============================================================================== JADE COCOON 2: KALMA/ATTACK/ABILITY/BEAST FAQ ============================================================================== Author: John H. Hoffnagle IV (Lancet Jades) Author's Homepage: http://www.evermoreforums.com/forums/index.php Version: 2.39 (completed December 16th, 2016) Sites with permission to post this FAQ: GameFAQs.com (will always host the most up-to-date version of this guide) Neoseeker.com Gamesradar.com Gamershell.com Supercheats.com ============================================================================== ABOUT ============================================================================== This guide is meant to consolidate information on Kalma, Attacks, and Abilities. It contains a comprehensive list of Seed Beasts, Attacks, and Abilities in the game, with each list cross-referencing the other two. It is somewhat crowded and long, but that's the nature of this game. This is best used when you have specific beast, attacks, or skills in mind, and you want more information. The guide also now has statistical info on beasts. Hooray for scope creep! This guide also contains SOME information on Jade Cocoon 2 Complete by hunkster2. For more information on this, see section 10 of the guide. Most of the additions this hack grants are isolated in this guide, so don't worry that you'll confuse the hack's info for "legitimate" stuff if you use this guide. Ctrl+F is your friend. The (!!!) tag is used to marked things that are glitched and thus unavailable in the game. The (*!*) tag marks things dummied out of the game, that can be restored in with hunkster's "Jade Cocoon 2 Complete" hack. CAUTION! This guide may inadvertently contain spoilers of the story! While this guide's scope does not really involve spoiling anything, due to what is required of it, the potential for small spoilers, such as names or events is present. Just keep that in mind. ============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================== 1: Kalma list 2: Attack list 3: Attack specifics 4: Ability list 5: Divine Beast stats and info 6: Glitches and other things 7: FAQ 8: Trial info 9: Info needed 10: Jade Cocoon 2 Complete by hunkster2 11: Contact information 12: Credits 13: Version history 14: Boilerplate ============================================================================== *1* KALMA LIST ============================================================================== LEGEND: 1 2 3 4 5 6 (7) 8 1: Name 2: Where it is found 3: Genus 4: Evolution power 5: Merge fee 6: Name of attack 7: Rank of attack/beast 8: Name of ability NOTE: Kalma found in the Dark Forest levels usually appear in the post-game forests, however some may not. Any Dark Forest Kalma not obtainable in post- game forests are thus MISSABLE FOREVER. No detailed list is known, but make sure to get all of the Kalma in the Dark Forest while there, as it will close permanently after defeating the final boss within. ---------------- WIND (30) ---------------- Cheepr Location: Default Alco E: 2 Fee: 100 Dark Shot (D) Speed Up 1 Spikebee Location: Wind Bound 3 Bug E: 2 Fee: 100 Poison Cloud (D) Strength Up 1 Agit Location: Wind Bound 4 Alco E: 2 Fee: 100 Confuse (D) Leif Killer Kilgilth Location: Wind Bound 2 Bug E: 2 Fee: 100 Maltia (D) Spirit Up 1 Helibuzz Location: Default Alco E: 2 Fee: 100 Ad Slahn (D) Wind Power Spikestar Location: Wind Shelter 3 Bug E: 2 Fee: 100 Samakis (D) Precocious Peepr Location: Wind Shelter 2 Alco E: 3 Fee: 300 Dark Attack (C) Speed Up 2 Baulboa Location: Wind Shelter 2 Ku E: 3 Fee: 300 Stun Hit (C) Wind Power Nilgilth Location: Wind Shelter 1 Bug E: 3 Fee: 300 Maltia (C) Gara Killer Nilibuzz Location: Wind Shelter 4 Alco E: 3 Fee: 300 Ad Slahn (C) Magic Talent Barndreg Location: Wind Shelter 1 Ku E: 3 Fee: 300 Sagulth (C) Resist Earth Mothmanti Location: Way of Wind 2 Bug E: 3 Fee: 800 Poison Mist (B) Strength Up 2 Skalco Location: Way of Wind 4 Alco E: 3 Fee: 800 Derange (B) Change Talent Pataronga Location: Way of Wind 1 Bug E: 3 Fee: 800 Maltiana (B) Spirit Up 2 Papillone Location: Way of Wind 4 Bug E: 3 Fee: 800 Samakia (B) Resist Earth Helskelter Location: Way of Wind 3 Og E: 3 Fee: 800 Ad Roqua (B) Resurrect Rutide Location: Way of Wind 1 Ku E: 3 Fee: 800 Sapiath (B) Magic Talent Clalco Location: Wind Patina 2 Alco E: 4 Fee: 2000 Dark Crash (A) Speed Up 3 Bauwerl Location: Wind Patina 2 Ku E: 4 Fee: 2000 Stun Shot (A) Vitality Up 1 Ronga-Ronga Location: Wind Patina 1 Bug E: 4 Fee: 2000 Maldiard (A) Spirit Up 3 Gojet Location: Wind Patina 3 Alco E: 4 Fee: 2000 Ad Slahnit (A) Anti-MP Drain Bladreg Location: Wind Patina 1 Ku E: 4 Fee: 2000 Saguriana (A) MP Recovery Kataimel Location: Typhoon Level 4 Bug E: 4 Fee: 4800 Poison Storm (S) Strength Up 3 Kakabone Location: Wind Patina 3 Alco E: 4 Fee: 4800 Total Loss (S) Change Talent Niwerl Location: End of Duststorm Ku E: 4 Fee: 4800 Stun Attack (S) Late Bloomer Mamern Location: Whirlwind Level 2 Bug E: 4 Fee: 4800 Samakilna (S) HP Recovery Wellern Location: Whirlwind Level 3 Og E: 4 Fee: 4800 Ad Roquide (S) Larvalize Drabern Location: Wind Sport 6 Mau E: 4 Fee: 4800 Saskand (S) Resist Death Lugadreg Location: Wind Harvest 2 Ku E: 4 Fee: 4800 Sapiate (S) Guts Earina Location: Typhoon Level 4 Mau E: 4 Fee: 4800 Sadoon (S) Sleep X ---------------- WATER (33) ---------------- Geloper Location: Default, Water Visit 4(!!!) Slimy E: 2 Fee: 100 Power Snatch (D) Anti-Critical Angler Location: Water Place 4 Na E: 2 Fee: 100 Psycho Shot (D) Bug Killer Tomakana Location: Water Visit 3 Na E: 2 Fee: 100 Skill Break (D) Precocious Q Location: Water Visit 2 Na E: 2 Fee: 100 Vahlia (D) Wisdom Up 1 Chamelemon Location: Water Place 4 Slimy E: 2 Fee: 100 Yargia (D) MP Up 1 Ginui Location: Default Slimy E: 2 Fee: 100 Medinis (D) Guts Niloper (!!!) Location: Glitched, cannot be found Slimy E: 3 Fee: 300 Power Steal (C) Magic Talent Walbeckon Location: Water Place 2 Gara E: 3 Fee: 300 Life Snatch (C) Resist Stun Nu-Q Location: Water Place 1 Na E: 3 Fee: 300 Vahlia (C) Water Power Ninui Location: Water Place 2 Slimy E: 3 Fee: 300 Medinia (C) Water Power Garalanth Location: Water Place 1 Gara E: 3 Fee: 300 Selahm (C) Vitality Up 1 Anglorg Location: Water Shade 4 Na E: 3 Fee: 800 Psycho Attack (B) Alco Killer Pokeyfish Location: Water Shade 4 Na E: 3 Fee: 800 Skill Hold (B) HP Recovery Skalcone Location: Water Shade 1 Alco E: 3 Fee: 800 Life Attack (B) Resist Blind Geso-Q Location: Water Shade 1 Na E: 3 Fee: 800 Vahliluna (B) Wisdom Up 2 Yo-Yo Location: Water Shade 2 Slimy E: 3 Fee: 800 Yarga (B) MP Up 2 Bogimbo Location: Water Shade 3 Leif E: 3 Fee: 800 Limena (B) Resist Sleep Fangnagin Location: Water Place 3 Leif E: 3 Fee: 800 Tishous Anti-MP Drain Froggess Location: Water Return 2 Slimy E: 4 Fee: 2000 Power Drain (A) Water Power Bladetail (!!!) Location: Glitched, cannot be found Gara E: 4 Fee: 2000 Psycho Snatch (A) Resist Poison Slugalanth Location: Water Return 2 Gara E: 4 Fee: 2000 Life Steal (A) Petrify Guard Dakkon-Q Location: Water Return 1 Na E: 4 Fee: 2000 Vahludide (A) Wisdom Up 3 Ginugon Location: Water Return 3 Slimy E: 4 Fee: 2000 Medinite (A) Resist Wind Garalhorn Location: Water Return 1 Gara E: 4 Fee: 2000 Selahmnis (A) Vitality Up 2 Magender Location: Dry River Level 2 Bug E: 4 Fee: 2000 Adia (A) Resist Death Ngonga Location: Water Return 3 Na E: 4 Fee: 4800 Psycho Crash (S) Strength Up 1 Sembone Location: End of Stagnant Pond Na E: 4 Fee: 4800 Skill Bind (S) Super Recover Fangbone Location: Water Tour 6 Alco E:4 Fee: 4800 Life Crash (S) Resurrect Dela Yo-Yo Location: Abyss Level 3 Slimy E:4 Fee: 4800 Yagiluna (S) MP Up 3 Rage Location: Water Tier 5 Leif E: 4 Fee: 4800 Limenate (S) Confuse Guard Niralhorn (!!!) Location: Glitched, cannot be found Gara E: 4 Fee: 4800 Selahmnite (S) Vitality Up 3 Nigender Location: Water Tier 4 Bug E: 4 Fee: 4800 Anandia (S) Late Bloomer Zabone Location: Water Tour 2 Leif E: 4 Fee: 4800 Tishalite (S) HP Up 1 ---------------- EARTH (34) ---------------- Garala Location: Default Gara E:2 Fee: 100 Kiai Blast (D) Ku Killer Mash Location: Earth Erosion 4 Leif E:2 Fee: 100 Charge (D) MP Recovery Tama-Q Location: Earth Erosion 3 Gara E:2 Fee: 100 Crush (D) HP Up 1 Helicone Location: Earth Erosion 2 Leif E:2 Fee: 100 Ulvis (D) MP Up 1 Twingo Location: Default Gara E:2 Fee: 100 Barridis (D) Vitality Up 1 Peanum Location: Earth Lurker 4 Leif E:2 Fee: 100 Ramakis (D) Spirit Up 1 Nirala Location: Earth Lurker 1 Gara E:3 Fee: 300 Spirit Blast (C) Og Killer Nima-Q Location: Earth Lurker 4 Gara E:3 Fee: 300 Blast (C) HP Up 2 Monoculus Location: Earth Lurker 2 Og E:3 Fee: 300 Magma (C) Imago Nilicone Location: Earth Lurker 2 Leif E:3 Fee: 300 Ulvia (C) Earth Power Geena Location: Earth Lurker 1 Slimy E:3 Fee: 300 Ragulth (C) Wisdom Up 1 Rorr Location: Earth Lurker 3 Drac E:3 Fee: 300 Libarid (C) Earth Power Mush Location: Groundwork 2 Leif E:3 Fee: 800 Dash (B) Drac Killer Binoculus Location: Groundwork 1 Og E:3 Fee: 800 Mantle (B) Resist Fire Froggy Location: Groundwork 3 Slimy E:3 Fee: 800 Cover (B) Resist Stun Mayen Location: Groundwork 3 Leif E:3 Fee: 800 Ulviluna (B) MP Up 2 Sulligan Location: Groundwork 4 Gara E:3 Fee: 800 Barridia (B) Vitality Up 2 Navi Location: Groundwork 2 Leif E:3 Fee: 800 Ramakia (B) Spirit Up 2 Whorlie Location: Groundwork 2 Slimy E:3 Fee: 800 Lapias Resist Blind Scorpy Location: Barren Earth 3 Gara E:4 Fee: 2000 High Spirits (A) Anti-Critical Rugglchu Location: Barren Earth 2 Og E:4 Fee: 2000 Life Blast (A) Guts Machoang Location: Barren Earth 1 Na E:4 Fee: 2000 Earth Protect (A) Resist Poison Majj Location: Barren Earth 1 Leif E:4 Fee: 2000 Ulvilude (A) MP Up 3 Ela Ela Location: Barren Earth 2 Leif E:4 Fee: 2000 Ramakite (A) Spirit Up 3 Ginunga (!!!) Location: Glitched, cannot be found Slimy E:4 Fee: 2000 Ragulia (A) Resist Fire Gigatiran Location: Earth Crystal 4 Drac E:4 Fee: 2000 Libaridia (A) Super Recover Shroomie Location: Wilderness Level 3 Leif E:4 Fee: 4800 Tackle (S) Skill Talent Amorg Location: Killing Fields, Level 4 Gara E:4 Fee: 4800 Explode (S) HP Up 3 Trinoculus Location: Dustup 1 Og E:4 Fee: 4800 Fossa Magna (S) Blind X Dumbler Location: Earth Crystal 2 Slimy E:4 Fee: 4800 Protect (S) Petrify Guard Sulligalan Location: Barren Earth 3 Gara E:4 Fee: 4800 Barrian (S) Vitality Up 3 Ninunga Location: Wilderness Level 3 Slimy E:4 Fee: 2000 Ragulina (S) Resist Sleep Bigby Location: Earth Crystal 6 Slimy E:4 Fee: 4800 Lapiate (S) Confuse Guard Hoohaw Location: Dustup 6 Mau E:4 Fee: 4800 Mitrea (S) Poison X ---------------- FIRE (29) ---------------- Redoble Location: Fire Spy 3 Ku E:2 Fee: 100 Blast Chance (D) Skill Talent Nagglchu Location: Default Og E:2 Fee: 100 Burn Shot (D) Strength Up 1 Getchu Location: Fire Spy 3 Og E:2 Fee: 100 Area Attack (D) HP Up 1 Tiki Location: Fire Spy 2 Ku E:2 Fee: 100 Agnis (D) Wisdom Up 1 Patadreck Location: Default Ku E:2 Fee: 100 Solis (D) Speed Up 1 Skaluch Location: Fire Spy 4 Og E:2 Fee: 100 Ad Muhls (D) Fire Power Nigglchu Location: Fire Throne 2 Og E:3 Fee: 300 Burn Attack (C) Strength Up 2 Nitchu Location: Fire Throne 4 Og E:3 Fee: 300 Sonic Boom (C) HP Up 2 Sandsparrow Location: Fire Throne 1 Alco E:3 Fee: 300 Lightning Hit (C) Na Killer Niki Location: Fire Throne 1 Ku E:3 Fee: 300 Agnia (C) Fire Power Gelapper Location: Fire Throne 2 Bug E:3 Fee: 300 Fobarid (C) Precocious Eyeshroom Location: Fire Throne 3 Leif E:3 Fee: 300 Vritra (C) Guts Mardreck Location: Firewalking 1 Ku E:3 Fee: 800 Stroke Chance (B) Berserk Skuimel Location: Firewalking 1 Bug E:3 Fee: 800 Desperado Hit (B) Skill Talent Dongle Location: Firewalking 2 Drac E:3 Fee: 800 Limit Break (B) Imago Tiral Location: Firewalking 2 Ku E:3 Fee: 800 Agnite (B) Wisdom Up 2 Radreck Location: Firewalking 4 Ku E:3 Fee: 800 Solia (B) Speed Up 2 Skalchu Location: Firewalking 4 Og E:3 Fee: 800 Ad Muhlia (B) Resist Water Knucklchu Location: Fire Tower 2 Og E:4 Fee: 2000 Burn Crash (A) Strength Up 3 Sandhawk Location: Firewalking 3 Alco E:4 Fee: 2000 Comet Strike (A) Mau Killer Chamiluna Location: Fire Tower 2 Mau E:4 Fee: 