=============================================================================== Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Target Mark Location Guide By Matt 'nofxgamer' Biro - Xbox Live Gamertag: MattTheCommie =============================================================================== Here we go, I know some have been patiently waiting for this. Well we now know that some people have finally gotten this achievement and it surely is a challenge. I have included every mark on every difficulty to the best I could describe. What I would suggest doing is use this guide to help verbally, use this japanese website (listed below) to help visually, and the poster with all the mark locations to give an even more exact spot on where they are at. Good luck and I hope this helps you all out. Also a special thanks to Havocks, he got the achievement first (to our knowledge) and helped a couple of us out who were going for this achievement with the few marks we couldn't find. Also these are in order that I got them (I tried to make them in the best order that goes along with some of the levels, but some of them you can get one or the other first, up to you.) Japanese website: http://www.xbox-c4.com/pc/xbox360/planet/target.html Scanned poster photos: http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o303/LostPlanet_album/Scan1.jpg Missions 1-4 http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o303/LostPlanet_album/Scan2.jpg Missions 5-6 http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o303/LostPlanet_album/Scan3.jpg Missions 7-8 http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o303/LostPlanet_album/Scan4.jpg Mission 9 http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o303/LostPlanet_album/Scan5.jpg Msns 10-11 *note* The poster is about 90% correct, it does contain a few errors, only a few major ones, a couple are just that it says that one letter is in one location and another in some other location, but the locations are correct just the letter was mixed up. =============================================================================== Easy =============================================================================== Mission 01: EARTH E - Corner of parking garage building before you enter the facility. A - On the right hand side before exiting the parking garage building. R - Left hand room in warehouse before leaving the warehouse. T - To the right and in the corner of where the Gatling Gun is placed inside the hive. H - Just before you head to the boss, the area extends from the data post to the left. Mission 02: STORM S - On top of an awning on the left hand side before heading through the mucus doors. T - Next to a truck and some ammo when you come to the point of meeting the Snow Pirates. O - On a small ledge just past the tower, this is just before the building that you have to anchor your way up several stories. R - On top of a garbage dumpster type of thing on the left hand side while inside the old train station area. M - Just above the staircase that goes down inside the building that is on the right hand side before heading to large walled off area ahead. Mission 03: MIRAGE M - This is in the area you start at, on top of one of the containers to the left of where the data post is. I - This is going to be on the far right steel divider, it is hovering over the very left edge of it. R - This is on the steps of the building on the east edge of the map, follow it up and it will be at the bottom set of steps. A - This is just after the 3 T-ENG tanks after the data post where the boss for this level is. G - This is at the far north fall, its on the mid section of the wall, you may need to look closely to see it, easy to miss. E - This is on the west edge of the map, I'd say about halfway through, just follow the edge and you will come upon it eventually. Mission 04: METEOR M - This will be on a ledge on the left hand side near the start of the level. E - This is in the right corner by the exit of the room you drop in with all the Akrid and hives. T - This will be between two sets of boxes on the right hand side in the hall with all the Nevec soldiers just after where you got the E mark. E - After the Giant Moth destroys the boxes and you drop down onto the platform below the mark will be behind you in a corner. O - This is in the same room where you get the VS at, it will be in the corner on the bottom floor. R - Once you finally reach the top, the last mark is to the northeast of the data post up here. Mission 05: AURORA A - This is on the ledge right next to the data post, it is on the corner of this ledge. U - This is in a corner on the ledge that has the VS Laser Rifle. R - This is on the ground on the way to the cave. O - This is on the bottom floor area inside the cave. R - This is in the hall that the Trilid and the Wasp came from. It is behind the rock. A - This is in one of the side rooms next to the room just before the boss. Mission 06: THUNDER H - This is at the beginning of the level, there is a small concrete wall and it is behind that. U - This is on a small ledge just to before the 2nd turret. T - This is in a small gap