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(Please add Game Name or Guide Name in Subject) (to let us know which game you need help with.) (Be as specific as you can with your questions.) First Created : 6/6/06 Last Revised on : 7/17/06 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************** Table Contents ************** I. Legal Info II. Introduction III. Hidden Package Directions 1. City/Area: Portland 2. City/Area: Staunton Island 3. City/Area: Shoreside Vale ============================I. Legal info================================= This document may not be altered, copied, published, sold nor reproduced for profit in any way shape or form without advance permission from me. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited. If you steal any part of this Guide, FAQ, you will be punished to the full extent of the law. Plagiarism is illegal, and I really detest it. If you do Email us for our permission, We have nearly no problems in allowing you to post it on your site as long as full credit is given to us (YuGiOhFm2002 & YuGiOhAngel), and you are not charging or profiting off of Gamers/Users to access it directly or indirectly in any way shape or form. However, you may print this document out if it is for your own personal use. If you see a site using this without our permission let us know. ========================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % II. Introduction % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% For those that have played Grand Theft Auto III the streets will look familiar but there is also quite a few differences as you might notice. The locations of the Hidden Packages have changed (of course) but most of them are hidden fairly close to where some of the ones that were Hidden in Grand Theft Auto III were at just hidden a bit better (or should I say slightly harder areas to get to for some of them which made them even harder to detail) and the Hidden Packages you are looking for now look similar to that artwork at the top of this guide (the Hand Sign Key Chain Icon). When I use the term car it is more general term indicating the vehicle you are using and since the cars are usually the most common vehicle in these games that you will see on the streets that is why I use it. I do recommend nabbing a PCJ along your travels and use that to get the majority of these Hidden Packages to do it faster but I will mention which Hidden Packages you need a specific vehicle for which means you don't have to have one until it is specified. This guide is made to get you as many of the Hidden Packages as you can before even doing most of the missions for that specific city/area with as little backtracking or vehicle changing as possible. There is a few of them that you will need to beat a certain mission before you can get it but the majority of them you can get once the island/area/city is opened up to you after a certain mission. Some of the hard to reach Hidden Packages have a few ways to get them but we have only listed one way for the majority of the Hidden Packages (we figure the other ways you can figure out on your own). If you see any directional errors (like east should be west or left should be right) let one of us know as there always seems to be a few errors especially when editing a guide like this. We have corrected a few errors that we came across but we do sometimes overlook other errors. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ III. Hidden Package Directions @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ $@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$ 1. City/Area: Portland Island $@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$@#$ (Note: These first Hidden Packages can be found with any vehicle you want to use. I should warn you though there are times that people will get into your car and drive off with it just incase you go back to it and wonder where it went. There are times it will disappear if you go to far away from it also.) Hidden Package #001 ------------------- (Note: Once you have located your Safehouse save your game and then exit the Safehouse to start the directions below.) A. Drive out onto the street from the Safehouse and turn right (East) onto this street. B. Turn right (South) at the intersection you see up ahead and then turn left (East) at the first intersection you come to. C. Go about halfway up this hill in front of you and you will eventually see a driveway to your right (South). D. Drive up that driveway and then get out of the car. E. Go around to the back of the building to your right (West) here and you will find a ramp leading down to a small area at the back of this building. F. As you walk down this ramp look to your left (South) to see the 1st Hidden Package on the side of this ramp. Hidden Package #002 ------------------- A. Get back into your car and go down to the street in front of you. B. Turn right (West) onto this street and then turn left (South) at the intersection you see up ahead. C. Go about halfway down this street and when you see the small grassy hill to your right (West) get out of the car. D. Walk up that grassy hill towards the building up ahead and you should see the 2nd Hidden Package to your right (North) near some cardboard boxes between two dumpsters. Hidden Package #003 ------------------- A. Get back into your car and continue South on this street. B. Turn right (West) at the second street you can (the street below the monorail tracks. C. Turn right (North) at the second intersection you come and get out of the car at the entrance of the alley just before you reach the Ammunation on your right. D. Walk down the alley and enter the opening in the wall you see to your left (North). E. As you enter this opening look to your right (East) and you will see the 3rd Hidden Package near a trash can. Hidden Package #004 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and Continue North on this street (you will want to take note of "The Dolls House" to your left as you go down this street because you will be back here later on). B. Turn left (West) at the first street you can and then turn left (South) at the end of this street. C. Drive into the opening to your right to enter the construction site and drive straight towards the opening directly in front of you. D. Just before you reach it you should see a Barracks truck and two trailers in front of the truck in the distance. E. Go to the corner of the wall just behind those trailers and you will find the 4th Hidden Package here. Hidden Package #005 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and go out of the opening in front of you. B. Turn left (South) onto the street you come out to and turn right (West) at the first street you can. C. Turn left (South) at the end of this street (going against traffic and then turn left onto the driveway to your left. D. Go towards the dumpsters you see near the wall up ahead and you will find the 5th Hidden Package just behind those dumpsters. Hidden Package #006 ------------------- A. Drive back out to the street and turn left (South) against traffic again. B. Get out of the car when you get near the first bush in the flower bed to your right just as you reach the top of the hill. C. Jump up into the flower bed and get the 6th Hidden Package on the South side of that first bush. Hidden Package #007 ------------------- A. Continue South on this street and turn left (East) at the second street you come to. B. Turn right at the third street to your right (South) and you should see the hospital coming up to your left. C. Get out of the car near the alley you see to your right (West) just before the intersection you see in front of the hospital and then walk into the alley of garages. D. Go around the corner of the building to your right to find a car and the 7th Hidden Package near the wall in front of this car. Hidden Package #008 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and turn right (West) at the intersection in front of you (the one in front of the hospital). B. Go straight down this street and just before it ends get out of the car near the "AHHH, Bistro" you see to your right. C. Go across the street to your left (South) and enter the alley you see in front of you. D. Go to the open area you see at the middle of this alley and when you get there look to your left (East) to find the 8th Hidden Package in the corner of the building here. Hidden Package #009 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and make a U-turn to go back towards the Hospital. B. Turn right when you reach the intersection in front of the hospital and continue South along this street. B. Follow the street as it curves to the right (West) up ahead and go through the intersection you see in front of you to enter a parking lot. C. You should see a lone bush in the flower bed at the center of this parking lot to your left (South). D. Get out of the