimes a rare monster spawns with Forbiddens, the イビルスピリット (Evil Spirit). Since it is a ghost-like enemy, you can easily level up the chain for the Evil Spirit by going to Area 2 and killing the Necrophobes. Once you've done that, it looks like the best spot to try spawning Evil Spirits is Area 4. Evil Spirits can appear at 3 of the 5 screens there (the blue save crystal and Ultima/Excalibur/Gendarme are the two they cannot spawn at). Since each room is connected to the blue save crystal screen, you can easily go in a triangular pattern from Way Stone XVIII (18) to the Aquarius Gate, to Way Stone XIX (19), or whatever order you want to do the 3 screens in. Simply go to one of those 3 screens and walk a little bit forward. If 3 Forbiddens spawn, leave, and go to one of the other 2 screens. Keep doing that and eventually an Evil Spirit will spawn alongside 2 Forbiddens. The Dragon Whisker-L is the rare the Danjuro-F was. Like the Danjuro-F, I managed to get the Dragon Whisker-L at a chain level of 3. I don't know if it is just a coincidence or not that I could not seem to get either weapon at chain level 4. Here's me finally getting the spear: When you are ready to get out of this place, use Way Stone XIX (19) at Area 4 to warp back to Area 1. Use Way Stone X (10), then VIII (8) to get back to Giruvegan. Warp to Rabanastre when you reach the teleport crystal at Giruvegan. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt66a | More Marks | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There should be 5 more marks at the bulletin board. デスゲイズ (Deathgaze), ディアボロス (Diabolos), ワイルドモルボル (Wild Malboro), カトブレパス (Catoblepas), and ファーヴニル (Fafnir) should all be available. Get all 5 of them started up. Let's go after デスゲイズ (Deathgaze) first. If you recently got the last ingredient for the デュランダルA (Durandal A) and have the others, go ahead and sell レーシー (Leshach Halcyon) x1, 輪竜のウロコ (Ring Wyrm Scale) x4, and 生命のロウソク (Lifewick) x3. The Durandal A costs 80,000 gil. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt66b | Mark: デスゲイズ (Deathgaze) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to the Sky Ferry Terminal at the west gate of Rabanastre. The client for Deathgaze, 旅行好きの一家 (A Traveler), is found at any of the Sky Ferry Terminals in the game. Go from terminal to terminal until you find them. Here's where I found them, at Bhujerba: Once you do find the family, start taking the Sky Ferry from place to place. When you find Deathgaze, the Cabin Staff will freak out, and you can fight him on the float deck (where the Seitengrat can appear). You know the drill by now. Dispel Deathgaze's buffs, followed up by a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy, which will inflict Silence on him. Physical attacks will not hurt Deathgaze, so use your magic/motes. Wind-elemental damage will heal Deathgaze, so don't use any. Deathgaze can use the 治癒 (Renew) ability, so watch out for that. At around 40% HP remaining, you can hurt him with physical damage. Try to steal; you may get really lucky and nab an 皇帝のウロコ (Emperor Scale). Two are needed for the Aldebaran Y. Once he's beaten, look for the family at the Sky Ferry Terminals for the reward: 3400 gil and 2 エリクサー (Elixir)s. Take a Sky Ferry to Bhujerba for the client of the next monster, ディアボロス (Diabolos). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt66c | Mark: ディアボロス (Diabolos) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Southeast of the tech shop in Bhujerba, you'll see ミクリオ (Miclio). Speak to him to get the Diabolos hunt underway. You can find Miclio right here: Enter the Lhusu Mines when you are ready to fight Diabolos. Head to the orange teleport crystal, then go west twice. Take the southern path to where you needed to use the Site 11 Key (a little before where the Antlion was). Check the far western alcove of 第11鉱区採掘場 (Site 11) to find Diabolos. He should be around here: Diabolos can use カース (Curse), so try to have characters spread out a bit. All he can be inflicted with via the Nihopalaoa is Slow, so save a Remedy and toss out a Chronos Tear. Diabolos absorbs Fire but is weak to Water. Beat Diabolos, then get back to ミクリオ (Miclio) for the reward: 2600 gil, a デモンズシールド (Demon Shield), and a メイスオブゼウス (Zeus Mace). Go ahead and warp to Eruyt for the next monster. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt66d | Mark: ワイルドモルボル (Wild Malboro) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head north to 精霊の住む大樹 (The Spiritwood). A little northwest of the exit to 導きの宮 (Fane of the Path) is where you will find the client for the ワイルドモルボル (Wild Malboro), レティーナ (Rena). She is right here: Warp to Giruvegan when you are ready, and get to the Feywood. Where you want to go here is where you fought Rafflesia, just south of the blue save crystal. The ワイルドモルボル (Wild Malboro) will have a couple little Malboros with him; a few Aeroga Motes will dispose of them. Get rid of the Wild Malboro's buffs, and a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy will inflict Slow, Silence, Blind, and [Oil]. You can fry the thing with Fire spells after the Wild Malboro has been Oiled. Like most Malboros, the Wild Malboro is also weak to Wind-elemental attacks. Go back to Rena in Eruyt for the reward: 4600 gil, and ユークリッド定規 (Euclid's Sextant). Get to Bur-Omisace now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt66e | Mark: ファーヴニル (Fafnir) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The client for ファーヴニル (Fafnir) is here, so is the one for the Piscodaemon from a long time ago. At 神殿へ続く道 (Temple Approach), look for the viera レメリー (Relj) to get Fafnir started. Go to 神殿境内 (Temple Grounds) to find the client for the Piscodaemon, アイヴァヌス (Ivaness), and get the reward: 3800 gil, a ダークショット (Dark Shot), and a コラプスの魔片 (Scathe Mote). Exit out to the Paramina Rift to find Fafnir. Keep going back to Bur-Omisace and out until you get a heavy snowstorm at the Paramina Rift. Where you need to go for Fafnir is the western part of 銀流の果て (Silverflow's End). You need to avoid passing through 氷結するせせらぎ (Frozen Brook) as that will get rid of the snowstorm. So from Bur-Omisace, take the western south exit to 銀流の始まり (Head of the Silverflow), south to 解けることなき流れ (Icebound Flow), the southern east exit to カーリダイン大氷洞 (Karydine Glacier), then south to 銀流の果て (Silverflow's End). Fafnir will be pretty hard to miss when you arrive: De-buff Fafnir, and use a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy to inflict Slow and Sap on him. Fafnir has a lot of HP, so it may help out a little bit. He is a pretty physical monster, so keep Bubble and Protect on as much as you can. Fafnir can cast スリプガ (Sleepga), so be ready to cure that or null it beforehand. Fafnir's ホワイトブレス (White Breath) inflicts Stop, so be ready for that, too. Fafnir is weak to Lightning attacks/spells, so use any that you have. If you have some バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt)s, you may want to equip them later on in the fight so your HP can try to keep up with his damage output. The ショック (Shock) spell can inflict over 7000 damage to a party member, so watch out when he prepares to cast it. The Reverse spell/mote can really help here (especially on low-level games). At near-death status, Fafnir can bust out big combos. Try to finish him off with a mist combo (unlikely), and space out your characters if possible. Whoever Fafnir decides to combo will probably die. Keep at it and you'll eventually beat him. You will receive a キルティアの指輪 (Ring of the Light). Head back to Bur-Omisace and レメリー (Relj) will give you the reward: 7000 gil, 一撃の矢 (Assassin's Arrows), and a テレポストーン (Teleport Stone). There should be one more hunt left to do, so warp to Jahara. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt66f | Mark: カトブレパス (Catoblepas) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locate your old friend 戦士長スピネル (War-chief Supinelu) southeast of the shop to get カトブレパス (Catoblepas) underway. Head into the Zertinan Caverns, then go to the blue save crystal there. From there, go to the hidden room off the path (where the Bio Motes and Grenades are) to find Catoblepas. Supinelu will appear to battle it with you. Get rid of his buffs and toss a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy to inflict Sleep, Slow, and Blind on Catoblepas. You can keep him asleep and use spells if you want. If you have Reddas with you, have him cast Holy, since Catoblepas is weak to that element (the Excalibur is very good here, too). Stock up on some more Bio Motes here if you want to after Catoblepas goes down, as they can be helpful on the next mark. Go back to Supinelu at Jahara for the reward: 3200 gil, a ブルカノ式 (Volcano), and some 北極の風 (North Pole Wind) loot. Warp to Rabanastre, since you can do another mark for Montblanc now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt66g | Mark: キングベヒーモス (Behemoth King) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get キングベヒーモス (Behemoth King) started, then head to the lowtown area. You'll find the client, ココミン (Koqmihn), inside Dalan's house at the southern end of Rabanastre lowtown. Warp to Giruvegan to get to the Behemoth King. At Giruvegan, head out to the Feywood. You'll find the Behemoth King at 思の最果て (The Edge of Reason). Try clearing out the monsters at both The Edge of Reason and 英知の氷原 (Ice Field of Clearsight), then come back to The Edge of Reason. Like Fafnir, this guy is hard to miss, since he's humongous. He's right here: The Behemoth King can cast ホーリー (Holy), so equip something that can protect you from it (try a Sage Ring, anyone can equip those). Dispel his buffs, but don't bother using the Nihopalaoa, he resists it. Like Fafnir, the Behemoth King also uses ホワイトブレス (White Breath), the Ice + Stop attack. スロウガ (Slowga), ダーガ (Darkga), and アーダー (Ardor) are also a part of his repertoire. Ardor is a fire-elemental spell. Use non-elemental attacks, since the Behemoth King takes half damage from all elements. At around 75-80% HP, the Behemoth King will use 魔法障壁 (Paling), so use non-elemental magic on him (got a lot of Bio Motes?) until it wears off. He can also use 完全マバリア (Magick Shield), so have good attackers and casters around. The Behemoth King doesn't seem to do any new attacks, so if you can keep up with his damage output, you should be ok for the rest of the battle. Go back to Koqmihn at the lowtown part of Rabanastre for the Behemoth King reward: 250 gil, and 2 バッカスの酒 (Bacchus's Wine). Wow! You can go to Ridorana now, try taking on the Hellwyrm, or go through the rest of the Henne Mines. I'm going to fight the Hellwyrm, then go through Ridorana, then the Henne Mines. Go in whichever order you would like to. For the Henne Mines, you will need to go to Jahara and speak to 風水士ユグギル (Yuggil), then you can warp in and go to the new part of the area northeast of the teleport crystal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt67a | 魔神竜 (Hellwyrm) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warp to the Sochen Cave Palace to reach the Hellwyrm. If you got the 最強の盾 (Zodiac Escutcheon), you know where to go. Go back to the first Sochen Cave Palace section of the guide for the directions on how to gain access to the Hellwyrm's lair. Prepare for a long battle when you go in. The 魔神竜 (Hellwyrm) is gigantic! See those little lines under the HP meter? Those are meters, too. So this guy has 50 life meters to get through. Let's start the attack! You can inflict Oil on the Hellwyrm with a Nihopalaoa. If you have any kind of holy-elemental attacks, use those, since the Hellwyrm is weak to them. This battle is another place where the Excalibur shines; 30,000+ damage a hit is useful (and takes off about 1/5 of a life bar). This is just a guesstimate, but Paulygon says it's about 175,000HP per life bar. Here's the rundown of this guy's attacks: ジャッジメント (Judgment): Holy damage to all and can inflict Stop. ファントムペイン (Phantom Pain): Damages an esper if one is summoned. ペトロブレス (Stone Breath): Physical damage, inflicts 石化中 (Petrify). ひっかき (Rake): Physical damage to one character. アンチ (Invert): Switches a character's HP and MP. ファイガ (Firaga): Fire-elemental attack to all in a radius. ウォタガ (Waterga): Water-elemental attack to all in a radius. ダーガ (Darkga): Dark-elemental attack to all in a radius. エアロガ (Aeroga): Wind-elemental attack to all in a radius. サンダガ (Thundaga): Lightning-elemental attack to all in a radius. ブリザガ (Blizzaga): Ice-elemental attack to all in a radius. Also of note is that the Hellwyrm can instantly kill a character with its basic attack, even with Reverse status on. Remember that if you start getting into trouble, you can leave and the Hellwyrm will keep its current HP as long as you come back relatively soon. With about 6 bars left, the Hellwyrm seems to love spamming Stone Breath, so try having some ふわふわミトラ (Fuzzy Miter)s equipped. If you have Reddas with you in the party, try having him cast ホーリー (Holy) so you can smack the crap out of the Hellwyrm when it is almost dead. After the Hellwyrm is defeated, grab the 最強の盾 (Zodiac Escutcheon) at the back of the room if you didn't already. Check earlier in the guide for the exact location of the pot (straight up from the door, along the wall), as it is a 1% spawn. Enough delaying, now it's time to go through Ridorana! ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt68a | リドラナ大灯台 (The Pharos at Ridorana) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the largest dungeon in the entire game, and it is divided into three "ascents", so that's what I am going to do, too. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt68b | 大灯台下層 (Pharos at Ridorana, First Ascent) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: ホーリー (Holy) Found at 始原の旋回廊3 (Wellspring Ravel - 3rd Flight), on 35F, after a 4-segment red bridge. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: エレメスのくつ (Hermes' Shoes) Found at 始原の層 外外郭 (Wellspring Labyrinth), on 02F, on the right side of the area. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: 黒の仮面 (Black Mask) Found at 至次の境域 (Horizon's Cusp), on 49F, right before the door. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: 黒のローブ (Black Robes) Rare poach from the スプラッシュ (Mistmare). ----- Ok. The First Ascent. 01F. If you go south along the ring by the orange teleport crystal, you'll see one of the 3 pillar things that you need to activate to advance. Try to use it and you will be asked for a 黒の珠 (Black Orb). Let's go get some Black Orbs. Head back to the Way Stone by the orange teleport crystal, and take the southern doorway. Kill whatever monsters you see, and they will sometimes "drop" a floating blue orb, this is a Black Orb. Once you have 3 of them, you do not need to pick up any more if you do not want to. To reach the map for the First Ascent, you need to go the the southeastern part of the area you are at, then go back to the west along the southern side. Here's a picture of where the map is: Where you want to go is the room at the east-central part of the floor. You can't open the 黒の扉 (Black Door) until you activate the three mechanisms that each need a Black Orb. So after you get the map, head to that small, cut-off 'island' section of the southeastern part of the large O-ring. Pic: Use a Black Orb to get the mechanism working. Now go back to the center room with the teleport crystal, and use the first mechanism by the rockslide at the southeastern part of the O-ring. The third mechanism is along the northern part of the ring, via the northern section of the area. After you've activated all 3, you can open that door at the right-center part of the floor. Don't forget to grab the エレメスのくつ (Hermes' Shoes) directly across from the door, then go through. Just in case, here is a screencap of all 3 mechanisms: Upon opening the door, the party will be whisked away to some outdoor-looking area. Just head up the hill and to the end to meet up with パンデモニウム (Pandaemonium). This giant turtle is weak to wind-elemental attacks, so use whichever ones you have after removing his buffs. A Nihopalaoa'd Remedy will inflict Confuse, Silence, and Oil on Pandaemonium. Any other element than wind does 0 damage to it, besides earth, which heals him. Pandaemonium likes to inflict Blind and Slow, so equipping an Argyle Armlet and/or Sash can reduce the curing time for the party. When Pandaemonium is at around 33%HP, he will use 魔法障壁 (Paling) and 完全マバリア (Magick Shield), which makes him completely invulnerable. Use this time to re-buff your party members, then destroy him when it wears off. By beating Pandaemonium, you can now use the Way Stone by the orange teleport crystal. You'll now be at 10F. Take either door, and when you see the first set of キメラブライン (Chimera Brain)s, go straight up on the map and break the fake wall to find a pot holding a デモンズシールド (Demon Shield). Now go up the stairs to be greeted by some コジャ (Brainpan)s. As you kill each Brainpan, some green squares will fall into a gap, making a bridge. That's how this section works. There are green and red bridges to be made. Killing a コジャ (Brainpan) will add one section to a green bridge or remove a section of a red bridge, while killing a デイダラ (Deidar) will do the opposite; add a red bridge section or remove a green section. Once a bridge is complete, it cannot be undone. The green bridges are needed to advance through the dungeon, while a couple of red ones will lead to some possibly lost-forever pots containing things like a Gungnir spear and the Holy spell. Let's try to get everything. After the 2-segment green bridge, you'll need to find 4 Brainpans for the green bridge on 14F. At 23F/24F, you can break through the 2 fake walls there to find a pot holding a シャプロンの帽子 (Chaperon). The next bridge is a green one on 25F. You need to create 6 segments to complete the bridge. After you cross the bridge, you'll see a pot on the right across from another gap. Inside the pot is a ペルセウスの弓 (Perseus Bow). Keep going. The next bridge is a 6-segment green one on 31F. You'll also see the first デイダラ (Deidar) here. They are the red Brainpans. Complete the bridge in front of you, then keep going. At 35F, you'll see the very long 10-segment green bridge. --------- | wt68c | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the マサムネI (Masamune-I), Deidars drop the last ingredient needed, オリハルク (Orichalcum). Just chain Deidars and Brainpans to get the 3 Orichalcum you need. If you are trying to get Orichalcum, it is recommended that you get it first before completing the really big green bridge, so you can still chain the Brainpans. -LOOT ALERT- Keep going back through the area to spawn more Brainpans until you get the bridge completed. Leave the Deidar for now, since you need to make another green bridge before you can access the red one. Before going on to the next area, you will see a 3-segment red bridge if you have been killing Deidars. Go back and kill 3 Deidars to make this bridge if it isn't there. Beyond the fake wall is a pot with the グングニル (Gungnir) spear. Another red bridge gap is to your left. If you want the ホーリー (Holy) spell in that pot, you will want to kill 4 more Deidars to make the bridge. Go back 2 screens to 16F to respawn the Deidars and Brainpans. If you want that ペルセウスの弓 (Perseus Bow) back on 25F, chain 4 more (11 total) Deidars to make that bridge. Head to the exit on 35F when you are ready to continue on. The next bridge is a 3-segment green one on 46F. You can try to fight a rare monster on 47F, ヴィシュヌ (Vishno), which is a Brainpan/Deidar-type monster. It can drop a リボン (Ribbon)! Try to be very careful and build up the chain level before completing the 2-segment bridge to have a better chance at getting a Ribbon dropped from Vishno. To be completely safe, you can just chain Deidars since there is no red bridge here, or just chain Brainpans and Deidars on the 27F-35F area, since they won't count towards the bridge at 46F. Here's a screenie of Vishno showing up: Vishno *can* respawn, it just seems like it is a big pain. He wouldn't respawn until I went 2 screens away and had killed about 15 more Deidars *after* killing Vishno. He respawned again after killing 10 more Deidars. Either way, it seems to be a slow method just like the Level 99 Red Chocobos. Go up the stairs to 48F where the blue save crystal is waiting. Use the door at the southwestern quadrant to continue. Follow the path on 49F. Right before the door, you'll see 2 pots to open. Inside them are a リフレガの魔片 (Reflectga Mote) and a 黒の仮面 (Black Mask). Open the door when you are ready to fight シャーリート (Slyt). This big fish guy has Auto-Regen, so you can't get rid of it. He's weak to fire, too. If you toss a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy at him, he'll be inflicted with Confuse, Slow, and Oil, making fire-elemental attacks doubly powerful aside from the already double damage (use fire on him!). I did 60,000 damage to him with a single Firaga. If that isn't an option, keep your defenses up and HP high, as Slyt can combo like crazy, especially when near-death. Back on 49F, walk forward to the door ahead, to a Way Stone on 50F. Using it will take you to the second part of Ridorana. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt68d | 大灯台中層 (Pharos at Ridorana, Second Ascent) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes (3) ----- Spells/Techs: 銭投げ (Gil Toss) Found at 幻惑の層 (Station of Ascension), on 63F, in the southeastern quadrant. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: ガストラフェテS (Gastrophetes-S) Found at 受難の層 (Station of Suffering), on 62F, in the northwestern quadrant. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no repsawn after opening) Pic: ムラマサ (Muramasa) Found at 験真の封域 (The Bounds of Truth), on 65F, to the left of the door. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no repsawn after opening) Pic: ----- You'll be at 60F now. If you go across to the left side of the large O-ring, you will find a blue save crystal. At the four corners of the O-ring, you will also see a locked door and a pedestal next to it. In order to get through this part of Ridorana, you must take one of the penalties/seals from a pillar. Here's what color they are, the penalty, and where you wind up on the next floor: Northeast: YELLOW Can't use the "Item" command. Southeast quadrant. Southeast: PINK/ROSE On-screen nav-map is gone (main map w/ select button is there). Southwest quadrant. Southwest: PURPLE Can't use the "Magic" command. Northwest quadrant. Northwest: WHITE Can't use the "Attack" command. Northeast quadrant. No nav-map is the easiest penalty, probably followed by items, then magic and attack. Go with whichever penalty you are comfortable with, then enter the door. Every part of the floor connected to the four doors is accessible, so there is no worry about being locked out of part of a floor. Now for the items on this floor. If you want an オパールの指輪 (Opal Ring), you can find it in the southwestern quadrant. There's a ミネルバビスチェ (Minerva Bustier) at the northwestern quadrant. The stairs to the next area are found in the southwestern quadrant, as well as the northeastern one. Feel free to look around, then proceed. If they're better than what you have, the クルセイダー (Crusader)s can drop the light helmet ローレルクラウン (Crown of Laurels). At 62F, you will be at the same quadrant from the previous floor. There are two weapons you can get here, the メイスオブゼウス (Zeus Mace) and the strongest bowgun in the game, the ガストラフェテS (Gastrophetes-S). The Zeus Mace is found at the southwestern quadrant, right by where you enter the floor. The Gastrophetes-S is at the northwestern quadrant, which is also where the map to the Second Ascent is located. If you are having trouble finding it, the map is here (go east then northwest around a locked door): Take what you need, then go to the southeastern quadrant for the stairs. --------- | wt68e | --------- -LOOT ALERT- If you want to make the strongest pole in the game, the 鯨の髭N (Whale Whisker-N), you can finally get the third loot for it on 62F. The ドラゴンゾンビ (Dragon Lich)es found at the northern and southern part of the O-ring have the 死虫 (Corpse Fly) loot. You can steal it from them and they can drop it. If you do not get the loot here, you can't get it until after you complete the Pharos of Ridorana, so the choice is yours, if you want to make the Whale Whisker-N. Take the "no nav-map" penalty to make 2-screen zoning faster. Get 3 Corpse Flies to make the weapon. -LOOT ALERT- Now you'll be at 63F, in the southeastern quadrant. If you did not get the 銭投げ (Gil Toss) tech at Draklor