LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW - WALKTHROUGH/GUIDE V1.00 Written By: Bahumaut/Ben Buttenshaw MMMMMMMMOOZOZZZON8ZNN8OZMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMNMZONMMDZMMNMNMMMDOOOMMMMMMMMM MMMMMZOZDMZDNNNNNNNMNNNMNDZ8MMMMMMMMMMMM8OONZOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8ZOMMMMMM MMNOZ8MNMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNMN8MNOONMNMMMMMZN8DOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNOMMMM MOOM8OMDDNMMMNMMNNNNNNNNMNMMMMDOMMMNZMDZDMMMMMMMMMMM8MZDMMMMNNONMMMM8OMM NMMMNNMMMMMNMMZMNNNNNNNNMMMMNNNNDNND8NNNMNMMMMMMMNMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8ONNOM NMMMMMMMMNNDD88DDNNNNNNNNDI===========+===~MNMZNMMNMND?+ZMNMMMMMMMMOMZMZ MMMMMMMND==+++++++IDNNN===++==+============++=NNNNZ+=======+8NMMMMMMMM8M MMMMMMD=++++++++=++=8=++==++===================+?=============MMMMMMMMMD MMMMMD++++++++++++===+=++=++=+=================================NMMMMMMMM MMMMN=+++++++++++++++==++=+=====================================MMNOOOZZ MMMMD++++++++++++++++=+++++++++=====================?===========MZOOOOOZ MMMMD+++++++++?D=+++++++++++++=++====================NM=========MNMMOOOO 8DNMN=+++++++?D8+++==+==+++++========================NN?=======+MMMMMMMM MDDMMD+++++++?DN8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....ZMM7=======NNM8MMODM MMMMMNI++++++?NMO......,:....N?.......:7....MD......IMMO======~NMMMMMMMM MMMMMMD++++++?NNM....DNMNM7MMNMM,...MMNMNMNMMMNM....MMMZ======NMMMMMMMMM MMMMDMN$+++++?DNN...,NNNNMNMMMMMM...NNMMMMMMMMMM....MMMI======NMMMMNZMMM OOMMMMMD+++++?DNNM...NNNNMMNMMMMN...NNMMMMMMMMMM...MMMM?=====NNMMMMMMMMM ZOONNO8O+++++?DNNM7...NMNMMNMMNM.....NNMMMMMMMN...7MM88?=====NMMMMMMMMMO ZMMMMMMN=++++7NMNNNN...DNNNNMM.........MNMMMN....MMMMMMN==+==NMMMMMMMMOM ZOODMMMN+++++NNNMNNND....MNM....,MM$....INM$....NMMMMMMND=+=+NMMMMMMMOMM MOZZN8ND+++INOMNMNNNNNM........+NMNMM.........MMMMMMMMMMMM+=+=NMMMD88MMM NMONNN87O8NNMMOMNNNNNNMNN.......DI.8........MNMMMMM8MMDMMMNMNNNMMMOMMMMM MMMNOONMMMMMMMNMNNNNNNNNM...................MMMMMMM8NMMMMMM8MMMMDOMMMMMM MMM8MOMMMNMMMMMMNNNNNNNNM...................MMMMMMMNDMMDMMMOZZMOMMMMMMMM MMMMMMDZMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNM...................MMMMMMMMDMMZMMMOOZOMMMMMMMMM MNMMMMMMZ88MMMMMNNNM:MNNN+...8....N....M....NMN?~~MMMMNOZZZZOMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMNNMMM8MMMMMMNNMNM+~::MNNNMNMNNMMNNNNMD+:?NNMMMOZOOOZZZDMMMMMMMM8MMM MMMMMMMMMMM88O8MNNMNN$7ZNNM?~:?MMNMMMM$=,ZNMMZI7ZMOOZZZZZZMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMZZNNN=7III7+7INMMMN++~:,MNNMMM77?+=?I7OOZZZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMNMZNI7+++??II:7M8+~7MNMM7+~$N7I??+++==77ZNMD8MDDNMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMNNMN7+~?==++??++MNMMMMMMMMMMM,=+??++=?=IIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMDM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM=7~==~?:=??=OMMMMMMNMMDMM?III~?++=I=7NMMMMMMMN8MMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8II=I~===++I7MNMMNMNNMMMMN=7I??+++Z$DMMMMMMMMMDD8MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN7?~~~~==77IODMMMMMMNNNMMM+7??++=ZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN$I7=?7I=NOMM8MNMMMMMMDNOND77778OMMMMMMMDMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNMMNNNNMMMNOOD8ODMDONMMMMZNMMNM88NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMN8NMMMDMNNDMMNOOZZOOZOOOONMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MNMMMMMMMMMMMMMM888MMMMMMMNMNMMMZOOOZOONMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMDO8MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM **************************************************************************** ******************************** INTRODUCTION ****************************** **************************************************************************** Version 1.00 Completed walkthrough Completed achievements Completed collectables Intended additions: spell check (just do it in post, ah how true). This guide is intended for those that are playing through for the first time and/or playing through on hard difficulty. I have tried to keep both player types in mind (more noticably early on when the first time player will have very little in the way of upgrades) as I walk you through the levels. Achievements for each level will be listed at the end of it, general and cumulative achievements have their own separate section at the end of the walkthrough. The difficulty level of the game varies mostly on which difficulty you decide to start your first playthrough on. If you start on hard the game poses a real challenge. If you are on easy it can still be annoying in some parts but overall a relatively tame experience. Please email me at or message me at (Gamertag = Bahumaut) with any comments or suggestions, alternate strategies or tips. Apart from those little things let's get on with the guide. Collectables: SOS Classmates: Can be found in nearly every level, saving every classmate in the prologue as well as the entire game is linked to achievements. Lollipops: These are scattered in every level. They add to your lollipop total as well as acting as a collectable. There are forty in total and an achievement for collecting them all. You must be playing on hard difficulty to find all the lollipops. Special Zombies: These zombies count as a collectable and are stronger than regular zombies. Some only appear on a repeat playthrough and hard difficulty so you will not get this your first time through. Defeating them all nets you an achievement. Other Completed Guides (also hosted on Gamefaqs) Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Veteran Guide Duke Nukem Forever - Damn I'm Good Guide Max Payne 3 Guide **************************************************************************** ********************************* WALKTHROUGH ****************************** **************************************************************************** ============================================================================ PARKING/ PROLOGUE ============================================================================ Classmates to rescue: 3 Lollipops to collect: 4 Zombies to collect: 3 .......................................................................... . . LV . TIME . SCORE . SPARKLE . MEDALS . P MEDALS . .......................................................................... . . . . . . . . . Dad's Score . 13.0 . 11:04 . 119,700 . 20 . 401 . 15 . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................... You first gain control standing in front of the school gates with a cut icon on the gate ahead. Follow the prompts Y --> Down and tap X to break it down (this is the first of many such prompts in the game so get used to it). The gate will burst open, stunning seven zombies and giving you two free sparkle opportunities (a 4x sparkle hunter and 3x hunter on the stunned zombies). If this is your first playthrough just use the basic Y move to slash the zombies to get the hunter combo otherwise you can use a more advanced move that covers more area to make it easier. Kill the two zombies behind and the other pair arriving from your left. I found that pom pom attacks if you begin on hard are almost worthless against normal zombies as they take far to many hits to stun. So use a combo (X,X,X,Y or Y,Y,Y) to weaken them or just repeat until they fall. Follow the only path to spy a helicopter and some exploding cars. Walk through the carpart to your first victim... I mean classmate in trouble. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 1: Carpark - Awesome I'm still alive ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 Zombie kills required You will have to ensure his health bar doesn't fully deplete while you take care of the six zombies. Focus on knocking zombies away from him first as there will be an initial two before the other four join the party. The main problem here will be lacking any strength upgrades which means it takes upwards of six hits per zombie to finish one. Use the X,X,X,Y combo to give yourself some room and do some respectable damage. Provided your X moves hit they will knock the surrounding zombies back enough to keep the classmate safe. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jump on the freshly crashed bus and grab the lollipop on the way through (on hard difficulty you can only hold three of these so if you find another when you are full up, use one and pick up the new one to replace it as this game often prevents you going back to pick them up). Rip apart the back door and immediately head left through the gap between the bus and the hedge to grab five medals. As you pass the roller doors you will be instructed how to use the A button to slash zombies on the ground. On hard it is more useful to jump and press A. This will start a short QTE where you can press A to sever the spine of the unlucky zombie. You are also invulnerable while this plays out so it is a good way of staying alive (especially if you dodge immediately after the event ends). 5 Zombie kills required Use the technique I just mentioned or A slashes to destroy the five zombies that come out of the roller doors (two from the far end, another one from that door and two more from the other door). If your strength is at three they only take one slash even on hard mode so you could use the last three as a sparkle hunter combo. Jump the bonnet of the bus to find the next classmate in distress. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 2: Van Roof - Ha Ha, Who am I? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10 Zombie kills required (no counter) Once again the main objective is to just keep them away from the student. If they are close enough to the van for long enough the zombies will grab and pull her down so make sure to knock them back. If they are not near the van you can focus on just putting them down. As usual the X,X,X,Y combo is your friend here so use that for crowd control. There will be initally five zombies there and another five will arrive after you have nearly dealt with the first lot (the second group are easier to keep away from the van). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To the left of the van against the wall is a school bus and hidden behind it is the first lollipop collectable. Lollipop #1 (No. 1) - Viva very cherry: Behind the bus against the wall Hop through the back of the bus to go for a short ride and spot your last classmate in trouble for this level. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 3: Light Post - My favourite president is Warren G Harding ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8 Zombie kills required Similar to the van rescue it is just a matter of clearing the area around the light post to ensure the guy remains safe. Use your combos to clear the area around him and just keep cutting away until the area is clear. He will fall off the post and give you some medals but he isn't quite safe yet. 7 Zombie kills required Four zombies will rush from the wall as he starts walking towards the gate. Take care of these guys and stop them from getting to the limping lunchmeat (He will stop and stand in front of the gate). Another three will arrive to take care of and then you can cut down the gate, moving into the next area. 25 Zombie kills required Seriously? Ok you should probably use your sparkle power here to get rid of the zombies quickly here or they are just going to be too hard to keep away from your classmate. Press the RT to activate it and then just run up to the group of zombies and keep pressing Y to swing (which is an instant kill to even the toughest zombies). You will most likely get a few sparkle hunter group kills here as a result. Protect the guy as he limps towards the bus at the other end of the area and by the time your power wears out you should enter a short QTE sequence. Press B to not die and watch the car careen into a newly arrived group of zombies. 8 Zombie kills required Around five of these zombies will be stunned by the car so quickly finish them of with an A slash. Finish off the rest of the group but don't move up to the bus where your classmate is standing yet. Turn around and you will see another bus against the wall with a stash of medals as well as your next collectable lollipop. Lollipop #2 (No. 3) - Double rainbow: Behind the bus against the wall. Head back over to your friend to have him finally get 'rescued' and your first phone call. You don't have to worry about actively collecting all of these as they will automatically unlock as you progress. Directly in front of you after the short cutscene is your first Chop2Shop where you can buy eqipment, upgrades, threads and music. Before you acess it though look behind the van to its left to find some medals and a lollipop. You might want to buy one of the combos but that will probably be the only thing you can afford at this point anyway. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kick the door down and head into the alley when you are done shopping. Five zombies will rush down the fire escape as you round the corner. (another two will be around the next corner making out). If you are on your second playthrough your first 'special' zombie will appear here. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z01 - #2: Zombie Girl - Mikaela As she only appears on repeat playthroughs you should be upgraded enough to handle her easily just use the homing jump (Jump + X) to daze and damage her while you handle the surrounding zombies until you can focus on her. Then just combo her to re-death. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Jump up at the end of the alley and before dropping down grab the large stash of medals to your right along with another lollipop collectable. Lollipop #3 (No. 2) - Strawberry Storm: To your right after jumping up and out of the alley. Drop down and head up the slope to find four medals on the ground to the left along with a sliceable pipe. As you head down onto the road the windows will rain zombies. 