__ _ __ / _\ ___ _ _| | /__\ ___ __ ___ _____ _ __ \ \ / _ \| | | | | / \/// _ \/ _` \ \ / / _ \ '__| _\ \ (_) | |_| | | / _ \ __/ (_| |\ V / __/ | \__/\___/ \__,_|_| \/ \_/\___|\__,_| \_/ \___|_| Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver Walkthrough by Necrin This Guide should only appear on the following site Neoseeker.com ***************************** [VERSION HISTORY] 11/05/02 First Version [TABLE OF CONTENTS] (1) Overview (2) Some handy hints (3) Walkthrough (4) Finding the Glyphs [1.OVERVIEW] Soul Reaver is the second although not chronologically in the Blood Omen series. This time you play Raziel first born of Kain Lieutenants who had been cast into the abyss by his brethren for his heresy, surpassing his master Kain. Your objective is clear from the start you must destroy all your brothers and reave their souls to augment your own powers before you can face Kain in the Oracles cave. This game is original because it's the first I have seen where you are immortal. When your body is destroyed in the physical plane you revert back to the spectral plane where you can gather your power to return using the many portals scattered around Nosgoth. The spectral plane is also integral to your success some areas of Nosgoth are forbidden to you; you must transcend planes to uncover areas previously inaccessible. Your enemies are numerous Nosgoth has changed much since you walked it's planes Vampires are everywhere and if you are to defeat them you must use their weakness against them the weaknesses that once hindered you. I have only touched on a small portion of the content of this game and with that I begin my guide. [2. SOME HANDY HINTS] In combat auto facing with the R1 button is vital without it you are just striking blindly at your enemies When in doubt revert to the spectral plane something may become apparent Vampires can be killed many ways water, fire, impaling are all good methods the Soul Reaver can also be employed Note areas where you were blocked maybe one of the many powers you inherit from your brethren can get you through Gold artifacts are scattered around Nosgoth some are more hidden than others collect 5 to increase your lifeforce Listen to the Elders and Ariel’s advice although cryptic it can help finding your next destination Activate all the portals you come across and write down where they lead I don’t have to tell you how useful they are Save regularly I know [3] blocks but if you power off the system don’t expect your progress to be saved Some enemies may come back to life if you don’t inhale their souls Each boss has a different weakness look to your surroundings for clues [3.Walkthrough] The beginning Wow nice Fmv huh too bad it was so long they could have added a few more locations I assume you are familiar with the controls after the Elders speech head through the corridor notice how the music changes I love that. When you arrive in the next room the elder will vaguely explain the portals. Walk onto the green circle to activate it you will not be able to go to other locations just yet so continue onwards. When you arrive in the next room the Elder will explain your new eating pattern do as he says and feed until you energy bar is full then go through the previously blocked entrance. Get used to jumping here after the two high jumps the Elder will vaguely explain flying well I guess Raziel doesn’t have to press X. Walk to the edge of the platform and jump then hold X and forward to float across then continue into the next corridor. When you arrive in the next room you will notice two creatures that look like my ex girlfriend after the Elder has spoken jump down auto face one of them and practice dodging then finish them and ingest the souls that was fun continue onwards. When you emerge out of the water you will notice some columns lets call this place Stonehenge. You will notice a gate to your left which you cant pass through and if you look up you will notice an gold artifact but you cant get that yet your only alternative is to approach the portal after the Elders explanation walk onto it and change to the physical realm. Notice how everything changes the Elders Sanctum is inaccessible in the Physical plane so go through the corridor to reach some water after the explanation super jump and glide across go through the door. You will come across some beasties jump down and begin to attack you can use the terrain around you to kill them as you wish if you get killed their is always a portal nearby to return with. When they are dead go into look around mode to see a ledge you have to move the block near to the ledge so you cant jump to it continue along the corridor you are welcome to take one of the torches on the wall buy they are not as effective as they only last one attack go through the door. After the dialogue take the polearm on the wall nearby use it to kill the vampires impale them to kill them. You cant enter Kain's fortress yet so find the opening and follow through kill the vampire and go through the portal door at the end walk on the pad to activate it remember the symbol also. Exit the portal room and continue along the corridor until you reach the abyss now jump across the drop to the left to enter Raziels clan territory. Raziels Clan Territory Follow along the corridor and kill the vampire at the end enter the door. Move outwards to provoke an attack deal with the vampires their are some Glaives on the wall if you need one when the vampires are dead the gate ahead will open. Enter the opened gate to activate another dialogue continue up the steps and kill the vampires enter the portal room and activate it exit and go through the door at the opposite side. Kill the vampire ignore the water and continue upward kill the two vampires here walk over the poor human and go through the gate. Their