DUKE NUKEM FOREVER: EXTREME CHALLENGE - DAMN I'M GOOD GUIDE V1.0 Written by: BahamutZero & Kuro-chan_101 ******************************************************************************* MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN7IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIII???????????????IIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMI????????????????????????IMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????????????????????????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM??????????????????????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????????????????????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM??????????????????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????????????????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM??????????????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM??MMMMMMMM??MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM++++++++MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM++++++++++++MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM+++++MMMMMM+++++MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM++++MMMMMMMMMM++++MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM++++MMMMMMMMMMMM++++MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM++++MMMMMMMMMMMM++++MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMIIII?????????????M++++MMMMMMMMMMMM++++M?????????????IIIIMMM MMMIIII??????????????M++++MMMMMMMMMM++++M??????????????IIIIMMM MMMIIII???????????????M+++++MMMMMM+++++M???????????????IIIIMMM MMMIIII?????????????????M++++++++++++M?????????????????IIIIMMM MMMZIIII??????????????????MM++++++MM??????????????????IIIIZMMM MMMMIIII?????????????????MMMMMMMMMMMM?????????????????IIIIMMMM MMMMIIIII???????????????MMMMMMMMMMMMMM???????????????IIIIMMMMM MMMMMZIIII?????????????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?????????????IIIIZMMMMM MMMMMMIIIII???????????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM???????????IIIIIMMMMMM MMMMMMMIIIII?????????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?????????IIIIIMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMZIIII???????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM???????IIIIZMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMIIIII????MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM????IIIIIMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMIIIII??MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?IIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMZIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIIZMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ******************************************************************************* --- WARNING: This Guide contains spoilers and language. --- ******************************************************************************* ******************************** VERSION INFO ********************************* ******************************************************************************* Version 1.0 - The guide has been completed and published. ******************************************************************************* ******************************** INTRODUCTION ********************************* ******************************************************************************* -------------------------------- Who this guide is aimed towards: Anyone who plays this game will find the overabundance of information on offer here useful. The creators of this guide have meshed together their two existing guides and expanded the resulting information even further to create an intricately-detailed compendium of Duke Nukem Forever material. From BahumautZero's Damn I'm Good Guide comes multiple detailed strategies for beating each encounter and boss. From Kuro-chan_101's detailed Ego Boost Guide comes every Ego Boost in both the campaign and the DLC. Additional information such as enemy health levels, weapon power and strategies for individual enemies, achievements/ trophies and many other things have all been researched, analyzed and included by the team as well in this extensive co-production. The editors find that, unlike a lot of other FPS games, Duke Nukem Forever does very little in the way of 'hand-holding' throughout the whole game. As the player, you need to figure out where to go on your own (No points presented on the game screen, for instance), how to win the Boss Battles, how to solve the puzzles; you get to figure it out all by yourself. While this guide does give you the basics on how to solve all the in-game puzzles, it's main focus is on the boss battles and how to overcome them without 'literally' doing it for you. We are not interested in removing the fun factor of the game, but helping to make it possible to beat. One other thing for people who love a challenge: We have included a tiered challenge section where you can truly test your abilities against the games pork denizens. With rules and levels of challenge, your inner 'hardcore gamer' will be tested. Use our strategies or find your own to overcome these herculean tasks. ------------- Guide Basics: Many sections are included in this guide that are above and beyond the basics. This list covers the purpose of them. Many levels in the original campaign are split up into smaller parts (For instance, the level "The Lady Killer" is split up into three parts, so it is not possible to re-play the third part without playing through the first two). The guide treats each level and their parts as their own individual walk- through. LEVEL NAME: - The start of any section includes the level name. A walk-through for a section starts here. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THIS IS A LEVEL NAME -- (TEST) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: - The marks the first (and sometimes only) opportunity to score achievements. The achievements listed are (more or less) the same ones that can be earned on the Steam / Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions of the game. Where appropriate, points and medal values are listed with the achievements. BOSS BATTLE: - There are eleven boss battles in the game; each with their own challenges and different ways to handle them. Typically, bosses can only be defeated with explosive weapons (RPG Launcher, Devastator, Enforcer Gun, Pipe Bombs and Laser Trip Mines) and turrets. CHECKPOINT: - All checkpoints are listed in-game. ENEMY ENCOUNTER: - While not bosses, these mark enemies that are above and beyond your regular encounters. For example, in "The Lady Killer: Part 3" you come across an Assault Commander early on. While much easier to deal with in later levels, you lack any heavy weapons to help deal with this one, so it gets a special mention. EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: - Below this will be a list of Ego Boosts you can collect along the way. Any boosts marked with "--NEW!" means this is the first (and sometimes only) chance you have to earn them. GLITCH: - These are potential game killers, or simply oddities that have been observed through game play. On rare occasion, they can be used to benefit your game experience. IMPOSSIBLE DEATH: - These mark the few times in-game where you can die in a place you would (normally) not be able to. This actually involves you making a real effort to get yourself killed. This is more for amusement, since you would actually "NEED" to make the effort to get yourself killed. NOTES: - These cover important points that are above and beyond the regular information presented in the strategy. Most of the time notes are observations about the game mechanics by the editors or alternative ways of handling things. POINTLESS FUN: - Many little tidbits of useless information are included as well. STRATEGY: - Tricks and tips for defeating bosses and special enemy encounters. These are tried, tested, and they work. ------------ Game Basics: It is assumed that players would know how to (at least) play the game. The game provides a basic, but useful enough tutorial on the built-in functions, such as moving around, firing and throwing weapons, picking up and switching stuff, jump, melee and using items. But this guide will cover some odds and ends which can help you get through the game. STRENGTH TAPS: - You will get into situations where you need to rapidly press down a button to perform a special action using Duke's strength. This includes opening things, grappling with an enemy and defeating bosses. This guide refers to them as Strength Taps. The default buttons for these are: * PC Version - Space Bar * PS3 - "X" Button * Xbox360 - "A" Button Ultimately, it depends on your controller/keyboard configuration. NOTES: Pregnators and Berserk Pigcops will lock onto Duke and grapple with him. You need to quickly perform a Strength Tap to break free of their grip, or die. There are also scripted Strength Taps you must pull off against Duke Bots and Duke Clones in the DLC Campaign Add-on. The only bosses you do not perform a Strength Tap on are the Mothership and Octaking (Both times against the creature). If you fail a Strength Tap on a boss, it will get back up, likely hit you for damage, and regain some of it's health. EXECUTIONS: - Once their health is depleted, some enemies will go down on their knees. If you get close enough you can 'Execute' them. This kills the enemy and gives you a full Ego recharge, making this very useful when dealing with ambushes. Smashing frozen enemies also counts as an Execution. GRABBING AND THROWING OBJECTS: - You learn this in the third mission level "The Duke Cave", but objects can be picked up off the ground and thrown at enemies for severe damage. Most 'regular' enemies can be killed / execution-setup with one hit SHOOTING EXPLOSIVES: - Sometimes enemies are dumb enough to be positioned near an explosive. Targeting the explosives and letting them blow up near your enemies will deal real damage. Be careful with how close you are when the explosive goes off. In DiG difficulty, they can seriously harm you, too. RUN 'EM OVER! - When in a vehicle (Mighty Foot, Moon Rover, Forklift, etc.), you can kill many enemies just by colliding with them, rather than wasting ammo. USE YOUR INVENTORY: - You are given items through the game that help to improve your situation. Do not shy away from them. Beer helps you shrug off a lot of damage. Steroids are useful in close-quarters situations where you are surrounded and you need to do lots of damage, quickly. Holoduke is very useful for bosses and large ambushes where you need to distract the enemy. USING PIPE BOMBS AND LASER TRIP MINES: - You can setup ambushes of your own with these weapons. Throw Trip Mines along a wall, but low enough so enemies will trigger them and throw Pipe Bombs at enemies themselves while they attack you. You can also stock up on explosives when you find a cache; it looks like a pile of Pipe Bombs and Trip Mines sitting around. ----------------------- Difficulty of the game: Depending on the difficulty level you play on this game can be a simple stroll through the tulips or the equivalent of headbutting your way through pure diamond. Damn I'm Good Difficulty is frustratingly difficult at times and the excruciatingly long loading screens when you die don't help matters (For non-PC versions). When you are on a roll however, the challenge makes the game quite a lot of fun (until the next brick wall anyway). It is not as controller- throwingly hard as some of the levels of CoD: World at War on Veteran (BahamutZero is looking at you, Blowtorch and Corkscrew and Heart of the Reich) , but it comes close at times. The top difficulty "Damn I'm Good" is locked, so you need to beat the game at least once. If you beat in on "Let's Rock" or "Come Get Some", you will unlock the Duke Nukem 3D Freeze Ray ability. This turns the already useful Freeze Ray into a devastating weapon in your toolbox of tricks when attempting to beat "Damn I'm Good" (And the extra Ego does not hurt, too). ------------------ Difficulty levels: Duke Nukem comes with four difficulty levels. There are no changes to the AI, number or types of enemies you face, so your basic strategies will remain the same. What changes are how much health the enemies have and how much damage they do to you. At higher difficulties, the damage increase makes it imperative to find Ego Boosts as often and as early as possible, to help improve your survival. Low Ego and heavy damage can also mean some attacks will outright kill you, even if you have Ego strength left in your bar. Piece of Cake - Enemies do around 70% of their normal damage and have around 70% of their normal health, making this about half as difficult as the normal game. Beating the game at this difficulty or higher unlocks the "Damn I'm Good" difficulty. Kuro-chan_101 Commentary: I do not consider this difficulty an embarrassment to play. It is what I first played to help me get into the game, before I tried harder difficulties, including "Damn I'm Good." I consider this the "Learning Experience", especially since the AI and number of enemies do not change, just how much punishment they deliver and they require to bring down. If you are unfamiliar with the game mechanics, even easy can be a bit tricky the first time around. Let's Rock - The standard difficulty level of the game. Beating the game at this difficulty or higher unlocks a number of features in-game, including the Freeze Ray. Come Get Some - Enemies do around 30% more damage and have around 30% more health, making it about 70% more challenging than normal. Damn I'm Good - Enemies do twice as much damage and have twice as much health, making it about four times more difficult than normal. - This difficulty must be unlocked by completing the game at least once on any difficulty, even on easy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tip and Suggestions For Surviving on "Damn I'm Good" Difficulty: Some players have not managed to beat the game on this difficulty setting. This walk-through/guide is made with them in mind. To help survive, the editors strongly suggest going along with tips and suggestions provided below: - Have a full Ego Bar. Kuro-chan has provided Ego Boost Guides that are available on GameFAQs and Neoseeker for viewing. This walk-through/guide uses the Ego Boost names on those guides. * For the normal campaign: http://www.gamefaqs.com/xbox360/944794-duke-nukem-forever/faqs/67956 http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rlid=752382&rid=468340 * For the DLC add-on: http://www.gamefaqs.com/xbox360/944794-duke-nukem-forever/faqs/67292 http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rlid=752385&rid=468341 - Grab items and throw them at enemies (Barrels, bricks, garbage cans). They can kill / Execution-setup lesser enemies. - Spam the Laser Trip Mines and Pipe Bombs. It is better to use your inventory than to constantly re-visit the "Loading Game" screen. - Take advantage of any and all Executions. You will need those Ego recharges while you are in battle. - Avoid grappling with Pregnators and Berserk Pigcops. They do brutal damage up-close and the odds are not good you will survive an encounter with them. Play it safe and keep your distance. - In the Hive, shoot everyone and everything. It's cruel, but will make it far less annoying than dodging Octobabies. - Win the game at least once on "Let's Rock" or "Come Get Some" difficulty to have access to the 3D-version of the Freeze Ray. - Try to map and know where all the ambushes are in the game. That way, you come in better prepared. To help you out, this walk-through/guide covers all the ambushes and what to expect. There are a few sections that will prove to be unusually difficult if you are not careful. CRASH COURSE - There is a turret section on this level that is (arguably) the most difficult part of the whole game. You WILL... DIE... A LOT trying to get through it. Boss: Alien Queen - Some people say this boss is tough because of the Pregnators and Octobrains that ambush you. Be equipped with a Ripper and RPG and try to keep at least a couple Pipebombs handy. The boss should always come second to any other alien you need to deal with. Boss: Battlelord #2 - This is one of two boss battles that are known to be tough. The battlefield is long, but very narrow, which limits your ability to go around him. He also likes to kick vehicles around, which are potentially fatal if they hit you. Even trying to get ammo puts you in his field of fire. It is a dangerous fight, at best. Boss: Octaking - If you come prepared with a Shrink Ray (which you can obtain in the previous level), you should be able to survive the encounter. The biggest problem is the three Octabrains that continually spawn until you deplete around 20% of the Octaking's health bar, then the battle becomes much easier. All of these sections have strategies that are proven to help you survive the encounters. -------- Contact: Do you have suggestions for strategies? Found something we missed? Been doing research on your own and found something new or inconsistent with our efforts? You are welcome to email us about our walk-through. Both editors have easy access to this guide and can make suitable changes as needed. Credit will be provided for any published information. The editors can be contacted through the following email addresses: BahumautZero: benbutton600@hotmail.com Kuro-chan_101: kuro101@kuro-rpg.net Now, let the bacon spankin' begin! ******************************************************************************* ****************************** TABLE OF CONTENTS ****************************** ******************************************************************************* -------------------------------- INTRODUCTION --------------------------------- Walk-through / Guide Layout: The ambush and combat strategies are designed with the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game in mind, since they have a carry limit of two weapons. A patch for the PC version increases that limit to 4 weapons, allowing for far greater flexibility in combat. Finding Stuff: Just use Ctrl + F (the find function) and key in the code for the level to skip to the portion of the guide you need. ------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------ ---------------------------------- CAMPAIGN ----------------------------------- LEVEL 01 - Duke Lives ...................................................(CH1) LEVEL 02 - Damn! It's Late... ...........................................(CH2) LEVEL 03 - The Duke Cave ................................................(CH3) LEVEL 04 - Mothership Battle ............................................(CH4) LEVEL 05 - The Lady Killer ..............................................(CH5) - The Lady Killer (Part Two) ...................................(CH6) - The Lady Killer (Part Three) .................................(CH7) LEVEL 06 - Vegas In Ruin ................................................(CH8) LEVEL 07 - The Duke Dome ................................................(CH9) - The Duke Dome (Part Two) ....................................(CH10) LEVEL 08 - The Hive ....................................................(CH11) - The Hive (Part Two) .........................................(CH12) LEVEL 09 - Queen Bitch .................................................(CH13) LEVEL 10 - Duke Nukem's Titty City .....................................(CH14) LEVEL 11 - Crash Course ................................................(CH15) LEVEL 12 - The Duke Burger .............................................(CH16) - The Duke Burger (Part Two) ..................................(CH17) - The Duke Burger (Part Three) ................................(CH18) LEVEL 13 - The Mighty Foot .............................................(CH19) - The Mighty Foot (Part Two) ..................................(CH20) LEVEL 14 - Ghost Town ..................................................(CH21) LEVEL 15 - Highway Battle...............................................(CH22) - Highway Battle (Part Two)....................................(CH23) LEVEL 16 - Dam Top......................................................(CH24) LEVEL 17 - The Shrunk Machine ..........................................(CH25) - The Shrunk Machine (Part Two) ...............................(CH26) LEVEL 18 - The Forkstop ................................................(CH27) - The Forkstop (Part Two) .....................................(CH28) LEVEL 19 - Generator Room ..............................................(CH29) LEVEL 20 - Underground .................................................(CH30) - Underground (Part Two) ......................................(CH31) LEVEL 21 - The Clarifier ...............................................(CH32) - The Clarifier (Part Two) ....................................(CH33) LEVEL 22 - Blowin' The Dam .............................................(CH34) - Blowin' The Dam (Part Two) ..................................(CH35) LEVEL 23 - The Final Battle ............................................(CH36) ----------------------------- MISC. ACHIEVEMENTS ----------------------------- ------------------- DLC CAMPAIGN: THE DOCTOR WHO CLONED ME ------------------- LEVEL 01 - Rude Awakening ..............................................(CH37) LEVEL 02 - Going Down ..................................................(CH38) LEVEL 03 - In Security .................................................(CH39) LEVEL 04 - The Clone Carousel ..........................................(CH40) LEVEL 05 - Me, Myself And I ............................................(CH41) LEVEL 06 - Meat Grinder ................................................(CH42) LEVEL 07 - The Doctor Is In ............................................(CH43) LEVEL 08 - Magic Carpet Ride ...........................................(CH44) LEVEL 09 - Drunken Crane Master ........................................(CH45) LEVEL 10 - All Your Base... ............................................(CH46) LEVEL 11 - Tunnel Vision ...............................................(CH47) LEVEL 12 - The Burning Bush ............................................(CH48) LEVEL 13 - Teleportation Spire .........................................(CH49) LEVEL 14 - Duke Side Of The Moon .......................................(CH50) ----------------------------------- ENEMIES ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- WEAPONS ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- EGO BOOST MASTER LIST ---------------------------- --------------------------- ACHIEVEMENTS MASTER LIST -------------------------- ------------------------------- CHALLENGE GUIDE ------------------------------- --------------------------------- LEGAL STUFF --------------------------------- -------------------------------- FINAL COMMENTS ------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* *********************************** CAMPAIGN ********************************** ******************************************************************************* DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- DUKE LIVES -- (CH1) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Stop Pissin' Around! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! The Balls Have Dropped (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Who's That Handsome Devil? (+1 Ego) -- NEW! - You can start collecting Ego Boosts after defeating the Cycloid Emperor. - The list will cover all Ego Boosts that can be collected in a level. Ones marked with " -- NEW !" means it is the first time the Ego Boost becomes available. If you focus on collecting the boosts with the tag on them, you should have no trouble collecting them all. - The names used for Ego Boosts are off the Ego Boost Guides created by Kuro-chan. http://www.gamefaqs.com/xbox360/944794-duke-nukem-forever/faqs/67956 http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rlid=752382&rid=468340 =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Turd Burglar (+10G / Bronze) - Find and steal a piece of poo - In one of the cubicles behind you as soon as you start the game is a turd you can pick up and throw (The trailers really pushed this, didn't they?). Drawrings (+10G / Bronze) - Doodle something on the whiteboard in SP - When you arrive at the 'Strategy Meeting', draw on the whiteboard to unlock this cheevo. Sunday, Black Sunday (+5G / Bronze) - Shoot down the blimp above the stadium - During the Cycloid boss battle, look above you for a blimp and shoot it down. One-Eyed Freak (+10G / Bronze) - Defeat the Cycloid - Story based, cannot be missed. =============================================================================== Stop pissing about (Or take your time, it is really up to you) and make your way to where the troops are coming up with a strategy for taking on the Cycloid Emperor. POINTLESS FUN: If you take a long time at the urinal, an EDF soldier will come up to you (out of view) and offer to help you. He'll also engage in a bit of friendly banter. "Alright, step one! Alpha team straight up the middle! Blake! Flank Left! Phillips and I head around. That's step two. Step three is... uh... um..." "Uh, profit?" "Right! You ready? One, two... Break!" -- EDF soldiers discussing their strategy. Move up after them and proceed to get knocked on your ass (for the first of many times in this game). CHECKPOINT Move down the now open corridor (the one the guard is at), down the stairs and through the hall to pick up the Devastator. The elevator will raise you up to to the stadium. ******************************************************************************* BOSS BATTLE - CYCLOID EMPEROR "It's down to you and me, you One-Eyed Freak." -- Duke Nukem HEALTH: 6000 DIFFICULTY: 1/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: Devastator ATTACKS: Missiles * 14 dmg. per missile (On normal, 28 on DiG) * Strafe and run to avoid these Stomp * 55 dmg. (On normal, 110 on DiG) * Do not get too close to the Emperor. His stomp can cause severe damage or kill you, even if it does not score a direct hit. The attack also sends Duke flying into the air. Try to jump in the air as his stomp his the ground Charge * 30 dmg. (On normal, 60 on DiG) * This attack will knock you to the ground if you are hit, setting you up to get stomped on. Keep an eye on his jetpack (flames will appear) and start dodging early to stay safe. Ground Pound * 30 dmg. (On normal, 60 on DiG) * Like Charge, this attack knocks you to the ground. Move out of the way; this attack is not difficult to avoid. STRATEGY: Lay into him with your Devastator while you circle-strafe around him. His attacks are fast, but not accurate. Giving you a good chance to dodge them. Even with reduced Ego, this battle should not be difficult. Devastator ammo will be dropped from the sky marked by flares (69 ammo, heh) starting after you run out of ammo for the first time. He will begin to charge around the stadium which is easy to avoid, just take your shots when he stops moving and keep your ammo topped up. At first he will attack with only Missiles and the Stomp if you get too close, but after knocking his health bar down more than halfway,he will also start using his Charge and Ground Pound attacks. After wearing him down he will eventually drop. Approach, climb onto him and perform a Strength Tap to rip out the life support cable. Then line yourself up with her eyeball and "Score the Goal". NOTES: The claw arms are capable of blocking Devastator missiles, resulting in minimal, if any, splash damage. Focus fire on the chest and head for maximum results. ******************************************************************************* CHECKPOINT Enjoy your "Reward" and finish talking to your babes, the Holsom Twins. Get up and move around. Before walking out into the hallway you can enter the bathroom and pick up two Ego Boosts (toilet and mirror) and listen to your first [PHONE MESSAGE 01/14]. After moving into the bar room, you can talk to the two babes again and shoot some pool for an Ego Boost. NOTES: Duke can hit the cue ball at any time, even when it is on move. If you see the cue ball heading for a corner pocket, try to hit it again and knock it off it's course, avoiding the frustration of losing. BahumautZero Commentary: I and the human race hate this mini-game and wish it would die in a fire. Kuro-chan_101 Commentary: Between Duke's apartment and Titty City, I find the pool game is marginally easier to play here, and definitely easier to play than inside "Duke's Digs", where the game suffers from combat mechanics (Duke walks around faster and can sprint, as opposed to non-combat situations where he walks slightly slower). Head out to the elevator and press the elevator button to open the door and again to descend / finish the level. IMPOSSIBLE DEATH: Following the battle with the Cycloid Emperor, it is possible to die. The small pool of water in front of the television is 'just' deep enough to kill you. If you crouch down in the deepest part and look straight down, you will trigger the oxygen meter. If it runs out, you Ego and health will deplete, eventually taking you back to the loading screen. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- DAMN! IT'S LATE... -- (CH2) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Better Not Find This on Ebay (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Stop Pissin' Around! (+1 Ego) That's How 'Ya Nukem! (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Who's That Handsome Devil? (+1 Ego) =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Nobody Likes A Whiner (+5G / Bronze) - Knock out the talent at the talk show - When you meet the guy who continually complains (after signing the autograph book) smack him in the jaw. =============================================================================== Stroll on down to the set, stopping in the hallway for snacks and in the Employee Lounge for a (Ego Boost) microwave treat (The rat or the microwave popcorn, whatever suits your appetite). "Wow! He's so cool!" "Yeah, I'd thought he'd be taller." -- Kid & his parent. The kid and parent are physically blocking the way to the stage, so take some time and sign an autograph for the kid on the way (Ego Boost as well), then step onto the stage. After Duke's important interview is cancelled because half the staff ran off to see what was going on at Duke Burger, exit the stage to your left. CHECKPOINT Punch out the 'talent guy' if you feel like it (Achievement) and head through the door at the top of the stairs. Further on there is a bathroom and a dressing room where you pick up a couple Ego Boosts if you missed them before. Follow the escaping civilians as they flee, get in your personal elevator and head on up. The power cuts out just before you reach the top floor, so open the emergency hatch and climb out the top. Perform a Strength Tap, force the doors open and walk up the stairs to find some wannabe on your throne. The kid is whining to have his picture taken and he is not leaving until you do, so snap the picture, make the kid vacate your seat, and sit down on your throne to finish the level. IMPOSSIBLE DEATH: It is actually possible to die on this level. Touch Duke's finger to any electrical outlet and it will do a little damage. Repeat it enough to drain the Ego and eventually kill Duke. There are several found along the hallways POINTLESS FUN: Take the rat with you once you find it and carry it with you for the rest of the mission. When you reach the bathroom or dressing room, you can see your reflection and the rat squirming around in your hand. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE DUKE CAVE -- (CH3) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== A Basket Case (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Balls of Fail (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Bench Presser (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Curl It! (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Hit it Fast (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Like a Punching Bag (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Who's That Handsome Devil? (+1 Ego) * All boosts on this level can be found in the gym. * The mirror can be destroyed, preventing you from earning the related Ego Boost, if you have not earned it yet. =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Balls Of Steel (+25G / Silver) - Earn a 1,000,000 pinball score in SP - The key to earning 1,000,000 points is to know the basics of the pinball game. You can use the tilt feature to shift the ball in a different direction, but too many times at once and the game will lock on you. There is also 'combos' you can earn which multiply your score by 2x, 4x, 6x and 8x (The Nukem emblem is lit up). - To earn 1,000,000 easily, focus on getting at least a 2x combo. If you can manage to get 4x, 6x or even 8x with only losing 1 ball, you are in great shape. From there, you stay on the far upper left corner with your paddle and only score points along the far left side (the three sliding panels and the round thing). Use tilt to push the ball to the left if it strays off course. If you have to use tilt, hold the ball in place with the paddle for a leave the ball for a few seconds and let tilt 'recharge' so the game does not lock on you. This is about patience. Play it cool and that 1,000,000 points will be yours, easily. Flagon Of Chuckles (+5G / Bronze) - Drink a Beer in SP - The first Beer is found in this level (and mentioned in the guide). Hold onto one of them until you obtain the Steroids (later in the level) and take them both quickly to get substance abuser as well as the two single achievements. Juiced (+5G / Bronze) - Take Steroids in SP - Location mentioned in the guide. See above achievement for when to use it. Substance Abuser (+10G / Bronze) - Drink Beer while on Steroids or vice versa in SP - If you followed the above instructions you will obtain this near the end of this level. =============================================================================== Step off the platform and proceed to get cock-blocked by your superiors. After the chat is over head through the door at the rear of the room. CHECKPOINT "I've got a bad feeling about this." -- Duke Nukem Punch out the Assault Trooper in the door then perform a Strength Tap to rip it open, since you don't "Need no fucking Keycard". CHECKPOINT Grab an object and use it to kill the Assault Trooper crouching in the corridor. Open the door to the gym and give yourself a workout by beating down the two Assault Troopers inside. Each of these takes 3 punches to beat to the ground on DiG difficulty. They deserved it, since they drank all your Beer... There are a lot of things to do in the gym. When you are finished, perform a Strength Tap to rip open the hatch and climb into the tunnel. Avoid the flames and exit into another corridor. As you exit you will walk over three cans of Beer (consumable). Since you can only carry one with you, the other two are at your disposal. There are dumbbells behind you to throw (and curl if you missed an Ego Boost earlier) and trophies on the ledge to the right. When two Assault Troopers appear, you can either punch out or throw stuff at them. As you go through the next door two more Assault Troopers will fall from the ceiling. Punch/ throw items at them and keep going. When you reach the door, the Duke Cave will suffer a power failure. Enable your Duke Vision to see where you are going, perform a Strength Tap on the door and climb down the pipes. CHECKPOINT Jump off the pipes to get the 'drop' on two Assault Troopers. They cannot see you but will react to you punching them, by taking pot shots at you with their AT Lasers and claws. You could also ignore them, since they cannot see you. Deal with them however you want, then perform a Strength Tap on the door and walk into the next room. Grab a barrel to throw at the blind Assault Trooper. Perform another Strength Tap on the door ahead and walk into the next room. Beat up the next two Assault Troopers. Smash the vent as the end of the room and enter the chute, drop in and crawl around. More barrels means two more Assault Trooper fatalities. Grab/ smash the barrel line-up holding up a pipe. Walk along the tilting pipe to change it's angle, then walk back, jump to the next area. CHECKPOINT Bash down the grate and move into the reactor room. There are three Assault Troopers inside this room. Kill the first guard and pick up your first weapon, the AT Laser. Use this and melee to take out the remaining enemies in the circular room. There is also a heavy weight you can pick up and throw at the troopers while the room is still dark. Replace two of the battery cells and a door will open, revealing Assault Troopers. Eventually, four of them will attack you while in the small room. Retreat to the reactor room if need be to stay alive. Head onto the next room (to your right). CHECKPOINT Pick up the remote control to use the toy monster truck. The vehicle starts on the far right side. Drive the truck down to the floor and around to the other end of the room (left side). Climb up a slope onto the next shelf (2nd level). Drive it along and push stuff holding up hinged shelf which will drop down. Back up and clear the shelf, then climb up to the 3rd level. Drive around until another hinged shelf drops you down to the 2nd level. Drive along the edge (while steering left) to push the battery cell off the shelf. Fall onto the floor and push the cell into in hole along the wall (far left side). When you have pushed it far enough, Duke will set the controller down. Return the way you came, grabbing the battery as you go. Put the battery cell back in the casing, grab the Steroids and and use them along with the Beer. CHECKPOINT "Power on. Now it's time to kick some ass." -- Duke Nukem A total of eight Assault Troopers will drop in from chutes around the reactor room and attack Duke. You will face a maximum of five at any time. However, with the Steroids and Beer consumed, you will have a great deal of fighting power at your disposal. Go around in circles and punch the living everything out of these troopers. Proceed to destroy them as quickly as possible, before the Steroids wear off. Do not let your guard down as two Berserk Pigcops will rush into the room. Use your gun to kill them off as quick as possible or use Steroids to greatly increase your melee damage if they have not been used yet (Ammo does not matter here). CHECKPOINT Head down the new tunnel and pick up your piece. Next is a long corridor with nine Assault Troopers, one after another. Pick them off with headshots using the Pistol or just spam them with your AT laser (they have lots of ammo for it). You can find two more Pistols along the way, so ammo will not be a concern. Four more Assault Troopers are playing around with your turret, so show them who has the bigger turret. NOTES: If you have not curled a dumbbell yet, you will find a small stack of them beside the pile of crates near the entrance to the turret room. They can also be used of throwing weapon against the remaining Assault Troopers harassing your turret. For the GUNSLINGER achievement, this Pistol is the one you must carry with you for the rest of the game. After all the Assault Troopers are the equivalent of floor paintings, interact with the turret and you will rise to the surface and the next level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- MOTHERSHIP BATTLE -- (CH4) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Natural Disaster 3X (+10G / Bronze) - Kill 3 aliens at once - This is easy to obtain by aiming at the cargo bay doors when a dropship arrives, destroying the three enemies inside and gaining the achievement. Big Guns, Big Ships (+10G / Bronze) - Blow up 5 enemy gunships or dropships - If you are playing this on DIG difficulty you will kill far more than this just trying to survive. =============================================================================== Ride the turret all the way to the rooftop for a fun and exciting battle. ******************************************************************************* BOSS BATTLE - MOTHERSHIP This is definitely the easier of the mandatory turret battles (get used to the turrets feeling like they do no damage) so use every spare second you have to fire on the Mothership. You are on a timer for this level. Spend too long and the Mothership will blow your ass up. - Set your Vertical and Horizontal Sensitivity to 1 for this battle. That will make it a lot easier to stay with and destroy Attack Ships with as few shots as necessary. - Rapidly tap the trigger button, instead of leaving it at full-auto. You should have nearly the same rate of fire, but it heats up at a slower rate. - The Mothership does not attack (or do anything at all) until you fire the first shot (hit or miss, does not matter). - It is important to note that one attack from an Attack Ship's laser will completely take out your Ego, so they should get immediate priority over the Mothership, regardless of how long the fight has dragged out for. - There is no actual pattern to 'how' the ships arrive. They will approach from either the left or the right. The attacking units are defined as follows: Dropship - Will drop off Assault Troopers. Dispose of the troopers only and get back to firing at the Mothership ASAP. Solo - One Attack Ship will fly down at you from either the left or right side. The ship attacks you with a laser beam. Wing - Three Attack Ships will fly down at you from either the left or right side. Only the ship in the middle will attack you, so target that one. The enemy attack pattern (they always appear one at a time). Between each wave is a small break. Use it to attack the Mothership. If you have been keeping track of the enemy waves, you can ignore the last Attack Ship and focus on the Mothership since your Ego will have recharged before moving on (This only applies if you have a full Ego bar on DiG difficulty. If you are playing with a reset bar, do not try this). Wave 1) Dropship, Dropship (If you do too much damage to the Mothership early on, the 2nd dropship may not appear.) Wave 2) 4 x Solo, 1 x Wing Wave 3) Wing, Dropship (With Attack Ships as escort, ignore them), Wing, Solo, Wing, Solo. - At this point, the waves of Attack Ships come in pretty tight, so there will be no time for an Ego recharge. Wave 4) 5 x Wing ~ Mothership fires on you. You are dead now. Enemy dropships release Assault Troopers towards you and attack ships bombard your turret with laser fire. Aim for the middle ships as they fly towards you as the others do nothing. Tactics are, blow up a ship, take a few shots, recharge and hit the next ship and so on. There’s nothing else I can really tell you as it’s a matter of practice and skill. If all else fails buy a bigger TV so you can see the ships earlier (kidding). ******************************************************************************* After the ship blows and things go downhill, you wake and crawl into a vent. Follow the linear path to the next level. NOTES: If you melee a grate to your right after entering the vents, instead of going to your left, you will eventually overlook a 'scene' between two women. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE LADY KILLER -- (CH5) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG There are no Ego Boosts or level-specific Achievements available on this level. Start by exiting the vent to find you are on top of a lift with a woman who is not coping with the stress very well. After either grabbing the brake or waiting for the cables to snap, the lift will start falling, rather quickly. Rescue both her and yourself by grabbing the brake and slowing the descent of the lift. Once the elevator stops, climb down the ladder while hearing how the babe threatens to "go down" on you, too. Perform a Strength Tap on the door, only to find each door into the room is trapped with Shrink Pods. Courtesy of them, you are now the size of a toy (So many things are wrong about this). CHECKPOINT "What the hell ever happened to crop circles and anal probes?" -- Random person Push the trolley out of the way and use the kid's RC car to follow the hallway. Ignore the aliens as best you can while they get on with the latest rage of kidnapping babes. Drive under the door and follow the path in the large circular room, going up and down a flight of stairs. When it looks like you have reached a dead end, turn around and see a ramp to the right of where you jumped in from. Boost off it and follow the path until you end up down the stairs and on the ground circle. Stay close to the fountain, then drive past, then do a one eighty. You then need to boost onto a ramp, make contact with the statue and use her ass (not joking) to carry you all the way to the other end of the room. Roll under the door. CHECKPOINT. You will enter a darkened room. Follow it around, eventually climbing up to the display and boosting over a platform. Observe an Assault Trooper Captain kidnapping another babe... Dammit. Follow the path out and into another hallway. You will see another person being killed by an Assault Trooper. However, this is when they start to notice you so avoid the troopers as best you can and jump the large gap to reach a dead end and the end of the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE LADY KILLER (PART TWO) -- (CH6) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Always Bet on Duke (+2 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== Cross the room with the two Assault Troopers and slip under the security door to find another that is just a little too low for your car. Hop out and crouch under the door. CHECKPOINT Head to the roulette table. You will see some dead EDF troopers. Grab the Pistol ammo if you need it and jump up onto the table. Jump onto the cigarette vending machines, onto the stool which bounces you over to the next table, onto the next stool which bounces you over to the last table, turn left and jump onto the couch that bounced you over to the mini forest. Once you land, two rats will engage you. If you want, you can jump back onto the edge of the couch. They will not follow you there, allowing you to safely blow them to pieces with your Pistol. If you decide to face them in their battlefield, one melee attack is all you need to dispatch one, but be careful, since they do have the potential to kill you. After the Mickey fanclub is debris in the potted plants, carry on, jumping over to the next pot, then pressing the button to raise the gate. CHECKPOINT Climb back into your car, following the two ramps in this room until you reach a door that opens up just enough for you to sneak through. You will enter a casino room, full of slot machines. You will want to turn left at (what looks like) the second-last exit. This is where the ramp you need to turbo boost is. Cross it, then watch out because this next room is filled with Berserk Pigcops that spawn without end. If you see one approach you, hit the turbo boost. If you end up hitting one, it will be stunned for a bit, giving you a chance to escape. Follow the trail and jump over the flaming pit. Once you crash land and lose your wheels, push the trolley (or a vase) over to the switch and climb over the couches to open the gate. Enter the next room. CHECKPOINT Restore yourself to full size and grab your trusty Shotgun as you and your babes are about to be ambushed. Wave 1) Assault Trooper Captain Wave 2) Assault Trooper Captain Wave 3) Assault Trooper Captains x 2 Wave 4) Assault Trooper Captains x 2 Wave 5) Assault Trooper Captains x 2 Assault Captains will start teleporting in, so use your Shotgun to dispense some much-deserved pain. The pillars crumble if they are shot enough, so do not over-rely on them. Rush the enemies instead if you can as it makes it far easier to hit the with the Shotgun instead of flailing wildly around and wasting valuable ammo. If the captains remain flying, use your Pistol to make them crash to the ground. Once the final one eats lead the twins will be captured and Duke will be most displeased (Read: pissed). Use the ammo stockpile on the ground if you have not already and force up the security mesh. CHECKPOINT. "Not my babes... Not in my town. You alien motherfuckers are going to pay for this!" -- Duke Nukem A difficult section will occur here (If you do not know the trick). There are several ways you can deal with this: STRATEGY A: Jump over the pit and then as soon as you hear the Berserk Pigcops spawn run back the way you came and clear the pit. The Pigcops will hop up and down on the spot and remain in the same location. Use the Pistol to pick them off like ducks at a shooting gallery (four in total if you use this trick or six if you don't). STRATEGY B: Before jumping over, pick up a vase. Jump over the pit with it and wait until a Berserk Pigcop appears. Kill it (easily), then sprint all the way to the other end where the slot machines are. Once you have reached the other end, jump over the pile of rubble blocking your way. CHECKPOINT If you move forward and to the right after clearing the rubble, there is a stash of ammo (Pistol and Shotgun) that will be very useful for what is ahead. A Berserk Pigcop will attempt to rush you so use your Shotgun (or throw a garbage can at him) to send him on his way to death. After a few more rocks and shakes, a hole appears in the ceiling and a spotlight will shine down, showing you where the next waves of enemies will spawn. NOTES: There is also a Beer hidden in the central area to make life easier later. Using it now is ill-advised; It becomes useless after the Berserk Pigcops as you will want to be able to see where to aim. You will need it in The Lady Killer: Part Three. Wave 1) Pistol Pigcops x 2, both go Berserk when they land Wave 2) Shotgun Pigcops x 2 Wave 3) Assault Troopers x 2 Wave 4) Assault Captains x 2 Wave 5) Assault Captains x 2 There are two ways to easily deal with the first 2 waves. - Rush the two waves with your Shotgun and they should pose little threat. - Grab a garbage can and line yourself up so they will both be hit at once when you throw it. The next three are a bit easier to handle with the same tactics (but still dangerous). Race up to them and blast them when you can. You can also try a garbage can and hit at least one of them to make the wave easier and faster. NOTES: Take advantage of Executions when you can. They kill the enemy and recharge your Ego along the way. There is some more Shotgun ammo to the left of the glowing golden door when you are done. After passing back through the area with the switch you will arrive in the room with the car to be won. You can also pick up a garbage can to use on the way to the next ambush, if you want. CHECKPOINT. Some Steroids will be right in front of you as you enter. There are additional Steroids on the other side, giving you 2 chances to use them during the next assault. Wave 1) Assault Troopers x 2 Wave 2) Berserk Pigcop Wave 3) Assault Trooper Captains x 2 Wave 4) Berserk Pigcop Wave 5) Assault Trooper Captains x 2 Wave 6) Berserk Pigcop Wave 7) Berserk Pigcops x 2 Waves one to five work well with the garbage can approach, since you will have no more than one Berserk Pigcop at a time to deal with. Stop using the can after Wave five, as it becomes a liability. If you do not have a can (or do not wish to use one), go with an AT Laser and Shotgun. Once Wave six comes around, get out the Steroids and put them to use; combating the Berserk Pigcops on your terms, instead of theirs. There is some Shotgun ammo to the right of the golden door so top yourself up before moving on. Strength Tap the door to open it up and move through. CHECKPOINT Sprint jump across the gap to reach the end of the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE LADY KILLER (PART THREE) -- (CH7) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Sticky Bomb Like You! (+10G / Bronze) - Put a Trip Mine on a live alien - A really cheap way to get this is during the "Lady Killer - Part Three" by sticking a Trip Mine on a stationary rat (yes they count). Otherwise the first Assault Commander fight is a great spot to get this too. =============================================================================== As soon as you round the corner two Assault Troopers will be waiting to blast you. Run up and introduce them to pain. Jump over the fallen statue to find another corridor with two more Assault Troopers waiting for you. If you don't jump over the column they will just run back and forth with the column blocking most of their fire. Take care of them with the Pistol and follow the corridor to come face to face with yourself... literally. CHECKPOINT "Duke, General Graves is waitin' buddy. Looks like you gotta use yourself to get up. Heh heh, 'use yourself', you see what I did there?" - EDF Soldier There are two Pistols in front of the display for ammo, if you need it. This is the first puzzle of the game, so it is fairly easy. First, rotate the Duke figure until his immovable arm is next to the building directly to your left (corner building). Next, raise his other arm as high as you can and press the alien attack button (RT). This triggers some of the buildings to 'fall', lowering them enough so you can jump on you. Exit the panel and jump up the now lowered buildings to the right. Do not worry if you take any damage along the way; the amount is trivial. Circle around until you reach the figure. You do have a limited time to reach the other side, so try not to mess up along the way. Jump onto his lower arm and climb up his shoulders, jumping on Duke's head then to the other arm. Get as close to the ledge as you can, then jump over the gap to reach the upper level (and punch out the guy who wouldn't shut up during it, you wish). CHECKPOINT. A Shotgun Pigcop will rush through the door, so make him see double (if he wasn't already) by blasting him in the face. If you want to wait until he kills off the EDF soldier for being an asshole, go for it. After he/they are dead, climb in to the air vent and drop down. When you land you will see a wall of activated Laser Trip Mines, courtesy of the porker who set them. There is also a Pistol and your first EDF ammo cache. These boxes refill your ammo supply. Seeing them usually means there is a large ambush or boss battle nearby (The Duke equivalent of the JRPG save point). Use the Pistol to shoot out the barrier and repeat this process as you walk down the corridor. Once you create the wall of flames, follow the on screen hint and shoot the fire extinguisher. Repeat this tactic until you reach a pile of Laser Trip Mines. Grab them and approach the door. CHECKPOINT. Open the door to be accosted by four Berserk Pigcops. There are three EDF soldiers who will also attack them, but their priority is you, so pull out the Shotgun or grab vases and throw them. Another alternative is Steroids if you still have a bottle from the last level. After the EDF soldiers chat about the one guy's inability to sound impressive around Duke Nukem, the first floating fatass with an RPG Launcher drops in. ******************************************************************************* ENEMY ENCOUNTER - ASSAULT COMMANDER HEALTH: 2000 DIFFICULTY: 3/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: AT Laser, Pistol, Shotgun, Laser Trip Mines ATTACKS: Melee * 20 dmg. (On normal, 40 on DiG) * Does moderate damage if you get to close. Try to maintain some distance from the fat blob. RPG Launcher: * 40 dmg. (On normal, 80 on DiG) * Where it comes from... Very eww... Strafe around the Commander to dodge these. Charge: * 35 dmg. (On normal, 70 on DiG) * Spins it's blades around and charges at Duke. If this attack hits, Duke will be knocked to the ground. Often this is not fatal (Unless Ego-deprived), but it can be a problem if the Commander is not alone. STRATEGY: Engage and destroy the two Shotgun Picgops as quickly as you can. A Garbage can will "Trash" them in one hit. If you can line them both up, there is a chance one throw will "Black Bag" them both. If not, you can dispatch them with a Shotgun, Pistol headshots, or even use your Laser Trip Mines to weaken them. The Assault Commander is the toughest unit you have faced up to date. In future encounters, you will have a lot more powerful weaponry at your disposal, but for this fight you are down to basics. Fortunately, ammo is not an issue. There are several methods you can try to do some damage to the Assault Commander - Lay some Laser Trip Mines on the ground and lure the Assault Commander into flying over them. You will not have enough mines to finish the job, but you can put a dent in the health bar. - The Shotgun is a decent weapon to use since it has a lot of stopping power per shot. However, you will need to stay close enough as Shotgun attacks fizzle out after a certain amount of distance. Fortunately, it's a big target, so it's kinda hard to miss. - The Assault Commander does have a headshot weakness. If you go with the Pistol, focus on it's head, since your attacks will do four times more damage. This will allow you stay further away from the Commander, but it is important to keep in mind that it is still shooting RPGs at you. Be persistent and the creature will go down. NOTES: While utter nonsense to consider even trying on DiG difficulty, it is possible to kill the Assault Commander with garbage cans. Four of them are positioned around the room (Two by the exit and two by the registers with a Beer). The biggest drawbacks include the cans hardly doing half their normal damage to the beast and the RPG shots blowing the cans away, rather than hitting their intended target. ******************************************************************************* Once the creature is dead the front doors open. An EDF soldier will call you over and you will get to speak with General Graves, delivering the first of many long-winded dialogues. Once he stops talking, the level ends. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- VEGAS IN RUIN -- (CH8) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Right in the Jewels (+3 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Pit Champion (+25G / Bronze) - Defeat the Battlelord in Las Vegas - Story based, cannot be missed. =============================================================================== "Duke. Good to fucking see ya. I knew that retirement bullshit was just bullshit. Fuck that retirement shit." -- Captain Dylan Head down the stairs, grabbing the Ripper along the way if you want. You get offered some "Power Armour" [HELMET 1/3]. Which according to Duke, is for "Pussies". POINTLESS FUN: Despite what Duke implies, the Power Armor appears to be rather strong. Firing your weapon at it does not even leave a bullet mark. Follow Dylan down the road. An EDF soldier (Jenkins) will join you. There is a trigger in the game where all the battle participants are invincible. Once you get close enough to the turret all the units, enemies, allies and cars (except for Dylan and Jenkins) will no longer be invincible. CHECKPOINT The turret is a bit hit and miss, since a lot of it depends on who the enemies attack. If they tend to go for Dylan and Jenkins, then feel free to climb on board and use it. Otherwise, steer clear. Regardless, do NOT use it for waves five and six (upcoming). You can also stay far from the fight, pull out the Pistol and get to work scoring whatever headshots you can. If you stay far enough away, the enemies will mostly attack Dylan and Jenkins, instead of you. Wave 1) Pistol Pigcops x 2, Ripper Pigcop Wave 2) Pistol Pigcop, Ripper Pigcops x 2 Wave 3) Assault Trooper Captains x 2 Wave 4) Assault Trooper Captain Wave 5) Berserk Pigcops x 3 Wave 6) Berserk Pigcops x 3 CHECKPOINT Restock your ammo at an EDF crate before continuing. Eventually you will be attacked by a Pistol Pigcop and two Ripper Pigcops. They will be reinforced by another Pistol Pigcop and Ripper Pigcop. Feel free to use the Ripper and Pistol to fight them, since they will supply you with plenty of ammo after they are laying on the ground. Dylan will make up an excuse to run away from the rest of the fighting. However, he will blow up the dropship blocking your path with Pipe Bombs. CHECKPOINT Before you proceed you can detour to your left and under the bridge. A Shotgun is laying on the ground and an EDF crate with two Laser Trip Mines and a Beer can be found there. Dylan leaves you with Mr. Target Practice who decides to get himself killed seconds after Dylan tells you not to let him die. The vehicle responsible for it will also drop off two Assault Troopers. Dispose of them and drop into the area the dropship ripped to pieces. CHECKPOINT. When you drop into the next area more Pigcops spawn. Wave 1) Pistol Pigcop, Ripper Pigcop and RPG Super Pigcop Wave 2) Assault Captains x 2 The Ripper and the Pistol carrying Pigcops will come directly at you so hide in the small bridge room and unload the Ripper on them when they come knocking. After killing the first two Pigcops off a few more teleporting Assault Trooper Captains will arrive. Just be careful of the RPG pig squatting on the bus roof. He doesn’t move but he packs a wallop. Be aware that the captains can and will teleport next to or even right in front of you if you shoot at them. After killing them just poke your head out and take pot-shots at the big piggy until he bites the dust. Pick up the Steroids and two Pipe Bombs in the EDF crates (along the right path) and move on. Next will be four unarmed Pigcops, reinforced by two more once some of them start dying. Do not even bother with the turret. They will overwhelm you too quickly (although do take careful note of the red barrels hidden under their drop point). If you grabbed an AT Captain Laser, let it loose and do not stop firing it while you retreat from the Berserk Pigcops. Pipe Bombs are unlikely to be useful, so keep them handy for later on. After you run out of ammo, switch to the Shotgun and finish the job. After this you will find a 'strategically placed' RPG Launcher (Boss fight, duh...), so grab it and drop down into the pit of despair (Not literally). CHECKPOINT. "Holy shit, we've got incoming! Strap on the dildos, Laddies, it's time to tear up some alien ass!" -- EDF Captain After a bit of ball scratching on your allies behalf, Pigcops will be dropped in with you. They will approach you from different places, so pay attention to the dropships. They can also be targeted before they even land. Soften them up by firing RPGs at the Dropship. Wave 1) Ripper Pigcops x 3 Wave 2) Ripper Pigcop and Assault Captains x 2 Wave 3) Ripper Pigcops x 2 and Super Pigcops x 2 There is a truck near a wall which provides excellent cover for this section, so make use of it. Fire off your RPG as there is ammo everywhere. Make sure to pick up a Ripper when you can for the Berserk Pigcops (explosions in face = not good), unless you have a Shotgun. Restock when you need to and after everything is dead. CHECKPOINT. ******************************************************************************* BOSS BATTLE - BATTLELORD (#1) "You are one ugly motherfucker." -- Duke Nukem HEALTH: 3850 DIFFICULTY: 3/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: RPG, Pipe Bombs, Laser Trip Mines ATTACKS: Stomp * 30 dmg. (On normal, 60 on DiG) * Do not get too close to the Battlelord. His stomp can still cause severe damage / kill, even if it does not score a direct hit. Also, the Battlelord may perform more than one Stomp at a time. Gatling Gun * 4 dmg. (On normal, 8 on DiG) * Each shot is unimpressive, but his gun fires rapidly. Find cover immediately. Kicking Vehicles * 57 dmg. (On normal, 114 on DiG) * While on the move, the Battlelord will kick vehicles at Duke. These can easily kill you. Mortar Launcher * 20 dmg. (On normal, 40 on DiG) * These attacks track you, so dodge as best you can. STRATEGY: The biggest problem is the Battlelord tends to quickly deplete your Ego Bar with it's weapons, so do your best to stay in cover. The EDF ammo cache in the Dropship cargo pod is too far from cover, so be sure to grab ammo only from the side where you dropped in. There is also an explosives cache beside that. You can lure the Battlelord to chase you around, dropping Laser Trip Mines and Pipe Bombs in it's path for more damage. It will take a bit of ammo to deal with this menace, but it is doable. After his health drops below 50%, he lets out a roar (which informs you he is about to become a lot more dangerous) and starts launching his mortar rounds at you. These things have a tendency to arc and (somewhat) follow you, so do the best you can to avoid being killed by them. ******************************************************************************* CHECKPOINT One of the sewer covers is blown open with several charges. Dylan pops out, telling Duke to head through the sewer to get to the Duke Dome. Climb up and walk past Dylan to finish the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE DUKE DOME -- (CH9) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Can't Get Enough of His Ass (+1 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== Head out of the sewer tunnels and jump over the electrical pool using the pallets in the water. Instead of picking up the red barrel and throwing it at the fire, shoot the fire extinguisher on the corpse that is hanging from the pipe above (This is much safer for Duke's Ego and health). Go through the next sewer tunnel and climb up the ladder to witness two workers talking about their... problems. Eventually they notice you and offer to help you out. An EDF crate containing a Beer and a Pipe Bomb can be found in the shipping container underneath the two workers. After lots more talking, a dumpster will be lowered for Duke to get in. Hop aboard the bullet train (excuse the lame joke). Once it starts moving, an Assault Commander flies in and ruins everyone's day (Sucks to be those workers though). It also mutates one of them, the crane operator, so get ready for an ambush. CHECKPOINT Fortunately, the dumpster is well-stocked with weapons for the next part of the game. Grab the two Pipe Bombs, RPG and Ripper(if you want it) off the floor. You will see a Pigcop climb up to a window above and to the left of you as well as an Assault Trooper. The Trooper is easy to spot and only needs one RPG round to destroy it, so go ahead and clear it out. When you can see the Pistol Pigcop shooting at you, take it out by shooting the red barrel in the window he entered from. Another Assault Trooper will jump up on the scaffolding to your right, take care of him and then use the EDF crate to reload. The crane will swing you to your right, then drop down a floor. Three Assault Troopers will arrive in a truck that smashes through the wall (next to some convenient explosive tanks) and four more will spawn as you start taking them out. Take advantage of the explosives to thin out their numbers and use the cover on the left to stay alive and reload after killing them. The crane raises you up one floor. This is when things can become instantly deadly if you are not fast enough to deal with this. Two Ripper Pigcops will spawn on the right side of the room. Instead of attacking you, they pick up red barrels to throw at you. If these barrels hit, you are dead, so get out the RPG Launcher and blast those barrels. Making them explode and taking the Pigcops with them. Once they are dead, turn to your left and see another Pigcop going for a red barrel. Again, take him out before you let that happen. Assuming the splash damage did not kill off the Assault Trooper, you can finish it off at your leisure. The crane will raise you up one more floor. Three Assault Troopers and one Ripper Pigcop will engage you. Take advantage of the cover and focus on the Pigcop. If he gets off a Pipe Bomb, odds are you will not survive it. There is a chance the Troopers will hit the explosives on their own. If not, fire on them to see body parts fly around. Once they are all mowed down, another wave of the same will spawn after killing the first. After killing them you will move on. CHECKPOINT. Do not relax yet. Look up to the roof on your right and see an RPG Pigcop appear. Take him out before his RPGs try to do the same to you. From his spot, a car will be thrown off, destroying the scaffolding. An Assault Trooper will run around the parking building, while another Assault Trooper will land on your crate. Walk to the other side of the dumpster by the cover and pick him off with whatever you have. Reload if you have to and destroy the one in the building. Next, you will see a Pigcop, but he does not attack. Instead he is waving at something. Turns out that "something" is a car, driving right at the dumpster you are on. The two objects will collide, destabilizing the crane and knocking it to the ground and you with it. However, being Duke Nukem, a fall from 30 feet does absolutely nothing to him, not even damaging his Ego. Restock on ammo and move on. Near the incinerated corpse is a Railgun and Shotgun. NOTES: BahamutZero suggests picking up the Shotgun for the next sequence. Kuro-chan_101 suggests picking up the Railgun, then grabbing a Shotgun from the Piggy corpses before moving on. CHECKPOINT Three Pigcops (Pistol, Shotgun and Ripper) are waiting for you ahead. They are desecrating a statue of your buff self... Which means it's time to make some piggies squeal. Engage and destroy. Once you start raking up meat for pork chop sandwiches, another Ripper and Shotgun Pigcop will spawn. STRATEGY A: Move around the entry to this area and aggressively take them down when they are in Shotgun range. Watch out for the Shotgun-toting Pigcops, since they can do a lot of damage up-close (It might be worth using a couple of RPG rounds as those Shotguns hurt in this difficulty). STRATEGY B: This involves staying far away from the Pigcops. Get out the Railgun and walk over just enough so you can see the three Pigcops pull at the statue. Start sniping them from a great distance. The Railgun is not a headshot weapon, so aim for the body. Two shots will take out each Pigcop. You should be able to finish them all off without having to go back for more ammo. If you do not have a Shotgun, grab one before the next section. Shoot the red barrel on the other side lower a container and snag the two Laser Trip Mines in the EDF crate inside. Drop down and circle around the back of the demountable buildings to find a ladder to climb, do so and smash a glass panel to drop down into the building. CHECKPOINT There are two Rippers, an RPG Launcher, a Railgun and an explosive cache. Stock up on all the weapons and stuff you need. Also, don't forget to make a photocopy of Duke's pants. Inside here is also your second phone [PHONE MESSAGE 02/14] on the wall. NOTES: Take advantage of the unlimited Pipe Bombs and Laser Trip Mines that are available. In the campaign you can deploy up to 12 of each before the older ones 'disappear'. As each wave is deployed, you can drop as many explosives a you want to try and thin out the numbers deployed. Also, for waves two and three, if you set up Laser Trip Mines in the other end of the building, those will help you to defeat the Pig Cops that come dropping in unannounced... Squealing party crashers these days... Wave 1) Assault Trooper Captain, Shotgun and Ripper Pigcops - via yard Wave 2) Shotgun and Ripper Pigcops - via roof Wave 3) Shotgun and Ripper Pigcops - via roof Wave 4) Ripper and Pistol Pigcops x 4 - via yard Wave 5) Super Pigcop and Ripper Pigcops x 2 - via yard Wave 6) Berserker Pigcops x 3 - via yard Flip the switch and get started. The first lot will spawn outside and are easy to take out with a Ripper and Pipe Bombs (Do not forget: The Assault Trooper Captain can teleport inside). The next wave is where the fun begins so throw down those Laser Trip Mines on the floor, in joyous anticipation (since you will have something to go on the barbeque later). Two Pigcops will drop in from above and proceed to massacre you without those trip mines (with them they lock in place and are easy to kill, take out the Shotgun-wielding Pigcop first and then concentrate on the Ripper Pigcop. If you run low on health just dance around as you shoot to regain some (Ripper Pigcops suck with moving targets). The same thing will happen again, so rinse and repeat, after this another attack will come from the yard there’s plenty of cover with a Ripper and Railgun to choose from so go to town. CHECKPOINT. A Super Pigcop will burst through the fence. These oinkers have a lot of health, plus an RPG Launcher, so concentrate your fire and bring him down fast. This leaves you with two Ripper Pigcops remaining. After wiping the floor with those two a group of Berserk Pigcops jumps over the fence and will begin rushing towards your building (do not bother trying to shoot them. For now, they are invincible). After it tips over, user your Pipe Bombs and/or Laser Trip Mines to set a trap for them, weakening and possibly killing them along the way. Finish the rest off with that Shotgun you saved and then you can finally take a breather. Retrieve the Steroids and Laser Trip Mine from the EDF crate in the shipping container and if you like an RPG launcher through the hole the Super Pigcop made in the fence. Pick your hardware, press the gate button and then manually override the gate with a Strength Tap. Drop down to start the next part. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE DUKE DOME (PART TWO) -- (CH10) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG There are no Ego Boosts or level-specific Achievements available on this level. There are four blue barrels you can pick up and carry over to a shipping container on the far end. You use them to weigh down the far end, making it heavy enough to support you while you walk to the other end and jump off it. You need at least three of them to make the jump if you are good with jumping in this game. If not, you may need all four. There is an EDF crate behind some breakable boxes in one of the containers with Steroids in it. Use the four blue barrels to weigh down the balancing shipping container so you can jump across and onto the scaffolding. Do not miss the Shotgun and EDF crate with a Laser Trip Mine inside. Drop down into the next area. CHECKPOINT. Your babes are being flown into the Duke Dome by Assault Troopers... Not cool. As they fly into the Duke Dome, Two Assault Trooper Captains who are guarding the opening will teleport and engage you. They have no reinforcements so just play it cool. Take cover if you need it and be careful while you fight, since you only have whatever ammo is on hand (As in do not spray the place). If you try to operate the Crane, Duke will comment on it needing juice, so climb up to the crane and walk along the arm (Duke does not follow safety signs). Drop down and turn around, shooting out the red barrels in the container (a Pistol is in the small room next to it if you need ammo). Jump in and drop out of the newly cleared container. CHECKPOINT The ominous music as you drop down should be an obvious clue something is about to happen. There are two RPG Launchers in the ute/truck, but leave them for now. They are far more useful where they are sitting. If you saved your RPG from part one of this mission, head over to the EDF ammo cache and restock. Climb up the only ladder nearby and follow the path until you find the battery and an RPG (if you need it). What's that noise? An attack ship will fly in and start throwing grenade blasts at all the building framework, destroying platforms. Get to cover immediately. ******************************************************************************* ENEMY ENCOUNTER - ALIEN GUNSHIP HEALTH: 2600 DIFFICULTY: 2/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: RPG Launcher ATTACKS: Machine Gun * Watch your Ego bar since it will constantly attack you while you are in it's line of sight. STRATEGY: Use your RPG to put an overly large ding in the pilot's ride. If you run out of ammo there are up to four locations. - The small building at the base - Two in the back of the ute/truck - Along the front, opposite the EDF ammo cache. - On top of the scaffolding the attack ship shot off (If you did not pick it up already) It takes exactly twenty RPG shots to destroy the gunship. If you plan this carefully, you can have 25 or 30 shots (Depending on you having an RPG to start the level with) before needing to worry about more ammo. Keep in mind the EDF ammo cache against the fence is in a very exposed area. Trying to use it to refill your ammo is dangerous, at best. It would be far safer to collect the RPGs in the area first, since they are all much closer to cover. NOTES: Unlike future attack ships, this one does not use any missiles or grenades to attack Duke. It only targets the building framework to destroy platforms. ******************************************************************************* Now wasn't that convenient... The crashing ship opened a new path for you by dropping a girder down as a ramp. Run up to the crane and insert the battery. CHECKPOINT. "Have a taste of my ball." -- Duke Nukem Use the crane and set the height of the crane arm to as high as it will go. Swing the crane as far to the left as possible, tear the wall a new one and destroying any enemies that happen to be around the debris as it comes down. You can ignore any enemy units trying to attack you. Just focus on taking down the wall. It takes four hits to bring down the wall (you will know you are done when your ball drops...) Lower the crane arm enough so you can walk on it again and safely jump down into the hole you made. Open the door and get a good look at the next boss you will eventually face. Walk over the boards and end the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE HIVE -- (CH11) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Who Needs Real Ones? (+1 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== NOTES: During your travels through this level, you will encounter several Egg Pods along the way. None of them will open, so you can ignore them, if you want. Get Duke up off his ass and moving. He's not going to kick any if he is sitting around on his. If you continued on in the campaign you should have some ass-kicking weapons to start this level off (If not, you have your Golden Pistol). Start by going down the path to the left. Under the bridge heading up is an EDF corpse with two Laser Trip Mines. Further down the path you will see more EDF corpses. They have a Ripper and a Pipe Bomb near them. Back up to to where you started the mission and move up along the path to the right. There are several barricades along the way you can bust open with a melee attack; no need to waste ammo on these. You will hear an EDF soldier screaming, then his corpse will fly in your direction. There is nothing you can do about it, so keep moving. Climb into a tunnel with a purple glow and push the Bug Ball out and near the claw that grabs it, allowing you access into the next room. CHECKPOINT. GLITCHES: If you melee the door instead of using Duke's finger to open it, you will find he still makes his comments about it. If you melee the open door the Bugball was nice enough to give it's life to open for you, the 'reaction' to hitting an object will still happen, even though Duke is melee'ing nothing but air. If you look left after your first 'special' door there is a dead EDF soldier (prompting Duke to make a bad joke about space marines) with a Ripper and a Pipe Bomb [HELMET 02/03]. There are two nests with claws regardless of which path you take to the next door. The ones on the lower path depend on a light and also hide an EDF crate that contains a Pipe Bomb. You can shoot the light and the claws will retract. Also, it is possible to avoid the claws along the upper path by staying along the far edge of the bridge. Through the next door, An Octabrain shows up and wants to say "Hi" to you, but there is a clear wall blocking it's path. After several attempts to force it's way through, the Octabrain gives up and flies away... Perhaps you will have a chance to say "Hi" to it later? Anyhow, keep moving. The next room has a long run of explosive pods. One shot from any weapon (Pistol and Ripper are the best choices) will cause a chain reaction and blow the entire run. Crouch down and walk into the next chamber to see your first view of the captured babes. POINTLESS FUN: If you managed to save your Railgun from "The Duke Dome", you can see up-close how the Pregnators fornicate with the captured babes... Miracle of nature at work? Hardly... Also, you will note the Pregnators "hover" in front of the babes. They can also be shot off without harming who they are attached to. Nothing can be done here. Move onto the next door. Before you go through, you can jump onto the elevated level (on your right) and find a Ripper. Two more dead EDF soldiers are ahead with a Shotgun and two Pipe Bombs. Get ready for your first battle on this level. As you approach the next door, it will be opened for you, as an Octabrain flies into your face. It is a very up-close encounter, so the Shotgun is an ideal weapon for this fight. Three shots from the Shotgun will kill it, but... Damn. NOTES: Octabrains do not have a headshot weakness. The Pistol works okay if you can maintain distance from an Octabrain. (The next encounter in this level is a good example of that). Otherwise, Rippers, Shotguns and Pipe Bombs (before they are thrown back at you) will work well. An AT Captain Laser can also do decent damage (found in the next level). Keep it in mind while engaging an Octabrain that they only need to hit you three times (DiG difficulty) to score a fatality. Move through the door and enjoy the, um... sights ...if you feel want to. Ignore everything or shoot 'em all, it is up to you. Either way, the next door is straight ahead. CHECKPOINT Through the door is another tall chamber. Three Octabrains will pass by you. Do not shoot at them. They will ignore / not spot you if you leave them alone. Drop down to the right and jump on the jump pad. You will land elsewhere. Walk along and hop onto the next jump pad to send you all around the room. Eventually you land near a door to your right. "You little bastards. That queen bitch mother of yours is going to pay." -- Duke Nukem The next room is filled with captured babes and Egg Pods. None of these are a threat. If you want added security there is a launcher on the platform to your left before you confront your two babes again. There is also a set of Wall Boobs you can slap too. After Duke delivers the worst joke in the whole game, there will be a tragic mess to clean up. You can retreat up to the platform above and pick off the Octababies (If you are out of reach they stand still for easy kills). NOTES: From this point on a little prevention may be better than the cure. Every captured babe is an Octababy carrier. Many of them will explode if you get too close, delivering their payload of three-to-five Octababies. While rather inhuman, you may want to consider shooting every chick along the way. They have minimal health, so the smallest of attacks will take one out. The Ripper and Pistol are ideal weapons, since they have lots of ammo. When shot the babe expires and the threat of them exploding stops. This guide will notify you which ones are known to carry an explosive payload. After dropping down you will see another door protected by spines. This means you need a Bug Ball to open it. There is also a set of Wall Boobs to slap and several captured babes to watch out for. The babe facing the protected door will not explode, but the other two will. Down the corridor three Octabrains sit locked behind barriers. They will not attack you, but further up the corridor, six Octababies are in your way. After some small-scale destruction, make your way to the Bug Ball. CHECKPOINT Offer the Bug Ball some incentive to curl up into a ball by using a melee attack. Push it down the corridor. As you may have guessed the Octabrains are up and about. One will engage you down the corridor where the Octababies were. Since this a close encounter, the Shotgun would be the best choice of weapon. Dispose of it and carry on. Keep pushing the Bug Ball down the corridor and the other two Octabrains will engage you from inside the room where all the eggs were. There are a couple ways to deal with this: - Getting in closer, using your Shotgun and Pipe Bombs to take them down. Retreat back into the other room if you need to recharge your Ego. - Pick up the Pistol (where the Octabrains were resting) and shoot at them from a distance. This way, you are not wasting the ammo you would prefer to use in closer encounters. If you run out of ammo, there is another Pistol in the room where you found the Bug Ball. NOTES: The Octabrains stay in the room they are found and do not follow you. Also, their shots do not always travel through V-shaped "door". Often they hit around the edges. Slot the bug in, walk through the door and past the light to enter Part Two. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE HIVE (PART TWO) -- (CH12) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Who Needs Real Ones? (+1 Ego) =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== I Need A Towel (+10G / Bronze) - Get hit by 10 Pregnator bombs - Do this on a lower difficulty or against a single Pregnator in this level to get this achievement. Will most likely come naturally though unless you are a Duke Nukem god. =============================================================================== NOTES: Near the end of the level, you will encounter more Egg Pods. Unlike the last level, these ones can open up. The guide will attempt to mention which ones are worth shooting along the way. Start the level by moving toward the webbed corpse. After receiving the very subtle hint that webbed corpses carry goodies, start violating it with melee attacks and it will drop a Shotgun, Laser Trip Mine and Pipe Bomb. Enter the next room. It has a number of different things to look out for: - Two set of Wall Boobs can be slapped: to the left of where you enter and to the right of where you exit. - Five webbed corpses can be found here. * Nearest one (left side) has a Beer, Pistol and Laser Trip Mine * Nearest one (right side) has two Pipe Bombs and a Laser Trip Mine * Far one (left side) has two Laser Trip Mines and a Ripper * Far one (right side) has two Pipe Bombs and a Pistol * Far one (opposite side of the pit) has a Beer, Railgun and Ripper - The claw arms along the left side and puff bombs along the right side. One shot of any weapon will detonate the puff bombs and there is lots of available ammo. The claw arms can be evaded by staying close to the pit in the middle of the room. If you have a Shotgun, consider getting rid of it. Most of the enemies in this level you will attack at mid-range, allowing you a chance to dodge their attacks. Going at them with a Shotgun from a distance will only result in minimal damage and lots of opportunity for them to kill you. The Ripper is your logical weapon for the rest of the level. Pistol would be useful towards the end, if you wish the save it. The Railgun may also work for you, since three shots will take out an Octabrain. Ready your chosen weapons for the Octabrain in the next room. Do not waste too much ammo on it (if you need to, return to the previous room to restock) as two more appear when you drop down from the ledge. Same drill as before. Use your Pipe Bombs or Ripper to kill them before they kill you. You can use all your Pipe Bombs, if you want, since an good opportunity to re-stock will be available shortly. Jump up and... Great... Another Bug Ball locked door. Continue up the path and melee the webbed corpse for an AT Laser, Shotgun and Pipe Bomb. The AT Laser is a decent weapon against the Octabrains, since you can keep shooting without having to reload. Also, since you will be coming back in this direction, you can leave the AT Laser behind and pick up your older weapon (if you do not die after the checkpoint. CHECKPOINT Same situation as in the previous level. The Octabrains are dormant and will not attack until you steal their bug friend. There are two ways to each the door at the top end of the path: - Jump over and onto the path that circles around the Octabrains. - Go through the middle of the rooms, jumping on the platforms, walking around the tentacle (going up), jumping on a couple more platforms and finally reaching the door. If you go this path and head down on the tentacle, instead of up, you will find an AT Captain Laser at the end, before going back up. Through the door there are more dormant Octobrains. As the end of the path, you can see the Bug Ball, but it is too far away. There is also an explosives cache and a jump pad (Any ideas..?). NOTES: You can easily setup a trap for the first Octabrain before it breaks free. It is the one across from the door as you walk into the last room. Setup three or four Laser Trip Mines in front of the Octabrain. As it breaks through, it will trip all the mines and should be either blown to pieces or severely harmed. CHECKPOINT As you push the bug down the path a single Octabrain will break out of the doorway (Across from the door). Either with a a trap or three Pipe Bombs kill it as soon as possible. A slow and steady approach is the best solution to handle this room. Try to limit how many and how quickly you engage Octabrains. Since you (potentially) have unlimited Pipe Bombs at your disposal, those should be your main weapon in this room. As you push the Bug Ball down the circular path, the first Octobrain to your left will burst out and attack you. Defeat it and keep pushing the Bug Ball down the path. Near the end of the path two Octabrains will burst out together. Use your weapons accordingly and/or spam your Pipe Bombs to kill them. When the bug drops down get ready because three will spawn at the same time when you follow it down. NOTES: You can actually force them to spawn while you are still on the edge of the ledge, which is a far safer place to fight them than on their terms. You can use the entire walkway to evade their attacks and can return to the cache to restock on Pipe Bombs. Spam your pipe bombs and use what you have to defeat them. After they are finally dead you can move on until the next room with your Bug Ball. Roll it down to where the claw is and let it feed the door. CHECKPOINT To your right is a webbed corpse which contains an RPG Launcher, Ripper and Pipe Bomb. Before you hit the corpse, attack the puff bombs to your left and blow them up, then use the Corpse to stock up on Ripper ammo. The RPG Launcher is ill-advised to carry around, since Octabrains have a tendency to "Return" the favour and you are not done with them yet. Use the jump pads to continue on and open the next door. There are two spot light eyes and several claw arms surrounding them. Shooting the "eyes" will blind the claws and force them to retreat, leaving you a window to proceed. Also, on the path to your left are a number of puff bombs. Shooting them reveals an alternate path and two hidden Pipe Bombs. Go through the next door and slowly enter the area. Curve around the wall and stay on the far left side as it curves to the right. If you did this right, you can see a Egg Pod in the distance. It requires three shots from the Pistol or five shots from the Ripper (On DiG difficulty) to bust open and destroy the occupant inside (Pistol is the better choice because it greater long-range capabilities). If you ended up too close, the egg will open and your first Pregnator will attack you (can be a useful spot to get the "I Need a Towel" achievement). NOTES: Egg Pods have a tendency to hatch based on proximity, not line of sight. Thus it is possible to snipe eggs from a distance and destroy them before they can hatch. As a bonus, Egg Pods require less ammo than a Pregnator does. Keep in mind, however, many eggs are empty and your targeting system cannot tell the difference. Ultimately, it a choice between playing it safe and using more ammo or being ammo conservative. Pregnators become far more dangerous when they latch on you as they instantly deal a large chunk of damage. This makes you highly vulnerable if there are other enemies nearby. You must quickly perform a Strength Tap or die. Do your best to keep your distance from them. Up ahead, in the next room, there are many things to see and interact with. The perspective of this will be based on you entering the room opposite of the door. - Three more Egg Pods sit to your right. The one on your far right is empty, but the other two will hatch with enough time (they seem to be a little slow). Dispose of them as quickly as you can. - There is an EDF crate to your left with a Pipe Bomb and Laser Trip Mine. - The EDF corpse to your left has a Pistol nearby. - There are two captured babes in the room. The one on your left (furthest from the door) is an Octabomb waiting to go off. The other one is safe. - There are 2 Wall Boobs to slap along the right wall. Several more captured babes are in the lower chambers, but none of them are dangerous. CHECKPOINT Enter the door and slowly head into the next room. The door behind you locks, so you are trapped inside. There are several captured babes inside and enough Egg Pods to play connect-the-dots with. Fortunately, only two of them are loaded with Pregnators. Take them out from as far away as you can and you will have two less Pregnators to worry about. - On the right side, it's the egg on the very far right. - On the left side, it's the second egg from the left, closest to the Pregnator spawning point. There are two spawning points on opposite ends of the room. You can see they look like small, wide passageways which connect to the room. A total of eight Pregnators will appear out of those holes, but only up to three at a time will be in the room. Plus any from the eggs if you did not snipe them. You can either stay on the high ground while they spawn or take advantage of the rest of the chamber and use it to evade the Pregnator attacks. The captured babe closest to where you enter is an Octabomb. The rest are safe. There is also an EDF crate and Shotgun near the door at the far end of the chamber. The crate contains a Pipe Bomb and Laser Trip Mine. Along the walls (two in the upper chamber, one in the lower near the door) are wall boobs you can make physical contact with. After you have killed ten Pregnators (two from the eggs and eight which spawn through the two wall sphincters), an Octabrain will come racing in through the door (once you are close enough to it) and (sometimes) a Pregnator will spawn at the other end of the room (You did save some Pipe Bombs, right?). Three Pipe Bombs and the Octabrain is toast. Alternatively, there is the Shotgun by where the crate was. Since the door is open, you don't need to engage the Pregnator if you don't want to. Continue into the next room and move on to the next level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- QUEEN BITCH -- (CH13) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Curl It!! (+2 Ego) Bench Presser (+3 Ego) Like a Punching Bag (+1 Ego) Who Needs Real Ones? (+1 Ego) Need a Third Gun (+4 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== FBT (+10G / Bronze) - Get knocked down 10 times - This will most likely come naturally as you play the game, if you want to grind "knock downs" you can do it on the level 'Queen Bitch.' The alien queen will use a Psionic Blast that will knock you down if you are nearby (try this on Piece of Cake difficulty as on high difficulties this attack can be a deadly if the Alien Queen is not alone). Not Bad For A Human (+40G / Silver) - Defeat the Alien Queen - Story based, cannot be missed. =============================================================================== Drop down and open the door to enter the training room. There are several activities you can do while you are here, like lift weights, melee a punching bag and curl a barbell. Go to the next room and stock up on an RPG Launcher plus explosives. Back into the training room, arc a Pipe Bomb into the hole on the other side, bouncing it on a jump pad so it lands near some dangerous explosives on the other side of the door. Make sure you stand far enough away before you detonate the bomb. Next room has a Railgun, RPG, Ripper, Wall Boobs and the path that leads you to the Alien Queen. Jump over the debris. CHECKPOINT ******************************************************************************* BOSS BATTLE - ALIEN QUEEN "Baby, you make me wish I had three guns." -- Duke Nukem HEALTH: 6400 DIFFICULTY: 4/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: RPG, Ripper, Shotgun, Pipe Bombs ATTACKS: Giant Claw * 50 dmg. (On normal, 100 on DiG) * Strafe from this attack immediately upon seeing it. The claw can kill Duke if his Ego bar is not at full. Psionic Blast * 30 dmg. (On normal, 60 on DiG) * You will see the Alien Queen charging up (a purple-y effect), so take cover before she attacks and knocks Duke to the ground. This attack cannot be dodged (perfect for FBT achievement, during the first half of the battle). Spawn Pregnator * Launches an egg onto your battlefield. Dispose of it as quickly as possible, since it's attack, along with the Alien Queen's will easily kill Duke. Spawn Octabrain * She screams, raises her arms in the air and calls forth an Octabrain to attack you. Use your Shotgun, Ripper or three Pipe Bombs to take care of it. Avoid using the RPG. Until you damage her she will not move, attack, or spawn anything. Take your time and properly prepare for the upcoming battle while she sits there with her guard up. There is an ammo crate on the left side (protected) and an explosives crate on the right (unprotected) so when you need bombs you must run across grabbing them on the way, stop for a second next to the crumbling wall and then run back to safety. STRATEGY: This can be a very tough battle before you figure out the pattern of attacks. Fortunately, you will only be using the RPG Launcher and Pipe Bombs. Nothing else will be necessary, unless you prefer. The Queen attacks in two phases. The first one involves her being very defensive, only attacking if you are wide open and throwing Egg Pods at you. The second stage (Down to thirty percent or less health) is when she becomes a lot more aggressive and summons Octabrains to attack you. The easiest way to bring her down to under thirty percent health is to take advantage of the best cover available in the room; on the left side by the EDF Ammo cache. Fully stock up, and follow this simple procedure (while staying in cover unless otherwise stated): - Back up enough as tight to the cover as you can and throw a Pipe Bomb at the jump pad. Aim the cross-hairs just below the pad and it should hit. - Mentally count to "three" while carefully moving to the far right, but staying in cover. - Now begins the killing, followed by light salad. Blow the Pipe Bomb while it is behind the shield and start firing your RPG at her chest. You can hold the trigger down since it will not shoot any faster if you rapidly tap it. If you time this well, Five RPG shots should hit the Queen before she covers herself again. - Get back into cover, restock on ammo, and "wait" for the Alien Queen to throw an Egg Pod in your area. Wait for it to hatch, then fire as many RPGs as you have to at it to destroy it. Reload on RPG ammo. - Repeat the Pipe Bomb and RPG steps above and only take a break to run over for Pipe Bombs if you have to. Remember: Pregnators must take priority over the Queen. After five full rounds of this, The jump pads will close and Queen will let out a screech while raising her arms in the air. This is when the battle becomes a lot more dangerous, because the Queen switches to being aggressive with her attacks and you now have to contend with Octabrains, instead of Pregnators (Do NOT shoot them with the launcher, if you have not worked that out yet). Fortunately, there is an easy way to deal with them. - As soon as you see the Queen perform her "Summoning", abandon your cover on the left side and run for the cover on the right side instead, staying as tight to the cover as you can. If you stray even slightly away from the cover, you can be killed easily. - The Octabrain will appear, but will be much further away from you on the right side, than on the left. This makes throwing Pipe Bombs at it a lot safer for you. Spam your Pipe Bombs and get in three throws to score the kill. Try not to take too long, since the Octabrain will eventually close the gap and corner you. - Re-stock on Pipe Bombs, get back to the left side and engage the Queen, firing one or two shots from the RPG, taking cover as needed. - Pay attention to the Queen's actions. Once she raises her arms in the air and lets out a cry, you will need to deal with another Octabrain. Continue to repeat the above actions, prioritizing the Octabrain over the Queen as and eventually you will bring her down. Perform a Strength Tap on her mouth and win the battle. Congratulations! You have destroyed the Alien Queen Bitch on "Damn, I’m Good" difficulty! NOTES: While difficult, it is possible to stun her the very first time with an RPG. You need to aim the launcher right at the tiny crack between her claw shields. If the explosion it low enough, it will trigger her "Dazed" phase. ******************************************************************************* An EDF dropship will appear right after you defeat the Alien Queen (a "coincidence" of course) and try to revive you while you slip into unconsciousness, fantasizing about something far more interesting... DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- DUKE NUKEM'S TITTY CITY -- (CH14) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== A Basket Case (+1 Ego) Always Bet On Duke (+2 Ego) Balls of Fail (+2 Ego) Can't Get Enough of His Ass (+1 Ego) Double-D Action (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Hole-in-One (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Lucky Draw (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Nukem: One, Nerd: Zero (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Shake It, Baby! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Stop Pissin' Around! (+1 Ego) Time To Abort Your Species (+1 Ego) -- NEW! That's How 'Ya Nukem! (+2 Ego) The Balls Have Dropped (+2 Ego) Who's That Handsome Devil? (+1 Ego) =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Lots Of Whacking (+25G / Bronze) Win a game of Alien Abortion in the strip club - To make things easy, use your left analog stick to move around, freeing up your right hand to 'attack' the aliens. Easy mini-game, overall. Air-Duke (+30G / Silver) - Win air hockey with a score of 7-0 in the strip club - Set your Horizontal sensitivity to one and Vertical sensitivity to one. Stay on the defensive. Your opponent will eventually screw up enough shots on his own. Be patient and you will be able to pull this off. Party Animal (+10G / Bronze) - Drink all of the Beers in the strip club - There are nine Beers to be found in the club: * Two in the bar fridge * One in the office on the desk * One in the bathroom, opposite from the mirror * One by the Security room, near the fuse box * One in the Show Room, near where the strippers do their dance * One in front of the slot machines (Game Room) * One near the air hockey table (Game Room) * One in the lap dance room on a chair (grab it before enjoying yourself) =============================================================================== After you wake up you get to participate in a variant of an RPG. You have to play servant to a lady's needs, running around the place and fetching her stuff. There are many places you can pick up the items you need, but there is far more to explore depending on what Ego Boosts and Achievements you still need. As you start the level look on the desk to find [PHONE 03/14]. Another is waiting on a desk to the right of the security room [PHONE 04/14]. In the code locked office is yet another [PHONE 05/14]. The final phone is on your way to the champagne room next to a babe standing behind a counter [PHONE 06/14]. Here are the places where you can find the needed items: Office - Condom and Vibrator Staff Room - Condom and Popcorn Dressing Room - Vibrator and Popcorn Men's Bathroom - Condom Game Room - Microwave Popcorn IMPOSSIBLE DEATH: It is actually possible to die on this level. Touch Duke's finger to any electrical outlet and it will do a little damage. Repeat it enough to drain his Ego and eventually kill Duke. NOTES: Do not forget: The access code for the office is 4768. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- CRASH COURSE -- (CH15) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Catch! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== Enjoy the freedom of not having to kill things for a few seconds until the helicopter crashes. CHECKPOINT. Jump down the gap in the railing (right side) and use the tentacle as a path, jumping across the gaps and shooting at any explosive pods along the way. CHECKPOINT Shoot the eye to retract the claws guarding the path. If they hit you they are likely to knock you off for a very fatal fall. Grab the Railgun before breaking through the pods and falling onto the platform below. There are three frisbees to your right you can throw. To your left are a Shotgun, Ripper and two Pipe Bombs. Behind you, on a small platform is an RPG. The Ripper and RPG will be the most useful weapons, with the Railgun as a fall back in case you are low on ammo. Several waves of enemies will drop or teleport in. Wave 1) Assault Troopers x2 Wave 2) Assault Trooper Captains x2 Wave 3) Assault Troopers x2 Wave 4) Assault Trooper Captains x2 Waves will overlap when you start scoring bad guy points. Once everyone has painted the tower a new colour, a piece of the building will be knocked over, creating a new path. Climb up and shoot the eye along the path. CHECKPOINT Spring onto the jump pad and climb the loooong ladder to reach the most hated turret section in the game (BahumautZero: We're not joking and you'll see why). CHECKPOINT ****************************************************************************** ENEMY ENCOUNTER - A WHOLE CRAP LOAD OF ALIEN FIGHTERS & GUNSHIPS The enemies appear in this order: Wave 1) Gunships x3 Wave 2) Assault Troopers x 2 Wave 3) Gunships x3 Wave 4) Assault Troopers x 3 Wave 5) Gunships x 12 Wave 6) Assault Trooper Captain x2 Wave 7) Gunship (stays to fight) STRATEGY A (Used by BahamutZero): The twelve gunships rushing at you until you are dead is the biggest problem with section. It offers you no regeneration time or way of surviving their weapons unless you are damn good with that turret. Sometimes it seems like the turret is firing blanks as the amount of hits you are expected to get in order to kill even one gun ship let alone two is ridiculous. The only way to survive this section is to master the "Zoom Tap Trick" you can see used in various crash course videos on youtube if you are having difficulty. STRATEGY B (Used by Kuro-chan_101): This follows an almost opposite method (as the the one proposed above). - Set your Vertical and Horizontal Sensitivity to 1 for this battle. This reduces the risk of overshooting the enemy. - Wait until the ships are almost in range of shooting at you. When your cross-hairs turns red, the ship is within range of being damaged. So long as you wait for the cross-hairs to turn red, you can even fire at full automatic without your turret overheating. Be sure to stop firing after the ship goes down. - Aim for the nose of the ship. While the following is speculation, it seems as though aiming for the nose disrupts their firing, almost like it has a percent chance for pain, like enemies do in-game. If you focus down the ships fast enough, getting an Ego recharge during wave five is possible. ****************************************************************************** Start firing flat out on the first wave of three gunships and use the tapping trick as much as you can to kill them off. Then three Assault Troopers will arrive by dropship. After another set of three gunships three more Assault Troopers will be dropped in. Next is the most frustrating section in turret history. Twelve gunships will rush you in pairs (for four waves and then four singles). After barely surviving the barrage, two Assault Captains will spawn and start firing. Take these guys out and a final gun ship will fly in from the left side (close range) and start firing at you. Weaken the ship until it flees and you have a few seconds to breathe before it comes back with explosive ordinance. Shoot it down for the last time to leave the accursed turret behind. WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T FALL OFF WHEN GETTING OFF THE TURRET. Failing that will force you to replay the turret section all over again (BahumautZero: Thank you very much for that, Duke Nukem Forever. I personally experienced this situation and wanted to cause serious harm to the game disc). Jump over the teetering walkway. CHECKPOINT Follow it to the next platform to find a Ripper and a jump pad. Use the jump pad (flying over the explosive pods) to reach another ledge. CHECKPOINT Move along the platform to see a dangling Devastator and an EDF ammo cache. On the other platform is another EDF ammo cache, explosives cache and a Beer. You know what this means right? ******************************************************************************* ENEMY ENCOUNTER - ALIEN GUNSHIP HEALTH: 4200 DIFFICULTY: 3/5 WEAPONS: RPG ATTACKS: Machine Gun - Watch your Ego bar since it will constantly attack you while you are in it's line of sight. Missile Launcher - Do you best to evade since they show up with little to no warning, except for when the ship makes a strafing run. STRATEGY: This one will immediately start pelting you with machine gun fire. Use the columns/ tentacles as cover and blast away at the ship. Once you have done some damage it will start firing explosive blasts at you so keep out of the radius if you can. After a while it will go into a strafing run, moving to the far right side and then across the length of the platform. ******************************************************************************* Overall it is an easier fight (compared to what you just went through), just don't get cocky as the explosives can come more than one at a time. CHECKPOINT Two Assault Trooper Captains will appear and begin blasting away. Shoot them with the devastator and then change back to your normal weapon, if you wish. NOTES: The Devastator will make an excellent weapon for a boss battle much later on the game. The trade-off is you will need to hold onto this for a long time, relying on your second weapon to handle all the other enemies along the way. After killing the first two a third Assault Trooper Captain will appear and initiate a Strength Tap event. Drop this guy quickly or he will drop you in mid-air. Punch the dirt bag in the face until his head explodes (Apparently, Duke's fists can do that). Ride the corpse (Ew!) up and around until you crash through the windows and into Duke Burger. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE DUKE BURGER -- (CH16) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Checking Out the Rear (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Stop Pissin' Around! (+1 Ego) Who's That Handsome Devil? (+1 Ego) Up in Smoke (+1 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== There are no enemies in this level (part), so no need to worry about any surprise ambushes along the way. Pick yourself up of the floor (again...) and head to the area behind the tentacles. In a storage room you will find a Shotgun, Pistol, and a Pipe Bomb on a dead EDF soldier and a cigar to smoke in a box. Make your way back down the hallway until you reach the restrooms, picking up a Ripper along the way, if you want it. Inside the restroom is a mirror for you to admire yourself with, a magazine to look at in first stall on the left, a Pistol and a Pipe Bomb in the last stall. Step on the shrink pad and go through the small hole left of the stalls. Grow again and pull the power lever. Smash the planks out of the way and then travel back to Smallville. Now that the way is clear, jump up the boxes, onto the seat, over to the sinks, onto the waste can and then into the hole in the wall. Climb up a pole and work your way forwards until you exit the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE DUKE BURGER (PART TWO) -- (CH17) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== A Bakset Case (+1 Ego) =============================================================================== Fall through the roof. If you want, you can walk past the Particle Expander for now, shoot some puff bombs and go through a small gap into another bathroom. Along the sinks there is an RPG launcher and Beer by an EDF corpse. Make your way back, use the resizing thingy and stock up on Pipe Bombs and lots of Ripper ammo. Kick down the double doors and prepare to be pin-cushioned by micro bullets as around six tiny Pigcops (three Ripper and three Pistol) will spawn and begin pecking away at you for tiny amounts of damage. Conserve your ammo and re-enact the Broadway play 'Stomp'. The Pigcops will stop shooting and cower in fear if you get very close to them. After that is done, climb through the hole, but do not go through 'just' yet. Shoot at all the upside down cups to reveal three more undersized Pigcops (Shotgun, Ripper and Pistol). Once they are all dead, then you can move through... only to get shrunk again. ******************************************************************************* POINTLESS FUN: This is pointless trivia, since this is (probably) the only guide/ walkthrough to bother with such detail. On a Duke Burger take out box, there are a number of features. - The front has his signature image and an offer for a "Free Lil Duke Inside!!!" (seen several times as an action figure in the game). - The right side has a cutout pattern for Duke Nukem shades. - The left side has a "Babe Maze" game you can play. The map crudely resembles the following diagram: Duke # Pig Nukem ####### # ######### ################### Cop ##### # # # # ##### # # ##### ##### ####### # # # # # # # # ##### ##### # ##### # # # # # # ##### ####### ############# ##### # # # # # # # # # # ####### ### ######### ####### ##### # # # # # ##### ######### # ### # # ##### # # # # # ##### # # ########## # # # ##### # # ####### ##### # ######### ##### # # ##### # # # # # # ### # # # # # # # ##### # # ########### ####### # # ### ##### # # # # # ####### # # ##### # # ####### # ########### # # # # Octo- ##### # # ######## ##### ######### Babe Brain - The back side has a "Duke Word Find" you can play. D O B H A I L U Words: N U K E M T O D - DUKE NUKEM I T K I C K S K - KICKS ALIEN ASS B T H E Y O U R - HAIL TO THE KING BABY L A L I E N D K - BALLS OF STEEL O S B A L L S I - BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS W S G Y O F R N C E S T E E L G ******************************************************************************* To you left is a darkened front entrance with a Ripper and two Pipe Bombs, in case you need them. Return to the light end and climb up the Pigcop figure or jump on the boxes to grab a Shotgun and reach the counter. On the floor of this area is a Railgun, grab it if you want. Climb up the pipe and wander along the shelf, picking up a Ripper and Laser Trip Mine along the way. Step (do not jump) onto the tentacle and walk along it into the Game Room. For some added fun, try jumping into the basketball net (where you would normally throw a ball into) and get ready for some alien shrinking fun. CHECKPOINT. Melee the swarm of rats, take out the explosive growths in preparation and when you’re ready move close to the exit door. GLITCH: The rats will walk through the corpse they were chewing on earlier. As soon as you do, three Assault Troopers spawn. Run to the rear of the area and bunker yourself amongst the arcade machines. The aliens will walk towards you, shrinking themselves in the process. Allowing you to introduce them to your friend, Mr. Shotgun. POINTLESS FUN: If you manage to salvage an Assault Trooper's dead body before it was shrunk, you can climb it to check out the pinball machines. The models are incomplete, use low-res textures for the board and include none of the paddles, pins, and other stuff to make the machine playable. CHECKPOINT Grab some of the ammo or weaponry on the floor if you wish and then travel through the door. You will see two shelving units on opposite sides of the room. On the floor is an EDF corpse with a Pistol. Climb up the boxes to your left left (Watch out for the mousetrap on the boxes) and get your Ripper ready. As you step onto the shelf, two Pigcops (both Pistol-wielders) will spawn on the opposite side. Use the cans and boxes for cover and drop ‘em. As you climb to the next level another two Pigcops (Ripper and Pistol) will be readying to throw cans at you. Step behind the cover and shoot them in the head. Walk onto the box at the end (replenishing your Ripper ammo and collecting a Pipe Bomb) and make the leap to the opposite side. Climb the pipe, walk along the shelf, jump on the flipper and land on a box. Collect some Ripper and Pistol ammo if you need it and smash open the grate to see an ass-load of electrified water. Shocking... CHECKPOINT This is probably the closest Duke Nukem Forever gets to puzzling, so let's get to it. Fall off the boxes and keep an eye out for mousetraps (they hurt on this difficulty). If you move to the right of the area, the swarm of rats will take care of the cheesy problem for you. Jump up the cart and onto the table, into the icebox and bounce your way onwards using the flipper. Fall in the sink and jump over to the start button on the wall. Use a Strength Tap on the other door and force it open. CHECKPOINT Knock over the broom and be ready to take cover behind the Heinous Anus can on the lower shelf. Wave 1) Pistol Pigcop, Shotgun Pigcop Wave 2) Pistol Pigcop, Ripper Pigcop (Top shelf) Wave 3) Shotgun Pigcop, Ripper Pigcop (Top shelf) Fortunately you get lots of stuff to play with, including a Ripper, Pistol, four Pipe Bombs and an RPG Launcher. When the Pigcops spawn, take cover and keep an eye on the top shelf as another Pigcop (Ripper) will appear and try to shoot over your cover. Two more pigs (Shotgun and Pistol) will drop from the roof and another Ripper wielding pig will appear on the top shelf, totaling six pork chop sandwiches you need to deal with. Climb to the next level up but do not try to run-jump across to the other side. Turn around and use the other shelf to make it safely across. Grab the ammo from the dead Pigcops and jump up to the next ledge. As you move along the ledge to the hotplate, the shelf behind you will fall, creating a ramp to the top level (Do not try to run across the hotplate). Climb the ramp. CHECKPOINT Jump across the top of the heat lamp (Carefully, it swings a bit like a pendulum). Climb down and cautiously make your way along the bottom shelf, meleeing any mousetraps. A Pistol Pigcop will knock some boxes into the water and shoot at you from the top of another shelf. Pick him off, then jump across to the other side. Climb upwards once again to find a set of burners with a hotplate covered in burger buns. Roll the can onto one side of the burner, then quickly jump off and onto a bun. Jump down onto the overturned trolley and onto the corpse, Switch on and ride the waffle toaster and swing down to find another hotplate (smell the sizzle). Jump across and finally flick the power switch to turn off the electricity in the room. Follow the babe to the now open door, jump up to the grate and move along the vent to finish the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE DUKE BURGER (PART THREE) -- (CH18) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== He's Got A Hologram! (+5G / Bronze) - Use a Holoduke in SP - After obtaining your first Holoduke you can activate it to obtain this achievement. Hippy-Stomper (+20G / Bronze) - Foot stomp 12 aliens - Depending on your skill level you may want to drop down to a lower difficulty for this and just run around shrinking and stomping every enemy you can find. The achievement will unlock once twelve enemies have been stomped. =============================================================================== Drop out of the vent, grow up again and take the ladder to the roof. Time to begin a long and grueling rooftop showdown! Great... You have a little time to prepare, so start collecting what you need and want. There are lots of places on the map where you can pick up and grab stuff. - Near the scientist is an EDF crate with two Pipe Bombs, another EDF crate with three Laser Trip Mines, a Shotgun, a Shrink Ray, and three more Laser Trip Mines. - In the building is an EDF crate with a Holoduke and five bricks you can pick up and throw. - On the rooftop is a Shrink Ray. - On the antenna is an EDF crate with Steroids inside. You should shoot the crate under it, so the EDF crate will fall to the ground. Caution: This next part can be a real bastard to win. Wave 1) Berserk Pigcops x 2 (right) Wave 2) Berserk Pigcops x 2 (left) Wave 3) Berserk Pigcop (left), Pistol Pigcop x 2 (front) Wave 4) Berserk Pigcops x 2 (right), Berserk Pigcop (left) Wave 5) Berserk Pigcops x 2 (right), Berserk Pigcop (left) Wave 6) Shotgun Pigcop, Pistol Pigcops x 2 (all front) CHECKPOINT (Gee, thanks) Wave 7) Enforcer (right) Wave 8) Enforcer, Berserk Pigcops x 2 (all left) Wave 9) Enforcer x 2, Berserk Pigcop (all left) Wave 10) Enforcer x 2, Berserk Pigcop (all left) CHECKPOINT (Slightly easier to reach this time) Wave 11) Assault Commanders x 2 There are several items/strategies you can take advantage of. Since you will be dealing with a lot of Berserk Pigcops you will want to dispose of them as quickly as possible. - There are three drop points on the roof. If your back is facing the large Duke Burger sign (It is to the left of when you first climb onto the roof), the drop points are to the far right, far left and in front of you (slightly to the right). - Between both Shrink Rays, you have twenty shots at your disposal. It's not enough to shrink every enemy you will encounter, so prioritize those who are the greatest threat (Berserk Pigcops = prime example). Try to save a couple shots for the Assault Commanders at the end. That will make the fight with them much easier. - There are five bricks you can pick up by the destroyed wall. These will kill/setup the Pigcops in one hit. If you can catch them as they drop and line yourself up so one is behind another, it is even possible to take out two with a single brick. Do not waste them on Enforcers, since they will not do enough damage. Also, there is a good chance a brick will break after one use. - Take advantage of the Pipe Bombs and Laser Trip Mines available and start laying traps for the drop spots. Have the Pigcops run into/through them to weaken/kill them off making things easier for you. You will need to lay at least two of either kind in order to kill anything off. Pigcops can and will use the door in the building so be wary of it. For the first wave drop two trip mines on the drop spot. Use your Shotgun or Shrink Ray to dispose of any survivors. Second wave, head to the other side of the rooftop and drop two Pipe Bombs at the drop point. Again hide inside the building and Shotgun or Shrink Ray the survivors. Use the interludes to grab more explosives. NOTES: Pigcops also leave behind Pipe Bombs. Grab any when you see them. Stay on the left side for the next wave, since you will want to take care of the Berserk Pigcop first. Setup Laser Trip Mines to kill it off, then dispose of the Pistol Pigcops at your leisure. Waves four and five will be more difficult, due to the sheer number of Berserk Pigcops chasing you down. Stay on the right side for both waves and use Laser Trip Mines and / or Shrink Ray to make them less threatening. If you use the Shrink Ray, focus on getting them shrunk first, rather than stepping on them while others are clubbing at you. Last wave of this batch is a Shotgun and two Pistol Pigcops. A couple of Pipe Bombs at the drop spot would greatly soften them up. Save your Shrink Ray ammo, unless they go berserk. Finish them off with the Shotgun. CHECKPOINT (Finally...) Your first Enforcer appears. You now have a choice. You can kill him normally (Risky, but you get his weapon. He takes five to six shots with the Shotgun at close range.), or shrink and step on him (Safer but no weapon). Make your choice and act accordingly. If you do go for his weapon, try to stay close to him. His melee is powerful, but slow. Circle strafe around him and keep pelting him with your Shotgun. He will eventually go down. Compared to later waves, this is the easy opportunity to get his weapon. NOTES: When you die/reload at the checkpoint all the ammo and weaponry will respawn. Unfortunately any weapons you or the enemies dropped will disappear. The next three waves have Berserk Pigcops joining the Enforcers. Use your Shrink Ray to make them bite-size and enforce your boot upon their fragile bodies. Then concentrate on the Enforcers. If you have an Enforcer Gun this works great, since they provide ammo for it upon their defeat. Alternatively, the Shrink Ray also works well. Do this for three waves. CHECKPOINT You can make this last fight a breeze if you have the following: Shrink Gun ammo, Shotgun ammo and the Holoduke. Use the Holoduke to get their attention, run out and shrink an Assault Commander. Throw a Pipe Bomb at it or use the Shotgun to kill it in one hit. Repeat for the second and congratulations to you. You just beat an absolute bastard of a level. An EDF dropship arrives with great news: The army has mutinied against the Commander-in-Chief and are deploying Duke Nukem to the Hoover Dam. Climb onto the dropship and head out. DDD__I__GGG___________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE MIGHTY FOOT -- (CH19) D D_I_G G___________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG There are no Ego Boosts or level-specific achievements available on this level. Congratulations, you are now halfway through the original campaign. You start flying in an EDF dropship, strapped onto a grenade launcher turret. For the first section you don't really have to fire a shot as the enemies can't do enough damage to actually kill you. Shoot if you feel like (for kicks, of course) and the pilot will say they are moving to the secondary drop point. Apparently, there is a Battlelord at the dam. CHECKPOINT. When you arrive, concentrate fire on the towers first, then proceed to mop up any enemies on the ground. This section is pretty tame so just have fun (Make sure to shoot out the drop ships though). Once you land you will find an EDF crate with a couple of pipe bombs in it in the other building. Jump in the monster truck and roll out. CHECKPOINT "Fasten your seat belts. It's gonna be a bumpy ride." -- Duke Nukem Follow the trail (to the right) until you enter a cave to finish this level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE MIGHTY FOOT (PART TWO) -- (CH20) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Catch! (+1 Ego) What a View! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! What's on That Computer? (+1 Ego) -- NEW! - All the boosts are in one area. =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Road Rage (+20G / Bronze) - Kill 15 aliens with the monster truck - You will have LOTS of opportunities to run down enemies. Do not worry if you miss any along the way. =============================================================================== The enemies are not much of a threat. The Mighty Foot appears to reduce much of the damage coming your way. Follow the trail: Loop around left, turn right, cross under a bridge, bank right, turbo boost over a cliff, under another bridge, do a 180, turbo boost over a cliff, turn left, go under a bridge, jump down a cliff, do a 180, drive around and up a hill, get a good lead and turbo boost all the way onto the highway. CHECKPOINT The ride will be a bit smoother but there will still be lots of Pigcops trying to stop you. Looks like they are failing, since you are still on the move. Bowl down any Pigcops in the way and keep going until you run out of gas (... What?! This thing has worse mileage than a V8 super car). CHECKPOINT "Damn. Desert road, no gas, and no chicks." -- Duke Nukem Climb out and head up to the EDF ammo cache and a Railgun. You will see another Railgun and a Ripper lying against a barricade. Wave 1) Pistol Pigcop, Ripper Pigcop, Shotgun Pigcop Wave 2) Pistol Pigcop, Ripper Pigcops, Shotgun Pigcops x 2 A gunship will fly overhead and knock off the EDF drop pod, clearing the small bridge. Wave 3) Berserker Pigcop and Enforcers x 2 When the Pigcops arrive, wait for the Pigcops with Shotguns to leap over the barricade and fill them full of lead. Keep a wary eye out for Pipe Bombs being thrown and use the cover to stay alive. Lean out and use your Pistol or Railgun to kill off the pigs on the other side. After the container is destroyed, backpedal as Enforcers are about to come out from behind the overturned truck. Kill off the Berserk Pigcop as quick as you can (you should know the routine by now) and use the monster truck as cover while you shoot the Enforcers with the Railgun (five shots each) in order to win this fight. Travel up the road and break off to the left to find some binoculars to look through. Spin around and head for the booth. Break the lock, head through the back and jump up the wire reels onto the roof. Fall through the broken glass panel. Grab the gas can. Inside this building are two phones one on the wall [PHONE 08/14] and another on the desk [PHONE 09/14]. CHECKPOINT Pick up the two Laser Trip Mines and Holoduke. Throw the Frisbee and check out the computer, if you want. Melee the board panels blocking the door (or shoot 'em if you enjoy wasting ammo) and exit the booth. Head back to your truck, making sure to stock up on ammo. Fill the truck up and climb back in. NOTES: If you want, you can fall off the bridge where a hole was blown in it and the game will reset you in your vehicle, rather than killing you. Drive down the highway, weaving to avoid the holes until you run out of road. Drive (and fail) over to the next highway section to complete this level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- GHOST TOWN -- (CH21) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Awesome Funbags (+1 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== Follow the linear path, pull off a couple of turbo boosts and enter a very destructible town with a bunch with Pigcops rolling around in the mud. You can leave them be if you want, since they seem really happy doing this, or you can be happy instead and mow them down with your truck. Line yourself up with an angled roof (It is off to your right after you land in the town), boost off it and into the next section. NOTES: Try to avoid smashing the wooden bridge along the way. This helps you to avoid an unnecessary turbo boost shortly. You can drive over the bridge, instead. One you reach a ravine, floor it downhill with the turbo boost and jump over a bridge. You will land on the outskirts of a town... and run out of gas again. (Seriously, WTF? Is the mileage on the Mighty Foot that bad?!) CHECKPOINT. This is probably one of the most interesting levels in the whole game, given the feeling it is trying to provide. Hop out of your truck and head to the right, where a church sits. Inside is an Enforcer Gun, three Pipe Bombs, and a magazine worth taking a look at. Before you enter 'town', there is a Shotgun and Ripper leaning against a rock, with two Pipe Bombs and a Holoduke, more than enough to get you started. POINTLESS FUN: The Morningwood population seems to be in severe decline... Though they forgot to update the number to the recent population count: Zero... Well, after Duke is finished, it WILL be zero. Wave 1) Pistol Pigcops x2, Ripper Pigcops x 2 (Saloon, 1-2 at a time) Wave 2) Shotgun Pigcop, Ripper Pigcops x 2 (Hardware Store) Wave 3) Pistol Pigcop (Hotel) Wave 4) Enforcer (Barn), Pistol Pigcops x2 (Hotel) Wave 5) Super RPG Pigcop (Barn), Pistol Pigcops x2 (Hotel) CHECKPOINT Wave 6) Assault Commander, Berserk Pigcops x2 (Barn) Places with stuff inside: - The bank appears to have nothing in it, but after you get your truck working again, you can drive out behind it, climb the ladder and enter the 'attic', you will find an EDF crate with two Pipe Bombs inside. - The Boot Shop has a Ripper, two Shotguns and three Pipe Bombs inside. - The saloon has two Rippers on the bottom floor. The upstairs floor has an RPG Launcher. If the door to the top floor is closed, the only other way to get to there involves the Mighty Foot and an explosive barrel. Get the truck as close to the balcony as you can. "SET" an explosive barrel beside the truck. Jump on it, then the truck, then onto the balcony. - The outhouse behind the saloon has Steroids. Could be helpful with wave six. - The hardware store has a Shotgun and two Pipe Bombs inside. - The hotel you have to come in through the windows along the sides but it does have a Ripper, Shotgun and two Laser Trip Mines. The top floor contains nothing, and it does not look like it was even designed to be floored. The interior light and board along the balcony glitch a bit. Also, if you have not knocked down any walls yet and jump over to the other side the only way back is through the attic in the bank. As you walk down the street, a Pistol Pigcop will race out of the saloon on the right so back up and take him out. Another Pistol Pigcop and Ripper Pigcop will also pop out, often from the balcony above. One more Ripper Pigcop will eventually come out, totaling four from the Saloon. The far building on the right will pop out two Ripper Pigcops and a Shotgun Pigcop. After they are dead, a Pistol Pigcop will appear from the balcony on the far left building. Keep the body count rising and then the barn upper doors open up revealing an Enforcer. Two Pistol Pigcops join in the assault, so keep on introducing their faces to the dirt. A couple more Pigcops spawn with a Super Pigcop in the barn firing away at you with an RPG Launcher. Kill them as well. CHECKPOINT Checkpoints tend to happen before something nasty happens, yes? An Assault Commander will burst out of the barn and you will probably be out of Railgun ammo at this point. Another pair of Berserk Pigcop will also spawn. Hopefully you have a lot of distance between yourself and your opponents, or else you will not last long. Get rid of the Pigcops with explosives, a barrage of Ripper fire or Shotgun blasts if they get close. Then concentrate on the Assault Commander. The house across from the saloon would make a good base while you pick away at his health. After you kill him, you can resupply on ammo from the dead piggies. CHECKPOINT Courtesy of a checkpoint, you will not have to do that fight again. Head for the barn and complete the puzzle inside to claim your next gas can (for those who do want to work it out: climb the ladder crank the palette to the right, jump over, climb the ladder (Picking up a Railgun along the way if you want it), drop the ladder, climb down, crank the pallet to the right, climb up the ladder, walk over to the far end and jump over). Drop down and leave the barn. CHECKPOINT The checkpoint informs you that you are about to be attacked... again. You can either engage or make a run for it down the 'street'. Wave 1) Pistol Pigcop Wave 2) Pistol Pigcop Wave 3) Shotgun Pigcop, Ripper Pigcop Wave three will overlap, depending on how far up the road you go. Either way, get to your car, hide behind the truck (if you are taking fire) and fill it up. Race down the street and splat any surviving pigs. Take the ramp behind the barn and drive into the cave to finish this level. DDD__I__GGG___________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- HIGHWAY BATTLE -- (CH22) D D_I_G G___________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG There are no special Achievements or Ego Boosts in this level. Exit the cave and drive along the muddy path. Break down the fence and enter a large field. Several Pigcops are enjoying the mud, but if you stay far enough way, they won't bother you. Crash through the fence on the other side and drop into the stream, cleaning your truck as you go. POINTLESS FUN: Did you know the Mighty Foot was orange, not brown? ;) Continue along the dirt path and up a hill until you find a pair of Pigcops guarding a large sign. Smash into the sign, back up, then boost over your new ramp to reach the highway once more. CHECKPOINT Do not stay behind the trucks with the Pigcops throwing red barrels at you. Boost past them as soon as you can and stay ahead of them while you drive. There are three trucks to boost past. Drop off the end of the highway and scoot out of the way of the falling trucks. Keep driving. CHECKPOINT Drop ships will fly in front of you and boulders will roll down from the canyon walls. Dodge as best you can, but keep moving. Boost over the final ravine to... run... out of gas... AGAIN!? Does thing have a gas tank for something as small as a lawnmower?! Anyhow, this level is done. