*****Start of Guide***** ..:::::::::.. ..:::aad8888888baa:::.. .::::d:?88888888888?::8b::::. .:::d8888:?88888888??a888888b:::. .:::d8888888a8888888aa8888888888b:::. ::::dP ::88888888888:: Yb:::: ::::dP ::Y888888888P:: Yb:::: ::::d8 ::Y8888888P:: 8b:::: .::::88 ::Y88888P:: 88::::. :::::Y8baaaaaaaaaa88P:T:Y88aaaaaaaaaad8P::::: :::::::Y88888888888P::|::Y88888888888P::::::: ::::::::::::::::888:::|:::888:::::::::::::::: `:::::::::::::::8888888888888b::::::::::::::' :::::::::::::::88888888888888:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::d88888888888888::::::::::::: ::::::::::::88::88::88:::88:::::::::::: `::::::::::88::88::88:::88::::::::::' `::::::::88::88::88:::88::::::::' `::::::88::88::88:::88::::::' ``:::::::::::::::::::'' ``:::::::::'' _______________________________________ ======================================= // \\ | Call of Duty: Black Ops | | Zombie Mode | | Data Guide | | Written By wilmer007 | \\_____________________________________// ======================================= Notes: - You may press CTRL+F and enter the code in brackets to find you’re desired Section - Please e-mail any suggestions, corrections, or additions. I'll appreciate it. Look in the appropriate section [EMAIL007] for contact information. _________________________________________________ /-------------------------------------------------\ | 1. Introduction [INTRO1] | | | |===================================================| | | | 2. Copyright & Use [COPY2] | | | |===================================================| | | | 3. Version History [VH3] | | | |===================================================| | | | 4. Zombie Basics [BASIC4] | | | |===================================================| | | | 5. Damage Data [DATA5] | | | | - Pistols [PSTL5.1] | | - Sub Machine Guns [SMG5.2] | | - Assault Rifles [AR5.3] | | - Light Machine Guns [LMG5.4] | | - Sniper Rifles [SNIPE5.5] | | - Shotguns [SHTGN5.6] | | - Launchers [LANCH5.7] | | - Wonder Weapons [WONDR5.8] | | - Miscellaneous [MISC5.9] | | | |===================================================| | | | 6. Best Wall Weapons Data [WALL6] | | | |===================================================| | | | 7. Top 5 Weapons Rated by Base Damage [BASE7] | | | |===================================================| | | | 8. Top 5 Weapons Rated by Max Damage [MAX8] | | | |===================================================| | | | 9. Top 5 General Purpose Weapons [TOP5] | | | |===================================================| | | | 10. Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ10] | | | |===================================================| | | | 11. Credit [THANKS] | | | |===================================================| | | | 12. Contact And Suggestions [EMAIL007] | | | \*************************************************/ ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | 1: Introduction [INTRO1] | | | \**********************************************/ Hello and welcome to my guide on all things regaring Data in Zombie Mode. Here i will be providing an Indepth look into how Zombie Mode really works for the most experienced players who want to make it further into late rounds. We will also be looking at why this information is very important for late rounds. Now that we have that out of the way let's continue. ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | 2: Copyright & Use [COPY2] | | | \**********************************************/ You may only use this guide for personal use. You may not put it anywhere up in public without my permission. The only sites that may display this guide are: www.cheatcc.com www.neoseeker.com www.gamershell.com www.gamefaqs.com www.gamespot.com www.supercheats.com www.gamingreality.com Nowhere else. If it is somewhere else, than please notify me so i can have it taken down. ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | 3. Version History [VH3] | | | \**********************************************/ A complete version history that lists all revisions of this guide from newest too old. Version 2.0 (06-14-2011) *********** - Added Scavenger and V-R11 data to the guide - Added Dogs, Monkeys, Gas Crawlers, Theif data to the guide - Added Best Wall Weapon Data Section [WALL6] - Revised Top 5 Best General Purpose and Top 5 Base Damage Weapon Sections - Revised some FAQ Questions in the FAQ Section - Made some minor adjustments - Fixed some minor errors Version 1.01 (02-26-2011) *********** - Fixed some minor errors Version 1.0 (02-13-2011) *********** - First Try. Pretty simple. Could be Final Version ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | 4. Zombie Basics [BASIC4] | | | \**********************************************/ Zombie Mode is a never ending mode if you play it right and learn what to do. So let's take a closer look at some Zombie Mode Basics. Maximum Number of Zombies per Round: There can only be 24 zombies in the map at one time. Reserve zombies come in when existing ones are killed. The maximum number of zombies is 24 for one player +6 for each extra player. From Rounds 1 to 4, the number of zombies is limited by 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 multipliers. Between rounds 5 and 9, there will be 24 (+6 per player) zombies. At Round 10 and on, the zombie count increases exponentially with (Round Number * 0.15 = Multiplier) Example of a two player game: Round 16 * 0.15 = 2.4 2.4 * 30 = 72 zombies So this means that the game will cap at 42 Zombies when there are 4 players. This information is extremely helpful when you get deep into the late rounds (after