Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Written by: Nicholas Kaminski E-mail: metallicopeth@gmail.com, or nieuwendyk26@hotmail.com Version 1.00 Introduction This FAQ, simply put, will pertain to the idea of getting silent assassin rating for every level in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, as well as add some extra methods for completing the missions. All the information compiled in this FAQ has not been taken from any other website, these are simply my own observations on how to get through each level in the game without a scratch on you. This FAQ is for those who know the game, controls and behaviours of the characters so I can skip over all the introductory crap of the game and get to the missions. But enough chit-chat, lets kill some dudes. Tips: Hitman 2 doesn't rely on luck or gunpower. It relies on timing and skill. You have to know the tricks if you want to get through the levels perfectly. So: - To begin, Hitman moves silently if you pace your steps properly. Honestly...you can be almost running and still be moving silently, it's only a matter of practice. - Hitman's arsenal should mainly be consisting of only a silenced 9mm and anaesthetic (your fibre is included, don't worry!) anything else is useless, unless you wanna have some fun on beaten levels. - The key to beating this game is knowing that the moment the level begins, you should be moving in the right direction. Take a few tries through the levels, cause bloodbaths...then seriously start a new game and try this. - The level is always set up perfectly for your mission as soon as the mission begins. If you move to the right areas fast enough, you'll dodge virtually every guard. Some guards' paths change depending on decisions you make. - The key to getting silent assassin is getting into a disguise without killing anyone or alerting anyone. If you do this you're a shoo-in. - Level 1 - Anathema The first level of the game is massive with few guards, to help you learn the controls. The key to the car is on the Don’s bro (the fat white guy) and there is a sniper rifle in the garage. Very straight forward, one of the best kills. Objectives: -Kill Don -Get room Key -Save Vittorio (gets cancelled) -Exit 1st Approach Start by running down the hill to the door directly in front of you. Head to the right of the door and wait. Hit sneak and wait for the guard on the other side of the door to walk out and start pissing. Sneak up behind him, preparing your anaesthetic as you do so, and cloak him. Take his clothes and enter the compound. Head for the stairs on the west side of the house and go down. Go through the basement to the next set of stairs going up. Go up those, keeping your eye on your map for all guards locations, the kitchen is busy so keep your distance from people. Walk towards the cook, however turn right towards the wall and you’ll see another set of stairs. Walk on up and out the door right in front of you. You should now be on the balcony overlooking the garage. Turn left and walk through the broken railing, across the small piece of walking space you have to the roof above the stationary guard standing outside the kitchen. Turn left once you hit the roof and the don’s son and bro should be walking off to take a leak together... Cross the wooden plank and go onto the balcony. Go to the far side of the balcony, open the door and wait. Don the fibre wire, and wait for the Don to walk into his office with his back turned to you. Take him out and take the room key and revolver. Walk back the way you came; however, while crossing back across the small piece of walking space leading from the broken railing to the roof, stop above the first staircase you went down to get ot the basement and hit sneak. Fall down and you won’t make a sound. Run into the room where father is and then run out. You should be able to run to the end of the level with impunity. 2nd Approach (Non-Silent Assassin) Walk towards the side entrance and wait for the guard to come out and take his piss. When he does shoot him in the head. Take his outfit and walk into the compound. Walk towards the garage and grab the RP3 Sniper Rifle. Walk back to the beginning, stand right in front of the rock and aim at the don. Wait until he stops and starts to take a shot and shoot him in the head. Drop the rifle close to the side entrance door and make your way to the don's body. You may attract some attention but you can loose them. Take the key and cut through the house to get to the East side where the basement is. Walk down, open the door, and run to the end of the level, collecting the sniper rifle as you do. ___________ Level 2 - St. Petersburg Stakeout Even bigger than the first mission with plenty of guards to watch out for. There’s a .54 on the guards by the barriers. The SVD sniper rifle looks enough like an AK to fool the guards, if holstered. Objectives -Kill General at meeting -Harm noone else at meeting -Exit 1st Approach You begin in the Metro. Head to the locker 137 and take your sniper rifle and some extra sniper ammo. Head towards the stairs, making sure not to get the attention of the civilians, they’ll tattle when they see that massive rifle. Walk up the stairs then south, up the escalator and turn left. Wait in the stairwell for the patrolling guard to head behind the lockers. Run into the room quickly and turn right through the door. Pick the lock and run into the sewers. Head for the North-Eastern most ladder and go for it. Go up and collect the guard’s uniform, keeping the patrolling the guard and stationary guards from seeing you. Holster your rifle and run across the square to the opposite side to where your ! Mark is. Head into the building and go straight, then make your first right, go straight and then left up the stairs, from here run all the way up until you get to the forth floor. Head straight through the door, left and through the next door. Go towards the open window and get the scope going. You odn’t need to listen to Diana explain the target, it’s the target sitting with his back to you in the left-most window with Sergei to his side and another general to his side. Wait till Sergei gets out of the way and shoot him in the back of the head. Drop the rifle and run back the way you came, ALLLLL the way back to the Metro, and exit the level. 