MVP Baseball 2005 2006 Roster Update Guide Version 1.8 A FAQ/Guide by Rashidi E-Mail: or NOTE: My AOL e-mail is currently inaccessible, so please e-mail only my hotmail account. Thank you. NOTE #2: There has been a growing demand for me to make my roster file accessible because of how time consuming it is to manually update rosters with (or without) this guide. I have explored using gaming devices (Max Drive, Sharkport, etc) to distribute my file but it is just too time consuming and a pain, not to mention I'm not very interested in paying money so other people can use my work. So, my solution is... IF A PERSON SENDS ME THEIR MEMORY CARD AND FIVE DOLLARS, I WILL SEND IT BACK TO THEM WITH MY ROSTER FILE ADDED. The reason for sending the money is I will be shipping your card back to you via UPS. Will I profit off of this? Marginally, but I'm also providing a service, and it's much cheaper for you than spending 25 to 30 dollars on those rip- off devices mentioned above. If interested in this offer, e-mail me for the details. NOTE #3: When you ship your memory card, do not use a normal envelope. Spend a few extra cents and get a padded envelope. Spend a few extra cents on insuring your package. It is well worth avoiding a scenario where your memory card is stolen or damaged in transit. I WILL NOT REPLACE DAMAGED OR STOLEN MEMORY CARDS (unless I am the direct cause of damage or theft). I am sensitive to my fans, but I am a lot more sensitive to my own pocket. I have had one person lose their memory card because they placed it in a 37-cent envelope (and I am presuming it was stolen by a postal processor since the envelope had a very precise rip), and I would like it to be the last. Do yourselves a favor and protect yourself from any such inconvenience. I know if I lost my memory card I would flip out, not because they have a monetary value, but because I've invested literally HUNDREDS, IF NOT THOUSANDS OF HOURS of my time into the various files on them. NOTE #4: For those who are fearful of sending their memory card, or would be inconvenienced if they were without it for an extended period, I am now offering to purchase a memory card for you as long as you pay the fee. NOTE #5: THESE SERVICES ARE ONLY AVAILABLE FOR PLAYSTATION 2. I cannot provide roster files for X-Box, X-Box 360, PC, or any other applicable platform. Customers served: 171 as of 8/3/06 By Month Nov: ? Dec: ? Jan: ? Feb: ? Mar: 15 Apr: 65 May: 30 Jun: 19 Jul: 15 Aug: 5 *********************************************************************** Table of Contents I. Version History II. 2006 Roster Changes III. 2006 Organization Depth Charts IV. 2006 Pitching Rotations V. 2006 Batting Orders *********************************************************************** I. Version History Version 1.8 Version 1.7 (8/3/06) Updated transactions to the trade deadline bonanza. Version 1.6 (6/3/06) Updated the transactions, submitted to GameFAQs. Version 1.5 (5/26/06) Updated the transactions, submitted to IGN. Version 1.4 (4/14/06) Should have submitted this much earlier than I did, apologies to all. Version 1.3 (3/11/06) Continued updating the transactions. Version 1.2 (2/1/06) Continued updating the transactions. Version 1.1 (1/21/06) Updated the transactions. Version 1.0 (1/2/06) Added all offseason transactions applicable to the 2006 season. *********************************************************************** II. 2006 Roster Changes Normally I wouldn't submit an offseason roster guide like this; I'd just wait for next year's game. However, since MVP Baseball 2006 cannot happen, I felt this was necessary. Many people out there will probably not even buy a baseball game next year, and will stick with MVP Baseball 2005. Therefore the key to updating their rosters to completion will be with this guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Angels Brendan Donnelly (RP) from Angels (CHANGE FROM SCOTT BARCIK) Joe Saunders (SP) from Angels (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Chris Bootcheck (RP) from Angels (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Hector Carrasco (RP) from Nationals (12/2/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) J.C. Romero (RP) from Twins (12/9/05) Matt Hensley (RP) from Angels (1/6/06) (Re-signed with Angels) Jason Bulger (RP) from Diamondbacks (2/28/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Astros Humberto Quintero (C) from Padres (3/28/05) Dave Borkowski (SP) from Orioles (12/22/05) Eric Munson (3B) from Free Agents (4/4/05) (Released by Twins, Signed from Devil Rays) Preston Wilson (CF) from Rockies (1/3/06) (Signed from Nationals) Alan Zinter (1B) from Diamondbacks (1/9/06) Trever Miller (RP) from Devil Rays (1/9/06) Joe Valentine (RP) from Reds (1/11/06) J.R. House (C) from Pirates (1/27/06) Joe McEwing (SS) from Mets (3/29/05) (Traded from Royals) Cody Ransom (SS) from Giants (3/30/06) (Released by Rangers, signed from Cubs, traded from Mariners) Brandon Puffer (RP) from Giants (4/1/06) Jesse Garcia (SS) from Padres (4/8/06) (Released by Rockies) Travis Driskill (SP) from Astros (4/12/06) (Signed from Devil Rays) Walter Young (1B) from Orioles (5/2/06) (Released by Padres) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Roger Clemens (SP) from Astros (5/31/06) (Re-signed) Aubrey Huff (3B) from Astros (7/12/06) Athletics Ryan Glynn (SP) from Blue Jays (5/16/05) Jay Payton (CF) from Red Sox (7/13/05) Joe Kennedy (SP) from Rockies (7/13/05) Jay Witasick (RP) from Padres (7/13/05) (Released by Orioles, Traded by Rockies) Raul Casanova (C) from Athletics (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Dan Johnson (1B) from Athletics (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Esteban Loazia (SP) from Free Agents (11/28/05) (Signed from Nationals) Chad Gaudin (RP) from Blue Jays (12/5/05) Doug Clark (LF) from Giants (12/9/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Scott McClain (1B) from Cubs (12/9/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Milton Bradley (CF) from Dodgers (12/13/05) Antonio Perez (3B) from Dodgers (12/13/05) Randy Keisler (RP) from Reds (1/5/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Raul Casanova (C) from White Sox (1/5/06) Frank Thomas (1B) from White Sox (1/25/06) Brad Halsey (SP) from Diamondbacks (3/26/06) Juan Dominguez (SP) from Rangers (3/31/06) Kazuhito Tadano (RP) from Indians (4/4/06) Scott Sauerbeck (RP) from Indians (6/19/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) D'Angelo Jimenez (2B) from Reds (6/25/06) (Released by Rangers) Blue Jays Chad Mottola (RF) from Orioles (4/7/05) John McDonald (SS) from Blue Jays (11/10/05) (Traded from Tigers) B.J. Ryan (RP) from Orioles (11/28/05) Lyle Overbay (1B) from Brewers (12/7/05) A.J. Burnett (SP) from Marlins (12/7/05) Troy Glaus (3B) from Diamondbacks (12/27/05) Sergio Santos (SS) from Diamondbacks (12/27/05 (CHANGE FROM JAMIE MOWATT) Jason Phillips (1B) from Mets (1/3/06) (Signed from Dodgers) Brian Tallet (SP) from Indians (1/17/06) James Baldwin (SP) from Orioles (1/24/06) (Released by Rangers) Bengie Molina (C) from Angels (2/6/06) Mike Mahoney (C) from Cardinals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Braves Brian Jordan (RF) from Free Agents (1/19/05) Pete Orr (2B) from Braves (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Kelly Johnson (LF) from Braves (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Brayan Pena (C) from Braves (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Anthony Lerew (RP) from Braves (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Chuck James (RP) from Braves (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Blaine Boyer (RP) from Braves (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Macay McBride (RP) from Braves (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Joey Devine (RP) from Braves (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) John Foster (RP) from Braves (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Lance