SYSTEM: PlayStation (JP) TITLE: Dragon Quest Characters: Toruneko no Daibouken 2 GENRE: Adventure DEVELOPER: Chunsoft/Enix PRICE: ? AVAILABILITY: Now FEATURES: The sequel to the original Toruneko no Daiboken on SNES KNOWLEDGE LEVEL OF JAPANIESE: High ESTIMATED TIME TO COMPLETE: 25 hours NUMBER OF DISCS: 1 PLAYERS: 1 MEMORY CARD: 2 Blocks ANALOG CONTROLLER COMPATIBLILITY: NONE DUAL SHOCK COMPATIBILITY: YES POCKETSTATION OPTION: NONE Another game mastered (not really). Time for another FAQ. DO NOT ASK ME QUESTIONS THAT ARE ALREADY ANSWERED, thank you. Stealing any of the work from this FAQ/Walkthrough will not be tolerated. If you don't give me any credit for this work you can try to create your own FAQ/Walkthrough. If for any reason I find any of your FAQ/Walkthrough material similar to mine and if you don't even post my name on the credits section of your FAQ/Walkthrough, I will personally make your life like hell if I ever find you. This FAQ/Walkthrough can be reproduced, retransmitted, and redistributed as long as the contents of this FAQ/Walkthrough are untouched, unedited, unmodified, unmutilated, and unpirated. This FAQ/Walkthrough can only be redistributed and obtained in its entirely original format. You may not edit or update this FAQ/Walktrough for any reason. Do not make any money out of my work by selling printouts of the FAQ/Walkthrough or by using any of the material from this work as part of your magazine articles. If this FAQ/Walkthrough is posted on a webpage, E-mail me and you will be added to my E-mail list so you can get the most updated versions first and I will know how many people and webpages have this FAQ on their site, it really helps. Contents A. Controls B. Gameplay hints and secrets C. List of Adventure Logs D. List of Scrolls E. List of Waza F. List of Magic G. Special Thanks and Contact Information A. Controls Inside the town o = Talk/Confirm Triangle = Command Menu X + D-pad = Run X = Cancel/Close Window Inside the dungeon o = Attack Triangle = Command Menu X + D-pad = Run X + o = Fast Hp recovery R1(hold) = Move diagnally [ ] + D-pad = Change Direction L2 = Cast Magic B. Gameplay hints and secrets * If you don't have a gameshark yet, it would be a good time to get one, because this game is impossible to beat it without one. * Its a good idea to keep any weapon/shield that has a + whatever bonus because later in the game the combine shop opens and you can combine two weapons/armor and CUMULATIVELY addup their + bonuses and special effects. Ex. (shield + 2 with no rusting) + (shield + 1 with slowed hunger) = A shield + 3 with no rusting and slowed hunger * The guy to the left of the house (later in the game) increases your storage space by 10 if you pay him 1000, do it (once every adventure with a max of 250 storage space). * It is also a good idea to keep ONE of each item (seeds and herbs) in your storage. (You'll see why later) * Get rid of all staffs and scrolls you read by either selling them, or using them up, UNLESS you want to steal stuff from the Store. THEN you must keep the following staffs: 封印の杖 身代わりの杖 場所替えの杖 へんげの杖 * Rings are ALWAYS a keeper and you should ONLY use インパス items on them because you can predict what Staffs and Pots are without using インパス. * If you get a scroll that you haven't read before, read it so it gets recoreded. * The bank gives you special items if you have a certain amount of money in your