A guide to creating pet food using various Recipes for The Sims 2 Pets This Guide is copyrighted (c) by D. L. Davis. You can e-mail me at llyr999 (at) yahoo (dot) com This guide is for private and personal use only. No part or whole of this document shall be reproduced in any form whatsoever. This document is free and may not be used for any commercial uses. This document may not be altered without permission from the author. When you e-mail me, please use as good grammar as possible and do not use any colored backgrounds or fonts. If I have trouble reading it, I will discard it very quickly. I don't have much time in trying to decipher what you're trying to say. Also, please see if your question is answered in the guide before e-mailing me about it. That's all I ask of you when you e-mail me. Thank you. Neoseeker (www.neoseeker.com) is the only site allowed to publish this document, meaning no other websites are allowed to publish this, no exceptions. <<<+=+=+=>>> With The Sims 2 Pets one can create pet food using the food processor and food that you have made with the refrigerator. It is easy to make Pet Food in The Sims 2 Pets, just have a Sim go to the Food Processor with food and choose to make Pet Food while at the Food Processor. Important Note: It is important to keep in mind that if you use only the food that is not from left over plates you will make the better quality expensive pet food and if you use food from left over plates you will get the much lesser quality pet food instead. Check the refrigerator for the common recipes and some example ingredients, keep in mind that one can substitute something if it is in the same category, also fish can be substituted for meat in the recipe. For example if the recipe calls for strawberry then any other fruit may be substituted instead or if the recipe calls for beef then another meat item like pork may be substituted or one of the fish items like cod may be substituted instead. Also recipes may have up to 4 ingredients, so one can add more kinds of fruit to a fruit shake or more kinds of meat to Roast or Sliced Roast for example. <<<+=+=+=>>> Some foods have Special Effects for Sims like: Red Hearts means that it is a Romantic Meal When your Sim eats this, romantic social interactions are more likely temporarily. Black Hearts means that it is a Repulsive Meal When your Sim eats this, social interactions will be in enemy mode temporarily. Green Smoke means that it is a Nausea Meal. When your Sim eats this, the Sim will throw up. Rain Drops means that this meal makes the bladder full. When your Sim eats this, they will need to head for the toilet. Stars means that it is an Energy Meal When your Sim eats this they will gain Energy, and +3 to skills temporarily. Note: food with no special effect will usually make moderate quality pet food as long as it not from a left over plate. Note: food that has a special effect will make expensive quality pet food when making pet food, as long as it is not from a left over plate. It doesn't matter exactly what the food does if a Sim eats it, but it matters whether it has a special effect and it matters whether it is from a leftover plate or not. Note: any pet food made from a left over plate will be of cheap quality. In order to make a food with a special effect one needs to read the description, for example Energy Meals use food items with a positive number for the energy line in the recipe, Romantic meals use food items like fruit or most fish in the recipe. Meals with Rain drops use food items with a high negative number for bladder. Nausea meals are somewhat harder since with these one needs to read the food description, for example a recipe with Soursop with make a nausea meal. Repulsive Meals are the hardest, to make one of these one needs to experiment to find one that has Black Hearts, but one that is in refrigerator's list is "Fruit in Pastry", make this per the ingredients listed and you will have a Repulsive Meal. <<<+=+=+=>>> The following are two lists of the common recipes and what kind of pet food results, divided up into recipes that make dry pet food and those that make wet pet food. Some food recipes make Dry Pet food like these: the food recipe food processor makes Roast dry pet food. meat/fish+stove Sliced Roast dry pet food. meat/fish+counter+stove Roast & Fruit Sauce dry pet food. meat/fish+grain+fruit+oil+stove Wellington Roast dry pet food. meat/fish+liquid+grain+oil+stove Soup dry pet food. meat/fish+liquid+dairy+food processor+stove Stir Fry dry pet food. meat/fish+veggie+veggie+veggie+counter+stove Chef's Salad dry pet food. meat/fish+veggie+fruit+counter Carpaccio dry pet food. meat/fish+fruit+counter Salad dry pet food. veggie+oil+counter Grilled Vegetable Salad dry pet food. veggie+oil+counter+stove Ceviche dry pet food. meat/fish+fruit+oil+counter Hors D'Oeuvres dry pet food. meat/fish+veggie+oil+counter Fruit in Pastry dry pet food. juice+grain+fruit+oil+counter+stove Barbecue Sausages dry pet food. meat/fish+fruit+fruit+fruit+food processor+stove Combo Pizza dry pet food. meat/fish+cheese+veggie+grain+counter+stove Sandwich dry pet food meat/fish+veggie+grain+counter Kebabs dry pet food meat/fish+veggie+fruit+stove Panini dry pet food. meat/fish+fruit+oil+grain+food processor Jam Sandwich dry pet food. grain+grain+oil+fruit+food processor Pizza dry pet food. meat/fish+cheese+meat/fish+grain+counter+stove Sweet Vegetable soup dry pet food. fruit+veggie+fruit+counter+stove Roast & Fruit Sauce dry pet food. meat/fish+fruit+grain+oil+stove Veggie Stir-Fry dry pet food. veggie+veggie+veggie+veggie+counter+stove Fruitspacho dry pet food. fruit+oil+food processor <<<+=+=+=>>> Other food recipes make Wet Pet food like these: the food recipe food processor makes Meatloaf wet pet food. meat/fish+meat/fish+veggie+veggie+food processor+stove Burrito wet pet food. meat/fish+liquid+veggie+grain+food processor+stove Roast & Veggies wet pet food. meat/fish+veggie+stove Fruit wet pet food. fruit+fruit+fruit+fruit+counter Fruit Compote wet pet food. fruit+fruit+fruit+fruit+food processor+stove Fruit Shake wet pet food. fruit+dairy+blender Fruit Smoothie wet pet food. fruit+dairy+oil+blender Salad-in-a-cup wet pet food. veggie+dairy+oil+blender Gratin Shake wet pet food. veggie+dairy+blender Parfait wet pet food. fruit+dairy+liquid+counter+stove Samosas wet pet food. meat/fish+fruit+grain+food processor+stove Casserole wet pet food. meat/fish+meat/fish+veggie+fruit+food processor+stove Dumpling Stew wet pet food. meat/fish+meat/fish+dairy+grain+stove Barbecue wet pet food. meat/fish+fruit+fruit+fruit+stove Shake wet pet food. meat/fish+fruit+fruit+fruit+blender Lasagna wet pet food. meat/fish+veggie+cheese+fruit+food processor+stove Ceviche Puree wet pet food. meat/fish+oil+fruit+food processor Cheeseless Pizza wet pet food. meat/fish+grain+veggie+fruit+food processor+stove Lasagna wet pet food. meat/fish+veggie+cheese+fruit+food processor+stove