are two vampires in the next area kill them and walk up the winding stairs when you enter the room at the top a vampire will attack deal with him and press the switch this will lower a bridge walk across it. Walk through the corridor into the next area it's raining but you don’t have to worry about that aah the music has changed again. Walk up the stairs to be introduced to a new enemy jump down and impale them then go through the gate. In the next room will be a human if you leave him alone he will you jump up the steps to enter Malchia's territory Malchia's Clan Territory After the intro kill the vampire and search the graves for a cool spear take it if you need to. Jump up the step into the next room go into look around mode and push the block where you need to in the next area after the dialogue trade blows with the vampire and continue up the ramp at the top force the vampires into the light and go through the door. Go down the fit inducing steps and activate the portal continue on until you reach the next area. It's raining here too jump to the nearest ledge and make you way across the water if you die get out of the water and go through the portal and try again. Once across go through the gate two vampires will be inside if you lost your weapon continue through the door walk down the dark tunnel into the next area. Their will no apparent way to go but fear not revert to the spectral plane. The Elder will explain the wraiths they are hard to kill so be careful jump up the blocks that jet out from the wall go through the portal at the top walk across the rafter an jump to the left. Pull the block from the wall and push it to the step flip it then jump over it pull it back jump over it again and push it into the alcove to open the grate. Enter the next room and drop down pick up the staff and use it to kill the vampires although they will keep returning. You will notice another alcove by the grate the block is at the end of the room pull it out then walk to it's side and push it to the edge then push it to the ground below pull it along the left of the room you may have to contend with a vampire along the way when you reach the ledge pull it up onto it. Pull it up onto the next ledge go to it's side and drag it across pull it up again go to it's side pull it across then back then push it into the alcove phew. This will open the grate go through it drop the staff and revert to the spectral plane go to the top of the room again and through the portal then float into the room you were just in. This time jump to the rafter above and go into look around mode you will notice two things suspended on ropes jump on one to lower it which will raise the other then go through the process to return to the rafter but this time change to the spectral plane jump onto the ledge and super jump across to the next rafter then onto the portal. Go through the portal and into the next room you will notice two stacked blocks to the left pull them across to on of the ledges to the left of the gate and push one of the blocks off. Put one each alcove with the symbols facing out this will open the gate walk up the hill and go through the two double doors. Once outside push the block off the ledge jump down and pull it onto the other block now pull the stacked blocks near where the portal door is and climb up go through the claustrophobic tunnel. In the next area use the rock to stun the vampire then throw him into the water walk along the path to the right jump over the sloping bit and go to the top take the staff and kill the vampire and enter the building. Walk up the hill and force the two vampires into the sunlight continue up the hill and kill the green vampire walk to the end of the next room and press the switch to go to the bottom floor. Go left and up the ramp ignore the human and go through the door go right and press the switch now go to the other side of the room and pull the lever this will start the machinery now go back up the lift to the big room. Pull the lever ahead to lower the floor jump down you will notice a symbol over one alcove go inside and through the long tunnel and into the next area see those torches drag then to the wood supports to burn them. When they are all burned the floor will drop now drag a torch and push it into the four corners of the design in the center of the room this will lower the floor once more now drop down and enter the tunnel that goes down enter the spiky gate to face Malchia. Boss Malchia Correction this looks like my Ex. Walk around the room until you reach a spiked gate that has two openings above it jump above into the opening then go into the room press and hold the switch when Malchia try’s to go through the gate release it. Now find another spiked gate room and do the same. A scene will show the lever being released go to it jump onto the ledge above and fly into the big circular cage wait for Malchia to enter then jump out. Run over to the switch before he escapes and pull it and that's the end of Malchia to bad he lived in such a dangerous room huh. The phase ability You now will have inherited an excellent gift revert to the spectral plane approach the spiky gate and hold down up to phase through it now exit the building the Elder will tell you where to go next The clans or Kain's stronghold. Jump into the water here you can get an artifact and the force glyph walk into the tunnel and into the next area. Use the ledges along the wall to emerge from the water use the portal to return to the physical plane now go into the gate room and warp to Kain's area the building with all the flags The Clans Use Malchia's gift to phase through the gate on the far right of the building take the artifact and turn the corner kill the Sluagh and take their souls. Use the portal to change to the physical plane throw the two