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- HIGHWAY BATTLE (PART TWO) -- (CH23) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG There are no special Achievements or Ego Boosts in this level. Jump out of the truck and walk up ahead. CHECKPOINT Take note of the two Railguns propped up against the rock on the right. There is a third one in the small tower to your left too. Pistol Pigcops will start coming out of the EDF dropship wreckage and man the turret, one at a time. You will need to take out four squealers for them to stop using the turret. At the same time, three Pistol Pigcops will jump over the broken bridge and engage you close-up. With all seven Pigcops violating local littering by-laws, you can safely move on. When you are near to the 'caution' sign (there is a Beer right beside it), two Pistol Pigcops will spawn. Engage them. After you walk into the 'building' with the Shotgun, Railgun and an EDF crate with two Pipe Bombs inside (or walk past it) a Pistol Pigcop arrives and goes berserk, lunging at you. Deal with it. As you get close to the cliff, a Shotgun Pigcop and Pistol Pigcop arrive to try and deny you access. Instead, get to them admit they are in denial by blowing them away. Move ahead. Look to your left for an RPG. This next part can be tricky. When you start climbing up the cliff, you will be ambushed by two Ripper Pigcops and two Pistol Pigcops. Sounds like something you should be escaping from. Not happening, since Pistol Pigcops are back to manning the turret. Instead, just back up enough so the turret cannot attack you and engage any incoming Pigcops from the front as best you can without cover (The place where you found the RPG is a good spot). Defeat the four incoming oinkers, then turn around and engage the turret again. You will need to defeat four Pigcops, but after the third, the turret will get blown off, leaving a confused fourth one, unsure of what to do. Move on ahead. Before you cross the bridge, there is an RPG behind the rocks closest to the waterfall cliff, Railgun and an EDF crate with two Pipe Bombs inside by the bridge. At the bridge, there is a Pistol Pigcop waiting for you. Dispose of it in anyway you see fit. Cross the bridge refill on ammo and explosives using the appropriate caches. There is an RPG and an EDF crate with two Pipe Bombs by the crash site. CHECKPOINT A dropship will fly overhead, dropping off lots of Pistol Pigcops for you to play with (a total of six, three at a time on the field). Hop on the turret and take out the first wave of Pigcops (no Berserkers thankfully, so you should be okay). As soon as the last one falls, get off the turret immediately and get to cover on your right. A dropship will fly over again and blow you to hell if you're in the open (Bad thing, BTW). ******************************************************************************* ENEMY ENCOUNTER - ALIEN GUNSHIP HEALTH: 2600 DIFFICULTY: 2/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: RPG ATTACKS: Machine Gun - Watch your Ego bar since it will constantly attack you while you are in it's line of sight. Missile Launcher - Do you best to evade, since they show up with little to no warning. STRATEGY: Grab the RPG launcher and blast away (refilling at the crate outside). Play peek-a-boo until the gunship explodes. Twenty RPG shots should be enough. Do not try to be a hero in this situation, since the dropship launches nasty little explosives at you. If your Ego is in bad shape, take cover and wait it out. ******************************************************************************* CHECKPOINT Enter the mine. A convenient cave-in will trap you, so the only way out is through. As you start there is a Shotgun and Pipe Bomb on the floor to your left. If you need a weapon with decent up-close damage, then grab it. Head on through the caves. At the junction, go straight through for an EDF crate with two Pipe Bombs inside. Head up the ramp at the junction and pull all the heavy barrels out of the cart, throwing them wherever you want to. Push the cart up the track as far as it will go. Use the cart to carry you to the next area. NOTES: You can actually push the cart up the tracks even with the barrels inside, but it takes a long time to push it up. However, when the cart crashes on the other side, at least one barrel should be with you, giving you another weapon to throw at enemies, if you want. CHECKPOINT Smash the EDF crate for two Pipe Bombs, then grab the gas. A total of four Octobabies, then four Pregnators will arrive and try to attack you. Make them sorry they were ever born. There is Shotgun ammo under the scaffolding, if you need it for this battle. Once done, climb up the newly accessible scaffolding the last Pregnator was nice enough to break down for you. CHECKPOINT Move along bashing down any blockades in your way and find another mine cart to ride. Enjoy the roller coaster ride and another (of many) crash landing. You will bear witness to a couple Ripper Pigcops messing with your ride. Everyone knows the only place a Pigcop is allowed to touch is the bumper while Duke crashes into one, so teach these two about respecting someone's property. After a lesson well-taught, fill up the Might Foot and take her out for another dive. Boost over the bridge and over a ramp into the cave. Drive on to the next level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- DAM TOP -- (CH24) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Air Duke Express (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Unicorn Time! (+4 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== A Good Dam Fight (+25G / Silver) - Defeat the Battlelord on the Hoover Dam - Story based, cannot be missed. =============================================================================== Exit the cave and turbo boost over the first ravine, landing on the other side. Follow the arrow signs, turbo boosting over a broken bridge. Next, watch out for whole bunch of rocks rolling down the hill. Do you best to dodge, but keep moving around and up the hill. Run over or ignore the Pigcops and keep going. Follow the arrows and jump down several cliffs. CHECKPOINT An alien gunship flies overhead and starts dropping it's payload around you. Keep moving, dodging as best you can while dropping down a cliff and going around. The gunship will put itself between you and your destination so crash the Mighty Foot into the dropship, causing you to lose all your momentum and land in the water. NOTES: If you miss the dropship while jumping over the cliff, it is treated in- game as falling off a cliff while in your vehicle, and the game will reset you back onto the road, allowing you to try again. Apparently, you are supposed to hit the dropship with the Mighty Foot. Duke will get out of the sinking Mighty Foot on his own. Swim up to the surface, turn to your left and look for a glowing ladder. Climb it to the top. "Aw, and it got such good gas mileage." -- Duke Nukem Head to the left for two EDF crates with two Pipe Bombs and two Laser Trip Mines inside, then go back the other way to a happy, bubbly, warm chat with your Commander-in-Chief. After it's done, move past him and head over to the fight. CHECKPOINT. "I'd ask you what the fuck took so long, but I know it was some sexy thing with three titties! Yeah!" -- Captain Dylan Meet up with Dylan and the other EDF forces. Grab the RPG Launcher, Railgun, Holoduke and stock on explosives nearby before engaging the Pig Cops. Wave 1) Shotgun Pigcop, Ripper Pigcop Wave 2) Shotgun Pigcop, Ripper Pigcop Wave 3) Enforcer, Shotgun Pigcop Wave 4) Ripper Pigcop, Pistol Pigcop, RPG Super Pigcop Wave 5) Enforcers with Shields x2, Shotgun Pigcop Wave four will appear right after Wave three takes a casualty. Maim and kill your way to the end of the dam wall (use the RPG Launcher and the ammo crates to make this easy). Grab an Enforcer Gun to replace your Rail Gun and keep firing at enemies, re-stocking on ammo as you need to. POINTLESS FUN: Captain Dylan is using a Ripper during this level. Normally he carries around a Shotgun. CHECKPOINT. An EDF soldier will signal the "All-clear", although the over sized gun that lands on his body is the obvious indicator this is not true. The gun's owner hops over to pick it up. It's another Battlelord. You were warned... ******************************************************************************* BOSS BATTLE - BATTLELORD #2 "Holy shit! Is that my Mother-in-Law?" -- Captain Dylan HEALTH: 6000 (1st time), 2000 (2nd time) DIFFICULTY: 5/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: RPG, Pipe Bombs, Laser Trip Mines ATTACKS: Stomp * 30 dmg. (On normal, 60 on DiG) * Do not get too close to the Battlelord. His stomp can still cause severe damage / kill, even if it does not score a direct hit. Also, the Battlelord may perform more than one Stomp at a time. Gatling Gun * 4 dmg. (On normal, 8 on DiG) * Each shot is unimpressive, but his gun fires rapidly. Find cover immediately. Kicking Vehicles * 57 dmg. (On normal, 114 on DiG) * While on the move, the Battlelord will kick vehicles at Duke. These can easily kill you. Mortar Launcher * 20 dmg. (On normal, 40 on DiG) * These attacks track you, so dodge as best you can. This (Along with the second Octaking battle) are among the hardest boss fights in the game. Make sure you have stocked up on ammo, explosives and a Holoduke before you take this beast on. STRATEGY A: This battle proceeds in about three phases. Phase 1) He climbs onto the dam and stands there firing at you. Backpedal to the taxi and ammo crate at the far end of the wall, arc the missiles over the taxi and take him down to nothing. If you are too close at half to one third health he will enter phase two (unless you run to the far end of the wall to start with). The Battlelord will run towards you and follow you all the way to the other end of the wall then stop and shoot at you. Retreat to the far end of the dam (if you didn't already). At the end there is an overturned van and ammo crate to get him down to empty. When he goes down sprint all the way down to meet him and press X then tap A rapidly to move onto phase three. As soon as you complete this, retreat all the way back to where you came from and hide behind the metal van (this is the best safe spot from his missiles). The risky element comes from reloading. Either use the explosives reload or sprint to the crate by passing behind the taxi, grab the ammo and sprint back to safety before the approaching missile hits. To hit him lean out on the right side of the van and he won't be able to hit you so lock on and fire. Once you do this four times he will fall. Once again perform a Strength Tap to finish this boss off. STRATEGY B (As Kuro-chan_101 likes to play it): If you saved the Devastator form all way back in "Crash Course", this is the reason you did. The Devastator can do a lot more damage to the Battlelord per ammo load than the RPG and Enforcer Gun can. (one thousand, three hundred and eighty damage, compared to six hundred and seventy-five and eight hundred and twenty-five respectively), so you will only need to reload four times during the first part of the fight. Stay near an EDF crate and blast away. Fortunately the Battlelord has a low pain threshold, meaning he will flinch despite whatever he is doing, including attacking you. You can use this to your advantage by continually pummeling the creature, even while out of cover and near an ammo cache. After his health drops below fifty percent, he will let out a roar and start moving towards you. During that roar, stop and re-stock on ammo, since he will not be shooting at you while roaring. If he gets too close, then retreat, but hopefully you are doing damage fast enough that you will not need to. After you drop him on his knees, do not run up to the Battlelord 'just' yet. Go to the closest EDF crate and stock up on ammo first, then proceed to do your Strength Tap. Doing this first will save you some hassle during the next part when the battle gets a lot tougher. At this point, the Battlelord recovers and proceeds with the attack. He's VERY pissed, but he has one third of his health from the first round. He will start to actively hunt you down. Keep laying on the Devastator shots. So long as your accuracy is good, you will only need to re-stock once. Try to keep firing at him to make him flinch, then make him a unicorn, signalling your superior ability to defeat one of the most annoying bosses in the whole game. :) NOTES: The Enforcer Gun is a "Hit and Miss Weapon" in this battle. Although each volley can do a little more damage than an RPG, it is not a long-range weapon. Also, it has a habit of targeting other enemies in the air. The Battlelord take breaks in-between attacks. Use the opportunity to break away from cover and re-stock on ammo and explosives as needed. If you are trapped behind the black truck the Battlelord cannot kick away, go for the explosives cache, rather than the EDF ammo cache. This will give you four Pipe Bombs and four Laser Trip Mines to work with. Each of them will do as much damage as an RPG. Time your throws with when the Battlelord is not attacking. If you are pinned down and have a Holoduke, you can use it to get the Battlelord's attention while you retreat to the other end of the road. ******************************************************************************* Head over to Dylan. He will start talking about his chubby and orders to hold his position. The spool of rope will glow, allowing you to interact with it. Bungee down to the base of the dam, head through the door by the guard to complete the level. NOTES: If you are not stocked up on Pipe Bombs, there are two in an EDF crate behind some regular crates in the corner opposite of where you dropped down. POINTLESS FUN: If you talk to the guard for long enough, he will comment on your rappel, but also point out the elevator was working the whole time. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE SHRUNK MACHINE -- (CH25) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Air Duke Express (+1 Ego) Any Time of the Year (+1 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Freeze Well! (+20G / Bronze) - Kill 15 frozen aliens - After finding the Freeze Ray in this level, freeze fifteen aliens and smash them (this counts towards executions as well). The weapon is very useful with the 3D cheat active so if you hold onto it you will get this with natural progression. I Need A Date (+5G / Bronze) - Look at every page of a calendar in SP - Shortly after obtaining the Freeze Ray, there is a small office area with a calendar on the wall. Flip through the whole thing to get this achievement. =============================================================================== Descend to the floor, through the door and continue straight through. Then take the left path. This leads to a Shotgun besides a dismembered engineer. Deal with the puff bombs then shoot the eye, retract five claw arms (talk about a nasty ambush). Melee the webbed corpse three times for an RPG, Steroids and a Laser Trip Mine. Turn around and wait for the way to open up again (you can try to do this all on one try but it is risky). Shoot the eye to retract the claws and head back to where you first entered this area. Turn to your right for a door and a long tunnel. Crouch down into the tunnel to pick up two Pipe Bombs. Open the door and head into the next room, meeting the bickering soldier and engineers. Pick up the Freeze Ray to trigger the next scene. "Be careful with that thing. Last time Lawrence used it, he lost a pinky! Real dangerous, could hurt someone good." "Why didn't you tell me that before? Now I look like an ass in front of Duke Nukem." - Maintenance Worker and EDF Soldier NOTES: Welcome to one of the most useful weapons in the game. If you have completed the game on Let's Rock (or Come Get Some) difficulty, you can access the Duke 3D Freeze Ray game extra setting. This is far more effective on enemies than the regular Freeze Ray beam. Each shot does ten times more damage per unit of ammo (forty, compared to four), and can shoot over a much greater range. The only drawbacks are a remote chance of a shot bouncing off a surface and hitting you instead, a slower firing rate and the weapon will not recharge. (You will need to turn off the setting to allow the weapon to recharge). You can hold down the trigger button down for automatic fire or you can greatly speed things up by rapidly tapping it. It is effective on all enemies, especially Octabrains and Pigcops. It sets enemies up for executions, like the original Freeze Ray, giving you opportunities to recharge your Ego along the way. It can also Two-hit kill a boss later (as long as you aren't playing the PC version), so enjoy it while you have it. The maintenance worker will open the door for you, allowing you to proceed. However before you do, turn around and look at the cage with a lock you can smash open. Bust the vent on the floor and crouch down into a ventilation shaft, turning on your Dukevision along the way. Beware though, six Octababies will bust through a vent to your right and start attacking you. Freeze Ray and melee attacks should be more than enough to deal with them. At your size they are not a critical threat. Move further up the tunnel and four more Octababies will spawn. Deal with them the same way. At the end of the tunnel you will find a Pistol and an EDF crate with a Holoduke. Worth it? Who knows. Pass through the open door and into the tunnel. CHECKPOINT. "These guys don't stand a chance." -- Duke Nukem The next room will be full of Pigcops. Use your new toy (while staying in the entrance tunnel) to freeze, execute the enemies and regain your Ego in one fell swoop. There are seven Pigcops (three Ripper, two Pistol, one Shotgun and one Berserk) who will run in and attack you. When you think the room is clear, undo the cheat to regenerate your ammo then move ahead while staying on your toes. When you move towards the double doors a Shotgun wielding Pigcop will burst out. Two more Berserk Pigcops will also spawn in the other room and make a run for you. Retreat into the entry tunnel to freeze and smash them. This just leaves the two Ripper Pigcops on the balcony and (eventually) one Pistol Pigcop on the floor. Freeze and shoot the balcony ones (Ripper, Pistol, RPG, etc.) and execute the one on the floor. NOTES: If you want to try something creative and different, you can take up to three barrels with you from the last area, and throw them at Pigcops. CHECKPOINT A door is being busted down near where you first entered this area. Two Enforcers (one with a shield) will break through the door to the right of the entrance. Use your Freeze Ray to make some cold lizard snacks. NOTES: The Freeze Ray will knock the shield out of the Enforcer's hand. It is strongly advised to hold on to the Freeze Ray for the rest of the game. In many ways, this weapon will take a lot of pressure off you in trying to carefully finish this as it technically can't run out of ammo. In the room the Enforcers came out of are puff bombs which can be destroyed revealing a hidden RPG. Head back to the entrance and meet up with the guy waiting for you. Wait for the engineer to take his sweet time walking through the room, commenting on the mess you made and then finally opening the locked door for you. Walk down the stairs to finish the level. GLITCH & IMPOSSIBLE DEATH: If you jump over the railing and try to open the door before the screen fades to black, you end up with an insta-death, forcing you to reload at the last checkpoint and engage the Enforcers again. Best to just walk down the stairs to trigger the next level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE SHRUNK MACHINE (PART TWO) -- (CH26) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG There are no special Achievements or Ego Boosts in this level. This level is not difficult, but there is a LOT of ground to cover. Much of the level consists of platforms and puzzles. Start the level by opening the door on your left. "I hate valve puzzles." -- Duke Nukem Inside are a number of open steam pipes, blowing hot air in your direction. Time it so you can walk under while it is not venting at you. The way out is being blocked off by alien infestation, so head to your left instead. There is a glowing valve, encouraging Duke to turn it on. Turn it once to your left and blow off some steam on the pods, watching them deflate like cheap balloons. Before proceeding head out and detour to your left, through an open door into a small room filled with goodies inside. On the floor are a Ripper and two Pistols. Inside the locker is a Holoduke. Inside the EDF crate is a Pipe Bomb. Head back into the pipe room to find more pods in your way. If you try to get them steamed, you will find the pipes do not connect properly, so you will need to move some around. Turn to your right and look at the closest glowing lever. Pull it down to unlock the mechanism and rotate it 90 degrees so it locks onto the next pipe. Head to the far corner (same side) of the room and pull down the next lever. Push it around until is locks. Duck under the pipe and head left to see another level. Pull it down and rotate the pipe another 90 degrees (totaling two rotations on the same one). Duck under the pipe and head to your right, back to the valve. If this was done right, the steam should flatten the pods, allowing you to walk past them and up the couple stairs. CHECKPOINT Use a high-ammo weapon, Freeze Ray or melee the puff bombs. Proceed through the corridor. There is an RPG Launcher and a Railgun on the crate in front of you. Keep going, break through the boards covering the door and get ready for a fight. Wave 1) Ripper Pigcop, Shotgun Pigcop Wave 2) Ripper Pigcops x 2(One goes berserk), Shotgun Pigcop Wave 3) Ripper Pigcop, Pistol Pigcop Wave 4) Assault Trooper Captain x 2 Wave 5) Assault Trooper Captain, RPG Super Pigcop Wave 6) RPG Super Pigcop The waves will overlap each other as you score casualties. Not a difficult run of enemies. You can always retreat back where you came from if you need to. After everyone leaves enough body parts to play connect the dots with (or operation), you can go through the door to your left for a Railgun if you want. Smash the board blocking the small crank and a ladder will fall down. Climb it and head through the door. If you want, to your left you can grab a barrel and throw it at the RPG Super Pigcop waiting to ambush you in the next room. The lockers to your left have a Beer and Pipe Bomb. Move up to where you blasted the RPG Super Pigcop to pieces, then backtrack as a Pipe Bomb is being thrown in your direction. A Ripper Pigcop shows up begging for payback. The next room has an EDF soldier on the floor with a Ripper beside him. Open the door, dispose of a rat early on, and step on the shrink pod on the other side of the room. CHECK POINT Jump down the edge and get ambushed by a grand total of eight rats. They come in many colours: Brown, grey and black. In the end, however, they will all be red. "Not my idea of a good screw..." -- Duke Nukem There are two open vents to go through. The one on your right has an EDF crate inside with a Laser Trip Mine and a Pipe Bomb inside. Next, go to the unopened vent and unscrew the nuts, allowing the plate to fall. After the nuts drop, continue working your way along the shaft, smash the vent below you and go for a ride until you eventually stop in a larger shaft. Walk to the other end, stopping just short of the the vertical shaft. There are puff bombs waiting for you. Shoot them out of the way first, then melee the broom that is clogging the fan, lifting you to the very top. If you want to stop along the way to pick up a Ripper and three Laser Trip Mines, go for it. You will end up just outside the large machine you saw when you fought off your first waves of enemies in this level. Melee the nearby vent and walk up to screw around with another interactive object, opening up "Access Panel 57." CHECKPOINT This next section is one big platform adventure. Climb up the pipe, jump onto the spinning gear, jump onto the next platform (other side), climb another pipe, jump onto the spinning gear and head through the 'door' to your left. Fall through the hole, then shoot the device, causing it to break the circuit and stop the fan from spinning. Climb under the fan and fall into another hole. CHECKPOINT Melee the vent and enter the heart of the machine. Climb onto the moving gear on the other side, then jump to your right, onto the middle of the machine. Move through a big hole in the next gear. From this point on, it becomes a game of balancing yourself on moving gears. If you fall, it is likely you will slip through the gears and die, so prioritize staying on top. After navigating and going through a total of three gears, you will eventually reach a small platform that is not spinning. Stop there for a bit and take a break, since you got through the worst of it. When you feel ready, jump onto the next three gears then to your left, on top of the pipes. Work your way around until you are at the top of the machine. Aim to your right, shoot through the vent and the device to break the circuit. Jump around the crusher and do the same thing with the next vent and device. At this point, the crushers get a bit faster, but you only need to worry about going straight ahead. Once you get past all three, there is a vent to your right you can melee along with another device to deal with. After this the machine breaks and the huge fan you walked past stops. "Duke one, gears nothing." -- Duke Nukem Go through the fan, smashing two vents along the way, dropping down. Walk to your left, jumping over two tiny pipes. To you right is an EDF corpse on the ground (is anyone keeping count, by any chance?) with a Ripper and Laser Trip Mine beside it. Jump onto the crates that lead to the shelving units. Walk over the wooden board to the next unit, climb up the pipe, walk over the red pipes to a window. You can watch two Octababies refusing to give even a dead guy some peace and quiet. POINTLESS FUN: If you sit long enough and watch the Octababies, eventually one of them may jump on top of the corpse. The way it moves around, trying to attack the body, tends to imply something FAR less appropriate. Necrophilia, anyone? Break the window and shoot the Octababies from a distance (safer that way). Jump down into the room. CHECKPOINT. There is a Shotgun on the floor by the crate in the center of the room. There is also an Enforcer Gun on top a filing cabinet on the left side of the room. To reach it you will need to manoeuvre a few items around the room to climb onto the chair and onto the filing cabinet to reach it. The EDF corpse has a Pipe Bomb, Pistol and Ripper next to it. When you are done, climb onto the mop bucket and press the elevator button. An Octobaby will ambush you. Deal with it. Then, from the vents above, a total of twelve more Octobabies will pop out of the vents and try to encircle you. This can be very dangerous, since they do a lot of damage if they get their claws on you. After defeating them, the door opens up and a very dangerous opponent enters the room. ******************************************************************************* ENEMY ENCOUNTER - GIANT ENFORCER HEALTH: 4000 DIFFICULTY: 3/5 WEAPONS: Freeze Ray, Ripper, Pistol ATTACKS: Enforcer Gun - Regular attack when you are normal size. Here however it can be surprisingly dangerous so keep an object between you both as much as possible. Smash / Stomp - Stay away from the Enforcer as best you can. These attacks do a lot of damage. STRATEGY A: Use the crate in the middle of the room and let the Enforcer chase you around it. Fire at it when you get a good opening. Do not get too far or it will use the Enforcer Gun on you. Do not get too close, or it will try to stomp. Try to find a balance and try to keep it chasing you. This battle should not be too difficult. STRATEGY B (suggested by Alexey Vdovichenko): "When an Enforcer boss comes from the elevator at the end of 'The Shrunk Machine', I found the safest place is under the table right-side of the box (looking to the elevator). From there I could empty all my weapons into the boss and remain undetected. Sucker punch." NOTES: This Enforcer still has a head shot weakness. The Pistol is an effective weapon, so long as you shoot it in the head. ******************************************************************************* Once the Enforcer is laying on the floor for good, go back to the elevator. An Octobaby will pop out of a vent. Destroy it, then navigate the railings until you can get up to and push the elevator button, ending the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE FORKSTOP -- (CH27) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Armed with a 69MM (+1 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== Walk out of the elevator and smash the wooden crate blocking the hole in the fence. Use the Particle Expander to make yourself big again, open the double doors and walk through. Jump onto the broken forklift then onto the machine for an EDF crate with a Holoduke inside. Jump off and walk up the stairs. To your right is another EDF crate with two Pipe Bombs inside. Open the door and walk into the control room (or alternatively, you an shoot the window to the control room, hop onto the forklift and jump through the window). There is a Ripper to pick up, a glowing switch to flip and a magazine (by the door, on the shelf) to pick up and ogle. Head back over to the roller door and open it up by using the control bar. Once it up high enough, head on through. Climb up the ladder to your left. A delightful electrical display will be waiting for you. - Stream one: Time the short gap in the bolts and walk through. - Stream two: Follow the bolt as it moves forward and it will arc back behind you so step away when you are clear. - Stream three: If you are on full health just run through it and you should be fine. Proceed to the next ladder. CHECKPOINT Smash the crate or move the barrel to jump through the fence. Two Octabrains will rise up out of the water and start attacking you. If you have the Freeze Ray, mow them down with your all-to-eager fast trigger finger. Otherwise, grab the Ripper in front of and put it to work. Freeze, shoot or explode them (there are two Pipe Bombs, two Laser Trip Mines and a Ripper in the small area here) and smash the crates to move on. NOTES: For a cheap strategy, retreat behind the fence and get out the Ripper. Even though the weapon will look and sound like the shots are bouncing off the fence, many of them will actually go through and still hit the Octabrains. Meanwhile, they will not shoot at you or throw objects. They still try to pick them up, but they end up dropping them along the way. Walk along the dam edge. CHECKPOINT There is a Railgun having fun sitting by itself, politely asking if you would please use it. You will have a good opportunity to, as three Pigcops (two Shotgun and one Ripper) come out of the roller door on the other side. One will mount the turret while the other two move in to engage you. Use the Railgun to snipe (at least) the one on the turret and the other two if they stay far enough away. Stay frosty as six Octabrains will rise up out of the water (three at a time) in succession. If you still have the Freeze Ray, put it to work again. It takes about 9 direct hits to freeze an Octabrain. If they are high enough in the air, they will shatter once they hit the ground (and oddly enough, the water). Alternatively, you could also retreat back behind the fence, if you are having great difficulty staying alive. When the last one falls the Octaking will burst out of the water. ******************************************************************************* BOSS BATTLE - OCTAKING (First Time) "I'm not finished with you, Octapussy." -- Duke Nukem HEALTH: 2000 DIFFICULTY: 2/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: Turret ATTACKS: Psionic Blast * 47 dmg. (On normal, 94 on DiG) * At the turret you should weather two of them (DiG). As it fires the third, dismount and back up, letting the blast 'hit' the turret You only take around 35-45 damage (On DiG) per hit if you man the turret. The problem is making sure you can recover all your Ego, thus why it is necessary to dodge the 3rd blast. Throwing Objects * 70 dmg. (On normal, 140 on DiG) * Dismount the turret as necessary to dodge the larger stuff. With a high enough ego, you should able to handle the smaller objects. STRATEGY: The only way to damage this guy is the turret (or possibly the RPG Launcher that is hidden to the right when facing the turret). Lay into him with the turret as quick as you can as the more damage you do the less attacks you have to dodge in the end. He will begin by slowly throwing dumpsters at you. Once you have damaged him significantly (about half health) he will start rapidly firing psionic blasts at you. At full ego you can take a maximum of 3 hits from these before dying so two is OK and then exit the turret and either just crouch/ walk backwards slightly or run to the tentacle on the far right to regain your ego. Run back to the turret and repeat until the Octaking pisses itself and buggers off. ******************************************************************************* An EDF soldier will attempt to raise the roller door for you, but he and his comrade are killed, leaving you to finish the job. Strength Tap the door to open it and finish the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE FORKSTOP (PART TWO) -- (CH28) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Any Time of the Year (+1 Ego) =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Fork The Pork (+10G / Bronze) - Kill 6 aliens with the forklift - After obtaining the forklift, simply raise the prongs and smash into six enemies (there are far more than six available). Due to damage on DIG difficulty however you may want to try this on a lower difficulty. Companion Barrel (+10G / Bronze) - Unlock the secret closet at the end of the Forkstop - Explained in the guide. Follow it to get the achievement. =============================================================================== Technically you do not actually 'need' a forklift to get through the first part of this level. Depending on your driving skills, there are two approaches to this first section. After all, the priority is getting through there alive. - Pick up the Freeze Ray in the first room on your left (if you do not already have one) and start picking off the Pigcops from a distance. - Walk down the corridors shooting the spawning Pigcops or use the forklift to drive like a bat out of hell into any and all pork chops foolish enough to get in the way of your massive prongs. The first long hallway has four Shotgun Pigcops, so avoid getting too close to them if you are walking your way through. At the end of the hall (before turning right), there is a an EDF crate with two Laser Trip Mines. Do not pass under the hallway. Raise the forklift up just in front of the stairs and hop on top to pick up a Shrink Ray, if you want it. After passing under the walkway and turning the corner, three Ripper Pigcops are waiting for you. As you approach the end of this hallway a Shotgun Pigcop will drop down and rush at you, take him out in whatever manner pleases you and use the busted forklift to scale the fence. "Alright, time to quit forkin' around." -- Duke Nukem There is an RPG against the wall to the right as you drop down. The next section will feel a bit deserted as you enter the dark room. Do a bit of "House keeping" first by destroying the crates in the area (this gives the enemies later no cover from your bullets). There is a Ripper in front of the roller door, two Pipe Bombs (to the left upon entering), an RPG (far right) and a Railgun (near the forklift). Enter the door on the far right side of the room and make your way to the control room. Along the way: - First door on the right is an EDF crate with a Holoduke inside. - Up the first set of stairs, to your left is a locker with Steroids and two Pipe Bombs inside. - If you skip past the door to the control room and keep on going, there is EDF crate sitting on the floor with three Laser Trip Mines inside. The lockers also contain a Pistol. Open the door and head into the control room. CHECKPOINT There is a Shotgun to pick up and a calendar to flip through inside. When you are ready, flip the switch inside and get ready for white meat ambush. Two Pigcops (Ripper and Pistol) spawn inside the entrance way while another Pistol Pigcop and Shotgun Pigcop await you outside. A Ripper Pigcop and a Shotgun Pigcop will be on one side while a Ripper Pigcop will be waiting for you on the ledges above. You will need to come out to engage them but be careful. Try to stay on one far end or the other so you are not engaged by both sides at once. Next are two Shotgun Pigcops, a Ripper Pigcop on one side and a Ripper Pigcop on the other. One of the Shotgun Pigcops spawns when you have inflicted a casualty. Next up to three Ripper Pigcops spawn on one side and a Berserk Pigcop leaps down and rushes at you. You may want to retreat back into the corridor and set a trap to kill/weaken it. If you still have Pipe Bombs and/or Laser Trip Mines left. Finally there are two Berserk Pigcops and an RPG Super Pigcop. Again, set a trap for the Berserker if you can. Use the Control bar to lower the forklift and drive it over to the far right side, raising the lift as high as you can go. Jump up and over to pick up the "Companion Barrel." You can walk it over the rest of the way if you want. Head over to the far left corner and press the green button. It does not go down all the way, but it should be low enough for you to jump on a pole, then the lift and finally onto the top floor. With your barrel, head to the left door and drop the barrel onto the heart on the floor. The door will open and there will be LOTS of goodies inside. Take everything you can. Grab the Shrink Ray. It will be very useful in the fight against the next boss. Also, make sure your other weapon has lots of ammo so you will have no problems making it there. Pistol and Ripper are okay but if you need to, you can grab the Devastator, or the Freeze Ray, if you want. When you are done. Head in the other direction (toward the elevator), push the button, hop in, and push another button to get the elevator started and complete the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- GENERATOR ROOM -- (CH29) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Who's That Handsome Devil? (+1 Ego) Stop Pissin' Around! (+1 Ego) Enough Tentacles for a Hentai (+3 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Octacide (+25G / Silver) - Defeat the Octaking - Story based, cannot be missed. =============================================================================== "America is counting on you." "America. Fuck yeah!" -- General Graves & Duke Nukem Step out of the elevator. There is a Pistol by the debris to your far right, if you want it. The path you need to take is to your left. Open the door and follow the linear path until you meet up with the General Graves. He seems rather happy to see you. NOTES: Since you are waiting for him to finish talking, there are a couple things you can do in this room. You can break into a caged room that has a Ripper and an EDF crate, loaded with two Pipe Bombs. Also, underneath the stairs, behind the debris, you can find two Laser Trip Mines. After that pep talk (That you HAVE to sit through), walk into the main generator room. Fall off the broken bridge and onto the lower floor. The lockers underneath the bridge have a Shotgun if you want to take it. Head through the alien infestation, dodging electrical shocks and blowing up puff bombs along the way. On the way over if you look to your far left, one of the walkways has an EDF crate on the floor with Steroids inside. At the end of the path, climb a ladder going up and use a control bar to swing the crane to the right and up a bit. Use the makeshift bridge to cross over to the generators, then engage two Pregnators (one fresh out of an egg). Squash the little douche bags. The generator on the right has an EDF crate, containing a Pipe Bomb and a Laser Trip Mine. Climb up the ramp to the generator that is shooting out electricity. You will notice there is a gap in the railing that lets you fall down onto a tentacle so do this. Another pair of Pregnators will be waiting for you after you drop down, so take care of them. Climb up to the next generator and use the tentacle to reach the metal walkway and crane operator (also known as "Crusty Old Dude"). NOTES: You can take a detour around to another tentacle that takes you almost all the way back to the beginning of the room. There is an EDF crate with a Holoduke inside, if you need one. It will play a vital role in your upcoming boss fight. CHECKPOINT Climb on the platform and prepare to be bombarded by Assault Troopers and Captains. There is an EDF crate with a Beer inside, EDF ammo cache, explosives cache, Devastator and Ripper at your disposal. NOTES: If the fight during waves takes too long, the crane will stop moving, until all the enemies during a wave are cleared. Wave 1) Assault Troopers x 4 (maximum 3 at a time) The crane will start moving again, leaving Crusty Old Dude to deliver one of his many old-school lines. Wave 2) Assault Troopers x 5 (maximum 3 at a time) The crane will start moving again, leaving Crusty Old Dude to deliver another of his lines, depicting how things were fifty years ago, etc. Wave 3) Assault Trooper Captains x 2, Assault Troopers x 2 Your only cover is the small enclosure on the right so hide in here and take them out as best you can. CHECKPOINT After the final one falls the Octaking will arrive. ******************************************************************************* BOSS BATTLE - OCTAKING (Second Time) "There can only be 'one' King. You fuck." -- Duke Nukem HEALTH: 6000 (1st time), 2000 (2nd time) DIFFICULTY: 5/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: Shrink Ray, Pipe Bombs, Devastator ATTACKS: Psionic Blast * 40 dmg. (On normal, 80 on DiG) * This attack attempts to lead you. Change the direction you are moving or it is likely to hit you. * This attack has a large splash radius, so even if it does not hit you directly, it is still likely to cause some damage. Throwing Objects * 50 dmg. (On normal, 100 on DiG) * Picks up large objects and throws them at you. Dodge them as best you can. Summon Octabrains * Will summon up to three at a time, depending on if any are alive. This (Along with the second Battlelord) are among the hardest boss fights in the game and hopefully you have come prepared from the companion barrel room (Shrink Ray, Holoduke and Beer). A devastator and spare Beer are next to the control box and should be used during the battle. The Octaking has two phases: Phase one: Spawns Octabrains and slowly fires energy balls at you. Phase two: Destroys all the cover with thrown objects (they can still damage you) and then shoots energy balls rapidly, leading the shots in the direction you are heading. STRATEGY A (Commonly given as advice): Start by grabbing the Devastator, get in some shots as he rises and chug your first Beer as the Octabrains fly towards you. Strafe back and forth along the edge shooting off as many rockets as you can at him until your ego is nearly depleted. Once it is low use your Holoduke, reload and fire off as much as you can (some people say to use Steroids but I would advise you save them until his second phase if you are near death). After the Holoduke fades (one full devastator clip + ammo crate reload) if you are lucky you will have weakened him enough for him to enter phase two once you have killed the floating Octabrains. Retreat back into the small frame and start throwing pipe bombs at the Octabrains. Use your second Beer to keep Duke safe and just keep chucking those bombs. Once the final Octabrain falls fire off some more devastator rounds at the Octaking just to make sure he has entered Phase Two (otherwise more Octabrains will continue to spawn). He will start by destroying the cover on the platform so use this time to get in some free hits. Once he has thrown the fan/propeller get ready to start dodging (run a direction until he fires the blast and then double back as he leads his shots). Only attempt to grab ammo if you are at full health. If he wings you and you are nearly dead, swallow the Steroids to give yourself another chance (just remember you will move faster so don't run into the blasts). With a lot of luck and skill the Octaking will be no more. Well done for finishing one of the most grueling challenges in Duke Nukem Forever. STRATEGY B (BahamutZero uses this to win): Instead of using your resources up at the start you save them for the end battle. As his health bar appears lay into him with the devastator until the Octabrains reach the platform. Swap to the shrink ray and shrink then pipe bomb them (they take one pipe bomb to kill when shrunk instead of three). Kill the first wave, reload explosives and ammo and use the relative lull to shoot the Octaking some more. Repeat the tactic with the second wave and so on until the Octaking drops down a bit, signifying the start of phase two (sometimes when throwing the pipe bombs the normal-sized Octabrains can steal the pipe bomb you are aiming at the shrunk Octabrain so aim carefully). Chug your Beer and go to town, dodging the thrown furniture and energy blasts. If you are near death, drop your Holoduke and (if you haven't used it yet) grab your other Beer in case. If need be sink the final Beer and finish him off. STRATEGY C (Kuro-chan_101 uses this to win): When the battle starts, start with the Devastator and put as many rounds into the Octaking as you can. Your objective is to remove around a fifth to a quarter of his health (at least one and a little full volleys from the Devastator). It will not be long before the Octabrains are in position, so get to cover and engage them. Have your Shrink Ray and Pipe Bombs ready, and target the Octabrains in the following order: Left side (furthest), center and right (usually above your cover on the crane). Use the Shrink Ray to shrink and then detonate Pipe Bombs near them for an instagib. On some off-chance a Pipe Bomb is intercepted, detonate it ASAP before it is thrown back at you. Try to avoid using any special items right now and save them for the 2nd round of Octabrains. Once they are down, go back to Devastator and do not stop firing at the Octaking. It may catch some of your Devastator rounds and throw them back at you, so keep strafing. Since you will likely be caught out of position when the second round of Octabrains arrive, get to cover quickly and deploy the Holoduke, using it to distract and dispose of the Octabrains quickly. The Devastator will work fine on the Octobrains since their focus is not on you, or you can use the usual strategy. Once they are dead, get out the Devastator and keep firing at the Octaking. Once it starts throwing stuff at you, it will no longer spawn Octabrains; the worst of the fight is over and it gets a whole lot easier. It's Psionic Blasts are huge, but they only do a little more damage than an Octabrains... IF it hits dead-on. The strategy now is to purposefully throw off the Octaking attacks by heading in a direction, trying to get him to lead you as he fires, then change directions once he does. This makes the next part of the battle a bit on the easy side. CHECKPOINT Fill your ammo and get ready for the next phase. The Octaking will pull you towards itself and self-destruct if you get too close. This is fatal, no matter where you are on the crane, so continue to fire your weapons once it's life bar fills up. Fortunately, it only has a third of HP from the start of the battle, so it should not take very long. Keep firing, re-loading when necessary until he finally croaks. ******************************************************************************* Leave the platform and make your way past the dead Octaking (giving it a few kicks/ melee swipes of hatred as you go past). NOTES: If you fall off and die before walking past the Octaking corpse, you will have to replay the last part of the boss battle again. CHECKPOINT Walk into the next room and over to the elevators, detouring to the bathroom if you want to pick up the two Ego Boosts available as well as a Pipe Bomb and a Pistol there. Drop onto the elevator, then either drop down to the other or fall straight into the water to finish the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- UNDERGROUND -- (CH30) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Who Needs Real Ones? (+1 Ego) What's on the Computer? (+1 Ego) Awesome Funbags (+1 Ego) Air Duke Express (+1 Ego) =============================================================================== Leave the water and enter the flaming room. On the bench is a Funbags magazine. To your left, in the next room is a webbed corpse with a Pistol, Railgun, Pipe Bomb and two sets of Wall Boobs to smack. Go back to the flaming room, shoot the fire extinguisher and walk along the corridor. Under the stairs in a body with a Ripper beside it. Continuing on, you will find yourself in another large generator room. Through a door on the right you will find a body with a Shotgun. Return to the main room, then drop down under the tentacle and climb up the ladder on the other side. CHECKPOINT. Watch as the Egg Pod opens up and drops a Pregnator right into the spinning generator. While it is amusing to observe the aliens screwing up, it also serves a point that trying to cross the spinning generator is not good for your Ego bar and health. To progress, you will need to push some red tool racks into the generator. There are three available. Push them in until the generator breaks and stops spinning. Drop down the damaged generator and proceed to the other side, climbing the ladder above the broken fan. NOTES: If you look at this from a points system, pushing a toolbox on the main level into the generator is worth one point each and the one at the top of the stairs is worth two (if you push it right into the generator). You need to score three points to break it. CHECKPOINT Through a door on the left you will find three Octababies, a ladder leading to a Freeze Ray and stairs leading to the a small room with a loose vent cover. In this room is a computer you can access and paper airplanes to throw around. Smash the cover out of the way and climb in to reach the level exit. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- UNDERGROUND (PART TWO) -- (CH31) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG There are no special Achievements or Ego Boosts in this level. NOTES: Octababies become a very dangerous foe while underwater. They can easily surround you and cut off any chance of escape since they move fast. Try to eliminate them as quickly as possible. Head down the stairs and enter the water to find your first air vent. Move down the corridor and swim down to reach the next one. Here you will be presented with a choice. To the right is a dead end with an RPG launcher for you to grab (useful for the enemies ahead if you don't have a Shotgun). The left path is where you need to go to continue on with the level. Open the hatch by turning the wheel to the left and quickly head inside and stand on the vent. Circle the room and as you leave and prepare for a swarm of Octababies to attack. There are a couple different strategies you can try for dealing with them: - Use your Shotgun or RPG (It would be advised to use the RPG; it takes two or three shots in the right general direction instead of hitting them individually) to blow their brains out (figuratively speaking). - 'Just' enter the room so you can see one Octababy, then quickly backtrack around the turbine room again until you reach the entrance (where the bubbles are). If you can pull this off properly, all the Octababies get stuck along a grate between the two doors and it becomes an easy turkey shoot. Swim onwards until you reach a ladder and climb it. CHECKPOINT You can watch the Cycloid Emperor having a blast if you want. The next room looks nearly identical to part one of this area, use the pipe on the right to reach an EDF crate with two trip mines. When you are ready, drop down into the room. CHECKPOINT A generator column will be hit by an RPG, taking out the lights in this area. Turn on Duke Vision and get ready for a difficult section. As you walk in a RPG wielding Pigcop will spawn on the floor way above you. Kill him as quick as you can. His RPG has the potential to kill you with one shot, given the lack of open area in the room (And you do not want him wandering around in the dark later). Around six Pregnators will begin to spawn (Two at a time). Once they have been defeated a door will be blown open and a Shotgun Pigcop will jump into the room (with an Enforcer staying in the room it entered from). Take care of the Pigcop and cautiously engage the Enforcer (Freezing is probably the easiest method). Once he has been taken care of, shoot the red barrel (or carefully re-locate it) to open a new path and follow the corridor to the next level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE CLARIFIER -- (CH32) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Up in Smoke (+1 Ego) =============================================================================== Traipse down the hallway, picking up the Railgun and Pipe Bomb if you want. A Berserk Pigcop will burst through the door in front of you so take the time to show him why being alone against Duke isn't a good idea. Move through the smashed door and another Berserk Pigcop will come to play. Do the same to him as you did his friend, then take a left to pick up a Shotgun and two Laser Trip Mines. Then a right for a webbed corpse with a Ripper and Pipe Bomb. Go through the blue door. CHECKPOINT The door locks behind you, so there is no turning back. Enter the office. There is a cigar to smoke on the desk. Break though the blockade of wooden crates to be welcomed by four Shotgun and Pistol-wielding Pigcops. Once they are dead an RPG Super Pigcop and Enforcer will spawn as well as a Ripper Pig Cop on the balcony behind them. Smash the crates blocking the scaffolding from moving and push it up to the wall. After climbing it a Pigcop will start firing at you from a (very stupid) position. Teach him the error of his ways with a well placed shot... somewhere else. Squeeze down into the office and trudge down the stairs. CHECKPOINT You will be in a large open room. Pick up the blue barrel and throw it into the container/scale to trigger the next sequence; A crazed engineer on a scissor lift will burst though a wall, followed by an RPG Pigcop, two Ripper and two Pistol Pigcops. You can use the time to throw in a couple of pipe bombs or just shoot them. Regardless, dispose of them as you see fit. NOTES: While it is unlikely to happen, it's possible for the RPG Pigcop to accidentally blow up the other Pigcops with it's RPGs. "This thing sucks." -- Duke Nukem, commenting on the scissor lift. Use your new found toy to retrieve the two blue barrels (one directly behind the start point of the lift, as well as a Shrink Ray in the darkness and the other on some scaffolding to the left of it) and throw them in as well. You will hear banging on a door, as several enemies try to make their way into the room. You can try to setup Laser Trip Mines to 'greet' them but it's possible the exploding door may prematurely trigger them. Once the door is busted down, a Berserk Pigcop, Super Pigcop and Enforcer barge in to say hello. Given the heavy damage all three units are capable of inflicting, it is advised you do not try to take them on directly. You can try to: - Run down the tunnel that the lift came through (there is a Railgun at the end as well as some trip mines) and carve up the enemies. - Setup the scissor lift (before the door gets knocked down) to elevate you above where you first dropped into the office. This prevents the Berserk Pigcop from attacking you and gives you excellent cover from the RPG and Enforcer missiles. You can also pickup any weapons you left in this area from earlier and use them to attack. Immediately afterwards a door on the other side will be broken through and the same enemies will come out. You can use the same strategy as before if it worked for you. Once every enemy is dead, come back out and grab a blue barrel from the second room the enemies cam from. Chuck this with the others. CHECKPOINT Two Assault Commanders come out to engage you. There are several ways to deal with them: - Hide in the office and pop your head out to land shots when you can. They can only shoot through the small door, so you can safely watch their actions through the windows. - Hide in the long tunnel. They rarely shoot through the broken door. Use your conventional weapons as you see fit. The Pistol does appear to score headshots on Assault Commanders. The Shrink Ray and Freeze Ray are both very effective as well. Descend to the lower floor and climb up the scaffolding there so you can leap onto the crane and off the other end. Jump onto the large pipe and over the railings (There is a Freeze Ray here as well which you should keep for the next two missions if you do not already have it) and tread down the stairs to end the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE CLARIFIER (PART TWO) -- (CH33) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Checking out the Rear (+1 Ego) =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Call Waiting (+25G / Silver) - Listen to all phone messages - All locations are listed in the guide. Once the final phone is used the achievement will pop. =============================================================================== NOTES: Recommended weapon to carry through the level (for the boss fight in Blowin' the Dam) - Freeze Ray (unless playing on PC version due to a patch) As you descend the stairs an engineer will appear, clinging to the cage door, screaming and begging you to save him. Back away from the cage door and watch as he receives his unfortunate desserts and then move cautiously ahead. A pipe bomb will arc over the central pipes repeatedly homing in on you, so be wary. Four Pregnators will also be in this small area, waiting to give you a deep kiss. You can: - Race out and kill a couple of them and retreat to lick your wounds before the pipe bomb blows you to bits. - Let the Pipe Bombs being thrown take care of the Pregnators for you. After killing them, an Octabrain will rise up over the pipes. It may still throw Pipe Bombs at you, so watch for them. Pick it off with whatever you have (Freeze Ray, included) and get ready for more. As you climb the ladder dividing the room another Octabrain will spawn and the Shotgun Pigcop below will begin to fire at you. Concentrate on the Octabrain then target the Pig Cop. Some more Pregnators will be in the area so mop them up and climb up the ladder on the right. Balance over the tentacle to reach the upper tunnel. CHECKPOINT Travel to the end of the tunnel and break open the grating to see the whole place electrified. Captain Dylan is in the middle of the room on the upper platform, bitching at you to get to him ASAP. Climb onto the right support and drop down onto the small ledge on the right for a Shotgun through the broken railing behind you. Use the floating wire spools as a bridge to cross the water. Circle round to find a Ripper on the ground along with two pipe bombs. Open the blue door and follow the linear corridor, passing a Pistol and RPG launcher on the way. Shortly afterwards you will find a green door. Open it. CHECKPOINT "Hmm. Guess he won't be in the sequel." -- Duke Nukem Back in the main room, three barrels fall drop into the mess below you. Do not follow them. Instead look to your left for some red pipes and jump onto them. At the intersection take a left to find a webbed corpse with a Shotgun and Laser Trip Mine. Go back the way you came to find an incapacitated Captain Dylan with two High Explosive Charges, his Shotgun and two more Pipe Bombs. On the other side of him is a door blocked by crates. A SlutButts magazine is sitting on them. His dialogue does not trigger any events, so you can continue on. NOTES: You will meet Captain Dylan again in the DLC "The Doctor Who Cloned Me", so don't get all teary-eyed. Climb down the ladder and prepare for five Octabrains to assault you as you move the platform with the glowing pad. There are several tactics you may try to get past this section: - Stand your ground. Works well on Easy and you have a crate with all the ammo you could ask for, but on DiG difficulty, you can only survive a couple hits and your ability to dodge the attacks is limited. - Jump off the lower platform and use the wire spools to travel across the water if you are careful and hide behind the wall (it isn't easy being 'careful' when there are three Octabrains on your ass, but what can you do?). - Press the button and turn the platform slightly, just enough to trigger the Octabrains, return to the ladder, jump and press the climb button to ascend to the upper platform. Take all the cover you want while dodging attacks and returning fire. POINTLESS FUN: It is strangely satisfying to see them hit the water and die via electrocution (frozen of course). Head back to the central platform and turn the bridge one hundred and eighty degrees. Dodge the electricity as best you can (sprint) and stop at the constant stream. If you run jump you will take three quarters damage and not die. Flip the switch and wait for the power flow to stop. Dive down and turn the valve to open a waterway and swim down it to enter the next level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- BLOWIN' THE DAM -- (CH34) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== My Worm is Bigger (+4 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Bucket Head (+30G / Bronze) - Find all 3 helmets in the SP campaign - Helmet locations are in the guide. Once you find the final helmet in this level the achievement will unlock. Pescaphobe (+10G / Bronze) - Kill all the catfish in the underwater level - Just follow this video: http://www.trueachievements.com/a151585/pescaphobe-achievement.htm?showguides=1 Best to attempt with more than base Ego as you can survive being out of air longer. There are fifteen catfish in total. Beating The One-Eyed Worm (+35G / Silver) - Defeat the Energy Leech - Story based, cannot be missed. I Am All That Is Man (+40G / Silver) - Discover all Ego cap awards - There are thirty-four Ego Boosts to find through the whole game. They are all listed in their own section at the start of each level. After defeating the Energy Leech the final one will trigger and the achievement will unlock. =============================================================================== NOTES: Depending on what you view as easier: the Energy Leech or Octabrains Octabrains are No Problem: - The recommended weapon to carry through the level (for the boss fight) is the Freeze Ray. Energy Leech is Slow, Over-sized Target Practice: - The Ripper, Shotgun, AT Laser and AT Captain Laser are your best choices, if you have them. If you 'somehow' managed to save a Shrink Ray (or obtained one from the Clarifier Part One), it could be useful here. The Octabrains are much more dangerous underwater. - They maneuver just as well underwear as they do in the air, putting you at a severe movement disadvantage. You cannot put distance between yourself and them. If attacking in pairs, they will try to surround you. - During the battles there will be lots of debris for them to throw at you; Garbage, bodies, barrels, etc. Some of it does very little damage, some does lots, so it is a mixed blessing. Eventually, they will revert back to their normal attacks. Float along until you exit the waterway and move towards the valve in the middle of the area. When you turn it a series of bubbles will activate, allowing you to head up through a broken frame. You will see an Octabrain float by. If you do not shoot at it, it will not attack you, so leave it alone and move on. To the far right is a treasure chest containing a Beer and two pipe bombs. If you head to the left, an Octabrain will pop out of the storage crate and attack you. Since there is only one Octabrain attacking you, not two, you have more flexibility in the first fight. Keep in mind, you will need to return to the oxygen bubbles if you take too long to fight it. Pipe Bombs are effective, but you will end up using most of your inventory if you rely only on them now, plus you will need them more later than now. So try to hold onto at least two and rely more on your weapons. There is a Shotgun in the crate the Octabrain came from. If you didn't grab them before, go back and get the Pipe Bombs from the treasure chest. Travel back to where you were and place the explosive charge on the grating. Float along the pipe to the left, collecting a Pistol if you want it. Turn the valve and get ready for another Octabrain fight. CHECKPOINT Unfortunately the ensuing fight is mostly down to luck. Two Octabrains spawn from a distance and float towards you. You need to defeat one of them as quickly as possible. Start by throwing two of your pipe bombs at one Octabrain, then finish it off with your gun. Head back to the air vent and rely on your gun for the other one. It is a difficult sequence but doable if you have those bombs. The important thing is to kill one of them immediately. After recovering your air, swim over the long gap to another vent and find two more pipe bombs. You will see another valve. After it is turned two more Octabrains will spawn and float towards you. Retreat back to where you came in (they won't follow you through the gap) and shoot them from a safe distance. Try to do this quickly since your air will only last so long. Resume your jovial trip down the pipeline until you reach yet another valve. If you've managed to lug the freeze ray though this annoying level, this is where it pays off. Turn the valve and Pick up an RPG Launcher (unless you have another explosive weapon on hand). Float up to the grating and place the next explosive charge, only to be thrown backwards by the emerging Energy Leech. CHECKPOINT ******************************************************************************* BOSS BATTLE - ENERGY LEECH "Glub, glub, glub..." -- Duke Nukem, while underwater. HEALTH: 5000 DIFFICULTY: 1/5(A) or 4/5(B) EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: RPG, Freeze Ray ATTACKS: Body Slam * 75 dmg. (On normal, 150 on DiG) * Strafe away from the leech to avoid this attack. Spark missile * 25 dmg. (On normal, 50 on DiG) * Strafe away if you can. The Leech retracts a bit before firing, giving you a heads up it plans to use this attack. Fortunately, they do not do much damage, but will leave you vulnerable to a fatal Body Slam if your Ego is not high enough. Suction attack * 40 dmg. (On normal, 80 on DiG) * This attack damages and deprives you of air while you need to swim back to a source. Swim away from the leech. Firing an RPG shot into it's mouth (If you have any) will disrupt the attack. STRATEGY A (THE EASY WAY): This method will take two shots to kill the energy leech... Seriously. Dodge him as he crashes down and freeze him (and yourself) with the freeze ray. This will deplete your Ego and health, but if you act quickly enough, this is not a problem. This will take down the Energy Leech's health to near-zero. Shoot him once with the RPG Launcher, swim up to the boss, do the Strength Tap and win. Easiest... Boss... Fight... Ever... NOTES: Strategy A appears to have been patched in the PC version of this game, leaving you with only Strategy B. STRATEGY B (THE HARD WAY): Many gamers compare this fight to the Octaking in terms of difficulty. It has several devastating attacks. It will slam down on you and fire energy missiles. When below fifty percent health, it will do double Body Slams and suck you towards him. Fortunately, it has less HP than the average boss. The main danger of this fight is running out of oxygen, so focus primarily on this as being out of oxygen and then hit by the boss is what tends to kill players. There are two EDF ammo crates to refill your RPG ammo from and four sets of vents to use (although the one furthest from the Energy Leech is the safest one to use). Try to fire off a shot on the leech before going for more ammo as he will enter a recoil animation, giving you more time to get to the crate and time to avoid the ensuing Body Slam(s) that inevitably follow. Use lock-on as much as you can to avoid wasting ammo (if he is right in your face don't blow yourself up). It is mostly just common sense but still a very annoying fight. ******************************************************************************* Paddle up into the grate that the leech burst out of. CHECKPOINT Then follow the vents until you see a shining green hole above you. Burst up though it and jump out of the pool to finish the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- BLOWIN' THE DAM (PART TWO) -- (CH35) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Armed With a 69mm (+1 Ego) Air Duke Express (+1 Ego) =============================================================================== The whole place is coming down on your head, so move your ass! In the fisrt room, ff you want to, you can detour to your left and pick up the 69mm magazine on the floor behind the fenced off area. Follow the catwalks and race through a few rooms (watching the Pigcops flee as well). After you see them, get ready as a Berserk Pigcop will rush you. Take care of him and race on. You will shortly run into a large room with a hole in the floor (BahumautZero: I have to say listening to "Carry me home" by the Living End is an awesome fit for this level). Take the right path (or explode) and once the path disintegrates travel back and use the left path as well as the red pipes to cross the gap. If you fall off the pipes you will land in the water. Just swim to the ladder and try again. CHECKPOINT "Where's a hammer when you need one?" -- Duke Nukem Follow the corridors until the water level starts rising and get ready for one of the more annoying sections in this game. Barrels will start flying down the staircase and deal large chunks of damage if they hit you. Also, the water level quickly rises behind you. There are three methods to climb these stairs. - You can race up the stairs dodging the barrels. This is considered dangerous since the barrel path is unpredictable and it leaves you next to no time to dodge them. - Roughly (but not exactly) every second barrel thrown down the stairs is a red, exploding barrel. There are spots along the right side of the wall you can use as cover to dodge the red barrels. This is slower than a straight run up the stairs, but covering yourself from the red barrels greatly increases your odds of survival. - Use the rising water as a shield. It will greatly slow down the barrel, leaving you an opportunity to dodge it. Make the most out of your oxygen bar and surface when you need air. This stops the barrels hitting you but means you might drown instead as the water level continues to rise. Another problem with this tactic is this leaves you very little time to kill the Pig Cop throwing the barrels and escape before the gate closes. The red explosive barrels are one hit kills even with full ego so avoid them at all costs or you will be seeing the loading screen quite a bit. When you eventually reach the top you can take out your frustration on the swine (Berserk Pigcop) that has been giving you so much grief (Duke was expecting a monkey). However, do not waste time in this room. There is a gate to the left. If it closes on you, the water level behind you starts to rise again, leaving you trapped and underwater. CHECKPOINT At this point, the rising water level no longer becomes a threat. Carry on until you see a mechanic being squished by a Berserk Pigcop. Take care of the Pigcop and another two will spawn almost instantly. Get rid of them and head down the path behind where they spawned. NOTES: If you have any Pipe Bombs left, lay them all down and set a trap, since there are no more enemies to deal with on this level. There is a paper airplane hidden in this room. You will need to climb up onto the duct work to obtain it. Up ahead you will see an engineer on a bridge that collapses. Do not jump off the bridge. On DIG difficulty, the fall is fatal. Instead, Look to your left and find a ladder that leads to the bottom of the floor. Climb down and follow the arrows, leading you to a ladder against the far wall. Rise up like an avenging angel, duck to enter a waterway and race down it to be blasted into the next level. GLITCH: It is not a game killer, but at the point where Duke is blown out of the large pipe tunnel by the huge wave of water, if Duke is not far enough ahead to turn around and see the water coming, he will not say, "Holy shit!". DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE FINAL BATTLE -- (CH36) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Gunslinger (+50G / Silver) - Carry the gold Pistol through the whole SP campaign - Much easier to do on Piece of Cake/ Let's Rock difficulty but if you want to prove yourself a Duke Nukem badass, doing this in Damn I'm Good is the way to go. All you have to do is keep the starting Gold Pistol with you through the whole game. A few things to note: * You can drop and retrieve it (unfortunately increasing the odds of a checkpoint screwing you over by eating it) but you must have this weapon with you until completing "The Final Battle." * You can complete levels on whatever difficulty (for example finishing "The Final Battle" on PoC and then carrying the gun through the rest of the game on DIG for it to unlock at the end of "Blowin' The Dam - Part Two. So you can use the Devastator and RPG in the final boss fight." * Level progression with the gun saves after completing one. So each level you beat holding the gun counts permanently. You could do the whole game piece by piece if you wanted to. Piece Of Cake (+20G / Bronze) - Complete the SP campaign on Easy Difficulty - Story based, cannot be missed (stackable). There is no lower difficulty. Let's Rock (+30G / Silver) - Complete the SP campaign on Normal Difficulty - Relatively easy to complete (stackable and unlocks Duke 3D Freeze Ray cheat). Come Get Some (+40G / Gold) - Complete the SP campaign on Hard Difficulty - Slightly harder (some boss fights in particular) but still overall not too difficult (stackable) Damn, I'm Good (+50G / Gold) - Complete the SP campaign on Insane Difficulty - Follow the guide, with a bit of grit and determination you can win this. Special Thanks (+5G / Bronze) - Watch the credits all the way through - You can use the credits here or in the menu, either is fine. =============================================================================== Enjoy the mouth-to-mouth the EDF soldier is giving you (BTW: IT IS CPR!!!) to help resuscitate you. Re-equip your Pistol and head over to the President to trigger the next scene, involving some violence, awesome quotes and a very large alien trying to rip you to pieces. NOTES: If you stand too close to the EDF Dropship while the Cycloid Emperor plays toy airplane with it, it can crash into you and instantly kill you, regardless of ego status or if invincibility is turned on. ******************************************************************************* BOSS BATTLE - CYCLOID EMPEROR "I'm gonna rip your eye out and piss on your brain, you alien dirtbag." -- Duke Nukem HEALTH: 3400 (1st time), 4400 (2nd time), 6000 (3rd time) DIFFICULTY: 4/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: RPG, Enforcer Gun, Devastator, Pipe Bombs ATTACKS: Missiles * 28 dmg. per missile (On normal, 56 on DiG) * Strafe and run to avoid these Stomp * 50 dmg. (On normal, 100 on DiG) * Do not get too close to the Emperor. His stomp can cause severe damage or kill you, even if it does not score a direct hit. The attack also sends Duke flying into the air. Try to jump in the air as his stomp his the ground Charge * 35 dmg. (On normal, 70 on DiG) * This attack will knock you to the ground if you are hit, setting you up to get stomped on. Keep an eye on his jetpack (flames will appear) and start dodging early to stay safe. Ground Pound * 45 dmg. (On normal, 90 on DiG) * Like Charge, this attack knocks you to the ground. Move out of the way; this attack is not difficult to avoid. * During the third stage, the Emperor throws many of these at once at you. Laser Guided Nuke * 90 dmg. (On normal, 180 (AKA FATAL) on DiG) * Used from the second phase onward. * A tracking laser lances out of the boss' eye. A few seconds later a massive explosion takes place where the laser was aimed. If the laser locks on, move far away from the Emperor to break the connection. The attack hurts you, not the laser. Area Pulse Explosions * 10 dmg. per hit (On normal, 20 on DiG) * An unusual attack that does not do much damage. This would require you to be within stomping distance for you to get hit. Keep your distance from the Emperor and this attack will not pose a threat to you. The Cycloid Emperor behaves and acts much like the one in the video game you played when you first started this game. The difference being the damage of the attacks and the different attacks it is capable of performing. STRATEGY A: The main problem of this fight is the lack of ammo for your weapons. So instead of using the RPG Launcher ammo on the boss straight away spend your time killing the spawning Pigcops over and over again at the start of the battle. Empty your Pistol (including the four ammo pickups, two by the president's corpse, the ones along opposite corners of the field (forming a triangle) and around half the Shotgun ammo. At this point (if you are a decent shot, have used your ammo sparingly as well as some melee attacks to kill the Pigcops) you should have enough ammo stockpiled to take the boss straight to phase three. Leave one Pigcop alive (and keep him alive so no Enforcers or new Pigcops spawn) and proceed to rip the boss a new one if you don't want to stop the Pigcops spawning permanently. Once he falls for the second time make sure you keep the RPG as well as picking up the Devastator when it drops (as you can reload both from the ammo crate). Put the Emperor out of your misery secure in the knowledge that you did it the easier way with no Enforcers and a blaze of RPG fire. STRATEGY B: Circle the boss until his RPG wielding Pigcop lackey drops down. Kill the Pigcop and grab his launcher. It will require a minimum of three Pistol shots to the head, two Shotgun blasts or five melee attacks if you can get close enough (which is doable if there is only one Pigcop to deal with). The enemies may also drop Pipe Bombs. Shoot the Cycloid Emperor with a few shots (some people leave two shots to take care of the spawning Pigcops and wait until the next Pigcop(s) spawn. Kill, steal RPGs, shoot until he falls for the first time. Run up to the alien bastard, climb onto him and perform a Strength Tap to rip one of the cables connected to an arm cannon. After removing the first arm cannon the Emperor will gain a new attack, a laser guided nuke. The laser won't hurt you but the blast will. Get out of the area and resume your normal tactics. Using the Pistol or Shotgun to take out the Pigcops. After the first group of Pigcops is dead, an Enforcer and flying Assault Captain will arrive to annoy you. Use your collected Pipe Bombs or headshots to take out the Enforcer and ignore the Assault Captain. Shoot the Emperor with the Enforcer's weapon until it is empty and then retrieve an RPG launcher from the newly spawned Pigcops. Another Enforcer will spawn after this so either use some RPG ammo or the tactics outlined above. Repeat until the Emperor falls for the second time. Climb onto him again and perform your second Strength Tap to rip the cable out of his other arm cannon. Continue dodging until the Devastator and an EDF Ammo cache is dropped into the center of the area and use this to fill up your weapons (and grab the Devastator) before going berserk on the Emperor. Continue dodging his attacks (using the container as a shield from the Emperor) until he falls for the last time. Perform your final strength tap and drop him for good. Walk up to his head and take a nice, long leak in his exposed eye cavity (You certainly deserve to at this point). CHECKPOINT If you have followed this guide from the start the game. Savour the feeling as that will be one of the most difficult fifty gamerscore you will ever earn. NOTES: There is a glitch during this battle where enemies may stop being dropped during the battle. It may happen after thirty or forty RPG hogs are dropped, then the dropships no longer appear and land units. For the glitch to happen, the Cycloid Emperor must not lose any HP during the fight. Even so, it happens rarely. * Kuro-chan_101: It happened to me the 1st time I was playing through, following a strategy suggestion BahumautZero made in his first guide. * BahumautZero: Hey, I got it to work. Same as General Ramm glitching out on my insane difficulty Gears of War run :). There does not appear to be any set timit during the boss fight. The countdown for the nuke only starts once the creature is dead. ******************************************************************************* After the Cycloid Emperor is dead, you won't have any time to piss around. The nuke is on it's way. Head over to the EDF dropship (on the side facing away from the ex-dam) and trigger your melee button to grab onto General Graves arm. If you do not do this fast enough, the nuke will drop on you and you will get to enjoy some quality "Loading Screen Time" on the eve of your victory. After this, enjoy the rest of the scenes. NOTES: If this is your first time playing through the game, do not skip the credits. You can go out for a walk, play another video game, make a sandwich, grab some coffee, etc. but do not skip them. Hope this guide helped you out and you didn't contemplate the aerodynamic properties of your controller too much (BahamutZero: I know I sure did a few times when playing). So leave any questions, suggestions or alternate strategies that you think work better and the editors will be happy to modify the guide and credit you. Thanks to the Duke for the memories, as those pixelated strippers meant so much more than the dents to the TV and walls made by flying controllers. ******************************************************************************* ***************************** MISC. ACHIEVEMENTS ****************************** ******************************************************************************* Noms (+10G / Bronze) - Eat 10 pieces of food during the SP campaign - This can be accomplished on the level "Damn It's Late" at the earliest. There are several vending machines in the level you can buy food items from and plates of food in the employee rooms. Extermination (+25G / Bronze) - Kill 50 aliens - This will easily come naturally as you progress in the campaign. Annihilation (+40G / Bronze) - Kill 100 aliens - This will easily come naturally as you progress in the campaign. Nuclear Devastation (+50G / Bronze) - Kill 250 aliens - This may require multiple times playing through the game to unlock or it may unlock during the final stages of the campaign. Downtown Barrel Beatdown (+15G / Bronze) - Kill 10 aliens with tossed objects - Easy to obtain if you use objects when they are available. Most throw-able objects are mentioned in the guide. Duke Angry, Duke Smash! (+20G / Bronze) - Kill 15 aliens with melee attacks while on Steroids - During "The Lady Killer - Part Two" you can find two lots of Steroids, after which waves of enemies spawn. You can kill these guys and reload the checkpoint to add to the counter. Trapper (+20G / Bronze) - Kill 10 aliens with Trip Mines - If you use these where the guide recommends you will reach this quota easily. Sticky Bomb Like You! (+10G / Bronze) - Put a Trip Mine on a live alien - A really cheap way to get this is during the "Lady Killer - Part Three" by sticking a Trip Mine on a stationary rat (yes they count). Otherwise the first Assault Commander fight is a great spot to get this too. Dead Useful (+15G / Bronze) - Kill 10 aliens with environmental explosives - Use barrels and cars to kill (not injure) ten enemies. With the amount of setup barrels in the campaign this should be easy to achieve. The crane level anyone? On The Noggin (+25G / Bronze) - Kill 30 aliens with headshots - Use the Pistol to shoot enemies in the head. It's that simple. Baron Von Nukem (+20G / Bronze) - Shoot down 20 alien fighters - You will get this just surviving on the turret sections. Judge, Jury, Executioner (+20G / Bronze) - Execute 20 aliens - If you use the Freeze Ray this is really easy. Smashing a frozen alien counts as an execution and refills your Ego. =============================================================================== ******************************************************************************* ******************** DLC CAMPAIGN: THE DOCTOR WHO CLONED ME ******************* ******************************************************************************* Price (Online): Typically around $9.95-$9.99, 800 Microsoft Points This campaign is a little less than half as long as the original, but is often credited for a more interesting plot / storyline, less 'filler' content, less levels designed to serve as padding, less of the tedious and annoying things in-game, (including lengthy underwater adventures) and overall more interesting and intelligent characters (Like that says a lot, being a Duke Nukem game). Unfortunately, the add-on is also less refined. It has many subtitle errors, game-killing bugs and glitches to exploit (Some of those glitches and exploits are listed here in this walkthrough). Also, the gameplay is considered a lot easier than the regular campaign. Those who are pressed to beating it as quickly as possible, should be able to wrap up the entire campaign, all Ego Boosts and Achievements in a weekend, no problem. Length: - The original campaign had (the equivalent) of thirty-six levels. The Add-on has fourteen. Weapons: - Two new weapons are introduced: Impregnader, which acts like a biological grenade launcher and Expander, which behaves similar to the Shrink Ray, but in the opposite way. Also, unlike the Shrink Ray, the Expander can kill most enemies with 2 hits. Ego: - This game is played and treated as separate from the regular campaign, so nothing is carried over. You start with seventy Ego points. There are nineteen Ego Boosts that can be found, bringing your maximum Ego points total to one hundred and five. Achievements: - The DLC has it's own set of unique achievements that can only be earned by playing the campaign. However, many of the achievements that can be earned in the original campaign may also be earned here. Typically, if it is a generic achievement, one that can be earned anytime during gameplay, it can be earned on the add-on as well. Specific ones like boss encounters or special ones that require a special character or item (Jerk in "Damn! It's Late..." or the Mighty Foot) do not apply. Like the original campaign, you must unlock DiG difficulty by beating the game once on any other difficulty. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- RUDE AWAKENING -- (CH37) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Stop Pissin' Around! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! - You can start collecting Ego Boosts immediately. - The list will cover all Ego Boosts that can be collected in a level. Ones marked with " -- NEW !" means it is the first time the Ego Boost becomes available. If you focus collecting the boosts with the tag on them, you should have no trouble collecting them all. - The names used for Ego Boosts are off the DLC Ego Boost Guides created by Kuro-chan. http://www.gamefaqs.com/xbox360/944794-duke-nukem-forever/faqs/67292 http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rlid=752385&rid=468341 =============================================================================== "What the hell? Where am I?" -- Duke Nukem Watch the flashes before your eyes and wake up in a room worryingly reminiscent of Black Ops II's menu select system. After waking up to find you are sitting in a chair you'll notice a large robot "Duke Bot" is about to execute you. Perform a Strength Tap and shoot the gun into the robot, taking it offline. Gotta love the random vibrator in a room full of torture implements right? What kind of torture was the Duke Bot doing...? No, actually... we really don't want to know. You also automatically take the Pistol from it afterwards. NOTES: The editors of this guide/walk-through do not believe it is actually possible to fail this Strength Tap. Both editors 'sat' on this scene for some time and Duke was not executed. Additionally it takes around seventeen or so 'taps' to manoeuvre the Pistol over to the Duke Bot's head. CHECKPOINT Kick down the door and proceed through the hallway. There is an unarmed Assault Trooper trying to reach out the window to grab you. He is no threat, provided you do not get too close. Dispose of him, if you want to. Proceed through the kicked down door on the left and enter the prison cell. To the left is a toilet you may use to relieve yourself. To the right is a hole in the wall you need to jump through. In the next hallway, there is an EDF ammo. cache to your right. Assuming you have not emptied your entire clip on anything irrelevant you will not need it. Move through the hallway, and around the corner. The door is blocked, but there is an explosive on the other side you can shoot to blow it out of the frame. After walking through you'll find out the name of your captor. Dr. Proton was Duke's original nemesis from his first ever game on DOS, back in his 2D-era scrolling heyday. Duke blew the crap out of him at the end of it though... So, it seems he got better. Move ahead. There is an opening to the building entrance (with the alien fighter sticking through the doorway), just before that however you can take a detour by going through the door on the right and entering a small office to pick up some Pistol ammo and the code to get through the next set of doors. In the main entrance, if you have not picked up the code yet you will need to look around and access the security camera monitor to find the access code. The code happens to be 1503. Keep this in mind as you head for the door at the back. Enter in the code and proceed to the end of the hallway, perform a Strength Tap on the door and step onto the elevator platform to proceed to the next level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- GOING DOWN -- (CH38) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== A Dirty Magazine (+1 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Bubble Buster (+10G / Bronze) - Kill 10 expanded enemies with melee attacks - There are exactly 10 enemies on this level, so this can be earned in one try. However, this achievement can be earned by repeating levels or just using the weapon later in the game. =============================================================================== "What the hell is this place?" -- Duke Nukem Take a long trip down the elevator, giving you lots of time to see the ridiculously oversized underground city. CHECKPOINT Move along the bridge and be greeted by Dr. Proton. At the end of the bridge, to your left is a ladder to climb down. Reload on Pistol ammo, if for some reason you actually need it. Then jump over the rail at the far end and travel along some pipes. NOTES: While at the end of the bridge, you can look down to your right and safely jump onto the pipes, directly. There will be a break in the pipes up ahead. Jump over them. The pipe behind you will fall, after you make the jump. Continue to walk along the pipes until you reach the end. Crouch and turn left to see a grate you can break open and duct work to go through. To your left is a rat you can amuse yourself with, if you want. Turn right and exit. Now, because of video game logic we should all know the answer to this simple puzzle. Shoot the fire extinguisher to put out the blaze. There is Pistol ammo (If you actually need some) near the fire. If you stand too close however this will hurt. Move past and approach the Expander gun on the floor. CHECKPOINT "Time to blow shit up." -- Duke Nukem Pick up the Expander, since it does not hurt to have a second weapon and open the door. The Expander is an interesting weapon that is sort of similar to the shrink ray. It's initial shot doesn't kill enemies instead making them far more vulnerable (four times!) to damage. Unlike the shrink ray though a second shot will kill an enemy so if can be used that way as well. A useful tactic is to rush a target hitting them with the initial blast then meleeing them once or twice. They then explode all over the place. Love Duke's phrase as he picks up the gun. Turn right and pick up two Pipe Bombs near the EDF corpse. This will mark your first real battle in the DLC game. One-by-one, the following enemies will appear Wave 1) Assault Trooper Captains x 2 Wave 2) Assault Troopers x 5 Wave 3) Assault Trooper Captain, Assault Trooper Wave 4) Enforcer with Shield NOTES: Some of the waves will overlap, depending on how far along Duke has walked on the platform and/or how long it takes to deal with a wave. One Expander shot greatly slows down an enemy's movement and attack speed, and weapons do far more damage (four times the normal). Along the way, you can pickup other weapons that can help you, like an RPG Launcher, another Expander, a Shotgun and a Railgun (found in that order). This section can become dangerous if you try to speed through it as there are Assault Troopers and Assault Trooper Captains in the area. This means ground troops will rush you while flying teleporting enemies will constantly chip away at your ego, preventing you from regenerating. After descending the ramp a Captain will teleport to your right and then run away. Take note that Captains love to teleport behind you and will do so at every opportunity. So if you see one disappear immediately look behind you to make sure he isn't gleefully back- stabbing your ass. Try to counter this by using using weapons that deal a lot of damage at once. The Captain does not run far (a few paces around the corner and can quickly be taken out with the method described earlier (Expander + melee). Do not forget to grab the two Pipe Bombs on the crate at your first cover point. You can also retreat back to the box next to the doorway for a better cover point. Flying Captains and Troopers will start bombarding you from the sky. Use your Pistol to pick them off, taking cover when you need to heal. You can also pick up some AT Lasers from the fallen if you desire. Repeat these tactics, moving forward to lure enemies towards you and you shouldn't have any problems. At the top of the stairs an Enforcer comes through the door and starts firing. These shots hurt so back up and take cover. Head as far back in the opposite direction from him as you can go and you will find a Railgun sitting next to an EDF corpse. Grab it and snipe the Enforcer to get by (in the legs or eye slit to blow away the shield, then the body). CHECKPOINT Enter the door the Enforcer was standing beside, through the hallway and into a computer room. The desk on the left side beside you has a Muddy magazine you can read. There is also a fully loaded Ripper in here as well which can come in handy during your next fight so grab it if you want. Exit through the right side to finish the level DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- IN SECURITY -- (CH39) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Fire for Your Ass, Bitch! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! What's on the Computer? (+1 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== Open the door ahead and watch the scientists get blown up by the Bombballs. Proceed to the Bio Scanner for Stage One. When finished head over to Stage Two. After you enter, the computer alerts you to foreign entities (Plus you can hear Octobabies), but nothing happens. After the all-clear is given, proceed to Stage Three. CHECKPOINT "Shit. I don't need laser hair removal." -- Duke Nukem After Stage Three starts, it shuts down and the room goes dark. Turn on your Duke Vision and brace yourself for two Octobabies. Look down at the center of the room when the lights go out to be in perfect stomping position. You can either shoot or stomp the two Octobabies that drop out of the ceiling. After they are destroyed, the Bioscan starts up again, but this time, the lasers are red (that should be the obvious hint they are not safe lasers this time). Leave the small room through the open door and force open the next door as the mobile laser is heading away from you. This means you won't instantly die from it while you aren't in control of Duke. Quickly duck under the horizontal first laser and time your second run to avoid both the other ones. Sprint-waddle through the opening and closing door to see two more lasers circling a pit. Dodge them and drop down into the opening. A chute full of (you guessed it) lasers will greet you. CHECKPOINT They are slow moving and pretty easy to avoid except for the last one. This one has a flickering middle laser that you must move through when it's off. Don't jump into the vent as you will stand up, most likely resulting in death. Walk into the chute on the other side. CHECKPOINT As you reach the exit, you end up in the middle of a Pregnator and Octobaby ambush. Waves #1-3) Pregnators x 2 Waves #5-7) Octobabies x 4, Pregnator x 1 Waves #8 & 9) Pregnator Wave #10) Security Drones x 3 Wave #11) Pregnator x 1 NOTES: Two of the eggs in the room contain Pregnators: The one on the wall, and second from the right, behind another egg as you exit the tunnel. It takes less shots to kill an egg than to kill a Pregnator. Some waves will overlap, depending on how long it takes to kill units. The Pregnators have three Spawning points: Right beside where you enter the room, along the middle of the opposite wall, and right below the exit tunnel. All the Octobabies come from the Spawning Point below the exit hatch. The room contains a number of useful items for engaging Octobabies and Pregnators. The corner across from where you enter has a Ripper, a Shotgun and two EDF crates. One contains two Pipe Bombs and a Laser Trip Mine. The other contains a Pipe Bomb and a Holoduke. Also, there is a Ripper by the Spawning point below the exit hatch. After all the enemies are defeated, walk along the tentacle on the wall and crawl into the hatch. Stand and jump out to enter a computer lab. CHECKPOINT To your left is a computer and to your right is a Beer you can drink. Proceed through the rooms and get stuck listening to another of Proton's rants. After he is finished, the door to the left unlocks. Open it, and the next door to your left to finish the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE CLONE CAROUSEL -- (CH40) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== A Sudzy Magazine (+1 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== Open the door and enter the room filled with Duke Bots. At the moment, they are not doing anything, but that will change soon enough. To your left is a smaller room which contains a Shrink Ray and an EDF Crate containing Steroids and a Holoduke. Head to the other end of the main room to trigger a scene with Doctor Proton. In the back corner is an ammo cache, explosives cache and an Expander. After Dr. Proton finishes his speech, the Duke Bot units will start to activate. From here, you have two places where you can engage them: - Turret: Suitable for lower difficulties, but more dangerous in DiG difficulty, since you are fixed on one spot. - By the ammo cache: You can continually refill on ammo and take cover while under attack. Also since you are mobile, you can pick up weapons the Duke Bots leave behind, RPG Launchers included. The waves are as follows (From the perspective of manning the Turret) Wave 1) Duke Bot (Far left) w/ RPG Wave 2) Duke Bot (Close left) w/ Ripper, (Close right) w/ Shotgun Wave 3) Duke Bot (Close left) w/ Ripper, (Close right) w/ Shotgun, (Catwalk), w/ Pistol Wave 4) Duke Bot (Close left) w/ Ripper, (Close right) w/ Shotgun, (Far Right), w/ Pistol The door opposite of the turret is opened up. Wave 5) Duke Bot w/ Ripper x 2, Enforcer x 2 STRATEGY A: A great combination during this battle is the Shrink Ray and Shotgun as you will not have time or be close enough to stomp on the Duke Bots before they regrow (possible but not with consistency). The Shotgun has fair range and is enough to kill shrunk enemies in a single shot. This makes the encounter ridiculously easy. Use the room with the EDF ammo cache and just hop in and out taking out enemies as they appear. STRATEGY B: This involves using the Shrink Ray and Pipe Bombs. This technique is especially effective on wave five, since all four enemies are grouped together. When shrunk, enemies can be instantly blown up with any explosive weapons. Similar to the above strategy, base yourself by the EDF ammo and explosive cache. NOTES: The Expander works like an EMP on the Duke Bots, disabling them and leaving them vulnerable to attacks. Exit through the doorway the Enforcers came out of and head up the stairs. To your far right is a computer with a Sudzy magazine you can pick up and a locker with Pistol ammo. Open the door, across the catwalk to the next door, and walk along the path. CHECKPOINT In the next room, a scientist is trapped in the door mechanism. After talking to the scientist, do a Strength Tap on the other door to enter the Carousel Room. Head to the right and flip a switch to drop the elevator down. Enter the room on your right. In the lockers is a bottle of Steroids. The broken window with the hole in it must be completely shattered. Flip the glowing switch to turn on the first carousel. You will need to jump on and hitch a ride. Time your jump so you land on a pod that appears lit up. Wait until you reach the area where you can see orange pylon cones (witch's hats) in front you and then jump off. Head left, where you can see another office and broken window. CHECKPOINT Upon entering the office, open the lockers for two Pipe Bombs. You can break the window and flip another switch. activating another carousel. Hitch a ride on it and wait until you can jump onto a central platform (Where you see an arm taking and inserting pods. Time your movements so you can dodge the two arms, then hitch a ride on the third carousel. After a couple spins, you will want to jump on the top of the large 'gear' that spins once in a while (it is the same unit the arms load / unload pods onto). Now if you want you can try to rescue the scientist, but the results must be censored just in case any minors are reading this. CHECKPOINT "Uh, that was worse than Babeland" -- Duke Nukem Either way, head to your right and through the unlocked door and make your way into the room where there is a whole lot of Duke...s. There is an EDF crate on the other end of the room with Steroids in it. Flip the switch in the center of the room to stop the line and open a pod. Execute a Strength Tap against a Duke Clone to defeat it and send it to it's doom. From there you will hop into the pod and finish the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- ME, MYSELF, AND I -- (CH41) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== A Basket Case (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Bench Presser (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Check Out The Donkey'S Ass (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Curl It! (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Dead Man Lifting (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Duke VS Duke (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Like a Punching Bag (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Pull Up That Ego (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Who's That Handsome Devil? (+1 Ego) -- NEW! - All boosts can be earned before you enter the Combat Training area. After you complete that section, the other rooms where the Ego Boosts are no longer become accessible. =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Threesome (+10G / Bronze) - Kill 3 enemies within 3 seconds with the Impregnader - Best spot to do this is when you drop down into the Motivational Room and fight off five Duke Clones (or just stay in the vent and shoot them from safety). - This is also possible to earn during the fight with the Pregnators, right after Dr. Proton figures out where you are. =============================================================================== Pass through the entrance to the Training Facility. NOTES: While waiting in the lineup, the third clone misquotes what Duke said to the Cycloid Emperor. The quote was originally, "I'm gonna rip your eye out and piss on your brain, you alien dirtbag". The Duke clone said, "I'm going to rip your eye out and piss on your brain, you alien piece of shit". Your ID is "Duke Clone 69". "Well, I guess I'm in disguise now." -- Duke Nukem Head to the Training Area to pick up a whole bunch of Ego Boosts. First, head to Melee Training. You can look at the mirror, punch a punching bag, arm wrestle with a Duke Clone and use the pullup bar attached to the mirror. Next, head to the Skills Training and shoot a basketball in the hoop. Then head to the Weight Training Room to curl a dumbell, do some deadlifting, and assemble a six hundred pound barbell to bench press. Once you have collected the eight Ego Boosts, head to Attitude Training, then into the Motivational Room. Duke learns that the alien invasion is based on the Moon. Collect the film reel and flip the switch to lower the old-style film projector. Attach the film reel and get the Fire Safety show thing. (This is the last Ego Boost). This will attract the attention of the International Duke Committee in the next room, moving you to the top of the list. Head to the main hallway and up the stairs. The door will now open for you. Proceed through and choose the door on the right, as the door on the left is occupied by a Duke Clone (who will serve as your opponent). Step through once the door opens and walk all the way to the end of where you are supposed to stand. CHECKPOINT "Lesson One: Don't fuck with the real Duke." -- Duke Nukem After the Pistol platform rises, grab your Pistol and immediately retreat. Try to score as many headshots as possible. Four headshots are needed to defeat a Duke Clone. After the first Duke is defeated, return your weapon. The next stage is a lot more difficult because you are fighting against 2 Duke Clones with Shotguns, and the Duke Clones can do a LOT of damage up-close (They have the potential to deplete your entire Ego bar with one shot). Try to focus on one at a time before you lose all your health, then evade the other one until your Ego recharges. As soon as you start take cover behind the box behind you to your right, this will prevent one of the Duke clones circling around behind you. Take your time and be careful. The third round is easier, but it is important to be fast. You are up against one Duke, armed with a Shrink Ray. Try to shrink him down first, then stomp him for a quick kill. If this fails, run away and count down how long it takes to regrow. Let him shrink you again and regrow when you are relatively close to guarantee you'll hit him before he can shrink you again. Return your weapon and proceed to the next area. CHECKPOINT You are up against Assault Troopers and Assault Trooper Captains this time. Pick up your AT Laser and get started. It will take two full volleys to dispatch a regular trooper and four to dispose of a Captain, assuming you hit with all the shots. When you reach the third wave (flyers), you can run around like a chicken with your head cut off to regenerate your Ego (flyers find it hard to hit fast moving ground targets). Wave 1) Assault Troopers x 2 Wave 2) Assault Trooper Captains x 2 Wave 3) Assault Trooper Captains x 3 (They fly around) CHECKPOINT Return your weapon and proceed to the next area. CHECKPOINT Run up and grab the new Impregnader weapon. Fight off the waves of Pregnators. Two shots from your new weapon will take out one of these alien bastards. Keep in mind there can be major splashback from the weapon that can kill you quite easily so don't fire it with stuff in front of you. Wave 1) Pregnators x 2 (From the eggs) Wave 2) Pregnators x 3 Wave 3) Pregnators x 5 NOTES: Do not finish off all the Pregnators during Wave 2. Leave one to strafe around and allow your weapon a chance to regenerate to full power before you kill it off. Don't forget the chicken run if your Ego gets too low. After Wave Three, Dr. Proton will realizes the real Duke has been going through his tests (Considering how easily you are blowing up and through them, it should have been obvious). Wave 4) Pregnators x 4 Crouch and enter the tunnels the Pregnators came from. If you want to fight them it is much easier to do so while in the tunnels as they cannot jump away in here (and your gun has infinite ammo so there's no loss in doing so). Or you can just rush for the checkpoint, it's up to you. CHECKPOINT Bust open a grate and stay in the vent while raining down hell on the five Duke Clones you distracted earlier. They will only have their fists, so the only damage you can take is splashback from hitting the chute walls with your weapon. NOTES: The International Duke Committee appears to have far less health than normal. On lower difficulties, it is possible to take out one of these with a single Pregnator shot. CHECKPOINT Make your way to the entrance. First, you are up against three Duke Bots with Pistols. Your Impregnader is powerful enough to deal with them. You can just take them out one at a time by opening the door, blasting one and then retreating. Be careful as you approach the door to the main hall (if it isn't open already). A Duke Bot is waiting there with a Shotgun. Defeat it using the same method and grab the Shotgun. It will be useful in the next area. Two Duke Clones come out of Weight Training and rush you with their fists. Dispose of them with the Shotgun, and prepare for three Duke Bots with Rippers. Defeat them and the two Duke Clones that come out of Melee Training. Head for the main hall and blown back by an RPG blast. Duke will need to find another way out. Look to your left and see the wall blown off. Enter the tunnel and drop down to finish the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- MEAT GRINDER -- (CH42) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== What's on that Computer? (+1 Ego) =============================================================================== Start the level and immediately land on a Shrink Pad. Move through the duct work and smash the grate to enter the next room. Your first target is the lab on the left. To get to it, you will need to enter it from above. Look to your left for a series of boxes that will serve as platforms. Jump onto them, ride the fan through the grate and land in the air vents. Watch out for a swarm of rats as you make your way around to the other side. Enter through the grate they smashed open and follow all the way down. Bust the grate below and drop into the room. Head to the back end of the room (Where you see a bunch of Rippers and Shotguns on display) and climb the boxes. Jump to the chair and bounce over to the consoles. Flip the glowing switch and head into the room with the fans. Let them 'fly' you over to the other side of the room. Jump onto the copier and then onto the terminal. Smash the glass bottle under the severed hand to open the doors to the Daycare centre. Do not drop down just yet. Walk to the other end of the terminal and flip the switch to open up the chamber door. Head for the Daycare room. Walk over to the far right corner, then onto the sticks and jump onto the blue... something. Jump onto the wooden box, then onto the rulers, letting them carry you to the top of the shelf. Drop down and hop into the Holsommobile. CHECKPOINT "Ooh, I love it when we go fast!" "What?" -- the RC Car and Duke. Before you leave the Daycare you can drive around to the front desk, hop out of the car, jump on the car, then the chair and then onto the desk to use the computer. Leave the Daycare and use turbo boost to propel yourself over the ramp and into the next area. Crash through the floor and drive around in a small cave. CHECKPOINT POINTLESS FUN: Be prepared to hear a lot of "Sexist blonde jokes" along the way from the car, much to the annoyance (/confusion - "What?") of Duke. Also, Duke will tell the car to "Shut up" or even "Shut the Fuck Up!" more than once. Enter the tunnel and drive on the grate in the meat grinding machine. Those two spinning nodes with the points on them. You will be navigating both of them soon enough. Drive to the far end of the tunnel, hop down and ride the first spinning grinder. The challenge is to avoid crashing into the spikes while staying along the top of the grinder. At the end of the first grinder is an elevator-like device you can ride up. CHECKPOINT Drive along and take notice of several ends that routinely push out. You need to time your driving to avoid hitting them or else you need to start this part of the course over. Try to avoid use the Turbo Boost too, as the ramps will make your movements far more difficult to control. Drive around the loop and repeat the two challenges you just pulled off, but in reverse order. Drive past the first one and ride the elevator down to drive through the second grinder. Eventually the door at the end opens, allowing you to boost through. Turbo Boost onto the ramp and fly down onto the dirt path. CHECKPOINT You can navigate this path without needing the Turbo Boost. Following along and eventually you will come across a door that opens for you. Head left and Turbo Boost off the ramp to finish the level (Thank God that's over, thinks Duke). DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE DOCTOR IS IN -- (CH43) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Who's That Handsome Devil? (+1 Ego) Proton Isn't the Head of Anything, Anymore! (+4 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Heart to Heart (+20G / Bronze) - Finish Doctor Proton - Follow the strategy in the boss section. =============================================================================== Swim through the water and into the waste pipes, dodging... um, stuff... Swim up the one pipe and climb into the light... which turns out to be a toilet. While in the bathroom, you meet up with Captain Dylan, presumed dead, but it turns out he simply passed out. Eventually, he opens the door so the two of you can move on, but he steps on a Shrink pad and becomes tiny, just like you. He will not move ahead of you, so drop down the nearby chute and seek out a Particle Expansion Pad. It will short out after you use it, leaving Dylan the tiny guy for the next while. After his speech, you can pick him up and throw him around. POINTLESS FUN: Some of these comments are rather amusing to listen to, so the writers have decided to go ahead and post all the things Dylan likes to say while in your hand: - "Balls, man. Balls." - "Fuck! How the fuck do I fight now? I ain't no fuckin' ankle-biter!" - "Hmm. You have soft hands. What? I'm just sayin'!" - "Holy shit! I'm, like, the size of a dick!" - "Hurry up! My nuts are startin' to hurt!" - "I feel like a fucking potato!" - "I hope my tuck'n'roll reflexes are good!" - "I hope there aren't any rats around here. I hate rats! And fucking squirrels! Tooooooo fuzzy" - "I think I kinda like being held. ...Not by you! I meant in general *coughnotgay*." - "I think I kinda like being held, you know? ... NOT BY YOU, I meant, in general *coughnotgay*." - "Man. I could fit anywhere, like between some hooters. Mmmm-hmmmm... hooters." - "Shit. I wonder if it'll take less time to jerk off, now that I'm smaller..." - "Shit, man. What if I'm stuck like this? I'll have to... Fuck Holsom Twin dolls or something... Umm, no offense... Please don't squish me..." - "WHOA! I can see your nose hairs!" ...Yes, there are two quotes where Dylan says nearly the same thing. There is a chute opening on the far right side of the room. Throw him in there and he will unlock the door for you. Grab the Enforcer Gun, Beer and Holoduke and head into the next room. Jump down. CHECKPOINT Get ready for a full assault. Dr. Proton sends a whole bunch of Bomb Balls to take you out. Word of warning, do not stand on the well lit chute exits as that's where the Balls arrive from (heh, Duke can get smacked down by Proton's balls). Wave 1) Bomb Balls x 4 Wave 2) Bomb Balls x 8 Wave 3) Bomb Balls x 12 Wave 4) Bomb Balls x 12 During these waves (or in between them) is a good time to grab yourself the Devastator off the floor (it's handy to keep shooting with when you run out of Enforcer ammo until you can restock). After this, Proton decides to take care of Duke himself. ******************************************************************************* BOSS BATTLE - DR. PROTON "I'm gonna rip your head off, you frickin' spider monkey." -- Duke Nukem HEALTH: 12000 DIFFICULTY: 3/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: RPG, Enforcer Gun ATTACKS: Melee * 8 dmg. (On normal, 16 on DiG) * Dr. Proton bitchslaps you if you get too close. Not very effective. Tail Gun * 3 dmg. (On normal, 6 on DiG) * Each shot does not do much damage, but it builds up quickly. Fire off whatever shots you can before it does too much damage. Guided Laser * 13 dmg. per 'tick' (On normal, 26 on DiG) * Dodge, dodge dodge! Take cover! This can kill you almost instantly on DiG difficulty. Wait it out, since the laser attack will eventually end. Grenade Launcher * 65 dmg. max (On normal, 130 on DiG) * These are registered on your HUD as Pipe Bombs. Stay away from them; they are very dangerous. If you see your indicator light up, take cover in another corner of the room. Dr. Proton has a LOT more HP than the average boss. He is well fortified and can dish out great amounts of damage, even if you are playing this with a full Ego Bar. STRATEGY: You will be spending most of the fight in cover. His Tail Gun continually pelts at you anytime you are exposed, plus the Grenade Launcher fires multiple shots in your direction. Stick with the RPG and Enforcer Guns, since you do not need to stray out of cover when you use them, you can aim, fire and get back into cover while the shot travels. Also, since the target is big enough, you can aim while in cover for the RPG but will need to peek out of cover long enough to fire your shot. After taking enough damage, Dr. Proton will connect himself to a generator station and start regaining health. You can interrupt this by going around and flipping the switch, interrupting the power. After dropping below 50% health, Dr. Proton will start to use his guided laser attack. This must be dodged immediately. The laser does not take long to kill you. Really, as long as you pay attention to what the boss is doing and restock immediately after his laser attack you shouldn't have any problems. He is not difficult (his attacks are all telegraphed well in advance and he cannot get you out of cover easily, except with the grenades), instead he just has a boatload of health. It is a slow, but simple process. After dropping his health bar, climb onto Dr. Proton and perform a Strength Tap to break his neck. NOTES: If you flip a switch on a generator and Dr. Proton is not attached to it, a Bomb Ball will be released during the fight. GLITCH: Kuro-chan_101: On two occasions, the game froze during my fight with Dr. Proton. Fortunately, there is a checkpoint right before the battle begins. Heads up! ****************************************************************************** After the battle, General Graves will contact you, babbling about stuff you already know, then the door behind you opens up. Make sure to grab a Devastator before you leave (it will be very handy in the next level). Go through the door and after Dylan goes on about wanting spaghetti, the level will wrap up. NOTE: For the level to end, you actually 'need' to be on the other side of the door after Dylan says his little speech. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- MAGIC CARPET RIDE -- (CH44) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== A Dirty Magazine (+1 Ego) What's on the Computer? (+1 Ego) Bulls-Eye! (+2 Ego) -- NEW! - The "A Dirty Magazine" Ego Boost does not appear on the master list in the main menu. =============================================================================== Turn on the Hovercraft and start floating through the huge corridor. NOTES: This level is notorious for requiring Duke to dodge a ton of Laser Trip Mines (Whoever set this up in-game has a sick sense of humour and a lot of Laser Trip Mines to waste). Take this opportunity to grab the Ripper off the floor of the platform. If you managed to save the Devastator from the previous level, it will serve you well. Most of the Laser Trip Mines in the first set lay horizontal as your Hovercraft moves through the field. To dodge this first set: Duck, jump, duck, jump, then duck and line yourself up, as there is one row attached to the ceiling. CHECKPOINT Eventually the Hovercraft stops and you are ambushed. Wave 1) RPG Super Pigcops x 2, Ripper Pigcop x 1 Wave 2) Octabrains x 5, Maximum of 2 at a time on the field. With the Devastator in hand and an EDF supply crate you should have no problem with the Pigcops. When the Octabrains arrive, swap to the Ripper and unload on them while constantly moving. They don't have anything to throw here so they are far less lethal than usual. Avoid the blasts and keep filling them with lead to continue. Knock the debris out of the way to resume your pilgrimage through the huge corridor. NOTES: The Octobrains still catch explosive projectiles, like RPGs, Devastator shots, etc., but since you have an ally on the field, they are likely to throw the shots as him, instead of you. So long as he is the closer of the two, this is one time the Devastator is safe to use against them. CHECKPOINT There are six sets of Laser Trip Mines to dodge. Duck and work your way around them. Sets three and four are almost right next to each other and it will be difficult to determine where the gaps are until they are almost on top of you, so keep your eyes open (They are slightly to the left, then to the right). Proceed through a couple of unlocked doors, then come to a stop in front of a locked door. CHECKPOINT You are ambushed by three Ripper Pigcops. One of the best places to stand and fight is right behind the crates your little ally stands on; The crates are indestructible, Pigcops cannot spam Pipe Bombs at you from this distance and if they go berserk, they do not chase you, unless your leave the platform. Feel free to unleash your Devastator again as you still have the infinite ammo crate of awesome to fall back to. Dispose of the enemies and eventually four more Ripper Pigcops and a Shotgun Pigcop will replace them as you thin out the herd. Afterwards the elevator comes down with an RPG Super Pigcop inside. Dispose of (you should be able to kill him before he gets off a shot) easily. NOTES: While the platform is docked, the energy barrier that is normally raised will be lowered around the whole thing. That means there is a chance you can fall off the platform if you are not careful. The area below is instant death for Duke. Climb inside the elevator and press the red button. CHECKPOINT Ride the elevator up and fill up on the explosives cache along the way. You can spam the next area with Pipe Bombs all you want. When you reach the top of the shaft and travel forward, two Assault Troopers will move in on you. Pipe Bombs will clear them out easily. Turn around and be ready for an Assault Trooper Captain to attack you. After he is destroyed, the elevator will break and fall a little bit. Climb out and up the ladder, picking up an RPG Launcher along the way if you wish, and enter the door in front of you. In the next room is a Muddy magazine and a keyboard to access the computer. Do not flip the switch yet, but proceed to the next room. Inside you are ambushed by two Ripper Pigcops (The Devastator works great here). Underneath the catwalk is a Devastator you can grab/reload on. At the far end of the room is a dart board you can throw darts at. There is also a Railgun and Pipe Bombs to pick up next to the dartboard. If you walk to the dartboard an Assault Trooper will spawn behind you, so be careful. Head back and flip the switch. That opens up the big door and unlocks a smaller door nearby, giving you a shortcut back to the Hovercraft. Engage and defeat the three Assault Troopers going after Captain Dylan, then land on your Hovercraft and get it moving again (You can do the door fandango again here if you want, rushing out and taking some shots then hiding inside). CHECKPOINT. Next comes the worst of the Laser Trip Mines. Many of them are also moving around on their own. - Two are swinging back and forth. Time it so you dodge them by walking through the middle. - A whole line of Laser Trip Mines appears, impossible to dodge. Fortunately, the bridge they are all stuck on can be blown open by targeting the red barrels above. Once they explode, the bridge breaks, and a good-sized gap appears in the middle. - Two sets are swinging back and forth. Time it so you walk through a gap in the middle, when the sets are at their extreme angles. - Two hover up and down while one swings. Step over them or duck under them while they are at their far points while staying on the side the swinging laser is not on. - Two hover up and down while one set swings. Same strategy as above, except stay around the middle of the platform. - As the door opens a set above swings and two single along the side swing as well. These can be tricky to dodge so try to time for a gap opening in the center and move through it. - A whole series of Laser Trip Mines are spinning around in a circle. There are two ways to handle this set: * Start on the right side of the platform, then duck, then get over to the left side and stay until this run of lasers is done. * Stick to the far left side of the platform. No ducking required, just move around the first laser and none of the others come close. Continue to ride through the passageway and open door then the level wraps up. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- DRUNKEN CRANE MASTER -- (CH45) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Fire for Your Ass, Bitch! (+1 Ego) What's on the Computer? (+1 Ego) =============================================================================== Press the button on the hovercraft and ride it into the next room. "Fuck, Duke! Check out that crane! If I wasn't so little, I'd get up there myself and wave it around like a giant cock." -- Captain Dylan After the Hovercraft stops at the other end of the room, disembark. You can pick up a Beer and Shotgun nearby, but be warned, you are about to be ambushed by lots of enemies. Wave 1) Ripper Pigcops x 2, Pistol Pigcop Wave 2) Pistol Pigcop, Berserk Pigcop Wave 3) Assault Trooper Captains x 3 Wave 4) RPG Super Pigcop Wave 5) Assault Commander Waves 2-4 will overlap each other when casualties are inflicted. NOTES: The Devastator works well against the Assault Commander, as your shots will prematurely detonate his while in the air. CHECKPOINT Grab Captain Dylan and throw him over the gate so he can use the Particle Expander on the other side. He will open the gate for you, allowing you to climb the ladder and gain control of the crane. Once you have control of the crane, your first priority is to clear away the forklift and crates blocking the flight of stairs over to the other side. You need to move the forklift and two of the crates out of the way so you can climb up the stairs. It does not matter where you move the stuff, so long as you have a clear path to walk over. The light on the crane end will tell you where it is hovering. Once done, hop off the crane and move to the other side. Go through the opening on the far end of the wall, up the stairs and through the door. You will see a forklift that is still functional. Grab the switch and lower it. CHECKPOINT Hop in and drive the forklift out of the room. You can jump out and head back over to the crane. You will use the crane to pick up the forklift and bring it over to your side. Drop the forklift and exit the crane. Hop back into the forklift and push the large crates out of the way. Jump out and walk up to the door. CHECKPOINT An RPG Super Pigcop will pop out of the door. Dispose of him, climb up the stairs, turn right and open the door to the computer room. There is a computer you can access here and a hot drink to gulp down. Flip the glowing switch to open the door and head on back to the Hovercraft. Hit the switch on and get it floating again. ******************************************************************************* POINTLESS FUN: The writers of this guide found an amazing 'WTF-class' bug on this level. It is possible to solve this puzzle... while Dylan is still tiny, thus you do not use the crane. To demonstrate this, we will point out an interesting bug that will leave you stuck, forcing you to go re-load your last checkpoint. After you clear out the crane room of monsters, pick up Dylan, walk down into the pit and try to throw him onto the upper platform on the other side of the room (Opposite of the crane), where you get the forklift from. Normally, when you try, he bounces back at you. This is because when you pick up Dylan, a 'invisible wall' is generated, isolating that area from you. However, there is a way to get around that. Take Dylan with you to the pit, where the stairs are so you bump into an invisible wall, drop him, go up the stairs, then back down just enough so you can pick him up. You can now throw him over the ledge. Technically, he will not 'land', but maintain his circus performance in mid- air, just a little shy of landing. Unfortunately, if you throw him out of your range, you will never be able to pick up Dylan and you will not be able to continue the rest of the campaign, since the invisible wall stays up, preventing you from going to the other side. This also creates an unusual side-effect of magnifying many of the physics in the game. Duke is able to push around some of the smaller crates and certain explosive weapons can send the bigger crates flying through the air. Now, in the following points of action, here is what you must do to pull this glitch off. You can do this on any difficulty and with any cheats on, if you simply want to see this work: - Complete the usual ass-kicking when ambushed. - Pick up Dylan. - Carry him down the stairs and try to climb up the other stairs, only to find an invisible wall is blocking you. - "Drop" (Not throw) Dylan while walking into the wall. If you do this right, the invisible wall should still be an issue and Dylan should still be close enough to pick up again. If you cannot pick up Dylan, he is too far and you will need to re-load the checkpoint. Just verify you 'can' pick him up and leave him there for the next part. - Use an RPG or Pipe Bomb to clear the crate that is blocking your path (And watch with eyes wide open just how far that crate actually flies). - Pick up Dylan and make some attempt to throw him back to the other side without climbing up the stairs. You should fail, but that should also trigger the invisible wall to drop, allowing you to go to the other side. - Grab the forklift and drive it down into the pit. Raise the fork as high as you can, then pop off it. - Grab Dylan and jump onto the forklift (Do not use the stairs) to reach the higher platform. - The problem is now the pallets that are blocking your path. You will need to 'glitch' at least one of them into disappearing. Start by pushing smaller green (olive-coloured) crates, forcing it into the pallets. Applying considerable force to the crate will glitch the pallet, so it must be as tight as possible. - Find a means to violently rock the pallet: Typically, either one of these work: * Setup Captain Dylan so he is tight between (or beside) the green crate and the large pallet, then swoop down to pick him up. If you angle it right so your arm movement moves alongside the green crate, this should knock the create into the pallet. This could send the crate flying and destroy the pallet. This may take a few tries, but this one normally works. * Use an RPG or Pipe Bomb to physically knock the crate into the pallet. - The pallet is gone, but an invisible wall remains. Pick up Dylan. While walking into the invisible wall, throw him. If you do this right, you should be able to pass on through, flip the switch in the computer and get the large door to open. Fortunately, the invisible wall is one-way only, so you will have no problems returning to the Hovercraft - Back track and pick up Dylan along the way. Head over to the Hovercraft, drop Dylan and press the button on the Hovercraft to continue on. What you must not do, EVER: - Climb the stairs up to the platform with the crane. This screws up the glitch, resetting all the physics issues. - Press the button on the platform without Dylan there. The Hovercraft will not go anywhere without Dylan on it and you will be waiting 'forever' for Dylan to show up, since he does not move around on his own (while shrunk) and the barrier will block you from going to get him. Congratulations. You have just accomplished a major WTF glitch in the DLC add-on of Duke Nukem Forever. NOTES: If you bring Dylan along while he is tiny, you will get to see and hear him makes his final comments in his tiny voice. At the next level though, he is back to full size (Since in-game you were supposed to let him use the Particle Expander). ******************************************************************************* CHECKPOINT "Hey! There's the exit! This is kinda like being born... without the pussy." -- Captain Dylan. Gradually float your way back up to the surface. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- ALL YOUR BASE... -- (CH46) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== A Sudzy Magazine (+1 Ego) Like a Punching Bag (+1 Ego) Curl It! (+2 Ego) - All three Ego Boosts are together in the same small storage building (you travel through with Dylan and Graves), before you meet up with the Duke Clones. =============================================================================== Finally arriving on the surface, you are greeted by General Graves who updates you on the situation. The hovercraft shuts down, allowing you to leave the building. "Noooo!!! My uber crate of awesomeness! I must leave you now..." CHECKPOINT Head onto the battlefield (Hellooooo, Call of Duty: Nukem Edition) and you actually get some space to run around. There are a number of different features in this area, so they will be listed: - On your side of the field, there is an EDF ammo cache to your left. Several Pipe Bombs and a Ripper sit next to the cache closest to you. - Right in front of you are a number of sandbags piled to serve as cover. The one closest to you has a Railgun leaning on them. - Inside the booth by the 'entrance' (to your right) in an explosives cache. - At the other end of the field, you can find another EDF ammo cache (sitting in a truck) with an RPG Launcher beside it. Also, beside a pile of sandbags is a turret that faces towards the entrance. NOTES: Take advantage of the unlimited ammo for this ongoing battle. Keep a weapon more suited for close quarters combat handy, in case a Pigcop goes berserk and starts chasing you down. If you are good with headshots, the Pistol might be the best choice. Otherwise, keep a Shotgun or Ripper handy. You should keep your distance from all enemies, letting an RPG lock onto targets from far away. Dylan and Graves are invincible, plus they can damage enemies. Let them be decoys for as long as you can, so you are not taking the hits. You end up walking into the middle of a three-way fight between your forces, Proton's army and the aliens. At the other end of the area, An EDF dropship delivers some EDF soldiers, but they are instantly defeated by two Duke Bots, wielding a Pistol and an RPG, who are in turn ambushed by two Pigcops wielding Pistols and a Shotgun. All of these units will attack you if you get their attention, but will also fight each other. Once dead, another dropship flies over to the other side, dropping off a Pistol Pigcop and two Shotgun Pigcops. One of the Shotgun Pigcops goes berserk after it gets dropped, so be ready for some chasing time. Defeat all three Pigcops, then a Duke Bot appears along the cliff side wielding a Railgun. This robot is very dangerous, as a precise hit can get you in a lot of trouble, but fortunately it has lousy aim. Dispose of it ASAP. Opposite from where the Duke Bot shot at you, the doors to a shed (Marked with the number fifty-one above them) will open, revealing a Pistol Duke Bot and a Ripper Duke Bot. An RPG Duke Bot will also appear from the sidedoor, unlocking it as well. They should be not be difficult to take out, especially with an RPG. Inside the warehouse is a Devastator by the truck and Steroids along the far wall if you wish to take them. The weapon can be useful for the next battle. CHECKPOINT Graves will yell out your next objective. Gunships are inbound but you have your weapon and on a ute/ truck outside is an EDF supply crate. Two gunships (on opposite end of the field) will be overhead. People having flashbacks and fever dreams about the gunships in the main campaign can relax. These ones do not have any heavy weapons, just machine gun turrets. Still, with one on each end of the field, it is not easy to find suitable cover from both ships. Focus fire and dispose of it so you can more easily take out the second one. Manning the turret is not advised, since it leaves you wide open to attack. CHECKPOINT Your allies will then continue their advance (Retreat? Sideways movement? ...They definitely don't go in a straight line). Another door opens up, opposite shed fifty-one and revealing a Pistol Duke Bot and a Ripper Duke Bot. Once they are down kick open the doorway behind them. In the small office in front of you is a Sudz magazine, a locker with two pipe bombs and an EDF crate with a Trip Mine and another Pipe Bomb. In the larger room is a punching bag you can melee with your gun, and a locked fence which you can shoot/smack the lock off to access. Several curling weight and EDF crate with a Holoduke inside await you. You can even take a dumbbell with you to throw at enemies, if you want. Smack the door open and head back out into the rain. CHECKPOINT "What the fuck? Duke! There's more of ya!" "Not for long." -- Captain Dylan and Duke Nukem You arrive to find three Duke Clones guarding a large entrance hall. There is a Dukebot with a Ripper, one with a Pistol and another with an RPG, so stay alert. NOTES: Word of warning, do not take cover behind the car until after it explodes (BahamutZero found that out the hard way). After they are defeated, the large door they were guarding opens up. Head on through to finish the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- TUNNEL VISION -- (CH47) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG This level is rather short. There are no special Achievements or Ego Boosts to worry about, so you can plow through without having to stop for anything special. Head forward keeping your eyes on the left tunnel. By the concrete barriers, you can find a Shotgun and Railgun laying on the ground. When shots ring out grab some cover and use the divider between the two tunnels to lay into the five Pigcops below (two Pistol, a Shotgun and two Berserks after they start taking casualties). Once they bite the bullet, head through the small office between tunnels. NOTES: You can get a distant lock-on with an RPG before they 'notice' you. Even though it does not look dangerous, falling into the pit on the right is insta-death. CHECKPOINT Wave 1) Pistol Pigcop, Shotgun Pigcop Wave 2) Assault Trooper Captains x 3 Wave 3) Pistol Pigcop, Shotgun Pigcop, Assault Trooper Captain As Wave Three drops in, a Ripper Duke Bot and RPG Duke Bot 'slowly' approaches from behind them as well. They will need to be disposed of too. Take out the first wave with the weapons you have on hand and then quickly jump on the turret. If you are quick enough the progressive waves won't even have time to leave their initial cover behind the car at the end of the corridor. You can also aim at the car to explode the Pigcops. Just watch out for the two 'idiots' you are with, as they may end up in front of you while you man the turret. CHECKPOINT After going through where you fought the aliens and bots, look to your left to see a big hole in well. Go through it and open the door ahead of you and take a look inside the storage room. Inside you can find a Freeze Ray, an three EDF crates, containing: Steroids, a Pipe Bomb two Laser Trip Mines. Exit and walk to your left where the truck trailer has rolled over. Carefully walk around the edge and inside. Aside from a collection of packaged dildos, you can find two EDF crates: One contains a Pipe Bomb and the other contains a Holoduke and another Pipe Bomb. Exit the truck and climb up the ramp. You can slightly backtrack to pick up a Shotgun and Railgun, if you wish. Back towards the ramp, An EDF corpse with a Ripper can be seen. Move along and a Ripper Duke Bot will open the door to your right. Enter the door and watch an RPG Duke Clone and a Ripper Duke Clone engage two Assault Trooper Captains. Let them fight it out and kick the crap out of the winner or get involved for more kills, either way works. In the room to the right of where you fight, there are two EDF crates in the far corner. One contains a Pipe Bomb and a Laser Trip Mine. The other contains a Laser Trip Mine CHECKPOINT A Shotgun Pigcop shows up, trying to ruin all the fun. Dispose of him. In that room, the third locker from the left may be opened up to find a Beer inside. Head out the new door back into the tunnel. As you exit the door the small security booth is the best cover in the area for the upcoming shootout but only the Ripper or Rail Gun will be effective from that position. There is also a brand spanking new Rail Gun in front of this as well to use. Two Enforcers with Shields will slowly waddle forward from the far end of the tunnel. Use the Rail Gun or your Pipe Bombs to blow away their shields and lay into them with your other weapons. Unfortunately, after the Enforcers are dead, or if you get too close to the huge door at the end of the tunnel, a large fat party crasher (AKA Assault Commander) drops in to have some fun at your expense. This will be the last enemy you need to use your guns on for a while, so go ahead and throw everything you have at it. Use the Enforcer Guns, Rail Gun or whatever else you have on hand to make short work of this threat. If you want to be really cheap you can grab the Expander from the far end of the tunnel (by the corpse along the 'right' side of the tunnel). One shot makes your weapons four times as effective, plus it reduced their movement and attack speed, making them much less of a threat while under the effect. Two hits will kill an Enforcer, but the Assault Commander is too powerful. Regardless, the Expander is still useful. After the fight, Graves will curse and bitch about not being able to access the teleporter. Then the aliens will start blowing the tunnels. Dylan will try to lift the roller door but needs your help to open it fully. You can be a bit of a prick here and steal his Shotgun (For all the good it does not do). After winning the Strength Tap you will be face-to-face with the Magic School Bus. Hop in. CHECKPOINT Now you're in the bus and all three enemies getting in your way will have a bad day (An RPG Duke Bot and two Ripper Duke Bots). Use the ramps to jump gaps and splatter enemies until you reach the cutscene outside and the level ends, in veeeeryyyy slooooow mooootion... POINTLESS FUN: Try driving the school bus backwards through the tunnel. Too bad they do not fix your angle for the cutscene at the end. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- THE BURNING BUSH -- (CH48) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Bulls-Eye! (+2 Ego) Science Experiments Gone Wild (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Space Shooter Duke (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Stop Pissin' Around! (+1 Ego) - There are several discrepencies between what is listed in the main menu and what you can actually earn here. The first Ego Boost "Bulls-Eye!" is not listed in the main menu, yet a dart board is in the main building and you can throws darts at it to boost your ego. Also, boosts for looking in a mirror and using a computer are listed in the main menu, yet no mirror or computer can be found in this level. =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Scientits (+10G / Bronze) - Earn a 1,000,000 pinball score on the Scientits pinball machine - This game has no cheap exploit you can use to rack up points like the first one, but it is easier to earn points as you play, so it is matter of getting the combo boosts as early as you can and hanging in there until you get the million. To earn combo, there are three points you need to roll over (her necklace being the most well hidden). When all three are lit up red, a combo is earned with a maximum of eight times multiplier. =============================================================================== General Graves will hop off of the bus, starting up yet another lengthy conversation you cannot skip. (He sure likes to talk a LOT). Anyhow, he will give you your orders: Head up to the "Burning Bush" (Hot name for a Brothel out in the middle of nowhere, I suppose) and speak with Dr. Valencia. Drive the bus until it runs outta gas (What is it with vehicles in Duke's universe? one hundred gallons to the mile or something?). Time to save the world again by helping out a brothel... Classy... CHECKPOINT "Anything for science, baby." -- Duke Nukem There is very little you can do outside the main building (Aside from watching Dylan make an ass out of himself), so enter the Burning Bush for an eyeful and the most enthusiastic lip service you can imagine... Not. Valencia is not convinced you are the real Duke Nukem, but offers you a chance to prove yourself. You will be given three tasks to complete: Get the generator in the back working again (Need gas for it), deal with two rude customers (introduce them to your fists) and clean up a rat problem in the cellar (in a violent way). CHECKPOINT While you are inside the main building, there is a dart board (by the bar) you can throw darts at, two arcade games you can play (well, one, since Duke refuses to play the other one) and a pinball machine you can score lots of points on. The last items are by the fireplace on the other side of the bar. NOTES: In the space invaders clone game (with the Duke Nukem cabinet), only the yellow bombs actually damage your lives so you can ignore the red bombers. Customer (dis)Service: This one you can start first, since the problem is inside the establishment. There are two male customers giving their service providers a hard time (no innuendo intended). The first one is in a room with two doors, downstairs. One is located between the arcade machines, the other beside the karaoke booth. Enter the room to find Jerk Number One and teach him a lesson in showing proper respect. The girl thanks you by offering you a freebie, but Duke passes on it (uh, are we sure he isn't actually a clone? Would the real Duke pass on that?). The second one is in the bathroom upstairs. Head up the stairs and into the furthest room on the right and greet Jerk Number Two... in a violent way. Once his face is on the floor, the first task is done. You can also use the toilet facilities here, if you want. POINTLESS FUN: IF you go to the room along the far left end of the wall (the locked door closest to the stairs), you can hear a very... unusual dialogue between a guy and a girl. It's worth it to listen in at least once. Generator fillin': Head back downstairs and through the kitchen (It's by the bar). Exit the building and, turn left and head around the corner to find the generator. Duke deduces it needs gas (like everything in his universe). There are two places you can find gas: By the tractor at the front and in the outhouse at the back. The one by the outhouse is closer, so head over and grab the gas can, head back to the generator and fill it up. Rodent Removal: Backtrack to the kitchen door. Nearby is the cellar door. Open it up and head down to begin your rat patrol. CHECKPOINT There are five rats for you to stomp. Four of them are out in the open and one is hidden. Either pick them up and play with them or squish them under your boot... OR you can wait. Open the room in the back and get ambushed by a Shrink Ray Pigcop. Get away from him and engage any Rats chasing after you while tiny. Wait until you grow up again, then engage the Pigcop in a fist fight until you defeat him. The task is completed after five rats and the Pigcop are dead. NOTES: It may be easier to kill the rats while shrunk, since they will actively pursue and attack you. Head back to where Dr. Valencia is and speak to her again. She will ask you to meet her by the shed. It is located to the far right of the building (while facing the front of the main building). CHECKPOINT You will have to collect Captain Dylan from his dream gal Sally, first (the middle portable, where you may have seen him prostrating himself in front of her door). Watch his inglorious exit from his lovely lady's abode and then head back to the outhouse/ shed on top of the small hill. "What are you like... his sidekick?" "Hey... show me your titties!" -- Dr. Valencia And Captain Dylan. Meet Dr. Valencia there and she'll open it up for you (So many opportunities for innuendo here, seriously trying not to). Enter the shed with Dylan and the level will conclude. GLITCH: After parking the bus, walk all the way back to the beginning and jump off the cliff (to your left) into the river with Invincibility turned on. Normally, this would be fatal, but it is very possible to land at the very bottom and walk around the bottom of the lake. Walk, not swim. The developers did not setup an underwater area below the water threshold. It looks perfectly clear while walking along. If you climb the sides high enough, you can eventually cross through the threshold and see the lake surface, but you can only see it from above, not below. There is a lot of ground to cover, but it is a boxed in area, with invisible walls just in front of each end of the lake. There is no escape from this place, however. You will have to load the last checkpoint to resume your game. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- TELEPORTATION SPIRE -- (CH49) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG There are no special Achievements or Ego Boosts in this level. "Woo-ee! That's damn epic! Kinda makes me wanna say the word dick over and over again... for no reason. Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick!" -- Captain Dylan Take the shedevator down to a familiar location. Step out and start crossing the bridge (to the tune of flight of the valkyries.... we wish). CHECKPOINT As soon as you enter the complex, The EDF corpse has a Shotgun and Pipe Bomb nearby you should grab. There is a Ripper and Expander here as well at the other end of the room, along with a Holoduke in an EDF crate. Walk into the teleporter room. GLITCH: After the CHECKPOINT triggers, do not attempt to backtrack. Once the doors behind you close, they lock in place and cannot be opened again. If you backtrack to the previous room , then the doors close, you will be trapped and will have to re-load the last checkpoint. CHECKPOINT There are lots of weapons to choose from in the Teleporter Room: - A Freeze Ray is located between the two doors you can enter from. - A Impregnader and an EDF crate with two Pipe Bombs inside are on the left side. - An EDF ammo cache can be found on the right side. - An EDF ammo cache and Railgun can be found down the stairs and to your left. - A Ripper can found along the very far right, near the stairs leading to the teleporter. The Teleporter Beam is set on receive only at the moment (unfortunately), which means waves of enemies are going to come pouring through it. The expander can come in handy here (for Berserk Pigcops) Wave 1) Pistol Pigcop, Shotgun Pigcop, Ripper Pigcop Wave 2) Pistol Pigcop, Shotgun Pigcop, Ripper Pigcop x 2 (3 show up at first) Wave 3) Ripper Pig Gop, Assault Trooper Captain x 3 Two RPG Super Pigcops appear on both balconies during waves two and three. CHECKPOINT "Holy shit! Alien explosive dia-fucking-hrea! We gotta stem this tide! Maybe reversing the polarity will do it! Damn! I sounded like a real scientist, there. Fuck yeah! Sweet! I'm smart!" -- Captain Dylan Wave 4) Pistol Pigcop, Shotgun Pigcop, Ripper Pigcop Wave 5) Enforcer x 2 Wave 6) Assault Trooper Captain x 1 (From the Control Room) The Expander is difficult to use on the Enforcer, since it has little effect on the shield. Enforcers are slow to turn sometimes, so you may be able to catch them at an exposed angle and use the Expander then. Overall, try to use your existing strategies for knocking off their shields, then kill them quickly. Kill off the final Assault Trooper to enter the control room at last. Enter the Control Center and flip the glowing switch (Gotta love how switches work in this universe). After Dylan bitches about having to stay behind, head out of the room and step into the teleporter beam to finish the level. DDD__I__GGG____________________________________________________________________ D D I G D D I G GG -- DUKE SIDE OF THE MOON -- (CH50) D D_I_G G____________________________________________________________________ DDD I GGG =============================================================================== EGO BOOSTS AVAILABLE: =============================================================================== Raise the Flag (+2 Ego) -- NEW! =============================================================================== ACHIEVEMENTS OBTAINABLE: =============================================================================== Bloody Red Rover (+10G / Bronze) - Kill 30 enemies with the moon rover - There are more than thirty enemies to run over in this level. Some will not appear until you drive near their crater or spawn point. If you take the time to spawn all the crater enemies and run over the unavoidable ones you should easily reach your quota. I Am All That Is Man - Again (+20G / Bronze) - Discover all Ego cap awards in The Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign - Follow the Ego Boost sections in this guide to find them all (it's a lot easier on console as you only need certain ones) Another Piece of Cake (+20G / Bronze) - Beat the Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Easy Difficulty - Story based (stackable). There is no lower difficulty. Let's Rock Out (+30G / Bronze) - Beat the Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Normal Difficulty - Story based (stackable). Complete the game on at least normal difficulty to unlock this achievement. Come Get A Little More (+35G / Bronze) - Beat the Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Hard Difficulty - Story based (stackable). Complete the game on at least hard difficulty to unlock this achievement. Damn, I'm REALLY Good (+40G / Bronze) - Beat the Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Insane Difficulty - Story based. Hopefully since you are following this Damn I'm Good challenge guide you are playing on this difficulty and will unlock all the remaining difficulty based achievements. =============================================================================== The last level is finally here! Step off the teleporter pad and shoot the solitary Assault Trooper in the next room. Examine the large monitors to see your babes in distress. You must go to them. Unfortunately, they will have to wait. "Rock and roll." -- Duke Nukem Enter the back room where the three small offices are located. Flip the switch in the middle room to drop the Mako.... er, Moon Buggy... Err, Moon Rover in the next room and hop in. NOTES: Remember that underwater level (that kinda sucked) and the Mighty Foot levels from the main campaign? Combine them and this is what you get, minus the excessively-slow movement speed. POINTLESS FUN: Duke may be all that is awesome, but even he cannot survive on the moon without support. If you look down on Duke while he is out of the vehicle, you can see there is some sort of energy shielding protecting him; possibly some alternative to a spacesuit (maybe his Ego given physical form? The mysteries of Nukem have no end). Roll into, then out of the airlock to drive onto the surface. CHECKPOINT Enemies in this level generally pose very little threat while you are in the Moon Rover. The path is extremely linear until you reach a massive jump you have to make (full NOS on the far left side all the way and angle to the right before you go over the jump). If you are trying to get the achievement for killing enemies with the buggy check all the craters for victims. Thirty kills is very doable on one run-through. GLITCH: Before you arrive in the area, you will (sometimes) cross a threshold where the quality of the graphics seem to change. If you can park your vehicle right on the spot where the change happens, you can see parts or all of your vehicle disappear off the screen. CHECKPOINT When you arrive at the massive expanse of alien tendrils your rover will (you guessed it) run out of fuel. Having underwater level deja vu yet? Pods on the tendrils can be shot away to provide jets of air to stand in. There is also an EDF supply crate and a Ripper near the buggy if you need to restock. Watch out for the small claw-like arms on the large central structures. They can deal a fair whack of damage if you are not careful. You can do this next section in one of two ways: - Proceed along the tentacles, passing by structures until you come to one where three Pregnators spawn from. Dispose of them and move on. Between structures is a Duke Clone on the ground (to your left) with an Impregnader next to it. At the next structure, two Assault Trooper Captains will attack you. They tend to teleport far away and attack from a distance. Try to dispose of them before moving on. The last structure will spawn three Pregnators and two Assault Trooper Captains. Be extra wary, since there are a lot of units attacking you. Once they are dead, descend into the large crater with the damaged Moon Rover. - If you have a full Ego Bar and can make good use of being able to sprint and jump, you can actually make a run right for the crater. Head to the first pod with the claws (not the one with the Pregnators) and bust open an oxygen vent. When you are full of hot air (har-dee-har), sprint for the crater. There are no oxygen pods close enough, so do not make any attempts to detour to one. Just head straight for the crater. If you are fast enough, you can reach it without your Ego bar being completely depleted. This area contains the fuel cell you need to keep going. Beside the damaged vehicle is a small crater with a flag laying on the ground. You can re-plant it. The handy EDF ammo cache will let you stock up on ammo, plus there is a Ripper and Expander to pick up, if you wish. Approach the power cell on the back of the Rover. CHECKPOINT Now, there is the small matter of the obvious ambush that awaits you. The Expander works really well on all the flying enemies (Two shots, FTW). Wave 1) Assault Trooper x2 Wave 2) Assault Trooper x2 Wave 3) Assault Trooper Captain x2 Wave 4) Assault Trooper Captain x2 You'll notice that jump pads have opened up on the crater wall all around you. Jump onto the one 'behind' you, allowing you to return to your buggy. Grab the fuel cell if you didn't already and head back. Expect three Assault Trooper Captains to "Welcome you back" to your Moon Rover with laser fire. You can either rush to refuel it and get in or take them out. The choice is yours. Also, do not forget about the nearby EDF ammo cache. CHECKPOINT Once you are back in the buggy you need to head to the far side of the large crater from before to find a smaller one behind it. Two Troopers will spawn at the base of a convenient ramp that will take you over the large tendril. Splatter and jump the gap to find a ramp to ascend alongside a massive tentacle. Try to aim for the right side of the tentacle. Even though it appears higher, it is much closer to you than the left side and you should make the jump. Head down the linear path, ramming as you go to finally come face-to-face with the Alien Empress. ******************************************************************************* BOSS BATTLE: ALIEN EMPRESS HEALTH: 2400 (1st time), 2000 (Ovaries, 1st time), 3000 (2nd time), 2400 (Ovaries, 2nd time) DIFFICULTY: 3/5 EFFECTIVE WEAPONS: Devastator, Ripper, Freeze Ray (if you saved it) ATTACKS: Stomp * Occasionally the Empress will stomp a leg or stump. If it lands directly on you, it will send you flying through the air. If it sends you far enough, it is an instant kill, otherwise it does no damage. Spines * 5 dmg. per spine (On normal, 10 dmg. on DiG), up to 4 spines per volley. * These fly from the back of the Empress. Easy to avoid as long as you keep moving. Dual Spike * 50 dmg. per spine (On normal, 100 dmg. on DiG), 2 spines per attack * The Empress thrusts two large spikes into the ground. These track you and come up under your last known position. If you are not moving, these can kill you in one hit on DiG difficulty. Spawn Assault Captain * Every time you smash a leg one to three of these guys will spawn at the stump. STRATEGY: The basic strategy is to use the rover to smash the glowing tips of her legs. Every time you do this an Assault Trooper Captain or two will spawn at that crater leg. Run them down and then repeat this process until the Alien Empress reveals her hole (that's actually what the game calls it. Don't blame us). Ramp the moon buggy into her hole (Large run up and boost required) to enter her womb (lovely). Inside you will find Pregnators, a Devastator and an EDF ammo cache (W-what?). Above your head are two large oval shaped growths. These are her ovaries. Shoot one out to get spat out and begin round two. NOTES: The Pregnators spawn without end, no matter how many eggs you blow up. However, they do not tend to follow you to the other end of the womb, so sprint to the other end and attack the ovaries from there. Concentrate your fire on just one ovary. The HP bar is set to automatically go down to half-level, even though you do not necessarily cause enough damage to reach that level. CHECKPOINT (Yes an actual checkpoint in a Duke Nukem boss battle!) Get back in the buggy and resume your leg smashing rampage. The only differences with this run are: you have to smash all the legs this time and when you enter the womb for a second time. There a couple Pregnator eggs that hatch when you enter, but your enemies mostly consist of Octabrains. You can: * Use a Holoduke and/or Beer while blasting at the remaining ovary to stay alive. * Stay where you arrived and attack from a distance with the Devastator, stepping up to reload as you need to. Even if the Octabrains catch some of the missiles and throw them back at you, you should have enough time to safely dodge them. Once the ovary explodes you are once again vomited outside. After that it's just a matter of ramming your large metal buggy down the throat of the Empress to finish the game. NOTES: While there are a couple of Pregnators running around, they come in a limited number. This time, the Octobrains spawn without any limit. Even though you destroy an ovary during the first battle, sometimes you can shoot at the same one again, or the ovary still intact moves over to the side where you already destroyed one. The checkpoints appear to reset which one you have destroyed. Even after you destroy an ovary, enemies can still attack you, despite you not being able to see them for a few seconds, due to all the visual distortions happening. There is a bug in the game during the second phase of the Ovary attack. As soon are you land inside, back up to the far wall (the one behind you), quickly drop your Holoduke, then sprint over to the far end of the room and start blasting away at the remaining ovary. There is a good chance the Octobrains will not pursue you and will remain 'stuck' where you started. When you need ammo, get 'just' close enough to the EDF cache and repeat. ******************************************************************************* Watch Duke get his reward and the (excessively brief) credits roll. Sounds like Dylan will be busy for a while I'm afraid, Duke. Oh well, guess you will just have to amuse yourself. ******************************************************************************* *********************************** ENEMIES *********************************** ******************************************************************************* The enemy health is listed for all four difficulties: - Health: Easy / Normal / Hard / DiG Enemy difficulty is based on the assessments made by the writers of this guide/walk-through. Regardless, no enemy is ever be taken lightly. In sufficient numbers, any opponent can kill you and send you back to the loading screen. Target and take out anything you see with extreme prejudice. - Difficulty: 1/5 - Easy enough. 2/5 - Somewhat harassing. 3/5 - Dangerous. Be cautious when approaching one 4/5 - Very Dangerous. Use some extra items when dealing with one. 5/5 - Refer to special tactics used to defeat these creatures. These enemies are nuts. All the damage ratings listed for Weapons / Attacks are based on measurements to Duke's Ego Bar after he takes a hit, assuming Duke's EGO Bar is around 100 points when fully upgraded (105 in the DLC add on). These are rough estimates, and may be off a point or two in either direction. All damage numbers are listed for Normal difficulty. For DiG difficulty, double that number. Headshot Weakness was taken by observing if an enemy requires much less ammo from the Pistol to take it out. Generally, the more humanoid-like aliens with a head are vulnerable while the more alien-like creatures do not appear to have the weakness. Below the basic stats list some basic tactics. =============================================================================== - Assault Trooper =============================================================================== Health: 42 / 60 / 78 / 120 Difficulty: 1/5 Weapons / Attacks: * AT Laser - 4 dmg. * Light Melee - 13 dmg. * Gun Melee - 20 dmg. * Heavy Melee - 30 dmg. * Stomp (While shrunk) - 50 dmg. Headshot Weakness: Yes - Dressed in green, these common, easy-to-find aliens are not a serious threat when by themselves. They can become dangerous when you face a group of them. - Some fly around with jetpacks, limiting the usefulness of some slower- traveling weapons like the AT Lasers. - Be careful when getting to close to them. Their melee attacks can do a lot of damage. =============================================================================== - Assault Trooper Captain =============================================================================== Health: 84 / 120 / 156 / 240 Difficulty: 2/5 Weapons / Attacks: * AT (Captain) Laser - 4 dmg. * Light Melee - 13 dmg. * Gun Melee - 20 dmg. * Heavy Melee - 30 dmg. Headshot Weakness: Yes - Dressed in red and more armoured, their ability to fly around in the air and teleport behind you makes them a more dangerous opponent to deal with. STRATEGY: Their ability to teleport can make them frustrating: They become invincible once they start their teleport, resulting in wasted ammo if you do not stop firing and you have to wait around for them to re-appear. When they can, they will try to teleport behind you. Try to anticipate this, when possible. Shotgun, RPG Launcher, Railgun and other weapons that deal a lot of damage per shot are more useful against this enemy because of their frequent desire to teleport after being hit. Ripper, AT Laser, Devastator and weapons that deal only a little damage per hit will 'frequently' trigger the Captain's teleport ability, making you waste a lot of ammo in the process. Turrets are surprisingly useful against Assault Trooper Captains; they do not appear to trigger their teleport ability often. =============================================================================== - Assault Commander =============================================================================== Health: 700 / 1000 / 1300 / 2000 Difficulty: 3/5 Weapons / Attacks: * RPG Launcher - 40dmg. * Spin Blade Charge - 35 * Melee - 20 Headshot Weakness: Yes - These flying fat blobs are dangerous and should be respected in any circumstance. They fire explosives out their butts and require a lot of firepower to bring down. STRATEGY: Shrink Ray will reduce it in size. Finish it off with the Shotgun or Pipe Bomb. The Expander is unable to kill this unit in one hit. However, the Expander will still greatly reduce it's attack and movement speed while leaving it more vulnerable to conventional damage; It turns the Assault Commander into target practice while under this effect. Freeze Ray (3D-Mode) is a good weapon to use since the creature is not very fast. With lots of ammo and a good rate of fire, it should be simple enough to bring one down with it. =============================================================================== - Bombball =============================================================================== Health: One-hit from anything to trigger it's explosion. Difficulty: 3/5 Weapons / Attacks: * Suicide - 40 damage (Normal) Headshot Weakness: Yes - Small, fast and quite evasive, they can be tricky to take out. Also, they never appear alone. STRATEGY: The two times you normally face them in-game (Though depending on how you handle things, there is a chance of facing one in "Going Down"), you have a limited number of different weapons at your disposal. IN SECURITY: * Three Bombballs appear while you are fighting off the waves of Pregnators and Octababies. If you are lucky, they will attack them instead of you. If not, either the Shotgun or Ripper will work fine. So long as two of them do not deliver their full payload to your Duke's personal body, he will be fine. THE DOCTOR IS IN: * At this point in the game, your weapon options will be limited to: Pistol, Shotgun, Ripper, RPG Launcher, Enforcer Gun, Devastator, and Impregnader. The Ripper's high rate of fire can hit these quickly and trigger their explosive payload. It is probably the best-suited weapon for this endeavor. Devastator, Enforcer Gun and Shotgun are decent choices, but the Devastator and Enforcer Gun are risky, because explosive weapons tend to drive them to fly at you before they explode. The Pistol's low rate of fire makes it possible, but not the best choice. The Impregnader's limited range and firing arc and the RPG Launcher's poor ability to track the enemy makes them both ill-advised to use. =============================================================================== - Duke Bot =============================================================================== Health: 95 / 135 / 176 / 270 Difficulty: 2/5 Weapons / Attacks: * Melee - 10 dmg. * Pistol - 4 dmg. * Shotgun - 80 dmg. (Max.) * Ripper - 4 dmg. * Railgun - 60 dmg. * RPG Launcher - 30 dmg. (Max.) * Pipebomb - 90 dmg. (Max.) Headshot Weakness: Yes - Also known as Dukeinators (Some websites) and Security Bots (General Graves and in-game waiting screen guide), this challenge guide/walkthrough goes by how they are identified in the DLC add-on campaign mission, "Me, Myself and I" when you speak to one. These bots are slow, but can be quite lethal if you do not take care in handling them. - Dr. Proton identified these bots as Phase I in his project. STRATEGY: Trading speed and Berserk Mode for more health, Duke Bots are 'marginally' easier than Pigcops. The Expander functions like an EMP on Duke Bots and temporarily disables them. The Shrink Ray works effectively on a Duke Bot. In the level "The Carousel", the Shrink Ray is often a preferred weapon over the Expander. =============================================================================== - Duke Clone =============================================================================== Health: 95 / 135 / 176 / 270 Difficulty: 2/5 Weapons / Attacks: * Melee - 10 dmg. * Pistol - 4 dmg. * Shotgun - 80 dmg. (Max.) * Ripper - 4 dmg. * RPG Launcher - 30 dmg. (Max.) * Shrink Ray - (Shrinks Duke) * Grapple (The Carousel) - 10dmg. per second. Headshot Weakness: Yes - Generally, these robots are faster than their "Phase I" counterparts. - Dr. Proton (possibly) identified these bots as Phase II in his project. - Duke Clones have not been observed throwing Pipe Bombs. =============================================================================== - Egg Pod =============================================================================== Health: 19, 25, 33, 50 Difficulty: 1/5 Headshot Weakness: No - The egg itself is no threat. However, some eggs do contain Pregnators and open up when Duke gets close enough. They also seem to open up, even if they cannot see Duke, so their methods are based on proximity, not line of sight. If you can manage to stay far enough from an egg, it is possible to shoot it before it opens up. - Shooting an destroying an egg before it opens will also destroy the contents inside, killing the Pregnator if the egg carries one. - The name "Egg Pod" is taken from the loading screen. - Egg Pods are unaffected by the Shrink Ray. - Egg Pods explode with one shot from the Expander. =============================================================================== - Enforcer =============================================================================== Health: 210 / 300 / 390 / 600 Difficulty: 2/5 Weapons / Attacks: * Enforcer Gun - 9(Hit), 5 (Near-Miss) * Melee - 41 (Max.) Headshot Weakness: Yes - Quite different from the Enforcers in Duke Nukem 3D. Instead of being equipped with a chaingun-like weapon, they use their own Enforcer Guns; launchers that fire guided weapons in bursts of three. They are slow on the field, but can take a lot of damage. - Some Enforcers carry around large shields. These need to be blasted off to gain easy access to the creature's internal organs. They also protect the Enforcers from Shrink Ray and Expander blasts, but can still be affected by the Freeze Ray. STRATEGY: There are ways to approach an Enforcer: Stay very far away and use a long- range weapon to take it out, get very close to the creature and 'encourage' it to waste it's time trying to melee you. Either way, take advantage of any and all available cover. Their weapons work best in mid-range and enjoy tracking you down. Shrink Ray and Expander work very nicely in quickly taking out this opponent, provided they are not using a shield. =============================================================================== Pigcop / Berserk Pigcop: =============================================================================== Health: 70 / 100 / 130 / 200 Difficulty: 2/5 or 4/5 (Berserk) Weapons / Attacks: * Melee - 30 dmg. * Pistol - 4 dmg. * Shotgun - 80 dmg. (Max.) * Ripper - 4 dmg. * RPG - 30 dmg. (Max.) * Pipebomb - 90 dmg. (Max.) * Grapple - 20 dmg./second * Can of Food (While shrunk) - 35 dmg. Headshot Weakness: Yes - One of the most common enemies in the game, along with Assault Troopers, Pigcops attack in abundance. Unless you are equipped with a Shotgun or Steroids, do not engage them in close quarters. Their potential to go berserk during battle makes them dangerous to tackle. - There is one Pigcop in "The Burning Bush" that is equipped with a Shrink Ray, but it is a scripted event, since the ray breaks after one use. - Beware Berserk Pigcop Grappling. Pigcop grappling requires a lot more effort to break free from than Pregnator grappling. STRATEGY: Pistol and Ripper Pigcops: * Fortunately, they have weapons that do not perform instant killing damage, but their attacks will quickly add up. Try to avoid mid-range combat, and either pick them off from a great distance, or get up very close with the Shotgun or Steroids. Shotgun Pigcop: * You 'need' to stay away from these guys. The damage potential of their weapons makes them very dangerous to engage up-close. Pick them off either mid-range or long-range with anything other than a Shotgun. RPG Pigcop: * Their RPGs are slow and not difficult to dodge. Either keep some distance and pick them off with long-range weapons, or get up close and melee it. Berserk Pigcop: * When a Pigcop goes Berserk, it performs an animation by stretching out it's arms and letting out a squeal then it quickly runs around on all fours and chases after Duke. A Pigcop becomes far more dangerous when it is like this and should be taken out immediately. Shotgun or Steroids work well if you want to risk a close encounter with it. Pistol is tricky, but headshots are possible from any distance, though the greater the better. If you have the room, you could also try running away from it and see what happens. * If a Berserk Pigcop is too far from Duke or you are in a position where the Pigcop cannot reach, it will give up the chase and stay in a single position, waiting for a chance to attack. You can pick it off easily when it is this way. The Pigcop does have a headshot weakness. It's non-berserk movements are not fast, allowing you a chance to pick them off from above the shoulders. Three shots from the Pistol on DiG difficulty can take out a Pigcop from a considerable distance. =============================================================================== - Octababy =============================================================================== Health: One-hit kill, normal size / 14, 20, 26, 40, while Duke is shrunk Difficulty: 1/5, 3/5 or 5/5, depending on circumstances Weapons / Attacks: * Claws / Melee - 5 dmg.