MASS EFFECT 2 GUIDE/WALKTHROUGH v1.30 (FINAL) Written by Eric Jewett Last Modified: Thursday, August 18, 2011 ================== Ctrl+F TABLE OF CONTENTS Search ================== Code ------ I. (1) INTRODUCTION 11intr (2) BACKGROUND 12back (3) GAME BASICS 13game A. Character Creation 13acha B. Introduction to RPGs 13bint C. Conversations 13ccon D. The Mission Computer 13dmis E. Combat 13ecom F. Advancing Levels 13fadv G. The Galaxy Map 13ggal H. Squad Management 13hsqu I. Loyalty 13iloy (4) DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT 14down A. Cerberus Network 14acer B. Zaeed: The Price of Revenge 14bzae C. Normandy Crash Site 14cnor D. Cerberus Assault Gear 14dcer E. Cerberus Arc Projector 14ecer F. Firewalker Pack 14ffir G. Alternate Appearance Pack 1 14galt H. Kasumi: Stolen Memory 14hkas I. Equalizer Pack 14iequ J. Overlord 14jove K. Aegis Pack 14kaeg L. Firepower Pack 14lfir M. Lair of the Shadow Broker 14mlai N. Alternate Appearance Pack 2 14nalt O. Arrival 14oarr II. (1) WALKTHROUGH 21walk A. Primary Mission 21apri i. Prologue 21a1pr ii. Freedom's Progress 21a2fr iii. The Professor 21a3pr iv. Archangel 21a4ar v. The Convict 21a5co vi. The Warlord 21a6wa vii. Horizon 21a7ho viii. The Citadel 21a8ci ix. The Justicar 21a9ju x. The Assassin 21a10a xi. The Engineer 21a11e xii. Collector Ship 21a12c xiii. Reaper IFF 21a13r B. Loyalty Missions 21bloy i. The Gift of Greatness 21b1gi ii. The Prodigal 21b2pr iii. Subject Zero 21b3su iv. Old Blood 21b4ol v. Rite of Passage 21b5ri vi. The Ardat-Yakshi 21b6ar vii. Eye for an Eye 21b7ey viii. Sins of the Father 21b8si ix. Treason 21b9tr x. A House Divided 21b10h xi. The Price of Revenge (*DLC*) 21b11p xii. Stealing Memory (*DLC*) 21b12s xiii. Lair of the Shadow Broker (*DLC*) 21b13l C. Optional Assignments 21copt i. Arrival (*DLC*) 21c1ar ii. Citadel 21c2ci a. Crime in Progress 21c2ac b. Found Forged ID (False Positives) 21c2bf c. Krogan Sushi 21c2ck iii. Illium 21c3il a. Blue Rose of Illium 21c3ab b. Conrad Verner (A Troublemaker) 21c3bc c. Gianna Parasini 21c3cg d. Indentured Service 21c3di e. Medical Scans 21c3em f. The Assassin: Salarian Family Data 21c3fa g. The Justicar: Smuggling Evidence 21c3gj h. The Justicar: Stolen Goods Founds 21c3hj i. The Prodigal: Lost Locket Found 21c3ip iv. N7 21c4n7 a. Abandoned Mine 21c4aa b. Abandoned Research Station 21c4ba c. Anomalous Weather Detected 21c4ca d. Archeological Dig Site 21c4da e. Blood Pack Base 21c4eb f. Blood Pack Communications Relay 21c4fb g. Captured Mining Facility 21c4gc h. Eclipse Smuggling Depot (Eclipse Smuggled Cargo) 21c4he i. Endangered Research Station 21c4ie j. Hahne-Kedar Facility 21c4jh k. Imminent Ship Crash 21c4ki l. Javelin Missiles Launched 21c4lj m. Lost Operative 21c4ml n. Mining the Canyon 21c4nm o. MSV Estevanico 21c4om p. MSV Strontium Mule 21c4pm q. Quarian Crash Site 21c4qq r. Wrecked Merchant Freighter 21c4rw v. Normandy 21c5no a. Crash Site 21c5ac b. FBA Couplings 21c5bf c. Serrice Ice Brandy 21c5cs d. Special Ingredients 21c5ds vi. Omega 21c6om a. Archangel: Datapad Recovered 21c6aa b. Batarian Bartender 21c6bb c. Packages for Ish 21c6cp d. Struggling Quarian 21c6ds e. The Patriarch 21c6ep f. The Professor: Missing Assistant 21c6fp vii. Overlord (*DLC*) 21c7ov a. Overlord 21c7ao b. Vulcan Station 21c7bv c. Prometheus Station 21c7cp d. Atlas Station 21c7da viii. Project Firewalker (*DLC*) 21c8pr a. Geth Incursion 21c8ag b. Prothean Site 21c8bp c. Rosalie Lost 21c8cr d. Survey Sites Located 21c8ds e. Volcano Station 21c8ev ix. Tuchanka 21c9tu a. Combustion Manifold 21c9ac b. Killing Pyjacks 21c9bk c. Old Blood: Missing Scout 21c9co D. New Codex Entries 21dnew i. Primary 21d1pr ii. Secondary 21d2se III.(1) EQUIPMENT AND UPGRADES 31equi A. Merchants 31amer B. Weapons 31bwea C. Armor 31carm D. Upgrades 31dupg i. Weapons 31d1we ii. Armor 31d2ar iii. Ship 31d3sh iv. Prototypes 31d4pr v. For Sale 31d5fo (2) COMBAT STRATEGIES 32comb (3) GUIDE TO THE GALAXY 33guid (4) SECRETS 34secr A. Information Imported from Mass Effect 1 34ainf i. Minor Characters 34a1mi ii. Major Decisions 34a2ma B. Did You Know? 34bdid C. No One Left Behind 34cnoo D. Walkthrough Conclusion 34dwal xiv. Through the Relay 34d14t IV. (1) CREDITS 41cred (2) REVISIONS 42revi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============= Introduction 11intr ============= Mass Effect 2 is the second in a trilogy of games created by BioWare, award- winning developer of such RPGs as "Knights of the Old Republic" and "Baldur's Gate." It takes place roughly two years after the events of Mass Effect 1, in which Commander Shepard thwarted an attack aimed at wiping out all galactic civilization. Mass Effect 2 was released for the Xbox 360 and PC in North America on January 26, 2010, and for the PlayStation 3 on January 