just after the 2nd bridge. N - This is on a rooftop just before you go inside the building. D - This is on the box that is on fire. E - This is on the ceiling on the right hand side in the first hallway. R - This is on the wall just before you go through the first door. Mission 07: TORNADO T - This is on top of one of the storage units along the way in the first area. O - This is on one of the upper ledges on the right hand side before you enter the hallway. N - This is behind one of the blocks next to the data post in the second area. R - This is just above the doorway that leads to the third area. O - This is just to the right at the beginning of the third area, it is on a ledge next to the one you are on. D - This is in one of the ditches on the bottom area where all the probes are. A - This is above the door next to the one you enter to head to the boss. It is on a small ledge above the door. Mission 08: VOLCANO V - This is on a ledge just next to the first data post. O - This is in the room with the GAB VS, it is on one of the steel frames up above. L - This is in the room with all the Trilid in the second part of the level, it will be behind the two T-ENG tanks. C - This is just before you go to the third area of the level, it will be when you get on the upper highway on one of the highways. A - This is on the bridge that has the two boxes on it, it will be on one of the boxes. N - This is in the corner by the data post just before you drop down and continue on. O - This is across from the two large fans just before the boss fight. Mission 09: RAINBOW R - This is below the starting area, it will be inside the storage unit below. A - This is on one of the crates that is inside the lava in the first area. I - This is on one of the crates in the area with all the Akrid and the hives, the area also contains the GAB VS to drill through the Walls, it is across from the VS. N - This is on a ledge in the tunnel, when you get to the fork, go to the left and continue and you will come to it at the end of the path. B - This is in the corner by the VS in the tunnel, you will come across it as you advance through the tunnel. O - This is by one of the lights when you get to the end of the tunnel, you will come to a part at the end that can be drilled, but there is also a small gap on the side that you can go up through, go up through this gap to get to where the light is. W - This is on the side of the bridge that has the data post on it, just before the final boss. Mission 10: BLIZZARD B - This is at the beginning by the first data post, it will be on the side by all the rocks. L - This is in the second tunnel, it is by the T-ENG tank. I - This is in the city area, it is behind one of the lights on the ground on the northern part of the area. Z - This is by one of the lights in the room with the VS and the two T-ENG tanks, the one just before the mini boss. Z - This is on top of a box in the beginning of the second area, right next to the data post. A - This is on a ledge in the room above the large room with all the VS's. D - This is in the middle of the room with all the VS's, it is by one of the GAB's. R - This is on one of the crates in the room with all the VS's, it is on one of the corners. Mission 11: STARDUST S - This is at the very bottom of the level, right in the center of the floor. T - This is floating just under the first platform. A - This is on the arch just above the first platform. R - This is on a small ledge just before the first ring. D - This is on the floor just after the first ring. U - This is on a ledge just before the second ring. S - This is just below the second ring but above the U coin. T - This is on the floor just after the second ring. =============================================================================== Normal =============================================================================== Mission 01: EARTH T - Behind the two T-ENG tanks near the beginning where all the Akrid are, just before the parking garage area. A - To the left behind the small container things before the warehouse with the Chryatis. R - This is inside the warehouse on one of the catwalks, to the right of the exit. E - This is at the bottom of the first area in the Akrid hive place. It will be at the bottom of the waterfall type thing. (Note if you get the H first it is just below the H pretty much.) H - Just after you drop off the walkway, if you turn around it will be right behind you. Mission 02: STORM S - Near the beginning, after the 2nd data post, when you head under the large monument thing, look to the left and it will be in a building window. O - This is in that building you have to anchor up to get to the top. It will be at the top level in one of the windows. T - This is on the bridge, you will come to the first broken up part, jump down and turn around to see it behind the gate thing. M - Before you head out of the train tunnel, the M will be on the left side of the catwalk thing at the end of the wall. R - This is in the building on the right hand side of the final area before the boss. It is on the lower floor, beside some boxes. Mission 03: MIRAGE I - This is