2000 Skewer (A) Slimy Killer Giralooza Location: Fire Tower 1 Ku E:4 Fee: 2000 Agniagna (A) Wisdom Up 3 Paradrager Location: Fire Tower 3 Ku E:4 Fee: 2000 Soldona (A) Speed Up 3 Mamagamma Location: Fire Tower 1 Bug E:4 Fee: 2000 Fobarina (A) Spirit Up 1 Blumen Location: Fire Tower 3 Ku E:4 Fee: 4800 Killer Chance (S) Berserk Dela Getchu Location: Blaze Terminus Og E:4 Fee: 4800 Shockwave (S) HP Up 3 Volkaiser Location: Firestorm 2 Bug E:4 Fee: 4800 Kamikaze Hit (S) MP Up 1 Nildrager Location: Hellfire Level 1 Ku E:4 Fee: 4800 Soldote (S) Stun X Devilchu Location: Hellfire Level 1 Og E:4 Fee: 4800 Ad Mumarnite (S) Larvalize ============================================================================== *2* ATTACK LIST ============================================================================== LEGEND: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1: Name 2: Rank 3: MP cost 4: Attack power (At) or Recovery (Rcv) 5: Magic or skill 6: Target 7: Seed beast that has the attack. Brackets indicate its a default attack on a larval form. 8: Ability associated with the attack 9: In-game description (verbatim) 10: In-depth description ---------------- WIND ---------------- Ad Roqua B 43MP 0At Magic One enemy Helskelter Resurrect Petrify gradually, MG Hits one enemy, causes Petrify status after 3 turns (50% chance). Ad Roquide S 57MP 0At Magic One enemy Wellern Larvalize Petrify immediately, MG Hits one enemy, causes Petrify status (50% chance). Ad Slahm D 22MP 0At Magic Enemy side Helibuzz Wind Power Medium sleep, all enemies, MG Causes Sleep (55% rate) to active side, lasts 2 turns, then 75% wake chance Ad Slahn C 29MP 0At Magic Enemy side Nilibuzz Magic Talent Heavy sleep, all enemies, MG Causes Sleep (55% rate) to active side, lasts 2 turns, then 50% wake chance Ad Slahnit A 42MP 0At Magic Enemy side Gojet Anti-MP Drain Very heavy sleep, all, MG Causes Sleep (55% rate) to active side, lasts 2 turns, then 25% wake chance Ad Sula E 13MP 0At Magic Enemy side [Mechalcoch] Light sleep, all enemies, MG Causes Sleep (55% rate) to active side, lasts 2 turns, then 100% wake chance Confuse D 22MP 9At Skill One enemy Agit Leif Killer Confuse + M damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Confuse rate; 75% recovery chance after 2nd turn. Dark Attack C 25MP 13At Skill One enemy Peepr Speed Up 2 Blind + L damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Blind rate (70% chance of miss). Lasts 3 turns. Dark Crash A 36MP 26At Skill One enemy Clalco Speed Up 3 Blind + XL damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Blind rate (80% chance of miss). Lasts 3 turns. Dark Hit E 11MP 5At Skill One enemy [Alcoch] Blind + S damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Blind rate (50% chance of miss). Lasts 3 turns. Dark Shot D 19MP 9At Skill One enemy Cheepr Speed Up 1 Blind + M damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Blind rate (60% chance of miss). Lasts 3 turns. Derange B 35MP 20At Skill One enemy Skalco Change Talent Confuse + XL damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Confuse rate; 50% recovery chance after 2nd turn. Fluster E 13MP 5At Skill One enemy [Skalcoch] Confuse + S damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Confuse rate; 100% recovery chance after 2nd turn. Maldiard A 33MP 40At Magic One enemy Ronga-Ronga Spirit Up 3 Lightning attack, XXL damage, MG Wind magic damage on one enemy. Malti E 10MP 8At Magic One enemy [Lybugich] Lightning attack, S damage, MG Wind magic damage on one enemy. Maltia C 23MP 20At Magic One enemy Nilgilth Gara Killer Lightning attack, L damage, MG Wind magic damage on one enemy. Maltiana B 28MP 30At Magic One enemy Pataronga Spirit Up 2 Lightning attack, XL damage, MG Wind magic damage on one enemy. Maltis D 17MP 14At Magic One enemy Kilgilth Spirit Up 1 Lightning attack, M damage, MG Wind magic damage on one enemy. Poison Cloud D 22MP 9At Skill One enemy Spikebee Strength Up 1 Poison + M damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Poison rate (10 damage per turn). Poison Haze E 13MP 5At Skill One enemy [Bugich] Poison + S damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Poison rate (5 damage per turn). Poison Mist B 35MP 20At Skill One enemy Mothmanti Strength Up 2 Poison + L damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Poison rate (20 damage per turn). Poison Storm S 47MP 33At Skill One enemy Kataimel Strength Up 3 Poison + XL damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Poison rate (30 damage per turn). Sadoon S 68MP 0At Magic Enemy side Earina Sleep X Nullify resistance, all, MG Reduce's enemy side's status resistances to 0% for one turn. Sagulth C 35MP 0At Magic All enemies Barndreg Resist Earth Attack down, L, all enemies, MG Large reduction to Strength/Wisdom stats for all enemies for 3 turns. Saguriana A 52MP 0At Magic All enemies Bladreg MP Recovery Attack down, XL, all enemies, MG Very large reduction to Strength/Wisdom stats for all enemies for 3 turns. Samak E 10MP 0At Magic All enemies [Yagobugich] Defense down, S, all, MG Small reduction to Vitality/Spirit stats for all enemies for 3 turns. Samakia B 30MP 0At Magic All enemies Papillone Resist Earth Defense down, XL, all, MG Large reduction to Vitality/Spirit stats for all enemies for 3 turns. Samakilna S 45MP 0At Magic All enemies Mamern HP Recovery Defense down, XXL, all, MG Very large reduction to Vitality/Spirit stats for all enemies for 3 turns. Samakis D 17MP 0At Magic All enemies Spikestar Precocious Defense down, M, all, MG Medium reduction to Vitality/Spirit stats for all enemies for 3 turns. Sapiate S 33MP 0At Magic All enemies Lugadreg Guts Speed down, XXL, all enemies, MG Very large reduction to Speed stat for all enemies for 3 turns. Sapiath B 22MP 0At Magic All enemies Rutide Magic Talent Speed down, XL, all enemies, MG Large reduction to Speed stat for all enemies for 3 turns. Saskand S 68MP 0At Magic One enemy Drabern Resist Death Various special attacks, MG 50% success, causes one of: Poison/Blind/Sleep/Confuse/Petrify/Stun Stun Attack S 57MP 33At Skill One enemy Niwerl Late Bloomer Stun + XXL damage, SK Wind skill damage, 60% Stun rate. Stun Hit C 35MP 13At Skill One enemy Baulboa Wind Power Stun + L damage, SK Wind skill damage, 40% Stun rate. Stun Shot A 52MP 26At Skill One enemy Bauwerl Vitality Up 1 Stun + XL damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Stun rate. Total Loss S 47MP 33At Skill One enemy Kakabone Change Talent Confuse + XXL damage, SK Wind skill damage, 50% Confuse rate; 25% recovery chance after 2nd turn. ---------------- WATER ---------------- Adia A 70MP 0Rcv Magic One ally Magender Resist Death Resurrect 1 Beast, MG Revives a dead Beast with 1 HP; if none dead, fully heals lowest HP. Anandia S 82MP 0Rcv Magic One ally Nigender Late Bloomer Totally resurrect 1 beast, MG Revives a dead Beast with full HP; if none dead, fully heals lowest HP. Life Attack B 43MP 20At Skill One enemy Skalcone Resist Blind HP and MP, L damage, SK Water skill damage to HP and MP on one enemy. Life Crash S 57MP 34At Skill One enemy Fangbone Resurrect HP and MP, XL damage, SK Water skill damage to HP and MP on one enemy. Life Snatch C 41MP 14At Skill One enemy Walbeckon Resist Stun Absorbs HP and MP, SK Water skill damage on one enemy, user recovers 10% of HP/MP damage. Life Steal A 60MP 27At Skill One enemy Slugalanth Petrify Guard Absorbs HP and MP, XL, SK Water skill damage on one enemy, user recovers 10% of HP/MP damage. Limena B 51MP 0At Magic All allies Bogimbo Resist Sleep Recover HP each turn, S, all, MG All beasts recover 60 HP every turn for two turns (120 HP total). Limenate S 68MP 0At Magic All allies Rage Confuse Guard Recover HP each turn, L, all, MG All beasts recover 90 HP every turn for two turns (180 HP total). Medina E 16MP 16Rcv Magic All allies [Slimich] Recover HP, S, all allies, MG Recovers a little HP for all allies. Medinia C 35MP 40Rcv Magic All allies Ninui Water Power Recover HP, L, all allies, MG Recovers a lot of HP for all allies. Medinis D 27MP 28Rcv Magic All allies Ginui Guts Recover HP, M, all allies, MG Recovers some HP for all allies. Medinite A 52MP 80Rcv Magic All allies Ginugon Resist Wind Recover HP, XL, all allies, MG Recovers tons of HP for all allies. Power Drain A 52MP 40At Skill One enemy Froggess Water Power Absorb HP, XL, SK Water skill damage, user recovers 25% of damage. Power Draw E 16MP 8At Skill One enemy [Ribbetmich] Absorb HP, S, SK Water skill damage, user recovers 25% of damage. Power Snatch D 27MP 14At Skill One enemy Geloper Anti-Critical Absorb HP, M, SK Water skill damage, user recovers 25% of damage. Power Steal C 35MP 20At Skill One enemy Niloper Magic Talent Absorb HP, L, SK Water skill damage, user recovers 25% of damage. Psycho AttackB 35MP 20At Skill One enemy Anglorg Alco Killer MP damage, L, SK Water skill MP damage on one enemy. Psycho Crash S 47MP 34At Skill One enemy Ngonga Strength Up 1 MP damage, XL, SK Water skill MP damage on one enemy. Psycho Hit E 13MP 6At Skill One enemy [Gabnach] MP damage, S, SK Water skill MP damage on one enemy. Psycho Shot D 22MP 10At Skill One enemy Angler Bug Killer MP damage, M, SK Water skill MP damage on one enemy. Psycho SnatchA 47MP 20At Skill One enemy Bladetail Resist Poison Absorbs MP, SK Water skill MP damage, user recovers 100% of damage in MP Selahm C 35MP 20Rcv Magic All allies Garalanth Vitality Up 1 Heal status, HP, S, all, MG Recovers a little HP and cures any status effects or debuffs on all allies. Selahmnis A 52MP 40Rcv Magic All allies Garalhorn Vitality Up 2 Heal status, HP, M, all, Mg Recovers some HP and cures any status effects or debuffs on all allies. Selahmnite S 57MP 50Rcv Magic All allies Niralhorn Vitality Up 3 Heal status, HP, L, all, MG Recovers a lot of HP and cures any status effects or debuffs on all allies. Skill Bind S 37MP 50At Skill One enemy Sembone Super Recover Blocks all special attacks, SK Water skill damage + blocks all status-inducing attacks. Skill Block E 10MP 8At Skill One enemy [Nach] Blocks sleep special attacks, SK Water skill damage + blocks Wind attacks that cause Sleep. Skill Break D 17MP 14At Skill One enemy Tomakana Precocious Blocks poison special attacks, SK Water skill damage + blocks Wind attacks that cause Poison. Skill Hold B 28MP 30At Skill One enemy Pokeyfish HP Recovery Blocks stun special attacks, SK Water skill damage + blocks Wind attacks that cause Stun. Tishalite S 81MP 17Rcv Magic All allies Zabone HP Up 1 Recover MP, L, all allies, MG Recovers a lot of MP for all allies. Tishous B 55MP 10Rcv Magic All allies Fangnagin Anti-MP Drain Recover MP, S, all allies, MG Recovers some MP for all allies. Vahli E 10MP 8At Magic One enemy [Muchinach] Water attack, S damage, MG Water magic damage on one enemy. Vahlia C 23MP 20At Magic One enemy Nu-Q Water Power Water attack, L damage, MG Water magic damage on one enemy. Vahliluna B 28MP 30At Magic One enemy Geso-Q Wisdom Up 2 Water attack, XL damage, MG Water magic damage on one enemy. Vahlis D 17MP 14At Magic One enemy Q Wisdom Up 1 Water attack, M damage, MG Water magic damage on one enemy. Vahludide A 33MP 40At Magic One enemy Dakkon-Q Wisdom Up 3 Water attack, XXL damage, MG Water magic damage on one enemy. Yarga B 55MP 15At Magic Enemy side Yo-Yo MP Up 2 Absorb HP, L, enemy, MG Water magic damage on enemy side, recovers ally side for 25% of damage. Yagiluna S 81MP 25At Magic Enemy side Dela Yo-Yo MP Up 3 Absorb HP, XL, enemy, MG Water magic damage on enemy side, recovers ally side for 25% of damage. Yargi E 19MP 4At Magic Enemy side [Slurplimich] Absorb HP, S, enemy, MG Water magic damage on enemy side, recovers ally side for 25% of damage. Yargis D 31MP 6At Magic Enemy side Chamelemon MP Up 1 Absorb HP, M, enemy, MG Water magic damage on enemy side, recovers ally side for 25% of damage. ---------------- EARTH ---------------- Barrian S 57MP 95At Magic Wall effect Sulligalan Vitality Up 3 Protects all allies, XL, MG Raises a barrier to block a huge amount of damage for the party. Barrid E 16MP 20At Magic Wall effect [Ganicarach] Protects all allies, S, MG Raises a barrier to block a small amount of damage for the party. Barridia B 43MP 64At Magic Wall effect Sulligan Vitality Up 2 Protects all allies, L, MG Raises a barrier to block a large amount of damage for the party. Barridis D 27MP 36At Magic Wall effect Twingo Vitality Up 1 Protects all allies, M, MG Raises a barrier to block a medium amount of damage for the party Blast C 29MP 68At Skill One enemy Nima-Q HP Up 2 Nullify Defense, L damage, SK Earth skill, always deals 68 damage (halved by Resist Earth). Break E 13MP 27At Skill One enemy [Carach] Nullify Defense, S damage, SK Earth skill, always deals 27 damage (halved by Resist Earth). Charge D 27MP 14At Skill One enemy Mash MP Recovery Store power, L damage, SK 1st turn: Store power. 