"Fate depends upon one man. It is now clear why Con-Human is the world's troublemaker." oooooo 888888P 88 888P oo oo oo oooooo ooooooo oo ooooooo oo ooooooo 88 88P d88P 88 88 88888P 88 88P 88 88 d88 88 88 d88 88888P 88 88 88 88 88 88888P 88 88P 88 88P 88 88P 888888 888888 88 88 88P 88 d888P 88 d888P 88 88P 88 88 88 88888P 88 88P 88 88P 88 88P 88 88P 88 88 88 88888P 88 88P 88 8888888 88 8888888 88 88P 88 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888P "You must select the future as it quickly advances towards you." =============================================================================== * RAYCRISIS * FAQ Version 1.50 For The Taito G-Net Arcade Game & Its PlayStation Port (c) Steven Ives 2000 Send Comments & Suggestions To saives@gameoverdude.com =============================================================================== Table of Contents ----------------- 00. Trademarks 01. Legal Crap 02. History 03. About RayCrisis 04. Game Start 05. Game Play 06. Power-Ups 07. Encroachment Meter (EM) 08. The Bosses 09. Extra Boss 10. Post Game Summary 11. PocketStation Support 12. Soundtrack Info 13. Shout-Outs (the credit section) 14. The Pillory 15. Final Disclaimer =============================================================================== 00) TRADEMARKS: RayCrisis, RayForce, RayStorm, Zuntata, and Taito G-Net are trademarks of Taito Corporation. PlayStation is a trademark of Sony. Any other trademarks are those of their respective owners. =============================================================================== 01) LEGAL CRAP (Terms & Conditions): This FAQ is (C) Steven Ives 2000. It may be posted only on the following sites: www.gamefaqs.com GameFAQS www.gameoverdude.com Game Over, the author's web site. www.gameadvice.com Game Advice vgstrategies.about.com Video Games Strategies shmups.com Shmups! www.gamingplanet.com The Gaming Planet www.neoseeker.com Neoseeker Did you see this FAQ on another site? Tell me pronto. It is to be on these sites listed above ONLY. If you have permission to host my FAQ, it is to be in the original unaltered plain text form. NOTE: NEVER is this FAQ to appear on megagames.com, gamesdomain.com, or CNET Games Center (games.netscape.com/Faqs). If you just found it there, TELL ME. I've heard it through the Game FAQs grapevine that these sites rip off FAQs. For now you can check gamefaqs.com for the latest version. The author reserves the right to post this FAQ on gameoverdude.com at a future time. If you wish for permission to host this FAQ on your page, email the author. No one is to profit from this FAQ. This includes but is not limited to magazines, COP-DN or other for-profit sites, and others. The FAQ may not be used as a basis for commercial strategy guides. The FAQ may not be sold either. You must not pay anything for it. If you sell games, you may not give my FAQ away with it. DON'T STEAL MY WORK. I never intend for anyone to make a lamearse profit off my work. Don't plagiarize. If you wish to use any info found herein in a FAQ or other material you are working on, ask the author for permission first. If permission is granted, you are to credit the author in your work for the information used. If permission is not granted, then believe me- you'll be looking for trouble if you use any of this info in your FAQ. The author reserves the right to litigate if the TERMS & CONDITIONS are violated. If you disagree, you may not use this FAQ. This FAQ is protected by the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976 as well as any US Copyright laws. SPAM: I do not put up with any Unsolicited Commercial E-Mail (UCE). If you send me any UCE, your E-Mail will be filtered and forwarded to SpamCop. Spamming is a good way to get yourself into some deep you-know-what. OK, I think I've bored you enough with this legal crap. Let's go! =============================================================================== 02) HISTORY: August 4, 2000 Work started on Version 1.0. August 8, 2000 Version 1.0 readied for release. August 11, 2000 I've added a few more sites to the May Be Posted On list. Now there is some info on the bosses. Some info is added about the pending US release of the Sony PSX version. August 13, 2000 Yes, a new version of this FAQ gets readied for release already. You're looking at V1.32 here. August 14, 2000 Jazzed up the FAQ a little. ASCII art has been added at the top. August 16, 2000 D'OH! Corrected a mistake in the "Extra Boss" section. I meant to say "With NO Continues"! (regarding the arcade version) August 20, 2000 WR03 is available in both versions, but it has to be earned in the arcade. Info on "Pocket-Ray", a PocketStation mini-game, is added. August 24, 2000 Version 1.39 reaches Release status. August 25, 2000 I grant permission to gamingplanet.com to host the RayCrisis FAQ. September 14, 2000 I take another look at the FAQ, thinking about some stuff that could be added. September 18, 2000 Unfortunately, the US release of RayCrisis has been