1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 ******************************************************************************* Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Hero Information FAQ Unpublished work Copyright (c) 2005 Ryan Tracey D.O.B: 02/02/1988 FAQ started: 09/11/05 Last Update: 09/11/05 E-Mail Address: linknightshade (at) hotmail (dot) com Version Number: 1.0 FAQ Number: 2 ******************************************************************************* MMMB08BW0B0008@MMMMWBBWMM0MMMMMMMMMMMMM@MMMMMMMMMM@@MBB0Z00WWB88MM0MMM@MMMMMMM@ WBM0B8B0BWWW0B0aMMMMMMMMMSi SM, i2MMMMMMMMMBBWWMMBWMMMMMMMMMB WZMZMWMM080WM@M@@ZMMM@MMMMMMXWM@8ZMMMMMMMMrMWWM8WMMMMMMMMMM88MWWBBM@MMMMMMMMMMW BaMMMMMMMMMMMBMMMMM XZ 7Z2 i M M MM: a M,; BM rM ZM 7aM0B0WB8MMM@MMM@MM@ 0XMWB@MMM@MMMMMM: ; M MM M ZM : M M ia MMB80BZBW0888BMMMMMB 8XWB08MMMMMMMMMMMWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB8000BMMMMMMa WWMBWWW@MB@MZ MM Z ; Z WM@ 2 @ MM W@ M S @2008BWB08B0M2 @BM@WWBB8MMS M8 MM MM MMi MM MM7 MMMM MMM M M MM M Z WM MMB80WM8B88BMS 8S@8ZB0WMM M0 M 2M MMM MM MM M i M M M ; ZM MMBWMMXM8Z0Mi 0XM8aa MM, MM M M: 2MMi 2M MMM MMMM MMM M M :M :M Z2 MM @MW00 8SMBM7 WS@@BWMM 0, Mr ,M MMM MM M M MaM M M, 7 MS MM MM ,M8@8M@M8Mr M@MS2MM,rZ0MM2XMM.SM;7MMMX78MMWMM@Mr82riMX0MaMWMMMX8MMBX0MM;XMM2iMMSSMMMBX.i2M7 @MMMMSZWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM S8W0iMMMMMMMM ,XSr8MMW8BMMB80W@MMMWaBW@02;X@M@BWr @0MMMMMM0M0WMMMMMMMMMMM@Maa B@MM@W 2a8W88@BBB8ZW8W@@W8088WWWZ00Mr @@MMMMMWB;2iBMWMS7:Z :0878MMMMMMMM8SZWXZMMMMMMMMBa2MM78,BW0XMBW, 80BB2S0@BZ2M7 BWMMWZaM28 ZMMMMMM0@WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB@B@MZZ.:WMWWS8Z0MW7@Z800ZXSB8M7 MMMMMMMMMMMMW@ WaMMMMMMMMMWi8MMMM@M@MMMMMMM@Z88MMMMMMMMMMB0Z MXaB0Z08BW0BMMMM: i,MMMMMMM78X7MMMM .BMM0W0; MMMMMMMMMWaB MMMBMMMMM;, SMSZa7 S 80MWMWMMMMM MaZ77a8WMW 2MBZ.r WMMM@MMMM@MMM 8X MMM@MB ,2 WMMaXBMMMM@@0.2BM ;MMB 0WMMMMMMMMMMMMMM;MM0 MM0WMMM@MMM : 8a :aMMMB:S02BMWM8W0i2082aXXBS r@MMMa 0a@8B@807S20MMMMWWMMMii@@WM;i @MiMMMMMMaMM:M MMMMM82W00WW8B0aZZ0WXMMMMMW20MMZMa 02M@B02, a2MXMMMMM0WMMMMMMM@@MMM;7 MMM MMM MMZ0MMMMMMMBXrZr8WMMMMM M0 .MM0.MZ 0Z@BWM8X :i0SXXMW8WM008@BaZ0WMMirMXMZ M: XMWWB@BMZ778MMMMMMMM8a@MM0@MM@WMMS WZMWWWMMMMMZZ@MMW8W0SZ8Z80a88MMM . 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M: ; MM: ;M.ZMM8MMMMMWMMMMiMiiaWWBBBX0@@W@WMa 2a08MMX.MMMMMMMWWMMMMWS;X;7M :, ,. :MM ,7 8MMMMM7@MMMMMM ;2M@W8W@@BaWWBaW; @MMWMMZ2 2MMMMMBMMM8BWMM ;B; :i;S.X, MM i aMMMMMMZrS@M aBMWW0@WW@B@BWWMX 2XZM08WM0MMBMMMM@8B@MMMMiSMi 7:a2, M ,M: 7M@:X2MMMWM X00M@W@WMM80WWW@MZ SiaB0MMMW MMM:MMMMMMMXMM0rM 7::,7:7Xrr MMMMMr .M8a2rBWWM,.80@MMMM880M@@@@@r X.W0Z88Zr MMM MM00r M00Xi 7 .:iZ.2 MZ0WMB: MMBMMMMMZ:8882S,,7XSaX288M; BZM@W7WZi2MM08M;;MMWMMXMWM.0 ,8 X.r8: MWB8W@r MMMMMMMM :72Sa88Z00BWWB0MX 2i022aa. M0MB@MZZMM02Z;MMM: .: i .08 8MMBBBW@B. MMMMMMM0S88@M@MMM@282aa87 ZX@8ZZ2.;M2MMMMMMMMMSSXaMM: r:rZ 8i M.8M@WBWM0rr:; MMMMMMMW8MMW0@X88280Z8@7 0Z@W@MM2MM@MMMMMMMMMM@Z;ZM . : Wr M XMWi aMM@0@MX .MMMMMMMrSi, ,.i72800ZMS ASCII Provided by the awesome ASCII Generator. - My Baby - This is my FAQ which I slaved over and if any of you grubby little thieves are out there then don't try and use this unless you have a written (typed ;D) letter of approval from me Ryan T. linknightshade (at) hotmail (dot) com I hope you will like this FAQ and find it useful, oh and you should check out the acknowledgements, if you know anyone else who should be there e-mail me. Thanks. - Contents - To skip to an actual section just input the title e.g. 1 - Introduction My Mark - If something has .:: ::. around it then it will only have one double in this FAQ so you can use it to navigate between the contents and the section using the Ctrl + f find feature. 1 - Introduction - I will just tell you what this FAQ is about :D 2 - Levels - What levels you will find each hero on .::Coruscant::. .::Dagobah::. .::Death Star::. .::Endor::. .::Felucia::. .::Geonosis::. .::Hoth::. .::Jabba's Palace::. .::Kamino::. .::Kashyyyk::. .::Mos Eisley::. .::Mustafar::. .::Mygeeto::. .::Naboo::. .::Polis Massa::. .::Tantive IV::. .::Utapau::. .::Yavin 4::. **Assault** A great level for hero lovers! 3 - Force - About all the force powers 4 - Weapons - About Each Heroes weapon (*Not Lightsaber Fighting Styles) 5 - Hero Profiles - About each hero in the game, their pros cons and Ryan's Rank ^__^ Good Heroes .::Luke Skywalker::. .::Yoda::. .::Obi-Wan Kenobi::. .::Mace Windu::. .::Ki-Adi-Mundi::. .::Aayla Secura::. .::Han Solo::. .::Chewbacca::. .::Princess Leia::. Evil Heroes .::Anakin Skywalker::. .::Boba Fett::. .::Jango Fett::. .::Darth Vader::. .::The Emperor::. .::Count Dooku::. .::General Grievous::. .::Darth Maul::. 6 - Template - Template for your chance to add into my FAQ no weeks worth of work just send me the template filled in ;D. 7 - User Input - Where users have sent me a profile about a hero. __________________________________________________________ /I will also accept people in this FAQ inputting their own \ \character information into section 5. You will be given / /proper credit but you will have to use my template, when \ \you have finished just email me at the above email address/ /with the template filled out and I will input it into \ / section 7. Please make sure it is all filled out that is \ / the only stipulation I have. Thank you for any contribution. \ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ 8 - Acknowledgements - My thanks and thousand wishes to anyone who helps. 9 - Version history - Incase you want to know if I have added any changes. 10 - Legal stuff - The stuff you aint gonna or gotta read unless your a thief. ******************************************************************************* 1 - Introduction ******************************************************************************* Well hello there fair reader, my IE alias is Accendo so please when you email me feel free to use either my real name or alias. Well this FAQ is about as you guessed :D the heroes of Star Wars: Battlefront 2 the levels you find them on, the force powers and also the weapons. This FAQ has been made with a PS2 version of the game I will list the controls now incase anyone on another console doesn't know what the PS2 controls are or for someone who has changed the PS2 controls. X - This is used to jump. O - This is used for performing rolls. [] - This is for locking onto enemies. /\ - This is for entering vehicles. L1 - Use Secondary Weapon/Ability. L2 - Change Secondary Weapon/Ability. L3 - This is used for sprinting. R1 - Use Primary Weapon. R2 - Change Primary Weapon. R3 - Used for getting a closer view and using Scope on Sniper Rifle. Up Direction - Squad Command. Down Direction - Reload. Left Analog Stick - For moving backwards, forwards and strafing left and right. Right Analog Stick - This is used for free looking in any direction. ******************************************************************************* 2 - Levels ******************************************************************************* This section will label all of the levels in the game you can find a hero on, the