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Table of Contents (Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) Don't worry, there is sub tables when you get there. -Intro -Snakes -Mushrooms -Frogs -Birds -Fishes -Fruits -Packaged Foods -Miscellaneous -Medi Plants -Food -> Locations -Location -> Foods -Tips -Ending -Credits -Copyright [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####===###==####========####========####========####### ##########==#######====##==#######==#######==####==####==####==####### ##########==#######==#==#==#######==#######========####==####==####### ##########==#######==##====#######==#######==##==######==####==####### #######========####==###===#######==#######==###==#####========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Intro... This guide is for the sole use for finding all the food products. If you obtain all of them, you will get an item after the game's end. In other words, to get the Markhor Rank. This will grant you to use of the "EZ Gun" only until resent discovery, only able to get on Very Easy. This gun is very cheap, but is needed if you want a near completed file. For obvious reason, I don't think you can get this gun like this on Very Easy... While going for the Markhor Rank, finding only every food item will get you the rank, thus know where the food is laying is the most important part. While going for this Rank, you may use special items, such as the infinity face paint. In this FAQ, I WILL NOT use the game names for areas, there is a very good reason for this. When I was hunting for items or secrets, I found it easier to just know "The area after/before you fight so-and-so" as opposed to some, hard to remember, Russian area. But here is one main tip... When searching for animals that I list, with multiple locations and types (Snake should be the only real problem), kill everything you see and pick it up. This will be the most surefire way to not miss anything. The second term is what they are label while chilling in a ration. Like The King Cobra is "Snake A". [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######==####==####========####========####==##########========####### #######========####==##########==####==####==##########==############# #######==#==#==####======######========####==##########========####### #######==#==#==####==##########==####==####==################==####### #######==####==####========####==####==####========####========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Snakes Snakes are the most common and usually the easest to find... the only problem is -- They also have the biggest group. Besides the Tree snakes, the state of matter snakes, and the fat snake, you really can't tell which one you might get until you pick it up. Most of them look the same and you should pick them up for a safe measure. King Cobra (Snake A) This is a basic snake you can find laying on the ground. It is gray in color. You can find this snake during the first mission... the Virtuous Mission. The place that I have always found this snake was in third area, where you first find guards. Go to the left of the exit in the area with tall grass. You should be able to find one there. If by chance I'm wrong, you could always waste every snake you come by, you should find it. By the way, you can get this before the second mission, Snake Eater." So if you can't find one where I mention, make use of your motion sensor, and you should be good. Taiwanese Cobra (Snake B) Before I even begin, I might mix this up with the Thai Cobra... either way, they are both pretty close to each other, so it shouldn't matter. Any ways, this snake should be caught in the caves after the Ocelot fight. I've found this guy crawling in the hole to the right of the start. While you are crawling through it, you can hardly miss this snake... you also must crawl though it. Thai Cobra (Snake C) If my memory serves me correctly, you can find this snake in the cave path area right after The Pain fight. It should be the first snake you find there. It is a redish color. Coral Snake (Snake D) This is a redish snake. You can easily find this in the swamp area after the GRU fight in the Snake Eater mission. There should be two of them before you even go into croc infested waters. Milk Snake (Snake E) Look at the where the coral snakes are... these are in the same area. There is also about two of them in the same spot. The best way two get both is just to kill all the snakes in the area, you should get them both. Green Tree Python (Snake F) This can be found in two areas with ease. In the first areas of the snake eater mission, you can find a few of these in the trees. This can be before or after