vampires into the water to open the doors go through the door with the pots outside. Use a pot to stun the vampire inside and proceed to throw him into the water now go back inside and walk to the right gate and shift to the spectral plane. Phase through the gate and also the next you come across ingest the soul at the door and change to the physical plane go through the door for the big showdown. Boss Kain This is a much tougher battle than your last Kain will warp around the area and charge the Soul Reaver when fully charged he will launch a whirling blast at you, which will kill your physical body instantly. You then will have to battle the wraiths to return to the fight. When you return Kain will be in a new position quickly run there Auto face him and strike it will take three blows to defeat Kain be patient and you will eventually best him. The Soul Reaver and The Reaver of Souls You will now be in possession of the Soul Reaver you can now start to swing it 400 times like I did. The best weapon in the game the Soul Reaver will always be with you in the spectral plane but in the physical plane you must be at full health before you can wield it. Once manifest in the physical realm it will keep your energy at maximum until you receive a blow from an enemy you would then have to charge up your power before you could wield it again. The Soul Reaver can be imbued with certain enhancements throughout the game but that will be explained later. In search of Zephon In the pillar room you can recharge your energy using the pad to the left and your magical energy using the pad to the right you can get advice off Ariel by walking on the center pad. Now change to the physical plane notice how the color of the Soul Reaver changes walk to the exit and swipe with the Reaver this will open the door. Now exit the Clans the elder will tell you where to go next remember Stonehenge return there practice using the Soul Reaver in battle when you enemies are weakened use triangle to destroy them. When you arrive at Stonehenge phase through the gate that was previously inaccessible continue onwards to find a structure bearing Zephons clan symbol use the portal at the end to change to the physical realm. Turn around and go through the valley opposite the structure you will see two vampire hunters at the top if they attack kill them then continue on and activate the portal then return to the structure. Cross the bridge notice the Soul Reaver symbol on the doors whenever you see that symbol on a door use the Soul Reaver to open it when opened you will see a new type of vampire the spider vampire change to the spectral realm and pass through the gate. Use the portal nearby to change back planes glide over the water and kill the vampire jump up the step and walk down the incline open the two doors at the end you are now in Dark Eden. Dark Eden A cut scene will show you where you need to go. The only way is up jump on the blocks to the right of the gate and onto the hut now see the opening to the left jump and glide to it. Don’t bother going down the steps instead walk around and jump on the hut facing where you emerge glide across to the giant hut and jump off the to reach the cathedral. Silenced Cathedral A cut scene will show a vampire cocooning a human go down and kill him jump up the step to the left then into the opening. Take a halberd off the wall and open the double doors. Raziel will explain the cathedral history walk down the path and jump on the ledge at the end notice the drop try not to fall down there just yet if you do make your way back to the steps I told you not to go down in Dark Eden then go back to the cathedral. In the cathedral look up you will notice walkways but how do you reach them? Simple revert to the spectral plane go to the far left pipe and climb up it carefully walk to the portal and change to the physical realm. Super jump to the walkway above jump across the opening then to the door go inside and down the dark tunnel pick up the halberd and kill the vampires you will see a switch on the wall but you cant activate it yet lets call this place the shrine. Leave the shrine and continue along the walkway go past the switch to the next door then go inside. Walk down the incline until you reach the gate throw the halberd inside then revert to the spectral plane the phase through the gate and go through the portal. Kill the vampires with the halberd. First Block Puzzle You are now at the games first block puzzle. You have to complete the drawings using the blocks each block will be lined up to where it has to go use pushing and toppling techniques to get them into shape. A vampire will attack nearing it's completion kill the hindrance when the puzzle is completed it will make a step appear under the switch in the shrine room. Silenced Cathedral cont Throw the halberd back through the gate and return to the shrine room pull the switch to make a wooden platform lower now return to the walkway and jump on the wooden platform then press the other switch this will lower another platform jump on it also. This will activate the air conditioning take the plunge and hold down X to float to the upper section of the cathedral. Jump up the step and walk past the pipes and into the next area see the two torches go there and down the incline strike the bell to shatter some glass nearby. Half way up the hill is a lizard symbol remember its location. Go through the door in the glass wall and take the first door on the left kill the warriors inside and leave the halberd outside the gate and change to the spectral plane. Phase through and change back to the physical plane there is a pipe on the wall use it to kill the vampires you are now at another block puzzle. Second Block Puzzle Push the blocks over to the ledge and push them all off think of this puzzle