round 20-25 and beyond). After Round 10 you will begin to get more than the cap limit. These Zombies are basically called Reserve Zombies as they basically just respawn when another Zombie gets killed. What this means is that a 4 Player Game of Zombies at Round 30 has a total of 189 Zombies. At 42 Zombies being the cap for 4 players that means that you will have about 4.5 respawning waves to worry about. Knowing this information gives everyone time to restock on ammo and plan for the next round. If you want to know how many Total Zombies a Round will have, then here is the formula to use: Round Number * 0.15 = Multiplier So for example, if you want to know how many Zombies will be at Round 30, this is how to calculate: 30 * 0.15 = 4.5x Multiplier Now that you have the multiplier you then you have to multiply the multiplier by the cap limit, which is dependent on how many players are playing. So for a 4 player game here is an example: 42 * 4.5 = 189 That means at Round 30 a 4 players will have 189 Zombies. At 42 zombies per spawn you will have 4.5 respawns at Round 30 to worry about. Zombie Health: Each Zombie has a fixed health for the round that you are in. Zombies start with 150 health at Round 1. Every round until Round 9, each Zombie gains 100 health. This means that at Round 9 each Zombie will have 950 Health. Starting at Round 10, Zombie health is multiplied by 1.1 with each round. What this means is that at Round 30 each Zombie will have 7,030 of Health. Knowing this information is vital to surviving at Round 30 as lack of ammo quickly becomes a problem. Now, so you don't have to do any calculations here is the health of each Zombie at each round: ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | | | Round 01 = 150 | | Round 02 = 250 | | Round 03 = 350 | | Round 04 = 450 | | Round 05 = 550 | | Round 06 = 650 | | Round 07 = 750 | | Round 08 = 850 | | Round 09 = 950 | | Round 10 = 1045 | | Round 11 = 1150 | | Round 12 = 1264 | | Round 13 = 1391 | | Round 14 = 1530 | | Round 15 = 1683 | | Round 16 = 1851 | | Round 17 = 2036 | | Round 18 = 2240 | | Round 19 = 2464 | | Round 20 = 2710 | | Round 30 = 7030 | | Round 40 = 18234 | | Round 50 = 47295 | | Round 60 = 122673 | | Round 70 = 318183 | | Round 100 = 5552108 (5.5 million health) | | | \**********************************************/ Gas Crawler, Dogs, Monkeys, and Theif data can be found here: http://img852.imageshack.us/img852/7910/picture1go.png George Romero has 500k health in solo, 666,666 points of health with 2 players, 833.333 points of health with 3 players and 1 million points of health with 4 players. ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | 5. Damage Data [DATA5] | | | \**********************************************/ Here in the Damage Chart section i will go into details for every weapon in Zombie Mode. Each weapon will have it's non PaP'd Damage data and next to it will be the PaP version. First number will be it's Max Base Damage if every bullet/shell were to hit a Zombie anywhere on it's body. The Max Base damage i am using is the weapon's actual damage per shot (DPS) multiplied by the Weapon's Max Ammo. Max Base damage is important to know for players who do not go for headshots and mostly aim at a Zombie's Chest/Stomatch, since the Chest/Stomach is the largest area on the body. So the formula for calculating Max Base Damage is: Max Damage Per Shot (or Max DPS) * Max Ammo = Max Base Damage an example would be: Weapon A: Max DPS = 200, Max Ammo = 400 so you would do the following calculation: 200 * 400 = 80,000 So this basically means that the weapon has a Max Base Damage of 80k. Knowing a weapon's Max Base Damage is an excellent and easy way of knowing how good or bad the weapon is. Non PaP'd weapons will have lower Damage Data than it's PaP version so keep that in mind. IMO a PaP'd weapon with a Max Base damage of under 50k is bad, 50k-75k is decent, 75k-100k is good, 100k-125k is excellent, 125k-150k is outstanding, 150k and above the weapon is simply GODLIKE!!!!!! or OP!!!!! The Second number will be the Weapon's Max Damage after Modifiers. Max Damage After Modifiers is important for players who love to get Headshots as the Head on each Zombie gives the highest multiplier. Keep this information in mind when heading to later rounds when ammo and damage output becomes very important. So here's an example of what the chart will look like Weapon A (40k,80k) vs PaP'd Version of Weapon A (80k,160k) That will give you a quick look at how good the weapon is in its Non PaP'd Version and then its PaP Version. _______________________________________________________________________ /***********************************************************************| | | | Note: Damage Stats will be rounded up/down to the nearest one thousand | | | \======================================================================/ Now let's take a look at the weapons. Pistols [PSTL5.1] Pistols when PaP'd have a Max Base Damage of 62k-108k. They are very underrated and perform better than SMGs. They give the highest mobility possible and they are the quickest weapons to switch to when your primary weapon's magazine is empty. The problem with pistols is that they're common/rare because of their High Max Base Damage Output and then theres the problem with getting ammo for them since their are no pistols on the walls. Not to mention they have very small magazine sizes, which are about half or less than a SMG/AR, and they also have the worse range of any weapons. So let's look at all the Pistols: CZ75 (23k,79k) vs Calamity (78k,273k) Dual CZ75 (38k,126k) vs Calamity and Jane (108k,357k) M1911 (2k,6k) vs Mustang and Sally (62k,310k) Python (90k,135k) vs Cobra (108k,324k) Sub Machine Guns [SMG5.2] SMGs when PaP'd have a Max Base Damage of 34k-61k. Their great in the early rounds and even in the teen rounds if you want to make some points. In the late rounds you shouldn't be using these at all as the lower damage output of SMGs will quickly come back to haunt you. If your trying to make points then you should be using these in the early-teen rounds to make all the points you need because the health increase that Zombies receive in the late rounds will quickly hurt your chances of survival. In Solo Mode though you can use SMGs all you want to make points since their are no teammates to worry about and in the later rounds they provide an excellent source of points and a very high RoI (Return On Investment). SMGs are great when you need a weapon with high mobility, little recoil, and a high RoF (Rate of Fire) with low/average damage output. They also make excellent headshot weapons and come with a 5x Head Multiplier, so for Assassins these work great. Not to mention the ease of repleshing ammo from the wall. When you want to use a SMG just for points look for the weaker Damage Output weapons (such as MP5K/MPL) and don't PaP it. So let's take a look at all the SMG Weapons: AK-74u (22k,86k) vs AK-74fu2 (61k,304k) MP5k (15k,60k) vs MP115 Kollider (34k,168k) MP40 (22k,90k) vs The Afterburner (51k,256k) MPL (14k,58k) vs MPL-LF (34k,168k) PM63 (12k,48k) vs Tokyo and Rose (39k,175k) Spectre (14k,54k) vs Phantom (35k,176k) Assault Rifles [AR5.3] Since the beginning of Weapon Development, ARs have always been the best mix of all types of weapons. ARs have a Max Base Damage of 41k-116k when PaP'd. They have medium bullet penetration, recoil, range, and mobility. They also carry the versatility of being able to equip attachments from shotguns to launchers and everything in between. Damage Wise, they provide much more than SMGs do but less than LMGs. They're all perfect for Normal General Purpose usage which is why Assault Rifles have always been the most favorite class of weapons in the world. And for taking out a group of Zombies they don't dissapoint either. Most ARs come with a 5x Head Multiplier.Basically grabbing anyone of these is not only an excellent choice, but even the weakest AR will be better than most SMGs or Pistols. So with that said let's take a look at this prestige class: AUG (42k,168k) vs AUG-50M3 (84k,489k) Commando (45k,180k) vs Predator (84k,420k) FAMAS (18k,72k) vs G16-GL35 (41k,203k) FN FAL (32k,128k) vs EPC WN (94k,468k) G11 (19k,77k) vs G115 Generator (50k,252k) Galil (52k,210k) vs Lamentation (116k,578k) M14 (11k,33k) vs Mnesia (42k,250k) M16 (15k,60k) vs Skullcrusher (45k,225k) Light Machine Guns [LMG5.4] LMGs have always been the top dogs on campus and have a Max Base Damage of 113k/189k. They provide the highest damage, bullet penetration, and biggest magazine size/ammo of any Fully Automatic Weapons ever seen. They also have the second highest range trailing only Sniper Rifles in both Damage and Range. LMGs also come with a 3x Head Multiplier. However they also tend to have the lowest RoF in most Fully Automatic Weapons, the lowest mobility, and the worst recoil in any weapons. Not to mention they cannot be equipped with attachments. That is why they are in a class of themselves because they just don't match up to a balanced Assault Rifle. LMGs are generally favored over ARs just for the big ammo and high magazine size to go along with the increase in Range and huge ammo count. All of this is why ARs and LMGs are always at war for the Title of Best Class/Weapon. So now lets take a look at the only two LMGs in this highly recommended class: HK21 (94k,281k) vs H115 Oscillator (189k,567k) RPK (65k,195k) vs R115 Resonator (113k,338k) Sniper Rifles [SNIPE5.5] Sniper Rifles have always been a long range favorite of many people around the the world, any why not. They have the highest damage output for both stats in this game with a Max Base Damage of 80k/90k respectfully. They have the longest range of any weapons and with their extremely high damage they will usually one shot kill anything they hit (including Zombies). They have high mobility to go along with the high damage and long range. And they also come with the highest multiplier in Zombies at 10x. However this extremely high damage, mobility, multiplier, and range comes at a price, and that's with the extremely low ammo and magazine size, and the slowest RoF for most weapons. They are also Bolt Action/Semi Automatic so the reload times are not only painfully long but you must take your time to aim and fire. And that's the real weakness of Sniper Rifles as any target that gets too close could spell trouble for a sniper who isn't carry a short/medium range backup weapon. So let's take a look at the two highest Damage Output Weapons in the game: Dragunov (15k,150k) vs D115 Disassembler (90k,900k) L96A1 (25k,250k) vs L115 Isolator (80k,800k) Shotguns [SHTGN5.6] Shotguns have been the traditional choice for CQC (Close Quarters Combat) for many years and who can't see why. They have a Max Base Damage of 149k-230k. With damage outputs like that it's easy to see why they are a favorite for up close action. They have an acceptable magazine size, which is a mix of a SMG/AR combined with a pistol. They do however have extreme low range, and penetration. The slow reloads, low magazine size, and ammo can also be a problem when the enemy is closing in and