Laboratory, it will be in a pot on this floor around the southeastern part of the center O-ring. You can find a サッシュ (Sash) in the northeastern quadrant. The stairs to 64F are found at the northwestern quadrant. If you would like to try stocking up on the 下町のカルバドス (Spirit of Lowtown) item, the アパンダ (Reaver)s on 62F/63F can drop them. Set an "attack weak to Earth" gambit to ignore the other enemies. It seems faster to just clear out 62F, then go to 60F at the southwestern quadrants on 62F/61F. At 64F, just head to the door at the southwestern quadrant. On 65F, you'll find a ムラマサ (Muramasa) in a pot to the left of the door. There is a ヘイスガの魔片 (Hastega) mote in a pot to the right of the door. Go through when you are ready for another boss fight. Say hi to フェンリル (Fenrir), the cute kitty. Make sure you get rid of his Haste and Bravery buffs. A Nihopalaoa'd Remedy will inflict Sleep and Oil on him, making him a piece of cake if you just hit him with non-elemental spells after putting him to sleep. Otherwise, keep your defenses and HP up, and don't use any elemental-based attacks, as he resists them all but earth (so use those if you have them). Fenrir can use an area-of-effect ice attack, コールドブレイク (Cold Break), and an attack that can silence everyone. Other than that, he should be not too big a deal unless you have chronically low HP and defense, due to his combo/damage output. There are 4 pots in the room you fight Fenrir, so be sure to grab them during the fight if you want them. All that is inside them are a Cura Mote, X-Potion, Phoenix Down, and an Elixir. After beating Fenrir, go forward. Pay attention to the color of the seal on the door, since you will want to get rid of the penalty ahead to advance. At the O-ring, check the far eastern corners for 2 pots which may contain Hi-Ethers or X-Potions. To access the elevator on 66F, you will have to undo the penalty you chose, so use the corresponding switch, or just use any of them twice; once to switch the penalty and then again to undo it. The elevator to 67F is at the far-left part of the O-ring, just for you RE2k8 ;). There may be one of those Entite things floating around on 66F, the 精霊ウンディーヌ (Undin Entite), which is the same one from the Cerobi Steppe. You'll find a blue save crystal north of you at 67F. Use the Way Stone southwest of the blue save crystal to get to the Third (and final) Ascent. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt68f | 大灯台上層 (Pharos at Ridorana, Third Ascent) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: Yes ----- Spells/Techs: フレアー (Flare) Found at 至頂の旋回廊1 (Spire Ravel - 1st Flight), on 81F, behind a fake, breakable wall, near a green sigil. Pic: アーダー (Ardor) Found at 至頂の旋回廊2 (Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight), on 83F, behind where you get warped to from 81F. Pic: ----- Possible useful items: 白のローブ (White Robe) Found at 至頂の旋回廊2 (Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight), on 83F, in front of you where you get warped to from 81F. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no repsawn after opening) Pic: アルテマブレイド (Ultima Blade) Found at 至頂の旋回廊2 (Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight), on 84F, by the アイロネート (Aeronite)s. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: ダークマター (Dark Matter) Found at 至天の旋回廊 (Empyrean Ravel), on 91F, next to the 100% pot holding a Dark Matter. Pot stats: 3% to appear, 0% gil, only has Dark Matter inside Pic: ラストエリクサー (Megalixir) Found at 至天の旋回廊 (Empyrean Ravel), on 95F/96F, next to the 100% pot holding a Megalixir. Pot stats: 2% to appear, 0% gil, only has a Megalixir inside Pic: ----- You'll be at 80F now. Almost there! This place is pretty maze-like, with different colored teleports. If you do not want to get any of the above mentioned stuff, the Way Stones you need to use are in this order: black, green, red, the color of the penalty you took on 2nd Ascent, and then white. Of course, I'm going to try to go through to get all of the goodies. First up, if you want the map to the Third Ascent, go northwest of the starting point, to a door. You can't open it on this side! Oh well. Use the red sigil to warp behind the locked door. Open the door, then use the black sigil by the bomb guys to advance. On 81F, there are 5 pots here (only 2 are 100% to appear). The main one here is the フレアー (Flare) spell. Check for a fake wall at the southeastern corner (or the far eastern wall), and you will find the spell in a pot north of the green sigil. Use the green sigil to go to 83F. On 83F, you'll find the アーダー (Ardor) spell right behind you, and a 白のローブ (White Robe) in the pot ahead of you. Take either path, since both take you to another set of Way Stones behind some fake walls. Use the red sigil this time. On 84F, you'll be warped in the middle of four more teleports, with some アイロネート (Aeronite)s in front of you as well as a pot holding an アルテマブレイド (Ultima Blade). Grab the Ultima Blade and kill the Aeronites if you want, then use the sigil of the same color as the penalty you took earlier. Here's the colors again, and their position on this floor (they are not in the same order as before): Northwest: YELLOW-Can't use the "Item" command. Southeast: PURPLE-On-screen nav-map is gone. Southwest: PINK/ROSE-Can't use the "Magic" command. Northeast: WHITE-Can't use the "Attack" command. Use the correct sigil, and you'll be at 86F. Head north to a fake wall, leading to a white sigil that takes you to 88F. On 88F, there is an エリクサー (Elixir) in a pot at the northwest corner. The elevator to 90F is right in front of you. If you did not get the map to the Third Ascent earlier, use the reflective teleport to your right first. Using the reflective sigil will send you to 79F. Open the door south of you, and you will see the map for the Third Ascent by the door that you can now unlock. Just grab the map, then use the reflective sigil again back to 88F. When you warp back, your view may be obstructed by a big golem-looking rare monster, タワー (Tower). Beat him, then use the elevator to 90F after buffing the party. If Tower doesn't spawn, just keep using the reflective sigil to 79F and back to 88F until he shows up. Tower can drop the strongest heavy helmet in the game, the グランドヘルム (Grand Helm). He can be chained by warping to 79F and going through the Way Stones again (black, green, red, penalty color, white). Like before, after going through the Way Stones and Tower does not appear, just teleport back to 79F and repeat until he does shows up again. Here's a cap showing the chain: Do not take the warp on 79F back to the Second Ascent, as it will take you back to 01F! Trust me, I'm an expert. Upon taking the 90F elevator, ハシュマリム (Hashmal) will be in your face. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt68g | ハシュマリム (Hashmal) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get rid of his プロテス (Protect), and toss a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy to inflict Oil on him. Use wind-elemental attacks and spells on Hashmal. His special attacks, クエイジャ (Quakeja) and ロッキュー (Rock You/Roxxor), are earth-element, so if you have any ドラゴンシールド (Dragon Shield)s or the レビテガ (Float) spell/Motes, his strongest attacks won't do any damage at all. Hashmal can inflict ワイルス (Disease) with his regular attack, so be ready to cure it right away. As Hashmal is a summon, purchase him on whichever board gives the best benefit. Here's what the Hashmal bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: Uhlan Bonecrusher tech Red Mage Steal tech Knight Curaja, Bravery, Faith, Confuse spells Monk Cura, Raise spells Time Mage Channeling augment Breaker Swiftness augment Black Mage Volcano T equippable Hunter Bonecrusher tech You will then be on 90F, where there are no enemies, just a large room with a save crystal at the end. Along the way, you'll see a pot holding ダークマター (Dark Matter) and one with a ラストエリクサー (Megalixir) inside. Both of these items have respawning pots that only hold those items, but they have a 3% and 2% chance of appearing. If you are patient enough, though.. Save at the blue save crystal, then buff the party once more. Use the teleport on 99F when you are ready. After some cutscenes, you'll be fighting ガブラス (Gabranth). De-buff him as usual, but wait a second for him to cast プロテス (Protect) on himself first. A Nihopoloa'd Remedy will inflict Silence and Oil on him. As Gabranth is a judge, equip a カメオのベルト (Cameo Belt) to get past his high evasion rate. Gabranth can use the ability ジャッジメント (Judgement), but I beat him too fast to see what it does. After Gabranth talks some smack, he'll use 完全マバリア (Magick Shield), as well as be re-buffed and not inflicted with any status ailments. Use a Dispel Mote to remove his Haste buff, and another Nihopalaoa'd Remedy to inflict him with Silence and Oil again. After his Darth Vader impression, ドクター・シド (Doctor Cid) will fight you immediately after the battle with Gabranth. De-buff Cid and smack the crap out of him. A Nihopalaoa'd Remedy will inflict Oil on him, so you can burn Cid to a crisp if you'd like. After a bit, Cid will call forth his summon buddy, the waterboy ファムフリート (Famfrit). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt68h | ファムフリート (Famfrit) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cid will be invincible while Famfrit is alive, so concentrate on him (setting a gambit to 'highest HP->attack' will work for a good chunk of the fight. Cid can be de-buffed if you toss a Dispel Mote at him ASAP. De-buff Famfrit and use a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy to inflict Oil on him, whereupon he is already weak to fire...roast him! Cid will continually buff Famfrit, so keep an eye on the top of the screen so you can de-buff Famfrit right away. I had my Red Mage Ashe cast Ardor on a de-buffed, Oiled Famfrit for 129,000 damage. Yeah. Famfrit can use ウアタジャ (Waterja), a water-element attack that can also cause Silence. Once Famfrit is gone, Cid will go down easily, too (he can be Oiled, for some more pyro action if you desire). Beat Cid and you'll have the summon Famfrit to buy on a license board. You'll be back at Balfonheim after having the option to save your game. Here's what the Famfrit bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: White Mage Orichalcum Dirk, Platinum Dagger, Numerology tech Uhlan Potion Lore 3 augment Machinist Hastega, Slowga, Vanishga, Reflectga, Warp, Graviga spells Red Mage Battle Lore (2) augment Monk Arise, Dispelga spells Time Mage Battle Lore augment Breaker Magick Lore augment Archer HP+390, HP+435 Black Mage HP+190, HP+230, HP+310 You'll gain access to the final dungeon in the game, the バハムート (Bahamut), via flying from the Strahl. Of course, there are still some hunts to do and 2 other dungeons, so that's where we are going first! ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt69a | Cleaning Up | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a few new items for sale at the Baknamy Merchant at Nabudis: ハイエーテル (Hi- Ether) 1110 gil バニシガの魔片 (Vanishga Mote) 400 gil レビテガの魔片 (Float Mote) 550 gil Be sure to stock up on whatever you need. If you got the loot needed to make the 鯨の髭N (Whale Whisker N) and/or マサムネI (Masamune I), sell the loot and buy the weapons if you want them. The Whale Whisker N loot is 4 アクエリアス (Aquarius Gem)s, 3 ミスリル (Mythril), and 3 死虫 (Corpse Fly). The weapon will cost 60,000 gil to buy. The Masamune I loot is 2 玉鋼 (Gemsteel), 3 オリハルク (Orichalcum), and 2 とんかち (Hammer)s. The Masamune I costs 350,000 gil. Warp to Rabanastre and give Montblanc a visit. He'll have two new hunts for you, イクシオン (Ixion), and 神 (Shadowseer). Get these started, then go back to Balfonheim. At the bar, speak to the client for Ixion, 白波亭の娘 (Whitecap Wench). While still at the bar, check the wanted posters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt69b | Mark: パイルラスタ (Pylraster) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There should be one new hunt to go for, パイルラスタ (Pylraster). Get it started, then go speak to the client in town, リッキー (Rikken). He's at the far southwestern corner of Balfonheim. You may have to race him first, I guess. I don't remember doing it before, and I have no idea how to win, as pressing OXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX the whole time killed my hand, and I came in 3rd place on level thanks. All three of these hunts are found at Ridorana, but since we just came from there, let's go to a different area first. Warp to Jahara. Since you have beaten the マインドフレア (Mindflayer) hunt and have enough summons (I think it is 10), go to Jahara and speak to 風水士ユグギル (Geomancer Yggil) northeast of the shop. Now you can warp to the Henne Mines and reach the end of that dungeon, where some goodies and baddies await. Warp to the Henne Mines when you are ready. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt70a | ヘネ魔石鉱 (Henne Mines) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: Yes / Save Crystal: No ----- Spells/Techs: フルケア (Renew) Found at 特殊採掘坑 (Special Charter Shaft), in the southeast corner. Pic: 魔攻破壊 (Addle) Found at 特殊採掘坑 (Special Charter Shaft), northwest of Renew. Pot stats: 10% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- Possible useful items: デュエルマスク (Duel Mask) Found at 第2期採掘現場 (Phase 2 Dig), west of the map. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: フォーマルハウト (Fomalhaut) Found at 第2期採掘現場 (Phase 2 Dig), next to the map. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa) Found at 第2期採掘現場 (Phase 2 Dig), in an off-the-map alcove. Pot stats: 25% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: グランドヘルム (Grand Helm) Found at 第2期採掘現場 (Phase 2 Dig), west of the pot with the Nihopalaoa. Pot stats: 25% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: サークレット (Circlet) Found at 第2期採掘現場 (Phase 2 Dig), in an off-the-map T-shaped area. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: ブルカノ式T (Volcano T) Found at 第2期採掘現場 (Phase 2 Dig), south of the Circlet pot. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) CHECK **Note below Pic: バイオの魔片 (Bio Mote) / ホーリーの魔片 (Holy Mote) Found at 第2期採掘現場 (Phase 2 Dig), in the southwestern corner. Pot stats: 75% to appear, 50% gil Pic: バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt) Found at 区間連結ラインC (Crossover C), northwest of the first red fence. Pot stats: 25% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: ブルカノ式T (Volcano T) Found at 第2期坑道 (Phase 2 Shaft), east of the アビス (Abysteel) room. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) CHECK **Note below Pic: 最強の矛 (Zodiac Spear) Found at 特殊採掘坑 (Special Charter Shaft), on the southern stairs. Pot stats: 1% to appear, 0% gil Pic: ブレイブスーツ (Brave Suit) Found at 特殊採掘坑 (Special Charter Shaft), on the eastern side. Pot stats: 25% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: リボン (Ribbon) Found at 特殊採掘坑 (Special Charter Shaft), in the northeastern alcove. Pot stats: 15% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: グランドアーマー (Grand Armor) Found at 特殊採掘坑 (Special Charter Shaft), northwest of the Ribbon pot. Pot stats: 25% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: ローブオブーロード (Lordly Robes) Found at 特殊採掘坑 (Special Charter Shaft), in the far western alcove. Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: **Note: There are 2 pots containing the ブルカノ式T (Volcano T), but once you get the weapon from either pot, both pots vanish. There's only one Volcano T to get. ----- Upon warping to the Henne Mines, head north to where you fought Tiamat. There should now be a door going east that wasn't unlocked before. Head that way to the new, much tougher section of the Henne Mines. Go directly east until you see an alcove to the north, and one to the south that doesn't show up on the map (a lot of this dungeon is like that). Remember those 20,000HP bats that were pretty tough awhile ago? Those アビス (Abysteel)s? They are normal enemies here. In the southern alcove not showing on the map, you'll find a pot with the strongest light helmet in the game, the デュエルマスク (Duel Mask), inside. Go all the way east to another alcove to find the map and a pot with the second-best gun in the game, the フォーマルハウト (Fomalhaut). The map isn't too bad for finding your way around, but there are a number of little alcoves not on the map with some items. After the S-shaped area, watch the right wall for a small alcove that can have a pot with a ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa) inside. This is the only pot mentioned on this screen that isn't 100% to appear aside from one other, the グランドヘルム (Grand Helm), which is directly west of the Nihopalaoa pot (both have a 25% chance to appear). Leave the screen and return until the pots show up, then double back through the T-shaped area off of the map to the southeastern corner of the room. While in the T-shaped area, grab the サークレット (Circlet) from a pot. The Circlet is the strongest mystic helmet in the game. In the southwestern corner, you may see a pot, which holds either a バイオの魔片 (Bio Mote) or ホーリーの魔片 (Holy Mote), if you would like to stock up on either. Go to the "island" on the map by going east, or south from where the Circlet was, and you can grab the strongest Hand-Bomb weapon in the game, the ブルカノ式T (Volcano T). Head east to the next room. At the far eastern area of this room, you'll see an area behind a metal gate. This is, of course, where you want to get to. So let's go around the long way. When you likely see a group of 1-3 pots hanging out together, the fence to the west (red) should be open, while the southern one (blue) should be closed. Head west, to a pot containing a バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt), then walk south through whichever gate is open. There may be a clump of 3 pots north of the eastern exit south to 第2期坑道 (Phase 2 Shaft). The eastern one of the three can net you some replacement リバースの魔片 (Reverse Mote)s if you need any. The pot right next to the room transition can have ハイエーテル (High Ether)s if you want to re-stock up on them there. In this eerily-familiar room, you can change which fence is open. If the red fence is already open, then just skip the switch here. If you do need to flip the switch, get ready. Instead of those little blue slime guys earlier, this switch calls forth a small army of アビス (Abysteel)s. This room can be fatal to even a level 80+ party. Hopefully you have the スリプガ (Sleepga) spell to cast, as that can save your life! Give the room a try if you want to level up quickly, as this room is probably the best spot in the game to do so. Since I don't need to activate the switch, I just head south to the next room. You should now be at the northern end of the room where the Sage Ring and Vampyr Fangs were grabbed way earlier in the game, 第2期坑道 (Phase 2 Shaft). I just go east to the next room, as there is not much up here. The northeastern corner of the room is the second location of the ブルカノ式T (Volcano T) if you didn't get it a couple of rooms earlier. This next room is where you can get a couple of nice things. Up first is everybody's favorite "missable" weapon in the original version, the 最強の矛 (Zodiac Spear). You can find the pot on the flat section between the stairs at the long straightaway path before the first little off-the-map area. It has a 1% chance of showing up, but you're guaranteed to get the Zodiac Spear from the pot. The pot also respawns, but only the ウーラン (Uhlan) job can equip the weapon. Head northeast through the first off-the-map area, then all the way to the alcove at the southeastern corner of the room. You'll find the フルケア (Renew) spell in a pot there. Head north to the off-the-map area. In the center of the t-shaped section, you may find the strongest light armor in the game, a ブレイブスーツ (Brave Suit) by the big rock. Go northeast to reach the northeastern area that shows up on the map. In the little western alcove is where you can find a リボン (Ribbon). Be sure to get this. Now go to the top of the center section that shows up on the map (go north, then west). At that little alcove up top, you can find a pot holding the strongest heavy armor in the game, グランドアーマー (Grand Armor). If you search the little shiny speck on the floor, you will find 3 バッカスの酒 (Bacchus's Wine)s and 2 ラストエリクサー (Megalixir)s. Not too bad! Go south, then west to the far western alcove on the map. There you will find a pot with the strongest mystic armor in the game, ローブオブーロード (Lordly Robes). There's one more pot to go for, plus you probably want to save before heading to the last room here, so go east to the middle area on the map, then go south. Midway through the off-the-map area, you can find the 魔攻破壊 (Addle) tech. Once you have gotten all you want from the pots here, trudge back to the orange teleport crystal and save. Trust me, you'll want to. Once you get back to this spot, buff up your main group of characters, then put in your weakest/worst/least-used character as the lone party member. Walk forward and you will be greeted by the final summon in the game, ゾディアーク (Zodiark). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt70b | ゾディアーク (Zodiark) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zodiark *always* starts the battle off with his special attack, ダージャ (Darkja), which does dark-elemental damage and can inflict instant death, which is why I have a sacrificial lamb party member take that Darkja for the party. You can get an attack/spell off try casting ホーリー (Holy) with an オパールの指輪 (Opal Ring) equipped or something like that. After he wipes out the sacrificial character, put in your real party. Make sure you cast ディスペル (Dispel) to remove Zodiark's buffs. Don't bother equipping a Nihopalaoa, since Zodiark seems to resist status effects. -IMPORTANT NOTE- You can steal the second-best weapon in the entire game (arguably THE best) from Zodiark, the トランゴタワー (Trango Tower). It is the rare steal from him, as the common steal from Zodiark is a サーペンタリウス (Serpentarius) loot, while the uncommon steal is a ラストエリクサー (Megalixir). Equip 盗賊のカフス (Thief's Cuffs) so you will have a 6% chance at stealing the Trango Tower instead of 3%. The only weapon stronger in the game is the ザイテングラート (Seitengrat). Any job can equip the weapon (no license), it is one-handed (so a shield can also be equipped), and the Trango Tower has 153 attack. I would really recommend resetting the game if you do not steal the Trango Tower, it is worth the time to go for. Here is a successful steal of the weapon: -IMPORTANT NOTE- Ok, after you've stolen the Trango Tower (or not, I guess, if you really don't want it!), keep plugging away at Zodiark. He is weak to holy-element attacks, and the Excalibur can rip him apart, doing 30,000 damage a hit or more. Zodiark likes casting レベル2睡眠 (Lv. 2 Sleep), レベル3ドンアク (Lv. 3 Disable), and レベル4ブレイク (Lv. 4 Break), so defend yourself from those attacks if you will get hit by them. パニッシュレイ (Punish Ray) is a Dark-elemental attack, so try to absorb it with the proper equipment. Zodiark will periodically buff himself up, so keep a lookout and debuff him as soon as you can. After a while of fighting, Zodiark may use 完全マバリア (Magick Shield), so try to get him debuffed beforehand. At near-death status, around under 15%HP, Zodiark will use バリアチェンジ (Shift) to change his elemental weaknesses. He will then cast Darkja again and have a 魔法障壁 (Paling) barrier up that, as far as I know, does not wear off? Use コラプスの魔片 (Scathe Mote)s to avoid this and claim victory. At around 40%HP, have your main fighters with Bravery (either by the Bravery spell, equipping a Brave Suit, or using a Spirit of Lowtown), and Berserk them, too. *As soon as you see Zodiark start performing バリアチェンジ (Shift)*, have somebody throw a ホーリー魔片 (Holy Mote) at Zodiark. Holy's long animation time will hopefully give you the time your Bravery and Berserked fighters need to finish Zodiark off before Barrier Change takes effect. That's how I win, anyway. Good luck! Using Reverse can help a ton when Zodiark is almost dead. Be sure to unequip Dark-elemental absorbing equipment if Reverse is on so you get killed. Use motes or summon Shemhazai to cast ソウリエミット (Soul Purge). It can do a lot of damage if you've tossed out Knots of Rust throughout the game. It did 42,000 for me on my level 1/2/2/3/3/3 file. If/when you do beat Zodiark, buy him on whichever board will gain the best benefit. Here's what the Zodiark bridge unlocks for those jobs it unlocks something: White Mage Claymore equippable Machinist HP+390 Red Mage Ragnarok equippable Knight Excalipur, Revive, HP+390 (also unlocked via Chaos and a Mist square) Monk Renew spell Time Mage Durandal, Durandal A equippable Archer Infuse tech, 1000 Needles tech (Ultima also unlocks) Samurai Giant's Helm, Dragon Helm, Magepower Shishak, Carabineer Mail, Dragon Mail, Maximilian equippable The Henne Mines are done, so go ahead and take the exit on the left side of the room for a shortcut back to the orange teleport crystal. Warp to Ridorana now. Before heading into the new part of Ridorana, let's get one of the marks out of the way. Exit the tower part of Ridorana, going back to the outside part of the Ridorana Cataract. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt70c | Mark: パイルラスタ (Pylraster) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right where you fought ハイドロ (Hydro), you will see the monster you are looking for, パイルラスタ (Pylraster). Go ahead and remove his buffs, and a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy will inflict スロウ (Slow) on him. This thing has a lot of HP and is pretty physical, so keep your HP and defense high while plugging away at it. Use whatever Fire-elemental attacks and spells you have. When it is almost dead, the Pylraster can use the 驚異 (Growing Threat) ability, which Carrot also used to go up to a higher level. You'll do a lot less damage to it, but you should beat the monster without much difficulty. Go back into the Pharos and save at the teleport crystal. I hope you are not afraid of the dark! Check out the elevator at the left side of the O-ring to get to a new part of Ridorana. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt71a | 暗影の層 (Subterra: Origin in Darkness) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Teleport Crystal: No / Save Crystal: No ----- Spells/Techs: 攻撃破壊 (Wither) Found on the 陰裏の層 (Abyssal) floor of the Subterra, in the top-center room. Pot stats: 10% chance to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) Pic: ----- Just like the Cerobi Steppe, I have included a map of the Subterra's three floors and labeled where all 36 pots can show up here. I'm going to go floor-by-floor this time. Only on pots 26-36 will you want to have a ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet) equipped. Here we go: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt71b | 暗影の層 (Subterra: Penumbra) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pic: 1-ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet) / ヘイスガの魔片 (Hastega Mote) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 2-オルアケアの腕輪 (Orrachea Armlet) / ショックの魔片 (Shock Mote) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 3-インディゴ藍 (Indigo Pendant) Pot stats: 5% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) 4-バトルハーネス (Battle Harness) / リバースの魔片 (Reverse Mote) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 5-ファイアフライ (Firefly) / 混乱玉 (Chaos Bombs) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 6-金のアミュレット (Gold Amulet) / 一撃の矢 (Assassin's Arrows) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 7-雛のティーペット (Embroidered Tippet) / エクスポーション (X-Potion) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 8-守りの指輪 (Ring of Renewal) Pot stats: 20% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) All right. Remember those 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s you had to gather to get past the very first part of the Pharos of Ridorana? Well, now you need to collect a whole bunch of them. Head to the northwestern corner room first. As you can see when you go through the door, it's really dark here. Plus the map is fuzzy the whole time in here. And it is really, really dark. You should find a pedestal in the northwestern corner, and it will mention the 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s. Basically, what you need to do here is collect 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s, then use them at each of the 4 pedestals (one in each corner), and you can light this place up and go down another floor. I have made a map of each area, linked to above, and have all the pot info. The black numbers behind the white square background is the number of 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s you need to deposit at a pedestal. You can donate them in increments of 1, 5, and 10. Do not go over. So, now you need to start hunting monsters down. Like before, each enemy (in the pitch black rooms) will likely drop a 黒の珠 (Black Orb). A faster way to stock up on them is to let them fly away. The Black Orbs will start to accumulate to a random spot on the floor into a really big Black Orb, the Massive Black Orb. Feel free to collect some small ones here and there while exploring, but let most of them fly away. There are a lot of accessories to be found in the dungeon here. Check out the listing above and grab what you want from each floor. You will need to use this amount of 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s at each corner to gain access to the next floor: Northwest: 9 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Northeast: 18 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Southeast: 3 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Southwest: 6 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Total 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s needed: 36. You may find a mark hanging out around the O-ring, イクシオン (Ixion). It's a big purple horse. If you don't see it here, you can find Ixion on the lower floors too (or by going back up to 1F). If you are not seeing any monsters at the O-ring area, run around the ring to find Ixion. You know the drill by now. A Nihopalaoa'd Remedy will inflict the following status ailments: スロウ (Slow), 沈黙 (Silence), オイル (Oil) and スリップ (Sap). Ixion appears to be weak to Holy-elemental attacks (Excalibur was doing 47,000 damage), so plug away with whatever you have. Nullify electric attacks to resist his physical damage. At near-death, it looks like Ixion will use 完全マバリア (Magick Shield), so plug away with physical attacks. Make sure you pick up the large 黒の珠 (Black Orb) when you locate it. 99 is not the maximum you can get from the big Black Orb, but of course 99 is the most you can actually carry. In the large octagonal room in the north-central part of the floor, you will run into a boss, フェニックス (Phoenix). Debuff him and use a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy to inflict the くらやみ (Blind) and オイル (Oil) ailments on it. Feel free to make some fried chicken if you want, but the Phoenix changes its elemental weaknesses. You are probably better off with non-elemental attacks. In the northwest corner of the floor (via the northeastern door), you will meet your first マジックポット (Magick Pot). Like in Final Fantasy 5, if you want to kill these, you will first have to use an エリクサー (Elixir) on it, then you can damage it. Equip a カメオのベルト (Cameo Belt) to get past the Magick Pot's high evasion rate. When defeated, Magick Pots give you 123LP. If you want some quick cash, just equip a ねこみみフード (Cat-ear Hood) on any/everyone to get a nice chunk of gil instead of the LP you probably don't need at this point. So you don't run out, try to steal an Elixir from the Magick Pot before defeating it. Once you have activated all 4 of the pedestals, go back to the elevator at the left side of the O-ring, and you should be able to choose the next floor down, 闇昏の層 (Subterra: Umbra). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt71c | 闇昏の層 (Subterra: Umbra) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pic: 9-格闘のアンバー (Amber Armlet) / 悪臭ボム (Stink Bombs) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 10-カメオのベルト (Cameo Belt) Pot stats: 5% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) 11-盗賊のカフス (Thief's Cuffs) / ホーリーの魔片 (Holy Mote) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 12-亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker) / タイムシャフト (Time Bolts) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 13-ギリーブーツ (Gillie Boots) / コラプスの魔片 (Scathe Mote) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 14-バーサーカー (Armguard) / 風のペネトラテ (Windslicer Shot) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 15-賢者の指輪 (Sage Ring) / ダークマター (Dark Matter) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 16-ヒスイのカラー (Jade Collar) / アガザイ (Sapping Bolts) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 17-ほろろの根付 (Pheasant Netsuke) / エリクサー (Elixir) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 18-ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa) Pot stats: 5% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) This floor has the same O-ring with a room in each corner (as does the next floor). Since you should have a collection of 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s, the dungeon will be a good amount easier than at the start. Once more, check the above listing for the contents of the pots here, and take what you would like to have. Be sure to get some of the accessories here, like the カメオのベルト (Cameo Belt) and ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa). Here are the amounts of 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s needed at each corner: Northwest: 9 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Northeast: 15 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Southeast: 15 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Southwest: 18 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Total 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s needed: 57 (93 for Penumbra and Umbra). Take the elevator down to the third floor, 陰裏の層 (Abyssal). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt71d | 陰裏の層 (Subterra: Abyssal) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pic: 19-クイスモイトの靴 (Quasimodo Boots) / コラプスの魔片 (Scathe Mote) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 20-リボン (Ribbon) Pot stats: 10% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) 21-オパールの指輪 (Opal Ring) / 凍て雲の矢 (Ice Cloud Arrows) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 22-エルメスのくつ (Hermes Sandals) / エリクサー (Elixir) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 23-バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt) / ダークショット (Dark Shot) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 24-攻撃破壊 (Wither) Pot stats: 10% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) 25-ゲルミナスブーツ (Germinas Boots) / コラプスの魔片 (Scathe Mote) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 26-サッシュ (Sash) / ホーリーの魔片 (Holy Mote) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil 27-ルビーの指輪 (Ruby Ring) / ダークマター (Dark Matter) Pot stats: 70% to appear, 80% gil For the following pots, equip a ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet). Aside from pot 31, you will only get a サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) or gil. 28-95% chance of サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) 5% chance of バルトロの種 (Baltoro's Seed) Pot stats: 40% to appear, 97% gil 29-95% chance of サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) 5% chance of バルトロの種 (Baltoro's Seed) Pot stats: 40% to appear, 97% gil 30-95% chance of サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) 5% chance of バルトロの種 (Baltoro's Seed) Pot stats: 40% to appear, 97% gil 31-ラストエリクサー (Megalixir) Pot stats: 100% to appear, 0% gil (no respawn after opening) 32-95% chance of サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) 5% chance of トランゴタワー (Trango Tower) Pot stats: 2% to appear, 80% gil 33-95% chance of サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) 5% chance of バルトロの種 (Baltoro's Seed) Pot stats: 40% to appear, 97% gil 34-95% chance of サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) 5% chance of バルトロの種 (Baltoro's Seed) Pot stats: 40% to appear, 97% gil 35-95% chance of サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) 5% chance of バルトロの種 (Baltoro's Seed) Pot stats: 40% to appear, 97% gil 36-95% chance of サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust) 5% chance of バルトロの種 (Baltoro's Seed) Pot stats: 40% to appear, 97% gil On this, the last floor, there are some decent accessories here that you may want to stock up on, like バブルチェーン (Bubble Belt)s. You can grab a リボン (Ribbon) in a pot at the top-left corner of the southwestern-most room at the northwestern corner (go west through a door and into the next room over from the northwestern corner room). Make sure you get that. At the top center room, via the northwestern corner, you can find the 攻撃破壊 (Wither) tech in a pot. All the pots in the two southern rooms here are the ones you want to equip a ダイヤの腕輪 (Diamond Armlet) so you can attempt to get the better items. Most are バルトロの種 (Baltoro's Seed)s, which look like you have a pretty low chance of getting. You have a better chance just stealing a Baltoro's Seed from a Magic Pot (rare steal). In the south-central room, via the southeastern corner, is a pot holding a ラストエリクサー (Megalixir), and possibly a pot tucked away in the lower- right corner of the room. This pot has a 2% chance of appearing, and you can get a トランゴタワー (Trango Tower) from this respawnable pot. The chance is very low, but there is no harm in trying. Here's where the pot shows up precisely: It can be seen as soon as you enter the room if you spin the screen to the left and aim the camera upward: Here are the amounts of 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s needed at each corner: Northwest: 21 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Northeast: 15 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Southeast: 27 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Southwest: 12 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s Total 黒の珠 (Black Orb)s needed: 75 (168 total for Penumbra, Umbra, and Abyssal). After you have activated all four of the pedestals on this floor, go back to 1F and save, then go down to the bottom floor of the Subterra. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt71e | 行き先不明 (Unknown Floor) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as you reach the floor, you will be greeted by the mark, the 闇神 (Shadowseer). Remove his buffs and use a Nihopalaoa'd Remedy to inflict オイル (Oil) on him. At about 75%HP, the Shadowseer will call for his buddy パンデモニウム (Pandaemonium). You will have to de-buff 闇神 (Shadowseer) again (if you can before he becomes temporarily invincible). Kill Pandaemonium now. Be sure to have a good stock of Ether or some 亀のチョーカー (Turtleshell Choker)s so you can still cast spells if your MP gets taken away from the アンチ (Inverse) and/or フィアガ (Fearga) spells. You can get as many Turtleshell Chokers you want at the 2nd basement of the Subterra, 闇昏の層 (Umbra). Shadowseer likes to use カーズ (Curse), so equip any リボン (Ribbon)s you have when he is about to use it. If you need a third Ribbon, another method is described right after this battle in the guide. スロウガ (Slowga), ドンムブガ (Immobilizega), ディスペガ (Dispelga), and ダーガ (Darkga) are also available to the Shadowseer to cast. Defeat Pandaemonium once his barrier wears off. Shadowseer will summon another pal, シャーリート (Slyt), immediately upon the death of Pandaemonium. Like before, inflict Oil onto Slyt then roast him. Up next is the furry feline フェンリル (Fenrir). Beat him and he'll summon his last line of support, フェニックス (Phoenix). Once the Phoenix is dead, you can now fight the Shadowseer. De-buff him while re-casting stuff like シェル (Shell) onto your party. Shadowseer likes casting really strong spells now, like フレアー (Flare), ダーガ (Darkga), ホーリー (Holy), ショック (Shock), and コラプス (Scathe). You can inflict Oil on him after the invincibility barrier wears off. Once you've beaten the Shadowseer, warp to Balfonheim to receive the rewards from the パイルラスタ (Pylraster) and イクシオン (Ixion) marks. Go to the bar in town and speak to the woman on the right for the Ixion reward: 3000 gil, アガザイ (Sapping Bolts), and the ラグナロク (Ragnarok). Head to the southwest corner of Balfonheim to find リッキー (Rikken) to receive the reward for beating Pylraster: 8000 gil, a グランドメイス (Grand Mace), and 2 コラプスの魔片 (Scathe Mote)s. Now warp back to Rabanastre and speak to Montblanc for the reward: 20,000 gil and 2 ラストエリクサー (Megalixir)s. Montblanc will have one more mark for you, the last one: ヤズマット (Yiazmat). Since you've gotten this far, you may as well finish these all up. Take on the request, then warp to Ridorana when you are ready. Two more of those Entite things can be fought at the 陰裏の層 (Abyssal) floor of the Subterra if you would like to do so. Head back down to the Abyssal floor, then enter the northwestern section. A big purple Entite can be fought here. I bumped into the ソウルオブカオス (Vagrant Soul) in the room the 攻撃破壊 (Wither) tech is found. The only thing that can be stolen from this guy is the シカラのナガサ (Danjuro). Here's my successful steal of the regular Danjuro: If you want to work towards completing the monster list, or for some reason really, really need a 宿命のサジタリ (Sagittarius) bow, head up one floor, 闇昏の層 (Subterra: Umbra), then go to the southwestern door. In there, you you can bump into the light version of the Vagrant Soul, ライトオブライト (Luxollid), where you found that ニホパラオア (Nihopalaoa). If you need some protection against Holy-elemental attacks, you can find as many 賢者の指輪 (Sage Ring)s in this same area. Look for pot #15 on the map for this floor. Like the Vagrant Soul, the Luxollid only has one thing to steal, a 宿命のサジタリ (Sagittarius) bow: You can also try to get a third (fourth, whatever number) Ribbon if you would like to. Like the Vishno method, this one can also take forever to get the prize. Warp to Jahara if you are interested. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt72a | 赤チョコボLv99 (Level 99 Red Chocobo) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Jahara, head east to the Ozmone Plains. On this first screen, you should see two groups of three chocobos, one right by the Jahara entrance, and the other in the southeastern corner of the area. What you are looking for is a 赤チョコボLv99 (Level 99 Red Chocobo) to show up in either group. The Level 99 Red Chocobo is very strong, and very rare. Online, it looks like each time you spawn the 3 chocobos here (or by the blue save crystal), the Level 99 Red Chocobo has a 1 in 256 chance of showing up in a group. Those are pretty crappy odds, and as far as I know, there is no way to get better odds. Here's the lucky appearance: Instead of killing the 6 chocobos, going 2 screens away, then repeating that, there is a quicker way to respawn the chocobos. If you cast the ブレイク (Break) spell on them and let the timer run out, the chocobos will just respawn if you go a little bit away (like, say to where the other group of chocobos are in the same area). A Gold Needle with a Nihopalaoa equipped works, too. Essentially, you can just go back and forth, petrifying the choccobos to get a Level 99 Red Chocobo to spawn. If you want the soon-to-be-stoned chocobo to follow you further away from the spawn point, cast バーサク (Berserk) on them. I saw a video on youtube a few weeks ago about getting all 3 chocobos to show up, then killing the top 2 in the list (thus only petrifying the one on the bottom of the list) to not have to cast Break on all 3 chocobos each attempt at spawning a Level 99 Red Chocobo. It worked, so I must thank flak76e for that video, which can be viewed here: No regular 赤チョコボ (Red Chocobo) will do, the Level 99 Red Chocobo is a bit bigger than the usual chocobos. Be very careful while fighting this thing, since it can kill even a high level party with its チョコメット (Chocobo Comet) attack. A Nihopalaoa won't do anything to it, so don't bother. Use Thunder, Water, or Holy-elemental attacks on the bird. You can steal at least an エリクサー (Elixir) from it, but the real prize is the リボン (Ribbon) it will drop. It seems like you are guaranteed a Ribbon drop by beating a Level 99 Red Chocobo. Here's mine: Ok, now warp to Ridorana, and exit out of the dungeon part. Look at your map, and head to the big circle-shaped area at the southeastern part of the Ridorana Cataract. You'll see the monster you're looking for very, very easily. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt73a | Mark: ヤズマット (Yiazmat) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ヤズマット (Yiazmat) may look familiar. Its 50 life bars may look familiar, too. Yes, Yiazmat is more or less the "light" version of the 魔神竜 (Hellwyrm). As the Hellwyrm was weak to Holy-elemental attacks, Yiazmat is weak to Dark-elemental attacks. Got a Red Mage? Cast ダーガ (Darkga) as much as you can, this fight is going to take awhile. A 柳生の漆黒 (Yagyu Darkblade) and ダークショット (Dark Shot) for guns are also very useful on this guy. De-buff him, don't bother with a Nihopalaoa, and start plugging away. Yiazmat hits really hard. If you want to make him more manageable, use the 攻撃破壊 (Wither) tech on him. It will likely miss a lot, so keep trying. I try to get about 3 or 4 attack reductions with my Breaker. Monks also get it, as well as Uhlans, but they need to buy キュクレイン (Cuchulainn) to reach it. Try using any of the other breaks too, as there is plenty of time in this fight to keep trying. With my trusty computer calculator, I did about 485,164 damage for a little over half of one life bar for Yiazmat. I'd take a wild guess that it's about 900,000HP per life bar... multiplied by around 45,000,000-50,000,000 total HP. Yeah, you thought Penance's 15,000,000HP in FF10 International was a lot! Like the Hellwyrm, you can leave the fighting area to save, revive, or whatever else, and Yiazmat's HP total will stay the same. You will probably have to de-buff him again as well as use the "break" techs again, too, if you leave and come back. Yiazmat's attacks seem to be as follows: Regular physical attack (can instantly kill a party member) ペトロブレス (Stone Breath) ~1500 damage/can petrify all in a radius ひっかき (Rake) Physical damage to a party member ホワイトブレス (White Breath) Ice damage/can cause Stop to all in a radius サイコロン (Cyclone) Wind damage/can cause Sap to all in a radius 必殺 (Death Strike) kills a party member (uses after 10 bars gone) リフレガ (Reflectga) is cast on the party Watch out when Yiazmat starts spamming Certain Death, it can be really annoying and harder to take down his HP since you will probably be constantly reviving/buffing the dead party members. Try to have someone attack as much as possible if you can. Casting Shell turns the chance into a 50/50 coin flip instead of 100% certainty. At around 25 bars left (half health), Yiazmat looks to get a boost in defense. I was unable to do over 9,999 damage physically anymore. Darkga was still doing over 20,000 though. When he's near 10 bars left, Yiazmat will really try his hardest to spam 必殺 (Certain Death) before you can revive/buff characters back up. You may want to cast the リバース (Reverse) spell or use a リバースの魔片 (Reverse Mote) on your party to keep up with him at this point. With Reverse on, just attack a party member that needs to be healed. At 10 bars and under, Yiazmat hits near-death status. He will use the 驚異 (Growing Threat) skill to level himself up, which can be very bad news. Near the end of the battle, Yiazmat will cast リフレガ (Reflectga) onto the party as part of his last-ditch effort. Dispel it immediately and keep the pressure on. If you beat Yiazmat, head back to wherever you can get your supplies restocked, then speak to Montblanc at Rabanastre for the reward for beating Yiazmat: 30,000 gil and a 神殺しの紋章 (Godslayer's Badge). There are no more marks to kill. However, there is one more boss/monster you can fight before beating the game. Warp to Giruvegan if you want to give it a shot. At Giruvegan, you want to go all the way to the Great Crystal 2 area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt74a | オメガ mk. XII (Omega Mark XII) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you get to the Great Crystal 2, go right up to Way Stone XX (20). It will warp you to the 4th area, by where you fought Ultima. Save at the save crystal, then use Way Stone XVIII (18) to get back to area 3. If you set everything up, you just need to go to Way Stone XXI (21) to reach the boss. There are a few Way Stones on the way, but there is only one way to go. Upon using Way Stone XXIII (23), you'll be one room away from the optional boss オメガ mk. XII (Omega Mark XII). Buff your entire party before going on to meet him. Omega Mark XII is a pretty basic monster. All it does is shoot a laser at one party member at a time. The laser can do 7000+ damage and inflict 狂戦士 (Berserk). Oof! This battle is where all those リバースの魔片 (Reverse Mote)s come in handy. Try to have the Reverse status (either