=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Watchmen: The End is Night (PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) Guide: Abilities & Pick-Up Creation date: March 15, 2009 Version: Complete =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 8888b. 888888 .d8888b 88888b. 88888b.d88b. .d88b. 88888b. 888 888 888 "88b 888 d88P" 888 "88b 888 "888 "88b d8P Y8b 888 "88b 888 888 888 .d888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 88888888 888 888 Y88b 888 d88P 888 888 Y88b. 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During the game they need to battle all kinds of opponents which keep getting stronger through the game. Luckily the game contains a number of abilities and pick-ups which the player can collect. In this FAQ you'll read where you can find these power-ups. This FAQ was written by GameFAQs forum member M00nkey and formatted by me. The information in this FAQ was written by M00nkey so he is the copyright owner with help from GameFAQs members fett42 gf, Krazyfoxx, sybilium1, chopstyx and Timewalker psp. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2- Nite Owl [A200] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Nite Owl is an honest crime fighter who utilizes owl-themed gadget, in this way he is comparable to Batman, especially in his Watchmen: The End is Nigh outfit. Nite Owl doesn't try to kill his opponents and his moves are less brutal than those of his friend Rorschach. His combination attacks are more fluent and he has an electrical suit which charges automatically. By discharging this suit Nite Owl can disable a lot of enemies at the same time while getting a power- up. This makes it even more important to collect all his batteries, certainly when you want to finish the game within 80 minutes. Nite Owl is ideal for this. =============================================================================== 2.1- Chapter 1 [A201] =============================================================================== The first chapter isn't very hard, the five power-ups will be very obvious. The battery on the other hand is very well hidden so chances are big you missed it. It is probably one of the reasons why you are reading this guide. 1. At the start of the game you'll be at the courtyard of the prison, the token is at the entrance of the prison and it contains the Stun Combo. 2. After activating the generator you'll end up in a small hallway where you can find the second power-up. You can immediately try it out on the incoming prisoners. Just press circle to throw them. 3. After advancing at the top of the walkway, you'll encounter a set of stairs. The third power-up (Counter) is at the middle of this set. It is near the sign of Rorschach's journal. 4. After activating the first set of levers, a door will open up that leads to a fiery hall. The fourth power-up, Flash Grenade, is located in this hall. 5. Following the path will lead you through a couple of rooms filled with bad guys. Eventually you'll end up in a little hall and find the Knockdown combo. It is the room before you visit the second set of levers. 6. The same hallway also contains a Way Up sign on the right, just in front of the door of the stairs on the right. Look up and use the grappling hook to go up. Now run forward and the night vision will turn on. Follow the path, run over the little bridge and follow that path until you reach the stairs. Enter the little room next to the stairs and go into the second little room at the end. You'll find your first battery here. =============================================================================== 2.2- Chapter 2 [A202] =============================================================================== So after Chapter 1 you'll have learned a couple of useful abilities, but the fun is only starting. In this level you'll 1. In the beginning of the level, you can find a power-up on the ground. It contains the Area Attack ability. 2. Advance through the level and eventually you'll reach your first Heavy opponent. Defeat him and the other enemies that will appear. Continue to the little square area. Look for a Way Up sign on one of the walls on the right as you enter the square. Use the grapple hook and search the rooftop for a ladder. The battery can be found after going up the ladder. 3. After splitting up with Rorschach, you'll need to grapple up a couple of rooftops. Eventually you'll meet a group of thugs. Defeat them and look under the staircase to find the Fast Knockdown Combo. 4. The second battery can be found in the same area. After grappling down a first time, the night vision will be activated. Look straight in front of you. The battery should be there. 5. The last power-up is in plain sight at the end of the level, it is located in the area before the final fight. You can't miss the Owlsuit power-up. It is a good thing too because this baby will be very handy. =============================================================================== 2.3- Chapter 3 [A203] =============================================================================== You have already collected more than half of all power-ups and this chapter will bring you a lot closer to perfection because it contains two batteries and three abilities. 1. Before going down the huge stairwell at the start of the level, you need to the left. Look behind the two shipping containers to find the Extra Damage combo and to seriously power-up your attack strategy. 2. You can't miss the second power-up in the level, the Owlsuit Upgrade is located just before the lever at the top of the crane which you use to move the container. 