- - - - - - - - - - - - R E S I D E N T E V I L 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____ _ _____ _ _ / ___| ___ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ | |_ | ____|_ __ ___ | |__ | | ___ _ __ ___ \___ \ / _ \ '__| '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| __| | _| | '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \ ___) | __/ | | |_) | __/ | | | |_ | |___| | | | | | |_) | | __/ | | | | | |____/ \___|_| | .__/ \___|_| |_|\__| |_____|_| |_| |_|_.__/|_|\___|_| |_| |_| |_| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G U I D E Authored by: Berserker Version: 1.0 Last update: 12/05/12 - - - My site: www.berserkersblog.blogspot.com Visit my youtube page: www.youtube.com/BerserkerSTARS (Now posting RE6 Mercenaries videos) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -- Press Ctrl + F and type in the code listed beside each section for -- - quicker navigation through the guide - --- --- Section I: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [IN00] Section II: File and Figure Requirement List . . . . . . . . . . . . [FI00] Section III: Full Serpent Emblem List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [FL00] -- Chris Campaign Serpent Emblems - Chris - Chapter 1 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH01] - Chris - Chapter 2 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH02] - Chris - Chapter 3 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH03] - Chris - Chapter 4 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH04] - Chris - Chapter 5 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CH05] -- Jake Campaign Serpent Emblems - Jake - Chapter 1 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [JA01] - Jake - Chapter 2 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [JA02] - Jake - Chapter 3 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [JA03] - Jake - Chapter 4 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [JA04] - Jake - Chapter 5 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [JA05] -- Leon Campaign Serpent Emblems - Leon - Chapter 1 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LE01] - Leon - Chapter 2 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LE02] - Leon - Chapter 3 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LE03] - Leon - Chapter 4 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LE04] - Leon - Chapter 5 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [LE05] -- Ada Campaign Serpent Emblems - Ada - Chapter 1 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [AD01] - Ada - Chapter 2 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [AD02] - Ada - Chapter 3 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [AD03] - Ada - Chapter 4 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [AD04] - Ada - Chapter 5 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [AD05] Section IV: Copyright and Special Thanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [CS00] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [IN00] SERPENT EMBLEMS SECTION INTRO =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serpent Emblems are blue medallions that are hidden throughout each chapter of each main character's campaign in Resident Evil 6. In order to collect serpent emblems, they must to be shot or hit with a melee attack by each player. Collect serpent emblem to unlock the files and figures listed below. Each main character's chapter has four serpent emblems and each serpent emblem that is shot will unlock a file. The serpent emblems will unlock certain files depending on the serpent emblem that is shot. Serpent emblems are all collected in the same order as listed above, so serpent emblem 1 for Chris' campaign will unlock File 01 for his campaign. Once all serpent emblems are collected for chapter 1 of Chris' campaign, a player will have files 01-04 and figure 1 will be unlocked. Once a player obtains the first serpent emblem in each of Chris' chapters, figure 06 will be unlocked. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ \_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_/ / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \ [FI00] FILE AND FIGURE REQUIREMENT LIST =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a list of all files and figures along with the requirement to obtain them from the required serpent emblem(s). ------------------------------------------------------ CHRIS' FILES AND FIGURES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .-----------------------------------------------------------. | CHRIS CAMPAIGN FILES AND FIGURES | |===========================================================| | File 01 | File 02 | File 03 | File 04 | Figure 01 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 05 | File 06 | File 07 | File 08 | Figure 02 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 09 | File 10 | File 11 | File 12 | Figure 03 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 13 | File 14 | File 15 | File 16 | Figure 04 } |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 17 | File 18 | File 19 | File 20 | Figure 05 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | Figure 06 | Figure 07 | Figure 08 | Figure 09 | Figure 10 | '-----------------------------------------------------------' -- How to Unlock Chris' Files Files 01-04 = Collect serpent emblems 01-04 in chapter 1 of Chris' campaign Files 05-08 = Collect serpent emblems 05-08 in chapter 2 of Chris' campaign Files 09-12 = Collect serpent emblems 09-12 in chapter 3 of Chris' campaign Files 13-16 = Collect serpent emblems 13-16 in chapter 4 of Chris' campaign Files 17-20 = Collect serpent emblems 17-20 in chapter 5 of Chris' campaign -- How to Unlock Chris' Figures Figure 01 = Collect serpent emblems 01-04 in chapter 1 of Chris' campaign Figure 02 = Collect serpent emblems 05-08 in chapter 2 of Chris' campaign Figure 03 = Collect serpent emblems 09-12 in chapter 3 of Chris' campaign Figure 04 = Collect serpent emblems 13-16 in chapter 4 of Chris' campaign Figure 05 = Collect serpent emblems 17-20 in chapter 5 of Chris' campaign Figure 06 = Collect serpent emblems 01, 05, 09, 13, and 17 in Chris' campaign Figure 07 = Collect serpent emblems 02, 06, 10, 14, and 18 in Chris' campaign Figure 08 = Collect serpent emblems 03, 07, 11, 15, and 19 in Chris' campaign Figure 09 = Collect serpent emblems 04, 08, 12, 16, and 20 in Chris' campaign Figure 10 = Collect all serpent emblems in Chris' campaign ------------------------------------------------------ JAKE'S FILES AND FIGURES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .-----------------------------------------------------------. | JAKE CAMPAIGN FILES AND FIGURES | |===========================================================| | File 01 | File 02 | File 03 | File 04 | Figure 01 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 05 | File 06 | File 07 | File 08 | Figure 02 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 09 | File 10 | File 11 | File 12 | Figure 03 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 13 | File 14 | File 15 | File 16 | Figure 04 } |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 17 | File 18 | File 19 | File 20 | Figure 05 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | Figure 06 | Figure 07 | Figure 08 | Figure 09 | Figure 10 | '-----------------------------------------------------------' -- How to Unlock Jake's Files Files 01-04 = Collect serpent emblems 01-04 in chapter 1 of Jake's campaign Files 05-08 = Collect serpent emblems 05-08 in chapter 2 of Jake's campaign Files 09-12 = Collect serpent emblems 09-12 in chapter 3 of Jake's campaign Files 13-16 = Collect serpent emblems 13-16 in chapter 4 of Jake's campaign Files 17-20 = Collect serpent emblems 17-20 in chapter 5 of Jake's campaign -- How to Unlock Jake's Figures Figure 01 = Collect serpent emblems 01-04 in chapter 1 of Jake's campaign Figure 02 = Collect serpent emblems 05-08 in chapter 2 of Jake's campaign Figure 03 = Collect serpent emblems 09-12 in chapter 3 of Jake's campaign Figure 04 = Collect serpent emblems 13-16 in chapter 4 of Jake's campaign Figure 05 = Collect serpent emblems 17-20 in chapter 5 of Jake's campaign Figure 06 = Collect serpent emblems 01, 05, 09, 13, and 17 in Jake's campaign Figure 07 = Collect serpent emblems 02, 06, 10, 14, and 18 in Jake's campaign Figure 08 = Collect serpent emblems 03, 07, 11, 15, and 19 in Jake's campaign Figure 09 = Collect serpent emblems 04, 08, 12, 16, and 20 in Jake's campaign Figure 10 = Collect all serpent emblems in Jake's campaign ------------------------------------------------------ LEON'S FILES AND FIGURES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .-----------------------------------------------------------. | LEON CAMPAIGN FILES AND FIGURES | |===========================================================| | File 01 | File 02 | File 03 | File 04 | Figure 01 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 05 | File 06 | File 07 | File 08 | Figure 02 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 09 | File 10 | File 11 | File 12 | Figure 03 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 13 | File 14 | File 15 | File 16 | Figure 04 } |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 17 | File 18 | File 19 | File 20 | Figure 05 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | Figure 06 | Figure 07 | Figure 08 | Figure 09 | Figure 10 | '-----------------------------------------------------------' -- How to Unlock Leon's Files Files 01-04 = Collect serpent emblems 01-04 in chapter 1 of Leon's campaign Files 05-08 = Collect serpent emblems 05-08 in chapter 2 of Leon's campaign Files 09-12 = Collect serpent emblems 09-12 in chapter 3 of Leon's campaign Files 13-16 = Collect serpent emblems 13-16 in chapter 4 of Leon's campaign Files 17-20 = Collect serpent emblems 17-20 in chapter 5 of Leon's campaign -- How to Unlock Leon's Figures Figure 01 = Collect serpent emblems 01-04 in chapter 1 of Leon's campaign Figure 02 = Collect serpent emblems 05-08 in chapter 2 of Leon's campaign Figure 03 = Collect serpent emblems 09-12 in chapter 3 of Leon's campaign Figure 04 = Collect serpent emblems 13-16 in chapter 4 of Leon's campaign Figure 05 = Collect serpent emblems 17-20 in chapter 5 of Leon's campaign Figure 06 = Collect serpent emblems 01, 05, 09, 13, and 17 in Leon's campaign Figure 07 = Collect serpent emblems 02, 06, 10, 14, and 18 in Leon's campaign Figure 08 = Collect serpent emblems 03, 07, 11, 15, and 19 in Leon's campaign Figure 09 = Collect serpent emblems 04, 08, 12, 16, and 20 in Leon's campaign Figure 10 = Collect all serpent emblems in Leon's campaign ------------------------------------------------------- ADA'S FILES AND FIGURES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .-----------------------------------------------------------. | ADA CAMPAIGN FILES AND FIGURES | |===========================================================| | File 01 | File 02 | File 03 | File 04 | Figure 01 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 05 | File 06 | File 07 | File 08 | Figure 02 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 09 | File 10 | File 11 | File 12 | Figure 03 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 13 | File 14 | File 15 | File 16 | Figure 04 } |-----------------------------------------------------------| | File 17 | File 18 | File 19 | File 20 | Figure 05 | |-----------------------------------------------------------| | Figure 06 | Figure 07 | Figure 08 | Figure 09 | Figure 10 | '-----------------------------------------------------------' -- How to Unlock Ada's Files Files 01-04 = Collect serpent emblems 01-04 in chapter 1 of Ada's campaign Files 05-08 = Collect serpent emblems 05-08 in chapter 2 of Ada's campaign Files 09-12 = Collect serpent emblems 09-12 in chapter 3 of Ada's campaign Files 13-16 = Collect serpent emblems 13-16 in chapter 4 of Ada's campaign Files 17-20 = Collect serpent emblems 17-20 in chapter 5 of Ada's campaign -- How to Unlock Ada's Figures Figure 01 = Collect serpent emblems 01-04 in chapter 1 of Ada's campaign Figure 02 = Collect serpent emblems 05-08 in chapter 2 of Ada's campaign Figure 03 = Collect serpent emblems 09-12 in chapter 3 of Ada's campaign Figure 04 = Collect serpent emblems 13-16 in chapter 4 of Ada's campaign Figure 05 = Collect serpent emblems 17-20 in chapter 5 of Ada's campaign Figure 06 = Collect serpent emblems 01, 05, 09, 13, and 17 in Ada's campaign Figure 07 = Collect serpent emblems 02, 06, 10, 14, and 18 in Ada's campaign Figure 08 = Collect serpent emblems 03, 07, 11, 15, and 19 in Ada's campaign Figure 09 = Collect serpent emblems 04, 08, 12, 16, and 20 in Ada's campaign Figure 10 = Collect all serpent emblems in Ada's campaign ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ \_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_/ / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \ [FL00] FULL SERPENT EMBLEM LIST =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is a list of all Serpent Emblems that can be found in campaign mode in Resident Evil 6. This list starts with Chris' serpent emblems then lists Jake's, Leon's then Ada's serpent emblems since that is the way my campaign walkthrough is structured. All serpent emblems include a number for the amount of serpent emblems in the campaign and a total for the total amount of serpent emblems. There are 20 serpent emblems in each campaign and 80 serpent emblems in all campaigns. ******************************************************************************* At the bottom of each listing is a search code that can be used to find the location of that particular serpent emblem in my campaign walkthrough. Press Ctrl+F then type in the code listed while my main walkthrough is pulled up on your PC screen in order to find more specific details about the location of each serpent emblem. Resident Evil 6 Campaign Walkthrough by Berserker: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps3/605603-resident-evil-6/faqs/65206 ******************************************************************************* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C H R I S C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 1 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [CH01] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (01/20) TOTAL (01/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 1 Location: Main Street - Butcher Shop After stepping off the streets from the start of Chapter 1, Chris and Piers will enter a building and enemy gunfire will break the windows on the right side of the wall after the two characters move up the stairs. They will arrive at a butcher room with hanging meat pieces. There is a serpent emblem on the lower shelf against the left wall before reaching the door in that room. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE01] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (02/20) TOTAL (02/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 1 Location: Back Street - Building Entrance When Chris and Piers enter the first alley where they must take cover and fight off a group of J'avo with machine guns and three J'avo with swords attack from a garage off to the right when they move further down the alley, they will open the door at the end of the alley and enter a building. Inside the building, break the tall crate near the shelf directly ahead and this serpent emblem will be on the shelf behind that tall crate. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (03/20) TOTAL (03/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 1 Location: Rooftops - Rooftop Near Burning Building The serpent emblem for the rooftops portion of chapter 1 can be seen all throughout the time that both characters are up on the rooftops. It is on a green building with metal extensions that stick out along the sides. Look for one of the smaller green buildings and this medal will be on top of the middle extension at the very top. Only Piers can see it really clearly with his rifle, but both characters can shoot it with good aiming. Just look for the bright blue circle on the building. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE03] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (04/20) TOTAL (04/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 1 Location: Tenement - Sixth Floor (Butchery) After Chris and Piers rescue the second hostage in the Tenement building (Ace of Spades), they will have to move down to the sixth floor to save the final hostage. While on the sixth floor, find the two tall crates behind the counter with meat hanging above it and pans on the counter down the first corridor to the right after stepping into the corridor area. This counter is the counter off to the left. There is a serpent emblem on top of a cabinet next to a metal meat storage behind that counter. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE04] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C H R I S C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 2 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [CH02] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (05/20) TOTAL (05/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 2 Location: City in Eastern Europe - Train Yard While defending Finn as he lays explosives near the train cart in the Train Yard, this serpent emblem can be seen through the windows of the room below the high platform in the far right of the area. If you climb up on the middle train cart, you can easily look down at the building below the area where the J'avo spawn (off to the right) and see this emblem through the windows. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE05] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (06/20) TOTAL (06/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 2 Location: The Bridge - Steel Beast Bridge (shoot from High Platform) While playing as Piers, he will have to shoot a fuel tank on the back of a truck to destroy a tank on a large bridge for Chris. After shooting the fuel tank, Chris will tell Piers to meet him on the bridge. The BSAA soldier in the back of Piers will open the door on the high platform that Piers is on. Move down the stairs of the walkway past the doorway and look up on the bridge to see this serpent emblem on a steel beam near the top of the bridge. This is up above a truck near the starting side (right side) of the bridge. It's very easy to make out because of its light blue color against the dark colored beams. NOTE: This emblem can ONLY be shot while playing as Piers. The Chris player can't get a good enough view to see it. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE06] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (07/20) TOTAL (07/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 2 Location: City Hall - Foyer When Chris and Piers enter the City Hall Foyer after the four player crossover segment with Jake and Sherry, move behind the stairs behind the front counter by stepping around either the far left or right side with the pillars and step into the corridor below the stairs. This serpent emblem is on the wall along the top portion of one of the walls. It's in between two paintings. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE07] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (08/20) TOTAL (08/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 2 Location: City Hall - Patient Room After the cutscene where Chris and Piers meet Ada, they will start out in the Patient Room of City Hall. There is an alcove on the right side of the room and there is a green herb on the left side of that alcove. Look at the top of the metal cabinet in that alcove to see this serpent emblem on the right side of it. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE08] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CH03] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C H R I S C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 3 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (09/20) TOTAL (09/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 3 Location: Poisawan Entrance - Deserted Street When Chris and Piers open and step through the red gate in front of the playground, look off to the left side across the street ahead to see this emblem on top of a large crate that is behind the railing on that side. The emblem is in front of a box. It can be hit with melee. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE09] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (10/20) TOTAL (10/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 3 Location: Poisawan Inner Area - Living Quarters (Bedroom) When Chris and Piers defeat the attack helicopter, they will enter a building. They will pass by a dead BSAA soldier and then enter a living quarters area down the hall ahead. While in the living quarters, there is a bathroom directly ahead. Turn to the left and step past the game table with the cards on it then turn right. Enter the bedroom and then look off to the right to find this emblem on top of the lower bunk bed. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE10] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (11/20) TOTAL (11/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 3 Location: Stilt Housing Area - Banquet Building After fighting the attack helicopter in the stilt housing area, the Banquet Building that Chris and Piers are on will catch on fire. While it is on fire, players have time to search for this emblem. Step to the outside walkway of the second floor and look out toward the water then find the stilt house to the left. It is the stilt house closest to the crane in the background. This emblem is along one of the top wooden poles that sticks out of that house. To see it really well, stand to the right of the second metal tray that is against the railing and then look up and to the left a bit. Chris can shoot this with his assault rifle. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE11] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (12/20) TOTAL (12/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 3 Location: Main Thoroughfare - Parking Garage During the driving part where Chris and Piers are in a military jeep chasing after Ada, after entering a tunnel, Ada will speed up during a cutscene and the jeep will coast through a garage. Once the jeep reaches the second level of the garage, J'avo will lie in ambush and fire at the jeep. While shooting back at the J'avo, look above the central jeep that the J'avo are in and look for the bus in the background. This emblem is inside one of the top windows of that bus. Chris can shoot this emblem with the gatling gun and Piers can shoot it with his rifle! CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE12] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CH04] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C H R I S C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 4 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (13/20) TOTAL (13/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 4 Location: Rear Hangar - Entrance Area When Chris and Piers start out in the Rear Hangar at the beginning of Chapter 4, get the semi-auto sniper rifle and kill off the sniper rifle J'avo on the high walkway then find the transport helicopter (big helicopter with two blades) on the right side of the hangar and step inside of that helicopter. Move to the cockpit entrance to see this emblem behind the left seat in the cockpit. It can be hit with a low melee. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE13] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (14/20) TOTAL (14/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 4 Location: Rear Hangar - Aircraft Carrier Exterior Chris and Piers will eventually use the partner assist command to open a white set of double doors on the right portion of the rear hanger in order to get outside and find the lever to lower the stairs in the hangar. When they first exit out of the hangar to the exterior portion of the aircraft carrier, equip the semi-auto sniper rifle and look toward the light on the boat out in the ocean. Find the tower on the boat that is above the light and this serpent emblem will be on that tower. Blast it with the semi-auto sniper rifle! CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE14] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (15/20) TOTAL (15/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 4 Location: Bridge - Stairway When Chris and Piers reach the Communications Room, one character will have to rotate a valve handle while the other character defends the partner against Noga-Trchanje (spider legs). Rotating the valve handle will make a ladder fall through a trap door in the middle of the room. Climb that ladder then move toward the bottom of the first set of stairs. Look below the steps to see this emblem to the left of two stacked black boxes with green lights on them. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE15] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (16/20) TOTAL (16/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 4 Location: Airspace - Top of Aircraft Carrier While playing as Piers during the portion of Chapter 4 where both Chris and Piers are inside the fighter jet, Chris will eventually let Piers out on the aircraft carrier. As Piers, move forward and step up to the red container up ahead. Use the X/A button to lay out explosives then press the buttons as indicated on the QTE gauge that pops up. After blowing up the first red container, move forward and hop over the stack of metal beams up ahead. Turn to the right and look at the tire off to the right near the next stack of beams to see a serpent emblem inside of it. Blast it with a weapon then continue toward the next red container. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE16] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CH05] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C H R I S C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 5 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (17/20) TOTAL (17/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 5 Location: Underwater Facility - Underneath the Cargo Bay After Chris and Piers set Jake and Sherry free in the Surveillance Room, they will crawl through an air duct. Fall down the ladder to the left of the gap in the Cargo Bay after stepping out of the air duct. While looking through the wind tunnel with the fan below the ladder, find the pipe on the wall along the other side of the wind tunnel to see a serpent emblem on it. Blast the serpent emblem through the fan blades. Both Chris and Piers can shoot this. Piers will have to shoot it then climb back up the ladder. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE17] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (18/20) TOTAL (18/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 5 Location: Underwater Facility - Command Center When Chris and Piers get on the elevator in the Cargo Bay and ride the elevator down to the next floor, they will have to use the partner assist button to pry open the double doors off to the side and then they will enter a Command Center where several J'avo will attack and mutate into Glava-Smechs (pincher head) often when hit. Fight them and kill them all off. When all of them are killed, run back to the entrance double doors of the Command Center and stand with your character's back to the doors. Aim and look off to the right then look up to see this serpent emblem on the high wall to the right. It's above the wall to the far right of the entrance door while standing in front of the door. It's on the left side of a hole in the wall. This is above a spawn point in the next corridor. Very tricky placement here. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE18] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (19/20) TOTAL (19/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 5 Location: Emergency Escape Route - Emergency Escape Tunnel 1 After the first fight with Haos, Chris and Piers will enter a tunnel where they must run forward and slide under bulkhead doors to reach the other side. Before reaching the final compartment, the floor will fall out from below Piers and he will have to hang on to the side of the floor and climb up while Chris holds the bulkhead door open. After pulling up to the next portion of the corridor, look off to the left portion of the corridor then look down. There is a serpent emblem lying in the middle of the two pipes near the bulkhead door that just closed behind the characters. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE19] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS CAMPAIGN (20/20) TOTAL (20/80) _ |_| Campaign: Chris, Chapter 5 Location: Emergency Escape Route - Escape Corridor After defeating Haos for the final time, Chris and Piers will enter a corridor where Piers must knock down three hardened Chrysalid walls with his right arm in order to destroy them and get to the other side. While standing in front of the third hardened Chrysalid wall, step away from it a bit and look off to the right. There is a serpent emblem on the long light along the back wall. Both players can hit this, but it's harder to hit with Piers since it's harder to aim precisely with him and he also has to destroy the third wall AND hit the emblem. It can be done though! I shot it with Piers while writing this description! CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE20] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [JA01] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J A K E C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 1 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (01/20) TOTAL (21/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 1 Location: The Sewer - Battlefield Path 1 Once Jake and Sherry first step outside in the first chapter, they will be shot at by a BSAA helicopter. Move along the path with the dead J'avo with the red shirt up ahead then make a left at the end of the path. While approaching the building at the end of the path, look above the door up ahead to see this serpent emblem resting above the doorway. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE21] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (02/20) TOTAL (22/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 1 Location: The Sewers - Mountain Path Jake and Sherry will reach an area along the side of the mountain where J'avo patrol. They can stealth kill the J'avo or fight as they move toward the building. The Jake player will have to swing across a pole to get over a gap and then offer Sherry a hand as she waits near the broken ladder below him. While on the opposite side of the gap, find the steel tower to the right of the ladder past the fence up ahead then look on top of that tower to see this serpent emblem. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE22] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (03/20) TOTAL (23/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 1 Location: Water Channel - Men's Restroom Jake and Sherry will have to outrun Ustanak shortly after a cutscene after the two escape a corridor area with J'avo that attack them in great number from high areas. Jake and Sherry will enter a restroom with one J'avo inside. Jake can boost Sherry up through the hole near the far side of the restroom. After Jake tosses Sherry up through the hole in the rooftop of the building, Sherry can turn around and blast the serpent emblem to the right of the hole in the floor behind her. NOTE: With Jake, a player can toss a flash grenade up toward the emblem to break it. Just stand with your back to the wall that Jake tossed Sherry up then toss the flash grenade upward to the opposite end. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE23] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (04/20) TOTAL (24/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 1 Location: Underground Passage - Outside the Ruins After Jake and Sherry step down the corridor from the room with mannequins, they will climb a ladder and step outside into the wintry weather once again. Look on the top of the building directly across from the door to see a serpent emblem above a door with debris in front of it. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE24] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [JA02] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J A K E C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 2 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (05/20) TOTAL (25/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 2 Location: Mountain Path - Center of the Mountain Path After Jake and Sherry move up the icy hill and fight off the two J'avo that are on snow mobiles, they will reach an area with stacked logs where FOS Memory Device A is located (the second data chip that Jake and Sherry must collect). There is a crane next to the memory device that has a serpent emblem on the operator's seat. Get near the crane then blast it. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE25] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (06/20) TOTAL (26/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 2 Location: Mountain Path - Top of the Mountain Path While Jake and Sherry are standing next to the final data chip that is outside the wooden shed at the top of the mountain path, find the tower in the background and there is a serpent emblem on top of that tower. While facing the front side of the shed with the entrance, it's best to move along the left side to see the tower below the ledge. Look up on the very top of the tower to see this emblem. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE26] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (07/20) TOTAL (27/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 2 Location: Snow-Covered Mountain - Snowy Hill While Jake and Sherry are on the snow mobiles while outrunning the avalanche, they will come upon an area with trees then shortly afterwards, they will move down a frozen river with many ledges on it where they will hit many dropoffs. Eventually, the snow will start to flow down the mountain from both sides as the characters reach a final ledge. When the ground starts to become flat, stay to the right as the characters come up to a cave entrance and your character will hit this serpent emblem with the snow mobile and get credit for it. It's literally right outside the cave and off to the far right side. Be careful about getting too far over to the right too early since the avalanche might kill your character. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE27] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (08/20) TOTAL (28/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 2 Location: Cave - Mining Cave 3 While in the cave area where several Okos patrol the middle corridors, kill off all the Okos then move up the stairs and walk toward the door with the valve handle on it. Turn around and look up toward the cylinder above the alcove across from the stairs to see this emblem on the side of that cylinder. This emblem must be shot. The moment it is shot, Ustanak will come running, so blast the emblem and then quickly rotate the valve handle to open the door and then move through the doorway. You should be able to get through the door before Ustanak gets to the characters. NOTE: In co-op play, both players should be able to shoot this emblem. The player that shoots the emblem first should open the door and the player that waits should shoot the emblem while the partner opens the door. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE28] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [JA03] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J A K E C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 3 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (09/20) TOTAL (29/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 3 Location: Detention Center - Surveillance Area While in control of Jake, he will reach a surveillance area where he can look through three cameras by using the controls below the cameras. The camera in the lobby and the camera in the second hallway that Sherry can enter have guns attached to them. Look up on the set of cubbies (shelf) in the lobby area to see a serpent emblem. Use the camera's gun to hit the serpent emblem and get credit for it. Only Jake can get this serpent emblem. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE29] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (10/20) TOTAL (30/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 3 Location: Living Quarters - Storage Room When Jake and Sherry start in the Main Locker Room after meeting up shortly after escaping their holding rooms, they will enter a hall where J'avo will attack from the stairway at the end (off to the right). Enter the storage room at the end of that hall. Look on the side of the shelf closest to the door in the room then find this emblem in between the boxes on the middle right shelf. It can be hit with a melee attack with either character. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE30] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (11/20) TOTAL (31/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 3 Location: Research Facility Entrance - Statue Room After Jake and Sherry gain entrance to the Security Room and then move back out to the Statue Room, a tank will bust through the double doors in the back of the Statue Room. Hide behind the big statue in the center the room and allow the tank to destroy the statue with its turret. A serpent emblem will be lying in the middle of the floor where the statue was once the debris clears. Slide into it to hit it and watch out for the tank's gunfire! CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE31] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (12/20) TOTAL (32/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 3 Location: Research Facility Entrance - Pagoda Building Area After Jake and Sherry run from the tank in the First Floor Hallway and then leap into the Garbage Area, they will enter an area with shallow water with a Pagoda building above them. When they move to the right, the tank will bust through the wall and fire at them some more. Run toward the stairs that lead up to the Pagoda building then run around the right side of the stairs and look off to the left to see this emblem lying near the wall. Run over to it and slide into it to hit it. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE32] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [JA04] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J A K E C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 4 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (13/20) TOTAL (33/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 4 Location: City and Highway - City Streets In the sequence where Jake and Sherry are on a motorcycle, the helicopter will open fire on a tanker shortly after Jake saves Sherry from falling off the helicopter. After sliding up under the tanker, the Sherry player will have to shoot the fuel tank on the tanker. While aiming, look toward the left side of the street and shoot the serpent emblem on top of the sign off to the left before shooting the tanker fuel tank. This can only be done while playing Sherry. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE33] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (14/20) TOTAL (34/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 4 Location: Poisawan Shopping District - Alley Once Jake and Sherry finish off the attack chopper, they will enter an alley with many pickups along it. After moving past the second treasure chest that is behind a green dumpster off to the right, players will notice a red and white car toppled over on its side behind a roadblock to the left. Move behind that toppled car and there is a white car with its headlights on. This serpent emblem is on the windshield of that car - the passenger's side. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE34] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (15/20) TOTAL (35/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 4 Location: Shopping District - Second Street After Jake and Sherry reach the top of the stairway in the Shopping District area, one of them will have to hop across a gap and that character will fall below. There is an overturned bus up ahead and some crates to the left of it. Move behind the big crates off to the left and this emblem will be on the crate in the open area behind the first crate. It's low enough to where a player can hit it with a melee. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE35] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (16/20) TOTAL (36/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 4 Location: Shopping District - Corridor to Ladder After Jake and Sherry get past the street where they separate, they will enter a corridor that leads to a red ladder. While standing near the red ladder, look through the hole on the right side of the crates to see this emblem lying on a platform of a stand in the background. Shoot it from a distance. A player can also look off the top walkway railing and shoot the emblem from up high. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE36] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [JA05] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J A K E C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 5 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (17/20) TOTAL (37/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 5 Location: Underwater Facility 1 - Holding Area Once Jake and Sherry get their guns back, reenter the holding cell that they were trapped inside and look up toward the pipe in the corner to the right of the air duct that Sherry was boosted up to in order to see this serpent emblem. Shoot it from below. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE37] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (18/20) TOTAL (38/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 5 Location: Underwater Facility 1 - Room F After Jake and Sherry activate reserve battery 2 and get the elevator back to 50% charge, they will have to move down a corridor. Turn left at the end of the corridor to get to a T-intersection. Move to the right then make another right to enter a lab area. Look at the glass case off to the left in the lab area to see a serpent emblem on the middle left shelf. Blast the glass then blast the emblem. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE38] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (19/20) TOTAL (39/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 5 Location: Underwater Facility 2 - Maintenance Area When Jake and Sherry arrive in the Maintenance Area filled with magma, Ustanak will chase them below. When the characters reach the point where they can first fight Ustanak, and the objective is "Take down Ustanak" for the first time, there will be several breakable metal tall crates along the catwalks that the characters stand on. Find the catwalk end with two metal tall crates that extends off to the right while moving toward the back of the catwalk area. There is a serpent emblem near the bottom of a steel column that sticks out of the lava on that side. Shoot it then quickly return to fighting Ustanak. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE39] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JAKE CAMPAIGN (20/20) TOTAL (40/80) _ |_| Campaign: Jake, Chapter 5 Location: Shipping Center - Cargo Area After the fight with Ustanak where Jake fights him hand-to-hand, the Jake and Sherry player will exit the area and enter a corridor. Move to the end of the first corridor and this emblem will be near the railing to the right. It's extremely obvious. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE40] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LE01] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L E O N C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 1 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (01/20) TOTAL (41/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 1 Location: Visitor's Area - Storage Room While in the Storage Room, directly after the cutscene with the man (Robert), walk to the right side of the PC on the middle table then look into the room off to the left. The room is blocked off but there is a serpent emblem in the room. Aim at the emblem and shoot it with a handgun to make it break. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE41] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (02/20) TOTAL (42/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 1 Location: Campus - Small Library After entering the Staff Building in the Benford Yard (courtyard) Leon and Helena will have to fend off against zombies in the main hall while the characters are locked inside. Once they have opened the next door, run to the Small Library (room before the room with the campus keycard) then open the desk drawer on the right side of the room to find this serpent emblem. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE42] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (03/20) TOTAL (43/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 1 Location: Underground - Subway Tunnel 2 Leon and Helena will move through a Subway Tunnel where they will have to dodge an oncoming train with a button prompt command. After they exit that tunnel, they will enter a tunnel where their lights will go out and then they will be attacked by a few zombies. When the characters step into the next Subway Tunnel after that, hop off the platform after moving through the doorway then look off to the left to see a serpent emblem below the train cart to the right. Step back a bit to see it. It's leaning up against the bottom right side of the train. It has to be shot with a gun weapon. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE43] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (04/20) TOTAL (44/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 1 Location: The Town - After Hours Bar After Leon and Helena exit the residence where they must find a key to unlock the back door, they will have to work together to unlock another door where Leon will have to toss Helena to a high walkway then she will have to unlock the door from the other side. After this, the characters will step into a bar area. This serpent emblem is on a small counter to the left just past the main counter while stepping toward the exit doors of the bar. It can be hit with Leon's knife easily. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE44] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LE02] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L E O N C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 2 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (05/20) TOTAL (45/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 2 Location: Forest Cemetery - Graveyard While Leon and Helena follow the path in the Forest Cemetery, they will pass by lampposts that are lit up. While passing by the third lamppost (with the open grave near it), lightning will flash and zombies will attack. Once the characters pass by the third lamppost, they will eventually reach a fourth lamppost along the zigzagging path. When the fourth lamppost is reached, step off toward the gravestones on the left side of the path. Find the obelisk stone (slender and square-shaped) then step to the opposite side of this stone to find a serpent emblem in the circle indention along the opposite side. It can be hit with a melee. NOTE: Lightning will strike while near this area, so be prepared to fight some zombies. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE45] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (06/20) TOTAL (46/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 2 Location: Cathedral - Lobby (Third Floor) After ringing all five bells and grabbing the Madonna of Grief from the pedestal that used to be covered by bars, a door will open below the stairs through the doorway below the stairway area. Leon and Helena will walk out onto the third floor of the Cathedral Lobby after moving through the doorway. Walk along the left side of the walkway and look at the circular stained-glass windows above the cathedral entrance. This serpent emblem is in one of the circular grooves of the top left portion of that collection of windows. This is right across from the pedestals where the characters place the last two Madonna statues. It must be shot. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE46] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (07/20) TOTAL (47/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 2 Location: Underground Lab - Trashy Corridor (Men's Restroom) After stepping out of an Experiment Room where a body is on the operating table inside, Leon and Helena will enter a corridor with a bunch of trash all over the sides of the floor and on tables. Enter the first room on the left side of the corridor and walk over to the sink to get an X/A button prompt while standing in front of it. Press the button to drain the water in the sink and reveal this serpent emblem. Strangely, it must be shot. It can't be hit with a knife with Leon. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE47] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (08/20) TOTAL (48/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 2 Location: Primitive Altar Entrance - Aqueduct Once Leon and Helena slide down the dust chute in the laboratory area, they will slide into an Aqueduct below. Slide or crawl up under the two archways along the tunnel when the characters reach the portion with shallow water. There will be a large breakable pot off to the left after sliding through the second archway. Look off to the left to see this serpent emblem in the water of the cave tunnel past the planks. Shoot it from a distance. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE48] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LE03] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L E O N C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 3 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (09/20) TOTAL (49/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 3 Location: Altar Corridor - Platform Below Primitive Altar At the start of chapter 3, Leon and Helena will be facing the wooden platform that Deborah fell off of at the end of chapter 2. Turn around and move down the corridor directly ahead. The characters will reach a room with a set of doors in between two levers up ahead. Tilt the camera upwards and look to the left to see a serpent emblem high up on a ledge along the left wall. Shoot it with a gun. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE49] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (10/20) TOTAL (50/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 3 Location: Catacombs - Submerged Catacombs After Leon and Helena use the Simmons Family Ring to open the large door at the end of the Catacombs area, they will reach a water area where a fish will swim by up ahead of them during a cutscene. Follow the water path off to the left and keep heading left until the characters come upon a path off to the right where they can step out of the water. Step up to the path with coffins and find the closed coffin off to the left across from a breakable pot. Open that coffin to find this serpent emblem inside. Even though it is in close range, it must be shot with a gun weapon. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE50] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (11/20) TOTAL (51/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 3 Location: Cavern - East Side When Helena gets separated from Leon, she will work her way to the other side of the area then use a crank to lower a raised bridge for Leon. While both characters are on the platform with the crank that Helena used, stand and face the front of the statue that points then look to the left to see a serpent emblem on a ledge very far out in the distance (to the west). It's near one of the platforms that Helena had to move across (one that has a bridge on it). Arm the semi-auto sniper rifle and shoot it. It's listed on the map below. __ __ .' '._______.' \ | ._______ . .''. / ___.' ^ \..' / '. / / WALKWAY '. .' Shrieker > \/ BREAKS '. . ______ /\ | | | \ _/ / | | | . __ ' .' ' | | / / ' \ \ .' ' | | / / \ \ ( .' | | / / \ \_ \___ .' | | / /Whopper >' | Whopper >/ \ / / '.___| ... ( PPP ' / __ | | \_____| _____ .' '. ____ ______ '.__' .'''''\__.' | | ||PPP | / '.____.' ) /P____......_|_|_| '. ..' | _____ ) / / Platform sinks^ | | \ .' '.____.' _/ / | | | | '. .' .| |. | | < BRIDGE | | Shoot serpent ' ' | | . \ emblem from >| / .' '. ( | here \__/ \ | ' '\ \ _ __/| \ \ |P | ' ' '._________/ | \ \ \___ \ SERPENT > |._____________.___| \ | \ \ EMBLEM | | \ \__ | | | \ ____/ / '.____/ __ _ .' / .'''.____.' '. / \.' ... / ' .____ ) ___ _____ \SP .' './ '..' \____/ / \________.' '.__ _____ ___/ .' (P ________ START __| |_____| |___.' \___/ /'._____.' ^^^ |___/ < ^^^ ___ < BOTTOM FLOOR AREA | | < | | | | | | \ \ \ \ \ \ \___\ ___ | | |___| ___ | | |__/ ___ | / |_| ___ .------------------. | | | MAP ABREVIATIONS | |___| |==================| ___ | P | Pot | | | | SP | Small Pot | | | '------------------' |___| EXIT CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE51] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (12/20) TOTAL (52/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 3 Location: Underground Water Channel - Brzak's Den After both players get through the swimming portion of the chapter and then fight off Brzak in the QTE sequence battle when they are both caught by him, Leon and Helena will be separated when they arrive in Brzak's Den. The Helena player will be on a platform up above the Leon player. Move across the first bridge and enter the cave tunnel on the other side. Find the 5.56MM NATO ammo pickup and this serpent emblem will be in the bottom half of a barrel next to the ammo pickup. The Leon player can get this serpent emblem also, but that player must backtrack to the area where Helena comes from. Climb the wooden ladder off to the right when Leon finally pulls up in front of the damage iron gate. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE52] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LE04] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L E O N C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 4 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (13/20) TOTAL (53/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 4 Location: Airplane - Crew Lounge After the characters fight the Lepotitsa in the cockpit of the airplane, Hunnigan will direct their attention to the back of the plane over radio. The stairs in the back of the cockpit will be open afterwards. Run down the stairs then find the partially open shutter off to the right. Stand and face that shutter then look below it on the right side to see a serpent emblem behind a fallen table and suitcase. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE53] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (14/20) TOTAL (54/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 4 Location: Airplane - Cargo Bay After the Lepotitsa battle in the cockpit of the airplane, Leon and Helena will eventually move down some stairs after they pass the second class seating area. The characters will step into a Cargo Bay with gas cylinders off to the left. Find the glass cases with liquor and beer inside then use a melee attack to smash the second glass case to the right. There is a serpent emblem on the top shelf of that glass case and a green herb on the bottom shelf of the glass case to the left. This serpent emblem can be easily hit with a melee attack. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE54] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (15/20) TOTAL (55/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 4 Location: Market - Marketplace (Middle) After the four-player crossover fight with Ustanak, Leon and Helena will enter a Market. Move down the street and enter the alley on the right side of the street then look off to the right to see a serpent emblem on top of a table on the other side of an open shutter. See the map below for more details. ____ | | | | ____________________________ ____________ _| TC| | ^ | | | ____ | Locked Exit Door |____| |__ |SP2 |__| | |RH | ________ | |____ _____| _____ | |__| | | | ____ __ | | | | | | TC| | | | | | |___| | ____| | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____| | | | ___|____|__ | < Locked |__ __| | | TC 9M < STORAGE ________ Door | |WC | |________| KEY A Locked | | __| |__ |___________ |_________ Door | | | | | | | WC v | | | | | WC | |_______ __ __| | | |__| |___________| *SE | |________| |________| | (Shoot from East roof) | | Ladder > |TC | | ___ _________| ________< Locked >________| | |WC | | | Doors | | |______|__ |_ |_________ ____ _| | | | | | | | | | STORAGE KEY B > | | WC |__ ___| | | | ________| | SP1(2F) | | | | | | |______ __| | | | | | | | | |________|______|__|< Ladder ______|__ | | Locked Door ^ | | | STORAGE | |__ | ________ | | | KEY C | | | | | | | | | | | | | |*SE| | | | | | | | | | | __|_________ | | | | |__ | |^ Ladder GH | | | |_TC| | | TC __| | | |TC | |_____|_____|_______| ___| |__________|_|_____| |TC | |___ ___ \ | | | \___ | | | '. | | | '. | | | '. |________| |__________ \ \ \ .-------------------------------------------. | MAP ABREVIATIONS | |===========================================| | SP1 | 5000 Skill Points | | SP2 | 2000 Skill Points | | GH | Green Herb | | RH | Red Herb | | 9M | 9MM Ammo | | TC | Tall Crate (Item Crate) | | WC | Wooden Crate (Item Crate) | | *SE | Serpent Emblem | '-------------------------------------------' CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE55] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (16/20) TOTAL (56/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 4 Location: Market - Marketplace (East Side) After obtaining Storage Key B in the Marketplace with the Rasklapanje, climb the nearby ladder in that alley then move to the far right to get a command prompt by a ledge where Leon can toss Helena to the roof across from the current one (west side). Look diagonally to the right up ahead and find the neon sign in the background. This serpent emblem is on top of a metal pole above some metal framework beside that neon sign. Take out the semi-auto sniper rifle and shoot it. This emblem can also be shot from several other places along the map. See the map above for more details. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE56] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [LE05] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L E O N C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 5 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (17/20) TOTAL (57/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 5 Location: Port Area - Clothing Store Once Leon and Helena get out of the streets with the approaching C-virus gas near the beginning of chapter 5, they will enter a Clothing Store. A zombie will eventually bust through the window of the store and cause the gas to enter the store. There is a serpent emblem on the shelf with shoes on the right wall across from the table with white handbags. It's best to collect all the items in the room then shoot this serpent emblem while moving up the stairs. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE57] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (18/20) TOTAL (58/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 5 Location: High-Rise Area - Back Alley After Leon and Helena escape from the zombies out in the burning street where Ada helps them from a helicopter above, they will step into an alley and then a building. After moving down the corridor of the building, they will enter an alley where two BSAA soldier zombies will attack. There is a serpent emblem on top of the left crate in the back of the truck beside the BSAA vehicle. This is right near a wooden crate item box. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE58] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (19/20) TOTAL (59/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 5 Location: High-Rise Area - Quad Tower Lobby Once Leon and Helena crash the helicopter into the Quad Tower Lobby, players will have to press some buttons in a QTE sequence to dodge a glass chandelier as it falls. It will hit a glass floor. Step toward the double doors up ahead then look at the row of cubbies behind the reception desk past the right railing to see a serpent emblem in one of the bottom cubby holes. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE59] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEON CAMPAIGN (20/20) TOTAL (60/80) _ |_| Campaign: Leon, Chapter 5 Location: Quad Tower Roof - Rooftop After Leon and Helena defeat Simmons while he is in a weakened state with only one tentacle arm, they will leave him behind as zombies start to bite him and gather all around him. The characters will be facing a set of stairs with a breakable tall crate and wooden crate to the right of the stairs. Step up under the stairs and look past the bars of the fence to the left to see a serpent emblem lying below an air-condition unit behind the fence. Shoot the emblem with a gun weapon. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE60] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AD01] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A D A C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 1 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (01/20) TOTAL (61/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 1 Location: Submarine - Armory When a cutscene plays in a corridor and Ada has to stealth kill two J'avo down a corridor and one J'avo that is in a room with windows off to the left, follow the corridor in the back of that area after killing off the J'avo. There is a corridor at the end above a set of stairs. Move up the stairs then look above the cabinet in the first alcove to the right to see a serpent emblem above the top cabinet directly ahead. Blast it with the ammo box pistol! It doesn't matter if Ada makes any sound by the time she runs across this emblem, so long as all J'avo in the previous corridor were killed. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE61] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (02/20) TOTAL (62/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 1 Location: Submarine Reactor - Reactor Area When Ada starts out in the room with bunk beds and then pulls out her PDA to show the destination to the rescue sub, exit that room by unlocking and then open the door ahead. In the next area, walk to the far left and look to the right to see a breakable tall crate. Look on the back of the metal pillar in the middle of the corridor to the right to see a serpent emblem on the back of it. Hit it with a melee! CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE62] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (03/20) TOTAL (63/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 1 Location: Submarine Reactor - Wind Tunnel Area Ada will climb three ladders while water fills the floors below her. After climbing the third ladder, she will have a choice of sliding through an air duct off to the left or running down the corridor to the right and climbing a ladder. Slide under the air duct to the left. After sliding under the air duct, a Noga-Trchanje (spider legs) will attack Ada in the next corridor. Kill that J'avo or run by him then look on the wall to the right of the ladder that is off to the left to see this emblem near an orange light on that wall. Shoot it quickly then climb the ladder. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE63] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (04/20) TOTAL (64/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 1 Location: Submarine Torpedo Room - Control Room When Ada first starts in the Torpedo Room area where she will fight several Gnezdos later, move down the corridor ahead of her then hop through the doorway at the end of the corridor (the doorway says "To Dining Room" to the side of it). A Gnezdo will attack her. Kill or run from the Gnezdo then hop through the doorway directly ahead. Two breakable wooden crates are in the Control Room behind the doorway. Turn around and there is a serpent emblem near the right lower wall by the doorway Ada just hopped through. The serpent emblem is lying on a set of pipes along the wall. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE64] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AD02] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A D A C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 2 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (05/20) TOTAL (65/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 2 Location: Forest Cemetery - Behind the Cathedral After Ada moves across the rooftop of the cathedral at the start of chapter 2, she will be in the yard behind the cathedral after the next cutscene. Follow the path in the back of the cathedral and Ada will come upon three gravestones off to the right in the back of the path. The middle gravestone has a hole in front of it. Step behind the middle gravestone to see a serpent emblem on it. Hit the serpent emblem with a melee. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE65] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (06/20) TOTAL (66/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 2 Location: Crypt - Altar Entrance After Ada collects all three Simmons Family Crests (A, B and C) and returns to the locked door in the Crypt Maze, place all three crests on the door to have it slide to the side and reveal a ladder. Drop down the ladder and then rotate the camera and look up on the wall to see a serpent emblem on top of a pillar on the back wall near the ceiling. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE66] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (07/20) TOTAL (67/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 2 Location: Underground Lab - Holding Area After stepping out of the elevator at the start of the Underground Lab area, Ada will enter a Holding Area where she will fight two Whoppers and a Whopper Supreme. Work your way to the far left side of the area and break the three tall crates on that side then look off the stairs above the water to the right to see a serpent emblem beside the railing that hangs over the water. Shoot it from a distance. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE67] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (08/20) TOTAL (68/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 2 Location: Underground Lab - Water Chamber Ada will run into two Napads that will bust through doors while in the Enemy Corridor of the Underground Lab. After the second Napad busts through the second set of double doors while stepping down a corridor, Ada will have to drop to a corridor with shallow water. There will be two breakable tall crates to her left. Turn around after falling and there is a serpent emblem on the wall behind her. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE68] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AD03] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A D A C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 3 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (09/20) TOTAL (69/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 3 Location: Poisawan - Market Street After hookshoting away from a playground, Ada will step out onto a street where she will fight two Ruka-SRPs (blade arm). She will fight two more J'avo while moving ahead. Follow the street directly ahead of Ada. The last stand to the left has some Chinese paper fans hanging inside of it. On the right side there are rows of ties hanging from the top. There is a serpent emblem in between the hanging ties. It blends in really well. Shoot it while standing near it. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE69] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (10/20) TOTAL (70/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 3 Location: Poisawan - Blocked Street Ada will enter a building at the end of the Market Street then she will exit out of the building and step out onto the other side of the street. A cutscene will play where a J'avo will chase civilians then he will attack afterwards. After killing the J'avo move to the right side of the green stands by stepping through the opening along that side then look at the red road block in the back of the street to see a serpent emblem in the left circular indention on that road block. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE70] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (11/20) TOTAL (71/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 3 Location: Shopping District - Bus When fighting Ubistvo on the bus, Ada will have to hookshot away from him. Eventually, the bus will pass by a green neon sign and the sign will hit Ubvistvo and knock him off the bus. When then bus stops, run to the side of the bus that is closest to the wooden walkway made of bamboo poles then look to the left to find a serpent emblem in the distance. It is lying on the side of the building next to a wooden pole. Shoot it with the ammo box 50 or assault shotgun. The bus will be moving and messing up your aim, that is why I mention the assault shotgun (because of its bullet spread). CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE71] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (12/20) TOTAL (72/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 3 Location: Railroad Area - Apartment Building After Ada battles Ubistvo (chainsaw J'avo) on the train tracks, she will hop aboard a train. She will eventually hookshot off the train and land near an apartment building. Enter the apartment building and move toward the stairs off to the right then go down. The stairs are blocked by a large wooden crate. Look to the right side of the area behind the crate to see a serpent emblem. Take out the ammo box and aim at it then blast it. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE72] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AD04] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A D A C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 4 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (13/20) TOTAL (73/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 4 Location: Bridge - Corridor to Air Duct When Ada runs by the first searchlight on the outside walkway, she will hookshot to a walkway up above her. This serpent emblem will be lying beside the railing off to the left. A breakable tall crate is across from this emblem. It's best to slide into this emblem to hit it with melee (dash + L1/LT). CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE73] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (14/20) TOTAL (74/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 4 Location: Bridge - Locker Room Shortly after Ada views the cutscene in the main cabin about the true secrets behind her clone, she will fall down a long hatch and land in a room with a single J'avo that patrols up and down the corridor ahead of her. Stealth melee kill the J'avo then search the lockers against the left wall before reaching the elevator in the back of the corridor to find a serpent emblem inside the third locker to the left. The serpent emblem can be hit with melee. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE74] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (15/20) TOTAL (75/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 4 Location: Aircraft Carrier Interior - Lower Level Entrance After the cutscenes where Ada meets Carla, Ada will start out back inside the aircraft carrier. There will be a breakable tall crate near the door in front of her and a trapdoor with a ladder that leads down in the back of her. While facing the trapdoor, there is a serpent emblem behind a steel column to the left. Look behind the last one on the left to see this. Shoot it with a gun weapon. This is all before Carla starts to chase Ada. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE75] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (16/20) TOTAL (76/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 4 Location: Aircraft Carrier Interior - Corridor With Metal Cabinets After running through the corridor with the hands on the wall, Ada will enter a corridor where a Carla Spore S will attack her from behind the door that she opens (to the right). Rotate the valve handle on the next door and move into that corridor. There is a Carla Spore Face on the wall behind the metal cabinets to the left. Shoot the Carla Spore Face one time to stun it then rush toward it and turn left then enter the alcove behind the metal cabinets. There is a red herb and a serpent emblem in that corridor. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE76] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [AD05] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A D A C A M P A I G N - C H A P T E R 5 - - - S E R P E N T E M B L E M S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (17/20) TOTAL (77/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 5 Location: High-Rise Area - Street When Ada is blasting the zombies in the street to help out Leon and Helena at the start of chapter 5, look to the left in the street below then find the yellow truck. This serpent emblem is in the back of the truck next to the cabin. In order to see it, Ada must fly forward then to the right and then turn and look to the left. If you fly too far to the left, the left side of the bed of the truck will block the emblem. Shoot it with the helicopter's machine guns. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE77] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (18/20) TOTAL (78/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 5 Location: High-Rise Area - Streets of Tatchi When Ada fights the powerful black helicopter near the blue building in chapter 5, duck down below the blue building that the helicopter hovers over (by holding left thumbstick down) then find the white slender Chinese sign with red and black Chinese letters on the right side of the blue building and this serpent emblem will be at the top of that sign. Shoot it with the helicopter's machine guns. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE78] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (19/20) TOTAL (79/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 5 Location: Quad Tower Roof - Second Rooftop While defending the civilians on the second rooftop where Ada shoots a dynamite zombie and knocks off the lightning rod from the building, fly to the far left side of the building to see a serpent emblem lying down on the lower rooftop with ceiling windows on it. The serpent emblem is next to the rooftop with the civilians on it and above some ceiling windows. Shoot it then quickly return to shooting the zombies on the rooftop. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE79] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADA CAMPAIGN (20/20) TOTAL (80/80) _ |_| Campaign: Ada, Chapter 5 Location: Quad Tower Roof - Heliport Once Ada exits from the helicopter, she will be out on the heliport of the Quad Tower. Find the walkway with a broken railing then hookshot to the yellow steel girder that is suspended by a crane. Walk to the far end of the crane and look to the right to see framework that is covered by white cloth below the crane. Look on the far left below that framework to see a serpent emblem lying on the building below the framework. It's lying to the left of a railing. Shoot it from a distance. CAMPAIGN WALKTHROUGH SEARCH CODE: [SE80] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ \_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_/ / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \ [CS00] COPYRIGHT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document Copyright 2012 Kevin Hall (Berserker) Resident Evil 6 Copyright 2012 Capcom Ltd. This document is for private and personal use only. Do not try to sell this document for profit. This is a free document and should remain free. Do not try to reproduce this document in any way, shape, or form. Do not alter this FAQ in any way. Use of this guide on any other web site, besides the sites that have contacted me, or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you want to use this FAQ on your site, then contact me for permission first. This FAQ can only be found on a few sites as of now and I am keeping a list of those sites. Contact me if you want to use it. This FAQ is not authorized to appear on any Resident Evil sites, especially Mercenaries sites, unless I say so... which I haven't yet. If it is on there, then I didn't ever give you permission to use it and therefore, you fail hardcore and I will tell all my friends and fans of your failings. SPECIAL THANKS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - My parents. - All of the friends that I've gained from the RE5 Mercs community. Truly too many to list! - Greg, JuJu, Josh, Paglie, Bryce and many other friends! - God for helping me get through the past 4 months of stress problems. - The Bradygames Official Resident Evil 6 Strategy Guide for listing figures and statistics. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ \_/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \_/ / \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ., ,. \ '. - - http://berserkersblog.blogspot.com - - .' / '. '. - - http://www.youtube.com/user/BerserkerSTARS - - .' .' '. '. ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .' .' 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