by the spell or a mote) on everyone *at all times*. The laser will heal you while under Reverse status. Because the laser attack can inflict Berserk, you will probably want to have Omega Mark XII target a party member with the デコイ (Decoy) spell. Because of how short the Reverse spell lasts, I would suggest anyone that can cast the spell to have a gambit set to cast it on anyone, and have another party member set with using a Reverse Mote on the character that is to be the decoy. I would recommend not using the fast-forward mode too much here, since it can get the timing for your Reverses to be off. If you need to escape, you can do so, but Omega Mark XII will very quickly regenerate its HP while you are out of his range. Set anyone that you do not want to attack Omega Mark XII to have attack gambits off. What I prefer to do is have one fighting character and two supporters. In my setup (Knight/Red Mage/Samurai), my Samurai is the fighter (with a Masamune-I and Genji Gloves equipped). The Red Mage casts Reverse on anybody (from a distance if possible), then Decoy on the Samurai, then Bubble on anybody, in that order. The Knight stays back with the Red Mage, ready to use a Reverse Mote on the Samurai when Reverse runs out. This method works well for me, and since Omega Mark XII has 1,037,069HP instead of 10,370,699 (original Japanese version), Omega Mark XII shouldn't take all too long to defeat. All that can be stolen from Omega appears to be a サビのカタマリ (Knot of Rust), so don't bother. The very rare drop from Omega Mark XII is a new weapon, the ぐりぐりばんばん (Cudgel). It's not a powerful weapon, but it can inflict ワイルス (Disease) and スリップ (Bleed) status on enemies. Because it is the very rare drop, and there is only 1 Omega Mark XII, the odds of getting the Cudgel seem really low. You can get a higher chain level drop still, however. Just get a chain level raised from anything, like the ネクロフォビア (Necrophobe)s, then fight Omega Mark XII. You can see the big coin (level 4 chain) drop here: There's a "cutscene victory" when you win the battle, so just go back to where you fought Omega Mark XII to grab the loot. You are guaranteed to get the オメガの紋章 (Omega Badge) dropped, but that's the only guarantee. If you really want that Cudgel, you will probably have to beat Omega at least a few times until the game decides to drop it for you. Now that you have the 神殺しの紋章 (Godslayer's Badge) from beating Yiazmat and the オメガの紋章 (Omega Badge) from beating Omega, there is just one more thing you need to make the トロの剣 (Wyrmhero Blade). From the fishing mini-game, you can get タイコウの紋章 (Lu Shang's Badge). As I have never played the fishing game, I've never gotten the weapon. Doesn't seem like it is that great in this version of the game anyway. When you are ready to beat the game, head to an airship pick-up point. Get onto the Strahl, and set the destination for 空中要塞バハムート (Sky Fortress Bahamut). ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt75a | 空中要塞バハムート (Sky Fortress Bahamut) | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the various cutscenes, you'll be in the last dungeon! The Sky Fortress Bahamut is really small, so don't get excited. When you can move around, you will see a pot in front of you with ダークマター (Dark Matter) inside. This area is shaped like an octagon, and at the non-diagonals you will find a pot holding something (non-amazing), and the way to proceed at all the diagonals. Grab the Dark Matter, then head south to the next room. Fight or ignore the guards while you go to the northwestern exit of the room. At the circular- shaped center room, go to the center part to a door on the western side to advance. At this lift room, buff the party up, then hit the switch in front of you. ガブラス (Gabranth) will make one more appearance to stop you. De-buff him and try to inflict 沈黙 (Silence) on him so he can't restore his HP with the フルケア (Renew) spell. A Nihopalaoa'd Remedy can inflict スロウ (Slow), 沈黙 (Silence), and くらやみ (Blind) on him. Once you beat Gabranth, re-buff then use the switch again. You'll finally have your shot at Laguna Loire, I mean ヴェイン (Vayne Solidor). After about 60%HP loss, Vayne will babble for a bit, then mysteriously be buffed with ヘイスト (Haste). Remove it then show him who's boss. Even little ラーサー (Larsa) will help you. Once Vayne goes down, congratulations!! You won!! Well, no, not yet. Vayne comes back, possessed by his summon thing that must have been a pro wrestler. ヴェイン=ノウス (Vayne Novus) will have 5 swords flying around, the セフィラ (Sephira). If you are strong, you can just concentrate on Vayne Novus while Gabranth helps by taking out the swords or by beating up on Vayne Novus, too. Be sure to de-buff Vayne Novus if he has anything on him. Even if you kill all the Sephira sword-things, Vayne Novus can still use his special sword attacks. After about 1/3 of his HP is taken away, Vayne Novus will take a blab break. De-buff him again, then smack the crap out of him. Beat him, and you've won the game!! No, not yet. Vayne Novus will become a huge magnet or something and get big chunks of the Sky Fortress Bahamut attached to him. Get ready for 不滅なるもの (The Undying). De-buff him, and go all-out. Use whatever items you have, your strongest spells, all that jazz. Make sure to de-buff him as soon as you see The Undying cast フェイス (Faith) or ブレイブ (Bravery) on himself. Use a デスペルの魔片 (Dispel Mote) instead of the spell to ensure you get rid of the buff before all spells are resisted by him. The Undying can use all of the various 'shield' defenses, so use whatever will hurt him when one is up. Keep your most important buffs on, since The Undying can remove them all, and you don't want to keep spending a lot of time re-buffing over and over. The Undying uses a lot of multi-target attacks, including spells like ファイガ (Firaga), ブリザガ (Blizzaga), サンダガ (Thundaga) and ホーリー (Holy). Try to equip something that nulls or absorbs those elements to make the fight a whole lot easier. メガフレア (Megaflare), ギガフレアソード (Gigaflare Sword), and テラフレア (Teraflare) can't be absorbed or nulled, however. Why can The Undying use these attacks? Well, he *did* absorb part of the Sky Fortress 'Bahamut', after all. Beat The Undying, and you've won the game! No, really, you did this time. Watch or skip the ending, then after the credits you will be given the option of starting a 強くてニューゲーム (Strong Mode) or going back to the title screen. If you want to have a Strong Mode file, make sure you start it now, then just save at a save crystal. You'll have to beat the game again if you decide to start one later. All Strong Mode is is every character will start the game at level 90. Well, that's the game. Back at the title screen, check out Trial Mode. It's comprised of 100 stages/battles in a row, with progressive difficulty. Trial Mode is pretty fun to see how far you can get with your party. Can you make it through all 100 stages? Just make sure to save a Trial Mode save on a different slot than your regular playthrough save. If you beat the mode, you are given the option to start a 弱くてニューゲーム (Weak Mode) file or go back to the title screen. Like Strong Mode, if you do not choose to start now then save, you will have to beat Trial Mode again from your last save in order to get the option again. Weak Mode is the opposite of Strong Mode, in that you start at level 1 and do not gain any experience points. See how far you can get in a level 1/2/2/3/3/3 game. ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt76a | Loot/Bazaar combinations list | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't get too excited, this is just the list of the loot from all the -LOOT ALERT-s from the guide. The number on the far left is the in-game order I get the loot. The location supplied is surely not the only one, just the earliest I know of/most efficient place. アスピーテ + オイルボム = オルギン x2 + ボムの灰 x3 + 火の魔晶石 x3 Tumulus + Oil Bombs = Book of Orgain x2 + Bomb Ashes x3 + Fire Crystal x3 01-オルギン (Book of Orgain) = Drop: ダスティア (Dustia) at Dalmasca Westersand; rare monster 03-ボムの灰 (Bomb Ashes) = Steal/Drop: ボム (Bomb) at Barheim Passage 07-火の魔晶石 (Fire Crystal) = Steal: 精霊サラマンド (Salamand Entite) at Ogir-Yensa Sandsea ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- グランドボルト = ガプリコーン x3 + 神々の怒り x3 + 輪竜のキモ x2 Grand Bolt = Capricorn Gem x3 + Wrath of the Gods x3 + Ring Wyrm Liver x2 02-ガプリコーン (Capricorn Gem) = Steal: フィディル (Fideliant) at Dalmasca Westersand; rare monster Steal: ダークスケルトン (Dark Skeleton) at Golmore Jungle 24-神々の怒り (Wrath of the Gods) = Steal: ミニマムバグ (Mini Bug) at Barheim Passage; rare monster 56-輪竜のキモ (Ring Wyrm Liver) = Drop: シールドドラゴン (Shield Dragon) at Nabreus Deadlands/Cerobi Steppe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ダークエナジー = コウモリの翼 x1 + 静寂のアデド x3 + 沈黙のトガル x3 Dark Energy = Bat Wing x1 + Grimoire Aidhed + Grimoire Togail x3 04-コウモリの翼 (Bat Wing) = Steal: エアリアル (Aerieel) at Lhusu Mines; rare monster Drop: シーカーバット (Seeker) at Raithwall's Tomb Drop: シーカーバット (Seeker) at Henne Mines 40-静寂のアデド (Grimoire Aidhed ) = Steal/Drop/Poach: メリッサ (Mallicant) at Zertinan Caverns 44-沈黙のトガル (Grimoire Togail) = Steal/Drop/Poach: ナイトメア (Nightmare) at Henne Mines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- アルクトゥルス = エンサのヒレ x2 + サラマンド x1 + 飛竜の翼 x2 Arcturus = Yensa Fin x2 + Salamand Halcyon x1 + Wyvern Wing x2 05-エンサのヒレ (Yensa Fin) = Steal: ウルタネンサ族 (Urutan-Yensa) at Ogir-Yensa and Nam-Yensa Sandsea Drop: エンサ (Yensa) at Ogir-Yensa and Nam-Yensa Sandsea 08-サラマンド (Salamand Halcyon) = Steal: 精霊サラマンド (Salamand Entite) at Ogir-Yensa Sandsea 15-飛竜の翼 (Wyvern Wing) = S: ワイバーンロード (Wyvern Lord) at Nam-Yensa Sandsea; mark S: エアロス (Aeros) at Ozmone Plain; rare monster ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ペジオニーテ + ポイズンボム = ボムの抜け殻 x1 + 火の魔晶石 x3 Fumarole + Poison Bombs = Bomb Shell x1 + Fire Crystal x3 06-ボムの抜け殻 (Bomb Shell) = Steal: パイナップル (Pineapple) at Ogir-Yensa Sandsea; rare monster 07-火の魔晶石 (Fire Crystal) = Steal: 精霊サラマンド (Salamand Entite) at Ogir-Yensa Sandsea Steal/Drop: グレネード (Grenade) at Zertinan Caverns ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- キャステラノース = カエルの油 x2 + アリエス x3 + ボムの欠片 x3 Castellanos = Frog Oil x2 + Aries Gem x3 + Bomb Fragment x3 09-カエルの油 (Frog Oil) = Drop: リーチフロッグ (Speartongue) at Ogir-Yensa Sandsea and at Zertinan Caverns 11-アリエス (Aries Gem) = Drop: バドゥ (Bagoly) at Nam-Yensa Sandsea 22-ボムの欠片 (Bomb Fragment) = Drop: ボム (Bomb) at Barheim Passage Drop: グレネード (Grenade) at Zertinan Caverns ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 宿命のサジタリA = サジタリウス x4 + 獣王の角 x3 + 円月輪 x3 Sagittarius A = Sagittarius Gem x4 + Beast Lord Horn x3 + Full Moon Ring x3 10-サジタリウス (Sagittarius Gem) = Steal: スライム (Slime) at Zertinan Caverns Steal/Drop: オイルタワー (Oiling) at Stilshrine of Miriam 17-獣王の角 (Beast Lord Horn) = Drop: フンババ (Humbaba) at Mosphoran Highwaste 30-円月輪 (Full Moon Ring) = Reward for beating リングドラゴン (Ring Wyrm); mark Drop: アッシュドラゴン (Ash Wyrm) at Mosphoran Highwaste and at Crystal Grande ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ブラッドソードA = 石材 x2 + 闇の魔晶石 x 15 + 吸血の牙 x3 Blood Sword A = Solid Stone x2 + Dark Crystal x15 + Vampyr Fang x3 12-石材 (Solid Stone) = Drop: ラゴウ (Ragoh) at Raithwall's Tomb 25-闇の魔晶石 (Dark Crystal) = Drop: プレゼンター (Mimeo) at Barheim Passage Steal/Drop: デッドリーボーン (Dead Bones) at Barheim Passage 47-吸血の牙 (Vampyr Fang) = Drop/Steal: アビス (Abysteel) at Henne Mines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- アルデバランY = 土の魔晶石 x8 + 皇帝のウロコ x2 + 銀色の液体 x3 Aldebaran Y = Earth Crystal x8 + Emperor Scale x2 + Silver Liquid x3 13-土の魔晶石 (Earth Crystal) = Steal: 精霊ノーマ (Gnoma Entite) at Dalmasca Westersand Drop: メリッサ (Mallicant) at Zertinan Caverns Drop: キラーマンティス (Killer Mantis) at Lhusu Mines 35-皇帝のウロコ (Emperor Scale) = Drop: アルケオエイビス (Archeoavis) at Zertinan Caverns Steal: エルダードラゴン (Elder Wyrm) at Golmore Jungle; boss Steal: デスサイズ (Deathscythe) at Sky Ferry (mark) 43-銀色の液体 (Silver Liquid) = Drop: フォーバー (Foobar) at Cuchulainn fight at Garamsythe Waterway and at Nabreus Deadlands Poach: オイルタワー (Oiling) at Stilshrine of Miriam ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- アルテマブレイド = ノーマ x1 + デスパウダー x2 + アダマンタイト x2 Ultima Blade = Gnoma Halcyon x1 + Death Powder x2 + Adamantite x2 14-ノーマ (Gnoma Halcyon) = Steal/Drop: 精霊ノーマ (Gnoma Entite) at Dalmasca Westersand 