the cutscene (although I would just kill the one hanging from the tree RIGHT before the cutscene where The Boss rapes you with CQC). The second area where this is easily spotted is with the final battle WITH The Boss. They are the only snakes in the trees in this area. I would seriously avoid getting them later in the game... Giant Anaconda (Snake G) This snake can be found in the Virtuous mission. It memory serves me correctly, you can get this just a little north of the tree that holds your back pack. I also remember finding one in the caves. One thing to remember, these look just like the Reticulated Python... which is bad since they are the most common snake in the game. Reticulated Python (Snake H) Do I even need to help you find of these? No, they are everywhere, including right to the left of the beginning drop point in the Virtuous mission. Snake Liquid (Snake I) This snake can be found next to a log during The Boss fight. This is a one of a kind Snake, so get it! Make sure to hurry up and find as you have a time limit. If you need help actually finding it, use stun grenades during The Boss fight... but crawling with a knife is safer. Oh, and they are white like the flowers. Snake Solid (Snake J) Same as above, only next to another log. Snake Solidus (Snake K) Same as above, only next to another log. Remember, there are only three logs. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Mushrooms Mushrooms are beyond the hardest things to hunt for... simply because they don't die once you lobe a stun grenade nor appear on any type of Radar device. There is one thing you can do... Thermal Goggles! Trust me, they don't do nothing! Russian Oyster (Mushroom A) From the VERY beginning of the Virtuous Mission, go left to the log. It should be on it. You probably want to shoot it. Ural Luminescent (Mushroom B) From the second forest area after leaving through the warehouse (From after getting the Key from the Drunk Granin and The Fear fight). Or in different terms, right before The End fight. Any ways, right when you enter this area, go all the way to the left. You will see ground that looks like that sinking mud... but it's really not. Any ways, you should find a tree in this area with them on the side. Keep in mind these mushrooms look like barnacles. Siberian Ink Cap (Mushroom C) This is the most common shroom. You can find this in various places, like next to a tree after that wooden bridge, or in the final parts of the game while guiding Eva. Fly Agaric (Mushroom D) During the battle with The Fear, you can easily find this mushy while using the Thermal Goggles. Russian Glow Cap (Mushroom E) This can be found in the cave, before and after The pain, during the battle with The Fury, and after meeting up with Eva behind the water fall. This should be hard to find, they are freaking green! Spatsa (Mushroom F) This is in the area RIGHT after the warehouse. If you recall my directions for finding the Ural Luminescent, this area is right before that. Any ways, use your Thermal Goggles to find it next to one of the very first tree. It is a tall and single standing mushroom. Baikal Scaly Tooth (Mushroom G) This is in the same area as the Spatsa. This can be found on trees a little farther up from hill. It is a mushroom with many caps. Make sure you use your Thermal Goggles. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Frogs Frogs are small creatures, so you really have to look for them. There is a good thing about them... most of the time, if you see one, there are many more in the same area. Otton Frog (Frog A) This frog can be found in many places, but the best place is probably at the beginning of the Snake Eater mission. They are within Radar range from the starting point... just look in the grass. They are a light brownish color. Tree Frog (Frog B) You can find a bunch of these frogs right in the beginning of the second area of the Virtuous Mission were all the crocs are. They are all in the tall blades of grass not far from the beginning of the area. If you have a radar device, you can easily spot them where there is a cluster. If you missed them in this area, you can also get them in the Swamp land after the GRU fight. They will skim on the top pf the water. Just make sure you watch out for Crocs! Poison Dart Frog (Frog C) These are very small frogs found during the fight with The Fear. They are very tiny, but there are many of them. Use a grenade to get them if you are lazy. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Birds Birds, for the most part, are hard to catch. Other than the Rumped Vulture, your best bet is to shoot them. If you miss or get too close they will fly away. If this happens, either move on to another bird location, or leave and reenter the same area for a second shot. Parrot (Bird A) This is The End's parrot. To get this bird, you must actually be fighting The End. I've always found him on top of the ammo shed to the left of the starting area in this fight. He should be on the edge and he will fall off once killed. The End will hate you for this. White-Rumped Vulture (Bird B) This bird is found flying high in the desert/mountain areas of the game, right after "Beating the Ladder" (The big Ladder after The End fight). Any ways, you can either snipe it with a rifle while airborne, or kill a guard and wait for it to scavenge his remains. Red Avadavat (Bird C) This bird can be found after leaving the lab before The Fear fight. First off, I left though the side door after I got the key from Granin. Now in the FIRST blades of grass, it will be in it. They are very small and hard to spot. You don't have to come out of this door, it's just easier this way if you miss, so you don't have to travel too far to make it reappear. When trying to actually kill it, use your Thermal goggles while stalking close to it. Once you can actually see it, snipe it. Another method of getting this bird is when in the cell, let Johnny toss you one, it takes a while. Magpie (Bird D) This bird can be found in the first area in the Virtuous Mission with guards. I recommend killing all the guard first then picking up the Sniper Rifle to the far right of the map. If you would rather no enemies at all, you can also get it in the area before that with the crocs. They should be in the area where I mention a bunch of Green Frogs above this. If you have a patriot, you should go wild while in a crawling position. Sunda Whistling Thrush (Bird E) This bird can be found on top of the building or red steel bars in the last area of the Virtuous Mission (where you first meet Ocelot) You should snipe them off the steel bars, or you can climb up the ladder on the side to get a close shot at the ones on the building. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Fishes These are the fish of the game... nothing special about them other than they are in water. Use stun grenades in the river or The Pain area for fun results! Bigeye Trevally (Fish A) This is the smallest fish. This little guy can be found in the river after The Pain fight. Just toss a grenade if you can't find them, you will surely get at least one caught this way. Maroon Shark (Fish B) This fish can be found in during The Pain fight and after it. It is a pointy fish and shouldn't give you a problem. Arowana (Fish C) This is a big fish also found among all the other Fish. You know when you kill on of these, they give you two rations of fish! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Fruits Fruits are found in tree and sometimes on the ground. Only looking up while using the Thermal Goggles will help you. Yabloko Moloko (Fruit A) This is a red fruit found in the beginning of the Virtuous Mission. You can find some hanging in trees in the area where you first fight guards. If you run all the way strait from the start, you will see some. Russian False Mango (Fruit B) Right after The Pain fight, while in the little cave/canyon, you will see two yellow fruits. Stab them off the ground and pick them up. You really can't miss these. Golova (Fruit C) These are pair like fruits... that come in pairs! When in a tree, they look like a sack of yellow sagging nuts. I'm pretty sure you can find these in the same area you first find the Yabloko Moloko... or in the same area as the Ural Luminescent Mushroom as mentioned above. You really have to look up during this area. Use Thermal goggles. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Packaged Foods These are probably the only foods in this game you would like to enjoy eating. *PLEASE NOTE* These have been confirmed by a few people from Emails and the board that these do not count... but since I have them written down, no point passing them up! In other words, you do not need these to get the EZ Gun. Calorie Mate You start with this, put just in case it doesn't count toward your completion, you can find these in various food storage places. Like the one in the Warehouse before the area where you fight The Fear. Instant Noodles These can be found in many places, must of the time, at the same place as the Calorie Mates. If you can't find any, Eva will give you some or you can find some in the Sewers before the fight with The Sorrow Russian Ration These can be found in places just like the other items. But some more unique places include: Up from the start when you are walking with Eva or from sometimes shaking/holding up guards. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Miscellaneous These are food items that aren't grouped together... IE no A, B, or C. Vampire Bat These are found everywhere and by big numbers! You can first find these in the caves before The Pain fight. When ever you see them, toss a stun grenade, you will like the outcome. Kenyan Mangrove Crab These are small crabs... You can find them in the cave before The Pain, in the forest's river during The End, or after the "fight" with The Sorrow. If you try and find them in the cave, use Thermal Goggles. You won't have to look far. Indian Gavial These are the large reptiles. I say reptiles because crocs and alligators have different teeth and jaw patterns. Either way, they are large and can be found as soon as the first swamp in the second area of the Virtuous Mission. Remember, stab for the head! Markhor These are Goat like animals. They aren't hard to miss, and you will probably kill one of these by mistake if you are sniping The End with Thermal Goggles on. You can also find one right where you begin after the fight with The Sorrow. Attack them from the front if you use a knife. Baltic Hornet's Nest Just like the name implies, it is a nest. The best place to get one of these puppies is right before the bridge in the Virtuous Mission. Just knock it down with a gun, and the guard will get chased by the bees... Then pick it up before you cross the bridge, it's hard to miss. Also try the Ocelot fight or the first croc swamp. If you throw one out during The Pain fight, you will get "The Pain Hornet's Nest." It will absorb some of his attacks and taste better... This special form of the nest isn't needed. European Rabbit This is a cute little bunny. The easiest place to find out of these is during The End fight. Rat If you seriously need a good place to eat on of these, you haven't hid too much. Under the room where Sokolov is hidden is the first place you can get a rat. Emperor Scorpion These are found everywhere on the desert mountain base. If you can't find one there, wait till after the cut scene with Eva, there should be on right on the floor in that little hut. Cobalt Blue Tarantula This is the only spider in the game. This can be found in the prison area of the Gorki Lab, on the docks, or on the far wall before you climb up the large ladder after The End. Japanese Flying Squirrel This is a hard one to find. In the very beginning of the Snake Eater mission, you can see them climbing up a tree. I recommend using your favorite radar device to help kill everything that blinks... or blips. Just remember, if you can't go all the way to the beginning of the mission, you went too far. Tsuchinoko This is a fat snake... but you can't actually find one without the use of a mouse trap. To get this snake, you first need a mouse trap. Now, after you kill The Fear, start planting traps in the middle area. I did this an easy way by having the Infinity Face Paint and placing a ton of them... but if you don't have that, you can pick them up like a claymore. Any ways, leave the area and come back, if you place three down in the middle, you should get one of them. If not, try again. Vine Melon This is a green veggie found hanging on vines. You can easily get these in the area right after the Warehouse before The End or in the Forest right after The Sorrow. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Medi Plants Upon resent discovery, these are needed to get The Markhor Rank. These are plants, that can't be stored in your inventory... but turn into "Cure" items. I'm sure you've seen them around if you played around with grenades. Any ways, they don't have names, but all of them can be found through the game. The easiest place to find all of these would be in the area where I first mention the Spatsa atfer that warehouse. All of these plants are here. Just make sure you equip your termals as some of them blend in very well and look like grass. Another place would be in one of the rooms on the first floor of the Gorki lab. They are in pots on the long desk. Styptic Plant The first one I've found was in the beginning of the Snake Eater mission, it's in front of the tree right where you start. It looks like grass. Cold Medicine Plant I also found this in the same area as the Styptic Plant... go a little ahead and you will see a bush with purplish berries between two large areas of tall grass. Disinfectant Plant In the same are as the above two, you can find one of these next to a tree next to the logs. It looks likt the styptic plant (tall bunch of grass) with white specs. Splint Plant This looks just like the Disinfectant Plant, only with purple specs. The closest spot I've found this is in the beginning of the Virtuous Mission... only while in the Snake Eater mission. This means travel all the way back to "The Tree." It's a little bit in front of it to the right. The Tree is the one with your back pack earlier on in the V mission. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Food -> Locations This section will list ecery animal, plant, and food, and tell you every where I found them. Please note, there is only for quick referance. (ABC order, Snake Eater mission only) Arowana - A large fish. Chyornyj Prud Chyomaya Peschera Cave Ponizovje South Ponizovje West Tikhogomyj Baikal Scaly Tooth - A brown mushroom. Svyatogornyj South Svyatogornyj West Sokrovenno West Tikhogomyj Baltic Hornet's Nest - A hornet nest. Dremuchij Swampland Dolinovodno Bolshaya Past Crevice Svyatogornyj West Bigeye Trevally - A fish with silver eyes. Ponizovje South Ponizovje West Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior Groznyj Grad 1F Tikhogomyj Calorie Mate - Never seen a food like this before. Dremuchij East (You start with it) Bolshaya Past Base Ponizovje Warehouse Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Svyatogornyj East Cobalt Blue Tarantula - A large spider. Ponizovje West Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior Graniny Gorky Lab B1 East Krasnogorje Tunnel Krasnogorje Mountaintop Ruins Cold Medicine Plant - Effective for treating colds. Dremuchij East Dremuchij South Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Svyatogornyj South Tikhogomyj Zaozyorje North Coral Snake - A brighly colored snake. Chyornyj Prud Bolshaya Past Crevice Svyatogornyj South Disinfectant Plant - Effective for treating cuts and gunshot wounds. Dremuchij East Dremuchij South Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Svyatogornyj South Zaozyorje North Emperor Scorpion - A large scorpion. Krasnogorje Mountain Base Krasnogorje Mountainside Krasnogorje Mountaintop Ruins European Rabbit - An ordinary rabbit. Dremuchij South Bolshaya Past Crevice Graniny Gorki South Sokrovenno South Sokrovenno North Fly Agaric - A red mushroom. Graniny Gorki South Tikhogomyj Giant Anaconda - A large snake with black spots. Dremuchij North Dremuchij South Chyomaya Peschera Cave Sokrovenno West Tikhogomyj Golova - A large fruit. Dremuchij North Dremuchij Swampland Chyornyj Prud Sokrovenno South Zaozyorje North Green Tree Python - A large, green snake. Dremuchij North Svyatogornyj West Sokrovenno South Rokovoj Bereg Indian Gavial - A large crocodile. Dremuchij Swampland Chyornyj Prud Instant Noodles - Apparently turns into a noodle meal. Ponizovje Warehouse Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Krasnogorje Mountaintop Ruins Groznyj Grad Sewers Japanese Flying Squirrel - A large flying squirrel. Dremuchij East Graniny Gorki South Kenyan Mangrove Crab - A large crab. Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch Chyomaya Peschera Cave Ponizovje South Ponizovje Warehouse Sokrovenno West Tikhogomyj King Cobra - A large, gray snake. Dremuchij North Bolshaya Past Crevice Magpie - A bird with a long tail. Dremuchij North Dremuchij Swampland Dremuchij South Ponizovje South Graniny Gorki South Svyatogornyj South Svyatogornyj West Sokrovenno South Zaozyorje North Markhor - A large goat. Dremuchij South Sokrovenno West Sokrovenno North Tikhogomyj Maroon Shark - A fish resembling a carp. Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch Chyomaya Peschera Cave Ponizovje South Ponizovje West Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior Tikhogomyj Milk Snake - A brightly colored snake. Chyornyj Prud Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Otton Frog - A large frog. Dremuchij East Dremuchij North Chyornyj Prud Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch Chyomaya Peschera Cave Chyomaya Peschera Cave Entrance Krasnogorje Tunnel Groznyj Grad 1F Tikhogomyj Zaozyorje North Parrot - A bird that looks familiar. Sokrovenno South Poison Dart Frog - A brightly colored frog. Chyornyj Prud Chyomaya Peschera Cave Entrance Graniny Gorki South Svyatogornyj South Sokrovenno West Rat - A common rat. Rassvet Bolshaya Past Base Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch Chyomaya Peschera Cave Entrance Ponizovje Warehouse Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Svyatogornyj East Krasnogorje Tunnel Krasnogorje Mountaintop Groznyj Grad Underground Tunnel Groznyj Grad 1F Groznyj Grad Sewers Tikhogomyj: Behind Waterfall Red Avadavat - A small red bird. Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Svyatogornyj South Groznyj Grad 1F Reticulated Python - A large snake characterized by a mesh pattern. Dremuchij East Dremuchij North Dremuchij Swampland Dremuchij South Rassvet Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch Chyomaya Peschera Cave Entrance Graniny Gorki South Zaozyorje South Zaozyorje North Russian False Mango - A yellow fruit. Chyomaya Peschera Cave Entrance Zaozyorje South Russian Glow Cap - A glowing mushroom. Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch Chyomaya Peschera Cave Entrance Groznyj Grad Underground Tunnel Tikhogomyj: Behind Waterfall Russian Oyster - A Flat-headed musrhoom. Dremuchij East Dremuchij South Sokrovenno South Russian Ration - A portable ration issued by the Russain Military. Bolshaya Past Base Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch Svyatogornyj East Tikhogomyj: Behind Waterfall Zaozyorje South Siberian Ink Cap - A brown mushroom. Dremuchij East Dremuchij North Dremuchij South Dolinovodno Chyornyj Prud Graniny Gorki South Sokrovenno South Sokrovenno West Sokrovenno North Zaozyorje South Zaozyorje North Snake Liquid - A mysterious white snake. Rokovoj Bereg Snake Solid - A mysterious white snake. Rokovoj Bereg Snake Solidus - A mysterious white snake. Rokovoj Bereg Spatsa - A grey mushroom. Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Svyatogornyj South Sokrovenno West Splint Plant - Effective for helping broken bones to heal. Dremuchij South Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Svyatogornyj South Sokrovenno South Sokrovenno North Styptic Plant - Effective for treating cuts and gunshot wounds. Dremuchij East Dremuchij South Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Svyatogornyj South Tikhogomyj Zaozyorje North Sunda Whistling Thrush - A large black bird. Dremuchij North Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Tikhogomyj Zaozyorje North Taiwanese Cobra - A snake marked with a spectacle pattern. Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior Thai Cobra - A brown snake. Chyomaya Peschera Cave Entrance Krasnogorje Mountain Base Krasnogorje Mountainside Tree Frog - An oddly large tree frog. Dremuchij North Dremuchij Swampland Dremuchij South Dolinovodno Ponizovje South Ponizovje West Svyatogornyj South Groznyj Grad Sewers Tikhogomyj: Behind Waterfall Zaozyorje South Zaozyorje North Tsuchinoko - Never seen a snake like this before. Graniny Gorki South Ural Luminescent - A mushroom that resembles a shiitake. Svyatogornyj West Vampire Bat - A large bat. Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch Chyomaya Peschera Cave Chyomaya Peschera Cave Entrance Krasnogorje Tunnel Groznyj Grad Underground Tunnel Groznyj Grad 1F Tikhogomyj: Behind Waterfall Vine Melon - A melon that grows on a vine. Svyatogornyj South Svyatogornyj West Tikhogomyj White-Rumped Vulture - A large Vulture. Krasnogorje Mountain Base Krasnogorje Mountainside Krasnogorje Mountaintop Yabloko Moloko - A red fruit. Dremuchij East Dremuchij North Dolinovodno Graniny Gorki South Svyatogornyj South Sokrovenno North [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Locations This was going to be like the top part, but I figured it would be unneeded... so I decided to tell you where the area is or describe it. Dremuchij East - This is the first area of Snake Eater Dremuchij North - The second area of Snake Eater. This area has the very large drop at the beginning, where you cannot return from. Dremuchij Swampland - This is the area from the Viruous Mission that contains the death trap mud and crocs. You must back track to reach it in the Snake Eater Mission. Dremuchij South - Just like the swamp, you must back track. This is the area you start in the Viruous mission. Dolinovodno - The area with the long wooden bridge. Rassvet - The area where you first fight the GRU, where you meet Ocelot twice, and first recuse Sokolov. Get the Thermals here! This area changes... I couldn't seem to find any birds here during the Snake Eater Mission. Chyornyj Prud - The larger swamp infrested with fish and crocs. Bolshaya Past South - The first area with electric fences. Bolshaya Past Base - The area after the sotuh part with the building and helicopter. Bolshaya Past Crevice - The fight area against Ocelot. Chyomaya Peschera Cave Branch - The cave right after the Ocelot fight. Chyomaya Peschera Cave - The second cave and the area where you fight The Pain. Chyomaya Peschera Cave Entrance - The area after The Pain fight. Ponizovje South - This is the long river after the caves. Ponizovje West - The area west of the long river... this is the first spot you can get the SVD. Ponizovje Warehouse: Exterior - This is the area before the warehouse, the docks. It is the area where you can kill The End before he gets wheeled in the doors. Ponizovje Warehouse - Kind of hard to not remember... the Warehouse after the docks. Graniny Gorki South - The area where you fight The Fear. Graniny Gorki Lab Exterior - The