2nd turn: Earth skill damage on one enemy. Cover B 22MP 0At None Self Froggy Resist Stun Ups Defense, may cover ally Increases defenses; user will sometimes take attacks for other beasts. Crush D 22MP 48At Skill One enemy Tama-Q HP Up 1 Nullify Defense, M damage, SK Earth skill, always deals 48 damage (halved by Resist Earth). Dash B 43MP 30At Skill One enemy Mush Drac Killer Store power, XL damage, SK 1st turn: Store power. 2nd turn: Earth skill damage on one enemy. Earth ProtectA 28MP 0At None Self Machoang Resist Poison Boosts Defense, returns attack Reduces skill damage by half for two turns, nothing else. Explode S 47MP 150At Skill One enemy Amorg HP Up 3 Nullify Defense, XXL damage, SK Earth skill, always deals 150 damage (halved by Resist Earth). Feeling Fine E 13MP 8At Skill One enemy [Slithirach] Ups Attack on repeat, S, SK Earth skill damage on one enemy, raises user's Attack with each use. Fossa Magna S 57MP 0At Skill One enemy Trinoculus Blind X Cuts HP to 1 if hits, SK Reduces target's HP to 1; if HP at 1, does 1 damage. 60% accuracy. Kiai Blast D 22MP 14At Skill One enemy Garala Ku Killer Ups Attack on repeat, M, SK Earth skill damage on one enemy, raises user's Attack with each use. High Spirits A 42MP 40At Skill One enemy Scorpy Anti-Critical Ups Attack on repeat, XL, SK Earth skill damage on one enemy, raises user's Attack with each use. Lapias B 30MP 0At Magic All allies Whorlie Resist Blind Ups Speed, XL, all allies, MG 75% boost to Speed stat for all allies for 3 turns. Lapiate S 45MP 0At Magic All allies Bigby Confuse Guard Ups Speed, XXL, all allies, MG 100% boost to Speed stat for all allies for 3 turns. Libarid C 35MP 0At Magic All allies Rorr Earth Power Defends 1 skill attack, all, MG Grants all beasts immunity from the next Skill attack. Lasts 2 turns. Libaridia A 52MP 0At Magic All allies Gigatiran Super Recover Defends all attacks, all, MG Grants all beasts immunity from next Skill or Magic attack. Lasts 2 turns. Life Blast A 42MP 40At Skill One enemy Rugglchu Guts Ups Attack depending on HP, SK Earth skill damage; Pwr increases when user is at 10-50% of max HP. Magma C 23MP 0At Skill One enemy Monoculus Imago Cuts HP to 3/4 if hits, SK Damage = 25% of target's current HP, rounded down. 70% accuracy. Mantle B 35MP 0At Skill One enemy Binoculus Resist Fire Cuts HP in half if hits, SK Damage = 50% of target's current HP, rounded down. 65% accuracy. Mitrea S 57MP 0At Magic All allies Hoohaw Poison X Ups all parameters, all, MG 25% boost to all stats for all allies for 3 turns. Protect S 33MP 0At None Self Dumbler Petrify Guard Ups Defense, covers ally Increases defenses; user will take attacks for other beasts. Ragulia A 52MP 0At Magic All allies Ginunga Resist Fire Ups Attack, XL, all allies, MG 75% boost to Strength/Wisdom stats for all allies for 3 turns. Ragulina S 57MP 0At Magic All allies Ninunga Resist Sleep Ups Attack, XXL, all allies, MG 100% boost to Strength/Wisdom stats for all allies for 3 turns. Ragulth C 35MP 0At Magic All allies Geena Wisdom Up 1 Ups Attack, all allies, MG 50% boost to Strength/Wisdom stats for all allies for 3 turns. Ramak E 10MP 0At Magic All allies [Seedleifich] Ups defense, S, all allies, MG 25% boost to Vitality/Spirit stats for all allies for 3 turns. Ramakia B 30MP 0At Magic All allies Navi Spirit Up 2 Ups Defense, L, all allies, MG 75% boost to Vitality/Spirit stats for all allies for 3 turns. Ramakis D 17MP 0At Magic All allies Peanum Spirit Up 1 Ups Defense, M, all allies, MG 50% boost to Vitality/Spirit stats for all allies for 3 turns. Ramakite A 38MP 0At Magic All allies Ela Ela Spirit Up 3 Ups Defense, XL, all allies, MG 100% boost to Vitality/Spirit stats for all allies for 3 turns. Spirit Blast C 29MP 20At Skill One enemy Nirala Og Killer Ups Attack on repeat, L, SK Earth skill damage on one enemy, raises user's Attack with each use. Tackle S 57MP 50At Skill One enemy Shroomie Skill Talent Store power, XXL damage, SK 1st turn: Store power. 2nd turn: Earth skill damage on one enemy. Ulvi E 10MP 8At Magic One enemy [Leifich] Rock attack, S damage, MG Earth magic damage on one enemy. Ulvia C 23MP 20At Magic One enemy Nilicone Earth Power Rock attack, L damage, MG Earth magic damage on one enemy. Ulvilude A 33MP 40At Magic One enemy Majj MP Up 3 Rock attack, XXL damage, MG Earth magic damage on one enemy. Ulviluna B 28MP 30At Magic One enemy Mayen MP Up 2 Rock attack, XL damage, MG Earth magic damage on one enemy. Ulvis D 17MP 14At Magic One enemy Helicone MP Up 1 Rock attack, M damage, MG Earth magic damage on one enemy Windup E 16MP 8At Skill One enemy [Holeifich] Store power, M damage, SK 1st turn: Store power. 2nd turn: Earth skill damage on one enemy. ---------------- FIRE ---------------- Ad Muhli E 19MP 0At Magic One enemy [Heluch] Sudden death, S%, 1 enemy, MG 16% chance of instant death in the enemy. Ad Muhlia B 55MP 0At Magic One enemy Skalchu Resist Water Sudden death, L%, 1 enemy, MG 33% chance of instant death in the enemy. Ad Muhls D 31MP 0At Magic One enemy Skaluch Fire Power Sudden death, M%, 1 enemy, MG 20% chance of instant death in the enemy. Ad Mumarnite S 68MP 0At Magic Enemy side Devilchu Larvalize Sudden death, S%, all enemy, MG 20% chance of instant death in the enemy's active side. Agni E 10MP 8At Magic One enemy [Tikidrech] Fire attack, S damage, MG Fire magic damage on one enemy. Agniagna A 33MP 40At Magic One enemy Giralooza Wisdom Up 3 Fire attack, XXL damage, MG Fire magic damage on one enemy. Agnia C 23MP 20At Magic One enemy Niki Fire Power Fire attack, L damage, MG Fire magic damage on one enemy. Agnis D 17MP 14At Magic One enemy Tiki Wisdom Up 1 Fire attack, M damage, MG Fire magic damage on one enemy. Agnite B 28MP 30At Magic One enemy Tiral Wisdom Up 2 Fire attack, XL damage, MG Fire magic damage on one enemy. Area Attack D 27MP 14At Skill Enemy side Getchu HP Up 1 M damage on side enemy too, SK Fire skill damage on one enemy, also damages enemies on each side. Bang Blast E 16MP 8At Skill Enemy side [Geraluch] S damage on side enemy too, SK Fire skill damage on one enemy, also damages enemies on each side. Blast Chance D 22MP 11At Skill One enemy Redoble Skill Talent M damage on critical hit, SK Fire skill damage, 50% critical rate. Burn Attack C 25MP 22At Skill One enemy Nigglchu Strength Up 2 L damage on skill attack, SK Fire skill damage on one enemy. Burn Crash A 36MP 44At Skill One enemy Knucklchu Strength Up 3 XL damage on skill attack, SK Fire skill damage on one enemy. Burn Hit E 11MP 9At Skill One enemy [Luch] S damage on skill attack, SK Fire skill damage on one enemy. Burn Shot D 19MP 15At Skill One enemy Nagglchu Strength Up 1 M damage on skill attack, SK Fire skill damage on one enemy. Comet Strike A 42MP 60At Skill One enemy Sandhawk Mau Killer XL damage if hits, SK Fire skill damage, 70% hit rate. Desperado HitB 35MP 60At Skill One enemy Skuimel Skill Talent Desperate, XL damage, SK Fire skill damage on one enemy, user suffers 25% of damage (90% hit). Fobarid C 23MP 0At Magic Wall effect Gelapper Precocious Firewall, dmg to attacker, MG Firewall that does fire magic damage when enemies attack with skills. Fobarina A 33MP 0At Magic Wall effect Mamagamma Spirit Up 1 Firewall, L damage to attacker, MG Firewall that does fire magic damage when enemies attack with skills. Hit Chance E 13MP 6At Skill One enemy [Vordrech] S damage on critical hit, SK Fire skill damage, 50% critical rate. Kamikaze Hit S 47MP 100At Skill One enemy Volkaiser MP Up 1 Desperate, XXL damage, SK Fire skill damage on one enemy, user suffers 25% of damage (90% hit). Killer ChanceS 47MP 40At Skill One enemy Blumen Berserk XXL damage on critical hit, SK Fire skill damage, 50% critical rate. Lightning HitC 29MP 30At Skill One enemy Sandsparrow Na Killer L damage if hits, SK Fire skill damage, 70% hit rate. Limit Break B 35MP 45At Skill One enemy Dongle Imago Confuse with L damage, SK Fire skill damage, if used three times, will induce Confusion in user. Shockwave S 57MP 50At Skill Enemy side Dela Getchu HP Up 3 XL damage on side enemy too, SK Fire skill damage on one enemy, also damages enemies on each side. Sol E 18MP 5At Magic Enemy side [Drech] Explosion, S damage, all, MG Fire magic damage to the active side. Soldona A 69MP 22At Magic Enemy side Paradrager Speed Up 3 Explosion, XL damage, all, MG Fire magic damage to the active side. Soldote S 80MP 27At Magic Enemy side Nildrager Stun X Explosion, XXL damage, all, MG Fire magic damage to the active side. Solia B 43MP 16At Magic Enemy side Radreck Speed Up 2 Explosion, L damage, all, MG Fire magic damage to the active side. Solis D 30MP 8At Magic Enemy side Patadreck Speed Up 1 Explosion, M damage, all, MG Fire magic damage to the active side. Skewer A 47MP 40At Skill One enemy Chamiluna Slimy Killer May damage BeastHunter too, SK 20% chance of also striking the BeastHunter when attacking center beast. Sonic Boom C 35MP 20At Skill Enemy side Nitchu HP Up 2 L damage on side enemy too, SK Fire skill damage on one enemy, also damages enemies on each side. Stroke ChanceB 35MP 24At Skill One enemy Mardreck Berserk XL damage on critical hit, SK Fire skill damage, 50% critical rate. Vritra C 29MP 0At Skill All allies Eyeshroom Guts Defense down-Attack up, all, MG Induces Berserk status on all allies (50% boost to offense). ------------------------------------------- ~~~OFF-ELEMENT BEASTS AND DEFAULT SKILLS~~~ ------------------------------------------- This is a list of beasts that are off-element (not the usual element of the genus), and what default attacks they have. Courtesy of orius. Wind DBs: Ad Sula: Deadrech, Dethluch, Didrech Poison Haze: Degadrakich, Demitoch, Denodrech, Detinach, Dicedrakich, Toch Water DBs: Medina: Derleifich, Detotoch, Dicarach, Disaleifich, Dykbugich, Raindrech Skill Block: Decocarach, Delocarach, Dethalcoch, Drakich Earth DBs: Barrid: Chinbugich, Depslimich, Desonach, Difslimich Break: Alldrakich, Kamatoch Feeling Fine: Demeluch, Devaluch, Dicenach, Divoslimich Fire DBs: Agni: Devibugich, Ogrecarach Burn Hit: Degnatoch, Dejolcoch, Demabugich, Deuleifich, Dondrakich, Tamatoch, Whiskerach ============================================================================== *3* ATTACK SPECIFICS ============================================================================== This section contains information on specific effects, quirks, etc. of attacks and statuses. Just an assortment of tidbits and facts to help make important team decisions and strategies. ---------------- SKILLS, MAGIC, AND DAMAGE ---------------- -Any attack which I listed as '[Element] skill/magic damage' will be halved by Resist [Element]. This even includes Break-type attacks. -"Skill" type attacks can miss (based on the attack's accuracy and the Speed stat of the user and recipient), as well as critical (for double damage). "Magic" type attacks cannot do either, but do not affect chrome beasts. -Magma and Fossa Magna will always inflict 1 shield damage when targeting a BeastHunter, like other offensive moves. Mantle will inflict 2 shield damage if the BeastHunter has 4 or 5 shields, however. -Attack buffs do stack with Berserk, so Vritra + Ragulina will result in immense damage/recovery. -Limit Break's confusion lasts a long time, so either use it with Selahm-type spells, or not at all. -Life Blast's power increases when