26 Zombie kills required You may be tempted to activate your sparkle power here and there are three points in succession here where it is valid to do so. The 26 zombie kill section. The two special zombies following that or the final three special zombies. Depending on your playstyle, power and health levels I leave this choice to you but on the first playthrough I would suggest saving it for the final fight of the level. If you decide to use it on the twenty six zombie encounter you will gain a heap of sparkle hunter medals so I suggest using it here if you are on your second playthrough as your strength will be upgraded which makes the special zombies far easier to deal with. Keep to the same strategies as normal, if you are having problems taking out zombies on your first playthough use the dropkick (Jump and X) to stun the zombies allowing you to one shot kill them. Once the final zombie goes down two very annoying special zombies will appear. One is an old lady pushing a walker. The other seems to be a breakdancing grandfather. These two can drain a suprisingly large amount of your health purely because of their speed. Dropkick the man against the wall and swipe quicky with the chainsaw to end him quickly is your best bet. Otherwise you will have to use pom pom combos (they actually count as damage against special zombies) and quick strikes to kill him. Adding to the frustration the female zombie will constantly charge you with her walker but she is the less damaging of the two so concentrate on her second. Warning: if you get either of these guys into rush mode look out! They speed up and increase in damage so they can quickly lay down the pain. Try to take them out with the stun-kill to prevent this occuring but if it does dodge first, deal damage later as they pack a serious punch in this mode. Grab the collectable lollipop next to the barricade at the end of the road and find the crashed hellicopter as well as your next collectable special zombie. Lollipop #4 (No. 4) - Cherry birdy: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z02 - #1: Zombie Boy - George This guy appears in all playthroughs and is at least easier to deal with than the two specials you just fought as he is slower. Dropkick is the optimal way to handle him but he can be taken out pretty easily with normal combos. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 6 Zombie kills required Grab the lollipop to the right of the flaming chopper when you have the chance as this was one of those fights that really frustrated me the first time I played the game (I started on hard) and you don't want to stop and grab it in the next fight that's for sure. The first three zombies shouldn't pose too much of a threat, it is the final three that are the problem. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z03 - #3: Zombie Hazmat - Jerry Use your sparkle power here if you haven't already! This guy is a serious threat to those on a first playthrough. He hits hard has indirect attacks and two frenzied allies. He also has a special ranged attack that does serious damage but he can only use it once. Concentrate on his two lackeys first as they are far faster than Jerry. As usual dropkicks work the best but because of their speed they may be hard to finish off before they recover. They have a fair chunk of health as well so you would likely be served best by short quick combos so they don't have time to retaliate. Once the dofus twins have bit the dust you can concentrate on Jerry. If he reaches half health he will throw his gas canister at you. This attack seriously hurts so be anywhere but where it hits (dodge repeatedly). He will then increase in speed and damage but become vulnerable to dropkicks from behind. So either continue whittling him down or go for the stun-kill. The best way I found was to jump over him, short combo (X,X,X,Y) and repeat. He always swings in the wrong direction and hesitates when you jump over. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Kick down the gate and head for the fountain to end the level. ____________________________________________________________________________ Obtainable Achievements: n00b Zombie Hunter - 30G Clear the prologue, surpassing Dad's score. In score attack (or story mode) you must obtain a better overall score than Dad (you don't exactly have to beat his 'score' points as I have still ranked higher with less points than him in that stat, instead having better score/s elsewhere. Bonus Requirements (score attack) Stage 0-1 No Damage Sparkle Hunting: 4 Decaps All Classmates Rescued Stage 0-2 Sparkle Hunting: 5 Decaps Speedy Finish: Street Battle No Damage: Hazmat Zombie Hunter Apprentice - 5G Buy a combo at Chop2Shop and use it. Self explanatory Leapfrog Girl - 10G Leapfrogged 10 times in a row Just leave one zombie alive in an area and keep practicing. You have to be close to initiate a leapfrog. I Swear! I Did It By Mistake! - 10G Peeped under Juliet's skirt once Use the right stick to lower the camera and you will need to rotate it quickly to avoid Juliet covering herself in time. Life Guard - 15G Rescued all classmates in Prologue. Check SOS sections for details. Unclean And Uncool - 15G Defeated Hazmat in the prologue. Follow the strategy above to defeat Hazmat. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ HIGHSCHOOL/ STAGE 1 ============================================================================ Classmates to rescue: 8 Lollipops to collect: 7 Zombies to collect: 7 .......................................................................... . . LV . TIME . SCORE . SPARKLE . MEDALS . P MEDALS . .......................................................................... . . . . . . . . . Dad's Score . 18.0 . 31:33 . 214,500 . 29 . 681 . 20 . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................... 5 Zombie kills required You abruptly begin in a small classroom with five zombies racing for your juicy flesh (I can't really say brains because I'm not sure she has any). In the small room the camera can be a real pain but the zombies aren't too aggressive so you should be fine. Another zombie should open the door when the first group are decimated so chainsaw him and exit into the hall. (You can find lots of medals in bins and other objects you can smash on this level so take the time to find them if you aren't trying to beat Dad's score as well as it adding towards Accidental Vandalism achievement). Head into the hallway and grab the lollipop then enter the next classroom. It seems class is in session as Mr. Fitzgibbon at the blackboard. He is a special zombie but you won't face him properly until later. 4 Zombie kills required Pretty easy as they tend to bunch up so just use a pom pom start combo and end with a chainsaw to get rid of them. 8 Zombie kills required Just another small group of zombies, keep doing what Juliet does best and you'll soon clear the room. Fitzgibbon will escape out the window for you to meet later and you will be able to go out into the hallway again. Round the corner to meet your first rescue for this level. Lollipop #1 (No. 5) - The Fruity Bones: Behind the first SOS classmate. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 1: Hallway - Let's go hang out after school ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11 Zombie kills required You really need to race straight for the SOS guy as he will start off surrounded. Ignore the zombies in the way and make a beeline for him and knock the surrounding zombies away as best you can. Move slightly away from him and start ripping in to the zombies, keeping an eye on him to make sure none try to swarm him. Once the last zombie falls he is safe. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You will now have a choice of two classrooms to enter (you need to do both anyway so pick the one closest to the red roller door to start with. 7 Zombie kills required There are 7 zombies total in both rooms so don't be misled by the counter. This room houses four zombies doing a little light dissection in their spare time. Same as normal, these guys are nothing special and it shows. You can get six medals by smashing the workbenches in here. Exit this classroom and enter the other to meet your friend Mr. Fitzgibbon and a classmate in need of serious rescue. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 2: Classroom - I failed my math test ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This can be an annoying fight as you have to defend the classmate from a special zombie as well as two normal zombies in a very confined area. Quickly work on getting rid of the two normal zombies. Once they are gone you will be able to focus on leading Mr. Fitzgibbon away from the victim and keeping him safe in the process. Once Mr Fitzgibbon is down the guy is safe. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z04 - #8: Zombie Teacher - Fitzgibbon In your first playthough this guy can be a real ass. He hits hard, constantly swings and will often use a power attack. Treat him a lot like the final special zombie from the prologue (hazmat zombie with propane tank) and attack by dodging behind him and hitting him with a quick combo then quickly dodging again. Attack from the front is useless this time as it knocks you back and cancels damage dealt. Be very careful of the blue power up shockwave attack as it hits an area around him. Once you take him down to about a third of his health he will lose the desk and become enraged. Just stick to the same strategy and he will go down fine. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ A bomber zombie will open a new path for you so jump down and watch small cutscene. Depending on which way you run you will either have to outrun a bus or watch the game glitch by it not appearing (it doesn't affect the game but you avoid a QTE so I just ignore it). You will meet your first glowing body here with a collectable lollipop behind it. Lollipop #2 (No. 9) - Rainbow Rush: Behind Nick's new blue body. Use Nick to break down the wall to find a Chop2Shop and a Nick Ticket (these can save you from death so they are always handy to have when you reach a boss zombie). You will be able to start purchasing stat upgrades for Juliet at this point so definitely buy the strength upgrade and an health one if you can. Head back to the open corridor to find another SOS classmate. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 3: Corridor - You're late Juliet ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is another one of those get there quick or he dies routines. In hard difficulty he will most likely be at a third of his health by the time you reach him and surrounded by zombies. Knock them back and draw them away as fast as you can, then deal with the ones you sprinted past to save the student. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Smash the lockers here for lots of medals before approaching the rescued student. When he fades away the roller door will open and seven zombies will pour out. 7 Zombie kills required These guys will be very aggresive so they make good star hunter fodder if you can catch enough in your swing. They shouldn't be too hard to put down. Your oppressor will suddenly be shot by a special zombie that you will have to fight. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z05 - #5: Zombie Policeman - Ryu First playthrough this guy can be very dangerous as he is ranged and can rain bullets down on you as you approach. When he is firing directly at you dodge left and right while you head towards him to avoid the stream of hot lead. If he shoots up in the air, dodge while moving straight ahead to avoid the rain of bullets from the sky. When you get close he will do a red glow power attack. Once you are close to him you can either drop kick him to end the fight quickly (you can't dropkick him when he is charging his power attack) or use the same strategy you used on the last two special zombies - ie: jump over them, short combo and dodge. He hurts if you get hit but he isn't as sturdy as the previous two specials. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ More lockers to massacre and another roller door. A quick scene will spawn to bomber zombies. Just dropkick them away and wait for them to detonate. Before you drop down into the next area go into the small room you chainsawed open for some medals and a lollipop. As you drop down you will have your first death timer. This means you must either avoid an oncoming danger or escape within a set amount of time. In this case it means you must chainsaw through the pillar in front of you within five seconds or die. Once you succeed in stopping the oncoming threat jump over it to find a classmate in need of rescue. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 4: Corridor - Those zombies totally pulled my underwear up my butt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Another rush to help and knock away zombies but this one is a little more lenient as she is dangling out of their reach. You still only have a set amount of time to deal with them though so try to be quick. Bomber zombies will burst out of the lockers so you either need to dropkick them away, have upgraded strength to kill them in one combo or use your sparkle power to stop them blowing up your chum. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Another zombie bomber will open a new path and let in seven assorted undead to attack you. There will be five normal zombies and two crawlers. Clear the hallway and smash the lockers for some more medals and a collectile lollipop. Lollipop #3 (No. 6) - Creamy Cupcake: In one of the lockers behind your SOS friend. Jump to the upper hallway and head for the two students at the roller door. The will strand you in the hallway so you'll have to cut through the classroom. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 5,6 & 7: Classroom - I got video, I'm gonna post this shit on youtube. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12 Zombie kills required Saving these guys relies completely on you preventing the fire zombies from reaching the trio. It also introduces the pole dance mechanic which is good for clearing a lot of zombies but doesn't last long enough to clear all of them. You can either jump straight on the pole or wait a couple of seconds for the zombies to get a bit closer then jump on and tap Y as quick as you can. When the pole sequence ends knock the remaining fire zombies as far away as you can otherwise you will fail this rescue. If you manage to keep them separate you will save the group. This is probably best attempted on easy difficulty or with some upgrades to strength. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You can now cut your way through the roller door (Why you couldn't before I have no idea). You will see the jerk who closed the roller door on you before being threatened by two bomb zombies. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 8: Classroom - Juliet, I am so totally going to masturbate to you tonight. (Is it just me or are these getting weirder?) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7 Zombie kills required The last rescue for this level (finally!) will need to be kept safe from the two bomber zombies. The five normal zombies in the hallway aren't much of a threat so race in and dropkick the two bombers before they kill the student and then concentrate on the remaining regular zombies. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Another green roller door and another new mechanic. This is like a souped up version of zombie walk from Dead Rising. You have to jump down then follow the QTEs to kill all the zombies. If you get them all you get a medal bonus. The roller door will open and you will traipse down a long section of hallway. Grab the medals on the way and you will enter a sports/ exhibit room. Before approaching the scrawled on doorway grab the lollipop collectable hidden behind a set of shelves. Lollipop #4 (No. 7) - Slammin' Strawberry: In the sports room before the zombie basketball game. Minigame time and it is a difficult one if this is your first time through. I would recommend playing normally for the first minute or so and then activating your sparkle power to ensure you get enough points to win (as the further in you get the quicker zombies spawn and the higher number are on the court at once). You pretty much have to use the power here to have a chance of winning if you haven't maxed out Juliet's strength. If you have maxed out Juliet's strength the zombies only take one swing to kill but you want to focus mostly on the blockers. The zombies that just stand in front of the hoop and bat the heads away. Make sure they die first before killing the other zombies surrounding you or it wastes the points. The next room is another react or die section, all you have to do is run out of the room and you'll be fine. A Chop2Shop will be waiting for you (if you didn't upgrade health before do so now) if you have any left over you might want to buy another Nick Ticket just to be safe for the boss fight but it is up to you. A new hallway a new set of zombies. 10 Zombie kills required Some zombies in this mob will be guitarists. These guys are really annoying and frequently interrupt your combos. Try to take them out first before the rest as they are just too much of a pain left unchecked. You will also run into a basic special zombie here in this group. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z06 - #7: Zombie Basket Boy - Juan The guy is quick but easy to interrupt so you shouldn't have any problems with him. Just use your strongest combos and he should go down fast. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Grab the medals under the roller door at the end of the hallway and enter the smoky classroom. 15 Zombie kills required There are a mix of fire zombies, bomb zombies and even a special zombie as the teacher for the class. There is also a collecible lollipop at the front of the room next to the blackboard. You can either let the zombies blow each other up or try to take them out before they hug themselves to death. Lollipop #5 (No. 10) - Citrus Splash: In the front of the smoke filled room. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z07 - #33: Zombie Teacher Lady - Roberta Another unimpressive special zombie at least provided you kill her before she becomes enraged. If she does you can't dropkick kill her so it's back to the old fallback of quick combos and dodging. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Once all fifteen zombies are in the ground a body for Nick will smash through the window. Once he has cleared the doorway two special zombies will run into the room and open fire. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z08 - #6: Zombie Police Woman - Stephanie She poses more of a threat than the last special if only because there are two police zombies. Follow the normal dodging tactics for their attacks and try to separate them if you can. It is important to note that you can cancel their power attacks by leapfrogging them. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ You'll exit into another corridor full of lockers (you should know what to do) and a lollipop in the middle. 10 Zombie kills required Ten zombies will be lying in wait on the floor so don't walk into the middle of them. Just get close and wait for them to activate. 8 Zombie kills required Four bomber and four fire zombies will appear at opposite ends of the hall. One of the bombers will be a special zombie. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z09 - #4: Zombie Bomber - Jay The main thing about this guy is making sure he isn't taken out by another zombie or given the chance to off himself. Quickly get rid of the fire zombies (as the bomb zombies take a few seconds to charge their self destruct). Then turn your attention to the bombers, ensureing they don't take out Jay. If you're really worried about missing the zombie you can use your sparkle power but keep in mind there are better things coming up shortly to use it on. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 6 Zombie kills required The roller door goes up, zombies spawn and the roller door goes down. Even Juliet realizes how annoying that is getting. There are two guitarists in the group so keep an eye out when dealing with the mob. A special hazmat zombie will spawn afterwards and you should know the pattern to take him out by now. Dodge, short combo and dodge. Just watch out for the thrown propane tank, it still hurts like a bastard. Slide under the roller door to enter the next area. A Chop2Shop should await you, buy what you need and head up the stairs. Grab the medals at the top and head through the door to meet a new main character. After the relatively long (for this game) cutscene you will be standing in front of a cake. 14 Zombie kills required It is a relatively open area so dodging and sparkle hunting should be good here. Weaken and then hunt as best you can. Before approaching the cake grab the collectable lollipop. Lollipop #6 (No. 8) - Honey 'N' Lemon: In the room with Juliet's birthday cake. The next section is another of those times where if you are on your first playthrough you are probably going to need your sparkle power. Don't activate it until you are past halfway through the total zombies though as they spawn too slow before that and it will be wasted. 24 Zombie kills required Fire zombies will shamble slowly towards the explosive cake. Your job is to make sure they don't reach it. Simple, eh? You have a slight barrier stopping one or two reaching it from each direction but don't rely on that to save your bacon if you let too many through. I'd recommend the dropkick for this section as it is your quickest way of taking out zombies until you get about halfway through the count then activating sparkle power to take out the rest quickly. Once the sprinting fire zombies appear it is time to activate it. Run for the now open doorway to avoid the explosion. After several lengthy cutscenes you will meet your first dark purveyour. Zed will taunt you from the stage and also attack so the first thing you need to do is reach him. Dodge his screams from the stage and head down the only path through the junkyard. A small group of four punk zombies will be waiting, they dodge a lot but are still easy to kill. A QTE will start after you move past them (Y then B). More flying letters and a car to cut through. 6 Zombie kills required A small group of six zombies (with two specials) will be waiting to ambush you. The combination of the breakdancing grandfather and the maniac old lady are back and even more deadly in a group. Try to dropkick them if you can but otherwise there isn't much strategy involved. Dodge and combo as best you can. Once the gate unlocks, kick it down and slide down the post for a collectable lollipop. Lollipop #7 (No. 11) - Mascot Melon: At the bottom of the post on the right. Four punks will be waiting for you there along with another QTE (B,B,B). Eight more punks will be waiting at the bottom of the next slide (if you have more than one Nick Ticket you will probably want to activate Nick Shake to stock up on some lollipops before the boss (you should get at least two). QTE time again and its a Y,B,Y,B,Y one. Grab the lollipop and flip down to the stage. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ[ BOSS - ZED ]ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z10 - #9: ZED This fight has several stages so: A) Don't get your hopes up the first time you slice the guy in half and B) Don't die or you will have to start the whole fight again. Yes the whole fight, none of those wussy mid boss checkpoints here says Suda 51. It's all or nothing. STAGE 1: Attacks Mic stand jab - Zed will run around at high speed and attempt to stab you with the stand. He is vulnerable if he misses for a few seconds afterwards. Wall of sound - Zed will fly into the center of the area and scream into the microphone creating a wall of letters similar to those you have already experienced. Either run around them or dodge over them. You can dodge over the letters and attack him. Mike stand slam - After running around Zed will slam the microphone stand into the ground normally more than once (depends on if he hits you). He is normally vulnerable after this attack. Can be dodge cancelled. He will also slam down from above or hit you with the mic stand if you get too close. During the first phase he will mostly sprint around, occasionally stopping to hit you with an attack. To damage him you will have to sucessfully dodge the attack and get in a quick combo before he starts moving again. His attacks hurt quite a bit and you only have a limited supply of healing items so concentrate more on avoiding damage then getting hits in and you will eventually wear him down. Complete the QTE to move on to stage two. STAGE 2: Attacks Firey balls - Zed will launch two homing balls at Juliet from his perch on top of a speaker. Dodge to prevent these from dealing damage. Zed will spawn large amounts of speakers. You will need to destroy the tower he is standing on until they are all destroyed. The only attack he uses if you head towards him and attack the speakers are two homing balls of fire. Simply dodge forward over them and continue cutting up the speakers. Once the small speakers are dealt with a large one will fall from the sky with a cut prompt. Head up and start holding right on the stick. Zed will first scream down letters that are easy to dodge. Second he will come down personally and attack you. Dodge and continue sawing. Another barrage of letters should be his final attack before you finish cutting through. Tap X to smash the speaker. Another cutting QTE will bring you on to stage three. STAGE 3: Attacks Firey balls - Zed will jump into the center of the area and radiate wavy red lines. After this he will release the two red firey balls towards you. If you dodge them you will get the chance to stun Zed by dodging the returning balls. Use this to rack up damage against Zed. Mic stand jab - Zed will run around at high speed and attempt to stab you with the stand. He is vulnerable if he misses for a few seconds afterwards. Wall of sound - Zed will fly into the center of the area and scream into the microphone creating a wall of letters similar to those you have already experienced. Either run around them or dodge over them. You can dodge over the letters and attack him. Mike stand slam - After running around Zed will slam the microphone stand into the ground normally more than once (depends on if he hits you). He is normally vulnerable after this attack. Can be dodge cancelled. Similar to stage one he just adds another attack to his repitiore which is easy to take advantage of. Just stick to the same tactics from stage one and you should whittle him down to near death. He will then use a last resort attack which sends letters out from him in 360 degrees. Dodge over the letters to land a single strike and enter the final QTE. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ____________________________________________________________________________ Beginner Zombie Hunter - 30G Clear stage 1, surpassing Dad's score. Bonus Requirements (score attack) Stage 1-1 Sparkle Hunting - 4 Decaps All Classmates Rescued No Damage: Teacher Stage 1-2 Sparkle Hunting - 4 Decaps All Classmates Rescued No Damage: Police Officer Stage 1-3 3Pointers Only: Z-Basketball Speedy Finish: Z-Basketball No Mistakes: Nick Zombie Cheer Stage 1-4 Sparkle Hunting - 6 Decaps No Damage: Bomb Cake Star Soul Mode Not Used Stage 1-5 (Note: Only during boss battle) Lucky Nick Not Used Lollipop Not Used Speedy Finish Watch Out For The Balls - 10G Dodge & Counter Zed's Electric Balls 15 times. During stage three of the boss fight Zed will launch firey balls towards you. Tap B to dodge them and stand near Zed and wait for them to return. Tap B when the prompt shows up and Zed will be stunned. Do this 15 times to unlock this achievement. Zed's Dead, Baby, Zed's Dead 15G Defeated Zed Use the strategy above to defeat Zed. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ STADIUM/ STAGE 2 ============================================================================ Classmates to rescue: 4 Lollipops to collect: 6 Zombies to collect: 7 .......................................................................... . . LV . TIME . SCORE . SPARKLE . MEDALS . P MEDALS . .......................................................................... . . . . . . . . . Dad's Score . 16.0 . 26:39 . 161,100 . 20 . 635 . 14 . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................... Try out your new ability the chainsaw dash (RB, cancel with the B button) over the two ramps. You will be greeted by three fire zombies and a football zombie. 4 Zombie kills required Watch the football zombie most as his charge attack can become very annoying and can interrupt you. Take him out first if you can and then finish off the other three zombies. Take the newly formed ramp out of there. Take out the two zombies along the way if you like and drop down out of the bus at the other end. 8 Zombie kills required Eight fire zombies will be clustered around a liquid stun barrel so either let them surround it and get your hunter on or just start wailing away. Another exploding car and a new ramp is formed. Take it (the first time I played this level the explosion glitched and never formed the ramp) and be ready as a special zombie is waiting for you. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z11 - #11: Zombie Footballer - Alexander 3 Zombie kills required Football zombies are a real pain and are even more so when they are in packs. Dodge their charges and hit them quickly to cancel their power up phase. Try and concentrate on Alexander the most as his attacks do more damage than the regular football zombies. You can use the blue barrels to stun the zombies if you are having difficulty. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Immediately after that another special will join the fray. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z12 - #14: Zombie Batter - Steven 3 Zombie kills required These guys are a fair bit easier than the football zombies. Just dodge and combo them, using the blue barrels to stun them if you have any left. Steven will go down pretty fast if you concentrate on him and moves pretty slow. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Grab the collectable lollipop before leaving via the newly formed ramp in the bus. Lollipop #1 (No. 12) - Freedom Flavoured: To the left of the area with the three football and batter zombies. Chainsaw dash through the bus and over the firetruck to reach the entrance. Grab the medals and lollipop to your right before going in. A Chop2Shop store is sitting there in front of you so buy whatever you need before moving on (concentrate on the permanent upgrades if you can and prioritize strength upgrades first to make your life easier). There will also be two small groups of medals behind you as you stand in front of the store so absorb all of them before taking your chainsaw to the next pillar. Follow your stricken schoolmate to find him in the clutches of three fire fighter zombies. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 1: Hallway - I need a girlfriend. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The main thing is distracting the fire fighter zombies as they will burn through the victims life really fast with their fire breath attacks. Lure them away and focus on one at a time while trying to avoid the others firey breath. They have a fair bit of health and are hard to dropkick (impossible during the power up phase) so you can either try to get lucky or just take them out one by one. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Smash through the roller door and head for the top of the stairs. Behind some desks here you will find another collectable lollipop. Lollipop #2 (No. 15) - Juicy Hearts: Behind some stacked desks on your left at the top of the stairs. If you head through the roller door you will be locked in and four zombie football players stand in your way. 4 Zombie kills required Stick to the same tactics you used on the previous squad of football enemies and try to avoid the charge attacks. If you stay in the hallway you should only have to deal with a pair at a time which should make your job easier. Slash down the next roller door and grab the lollipop to your left before going up another flight of stairs to get locked between two roller doors. 15 Zombie kills required It will be a while since you fought a large group of crawling zombies so remember to use either your A slash attacks or the jump and A stab to kill them off. If you have some upgraded low combos you could potentially get a few star hunter medals here as they tend to cluster up. The only downside is the small area you are in doesn't let you use any long combos before they attack you so stick to short three button combos to make it easier. Another Nick body, another wall to smash through and another staircase before your next encounter with the living impaired. A group of five fire fighters are lurching towards you after a cutscene. Concentrate on one at a time, keep moving to avoid the flame breath and leapfrog or hit them to counter their power up phase. Once they all hit the floor a window will smash open giving you an exit to the roof. Do your shopping at the Chop2Shop and get ready to stop after the second chainsaw jump here to grab a collectable lollipop. Lollipop #3 (No. 13) - Poison Punch: As I just said, on your left after the second chainsaw jump. Resume your frantic pace and hit the three basketball zombies for a free hunter combo. Lightning will strike all of a sudden and you will be on a new bit of roof. Follow the linear path until the big jump. You will land on half a basketball court (you know what this means don't you). The horrible return of zombie basketball. Overall I found this one easier as you have less points to make up, the downside is there are some tougher opponents this time. The dark skinned basketball zombies are really difficult to deal with if you don't have much strength as they won't be interrupted and will attack you before you get past the second swing in any combo. I just advise you activate your sparkle power and blast through the game so you don't pull your hair out trying to get past these guys. The next part consists of a pretty basic rooftop course, take the first high road to get a lot of medals and get the three zombie kill before jumping onto the next rooftop. This is a timed death section so make sure you don't stop for anything before dropping down onto the third rooftop. This one is just a trail of pickups so follow the oil cleaning up the two groups of three zombies on the way. You will big jump off the rooftop to land in a workout room. 11 Zombie kills required Your main priority here should be the pitcher zombies as they will constantlly range attack you which also acts as an interrupt as well as damage source. After the first five zombies are down, two special zombies (the breakdancing grandpa and his missus) will come out to play. The same tactics as ever apply here: "Dropkick the man against the wall and swipe quicky with the chainsaw to end him quickly is your best bet. Otherwise you will have to use pom pom combos (they actually count as damage against special zombies) and quick strikes to kill him." Once he is down do the same to his lady and a new special zombie will appear. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z13 - #12: Zombie Fat Old Woman - Danielle She will attack normally and power up before a whirlwind attack so keep these in mind when you face her. If there are any leftover zombie pitchers make sure to take them out first as they will constantly interrupt you otherwise while you try to take out this special. When she is alone the room is set up perfectly to dropkick her and take her out in a single swing so do so if you can. Otherwise her unreasonably long health bar and high damage will burn through your lollipop stash pretty fast. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Grab the Nick Ticket in the corner of the room along with a collectable lollipop as you exit the doors. Lollipop #4 (No. 14) - Kiddy Krunch: Behind the left door as you exit the workout room. Another lollipop will be in your path as you head onto another section of the roof (how many rooftops has this school got anyway? Imagine a top-down photo of the place. Would it actually make sense?). Three students are being threatened by zombie cheerleaders so its time to get it on. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 2,3 & 4: Rooftop - I ..... need another tampon ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is a dangerous situation on hard difficulty as it requires you to be quick and specific in how you take out these zombies, otherwise your friends will die (and we don't like that kind of thing.... missing out on achievements anyway). The best and fastest strategy on any playthrough is to dropkick the cheerleaders against their closest walls and one shot them. If you try to slice them up in any other way they lose their legs, dodge far better and take longer to kill. This results in you taking longer to rescue the victims and most likely one of them will die. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z14 - #13: Zombie Cheerleader - Josephine 4 Zombie kills required She should be in the last group you attack. Dropkicking her before she loses her legs should work fine. If you do cut her up to the lost legs stage she becomes really hard to hit, does large chunks of damage and can interrupt you quite frequently. Trust me, just dropkick her before any of that bad stuff happens. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Use the springboard to make it up onto the staircase and shop for supplies at the Chop2Shop upstairs (You'll most likely need a lollipop or two). Race on to be stopped by a phone call. Jump the ramp and three football zombies will join you shortly. 3 Zombie kills required Try to put something between yourself and the other two zombies as you concentrate on taking them out one at a time. Once all three have been dispatched head behind the ramp to find a collectable lollipop. Lollipop #5 (No. 16) - Raging Rainbow: Behind the ramp on the rooftop with three football zombies. Stick Nick's head on the body to have him clear the ramp and it is your turn to do the same with a big jump. You will land on a thunderstruck rooftop (yes I know its really 'lightningstruck' but it doesn't sound as good. Especially if you like the band AC/DC). Follow the trail of medals until you enter the fenced off area. Four firefighters will drop in to say hello and one of them will be a special zombie. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z15 - #10: Zombie Fire Fighter - Paul Same as before: concentrate on one at a time, keep moving to avoid the flame breath and leapfrog or hit them to counter their power up phase. Once Paul is the only one left you should just focus on your most powerful combo as you won't get interrupted by the others now they are gone. Make sure you keep moving to avoid the lightning and you should be OK. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Lightning will clear the next ramp for you. Stop after you clear the first one as there is a collectable lollipop behind the small structure here. Lollipop #6 (No. 17) - Lemony Lovebird: Behind the fenced structure after the jump following the firefighter fight. The next sequence is a long trail of medals to follow with a split halfway. The safe path is to the left but has no medals. If you take the right path you need to leave juliets movement to auto as much as possible otherwise it will slow you down and you won't make it. Once you clear the big jump at the end you will float down and be introduced to another minigame: Zombie baseball. The first phase entails you shooting three pitchers in the head. Just grab the ammo and get used to aiming before lining them up and firing (LT to aim and RT to fire). The second and far harder phase has you protecting Nick as he slowly runs around the diamond three times. Hopefully you have played a few shooters and/ or have the aim set to manual so you can get headshots. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z16 - #15: Zombie Pitcher - UWE This guy requires one headshot and will appear directly in front of you on the pitchers mound when Nick starts his second lap. Laughable really. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Once you get through that rigmarole you can exit via the stands. Stock up at the Chop2Shop, break down the door and watch the cutscene before subsequently ending up on a viking ship. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ[ BOSS - VIKKE ]ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z17 - #16: VIKKE STAGE 1: Attacks Body Slam - Vikke will rush towards you before jumping and landing on you if you are slow enough to still be standing there. Axe Swing - Just a basic axe swing. Nothing fancy. Drum Solo - Vikke will retreat to his drums meaning he can only be hit with your launcher. Pick up ammo from the barrels on the deck when you can to be ready for this. If you take too long to damage him he will summon flying zombies and launch them at you. Shoot or dodge them to stay safe. This guy can prove painful if you just attack him willy nilly. When he is charging up he will repel your attacks and likely hit you immediately after. Only attack him in melee if he just missed an attack. Short combos work best before he has a chance to start charging again (X,X,Y or X,X,X,Y). He can be leapfrogged to interrupt him so do that if he is powering up on you. If he retreats to his drums shoot him up quickly to keep the enemy spawns to a minimum. Keep wearing him down to start the QTE for the next stage. STAGE 2: Attacks Axe Swing - Just a basic axe swing. Nothing fancy. Kick - A joke really but it can hurt if it hits you too much. Lightning - Will randomly strike and also hit at the end of Vikke's chains of attacks. His most dangerous move at this point so do your best to dodge. Vikke will be split in half. This just means he is twice as annoying. His legs will constantly come after you, kicking away and his to will continue to swing wildly with the axe. The legs don't have much health but also don't count when killing him. If you are too near the edge and the legs kick you they will knock you overboard. The QTE to save yourself is pretty easy and you get an achievement so it isn't a big deal. Try short combos on the torso or blast away with ranged attacks to bring his real health down. Once you land a final chainsaw swing it will take you to stage three. STAGE 3: Attacks Lolaser - Vikke's mouth will glow before sending a trio of lasers in your direction. Continue dodging until all three have been released. Lolaser V.2 - Vikke's mouth will glow and he will release a constant stream of blue laser at the deck and scythe it up towards you. Move and dodge like the other laser attack to stay alive. Slip and Slide -Vikke's head will drop onto the deck and smash from side to side. Dodge the initial few smashes until he starts to slow down. Then wail away at him with your best attacks. Now the real battle starts. Vikke's head takes up a large portion of the deck, deals heavy damage and its movements are hard to predict. When he does land on the deck wait until he stops moving before pulling out your best combos. When he is in the air shoot him with your launcher to keep the damage ticking over. Once he finally weakens activate the final QTE to remove him from the world. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ____________________________________________________________________________ Intermediate Zombie Hunter - 30G Clear stage 2, surpassing Dad's score. Bonus Requirements (score attack) Stage 2-1 Sparkle Hunting - 4 Decaps No Damage: Football Zombie No Overheat Experienced Stage 2-2 All Classmates Rescued No Mistakes: Nick Zombie Cheer No Damage: 4F No Damage: 2F Stage 2-3 Speedy Finish: Z-Basketball No Overheat Experienced No Damage: Gym Stage 2-4 All Classmates Rescued No Mistakes: Nick Zombie Cheer No Overheat Experienced 3 Headshots Stage 2-5 (Note: Only during boss battle) Lucky Nick Not Used Lollipop Not Used Speedy Finish Gunn Struck - 10G Struck by lightning 10 times. Stand still on the rooftop. Cheerleader Overboard - 10G Succeed in QTE at edge of Vikke's ship. During the second stage of the boss battle when Vikke's legs are present. Stand next to the edge of the boat and wait for them to kick you overboard. Tap B to save yourself and unlock the achievement. Viking Metal Rules! - 15G Defeated Vikke. Follow the strategy above to defeat Vikke. ============================================================================ O'BANNON FARM/ STAGE 3 ============================================================================ Classmates to rescue: 1 Lollipops to collect: 7 Zombies to collect: 3 .......................................................................... . . LV . TIME . SCORE . SPARKLE . MEDALS . P MEDALS . .......................................................................... . . . . . . . . . Dad's Score . 23.0 . 36:31 . 294,900 . 39 . 882 . 27 . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................... Walk forwards a few steps to meet the first group of zombies in this level. 4 Zombie kills required These guys are just slightly quicker, armed versions of regular zombies from previous levels. Combos work fine against them so just burn through them. Pick up the ammo to the right and cut through the tree to follow the careening bus. Blast the rock that falls and loot the mass of medals to the left of the trail. 4 Zombie kills required Four farmer zombies are centralized around a red barrel. Fire the launcher at the barrel and they should vapourize. Cut through another tree to find the bus doing doughnuts in the clearing. 11 Zombie kills required You have to take out the zombies clambering over the bus. Some ammo will be on the deck so just pick them off. The bus has plenty of health so you should have more than enough time. Drop down when you are ready to continue. 10 Zombie kills required Two sets of blaster ammo will be to your immediate left when you drop down, along with ten farmer zombies to take care of. This is a good time to get started on your sparkle hunt combos as there is plenty of room to herd the zombies into a nice cluster. Once you are done, cut down the tree on the side of the area to grab a lollipop and blaster ammo before heading back to the middle of the area. In the half built structure are three more pieces of blaster ammo to pick up if you need it (max ammo = 36 shots). Stick Nick on the body when you are ready to go. There will be a lollipop directly behind you when you land along with eight zombies ahead. 8 Zombie kills required Two bomber zombies will be amongst the group of farmers so you can just swipe and run or deal with them however you want. Once they are out of the way a special zombie will join in. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z18 - #17: Zombie Fat Old Man - Mark This guy can throw zombies as a ranged attack, will try to grab you and can do a belly flop. The main threat to your health is the thrown zombies as they do a respectable chunk of damage per hit. Dodge, short combo and dodge to take this prick down. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Once the special zombie is down you can gather up the medals behind the new body for Nick and nearby a collectable lollipop. Lollipop #1 (No. 18) - Strawberry Heart: To the right of the fat body for Nick. Sumo down the small barn to start a small shooting gallery. 8 Zombie kills required These zombies will rapidly climb up to your vantage point so blast the bomber zombie quickly to cut their advance short. Drop down to start another swarm. 10 Zombie kills required These zombies climb the fence and then attack. Their slow entrance means they bunch up and are good for sparkle hunting combos. Slice them down and shoot the tractor when it rams the fence. Grab all the goodies and use the Chop2Shop to stock up and power up. Jump over the fence to catch up with the runaway bus. 3 Zombie kills required These guys don't pose a challenge, deal with them quickly. 1 Zombie kill required This is your introduction to flying zombies (seriously how much blood do these guys have?). They only take one or two shots (depending on your strength) to take down but they move fast and hurl ranged attacks at you. Blast the first one before he has a chance to move. 3 Zombie kills required Three more will show up to test your skills so rip them from the sky with your blaster then grab the collectable lollipop behind you shown in the phone call cutscene. Lollipop #2 (No. 22) - Psychedelic Grape: Behind you after taking care of the group of flying zombies. Lollipop #3 (No. 19) - Sodapop Sensation: Shown in the bus breaking away cutscene, to the left of a group of cows. Behind a shed on a small rise (next to a tree). Directly opposite the stuck bus if you are still having problems locating it. Grab the ammo and approach the bus to begin some more blaster practice. Shoot the rocks the zombies try to roll into the bus (right, left, high right). Chainsaw the tree out of the way, pick up some more ammo and jump on the back of the bus. More target practice ensues with four boulders to blast, two flying zombies, another boulder and a single flying zombie. You will then make a gracefully executed exit from the bus. Not. Yes, check out that mushroom indeed. Saw through it to go on a trip and to meet a 'special' special zombie. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z19 - #18: Zombie Big Chicken - Chat This guy has two main methods of atteck, a peck move and a rapid charge. The charge is just like the football zombie charge but without the power up glow warning. Chat has a lot of life and cannot be interrupted so short combos allow you to break off your attack before he charges you (no longer than four button presses). If you are running low on health you can finish him off with the blaster or if you are desparate use your sparkle power. Chop his head off and hop in the bus to end the trip. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ You will wake up at the controls of a harvester. 100 Zombie kills required If you were doing this via normal methods this would take a while. However you are in a harvester so just chase the zombies around and have fun. If you are trying for the achievement for clearing the field of grass, make sure you leave one or two zombies wandering around as you hunt down the missing stalks (I really enjoyed the music choice here as well). Dust yourself off and get ready for some zombie to try a drive by tractoring (yeah it sounds silly to me too). Shoot the three zombies before they hit you and you will automatically jump over the tractor. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 1: Farmyard - Don't worry about the smell. I just shit myself. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 Zombie kills required Four zombies will be surrounding your schoolmate who is hanging like a scarecrow. Either blast them away quickly or use some X initiating combos to knock them away. Pretty easy save really. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Six zombies will break down a fence to let you out. Cluster them up and go sparkle hunting if you like. Before leaving the small area, grab the ammo and lollipop you probably ran past trying to save your friend the jump the fence. 4 Zombie kills required Four flying zombies will ambush you (two on each end) so pull out your blaster and take them out before they charge you. Grab the ammo and cut open the fence to find a Chop2Shop. Take the lollipop on the left as well as the blaster ammo. Lollipop #4 (No. 23) - Bitter Berry: To the left of the glowing blue body for Nick where the zombies appear. Two fat farmer zombies will be in the small plot next to the glowing body so take them out first. A small gap between the sheds leads to a trampoline. Lollipop #5 (No. 20) - Dynamite Drop: When you reach the trampoline follow the button prompts to reach this lollipop. Grab the medals from the upper floors if you ace the trampoline and then return to the glowing body and use Nick's head to continue. This will take you to a new ledge with the bus in trouble again. Shoot the encroaching bomber zombies with the blaster to save it again (try to aim for zombies in the middle of the group to hit all the others with the blast radius as this saves on ammo). Three tractors will also try to kill the bus (I know she is annoying but isn't this a bit much?). Shoot all three and drop off the bus to find another magic mushroom. 3 Zombie(???) kills required Wow, back in tripland and you have to kill three special zombies. Same moveset as the guy you fought last time. I'll be honest as I just used my sparkle power to kill all three in two seconds. They just have too much health to make it any fun fighting them. After all three are down it starts getting weird (yeah, I said starts!) The bus will begin attacking you. Shoot until it tries to squash you and dodge it so you can strike. QTE each of the three poles to defeat it and leave this nightmare behind. 300 Zombie kills required Another harvester section will greet you when you wake up. There is a path through the field that the zombies walk so follow that and don't worry about getting them all this time as they respawn (there are more than you need) so just relax and you will reach three hundred in no time. You will regain control with the bus ahead of you. On the right are some goodies to pick up as well as a Chop2Shop ahead. Take the ramp when you are ready. 14 Zombie kills required Normal farmer zombies and a pole, need I say more? Lollipop #6 (No. 24) - Red Raspberry: In the right corner of the area. 18 Zombie kills required Slash open the gate and step out onto the bridge. The short scene here will show you a creek you have to pass down as well as the strategically placed red barrels to kill the flying zombies. Just blast the barrels as you go to make it easy. A lollipop will be waiting at the end of the stream as well as another Chop2Shop. Six fat farmer zombies will be waiting in the next area for you to deal with them. Lollipop #7 (No. 21) - Lightning Lime: Around the corner near the fat farmer zombies. A QTE awaits you as you enter the field (what are they growing here? Barrels?). 8 Zombie kills required Dispose of this first wave with normal combos and attacks but try to save the barrels (you'll see why). 16 Zombie kills required Same again, try to keep the barrels. 