________ ________ ________ ________ _______ ________ __ | __ | |__ __| | __ | | __ | | __ \ | __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____ | | | |_____ | |__| | | | | | | |__| | | | | _____| | | | _____| | __ < | | | | | __ | | | | | __ | | | | __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__ |________| |__| |________| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |_____| ________ ________ _______ ________ ________ ________ | __ | | __ | | __ \ | __ | |__ __| | __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____ | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | |__| | |_____ | | | | | | | | | | __ | | | | __ | __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |________| |________| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== ETERNAL SONATA -------------- FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright (c)2008-2013 DomZ Ninja ============================================================================== Author: DomZ Ninja E-mail: domzninja[at]hotmail[dot]com Updated: 03/31/13 Version: 1.0 NOTE: This guide does contain spoilers! ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================== See that series of numbers to the right of each section? If you want to find a specific section in the FAQ, press CTRL + F to open a search box. Type in the series of numbers for the desired section that you're trying to find and press Enter. Whabam! The search function will take you there in an instant. [1] VERSION HISTORY.................................................. [0100] [2] CONTROLS......................................................... [0200] [3] CHARACTERS....................................................... [0300] [4] THE BASICS....................................................... [0400] [5] WALKTHROUGH...................................................... [0500] Chapter 1: Raindrops............................................ [0501] Chapter 2: Revolution........................................... [0502] Chapter 3: Fantaisie-Impromptu.................................. [0503] Chapter 4: Grande Valse Brilliante.............................. [0504] Chapter 5: Nocturne............................................. [0505] Chapter 6: Tristesse............................................ [0506] Chapter 7: Heroic............................................... [0507] Final Chapter: Heaven's Mirror.................................. [0508] [6] MYSTERIOUS UNISON................................................ [0600] [7] TRADING SEQUENCE................................................. [0700] [8] EQUIPMENT........................................................ [0800] Weapons......................................................... [0801] Armor........................................................... [0802] Accessories..................................................... [0803] [9] ITEMS............................................................ [0900] [10] SPECIAL ATTACKS.................................................. [1000] [11] ACHIEVEMENTS..................................................... [1100] [12] BESTIARY......................................................... [1200] Enemies......................................................... [1201] Bosses.......................................................... [1202] [13] THANKS/CREDITS................................................... [1300] ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [1] VERSION HISTORY [0100] ============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough #32 ------------------- Version 1.0 (06/13/08) - FAQ/Walkthrough complete and submitted. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [2] CONTROLS [0200] ============================================================================== - FIELD SCREEN - .-----------------------------.----------------------------------------------. | D-Pad | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Analog Stick | Move | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Analog Stick | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Start | Pause | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Back | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | X Button | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Y Button | Open Menu | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | A Button | Talk, Interact | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | B Button | Cancel | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Trigger | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Trigger | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Bumper | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Bumper | N/A | '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' - BATTLE SCREEN - .-----------------------------.----------------------------------------------. | D-Pad | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Analog Stick | Move | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Analog Stick | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Start | Pause | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Back | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | X Button | Use Item | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Y Button | Special Attack | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | A Button | Attack | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | B Button | Defend | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Trigger | N/A | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Trigger | Change View | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Right Bumper | Select Item, Escape (LB + RB) | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Left Bumper | Select Item, Escape (LB + RB) | '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [3] CHARACTERS [0300] ============================================================================== NOTE: Character info taken from the Bradygames Official Guide. NOTE: Check out Section 10 for more information on each party member's Special Attacks. ============================================================================== POLKA ============================================================================== Often shunned because of her illness, Polka attempts to use the magic that comes from it to help those around her. Although she is only fourteen years old, her kindness and unyielding hope propel her into events that reach far beyond her small home village of Tenuto. Polka is a very kind person, but that doesn't stop her from being a formidable fighter. Her special attacks inflict a great deal of damage; in fact, her Nether Wave attack is very beneficial early in the game. Her healing abilities are very useful as well. You will use Orange Glow and Earth Heal throughout the game. ============================================================================== FREDERIC ============================================================================== Nearing death, Frederic Francois Chopin, the renowned pianist and composer, discovers a dream world that is just as real as the one he is leaving, perhaps more so. He befriends Polka, a young girl who reminds him of his younger sister, Emelia, who was the same age as Polka when she died. Believing this world is no more than a fevered dream of his own doing, Frederic becomes increasingly invested in it and his new friends, sharing their quest to improve his world. Although likely more accustomed to composing than to fighting, Frederic uses his musical skills to execute special attacks that strike just the right chord to knock most enemies flat. ============================================================================== ALLEGRETTO ============================================================================== Just a couple of years older than Polka, Allegretto has been living on his own in Ritardando most of his life. Together with his younger companion, Beat, Allegretto takes care of the other homeless children in the town by stealing bread from the bakery. Although his reasons are just, he doesn't want Polka to know about his less than illustrious past and goes out of his way to help her. Allegretto's rough and tumble life on the streets of Ritardando has prepared him to fight. He is one of the most powerful characters in the game. His Sky Divider and Shadow Assault should be mainstays of any arsenal. ============================================================================== BEAT ============================================================================== Eight-year-old Beat spends his time hanging out in Ritardando with Allegretto. When he's stealing bread to help the other kids, he is pursuing his passion for photography with a camera left to him by his father. Beat's cheerful personality makes it easy for him to get along with almost everyone he meets, but he isn't afraid to stand up for himself when necessary. Although a bit young, Beat is a great addition to your party. In addition to his useful attacks, Beat can use his camera to take pictures during battle that can be sold at shops. ============================================================================== VIOLA ============================================================================== Along with her faithful pet, Acro, Viola lives quietly in the Chorus Plains tending her goats. When she encounters the party and learns of their mission, however, she agrees to join the troupe, lending her steady bow to their cause. With her powerful bow shots, Viola deals out a great deal of damage. Her biggest asset, however, isn't her ability to inflict damage, it is her Heal Arrow. Other characters can heal, but Heal Arrow is a great healing resource. It heals both Viola and any other party members and, unlike other healing spells, it has unlimited range. Be prepared to use it constantly upon reaching level 15. ============================================================================== SALSA ============================================================================== One of the young guardians of Agogo Forest, Salsa takes her duties seriously and doesn't mind pounding a little sense into anyone or anything that gets in her way. Once she meets up with the party in Forte's Dungeon, she becomes a staunch ally, using her twin circular blades to cut through enemies. Don't let Salsa's miniscule frame fool you! Her multi-hit attacks cause a lot of damage, making her very useful during any fight. Shadow Silhouette and Grand Slam are very efficient attacks early in the game. ============================================================================== MARCH ============================================================================== March, Salsa's more polite sister, is also a guardian of Agogo Forest. Don't be fooled by her sweet charm, though. She may relish fighting less than Salsa, but March is a more than adequate fighter herself. Her selfless and caring nature leads her away from her home in Agogo Forest to join the party on their quest. March has a similar fighting style to Salsa. She uses her circular fighting blades to deliver devastating attacks like Super Nova. Her Aurora Curtain is also a very helpful attack, as it reduces the enemy's next attack. Like Salsa, March's multi-hit attacks are great for building up Echoes! ============================================================================== JAZZ ============================================================================== As the leader of the rebel group Andantino, Jazz has seen his share of fighting. His large, two-handed sword makes quick work of any enemies he encounters. Jazz believes strongly in Forte's freedom and with his comrades, Falsetto and Claves, he stands against Count Waltz, trying to bring an end to his unjust, ironclad rule over the city. Jazz lacks speed when attacking, but the damage he inflicts compensates for the lack of speed since every swing counts as two hits! Early on, his Magma Pillar and Plasma Chains deal heavy damage to tough enemies. Later, use his Heat Blade and Geo Blade to create massive Harmony Chains. ============================================================================== FALSETTO ============================================================================== Falsetto's tough, no-nonsense style serves her well as part of the inner circle of Andantino. Like Jazz, she seeks an end to Count Waltz's reign of fear and works to bring freedom to the people of Forte. Never one to back down from a fight, Falsetto uses her close-combat fighting skills to bring disharmony to the lives of anyone who threatens Andantino, their cause, or her newfound friends. Falsetto has a devastating arsenal of melee attacks. Build up Echoes culminating in massive damage attacks using Snow Claw or Howling Thunder. At higher levels, Dragon Blow will annihilate enemies. ============================================================================== CLAVES ============================================================================== Relatively new to Andantino, Claves's impressive fighting skills have helped her to become a trusted and valued member of the rebel force. Her sweet and pleasing nature is often the first thing people notice, playing counterpart to the steel chord of her underlying purpose. Claves wields her weapon with grace and skill, dancing close to the enemy to deliver quick attacks like Feather Spin and Eagle Wing. Her skills culminate in Beast Meteor, a high-level attack that gives her enemies a surprise. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [4] THE BASICS [0400] ============================================================================== ============================================================================== BATTLE BASICS ============================================================================== --- GETTING STARTED ---------------------------------------------------------- Eternal Sonata has a very unique battle system. It is turn-based like many RPGs, but it also has some other elements (like the Tales series) thrown in. If you collide with an enemy on the screen, you will enter a battle. There is a lot of stuff on the screen during battle, but I will try and explain each thing. The first thing you should notice is your party. Each character is represented by the HP bar at the top of the screen. The highlighted icon represents the character's turn. Look for "NEXT" over the other icons to see who will go next. When you turn starts, you will be given the option to move around on the battlefield. Like the Tales series, you can move your characters in a 360 degree area. Use the Left Analog Stick to move your character. When you move around, the Action Gauge will lower. The Action Gauge is the vertical blue bar on the left side of the screen. It represents the amount of time given for your character to do something. If you move around, attack, or use items, it will go down. However, if you want the Action Gauge to stop, simply stop moving. So if you want to figure out your attack plan, stop moving to conserve time. If the Action Gauge depletes, then your turn will end. However, you cannot expect to stand still for a ridiculous amount of time and get away with it. This is where Tactical Time comes into play. Tactical Time is symbolized by the "TT" above the Action Gauge. The time represents how much time you have when standing around motionless. If the time runs out, then your Action Gauge will start depleting. Tactical Time will stop once you move or attack. --- ATTACK ------------------------------------------------------------------- You have several options when it's your turn. For starters, you can attack with A. This is your physical attack, and the Action Gauge will deplete with each attack. However, every time you attack an enemy, the Action Gauge will fill up a tiny bit. So the more you attack an enemy, the more time you have during your turn. This is the most basic form of dealing damage, but remember that you have to approach the enemy to use physical attacks (most of the time), so keep that in mind. --- ITEM --------------------------------------------------------------------- You can also use items during your turn by pressing X. Items are found in your Item Set. An Item Set only holds a certain amount of items, so you cannot use any item you'd like during battle. You must customize your Item Set in the menu and cannot do it while you are in a battle. The number of slots in your Item Set depends on your Party Level (I'll talk about that a little later). Scroll through items in the Item Set with LB and RB. --- SPECIAL ATTACK ----------------------------------------------------------- You can also use Special Attacks with Y. Each character has their own Special Attacks, so they are truly special for each party member. Since each party member has a large list of Special Attacks to choose from, you have primary and secondary Special Attacks. To use a primary Special Attack, press Y. If you want to use your secondary, hold down Y. Similar to an Item Set, you must pick which Special Attacks you want to use in the menu outside of battle. Since each party member has a wide variety of Special Attacks, choose wisely between each battle. You have two primary Special Attacks and two secondary Special Attacks (one Light and one Dark). As your Party Level increases, the number of slots increases. --- GUARD -------------------------------------------------------------------- When it's an enemy's turn, you can guard its attacks by pressing B. When the foe is about to attack, the word "CHANCE" will appear over your character. When you see this, immediately press B to guard. Guarding will lessen the damage dealt to you, so it is a very useful tool. Later in the game, you will have the ability to counterattack instead of just guarding. When you see the counterattack symbol appear (I can't really make out what it's supposed to be, but it certainly isn't a shield), hit A instead of B to successfully pull off a counterattack. --- RUN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course, you always have the ability to run away if you choose. To flee from battle, you must hold down LB and RB. Doing so will deplete your Action Gauge, so it may or may not work all the time. To successfully run away, you usually need to hold down LB and RB before your turn even starts. Pay attention to the upcoming turn (represented by the "NEXT" on the character icons) and start holding down LB and RB before the turn starts. ============================================================================== OTHER STUFF THAT I DECIDED TO CLUMP TOGETHER ============================================================================== --- LIGHT AND DARK ----------------------------------------------------------- During battle, some battlefields are split between light and dark areas. The entire course of a battle can change regardless of where you or your enemy is positioned. All party members have Light and Dark Special Attacks. To use a Light attack, stand in the sunlight; to use a Dark attack, stand in the shade (represented by the shadows in the battlefield). Sounds simple enough, but when you tie in the remaining battle controls, it becomes fairly complicated. Since you can only use Light and Dark attacks in the corresponding areas, you may have to waste a turn or two to enter the light or dark. Enemies are also affected by the light and dark. Some have specific attacks that can only be used in the corresponding areas. On top of that, some enemies can even morph when they enter the dark. When I say "morph", I mean the enemy will change into an entirely new enemy when they enter the shadows. It's very strange and really puts a twist on the fight. --- PARTY LEVELS ------------------------------------------------------------- While individual characters can level up, your party as a whole can also gain levels. These are called Party Levels, and they help change the features when in a battle. I designed a chart to show the correlation between the two: o-------o----------o----------o---------o--------o----------o-------o------o | LVL | TACT. T. | ACT. GA. | S. ATK. | C-ATK. | H. CHAIN | SPEED | M.C. | o-------o----------o----------o---------o--------o----------o-------o------o | 1 | Infinite | 5 sec. | 2 | -- | -- | Norm. | -- | |-------+----------+----------+---------+--------+----------+-------+------| | 2 | Infinite | 5 sec. | 2 | -- | -- | Norm. | -- | |-------+----------+----------+---------+--------+----------+-------+------| | 3 | 3 sec. | 4 sec. | 4 | -- | -- | Norm. | -- | |-------+----------+----------+---------+--------+----------+-------+------| | 4 | 1 sec. | 4 sec. | 4 | ATK. | 2 | Norm. | -- | |-------+----------+----------+---------+--------+----------+-------+------| | 5 | None | 4 sec. | 4 | S. ATK | 3 | x1.5 | -- | |-------+----------+----------+---------+--------+----------+-------+------| | 6 | None | 4 sec. | 4 | S. ATK | 6 | x1.5 | Yes | o-------o----------o----------o---------o--------o----------o-------o------o "LVL" is the Party Level, "TACT. T." is your Tactical Time, "ACT. GA." is your Action Gauge, "S. ATK." is the number of slots you have for Special Attacks, "C-ATK." is your Counterattack, "H. CHAIN" is number of Harmony Chains, "SPEED" is your characters' speed, and "M.C." is the Moving Command. Moving Commands is a nasty little mode that is designed to keep you on your toes. When you reach Party Level 6, Attack, Special Attack, and Guard will be assigned to random buttons. As a result, you will actually have to pay attention to the screen instead of instinctively hitting the button you are used to. I must admit, the Moving Command option is very annoying. --- ECHOES AND HARMONY CHAINS ------------------------------------------------ When fighting, your party will slowly collect Echoes. Echoes are symbolized by the teal number in the lower right corner of the screen. You can collect up to 32 Echoes at a time and can be used during Special Attacks. While using a Special Attack, Echoes will tack on extra damage dealt to the target. So the more Echoes you have, the more additional damage your Special Attack deals. Once you reach Party Level 4, you can use your Echoes to perform Harmony Chains. If you have at least 24 Echoes, use a Special Attack. When the words "HARMONY CHAIN" appear onscreen during the animation, hit Y again. Doing so will pull off the glorious attack. A Harmony Chain is basically a chain of special attacks delivered to one target. It is a very powerful technique. --- STATUS EFFECTS ----------------------------------------------------------- What would an RPG be if they didn't have Status Effects? There are nine in total and each put a new twist on battles. While unlikely, up to seven Status Effects can be used at the same time. Here is a list of all nine: Shining Body ------------ The character is surrounded by a large circle of light. Any character or enemy that steps into the light is subject to its effect. Recovery time: four turns. Darkness Body ------------- The character is surrounded by a large circle of darkness. Any character or enemy that steps into the darkness is subject to its effect. Recovery time: four turns. Air Body -------- You are not subject to light or dark and can use both Light and Dark Special Attacks. Recovery time: four turns. Burst ----- Your ATK doubles, but your DEF is cut in half. Recovery time: four turns. Passive ------- You cannot use Counterattacks. Recovery time: none. Regenerate ---------- You recover a certain amount of HP at the beginning of each turn. The amount varies depending on the item used. Recovery time: varies. Poison ------ You lose HP each time the Action Gauge starts. The only way to recover is by using an Antidote. Recovery time: none. Slow ---- Your speed during battle is cut in half. Recovery time: four turns. Stop ---- After Tactical Time is over, you cannot move for two seconds. Quickly move the Left Analog Stick to lower it to one second. Recovery time: four turns. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [5] WALKTHROUGH [0500] ============================================================================== NOTE: This walkthrough only follows one's first playthrough. Some items and Score Pieces can only be obtained in a second playthrough. If that is the case, I will note it in the walkthrough. The opening cutscene is weird at first, but then describes the town of Tenuto. Pay attention to the friggin' gorgeous graphics. After the long opening cutscene, the first chapter will begin. ============================================================================== CHAPTER 1: RAINDROPS [0501] ============================================================================== =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- PATH TO TENUTO =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Very Very Empty Items: Peach Cookie x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ South Section ------------- You will start the game by controlling Polka, a rather odd girl, who needs to get back home. Walk up the path and inspect the shiny object. This is a Save Point. I'm sure you know how these things work if you have played an RPG before. Save your game here. A Very Very Empty is hopping right past the Save Point. Walk into it to start a battle. Polka will go over the basics of battle, but you can also check out the one I've written up at Section 4 if you're still confused about anything (cheap plug). After winning, go forward to reach a bridge. Head through the brush on the side of the road and open the treasure chest for a Peach Cookie. Return to the main path and cross the bridge to reach the North Section. North Section ------------- Kill the enemy up ahead and advance towards the cliff. A question mark will appear over Polka's head. Whenever you see one pop up, press A to inspect the scenery. She will comment on the ocean. Continue across the next bridge and defeat any enemy that stands in your way. It won't be long before a cutscene starts. You will learn more about Polka's past. Once the scene ends, open the chest on the side of the road for a Peach Cookie. Defeat the Very Very Empties that populate the area and proceed up the hill to reach Tenuto Village. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- TENUTO VILLAGE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Angel Trumpet, Floral Powder, Peach Cookie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Upon entering the village, save your game at the Save Point on the left. Take your time exploring the peaceful village and talk to the townsfolk to learn about the current events. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Easygoing Flat is near the entrance to Tenuto Village. Talk to him to perform a duet. If you manage to get an A Rank, you will earn Score Piece 30. Enter the house behind him and you will find a Fish Incense. You can also participate in a trading event in the house; trade your Pot with the woman inside to receive Goat Stew. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Head to the left side of Polka's house to find a cat. As strange as this sounds, you can perform a duet with the singing cat! Go up the steps to the right and enter the house. You can find a Peach Cookie inside one of the vases. After, take the path on the left side of the village to reach the flower field. Flower Field ------------ Ooh, very pretty here. Inspect the junk inside the wooden shed to the right of the entrance to find Floral Powder. Speak with the two girls in the middle of the field as well. Run to the back end of the field and inspect the lone rock standing on the edge of the field. You will find an Angel Trumpet. Return to the village once you have the two items. From the path, go north to reach Polka's house. Go inside to trigger another cutscene. The story will switch over to the perspective of two young boys fresh off of a bakery raid. For now, you will take control of these two. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- RITARDANDO =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: 10G, Angel Trumpet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o You will now be controlling Allegretto | - ITEM SHOP - | and Beat for the time being. Despite o-------------------------------o raiding a bakery, you can still calmly | Angel Trumpet.............200 | explore the town. I suggest doing so. The | Mail Shirt.................50 | item shop is right next to your starting | Hunting Knife..............30 | point. There's no need to buy anything | Arquebus...................20 | now, but it's nice to at least stop in | Peach Cookie...............20 | and check out what they have in stock. o-------------------------------o Exit the item shop and walk south to find a fountain. You will find 10G at the bottom of the fountain. A Save Point is located on the beach to the left of town, so save your game and return to the fountain. Walk to the right to find a hole. Inspect the crates next to the hole for an Angel Trumpet and climb down the hole. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Enter the Mandolin Church to find a musician sitting on a pew. You can perform a duet with him. Underground Path ---------------- It's a mess down here, but there's no time for spring cleaning. Walk to the right to find another hatch. Climb down to enter the hideout. Secret Hideout -------------- Save your game at the entrance. It's a tight fit, but pretty cozy down here. Inspect the create behind the Save Point to find a book. It mentions something about attacking your enemies from behind, but also remembering to cover your own back. This is a good battle tip that you should keep in mind. When in battle, try to face your enemies at all time. If your back is facing an enemy, you won't be able to guard against their attacks. Well, there isn't really much to do down here, so return to the town. Return to the item shop and go down the path to your right. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- RITARDANDO SEWERS =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Florite Mouse Items: Angel Trumpet, Peach Cookie x2, Poison Whitecap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ West Side --------- The sewers are filled with the rats that Beat was so afraid of, but they are the weakest enemies in the game. Save your game and attack the first one. If you view the tutorial, you'll learn how to use items, Special Attacks, and the concept of Light/Dark. A small note: Beat's default Light Special Attack, Vivid Shot, takes photos of enemies. Sell these photos at shops to earn Gold. Try it out on the Florite Mice down here in the sewers. Stay on the left side of the sewers and move forward to eventually reach a treasure chest containing a Peach Cookie. Backtrack a little bit to the first bridge and cross it to the right side of the sewers. Go south to find a chest containing an Angel Trumpet. Return to the bridge and enter the next section of the sewers. Center ------ Cross the bridge and enter the East Side. East Side --------- There isn't much here, but you can find a treasure chest. Open it to obtain a Poison Whitecap, then return to the center of the sewers. Center ------ Go forward towards the big gate. The brown switch to the right of the gate will open it up. Walk past the makeshift bridge and open the chest ahead for a Peach Cookie. Return to the ladder and cross it to the left side. Walk forward and go through to the West Side again. West Side --------- Save your game and proceed to the Rear End. Check your Item Set in the menu and put some Peach Cookies in there. You'll need them for the upcoming fight. Rear End -------- Well, I can see why Beat is afraid of the mice down here. This guy is huge! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Bread Gang, Florite Mouse x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 22,920 Recommended Level: 4 HP: 1,690 This may be your first boss fight, so it is not that difficult. He is big and slow, so most of attacks are very easy to guard. His physical attack is no biggie, but Exploding Breath and Branch Strike can hit both Allegretto and Beat if they are close to each other. However, Break Gang's most powerful attack is Cheese Slicer, so definitely try to block that. I hope you put some Peach Cookies into your Item Set before the battle. Of course, the Florite Mice aren't that much of a problem. They will use normal attacks that don't deal that damage. Bread Gang is a pretty big guy, but ignore him at the start of the battle and concentrate on the two pesky Florite Mice. You have been dealing with them all throughout your sewer adventure, so they should be no problem. Take them out as quickly as possible. The good thing about this battle is that the arena is full of shade. The criss -cross pattern allow you to enter and exit shade quickly, so it's a good idea for Beat to take a photo of Bread Gang (possibly with the Florite Mice), then move him into the shade for the remainder of the battle so he can use Rapid Shooter. For Allegretto, your best bet is to pummel Bread Gang with physical attacks, then quickly use Sun Slash. Bread Gang's posture will give you hints on how much HP is left. Once the boss battle comes to a close, you'll receive a Saber and a Rat Tail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After beating the Bread Gang, Allegretto and Beat will supply the children down here with the stolen bread. At least it was for a good cause. The scene will switch back and forth between Polka and Allegretto/Beat for a lil' bit. After a long series of cutscenes, the action will begin in Tenuto Village. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- TENUTO VILLAGE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Angel Trumpet, Floral Powder ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flower Field ------------ Exit the field to Tenuto Village Tenuto Village -------------- Head towards Polka's house and cross the porch to the left side of the house. Inspect the creek to find Floral Powder. Enter the house to have some dinner! After, search Polka's room to find an Angel Trumpet inside of a plant. The entrance to Heaven's Mirror Forest is on the right side of town. Cross the bridge and climb the stairs to find it. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- HEAVEN'S MIRROR FOREST =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: L'Opera Knight Items: Angel Trumpet, Copper Necklace, Poison Whitecap x2, Walking Parasol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entrance -------- Move forward and ascend the stairs, then head down the path to the right through the brush. Defeat the L'Opera Knight and open the chest behind its remains to find a Poison Whitecap. Return to the main path and continue forward to reach the south end of the forest. South ----- Move up the ramp to reach an intersection, where you should take a left. In the small alcove, defeat the enemy and open up the chest for an Angel Trumpet. Go back to the intersection and keep going straight. At the next fork, take a right and head up the two flights of stairs to the next section. Middle South ------------ Same old stuff really. Walk down the trail and take a right once the path opens up. Climb the stairs and get rid of the enemy guarding the treasure chest, then open it to find a Walking Parasol. Have Polka equip it and return to the path. When the next clearing opens up to the left, take it to eventually find a chest containing a Poison Whitecap. Once back on the main trail, walk forward. Middle North ------------ From the entrance, go straight ahead to reach a slope and a chest. Open it for a Copper Necklace. Give it to either Polka or Frederic, then go back towards the entrance and start going to the left. Go up the stairs towards the Save Point and save your game. Proceed past the Save Point to the next section. North ----- Head into the large, open area. Polka and Frederic encounter a big monster guarding the forest path. There's no way around it, so I guess we have to go right through! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Forest Boar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 25,250 Recommended Level: 5 The Forest Boar is one tough-as-hell cookie. His attacks are incredibly strong and are capable of tearing through your party in a hurry. His physical attack is nasty enough because it hits multiple times. The Forest Boar's head swings when it uses Winning Shot, so it can hit both Polka and Frederic if they are standing next to each other. War Cry creates a shockwave that can also hit multiple targets. Charge is probably the most powerful attack, but it wastes a lot of time on the Action Gauge. Luckily, Charge is rarely used. The attack can deal over 500 damage if it's not blocked! The only good thing is that the attack takes up the Forest Boar's entire turn. Make sure to heal your party with items most of the time as opposed to Special Attacks. Though both Polka and Frederic have Light Special Attacks that can heal each other, they don't heal that much. To boot, sunlight is very scarce in the arena and putting both party members in the light spell trouble when combined with the numerous long-range moves the Forest Boar has at hand. The Forest Boar cannot block when you attack its side or back, so try not to aim for his face unless you don't have much of a choice. Another plausible strategy is to attack, then run away from him so he cannot use his attacks close up. Keep Polka in the shade and have her heal with Peach Cookies every so often (she can also use Shade Comet from a distance) and have Frederic use physical attacks and Pie Grave up close. Once you win the tough battle, you'll earn a Bamboo Shaft. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your Party Level will increase to Level 2 after defeating the Forest Boar. The Action Gauge is now changed to real time. That means that once you make the first move, the Action Gauge will decrease no matter what. In short, you won't be able to stop it by standing still! However, your Tactical Time is still infinite. So at the start of the battle, you can stand still as long as you wish until you make your first move. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: After defeating the Forest Boar, search the area to find Score Piece 29. Yep, it's that easy! =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- RITARDANDO =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We're back as Allegretto and Beat. We can participate in the trading sequence right now. I will include instructions for it in the walkthrough, but you can also check out Section 7 for more info on trading. Return to the area where you fought Bread Gang in Ritardando Sewers. Trade the Rat Tail to the children here to receive a Stick. Now talk to the man to the right of the Save Point (in the corner near the closed gate) and give him the Stick for the Dentures. Once you are ready to get going, take the path on the western side of town out to Agogo Forest. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- AGOGO FOREST =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Florite Mouse, Great Coconut, L'Opera Knight, Very Very Empty Items: Copper Necklace, Glowing Tail, Hunting Coat, Light Guard, Pretty Clothes, Serpentine Lock ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ South ----- Allegretto mentions that this isn't the same as fighting rats, but it's just as easy. The only enemies you need to watch out for are Great Coconuts. They transform from Very Very Empties when they enter the shade. Also, since you're Party Level 2, remember the new advancements and adapt to them when fighting. Almost immediately upon entering the forest, you can find a treasure chest. Walk forwards and go around the bend to find it. Open it up for a Copper Necklace. Equip it to whomever and go down the road. There are plenty of foes in the clearing ahead, so wipe them all out for great amounts of EXP. Middle South ------------ When you reach a split in the road, take the path on the right to find a chest containing a Serpentine Lock. Give it to Beat and now go left. It's very straightforward here. At the second fork, go to the right to find another chest. Open it to find Light Guard. Also, talk to the painter to learn that he needs more green paint. He's part of the trading event, but we need to get the paint first. Return to the main road and continue onward. Make sure to equip the Light Guard to either Allegretto or Beat. I suggest putting it on Beat and giving the Copper Necklace to Allegretto. Save your game up ahead at the Save Point and head down the slope for a scene and a boss fight! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Baby Dragon, Florite Mouse x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 40,740 Recommended Level: 7 HP: 1,690 He may be a baby, but don't let that lower your guard. The Baby Dragon is one of the toughest enemies yet and certainly proves that with his arsenal of attacks. Fiery Breath travels in an arc and can deal a load of damage. His physical attack is a two-hit attack and Knock Out also hits multiple times. Baby Dragon's most powerful attack is Red Heaven. Lava will sprout from the ground in a ring, damaging anything inside the ring (for over 300 damage). Why is everything accompanied by Florite Mice these days? They are laughable, and the best part is that by now their attacks deal zero damage even if they are left unblocked. Nevertheless, they are annoying and should be taken out as soon as possible. Build up your Echoes while attacking the Baby Dragon and his lackeys and use Sky Divider and Phantom Wave. Beat should take a few pictures of the Baby Dragon before using physical attacks and Rapid Shooter from a distance. The only shade is on the left side of the arena aside from the small shadow cast by the boulder in the center. Leave Beat in the shadows and have Allegretto stalk the Baby Dragon. You'll receive a Stone Sword Hilt after the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the boss battle, an interesting cutscene will begin. You will gain control of Polka and Frederic afterwards. Middle North ------------ Save your game up ahead and head up the ramp. Enter the alcove to the left to find some Pretty Clothes inside of a chest. Take out all of the enemies in your way and climb the large staircase. Pass through the clearing into a narrow path. Pass the stairs on the right to find a chest containing a Glowing Tail. Now climb the stairs and take the upper path to find a Wet Umbrella. Give it to Polka and take the lower path now. Go across the bridge and up the next flight of stairs to the next area. North ----- Go forward and slay all the monsters in the way. Ignore the road that juts to the right and continue straight ahead up the stairs. Defeat the Great Coconut guarding the chest and then open it to find a Hunting Coat. Give it to Frederic and continue down the main road to find a Save Point. Save your game and proceed for a cutscene. Polka and Frederic encounter Fugue, some jerk who decides to fight the two for no reason. He'll make short work of you and leave. Thanks a lot! The party switches back to Allegretto and Beat, who happen to be in the same spot that Polka and Frederic started off. You'll be using the same direction I just typed up above for these two. If you missed any chests from before, you can now get them with these two. When you reach the area where Fugue was, you will encounter an angry man instead. Give him your Dentures to get some Green Paint in return. I suggest going all the way back to the entrance of Agogo Forest and give the painter the Green Paint for some Long Johns. It's a long way, but worth it. From this spot, run up the hill to Agogo Village. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- AGOGO VILLAGE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Score Piece 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o When Allegretto and Beat enter Agogo | - ITEM SHOP - | Village, they spot a girl named March. o-------------------------------o They also see a rested Polka, who was | Breast Guard..............300 | rescued by March. However, Polka gets | Angel Trumpet.............200 | freaked out by Allegretto and Beat and | Cork Baton................200 | bolts. The party will hear her scream not | Light Guard...............150 | long after. But instead of saving a young | Saber.....................150 | girl from the monsters that lurk in the | Guardian Clothes..........140 | nearby forest, lets stroll around the | Floral Powder.............100 | village first! I'm such a jerk. | Hunting Coat..............100 | | Poison Whitecap...........100 | Inspect the small stand to the right of | Serpentine Lock............80 | March to find Score Piece 1. You can use | Wet Umbrella...............70 | Score Pieces to play music and even earn | Glowing Tail...............50 | items if you play it good enough! They | Twilight Feather...........50 | add to the musical factor of the game. | Peach Cookie...............20 | o-------------------------------o Go inside March's house and inspect the birdcage for a Twilight Feather. Also check the pots inside to find a Club Clover. You can also head over to the item shop to find loads of goodies. Inspect the crate inside for a Floral Powder and head down the spiral ramp. Pick up a Breast Guard for Allegretto and Beat and a Cork Baton for Frederic. Sell your less important weapons and armor. If you have been taking pictures with Beat, sell them as well. They go for high prices depending on the quality of the photo. It's an incredibly easy way to earn money. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: The little boy with the camera is a big wildlife buff. If you trade him 20 pictures of 20 different types of monsters, he will give you some Agogo Droppings in return. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: You can find Precocious Flute near the entrance to the nearby cave. Head over there if you wish to perform. Save your game and fiddle around with your Item Set, then head towards the source of the scream to start a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Ogre Champ, L'Opera Knight x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 45,530 Recommended Level: 8 HP: 1,900 The Ogre Champ is one big foe, and his massive sword is capable of dishing out large amounts of damage. He has a two-hit physical attack and an attack called Decapitate that is very nasty. The first hit sweeps the area horizontally and then hits twice more. The attack as a whole can deal around 400 damage. His other two attacks are close range as well. Ground Strike pummels one enemy and radiates from the target. Big Smash also hits one enemy, but the rest of the attack circles around the target. Of course, take out the L'Opera Knights. Their attacks probably don't even deal any damage, but they are annoying and stupid. I hate how nearly ever boss so far has to have escorts to "help" them out. Plus, killing the L'Opera Knights helps build up Echoes that you can use on the Ogre Champ. Try to focus on them first, because if you attack the big guy and then attack the knights, he will just use Big Gulp to heal himself. Have Beat stay as far back as possible and snap one or two pictures of the Ogre Champ. After, just stick to his long-range physical attack and Rapid Shooter. Frederic is very quick with his attacks and the best guy to build up Echoes. Either have Frederic use the Echoes with Piu Grave or Allegretto use them with Sky Divider. The battle is much easier now that you have three party members. After defeating the Ogre Champ, the party gets a Long Sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The party finds an Agogo after vanquishing the "champ". Everyone introduces each other and a conversation brews. Eventually, the entire party agrees to head out to Forte City. ============================================================================== CHAPTER 2: REVOLUTION [0502] ============================================================================== You'll see a scene at Forte Castle of a wealthy young man. Seems that there's a revolution going on. Makes sense why the second chapter is named so. Just like the last chapter, a scene describing the history of Chopin will begin. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- AGOGO VILLAGE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Poison Whitecap ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stock up at Agogo Village for any needed supplies. Return to the area where you fought the Ogre Champ to find a Poison Whitecap in a patch of mushrooms. Now take the exit past the item shop to Chorus Plains. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- CHORUS PLAINS =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Angel Goat, Earth Shaker, Maledictor Items: Club Clover x2, Jezail, Leather Hide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ South Side ---------- The plains here are very wide and open. Run to the left side of the field right across from the entrance to find a chest. Open the chest for a Leather Hide. Defeat the Angel Goats and walk towards the bridge to find another goat... except this one doesn't want to kick your ass. It just won't let you pass the bridge. You will need to feed the goat with paper scattered around the plains. The first piece of paper is right behind you. The other two are on the right side of the plains. They aren't too hard to find. The second piece is behind a rock structure to the right and the third is on the dirt path leading back to Agogo Village. Once you feed the goats, they let you pass. South Lake ---------- There are plenty of strong enemies in this area. Try to keep all characters' levels somewhat even. Since you have four party members and only three can fit in a party, switch characters out until they are all levels somewhat the same. Walk around the slope on the left side and proceed forward. You'll eventually come to a chest guarded by an Earth Shaker. Defeat him, then open the chest to find a Jezail. Give it to Beat and move forward. Talk to the goatherd up ahead and give him your Long Johns in exchange for Goat's Milk. I'm not sure if we lucked out on that deal or not. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Give the goatherd your Goat's Milk and he'll hand over a nice Coupon. Continue towards the beautiful lake. Walk towards the left side of the coast and inspect the light patch of soil in front of the rock to get a Club Clover. Since there's isn't anything else to do at the lake, go right and read the sign to find out that there is a detour ahead. Sounds good enough to me. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Walk onto the dock overlooking the lake to find Twilight Juju. He is nice enough to perform with you. East Lake --------- The narrow path is filled with many enemies, so take them all out. A Save Point lies at the end of the dirt trail, so save your game and head down the slope to trigger a cutscene. The party spots a girl being harassed by some evil thing. The party rushes over to fight. North Side ---------- The girl will automatically be in your party, so you can test out her attacks against the Maledictors. Viola is equipped with a bow and arrow that can be used from a distance. It takes a bit to get used to, so you may not do too well with her in this battle. The important thing is that you have to have a clean shot when targeting an enemy. If an obstacle or another party member is in the way, then the arrow will do nothing. The Maledictors are very tough, but killing all three will net you a lot of EXP. After the battle, Viola mentions that people who use Mineral Powder turn into those evil bird creatures. Something fishy is going on, and I blame Count Waltz. Anyways, Viola invites the gang inside of her house. They talk about what could possibly be going on with Count Waltz and the Mineral Powder. Viola agrees to tag along with the party, much to Allegretto's chagrin. Open the chest in Viola's house for a Club Clover and leave. Save your game outside and start towards the incredibly large hill. It's very pretty when you get up close to see the two rivers flowing on each side. Ascend the hill to Cabasa Bridge. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- CABASA BRIDGE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fort Fermata is on the other side of Cabasa Bridge. It is the home for people that have suffered the deadly effects of Mineral Powder. Rest assured, there is no way to fall off the bridge into the canyon below, so take your time when crossing the bridge to the fort. Once halfway across, another cutscene will start with Count Waltz. We learn that Fugue is working with Count Waltz, so that's enough to learn that they are evil. Once you gain control again, enter Fort Fermata. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- FORT FERMATA =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Lords of Darkness, Maledictor Items: 100G, Maple Baton, Paper Umbrella, Poison Blood, Rapid Fire, Red Velvet, Score Piece 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Central Road - South -------------------- Fort Fermata is split into two sides: the east side and the west side. The whole place is a giant labyrinth, and you are in the center of the fort (well, the south side of the center). ElevenFour has a great map of Fort Fermata up on the site, so you should probably check it out so you don't get lost. Save your game at the main gate, then go forward across the walkway. Head over the bridge towards a locked door. Since it is locked, we might as well go another way. Walk across the vines on the left to enter the West Side. West Side --------- Fort Fermata's inner portions consist of rings. You are on the bottom floor, and since you entered from the central bridge, you're now on what I like to call the inner ring. The middle ring is of course in the middle, and the outer ring is closest to the perimeter of the fort. Cross to the middle ring and go to the right to find a ladder. Climb it to the upper floor. Go south until you reach another ladder; climb down to the bottom floor. Head north to reach a room. Moving Room ----------- Well, it sounds like the room moves. Destroy the Maledictors roaming around here and leave. Doesn't look like the room is moving now. West Side --------- Save at the Save Point and climb the ladder. There is a room that moves the Moving Room, but ignore it for now. Just remember where it is. Walk across the top of the Moving Room to reach a chest containing a Paper Umbrella. Give it to Polka and cross the room to the inner perimeter of the fort. Move south across the stone ledge to reach the outer ring. Cross the outer ring ALL the way to the northern side of Fort Fermata. Now go south across the stone ledge and enter the room. Over Central Road ----------------- You are over Central Road, which means that you're crossing the center of the fort. Use the Save Point and head to the East Side. East Side --------- Walk south across the ledge and take the first unbroken path. Save at the Save Point, then climb down the ladder and enter the room to the left. Hit the button inside to move the Moving Room (gosh woulda never guessed). Return to the West Side. West Side --------- Proceed to the south end of the West Side (by going around the long outer ring) and return to the first switch room. Enter the Moving Room, which has moved to the right slightly, and leave. Open the chest here at the dead end to find a Poison Blood. Equip it to Allegretto and return to the other side of the Moving Room. Pass the Save Point and go into the switch room. Hit the switch to move the Moving Room to the East Side. Backtrack to the outer ring and take the first ladder you see to the bottom floor. Enter the room at the end. This is the Switch Reset Room; there is no need to reset anything, but you can find a chest containing a Red Velvet inside. Also go down the second ladder along the way and inspect the flowers to find 100G. Return to the East Side. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: If you go north along the path, you will find a locked room. You don't have the key yet, and you won't even be able to open this room until a second playthrough. When you go inside, you will find Chord. Give him the Heart Pendant to release his soul and receive a Pot. East Side --------- Gosh, this place sucks so hard. Go as far south as possible and take the ladder to the right. Now that you're on the bottom floor, go along the path to find the Moving Room here. Go through. Proceed down the path to find a ladder leading to the top floor. Head to the roof of the Moving Room and cross to the north side. Walk down the middle ring and descend the ladder halfway across. Move south to find another ladder leading up to the outer ring. Climb up and go south to find a chest containing a Rapid Fire. Give it to Viola and return to the ladder. Climb down and continue north. Walk across the rubble leading to the middle ring and head south to find another switch room. Hit the switch inside to move the Moving Room again. Exit and head to the inner ring via the rubble. Climb the ladder and cross over the top of the Moving Room. Climb down the ladder and go through the room to the other side. Open the chest for a Maple Baton and give it to Frederic immediately. Return to the other side of the Moving Room and go over the roof. Climb down the ladder in the middle ring and ascend to the outer ring. Proceed north to reach the inner perimeter and a room. Central Road - North -------------------- Finally! This place was awful. Descend the ladder and save your game. Make any last minute preparations, because it's pretty awful that you need to fight that giant monster down the road. Fix your Item Set and change your party according to your preference. Definitely take Viola since Heal Arrow is like, the best Special Attack out there. When you are ready, confront the beast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Killer Knight, Maledictor x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 102,100 Recommended Level: 16 HP: 8,470 The Killer Knight is a very powerful and a very large foe. His twin axes can cover a lot of ground and have a long range, so make sure you do not keep your party too close to each other. White Swirl can either hit multiple targets or one target several times. Either way, it's bad news. Plow hits three times to one target as well, and Red Death sweeps horizontally and deals around 500 damage several times. Two Maledictors join the Killer Knight in this battle. By now, you should be able to take them out in one turn with physical attacks and ending with a Special Attack. Since they are so close to the big guy, some Special Attacks will hit both targets at once. Have Viola attack up close and finish off with Bone Crusher and the other party member take out the second Maledictor. I rarely had Viola fight in this battle. Since the torches around the room are the only source of light, I put Viola in one of the torches around the border of the arena. She occasionally attacked from afar with her bow and arrow, but mainly she used Heal Arrow. Since Special Attacks are powered up with Echoes, her Heal Arrow will heal more if you have more Echoes. Using all 32 Echoes with Heal Arrow will heal around 3200 HP to all party members! I had Allegretto and Frederic team up with Viola in this boss battle. Both are powerful and can dish out loads of damage up close. Allegretto attacked with Sky Divider and Frederic used Coup de Jarnac. The Killer Knight has a crapload of HP and very high ATK, but if you use Heal Arrow virtually every turn (it's possible), you cannot really have trouble with the Killer Knight. The party gets the Fort Fermata Key and a Lace Veil as a reward for their victory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Guess what? The party has leveled up to Party Level 3! The Action Gauge has been lowered to four seconds and you now only have three seconds of Tactical Time! No more standing around at the start of battle forever. As a plus, you now have four slots for Special Attacks (two Light and two Dark) and 20 slots in your Item Set. Just as a reminder, you need to hold down Y to use your second set of Special Attacks. The party learns of the rebel group Andantino and some other junk, like the connection between Agogos and Mineral Powder. Once the cutscenes finally stop, open the chest past where the Killer Knight once stood to find Score Piece 2. Exit Fort Fermata through the door next to the chest. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- HANON HILLS =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Earth Shaker, Eternal Green Items: Angel Trumpet, Club Clover, Lace Veil, Odd Chocolate ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o South | - ITEM SHOP - | ----- o-------------------------------o This entire area is very straightforward, | Breast Guard..............300 | so it's basically impossible to get lost. | Coachman's Coat...........300 | Configure your party after the boss fight | Bat Umbrella..............250 | and equip them with any new accessories. | Angel Trumpet.............200 | You may want to use your lesser-used | Fancy Clothes.............200 | characters here to help them catch up on | Red Velvet................180 | levels. Head along the path and kill the | Club Clover...............150 | Earth Shaker guarding the chest. Open it | Floral Powder.............100 | for an Angel Trumpet. | Leather Hide..............100 | | Poison Whitecap...........100 | It won't take long for you to get stopped | Chance Feather.............50 | by a cutscene. Allegretto will discover a | Dawn Feather...............50 | weird section of the cliff wall. He says | Glowing Tail...............50 | there is a breeze on the other side, but | Pure Feather...............50 | there's no way to move and see if it is | Shadow Tail................50 | a secret passage or not. Get back onto | Twilight Feather...........50 | the main road and continue on. You will o-------------------------------o eventually reach the next area. Midway ------ A merchant down the road is being attacked by an Earth Shaker, so help him out by dispatching the beast. The merchant will thank you and allow you to access his shop. Pick up a Bat Umbrella, Fancy Clothes, Coachman's Coat, and any other items you need. On top of that, you can also rest in his caravan to fully heal your party! SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Talk to the item merchant and give him your Coupon for some Honey. Later in the game, return to him and trade your Glass Ball to get an Odd Candy. Once you are ready to move on, save your game and resume your travels. You can find a treasure chest across from the caravan that holds some Odd Chocolate. Proceed up the hill towards the big tree. Talk to the traveler sitting on the tree root and give him your Goat's Milk. In return, he'll toss a Piggy Bank your way. Continue down the other side of the hill and go down the small path to find a Club Clover in the chest. North ----- Cross the stone bridge up ahead and move along. Take down the Eternal Greens in your way. There is a chest on the part that juts out of the main road, so open it to find a Lace Veil. Give it to one of your characters and continue to Forte City. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: You will find Strolling Ghost Note near the chest that has the Lace Veil inside. You can perform a duet with Strolling Ghost Note. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- FORTE CITY =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: 100G, Lead Slug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o As of right now, there isn't much to do | - ITEM SHOP - | in Forte City. Save your game and walk o-------------------------------o into the building on the right. This is | Full Plate................450 | the inn, and you will start a cutscene | Walloon Sword.............350 | involving a girl named Koto. She wants | Coachman's Coat...........300 | you to find her friend Phil. The rascal | Hell Mustard..............300 | has a tendency to wander off. Looks like | Tailored Clothes..........300 | we'll have to find him before his scary | Oak Barrel................280 | mom lays the smackdown on him. Before you | Rapid Fire................280 | leave, check the back left corner of the | Bat Umbrella..............250 | inn to find 100G. | Wolf's Fang...............250 | | Angel Trumpet.............200 | Start talking to the inhabitants to try | Fancy Clothes.............200 | and learn where Phil could have possibly | Pair Jacket...............190 | gone. Start off with the women near the | Club Clover...............150 | billboard. After learning a little bit | Poison Whitecap...........100 | about Phil, go to the left and speak with | Bubble Straw...............50 | the man standing in front of the shop | Chance Feather.............50 | (the stand next to the tavern). He asks | Dawn Feather...............50 | for someone to give him 100 Gold. Since | Fallen Feather.............50 | we just found 100G in the inn, we might | Glowing Tail...............50 | as well hand it over to him. Giving the | Icy Feather................50 | money to the moocher causes him to leave. | Pure Feather...............50 | Despite handing over your Gold to a silly | Shadow Tail................50 | drunk, at least you can access the shop. | Twilight Feather...........50 | o-------------------------------o The shop has a lot of great stuff to buy. First off, sell any of Beat's pictures and start stocking up on items. Pick up an Oak Barrel for Frederic, Wolf's Fang for Beat, Walloon Sword for Allegretto, and a Pair Jacket for Viola. If you need anything else, buy it. You should have loads of money to spend. Now go north to reach the Castle Gate. Castle Gate ----------- Talk to the heartbroken man wandering around the gate. Next, speak with the boy who needs a place to store his money. Trade him your Piggy Bank for his Speed Shoes. Don't bother equipping them, because you will need to trade them later on. Return to Forte City. Forte City ---------- Enter the tavern and talk to the proprietress. After you speak with her, leave and talk to the tipsy old man in the town square. Keep talking to him to learn more information about Phil. Repeatedly talk to him until he mentions something about him running out to the cliffs. Sounds like a good lead. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Search the garbage can next to the Save Point to find a Lead Slug. It's a pretty nice piece of equipment. Also search the nook to the right of the inn's front door to find Score Piece 26. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Go inside the inn and talk to Phil's dad. He will want to perform with you! SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Enter the tavern and inspect the tables on the top floor to find Score Piece 27. Now head to the Castle Gate and talk to Pretty Oud. He is a guard that wanders around the vicinity. If you have already played Disappointing Note at the Cabasa Bridge, perform Score Piece 32 with him to possibly earn a Diamond Bracelet. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: After talking to Granny in Baroque City, return to the Castle Gates and speak with the sick man near the stairs. Talk to him to get Score Piece 28. Since we have a lead, now is a good time to set out. Save your game and take the western exit to Glissando Cliffs. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- GLISSANDO CLIFFS =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Caravan Crab, Sweet Whisper Items: Bubble Straw, Celestial Hourglass, Hell Mustard, Larkspur Robe, Reed Bow, Silver Necklace, Speed Shoes, Spirit Arrowhead ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The party finds a shoe on the ground, which must belong to Phil. They assume that he fell off of the cliff. Climb the vine near the barricade. Area 1 ------ There is another vine to the right of your starting position, so climb down. Slide down the next vine nearby. Walk to the right side of the cliff and press A when the exclamation point is above your head to jump down to the next ledge. There are two vines here, so climb up the rightmost one. Doing so will lead you to a chest containing a Bubble Straw. Return to the previous ledge and slide down the other vine. Run behind the big tree and kill the Sweet Whisper up ahead. Jump off of the first two cliffs to find an old man. Talk to him (Wiseman Maracas) and perform. No matter what, you'll always get a Rank F. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: If you try performing with Wiseman Maracas again, you'll do much better. Use Score Piece 5 to earn an EZI Certificate on an A-Rank and play Score Piece 23 to win a Tailored Clothes if you get a B-Rank. Drop down to the ground and go to the left. Cross the bridge to reach Area 2. Area 2 ------ Jump over the gap and climb down the first vine. Climb down the very long vine to a dead end and a chest. You can't cross over to reach the chest, but there is a hard-to-see cave to the left of the vine. Enter the tunnel to reach the treasure chest. Open it for a Hell Mustard and climb back up. Now run through the tree to the left and slide down the vine here. Ignore the next vine here and run behind the rock. Jump down from the ledge to reach another tiny ledge. Climb down the vine to find a chest containing a Silver Necklace. Return to the tiny ledge and jump down from the right side. Descend the next vine to another seemingly dead end. However, go through the tunnel to the right of the vine to reach the other side. Go down the next vine. The next portion involves you jumping over a series of gaps. After jumping over the two, climb down the vine and run to the right. You will see a long vine that you cannot reach (you're actually behind it. Walk to the edge of the cliff near the vine and jump down onto a platform. From here, you can access the vine. Ascend the vine to reach a chest containing a Reed Bow. Give it to Viola and jump off of the right side to reach a Save Point. Save and climb down the vine to the next area. Area 3 ------ Drop down from the cliff on the left side and run through the caves to the left to reach a chest. Open it for some Speed Shoes. Now that we have two, you can equip one and trade the other one when the time comes. Go back to the right to reach the vine leading back up to the starting point. Instead, walk down the narrow path and jump down the series of platforms to reach another vine. Descend to the next cliffside. Walk to the left to find a vine and slide down. There is another vine to the left, but continue past it. Jump across the gaps to reach a giant tree. Go behind it to find a treasure chest containing a Spirit Arrowhead. The chest is kinda hard to see due to the dense foliage. Return to the vine that you passed and use it. Climb down the next vine to reach a makeshift bridge. Proceed across to Area 4. Area 4 ------ Go down the rope and head through the large cave on the left. Once on the other side of the cliff, jump over the gaps and enter the cave at the end. This one will take you down one level. Go down to the next cliff, then walk around the side of the rock to reach a chest containing a Larkspur Robe. Return to the other side of the cliff and slide down the vines. Run to the left for a scene. Looks like the kid got stuck in a tree. The party rescues Phil and he thanks the team. You return to the top of Glissando Cliffs. If you want a Celestial Hourglass (a really nice item), then return to the tree where Phil was to find it. It's a long trip, so the choice is up to you. When you're done, backtrack to Forte City. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- FORTE CITY =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Club Clover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Save your game and stock up on any items that you need. Also head to the inn for a cutscene. Phil will let you stay and rest for no charge. Once it's morning, proceed to the Castle Gate. Castle Gate ----------- Walk up the stairs and towards the gate for another scene. The party encounters some of Count Waltz's guards. Before they can ask to see him, the head guard stops them. Apparently they know our plan, and he plans to put a rest to it with brute force! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Tuba ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 132,530 Recommended Level: 18 It may be a three-on-one battle (that's right, no lackeys to deal with!), the battle with Tuba should not be overlooked. Tuba is a powerhouse and easily the strongest enemy the party has encountered this far. A lot of his attacks have different ranges, so Tuba has one for each situation. His physical attack is slow, so it can be easily guarded. Mega Mash is another close-range attack that can deal over 400 damage three times! Gigantic Slam radiates around Tuba, hitting anyone caught in the shockwave. The main target is hit with over 400 damage, and anyone caught in the wave can be hit for around 200. Demonic Embrace fires at a target and can hit anyone in the back. It actually hits the target twice, each for around 300 damage. In short, Tuba is a very strong opponent. The only shade you can find in the arena are the shadows from the big pillars on top of the castle gates. The rest of the battlefield is all sunlight, so that is a plus when using Viola. Like in the battle with Killer Knight, keep her away from Tuba and in the sunlight so she can use Heal Arrow when needed. Now since you can use up to four Special Attacks, Viola can also attack with Sacred Strike when everyone has enough HP. Since Tuba's physical attack and Gigantic Slam can hit multiple targets, don't try to keep the remaining two party members next to each other. Like in the last boss fight (and probably for a long portion of the game), I used Frederic and Allegretto in this fight. Have Frederic attack up close with Piu Grave or Coup de Grace. Allegretto can stay in the shadows and use Phantom Wave. Or you can be reckless and have them both surround Tuba. I mean, Viola should always be available to use Heal Arrow. You won't get anything for defeating Tuba. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tuba is clearly pissed off for losing to a kid, a composer, a photographer, a sick girl, and a goatherder, so he tosses everyone in jail. What a sore loser. Forte Dungeon ------------- The party is thrown into a cell with Salsa, March's twin sister. She's a lot more rowdy than her sister. Allegretto uses his awesome prison-breaking skills to free everyone. Search the group of boxes on the right side of the dungeon to find a Club Clover. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Perform with Thief Slur down here in the dungeon. Using Score Piece 18 will net you an Emerald Bracelet on A-Rank. Save your game and inspect the hole near the stack of boxes. Since it's the only way out, we might as well go through. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- ANDANTINO'S SECRET PASSAGE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Bolbo, Caravan Crab, Sweet Whisper Items: Branch Sword, Buffalo Horn, Charmed Scales, Dragon Scale, Frilly Umbrella, Poison Whitecap, Star Cookie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ North Section 1 --------------- Since Salsa is now in your party, you should at least try her out in the secret passage. She is pretty tough and can build up Echoes quickly with her two chakrams. Kill the enemies populating the tunnel and take the right path when you get to the fork. North Section 2 --------------- Continue down the cave to reach a Save Point. Save your game and you'll reach another fork not long after. Again, the path to the right is the way to go. Cave - North ------------ Nothin' to do here other than walk across the walkway and kill enemies. Cavern - South -------------- Save your game and follow the trail. Well, there isn't much of a choice as to where to go. Continue straight ahead to reach the other side of the cave. Cave - North ------------ Get rid of the Bolbo up ahead and stop up ahead. Look at the ground for a part that is exposed to sunlight. You can drop down from there onto a platform. Fall down and open the chest for some Charmed Scales. Now go straight ahead to find another patch of sunlight. Drop down from there to another treasure chest containing a Branch Sword. Defeat the Bolbo and fall down to the next walkway. Run to the right to find another treasure chest. A Star Cookie is inside. Now go left to the next area. North Section 3 --------------- Move along once you reach the fork and take the left trail. You'll reach a chest and a dead end. Open it for a Frilly Umbrella. If you return to the fork and go north, you may realize some similar landscapes. You are actually at the entrance of the secret passage! Return to the Save Point at Cavern - South and follow the path to Cave - North. Cave - North ------------ Instead of jumping off of the walkway, just follow the path to the next area. Cavern - South -------------- Walk along the path and take anyone out in your way. South Section ------------- Walk onto the peninsula to find a chest containing a Buffalo's Horn. Take a right at the intersection and follow the path until you reach another fork; go to the right. Take this path as you start walking back to the fork. There is an alcove with a chest inside, so open it for a Dragon Scale and return to the second intersection. From here, start going forward and follow the cliff wall. It will eventually take you to a third and final intersection. Go to the right to find another treasure chest. Open it for a Poison Whitecap and return to the intersection. Go left this time to find a Save Point and the exit. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- HANON HILLS =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Earth Shaker, Eternal Green Items: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remember that spot where Allegretto found a possible passage? Well we exit at that spot. Though, the members of Andantino are on the other side. The gang learns that Salsa was thrown in jail for the same reasons as the party. The party and Andantino go together (but you cannot use them in your party). The enemies here should not give you a problem by now. Go south towards Fort Fermata and you should spot a man on the side of the road. Give him your Speed Shoes to get a Fruit Basket. Exit to Fort Fermata =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- FORT FERMATA =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Lords of Darkness, Maledictor Items: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You'll see another cutscene of Tuba getting yelled at by Count Waltz. He wants Tuba to find the prisoners, but bring back the guardian of Agogo Forest alive. At the fort, the party talks and we learn more about Frederic. He is one weird dude. Since we have the Fort Fermata Key, we don't have to take the long way. Go south and save your game, then use the key on the locked door. Exit the fort. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- CABASA BRIDGE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Play Score Piece 19 with Disappointed Note to earn the final Score Piece, Score Piece 32. As soon as you enter the bridge, a cutscene will begin. I'm really liking how the plot is turning out. The whole Mineral Powder thing is creative. Before anyone can delve too deep into the conversation, Tuba stops the gang. I wonder how he managed to catch up to us so fast. We will have to fight Tuba again, but due to Beat's short temper, he is automatically included in the party! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Tuba ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 178,410 Recommended Level: 20 Beat can really make or break your party. If you use him all the time, then this battle won't be any more difficult. However, if you think Beat sucks and constantly stick him in the corner for more powerful, useful characters, then this may suck for you. It also depends on who Beat replaces. If Viola gets kicked out of this party for the twerp, then things will suck even more. Tuba still all has the same attacks. The worst ones are Mega Mash and Gigantic Slam, since the former can deal over 900 damage and the latter can hit many targets. He also has Demonic Embrace, which can hit a target and anyone behind them. Those are the only attacks you really need to watch out for. There is no permanent shade in the arena, which may hurt or help you. A cloud will loom over the bridge and move in and out of position. Since the shadow moves (slowly), trying to use Dark Special Attacks may be difficult. If Viola is in your party, keep her at a distance and use Heal Arrow or normal attacks (remember, repeatedly pressing A will cause her to fire many arrows). If she is absent, then you will have to either rely on another healer or resort to using items. Club Clovers and Floral Powders are your best bet. Oh, and also make sure to snap some photos with Beat. They come in handy. Tuba may be stronger in this fight, but it's more or less the same boss battle as before. Once you put an end to Tuba's madness, you will earn a Crescent Blade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tuba catches the party off guard by destroying the bridge. Everyone plunges into the river below as the chapter ends. ============================================================================== CHAPTER 3: FANTAISIE-IMPROMPTU [0503] ============================================================================== The group has been torn apart, but Allegretto and Viola have found Andantino. Though, Polka and the others are nowhere to be found. You'll be controlling this makeshift team for a while. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- ADAGIO SWAMP =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Blue Gil, Rare Metal Picker Items: Angel Trumpet, Falchion, Fish Incense, Mammoth Armor, Swallow Shooter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ West Side --------- Since you can use the members of Andantino here, I suggest using all three. From the entrance, cross the bridge to the right and go north. Continue following the stagnant path until you reach a fork that splits to the left and right (it should be the third intersection). Take a right and keep going to reach a chest containing a Fish Incense. Take the path (not the big tree trunk) north, then walk onto the tree branch to reach another chest. This one holds an Angel Trumpet. Exit the branch and continue to the right. If you go down the right path, you'll reach the East Side. Before we do that, continue south and open the chest for a Swallow Shooter. Now backtrack to the path and proceed to the East Side. East Side --------- When you reach the fork at the base of the big tree, go right. Follow the narrow trail and turn to the right. There is a staircase leading into the water next to the giant tree branch. Enter the water and continue to eventually reach a chest containing Mammoth Armor. Return to the giant tree trunk and follow it to the other side of the east side. There is another path you need to take next to the tree branch, but pass it and continue to the right. You will find a dry fish. We cannot help it right now, so return to the fork and go north. Just remember the little guy! There is a small path jutting out of the road, so take it to find a chest holding a Falchion. Give it to Jazz and follow the remainder of the path to a Save Point and the exit. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- CANTABILE INN =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: 45G, Meat Hook, Score Piece 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just why is there an inn in the middle of the swamp? Everyone agrees to stay the night here. The team is a little concerned about the possibility of a spy in Andantino. Once the sun rises and you gain control again, enter the guest room on the right side of the inn. Talk to the traveler to try and catch his pet mouse. Allegretto will use the Fruit Basket to catch Mr. Squeakers. The man gives you a Winder in return. Search the plant next to the beds for a Meat Hook. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Enter the guest room on the right to find Sister Loving Trumpet and Tenacious Cornet. You can perform a duet with both of them. Exit the inn and inspect the wheelbarrow outside to find 45G. Save at the Save Point and cross the dock. Inspect the boat on the side of the road for Score Piece 3, then follow the path to your next destination. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- WOODBLOCK GROVES =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Bloody Onion, Leaf Egg, Mushroom Up Items: Angel Trumpet, Back Sword, Big Paper Fan, Fencing Saber, Luckless, Recovery Gloves, Score Piece 4, Windblow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ South ----- The main reason why Woodblock Groves sucks hard is because the entire place is filled with poison spores and your party will always start a battle poisoned. Still, that should not be a reason to avoid enemies here. It is important to level up your party efficiently! Walk forward and jump off of the ledge to the ground below. Walk up the stairs on the left and cross the bridge. Make your way along the path as it zig-zags downward. Pass by the traveler and perform with him if you'd like (you'll earn a Brilliant Brooch if you play Score Piece 1 and get an S-Rank) and walk onto the bridge. Jump off below and walk south. Climb onto the tree branch and follow it to a chest containing a Back Sword. Jump down and enter the arch. South Center ------------ Ignore the first drop down point and head to the second one. Jump down below and cross the stick bridge to an intersection guarded by a Bloody Onion. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: There will be a device on the side of the road here. Input the password "3214" to initiate a boss fight with Dolce and her crew. If you win, you'll receive Wilderness and Seven Stars. Plow through the Bloody Onion and go past it. Walk under the bridges as the path bends back up. Pass by the first Mushroom Up and jump down to the road below (right near another Mushroom Up). Now run up the path and across the bridge. Open up the chest to find a Fencing Saber. Now take the left path from the point where you jumped down to reach another chest. This one holds Luckless. Drop down and follow the path north. North Center ------------ Jazz will give the party Neutralizing Stones to help repel the poison. Use the Save Point and then travel down the path on the right. Drop down to the trail below and follow it across the wooden bridge. If you take the winding path to the left, you'll eventually reach a cliff overlooking the Save Point. Open up the chest for Score Piece 4. Now go to the right across the mushroom bridge to reach a fork in the road. Go to the left to find a Bloody Onion. However, this guy doesn't want to fight you. Give him your Winder to receive an Empty Vase. Now is a good time to return to the dry fish in Adagio Swamp. If you give the fish the Empty Vase, it'll hand over a Power Ring. It's all part of the trading sequence, so now is the best time to do it. Return to this point afterwards. Once you're back at where you got the Empty Vase, go to the left and jump off of the bridge. Walk up the winding path to the left to find a chest holding a Big Paper Fan on a tree branch. Jump off of the branch and go north. North ----- Walk up the path until you reach a bridge. Jump off and open the chest in the mess of weeds for a Windblow. Continue along and cross the mushroom bridge to find yet another chest. Open it to receive an Angel Trumpet. Leap off of the mushroom bridge and continue back up the path. Pass the bridge you jumped off before and now drop down from the arch to another path. Head north to eventually reach another wooden bridge. Drop off and go north across a pair of mushroom bridges to find a chest containing Recovery Gloves. Drop down from the mushroom bridge next to the chest and go north. When you approach the wooden bridge, drop off of this as well and proceed down the dirt path to another drop point. Geez, lotta jumpin' in this place! Go along the path to reach a plateau high up in the air. Drop down onto a tiny platform, the jump down to a dirt path. Go forward to the next area. Phew! Waterfall --------- The Neutralizing Stones you received have cracked. Boo. Save your game at the entrance and move along to find the source of the poison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Trick or Treat, Mushroom Up x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 225,730 Recommended Level: 23 HP: 20,480 Odd name for a flying tree stump. While it may not look like much, Trick or Treat is not only incredibly powerful, but surprisingly durable as well. He has some very strong attacks. Dander Fume can cover a nice range and deals around 600 damage to its intended target. When he uses Inevitable Punishment, he'll teleport to a character and deal around 800 damage twice, then teleport back to the original location. Trick or Treat's most powerful attack is Mushroom Party: it'll cause a downpour of fungi on a large radius. The primary target will be dealt over 1800 damage if unblocked! Since Trick or Treat has a few attacks that cover a large range, make sure to keep your party away from each other by initiating a hit-and-run technique. Viola should stay far back and use rapid-fire arrows and Heal Arrow whenever she can. The two Mushroom Ups should go down fast. You can take out one with Falsetto in one turn if you launch a combo attack culminating in Snow Claw. The other one should be taken down just as easily with Jazz. Trick or Treat can actually revive its fallen comrades with Heavenly Assist, but instead of devoting a turn to defeating one, try to catch them in large-scale attacks. For the record, my party consisted of Jazz, Falsetto, and Viola, mostly because Viola is awesome and I think Claves is downright terrible. There is a nice ratio of light and shade, so you should be fine when wanting to use either Light or Dark Special Attacks. Build up Echoes with the party and let Jazz use them with Heat Blade or even Viola with Heal Arrow if the party is really suffering. This is easily the hardest boss battle yet, so try to keep your party's HP up by using items from your Item Set as well. You will win Recovery Gloves and a Floral Extract after the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walk forward past Trick or Treat's remains to reach the waterfall. This actually the entrance to Andante, the rebel city and Andantino's headquarters. Enter the city through the nearby cave. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- ANDANTE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Flare Head, Score Piece 5, Score Piece 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o Entrance | - ITEM SHOP - | -------- o-------------------------------o As of right now, Jazz and Claves have | Dragoon Blade............1000 | left the party. Save your game and enter | Monkey Bow................800 | the cave to reach the heart of the city. | Tiger Armor...............800 | | Power Stroke..............700 | | Silk Dress................600 | Andante | Mammoth Armor.............350 | ------- | Big Paper Fan.............300 | Cross the bridge and enter the second | Cloth Dress...............300 | room on the right to reach the infirmary. | Fish Incense..............300 | Replenish your HP for free and leave. Go | Hell Mustard..............300 | across the bridge and enter the storage | Lion's Mane...............300 | room. Check the shelf on the right to | Odd Chocolate.............300 | find Score Piece 5. Leave and descend | Angel Trumpet.............200 | the stairs to the bottom floor. | Star Cookie...............200 | | Club Clover...............150 | Check out the shop for some goods. Pick | Poison Whitecap...........100 | up some new weapons, like the Monkey Bow | Bubble Straw...............50 | and Power Stroke. Also purchase the Tiger | Chance Feather.............50 | Armor for Allegretto. Once you're done | Dawn Feather...............50 | window shopping, enter the last room on | Fallen Feather.............50 | the left. The little girl inside is | Glowing Tail...............50 | bawling since her flower is wilting. It's | Icy Feather................50 | actually a rare flower that can only | Pure Feather...............50 | survive on water at the nearby cemetery. | Shadow Tail................50 | | Time Feather...............50 | Before we can head out on that special | Twilight Feather...........50 | quest, go back inside the house and check o-------------------------------o the bookshelf to find a Flare Head. It's an accessory for Viola, so give it to her immediately. Inspect the pots to the left of the residence to find a note: "search around the stone pillar". Hmmm. Go back to the top floor of Andante and go across the bridge leading to the entrance. Search the stone pillar to find another note and Score Piece 6! Now backtrack to the bottom floor and head down the walkway across from the shop to reach a cave. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Enter the storage room and perform with Sullen Melody. If you use Score Piece 28 and get an A-Rank, you'll win an Amethyst Bracelet. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Lonely Pitch is near the entrance of Andante, across from the Save Point. Perform with him and earn an A-Rank with Score Piece 20 to win an EZI Photo. Play Score Piece 23 and get an S-Rank to receive an Onyx Bracelet as a reward. When you are ready to continue, enter the cave across from the shop. Cemetery Entrance ----------------- It looks pretty spooky already! Walk down the purple road to reach Lento Cemetery. I have a feeling I won't like this place... =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- LENTO CEMETERY =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Light Antique, Scourger Items: Chivalry Armor, Hellstriker, Lion's Mane, Mailed Fist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Main Cemetery Road ------------------ At the fork, take a right to find a Save Point up ahead. Walk forward to find someone. It's the little boy that ran off to help save his sister's plant. He tells the gang that the fog blocks the passage leading to the Simile Spring. In order to remove the fog on the gates, you must have both candlesticks at the gate lit. You also have to pay attention to the color of the candlestick, because only the corresponding flames will be able to light its candlestick. Allegretto takes the red flame at the gate, so go south and approach the gate to the right of the Save Point. The fog here is red, and there is one red candlestick at the gate. Place the red flame on the candlestick to remove the red fog and clear the path. Proceed through the gate. Blockheads' Boneyard -------------------- The enemies in the Lento Cemetery are really easy, so try and clear the areas of them for easy EXP. From the entrance, walk to the left and go down the path to reach a blue flame floating at the dead end. Take it and leave Blockheads' Boneyard. Main Cemetery Road ------------------ Make sure you take the red flame off of the candlestick. You should now have one red flame and one blue flame. Save your game and go to the right of the spot where you found the kid. At this next gate, light the candlestick with your blue flame and watch the fog dissipate. Old Age Acres ------------- Go to the northeast end of the area to find a gate with some red fog. Use your red flame to make it go away, then go through the gate to find another red flame. Take the flame out of the candlestick; you should have two red flames. Now walk to the southeast end of Old Age Acres to find a chest. Open it to obtain a Mailed Fist. Return to Main Cemetery Road. Main Cemetery Road ------------------ Save your game again. From the Save Point, go north and take a left once the road opens up. Use one of your red flames to lower the fog and enter. Warrior's Burial Ground ----------------------- Defeat the enemies in the area and head towards the northwest corner to find some purple fog. In order to get rid of it, place a blue flame and a red flame on the candlesticks. Once it disappears, collect the blue flame on the other side. Grab the two flames off of the candlesticks and exit. Main Cemetery Road ------------------ Grab the red flame from here. You should have two red flames and two blue flames. Return to the fork near the entrance and take a left this time. Use a blue flame and a red flame to open the entrance to Gone Too Soon Graveyard. Gone Too Soon Graveyard ----------------------- This place has some neat names. Use the monsters here to build up EXP and head to the northwest end of the area. Another purple fog gate lies here. Use your final two flames to lower the fog, then enter the next area. Back Road --------- Follow the long road until you eventually reach a chest. Open it for a Lion's Mane and continue down the stone path. Entrance to Spring ------------------ Use the nearby Save Point to save your game, then continue to the right to find a green flame at the dead end. Take it and return to Gone Too Soon Graveyard. Gone Too Soon Graveyard ----------------------- DO NOT take the red and blue flames here. Got it? LEAVE THEM THERE. Leave. Main Cemetery Road ------------------ Take the red and blue flame. Since you left the red flame and blue flame behind, you should have one of each flame. Entrance to Spring ------------------ You can leave this place right now, but there are some nice items that we can pick up here. Save your game and go to the Back Road. Back Road --------- Go down the path and enter Gone Too Soon Graveyard (you know, since you left the two flames there). Gone Too Soon Graveyard ----------------------- Now you can pick up the red and blue flames. Go to the southwest end of the area to find another purple fog. Use a red and blue flame to lower it, then use your second blue flame to get rid of the blue fog. Open the chest for a Hellstriker. This sword gives Allegretto permanent Burst, which doubles his ATK but cuts his DEF in half. It's up to you if you want to use it. Grab the flames and go through Back Road and the Entrance to Spring until you reach Main Cemetery Road. Main Cemetery Road ------------------ Now you're on the other side of the yellow fog gate. Grab the red and green flame, then save your game and return to Blockheads' Boneyard. Blockheads' Boneyard -------------------- There's another gate at the southeast end of the boneyard. Lower the red fog with one red flame, then use a blue flame and a green flame to lower the light blue fog. Open the chest here to get Chivalry Armor. Grab all the flames again and head back to the Main Cemetery Road. Main Cemetery Road ------------------ That's it for the items, mmkay? We're ready to move on. Lower the yellow fog with a red and green flame and enter the next area. Entrance to Spring ------------------ Save your game and use a blue flame to remove the blue fog. Simile Spring ------------- As you can see, something big and intimidating is standing in the middle of the spring. Lemme guess, we have to fight that thing? Unfortunately. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Death Crow, Light Antique x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 252,380 Recommended Level: 26 HP: 14,880 THAT'S a crow?! Looks like a weird dragon thing. The Death Crow is BIG, and is accompanied by two Light Antiques. The Death Crow has a lot of attacks at its disposal. Intake can deal around 2700 damage unblocked and can also stretch to hit other characters. Curdle is another strong attack that can deal over 2000 damage. Other than that, the Death Crow only has a two-hit physical attack. Sweeping can actually be used from behind, so Death Crow will use this move if you are hiding behind it. There are several problems about the Death Crow. First off, it is floating in the air, so it can be difficult to hit it every single time when using normal attacks or even multi-hit Special Attacks. Try to attack the crow from behind at all times. The second annoyance is that despite its massive frame, the Death Crow is very fast and has a long range. Even if you attack from behind, it can move quickly and swoop its wings out in an arc. As you know already, there is little sunlight in the Lento Cemetery. Try to position Viola in the center of the arena, where there is sunlight. The only other light is from the spirits that travel around the place. Since they move constantly, using them as a source of light isn't very productive. The Light Antiques may not look like much compared to the Death Crow, but they are powerful on their own rights. They have high DEF and can deal a lot of damage with their attacks, so your best bet is to use Dark Special Attacks to kill them. Allegretto's Phantom Wave is a good choice. If Death Crow uses Warder's Call to resurrect one, then focus your attention to kill it again. Due to the lack of sunlight, it's best to use Dark Special Attacks on the boss. Falsetto's Howling Thunder is a phenomenal attack, especially when you use up the Echoes with the attack. Allegretto should stick to Shadow Assault and Viola should just use Heal Arrow and possibly Hawk Eye or Sacred Strike. The battle against the Death Crow will take a long time, but keep using Heal Arrow and recovery items to stay on top. The party will get a Thunder Stir once the Death Crow experiences... death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now that the Death Crow is no more, the party will collect the Simile water. Another cutscene will begin, and it's rather informative (and shocking!). SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: You can find an Odd Chocolate in this area if you inspect the spot near the entrance. ============================================================================== CHAPTER 4: GRANDE VALSE BRILLIANTE [0504] ============================================================================== Damn, that was a quick chapter. Anyways, the perspective changes again to Polka and the others. Looks like we are going to be playing in a flashback! =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- BAROQUE SHIP =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Bubble Straw, Hell Mustard, Piercing Shell, Score Piece 7, Score Piece 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o Leave Salsa to her beauty rest and exit | - ITEM SHOP - | the bedroom. o-------------------------------o | Hoolurge Gun..............800 | West Hallway | Buffalo Horn..............700 | ------------ | Jonas's Parasol...........700 | Save your game and climb up the stairs to | Sparkling Clothes.........700 | the deck. | Leather Jacket............500 | | Very Odd Chocolate........500 | | Big Paper Fan.............300 | Deck | Dragon Scale..............300 | ---- | Fish Incense..............300 | Enter the upper left door and inspect the | Hell Mustard..............300 | barrel of liquor for some Hell Mustard. | Lion's Mane...............300 | Head down the other flight of stairs to | Mouse Metronome...........300 | the East Hallway. | Floral Extract............250 | | Angel Trumpet.............200 | | Bubble Straw...............50 | East Hallway | Chance Feather.............50 | ------------ | Dawn Feather...............50 | Search the barrel behind the staircase to | Fallen Feather.............50 | get a Bubble Straw and enter the room to | Glowing Tail...............50 | the right. You'll find Score Piece 7 if | Icy Feather................50 | you search the blue stand. Return to the | Pure Feather...............50 | deck. | Shadow Tail................50 | | Time Feather...............50 | | Twilight Feather...........50 | Deck o-------------------------------o ---- Go to the bow (the front of the ship) for a scene with Frederic. I'd like to restate that Frederic is one weird guy. Explore the bow and check the boxes and barrels to find a Piercing Shell and Score Piece 8. Talk to the man near the stairs leading to the West Hallway to access the shop. Pick up the Hoolurge Gun for Beat and some Leather Jackets. When you are ready to move on, head to the stern (back of the ship) for a cutscene. What would an RPG be if it didn't include pirates? =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- PIRATE SHIP DOLCE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Raiding Pirate, Warrior Pirate Items: Fish Incense, Floral Powder x2, Glowing Tail, Goddess Bouquet x2, Harmonic Wind, Mercy Breath, Pirate's Key, Sailor's Uniform, Score Piece 9, Very Odd Chocolate, Wormwood ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deck ---- If you ever need to return to the Baroque Ship, just talk to the blue-clad soldier on the deck. For now, save your game and go down the stairs to the lower level. Level 1 ------- Defeat the pirate that charges at you. The pirates are very easy, so they should not give you any trouble despite your low levels. Enter the room on the left and jump down to the hole to Level 2. Level 2 ------- Open the chest for a Wormwood and drop down from the balcony. Enter the room across the hall and take the stairs back up to the first level. Level 1 ------- Exit the room and run to the end of the hall for a cutscene. Go inside the room to the left to find a chest. Open it to get a Very Odd Chocolate. Leave and enter the room across the hall, then descend the stairs. Level 2 ------- The Warrior Pirates down here are some tough customers. Since you cannot access the right side of this room, leave through the door. Head down the hall to find a chest containing Floral Powder. Return to the room you came from and enter the cabin across from it. Run to the end of the room and open the treasure chest to get a Glowing Tail. Leave and go south. Enter the first door on the right and take the stairs. They will lead down to the third level of the Pirate Ship Dolce. Level 3 ------- Save at the Save Point and exit the cabin. Enter the room directly to the left to find another chest. It holds a Goddess Bouquet. Return to the hall and head north. Take the door on the left. If you play some Score Pieces with Captive Conga, you can earn some nice stuff. Play Score Piece 3 and get an S-Rank for a Dark Brooch, and get an A-Rank on Score Piece 4 for an EZI Scarf. Leave and enter the room across the hall. Go up the stairs to Level 2. Level 2 ------- Defeat the two pirates here and open the treasure chest to receive Mercy's Breath. Give it to Salsa and jump down the nearby hole. Level 3 ------- Take down the two pirates in the cabin and enter the hallway. Go south and enter the door on the right and jump down the hole. Level 4 ------- Open the chest up on the balcony for a Harmonic Wind and drop down. Kill the pair of pirates in the room and leave. Enter the room across the hall and open the chest between the bunk beds for a Sailor's Uniform. Return to the hall and continue north. Enter the first door on the right to locate a chest containing Score Piece 9. Enter the room across the hall to find a chest containing Fish Incense. We won't take the stairs just yet. Instead, exit and enter the next room on the left. Open the treasure chest for a Goddess Bouquet. Return to the previous room and climb the stairs. Level 3 ------- Run across the cargo room and up the stairs. Level 2 ------- Jump down the two holes to reach Level 4. Level 4 ------- Open the chest up here for the Pirate's Key. Jump down and save your game, then exit the cabin. Go into the room on the right and open the treasure chest to receive a Floral Powder. Exit and continue north to reach a locked door. Use the Pirate's Key to enter the Back Hallway. Back Hallway ------------ Use the nearby Save Point and stock the hell out of your Item Set. Next, enter the room to find the captain of this pirate ship. Turns out that her name is Dolce as well. Like any good pirate, she decides to fight the party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Captain Dolce, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 141,080 Recommended Level: 22 HP: 23,520 HP: 28,220 This is one hell of a fight. Since we cannot rely on the cheap goodness of Viola's Heal Arrow, you will have a very hard time keeping your party's HP in check. Polka's Earth Heal does a decent job, and you can use Frederic's Sacred Signature as a last resort. Pack your Item Set with Club Clovers, Angel Trumpets, and Floral Extracts, because you will need them all. Dolce has a wide range of attack, most of them being long-range. Her physical attack can hit up to five times, and Dead Man's Tale is a long-range musket shot capable of dealing over 2300 damage! Burning Spindle hits for around 700 damage multiple times and Tempest Swirl is her final long-range attack. To boot, Captain Dolce can also heal herself with Ruthless! The two lieutenants are dangerous foes as well. Unlike most escorts, they will need several turns to be dealt with. They can heal and use Burst on themselves with Rising Power. They can also pack a punch with Splintering Soul and Cruel Cutlass, to name a few. Just for the record, the First Lieutenant is the one with brown hair and the Second Lieutenant has blonde hair. Make sure to take out the lieutenants first before they spam Rising Power. They are durable, but have Salsa use Grand Slam or Shadow Silhouette and Beat can use Rapid Shooter from a distance. Frederic has no choice but to heal or attack up close and personal. Once those two goons are out of the picture, it's time to focus on Dolce. Taking her down is a real chore, since she has powerful attacks and is very fast. Since Dolce is unlike any other boss for the sole fact that she's a human and normal size, she can move around a lot easier. Don't be surprised to see Dolce run behind you and start attacking just so you won't be able to block. It's friggin' annoying, but there's nothing you can really do. Have Beat attack from the distance and be the healer, despite having the least amount of HP. He can use Rapid Shooter and Fire Blast to help keep Dolce at bay. Power Smash also works well if she catches up to him. Frederic can use Piu Grave and Coup de Grace against Dolce, though his Special Attacks don't seem to be that... good. Salsa should power up anyone close by (probably Frederic) with Shadow Silhouette and batter Dolce with Grand Slam. It's always important to keep moving in this battle. I know that I have a bad habit of clumping everyone together to surround the opponent, but that spells bad news when fighting Captain Dolce. Use up turns just to back up or maybe stand in the way of the swinging lanterns (since they are your only source of light in the entire room). If Polka is in the party, she can use Nether Wave to attack from afar and heal with Earth Heal. It will take a lot of time and a lot of guts, but keep it up. This is actually the first time I ever died when playing the game. Defeating Captain Dolce and the lieutenants will earn you Pirate's Paper 1, Skull and Bones, and a Torn Umbrella. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The party discovers a horde of treasure, but Salsa finds the ultimate treasure in a new hat! She really loves hats. After some comical moments, the flashback ends. Wow, I kinda forgot that whole thing was a flashback. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- BAROQUE CASTLE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Goddess Bouquet, Magatama, Mouse Metronome, Score Piece 10, Score Piece 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Save outside of the castle and inspect the ice sculpture to the left of the door for a Goddess Bouquet. After, go inside for another boring "hey, lets talk about Chopin's life story" scene. First Floor ----------- Go through the Audience Chamber and take the southern exit to reach the Main Hallway. From the entrance, take the first arch on the right to enter the East Hallway. First Floor - East Hallway -------------------------- Enter the second room on the left and inspect the dresser for Score Piece 10. Return to the Main Hallway and take the first entrance on the left to reach the West Hallway. First Floor - West Hallway -------------------------- Save your game here, then return to the Main Hallway and ascend the stairs on the right to reach the second floor. Second Floor ------------ Go straight ahead and enter the room at the end. Search the grandfather clock to find Score Piece 11. Exit and go around the bend to the other side of the floor. Enter the lab and speak with the Magic Researcher. Inspect the green beaker to get a Magatama. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: After getting the Agogo Droppings, give some Honey to the Magic Researcher. He'll hand over some Odd Candy. Return to the right side of the floor and go inside the room with the guard outside to speak with Prince Crescendo and Princess Serenade. They talk about Count Waltz's plans to invade Baroque with his mindless drones. The party agrees to return to Ritardando, but first they have to scale the big mountain that happens to stand in their way. After the cutscene, you will end up at the castle gate. Castle Gate ----------- Sharp Mountains is to the left, but we should probably stop at Baroque City first. First inspect the trash bag on the right side of the gate for a Mouse Metronome, then walk south to reach the city. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- BAROQUE CITY =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Feathered Hat, Score Piece 12, Score Piece 13, Snowpuff Cookie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o Main Street | - ITEM SHOP - | ----------- o-------------------------------o The building on your left is the Hotel | Lohar Cannon.............1000 | Ensemble, so step inside. In order to get | Ebony Shaft...............900 | a Score Piece later in the game, you'll | Elegant Clothes...........900 | have to speak with Grandma. She is found | Mercy Breath..............750 | on the top floor, in the second room from | Jonas's Parasol...........700 | the left. After the conversation, leave | Leather Jacket............500 | and go down the hall on the left. Enter | Stone of the Spring.......500 | the room and search behind the tea cups | Snowpuff Cookie...........300 | for Score Piece 12. | Angel Trumpet.............200 | | Wormwood..................200 | The shop is to the right of the hotel, so | Bubble Straw...............50 | stop by and see what they've got. The man | Chance Feather.............50 | behind the counter says he'll give you a | Dawn Feather...............50 | discount, but we're never really sure if | Fallen Feather.............50 | he does. Go south to reach a Save Point | Glowing Tail...............50 | and search the median on the left for a | Icy Feather................50 | Snowpuff Cookie. Save your game. | Pure Feather...............50 | | Shadow Tail................50 | Head inside the house across from the | Time Feather...............50 | bar; the one filled with dogs. Search the | Twilight Feather...........50 | barrels to the right to find a Feathered o-------------------------------o Hat. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: In this very same house, talk to the wife inside to learn that her husband disappeared in the Sharp Mountains. Continue to the Sharp Mountains to find him. He'll be spotted by one of the dogs that you bring along. However, you must rescue the injured man from Tracer. After defeating Tracer, the party returns to the house and the wife gives you a Score Piece 31 for a job well done. Exit the house and go south to reach the entrance of the city. Entrance -------- There really isn't much to do here, but you can find Score Piece 13 by inspecting the snowman on the side of the road. Once you're done in Baroque City, it's time to head off to the Sharp Mountains. Return to the Castle Gate and take the left path to reach the base of the mountain. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- SHARP MOUNTAINS =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Ice Coffin, Swordfish Items: Bird Cloak, Chakram, Elegant Clothes, Score Piece 14, Score Piece 15, Shard of Sampo, Snowpuff Cookie, Warhammer Gun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Base ---- Save your game at the base of the mountains and follow the path until it forks. Take the right path to reach another fork. The man at the intersection is an amateur comedian, but he offers no help. Search the shrine behind the man to find 321G, then go to the left. You will come to a dead end, but search through the snow for a Snowpuff Cookie. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: The amateur comedian's name is Quack Ukelele, and he is willing to play a song with you if you so choose. Now pass the fork and go to the right to reach a very steep slope. It's hard to climb slopes at an angle like this, but it's possible (you will just move slower). Defeat the Ice Coffin at the top and open the chest it was guarding for a Shard of Sampo. Return to the first intersection and walk to the left to find another steep slope, this one leading to the next area. Second Point ------------ There is another intersection right in front of you. Go to the right and follow the hill up towards a big tree. The path stems to the left, but stay at this area right here. There is a slope leading down that's hard to see, but it's to the right of a reddish pink flower. Go down the slope and inspect the area at the end for Score Piece 14. To the left is a Swordfish and a dead end. Kill it if you want, but either way you will have to return to the intersection. Proceed to the left this time, hugging the left wall as you go. If you do so, you should find a steep slope leading up to a chest. Open it for a Bird Cloak and slide down the slope. Continue up the main trail to reach a wooden bridge. Ignore it for now and go up the hill to find a treasure chest; this one containing Elegant Clothes. Backtrack to the bridge and cross it to the Sixth Point. Sixth Point ----------- From the start, kill the Ice Coffin on the left to find a chest. Open it to receive a Chakram. Hm, not very good at all when you compare it to Salsa's Mercy Breath. Ah well. Move along the trail to the Eighth Point. Eighth Point ------------ Go up the slope to the right to find a Save Point and a house. Head inside for a cutscene. Ya know, the normal bad guy talk and even some crazy flashbacks. Once you regain control, open the treasure chest for a Warhammer Gun and search the fireplace for Score Piece 15. Leave and continue up the slippery slope. Summit ------ We will have to enter the intimidating cave in front of us. Strange that a place so hot coexists with such a snowy mountain. It's like from one extreme to the other. Anyways, enter the cave. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- WAH LAVA CAVE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Coelacanth, Fire Antique, Haken Buchse Items: Cloud Cape, Floral Extract, Goddess Bouquet, Hard Jacket, Mouse Metronome, Resonating Wand, Saffron Parasol, Score Piece 16, Snowpuff Cookie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ North Entrance -------------- Use the Save Point at the entrance to the caves and follow the tunnel. Open the chest on the side of the wall to get a Snowpuff Cookie, then continue to the next area. North Side 1 ------------ The scene shows just how perilous the Wah Lava Cave is. When the road forks, take the southern path to find a chest containing a Saffron Parasol. Now go down the northern path. When you reach a small gap, jump across and move on. North Side 2 ------------ Take the southern path to find Score Piece 16, then return to the intersection and go down the northern path. When you reach the dead end, jump down onto a rock containing a chest. Open the chest for a Floral Extract. Drop the rest of the way to reach the middle path and follow it to a Save Point. Yep, another fork. Again, take the southern path to reach a chest guarded by a Haken Buchse. It contains a Resonating Wand. Now head north, dropping down the ledges to find a chest containing a Goddess Bouquet. At the fork here, head north to find another series of ledges. There are actually two ledges you can drop down here. Make sure you jump down the ones on the left in order to reach a Hard Jacket. Geez, ANOTHER intersection. Take the path on the right. Middle 2 -------- Yep, this road is really long. Defeat the Haken Buchses in your way and you will eventually reach Middle 2. Middle 2 -------- At the end is a chest guarded by an enemy. Kill it and claim your prize: a Cloud Cape. Return to the fork. North Side 2 ------------ Once back here, take the left road this time. Middle 1 -------- Hop across the chasm, defeat the enemies in your way, and walk forward. Middle 2 -------- A Save Point is in the middle of the area, so save your game and take the central path. Hop down the ledges until the path splits. Take the path on the left to reach another fork. Now drop down to the right to reach Middle 3. Middle 3 -------- From here, go to the right to find yourself at another fork. Take the path to the right again to eventually reach a chest holding a Mouse Metronome. Backtrack to the first intersection and go to the left. When you reach another damn intersection, go down the southern path as it twists and turns. Make sure to defeat all of the enemies here. One of them is covering up an "X" on the ground. For me, it was a Haken Buchse, but I don't know if it's like that for all games. When you find the "X" on the ground, inspect it to trigger a cutscene. Apparently this is Captain Dolce's hidden treasure, and she isn't too thrilled about the heroes finding it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Captain Dolce, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 181,050 Recommended Level: 25 HP: 27,440 HP: 32,920 This battle is nearly identical to the first battle you had with the trio. They all have the same attacks, but naturally, they deal more damage than in the first fight. Make sure that your Item Set is stocked up with Snowpuff Cookies, Floral Extracts and Angel Trumpets/Goddess Bouquets. As for your party, Frederic and Salsa are a must. It's up in the air between Polka and Beat for the final spot. Both aren't as helpful as the others. Make sure to take out the two lieutenants first. They are more powerful than before, but still nothing compared to the captain. They all have the same attacks that can deal around 1000 damage. They can also resurrect each other, so make sure to have your two strongest characters each focus on one of the lieutenants. Afterwards, have everyone focus on Captain Dolce. If Polka is in your party, have her stay in the light and use Earth Heal or Orange Glow. If she's absent, have Frederic heal on and off between attacking. The light/dark situation could be better on the battlefield. There is no set pattern, so you will have to find shelter in a random splotches of sunlight. The battle is fairly difficult, but just remember: if you did it once, you can surely do it a second time. The party will receive a Pocket Watch and Pirate's Paper 2 for winning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once the pirates scatter, continue down the winding path to South Side 1. South Side 1 ------------ Coelacanths will jump out of the lava, so you will have to time your jumps if you want to avoid a fight. Once you hop across a number of them, you will be at the next area. South Entrance -------------- Ah, a Save Point! Save your game and take the southern path outta here. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- AGOGO VILLAGE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Woah, we're back here already! Salsa meets up with her sister March and the party also encounters Fugue again, who's looking for the glowing Agogos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Fugue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 219,460 Recommended Level: 28 This time, you actually stand a chance against Fugue. His Hit Points may look daunting, but this is actually a rather simple fight. If you have enough healing items in your Item Set, you can make this battle even easier if you turn it into a test of endurance. All you need are some Club Clovers, Floral Extracts, and an Angel Trumpet or two. Fugue only has three attacks aside from his surprisingly slow melee. J'accuse is a one-hit attack that travels in a line. Due to the pattern, it can target multiple characters. However, the attack itself is fairly weak and only deals around 2600 damage. Blood Scent is a multi-hit attack that is also pretty weak. Finally, Dark Presence can target you from a distance. For my party setup, I had Salsa, Frederic, and Beat. Beat concentrated on healing the team with Star Cookies and Club Clovers as he kept his distance. He can also attack from a distance with his gun if everyone is at tip-top shape. Salsa and Frederic should surround Fugue and attack mercilessly; one in front and one at his back. You should have a lot of powerful, close-range Special Attacks. Frederic has Piu Grave and Orzel Bialy while Salsa can use Grand Slam/Deadly Orbit. Any of your Special Attacks should do, because there is an uneven split of light and dark in the arena. Basically, the entire left side of the area is shadowed by a large tree. Overall, it comes down to the fact that this is a three-on-one battle, so you should really have no problem against Fugue. After the fight, you will receive Brisingamen and Torquatus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The party also gains a level, as you are now at Party Level 4. Aside from Tactical Time being reduced to one second, your party members can now use counterattacks. Like guarding, a counterattack button will appear when you're being attacked. Hit it at the right moment to attack back. Not only that, but your party can also use Harmony Chains. When you have at least 24 Echoes stored and you use a Special Attack when the words "HARMONY CHAIN" are shown, your character will chain together a specific number of Special Attacks. In this case, the Harmony Chain will be two chains long when at Party Level 4. After the informative cutscene, the chapter will end. ============================================================================== CHAPTER 5: NOCTURNE [0505] ============================================================================== ...Aaaand another cutscene begins. The party arrives at Ritardando for numerous reasons and Allegretto fills Beat and Frederic about everything that went down so far. The three agree to take a nice stroll around town. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- RITARDANDO =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Score Piece 17, Score Piece 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o Save your game down here and return to | - ITEM SHOP - | the surface. Stop by at the shop, which o-------------------------------o has gotten a lot of new material since | Lunaticus................1300 | we've last been here. Pick up a bunch of | Bastard Sword............1150 | Diamond Clovers and some Snowpuff Cookies | Hatchet Musket...........1100 | as well as any new weapons or equipment: | Battle Shirt.............1000 | just don't buy anything for Allegretto. | Leather Guard.............900 | | Sock Incense..............500 | Stop by at the bakery, which is left of | Ugly Clothes..............500 | the shop. Well, I'm sure Allegretto knows | Diamond Clover............350 | where it is considering it's a hot-spot | Snowpuff Cookie...........300 | for his shenanigans *gets pistol whipped* | Angel Trumpet.............200 | Once inside, inspect the shelves and | Wormwood..................200 | crates in the back to find Score Piece 17 | Bubble Straw...............50 | and Score Piece 18! | Chance Feather.............50 | | Dawn Feather...............50 | Head towards the Mandolin Church for a | Fallen Feather.............50 | scene. There has been a lot of commotion | Glowing Tail...............50 | here as of late. Despite whatever is | Icy Feather................50 | making the noise down in the catacombs, | Pure Feather...............50 | we have no choice but to check it out. | Shadow Tail................50 | | Time Feather...............50 | Viola, Salsa, and March join the three to | Twilight Feather...........50 | inspect the creepy noises in the church o-------------------------------o basement. Allegretto uses his supposed fear of ghosts to leave for Tenuto. See? That's why I told you to refrain from buying stuff for him. Because we won't be able to use him for a little while. You will gain control of him for the time being. Head down to the beach to trigger a cutscene. Now you're back with the ghost hunters. Before entering the church, leave and head back to the hideout entrance. Speak with Sym to learn that one of the kids in Ritardando Sewers is sick. You're all the way down in the sewers, but exit and go to the pharmacy (right of the shop). However, the cold medicine is sold out. Head across the street to the house next to the bakery. The woman here bought the last cold medicine, but your Power Ring will prompt her to trade with you. Trade your Power Ring for the Cold Medicine. Return to the sewers and deliver the medicine to the sick child. Beat will get a Spell Book for curing the kid. Exit and save your game down on the beach, then head to the church. Mandolin Church --------------- Step onto the altar and talk to the priest to fully heal your party. Enter the catacombs through the door behind the priest. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- MANDOLIN CHURCH CATACOMBS =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Orange Float, Ruby Eye, Viege Items: Diamond Clover x2, Double Crescent, Power Ring, Prophetic Cane, Score Piece 19, Scramasax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ South Section ------------- The catacombs are actually rather straightforward, but you can find many items on the branching pathways. Also, it's a good idea to put March and Viola in your party (preferably alongside Salsa) because they are both fairly underleveled. Plus, it's neat to see March in action and find out what she is capable of. From the start, walk forward and take a right when the path splits. Follow it to the right. East Section ------------ Alright, we somehow ended up in a crystal mineshaft. Weird. Follow the ruined tracks to find a chest on the side. Open it for Score Piece 19 and continue south. You'll actually end up at Allegretto's secret hideout in Ritardando! Open the treasure chest back here for a Scramasax and return to the fork at the South Section. South Section ------------- Now take a left at the fork. Defeat the Ruby Eye in your way and head to the North Section. North Section ------------- Continue north, destroying the enemies that stand in your way. The appearance of the catacombs changes the farther you go in. It eventually just turns into a giant cave. Entering the next area will start a cutscene. Grotto: South Section --------------------- You will find a Save Point here, so save and go to the left. When the road splits, take the left trail and kill the two Vieges in front of you. Open the chest behind them for a Prophetic Cane. Inspect the strange pillars around the remains of the two enemies. Inspect all of them; once you get a message, return to the church and inspect the third pew on the right (from the front door). You will turn on the light and find a clue about Dolce's treasure on the pew. Doing all of this will allow you to fight Captain Dolce a third time a little later in the game. While you're up here, heal at the priest and return to the grotto. Once you're back at the fork, go to the right this time and you'll eventually reach the next area. Grotto: Middle Section ---------------------- When you come to a chest on the side of the road. Open it for a Power Ring and continue forward. When you reach a mine track jutting out into the water, cross it to find a small area with two chests. Open them for a Double Crescent and a Diamond Clover; give the former to Viola and go back across the tracks. Follow the main road to the North Section. Grotto: North Section --------------------- At the fork, make a right to reach a large, open area. There are a lot of monsters here, but it's easy to walk behind them and initiate a back attack. Kill every last one and collect the Diamond Clover from the chest on the right. Enter the tunnel up ahead to find a Save Point. After saving your game, go forward to discover the source of the noise. It's just some weird, nasty monster. Aren't they always? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Root Lurker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 315,790 Recommended Level: 30 The entire dungeon was a giant cake walk, and the same can be said for this boss. The Root Lurker may have a ton of HP, but it's a lot easier depleting it. The one dangerous thing about this fight is that the Root Lurker has some few powerful attacks that you should really watch out for. Bo Peep only deals around 2000 damage, but it can inflict Passive on the target. That means you cannot counterattack. Trip to Pain can deal somewhere in the ballpark of 3200 damage, but the attack also causes Root Lurker to move across a great distance. A lot of ground is covered, so he may use it tactically to reach a party member that's far away. Also, that may cause you to move around a lot during this battle. Roar is Root Lurker's final attack, which can target all character around him and deals around 3000 damage. Root Lurker can definitely pack a punch, but you still outnumber the beast. Have Viola use Heal Arrow every once and a while to keep everyone on track and also put those Diamond Clovers to use. She should be the one character that stays from afar and acts as a healer. If everyone is healed, Viola can switch to using Sacred Strike. If you have the chance, have Viola use a Harmony Chain so she can pull off both Special Attacks at once. The twins should both stalk the Root Lurker and unleash their best Special Attacks. Salsa usually does best using Deadly Orbit and March can use Super Nova to dish out the most damage. Also try to use Harmony Chains to really beat the snot out of the boss. In order to have Salsa use Deadly Orbit, have her hide in the Root Lurker's shadow; he is such a large target and the only shade is on the outer section of the arena. The party obtains a Crimson Brooch and Herebra once they silence the Root Lurker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Search the large crystal formation at the back of the room to find some Ugly Clothes. The story changes back to Polka. After an incredibly long and annoying scene, you are treated to another long and annoying scene about Chopin's life. After that (and another scene, LOL), you finally gain control of the party. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- BAROQUE CITY =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Score Piece 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o Main Street | - ITEM SHOP - | ----------- o-------------------------------o The entire party (aside from Falsetto) | Jade Falcon..............1400 | has banded together, so you have plenty | Crystal Suit.............1300 | of options as of right now. The shop has | Gold Baton...............1300 | stocked up on some new gear, so check it | Double Crescent..........1200 | out. Pick up some Crystal Suits and new | Midnight Shell...........1200 | weapons for your party members. | Sabertooth...............1200 | | Lunaticus................1150 | Go south and save your game, then follow | Evening Clothes..........1000 | the street for a scene. A priest here | Leather Guard.............900 | will inform the gang about the Aria | Scorpion's Tail...........300 | Temple and they decide to head out there. | Angel Trumpet.............200 | Head to the right side of the Castle Gate | Bubble Straw...............50 | and speak with the old woman here. She is | Chance Feather.............50 | a former servant at the castle and will | Dawn Feather...............50 | give you some nice information. | Fallen Feather.............50 | | Glowing Tail...............50 | Now return to Main Street and go inside | Icy Feather................50 | the bar. There is a door on the right | Pure Feather...............50 | that leads to the wine cellar. Go through | Shadow Tail................50 | and talk to the drunk guy back here. When | Time Feather...............50 | you are given conversation options, pick | Twilight Feather...........50 | "Lately, Dolce's skin is starting to sag" o-------------------------------o to start an impromptu battle against Captain Dolce and her crew. Remember, you can only do all of the stuff I described in the past two paragraphs if you inspected the pillars and lit the light back at the Mandolin Catacombs. If you did not do any of that, you cannot fight Dolce a third time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Captain Dolce, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 290,530 Recommended Level: 31 HP: 31,580 HP: 31,580 You should know what you're doing by now. I mean, this is the third time you have fought this girl and her crew. They all have more HP and are stronger, but do not introduce any new attacks. Now that you have a large choice of party members, this battle should be the easiest of the three. Now that you have Viola with you, you probably won't even need to use items. Make sure to take out the two lieutenants first. They are more powerful than before, but still nothing compared to the captain. They all have the same attacks that can deal around 2000 damage. They can also resurrect each other, so make sure to have your two strongest characters each focus on one of the lieutenants. Afterwards, have everyone focus on Captain Dolce. My party consisted of Viola, Jazz, and Allegretto. Jazz and Allegretto ripped her to shreds with Heat Blade and Sky Divider respectively. Viola can spam Heal Arrow to keep everyone healthy. Now that you can use Harmony Chains, the battle should end quicker than ever. Really, this is starting to get pathetic. Once the battle ends, you will receive a Werewolf Choker and a Peace Earring. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: After defeating Dolce, one of the pirates forks over Pirate's Paper 3 after being captured by the gang. Examine the barrels behind where the employee once was to find Score Piece 20. Exit and save your game once more, then head to the entrance. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Show the priest here the Glass Ball and he will tell you to bring it to the top of Aria Temple. Entrance -------- Go south to reach Celesta Forest. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- CELESTA FOREST =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Anathema, Flamea, White Pearl Items: Orbis, Score Piece 21, Snow White, Spell Book ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entrance -------- Walk across the bridge to have a nearby merchant stop you. He tells you that the Aria Temple Key is needed to enter the temple. In order to get it, you'll have to return to Baroque Castle and give the Magic Researcher (second floor, west side) the Spell Book to get it. If you do not have the Spell Book for any reason, you can find one inside Celesta Forest. Once you're back here, speak with the merchant to get Score Piece 21, then follow the cobblestone road to the West Side. West Side --------- Save your game and open the chest on the side of the road for a Snow White. It is actually at the end of the path that forks off of the road, but you should find it if you hug the side of the road. Continue down the road (I don't know why this is called a forest if it's just one long road) to the next area. Middle ------ Go down the road and follow the path as it stems to the left. Go up the tiny slope to find a chest guarded by a Anathema. Kill it and open the chest for a Spell Book. Now cross the street and go up the slope on the right. Open the treasure chest up here for an Orbis and go back down to the road. East Side --------- Nothin' here other than some monsters. Continue to the temple entrance. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- ARIA TEMPLE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Ice Melody, Icicle Eaters, Sorbie Items: Bubbly Hat, Flintlock Pick, Imperial Guard, Lion Armor, Oracle Cane, Recovery Orb, Rib Crusher, Tundra Vest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entrance -------- Once you arrive at the entrance, a scene will begin. Polka spots someone enter the temple just as they arrive. Hm. Save your game and follow the mysterious person inside Aria Temple. Gallery of Earth ---------------- Wow, trippy. Step into the glowing red beacon to go up to the next floor. Gallery of Air -------------- Walk forward to reach a fork. Ignore the room straight ahead and walk into the hall to the left. Defeat the Sorbie that's guarding the chest. Once you do so, the chest will disappear before you can open it! It relocates to another part of the temple. Continue down the hall to another room on the left. Open the treasure chest inside for Lion Armor. This time it won't disappear on you. :) Continue down the next hall and notice the treasure chest behind a gate. We can't get it right now, but remember its location. Head into the next room and ignore the staircase for now. Instead, defeat the Sorbie hiding behind one of the pillars. Doing so will cause the imprisoned chest to disappear to another location. Return to the entrance of the gallery and this time, make a right at the fork. Enter the room ahead and kill the two Sorbies inside, then follow the next hallway to reach another enemy. The chest it was guarding will teleport to the room you were just in. Before going back there, walk forward to find another treasure chest containing a Rib Breaker. Now return to the room and open the chest for an Imperial Guard, then give it to Viola. Now enter the hall you were just in and walk past the opened chest to reach the staircase. Corridor -------- Open the chest here for a Bubbly Hat and go back down the stairs. Gallery of Air -------------- Return to the entrance of the gallery and when at the fork, enter the room straight across. There are a lot of enemies in here, but you only have to kill the ones that are standing on the glowing circles. Once all four are dead, a rope will appear in the center of the room. Climb up to the next area. Gallery of Heaven ----------------- As you can see, this room is identical to the one you were just in. Now the Icicle Eaters are standing on the glowing spots. This time, do not fight them; instead, kill the ones that AREN'T standing on the glowing spots. Doing so will make a chest containing a Recovery Orb appear. If you attack the wrong enemies (the Icicle Eaters), the chest won't appear. Just leave the room and reenter to try again. Exit the room and go down the corridor to the right. As you can see, this gallery is nearly identical to the Gallery of Air. Kill the two Icicle Eaters in here and go down the next hall. Defeat the Sorbie standing guard to make a chest appear in the room you were just in. Grab the Flintlock Pick from the chest and go back to the intersection at the room with the glowing circles. From here, go left instead. Enter the room to the left and eliminate the three monsters inside. Doing so should make a chest containing an Oracle Cane appear. Grab your prize and return to the fork, then go straight ahead and up the stairs to the next area. Corridor -------- A chest containing a Tundra Vest is near the stairs. Walk through the corridor and up the set of stairs to the Gallery of Light. Gallery of Light ---------------- Save your game here and prepare for the upcoming battle. Just as a little "warning", you will get an unwanted party member for this battle. They will take the place of the character in the first slot, so make sure to organize your party so that one of your better characters doesn't get replaced. As another note, the "first" person in your party is actually the the person on the right when viewing through the menu. So keep you two best party members on the left and middle slot and leave someone crappy on the right slot. Proceed up the stairs for a scene and a battle. I guess Polka WAS right about someone entering the temple before us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Rondo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 467,980 Recommended Level: 36 The biggest problem with Rondo is that she is incredibly fast. Sure, her attacks are deadly, but she can execute many of them multiple times due to her speed and battle and the quickness of her executions. Most of her attacks are close-range melee attacks that deal multiple hits. Her physical attack is a multi-hit attack that is a pain if you don't block. Fer De Lance hits twice, the first time for around 1100 damage and the second knocking you down as you are hit with around 750 damage. Bombardment can hit all targets surrounding Rondo if they are close enough; the attack has a decent radius. Hell Eruption is Rondo's most powerful attack and can deal close to 3000 damage unblocked overall. I'm not sure if I'm overleveled or what, but the past few boss battles have been incredibly easy. The battle with Rondo is not an exception. Rondo may have a load of HP, high ATK, and very quick, but she is no match for three of your best fighters. Falsetto hasn't missed a beat since her little panic attack and can easily outmatch your trained characters in terms of attacking. Have her attack up close with Snow Claw. If Viola is in your party, you can keep her at a distance while using Heal Arrow. Ya know, like every battle. There is plenty of light and the only dark areas are on the corners of the arena. Jazz was my final party member (you know, to get some much-needed payback) and though underleveled, was able to take out big chunks of Rondo's health with Heat Blade. Even if Viola is not in your party for some strange reason, using the shameful tactic of surrounding Rondo and beating the pulp out of her is good enough. I did not have Viola the first time I battled Rondo, and I had all three stand right next to Rondo and dish out the Special Attacks. That strategy may be frowned upon, but it's certainly good enough if you're looking for a win any way possible. These three-on-one battles are basically just a test of endurance. After the fight, the team earns a Heart Pendant and Death's Head. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Once at the top of Aria Temple, talk to the shade of a priest to have your Glass Ball turn into an Orb. With that said and done, Chapter 5 ends. ============================================================================== CHAPTER 6: TRISTESSE [0506] ============================================================================== The team decides to check out Prince Crescendo is doing. I totally forgot that we did all of this just because we were waiting for his answer. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- BAROQUE CITY =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Warp Room Key ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o Entrance | - ITEM SHOP - | -------- o-------------------------------o After the scene, return to Main Street. | Zweihander...............1800 | | Doom Guard...............1500 | | Freiturnier..............1400 | Main Street | Elven Sight..............1350 | ----------- | Muse Rod.................1350 | The shop recently stocked up on really | Flintlock Pick...........1300 | good equipment. You might want to pick up | Illunis..................1200 | some weapons or items here. Definitely | Land Scales..............1200 | get the Zweihander and Elven Sight for | Leaf Umbrella............1200 | Jazz and Viola. You can also get some new | Eagle Robe...............1100 | equipment and stock up on Honey Cookies. | Orbis....................1100 | | Black Velvet.............1000 | There really isn't much to do here in | Brain Shatterer..........1000 | Baroque City since you have a task to do, | Honey Cookie..............500 | so head out to the castle. | Scorpion's Tail...........300 | | Angel Trumpet.............200 | Once inside Baroque Castle, go up the | Bubble Straw...............50 | stairs on the right and enter the door | Chance Feather.............50 | that is being guarded by a knight. The | Dawn Feather...............50 | party doesn't find Crescendo, so they go | Fallen Feather.............50 | check the princess's room. Exit and head | Glowing Tail...............50 | around the bend, then enter the third | Icy Feather................50 | room (the one with the purple rug). No | Pure Feather...............50 | princess (she must be in another castle), | Shadow Tail................50 | so leave. You'll learn that the two have | Time Feather...............50 | gone to Forte to surrender! | Twilight Feather...........50 | o-------------------------------o The gang receives the Warm Room Key. Exit Baroque Castle and enter the building to the left. You will be able to get inside using the Warp Room Key. As if the key name wasn't enough, this place is clearly called the Warp Room. Save at the Save Point and talk to the guide inside. After, step into the red glowing spot to teleport to the To Coda Ruins. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: You can use the Warp Room here to teleport to any place you have previously been. A very useful tool. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- TO CODA RUINS =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Ancient Ruins, Dark Antique, OOPARTS, Strong Glory Items: Apollo's Staff, Claimh Solais, Lunar Eclipse, Matchlock Axe, Solar Eclipse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Betrayal Island --------------- Get ready to do a lot of warping in these ruins. From the start, go down the road to find a red teleporter on the left. Step inside to warp onto a roof. Go across the walkways to the next building and step inside the teleporter. We are now on a second island (still called Betrayal Island). Go down the road to a building and walk around the left side of it to find another teleporter. Step on in to teleport onto the roof of the building you just walked past. False Pride Island ------------------ Follow the cobblestone road under the two arches. After passing the second, go to the right and into the teleporter. You will end up on a nearby rooftop. Walk forward onto the first one, then go to the right and continue across the roofs. Once you are at the last one, drop down onto the ground and warp to the next area. Back on another roof. This time, you have the choice of entering two teleporters. Ignore the one on the left and step in the one on the right. The teleporter drops you off on a tiny rock. Open the chest here for a Matchlock Axe and go back through the teleporter. Now use the one on the left. Conceit Island -------------- Take a pit stop at the Save Point and walk to the right. Go behind the brick wall to find a chest containing a Lunar Eclipse. Now go to the opposite end of the island. It's fairly small and there is only one teleporter here, so it's hard to get lost here. You will end up on a nearby roof, so walk across and DO NOT enter the teleporter on the right. It just brings you right back to the entrance of the island. Instead, go across to the northern roof and drop down to the ground. Go around the bend and into the next teleporter. This island is even smaller than the last and there is only one teleporter on the opposite end. Slice through the monsters in your way and warp to Resentment Island. Resentment Island ----------------- Another Save Point, so use it. Head to the right side of the building and pass by the teleporter. Instead, go to the right and around a giant hill that we cannot reach from down here. Instead, go around the hill and step into the teleporter to reach the top. Open the chest up here for a Solar Eclipse, then enter the teleporter to reach the bottom. Now return to the teleporter on the right side of the building and go in. Now that you're on the building roof, go across the walkways and into the teleporter. Jealousy Island --------------- Another narrow, straightforward island. As you pass by the building, it's pretty clear that the next teleporter is just going to bring us to its roof. Step into the teleporter at the end for that to happen. Two teleporters are found on this roof. Step into the left one to transport to a lone island with a chest. Defeat the Strong Glory, who is guarding a chest. Open it for a Claimh Solais and return to the previous island. Now take the teleporter on the right. Suspicion Island ---------------- Save your game and walk to the left. Walk all the way until you are stopped by a brick wall. Go around it to find a well-hidden chest against some trees and barrels. Open the treasure chest to obtain an Apollo's Staff. Now enter the teleporter on the northeast side of the island. Distress Island --------------- Use the Save Point and step into the lone teleporter here. You will end up on a rooftop nearby. Go to the northern roof and drop down here, then enter the teleporter to gain access to another island. Suspicion Island ---------------- You will be back in Suspicion Island, but now in a closed-in area. Enter the next teleporter. Sincerity Island ---------------- No enemies, no chests, just one teleporter. Step inside to exit the ruins. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- CELLO TREE =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Saint's Mirror, Score Piece 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It looks very nice here. Proceed up the stairs and towards the cottage for a cutscene. After the crazy old lady leaves, inspect the front of the house to find a Saint's Mirror. Approach the Cello Tree and search its base to find Score Piece 22. Save your game, then head out to Cowbell Heights. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- COWBELL HEIGHTS =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I can only imagine the number of jokes that stem from this place. Durhur, I got a fever!! The actual place is nice compared to its lame name, but it is also very short. Walk down the dirt trail and through the plains to reach the base of Mt. Rock. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- MT. ROCK =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Gyaman, L'Opera General, Standard Bearer Items: Antelope Armor, No Name, Sunbringer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o Entrance | - ITEM SHOP - | -------- o-------------------------------o There is a Save Point and a merchant at | Soul Cremator............2200 | the entrance, so pick up some stuff and | Artemis's Bow............2100 | save your game afterwards. You can even | Cursed Armor.............2000 | rest before taking up the quest. When you | Jiao Zhu.................2000 | are ready, move to the next section of | Muspelheim...............2000 | the mountain. | Blossom Parasol..........1900 | | Magnum Arm...............1900 | | Mistleteinn..............1900 | Base | Fog Cloak................1800 | ---- | Obscure Jacket...........1800 | The path here is narrow and filled with | Gorgeous Clothes.........1500 | monsters. It's best to cut through the | Goddess Bouquet..........1000 | crowd instead of avoiding everyone. It | Peacock's Feather........1000 | won't take long to reach the next area. | Heart Clover..............700 | | Honey Cookie..............500 | | Stone of the Spring.......500 | Main Area | Wormwood..................200 | --------- | Bubble Ring...............300 | Again, the Main Area is nothing more than | Dark Tail.................300 | a tiny strip of land. Kill the enemies | Shining Tail..............300 | and the path eventually leads to some o-------------------------------o mine tracks and a cave. Head on in. Main Mineshaft -------------- After Jazz stops talking, go through to the next area. Secondary Area -------------- Go along the path and when you see a wooden plank jut across a gap, head over to find a treasure chest holding a No Name. Continue across the path to reach a fork. Go left and follow the trail to the next area. SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: If you go right, you will find a man named Aloof Fiddle. Play Score Piece 28 with him to earn a Floral Powder. Canyon ------ The wind here is strong and will blow you around. Follow the cliffside towards a chest. Grab the Antelope Armor inside and continue across the bridge. Go to the right as the wind helps you to the next area. Tertiary Mineshaft ------------------ Open the treasure chest for a Sunbringer and backtrack to the Canyon. Canyon ------ Now you have to fight the wind as you go to the left. Pass the bridge and continue down the path until you eventually reach the next area. Near the Summit --------------- Definitely lookin' a lot nicer here than the rest of the scenery in Mt. Rock. Save your game and double check your Item Set and such. You always know what's about to happen whenever I tell you stuff like this. Yep, a boss battle. Summit ------ The gang catches up to Crescendo and Serenade. Man are they slow. Before anything can be done, Count Waltz shows up with his crew of evil dragons. Some stuff goes down, but all you really need to know is that you have to fight Count Waltz; right here and now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Count Waltz, Calamity Wilhm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 589,590 Recommended Level: 43 HP: 77,230 Count Waltz is surprisingly strong, considering he is a whiny purple coat- wearing punk. He has several high-hitting attacks that you should really watch out for. Aure Dominium is one of his weaker and slower attacks. Still, the spell can deal around 1900 damage unblocked. Volcano Cuncussio is a rapid fire attack that hits many times. Apocalypse Fall is Count Waltz's most dangerous attack. It is a long-range move that can deal around 4500 damage and also shoots out in a straight line, possibly hitting more than one target. Make sure to block this, because he can target characters afar like Viola, who should spend most of her time healing throughout the battle. Like Captain Dolce, Count Waltz has the annoying tendency to run behind you before initiating an attack. In this case, he usually only uses melee attacks, but they can hit for around five to six times; each hit dishing out around 1000 damage. Definitely keep the Flower Extracts and Diamond Clovers close while Viola can use Heal Arrow occasionally. As you can see, Count Waltz is joined by his pet dragon, Calamity Wilhm. He is actually fairly strong, but usually resorts to melee attacks. They are slow and easily predictable. You should be able to kill Calamity Wilhm in two turns. With that said, make it your first priority to eliminate him so all three can soon focus on the real threat. Viola should have learned Night Arrow by now, so now it doesn't really matter if you stay in the light or dark. Night Arrow is basically a dark version of Heal Arrow, so both can come in handy when you're running away from Count Waltz. Always keep Viola at a distance, because you don't want him getting his hands on her. She can also attack with her bow or use other Special Attacks to hurt him from a distance. Have your other two characters get up in Count Waltz's face and attack. Jazz and Allegretto are probably your two most powerful party members, so they should suffice. Jazz has Heat Blade and Geo Blade to dish out the damage, and a Harmony Chain involving Allegretto's Starlight Blast and Sun Slash is downright dirty. Don't fret if you find yourself healing a lot: Count Waltz is a little cheap with his attack methods and you may have to use items or spells to keep your HP up. Once you win, you will get a Demon Mask, Jokulsnaut, and Vanquisher. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You will reach Party Level 5 after the fight. Tactical Time is now at zero, so you have virtually no time to prepare your attacks. You can now use Special Attacks as a counterattack and Harmony Chains have been extended to three chains long. Basically, that means that you can have a second person perform in the Harmony Chain. On top of that, your movement speed also increases. Legato, Count Waltz's right-hand man, takes over for himself by drinking the Mineral Powder/Agogo drink. He turns into a hideous monster and unleashes a deafening roar as the chapter ends. ============================================================================== 5.07] CHAPTER 7: HEROIC [0507] ============================================================================== As the party wakes up from being attacked, they discover that Legato is gone and in his place is a giant rift. Jump inside the portal to be transported to a faraway land. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- ELEGY OF THE MOON =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: None Items: Dark Tail, Shining Tail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ o-------------------------------o Distortion | - ITEM SHOP - | ---------- o-------------------------------o Run through the sand to trigger a scene. | Hecatomb.................3000 | As the gang enters the strange village, | Lugh Lamhfhada...........2500 | they learn from the floating bubbles that | Fragment.................2300 | this place is like a graveyard of sorts | Arc Strike...............2200 | for people who passed from Mineral Powder | Celestial Gloves.........2200 | consumption. Kinda creepy. | Crescent Cloak...........2200 | | Transeo..................2200 | | Golden Parasol...........2100 | East | Sunbringer...............2100 | ---- | Muspelheim...............2000 | Once you get control, enter the shop. It | Magnum Arm...............1900 | doesn't look like a shop, but it's a rug | Mistilteinn..............1900 | to the left of the village run by a blue | Concealing Jacket........1600 | spirit. He has a lot of stuff you can | Floral Essence...........1000 | purchase, so upgrade your weapons and | Goddess Bouquet..........1000 | sell any photos. You should have loads of | Peacock's Feather........1000 | money by now, so it really isn't an issue | Heart Clover..............700 | in this game. You can also rest here for | Sock Incense..............500 | a small fee. | Stone of the Spring.......500 | | Very Odd Chocolate........500 | After, search the barrel to the left of | Bubble Ring...............300 | the big ramp for a Shining Tail and check | Dark Tail.................300 | the umbrella on the right side for a Dark | Shining Tail..............300 | Tail. Next, proceed up the ramp to the | Angel Trumpet.............200 | west side of town. | Chance Feather.............50 | | Dawn Feather...............50 | | Fallen Feather.............50 | West | Icy Feather................50 | ---- | Pure Feather...............50 | Talk to the first red bubble you see for | Time Feather...............50 | a strange conversation. Now use the Save | Twilight Feather...........50 | Point nearby and approach the big tower. o-------------------------------o Talk to the spirit in front of the door. Looks like the party isn't allowed inside unless they have the elder's permission! Lame. Instead, pass the Save Point and walk to the right. Follow the road as it turns to reach the Noise Dunes of Fantasy. Pretty cool name if you ask me! =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- NOISE DUNES OF FANTASY =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Black Goat Items: Spade Clover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entrance -------- Go down the main path and fight the Black Goats here. If you're low on cash, spend some time taking pictures and selling them back at Elegy of the Moon. You can find the elder at the end of the path. Speak with him to learn some info. The party cannot get past the barrier up ahead, which means that they cannot pursue Legato. In order to deactivate it, they must climb to the top of the Xylophone Tower. The elder gives you permission to enter the tower. Before leaving, open the chest to the right of the barrier for a Spade Clover. Return to Elegy of the Moon. Stock up on any items that you may need, save your game, and enter the Xylophone Tower. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- XYLOPHONE TOWER OF THE SHINING KEYS =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Black Gold, Corsesca, Golden Temple, Phacops Items: Alice's Watch, Mist Cape, Nidhogg's Fang, Ruthless ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First Floor ----------- My, what a mouthful! From now on, I will just refer to this place as the Xylophone Tower. Walk forward and inspect the strange device in the center of the floor to meet with Trio. Trio is the first guardian of the Xylophone Tower and tests the party. He will play a tune on the large keys in front of you; each key that he hits will light up. You have to perform the same tune back to Trio. In other words, you must hit the same keys in the same order. I will provide you with an ASCII diagram of the set: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| |__| |__| | |__| |__| | |__| |__| |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| |__| |__| |__|__| |__| |__|__| |__| |__| |__|__| A little crude, I know. Notice how that in the game, the keys slant upwards in the center. It's not important, but I couldn't pull it off in the diagram. Still, those are all the keys in the right order and everything. Trio's first tune is very simple, but I will mark the diagram with what keys you should hit in what order: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1 | | | | | | |3 | |2 | | | | | | | |__| |__| |__| | |__| |__| | |__| |__| |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |4 | | | | | | |__| |__| |__| |__|__| |__| |__|__| |__| |__| |__|__| Notice how one of the keys says "2" and "4" on it. That means you must hit the key twice; the second hit and the fourth hit. Once you complete the test, a staircase leading to the second floor will appear out of thin air. Head up the staircase. First Floor - Spiral -------------------- This is just one giant spiral staircase. The steps, which look like keys, will light up and make music as you step on them. Cute. First Floor - Landing --------------------- You can find a treasure chest on the right side of the room. Open it for a Mist Cape and continue to the northern end of the room. Save your game and proceed to the second floor. Second Floor ------------ Here you will meet Quartet. You will have to perform another memorization test here, but the catch is that Quartet's song adds onto Trio's song. So you must first perform Trio's song (the keys won't light up, so either use your brain or check out the previous ASCII diagram) before playing Quartet's tune. The diagram here will only show Quartet's song, so refer to the diagram above to know what keys to play first: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | |5 | | |2 | |1 | |4 | | | | |6 | | |__| |__| |__| | |__| |__| | |__| |__| |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| |__| |__| |__|__| |__| |__|__| |__| |__| |__|__| Once you are successful, the next floor will be available. Second Floor - Spiral --------------------- Fight the enemies in your way as you make it to the top. Second Floor - Landing ---------------------- Go to the left and follow the ring around all the way to the other side, where you will find Ruthless in a chest. Continue around the second ring to find a treasure chest along the way. Open it for Alice's Watch, then head to the opposite side of the landing. Save your game and move on. Third Floor ----------- Once here, talk to Quintet. You now must play the first two songs before a third, brand new song. Refer to the last two diagrams for the pattern of the first two songs, then look below for the third song: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1 |3 | |2 | | | | |__| |__| |__| | |__| |__| | |__| |__| |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| |__| |__| |__|__| |__| |__|__| |__| |__| |__|__| Quintet doesn't light up the keys when playing the first two songs, so beware. If you mess up too many times, he will then light up all the keys. Also remember that you can take all the time in the world when playing the songs, so there is no need to rush. Once you successfully complete the third trial, go up the newly-formed staircase. Third Floor - Spiral -------------------- Go up the spiral staircase to the landing. Third Floor - Landing --------------------- Step onto the ring and go all the way around to the other side to find a chest holding a Nidhogg's Fang. Next, step onto the left half of the second ring to reach the Save Point. Save up and move to the top floor. Top Floor --------- You will meet up with some unwanted guests on the top floor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Ogre King, Wicked Shrub ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 571,110 Recommended Level: 47 HP: 590,770 Palette swap much? These guys may resemble the Ogre Champ and Trick or Treat, but they are clearly much tougher. Both are very tough foes, and this is the first time we've ever been in a battle where we had to tackle two fairly even monsters. Usually it was a weakling tagging along, but both of these enemies have very high HP. Ogre King has basically the same attacks as the Ogre Champ, but he's obviously much more powerful than the other. Earth Strike is a simple windup attack that will knock the target down on their behind. Guillotine is a powerful three-hit move that deals around 800 damage the first two hits, then finishes off with a strong blow that can deal over 1700 damage. Big Crush is another powerful move that radiates out from the Ogre King's large sword. Wicked Shrub can use Dander Cloud to spread its poison in a circle, hitting anyone in the area. Not only does it deal over 2100 damage, but you will be poisoned if you fail to block or counterattack. If you have accessories such as Recovery Gloves equipped to your party, it kinda negates the effect. Mushroom Brawl will cause many mushrooms to fall onto the party. It has a nice range and is powerful. There isn't a lot of light in the room, so keep Viola in the center of the room at all times. If she stays next to the guardian, she should be fine. Then again, you can just stay in the shade and use Night Arrow instead. It's probably a good idea to take out Wicked Shrub first so he doesn't poison the entire party, but don't have all three members attack him. Have two attack Wicked Shrub while the other focuses on Ogre King. If you leave all three to fight one monster and leave the other by himself, you'll probably end up turning your backs to him and exposing yourself. Viola should attack Wicked Shrub up close (it's hard to run from these bosses) and use Heal Arrow or Night Arrow sporadically. The second character, whomever that may be, can help Viola attack him as well. The third and final party member can keep Ogre King distracted. If you're like me and had plenty of HP- restoring accessories on your party, healing shouldn't be that big of a priority. Once the Wicked Shrub bites the dust, have all three characters focus on the Ogre King. You know what to do here: build up Echoes and unleash your three- chain Harmony Chains to finish this guy in no time. Once the Ogre King and Wicked Shrub are dead, you will win Tyr's Left Arm, Eye of Horus, and Thiassi's Bone. Good deal if you ask me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SECOND PLAYTHROUGH: Use the Orb in the machine nearby to get the Lion's Chime. It also teleports you to the entrance of the tower. The barrier's seal is broken and the heroes transport to the entrance of Xylophone Tower. Exit and save your game, then return to the Noise Dunes of Fantasy (but not before stopping at the shop if needed). =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- NOISE DUNES OF FANTASY =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Black Goat, Bronze Arm, Sand Seer, Trick Tail Items: Tyrant's Crown, Voiceless Scepter, Wheel of Will ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entrance -------- Go down the path, past the elder, through the once activated barrier. Noise Dunes ----------- This area is very large and like all deserts, it's nothin' but dunes. Walk forward across the majority of the area until you reach a stone tablet on the ground. To the right should be a chest containing a Voiceless Scepter. Now walk to the left of the stone to find a chest buried in the sand. Open it for a Wheel of Will. There is a hidden oasis in the Noise Dunes. In order to access it, travel through the east or west side of the dunes three times. Every time you go off the screen, you will end up in an identical area. Do this three times to reach the oasis. Oasis ----- Not only is this area the location of the secret dungeon, the Mysterious Unison, but you can also find a Tyrant's Crown here. It is behind the giant gate, near a pool of water. As for the dungeon, you cannot access it just yet. Keep it in the back of your mind though, because it is a place that you may want to visit a little later. Return to the Noise Dunes and go north to reach the entrance of the Double Reed Tower of Sand. Tower Entrance -------------- This is the entrance to the final dungeon of the game, so make sure you are prepared for facing the hazards inside. Make sure your party is at least Level 50 before you enter the tower. The enemies back at the Noise Dunes give plenty of EXP. Step inside when you are ready to continue. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- DOUBLE REED TOWER OF SAND =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Abyss, Black Onyx, Garlic Dad, Steam Horn Items: Cerberus Canine, Daybreak Cloak, Lech Blade, Nodus, Spade Clover, Storm Shroud, Teardrop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ West Tower - First Floor ------------------------ Follow the path on the left until you come to two purple walkways. Take the northern one up to the second floor. West Tower - Second Floor ------------------------- Go around the ring to reach another purple road. Head to the third floor. West Tower - Third Floor ------------------------ Instead of exploring the third floor, take the ramp right up to the fourth floor. Sometimes, in order to get all the items here, we have to do a lot of backtracking. West Tower - Fourth Floor ------------------------- If you follow the path, you will realize that you cannot access the right side of the floor from down here. Instead, take the ramp up. West Tower - Fifth Floor ------------------------ The section of the floor you're on is totally cut off from any other parts, so head up to the sixth floor. West Tower - Sixth Floor ------------------------ You will soon reach two more walkways you can take. Go down the one on the right to head back down to the fifth floor. West Tower - Fifth Floor ------------------------ You're placed on another desolate section of the floor. Open the chest next to you for a Spade Clover and return to the Sixth Floor. West Tower - Sixth Floor ------------------------ Take the other ramp up to the seventh floor. West Tower - Seventh Floor -------------------------- Save your game and make sure everyone is healed before you explore the seventh floor. Proceed towards the dead end to encounter the Herculean Boar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Herculean Boar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 911,310 Recommended Level: 54 The Herculean Boar certainly has the most HP out of any enemy we have seen before, so this battle might take longer than expected. The good news is that it's just him, so all three of your party members can focus on the Herculean Boar and no one else. He has all of the same attacks as the Forest Boar waaaay back at the beginning of the game, but they are still very dangerous. Winning Hit is a multi-hit attack that has short reach and can only target a character directly in front of the Herculean Boar. Each hit deals around 1000 damage and has high knockdown. Rumble creates a circular shockwave around the Herculean Boar, so try not to have everyone surround him. Breakthrough is an annoying attack where the Herculean Boar will charge at someone from afar. The attack wastes a lot of time, but deals around 4700 damage. Plus, he uses the attack for a quick getaway since it covers a lot of ground. Overall, this is a simple battle. You've basically fought this enemy, so you should know how to protect or evade all of its attacks. The only shadows in the entire arena are on the perimeter, so head to the edge if you want to use some Dark Special Attacks. Otherwise, target the Herculean Boar wherever and have your two strongest party members whittle its HP away. Viola, like always, can be used as a healer. The party receives a Lech Armor for defeating the Herculean Boar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the fight, Frederic questions whether or not this world is really a dream or not. Save at the Save Point and return to the third floor. West Tower - Third Floor ------------------------ Follow the ring around the third floor to reach a Save Point and a treasure chest. Save and open the chest for a Cerberus Canine. Continue around the bend and up the ramp to the fourth floor. West Tower - Fourth Floor ------------------------- Nuthin' here, as you can see. Go up to the next floor. West Tower - Fifth Floor ------------------------ Walk down the path and take the walkway up to the sixth floor. West Tower - Sixth Floor ------------------------ Once again, you will encounter two walkways here. Take the southern one down to the fifth floor. West Tower - Fifth Floor ------------------------ Open the treasure chest in the corner for a Storm Shroud, then backtrack to the sixth floor. West Tower - Sixth Floor ------------------------ Proceed to the seventh floor. West Tower - Seventh Floor -------------------------- Use the Save Point and head to the dead end for another boss battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Hidden One ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 742,910 Recommended Level: 57 Hidden One has much lower HP than the Herculean Boar, but he backs it up with high DEF. Still, it's not like this boss battle is hard or anything. Heh. Red Swirl is a multi-hit attack that really isn't that much of a threat. It hits around four times, but each hit only deals around 800 damage. Furrow is another attack that can hit numerous times, and it's just as bad as Red Swirl. Violet Death is a pretty annoying attack. It only deals a grand total of 2000 damage or so, but the attack is fast and Hidden One can use it twice during one turn. As an added bonus, the attack travels in an arc and can hit all three characters if they're cluttered together. All you need to do is spread your party out or continuously block. You probably won't have to use Heal Arrow or Night Arrow once in this fight. As for me, all three characters had accessories equipped that restored HP at the start of each turn, so every turn they would heal for around 3000 HP. I'm telling ya, these Recovery Gloves are awesome. Use your Special Attacks and some Harmony Chains to put this guy out of his misery. It took me about two minutes to win this boss battle. Once you defeat Hidden One, you will be rewarded with Tyr's Right Arm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hidden One explodes and Frederic is still as confused as ever. Now that you're done with the west side, go ALL the way back down to the first floor. West Tower - First Floor ------------------------ The entrance to the East Tower has opened, so return to the entrance of the Double Reed Tower of Sand. Save and enter the East Tower on the right. East Tower - First Floor ------------------------ Walk around the bend and go up the northern ramp to the second floor. East Tower - Second Floor ------------------------- Head to the opposite end of the floor and before going up the walkway, open the nearby treasure chest for a Teardrop. East Tower - Third Floor ------------------------ Don't bother exploring the floor just yet and go up the ramp. East Tower - Fourth Floor ------------------------- Continue to the other side and proceed up the walkway to the fifth floor. East Tower - Fifth Floor ------------------------ Same ol' stuff here: head up the ramp at the opposite side of the room. East Tower - Sixth Floor ------------------------ Walk to the other end to find two purple walkways. Take the southern one to go back down to the fifth floor. East Tower - Fifth Floor ------------------------ Open the treasure chest for a Nodus and return to the sixth floor. East Tower - Sixth Floor ------------------------ Take the other walkway to the seventh floor. East Tower - Seventh Floor -------------------------- Save and run to the end of the hall for a boss fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Unrest, Fire Antique x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 764,250 Recommended Level: 60 HP: 57,580 Here we are with another boss battle that's identical to one earlier in the game. Just like the past two battles in this dungeon, the fight against Unrest is not too difficult. However, take note of the two Fire Antiques; they are stronger than the ones fought earlier in the game. Just like the Death Crow, Unrest has an attack called Intake. Curdle is a long-range attack that can target multiple characters. The attack itself deals a little over 3000 damage to the intended target. Like the Death Crow, Unrest can attack a character behind it, which is a real pain. The main problem with Unrest is that he is hard to target up close. Since the beast is floating in the air, the only part of the body you can hit are its feet (which aren't very big). Make sure to take out the two Fire Antiques at the start of the battle. They are stronger than the Fire Antiques you fought earlier in the game, but still relatively weak. You should probably be able to take each one out in a turn. Unrest can revive them using Call of the Guardee, but sacrifice two turns to get rid of them again. Once the two enemies are out of the way, you can focus on Unrest. He usually stays in the center of the arena, since the only shadows are on the area's perimeter. Unrest's shadow isn't really big either, so you may have to focus on using Light Special Attacks. Viola can occasionally heal the group, but like the previous two boss battles, you may not have to. You are rewarded with a Tyrant Slayer after the boss fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the fight comes to a close, Frederic talks to some other party members about his situation. Return to the third floor of the East Tower. East Tower - Third Floor ------------------------ Walk around the side of the room and save your game at the Save Point halfway through. Head up to the fourth floor. East Tower - Fourth Floor ------------------------- Walk to the end of the hall to find a chest containing a Daybreak Cloak, then go up the next ramp. East Tower - Fifth Floor ------------------------ No treasures on this side of the floor, so take the next ramp. East Tower - Sixth Floor ------------------------ When you reach a pair of walkways, go down the leftmost one. East Tower - Fifth Floor ------------------------ Pry open the treasure chest for a Lech Blade and go back up one floor. East Tower - Sixth Floor ------------------------ This getting on your nerves? Don't worry, we're almost done here. Head on up to the seventh floor. East Tower - Seventh Floor -------------------------- Save, prepare, and fight yet another boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: White Jewel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 902,280 Recommended Level: 62 Remember this guy? White Jewel looks exactly like the Baby Dragon from Agogo Forest, but this monster has ice-based attacks. White Heaven causes icy spires to appear all around White Jewel, dealing around 4400 damage unblocked. When White Jewel uses Icy Breath, he will breath out a chilly blast in an arc. Knockdown is White Jewel's final attack (aside from his physical attacks) that can hit one character multiple times. Like the name implies, the attack has a high chance of knockdown. At least White Jewel's attacks are fairly slow and easy to counter, because it's been a while since we fought Baby Dragon and you might not remember how to evade them. Like the Herculean Boar, White Dragon has high HP and low DEF. If you're at the recommended level, some of your party members can deal close to 100,000 damage in one turn. Have your entire party crowd around him and use your most powerful attacks. Like always, my party consisted of Allegretto, Viola, and Jazz. Link together some Harmony Chains to get rid of this boss in a very quick fashion. After you win, you'll receive an Alvis Hoop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The only party member that Frederic hasn't talked to yet is Claves, and he somehow talks to her about his life and stuff. I don't know how either. Now that all four bosses have been taken care of, then tower has been filled with sand. Return to the first floor of the East Tower. East Tower - First Floor ------------------------ Proceed down the southern ramp to the Tower Base. Base ---- Descend to the center of the base and climb up the giant sand staircase, then enter the teleporter to reach the top floor. Hourglass Road -------------- This is it! This road leads to Legato, so I hope you are prepared for a tough fight up ahead. Save your game, then walk down the road and open the door to enter the core of Double Reed Tower of Sand. Top Floor: Core --------------- I hope you are prepared to face off against the mutated Legato. Here we go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Ruined Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,178,780 Recommended Level: 64 Yep, that HP count is correct. Ruined Body has a buttload of HP; lucky for us, his DEF is less than stellar. He is a giant target and has some very deadly attacks. Even his physical attacks can range from 2000 to 4000 for each hit! Blood Sink is one attack that you really need to block; it not only deals up to 6300 damage, but also lowers the stats of the characters hit! When Ruined Body uses Purgatory, he breathes out a fiery wave that travels in a semi-circle. Anyone hit can take around 4500 damage. Mortal Cleave is a three-hit attack that is VERY powerful; you can take around 8000-9000 damage at the end of the attack. Make sure to use Spade Clovers/Diamond Clovers or Viola's Heal Arrow to keep the party in good shape. Since Ruined Body is such a big target, his shadow covers a lot of ground. There is also some darkness at the north end of the arena, so there is plenty of room to lurk in if you wish to use Dark Special Attacks. Viola probably has the lowest DEF and HP, so she should probably stay outside the line of fire. Use her long-range Special Attacks and heal every once and a while. You may be accustomed to using Special Attacks after every turn, but it's very important to save your Echoes to build up Harmony Chains. Linking together three Special Attacks can deal insane amounts of damage in one turn, which makes depleting the boss's HP a cakewalk. To be blunt, this boss battle is actually very simple. Ruined Body is really slow and though strong, has many predictable attacks. He uses Blood Sink the most frequent, so definitely watch out for the attack and the aftereffects. Allegretto and Jazz should each take one side of Ruined Body and constantly attack. Their Special Attacks, when used in a Harmony Chain, is very effective. Keep slicing n' dicing with your two powerhouses and have Viola keep the party at high HP, and this battle should be over in no time. When you win, you'll receive a Hero's Crest and Velmungdd's Lust. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Woo, you finally did it! A strange portal (and a Save Point) appear right in front of you. First off, save your game. Now that Legato is finally out of the picture, you have two options: OPTION 1: Enter the portal and finish the rest of the game. While this seems like the most obvious choice, you may have to think twice now that you have the ability to access a secret dungeon. OPTION 2: Leave the Double Reed Tower of Sand for now and head to the secret dungeon: the Mysterious Unison. You can do so now that you have the Hero's Crest, and the powerful monsters and tough bosses in the dungeon will help you level up and prepare for the end of the game. I certainly recommend the second option, because there is a lot of stuff you can do in the Mysterious Unison. If you wish to do so, refer to Section 6. If not, step inside the strange portal to continue. ============================================================================== FINAL CHAPTER: HEAVEN'S MIRROR [0508] ============================================================================== The group arrives in a strange, barren world (that's very red). Frederic loses it and starts ranting that the people here are nothing but figments of his imagination. He figures in order to get rid of these pesky dream figures, he must eliminate them himself! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Frederic Francois Chopin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,493,120 Recommended Level: 86 Technically, I recommended that you went to the Mysterious Unison before you came here, so you should be at a ridiculously high level. If not, then you'll probably be around level 65. Either way, Frederic is a really powerful fighter (at least when he's not on our side). Frederic also has some new tricks up his sleeve that you need to watch out for. Applaudissement Sonique is basically a giant meteor storm that slams down on anyone near Frederic. Pala is a weak attack that inflicts Burst on anyone that is hit. Whether that's a good or bad thing is primarily up to your fighting standards. A familiar move, Orzel Bialy is one of Frederic's signature spells. There is very little shade in this strange arena; the moving clouds overhead provide the only shade and aren't that reliable. If you wish to use Dark Special Attacks, move with the clouds and use your Special Attacks when the time is right. Don't take Frederic lightly, because his stats are more impressive than Ruined Body. Use your Heart Cloves or Spade Clovers when needed and also have Viola use Heal Arrow. Bombard him with Harmony Chains non-stop. If you went to the Mysterious Unison beforehand, then you should have absolutely no trouble fighting Frederic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Congratulations on beating Eternal Sonata! Hopefully you have plenty of free time, because the ending cutscene is about 45 minutes long. It's probably the weirdest video game ending I've ever seen. Now you can restart the game as a encore performance! If you go through a second time, you'll keep all of your items, Score Pieces, and Party Levels. Prepare yourself for tougher battles. Oh, and The Shape of Life = major WTF ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [6] MYSTERIOUS UNISON [0600] ============================================================================== The Mysterious Unison is a totally optional dungeon filled with new enemies, deadly bosses, and plenty of rare items and equipment. Plus, you may encounter a certain someone that hasn't been very lively as of late. :) In order to get to the Mysterious Unison, enter the Noise Dunes of Fantasy (the area titled "Noise Dunes"). If you go to the east or west side of the Noise Dunes, you will end up right on the opposite side; it's like a Never-ending labyrinth. However, if you travel through the main area three times, you will reach a hidden oasis instead. A strange door lies in front of the oasis, and using the Hero's Crest will give you access to the Mysterious Unison. I must warn you, the enemies inside are tough and I recommend you are around Level 65 before you try and face the perils inside. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- MYSTERIOUS UNISON =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- Enemies: Astral Lied, Mercurius, Perfect Melon, Roaming Pirate, Ryuuguu Items: Achilles's Armor, Alfheim, Athena's Shield, Azure Umbrella, Best Lot, Bezwell's Sword, Cupid's Head, Dragon Armor, Freudhersch, Iron Gloves, Lord's Reign, Nagul Fang, Nemesis Sword, Niflheim, Nil Coat, Peacock Dress, Pervius, Retaliator, Score Piece 23, Score Piece 24, Score Piece 25, Seven Branched, Sheol Sword, Skofnung, Soloman's Ring, Titania's Bow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entrance -------- Right as the party enters the Mysterious Unison, they encounter Claves. Well, her incomplete body. She asks the gang to recover the seven fragments of her soul, known as Soul Shards. Since her body is still intact, you can use her in your party. The bad news is that Claves is at the level that you last used her (probably around Level 20). If you wish to keep her in your party and level her up (which doesn't take that long) it'll really pay off; Claves has some of the best stats out of anyone in the entire game. Save your game and walk down the hall to reach a teleporter guarded by a Mercurius. Though it is just a normal enemy, it's pretty tough. Once you defeat it, the party will reach Party Level 6! Party Level 6 is a big step up from Party Level 5. Your Harmony Chains now extend up to six Special Attacks, but the biggest change is the appearance of Moving Command. When in battle, Attack, Special Attack, and Guard will be assigned to random buttons. As a result, you will actually have to pay attention to the screen instead of instinctively hitting the button you are used to. I must admit, the Moving Command option is very annoying. Step into the teleporter to the first floor. Basement Level 1 ---------------- _ X - Entrance ,' `. S - Soul Shard `.S,' T - Teleporter | | 1 - Titania's Bow _______| |________ | ______________ | The teleporter leading to Basement Level 2 is _ | | _ | | right across from the entrance, but we need to / \___| | ,' `. __| | pick up some items here. First, take a left at | 1 ___ | `.T,' | __| the fork to eventually reach the western point \_/ | | | | | | of the level. Open the chest here for Titania's | |_____| |___| | Bow and immediately give it to Viola. Head to the |_______ _____| northern point of the basement level. Open the | | chest here for a Soul Shard. | | ,'X'. There are seven Soul Shards scattered in the Mysterious `._,' Unison, and you now have one of them. The other six are found on the other basement levels. Now that you have gotten all the treasures on Basement Level 1, step into the teleporter to reach Basement Level 2. Just as a word of the wise, you can return to the entrance at any time, because that is the only place in the entire dungeon that has a Save Point. The good news is that you can warp through levels that you have previously been through. Basement Level 2 ---------------- _____________ _ X - Entrance | ___ ___ | ,'T`. S - Soul Shard | | | | | | `.S,' T - Teleporter __| | | | | | | | _ 1 - Iron Gloves | __| ,'X'. ,' '. __| | ,' `. 2 - Pervius | | `._,' `._,' | __| `.2,' | |_____ _______| |_______| | Make sure to pick up the Iron Gloves | ___ | | _______________ | at the southwest end of the level. | | | | | | | | Also go out of your way to the eastern | | | |_____| |_______________| | side. You will find another treasure ,'1'. |___________________________| chest; this one containing Pervius. `._,' Before you try and head to the exit, make sure you fight the enemies here to get much-needed EXP. A boss is guarding the Soul Shard and the teleporter to the next level, so you should definitely train and prepare yourself. Stock your Item Set and make sure everyone is healed before heading to the exit. You will be stopped by a boss when you do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Deep Lurker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 912,840 Recommended Level: 69 When you look at the Deep Lurker's stats, they aren't all that impressive. His ATK and DEF can be compared to the bosses we fought in the Double Reed Tower of Sand, and we all know how easy those guys were. However, there can be some minor problems when facing the Deep Lurker -- mainly your new Party Level. You also have to watch out for his attacks as well. Nasty Roar is an attack that surrounds the Deep Lurker, hitting anyone in the vicinity. Fatal Bite is a little self-explanatory: Deep Lurker reaches out and gnaws on the target for a multi-hit attack. His long-range attack is Voyage to Pain, which sounds just like the Root Lurker's signature attack. When used, Deep Lurker will charge right through an enemy, covering a lot of ground at the same time. It basically comes down to this: if you are used to using the Moving Commands obtained from Party Level 6, then you should be fine. If not, then you could have some problems. Since building Echoes is so much easier in the new Party Level, you can unleash Harmony Chains nearly every turn. Just remember that when you use a Harmony Chain, the buttons may switch during the chain. Just keep your eye on the button commands. A full Harmony Chain can deal over 300,000 damage to the Deep Lurker, so this one should end quickly. You will win a Soul Shard after the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Proceed to the next floor. Basement Level 3 Basement Level 4 ---------------- ---------------- _ _ ,' `. / \____________ _______________ `.X,' | S __________ |___________ | ___________ |__________ | | \_/ |___________ | | | _ |__________ | | | | | | | ,' `. __________| | | |________ __________________| | | | `.T,' | ________ | | ______ | | ________________ | __| | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______ | | | __| | | ,'1'. | | | | __| | |_______ | __| | | | | | `._,' __| | ,' '. | __| | | | __| | | | | _ | __| `._,' | | _ | | | | | | | | / \_____| | | |____/ \ | | | | ,'A'. ,'B'. | C _______| |______ A | ,'B'. ,'C'. `._,' `._,' \_/ \_/ `._,' `._,' X - Entrance Basement Levels 3 and 4 are connected by several S - Soul Shard teleporters. The letters "A", "B", and "C" each T - Teleporter correspond to the teleporters. For example, step 1 - Score Piece 23 on "A" in Basement Level 3 and you'll be taken to "A" in Basement Level 4. From the start, step in the first teleporter to reach the fourth level. Head all the way to the other side, and take a left when you reach the intersection. You will find a chest containing a Score Piece 23 there. Return to the fork and go south to teleport back to Basement Level 3. Go straight at the fork to eventually find your third Soul Shard. Return to the fork and step into the teleporter, then leave. Basement Level 5 ---------------- _ X - Entrance ,' `. T - Teleporter `.T,' 1 - Athena's Shield | | 2 - Nagul Fang _______| |____________ | __________________ | You will encounter Perfect Melons on this | | _ | | floor. They may look small and harmless, | | ______/ \ | | but do not overestimate their power. Train | | | ____ 2 | | | here as you go along and make sure to pick | | | | \_/ | | up Athena's Shield on the southwest corner _______| |____| |______ | | of the floor. | ____________ ____ |____| | | | | | |______ | There is a second treasure chest near the | |____________| | | | middle of the floor. Open it to find a |_______ ____ | __| | Nagul's Fang, another powerful weapon. | | | | | __| | | | | | | Since there is no Soul Shard on this ,'1'. | |___ | | _ floor, you can fight the monsters here `._,' |___ |____| |___/ \ a lil' bit after getting the two |____________ X | items. The next floors are pretty \_/ tough, so I suggest leveling up a bit first (until you're around Level 75). Basement Level 6 ---------------- _ X - Entrance ,' `. S - Soul Shard `. ,' T - Teleporter _ | | _ / \_____|S|_____/ \ Wow, a very small floor here. There is one Soul | X _____________ T | Shard here, and it's being held by a spirit named \_/ \_/ Mute. He will only give the Soul Shard to the party if you manage to cough up 99,999,999 Gold! I am not kidding with the price; he wants A LOT. Needless to say, you don't have nearly enough cash right now, so I suggest moving on to the Basement Level 7. The good news is that the monsters in the Mysterious Unison drop a lot of Gold, especially the Astral Lieds found on Basement Level 11 and 12. Each one drops 1,500,000 Gold. Once you reach Basement Level 11, kill a crapload of them and return here once you have enough. Talk to Mute and select "Eat". Pay up and you'll get the Soul Shard. If you select "Shower" and pay 10,000 Gold, Mute will heal your entire party. I find it to be way too pricey, but I s'pose it can be helpful when you're in a real pickle. Basement Level 7 ---------------- _ X - Entrance ,' `. T - Teleporter A B C D `.T,' _ _ _ _ | | _| |_____| |_____________| |_____| |_____| |_ E |_ _____ _____ _____ _____________ _| E | | | | | | | | | | _| | | |_____| |_____| |_____________| |_ F |_ | | _____ _____ _____ _____ _| F | | | | | | | | | | | | _| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_ G |_ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _| G | | | | | | | | | | | | _| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_ H |_ _____ _____ _____ _____ _________| H |_| |_| | | |_| |_| | | A B .'X'. C D `._,' This entire floor is a giant maze. As you can see from the diagram, the sides of the floor loop back around to the other end, so it can be virtually never- ending if you don't know where to go. Luckily, you have this map to help guide the way. Since there are no items or Soul Shards here, it is a beeline from the entrance to the exit. Basement Level 8 Basement Level 9 ---------------- ---------------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____/ \ / \_________/ \ _____/ \ ,' `. ,' `. ,' `. | ___ A | | B ___ ___ C | | ___ A | `.B,' `.T,' `.C,' | | \_/ \_/ | | \_/ | | \_/ | | | | | | | | _ | | | | | |_____| | __| | | |_________/ \ | | _ | |______ | _______| | __| |_____ ___ 2 | | |____/ \ | ____ | | | | | | | \_/ |______ S | | | | | | | | | | | \_/ ,'D'. ,'3'. ,'E'. _ ,'G'. _ | | _ _ _ `._,' `._,' `._,' ,' `. `._,' ,' `. | |___/ \ ,' `. ,' `. `.F,' `.D,' |_____ E | `.F,' `.G,' _ _ | | _ | | \_/ | | | | _____/ \ / \_____| |_____/ \ | | _ _ | | | | | ___ H | | I _____________ 4 | | |___/ \ ,' `. | |_____| | | | \_/ \_/ \_/ | ___ H | `.I,' |_______ | | | | | \_/ | | | | | | _ _ _ _ | | _ | | _ | | | |___/ \ ,' `. ,' `. ,' `. | | / \___| |___/ \ | | |_____ J | `.5,' `.K,' `.L,' | | | J ___ ___ K | ,'L'. \_/ | | | | | | | | \_/ | | \_/ `._,' _ | | | | | | | | _ | | _ / \__________| |_____| |_____| | ,'M'. / \___| |___________/ \ | M ____________________________| `._,' | X _________________ 1 | \_/ \_/ \_/ X - Entrance Similar to Basement Levels 3 and 4, Basement S - Soul Shard Levels 8 and 9 are connected by teleporters. They T - Teleporter are also much more complex than the former, so 1 - Nil Coat pay close attention to the ASCII diagrams to 2 - Seven Branched avoid getting lost. 3 - Score Piece 24 4 - Dragon Armor From the start, pick up the Nil Coat across from 5 - Azure Umbrella the entrance, then step in teleporter "K". Pick up the Azure Umbrella nearby, then return to the previous area. Go in teleporter "I" and open the chest down the hall for a Dragon Armor. Step in teleporter "F" and then go through teleporter "G". In this narrow hall, head through teleporter "C" and grab the Soul Shard here. Enter teleporter "B". The exit is right here, but we can still pick up two more items. Step into teleporter "E" and open the chest here for a Seven Branched. Now go through teleporter "A" to find Score Piece 24. All you have to do now is backtrack (back through teleporter "A", then through teleporter "E"). Exit the floor to Basement Level 10. Basement Level 10 ----------------- _ _ X - Entrance ,' `. ,' `. T - Teleporter `. ,' `.1,' 1 - Freudhersch _ | | | | _ 2 - Alfheim / \___________| |_____| | ,' `. 3 - Best Lot | X ___ _____________ | `.2,' 4 - Cupid's Head \_/ | | | | | | _ 5 - Peacock Dress | |_____________| |_____| | ,' `. 6 - Nemesis Sword | _____ _____________ | `.T,' 7 - Skofnung | | | | | | | | _ 8 - Niflheim | | | |_____________| |_____| | ,' `. ,'5'. | _____ _____________ | `.3,' `._,' | | | | | | | | | | | |_____________| |_____| | ,'6'. | _____ _____________ | `._,' | | | | | | _ | | | |_____________| |___/ \ ,'7'. | _____ ___________ 4 | `._,' | | | | \_/ | | | | ,' '. ,'8'. `._,' `._,' There are plenty of treasure chests in this level, so plunder them all for fantastic weapons and accessories. Start on the southern side first, then make your way back up to the north end. Once you collect all eight treasures, return to the teleporter and warp to Basement Level 11. Basement Level 11 ----------------- _ X - Entrance / \_______ _ S - Soul Shard | 2 _____ |____________________ ,'T`. T - Teleporter \_/ |______ ___________ | `.S,' 1 - Achilles's Armor | | | | | | 2 - Lord's Reign ______________| | _ | | | | 3 - Soloman's Ring | ____________ | / \____| |_________ | | 4 - Retaliator | | | | | 3 ____ _______ | | | | | | | \_/ | | | | | | Not only is this floor | |____________| |_____ | | | | | | much bigger than some | _____ __________ |_____| | __| | __| | of the others, but you | | | | |_________| | __| | __| can also fight Astral | | | |_____ _ | | | | Lieds here. Each one | | |_____ |______ ,' `. | | | | drops 1,500,000 Gold, and | | |______ | `.4,' | | | | you can usually encounter | | | | | | | | | | them in pairs. I think you | |__________________| | | |_____| |_____| | can do the math. |_______ __________ | | _____________ | | | | | | | | | First off, grab all the | | | | | |_____________| | items in the treasure ,'1'. ,'X'. |_________________| chests in the room. After `._,' `._,' you do so, fight Astral Lieds non-stop until you have 99,999,999 Gold (you'll probably gain a lot of levels during the process) and stop back at Basement Level 6. Pay Mute to get your fifth Soul Shard, then proceed to the exit. By now, you should be at a high enough level to tackle the familiar face that stands in your way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Rondo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 3,220,090 Recommended Level: 83 The new-and-improved Rondo (with a much better hair color) is by far the most powerful foe you have encountered in the game so far. She has a disgusting amount of HP, ATK through the roof, very quick, and has some really nasty attacks. Rondo has all of the same attacks, but they are much more powerful; some dealing almost 20,000 points of damage! For the first time in a while, I strongly suggest using both Viola's Heal Arrow and items from your Item Set. Bombardment is a multi-hit attack with the final hit dealing around 12,000 damage. Hell Eruption is a very fast attack and can be used twice in one turn. However, it is slow and can easily be dodged. Rondo can also use Grand Venom to poison one party member (the initial attack deals no damage). Fer De Lance hits twice; both dealing around 7000 damage. For the first time in a long time, you may struggle during this fight. Rondo is very quick and all of her attacks are disgustingly powerful. If you are using Jazz and have Skofnung equipped (which gives him Burst), you will probably have to heal him every turn if he's in the front line. Viola should never attack; only when used in a Harmony Chain, because you will need to have her heal nearly every turn. Otherwise, keep Viola in the light at the center of the room and attack with arrows from a distance. Have your two other party members (Allegretto and Jazz for me) attack her up close and use massive Harmony Chains to deal around 400,000 damage each time. It is hard to develop a surefire strategy against Rondo other than have two attack while one heals. It's up to you to use the right healing items at the right time along with doing your best to guard her attacks. It can become very frantic with Rondo's attacks combined with the Moving Command, but you'll fail miserably if you cannot guard. Keep at it, and you'll eventually deplete all of Rondo's HP. You will get a Soul Shard afterwards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You should have six Soul Shards by now, so head down to Basement Level 12. Basement Level 12 ----------------- _ X - Entrance / \_______________________________ T - Teleporter | 3 _______ __________ ______ | 1 - Sheol Sword \_/ | | _ | | | | 2 - Score Piece 25 | | ,' `. | | | | 3 - Bezwell's Sword __| | `.2,' | | __| | | __| | | | | | __| Another large, yet fairly simple room | | | | | | | | here. When you reach the central | |_____| |_____| | | | bridge, go south to find a chest holding |_______ _______| | | a Sheol Sword. The north end of the | | | | bridge also holds Score Piece 25. _ | | _ | | Finally, you can find Bezwell's Sword at ______/ \ | | / \____| | the northwest end of Basement Level 12. | ____ X | | | | T ______| | | \_/ | | \_/ This is the final floor before a very | | | | huge boss battle. It's easily the hardest | | _______| |_______ fight in the game, so you really need to | | | _____ _____ | prepare. If you had trouble with Rondo, fight | | | | | | | | here and level up several more times. This __| | | | | | | | floor in particular is crawling with Astral | __| | | | | | | Lieds, which is great because they are weak | | | | ,'1'. | | and offer the most EXP out of any monsters in | | | | `._,' | | the Mysterious Unison. Train against them for | |______| |_____________| | a while, then head off to the final floor. |__________________________| Final Floor ----------- _ X - Entrance ,' `. S - Soul Shard `.S,' | | Yeah, I really hope you are ready for what is up ahead. Notice how | | this is the final floor, yet you only have six of the seven Soul ,'X'. Shards? If you have six of them at this point, you'll be able to face `._,' off against the holder of the final one: the Annihilator. He is by far the most powerful entity in this game and is basically a carbon copy of Ruined Body (yet much, MUCH more powerful, duh). I suggest your party is at tip-top shape (heal at Mute back on Basement Level 6 if needed) and is around Level 86. Once you feel like you're ready, tackle it head on! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Annihilator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 4,958,710 Recommended Level: 86 And by popular demand, I'll list levels and equipment for my party here. Viola (Level 86) Jazz (Level 86) Allegretto (Level 86) HP: 59,031 HP: 70,698 HP: 60,712 ATK: 614 ATK: 665 ATK: 686 DEF: 418 DEF: 523 DEF: 502 Titania's Bow Bezwell's Sword Sheol Sword Peacock Dress Dragon Armor Achilles's Armor Cupid's Head Recovery Gloves Power Ring Recovery Gloves Athena's Shield Recovery Gloves Well, this is it! Annihilator is the strongest enemy in the entire game, so you should use nearly every item in your Item Set and all of your best Special Attacks to keep yourself above water. As you can see, Annihilator is basically a green Ruined Body, so you can expect heavy hitting, slow attacks. Hopefully you packed your Item Set with extra Spade Clovers and Floral Extracts, because you will certainly need them more than Heal Arrow (more on that later). Crop Top is brutal; the first two hits deal around 5000-8000 damage and the final one takes out nearly 13,000 of your HP. Annihilator also uses Blood Sink very frequently in this fight, but it deals more than the Ruined Body's version (around 16,000). Scorcher travels in an arc and can deal up to 11,000 damage. It usually hits two characters if they are surrounding Annihilator. Heck, even watch out for Annihilator's physical attacks, which can deal up to 10,000 big ones! I can't stress enough how important it is to guard in this boss fight. Also take note that Annihilator can use Reclaim to heal himself for nearly 100,000 HP! He usually uses this as an act of desperation when he's nearing death, and he'll begin to use it EVERY TURN! I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that nearly the ENTIRE playing field is covered in darkness; the only spots are tiny lanterns on the edges of the arena. The good news is that I saved a bunch of money-- yeah, there is no good news. Keep Viola in these small pockets of light so she can use Heal Arrow. If Annihilator starts to chase her, have her run to another patch of light nearby. The best plan of action is to surround the big guy and unleash Harmony Chains over and over. The best part is that pulling off a five-chain Harmony Chain will give you enough Echoes to pull one off the next turn. It's like a never-ending chain of well... Harmony Chains! Keep bombarding Annihilator with them and take some time to heal if Viola can't keep up with healing. Spade Clovers are a real life saver in this fight. This is a very long and difficult boss battle. The Annihilator won't go down easily and it'll certainly take a lot of time and effort to take him down. Don't ever take your eye off the party's HP and pay attention to the Moving Command in this extra-hectic battle. When Annihilator starts using Reclaim every turn, bring Viola into the mix and have all three gang up on him. You will manage to earn the final Soul Shard after winning this doozy of a fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now that you have all seven Soul Shards, Claves will be resurrected. We went through all that trouble; why couldn't we just have used an Angel Trumpet on her? :) Anyways, take the teleporter to reach the entrance. Congrats, you have just completed the Mysterious Unison! ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [7] TRADING SEQUENCE [0700] ============================================================================== Trading is a sidequest that takes place during your playthrough. The trading sequence is basically a long chain that you can participate in. Most of the items along the way sound useless, but one man's trash is another man's treasure! Plus, the item you receive at the end of the chain may be useful... --- TRADING ------------------------------------------------------------------ You get the Rat Tail by defeating the Bread Gang. o-----------------o---------------------o-----------------------------------o | TRADE THIS... | ...TO RECEIVE THIS | LOCATION | o-----------------o---------------------o-----------------------------------o | Rat Tail | Stick | Ritardando Sewers | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Stick | Dentures | Ritardando | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Dentures | Green Paint | Agogo Forest | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Green Paint | Long Johns | Agogo Forest | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Long Johns | Goat's Milk | Chorus Plains | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Goat's Milk | Piggy Bank | Hanon Hills | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Piggy Bank | Speed Shoes | Forte City | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Speed Shoes | Fruit Basket | Hanon Hills | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Fruit Basket | Winder | Cantabile Inn | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Winder | Empty Vase | Woodblock Groves | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Empty Vase | Power Ring | Adagio Swamp | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Power Ring | Cold Medicine | Ritardando | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Cold Medicine | Spell Book | Ritardando Sewers | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Spell Book | Aria Temple Key | Baroque Castle | o-----------------o---------------------o-----------------------------------o --- ENCORE TRADING ----------------------------------------------------------- You can continue trading during a second playthrough. You get the Heart Pendant by defeating Rondo in Aria Temple. o-----------------o---------------------o-----------------------------------o | TRADE THIS... | ...TO RECEIVE THIS | LOCATION | o-----------------o---------------------o-----------------------------------o | Heart Pendant | Pot | Fort Fermata | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Pot | Goat Stew | Tenuto Village | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Goat Stew | Coupon | Chorus Plains | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Coupon | Honey | Hanon Hills | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Honey | Magic Researcher* | Baroque Castle | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | 20 Photos** | Agogo Droppings | Agogo Village | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Agogo Droppings | Glass Ball | Baroque City | |-----------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------| | Glass Ball | Orb | Aria Temple | o-----------------o---------------------o-----------------------------------o * You'll be sent to the Magic Researcher after getting the Agogo Droppings. ** Trade 20 photos of 20 different enemies to get the Agogo Droppings. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [8] EQUIPMENT [0800] ============================================================================== This section features all of the equipment in the game, including weapons, armor, and accessories. ============================================================================== WEAPONS [0801] ============================================================================== =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- POLKA =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- CUTE UMBRELLA ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +5 Very lovely umbrella. --- WALKING PARASOL ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +7 Very light, large umbrella. Can lift someone up if there is a strong wind. --- WET UMBRELLA ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +15 Slightly large umbrella with glossy black cloth. --- PAPER UMBRELLA ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +23 Oriental umbrella soaked in oil to repel the rain. --- BAT UMBRELLA ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +26 Very expensive umbrella of exquisite design. --- FRILLY UMBRELLA ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +31 A frilled black umbrella stitched with gold thread. --- JONAS'S PARASOL ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +41 An oriental umbrella that belonged to a famous traveler. --- TORN UMBRELLA ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +50 Darkness Body. Umbrella that rips in every storm, but does not break. --- SAFFRON PARASOL ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +53 Pale blue umbrella. --- SNOW WHITE --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +62 Bright white umbrella. --- LEAF UMBRELLA ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +70 Umbrella dyed with very precious green dye. --- BLOSSOM PARASOL ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +85 Pale umbrella that opens and closes softly. --- GOLDEN PARASOL ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +102 Mysterious umbrella that can warm the wind. --- TEARDROP ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +130 Umbrella of the nymph Eurydice, who longs for her love. --- AZURE UMBRELLA ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +173 The heavens appear to open in this beautiful umbrella. --- GOLD MOON ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +210 Recover 10% HP at start of turn, increase EXP by 5% for all. A goddess's umbrella that protects all people from ill will that falls from the heavens. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- FREDERIC =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- PINE BATON --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +8 Baton made with pine from Northern Europe. It is soft and easy to scratch. --- BAMBOO SHAFT ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +10 Light baton made of a plant from the orient. --- CORK BATON --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +18 Baton made from cork. Used by beginners. --- MAPLE BATON -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +25 Maximum HP increased by 5%. Baton made from maple. --- OAK BARREL --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +28 Baton made from oak. Does not bend easily. --- BUFFALO HORN ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +35 Baton made from a buffalo's horn. It is transparent and glitters in the sunlight. --- HARMONIC WIND ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +47 Mysterious wand that sings in harmony when wielded. --- EBONY SHAFT -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +52 Maximum HP increased by 5%. Staff adorned with a statue. It has beautiful carvings and is rather heavy. --- RESONATING WAND ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +55 Magic wand that confuses the weak. --- PROPHETIC CANE ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +60 Cane that belongs to a prophet. It is able to command the masses. --- GOLD BATON --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +61 Maximum HP increased by 5%. Small baton adorned with jewels. --- ORACLE CANE -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +67 MAG +5. A cane belonging to a prophet who was exiled for foretelling the future. --- APOLLO'S STAFF ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +78 Shining Body. Golden staff made by the god Apollo. --- MUSE ROD ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +86 Rod belonging to the Muses. It gives birth to a poetical imagination. --- MISTILTEINN -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +100 A mistletoe branch. Killed Baldur and started Ragnarok. --- VOICELESS SCEPTER -------------------------------------------------------- ATK +143 Scepter of a king with no people. --- FREUDHERSCH -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +180 A baton found after the death of a great conductor. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- ALLEGRETTO =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- HUNTING KNIFE ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +7 A knife that can be used in a wide range of situations. It is small and easy to carry. --- SABER -------------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +12 A single-edged sword with a large grip. Used exclusively for fighting. --- DRAGOON BLADE ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +20 Inflicts greater damage to dark creatures. Given to aspiring dragoons personally by the King. --- LONG SWORD --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +20 Used by eastern swordsmen, this sword is swung from above the head. --- POISON BLOOD ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +24 Chance o poisoning the enemy on hit. Used by officials for self defense. It emits a poison liquid. --- WALLOON SWORD ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +30 A sword used by mercenaries in the lowlands. The special grip provides added control. --- EZI PADDLE --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +32 A wooden sword filled with EZI's anger for the depraved world. --- BRANCH SWORD ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +38 An old-style knight's sword. It is light, quick and strong. Used mainly for stabbing. --- CRESCENT BLADE ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +42 Recover 10% HP at the beginning of turn. An eastern imperial sword. It can be very powerful in battle due to its weight. --- BACK SWORD --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +50 A single-edged sword used by heavy infantry. It is strapped on the back to hide it from view. --- HELLSTRIKER -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +65 Charmed with a spell to overcome all enemies. It has passed through the hands of three honorable men. Grants Burst. --- SUNBRINGER --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +70 The sword of the sun. Borrowed from a three-fingered troll by Ahti. --- JADE FALCON -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +73 Increases movement speed in battle. Can be quick as lightning in the hands of the right user. --- SCRAMASAX ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +75 A sword from the northern lands; crafted in the dark ages. It is said to freeze the blood of those it touches. --- DOOM GUARD --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +80 Stolen by Vainamoinen from the keepers of the gates to the afterlife. --- CLAIMH SOLAIS ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +86 Sword of fire and light. It always takes down its target. --- JOKULSNAUT --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +110 Sent from the hero Grettir to his brother, Atli. It destroys the weapons of enemies. --- NIDHOGG'S FANG ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +128 Chance of poisoning the enemy on hit. The third fang of Nidhogg. It is soaked with the sap from Yggdrasil. --- LECH BLADE --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +149 Sword that led Lech to the eagle's nest and founded a country. --- VELMUNGDD'S LUST --------------------------------------------------------- ATK +160 Sword buried by the King Velmungdd. --- SEVEN-BRANCHED ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +182 Oriental sword that depicts a flame. It is blessed by the god of war. --- SHEOL SWORD -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +200 Recover HP by 10% at the beginning of turn. Sword from another dimension that governs light and dark. --- SILVER STAR -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +240 Increase active time and critical hit rate. Sword named after the silver star that protects the goddess of the moon. The blade is said to isolate life and death. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- BEAT =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- ARQUEBUS ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +6 Primitive hook gun. Has a gunstock to stabilize the shot. --- SERPENTINE LOCK ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +8 Old one-handed pistol. Place the curled flint fixture to the burner. --- JEZAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +15 Front loading rifle. It has a specialized gunstock. --- LOHAR CANNON ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +20 Inflicts greater damage to light creatures. Gun belonging to the warring peoples of Khyber Pass. --- WOLF'S FANG -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +23 Gun decorated with a brutal mountain wolf's fang. --- HOOLURGE GUN ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +45 Gun equipped with a steel claw. Responsible for eliminating metal plate armors in the field of battle. --- WARHAMMER GUN ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +53 An all-purpose weapon; a sledgehammer attached to a gun. --- HATCHET MUSKET ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +58 Chance of slowing the enemy on hit. Infantry gun equipped with a hatchet for ambush. It has no gun barrel. --- SABERTOOTH --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +63 Action Gauge increases when attack hits. The tooth from a giant tiger hits the enemy's weak point. It is traded at a high price. --- FLINTLOCK PICK ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +70 Chance of stopping the enemy on hit. A pickaxe is attached to the gun. --- MATCHLOCK AXE ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +77 Gun belonging to a rebel army that lost in the war. The family crest has been shaved off. --- MAGNUM ARM --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +91 Absorb 10% of inflicted damage as HP. Weapon used by wild animal hunters. It is a thick weapon that can withstand powerful gunpowder. --- CERBERUS CANINE ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +138 Increase speed by 10%. Weapon belonging to a royal family and feared as the fire of hell. --- NAGUL FANG --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +170 Increase speed by 10%. Weapon that holds the spirit of Nagul. It is said to lead the wielder to the correct path. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- VIOLA =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- WORN BOW ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +30 Bow found in storage. Needs a new string. --- RAPID FIRE --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +40 Longbow that excels at quick firing. --- REED BOW ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +47 A simple bow made of reed. Easy to aim, but not very powerful. --- SWALLOW SHOOTER ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +59 Increase movement speed in battle. A very beautiful bow. --- WINDBLOW ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +68 A bow that shoots arrows so fast they cannot be seen by the naked eye. --- MONKEY BOW --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +77 A bow used to frighten away mountain monkeys. --- THUNDER STIR ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +80 Increase movement speed in battle. Bow used by the imperial guards to kill a chimera. --- DOUBLE CRESCENT ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +84 Synthetic bow with metal parts. --- IMPERIAL GUARD ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +91 Increase EXP by 5% for all. Lord's bow. Protected a prince by plucking the string. --- ELVEN SIGHT -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +109 A magic bow with perfect aim. --- ARTEMIS'S BOW ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +116 Increase movement speed in battle. Bow that belongs to the goddess Artemis. It shot her lover Orion. --- LUGH LAMHFHADA ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +150 Weapon that hungers for the blood of Lugh the Long Hand. --- TITANIA'S BOW ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +178 Bow belonging to Titania, Queen of the Faeries. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- SALSA =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- CHAKRAM ------------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +10 Sharp circular blade used in the orient. It is able to slice through thick branches. --- LARICUS ------------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +15 Inflicts greater damage to dark creatures. Offered to the Temple of Beauty. --- TORQUATAS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +15 Shining Body. A circular blade said to have been invented by the great General Manlius. --- LUNAR ECLIPSE ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +25 Shining Body. Made from the fang of Hati, the wolf who chases the man. --- MERCY BREATH ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +56 Bracelet of the Titans. --- ORBIS -------------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +73 Weapon made for the army that made 11 pacts. It symbolizes ideal and betrayal. --- WILDERNESS --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +90 Evil blade that appears every one hundred years from darkness and returns to darkness. --- MUSPELHEIM --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +95 Dropped by the devil from the kingdom of flames. It is encircled with flames. --- RUTHLESS ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +109 Weapon of the hero Jagiellonka. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- MARCH =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- LUNATICUS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +20 Dark +60. Inflicts greater damage to light creatures. Weapon said to have been a gift from the man in the moon. --- SOLAR ECLIPSE ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +25 Dark +65. Darkness Body. Made from the fang of Skoll, the wolf that is said to chase the sun. --- ARC STRIKE --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +30 Dark +90. A weapon said to have been invented by the great General Manlius. --- ALVIS HOOP --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +55 Dark +100. Blade forged by the dwarf Alvis. --- NIGHT WATCHER ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +60 Blade belonging to the twin moons that protect the night. It does not appear before those who are heartless. --- NIFLHEIM ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +70 Dark +130. A circular blade brought from the Land of Mists. It is made with ice that does not melt. --- ILLUNIS ------------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +78 Increase critical hit rate. Dagger that belonged to Persephone, the Queen of Hades. It brings about true darkness. --- NO NAME ------------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +95 A weapon forgotten by the fates. Does not exist. --- WHEEL OF WILL ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +127 Darkness Body. Fairy hoop that is said to guide the fate of heroes. --- PERVIUS ------------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +166 Increase critical hit rate. Weapon brought back from the mouth of Mount Vesuvius. It burns the enemy with its high temperature. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- JAZZ =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- BROAD SWORD -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +60 A wide and thick double-edged sword. --- FALCHION ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +73 A weapon with a curved wide blade. It can be wielded one-handed. --- BASTARD SWORD ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +88 A long heavy sword. --- HEREBRA ------------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +93 Passive. A long sword used by Phoenician soldiers. --- ZWEIHANDER --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +98 Two-handed sword used to strike down with force. --- RIB CRUSHER -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +102 Slow. Sword with immense destructive powers. It is swung horizontally to get underneath the opponent's shield. --- PYRO BLADE --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +110 Burst. Bloodthirsty sword that ignites when taken out of the scabbard. --- SOUL CREMATOR ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +118 Fearful sword that devours the soul of any who touch it. --- HECATOMB ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +125 Sword that sacrificed one hundred bulls in an ancient ritual. --- VANQUISHER --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +139 Passive. Sword worn by the tyrant of an empire. It symbolizes leadership. --- THIASSI'S BONE ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +158 Slow. Sword crafted from the giant Thiassi's bone. It freezes the enemy. --- TYRANT SLAYER ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +162 Legendary magic sword said to have killed a giant dragon. --- SKOFNUNG ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +195 Burst. Sword of Hrolfr Kraki. Inflicts a wound only it can heal. --- BEZWELL'S SWORD ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +220 Absorb 20% of inflicted damage as HP. Sword of a legendary king that was used only once. It is said to make a terrible sound when it is taken out of the scabbard. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- FALSETTO =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- MAILED FIST -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +10 Dark +50. Inflicts greater damage to light creatures. Weapon used by heavy infantry. --- BRASS KNUCKLE ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +44 Cheap gauntlets made of brass. --- MEAT HOOK ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +50 An item used by ordinary butchers. A weapon for assassins. --- POWER STROKE ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +54 Chance of slowing the enemy on hit. An enhanced gauntlet used by heavy infantrymen. --- BRAIN SHATTERER ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +70 An item that can only be used by a master. --- DEATH'S HEAD ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +83 An evil weapon. The wearer is said to hear the voice of demons. --- JIAO ZHU ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +97 A striking weapon that fits in the palm of the hand. It is said to be invented by an emperor. --- CELESTIAL GLOVES --------------------------------------------------------- ATK +108 Chance of slowing the enemy on hit. Gloves soaked in a holy oil. --- TYR'S LEFT ARM ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +123 Action Gauge increases when attack hits. The left arm of the one-handed god Tyr. --- TYR'S RIGHT ARM ---------------------------------------------------------- ATK +140 The arm of the one-handed god Tyr that was bitten off by Fenrir. --- IRON GLOVES -------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +160 Slow. A massive gauntlet worn by Thor when he wielded his hammer. --- LORD'S REIGN ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +179 Increase combos when attacking. Faint magic covers the hand and wrist. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- CLAVES =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- FENCING SABER ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +10 Light +50. Inflicts greater damage to dark creatures. A light sword, great for piercing. --- ESPADA RAPIER ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +20 Dark +50. Inflicts greater damage to light creatures. Weapon worn by noble ladies of the court. --- SERAPHIC TOUCH ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +156 Heavenly weapon that is lighter than a feather and sharper than steel. --- NEMESIS SWORD ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +180 Sword said to have been born from the breast of the goddess Nemesis. --- RETALIATOR --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +192 Increases combos when attacking. Sword of the god Lugh. It protects the wielder from death. ============================================================================== ARMOR [0802] ============================================================================== --- HANDMADE CLOTHES --------------------------------------------------------- DEF +4 Use: Beat, Polka, Salsa Handmade clothes that have been repeatedly altered over the years. --- STOLEN CLOTHES ----------------------------------------------------------- DEF +4 Use: Beat, Polka, Salsa Clothes found in a rich merchant's closet. --- GENTLEMAN'S COAT --------------------------------------------------------- DEF +5 Use: Frederic Coat for a man with high standards of proper behavior. --- MAIL SHIRT --------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +6 Use: Allegretto, Beat, Jazz, Claves, March Chain mail with small rings. It protects the upper body. --- PRETTY CLOTHES ----------------------------------------------------------- DEF +10 Use: Beat, Polka, Salsa Clothes that are still like new. --- LIGHT GUARD -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +11 Use: Allegretto, Beat, Jazz, Claves, March ATK +1. Light armor worn by merchants during their journeys. --- HUNTING COAT ------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +12 Use: Frederic Coat for hunting. It has many pockets. --- LEATHER HIDE ------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +13 Use: Beat, Polka, Frederic, Viola, Salsa, Falsetto, March Leather mask that covers the head. --- GUARDIAN CLOTHES --------------------------------------------------------- DEF +17 Use: Beat, Polka, Salsa Clother for the guardian of the forest. They are very sturdy. --- WOOL ROBE ---------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +18 Use: Viola, Falsetto Wool robe that is great for winter. --- RED VELVET --------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +20 Use: Polka, Salsa, March A bright, ruby-colored velvet vest. It is soft to the touch. --- BREAST GUARD ------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +21 Use: Allegretto, Beat, Jazz, Claves, March ATK +1. Light armor that emphasizes guarding the chest. --- PAIR JACKET -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +22 Use: Beat, Polka, Frederic, Viola, Salsa, Falsetto, March Reduces chance of becoming Poisoned. A two-piece jacket. --- FANCY CLOTHES ------------------------------------------------------------ DEF +24 Use: Beat, Polka, Salsa Increase Tactical Time by 5 seconds. Intricately detailed clothes. --- COACHMAN'S COAT ---------------------------------------------------------- DEF +28 Use: Frederic Coat worn by coachmen. --- TAILORED CLOTHES --------------------------------------------------------- DEF +28 Use: Polka, Salsa, March They are made by the best tailor in town. --- CLOTH DRESS -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +30 Use: Viola, Falsetto A washable, everyday dress for a woman. --- FULL PLATE --------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +30 Use: Allegretto, Jazz, Claves A very heavy, full-body armor. Only the strong can wear it. --- LEATHER JACKET ----------------------------------------------------------- DEF +30 Use: Beat, Polka, Frederic, Viola, Salsa, Falsetto, March Guard against enemy's critical hit. Heavy leather jacket with rough stitches. --- LARKSPUR ROBE ------------------------------------------------------------ DEF +31 Use: Viola, Falsetto Robe with swallow feathers sewn into the fabric. --- EZI PAJAMAS -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +32 Use: All DEF +32.1 (fake) Pajamas with the face of EZI. You'll have nightmares if you sleep in it. --- CHARMED SCALES ----------------------------------------------------------- DEF +35 Use: Allegretto, Jazz, Claves Scale armor with blessings on each scale. --- SPARKLING CLOTHES -------------------------------------------------------- DEF +37 Use: Polka, Salsa, March Very gaudy clothes. It is hard to look at. --- ELEGANT CLOTHES ---------------------------------------------------------- DEF +42 Use: Beat, Polka, Salsa Somewhat expensive clothes for special occasions. --- BIRD CLOAK --------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +43 Use: Frederic Black cloak that allows the wearer to hide in the night. --- HARD JACKET -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +45 Use: Beat, Polka, Frederic, Viola, Salsa, Falsetto, March Increase Tactical Time. Jacket made with sturdy cloth. --- MAMMOTH ARMOR ------------------------------------------------------------ DEF +45 Use: Allegreto, Jazz, Claves Thick armor worn by the elephant troops in the south. It repels arrows. --- LUCKLESS ----------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +46 Use: Viola, Falsetto Mysterious clothes that will not tear in any battle. --- SILK DRESS --------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +46 Use: Viola, Falsetto An expensive dress that is soft to the touch. --- TUNDRA VEST -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +47 Use: Beat, Polka, Frederic, Viola, Salsa, Falsetto, March Reduces chance of becoming Slow. Blue vest that resembles the tundra. --- LEATHER GUARD ------------------------------------------------------------ DEF +50 Use: Beat, Polka, Frederic, Viola, Salsa, Falsetto, March Reduces chance of becoming Passive. Combat clothes made with leather. --- EVENING CLOTHES ---------------------------------------------------------- DEF +51 Use: Beat, Polka, Salsa Clothes for a ball at the castle. --- SAILOR'S UNIFORM --------------------------------------------------------- DEF +51 Use: Polka, Salsa, March Very difficult to tell if this is for a captain or a deckhand. --- UGLY CLOTHES ------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +53 Use: Polka, Salsa, March Prevents enemy's critical hit. Passive. Damp old clothes. --- TIGER ARMOR -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +54 Use: Allegretto, Jazz, Claves Armor adorned with the hide of a ferocious evil tiger. --- BATTLE SHIRT ------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +55 Use: Allegretto, Beat, Jazz, Claves, March ATK +1. High quality armor designed to withstand countless battles. --- SKULL AND BONES ---------------------------------------------------------- DEF +55 Use: Salsa Stop. It is sewn from a pirate flag. A skull and crossbones are stitched on the back. --- MIDNIGHT SHELL ----------------------------------------------------------- DEF +56 Use: Viola, Falsetto Beautiful clothes worn by the night fairy. It brings special dreams. --- CLOUD CAPE --------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +57 Use: Polka, Salsa, March Simple to put on when cold. Easy to get lost in a crowd when worn. --- CRYSTAL SUIT ------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +60 Use: Allegretto, Beat, Jazz, Claves, March ATK +2. Battle suit made from a large icicle. --- CHIVALRY ARMOR ----------------------------------------------------------- DEF +62 Use: Allegretto, Jazz, Claves Armor that belonged to a proud knight. It is a great honor to just wear it. --- BLACK VELVET ------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +65 Use: Polka, Salsa, March A calming black velvet that looks very expensive. --- LION ARMOR --------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +65 Use: Allegretto, Jazz, Claves Armor of a hero who stands alone on the battlefield. --- GORGEOUS CLOTHES --------------------------------------------------------- DEF +67 Use: Beat, Polka, Salsa Prevent enemy's critical hit. Gaudy clothes adorned with jewels. --- EAGLE ROBE --------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +69 Use: Viola, Falsetto Robe covered with eagle's feathers. --- FOG CLOAK ---------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +70 Use: Frederic A cloak said to have been left in front of a house after a day of heavy fog. --- LAND SCALES -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +70 Use: Allegretto, Beat, Jazz, Claves, March ATK +2. Battle suit made of the minerals from Mt. Rock. --- FREITURNIER -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +79 Use: Allegretto, Jazz, Claves Ceremonial armor with the helmet attached to the left shoulder. --- ANTELOPE ARMOR ----------------------------------------------------------- DEF +80 Use: Allegretto, Jazz, Claves Maximum HP increased by 3%. Armor made from the hard horn of an antelope. --- CONCEALING JACKET -------------------------------------------------------- DEF +80 Use: Beat, Polka, Frederic, Viola, Salsa, Falsetto, March Reduces chance of becoming Poisoned. Magical clothes that blend the wearer into his surroundings. --- OBSCURE JACKET ----------------------------------------------------------- DEF +80 Use: Viola, Falsetto Air Body. Magical jacket that makes the wearer invisible. --- CURSED ARMOR ------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +85 Use: Allegretto, Jazz, Claves Darkness Body. Cursed armor said to have been soaked in the blood of a chief. --- CRESCENT CLOAK ----------------------------------------------------------- DEF +91 Use: Frederic An unassuming cloak that shines on nights with a crescent moon. --- FRAGMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +92 Use: Allegretto, Beat, Jazz, Claves, March ATK +3. Light armor made by stringing together the souls of fragmented heroes. --- TRANSEO ------------------------------------------------------------------ DEF +104 Use: Viola, Falsetto Armor that transforms depending on the opponent. --- MIST CAPE ---------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +109 Use: Polka, Jazz, March A very light cape. It is like a mist around the wearer. --- STORM SHROUD ------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +119 Use: Allegretto, Beat, Jazz, Claves, March Increases movement speed in battle. Light armor blessed with the protection of the wind fairy. --- DAYBREAK CLOAK ----------------------------------------------------------- DEF +120 Use: Frederic Shining Body. Cloak the color of daybreak that chills those who see it. --- STYX'S VEIL -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +126 Use: Claves Veil of the goddess of the River Styx. Bestows inhuman beauty. --- NIL COAT ----------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +136 Use: Beat, Polka, Salsa A magical coat that has no ties to reality. --- LECH ARMOR --------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +140 Use: Allegretto, Jazz, Claves Lech's armor. It is adorned with the eagle that protects the kingdom. --- PEACOCK DRESS ------------------------------------------------------------ DEF +143 Use: Viola, Falsetto Prevents all status effects. Extravagant dress with peacock feathers sewn into it. --- DRAGON ARMOR ------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +148 Use: Allegretto, Jazz, Claves Scale armor made by order of a dragon upon its death. --- ACHILLES' ARMOR ---------------------------------------------------------- DEF +164 Use: Allegretto, Jazz, Claves The armor that belonged to the hero Achilles. ============================================================================== ACCESSORIES [0803] ============================================================================== --- ALICE'S WATCH ------------------------------------------------------------ Increase Tactical Time. Pocket watch from a rabbit in Wonderland. --- AMETHYST BRACELET -------------------------------------------------------- Prevent Burst. The jewel controls peace and promises calm. --- ATHENA'S SHIELD ---------------------------------------------------------- DEF +30 Shield that turns the adversary into stone. --- BEST LOT ----------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +20 The chosen ammunition. --- BRILLIANT BROOCH --------------------------------------------------------- Shining Body. Brooch made by knitting sunlight. It illuminates the surroundings. --- BRISINGAMEN -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +8 Beautiful gold necklace made by the dwarves. --- BUBBLY HOT --------------------------------------------------------------- Increase speed by 10%. Allows the wearer to become more efficient. --- CHAPEL EZI --------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. Statue of EZI as a priest rejoicing at the new beginning of newlyweds. --- CHERRY EZI --------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +1 Unknown effect. A cherry-colored EZI that supposedly protects those who are pure. --- COPPER NECKLACE ---------------------------------------------------------- DEF +2 A very ordinary necklace. --- CRIMSON BROOCH ----------------------------------------------------------- Burst. A brooch of fire treasured by a hero. It exudes a fighting spirit. --- CUPID'S HEAD ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +30 Arrows of the god of love that have shot down numerous heroes. --- DARK BROOCH -------------------------------------------------------------- Darkness Body. Brooch born from the abyss. It darkens the surroundings. --- DEMONIC MASK ------------------------------------------------------------- Prevent enemy's critical hit. Oriental mask that depicts a demon. --- DIAMOND BRACELET --------------------------------------------------------- Prevent all status effects. Has a perfect jewel that negates all disasters. --- ELITE EZI ---------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. EZI wearing a business suit. --- EMERALD BRACELET --------------------------------------------------------- Prevent Poison. The jewel detects danger and purifies both body and soul. --- EYE OF HORUS ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +7 Eye of the god who defeated chaos. --- EZI CERTIFICATE ---------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. A certificate sent by the EZI Church when they recognize your belief. --- EZI HANDKERCIEF ---------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. A prince's handkerchief. The EZI embroidery was done by his fiance. --- EZI PENDANT -------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. A pendant born of the desire to protect one's beloved EZI. --- EZI POCKETBOOK ----------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. EZI's schedule book. There are a lot of dates in it. --- EZI SCARF ---------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. Cheap scarf with the mark of EZI. Apparently it is not that bad. --- FEATHERED HAT ------------------------------------------------------------ Increase speed by 5%. Allows the wearer to move lightly. --- FLARE HEAD --------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +5 Magical arrows that burst into flame when shot. --- GOLD NECKLACE ------------------------------------------------------------ DEF +5 The beautiful detail grabs attention, but may seem gaudy. --- HEART PENDANT ------------------------------------------------------------ Increase maximum HP by 10%. A pendant to protect the one you love. --- HIPPOLYTE'S BELT --------------------------------------------------------- ATK +5 Symbol of the Amazons. Wearer is filled with pride. --- LACE VEIL ---------------------------------------------------------------- Increase maximum HP by 5%. Hair accessory that is popular among young girls. --- LAUGHING EZI ------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. EZI statue that throws you a kiss. --- LEAD SLUG ---------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +3 A lead slug. --- LION'S CHIME ------------------------------------------------------------- Increase critical hit rate and decrease maximum HP. Bell that rings in a dance that awakens the fearful lion. --- MAGATAMA ----------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +6 The unique shape depicts the fetus growing inside the mother's womb. --- OBSIDIAN MIRROR ---------------------------------------------------------- DEF +9 Mirror that became a god's left leg when he lost it in a battle with a monster. --- ONYX BRACELET ------------------------------------------------------------ Prevent Stop. The jewel knows one thousand years of the always moving present. --- PEACE EARRING ------------------------------------------------------------ Increase defense by 10%. Silver earrings that exude peace. --- PIERCING SHELL ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +5 A sharp penetrating bullet. --- POCKET WATCH ------------------------------------------------------------- Action Gauge increases when attack hits. Keep it in a pocket to keep track of time. --- POWER RING --------------------------------------------------------------- Increase attack power by 10%. Ring that exudes power. --- RAINBOW EZI -------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. Legendary EZI statue that changes color depending on the monetary value of the offering. --- RAPTURE HEAD ------------------------------------------------------------- ATK +10 Arrows that explode after piercing armor. --- RECOVERY GLOVES ---------------------------------------------------------- Recover HP by 10% at the beginning of turn. Magical gloves that recover the wearer's HP with times. --- RECOVERY ORB ------------------------------------------------------------- Recover HP by 20% at the beginning of turn. Magical orb that recovers the holder's HP with time. --- RUBY BRACELET ------------------------------------------------------------ Prevent Passive. The jewel embodies passion and protects the honest heart. --- SEVEN STARS -------------------------------------------------------------- Increase EXP by 20% for all. Charm with the truth of the universe written upon it. --- SHADOW HELM -------------------------------------------------------------- DEF +11 Hades may come to erase you when the helmet turns you invisible. --- SHARD OF SAMPO ----------------------------------------------------------- DEF +7 Fragment of a millstone that was treasured by a witch. --- SILVER BULLET ------------------------------------------------------------ ATK +10 A silver bullet that has been blessed. --- SILVER NECKLACE ---------------------------------------------------------- DEF +3 A necklace that exudes an air of calm. --- SKY BLUE BROOCH ---------------------------------------------------------- Air Body. Brooch that has the power of the cloud-walkers. It has the power to negate gravity. --- SMALL EZI ---------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. A small EZI statue. It cries out for attention when everyone is asleep. --- SMILING EZI -------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. Depicts a smiling EZI. Children cry when they see it. --- SOLOMAN'S RING ----------------------------------------------------------- ATK +10 Ring that belonged to the king who controlled demons. --- SPEED SHOES -------------------------------------------------------------- Increase movement speed in battle. Shoes that allow you to run like the wind. --- SPELL BOOK --------------------------------------------------------------- Increase MAG by 10%. An ancient book that records everything about magic. --- SPIRIT ARROWHEAD --------------------------------------------------------- ATK +3 Remnant of an arrow shot by a spirit. --- STONE SWORD HILT --------------------------------------------------------- ATK +2 Stone handle for a sword without a blade. --- SUNLIGHT GUARDS ---------------------------------------------------------- DEF +10 Armor made by the sun god on a whim. --- SWIMMING EZI ------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect. EZI in just his swim suit. His beer belly is showing. --- TOPAZ BRACELET ----------------------------------------------------------- Prevent Slow. The jewel beats in time with the heart and lives with the beating of time. --- TYRANT'S CROWN ----------------------------------------------------------- Burst and increase maximum HP by 20%. Worn by a king to symbolize power. --- WEREWOLF CHOKER ---------------------------------------------------------- Increase Echoes. The fang belonged to a werewolf. The hungry beast adds another hit. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [9] ITEMS [0900] ============================================================================== --- ANGEL TRUMPET ------------------------------------------------------------ Single: Recover KO A trumpet blown by the angels singes through the heavens and heals the battered body and soul. --- BIG PAPER FAN ------------------------------------------------------------ Single enemy: Slow A fan used in ceremonies in the orient. It creates a very large wind. --- BUBBLE RING -------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover HP and temporary Air Body A large bubble that can surround a person and lift them. --- BUBBLE STRAW ------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover HP and Air Body A very large bubble surrounds you. --- CELESTIAL HOURGLASS ------------------------------------------------------ Recover one turn of the Action Gauge It measures time with the falling sand. The sand inside is said to be from the heavens. --- CHANCE FEATHER ----------------------------------------------------------- Single: Heal Slow Holding this yellow feather will return time to normal. The feather darkens to green after usage. --- CLUB CLOVER -------------------------------------------------------------- All: Recover 3000 HP A clover with leaves shaped like a club. Luck restores everyone's energy. --- DARK TAIL ---------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover HP and temporary Darkness Body Tail of a rabbit that lives in dream. It lures people to the deep night. --- DOWN FEATHER ------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Heal Darkness Body The wings of the bird that chases away the dark and invites the morning light. --- DIAMOND CLOVER ----------------------------------------------------------- All: Recover 6800 HP A clover with leaves shaped like a diamond. Luck shines from above. --- DRAGON SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Increase defense by 10% A scale from a dragon is small, but heavy. It is very effective, but tires the user. --- EZI BUN ------------------------------------------------------------------ Unknown effect A bun shaped in the form of EZI. Apparently it is really disgusting. --- EZI CRACKER -------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect A cracker in the shape of EZI. There is nothing special about the taste. --- EZI EGG ------------------------------------------------------------------ Unknown effect Egg said to be laid by EZI. Maybe you should eat it before it hatches. --- EZI PHOTO ---------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect A picture of the revered EZI, but not worth very much. --- EZI STRING PHONE --------------------------------------------------------- Unknown effect Allows you to talk to EZI. But the string is out. --- FALLEN FEATHER ----------------------------------------------------------- Single: Heal Air Body The heavy wings of the bird that sinks into the earth with the moonlight at night. --- FISH INCENSE ------------------------------------------------------------- Single enemy: Decrease defense by 5% Smells like a dead fish that has been lying around in the sun. --- FLORAL ESSENCE ----------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover full HP A purified form of floral concentrate. --- FLORAL EXTRACT ----------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover HP by 70% A medicine made of select flowers from Tenuto. --- FLORAL POWDER ------------------------------------------------------------ Single: Recover HP by 50% A medicine made of fresh flowers from Tenuto. --- GLOWING TAIL ------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover HP and temporary Shining Body Tail of a rabbit that lives in the mountains. It shines even in the dark. --- GODDESS BOUQUET ---------------------------------------------------------- All: Recover KO The light from this bouquet blesses the fallen and heals them. --- HEART CLOVER ------------------------------------------------------------- All: Recover 12000 HP A clover with leaves shaped like a heart. Luck sleeps within the heart. --- HELL MUSTARD ------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Temporary Burst The entire body heats up from just one taste. --- HEROIC FEATHER ----------------------------------------------------------- Single: Heal Passive Holding this red feather will bring courage. The feather darkens to blue after usage. --- HONEY COOKIE ------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover 9500 HP Expensive cookie made by mixing honey and sunlight. --- ICY FEATHER -------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Heal Burst Holding this blue feather will bring calm. The feather darkens to red after usage. --- LION'S MANE -------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Increase attack power by 10% A brave lion does not flinch. He only takes a step toward the unknown. --- MOUSE METRONOME ---------------------------------------------------------- Single: Increase speed by 10% Mice hate to sit still, so the metronome keeps moving as well. --- ODD CHOCOLATE ------------------------------------------------------------ Single enemy: Decrease attack power by 5% Eat it and lose strength. Make the enemy swallow it. --- PEACH COOKIE ------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover 1000 HP Sweet cookie made by mashing peaches. Popular among children. --- PEACOCK'S FEATHER -------------------------------------------------------- Single: Heal all status effects Holding this rainbow-colored feather will return all to normal. The feather turns to ashes after usage. --- POISON WHITECAP ---------------------------------------------------------- Single enemy: Poison A very suspicious looking white mushroom that is poisonous. --- PURE FEATHER ------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Heal Poison Holding this white feather will dissipate the poison. The feather darkens to black after usage. --- SAINT'S MIRROR ----------------------------------------------------------- All: Recover KO and recover all HP A nameless mirror that reflects your inner self. --- SCORPION'S TAIL ---------------------------------------------------------- Single enemy: Poison Venom that lies dormant in a scorpion. --- SHADOW TAIL -------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover HP and temporary Darkness Body Tail of a rabbit that lives by the coast. It cannot be seen even in light. --- SHINING TAIL ------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover HP and temporary Shining Body Tail of a rabbit that lives on the moon. It illuminates dark roads. --- SNOWPUFF COOKIE ---------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover 5000 HP Crunchy cookie that melts in the mouth. --- SOCK INCENSE ------------------------------------------------------------- Single enemy: Decrease defense by 10% Smells like a pair of socks that have not been washed for a while. --- SPADE CLOVER ------------------------------------------------------------- All: Recover full HP A clover with leaves shaped like a spade. Luck illuminates the future. --- STAR CLOCK --------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover one turn of the Action Gauge Clock made with falling stars. You can hear the stars colliding with each other. --- STAR COOKIE -------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Recover 3600 HP It has a star in the middle of the cookie. --- STONE OF THE SPRING ------------------------------------------------------ All: Recover 1000 HP Break it apart to enjoy the water from a magical spring. --- TIME FEATHER ------------------------------------------------------------- Single: Heal Stop Holding this purple feather will bring back the time. The feather darkens to brown after usage. --- TWILIGHT FEATHER --------------------------------------------------------- Single: Heal Shining Body The wings of the bird cover all the light and beckon the night. --- VERY ODD CHOCOLATE ------------------------------------------------------- Single enemy: Decrease attack power by 10% The enemy will melt like chocolate. Time to retaliate! --- WEEKLY EZI MAGAZINE ------------------------------------------------------ Unknown effect A weekly magazine published by the EZI Church. --- WORMWOOD ---------------------------------------------------------------- Single enemy: Poison A plant believe by pirates to symbolize death. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [10] SPECIAL ATTACKS [1000] ============================================================================== =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- POLKA =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- ORANGE GLOW -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 1 Element: Light Hits: - Range: 25ft. Time: 2.3 Heal one party member. --- SHADE COMET -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 1 Element: Dark Hits: 1 Range: Infinite Time: 2.4 Inflict damage on the target and nearby enemies. --- NETHER WAVE -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 8 Element: Dark Hits: 6 Range: Melee (+30ft.) Time: 2.8 Close combat attack with the final attack reaching enemies in the back. --- EARTH HEAL --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 16 Element: Light Hits: - Range: 25ft. Time: 2.3 Heal party members in the vicinity other than yourself. --- SHOOTING STAR ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 20 Element: Light Hits: 1 Range: Infinite Time: 2.4 Medium Knockdown. Inflict damage on the target and nearby enemies. --- ROUNDEL ------------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 28 Element: Light Hits: - Range: Radius: 15ft. Time: 2.4 Attack nearby enemies with magic. --- PURE GEYSER -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 32 Element: Light Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 2.8 Attack all enemies with the power of water. --- DISRUPTION WAVE ---------------------------------------------------------- Level: 36 Element: Light Hits: 6 Range: Melee (+30ft.) Time: 2.8 Close combat attack with the final attack reaching enemies in the back. --- ZODIAC ------------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 40 Element: Dark Hits: - Range: Radius: 15ft. Time: 2.4 Attack nearby enemies with lightning. --- BLOSSOM SHOWER ----------------------------------------------------------- Level: 48 Element: Light Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 4.2 Heal all party members. --- TERRA EXTERNA ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 48 Element: Dark Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 2.8 Attack all enemies with the power of earth. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- FREDERIC =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- SACRED SIGNATURE --------------------------------------------------------- Level: 1 Element: Light Hits: - Range: 25ft. Time: 1.7 Heal one party member. --- PIU GRAVE ---------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 1 Element: Dark Hits: 3 Range: Melee Time: 3.4 Auras are collected and shot upward. --- COUP DE GRACE ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 6 Element: Light Hits: 1 Range: Melee Time: 1.7 Strong Knockback. Compassionate strike. --- COUP DE JARNAC ----------------------------------------------------------- Level: 12 Element: Dark Hits: 2 Range: Melee Time: 1.7 A strike in the night. Hits enemies in the back as well. --- SPIRITS PATHWAY ---------------------------------------------------------- Level: 12 Element: Light Hits: - Range: 25ft. Time: 1.7 Heal one party member. --- ORZEL BIALY -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 28 Element: Light Hits: 3 Range: Melee Time: 3.4 Auras are collected and blown upward. --- LEGION FULMINANTE -------------------------------------------------------- Level: 32 Element: Light Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 1.7 Drop a lightning bolt on the target and nearby enemies. --- MIRAGE BLOW -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 38 Element: Dark Hits: 1 Range: 15ft. Time: 1.0 Attack with the light of illusion and decrease enemy's ATK by 10. --- PHANTOM PAIN ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 46 Element: Light Hits: 5 Range: 15ft. Time: 2.2 Attack with the light of illusion and increase the enemy's ATK by 20. --- TRI-CLEMENTIA ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 52 Element: Light Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 1.7 Heal all party members. --- CRIMSON BLAZE ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 60 Element: Dark Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 1.7 Engulf all enemies in flame. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- ALLEGRETTO =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- PHANTOM WAVE ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 1 Element: Dark Hits: 6 Range: 25ft. (+65ft.) Time: 2.4 Icy breath that engulfs the target and enemies behind it. --- SUN SLASH ---------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 1 Element: Light Hits: 6 Range: Melee Time: 2.8 Weak Knockdown. Basic close-combat attack by a knight. --- SKY DIVIDER -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 5 Element: Light Hits: 2 Range: Melee Time: 1.6 Medium Knockback. Special attack that slices the enemy in two. --- SHADOW ASSAULT ----------------------------------------------------------- Level: 10 Element: Dark Hits: 6 Range: Melee Time: 2.8 Medium Knockdown. Medium close-combat attack by a knight. --- FIRE WAVE ---------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 20 Element: Light Hits: - Range: 25ft. (+65ft.) Time: 2.4 Blazing fire stream that engulfs the target and enemies behind it. --- STARLIGHT BLAST ---------------------------------------------------------- Level: 30 Element: Light Hits: 8 Range: Melee Time: 3.6 Weak Knockdown. A relentless close-combat attack that overwhelms the enemy. --- VOID EDGE ---------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 40 Element: Dark Hits: 2 Range: Melee Time: 1.6 Strong Knockback. Sends the enemy into another dimension. --- BLOODY PLUME ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 50 Element: Dark Hits: 8 Range: Melee Time: 2.6 Medium Knockdown. A relentless close-combat attack that crushes the enemy. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- BEAT =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- VIVID SHOT --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 1 Element: Light Hits: - Range: - Time: - Photos taken will develop gradually and can be sold at shops. --- RAPID SHOOTER ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 Element: Dark Hits: 4 Range: 80ft. Time: 2.4 4 hits for a target within 40 feet. --- FIRE BLAST --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 4 Element: Light Hits: 4 Range: 80ft. Time: 2.4 4 hits for a target within 40 feet. --- POWER SMASH -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 8 Element: Light Hits: 6 Range: Melee Time: 3.3 Medium Knockback. Pierce the enemy with a sharp hammer. --- NIGHT SHOT --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 12 Element: Dark Hits: - Range: - Time: - Photos taken will develop gradually and can be sold at shops. --- SLEDGEHAMMER ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 24 Element: Dark Hits: 6 Range: Melee Time: 3.3 Medium Knockdown. Pierce the enemy with a hard hammer. --- VITAL DRAIN -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 32 Element: Dark Hits: - Range: 40ft. Time: 4.7 Absorb HP from the target and nearby enemies. --- SKY FIRE ----------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 48 Element: Light Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 3.3 A powerful heat blast hits the target and nearby enemies. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- VIOLA =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- BONE CRUMBLE ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 11 Element: Dark Hits: 7 Range: Melee Time: 3.7 Close-combat attack with a finishing blow. --- SACRED STRIKE ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 11 Element: Light Hits: 1 Range: Infinite Time: 2.1+ Medium Knockdown. Pierce the enemy with a holy arrow. --- HEAL ARROW --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 15 Element: Light Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 3.5 Heal all party members. --- HAWK EYE ----------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 20 Element: Dark Hits: 1 Range: Infinite Time: 3.5 Mark the target and increase the power of the next attack. --- WHITE DAGGER ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 30 Element: Light Hits: 7 Range: Melee Time: 3.7 Close-combat attack with a finishing blow. --- EVIL STRIKE -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 35 Element: Dark Hits: 1 Range: Infinite Time: 2.1+ Strong Knockdown. Pierce the enemy with an evil arrow. --- NIGHT ARROW -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 40 Element: Dark Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 3.2 Heal all party members except yourself. --- FULL BARRAGE ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 50 Element: Light Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 3.3 Arrows come down on nearby enemies. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- SALSA =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- SHADOW SILHOUETTE -------------------------------------------------------- Level: 17 Element: Dark Hits: 3 Range: Melee Time: 3.0 Rob target of energy and increase the power of next Special Attack. --- GRAND SLAM --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 17 Element: Light Hits: 5 Range: Melee Time: 1.8 Medium Knockback. Quick spinning attack. --- DEADLY ORBIT ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 25 Element: Dark Hits: 12 Range: Melee Time: 3.1 Medium Knockdown. Multi-hit attack that slashes the enemy. --- SOLAR FLARE -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 30 Element: Light Hits: 1 Range: Melee Time: 2.0 Medium Knockback. Damage the enemy with fire and light. --- CORONA STREAM ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 35 Element: Light Hits: 4 Range: Melee (+15ft.) Time: 3.0 Rob target of energy and affect enemies behind it as well. --- IRON CROSS --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 40 Element: Dark Hits: 5 Range: Melee Time: 1.8 Strong Knockback. Quick spinning attack. --- DEADLY CIRCLE ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 50 Element: Light Hits: 12 Range: Melee Time: 3.1 Weak Knockdown. Multi-hit attack that crushes the enemy. --- DARK NEBULA -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 60 Element: Dark Hits: 1 Range: Melee Time: 2.0 Strong Knockback. Absorb energy from the atmosphere and attack. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- MARCH =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- FULL-MOON BIND ----------------------------------------------------------- Level: 25 Element: Light Hits: 1 Range: 10ft. Time: 3.3 Bind the enemy and immobilize them temporarily. --- SUPER NOVA --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 25 Element: Light Hits: 13 Range: Melee Time: 3.7 Medium Knockback. Multi-slash attack. --- AURORA CURTAIN ----------------------------------------------------------- Level: 25 Element: Dark Hits: 3 Range: Melee Time: 2.9 Reduce the power of the enemy's next attack against you. --- ECLIPSE GAZE ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 25 Element: Dark Hits: - Range: 20ft. (+30ft.) Time: 1.9 Throw two circular blades. Ricochets to enemies on the sides as well. --- MIDNIGHT CLOUD ----------------------------------------------------------- Level: 30 Element: Dark Hits: 13 Range: Melee Time: 3.7 Medium Knockback. Multi-slash attack. --- NEW-MOON BIND ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 40 Element: Dark Hits: 1 Range: 10ft. Time: 3.3 Bind the enemy and reduce their mobility. --- LUNA STREAM -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 50 Element: Light Hits: 4 Range: Melee (+20ft.) Time: 2.9 Scatter the enemy's shadow and any enemies behind it. --- ILLUMINATION ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 60 Element: Light Hits: - Range: 20ft. (+30ft.) Time: 1.9 Throw two circular blades. Ricochets to enemies on the sides as well. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- JAZZ =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- HEAT BLADE --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 19 Element: Light Hits: 7 Range: Melee Time: 3.6 Weak Knockdown. The fire on the blade burns oil. --- MAGMA PILLAR ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 19 Element: Dark Hits: - Range: Radius: 20ft. Time: 1.7 Emerging lava attacks nearby enemies. --- PLASMA CHAINS ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 23 Element: Light Hits: 1 Range: Melee (+30ft.) Time: 2.0 The second hit damages enemies from behind. --- GEO BLADE ---------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 27 Element: Dark Hits: 7 Range: Melee Time: 3.6 Medium Knockdown. The ice on the blade crushes the enemy. --- WHIRLWIND ---------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 31 Element: Light Hits: - Range: 40ft. Time: 1.7 Create a tornado and attack the enemy. --- RAVEN BLAST -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 43 Element: Light Hits: - Range: Radius: 20ft. Time: 1.7 Attack nearby enemies. --- MAELSTROM ---------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 55 Element: Light Hits: - Range: 40ft. Time: 1.7 Create a maelstrom and attack the enemy. --- DIMENSIONAL TURN --------------------------------------------------------- Level: 63 Element: Dark Hits: 1 Range: Melee (+30ft.) Time: 2.0 The second hit damages enemies from behind. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- FALSETTO =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- SNOW CLAW ---------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 18 Element: Light Hits: 9 Range: Melee Time: 3.8 Medium Knockback. Close-combat, multi-hit attack. --- WILLOW STRIKE ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 18 Element: Dark Hits: 3 Range: Melee Time: 2.1 Kick creates a horizontal shock wave. --- NIGHT FIST --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 20 Element: Dark Hits: 2 Range: Melee (+30ft.) Time: 1.6 Attack the target and any enemies behind it. --- HOWLING THUNDER ---------------------------------------------------------- Level: 20 Element: Dark Hits: 9 Range: Melee Time: 3.8 Strong Knockback. Close-combat, multi-hit attack. --- SHADOW LIGHT ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 30 Element: Light Hits: 1 Range: Melee Time: 1.6 Medium Knockdown. Jump up and attack the enemy in front. --- PHOENIX RISING ----------------------------------------------------------- Level: 40 Element: Light Hits: 3 Range: Melee (+15ft.) Time: 2.1 Kick creates a horizontal shock wave. --- DRAGON BLOW -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 50 Element: Light Hits: 2 Range: Melee (+30ft.) Time: 1.6 Attack the target and any enemies behind it. --- DEATH CHASM -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 60 Element: Dark Hits: 1 Range: Melee Time: 1.6 Medium Knockdown. Jump high and attack the enemy in front. =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- CLAVES =-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=-=~=- --- FEATHER SPIN ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 18 Element: Light Hits: 2 Range: Melee (+15ft.) Time: 1.8 Close-combat attack on the target and any enemies behind it. --- EAGLE WING --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 18 Element: Dark Hits: 2 Range: Melee (+15ft.) Time: 1.8 Close-combat attack on the target and any enemies behind it. --- UNICORN HORN ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 18 Element: Light Hits: - Range: 25ft. Time: 2.2 Heal party members in close proximity other than yourself. --- AIATAR HORN -------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 22 Element: Dark Hits: 1 Range: Melee Time: 2.2 Strong Knockback. Attack one enemy with the power of the Aiatar. --- OBSIDIAN NEEDLE ---------------------------------------------------------- Level: 56 Element: Dark Hits: 7 Range: Melee Time: 3.5 Strong Knockback. Fierce piercing attack. --- BIRD SWARM --------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 60 Element: Light Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 1.9 Blow away the target and nearby enemies. --- WOLF FANG ---------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 64 Element: Light Hits: 7 Range: Melee Time: 3.5 Medium Knockback. Fierce piercing attack. --- BEAST METEOR ------------------------------------------------------------- Level: 68 Element: Dark Hits: - Range: Infinite Time: 1.9 Blow away the target and nearby enemies. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [11] ACHIEVEMENTS [1100] ============================================================================== Here are all the Achievements found in the game, in alphabetical order. --- CLAVE'S RESURRECTION (50) ------------------------------------------------ Collect all seven pieces of Claves's soul. --- EZI WORSHIPPER (321) ----------------------------------------------------- Collect all EZI items in the game. --- FANTAISIE IMPROMPTU (10) ------------------------------------------------- Complete Chapter 3. --- GRAND FINALE (70) -------------------------------------------------------- Defeat Frederic with Claves unlocked. --- GRANDE VALSE BRILLIANTE (10) --------------------------------------------- Complete Chapter 4. --- HEAVEN'S MIRROR (10) ----------------------------------------------------- Complete final chapter: Heaven's Mirror. --- HERO'S GATE (30) --------------------------------------------------------- Use the Hero's Crest to open the way to Mysterious Unison. --- HEROIC (10) -------------------------------------------------------------- Complete Chapter 7. --- NOCTURNE (10) ------------------------------------------------------------ Complete Chapter 5. --- PARTY LEVEL 2 (10) ------------------------------------------------------- Obtain Party Level 2. --- PARTY LEVEL 3 (10) ------------------------------------------------------- Obtain Party Level 3. --- PARTY LEVEL 4 (10) ------------------------------------------------------- Obtain Party Level 4. --- PARTY LEVEL 5 (10) ------------------------------------------------------- Obtain Party Level 5. --- PARTY LEVEL 6 (30) ------------------------------------------------------- Obtain Party Level 6. --- PIRATE'S TREASURE (80) --------------------------------------------------- Finally obtain Dolce's treasure. --- RAINDROPS (10) ----------------------------------------------------------- Complete Chapter 1. --- REVOLUTION (10) ---------------------------------------------------------- Complete Chapter 2. --- RONDO'S RETURN (50) ------------------------------------------------------ Defeat Rondo in Mysterious Unison. --- SCORE PIECE COLLECTOR (100) ---------------------------------------------- Collect all 32 Score Pieces. --- SOUL RELEASED (70) ------------------------------------------------------- Free Chord's Soul from Fort Fermata. --- TRISTESSE (10) ----------------------------------------------------------- Complete Chapter 6. --- XYLOPHONE TREASURE (80) -------------------------------------------------- Use your Orb to open the secret door in Xylophone Tower. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [12] BESTIARY [1200] ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ENEMIES [1201] ============================================================================== o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | ABYSS (MORPH) | Level 52 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 48010 ATK: 386 DEF: 682 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 17250 GOLD: 300 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | BLACK ONYX (MORPH) | Level 53 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 132040 ATK: 408 DEF: 263 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 21500 GOLD: 0 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Star Clock (7%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | ANATHEMA | Level 29 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 21790 ATK: 145 DEF: 108 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 2400 GOLD: 80 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Sock Incense (15%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | ANCIENT FISH (MORPH) | Level 36 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 31990 ATK: 281 DEF: 187 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 5000 GOLD: 90 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Floral Essence (15%) | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | STRONG GLORY (MORPH) | Level 37 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 37120 ATK: 281 DEF: 192 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 5250 GOLD: 90 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Honey Cookie (25%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | ANGEL GOAT | Level 10 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 6560 ATK: 69 DEF: 53 | DEF% vs. Light: 100 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 120 GOLD: 10 | DEF% vs. Dark: 0 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Glowing Tail (15%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | ASTRAL LIED | Level 73 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 165620 ATK: 1082 DEF: 515 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 48950 GOLD: 1500000 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | BLACK GOAT | Level 48 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 56270 ATK: 376 DEF: 279 | DEF% vs. Light: 0 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 9350 GOLD: 140 | DEF% vs. Dark: 100 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | BLACK GOLD | Level 44 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 48490 ATK: 376 DEF: 306 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 7280 GOLD: 170 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | BLOODY ONION (MORPH) | Level 21 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 28490 ATK: 146 DEF: 176 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 680 GOLD: 25 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Big Paper Fan (15%), Star Cookie (20%) | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | LEAF EGG (MORPH) | Level 21 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 17810 ATK: 115 DEF: 94 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 700 GOLD: 12 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Star Cookie (25%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | BLUE GIL (MORPH) | Level 19 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 14280 ATK: 115 DEF: 95 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 460 GOLD: 20 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Fish Incense (10%), Star Cookie (20%) | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | RARE METAL PICKER (MORPH) | Level 20 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 18510 ATK: 145 DEF: 184 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 575 GOLD: 20 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Club Clover (25%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | BOLBO | Level 18 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 17440 ATK: 108 DEF: 30 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 340 GOLD: 13 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Club Clover (20%), Star Cookie (20%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | BRONZE ARMS (MORPH) | Level 49 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 54530 ATK: 389 DEF: 342 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 11300 GOLD: 175 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Big Paper Fan (15%) | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | TRICK TAIL (MORPH) | Level 49 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 50900 ATK: 380 DEF: 471 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 10560 GOLD: 175 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Scorpion's Tail (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | COELACANTH (MORPH) | Level 23 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 17860 ATK: 127 DEF: 117 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 815 GOLD: 50 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Fish Incense (15%), Snowpuff Cookie (20%) | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | HAKEN BUCHSE (MORPH) | Level 23 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 24800 ATK: 190 DEF: 52 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 880 GOLD: 50 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Very Odd Chocolate (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | DARK ANTIQUE | Level 36 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 16000 ATK: 197 DEF: 290 | DEF% vs. Light: 0 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 4790 GOLD: 80 | DEF% vs. Dark: 100 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Scorpion's Tail (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | EARTH SHAKER (MORPH) | Level 10 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 9090 ATK: 72 DEF: 21 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 150 GOLD: 15 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | DARK BAT (MORPH) | Level 15 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 8780 ATK: 88 DEF: 57 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 235 GOLD: 10 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Club Clover (10%), Odd Chocolate (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | ETERNAL GREEN | Level 15 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 12590 ATK: 97 DEF: 81 | DEF% vs. Light: 100 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 280 GOLD: 17 | DEF% vs. Dark: 0 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Shadow Tail (15%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | FIRE ANTIQUE | Level 24 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 11490 ATK: 125 DEF: 189 | DEF% vs. Light: 100 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 790 GOLD: 45 | DEF% vs. Dark: 0 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Floral Extract (20%), Goddess Bouquet (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | FLAMEA (MORPH) | Level 28 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 37900 ATK: 196 DEF: 104 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 1900 GOLD: 70 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | WHITE PEARL (MORPH) | Level 29 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 36980 ATK: 231 DEF: 149 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 2250 GOLD: 20 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Celestial Hourglass (7%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | FLORITE MOUSE | Level 1 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 1690 ATK: 17 DEF: 12 | DEF% vs. Light: 100 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 25 GOLD: 4 | DEF% vs. Dark: 0 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Peach Cookie (15%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | GARLIC DAD | Level 51 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 58940 ATK: 373 DEF: 446 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 15800 GOLD: 200 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Spade Clover (25%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | GOLDEN TEMPLE (MORPH) | Level 45 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 38050 ATK: 355 DEF: 588 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 7950 GOLD: 0 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Star Clock (7%) | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | STANDARD BEARER (MORPH) | Level 46 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 68310 ATK: 387 DEF: 174 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 8500 GOLD: 150 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Lion's Mane (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | GYAMAN | Level 41 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 32790 ATK: 296 DEF: 72 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 6350 GOLD: 110 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Scorpion's Tail (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | ICE COFFIN | Level 22 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 21050 ATK: 180 DEF: 50 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 650 GOLD: 40 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | ICICLE EATER | Level 32 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 22480 ATK: 252 DEF: 183 | DEF% vs. Light: 100 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 3340 GOLD: 130 | DEF% vs. Dark: 0 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Mouse Metronome (20%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | L'OPERA GENERAL (MORPH) | Level 38 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 19370 ATK: 368 DEF: 33 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 5600 GOLD: 100 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Big Paper Fan (15%) | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | STANDARD BEARER (MORPH) | Level 39 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 80730 ATK: 165 DEF: 417 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 6200 GOLD: 100 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Peacock's Feather (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | L'OPERA KNIGHT | Level 2 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 1900 ATK: 24 DEF: 17 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 60 GOLD: 5 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Angel Trumpet (15%), Peach Cookie (30%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | LIGHT ANTIQUE | Level 23 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 14880 ATK: 127 DEF: 181 | DEF% vs. Light: 100 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 800 GOLD: 15 | DEF% vs. Dark: 0 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Floral Extract (15%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | LORD OF DARKNESS | Level 13 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 7090 ATK: 70 DEF: 69 | DEF% vs. Light: 0 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 180 GOLD: 15 | DEF% vs. Dark: 100 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Floral Powder (25%), Odd Chocolate (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | MALEDICTOR | Level 13 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 8470 ATK: 65 DEF: 45 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 220 GOLD: 20 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | MERCURIUS | Level 63 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 240600 ATK: 810 DEF: 314 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 49999 GOLD: 1000 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | MUSHROOM UP | Level 21 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 20480 ATK: 140 DEF: 36 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 640 GOLD: 18 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Poison Whitecap (25%), Dragon Scale (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | OOPARTS | Level 34 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 17850 ATK: 228 DEF: 439 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 4440 GOLD: 150 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | ORANGE FLOAT (MORPH) | Level 26 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 21310 ATK: 260 DEF: 140 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 1050 GOLD: 10 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Lion's Mane (10%) | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | RUBY EYE (MORPH) | Level 26 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 21310 ATK: 186 DEF: 155 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 900 GOLD: 55 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Goddess Bouquet (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | PERFECT MELON | Level 67 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 160340 ATK: 911 DEF: 342 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 45000 GOLD: 1000 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Saint's Mirror (7%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | PHACOPS | Level 43 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 42450 ATK: 363 DEF: 212 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 7000 GOLD: 140 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Hell Mustard (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | RAIDER PIRATE | Level 19 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 7930 ATK: 142 DEF: 105 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 440 GOLD: 5 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Wormwood (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | ROAMING PIRATE | Level 65 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 161180 ATK: 859 DEF: 381 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 47333 GOLD: 500 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | RYUUGUU | Level 70 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 253320 ATK: 993 DEF: 350 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 46100 GOLD: 600000 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | SAND SEER | Level 49 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 103240 ATK: 397 DEF: 243 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 9900 GOLD: 50 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Dragon Scale (15%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | SCOURGER | Level 22 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 12350 ATK: 114 DEF: 80 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 880 GOLD: 35 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | SORBEA (MORPH) | Level 30 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 31720 ATK: 260 DEF: 112 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 2800 GOLD: 50 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | WHITE PEARL (MORPH) | Level 31 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 18700 ATK: 231 DEF: 124 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 3050 GOLD: 50 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Diamond Clover (20%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | STEAM HORN | Level 50 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 60090 ATK: 362 DEF: 291 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 14500 GOLD: 180 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | SWEET WHISPER (MORPH) | Level 16 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 9410 ATK: 75 DEF: 61 | DEF% vs. Light: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 290 GOLD: 20 | DEF% vs. Dark: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Angel Trumpet (10%), Fallen Feather (10%) | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | CARAVAN CRAB (MORPH) | Level 17 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 12600 ATK: 102 DEF: 154 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 315 GOLD: 20 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Bubble Straw (10%), Hell Mustard (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | SWORDFISH | Level 22 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 17990 ATK: 178 DEF: 111 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 730 GOLD: 42 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Mouse Metronome (20%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | VERY VERY EMPTY (MORPH) | Level 1 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 700 ATK: 11 DEF: 7 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 25 GOLD: 3 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: - | o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | GREAT COCONUT (MORPH) | Level 4 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 5270 ATK: 40 DEF: 39 | DEF% vs. Light: 13 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 25 GOLD: 3 | DEF% vs. Dark: 75 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Floral Powder (20%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | VIEGE | Level 26 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 28790 ATK: 219 DEF: 96 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 1200 GOLD: 60 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Dragon Scale (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o o----------------------------------------------------------------+----------o | WARRIOR PIRATE | Level 20 | |-----------------------------------------+----------------------+----------| | HP: 10940 ATK: 175 DEF: 111 | DEF% vs. Light: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | EXP: 560 GOLD: 150 | DEF% vs. Dark: 50 | |-----------------------------------------+---------------------------------| | DROP: Lion's Mane (10%) | o---------------------------------------------------------------------------o ============================================================================== BOSSES [1202] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Bread Gang, Florite Mouse x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 22,920 Recommended Level: 4 HP: 1,690 This may be your first boss fight, so it is not that difficult. He is big and slow, so most of attacks are very easy to guard. His physical attack is no biggie, but Exploding Breath and Branch Strike can hit both Allegretto and Beat if they are close to each other. However, Break Gang's most powerful attack is Cheese Slicer, so definitely try to block that. I hope you put some Peach Cookies into your Item Set before the battle. Of course, the Florite Mice aren't that much of a problem. They will use normal attacks that don't deal that damage. Bread Gang is a pretty big guy, but ignore him at the start of the battle and concentrate on the two pesky Florite Mice. You have been dealing with them all throughout your sewer adventure, so they should be no problem. Take them out as quickly as possible. The good thing about this battle is that the arena is full of shade. The criss -cross pattern allow you to enter and exit shade quickly, so it's a good idea for Beat to take a photo of Bread Gang (possibly with the Florite Mice), then move him into the shade for the remainder of the battle so he can use Rapid Shooter. For Allegretto, your best bet is to pummel Bread Gang with physical attacks, then quickly use Sun Slash. Bread Gang's posture will give you hints on how much HP is left. Once the boss battle comes to a close, you'll receive a Saber and a Rat Tail. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Forest Boar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 25,250 Recommended Level: 5 The Forest Boar is one tough-as-hell cookie. His attacks are incredibly strong and are capable of tearing through your party in a hurry. His physical attack is nasty enough because it hits multiple times. The Forest Boar's head swings when it uses Winning Shot, so it can hit both Polka and Frederic if they are standing next to each other. War Cry creates a shockwave that can also hit multiple targets. Charge is probably the most powerful attack, but it wastes a lot of time on the Action Gauge. Luckily, Charge is rarely used. The attack can deal over 500 damage if it's not blocked! The only good thing is that the attack takes up the Forest Boar's entire turn. Make sure to heal your party with items most of the time as opposed to Special Attacks. Though both Polka and Frederic have Light Special Attacks that can heal each other, they don't heal that much. To boot, sunlight is very scarce in the arena and putting both party members in the light spell trouble when combined with the numerous long-range moves the Forest Boar has at hand. The Forest Boar cannot block when you attack its side or back, so try not to aim for his face unless you don't have much of a choice. Another plausible strategy is to attack, then run away from him so he cannot use his attacks close up. Keep Polka in the shade and have her heal with Peach Cookies every so often (she can also use Shade Comet from a distance) and have Frederic use physical attacks and Pie Grave up close. Once you win the tough battle, you'll earn a Bamboo Shaft. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Baby Dragon, Florite Mouse x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 40,740 Recommended Level: 7 HP: 1,690 He may be a baby, but don't let that lower your guard. The Baby Dragon is one of the toughest enemies yet and certainly proves that with his arsenal of attacks. Fiery Breath travels in an arc and can deal a load of damage. His physical attack is a two-hit attack and Knock Out also hits multiple times. Baby Dragon's most powerful attack is Red Heaven. Lava will sprout from the ground in a ring, damaging anything inside the ring (for over 300 damage). Why is everything accompanied by Florite Mice these days? They are laughable, and the best part is that by now their attacks deal zero damage even if they are left unblocked. Nevertheless, they are annoying and should be taken out as soon as possible. Build up your Echoes while attacking the Baby Dragon and his lackeys and use Sky Divider and Phantom Wave. Beat should take a few pictures of the Baby Dragon before using physical attacks and Rapid Shooter from a distance. The only shade is on the left side of the arena aside from the small shadow cast by the boulder in the center. Leave Beat in the shadows and have Allegretto stalk the Baby Dragon. You'll receive a Stone Sword Hilt after the battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Ogre Champ, L'Opera Knight x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 45,530 Recommended Level: 8 HP: 1,900 The Ogre Champ is one big foe, and his massive sword is capable of dishing out large amounts of damage. He has a two-hit physical attack and an attack called Decapitate that is very nasty. The first hit sweeps the area horizontally and then hits twice more. The attack as a whole can deal around 400 damage. His other two attacks are close range as well. Ground Strike pummels one enemy and radiates from the target. Big Smash also hits one enemy, but the rest of the attack circles around the target. Of course, take out the L'Opera Knights. Their attacks probably don't even deal any damage, but they are annoying and stupid. I hate how nearly ever boss so far has to have escorts to "help" them out. Plus, killing the L'Opera Knights helps build up Echoes that you can use on the Ogre Champ. Try to focus on them first, because if you attack the big guy and then attack the knights, he will just use Big Gulp to heal himself. Have Beat stay as far back as possible and snap one or two pictures of the Ogre Champ. After, just stick to his long-range physical attack and Rapid Shooter. Frederic is very quick with his attacks and the best guy to build up Echoes. Either have Frederic use the Echoes with Piu Grave or Allegretto use them with Sky Divider. The battle is much easier now that you have three party members. After defeating the Ogre Champ, the party gets a Long Sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Killer Knight, Maledictor x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 102,100 Recommended Level: 16 HP: 8,470 The Killer Knight is a very powerful and a very large foe. His twin axes can cover a lot of ground and have a long range, so make sure you do not keep your party too close to each other. White Swirl can either hit multiple targets or one target several times. Either way, it's bad news. Plow hits three times to one target as well, and Red Death sweeps horizontally and deals around 500 damage several times. Two Maledictors join the Killer Knight in this battle. By now, you should be able to take them out in one turn with physical attacks and ending with a Special Attack. Since they are so close to the big guy, some Special Attacks will hit both targets at once. Have Viola attack up close and finish off with Bone Crusher and the other party member take out the second Maledictor. I rarely had Viola fight in this battle. Since the torches around the room are the only source of light, I put Viola in one of the torches around the border of the arena. She occasionally attacked from afar with her bow and arrow, but mainly she used Heal Arrow. Since Special Attacks are powered up with Echoes, her Heal Arrow will heal more if you have more Echoes. Using all 32 Echoes with Heal Arrow will heal around 3200 HP to all party members! I had Allegretto and Frederic team up with Viola in this boss battle. Both are powerful and can dish out loads of damage up close. Allegretto attacked with Sky Divider and Frederic used Coup de Jarnac. The Killer Knight has a crapload of HP and very high ATK, but if you use Heal Arrow virtually every turn (it's possible), you cannot really have trouble with the Killer Knight. The party gets the Fort Fermata Key and a Lace Veil as a reward for their victory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Tuba ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 132,530 Recommended Level: 18 It may be a three-on-one battle (that's right, no lackeys to deal with!), the battle with Tuba should not be overlooked. Tuba is a powerhouse and easily the strongest enemy the party has encountered this far. A lot of his attacks have different ranges, so Tuba has one for each situation. His physical attack is slow, so it can be easily guarded. Mega Mash is another close-range attack that can deal over 400 damage three times! Gigantic Slam radiates around Tuba, hitting anyone caught in the shockwave. The main target is hit with over 400 damage, and anyone caught in the wave can be hit for around 200. Demonic Embrace fires at a target and can hit anyone in the back. It actually hits the target twice, each for around 300 damage. In short, Tuba is a very strong opponent. The only shade you can find in the arena are the shadows from the big pillars on top of the castle gates. The rest of the battlefield is all sunlight, so that is a plus when using Viola. Like in the battle with Killer Knight, keep her away from Tuba and in the sunlight so she can use Heal Arrow when needed. Now since you can use up to four Special Attacks, Viola can also attack with Sacred Strike when everyone has enough HP. Since Tuba's physical attack and Gigantic Slam can hit multiple targets, don't try to keep the remaining two party members next to each other. Like in the last boss fight (and probably for a long portion of the game), I used Frederic and Allegretto in this fight. Have Frederic attack up close with Piu Grave or Coup de Grace. Allegretto can stay in the shadows and use Phantom Wave. Or you can be reckless and have them both surround Tuba. I mean, Viola should always be available to use Heal Arrow. You won't get anything for defeating Tuba. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Tuba ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 178,410 Recommended Level: 20 Beat can really make or break your party. If you use him all the time, then this battle won't be any more difficult. However, if you think Beat sucks and constantly stick him in the corner for more powerful, useful characters, then this may suck for you. It also depends on who Beat replaces. If Viola gets kicked out of this party for the twerp, then things will suck even more. Tuba still all has the same attacks. The worst ones are Mega Mash and Gigantic Slam, since the former can deal over 900 damage and the latter can hit many targets. He also has Demonic Embrace, which can hit a target and anyone behind them. Those are the only attacks you really need to watch out for. There is no permanent shade in the arena, which may hurt or help you. A cloud will loom over the bridge and move in and out of position. Since the shadow moves (slowly), trying to use Dark Special Attacks may be difficult. If Viola is in your party, keep her at a distance and use Heal Arrow or normal attacks (remember, repeatedly pressing A will cause her to fire many arrows). If she is absent, then you will have to either rely on another healer or resort to using items. Club Clovers and Floral Powders are your best bet. Oh, and also make sure to snap some photos with Beat. They come in handy. Tuba may be stronger in this fight, but it's more or less the same boss battle as before. Once you put an end to Tuba's madness, you will earn a Crescent Blade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Trick or Treat, Mushroom Up x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 225,730 Recommended Level: 23 HP: 20,480 Odd name for a flying tree stump. While it may not look like much, Trick or Treat is not only incredibly powerful, but surprisingly durable as well. He has some very strong attacks. Dander Fume can cover a nice range and deals around 600 damage to its intended target. When he uses Inevitable Punishment, he'll teleport to a character and deal around 800 damage twice, then teleport back to the original location. Trick or Treat's most powerful attack is Mushroom Party: it'll cause a downpour of fungi on a large radius. The primary target will be dealt over 1800 damage if unblocked! Since Trick or Treat has a few attacks that cover a large range, make sure to keep your party away from each other by initiating a hit-and-run technique. Viola should stay far back and use rapid-fire arrows and Heal Arrow whenever she can. The two Mushroom Ups should go down fast. You can take out one with Falsetto in one turn if you launch a combo attack culminating in Snow Claw. The other one should be taken down just as easily with Jazz. Trick or Treat can actually revive its fallen comrades with Heavenly Assist, but instead of devoting a turn to defeating one, try to catch them in large-scale attacks. For the record, my party consisted of Jazz, Falsetto, and Viola, mostly because Viola is awesome and I think Claves is downright terrible. There is a nice ratio of light and shade, so you should be fine when wanting to use either Light or Dark Special Attacks. Build up Echoes with the party and let Jazz use them with Heat Blade or even Viola with Heal Arrow if the party is really suffering. This is easily the hardest boss battle yet, so try to keep your party's HP up by using items from your Item Set as well. You will win Recovery Gloves and a Floral Extract after the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Death Crow, Light Antique x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 252,380 Recommended Level: 26 HP: 14,880 THAT'S a crow?! Looks like a weird dragon thing. The Death Crow is BIG, and is accompanied by two Light Antiques. The Death Crow has a lot of attacks at its disposal. Intake can deal around 2700 damage unblocked and can also stretch to hit other characters. Curdle is another strong attack that can deal over 2000 damage. Other than that, the Death Crow only has a two-hit physical attack. Sweeping can actually be used from behind, so Death Crow will use this move if you are hiding behind it. There are several problems about the Death Crow. First off, it is floating in the air, so it can be difficult to hit it every single time when using normal attacks or even multi-hit Special Attacks. Try to attack the crow from behind at all times. The second annoyance is that despite its massive frame, the Death Crow is very fast and has a long range. Even if you attack from behind, it can move quickly and swoop its wings out in an arc. As you know already, there is little sunlight in the Lento Cemetery. Try to position Viola in the center of the arena, where there is sunlight. The only other light is from the spirits that travel around the place. Since they move constantly, using them as a source of light isn't very productive. The Light Antiques may not look like much compared to the Death Crow, but they are powerful on their own rights. They have high DEF and can deal a lot of damage with their attacks, so your best bet is to use Dark Special Attacks to kill them. Allegretto's Phantom Wave is a good choice. If Death Crow uses Warder's Call to resurrect one, then focus your attention to kill it again. Due to the lack of sunlight, it's best to use Dark Special Attacks on the boss. Falsetto's Howling Thunder is a phenomenal attack, especially when you use up the Echoes with the attack. Allegretto should stick to Shadow Assault and Viola should just use Heal Arrow and possibly Hawk Eye or Sacred Strike. The battle against the Death Crow will take a long time, but keep using Heal Arrow and recovery items to stay on top. The party will get a Thunder Stir once the Death Crow experiences... death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Captain Dolce, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 141,080 Recommended Level: 22 HP: 23,520 HP: 28,220 This is one hell of a fight. Since we cannot rely on the cheap goodness of Viola's Heal Arrow, you will have a very hard time keeping your party's HP in check. Polka's Earth Heal does a decent job, and you can use Frederic's Sacred Signature as a last resort. Pack your Item Set with Club Clovers, Angel Trumpets, and Floral Extracts, because you will need them all. Dolce has a wide range of attack, most of them being long-range. Her physical attack can hit up to five times, and Dead Man's Tale is a long-range musket shot capable of dealing over 2300 damage! Burning Spindle hits for around 700 damage multiple times and Tempest Swirl is her final long-range attack. To boot, Captain Dolce can also heal herself with Ruthless! The two lieutenants are dangerous foes as well. Unlike most escorts, they will need several turns to be dealt with. They can heal and use Burst on themselves with Rising Power. They can also pack a punch with Splintering Soul and Cruel Cutlass, to name a few. Just for the record, the First Lieutenant is the one with brown hair and the Second Lieutenant has blonde hair. Make sure to take out the lieutenants first before they spam Rising Power. They are durable, but have Salsa use Grand Slam or Shadow Silhouette and Beat can use Rapid Shooter from a distance. Frederic has no choice but to heal or attack up close and personal. Once those two goons are out of the picture, it's time to focus on Dolce. Taking her down is a real chore, since she has powerful attacks and is very fast. Since Dolce is unlike any other boss for the sole fact that she's a human and normal size, she can move around a lot easier. Don't be surprised to see Dolce run behind you and start attacking just so you won't be able to block. It's friggin' annoying, but there's nothing you can really do. Have Beat attack from the distance and be the healer, despite having the least amount of HP. He can use Rapid Shooter and Fire Blast to help keep Dolce at bay. Power Smash also works well if she catches up to him. Frederic can use Piu Grave and Coup de Grace against Dolce, though his Special Attacks don't seem to be that... good. Salsa should power up anyone close by (probably Frederic) with Shadow Silhouette and batter Dolce with Grand Slam. It's always important to keep moving in this battle. I know that I have a bad habit of clumping everyone together to surround the opponent, but that spells bad news when fighting Captain Dolce. Use up turns just to back up or maybe stand in the way of the swinging lanterns (since they are your only source of light in the entire room). If Polka is in the party, she can use Nether Wave to attack from afar and heal with Earth Heal. It will take a lot of time and a lot of guts, but keep it up. This is actually the first time I ever died when playing the game. Defeating Captain Dolce and the lieutenants will earn you Pirate's Paper 1, Skull and Bones, and a Torn Umbrella. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Captain Dolce, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 181,050 Recommended Level: 25 HP: 27,440 HP: 32,920 This battle is nearly identical to the first battle you had with the trio. They all have the same attacks, but naturally, they deal more damage than in the first fight. Make sure that your Item Set is stocked up with Snowpuff Cookies, Floral Extracts and Angel Trumpets/Goddess Bouquets. As for your party, Frederic and Salsa are a must. It's up in the air between Polka and Beat for the final spot. Both aren't as helpful as the others. Make sure to take out the two lieutenants first. They are more powerful than before, but still nothing compared to the captain. They all have the same attacks that can deal around 1000 damage. They can also resurrect each other, so make sure to have your two strongest characters each focus on one of the lieutenants. Afterwards, have everyone focus on Captain Dolce. If Polka is in your party, have her stay in the light and use Earth Heal or Orange Glow. If she's absent, have Frederic heal on and off between attacking. The light/dark situation could be better on the battlefield. There is no set pattern, so you will have to find shelter in a random splotches of sunlight. The battle is fairly difficult, but just remember: if you did it once, you can surely do it a second time. The party will receive a Pocket Watch and Pirate's Paper 2 for winning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Fugue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 219,460 Recommended Level: 28 This time, you actually stand a chance against Fugue. His Hit Points may look daunting, but this is actually a rather simple fight. If you have enough healing items in your Item Set, you can make this battle even easier if you turn it into a test of endurance. All you need are some Club Clovers, Floral Extracts, and an Angel Trumpet or two. Fugue only has three attacks aside from his surprisingly slow melee. J'accuse is a one-hit attack that travels in a line. Due to the pattern, it can target multiple characters. However, the attack itself is fairly weak and only deals around 2600 damage. Blood Scent is a multi-hit attack that is also pretty weak. Finally, Dark Presence can target you from a distance. For my party setup, I had Salsa, Frederic, and Beat. Beat concentrated on healing the team with Star Cookies and Club Clovers as he kept his distance. He can also attack from a distance with his gun if everyone is at tip-top shape. Salsa and Frederic should surround Fugue and attack mercilessly; one in front and one at his back. You should have a lot of powerful, close-range Special Attacks. Frederic has Piu Grave and Orzel Bialy while Salsa can use Grand Slam/Deadly Orbit. Any of your Special Attacks should do, because there is an uneven split of light and dark in the arena. Basically, the entire left side of the area is shadowed by a large tree. Overall, it comes down to the fact that this is a three-on-one battle, so you should really have no problem against Fugue. After the fight, you will receive Brisingamen and Torquatus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Root Lurker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 315,790 Recommended Level: 30 The entire dungeon was a giant cake walk, and the same can be said for this boss. The Root Lurker may have a ton of HP, but it's a lot easier depleting it. The one dangerous thing about this fight is that the Root Lurker has some few powerful attacks that you should really watch out for. Bo Peep only deals around 2000 damage, but it can inflict Passive on the target. That means you cannot counterattack. Trip to Pain can deal somewhere in the ballpark of 3200 damage, but the attack also causes Root Lurker to move across a great distance. A lot of ground is covered, so he may use it tactically to reach a party member that's far away. Also, that may cause you to move around a lot during this battle. Roar is Root Lurker's final attack, which can target all character around him and deals around 3000 damage. Root Lurker can definitely pack a punch, but you still outnumber the beast. Have Viola use Heal Arrow every once and a while to keep everyone on track and also put those Diamond Clovers to use. She should be the one character that stays from afar and acts as a healer. If everyone is healed, Viola can switch to using Sacred Strike. If you have the chance, have Viola use a Harmony Chain so she can pull off both Special Attacks at once. The twins should both stalk the Root Lurker and unleash their best Special Attacks. Salsa usually does best using Deadly Orbit and March can use Super Nova to dish out the most damage. Also try to use Harmony Chains to really beat the snot out of the boss. In order to have Salsa use Deadly Orbit, have her hide in the Root Lurker's shadow; he is such a large target and the only shade is on the outer section of the arena. The party obtains a Crimson Brooch and Herebra once they silence the Root Lurker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Captain Dolce, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 290,530 Recommended Level: 31 HP: 31,580 HP: 31,580 You should know what you're doing by now. I mean, this is the third time you have fought this girl and her crew. They all have more HP and are stronger, but do not introduce any new attacks. Now that you have a large choice of party members, this battle should be the easiest of the three. Now that you have Viola with you, you probably won't even need to use items. Make sure to take out the two lieutenants first. They are more powerful than before, but still nothing compared to the captain. They all have the same attacks that can deal around 2000 damage. They can also resurrect each other, so make sure to have your two strongest characters each focus on one of the lieutenants. Afterwards, have everyone focus on Captain Dolce. My party consisted of Viola, Jazz, and Allegretto. Jazz and Allegretto ripped her to shreds with Heat Blade and Sky Divider respectively. Viola can spam Heal Arrow to keep everyone healthy. Now that you can use Harmony Chains, the battle should end quicker than ever. Really, this is starting to get pathetic. Once the battle ends, you will receive a Werewolf Choker and a Peace Earring. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Rondo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 467,980 Recommended Level: 36 The biggest problem with Rondo is that she is incredibly fast. Sure, her attacks are deadly, but she can execute many of them multiple times due to her speed and battle and the quickness of her executions. Most of her attacks are close-range melee attacks that deal multiple hits. Her physical attack is a multi-hit attack that is a pain if you don't block. Fer De Lance hits twice, the first time for around 1100 damage and the second knocking you down as you are hit with around 750 damage. Bombardment can hit all targets surrounding Rondo if they are close enough; the attack has a decent radius. Hell Eruption is Rondo's most powerful attack and can deal close to 3000 damage unblocked overall. I'm not sure if I'm overleveled or what, but the past few boss battles have been incredibly easy. The battle with Rondo is not an exception. Rondo may have a load of HP, high ATK, and very quick, but she is no match for three of your best fighters. Falsetto hasn't missed a beat since her little panic attack and can easily outmatch your trained characters in terms of attacking. Have her attack up close with Snow Claw. If Viola is in your party, you can keep her at a distance while using Heal Arrow. Ya know, like every battle. There is plenty of light and the only dark areas are on the corners of the arena. Jazz was my final party member (you know, to get some much-needed payback) and though underleveled, was able to take out big chunks of Rondo's health with Heat Blade. Even if Viola is not in your party for some strange reason, using the shameful tactic of surrounding Rondo and beating the pulp out of her is good enough. I did not have Viola the first time I battled Rondo, and I had all three stand right next to Rondo and dish out the Special Attacks. That strategy may be frowned upon, but it's certainly good enough if you're looking for a win any way possible. These three-on-one battles are basically just a test of endurance. After the fight, the team earns a Heart Pendant and Death's Head. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Count Waltz, Calamity Wilhm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 589,590 Recommended Level: 43 HP: 77,230 Count Waltz is surprisingly strong, considering he is a whiny purple coat- wearing punk. He has several high-hitting attacks that you should really watch out for. Aure Dominium is one of his weaker and slower attacks. Still, the spell can deal around 1900 damage unblocked. Volcano Cuncussio is a rapid fire attack that hits many times. Apocalypse Fall is Count Waltz's most dangerous attack. It is a long-range move that can deal around 4500 damage and also shoots out in a straight line, possibly hitting more than one target. Make sure to block this, because he can target characters afar like Viola, who should spend most of her time healing throughout the battle. Like Captain Dolce, Count Waltz has the annoying tendency to run behind you before initiating an attack. In this case, he usually only uses melee attacks, but they can hit for around five to six times; each hit dishing out around 1000 damage. Definitely keep the Flower Extracts and Diamond Clovers close while Viola can use Heal Arrow occasionally. As you can see, Count Waltz is joined by his pet dragon, Calamity Wilhm. He is actually fairly strong, but usually resorts to melee attacks. They are slow and easily predictable. You should be able to kill Calamity Wilhm in two turns. With that said, make it your first priority to eliminate him so all three can soon focus on the real threat. Viola should have learned Night Arrow by now, so now it doesn't really matter if you stay in the light or dark. Night Arrow is basically a dark version of Heal Arrow, so both can come in handy when you're running away from Count Waltz. Always keep Viola at a distance, because you don't want him getting his hands on her. She can also attack with her bow or use other Special Attacks to hurt him from a distance. Have your other two characters get up in Count Waltz's face and attack. Jazz and Allegretto are probably your two most powerful party members, so they should suffice. Jazz has Heat Blade and Geo Blade to dish out the damage, and a Harmony Chain involving Allegretto's Starlight Blast and Sun Slash is downright dirty. Don't fret if you find yourself healing a lot: Count Waltz is a little cheap with his attack methods and you may have to use items or spells to keep your HP up. Once you win, you will get a Demon Mask, Jokulsnaut, and Vanquisher. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Ogre King, Wicked Shrub ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 571,110 Recommended Level: 47 HP: 590,770 Palette swap much? These guys may resemble the Ogre Champ and Trick or Treat, but they are clearly much tougher. Both are very tough foes, and this is the first time we've ever been in a battle where we had to tackle two fairly even monsters. Usually it was a weakling tagging along, but both of these enemies have very high HP. Ogre King has basically the same attacks as the Ogre Champ, but he's obviously much more powerful than the other. Earth Strike is a simple windup attack that will knock the target down on their behind. Guillotine is a powerful three-hit move that deals around 800 damage the first two hits, then finishes off with a strong blow that can deal over 1700 damage. Big Crush is another powerful move that radiates out from the Ogre King's large sword. Wicked Shrub can use Dander Cloud to spread its poison in a circle, hitting anyone in the area. Not only does it deal over 2100 damage, but you will be poisoned if you fail to block or counterattack. If you have accessories such as Recovery Gloves equipped to your party, it kinda negates the effect. Mushroom Brawl will cause many mushrooms to fall onto the party. It has a nice range and is powerful. There isn't a lot of light in the room, so keep Viola in the center of the room at all times. If she stays next to the guardian, she should be fine. Then again, you can just stay in the shade and use Night Arrow instead. It's probably a good idea to take out Wicked Shrub first so he doesn't poison the entire party, but don't have all three members attack him. Have two attack Wicked Shrub while the other focuses on Ogre King. If you leave all three to fight one monster and leave the other by himself, you'll probably end up turning your backs to him and exposing yourself. Viola should attack Wicked Shrub up close (it's hard to run from these bosses) and use Heal Arrow or Night Arrow sporadically. The second character, whomever that may be, can help Viola attack him as well. The third and final party member can keep Ogre King distracted. If you're like me and had plenty of HP- restoring accessories on your party, healing shouldn't be that big of a priority. Once the Wicked Shrub bites the dust, have all three characters focus on the Ogre King. You know what to do here: build up Echoes and unleash your three- chain Harmony Chains to finish this guy in no time. Once the Ogre King and Wicked Shrub are dead, you will win Tyr's Left Arm, Eye of Horus, and Thiassi's Bone. Good deal if you ask me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Herculean Boar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 911,310 Recommended Level: 54 The Herculean Boar certainly has the most HP out of any enemy we have seen before, so this battle might take longer than expected. The good news is that it's just him, so all three of your party members can focus on the Herculean Boar and no one else. He has all of the same attacks as the Forest Boar waaaay back at the beginning of the game, but they are still very dangerous. Winning Hit is a multi-hit attack that has short reach and can only target a character directly in front of the Herculean Boar. Each hit deals around 1000 damage and has high knockdown. Rumble creates a circular shockwave around the Herculean Boar, so try not to have everyone surround him. Breakthrough is an annoying attack where the Herculean Boar will charge at someone from afar. The attack wastes a lot of time, but deals around 4700 damage. Plus, he uses the attack for a quick getaway since it covers a lot of ground. Overall, this is a simple battle. You've basically fought this enemy, so you should know how to protect or evade all of its attacks. The only shadows in the entire arena are on the perimeter, so head to the edge if you want to use some Dark Special Attacks. Otherwise, target the Herculean Boar wherever and have your two strongest party members whittle its HP away. Viola, like always, can be used as a healer. The party receives a Lech Armor for defeating the Herculean Boar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Hidden One ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 742,910 Recommended Level: 57 Hidden One has much lower HP than the Herculean Boar, but he backs it up with high DEF. Still, it's not like this boss battle is hard or anything. Heh. Red Swirl is a multi-hit attack that really isn't that much of a threat. It hits around four times, but each hit only deals around 800 damage. Furrow is another attack that can hit numerous times, and it's just as bad as Red Swirl. Violet Death is a pretty annoying attack. It only deals a grand total of 2000 damage or so, but the attack is fast and Hidden One can use it twice during one turn. As an added bonus, the attack travels in an arc and can hit all three characters if they're cluttered together. All you need to do is spread your party out or continuously block. You probably won't have to use Heal Arrow or Night Arrow once in this fight. As for me, all three characters had accessories equipped that restored HP at the start of each turn, so every turn they would heal for around 3000 HP. I'm telling ya, these Recovery Gloves are awesome. Use your Special Attacks and some Harmony Chains to put this guy out of his misery. It took me about two minutes to win this boss battle. Once you defeat Hidden One, you will be rewarded with Tyr's Right Arm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Unrest, Fire Antique x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 764,250 Recommended Level: 60 HP: 57,580 Here we are with another boss battle that's identical to one earlier in the game. Just like the past two battles in this dungeon, the fight against Unrest is not too difficult. However, take note of the two Fire Antiques; they are stronger than the ones fought earlier in the game. Just like the Death Crow, Unrest has an attack called Intake. Curdle is a long-range attack that can target multiple characters. The attack itself deals a little over 3000 damage to the intended target. Like the Death Crow, Unrest can attack a character behind it, which is a real pain. The main problem with Unrest is that he is hard to target up close. Since the beast is floating in the air, the only part of the body you can hit are its feet (which aren't very big). Make sure to take out the two Fire Antiques at the start of the battle. They are stronger than the Fire Antiques you fought earlier in the game, but still relatively weak. You should probably be able to take each one out in a turn. Unrest can revive them using Call of the Guardee, but sacrifice two turns to get rid of them again. Once the two enemies are out of the way, you can focus on Unrest. He usually stays in the center of the arena, since the only shadows are on the area's perimeter. Unrest's shadow isn't really big either, so you may have to focus on using Light Special Attacks. Viola can occasionally heal the group, but like the previous two boss battles, you may not have to. You are rewarded with a Tyrant Slayer after the boss fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: White Jewel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 902,280 Recommended Level: 62 Remember this guy? White Jewel looks exactly like the Baby Dragon from Agogo Forest, but this monster has ice-based attacks. White Heaven causes icy spires to appear all around White Jewel, dealing around 4400 damage unblocked. When White Jewel uses Icy Breath, he will breath out a chilly blast in an arc. Knockdown is White Jewel's final attack (aside from his physical attacks) that can hit one character multiple times. Like the name implies, the attack has a high chance of knockdown. At least White Jewel's attacks are fairly slow and easy to counter, because it's been a while since we fought Baby Dragon and you might not remember how to evade them. Like the Herculean Boar, White Dragon has high HP and low DEF. If you're at the recommended level, some of your party members can deal close to 100,000 damage in one turn. Have your entire party crowd around him and use your most powerful attacks. Like always, my party consisted of Allegretto, Viola, and Jazz. Link together some Harmony Chains to get rid of this boss in a very quick fashion. After you win, you'll receive an Alvis Hoop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Ruined Body ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,178,780 Recommended Level: 64 Yep, that HP count is correct. Ruined Body has a buttload of HP; lucky for us, his DEF is less than stellar. He is a giant target and has some very deadly attacks. Even his physical attacks can range from 2000 to 4000 for each hit! Blood Sink is one attack that you really need to block; it not only deals up to 6300 damage, but also lowers the stats of the characters hit! When Ruined Body uses Purgatory, he breathes out a fiery wave that travels in a semi-circle. Anyone hit can take around 4500 damage. Mortal Cleave is a three-hit attack that is VERY powerful; you can take around 8000-9000 damage at the end of the attack. Make sure to use Spade Clovers/Diamond Clovers or Viola's Heal Arrow to keep the party in good shape. Since Ruined Body is such a big target, his shadow covers a lot of ground. There is also some darkness at the north end of the arena, so there is plenty of room to lurk in if you wish to use Dark Special Attacks. Viola probably has the lowest DEF and HP, so she should probably stay outside the line of fire. Use her long-range Special Attacks and heal every once and a while. You may be accustomed to using Special Attacks after every turn, but it's very important to save your Echoes to build up Harmony Chains. Linking together three Special Attacks can deal insane amounts of damage in one turn, which makes depleting the boss's HP a cakewalk. To be blunt, this boss battle is actually very simple. Ruined Body is really slow and though strong, has many predictable attacks. He uses Blood Sink the most frequent, so definitely watch out for the attack and the aftereffects. Allegretto and Jazz should each take one side of Ruined Body and constantly attack. Their Special Attacks, when used in a Harmony Chain, is very effective. Keep slicing n' dicing with your two powerhouses and have Viola keep the party at high HP, and this battle should be over in no time. When you win, you'll receive a Hero's Crest and Velmungdd's Lust. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Frederic Francois Chopin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 1,493,120 Recommended Level: 86 Technically, I recommended that you went to the Mysterious Unison before you came here, so you should be at a ridiculously high level. If not, then you'll probably be around level 65. Either way, Frederic is a really powerful fighter (at least when he's not on our side). Frederic also has some new tricks up his sleeve that you need to watch out for. Applaudissement Sonique is basically a giant meteor storm that slams down on anyone near Frederic. Pala is a weak attack that inflicts Burst on anyone that is hit. Whether that's a good or bad thing is primarily up to your fighting standards. A familiar move, Orzel Bialy is one of Frederic's signature spells. There is very little shade in this strange arena; the moving clouds overhead provide the only shade and aren't that reliable. If you wish to use Dark Special Attacks, move with the clouds and use your Special Attacks when the time is right. Don't take Frederic lightly, because his stats are more impressive than Ruined Body. Use your Heart Cloves or Spade Clovers when needed and also have Viola use Heal Arrow. Bombard him with Harmony Chains non-stop. If you went to the Mysterious Unison beforehand, then you should have absolutely no trouble fighting Frederic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Deep Lurker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 912,840 Recommended Level: 69 When you look at the Deep Lurker's stats, they aren't all that impressive. His ATK and DEF can be compared to the bosses we fought in the Double Reed Tower of Sand, and we all know how easy those guys were. However, there can be some minor problems when facing the Deep Lurker -- mainly your new Party Level. You also have to watch out for his attacks as well. Nasty Roar is an attack that surrounds the Deep Lurker, hitting anyone in the vicinity. Fatal Bite is a little self-explanatory: Deep Lurker reaches out and gnaws on the target for a multi-hit attack. His long-range attack is Voyage to Pain, which sounds just like the Root Lurker's signature attack. When used, Deep Lurker will charge right through an enemy, covering a lot of ground at the same time. It basically comes down to this: if you are used to using the Moving Commands obtained from Party Level 6, then you should be fine. If not, then you could have some problems. Since building Echoes is so much easier in the new Party Level, you can unleash Harmony Chains nearly every turn. Just remember that when you use a Harmony Chain, the buttons may switch during the chain. Just keep your eye on the button commands. A full Harmony Chain can deal over 300,000 damage to the Deep Lurker, so this one should end quickly. You will win a Soul Shard after the fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Rondo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 3,220,090 Recommended Level: 83 The new-and-improved Rondo (with a much better hair color) is by far the most powerful foe you have encountered in the game so far. She has a disgusting amount of HP, ATK through the roof, very quick, and has some really nasty attacks. Rondo has all of the same attacks, but they are much more powerful; some dealing almost 20,000 points of damage! For the first time in a while, I strongly suggest using both Viola's Heal Arrow and items from your Item Set. Bombardment is a multi-hit attack with the final hit dealing around 12,000 damage. Hell Eruption is a very fast attack and can be used twice in one turn. However, it is slow and can easily be dodged. Rondo can also use Grand Venom to poison one party member (the initial attack deals no damage). Fer De Lance hits twice; both dealing around 7000 damage. For the first time in a long time, you may struggle during this fight. Rondo is very quick and all of her attacks are disgustingly powerful. If you are using Jazz and have Skofnung equipped (which gives him Burst), you will probably have to heal him every turn if he's in the front line. Viola should never attack; only when used in a Harmony Chain, because you will need to have her heal nearly every turn. Otherwise, keep Viola in the light at the center of the room and attack with arrows from a distance. Have your two other party members (Allegretto and Jazz for me) attack her up close and use massive Harmony Chains to deal around 400,000 damage each time. It is hard to develop a surefire strategy against Rondo other than have two attack while one heals. It's up to you to use the right healing items at the right time along with doing your best to guard her attacks. It can become very frantic with Rondo's attacks combined with the Moving Command, but you'll fail miserably if you cannot guard. Keep at it, and you'll eventually deplete all of Rondo's HP. You will get a Soul Shard afterwards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Annihilator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP: 4,958,710 Recommended Level: 86 And by popular demand, I'll list levels and equipment for my party here. Viola (Level 86) Jazz (Level 86) Allegretto (Level 86) HP: 59,031 HP: 70,698 HP: 60,712 ATK: 614 ATK: 665 ATK: 686 DEF: 418 DEF: 523 DEF: 502 Titania's Bow Bezwell's Sword Sheol Sword Peacock Dress Dragon Armor Achilles's Armor Cupid's Head Recovery Gloves Power Ring Recovery Gloves Athena's Shield Recovery Gloves Well, this is it! Annihilator is the strongest enemy in the entire game, so you should use nearly every item in your Item Set and all of your best Special Attacks to keep yourself above water. As you can see, Annihilator is basically a green Ruined Body, so you can expect heavy hitting, slow attacks. Hopefully you packed your Item Set with extra Spade Clovers and Floral Extracts, because you will certainly need them more than Heal Arrow (more on that later). Crop Top is brutal; the first two hits deal around 5000-8000 damage and the final one takes out nearly 13,000 of your HP. Annihilator also uses Blood Sink very frequently in this fight, but it deals more than the Ruined Body's version (around 16,000). Scorcher travels in an arc and can deal up to 11,000 damage. It usually hits two characters if they are surrounding Annihilator. Heck, even watch out for Annihilator's physical attacks, which can deal up to 10,000 big ones! I can't stress enough how important it is to guard in this boss fight. Also take note that Annihilator can use Reclaim to heal himself for nearly 100,000 HP! He usually uses this as an act of desperation when he's nearing death, and he'll begin to use it EVERY TURN! I have some good news and bad news. The bad news is that nearly the ENTIRE playing field is covered in darkness; the only spots are tiny lanterns on the edges of the arena. The good news is that I saved a bunch of money-- yeah, there is no good news. Keep Viola in these small pockets of light so she can use Heal Arrow. If Annihilator starts to chase her, have her run to another patch of light nearby. The best plan of action is to surround the big guy and unleash Harmony Chains over and over. The best part is that pulling off a five-chain Harmony Chain will give you enough Echoes to pull one off the next turn. It's like a never-ending chain of well... Harmony Chains! Keep bombarding Annihilator with them and take some time to heal if Viola can't keep up with healing. Spade Clovers are a real life saver in this fight. This is a very long and difficult boss battle. The Annihilator won't go down easily and it'll certainly take a lot of time and effort to take him down. Don't ever take your eye off the party's HP and pay attention to the Moving Command in this extra-hectic battle. When Annihilator starts using Reclaim every turn, bring Viola into the mix and have all three gang up on him. You will manage to earn the final Soul Shard after winning this doozy of a fight. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [13] THANKS/CREDITS [1300] ============================================================================== Of course, this guide couldn't have been made without some extra help. Here is a shoutout to everyone who made this FAQ possible: CJayC: For being an awesome host of an awesome site. Eternal Czar Smapdi: For being the best co-author anyone could have, and for being yourself. Bradygames Official Guide: For enemy info and character bios. FESBians: Because you're cool. You: For reading this FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document is copyright (c) DomZ Ninja 2008-2013. This document may be found on the following sites: * GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com * GameSpot - http://www.gamespot.com * IGN - http://faqs.ign.com * Super Cheats - http://www.supercheats.com * Neoseeker - http://www.neoseeker.com * HonestGamers - http://www.honestgamers.com The latest update of this document can always be found on GameFAQs. Other sites may use this document, but only with my permission. If you see this document on a website not listed above, please email me. Do not edit or alter this document in any way. Do not steal anything from this document. Do not host or distribute this document for profit. That is plagiarism, and it is against the law. If you have any questions, comments, or anything that you would like to add to this guide, then feel free to email me. My email address is found at the top of this guide. However, if you do email me, please include the name of the game in the title. Lastly, thanks for reading and using this FAQ. If you like this FAQ, then please recommend it to others by clicking the "recommend" button at the top of the guide. :] http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/52173.html "Dare to be one of us, girl, facing the android's conundrum, ah, I feel like I should just cry" - The Shins ______________________________________________________________________________ END OF DOCUMENT