on one of the bunkers to your right at the start of the level, it will be on the one with the nest directly on top of it. R - This one is just in front of one of the metal dividers. Before going all the way out and attracting the worm, go out of the dividers and it will be to the west or east depending on what side you went out of. It is sort of in the middle of all the dividers, just follow along them if you still can't find it. E - This is pretty much dead in the middle of the map, the easiest way to spot it is that it is southwest of the compound area with stairs. It is in plain view right next to a data post. M - This will be just beyond the stairs at the building on the east side. Just below where the data post is. If you jump off of the stairs where the data post is, just look behind you in the corner on the ground. A - This is on the western coast, it is pretty much parallel to the building on the eastern side to give you an idea where it is located, just run along the coast to find it. G - This is at the junked warehouse where the boss is at. It will be floating in the air over one of the weird pieces of junk, just look high for it. Mission 04: METEOR E - This is in the corner just before you drop into the room with a ton of Akrid. Just past the first data post. O - This is just in the room after the Akrid, the one where you need to anchor up to the higher ledge. It will be on the bottom, just past the Machine Gun ammmo. R - This is in the room with the Snow Pirates. It will be on the right hand side when you enter, between the wall and one of the boxes. M - This is just before the room with the data post and VS. It will be on the ledge, just follow close to the edge when heading up from the moving platform. T - This is on the lowest ledge of the highest platform on the east side of the room. It will be in the middle of the lowest part of that ledge. You can easily see it from the lower ledge across from it. E - this is just by the final data post and VS. Just head towards the edge just past the VS Laser Rifle. Mission 05: AURORA R - If you head to the north from the start once you pass the final concrete ledge, you can see it just on the side of it. R - This is inside the small room that has a hive inside the room. It is in a small gap in the room. A - This is on the ledge in a small corner just before you get to the top of the mountain in the first area. A - This is on the floor of the Akrid area. It is just under the stair like structure and near the Shotgun ammo. U - This is in a small ledge in the hall where the bunch of Trilid come out as well as the single Wasp. O - This is in the room just before the boss, it will be in the bottom-right corner right as you enter the room. Mission 06: THUNDER T - This is just behind, on a ledge, the second data post. U - This is just below the 2nd data post on the opposite side you came from. N - This is on a small ledge to the west of the first Turret. H - This is on the ground just to the left under the second bridge. D - This is behind some boxes and stuff right as you enter the building. E - After you go through the first door with the VS it will be on the ceiling just above the where the door was. R - This is floating in the air in the last hallway before the boss. Mission 07: TORNADO T - This will be on the side of the first storage unit on the left hand side of the first area. O - This will be on the ledge just above the entrance to the tunnel area before the end of the first area. A - This on the western edge, just before the data post on the western edge. It is plain site on the ground. N - This is at the junked warehouse, on the northern side. It is in a small gap on the northwestern side of the warehouse. R - This is in between one of the concrete things just to the north of the stairs and the complex, the one you need to enter to advance. D - This is in one of the edges on the water. It is in the southwestern edge. If you get to the bottom of the area you start at, anchor off the ledge and look to the southwestern corner. O - This is in the small room before the boss (the one that has the two Nevec guys), it will be in the corner by the small door in the room. Mission 08: VOLCANO V - This is in the first area, to the northwest of the first data post, it is on the same ledge as the VS weapon. O - This is in the area with the GAB VS, it is to the left of the VS and the exit of the room. On the floor between some of the crates. L - This is just above the T-ENG tank on the southern end of the room. C - Right as you exit the building in the second area, drop directly down to the ground, there will be a storage unit, it is on top of this unit. A - This is on a small somewhat bridge like thing. It has a VS weapon next to it. If you jump down from where the data post was, you can see it behind you. N - This will be on top of the bridge on the southern side of the area. O - This is inside one of the fans, the one closest to the boss room. Mission 09: RAINBOW R - This is at the end of the broken highway across from the one that you start on. A - This is in the lower floor area when you first enter the building. Just drop down and