era, the army and then the hero! .::Coruscant::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Luke Skywalker -Empire = The Emperor Clone Wars -Republic = Mace Windu -CIS = Darth Maul .::Dagobah::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Yoda -Empire = Darth Vader Clone Wars -Republic = Yoda -CIS = General Grievous .::Death Star::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Luke Skywalker -Empire = The Emperor Clone Wars -Republic = General Obi-Wan Kenobi -CIS = The Emperor .::Endor::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Han Solo -Empire = Darth Vader .::Felucia::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Chewbacca -Empire = Boba Fett Clone Wars -Republic = Aayla Secura -CIS = Jango Fett .::Geonosis::. Clone Wars -Republic = Mace Windu -CIS = Count Dooku .::Hoth::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Luke Skywalker -Empire = Darth Vader .::Jabba's Palace::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Luke Skywalker -Empire = Boba Fett Clone Wars -Republic = General Aayla Secura -CIS = Darth Maul .::Kamino::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Han Solo -Empire = Boba Fett Clone Wars -Republic = General Obi-Wan Kenobi -CIS = Jango Fett .::Kashyyyk::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Chewbacca -Empire = Boba Fett Clone Wars -Republic = Yoda -CIS = Jango Fett .::Mos Eisley::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Han Solo -Empire = Boba Fett Clone Wars -Republic = General Obi-Wan Kenobi -CIS = Darth Maul .::Mustafar::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Young Obi-Wan Kenobi -Empire = Anakin Skywalker Clone Wars -Republic = General Obi-Wan Kenobi -CIS = Darth Maul .::Mygeeto::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Luke Skywalker -Empire = Boba Fett Clone Wars -Republic = General Ki-Adi-Mundi -CIS = General Grievous .::Naboo::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Princess Leia -Empire = The Emperor Clone Wars -Republic = General Obi-Wan Kenobi -CIS = Darth Maul .::Polis Massa::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Princess Leia -Empire = The Emperor Clone Wars -Republic = Yoda -CIS = Darth Maul .::Tantive IV::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Princess Leia -Empire = Darth Vader Clone Wars -Republic = Yoda -CIS = Darth Maul .::Utapau::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Han Solo -Empire = Boba Fett Clone Wars -Republic = General Obi-Wan Kenobi -CIS = General Grievous .::Yavin 4::. Galactic Civil War -Rebels = Chewbacca -Empire = Boba Fett Clone Wars -Republic = Mace Windu -CIS = Darth Maul -*Mos Eisley - **Assault**- On this level you can play as each and every single hero without even using normal troops. You can completely skip getting medals too AND on top of all that great news you can have multiple of the same person but the AI tends to pick only 1 of the same character. I see it every so often with Yoda and Grievous. I did get an e-mail saying how they saw three Chewies and two Yoda once! (Seems Yoda does have multiples often, best practice aiming down eh ;D) (Except when I pick a multiple of Maul ^__^) Well anyway on with the show, here are the characters for each side. Heroes =Luke Skywalker =Yoda =Obi-Wan Kenobi =Mace Windu =Ki-Adi-Mundi =Aayla Secura =Han Solo =Chewbacca =Princess Leia Villains =Anakin Skywalker =Boba Fett =Jango Fett =Darth Vader =The Emperor =Count Dooku =General Grievous =Darth Maul ******************************************************************************* 3 - Force ******************************************************************************* I will here talk about all of the force powers that there are in this game. I will begin with generic force powers and then the other powers and when best to use them. .::Generic::. **Force Jump** -- Press X to jump and then press again to jump higher. About This is for each person who can utilize the force unless stated below. This power allows you to jump higher than anyone else and also comes with the handy ability to not let you get hurt when you fall. An ability that comes with jump is the jump attack power I will talk about this more later in each character's individual section. Usage This ability is best used when you need to fly somewhere quick that is on another elevation like on Yavin 4 to get to the imperial base or to drop onto a lower level on Mustafar. This is very useful I find on Kamino to sneak up on turret emplacements. **Force Sprint** -- Hold the Left Analog Stick for ward and push down L3 About Everyone who can use the force has this (Except The Emperor he sorta floats). This ability is very very useful because it moves you around the battlefield at extreme speeds that even the IFT has a problem matching. This power doesn't just come in one shape it has an offensive side too. The offensive side is some characters strongest trait! Usage This power should be used to move a jedi straight to main enemy CPs. The main CP you want to capture is the one furthest away it will usually have the most vehicles and protection for their army and will be their biggest boon if lost. These usually take alot longer to capture but the hero will be able to defeat all the enemies there. (Which can help to heal if it takes to long!) You can even use it to get to your CPs that are flashing red but as I mentioned this powers greatest strength is the sprint attack which will be described for each character. **Force Flight** -- Press X to jump and then X again to start Flight then X again to drop About This only given to Darth Vader and The Emperor. This stops them from reaching enormous heights like Force Jump but this can let you reach further distances similiar to Force Sprint but slower and without the risk of falling Usage This can be useful like Force Jump on Kamino and other levels which have an innate risk of falling to your death. Another little bit of information that will help you is that you can pilot this skill by aiming up and down. You can also use this skill 3 times in a row to reach even further distances similiar to a jet pack. .::The Force::. **Force Push** -- When the power is selected hold down L1 About This power pushes movable objects infront of you away allies or enemies. Usage This power can be used offensively on levels where you can fall down a large way. However on it's own it doesn't do any damage but can be useful to clear a CP of enemies when you are trying to capture it. **Force Pull** -- When the power is selected hold down L1 pointing target at enemy. About This is used to pull an area of enemies toward you. Usage This although it doesn't do any damage can be quite offensive because you pull an enemy straight to you and you lightsaber without them being able to attack but remember to hold down the button not just press it. **Lightsaber Throw** -- When skill is selected aim target at enemy and press L1. About This skill as you could guess throws a lightsaber at the enemy dealing lots of damage especially if aimed at a head (because head shots ARE possible). Usage This is very similiar for