as a broken pipe puzzle look at each incline in the wall to see the correct piece you should use and shape each block accordingly. When you complete the puzzle a cut scene will show a piece of glass shattering over a switch but you wont reach this area for a while. Silenced Cathedral cont Now go back outside to the piped area and continue up past the bell then go through the door kill the warriors inside and phase through the gate at the end and climb up the step and change back to the physical plane. You’re now at block puzzle number 3 Third Block puzzle Use the bar on the wall to dispatch the vampires. This puzzle is the same as the second but on a much larger scale use two L shaped pieces on the left wall an L shaped piece and a horizontal shaped piece on the middle wall and two horizontal pieces on the right wall. Finishing this puzzle will break another one of those glass pieces. Silenced Cathedral cont Leave the room and go back to the piped room see the lever to the left pull it to open the reptile door however it doesn’t stay open for long how will you get there in time? Pull the Lever and revert to the spectral plane because time stops or does not exist in the spectral plane. Jump through the opening you made earlier and return to the Lizard door go through and into the left opening and change back to the physical plane. Kill the two warriors and turn the dial on the wall to open the Lizard door for good now go around and through the door in the glass glide over the bell room and go through the next door. Kill the warriors inside here and go through the door at the end take a halberd off the wall and use it to kill the vampires inside continue onwards and phase through the gate jump up to the portal and phase back you are now at block puzzle the fourth Fourth Block Puzzle No vampires this time this is the same as the first puzzle just line up the blocks to complete the picture when you have inserted four the remaining blocks will become available. What happens when you finish this puzzle you ask well you can get a lovely artifact outside do I need to do this puzzle you ask No you don’t but it's good practice. Silenced Cathedral cont Return to the Lizard door room but this time go through the other opening behind the Lizard column make your way up the piping and into the winding piped tunnel take the first left the other way is a dead end. Walk down this bigger tunnel until you reach the glass switches you saw earlier. Phase through the gate behind the switches and change back to the physical realm now go either right or left at the end of each tunnel will be three lids in each room open the center and right lid to shatter the two remaining glass pieces then return to where the switches are. Pull each switch so they are facing horizontally this will activate an air current in front of the switches now float up and glide into the opening facing the yellow pipe at the top walk through the webbed corridor at the end another cut scene will show you what you have to do. Kill the vampires then pull each switch along the wall then change to the spectral plane some platforms will emerge from the wall use them to climb to the top of the room notice the strange piping in the center of the wall lets call this place [The room of 3 conjoined pipes] from the top platform jump and glide across to the opening you made using the switches phase through the gate at the end your now in the organ room jump down and change back to the physical realm. Turn the dial at the foot of the organ to activate some steam across some piping now jump up the steps to the right of the room and into another tunnel now phase through the gate and change back to the material realm. Ignore the bell and continue up the piping to the top of the room go into the next tunnel at the end jump into the next room and kill the vampires. See the white block pull it from the rubble and line it up to the dial then turn it to activate more steam. Climb up the rubble and go into the next tunnel at the end a cut scene will show a vertical pipe and a dial. Kill the vampires and jump up the piping on the left of the entrance walk along the pipe until you face the vertical pile then jump behind it now push it into place walk up the pipe behind and turn the dial. This will activate some steam in [The room of 3 conjoined pipes] Now make you way back to that room then go back to the steam room where the four switches were. At the top of the room will be two more vertical pipes push them into position to make the two last currents active on the conjoined pipe now go to the conjoined pipe in the physical plane and use it to float into another area. Take the first right and go down and activate the portal leave the portal room and continue alone the tunnel until you reach Zephon. Boss Zephon Approach Zephon he will attack you with his legs swipe at them to destroy them he will them release an egg from his base ignore it and destroy all the legs first. Attack his egg sack to make him to release another egg pick it up and run with it to the entrance light it off the flamethrower the human is holding then turn to Zephon. Go into look around mode aim the egg at Zephons head and press triangle to throw it. Repeat the process three times to kill Zephon. Zephons Gift You now have the ability to scale certain walls in the physical realm distinguishable by horizontal markings the walls are usually gray also leave Zephons chamber the Elder will explain where you need to go next. Murderers enshrined Return to the pillars and have a chat with Ariel. You will notice a climbable wall near the entrance climb up and walk around the circular room until you see the opening go inside. Eventually you will come to a set of two doors go inside the left one they both lead to the same area. Jump down and kill the vampire’s