(Normal) Headshot Weakness: No - Octababies are mini versions of the Octabrains, minus the floating around and shooting psionic blasts part. They will approach you, jump around, melee, claw, bite and bash you, trying to inflict the little amounts of damage they can. Octababies appear in different scenarios, so their difficulty is based on how you face them - Octababies can be shrunk and will still attempt to attack you. - Octabbaies explode with one shot from the Expander. Difficulty Circumstances: - 1/5: Normal circumstances. The Octobabies can be easily squished under foot if you wish to save on ammo. - 3/5: Duke is shrunk. Suddenly the Octobabies are a lot faster and can easily surround Duke. Luckily they do not require much ammo to deal with. - 5/5: Duke in underwater. This only happens once in the campaign, but it makes the Octobabies very lethal, given how slow Duke is while swimming. The Octobabies come in a large swarm and can easily surround and kill Duke. There are strategies listed in the guide on how to deal with this one-time circumstance. =============================================================================== - Octabrain =============================================================================== Health: 126, 180, 234, 360 Difficulty: 3/5, 4/5 while underwater Weapons / Attacks: * Psionic Blast - 30dmg. (Direct Hit), minor splash. * Throwing Objects - Variable, depends on the object Headshot Weakness: No - Octabrains are dangerous opponents in any circumstance. They unleash high-damaging psionic blasts that can seriously harm Duke. Their attacks can also 'lead the target' when Duke is on the move. You can use this to your advantage to misdirect the Octabrains to shooting in one direction, then quickly moving in the other way to throw it off. - Octabrains can also telekinetically levitate objects, then 'throw' them at Duke. This also means they can catch certain physical objects Duke can use in attacks, including anything that was picked up (Garbage cans) and most explosive weapon projectiles. - When stuck with a Laser Trip Mine, an Octabrain will start doing an insanely fast spin while flying toward you, exploding shortly after. This is a one-hit kill, regardless of difficulty. - When a Octabrain dies, it explodes, doing damage to anything nearby it. STRATEGY: The lack of headshot weakness makes the Pistol an ineffective weapon to use. AT Laser, AT Captain Laser, Shotgun, Ripper, and Freeze Ray (both settings) work well against Octabrains. Railgun users should wait until the target is about to attack before shooting, to ensure they are sitting still long enough. On DiG difficulty, three Railgun shots are needed. Explosive weapons are a dangerous thing to fire at Octabrains because of it's ability to catch and throw objects at you. * Do not use the RPG under normal circumstances, at all. The rate of fire is too slow and the Octabrains will catch and throw back 'every' shot fired. * The Octabrains will catch and also throw Devastator missiles back at you, but they can only catch one at a time. Most shots will still get through if you hold down the fire button. If you are far enough from the Octabrain and can strafe well, this may still work for you. * Octabrains tend to throw Enforcer Gun shots in random directions when attacked by one. * Pipebombs will be caught by the Octabrain, but can still be remotely detonated before being thrown at you, making them a very effective weapon. Octabrains are still vulnerable to effect weapons like Shrink Ray. It is unknown how well / if Expander works. Octabrains are vulnerable to the use of a Holoduke (and tiny Captain Dylan) and may target it/him with prejudice. While attacking the Holoduke, they will sometimes ignore incoming attacks, including RPGs and Devastator missiles, but even if they catch them, they will re-direct their attack on their other target (As in: Not you). This is the one time it is safe to put those guns to use. =============================================================================== - Pregnator =============================================================================== Health: 28, 40, 52, 80 Difficulty: 2/5 Weapons / Attacks: * Fluid Launcher - 24dmg. (Max.), 16dmg. (Near-miss) * Grapple - 20 dmg./second * Melee - 12dmg. Headshot Weakness: No - Disgusting from head, to sack, to toes, Pregnators are giant fornication machines, intent on reproducing with or killing targets. They attack by launching fluid bombs at Duke (limited range, not too difficult to dodge). Their more dangerous ability is to grapple onto Duke. This can do a LOT of damage very quickly, often fatal if your Ego bar is not at full strength. Quickly pull off a Strength Tap to rip it to pieces. - It rarely uses it's melee attack. If Duke is too close, it will pull out it's proboscis and use it like a whip. This action can also be seen on the Impregnader weapon if Duke melees an opponent. - When stuck with a Laser Trip Mine, it briefly tends to stay put, almost acting like it does not want to move, knowing what will happen, but eventually, it moves and the mine explodes. - Pregnators explode with one shot from the Expander. =============================================================================== - Rat =============================================================================== Health: One-Hit Kill Difficulty: 1/5 Weapons / Attacks: * Bite - 5dmg. when shrunk Headshot Weakness: No - When full size, rats may approach Duke but take no action. When Duke is shrunk is when they become dangerous. They will quickly approach Duke and try to bite him to death. Melee attacks and weapons with lots of ammo are your best choices when dealing with them. - Try to avoid using weapons with slow-traveling projectiles. Rats have a tendency to jump and strafe around. - Rats are unaffected by Shrink Pods and Shrink Ray. - Rats explode with one shot from the Expander. =============================================================================== - Super Pigcop =============================================================================== Health: 105, 150, 195, 300 Difficulty: 2/5 Weapons / Attacks: * RPG Launcher - 30 dmg. (Max.) * Pipebomb - 90 dmg. (Max.) Headshot Weakness: Yes - Beefed up, super-size versions of the regular Pigcop. The comparison is most obvious on the level "Magic Carpet Ride" when you engage regular and Super Pigcops side-by-side. - Super Pigcops are larger and tougher than their smaller counterparts, but they are slower and do not berserk. However, they are equipped with RPG Launchers, thus they are a considerable threat. - You can risk trying to beat them down with melee attacks if you manage to get close enough. ******************************************************************************* ********************************** WEAPONS ************************************ ******************************************************************************* =============================================================================== - Melee Attack (Fists / Weapon Smash) =============================================================================== First Appearance * Campaign: The Duke Cave * DLC: Rude Awakening Damage: 40, 160 on Steroids Advantages * Does not require ammo. Drawbacks * Not a lot of damage per hit on DiG difficulty * Many enemies have their own melee attacks - While equipped with a Pistol, Duke can melee much faster than with other weapons. - Try to avoid getting into fist-fights with enemies that can grapple you, like Pregnators and Berserk Pigcops. - RPG Pigcops tend to be vulnerable to melee attacks. If you can avoid their rockets, bashing them into submission should not be too difficult. - Enforcers can pack a lot of damage with their melee hits, but are slow to react. If you manage to get close to one, try to circle-strafe around it while pounding away. If it looks like you will be hit, try to back away. - Melee attacks are very effective against enemies under the effects of the Expander. It should be easy to get up-close and melee one without worry of a counter-attack. =============================================================================== - M1911 / Duke's Golden Pistol =============================================================================== First Appearance * Campaign: The Duke Cave * DLC: Rude Awakening Damage: 20, 80 on Headshot Maximum Ammo. Carried: 64 Enemy Drop: Yes Advantages * 4x damage when scoring a headshot * Good long-range capabilities * Melee attacks are much faster * Lots are found during the campaign, making it a sustainable weapon through the original campaign Drawbacks * Low DPS on non-headshot hits * Only eight shots per magazine - This weapon is often underestimated, especially on harder difficulties. The potential of it doing headshot damage means Pigcops can go down in as little as three shots, even on DiG difficulty. - This is the only weapon in the game capable of scoring headshot damage. This ability is useful against humanoid enemies and robots. Some of the more 'alien' enemies (Pregnators and Octabrains, for example) do not have a headshot weakness, limiting the usefulness of the Pistol. - The Pistol tends to overlap to role of a designated marksman rifle, as it has surprisingly good long-range accuracy, provided you limit how fast you fire the weapon. - The Gold-plated Nukem Pistol has no advantage over a normal M1911 Pistol. - The "GUNSLINGER" achievement can be earned by carrying the Golden Pistol through the entire original campaign. This does not apply to the DLC add-on. - The Pistol can fired like an automatic weapon by holding down the trigger button, but it can fire much faster by rapidly tapping it. =============================================================================== - Shotgun =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: The Lady Killer (Part 2) * DLC: Going Down Damage: 10 pellets, 15 per pellet, Maximum 150 per fire. Maximum Ammo. Carried: 28 Enemy Drop: Yes Advantages: * Excellent close-up damage Drawbacks: * Shots greatly scatter over a longer range. * Very slow reload time - The Shotgun serves as an excellent close quarters weapon. It can take out a lot of enemies on DiG difficulty in as few as two shots. However, it is crucial to keep the weapon fully loaded when possible. - Try to avoid reloading during a fight, as it leaves you 'very' vulnerable to counter-attack. It takes a long time for Duke to load seven shells back into the Shotgun. If required, switch over to your other weapon(s) to finish the job. =============================================================================== - Ripper =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: Vegas In Ruin * DLC: Going Down Damage: 9 Maximum Ammo. Carried: 200 Enemy Drop: Yes Advantages: * Good at triggering a unit's pain reaction * High rate of fire Drawbacks: * Cannot fire for long before needing to reload * Shots spread out over longer ranges - The Ripper has an impressive rate of fire, even though each shot does not do much damage. Use the Ripper to focus fire down single targets with ease. - The Ripper behaves much like a sub-machine gun; effective up-close, but the shots tend to spread out over greater distances. Thus, it tends to overlap the role of the Shotgun, to an extent; better suited for close-quarters. =============================================================================== - Railgun =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: The Duke Dome * DLC: Going Down Damage: 135 Maximum Ammo. Carried: 12 Enemy Drop: No Advantages: * 5x Scope for precision hits Drawbacks: * Considerable cooldown between shots * Most enemies in DiG difficulty require more than one hit to kill * No headshot capability (ironically) * Only 12 shots, limiting their ability to be carried through the campaign - The Railgun is an very good weapon to use in long-range engagements, but is less effective when up-close, due to it low rate of fire. Also, these weapons do not appear often, so do not get too comfortable with carrying one. - With a limit of 12 shots and most enemies in DiG difficulty requiring (at least) two shots to kill, it will not last long in combat, either. - This weapon does not have a headshot capability, so aim for the body when firing this weapon. =============================================================================== - RPG Launcher =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: Vegas In Ruin * DLC: Going Down Damage: 135 Maximum Ammo. Carried: 5 Enemy Drop: Yes Advantages: * Can lock onto targets and seek them out * Considerable damage per hit * Large splash radius * No reloading Drawbacks: * Attacks can damage Duke * Low ammo cap, requiring a nearby EDF ammo cache to maintain continuous fire * Most enemies will not die in one shot on DiG difficulty * Octabrains re-direct RPGs back to you. Given the low rate of fire on an RPG, an Ocatbrain can catch every RPG you fire - The RPG Launcher is the most common explosive weapon to use against bosses. - The lack of ammo it carries, combined with inconsistent appearance throughout the game will limit the appeal in trying to carry one for as long as possible. Areas with bosses always have a means to take it out nearby, so if you want to swap it out with another weapon, go for it. - Do not engage an Octabrain with this weapon under any circumstances, unless you are using a Holoduke to distract the Octabrain. =============================================================================== - Devastator =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: Duke Lives, Crash Course (Officially) * DLC: The Doctor In In Damage: 20 Maximum Ammo. Carried: 69 Enemy Drop: No Advantages: * Large ammo. cap, fast rate of fire, highest DPS in the game Drawbacks: * Attacks can damage Duke * Octobrains can catch Devastator shots * The only explosive weapon that does not track a target - A great weapon to use while you have ammo for it. You first encounter one in "Duke Lives", during the video game, but your 'real' first Devastator is found on "Crash Course", following the dreaded turret sequence. - The biggest problem IS having ammo for it during the regular campaign. It is less of an issue in the DLC add-on, due to the number of Devastators and EDF crates you find. This is one of five weapons in the whole game where enemies do not drop one. Typically, many players will drop it once it no longer has any ammo, or finds another weapon more tactically sound for their immediate situation. - While still dangerous to engage an Octabrain with, it is far safer than with the RPG Launcher. Also, the Octabrain can only catch and re-direct one shot at a time, leaving all your others shots to hit and damage your target. - If, by some chance, you are in a scenario where you have an ally/Holoduke present that is closer to the Octobrain than you are, the Octabrain will attack that target instead. This makes the Devastator a much safer weapon to use. - This weapon is effective against Battlelords. It will frequently trigger their reaction to being hit (Pain chance %), and they will stop firing while reacting to the attack rather than attacking you, allowing you more opportunity to move around on the battlefield, re-stock on ammo., etc. =============================================================================== - Shrink Ray =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: The Duke Burger (Part 3) * DLC: The Clone Carousel Maximum Ammo. Carried: 10 Enemy Drop: No Advantages: * Easily disables an enemy target, making them easy to kill * Minor splash radius; one shot can affect more than one target if they are close enough together Drawbacks: * Cannot shrink a 'large' target while shrunk in the campaign * Limited ammo. * Weapon does not actually kill a target, requiring an alternative attack to finish the target off - The Shrink Ray serves as a support weapon in the right situations, able to disable any enemy (Save bosses). - While shrunk, enemies are 10 times more vulnerable to normal damage. (This does not seem to apply to Duke on Campaign Mode). Normal explosions will kill shrunk targets instantly. - The Shrink Ray will shrink down robots as well. Duke Bots and Duke Clones are vulnerable to this weapon. - It is unknown if a Shrink Ray will work on Bomb Balls, since the opportunity to use one against them is not present. - Duke and enemies will do 25% of normal damage to a target while shrunk. =============================================================================== - Expander =============================================================================== First Appearance: * DLC: Going Down Maximum Ammo. Carried: 16 Enemy Drop: No Advantages: * Disables a target by reducing their movement and attack speed and leaving them vulnerable to normal attacks * Functions like an EMP on a Duke Bot, disabling them * Two shots will explode a target, save for an Assault Commander, and robotic targets Drawbacks: * Assault Commanders are immune to the fatal blast, but can still be expanded * Projectiles travel slow, limiting their use over longer ranges - When a target is hit by the Expander, they are four times more vulnerable to all other forms of damage, including melee, bullets, rockets, etc. - Some enemies will explode after being hit once by an Expander. These include: Egg Pods, Pregnators, Octababies and Rats. =============================================================================== - Freeze Ray =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: The Shrunk Machine * DLC: Magic Carpet Ride Damage: 4 (per energy unit) Maximum Ammo. Carried: 200 Enemy Drop: No Advantages: * Recharges when not in use, meaning you will never run out of ammo Drawbacks: * Has a shorter range than even the Shotgun * Requires a lot of ammunition to effectively freeze a target on DiG difficulty, limiting it's effectiveness in a sustained conflict * Weapon does not actually kill a target, unless it falls from mid-air, requiring an alternative attack to finish the target off - The Freeze Ray in it's original configuration, is a bit of a mixed blessing weapon. It's ability to recharge when not in use allows it quickly return to full charge with enough time. However, time is often a problem when engaging multiple targets and the Freeze Ray only has 'just' enough ammo to freeze four Pigcops (as a DiG example) before it must recharge. - Freeze Ray will not kill a target, but it will set them up for an execution, resulting in an Ego recharge, unless the frozen target is hit by a different weapon. Keep in mind, not all enemies can be executed (Pregnators, for example), so you will to use a regular melee to finish them off. =============================================================================== - Freeze Ray (Duke Nukem 3D mode) =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: The Shrunk Machine * DLC: Magic Carpet Ride Damage: 40 (per energy unit) Maximum Ammo. Carried: 200 Enemy Drop: No Advantages: * Very high damage potential Drawbacks: * Does not recharge * Rate of fire is slow when the trigger button is held down, but can be greatly sped up by rapidly tapping it * Shots travel slow, giving the enemy a chance to evade them * Weapon does not actually kill a target, unless it falls from mid-air, requiring an alternative attack to finish the target off - For those who have beat the campaign on "Let's Rock" or "Come Get Some" difficulties, there is an option to set the Freeze Ray to function like the Duke Nukem 3D version. Each ammo point now does 10-times more damage, from 4 to 40, making it very lethal and one of the most useful weapons in the entire game, especially since you can set it back to the original configuration to recharge the weapon when you are not in combat. - Freeze Ray will not kill a target, but it will set them up for an execution, resulting in an Ego recharge, unless the frozen target is hit by a different weapon. Keep in mind, not all enemies can be executed (Pregnators, for example), so you will to use a regular melee to finish them off. =============================================================================== - AT Laser =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: The Duke Cave * DLC: Going Down Damage: 20, fired in bursts of 3 Maximum Ammo. Carried: 60 Enemy Drop: Yes Advantages: * No reloading involved Drawbacks: * Slightly long cool down between bursts * Shots are slower than bullets, requiring you to be closer or good at leading the target - When facing larger groups of Assault Troopers, they will drop AT Lasers upon falling to the ground, leaving you lots of ammo to pick up and use against them. On DiG difficulty, six shots from an AT Laser will take one out. =============================================================================== - AT Captain Laser =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: Vegas in Ruin * DLC: Going Down Damage: 20 Maximum Ammo. Carried: 80 Enemy Drop: Yes Advantages: * No reloading involved * Very rapid fire Drawbacks: * Requires the barrel to start spinning before attacking, delaying the attack * Shots are slower than bullets, requiring you to be closer or good at leading the target - The rapid fire feature of his weapon can make it very useful in the appropriate tactical situations, perhaps in places where you need better range than the Shotgun, and not the drawback of reload, like with the Ripper. Still, the weapon does not appear very often, limiting it's overall use in battle. - This weapon is very effective against Berserk Pigcops, since the lack of reloading means you can keep firing at the target(s) and back-peddling to avoid being hit. =============================================================================== - Enforcer Gun =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: The Duke Burger (Part 3) * DLC: Going Down Damage: 55 (In clusters of 3, totaling 165 per attack) Maximum Ammo. Carried: 15 Enemy Drop: Yes Advantages: * Good splash damage * Works as a viable weapon to use against bosses Drawbacks: * Attacks can also damage Duke * Limited ammo, attacking in bursts of three * Not useful in long-range engagements * Shots tend to aim for their own targets - Enforcers are nice enough to leave you this weapon when you take one out. It is quite handy in most situations, supplementing your own weapons during ambushes and even against bosses if you want to risk getting close enough to one. Due to Enforcers being the only source of ammo most of the time for these, it is ill-advised to get too attached to one. =============================================================================== - Impregnader =============================================================================== First Appearance: * DLC: My, Myself and I Damage: 60 Maximum Ammo. Carried: 24 Enemy Drop: No Advantages: * Slowly recharges * Small splash damage Drawbacks: * Attacks can also damage Duke * Limited range * Shots arc, limiting it's accuracy over longer ranges - The Impregnader is a reasonably powerful weapon with a slow recharge rate, negating the need for EDF ammo caches. However, since you spend a good chunk of the game with easy access to such caches, it does make the recharge a bit redundant, except in a few convenient situations. =============================================================================== - Pipe Bomb =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: Vegas in Ruin * DLC: Going Down Damage: 135 Maximum Ammo. Carried: 4 Enemy Drop: Yes Advantages: * Can be picked up again if not used * Considerable splash damage Drawbacks: * Can seriously harm Duke as well if it detonates too close * Some Pigcops will attempt to escape if they spot a Pipe Bomb being thrown their way - Pipe Bombs are an ideal weapon to use against groups of enemies or even bosses. - You cay throw down a maximum is ten Pipe Bombs. If you throw down any more, they will 'remove' the older ones thrown.) - Pipe Bombs can also be used to ambush incoming enemies, like the Laser Trip Mines and setup ambushes in places where you have easy access to them. - In Multiplayer you can only throw down four Pipe Bombs and are unable to pick up replacements until those are re-collected or detonated. =============================================================================== - Laser Trip Mine =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: The Lady Killer (Part 3) * DLC: In Security Damage: 135 Maximum Ammo. Carried: 4 Enemy Drop: No Advantages: * Laser carries over a long range Drawbacks: * Can seriously harm Duke as well if it detonates too close * On DiG difficulty, Laser Trip Mines are unlikely to kill the target * The further away a target is from the Mine when the laser is tripped, the less damage it does - Enemies (Or Duke) who cross the red laser and trip a mine will take serious damage. - You can setup a maximum of ten Trip Mines. If you throw down any more, they will 'remove' older ones you setup. - In Multiplayer you can only throw down four Laser Trip Mines and are unable to pick up replacements until those are detonated. - Ideally, these are used in smaller corridors/spaces where it is near-impossible for an enemy to go around the Trip Mine. - You can stick a target with a Laser Trip Mine. Some enemies will attempt (and fail) to remove the device before it goes off. If you stick one to an Octabrain, it rapidly rolls around in circles while flying at you, exploding shortly after it is stuck. =============================================================================== - Garbage Can / Brick / Barrel / Vase / Trophy / etc. =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: The Duke Cave * DLC: In Security Damage: 250 Maximum Ammo. Carried: 1 Advantages: * Kills / Execution sets up enemies with one hit * Sometimes the attack will carry on to an enemy behind your target Drawbacks: * Easy to miss a target when it is strafing * Requires time to pick up an object * Some objects break after use (Vases and sometimes Bricks) Most useful against: Berserk Pigcops, Assault Troopers and Assault Trooper Captains - The biggest advantage with using this is the ability to kill / execute setup weaker targets with only one hit. - These items are more useful in the earlier stages of the original campaign, where you first learn the advantages of throwing objects at enemies. - Berserk Pigcops easily fall prey to thrown objects, since they (more or less) stay in a straight line when approaching you. The one thing to watch out for is when they 'suddenly' leap at you. - Thrown objects are useless against Octobrains, since they will catch them and throw them back at you. - Thrown objects are effective against Assault Commanders, but they only do a fraction of the regular damage. =============================================================================== - Mighty Foot / Moon Rover =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: N/A * DLC: Duke in Space Damage: 600 Advantages: * Can travel much faster * Easily run over enemies, even when driving slow * Damage taken from enemies appears to be reduced Drawbacks: * Requires fuel to operate these vehicles... LOTS of fuel - Vehicles always serve as mandatory plot devices, since there are often long pits to cross that require the vehicles "Turbo Boost" to achieve, so you will not be traveling on foot. - Enemies can be easily run over with a vehicle. The "600 damage" is based on hitting an Enforcer. It has 600 HP on DiG difficulty. =============================================================================== - Forklift =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: The Forkstop * DLC: Drunken Crane Master Damage: 200 Advantages: * Run over enemies * Does not suffer from fuel issues (unlike every other vehicle) Drawbacks: * Slow and difficult to maneuver - Typically, Forklifts are used for puzzle-solving or platforming purposes, but they can also be used as a weapon on a couple occasions. - The only enemies you will run across while driving one of these are Pigcops, therefore the damage rating was lowered. =============================================================================== - Turret =============================================================================== First Appearance: * Campaign: Vegas in Ruin * DLC: The Clone Carousel Damage: 20 Advantages: * Can deliver damage as quickly as the Devastator, without it's advantages and drawbacks * High rate of fire Drawbacks: * "CRASH COURSE" * Turns Duke into a sitting duck for all incoming attacks * Turret can overheat if used for too long - In many situations, turrets are stationed not far from EDF ammo caches, so turrets (often) do not serve the role of 'Conserving ammo'. - Considering the 'vulnerable' nature of being on a Turret, the DiG guide will discourage players from using them, except in a few situations where it makes sense to (For instance, you are 'far' from enemies). - To help reduce how quickly the turret overheats, try rapidly tapping the fire button instead of holding it down. - There is a grenade launcher variant, though it is only used on one occasion (The Mighty Foot). It seems to pack enough power to kill Pigcops with one hit on normal difficulty, so each shot must do a minimum of 100 damage. =============================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------- Additional Weapons Found Through the Game That Damage Duke: - All the damage amounts listed below were recorded under normal difficulty. For most of these on DiG difficulty, double that number. That means some weapons, like the Pimp Bomb are quite fatal if you are caught beside one as it explodes. However, some of these, the damage is consistent, regardless of difficulty (Such as gasping for air). - The ones marked with a (Max.) tag means this is the most the weapon can do to you for damage. If the explosion is further away, it will do less damage. * Alien Wall Claw - 25 dmg. * Burger Griddle - 13 dmg. / tick (Happens fast) * Compressed Tanks - 75 dmg. (Max.) * Deep Fryer - 10 dmg. / tick (Happens fast) * Electrical Shock - 40 dmg. * Electrical Outlet Shock - 1 dmg. * Electrocuted in Water - 15 dmg. / tick. (Happens REALLY fast) * Exploding Barrels - 75 dmg. (Max.) * Explosive Pod - 40dmg. (Max.) * Fire Extinguisher - 65 dmg. (Max.) * Heat Lamp - 2 dmg. / tick (Happens fast) * Lack of Air - 10 dmg. / sec. * Lamp Post / Lantern (You blow one up) - 25 dmg. (Max.) * Lasers (IN SECURITY) - 35 dmg. * Mouse Trap - 20 dmg. * Stove Top Flame - 13 dmg. / tick (Happens fast) * Your own Devastator Blast - 15 dmg. per missile * Your own Enforcer Gun Blast - 28 dmg. (Max.) per missile * Your own Freeze Ray Cube - 30 dmg. * Your own Impregnader blast - 65 dmg. (Max.) * Your own Laser Trip Mine - 65 dmg. (Max.) * Your own Pipe Bomb - More than 100 dmg. (Max.) * Your own RPG blast - 65 dmg. (Max.) ******************************************************************************* ************************** ACHIEVEMENTS MASTER LIST *************************** ******************************************************************************* =============================================================================== - Regular Campaign =============================================================================== Turd Burglar (+10G / Bronze) - Find and steal a piece of poo Drawrings (+10G / Bronze) - Doodle something on the whiteboard in SP Sunday, Black Sunday (+5G / Bronze) - Shoot down the blimp above the stadium One-Eyed Freak (+10G / Bronze) - Defeat the Cycloid Nobody Likes A Whiner (+5G / Bronze) - Knock out the talent at the talk show Balls Of Steel (+25G / Silver) - Earn a 1,000,000 pinball score in SP Flagon Of Chuckles (+5G / Bronze) - Drink a Beer in SP Juiced (+5G / Bronze) - Take Steroids in SP Substance Abuser (+10G / Bronze) - Drink Beer while on Steroids or vice versa in SP Natural Disaster 3X (+10G / Bronze) - Kill 3 aliens at once Big Guns, Big Ships (+10G / Bronze) - Blow up 5 enemy gunships or dropships Sticky Bomb Like You! (+10G / Bronze) - Put a Trip Mine on a live alien Pit Champion (+25G / Bronze) - Defeat the Battlelord in Las Vegas I Need A Towel (+10G / Bronze) - Get hit by 10 Pregnator bombs FBT (+10G / Bronze) - Get knocked down 10 times Not Bad For A Human (+40G / Silver) - Defeat the Alien Queen Lots Of Whacking (+25G / Bronze) Win a game of Alien Abortion in the strip club Air-Duke (+30G / Silver) - Win air hockey with a score of 7-0 in the strip club Party Animal (+10G / Bronze) - Drink all of the Beers in the strip club He's Got A Hologram! (+5G / Bronze) - Use a Holoduke in SP Hippy-Stomper (+20G / Bronze) - Foot stomp 12 aliens Road Rage (+20G / Bronze) - Kill 15 aliens with the monster truck A Good Dam Fight (+25G / Silver) - Defeat the Battlelord on the Hoover Dam Freeze Well! (+20G / Bronze) - Kill 15 frozen aliens I Need A Date (+5G / Bronze) - Look at every page of a calendar in SP Fork The Pork (+10G / Bronze) - Kill 6 aliens with the forklift Companion Barrel (+10G / Bronze) - Unlock the secret closet at the end of the Octacide (+25G / Silver) - Defeat the Octaking Call Waiting (+25G / Silver) - Listen to all phone messages Bucket Head (+30G / Bronze) - Find all 3 helmets in the SP campaign Pescaphobe (+10G / Bronze) - Kill all the catfish in the underwater level Beating The One-Eyed Worm (+35G / Silver) - Defeat the Energy Leech I Am All That Is Man (+40G / Silver) - Discover all Ego cap awards Gunslinger (+50G / Silver) - Carry the gold Pistol through the whole SP campaign Piece Of Cake (+20G / Bronze) - Complete the SP campaign on Easy Difficulty Let's Rock (+30G / Silver) - Complete the SP campaign on Normal Difficulty Come Get Some (+40G / Gold) - Complete the SP campaign on Hard Difficulty Damn, I'm Good (+50G / Gold) - Complete the SP campaign on Insane Difficulty Special Thanks (+5G / Bronze) - Watch the credits all the way through Noms (+10G / Bronze) - Eat 10 pieces of food during the SP campaign Extermination (+25G / Bronze) - Kill 50 aliens Annihilation (+40G / Bronze) - Kill 100 aliens Nuclear Devastation (+50G / Bronze) - Kill 250 aliens Downtown Barrel Beatdown (+15G / Bronze) - Kill 10 aliens with tossed objects Duke Angry, Duke Smash! (+20G / Bronze) - Kill 15 aliens with melee attacks while on Steroids Trapper (+20G / Bronze) - Kill 10 aliens with Trip Mines Dead Useful (+15G / Bronze) - Kill 10 aliens with environmental explosives On The Noggin (+25G / Bronze) - Kill 30 aliens with headshots Baron Von Nukem (+20G / Bronze) - Shoot down 20 alien fighters Judge, Jury, Executioner (+20G / Bronze) - Execute 20 aliens Total G Points: 1000 Bronze Medals: 38 Silver Medals: 10 Gold Medals: 2 =============================================================================== - DLC Add-on =============================================================================== Bubble Buster (+10G / Bronze) - Kill 10 expanded enemies with melee attacks Threesome (+10G / Bronze) - Kill 3 enemies within 3 seconds with the Impregnader Heart to Heart (+20G / Bronze) - Finish Doctor Proton Scientits (+10G / Bronze) - Earn a 1,000,000 pinball score on the Scientits pinball machine Bloody Red Rover (+10G / Bronze) - Kill 30 enemies with the moon rover I Am All That Is Man - Again (+20G / Bronze) - Discover all Ego cap awards in The Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign Another Piece of Cake (+20G / Bronze) - Beat the Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Easy Difficulty Let's Rock Out (+30G / Bronze) - Beat the Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Normal Difficulty Come Get A Little More (+35G / Bronze) - Beat the Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Hard Difficulty Damn, I'm REALLY Good (+40G / Bronze) - Beat the Doctor Who Cloned Me campaign on Insane Difficulty Total G Points: 205 Bronze Medals: 10 ******************************************************************************* *************************** EGO BOOST MASTER LIST ***************************** ******************************************************************************* =============================================================================== - Regular Campaign =============================================================================== Stop Pissin' Around! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! The Balls Have Dropped (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Who's That Handsome Devil? (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Better Not Find This on Ebay (+2 Ego) -- NEW! That's How 'Ya Nukem! (+2 Ego) -- NEW! A Basket Case (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Balls of Fail (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Bench Presser (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Curl It! (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Like a Punching Bag (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Hit it Fast (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Always Bet on Duke (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Right in the Jewels (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Can't Get Enough of His Ass (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Who Needs Real Ones? (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Need a Third Gun (+4 Ego) -- NEW! Double-D Action (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Hole-in-One (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Lucky Draw (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Nukem: One, Nerd: Zero (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Shake It, Baby! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Time To Abort Your Species (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Catch! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Up in Smoke (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Checking Out the Rear (+1 Ego) -- NEW! What a View! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! What's on That Computer? (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Awesome Funbags (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Air Duke Express (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Unicorn Time! (+4 Ego) -- NEW! Any Time of the Year (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Armed with a 69MM (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Enough Tentacles for a Hentai (+3 Ego) -- NEW! My Worm is Bigger (+4 Ego) -- NEW! Starting Ego: 40 pts. Boosting Total: 60 pts. Final Total: 100 pts. =============================================================================== - DLC Add-on =============================================================================== Stop Pissin' Around! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! A Dirty Magazine (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Fire for Your Ass, Bitch! (+1 Ego) -- NEW! What's on the Computer? (+1 Ego) -- NEW! A Sudzy Magazine (+1 Ego) -- NEW! A Basket Case (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Bench Presser (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Check Out The Donkey'S Ass (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Curl It! (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Dead Man Lifting (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Duke VS Duke (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Like a Punching Bag (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Pull Up That Ego (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Who's That Handsome Devil? (+1 Ego) -- NEW! Proton Isn't the Head of Anything, Anymore! (+4 Ego) -- NEW! Bulls-Eye! (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Science Experiments Gone Wild (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Space Shooter Duke (+3 Ego) -- NEW! Raise the Flag (+2 Ego) -- NEW! Starting Ego: 70 pts. Boosting Total: 35 pts. Final Total: 105 pts. All the names for these Ego Boosts are simply "Made Up", since there are no official names for these. Rather than re-posting the two Ego Boost guides Kuro-chan has come up with (This guide is already big enough in inflate even Duke's ego!), we decided to provide links to the page instead. * For the normal campaign: http://www.gamefaqs.com/xbox360/944794-duke-nukem-forever/faqs/67956 http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rlid=752382&rid=468340 * For the DLC Add-on: http://www.gamefaqs.com/xbox360/944794-duke-nukem-forever/faqs/67292 http://www.neoseeker.com/resourcelink.html?rlid=752385&rid=468341 ******************************************************************************* ****************************** CHALLENGE GUIDE ******************************** ******************************************************************************* Difficulty setting for all challenges is to be set to Damn I'm Good and cannot be altered after starting the campaign/ first level. The concept behind this idea is: It is a personal challenge, above and beyond the ease of "Damn, I'm Good" difficulty, pushing the difficulty to greater heights by imposing limitations on your gameplay. ------------------------------ Ego Boost Level Clarification: Ego Boost Level A - Allowed to carry over the bar from previous play-throughs and keep any you acquire in the current play-through that you might of missed. - Difficulty Commentary: It does make the first few levels a lot easier. Ego Boost level B - Re-start your bar from the beginning when doing a play-through, but allowed to hold on everything earned along the way. - Difficulty Commentary: This will be difficult right from the start. Many attacks are fatal with one serious hit. Rely heavily on throwing objects and executions early on to get through. Ego Boost Level C - Re-start your bar from the beginning when doing a play-through. The only Ego Boosts you are allowed to earn are the mandatory ones. This includes all the boss fights, using the microwave and signing the book. - Difficulty Commentary: Difficult from the start, and increasingly more as you go through the game. Concentrate on one opponent at a time. Do not try to be a hero, or else you will frequently visit the "Loading Screen". Ego Boost level D - Re-start your bar every time you play through a level. This will require you to re-start the game each time you gain an Ego Boost. - In the original campaign, this will happen frequently, as there are several bosses, plus two unskippable regular boosts. - In the DLC add-on, this will be required a minimum of two times (After "Me, Myself and I" and "The Doctor is In"). - Do not attempt to reset your bar until you have completed 'all parts' on a mission. - Difficulty Commentary: The most difficult way to get through any level. This will be a struggle. ------------------------- Weapon Slots Explanation: Duke has the ability to hold two weapons at any given time (Four in the PC version with the patch add-on). There are three options on how to handle this in the challenges: Normal: Any weapon can be used at any time. Explosive weapon required in weapon slot: - Explosive weapons include the RPG, Devastator and Enforcer Gun. Due to the lack of ammo these can be swapped between in the same slot but one must be held at all times they are available. The earliest point in the game (besides the opening battle after which they vanish) is Vegas In Ruins. From this point forwards an explosive weapon must always be carried. Golden Pistol: - The Golden Pistol from the first level must be carried through the whole game without being swapped out. Level resetting (for Ego purposes) will give you this Pistol back as well so they do not clash. Learning to master the headshot potential of this weapon will help to keep it very useful against many enemies. - This applies less to the DLC add-on, since for part of the game, you do not have access to a Pistol. However, first chance you can, grab one. --------------------------- Thrown Weapons Explanation: Throwable Items: Pipe Bombs and Laser Trip Mines Settings: Yes - You may throw as many of them as you want and as you can. No - You may not use your Pipe Bombs and Laser Trip Mines. There is ONE exception to this rule: The fight with the Alien Queen, since it is near-impossible to get through her arm barrier with her claws, so the Pipebombs are allowed for this fight. ------------------------- Usable Items Explanation: Useable items - Beer, Steroids and Holodukes. Settings: Yes - You can use any of these items however much you want. Once - Each one of these items can only be used once per level. One example of the increase of difficulty this presents is during the Octaking fight. If you've used a Beer, you cannot use the second one provided during the level. None - You cannot use any of these. This will make some boss challenges far more interesting (The Octaking fight, notably). ------------------------- Established Difficulties: Here is the current list of available challenges we offer for you to try. The editors have managed to accomplish the following on their own: BahamutZero: ARE YOU NUTS? (****) Kuro-chan_101: ARE YOU NUTS? (****) -------------- GRUELING HARDSHIP (Normal Damn I'm Good Mode)------------------- Difficulty: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Ego Boost level: A * Weapon restrictions: Normal * Thrown weapons: Yes * Useable items: Yes ---------------------------- FIENDISHLY DIFFICULT ----------------------------- Difficulty: ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Ego Boost level: A * Weapon restrictions: Explosive Weapon * Thrown weapons: Yes * Useable items: Yes -------------------------- RIDICULOUSLY FRUSTRATING --------------------------- Difficulty: *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Ego Boost level: B * Weapon restrictions: Golden Pistol * Thrown weapons: Yes * Useable items: Yes -------------------------------- ARE YOU NUTS? -------------------------------- Difficulty: **** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Ego Boost level: B * Weapon restrictions: Golden Pistol * Thrown weapons: No * Useable items: Yes ------------------------- PLEASE GO BACK ON YOUR MEDS ------------------------- Difficulty: ***** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Ego Boost level: C * Weapon restrictions: Golden Pistol & Explosive Weapon * Thrown weapons: No * Useable items: Once ------------------------------ CUSTOM DIFFICULTY ------------------------------ Difficulty: ????? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to make it harder than that, be our guest and decide your own rules/ fate. Feel free to submit the information to our guide for consideration/posting. :) ******************************************************************************* ************************* INTERESTING IN-GAME GLITCHES ************************ ******************************************************************************* If you leave certain buffs active on one account (like invincibility) and change accounts on your Xbox 360, those buffs may stay on the other account, even if you cannot normally access them. Turning on and off the Xbox Guide while trying to access the DNF main menu can trigger a glitch whereby the game continues to play, even though you are on the main menu. A glitch in Berserk Pigcop grappling caused Duke to die after the Strength Tap was completed, instead of the Pigcop. This occurred while turning on and off the Xbox 360 Guide. In "My Digs", the pinball game may be glitched when you try to play it. Normally there are two pegs that block your ball from going down through the sides, but they lower after making contact with the ball. It is possible to play this version of pinball and those pegs will never drop, meaning the only way to lose the ball is through the hole at the bottom. ******************************************************************************* ********************************* LEGAL STUFF ********************************* ******************************************************************************* Copyright 2013 Ben Buttenshaw & Kuro-chan_101 Written by: - BahamutZero - Kuro-chan_101 Additional Contributions: - Alexey Vdovichenko (Additional Strategy for the giant Enforcer battle) This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Current sites with permission to host this Walk-through/Guide: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) Neoseeker (www.neoseeker.com) The following sources were used for research and information for this walk-through. Keep in mind, a lot of the data presented on this site was also the result of research, testing, trial and error, etc.: - Duke Nukem Forever game, Xbox 360 version (For both editors involved). - Duke Nukem Wikipedia (dukenukem.wikia.com) was useful for helping in figuring out enemy and boss health, and weapon damage. All the information posted there was tested on our own and it is of the opinion of the editors that not all the information posted on the website is correct. - Various forums and Youtube videos for bits and pieces of information on the PC version update for the game. ******************************************************************************* ******************************* FINAL COMMENTS ******************************** ******************************************************************************* Thank you for reading through this walkthrough! Kuro-chan: Whew! A lot of work, but definitely worth it. Nothing like cataloguing information on an unpopular, but still interesting enough game :). I will admit, this is the first walk-through I have ever worked on and completed. I have done a couple odds and ends, reviews on my own site and stuff, but nothing this detailed. I will admit though, it was fun, even if some of the data was painstaking to research and collect. BahamutZero: After writing up my first walk-through for this game I thought I was pretty thorough. I was wrong... So very wrong. Still, I'm sure the Duke will live on now that Gearbox Software has the rights to the franchise (makers of Borderlands and SHiFT). Hopefully Duke's next adventure will live up to his awesome legacy. Duke Nukem Forever 2, Come Get Some!