DELAYED to September 28. Note that the Encroachment meter affects the stage patterns. Some info on the arranged music CD "RayCrisis: Rayons de l'Air" is included. This is a minor update to the FAQ, but still worthy of a release. This is V1.43. It gets uploaded to Game FAQs for release. September 19, 2000 Added the clause that bans megagames.com and other FAQ thieving sites from hosting this document. September 24, 2000 yyQ gives information about the Hidden Ships, and mentions the PSX Ship Color Change. A note is added about the arcade version ship colors as well. A new section called "The Pillory" is added to publicly shame those who have mass-ripped FAQs. A Table of Contents is added, with the sections given numbers. "Legal Crap" and "Final Disclaimer" undergo modifications. It's time for another release on this FAQ- Version 1.50. =============================================================================== 03) ABOUT RAYCRISIS: RayCrisis is the 3rd in the RayForce series. The arcade version runs on the Taito G-Net system. A Sony PlayStation port is now available in Japan. This PSX version will be localized for the US by Working Designs, who plans a September 28 release with a MSRP of $34.99. It will bear the subtitle "Series Termination", due to the fact that this is the final entry of the series that began with RayForce. The ESRB rating is "E", for Everyone. The story of this game actually takes place not too long before Operation RayForce. A neuro-network computer known as Con-Human has basically gone berserk. It has created some pseudo-life forms by blending man and machine in what it believes is good for the continued existence of mankind. Eventually, the remaining humans were slain by Con-Human. A mecha-neurologist jacks in to the Con-Human system in an attempt to regain control of the rogue machine by means of the Wave-Rider Cybernetics Link. =============================================================================== 04) GAME START: Arcade: After you have hit the start button, you will get to enter your initials plus a 4th "security code" character. The game will track your stats this way. If you have registered data from a previous play, you can choose the Previous Map to replay it again or try the randomly generated New Map. After that, you choose one of two ships. The first stage is the Self Area- fairly short, with no boss. It's the same each time. Stages 2, 3, and 4 will have been chosen for you at random unless you are using a "Previous" map. These stages can be one of the following areas- Emotion, Consciousness, Intelligence, Memory, or Consideration. Stage 5 takes you to the area of the Con-Human Emergency Control Program (Dis-Human, the last boss). PlayStation version Differences: 1- The initial entry is done from the Options menu. 2- You do not have to reenter initials before every new game. You can change stages in your map, and can even play the same one 3 times in a game. 3- An original mode lets you play all the available 7 areas in one game. It offers bonus point items and 1-UP icons, additionally. 4- The arcade version's graphics are somewhat better (G-Net is more powerful than the PlayStation). 5- You cannot play 2 players on the PlayStation version. Doesn't that kinda stink, especially after you could do so in RayStorm? However, 2 Player is available in the Taito G-Net Arcade version. High Scores: High scores in the G-Net version will be saved and do not disappear when the game is powered down. The Memory Card saves your high scores in the PSX one. =============================================================================== 05) GAME PLAY: Basically, it is similar to RayStorm with some upgrades. The Wave-Rider (the player's ship in this one) comes in two different types: WR-01R: Like the R-Gray 1 from RayStorm or the RVA-818 fighter from RayForce. It uses the Lock-on Laser which lets you lock-on to up to 8 targets by passing the sight over them. When you hit the button, laser blasts will shoot out toward whatever you've locked on to. It has a max lock-on capacity of 8. Its main gun is a wide shot. WR-02R: Like the R-Gray 2 from RayStorm. It has the Thunder Laser. A thunder bolt shoots out and attacks anything you've locked on to. While it's attacking this batch of targets, you can pass the sight over other enemies so that it will get them as well. It has a max Lock-on capacity of 16. Its main gun is a laser. WR-03: This one appears after you have earned it in the arcade version. It is readily available on the PlayStation one. On the PlayStation version, you may change your ship's color with the R1/L1 R2/L2 buttons. Four colors are available depending on which button you hit. On the arcade G-Net version, your ship color is determined by which side you play on (1P is Red, 2P is Blue). All enemies can be shot down by Lock-on or your main gun. Lock-on kills earn more points. WR-01 and WR-02 have a special attack called a Hyper Laser. If you can get all your available Lock-ons