2nd Approach (Non-Silent Assassin) Forget your stash and run all the way to the Pushkin building, making sure to grab the spare uniform at the Northeastern most sewer entrance. Walk into the building from the back and wait for the guard who walks to the West to walk by. Plug him in the head and drag his corpse behind the dumpsters outside. Go back in and get into a minor gunfight with the last patrolling guard in the secluded Southeastern most corner of the building. Kill him there and the generals will all scatter to safety from the impending assassination. Wait by the Northeastern door and one of the generals will start walking towards the back exit of the building. Thats your man, so open the door when he's in that hallway and shoot him between the eyes. With the mission complete, run to the exit. ___________ Level 3 - Kirov Park Meeting One of the best missions in the game. Another big map with plenty of guards, you can barely walk around without a guard being on your tail. It’s so simple and makes for such a good mission. Objectives: -Kill General -Kill Mob Dude -Book it out 1st Approach Run up the stairs in front of you and book it to the right. Get behind the dumpsters and collect both car bombs. THATS ALL YOU NEED...oh and some anaesthetic. Wait for the guard to turn his back and head to the closest sewer entrance right in the middle of the road. Climb down. Once down, open your map and look to the East. Head for the Southern most ladder. Climb up and plant the bomb on the general’s car. Now open your map again and look to the North-Eastern most set of three ladders. Head for the one which is third from the left and go on up. Wait behind the crate for the limo driver to come and take his piss. The moment his line of sight can’t see you, sneak towards him, with your anaesthetic prepared. Douse him and take his clothes. Walk back the way he came and walk a straight line to the mob boss’ limo. Plant the bomb quickly and head back to the ladder going back into the sewers. Head back to the beginning of the level and wait for both targets to kill themselves :D. 2nd Approach Run towards your pickup and grab the rifle and the car bombs. Head down the sewer ladder in the middle of the street and run to the Southern most ladder. Go on up and place the bomb on the car. Now go back down the ladder and head for the next ladder to the West of this one. Go up and wait for the guard to head behind the dumpster, then behind the cement wall. Plug him one in the head with your pistol and take his clothes. Pick the lock to the door, go through and climb the ladder up the tower. Arm the scope and find the Mob boss. Pretty convenient that he's facing us *cough* missions done properly *cough*, and shoot him in the head. Head for your exit above ground and along the way, the general will blow himself to smithers. Exit the level via the pier. ___________ Level 4 - Tubeway Torpedo The most annoying of the St. Petersburg missions mainly for it’s length. The first fairly difficult level involving lots of sneaking and waiting. The combat knife is on the general. Objectives: -Get to agency pickup near crates labelled "FCK" -Kill General -Save agent -Exit 1st Approach You start in the sewers, how’d you get there...? Anyways, head north and then turn right, cross the bridge and turn left, go straight and turn right again and head up the ladder. Wait for the dude to turn his back and get up onto solid ground. Go right up to him but don’t kill him. Instead, wait for him to start walking to his next location, which is directly in front of him and he’ll face the truck. Now the moment he starts moving, move at a 45 degree angle to him and then behind him. He won’t see you and the Southern most patrolling guard should start going East. In the brief moment that the crates on the platform block you two quickly move forward towards the opening where the guard who answers the phone will head. For the brief seconds that he warms his hand and turns his head, move to the pickup and take everything. Now, when the Southern most guard heads back towards his Western position, the moment he gets there head towards the shack where the guard answers the phone and wait, crouching on the right side of it facing him. When the phone rings and he starts to move, move with how he moves till he turns his back and answers the phone, quickly sneak to the sewer and get down there. Once in the sewers, run ALLL the way up the way to the only available ladder. Head on up and up the wooden staircase. Wait for the guard who’s facing you to turn away and drop down behind the crates. When the patrolling guard patrols, waits, and patrols back towards you, head out to the other side where the next set of crates are. He’ll patrol back again, wait, and the dude who comes from the headquarters to come to this position and wait for him to head back in. Wait for him to get up the walkway and then RUN up behind those crates. Wait for him to come out, but make sure the guy on the inside of the headquarters doesn’t see you. Follow him up the stairs, then take a left into the room with the spare uniform. Take it, and the Deagle (powerful pistol) and make your way out of the room to where the patrolling guard is. Make your way to the elevator directly in front of you and head down to the First basement. Quickly duck behind one of the alcoves and wait for the first patrolling guard to walk past. AS long as you’re behind him and you start walking, he won’t care, it only seems like they get agitated when you pass them directly. Anyways, make your way down the corridor and you’ll see a door on your left and another patrolling guard probably walking away from you. Get passed the junction and slip behind the alcove on the other side of where he stops patrolling. Wait till he passes you and quickly get out and into the door at the end of the corridor. Go on through and you’ll be in the main surveillance area. The guard by the door has a needed costume, but it’s hard to get without getting guards on you. Simply stay to the right of him and walk casually straight ahead of you, not to the door on the right but towards the next corridor. Once past that special guard, start running and go right, then right again then right again. You should now be in the surveillance mainframe. Shoot the mainframe which says "1" on it in the little green bar close to the floor. No more cameras... :D. Now head out this door the way you came in but turn right and head straight down this deserted corridor. Mind your noise when you get to the right turn and enter the second door on your left. Sneak in and get the uniform. You’re now gonna head for where the bomb needs to be dropped for you to access your exit. Head back into the hallway and continue left. Wait for the patrolling guard of this vicinity to leave the bomb area and head in, go in and towards your left. Drop the bomb where it needs to be...but as much to the left as you can. Quickly leave and wait for the patrolling guard to go back into the bomb area. Watch him on your map until he stops and the moment he stops detonate the bomb. Don’t worry about all the guards, they won’t know it’s you. Continue down the corridor and walk into the restricted area. Go in and don’t face the guard sitting down. Your suspicion metre may nudge a bit, but don’t worry, no harm’ll come. Head towards the elevator and go down. Walk down this corridor and turn right. The first door you see, run up to it. Head to the right of the door, face the wall and drop the pager. Go the left side of the door and use the phone to call the pager. After the stupid general comes out, take out your fibre wire and take him down. Take his combat knife and go get the agent. Skip the cutscene and run back to the elevators. The guards will become ansy after you kill the general, but they won’t find his body. Go back up the elevator and towards the bomb area. Check your map to make sure there’s no more guards in the sewers and run to your exit, when you pass the guy you died from the blast, take his AK. 2nd Approach (Non-Silent Assassin) You start in the sewers.Head north and then turn right, cross the bridge and turn left, go straight and turn right again and head up the ladder. Wait for the dude to turn his back and get up onto solid ground. Go right up to him and kill him. Drag him behind the crates and take his clothes. Now go to the pick up and snag your stash. Walk to the back of the truck and hop in. You'll be brought to the military base and watch your