the user is somewhere between 10% and 50% of their maximum HP. This bonus seems to inflict double damage. It is unknown why the damage bonus disappears when extremely low on HP, and the exact percentage of HP remaining for the bonus expiring is unknown. It was estimated to be between 6.25% and 12.5% of maximum HP. -Yarga-type spells recover HP for the water side equal to 25% of the damage dealt to the "targeted" enemy. Although it hits all enemies, the DB casting the spell will still "target" a particular enemy based on its personality. The damage dealt to that DB then determines the HP recovery. -All "Skill" type attacks have a 100% hit rate and a 10% critical rate, except those listed with different rates. Both numbers are BEFORE applying enemy stats and abilities. -All listed status success rates are BEFORE applying the enemy's resistance (or lack thereof), and possibly the caster's Wisdom and the target's Spirit, for Sleep and Petrify spells. This means that the actual success will likely be lower OR higher than the base rate. -It seems that Ad Roquide's and Ad Slahnit's success rate is affected by the caster's Wisdom stat, even though they are status effects. -Fobarid and Fobarina do a flat amount of damage to all affected DBs, based on the caster's Wisdom stat. The exact formula is (Wisdom/2)+30 for Fobarid, and (Wisdom/2)+60 for Fobarina. -Saskand inflicts one random status, with a base 50% success rate. The known effects are listed below: ~Poison: 20 damage per turn (same as Poison Mist). ~Blind: Unknown, probably 60% or 70% failed attack chance. ~Sleep: Unknown, probably 50% chance of recovering after 2nd turn. ~Confuse: Unknown, probably 50% chance of recovering after 2nd turn. ~Stun: 50% chance of stun for 1 turn (same as Stun Shot). ~Petrify: Instant petrification (same as Ad Roquide). ---------------- ATTACK ORDER: WHO GOES FIRST (Courtesy of jim_reaper95) ---------------- -When facing any enemy, the average Divine Beast Speed of each side determines who attacks first. For example, A boss enemy with 100 Speed versus a fire side with 70, 90 and 110 speed. The average speed of the fire side is 90, therefore the boss will attack first. However, there is still a small chance the slower side will attack first, so higher speed is not a guarantee. -From here, the order in which the beasts attack is determined by Attack Speed. All attacks have a "speed", and those with the highest are ALWAYS cast first. ---------------- NEGATIVE STATUSES ---------------- All can be healed via Selahm-type spells except death, which is healed by Adia-type spells, and Skill Block-type statuses, which must wear off. Variation in status effects is often due to which move caused it. E-rank poison only does 5 a turn, whereas the S-rank one does 30. -Poison: Victim loses 5-30 HP every turn. ~Poison Haze: 5 damage per turn. ~Poison Cloud: 10 damage per turn. ~Poison Mist: 20 damage per turn. ~Poison Storm: 30 damage per turn. -Blind: Reduces accuracy for "Skill" attacks. Wears off after 3 turns. ~Dark Hit: 50% chance of failing attack. ~Dark Shot: 60% chance of failing attack. ~Dark Attack: 70% chance of failing attack. ~Dark Crash: 80% chance of failing attack. -Sleep: Cannot act. "Skill" attacks vs. victim are guaranteed criticals and cannot be avoided. Wake up at the end of a turn after taking damage, or after a certain number of turns and with a certain chance. ~Ad Sula: 100% chance of waking after 2nd turn. ~Ad Slahm: 75% chance of waking after 2nd turn. ~Ad Slahn: 50% chance of waking after 2nd turn. ~Ad Slahnit: 25% chance of waking after 2nd turn. -Confusion: A 50% chance of reversing the target of attacks (hitting yourself or buffing/healing the enemy). Wears off after a certain number of turns and with a certain chance. ~Fluster: 100% chance of recovering after 2nd turn. ~Confuse: 75% chance of recovering after 2nd turn. ~Derange: 50% chance of recovering after 2nd turn. ~Total Loss: 25% chance of recovering after 2nd turn. -Stun: Prevents acting. Wears off after 1 turn. ~Stun Hit: 40% success rate. ~Stun Shot: 50% success rate. ~Stun Attack: 60% success rate. -Gradual Petrify: Becomes "Petrify" after 3 turns. -Petrify: Unable to act, never wears off. -Instant Death: Instantly killed (HP = 0). Treated like a status when inflicted, but treated as a normal death afterwards. Unlike other statuses, Resist Death grants a DB complete and perfect immunity to instant death. -Skill Bind: Unable to use any attack that induces a status effect in the enemy. This includes Ad Muhls-type spells (instant death), and also Saskand (which inflicts a random status). -Skill Block: Unable to use Sleep-inducing attacks. -Skill Break: Unable to use Poison-inducing attacks. -Skill Hold: Unable to use Stun-inducing attacks. ---------------- POSITIVE STATUSES ---------------- -Libarid: Blocks one "Skill" attack. Can be "cured" using Selahm-type magic. Lasts two turns. -Libaridia: Blocks one "Skill" or "Magic" attack. Can be "cured" using Selahm-type magic. Lasts two turns. ANY attack targeting an affected DB will trigger Libaridia's effect, including spells that don't cause damage (like Ad Sula-type spells, and debuffs like Samakilna). -Berserk: Boosts output of attacks that use Strength or Wisdom by 25% (Berserk ability), or 50% (Vritra spell), and increases damage taken (using Vitality or Spirit) by 25% (Berserk ability) or 50% (Vritra spell). -Limena: Restores 60 HP at the end of every turn for two turns. Technically lasts three turns, but the effect wears off before it would be applied on the third turn. -Limenate: Restores 90 HP at the end of every turn for two turns. Technically lasts three turns, but the effect wears off before it would be applied on the third turn. -Fobarid: A firewall that damages enemies that use physical skills on the affected DBs. Damage is half of the caster's Wisdom + 30. -Fobarina: A stronger firewall that damages enemies that yse physical skills on the affected DBs. Damage is half of the caster's Wisdom + 60. ---------------- HEALING ---------------- -Selahm-type spells will "cure" Libarid(ia) status, so be careful if you use both. Similarly, Selahm will also "cure" Fobarid/Forbarina. -Selahm-type spells cannot heal death or skill block-type statuses, but will heal poison/petrify/stun/sleep/confuse/blind, as well as any debuffs. -Attack buffs (Mitrea, Ragulth-type spells), and the Berserk status both increase the recovery power of "Rcv." type spells. -Super Recover boosts the recovery of any move with a "Rcv." power rating (Medina/Selahm/Tishous-type spells). It does not work with Limena-type spells, or with HP absorb attacks. ---------------- COVER AND PROTECT ---------------- -Reduce skill damage taken by half. Skills used on the Cover beast may still cause critical hits. Grants no extra resistance to magic damage or statuses. -Will protect any nearby beasts, including the BeastHunter, from single-target skills and spells. This includes Ad Roqua- and Ad Muhls-class spells (except Ad Mumarnite). -Anything targeting the entire side will be ignored (Soldote, Yagulina, Ad Mumarnite, etc.) -Lasts two turns, as long as the Cover beast is active (it continues even if you switch to the adjacent side, if the beast is on a corner). -Regarding Skewer if there is a center DB present: if Skewer would hit the BeastHunter, the protecting DB will protect the BeastHunter and take the same damage as the center DB took. If Skewer will miss the BeastHunter, the protecting DB will protect the center DB and take reduced damage as usual. -Earth Protect does NONE of these, except reduces skill damage by half. Its "return attack" function is apparently dummied out of the game, making it thoroughly useless. ---------------- CHROME BEASTS ---------------- Chrome beasts arise randomly during merging, and will have their texture replaced with a very shiny chrome finish. It is not a glitch, but a specific feature in the game. They have the following special properties that set them aside from normal DBs: -Speed stat is tripled. -HP stat is halved. -Complete immunity to ALL "Magic" type attacks, including your own. Consequently, the only way to heal them in battle is using HP-draining attacks, such as Power Draw-type skills. Yarga-type spells will heal them regardless of who casts it, however. ============================================================================== *4* ABILITY LIST ============================================================================== NOTE: Innate beast resistance is also considered when applying status resistance. This can lead to situations where a beast may not have 100% resistance even if the ability (or combination of abilities) would provide 100% resistance. LEGEND: 1 2 3 4 1: Name 2: In-game description (verbatim) 3: In-depth description 4: Seed beasts who have the ability ---------------- Alco Killer Extra damage on attacking Alcos No effect because it is glitched and doesn't work. Anglorg(Water) Anti-Critical Prevents some critical attacks Grants immunity to critical hits. Geloper(Water), Scorpy(Earth) Anti-MP Drain Prevents MP damage Grants immunity to MP damage. Gojet(Wind), Fangnagin(Water) Berserk Taking damage ups Attack Berserk status triggered when under 25% HP. Attack up and Defense down. Mardreck(Fire), Blumen(Fire) Blind X Causes blindness to be complete Penalty: Increases accuracy reduction from Blind status by 10% Trinoculus(Earth) Bug Killer Extra damage on attacking Bugs No effect because it is glitched and doesn't work. Angler(Water) Change Talent Special attacks often succeed Increases success rate of status attacks by 10%. Skalco(Wind), Kakabone(Wind) Confuse Guard Prevents Confuse, Sleep, Blind 100% resistance vs. Confuse, 50% vs. Sleep and Blind Rage(Water), Bigby(Earth) Drac Killer Extra damage on attacking Dracs No effect because it is glitched and doesn't work. Mush(Earth) Earth Power Ups health-related parameters 5% boost to HP, Vitality, and Spirit stats. Nilicone(Earth), Rorr(Earth) Fire Power Ups Strength and Wisdom 8% boost to Strength and Wisdom stats Skaluch(Fire), Niki(Fire) Gara Killer Extra damage on attacking Garas No effect because it is glitched and doesn't work. Nilgilth(Wind) Guts Resurrects if not finished off 100% chance of reviving with 1HP when KOed. Only works once per battle. Lugadreg(Wind), Ginui(Water), Rugglchu(Earth), Eyeshroom(Fire) HP Recovery Some HP recovered every turn. Recovers 10% of max HP every turn. Mamern(Wind), Pokeyfish(Water) HP Up 1 Ups HP by +30 +30 to HP stat. Zabone(Water), Tama-Q(Earth), Getchu(Fire) HP Up 2 Ups HP by 10% 10% boost to HP stat. Nima-Q(Earth), Nitchu(Fire) HP Up 3 Ups HP by 20% 20% boost to HP stat. Amorg(Earth), Dela Getchu(Fire) Imago Hatches from egg as image(adult) The beast is always most evolved. Larvalize has precedence. Monoculus(Earth), Dongle(Fire) Ku Killer Extra damage on attacking Kus No effect because it is glitched and doesn't work. Garala(Earth) Larvalize Stays larva without transforming The beast cannot evolve until Larvalize is removed. Precedence over Imago. Wellern(Wind), Devilchu(Fire) Late Bloomer Earns 10% less experience points. Penalty: Gain 10% less Experience. Niwerl(Wind), Nigender(Water) Leif Killer Extra damage on attacking Leifs No effect because it is glitched and doesn't work. Agit(Wind) Magic Talent Fewer MP needed for magic Reduces the MP cost of magic by 20%. Nilibuzz(Wind), Rutide(Wind), Niloper(Water!!!) Mau Killer Extra damage on attacking Maus No effect because it is glitched and doesn't work. Sandhawk(Fire) MP Recovery Some MP recovered every turn Recovers 5% of MP every turn. Stacks with base MP recovery when inactive. Bladreg(Wind), Mash(Earth) MP Up 1 Ups MP by +30 +30 to MP stat. Chamelemon(Water), Helicone(Earth), Volkaiser(Fire) MP Up 2 Ups MP by 10% 10% boost to MP stat. Yo-Yo(Water), Mayen(Earth) MP Up 3 Ups MP by 20% 20% boost to MP stat. Majj(Earth), Dela Yo-Yo(Water) Na Killer Extra damage on attacking Nas No effect because it is glitched and doesn't work. Sandsparrow(Fire) Og Killer Extra damage on attacking Ogs No effect because it is glitched and