it will be in a corner. I - This is on the ledge with a VS, when you are drilling, go to the left area when it comes to the split. It will be on your left hand side. O - This will be just before you get to the inside area, behind a T-ENG tank. B - This is in the tunnel that when you get to the end there is one more drillable spot, drill through and it will be next to the light. N - This is in the extended tunnel area, once you get inside, if you anchor on the opening to the right and continue through the tunnel, you will see a light and it will be on top of the light. W - This is in the storage unit that the dongo comes out of. Mission 10: BLIZZARD B - This is in the tunnel at the start of the level between a large concrete slab and the wall. I - This is in the second tunnel thing, it is in the corner hidden behind some rocks. R - This is in a small gap behind a building. If you go from where the data post and VS are in the city area. Go to the west of there and blow up the two T-ENG tanks to see it. D - This is on the western side of the city, you will see a building with a small alcove for the entrances, it is on one of the ledges there. Z - This is between some crates and the wall, it is by the data post on the western side of the second area. L - This is in the VS storage unit in the second area, the one on the upper ledge and with the hive on it's side. Z - This is on the ledge before you drop in to continue on towards the room with all the VS's. It is right next to a VS Gatling Gun. A - This is on the ceiling thing above all the GAB VS's. Mission 11: STARDUST S - This is on the floor at the bottom of the level. T - This is just under the ledge at the bottom of the level, floating under it. A - This is inside the small tunnel thing at the bottom of the level, on some boxes at the end. R - This is on the ledge just before the first ring. D - This is on the floor just above the first ring. U - This is on the ledge just under the second ring. S - This is on the eastern wall just after the second ring, about halfway up the wall. T - This is on the western wall just below the final ring, near the top. =============================================================================== Hard =============================================================================== Mission 01: Earth T - This is just above the entrance to the parking garage area. A - This is on one of the small container things that are on your lefthand side before getting to the warehouse with the Chryatis. R - This is inside the warehouse on one of the catwalk things. H - This is on the bottom inside the Akrid area. It will be to the right of the big hive thing (the thing that you are inside of when fighting the boss). E - This is on a small ledge to the left before you reach the three hives for the Akrid. You can jump down to it if you want, I anchored off the ledge, descended, shot it, and went back up. Mission 02: STORM S - At the beginning before you head all the way out into the open field to face all the Dongo's head to your left, it will be between the two buildings in a small gap. R - This is at the end of that street with all the Trilid. It will be on the left hand side of the building, somewhat in the corner. O - This is above you on the support beams on the bridge. It is just before the data post before the entering the train yard tunnel. M - This is above the entrance on the right side of the tunnel. Anchor up to the middle catwalk and look above the entrance to see it. T - This is just under the small brigde right before the boss entrance. Just drop off the bridge so that you anchor up onto it and can go up and down, then go slightly down to see under the bridge. Mission 03: MIRAGE M - This is to the south on the upper ledge, head to your left at the start of the mission and then look behind you and upwards. A - This is directly to the right side at the start, it will be pretty much under where those two Trilid nests are, it is on the floor though. R - This will be on a mountain in the horizon on the west coast, just follow the coast and keep your eye out for it, pretty easy to spot. E - This will be at the compound thing on the eastern side. Head all the way up the stairs, past the data post, then anchor to the ledge above the door and it will be up there in the corner. G - This will be at the junked warehouse, it is in a small box type thing on the southern end of the warehouse where the boss is, look inside the red box thing if you are running to the north, it will be just inside it. I - This is at the large wall to the north, just to the left of the walls end. Mission 04: METEOR E - At the start of the mission, there will be a hive on the left hand side. Anchor up and it will be on the same ledge. E - This is in the icicles on the ceiling in the room with a ton of Akrid. Just drop in and anchor up as normal, descend a bit and shoot it. R - This is in the room with all the Snow Pirates. It will be on the left side between the boxes and the wall. You need to get on top of all the boxes and hug the wall to see it. T - This is on the platform's bottom left corner, I did the drop anchor thing to see