18, 2011. =========== Background 12back =========== In 2148 AD, humanity discovered a small cache of highly advanced alien technology buried deep beneath the surface of Mars. The creators of this technology--known as the Protheans--went extinct nearly 50,000 years ago, leaving little evidence of their existence behind. The discovery of this technology led humans to develop faster-than-light travel, allowing rapid expansion throughout the solar system. Within a year humanity uncovered another piece of Prothean technology, a dormant mass relay that had been encased in the ice-dwarf Charon. Once activated, this relay allowed instantaneous travel across thousands of light years to other mass relays in different parts of the galaxy. Humanity immediately began using this technology to colonize far-off star systems. This same year, the Systems Alliance was formed by the largest governments on Earth to serve as the spearhead of humanity's expansion. In 2157, the Alliance made first contact with an alien species known as the turians. This resulted in the First Contact War, as the next several months saw skirmishes between the turians and Earth's Systems Alliance fleets. In the largest battle of the war, the turians crushed the garrison on the human colony of Shanxi, before ultimately being driven off by the Alliance Second Fleet. This conflict drew the attention of the Citadel Council, a governing body that maintained peace and stability throughout much of the galaxy. They intervened in the conflict and brokered a peace agreement between humans and turians. By 2183 humanity was still struggling to find its place in the galactic community, but this began to change when Commander Shepard was named the first human Spectre by the Citadel Council. Elite operatives, the Spectres are charged with maintaining peace and galactic stability--at any cost. Shepard thwarted an attack on the Citadel--the political and economic heart of the civilized galactic community--orchestrated by a race of sentient machines known as the Reapers, who are bent on the extermination of all intelligent life in the galaxy. However, two years have now passed since the victory at the Citadel, and politicians have swept the ever-present threat of galactic extinction under the rug. Worse yet, tens of thousands have gone missing from human colonies across the galaxy. It is up to Commander Shepard to uncover the nature of these disappearances, and put a stop to them, no matter the cost... ============ Game Basics 13game ============ CHARACTER CREATION 13acha ------------------ Character creation takes place after the first few minutes of the game, when some of the action has died down. To start a game, select "New Game" from the main menu, and then choose whether your character will be male or female. You can also import a character from a completed game of Mass Effect 1. Imported characters will retain up to 190 Paragon and Renegade points, but lose all the equipment and abilities from the first game. Most significantly, the imported save file contains information on almost every interaction the character had in ME1, and this information carries over into Mass Effect 2. For example, if a character died in the first game, they will still be dead when you play ME2. If you do not have a Mass Effect 1 save file, or wish to start a game without one, a set of "canon" decisions will be made for your Shepard based on what the game developers thought were the most interesting choices in the first game. When you reach the character creation screen, you will first be asked to give your character a name. If you imported a Mass Effect 1 character, that character's first name will carry over to Mass Effect 2. The default male name is "John," and the default female name is "Jane." For the purposes of in-game dialog and continuity, the last name cannot be changed. Next you can customize your character's appearance. You can choose to use the default version of Commander Shepard, accept the version imported from Mass Effect 1, or adjust any aspect of your character's face to your liking. Use the sliders in each section to manipulate a range of facial details. Female characters have the additional option of customizing makeup. New to Mass Effect 2 is the alphanumeric code at the bottom of this screen. You can copy this code and share it with others, allowing them to reproduce your character's appearance exactly, or you can input the code from another player's character to use their customized appearance. After customizing your character's face, you must select your class from the six types available to you. This is a very important selection, as it determines what weapons and abilities you will have access to. There are three primary classes in Mass Effect 2: Soldiers, engineers, and adepts. Soldiers are combat specialists: They have access to more weapons than any other class, and have all basic ammo types at their disposal. Engineers are tech experts, specializing in taking down synthetic enemies and disabling shields. Adepts are biotic characters that can forcefully move enemies and objects, and are best at immobilizing their foes and controlling crowds. The other three classes are hybrids of the first three. The infiltrator combines the soldier and engineer, the vanguard combines the soldier and adept, and the sentinel combines the engineer and adept. Vanguards have access to shotguns, but do not have the range of biotic abilities open to adepts. Similarly, infiltrators gain sniper rifles, but lack the range of debuffs possessed by engineers. The most supporting class is the sentinel, which offers a mix of tech and biotic powers. Also note that in Mass Effect 2, each class has its own unique powers unavailable to any other class: The SOLDIER plays most like a traditional third-person shooter. Combat is focused on using the right weapon and ammo type for a given situation. Soldiers also have more health than any other class. Unique Powers: Adrenaline Rush -> Slow down time to line up the perfect shot. Concussive Shot -> Fire a high-powered round that can knock down targets. The INFILTRATOR is a stealth-based class. Combat is focused on using the sniper rifle to deal precise damage from long range, and using the tactical cloak to escape dangerous situations. Unique Powers: Tactical Cloak -> Become invisible to enemies for a few seconds. Playing a VANGUARD is about getting up close and personal with your target. The charge ability lets you close distances in an instant, which is perfect in combination with the shotgun. You can also use charge to escape combat if things get too dangerous. Unique Powers: Charge -> Biotic charge at a target, delivering massive damage. The SENTINEL has a more diverse range of powers than any other class. Tech armor gives sentinels the best shields of any class, and their biotic and tech powers make them well suited for handling a wide variety of enemy types. Unique Powers: Tech Armor -> Armor that boosts shields and damages enemies when destroyed. The ADEPT is a biotic specialist, with the greatest variety of biotic attacks. Biotics are tremendously useful in combat against minions, but you will need to rely more on your squad when you encounter enemies with shields or armor. Unique Powers: Singularity -> Forms a mass effect field that pulls enemies into it. The ENGINEER is designed to take on synthetic enemies. As an engineer you can overload enemy shields, hack synthetics to make them fight for you, or deploy a combat drone to distract and stun them. Unique Powers: Combat Drone -> Spawns a drone that draws enemy fire and stuns targets. After selecting a combat class, the next step is to determine the history and personality of your character. The first step is to select your pre-service history. This dictates your character's background before joining the Alliance military. Next you select your psychological profile. This determines the defining moment in your Alliance career prior to the events of Mass Effect 1. Players importing a character from Mass Effect 1 will have this information imported along with their character. On the last page, you will get a summary or your selections. When you are satisfied with your character's traits and appearance, select "Accept" to continue the game. Note that once you have completed one playthrough of Mass Effect 2 you can begin a new game with this character as well. Additionally, if you have unlocked any weapons or powers through achievements, you must select one as a bonus talent for your new character. INTRODUCTION TO RPGS 13bint -------------------- Mass Effect 2 is an Action Role-Playing Video Game (or RPG), meaning you assume the role of a fictional character and control his or her actions in a way that affects the game and other characters. As your progress through the game you will earn "experience points" (or XP) for your actions. You can gain these points by completing missions, and their accumulation allows your character to "level up," thereby increasing certain characteristics such as health. In Mass Effect 2 you are granted "talent points" after each level up, which go into upgrading and improving your character's ability with certain skills. Many of these components are explained in more detail later. CONVERSATIONS 13ccon ------------- A significant amount of gameplay in Mass Effect 2 is devoted to conversations with other characters. This is done through the "conversation wheel" that appears near the bottom of the screen whenever your character has the opportunity to say something. All