28-デスパウダー (Death Powder) = Drop/Poach: ボギー (Bogey) at Zertinan Caverns 63-アダマンタイト (Adamantite) = Drop: アダマンタイタス (Adamantitan) at Cerobi Steppe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- アルテミスの矢 = ジェミニ x3 + 大蛇の牙 x2 + フカヒレ x2 Artemis Arrows = Gemini Gem x3 + Great Snake Fang x2 + Dorsal Fin x2 16-ジェミニ (Gemini Gem) = Steal: フンババ (Humbaba) at Mosphoran Highwaste Steal: ザルエラ (Zalera) at Barheim Passage; summon 18-大蛇の牙 (Great Snake Fang) = Drop: パイソン (Python) at Moshporan Highwaste Steal/Drop: アビス (Abysteel) at Lhusu Mines 58-フカヒレ (Dorsal Fin) = Drop: フォカロル (Focalor) at Nabreus Deadlands and at Sochen Cave Palace ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ニホパラオア = レオ x3 + 血染めの首飾り x3 + シャレコウベ x2 Nihopalaoa + Leo Gem x3 + Blood-Stained Necklace x3 + Death's-Head x2 19-レオ (Leo Gem) = Steal: ワイルドザウルス (Wild Saurian) Dalmasca Estersand Drop: アルケオダイノス (Archeosaur) at Phon Coast Steal/Poach: ワイバーンリード (Bellwyvern) at Tchita Uplands 33-血染めの首飾り (Blood-Stained Necklace) = Steal/Drop: コープス (Shambling Corpse) at Zertinan Caverns 46-シャレコウベ (Death's-Head)= Drop: ダークスケルトン (Dark Skeleton) at Golmore Jungle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 石化の弾 = 地竜の骨 x2 + リーブラ x3 + 鏡のウロコ x2 Stone Shot = Tyrant Bone x2 + Libra Gem x3 + Mirror Scale x2 20-地竜の骨 (Tyrant Bone) = D: ワイルドザウルス (Wild Saurian) at Dalmasca Estersand 41-リーブラ (Libra Gem) = Steal: パンサー (Panther) at Golmore Jungle Steal: クァール (Coeurl) at Golmore Jungle and at Tchita Uplands Drop: シルバリオ (Silver Lobo) at Phon Coast 48-鏡のウロコ (Mirror Scale) = Drop/Poach: ミラーナイト (Mirror Knight) at Feywood ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 雨のむら雲 = さけびの根 x7 + 鉄鉱 x5 + 水の魔晶石 x9 Ame-no-Murakumo = Screamroot x7 + Iron Ore x5 + Water Crystal x9 21-さけびの根 (Screamroot) = Steal: パンプキンヘッド (Pumpkinhead) at Salikawood 26-鉄鉱 (Iron Ore) = Steal/Drop: プレゼンター (Mimeo) at Barheim Passage 27-水の魔晶石 (Water Crystal) = Steal: 水のエレメント (Water Elemental) at Garamsythe Waterway Drop: ジルコンタートル (Silicon Tortoise) at Zertinan Caverns and at Rainy Giza Plains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- おろちN = キャンサー x3 + セーブルサイズ x2 + クァールのヒゲ x2 Orochi N = Cancer Gem x3 + Sickle Blade x2 + Coeurl Whisker x2 23-キャンサー (Cancer Gem) = Steal/Drop: プレゼンター (Mimeo) at Barheim Passage Steal/Drop: マンティスデビル (Preying Mantis) at Feywood 54-セーブルサイズ (Sickle Blade) = Reward for beating アントリオン (Antlion); mark Drop: マンティスデビル (Preying Mantis) at Feywood 64-クァールのヒゲ (Coeurl Whisker) = Drop: オセ (Ose) at Crystal Grande ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ゾーリンシェイプ = モルボルの花 x7 + 風の魔石唱 x9 + 風切りの羽根 x5 Zwill Crossblade = Malboro Flower x7 + Wind Crystal x9 + Windslicer Pinion x5 29-モルボルの花 (Malboro Flower) = Steal: グレートキング (Malboro Overking) at Garamsythe Waterway Drop: ヴィヴィアン (Vivian) at Giruvegan 49-風の魔石唱 (Wind Crystal) = Steal/Drop: ミラーナイト (Mirror Knight) at Feywood 50-風切りの羽根 (Windslicer Pinion) = Drop: ミラーナイト (Mirror Knight) at Feywood ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 蠍のしっぽF = スコーピオ x4 + 死竜の骨 x3 + 落雷衝 x3 Scorpion Tail F = Scorpio Gem x4 + Wyrm Bone x3 + Charged Gizzard x3 31-スコーピオ (Scorpio Gem) = Steal/Drop: ブエル (Buer) at Zertinan Caverns Steal: グレネード (Grenade) at Zertinan Caverns Steal: メリッサ (Mallicant) at Zertinan Caverns 37-死竜の骨 (Wyrm Bone) = Steal/Drop: スカルドラゴン (Skulwyrm) at Zertinan Caverns 45-落雷衝 (Charged Gizzard) = Drop/Poach: サンダーバグ (Thunderbug) at Henne Mines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 鯨の髭N = アクエリアス x4 + ミスリル x3 + 死虫 x3 Whale Whisker N = Aquarius Gem x4 + Mythril x3 + Corpse Fly x3 42-アクエリアス (Aquarius Gem) = Steal: トレント (Treant) at Golmore Jungle Steal: フェイス (Facer) at Stilshrine of Miriam S/D: ゴーレム (Golem) at Feywood 32-ミスリル (Mythril) = Steal: アムスティ (Molen) at Zertinan Caverns; rare monster Reward for beating ロビー (Roblon); mark Steal/Drop: ミスリルゴーレム Giruvegan (Mythril Golem) 67-死虫 (Corpse Fly) = Steal/Drop: ドラゴンゾンビ (Dragon Lich) at Pharos at Ridorana, 62F ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- バブルチェーン = 攻竜の殻 x2 + アダマンタイト x1 Bubble Belt = Battlewyrm Carapace x2 + Adamantite x1 34-攻竜の殻 (Battlewyrm Carapace) = Drop: スカルドラゴン (Skulwyrm) at Zertinan Caverns Steal: アルケオエイビス (Archeoavis) at Zertinan Caverns 63-アダマンタイト (Adamantite) = Drop: アダマンタイタス (Adamantitan) at Cerobi Steppe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 金のアミュレット = 裂かれた衣 x1 Golden Amulet = Tattered Garment x1 36-裂かれた衣 (Tattered Garment) = Drop/Poach: キラーカッター (Scythe Mantis) at Zertinan Caverns ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- デモンズシールド = 千年亀の甲羅 x2 + 戦馬の殻 x8 + リョスアルブ x1 Demon Shield = Aged Turtleshell x2 + Destrier Barding + Leamonde Halcyon 39-千年亀の甲羅 (Aged Turtleshell) = Drop: ジルコンタートル (Silicon Tortoise) at Zertinan Caverns and at Rainy Giza Plains 57-戦馬の殻 (Destrier Barding) = Drop: ワイアード (Leynir) at Nabreus Deadlands 59-リョスアルブ (Leamonde Halcyon) = Steal/Drop: 精霊リョスアルブ (Leamonde Entite) at Nabreus Deadlands ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61-玉鋼 (Gemsteel) = Get 8 Summons then speak to Montblanc also 獄門の炎 x2 + ダマスカス鋼 x2 + ヒヒイロカネ x1 Hell-Gate Flame x2 + Damascus Steel x2 + Scarletite x1 51-獄門の炎 (Hell-Gate Flame) = Drop: ケルベロス (Cerberus) at Feywood 52-ダマスカス鋼 (Damascus Steel) = Steal: アンクハガー (Anchag) at Paramina Rift; rare monster 60-ヒヒイロカネ (Scarletite) = Drop: エメラルタス (Emeralditan) at Nabreus Deadlands ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- マサムネI = 玉鋼 x2 + オリハルク x3 + とんかち x2 Masamune I = Gemsteel x2 + Orichalcum x3 + Mallet x2 61-玉鋼 (Gemsteel) = See listing immediately above this one 66-オリハルク (Orichalcum) = Drop: デイダラ (Deidar) at Pharos at Ridorana 62-とんかち (Mallet) = Beat ボムキング (King Bomb) then speak to Montblanc Steal : ブリット (Bombshell) at Lhusu Mines; rare monster ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- デュランダルA = レーシー x1 + 輪竜のウロコ x4 + 生命のロウソク x3 Durandal A = Leshach Halcyon x1 + Ring Wyrm Scale x4 + Lifewick x3 53-レーシー (Leshach Halcyon) = Steal/Drop: 精霊レーシー (Leshach Entite) at Paramina Rift 55-輪竜のウロコ (Ring Wyrm Scale) = Drop: シールドドラゴン (Shield Dragon) at Nabreus Deadlands; rare drop Steal/Drop/Poach: シールドドラゴン (Shield Dragon) at Cerobi Steppe 65-生命のロウソク (Lifewick) = Steal: イビルスピリット (Evil Spirit) at Crystal Grande 2; rare monster Steal/Drop: ネクロマンサー (Necrofiend) at Henne Mines ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | wt77a | Spells/Techs in pots list | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few people suggested a section to contain just the spells and techs in the game that are only found in pots/chests. Here they are, in alphabetical order. A few spells and techs can be found in more than one location, hence the __1 and __2 for some of them. 針千本 (1000 Needles) Found at Sochen Cave Palace, 時の水洞 (Falls of Time). png -- アキレス (Achilles) Found at Garamsythe Waterway, 第4処理区補助水路 (No. 4 Cloaca Spur). -- 魔攻破壊 (Addle) Found at Henne Mines, 特殊採掘坑 (Special Charter Shaft). -- アーダー (Ardor) Found at Pharos at Ridorana, Third Ascent, 至頂の旋回廊2 (Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight) 83F. -- バランス (Balance) Found at Nam-Yensa Sandsea, 女王の治める砂原 (Demesne of the Sandqueen). -- ブライン (Blind) Found at Giza Plains, トーム丘陵 (Toam Hills). -- ブライガ (Blindga) Found at Tchita Uplands, 三界交わる草原 (Fields of Eternity). -- 肉斬骨断 (Bonecrusher) Found at Henne Mines, 第1期採掘現場 (Phase 1 Dig). -- ブレイブ (Bravery) Found at Necrohol of Nabudis, 気高き者たちの間 (Cloister of the Highborn). -- 勧誘 (Charm) Found at The Salikawood, いやしの響く路 (Quietland Trace). -- リブート (Cleanse) Found at Cerobi Steppe, 河岸段丘 (The Terraced Bank). -- カウント (Countdown) Found at Stilshrine of Miriam, 対面の守護 (Ward of Velitation). -- デス (Death) Found at Paramina Rift, カーリダイン大氷河 (Karydine Glacier). -- デスペル (Dispel) Found at The Tomb of Raithwall, 大通廊 (Royal Passage). -- デスペガ (Dispelga) Found at The Feywood, 白魔の愛でし路 (White Magick's Embrace). -- 防御破壊 (Expose) Found at Lhusu Mines, 第9鉱区採掘場 (Site 9). -- フェイス (Faith) Found at The Necrohol of Nabudis, 白き約束の回廊 (Hall of the Ivory Covenant). -- フレアー (Flare) Found at Pharos at Ridorana, Third Ascent, 至頂の旋回廊1 (Spire Ravel - 1st Flight), 81F. -- レビテガ (Float) Found at Tchita Uplands, オリフザックの丘 (Oliphzak Rise). -- 銭投げ (Gil Toss) (1) Found at Draklor Laboratory, 第70階層 (70F), in room #02. -- 銭投げ (Gil Toss) (2) Found at Pharos at Ridorana, Second Ascent, 幻惑の層 (Station of Ascension), 63F. -- ヘイスト (Haste) Found at Eruyt Village, 導きの宮 (Fane of the Path). -- ヘイスガ (Hastega) Found at The Great Crystal 2, Area 3, オルドビ・フロウェン・ウェ (Uldobi Phullam Pratii) -- ホーリー (Holy) Found at Pharos at Ridorana, First Ascent, 始原の旋回廊3 (Wellspring Ravel - 3rd Flight), 35F. -- MPHP (Infuse) (1) Found at Dreadnought Leviathan, サブコントロールルーム (Sub-control Room). -- MPHP (Infuse) (2) Found at Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, 第1工場東側タンク (Platform 1-East Tanks). -- 算術 (Numerology) Found at Lhusu Mines, 第1運路 (Transitway 1). -- ポイズン (Poison) Found at The Dalmasca Estersand, 砂原の天板 (Sand-swetp Naze). -- プロテガ (Protectga) Found at The Necrohol of Nabudis, 美しき調べの間 (Cloister of Distant Song). -- リフレク (Reflect) Found at Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, 大型タク基地 (Primary Tank Complex). -- リフレガ (Reflectga) Found at The Feywood, 思の最果て (The Edge of Reason). -- リジェネ (Regen) (1) Found at Rainy Giza Plains, 遊牧民の集落 (Nomad Village). -- リジェネ (Regen) (2) Found at Tchita Uplands, 矢われた街道 (The Lost Way). -- フルケア (Renew) Found at Henne Mines, 特殊採掘坑 (Special Charter Shaft). -- 蘇生 (Revive) Found at Paramina Rift, 銀流の果て (Silverflow's End). -- コラプス (Scathe) Found at Lhusu Mines, 作業準備区 (Staging Area). -- 無作為魔 (Shades of Black) Found at The Tomb of Raithwall, 火炎の回廊 (Cloister of Flame). lack.png -- 魔防破壊 (Shear) Found at Barheim Passage, ゼバイア連結橋 (The Zeviah Span). -- シェルガ (Shellga) Found at The Great Crystal 2, Area 2, シルル・フロウェン・ウェサ (Sirhru Phullam Pratii'vaa). -- 暗闇殺法 (Sight Unseeing) Found at Zertinan Caverns, 地の森 (Canopy of Clay). g.png -- サイレス (Silence) (1) Found at The Dalmasca Estersand, 砂紋の迷宮 (Yardang Labyrinth). -- サイレス (Silence) (2) Found at Lhusu Mines, 坑道入口 (Shaft Entry). -- サイレガ (Silencega) Found at The Necrohol of Nabudis, 光満ちる回廊 (Hall of Effulgent Light). -- スリプル (Sleep) (1) Found at Dreadnought Leviathan, 中層東ブロック (Starboard Section). -- スリプル (2) Found at Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, 第1工場東側タンク (Platform 1-East Tanks). -- スリプガ (Sleepga) Found at The Ancient City of Giruvegan, 水層都市ハルミカ (The Haalmikah Water-Steps). -- 貼付 (Stamp) Found at Mosphoran Highwaste, 灰白のひさし (Rays of Ashen Light). -- 遠隔攻撃 (Telekinesis) Found at Cerobi Steppe, エルアニス旧街道 (Old Elanise Road). -- タクシク (Toxify) Found at Barheim Passage, 東西バイパス (East-West Bypass). -- バニシュ (Vanish) Found at The Tomb of Raithwall, 大通廊 (Royal Passage). -- デジョン (Warp) Found at Nabreus Deadlands, 命消えし水辺 (Lifeless Strand). -- 攻撃破壊 (Wither) Found at Subterra: Origin in Darkness, 陰裏の層 (Abyssal). ============================================================================= Thanks to: Siyou for the names of some of the new items in the game, and being the harbinger for the creation of the guide. Paulygon for all the help in writing the guide, spell-checking, grammar fixing, and for all the fun since chatting it up during the Bonus Stage Dragon Quest marathon. readleeb for playing through the English patch version so I could get all the English terms for everything correct, getting the Demon's Sigh info, and everything else he's done for me. Mo the Hawk for his various suggestions while writing the guide, and many other things. Scythesurge for some of the English names while he played through the English patch, a lot of the English names of rooms/areas, and guide suggestions. Borderlands, too! Dan_the_Asian_1 for telling me where to get the elusive Tchita Uplands map. Xendran for giving me hope at grabbing the Seitengrat and names of new items. Alkaidism for the Burning Bow drop info. flak76e for his faster Level 99 Red Chocobo method, which can be found here: Garlando for suggesting the much faster way of killing Leynirs. Alxplaying and Nanonero for finding that dumb 'small shrine' kanji, 祠, even though NJStar doesn't think it exists. Ashe10 for giving me the English patch name for the Seitengrat bow. Xenoraven, Xero273, Leadmagnet, Conceptor, Botolf, Volcynika, DG_Nick, Yukkuri, Venfayth, Bunk Moreland, and all the Radical Streamers for their support and zombie killing. Copyright 2010-2011 Red Scarlet