it, shoot it, then dropped onto the platform. O - This is a tricky one to find, it is between a wall and a pipe on the highest platform in the room. The platform is on the east side of the room, get to the top and drop down to see it. M - This is just before the boss. At the data post, go to the far north and drop off the edge so you anchor onto it, then descend a bit to see the mark to the north. Mission 05: AURORA R - This is right at the start, on the ground by the first concrete block. R - This is under the ledge that has the two hives on it as well as the Energy Gun. It is right next to the ledge with the very first data post. A - This is just above the cave entrance at the end of the first area. A - This is on the wall just above one of the nests on the lower area. On the radar it is to the southwest. O - This is just on the ledge before the hall where all the Trilid and the one Wasp came out of. U - This is in the stalactites just after you activate the data post and jump to the lower ledge. Mission 06: THUNDER T - This is right at the beginning of the level, look to the northwest to see it on a building ledge. R - This is on a ledge right behind the 2nd data post, it is in the small gap behind it. H - If you get to where the first turret is and look slightly to the right of the 2nd bridge it will be on a ledge above you. E - Get to the top of the ledges where the 2nd turret was. Then head to all the way to the West on this ledge and look to the south to see the coin floating between the two buildings. U - Once you get inside the building and anchor up towards the thing that is set on fire. Turn around and the coin will be floating at the ceiling. D - This is just before you complete the first part of the level. Before heading toward the VS's look to your right and head over to the pipes by the large storage unit, it is hidden by one of the pipes. N - This is just as you enter the second part, turn around right at the start and it will be in the corner. Mission 07: TORNADO O - This is between the two storage units near the start of the level. The two units are to the West on the map. A - This is near the end of the first area. It will be in the corner of the last hallway just before the end of the first area. T - This is up north by the warehouse place, it will be on a ledge on the east side just before the truck with the two VS's on it. N - This is on a ledge of the junked warehouse on the southern edge of it, look upwards on the toward on of the upper ledges of the warehouses' frame. D - This is at the far north wall inside the right tower at the top. O - This is under the flooring of the stairs that lead down after the top level. Drop down to the level just below the top at the beginning of this area and look at the flooring under the beginning of the stairs at the top. R - This is in the middle of the wall on the south side of the last area. A bit hard to find if you don't know where to look. I went all the way across and to the top side on the area across from the start and looked behind me to see it hovering on the wall. Mission 08: VOLCANO V - This is on a ledge above the first data post, look to the west and at the ceiling and you will see it. O - This is just below the VS in the first area (the bipedal, not the quad). To get to this VS, after the 2nd data post, stay up top and go out the door on the right hand side, anchor on the ledge and it will be just below the ledge. L - This is right in the room that you enter for the second area, look to the east in the lava pit, it will be in there just under the small door. If you don't have a Rifle, I don't think you can get it/see it. C - As you exit the building in the second area, you will see the broken highway and a car on the broken highway across from you. Blow up the car to see the coin. N - This is on the ridge to the north in the third area. To see it, get on the highway that crosses over the road you are on at the start (the highway goes north to south and is the highest point in the level). A - This is on the wall by some lava (guarded by some kind of fence) on the southwestern area of the third area. Just go around the fence until you can see it and shoot it. O - This is on the left hand side in the room with the big circle on it. It is In the lava river thing. Jump onto one of the lower platforms and look under the grating to the side. It is inside there on the ceiling. Mission 09: RAINBOW A - This is under the bridge you start on, head to the north a bit and it will underneath the bridge near the lava. R - Get on the bridge that is across from the one you started on and look to the west to see two small streams of lava. It will be to the left of the left streams. I - This is in a small chute in a crevice in the wall. It is in the area that you drop down to get to the tank VS. N - This is in the VS that you come along in the tunnel. It is in the head area of the VS. B - This is in the upper left corner at the end of the tunnel. Once you get to the inside area, there will be a small opening on the right. Anchor up here and then continue through the tunnel, just before the end it gets a paneled floor, it will