account. * Dump all of your money in the bank before you go to the dungeon. * Item Duplication Trick (You need to donate 30000? to the bank first.) First you need 5 items: The item to be duplicated. すいだしの巻物 分裂の壷 白紙の巻物 白紙の巻物 What you do is place the Item and a 白紙の巻物 inside the 分裂の壷, then read the すいだしの巻物. Write すいだし on 2 of the 白紙の巻物. Place one すいだしの巻物, 白紙の巻物 and two of your items. read the すいだしの巻物 and repeat. * The 鍛冶屋 asks for two items and increases one of your items by +1, (sometimes a +2) and at every 10 times gives you precious information (oxymoron). 10 - The king has athelete's foot 20 - Nene (your wife) is married 30 - The strange kid is raising asagao (a type of flower) 40 - A momonja (an enemy you find in the dungeon) is hairy. 50 - ? (I gave up doing this because it was stupid) * You can change your Job to a Warrior or a Magician once you beat the evil box. * After you beat the evil box, a new dungeon appears (actually 5 of them). You can go back to the original Fushigi Dungeon and go below Level 27, you can class change to a warrior and go down the Dungeon of Swords, you can class change to a magician and go down the Dungeon of Magic, you can open the box of happiness and go to the More Fushigi Dungeon. Last but not least is the dungeon of the well, which is only accessible after you beat all dungeons. It is located Behind the Furui Yakata. C. List of Adventure Logs Page 1 01. Defeat the Evil Box 02. Entered the Fushigi Dungeon with nothing and went to Xth floor 03. Read the Monster Scroll 04. Went to the Xth floor of the もっと不思議ダンジョン 05. Went to the Xth floor of the 試練の館 06. Went to the Xth floor of 剣のダンジョン 07. Went to the Xth floor of 魔のダンジョン 08. Cleared Lv X of the 井戸のダンジョン Page 2 09. ? 10. ? 11. Gave X small medals to the king 12. ? 13. ? 14. ? 15. ? 16. ? Page 3 17. ? 18. ? 19. ? 20. ? 21. ? 22. ? 23. ? 24. ? Page 4 25. Defeated a gargoyle 26. Brought home a mimic 27. Defeated a golden slime 28. Got hit by マダンテ 29. ? 30. ? 31. ? 32. ? Page 5 Stole X Times Successfully stole X Times Came back X times alive ? ? ? ? ? D. List of Scrolls Page 1 シャナク インパス イオ くちなし リレミト ワナ 大部屋 モンスタ− Page 2 バイキルト スカラ メッキ すいだし ひろえず 聖域 せんりがん パン Page 3 いのり やりなおし ? レミ−ラ かなしばり 中断 銀のたてごと 地獄耳 Page 4 トラマナ 大風 まものしばり ルカナン はりつけ ひきよせ ザオリク ? (I'm pretty sure the Item you can't see goes here) E. List of Waza 1/10 ? もろばぎり ? きせきぎり トラバサミ ? ? ? 人形ぎり ? 2/10 ? ? ? ? はかいぎり ? ? はやぶさぎり ? でたらめぎり 3/10 ? ドラゴンブレス 分裂 ? ? のろのろ ふにゃふにゃ めつぶし こんらん ? 4/10 ? 鉄化 ? まどわし ? ? ? ? ? へんげ 5/10 ミミック化 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ワナつぶし 6/10 ? かべほり ? ちからため まわりこみ はやあし ちからかいふく めいそう ? だっしつ 7/10 命中上げ ? ? ? ? ? うけながし ? まほうみきり ? 8/10 矢つかみ つうこんよけ おいかぜ ? 呪いよけ 人形よけ ? ? ? ? 9/10 ? さびよけ ? めざまし こんらんよけ ? おどりよけ のろのろよけ ころびよけ ? 10/10 ワナみえ ? ? ? ? ? ? 鉄化しない ? ? F. List of Magic 1/5 メガンテ メラ メラミ メラゾ−マ ギラ ベギラマ ベギラゴン イオ イオラ イオナズン 2/5 ジゴスパ−ク ビッグバン ヒャド ヒャダルゴ マヒャド ヒャダイン バギ バギマ バギクロス デイン 3/5 ライデイン ギガデイン ニフラム ? ザラキ−マ ザラキ ボミオス マホト−ン ラリホ− アストロン 4/5 メダパニ マヌ−サ ルカニ ルカナン スカラ マジックバリア マホカンタ モシャス マホトラ メガザル 5/5 シャナク キアラル パルプンテ コラマナ レミ−ラ アバカム インパス バシル−ラ リレミト ル−ラ G. Special Thanks/Contact Information Mark Kim for the opening statements. Iwata Shouji( for the idea of the template. This FAQ/Walkthrough was created by Daisuke "Duo Maxwell" Takeda. Updates and saves are at any additions/questions? E-mail me at, ICQ me at 13329280, AIM me at "GFN2 Duo Maxwell", Yahoo page me at F_91 or with IRC my nick is Duo_Maxwell ( at #GundamW