everyone that has this skill except Darth Maul. This power is best used when you are running into a group of enemies because it will take out alot of them or leave them highly damaged this can also be useful to defend a CP when you are trying to capture it when stood in the area you can hit enemies with you ranged lightsaber. **Force Choke** -- When selected press or hold L1. About Used to stop an enemy from attacking and make them take damage too. Usage This power can be used to kill an enemy at a short distance BUT it can be very useful to hold them still for a small amount of time while you get close-up and use your lightsaber you can do this by holding down L1 but then you can only walk or pressing it and freezing them for a short amount of time. You can also use this power with force lightning to create a lightning choke. Similiar to choke and lightsaber but you just switch the power ((Naughty eh!)) **Force Lightning** -- When Selected hold L1 About This power attacks in a small area in front of you dealing out damage to anything friend or foe for however long your energy bar lasts. Usage This power has a simple usage multiple enemies infront preferably NO allies. ******************************************************************************* 4 - Weapons ******************************************************************************* I will now talk about the weapons of each hero, not how each lightsaber user fights. Jedi/Sith/Grievous *Lightsaber - This weapon is the most destructive in the game and most defensive. It can do so much damage in one attack a head shot will surely kill any normal unit. As for defense this will block any none explosive attack to the front as long as you have pressed R2(Not held) and have any energy left. Han Solo *DL44 Blaster - This weapon is the most amazing blaster in the game it shoots just like the Award Rifle doing three shots but this has such a huge amount of damage that it can rip through most units in no time at all. Also no ammo amount is always helpful! *Detpack - This weapon is just the same as the one for the units except Han Solo carries around five of these and killing someone with his will heal him. Chewbacca *Bowcaster - This is a great weapon because unlike in most games that use the Wookie Bowcaster this already has a multi-shot as normal but that uses alot of ammo. The charged up attack of this weapon does only one shot but you can get a full sniper rifle zoom with this weapon (two clicks of R3). *Guided Rocket - This weapon although fun to use doesn't have the tankbusting power of the time bomb or unit killing power of the Bowcaster. I would reccomend this for taking down gun emplacements *Time Bomb - This weapon has a high damage strength but because you can't detonate it or it doesn't go off when an enemy is near it is made for taking out immovable objects or a skillful Wookie can hit a tank with one. Princess Leia *Sporting Pistol - This Weapon although a blaster is by no means made for close combat this is a strong weapon but it is made to be a sniper rifle! *Thermal Detonator - As per the units version made for throwing over wall or in areas where enemies will congregate. Boba Fett *EE-3 Blaster Rifle - A strong gun very similiar to the award rifle because of it's ammo number and the way it shoots three shots. *Flamethrower - This weapon is ideal for taking down crowds but it does run out of ammo quite quickly. *Wrist Rocket - This is an anti-heavy infantry weapon it's fast and strong. Not enough to punch a whole in a tank on it's own but it still can help against vehicles. *Detpack - This can be used if you lure a group of enemies into a trap or small area and they do have a decent amount of damage against large units like tanks. Jango Fett *Westar-33 Blaster - Similiar to Boba's weapon but because it is more a pistol version so it shoots at your pace of fire whether that is good news because you have a trigger finger or bad news that is up to you. Although this is a pistol version it has the first sniper rifle zoom unlike Boba's which is just concentrated zoom. *Flamethrower - As above a good weapon for crowds and it doesn't require much accuracy but runs out of ammo quickly *Wrist Rocket - This is an anti-heavy infantry weapon it's fast and strong. Not enough to punch a whole in a tank on it's own but it still can help against vehicles. *Time Bomb - This weapon has a high damage strength but because you can't detonate it or it doesn't go off when an enemy is near it is made for taking out immovable objects or a skillful Jango can hit a tank with one. ******************************************************************************* 5 - Hero Profiles ******************************************************************************* In this section, possibly the most detailed section, I will explain where each hero excels and also rank 5 different aspects of skill out of 5, and how many levels they appear on Clone Wars and Galactic Civil War together the 5 skills I will measure are: -Heroes (Incl. effectiveness vs lightsaber and none lightsaber wielders) -Normal Infantry (Incl. Stormtroopers, Assault Droids and Clone Shapshooters) -Vehicle (Incl. AT-AT, AT-TE and IFTs) -Overall Ranged (Incl. All ranged weapons, attacks and skills) -Overall Melee (Incl. All short ranged attacks including accuracy) After I have ranked those skills I will give my Rank on how well I think they can be used altogether so maybe someone with 5 threes will get a rank of 4 but someone with 3 fours and 2 threes could only get a 3 it solely depends how well they act as a general! :D GGGGGGG GGG GGG GGG GGG GGG GGGG GGG GG GGGG GGGG O O D H E R O E S GGGGGGG .::Luke Skywalker::. Number Of Levels: 5 Weapons Lightsaber Skills Lightsaber Throw Force Push Information This hero is possibly the most well known and for a good reason he is powerful. He is a decent all round hero if you can utilize his unique combat style and saber throw technique. Lightsaber Style Luke's style as mentioned is unique from most because he uses both hands for attacking which slows his saber down but increases the damage. Charge Attack / Jump Attack Luke's charge attack is very useful for taking down multiple units with two large difficult to dodge swings from his lightsaber however the third strike is somewhat innaccurate (and easily avoided just press the attack button once when you charge) so it is possibly best saved for a vehicle. Luke's jump attack is very good because it can hit the same spot pretty quickly if aimed correct you can get two head shots on an enemy. -Heroes *-*-*-*-o Luke attained this rank because of his strength plus the speed of his lightsaber throw. -Infantry *-*-*-*-o Luke attained this rank because he can kill almost any unit in 2 hits but his block wont work against a sniper rifle to the back. -Vehicle *-*-*-o-o Luke attained this rank because his natural infantry speed can allow him to run rings around any vehicle while still inflicting large damage with his lightsaber. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-o-o Luke attained this rank because his lightsaber throw is devastating like all of the others plus his force push can really help too. -Overall Melee *-*-*-*-o Luke attained this rank because he can do alot of damge with his lightsaber but the reason he didn't get a 5 is because he doesn't have the speed that some do. *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-*-o I believe Luke deserves a distinct 4 because he isn't really lacking in any field but he doesn't excel too much either therefore Luke is a very useful hero in nay situation. .::Yoda::. Number Of Levels: 5 Weapons Yoda's Lightsaber Skills Force Push Force Pull Information Yoda some will find hard to use because of how you have to direct all of his attacks. Yoda however does have a large upside. His height, this makes him so difficult to hit. Lightsaber Style Yoda's lightsaber style is a very acrobatic one which makes him difficult to hit when he is bouncing around. One thing you might note about this style is that it is hard to kill people because he doesn't do large sweeps like some people but he attacks up and down. The down to this is that it's hard to hit but the upside is that he always aims for heads!!! :D. Charge Attack / Jump Attack Yoda's charge attack has a sweep on it and the final slash hit's quite a condensed area but that's useful for taking out strong units accurately. All of the sweeps from his charge attack hit low so maybe a force push first will help alot. Yoda's Jump attack isn't to good it only does two slices which don't hit the same area so this is one to miss. -Heroes *-*-*-*-o Yoda is pretty good against heroes thanks to his force pull because that will take an enemy out for an amount of time but it makes it so easy for the 1 foot Yoda to hit enemies who are lying down. He is also hard to hit for some enemies. -Infantry *-*-*-*-o Yoda's force powers again give him the largest edge over infantry because if he is trying to take over a CP then you can either throw away your enemy or bring them straight to your lightsaber. -Vehicle *-*-*-o-o This rank was given because Yoda's acrobatic skill helps him to bounce around vehicles and as per any jedi his sprint will catch him up to a vehicle pretty quick. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-o-o Yoda doesn't have any damaging ranged abilities like most heroes but it doesn't mean he can't fight ranged. Using both of his force powers you can take care of most units before they even get a chance to stand up. -Overall Melee *-*-*-*-o This rating has been given for melee not because Yoda has incredible strength but a combination of his agility AND his most powerful strength his height! *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-*-o Yoda is a good hero although he does have a steep learning curve which makes him some what difficult to use and possibly put you off him but don't be. This pint-sized terror can cause alot of havok for infantry and heroes alike but don't believe he is undefeatable but his height will give the enemy a good run for their money. .::Obi-Wan Kenobi::. Number Of Levels: 7 Weapons Obi-Wan's Lightsaber Skills Lightsaber Throw Force Push Information Obi-Wan is one of the best all rounders in the game with good ranged abilities and Lightsaber Style Obi-Wan's style is good because he aims high but he also doesn't swing to fast therefore Charge Attack / Jump Attack Obi-Wan's charge attack is good for heroes and infantry because it uses alot of attacks to execute it. One problem that it pertains is that it doesn't hit a large area because you have to be very close to the enemy to hit. Obi's jump attack doesn't work to well but if you can become a master of this skill you can kill heroes very easily because it's made for head shots however difficult. -Heroes *-*-*-*-o Obi-Wan can take down heroes pretty quickly if you use his charge attack or get skilled with his jump attack because his normal style just doesn't have the hero slaying power that say Luke has. -Infantry *-*-*-*-o Versus infantry any lightsaber can tear a hole but especially Oni-Wan thanks in part to his charge attack and a lightsaber throw always helps, try for those head shots. -Vehicle *-*-*-*-o Versus vehicles he doesn't have the speed of Yoda but he can still do damage from a limited distance with his lightsaber throw. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-o-o With correct use of his force push you can make his charge attack his best attack you do need range to make a charge attack accurate. -Overall Melee *-*-*-o-o He is good in melee no enemies really have the upper-hand but neither does he. *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-*-o My rank for Obi-Wan is a 4 because he is on so many levels and all levels except one are made for troops and he is great at taking care of troops. .::Mace Windu::. Number Of Levels: 3 Weapons Mace Windu's Lightsaber Skills Lightsaber Throw Force Push Information Mace Windu is one of the stronger heroes in the game especially with the use of his jump attack. Lightsaber Style Mace's style is similiar to Luke's with two hands and high strength but Mace has an increased speed over Luke Charge Attack / Jump Attack Mace's charge attack can do considerable damage compared to some chareg attack because it flows os well with his normal attack you can get a 5-hit combo on an enemy. Mace's jump attack is unique to him in that he slams his lightsaber into the ground doing a large amount of damage. This is possibly the best quick area attack skill. -Heroes *-*-*-*-o Mace can do alot of damge in a very shot amount of time to heroes a useful character on Mos Eisley Assault! -Infantry *-*-*-*-o Versus infantry they don't really stand a chance against the strength of this hero. -Vehicle *-*-*-*-o Good damge from his lightsaber to vehicles plus saber throw can help. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-o-o Perhaps his only lacking area because he only has force push -Overall Melee *-*-*-*-o Mace is very strong in melee as previously mentioned nothing more to be said about his usefulness in the front lines. *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-*-o I would have to say Mace is a great charcter to place as for the first time or even to play as later on a good character definitely worth a look. .::Ki-Adi-Mundi::. Number Of Levels: 1 Weapons Ki-Adi-Mundi's Lightsaber Skills Lightsaber Throw Force Pull Information A basic lightsaber hero who isn't to great at anything bu poor at melee. Lightsaber Style Ki-Adi-Mundi's style isn't one of the best in the game because he doesn't seem to do as much damage as some heroes and he isn't fast either thank goodness he is only on one level. Charge Attack / Jump Attack Ki-Adi-Mundi's charge attack can be chained to make a very large attack you just have to keep pressing the attack button. It can be hard to direct but will do alot of damage if you practice with the accuracy. Ki's Jump attack can be continued when he lands on the floor which can help you get both hits on the enemy which is useful due to his style. -Heroes *-*-*-o-o If timed well his charge attack can help and although he is slow at swinging his lightsaber he can use force pull which can halt an enemy for a period of time anyway. -Infantry *-*-*-o-o Versus infantry he can do alot of damage but no more than anyone else with lightsaber throw and his slow speed when swinging can leave him open. -Vehicle *-*-o-o-o Same as infantry he doesn't have enough speed to really damage vehicles before they move away. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-*-o Mundi's ranged abilities is where he excels (over his normal skill) his ability to throw his lightsaber at enemies or pull them to his lightsaber make him a good support character. -Overall Melee *-*-o-o-o Against lightsaber weilding enemies Mundi will have a problem because he just can't keep up and although he has useful force powers he isn't the only one. *Ryan's Rank *-*-o-o-o This is a low rank because he just doesn't excel in any area over others he is harder to use than others and lets face it we play games for fun not to train ourselves up to use a character who is on 1 level. .::Aayla Secura::. Number Of Levels: 2 Weapons Aayla's Lightsabers Skills Lightsaber Throw Force Pull Information Aayla has a low amount of life compared to other heroes but she makes up for it with her two lightsaber's. Lightsaber Style Dual lightsabers is such a powerful weapon in this game because each hit with a lightsaber does the damage of one so she basically has double damage because she does swing both and she can annihalate any enemy in such a short amount of time. Charge Attack / Jump Attack Aayla's charge attack is a multi front/rear attack that will clear out an area of enemies and her jump attack is devastating for head shots if aimed well not even perfectly because she does so many swings. -Heroes *-*-*-*-* Aayla is the best anti-hero hero for the good side. She can tear through anyone in a matter of seconds BUT she -Infantry *-*-*-*-o Aayla can tear through infantry just as easy as heroes but the difference between heroes and infantry is that there are lots of infantry and few heroes. She is made for one-on-one fighting but she can handle many-on-Aayla too. -Vehicle *-*-*-*-o Both lightsabers ripping through heavy armour is no problem at all just hack n' slash your way through. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-*-o Aayla has force pull which can help her rip up any enemy she brings to her and lightsaber throw as I have said before is very useful. Too bad she doesn't throw both. -Overall Melee *-*-*-*-o She is great in melee but she loses one point because she has a low amount of life and can be killed quicker than most but she can swing quicker too. *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-*-* My favourite hero for the Good heroes I think she is amazing and the actress that plays her in the films is dead pretty too .::Han Solo::. Number Of Levels: 4 Weapons DL44 Blaster Detpack Fusion Cutter Skills Rally Information Han solo is great beyond recognition if you can aim for heads easily! Blaster Style Han's blaster can do a huge amount of damage and it is so difficult to make it overheat and this locks on like a blaster/pistol so will follow enemies. -Heroes *-*-*-*-o Han can take out hereos from a good range but it requires some skill on your part because he needs to be able to aim for their head and if they are using a lightsaber they can just block. -Infantry *-*-*-*-* Han was made for this because he has the life of a hero so takes alot to go down and not even his 3 shot burst is needed to kill most units and if things are hard then a detpack is always handy. -Vehicle *-*-*-*-* Although han only really has his detpack for blowing up vehicles he can slice into a vehicles and then waste the crew in no time with his DL44. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-*-o Han is good at range but you must remember he has a pistol not a sniper rifle so he can't reach the speed and range of said weapon. -Overall Melee *-*-*-o-o He has a good melee ability because he uses a pistol however it can't reload very fast for alot of enemies just a three shot burst then wait. *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-*-o A great fun hero to use especially with a correctly time Rally like any leader skill. .::Chewbacca::. Number Of Levels: 3 Weapons Bowcaster Time Bomb Guided Rocket Skills Rage Information Chewie has the largest health of any hero in the game just take a lightsaber to him and then Aayla and you will see. -Heroes *-*-*-o-o He can stand back and hurt heroes with time bombs or his bowcaster but not very efficiently. -Infantry *-*-*-*-o Chewie can take down so many infantry units alone in one life because they don't do much damage to him and his bowcaster's sniper ability and multi-shot ability are fantastic. -Vehicle *-*-*-*-o Time bombs and guided rockets make Chewie a great tank buster slicing would be a useful skill with his amount of life. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-*-* Guided rockets a sniper version weapon and a close combat version for it make Chewie the most dangerous hero at range and even when you get close you won't exactly do to much damage to him. -Overall Melee *-*-*-*-o As I have mentioned alot his life makes him great and the multi-shot on the bowcaster is a dangerous combo. *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-*-o Although he has some huge scores above he is lacking in the fact that alot of heroes have a none reload weapon and he only uses one for troops. .::Princess Leia::. Number Of Levels: 3 Weapons Sporting Pistol Thermal Detonator Skills Invulnerability - Although this power says invulnerability it makes you take the smallest amount of damage and this power unlike I believe all other leader skills works on the user. Information Leia is a good hero to use especially if you use her skill next to lots of allies. She is also so fantastic on Assault on Mos Eisley because you can group with other heroes and a lightsaber wielder using her invulnerabilty power is dangerous. -Heroes *-*-*-o-o Leia can take care of heroes using her sporting blaster but it will be a difficult task to achieve because at a distance you have to be a good sniper and up close the sporting pistol is too difficult to aim. But she got a three because of her skill however short it lasts anough time to kill or get away. -Infantry *-*-*-*-o She has a powerful sniper rifle just try it for yourself R3 twice and take aim. -Vehicle *-*-o-o-o Just thermal detonators for this task they are strong and can stick but there are better heroes and even infantry classes for this. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-*-o Leia's pistol is one powerful weapon like any sniper rifle and thermal are great on levels with a thin hall way like on Polis Massa. -Overall Melee *-o-o-o-o Very poor at melee because her pistol wasn't made for that and her thermals as great as they are can hurt her (alot). *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-o-o She is a good hero but to best use her primary weapon you have to stand back which can be dangerous because you might not get enemies before her time runs out. __________ / /| EEEEEEEEEE | EEEEEEEEEE/ EEE/ /| EEEEEEEE | EEEEEEEE/V_I L H E R O E S EEE/ /| EEEEEEEEEE | EEEEEEEEEE/ .::Anakin Skywalker::. Number Of Levels: 1 Weapons Lightsaber Skills Lightsaber Throw Force Choke Information Anakin is a very strong hero with a lerger amount of health than most heroes and if you can utilize his force choke properly you can do very well against any single character and groups just use his saber throw Lightsaber Style Anakin's saber style is swift and strong and won't die quickly either when using his saber! Charge Attack / Jump Attack Anakin's charge attack is the same as Obi-Wan's which is a good thing because this particular charge does alot of hits. There is nothing really good about Anakin's jump attack just a simple swing that if aimed can do plenty of damage in a head shot. -Heroes *-*-*-*-o Anakin's force choke helps him do quite alot of damage if used properly as I stated. With the force choke he can win against most people in one-on-one combat. -Infantry *-*-*-*-o Anakin has good speed, strength and lightsaber throw a very good brew for taking care of infantry. -Vehicle *-*-*-o-o Anakin's lightsaber style will make him good when fighting a vehicle not the best but that's not what Jedi/Sith were made for. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-o-o Similiar to most with saber throw Anakin can do a decent damage not at incredible ranges but enough range to stop anyone within a good distance of accuracy. Force choke can also wreak some havok among the enemy forces. -Overall Melee *-*-*-*-o Although I put force choke toward his ranged ability it is also one os his best melee skills because just one touch of the L1 button and the enemy is choked and can't strike back while they try to recover but then your lightsaber is going to be hurting them... alot! *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-*-o Anakin is a good hero his biggest flaw though is that he is only on one level and that is Mustafar where the enemy hero is a pretty good hero too (Obi-Wan). .::Boba Fett::. Number Of Levels: 8 Weapons EE-3 Blaster Rifle Flamethrower Wrist Rocket Detpack Skills N/A Information Boba is a powerful version of the clone Jet Trooper with his array of tank bustign weapons and close quarter weapons. Blaster Style A strong gun very similiar to the award rifle because of it's ammo number and the way it shoots three shots. Good for anyone EXCEPT the reload point which can hurt but that's why he doesn't have one primary weapon. -Heroes *-*-*-o-o His blaster, flamer, wrist rocket and detpack can all do well against any hero except they all have a down side; The Blaster needs to reload, the Flamer again needs to reload once a tank of fuel has been used. Wrist Rocket can be dodged and the Detpack needs to be set then exploded. -Infantry *-*-*-o-o Similiar to above except infantry do die off one well aimed burst from his rifle. If there are many though best use a flamer. -Vehicle *-*-*-*-o Boba has decent assortment against vehicles, his detpack and wrist rocket can help take down a tank plus you can land on top of it so you don't get hurt by the vehicle much unless it is stationary then that means you aren't going to miss so it's win-win. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-o-o Boba is good at a range because of his blaster and wrist rocket (if targeted correctly). -Overall Melee *-*-*-o-o Thanks to Boba's detpack you can be cunning and lure enemies into a trap so that they will be hurt whenever they get too close, his flamer helps too! *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-o-o Boba is a good hero not the best or the worst but he can do what he is meant to and that is whup some... .::Jango Fett::. Number Of Levels: 3 Weapons Westar-33 Blaster Flamethrower Wrist Rocket Time Bomb Skills N/A Information Jango I would say is a better version of Boba they have the same speed with their pack but the major difference is their primary weapon. Blaster Style Jango's blaster is a good weapon because unlike Boba's it shoots one at a time. This means if you didn't get a head shot aim again you may require a trigger finger for close combat though. -Heroes *-*-*-o-o Against heroes Jango is decent because of his blaster however saying that it does need to reload but his flamethrower is good for hurting enemies. -Infantry *-*-*-o-o Without the ability to block with a lightsaber if he needs to he isn't as strong as he could be. His blaster is great for many enemies his rocket for strong enemies and his flamethrower and time bomb for groups. -Vehicle *-*-*-*-o Jango's nimbleness due to his pack is a great help against vehicles and a time bomb will help when you stand on a tank thanks to his jet pack! -Overall Ranged *-*-*-o-o Jango is good at a range if you can aim his wrist rocket and his blaster can do a good amount of damage. -Overall Melee *-*-*-o-o Because of Jango's flamer he can do well in close quarters and his pistol can AND if the final need arises then a time bomb will do lots of damage if you want to be a martyr... *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-o-o Jango is a good all round hero with some good qualities and some bad ones but similiar to many normal units bundled together. .::Darth Vader::. Number Of Levels: 4 Weapons Lightsaber Skills Lightsaber Throw Force Choke Information Darth Vader is to be a different version of Anakin a possibly stronger more sluggish version of his original self. Lightsaber Style Vader's normal strikes start slow but gain speed for the second two dealing out plenty of lightsaber damage. Charge Attack / Jump Attack Vader's charge isn't too pwerful because it is only one slash he has lost alot of them since he became old! Vader's jump attack is quite good because you don't need to aim or time it right just look in the right direction and he will hit the enemy if close enough, but no chance for a head shot! -Heroes *-*-*-*-o Against a hero vader can do plenty of damage thanks to his force choke and a well timed/aimed saber throw can hurt too. -Infantry *-*-*-o-o With Vader's swing speed he can do an ok amount of damage to a group of enemies but a group is best left to a saber throw and individuals is a force choke zone. -Vehicle *-*-*-o-o Vader can destroy vehicles at the same speed as most Jedi/Sith nothing to different about Vader to any others. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-o-o With a saber throw and choke he can do plenty of damage at a range. -Overall Melee *-*-*-o-o Thanks to choke, melee's best friend Vader can do plenty of damage in combat because while they are recovering he can get his slow attack out of the way and then finish them with a proper strike. *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-o-o A good hero but not as good as the younger athletic Anakin Skywalker. However Vader appears on many more levels than Anakin because Anakin is only on 1 level although I think he should be on coruscant but he isn't except for story... .::The Emperor::. Number Of Levels: 5 Weapons Darth Sidious's Lightsaber Skills Force Lightning Force Choke Information The Emperor is the worst person in the game with a lightsaber. That isn't to say heis the worst hero that owns one just he can't use it. Lightsaber Style The Emperor is very slow using his saber which is just so damaging to him best use this when you are pretty sure you aren't going to be attacked from the flank or rear. Charge Attack / Jump Attack The Emperor's charge attack is just a generic charge attack which does two simple slices from left to right. The Emperor's Jump attack is a very good skill but unlike most it isn't performed from a jump. To activate his jump attack you have to activate his force flight ability and you will see his hand poised and then he will do a Mace Windu style jump attack, hitting an area with force lightning. -Heroes *-*-*-o-o Versus heroes the Emperor shouldn't use lightsaber unless you ahve crippled them down for with his choke. His lightning can help also but it can kill your own guys too. -Infantry *-*-*-o-o I would of given the Emperor a 4 if his force lightning was stronger or didn't hurt your allies. With his lightsaber he can do plenty of damage but slowly. The Emperor isn't extremly poor against infantry just to get the best from his force lightning he ahs to be alone and at the front but his speed doesn't let him get surrounded safely. -Vehicle *-*-o-o-o The Emperor wasn't made for taking out vehicles his force lightning and his lightsaber style just don't have the strength/speed -Overall Ranged *-*-*-*-o Two decent damaging ranged force powers are where he excels over any other of his skills. -Overall Melee *-*-o-o-o Thanks to his force choke he can fight in close combat but it is still a struggle if youaren't left alone with you enemy but if you are you can just force choke them to death. *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-o-o The best thing you can do with the Emperor is to use his jump lightning attack in crowds of enemies nothing else is unique or powerful about him. .::Count Dooku::. Number Of Levels: 1 Weapons Lightsaber Skills Force Lightning Force Choke Information Count Dooku isn't the best lightsaber wielder in the game but he has the powers of the emperor but he can fight in close quarters although somewhat slowly. Lightsaber Style His first saber attack leaves him open his second two are what his primary attack is about. Charge Attack / Jump Attack Dooku's charge is just a simple double slice strong without aiming but not too spectacular either. Dooku's jump attack is quite good because you don't need to aim or time it right just look in the right direction and he will hit the enemy if close enough but no chance for a head shot. -Heroes *-*-*-*-o His lightning and force choke make him dangerous if left to the distance they permit try to learn how far that is! -Infantry *-*-*-*-o Force choke and lightning help him a lot when confronted with many (lightning) or few (choke) enemies. -Vehicle *-*-*-o-o Dooku can hack n' slash his way through a tank is you spend time on it but not much time but not a quick as a Maul or Grievous. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-*-o Similiar to the Emperor in that he can use range skills and use them he should! -Overall Melee *-*-*-o-o Force choke will certainly help you out when against some strong enemies close or lightnign if there are many ENEMIES (careful around allies with this. *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-o-o Dooku is another decent hero if you can utilize his force powers correctly there isn't anything to much to say about him except he is like the Emperor but without the lightning jump. .::General Grievous::. Number Of Levels: 4 Weapons Grievous Sabers Skills Rage (With unlimited uses so use it!) Information Grievous uses four lightsabers yet not with as much skill as Aayla uses her two but if he could then Episode 4+ would be alot different because there would be no Obi-Wan... Lightsaber Style Grievous doesn't swing his lightsaber's very fast but does hit a large area so if you want to take down lots of enemies he will be very good for that but he hits such a lareg area you can end up hitting your own. Charge Attack / Jump Attack Grievous' charge attack is pretty useful for clearing out enemies because it lasts for a good amount of time and isn't limited in area. Grievous' jump attack could of been better because he uses only 1 to hit but it is quick and not to inaccurate for head shots. -Heroes *-*-*-o-o He will find it pretty hard to miss heroes which is why he got a 3 but because of the way he attacks he didn't get a higher rating like some heroes although he has four sabers. -Infantry *-*-*-*-o Against infantry Grievous can tear it up this is definitely his best place on battlefield up front. Not just his four sabers but his unlimited rage power makes him strong too. -Vehicle *-*-*-*-o Four lightsabers that won't miss much against a vehicle makes his lightsabers useful in any instance which he needs to. -Overall Ranged *-o-o-o-o Grievous' only real ranged attack is his charge attack but that is not enough to count as ranged. -Overall Melee *-*-*-o-o Four lightsabers swung quite simply unlike a Jedi Master is a good representation of Grievous' skills and is true which is why he doesn't get a higher rating. *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-o-o Grievous is a decent hero completely lacking in the ranged department but making up for it in his ability to kill many troops at once. .::Darth Maul::. Number Of Levels: 6 Weapons Double Saber Skills Lightsaber Throw Force Push Information Darth Maul is the villainous equivalent of Aayla Secura because of his speed. Although Grievous would seem to be the most similiar Maul is because Lightsaber Style Maul's lightsaber style is certainly unique because of his saber which as you would guess is a good thing. Not many heroes can fight as fast as him. Charge Attack / Jump Attack Maul's charge atatck is a dangerous attack because it just creates a little pocket around him that WILL be hit by a lightsaber a very good move! Maul's Jump attack not as good as his charge atatck but still decent enough in a tight situation when you can't sprint. -Heroes *-*-*-*-o Maul has this high rating because of his incredible speed and area effect with his lightsaber. He loses out on 5 though because he doesn't have force choke (although force push and his charge works well) and he has less life than some. -Infantry *-*-*-*-o Versus infantry Maul although he has less life than some heroes will usually come out with more life than other heroes because of his great accuracy with a lightsaber. -Vehicle *-*-*-o-o Nothing to spectacular against vehicles but a lightsaber is always handy versus a tank. -Overall Ranged *-*-*-*-o Although Maul has lightsaber throw and force push like a few heroes this is not the same as their's because of his double saber giving a VERY amazing lightsaber area of effect VERY definitely worth a look. -Overall Melee *-*-*-*-o Maul has such speed in melee he is barely equalled by anyone but he loses out on a rank of 5 due to his life not being as high