car and go over to that flower bed to find the 9th Hidden Package on the west side of that lone bush. Hidden Package #010 ------------------- A. Drive back out to the intersection and turn right (South) at this intersection. B. Turn right onto the entrance ramp of the Callahan Bridge you see to your right and drive along the left wall of this entrance ramp. C. Use the camera to look into the gap just on the other side of this wall and drive along this wall until you see the 10th Hidden Package on a beam just on the other side of this wall you are driving along. D. Get out of the car to hop up onto that wall and walk out onto the narrow beam to get the 10th Hidden Package at the center of the beam. You have now Unlocked the Pistol at the Safehouse. Hidden Package #011 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and make a U-turn. B. Go back down this ramp to the street and then turn right (South onto this street. C. Turn left (East) almost immediately when the street ends and then turn right at the first street you can. D. Go through the intersection you see up ahead and follow this street as it curves left (East). E. Get out of the car after the curve (near the fire hydrant) and walk towards the water's edge to the North of the fire hydrant. F. You should see a dock to your left as you reach the water's edge. G. Walk out onto that dock and you will find the 11th Hidden Package at the very end of this dock. Hidden Package #012 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue along this street to the East. B. Get out of the car after you go pass the final building to your right before the street curves up ahead. C. Walk into the opening just to the left of that building and you will find the 12th Hidden Package between the pair of dumpsters at the side of this building. Hidden Package #013 ------------------- A. Get back into the car to continue to follow the street as it curves to the left (North) and then turn right (East) at the end of this street. B. Follow this street as it curves to the left and then get out of the car about halfway into the curve. C. Look towards the Water's edge to the right (East) and you should see some big rig trailers sitting near the water's edge in the distance at the South end of the Portland Docks. D. Make your over to the Southern most big rig trailers and look between those trailers to find the 13th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #014 ------------------- A. Head back to the car and instead of getting into the car go across the street into the bus terminal parking lot area. B. As you enter look to your right (Northwest) and you should see a short building. C. Go along the right (Southeast) side of that building and you will find the 14th Hidden Package near the door of this building. Hidden Package #015 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue along this street. B. Turn right at the intersection you come to up ahead and then turn right onto the driveway for the Portland Docks area that the people on strike are blocking (they usually will come after you so just quickly get these packages and then leave). C. As you enter go straight directly towards the water's edge up ahead and just before you reach the water's edge go to your right. D. You should see a ferry directly ahead of you in the water which you will be getting on in a moment. E. As you are driving towards that ferry look to your right and get out of the car when you see a staircase at the South side of the building here. F. Go up that staircase to the rooftop of this building and make your way over to the far Southwest corner of this rooftop. G. You should see a ramp-like vent here and at the very edge of the roof just on the other side of that ramp vent you will find the 15th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #016 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and drive fast enough off the bridge to land on the ferry in front of you. B. Don't go to fast or you may fall off the other side of the ferry. C. Get out of the car and walk to the left (East) along the south side of this ferry. D. You should eventually see a ramp to your left you can go up and then go to your left onto the walkway at the top of the ramp. E. Make your way along the south side of this walkway and you will run into the 16th Hidden Package on this walkway. Hidden Package #017 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and use the ramp at the West end of this ferry to jump over some big rig trailers onto solid ground again. B. Now go back out of the driveway you came in from (where the people on strike are) and turn right onto the street you come out on. C. Follow this street as it goes up a small hill under the monorail tracks and once you reach the top of this small hill get out of the car. D. Run directly to your left (Southwest) towards the trees you see in the distance and you should run into the 17th Hidden Package among the bushes and trees here. Hidden Package #018 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue straight down this street. B. Before the street curves to the right get out of the car and walk to your left (Southwest) up the grassy hill you see just pass the trees here. C. Once you reach the top of this grassy hill you will be on the ledge just behind the hospital. D. Go to your right (North) along this ledge and you will see the 18th Hidden Package at the end of this ledge up ahead. Hidden Package #019 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue along this street. B. Turn right at the first street you can and go up this steep hill. C. As you go up this hill you will see some concrete supports for the monorail to your right (South) and a staircase just after it. D. Once you see the staircase get out of the car and start going down that staircase. E. After you go down two flights of stairs hop onto the grassy hill to your left (East) and go all the way up this grassy hill. F. Go to your right at the top of this grassy hill and you should see the 19th Hidden Package in front of you under the monorail tracks. Hidden Package #020 ------------------- A. Now go around to the stairs and get onto the monorail tracks. B. Walk/Run along the walkway between the monorail tracks to the South until you eventually see the yellow and red sign of the Sausage Factory. C. Jump to the rooftop of the Sausage Factory and go between the two Sausage Factory signs on this rooftop to find the 20th Hidden Package. You have now Unlocked the Shotgun at the Safehouse. Hidden Package #021 ------------------- A. Make your way back to the car (it should still be where you parked it) and continue to follow the street up the hill as it curves to the left (North). B. Get out of the car halfway into the curve and go to Marcos Bistro to your left (Northwest) across the street. C. Go up the first staircase of Marcos Bistro and you will find the 21st Hidden Package to your left (South) on this first floor outdoor balcony of this Bistro. Hidden Package #022 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and Continue North along this street. B. Go pass all the buildings on your right and then turn right (East) onto the dirt road here. C. Get out of the car once you are on the dirt road and walk straight (East) to the edge of the grassy cliff. D. Walk down the steep gray cliffside and get the 22nd Hidden Package you see at the edge of the cliffside here. Hidden Package #023 ------------------- (Note: You will want to remember this mansion because if you need a PCJ you can find one here parked next to the Leone Sentinel.) A. Get back into the car and follow the dirt road until you reach the mansion here. B. Make your way to the back (Southeast) side of the mansion to get to the cliff that is overlooking the lighthouse. C. Go to the Southeast edge of this grassy cliff and walk down the steep gray cliffside you find here to the (Southeast). D. Once you reach the edge of this cliffside continue down an even steeper gray cliffside. E. As you go down this very steep cliffside you should see the 23rd Hidden Package in the distance at the very bottom of this cliffside near the water's edge. Hidden Package #024 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and drive back the way you came on the dirt road until you reach the street. B. Turn right (North) onto the street when you get to it and follow this street as it curves to the left (West). C. Turn right (North) at the first street you can as you go down this hill and then turn right (East) onto the dirt road just pass the Used Car Dealership you see up ahead to your right. D. Follow this dirt road as it goes up a hill and then curves to the right (South). E. After the curve get out of the car and you should see a building in front of your car with an Eight Ball picture above the garage door of this building. F. Stand at the West side of that building (with the Eight Ball on it) and walk to the Southwest