be in the upper left corner here. O - This is in the room with the packs of Akrid, the good VS in the hanger and the 2 VS weapons. It will be on the eastern most bar on the ceiling. W - This is in the boss room on the ceiling thing. Get out of your VS and snipe it before dropping down to the face the boss. Mission 10: BLIZZARD B - This is on the ledge above the door that is just behind you at the very start of this level. I - This is in the small rock formation just before you drop into the second tunnel thing. R - This is by the light on the ledge across from where you come into the large city area. It is pretty much above where the crack in the wall is where the two Wasps were. D - This is on a small ledge to the southwest of the VS in the room just before the mini boss. Z - This is under the VS at the start of the second area down the left hand hallway. Move the VS to see it, or go to the side and snipe it. L - This is on the ledge to the side of the storage unit on the southern end of the second area. It will be up on the upper ledge. Z - This is just above the storage unit that the L was located next to, on top of some piping above. A - This is in the room with all the VS's. It is by the large stack of crates underneath it in one of the small red fenced things on the western side of the crates. Mission 11: STARDUST S - This is on the floor at the bottom of the level. T - This is inside the small tunnel thing at the bottom, it will be under the two boxes so you will have to destroy them to see it. A - This is on the eastern wall just below the first ring. R - This is on the eastern wall just after the first ring, about half way up the wall. D - This is on the western wall just below the 2nd ring. U - This is on a ledge just before the 2nd ring. S - This is on the eastern wall after the 2nd ring, about halfway up. T - This is floating by the western wall just below the final ring. =============================================================================== Extreme =============================================================================== Mission 01: EARTH E - Directly behind you at the start of the level in the corner. R - Before entering the parking garage with all the Akrid inside. There will be a piece of concrete to the right of the entrance on the slope, it is out of sight, but right behind the concrete slab. T - This is just after the parking garage and before the warehouse. When you are running toward the warehouse, there will be several tanks on your left, go to the northeast corner here. There will be a small wall that you can't get beyond, it is there, you may need to jump to see it. H - On top of the exit on the warehouse you leave after fighting some Akrid and Chryatis, you will have to go to the edge and jump up to see it. A - On the left hand sidebefore you enter the hive to fight the boss, it will be in a small cove-like thing. Mission 02: STORM S - As you head forward the first alley on your right hand side, you may need to get on top of the awning to see it. M - In the open area where all the Dongo's and Chryatis' attack you, on the right hand side there will be a building, anchor on it's corner and the M mark will be on top of the building, you will have to anchor jump and shoot it, so I suggest using the Shotgun. T - When heading to the building where you have to anchor your way to the top there will be a tower with a Snow Pirate on it, do not destroy the tower. Anchor up there and look towards the building corner and you can see it. R - When you are the bridge you will come to a spot with two trains leaned up making an arch. You will need to get on the one that you first come to, go to the the very top and look to your left below the bridge on one of the buildings far below. You will need the Rifle to get it from here, what I suggest to do is run forward, grab the Rifle, run back and get the mark. O - Before you go up to the door to fight the boss, go to your far far right and look at the top of the wall, it will be up there. Mission 03: MIRAGE A - At the start head all the way to the west edge, turn around and look up. It will be just after the divider at the complex behind you. E - This one is hard to explain, and see, you need to follow the western edge until you get a part that sort of arches inwards significantly. Go somewhat north of this, turn around and search the wall of the inner arch for it, look very close, it blends in quite well. I - Just after the staired compelx area and the 2 T-ENG containers, on the ledge above to your right will be the mark. R - This one is at the warehouse where the boss is, be careful not to enter. Go on the right side of the building and follow the pipe that goes into the warehouse, it will be just past the wall (you can barely see it). Also you need to be on the pipe (the one to the right in the picture) and crouch to shoot it, you can not shoot it from the position I am in in the photo. Again, it is on the southern end of the warehouse area. M - This will be at the far far northeast corner of the map, you will have to go quite a ways for it, but its not too badly hidden, pretty much when you get to the very