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|____| | \ \ |_| \____/V|_| \_|_____|_____/|_| |_|______|_| \_\ ______________________________________________________________________________ The Punisher FAQ/Walkthrough For Playstation 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: NightMare185 AKA Tai Ly E-Mail: HellFire185 (at) gmail (dot) com Version: 1.1 Start Date: February 25, 2005 Contributor Page: Copyright(c) 2005 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- {}=========================================================================={} {SPOILER/SEARCH NOTE: Although the only spoilers you'll get are from the } { names of the mission levels, the whole guide will be } { as spoiler-free as possible. } { } { To easily access this FAQ, highlight the code by the } { section in the Table of Contents, right click the } { highlighted part, click copy, press Ctrl+F, right } { click the search box, select paste and paste the info,} { and press "Find Next", to easily get you to the } { section quicker, and to avoid any possible spoilers. } {}=========================================================================={} ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ( I. ) T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== 01: Introduction....................................[INTR01] 02: Controls........................................[CONT02] 03: Game Screen.....................................[GMSC03] 04: Apartment.......................................[APRT04] 05: Basic Tips......................................[BCTS05] 06: Walkthrough Tips................................[WLTP06] 07: Walkthrough.....................................[WLKT07] 08: Crackhouse..................................[CRKH08] 09: The Chop Shop...............................[CHSP09] 10: Lucky's Bar.................................[LKBR10] 11: Central Zoo.................................[CNZO11] 12: Grey's Funeral Home.........................[GRFH12] 13: Gnucci Estate...............................[GNES13] 14: Pier 74.....................................[PR7414] 15: The Igor Baltiysky..........................[TIBY15] 16: Castle's Apartment..........................[CSAP16] 17: Grand Nixon Island..........................[GNID17] 18: Fisk Industries.............................[FKIS18] 19: Pier 74 Revisited...........................[PR7419] 20: Meat Packing Plant..........................[MPPT20] 21: Stark Towers................................[STTS21] 22: The Takagi Building.........................[TTBG22] 23: Ryker's Island..............................[RKIS23] 24: Challenge Mode..................................[CHMD24] 25: Crackhouse..................................[CRKH25] 26: The Chop Shop...............................[CHSP26] 27: Central Zoo.................................[CNZO27] 28: Grey's Funeral Home.........................[GRFH28] 29: Gnucci Estate...............................[GNES29] 30: Pier 74.....................................[PR7430] 31: The Igor Baltiysky..........................[TIBY31] 32: Grand Nixon Island..........................[GNID32] 33: Fisk Industries.............................[FKIS33] 34: Pier 74 Revisited...........................[PR7434] 35: Meat Packing Plant..........................[MPPT35] 36: Stark Towers................................[STTS36] 37: The Takagi Building.........................[TTBG37] 38: Ryker's Island..............................[RKIS38] 49: Special Interrogation/Kills.....................[SPIK49] 50: Weapons.........................................[WEPN50] 51: Extras..........................................[EXTR51] 52: Contact Info....................................[CNIF52] 53: Copyright Info..................................[CPRI53] 54: Version History.................................[VSHS54] 55: Conclusion(Fin).................................[CFIN55] ============================================================================== ****************************************************************************** INTRODUCTION [INTR01] ****************************************************************************** ============================================================================== Frank Castle, just another average guy with an average family. One day, during a picnic, Frank and his family gets gunned down in a mob hit. Miraculously, he survived to see as how the legal system has many imperfections, he realized that the only way to receive justice, is to insert punishment to those that deserve it. After eliminating everyone that was involved in the murder of his family, he also came to a realiziation of how many more people are suffering because of so much injustice and the scum that roam the streets. Soon, he adopted the role as the Punisher.... Welcome to my 3rd FAQ/Walkthrough for GameFAQs. Since it's been a while since I've written a guide, I decided to pick this game for my next project. While playing it, I realized this game wasn't as bad as the commercials made it out to be. It is a pretty gruesome game and an enjoyable game when you want to torture people. If you're a huge fan of the Punisher, I guess you'll enjoy this game. If you're like me and barely know any thing about the Punisher, you'll probably enjoy it if you're a fan of action based games. Hopefully, you enjoy this game as much as I did(or more than me) and this guide helps you out. As you can also see, the numbers are a bit off in the Table of Contents. I've given it some thought and decided to remove the "Punishment Mode" section. The reason why is because it has no detailed strategy since all you really have to do is rake up points to complete it. If for some reason by popular request, I might re-consider adding up a section for it, but other than that, the only tips one will need is to look at the Tips Section of the FAQ and use the knowledge within the guide to help you with that mode. ============================================================================== ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CONTROLS [CONT02] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ============================================================================== In this game, there are many various type of controls. In this section, I'll list the main default controls for this game if you want take a glimpse at it. Some of the controls will appear during the game depending on the action (i.e. standing near a door, the button(s) will appear for the appropriate action). If you're not happy with these controls, remember there are always alternate controls for this game. My personal favorite, would be Alternate 1 since the dodge button is switched around with the secondary fire. X-Button:........................[Grab enemy person, Talk to innocents] Square Button:...................[Quick Kill, Kick Door] Triangle Button:.................[Slaughter Mode, Knock out enemy] Circle Button:...................[Pick up weapon] Up D Pad:........................[Switch Weapon] Down D Pad:......................[Switch Weapon] Left D Pad:......................[Nothing] Right D Pad:.....................[Nothing] Left Analog Stick(L3):...........[Movement, Threaten(Interrogation)] Right Analog Stick(R3):..........[Move Camera, Threaten(Interrogation)] Left Analog Stick(Push):.........[Crouch] Right Analog Stick(Push):........[Fine Aim] L1 Button:.......................[Secondary Fire, Throw held person] R1 Button:.......................[Primary Fire] L2 Button:.......................[Crouch] R2 Button:.......................[Dodge] Start Button:....................[Pause Game] Select Button:...................[In-Game Options] ============================================================================== ^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^= GAME SCREEN [GMSC03] =^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^=^ ============================================================================== In this section, I'll provide detailed info about the basics that appear on your screen during basic gameplay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HEALTH BAR: Located on the bottom left corner. The whole red bar is your health. When it flashes along with the skull while your health is low, it means you're on the verge of death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLUE BAR: Located on the bottom left corner under the health bar. This bar determines how long "Slaughter Mode" will last. You can activate that mode at any time the bar is filled with blue. Once that bar runs out of blue, "Slaughter Mode" is done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POINTS: Also known as style points. This is located on the top right corner of the screen. Points are gathered each time you kill, knock out, and interrogate an enemy person(s). Each time you do one of these things, you will gain points. The more you continue to do one of these things without getting hurt, the more points you gain. These points determine what medal you'll get at the end of the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEAPON ON SCREEN: This is located in the middle on the right side of the screen. When you stand over a weapon, you'll be given an option to pick it up. The ammo from the weapon will be automatically gathered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONVERSATION/NARRATION: This is located on the top right corner of the screen. This will appear when Frank narrates something or when conversation is happening. You will see a box containing the text. In order for this to appear, turn on your subtitles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION BUTTON(S): This appears on the middle of the screen on the bottom. whenever you see an action along with the button, you get to operate on that action by pressing the button beside the action. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENEMY HEALTH: This appears in various places. When you grab onto an enemy, you'll see it hanging vertically on the left side. When you aim towards the enemy, you'll see it over their head. As it decreases, it shows you how much health your enemy has before their life expires. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS HEALTH: This appears on the top of the screen. Just like enemy health, but it stays on the top of the screen in the middle permanently. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEAPON POSSESSION: When you posses a weapon, you'll see your current weapon on the lower left corner of the screen. Below is the next set of weapons you have. Below your current weapon you're holding, is an ammo bar. Depending on how full and empty the bar is, depends on how much actual ammo you have left. The number beside it shows how much ammo you have in a clip/magazine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CROSSHAIRS: When possessing a weapon, you'll see it on the screen in the middle. When it turns into a tan color, it means you're targeting your enemy. When it turns into a red sign with a diagonal red line, it means you're targeting an innocent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ APARTMENT [APRT04] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================== In this section, I'll provide some basic information on each section that's in the Apartment(Main Menu). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAR ZONE: This allows you to start your missions. Before the actual starting of the mission, you'll be able to view your mission briefing, objectives, statistics, weapon selection, and if possible, the Bonus Modes(Challenge and Punishment Mode) after selecting your mission. The Bonus Modes are unlocked after following the criteria for obtaining them(see Challenge/Punishment Mode section for more details). When you've finished a level, in the mission select screen on the bottom left corner, you get to view your highest score for that level and the medals you've collected. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARMORY: This allows you to view all available weapons you've collected so far. You can also hear a narrative about each weapon by clicking "X" button on selected weapon. Check Weapons section for more details about the weapons and listings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPGRADES: In this section, you'll be able to use your points you've gathered in each level and spend it on upgrades. Each time you purchase one, the price goes higher. Points are cumulated by how many MORE points you've collected in a level. Example: If you've collected 20,000 points your first time through the level, you'll get 20,000 points to spend. If you get 25,000 points on your second time through the same level, you'll only have an extra 5,000 points to spend. Check Upgrades section for more details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WAR JOURNAL: In this area, you'll be able to view the criminal chart and some news clippings. The criminal chart is basically pictures and information about your primary targets. The news clippings supply you with information that's obtained in the news paper. These are unlocked after completion of a level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXTRAS: In this area, you get to view some of the extra things you've unlocked while playing the game. You can view Comic Covers from past comics, Concept Art, Flashbacks, Movies, Trailers, and unlock cheats. Some of these are unlocked during gameplay while some are unlocked by beating certain missions. View the Extras Section for more details. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OPTIONS: You can use this function to change any options you feel comfortable with. You can switch the difficulty of the game, sound options, controls, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SAVE: Use this function to save the game. If you don't have the auto-save feature on, be sure to use this option to save the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ============================================================================== `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` BASIC TIPS [BCTS05] `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ============================================================================== In this section, I'll provide some of the basics I haven't covered yet. "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"- INTERROGATIONS: To interrogate someone, you must get ahold of an enemy person. Once you've grabbed him, you'll be given the option to interrogate him. The main goal is to threaten him by using the left or right analog stick(pressing up and/or down) to threaten your victim until he squeals something useful or something stupid. You must position the rising threat meter on the orange bar for 3 seconds. Continue threatening to maintain it on the orange bar until time runs out. This concludes a successful interrogation. The main point of doing this is to gather info and rack up some points. There are 4 types of basic interrogations: 1) Gun Tension 2) Punch 3) Choke 4) Face Smash GUN TENSION: You must have a type of handgun of some sort in order to do this interrogation. Push forward to squeeze trigger and back to pull gun back. Push forward for a short amount of time or you'll "accidentally" blast your victim in the face. If you want to make the threat meter to rise at a fast rate, push down on the analog to pull back the gun and push up to squeeze the trigger. Continue repeatedly pressing/tapping up on the analog to make the threat meter rise. Once it's on the orange bar, maintain it there for three seconds to make him squeal like a rat. PUNCH: You can do this anytime you want, but you have to make sure your victim is in fairly good health if you want to punch him. His health is above the Threat Meter. If he has full health(or moderate), you'll have to punch him to weaken his spirit. If he has low health, his spirit is already broken so there's no need for punching. Pull back on the analog to pull back Punisher's arm and press it forward to punch hard. Pressing forward on the analog will do weak punches. Once he's weak and his spirit is broken, just tap up on the analog to threaten(not punch) so that the threat meter rises. Maintain and make him squeal. CHOKE: Another one you can do any time you want. The easiest to do, but like punching, the victim will lose health. Fortunately, you can reduce the damage or prevent it. Press back for Punisher to pull back and press forward to commence choking. Tap up to minimize or prevent damage. Continue this until it's on the orange bar. Maintain and make him squeal. You can hold forward to choke him and make it the bar rise faster, but his health will dramatically fall. FACE SMASH: Just like punching except you get to bust his face. Pull back to raise his head. Afterwards, press it forward to slam his face. If you want, you can prevent damage by holding forward without pressing back in the first place to make the threat meter rise. Tap forward/back to maintain it in the orange zone. Three seconds later and he'll be crying like a big baby. Take note that after interrogations, if you kill them during interrogation mode, you'll lose points. In order to prevent this, press X after interrogations and do whatever you want after. Also, guys with white skulls over their heads have important information or they're very useful people. If you find White Splashes(white glowy thing on ground with a skull rising up), that's a special interrogation. You can interrogate people through these with gruesome methods with gruesome kills. You earn more points through these. Check Special Interrogation/Kills section for more details. "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"- HEALING: In order to heal, there are a couple of ways at this: 1) Successful interrogations 2) Slaughter Mode Basically, find someone to interrogate and you'll receive health after a successful scare. If you want, you can go into Slaughter Mode and receive health through this, but you waste a chance of temporary damage reduction and special quick kills. Your decision.... "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"- QUICK KILLS: You can perform quick kills in a few ways: 1) Approach them and press Square 2) Hold victim and press Square 3) Slaughter Mode and press Square By doing quick kills, you receive a fairly high amount of points, especially for doing diverse quick kills. Depending on where you stand/move, the Punisher can do a variety of quick kill moves, so you'll receive a lot of points. Also, this maneuver saves a lot of time and gets through enemies quicker. Be sure to use this to your advantage on the field and when you want to rack up some good points. "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"- SPECIAL KILLS: In order to do a special kill, you must find a gold splash (just like the white splash, but gold colored). By doing these, you gain a lot of points and get to see some cool kill animations. Take advantage whenever you can. Check Special Interrogation/Kills section for more details. "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"- DODGING: Dodging is one of the most major roles in this game. Since this game is pretty random with no real strategic sequence, you'll have to rely on dodging around to evade bullets and rack up points. Simply press the dodge button and press the analog stick toward the direction you want to dodge to. By pressing just dodge, you only dive forward. Quickly master this step and you'll be able to improve on your skills in no time. "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"- HUMAN SHIELDS: So you've just interrogated someone for points, but they still have full health. Instead of wasting him, let's make the guy useful. If you've interrogated someone, just press X button again to place the guy in front of you again. Just walk around with him and you'll be invincible on the front side. You can still get hit on the sides and on your back, but as long as you're facing the person(s) shooting at you, you're invincible and your pet shield takes the damage. Use this whenever you are confident enough to grab a shield and traverse through levels with shields to maintain your points. "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"- THROWING: If you want, you can always throw the person your holding and kill them like that. To throw a person, just press the secondary fire button while holding the guard. If you throw them before interrogating them, you can get points. If you interrogate the guard and then throw him, you won't get diddly squat. "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"- SLAUGHTER MODE: You can activate this mode by pressing Triangle. You can turn it off any time you want by pressing Triangle again, but if you do, the Slaughter Mode bar will automatically deplete to nothing, so it's best to use it all up instead of stopping in the middle of it. During this mode, damage done to the Punisher is greatly reduced. You also move faster, throw unlimited knives (primary fire button), and more diverse quick kills. When throwing knives, it automatically targets the nearest enemy. If you primary fire button, you can use manual aim. Your health will also slowly regain itself. Of course, with such a special feature, there are special down sides. You can not use a gun, wield dual weapons, crouch, throw grenades, nor go into fine mode. This mode is best used when you're drastically low in health or if you're confident in racking up points without getting hurt (since you earn more points with quick kills than normal quick kills). "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"- INNOCENT PEOPLE: Throughout certain levels, you'll see many innocent people. Avoid killing them at all costs since if one dies by your hands/weapons, you'll fail the mission. You can always tell an innocent from an enemy by aiming the crosshairs over them. If the crosshairs turn tan, it's an enemy. If it turns red with a slash through it, it's an innocent. Be sure to talk to them since some might give you points just for talking to them. "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"- MEDALS: If you want to gain medals, then you'll have to gain a certain amount of points. Of course, you'll also have to participate in each difficulty level to receive a certain Medal. Bronze Medals: Easy Difficulty, meet point requirements Silver Medals: Normal Difficulty, meet point requirements Gold Medals: Hard Difficulty, meet point requirements The point of having medals is to unlock certain extras if you want to earn them. You also unlock cheats by getting Gold Medals. "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"- ============================================================================== ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^- WALKTHROUGH TIPS [WLTP06] ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^- ============================================================================== In this section, I'll fill you in on some helpful tips. If feel like you want to play this game for yourself but need tips on how to get around or improve, maybe this section is just for you. <> (TIP 1)- Explore the room. This game is very linear, so don't worry about many hidden areas, shortcuts, or alternate routes. Although they are in the game, some of them are pretty rare. Just take time to explore around each door, corner, etc. If you feel like a certain path will continue the story and you still have areas to explore, then go with that sense and go back. <> (TIP 2)- Anticipate the next area. The kick door option gives you the chance to get an early jump on some enemies, but sometimes, can lower your guard and expose you to gun shots from those who are ready for you. When nearing doors, try not to rush in since sometimes there are conversations in the next area. Use this to your advantage and to determine your next move/action. Once you've already opened the door, take a glimpse of the area and quickly plan out your next move/actions. If there is a guard in front of you, use your common reaction to dodge to the side in the same room you're in to gain cover. From this point on, plan out your moves from here on. The best way to fight behind cover is to peep out of your right side and use fine aim. You can easily shoot and kill any enemies on your side that aren't shooting you. Just barely tap to the right if the crosshairs aren't turning tan. <> (TIP 3)- Use human shields as often as possible. If you're very paranoid, you can use them just to safely enter the next room. You can also use the shield and kick them through the next room so it confuses the enemy(s). Plus in fire fights, they help out when you want to rack up points. The best way to get one in a fire fight is letting them come to you or when they reload. Just be sure you're facing the people shooting at you or else you'll be hit from the sides or in the back. Be sure to NOT forget the shield's health during the shoot outs. <> (TIP 4)- Headshots are very lethal. Whether you're in a fire fight or trying to snipe with Fine Aim to gain an early lead, they're very helpful for gaining the first advantage. Use them whenever you can. Of course, it's best to use Fine Aim for this since it's 99% more accurate than just regular aiming. <> (TIP 5)- A lot of you might hate this tip, but if you want to rack up points, then you'll have to learn to get used to it. Patience... If you're impatient, then don't expect to get so many points in certain levels if you can't learn to get used to it. Some times in shoot outs, it's best to bide your time behind cover and wait for someone to reload or the shooting to stop. This is also helpful to get guards to come near you since some are dumb enough to run closer because they have bad aim. If you want to speed things up, you might want to shoot a spare bullet to get their attention. <> (TIP 6)- If you have grenades, know when to use them. Sometimes during certain situations, you might need to save them for a later situation or a room that's far worse than the one you're about to enter. Just make sure you can estimate the amount of enemies in one room and make the decision of the grenade is worth using. <> (TIP 7)- Some areas contain loose objects. You can use this to your advantage and shoot them down so you can reduce the time on shooting down your enemies. Plus you gain more points with this than just gunning them down. Just aim over any possible loose hanging objects. If the crosshairs turn a tan color, shoot it down and you have a substitute killer. Also, be sure to look for explosive barrels. Sometimes these lurk around near objects that make them hard to see, so keep an eye out for them. By using these to kill your enemies will increase your points. <> (TIP 8)- In the heat of battle, use your time wisely. If you plan to run closer in for more cover, be sure to take out who you can and not waste time. In short, use quick kills to permanently rid of those in your way. Although, you can also use this time to grab a shield to. Whatever you do, just don't waste time if you plan to move closer. Be sure to analyze all current enemy locations while running (and before running closer). <> (TIP 9)- In areas you're unsure of, make sure you move while crouching. Although I can't really control or tell you how to move, it's best you move slow in unknown terrain. Be sure to check every corner since you don't want to be ambushed. By crouching while moving, you'll move in a slow pace without having to "accidentally" run into an ambush. Plus by staying low, enemies have a harder time hitting you. <> (TIP 9)- In almost any event you're about to be ambushed, dodging should be a required movement. Dodge whenever you're moving from cover to cover. By diving and dodging, you'll have a better chance of evading bullets. If you're in an open area, dodge around in circles or patterns to gain ground or to search for the nearest cover. Essential move if you want to have a lot of points. <> (TIP 10)- Two isn't always better than one. With certain weapons, you'll be able to use two for dual action. Of course, some weapons are kind of crappy to use for dual action because of slow reaction time or sometimes the constant picking up of a weapon when wanting to reload (mostly applying to the bigger weapons). With most of the bigger guns, you can only reload one gun. The other can only reload when ammo runs out for it, which is kind of a nuisance. <> (TIP 11)- Be sure to use a variety of different moves. With interrogations, don't spend time on just one interrogation move, but use different ones to rack up a lot more points. Same with quick kills. Although you can't really choose your quick kills, some of the weapons you hold and where you stand can determine the type of quick kill move you pull off. <> (TIP 12)- Be sure to interrogate every once in a while since you want to build up health. Interrogate only when it's safe since you don't want to leave yourself vulnerable. If you know there is someone else in the area, quickly press X to bring them out in front of you as a shield for defense. Be quick about this and use your hearing to quickly re-act. <> (TIP 13)- During boss battles, use lots of cover and in wide expansive areas, constantly move around to get to know your terrain. Use cover as much as possible. Also observe what items you have available to you and the boss' actions. By doing this, you can easily find a tactic to exploit the boss' weakness. Also, common knowledge helps out in finding tactics for bosses. <> (TIP 14)- Find ways to provoke your enemy(s). During fire fights, the whole situation might calm down to the point where no one is shooting. To gain advantage, you must get the shooter at it's weakness. Some ways to provoke him to shoot you is to show yourself or sometimes just shoot a spare shot. This will cause the enemy(s) to shoot you and waste their clips. Try to calculate their shots (by knowing the how many bullets in the clip) and how many bullets they have left. They also might retreat for cover again as a sign that they're reloading. When you know they're out of bullets, use this time to either get closer and move for cover or taking a risk to get a human shield/quick kills. <> (TIP 15)- Whenever you're peeping out the corner, use Fine Aim to take out your enemies more efficiently than using basic aim. Fine Aim allows you to aim at targets that are hard to get and sometimes can exploit an area of the enemy where you can hit to kill. Remember, the smaller the crosshairs, the better the aim. <> (TIP 16)- If you're holding a guard as a shield and stumble upon some weapons you want to grab, but don't want to kill the guard you're currently holding, just throw the guard you're holding, but be sure you're aiming at the lowest altitude if you don't want to kill him. If he has to low of health, you're making a huge gamble, but it's something worth exploiting if you don't want to rid your shield. Just make sure you don't throw the guard at a wall or something if you don't want him to die. <> (TIP 17)- Melee weapons are another great source of points (especially if you need a lot). If you see some, don't be shy to use them. Picking them up won't even drop your guns either, so it's very convient. Unfortunately, the quick kill scenes aren't as diverse as the gun quick kills. ============================================================================== <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> WALKTHROUGH [WLKT07] <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> ============================================================================== Now we're finally on to the walkthrough. This walkthrough will be based off my experience of playing this on the Normal Difficulty. You can still use this for the Hard Difficulty for Gold Medals. Only difference is that you'll most likely need to be more careful and more patient if you want the Gold Medals. From my experience of playing Hard Difficulty, it doesn't isn't too hard, but if it does get overwhelming, then I suggest getting some upgrades. Besides using cover and shooting from the left side behind a wall (having only the gun pointed out), then this difficulty shouldn't be too intimidating. The only reason why I'm writing while I play on the Normal Difficulty, is because it's a moderate difficulty and I'm more familiar with it. Plus I don't have much patience for the Hard Difficulty as I type this up. Hopefully, this will still help you and enjoy it.... To easily scan through the walkthrough, it will be divided into sections. Each end of the section is when one part of the level has ended (the autosave should turn up). If you'd like to send anything to contribute to the walkthrough section, feel free to do so. Just make sure it's in a short paragraph format (as lengthy as mine are) and it has somewhat, decent grammar. Punctuation and spelling isn't a major issue as I can easily correct that, but I dislike having to correct another persons grammar (even though I might be screwing up right now). =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* CRACKHOUSE [CRKH08] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objectives:.......................Kill the Crackhouse Leader -Statistics: Bronze:.......................10,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:.......................20,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:.........................30,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you start, just head up the alley until you see a guy start walking. Soon after, he'll start running towards a woman. Run after him and grab the guy. Interrogate the guy and do whatever you want after interrogation. Be sure to talk to the lady so you can gain 200+ points. Afterwards, continue up the alley. When you get to the end of the alley, turn left and head downstairs to enter the Crackhouse. When you're inside the Crackhouse, head up until you get to the end of the path and turn right. You'll see a guy just sitting there. He also has a white skull over his head. If you don't know what this is, it means that he has important information or he is of some importance to help you on your mission. Grab him and interrogate him. Once you've interrogated him, do whatever you want with him. Afterwards, just turn around, head up the little stairs, turn left from your position, and continue on the path. Once you get to the end, turn left and some guy will run in front of you. Once he sees you, he'll stop scared. Grab him and interrogate him. Once you're done, turn left to continue the path. At the end of the coridoor, there will be a crate on your right. Grab the Shotgun to prepare yourself for the next room. Once you get it, head up the stairs towards the door. Before entering the next room, you'll notice a conversation. You can either choose to listen to it or enter the room. If you enter, it's best to kick the door down to suprise your enemies. Once you've entered, the guy on your right will immediately run while the guy in front of you will back off scared. Shoot him and turn to your right. You should see a doorway leading to the next part of the room. Once you've entered this part of the room, look northeast of your position (upper right corner) towards the stove. One guy will spring out and start shooting. Get behind the wall closest to you to gain cover. Once the guy reloads, peep out and blast him. As for the guy that ran off earlier, he will either pop up in the lower right corner of the room between the fridge and the stove or run towards the guy shooting at you. You can either keep him alive for interrogation or kill him. Walk forward behind the wall you used for cover. On the upper right corner, a guy will spring out of the corner. Shoot him or duck down behind the stove to gain cover. If you went for cover, wait for him to reload. When he does, stay in your position and shoot him. Before you continue, if you didn't notice, the door in front of you (behind the stove), opened, meaning a guy is waiting to ambush you. Usually, he might run for new cover, but if he doesn't, dive out to the side and blast him while diving. After those two are dead, head to the northeast corner (upper right corner) and enter that door. If you enter the one in front of you, that will lead into an ambush. In this room, you'll see a door in front of you and a gate on your right. Talk to the lady behind if you like, otherwise, turn left and go around the corner. You'll see the guy waiting to ambush you except now, you have the jump on him. Grab him and go through the procedure like before. Once that's done, head into the door that was across from you earlier (the double doors are locked and the door in front of the guy waiting to ambush you leads back to the previous room). If you kicked the door down, everyone will jump up and you'll get the jump. Blast one of the two guys closest to you. When one of them is dead, turn around to the previous room and use the doorway wall as cover. Peep out on the left side (the gun should be in your right hand aiming) and aim towards the T.V. There is a guy taking cover behind it. When he pops out, go into Fine Aim and shoot him. Afterwards, shift the camera to your left and shoot any one that comes into sight. When the four guys are dead, head into the next room and go through the doorway on the upper left corner. When you enter this hallway, about halfway of it, you should see a big gaping hole on your right. There are two guys sitting there. Pull out your pistol (If you don't have one, grab one from the previous room), go into Fine Aim, and shoot the guy sitting on the right of the table. The guy facing north will turn around and take cover behind the stove. Use this time to nail him. If he does make it to the stove, just pop him in the head when he decides to pop out. When they're dead, continue throught the hallway until you see an unarmed guy. He'll duck down in fear so use this to rack up some points or to heal. Once you're done with him, instead of wasting him, use him as a shield for the next room. You can either toss him into the double doors or human shield for protection. In the next room, a guy will ambush you since he's prepared. Instead of hitting you, he killed a possible crackhead. During this time, blast the guy that's shooting at you. When he's dead, turn to your right, but stay by the wall nearest the entrance to the next area. When you get to the corner, you'll notice a conversation. If you decide to walk in a bit to get closer, duck down and move in a low position. In front of you behind the counter resides some guy waiting to die. When you're ready, pull out your pistol and pop him in the head. Afterwards, pull out your shotgun. Most likely, one or two guys will run towards that same counter for cover. Duck down and shoot them from your position. Keep an eye out for those who might want to rush at you. Just blast them if they try. From that point on, you can adjust your camera to your left and peep over the crates. Once everyone stops running, you can use time to take out any one left that's by the tables. Try to dive to the side and shoot at the same time for best results. When they're dead, go through the door to the next room. Head up the stairs to end the first section. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() In the beginning of this section, you'll automatically be in the next room. In front of you should be a big gaping hole. You should be able to hear the conversation. Approach the hole, take out your shotgun, aim and fire. If you're a good shot, you can hit all three guys simultaneously. If you don't hit them all at the same time, then just kill at least two guys. When two are down, one of them will surrender. Head into that room and grab the guy that surrendered. Interrogate him and use the "Special Kill" splash by the window. If you did kill all three, don't worry too much about it. Whatever happens, talk to the guy you saved for 200 points. Go into the next room and on your left, you'll see some guy threatening a crackhead female. Grab the guy and interrogate him. If you didn't use one of the Special kill splashes, go use it. If you used one earlier, then this next one will only net you 143 points since you already used one. After all that, talk to the woman to get another 200 easy points. If you want, you can go into the door on the lower right corner of the room (the door across from you from the previous room). Nothing except another crackhead female. Talk to her if you want, but no freebies this time. When you're done, head up the door on the upper left corner of the room. When you enter this area, turn to your right and you'll see a crack head and a guy with a white skull icon over his head. Since they're both unarmed, grab the guy with the white skull. You'll also see a "Special Interrogation" splash on the floor. Interrogate the guy through this. The main objective is to slam the window on him to increase the threat meter. Hit him enough times to easily stabilize the threat meter. When he squeals, return him back into shield mode. Talk to the crackhead if you want. Release the guy and follow him. Stay on your left side so you'll be behind the doorway wall. He'll try to negotiate, but it'll fail, so you'll have to use this wall as cover to take out the two guards. Once they're dead, you can kill the guy for points. Head into the next room. Once you're in this room, immediately turn to your right. Aim at the guy with the gun and shoot him quickly before he takes the guy hostage. If you're quick, you can kill him without the hassle of Fine Aiming to take him out. Don't worry about shooting the female or the guy, as long as the crosshairs turn tan on the target, the innocents will remain unharmed. Afterwards, you can speak to the two if you want. Be sure to at least talk to the guy for some points. Go through the big gaping hole to enter the second part of the room. In front of you, you'll see three doors (the last one is in the living roo). In the first room is just a useless whore. The second is just a bathroom. The third is where you'll make a killing. Before entering the third room, you can approach the two crackheads and laugh at their stupidity. When you're done with whatever you need, enter the third room. You'll suprise four guys. Shoot the two hooded guys on your left since they're armed. The third guy on the right of the table might be armed. If he isn't he'll follow the guy with the colored shirt upstairs. Follow them up and interrogate them for some points. Once they've been interrogated and handled with, head into the next room upstairs. I suggest kicking the door down in this one. In this room, you'll be greeted by three guys. Once the door is kicked down, two will run to the sides of the room while one stays put backing away. Kill the one in front of you (you can do a quick kill and make it out of this room unscratched). Afterwards, turn to the right towards the kitchen area and kill the guy in there. Once he's dead, turn around and dive to the sides until you see the guy in the left corner of the room. Blast him to finish off everyone in the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****[OPTIONAL]**** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remember in the beginning of the level where those two guys were talking crap about you after they executed those two people? Here's your chance to get back at them. After you kill those three guys in the room, there is a door across from the door you previously entered. When you approach the upcoming door, you should be able to hear a conversation between them. When it ends, kick down the door and turn to your left. One guy will be scared while the other takes the scared guy as a shield. When he grabs the scared guy, just blast straight at them to kill them both. Paybacks a bitch isn't it.... ;D Once all that's done, head into the kitchen area where you killed the second guy. There's a big gaping hole you can enter through to the next area. Run towards the couch to collect the three Frag Grenades. Soon, you'll see a guy with a Skull Icon over his head appear for a second and run off. Don't worry about him yet. Instead, just wait another couple of seconds for two guys to appear. From the couch, run to the left side towards the wall for cover. The two guys will get behind the tables for cover, so just peep out with the gun and shoot them in the head in the Fine Aim mode. If you've noticed, there are three doors on the right side of the room. The first one is locked. The second one contains a dead body with a pistol on the floor. The third one is already opened. Once you've killed the two guys, approach the third door carefully on the left of the doorway with the door sticking out. Peep out with the gun and shoot anyone in sight in Fine Aim mode. There are two visible guys in the room and one in the very back in the balcony. Once you've killed all three, you can safely enter the room. On the right side is a big gaping hole. Inside it leads a room with a shotgun and a pistol. Collect the ammo if you need it, otherwise, head to the balcony and head up the ladder. Once you've climbed up, you might hear voices. Kick the door down and Fine Aim in front of you. There are two innocents taken hostage. Once the door is opened, shoot the guy in front of you to release hostage one. Dive backwards and head to the left side of the door way to get some cover. Peep out and blast the guy to release the second hostage. Once they're saved, you can talk to them, otherwise, the head through the door that's across from you. The door on your left is just a bathroom with a dead guy in there. The minute you enter this room, dive forward, towards the bookshelf, and also ignoring the girl's scream. Once you've rolled forward, turn the camera left about 180 degrees. By the door way, you'll see a wall sticking out, making a perfect cover to peep out the gun. Dive towards that wall, stick your gun out, and blast. There is a guy with a Skull icon over his head, so ignore him. Kill the other two so the guy with the Skull icon will surrender. Grab him and interrogate him to collect the closet key. With this, you gain extra arsenal for the rest of the mission. If you did kill him, then you're out of luck. Head towards the book shelf and across from it lies a single door. Enter the closet room and collect anything you need. You can talk to the screaming girl if you want. Once you're done, turn around and head towards the double doors. Get ready to kick it open. Once you've kicked it open, dive backwards and shoot. If you're lucky, you can nail the person behind the couch. Once you've dived back, you can choose to either throw a grenade in there or head to the left side of the door way and take out every one from there. If you do throw a grenade, don't approach the left side of the door way unless you want to get hurt from the blast radius. Also note that if you do use a grenade, you risk a chance of killing a guy in there with a Skull icon. Basically, this room is runs at random and anything can happen with everyone running around. Take out as many people as you can that are within the radius of the T.V. Once you think you've eliminated everyone in that area, be sure you've elminated everyone or anyone behind the T.V. Afterwards, dive northeast (upper right corner) about 15 degrees towards the wall pointing south. There will be guys on your right in the kitchen, so that wall provides adequate cover while you can peep out and shoot anyone there. When you think you've killed them all, run around the kitchen and blast anyone in your way. At the end of the room, you'll see another door way leading to an area where you previously saw the guy with the Skull icon that retreated earlier. That there, is the leader. Run towards him (dive if he gets up to shoot you) til you get close enough. He'll then surrender. Grab him and take him to the "Special Interrogation" splash and use it. Pull down on the analog stick to make the threat meter rise. Leave it on the orange for three seconds and he'll squeal. Afterwards, you can choose to bring him back up or drop him to his death (if you drop him, you'll lose points). From this point on, you've finished your first level in this game. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* THE CHOP SHOP [CHSP09] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objectives:....................Find Out Who Runs the Chop Shop -Mission Objectives:....................Leave the Chop Shop -Statistics: Bronze:....................20,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:....................40,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:......................60,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() The way to start this is run to your left immediately. Between the engine hanging in front of you before you run and the pillar, you might see a guy in a while and red shirt. If you're quick, you can blast him, but if you're not quick, just leave him be for now. Keep running left until you can actually see what's in front of you, then dive to the left towards the black barrels, avoiding the hood that's thrown in front of you. You can shoot while diving to pick off the guys in front of you. Use this as cover to blast who ever is on your right side. There is at least one guy with a gun while the rest will be throwing objects at you. Be sure to be aware of your left side since they might spring up. If you want, you can stand in front of the pillar by the black barrels, wait for one to run up on your left side, grab him, and use him as a shield. If you want to rack up a lot of points by being diverse, you'll have to dive around and shoot while doing quick kills. Be sure to avoid the guy with the Skull Icon. Once everyone is dead, interrogate the guy with the Skull icon. If you "accidentally" kill him, then don't worry much about it. You can either restart or continue the mission. When you're done, go north of where you started and press the button to open up the garage. In this area, you'll see a guy working under a car on a lift. On your left, is the switch to drop the car. Press it and quickly run straight ahead. You'll see two guys conversating. When the car drops, dive forward, shoot the guy wearing a green vest. Ignore the second guy since he's just a civilian. On the right side of where they were standing, should be some crates stacking high. Use that as cover. On both sides, you'll only need to worry about guy on both sides. Once those two are dead, adjust your camera so you can see the pillar on your left side. There might be a guy or two in that area. You can shoot them both, or if you're good, shoot one and quick kill one of them. Be sure that they're reloading to pull this off. Once they're dead, dive back to the crates and look up to view a catwalk. There's a guy standing waiting to take you out from above. Kill him. Once he's dead, there's only one other enemy left, who is now residing by the saw and also has a Skull icon. Use the "Special Interrogation" in front of the saw. Just tap forward on the analog to efficiently scare him. Once he's taken care of, run back to the crates and behind, you'll see a truck and a civilian. Talk to the civilian and get the Flash Bang grenades that are behind the truck. Afterwards, turn around and head north from your position to enter the next area. In this office, the only thing important here is what's inside the cabinet. Whatever weapon you're currently holding will decide what ammo you'll get. Take the ammo and enter the next area. Tiny worthless hallway. Turn to the left and enter the next area. In this area, you'll here a woman screaming in fear. Ignore her and head through the hallway on the right side. You'll see a guy running in fear of the Punisher. Do whatever you want to him and talk to the female if you want to. Once you're done, head back to the same hallway you stopped the guy and head through the door on your left (the door in front of you is locked permanently). Run up the stairs and enter the door at the top to access the next area. In here, you'll hear a guy whining. Run up and he'll be on your right side by the soda machine. Quickly grab him as a shield. You'll see a guy in front of you flip a table. Kill him and turn to your right side to see more guys shooting. Just pick them off. If they kill your shield, dive to the side and continue diving in a circular motion and blast them. Be aware of the unarmed guy. He'll pick up things to throw at you. Shoot him first since anything he throws will still hurt you, regardless if you have a shield or not. If you want to gain more points, you can throw a flash bang grenade instead of using the guy at the machine as a shield. Rush in and use a variety of quick kills to gain more points. Just be sure you don't blind yourself. Once you're done, head into the next area. In here, you'll be on top of a catwalk. Crouch down and move forward a few steps. Turn to your left and you'll see two guys working on a car. On top of them, is a hanging engine part. Be sure it's the furthest engine and not to confuse it with the one closest to you. Shoot it with a pistol (shotgun sucks at far distance) to gain more points. Afterwards, look down and shoot anyone below you and closest to you. Be sure you're crouching to minimize being hit. Also, check under the catwalk since they might try to hit you from down under. That eliminates three possible visible threats. Head across the catwalk to find anymore visible threats. Once eliminated, there will be a few more coming from the next area. Shoot them all down from your position. When you're sure there are no more visible targets from the catwalk, head back to side of the catwalk from where you began. Dive down and turn to your right. There might be a guard or two in there. Usually, they wait in here in hope to ambush you. Take care of them and head upstairs for a couple more Flash Bang grenades. Run downstairs and through the door in front of you to continue on to the second section. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() In this hallway, you'll see two doors. The one in front of you is locked, so you'll have to rely on the door on your right. Kick it down and immediately dive forward. While diving, shoot the guy in front of you. There is also a guy on your right side behind the counter. Continue to dive until you can get a clear shot at him. Shoot him. Afterwards, you'll see two doors. The one closest to the door you came in leads to an area full of guards. You can enter it and take them all out for points. The second door in the middle leads to a hallway. It is closer to the exit of this area, but a bit harder to travel through because you're in the middle. The third door is the beginning of the second door. I recommend going through this door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****[OPTIONAL]**** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to go through the first door, go ahead. You can eliminate the guards here for extra points. I suggest throwing at least two flash bang grenades. One in front of you in the middle of the room and one on the left side of the room. With this, you can approach many guards and quick kill them. If you don't have flash bangs, you'll have to blast them all. Turn the camera slightly to the left and dive forward to the end. Shoot the guy at the end of the room and use the crates on the side as cover. Peep out with the gun and blast who ever approaches. You can also use the pistol and shoot through the shelves. Make sure that the crosshairs turn tan before you waste your bullets. Once everyone is eliminated, just leave this room. As I said before, I recommend using the third door (the one closest to the counter). If you want to use the second door, go ahead, but I will only be revealing the steps from the third door (as it is the easiest way to get through it). Once in this hallway, you'll see a guy around the corner on the right side. Nail him in the head and peep out of your corner. You might be able to see a guy with a Skull icon. Let him see you so he'll waste his bullets. Just retreat back to the wall once you pop back out to avoid being hit. Once he needs to reload, you can quickly run after him. Be aware of the path on your right. Just dive until you get to the "Special Interrogation" splash. If the guy with the icon runs, he'll most likely return back. If not, just nail the guy that peeps out of the corner on the right side. Be sure to also turn around and look through the path in the middle of the hall. Pick off anyone that comes from that path. Once they're dead, most likely then, the icon guy will return or give up. Grab him and use the Drill Press to interrogate him. Push/Tap down to properly increase the threat meter. Stabilize it and you'll have him squealing in no time. He offers to lead the way to your objective. Accept and release him. If you killed him, then don't worry about it since this walkthrough will also help you lead the way. If he leads the way, just let him run off. He'll meet you at the end of the area. Turn around and run down the stairs. Turn to your left and on the the corner will reside a couple of guys with guns. Peep out the corner and blast them both. Continue the path. There is also a door that remains hidden in the darkness on the left side just a few steps ahead. Go inside and you'll be inside the bathroom. In the first stall is a guy using the toilet. Grab him and use the "Special Interrogation" splash. If you want, you can press up on the analog to feed him some toilet water. To interrogate him, press down on the analog and up to slam his face. This works just like the "Face Smash" interrogation. Once you exit the bathroom, look forward to reveal a dark hallway. That is the hallway accessed if you entered the second door earlier. Use the small crates as cover and pick off anyone you see. Afterwards, turn to your right and continue down the main hallway til you see the guy leading the way. Talk to him for brief details on what's to come in the next room. Enter the room and shoot the guy on the other side of the cementing machine. Once he dies, the guy with the Skull icon will surrender. Use the "Special Interrogation" splash. If you want to be cruel, you can stick his head inside to entrap his head full of cement.... what a cruel way to die. From this point on, turn to the right and exit the area. Don't worry about the guy leading ahead either. He'll turn up later. Run up the hallway a bit til you get to the end. Turn your camera to the right and you'll see a couple of guys running. Quickly shoot one of them. The other will be behind some crates. You can nail him from your position. If you want to get closer, be aware of your right side. There will be a guard resting there until he sees you. He'll try to pop you on your side. There might also be another guard behind the crates. Do whatever you want with him. Continue through the area until you get to the end. You'll see the guy leading the way again. Talk to him for more details about the next area. In this next area, run forward and crouch. Walk against this wall under the windows to avoid being shot. Head to the door. In this area, duck behind the dumpster in front of you for cover. There are two guards, one is unarmed. Kill the armed guy and do whatever you want with the unarmed guard. I suggest using him as a shield for the next part. Also, as you can see on the right side corner of the area, are a few barrels. Shoot them with a pistol (shotgun sucks when blowing up objects from a distance). That should eliminate the two guards in the next area. Head through the next area collecting the ammo from the dead. Stay on the wall on the left side. Peep out and shoot the guard behind the crate. There might also be another guard with a shotgun who'll creep out of no where, so be aware of him. Run into the next area, but run towards the crate on the right side. Use this crate as cover for the area ahead of you. There will be guards shooting at you. Peep out of the right side and shoot anyone you see. Once those two are dead, stand up and face yourself northeast. Look above you to see a huge balcony. Shoot the guy closest to you on the top since he has a pretty good aim of you. Ignore the second one furthest from you as I have something else in store for him. Continue onward. In the next area, the wall will be on your right side, making it harder for you to peep out. If you have a flash bang, you can chuck it to blind as many guards as you can. If not, you can dive on the left side and blast them. The soda machine on the left side will protect you against the shooters behind the machine. Use the machine as cover. Peep out and blast anyone you can see on your right side. Duck down if you want to avoid being shot from the guy above you. When you think you've killed them all, run towards the forklift and activate it. This will ram into the the structure the guy on the balcony is standing on. Using that to kill him will net you 400 points. Continue diving toward the fork lift and get behind the crate. Guards ahead of you will scatter to many areas. Peep out and shoot. Be aware that there will be a couple of guards on the top behind the window. Once everyone is dead, run forward passing the cars and up the stairs. If you've kept the guy leading the way alive, he'll head to your position once you've killed everyone. Follow him and talk to him when he stops. Head through the hallway until you get to the corner. Adjust your camera so you can see the desk. You'll only see on person for now, but there are a couple of guards waiting to ambush you. Once you kill the guard behind the desk, a guard might run to your position. Kill him. Continue through the hall until you get to the end. Adjust your camera to your left side til you see another guard. Pick him off. Afterwards, go behind the counter to access the armory. Collect all the weapons you need and exit. At the end of the area, you'll see the guy leading the way again. Turn to the left side and enter the bathroom. Just run through til you see a screaming lady. She'll run from you and into the next room. Quickly follow and shoot the guard that'll grab her. If he does grab her, you'll have to slowly pick him off with the Fine Aim mode. After killing him, dive backwards or dive forwards and take cover. There are at least three other guards in here. Take them out by diving around and shooting at the same time. Talk the stupid woman for 200 points. Continue through the area until you see another mob of guards. If you have flash bangs, use them to blind them all so you can quick kill them. If you don't, shoot as many as you can while diving forward towards the pillar. Get behind the pillar and peep out the right side of it to shoot your enemies. Be careful that you don't get sidelined by a guard, so check your sides first. If you can't hit certain enemies, then dive around in a circular motion until you're confident you can hit him or dive to pillar to pillar if you like taking cover. Head through the double doors to end the second section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() A very short section. You'll have a hold of your target. What you want to do is up to you. My recommendation, is that you bring him to the "Special Interrogation" splash and interrogate him. Press down and up on the analog to make the threat meter rise fast. If you're too paranoid or cautious, then tapping up on the analog should suffice. Stabilize it and you'll have you're info in no time. ()========================================================() () Section 4 () ()========================================================() Climb down the platform and continue through the path. Go through the tireyard until you hear talking. Wait in that position til you see a guy walking. Lucky for you, he can't see in the dark so when he gets to the tireyard, run towards him (dance around him if you want) and grab him. Interrogate him and do whatever you want. If you feel that you're ultra skilled, you can grab every guard in this region without getting caught. Just monitor their movement and patrols and grab one at time. Drag them back to the darkness of the tireyard and kill them. If you're not skilled, wait for a guard to get close to the explosive barrels. Although this might not kill anyone, the guard closest to the barrels will come a bit closer to you. You can use this time to kill him or grab him. Once he's taken care of, peep out from behind car closest to you and nail anyone you can see on your right side. With the explosion that just happened, many of the guards will come to you, so the back of the car is the best course of action to take cover. Be sure not to neglect the guard on the balcony when you walk around to the front of the car. If you see anyone else, shoot to kill. Continue on the path on the northwest corner (you'll see red/orange background). When you get to the corner of the wall, some of the guards might respond when they see you. Since it's kind of hard to peep out when the wall is on your right side, wait for them to come or dive out and shoot. Once you kill any guards that decide to run towards you, dive out and shoot the barrels that are ahead of you. That will kill a bunch of guards. Eliminate any survivors. Continue up the path. On your left side while up the path, you'll see a shack of some sort. A guy will run off. If you can, kill him, if not, let him run off, you'll find him again. Around the corner of the shack, will reside a guard. He'll pop out, so prepare to dive backwards or to the side. If only his shotgun pops out, stay out of his blast radius and run to the corner to quick kill him. Go around the shack again to find another guard with his back turned. Kill him. Afterwards, turn around and continue on. You should see an open garage. Instead of rushing in, stay on the left wall and peep out. Kill anyone you can see on your right side. Be aware of the car on your right side. There might be a guard behind it trying to shoot you on your sides. Kill him from your position as quickly as possible. Don't forget the top window also. Once you've taken out any visible targets, dive around the crates to look for some in hiding. Once they're all dead, go upstairs. There are two ways out of this room, but they all lead the same way anyway. One on the top and one on the bottom. It doesn't really matter anyways. Go to the next area. If you went upstairs, run down the stairs and climb up the crane. If you went downstairs, just run towards the ladder that leads up the crane. Use the crane controls to drop the car. This will kill 2 out of 3 guards. Afterwards, just dive down since it's a bit complicated to shoot the third guard. Once you've dropped the car, you'll be in one hell of a fire fight. Be aware of the Mini Gun on the roof on your right side. Since that guard is a bit hard to pick off, just dive towards the gun so it can't hit you. Dive around a lot and take cover. Shoot all the guards you see. If you want, go into Slaughter Mode and slaughter everyone. Guards will be coming from both front and back, so find some cover that'll protect you. If you just want to end the level, go the your Car. Nothing really important to get in this area, so just go to your car when you feel ready and finish the level. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* LUCKY'S BAR [LKBR10] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objectives:...........................Kill Bobby Gnucci -Statistics: Bronze:...........................1,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:...........................1,500 Points -Statistics: Gold:.............................2,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() This mission is very short, hence the statistics. Although it seems getting a medal here is kind of difficult, it really isn't. Head between the counter of the bar and the chair. You'll see the first two guards closet to you. They'll also make conversation, so they're not hard to recognize. Crouch down and press up/down to retrieve your weapon. Blast one of them and turn around to face everyone. Stay crouched and stay patient. Any guards decide to come your way, turn to the side and blast them. Once they've stopped coming your way, just peep out of the right side and nail who ever is on your right side. If they just stand there, try peeping up by moving a bit while crouching. This usually draws attention and gets them moving again. If you want to gain a lot of points for being diverse with your kills, be sure to switch weapons. Don't be afraid to pick up the revolver(s) on the ground. Also, there might be some guards behind some chairs/tables. Determine where they are and fine the best course of action to quick kill/interrogate them. Once everyone you see in the bar is dead, Bobby is your last target. (*)==========================(*) (*) BOSS: BOBBY GNUCCI (*) (*)==========================(*) Head to the left side of the wall. There will be a couch in the way, so don't expect to get confront him face up. Just stay on the left side of the wall, peep out of the right side, and shoot him in the head with a pistol. Using the shotgun on his head is fairly weak due to the spread shots. Shoot him continuously in the head until he dies. Mission over. If you're good, you can rack up to get a silver medal. If you were diverse with your kills, then a gold for you (if you played it on hard difficulty). =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* CENTRAL ZOO [CNZO11] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objectives:.............................Rescue Joan -Statistics: Bronze:.............................25,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:.............................50,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:...............................75,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you begin, stand there until you see two guys walk out. When they do, run up to them. Since they can't really see you, grab the guy dressed in a purple vest. You can interrogate him or quick kill him. The other guy has a Skull icon and is unarmed. Once you've taken care of the first guy, grab the second guard, and drag him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash in front of the machine. To do this successfully, press down and up to increase the threat meter. Once it's on the orange bar, tap up to maintain it. Once he breaks, let go of him. He'll agree to stop everyone in the next area. In this room, the guy you interrogated will only stop two guards. Grab the one closest to you. Interrogate him if you wish. Afterwards, use him as a shield and kill the guy behind the counter. This will most likely start a huge ruckus and two other guys will shoot at you. Use the guy you're holding as a shield and take the two other guys out. Afterwards, go to the left side of the area to advance into the next. Most likely, when you get to the doorway, you'll be greeted by a bunch of shooters. Stand on the left side of the wall and peep out. Shoot anyone in the head in Fine Aim mode to quickly take them out. If you want to do a quick kill, you'll have to be patient and wait for them to run out of bullets or try to run closer for cover. Once you're finished taking out the three guards, head up more into the area. On your right side, will be a double door along with a couple more guards. There should be a pillar you can use on the right side as cover. Peep out of the right side and blast anyone by the door. If anyone is on your left side, dive out and shoot them. Head to the same double doors to exit this area. Kick the door down. In this next area, you can easily grab or quick kill a guy that runs scared if you've kicked the door down. Once he dies, there will be a mob of people on your left side. The only cover you can use is the bar. Duck down and shoot anyone on the right side while peeping out. You might have to quickly stand up to do this. Just pop them in the head and quickly duck down again. You can repeat this until you feel you can quick kill some for more points. When you've slaughtered everyone, head to the area where the guards were coming out in the first place. In this next area, you'll be ambushed by many other guards. On the roof, will be a special enemy shooting at you. It's kind of hard to see him, but if you see bullets coming from the sky, you'll know it's him. Just shoot him a couple of times and he'll retreat. Afterwards, dive for the nearest cover, which is most likely behind the cart. Shoot the two guards that will be on your right. There will also be a guy on the left side and a guy in front of you. When the guy in front of you reloads, run towards him and grab him. Kill the guy on the left side. This will activate a door behind the fountain. Two other guys will pop out. It's pretty much up to you how you want to take care of this since there are four "Special Interrogation" splashes on each side of the fountain. Behind the door, lies only two guys that come after you when the door opens and one other guy with a Skull icon. To do the Special Interrogation, drag a victim over. It works exactly like the "Face Smash" interrogation. When you're done interrogating, head into the brown double doors on the northwest side of the fountain. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() When you begin this section, you can already tell that the path ahead of you is blocked up. Turn to the right side of the hallway. While heading up, you'll see a guard come out of the bathroom. Since he's unarmed, run after him and grab him. He also has a Skull icon and the bathroom he runs back into has a "Special Interrogation" splash. Bring him towards the toilet and interrogate the man. Push down on the analog to dive his head into the bowl if you want to see him drink some toilet water. Push up on the analog stick to lift the head and down again to smash his head. Repeat smashing his head until it passes the orange bar. Continue pressing up to maintain the bar until he breaks. He decides he'll help you out by distracting the guards. Run back to the door where you came through. Peep out the corner to view him talking to the guards. After the conversation, they'll be coming your way. Run into the ladies bathroom (I'm sure you can tell which one it is). Wait about four seconds in there. Afterwards, run out of the ladies bathroom and to the door of the mens room. You can go in there and slaughter everyone in there. Afterwards, there might be some guards roaming around the hallway. Just run around the hallway and don't enter any doors to find any guards leaking around. Once you've secured the hallway, head back to the back door of the mens room (the door the guy helping you ran out of). There is a door on your right side by many windows. Ignore that door for now and head to the left side of the hallway. Head into the door on your right up on the corner. You might be able to see at least a guy in a black suit. He'll be waiting to ambush your or already see you. Kill him. If you go through the door into the next room, there might be some guards in here, or just empty. If you use the door on the upper right corner, that will lead back to the hallway. Traverse through the hallway until you see a single door next to some cabinents blocking the path. This is also the other side of where you began. When you open this door, dive in and shoot anyone in front of you. If you're skilled, you can quick kill a bunch without getting hit. If you're not that skilled, then use the table as cover. Many guards will be coming out of the door on the right side. Use the peep out of the right side technique and blast anyone you see. If they're on your left side or ahead of you, look up and shoot, then duck back down. Dive to the sides if you want to get a better shot. If you're good, wait for them to reload and quick kill them. Afterwards, enter the door on the right side. In this hallway, a guy will already run out of the door on your right. Shoot him quickly. There are guards within the room on your right, so if you quick kill him, be careful not to get shot. Once the lone guard is taken care of, get on the left side of the wall and peep out on the right side. Shoot anyone you can see. Once you've taken care of all the visible guards, dive in and take out anyone else. Before heading to the door on the upper right corner, exit out the way you came in and you'll see a door with a "No Admittance" sign. In here is the janitor's room and a janitor inside. Talk to him for a free 200 points. Once you're done here, head back to the room across from you and into the upper right corner door. On the left corner of the hallway will lie a double door. Go through it to end this section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() When you begin this section, turn to your left side and you'll see a guard standing in front of a pool of Pirahnas. You'll hear a big announcement thing that might shock you, just ignore it. He'll also yell out to his buddies about the fishies, ignore that to. Grab him and use the "Special Interrogation" splash. Be sure to use one analog direction at a time each second. If you do both at the same time, the threat meter will rise too quick and his head will be rip into shreds. If you want to keep him alive to squeal, just tap an analog direction until it hits the orange bar. Maintain it in the orange and he'll decide to help you out. When you're done with the interrogation, head up the escalator. The guard you'll be holding will be successful at keeping you alive. Head all the way to the Third Floor. On the third floor, head over to the bridge. The special target will start shooting at you from across the bridge. Shoot the special target (don't use the shotgun if have it, otherwise, you'll have to quick kill the guy you're holding and switch guns). Quick kill the guy you're holding and quickly turn to your right. You should see a guy above shooting at you. Shoot the brick pillar behind him to gain 400 points. After, look ahead of you on the bridge and you'll see two other guards coming after you. Dive backwards (but not too far or else you be shot by the guards on the third floor) and shoot the two guards while diving backwards. When they're dead, you have the option of either going forward or going backwards and kill off the guards on the third and second floor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****[OPTIONAL]**** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you decide to eliminate the other guards for points, head back and stand close to the left side of the bridge. When you get to the end, peep out a bit from the corner. Continue crouching while walking on the left side until you hear shooting. Dive forward while shooting anyone in front of to get behind the exhibit closest to you. Peep out of the right side and shoot anyone. If you want to go for quick kills, dive from exhibit to exhibit and get closer. When you feel like you're close enough, quick kill anyone while they're reloading. When everyone is dead on the third floor, you might still hear gun fire. If you do, that's the second floor re-acting. Look down the escalator and shoot at anyone in front of you. Afterwards, dive down the escalator and dive to the nearest exhibit on the right side. Peep out of the right side to shoot anyone on the right side. If the majority is on the left side, you can move to the right side of the exhibit and circle around, blasting anyone in the way. With enough practice, you can do all this without getting scratched. If you hear more gun fire after clearing the second floor, then that means some of the guards have retreated to the first floor. Check the escalator to see if anyone is in front of you. If not, dive down the escalator and dive in a circular motion while shooting to effective take them out. I wouldn't recommend using the elevator railing as a cover due to it's size and it's ability to protect you from gun fire. When you're done, head back upstairs and to the bridge. Cross the bridge and on your left side in front of the bench, lies four Frag Grenades. Continue on the path. Along the way, you'll hear gun shots. The gun fire is coming from the right side of your position. I suggest diving down instead of crouching to take them out seeing as how they have a pretty good accuracy and also a couple might decide to run your way. Those that run your way, just dive forward and blast them. Continue diving until you get to the bottom of the stairs. You should see a huge face statue a little ways on your left side. Get behind it for efficient cover. Peep out the right side and blast whoever. You can use a frag grenade to blow them up if you want or if you want to go for quick kills, eliminate some people with the gun, wait for someone to reload, and kill them. When you're done, head through the doorway to the next area. When inside this hallway, immediately turn to the right side. You'll see a path leading north. Stay on the left side of the wall and peep out when you get to the corner. Blast anyone you pretty much see on your right side. Crouch down to get better cover. Be sure to watch out for the guards taking cover behind the exhibit on the right side. There might be guards who will run in front of you, so you can use that chance to grab them as a shield (best option) or quick kill them (bad option if you don't want to get hit). There will be more guards on the left side behind the wall of your position. Just shift around a bit to get a better view, but stay close to the wall. If you hear gun fire but don't see anyone, some might be shooting with their guns sticking out. When you think you've eliminated enough people that are visible within view, dive out to the exhibit pointing in a vertical direction. Use that as cover and kill anyone ahead of you or anyone in the area that remains. When you've killed everyone, there is usually one that will surrender to you. Grab him, interrogate him, and continue up the area til you see an altar. Bring him to the "Special Kill" splash and continue the tradition the ancient Aztecs did. Head down the altar and on the left side (when going downstairs, it'll be on your right side), will lie some Frag Grendades. Collect those and head through the double doors. ()========================================================() () Section 4 () ()========================================================() When you begin this section, adjust your camera to the left side. Collect more Frag grenades. Then run to the door on the right side and kick it down. Shoot one of the guards and the other will run around or grab the security guard as a hostage. Blast the second one before he runs or grabs a hostage. Talk to the security guard to get some info about an ambush. Run to the left side and get on the left side of the bench between the lampost and the bench itself. Crouch down and wait for the three guards to come by. When you see one, get up and blast him. When he dies, you can adjust your camera a bit to see the path ahead of you. Side step a bit in front of the bench and view the other two guys. If one re-acts to you, blast him also. With the last guard, you can easily take him out by blasting him or quick killing. Afterwards, run up the path and turn to the left side to continue. Straight ahead, you'll see the special target. Shoot him so he'll retreat back. Don't follow straight after him. If you go under that archway, it'll explode on you, inflicting a lot of damage. Instead, turn back around and on your right side, you'll see a little gate door with a sign on it. You'll see many of these through out this next part, so get used to them. Go through it and enter the door on the left side. Once you enter, you'll hear gun fire behind you. Ignore it for now and head inside. Once you're inside, turn right and go down the stairs. You'll see a barrel next to the double doors. Equip a gun other than a shotgun if you want to blow it up. Basically, you'll want to remain in this room because the guards that were shooting at you, will follow you in. They'll come from both sides, the double doors and the door you just entered from. Stand in the middle of the stairs and stare at the double doors. If you hear the door open and if you don't see the double doors opening, then turn around and blast who ever comes your way. When you think you've killed them all (wait about a minute or so if they've stopped coming in or not), open up the double doors. Crouch down and walk forward a bit. There will be a guard on your left side standing on top of a ledge. Use a M4 Assault Rifle for best distance and shoot him down. It's best to use that rifle in this next area because many enemies stand on top of ledges in hope to snipe you down. When you take him out, stay on the left side of the ledge wall and travel as close to the wall as possible. After taking the first guy out, you can walk up the ledge itself and walk along side. Not too far away, there will be another guy on the same ledge. If you're quick, you can easily grab him first, use him as a shield to take out the guard from a distance. The Fine Aim crosshairs won't turn tan because he's too far, but if you're using the M4 Assault Rifle, you can take him out easily. Continue on the path staying close to the ledges. Soon, you'll be forced down the ledge, so just stay close to the wall. Shoot any guards you see in your path. If you have your human shield, keep him for a while. Keep continuing the path until you see a guard with a Skull icon over his head. If you're on the ledge and if you see him across from you, you're going the wrong way, so head down the ledge and continue staying close to the wall until you see him. When you do, get rid of your shield and dive towards his ledge so he can't see/shoot you. Continue down the ledge until you see double doors on your left side. Go in them and turn left. Head up the path and up the stairs until you see door in front of you. Go in it and there will be a door on your left. This leads to the guard with the Skull icon. Open the door and grab him. Set him on the "Special Interrogation" splash and make him squeal. He'll give you the key to the Janitor's closet, but seeing as how I could never really find it in the first place, don't worry much about it since you have enough weapons/bullets anyways. Go back the door and enter the door across from you. You'll be on top of another ledge. Below you, are some guards. Crouch down, get close to the ledge, go into Fine Aim mode, and you'll be the hunter in this sniping game. Snipe as many guards as possibe in your vision. There will also be another guard on the same ledge as you on the left/right side, so take them out first. Since most of the guards are at a far distance, the tan color on the crosshair might not show, so just hit them with the best judgement you have with the Fine Aim. When you think you're done, drop down and slaughter the rest. As for the other doors you saw earlier in the hallway before you went to interrogate the guard with the Skull icon, those door lead to this area. The path I took you allowed you to snipe them all instead of getting into a huge fire fight. When you're done, on the left side of the ledge, you'll see a stairway leading up. Go through the little gate with the sign and you'll see a security guard. He's your ticket to the next area, but before we go to the next area, go through the unexplored paths and go into the little gates with signs and