to see some wrecked cars in front of a school bus. G. You should find in the lone car to the left of the pile of cars the 24th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #025 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and go back the way you came on this dirt road. B. When you reach the street turn right onto another dirt road leading to a wrecking yard and follow this road as it curves to the left (West). C. Go up the large dirt ramp you see to your right (North) and when you reach the top of the ramp go to your right (East) along this walkway/sea wall until you reach the end of it that you see in the distance to the East. D. Once you reach the end of it get out of the car and look down over the East edge of it to find the 25th Hidden Package near the water's edge. Hidden Package #026 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and go back to the large dirt ramp you came up and go back down it. B. Turn right (West) at the bottom of it and you should see a car crusher (the large yellow rectangular thing) to your right. D. Get out of the car when you are near it and make your way behind it to find a piston/pipe you need to hop over to get to the 26th Hidden Package just behind the main part of the crusher (You will want to remember where this crusher is as you will be back here a bit later also). Hidden Package #027 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and drive up the grassy hill just behind the crusher to the Northwest to get onto the street here. B. Go to your right (Northwest) onto this street and you should see an Orange net fence to your right. C. Go along this street until you see that orange net fence end and then turn right onto the edge of the grass it ended at so the car is right near the lowest part of the fence here. D. Jump up onto the roof of the car and hop over the fence. E. Once you are on the other side of the fence look to your left (North) and you should find the 27th Hidden Package near the Water's edge in front of you. Hidden Package #028 ------------------- A. Make your way back to the car and continue North/Northwest on the street you were on. B. Turn right (North) at the street just pass the people on strike and then curve left (West) with the street up ahead (just like before get the package quickly and then leave). C. Just before you reach the end of this street you should see a toll/guard booth to your right. D. Get out of the car when you get near it and enter that toll/guard booth to find the 28th Hidden Package inside of it. Hidden Package #029 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and make a U-turn. B. Follow this street back the way you came around the curve and then turn left (East) to go past the people on strike again (if they are there). C. Follow this street as it curves around to the right (South) and just before you reach the bridge at the end of this curve drive down the grassy hill to your right to reach the street that bridge goes over. D. Turn right (West) onto this street and follow this street as it curves to the left (South). E. At the end of the curve this street will end and just before it ends get out of the car. F. Run up the grassy hill to the right (Northwest) and you should see a small portion of fence broken here. G. Jump over that broken portion of fence and you should see a very big pointy grassy hill/rock in front of you. H. Go to the grassy area just behind that pointy grassy hill/rock to find the 29th Hidden Package. I. You will now want to Acquire a Motorcycle (PCJ or Sanchez preferably for the next 5 Hidden Packages) and once you have one go to your Safehouse to save your game if you need to before starting the directions for #30. Hidden Package #030 ------------------- A. Head to the Wrecking yard that the Car Crusher was at with your Motorcycle now and when you get to the Car Crusher go up that large dirt ramp you used a bit earlier to the right (Northeast) of the crusher. (Note: Read the next three steps before doing them and if you are good or at least familiar with doing San Andreas Unique jumps this should be a piece of cake for you.) B. When you reach the top of this dirt ramp make a U-turn facing the dirt ramp you just came up. C. Back up the motorcycle as far as you can without falling into the Ocean and then quickly drive down the dirt ramp. D. When you reach the bottom of this ramp you should see a wrecked lone white car slightly to the right on the rocky hill in the distance just pass the wrecked school bus. E. Use that lone wrecked white car as your ramp (while you are heading towards it tilt the analog stick slightly forward to Tony's head down to go faster) and if done just right you should land on the roof that is over the gas pumps at the gas station (you don't have to use the car as the ramp you can just use the hill but the car seem to give me slightly more lift to land on the roof easier). F. If you landed on the roof without falling off it you will find the 30th Hidden Package at the West end of this rooftop. You have now Unlocked the Body Armor at the Safehouse. Hidden Package #031 ------------------- A. Drive off the West side of this roof onto the street on the West side of this Gas Station. B. Go left (South) onto this street and turn right (West) at the third street you come to (the street that runs under the monorail). C. Go to the end of this street and when you reach the end of this street continue straight (West) across the grass until you reach the walkway along the water's edge. D. Once you reach that walkway turn left (South) and go pass the first staircase you see. E. Go pass the second staircase for a good distance and then make a U-turn to face that staircase. F. Quickly drive up that staircase to use it as a ramp and land on the rooftop of the monorail platform at the top of those stairs. G. After you land on the roof you will see the 31st Hidden Package on this rooftop. Hidden Package #032 ------------------- (Note: This one will take practice or luck depending on how good you are at landing on narrow beams.) A. Drive off the rooftop onto the grass to your right (East) and drive South along the east side of the line of trees on the grass here. B. When the line of trees end you should see a ramp you can use just pass the monorail support beams. C. Stop when you reach that ramp and look at the under part of the Callahan Bridge to see the narrow vertical support beams of the bridge. D. You need to use this ramp to jump (use the tilting the analog stick forward like before to go faster towards the ramp) and you should hopefully land on the narrow Horizontal support beam just to the left of that closest Vertical narrow beam (you don't have to land the bike on it just as long as you jump off the bike when it is over it to land on it). E. Once you land on that beam you will find the 32nd Hidden Package at the South end of the narrow beam you landed on. Hidden Package #033 ------------------- A. Now head to the Portland Docks area (at the Southeastern part of the map) that you got Hidden Packages #015 and #016 from earlier. B. As you go pass the people on strike at the entrance go to your left (North) towards the large building here and go North along the West side of this building. C. Turn right (East) when you reach the Northwest corner of this building and you should see a wooden ramp directly in front of you (to the East). D. Back up as far as you can and then go fast (pushing the analog stick slightly forward to go even faster) towards that wooden ramp. E. If done fast enough you should land on the building to the East of this ramp and once you land continue to go fast hopping from one rooftop to the next until you get to the fourth/last rooftop. F. Once you reach that final rooftop get off the bike and go to the Southeast corner of this rooftop to find the 33rd Hidden Package. G. You will now want to Acquire an Ambulance (just be sure to save the motorcycle in the garage of your safehouse as you will need it again later) for the next 3 Hidden Packages (you can either try to find one at the hospital or just beat up/run over some pedestrians until one shows up) and once you have one go to your Safehouse to save your game if you need to before starting the directions for #34. Hidden Package #034 ------------------- A. You should now be at the Safehouse with an ambulance. B. Look on the roof of the small building/structure to the right of the door you enter the Safehouse with and you should see the Hidden Package on the roof of this building/structure between the vent on the roof and the wall of the safehouse. C. Jump up onto the hood of the ambulance and then get onto the roof of the ambulance to jump to that rooftop to get the 34th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #035 ------------------- A. Now head to the Portland Docks area (at the Southeastern part of the map) that you got Hidden Package #33 from earlier. B. As you enter pass