northeast corner, jump and you should see it. G - This is on the horizon to the west (sort of hard to see), head to the far north wall and to look to the west and look at the mountain in the horizon. The only way I got this was using the Energy Gun that was available at the start of the mission. Mission 04: METEOR E - Right at the start, head to your right a little bit and look up, easy to spot. O - A bit easy to, as you head down the first walkway killing all the Akrid and the hives, you will see one that has a rock directly over it. It is the one just before where the hole is to drop into the room below. Look up and to the right to see the mark on a small ledge. R - In the room with all the Nevec soldiers. There will be the two platforms on your right. One lower, one higher, its at the edge where those two connect jammed in a small space, you will see it if you get close enough. M - This is a tricky one, when you get to the part where you ride the platform you will see the fire start, it is just past the fire on the inside in the middle of the rail, you will have to zoom in and be quick to get it. E - While anchoring your way to the top, you will come to a ledge that has two of the T-ENG containers on it, go to the right side of that, drop off the ledge so that you anchor on before falling, anchor down a little bit and it is just under the ledge of that platform. T - This isn't too bad to find, once you come out of the building anchoring your way up, it is just to the left, it will be on the wall, head as far to the left as you can where the ledge ends and just look closely and you will see it. Mission 05: AURORA A - From the start of the map you can head to your straight and look up and to your left at a high hill, you should spot it easily, though you can't get it from your position. Just climb up a bit and you should be able to get it where you grab the Energy Gun, I used the Energy Gun to get it anyways. O - This is easy to find, just get to the top and drop off the ledge so you anchor on and you can see it under the platform. R - As soon as you go in the cave go to your right, you will see a little cave like thing here, go all the way in, turn around and look up. Should be quite visible on the wall. R - This is going to be up where the stalagmites are on the ceiling. To find it keep heading up the ramp and when you get to the spot where 4 of the Tentacles pop up and there is a Trilid nest and some rocks here, do a 180 and look at the stalagmites behind you, it's in there. U - This is easy to get, when you get near the top, there will be a ledge across from you where a wasp is lying down. Knock the wasp off and you can spot it at the same spot the wasp was at. A - Just above the exit into the room before the boss. It will be to your left in a small crevice. Mission 06: THUNDER T - At the start of the map, head to your right and into the corner of the wall and anchor up and jump above the wall to see the mark down the alley. U - Anchor onto the small ledge that the VS is on in the first area. Once up here, jump slightly off the ledge to see down the alley to the west. You can see it from here down the alley. D - Get up on the south building where there was a turret. Then face to the northwest looking at the bridge. Anchor up a wall to see the coin on a building past the bridge. R - To the south of the 2nd bridge, go to where the 2nd turret was at and get as high as you can and then look south, will be on a small tower. H - Once you clear the two VS's that drop down, head all the Way to the end of the road and look to the north. There will be a small gap between the buildings, anchor up to see down the gap for the next coin. N - This is just before the end of the first part of the level, between a crate thing and the ceiling on the right hand side just before heading to the VS. E - This is in the first room you enter (after the little door goes up I mean.) It is on the balconey nearing the door, just hover and you will see it. Mission 07: TORNADO A - This is at the end of the first area, when you finally get into the walkway bunker thing just before you proceed to the next area, look behind you after the 2nd door thing, it will be just outside of the wall on top of a ledge. R - This will be on the wall on the western edge, it's hard to see, but if you face your camera south while you run north, you will see it when you run by or if you pass it (you can see it pretty good from a distance when you run past it.) D - This is at the north wall, to the left of the large pillar and ending of wall. O - This is in a verticle pipe at the warehouse T - This is on a ledge on the eastern side, just to the south of the complex you are to enter. It is on the very top, look upwards in the horizon. N - This will be in the top right corner of the red building across from where you entered the area. Use a Plasma Gun to see it easily. O - This will be in the northwest corner of the ma, if you get across to where the VS and the two turrets are, look to the northwest on a bridge like thing. It will be floating there. Mission 08: VOLCANO V - This is at the beginning of the level, once you jump in the