map, the dudes change positions REALLY obviously when you enter the compound in the truck. Walk out of the truck and walk past the stationary guard to the left of the truck. Walk up the walkway and into the headquarters. Head for the elevator to your right and go on down. Make your way through the corridors using the alcoves as protection from the prying eyes of the Ruskies. When you get to the surveillance room, walk across into the next set of corridors and take the next 3 rights. Go into the room and take out the cameras by shooting the green bar on the bottom of the mainframe. Walk out and take a right. Go all the way down the corridor and go into the second door on your left. Pick the lock and head in. Take the outfit and go towards the sewer. Shoot the patrolling guard when he's close to the Western most guard quarters and leave his body there. Go into the blast area and drop the bomb when in range. Run out and activate the bomb as you do so. Run towards the restricted area and go in and down the elevator. Head out and go towards the right to your first door. Continue past it and take the 3 rights needed to reach the other end of the interrogation room. Wait for the patrolling guard to walk into the guards quarters and quickly slip past the door and pick the lock on the observation room. Go in and wait for the general to rest by the glass ever so briefly with his hands on the table. Pop off two shots, one for the glass and one for his face and climb through the glass. Get agent smith and head back to the blast area. Wait for the guards to get out of the sewers and head for the exit. ___________ Level 5 - Invitation to a Party The best outfit is the one you start with. This mission is very intimidating because of it's size; however, it’s not too difficult. Don’t worry about the stupid agent, he’ll only bug you if he sees you. There’s a hidden door with a W2000 Sniper Rifle and a spare tux...which I’m guessing is for if the safe is upstairs and you used the waiter’s disguise to get to it. Objectives: -Kill General -Get Briefcase -Exit 1st Approach You start on a pier, walk up the stairs and ignore the waiter who’s asking to be killed. Run up the stairs and then behind you towards the gate of the embassy. Skip the agency pickup and head to the side door, and wait for the patrolling guard to head North. Pick the lock on the door and run towards the entrance of the embassy. Walk in and park yourself in front of the stairs. Check your map for the V.I.P ambassador to start walking. Follow him to the office and wait for him to open the safe. Get behind him with a pistol and smack him in the head. After he falls, take the suitcase. Run out and down the stairs into the West side of the embassy’s hallways. Go straight and around all the way until you get to the room where the General walks to and from the party. Drop the suitcase, if he sees you with his case he’ll flip out, and get behind him, wire him and the maid will be oblivious to the whole thing. Quickly run back to the suitcase, and head for the pier where you came from. If you run into the agent, he’ll start shooting at you, so chart his positions and make a bolt for the boat. 2nd Approach Run up the stairs and sneak up on the oblivious waiter. Take him out and take his clothes. Head all the way to the door on the South gate of the embassy. Continue further to the agency pickup and get the poison. Go back through the East door on the back and head through and run all the way North to the only door leading to the inside besides the front door. Go through when the guard turns his back and walk to the right side of the car. Crouch and make your way past the pest and into the door after the right turn. Take the clothes and head into the main kitchen area. Take the drinks and walk towards the stairs, when noones around you, poison the drinks and walk to the general. Give him the drink and find out where the ambassador keeps the suitcase in the 4 possible locations. If upstairs, you'll have to take the stairs behind the big stairs to get up there. Anaesthetic the ambassador when he opens it and take the briefcase. Make your way back down the stairs then back down the stairs to the basement. walk back to the car area and head out the door. Walk to the pier and exit the level. ___________ Level 6 - Tracking Hayamoto This mission has one of the coolest hits, you kill a guy with Fugu fish!! So smart. VERY slow moving guards to make you impatient and force you to slip up, if you can’t take the wait; but you should be able to, that’s the beauty of the game. The spare uniform is useless, just don’t use any disguise but yours, you’ll be on top of this mission if you follow my directions. Objectives: -Kill Hayamoto Jr -Place transmitter on his corpse -Exit 1st Approach You start behind a boulder. Check your map for the locations of the guards on the other side of the boulder. Wait for them to start walking back to your exit, but wait until they are a little way away, they tend to turn they’re heads quite a bit and they’ll see you if you leave too early. So when it’s safe, run down the way, across the entrance of the door and cross the walkway. Get to the first garage door and get in. Head to the car and honk it’s horn. It’ll lure a guard into the garage. Don’t kill him, but slip past him and into the door he came from. Head to the right and through the green curtains. Then left and wait for the patrolling guard to head back East. He can’t see you through these thin materialed doors and when he’s past you, head out. Then turn right and enter the first door on your right. Run up to the North most area which you’ll find to be the kitchen. Wait for the patrolling guard and the cook to leave the area and VERY QUICKLY head in, place the transmitter on the meal then run to the North-Eastern room. Cut the Fugu fish and run back out and place it on the meal. Then run back to the garage area. IF the guard is still in the garage. Chances are he won’t turn back around and he’ll be no problem. If he’s back in the door he came from, douse him with some anaesthetic, or kill him, won’t affect your rating either way. Get back into the garage and wait for the outside South Eastern most guard to patrol to the east. Then slip by him and back towards the boulder you started from. Watch your inside map for the Geisha bringing Hayamoto his death. Wait for both objectives to be complete and book it for the exit. 2nd Approach (BEST WAY) You start behind a boulder. Check your map for the locations of the guards on the other side of the boulder. Wait for them to start walking back to your exit, but wait until they are a little way away, they tend to turn they’re heads quite a bit and they’ll see you if you leave too early. So when it’s safe, run down the way, across the entrance of the door and cross the walkway. Get to the first garage door and get in. Now head to the last door of the garage and check your map, waiting for the guy in front of the garage to start walking back towards the entrance to the house. When he does, head out and take a left in to the next area. Wait for the SLOWWWwwww guard to start walking North towards the fence and is past the rock and create a space between you two with the rock in the way. Follow his movement until he starts to face the door and wait behind the rock. Wait for the god forsaken bastards to finally start walking again and head West when the