as some say Anakin Skywalker. *Ryan's Rank *-*-*-*-o With an almost unanimous ranking of 4 Maul deserves it he is a very good character he would of got a full rating if he had some Sith powers but then again he wouldn't be very balanced if he could use them too. ******************************************************************************* 6 - Template ******************************************************************************* Please anyone who would like to contribute to section 5 use this template and if you aren't sure what to put in each section then refer to the helpsheet below. Thank you if you are going to contribute :D : .:: ::. : Weapons : : Skills : : Information : : Lightsaber Style / Blaster Style : : Charge Attack / Jump Attack : : -Heroes o-o-o-o-o : : -Infantry o-o-o-o-o : : -Vehicle o-o-o-o-o : : -Overall Ranged o-o-o-o-o : : -Overall Melee o-o-o-o-o : : * Rank o-o-o-o-o Template Helpsheet Use this if you aren't sure what to put in the template. .::Heroes Name::. Weapons Here put their weapons Skills Here put their skills e.g. force powers, Leia's Invulnerability etc... Information Just some information about how you use the character. Lightsaber Style / Blaster Style If they have a lightsaber use lightsaber style. It is how they fight with their lightsaber(s). Blaster Style is for units that don't have a lightsaber. Charge Attack / Jump Attack Only needed if they have a lightsaber. Their sprint attack with a lightsaber and their jumping attack. -Heroes o-o-o-o-o use a * as 1 point and Small O an o as a 0 ^__^ How well they are against heroes and why you gave them that rating. -Infantry o-o-o-o-o How well they are against infantry and why you gave them that rating. -Vehicle o-o-o-o-o How well they are against vehicles and why you gave them that rating. -Overall Ranged o-o-o-o-o How well they are at ranged attacks and why you gave them that rating. -Overall Melee o-o-o-o-o How well they are at melee attacks and why you gave them that rating. *Ryan's Rank o-o-o-o-o Your rating and input your name. ******************************************************************************* 7 - User Input ******************************************************************************* This is where you get to give other people YOUR profile on heroes. .::Ki-Adi-Mundi ::. Weapons Ki-Adi-Mundi’s lightsaber Skills Lightsaber throw Force Pull Information Ki-Adi-Mundi is an overall good hero to use. Lightsaber Style / Blaster Style Ki-Adi-Mundi has an identical fighting style to Luke Skywalker Charge Attack / Jump Attack Ki-Adi-Mundi's charge attack can be chained to make a very large attack you just have to keep pressing the attack button. It can be hard to direct but will do a lot of damage if you practice with the accuracy. Ki's Jump attack can be continued when he lands on the floor which can help you get both hits on the enemy which is useful due to his style. Heroes *-*-*-*-o Ki-Adi-Mundi attained this rank because of his strength plus the speed of his lightsaber throw. Infantry *-*-*-*-o Ki-Adi-Mundi attained this rank because he can kill almost any unit in 2 hits but his block won’t work against a sniper rifle to the back. Vehicle *-*-*-o-o Ki-Adi-Mundi attained this rank because his natural infantry speed can allow him to run rings around any vehicle while still inflicting large damage with his lightsaber. Overall Ranged *-*-*-o-o Ki-Adi-Mundi attained this rank because his lightsaber throw is devastating like all of the others plus his force pull can really help too. Overall Melee *-*-*-*-o Ki-Adi-Mundi attained this rank because he can do alot of damge with his lightsaber but the reason he didn't get a 5 is because he doesn't have the speed that some do. *Seth’s Rank *-*-*-*-o An Overall great fighter. Signed: sgtkilla / Seth ******************************************************************************* 8 - Acknowledgements ******************************************************************************* .::People who need acknowledging::. Harrison & Conor - My 5 year old brother and 7 year old brother. Lucas Arts - For making this brill game (although they took out Bespin!!! :( ) George Lucas - For Bloody Obvious Reasons!!! Matt Fizak - For telling me straight that Kule certainly isn't Cool! Amy Allen - For being gorgeous and playing the amazing Twi'lek Aayla Secura -=My College Lot=- Paul Dowell - For Getting the PSP version and making me feel good about getting the PS2 version! Adam Lee - For making me feel good because he just doesn't try yet I do. ADAM TRY!!! Anthony Price - For being a top crazy little ginger mate. Although he does say something crazy about Spaghetti-O's Ben Moss - What can I say eh... He helps charity ALOT. Did I mention we have a swear box in college. Jonathon Crossfield - For whinging like a school bitch to change his name to Crossy lol what a bitch! Robert Kirkham - Definitely for being a challenge on UT and Prob summat else... Andrew O'Reilly - For giving me a laugh for being; A Mole, A Terra-Boff and a Teddy-Bear (Aww how nice) AND I can't forget for being stalked! ROFL makes me laff' Danny Mylrea - And last of all the lad who doesn't mind saying that I have fat legs... Cheers Dan! Mike - He doesn't get an acknowledgement cos he hasn't bloody said how much he gets paid yet. ***CONTRIBUTORS*** Those of you out there with enough patience to e-mail me get a nice little section right here all for you! 1. Purly Random - Thanks with mistake :D. 2. Joel Mason - That assault multiples happen often + mistake. 3. mikeTherob - Great little amount of info about force flight. 4. Matt Welsh - Character mistake. 5. Gavin - Choke-Lightning ******************************************************************************* 9 - Version History ******************************************************************************* Version 1.2 - Started a new section 7 (User Input). Version 1.1 - Minor update, fixed a few mistakes, added contributors Version 1.0 - It is published I started on the 9th of November and finished on the 13th not because I slow typer but because I have to share my PC with Mum Dad and Brother (My 14 year old one not my 5 year old bro, 6 year old sis or 7 year old one). :D ******************************************************************************* 10 - Legal Stuff ******************************************************************************* I will repeat for any thieves out there. - My Baby - This is my FAQ which I slaved over and if any of you grubby little thieves are out there then don't try and use this unless you have a written (typed ;D) letter of approval from me Ryan T, linknightshade (at) hotmail (dot) com. I hope you will like this FAQ and find it useful, oh and you should check out the acknowledgements if you ahven't already, if you know anyone else who should be there e-mail me. Thanks All the Trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders and if you use them you in a whole lotta trouble. If you find my FAQ on any other sites or in a magazine please email me with a link or name and I'll add you to the credits. Thanks for reading my FAQ