area with the first two scorpions, turn directly around and look on the ridge behind you. C - This a bit hard to spot, it is on top of the volcano river in the second area of the mission. You need to get it using the Rifle and it can be a bit tricky to spot. The best spot to go to is next to the VS on the freeway and snipe it. O - This is in the lava fall to your right at the start of the third area. L - This is in the room you enter with the two VS's that are attacking you, it will be on a ledge upwards to your right (to the south on the radar). N - This is under the storage unit with the good VS in it in the third area. Supply unit is on the lower west side of this area. The easiest way I got this was to take aim using the Rocket Launcher. O - This is easiest to see from the room just past the one with the N in it. Go to the center and look to the southwest, it will be high up on the framework. The easiest way I got this was to take aim using the Rocket Launcher. A - This is on the left hand side when you enter the room with the big circle on the floor. It will be under one of the lower platforms along the small river-like thing with lava in it. Just anchor off an edge and slide down to see it under the platform. Mission 09: RAINBOW O - This is under the highway thing that has the two T-ENG tanks as well as 3 VS weapons under it. it is in the cornerwhere the highway comes in contact with the ground. I - This is at the bottom of the lava waterfall. It will be on the far left side at the bottom. A - This is on a top of a mountain just above the entrance inside the building. It will be high up and easiest to shoot with a Plasma Gun. B - This is in the room that you enter in the first area. It will be on the right side of the room, all the way on the top level thing. R - This is just after you drop down, just before you get into the VS to drill through the wall. It will be in the lava on the end that is closer to the VS. W - This is a bit tricky to see, it is behind the pillar that is in between the two storage units that the two Dongo's come out of. You have to look through the small crack to see it and shoot it. N - This is on the high high ledge in the room that the two dongos roll out of. What you need to do, is get on the high ledge with the 2 T-ENG tanks. Then jump across to the third fartherst small little bridge thing, then turn and look back towards the T-ENG tanks, look up and look to the end of the small upper ledge (the one in the middle), it will be barely visible. Scope in with the Plasma Gun to see it. Mission 10: BLIZZARD I - This is in the first tunnel thing just by the VS, it is on the ceiling, by a hanging piece of the tunnel by the hole. B - This is just above the area that you start the large city area at. It will be high above it and is best visible from where the VS is in this area. R - This is just above the broken hole thing on the wall (the walkway that had the two wasps in it). It is just by the light. D - This is on the building on the north side of the area. It is sort of hard to describe, but it is to the north of the walkway that had the two wasps in it. Z - This is in the room with the mass amount of VS's. When you come up to the point with the two VS's on the truck and you are above the room. Anchor off the right hand ledge and it will be floating in the air at the bottom of the bridge thing the truck and two VS's were on. L - This is hidden under a VS in the two VS rows on the Northern side of the room with the mass amount of VS's. It is in the top row on the east side under the 3rd to last VS. Z - This is in a crack on the crates in the the VS room. It will be in a crack right next to the Disc Grenades. A - This is inside part of one of the crates. It is on the eastern side of the crate stack and is inside one of the red fence things. Mission 11: STARDUST S - This is on the floor at the very bottom of the level. U - This is on a ledge just before the second ring. S - This is on the wall on the east side after the second ring. R - This is on the ground of where you fight the boss, sort of hard to see since it is so small but it is there. T - This is a pain to see, it is floating in the air way away from the tower. If you go to the first set of spikes, then move away from the tower you should see it, make sure that when you are facing the tower, you are facing to the west. T - This is on the 2nd set of spikes on one of the spikes on the tower. A - This is underneath one of the spikes at the very top of the tower. D - This is floating in the air above the tower, go as high as you can and then back away and make sure you are looking to the east to see it floating. =============================================================================== Legal Nonsense =============================================================================== This guide is all done by me, yes I did use that japanese website to help locate the marks and I thank the creator as well as Havocks (found the ones the website creator couldn't). Hopefully this will help out others on this achievement. Copyright 2006 Matthew Biro All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.