doesn't work. Nirala(Earth) Petrify Guard Prevents Petrify, Poison, Stun 100% resistance vs. Petrify, 50% vs. Poison and Stun. Slugalanth(Water), Dumbler(Earth) Poison X Causes extra damage from poison Penalty: Poison damage taken is doubled. Hoohaw(Earth) Precocious Earns 10% more experience points Gain 10% more Experience. Spikestar(Wind), Tomakana(Water), Gelapper(Fire) Resist Blind Prevents Blind, Confuse, Sleep 100% resistance vs. Blind, 50% vs. Confuse and Sleep Skalcone(Water), Whorlie(Earth) Resist Death 100% prevention of Sudden Death Grants total immunity to instant death attacks. Drabern(Wind), Magender(Water) Resist Earth Cuts damage from Earth attacks Reduces damage from Earth attacks by 50%. Barndreg(Wind), Papillone(Wind) Resist Fire Cuts damage from Fire attacks Reduces damage from Fire attacks by 50%. Binoculus(Earth), Ginunga(Earth!!!) Resist Poison Prevents Poison, Stun, Petrify 100% resistance vs. Poison, 50% vs. Stun and Petrify Bladetail(Water!!!), Machoang(Earth) Resist Sleep Prevents Sleep, Confuse, Blind 100% resistance vs. Sleep, 50% vs. Confuse and Blind Bogimbo(Water), Ninunga(Earth) Resist Stun Prevents Stun, Poison, Petrify 100% resistance vs. Stun, 50% vs. Poison and Petrify Walbeckon(Water), Froggy(Earth) Resist Water Cuts damage from Water attacks Reduces damage from Water attacks by 50%. Skalchu(Fire) Resist Wind Cuts damage from Wind attacks Reduces damage from Wind attacks by 50%. Ginugon(Water) Resurrect 1/2 chance of resurrection 50% chance of reviving when KOed with 1HP, can work multiple times. Helskelter(Wind), Fangbone(Water) Skill Talent Skills often give critical hits Increases critical hit rate by 10%. Shroomie(Earth), Redoble(Fire), Skuimel(Fire) Sleep X Does not wake up easily Penalty: Decreases chance of waking from sleep each turn by 20%. Earina(Wind) Slimy Killer Extra damage on attacking Slimies No effect because it is glitched and doesn't work. Chamiluna(Fire) Speed Up 1 Ups Speed by +15 +15 to Speed stat. Cheepr(Wind), Patadreck(Fire) Speed Up 2 Ups Speed by 10% 10% boost to Speed stat. Peepr(Wind), Radreck(Fire) Speed Up 3 Ups Speed by 20% 20% boost to Speed stat. Clalco(Wind), Ela Ela(Earth), Paradrager(Fire) Spirit Up 1 Ups Spirit by +15 +15 to Spirit stat. Kilgilth(Wind), Peanum(Earth), Mamagamma(Fire) Spirit Up 2 Ups Spirit by 10% 10% boost to Spirit stat. Pataronga(Wind), Navi(Earth) Spirit Up 3 Ups Spirit by 20% 20% boost to Spirit stat. Ronga-Ronga(Wind), Ela Ela(Earth) Strength Up 1 Ups Strength by +10 +10 to Strength stat. Spikebee(Wind), Ngonga(Water), Nagglchu(Fire) Strength Up 2 Ups Strength by 10% 10% boost to Strength stat. Mothmanti(Wind), Nigglchu(Fire) Strength Up 3 Ups Strength by 20% 20% boost to Strength stat. Kataimel(Wind), Knucklchu(Fire) Stun X Stun lasts 1 turn longer Penalty: Stun status lasts for two turns instead of one. Nildrager(Fire) Super Recover Extra HP recovery. 50% more HP/MP is restored when targeted by a "Rcv" type spell. Sembone(Water), Gigatiran(Earth) Vitality Up 1 Ups Vitality by +15 +15 to Vitality stat. Bauwerl(Wind), Garalanth(Water), Twingo(Earth) Vitality Up 2 Ups Vitality by 10% 10% boost to Vitality stat. Garalhorn(Water), Sulligan(Earth) Vitality Up 3 Ups Vitality by 20% 20% boost to Vitality stat. Niralhorn(Water!!!), Sulligalan(Earth) Water Power Resists all special attacks 40% resistance to all status effects (even instant death). Nu-Q(Water), Ninui(Water), Froggess(Water) Wind Power Ups Wisdom and Speed 8% boost to Wisdom and Speed stats. Helibuzz(Wind), Baulboa(Wind) Wisdom Up 1 Ups Wisdom by +10 +10 boost to Wisdom stat. Q(Water), Geena(Earth), Tiki(Fire) Wisdom Up 2 Ups Wisdom by 10% 10% boost to Wisdom stat. Geso-Q(Water), Tiral(Fire) Wisdom Up 3 Ups Wisdom by 20% 20% boost to Wisdom stat. Dakkon-Q(Water), Giralooza(Fire) ============================================================================== *5* DIVINE BEAST STATS AND INFO ============================================================================== This lists the stats of the different divine beast forms in comparison to one another. The stats listed here are used to determine stat growth rate when a DB gains a level. Generally speaking, for every DB and its evolutions, one stat will increase as it evolves (usually its most important stat), while another will decrease (often, but not always its most useless stat). BASE STATS AND STAT GROWTH: A DB's stats are determined by two values: the base stats and the stat growth of each stat. Each DB listed below has two sets of values, with base stats being much higher than stat growth. Base stats reflect what the DB will start with, as well as the impact the current evolution has on its stats. Base stats will, on average, be the base stat values below divided by 100. [base_stat] / 100 = actual stat Stat growth on level up is dependent on the growth rate of the form the DB currently has. A more evolved DB will gain more of the stat it excels in than the larval form would, but less of the penalized stat. This means that a DB with Imago will gain slightly higher stat totals, especially in its important stat, compared to one that evolves normally. Additionally, Larvalize will incur more than just a temporary penalty, as all stat gains while under its influence will be the larval form's. But this only applies to the base stats that actually vary between evolutions, as most base stats stay the same. As with base stats, the stat growth value is divided by 100 to obtain actual growth. [stat_growth] / 100 = actual gain Despite the above formulas, actual starting stats and growth at level-ups seem to have some degree of randomness. EXPERIENCE GAIN RATE: Rate refers to the EXP. growth rate of the DB. Slow beasts require 100% of an amount of EXP to level up, while Norm requires only 90% of that number, and Fast requires only 80%. As the beast is merged, the EXP required to reach level 20 increases, tripling each merge until merge 5, at which point the EXP needed for each level will remain the same forever. Additionally, the EXP needed to level from 15 to 20 is a little under 2.5x the amount needed for levels 1 to 15. Once a beast reaches merge 5, it is more efficient to merge at level 15 rather than 20, as those last 5 levels will cost almost as much as two merges' worth of 15 levels. Better to spend 750000 EXP on ~22 levels, rather than just 5! The specific EXP numbers needed are listed below: Fast Growth Medium Growth Slow Growth Merge Lv15 Lv20 Lv15 Lv20 Lv15 Lv20 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 1924 4676 2164 5260 2405 5845 1 5772 14028 6493 15781 7215 17535 2 17316 42084 19480 47344 21645 52605 3 51948 126252 58441 142033 64935 157815 4 155844 378756 175324 426100 194805 473445 5+ 467532 1136268 525793 1278301 584415 1420335 ELEMENT: The Elem listed is just the elemental affinity of the DB. Should be fairly straightforward. PERSONALITY: Personality refers to the DB's preference when attacking. While these are a major guideline to which enemy it attacks, they do not always follow the guideline. -Pragmatic: Focuses on attacking the center beast. -Sly: Focus on attacking side beasts. -Brave: Focuses on attacking the beast with the highest current HP. -Bully: Focuses on attacking the beast with the lowest current HP. -Noncommittal: Attacks randomly. -Clever: Focuses on attacking the lowest defense beast. -None: Random personality assigned upon hatching. Pragmatic, Bully, and Clever tend to target the BeastHunter when exposed, as the BeastHunter counts as a very low HP, very low defense center target. Sly and Brave tend to continue targeting side beasts. (Note: Some DBs have a different personality when faced as an enemy. A list is provided at the end of this section.) STATUS RESISTANCES: Under the base stats for each DB family is that family's default status resistances. These are shared between all evolutions in the family, and are modified by status resistance abilities (and Sadoon). Positive numbers indicate resistances, while negatives indicate weaknesses. Some DBs that have a status attack as their default attack will gain additional resistance to that status in their third and final evolutions, amounting to 25% in third form, and 50% in final form. Besides this, DBs will have the same resistances in all forms. No DBs have resistance to instant death, except Heluch's evolutions. In addition, even a 100% defense against a status isn't truly immunity, as status infliction in some cases seems dependent on Wisdom and Spirit (especially for Sleep and Petrify), so a DB with high Wisdom casting these spells can hit lower Spirit beasts with the statuses, even with high resistance. Instant death is the exception again, though, as Resist Death is a guaranteed 100% perfect defense against instant death. ABBREVIATIONS (DB stats): HP = Health points MP = Mana points Str = Strength Vit = Vitality Wis = Wisdom Spr = Spirit Spd = Speed ABBREVIATIONS (status effects): Petr = Petrify Pois = Poison Conf = Confuse Slep = Sleep Blin = Blind -------------------------------- ALCO HP MP Str Vit Wis Spr Spd Rate Elem Personality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skalcoch 9000 4400 1400 1000 1300 1400 2000 Slow Wind Bully 450 220 70 50 65 70 100 Agit 11250 5500 1750 1250 1625 1750 2500 500 220 70 50 65 68 100 Skalco 13500 6600 2100 1500 1950 2100 3000 Confuse resistance +25% 550 220 70 50 65 66 100 Kakabone 15750 7700 2450 1750 2275 2450 3500 Confuse resistance +50% 650 220 70 50 65 62 100 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Alcoch 7600 4180 1420 760 1340 1340 2100 Norm Wind Bully 380 209 71 38 67 67 105 Cheepr 9500 5225 1775 950 1675 1675 2625 380 201 81 38 67 67 105 Hoho 11400 6270 2130 1140 2010 2010 3150 Blind resistance +25% 380 193 91 38 67 67 105 Clalco 13300 7315 2485 1330 2345 2345 3675 Blind resistance +50% 380 177 111 38 67 67 105 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Mechalcoch 6660 5320 1140 760 1520 1340 2100 Norm Wind Bully 333 266 57 38 76 67 105 Helibuzz 8325 6650 1425 950 1900 1675 2625 333 266 55 38 76 67 115 Brollopelan 9990 7980 1710 1140 2280 2010 3150 Sleep resistance +25% 333 266 53 38 76 67 125 Gojet 11655 9310 1995 1330 2660 2345 3675 Sleep resistance +50% 333 266 49 38 76 67 145 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Dethalcoch 8000 4400 1400 800 1300 1200 1800 Slow Water Bully 400 220 70 40 65 60 90 Chineye 10000 5500 1750 1000 1625 1500 2250 450 220 70 40 65 58 90 Skalcone 12000 6600 2100 1200 1950 1800 2700 500 220 70 40 65 56 90 Fangbone 14000 7700 2450 1400 2275 210 3150 600 220 70 40 65 52 90 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Dejolcoch 7600 4180 1620 760 1340 1340 1900 Norm Fire Pragmatic 380 209 81 38 67 67 95 Sandsparrow 9500 5225 2025 950 1675 1675 2375 380 201 91 38 67 67 95 Sandowl 11400 6270 2430 1140 2010 2010 2850 380 193 101 38 67 67 95 Sandhawk 13300 7315 2835 1330 2345 2345 3325 380 177 121 38 67 67 95 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Deprolcoch (!) 