3. After splitting up with Rorschach by using your grappling hook, you need to go outside to a rooftop. Kill the gangsters here and jump down twice. Beat up some more criminals and run towards the door. Turn around and look at the building before you. You should see a 'Way Up' sign. Use the grappling hook to go up the rooftop and you'll easily find the battery which is in front of you. 4. The last power-up of the level is in plain sight at the end of the level, it is the Fast Stun power-up. You can't miss it. 5. Immediately afterwards, you'll find the last battery in this level. So you probably already found this one if you have Fast Stun. =============================================================================== 2.4- Chapter 4 [A204] =============================================================================== Chapter 4 is fairly empty compared to the other levels, it only contains one ability and two batteries. They should all be easy to spot, but it is always possible to miss one. 1. The Fast Area Attack power-up is found at the beginning of the level, in the part of the sewers just before you open your first flood gate. It is in the alcove on the right. 2. After splitting up with Rorschach, you'll continue through a big silo. At the top of the tower you'll enter a small door and your night vision will turn on. This is a sign the battery is near. Continue to the hill and look to the right when you start going down. It is immediately behind the stone at the door you used to come in. 3. Advance down the hill and go to the left after going through the door. Just keep going until the end where the battery is hidden in plain sight. =============================================================================== 2.5- Chapter 5 [A205] =============================================================================== This isn't the last chapter, but if you followed this guide you should have all the batteries and power-ups after this chapter. The chapter contains only one power-up, but it is easy to miss because it is hidden out of sight. The level also contains three batteries which are fairly hard to find. 1. After beating up the cops at the start of the level, you and Rorschach will split up. Open the port for him and go to the grapple point. Take the next grapple point here and advance. Jump down and then grapple down twice to reach a couple of cops. Head left into the side alley before attacking them. There is a grapple point there. Use it, turn 180 degrees and look up. You'll spot a grapple point on a really high building. Use it. Look to the left to see a red light. That is the battery. Your night vision will turn on when you come a little closer. 2. Jump down after getting the previous battery and start beating up the cops. Keep advancing through the level until you reach an alley where you can spot the next grapple point. Look around a bit and you should see two grapple points. Use the one on the left to find the battery. You'll end up on a small roof where you'll night vision will immediately turn on. 3. After meeting up with Rorschach again and getting spotted by the helicopter, you should climb down the little ladder and run to the right side of the roof. It is behind a little stair case at the edge of the building. Congratulations, you collected the last ability for Nite Owl. 4. Enjoyed Rorschach's company? Too bad, he is leaving you again. The good news is: you'll be getting your last battery soon. Grapple up to the next roof and climb the ladder. Turn left to spot the battery. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3- Rorschach [A300] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rorschach is a vigilante who wears a white mask with shifting ink blots. These ink blobs are based on the Rorschach Inkblot test. Rorschach started out as a regular Joe but after a failed attempt at rescuing a kidnapped girl, he goes insane and becomes cynical. At this point he becomes the wanted Rorschach who is an outlaw despite helping the community. His fighting style shows that he doesn't have any respect for criminals. He tries to to kill them as brutal as possible. His power-ups and his Rage mode show this even more so it is more cool to see him in action. He can also use melee weapons to beat opponents. =============================================================================== 2.1- Chapter 1 [A301] =============================================================================== This chapter counts five power-ups and one card. The power-ups will be in plain sight so you won't miss them. The card on the other hand isn't difficult to find, but you'll most likely miss it because you don't know you can pick locks. 1. At the start of the game you'll be at the courtyard of the prison, the token is at the entrance of the prison and it contains the Stun Combo. 2. After activating the generator you'll end up in a small hallway where you can find the second power-up. You can immediately try it out on the incoming prisoners. Just press circle to throw them. 3. After advancing at the top of the walkway, you'll encounter a set of stairs. The third power-up (Counter) is at the middle of this set. It is near the sign of Rorschach's journal. 4. After activating the first set of levers, a door will open up that leads to a fiery hall. The fourth power-up, Bullrush, is located in this hall. 5. Following the path will lead you through a couple of rooms filled with bad guys. Eventually you'll end up in a little hall and find the Knockdown combo. It is the room before you visit the second set of levers. 6. After working your way through the large prison hall with about ten guys, you'll advance into a small room to reach the second set of levers. To find the levers, you need to go to the left. But in our case, we need to go to the right where you'll find a prison door that is glowing. We need to pick the lock here. This lock is fairly simple because it has only one pin. You only need to push it up till the bronze part is at the same height of the line in the middle. Press R2 and the lock will be opened. Go inside to find the card. =============================================================================== 2.2- Chapter 2 [A302] =============================================================================== The second chapter contains three power-ups and two info cards. This level is the most difficult to find all power-ups. You'll probably have missed the third power-up on a regular playthrough. The cards aren't that hard if you find all power-ups and just play through the level. 