inside their doors. One of them will/might be (I was never too sure) the Janitor's closet. There are lots of weapons/ammo in here, so collect it. In case you forgot, be sure *NOT* to go under the archway. It'll still explode regardless of what side you approach it from. Once you've explored them all and collected the ammo/grenades/weapons you need, talk to the security guard to end this section. ()========================================================() () Section 5 () ()========================================================() When you begin, talk to the security guard. Afterwards, go through the gate with two signs. When you go through it, the door will automatically open. Dive to the side and aim a guard holding a security guard. There are two guards taking people hostage, so quickly take them out. You'll want to save them since they'll want to join on your little journey. After the three visible guards are dead, head inside the area and turn left. You'll see more guards on this side. One has a Skull icon, so kill the other two and grab the Skull icon guy. Bring him over to the "Special Interrogation" splash. This is one of my favorite interrogations. The main objective is to scare the guy by making the Rhino charge at him, then pull away when the Rhino gets close. If you leave the guy there, the Rhino will gore him to death. Press down to pull away and up to push toward the gate. When he's toward the gate, the Rhino will come running. While the Rhino is running, the threat meter will rise. Pull away when the Rhino comes close. When it steps back, push forward again to make the meter rise again. Stabilize it to break the guy. If you want, let the Rhino gore him. Continue through the only door here. In this next area, dive out immediately to the side and shoot who ever you see. Quickly throw a grenade to blow up anyone coming. Shoot all survivors. Continue the path and through the double doors. In this little useless area, lies a shotgun and M4 Assault rifle, which are only useful for ammo. Go through the double doors to be greeted by more guards and more security guards. Most likely, you'll be shot here at least once unless you're good. Since the guards will be coming from all sides, there's no effective place to gain cover, so you'll have to dive around and shoot alot. When you're done, head up to the double doors with an "Exit" sign. There are a couple of single doors on the side of the area, but they lead no where. ()========================================================() () Section 6 () ()========================================================() The last section of the level at last. Kick down the double doors in front of you and dive forward. Shoot who evers in front of you. Turn to your right side and dive while shooting anyone on that side. If no ones on that side, then don't worry about diving more than once. There should only be three guards in that little area. Once they're dead, head up the stairs and dive again while shooting at anyone ahead of you. Continue down the hallway until you see a ramp on the left of you. There should be a guy with a Skull icon. If everyone in the vicinity is dead, he'll already be on his knees. If not, then look around to see if everyone is truly dead. Grab the Skull icon guy and bring him towards the ledge where the "Special Interrogation" splash is. Threaten him until he squeals. He'll help you call out everyone. Use the guy you're holding as a shield and shoot anyone else you see. You'll also see another "Special Interrogation" splash. Kill everyone except the guy with the Skull icon. Get rid of your shield if he isn't already dead and grab the Skull icon guy. Drag him towards the pool where the splash is at and you'll see a bunch of electric eels. Either pull down the analog stick or up on the analog stick to make the threat meter increase. Doing it simultaneously will cause the meter to rush to quick and kill the guy. Keep it on the orange until he squeals. He'll offer himself for Joan..... I think you can figure this out yourself, but he does make a great shield, so take him anyways. Continue through the next area. You'll see the special target, so shoot him from a distance to make him retreat. Walk inside and get to the corner of the wall next to the door. With this, you can view both paths leading north (up) and east (right). Eliminate anyone you see. When you think everyone is dead, head down the east path, along with the shield. Continue heading up the path, gathering ammo. When you get about 3/4 up the hallway (there will be a glass exhibit in the front of you), look to your left to find some Frag grenades. Continue along the path. When you make the left turn at the end of the path, you'll see the special target behind the huge map along with some more guards. Continue after them and eliminate who ever comes in your way. At the end of the path, go through the double doors. On the left side lies shotgun ammo, M4 ammo, and SMG ammo. Go through the next double doors til you get to the next area and here a help cry from Joan. Turn to your left side and you'll see a big hallway with a guard or two running towards you. Take them out and dive to the pillar in the middle of the hallway. Use that as cover and shoot any guards in your way. When they're dead, run along the path, passing the first corner (look on the right side of the hall as it splits down in a triangular shape). Dive to the left side of the hallway between the stone structures (bench in the middle) and use that as cover. When the guards are dead, continue along, but dive forward when passing the third corner, the special target will shoot a rocket at you, so dive til you get close to him. Joan won't be in his possession no more, so *DO NOT FOLLOW HIM*, otherwise, he'll continue blowing you to bits with his fancy gun. Go through the next room. Head up the stairs and you'll encounter a guard in front of you, quick kill him or grab him and kill the other guard. Stand in the door way (don't exactly walk into the room) and go into Fine Aim. You should see an arm poking out that you can shoot. This will cause him to pop out, along with the ambush. Dive in and around until you kill all four guards. Go to the "Open Gage" switch to unlock the cage from the other side. Then go to the "Open Door" switch. Once you open the door and head into the next and final area, dive towards the ladder that's straight ahead of you. Ignore all the gun fire and the timer placed for you to save Joan. Climb up the ladder and kill anyone on the top balcony. Turn to the right side of and head to that part of the balcony, diving while shooting anyone in your way. Ignore the switch (it's useless) and grab the guy with the Skull icon. Use the "Special Interrogation" splash to get some info and use him as a shield afterwards. Open up the door and press the Valve switch to stop the timer. Kill everyone else you see. Talk to Joan to finish the level. As for the Cage you opened up earlier, is pretty useless, but it's on the left side of where you entered the room. It contains some grenades, which is the only useful thing in there. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* GREY'S FUNERAL HOME [GRFH12] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:...............................Destroy Drug Cache -Mission Objective:...............................Kill Ma Gnucci -Mission Objective:...............................Kill Eddie Gnucci -Statistics: Bronze:..............................20,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:..............................30,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:................................40,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you begin, you'll be inside the coffin. Wait there until you see a "Sit Up" message on the bottom. Sit up and start blasting at everyone. Keep shooting until you see a "Exit Casket" message. Get out of the casket and quick kill everyone in the room. When you're done, head to the door on the left side of the casket. The double doors across from the casket is obviously locked. Usually, the door on the side might be opened by an armed guard. Once you've slaughtered everyone in the first room, enter the next area. Most likely, you'll be shot at. There will be swarms of guards, so dive around and use the pillars/coffins as cover. There are four "Special Kill" splashes, so grab some guards and use the kill. There is also one "Special Interrogation" splash by one of the coffins. One of the guards will also have a Skull icon, so avoid killing him. Continue diving around and shooting/quick killing everyone around. Once everyone but the Skull icon guard is dead, use the the special interrogation. The special interrogation works just like face smashing or any other type of smashing, so no need for a huge explanation. When you're done, exit out of the sliding door. When you take a step into this area, a female innocent will run out scared. Around the corner, lies an opened elevator with two guards. Dive out or peep out of the right side and shoot them. The double doors are locked, so you'll have to go inside the door way by the elevator. When you get near the doorway, dive to the side so you're on the left side of the doorway. There are a few guards in there, so kill the one behind the kitchen counter. Dive inside and duck behind the kitchen counter. Take out the other two guards in here and continue in the dining room when they're dead. The double doors are locked, so you'll have to go through the white door leading to the basement. When you're downstairs, head into the next area. At least two guards will run in, so quickly shoot them down. You can wait in this room for the guards to keep coming to you or you can rush inside and dive around and slaughter everyone in the room. When they're all dead, go through the double doors that are located in the upper left corner. Tiny hallway, so proceed into the next room. In this room, there are a few people on the right side of the room talking. Dive to that side and get behind a counter or pillar. Quickly anihilate them all and turn to your left side. Go down the stairs and kill everyone here except for the guard with the Skull icon. Grab him and drag him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash. Lightly press the up on the analog stick to increase heat. When it turns off, lightly tap the up button to increase the threat meter. Stabilize it until he breaks. Press down on the analog to turn off the heat. When you're done, turn around and head near the single door. When you get near the door, you can hear gun fire. Wait for the door to open and grab the guard that runs through. Kill the second guard and use the guard you're holding as a shield. Head to the upper left corner of this tiny room and press the switch to open the secret door. Place the bomb and quickly walk out the room. Still keep your shield. Once you're out of the room, you should be a safe distance from the blast radius. When you're back into the previous room, you'll be encountered by many more guards. Blast your way back upstairs until the section ends. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() Head upstairs back to the dining room. You'll see the mortician of the funeral. Talk to him if you wish, otherwise, head into the double doors that were locked earlier. Once you enter this room, turn to your right and head into the hallway. Once you're in the hallway, turn to the right and head up the stairs. Shoot anyone in your way in front of you. Once you're upstairs, you'll have to dive around and shoot at the same time. Duck down for cover. Head by the single door at the end of the balcony. When you're near the door, a guard will come out. Grab/Quick kill him and dive backwards. Shoot anyone you see in front of you that's in the next room. Enter the room and you'll see some guards through the window. Dive through and turn to your left. There will be guards in that room. While diving, take them out first because they have a better chance of hitting you. Once they're dead, eliminate everyone else. Head into the little room with the red painting and you can see a single door in the upper right corner. Go through it. Turn to your left and you'll witness a hostage situation. Go into Fine Aim mode and shoot the guard in the head to release the female. Talk to the female for 200 points. Head near the door and wait for the guard to come out. He should have a Skull icon on his head, so grab him and interrogate him. He offers a distraction, so let him go. *DO NOT PRESS X AFTER YOU LET GO OF HIM*. He has a remote bomb on him, so it's best not to use it just yet. Follow him and stand by the corner while he goes in. He'll talk to the guards. Once he stops moving, press X to detonate the bomb and also kill several more guards. Enter the room and slaughter any survivors. There will also be another guard with a Skull icon, so leave him alive. Once everyone is dead, grab the Skull icon guard and drag him towards the Piano. Use the "Special Interrogation" and break him. Once you're done with him, go into one of the two double doors. It doesn't matter since they lead to the same area. There will be two doors in this hall. One will be a bedroom with two M4 Assault Rifles for ammo. The other will be a bedroom that'll advance you to the next area. When you're in that bedroom, head over to the statue and tilt it. Go through the unlocked doorway to end this section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() When you start this section, you'll be in the stair way before the boss battle between you and Eddie. Prepare yourself with a weapon of choice and bust inside. There will also be two tactics for this level, one long and one short. I'll cover the long one first and the short one second. (*)==========================(*) (*) BOSS: EDDIE GNUCCI (*) (*)==========================(*) ______________________________________________________________________________ LONG BATTLE STRATEGY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start this off by running around the attic and getting to know the environment you'll be battling in. If you see Eddie (the guy in the blue suit), shoot him. There will also be guards who come in from the entrance (the door you came in from). They'll continuously respawn unless you're close to the door. The main concept is to quick kill each guard/interrogate them while you go after Eddie. Since they respawn, use this time to rack up points until you reach the number of points you desire. If you need health, grab a guard and interrogate him in one of the attic rooms. Keep running after Eddie and shooting him until he dies. ______________________________________________________________________________ SHORT BATTLE STRATEGY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This will be a short battle where you only have to stand in one place. When you enter the room, you'll see Eddie run to the side. Don't run after him. Instead, turn to your right side and you'll see a big gaping hole. Duck down and aim through it. You'll see Eddie. He'll first run behind the counter on the right side, then on the left side. He'll also throw a Flash Bang grenade, but ignore it since it does hardly anything to you. Go into Fine Aim mode and wait til he gets on the left counter. When he pops out from taking cover, shoot him. This will force Eddie to retreat to his cover. He'll then pop out again. Shoot him again. The whole battle consists of shoot him after he pops out. Repeat this til he dies. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* GNUCCI ESTATE [GNES13] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:.................................Kill Ma Gnucci -Statistics: Bronze:................................30,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:................................60,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:..................................90,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you first begin, walk up the stairs on the left side. As you approach, you'll hear a conversation within the well. Wait until the conversation is over and run in. Grab the guard with a Skull icon and interrogate him in front of the well. Once he breaks, he'll agree to help provide distraction. Let him go and side step a bit from the side so you're not in open view. Adjust your camera to the right and you'll see them walk past you and head to the area where you first began the level. When you see the second armed guard walk past, run behind and quick kill him. When you get to the area where you first begin, take care of the armed guard. The person you interrogated, you can do whatever you want with. Continue up the courtyard past the well and up the stairs. You'll encounter a few more guards. Take them out. When Frank mentions narrates in his mind, that means they're all dead. Enter through the opened door way on the left side of the courtyard. This ends a very short section. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() When the section begins, exit the area and head into the Wine Cellar. In front of you, should be a blue square. That indicates that the wine shelf will be a useful tool. Get behind it and when the option of pushing it down appears, push it down. This will kill the guard and cause a minor ruckus. Another guard will walk in. Get behind the cellar and view the door in front of the fallen wine shelf. When he comes from the side, go around the cellar and behind him. Quick kill him. After that, enter the door (don't kick down), and you'll see two guards sitting on the couch. Shoot both of them in the heads and more guards will come out of the doors in the hallway. Kill all the guards you see and head through the end of the hallway. The doors on the side contain nothing of importance. When you get to the end, stand in front of the last door. You'll hear a conversation. When it ends, a guard will run in front of you. Grab him and use him as a shield. Walk inside and you'll encounter a bunch of guards. Explore the area and kill all the guards in your path. If you want, you can not use the shield and quick kill everyone by dodging around and using the pillars as cover. Once you kill everyone, you might hear a voice by the front room on the side. Go into that area and you'll see a caged prisoner. He'll reveal how to release him. Head back out and your left side, you'll see a picture in a blue square. Tilt it to open a secret path. In the secret path, enter the single door on your left instead of through the double doors. Although the double doors will lead you to the same area, through the single door gives you the advantage. Once inside, head through another single door. This leads to the same area as the double doors. Just walk in this door and not kick it down. Once you're inside, you'll see a whole group of people. Dive to the side and get behind the desk. Use that as cover and slaughter everyone. When everyone is dead, from your position behind the desk, go to the lower right corner of the room. You'll see a gray colored door. Go in and grab the guard with the Skull icon. Grab the key and turn on the security gate. If you're low on ammo, pick up some shotgun/SMG ammo. Drag the guy back to the main area. There may be some guards around, so watch yourself. Enter the door across from you (across the secret door) and you'll be inside the boiler room. This is also the "Special Interrogation" area, so put the guy you dragged into some torture. Press up on the analog to increase the threat meter. He will take slight damage until he's low on health. Tap up on the analog lightly afterwards to increase the threat meter quickly and he'll give you some information. When you're done, use him as shield and release the prisoner. If you've received information from the Skull icon guard, you'll then have the option of killing the prisoner. When you're done, head up the hallway and through the security gate. There may also be more guards, so take them all out. If you have no shield, you'll have to use the wall and peep out of the right side and blast them all in their heads. Head through the gate and prepare for some more guards. Dive around and kill them. When you turn the corner to the stairs, **DO NOT MAKE A SINGLE STEP TOWARDS HIM**. He'll be dumb enough to mess with a bomb and happily blow himself up for you. Make a step more and you might be blown up to. When he's dead, continue up the stairs to end the section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() When you begin this section, just stand where you are. When you see the guard coming down, quickly grab him and use him as a shield. Continue up the stairs and kill the two guards who'll pop out in front of you. Once you past the doorway, turn to your right and you'll see a table turned over. A couple of more guards will pop from there, so kill them. Turn around and head through the hallway. Guards will be popping out of doors and through the halls, so prepare yourself. If you need cover, use the really large pillars to help you out. You may go through the doors if you want, but none of them really contain anything of huge importance. If you need revolver bullets, then the second door will be the room for you. Head to the end of the hallway and you'll hear a conversation between guards. Head inside and kill the two guards. When they're dead, dive towards the polar bear figure and get behind it. Use that as cover since there will be a huge ambush once you've shown yourself. Kill all the guards in area. If you want, you can dive around and try to get behind some guards for quick kills. Be sure to leave the guard with the Skull icon alive so you can do a "Special Interrogation by the fire place. Press up on the analog stick to singe his face and increase the threat meter. His health will slowly drop, so don't worry about killing him. Once you've made him break, turn around and head through the single door. Approach the four guards and they'll all put their guns down. Afterwards, walk back into the previous room and approach one of the "Special Kill" splashes. One will be in front of a gold spike and the other in front of a window, but face the stuffed elephant's face. Once you've killed him, quickly get in front of the door again and grab the first guard that comes out. The rest will follow, so you shoot them all. You can use the guard you grabbed on the second special kill splash. Head back into the hallway again. Head to the end of the hallway and enter the door on your right. Be sure to kick it down. If you kick it down, you'll be able to grab the guard closest to you. Use him as a shield and quickly kill the two guards in front of you. Turn to your right and you'll see more guards. Kill all of them except the one with the Skull icon. Grab him once everyone is dead and bring him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash. This one is rather tricky, but easy if you actually take it easy. The main point is to jiggle the knives fast enough to scare the guard. Jiggle it quickly to make the threat meter rise. Once it's on the orange bar, jiggle it quick faster to maintain it on the bar til he finally gives in. On your left side, you'll see a double door and a single door across from it. Go through the single door and activate the secret pathway. Head downstairs and open up the safe for Five Flash Bang grenades. Once you've obtained them, head back upstairs and through the double doors. Once inside, kill the guard on your left and get behind the white pillar. Use that as cover and kill all the guards that will come into the room. Afterwards, you can enter any of the doors to end the section as they lead to the same area. ()========================================================() () Section 4 () ()========================================================() When you begin the section, go through the double doors. Dive to your left side through the single door. On the side will be some guards. When you dive through the door, you'll be in the bathroom, so you can use this door as a cover. Peep out the right side and shoot the two guards (one that came from the double doors and one behind the desks). Head through the double doors when you're done. In this room, turn the camera to your right and side step a bit. You'll see a guard standing behind a desk. Dive out and shoot him. Stay close to the left wall and shoot him if you missed. Continue through the short hallway until you get to the end of it. Head inside the door and run toward the pillar that's right in front of you. Use that as cover and shoot a couple of guards. Afterwards, dive towards the pool table for cover. Peep out and shoot any guards in your way. Advance closer to find more guards to kill. Once they're all dead, grab the guard with the Skull icon. Interrogate him to get some info. Afterwards, go near the pool table to find the lamp. If it's highlighted in blue, then pull the lamp. Go inside the secret room to get the key. Head to the end of the room to find a single door. Go through it. In this hallway, you'll see mostly dead bodies from the guards you killed earlier. Be sure to be on the alert since there will be guards. If you see some, dive backwards and shoot them. Use the pillars sticking out of the walls for minimal cover. At the intersection of the hallway, turn to the left path and you'll hear someone behind the single door. Unlock the door and kick it down. Quickly slaughter the two guards and stare at all the weapons. Grab some ammo/weapons if needed. There are some Flash Bang grenades if you need them. Exit out and across from you, you can see an open room leading to the front room. You'll also see some guards staring straight ahead, so rush in and blast them. Afterwards, you'll trigger a huge fire fight, so use the pillars as cover. Be sure to dive around to avoid bullets and don't neglect the second floor. There are many guards up there, so be sure to get them as quickly as possible if you want to avoid being shot. If you get low on health, this area is the perfect place to go into Slaughter Mode. When everyone is dead, head up the stairs. Be sure to keep alert still since you might not of killed everyone, and the second floor contains plenty more guards. Once you're sure you killed everyone on the top floor, turn to your left to be facing a single door. Head towards the door, unlock it, and you'll be inside another room full of weapons. Grab them and exit out. Go inside the double doors closest to you (the one across from you is inacessable). Once inside, the double doors across from you leads to the balcony area of the front room. Turn to the right to continue along the hallway. Once you step foot, more guards will come out. Use the pillars as cover and blast anyone in your way. The rooms contain nothing of importance. If you feel like you're low on health, grab a guard, drag one inside a room, wait til guards stop coming into the room, and interrogate the guard. As you get near the end of the hallway, more guards will run in from the double doors. Grab one quickly for a shield and blast whom you see. Be careful not to hit the guard with the Skull icon. Once everyone is dead, grab the guard with the Skull icon and drag him towards the "Special Interrogation" splash. Tap either up on the analog stick or down on the analog stick to make the threat meter rise. Once it's on orange, keep it stable til he starts crying and gives you information. When you're done, go by the double doors and enter the Library. ()========================================================() () Section 5 () ()========================================================() (*)==========================(*) (*) BOSS: BUSHWACKER (*) (*)==========================(*) When you begin, Bushwacker will run around and try to get close to you. All you can really do is shoot at him. Run downstairs and continue backing away from him while shooting. Sooner or later, guards will run in. This will be your source of replenishing health and getting infinite points like in the previous level. The best way to do this is to stand in front of the pillars of either two doors. Quick kill the guard that comes in front of you and shoot the guard on the side of you when he exits out the door. In order to even gain points, you'll have to make sure Bushwacker has a guard as a hostage. This way, he'll stay in the same position. Be sure that Bushwacker takes the hostage from behind the stairway so he doesn't bother you. From this point on, just stand in front of the pillar, quick kill guards, shoot at guards, and repeat this til you gain as many points as you want. As you kill more guards, some of them drop Flash Bang grenades, which will help if you need it. When you're done, heal to full health if you need it. When you're done, kill Bushwacker's hostage and go after him. Continue to shoot him and back away from him. If you need to heal, did what you did earlier when gaining points or wait for Bushwacker to get a hostage, grab a guard, go upstairs, and interrogate him from upstairs. You don't have to necessarily wait for Bushwacker to get a hostage, but it does prevent him from moving. Be sure to interrogate the person upstairs with your back behind a corner so you can see the guards approaching you. When he loses about 75% of his life, he'll start shooting explosive shots at you. Dodge them when ever he does. You can always tell he will when he lifts up his arm. Continue shooting at him til he dies. Use flash bangs to clear your way of guards if they become a nuisance. ()========================================================() () Section 6 () ()========================================================() No you're not done yet. Just one more thing left, which is to escape. You have Four minutes on the clock. When you begin, run toward the double door. Most likely, a guard will run out. Shoot him. Enter the room and kill the guard inside and grab the guard with the Skull icon. Interrogate him for some info. Afterwards, head towards the clock and press the switch to open up the secret passage. Enter through it. In front of you will be impassable flames, so look up. You'll see some devices that will release water when shot at. It should be highlighted in blue, so shoot both of them. Let the flames die down before passing through. Head to the end of the hallway to find some computers. Disable the security and head back to the bedroom. The doors should be unbarred. Enter the door that's on the left side of the bed. The other two are just rooms that lead no where except here. When you enter this hallway, on the right, will be an area engulfed in flames. On the left, is another stairway. There are guards down there, but other than them, nothing else. Shoot the devices on the ceiling to unleash the water. Let the flames die down and enter the double door on the left side. The one ahead of you is inaccessible. Enter the door. In this room, enter the double doors on the left side. Kick the door down and shoot the guards that are in your way. If you have some flash bangs left, use them. Be aware of the guard in armor. He'll be a lot longer to take care of, so quick kill him for the best results. When they're dead, head into the only other door. Inside contains Ma Gnucci. Grab her and stand on the "Special Kill" splash. Finally give her a taste of what she deserves. With this, ending the level. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* PIER 74 [PR7414] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:.................................Destroy Drug Shipment -Statistics: Bronze:................................20,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:................................40,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:..................................60,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you begin, turn to the right and head down the path. Along the way, you'll hear conversation. As you continue, you'll see two guards on your left side. Approach the one with the lighter green shirt and grab him. The second guard will drop his weapon, allowing you to freely interrogate the current guard. After you take care of both the guards, continue up the path. When you get between the two benches in the middle of the path, run to the right side to an opened path. There will be a locked gate here, but you can stand here and plan an ambush. When the guards stop talking, a guard will start walking. When you see a guard in front of you, shoot his head to quickly kill him. Once he's dead, get near the corner and adjust your camera. There should be three more guards. If you shoot a few stray shots, one might walk further and allow you to get another clean shot at him. Be sure to switch guns so you can get more points. Once you have at least two dead guards, dive out and try to kill the other guard without the Skull icon. Once he's dead, grab the guard with the icon and drag him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash near the edge. Interrogate him for some info. Once he breaks, turn around and head towards the dumpster for some Flash Bang grenades. Once you're done, go to the door closest to the previous Special Interrogation splash. When you enter, ahead of you, you'll see a guard running towards you. Ignore him since he kills himself. Instead, run up the path a bit and turn to your right. You should see an alley way with some guards hiding behind the corner. Once you reveal yourself, they'll open fire, so use the fences surrounding the trees for cover. Kill the two guards in the alley and continue on. When you get near the door that leads to the next area, there will be conversation, so wait for it. Kick the door down and shoot a couple of guards running away from you. Dive to the side afterwards to gain some cover. Use the book shelfs and desks as cover. You can use the book shelfs to your advantage and sneak up on some guards and quick kill them. Kill every guard in this room except for the guard with the Skull icon. Once everyone is dead, grab the Skull icon guard towards the "Special Interrogation" splash in front of the glass case. This works just like the Face Smash interrogation. Push up on the analog stick to lift the head and down to smash the head on the case. When he gets weaker, there will be no need to crash his head, just lift up or down on the analog to make the threat meter rise quickly. When he breaks, use him as a shield. Head out the green double doors to access the next area. In this next area, is just one big pier with many crates and benches for cover. When you walk out, turn to your right and kill the guard behind the corner of the building. There are also two snipers on the roof. You can easily see them if you look ahead of the pier and on the roofs. Since they have bad aims, you can use the shield to pick them down. You can also use the side of the yellow crate. Peep out the right side and shoot them both in the head. If you go around the corner where you first took out the guard, you'll see a dumpster. Go behind it to find some more ammo and a grenade launcher. Grab it and use your dual pistols that you brought along. Once you've grabbed what you need, a guard or two might walk your way, so use the dumpster as cover. When they advance close enough, kill them. Continue up the pier and use the huge crates as cover and kill who ever is in your way. When you get to the end of the pier, you'll see two double doors. They're the only doors unlocked in the pier and you can obviously see through the windows. Kill any other guards outside of the room and when you're done, bring out your grenade launcher. Use it and shoot behind tables and counters to rack up a lot of kills. If you didn't bring it with you, you can either run back to get it or use the tables and counters as cover while you dive around and shoot/quick kill the guards. When you're done, you can replace your grenade launcher for a better rifle/larger gun since the grenade launcher has no use for now. Head into the double doors into the kitchen area. There is only one guard you will want to kill in this room and he's right in front of you. Use the door way as cover and shoot him when he pops out behind the corner. There is another guard in here, so be quick. When you kill that guard in front of you, the second guard will surrender. Since he has a Skull icon, grab him, and drag him to the "Special Interrogation" splash. Use the analog stick to giggle the knives. They'll all fall down except four if you giggle it quick enough. When there are four left, just slightly giggle the analog to make his threat meter rise quickly until he breaks. When you're done, use him as a shield. Walk through the single door and into the next area. A little short hallway in here. Walk into the door across from you to get more bullets for your gun. The door in the right will contain the prisoner. Kick your shield inside and shoot the guard that's in front of him. Once he's dead, dive inside and shoot the guard on the right side. Ignore the guard that has the prisoner, she can take care of herself easily. Talk to the prisoner when the guards are dead. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() When you begin this section, the prisoner will join up with you as partners. Kick down the double doors and dive to the left side a bit. Shoot the barrels to kill the guards. There will be a guard behind you, but your partner will easily dispose of him. Continue the path, following your partner. She'll suggest pushing the dumpster. Do that and run down with it for cover. When you get to the end, dive out to the left side and shoot anyone in front of you. Continue to advance while shooting and quick kill anyone close to you. When you get to the end of the pathway, go through the big blue door. There will be no "Kick Door" feature, so you'll have to push it a little to recognize it. In this huge area, there will be guards in front of you and guards on the left of you. Take out the guards on your left since they're the closet. Dive to the left side if you need to and gun them down. Get close to one and grab as a shield. Before really advancing on, stay on the left side and you might notice a door. Inside contains a Shotgun and more Flash Bang grenades. Get them and walk back outside. Kill any guards besides the one with the Skull icon. Don't worry about your partner killing him since she'll avoid even shooting at him. Grab the guard and drag him towards the "Special Interrogation" splash by the curb. Just like Face Smashing, pull down on the analog stick to lift leg and up on the analog to kick his face in. When he gets real weak, there's no need to smash his face in. When you get the info you need, take care of the guard however you'd like. Continue up the path and you'll see another big blue door. On the left side while running to the door, you'll see two Flash Bang grenades behind the crate. Grab them and walk near the door. Your partner will stop you and you get to listen in on some guards. You can also talk to your partner for some information. Go into the next area whenever you're ready. In this area, will only contain two guards. The guard wearing red will run away while one guard will shoot at you. Quickly kill him and follow the guard in red. You can quickly grab him if you can catch up to him or shoot him down while he chases the boat. When you're done with those two, head up the stairs and into the next room. You and your partner will temporarily split up, so don't worry if she's not following you. In this room, you'll be on the high rise of the building. Duck down and crouch while walking to gain cover. Shoot any guards ahead of you and quick kill any that get to close to you. Use Flash Bang grenades if necessary (you should have plenty if you've obtained some in the last couple of rooms). Run around the balcony and kill all the guards in your way. There will be one area on the top with plenty of barrels. Shoot the barrel to cause an explosion to kill the guards. You can recognize this area by looking on the floor and seeing weapons. When you're done, head downstairs. When you get downstairs, the door in front of you will open. Shoot the guard that comes out (or quick kill). THere will be a guard in the next room holding a Yakuza guard hostage. Do whats best for them and put them out of their misery. Head into the next room and take out the guards. Use the crates as cover and an obstacle to sneak up on guards for quick kills. Before advancing in the big blue door, head downstairs again to find a guard with the Skull icon over his head. Grab him and drag him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash near the edge of the dock. As you can see in the water, if you let him die, it will be very gruesome. Press up on the analog stick to make the threat meter slightly rise while the down direction of the analog will make the threat meter rise faster. When you're done, do whatever you want with him. Note that if you throw him in the water, the effect won't be the same as in the previous levels if you threw the guard into a water full of Pirhanas. Head around the dock and back the way you came in. Head upstairs and into the big blue door. As you walk along the path and through the crates, a guard will pop out of no where. Of course, you can take him out easily, but your partner seems to have your back. Follow your partner and head along the crates. Use the crates as cover and a way of getting behind some guards for kills. If you follow the pathway of guards or your partner, you'll end up in front of a huge door with a panel highlighted in blue. Use the panel to open the door. Head inside the big warehouse. As you approach, you'll see a bunch of guards wasting bullets on a guy. Hide behind a crate and throw a Flash Bang grenade. If you have none, there should be some on the right side of the yellow crate, behind the counter. You must quickly act before they turn around and sense your presence. Once they're blinded, you can approach and quick kill a bunch of them. Once they're dead, run around the plane to locate three more guards. Kill the two in the front and leave the guard with the Skull icon alive. Grab him and drag him towards the propellar to the "Special Interrogation" splash. Press down on the analog stick to smack his face into the propellars. Don't worry about them ripping his face open since it causes minimal damage. Once the threat meter is in the orange zone, wait for it to drop down and stick his face in to cause the meter to rise up a bit more. Continue this til he breaks. Turn around to see a locker highlighted in blue, which contains weapons. Find and talk to your partner. This will end the section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() Continue the path and you'll hear some guards. Run in front of the two and shoot them both. You'll see one run into the next room warning the guards. Head through the big blue door and into the next area. In front of you, will lie some more weapons/ammo. Continue along the crates until you see one big open area. Use the crates as cover and dive along while shooting the guards that ambush you. Dive along the crates and shoot any guards you see along the distance. If notice on the left side of the area, adjacent from the yellow crates, you'll see some barrels. Between them lie some Flash Bang grenades. Get them if you need them. Try to view guards from a far distance and snipe them down with the Fine Aim mode behind the crates. There might be some guards closet to you behind crates so be aware of them. When you're done slaughtering every guard, Frank will narrate to himself, which will self acknowledge that you're done with every guard here. At the end of the path, will lie a double gate door. You'll notice the two handles, so it's not hard to find. Go through it to the next area. Thanks to your partner, every guard on the lower floor of this area has been slaughtered. After collecting the ammo, you can head up the room to find four guards. Throw a Flash Bang grenade and slaughter three guards. You'll see one guard with the lucky Skull icon on top of his head. Quickly grab him before he runs into the next room. Use the "Special Interrogation" splash and get some information from him. Afterwards, use him as a shield in the next room. Traverse between crates to get by easily. If you have yourself a human shield, use him as cover. Only a couple of guards to kill, so once they're dead, go behind the green crate near the entrance of the room. You'll see a single green door behind it. Go through it to the next room. In this area, you'll be on a high rise catwalk. Don't worry about any guards for now since you've eliminated most of them on the bottom floor. Turn to the left side and go through the catwalk til you see a ladder. Climb up it to get to the top floor. When you're on the top, head through the path until you get to the crane controls highlighted in blue. Activate it to control the crane. You'll be using the left analog stick for this next part. As you can see, you'll see the health meter for the boat. Pull up on the analog to lift up the crane and down on the analog to drag the crane down and slam it on the boath. Repeat lifting and dropping til the health depletes. Exit the crane and slide back down the ladder. Head through the catwalk and through the single green door you came through earlier. Head through the door behind the crate and you'll see another opened door that was locked previously. You'll also see three guards, so get behind the left side of the wall near the doorway as cover and kill all three of them. Afterwards, go into the next area. In here, will lie a huge room full of crates. When you get to the end of the area, you'll hear a guard yelling out for someone. Turn turn yourself to the right side or get behind the crates and eliminate the guards. There should be a total of three in this room. When they're dead, go through the single green door. In this area, you'll be on another high rise catwalk. You'll also see your partner captured as a hostage. Shoot the guard that has her using Fine Aim mode. After a few rounds, your partner will be able to easily handle herself. Afterwards, traverse through the catwalk while shooting at the guards on the bottom floor. Don't worry about your partner since she can handle herself. When you think you've taken out every guard you can on top of the catwalk, head near the green door where you've came out of earlier and head down the ladder across from it. Meet up with your partner and take out any more guards on the bottom floor. When they're all dead, look for the guard with the Skull icon and drag him towards the "Special Interrogation" splash in front of the crate. Just like Face Smashing and choking, press down to choke the guard with your feet, up to lift the leg and press down again to kick him. Continue this til he breaks to get info. Since the single green door is locked, approach the panel on the side of the big green door highlighted in blue. Head into the next area. ()========================================================() () Section 4 () ()========================================================() In this section, you'll be locked into an automatic boss battle. (*)==========================(*) (*) BOSS: TANK (*) (*)==========================(*) In this battle, you'll need explosives, e.g. a grenade launcher. There will be one on both sides of the area near the door way you entered. Just go and grab one and get the ammo. The crates by the grenade launcher have infinite ammo, so don't worry if you run out. You can infinitely get points from killing the guards by the Tank. In order to do this, you'll need to get close to the tank. The only way possible, is get behind a crate. When the tank shoots, advance closer and getting behind a crate. Don't get too close to the crate that's about to be blown down since you'll be damaged also. Once you get close to the tank, you can shoot down the guards on the catwalk from above. You can use your basic rifle/guns to shoot them down, but it's a lot trickier and time consuming. Plus with only one way to heal, its a bit of a hassle, so I suggest using your grenade launcher. If you need more ammo, just dive back (use the door way wall to gain cover) towards the crates to get some more and dive back. Of course, once all the colored crates are destroyed, it's a lot harder to advance closer, but just detect the tank's crosshair and dive to avoid damage and move closer. Use the door way wall to gain most cover. When it shoots, you can easily dive towards it. Just don't stand close to the wall when it shoots or the blast radius will affect you. If you need health, the only way to heal is go into slaughter mode. When you're done with racking up points, use the grenade launcher and shoot at the Tank a few times til it blows up. You can also shoot it from a far distance if you're not close to it. Just aim the crosshairs slightly higher than the tank. Once you get the hang of the height of the crosshairs, you can easily take it down while gathering up grenade ammo. Keep shooting til the tank's health is depleted to nothing. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* THE IGOR BALTIYSKY [TIBY15] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:.............................Plant 2 Explosives -Mission Objective:.............................Confirm Presence of Nuke -Statistics: Bronze:............................20,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:............................40,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:..............................60,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you begin, you'll see three guys around the corner talking to each other. Go around the right side of the structure in front of you and shoot them. Most likely, one or two might get away, so use the structure in front of you to take cover. Don't move anywhere else since this position is helpful for taking out every guard that'll come your way. Once you killed the initial three guards, turn your camera to the right about 90 degrees more to face the door near the edge of the ship. You'll see a guard run out of the door, so go into Fine Aim mode and snipe him down quickly. Don't move your camera since another guard will run out from the same door. When it opens, shoot as quickly as possible since he will swerve off when he comes out. If you miss him, then you'll have to duck down and wait in your position til he comes. Continue on with the rest of the guards though if you did miss him. When he's dead, (assuming you did kill him. If you didn't continue on) point your gun above you and you'll see a guard run out of the door on top of the balcony. If you've kept a good job in staying in one position, he won't see you and you shoot him in the head. A couple more guards will come out of the door on the northwest side of the ship on the bottom floor, so make sure you duck down and wait for them. You can take care of the guard on the balcony on the northwest side of the boat. Once everyone is dead, grab the guard with the Skull icon and drag him to the "Special Interrogation" splash near the beginning of the level. Hold up on the analog stick til it hits the orange bar. Continue tapping on the up direction on the analog til he breaks. Since you can't use him as a shield while continuing on, just kill him. Head to the only unlocked door with the green light above it. When you get near the door, an unarmed guard will walk out, quickly grab him and interrogate him. Afterwards, turn to the right when entering the next area and you'll see some stairs. Go downstairs and into the door to the next area. If you have a shield, you can just walk in and blast on everyone. If you don't, use the wall to peep out of the right side and take out who you can in the head. Once everyone knows of your presence, dive around and get closer to efficiently kill them all. When they're all dead, head to the end of the room and on the right side, you'll see a pathway to the next area. You'll voices, so you'll know it's an ambush. Dive inside and use the table as cover and the red boxes as an obstacle to sneak up on guards to quick kill. There should only be about three guards to kill and one with a Skull icon. Grab the skull icon guard and drag him towards to one of the two "Special Interrogation" splashes. One is a drill press while the other is the table saw. For the table saw, you can tap up or down on the analog stick to make the threat meter go up. Repeat til he squeals. The tool box contains only an AK rifle. Head through the only door to the next area. In this area, just climb down the ladder. No guards just yet. Once you've climbed down the first ladder, turn to your right and you'll see another ladder to climb down. Once you're on the bottom floor, kick down the door and head into the next room. Once you're in the next room, quickly turn to your left. You'll see a guard standing, so quickly shoot him. Many guards will try to ambush you from this side, so dive around and stay low. Continue on this left side since this is the lowest part of the area. Once you've wiped out the guards on the lower part of the area, head up the tiny stairs and kill any guards you see on the top floors. Dive around if you want to avoid being shot, even if you think you've killed every guard, it's best to play it safe. Just know that there is a guard with a Skull icon, so avoid killing him. Once you've killed just about everyone, you can find the Skull icon guard surrendering, so grab him and drag him towards the "Special Interrogation" splash near the rotating object. Just like the propellar interrogation, put his face on the gear to slightly increase the threat meter. Once it's on orange, maintain hitting his face on it as the bar stabilizes. Once he breaks, resume and use him as a shield since there are more guards that come out from the other side. Walk up the stairs and shoot the guards that you see. Once they're dead, head back to where the the special interrogation splash was and plant the bomb in the area highlighed in blue. Head along the path and up the stairs until you get to the highest floor. The door leading you out of the area is here. Continue through the doors until you get to the next area. You'll be on top of a catwalk. So far, no guards yet, so just run around and get to know your environment for now. When you're ready, head to the northwest corner of the area (from where you entered the area) and you'll see a door that you can access. Kick it down and quickly grab the guard inside this room. Interrogate him and plant the bomb. Use his as a shield since planting the bomb triggers more guards to come out. Walk out the room and the guards will be located on the bottom floor. Be sure to keep a look out since some of the guards might blend in with the environment of the bottom floor due to their clothes. Once you've think you killed everyone, go downstairs. If there are any more guards, just slaughter them. Go into the door when you're done. In here, you'll see a door in front of you that leads you back to the same area, so in the middle of this tiny little coridoor, turn to your right (or to the left, depending on what side you came in from) and you'll see another door. Go in it to access the next section. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() Go through the door and you'll be in the Guard's Quarters. Each path will always lead to the same area, so if you get lost, it's not that hard to find your way back. If you need weapons/ammo, go into some of the rooms to find some. I'll only name the rooms that contain important weapons/ammo. I suggest using a Shotgun, which can be found here easily on one of the guards, since you're in small tight quarters, and you can deal heavy damage here. Anyways, as we begin, turn to the right side of the coridoor and down the hall. As you near the door, a couple of guards will pop out. Quickly kill the two. From this point, turn to the left side at the intersection of the hallway. As you near the doors, a couple guards will pop out. Kill those two quickly. Approach their bodies and take their ammo. One of the guards will have a shotgun, so take it if you want. As you can see in front of you, that pathway leads to the next area through the door (there is a pathway here on the left side that leads you back to the same area), so venture around this area and check in rooms. As you approach rooms, a guard might come out, so listen for the doors that open. When you're done, head into the next area. In this area, there are two ways to gain inside this area since there are two doors. They both lead to the same area again, so don't bother with the doors on the bottom floor. Head upstairs to advance the area. There is only one unlocked door on the top floor, do the decision isn't that complicated. In this room, go through the only door that's unlocked. This leads you to another Guard's Quarters. Ready your shotgun and kick down the door. In this hallway, a guard will run out of his room when you first enter. Blast him back into his room and run around the corner. Around the corner, is a door in front of you and a path that splits both ways. Approach the door and a guard will run out. Blast him back into his room. Head towards the left path of the intersection and continue forward. The first few steps, a few guards will pop out of their rooms. Quickly kill them. Continue through this path and follow the hallway. More guards will pop out of their rooms. If you continue to follow the hallways, you'll eventually find the door that leads out of this area. It should look like all the other doors that you've been using to get through area to area. If you'd like, continue to sweep the area and kill all the guards that come out of their quarters. When you're done, go through to the next area. Before heading to the next area, be sure to grab a rifle of some sort like the AK rifle. ****************************************************************************** NOTE: If check the doors, you'll see two that are unlocked. If you point your cross hairs, both doors will turn tan. Unfortunately, they don't come out, but if you hear talking while shooting (and you still can't find a guard), the source of the talking might be coming from them. ****************************************************************************** In this area, just head upstairs to advance to the next area. This room ends section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() Hopefully, you have a rifle that's accurate, or else hope that you have accurate pistols. You'll start from above a catwalk overlooking two guards. Snipe down the one facing towards you and take out the one facing away. Quickly do this and go into the door behind you. This leads back to the room before the section ended. Seems like two guards have found their way up here, so quickly kill them. One is wearing an armored suit, so be sure to quick kill him. The best method, would be for him to waste his bullets til he reloads. Run up to him and quick kill him. Once you're done in this room, head back to the catwalk area. Just take notice that there is a guard in this room with a Skull icon, so avoid killing him. Run around the catwalk while looking down to find a person to snipe from above. There will be guards on the catwalk itself, so be aware if you're sniping in Fine Aim mode. When you've killed about two to three guards on the bottom, head downstairs. While running through the catwalk, you should've entered an area with a stairway. The stairway at the highest level of the catwalk has some ammo under the stairs when you get to the bottom floor. Use the crates as cover to dive around or to find guards to sneak up on and quick kill. Kill all the guards on the bottom floor til the guard with the Skull icon surrenders. If he doesn't surrender, then there might be some more guards on the top floor, so don't waste time trying to kill every guard, but only the ones on the bottom floor. Once you have the Skull icon guard in your grasps, drag him over to the fork lift where the "Special Interrogation" splash is located. Hold up on the analog stick to drive the vehicle on top of him. Keep it like that until the bar is past the orange zone. Drive on top of him when the threat meter decreases halfway of the orange. Repeat this til he squeals. When you're done, turn around and you'll see a crate highlighted in blue (the front doors at least). Talk to the person inside. Head back upstairs and kill anymore guards that are in your way. Head to the only unlocked door on the top floor. Although you've been in this room, a new door is unlocked, so go through it to advance to the next area. In here, you'll be in another tight quarters hallway. Turn to your right and you'll see a guard. Quickly kill him. Adjust your camera to the left to view the corner closest to you. Sidestep a bit til you see the guard. Kill him and advance towards his position. Continue through and you'll see a split path. The path on the right leads back to the first guard you killed, so head to the left path. Around the corner, a guard will run out, so quickly kill him or use as a shield. Inside the room on the left will contain a Flash Bang grenade. Continue up the hallway and kill any guards in your way. In this tiny little hallway, there will be a room on the left that contain Flash Bangs. The second room on the left has two behind the chair. You should have a total of three, which is all the Flash Bangs there are in this area. Continue along the hallway until you see a guard with a Skull icon pop out. Quickly run after him since he doesn't surrender to you and interroate him regularly. He offers to show you where his flame thrower is. Let him go and follow him. When he opens the door, shoot him down since he plans to use it on you once he gets a hold of it. If you want, you can use it, but I prefer using a gun instead. If the Skull icon guard dies before you can interrogate him, you'll get a couple of chances later to get another flame thrower. At the second corner of the hallway, a guard will pop out of the corner and one behind a dresser. Dive into the room and peep out of the right side. Shoot them both down and continue through the hallway. About 3 corners later, a couple of guards in military armor will come out simultaneously, so use a flash bang quickly to blind them. Quick kill them for quicker results. Around the next corner, a guard will run in front of you. Grab him and just around the next bend, three more guards will shoot at you. Quickly kill them all. Continue through the hallway and about halfway, it sort of splits on the left side. You'll see two guards pop out of here, so quickly kill them. The choice is up to you on what path you go through, but in the end they lead the same way. Kill all the guards you see. Go near the end of the hallway (you'll see the door the with the green light above it) there will be two final guards. Kill them and go into the next area. In this room, you'll hear Frank narrate to himself. Prepare yourself since there is a military guard with a flame thrower. When you head upstairs, quickly start blasting him. His flame will touch if you if you're not quick enough. Head through the only door that's unlocked. Another small hallway. Go inside and guards will start blasting on the left side of you. Just dive and shoot them. Around the corner will reside a military suited guard. Quick kill him for best results or interrogate him and use him as a shield. Also, if you head through the first room in this hallway, behind the door, you'll see some Flash Bang grenades. Continue along the hall. Around the second to third bend of the hall, two guards will pop out and shoot you. Since you're at a right wall disadvantage, wait for one to reload and dive into the open room on the left side. Shoot the guard across from you and take out the guard in the military suit. Around the next corner, you'll see a guard hiding behind the corner at the end of the hall. Kill him and continue along. Just behind this next bend, two uniforms with shotguns. Throw a flash bang and kill one of them while grabbing another to interrogate. Afterwards, use him as a shield and walk through the halls. There should be another guard around the bend, so shoot him when he pops out. Once you get to the end of the hallway, on your right, another corner at the end with two guards standing at both sides. Throw a flash bang and quick kill them. Continue along the hall and a military suit will be behind you while two more might shoot out of the corner. Grab the one behind you as a shield and kill the other two. Head to the middle of the hallway and turn right. The path continues from here. While walking along this hallway, in the middle of it, there will be a split in the path on the right side. Turn and you'll see a guard behind it. Quickly shoot at him and a guard with a flame thrower will run out. Gun him down quickly and two more will appear on both sides. One will run out while the other runs for cover. When you're done, head towards that path and gather what you can. Continue down the hallway. Go around the last bend and you'll see a guard. Kill him and kill any guard you're holding if you have at least ONE flash bang grenade. If not, keep the guard. Head towards the final door (you can't throw the guard inside the room, so you can easily indicate it from that). You'll view the captain holding the girl. If you have a flash bang, throw one in and run inside. Interrogate him if you wish, otherwise, kill him. After he dies, so does the mission.... =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* CASTLE'S APARTMENT [CSAP16] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:.......................................Nothing -Statistics: Bronze:......................................10,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:......................................10,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:........................................10,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you start this mission, you'll be taken to an automatic boss battle. This is divided into three series. You will use no guns, but the battle is straight forward. (*)==========================(*) (*) BOSS: THE RUSSIAN (*) (*)==========================(*) The first step, you'll be unarmed and he'll charge right at you. Lucky for you that diving is still a useful technique. The only weapon you'll have, are Melee weapons like butcher knives. In my opinion, they're useless. Just lure The Russian towards you. If you turn to your right at the beginning of the fight, you'll see more running space and an "Orange Splash" that looks like the Special Kill splash. Lure him near that splash. He does one frontal swing and one double armed slam. When he does that slam, get behind him and grab him. From that point, you can use the analog stick to control The Russian. Control him to the splash to do some special environmental attacks. You can take your time from this point on since The Russian doesn't seem he can reverse his way out of it. Press up on the analog stick to pull the door of the fridge and down to slam it on him. Do this enough times until he does reverse you. You'll see a scene of The Russian slaming Frank into the next battle arena. When you get up, run away from him and head towards the computers where the next orange splash is located at. When he run towards you and attacks, dive away from him and get behind him. Grab him and get him on the splash to do the second environmental attack. Press down on the analog stick to pull his head back and up on the analog to slam his head into a computer. Pressing up only on the analog doesn't do squat, so don't be suprised if his head isn't slamming on a computer. Break all three to trigger another scene and a new arena. When you get up, run away from him and out of the bathroom. Look for the next orange splash, which is located between the sofa and T.V. When he does his double arm slam, dive away, get behind him, and drag him to the T.V. Press down on the analog stick to pull his head away and up to slam his head inside the T.V. Repeat doing this until his health is depleted to nothing. By winning this boss fight, you gain an automatic medal. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* GRAND NIXON ISLAND [GNID17] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:.............................Kill General Kreigkopf -Mission Objective:.............................Locate and Destroy the Nuke -Statistics: Bronze:............................30,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:............................60,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:..............................90,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you start, head down until Frank narrates something about Snipers in a tower. Turn to your left and you can see the towers in between the trees. Take out your Sniper Rifle given to you at the beginning of this level. Hit the Fine Aim mode button twice to go into the sniper scope. Unfortunately, it doesn't have a zooming feature, but you can see the guards clearly. Shoot both guards on each tower. You can tell you have them on target when you aim at them, their health is displayed on the top. Once they're both dead, sidestep out of the forest a bit and try to look ahead. If you see no more guards, advance closely towards the base. In the station house on your left, there will be at least three guards inside, so shoot one of them in the window. If you can't see them, then advance to the door of that station. Kick the door down and kill the three guards inside. On the wall, you'll see a switch that activates the gate. Before pressing it, go to the station on the right side (station room across from you) and grab the Frag Grenades inside (be sure to kick the door down to suprise the guard). Afterwards, turn on the gate. Go through the gate and continue up the path. Be sure to stay on the left side of the path near the crates/boulder. When you get near the first boulder, a group of guards should come out from up ahead. Use this boulder as cover. Peep out of the right side of the boulder, go into Fine Aim mode, and shoot at the guards. You should be able to catch them by suprise. Be sure to watch out for guards that want to ambush you on the side of the boulder. By staying behind the boulder and viewing on the right side, you should be able to easily tell if one of them is trying to be a sneaky one. Another way you can do this, is after opening up the gate, head up one of the towers, and snipe them. They might see you after a couple kills, so be aware. If you don't see them in your sight of vision, they're most likely under the tower or coming up the tower. When you're done slaughtering these guards, head up the path. Once you've crossed the bridge, there might be two guards that will come out up the path. Dive to the side behind the boulder to avoid their shots and kill them when they're reloading. Before heading off to the next area, head back up the towers and collect the Sniper Rifle ammo since you'll need it for the next part. Continue past them to end the section. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() To start this section off, take out your Sniper Rifle. Hopefully, you took the bullets because you'll need them to clear out the outside of the building you see in front of you. From your position, go into Sniper Mode, and look on the roof of the building. You'll see two snipers. Snipe one and the other. Continue forward until you can see the right side which has a path. You'll see a guard shooting at you. Instead of shooting back, run towards him using the trees as cover. While running up the path, behind a tree will reside a guard. He's ready to pop out of the left side, so be sure to be on the right side of the trees so you can sneak up on him and quick kill him. Kill the other guard that was shooting at you. When they're dead, look down the edge of the cliff and you'll see a couple of guards investigating. If they don't see you, you can easily snipe them both without causing much of a disturbance. If you don't see them down the edge of the cliff, they'll most likely have seen you and are already heading up the slope after you. Kill the two guards, head off the edge, and towards the building. When you near the double doors, you'll hear a conversation between guards. When it ends, kick down the door, and turn to your right. You'll see two guards behind the crates. Shoot their heads and get to the left side of the doorway across the door you came in. You'll see a couple of guards in here. Wait for the guard with the Skull icon to approach you. Grab him and kill the second guard. Drag the guard you're holding towards the "Special Interrogation" splash. Just like all the other propellar interrogations, this one's no different. Press/tap up on the analog stick to hurt him and make his threat meter rise. Stabilize it on the orange bar until he breaks. He will reveal a weapons supply room. Use this guard as a shield and advance to the next area. In this area, there are two sides the guards will attack from. One up ahead of you behind the lockers and on the right side. Take out the guard on the right side and quickly take out the two ahead of you. Be sure to be quick or else your shield will wittle away and die. Go around the lockers/urinals to suprise the enemy. Make sure you don't go into any new door ways just yet. Once all the guards are dead, go into one of the two door ways (they both lead to the same area). Approach the upcoming door way. Once you get close to it, you might hear some guards talk about your presence. Quickly get ready to throw a grenade. Sidestep out a bit, charge up the grenade about 4 bars up and the crosshairs just above the middle. If you're lucky, you can blow up nearly every guard except one on the bottom floor and one on the top floor. Snipe down the guard on the top floor and look for the guard on the bottom floor. Turn around and you'll see a ladder leading up to the top floor. If you want to go up it, you can, but go through the door way that's beside the ladder. On the left of the room, you'll see a gate and behind it are some Rockets. Grab all of them and take all the rockets. There is also a Light Machine gun if you want it afterwards. Head out the door way, turn to your left, and towards the double doors. You might see a couple of guards here before going near the double doors. Just shoot the two down and approach the double doors. When you get near it, the doors will open. Fire a rocket to kill the guards. Don't be afraid to waste all your rockets since the launcher is pretty useless anyways. Head out the double doors and turn to your left side. You'll see more guards. Fire a rocket towards the guards. You'll also see an open doorway on that side that leads back to the front of the building (meaning it leads no where). If you run out of rockets, use your dual guns and kill the rest of the guards. Grab yourself a useful rifle. On your right side (when standing in front of the huge door way), there is a guard up the hill with a Sniper Rifle. Shoot him down and continue up the forest, killing all the guards in your way. Be sure to traverse through the left side of the forest so you can gain cover advantage when ambushed. Be sure to stay near the trees. When heading up the path, you might be able to catch a glimpse of the "Special Kill" splash. Passing that will trigger some guards. Kill as many as possible, using the trees as cover. Be sure to leave one behind. To make sure you do, grab yourself a shield. When you're done, head up the hill towards the splash and feed him to the snake. Continue up the path afterwards til you see a big building. Run towards the building. As you get closer, you'll see a jeep behind a big boulder, so get behind it and listen in on the guards. When they're done talking, dive out to the side and shoot them both. Run inside the garage and shoot up the place. Take cover behind the vehicles inside. Make sure you don't kill the guard with the Skull icon. When all the guards in the garage are dead, grab the Skull icon guard. Drag him towards the side of the vehicle where a "Special Interrogation" resides. Press up on the analog stick to pull the door away and down on the analog stick to smash the door on his head. Just like Face Smashing, when his life gets low, he'll be easily threatened. Keep this up until he squeals. Go through the double doors or the door behind the counter (both leading to same area) and find a locker highlighted in blue. Open it for some Frag Grenades and locate a bomb on the shelf, also highlighted in blue. Once those items have be obtained, head out of the garage and continue down the path. You'll see a generator and a place where you can plant the bomb. Plant it and get away from the generator. Once it blows up, a small whole will reveal itself on the side of the generator. Approach it to end the section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() Continue up the path and you'll hear gun fire. Stay near the trees and boulders for cover. Take out any guards that come near by. Be aware of the Machine Gun post up ahead. With that in the way, it makes advancing a bit harder, so stay behind a tree and take out any guards that you can. Once you've taken out every guard possible, dive from side to side, tree to tree, crate to crate, and boulder to boulder to get closer to the guard that controls the Machine Gun. When you close to the post, dive in circles around the Machine gun, so while he rotates the gun, he has a hard time catching up while you dive. When you dive around him enough and close enough, he'll ditch his post, making it easier for you to grab and interrogate him/kill him. Since there are no Skull icon guards around, you can use the "Special Interrogation" splash by the Machine Gun. It works just like the propellar interrogations. Press up on the analog to pull up the head and down to put the head on the rotating gun. Tap up on the analog when it's on the orange bar and do some damage to him to make the threat meter jump. When you're done, use him as a shield. As you advance further up, you'll be ambushed by many guards. Shoot them down and take cover by the trees. Once they're dead, advance up more and you'll see a huge vehicle blast out of a gate, opening a path for you. Also, an old ally will come out of the gate. Talk to him and then you'll partner up with him. Follow your partner and shoot down any guards you see. Use the vehicles as cover. As you advance farther, you'll hear a Machine Gun going off. Use the boulders and crates to advance closer to it. Once you get close enough, circle around and it get closer while doing this to get ahold of the guard controlling the post. If you don't think you can get near the guard, you can always have your partner distract the post and you crouched down behind a crate on the side of the post. When he shoots at your partner, get up and shoot back at the guard. By the Machine Gun, will be a door. Your partner will open it up for you. Follow him inside and around the corner, you'll see a guard with a flame thrower. Kill him quickly and follow your partner. In this next area, you'll be in a tight little alley way full of crates and guards. Use the crates as cover and kill the guards. Continue through the alley way blasting at the guards. When you get to the end of the alley way, you'll see a tiny little room full of guards. Throw a grenade inside and dive backwards. The guards inside should all be dead. Advance inside the room and kill who ever is left breathing. Continue your path out of the room and back into the wilderness. Just up ahead, a few guards will come out of the corner. Kill them and advance on through. Continue advancing and blazing through the way. As you advance a bit further, you'll notice a Machine Gun post. Repeat what you did earlier and get close to the post and take care of the guard controlling it. This one's a bit easier to get close to, just stick near the trees and you'll eventually get behind him. Use the special interrogation on him like you did earlier on the Machine Gun. When you're done, use the guard as a shield and advance up the path beside the Machine Gun post. More guards as you advance, so blaze through them. Don't worry about your partner's health seeing as he can't really die on the mission. Go through the single door when you're killing the guards. ()========================================================() () Section 4 () ()========================================================() In the beginning of the section, you'll see your partner duck down and started shooting. Go to the wall across from your partner and shoot from that side. When you've decimated the guards in the front row and those you can actually see from the wall you'r standing on, dive through and get closer into the room. Kill any other guards you see inside this room. Be careful not to kill the guard with the Skull icon. Once you've killed everyone, grab the guard with the icon. Most likely, even if you killed everyone, this guard might not surrender so just grab him anyways. Drag him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash near the electric panel. Press down on the analog stick to pull the electric wire back and press up to shock the guard. Tap up on the analog stick to make the threat meter rise. When it's on the orange bar, stabilize it on the bar by tapping up repeatedly. When you're done, use him as a shield and turn around. Go through the hallway on the upper left corner of your position (where the splash was at). When you're in the hallway, you'll hear a couple of dumb guards trying to prepare an ambush.... Ok, enough of the stupidity, just walk by the corner and peep out. If you have a guard as a shield, pop out and shoot the guards. There are a couple of guards in the hallway and a couple more within the room on your right. Shoot the window to kill them. You can see a door on this right side. Approach the door and input the access codes given to you earlier if you interrogated the skull icon guard. Go through the door and go through the door across from you. In the room on your right will contain two pistols. The middle door will contain a few Frag Grenades and a Light Machine gun. The left hallway contains a couple of flame throwers and rocket launchers. Get what you need and head back out. Go through the hallway and into the next area. You'll be inside a huge cafeteria. Dive in and shoot down the guards. Use the pillars as cover. If you have a Light Machine Gun with you, you can use it to pierce the body armor of the guards in military uniform. You can enter the double doors that lead into the kitchen to find a guard. When you're done in this area, head to the open door way to access the next area. In this hallway, there will be a guard around the next corner. Kill him when he pops out. Around the corner where you killed the first guard, will be a set of guards standing there, just waiting for you and your partner. Dive out to the left side and gun them down. Dive forward towards a pillar and take out any guards in your way. Once they're dead, continue onward passing the gym equipment. Prepare for more guards around the next corner. Blast them all and run up the stairs. There might be some more guards while going up the stairs, so take care of them. Head to the top floor to end the section. ()========================================================() () Section 5 () ()========================================================() As the section begins, you'll ensue in a fire fight. Dive to the left and continue diving to the left when you begin. Shoot at the guards on top of the balcony and the over looking room. There are two guards on the bottom floor, so take them out as soon as possible. If you plan this out, you can take care of every guard without being touched. If you want to do quick kills on the guards on the top floor, run under the over looking balcony and up the stairs. Go up to find the guards. Around the stairs is an elevator which contains two guards coming out of it. Quickly grab one and kill the other. When you're done, head to the elevator and press the button. Press the button inside the elevator to head up to the next area. Head out of the elevator and down the stairs, through the door. Now you're back in the wilderness again. No guards yet, but on your left, is a launch pad with a gondola. Go inside it and pick up the Sniper Rifle. Press the button after you obtain the rifle. Afterwards, a health meter will appear on the top of the screen. That's the health of your gondola. The main objective of this next part is to snipe any guard you see. Just go into Sniper Mode and look around. If you see the health bar appear, shoot at the guard. Decrease the brightness a bit if you're having trouble seeing the guards. You can also exit out of sniper mode and view the bullets. The direction of the bullets, the direction to aim at. The guards vary from locations, so look up, down, and all around. Sometimes another gondola will past by and do a fly by on you (bad joke -_-..) When the gondola gets close enough, the section will end. ()========================================================() () Section 6 () ()========================================================() When the section begins, get off the gondola. Unfortunately, if you had a rifle earlier, it's now gone, so you're stuck with the Sniper Rifle. Head down the stairs and head through the gate. Don't head up the ramp just yet. Explore the outer part of the arena since this will be your battlefield in the upcoming battle. On the right side, there is a room with a crate full of sniper ammo. Besides that room, nothing else is of importance. When you're done, head up the ramp to trigger the battle. (*)==========================(*) (*) BOSS: THE RUSSIAN (*) (*)==========================(*) | Part: Two | ------------- As you can see, The Russian wants a rematch. This battle will be split into two parts. You can gain infinite points like the previous levels, but you have to do it in the first part. Be sure to stock up on Sniper ammo before the battle, otherwise, you'll have to get it now. [---====---===---===---====---===---===---====---===---===---====---===---===] | FIGHT SCENE PART 1 | {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} The Russian will gain height advantage in this battle. Lucky for you, he doesn't have a gun. Unlucky for you, bullets don't do a damn thing against his massive build. The only way he can attack you is to throw flaming barrels at you. With this, be sure to keep an eye at him at all times when you see him. When he finds a barrel, he'll lift it up and spart it on fire. When he lifts up the barrel, be sure to be in Sniper Mode. When he lifts it over his head, aim at the barrel. When he lights it up and is ready to throw it, fire a bullet into the barrel. It'll explode and hurt The Russian. Basically, this is repeated until he loses half is health. The only thing that makes this part hard are the constant guards coming up and interfering. When this happens, sometimes The Russian will throw a barrel behind your back. There is no real indication on when he's going to throw a barrel, so just be careful. If you shoot and miss the barrel while it's lit, get out of Sniper Mode and dive backwards. If you re-act quick enough, you can avoid damage. If you want infinite points, I suggest lowering The Russians health about 40%. This way, you can get into the battle again without having to lower his health more and less concentration. Go to the bottom floor below the Nuke. You'll see a door. Guards won't come out if you stare at that door, so get behind the L wall shaped figure on the left closest to the door. Be sure not to view the door though the camera angles. Here's a tiny diagram of where you should be. ------------ LEGEND: ------------ ^^^ = Door L shaped figures = Structure X = Where to stand _________^^^________ | | | | | | | ___| |___ | | X | | | | NUKE | | __ __ | | | | | | | | | |____________________| Be sure to face at a diagonal direction so you can't really see the door. Anyways, guards will be coming out of door if you don't stare at it. When they do come out, they'll walk straight out. By standing there, you can run out and quick kill them. When they're dead, run back to the wall, stand there for about 3-5 seconds and repeat this. If you need to heal, this is a perfect spot to heal. Just make sure you're in front of the door when you interrogate someone. Gather up points until you feel you've gathered enough. Head back up and damage The Russian more til his health depletes halfway and part two starts. [---====---===---===---====---===---===---====---===---===---====---===---===] | FIGHT SCENE PART 2 | {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} When this battle begins, you'll see that The Russian is engulfed in flames. Since his massive build can handle it, he'll start to run after you. Run away from him and get as far as possible. Quickly re-fill on ammo. If he boxes you in the room, you'll have to go into Slaughter Mode and run out. If you're out of Slaughter, then you'll have to be lucky enough to dive to his side and run out the door. If you want, you can ditch the Sniper Rifle and pick up a Rifle from the guards you've slaughtered earlier. As you run around, you'll notice brown barrels. They should be easily distinguished by their color. Stand in front of the barrel, but a distance from it. Aim at the barrel. The Russian will run right by the barrel, causing it to light up. When it does light up, shoot the barrel to cause an explosion. This will damage The Russian. Continue running around to the next brown barrel. If you find that The Russian is getting too close to you, use Quick Kills on guards that still come out. During this animation, The Russian can't harm you. Repeat standing in front of brown barrels as he lights them up, then shoot the barrels til he dies. Finish off the surviving guards also. When The Russian's health depletes, the guards will stop coming. The section still remains and you'll see a "Special Kill" splash. Head into the door that was locked earlier. This leads you into a small area with another door in front of you. Kick down this door and run towards Kriegkopf. He will shoot at you, but just run and grab him. Approach the computer and engage the locking clamps. Drag him toward the splash and kill him. Prepare yourself for a big movie scene at the end of this level. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* FISK INDUSTRIES [FKIS18] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:.....................................Question Kingpin -Mission Objective:.....................................Kill Kingpin -Statistics: Bronze:....................................20,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:....................................40,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:......................................60,000 Points ****************************************************************************** *NOTE: Before starting this level, I would suggest bringing the Light Machine * Gun with you beforehand. There is a fire fight in the beginning of this * level and the Light Machine gun works wonders if you want to clear them * out. Not recommended, but a great weapon if you want to easily mow down * the first area. ****************************************************************************** ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you begin, head east (right) of the building. You'll eventually see a guard standing there, You can talk to him if you'd like, otherwise, you can easily slip by him. Continue up and eventually you'll be behind two guards. Approach the one closest to you and grab him. You'll automatically face the second guard and you can kill him easily. If you brought your Light Machine Gun, just advance slowly to the area where you saw the first guard. The guards will come out of the double doors. Mow them down while watching your sides. If you brought any other weapon, stand at the corner between the elevator and the wall. Use Fine Aim mode while holding the guard and shoot who you can in the head. If possible, try to grab a guard with body armor. When all the guards are dead, more will come out of the elevator. If you have any other gun besides the Light Machine Gun, just stand where you're at since the guards will be coming out in front of you. Shoot who ever you see. If you run out of bullets for the clip, dive to the side or kill of your shield and dive. Get cover and reload, then go back to slaughter the rest. If you do have the Light Machine Gun, dive around and you can easily slaughter them. You can also get to the side of the elevator and do the same thing. When you're done, head to the east side of the building and head through the first set of double doors. Also, if you're not content with the Light Machine Gun after the fire fight, you can always switch guns with one of the dead guards. There aren't any guards in this room, so head to the left side of the room and you'll see a deposit box highlighted in blue. Choose to stash your C4 in order to advance. Once you did that, turn around and head through the single green door. In the next area, you'll be in a stairway. Head downstairs. Once you get downstairs, turn to your left and walk down the path. Stick close to the pillars. Once you get to the hallway, you'll hear someone yell "now". In that case, dive backwards and dive to the left side. Use the wall as cover and peep out the right side and shoot all three guards. If you go halfway into the hallway, you'll see an open doorway. Enter it and head through the left side. There will be some more guards in here. Take them all out. Continue back into the hallway and follow the path. As you advance, you'll hear voices. Stick near the right side of the area (near the wall). When you hear shooting, dive towards the crates on the right side. Peep out of the right side of the crates and shoot all the guards except the one with the Skull icon. **** DANGER **** Before advancing towards the guard with the Skull icon, be **** DANGER **** aware of the Machine Gun turrets on your left side. You'll **** DANGER **** have to dive towards him, using the crates on your left side **** DANGER **** as cover. By the time you get to him, the wall will block **** DANGER **** the turrets from hitting you. Grab the Skull icon guard and interrogate him (no special interrogation this time). Once you've interrogated him, he'll give you the codes to disarm the turrets. Approach the panel highlighted in blue and enter them in. The turrets will disable and you can go through to the next area behind the turrets. If somehow you did kill the Skull icon guard, you'll be forced to dive past the turrets. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() In the beginning of this section, you'll be initiated into a boss fight. You'll be fighting the same boss various times throughout this level, so don't think you're already done with the level yet. (*)==========================(*) (*) BOSS: BULLSEYE (*) (*)==========================(*) | Part: One | ------------- When you begin, you'll see a crate full of ammo and a gun beside it. Grab the gun if you want plenty of ammo for this fight. There are also Frag Grenades beside the crate, but only respawn once per grenade. After you used one, you can grab another that will respawn. Use the pillars as cover and try to prevent him from getting close to you. His basic attacks are his triple shuriken throw. He throws three shurikens at you and they rarely do miss. His other attack is a single shuriken throw, which can be easily dodged. If you get too close, he'll start punching. To avoid his triple shurikens at you, just dive to the side and hope you're low enough that they DO miss. The way you can tell he'll even throw a shuriken at you, is if he does a flip to the side. Although that's not an always case, it's one way of knowing. Throw grenades at him to damage him. Try to predetermine where he'll be so the blast of the grenade will be accurate. When a grenade hits him and is caught within the blast radius, fire a few bullets in him. Dive back to grab another grenade and repeat this. If you need health, go into Slaughter Mode. Continue throwing grenades at him and shooting him and he'll eventually retreat. When the battle is over, head over to the elevator and call it. When it arrives, go in it to ascend to the next floor. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() When you begin, directly in front of you, you'll see a wall next to the open doorway in front of you. Run to that wall and stand there. You'll hear some guards in the background. Soon enough, you'll see two guards on your right side. Continue standing there until one of the guards is in plain sight. Shoot him in the head and wait for a couple of guards to run your way. When the guards stop coming your way, stand their until you see one guard coming your way. Grab him and backtrack your way to the wall you were intitally standing in front of. From that position, try to look for the rest of the guards by shifting the camera or sidestepping. Kill the remaining guards and more guards will bash through the door within the door way area. Back off a bit and turn to your right. Back all the way til you get to the wall and shoot off every guard. You should still have the shield I suggested you grabbed earlier. If you don't have a shield, you'll have to dodge around and use the pillars and door way as cover. Be sure not to kill the guard with the Skull icon. When all the guards are dead, grab the guard with the Skull icon. Note also that the wall the guards crashed through contains a door that's locked, so don't waste time investigating it. Drag the guard up the room until you see the "Special Interrogation" splash. Tap down on the analog stick to increase the threat meter, which also pulls the head back. Tap up on the analog stick to singe his face and increase the threat meter. Maintain it on the orange until he breaks. Release the guard and turn around. You'll see more guards coming your way. Hide behind a pillar and wait for them. If you have a grenade, you can throw it at them since they walk in a line. Take out any survivors. If you don't have a grenade, then dive out and shoot to take them all out, line by line. When they're all dead, turn around and head through the double doors. Another way you can kill all the guards, is run to the elevator you first started the section in and throw a grenade inside it when it opens. Dive to the side afterwards and soon enough, they're all blown up. You'll see the guard you interrogated earlier. Kill him if you want, otherwise, turn to your left and head through the next double doors. Head through the hallway until you get to an open area. Lucky for you, you gain height advantage since all the guards are on the bottom floor. There are big gaping holes on the floor, so crouch down, and go into Fine Aim mode. Snipe down any guard you see except for the guard with the Skull icon. It's best to take out a guard with body armor to increase your chances of finding weaker guards. Use all the holes and get away when you hear yelling about your where abouts, just dive back and look for a new hole to shoot through. If you're the impatient type, just drop down and slaughter them all. When they're all dead, the Skull icon guard will surrender (you'll hear him even if you're on the ceiling). Before grabbing the Skull icon guard, head up the room to find an Ammo crate for your rifle and a respawnable Frag Grenade. This time, it respawns continuously, so you can get as much as you want at a time. Once you've filled up on grenades, grab the Skull icon guard. If you interrogated him before filling up on grenades, the next part will be a little rough. Find and grab the Skull icon guard and drag him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash. This interrogation is just like the Gun Tension interrogation. Just press down to pull away the nail gun and up to threaten with the gun. Continue to threaten him til he squeals. Once you've taken care of the guard, a boss battle will trigger again. (*)==========================(*) (*) BOSS: BULLSEYE (*) (*)==========================(*) | Part: Two | ------------- Throughout the battle, you only need to stand in one place, which is by the ammo crate standing on top of the respawning grenades. If you have the M4 Rifle with grenade launcher attachment, this battle will be a bit simpler. If not, that's ok, just throw the grenades. Bullseyes attack are still the same, but this time and he's a lot easier since he comes to you. He'll approach from both sides. On the left, he'll be through the door way and on the right, he'll come up from the path way near the nailgun. Whenever you see him, throw a grenade. If you can predetermine where he'll be at, this process will be a simpler, but if you see him, throw it either inside the room on the left or the hallway on the right. If he gets caught in the blast radius, he'll be confused, giving you time to shoot him to take away some health. To detect his attacks, just await for him to flip like the previous battle. Dive to the side if you know he'll throw his shurikens. Afterwards, run back and stand on the grenades to fill up. Repeat this til he retreats again. Another tactic that proves helpful, considering that you have max grenades, is after you throw/shoot a grenade, shoot a couple of rounds at him and throw/shoot another grenade at him. By the time he gets out of his shocked state, he'll be blown up again. Repeat this til he retreats. Although you can do this anytime, it's best to do it when you already have maxed out grenades so you don't have to worry about running out. When you're done, fill up on ammo and grenades. Follow the doors he went through til you're in the next area. There are two ways to do this. Way one is to hide behind the first or second pillar. When the guards get close, dive out and slaughter all the guards except the Skull icon guard. The second way is to run into the area and stay in there for about a few seconds. Afterwards, run back to the previous area and wait a while. Sooner or later, they'll follow you in. When the door opens, throw/shoot a grenade inside the door and dive to the side. You will kill a bunch of guards, but you risk killing the Skull icon guard. If you do, the only thing you'll miss out on are the points. His info is quite useless to you. Anyway you handle it, once the Skull icon guard surrenders, duck down and peep through the top of the hole or through the holes and view the guards on the bottom floor. They might be shooting at you. Whether they are or not, just snipe them from above or ignore them if don't want to waste rounds. Grab the Skull icon guard and drag him all the way to the end of the area towards the "Special Interrogation" splash by the elevator. Once the guard breaks, take care of him and turn to your right to see the double doors to the next area. Once you've passed through the doors, you'll be in the next area. Head up the stairs. Once you've gone up the first flight, a couple seconds later, guards will appear on the top balcony in front of you. Duck down and shoot them all. Head up the second flight of stairs and turn around. More guards on the balcony. Throw/shoot a grenade if you're a good shot, otherwise, duck down and shoot the guards. Be aware of guards coming down the stairs this time and attacking your side. Head up the next two flights and there will be more guards behind the wall board on the balcony. Be sure to check for guards on your side. Use the wall board as cover and shoot the guards on the balcony. Head up the rest of the way and watch out for guards in that are coming down. When you get to the top, head through the gray double doors. In this hallway, only one door is unlocked, which is the double doors on the right side of the hall. Head towards it to end the section. ()========================================================() () Section 4 () ()========================================================() Enter through the double doors to initiate a boss battle. When the door opens, dive backwards to avoid the shurikens thrown at you. (*)==========================(*) (*) BOSS: BULLSEYE (*) (*)==========================(*) | Part: Final | --------------- This time, Bullseye also has a gun at his disposal. Head to the left side of the room to find more respawnable grenades and a locker full of ammo. Run behind the pillars and shoot/throw a grenade at him. This will knock him down this time. Throw/shoot another at him while he's about to get up to knock him down again. Be sure you that you throw/shoot the grenade when he's halfway up from the ground or else it won't affect him if the grenade blows up while he's on the ground. Continue this while standing on the grenades to fill up. If you run out, hide behind the pillars and wait for the first grenade to respawn. Continue using cover behind the big pillars and dive around to avoid his shurikens. By now, you should know all his attack patterns and his weaknesses. ()========================================================() () Section 5 () ()========================================================() When you begin, run forward and prepare to shoot. A couple of Yakuza guards will pop out. Dive backwards and shoot them both. Once they're both dead, turn to your right and you'll see a huge double door. It's locked but stand in front of it and wait. When it opens, grab a Yakuza guard and kill all the guards that swarm in. Be sure to leave one guard alive since there's a "Special Kill" splash right by the weights. Once you've killed all the guards in Fisk's office (the area where you battled Bullseye) and the hallway, drag a guard by the splash. Interrogate him and do the special kill. Head out to the hallway where you slaughtered most of the guards and head towards the open elevator. ()========================================================() () Section 6 () ()========================================================() As the section begins, there'll be a huge fire fight between Yakuza and Fisk's guards. If you're low on health, grab a guard nearest you and drag him back to the open elevator. Interrogate him and gain some health. Grab a guard with body armor and join the fight yourself. Watch out by the front entrance since there is a Machine Gun post set up now that the Yakuza control. Use the pillars and exhibit cases for cover. Dive around a lot and watch for the doors and the second elevator as more guards pour in. If you have extra grenades, don't be afraid to use them. If you need a safe spot, the elevator in which you started the section is the safest spot. You can always grab a guard coming towards you and use it as a shield to fend yourself off. You can then get more health by doing this. Also by heading to the elevator diverts the attention of the guards back to each other, so you can always come out of the elevator with a fresh start and pop some in the head without them ever knowing. For the guard commanding the turret, it's best to get him when the guard's are eliminated to ensure no one else gains control of it. But by waiting for most of them to die, all the attention of the post is diverted to you. Use the pillars to get close to the post and dive in circles to get closer to it until the guard retreats. Lastly, another way to easily get through this is to first take care of the Machine Gun post, head back and forth on the bottom area killing guards because there is a big wall for cover if you need it. When you're done, head into the double doors that are unlocked (the second area where you first started the mission). In this area, you'll confronted by more guards. If you can, grab a guard and use it as a shield while you blast them all. Grab the C4 that you stashed earlier. If you somehow can't remember where it's at, it's in the blue highlighted deposit box. Grab it and head back to the Lobby area. More Yakuza guards. Your choice to take them out or not. Head to the front door and plant the C4 charges. Get away from the door as soon as you plant it and wait for the time to expire. Once it does, the exit is now open for your leaving.... =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* PIER 74 REVISITED [PR7419] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:.............................Eliminate Yakuza Presence -Statistics: Bronze:............................20,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:............................40,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:..............................60,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() Coming back to the pier, this level is a bit more frustrating due to the vast amount of crates, it's easy to get lost and you find yourself wandering around more and getting hit by enemy gun fire. If you're going for points, listen to Frank's self narrations as it usually indicates that the area is clear of guards after you wiped them out. A big time saver actually so make sure your subtitles are on or the volume. To begin, head off the high rise and head to the edge of the yellow crate. If you adjust your camera to the left, you'll view some guards up ahead walking your way. Peep out and shoot them in the head. Once things calm down, you can advance a bit, but the guards aren't gone. Stay near the crates. When you hear gun fire or see bullets, dive toward a crate for cover. Watch yourself as you traverse through. Find Yakuza guards and kill them. Watch out for a guard with a Skull icon. Once everyone is dead, grab the Skull icon guard and interrogate him. Afterwards, head through the open garage door. You'll hear some allies in the background and see more Yakuza guards. Talk to one of the allies if you choose to, otherwise, run through this area finding more guards to kill. The best technique I can suggest is to find a crate near a wall and peep out and shoot. Dive around a lot and stay near crates. Try to get behind your enemies and quick kill them. Throughout the whole level, you'll meet up with various allies. Anyways, when you've slaughtered every guard in this area, find the double door gates and head through them. Once you've entered the gates, walk toward the crate directly in front of you. There will be Yakuza guards coming down the ramp. Dive out and slaughter them. Use the crates as cover after you dived out and peep out if you need to get some hits in. Once you've killed all the guards, head under the ramp to find some ammo and Frag Grenades. Afterwards, head up the ramp to continue on. On the left side, you'll see an open garage door way. You can enter it to clear out more guards. Grab a guard with body armor and advance forward. Kill all the guards and you'll see some more allies. When you're done, back track to the ramp area and open the garage door that's across from the door way you're at. Once you've open it, you'll hear some gun fire. Instead of going in, you can go to the previous room and wait behind a crate and hope that the guards will follow, otherwise, dive in and shoot the guards on your right side. Clear out the room and go through the green single door. If you remember this area, this is where the huge crane was. Run forward along the catwalk. If you're easily startled, let me warn you by saying that there will be a huge explosion, just to let you know. Anyways, head toward the crane and drop down on the left side of it. If you go around the white crate on the left side containing some graffiti on the front, you'll find a scared guard. Grab him and drag him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash. Press up on the analog to lift up the guard and down on the analog to lower the guard. Press down to increase the threat meter. Afterwards, collect the ammo if you need it. Turn around and continue through the area. As you head up, you'll see the guard's brother. Being a jackass that he is, go into Fine Aim mode and blast his face (since he's covered in body armor). Use the guard as a shield and traverse through the area. Use the crates as cover and continue up the area. If you're trying to avoid being shot in this area, stay behind one crate where you can view both sides. There are a couple of Sniper Rifles you can use to snipe guards or use Fine Aim mode and take out the guards from a single position. The further away you are from the guards, the better chance you have of knowing that you're not going to be hit by gun fire. Advance up more if you can't see anymore guards. Once you've killed all the guards, head through the big blue door. In this area, just run towards the panel highlighted in blue to open up the huge garage door. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() If you're ally is alive, he might be a bit troublesome in this area since he opens fire like a dummy which will blow your cover if you want to be sneaky about this. Anyways, run up to the boxes directly in front of you. With this, you can use as cover and an area to be closer to the guards. Shoot any guards you can obviously and peep/dive out of the sides to hit the guards that are a bit harder to hit. Be sure not to kill the Skull icon guard and grab him when everyone is dead or if he's being to bothersome and gets in the way. Since the Skull icon guard doesn't surrender, wait for him to waste his bullets. When he dives, run towards him, and grab him. Drag him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash by the propellar. Just stick his face in the propellar a bit to get his threat meter rising. Repeat til he squeals. If you get him to break, he'll use his talking to bypass a few guards. There are three sets of guards. One set you can see in front of you and the other set around the corner. The third set is around the second corner, which are a pain in the ass since they won't let you pass. Before heading around the second corner, if you turn to the right, you should see some brown crates with a Grenade Launcher. Grab it and equip it. Once you pass those crates, a bunch of guards (the third set), will pop out from no where. Dive backwards and shoot the grenade launcher to rid of them easily. Turn around and kill the rest of the guards you bypassed. You should have enough grenades in the launcher, so don't worry. If you do run out, there are barrels lying around and you should still have some of those grenades from the beginning. When you're done, pick up your initial weapon and head out the huge garage door way on the left side. Head to the far right side of the dock and get behind the boxes. One of the guards has a Rocket Launcher, so it's best to be somewhere secure instead of being out in the open. Be sure not to get close to your cover because if a rocket does hit the box, it doesn't affect you if you're not near it. Go into Fine Aim mode and shoot as many guards in the head area since a majority of them are wearing those spiffy suits. If you're confident, you can approach from this left side area and sneak behind some guards for some quick kills. Most of the guards will be distracted due to the allies caught up in this fire fight. If you manage to quick kill the guard with the launcher, use it to decimate the rest of the guards in this area. When you're done, head through the big blue door on the left side of the area. As you enter the area, you'll see a guard run off and a civilian with a bomb on him. You have an actual minute to save him, so run into the room where the guard ran off to. The guard has the obvious Skull icon, so quickly grab him, disregarding the other guards. Back out of the room, interrogate him, and he'll defuse the bomb (walk up to the civilian). Use the guard as a shield and go back into the room. On the right side, you'll see some barrels. Shoot it to kill the rest of the guards in the path. Eliminate any others you see. Head upstairs to find a guard and a "Special Interrogation" splash. Since you've taken care of the guard with the icon, you might as well use up the splash on the last guard for some points. Once you've taken care of him, on your right, more guards will come out in fear. Kill them as quickly as you can. As you can see, they were running from one of your allies in a spiffier suit. Before going into the next area, turn back around and run to the other side of the catwalk. You'll see a big area and behind the crates are a bunch of weapons. Take what you want and head through the door you saw your ally run in from. When you're in the next room, go into Fine Aim mode and kill the guard holding the hostage on the right side. Get behind the crates and take cover. Kill all the guards in the area. If you have the Blast Rifle (rifle with 30 rounds in a clip and obviously is not M4) or the Sniper Rifle, you can go into Sniper Mode and snipe them all down without getting touched. Approach the hostages and defuse their bombs. The next area will be the final area in which you will participate in a huge fire fight. If you'd like, you can grab a Light Machine Machine gun off the floor from one of the guards. This will make the last area a whole lot easier. Head through the big blue door when you're done. You'll see a guard shooting a dead ally. Run up to him and grab him. He is also a Skull icon guard, so drag him toward the nearest Machine Gun post to use the "Special Interrogation". Once succesfully broken, release the guard to switch hostages. Afterwards, they'll let go of the hostage. Afterwards, run forward, passing the Machine Gun post. Grab another guard and start blasting. There will be a guard with a Rocket Launcher, so watch out for him. He is usually on the right side near the yellow crates. If you can get ahold of his launcher, use it to obliterate all the guards. Be sure to stay behind the main turrets where the guards are standing. Getting into the area in front of it is a bad idea. Don't worry about the turret you used to interrogate the guard since that turret is rarely if ever, used. If you wanted to play it safe and not get shot, you were better off taking cover behind crates instead of running past the turrets, but if you want a fast and effective way, that was it. If you're good enough and fast enough, you can kill the Rocket Launcher guard, get his launcher, and blow everyone up. Just don't blow up your own or else you'll have a while of back tracking to do. When you're done, the level ends. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* MEAT PACKING PLANT [MPPT20] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:......................Eliminate Yakuza Presence -Mission Objective:......................Find Out What The Gnucccis Are Doing -Statistics: Bronze:.....................15,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:.....................30,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:.......................45,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you begin, notice that you'll start out with six Flash Bang grenades. They're there for a reason, so be sure to use them when needed, and in this case, you will be using it. Head up the hallway a bit until you enter the next area, You'll see a crowd of guards interrogating a Gnucci. Throw/Shoot a flash bang to blind them(shooting makes it a lot easier). Dive to the side once you've projected the grenade. Once it goes off, run towards any guard and quick kill them all except the guard with a Skull icon(he's Gnucci) If you've accidentally killed him, don't worry about it, there will be another Gnucci in the second area on. Shoot them if you're paranoid about the blindness wearing off. Usually by the time the group is about to die, two more come up from the north part of the area. You can use the double doors on the lower right side and blind side three guards from the back or throw a flash bang and rush them. There will be technically three guards, but you'll only see two rush towards you. When they're dead, interrogate the guard with the Skull icon and talk to the hostage for 200 extra points. If you killed the Gnucci that was being interrogated, there will be a Gnucci in green(he carries a weapon) in the are where you killed the guard in the yellow suit, so interrogate him if you need to and DON'T kill him before he breaks. Head to the north part of the area and through the double doors to continue. When you enter this area, you'll see a butcher fall from the door. Head into that door and get ready to blast since a Yakuza executed that butcher, you'll be right in front of him. You'll also see a purple suited Yakuza flee to(In case you're wondering, the door on the opposite side of the butcher guard is locked). When you enter the room, he'll start shooting back, so shoot him down. As you head up the room, you'll see another butcher run through. Behind him will be a yellow suited Yakuza, so kill him as quick as possible before he grabs the butcher as a hostage. Once he's dead, the chances of another guard behind you is pretty high, so turn around. If you don't see another Yakuza pop out of the wall near the door you came in, don't worry too much. Don't forget to talk to the hostage for 200 points. Head around the meat hooks to continue the path and head through the continue the path(ignore the door on the left side when continuing as it's locked as well). When you hear someone talking, stop their for a moment. You'll then see a with a Skull icon run out and blasting the Yakuza(also note if you didn't interrogate a Gnucci earlier, he won't come out). While the attention spurs on the Yakuza, quickly run up to the guy and grab him. Just take note that the Gnucci isn't always succesful, so it's best to always help him out before he runs out like a dumbass. Use him as a shield for now and blast the rest of the Yakuza who get in your way. This guy is a bit recognizable if you've been checking your photo clips(If he also "accidentally" dies, just head to the door in the middle of the path that was locked earlier like I mentioned and it'll be unlocked). Interrogate him and release him. Follow him and DO NOT KILL ANY GNUCCIS. Since you have a truce with them, why not let them work for you a while. They'll help you clear out the room full of Yakuza's. To speed up the workload and reduce the number of dead gnucci men, throw a flashbang between two Yakuza men to blind both. This way, you can easily quick kill the unblind one and the blind one. If the third is alive, you can quick kill him to. Once they're all dead, head into the double doors that the Gnuccis are next to. In here is a huge freezer room packed with meat hanging from above which make it hard to travel. If you want, you can always throw a flash bang in the middle of the room to blind as many as you can, but I prefer staying on the side of the room and blasting them from the sides. Once you get to the top of the area, proceed down the middle and quick kill all the Yakuza. LOOK BEFORE YOU QUICK KILL. It's easy to mistake a Gnucci for a Yakuza. Once they're all dead, head outside and head across the room towards the double door to enter another freezer. Repeat before steps in taking out the Yakuza. Also note, that if you head to the northeast corners of the freezer rooms, you'll see a guard holding an innocent as a hostage in both of them. If you can, use the tiny wall as a cover and peep through and blast them. Talk to both of them for 200 points. When you're done, head outside the freezer. Look up on the balcony and you'll see a civilian. He'll tell you about the door from behind and how it's locked, so use the ladder on the right side to climb up to the balcony. From this point on, if you didn't kill ANY Gnuccis, they'll ally with you if you meet anymore along the way. It's up to you if want any allies or not(basically, points or no points -_- ). ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() When you start this section(in the next area, you'll see two Gnuccis executing a Yakuza), will differ on what you did last section. If you didn't kill any Gnucci, you'll have a mini army with you. If you did, you'll have to kill them. Unfortunately, having an army, costs a price.... POINTS. So if you want a lot of points, you'll HAVE to kill them. Fortunately, this guide covers that, so kill a gnucci and let's continue. If you don't want to kill Gnucci's and have an army, then the only help I can really suggest is using the Gnucci army as distraction(keep as many alive as possible) and sneak behind the Yakuza firing at them. Use lot's of cover also. Plus with the Gnuccis on your side, I don't see why you'll need to follow most of this section in the first place, so skip this section until you get to the third and final section. Anyways, after killing the two Gnucci's(If you haven't killed one yet, grab the first one and blast the other), continue on with the level. Turn left from the entrance and continue down the path til you get to the double doors to the next area. In this huge area, there will be a huge war between the Gnuccis and Yakuza. In front of you, are the Gnuccis. Sneak behind the first couple you see in the front of you and quick kill them. Afterwards, you'll be left with the Yakuza. Stay low beneath the counter. When the shooting stop, dive to the sides and stay low. Repeat this til you feel you're close enough to do some quick kills. If you want to shoot, wait for the shooting to stop, get up real quick, and blast someone's head. If you're lucky and can draw enough attention, some of the guards will try to get close to you so they can ask you to quick kill them. Also take note that on the wall on the right side of the room, are some appliances. Use those as cover if you're trying to get close. When they're all dead, head to the only other double doors in this room. Wait a while and you'll hear a Yakuza yelling. A few seconds later, one will bust right through. Either grab or kill him and kill the other Yakuza in the other room also. By doing this, this eliminates the Yakuza threat in the next room, so head to the next set of double doors(Be sure to be holding an accurate/long range gun before heading to it). A Yakuza makes a remark when you're near it and walks in. Grab him as a shield and proceed to the next room. In this room, you can see some guards on the balcony. If you take a few steps in(stay stationary near the door since this is where you'll do most of your shooting), you can see their feet or heads on top of the catwalk. Shoot who ever you please and be sure to have enough ammo. If not, you're shield is useless and you'll have to rely on busting and getting hurt a lot, which is useless if you're going for silver/gold medal. Anyways, stare only straight ahead and shoot only the heads of guards on the catwalk. If you are low on ammo, the only thing I can suggest is taking short bursts or use less ammo. If you want to better conserve your shield's health, back into the next room a bit for more cover. Step back in when you're ready. When the shooting stops and you can't see anymore guards, walk in and investigate more with the shield in your arms. After investigating upstairs and seeing no guards, head to the northwest of the room upstairs. You'll see a couple of single doors across from each other. One contains a sign and another is see through. You can see through directly that their is a guard holding a person hostage. Kill the guard to release the hostage, kill your shield, and grab the scared unarmed Yakuza. When you exit the room, there will be more Yakuza men shooting at you. Stay in your current position and try to snipe them out. Head into the room for cover if needed. If you run out of ammo, head into the room and wait for the guards to come to you. Grab one and continue on shooting. Be sure to watch the guards on the bottom floor also. After everyone is dead, you can choose to use the "Special Interrogation" splash on the catwalk near by. Just like most interrogations where Frank hangs them over and threatens to throw them over, this is similar except he'll "drop" him into pieces. When you're done, there are two doors to approach the next section from, either upstairs or downstairs. If you choose downstairs, my only advice is to take cover and shoot up. This guide will provide upstairs since I'm more familiar with it. Head through either double doors to start the next section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() When you start, head through the double doors. You'll probably see a guard straight ahead from you in armor. Shoot him and kill him. Afterwards, duck down, and move low towards the catwalk. You'll notice a war between the Gnuccis and Yakuza. Shoot through the holes of the catwalk and kill only the Yakuza since the majority contains them. The Gnuccis will probably be murdered before all the Yakuza die anyways. When the shooting stops, advance slowly onto the catwalk or on the catwalk. If you notice on the far northeast corner of the room on the bottom floor, there is a path that leads somewhere. If you see guards running towards there, they're trying to head up to the catwalk. Just be aware of that so you'll expect them. When you've eliminated all possible guards, head through the single door on the left side(the side you should be standing on) of the room/catwalk. If you've haven't killed the two armored guards, you might see them if you head upstairs and inside the room. If you did kill them already, then head downstairs. Dive out and beware of the guards. There are at least 4 of them, so grab one as a shield and kill the rest of them(use the barrel to cause an explosion and walls for cover if you have no shield). Turn around and head back to the bottom floor of the main room(where the fire fight first took place). Find a guard with a Skull icon(if you've noticed, I didn't tell you to look out for him since it's hard to see him on the top floor anyways, but if you did see him, then hopefully, you didn't shoot him or kill him). Grab him and drag him towards a "Special Interrogation" splash. Press up on the analog stick to pull back the device and to make the threat meter slightly raise. Press down to push the device and make the threat meter rise faster. If you do both consecutively, then you can make the threat meter rise the highest, but maintain how you do it because you don't want to feed the guard into the machinery just yet. Press down to maintain it once it's on the orange bar. Once he breaks, he'll offer you some information. Once you're done, head back to where you killed the first set of guards on the bottom floor and continue the path. While continuing, about halfway, you'll see some guards walk forward. Kill the two and dive forward. You'll notice another Gnucci/Yakuza war. Use the machinery as cover and grab another shield if possible(with armor). Kill all the guards except the one with a Skull icon. When they're all dead, grab the Skull icon guard, and drag him towards the "Special Interrogation" splash next to the machinery. Press down to pull the guard back and make the threat meter slightly rise up and down to push the guard in to make the threat meter rise higher. Do it consecutively to make the threat meter rise to the orange bar and tap up to maintain it. When he breaks, he gives you some info. Use him as a shield and go behind the machinery to look for a doorway leading towards a path to the next area. When you walk in and head up the stairs(or through the trench on the side), you'll be ambushed by a bunch of guards. Back off a bit and use the boxes as cover or head back down the stairs and use the trench as cover. If you lose your shield, the trench is possibly the best way to go. If you decide to use the trench, the guard's will pop out and run north, giving you a better chance to hit some in the head if you hold a shield. Just watch out for your back because some might try to ambush you. Head to a corner of the trench if you want to feel more secure. This way, you can view both sides while your back is safe. If you wanted quick kills, the trench/boxes are the best way to go if you want to sneak behind guards. When all guard's are dead, head to the northwest side(upper left side) of the room. You'll notice a passage leading to the left and a blue highlighted wall. Approach it and enter it to unlock a room full glory. Guns galore and more flash bangs. Collect all you can and head to the opposite side of the room to find a double door to continue through the level. When you approach the doors, you'll hear a conversation when you get near it. If you don't stand too close to the door, the door will open and two Gnuccis will walk out. Grab one and kill the other. Head into the next area and you'll be in a long hallway. From this moment on, you'll be facing Gnuccis. Head through it and when you walk in a bit, the door straight ahead of you will open, containing two more Gnuccis. Shoot them down and head up a bit til you see double doors on your left side. Walk in and shoot the Gnuccis. If you're shield dies or if you want to, shoot a flash bang inside after the window breaks to blind everyone. Quick kill them all and gather any ammo from the guards. When you're done, proceed back into the hallway and into the next room. In this room, on your left side, will be double doors. Another voice and a dumb Gnucci who decides to walk out. Grab him and kill any Gnuccis you see. If you don't see any, walk in a bit and side step to your right. You'll see some Gnuccis in the left side of the doorway/room. Don't worry about the room's on the right side since it contains a bathroom with nothing but toilets and mirrors. If you want, you can kill your shield and head to the room on the right side. You'll hear Gnuccis ready to approach to previous hallway. You can use this to sneak up on them and kill them or you can keep a shield and shoot them when you get near the double doors. Anyway you do this, head into the next hallway. When you're in the next hallway, you might have to prepare for another guard coming out of the double doors at the end. Kill him since he'll be to far off to grab. There might be a guard in the bathroom of this hallway, so kill him also. Head into the next room when you're done. In this room, when you turn to your right, you'll hear a Gnucci remark. Prepare to grab the Gnucci when he runs right to you in your arms. Kill the Gnucci in the next room and proceed into the next room. At the end of the room near the door, frank will narrate to himself. Push the shield through the door and throw/shoot a flash bang grenade inside to blind everyone. Shoot/Quick kill everyone you see. If you need to, use the counters as cover and dive around a lot. Use another flash bang if needed until everyone is dead, in which, the level will automatically end. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* STARK TOWERS [STTS21] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:.....................................Foil Yakuza Attack -Statistics: Bronze:....................................20,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:....................................40,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:......................................60,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() As the level begins, you'll have to wait it out before it can actually begin since it starts as a tour. As it goes by, a securtiy breach occurs, and that's when the level will begin. When you peep through the see through windows, you'll see some Yakuza guards killing off the scientists. Head towards the door near your friend(south of the room). A guard will walk through, so grab him and you'll automatically have a gun in your hand. Since he has a Skull icon on his head, drag him towards the room where he killed all the guards. Kill the two Yakuza guards in this room and bring the shield towards the "Special Interrogation" splash. Press up to point the laser away and down itself to stabilize it and threaten the guard. If you do it consecutively, it can kill him, but if you did it in a slow rate, you'll have a chance to burn him with the laser. Just hold down on the analog for about a second or two and let go. Repeat this til he breaks and gives you the code. Head up the room and head through to the next area. In here, turn right and you'll see a door leading to the next room (glows in a blue light, meaning it's unlocked). In here, you'll be in the opposite side of the room where you first began. Head towards the statue and on your left, you'll see the door leading to the next room. Head through this hallway until you see a guard. Grab the guard (or shoot him if you have a shield) and look in front of you. A guard will most likely pop up from behind the crates, giving you a chance to kill him. Head through the hallway until you get to the end of it and into the next area. In this room, you'll see a bunch of dead security guards. Pick up any ammo you need and head into the next area. In here, if you point your crosshairs, there will be a guard on the other side of the wall. You can shoot him through the holes or just plain shoot him when he pops out. On your right, there will be a guard who'll come out of that door, so get between the wall where he can't shoot you. When he takes cover, you can sneak behind him and quick kill him or shoot him. Head through the door into the next area. In here, lies the end of the first section. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() When the section begins, you head towards the dead security guard, and grab his ammo. On your left, you'll see an open door way with a guard talking on his ear piece. Stay on the right side of the room, close to the wall so he can't see you. Sneak behind him and quick kill him. When he's dead, grab the Sniper Rifle that's beside you and look down the edge. When you get near the edge, the guard's below will probably see you, so dive back, and try to look down again (just not near the edge). Try to snipe all the guards you can see and head down the ladder when you're done. When you head all the way down, you'll probably see a majority of guards come out of hiding. Chase them all down and quick kill who you can. Grab any guards in armor and shoot any guard you see in the head. The Sniper rifle can demolish ones body part in one bullet, so I suggest that gun if you can aim fairly well. When everyone's dead, head southeast (right of the ladder you came down) to find another ladder to climb down. When you climb down, dive toward the first crate you see in front of you. A helicopter will appear from below and start shooting at you. Duck down and use this crate as cover. Pretty much you'll have to wait it out and avoid the bullets til "backup" arrives. Once your "backup" arrives, the helicopter will be gone and you can easily advance this path. Head up until you see a manhole leading to the next area, so climb down it to the next section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() When you begin, run forward towards the wall. A guard will walk your way, then walk back. When he does, run behind him and quick kill him. The guard behind the corner will hear. Stay near the corner til he walks towards you and pop out of the side to quick kill him. Head through the door to the next area. In here, nothing, so run to the other side to the next area. In here, run down the hall. On your right, you might be able to see the "Special Kill" splash. Fortunately, there's a guard standing there for your enjoyable kill pleasure. Interrogate him if you please for points and use the splash when you're done. Turn around and stand near the yellow computer on your left side. When the guard in the armor starts running, run towards him. In the dark, he can't really see you, so you'll be concealed temporarily. Grab him and shoot the fat guard you see and turn around to kill the other guard. Use this guard as a shield and shoot all the guards in your way. Head up the path on the west side of the room to advance. In the small little passage way, stay on one side of the signs and shoot ahead of you. Be aware of your side because some of the guards might try to sneak beside you. If you make it far enough the passage way, the guard's behind you aren't that important. When you get to the end of the passage way, you'll see a locked door, so you'll have to shoot the window to continue to the next area. In this area, you'll see a couple of guards. One just standing there and one in an armor suit. You can only grab the guard with no armor to remain hidden. Grab him and shoot the guard with armor in the head. You'll startle some guard's behind the railing, so head down the stairs, and shoot them all down except for the guard with a Skull icon. To avoid hitting him, you might want to shoot the guards behind the railing from above or grab another guard with an armored suit to endure this. When all guards are dead, you can easily grab the Skull icon guard and drag him towards the "Special Interrogation" splash. Press up on the analog to pull away from the flame and down to threaten him. Hold down to threaten him and let go every second or two. Repeat this til he breaks and gives you a code for the weapons locker. When you turn to your right, you'll see a crate, which is the weapons locker highlighted in blue, so activate it to open it. Collect the ammo and head downstairs in the door to the next room/section. ()========================================================() () Section 4 () ()========================================================() In the beginning of this section, run to the door on the right side of the hallway. When you enter the next room, quick kill the two guards in front of you. They'll be a bit pre-occupied, so don't worry about you being hit by them. When those two are dead, look down the balcony and shoot any guards you see in the head (they should be wearing black armor, or don't have a red icon over them). There may be some guards that'll pop out of the side of you, so don't focus downstairs too much and actually head to the left side of you to head downstairs if needed. When you kill all the guards, the guard with the Skull icon will surrender. Afterwards, grab the Skull icon guard and drag him downstairs toward the gears on the "Special Interrogation" splash. Press down on the analog to pull the guard's head away and scare him. You can also press up on the analog to get the same effect, but pressing down might be more effective if you don't want to kill him. Stabilize it on the orange til he breaks and you have your info. If you need a new weapon, you can take the "Blast Rifle" from the security guards if needed. When you're done, head up the path and enter the door on the right side. In here, you'll notice many tiny compartments, meaning you'll most likely be in another fire fight. Dive towards the inside of the compartments and shoot who you see. If you want, grab a guard and use him as a shield. Basically, use the compartments only as cover and a way to sneak behind the guards and quick kill them if needed. Take note that there will be some guards from above, so if you need health, you can grab a guard upstairs, drag them into a lonely secure room, and interrogate them for health. If you also wiped out the guards upstairs, you can try to snipe the guards with a Blast Rifle's scope. The secure room can provide adequate cover and just being upstairs gives you height advantage. Head upstairs and into the next room (possible guard near here, kill if he comes out). In here, when you get to the end of the hallway, you'll see a guard walk out and when he sees you, he'll run back in. Follow him and quickly kill him or grab him as a shield. In here is just another room with more compartments. This time, most of the guards will be in front of you, so you can plan this out more easily and kill them without scattering about. Just continuously dive about and use the compartments for cover and you can easily slaughter them all. Again, Slaughter Mode is very helpful if you're getting low on health, so don't neglect it. Be sure to save the last guard also if you're in need for some health. When you're done, head to the end of the room and head through the door. Another passage way with a busted down door. You'll get a notice from your friend about an ambush. If you get near the door way wall and use the camera to peer through, you can already see a guard. Go into Fine Aim mode, peep through, and blast the guard in the head. When he dies, a guard will rise from above a crate. Kill him also and another guard will rise (what dumbasses) and pretty much be asking you to shoot his head. Do him a favor and do it. When he dies, you can continue on through the hallway. Around the corner through another open doorway, you might see a Yakuza run by. Dive inside to the next area and towards the crate as cover. Duck down and shoot the guards. When they duck down, you can still shoot a piece of their head, so do so if you feel confident about it or you can try to get closer and quick kill them all. Anyway you do it, when you're done, head to the door on the left side at the end of the hall to end the section. BE SURE TO HAVE A BLAST RIFLE BEFORE CONTINUING. ()========================================================() () Section 5 () ()========================================================() As you begin, head through the door and into the next room. Take ONE step and let the door open. Stand in between the doors and you'll see a helicopter. Remember this huge area? This is the area where you first saw a helicopter in the first place and the Yakuza decided to get another. Once the door opens, you'll see just that. If you have a Blast Rifle (which you should have), you can use the scope to snipe the guards from here. If not, you'll have to get closer to take out the guards in the helicopter. There should be a sniper rifle on the bench, so take it if you need it. When you get closer, you'll also activate a boss battle between you and the helicopter. (*)==========================(*) (*) BOSS: HELICOPTER (*) (*)==========================(*) Once the guards inside the copter have been eliminated, the copter will go down. Run forward towards the crate (and as close to the copter once was) and grab a Rocket Launcher and it's ammo. When the copter ascends and appears, blast it from the sky. Be careful because if you leave yourself out in the open, you'll be sniped from above and also be attacked in the back by guards. You can use this as an opprotunity to kill guards for infinite points. Pretty much head back to the door you came from the beginning of the section. You can quick kill guards, shoot guards, or any tactic to kill them for points. If you stand to close to it, the door will open and the guards won't exactly come out, so stand on the side of the door or in front of it where the door won't open. Be sure to switch weapons for more points when doing quick kills. You'll also have to be quick if you want to interrogate guards for health since this is unlike the previous boss battle where you can take health at slow pace. Don't worry about the copter since it can't even touch you from your standing point. When you're ready, you can turn around and shoot down the copter. If you need more rockets, you'll have to dive out of it's way when it shoots its rockets at you. Pretty much dive to the side and constantly keep on the move to avoid not only rockets, but the sniper from above. Unfortunately, you can't climb back up (ladder is to high up) so you'll have to grab your rockets, shoot it when you can, and dive out the way. When you shoot the copter, it'll drop down again. Quickly turn around and shoot the Sniper(s) and grab more rockets. Repeat this til it's life is depleted. The further you stay away from the copter (and inside the little area where the guards come out), the more protected you are and can get a better hit at the copter, so remember that. Plus you can also keep an eye on the guards that come out of the door and won't have to worry about the Snipers much. The only problem, is getting the rockets, so be sure to get more rockets when the copter is down (keep a spare rocket to blast at the sniper). The only additional tips I can offer, is keep constantly moving. You can use a far away strategy or a up close strategy. Up close, constantly move and stay near the rocket ammo crate. Don't worry about the guards sniping/shooting at you, just worry about the guard inside the copter shooting rockets at you. When you kill him, the copter will descend and stock up on more guards/rockets. Concentrate on that til it falls. For a far away strategy, just go into Fine Aim mode and aim at the copter. If you're lucky, the guard will go down with it and it'll descend. Use this chance to run towards the rockets, stock up, and run back as quickly as possible before the copter ascends. Interrogate the guards to stock up on health. Try to neglect the Sniper or shoot the sniper if needed. Repeat til the copter goes down and the mission ends. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* THE TAKAGI BUILDING [TTBG22] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:.....................................Kill Takagi -Statistics: Bronze:....................................20,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:....................................40,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:......................................60,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you begin, the Yakuza have no idea you're inside the building, but interestingly enough, you can hear the conversation if you choose to. When you're done, head to the northwest(upper left) side of the room towards the huge painting on the wall. From that point, pull out a gun and aim it towards the guard in the blue suit (he should be standing). Go into Fine Aim mode and snipe his head. This will alarm the guard in green that was sitting down, in which, you can snipe his head once he gets up. Afterwards, you can quick kill the guard on the other side of the wall (he might also come to you). In your current position behind the wall, you can also peep out of the right side and shoot the guard behind the counter. Once he's dead, dive towards the counter. On your left side, there will be a guard with a Light Machine gun inside a tiny little room. When you dive towards the counter, on the left side, there will be a door way you can access inside the compartment and grab the Skull icon guard. Head inside the room and quickly approach him. Get on the "Special Interrogation" splash and interrogate him (this one should be familiar, so no need for explanation). When he breaks, he'll offer to distract the guard in the bathroom. Follow him and wait in front of the wall. On the right side is where the guard is at you can easily see the two behind the corner. When the guard tells the fat guy to look at the wall, approach fatty and kill him. Do whatever you want with the second guard and head to the other side of the bathroom if you want to talk to a civilian. If you want, you can return to the compartment to get the Light Machine gun if you choose to. Head to the end of the first area and enter the door to access the second. When you open the door, there will be a guard behind the door when you open it. He'll be on your left side, so point in that direction, go behind the door, and quick kill him before he has a chance to see you. If done quickly, none of the other guards will be alerted. Dive out and shoot all you see. Takagi will flee the scene. Don't worry about going after him since he's invincible to all bullets at this time and can't be harmed anyways (even if you tried, you can't do anything to him). Dive around the pillars and shoot all the guards down. Once you've cut them all down, you can hide behind the pillars and quick kill any of the one's alive by hiding and sneaking. Once they're dead, head towards the stairway, and head all the way upstairs. Also take note that the elevator is about halfway up the floor on the right side. When you're upstairs, you'll be in another dining room full of guards, this time, they'll be expecting. Dive around the room and shoot all the guards. Use the pillars as cover and quick kill who ever gets close to you. Once you've obliterated every guard in the room, grab yourself a rifle (if you've been carrying the Light Machine gun that is) and head through the next room. In here, you'll see a guard standing over the ledge. He is also a Skull icon guard, so grab him and drag him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash. Break him and he'll tell you how to get to Takagi. Do what you want to the guard and grab a gun that can go into Fine Aim mode and has considerable range (any rifle or submachine gun will do). Try to snipe down the guards you see on the bottom floor. Once you've sniped a couple, head downstairs. Head to the northwest corner (upper left corner) of the room and head into the double doors. There will be guards, so expect and kill who ever was in your way. Once you've head into the doors, you'll see two "Special Interrogation" splashes and a few guards. Kill all of them, or two guards and drag one to the splash and use it. If you do use one, just be careful since there might be guards in the next area who'll decide to pop out (not always a case, but will happen at times). Push up on the analog stick to push the head in and increase the threat meter and down to pull back the head. Do it consecutively to increase it a little higher and press up to stabilize it. Once you've interrogated the guard, you can head into the next room. Nothing in here, so head to the corner to find the door and into the next area. Search behind the box in the upper right corner and the side of the shelf in the bottom left corner for Frag Grenades (total of 4 in the room). You can head into a freezer to find a female in hiding. Talk to her for points and head back into the previous room. You might see more guards and a white commando (skull icon). They'll be in a Skull icon and keep appearing until you interrogate one. Drag one towards the splash earlier and interrogate him. He'll offer to open the elevator, in this case, just release him. From this point on, you'll be facing infinte guards. You can either choose to get points now, or later. I suggest now because it's a bit easier. The down side, is that they come from to many directions (easily countered although), and the major thing is that they're a lot slower in spawning. It's up to you though when you want to do it. If you choose to do it now, you'll first have to open up the elevator. Shoot all the guards in your way and talk to the white commando. Each time he'll run, but if he's being shot at, he'll duck down. Keep talking to him once you've eliminated the threat temporarily. When you both get near to the elevator, it'll automatically open. If you don't want to bother, you can always head towards the elevator and it'll open itself, but three white commandos will come out, so dispose of them quickly via grenade. Once the elevator is opened, head all the way downstairs and wait on the left side. When the guards come down, you can easily quick kill them when they come downstairs (in the second area where I first mentioned about Takagi). Repeat this til you reach the desired amount of points and have healed all the way. Continue inside the elevator and to the next section. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() In the next turn of events, most of the doors will be blocked by gray reinforced walls. You'll have to find the right ones to get to Takagi. If you head north (up the obvious path), it'll block out on you. Although this affects nothing, it's just something to know that you're going the wrong way. You can either figure this out yourself or I'll walk you through it. Anyways, turn to the right and head through those double doors. In here, you'll have to pick between two. Take the left one to advance. In this office, there are two more doors. Both are unblocked. It doesn't matter which one you take right now, but I suggest heading north. If you go left, the doors in the next room are blocked off. This is the main lobby, with two other doors. One on the left and one up in front of you. You can clearly see the next room in the north room, and since it's the only door opened, head through it to end this section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() If you choose to sit through Takagi's long speech, go ahead, but to sum it up, he requests that you kill him by his own Katana, which is placed in front of you. You can kill him whenever you want, even during his speech. By doing this, you allow yourself to go freely. If you want to be foolish and shoot him down, his three loyal servents will gun you down. In that case, pick up the sword, approach Takagi, and use the Quick Kill feature. With this, his servents will decide to take their lives away. In the corner if you've been noticing, a scared little Yakuza guard with a Skull icon is sitting there. Interrogate him if you wish (if you want to find out how to leave the building yourself), otherwise, I can guide you out. If you've been using an M4, lucky for you, so are the Geisha servents that have commited suicide. Pick up their ammo if needed. Afterwards, head through the door you came in and a whole raid of guards will soon to come. This is the secondary infinte guard spawn and a tad bit harder to gain points, but nonetheless, I'll teach you the safest way I know to gain points. When you enter the Main Lobby, head through either the double door on the top right corner. Neglect any guard you see (or quick kill them if you wish). In this next room, head to the left side of the room, revealing a little passage way with two doors on the side. Head into the door on your right side. This reveals a kitchen, so remember this area. Head through the only door on the left side. In this room, you can grab an Automatic Shotgun in the upper right corner of the room on the dead corpse. Afterwards, look on the table next to the long chair and grab the keys in a blue highlight. Once you've grabbed them, head through the only doors that lead to the next area (there are two). In here, just run straight towards the door which leads to the office. In here, you can see a lap top highlighted in blue. When you activate it, you have to wait out 4 minutes before the secret door unlocks. If you want, you can head back to the kitchen and behind the counter, lies another guard with a Skull icon. If you sucessfully interrogate him, he'll offer to open the door for you. Kill all the guards you can when running back and interrogate him (it's also best to check for guards by waiting for a guard to come and quick kill him before interrogation to insure safety). Take note that once you do interrogate him, just neglect the guards since in the animation of interrogation, you'll most likely be immune to the bullets and the flame thrower's flame. Just protect him when heading back to the office. If you decide to wait it out, you can use this opprotunity to kill the guards for infinite amount of points. Stand by the pillar thats furthest from the door you just entered. If you stand behind it, you can view both doors. When the door furthest from you opens and you're behind the pillar, the guard can not see you when he walks in, giving you a chance to sneak behind him and quick kill him. If you can quick kill a guard with a flame thrower, you can use this to kill guards quickly. Once you have one, run back to that little pillar and wait it out. When a guard walks in, you can either flame them to crisps or quick kill them, your choice. If you need health, wait til a guard walks in from the door furthest from you (except the flame thrower guard). Usually when he walks in, guards aren't usually due to walk in for a minute or so, leaving you with enough time to interrogate. Although it's not always the case, it's the best. When you're done, head out the double doors. You'll be back in the main lobby. Head into the double doors on the top right corner again. This time, head to the right side of the room and you'll see the painting. Be sure to watch out for the guard with a flame thrower and quickly kill him. Once you've activated the painting, go behind it and head through the room. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* RYKER'S ISLAND [RKIS23] =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-* -Mission Objective:.......................................Stop Riot -Mission Objective:.......................................Kill Jigsaw -Statistics: Bronze:......................................30,000 Points -Statistics: Silver:......................................60,000 Points -Statistics: Gold:........................................90,000 Points ()========================================================() () Section 1 () ()========================================================() When you begin, run around the hall and through the double doors. In here, all you'll hear is gun fire and the rioting already beginning. Turn to the left and continue down the hall. Once you past the gate, you'll hear a prisoner getting his revenge on a cop. Be the humanitarian that you are and save him. There's a Tonfa baton on the ground, but since it won't save him, grab the prisoner to gain yourself his pistol. This will give you the chance to interrogate the prisoner if you choose. Once you're done, talk to the cop and he'll show you to a room with a Shotgun. Take it out of the cabinent and head back outside. Head through the metal detectors and inside one of the doors (both lead to the same area). In here, you'll be inside the cafeteria, the heart of main fire fight you've been hearing since the beginning of the game. Use the pillars as cover and try to kill as many prisoners as you can on the first floor. There are some on the second floor balcony so be aware of them. When you see one on a side, nail him as quick as possible with your pistol (shotgun isn't always accurate and sucky when you want to make a distant shot. If you can, you might be able to grab an M4 from one of the dead cops or the prisoners, so don't hesitate to use that on a prisoner from a top. Another good strategy, would be after nailing all the prisoners on the first floor, head under the balconies and hit the second floor prisoners that are across from you. That way, you don't have to worry about being hit from all sides and can focus on the guards in front of you. Just be sure you're behind a pillar. When you've killed all the shooting prisoners, head under one of the pillars and through the single door. In here leads to the kitchen and another door that leads upstairs. If you run towards the wall, a prisoner might pop out from inside the kitchen and start shooting. If he'd already seen you, he'll already start shooting at the wall and waste his bullets. Quick kill him when he runs out of bullets and head through the door way (not inside the kitchen) and head up the stairs. A prisoner might be already at the top of the stairs waiting and start unloading on you. Dive back and wait for him to run out. When he does, run back inside and shoot him down. If you take multiple bursts and fire at him, you might be able to stall him long enough while running to get close enough for a quick kill. When you head all the way upstairs, there might already be some more prisoners on the top floor. Kill them and run over to the cop that's drooping over the window. Grab the key that's beside him. Collect any ammo you need from the dead cops/prisoners and head downstairs again. Head inside the kitchen and through the door to the next area. Run out of the short hallway and turn right. You'll see a helicopter outside, but don't worry about it. Head through the hallway until you hear some guards. On the left side, you'll see some prisoners shooting at a dead cop and taunting him. Shoot the prisoners in the head from the hallway. Use the wall as cover. If you're confident, you can dive inside, use the pillars as cover, and quick kill all the prisoners on the bottom floor. On the top floor, there's prisoner with a Skull icon, so refrain from killing him at the time. Once all the prisoners on the first floor are dead, the Skull icon prisoner will surrender. To head upstairs, run by the cells, and on the left by the last cell, there's a stairway leading up to the second floor (be aware that once you do head up on the second floor, there's a possibility that some of the prisoners might want to get sneaky on you, so be careful). Find the Skull icon guard from within a cell and drag him and place him on the "Special Interrogation" splash. I don't think I'll have to review this interrogation, seeing as how it's been done before (think of the Face Smashing interr.). When you break him, he'll give you some info. Afterwards, you can chuck him into one of the burning fires inside one of the cells if you're feeling a little toasty. When you're done, head downstairs and through the gate. Once you've passed the gate, turn to your right to continue down the hallway. If you head down to the end of the hallway, you'll see a gate blocking the path on the right side. You'll also hear a cop talking. If you get closer, you can talk to him. He'll give you some info on how to advance on. After the conversation, turn around and you'll see an open door way. Go through the room and climb up the ladder. When you get to the top, continue through the passage until you get to the end of it. Kick the door down and head through the door to make it outside. If you turn to your right side, you'll probably see a startled guard (if you kicked the door). He has a Skull icon, so grab him. Unfortunately, there is no special interrogation splash, so interrogate him normally. When you're done, head to the end of the roof and you'll see a "Special Kill" splash. With a lack of special interrogation, this kill defintely makes up for it. Turn around and grab the Rocket Launcher that's lying against the air vent. Turn to the side and you'll soon notice a bunch of prisoners making a break for it. Impede their advance by blasting a rocket at them. Slaughter them all and pick up your rifle again. Head through the same door you came in and down the hallway until the section ends. ()========================================================() () Section 2 () ()========================================================() Head back downstairs and towards the gate where you talked to the guard earlier. Unfortunately, there are guards in this area that are beating up on a sexual assailant. If you want, watch the prisoners beat on the sick bastard for a while. When you're ready, go into Fine Aim mode and aim up at the balcony. You'll notice a couple of guards. Get on the left side of the gate and peep out the right side and shoot the prisoners on the balcony. This eliminates the high rise threat, now dive inside the room towards a pillar and slaughter the rest of the prisoners. Leave the sexual assailant alive since he's a Skull icon guard. Use the pillars as cover and shoot/quick kill any guards you see. Be sure to check the balcony for any high rise threats. Get under the balconies if you must for cover against the high rise threat. Just like the identical cell room battle earlier, the stairs leading to the second floor are located in the same place. Use it if you want to sneak up on some prisoners upstairs. When all the prisoners are dead, find the Skull icon guard from within a cell. Drag him towards the "Special Interrogation" splash. Press down on the analog stick to pull the gate away and up on the analog to slam it on his body. Just like face smashing and all the other object smashings, when he gets weaker, he'll be more easier to threaten. When be breaks, he'll give you some information about molotovs. However you want to treat this sick bastard, is up to you. When you're done, head upstairs and grab the molotovs from inside the cell. Head through the gate when you're done. Once you've passed the gate, turn to the left to continue down the hall. When you get ways down the hall, you'll hear some prisoners having fun with the cops. If you're quick enough, which I doubt, you can possibly save the cops, but more than likely, they'll be executed before you can save them. Shoot them down from afar after they have their fun. Once you've taken care of the prisoners, head through the open single door way (it's beside the open pathway where you saw the executed cops) and head inside it. You can open the gates with the controls and gather more M4 ammo. Head back outside and continue down the unlocked hallway. Once you pass the first gate, you'll hear a prisoner yelling and throw a molotov. When he runs out, just shoot him from the side. Contine through the last gate and on the left side, there will be more prisoners. Dive inside (look out for prisoners on the balcony) and use the pillars as cover and kill all the prisoners. If you're lucky, they might come to you, so you can wait outside of the room until they run out to you. Quick kill them afterwards, otherwise, dive inside the room and handle your business. Use the pillars as cover and eliminate all prisoners on the high rise or use the stairway that leads up to the second floor and quick kill them all. Head through the gate at the end of the cell room when you're done. Turn to the right side to continue down the hall. You'll probably hear a cop when you've passed the gate, but don't worry about it. Head down the hall until you see a door on your right side. On top of the door will say "Death Row" (Frank will narrate to himself about it). Enter it and you'll see a Skull icon prisoner. Fortunately, there's only one prisoner still locked in his cage. Talk to him for a brief background introduction and some info about a weapon stash. Turn to your left and you'll see a box highlighted in blue. This will release the prisoner. Talk to him again and you'll get a chance to test out the company toy. Grab him and drag him towards the "Special Interrogation" splash. Push up on the analog to raise the lever and down on the analog to give him a burst of shock. When you've shocked him enough, it'll be easier to threaten. Just press up on the analog once you're on the orange bar and it'll be easier to stabilze if he's weak. When he breaks, he'll tell you where the stash is at. It's up to you if you want to fry his brain or let him go. Head upstairs and head around the corner to find a single door. Head through it end the section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() Head near the corner and use the camera to look around it. You'll just see an open doorway, but about 30 seconds or so, a prisoner will walk towards you. Grab him when he gets close and continue through the open door way. Turn to the right side to continue on the path. The door downstairs is locked, meaning you'll have to head upstairs. If you want, you can look under the stair way and grab an Auto Shotgun (The stash). If you're carrying a prisoner, you can chuck him (be sure you're aiming at the lowest point if you don't want to kill him), grab it, and grab him again. Head upstairs and continue down the path. Once you get deep down the path, you'll hear some prisoners attempting to execute a cop. Turn to your right and shoot the closest prisoner to trigger a fire fight. If you need a shield, you can grab him and dispense of the other prisoners. Unfortunately, no matter how you try, the cop can not be saved, so it's best to conserve your life as best as possible by diving to the side once you killed the prisoner closest to you. If you have the Auto Shotgun, you can dispense of this room quickly, but be sure NOT to kill the Skull icon prisoner. Drag him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash and face the rope. Push up on the analog stick to pull down the rope and down on the analog stick up the rope and choke the prisoner. Just like the choke interrogation, choke him til he gets on the orange bar and tap it when it's on. When he gets weaker, it becomes easier. When he breaks, he offers to help you in the next room. Bring him back down if you want the help. Release the prisoner, talk to him, and follow him. In the next room, you'll see a bunch of prisoners conversating and the prisoner you interrogated will join the conversation. From this point on, you can just freely walk into this room without being fired at by the prisoners. If you choose to fire upon the prisoners, be sure NOT to kill the Skull icon prisoner. To prevent this, you can either grab the Skull icon guard as a shield or avoid hitting him. Once you start a fire fight, more prisoners will run out of the next room, so turn around once you've killed the main group. When you're done killing the prisoners, grab the Skull icon prisoner if you haven't already, and drag him toward the "Special Interrogation" splash. Press up on the analog to lift the lid and down on the analog to shut the lid and burn the prisoner. Just like the Choke Interrogation, the health will deplete for as long as you leave the lid on the prisoner. When he gets weak, you can easily tap the up/down on the analog to increase the threat meter and stabilize it from there. When he breaks, he'll tell you where some Molotovs are at. Turn around and they're behind the machinery corner (search near the wall). Head through the only door to the next area when you're done. In this hallway, turn to your right and you'll notice some prisoners firing at someone. Throw a molotov there way to quickly clear the path. Continue down the hall and you'll see some SWAT force members. They'll turn to the left side and shoot more prisoners. If they die, expect more prisoners. Take them out by peering the right side and shoot them. If you want, another molotov will clear them out. Head down the hall until you see a door on your left. You can't kick it down, but you can enter it. Expect a whole bunch of prisoners ensued in a fire fight. When you open the door, they'll probably turn fire on you. Dive inside and throw a molotov. If you want to conserve them, then get behind counters, walls, and various objects for cover. Dive around and shoot the prisoners. Quick kill them if you feel lucky or grab them as a shield and take them all out. When they are all dead, head to the corner, and head out the door to the next area. In this hallway, ends the section. ()========================================================() () Section 3 () ()========================================================() Head down the hallway until you see a door on your left. Again, the door can't be kicked down, so duck down and walk through it. When you walk in, you'll see a bunch of prisoners that catch your attention. Dive forward towards the machinery for cover and shoot who you see. Grab a guard as a shield if you want to and mow down any prisoners you see. If you want quick kills, then you'll have to