6660 5320 1140 760 1520 1340 2100 Norm Wind None 333 266 57 38 76 67 105 Helitune 8325 6650 1425 950 1900 1675 2625 333 266 55 38 76 67 115 Brollone 9990 7980 1710 1140 2280 2010 3150 333 266 53 38 76 67 125 Megahawk 11655 9310 1995 1330 2660 2345 3675 333 266 49 38 76 67 145 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% -------------------------------- BUG HP MP Str Vit Wis Spr Spd Rate Elem Personality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugich 5220 6460 1620 760 1040 1620 1800 Norm Wind Sly 261 323 81 38 52 81 90 Spikebee 6525 8075 2025 950 1300 2025 2250 261 323 81 38 50 91 90 Mothmanti 7830 9690 2430 1140 1560 2430 2700 Poison resistance +25% 261 323 81 38 48 101 90 Kataimel 9135 11305 2835 1330 1820 2835 3150 Poison resistance +50% 261 323 81 38 44 121 90 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Lybugich 5220 6460 1040 760 1620 1620 1800 Norm Wind Pragmatic 261 323 52 38 81 81 90 Kilgilth 6525 8075 1300 950 2025 2025 2250 251 323 52 38 91 81 90 Pataronga 7830 9690 1560 1140 2430 2430 2700 241 323 52 38 101 81 90 Ronga-Ronga 9135 11305 1820 1330 2835 2835 3150 221 323 52 38 121 81 90 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Yagobugich 5400 6480 1180 720 1260 1360 1800 Fast Wind Clever 270 324 59 36 63 68 90 Spikestar 6750 8100 1475 900 1575 1700 2250 270 364 59 34 63 68 90 Papillone 8100 9720 1770 1080 1890 2040 2700 270 404 59 32 63 68 90 Mamern 9450 11340 2065 1260 2205 2380 3150 270 484 59 28 63 68 90 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Demabugich 5220 6460 1800 760 1040 1620 1620 Norm Fire Noncommittal 261 323 90 38 52 81 81 Redeyes 6525 8075 2250 950 1300 2025 2025 261 323 90 38 50 91 81 Skuimel 7830 9690 2700 1140 1560 2430 2430 261 323 90 38 48 101 81 Volkaiser 9135 11305 3150 1330 1820 2835 2835 261 323 90 38 44 121 81 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Devibugich 5220 6460 1040 760 1800 1620 1620 Norm Fire Brave 261 323 52 38 90 81 81 Gelapper 6225 8075 1300 950 2250 2025 2025 251 323 52 38 100 81 81 Railler 7830 9690 1560 1140 2700 2430 2430 241 323 52 38 110 81 81 Mamagamma 9135 11305 820 1330 3150 2835 2835 221 323 52 38 130 81 81 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Dykbugich 4500 6480 1180 540 1260 1180 1620 Fast Water Pragmatic 225 324 59 27 63 59 90 Mothpi 5625 8100 1475 675 1575 1475 2025 225 364 59 25 63 59 90 Lupienne 6750 9720 1770 810 1890 1770 2430 225 404 59 23 63 59 90 Magender 7875 11340 2065 945 2205 2065 2835 225 484 59 19 63 59 90 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Chinbugich 5220 6460 1040 760 1620 1620 1800 Norm Earth Pragmatic 261 323 52 38 81 81 90 Ryder 6525 8075 1300 950 2025 2025 2250 251 323 52 38 91 81 90 Fryder 7830 9690 1560 1140 2430 2430 2700 241 323 52 38 101 81 90 Vitturi 9135 11305 1820 1330 2835 2835 3150 221 323 52 38 121 81 90 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% -------------------------------- DRAC HP MP Str Vit Wis Spr Spd Rate Elem Personality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dondrackich 8500 5600 1900 1400 1700 1400 1100 Slow Fire Pragmatic 425 280 95 70 85 70 55 Dongly 10625 7000 2375 1750 2125 1750 1375 475 280 95 70 85 70 53 Dongle 12750 8400 2850 1800 2550 1800 1650 525 280 95 70 85 70 51 Dogluga 14875 9800 3325 2450 2975 2450 1925 625 280 95 70 85 70 47 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Drackich 7500 5600 1700 1200 1700 1200 1100 Slow Water Clever 375 280 85 60 85 60 55 Spirally 9275 7000 2125 1500 2125 1500 1375 375 280 85 70 85 58 55 Spiraler 11250 8400 2550 1800 2550 1800 1650 375 280 85 80 85 56 55 Spiralon 13125 9800 2975 2100 2975 2100 1925 375 280 85 100 85 52 55 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Alldrackich 9500 5600 1700 1600 1700 1600 1100 Slow Earth Brave 475 280 85 80 85 80 55 Rorr 11875 7000 2125 2000 2125 2000 1375 475 280 85 78 95 80 55 Ryunos 14250 8400 2550 2400 2550 2400 1650 475 280 85 76 105 80 55 Gigatiran 16625 9800 2975 2800 2975 2800 1925 475 280 85 72 125 80 55 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% Deradrackich(!) 8500 5600 1900 1400 1700 1400 1100 Slow Fire None 425 280 95 70 85 70 55 Collodon 10625 7000 2375 1750 2125 1750 1375 475 280 95 70 85 70 53 Hammertail 12750 8400 2550 1800 2550 1800 1650 525 280 95 70 85 70 51 Dogramagra 14875 9800 3325 2450 2975 2450 1925 625 280 95 70 85 70 47 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Dicedrackich 8500 5600 1700 1400 1700 1400 1300 Slow Wind Sly 425 280 85 70 85 70 65 Kesselon 10625 7000 2125 1750 2125 1750 1625 425 280 85 80 85 68 65 Passelon 12750 8400 2550 2100 2550 2100 1950 425 280 85 90 85 66 65 Reylon 14875 9800 2975 2450 2975 2450 2275 425 280 85 110 85 62 65 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Degadrackich 8500 5600 1700 1400 1700 1400 1300 Slow Wind Brave 425 280 85 70 85 70 65 Rorrula 10625 7000 2125 1750 2125 1750 1625 425 280 85 68 95 70 65 Dulga 12750 8400 2550 2100 2550 2100 1950 425 280 85 66 105 70 65 Tilladoga 14875 9800 2975 2450 2975 2450 2275 425 280 85 62 125 70 65 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% -------------------------------- GARA HP MP Str Vit Wis Spr Spd Rate Elem Personality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ganicarach 9500 5200 1100 2200 1400 1500 1000 Slow Earth Brave 475 260 55 110 70 75 50 Twingo 11875 6500 1375 2750 1750 1875 1250 475 252 55 120 70 75 50 Sulligan 14250 7800 1650 3300 2100 2250 1500 475 244 55 130 70 75 50 Sulligalan 16625 9100 1925 3850 2450 2625 1750 475 228 55 150 70 75 50 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -75% Slep: -75% Blin: -75% Slithirach 8560 5700 1520 2000 1040 1420 760 Norm Earth Pragmatic 428 285 76 100 52 71 38 Garala 10700 7125 1900 2500 1300 1775 950 428 285 86 100 52 69 38 Fangbler 12480 8550 2280 3000 1560 2130 1140 428 285 96 100 52 67 38 Scorpy 14980 9975 2660 3500 1820 2485 1330 428 285 116 100 52 63 38 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -75% Slep: -75% Blin: -75% Carach 9460 5040 1180 1980 900 1440 720 Fast Earth Noncommittal 473 252 59 99 45 72 36 Tama-Q 11825 6300 1475 2475 1125 1800 900 523 252 59 99 43 72 36 Wriggler 14190 7560 1770 2970 1350 2160 1080 573 252 59 99 41 72 36 Amorg 16555 8820 2065 3465 1575 2520 1260 673 252 59 99 37 72 36 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -75% Slep: -75% Blin: -75% Dicarach 7500 5200 1100 1800 1400 1100 1000 Slow Water Clever 375 260 55 90 70 55 50 Walbeckon 9375 6500 1375 2250 1750 1375 1250 375 252 55 100 70 55 50 Zareen 11250 7800 1650 2700 2100 1650 1500 375 244 55 110 70 55 50 Slugalanth 13125 9100 1925 3150 2450 1925 1750 375 228 55 130 70 55 50 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Delocarach 6660 5700 1520 2000 1040 1040 760 Norm Water Bully 333 285 76 81 52 52 38 Fangrotrope 8325 7125 1900 2500 1300 1300 950 333 285 86 81 52 50 38 Shabragabra 9990 8550 2280 3000 1560 1560 1140 333 285 96 81 52 48 38 Bladetail 11655 9975 2660 3500 1820 1820 1330 333 285 116 81 52 44 38 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Decocarach 7660 5040 1180 1620 900 1080 720 Fast Water Pragmatic 383 252 59 81 45 54 36 Garalanth 9575 6300 1475 2025 1125 1350 900 433 252 59 81 43 54 36 Garanuth 11490 7560 1770 2430 1350 1620 1080 483 252 59 81 41 54 36 Garalhorn 13405 8820 2065 2835 1575 1890 1260 583 252 59 81 37 54 36 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Ogrecarach 9500 5200 1100 2200 1400 1500 1000 Slow Fire Brave 475 260 55 110 70 75 50 Balta 11875 6500 1375 2750 1750 1875 1250 475 252 55 120 70 75 50 Baltani 14250 7800 1650 3300 2100 2250 1500 475 244 55 130 70 75 50 Zaribaluta 16625 9100 1925 3850 2450 2625 1750 475 228 55 150 70 75 50 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -75% Slep: -75% Blin: -75% Whiskerach 8560 5700 1520 2000 1040 1420 760 Norm Fire Pragmatic 428 285 76 100 52 71 38 Nushambler 10700 7125 1900 2500 1300 1775 950 428 285 86 100 52 69 38 Rashambler 12480 8550 2280 3000 1560 2130 1140 428 285 96 100 52 67 38 Bula-Bula 14980 9975 2660 3500 1820 2485 1330 428 285 116 100 52 63 38 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -75% Slep: -75% Blin: -75% -------------------------------- KU HP MP Str Vit Wis Spr Spd Rate Elem Personality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vordrech 7000 5600 1800 1100 1500 1100 1700 Slow Fire Noncommittal 350 280 90 55 75 55 85 Redoble 8750 7000 2250 1375 1875 1375 2125 350 320 90 55 75 53 85 Mardreck 10500 8400 2700 1650 2250 1650 2550 350 360 90 55 75 51 85 Blumen 12250 9800 3150 1925 2625 1925 2975 350 440 90 55 75 47 85 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Drech 6660 5320 1340 960 1720 1040 1800 Norm Fire Clever 333 266 67 48 86 52 90 Patadreck 8325 6650 1675 1200 2150 1300 2250 333 266 67 46 86 52 100 Radreck 9990 7980 2010 1440 2580 1560 2700 333 266 67 44 86 52 110 Paradrager 11655 9310 2345 1680 3010 1820 3150 333 266 67 40 86 52 130 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Tikidrech 6200 5040 1260 1000 1720 1000 1540 Fast Fire Pragmatic 315 252 63 50 86 50 77 Tiki 7875 6300 1575 1250 2150 1250 1925 315 252 61 50 96 50 77 Tiral 9450 7560 1890 1500 2580 1500 2310 315 252 59 50 106 50 77 Giralooza 11025 8820 2205 1750 3010 1750 2695 315 252 55 50 126 50 77 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Denodrech 7000 5600 1600 1100 1500 1100 1900 Slow Wind Sly 350 280 80 55 75 55 95 Baulboa 8750 7000 2000 1375 1875 1375 2375 350 320 80 55 75 53 95 Bonedreg 10500 8400 2400 1650 2250 1650 2850 Stun resistance +25% 350 360 80 55 75 51 95 Bauwerl 12250 9800 2800 1925 2625 1925 3325 Stun resistance +50% 350 440 80 55 75 47 95 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Deadrech 6660 5320 1340 960 1520 1040 2000 Norm Wind Clever 333 266 67 48 76 52 100 Barndreg 8325 6650 1675 1200 1900 1300 2500 333 266 67 46 76 52 110 Flaredreg 9990 7980 2010 1440 2280 1560 3000 333 266 67 44 76 52 120 Bladreg 11655 9310 2345 1680 2660 1820 3500 333 266 67 40 76 52 140 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Didrech 6300 5040 1260 1000 1540 1000 1720 Fast Wind Pragmatic 315 252 63 50 77 50 86 Lutica 7875 6300 1575 1250 1925 1250 2150 315 252 61 50 87 50 86 Rutide 9450 7560 1890 1500 2310 1500 2580 315 252 59 50 97 50 86 Lugadreg 11025 8820 2205 1750 2695 1750 3010 315 252 55 50 117 50 86 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Raindrech 6660 5320 1340 960 1720 1040 1800 Norm Water Clever 333 266 67 48 86 52 90 Aquadreg 8325 6650 1675 1200 2150 1300 2250 333 266 67 46 86 52 100 Seadreg 9990 7980 2010 1440 2580 1560 2700 333 266 67 44 86 52 110 Shambuga 11655 9310 2345 1680 3010 1820 3150 333 266 67 40 86 52 130 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% -------------------------------- LEIF HP MP Str Vit Wis Spr Spd Rate Elem Personality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holeifich 8000 6800 1500 1600 1100 2200 800 Slow Earth Noncommittal 400 340 75 80 55 110 40 Mash 10000 8500 1875 2000 1375 2750 1000 400 340 75 78 55 120 40 Mush 12000 10200 2250 2400 1650 3300 1200 400 340 75 76 55 130 40 Shroomie 14000 11900 2625 2800 1925 3850 1400 400 340 75 72 55 150 40 Petr: -75% Pois: -75% Stun: -75% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% Leifich 7600 6460 860 1520 1520 2100 760 Norm Earth Clever 380 323 43 76 76 105 38 Helicone 9500 8075 1075 1900 1900 2625 950 380 363 41 76 76 105 38 Mayen 11400 9690 1290 2280 2280 3150 1140 380 403 39 76 76 105 38 Majj 13300 11305 1505 2660 2660 3675 1330 380 483 35 76 76 105 38 Petr: -75% Pois: -75% Stun: -75% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% Seedleifich 8100 6120 1000 1400 1260 1980 540 Fast Earth Pragmatic 405 306 50 72 63 99 27 Peanum 10125 7650 1250 1800 1575 2475 675 455 306 50 72 63 99 25 Navi 12150 9180 1500 2160 1890 2970 810 505 306 50 72 63 99 23 Ela Ela 14175 10710 1750 2520 2205 3465 945 605 306 50 72 63 99 19 Petr: -75% Pois: -75% Stun: -75% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% Deuleifich 7000 6800 1700 1400 1100 2000 800 Slow Fire Sly 350 340 85 70 55 100 40 Eyeshroom 8750 8500 2125 1750 1375 2500 1000 350 340 85 68 55 110 40 Hambulancer 10500 10200 2550 2100 1650 3000 1200 350 340 85 66 55 120 40 Casadero 12250 11900 2975 2450 1925 3500 1400 350 340 85 62 55 140 40 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% Disaleifich 5700 6460 860 1140 1520 1720 760 Norm Water Brave 285 323 43 57 76 86 38 Cabeller 7125 8075 1075 1425 1900 2150 950 285 363 41 57 76 86 38 Bogimbo 8550 9690 1290 1710 2280 2580 1140 285 403 39 57 76 86 38 Rage 9975 11305 1505 1995 2660 3010 1330 285 483 35 57 76 86 38 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Derleifich 6300 6120 1000 1080 1260 1620 540 Fast Water Clever 315 306 50 54 63 81 27 Flybeans 7875 7650 1250 1350 1575 2025 675 365 306 50 54 63 81 25 Fangnagin 9450 9180 1500 1620 1890 2430 810 415 306 50 54 63 81 23 Zabone 11025 10710 1750 1890 2205 2835 945 515 306 50 54 63 81 19 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% -------------------------------- MAU HP MP Str Vit Wis Spr Spd Rate Elem Personality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tamatoch 7000 5600 1600 1400 1400 1400 1700 Slow Fire Bully 350 280 80 70 70 70 85 Walpon 8750 7000 2000 1750 