Cormier (RP) from Diamondbacks (12/8/05) Oscar Villarreal (RP) from Diamondbacks (12/8/05) Edgar Renteria (SS) from Cardinals (12/8/05) Todd Pratt (C) from Phillies (12/9/05) Matt Diaz (LF) from Devil Rays (12/19/05) (Traded from Royals) Cesar Crespo (SS) from Pirates (1/10/06) Carlos Almanzar (RP) from Rangers (2/16/06) Franklin Nunez (RP) from Devil Rays (4/6/06) (Released by Red Sox) Wayne Franklin (SP) from Giants (4/21/06) (Released by Yankees, Devil Rays) Jamal Strong (CF) from Mariners (4/28/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Tyler Yates (SP) from Mets (5/3/06) (Released by Orioles) Jason Shiell (SP) from Red Sox (6/24/06) Bob Wickman (RP) from Indians (7/20/06) Danys Baez (RP) from Devil Rays (7/28/06) (Traded from Dodgers) Willy Aybar (3B) from Dodgers (7/28/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Brewers Damian Miller (C) from Brewers (CHANGE FROM ROGER CHAMBERLAIN) Jeff Cirillo (3B) from Padres (2/5/05) Tomo Ohka (SP) from Nationals (6/10/05) Zach Sorensen (3B) from Angels (11/18/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Terry Adams (RP) from Phillies (11/19/05) Jared Fernandez (RP) from Reds (11/22/05) Mark L. Johnson (C) from Brewers (11/22/05) (Signed from Cubs) Jason Kershner (RP) from Red Sox (12/1/05) (Signed from Padres) Dan Kolb (RP) from Braves (12/7/05) David Bush (SP) from Blue Jays (12/7/05) Gabe Gross (RF) from Blue Jays (12/7/05) Chris Demaria (RP) from Royals (12/21/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Corey Koskie (3B) from Blue Jays (1/6/06) Jermaine Clark (2B) from Athletics (2/28/06) Allan Simpson (RP) from Rockies (3/19/06) (Released by Reds) Brian Shouse (RP) from Rangers (5/13/06) Travis Phelps (RP) from Rockies (5/14/06) (Released by Cubs, Reds) Jeremi Gonzalez (SP) from Devil Rays (5/26/06) (Signed from Red Sox, Traded from Mets) Tony Graffanino (2B) from Royals (7/25/06) (Waived by Red Sox, Traded by Royals) Francisco Cordero (RP) from Rangers (7/28/06) Kevin Mench (LF) from Rangers (7/28/06) Laynce Nix (CF) from Rangers (7/28/06) David Bell (3B) from Phillies (7/28/06) Cardinals Rick Ankiel (RP/LF) from Cardinals (4/6/05) (waived, re-signed) Ricky Stone (RP) from Reds (7/20/05) Brian Falkenborg (RP) from Padres (8/8/05) Chris Duncan (1B) from Cardinals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) John Rodriguez (RF) from Cardinals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Skip Schumaker (RF) from Cardinals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Adam Wainwright (SP) from Cardinals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Brad Thompson (RP) from Cardinals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Ramon Nivar (RF) from Rangers (11/14/05) (Signed from Orioles) John Webb (RP) from Devil Rays (11/14/05) Dennis Tankersley (SP) from Royals (11/29/05) Gary Bennett (C) from Nationals (12/5/05) Aaron Miles (2B) from Rockies (12/7/05) Larry Bigbie (LF) from Orioles (12/7/05) (Traded from Rockies) Ricardo Rincon (RP) from Athletics (12/13/05) Brian Daubach (1B) from Red Sox (12/20/05) (CHANGE FROM BAILEY OSBORNE) Juan Encarnacion (RF) from Marlins (12/23/05) Junior Spivey (2B) from Brewers (12/23/05) (Signed from Nationals) Scott Spiezio (3B) from Mariners (2/17/06) Josh Hancock (SP) from Reds (2/21/06) Timo Perez (CF) from White Sox (4/21/06) (Released by Reds) Desi Relaford (3B) from Rockies (4/28/06) (Released by Blue Jays, Orioles) Matt Perisho (RP) from Marlins (5/21/06) (Released by Red Sox, Mets, Orioles) Travis Smith (SP) from Marlins (5/30/06) (Released by Braves) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Orber Moreno (SP) from Mets (6/17/06) (Released by Orioles) Bo Hart (2B) from Cardinals (6/25/06) (Released by Rockies) Jeff Weaver (SP) from Dodgers (7/5/06) (Traded from Angels) Ronnie Belliard (2B) from Indians (7/30/06) Jorge Sosa (SP) from Devil Rays (7/31/06) (Traded from Braves) Cubs Roberto Novoa (RP) from Tigers (2/9/05) Phil Norton (SP) from Astros (4/29/05) Jerome Williams (SP) from Giants (5/28/05) David Aardsma (SP) from Giants (5/28/05) Geovany Soto (C) from Cubs (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Ronny Cedeno (SS) from Cubs (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Mike Fontenot (2B) from Cubs (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Ryan Theriot (SS) from Cubs (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Matt Murton (RF) from Cubs (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Rich Hill (RP) from Cubs (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Will Ohman (RP) from Cubs (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Scott Eyre (RP) from Giants (11/17/05) Bob Howry (RP) from Cubs (11/29/05) John Mabry (1B) from Cardinals (12/7/05) Augie Ojeda (SS) from Twins (1/3/06) Michael Restovich (LF) from Twins (1/3/06) (Claimed from Devil Rays, Traded by Rockies, Released by Pirates) Wade Miller (SP) from Red Sox (1/24/06) Brian Reith (SP) from Pirates (2/13/06) Freddie Bynum (SS) from Athletics (3/31/06) (Traded from Rangers) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Kerry Ligtenberg (RP) from Blue Jays (4/22/06) (Released by Diamondbacks, Marlins) (CHANGE FROM SCOTT VENEMA) Tony Womack (2B) from Yankees (5/19/06) (Released by Reds) Phil Nevin (1B) from Padres (5/31/06) (Traded from Rangers) Cesar Izturis (SS) from Dodgers (7/31/06) Devil Rays Casey Fossum (SP) from Diamondbacks (2/6/05) Travis Lee (1B) from Free Agents (2/6/05) Darnell McDonald (RF) from Indians (6/13/05) Chad Orvella (RP) from Devil Rays (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Tim Corcoran (RP) from Devil Rays (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jon Switzer (RP) from Devil Rays (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Mike Rose (C) from Dodgers (10/14/05) Chad Harville (RP) from Astros (11/22/05) (Signed from Red Sox) Sean Burroughs (3B) from Padres (12/7/05) Josh Paul (C) from Angels (12/19/05) Ty Wigginton (3B) from Pirates (1/10/06) Greg Norton (1B) from Rockies (1/10/06) (Signed from White Sox) Jack Cressend (RP) from Indians (1/10/06) (Signed from Red Sox) Justin Miller (SP) from Blue Jays (1/10/06) (CHANGE FROM AARON CALLAWAY) Shinji Mori (RP) from Japan (1/11/06) (NOT IN GAME) Dan Miceli (RP) from Rockies (1/12/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Edwin Jackson (SP) from Dodgers (1/14/06) Shawn Camp (RP) from Royals (1/18/06) Luis Rivas (2B) from Twins (1/18/06) Russell Branyan (3B) from Brewers (1/31/06) Al Reyes (RP) from Cardinals (3/19/06) Brian Meadows (RP) from Pirates (3/30/06) (Released by Dodgers) Scott Dunn (RP) from Angels (4/5/06) Marcos Carvajal (RP) from Rockies (4/6/05) (Traded by Mariners) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Tomas Perez (SS) from Phillies (4/6/06) Tyler Walker (RP) from Giants (4/28/06) J.P. Howell (SP) from Royals (6/20/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jason Romano (2B) from Reds (6/22/06) (Released by Marlins, Brewers) Jae Weong Seo (SP) from Mets (6/27/06) (Traded from Dodgers) Dioner Navarro (C) from Dodgers (6/27/06) Diamondbacks Tony Clark (1B) from Free Agents (1/21/05) Robby Hammock (C) from Diamondbacks (4/13/05) (Re-signed) Claudio Vargas (SP) from Nationals (6/3/05) Tim Worrell (RP) from Phillies (7/21/05) Johnny Estrada (C) from Braves (12/7/05) Kevin Jarvis (SP) from Pirates (12/9/05) (Signed from Cardinals) Damion Easley (2B) from Marlins (12/12/05) Luis Vizcaino (RP) from White Sox (12/20/05) Orlando Hudson (2B) from Blue Jays (12/27/05) Miguel Batista (RP) from Blue Jays (12/27/05) Eric Byrnes (LF) from Athletics (12/30/05) (Traded by Rockies, Signed from Orioles) Jeff DaVanon (CF) from Angels (2/7/06) Donnie Sadler (2B) from White Sox (2/13/06) Matt Erickson (SS) from Brewers (2/26/05) (Released by Marlins) Jeff Bajenaru (RP) from White Sox (3/8/06) Juan Cruz (SP) from Athletics (3/26/06) Mike Bacsik (RP) from Phillies (4/14/06) (Released by Nationals) Jorge Julio (RP) from Orioles (5/24/06) (Traded