##################################################################### #========##==####==##========##===###==##========##======###========# #==########==####==#####==#####====##==##==####==##==##===#####==#### #========##========#####==#####==#==#==##==####==##======######==#### #######==##==####==#####==#####==##====##==####==##==##===#####==#### #========##==####==##========##==###===##========##======###========# ##################################################################### (Please Note, only the S rank section is done) Shinobi S rank FAQ/Quick Super FAQ Why should you use this FAQ? +To S rank the game, in one run if possible +To quickly unlock Moritsune as fast as possible +To aid in your first normal run +To aid in your first Super run +Of cousre, all of the coins +A quick location of all the Makimono. What isn't in this guide? -Controls -Over view of the game itself -Perfect English, although I only speak it. Table of Contents (Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) Don't worry, there is sub tables when you get there. -Intro -S rank Tips -Tate Tips -S rank walkthrough -Super walkthrough -Enemies -Ending -Credits -Copyright [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####===###==####========####========####========####### ##########==#######====##==#######==#######==####==####==####==####### ##########==#######==#==#==#######==#######========####==####==####### ##########==#######==##====#######==#######==##==######==####==####### #######========####==###===#######==#######==###==#####========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Intro... This is my little Shinobi guide I threw together... and here are its main purposes. The main goal is to get everything in the game has to offer... and here is what to do and how I did it. First off, S ranks. They are the best rank you can get... I got all of them with Moritsune. This is the funnest part of Shinobi... it's not even that frustrating, but will make you feel all warm inside. Next is getting all the coins. The only reason I added this is because you need coins to unlock Moritsune... and it would be half assed if I just added 40% of the coin locations... Then finally, beating Super. I will tell you this right off the bat, I am NOT going for rank, or even "video" game honor, hence why I said quick. Also, in this section, I will describe how you can quickly beat normal with Hotsuma with ease... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #########========#######========#######===###==#######==####==######## #########==####==#######==####==#######====##==#######==##===######### #########========#######========#######==#==#==#######=====########### #########==##==#########==####==#######==##====#######==##===######### #########==###==########==####==#######==###===#######==####==######## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~S rank Tips From the end of the Playstation era, a lot of games have since used S ranks as a form of great accomplishment... I don't know why... S back when I was in school was below an A... either way, They really bring out a game, and makes them fun to get. Any ways, the thing with Shinobi and S ranks are... knowing how to get them is more important that just playing has fast as possible. Let me explain... An S rank is when at the end of a level, your total points are equal to or greater than 45,000. Now here is what it is and isn't graded on. (This is your ending tally screen) Time: Time means jack. When going for an S rank, don't rush when you don't need to. Although it may be a good idea to go fast during tates and when Akujiki gets the munchies. Kills: A very important part. Killing all enemies or enough of them through out a level is very important. Think of it as free points. For getting 100%, you get 15000 points. This will only be hard in a few levels... like 6-A and 8-A... By the way, you get 150 points for each percent. Tate point: These are your points for killing enemies together. Well, Akujiki really... any ways, you don't need to get a Tate screen to insure points. Here's how it works. For each burning Kangi symbol you have in the right hand corner of the screen, you get a set amount of points. 1 = 30 points 2 = 120 points 3 = 270 points 4 = 480 points 5 = 750 points 6 = 1,080 points 7 = 1,470 points 8 = 1,920 points 9 = 2,430 points So say you are fighting Hiruko... and you murder all of his annoying black-red eyed talismans BUT you fail to kill him as well, you still get your 1,920 points. So basically, if you plan your cards right, you can S rank level from just killing a bosses minions... it will take a while, but it all of them help. And since time is not a factor, you can spend all you want. I'm pretty sure there is no limit to this score... as I got 52,740 points before in this part alone in mission 4-A Boss Point: As even outlined in the instruction manual, the less hits you kill a boss in, the more points you get. Each A stage's boss is 20,000 points, and each B stage is 30,000. So basically this is the easiest to do and also the most important. Most levels, you NEED to at least kill the boss in two hits to ensure an S. But getting one hit, while killing all the enemies with tates will ensure an S. By the way, to find a Boss score, just divide the amount of hits it took you to kill the boss... 1 hits = 20,000, 2 hits = 10,000... etc. Two more important things. Shurikens and kicking do not count as actual attacks against bosses. This is very important to remember. As long as you don't touch the square button next to a boss, you should be ok. While you kick, MAKE SURE you don't accidentally attack the boss, as it is also done with the square button. And never... I mean NEVER press the L2 button! Spells aren't the best idea, as they wipe your points clean of a possible boss point while taking an extra 2,000 points away from you. Makimono: For each scroll you have left over, you get 2,000 points! In most levels this isn't even an issue to get an easy 6,000 point bonus, just remember to pick them up again if you die. And when you make it to a boss fight, manually retry, never die! It keeps your scrolls for you. By the way, if you didn't pick it up from the last paragraph, the amount of retries you use has no impact on your rank. Just make sure the second you die, to retry to start with all of your makimono. If you die and forget, you'll lose 4,000 points from lost scrolls... if you got two. Also retry if you hit a boss more than once... No Damage: 10,000 points to you if you take no hits. I've only done this in Stages 1-A, 6-A, 8-A. Through this FAQ, I do not mention this at all, ever again. It's not enough points to seriously get worked up over. Get hit, and like it! But if you are at a boss an notice you aren't hurt, go for it! By the way, that life sucking bastard of a sword does not count toward this ranking, only actual hits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #########========#######========#######========#######========######## ############==##########==####==##########==#############==########### ############==##########========##########==#############==########### ############==##########==####==##########==#############==########### ############==##########==####==##########==#############==########### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Tate Tips Well, Tate'ing enemies and bosses are amoung the basis of S ranking. Not only is it actually a part of the rubric, it also effects your boss point and helps out a lot. Learn your sword: You sword is a strong weapon, from beginning of the game, the best way to start your tate career is to just slash it at things that move. Anything that is on the ground, and you have a clean shot at, just mash square. Learn to use your sword even better: When in later levels, with enemies that don't die in one hit, or in groups, do NOT ever use the standard 4 hit combo. Rather hold up TOWARDS the enemy to do the spin slash. Not only can it hit two more times (keeping your sword's energy up and pumping long), but it can hit usually more things, and I find you can recover faster from it. Learn to cheese with your sword: When using ANY ground combo to finish off an enemy, INSTANTLY dash towards the next. Not only will this give you an early rush on things, but it can cancel high recovery moves faster. Learn to abuse your sword: When there are stronger enemies, you need to rape the smaller ones first to get your sword charged up. You will know what I mean, since once you kill the first enemy, YOU NEED TO KEEP KILLING! If there are two big enemies (Bird warriors are a prime example) kill the smaller enemies first, then go after them. If there is just one big enemy, kill it first... most likely you'll kill a weaker enemy by accident. Learn to fake your enemies: A must in later levels, you need to stealth dash behind enemies to hit them in there unguarded weak backs. Not only is this a sure fire way to deal damage, but when it's in the back, it will do double damage. Learn to be desperate: When you know you can't get to the back of an enemy as you are too far away, pop a shuriken in them. This will stun them and will get you a free hit. Never do too many... this could kill them and lose your tate. Learn when to be really desperate: A shuriken burst will stop all the enemies around you. Do this when you think there is no other way. But you have to plan when... don't do it in the middle of a charge, I find it takes too long and might mess up your tate in the first place. Learn to use the boot: A kick will allow you to get a free combo in to any standing enemy. Use this when you think they could block a shuriken or when you are out in the first place. Learn lock on: Locking on not only lets you target a close enemy, but it will also let you find out where the next one is. Learn the air tate: This is the most important thing you REALLY have to master. Lock on -> Jump -> Dash -> Slash -> Dash -> Slash and so on. Remember, everytime you land a hit on ANYTHING while in the air, you get to dash again. Think of it this way, everytime you are in mid air, either from falling, jumping, or dashing of an edge, you get one dash AND one jump. NEVER use your double jump until you need it, as only the dash will come back after a hit. Learn to go with the flow: Once you learn to Air tate well enough, all you really have to do is find the right path to start it off. Once you do this, just see when you can go strait to the next enemies without touching the ground. Make sure you remember that the first enemy usually takes more hits than the ones after it... important when there is no ground... Learn to be greedy: Sometimes, not all the enemies appear at once. For instants, several places in mission 7-A you can get 9 combed tates... Never settle for less, when you can get more! I will explain these as I go through the FAQ. Learn to be dirty: Several places where Oboro Ninja come out of the ground or off walls, you can wait where they land... from behind :) This will give you free kills, with ease. This usually grants you an easy tate, with a few enemies already down, and a charged sword... you do the math. Learn to be scummy: In boss battles, if you just want to beat them, switch to your Raijin scroll... tate'ing was never easier when you can't get hit. NEVER do this for trying to get an S rank. Learn to play it calm: The single most reason I used to mess up tate's was because I tried TOO fast... plan a little ahead... like who you are going to dash behind, and who is going to get a nice lovely shuriken to the face. If you get blocked, DO NOT BE DUMB AND TRY TO ATTACK THEM AGAIN! Dash behind them... or even just a little to the side after you clang your sword. And if it's a fast enemy, like a few, don't stay locked on, just freely swing your sword, that will get explained in the enemy section as well. Also, remember to take your time and touch ground if you think you might be over your head. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###========###========###========###===###==###==####==###========#### ###==#########==####==###==####==###====##==###==##===####==########## ###========###========###========###==#==#==###=====######========#### #########==###==##==#####==####==###==##====###==##===##########==#### ###========###==###==####==####==###==###===###==####==###========#### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~S rank walkthough (Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) -Stage 1-A -Stage 1-B -Stage 2-A -Stage 2-B -Stage 3-A -Stage 3-B -Stage 4-A -Stage 4-B -Stage 5-A -Stage 5-B -Stage 6-A -Stage 6-B -Stage 7-A -Stage 7-B -Stage 8-A -Stage 8-B While reading this section, keep in mind I am using Moritsune and I'm on normal difficulty. This should teach you the basics of getting an S rank, even while playing on Hard or Super. Any ways, here goes. Just always remember, I'm not using Hutsuma. If you want to, you can, but S ranks are HELL OF A LOT EASIER with Moritsune. If you want to unlock him fast, go to the "Super" section. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 1-A Once you gain control of your character (hopefully it's Moritsune), dash forward and once the first ninja pops of the ground, slash him. You will be doing this a lot through out the game... if you get there quick enough, there is no chance for them to block your attack. Now head strait up that same street. Attack one in the same manner as you killed the first guy, then lock on to the next and give him a slash. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Once the seal is broken, head down the alley. Two ninja should jump down from the walls... attack them from the back, easy two kills. You can get the shuriken on the wall... but you don't really need any. Move on to the city block. There will be four dogs... but one is at opposite end you start on. If you doubt your dashing skills, lure the solo dog a little bit closer to you. Once you kill him, quickly dash to the others. Now four more dogs will pop out of nowhere... all walking together. The easiest tate in the game... ***Now after this part, move on, but make sure you grab the Makimono on the little wall after you kill the dogs*** Now in this area, you can get some health if you suck enough to need it... other wise, it is just another easy fight against three ninja. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Now move on down the next alley. Quickly dash once you see two dogs... kill them and then the two ninja that jump down from the wall. Easy. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Now you should be in another open area. Watch out, there is a tank at the other end of the street! What you want to do is dash and kill the first to ninja in the middle of the street. Once you do that, dash towards the tank in a diagonal way to avoid a possible missile to the face. Once you do that, you should kill it in one hit with a charged sword slash. Once you dispose of the tank, two more waves of dual ninja appear... take them out, it's not hard. <4rd Kekkai Breaks> Head down the next alley way. While doing this, make sure to place yourself on the walls to avoid Talisman smog. At the end of this alley, you will have to fight two dogs and two ninja again. Once you kill them, head strait forward and stop before you grab the health. Turn left and go down that alley. Once you are at the intersection, you will kill 3 sets of 4 ninja, this is very good for your ending score. ***Once you are done killing them, head down that narrow alley to find the second Makimono in the level.*** Once you nab that, proceed down that same alley. Once you see a lower spot you can jump on after the building to the left, go to it. This is a hidden coin... pick it up to get ambushed... Hey, more points, right? Use your lock on to jump at ninja from below you, then give one good strike, they should all fall. Now head to orange gate, kill the two ninja on the ground first, THEN jump strait up and dash towards the third one with a slash. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Now go down another alley and attack all five enemies here. One combo should nearly kill all of them. <6th Kekkai Breaks> Now head down this alley way and into another open area. Rush to the tank first, three hits should kill it. Now jump over it to take out the ninja that should of ran there. Once you kill those two, the other two ninja should come running at you. Kill them both, it shouldn't be hard. After you tate them, 3 more ninja should come out. Just slash each once and lock on to the next to start dashing towards them. Not hard just make sure to dash as it is much faster. <7th Kekkai Breaks> Boss Fight... Helicopter Ok, remember that you must only touch this bastard once with your sword to get full points from him. The only bad part is that Akujiki can't get as strong as possible during this fight... so you have to wear him down. How do you do this? Well, first start by dashing underneath him. Once you do that, he will stop briefly and do an attack. He will either use his machine guns or launch missiles at you. If he uses if machine gun, you will not be touched by it... but you want him to use his missiles. Now once he does, make sure you face one and start slashing... it helps if you aren't locked on. Now here is a constant problem... your health. Akujiki will rape you pretty badly in this fight since you are waiting... so whenever enemies pop out, kill them... but make sure you are paying attention to the Helicopter... you don't want missiles to go off while you are trying to slash enemies... so do it while he just starts to move or JUST after he attacks. Now if you do it correctly... you can hit just two of his missiles under him (both in just one attack), and take off about half of his health. _____ | @ |================================|=============================== |/ \| When his health is about there, attack four of those ninja and go in for the kill. This will tate the bastard. If your tate wears off before you know it and accidentally hit him... or didn't kill him enough before hand, hit restart, and retry. Over all: Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 7,410 Boss Point ------- 20,000 Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 48,410 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 1-B Start by dashing strait ahead and killing the single ninja. Now jump on the little roof, you should see a hellspawn puff out. ***Now after you kill that flying fish looking thing of a hell spawn, look to your left. You should see a scroll on a ledge, head there by either double jumping ending with a dash or wall running.*** Once you get up there, kill the solo ninja. Now continue on the roof tops till three ninja pop out. Kill them just like all the others. Destroy the stone and move on. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Now start wall running on the walls over those smog vents, make it to the other side. Now pick up the health and move on. Half way through a wall crawling ninja should pop out, jump up and twap her. Move on. Now in the next area, please wait till all four ninja appear. Then choose either to take the one up top first, or to wait for him to come down. Once they are done, move on. Kill the solo hell spawn and double dash over the pit. Destroy the stone and head out. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Run through this alley way with caution. Hug the walls if you want a sure fire way to dodge the smog. Any ways, once you are out of that, kill the next ninja on the building top. Now jump on the next building. Now wait till the enemies appear... BUT DO NOT KILL THEM YET. Jump to the next building and wait till they spawn. Doing this will not only get you more points in the long run, but a one of a kind purple lightning tate. This is very hard to do, you don't need to, but you can try for it. After that, jump on one of those other building next to the last one for a solo ninja fight. Any ways, destroy the stone and exit. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Once half way through this alley, you'll see 4 hell spawn. Well, 2 pairs of them... any ways, this is the first time you can practice the air tate. Jump, dash, slash, dash, slash. Then repeat that for the second duo. Now head out, when you reach the open buildings again, prepare for another fight against four. Don't move too quick... another three pop out. Kill them and proceed. Now four more enemies will come out... a word of advice, kill the wall crawler first. Once she is out of the way, tate the rest of those ninja bastards. After you kill them, the same enemies will come again. Again, kill the ***** on the wall first. ***Now run to where the exit and stone is... jump on the wall to the right and run to where the scroll is*** Once you are up there, kill the two ninja first, then lock on to the hellspawn. Once you do that, jump and dash towards him. Affter you connect with an attack, dash to the right to get on the wall again. Hit the stone and exit. <4th Kekkai Breaks> Through this next alley, prepare to fight again. Just an another easy fight... Move on to the next open area. Now in the next part, move slow. Even if a tate seems like it will work, take your time. After you kill the third enemy... a hell spawn, turn to the right to kill another ninja. If you want to tate everything, jump to the roof top from this solo ninja. Make your last kill the ninja on the last high building. Either way, once you kill all of them, exit the level by destroying both of the floating stones... <5th Kekkai Breaks> Boss Fight... Yourself! (IF you are playing as Moritsune) Ok, another fight where you must plan out what you are doing... Any ways, you will probably see only one move... his charge. He makes an obviously and long charge up for this... you should have this motion down... it's all he basically does. Any ways... stand next to the edge... press lightly on the analog stick too... and you be walking like him :P Any ways, wait till he is in striking distants, then he will do his "Stinger" thrust... the instant he begins the move, dash out of the way! I'm not sure how much a four kill charge Akujiki kills him... but you can play it safe. _____ | @ |=========|====================================================== |/ \| That is how much life he should have after four times. Once he is down that low... then worry about hitting him. It is hard as hell to hit him, so be careful. Make sure to NEVER stand near the edge... his thrust WILL KNOCK YOU IN THE PIT, killing you. Any ways, if he isn't at that health I pointed out when enemies are out, kill them and wait. It will only help your score, yin, and yang. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 8,160 (<-- May very upon luck with boss) Boss Point ------- 30,000 Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 59,160 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 2-A Start this stage by dashing forward and killing four easy to kill ninja. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Move forward... three ninja should attack... you should be able to kill at least two of them before they even start moving... Now before you go all the way to the orange gate, head left. By picking up the shurikens, you will make white doggies come... kill these with ease, and they are simple as hell to dispose of. Tate them and follow the way... once you go to the gate, kill the three ninja... simple enough. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Now head up to the stairs... quickly dash behind the bird warrior before he can act... two hits to get a free kill! Head out... <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Keep dashing through the gates until at four enemies appear... you know what to do when they do. After them, kill the two more dogs that come. <4th Kekkai Breaks> ***Right when the seal breaks, don't forget to get the Makimono on top of the last gate.*** Now once you reach the platfrom, 4 ninja will appear on the corner railings. Jump dashing will take care of the first one... then the rest should fall easily. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Now you should be in a big open area. Jump on the center and work your way down killing anything that moves. Most of the enemies will jump up making them easy targets. Once you kill them, head back down to ground level... as a Bird Warrior will plop down. Now use either a kick or shuriken to start attacking the bird... kill him first. Then worry about the doggies. Now move on. <6th Kekkai Breaks> In the center of the next platform, kill the three ninja... you shouldn't need me to tell you that... <7th Kekkai Breaks> Now keep heading strait... in the middle you will see 4 ninja jump down. Kill them all... at least two of them should be free kills. Once they are dealt with, kill the four more the spawn on top of the gates. If you act fast, you can kill most of them while they are still up there. Once you kill them, 4 more should come. Kill them just like all the others. <8th Kekkai Breaks>3 Now while avoid the huge pit at all costs, kill the five ninja that appear here. Not hard... don't forget to pick up the shuriken on the pillar to the left. Don't waste these. Now once you approach the gate, four ninja will appear along with a bird warrior. Either take out the bird first or last. It's your choice. At this point, I usually take out the bird last... but it's safer the other way. <9th Kekkai Breaks> The next platfrom is just a fight between four ninja... kill them. <10th Kekkai Breaks> ***Make sure to break the left red house looking thing before leaving the last area... it has a nice Makimono in it*** Now this is the last fight before the boss... make sure you know what you are doing. There are four dogs and two bird warriors. I killed the dogs first... try to kill them as close to the birds as possible. This way if they do happen to block a shuriken, you can jump over them and attack them any ways. Good luck. Make sure you get the shurikens in the house right to the Makimono house before exiting if you don't have at least 10... <11th Kekkai Breaks> Boss Fight... Dual Boss... This is a fight between a girl and a guy. The girl has powerful counter attacks... but this shouldn't worry you as a shuriken will never be blocked. The guy on the other hand likes to throw his ball around... but a shuriken will also stun him. Now here is what you must do... Run around the borders of the level until they summon ther dogs... they can't hit you from there. Any ways, once they do that, do a nice little shuriken blast next to the boss. This will stop their dual attack for a bit... it's not that it's dangerous, but they some times kill the doggies... Any ways, kill the dogs as fast as possible. Once you do that, peg a shuriken into which ever boss is closer. Attack him/her in the back. This should kill them... then do the same to the other one. You should kill them each in one hit. It is true you can kill both with one hit, but their is no need to do that, as you should get enough points any ways. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 12,230 Boss Point ------- 20,000 (40,000 if you kill one without attacks...) Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 51,230 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 2-B ***Right when the stage starts, head left and jump over the little fence. Kill the four hellspawn via an air tate, then break open the left red house to get a Makimono.*** Now jump back over and get ready to fight two green ninja, two should not give you any problem. Now before you exit the place, go left and down that path, three ninja should appear... you can kill at least one before they turn around. Collect the shurikens if you desire... then break the stone and exit. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Now on this stage, four hell spawn will appear, practice your air tate until each one is dead. If you haven't learned yet, hold in lock, and press jump, then dash, then slash. Once you kill the first one, dash again WHILE still in mid air. Then repeat the slash/dash/slash until you tate them all. Now move on to the big area. Go in the mid and murder the four enemies that appear there... they mix them up. Attack the hell spawn first so you can kill the ninja in one hit a peice. Now this is important... Don't move from here... four more enemies will appear. You may have to move a bit to get them coming, but if you leave from the area, they never come back. Again, once you are done with killing them... wait around or move a bit till ANOTHER 4 come out. They are all the same enemies... nothing new. Now once you are done killing these guys, turn right around and look at that house, run to the right side of it and jump over that little fence, break the stone while you are there. Once you are over the fence, a bird should jump down just run behing him before he can react. Make sure to mind his shockwave. Now back to the main area... head down the path just like in the first area of the stage. Break the house and get ready to be ambushed by a bird. Use any means to kill him with your sword, it's another solo fight. After him break the remaining seals and head out. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Head strait in the center of the platfrom and turn. Halfway down this path, five enemies will come down. Kill the 3 hell spawn, then dash really quick to the ninja. If one is far away, peg him with a shuriken to ensure your tate. Once they are dead, break all the easy to find seals and exit. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Now in this next part, kill the four enemies, but ingore the seals just yet... move up just a little bit till a bird jumps down. Kill him first. Once you do that, kill the ninja that should jump on your level then attack the onces on ground level. If you jump, dash, and give them a down ward slash to the head, they rarely block that. Once you are done with them, run around the house breaking all the seals. Exit. <4th Kekkai Breaks> Just like the other connecting area before this, enemies will try to ambush you. If you doubt your skills, kill the bird warrior first. If you dash fast enough, he won't be able to put up a fight. After that, destroy the last remaining seals. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Now this is a fight! In the next area, you will see 3 ninja and 3 hell spawn. If you doubt your skill, a nice shuriken blast should do the trick. Just make sure if you don't use one, don't knock or try to lure the ninja into the pit... it could hurt your score a little bit. Either way, you should now have three more hell spawn infront of you. Kill them. One time I killed them all with one attack :D Once they are dealt with, attack more enemies that come. ***Now before you actually destroy the seals, jump on to the wall over the pit and run around it to get the Makimono. If you look across the pit, you can see it floating above a platform.