outdoor guard faces East. Head quickly forward and wait right beside the door to your left. Wait on the right side of the door. Wait, for the cook on the inside to come out and position yourself in front of the door. Wait for the indoor guard to walk North then turn to his right and as soon as he does go in, and close the door behind you. Run to the plate of food furthest from you, on the corner of the table and place the transmitter on it. Now run towards where the indoor guard walked and head into the left door. Cut the Fugu fish and run back out to the plate of food. Place it in the food and get back to the door where you came in from the outside. If you did it fast enough, the cook should still be smoking and you should have JUST enough time to get back behind the open wooden fence. When the cook walks back in, head East towards the slow patrolling guard and maneouver around him. Get back to the garage and wait for the guard to be all the way East. Run to the boulder and wait for your objectives to be completed. Get the hell out ASAP. ___________ Level 7 - Hidden Valley This mission is very annoying mainly for the fact that the stupid guards can somehow see through blizzard conditions, through the best disguise in the game which covers you from head to toe, and immediately blow your cover. Just make sure you’re never seen when crossing the first Northern sniper tower, then it’s clear sailing. Objectives: -Find secret passage. You start behind some trees. Make your way East, using the trees to cover you from the sniper. Once you get behind the building and out of the way of the sniper, wait for the patrolling guard to walk towards you and then turn his back. THE MOMENT he turns his back, sneak out behind the walls and put him into dreamville. Take his outfit and take your crossbow. Head towards the next open area, using the trees as cover and continue going East. Now, there’ll be two guys going East past the tower facing you, and two other guards heading East...who’ll turn back around and head West. Follow the patrolling guards East, keeping a distance from them and stay as right as you can. Make your way right and down towards the next sniper tower. Head past it and into the next area with one patrolling guard. Use the trees as cover and get around this annoying guard. Once by him, head to the ladder and go on down. Keep an eye on the guard at the bottom of this ladder and wait for him to leave the room. Follow behind him into a room with boxes and wait for him to get behind them. Quickly leave and enter the truck. Get into the back of the truck and wait to get driven past these three patrolling guards. Get out and make your way to the first door on your left. Go through and use the truck as cover between you and the patrolling guard. Make your way into the room with the ladder, just like all the other rooms in this tunnel and head up the LONG ladder. Get out and walk to the exit. ___________ Level 8 - At the Gates Simple enough mission with the same psychic guards as before. The hardest part is getting your disguise and getting around the guard at the first power grid. You could simply shoot him, but try and do it sneaking, it’s hard, but doable. Objectives: -Get to the castle undetected -Wait for briefing on alarm unit After getting to castle -Take out three alarm grids to enter the castle You start at the entrance of the secret passage. Head straight and to the right, go up the tiny slope and keep as right as possible. Go forward and when you see the guard, use the trees to keep you two apart. Manoeuver around the trees until he has his back to you and sneak up on him. Take him out in the matter of your choosing and take his clothes and not his gun. Head South around the huge mountainous bend and head North to see the amazing Japanese castle. Once you get your new briefing, head behind the sniper tower and wait for the patrolling guards to head South. Once they do, head across the valley and towards the first alarm grid. There’s one guard here who’s tricky to get around properly. Use the rocks as cover and time your movements so you move when he has his back is to you. Enter the caged area and turn off the unit. Now continue back the way you came using the rocks as cover from the guard. Head back towards the sniper tower, but head right (North). Go towards the doorway and wait for the patrolling guard on the inside to walk from the right to the left. As soon as he’s past your line of sight, sneak and walk right, head through the hidden door, up the stairs and out the door on your left as soon as you climb the stairs. Head left and get behind the rocks. Head to the other side of the rock to the South and wait for the guard to come out the door and go back in. The sniper won’t bother you and you can simply head to the panel and turn it off. The third grid is inside the castle. If you check your map and don the inside map, you’ll see two stationary guards to the North of where you are, that’s where the grid is. From the second grid, head back towards the rocks and then up the incline. Go through the door and walk past the rafter-dwellers. Get to the end of the room and turn off the grid. Walk a bit backwards and head through the door leading back outside, only when the outside guard is walking away from your position. Head out, and take a left. Go through the previously lasered area and head right, then right again and left to the exit. ___________ Level 9 - Shogun Showdown Such a good mission. The whole thing is stealth, it’s great. The hardest part of the mission is getting past the two guards at the first laser entrance multiple times. There are SO many ways to kill Hayamoto, I won’t delve into more than two. Objectives: -Kill Hayamoto -Obtain guidance system -Book it out 1st Approach You start where you left off. Make a bit of noise to get the guards on the outside to face your way (you’ll need it later) and then turn right and head through the hidden door. Go up the stairs and wait for the guard on the other side to turn around. THE MOMENT he does, open the door and take a left, walking along the big beams and not the small wooden noisey planks. Make your way to the end of the room and then turn right and drop down into the staircase. Head down and then take a right, you’ll see a door. Don’t go through it, but turn more right so you’re facing the stairs and open the hidden door on the right of the stairs. Head through and you’ll end up behind a curtain to a shrine where guards pray. Wait for the coast to be clear and head out from the curtain and grab the keycard. Then head straight and sneak past the left turn, keeping the rafter dwelling ninja from noticing you, and the patrolling guard you should be able to evade...he is REALLY slow. Once you get around the only left turn at the end of the hallway, take it and then go straight through the next door. Continue through this area the way you did the first and get through the door. Open the first door on your left and sneak in, the two guards playing their game won’t notice you, sneak into the lasered area and get the bomb, remote and SMG-SD6. Sneak back out into the hallway and then follow it until the hallway can make it’s first turn left. Take it and head to the second last door. Go in and get your costume. Get out and head for the last door on your left. Go out and wait, the two guards on your right should be facing the entrance(because