from Mets) Livan Hernandez (SP) from Diamondbacks (8/7/06) Dodgers Kelly Wunsch (RP) from White Sox (4/4/05) Mike Neu (RP) from Marlins (4/7/05) Jose Cruz Jr. (RF/CF) from Devil Rays (7/31/05) (Traded from Diamondbacks, Red Sox) Rafael Furcal (SS) from Braves (12/7/05) Nomar Garciaparra (SS) from Cubs (12/19/05) Kenny Lofton (CF) from Phillies (12/20/05) Tim Hamulack (RP) from Mets (1/4/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Aaron Sele (SP) from Free Agents (1/14/06) (Released by Mariners and Rangers) Lance Carter (RP) from Devil Rays (1/14/06) Pat Borders (C) from Brewers (1/25/06) (Released by Mariners) Joe Beimel (SP) from Devil Rays (1/25/06) Ramon E. Martinez (3B/SS) from Tigers (1/31/06) (Signed from Phillies) Kurt Ainsworth (SP) from Orioles (1/31/06) Takashi Saito (RP) from Japan (2/7/06) (NOT IN GAME) Nick Bierbrodt (SP) from Free Agents (Released by Reds) Jeff Duncan (CF) from Mets (3/7/06) (Released by Padres) Craig Brazell (1B) from Mets (3/30/06) Giovanni Carrara (RP) from Dodgers (5/9/06) (Released by Pirates) Adam Greenberg (CF) from Cubs (6/8/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Mark Hendrickson (SP) from Devil Rays (6/27/06) Toby Hall (C) from Devil Rays (6/27/06) Elmer Dessens (SP) from Dodgers (7/26/06) (Traded from Royals) Wilson Betemit (3B) from Braves (7/28/06) Julio Lugo (SS) from Devil Rays (7/31/06) Greg Maddux (SP) from Cubs (7/31/06) Giants Barry Bonds (LF) from Giants (CHANGE FROM JON DOWD) Al Levine (RP) from Tigers (4/7/05) Doug DeVore (LF) from Diamondbacks (6/3/05) Randy Winn (LF) from Mariners (7/30/05) Yamid Haad (C) from Giants (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Adam Shabala (CF) from Giants (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Dan Ortmeier (RF) from Giants (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Scott Munter (RP) from Giants (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jack Taschner (RP) from Giants (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Tim Worrell (RP) from Diamondbacks (12/1/05) Steve Kline (RP) from Orioles (12/6/05) Mark Sweeney (1B) from Padres (12/8/05) Steve Finley (CF) from Angels (12/21/05) Jose Vizcaino (SS) from Astros (12/23/05) Abraham Nunez (RF) from Royals (1/17/06) (Signed from Mariners) Pedro Liriano (RP) from Phillies (1/17/06) Michael Tejera (RP) from Rangers (1/17/06) Matt Anderson (RP) from Rockies (1/17/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jamey Wright (SP) from Rockies (1/17/06) Todd Greene (C) from Rockies (2/6/06) (Released by Padres) Shea Hillenbrand (1B) from Blue Jays (7/21/06) Vinny Chulk (RP) from Blue Jays (7/21/06) Mike Stanton (RP) from Yankees (7/28/06) (Traded from Nationals, Signed from Red Sox, Traded from Nationals) Indians Darnell McDonald (RF) from Orioles (1/27/05) Ramon Vasquez (SS) from Red Sox (7/7/05) Jason Dubois (LF) from Cubs (7/18/05) Jason Young (RP) from Rockies (8/17/05) Ryan Garko (C) from Indians (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Paul Byrd (SP) from Angels (12/5/05) Lou Merloni (2B) from Indians (12/9/05) (Signed from Angels) (CHANGE FROM PAUL CRUZ) Tim Laker (C) from Devil Rays (12/16/05) Danny Graves (RP) from Reds (12/19/05) (Signed from Mets) Einar Diaz (C) from Cardinals (12/23/05) Todd Hollandsworth (LF/CF) from Cubs (1/9/06) (Signed from Braves) Guillermo Mota (RP) from Marlins (1/27/06) (Traded from Red Sox) Andy Marte (3B) from Braves (1/27/06) (Traded from Red Sox) (CHANGE FROM ENRIQUE RODRIGUEZ) Kelly Shoppach (C) from Red Sox (1/27/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jason Michaels (CF) from Phillies (1/27/06) Rob Bell (SP) from Devil Rays (2/13/06) Raul Gonzalez (RF/CF) from Cardinals (4/6/06) Vic Darensbourg (RP) from Mets (5/12/06) (Released by Tigers, Orioles) Shin-Soo Choo (LF) from Mariners (7/26/06) Hector Luna (2B) from Cardinals (7/30/06) Mariners Jesse Foppert (SP) from Giants (7/30/05) Yorman Bazardo (RP) from Marlins (7/31/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Francisco Cruceta (RP) from Indians (8/26/05) Yuniesky Betancourt (2B) from Mariners (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Mike Morse (SS) from Mariners (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jeff Harris (RP) from Mariners (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jorge Campillo (RP) from Mariners (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jamie Bubela (RF) from Mariners (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Scott Atchison (RP) from Mariners (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jarrod Washburn (SP) from Angels (12/19/05) Jake Woods (RP) from Angels (12/20/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Kenji Johjima (C) from Japan (12/21/05) (NOT IN GAME) Andy Dominique (1B) from Mets (1/27/06) (Signed from Blue Jays) Roberto Petagine (1B) from Red Sox (2/21/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Guillermo Quiroz (C) from Blue Jays (3/31/06) Justin Huisman (RP) from Royals (5/13/06) (Released by Astros) Eduardo Perez (1B) from Devil Rays (6/30/06) (Traded by Indians) Ben Broussard (1B) from Indians (7/26/06) Marlins Robert Andino (SS) from Marlins (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Brian Moehler (SP) from Marlins (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jason Vargas (SP) from Marlins (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Frank Castillo (SP) from Marlins (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Logan Kensing (SP) from Marlins (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Josh Johnson (RP) from Marlins (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Chris Resop (RP) from Marlins (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Randy Messenger (RP) from Marlins (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Alfredo Amezaga (SS) from Rockies (11/22/05) (Signed from Pirates) Hanley Ramirez (SS) from Red Sox (11/24/05) (CHANGE FROM MATT DERKSEN) Yusmeiro Petit (SP) from Mets (11/24/05) (CHANGE FROM TOM TUCKER) Mike Jacobs (1B) from Mets (11/24/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Travis Bowyer (RP) from Twins (12/2/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Sergio Mitre (SP) from Cubs (12/7/05) Chris George (SP) from Royals (12/16/05) Josh Stewart (SP) from White Sox (12/16/05) Buddy Carlyle (RP) from Dodgers (12/16/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Matt Cepicky (LF) from Nationals (12/16/05) Mickey Lopez (SS) from Mariners (12/16/05) (Signed from Giants) Joe Borowski (RP) from Cubs (12/29/05) (Signed from Devil Rays) Miguel Olivo (C) from Mariners (12/30/05) (Signed from Padres) Wes Helms (3B) from Brewers (12/30/05) Matt Herges (RP) from Giants (1/28/06) (Signed from Diamondbacks) (CHANGE FROM DARYLE PATTERSON) Tom Wilson (C) from Dodgers (2/25/06) (Signed from Rockies) Franklyn German (RP) from Tigers (4/3/06) Josh Stewart (SP) from White Sox (4/6/06) Joe Horgan (RP) from Nationals (4/26/06) Joe Borchard (LF) from White Sox (5/3/06) (Claimed from Mariners) Cody Ross (LF) from Dodgers (5/26/06) (Traded from Reds) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONILNE DOWNLOAD) David Lee (SP) from Indians (7/5/06) (Released by Mets, Giants, Cardinals, Astros) Jim Brower (RP) from Giants (5/12/06) (Released by Braves, Orioles, Traded from Padres) Mets Lino Urdaneta (RP) from Tigers (7/15/05) (from Mexican league) Royce Ring (RP) from Mets (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jose Santiago (RP) from Mets (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Anderson Hernandez (SS) from Mets (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Carlos Delgado (1B) from Free Agents (11/24/05) (Traded from Marlins) Billy Wagner (RP) from Phillies (11/29/05) Paul LoDuca (C) from Marlins (12/5/05) Jose Valentin (3B) from Dodgers (12/8/05) Julio Franco (1B) from Braves (12/9/05) Julio Ramirez (CF) from Giants (12/14/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Sandy