the people on strike go straight directly towards the water's edge up ahead and just before you reach the water's edge go to your left. C. Go straight towards the blue striped building in front of you and before you reach it turn to your right to head towards the shipping containers you see here. D. Park the Ambulance near the Southeastern most shipping containers and then get onto the roof of the ambulance to jump to the shipping container you are parked near to get the 35th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #036 ------------------- A. Now go back out of the driveway you came in from (where the people on strike are) and turn left onto the street you come out on. B. Follow this street as it curves to the right (Southwest) and then turn right at the first street you can. C. Turn left (Southwest) into the driveway you see just before you reach the next intersection. C. Park the Ambulance near the trailer you see at the side of the building to your left (Southeast) and then climb up onto the roof of the Ambulance. E. Jump to the Trailer's rooftop and then onto the larger buildings rooftop that the Hidden Package is on to get the 36th Hidden Package. F. You will now want to go to the Safehouse and start doing missions until you have completed the mission "Blow Up Dolls" from JD before using the directions for #37. Hidden Package #037 ------------------- A. Once you have completed the mission "Blow Up Dolls" head for the Safehouse to get your motorcycle if you don't have one already and save your game if you need to before starting the next step. (Note: the next two steps are just for those that may not remember where the "The Dolls House" is at.) B. Drive out onto the street from the Safehouse and turn left (West) onto this street. C. Turn left at the end of this street and as you go up this hill you should see the destroyed remains of "The Dolls House" to your right. D. Go to the Western part of the building (to the left of where you parked your car bomb to blow up the building) and look behind the small portion of wall that wasn't destroyed to find the 37th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #038 ------------------- (Note: This jump will probably take you a few tries because traffic doesn't always cooperate and if you are not going fast enough you may not make the landing. You could also try jumping from the tram tracks to reach the building this Hidden Package is on before doing the "Blow Up Dolls" mission but the way described below is easier.) A. Look at the Northwest corner of this destroyed building and you should see a white portion of wall on a dirt pile. B. Face your motorcycle at that portion of wall and then back up as far as you can (which would be clear across the street from this building) before using that portion of wall as a ramp to jump towards the construction site across the street to the Northwest (be sure to tilt the analog stick forward slightly to get enough speed to make the jump). C. If done correct you should land on the upper floor of the building under construction. D. You should see some stairs to your left on this floor of this building and instead of going up those stairs go down the corridor just to the right of those stairs to reach the room just behind the staircase. E. Drive out of the very narrow gap in the wall to your right (East) when you reach the room and drop down to the ledge below with the Hidden Package on it. F. once you land on the ledge get the 38th Hidden Package. G. Now you need to Acquire a Boat to get the final two Hidden Packages and to get one continue to do missions until you complete the mission "Driving Mr Leone" from Salvatore to unlock the Staunton Island Safehouse. H. Go into Staunton Island Safehouse once you get there save your game if you need to before starting the directions for #39. Hidden Package #039 ------------------- (Note: You will not want to use a vehicle you want to save for the next few Hidden Packages as it may disappear.) A. Drive out onto the street that goes along the West side of the Safehouse and turn left (South) onto it. B. Turn left (East) at the first intersection you come to (the street that runs along the South side of the big parking garage) and follow this street as it curves to the right (South) at the bottom of this hill. C. Turn left (East) into the driveway you see to your left and as you enter turn to your right (South) towards the Yakuza car you see here (if it is here that is). D. Get out of the car near that car and go down the stairs to the Southeast of that car. E. You should find at the bottom of the stairs a dock with 2 boats along it. F. Use either boat and head for the water just north of the Car Crusher at the Wrecking yard (You might notice a Hidden Package on your way to the North you can get it now or just wait as I will mention it in a bit). G. You should see Just to the North of the Wrecking yard is a rock formation in the water. H. Park the boat near the lowest (South) part of the rock formation and make your way up to the top of this large rock. I. When you get to the top walk down the East slope of the rock to get on the ledge here to get the 39th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #040 ------------------- A. Now head to the Water Southeast of Salvatore's Mansion to find a lighthouse and once you get there park the boat at the dock you see at the North side of the lighthouse. B. Make your way up the lighthouse ramp and you will find the 40th Hidden Package in a little alcove as you get to the top of the first ramp. You have now Unlocked the SMG at the Safehouse. #%&#%&#%&#%&#%&#%&#%&#%&#%&#% 2. City/Area: Staunton Island #%&#%&#%&#%&#%&#%&#%&#%&#%&#% Hidden Package #041 ------------------- A. Now head back to the water between Portland and Staunton Island. B. Look at your map and at the Northern waters between the two islands (Portland and Staunton) to see a small gray island in the water. C. You need to use your boat to go to that small gray island and when you get there go just Northeast/East of that small island to find a portion of a rock sticking out of the water with the 41st Hidden Package on it. D. After you get this Hidden Package go back to where you left your vehicle and more then likely it has disappeared. Hidden Package #042 ------------------- A. Get into the Yakuza Stinger that you parked near before (it is usually here but not always and if it is not just get any car you can) and drive out onto the street in front of you (to the West). B. Turn left (South) onto this street and you will enter a shipping yard. C. Drive straight towards the wall directly in front of you and just before you reach that wall you should see a red shipping container to your right (West). D. Get out of the car near that shipping container and walk over between the shipping container and the loading ramp that it is near to find the 42nd Hidden Package near the wall here. Hidden Package #043 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and make a U-turn. B. Go back to the street you were on and as this street curves to the left (West) get out of the car about halfway through the curve. C. Go to the bridge cement support you see to the Northeast (the one closest to the apartment building and water's edge) and go just behind it to find the 43rd Hidden Package. Hidden Package #044 ------------------- A. Get back into the car continuing with the rest of the curve and go up the hill in front of you. B. Go down the alley you see to your right (North) almost halfway up this hill. C. Go straight down this alley until you reach the ramp up ahead. D. Drive up this ramp and turn to your right (South) at the top of it. E. Drive all the way to the end of this row of garages and when you reach the end of them you should see two dumpsters to your left (East) with the 44th Hidden Package between them. F. You should now head for the Safehouse since you are close to it now to save your game if you need to and the next directions will start from there. Hidden Package #045 ------------------- A. Drive out onto the street that goes along the West side of the Safehouse and turn right (North) onto it. B. Go to the North end of this street and just before the end of this street get out of the car. C. You should see subway stairs at the corner here to your left (West). D. Go down those stairs and down the escalator at the bottom of the stairs. E. Go to your left (East) at the bottom of the escalator towards the bathroom doors you see here and just before you reach them look to your left (North) just after the MainFrame poster to find the 45th Hidden Package in the corner of the wall here. Hidden Package #046 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and turn right (East) at the intersection in front of you. B. Go down the hill and follow this street as it curves to the left (North). C. Halfway through this curve you should see the wall on your right end. D. When