dive around the machinery and stay low. Get behind any prisoner you can and kill them. After you kill a few prisoners, a couple of Yakuza armored men will come down from above. One has a Skull icon, so don't kill him just yet. Quick kill any Yakuza and shoot any prisoners you see. When you're done, you have a various choice of "Special Interrogation" splashes. Although, there are only two different types, make your choice. =-=-=-=-=-=-__________________________________________________________________ --STAMPER-- =-=-=-=-=-=-__________________________________________________________________ Push up on the analog to push the enemy inside. This will scare the guard the most. Be sure to only tap it because holding it will cause the stamper to stamp his face flat. When the stamper comes down, you can continue threatening him. This one takes a bit of a while until you get the hang of it. If this is too complicated for you can try the other machine out. =-=-=-=-=-=-__________________________________________________________________ --CHOPPER-- =-=-=-=-=-=-__________________________________________________________________ Just like the stamper except it's a slight easier to break the guard without going back and forth. Press up on the analog to slide the head in and down to take it out. Slide it in when the chopper is up and let go of it when it's about to come down to slightly take it back out. When it goes back up, repeat the same thing. When it's past the orange bar, it's a bit easier. All you have to do is slide it in and let go for it to come back out. Tap it slightly to make the threat meter go up a bit and you should be set. When you're done, head upstairs, travel through the high rise, and head through the door. In this area, you'll be in a staircase area. There are more armored Yakuza guards. Head downstairs and take care of them. Grab one if you want to make it easier on yourself. Mow down the guards and shoot them while heading upstairs. Grab another Yakuza if your current one dies on you. Stay behind the pillars if you need cover. You can also duck down and wait for Yakuza guards to come to you if you need one as a shield or a quick kill. When you head all the way upstairs, head through the door. In here, you're presented in a hallway like area. Head to the end of it and when you get to the corner, more Yakuza guards will spring out. Dive to the left side (to the end of the hallway). You can use the right side of the wall to peer out and shoot the guards in the head. When the guards are down, continue heading through the hallway. Be sure to stay low and near the left side of the wall (so you can get cover if more guards pop out). If you see more guards, just dive to the left and possibly, a part of the wall will be sticking out, and you'll be able to use that as cover. Shoot any guards you see in the head and continue on. When you get to the end of the main path, turn to your right to continue on. Continue to stay low while heading down the path. About halfway into this hallway, there will be a split in the path leading on the left side. Use the wall as cover and peer through the right side. You'll possibly see more guards, so just shoot them in the head. Continue down that path after you've killed them and stay low while going through. If you see more guards pop out, just dive to the left side and get behind the wall that sticks out. Peer through the right side and shoot them in the head. When you get to the end, turn to the left to continue down the path. On the right side, there's a door, but you can not access it. Stay low while heading through this hallway and repeat the same steps as before. This time, there might be guards in the room. If you're paranoid, blasting the windows might help ease that feeling. About halfway into the hallway, there's a chance you'll see more guards, so just remember that. Once you do see them, dive to the left side, peer out the right side, and cap them in the head. Head down to the end of the hallway when you're done and turn to your left. Possibly, there might be guards here, but if not, head down the hallway until you see another intersection. The path continues on the left side, but stay close to the wall on your left, shift your camera, and you can see through the window. There are a couple of Yakuza guards, so shoot through the window and kill the guards. Continue down the short passage until you see another intersection. On the left side, more guards. Shift your camera to see them behind some furniture. Just peer out the side and blast them in the head again. When you're done, there's a door on the right side of the hall. When you open it, you'll have to dive to the side because more guards will pop up. When the door closes again, the guards will continue shooting. Wait til they stop shooting. When they do, hear if they reload. If not, open the door again and continue the same thing until you hear a reload sound. When you do, run in and quick kill the both of them. If you're not confident about your speed in this, run inside, grab a guard, use him as a shield, and kill the second guard. Head through the only door when you're done. A self narration begins and you'll soon hear voices. Afterwards, just head forward to continue the path and end the section. ()========================================================() () Section 4 () ()========================================================() (*)==========================(*) (*) BOSS: JIGSAW (*) (*)==========================(*) When you begin, it's best to get behind the vents. His attacks consist of a long range attack and a close range attack. His long range is a blue homing ball attack. It can pretty much track your location, but at the same time, can only follow you. If you get behind a structure, the ball will hit the structure and not you. The close range attack is pretty much a meteor shower type attack where he shoots multiple blue balls (no pun intended) at you. Another thing you should note, east of your starting location, is another entrance where Yakuza guards come out(and southwest during the second part of battle). If you head over to that location and get behind the wall, you can wait for Yakuza guards to come out. You can quick kill them for points. Be sure to get behind the wall and Jigsaw is not on your side (it doesn't matter if he's in front of you or diagonally facing you because he might be too close to attack). You can continuously do this until you reach a desired amount of points, but be sure to shift your camera so you can at least see the door. Also note that each time you kill a guard, they drop an explosive called a 'RAMS' (Remote Activation Munitions System). They play a key role in defeating this boss. You can find them also beside the wall where the guards spawn and the side of the wall where you first start the section. When you're done all that, let's get on with killing Jigsaw. First off, try to get as close as you can to him. Dive around structures to avoid his long range attack. Once you get under him, he can not harm you anymore. When you shoot him, you'll notice that you can't harm him, due to that really thick armor. A self narration comes in about his jet pack, so shoot his jet pack. You don't have to be directly under him, but as long as you're very close to him, he can't harm you. Aim at his back to hit his jet pack. Once his health depletes halfway, his jet pack will be destroyed and he'll land in middle of the battle arena. During this time, head to the locations I mentioned earlier to collect some 'RAMS' if you haven't already. This time, his only changed attack is now he can generate a huge blue flashing ball and shoot it at you. Luckily, this isn't a homing type ball, so no worries there, plus it moves at a slow speed. Unfortunately, he still has his meteor shower type attack. To avoid all his attacks, just dive to the side and get behind a structure. Once you've gathered enough 'RAMS', you can throw them on the ground or plant them on the side of a structure(wall or vents). If you throw them on the ground, Jigsaw will notice and possibly want to destroy it with his meteor shower, so it's best to plant them on a structure. Once planted, if you press the "Fire" button again, you can detonate the explosive and damage him. Pretty much, Jigsaw will follow you, so it's not too hard to lure him near the explosive device. The radius of the blast is pretty extensive, so there's no need to lure him directly by it. Of course, if you want to finish him off, he has to be directly by the blast. Continue this step til he dies and you're done. Enjoy the rest of what's left of the story mode. ============================================================================== <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> CHALLENGE MODE [CHMD24] <-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-> ============================================================================== In this section, I'll cover all challenges and it's hard tactics. For completing challenges, you unlock Comic Book Covers in the "Extras" mode. For some, there'll be some strategies and others, will just be fairly tips only, depending on how I find how hard the challenge, the length, and the overall context of the challenge. If you have a specific strategy for a challenge, feel free to send it to me. Just make sure it's in a short paragraph format (as lengthy as mine are) and it has somewhat, decent grammar. Punctuation and spelling isn't a major issue as I can easily correct that, but I dislike having to correct another persons grammar (even though I might be screwing up right now). *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- CRACKHOUSE [CRKH25] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Break Enemies With Six Different Interrogations in 3 Min. -Tips: Use Interrogation Kills when finished interrogating -Tips: Don't waste time shooting guards, just run through the level -Tips: Using "Quick Kill" after Interrogation can waste precious time -Tips: BE SURE TO REMEMBER WHICH INTERROGATIONS YOU USED -Tips: Don't repeat interrogations you've used -Tips: You start out with three grenades. Use them wisely When you start, turn to your right and run through the door. Grab the guard on your left side. When you grab him, face the other two guards. Most likely, the one in the middle will shoot simultaneously when you blast. When this happens, your shield and the guard will die. The guard near the wall will surrender. Interrogate him and kill him after the interrogation. Run to the next room. In this room, you'll witness a guard threatening a female on the floor. Grab him and interrogate him. Kill him afterwards and run into the next room. No need to talk to the female since points do not matter in this challenge. In this room, there'll be a "Special Interrogation" splash and a Skull icon guard. Since the guard is unarmed, he won't get very far. Bring him onto the splash and interrogate him. When that's done, bust his head open with the window. Head into the next room. In this room, you'll witness two guards shooting at you. Kill one and grab the second guard. Interrogate him and kill him. Rush into the next room. In this room, turn to the right to continue into the room. You'll hear voices, so head to the voice and find out who's talking. When you see three people, shoot the guy wearing a hood. Don't think, just shoot him. Most likely, you'll kill him with one Shotgun shot and the civilians will be unharmed. Run through the gaping hole and turn to the left to continue through the room. Head into the third door closest to the T.V. to continue through the level. In this room, you'll witness a bunch of guards sitting around. When you bust inside the room, one guard will run away and head into the next room. This guard is unarmed, so let him run off. Kill the rest of the guards if you wish, otherwise, chase after the guard that ran into the next room. Head upstairs and head through the door. In this next room, the guard will be hiding in the middle of the hallway, allowing you to freely interrogate him. Interrogate him and kill him. From this point on, there's no need for a walkthrough. The last Interrogation is Damage (if you've forgot, he's the leader of the crackhouse at the end of the crackhouse level). Run through the entire level, neglecting all guards or kill those in your way. If you've followed my tips provided at the top, you should make it to him with spare time on the clock. Be sure to drag him towards the "Special Interrogation" splash to fufil the last needed interrogation. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- THE CHOP SHOP [CHSP26] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: I am not familiar with the names of the tools, so don't get all offended if I have the name a tool incorrectly. I'm merely going by knowledge and/or descriptions based on the object. If you want, you can correct me and I'll replace the description/false name with the correct name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Mission Objective: Kill Enemies With 6 Different Objects in 1 min. 30 sec. -Tips: Remember melee weapon locations -Tips: If you're doing this without help, don't assume it's always a weapon -Tips: Don't stay in one room because all the objects aren't in one room -Tips: Remember the pictures of the melee weapons you've picked up -Tips: Be as fast as possible and don't waste time looking for a weapon When you begin, run to the end take a quick turn into the main garage to avoid the sliding object that's being projected towards you. Kill the two closest guards in front of you and run to the end of the garage. There should be a couple of guards near here. Pick up the crowbar near the edge of the wall. Most likely, it should be in that area. If not, there should be one located on the shelf in the middle of room. Quick kill the nearest guard you see with it. Next, pick up the huge Wrench (the most common weapon being thrown at you, so don't waste time hunting for it) and quick kill another guard. Finally, locate a bat (another common weapon) and run to the garage door switch. Switch it to head into the next room. The first guard you should see, is the guard under the car. Instead of flipping the switch on and having the car landing on him, run in front of him and quick kill him with the bat. Afterwards, turn around and you should see a bottle on the floor in front of the pitch fork vehicle. Grab it and head towards the door on the northwest side of the room. Quick kill any guard that gets in your way. Head through the door in the small office and advance through the small hallway into the next room. In here, you'll hear a female scream and an unarmed guard running for his life. Blast him so he doesn't get in your way when you're running. Head through the door on the left side to continue. Head upstairs and into the next room. In this room, turn to the left to advance the room. If you side step, you should see a guard in front of the soda machine. Blast him if you like and continue through the room. Head to the right side of this room to find a guard with a T.V. in his hands. Blast him and pick up the T.V. With this heavy T.V., you'll have to throw it at a guard. Be sure you aim it precisely and you know for sure that a guard won't run to the side to reload. You only have one chance with this, otherwise, you've pretty much have failed. If you hit a guard with the T.V., it counts as a kill. Head to the left side of the room and advance through til you see the door to the next room. Be sure to equip a pistol before heading into the next room. In this room, get on the catwalk and immediately turn to your left once you're on the catwalk. From a distance, you should see a hanging gray metal object over two guards working on a car. Shoot the object down (use Fine Aim for accuracy) to count as an object kill. One guard will possibly run, but one guard will be killed. Just make sure you aim at the right object and you're finished the second he dies. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- CENTRAL ZOO [CNZO27] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Complete Level In 2 min. 30 sec. on Hard Difficulty -Tips: In case you didn't know, the level will automatically be set on "Hard" -Tips: Run through the level, ONLY killing guards in front of you -Tips: Remember Bushwacker's explosive projectile -Tips: Remember your way through the aquarium maze so you don't get lost -Tips: Keep "Quick Kills" to a minimum. Use them in close quarters only -Tips: Although on it's on "Hard", ignore the gun fire directed at you -Tips: If you're low on health, use Slaughter Mode to heal -Tips: The best weapon to use would be a Shotgun, but be sure to fire it at close range -Tips: Although common sense, dive (especially forward) a lot before turning a corner -Tips: In the final area, neglect all gun fire, and climb up the stairs -Tips: REMEMBER HOW TO SAVE JOAN. IF YOU FORGOT, LOOK BEHIND DOOR BY THE WHITE SKULL SPLASH -Tips: The challenge officially ends when you talk to Joan (and convo. ends) No need for a strategy. Just follow the tips. If you're still having trouble, move faster and don't worry about killing guards. Be sure to reduce the amount of quick kills if you're losing time, as a shotgun shell at close range can dispose of a guard a lot quicker. If you're dying faster than expected, blast more guards that are in front of you and in your way. Try to avoid as much gun fire as possible. Don't forget Slaughter Mode when low on health. With 2 min. 30 sec., I doubt there will be enough time to heal. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- GREY'S FUNERAL HOME [GRFH28] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Kill Eddie With Head Shots Only -Tips: Shoot one bullet at a time -Tips: Don't shoot consecutively or else stray shots might hit his body -Tips: When he's on the left side, be sure to always shoot him. If you don't, he'll run off and you'll have to go after him If you recall in the boss fight section of this, it explains the strategy. If you don't want to scroll back, then I'll write a brief summary in this section. When you begin, head up the stairs. Once you're inside the attic, you'll see Eddie burst off running. Instead of following him and trying to get head shots in that manner, turn to your right when you enter the attic. You'll see a big gaping hole. Crouch down and aim through it. Go into Fine Aim mode and you'll see Eddie in a matter of seconds. First he'll most likely be on the right side of the screen first. After a few shots, he might throw a flash bang. Ignore it and wait for him to switch to the left side of the screen. Once he peers out from that left side, aim at his head, and shoot. Fire only one shot at his head and he'll back off. He'll repeat peering through each time you hit him, so just keep the cross hair in that single spot. Repeat this til his health depletes to zero. If you don't want to exploit this tactic of completing the challenge, the other alternate is running around the attic, and chasing Eddie while shooting his head. You'll have to interrogate guards to keep your health up if it's getting low. Overall, this challenge isn't hard, just mentally frustrating at times and needs lots of patience. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- GNUCCI ESTATE [GNES29] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Kill All Enemies In 4 min. 30 sec. -Tips: If you want to heal, use Slaughter Mode. The time limit is very strict and you won't have any time to interrogate guards for health -Tips: Don't wander around the area. Know the area and get used to what you'll be doing. It may take a few tries, but once you know it, it'll be simpler -Tips: Flash Bang grenades help. Use them whenever you need to blind a group of guards. -Tips: Keep quick kills to a minimum. The animation might take up more time than just shooting them down. -Tips: Don't forget to Interrogate the Skull icon guard in the bar. It leads to more guards -Tips: Stay downstairs during the huge fire fight in the main room. Be sure to kill the single Gnucci guard on the balcony last(he wears a yellow and brownish sweat shirt). -Tips: During the fire fight, don't head up the staircase. For some reason, this might cause a glitch in where one guard is left behind. Stay on the bottom floor When you begin, run through the double doors and on your right, you'll see a guard. A guard will run out of the doors on your right side. Shoot him down and shoot the guard behind the drawer barricade. Turn to the left and head through the door. Head through the hallway and kill the guard behind the drawers. Once you get to the end of the hallway, switch your M4 Rifle to your Hand Cannons. In this area, is the bar. Run inside and shoot the guard in the green shirt while he is diving. Afterwards, kill every guard going up the bar except for the guard with the Skull icon. Dive around and shoot simultaneously to keep the flow of the kills. If you run while shooting, you'll be delayed a second trying to shoot while being hit by a barrage of bullets. When most of the guards are dead, find the Skull icon guard (regardless if he's surrendered or not) and interrogate him. He'll give you info on a key to the armory. Run by the Pool Table and pull the lamp, and quickly grab the key. Head through the bar (avoid going behind the counters to save time) and head through the door. You should have 49 guards left on the counter. In this hallway, traverse through it til you see a fork in the hallway. On the left side, will be a guard that's hanging near the corner. Side step and shoot him. Turn to the right side and shoot the guard ahead of you. Head through the left side of the fork and you'll see a door. Go by it and unlock the door(use X button) and shoot the guards inside. Grab the Flash Bang grenades on the shelf and collect the M4 ammo. If you haven't already, revert back to your rifle and exit the weapons cache. You should have 45 guards left on the counter. Head inside the main room and launch a flash bang inside. Fire fight with the guards by diving around and shooting them. Ignore the guards on the balcony and concentrate on the guards on the stair way and on the bottom floor. Use flash bangs on the balcony/top floor guards if you feel to distracted. MAKE SURE YOU STAY ON THE BOTTOM FLOOR. If you go upstairs, you'll most likely lose sight of 6-5 guards and lose out on them. Once the number starts dropping, you can kill the guards on the balcony. Make sure you kill the balcony guard on the left side last(he wears a yellow/tannish sweat shirt and that particular balcony can be accessed). The balcony on the right side has multiple guards coming in and out, so take those guards out. Take out the only balcony guard once the commotion has died down. Once everyone is dead, there should be 21 guards left on the counter. Head upstairs and kill the three guards that come your way to reduce it down to 18 remaining. If there is more than 18, then you'll probably have to restart again since it might have glitched. In order to prevent this, just try not to touch the staircase and stay only on the bottom floor, killing all the guards. Use Flash Bangs if you must to reduce the amount of bullets. Once you complete this part with 18 remaining, be sure you have at least 1 min. 10 sec. left on the clock. Once upstairs, turn to the left path and head through the door on the left side of the hallway (ignore the double doors that are ahead of you). *** Thanks to mattloaf for this tip on main room *** I just finally completed this challenge. When I got through the main room fight the last few attempts I had 18-20 left to kill. I noticed after I ran up the stairs there were about 4 guys coming out of nowhere downstairs. I ran back down and killed them and found 2 hiding out the door between the stairs. When I had 18 left it was because the guys from the balcony on the right came out of the door and I didn't have to go in after them. That's the right if you are coming in from the door between the stairs. Straight ahead if you come through the door by the weapons room. Traverse through the hallway and shoot any guards in your way. Be sure to check on the right side of the hallway, because some of the guards might be hiding by the statues, and you can easily bypass them. Once you've passed through the illuminated part of the hallway, go into Slaughter Mode and slaughter every guard you see in the dim hallway. This speeds up the time it takes to kill them all, and probably the best time to heal. Press "Primary" and "Secondary" fire buttons at the same time to throw two knives at the same time. This will most likely kill them instead of stun them. Quick kill the guards that get in your way and head through the single door of the hallway (be sure to get the guards that are behind the fence). Once you get near the door, a couple of guards will walk out (Excluding the two that walked out, be sure you have 6 guards remaining on the counter). Quickly kill them and eliminate all guards within the final room. If you want, you can interrogate the Skull icon guard, but he provides nothing useful to you. If you enter the Library, the mission will end, at the results will depend on the number of kills. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- PIER 74 [PR7414] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Kill Ten Times As Many Enemies As Black Widow -Tips: Kill more than guards than Black Widow. She tends to get all crafty and tries to hide behind the wall to avoid being shot. Use this as your advantage to kill the guards quickly -Tips: Get to know the level and where the guards are. The section is short, so it's easy to remember. -Tips: Be sure to calculate the number of kills when going through this -Tips: Make sure Black Widow doesn't have more than 4 kills. She gains an automatic kill when you re-group Don't understand the objective? It's quite simple. Just kill 10 times as more enemies as Black Widow. This doesn't have to be quite exact, but as long as it's in the range of the number. Example: Black Widow kills 3 guards, you must kill 30-39. No need for a strategy on this challenge. If you kill every guard in this level (except for the Skull icon guard), you can achieve around 40+ kills. Be sure Black Widow has 4 kills only, no more, no less. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- THE IGOR BALTISKY [TIBY15] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Finish Section On Hard Diff. Using Flamethrower Only -Tips: You can use quick kills, just don't use any other weapon besides the Flamethrower. The only other weapon you can use, is the knives from Slaughter Mode -Tips: Don't hold the square button for more than a second. No need to waste fuel on nothing when you can use a short burst to barbecue the guards -Tips: Interrogate often. Regardless of health, it's always good to interrogate for health anyways. With excessive fire use, you're bound to catch on fire. Plus being on a hard difficulty, your health will drain quickly. -Tips: When one guard is caught on fire, back away from him. Run away if you must, just don't let him touch you -Tips: When you hold a shield, be sure to retreat a bit if you want to interrogate for health. If a guard is on fire, retreating is the best idea. Use the rooms if you must. -Tips: When pressing square button to quick kill, be sure you do it from the back side of the guard. Doing it on the front will cause you to lose a bit of health -Tips: Use Flash Bangs if you need to. In the first hallway, there are three. One in the first door on the left side of the long stretching hallway, and two in the second door on the left. Check Walkthrough for details. When you enter the second hallway, there should be a couple Flash Bangs in the open room you see behind the door, inside the room -Tips: Anticipate guards beyond the corner. After interrogation, be sure the guard you interrogate has at least 50% of his health. You can then use quick kill option to roast them, but be sure to run away from the guard afterwards. By doing this in a small hallway with guards, the guard thats on fire will probably run towards his companions and roast them also, causing a beautiful chain reaction. -Tips: Don't worry about fuel. There are at least 3 times in this challenge where you'll be receiving fuel: 1) Interrogate Skull icon guard in hallway 2) Guard in a room (when Frank narrates about someone upstairs) 3) Guard in a hallway -Tips: In the hallway before reaching the Captain, be sure to have Slaughter Mode. If you don't, you better hope you have a Flash Bang grenade or else you'll have to run inside and try to light the Captain on fire and hope he doesn't roast the hostage. If you have some blue on the meter, activate Slaughter Mode, and throw a knife at Captain to release the hostage. Kill the Captain to end the challenge No need for strategy. Just know the level and follow the tips. Just remember not to barbecue yourself and interrogate a lot in this level. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- GRAND NIXON ISLAND [GNID17] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Complete Section Without Enemies Firing A Shot -Tips: When using a Sniper Rifle, in Scope Mode, be sure to see the health of your target before shooting. The health bar above their heads indicates that you're aiming at them -Tips: Grenades, Grenades, Grenades. Use them wisely and be sure you clear out 95% of the flocking guards. The remaining 5% will be a lot easier to take out Don't overestimate this challenge, as it's not too hard to figure out. Just learn the basic motion of the level and what you really need to do. Grenades will be the main key item to complete this challenge. Remember, this challenge tactic is mostly trial and error, meaning it won't always work due to slight imperfections. Correcting these imperfections may be a bit struggling, but once you get it down, it becomes a lot easier. Just take your time since there's no apparent time limit. When you begin, head down the path until you get to the end of the path. On the left side, should be at a lone tree (the last one on the left side of the path). Turn your camera left and peer through a bit by the building. Ready your sniper rifle into Scope Mode. You'll soon see a guard walking, giving you a chance to shoot him. Once he's dead, look up at both towers, and gun down the two Snipers on top of the towers. When those three guards are dead, run out, and head for the bridge. Once you're on it, turn your camera left so that you're facing the open window of the building. Be sure you're pointing a diagonal direction and lob a grenade inside (have crosshairs in the middle of the window and slightly press the primary fire button). When it goes inside, the grenade will be next to the three guards inside, automatically killing them all. If you're unfortunate, one guard might be alive inside, but you can easily kill him. Also note that if the explosion occurs outside of the guard house, a guard will run out from the guard house on the right side. Just gun him down and hopefully, you can eliminate the rest inside the last guard house. If you sucessfully kill the three guards in the left guard house, head into the guard house on the right side and equip your Micro Uzis. Run inside and gun down the guard inside, also taking the Frag Grenades located on the crate. When you're finished, head into the other guard house and activate the gate (be sure to equip your Sniper Rifle so you can use the Frags). Run back outside and pass the gate. Run towards the crates on your left side and point the crosshairs towards the bridge (just a bit over it). When you see the first guard running towards the bridge, lob a grenade over the bridge so it lands on the other side, remaining close to the bridge. If you're lucky, the blast will kill them all. If you're not lucky, more than two will be alive and automatically start shooting. Once you see them blow up, use the Sniper Rifle and go into Scope mode to examine the bodies. If one gets up, blast him down. If you're having trouble with this part, try decreasing your throwing power and keep the cross hairs in the middle of the screen while it's over the bridge. If you need to, re-adjust where you throw it. If you seem to mess up when you throw it in the middle of the bridge, slightly lob it on the left side a bit, and vice versa. When you get the hang of it, it becomes a lot easier. For the last part, you can do this a couple ways. One is with grenades, and the other is without grenades. Both are equally risky, but one is quicker than the other. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=) GRENADE: If you decide you're using grenades, make sure you have at least one left in your inventory. On the left side of the path when you passed the bridge, you'll see a boulder. Run towards it, but be sure Frank isn't completely covered by the boulder. Your main objective is to throw a grenade up the hill. When you see a guard running out, just ignore him since it doesn't matter at the time if he sees you or not. Just slightly press it and it should be in the middle of the hill (where it starts to bend). If and by the time it lands there, the four guards will be in a grouped position near the grenade, hence killing them all. If one tries to survive the blast, just shoot him. Be aware that once you've thrown the grenade, you get directly behind the boulder to maintain cover. Afterwards, continue the path to end the challenge. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=) WITHOUT GRENADES: So you ran out of grenades and feel that you're a failure. Luckily, there's a tactic without the use of grenades, but be sure you only use the Micro Uzis on this next part. Although I'm not totally sure, but the AK-47 does a horrible job, due to the sound of the rifle. Once you've killed the four previous guards, run towards boulder on the left side once you passed the bridge. Be sure you're directly behind and you can see the four guards on the other side (adjust the camera). Wait for one guard to walk down on the right side towards a boulder. When you see him, go into Fine Aim mode and shoot him when he becomes visible. Be sure to shoot him til he dies. This will cause another guard to walk down the same area. Repeat the same step. Afterwards, the rest might walk down, but it's not often it happens. Wait for them to get on the right side of the screen so you can peer to the side of the boulder. Go into Fine Aim mode and blast on the two other guards. The barrage of bullets will force them to drop their weapons. Once they're dead, head through the path til the challenge complets. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=)(=) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- FISK INDUSTRIES [FKIS33] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Kill All Enemies Without Reloading or Picking Up A Weapon -Tips: During the fight with Bullseye, only use the provided grenades -Tips: Stock up on grenades once Bullseye retreats from battle -Tips: In room after fighting Bullseye, be sure to look up at the ceiling to find a hidden hole. When you point your crosshairs on it, a guard will fall down along with crates. Be sure to kill him to find the missing guard -Tips: Only use Grenade Launcher to wipe out mass amount of guards. Afterwards, go for quick kills When you begin the challenge, head all the way up to the room. Fire a grenade at the guards to kill a majority of them. Afterwards, quick kill them all. Once they're all dead, head back down and you'll encounter more guards. Just quick kill them since there's a useful Skull icon guard near by, and it's best to conserve your ammo. When everyone is dead, interrogate the Skull icon guard near the area you first began. When he breaks, he'll tell his companions a dirty lie. Face the elevator and get ready to shoot inside. When the door opens, let go a grenade to kill them all. Afterwards, follow the scared guard you just interrogated and kill him. Continue along the following doors to the next area. In this area, head up the hallway until you get to the wooden floor ceiling. Immediately drop down the hole on the upper left corner. Run towards the guards and shoot them with a grenade, killing a majority of them. Afterwards, quick kill the rest except for the Skull icon guard. Once everyone is dead except him, grab the Skull icon guard, but before interrogating him, head towards the ammo box and collect ten grenades. Once this is done, interrogate the guard if you wish, then kill him. Afterwards, Bullseye will appear. Just wait near the ammo box, standing on top of the grenades, and lob them at him when he appears. Once he's stunned, continuously keep throwing grenades at him to damage him. When he retreats, gather up more grenades until you can't hold anymore. Continue on to the next area. In this area, look through the gate and shoot a grenade towards the bottom floor to kill the two guards below. Afterwards, throw a grenade towards the guards up ahead to kill most of them. Quick kill any survivors. If you managed to only kill one guard on the bottom floor, try to lob a grenade towards him or go into Slaughter Mode and kill him if he did survive. Before heading out to the next room, head near the entrance of this area and stare up at the ceiling until you find a hole. Point your crosshairs at the hole til a guard falls down (if no one falls down, check the perimeter of the hole to see if a guard is just standing there). Quick kill him afterwards and head through the double doors into the next area, but head back to the previous room to collect more grenades. Once you're in the next area, head up the stairs. Once you get up the second flight of stairs, you'll notice some guards shooting at you from the other side of the railing. Shoot a grenade at them or throw a grenade at them to dispose of them. Continue up the stairs and repeat this to all the guards out of reach from you. Any guards you run into, just quick kill them. If you're having trouble, don't be afraid of using Slaughter Mode to heal and to kill the guards with the knives. Once you kill all the guards, you'll automatically finish. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- PIER 74 REVISITED [PR7419] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Keep 5 S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents Alive -Tips: You start out with nine agents alive. Only two will be forced to die, so be sure you keep the rest alive by calculating the math -Tips: No apparent strategy, just avoid using explosive and quickly run through the mission and kill the Yakuza before the agents die No strategy for this level. Why? Because it's too easy. Just do what you would normally do in this section, but this time, just pay attention to the agents and you'll be fine. Be careful not to let more than 7 die before the Crane Accident and it lands on 2 agents. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- MEAT PACKING PLANT [MPPT20] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Complete Section Without Taking Damage -Tips: Ignore the Gnuccis, go for the Yakuza. The Gnuccis will be to pre-occupied with the Yakuza, allowing you to kill the Gnuccis easily -Tips: Keep your distance and always gain cover -Tips: In the last area, use a human shield -Tips: Be sure to use a weapon that has a high fire range -Tips: If you forgot your human shield in the last area, hope you have something in the Slaughter Mode meter. Use knive throwing and dive around to avoid being shot When you begin, head down the ladder and through the path until you get to the door. Enter it and you'll see two Gnuccis advancing on a Yakuza guard. Kill all three of the guards and take a Shotgun. Afterwards, head down the hall and enter the double doors. You'll notice a war going on, so take out the busy Gnucci in front of you, then kill the second Gnucci on the right side. Afterwards, stay low and take out your Hand Cannons. The basic concept now, is to quickly rise up and shoot the Yakuza guard closest to you. Take one shot and duck back down. Repeat this til he dies. Afterwards, there are three more guards that will be firing at you. The one on your left side will usually stay in his position, allowing you to kill him easily. The one on the right side might try to advance on you. If he does, then shoot at him to force him to retreat or kill him. The rise up and down technique should prove effective if you're quick about it and accurate with your shots. When the first three visible guards are dead, head around the area, and in the back, will be a hidden Yakuza guard. If you're lucky, he'll still be facing forward. If not, he'll shoot at you. Just repeat the same tactics as earlier to kill him. Once he's dead, head to the double doors on the other side. Once you're NEAR the doors, you'll hear some talk and a Yakuza guard will walk out. Grab the guard closest to you and shoot the other guard. Afterwards, kill the guard you're holding and grab a Sub Machine Gun before advancing. Once you have one, head NEAR the double doors. Another guard will talk to himself and walk in. Grab him and use him as a shield. Go into Fine Aim mode and snipe down all the guards in the next room. Be sure to stay near the double doors so your shield won't take so much damage. If you need to, back away from the door so it shuts, allowing you to reload or reduce the damage of your shield. Once you've killed about 4-5 guards, head inside, and head upstairs along with your human shield. Head to the upper left corner of the top floor to find a door leading into a tiny office. Luckily, you can see through the door in the little window glass. Walk in and shoot the armed guard in the face to drop him quickly. Kill your human shield, talk to the hostage, and grab the scared Yakuza as a second shield. Walk out side and turn to the left side. You'll notice some guards coming from the other side. Go into Fine Aim mode and snipe them down. If you're having trouble with this or if your shield died to soon, head into the office and wait by the door. When a guard comes in, you can grab him and use him as a shield, and clear the rest of the guards. If you're feeling bold, you can use the shield and shoot your way to the other side. Head to the area where you saw the guards come out of (other side of your position), and head through the double doors to end the section. You can pick either top floor, or bottom floor. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- STARK TOWERS [STTS21] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Complete Section in 120 Sec. Without Taking Damage -Tips: Be quick and don't waste time on killing guards -Tips: No time for Quick Kills (only one, which is the second guard you see) -Tips: After using the Special Kill, the guards will talk to him. Once he's done speaking, you can run past him without him or his buddies noticing you -Tips: Don't look back and you'll mostly have to take chances in this challenge. Since you don't have time to kill everyone, you'll have to ignore them. Fortunately, the guards that you've passed, won't usually follow you -Tips: Use the Blast Rifle until you run out, but conserve as much ammo as you can when you kill the first guard you see When you begin, side step and shoot the guard near the electric panel. Be quick in killing him and head down the hall. Make sure you stay near the right side of the wall. If the guard up ahead sees you, just shoot at him when he pops out of the corner to force him to retreat back. When you get near him, quick kill him and head through the rest of the hallways. Once you get to the next area, you'll notice a "Special Kill" splash on the right side. Run towards it and grab the guard. Use the special kill and turn around to view the yellow computer closest to you. Run on your right side of it to stand near the corner so you can view the guards up ahead. Once they're done talking, run towards and pass him. Since it's all dark, they can't really see you. Once you've passed the suited guard, dive towards in between the electric display and the wall. During this part, run towards the armored guard and grab him. He can't really see you neither, but be sure you run towards him by his side. Anyways, once you have him as a human shield, turn the camera to where he was facing and shoot down the suited Yakuza guard in the head. Once he's dead, turn back around and head up the hall on the left side. Go into Fine Aim mode and shoot all the Yakuza guards you see. Be sure to aim for their heads for quicker work. Two will be plainly seen (fat guy and armored guy), so kill those two. The skinny Yakuza guard might run into the action or might be on the right side of the hall. Shoot him down. By this time, the Blast Rifle should've ran out of bullets, leaving you Machine Pistol. Shoot the window up ahead, but don't enter inside it when you get to it. Instead, head towards the left corner so you can view the two guards near the stair way (right by the Special Interrogation splash). Kill the two guards and drop down into the next area. Once you're inside, side step to the right side so you can absorb any bullets that are being fired from behind the railing. Your back will be vulnerable, so you'll have to pray that you won't get shot. Once you've passed the window, just head down the stairs. Be sure to do a final check on your left side so that a guard won't blind side you, since a fat guard might come your way. If so, just face towards him and put him out of his misery. Once you're downstairs, just head along the path, and head towards the door on the right side. Shoot the guards to stall them out. Once you're inside the door, you're pretty much done with the section (head up the tiny room to end it). *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- THE TAKAGI BUILDING [TTBG37] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Complete Section With 100% Accuracy -Tips: If you're familiar with the final section, this will be easy -Tips: Quick Kills only, don't use a gun. Only quick kill flamethrower guards and anyone in your way -Tips: Slaughter Mode if you want to heal or take a guard in the main office and be quick on interrogations -Tips: Be quick and you won't lose much health -Tips: Be quick on the kills on the flamethrower guards -Tips: If you want to quickly open up the last area, go back to the kitchen to find a Skull icon guard to interrogate. He'll open up the last area. Be sure to kill a flamethrower guard in the room before interrogating -Tips: In the final area, you'll have to use grenades to flush out the guard controlling the Machine Gun post. They should be located in the second room on top of a dead guard you'll most likely pass over without noticing When you begin, grab the Katana and execute Takagi. Afterwards, run out the double doors, and through the main room. Head through the double doors on the right side. In this room, head to the left side of the room, and through the double doors on your right. Remember this kitchen area and head through the double doors. In this room, grab the key in front of you, turn left, and head through the doors. Head through the single door that's straight ahead to enter the Main Office. Use the laptop to set a timer on the secret door and rush back to the kitchen. Behind the counter, lies a scared Yakuza guard with a Skull icon. Be sure to quick kill a flamethrower guard in here (by now, there will be one entering through), and then interrogate the Skull icon guard. Once he breaks, he'll offer to open up the secret room. Follow him and protect him. If he dies, you'll have to wait it out. To do this effectively, head back to the main office and stand by the pillar that's in the middle of the room. Quick kill any guards that come through the middle door (double doors) and interrogate any guards that come through the initial door (single door) you came in. Once the time drops to zero or when you have access to the secret door, Head out the double doors in the main office. Afterwards, head through the upper right corner double doors to access the lobby. This time, head to the right side to find the painting. Press X to open it. Head through the opened wall to access the hidden hallway. In the middle of the room, lies a guard controlling a huge Machine Gun post. Dive inside the first door on the left side of the hall to gain cover from the Machine Gun. In this room, you'll notice two guards. Quick kill them and you'll notice a few more coming in. About 4-5 should come in before you're safe. If you have low health, the obvious choice is to use Slaughter Mode to complete this task. Once you're done, head through the only door. Head up the intersection, but don't run past the corner of the wall. Behind the corner, lies the Machine Gun post, and if you run out there, he'll turn directions. Instead, throw a grenade towards the wall so it bounces off towards him. If he doesn't die, try again, but a little further so it gets behind him. If he does turn directions, head back to the beginning in the intersect, but head through the path on the right and repeat the same thing with the grenades. If you have Slaugher Mode, you can try rushing towards him and past the post, and kill him. Knives are great for this occasion also. Once he dies, run past the post and through the open elevator to end the challenge. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- RYKER'S ISLAND [RKIS38] *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -Mission Objective: Defeat Jigsaw Without Taking Damage -Tips: To avoid his homing ball attack, get behind a ventilation structure -Tips: To avoid his meteor ball attack, dive to the side. It only goes in one direction and rarely ever shifts direction -Tips: To remove the Jetpack, go under him and shoot it off -Tips: Each time he's shot at, he'll fly in the opposite direction -Tips: Don't stock up on RAMS early in the battle. It's best done when his Jetpack is off -Tips: Jigsaw doesn't go near the helipad. Use that to gain distance from him when you want to re-enter the battlefield -Tips: Guards respawn one at a time and depending on which door they spawn, they usually stay in one place. Kill one if you get a chance, but try to ignore them as much as possible -Tips: The RAMS spawn location is behind the walls of where you start the challenge, and on the east side on the side of the wall where the first guard spawns from -Tips: Don't waste time planting them on a structure, but instead, throw it at the structure. If you throw them on the ground, he'll notice them and shoot at them -Tips: His huge blue sonic wave ball can demolish any RAMS that have been planted, no matter the distance, so don't plant them when that attack is going off. Don't even be near a RAMS you planted when that attack is going off -Tips: To avoid his meteor ball attack, dive to the sides again -Tips: Gain as much distance as possible, but to lure him, be sure he sees you since he'll try to follow your steps -Tips: Try to set a rhythm for yourself and follow it. A good example, would be: Get RAMS near first building, plant one, set it off on Jigsaw, head towards the helipad from the left side, head to the opposite side and get another RAMS, etc. No need for strategy, just follow my lengthy tips. The reason why I decided to off the strategy, is because there is no particular strategy. Once the Jetpack comes off, the strategy is clear. Just try to avoid the gun fire from the guards and not get caught in the blast radius of the RAMS that you've planted. Jigsaw's attacks are EXTREMELY easy to avoid. The best thing to do is to pick up an effective strategy for getting close to him and taking off his Jetpack, and a rhythm in killing Jigsaw on ground floor. ============================================================================== xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SPECIAL INTERROGATIONS/KILLS [SPIK49] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ============================================================================== In this section, is a list of all Special Interrogations/Kills from each level. This is ONLY A LIST with tiny descriptions of the kills. If you want more information, check out Swiftshark's Interrogation FAQ from If you want tactics/tips on how to use the interrogation, use the Help Menu within the game while using the interrogation, or check within the FAQ. Just remember, using Special Interrogation kills award you with -250 Points while using Special Kills will award you with 1000 points on the first kill. {}--------------------------------------------------------------------------{} {} SPECIAL INTERROGATIONS {} {}--------------------------------------------------------------------------{} <>---Level 1: Crackhouse---<> Interrogation #1: Window Smash Description: Smashes the window on victim's head Interrogation #2: Suicide Drop From Roof Description: Frank holds the victim's ankle and threatens to drop them face first onto the ground <>---Level 2: The Chop Shop---<> Interrogation #1: Face First Into Saw Description: Frank pushes the victim's head into the saw, thus, mutiliating his head into nothing Interrogation #2: Drill Press Description: Uses the press to threaten the victim. When used, the press is drilled within the head, causing a permanent hole inside Interrogation #3: Toilet Smash Description: Relative to face smashing. Frank smashes the victim's head on the toilet. You can also use this interrogation to stuff the victim's head into toilet water along with some dookie if he's feeling hungry Interrogation #4: Facial Suffocation Description: Frank threatens to push the head of his victim inside the tank. When successful, Frank will push his head in and will indefinitely consume the face full of mix. Just chop off the head and it can be put up for display at an art gallery Interrogation #5: Ledge Drop Machine Crush Description: Frank puts his victim on the ledge and threatens to drop him down. When dropped, the machines will take place and finish off the victim <>---Level 4: Central Zoo---<> Interrogation #1: Branch Chopping Machine Description: Frank threatens to throw the victim in the machine, causing the body to be chopped up into tiny pieces along with the branches Interrogation #2: Fountain Smash Description: Relative to face smashing. Frank sets his victim's face on the curb of the fountain and kicks his head in. Repeat til it looks like he's going to need some new teeth Interrogation #3: Toilet Smash Description: Relative to face smashing. Frank smashes the victim's head on the toilet. You can also use this interrogation to stuff the victim's head into toilet water along with some dookie if he's feeling hungry Interrogation #4: Piranha Frenzy Description: Frank threatens to dip the victim's head into a piranha infested pool. If you're feeling bad for the piranha, you can feed his face and give the piranha something to eat Interrogation #5: Suicide Drop Off a Cliff Description: Just like the roof top interrogation kill, except it's on a roof this time Interrogation #6: GORE RHINO, GORE Description: Frank sets his victim by a rhino cage. When you push him towards the cage, the rhino will charge up and gore the unlucky fool. At the end, you can see the rhino enjoying this when he moves his head around. You can also play around with the rhino's emotions when you pull back the victim Interrogation #7: Rail Drop Description: Frank hangs the victim over the rail and threatens to drop him. Releative to any other interrogations that involve this Interrogation #8: Electric Eel Shock Description: Frank threatens to drop his victim into a pool of eels full of electricity. Doing so, will pump extra electricity in guard and fry his brain open Interrogation #9: Piranha Frenzy Part 2 Description: A mix between a rail drop and piranhas. Only difference, is that the piranha's can't reach the victim, so you'll have to drop him down if you want the piranhas to feed <>---Level 5: Grey's Funeral Home---<> Interrogation #1: Coffin Smash Description: Relative to any other smashing interrogation. Uses the coffin door to break the victim's head open Interrogation #2: Easy Bake Gnucci Description: Frank tosses a guy inside the cremation machine. Turn up the heat all the way up to cook yourself a nasty Gnucci and to give him an early start to Hell Interrogation #3: Piano Smash Description: Relative to any other smashing interrogation, uses the piano door to smash the victim's head open <>---Level 6: Gnucci Estate---<> Interrogation #1: HELP!!!! I'm Stuck in a Well... Or rather dead Description: Frank sets the victim on the well and threatens to drop him inside. Afterwards, you can choose to give him a new home inside Interrogation #2: Furnace Fire Description: Frank puts the victim's head near the fire. You can then choose to have a cookout and roast his face Interrogation #3: Don't Play With the Fireplace Description: Frank will use a poker to trap the victim between the fire. Use it to cook another guard Interrogation #4: Where the Knives Drop? No one knows.... Description: Frank will shake the knife rack, forcing a bunch of knives to drop. Once all but four remain, you'll have to use this chance to break your victim. If unsucessful, then watch as the last of the knives dive into his face Interrogation #5: Medieval Jab Description: Frank threatens to impale his victim through the sword of the statue. You can see how obvious it really is once you've set him up in front of the sword <>---Level 7: Pier 74---<> Interrogation #1: Pier Drop Description: Relative to all the other drop interrogations. This time, it's in an ocean of water Interrogation #2: Showcase Smash Description: Relative to all the smashing interrogations. If you want to end it, just smash his head through the glass Interrogation #3: Where the Knives Drop? No one knows.... Description: Frank will shake the knife rack, forcing a bunch of knives to drop. Once all but four remain, you'll have to use this chance to break your victim. If unsucessful, then watch as the last of the knives dive into his face Interrogation #4: Concrete Curb Smash Description: Relative to all the other smash interrogations, this time, it's on a concrete curb. Bust his face open if you choose Interrogation #5: JAWS IS BACK!!!! Description: What a fun interrogation. You can toy around with the shark if you please by lowering him when the shark gets near. Be sure to raise him up or else the shark will come from down under and grip the victim for a tasty treat Interrogation #6: Propeller Slap Description: You can push the victim's face on the propellar to give him a slapping. Just don't push him all the way in or else it'll slice him into bits and pieces Interrogation #7: Pier Drop Description: Relative to all the other drop interrogations. This time, it's in an ocean of water Interrogation #8: Crate Drop Description: This is not relative to all the other drop interrogations. This time, the crate drops on him.... Well, technically his face <>---Level 8: The Igor Baltisky---<> Interrogation #1: Stretch Em' Out Description: Frank ties up his victim's arms onto a hook while his feet are held down. He then raises a level to stretch out his arms. If you feel torturous, then just raise it all the way, and watch his limbs fall off Interrogation #2: Drill Press Description: Uses the press to threaten the victim. When used, the press is drilled within the head, causing a permanent hole inside Interrogation #3: Table Saw Slice Description: Frank lays out the victim's legs between a table saw. Push him all the way to literally split the guy in half Interrogation #4: Engine Gear Jam Description: Frank threatens his victim near the gear. When pushed all the way, Frank will jam his head within the gear. Interrogation #5: Drive On Top Description: Frank sets his victim beneath a forklift and drives over him. With enough pressure, you can drive on top of him until he can't take it no more <>---Level 10: Grand Nixon island---<> Interrogation #1: Ceiling Fan Slap Description: Just like the propeller interrogation kills, use this to slap his head or slice him inside Interrogation #2: Jeep Door Smash Description: Frank will set the victim's head in between the door. Keep Smashing it to break his head Interrogation #3: Revolving Machine Gun Description: Just like face smashing and the propeller interrogations, you can use this to either smash his face in or push it into the revolving turret, and mess up his face for good Interrogation #4: Shocker Description: Frank sets the victim up against the wall and grabs a big fuse. He'll timidly spark the victim's eye. If you want to be aggressive, then just shove the whole thing on him to hear him scream <>---Level 11: Fisk Industries---<> Interrogation #1: The Flaming Tail Description: Just like most other fire interrogations, Frank sticks the victim's head right near it. He pushes it in to scare him and shoves it in to burn him Interrogation #2: Nailgun Tension Description: Exactly like using "Gun Tension", except with a nailgun. This time, Frank will plug a few nails into his face Interrogation #3: Whats Down The Elevator? Description: To answer the question, you'll have to push the guard down. Unfortunately, he'll be too dead to tell you <>---Level 12: Pier 74 Revisited---<> Interrogation #1: Pier Suicide Drop Description: Just like the other suicide drops, except this involves water and it probably won't look like a suicide, but who knows.... Interrogation #2: Shocker Description: Frank sets the victim up against the wall and grabs a big fuse. He'll timidly spark the victim's eye. If you want to be aggressive, then just shove the whole thing on him to hear him scream Interrogation #3: Propeller Slap Description: You can push the victim's face on the propellar to give him a slapping. Just don't push him all the way in or else it'll slice him into bits and pieces Interrogation #4: Water Drop Description: Relative to most drops in this list, Frank will hang the victim over the railing and threaten to push him off. In this case, you'll probably 'want' to push him off Interrogation #5: Revolving Machine Gun Description: Just like face smashing and the propeller interrogations, you can use this to either smash his face in or push it into the revolving turret, and mess up his face for good <>---Level 13: Meat Packing Plant---<> Interrogation #1: Meat Grinder Description: Just like most other drops except this one will send the guy into tiny little pieces of meat where someone with a huge appetite will eat him up. What a fascinating food chain.... Interrogation #2: Meat Press Description: Frank will put the victim onto the press. You can threaten the guard by sliding it up, or you can slide it up all the way and watch the machine do its work Interrogation #3: The Conveyor Belt Description: Frank will set the guard on the belt and threaten to throw him inside. Once inside, he'll be die and be part of a package <>---Level 14: Stark Towers---<> Interrogation #1: A Toy Laser Description: After watching the laser spin a bit, you can set your victim on top of the playing field. You're now in control of the little game. If you want to lose out, then just move the laser on him to watch him burn. Game over... Interrogation #2: The Flaming Tail Description: Just like most other fire interrogations, Frank sticks the victim's head right near it. He pushes it in to scare him and shoves it in to burn him Interrogation #3: The Gears on The Wall Go Round and Round.... Description: Round and Round til you stick the head of your victim in between the gears to watch his head get all mutilated. Crappy song dialouge, but a great way to kill Interrogation #4: Monitor Smash Description: Frank smashes the victim's head right into the monitor. If You go through all three of them, four things will be broken tonight <>---Level 15: The Takagi Building---<> Interrogation #1: Gate Smash Description: Exactly like the window smash in the first level. Nothing new except something else to smash with Interrogation #2: Rail Drop Description: Hangs over the rail and drops him. Whippy doo dah... Interrogation #3: A Fried Face Description: Finally something new. Frank threatens to drop the victim's head into the fryer, but instead, he'll actually do it if you allow it. I wonder what his face tastes like..... -_- <>---Level 16: Ryker's Island---<> Interrogation #1: Toilet Smash Description: Relative to face smashing. Frank smashes the victim's head on the toilet. You can also use this interrogation to stuff the victim's head into toilet water along with some dookie if he's feeling hungry Interrogation #2: Cell Door Smash Description: Just like all the other smash interrogations, except that Frank will slam the door in between his legs. Repeat smacking him until he dies Interrogation #3: Man on Death Row Description: Ever wanted to know what it's like executing someone in an Electric Chair? Well then, this interrogation is just for you. Grab the victim and drag him towards the chair. Set him up and play with the lever a bit to give him a taste of death. Pull the lever all the way to give him death Interrogation #4: Hangman Description: Only a few guesses. If the guy misses and fails, then feel free to hang him. After all, that is the rules of the game Interrogation #5: Burning Press Description: An ironing bed with a huge burning press. Pull down to burn him. Pull it all the way down to press and burn him. I wonder if this will affect the rest of my clothes.... Interrogation #6: Stamp, Stamp, Stamp Description: Push his head in and out to scare him. Leave his head in to scare and stamp, stamp, stamp his head in Interrogation #7: Chop, Chop, Cop Description: Similar to the stamping machine, except this one likes to chop its victims {}--------------------------------------------------------------------------{} {} SPECIAL KILLS {} {}--------------------------------------------------------------------------{} ^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^-- |NOTE: Technically, Level 9: Castle' Apartment has the splash, but since I'm < only covering kills, I won't cover this level, due to the fact they | react like interrogations and are part of the level, so no need to hunt < for them. ^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^--^-- <>---Level 1: Crackhouse---<> Special Kill #1: Time To Spread Your Wings and Fly.... or Die Description: Frank uppercuts the victim out the window <>---Level 4: Central Zoo---<> Special Kill #1: Bringing Back the Old Ancient Ritual of Sacrificing Description: Frank sets the victim on the sacrificial altar and stabs him in him. If you watch the altar designs, you can see the blood flow through it. The gods will be very happy with this <>---Level 5: Grey's Funeral Home---<> Special Kill #1: Trapped and Blown Up Alive Description: Frank shoves his victim inside a coffin and tosses a grenade inside. A few seconds later, you'll hear a boom, but no screaming <>---Level 6: Gnucci Estate---<> Special Kill #1: Face First Description: Frank tosses the guard's face into a few spikes Special Kill #2: To Impale.... Or Not To Impale... I'm going with To Impale Description: Frank tosses the guard right through an elephant's tusk. The best way to go if you ever want to see something like this in a life time (unless you live around a bunch of angry elephants and can kill people with them) Special Kill #3: Out The Window With You Description: Don't worry, I won't spoil nothing for you, just the kill. He first throws the person towards the arched window, then out the window the person goes <>---Level 10: Grand Nixon island---<> Special Kill #1: A Python's Meal Description: I love the animal kills in this game and this is no different. Basically, you throw a guard towards a python and you'll get to experience it's killing habits Special Kill #2: Where Is It? Description: After you meet up with your partner, there is a Special Kill splash on the right side of the area you just entered. You'll see an over turned Jeep in flames, a hidden splash blended with the fire. Frank will grab the victim and ram his head right into the muffler, leaving him to only breathe smoke out of his mouth. (Credit goes to diablogamer for this kill) Special Kill #3: Into The Flames You Go Description: Another spoiler I won't reveal. The basics of this kill, is that frank will push the person into the fire. That's it <>---Level 11: Fisk Industries---<> Special Kill #1: Try To Lift This Up Description: Frank places the victim under a huge weight and presses the lever to drop it on the victim. The weight of it is so enormous, it'll kill him on impact <>---Level 14: Stark Towers---<> Special Kill #1: Don't Push Me Description: You'll notice a guy working on a fuse box and messing with the electricity. Little does he know, you're around and you can just shove him in to kill him. Maybe he should wear gloves next time.... <>---Level 16: Ryker's Island---<> Special Kill #1: I Believe I Can Fly..... Just Not To Heaven Description: Frank tosses a guard, whoope doo.... Except he tosses him right towards a high voltage generator. This causes is a massive blowout, causing the generator to esplode (no typo) ============================================================================== #=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#= WEAPONS [WEPN50] #=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#= ============================================================================== Here's the total weapons section. A brief description and when it's unlocked. To view your weapons, select "Armory" in Frank's Apartment. Take note that this section is based on without use of upgrades, so I myself, am unsure of what attachments will be added on a certain weapon (except for Grenade Attachment). If you're curious, check out the Gun FAQ on <----------------------------------------------------------------------------> | PISTOLS | <----------------------------------------------------------------------------> This section is for weapons that look like pistols or have the word, "Pistol", in its sub-name. *==========================*==============================*==================* | NAME OF WEAPON | BRIEF COMMENTS | WHEN IT IS ADDED | *==========================*==============================*==================* | .45 CAL SEMI-AUTOMATIC | Your basic starting weapon. | Initial Starting | | | It's commonly found in most | Weapon | | | levels and is pretty reliable| | | | when you're out of ammo. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | MACHINE PISTOL .45 CAL | Another commonly found | Complete Mission | | | pistol, except it's not all | Number Two | | | that great even with its high| | | | fire rate. It's best used for| | | | clearing out groups of guards| | | | in close distances instead | | | | from far away. Its shows its | | | | effectiveness when both are | | | | shooting simultaneously. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | REVOLVER | If you click X on the weapon | Complete Mission | | | to hear Frank's narration on | Number Three | | | this weapon, everything he | | | | says about this pistol is | | | | true. Very reliable and | | | | accurate. Plus it's strength | | | | is very good for a measly | | | | pistol. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | MACHINE PISTOL 5.56 MM | Same rounds used in an M4 | Complete Mission | | | Assault Rifle. The | Number Six | | | difference, is that this gun | | | | is more compact and is a lot | | | | better than the .45 CAL. | | | | Reliable and handy, one of | | | | the best dual machine gun | | | | pistols in the game if you | | | | want to clear both distant | | | | and close range guards. | | | | The thing that seperates this| | | | gun from the Hand Cannon, is | | | | that it's more devastating in| | | | further distances and can | | | | possibly clear out a room | | | | of guards a lot quicker. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | HAND CANNON | God damn this pistol packs a | Complete Mission | | | punch. This is the only | Number Six | | | pistol in this game that can | | | | blow off someones limbs off. | | | | In short distances, you'll | | | | see it very often. A great | | | | weapon for further distances.| | | | Whenever you want to blow off| | | | some limbs or kill someone | | | | quickly, this is the best | | | | weapon to use. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | .50 CAL SEM-AUTOMATIC | It's a pretty similar gun to | Complete Mission | | | the .45 except this uses .50 | Number Eight | | | Caliber ammo. This baby makes| | | | the .45 look like a cap gun | | | | in comparison. It's stopping | | | | power is truly amazing and | | | | is able to blow off limbs at | | | | very close distances. The | | | | downfall, is that this gun | | | | is rarely used (making ammo | | | | scarce) and it's ammo | | | | capacity is low. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* <----------------------------------------------------------------------------> | HEAVY DUTY WEAPONS | <----------------------------------------------------------------------------> This section will cover all the heavier weapons in the armory section. *==========================*==============================*==================* | NAME OF WEAPON | BRIEF COMMENTS | WHEN IT IS ADDED | *==========================*==============================*==================* | PUMP SHOTGUN | A great overall weapon. The | Initial Starting | | | disappointment, is that it's | Weapon | | | only good at short distances | | | | or in tight coridoors | | | | (hallways). The best thing to| | | | know, is during a fire fight,| | | | only use when blasting at a | | | | short distance or don't use | | | | it at all. Fine Aim mode is | | | | nearly useless with this gun.| | *==========================*==============================*==================* | 5.56 MM ASSAULT RIFLE(M4)| One of the most common rifles| Complete Mission | | | used in most video games and | Number Four | | | has always been such a | | | | reliable weapon. This game is| | | | no different. It will | | | | possibly one of the most used| | | | rifles in the game. It's | | | | accuracy is excellent and | | | | it's stopping power is | | | | very rewarding. Reliable | | | | and great for shooting at | | | | far distances. Plus it's | | | | able to equip certain | | | | attachments on it like the | | | | grenade attachment, allowing | | | | it to fire grenades. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | MACHINE GUN | The most most devestating gun| Complete Mission | | | in this game. It carries 100 | Number Five | | | rounds in a clip and it's | | | | able to blow off limbs. In a | | | | few short bursts, this can | | | | take a life away in mere | | | | seconds. The downside to all | | | | these spectacular aspects, is| | | | that it has no ability to go | | | | into Fine Aim mode. With this| | | | taken away, shooting at a far| | | | distance is out of the | | | | question. Another downfall, | | | | is that it's accuracy if | | | | fairly poor, and probably the| | | | worse in the game. Overall, | | | | it's a behemoth in a shoot | | | | out, but it moves like a | | | | person that can't see if | | | | used occassionally. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | SUB MACHINE GUN .40 CAL | One of the most often machine| Complete Mission | | | guns you'll see in this game.| Number Six | | | The stopping power is nearly | | | | the same as the M4, so is | | | | it's range. Not much bad | | | | points about this weapon, but| | | | I rarely use this gun. In my | | | | opinion, it's only good for | | | | an alternative weapon. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | 7.62 MM ASSAULT RIFLE | In other words, it's a | Complete Mission | | | variation of an AK-47. | Number Seven | | | Possibly one of the best AKs | | | | I've used in a video game. It| | | | doesn't seem slow or sluggish| | | | which is a plus. A great | | | | alternative weapon if you | | | | don't have an M4 or any other| | | | type of rifle suited for | | | | shoot outs. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | GRENADE LAUNCHER | Just like all basic grenade | Complete Mission | | | launchers in most video | Number Seven | | | games, this one is no | | | | different, except for the | | | | fact that the grenades | | | | explode on contact. Useful | | | | for clearing out a group full| | | | of guards, especially if | | | | they're stupid enough to | | | | stand close together. Just | | | | be sure you're not standing | | | | close to it after you fire it| | | | since the blast radius is | | | | fairly wide. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | FLAMETHROWER | An old war relic from | Complete Mission | | | Vietnam, this thing will | Number Eight | | | roast anything on the other | | | | end of the gun. Just a few | | | | bursts on a guard and watch | | | | him as he burns in agony. | | | | Unfortunately, this is a very| | | | useless weapon when it comes | | | | to shoot outs or when you're | | | | trying to rack up your | | | | points. Of course, this | | | | doesn't mean you can't enjoy | | | | this delightful toy. Use it | | | | whenever you want to wipe out| | | | a whole mass of guards. If | | | | one guard touches another, | | | | it'll start a chain reaction.| | | | More of like a deadlier | | | | version of the game, "Tag". | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | SNIPER RIFLE | As a fan of stealth games, | Complete Mission | | | I'm pretty familiar with | Number Ten | | | Sniper Rifles. The best thing| | | | about this rifle, is that | | | | it WILL kill a guard | | | | instantly in one shot. This | | | | beauty will blow off the | | | | limbs off a human body | | | | quicker than you can say | | | | 'Frank Castle'. The scope is | | | | a bit imperfect and has no | | | | 'zoom' feature, but it does | | | | have a night vision feature. | | | | Overall, to determine if | | | | you're aiming at an enemy, | | | | just make sure you can see | | | | their health meter. Overall, | | | | the best thing you can use in| | | | a stealth operation when | | | | clearing out multipe of | | | | guards from a distance. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | SUB MACHINE GUN 5.7 MM | In my opinion, this weapon is| Complete Mission | | | the equivalent weapon to the | Number Eleven | | | M4 Assult Rifle. In shoot | | | | outs, this weapon alone can | | | | clear a pack of guards in | | | | seconds. Although the | | | | stopping power is mediocre, | | | | the ability to use two of | | | | these fine pieces of | | | | machinery, will make up for | | | | some if its inadequacies. For| | | | far distance sniping and | | | | close distance wipe outs, | | | | this is weapon to use when | | | | available. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | ANTI-TANK WEAPON | The name speaks for its self.| Complete Mission | | | A massive rocket launcher | Number Tweleve. | | | with an immense power to | First introduced | | | repel tanks and bring them | in Mission Ten | | | down. Same reasons as the | inside armory. | | | Grenade Launcher, it's best | Check walkthrough| | | used for wiping out large | for details | | | groups of guards or heavy | | | | machinery. Plus with a solid | | | | range, this weapon is nearly | | | | flawless, at least in this | | | | game. Just don't get near the| | | | blast radius when shooting | | | | it. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | BATTLE RIFLE | The only rifle in this game | Complete Mission | | | that can compare to the M4 | Number Fourteen | | | Rifle, is this baby right | | | | here. It has a built in scope| | | | for sniping and a grenade | | | | attachment for shooting | | | | grenades. Plus fire power | | | | and stopping power is | | | | slightly better. In a well | | | | prepared shoot out, don't | | | | leave home without this toy. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* | AUTO SHOTGUN | Obviously, the best shotgun | Complete Mission | | | in this game, but | Number Fifteen | | | unfortunately, comes in too | | | | late in the game. It's | | | | stopping power is tremendous | | | | and works pretty good at | | | | longer distances. Still best | | | | used in small coridoors or | | | | close up if you want to | | | | devestate your enemies | | | | quickly. | | *==========================*==============================*==================* <----------------------------------------------------------------------------> | MISCELLANEOUS WEAPONS | <----------------------------------------------------------------------------> This section will provide a list of all the other weapons in the game. A tinier description and pretty much it. No need for locations as most of their locations vary and have no permanent causes in the game. For rare weapons, I'll add a brief location info. The only useful thing about most of these weapons, is that it either provides an important use, or it's effect on the points as most of these add higher points than most other kills (usually melee weapons). _____________ ___/Melee Weapons\___ -------------- -Bottles: Used to break on someone's face instead of recycling it -Baseball Bat: Used to hit a home run on someone's head -Crowbar: Something to jab in someone's face -Wrench #1: Used to hit someone's face. Found in Chop Shop Level -Wrench #2: Used as a projectile. Found in Castle's Apartment -Cleaver: Used to slam into the head of your victim -Television: Used to throw at a guard or slam it through their heads -Police Baton: Used to beat prisoners up... literally. Police Brutality anyone? Found in Ryker's Island __________ ___/Explosives\___ ----------- -Flash Bangs: Technically not an explosive, but fits into the category since it does explode when it goes off. Used to blind anyone caught in its way. Be sure to look away when using at close distances -Frag Grenades: Used to blow up anyone caught in its blast radius. Don't get too close when setting it off -Molotovs: A bottle with a rag full of flammable chemicals. Found only in Ryker's Island, you can use these to set prisoners a blaze with this neat little toy -R.A.M.S. Remote Activation Munitions Systems is what it stands for. Found only in Ryker's Island, you can only plant one at a time while using a detonator to blow it up. Anyone caught in it's blast radius will have to prepare for a hurtin.... ============================================================================== =~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~ EXTRAS [EXTR51] =~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~=~~ ============================================================================== In this section, I'll provide a list of unlockable extras and how to unlock them. --<> CHALLENGE MODE: Complete Level To Unlock --<> PUNISHMENT MODE: Complete Level With A Silver Medal --<> COMIC COVERS: Complete Challenge/Punishment Mode Levels --<> CONCEPT ART: Complete Levels Through Different Difficulty Variations --<> FLASHBACKS: Interrogate Guards. Randomly Triggered. About Two Per Level --<> MOVIES: Unlocked By Completing Certain Levels With FMV's. Most Are Gained In The Last Part Of The Game --<> TRAILERS: Only One Trailer --<> CHEATS: Unlocked By Completing Certain Levels On Hard Difficulty --<> CRIMINAL CHART: During In-Game Play --<> NEWS PAPER CLIPS: After Completion Of Each Level ============================================================================== `~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ CONTACT INFO [CNIF52] `~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ ============================================================================== If you have strategies, suggestions, feedback, or whatever relating to my FAQ/Walkthrough, Go ahead and E-Mail me and I'll get back to you. I check my E-Mail a few times a day, so I should be able to see it. If I don't reply, its probably because... 1. It was already in my FAQ/Walkthrough 2. Not in English 3. Not relating to my FAQ/Walkthrough or game 4. Doesn't have a Subject/Subject might not be about game 5. I might of missed it on accident, but I'll get to it sooner or later Also note, that if you do E-Mail me about this game, make sure you include the subject as "The Punisher" or anything related to that and this game, or else there is a chance I might delete it. If the info is in my FAQ, and you E-Mail me about it, there is a chance I'll re-direct you to my FAQ instead of ignoring it like a jerk. ============================================================================== $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ COPYRIGHT INFO [CPRI53] $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ============================================================================== This guide is copyrighted to Tai Ly AKA NightMare185 (c) 2005. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. If you would like to host my guide on your site, you must contact me and ask for permission. Without doing so, will put you under direction violation of the copyright laws. If you're a site that offers payment to view FAQs and/or guides like mine, do not bother asking. You may not use this guide for profitable usage, such as selling it. Lastly, if you want to use certain information or copy and text a part of my guide, please contact me about it first and give credit where credit is due. Don't copyright and violate my guide and no harm done. The sites that are allowed to use my guide currently at the time: - (initial site) - - - To add yourself onto this list, please ask for my permission beforehand. As long as you're a not a profitable site that forces payment on FAQs/Walkthroughs or someone from/affiliated with, I'll most likely give you an ok. Be sure to provide a link to your site. Again: or any other affiliate sites may not use my guide. ============================================================================== &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& VERSION HISTORY [VSHS54] &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ============================================================================== Want to know whats been going on with my guide? Check this section out for updates. Feburary 25th: Initial Start of FAQ April 17 (version 1.0): Lots of procrastination over the weeks and months, but I've finally finished with EVERYTHING with the guide. Check it out and offer some feedback April 21 (version 1.1): Updated Special Kill section and added a new kill. Also added in a missing Special Interrogation ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONCLUSION(FIN) [CFIN55] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== Finally done with my guide that I've procrastinated on. For those who've waited, the wait is over, and hopefully, this guide will help you out. Here's a big thanks to those who've helped me and deserve credit: -GameFAQs: Letting Me Host Up My Work And Getting Me Started On This Hobby -The Stinger(neoseeker user): His helpful Challenge Mode threat that finally contained one solution that helped me advance -Monoxide Child(GameFAQs user): His tips on the Igor Baltisky Challenge -mattloaf: His helpful tips for the Gnucci Estate Challenge and possible whereabouts of the final guards -diablogamer: Bringing my attention about a Special Kill that I carelessly missed -The Punisher FAQs posted on GameFAQs: Without your FAQs, I would've been lost. Don't worry, I didn't rip off any work off all you, only references -Lastly, the readers: For reading my guide and hopefully finding some use of it Fin....