1750 1750 2125 340 280 90 70 70 70 85 Drapon 10500 8400 2400 2100 2100 2100 2550 330 280 100 70 70 70 85 Delapon 12250 9800 2800 2450 2450 2450 2975 310 280 120 70 70 70 85 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Kamatoch 7600 5320 1340 1520 1340 1520 1620 Norm Earth Sly 380 266 67 76 67 76 81 Heehaw 9500 6650 1675 1900 1675 1900 2025 370 266 67 76 67 76 91 Heehawhaw 11400 7980 2010 2280 2010 2280 2430 360 266 67 76 67 76 101 Hoohaw 13300 9310 2345 2660 2345 2660 2835 340 266 67 76 67 76 121 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% Toch 6660 5320 1340 1340 1340 1340 1800 Norm Wind Pragmatic 333 266 67 67 67 67 90 Earra 8325 6650 1675 1675 1675 1675 2250 333 266 67 77 67 67 88 Earna 9990 7980 2010 2010 2010 2010 2700 333 266 67 87 67 67 86 Earina 11655 9310 2345 2345 2345 2345 3150 333 266 67 107 67 67 82 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Demitoch 7000 5600 1400 1400 1400 1400 1900 Slow Wind None 350 280 70 70 70 70 95 Dramu 8750 7000 1750 1750 1750 1750 2375 340 280 80 70 70 70 95 Dratma 10500 8400 2100 2100 2100 2010 2850 330 280 90 70 70 70 95 Drabern 12250 9800 2450 2450 2450 2450 3325 310 280 110 70 70 70 95 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Detotoch 7600 5320 1340 1520 1340 1520 1620 Norm Water None 380 266 67 76 67 76 81 Kamagera 9500 6650 1675 1900 1675 1900 2025 370 266 67 76 67 76 91 Berogera 11400 7980 2010 2280 2010 2280 2430 360 266 67 76 67 76 101 Decagera 13300 9310 2345 2660 2345 2660 2835 340 266 67 76 67 76 121 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Degnatoch 6660 5320 1520 1340 1340 1340 1620 Norm Fire Clever 333 266 76 67 67 67 81 Chammy 8325 6650 1900 1675 1675 1675 2025 333 266 76 77 67 67 79 Chamina 9990 7980 2280 2010 2010 2010 2430 333 266 76 87 67 67 77 Chamiluna 11655 9310 2660 2345 2345 2345 2835 333 266 76 107 67 67 73 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% -------------------------------- NA HP MP Str Vit Wis Spr Spd Rate Elem Personality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gabnach 6500 5200 1700 1100 1400 1300 1100 Slow Water Bully 325 260 85 55 70 65 55 Angler 8125 6500 2125 1375 1750 1625 1375 325 252 95 55 70 65 55 Anglorg 9750 7800 2550 1650 2100 1950 1650 325 244 105 55 70 65 55 Ngonga 11375 9100 2975 1925 2450 2275 1925 325 228 125 55 70 65 55 Petr: 75% Pois: 75% Stun: 75% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Nach 5400 5040 1180 820 1260 1260 1440 Fast Water Brave 270 252 59 41 63 63 72 Tomakana 6750 6300 1475 1025 1575 1575 1800 270 252 59 39 63 63 82 Pokeyfish 8100 7560 1770 1230 1890 1890 2160 270 252 59 37 63 63 92 Sembone 9450 8820 2065 1435 2205 2205 2520 270 252 59 33 63 63 112 Petr: 75% Pois: 75% Stun: 75% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Muchinach 5700 5320 1040 860 1900 1420 1040 Norm Water Clever 285 266 52 43 95 71 52 Q 7125 6650 1300 1075 2375 1775 1300 275 266 52 43 105 71 52 Geso-Q 8550 7980 1560 1290 2850 2130 1560 265 266 52 43 115 71 52 Dakkon-Q 9975 9310 1820 1505 3325 2485 1820 245 266 52 43 135 71 52 Petr: 75% Pois: 75% Stun: 75% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Dicenach 8500 5200 1700 1500 1400 1700 1100 Slow Earth Brave 425 260 85 75 70 85 55 Angoo 10625 6500 2125 1875 1750 2125 1375 425 252 95 75 70 85 55 Gabulla 12750 7800 2550 2250 2100 2550 1650 425 244 105 75 70 85 55 Machoang 14875 9100 2975 2625 2450 2975 1925 425 228 125 75 70 85 55 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% Detinach 6960 5040 1180 980 1260 1420 1640 Fast Wind Noncommittal 348 252 59 49 63 71 82 Spikeyfish 8700 8300 1475 1175 1575 1775 2300 348 252 59 47 63 71 92 Fishyger 10440 7560 1770 1470 1890 2130 2460 348 252 59 45 63 71 102 Dumbler 12180 8820 2065 1715 2205 2485 2870 348 252 59 41 63 71 122 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Desonach 7600 5320 1040 1240 1900 1800 1040 Norm Earth Clever 380 266 52 62 95 90 52 Tar-Q 9500 6650 1300 1550 2375 2250 1300 370 266 52 62 105 90 52 Swarm 11400 7980 1560 1860 2850 2700 1560 360 266 52 62 115 90 52 Venazula 13300 9310 1820 2170 3325 3150 1820 340 266 52 62 135 90 52 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% -------------------------------- OG HP MP Str Vit Wis Spr Spd Rate Elem Personality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luch 8500 3600 2200 1900 1200 1300 800 Slow Fire Pragmatic 425 180 110 95 60 65 40 Nagglchu 10625 4500 2750 2375 1500 1625 950 425 180 110 105 60 65 38 Bokklchu 12750 5400 3300 2850 1800 1950 1080 425 180 110 115 60 65 36 Knucklchu 14875 6300 3850 3325 2100 2275 1120 425 180 110 135 60 65 32 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Heluch 8500 3600 1400 1700 1800 1600 900 Slow Fire Sly 425 180 70 85 90 80 45 Skaluch 10625 4500 1750 2125 2250 2000 1125 425 172 70 85 90 90 45 Skalchu 12750 5400 2100 2550 2700 2400 1350 Death resistance +25% 425 164 70 85 90 100 45 Devilchu 14875 6300 2450 2975 3150 2800 1575 Death resistance +50% 425 148 70 85 90 120 45 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Geraluch 7600 4180 2100 1520 1340 1040 960 Norm Fire Bully 380 209 105 76 67 52 48 Getchu 9500 5225 2625 1900 1675 1300 1200 380 209 115 76 65 52 48 Wantchu 11400 6270 3150 2280 2010 1560 1440 380 209 125 76 63 52 48 Dela Getchu 13300 7315 3675 2660 2345 1820 1680 380 209 145 76 59 52 48 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Devaluch 9500 3600 2000 2100 1400 1500 600 Slow Earth Pragmatic 475 180 100 105 70 75 30 Luorchu 11875 4500 2500 2625 1750 1875 750 475 180 100 115 70 75 28 Roddlchu 14250 5400 3000 2150 2100 2250 900 475 180 100 125 70 75 26 Rugglchu 16625 6300 3500 2675 2450 2625 1050 475 180 100 145 70 75 22 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% Dethluch 8500 3600 1400 1700 1600 1600 1100 Slow Wind Brave 425 180 70 85 80 80 55 Dethagiller 10625 4500 1750 2125 2000 2000 1375 425 172 70 85 80 90 55 Helskelter 12750 5400 2100 2550 2400 2400 1650 Petrify resistance +25% 425 164 70 85 80 100 55 Wellern 14875 6300 2450 2975 2800 2800 1925 Petrify resistance +50% 425 148 70 85 80 120 55 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Demeluch 8560 4180 1900 1720 1340 1240 960 Norm Earth Bully 428 209 95 86 67 62 48 Monoculus 10700 5225 2375 2150 1675 1550 1200 428 209 105 86 65 62 48 Binoculus 12840 6270 2850 2580 2010 1860 1440 428 209 115 86 63 62 48 Trinoculus 14980 7315 3325 3010 2345 2170 1680 428 209 135 86 59 62 48 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% -------------------------------- SLIMY HP MP Str Vit Wis Spr Spd Rate Elem Personality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slimich 6660 6840 960 1040 1340 1420 960 Norm Water Pragmatic 333 342 48 52 67 71 48 Ginui 8325 8550 1200 1300 1675 1775 1200 383 342 48 52 67 71 46 Ginuba 9990 10260 1440 1560 2010 2130 1440 433 342 48 52 67 71 44 Ginugon 11655 11970 1680 1820 2345 2485 1680 533 342 48 52 67 71 40 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 75% Slep: 75% Blin: 75% Ribbetmich 5500 8000 1400 1100 1000 1500 1100 Slow Water Sly 275 400 70 55 50 75 55 Geloper 6875 10000 1750 1375 1250 1875 1375 275 400 70 55 48 85 55 Ribbebat 8250 12000 2100 1650 1500 2250 1650 275 400 70 55 46 95 55 Froggess 9625 14000 2450 1925 1750 2625 1925 275 400 70 55 42 115 55 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 75% Slep: 75% Blin: 75% Slurplimich 4960 7200 900 1000 1260 1360 1000 Fast Water Clever 248 360 45 50 63 68 50 Chamelemon 6200 9000 1125 1250 1575 1700 1250 248 400 43 50 63 68 50 Yo-Yo 7440 10800 1350 1500 1890 2040 1500 248 440 41 50 63 68 50 Dela Yo-Yo 8680 12600 1575 1750 2205 2380 1750 248 520 37 50 63 68 50 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 75% Slep: 75% Blin: 75% Difslimich 8560 6840 960 1420 1340 1800 960 Norm Earth Pragmatic 428 342 48 71 67 90 48 Geena 10700 8550 1200 1775 1675 2250 1200 478 342 48 71 67 90 46 Ginubeat 12840 10260 1440 2130 2010 2700 1440 528 342 48 71 67 90 44 Ginunga 14980 11970 1680 2485 2345 3150 1680 628 342 48 71 67 90 40 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% Divoslimich 6760 8000 1400 1500 1000 1900 1100 Slow Earth Sly 338 400 70 75 50 95 55 Urpslurp 8450 10000 1750 1875 1250 2375 1375 338 400 70 75 48 105 55 Froggy 10140 12000 2100 2250 1500 2850 1650 338 400 70 75 46 115 55 Ribbeton 11830 14000 2450 2625 1750 3325 1925 338 400 70 75 42 135 55 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% Depslimich 6760 7200 900 1360 1260 1720 1000 Fast Earth Noncommittal 338 360 45 68 63 86 50 Tarbeslurp 8450 9000 1125 1700 1575 2150 1250 338 400 43 68 63 86 50 Whorlie 10140 10800 1350 2040 1890 2580 1500 338 440 41 68 63 86 50 Bigby 11830 12600 1575 2380 2205 3010 1750 338 520 37 68 63 86 50 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% -------------------------------- *KALMA HP MP Str Vit Wis Spr Spd Rate Elem Personality ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kalma (*!*) 9500 6800 1700 1900 1700 1900 1700 Slow Earth None 475 340 85 95 85 95 85 Kalma 11875 8500 2125 2375 2125 2375 2125 500 360 90 100 90 100 90 Kalma 14250 10200 2550 2850 2550 2850 2550 525 380 95 105 95 105 95 Petr: -50% Pois: -50% Stun: -50% Conf: -50% Slep: -50% Blin: -50% Kalma (*!*) 7500 6800 1700 1500 1700 1500 1700 Slow Water None 375 340 85 75 85 75 85 Kalma 9375 8500 2125 1875 2125 1875 2125 400 360 90 80 90 80 90 Kalma 11250 10200 2550 2250 2550 2250 2550 425 380 95 85 95 85 95 Petr: 50% Pois: 50% Stun: 50% Conf: 50% Slep: 50% Blin: 50% Kalma (*!*) 8500 6800 1900 1700 1700 1700 1700 Slow Fire None 425 340 95 85 85 85 85 Kalma 10625 8500 2375 2125 2125 2125 2125 450 360 100 90 90 90 90 Kalma 12750 10200 2850 2550 2550 2550 2550 475 380 105 95 95 95 95 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% Kalma (*!*) 8500 6800 1700 1700 1700 1700 1900 425 340 85 85 85 85 95 Slow Wind None Kalma 10625 8500 2125 2125 2125 2125 2375 450 360 90 90 90 90 100 Kalma 12750 10200 2550 2550 2550 2550 2850 475 380 95 95 95 95 105 Petr: 0% Pois: 0% Stun: 0% Conf: 0% Slep: 0% Blin: 0% NOTE: All Kalma divine beasts are only accessible via the JC2 Complete codes made by hunkster2. These are completely unavailable in normal gameplay, and probably intentionally so. --------------------------------- DIFFERENT ENEMY PERSONALITIES --------------------------------- When faced as an enemy, the following DBs have a different personality than ones the player can use on their team. Additional enemies that are not part of the normal DB system are also listed. Non-standard enemies that are not listed do not have a personality set. Arpatron -> Brave Cure -> Clever Degadrackich -> Sly Degnatoch -> Pragmatic Delocarach -> Clever Demitoch -> Pragmatic Deradrackich -> Brave Detinach -> Sly Detotoch -> Pragmatic Divoslimich -> Noncommittal Tamatoch -> Brave ============================================================================== *6* GLITCHES ============================================================================== GLITCHED SEED BEASTS: There are four Seed Beasts that do not appear in the game under normal circumstances. They are: -Niloper (Water) -Bladetail (Water) -Niralhorn (Water) -Ginunga (Earth) DUPLICATE GELOPER: Geloper is one of the default Seed Beasts, however a second one is found in Water Visit 4. Here's hunkster2's explanation of both instances of "glitched" beasts: "[They] mistakenly took Niloper out of rotation instead of Geloper. The eight [default] seed beasts all have seed beast fights in the code. Looks like Genki planned on having us fight them all, then decided to give us 8 to start off with. Not sure why the other 3 glitched ones got left out." So apparently the Geloper is just an oversight, and has NO effect on whether or not the other 3 appear, who were apparently just left out. [GENUS] KILLER ABILITIES: These abilities supposedly boost damage done to the specified Genus. According to jim_reaper95, they should boost damage (or critical rate) by 50%, however this is not the case. It is likely these abilities are bugged somehow, and completely ineffectual. ============================================================================== *7* FAQ ============================================================================== Q: How do I get the glitched seed beasts? A: You don't, unless you have a cheat device like Gameshark or Codebreaker. Q: Does the duplicate Geloper affect the glitched beasts? A: According to hunkster2, no. See the Glitches section for more info. Q: But I want Selahmnite! A: We all do, son, we all do. Q: I missed some Kalma in the Forest of Darkness! Are the gone forever? A: No, you can find them in the last two installments of the wormhole forests (the ones that are unlocked after finishing the Nest). Q: OGZ R b3st, der b3tr then Naz n Garaz!1!!!11!! A: Get out, you racist pig. ============================================================================== *8* TRIAL INFO ============================================================================== Trial data from: Tishalite and Selahmnite Spiralon (155 wisdom) and Majj (171 wisdom) I don't know who the beast was that these recovery amounts belong to, but I used the number from the same "location" every time I recorded them, so it is at least the same beast for all tests (due to the camera movement being exactly the same each time). All averages were rounded to a whole number. The size of the trial sets is lower due to the less random nature of healing spells compared to attacks (only the caster's Wisdom stat matters), as well as the fact the numbers are generally lower. NORMAL POWER (No boost) 86 147 94 128 95 127 89 148 104 150 (91) (140) W/ RAGULINA (Top-level boost) 145 287 125 271 128 287 132 252 133 279 (133) (275) Approx. increase rate: 1.5 2.0 W/ RAGULIA (High-level boost) 124 231 117 228 115 248 125 253 134 263 (123) (245) Approx. increase rate: 1.375 1.75 W/ RAGULTH (Mid-level boost) 106 221 109 211 105 207 105 193 119 201 (109) (207) Approx. increase rate: 1.25 1.5 W/ MITREA (Low-level boost) 108 211 110 207 114 205 108 189 128 203 107 183 116 199 115 181 (114) (197) Approx. increase rate: 1.25 1.5 The increase rates are not mathematically derived from the averages, but rather reflect what seems to be the logical rate of increase (1.5, 1.75, and 2.0 make more sense than some obscure decimal like 1.4785562 or something), considering that adjusting for fluctuation is necessary when interpreting the results (especially given the limited data set I used). It seems that Mitrea is the same as the mid-level boost, at least for offensive stats. This also shows that Tishalite uses only half of the normal Wisdom stat when calculating recovery. It makes sense, since MP healing is a very powerful form of team maintenance. ============================================================================== *9* INFO NEEDED ============================================================================== -Rate of attack boost for the 'High Spirits' attacks. (5%? 10%?) -Where the Forest of Darkness Kalma appear if you don't get them while it's open. I need the exact location (such as Wind Sport 3). ============================================================================== *10* JADE COCOON 2 COMPLETE BY HUNKSTER2 ============================================================================== Here is the download link to hunkster2's JC2 Complete hack of this game. They require either a disc swap utility or a codebreaker to utilize. http://www.eurasia.nu/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=76 Additions include: -Two eggs that were dummied out: Deprolcoch and Deradrackich. -Drackich egg, along with the four element Kalma eggs, are now synthable. -Four missing seed beasts added (Niloper, Bladetail, Niralhorn, Ginunga): Niloper is fought instead of Geloper in the water forest, and the boss Ogrevines in the Dark Forest have the other 3 missing seed beasts plus five new ones. -Five new seed beats with boss attacks and other missing attacks, such as Berserk Hit, Berserk Crash, Vuritora, Dark Impact, and Libaridian. ============================================================================== *11* CONTACT INFORMATION ============================================================================== My screenname is LancetJades on GameFAQs. You can email me at: lancet at ever more forums dot com (remove the spaces, obviously, and replace the at with the proper sign) Alternatively, if I'm online you can IM me on Discord: lancetj#1039 Feel free to message me if you see me online. I'll reply as soon as I see the message and have the chance to reply. I'm a perfectionist, so if you have anything to contribute or correct, please do so. You'll receive full credit (credit goes to the screenname you talk to me from, so if you want another name, you have to specify it). Even if you're just pointing out a spelling or grammatical mistake, please do so, no matter how small. Keep in mind though that I live in the U.S., and as such, I use American English spellings such as "color" and "criticize," as opposed to "colour" and "criticise." If you wish to use this guide on your site, aside from asking my permission, I require you in question to automatically fetch any updates I make from GameFAQs.com yourselves. I only update to GameFAQs.com and if I discover other sites carrying my guides have out-of-date versions, I will ask that it be removed. ============================================================================== *12* CREDITS ============================================================================== BerserkerPk ~Gave his two yan about some abilities. berzerk_dragon ~Lots of help with finding stuff out and for testing the [Genus] Killer abilities. ComeonFhqwhgads ~Let me know all of Saskand's statuses. crazy gaming monkey ~Apparently told Tonfa Baton one of the things Tonfa told me. Helamasa ~Provided info on how Skewer and Cover/Protect interact when a center DB is present on the formation. hunkster2 ~TONS of information on specific values (including hit / critical rate of skills, effects of various levels of statuses, and success rate of statuses). From here on, I'm just gonna say he contributed a lot more stuff. Infiltrator916 ~Provided info on how Life Blast works. orius ~Listed all the off-element beasts and what their default attack is. jim_reaper95 ~Initial info on how a lot of attacks and skills work, including the Ad Muhls-type spells' success rate (and his tests pretty accurately guessed the rates!). Also info on DB speed and how it affects attack order. From here on, I'm just gonna say he contributed a lot more stuff too. And even more, now! Kloschkolov ~Info on how Earth Protect works, and a correction for Fire/Wind Power. Prima's Strategy Guide ~Specific Kalma locations as well as beast statistical comparisons and information. Protector Wind ~Various contributions. Tonfa Baton ~Help with specifics on some skills. ============================================================================== *13* VERSION HISTORY ============================================================================== 1.00 Completed January 26th, 2008. Finished everything up to the Forest of Darkness. 1.10 Completed January 29th, 2008. Finished everything up to the end of Lilith's Nest. 1.20 Completed January 31st, 2008. Added some post-game Kalma, added a lot of move and skill info. Added an Attack Specifics question. 1.30 Completed February 2nd, 2008. Finished Kalma, Attack, and Skill lists. All that remains is to refine the data and finish collecting the stuff on the Info Needed list. 1.40 Completed February 3rd, 2008. Added more info on various things, including [Genus] Killer skills, and Ad Muhls-type spells. 1.50 Completed February 5th, 2008. Added more [Genus Killer] info, and added trial data for buffs and the killers. 2.00 Completed April 8th, 2008. A ton of new info, especially status-related, thanks to hunkster2, and various other smaller changes, additions, and corrections. Name changed to Kalma/Attack/Ability/Beast FAQ. Added the DB stat section. 2.10 Completed April 18th, 2008. Minor additions. 2.11 Completed May 6th, 2008. More minor additions. 2.12 Completed May 7th, 2008. Adding info on sites requesting this guide and what is necessary, along with a spoiler warning. 2.13 Completed May 25th, 2008. Minor addition to the contact info. 2.15 Completed June 24th, 2008. Two-version jump because 2.15 looks nicer than 2.14. Only added some Saskand info. 2.16 Completed November 6th, 2008. Minor changes (spelling fixes and such). 2.17 Completed February 3rd, 2009. Dumb ol' jim_reaper had to go and find something I had to add :( Additionally, info on Cover and Protect, finally. 2.18 Completed March 2nd, 2009. Removed some sites' permission to host the guide. 2.19 Completed June 26th, 2009. Some corrections and other minor things 2.20 Completed August 17th, 2009. Thanks to Kloschkolov, found out what Earth Protect does, and corrected Fire/wind Power! 2.21 Completed August 18th, 2009. Some corrections, and an addition for Libarid. 2.22 Completed April 15th, 2010. Moved version history to the back of the guide. 2.23 Completed June 5th, 2011. Changed my contact information. 2.24 Completed June 25th, 2012. Made a few small spelling fixes, and added a notice that the latest version is always available on GameFAQs.com 2.25 Completed July 11th, 2012. Changed the spacing of the sections in the guide, and updated contact information. 2.26 Completed December 9th, 2012. Reformatted the guide to make reading slightly easier. 2.27 Completed March 21st, 2013. jim_reaper95 had some corrections, including confusion length, and some info on confuse and sleep. Also info on DB base stats and growth rates! Good, detailed info, not like the drech from the strategy guide. So info on beast personalities, too, and attack order. 2.28 Completed March 25th, 2013. More info from jim_reaper95, and fixed a bunch of things I found that were wrong or typos. Even added default DB status resistance listings, also courtesy of jim_reaper95! 2.29 Completed March 26th, 2013. Updated the personality list to redefine how some personalities work, namely Brave ansd Bully. 2.30 Completed March 27th, 2013. Fixed a few more typos I discovered. Adjusted the Confusion skills' descriptions in the Attacks list to reflect their true function. I also inexplicably had Dicedrackich listed as Earth in the beast stats section. 2.31 Completed March 28th, 2013. Added some more info on some attacks, courtesy of jim_reaper95. 2.32 Completed April 1st, 2013. Added some more info on some attacks, including Limena(te) and Libarid(ia). Also added in an EXP requirement table for level 15 and level 20 on each merge level for each EXP growth rate, courtesy of jim_reaper95 as always. 2.33 Completed April 3rd, 2013. Fixed a few more typos and errors. 2.34 Completed July 17th 2014. Fixed some things thanks to jim_reaper95, and Helamasa sent in some info on how Skewer and Cover/Protect interact when there is a center DB present. jim also provided info on DB's base stats and growth rate and how each value works to determine a DB's actual stats. 2.35 Completed September 29th, 2014. Fixed a couple of numerical errors in the new base/growth stat list. 2.36 Completed June 24th, 2016. Added info on Life Blast's functionality, courtesy of Infiltrator916. 2.37 Completed September 15th, 2016. Updated my contact info. 2.38 Completed December 3rd, 2016. Some more updates from jim_reaper. Forbarid mechanics, a note about sleep, an extra enemy DB with a different personality than normal, and one more thing I refuse to mention. He knows what it is. 2.39 Completed December 16th, 2016. Reworded a couple of small things. ============================================================================== *14* BOILERPLATE ============================================================================== This document Copyright 2007-2016 John Hoffnagle IV. Do not reproduce this document for any purpose besides personal use without asking me first. I'm not stingy; if you ask, you'll most likely get permission to host it. Otherwise, it's a violation of copyright, and I WILL pursue legal action, especially if you sell it for money. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. None of which are me.