*** Now destroy the stone seals and move on. <6th Kekkai Breaks> Now in this next fight, you will have to kill 2 hell spawn, 2 ninja, and a bird warrior. The warroir comes down after the first four come out... so if you want to kill a sure fire tate, wait till the bird comes down and kill him first. Move on... now this next area is one hell of a fight. You want to do this. Kill the hell spawn first... then attack the bird warrior on either the right or left. Once you have your first bird comboed, throw a shuriken at the middle one and kill him, repeat for the last one. Once they are dead with, you should now have full yin and yang. Now run up tem stairs! <7th Kekkai Breaks> Boss Fight... Helicopter... Now, this is the same heli as before... only it is on fire, shoots more missiles, and takes more punishment. Reflect on how you killed the first heli in one hit... it's the same way. Only it will take longer and the ninja that summon are not as easy. Make it a point if you suck and slashing missiles fast enough to get all the health you find, just don't do it before he launches missiles. When you murder the enemies waiting for his missiles, wait till they come to you. Not only is it more safe to wait under the heli, but you can kill them faster when they are together. Now when his health is about... _____ | @ |=====================|=========================================== |/ \| That's five hits with his rockets... you can hit two off him each time. When he is at this much health, he will start doing his charge attack... which hurts and often screws up a perfect tate. So once you see this attack, you'll know when to kill them. To avoid this attack, stay under neath him. He is one of the hardest bosses to do this too... it should be a good feeling once you spilt this bastard in half. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 11,040 (<-- Varies from the length of the boss fight) Boss Point ------- 30,000 Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 62,040 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 3-A Ok, this level is one of the easiest to S rank in the whole game... Seriously, you get enought points from the forced fights... any ways you'll start the level with dogs right in front of you. You should try taking them out without using any cheap means... but if you insist, do a shuriken blast. Right when they are dead, another set will come out... do the same thing. <1st Kekkai Breaks> ***Before moving moving on, search the opposite end you started at for a stack of shurikens... then pick up the Makimono at the opposite end the Kekkai barrier was at*** Move on to the next hall way. Kill the 4 ninja the same way you've been doing it through out the whole game. Move on. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Fall down the little hole and turn around into the big area. Dash a bit past the left of the first ninja... a dog will pop up, cheap shot it. Then just kill all the other Ninja. After they die three more enemies come out... deal with them any way possible. Make sure you get the health hidden in the shutter if you need it. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> On your way up to the next level, three enemies pop out... again, cheap shot the dog before it can react. Now you will be in a long hallway. Keep dashing until you pass the dogs... they will most likely just stand there, attack them both and mop up the ninja. <4th Kekkai Breaks> ***Now after you kill them, you will be in a huge room. Jump to the sides of a wall to get the Mikimono at the other end. Get the shurikens first, then drop down there to find the best spot to wall run.*** Once you touch the bottom level, you will be in a six on one fight. Either kill them with your sword, or use a shuriken burst. Then six more enemies will come out. Do the same thing as before. Hopefully you'll get lucky and a ninja will drop surikens to stock you up... Either way, if they don't, make sure you get more shurikens if you need them up above you. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Before leaving, back track on the lower level to find health if needed. Any ways, move on to the hall way. Two dogs should appear, you know what to do: Cheap shot them both if you can. Now hop up the hole. Once you jump over to the next hall, four ninja will jump down from the walls. You can dash a little bit and cheap shot two of them... make it count. Once they are dead, hop up the next area. Avoid the smog as well. Now once you are up, avoid another smog vent... you may want to cling to the wall. In the hall way, four ninja with spawn away from you in a strait line. If you have enough red crap left in Akujiki, try a charge attack by holding in square while locked on to them... this should kill at least two of them. Now keep following the path, take the left path if you want two sets of shurikens. If you don't have at least one stack of these, get them. And SAVE THEM. Any ways, all the pathes are filled with Smog talismans so be careful. Once you are down in the next area, there will by four dogs and a ninja. Kill them all which ever way you want... after they are dead, five more enemies will come out... do the same to them. After them... another set of five ninja will appear... just make sure you don't start hacking in the middle as one could be too far away. Once they die... another 4 ninja come out. You know what to do. <6th Kekkai Breaks> Before leaving, their is health in the half open shutter with smog vents. Get it if you need it. Now head to the other big room... once in the middle of it, five ninja will again... do what you want to here, it isn't hard. <7th Kekkai Breaks> Now head to where the barrier breaks... you should be in a hall way full of smog. Watch out though, a tank is sitting at the end for you! Jump strait up and dash to the left or right when you see it fire. Once you clear the fog, take out the take from behind. Once jump down two more levels. You should be facing a tank with quite a large distance between you two. Quickly dash at an angle towards him. Go right to the back side of him and kill him as soon as possible. Once he's out of the way, kill all the ninja. If you clang off a ninja's weapon, jump to the other side. If you kill it with ninja on the opposite side, jump back over and quickly do a shadow kick to kill them. Four more ninja will now spawn, kill them how you usually would. After that, four more will come. Try to lure the single one closer to you. You might not get a tate in if he's standing all the way where he starts. Then three more come nothing more... <8th Kekkai Breaks> Boss Fight... Man in the box... Ok, with Muritsuna, this guy is too ****ing easy. Here is what you do. First off, dash infront of the three dogs in front of the boss. This will get them after you. Once at least four of them are close to you, which shouldn't be hard as there is 6 of them, do a shuriken blast. Kill four of them, and run up the the boss... whack him in the side for an easy one hit kill. You can kill the other dogs for a slightly better score, but you don't really need to. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 12,150 Boss Point ------- 20,000 Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 53,150 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 3-B Start this level by running to the right of where you begin. There should be three spiders... they are beyond easy to deal with if you made it this far. Destroy the seals and head through the gate close by. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Now while going through here, two enemies will come... a wall crawler and a spider... kill them any way you want... no biggy if you screw up this easy as hell tate. Now head right after you hit the big hallway. You will see enemies pop out... but DO NOT KILL THEM YET! Run next to the nest... a another enemy will pop out... this will give you more tate points. Once you are done killing those spiders... destroy the nest. ***Now head to the right of that, and pick up the Makimono.*** Now when you are done getting the scroll, run back the way you come from until you see another one of those spider nests. You will know you are here once four other spiders come out... well walk towards it while the other spiders aren't killed yet just like before to get extra points. Once you are done killing the nest, move up the ramp. Now once you are up there, you need to run on the walls to get to the next area. TRY not to fall down... this will more than likely make Aukjiki get hungry. Before going down, I like to destroy the first seal with one of tem ninja darts. Once down there... kill all the spiders... no sweat. I would kill the solo one first, then JUMP to kill the rest to avoid the web as much as possible. Destroy the seal and head out. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Now keep following this hallway to another giant one. Go down left until you get into a fight. Kill the four spiders and continue the same way. Now once you get to a long hallway that's not blocked off with webs and a stone seal, head in there. Three spiders and a wall ninja will be there. Kill them which ever way you want... BUT DO NOT DESTROY THE NEST!. Another set of enemies will come out... the same battle. Just do the same... and make sure you are dashing the whole time. Once you are done there, return the way you came from and go to the end of the hallway. Destroy the seal and head through the opposite hall on the other side. 3 sets of varied enemies will be here. They aren't hard to deal with, just kill which ever enemies you have trouble with first. Now you are on the other side now, destroy the impossible to miss seal once you are out of that room as well. Head to the very end where you will find a nest and the last seal. Wait till five enemies appear, then take them all out... DO NOT DESTROY THE NEST! After that, four enemies will pop out... and two of which are wall crawlers... they are on different walls... one in the main hall and one in the room with the seal. They are hard to get if you aren't all that good yet... just kill one quick and kill the spiders half way between them. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Now destroy the nest and head back to your first right. You will see three ninja pop out... kill them. Now WAIT in the this area, two more sets of three will come out... it is important to remember this. Now in this next area... all hell will break lose... there are three nests and a lot of respawning spiders that come from the ground. You can get a lot of tate points here, so wait for all the spiders to at least be out. One thing you have to plan, is how you are going to kill them all... I would try to at least heard them together... since the middle platform will be difficult to pass up. You will know you have the levels good tate once you see white litte fuzzies during it. You can do this at least 3 times with 7, and one with six I believe. ***Once you are pleased murdering the spiders, get the hard to miss Makimono under one of the ledges.*** Destroy the seals and head out. Make sure you kill all the nests before leaving. <4th Kekkai Breaks> Boss Fight... The Tiger Spider "Shirakumo" Ok, this could be a tough one hit kill, but it isn't hard if you get lucky. What do I mean? Well, he is easy to hit, avoid, and his enemies are easy to all kill. So what's the problem? Well like most of the Hellspawn bosses you will fight, they like to taunt. And since they don't have a back side... this is their weak point. Well his isn't really a taunt, he will grunt and shake... short of like if it just drank a cold shot of nasty liquer... or mabye he just lost his grip on the wall. He does this often, but the window is VERY small to make an attack. So luck is very involved. Before the spiders are coming out, you can easily dodge his attacks. Just wait back in the middle... he won't swipe at all. If you killed all the enemies like I did... you could nab this S rank by hitting him twice... just make sure you had all of those tates at the last room as well. If you hit him, and don't kill him on the first try, don't forget to hit start and retry. Also do this if you decide to break a nest for some odd reason and don't kill him afterwards. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 14,250 Boss Point ------- 30,000 (Varies if you don't feel like 1 hit killing) Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 65,250 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 4-A First start by moving strait ahead. Turn right at the last turn. Walking down this path will trigger moths to attack. Kill them all, they aren't hard. Now keep following that path until you are on the other side of that lava pit. Once you are there, three enemies will pop out... Two moths and a pink ninja. Cheap shot the ninja and murder the moths. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Head strait through the broken seal, next to the lantern, kill the three enemies that come out. Turn left and go down that way. Now keep following that way until you find enemies. Kill the four moths and head past the lava. Now once you are over both of them, 3 moths and 2 ninja will appear. Now if you are like me and instantly killed the moths, chuck a shuriken at a ninja for an ensured kill. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Now move ahead... in this next area, there are five moths and a tank. If you think the tank will peg you for some reason, whipe his ass out first. Either way, one hit should kill the tank with 4 enemies dead. If some moths are on the ground, you don't need to jump :P <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Now move out of there and head right. Now hurry up and dash to air tate the moths first. Once you do that, the two ninja that will come will be nothing. Kill the all and move on. Head right to where more enemies are. The same battle as before, only the moths are lined up. Kill them how you please... a shuriken blast may be in order if you don't feel like working too hard. <4th Kekkai Breaks> Now head left from that gate go down the alley. ***Keep dashing strait under the mothes and in front of the moths. This will bring you to a lantern (to the left) with a Makimono in it*** Now once you are done getting that, air tate all of the moths and go for the tank. The reason I said to get the Makimono first is so they come a little bit closer to you so you don't need to worry too much about tank missiles. Make sure you jump and kill the one in front of the tank first, so you don't hit the ground in front of a missiles as well. Once they are dead, five more Moths will appear above where the tank was... You can figure this one out on your own :D <5th Kekkai Breaks> Go through the broken seal and head right. At the corner, be ready to knock down three mothes, which isn't hard to do at all. Turn the corner and take the first right, ignoring the sealed Kekkai at first. Going to the end of this hold a lantern with health... but will make three ninja and two moths come out. Kill them, but be careful in that tight place. After they are dead, the same wave will come again... again, be careful. Now head to the gate. Three ninja will pop down along with 2 more moths... Cheap shot a ninja for added pleasure. <6th Kekkai Breaks> Move on now, from here, keep moving forward and kill the four ninja from the left. Nothing special about this fight, so just kill them. <7th Kekkai Breaks> Now head left through where the barries just was. This part is tricky to tate all the enemies. go to where they all are... if they are together, kill them, what before you start, MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHERE THEY ALL ARE! One likes to hide in the back of the one dead end. <8th Kekkai Breaks> ***Before going through the gate, destroy that lantern on the opposite side in the alley. IF you read above, this is also the same area where the last moth usually hides. The lantern has Makimono in it.*** Now head strait from there. Once you reach the lantern, head left. Now turn left but observe for a moment. There are five moths in the air and a tank at the end. Air tate the first three over the lave and then do either one of two things. 