use the spikes on the wall for fun. Pick up the Halberd form the dead vampire and kill him when he comes alive then continue into the cave you will eventually reach the tomb of the Seraphim. Change to the spectral plane and go through the gate entrance then change back kill the vampires and go through the door at the end. At the end of this room pull the stone from the wall after the cut scene change to the spectral plane and go down the hole that appears in the floor. Go through the gate at the end of the next room an use the portal near by to change back to the physical realm and prepare to meet the boss Boss Molock This guys easy compared to the others you have faced simply whack him with your claws or the Soul Reaver until he is weakened then throw him into the water to gain his powers. Force Projectile You now can use the Force hold triangle to charge then release to fire. It's useful for hitting switches you can’t reach or defeating certain enemies needless to say it's vital to your success. You can now use the door nearby to leave the tomb of the Seraphim or continue your quest use the force gift on the swirly block to push it down go inside where it was and jump down kill the vampire and walk into the water. Go straight ahead and use the portal to change back to the physical realm. Use the force projectile to knock the vampires into the spikes. Jump across to the block over the water then jump to the other side pick up the halberd and climb the wall. Turn to face some stone pillars jump across until you reach the pillar with the blue orb use the force projectile to knock the block of the last pillar jump to it and go through the door up the steps. Rahab's clan territory Kill the vampire and walk right to the fence and phase through it. Kill the two adult vampires use the force projectile to knock the block behind the cage backwards. Change to the spectral plane and phase through the gate now use the block to get into the opening above. Walk around the passageway until you reach the portal use it to change back to the physical realm walk up the steps and through the passageway until you reach the opening. You will see a ship in the water jump and glide to it walk to the end of it and change to the spectral plane this will raise the ship then jump to the ledge to the left. Change back to the physical realm at the end and go inside the passageway go inside the warp gate room and activate it exit and go through the door on the opposite side. Walk down the tunnel use the force projectile on the doors at the end to reach the drowned abbey. Drowned Abbey Climb down the mountainside see the brown pillars to the right jump to the first and also across the next two then jump onto the ledge use that to jump to the next pillar then to the sloped area to the right. Fight the new vampires then jump into the opening straight ahead then go through the door. Use the force projectile to knock the vampire onto the spikes then kill the other go straight through the room with the brown column. Take a metal bar and go through the gate kill the vampires and continue through the next gate in the next room use the gold pillars to make your way across to the other side. Continue through the opening and go through the gate walk through the winding corridor until you reach the water jump inside and continue through the tunnel until you reach a big room. Use the ledges jetting our from the wall to reach the portal go into look around mode if you cant see it use the portal to change back to the physical plane. Directly behind you is a scaleable wall use it to reach the opening at the top of the room take a staff and pray you don’t loose it in the water. See those rafters you have to make your way across them you might have to do it 400 times like me or be lucky and get it on your first try. When you are on the last rafter jump into the opening on the left wall kill the vampires and break the glass at the end now jump to that reptile head ledge and make your way across all of them then jump to the big building. Look around until you see another structure with a rope inside and jump to it now pull the bell to open the doors below. Continue down the steps and into the water then make your way to the boss room use the pillars to reach the portal then change back to the physical realm to meet Rahab. Boss Rahab This is another easy battle see those small circular stained glass windows simply use a force projectile to break each of them when they are all broken the sun will dissolve Rabab. Rahab's Gift You now have the ability to swim as the Elder said you will not revert to the spectral plane after emersion in water you can now use this ability to enter areas you could not previously Now remember the room where you jumped from rafter to rafter go back there again you can now break the glass that was in that room. Swim down the steps and look around for some more steps going down go down and eventually you will reach some stained glass break it and swim into the room. Recharge on the panel to the left the strike the Soul Reaver off the flame. Fire Reaver Now you can imbue the Soul Reaver in fire by striking it over vacant flames. It can kill vampires much more quickly then the Soul Reaver alone when you jump in water you loose the effect however. Now go back into the water and swim up the other stairwell look around to see a ray of light emitting from the ceiling then swim left and up in the big circular room ahead there is an opening at the top swim inside. In the next room with the alcoves there is an opening at the top also swim into the next room then over the steps to the surface. This place look familiar it should do it's Raziel's clan area now make your way back to the Vortex now see where the second bridge is cut jump into the water and super jump up to reach