1. In the beginning of the level, you can find a power-up on the ground. It contains the Heavy Damage combo which you'll be needing for the Heavies later on in the level. 2. After the first fighting area, you advance through a narrow corridor. On the left is an open gate which you need to advance through, but first turn right to a corridor with a dead end. The dead end leads you to a lock which you need to pick. This one is a bit harder than the last one because it has three spikes. To open this lock you need to push up the third pin first, which should lock up both the third and first pin. Now you only need to push up the second and the lock will open. This leads to a large area where you have to turn left. Now search for a little corridor on the right. It is the first one you'll see. Here you'll find a Rorschach card. 3. Keep advancing to the end of this courtyard to find the second power-up, which is the Fast Stun combo. It is the easiest power-up of Rorschach to miss so don't feel bad if you didn't find this one on your own. Now you either go back all the way, or just pick the lock here. This lock is a bit more advanced than the earlier ones so it is easier to backtrack. But if you are trying to pick the locks, you'll need to do the second pin first, then the third pin which should also lock the first one. Then you only need to do the fourth. 4. Halfway through the chapter you'll slip underneath a gate after which you'll find a lot of trash cans. These trash cans hide the Rage Attack power-up. Learn to use it fast because it will be important later in the game. 5. At the end of the level you need to jump down to fight a lot of bad guys. Before jumping down you'll walk over a card. It is impossible to miss and it probably be the first card you collect on your own. =============================================================================== 2.3- Chapter 3 [A303] =============================================================================== Chapter 3 contains three abilities and two cards so you'll need to look around a lot. Most locations here are straightforward so it shouldn't be too difficult to spot them. 1. After defeating the first group of thugs, you'll reach a gate. The power-up is at this gate. The power-up there is fairly useful, it is the Area Attack ability which you can use to attack multiple enemies at the same time. 2. After going through the first gate, you'll come into a large area where you need to defeat around ten bad guys before descending a set of stairs. Defeat the bad guys, but don't go down the stairs yet. In the top right area of the level is another gate which you can lockpick. This one has six pins and is very advanced. You need to pick it for the first card in the level. The order of the pins is kept very simple. You need to push up the fourth, the fifth and the sixth pin in this order. If done right, you only need to push up the second one now to open the lock and collect the first card of the level. 3. You'll find the Fast Area Attack combo behind a couple of trash cans in the section of the level after the first platforming part. It is just before Nite Owl opens a door for you. 4. Immediately afterwards you'll enter a little warehouse where you need to defeat a couple of enemies and where Nite Owl will temporarily leave you to open the door. Once he has opened the door, go to the right and defeat the enemies you meet on the way. At the end of the path, you'll find a card. 5. The third ability (Rage Mode Upgrade) can be found after climing the second pipe in the level. The ability is in the area after this. You should easily be able to spot it. =============================================================================== 2.4- Chapter 4 [A304] =============================================================================== The fourth chapter contains one ability and two cards which are all easy to find. Only the second card will pose a problem because it is after a locked gate. 1. After defeating all the bad guys in the pillar area, you have to climb up a pole to open the flood gate. The card is located on the walkway as you go up to the controls of the gate. Just go straight ahead after climing the pole. 2. It is hidden in the area after the flood gate you opened in the room with all the pillars. It is hidden in the first alcove on the left. It should be fairly easy to spot it. 3. The sewers has one gigantic hall where you can choose between two paths. Choose the path on the left and open the locked door you'll encounter. This lock is very difficult to crack so pay attention. The lock has seven pins, start with the sixth pin which should also lock the fifth. Proceed by pushing the seventh which will lock the second one in place. Now set the third and then the first pin in place to open up the gate. =============================================================================== 2.5- Chapter 5 [A305] =============================================================================== This isn't the last chapter, but if you followed this guide you should have all the cards and power-ups after this chapter. Chapter 5 contains one ability and three cards. 1. After defeating the police officers at the start of the level, go the grassy area behind the police car. Proceed down the little corridor and find the Fast Knockdown Combo behind a little corner on the right. 2. After splittiug up with Nite Owl, you'll make your way to a police car in an alley. Defeat the cops and then look to your right for a delivery dock for a small set of stairs. Go up the stairs and climb the pipe to find the card. 3. After climbing up a lot of pipes and ladders, and meeting up with Nite Owl again, an helicopter will appear above your head. This is a sign your close to the second card. Advance on the rooftop and climb down the ladder. Defeat the two cops and search this rooftop. The card should be in the right lower corner. 4. So Nite Owl is gone again and you're left on your own. No problem, just slide down a couple of poles to reach a cop fight. Just look to the right during the fight to find the last card for Rorschach. The Trophy should pop up.