onto one enemy in the same spot, your Lock-on attack will be converted into a Hyper Laser. This is easier to do with the WR-01 as fewer lock-ons (5-8) are available for it. If you've played RayStorm, you will notice a tweak to your Lock-on sight. When your ship is at the bottom of the screen and you continue to move down, you will notice that the Lock-on sight will move toward your ship a little in RayCrisis. The Hyper Laser is more destructive than it is in RayStorm. Why? Well, that explosion around the target you just HLed will now take out other smaller enemies that run into it. That's a good way for you to rake in some points. Also like RayStorm you have the Round Divider gauge. It fills up whenever you kill enemies. Get it filled up, and you can use the Round Divider attack which is a screen-clearing bomb. No smaller enemy shall survive it, and the larger ones take considerable damage. Enemy fire will be dissipated. A good use of this can also get major points for you. Essentially, the Round Divider will leave you invincible for a few seconds. ______ |||||||||||||||| /USABLE\ The USABLE sign will light up when your \______/ Round Divider gauge is full. Bonus points earned from Lock-on, Hyper Laser, or Round Divider attacks will be shown at the top of the screen. Individual point values of Lock-on kills will show onscreen where the downed enemy was before you smoked it. Lock on Point multipliers are as follows: WR-01R WR-02R 1 x 2 x 2 2 x 4 x 4 3 x 8 x 8 4 x 16 x 16 5 x 32 x 24 6 x 64 x 32 7 x 128 x 48 8 x 256 x 64 9 x 80 10 x 96 11 x 112 12 x 128 13 x 160 14 x 192 15 x 224 16 x 256 For WR-03, the multiplier is the number of hits (1=x1, 256=x256). If it's POINTS you're after, try the WR-01R because the multiplier reaches x256 after just 8 Lock-ons. An added bonus is the ease of performing Hyper Laser attacks, which can jack your score up when done right. With this ship I've been able to get scores of over 250,000 on the relatively short "Self" area at the start of the game. It's possible to get a little over 300,000 if you get this part just right. HIDDEN SHIPS: yyQ has provided the methods of obtaining the hidden ships in the Japanese Sony PlayStation version. IMO, this should work in the USA version that is coming from Working Designs as well. They are the R-Gray ships from RayStorm. Play RayCrisis in both modes (Arcade, Original) and finish each mode with each of the 3 ships. The point multiplier table above applies to these ships as well (replace WR-01R with R-Gray 01, replace WR-02R with R-Gray 02). R-Gray 01 & R-Gray 02 can be obtained. R-Gray 01 is like the original Rayforce ship "RVA-818 X-Ray". KIM that the RayStorm ships do not feature the flexible aiming sight of the Wave Riders. Try continuing to press down when your ship is at the bottom, and the cursor will not move toward your ship. =============================================================================== 06) Power Ups Your ship's weapons can be powered up by grabbing these items: Red Pyramid- Powers up your shot one step. Green Diamond- Raises your Lock-on capacity by one unit. Blue Star- Raises shot power 3 steps and adds 3 units to Lock-on capacity. (Different than RayStorm, where it maxed your abilities.) If you get a power up and its affected weapon is already maxed, you will get bonus points instead. =============================================================================== 07) Encroachment Meter (EM): ENCROACHMENT ___ ___ | _ || _ | ||_|}||_|| |__ ||__ | __|| __|| |___||___|.5324 % Throughout the game, there's the Encroachment Meter in the upper right corner of the screen. Keep it down as well as you can by killing enemies. If it reaches 100%, the screen will waver and fade, then the Last Boss will come out right away. If this happens, you must have been goofing off. Keep the kills coming, and it will certainly not reach 100%. When you destroy a boss, you gain some bonus points for "Network Condition". This will be a letter grade ranging from A+ to E based on where the EM is at. Naturally, a lower percentage will mean a better NC and more points for you. If you're QUICK about destroying a boss, you may get an additional decrease in the EM. Enemy attack patterns are dependent on the Encroachment percentage. If you got it low at the end of the last stage, additional enemies will show up. This does not affect stage 5 (the battle with Dis-human). NOTE: If you can supply an exact Network Condition breakdown, please email me and you will be credited. During the Last Boss battle, the EM will be frozen at where it was when you destroyed the boss of the 4th stage. You need not worry about it while you fight the Last Boss. =============================================================================== 08) THE BOSSES: Here are the bosses you will face in RayCrisis. Names are taken from the Sony PlayStation version: Sem-fray This boss is a large airplane type vehicle. It attacks with red laser blasts. Sometimes, it goes off the