the ledge. Walk through the passageway and swim over the water and go up the hill to reach the mountains. Dumah's Mountain stronghold First find the warp gate and activate it then Climb the scaleable across from where you enter the mountains walk to the edge and jump and glide to where the blue orb is in the center of the fortress. Jump down and open the two double doors after the cut scene phase through the gate at the end pass through the next gate to enter a big room. Move the block using the force projectile in front of the gate where you enter change to the spectral plane go into the cage and use the block to climb up to the ledge above. Change back to the physical plane and drop down go left before where you entered the stronghold and pull the block from the wall then pull it across and jump to the ledge above. Glide over the room to the other opening go through the passageway until the cut scene plays jump to the bridge in the middle of the water and pull the lever on the wall to drain the water. Go down where the water drained near where you entered and arrange the blocks so you get one on the bridge pull it to the edge and stack the two blocks on the other side pull them to the bridge and then push the other block on the bridge to make three stacked blocks pull them near the middle and glide to them from the bridge then jump to the ledge above. Walk through the tunnel and jump down into the next room. On one side of the room will be a dial turn it to activate the gas then go to the other side and pull the lever this will burn the door behind you down go inside. At the end push the block off into the floor below this place look familiar stack the blocks and pull them to the other side and jump up to the ledge. At the end of the passageway change to the spectral realm to make the side ledges higher jump to them make you way to the top where the switch then jump across to the portal and change back to the physical realm. Jump across to the switch stand at the red cog face the switch and pull it if it doesn’t work keep trying this will open the bridge below glide down to it and enter the passageway. Go down near the small gate and pull the block from the wall and drag it to where the light is jump onto the block and climb up into the next room after the cut scene kill the vampires with the Glaive nearby. Climb onto the first column and change to the spectral plane this will elevate them now jump to the column on the same height as you and change back then do the same until you reach the top then change back to the physical plane. Jump into the cage where the monument it and push it to crush the gate and the doors ahead then walk through the new opening go through the double doors at the end to reach Dumah. Boss Dumah Approach Dumah's body walk on his head if you want but it won’t kill him remove the spears from his torso until he comes alive. Now run yes RUN from the chamber Dumah will follow past the monument room to where you entered across the bridge then go into the entrance opposite to where the brown doors got burnt in the gas room. Enter the gas room turn the dial to turn the gas on then jump to the other side and pull the lever to BBQ Dumah. Dumah's Gift You now have the ability to constrict simply run in a circle until you see a blue stream of energy it can be used on enemies and objects you can practice in the room to the right of Dumah's chamber their is a statue which can be constricted here. Now all you have to do is leave Dumah's stronghold the Elder will explain that Kain is next for the chopping block. There is an opening to the left of Dumah's area go inside and past the structure you will eventually reach what looks like a Sun Dial use your new constrict ability to turn it. This will open the entrance to the Oracles Cave go inside. Oracles Cave Walk down the hill and kill the two vampires go through the gate and take the first right go up the hill and activate the warp gate. Exit and go back to the hallway but go the other way kill the adult vampire then change to the spectral plane an opening will appear on the left wall go inside. Block Symbol Puzzle Go past the constrictable object and drop into the next room go into the right section. Take the block from the angel symbol alcove and push it into the room below drag it to where the big door closed on the opposite side. Go above and constrict the object to change the big door pattern now return to where you got the first block and put the other block into the angel symbol alcove Oracles Cave cont This will open all the big door's go into the new opening and up the hill kill the adult vampire constrict the object to open a door inside is a magic restorative tile. Go up and around and phase through the gate go up the hill and jump to the other ledge then to the ledge where the portal is change back to the physical realm then jump back to the ledge. Go into the next room to find another puzzle. X Block Puzzle This one's easy just place the two blocks with the X facing outwards in front of the alcoves then use the force projectile to knock them into place this will open the door in front of you Oracles Cave cont Go inside the next room and kill the vampires now constrict the pillars so the gold pieces are diagonally facing the sun this will open the door near where the Symbol puzzle was. Return there and constrict the object to open the exit the change to the spectral realm and change back outside. Go into the new opening if you have played Blood Omen you will be familiar with the sight inside when the cut scene ends constrict the cauldron. Walk down the opening until you enter a circular room walk around it until you reach the statue of Mobius your now at the next puzzle. Clock Puzzle This is another easy one the levers control the hour hand and the minute hand set the