that happens get out of the car and if you got out at the correct place you should see the 46th Hidden Package on a flower bed to your left (West). (Note: The hospital is the building just to the West just so you know incase you want to get the ambulance now for number 50.) Hidden Package #047 ------------------- A. After you get the previous Package go back towards the car and go to the East side of that wall the car is near to find 47th Hidden Package in the corner just on the other side of that wall. Hidden Package #048 ------------------- A. Get back into the car now and make a U-turn. B. Turn left (South) onto the street at the top of the hill (the same street you came on moments ago) and turn left (East/Northeast) at the first street you can to your left. C. After you go pass the first street to your right look along the right just after the "Hotel Forte" and you should see a building just behind it with a small sign that says "Bottiglia Liquor Wholesale". D. Get out of the car when you see that building with that sign and walk up the ramp just to the left (East) of it. E. Jump onto the small ledge that the sign is on from this ramp and walk along this small ledge to the area just behind that sign to find the 48th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #049 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue Northeast along this street. B. Follow this street as it curves to the right (South) up ahead and get out of the car once you see a walkway blocked by five small pillars to your right (West). C. Enter that walkway area and walk West along this walkway until you see an alleyway to your right (North). D. Go down this alley and around the corner to your left. E. As you go around the corner you should see in the distance the 49th Hidden Package just behind a dumpster in the corner. Hidden Package #050 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue South along this street. B. After you go through the intersection up ahead you should see the "Staunton Cafe" sign over the building to your right and when you see that get out of your car. C. The 50th Hidden Package is just behind that "Staunton Cafe" sign and to get it acquire an ambulance (by either causing Urban Chaos here by shooting a few pedestrians until it shows up or get one from the hospital). D. Once you have an ambulance park it on the grassy hill you find on the West side of the Cafe before climbing onto the roof of the ambulance and jumping to the roof of the cafe to get the 50th Hidden Package behind the cafe sign on the roof. You have now Unlocked the .357 (Magnum) at the Safehouse. Hidden Package #051 ------------------- A. Get back into your car (if it is still there) and continue South along the street on the West side of the Cafe until it ends (which is only a few inches in front of you). B. Turn left (East) at the end of this street and turn left (North) when you reach the end of this street. C. As you go down this street you will go across a small metal arched bridge. D. When you get to the other side of this small bridge get out of the car and go to your left (West) across the street. E. Go down the small hill on the Northwest side of this bridge and you should find the 51st Hidden Package on a support beam of this bridge near the water (be careful not to fall into the water). Hidden Package #052 ------------------- A. Get back into the car to continue North along this street and get out of the car after you go pass the third tree you see on the right (East) side of the street (near the second street light from the bridge you crossed). B. If you got out at the correct spot walk Northeast/East towards the water's edge and you should find the 52nd Hidden Package on a small beach here near the water. Hidden Package #053 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue North along this street. B. Follow this street as it curves to the left (West) up a hill and at the end of the curve you should see a dirt entrance for a construction area with signs on each side of the entrance that says "Restricted Area". C. Turn left (South) into that entrance and go down this dirt road. D. When you reach the bottom of this dirt road get out of the car and you will find the 53rd Hidden Package at the left side of the unfinished tunnel entrance here. Hidden Package #054 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and turn left (West) back onto the street you were on. B. After you make the turn look along the right side of the street for a dirt path leading to the North. C. Get out of the car when you see it and go along this dirt path until you run into a trailer at the end of it. D. Go around to the other side of this trailer and you will find the 54th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #055 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and go through the intersection up ahead. B. As this street starts to curve to the left (Southwest/South) look to your right (North/Northwest) among the trees to see a small grassy hill with a rock ramp at the top of it (the same ramp you use for a Unique Jump). C. Get out of the car when you see it and walk around to the other (Northwest/North) side of that rock ramp to find the 55th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #056 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue (Southwest/South) along this street and then turn left (East) at the first traffic light you come to. B. Get out of the car after the turn near the driveway of the parking lot you see to your right and go over to the middle tree of the right (Western) island/partition inside this parking lot to find the 56th Hidden Package on the North side of that tree. Hidden Package #057 ------------------- A. After you get that Hidden Package walk to the West hopping over the wall and going across the street here towards the water's edge. B. After you get across the street go down the steep grassy hill up ahead and just before you reach the water's edge you should see to your right near a drainage tunnel/pipe the 57th Hidden Package (if for some reason you can't find this one wait until you get to the mission "The Whole 9 Yardies" and you will see this Hidden Package in the Scene it shows you for the Mission). Hidden Package #058 ------------------- A. Get back into your car and turn right (South) at the traffic light up ahead. B. Go through the intersection up ahead and then turn left (East) at the next intersection. C. Turn right (Southwest) at the end of this street and follow this street as it curves to the left (South). D. After it curves turn left at the traffic light ahead and then get out of the car. E. Look behind you (West) and you should see the entrance to the park here between some billboards. F. Go into that entrance to the park and as you enter you should see a grassy hill/slope to your left (South). G. Go up that hill/slope and hop over the wall at the top of it to find the 58th Hidden Package on the East side of the monument here. Hidden Package #059 ------------------- (Note: I'm not sure on how many cars you can get this hidden package with but I was able to do it with a Yakuza Stinger and Taxi which meant I didn't have to bother getting an ambulance to get it.) A. Get back into the car and head East down the street in front of you. B. Turn right (Southwest) onto the first street you come to and then as you go down this street look for a curved white staircase on the left side of the street near a building. C. You should see a gray staircase (might look blue at night) just South of that white curved staircase and when you get to that gray staircase drive down it. D. Go straight at the bottom of the gray staircase to the front of this tall building and park the roof of your car near the glass awning over the front door of this building that you see the Hidden Package on. E. Get out of the car after you have done that and hop up onto the roof of the car. F. Jump from the roof of the car to the glass awning (you may need a running jump) and get the 59th Hidden Package at the East side of this glass awning. Hidden Package #060 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and drive straight and around the corner of the building to your right. B. Drive over the short wall you see to your left (East) and onto the street here (you should see a few billboards in front of you just to make sure you are at the correct street). C. Turn left (Northeast) onto this street (against traffic) and follow this street Northeast until the center divider slopes down. D. Drive up onto the slope of that center divider being careful not to fall through the gap and drive on this center divider to the Southwest until you reach a grassy ramp. E. When you reach the grassy ramp get out of the car and walk up to the very top of the grassy ramp. F. Jump up or walk onto the narrow cement ledge to the left or right side of the ramp and walk along this narrow ledge to the Northeast. G. You