32 Zombie kills required Here's where you can finally cut loose. Use as many of the barrels as you want (sparkle hunters should use the blue ones obviously). This is a fun section if you set up this last wave right. Grab the Nick ticket when the ride is over and chop open the fence. Three special zombies will arrive (fat farmer, breakdancing grandpa and crazy walker lady). You can either do your best with dodging and short combos or use the sparkle power you accrued in the last section to make short work of them all. Grab the lollipop when you are done. Slash the tree and cross the bridge to the Chop2Shop. Last chance to stock up before the boss fight. You have been warned. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ[ BOSS - MARISKA ]ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z20 - #19: MARISKA STAGE 1: Attacks Bubble love - She fires bubbles that slowly move towards you. They deal a bit of damage if they hit but are easy to avoid. She won't be very active in this phase as she mostly just scoots around in her bubble and fires bubbles at you occasionally. Fire away with the blaster and pick up ammo from the area as you need it. When you get her down you need to race over to her to activate the QTE to move on to the next stage. STAGE 2: Attacks Bubble love - She fires bubbles that slowly move towards you. They deal a bit of damage if they hit but are easy to avoid. Reaper - She will drive a harvester slowly around the edge of the arena. Hurts quite a bit if it connects. Shoot her bubble to stop it. Crane Slam - She will appear at the end of a long crane like arm and slam down on you. Shoot her quickly or dodge the slams to avoid taking damage. Really? That looked like it hurt. Ok there are four of her now. She acts mostly the same as before but the effect of shooting her is different. Concentrate on a single incarnation at once (as the effect of shooting the same one will always be the same). Even once you have killed one they will still reappear periodically to attack you so don't expect it to get easier the less there are. Fire fast to keep the pressure on and slice her up to reach the third stage. STAGE 3: Bubble love - She fires bubbles that slowly move towards you. They deal a bit of damage if they hit but are easy to avoid. She will only fire this when is weakened. Butterfly - I haven't failed the QTE for this so I don't know its damage or real effect. All you have to do is tap B to prevent it so it is pretty simple. Hand of God - She summons a giant hand that slams down on you and then follows after you around the stage. It can be outrun but it is hard to keep an eye on it and attack at the same time. I think it is possible to blast it but am not sure if it is worth it. ROCK-et Power - A rocket will raise up in the central area and flames from its jets will scorch the area. Dodge over them while grabbing ammo to make the most of this attack. Ok, this is getting ridiculous. There are eight of her now, blast away quickly while picking up ammo as you strafe. Fire into the mass and don't really worry about aiming as you have to take them all out anyway. Knock her down and race up for the finish. If you managed to avoid all the bubbles in this fight you will recieve an achievement. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ____________________________________________________________________________ Advanced Zombie Hunter - 30G Bonus Requirements (score attack) Stage 3-1 No Damage No Mistakes: Nick Zombie Cheer Speedy Finish: Bus Shoot Stage 3-2 No Damage Sparkle Hunting - 3 Decaps No Damage: Bus No Damage: Fat Old Man Stage 3-3 No Damage All Classmates Rescued No Damage: Big Chicken Speedy Finish: Combine Event Stage 3-4 Sparkle Hunting - 7 Decaps No Damage: Big Chicken No Damage: Combine Game Stage 3-5 (During boss battle only) Lucky Nick Not Used Lollipop Not Used Speedy Finish Legendary Harvester - 15G Harvested all crops in the 1st field with the combine in Stage 3. Explained above. Third Eye - 10G Dodge all balloon attacks in Mariska battle. Self explanatory Dirty Hippy - 15G Defeated Mariska. Read the boss section for tips. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ FULCI FUN CENTER/ STAGE 4 ============================================================================ Classmates to rescue: 3 Lollipops to collect: 6 Zombies to collect: 5 .......................................................................... . . LV . TIME . SCORE . SPARKLE . MEDALS . P MEDALS . .......................................................................... . . . . . . . . . Dad's Score . 13.0 . 26:32 . 127,600 . 15 . 583 . 9 . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................... 3 Zombie kills required The posing nerd zombies are probably the most dangerous in this initial group as they can throw molotov cocktails at you. Concentrate on them first then the less lethal zombies. 6 Zombie kills required An elevator will arrive after the initial group is dispatched. It contains a special zombie to take out. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 1: Arcade - I just made poop in my pants (they really have a one trick pony with this joke eh? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Zombies will come from both directions so choose one group to focus on at a time. The molotov zombie or special should be singled out as they are the main damage dealers. Try to get rid of one of these as quick as you can, then most of the other lesser zombies will be hit by collateral damage from the fight. Use some blaster ammo if you are worried about the health of the victim. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z21 - #21: Zombie Geek Woman - Anastasia She acts like a cross between a cheerleader and a fat old woman, she has the high evasion and twirl attack to make your life miserable as well as finally she has the molotov attack as well. Quick combos and dodging are your best bets here. You can also try for the dropkick kill if you are fast enough. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lollipop #1 (No. 25) - Peppery Peach: Behind some cabinets on the right of this room. Head into the elevator to play 'pac man.' Collect all eight keys to open the exit but don't advance until you collect the collectable lollipop in the center. If you need help with this simple game I'm amazed you made it this far. Lollipop #2 (No. 26) - Gonzo Grape: In the center of the maze after collecting all eight keys. Lollipop #3 (No. 28) - Metal Mint: Directly behind you after leaving the arcade game. 6 Zombie kills required ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z22 - #20: Zombie Geek Man - Tobe He is a powered up molotov zombie so he packs a punch. He is very good at interrupting your attacks so short is best. He is very hard to dropkick properly so just resort to the tried and true method of dodge, attack and dodge. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ The other zombies don't really pose much threat and you'll probably just kill them with collateral damage. Activate the cheerleader body to reach the next level. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 2 & 3: Upstairs - Thanks Juliet. I'm totally going to friend request you tonight. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There are only two zombies to kill which can simply be taken out with dropkicks so this a nice easy save. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Circle round and slide down the pole to enter the lower area again. Grab the blaster ammo and activate the arcade machine. This one can be a bit confusing (unlike the earlier one). You can pass through the doorways in the background and your goal is to reach the top floor of the building. Take the elevator on the right and rush the police zombie (dodging over to the other side of him when he opens fire). Enter the door behind him and go up the pink elevator to the side. As you move along this floor the lights will go out and eight zombies will spawn. They are just normal zombies so they are easily taken care of. Take the pink door on the right and then the pink elevator down (yes that's right, down). Step into the now accessible door to appear on the left side of a new floor. Step out of the elevator and the floor will explode. A zombie jump QTE will happen to clear the floor below. If you fail you can still take a door up it just isn't as quick. Take the elevator up and walk out to see a blue Nick body appear. Go through the pink door to activate it. Go back down and activate the elevator. A police zombie will be in the center of the floor. You can either just charge in or use the door to dodge around him. Up another floor and tap Y after being eaten to access the final elevator. 12 Zombie kills required You will appear on a stage with a zombie crowd around you and a pole in the center. It take a real rocket scientist to work out what to do here. Try to let the zombies cluster together before activating the pole. The first group will be six zombies followed by a special zombie, guitarist, molotov and three normal zombies. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z23 - #23: Zombie Metal Boy (Lucid) The stage area is perfect to dropkick him in so he should be easy to get rid of. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I would suggest dropkicking all of these guys as it is far simpler than trying anything that can be interrupted. 6 Zombie kills required Your first boombox zombie will arrive leading five others (the boombox drives other zombies into a frenzy making them much more dangerous). Therefore focus all your effort on the zombie holding the boombox. Once he is down the others return to normal and are pretty easy to make exit the stage. Another arcade cabinet will await you at the end of the hall. A game of breakout will begin with you in the middle. Your only real target is the blue zombies. Each time you take one out the enemies paddle gets smaller. Lollipop #4 (No. 29) - Pineapple Punch: On the left side of the area before exiting the breakout game (after winning). 10 Zombie kills required The breakdancing grandpa and crazy walker lady are back so resume normal tactics for taking these two out. Five molotov enemies are also in this group so prepare for an annoying fight. Pick up the Nick ticket and use the Chop2Shop to replenish your supplies. 10 Zombie kills required A boom box special zombie will come out of the elevator at the head of a small group. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z24 - #22: Zombie Break Dancer = Wesley Although he has more health and hurts more than normal he is still a boom box zombie. Jump behind him and lay into him with your best combos. If you don't want to engage him directly the blaster works suprisingly well and you can restock ammo at the shop after the fight so there isn't really a downside to using some. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ After this group is done for you will get a chance to shoot down a helicopter or die. Blast away as quick as you can to down it. Lollipop #5 (No. 27) - Royal Cranberry: Should be behind the airconditioner on the far left of the roof. Arcade time again and here we have the gondala game (source of pain and hatred to achievement hunters the world over). The concept is pretty simple you just have to reach the top without getting hit once. The normal way is to take it slow and shoot any hazards as they appear. This method is pretty easy it just takes a while. You have finally reached the top. Shop here for the boss fight ahead. Lollipop #6 (No. 30) - Starfish Sparkle: You need to ace the vault here to reach the lollipop. Enter the penthouse to meet the boss. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ[ BOSS - JOSEY ]ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z25 - #24: JOSEY STAGE 1: Attacks Tip Your Hat - Josey's flying hat will scrape across the stage in an easy to dodge manner. Funk Beam - The hat Josey is riding will do a small wiggle and Josey will fire a beam of light at you. If you spot the tell it is easy to dodge. As he takes damage the number of beams can increase. Crush - Josey will rise up in the air and smash down on top of you. Watch the shadow to dodge him as he falls. This is the best time to pour on the damage with melee attacks. Below 1/2 Health: Bomb Shield - Bombs will spiral out from Josey and detonate shortly afterwards. The bombs also hurt if they hit you physically. Use ranged attacks when he enters this phase. Josey is nearly constantly mobile so ranged attacks are your best option unless he is recovering after an attack. After reducing him to half health he will start using his bomb shield. Use the raised slopes that appear to gather ammo and have a safe place to shoot from that he can't blow up. At this point just use ranged attacks to damage him as it is far safer. Once you have drained all of his life you will automatically enter the QTE to move on to stage two. STAGE 2: Attacks Head Rush - Josey will spawn small heads that home in and charge you while you try to destroy the weak spots of the UFO. They are not really worth your time as you only have a small amount. Try to angle the weak point of the ship between them and yourself to slow them down while you work on it. Electric Funk - This is a stream of electricity that is repeatedly pumped out to the weak points of the UFO to disrupt your attacks. Stop attacking before the charge reaches the point, otherwise you'll recieve a nasty shock. You now have three minutes to deactivate all the weak points of the UFO before Josey jumps to hyperspace. The overall idea is pretty simple and he only uses two methods of attack so its just a matter of speed. If you defeat Josey within the last ten second you will unlock an achievement. Slice into the now open cockpit to end the battle. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ____________________________________________________________________________ Super Zombie Hunter - 30G Clear Stage 4, surpassing Dad's score. Bonus Requirements (score attack) Stage 4-1 Sparkle Hunting - 3 Decaps All Classmates Rescued No Alert: Dokuroman Speedy Finish: Dokuroman Game Stage 4-2 All Classmates Rescued No Mistakes: Nick Zombie Cheer No Damage: Building Dungeon Stage 4-3 Sparkle Hunting - 5 Decaps Speedy Finish: Block Game No Damage: Pole Room Battle Climber Game: Nothing Broken Stage 4-4 (Note: Only during boss battle) Lucky Nick Not Used Lollipop Not Used Speedy Finish No Fear Of Heights - 15G Beat the Gondola game without shooting. Requires patience and careful movement. Very frustrating. Critical UFO Finish - 10G Funk Josey in the last 10 seconds. Smash all the weak points with 20 seconds left. Initiate the QTE with 15 seconds on the clock. Disco's Dead - 15G Defeated Josey Follow the boss strategy. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ CATHEDRAL/ STAGE 5 ============================================================================ Classmates to rescue: 2 Lollipops to collect: 7 Zombies to collect: 6 .......................................................................... . . LV . TIME . SCORE . SPARKLE . MEDALS . P MEDALS . .......................................................................... . . . . . . . . . Dad's Score . 29.0 . 36:31 . 366,800 . 39 . 1,888 . 27 . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................... 12 Zombie kills required Drop down off your perch and group up some of the zombies before smashing a stun barrel. The guitarists are your only nuisances here so you shouldn't have any trouble. A truck will slam into the barricade with a red barrel in the boot. Shoot it to clear the path and do your shopping at the Chop2Shop. Round the corner to run into your older sister. 13 Zombie kills required Although this is a small area you do have fire support from your sister. If the enemies are too much you can just dodge repeatedly as she whittles them down. The downside to this is she can steal your kills if you are trying to set up sparkle hunter kills. After they are all disposed of three hazmat specials will drop out of a chopper. They are the same three enemies that you fought in the prologue. Dropkick the two running hazmat zombies and dodge behind and use short combos to safely drain the zombie with the propane tank. Circle round the building and jump over the wall of cars to enter a survival zone. You will have to survive for a minute total so you can either fight back or just run and dodge. Two special zombies will also enter the enclosed area. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z26 - #25: Zombie Punk Boy - Bill Z27 - #26: Zombie Punk Girl - Christina These two are just two powered up regular zombies so no real strategy is needed for them. The fight itself is a good point to activate your sparkle power to take out all the specials that spawn and the regular zombies as well. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Lollipop #1 (No. 31) - Crazy Coconut: The car in the garage which has a red barrel in the back can be exploded to reveal the lollipop. Leave the garage when you are ready (you don't have to rush really). You will have to help cordellia clear the area of flying and bomb zombies. All the zombies here will fall to one shot from your blaster so just unload on them. A helicopter will spin out of control towards you, rain fire upon it until it explodes. Cut through the car to find your first SOS for the level. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 1: Garage - I think those zombies were trying to bukkake me. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wow could this guy have chosen a worse place to be attacked? There are a large variety of enemies in the small area and a few are bombers and several are special zombies. This means that this is a real headache unless you have some sparkle power. If you do just start carving away. If you don't then focus on the bombers first to ensure he isn't insta-killed. He will move through the area so you must keep an eye on him to ensure he doesn't wander into danger. After the bombers are taken care of just make sure to knock back any surrounding him. Don't relax just yet as after he wanders through the fence he will be accosted by three more bomber zombies. Knock them away quickly before they detonate. Deal with any remaining threats then claim your reward. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lollipop #2 (No. 32) - Pumpkin Pie: In the rear corner behind the car. Follow the trail of medals and grab the lollipop on the right then smash down the door. 5 Zombie kills required The batters are the priority targets here but overall they are pretty easy. 9 Zombie kills required The next mix contains a fire fighter, guitarist and normal zombies. You will be getting support from your sister so you can just take your time if you are on the first playthrough. 10 Zombie kills required The elderly pair of specials is back again. You really should know how to deal with them by now, draw them away from the eight inactive zombies on the ground. Use your low slashes to take out the remaining enemies. Round the corner to find more zombies to kill. 4 Zombie kills required Three zombie policemen will be waiting for you. These are hard nuts to crack as all of their attacks are severely damaging. If you get lucky you can get rid of them with dropkicks but they will get in a lot of damage if you can't. Think about either using some blaster ammo or your sparkle power to get rid of the ruinous trio. The last enemy is just a bomber zombie so dispatch him and move on. 21 Zombie kills required Another assorted group of zombies scattered with fat farmers and fat ladies. The guitarists are also a nuisance, quickly dropkick as many specials as you can before they start attacking. Dropkicks and short combos should see you through the remaining enemies in this encounter. Follow Cordellia down the street grabbing both lollipops as you go. Drop down into the small area to fight again. 9 Zombie kills required A group of five guitarists and two normal zombies await, you really need decent sized combos to cover enough area to keep them off balance. Otherwise you will just be constantly interrupted. If you don't have any then dropkick or blast them to keep on to of the fight. Two flyers will arrive after the ground zombies are cleared. 9 Zombie kills required Flyers and a single bomber special compose this wave. Either deal with the bomber quickly or ignore him while you pick off the flyers. When you see him start to glow, continue dodging until he explodes and then you can resume the aerial massacre. 10 Zombie kills required Zombies will pour out of the bus in front of you. A fat special zombie, three footbal zombies and several normal zombies are a recipe for disaster if you don't keep an eye on the chargers. Quickly deal with the fat special and then move on to the footballers. You will probably take out the regular zombies with collateral damage. Lollipop #3 (No. 33) - Peach Paradise: To the left of the bus. When you are done head through the bus to find a Chop2Shop and two pipes to cut. Let Rosalind open a new path for you and another mixed group of zombies awaits. 15 Zombie kills required Lollipop #4 (No. 34) - Orange Explosion: Behind the wall on the left next to the newly demolished wall. If you can avoid getting hit by the wrecking ball during the entire section you will get an achievement. The large mixed group contains a lot of annoying enemy types: fat man zombies, fire fighters and several others. Grab a corner and defend it to avoid the wrecking ball or use it to help take out the zombies if you are good at dodging. 12 Zombie kills required Zombie jumping makes a return here so just don't miss those prompts to kill ten zombies straight away. The remaining two are flyers and one is a special zombie. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z28 - #29: Zombie Flying Man - Peter Just blast him down to the floor and either continue firing or hit him with melee combos. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 21 Zombie kills required Rosalind will make a new ramp for you to scale, when you reach the top and activate the flying attack on the crane settle into one side of the area to avoid being hit by the wrecking ball. Fire away at any zombies you see and make sure you get the ones on the crane body as well. Once Rosalind opens the final wall you can grab the medals, lollipop and shop at the store. Step on to the elevator to get going again. The elevator has a weight limit of 1000kg which should be worrying but enemies are so easy to dropkick off the threat doesn't really have much in the way of bite. If you're really in trouble you can use your sparkle power. 13 Zombie kills required Lollipop #5 (No. 35) - Watermelon Wave: You have to suceed at the trampoline QTE to reach this lollipop. Take out the three flyers that appear in front of you and then descend the scaffolding to meet the fat miners. Dropkicks will end them fast and the two police zombies can be taken out best with the blaster. Any leftovers can be removed by normal combos. Take the medals and lollipop to the right as you pass through the hole and then jump in the mine cart. 14 Zombie kills required Three boom box zombies will be in plain sight so blast the boxes out of their hands. Another sneaky one will be on the ground floor which can be hit from the scaffolding before you drop off the end. Do so and then mop up the sedate leftovers. You may have to shoot the zombies who remained on the scaffolding. Four police zombies will be in the next room, use the blaster to get rid of them then start on the bombers and miners in the corridor. The next room has a large platform held up by four weakened pylons. Lollipop #6 (No. 36) - Apple Ahoy!: Once you have finished chainsawing the platform you can reach it. You need to slash all four to stop the flow of bomber zombies. Let the waves blow between each pillar or else they will explode while you are cutting. Once the hole is blocked you can slash your way into the next room. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SOS 2: Work Site - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The room is full of explosive barrels and fire fighter zombies, this is a bad combination and the victim moves through the room too. Dropkicks, leapfrogging and any other knockback combo you can use to keep the guy safe. The radius of the barrels are just to big for safety so try to stop them being detonated. You will have to hit the blue barrel to let the guy out. If you manage this you will have rescued the final SOS classmate and unlocked your achievement. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Down the pole we go and through the cathedral doors. 32 Zombie kills required The next melee is a brilliant time to activate your sparkle power to rack up those sparkle hunter combos. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z29 - #27: Zombie Rocker Boy - Brett Z30 - #28: Zombie Rocker Girl - Samantha Tear through these two with your sparkle power along with the rest. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Lollipop #7 (No. 37) - Bubblegum Burst: In the far right corner of the room. Once they are all gone you get your final chance to shop before the boss. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ[ BOSS - LEWIS LEGEND]ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z31 - #30: Lewis Legend STAGE 1: Attacks Batter Up - Lewis will pull back his guitar to swing. If you can press the prompt in time you will counter the swing and deal some damage in response. Gunnery - Lewis will fire his machine gun in a moving trail. It is slow and easy to dodge. Wheelie - Lewis will charge at you from outside the area very fast so dodge as best you can. Blue Blaster - Three blue beams will fly out at wherever you are standing. Another ranged attack so you can't do anything but dodge. Lewis will start by racing around the outside of the area on his motorbike. He cannot be hit by melee while behind the blue flames and he moves pretty fast so ranged attacks would be wasted. When he shows off in flames doing tricks activate your sparkle power to hit him (otherwise you will get knocked back). Once you have drained his life you will need to counter a batter up attack to knock him off his bike. QTE him to make the change to the next stage. STAGE 2: Attacks Cable Swipe - The mech will whip an electrical cable towards you multiple times. Dodging it affords you the opportunity to attack the mech. Slam - The mech will rocket into the sky then slam down to the ground. It is pretty easy to dodge overall. Cable Whip - The mech will stretch a long cable across the arena to hit you. The attack is quite fast and painful. If you manage to avoid it you can get in a few attacks. Gunnery - The mech will fire a line of machine gun fire towards you. Strafe or dodge to avoid it. Lewis will morph into a massive elephant mech and race around the arena on flaming roller skates (the equivalent of). You will have to time your attacks to hit after successful dodges. The main threat is his cable attacks so keep them in mind when dodging. Wear him down until the QTE activates and you move on to the second mech form. STAGE 3: Attacks Cable Swipe - The mech will whip an electrical cable towards you multiple times. Dodging it affords you the opportunity to attack the mech. Thunder Charge -The mech will race towards you surrounded by electricity. The move is pretty easy to avoid and leaves him open. Attack until he starts to shake (he will counterattack at this point). Homing Missiles-The mech will launch several waves of missiles into the air. If you keep dodging they won't hit you and you will be able to attack the mech after. The mech will lose some strength but gain increased agility. The basics remain the same. Dodge his attacks and get in your hits when he is recovering. There are three phases to this stage and they are pretty much the same but he will only have a quarter of his health so at least its shorter. STAGE 4: Attacks Blaster - Lewis will shoot off blasts similar to yours at you. The attack is easy to dodge but leaves little time to attack. Fire Missiles - Lewis will fire flaming missiles into the sky that loosely home in on you. The retaliation opportunity is longer. Thunder Charge -Lewis will race towards you surrounded by electricity. The move is pretty easy to avoid and leaves him open. Attack until he starts to shake (he will counterattack at this point). Minecraft - Lewis will spray mines in random directions and distances. If you can reach the center you can land some free hits. More of the same really it is just a different looking Lewis with slight changes to his attack pattern. Keep blasting or cutting away and use up any sparkle power you have left as this is his final form. Once you initiate the QTE he will finally die. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ____________________________________________________________________________ Obtainable Achievements: Excellent Zombie Hunter - 30G Clear Stage 5, surpassing Dad's score. In score attack (or story mode) you must obtain a better overall score than Dad (you don't exactly have to beat his 'score' points as I have still ranked higher with less points than him in that stat, instead having better score/s elsewhere. Bonus Requirements (score attack) Stage 5-1 (Score Attack) Sparkle Hunting: 4 Decaps Hazmat killed with own bomb No Damage: 3 Hazmats Stage 5-2 Sparkle Hunting - 5 Decaps All Classmates Rescued Lollipop Not Used Stage 5-3 Sparkle Hunting: 5 Decaps 3 Headshots Lift Kept Under 900kg All Wrecking Balls Dodged Stage 5-4 Sparkle Hunting: 7 Decaps All Classmates Rescued Lollipop Not Used No Damage: 4-Pole Battle Stage 5-5 (During boss battle only) Lucky Nick Not Used Lollipop Not Used Speedy Finish Little Sisters Are The Worst! - 15G Do not get hit by Rosalind's wrecking ball. From the time she appears with the crane to the time she leaves you have to avoid being hit. There are some tips in the guide above in the relevant section. Elephant Tamer - 10G Counter Lewis' attack 10 times During the first stage of the boss fight when you get the QTE to 'finish him.' Don't finish the QTE (the A prompt) and Lewis will get back on his motorbike again. Do this 10 times to get the achievement. Rock n' Roll Isn't Here Anymore - 15G Defeated Lewis Legend Follow the strategy above and defeat the boss ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ FINAL BOSS/ STAGE 6 ============================================================================ Classmates to rescue: 0 Lollipops to collect: 3 Zombies to collect: 5 .......................................................................... . . LV . TIME . SCORE . SPARKLE . MEDALS . P MEDALS . .......................................................................... . . . . . . . . . Dad's Score . 9.0 . 22:47 . 80,700 . 13 . 219 . 8 . . . . . . . . . .......................................................................... The stage begins with a quick QTE which demonstrates what you have to do to progress. Successfully slice four cars to form a bridge across the gap. Jump over the newly created ramp to run into your first special zombie for the level. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Z32 - #34: Zombie Obachan - Marie Z33 - #35: Zombie Ojachan - David 19 Zombie kills required The final revenge of the breakdancing grandfather and his souped up missus. The same stale tactics as usual apply here for these two but the other seventeen zombies in the mob might keep you on your toes! You can use the cars the boss throws to damage the group (and the specials) if you want to take the indirect approach or even just blast away if you still have some ammo after the last level. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Once they are down head towards Killabilly again and slice three more cars to cross the next chasm. Lollipop #1 (No. 38) - Salty Tuffy: Stick to the ramps on the right of the road to reach this lollipop. It is on top of a bus. Continue down the road with the chainsaw dash and make sure to focus on slamming into those oil containers as a death sequence will begin where you have to outrun a falling building. Make sure to hit the oil to keep your dash going and turn left into the side street before the building crushes you. 11 Zombie kills required Grab the blaster ammo on the right of the area and use the blue barrel to stun the mob. You should easily be able to get a couple of hunter combos against these guys. Shoot down the flyers and blast the rock away to move on. Lollipop #2 (No. 39) - Vanilla Pudding: In the middle of the road after killing the zombies. Lollipop #3 (No. 40) - Caramel Kiss: When you are back on the main road you will find it near some buses in plain sight. Stock up at the Chop2Shop if you need to and then head back out onto the highway to hell. Yay, giant eye lasers of death. This section just involves moving forwards, doging the lasers and hiding behind the objects that need to be destroyed to open a new path. When you reach the oil cans, start dashing and keep going until a zombie counter appears. 10 Zombie kills required There is a blue barrel here so just cluster and slice to finish them off. The bus blocking your way will explode, leaving you with one last frantic dash to the boss (with a last Chop2Shop on your right). ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ[ BOSS - KILLABILLY ]ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ STAGE 1: Attacks Fondle - Killabilly will move you within range of his other hand and try to touch you (I have never failed this QTE so I can't tell you what it actually does. Pass the QTE to avoid damage. Spit Take - Killabilly will swill his mouth around and launch a flaming zombie at you. You cannot damage this zombie you can only avoid it by moving the arm with the left stick. Brill Creamer - Killabilly will smooth his hair and a flying zombie will attack shortly afterwards. Tap Y to get rid of it. So it begins, your fight with the final boss of the game. You will start off being held in his hand. You can use the left stick to 'steer' his arm to line up your blaster shots and avoid attacks. The one and only target in this stage is his eyes. He will try to hide them with his hand but you can move to the far left to shoot over his hand when he peeks at you. He will eventually try to eat you. Just tap B to move on to the next stage of the battle. STAGE 2: Attacks Hand Slam - Killabilly will simply slam both hands flat into the ground. Does fair damage but is pretty easy to predict and dodge. Use your longest combos when his hands stop after this attack to really bring the thunder. Tonguing - Killabilly slams his tongue into the ground, dealing heavy damage if you are in its path. He retracts it too quickly to attack unless it is part of the long vehicle spawn attack sequence. Chevvy Spawn - Killabilly spawns cars from his hands, hair and then attacks with his tongue. He also spawns a wave of basic zombies to annoy you. After most of those fall, bomber zombies will arrive and then finally three fire fighter zombies. Truck Spawn - Killabilly will start playing with a truck that (after he releases it) will relentlessly hunt you down for a set amount of time. Dodging is required as it can hit you multiple times before vanishing. Eye Of the King-Killabilly will fire purple lasers at you for decent damage. Killabilly is an imposing sight. He hits hard and has a large variety of attacks and the ability to summon minions. He will often slam his hands into the ground or leave them hovering above it slightly (you can still hit them with the Y button combos as they slash upwards). Use your strongest combos when they are on the ground and change to Y combos if he raises them. His spawn attacks are the biggest overall threat though as they require you to dodge his intitial attacks, destroy the zombies he creates and avoid flying debris from his air guitar. Powerful combos and sparkle power will come to your aid here (especially against the trio of fire fighters). When Killabilly reaches half health a helicopter will be swatted down towards you. Blast it to prevent taking damage then return to smacking down Killabilly. Once you have finally got him down to the finish point you will have to wait for him to slam his hands into the ground to activate the QTE. The sequence will be quite complex and the final button tap is really short (its a B by the way). If you pull it off successfully you will enter his body for one final QTE. This is simply a matter of dodging spikes and it is easier (albiet longer) than the previous QTE. Once you have completed it you will have finished the game and defeated Killabilly. Congratulations! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ____________________________________________________________________________ Obtainable Achievements: Master Zombie Hunter - 30G Clear Stage 6, surpassing Dad's score. In score attack (or story mode) you must obtain a better overall score than Dad (you don't exactly have to beat his 'score' points as I have still ranked higher with less points than him in that stat, instead having better score/s elsewhere. Bonus Requirements (Score Attack) Stage 2-1 Sparkle Hunting - 4 Decaps No Damage: Football Zombie No Overheat Experienced Stage 2-2 All Classmates Rescued No Mistakes: Nick Zombie Cheer No Damage: 4F No Damage: 2F Stage 2-3 Speedy Finish: Z-Basketball No Overheat Experienced No Damage: Gym Stage 2-4 All Classmates Rescued No Mistakes: Nick Zombie Cheer No Overheat Experienced 3 Headshots Stage 2-5 (Note: Only during boss battle) Lucky Nick Not Used Lollipop Not Used Speedy Finish Aced Auto-Shop Class - 15G Clear All The Kill Car QTE's In A Row Basically don't mess up a Y button prompt car slash in this level. Fingered - 10G Cut off 20 fingers during Killabilly's fight! Slash away at Killabilly's hands whenever you have the chance (the fingers regrow) and you'll get this in no time. I Came, I Saw, I Kicked Its Ass - 15G Defeated Killabilly Beat Killabilly using the strategy above to get this one. Horrid Birthday - 15G Watched The Bad Ending Complete the game without rescuing all the SOS classmates (you can choose your ending if you did save them all so don't worry about missing this). Congratulations! Happy Birthday! - 100G Watched The Happy Ending Rescued every SOS classmate and finished the game. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================ Endorsed By Cordelia - 10G Get 30 headshots. Turn off auto targeting in the options menu and headshot 30 zombies with the chainsaw blaster. Sparkle Hunting Master - 10G Succeed in 7 zombie Sparkle Hunting. Can be done in several locations, the earliest is in the prologue. Watch the video for a good spot. Super Shopper - 15G Spend 10,000 medals at Chop2Shop.Zom. Self explanatory Love Nick - 15G Kissed Nick 100 times. You have to activate 100 Nick Tickets successfully to get this one. Each time she does one she kisses Nick. JULIET51 - 15G 51 successful dropkicks. Jump and X at zombies (and hit them) x 51. Pretty simple. International Zombie Hunter - 15G Registered in world leaderboards for all stages. You must be playing on ranking mode on the level select screen (press X to swap). You must complete and save afterwards each of the seven levels. Groovy Hunter - 10G Kill 500 zombies. You'll get this in a single playthrough. Zombie Slayer?! - 30G Kill 3,000 Zombies. This will probably take 2+ playthroughs. Keep trying! Rich Hunter - 10G Pick up 1,000 zombie medals. You should get this in one playthrough. Millionare Hunter - 30G Pick up 10,000 zombie medals. Again this should take 2+ playthroughs. San Remero Knights Savior - 30G Rescued All Classmates. Complete all SOS events in the walkthrough to unlock this. Lollipop Addict - 30G Collected all lollipop wrappers. Follow all the locations in the walkthrough. Should unlock when you pick up the final lollipop at the end of stage 6. Always On The Phone - 30G Collected all telephone messages. Collecting these is automatic, you should get the final one after beating the final boss. Zombie Fancier - 30G Completed the zombie album. The only zombie not listed in the walkthrough is: Z35 - #32: Zombie Happy Bird - Jack This zombie can only be found in ranking mode and is the transformed version of the Chop2Shop store. Can be found on any level including the prologue. Once all have been killed the achievement should pop. OMG, Music Is Soooo Coooool - 30G Collected all BGM. You have to beat the game and buy all the music in the store (repeat playthrough may be required) as well as beating Dad's scores in the leaderboard. Perfect Body - 30G Completely level up Juliet. Just buy all the upgrades at the store to get this. Master Sushi Chef - 30G Collected all combos. Buy all the combos at the store to get this. Accidental Vandalism - 15G Destroyed 300 objects in the game. This will probably come naturally but a good area is the school in stage 1. Smash all the desks and objects you see. Go, Medal Racer, Go! - 15G Picked up all zombie medals on the rooftop with Chainsaw Dash. During the rooftop section in stage 2 you will have to use the chainsaw dash to pick up the medals on the rooftop. You can cancel out of the dash with B and still pick up the medals. The video shows it far better than I could explain it. NOTE: This was obviously supposed to be in stage 2 but I ran out of characters in the post. **************************************************************************** ********************************** LEGAL STUFF ***************************** *** **************************************************************************** Copyright 2012 Ben Buttenshaw This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.