dialog in the game is fully voiced, including that of Commander Shepard. Rather than choosing the exact words your character will say however, Mass Effect 2 shows you several options on the wheel corresponding to general feelings, questions, or emotions. These short phrases are then turned into full lines of dialog that are spoken by your character. To select a dialog response on the Xbox 360, hold the left analog stick in the direction of the choice you wish to select, and then press the A button. You can also press the X button instead, which will begin your character's line immediately, stepping on the lines of any character who is speaking at the time. X is also used to skip dialog if you wish to do so. On the PC you use the mouse to select dialog options, and the Spacebar to skip dialog. The dialog wheel itself is divided into six sectors. Choices on the wheel's left side usually give you more information about a given topic, while choices on the right tend to bring the conversation closer to its conclusion. Additionally, the top of the wheel tends to correspond to the Paragon path, where your character makes cooperative and unselfish decisions. The bottom of the wheel typically corresponds to the Renegade path, where your character makes decisions that are more selfish and impatient. This is not always the case, but it is a good general guide to framing your responses during a conversation, should you wish to play as a virtuous (or malevolent) character. Sometimes you will see the option on the middle left to "Investigate." Selecting this option brings up more choices for topics of conversation, and the orientation of these choices usually does not correspond to the Paragon / Renegade paths described above. Making decisions on either the Renegade or Paragon path will accrue points that appear as status bars on the "Squad" screen in the pause menu. Depending on these Paragon and Renegade meters, you will sometimes have the option during conversations to persuade characters to achieve a nonviolent outcome or to give you additional money or information. These choices appear in the upper and lower left quadrants as blue and red dialog choices respectively. If you lack sufficient points in these areas, these choices will be grayed out, and you will not have the option of using them. Advanced players should note that because persuasive options are no longer tied to the Charm and Intimidate talents from Mass Effect 1, you can no longer spend talent points to increase your character's persuasive abilities. Instead, persuasion checks are made based on your Paragon or Renegade score, divided by the total potential for Paragon or Renegade points you have encountered at that particular point in the game. In practice, this means that dividing your character's personality (taking some Paragon actions and some Renegade actions) will make persuading other characters more difficult as the game progresses. If you wish to avoid this side effect of the game's programming, you might want to commit yourself to taking only Paragon or Renegade actions. New to Mass Effect 2 is the "interrupt system." At certain times during conversations, a red or blue symbol will appear in the lower left or right corner of the screen. While it is present, you can press the appropriate button to interrupt the conversation and perform a certain action. The left trigger (right mouse button on the PC) will perform a Paragon action, while the right trigger (left mouse button on the PC) will perform a Renegade action. However, do note that doing these actions is entirely optional. THE MISSION COMPUTER 13dmis -------------------- By pressing the Start Button (or Esc on the PC) you can enter the Mission Computer menu. You access each part of the menu in a similar way to selecting dialog choices during a conversation. The Mission Computer allows you access to game details for: Codex: A small encyclopedia of the Mass Effect universe. You begin the game with many of the codex entries from Mass Effect 1. As you play and gain new information the codex will populate itself with new articles concerning the planets, civilizations, and technologies you come across. The primary codex contains essential information pertaining to the species you encounter, the weapons you use, and locations you visit. The secondary codex contains a greater wealth of more detailed information, but is less important to understanding the universe. Exit Game: Quits the game and returns to the desktop. (PC only) Journal: View your current missions and assignments. Missions are More important to the completion of the game. Assignments are optional, but typically grant experience points and other rewards. Missions will generally appear in your journal as the game progresses, but