clock to six o'clock exactly this will open the entrance below. Oracles Cave cont Jump down into the next passageway guess what your now at ANOTHER PUZZLE sheesh Sunlight Puzzle Ok see the things that look like disco lights constrict them so the light on the square symbol behind matches the light on the disco light facing outwards then constrict the pillar with the emanating light in the center to focus the light on the symbols. The symbols will appear burnt when done correctly. The singular lights should be easy to burn the purple one have the first light blue and the one near the symbol red. This will open the door in the room Oracles Cave cont Go through the opening and follow the passageway until you reach the room with three barrels kill the vampire you’re now at guess what another puzzle. Moving Wall Puzzle The objective here is to make an opening in the gold gate ahead look at the floor below to see a clock face with strange symbols. Look at what color barrel moves each hand you have to match each hand to the symbols on the wall. This puzzle shouldn't be too hard to complete once the opening appears go inside. Oracles Cave cont Walk through the passageway and drop down kill the vampire and glide across to the ledge with the spikes on the wall kill the vampire and drop down into the next room with the cogs. Kill the vampire now pull the blocks away from the cogs near the wall this will activate the machinery again. Use the raised pillars in the cogs to jump to the pillar above then jump across to the walkway with the gray-sloped panels. Walk to the end and jump onto the moving platform and jump into the opening it passes. Drop down and continue down the passage way use the force projectile to knock the blocks behind the gates into the room below go down there and kill the vampire to cease his annoyance. You’re now at another block puzzle Block Image Puzzle See the image on the ground use the blocks to make an exact copy of that image directly over it. Two of the blocks wont need to be changed just look at the other two to figure out which one goes where then use pushing and pulling to make it into shape. When the puzzle is completed the double doors ahead will open. Oracles Cave cont Walk through the new opening and drop down the hole inside continue into the next room and kill the vampires inside your now at the last puzzle hurrah. Constrict Symbol Puzzle Go back to where you entered see the black symbols on the wall the bottom symbols are the markings on each constrictable object the top symbols represent what the objects have to face. The point of the cross object has to face the half square the point on the Z object has to face the circular symbol etc. This will activate the three moving platforms in each room climb these to the top of each room and press the switch in the alcove. If you go into the same room twice remember the switches have to in the up position. This will close the way you entered and open a new passageway. Glitch Alert If you don’t activate the Warp Gate in the next passageway and save your game just before the Kain fight you will have trouble getting back into this area again in fact you cant. If this happens return to where the blocked door is and walk into the left side of it this should make you force your way through even in the physical realm. Remember to activate the Warp Gate the next time however. Don’t ask me what happened here though? Oracles Cave cont All that you have to do now is go inside the passageway open make your way through the corridor until you reach a gat that looks like space this will activate a scene continue on and watch the other scenes the gates portray. After the scene where Raziel has the Blood Reaver take the first left and ACTIVATE THE WARP GATE if you don’t it will make things harder for you if you try and return here as I have stated above. Exit the warp room and continue on until you reach a very decorated door save and prepare to fight. Final Boss Kain Same as before simply strike Kain with the Soul Reaver on the ground level. Use the healing panel in the center if you need to. After the first blow Kain will turn a dial on the time streaming device then move to the next floor simply wait on the cure panel until you see Him then jump up and strike the second time. Kain will then activate the next switch on the streaming device and go to the top level this can be annoying stay on the cure panel and observe his movements when you see the slight flicker of blue get up there and strike. After the third blow you will have defeated Kain but not killed him. Nice artwork in the ending huh. [4.FINDING THE GLYPHS] Force Glyph This ones the easiest to collect remember the building where you fought Malchia return but this time drop into the lake outside. Their should be two decorated gates behind one is a gold artifact phase through the other gate. Walk up the hill you should see a giant head or Nupraptor simply push the three monuments down to receive the glyph. Stone Glyph Once you can scale walls you can get this. Remember the area where you stacked the blocks to get to Malchia's building just a little off the Warp Gate room return there. Jump in the water and go through the tunnel get out of the water and change back to the physical plane. Climb the wall and walk through the valley a cut scene will show Nupraptors retreat. Go ahead and climb through the left eye socket go through the passageway and climb the walls at the end. Jump onto the beam and change to the spectral plane. Jump to the ledge across then jump from the there to the other beam above. Jump to the open area and get on the third beam and use the portal to change back to the physical plane. High jump to the third beam overhead then look up to find the fourth high jump to that walk around the staircase and jump to the other