bottom of the screen and will let fly some homing missiles which are a bit longer than your ship. These missiles can be destroyed with 4 Lock-ons. After it comes back, it uses a green spreadshot. Once it has taken a tremendous amount of damage, it will resort to an occasional hit & run attack (flying away fast and shooting off a barrage of red laser blasts or bullets). Sem-loke This boss is a submersible hovercraft type vehicle. It has two guns, one on each side of its cockpit. The guns can be destroyed with Lock-ons but will regenerate. After a certain time, it dives into the water and a few cone-shaped things will try to scorch you with wide laser beams. (I hate these!) You can destroy them with two Lock-ons if you're fast enough. When Sem-loke comes back, it will prepare to launch a laser grid attack. This one will be telegraphed at first, so pay attention and find a safe spot. Some green missiles will also be launched- they can be shot down. It will continue this general pattern of attacks until you kill it. Sem-slut This boss is a huge mecha type vehicle. It uses these attacks in its Mecha form: - Regular bullets - A sword: it also has a sword like Guardian Knight of Thunder Force V. The sword leaves a trail of blue fire, which is to be avoided. - If you've destroyed the sword, Sem-slut will use an alternate attack unleashing two blue orbs that attack with laser spread shots. It has an alternate spaceship form that it turns into, which has these attacks: - Green Missile Shower: You can destroy these missiles by Lock-ons. These come from launchers on Sem-slut which can be taken out. - Plasmorbs: A few missiles are fired, leaving plasmorbs in their wake which eventually home in on you. - Red Fireballs: It dives into the lava, and then shoots some red fireballs up at you. These are destructible. Pro-tor This boss is a 4-legged walking "Spyderbot" type thing. - Near its back legs, there are cannons that spew a lot of bullets. You can take these out with Lock-ons. - Near its front, there are a couple of missile launchers which also can be destroyed. - The central module houses a couple of satellites which are sometimes turned loose. The satellites use a wave-beam spreadshot. - A plasma spreadshot will be fired from the central module. - Sometimes, Pro-tor will shoot a nuke weapon (an X-shaped mark appears on the ground to warn you). When the shot hits the ground, there is a blast that expands outward a bit. If it hits you, you're history. Several of these are fired in succession. - When it's about to die, it will go into a desperation attack where it shoots out spreadshot bombs as well as a Lock-on laser of its own. Flutter around a bit to thwart Pro-tor's aim, while being sure to dodge the spread fire. The tip-off here is when it appears you are circling around Pro-tor. Dis-Human It is the boss you see in the 5th stage. You may recognize it from the original RayForce. Yes, the big green badarse is back in 3D glory and generally uses similar attacks. =============================================================================== 09) EXTRA BOSS: If you meet certain conditions, you will fight an additional boss "Infinity". There are two endings, by the way. You must get Infinity to come out and then destroy it if you want to see the good one. PlayStation version: Defeat Dis-Human using fewer than 5 continues. Arcade version: Not sure yet. If you know, please email me and you will be credited. I beat the game once using ONLY ONE continue, and Infinity did not show up. I still got the bad ending which says "Are we supposed to be destroyed?". Maybe you are supposed to do it with NO continues? If you didn't meet the criteria, the game is completed when Dis-Human goes down and you will see the bad ending. Try again! =============================================================================== 10) POST GAME SUMMARY: When you finish a game by killing the last boss or refusing a continue, the data screen appears showing your game summary and best score. If you destroyed the last boss, the ending and credits will appear before this. If you beat your best High Score entry, it will show "NEW RECORD" on the screen. Various data are shown such as the game-end Encroachment percentage, the network condition at the end of each stage, the Lock-on Shootdown percentage, etc. =============================================================================== 11) POCKETSTATION SUPPORT: "Pocket-Ray" Minigame (Home Version Only) If you have the PocketStation, then a game called "PocketRay" will be available. Using Lock-on attacks, you are to keep the enemies from escaping the screen. To download the mini-game to your PocketStation, put it into Memory Card slot #1. It takes 14 blocks to install. You move the targeting sight with the directional keys and hit Enter to fire the Lock-on laser. If too many enemies escape, the game is over. =============================================================================== 12) SOUNDTRACK INFO: The original Arcade soundtrack is released by Taito's Zuntata Records division. ZTTL-0034 "RayCrisis" Retail Price: JPY 2,550 Music Composed by: Tamayo Kawamoto (Zuntata) Produced by: Hiroshige Tonomura (Zuntata) Directed by: Tamayo Kawamoto Recording Engineered by: Munehiro Nakanishi (Zuntata) Mastering Engineered by: Hidekazu Sakai (Sony Music Entertainment Inc.) Recording Studio at ZTT Studio Art Directed: Hiroshige Tonomura & Tamayo Kawamoto Jacket Designed by: Munehiro Nakanishi Graphic Designed by: Tatsuo Okawa, Kensaku Nagao (INTFC CG Inc.) Production Coordinated by: Koji Kurosaki (Zuntata Records) Special Thanks to: Yoshiaki Hosoda (Sony Music Communications Inc.) Taito CP Section Taito AV Section Taito Public Relations & Advertising Section Executive Produced by: Koichi Nakamura (Taito Corp.) Tracks: 01 "Or can it be said that her behavior is a crime?" (attraction) 02 "The models" (waiting) 03 "There is no sence unless everything is arranger completely" (player select) 04 "Lavande bleu" (story 1 bgm) 05 "Vit-symty" (story 2 bgm) 06 "Non-sentimentalisme" (story 3 bgm) 07 "Son dessein" (story 4 bgm) 08 "Blood and tide" (continue) 09 "Formless living bodies" (last boss type A) 10 "Root of all evil" (last boss type B) 11 "All is shut down" (ending type A) 12 "There are no nails at my tiptoe" (ending type B) 13 "Love is not enough" (game over) 14 "All is shut down" (complete version, ending type A) An arranged soundtrack is also available. It is entitled "Raycrisis: Rayons de l'Air". The remixed tunes are in a slightly different order than on the arcade soundtrack. It too costs JPY 2,550 and its item number is ZTTL-0041. Tracks: 01 "Lavande bleu" 02 "Or, can it be said that her behavior is a crime?" 03 "The models" 04 "There is no sence unless everything is arranger completely" 05 "Non sentimentalisme" 06 "Son dessein" 07 "Blood and tide" 08 "Formless living bodies" 09 "Root of all evil" 10 "There are no nails at my tiptoe" 11 "Love is not enough" 12 "Vit-symty" 13 "All is shut down" Some remixes have vocals (the remix of "Lavande bleu" has French lyrics, "Vit-symty" has lyrics in English, etc.) The remixed tracks are not available in the PSX version of RayCrisis. =============================================================================== 13) SHOUT-OUTS (The Credits): If you supply me any information that is used in this FAQ, you're going to be credited here. Corrections are welcome as well, if something is wrong. NOTE: Your email address will be kept PRIVATE. Taito Corporation, for the lock-on point multiplier breakdowns found in the Sony PlayStation version's manual, and for making RayCrisis an awesome game! Taito also gets credit for the boss names (found in the PSX version). The quotes beside the ASCII art at the top of the FAQ were from Taito as well. Zuntata Records, a division of Taito Corporation, for information on their RayCrisis soundtrack CD and the arranged version "Raycrisis: Rayons de L'Air." Working Designs, for the release info of their US localization of the Sony PlayStation version. Thank you for allowing more people a chance to check out this game. yyQ for info about Hidden Ships and Ship Color Change. Jeff Veasey of Game FAQs ( gamefaqs.com ) for hosting a great FAQ site. You, for checking my FAQ out. Thanks! Special thanks goes out to all who are listed in this section. =============================================================================== 14) THE PILLORY A few guilty parties are here to be subjected to public shame. You may now throw your rotten tomatoes at: Megagames.com - For ripping off more than a few members of the Game FAQs community. ( Ripping en masse) Gamesdomain.com - Ripping en masse. CNET Games Center games.netscape.com/Faqs - Ripping en masse. If anyone violates copyrights on my FAQ, they will be listed here as well. =============================================================================== 15) FINAL DISCLAIMER This FAQ publication is (C) Steven Ives 2000. All Rights Reserved. Breaking the Copyright is a prosecutable offense subject to applicable civil & criminal penalties. Using this FAQ in an attempt to profit from it is strictly forbidden. Web sites who host it must be accessible without paying fees for the viewing of the FAQ. It is not to be used to aid in the preparation of a commercial strategy guide. The FAQ is NEVER to be altered. If this FAQ is ever ripped, the guilty party will be going into The Pillory above with all the other FAQ rippers. Taito Corporation is the sole owner of all copyrights and trademarks that are relevant to RayCrisis or the Taito G-Net Arcade System. Any other trade marks are the properties of their respective owners. Last note: If you find something out about the game that I've not covered in this FAQ, I'd like to hear about it. Please give me any comments or suggestions you may have as well. saives@gameoverdude.com www.gameoverdude.com ===============================================================================