of the noise you made before) and there should be three more guards, once they go inside to pray, or at least two, go to the side of the helipad facing you and crouch. Wait for them to face the other direction and quickly walk up to the helicopter and plant the bomb. Walk off the helipad directly ahead of you and walk into the first door you can. Make your way back to the shrine area and head back through the passage up the stairs to the first area you came to with the patrolling guard and the noisey floor boards. Go up the stairs and up to the laser, hit sneak and go through, take a right and then head down the stairs. You have to pass these two guards quite a few times so make sure you act normal every time!!! Don’t let any sliver of the suspicion metre appear, otherwise it’s curtains for your exit. Head down the stairs and into the next room. Break out into a run and run across the room to the left most door. Open it and head down. Disable and laser and go into the museum. Take the .22 and the guidance system Head back out the way you came and back up to the laser entrance with the two guards. Hit sneak and get passed them and head up the stairs. Once on the second floor, bust into a run and run to the next set of stairs. Go on up and stop at the door. Wait for the patrolling guard to be in the room with all the other guards and walk into the room with the !. Once in, sound the alarm and BOOK IT back towards the stairs you came from. Head down, past the stationary rafter ninja and turn right. Go get the sword and walk to the laser entrance. Get through and back into the hidden passageway where you first got the attention of the stupid outdoor guards. Wait there and wait for Hayamoto to get to the helicopter. The moment he gets there, detonate and then quickly exit the level before the alerts begin to pile up. 2nd Approach (BEST WAY) You start where you left off. Look to your right and you'll find a hidden door. Go up the stairs and wait for the guard on the other side to turn around. THE MOMENT he does, open the door and take a left, walking along the big beams and not the small wooden noisey planks. Make your way to the end of the room and then turn right and drop down into the staircase. Head down and then take a right, you’ll see a door. Don’t go through it, but turn more right so you’re facing the stairs and open the hidden door on the right of the stairs. Head through and you’ll end up behind a curtain to a shrine where guards pray. Wait for the coast to be clear and head out from the curtain and grab the keycard. Then head straight and sneak past the left turn, keeping the rafter dwelling ninja from noticing you, and the patrolling guard you should be able to evade...he is REALLY slow. Once you get around the only left turn at the end of the hallway, take it and then go straight through the next door. Continue through this are the way you did the first and get through the door. Open the first door on your left and sneak in, the two guards playing their game won’t notice you, sneak into the lasered area and get the bomb, remote and SMG-SD6. Sneak back out into the hallway and then follow it until the hallway can make it’s first turn left. Take it and head to the second last door. Go in and get your costume. Now make your way ALL the way back to the first laser entrance with the noisey floorboards. Sneak and head on through the laser fence and take a right. Go down the stairs and into the basement. To the the left and enter the door on the left. Go down the stairs and into the museum area. Take the .22 pistol and the guidance system and drop the bomb right in that place, right in front of where the guidance system is. Now head back up the way you came to the two guards in front of the laser fenced door. Head to the right and up the next set of stairs to the 2nd floor. Make your way to the next set of stairs on the other side of this room and take a left turn up the stairs to the third floor. Wait for the patrolling guard to make his way into the room with the sleeping guards and run to the switch, press the switch and run all the way back to the two guards in front of the laser door. Head on through and back into the secret doorway. Now the cherry on top. Bring up your map and watch as Hayamoto slowly makes his way to the museum. Arm the bomb remote and the moment he steps up to where the guidance system should be, press the button. The bomb will kill Hayamoto and noone will be the wiser. Take the two steps to the exit and be proud. ___________ Level 10 - Basement Killing The most fun mission in the entire game. You dress as a fireman and kill your target with an axe...SWEET! Objectives: -Kill Charlie Sidjan -Take out surveillance for direct access to elevator. -Exit 1st Approach You start in a phone booth. Exit, using your strafing and keep facing forward. Turn right and go through the door, once the patrolling guard moves into the next room and his door closes, get into the locker room and take your smoke bomb. Move back out into the main area and head straight. Wait for one guard to be in the laundry room and head into the door, then turn right and then left. Stop at the plant and wait for the guard to exit the laundry room. Once he does, run in, run up to the chute, place the smoke bomb and run back into the main area. When there, run West around the metal detectors and towards the North Western room. Wait for the fire alarm to be detonated and wait for all the firemen to leave their room. Run in and grab your fireman’s clothes and an axe. Run all the way to the metal detectors head on through (the guards won’t care cause you’re the fireman). Turn left and then left again, and through the door to the stairwell. Head on down and then go straight. Then make the first left you can and then another left to get into the door with the security surveillance. Shoot out the computer which says "Warning" on it and go through the door. Do down all the stairs and pick the final doors lock. Sneak towards Charlie, charge your axe, stand and let loose one massive swipe on the turd. Book it back to where you shot out the computer and go through the elevator on the right to exit. 2nd Approach Make sure you grab the .22 for this one. You start in the phone booth. Go out facing North, turn right and go through the door, once the patrolling guard moves into the next room and his door closes, get into the locker room and take your smoke bomb. Move back out into the main area and Enter the men's bathroom. The signs help with that. Head to the last stall and wait in front of it. Sooner or later the pizza boy'll come in and drain his lizard. Take him out and take his clothes. Now head to the food department and get the pizza for Charlie Sidjan in the basement. Take the pie and head back towards the bathroom. Turn left and head towards the laundry room. Wait for one guard to be in the laundry room and head into the door, then turn right and then left. Stop at the plant and wait for the guard to exit the laundry room. Once he does, run in, run up to the chute, place the smoke bomb and run back into the main area. Go through the metal detectors once the smoke alarm goes off and head into the security area. Go to the left and head to the Northwestern most door. Go down the stairs and head through the door, straight to the first door on your left at the end of the hall. Go through and shoot the computer with your .22. Go