area outside of the lab, it has an electric fence guarding it. Graniny Gorky Lab 1F - This is the top floor of the lab. Graniny Gorky Lab B1 East - The right lower floor of the lab. Svyatogornyj South - This is the area right after leaving the ware- house though the newly unlocked door. Svyatogornyj West - This part is right after the South area... not really much else you can say. Svyatogornyj East - This area is mostly unheard of, as you must keep going right to reach it while in the West. Sokrovenno South - The first screen during The End fight. Sokrovenno West - Part of the area you fight The End. Sokrovenno North - Part of the area you fight The End. Krasnogorje Tunnel - The area where you fight The Ladder. Krasnogorje Mountain Base - The first part of the desert mountain. This part has no steep hills yet. Krasnogorje Mountainside - As the name suggests, this is the area where you will be moving up the mountain. Krasnogorje Mountaintop - The top of the moutain. This area doesn't have as much climbing, but has trenches. Krasnogorje Mountaintop Ruins - This is the little shack you meet up with Eva at. Groznyj Grad Underground Tunnel - This is the whole section where you fight The Fury. Groznyj Grad 1F - This is the holding cell. All the food from here is given to you if you wait. Groznyj Grad Sewers - If you didn't know where this was, it is before The Sorrow fight. Tikhogomyj - The forest area after The Sorrow. Tikhogomyj: Behind Waterfall - This is the area where you meet up with Eva and get your stuff back. Zaozyorje South - This is the first part while walking with Eva. Zaozyorje North - The second part with Eva and the last part of the game without a boss. Rokovoj Bereg - The Boss fight. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #########========######========######========######========########### ############==############==#########==####==######==################# ############==############==#########========######========########### ############==############==#########==##################==########### ############==#########========######==############========########### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Tips +Before you get the Thermal Goggles, the Motion Detector or the Active Sonar will help you find most animals. Of course this will not help you on Hard/Extreme. +The Thermal Goggles will help you find any food in this game, save maybe a small animal in the grass. Any ways, these are beyond the best hunting device in the game. Even plants and mushrooms will stick out brightly. Make sure you get this item the earliest... this is in the locker after the GRU fight in the room Sokolov was first found in. +Stun Grenades are a good choice. Ever didn't want to wade through fish? Even feel bats are hard to kill? Ever just want to wipe out the wildlife in thick grass? Well, pop one of these off in an area with a bunch of blipping dots on your Radar to find all the wild life nicely packed into floating rations! +Using the Sniper rifle is a good way to tame birds. +The Patriot will surefice until a good amount of Stun Grenades are found, just make sure you lay on your belly. +If you are going for the rank, you don't need to eat anything, but you should... why? Because you can keep track of everything you eat in the cure menu. Just hit right or left when looking at your injury list. Remember, 44 things should show up. +Try not to die... because you have to recatch the things you caught after a checkpoint. +Before moving on to a "point of no return," make sure you get every thing that previous area as to offer, even if they aren't one time meals. These areas are: -Before talking to Sokolov (1) -The Drop at the beginning of Snake Eater (2) -Before the Ocelot Fight (3) -The little drop at the start of the desert base after the ladder (4) -Before The Fury (5) -Before Torture (6) (Which doesn't effect anything) -Before The Sorrow (7) -Before climbing the ladder behind the water fall (8) -Before planting C3 (9) (Which is almost the same as #6) -Before The Boss (10) -After The Boss (11) This is important as some animals can't be caught after certain areas. The End's Parrot is also a one time catch. +Here is a copy and paste list of all the animals. Use this if you want to cross off or delete caught animals. I also have a the point at which you can't get the animal any more. Some of the animals do appear later... but you should get them before this point any ways... since it's safer... and I told you to :D Snake A/King Cobra -Before talking to Sokolov (1) Snake B/Taiwanese -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Snake C/Thai Cobra -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Snake D/Coral