Martinez (C) from Red Sox (12/14/05) (Signed from Tigers) Darren Oliver (SP) from Rockies (12/17/05) (Released by Diamondbacks and Cubs) Pedro Feliciano (RP) from Mets (12/19/05) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLNIE DOWNLOAD) (Signed from Japan) Endy Chavez (CF) from Nationals (12/23/05) (Signed from Phillies) Chad Bradford (RP) from Athletics (12/28/05) Duaner Sanchez (RP) from Dodgers (1/4/06) Steve Schmoll (RP) from Dodgers (1/4/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONILNE DOWNLOAD) Yusaku Iriki (RP) from Japan (1/18/06) (NOT IN GAME) Jose Lima (SP) from Royals (2/14/06) Michael Tucker (RF) from Giants (4/26/06) (Released by Phillies, Nationals) Jose Offerman (1B) from Twins (5/4/06) (Released by Phillies, Re-signed by Mets) Jeriome Robertson (SP) from Reds (5/10/06) Orlando Hernandez (SP) from White Sox (5/24/06) (Traded from Diamondbacks) Dave Williams (SP) from Pirates (5/25/06) (Traded from Reds) Jacob Cruz (RF) from Reds (5/30/06) Mike DiFelice (C) from Marlins (5/30/06) (Released by Mets, Nationals) Eli Marrero (RF) from Royals (6/9/06) (Signed from Orioles, Traded from Rockies) Edgardo Alfonzo (3B) from Giants (7/15/06) (Released by Angels, Blue Jays) Ruben Gotay (2B) from Royals (7/19/06) Oliver Perez (SP) from Pirates (7/31/06) Roberto Hernandez (RP) from Free Agents (7/31/06) (Signed from Mets, Traded from Pirates) Ricky Ledee (LF) from Dodgers (8/8/06) Nationals Alex Escobar (CF) from White Sox (2/13/05) Carlos Baerga (1B) from Diamondbacks (2/21/05) Dan Smith (RP) from Nationals (4/7/05) (Re-signed) Travis Hughes (RP) from Rangers (4/7/05) Marlon Byrd (CF) from Phillies (5/14/05) Ryan Drese (SP) from Rangers (6/10/05) Tony Blanco (1B) from Nationals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Ryan Zimmermann (3B) from Nationals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jay Bergmann (RP) from Nationals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Tyrell Godwin (CF) from Nationals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Damian Jackson (2B) from Padres (10/27/05) Bernie Castro (2B) from Orioles (10/27/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Brian Lawrence (SP) from Padres (11/3/05) Marlon Anderson (2B) from Mets (11/18/05) Alfonso Soriano (2B) from Rangers (12/13/05) Alberto Castillo (C) from Royals (12/13/05) (Released by Mets, Signed from Athletics) Wiki Gonzalez (C) from Mariners (12/13/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Robert Fick (1B) from Padres (12/13/05) Ramon Ortiz (SP) from Reds (12/29/05) Daryle Ward (1B) from Pirates (1/27/06) Felix Rodriguez (RP) from Yankees (1/31/06) Mike Vento (RF) from Yankees (2/6/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Anastacio Martinez (RP) from Red Sox (2/6/06) Andrew Good (SP) from Tigers (2/6/06) Jim Crowell (RP) from Marlins (2/9/06) Brandon Larson (3B) from Devil Rays (2/9/06) (Signed from Rangers) Kenny Kelly (CF) from Nationals (2/10/06) (Released, Re-signed) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Kyle Denney (RP) from Indians (2/10/06) Kevin Gryboski (RP) from Braves (2/19/06) (Signed from Rangers) Pedro Astacio (SP) from Free Agents (3/30/06) (Released by Rangers, Signed from Padres) Zach Day (SP) from Nationals (4/26/06) (Claimed from Rockies) Nelson Figueroa (SP) from Pirates (5/9/06) Tim Raines Jr. (CF) from Orioles (5/29/06) (Released by Twins) Richard Hidalgo (RF) from Rangers (6/25/06) (Released by Orioles, Yankees) Austin Kearns (RF) from Reds (7/13/06) Felipe Lopez (SS) from Reds (7/13/06) Ryan Wagner (RP) from Reds (7/13/06) Luis Matos (CF) from Orioles (7/14/06) Orioles Eli Whiteside (C) from Orioles (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Napoleon Calzado (3B) from Orioles (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Ed Rogers (SS) from Orioles (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jeff Fiorentino (CF) from Orioles (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Keith Reed (RF) from Orioles (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Chris Ray (RP) from Orioles (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Tim Byrdak (RP) from Orioles (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) LaTroy Hawkins (RP) from Cubs (12/6/05) (Traded by Giants) Ramon Hernandez (C) from Padres (12/13/05) Eddy Garabito (SS) from Rockies (12/20/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Howie Clark (3B) from Pirates (12/20/05) Jeff Conine (LF) from Marlins (1/4/06) Corey Patterson (CF) from Cubs (1/9/06) Kevin Millar (1B) from Red Sox (1/12/06) (CHANGE FROM ANTHONY FRIESE) Franklyn Gracesqui (SP/RP) from Marlins (1/12/06) Kris Benson (SP) from Mets (1/21/06) Andy Tracy (1B) from Rockies (2/18/06) (Signed from Japan) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Raul Chavez (C) from Astros (3/31/06) Luis Terrero (CF) from Diamondbacks (4/6/06) Tony Alvarez (RF) from Pirates (Signed from White Sox) Russ Ortiz (SP) from Diamondbacks (6/25/06) Adam Stern (RF) from Red Sox (8/4/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Padres Danny Patterson (RP) from Cardinals (1/18/05) Brian Sweeney (SP) from Padres (5/26/05) Joe Randa (3B) from Reds (7/23/05) Chan Ho Park (SP) from Rangers (7/29/05) Geoff Blum (3B) from Padres (11/16/05) (Signed from White Sox) Mike Cameron (CF) from Mets (11/18/05) Dewon Brazelton (SP) from Devil Rays (12/7/05) Seth Etherton (SP) from Athletics (12/8/05) (Drafted from Brewers) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Pete LaForest (C) from Devil Rays (12/9/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Doug Brocail (RP) from Rangers (12/15/05) Mark Bellhorn (2B) from Red Sox (12/22/05) Chris Young (SP) from Rangers (1/4/06) Adrian Gonzalez (1B/RF) from Rangers (1/4/06) Terrmel Sledge (LF) from Nationals (1/4/06) (Traded from Rangers) Shawn Estes (SP) from Diamondbacks (1/10/06) Manny Alexander (2B) from Rangers (1/12/06) (Released, Re-signed by Padres) Eric Valent (LF/3B) from Mets (1/12/06) Justin Leone (3B) from Mariners (1/12/06) Alan Embree (RP) from Red Sox (1/16/06) (Signed from Yankees) Mike Piazza (C) from Mets (1/31/06) Jason Anderson (SP) from Yankees (2/15/06) Aquilino Lopez (RP) from Dodgers (3/28/06) (Waived by Rockies, Traded from Phillies) Rob Bowen (C) from Twins (4/4/06) (Claimed from Tigers) Bobby Hill (2B) from Pirates (4/6/06) (Released by Padres, Re-signed) Jon Adkins (RP) from White Sox (4/6/06) Dave Matranga (2B) from Angels (4/6/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Josh Bard (C) from Indians (5/1/06) Cla Meredith (RP) from Red Sox (5/1/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Mike Adams (RP) from Brewers (7/18/06) (Claimed from Mets, traded from Indians) Scott Williamson (RP) from Red Sox (7/22/06) Todd Walker (2B) from Cubs (7/31/06) Phillies Amaury Telemaco (SP) from Phillies (4/9/05) (waived, re-signed) Aaron Rowand (CF) from White Sox (11/25/05) Abraham O. Nunez (3B) from Cardinals (11/29/05) Julio Santana (RP) from Brewers (11/30/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Tom Gordon (RP) from Yankees (12/3/05) Chris Booker (RP) from Reds (12/8/05) (Released by Reds, Rule 5 drafted from Nationals, Traded from Tigers) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Josh Kroeger (RF) from Diamondbacks (1/6/06) Joe Thurston (2B) from Dodgers (1/12/06) (Signed from Yankees) Peter Bergeron (CF) from Brewers (1/12/06) (Released by Cubs, Signed from Orioles) Matt White (SP) from Nationals (1/12/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Arthur Rhodes (RP) from Indians (1/27/06) David Dellucci (LF) from Rangers (4/1/06) Angel Chavez (SS) from Giants (4/5/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Adam Bernero (SP) from Rockies (6/9/06) (Released by Braves, Royals) Rick White (RP) from Free Agents (6/23/06) (Signed from Pirates) Justin Germano (RP) from Padres (7/30/06) (Traded by Reds) Pirates Jody Gerut (RF) from Indians (7/31/05) (Traded by Cubs) Ryan Doumit (C) from Pirates (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Ronny Paulino (C) from Pirates (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Brad Eldred (1B) from Pirates (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) J.J. Furmaniak (SS) from Pirates (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Chris Duffy (CF) from Pirates (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Nate McLouth (LF) from Pirates (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Ray Sadler (LF) from Pirates (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Bryan Bullington (SP) from Pirates (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Paul Maholm (SP) from Pirates (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Tom Gorzelanny (SP) from Pirates (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Matt Capps (SP) from Pirates (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Britt Reames (SP) from Athletics (11/19/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Scott Strickland (RP) from Mets (11/22/05) (Signed from Astros) C.J. Nitkowski (RP) from Yankees (12/5/05) (Released by Twins and Pirates, Signed from Nationals) Jonah Bayliss (RP) from Royals (12/7/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Damaso Marte (RP) from White Sox (12/13/05) Mike Edwards (3B) from Dodgers (12/30/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jeromy Burnitz (RF) from Free Agents (1/4/06) (Signed from Cubs) Marty McLeary (RP) from Padres (1/5/06) Jorge Vazquez (RP) from Braves (1/23/06) Jose Hernandez (3B) from Indians (1/27/06) Simon Pond (1B/RF) from Red Sox (Released by Orioles) Jason Conti (RF) from Rangers (4/24/06) Blaine Neal (RP) from Padres (5/29/06) (Waived by Red Sox, Rockies, Cardinals) Xavier Nady (1B) from Padres (7/31/06) (Traded from Mets) Shawn Chacon (SP) from Rockies (7/28/05) (Traded from Yankees) Rangers Ron Mahay (RP) from Rangers (CHANGE FROM NEALE GENEREAUX) Mark DeRosa (3B) from Braves (1/19/05) Ryan Bukvich (RP) from Padres (2/5/05) Matt Riley (RP) from Orioles (3/30/05) Lou Pote (RP) from Free Agents (4/7/05) Jamie Burke (C) from White Sox (11/3/05) Adam Hyzdu (CF) from Red Sox (11/3/05) (Traded from Padres, Released by Red Sox) Adrian Brown (CF) from Royals (11/9/05) Rick Bauer (RP) from Orioles (11/9/05) Kevin Walker (RP) from White Sox (11/14/05) Jon Leicester (RP) from Cubs (11/16/05) Vicente Padilla (SP) from Phillies (12/12/05) Brad Wilkerson (LF) from Nationals (12/13/05) Kevin Millwood (SP) from Indians (12/29/05) Brian Anderson (SP) from Royals (1/3/06) Adam Eaton (SP) from Padres (1/4/06) Akinori Otsuka (RP) from Padres (1/4/06) Tim Olson (SS) from Rockies (2/2/06) John Koronka (SP) from Cubs (3/31/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Robinson Tejeda (RP) from Phillies (4/1/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Freddy Guzman (CF) from Padres (5/11/06) Ryan Jensen (SP) from Royals (5/30/06) (Released by Orioles) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jerry Hairston Jr. (2B) from Orioles (5/31/06) (Traded from Cubs) Carlos Lee (LF) from Brewers (7/28/06) Nelson Cruz (RF) from Brewers (7/28/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Kip Wells (SP) from Pirates (7/31/06) Matt Stairs (RF) from Royals (7/31/06) Randall Simon (3B/1B) from Devil Rays (8/8/06) (Signed from Mexico) Red Sox Phil Seibel (RP) from Red Sox (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Alex Cora (2B) from Dodgers (7/7/05) (Traded from Indians) Alejandro Machado (2B) from Red Sox (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jon Papelbon (SP) from Red Sox (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Manny Delcarmen (RP) from Red Sox (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Craig Hansen (RP) from Red Sox (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Josh Beckett (SP) from Marlins (11/24/05) Mike Lowell (3B) from Marlins (11/24/05) Jermaine Van Buren (RP) from Cubs (12/1/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Mark Loretta (2B) from Padres (12/7/05) Rudy Seanez (RP) from Padres (12/20/05) J.T. Snow (1B) from Giants (1/6/06) Julian Tavarez (RP) from Cardinals (1/18/06) Coco Crisp (LF) from Indians (1/27/06) Gabe Kapler (RF) from Red Sox (2/1/06) (Released, Re-signed) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Craig Breslow (RP) from Padres (2/1/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Enrique Wilson (2B) from Free Agents (2/1/06) (Released by Orioles, Cubs) Ron Calloway (CF) from Mets (2/1/06) Ken Huckaby (C) from Blue Jays (2/1/06) Matt Ginter (RP) from Mets (2/1/06) (Signed from Tigers) Jimmy Serrano (RP) from Athletics (2/1/06) (Signed from Reds) Trent Durrington (2B) from Brewers (2/1/06) Alex Gonzalez (SS) from Marlins (2/3/06) Wily Mo Pena (RF) from Reds (3/20/06) Hee-Seop Choi (1B) from Dodgers (3/24/06) Corky Miller (C) from Twins (4/25/06) (Released by Mariners) Doug Mirabelli (C) from Red Sox (5/1/06) (Traded from Padres) Javier Lopez (RP) from Rockies (6/15/06) (Signed from Diamondbacks, Traded from White Sox) Jason Johnson (SP) from Tigers (6/21/06) (Traded from Indians) Javy Lopez (C) from Orioles (8/4/06) Reds Rich Aurilia (3B) from Free Agents (1/24/05) Jason Standridge (RP) from Free Agents (7/1/05) (Released by Rangers) Eric Crozier (1B) from Blue Jays (8/4/05) (Released by Yankees) Dane Sardinha (C) from Reds (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Miguel Perez (C) from Reds (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Aaron Holbert (2B) from Reds (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) William Bergolla (2B) from Reds (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Chris Denorfia (CF) from Reds (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Todd Coffey (RP) from Reds (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Randy Keisler (RP) from Reds (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Brian Shackelford (RP) from Reds (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Dewayne Wise (CF) from Tigers (11/3/05) Mike Burns (RP) from Astros (11/16/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Anderson Machado (SS) from Reds (11/30/05) (Signed from Rockies) Jake Robbins (RP) from Indians (11/30/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Earl Snyder (3B) from Devil Rays (12/12/05) Grant Balfour (RP) from Twins (1/12/06) Mike Gosling (SP) from Diamondbacks (2/10/06) Scott Hatteberg (1B) from Athletics (2/12/06) Matt Kata (2B) from Diamondbacks (3/15/06) (Waived by Phillies) Bronson Arroyo (SP) from Red Sox (3/20/06) David Ross (C) from Dodgers (3/21/06) (Traded from Pirates, Padres) Ryan Jorgensen (C) from Marlins (3/28/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Brandon Phillips (3B) from Indians (4/7/06) Mike Venafro (RP) from Dodgers (4/15/06) (Released by Mets) Joe Mays (SP) from Twins (5/19/06) (Released by Royals) Juan Castro (SS) from Twins (6/15/06) Eddie Guardado (RP) from Mariners (7/6/06) Royce Clayton (SS) from Diamondbacks (7/13/06) (Traded from Nationals) Brendan Harris (3B) from Nationals (7/13/06) Gary Majewski (RP) from Nationals (7/13/06) Brandon Watson (RF) (SP) from Nationals (7/14/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Rheal Cormier (RP) from Phillies (7/30/06) Kyle Loshe (SP) from Twins (7/31/06) Ryan Franklin (SP) from Mariners (8/7/06) (Traded from Phillies) Rockies Byung-Hyun Kim (SP) from Red Sox (3/30/05) Jose Acevedo (SP) from Reds (4/9/05) Randy Williams (SP) from Padres (5/11/05) Mike DeJean (RP) from Mets (7/7/05) Sun-Woo Kim (SP) from Nationals (8/5/05) David Cortes (RP) from Rockies (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Danny Ardoin (C) from Rockies (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Mike Esposito (SP) from Rockies (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jeff Baker (3B) from Rockies (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Omar Quintanilla (SS) from Rockies (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Ryan