down to the basement and pick the lock on the final door. Head up to Charlie and shoot the fat ass in the head. Run back quickly to the desimated computer and take a right up the elevator. ___________ Level 11 - The Graveyard Shift A fairly simple level with the hardest part being the two patrolling guards who walk through the North and South parts of the first area. Objectives: -Place dongle on server -Exit through sky bridge 1st Approach You start in your elevator. Drop your axe and head out and turn right. Go right then left and head to the first door right in front of you. Wait for the patrolling guard to walk past you to the West and head through the door. Head left and then left again until you reach you’re first door on the right. Pick the lock and walk in to grab the keycard. Walk back out and back to where you started the level. From here head straight, then left, then right and to the Northern most door. Where wait for the patrolling guard to be out of your way and head straight, go into the red door to your right and shoot the mainframe. Wait for the system administrator to come to the computer in the yellow door right in front of you. Once he goes in, quickly head in and take him out in the manner of your choosing. Once he’s down, take his clothes and plant the dongle on the server. Now simply walk to the Western most side of your map and go towards the sky bridge window. Shoot out the window and hide in case any guards come to check out the noise. Now cross the sky bridge and wait for the two guards to be facing off the bridge to make your get away. 2nd Approach You start in your elevator. Drop your axe and head out and turn right. Go right then left and head to the first door on your right. Go on into the kitchen and shoot the camera facing the sink (why is there a camera there??!!). Wait for the slow system administrator to come into the kitchen. Take him out with a bullet to the head and take his clothes. Make your way to the central office, while staying out of the way of other system administrators while on the way. Go into the room and take the yellow keycard. Now head all the way back up North to where the yellow door is. Go on in and place the dongle on the server. Now head back to the system administration network place and head down the corridor to the window. Shoot out the glass and head through. Now cross the sky bridge and wait for the two guards to be facing off the bridge to make your get away. ___________ Level 12 - The Jacuzzi Job This mission also rules. The hardest part is making the kill because the stupid girls tend to see you if you’re too slow or if you stand out from behind the screen too much. Objectives: -Kill Charlie Sidjan -Steal money -Steal statue 1st Approach You start outside on a ledge. Continue along the ledge, past the piano playing girl and the two patrolling guards to the next doorway. From here you can either go in and grab the nightvision, or decide screw it and head forward. Continue along the ledge until you get the Eastern most balcony. Watch the secretary through the window and wait for her to go and head for the bathroom. The moment she does, hop over the balcony and into the right most door where she was. Head in and enter that left door, then cut across the hallway and through the door right in front of you. Smash the fuses and quickly run back to where the secretary was. Open the picture and the safe behind her desk to obtain the money, and make sure you close each again before leaving. Now turn around and head out the door to get back onto the Eastern most balcony. Run onto the balcony and turn right into the next door. Head up the stairs and into steal the statue (notice it’s the JADE FIGURINE from the first one...). Once you get the statue, keep an eye out for guard and head into the hallway where your exit is. Wait for the patrolling guard to walk up towards you and into the door before he gets to you and make your way towards Charlie. Walk into the room and sneak the moment you enter. Strafe a bit to the left until you just barely see Charlie’s head from behind the screen and arm the silenced 9mm. Aim just above his head and a bit to the right of it and let loose one bullet. It should get him and the guards will be completely oblivious. Quickly head back out towards the elevator and make your exit. 2nd Approach You start outside on a ledge. Continue along the ledge, past the piano playing girl and the two patrolling guards to the next doorway. From here you can either go in and grab the nightvision, or decide screw it and head forward. Continue along the ledge until you get the Eastern most balcony. Watch the secretary through the window and wait for her to go and head for the bathroom. The moment she does, hop over the balcony and into the right most door where she was. Head in and enter that left door, then cut across the hallway and through the door right in front of you. Smash the fuses and quickly run back to where the secretary was. Open the picture and the safe behind her desk to obtain the money, and make sure you close each again before leaving. Now turn around and head out the door to get back onto the Eastern most balcony. Run onto the balcony and turn right into the next door. Head up the stairs and into steal the statue (notice it’s the JADE FIGURINE from the first one...). Once you get the statue, keep an eye out for guard and head into the hallway where your exit is. Wait for the patrolling guard to walk up towards you and into the door before he gets to you and make your way towards Charlie. Head into the room and wait for his stupid bodyguards to go to the can. When they do, quickly sneak up to Charlie and wire him quickly. Take his body to the East of the room and head out towards the elevator to your exit. ___________ Level 13 - Murder at the Bazaar This was one of the only missions where I got Silent Assassin in my very first go. It’s so easy. This mission has all this sniper stuff, IT’S SO much easier than you think. Objectives: -Kill Lieutenant -Kill General -Take Coordinates -Take Key 1st Approach You start off on the streets right in the middle of the bazaar and the generals quarters. Take a left and head for the general’s quarters. Once there, head to the back and make sure the guards in the front of his quarters don’t see you. Head to the back door and pick the lock. Walk in and walk to the right of the door into the wall, just walking normally. Then don’t move, hit sneak and walk backwards up the stairs. The general should now be facing the wall and you can go up and wire him. Take the map and wait for the guards to enter his quarters. Once they move forward and face the entrance sneak behind them and out the door. Run back to where you started and head straight. You should see the entrance of the bazaar with two guards facing a bit away from you. Sneak past them and then walk casually right past your target all the way to the end of the bazaar. In the last right most little shop with boxes, walk in and park your hide behind those boxes, wait for a while until the lieutenant makes his way back to where you are. While he’s smoking his cigarette, sneak out and wire him. Quickly drag his body behind the crates and casually walk out. Take a right and walk out of the bazaar and continue straight to exit the level. 