should see the 60th Hidden Package near the tree on this narrow ledge up ahead as you are walking along this narrow ledge. You have now Unlocked the M4 at the Safehouse. Hidden Package #061 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and drive back onto the street you were just on. B. Drive Southwest on this street and follow this street as it curves to the left (South). C. Go through the next three intersection up ahead and after you go through the third intersection get out of the car. D. Get up onto the center divider to your left (East) and walk over to the South side of the tree that is just South of the Northern most tree to find the 61st Hidden Package on that side of that tree. Hidden Package #062 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and turn left (East) at the intersection up ahead. B. After you make the turn go through the intersection at the end of this street to enter "The Big Shot Casino" driveway. C. Follow this driveway as it goes around the corner to the right and when you reach the curved downward ramp leading down to the parking lot get out of the car. D. Hop over the small wall you see here to your left (North/Northeast) and go around the corner of the building here. E. You should see the 62nd Hidden Package along the wall here in front of you near a spotlight. Hidden Package #063 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and make a U-turn. B. Drive straight (West) along the street you got here with and turn right (East) at the traffic light just before the end of this street. C. Get out of the car at the traffic light you see up ahead and you should see a Gun shop to your left (Northwest). D. Enter the Gun shop and go up the stairs to your left as you enter. E. When you reach the top of the stairs hop over the railing to your right and make your way pass the crates here to the far left (Northeast) corner of this second floor to find the 63rd Hidden Package in the corner near the window/wall. Hidden Package #064 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and make a U-turn. B. Drive against traffic until you almost reach the end of this street. C. Just before you reach the end of this street you should see some billboards with a health icon below one of them. D. When you see those billboards get out of the car near the billboard without the health icon below it. E. Walk left (East) towards the Police Bribe icon you see in the distance. F. Before you reach that Bribe look towards the fire exit doors of the building to your right and you should see the 64th Hidden Package near the doors here. Hidden Package #065 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and turn right (West) onto the street in front of you. B. Turn right at the first traffic light you come to and you should now be going against traffic under a pedestrian bridge. C. Turn left (West) at the first street you can and you should see a big white building with a white staircase to your right (North). D. Get out of the car once your in front of the staircase and go up those stairs to the front door of this white building just behind the middle pillar at the top of the stairs to find the 65th Hidden Package in front of the doors. Hidden Package #066 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and turn right (North) at the end of the street in front of you. B. Turn left (Northwest) at the second traffic light you come to up ahead and then get out of the car at the second street light you see on your right. C. You should see two rows of lights here to your right (North). D. Walk over to the first (closest to you) light of the western row and then when you are near it look to your left (West) to see the 66th Hidden Package at the far (Southwest) corner of the cemetery here. Hidden Package #067 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and make a U-turn. B. Drive back the way you came and turn left (North) at the first street you can (back onto the street you were on previously). C. Turn right (East) at the intersection you get to at the end of this street and after you go pass the traffic light up ahead get out of the car. D. If you got out at the correct place you should see a small lone flower bed with two bushes growing in it along with the 67th Hidden Package between those bushes. Hidden Package #068 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and Continue straight along this street pass the barricades heading back across the bridge towards Portland island. B. After you use the ramp up ahead to make the jump over the gap in the bridge back up towards the gap before getting out of the car and walk towards the 68th Hidden Package you see near the edge of the gap. Hidden Package #069 ------------------- A. Now use the other side to head West across the bridge back towards Staunton Island and head West down this street until you see the billboards at the end of this street. B. Turn right (North) onto the street you are at and go pass the people on strike you eventually come across up ahead under the very large bridge. C. Get onto the left (against) lanes of traffic and follow this street as it curves upward to the right. D. Just before you reach the top of the incline onto the bridge get out of the car and walk over to the edge of this road to your left (South). E. If you are at the correct place you should see down to your right the next Hidden Package on a ledge on the South side of this bridge. F. You need to jump (you may want to use a running jump) from the ledge you are on to the ledge that Hidden Package is on to get the 69th Hidden Package. G. Make your way back to the Safehouse once you get that Hidden Package and save your game if you want before doing missions. Hidden Package #070 ------------------- A. After you have completed the mission "Bringing Down the House" for Shoreside Vale from Donald/8ball you will have access to this Hidden Package which won't be for quite awhile (unless you have beaten it already that is). For now complete missions until you have access to Shoreside Vale and then head for the Shoreside Vale Safehouse to start the directions for number 71-100. If you have completed "Bringing Down the House" already follow the directions below and if you have not gotten it yet continue getting the Hidden Packages with this guide and you can come back to this Hidden Package as the Final/100th Hidden Package. B. After you completed "Bringing Down the House" head to the Staunton Island Safehouse and save your game. C. Drive out onto the street to the North of the Safehouse and turn right (East) onto this street. D. Turn left (North) through the barrier at the first intersection you come to and then turn left (West) at the end of this street up ahead. E. Get out of the car after you pass the first street on your right and you should see a portion of wall leaning against the building to your right (Northwest). F. Walk up that portion of wall and enter the room to your left (Northwest) at the top of it. G. Go through the hole in the wall at the Northwest corner of this room and as you enter that hole look to your left to see the 70th Hidden Package near the window overlooking the street. You have now Unlocked the Laser Sighted Sniper Rifle at the Safehouse. _/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/( 3. City/Area: Shoreside Vale _/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/(_/( Hidden Package #071 ------------------- A. Drive out onto the street just North of the Shoreside Vale Safehouse and turn right (East) onto it. B. Get out of the car when you see a big Pinkish House (same color as the Safehouse you started at) to your right. C. Go along the left (East) side of the house and you will find the 71st Hidden Package near the back corner of the house here. Hidden Package #072 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue straight along this street. B. Turn left (North) when you reach the end of this street and enter the large tunnel here. C. Follow the tunnel as it curves to the left and a little more then halfway through this tunnel you will see a blocked off tunnel to your right. D. After you go pass that tunnel that is blocked get out of the car and you will see to your right the 72nd Hidden Package here on the (West) side of this blocked off tunnel entrance. Hidden Package #073 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue straight following this tunnel until you exit the tunnel. B. Go down the hill in front of you and follow it as it curves/turns to the right (West) at the bottom of this hill. C. Turn right (North/Northeast) onto the dirt road you see to your right and follow it until you reach the Dam. D. When you reach the Dam you should see some shipping containers to your left. E. Get out of the car when you are near the second blue shipping container to your left and go around to the back (South) side of that blue shipping container to find the 73rd Hidden Package between the fence and shipping container. Hidden Package #074 ------------------- A. Now get back into the car and go back the way you came along the dirt road. B. Turn right (West) onto the street you were on and follow this street as it curves to the left (Southeast) down a hill. C. When you reach the bottom of the hill continue to follow this street until it curves around to the left (North) and then get out of the car (near the street light). D. You should see a small grassy hill near the water's edge to your right (North/Northeast). E. Walk over to the right (East) side of that grassy hill near the water's edge and you will find the 74th Hidden Package on the rocky ledge near the water's edge here. Hidden Package #075 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and turn left (West) onto the first street you can see up ahead. B. Get out of the car at the second opening of the wall to your right (North) and walk over to the doorway of the building you are near. C. As you reach the doorway you should see the 75th Hidden Package just to the right (Southeast) of the doors. Hidden Package #076 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and make a U-turn. B. Turn left (North) onto the street you were on before and go to the end of this street. C. When you reach the end of this street turn right (East) onto the dirt road you see to your right. D. Just after you turn onto that dirt road get out of the car near the second small light pole you see on your right along this dirt road and walk up rocky hill to your left (North). E. As you reach the grassy area at the top of this rocky hillside you should see another rocky cliffside directly ahead of you. F. Go up that rocky cliffside in front of you and look to your left (West) as you are walking up this cliffside to find the 76th Hidden Package here on this cliffside. Hidden Package #077 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue along this dirt road until you reach a picnic/camp ground parking area. B. When you reach this parking area go straight towards the tree in front of you and then get out of the car before reaching it. C. Look to your right (Southeast) and you should see the 77th Hidden Package near the water's edge here in the distance. Hidden Package #078 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and go back the way you came down the dirt road until you get to the street you were on earlier. B. Turn left (South) onto this street and turn right (Southwest) at the first street on your right. C. Go up this hill/street and turn right (North) at the intersection at the top of this hill. D. Follow this street as it curves to the left (West) up a hill and just before you reach the U-curve at the top of this hill get out of the car. E. You should see a "The Third Leg" Billboard directly in front of the car/you. F. Hop over the guard railing near the South edge of that billboard and you should see the 78th Hidden Package at the edge of the cliff near this back of this billboard. Hidden Package #079 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and follow this road around the U-curve and make your way up this winding road until you reach the end of it. B. When you reach the end of this street turn left (West) and after you go through the first intersection you come to get out of the car. C. Walk across the street to your left (South\Southeast) and enter the area you see in front of you with the shipping containers. D. Walk around the left side of those shipping containers and walk pass the pile of wood you see here. E. Go into the small opening in the fence you see to your right just pass that pile of wood to enter the small back area behind the building here and look between the two piles of wood in front of you to find the 79th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #080 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and go up the hill in front of you. B. Follow this street as it curves to the left (South) and then turn right (West) at the street after the curve. C. Turn right (North) at the end of this street and then get out of the car when you near the opening in the wall to your right at the top of this small hill up ahead. D. Enter the opening in the wall here and look to your right to see a group of large tanks on a platform here. E. Go behind the Southwestern most corner of the yellow platform those tanks are on and you will find the 80th Hidden Package here between the wall of the building and the yellow platform. You have now Unlocked the Flame-Thrower at the Safehouse. Hidden Package #081 ------------------- A. Go back to the car but don't get into it and instead walk across the street to the Northwest. B. Continue Northwest until you reach a rocky cliff overlooking the water and when you reach this cliff follow it to the North/Northwest (towards the cliff you can see that sticks out more to the west to your right). C. You will eventually come to a pointy part of the cliff and the 81st Hidden Package near the edge of this pointy part of the cliff. Hidden Package #082 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and make a U-turn. B. Go back down this small hill and turn left (East) onto the street you got here with. C. Turn right (Southeast) at the intersection up ahead and after you make the turn get out of the car. D. Hop over the small wall to your right (West) and look to your left to see some open garages here. E. Go into the Garage #2 (the open garage just to the right of the large number 2 on the wall) and as you enter you will find the 82nd Hidden Package to your left near a toolbox. Hidden Package #083 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and turn right (West) at the intersection up ahead. B. Turn left (South) at the end of this street at the top of the hill and get out of the car when you are near the opening in the wall you see to your left. C. Enter that opening in the wall to enter the Hospital parking lot. D. Get into the Ambulance that should be parked here to your left (if not get one to appear by beating up pedestrians) and drive the ambulance around to the back of the Hospital. E. Park the Ambulance near the dumpster you find along the back wall behind the Hospital and then get out of the Ambulance. F. Jump up onto the hood of the Ambulance and then onto the roof of it. G. Jump over the wall and onto the rooftop of the building just on the other side of this wall. H. Once you are on the rooftop go to the Southeastern corner of this rooftop to find the 83rd Hidden Package at the edge of this rooftop. Hidden Package #084 ------------------- A. Get back into the car you left on the street in front of the Hospital and continue straight (South) along this street. B. Follow this street as it curves to your left and then get out of the car just before you reach the second street light on your right. C. Walk onto the grassy hill to your right (South) and continue to go South on the grass on the other side of this hill until you eventually see the 84th Hidden Package to your right at a clearing between all the grassy hills here. Hidden Package #085 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue straight along this street. B. Turn left (Northwest) at the intersection you see up ahead and turn right (East) at the second intersection/street you come to. C. After you make the turn (before you go pass the hydrant to your right) get out of the car and go down the staircase you see at the corner of this street to your right (South). D. After you go about halfway down these stairs hop over the cement railing/wall to your left (East) and you will find the 85th Hidden Package on the ledge you land on here near a tree. Hidden Package #086 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue straight down this street. B. Turn right (South) at the end of this street and go through the intersection up ahead. C. Get out of the car just before you reach the next intersection (after the hydrant) and enter the opening/entrance to your right (West). D. Make your way around to the Northwest corner of the building to your right and when you reach the Northwest corner of this building you should find the 86th Hidden Package to your right near a dumpster here. Hidden Package #087 ------------------- A. Go back to the car but instead of getting into it go across the street and enter the opening/entrance you see here. B. Go pass the shipping containers you see to your left and you should see a staircase going up the side of the building to your left here. C. Make your way up the staircase and onto the roof of this building. D. Go to the Northwest corner of this rooftop to find a ramp and just to the left (Southwest) side of the ramp near the edge of this rooftop you will find the 87th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #088 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and make a U-turn. B. Turn right (East) at the first intersection you come