Spilborghs (LF) from Rockies (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jamie Cerda (RP) from Royals (10/5/05) Miguel Ojeda (C) from Padres (10/11/05) (Claimed from Mariners) Steve Coyler (RP) from Tigers (11/7/05) (Signed from Mets) Nate Field (RP) from Royals (11/8/05) Jason Smith (2B) from Tigers (11/8/05) Bret Prinz (RP) from Yankees (12/6/05) (Released by Angels) Yorvit Torrealba (C) from Giants (12/7/05) (Traded by Mariners) Ray King (RP) from Cardinals (12/7/05) Jose Mesa (RP) from Pirates (12/8/05) Josh Wilson (SS) from Marlins (1/6/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Carlos Rivera (1B) from Astros (1/18/06) Tom Martin (RP) from Braves (1/18/06) (Signed from Astros) (CHANGE FROM JAKE BYRD) Miguel Asencio (SP) from Padres (1/25/06) Josh Fogg (SP) from Pirates (2/9/06) Ryan Speier (RP) from Rockies (2/9/06) (Waived, re-signed) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jamey Carroll (3B) from Nationals (2/11/06) Kazuo Matsui (2B) from Mets (6/9/06) Denny Bautista (SP) from Royals (7/31/06) Jeremy Affeldt (RP) from Royals (7/31/06) Royals Alex Prieto (SS) from Phillies (4/25/05) Justin Huber (C) from Royals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Ambiorix Burgos (RP) from Royals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Leo Nunez (RP) from Royals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Steve Stemle (RP) from Royals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Joel Peralta (RP) from Angels (10/7/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Bobby Madritsch (SP) from Mariners (10/21/05) Kerry Robinson (LF) from Mets (11/18/05) (Released by Padres, Signed from Braves) Wilson Valdez (SS) from White Sox (11/18/05) (Claimed from Mets, Mariners, Signed from Padres) Joe Nelson (SP) from Mets (11/18/05) (Released by Devil Rays, Signed from Cardinals) Mark Redman (SP) from Pirates (12/7/05) Esteban German (3B) from Rangers (12/8/05) Paul Bako (C) from Dodgers (12/16/05) Doug Mientkiewicz (1B) from Red Sox (12/16/05) (Signed from Mets) Mark Grudzielanek (2B) from Cardinals (12/16/05) Scott Elarton (SP) from Indians (12/16/05) Reggie Sanders (LF) from Cardinals (12/23/05) Chad Allen (LF) from Rangers (2/1/06) Ryan Snare (SP) from Rangers (2/21/06) (Signed from Padres) Luke Hudson (RP) from Reds (3/13/06) Frank Brooks (SP) from Dodgers (4/17/06) (Released by Braves, Yankees) Chris Booker (RP) from Reds (5/10/06) (Claimed from Phillies) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Brian Boehringer (RP) from Free Agents (5/27/06) (Released by Yankees, Cubs) Donovan Osborne (SP) from Diamondbacks (6/8/06) (Released by Marlins) Todd Wellemeyer (SP) from Cubs (6/9/06) (Claimed from Marlins) Brandon Duckworth (SP) from Astros (Claimed from Pirates) Joey Gathright (CF) from Devil Rays (6/20/06) Fernando Cortez (2B) from Devil Rays (6/20/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jeff Keppinger (2B) from Mets (7/19/06) Jorge De La Rosa (SP) from Brewers (7/25/06) Odalis Perez (SP) from Dodgers (7/25/06) Esteban Yan (RP) from Angels (7/27/06) (Traded from Nationals, Released by Reds) Ryan Shealy (1B) from Rockies (7/31/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Scott Dohmann (RP) from Rockies (7/31/06) Tigers Jamie Walker (RP) from Tigers (CHANGE FROM DARYL SMITH) Mike Hessman (3B) from Braves (1/19/05) Maggilo Ordonez (RF) from Free Agents (2/7/05) Jason Grilli (SP) from White Sox (2/9/05) Edwin Almonte (SP) from Red Sox (4/7/05) Placido Polanco (2B) from Phillies (6/8/05) Roman Colon (RP) from Braves (7/31/05) Bobby Seay (RP) from Devil Rays (11/30/05) (Signed from Rockies) Todd Jones (RP) from Marlins (12/8/05) Kenny Rogers (SP) from Rangers (12/12/05) Ramon Santiago (2B) from Mariners (1/4/06) Josh Phelps (1B) from Tigers (1/10/06) Ryan Ludwick (RF) from Indians (1/10/06) Lee Gardner (RP) from Devil Rays (1/10/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Chad Durbin (RP) from Nationals (1/10/06) Tike Redman (CF) from Mets (4/12/06) (Released by Mets) John Ennis (RP) from Tigers (4/17/06) (Released and Re-signed by Tigers) Dustan Mohr (RF) from Rockies (6/28/06) (Released by Red Sox) Jason Karnuth (RP) from Tigers (7/7/06) (Released by Athletics) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Sean Casey (1B) from Reds (7/31/06) (Traded from Pirates) Twins Jimmy Anderson (SP) from Cubs (4/15/05) Luis Castillo (2B) from Marlins (12/2/05) Tony Batista (3B) from Japan (12/15/05) (NOT IN GAME) Shawn Wooten (3B) from Phillies (12/15/05) (Signed from Red Sox) Rondell White (LF) from Tigers (12/22/05) Dennys Reyes (RP) from Padres (12/23/05) (Signed from Yankees) Andres Torres (CF) from Rangers (1/5/06) Peter Munro (SP) from Astros (4/6/06) (Signed from Yankees, Released by Twins) Ryan Glynn (SP) from Athletics (4/6/06) (Released by Twins) Quinton McCracken (CF) from Diamondbacks (7/21/06) (Released by Reds) White Sox Tadahito Iguchi (2B) from Japan (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Pablo Ozuna (3B) from White Sox (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Pedro Lopez (SS) from White Sox (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Bobby Jenks (RP) from White Sox (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jim Thome (1B) from Phillies (11/25/05) Tim Hummel (3B) from Red Sox (12/8/05) (Rule 5 Drafted from Cardinals) Rob Mackowiak (RF) from Pirates (12/13/05) Javier Vazquez (SP) from Diamondbacks (12/20/06) Tim Redding (SP) from Astros (12/22/05) (Traded by Padres, Signed from Yankees) Stephen Randolph (SP) from Cubs (1/9/06) (Signed from Giants) Ben Grieve (LF) from Cubs (1/19/06) (Released by Pirates, Signed from Cubs) Armando Almanza (RP) from Giants (2/10/06) (Released by Diamondbacks, Signed from Cardinals) Alex Cintron (SS) from Diamondbacks (3/8/06) Matt Thornton (SP) from Mariners (3/20/06) Vladimir Nunez (RP) from Rangers (Released by Cardinals, Diamondbacks, Pirates) Ernie Young (RF) from Indians (4/17/06) (Signed from Rockies) Jeff Nelson (RP) from Free Agents (5/2/06) (Released by Mariners, Cardinals) Damian Rolls (RF) from Devil Rays (5/10/06) (Released by Yankees) Tony Torcato (RF) from Giants (5/20/06) Nate Cornejo (SP) from Tigers (5/30/06) David Riske (RP) from Indians (6/15/06) (Traded from Red Sox) Sandy Alomar Jr. (C) from Rangers (7/23/06) (Traded from Dodgers) Mike MacDougal (RP) from Royals (7/24/06) Yankees Aaron Small (SP) from Marlins (1/29/05) Rey Sanchez (2B) from Devil Rays (2/16/05) Ramiro Mendoza (RP) from Free Agents (2/16/05) Russ Johnson (3B) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Melky Cabrera (CF) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Kevin Reese (LF) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Dusty Bergman (RP) from Angels (12/1/05) (Signed from Giants) Kyle Farnsworth (RP) from Cubs (12/2/05) (Traded from Tigers, Signed from Braves) Matt Childers (RP) from Braves (1/6/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Chris Prieto (LF) from Angels (12/7/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Mike Myers (RP) from Cardinals (12/15/05) (Signed from Red Sox) Ron Villone (SP) from Mariners (12/16/06) Johnny Damon (CF) from Red Sox (12/23/05) Octavio Dotel (RP) from Athletics (12/29/05) Miguel Cairo (2B) from Mets (1/5/06) Ben Davis (C) from White Sox (1/6/06) Danny Garcia (2B) from Mets (1/6/06) (Released by Indians) Darrell Rasner (SP) from Nationals (2/11/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Scott Erickson (SP) from Rangers (6/19/06) (Released by Dodgers, Yankees) Koyie Hill (C) from Diamondbacks (4/6/06) Carlos Pena (1B) from Tigers (4/15/06) Jesus Colome (RP) from Devil Rays (4/15/06) Terrence Long (LF) from Royals (5/19/06) (Released by Reds) Nick Green (2B) from Braves (5/24/06) (Traded from Devil Rays) Aaron Guiel (CF) from Royals (7/5/06) Sidney Ponson (SP) from Orioles (7/14/06) (Released by Cardinals) Brian Bruney (SP) from Diamondbacks (7/21/06) Sal Fasano (C) from Orioles (7/26/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) (Released by Phillies) Bobby Abreu (RF) from Phillies (7/30/06) Cory Lidle (SP) from Phillies (7/30/06) (CHANGE FROM ALAN HUGHES) Craig Wilson (1B) from Pirates (7/31/06) Free Agents Dave Maurer (RP) from Blue Jays (8/29/04) Rocky Biddle (RP) from Nationals (11/8/04) (Out for 2005 season) Jose Jimenez (RP) from Indians (3/24/05) (Released by Diamondbacks) Jimmy Haynes (SP) from Devil Rays (5/7/05) Toby Borland (SP) from Cardinals (5/30/05) Joe Dawley (SP) from Padres (6/6/05) (Released by Cubs) Shane Halter (SS) from Angels (6/10/05) (Released by Devil Rays and Cubs) Raul Mondesi (RF) from Braves (6/11/05) Al Levine (RP) from Giants (6/11/05) Jeremy Griffiths (RP) from Astros (6/20/05) Tim Harikkala (RP) from Athletics (6/24/05) Amaury Telemaco (SP) from Phillies (7/3/05) Seth Greisinger (SP) from Tigers (7/6/05) (Released by Nationals, Braves) Scott Stewart (RP) from Dodgers (7/25/05) (Released by Mets, Padres) Wil Cordero (1B) from Nationals (8/14/05) (Released by Mets) Sam Marsonek (RP) from Yankees (9/6/05) Tim Spooneybarger (RP) from Marlins (10/3/05) Antonio Osuna (RP) from Padres (10/3/05) (Released by Nationals) Chris Magruder (RF) from Brewers (10/7/05) Gary Knotts (SP) from Tigers (10/10/05) Jason Christiansen (RP) from Giants (10/31/05) (Released by Angels) Charles Gipson (RF) from Astros (11/16/05) (CHANGE FROM CHRIS PARKER) Brian Myrow (1B) from Dodgers (12/20/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Mike Lincoln (RP) from Cardinals (12/21/05) Joe Roa (SP) from Pirates (2/15/06) Jeff Bennett (RP) from Brewers (2/17/06) (Released by Braves) Jason Simontacchi (SP) from Cardinals (3/3/06) (Released by Cubs) Jimmy Journell (RP) from Cardinals (3/20/06) (Released by Reds) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Ricky Bottalico (RP) from Mets (3/22/06) (Released by Brewers, Red Sox, Orioles) Luis M. Lopez (3B) from Reds (3/22/06) (Released by Orioles) Kane Davis (RP) from Brewers (3/28/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Deivi Cruz (SS) from Giants (3/29/06) (Released by Nationals, Cardinals) Keiichi Yabu (RP) from Athletics (4/2/06) Adam Peterson (SP) from Diamondbacks (4/3/06) (Released by Tigers) Colin Porter (RF) from Yankees (4/3/06) (Released by Diamondbacks, Brewers) Luis Lopez (1B) from Braves (4/3/06) (Released by Brewers) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Justin Wayne (SP) from Marlins (4/3/06) (Released by Dodgers, Padres) Ruben Mateo (LF) from Royals (4/3/06) (Released by Nationals) Reggie Taylor (CF) from Devil Rays (4/5/06) (Released by Cardinals, Tigers) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Nick Regilio (RP) from Rangers (4/7/06) Frank Menechino (2B) from Blue Jays (4/14/06) (CHANGE FROM TIM MURPHY) Dee Brown (LF) from Royals (4/17/06) (Released by Devil Rays, and Yankees, Nationals, Royals) Josh Pearce (SP) from Cardinals (4/17/06) (Released by Rockies) Ricky Gutierrez (2B) from Red Sox (4/23/06) (Released by Mariners, White Sox, Padres) Felix Heredia (RP) from Mets (5/12/06) (Released by Diamondbacks, Indians) Jeff Fassero (RP) from Giants (5/15/06) Brian Buchanan (RF) from Devil Rays (5/19/06) (Released by Rockies, Twins, Reds) Bartolome Fortunato (RP) from Mets (5/20/06) Esix Snead (LF) from Mets (5/21/06) (Released by Braves, Orioles) Matt Mantei (RP) from Red Sox (5/26/06) (Released by Tigers) Matt Lawton (RF) from Pirates (5/30/06) (Traded by Cubs, Signed from Yankees) Darrell May (SP) from Padres (6/1/06) (Released by Yankees, Twins, Reds) Will Cunnane (RP) from Cubs (6/5/06) (Released by Cardinals) Hideo Nomo (SP) from Dodgers (6/9/06) (Released by Devil Rays, Yankees, White Sox) Todd Self (1B) from Astros (6/10/06) (Released by Mets) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Alejandro Freire (1B) from Orioles (6/13/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Alex Sanchez (CF) from Tigers (6/16/06) (Released by Devil Rays, Giants, Reds) Antonio Alfonseca (RP) from Marlins (6/19/06) (Released by Rangers) David Kelton (3B) from Cubs (6/19/06) (Released by Braves) Terry Mulholland (SP) from Twins (6/21/06) (Released by Diamondbacks) Dan Wright (SP) from White Sox (6/21/06) (Released by Mariners) John Halama (SP) from Red Sox (6/22/06) (Released by Nationals, Orioles) John Riedling (RP) from Marlins (6/23/06) (Released by Cardinals) Mike Remlinger (RP) from Cubs (6/26/06) (Released by Red Sox, Braves) Marshall McDougall (3B) from Rangers (6/29/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Ben Weber (RP) from Reds (6/29/06) (Released by Blue Jays) Chad Bentz (RP) from Marlins (6/30/06) (Released by White Sox) Scott Seabol (3B) from Cardinals (7/6/06) Ruben Sierra (RF) from Yankees (7/10/06) (Waived by Twins) Chris Hammond (RP) from Padres (7/12/06) (Released by Reds) Ben Howard (SP) from Marlins (7/17/06) (Released by Indians) Vinny Castilla (3B) from Nationals (7/19/06) (Released by Padres) Willie Harris (2B) from White Sox (7/19/06) (DFA'd by Red Sox) John Gall (LF) from Cardinals (7/19/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Cliff Politte (RP) from White Sox (7/20/06) Matthew LeCroy (1B) from Twins (7/20/06) (Released by Nationals) Ricardo Rodriguez (SP) from Rangers (7/24/06) (Released by Phillies, Braves) Kelly Stinnett (C) from Diamondbacks (7/26/06) (Released by Mets, Diamondbacks, Yankees) Eric Young (2B) from Padres (8/1/06) John Wasdin (SP) from Rangers (8/3/06) Erubiel Durazo (1B) from Athletics (8/7/06) (Released by Rangers, Yankees, and Twins) Carl Everett (RF) from White Sox (8/8/06) (Released by Mariners) Ugueth Urbina (RP) from Tigers (Released by Phillies, imprisoned) Rene Reyes (LF) from Cubs Jason Szuminski (RP) from Cubs Kelly Dransfeldt (SS) from White Sox Ben Ford (RP) from Brewers Jesus Sanchez (SP) from Blue Jays Lou Collier (2B) from Phillies Grant Roberts (RP) from Mets (Released by Yankees) Mike Matthews (RP) from Reds (Released by Mets) Wilson Delgado (SS) from Marlins Sam McConnell (RP) from Braves Eddie Oropesa (RP) from Padres (Released by Cubs, Orioles) (CHANGE FROM RYAN LEWIS) Ramon A. Castro (2B) from Nationals Dave Hansen (1B) from Padres (Released by Cubs, Mariners) Bill Pulsipher (RP) from Cardinals (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Cody McKay (C) from Cardinals Wilton Guerrero (SS) from Cardinals Brandon Berger (LF) from Cardinals Eduardo Villacis (SP) from White Sox David Sanders (RP) from White Sox (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) J.J. Davis (RF) from Nationals (Released by Rockies) Denny Stark (SP) from Indians (Released by Rockies) Tim Drew (SP) from Rockies Aaron Taylor (SP) from Rockies Mike Bynum (SP) from Padres (Released by Tigers) Doug Creek (RP) from Tigers (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jason Boyd (SP) from Pirates (Released by Rangers) Rosman Garcia (SP) from Rangers Mickey Callaway (RP) from Rangers Japan Dicky Gonzalez (SP) from Devil Rays (6/4/04) Damon Minor (1B) from Pirates (12/14/04) Jamie Brown (SP) from Red Sox (12/25/04) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Shane Spencer (LF) from Yankees (1/24/05) (CHANGE FROM LARRY REED) Brad Thomas (SP) from Red Sox (3/1/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Gary Glover (SP) from Brewers (11/24/05) Masao Kida (SP) from Mariners (12/1/05) Sean Douglass (SP) from Blue Jays (12/5/05) (Released by Tigers, Indians) D.J. Carrasco (SP) from Royals (12/7/05) Jason Grabowski (RF) from Dodgers (12/7/05) Chris Oxspring (RP) from Padres (12/9/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Joe Dillon (3B) from Marlins (12/21/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Rick Short (1B) from Nationals (12/21/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Norihiro Nakamura (3B) from Dodgers (12/21/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Jeff Liefer (1B) from Indians (12/23/05) Alex Graman (RP) from Yankees (1/6/06) (Signed from Reds) Chris Gissell (SP) from Cardinals (1/12/06) Felix Diaz (SP) from White Sox (1/17/06) Kazuhisa Ishii (SP) from Dodgers (1/20/06) (Signed from Mets) Jose Macias (3B) from Cubs (1/23/06) Shingo Takatsu (RP) from White Sox (2/13/06) (Signed from Mets) Wes Obermueller (SP from Brewers (4/17/06) (Signed from Braves) Matt Watson (RF) from Athletics (5/13/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Korea Mendy Lopez (SS) from Royals (7/10/04) Dae-Sung Koo (RP) from Mets (3/2/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Manny Aybar (RP) from Mets (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Mexico Adrian Hernandez (SP) from Brewers (3/9/05) Leo Estrella (RP) from Giants (3/19/05) Rigo Beltran (RP) from Brewers (3/29/05) Josias Manzanillo (RP) from Red Sox (3/29/05) Chad Hermansen (CF) from Blue Jays (4/7/05) Willis Roberts (RP) from Pirates (4/29/05) Jose Leon (1B) from Pirates (3/22/06) (Released by Reds) Geronimo Gil (C) from Orioles (4/1/06) Kit Pellow (RF) from Mariners (4/11/06) (Released by Cardinals) Valerio De Los Santos (RP) from Blue Jays (4/23/06) (Released by Marlins, Nationals) Independent Atlantic League Darren Bragg (CF/LF) from Reds (3/30/05) (Released by Indians) Bobby M. Jones (RP) from Red Sox Bucky Jacobsen (1B) from Mariners (3/31/06) (Signed from White Sox) Damian Moss (SP) from Reds (5/16/06) (Released by Mariners, Braves) Juan Gonzalez (LF) from Indians (6/1/06) Retired Fred McGriff (1B) from Free Agents David Segui (1B) from Orioles Herbert Perry (3B) from Free Agents Paul Abbott (SP) from Phillies Shane Reynolds (SP) from Diamondbacks Billy McMillon (LF) from Red Sox Omar Daal (SP) from Orioles Rodney Myers (RP) from Mets Larry Sutton (1B) from Marlins Scott Service (RP) from Diamondbacks Jeff D'Amico (SP) from Indians (6/26/04) Rey Ordonez (SS) from Cubs (8/9/04) Rod Beck (RP) from Free Agents (8/17/04) Mike Jackson (RP) from White Sox (8/30/04) John Vander Wal (LF) from Reds (10/6/04) Todd Hundley (C) from Dodgers (10/19/04) Ellis Burks (RF) from Red Sox (11/2/04) Curtis Leskanic (RP) from Free Agents (11/3/04) Ray Lankford (LF) from Cardinals (11/3/04) Mark McLemore (2B) from Free Agents (12/8/04) Brent Mayne (C) from Free Agents (1/9/05) Barry Larkin (SS) from Free Agents (2/13/05) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Robb Nenn (RP) from Free Agents (2/20/05) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Rusty Greer (LF) from Rangers (2/20/05) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Eric Karros (1B) from Athletics (2/23/05) Marty Cordova (LF) from Orioles (2/24/05) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Mike Fetters (RP) from Diamondbacks (2/24/05) Todd Van Poppel (RP) from Free Agents (3/6/05) Todd Ritchie (SP) from Pirates (3/14/05) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Billy Koch (RP) from Blue Jays (3/17/05) Roberto Alomar (B) from Free Agents (3/19/05) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Danny Bautista (RF) from Devil Rays (3/19/05) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Homer Bush (2B) from Yankees (3/21/05) Turk Wendell (RP) from Astros (3/23/05) Denny Neagle (SP) from Rockies (3/24/05) (Released by Devil Rays) Tom Goodwin (CF) from Cubs (3/24/05) (Released by Devil Rays) Andres Galarraga (1B) from Mets (3/29/05) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Kevin Appier (SP) from Royals (3/31/05) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Greg Myers (C) from Blue Jays (4/26/05) Paul Shuey (RP) from Dodgers (4/27/05) Andy Fox (2B/SS) from Rangers (4/28/05) (Released by Angels) Dave McCarty (LF) from Red Sox (5/13/05) Jeffery Hammonds (RF) from Nationals (6/10/05) Charles Johnson (C) from Rockies (6/13/05) (Released by Red Sox, Devil Rays) Roger Cedeno (RF) from Cardinals (6/24/05) Doug Glanville (CF) from Phillies (6/25/05) (Released by Yankees) John Franco (RP) from Astros (7/2/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Chris Singleton (CF) from Devil Rays (7/3/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Steve Reed (RP) from Free Agents (7/14/05) (Released by Orioles) Benito Santiago (C) from Pirates (7/20/05) (Released by Mets) Dan Wilson (C) from Mariners (9/12/05) Jeff Zimmerman (RP) from Free Agents (9/13/05) (Retired from Rangers) Jim Mecir (RP) from Athletics (10/2/05) (Retired from Marlins) Keith Osik (C) from Nationals (10/3/05) (CHANGE FROM ANGEL BROWN) Mike Mordecai (SS) from Marlins (10/3/05) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Chad Fox (RP) from Cubs (11/2/05) Larry Walker (RF) from Cardinals (11/9/05) A.J. Hinch (C) from Phillies (11/28/05) John Olerud (1B) from Free Agents (12/6/05) (Retired from Red Sox) Shigetoshi Hasegawa (RP) from Mariners (1/23/06) Sammy Sosa (RF) from Cubs (2/15/06) (Retired from Orioles) Tino Martinez (1B) from Yankees (2/15/06) Brooks Kieschnick (RP) from Brewers (2/16/06) (Signed from Astros, Retired from Orioles) Kevin Brown (SP) from Yankees (2/19/06) Darren Dreifort (SP) from Dodgers (2/23/06) Brian Dallimore (2B) from Giants (2/24/06) (Retired from Brewers) Bret Boone (2B) from Mariners (3/1/06) (Released by Twins, Retired from Mets) Gabe White (RP) from Braves (3/3/06) (Signed from Cardinals, Retired from Twins) Paul Quantrill (RP) from Yankees (3/4/06) (Waived by Padres, Retired from Marlins) Kirk Rueter (SP) from Giants (3/7/06) John Flaherty (C) from Yankees (3/7/06) (Retired from Red Sox) Pokey Reese (2B) from Mariners (3/8/06) (Retired from Marlins) Bobby Estalella (C) from Reds (3/13/06) (Retired from Mets) Shane Nance (RP) from Diamondbacks (3/14/06) (Retired from Brewers) Mark Malaska (RP) from Red Sox (3/15/06) (Retired from Devil Rays) Al Leiter (SP) from Marlins (3/19/06) (Retired from Yankees) Fernando Vina (2B) from Tigers (3/24/06) (Retired from Mariners) Dave Burba (SP) from Astros (3/24/06) (Retired from Mariners) Marquis Grissom (CF) from Giants (3/28/06) (Retired from Cubs) Lenny Harris (3B) from Marlins (3/29/06) Steve Sparks (SP) from Free Agents (3/29/05) (Released by Padres and Athletics, Retired from Astros) Andy Ashby (SP) from Free Agents (3/30/06) (Retired from Padres) Alex S. Gonzalez (3B) from Devil Rays (5/21/06) Justin Thompson (SP) from Rangers (5/22/06) (ADDED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Kevin Appier (SP) from Royals (6/2/06) (Released by Mariners) (REMOVED IN EA SPORTS ONLINE DOWNLOAD) Dave Berg (2B) from Free Agents (6/5/06) (Released by Red Sox, Cardinals, Retired from Rangers) Jason Grimsley (RP) from Orioles (6/7/06) (Released by Diamondbacks) Steve Karsay (RP) from Yankees (6/18/06) (Signed from Rangers, Traded from Indians) Buddy Groom (RP) from Free Agents (Traded by Yankees, Retired from Diamondbacks) B.J. Surhoff (LF) from Orioles Jay Powell (RP) from Free Agents (Retired from Braves) Calvin Murray (RF) from Cubs Chris Tremie (C) from Astros Kirk Bullinger (RP) from Pirates Bob File (RP) from Cardinals Byron Gettis (LF) from Tigers (Retired to play football) Chris Stynes (3B) from Free Agents (Released by Orioles) Midre Cummings (RF) from Devil Rays (Released by Orioles) Expected to Retire David Wells (SP) from Red Sox (After 2006 season) (CONFIRMED) Barry Bonds (LF) from Giants (After 2006 season) Tim Salmon (RF) from Angels (After 2006 season) (CONFIRMED) Chris Hammond (RP) from Reds (After 2006 season) John Smoltz (SP) from Braves (After 2007 season) Curt Schilling (SP) from Red Sox (After 2007 season) *********************************************************************** III. 2006 Organizational Depth Charts UNDER CONSTRUCTION *********************************************************************** IV. 2006 Pitching Rotations UNDER CONSTRUCTION If someone wants to contribute to this list, e-mail me. *********************************************************************** V. 2006 Batting Orders UNDER CONSTRUCTION If someone wants to contribute to this list, e-mail me. *********************************************************************** Until next time, Rashidi Copyright 2004-2006 John Markisch