1: Land, ONLY if he just shot. Don't if you see him charging up. 2: Dash, then land, ONLY if you see him charging up. Well you can ignore both of them if the moth is closer. Either way when you touch the ground, kill the two other moths and then the tank. You can still kill the tank first if you'd like... After the tank, four moths will come out... easy kill. <9th Kekkai Breaks> Now move through this next area... only four easy to kill moths... they aren't hard to kill. Now you will be in a WIDE open area after the moths. Any ways, DO NOT THINK, just dash like crazy to the moths in the air. Air tate your way and kill 5 of them. After the last one, dash next to the tank. Slash the tank, then dash to the left of it and slash the other tank. You can't mess this up... once you get hit by a tanks missile, you can be comboed in and out of the lava... it can mean the end. If you do get the tate, you'll probably have full yin and yang. Now just kill the last five moths. <10th Kekkai Breaks> Now once you kill them, head through where the gate vanished... Boss Fight... Crazy Fire Guy with the pipe. The first thing to do, is to NEVER go next to this boss without stunning him first. Learn to like your shurikens. But you'll have to wait for a while for him to summon his minions. Once he does, make it quick or slow on how you kill them. Slow if he is high up (hopefully he'll teleport), of fast if he is on ground level. Just try to not do this: Kill the last enemies over the lava and fall in it. This usually wastes enough time... enough time to make akujiki all soggy. Remember to peg him with a shuriken and to dart to him as fast as possible. One slash, and he dies. If you are quick enough, you do not even need to stun him, but do it if possible. If you can't get him in the right spot, just kill all the enemies any ways, it will still give you massive tate points. If you get low on health, and no enemies are leaving enough health, all of the lanterns have some in them. Cheap Way #1: Dash close to him and chuck a shuriken in him. Now go to his back. Keep doing this until you have none left... since it's in the back it will do more damage, all the while he won't be moving. Now just slash him on the last hit. This should be enough to kill him. Cheap Way #2: Don't even worry about boss points at all... Just make sure you got a lot of points through out the level (tate, while killing everything without using makimono). Just at the boss fight, just keep killing the enemies. Using Joe is easier since he doesn't have a health draining sword. Do this only if you can't get the S rank any other way. Remember to hang out on a roof that isn't at the same level as the boss... and far away... as none of his attack will ever hit you. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 19,980 (Varies if you can't hit the boss on 1st try) Boss Point ------- 20,000 Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 60,980 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 4-B ***Turn right around from the start and pick up the Makimono hidden on the ledge of the platform you start on.*** Break the easiest seals in the game, and move on. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Run through the little valley, and kill the 3 mothes, not hard to do. Then go up a little bit and four ninja will appear, kill them any way you like... you can use the little ledge to your advantage or do a charge attack if you have enough slash crap left. Now move on. A little bit ahead you will see a wide open area... with a tank on a platform surrounded by moths! You want to jump and dash to the platfom a head of you... break the seal, then jump and break the seal just a little bit lower than that one below the tank's level. Now try to tate enough moths to kill the tank in the least hits possible. Once you are done killing all of those enemies, chuck a shuriken at the floating seal in the distant and head on. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Now in this next part, you will see a lot of moths floating above very uneven platforms. What you want to do is to jump, then dash to a moth. NEVER DOUBLE JUMP UNTIL YOU NEED TO. This way you can save your self from a nasty fall. Once they are dead, five more will come in the next area. Kill them in the same manner. Now break the seals and move out. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Now through the next valley, you will have to fight two moths and two ninja... if you made it this far with S ranks, you can beat these guys without any problems. Now in your next big area, hop to the platform with the shuriken on it. Try to kill all of them fast, since the ninja may kill themselves... (One did this in this level for me :( ) Now you can jump/dash right to the platform with the next seal on it. Kill these four enemies the same as the last batch. Kill the moths first so you don't knock the enemies off, rather kill them in one hit. Now jump to the other shuriken on the other side of the lava. You can get an easy cheap kill when the first of the five enemies appear right there. Beat the seals and move out. <4th Kekkai Breaks> In this valley, just four ninja, have fun killing them. Then move on. ***In the next big area you will see a Makimono floating in clear view, get it when you aren't in the middle of a fight.*** Now jump on one of the little platforms, and five enemies will come out. Kill them like the ohters when on a tiny area. Now move on a little bit and EIGHT moths will float down! Do this part just like the other one... don't double jump unless you far a little short of a moth or are about to eat lava. (I also fudged up in this part, as you will see from my tate points...). If you can't do it... or think you can't, always touch ground after you kill something... this way you will not fall into a lava pit, since that's the main thing that makes this hard. Now break the seals and head out. <5th Kekkai Breaks> The next area is another with a tank... a harder one. First head right and kill the moths flying there, as they will disappear if you go strait for the tank. It's not even important to get a good tate here, just make sure you don't die! Now gather the health from the tank and destroy on the seals to move on. If you kill all those flying moths and make it to the tank quick enough two more moths will come down to fight... adding to the score. <6th Kekkai Breaks> Now this last area is just a fight with you against 3 moths and 3 ninja. Kill the ninja first and then the moths should be close enough to kill. Once you are done with them, exit. <7th Kekkai Breaks> Boss Fight...Masked Moth Lady "Benisuzume" This fight is made VERY easy with Muritsune. In the beginning of the fight, just sit there. Every time she as much as wiggles, just jump. If it's the side spin, you may want to jump side ways to avoid the fire balls... but if she does the big fire ball just double jump. Now once she summons six moths, just wait till a few charge you. Now kill the ones that close in and then the ones far away. After each kill, it might be wise to land, so you don't fall into the lava. The reason I tell you to wait a little bit is because you don't want them flying all over the place. Once they all do at least one attack, then attack them. Now once you combo all of them, STAB THE ****ing MOTH BOSS! One hit, no matter what, will kill her. If she flies over you or does an attack, you can pretty much kiss your tate good bye, and start over. Actually, you probably will get used to starting over... falling in the lava can hurt, plus that sword will have sucked off at least a health flame or two. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 12,090 Boss Point ------- 30,000 Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 63,090 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 5-A Right from the start, don't move and throw a shuriken. Bam, seal gone. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Now air tate the three hellspawn and DASH EXTREMELY fast to the ***** on the wall, and kill her. Now move on through the little opening... but make sure you are on the wall. Now you will see a pink wall crawler... kill it. It will take a good two or three hits, so make sure you don't fall into rising water. Now move on a little bit. Go up to where you see hell spawn. Kill them slowly so the flying ninja will swoop once and be in tate range. Once he dashed once, lock on to him and kill him. Now either wait till the water goes down or grow balls and wall run to where you see the seal. Now kill the two hell spawn... but you probably want to skip the ninja for a while. Head to the next area with the seal and kill those hell spawn... the ninja should be with in range without you waiting for a while. Now break that seal and move on. You probably want to wait till the water is going down to make your move. Now once you are over there, kill the two hell spawn and break the seal. (If you have balls, run to when the first seal is without killing any thing... this will make a 4 hell spawn and 2 ninja total...) <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Now do not do the stupid thing and travel all the way back... in stead, travel on the wall closest to you... you should find one of those Orobo Coins on it. Run to the opening where the seal once was. Keep following this until you see two hell spawn appear... make sure you jump only once, then lock on, dash, then attack, then dash, then attack. Once you kill the last one, hug the wall. ***Now moving on to the next big area, you can clearly see the Makimono... it's not hard to get... just run on all the walls to it.*** Now run all the way to the next seal on the other side... still using only the walls to get there. Kill the enemies there, and watch out for the ninja! Now move on to the next place, the roof top before the one with the seal on it in the distance. As soon as you land on it, enemies will appear, HURRY and cheap shot the ninja that will appear in the middle. Do not lock on at all. Once he is out of the way, tate the rest of the hell spawn. Now look at the seal to the right of where you are... jump to there to start up a fight... usually I just shuriken this seal, but if you want a full kill bonus, you should jump over. Now head to where the last seal is. Kill the two hell spawn and break the seal. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Now move on walls to get to the next area. You will run into a pink wall crawler, kill it. But be careful about it. Now in this next big area, head right to where the seal is. There will be 3 hellspawn (one appears later) and one ninja. Kill them however you want, but remember to look behind you once you killed the hellspawn... since the ninja probably swooped there. Break the seal that is there, then flick a shuriken at the one next to the sealed gate strait ahead. Now jump on the big platform with the seal on it. Four enemies will come out, the same deal as before... it shouldn't be that hard since they all start on the platform. Once they are dealt with, four more will come out. Kill the two hell spawn and then the ninja... a shuriken or a burst will help you if they annoy you. Now unless you didn't, break the seal next to you. Then weave your way on the walls to the last one. Break it. <4th Kekkai Breaks> ***Now jump on the wall that will lead you to the next area... as long as you aren't retarded, you should get the Makimono on the way.*** Now while going through this part, you will be fighting 4 enemies... 3 hell spawn and a wall crawler... Kill the hell spawn in a line and PRAY the wall hanger doesn't throw a shuriken at you! If you move quick enough, you should be able to do it with no problem. Once you are done there, head to the big area... now this is tricky. This part can be easy if you shuriken everything over water... but if you want max points, you need to do this... Run along the outer wall, kill the hell spawn and move on to the seal. Break it. Now three ninja and a hell spawn should appear... ingore these ninja! Kill the hell spawn... then another will appear... kill it and FLY to the next seal! Break it and hop to the wall with shurikens on it. Now keep this up and move to where two hell spawn are all the way at the top of a ramp. Now wait till the ninja are in range... kill all five of them and quickly use the walls to kill the hell spawn next to the seal! This is hard, and not really needed for points... but it can't hurt if you pull it off. Now once you are done with that... break the seal and head to the exit. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Boss Fight... Konguo? the lightning guy with the huge shuriken. Ok... this is an easy fight. He is what you do... run around until enemies come out... Run close to him to learn some of his attacks, nothing is too much to handle. Now when they spawn... they all spawn at once and all over the place. TRY your hardest to run a circle around the whole area. Now make sure you make use of your camera with the L-1 button. Once you know where to go... dash like crazy to kill it... BUT DO NOT HIT THE BOSS DURING THIS! Any ways, once you kill all of them, go for the boss... If he does his drop kick... get behind him. If he isn't doing anything... and you are behind him... shuriken him. If he isn't doing anything... and you are in front... thunder kick him. He isn't hard... Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 6,990 Boss Point ------- 20,000 Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 47,990 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 5-B Boss Fight... The nine tailed snake "Kurakuda" This is the first boss fight level... you start fighting him right off the bat. Here is what you do: Start by locking on to him... dodge all of his attacks. If he does his ice chunk attack, simply dash around him. If he does his ice beam attack, stand behind him. If he teleports, don't go near him! Now, wait till he summons snakes... but here's the catch... right when he does, he will start up his ice beam attack. This pretty much kills you if you are in it from the start... There is a way around this... make sure he is in the middle... fight the snakes behind him. To make him in the middle, if he teleports, just stand in the center. Most of the time he will try to "telefrag" you. Once you see a blue circle on the ground, dash like crazy out of it! Now once he does summon the snakes, try to cheap shot a whole bunch of them when they fall. Now once his beam starts... kill the snakes... but NOT TOO FAST! If you do, you might not get a few still stuck in the ice beam. Now against the snakes... try your hardest not to just swing like an idiot... they can ram you off the edge if you aren't careful. Ok, once you are in a safe spot... kill the snakes and quickly attack him before he teleports. Oh and he's a cheap hint... with Moritsune on normal, you can get away with a one hit kill only killing six snakes... this should make it easier. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 2,490 (May very, but doesn't matter) Boss Point ------- 30,000 Makimono --------- 2,000 Total ------------ 49,490 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 6-A Start by run around the corner. You will find your first enemy here. Run a little behind him so two more will come out... there you have an extra few tate points. Now move through the door. Four enemies will appear, take them out one by one. Just don't get caught on a beam. Now move on to the next room. This is a downward shaft... which you will be seeing a lot of during this level. Run out till the enemy spawns... don't kill it until at least one other did (noted by the counter at the top right). Now kill the one in plain sight... then hold in the lock on button while you jump down to the right. You will fall a bit, then dash towards the enemy, then to the one right next to it on the platform. Once you killed the 3rd enemy, look to far left of the room to find the last one... jump/dash and kill him. ***Now go in the door... you can see the Makimono in clear view*** Now this room is almost the same... only start at the right of the shaft, then make your way to the left single enemy. Either way, don't worry if you miss a tate here... there are only six enemies with a max of 3 at a time... Move on once finished. Run strait through the door... see the whirlpool? That's a friggen orge! This fight is a bit cheap if the orge blocks... but if you are lucky, you can get him. Make sure you first start by just killing the two machines farthest from the Orge. If the orge is far a way... use a shuriken... I wouldn't do a shuriken blast since those drones drop like flies. If you are lucky like me... 4 times out of 5, you will kill the orge by accident while trying to kill the right machine. Now once you are done with this fight, jump STRAIT forward onto a series of platforms. Four drones will appear here... if you don't get a tate on them... I don't know how you got this far :P Now head to the door. Inside this door is another shaft... this time with seals and catwalks. Now this is a hard tate to preform. First look start at the highest enemy... and MAKE sure you know how to get to the second from there without running into a beam. Once you kill the second on, head for the one at the door an then the final one. This isn't hard if don't fluster. If you jump back on the highest platform after killing the first one, you can easily drop on the second enemy. Break all the seals and head out. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Now the next room is generally the same concept as the one before. The best way I found to do this one is to stand next to the highest one, jump up, and land back on the platform after killing him. Then dash and fall to the right and rain terror on the next. Once you kill the second one, the third is right there. Then try your hardest to make it to the fourth in time... he's a little bit higher than the 3rd. Now break all the seals and head out. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Ok, in the next room, seven enemies will appear. Wait till they ALL appear, including the one right where you enter. Kill the first one and try your best to dash without hitting beams. This takes skill... so don't get pissed if you mess up. Here is a little tip... if you get hit by a laser, INSTANTLY dash to the next enemy, then jump and attack. This will help you a lot... If you kill all seven of them, you will get to see the special "Ray of light" tate, good job! Now gather the health in the middle incase you need it and move on. (Remember... you just need to kill these next few set of enemies, if you fear death, do not try to dash at a drone in the middle of a shaft) Now you are in another downwards shaft... There are four enemies... I would kill the wall crawler first, she is under the enterance. The rest of the enemies are floating in the middle not too far from there. Please TRY NOT TO **** UP! If you think you can't just air tate strait from enemy to enemy, simple jump on the wall and try again... the enemies aren't too far away. NEVER double jump before hitting something unless you are 100% sure you will NOT miss. This way you can always save your ass with it just incase. Once they are done with, four more will come out... only this time closer to the put at the bottom... so please be careful. If you got that seven kill tate, you really could skip tate points in this area... use a few shurikens to kill the machines if you don't want to risk death. Once you are done with them, break the seals and head out. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Now head into the next room... it is the same as the one where you should of had the special 7 kill tate in before. There is an orge and 3 drones right before it. You should know what to do... kill the 3 machines and then the orge. Make sure you kill the machines fast... but don't fall off the edge... you don't even need to dash. Once those 3 are comboed, shuriken the orge then strike him. Now if the orge blocks... DO NOT FEAR! Three more machines will be appearing any ways, just use them. ***Now unless you are blind, you should pick up the Makimono on the walk way.*** Now head out to another one of those down shaft rooms. This room is an annoying one... there is a moving platfrom in the middle... which you just have to hope doesn't get in your way. Any ways, I chose to do this. I killed the wall crawler to the right first. Once you do that, quickly double jump to where the machines are. (Note where they are before you adtempt this tate.) Any ways, kill the one machine, and air tate to the one next to it. Once you kill those two, fall down to the 2nd wall crawler, dash and slash it. Once they are dead, break the seals and head out. <4th Kekkai Breaks> Now you will be in the last down ward shaft room... I started on the right side of the room. Jump down and kill the drone. Then quickly hop to the drone or wall crawler in the middle... which ever comes first. Once they are both dead, get the machine on the opposite side of the room you started on. Once they are dead, four more enemies will come out. Now once again, they will spawn VERY close to the pit, so be careful. I started on the actual platform at the bottom of the pit near the exit. Make your way around the room... never directly across. Once they are done with, break the seals and head out. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Now this is a different room. Run to the edge of the platform you start on, and look to the left to find your first seal. Now dash across the gap and fall on it. Once you are done breaking the seal, dash to the enemy on the lower platform under the one you should of fell off. Kill it and keep following it to kill another enemy and the seal. Now work your way down to the lower levels, killing one more enemy and the rest of the seals. Once you break all of them, fall down on the plaform where the final door is. <6th Kekkai Breaks> Now before you enter it, turn around. There should be an orge on the other side and 4 machines on yours. Kill all the machines first, then head for the orge. You REALLY want to use a shuriken right here. If he blocks it twice, you will probably miss the tate. If you did miss the tate, that sucks... so just kill him with shurikens to be safe... gather his heatlh and head to the door. Boss Fight... Blind Swordsmen. Ok, first off... SAVE TEM NINJA STARS! Yes, you will need a shuriken if you want to make this easier... When the round first begins, jump on a wall... and LIKE IT! Seriously, don't touch the water... the key to killing him in one hit is just staying calm. Once the enemies come, you want to kill them as fast as possible... BUT NEVER DOUBLE JUMP. NEVER! They will do a very annoying attack... the drones will make a laster beam that knockes you off the walls. Once you get hit by one of these, JUMP UP TO A WALL! If you don't, and touch the water... the blind bastard will hear you and seriously **** you up. Any ways attack these drones like crazy... MAKE sure to NEVER lock on to him by accident. Either way, once you kill all of these enemies, the instant, chuck a shuriken his way. Then proceed to hit him in the back. Simple. Make sure you hit him while you aren't in the water... he'll tend to block them if you are. If you killed the first set of enemies as fast as possible, and didn't touch him at all, he should be in the middle of the stage. Again, if you some how hit him by mistake, restart. He shouldn't be hard, all of the enemies spawn at once. If you don't have any shurikens, it's a good idea to attack him with a downward slash from above... once you touch the water, it's hopeless. In fact, if you threw a shuriken and make a machine hit the water... he will think it's you can **** it up. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 11,160 Boss Point ------- 20,000 Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 52,160 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 6-B Boss Fight... Big Four Armed Guy This is another boss fight... and probably the hardest to one hit kill. First off, you have to hit his little dot on his forehead... remember that once you go for the 1 hit kill with your charged sword, to double jump and dash RIGHT for it... if he has his arms blocking the walk way, still... double jump then dash. Ok, now to how to kill him. First off, enemies will come in sets of four, you need eight. If he so happens to kill them, the order will be all screwed up. Now once all the enemies are there, please kill them extremely fast... as in don't ever touch the ground. They shouldn't pose much of a problem. When you are waiting for more enemies to come out, it would be a great idea to wait next to the ramp you come up. Why? So you don't witness this cruel boss rape his summons. If you are far away, chances are he will preform easy to dodge magic crap. Now here is when you hit him... Remember when he crosses his arms? Well, everytime I've hit him just after wards, it would kill him in one hit. The bad part? It's practically luck... this fight will take you a few tries to get down. Here's a tip... you should start killing enemies before the second batch comes in... you will just have to judge the time. Also once you see him spewwing out cold air before he does that barrier breath attack, you can one hit kill him. Cheap Way #1: You can S rank this level while hitting him twice... but you need to survive a long time... Everytime at least 6 enemies are on the screen... kill them. You should judge when you have enough tate points to make up for the 15,000 you'll get raped for hitting him twice. Do this if you don't feel like trail and error. Cheap Way #2: If you are in Stage select... or just felt like playing as Joe, you can easily stand still most of the time and chunk shurikens in his head... he will not really do anything. Enemies will still come out, but once they do, murder them and continue your onslaught of shurikens to his dome. Now when his health gets low enought, simiply kill all the enemies on the screen and hit him once... if you want to make it flashy, kill all 8 along with him. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 2,430 Boss Point ------- 30,000 Makimono --------- 2,000 Total ------------ 49,430 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 7-A Finally... a fun level. Start by going strait and going behind the bird warroir. Kill him from behind (this will take quite a few hits), then head for the other enemies. Just make sure once you get a free hit on the bird, attack it until it dies. Make sure you go all the way behind the bird, so all 3 heads appear. Now once you are done with them, 4 more enmeies will appear. I would kill the females first, then quickly dash back and forth to the stone heads. One you kill them, head out. Now once you go through a door, dash quickly to the left most barrier. This way you can cheap shot a ninja. Kill all four of these enemies to unlock the gate. <1st Kekkai Breaks> ***Now don't head to that same left gate, head to the one on the opposite way you came in... their should be a Makimono in here.*** Now a big fight will start. I would urge you to take a bird out, then all the heads, then the last bird. Good luck. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Ok, now once through the next door on the correct path, KEEP DASHING TOWARDS THE END! You are doing this so 9 enemies will appear, making your tate points are really high. They may be hard to all kill, so you may want to heard them all before-hand. Remember, if you run back to the beginning, you can dash up the hills, which would save time. Once you kill all nine, you will see the Cherry Blossem Tate. Any ways move on. Grab the shurikens on the wall and snipe the two stone faces over the pit. They are not worth the effort, so just kill them this way. Now carefully make your way across the way avoiding the waterfalls. ***At the end of these jumps, a Makimono is in the air, hard to miss.*** Now on the other end, a bird warrior will fall. Try to kill him on the platform so you get a small tate bonus... and incase you need the health. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Now you'll be in another area where you must go to the end first to make all nine enemies appear... another 9 tate is on the way... this one much easier since it's a smaller path. Use a shuriken blast if the female ninja are in a group. Move on afterwards. Now you will be in another room with two seals. Five ninja will appear now... again, do the same thing, start next to the farther barrier and cheap shot at least one of them. <4th Kekkai Breaks> Once you are done killing them, head in the same door as you found the first Makimono in. Just kill the 2 wave of stone heads... it shouldn't be hard at all. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Now head out and go the correct way. Now you will be on a path... You should know that you have to run to the end again... simple. Just make sure you kill all nine again. Once they are done with, four more enemies will come out. Kill the bird first, then the others. Now after that path, you should head to another area with a little lake. Make sure you run around to where the flat circle is to spawn all the enemies possible... this is just like the first part of the stage, not that hard, just make sure if those stone heads are far away from each other, start on one on the end of the batch, not in the middle. After they are dead, another batch of six will come out... do the same old things... kill the bird first if you want less risk. Make sure you note where the farthest stone head is... he likes to hide behind that gazeebo. Once they are dead, four enemies will come out. Kill the ninja first, then circle around the gazeebo to find the rest of the enemies. Then just three more will come out... nothing special. Move on. Now keep going up a path until you see a pit... 4 enemies will jump down... do not push any enemies off! I would kill the three ninja before the bird in this fight... just make sure you use them shurikens the right way. If the bird is too close to you, use a well timed kick on him to break his gaurd. Now once they are dead, double jump and dash to the wall under the gate. This will bring you to the last fight of the level. 8 enemies will appear... 5 stone heads, and 3 bird warriors! One hell of a finale! I would recommend using a shuriken blast in the middle and take out a bird on the side first to make things easier... then attack the rest of the heads. Just try your hardest... if you got all three of those 9 kill tates, this one isn't as important. <6th Kekkai Breaks> Now head in the door... Boss Fight... Ageha This ***** is so friggen simple to kill. First off do not touch her or the lanterns. Dash around the edges to avoid her. Now don't get excited once four pink fires will come out... you still have to wait till four more come out. So keep dashing until all eight are out. Make sure not to hit her by mistake... I've done that too many times. Also, you have to really look for the pink fires amoung the dead ones... once you get that down, there is nothing hard about hitting her. You may use a shuriken if she is in the middle of an attack. Any ways, with moritsune, you don't need to hit her in the back, or if you do, you don't need to kill all the enemies... but just go for 8 any ways, it isn't hard. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 20,910 Boss Point ------- 20,000 Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 61,910 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 7-B Boss Fight... Aomizuchi... This is an easy fight. First off, you have to wait till all the enemies come out. They will come out two at a time. They are easy to kill dragons... they move very slow, but spawn everywhere. Any ways, once there are 6 out, start killing them, as you are doing this, the last two should come out during this. Make sure you kill them slow... as you don't want them dead before the last two come. Ok, now once you have your sword charged, you need to hit him in his back. If he is standing after an attack, just hit him in the back... Try not to dash towards him, or else he will too. If he is dashing, he will make an easy pattern, like a V, ending where you where. Dash out of the way WITHOUT locking on to him, then run behind him and stab him in the back. If he is facing you once you get all 8 enemies in a combo, run infront fo him so he could do his one attack... this will make him wide open for a kill. If you miss the one hit kill... no biggie, just chill till the next batch of 8 come... it can't hurt your score. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 4,350 (<- Took me two tries this run :( ) Boss Point ------- 30,000 Makimono --------- 2,000 Total ------------ 51,350 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 8-A Before even thinking about doing this level, make sure you are very good at the air tate. With that said, move forward from the beginning and break the seal. Kill the three floating heads and move on the lower roof to the next seal. Break it and but don't kill the heads yet... jump up a little past the top roof to make two more appear. Once you do that, take them out and the rest of the seals and move out. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Now you will be in a hallway... with no ground. Run on the left wall to gather some red stuff for your sword... then head to the door. Now head to the big roof... and kill the four enemies, not hard. Just make sure you don't go for the ninja while he is over the pit. Now use the pillers to make your way to the group of roofs to the exit. While you are doing this, make sure you kill the two stone heads that appear on the wall sides. Once you kill the second one, you are on the right side to get to the roofs. Now jump on that roof, three heads will appear... but DO NOT KILL THEM! Jump on the next roof to make even more enemies appear. There are nine of them... make sure you be careful when screwing around with the three ninja. If you pull this off, you will see the mini fireball tate screen. ***Once they are all dead, jump down in the little roof below the rest of the roofs... there will be a Makimono on it.*** Once you nab that, head to the exit. Now you will be in another ground- less hallway. Four enemies will appear along the second long section. Tate these all in the air, if you suck at this, at least kill them, but this is an easy one... Ok, now continue on the walls, you will come along three more head along the next long section's corner. Remember, there will be no tate scene, so you must dash quickly to the wall once you kill the last enemy. Ok, once you are out of the hall, you will be in another large area. Run and jump strait up to that roof top. Enemies will come out, kill the ninja first, then work your way around the 3 heads. Now head to the next roof. 5 heads and an ORGE! It is very important not to screw up... if you do, you will probably get knocked off the roof! Any ways, start by killing all the heads. Right after your last kill, remember to throw a shuriken at the orge, this is very important. Now before you move on to the exit, head back to the first roof of this room. Now from there, jump on that piller in the middle of nowhere. Now once you make your way to the other side, 4 heads will be in the air, you need to air tate them. You can't screw up here... there is no safety if you mess up. Start by locking on, double jumping, then dashing towards the first enemy. To rest you should know how to do. Remember, you will probably need to hit the first enemy twice, so don't mess up! Once you are on that platfrom with the Oboro coin, you need to stick to the wall facing the rooftop where the orge came out of. Jump to it, using a dash as well, then exit. Now you will be in another floorless hallway. In the middle of it, you will see a wall of stone heads. This isn't as hard as it looks... just start from one end to the next. Make sure you don't use your double jump until you need it. Once they are dealt with, end on to the next big room, that looks just like the first room. Kill the first four enemies and follow the same path as the original room. Only this time, on the second set of enemies, there are many ninja in place of a few heads. Three start right in the beginning... I would use a shuriken blast... not only to hit them, but to break that seal right above you are well. DO NOT DO THIS IF THEY STARTED DASHING! Only do it before they actually start moving to prevent them from falling into the hole. Now break all the rest of the seals in this room. But for the last one (down low on the roof, right across from the way you came in). Two ninja will spawn here. I would shuriken them both... no point taking cheap damage from just two enemies. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Now move on to another hallway. Nothing imporatant is in here... so move on. Once you open the door, enemies will start spawning... HURRY UP AND KILL THEM! You are doing this so you can kill stun the orge right when he comes up standing... he usually won't block it this way. This tate is also important incase you need health as well. Now jump to the pillars, killing the two enemies. (A seal is above the second one). ***There is a Makimono between the two pillars. It is close to the side of the closest one before you start to jump at them.*** Now jump to the next roof. Only about 6 enemies will appear. Kill them all. This isn't anything you haven't done before. Any ways, break the seals and head out. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Now this is, in my opinion, the hardest room in the game to preform well in. There are a few heads... AND A NINJA in this bottomless hall way. If you want to play this safe, jump to the wall after every kill... and ONLY attack the ninja AFTER he is done with an attack. Once they are dead... six more enemies will appear! Along with another ninja! I got lucky every time I've done this one... the ninja usually ended up getting killed by accident from my blade... any ways, do the same thing, but be carefull to not screw around. Once they are dead, four more enemies will come out. These are just four heads... nothing harder than what you just did. Now you will be in the final big area of the level. Jump on the roof and kill the four enemies... then make your way up to the ledge with the door on it... Boss Fight... The Door. Don't screw up, if you mess up, you start at the beginning of the level. Any ways, wait till all the enemies spawn... including an orge, it should take too much time. Kill the heads first, then the orge... then quickly hit the door from anywhere. One hit will ALWAYS kill it with all the enemies comboed. This isn't hard... you just can't retry. IF the orge blocks too much, kill it asap. Gather it's health and try again. If you are having trouble killing the orge, you can just kill the heads and then the door... the funny part is, the stage won't end right there, so you can still kill the orge for extra points. Either way, you will still get your 20,000 boss points for killing the door in once hit. Oh yea, while killing the floating heads, if you lock on to the orge, try your luck in killing it off just right there. It can't hurt, just don't get whacked by his club. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 17,880 Boss Point ------- 20,000 Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 58,880 [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 8-B Ok, you made it to the last level... don't get choppy now. Any ways, start off by moving forward and slashing the door. Once you are in the hallway, simply walk into the room across from it. Yes, if you expect to get an S rank, you need to fight all these battles... So break the seal. 3 enemies will come out... nothing hard, do what you'd like. With Moritsune, they die fast enough to not warrant any order to kill. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Now move to the next closed door room. Again, three enemies will come out, kill them any way you'd like still. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Now break the last seal to move on. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Now keep moving forward in the next room. Four hellspawn will come out along with an orge right behind you. Don't kill these hell spawn the fastest now... you might not even have time for the orge to be a target. Any ways, once you kill all of these flying fruit cakes, toss a shuriken at the two headed fat boy, and pray you can take him out. Just dash jump dash to make sure you get to him fast enough and high enough. Now head out. <4th Kekkai Breaks> Now walk into the room right across from where you exited. Just three hellspawn will be in here... not hard at all... just break the seal and move out. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Now head to the next room on the same side... same battle you've seen before... break the seal. <6th Kekkai Breaks> Now head to the room right across this one. This room will have three ninja and a hell spawn. Either kill the hellspawn first or try and cheap shot a ninja. Either way... kill them and head out. <7th Kekkai Breaks> Now break the rest of the seals and move to the new hall way. <8th Kekkai Breaks> Now head in the right door... keep dashing through the next room through another door. Now five enemies will appear. You can cheap shot the ninja once they start appearing. Kill them all... it shouldn't be a problem. <9th Kekkai Breaks> Now head in the room across from this one on the opposite side. There should be health in here if you need it... but, yep, you guessed it, it's an ambush. Four ninja and a hellspawn. I would kill a ninja, then the hellspawn... then mop up the rest. Either way, it still shouldn't be hard. <10th Kekkai Breaks> Now get back in the hallway and enter the room with the shuriken in the middle. This room is also an ambush... just kill the four enemies. <11th Kekkai Breaks> Now head to the last room of the four you didn't enter yet... but once again, dash to the other end to mkae all 5 enemies appear at once. Cheap shot the middle ninja if you dashed quick enough to the opposite side. Once the three ninja are killed, take out the duo of hellspawn, but make sure you are dashing quickly... and try not to get hit by them nasty fireballs they spit. <12th Kekkai Breaks> Now go in the hallway... four hellspawn and an orge will appear. You should know the drill... kill the hell spawn ASAP, then shuriken the orge and pray he doesn't block it. Now break all the seals and exit. <13th Kekkai Breaks> Now head out. Right when you get to the new hallway, you will be greeted by four hell spawn. They aren't hard to kill, but they are there for you. <14th Kekkai Breaks> Now this next room is an annoying one. There are two hell spawn hovering over pits. Try your best to dash out, killing one, then jumping back to saftey. Make sure you remember that the first one will probably take you two hits to kill. Now break those seals and exit. <15th Kekkai Breaks> Now you will be in room just like the other one... same crap, two annoying hell spawn. Kill them the same way, just make sure you break the seal over the first up-and-down platform. If you hate these hell spawn, just do a shuriken blast over the second up-and-down platform. Not only will it destroy the seals, but it should kill at least one hell spawn, and leave one helpless right next to you. Either way, kill all the enemies and head out. <16th Kekkai Breaks> Now once in this new hallway, you will encounter 4 ninja... dash to the barrier quickly to cheap shot at least one of them. Kill the rest in the same manner as before. <17th Kekkai Breaks> Now head out... the next hallway is almost the same... only the two ninja next to the barrier START facing their backs to you! Help them realize their mistake. Once they are all dead, head out. <18th Kekkai Breaks> Now right when you enter the next room, you will see three hellspawn. Kill them all. ***There is a VERY hard to miss Makimono before you have to climb up, pick it up, why don't you?*** Now head up the huge wall... as fast as possible. This way you won't get raped by many hell spawn. Once you are at the top, kill all of them, but don't start at the middle one. Any ways, start the next room by double jumping and dashing to the highest seal. Once you are up there, a ninja will appear with his back toward you... kill him and make your way down. <19th Kekkai Breaks> Now this next room my be one of the hardest in the game. You have kill an orge, two ninja, and two hell spawn! If you don't care about max points, I would suggest using a shuriken burst to ensure you hit that orge and just kill everything. But if you do want points... you could try and kill all the enemies before you attack the orge... but it will be hard due to the space. Either way, good luck... if I was you, I would try to kill a ninja, then the two hell spawn before the orge is fully active. <20th Kekkai Breaks> Now drop down into the hole. Halfway through this hallway, you will see four ninja in the middle. Kill them all... if you got this far, you should know how to by now. Now keep heading a little father, and you'll meet up with more enemies. You don't need any more help with this. Once you are done killing them, dash quickly to the barrier... four ninja come out... if you were quick enough, you can cheap shot any two you want. <21st Kekkai Breaks> ***Plain view there is a Makimono in front of you... *** Now this is beyond the most difficult part in the game to get all the kills. I'm not going to do each part by itself... but here is what to do. You are on small platforms... each with enemies on them... +If a ninja is on one, WITH a backing, always hit him towards it. +If there is any hell spawn, kill them first to ensure less hits. +If there is just ninja, shuriken, and hit them in the back. +ALWAYS CHEAP SHOT! +Don't forget you can cheap shot a whole line of enemies. You want to kill them all without knocking them off the edge. I'm pretty sure, but not 100%, that this will effect your kill 100%. Any ways, if you are sure you killed enough enemies allready, don't smash your controller if you miss an enemy... just remember to one hit kill the boss. It happens to me all the time... they like to jump off the edge like retards. But do remember this, if you take your sweet time, Akujiki will hurt you a little. Once you make it to the top... the last barrier... you need to kill three hell spawn and an orge! This sucks... if you are at low health, I would advise you to just pump shurikens into him until it dies... but if you have balls... wait a tad till everything is about up, then start killing. More than ever to you want him not to block. One more thing... even with Moritsune, you need to hit this orge twice since there aren't enough enemies... just remember you need to dash and slash twice... and pray he doesn't block! Boss Fight... Hiruko Ubusuna Ok, this is for all the marbles. This stage is broken up into two parts. The first part I'm not helping you with, you should all ready know how to deal with it. But the actually fight begins in the second part... where his life bar comes into play. Ok, first off is the set up. You need all eight little black peices of toliet paper to be on screen. So just wait till they do... of course you will be avoiding Hiruko and the others he has summoned... They come in packs of two. Now... you need the time to hit him... (Before you read on, make sure you have good luck). You have to hit him in the back, by the way, a front shot will not cut it. Here they are. +When he is on the ground not performing a spell. (Needs a kick) +When he is on the ground after doing his melee attacks. (No kick) +When he is in the air after his, "Spirits of the underworld" attack. +When he is in the air after a spell next to the wall. The only time you can't hit him in the back, is when he is in the air doing nothing, as he will turn towards you. Now when you kick him, you don't even need to dash behind him... it's actually safer if you just run behind him... you have enough time. When he is next to the wall, dash to it so you are behind him, this way you will be able to attack him right in the back. Now here is a break down of his attacks and how you should deal with them while killing the talismans. ONE WORD OF ADVISE, ALWAYS KNOW WHERE HE IS! It shouldn't be too hard, he has an aura AND confetie flying everywhere. "...Fires of Hell" This is a fireball, and a slow moving one. When you here this, just make sure you move to random talismans... if you move in zig-zags, you should be fine. If you are close to him and he is in the air, simply dash under him to make it hit the ground fast. "...Wraith of the Earth" Simple, just jump up. Even if this does hit you, no sweet if you have the life. Consider this a free attack, since he is open right afterwards and it is VERY easy to avoid. "...Power of the Heavens" This is a triple lightning attack... but here is an important thing to know: The first two hits will never hit you unless you actually dash into them. Just try to know where it is coming from and dash at the last second. If you get hit by one, DO NOT PANIC. Simply dash like crazy to wear it off, then KILL A TALISMAN ASAP to ensure your tate lives. "...Icey Touch..." This is probably on the level of attacks you don't want him to use. Four shots will come out. As long as you are moving around, and not towards him, this shouldn't hit you. But do this, avoid the first two, then kill something, then avoid the next two. Just make sure the thing you kill is on the way, and can be killed very quickly with a fast jump/dash/slash. "Spirits of the Underworld, Obey your master!" Five beams of light will come out of him and move up ward to hit you. There are three things you can do. 1. Avoid them, but only really at long range. 