side. Jump the ledge above go up the hill and through the passageway use the force projectile to knock the vampire off the edge for fun. See the torch in the distance jump and glide to it walk down the steps and into the big room your now in a puzzle room. Simply slot the blocks into the alcoves to complete the drawings one block is hidden on a ledge near the torches where you enter. Solve the puzzle and the stone glyph is yours. Sound Glyph When you have the force projectile ability return to the Silenced Cathedral jump down onto the big vent near the entrance then go into the dark opening. Walk through the passageway you will notice some glass with a target on it break it using the force projectile then climb into the opening. Walk through the tunnel and phase through the gate use the portal to change back to the physical plane. Take the Gavel off the wall look up and throw it into one of the alcoves on the wall don’t worry about missing it will simply land on the ground if you do now go back to the gate where you entered and climb up the wall. Change to the spectral plane and jump to the pillar then change back to the physical realm. Locate the alcove where you thrown the Gavel then jump to the last pillar and throw the Gavel through the glass change to the spectral plane and jump to the ledge ahead. Change back to the physical realm pick up the Gavel and use it to strike the bell ahead this will release the Sound Glyph. Too bas you cant take the Gavel with you. Water Glyph Return to the Lake of the dead to the left of the broken bridge you will see some shallow water flowing into the lake jump and glide to it. Walk along the water and jump into the water at the end swim through the tunnel and surface find the door with the flickering light outside and go inside. Walk up the steps and stack the blocks to reach the ledge ahead go outside after the cut scene jump and glide into the opening ahead your now inside the human citadel. Walkthrough the hall and go through the doors at the end. Jump into the water and under the bridge use the force projectile to break the grate. Swim up the pipe past the fan look for the circular opening swim inside until you reach the next area jump from the water and walk up the steps. You will see a great looking statue use the camera to ahh admire it go through the door to the right of the statue. Walk up the steps and pull the block from the wall beside the far right torch pull and drag it into the big room below then shove it into the square hole in the ground. Return to the statue to collect the Water Glyph. Fire Glyph Go back to Raziel’s clan area remember the water were you emerged from Rahab's area swim inside. There is an opening on the wall above and opposite the steps swim inside you will eventually submerge in a circular room. Get out of the water and find the door in the wall go inside pull the crank to release some vampires change to the spectral plane to hold the doors open then go inside. Change back to the physical plane and drop into the next room go into the hall to see a statue. Turn the crank to open the gate go through but this time take the door at the end of the long passageway. Change to the spectral plane to make the pillars descend use them to go into the next room. Swipe the Soul Reaver over the flame then return to the statue use the Reaver on the statue and you have the Fire Glyph. Sun Glyph Go back to the structure that’s through the gate after Stonehenge or where you first emerge from the underworld. Jump into the moat and phase through the gate use the portal inside to change back to the physical plane. Swim through the tunnel there is on opening in the top of the first big area swim inside and make your way to the surface. High jump up the mountain side the to the ledge across then jump to where the fire is and then across to the other ledge jump up until you reach the opening in the mountain. Walk inside then jump to the lighthouse and kill the vampires go into the passageway and through the door. Walk down the path with the pipes sticking out and go through the door on the left. Walk through the red brick passageway and kill the vampire in the next room then turn the lever to make the cog spin. Jump up to the top of the vents and push the block to the floor. Position the block in the opening in the spinning cog it's near the crank then turn the lever again then run to the block and push it into the cog when you can. This will light up the torches in the room now exit the room and continue down the mountainside. Don’t go into the second door just yet this is where the Sun Glyph will appear later on. Go to the bottom of the mountain and jump across the circular platforms then go inside the lighthouse and through the door. Walk through the passageway and into the next obviously circular room jump to the bottom and kill the vampire then walk through the passageway. Look at the triangular opening of the rotating wheel and use it to go through the other wheels then go through the door at the end. Walk down the passageway and through the double doors in the room with the big wheel jump into the area below. Use the blocks to join the pipes look at the blocks to see what should go where when the pipe is completed follow the big pipe into the next room and turn the dial. Go to the right of the giant wheel and use the gold steam to get to the air compressor then jump across to the ledge then onto the other one go to the top of the room and through the door. Drop into the next room and into the machinery room avoid the holes in the floor and go to the end of the room and drop down the left hole. Make your way out of the lighthouse and back to the Glyph room I mentioned earlier the lighthouse will shine a light on the triangle above the alter change to the spectral plane to get the Sun Glyph.