you are still reloading or out/low on ammo. Though the weaknesses do get balanced out with extremely high damage output and high mobility you do also get high recoil. Nevertheless Shotguns are great weapons to have at your disposal. Although i do recommend a secondary weapon with medium/long range such as an AR for when Shotguns won't be enough. So now let's take a look at this devasting and fun class: HS-10 (54k,54k) vs Typhoid and Mary (230k,230k) Olympia (27k,27) vs Hades (149k,149k) SPAS-12 (51k,51k) vs SPAZ-24 (230k,230k) Stakeout (58k,58k) vs Raid (168k,168k) Launchers [LANCH5.7] Launchers have never been a favorite around the world. They simply weight too much, have horrible mobility, low ammo, and extremely low magazine size, along with long reload times. They do however make up for these weaknesses with moderate-high damage and can usually kill anything with one shot. Not to mention the Splash Damage as an added bonus. They are great for doing great in-direct fire when you need to clear a group of Enemies/Zombies. Both launchers do 45k/150k of Max Base Damage when PaP'd. So let's take a look at the mediocre weapons in the game: China Lake (13k,13k) vs China Beach (45k,45k) M72 LAW (42k,42k) vs M72 Anarchy(150k,150k) Wonder Weapons [WONDR5.8] Wonder Weapons just simply don't exist outside of video games for a reason. And that's because they are make believe weapons and they usually do way too much damage, insanely high amounts of ammo and mag size, and will pretty much kill anything it touches in one hit. They have high mobility, quick reloads, and little to no recoil at all. They are just too powerful. The only thing they have bad going for them is that getting them are hard because they are Super Rare, and that they don't have unlimited ammo. :) Anyways let's get a look into the three beasts of Zombie Mode: Ray Gun (180k,180k) vs Porter's X2 Ray Gun (400k,2m) Scavenger (85k,85k) vs Hyena Infra-Dead (340k,340k) Thunder Gun (~,~) vs Zeus Cannon (~,~) V-R11 (0,0) vs V-R11 Lazarus (0,0) Winter's Howl (~,~) vs Winter's Fury (~,~) Miscellaneous [MISC5.9] This is just the area where everything goes such as Ballistic Knife, Crossbow, Grenades and Sickle. They are really support weapons that do little damage or requires melee hits to dish out high amounts of damage. Ammo is not a even a problem (only for the Crossbow) as they are Melee Weapons. Grenades you can just buy off the wall when you need to restock. So let's look at these 3 Support Weapons: Ballistic Knife (3k,3k) vs The Krause Refibrillator (27k,27k) Crossbow (200,200) vs Awful Lawton (750,750) M67 Grenade/Semtex (3k,3k) Bowie Knife/Sickle (~,~) So there you have it, all the Damage Data for all thr weapons in Zombie Mode. Hopefully now you have an easier time judging which weapons are better than others so that when you need it, you what weapon(s) you need to get for that particular situation. /**********************************************\ | 6. Best Wall Weapons Data [WALL6] | | | \**********************************************/ This section was added to give players a more detailed look into what most players consider the best wall weapons (or even best overall weapons) in Zombies. Here you will get a look at the top 3 wall weapons from each category (Highest Damage, Point Farming, Mix, and General Purpose). Each Wall Weapon will show what its Max Base Damage is, its Cost to buy Ammo, its Points per Bullet (assuming each bullet only hits one zombie and not multiple), its Reach Difficulty, and finally its Recommendation Level. Cost of Ammo is determined by Dividing the Cost of Ammo (half the cost to buy the weapon) by Max Ammo. Cost of Ammo can be much lower if the bullet penetration hits multiple zombies. So if a weapon has a 3.33 cost per bullet and 3 zombies are hit with the same bullet (by lining them up) anywhere on the body, then the cost per bullet will actually become 1.11 which is always nice. Recommendation Level is determined by combining the weapon's Max Base Damage, Cost of Ammo, and Reach Difficulty to determine if it's worth using. ***** Note: Numbers in parenthesis is the PaP version of the weapon.***** Best Wall Weapons for Damage Only (when points is not your concern): Stakeout(Raid) : Highly Recommended Max Base Damage: 58k(168k) Cost of Ammo: 12.5(64.28) points per shell or 1.56(6.42) per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal / Very Hard (CotD) AK-74u(AK-74fu2): Recommended Max Base Damage: 22k(61k) Cost of Ammo: 3.33(14.06) points per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal / Hard (Five) MP40(The Afterburner): Recommended Max Base Damage: 22k(51k) Cost of Ammo: 2.23(17.58) points per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal Best Wall Weapons For Mix (when you want/need a mix of damage with points) Stakeout(Raid) : Highly Recommended Max Base Damage: 58k(168k) Cost of Ammo: 12.5(64.28) points per shell or 1.56(6.42) per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal / Very Hard (CotD) MP40(The Afterburner): Recommended Max Base Damage: 22k(51k) Cost of Ammo: 2.23(17.58) points per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal AK-74u(AK-74fu2): Recommended Max Base Damage: 22k(61k) Cost of Ammo: 3.33(14.06) points per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal / Hard (Five) Best Wall Weapon for Points (when you need to farm max points with no damage): ***** Note: When farming for points do not PaP these ****** MP40: Highly Recommended Max Base Damage: 22k Cost of Ammo: 2.23 points per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal MP5k: Recommended Max Base Damage : 15k Cost of Ammo: 3.33 points per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal (Ascension and CotD) / Hard (Kino and Five) MPL: Recommended Max Base Damage : 14k Cost of Ammo: 3.47 points per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal Best Wall Weapons for General Purpose Use: AK-74u(AK-74fu2): Highly Recommended Max Base Damage: 22k(61k) Cost of Ammo: 3.33(14.06) points per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal MP40(The Afterburner): Recommended Max Base Damage: 22k(51k) Cost of Ammo: 2.23(17.58) points per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal Stakeout (Raid) : Recommended Max Base Damage: 58k(168k) Cost of Ammo: 12.5(64.28) points per shell or 1.56(6.42) per bullet Reach Difficulty: Normal So as you can now all see the AK-74u is clearly the best wall weapon in Zombies when you need it as a general purpose wall weapon. So you can use it for damage and points and also use combine it with an MP5k/MPL to negate the high cost of points per bullet when you PaP it so you can essentially have infinite ammo and infinite points. So basically if you combine an AK-74fu2 with an MP5k/MPL your cost per bullet would be around 8.70 points per bullet (14.06 + 3.33 / 2 = 8.70) with a damage output of 61k(304k). So you would still be making a little over 1 point per bullet while always having ammo and dealing a constant 304k of Max Damage (headshots only). The Afterburner and Raid are not a bad second choice either. But you have to stay clear away from the M16 as it is one of the worst Wall Weapons in Zombies. ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | 7. Top 5 Weapons Rated by Max Base DMG [BASE7] | | | \**********************************************/ 1st: Porter's X2 Ray Gun = 400k 2nd: Hyena Infra-Dead = 340k 3rd: SPAZ-24 = 230k 3rd: Typhoid and Mary = 230k 5th: H115 Oscillator = 189k ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | 8. Top 5 Weapons Rated by Max DMG [MAX8] | | | \**********************************************/ 1st: Porter's X2 Ray Gun = 2m 2nd: D115 Disassembler = 900k 3rd: L115 Isolater = 800k 4th: Lamentation = 578k 5th: H115 Oscillator = 567k ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | 9. Top 5 General Purpose Weapons [TOP5] | | | \**********************************************/ Here in this section we will be taking a look at the Top 5 Highest Rated General Purpose Weapons. These wepons are rated based on a number of things, such as Weapon/Ammo Availability, Base Damage, Multipliers, Max Damage, Recoil, RoF (Rate of Fire), Mobility, Bonus Attachments, RoI (Return on Investment), Cost, Bullet Penetration, etc... So let's take a look at these fine pieces of beauty: Best General Purpose Weapon: Galil (Lamentation) The Galil is simply the best General Purpose Weapon period. There is no weapon that comes close to it's awesomeness. Galil is somewhere along the lines of common/rare so getting it and being able to get it back again multiple times when ammo is a problem is not bad at all but not good either. It has 350/525 of Max Ammo. That is much more than any other AR, and equal to an RPK/R115 and less than the HK21/H115. So it easily competes with the Two LMGs for top dog. It does the same amount of Damage Per Shot than the HK21 and more than H115 when PaP'd. When PaP'd it does a whopping 116k of Max Base Damage and over 578k of Max Damage with its 5x Multiplier. That is the highest Max Damage for any Fully Automatic Weapon in Zombies, and trails only the two Sniper Rifles in the game for highest Max Damage Overall. It even does more Max Damage than the Ray Gun (when not factoring in Splash Damage and Multipliers). So that should tell you how it does in the damage department as it is 4th in Highest Overall Damage. When you get into the later rounds it will also provide a nice balance of RoI with killing power. Mobility is medium so you run faster than a LMG but slower than a SMG/Pistol/Ray Gun/Thunder Gun so it's a great balance when it comes to mobility. When PaP'd it comes with a Red Dot Sight so you get a mix of a LMG with a Sniper Rifle to go along with the power that it already does. RoF is faster than the HK21, equal to the RPK/R115, and Slower than a SMG/AUG so it's a perfect balance of the 3 Main RoF commonly used. The Recoil is almost next to nothing as you can pretty much hold down the trigger and you won't notice any recoil at all. Bullet Penetration is Medium so it does more than a SMG but less than a LMG. So it's clearly the winner is all aspects. You must take this weapon whenever you can and you should only trade it in when you want it back for more ammo. There is simply nothing bad about the Galil/Lamentation and that is why it is the best General Purpose Weapon in Zombies. Second Best General Purpose Weapon: HK21 (H115 Oscillator) The HK21/H115 is clearly the big dog on campus. It simply just has high damage, high bullet penetration, lots of ammo and a very high RoI. It's common and being able to reaquire again when out of ammo is not bad at all. You can always trade it with the RPK and continue so that's great to have. It has the second highest Base/Max Damage for any Fully Autommatic Weapon (only behind the Galil/Lamentation). Its Max Base Damage (when PaP'd) of almost 190k is outstanding as it is second only to the Ray Gun, Shotguns, and Sniper Rifles. It has a 3x Muliplier so that's a nice bonus. The recoil is Acceptable as it's not bad nor good. However it has a very slow RoF. Much slower than most ARs and all SMGs. The mobility is