2. Suck up the damage. If you aren't almost dead, just dash through them. If you are lucky, you will go through, if not, you will take some damage. Just make sure you attack the nearest talisman afterwards. 3. If you are close, get behind him. The bad part about this, is unless he is in the middle, you probably won't have enough enemies to keep your tate alive until it's over. Remember this attack leaves him open from behing in the air. "HUUWHAAA!" Hit retry. OR... dash to him FASTER THAN YOU EVER DASHED before. This is so you don't endure a beatdown from a dork, dual wielding fans. If he does do this, you can consider you and your tate screwed... Remember to kick him. If by any chance he does this, and you have just killed your eighth enemy, go for a kill, but you still need to kick him. Remember when actually killing the talismans, to work your way around them, and save one next to him if he is in the middle of a spell. They can be tricky to hit. I would suggest killing the ones in the air first as they are easier to kill. When you go for the ones closer to the ground, do not lock on if you are point blank... you will miss. And NEVER dash right toward one... fireballs may be weak, but when 5 of them stun you at one, it will hurt like a *****. Also, you want to avoid getting close to them to prevent them from exploding in your face. Once you see their eye turn red, look for another talisman... chances are, once their eye is red, they are floating fast in circles... so it's not a good idea to try and hit them in the first place. One more thing. If you miss the tate from not getting to him in time, don't worry, they all give you health so you can start over almost fresh... plus if you kill them all at once, they will come almost at the same time during the next batch. Oh, and it would be a good idea to start killing them once six of them appear. Kill 100% -------- 15,000 Tate Point ------- 15,660 Boss Point ------- 30,000 Makimono --------- 6,000 Total ------------ 66,660 (<-- Nice) And just for the hell of it... Total: 901,180 In closing, if you didn't nab an S rank, go through stage select... My personal best game run was 1,111,100 :) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #####========#####==####==#####========#####========#####========##### #####==###########==####==#####==####==#####==###########==####==##### #####========#####==####==#####========#####======#######========##### ###########==#####==####==#####==###########==###########==##==####### #####========#####========#####==###########========#####==###==###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Super walkthrough (Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) -Stage 1 A -Stage 1 B -Stage 2 A -Stage 2 B -Stage 3 A -Stage 3 B -Stage 4 A -Stage 4 B -Stage 5 A -Stage 5 B -Stage 6 A -Stage 6 B -Stage 7 A -Stage 7 B -Stage 8 A -Stage 8 B This section is a plain and easy walk through of Super. Before you even read on, please remember I (and you should as well) do not care about rank. In fact, most of the strats for bosses will be the dirty easy way to kill them. That means you will be collecting all three makimono in every level. Also, I'm listing all the coin locations in a walk through type of way. Trust me, if you are using this FAQ in the first place, you do not want to have to do the last level on Super twice because you forgot the coin. Coins will be noted if they can only be found in a certain difficulty. Each level has one more coin for hard and super... but some vary in normal. (If you got them all on normal and hard, you obviously don't have to get them over again... likewise if you are on normal, you can ingore the hard and super coins, as they are not there) Also, one more important thing... I am using Moritsune, again. His strength will make the game so much more easier. If you don't have him unlocked, you can use this FAQ with hotsuma on normal. It's just the same, only easier. With the last thing in mind, this is meant for Super, but everything will work for a lower difficutly. Oh, one last thing... YOU WILL BE DASHING AT ALL TIMES! When I say skip a fight, that means you can get away with it and make up lost yin or yang later. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 1 A (3 Normal/1 Hard/1 Super Coin) First start out by killing the three ninja in the first area. Simple enough if you got to Super in the first place. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Kill the two ninja in the alleyway, another simple kill. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> In the next room, skip the dogs and head to the when the barrier. ***On the way, grab the Makimono, just in case the boss may cause problems.*** Now kill the three ninja, simple still. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> In the next alley way, there is four more enemies, kill them any way you want. <4th Kekkai Breaks> The next area has a tank in it, dash right too him (jump dashing the missile he shoots). Now just whail on the back of it and clean up the rest of the ninja. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Now travel through the end of this next alley... KILL these enemies here... you have a lot of Coins to collect in this area. Now after you collect your red stuff, head left. ***Grab the Makimono in the alley way.*** ~~~Now in this same alley, stick to the left wall (if you are facing the way out AFTER you grab the Makimono) and jump in the nitch. There is a (Hard) Coin in there.~~~ You don't need to kill the enemies. ~~~Now once you emerge back into the open area, jump up to the left. There is a (Normal) Coin up there in the back.~~~ Kill the enemies and look in the air. ~~~A very hard to get (Super) coin is in the air... you have to grab on to the wall to get enough height... then jump dash jump to it. This may take a few reties as the camera will not let you see it before you jump. If you are running out of slash, head back to the alley to kill four ninja. You can grab it from the side of the wall closest to the exit as well, you can see the coin, but you need perfect jumping.~~~ Once you grab all the coins, kill the enemies next to the gate and head out. <6th Kekkai Breaks> The next hallway will be a god send to restore your slash gauge. Kill them all. <7th Kekkai Breaks> ~~~Right when you exit the final alley way of the level, turn right. There is a nicth with a (Normal) Coin.~~~ Now I took out mister tank with a tate. This will be a great idea if you are low on health. Kill it first or last to ensure it goes through. Now kill the three more ninja. ~~~Do not leave right off the bat, face the wall perpendicular to the Kekkai barrier. Now look right and jump into the hidden alley way. You have to jump over a little part of destroyed building to get in there. There is a (Normal) Coin in there. If you still have trouble finding it, just simply circle all the walls until you see an opening... that's how I found it :P~~~ Boss Fight. Ok, it's your old helicopter friend. He shouldn't be too hard to take down... but if you need help, here is what you can do. If you can't manage to kill him with slashes, just slap on the wind magic that lets you slash green waves at it. Don't take off your lock on him and just keep jumping and pressing square... Seriously, you shouldn't need to... [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 1 B (2 Normal/1 Hard/1 Super Coin) ***Right off the bat, dash around the first corner and run on the wall to grab the Makimono.*** Skip the solo ninja on that rooftop and jump jump dash to where the seal is. Break it and head out. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Now you should know how to get by this next area quickly, any ways keep on dashing to the next building ignoring the wall crawler. Kill all these ninja to earn yourself some much needed yin. Head to the next building, kill the hellspawn because he's just floating there like an idiot. ~~~Now once you kill that hellspawn, jump dash to the wall with the shuriken on it. Now circle left to the roof to grab the (Normal) Coin. You can clearly see it from the roof you killed the hellspawn on.~~~ Now move to where the exit is... break the seal on head out. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Now head through the next path way, avoiding all the smog... ~~~Once you are out of this and into a bigger area, look to your upper right to see the (Normal) Coin. To get it, just stick to the wall and jump jump dash.~~~ ~~~Now this is harder to pull off. Jump to the little section sticking out of the wall. It is right off of where you get the coin in the direction you should be facing. It doesn't look like you can jump on it, but you can. Now the (Super) Coin is directly behind this... so you need to jump around it. Here... look at this. ############################################### ### X | ### | | <--- Unclimbable #### #### #### | | | <--- Unclimbable | | ===# =X=# ===# ===# | | <--- Unclimbable =====# <--- Climbable =====# === <---- Enter from here X = Coin. Just make sure you don't screw up with a jump, the camera gets pretty trickey once you are in the corner with the coin.~~~ Now jump to the closest roof top after you are done getting the coin. I would grab the health and kill the enemies once you are on the higher roof to refill yourself. Once you are done there, break the seal and head out. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Once you are through that gate, dash constantly to the next open area. ***Once you are in the open area, jump on the wall and grab the Makimono on the ledge right off the bat.*** Ignore all the other enemies, break the seal and head out. <4th Kekkai Breaks> Again, keep on dashing through the next area (refill on yin if you are moving at a snails pace). Head all the way to the end of the level, still ignoring everything. ~~~Once you are at the end, five hell spawn will spawn a "tate bridge" to the right of the exit. Air tate them and land on the little platform. Now follow the simple series of roof tops to the top where the (Hard) Coin is. You will need to air tate 2 more times. You shouldn't have a problem... you kill them all in one hit.~~~ Once you are done with that, get back to the exit and break the final two seals of the level and exit. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Boss Fight. Ok, first off, make sure you have 3 Makimono scrolls. If you die, press start and manually retry to bring you back with 3 scrolls... Hopefully you have a lot of health, as when you restart this way, you will have the health you came in with. But this shouldn't really be an issue... you can easily kill him under 5 seconds without getting touched. Any ways, equip your fire spell. Run RIGHT up to him. Now once he starts his charge, quickly use it. If you time this right, he will charge right through you and you will hit him in the back. You will not take any damage as you can't be harmed while casting it. _____ | @ |============|=================================================== |/ \| It does about THAT much to him... once you hit him, just tap the Ka'an fire magic crap again. He will die no matter where you hit him. If you miss... do it again! A very simple boss, isn't he :) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 2 A (1 Normal/1 Hard/1 Super Coin) This is a very easy level, start by killing the first four enemies and moving on. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Now once through that gate, ignore all the enemies and dash right to the other gate. There is just three enemies here, simply kill them and move on. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Dash quickly behind the bird, but watch out for the shockwave... I'm pretty sure on Super it has a wider range. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> Now in this next area, whipe out all the enemies. They shouldn't be hard to kill. ~~~Now look above all of the gates, you should see a (Super) coin floating in the air above one in the middle. You need to jump on the border and double jump and dash to it. It may take a few tries from the camera angle.~~~ <4th Kekkai Breaks> ***Before you head out, remember to grab the Makimono above the last gate.*** Now in this next area, you need to kill the ninja on the corners of the border... you should know how to do it by now. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Now in the middle on the next big area, you should jump in the middle first to avoid getting surrounded. After you kill the first ninja, they should all fall very fast. Now 4 dogs and a bird warrior will fall down, try a shuriken blast and attack the bird in the back. The rest of the dogs shouldn't be a problem with the bird out of the way. ~~~Before you leave, make sure you get the (Normal) Coin that's floating in the air. Hard to miss and easy to get.~~~ <6th Kekkai Breaks> Just three ninja and a health in the next area, nothing hard... <7th Kekkai Breaks> Now in the next area, you have to kill three waves of four ninja. They aren't hard, just remember to cheap shoot as many as possible. <8th Kekkai Breaks> ~~~Now skip the five ninja here and jump right to where you can see the (Hard) coin floating in air. This is one of the easiest to get coins over a pit... I don't think I need to tell you how to jump and dash.~~~ Now after you get past that, go next to the gate. A bird warrior and four ninja will come down. Doing a shuriken blast is a great idea. <9th Kekkai Breaks> Just four ninja... <10th Kekkai Breaks> ***Once you get in the last area, get the makimono in the left lantern.*** Now in the last area, you will have to fight 4 dogs and 2 bird warriors. You want to kill the dogs first, then shuriken blast inbetween the two birds... then kill them. Grab your health and leave. <11th Kekkai Breaks> Boss Fight. This is a very easy fight... you want to dash in between both of them and use a fire spell. This will damage them both a good amount. Now stun the one you hate more with a shuriken... then use another fire spell behind him or her. Now do the same with the one that isn't dead yet. This isn't hard at all... If you don't have any scrolls here is the best way to kill them. The girl: Stun her ONCE, then hit her in the back. Then JUMP over her dash attack... while in air, lock on to her and dash at her with a slash. The guy: He is very difficult to hit without a shuriken, so I would recommend saving up on them until you can hit him with four dead ass dogs. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 2 B (1 Normal/1 Hard/1 Super Coin) ***Right from the start, jump over the left wall and grab the Makimono in the left lantern. Also grab the shuriken in there just in case*** Now jump back over and dash right to the seal, break it and head out. <1st Kekkai Breaks> Kill the hellspawn for Yin purposes only, move on after wards. ~~~Now once you are in the next big area, jump on the house to snag a (Normal) Coin. You may need to get on the wall behind it first. The coin is in the air a little away from the house.~~~ Now in this area, all you need to do is break all the seals. Don't travel down the path way, just flick a shuriken at it. <2nd Kekkai Breaks> Now in the next part with 3 hell spawn and 2 ninja, I killed JUST the hellspawn. Once you do that, quickly dash to the gate and use a shuriken burst. <3rd Kekkai Breaks> In the next area, just go for the seals again, go around the house to make sure you hit the on in the air last. <4th Kekkai Breaks> Ignore every enemy in the next part and use a shuriken burst at the end to open the gate faster. <5th Kekkai Breaks> Now in this area with the pit, you want to be carefull... first off ignore the first set of enemies, and make you way to the second little chunk of land. You don't need to worry about the ninja, just kill the hell spawn for now. Kill 3 sets of 3 of them... you'll see why in a second... ~~~Run along the wall and jump off it to grab the (Super) coin. This is hard to nab, but you can see right where it is from the other side of the map. Either land back on the wall or the platform.~~~ ***From the platfrom right after the coin, grab the Makimono.*** ~~~From where you got the Makimono, just jump across the gap to the (Hard) coin.~~~ Now just mop up all the seals and exit this place. <6th Kekkai Breaks> Now just dash to the first and final orange gate. There is just three birds and two hell spawn left to kill. Getting a tate is nice, but don't be afraid to use up all of your shurikens to defeat them as they are useless for the boss. Make sure to grab all the health and head out. <7th Kekkai Breaks> Boss Fight. Unless you have trouble holding on the lock on button and repeatly chasing and hitting the helicopter do this: Kill him to at least... _____ | @ |============================================|=================== |/ \| This shouldn't be hard... any ways, once he's there, either use the wind or fire spell depending where you are. It shouldn't be hard to kill him, I've done it every time before the enemies came out. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 3 A [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 3 B [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 4 A [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 4 B [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 5 A [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 5 B [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 6 A [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 6 B [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 7 A [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 7 B [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 8 A [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Stage 8 B [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##===###==##========##===##===##========##========##========# #==########====##==##==########========#####==#####==########==####### #======####==#==#==##======####==#==#==#####==#####======####========# #==########==##====##==########==####==#####==#####==##############==# #========##==###===##========##==####==##========##========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Enemies... This section will review all the enemies I seen in the game and how to deal with them. These will be graded by my system... they are self explanitory. Blue Oboro Ninja This is the basic enemy in Shinobi. If you are using Mortisune, they should all drop with one attack, no more. They are weak and rarely attack. Nothing I can say can make fighting these an easier... they rarely block either. Just make sure you dash right up to them and only use one hit... no point doing a wasted combo unless they are close together. Found in: 1-A, 1-B, 2-A Brown Dogs This is probably the easiet thing to kill in the game. Nothing is protecting it, so one slash is all you need to put it down. Just make sure you aren't locked on to them once they start spinning... otherwise you'll miss. If that happens, just slash in front of them. But don't worry, they rarely do that. Found in: 1-A Infested Tanks A tank with a talisman on it... from long range they can be a pain if you ignore them. But remember this, they can't shoot vertical at all... so when you see something get shot, just jump. Any ways, when you attack them, do it from the back if you can... never on the top as they can make you go flying with a swing of their turret. Either kill these first or last with a tate... last is a good idea as they never block. They give you health when they die, so remember to pick it up if you need it. Found in: 1-A Orange Hellspawns The first aerial enemy you should encounter. They look like friggen flying fish, with carpets for arms. They will only really annoy you. All they can did is launch a fast paced fire ball at you. As long as you aren't standing still, it should never hit you. Lock on to these guys, jump, dash, then slash. Bam! Dead hell spawn. They should take no more than one hit. If you sense that they will shoot a fire ball out, you could be ballsy and try to dash through it. Found in: 1-B, 2-B Grey Wall Crawlers One of the most annoying enemies in the game. But only these one are easier to kill... All they can really do at this point is chuck a shuriken at you. Like I said... annoying. Just make sure you jump and dash to them... but attack BEFORE you would hit the wall... or you will stick to it and miss her. They can attack you, but it shouldn't be a problem. Found in: 1-B White Dogs Another easy enemy... the same as the brown dogs... Only they will tend to attack more and run around you more. It still takes one hit to kill them... Found in: 2-A Green Bird Warriors A tough enemy to say the least... His attacks consist of a two hit combo and a large slam. If he hits you once, NEVER try to attack him again right after... you'll only completly lose your tate and a lot of health. Dash around him to try and counter attack. If you see just his poll, dash away! And by the way... kiss your tate away... The best ways to kill these guys are very simple... but can foil... 1. Throw a shuriken. This will stun them and let you wreak havok on them. If they block these, you will most likely fail a tate. To ensure you hit them with this... make sure you do it from far away. 2. Thunder Kick. Kicking them will leave them open... something you may not think to do since they are so big. Either way, make sure you hit them in the back, as they have a lot of health, espeically compared to the other enemies in the level. If there is just one of them, take them out first. If there is more than one, make sure the last one is taken out when your sword is fully charged. Least they give you health afterwards. Found in: 2-A, 2-B Green Oboro Ninja This is the first enemy in the game that will serious start to test you dashing skills. If they are standing still, NEVER attack them from the front. If anything, attack them from the side. Also, a kick or a shuriken will make their blocking useless. If they are attacking you, or running at you like idiots, then attack them. If they do their jump attack to you, simply run behind them and wait till they stop. Found in: 2-B, 3-A, 3-B Armored Dogs These enemies are the most annoying to most people, and usually turn them off towards the game... I never found them THAT hard... They are generally the same as the other doggies... only they attack more and do more damage... and one other small thing... they have a two bladed dagger in their mouth... To counter this, attack them from the back. They stand still long enough for you to even just run around them. If they are in groups, use a shuriken blast... or even that charge move done by locking on to them and holding down square. Found in: 3-A Greater Infested Tanks These are tanks more red in color... all they do is take longer to kill. Read up on the first tank enemy for tips. Found in: 3-A, 4-A, 4-B Pink Wall Crawlers These are the upgrade of the grey versions. They just take a bit longer to kill. Kill them first or last, because unless you have it down, hitting them twice can be frustrating. Found in: 3-B, 5-A Hell Spawn Spiders Very easy enemies. They will only adtempt to jump at you. Once slash with Moritsune will kill each one... they also can't block, so do the math. You often have to fight these while being stuck in web... if you are, MASH DASH! Never try to run. Found in: 3-B Hell Spawn Moths Very easy and pretty much the most common type of enemy in the game... They charge or spit a fire ball at you. Both can be dodged or avoided by just paying attention... be warry once you see them glow. This means something is coming your way. This may be easier said than done once you are trying to quickly go for a tate. If you don't care about rank, toss a shuriken in this guys to knock them into a pit of lava for a fast kill. Found in: 4-A, 4-B Pink Orobo Ninja Just an upgrade of the Green ninja. They block more often and are a bit stronger. They still can be killed the same way, by using good dashing skills. I've seen them do things with Fire on their hands before... but to be honest, I always killed them before hand... Found in: 4-A, 4-B Spinning Disk Faces The same thing as the Moths... Only their fire balls are bigger and they charge farther. You will only see them at the boss fight... so remember to pick up there health if you miss the tate. Remember one important thing... save your second jump until you need it... this way incase your extra dash misses the edge over the lava, you can still jump out... simple to do, but easy to forget. Found in: 4-A Blue Hellspawn Same as the orange, only more durable. They also have a slower homing fireball. It's stronger and will knock you back on top of stunning you so watch out. Found in: 5-A Grey Orobo Ninja Pretty much the single most dangerous enemy in the game in my opinion. You will notice they have wings... yep, they fly. If you stand too long they will chuck a shuriken at you and stun you... this will suck if you are on a wall or going to try to air tate them. One other annoying thing is how they charge are you in a very odd way... they swoop down. Why does this suck? Say you are in the middle of a tate... and dash towards them... and they dash at you... and you will miss and fall to your death. The best thing to do is wait till they are over ground, to ensure you don't die be a pit. Use shuriken burst to knock then all down if there are many. Found in: 5-A, 8-A Red Cubby Faces Pretty much the same as the moths or Disk faces... only they spin to the ground more often. Found in: 5-A Snakes Very fast and skinny enemies... spawn by the boss of stage 5-B. They do one thing... ram you. If you can dash to the side (with out locking on) you can avoid them... but then you still have to worry about 7 more of them. Refer to that level for a better idea. Found in: 5-B Hovering Drone This is a machine that will just float. It attacks like most of the other hovering enemies... only it doesn't charge or move at all! If you can reach them, just dash like crazy to them and kill them... simple. However, during the boss fight... they adopted a new laser... It will stay put and usually hit you... just make sure you don't touch the water, refer to the boss strat for more info. Found in: 6-A Purple Wall Crawler Same as the pink... only more annoying since they don't die on the first hit. Found in: 6-A Blue Orge Easily the most difficult enemies in the game... and most dangerous! First off, they are about 10, if not more, times bigger than you. They do massive damage with all of their attacks... and you can only really hit them in the head. Ok... they always spawn with enemies... I would highly suggest you take out the enemies first and for most... once you do, INSTANTLY... WITHOUT THINKING, throw a shuriken at it. If he didn't block, twap him in the head and he should be dead. Now if he blocks... you are literally screwed... he will do one of two things. He will either fall down, or whack you with his billy club. Either way, you should dodge back. Never attack them with stunning them first to prevent this... but if you don't have any, you have no choice in the matter. Once you see one block, dash away... don't try and be a tough guy... you will get smacked around like a panzy. Try to tate these guys, as they nearly give full health. Found in: 6-A Grey Stone Faces Basically the same as all the other faces... on they charge strait at you at a shorter distance and will knock you back quite a bit. Found in: 6-B Blue Bird Warriors Same as the Green ones... only more prone to not die as fast and more likely to do that jump slam attack... Found in: 7-A Female Oboro A female ninja. Mostly the same as all the other ninja in this game, only they seem to like to jump a lot and use shurikens, even the burst. Any ways, kill them as you've been doing... and you'll only see these things they do as an annoyance. If one is jumping out of control, they are defenseless afterwards, keep that in mind. Found in: 7-A Single Spiked Floating Head Same as all the other flying faces/heads, only they take quite a few hits to put down... especailly on higher difficulties. They shouldn't pose any problems. They tend to ram a lot more than any other flying enemy. Found in: 7-A, 8-A Pink Fire They just float and shot fire balls out time to time. Nothing you haven't seen before... Found in: 7-A Mini Dragons A simple enemy, they just will try to ram you... they move very slow otherwise. Just make sure you hit them before they dash, and if they are dashing, just move out of the way and kill them from behind. Found in: 7-B Red Orge Just a version of the Blue orge that doesn't like to die in less hits. Treat these the same way, only be prepared to dash quickly and slash again if it doesn't die in one hit. Found in: 8-A, 8-B Purple Oboro Ninja With out a doubt, the hardest foot soldier. They aren't as annoying as the female ninja, but they are strong, fast, and take a lot of punishment. ALWAYS try to attack them from behind, it will make them hell of a lot easier as they still get fooled from the shadow. Found in: 8-B Pink Hellspawn Just an upgrade of the Blue version. They will just take more to kill, that's all. Found in: 8-B Jinsou Fu Talismans Hirukos little minions. They are beyond annoying. A single one is no sweat... but they sometimes come in packs of 8! There are two versions of them. The flying ones and the ones the are lower to the ground. The flying ones are easier... since all they do is shoot most of the time, while the ones on the ground are somewhat harder to hit and like to suicide with you. Here is one good tip... don't lock on to them when they are close... you will find they are very hard to hit. Found in: 8-B [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Ending... If you have a question, feel free to Email me at iwbdk@hotmail.com Oh yeah you may also Instant message me at IWBDK on aim. My mail is also Oh yeah, Please rate :) Do Email if I made a non-typo mistake. Do not email me for something stupid. ~Credits... Thanks to the message board for some info And thanks to CJayC for a great site! ~Copyright... No one can use this FAQ with out my permission. GameFAQs is the only site allowed using this FAQ without my permission. If you would like to "use" it, you may ask in an Email ONLY. This document is... Copyright 2005 Brian David Kacaba