2nd Approach When you first begin the mission, head for the bazaar. Go in via the Southwest entrance and then head for the last Southeastern little alcove with a few boxes. Head behind the boxes and wait (maybe a while, what a dink). When he shows up to smoke his cigarette, get behind him and wire him. Drag his body behind the boxes and head back out of the bazaar through the entrance you came. Now head north to the Guards Quarters and wait for them to finish their patrol and head back to the entrance of the big palace. when they have their backs to you, head to the East side of the right most building closest to the entrance and head for the ladder. Go on up and then down to get the SVD Sniper and then head back up and, if need be, wait for the patrolling guards to finish their patrol again and start to head north. Then head to the stairs placed in the middle of the city right where the bazaar is and go up the stairs. Now aim for the general's quarters and you should just see his stupid pink turban. Plug him in the head and instantly drop the rifle. Get the heck outta dodge and run to the exit. Noone should cause you any trouble if they didn't see you with the rifle. ___________ Level 14 - The Motorcade Interception YEESH! Brush up on your sniper skills before you try this one, it’s quite a doozie. The hardest part is the sniping and everything after that, have fun. Objectives: -Get to your contact -Kill the local Khan -Exit You begin behind some boxes. Get out from there and turn left. Then enter the left most archway and head on through towards your contact. Go to the contact and get your sweet gun. You can’t be seen with this massive thing while being a civilian. But if you’re quick about it, you can make your way smack dab in the middle of the city and up the ladder with it without being seen. Well with that being said. Head out of where you got the gun and book it straight ahead of you when noone’s around. Then turn right and make your way through these small houses. Then turn right again, head across the path and up the set of stairs right in front of you. Head on up and then up the ladder and drop the gun when you get to the top and crouch. Wait for the motorcade to enter the region and watch it as it heads to your left then turns to it’s left and starts to drive right for you. Pick up your gun and look through the scope. Wait for the UN troops to drive out of the way of the Khan. Then pick your shot and kill him. As soon as you let loose the shot. Guards will be on top alert and the UN troops will start to shoot at your position. So get down and head South East for your exit, if you’re dressed as a civilian, you’ll get screwed over if you want the gun, unless you’re REALLY good and can get there before you get caught, if not then put a lonely (i stress the word) guard to sleep and take the gun, holstered, to the exit. ___________ Level 15 - Tunnel Rat I first hated this mission, now I love it for the fact that you can kill two dudes and still get silent assassin. Get the M60 in the guards quarters if you want it, it’s hard to get out with. Objectives: -Enter the underground compound. -Kill the Lieutenant -Secure the cargo and get out You start on the other side of a massive door. Turn left and left again towards the big wall, then turn right and continue heading North. Once you get to the L shaped wall, strafe right and run up the wall towards it’s corner, then take a sharp right and head towards the big hanger building, to the North of the helicopter pad. Once in this area, wait for the two guards who are waiting by the door to leave for their coordinated pisses. Take out the one who heads behind the bunker and take him out first. Take his clothes and head back to the door. Wait around the corner for the second soldier to take off for his lonely piss and take him out (you’ll have to get rid of them later anyways). After they’re both disposed of, head through the door and down the stairs. You’ll enter the compound to the Northeast and in the torture area. Wait behind the pillar for the second guard to come and beat on the guy and wait for the guard down the hall to head South towards the other patrolling guard who he’ll meet in that corner. Once this scenario presents itself, head down the hallway hugging the left wall. Get to the door and walk on in. Close the door behind you and sneak towards the next door to your right. Walk in and wire the lieutenant. Walk back towards the door and run out and fall into the gross sewer water. Crouch and head all the way back to the torturers area and then taking a left and heading all the way north west. Once you get to the first ladder you can get up with, use it and you should be behind some boxes. Walk to your left and wait for the guy directly in front of you, the one over the bridge standing with his back kind of to you, to face the other way and start sneaking towards the generator. Turn it off and run towards the elevator that those three guys are guarding. The moment the light comes back on, call the elevator and walk in. Head on up and when the alarm goes off, run behind the cargo and noone will see you. Ride the elevator up to the surface, open the door and walk towards the H to end the level. ___________ Level 16 - Temple City Ambush This mission on Professional is SO hard. Since noone shows up on your map and the locations of the targets are completely random, it makes finding everyone and taking them out much harder. There are two SPAS 12's in the level, one at the first contact and one hidden close to where you start in one of the stores, see if you can find it. -Meet contact -Meet Agent Smith -Kill and photograph two assassins -Exit You start at the Eastern most entrance of the huge city. Run forward and take a left. Keep running to the end and head for the agency contact. Talk to him and take the shotgun if you want, it’s really hard to move around with silently though :S. After you talk to him, make your way to the next agency contact, who’ll be agent smith. Talk with him and he’ll tell you about the two assassins. Find them on your map and head for the bazaars. Find the stationary enemy, he’ll be the sniper and make your way to him. Get under him and start sneaking. Get the attention of the Purple Turban Man and get him behind the wall with you on the staircase leading up to the assassin. Once there, he’ll turn his back to you and you can nab him. Head up the stairs and take out the assassin, take his picture and wait. Wait for the second assassin to walk into your line of sight from the window and drop him with the rifle. If you were smart, you did it when no one was around to not gain any alerts. Walk down to him and take his picture then run back to agent smith. Give him the pics and head for your exit. ___________ Level 17 - The Death of Hannelore First level with a female target...and the only one. Haha, gotta love sexist programmers. You can get plenty of goodies in the ammo depot which holds the key. Make sure no civilians see the Doc's dead body. Objectives: -Kill Dr. Von Kamprad -Make sure no innocents get harmed. -Obtain room key -Hide her body in the target location -Exit You start behind a boat. Wait for the guard patrolling here to go up to where he was. Continue straight to where the other guard was and head to the right towards the water. Keep going and you’ll see the entrance to a sewer. Do into the sewer and make two lefts and three rights until you get to the end of the sewer. There’s a tempting ladder (DON’T GO