awful as you run like a turtle. A truely wonderful weapon to say the least. However if given the chance to trade it with the Galil you should not hestitate. Third Best General Purpose: Ray Gun (Porter's X2 Ray Gun) Easily picked as a top 5 weapon simply because it is way too powerful. At 1000/2000 Base DPS and 180/240 Max Ammo how can you not overlook this powerful beast. It single handily has the best Max Base Damage at 400k when it's PaP'd and that's just factoring in that each bullet will hit just one Zombie. So when you group Zombies together this gun can easily go into the one million mark and beyond for Max Damage with Multipliers and Splash Damage. There is little recoil, fires quickly, has a nice RoI, and high mobility. However the Rarity and lack of ammo will be a problem (especially in late rounds). Expect to spend anywhere from 5k-50k in points just to get it back after Round 25 when you need to start trading it in just to get it back with ammo since ammo will be a problem at that point. A perfect overpowering weapon without question but it just doesn't come around very often and when it does you should take it without question. Fourth Best General Purpose Weapon (Tie): AUG (AUG50M3) vs Commando (Predator) Here we have a tie between two weapons. Both of these when PaP'd deal the same amount of Base Damage (84k), and Max Damage (420k) not including any attachments. They both have over 400 in ammo. The mobiliy for both is Medium and they give a nice RoI. They are also fairly common so trading them in for the other is a great idea and highly recommended when one runs out of ammo. The only differences between these two are their RoF, Versatility, Recoil, and Reload Speed. Both are these are mainly just preference to the player. The AUG takes longer to reload than the Commando, however it gets a Shotgun Attachment making it more versatile and having more Firepower. It also does more DPS, and fires faster than the Commando. However that can also mean it can burn through ammo much faster too. It's recoil is not as good and it has less ammo than the Commando (both PaP'd versions). The AUG is better than the Commando when you want the extra firepower of the Shotgun attachment and especially if you are watching one window. The Commando however reloads much faster than the AUG. And with it's Dual Mags attachment every other reload is even faster than its normal reload. This is perfect for when you need to reload and quickly fire, it's like a Mini LMG. It has no recoil at all and the RoF is normal for an AR so burning through ammo is not a problem for it, especially when it has more ammo than the AUG. It does however lose the versatility that the AUG brings to the table as you trade in more firepower for faster reloading. The Commando is better than the AUG when you need to reload faster to continue your damage output. Overall both are equally balanced and will work great for normal operations. Fifth Best General Purpose Weapon (Tie): AK74u vs MP40 vs MP5k vs MPL Here we have another tie and it's for the final spot on the Top 5 General Purpose Weapon List. The reason I am adding these 4 SMG Wall Weapons to this top 5 list is because they all simply deserve their recogntion. All of these are tied simply because of Preferences, Reach Difficulty, Your Current Needs, Damage, RoI, Map Type, etc... The real expert players that do not rely on Box Weapons know that the elite of the elite Zombie Players do not rely on box weapons and use Wall Weapons from the start. While n00bs are busy hitting the box going for a HK21 and Ray Gun, the expert player has his final setup from the start and does not like waiting for everyone else to be done hitting the box. Each expert player has his certain style of play when it comes to which wall weapon they will use. But one thing that is common with every Elite Player is that they all use an SMG off the Wall. And the reason behind that is because these SMG Wall Weapons are just too good. Even at Round 50 they get the job done efficently without risking your life hitting the box in the middle of the round because your HK21 ran out of ammo. Some players like to go for the highest amount of points by the end of the game and will use a low Damage Output SMG with a low cost per bullet, while some players like the High Damage Flow and can care less about points. And some just like a mix of points and damage in one SMG. I myself like to use MP40 on Kino and CotD, and MP5k on Ascension. If you would like to know the cost per bullet, damage output, etc.. of these SMGs refer to section [WALL6] for more information. As i stated earlier certain SMGs are based on your particular situation. If you're low on points you'll want to use a low damage output SMG that has a low cost per bullet such as an MPL, MP5k, AK74u, MP40 and do not PaP it. If you do not need points and need high damage then you will look for a high damage output SMG such as MP40 or AK74u which you can PaP if you like. Do keep in mind that PaP'd SMGs will quickly eat up your points so make sure you have alot of points on reserves when doing this. If you need a mix of both points and damage then go with the MP40, or AK74u. These 2 have a low cost per bullet (when not Pap'd) and a nice flow of damage output. Also consider the location of each SMG on the map. While the MP5k is easily accessible on CotD and Ascension it is not in a good location on Kino or Five so you don't want to be looking to use the SMG on the bad location map. ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | 10. Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ10] | | | \**********************************************/ Q: Why do i need to know all this data? A: Well for the average player this is not important at all. However if you start getting into the high 20s and into the 30s/40s/50s, etc.. it is vital to know this information. The information is telling you how much health the Zombie will have at that round and how much damage you will need to do to kill it. So if the Zombie has 7,030 of health at Round 30 and you have an AR that deals 100 Base Damage Per Shot you would need to put 71 bullets into his Chest/Stomach to kill him. Now think about that as you are shredding in 2.5 mags into his body just to kill him. Now think about how you would handle the other 188 Zombies at Round 30 if you have to keep putting in 2.5 mags into each one. Now what are you going to do when the weapon is completely out of ammo and you still have another 150 Zombies to go? Exactly!!!!!! Q: Ok so now why do i need to know how much damage output my weapon is doing? A: Well heres why. At Round 30 there is a total of over 1.3 million of Zombie health (189 Zombies * 7,030 per Zombie = 1.3+ million of Zombie health). So you have to figure out how to deal that 1.3 million worth of damage. If your weapon has a Max Damage of 100k you have a big problem on your hands as you have to plan how you will get more ammo for it. Then you have to start asking yourself questions such as: What weapon will I use after it runs out of ammo so I can continue doing damage? How many points will i blow just to get my weapon back with ammo? How many points will this weapon give me on my RoI (Return on Investment). Will this weapon make me run Slower/Faster? Does this weapon have Splash Damage? Does it have big/low ammo? Big/Small Mag Size? Does it have Recoil? Is the Recoil Manageable? How easy can i get ammo for it? Is the ammo gonna be expensive? Is it even worth going for again when i can grab a similar damage output weapon instead? Those are all questions you have to ask yourself when making decisions. And sometimes you have to make a decision within a split second that can hurt/help you. So knowing all this information is vital when getting into the late rounds. Q: Ok but can't I just use traps and not have to worry about any of this? A: While that will work in Solo, it will simply not work in 2-4 Players. When you are playing with multiple players theres always the lack of team work and/or communication. Someone else may already be using the trap(s) on the map. So now what do you if you got a weapon such as a FAMAS and your other weapon is low/out of ammo and you have 10+ Zombies by yourself and they each have 7,030 of health? Still think that FAMAS is gonna help you? Even if it does kill all 10 Zombies not only are the Zombies going to quickly respawn again (You still got 179 to go) but now both your weapons are completely out of ammo. So what do you do now? BINGO!!!!!! Q: Ok well your right but can't I just get a wall weapon and use that? A: Yes and No. There are only a few wall weapons that are still good in late rounds and they are very limited and scattered around the map. By the late rounds most wall weapons will just not do any damage to the Zombies and will just be good for farming points since they won't die. That's why it's important to know which Wall Weapons will give you not only the highest damage output but perhaps also give you a decent RoI as the ammo can get expensive in the late rounds. Q: Ok ok i give in. Now I am always really low on ammo, or points, what tips can you provide Me? A: Well this is a common problem for most people so don't feel like you are a Bad player for needing ammo or points. There are simply some things that you Need to work on to get passed this problem. Here are some tips: If you’re low on points you have to stop wasting points wherever needed. Don't Buy perks that you don't need (that is dependent on what class(es) you are Using). Try not to use the box so much and only when your weapon(s) run out of Ammo. The same thing with PaPing a weapon. Only PaP it when it runs out of Ammo or after the 20s/30s. Also do the best you can to not go down or die. You Then have to rebuy your perks and weapons again so you continue to be low on Ammo and points if you do. Not to mention your team now has to work harder Because you keep going down. So do the best you can to not go down (especially before Round 25). If you are low on ammo all the time then you just have to work on conserving Your ammo. If you are using a Black Hole, Ray Gun, Thunder Gun, or Mustang and Sally make the ammo count. Use them only when there’s a group of Zombies for Splash damage or clearing the room. Don't use them just to kill one or two Zombies. If your using a LMG/AR/SMG aim for the head. Hip Firing a LMG and aiming for the head and in short bursts is a great way to kill Zombies and conserve as much ammo as possible. That saved ammo you conserved can be used when a bunch of Zombies are close together so then you can go Rambo all you want on them. Q: What about if I’m low on points and ammo or dying/reviving is not a problem for me? A: If points is a problem and not ammo, or because you don't go down as much then try these tips: Consider using a wall weapon or LMG to rack up a lot of points. SMGs are really Good for racking up a ton of points in the high 20s and into the 30s. MP5k and MPL are highly recommended for this as they are within easy reach and provide The lowest damage output of the 4 main SMGs. Not to mention you can buy more Ammo at