to (the one you went through a moment ago) and turn left at the first street you can. C. After you make the turn get out of the car and walk onto the grass to your right (Northeast). D. Continue to go Northeast and you will eventually drop off the cliff here onto a rocky ledge overlooking the water. E. Walk down to the water's edge and you should see the 88th Hidden Package to your right near a boulder at the water's edge. Hidden Package #089 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and continue straight down this long hill/street. B. Follow this street as it curves to the left (West) and then get out of the car after the curve. C. Look to your left (South to see a few boulders near the cliffside here and just behind those boulders you will find the 89th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #090 ------------------- A. Now walk towards the only building you see to the Northwest and just before you reach the doors of the building you should see a walkway to your right that goes along the side of the building. B. Follow that walkway around the corner of this building and you will find the 90th Hidden Package near the doors on this side of the building. You have now Unlocked the Rocket Launcher at the Safehouse. Hidden Package #091 ------------------- A. Get back into the car and go back up the hill/street you came down. B. Turn right (West) onto the street at the top of this hill/street and then turn left (South) at the intersection up ahead. C. Go straight through the intersection you see up ahead and follow this street as it curves to the left (East). D. After it curves you will go down a hill and when you get to the bottom of this hill get out of the car (just before the curve). E. Look to your left (Northeast) to see a "KRONOS" billboard across the street. F. Walk behind that billboard and you will find the 91st Hidden Package near some trees just behind that billboard. (Note: For the next 9 Hidden Packages I recommend acquiring a Motorcycle (preferably a PCJ) even though all of them you won't need a Motorcycle to get them but almost half of them will need one (this is of course only if you don't have one or else just continue with Step A for number 92). Once you locate a Motorcycle continue with directions for number 92.) Hidden Package #092 ------------------- (Note: These directions start where 91 left off.) A. Continue along the street you are on as it curves to the right (South) and after you get around the curve turn right at the first street you come to. C. Go down the hill in front of you and follow this street as it curves to the left (South) in front of a "Love Fist" Billboard. D. Turn right (West) onto the road just to the side of that "Love Fist" Billboard and as you go along this road you will see a small gap/opening in the fence to your left (just across the street from the big parking lot entrance to your right). E. Drive into that opening with the Motorcycle and as you enter turn to your right (Southwest/West) to go between the two yellow shipping containers here. F. You should see a staircase for planes directly in front of you that you need to quickly drive towards and use as a ramp to get onto the cement awning you can see just pass that staircase. G. Once you land on that awning go to your left (South) and use the ramp you see up ahead to hop over the higher rooftop in front of you. H. You should end up landing on another cement awning here and once you do land drive to the South end of this awning to find the 92nd Hidden Package you can see up ahead. Hidden Package #093 ------------------- A. Drive off the East edge of this awning and drive East towards the many shipping containers you see near the wall in the distance. B. Just before you reach those shipping containers look to the left (Northeast) to see a lone yellow shipping container and a staircase just to the left of it. C. Use that staircase to jump and land in the area at the center of those many shipping containers near the wall to find the 93rd Hidden Package. Hidden Package #094 ------------------- A. Drive back towards the opening/entrance you came in from and just before you reach it look to your right to see some planks leaning against a blue shipping container. B. Use those planks as a ramp to jump up onto the cement awning that you can see on the other side of the fence just pass those planks. C. Once you land on the cement awning go around the corner of the building to your right and as you go along this awning you will see the 94th Hidden Package at the back of the first side scrolling sign to your left. Hidden Package #095 ------------------- A. Drive to the area between the two side scrolling signs on this building and look to the Southeast from here. B. You should see one billboard with a radio on it and another blue billboard with a couch on it. C. Drive off this rooftop and drive up the grassy hill just to the right of those billboards. D. When the short wall to your left ends drive to the Northeast and you should see the 95th Hidden Package under the bridge in front of you. Hidden Package #096 ------------------- A. Drive back to the street in front of that blue billboard and turn right (North) onto this street. B. Turn left onto the road next to the "Love Fist" billboard and follow this road and you will eventually get to some guard rails blocking this road. C. Crash through the guard rails you see in front of you and follow the road (or outline of the road at least if it is too dark) as it curves to the left (South). D. You will see up ahead this road will curve to the right but instead of following it continue to go straight (South). E. You should see a building to your left with a big blue sign that says "Liberty International Airport" and directly in front of you is another staircase like the previous ones you have used. F. Use that staircase as a ramp to jump up onto the roof that sign is on and when you land on that roof walk behind that sign to find the 96th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #097 ------------------- A. Now drive off the roof (if your motorcycle didn't fall off it that is) and once you are on the ground with it face away from this building (facing West). B. You should see a plane almost directly in front of you. C. Drive towards that plane and you should see a Hidden Package hovering over the left (Southern) wing of this plane. D. Drive under the left wing and you will see a staircase near the front of the plane. E. Use that staircase to hop onto this left (Southern) wing of the plane to get the 97th Hidden Package. Hidden Package #098 ------------------- A. Drive to the road just North of this plane and turn left (West) onto it. B. Follow this street as it curves to the left (South) and then you should see a green hangar to your right. C. Drive to the back of this Hangar building and you will find the 98th Hidden Package on the narrow walkway just behind the Hangar. Hidden Package #099 A. Drive back onto the road in front of the hangar and continue to go South along it. B. You should see up ahead the road curves to the right (West) but instead of following it curve in the opposite direction (to the left (East)). C. You should see a plane parked directly in front of you. D. Drive under that plane and you should see some yellow striped ramps in front of you. E. You will find the 99th Hidden Package between the left (Northern) and center yellow striped ramps here. Hidden Package #100 ------------------- A. Drive onto the runway just South of you and turn right (West) onto this runway (watch out for landing planes because unlike Grand Theft Auto III ghost planes that go through you these planes for this game will run you over and blow up your vehicle). B. As you drive along this runway you will eventually see another runway to your left (on the map it is the runway that goes from Northwest to the Southeast). C. Drive onto that runway and head towards the Southeastern end of this runway along the right side of this runway. D. Before you reach the Southeastern end of this runway you should see a ramp to your right (South) that goes down along the side of this runway. E. Go down this ramp and you will find the 100th/Final Hidden Package to your right at the bottom of this ramp. F. If you only have 99 Hidden Packages you probably don't have number 70 from Staunton Island yet and this would be the time to complete the mission "Bringing Down The House" to get it. Congratulations, You have collected all of the Hidden Packages and you are now $50,000 richer also. ========================================================================= Only sites allowed to use this at this time (in no particular order): Sorry if we missed listing you, but as long as you are not listed below and you got our go ahead to post you are fine. If we find a site that wasn't given our permission they will be added below. 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