Snake -Before the Ocelot Fight (3) Snake E/Milk Snake -Before the Ocelot Fight (3) Snake F/Green Tree Python -After The Boss (11) Snake G/Giant Anaconda -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Snake H/Reticulated Python -Before The Boss (10) Snake I/Snake Liquid -After The Boss (11) Snake J/Snake Solid -After The Boss (11) Snake K/Snake Solidus -After The Boss (11) Frog A/Otton Frog -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Frog B/Tree Frog -Before the Ocelot Fight (3) Frog C/Poison Dart Frog -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Bird A/Parrot -Must be eaten during The End fight (X) Bird B/White-Rumped Vulture -Before The Fury (5) Bird C/Red Avadavat -Before leaving the Jail Cell (X) Bird D/Magpie -Before the Ocelot Fight (3) Bird E/Sunda Whistling Thrush -Before the Ocelot Fight (3) Fish A/Bigeye Trevally -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Fish B/Maroon Shark -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Fish C/Arowana -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Fruit A/Yabloko Moloko -Before talking to Sokolov (1) Fruit B/Russian False Mango -The drop at the desert base (4) Fruit C/Golova -Before The Boss (10) Mushroom A/Russian Oyster -Before talking to Sokolov (1) Mushroom B/Ural Luminescent -The drop at the desert base (4) Mushroom C/Siberian Ink Cap -Before The Boss (10) Mushroom D/Fly Agaric -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Mushroom E/Russian Glow Cap -Before the ladder behind water fall (8) Mushroom F/Spatsa -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Mushroom G/Baikal Scaly Tooth -The drop at the desert base (4) C Mate/Calorie Mate -Before planting C3 (9) Noodles/Instant Noodles -Before The Sorrow (7) Ration/Russian Ration -Before The Boss (10) Bat/Vampire Bat -Before the ladder behind the water fall (8) Crab/Kenyan Mangrove Crab -Before the ladder behind water fall (8) Gavial/Indian Gavial -Before the Ocelot Fight (3) Markhor/Markhor -Before the ladder behind the water fall (8) Nest/Baltic Hornet's Nest -Before the Ocelot Fight (3) Rabbit/European Rabbit -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Rat/Rat -Before planting C3 (9) Scorpion/Emperor Scorpion -Before The Fury (5) Spider/Cobalt Blue Tarantula -The drop at the desert base (4) Squirrel/Japanese Flying Squirrel -The Drop at the start of SE (2) Tchnko/Tsuchinoko -The drop at the start of the desert base (4) Vegetable/Vine Melon -Before the ladder behind the water fall (8) These are to the best of my knowledge... I'm am truly sorry if I screwed up and you have to start your game over because of it. To avoid this outcome, do what I did. Create a save before EACH of these "Points of no returns." +If you want piss people off, sing this really loud in their ear: What a thrill, With darkness and silence through the night, What a thrill, I'm searching and I'll melt into you, What a fear in my heart, But you're so supreme, I give my life, Not for honor, but for you, In my time, there'll be no one else, Crime, it's the way I fly to you, I'm still in a dream, Snake Eater. Someday you go through the rain, Someday you feed on a tree frog, It's ordeal, the trial to survive, For the day we see new light, I give my life, Not for honor, but for you, In my time, there'll be no one else, Crime, it's the way I fly to you, I'm still in a dream, Snake Eater, I'm still in a dream, Snake Eater. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Ending... If you have a question, feel free to ask me about it on the message board, I'm sure to be there (When new MGS games are released in the -->States<--, contact me somehow on the most recent board of it). You may also Instant message me at IWBDK on aim. My mail is also iwbdk@hotmail.com Oh yeah, Please rate :) If you've found another location for an animal, feel free to mail it to me... But not a general one, like a rat location. Also, do not Email me the names of the areas in Russian without describing them. I do not care for the names that much... this is the point of the FAQ... To find the general locations without thinking too hard. Do Email if I made a non-typo mistake. DO NOT EMAIL ME ON THE ****ING PARROT. I heard she might change locations on different difficulties... the point remians, look for it during The End fight. ~Credits... Thanks to the message board for some info Thanks Lord Grahf of GameFAQs for finding that snake and Medi palnts. And thanks to CJayC for a great site! ~Copyright... No one can use this FAQ with out my permission. GameFAQs is the only site allowed using this FAQ without my permission. If you would like to "use" it, you may ask in an Email ONLY. This document is... Copyright 2004 Brian David Kacaba