easily accessible areas and at a very cheap price as well. PaPing SMGs is not a good idea for racking up points because when you need to buy more ammo for it, it gets really expensive at 4,500 points every time you need more ammo. Q: Why is getting headshots so important? A: Well mainly because you save plenty of ammo, and you receive more points than if they're killed anywhere else. But most importantly most weapons have a Head Multiplier. SMGs and AR have a 5x Multiplier, LMG have 3x, and Sniper Rifles have a whopping 10x Head Multiplier. So think about those multipliers as the rounds progress and get harder with Increasing Zombie Health. So if that Zombie has 7,030 of Health at Round 30 and you have a Sniper Rifle with a Base Damage of 2,000, and you shoot him in the head you get a 10x multiplier, so you actually do 20k worth of damage. That's more than enough to kill it with one shot. Now think about how far you can go into Zombies with a Sniper Rifle that can deal 20k Damage Per Shot. Q: Ok but i won't be getting headshots every single time, correct? A: Of course it's almost impossible to get headshots all the time. But that is what this guide is for. So when you need a High Damage Output Weapon and can't get Headshots, you can quickly choose a Weapon with High Max Base Damage and have it for when you need to shoot at their Chest/Stomach instead. So you have it ready to go for when you need one the most. Q: So what is the best General Purpose Weapon in Zombies? A: Some people swear by a LMG, Thunder Gun, Ray Gun. I myself say the best general weapon is defined from things such as ability to restock on ammo, damage, range, multipliers, reload time, etc... Without question the best general purpose is The Galil. It does more damage then the HK21 with better mobility to go along with it. Not too mention it's more common in the box than a LMG and you get a sight when you PaP it. Let's also not forget the 5x Multiplier for shooting at their heads. By far the best general purpose weapon and at a Max Damage of over 577k Max when at Max Ammo it is simply more than enough to do more damage than a HK21 anyday. The added sight and higher RoF is also nice. The Galil is without question a Top 5 Weapon and is also a Top 3 Overall in Multiple Categories. You just can't go wrong with the Galil as it has too many good things and hardly (if any) negatives. However when ammo is a problem after Round 25 and into the 30s, 40s, 50s, etc.. you want to be using the MP40 or AK74u. No recoil, faster mobilty, plus you always have ammo at easy locations and 256k-304k in Max Damage is enough to make you want to use either of these awesome SMG Wall Weapons from the early rounds aswell. Q: What weapon is the best besides the Thunder Gun? A: That would be the Ray Gun. Ray Gun produces over 2m of Max Damage after its 5x Mulitplier to the Neck. That's 3.5 times as much as an HK21 or Galil. And that's not even factoring in any Splash Damage which can easily push it well over 2m of max damage. Q: What are some underrated weapons? A: Any Shotgun and Mustang and Sally are very underated. The FAL is also a very highly underrated weapon. The Galil is also underrated and only because the LMGs get all the love and so the Galil doesn't get very much attention. Consider trying these underrated weapons on your next playthrough and see how they work out of you. You should quickly be able to see how they do more damage than most weapons that are normally used. ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | 11. Credit [THANKS] | | | \**********************************************/ -Credit goes to www.eaglesorbit.com for providing some of the damage data, aswell as duckcall00/Den for providing Damage Multiplier Data for each weapon aswell as the Zombie Data. -Credit goes to anyone else i probably have missed. If i forgot to give you Credit i am truly sorry but just kindly contact me (via email) and i Will gladly give you credit. -Credit goes to me for making this guide. ______________________________________________ /**********************************************\ | 12. Contact & Suggestions [EMAIL007] | | | \**********************************************/ Contact me at wilmer007@gmail.com Under subject please put "Black Ops: Zombies: Data Guide" or "BO:ZO:DATA". If The subject line is not either of these two I will ignore it and may mark it As spam as well. You can e-mail me for various reasons, including praise, tips, suggestions, Errors I had, questions, etc... If you would like to play on XBL my gamer tag is wilmer0072000. If i send you A friend request on my alternate gamer tags is because I’m either sorting my Friends list or i simply have nearly maxed out my friend list and need more Space so I’ll save you on one of my alternate gamer tags. All my gamer tags Start with wilmer007 so you will it's me. If i do place you on one of my Alternate gamer tags you should send me a message to my normal gamer tag (wilmer0072000) if you want to play. If you send a message to an alternate Gamer tag more than likely i will not even get to see it. As i only log in To the alternate gamer tags when i need to add friends to it. Also please do not send me messages over XBL to comment on the guide. XBL is Simply for playing. If you send me a message regarding my guide (Either good or bad) right after you friend request me, i will take you off My friends list and block you on XBL. That is what my email is for, so that you Can send comments and stuff over to my email, not on XBL. ---->Copyright (2011) (wilmer007)<--- *****End of Guide*****