UP), and to your first right the wall goes in further than it should. Here’s your ticket. Head on through this little passage and up that ladder. Then wait for the patrolling guard to pass by and go on up, head forwards until the patrolling guard breaks off to the left, and head into the right door. Head North as much as you can and in this room, you’ll find some patient’s clothes. Take them and head to across the court to the Southwestern most room with an enemy who walks to the bathroom and stands in that hall. Once he leaves to go to the bathroom. Run into the room with the key and snatch it up the wall right in front of you. Head out once the guy goes back into the bathroom and run back North towards the entrance to the hospital. Go on in and head left, walk up the stairs and walk left. Go into her office and wire her. VERY QUICKLY drag her body into the target location. Simply walk back down the stairs, and back towards the South eastern most corner of the compound. Enter back into the sewers and back out to the beach. Walk back to your boat to make your exit. ___________ Level 18 - Terminal Hospitality Fairly complicated level with lots to know before beating it in one go, fun when you do though. Check your map for two "civilians" positioned towards the back of one of the 4 target rooms. The room with no civilians in it has noone in it so forget that one all together. Objectives: -Kill cult leader -Get to agency pickup -Exit You start behind some boxes. Make your way out towards the boat and some more boxes. Cross the gap in the boxes and wait for the guard on the boat to patrol and face the other way, and wait for the guard closest to you to start patrolling towards where you started. When he turns his back, make your way up the hill and towards the path. Go into the path and you’ll be in front of a huge building, with clothes in front of it. Take the clothes and continue forward through another path. Head to the right and wait for the patrolling guard to walk by you and past the window on the building to your right. When he does, walk into it and out the door. The nurse won’t care about you and you can simply walk around freely. Go toward the stairs and walk on up. When you get up turn right and head to the right where Dr Chakran’s office. When the nurse who’s typing leaves to go outside, quickly walk and pick the lock of his office. Take the clothes and the room key and walk back out and turn right. Then go take another right and you’ll be on the roof. Continue straight, keeping a wide berth from guards. Head up the stairs and down another set of stairs. Turn left and go all the way down to the basement. Go through the door and look through the key holes of all the possible target locations and find the door with two cult members sitting down in the back of the room, that’s your target room. Once found, head South and head into one of the two rooms with !. Pick the lock and grab the scalpel. Then head back out and head for the Southern most room. Head to the generator and turn off the power, once it’s off, run ALLL the way back to where the target’s room is. Head on in and select the kill cult leader option. Head out Western most stairwell and make your way back to where you started. You’ll end up where you climbed in through the window, I’m sure you can find you’re way from here. ___________ Level 19 - St Petersburg Revisited Just like level 2, but with way less guards and one main enemy. Objectives: -Kill Sergei (Gets cancelled) -Exit You know you’re way around this place right, we’ve covered it already. So make you’re way to where you got the spare uniform in Level 2, the Northeastern most ladder. Head on up and hug the wall on the right, get passed the first building and you should be able to see a big window on the Pushkin building. Run up to the right side of the wall and you’ll see someone show up in that window. Make your way ALLLLL the way back towards the sewer and then go onto the road and make your way all the way to the Western sewer entrance. Go around the buildings to the front of the Pushkin building and walk on in. Hit sneak and walk straight up those stairs, then right up to the second floor. Now who the hell is that guy, oh well, he wants to kill you, so you have to kill him. Sneak up on him and wire him, take his rifle and run out the front of the building. Head all the way back to the sewers, and the beginning. ___________ Level 20 - Redemption at Gontranno Probably the hardest mission in the game mainly for the amazing peripheral vision on the snipers. WATCH IT! Try this mission on Professional. Objectives: -Kill Sergei -Kill all his bodyguards You start at the eastern most entrance to the church, with two guards, one fast and one slow moving one. Getting these two down is the hardest part of the mission. When they first meet, the head down where the fast moving one was to get behind the slow moving one. Once there, sneak up behind him and take him out. Quickly take his body to the Easternmost inside corner of the support cement beams. Leave it there and head for the door. Wait for the guard on the other side of the door to start walking North and sneak behind him and wire him. Sneak towards the edge where there’s another guard patrolling. While sneaking, fall behind him and wire him. Use the trees as cover and make it to your shed. Go in and grab the crossbow and the dual ballers SD. Head out the door, turn to your right and arm the scope of the crossbow. Take out the sniper and walk back towards the first area. Wait for the fast patrolling guard to have his back to you, open the door and drop him. Head back to where your shed is, and go to where the agency computer is, go into the church door and sneak, turn the corner when the guard turns around and drop him with a shot to the head. Go to the end of the corridor and pick the lock to the door. Go in, grab the key and go back out into the garden. Take a right from the door and you’ll find a hidden door. Sneak the moment you get in, and head up the stairs, when you get out, head out the first door on the left and drop the sniper. Move back to where you came up from the stairs and walk into the next door on your right, there should be a guy in brown, wire him and turn the corner to wire another guy. Drag this guy;s body to the right of where he was and drop your crossbow. Take out your Dual ballers and open the door on the other side of the door, wait for the guard to look away from you (to his left) and then sidestep quickly and shoot him in the head. Go back and grab your crossbow. Head into this room and up the stairs, at the top of the stairs go into the left door and snipe the sniper, then crawl to his body, don the crossbow and shoot the sniper on the same level and directly in front of you. Slowly make your way towards his body and look over the ledge to your right, there’ll be 3 guards on a rafter above where your target is, take them all out and then take out the guys who are on the balconies across from you. After your level and the rafter above the target is clear of dudes, take a custom rifle, stand and drop every guard with a shot to the head on the main floor. When your objective is complete, walk to ground level, use the custom rifle to shoot through the glass red cross on the inside of the confession booth and Sergei’ll come out. When he comes out, pop him one in the head and the game is yours. ___________