assignments can be found through messages at your private terminal, accessing certain items while on missions, or by scanning uncharted worlds with the Normandy. Load: Load previously saved games. Main Menu: Exit the game and return to the main menu. Map: Shows a two dimensional overview of your current area. It indicates the position of your character as well as known points of interest. Note that the map is unavailable outside of certain civilized areas. Options: Change your settings for gameplay, graphics, sound, and other options. Notably, you can change the gameplay difficulty, and toggle visual effects like film grain and motion blur. Save: Allows you to save your current progress through the game. You cannot save in certain situations, such as during combat and while riding in elevators. Squad: The squad screen is where you view and upgrade powers for you and your squad members. As you level up, you will be allocated talent points, which you must spend using the squad screen to upgrade your character's abilities in combat. While on a mission, this screen will show only Shepard and the team members you have with you, but on the Normandy you can use this screen to upgrade everyone's abilities. You can also use the options menu to have the game auto-level each character for you. COMBAT 13ecom ------ The combat in Mass Effect 2 plays very much like a third-person shooter. You can draw your weapon by pressing the X button or either of the triggers (mouse buttons on the PC), and can holster it by pressing the Back button (H on the PC). Drawing your weapon enters combat mode, showing a reticule on-screen to indicate where your weapon is aimed. It also displays the status of each squad member in the lower center of the screen. Your shields and health are indicated by a semicircle around the portraits of your squad members. As you take fire, your shields will deplete, followed by your health. When your health bar reaches zero, you will be killed. The right analog stick (or mouse on the PC) is used to aim the target reticule. Holding the left trigger (right mouse button on PC) zooms in for more precise aiming, increasing your character's accuracy. Squeezing the right trigger (left mouse button on PC) then fires your weapon. How much damage is dealt from your weapon is determined by your stats and equipment. Each weapon has a certain ammo capacity representing the number of shots that can be fired before the weapon overheats. When the ammo count (displayed in the lower left corner) reaches zero, you must replace the thermal clip in the weapon by using the X button (R on the PC). Thermal clips can sometimes be acquired from enemies you have killed: Simply walk over a clip left on the ground to acquire it. On the Xbox 360 strategic management is accomplished through the use of two combat "wheels." The first is the "Weapons Wheel" which is accessed by holding down the left bumper. This pauses the action, and allows you to select what weapon each member of your squad will use. The weapons each squad member carries depends upon their class. The second wheel is the "Power Wheel," which is accessed by holding the right bumper. This allows you to access the special abilities of all squad members and use them accordingly by aiming using the right analog stick. Powers can also be mapped to the right and left bumpers by pressing the indicated button while using the wheel. You can assign one power each to your squad members for use with the directional pad. Aiming at an enemy and pressing any of the mapped buttons during combat will then cause your character (or your squad member) to use that power on that enemy. On the PC these wheels are replaced by the Tactical HUD, which is accessed by holding down the Spacebar. This screen shows the abilities that are available to you and your squad members. You can use it to select which weapons and powers to use, and it also allows you to set your hotkeys for each ability by dragging them to the quick slots located in the upper left corner. Here they can be accessed by pressing the appropriate number key, 1 through 8. ADVANCING LEVELS 13fadv ---------------- As mentioned previously, you gain experience points as you progress through the game. There is a single pool of experience for the entire squad, allowing you and your companions to advance at a similar rate. By accumulating enough XP you will level up, granting access to new talent points which you can spend at the Squad screen in the Mission Computer. New characters start at level 1, and the highest possible level is level 30. At the Squad screen you can automatically distribute talent points to the selected character, or you can spend them manually on each desired talent. Players earn talent points for each new level as follows: Level Shepard Points per Level Squad Points per Level 1-5 2 2 6-20 2 1 every 2 21-28 1 1 every 2 29-30 1 1 This means that at most Shepard can earn 50 talent points through leveling up, and squad members can earn up to 29 points. THE GALAXY MAP 13ggal -------------- To travel around the galaxy using your advanced starship--the Normandy--you must access the galaxy map, located prominently in the center of the command deck. The highest level of the galaxy map is the Galaxy Level, which shows all available star clusters and nebulae you can visit. By moving your cursor over a selected cluster you can see its name and view the relay path the Normandy would take to reach that part of the galaxy. New clusters and systems become available as you complete missions and learn more about the galaxy. You can also purchase star charts that unlock new areas. After selecting a location, the Normandy will automatically travel to the primary mass relay in that cluster. Move your cursor to the border of the system to reach the Cluster Level, which shows all known star systems within that cluster. To explore a star system you must travel there by manually moving the Normandy icon. At the Cluster Level this burns fuel, which you can purchase at fuel depots in certain systems. If you run out of fuel, the Normandy will be towed to the nearest system with a fuel depot--but not for free. When you have arrived at a new system you will see the System Level, which shows all the planets and celestial objects orbiting the star you have traveled to. All planets will have a ring showing their orbit. Move the Normandy icon to navigate to your desired destination. By selecting a planet, moon, or other object you will zoom in to the Planetary Level. This shows you a view of the planet's surface along with a synopsis of important planetary features and information. Many planets are inhospitable to human life, but can still be surveyed for resources you can use to upgrade your ship and other abilities. Some can also be explored on foot: Simply press the appropriate button to land on a planet. SQUAD MANAGEMENT 13hsqu ---------------- Selecting the Squad screen from the Mission Computer menu gives information about your character and the other characters in your squad, including name, class, appearance, level, and use of talent points. Each time you accumulate enough experience to gain a new level, all characters are granted talent points. Using the Squad screen, you can assign these points in order to improve the abilities of your characters or unlock new abilities. Commander Shepard also has Paragon and Renegade meters shown on this screen. These meters track your choices made throughout the game. Selfless choices result in Paragon points, while ruthless choices result in Renegade points. These points impact your physical appearance, and also determine whether or not you can access certain persuasive dialog choices. LOYALTY 13iloy ------- A new feature in Mass Effect 2 is the concept of loyalty. As the game centers around preparations for a suicide mission, having your team at their best will be vital to your success. Each team member you recruit will have some personal business they wish to take care of before they depart on this mission, and helping them with these tasks will earn their loyalty. When you complete a squad member's loyalty mission, you gain a new outfit for that character (which you can toggle on the squad selection screen) and unlock a new power they can use in combat. However, in some cases it is possible to finish a character's loyalty mission but fail to gain their loyalty. Be mindful of this, and do your best to honor a character's wishes if you hope to make them loyal. Loyalty can also be lost as a result of your interactions with people on your ship. Confrontations between squad members can leave one or the other feeling betrayed if you don't handle the situation diplomatically. ===================== Downloadable Content 14down ===================== CERBERUS NETWORK 14acer ---------------- New copies of Mass Effect 2 come with a code that can be used to unlock the Cerberus Network, an in-game resource for news and free downloadable content. Codes can only be used once, so players with used copies of the game will have to pay a fee to unlock the Cerberus Network. ZAEED - THE PRICE OF REVENGE 14bzae ---------------------------- Cost: Free* "Zaeed - The Price of Revenge" is the first piece of downloadable content for Mass Effect 2. It features a new squad member to recruit and a new mission to complete. "Zaeed - The Price of Revenge" was released January 26, 2010 and is free on the PC and Xbox 360 for users with the Cerberus Network. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "Zaeed served in the Alliance military before building a reputation as one of the deadliest guns-for-hire in the Terminus Systems. For 20 years he waged war for profit, but now he wishes to retire from his life of bloodshed and mercenary work. Download Zaeed and his mission on planet Zorya and then utilize his lethal skills to eliminate the Collector threat." NORMANDY CRASH SITE 14cnor ------------------- Cost: Free* The "Normandy Crash Site" is the second piece of downloadable content for Mass Effect 2. It features a new mission revealing what happened to the Normandy after the Collector attack. "Normandy Crash Site" was released on January 26, 2010 and is free on the PC and Xbox 360 for users with the Cerberus Network. CERBERUS ASSAULT GEAR 14dcer --------------------- Cost: Free* "Cerberus Assault Gear" is the third piece of downloadable content for Mass Effect 2. It features a new weapon and a new set of armor. Both items became available February 9, 2010 for free on the PC and Xbox 360 to users who have activated the Cerberus Network. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "Designed with three things in mind: shields, thick armor, and auxiliary ammo packs, the Cerberus Assault Armor is given to shock troopers who are expected to turn the tide of battle against forces that would decimate normal soldiers. Additionally, the M-22 Eviscerater Shotgun comes standard issue. Lethal at close range, the Eviscerater Shotgun is a favorite among Cerberus operatives who like to get up close and personal with their foes." CERBERUS ARC PROJECTOR 14ecer ---------------------- Cost: Free* The "Arc Projector" is the fourth piece of downloadable content for Mass Effect 2. It is a new heavy weapon which creates an electrical blast that may jump from one enemy to another. This item was released March 9, 2010 and is available for free to PC and Xbox 360 users who have activated the Cerberus Network. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "The Arc Projector ionizes targets with a non-visible laser to ready them for a high-voltage electrical attack. As the lightning-like bolt hits its first target, a sophisticated auto-targeting system paints succeeding targets with the ionization laser, allowing the electricity to take the path of least resistance and arc between them. An entire enemy strike team can be shocked to death with a few pulls of the trigger. Careful aiming will also allow the user to arc shots to nearby explosives as well." FIREWALKER PACK 14ffir --------------- Cost: Free* "Firewalker" is the fifth piece of downloadable content for Mass Effect 2. It offers a new vehicle and five new missions. Released March 23, 2010, this DLC is free on the Xbox 360 and PC for Cerberus Network users. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "Download the Firewalker pack and gain access to 5 new missions featuring the Hammerhead. The Hammerhead is a heavy assault vehicle that hovers over the battlefield at up to 120 kilometers per hour and features a guided missile system ensuring accuracy even during aggressive maneuvering." ALTERNATE APPEARANCE PACK 1 14galt --------------------------- Cost: 160 MSP ($2.00) / 160 BP ($2.00) "Alternate Appearance Pack 1" is the sixth piece of downloadable content for Mass Effect 2 and the second piece of paid content. It alters the appearance of three of Commander Shepard's companions. This pack was released on March 23, 2010 and costs 160 Microsoft Points ($2.00) for players on the Xbox 360 and 160 BioWare Points ($2.00) for players on the PC. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "The Alternate Appearance Pack features new outfits for your favorite squad members, including Garrus, Thane, and Subject Zero." KASUMI - STOLEN MEMORY 14hkas ---------------------- Cost: 560 MSP ($7.00) / 560 BP ($7.00) "Kasumi - Stolen Memory" is the seventh piece of downloadable content for Mass Effect 2 and the third piece of paid content. It features a new companion character and a new loyalty mission. Released April 6, 2010 this content costs 560 Microsoft Points ($7.00) for players on the Xbox 360 and 560 BioWare Points ($7.00) for players on the PC. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "Cerberus has procured the service of Kasumi Goto, the galaxy's most enigmatic master thief. In return for her help, Kasumi has asked Shepard's help on a dangerous heist to infiltrate the vault of a deadly master criminal named Donovan Hock. Gain Kasumi's loyalty on the planet Bekenstein, where Hock is throwing a party for some of the galaxy's richest and most deranged criminal minds to recover data of great importance to Kasumi... and to the galaxy at large. Includes a new squad member, mission, weapon, research upgrade, casual outfit, and achievement." EQUALIZER PACK 14iequ -------------- Cost: 160 MSP ($2.00) / 160 BP ($2.00) The eighth piece of downloadable content for Mass Effect 2, the "Equalizer Pack" gives players three new pieces of equipment, including one that had previously been available only as a preorder bonus from select retailers. Released May 4, 2010, the pack costs 160 Microsoft Points ($2.00) for players on the Xbox 360 and 160 BioWare Points ($2.00) for players on the PC. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "Cerberus doesn't just need a hero - they need a one-man army. That's why the Equalizer Pack adds the Capacitor Helmet, Archon Visor, and Inferno Armor to Shepard's armor locker. The Capacitor Helmet stores power for kinetic barriers, allowing Shepard's shields to recharge faster. The Archon Visor manages omni-tools and biotic amps, reducing the recharge time of Shepard's powers. The powered Inferno Armor speeds up Shepard's movements and increases his tech and biotic power damage, additionally stress analysis software even gives him an edge in negotiations outside of combat. The Equalizer -- when the armor goes on, the gloves come off." OVERLORD 14jove -------- Cost: 560 MSP ($7.00) / 560 BP ($7.00) "Overlord" is the ninth piece of downloadable content for Mass Effect 2. Released June 15, 2010, the pack contains a series of missions in which Shepard must shut down a rogue VI that has taken over a Cerberus research project. Overlord costs 560 Microsoft Points ($7.00) for players on the Xbox 360 and 560 BioWare Points ($7.00) for players on the PC. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "When sent to investigate a Cerberus research base that's mysteriously gone silent, Shepard arrives to find Geth overrunning the base. The sole survivor, Chief Scientist Archer, paints a dire picture: An experiment to fuse a human volunteer with a virtual intelligence created a dangerous hybrid "VI overlord". The rampaging VI has already attacked three other Cerberus bases, controlling any technology it finds in an attempt to break free--unleashing Geth across the planet. Unless Shepard can infiltrate the VI's fortress and shut it down, this homicidal intelligence will beam itself-off planet and wreak havoc on other systems. The action unfolds over five new level areas, with two new achievements." AEGIS PACK 14kaeg ---------- Cost: 160 MSP ($2.00) / 160 BP ($2.00) The "Aegis Pack" is the tenth item available for download in Mass Effect 2. This adds a new weapon and a new armor set for players to use, at a cost of 160 Microsoft Points ($2.00) for players on the Xbox 360 and 160 BioWare Points ($2.00) for players on the PC. The Aegis Pack was released on July 7, 2010 for both platforms. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "What's better than the latest in high-tech armor? High-tech armor and a sniper rifle, of course! The Aegis Pack adds the M-29 Incisor sniper rifle and the Kestrel armor to Shepard's armor locker." FIREPOWER PACK 14lfir -------------- Cost: 160 MSP ($2.00) / 160 BP ($2.00) The eleventh downloadable content for Mass Effect 2 is the "Firepower Pack," which adds three new weapons to the player's arsenal. Released August 3, 2010, this pack costs 160 Microsoft Points ($2.00) on the Xbox 360 and 160 BioWare Points ($2.00) on the PC. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "The Firepower Pack adds three new weapons to Shepard's armor locker: When a "heavy" pistol won't do the job, the Phalanx brings the bang! It hits like a hand cannon and features an integral laser sight for a whole new aiming experience! Ever wanted a sniper rifle without the scope or an assault rifle without the recoil? The Mattock heavy rifle is a hybrid of the two, a semi-auto beast usable by any class with an assault rifle skill! The Geth Plasma Shotgun is a three-barreled monster that creates plasma the right way--on impact! Charge it up for even greater damage, or blast away rapid-fire at longer ranges than normal shotguns!" LAIR OF THE SHADOW BROKER 14mlai ------------------------- Cost: 800 MSP ($10.00) / 800 BP ($10.00) Released on September 7, 2010, "Lair of the Shadow Broker" is the twelfth piece of downloadable content available to players. It features a new mission in which Shepard must join forces with an old friend to track down and eliminate the elusive information trader known only as the Shadow Broker. Lair of the Shadow Broker is available for 800 Microsoft Points ($10.00) for players on the Xbox 360 and 800 BioWare Points ($10.00) for players on the PC. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "Liara T'Soni is tracking down the mysterious Shadow Broker, and no one is safe. She'll do anything to recover the man the Broker kidnapped... and the Shadow Broker's agents will do anything to stop her. Team up with Liara and chase clues from the luxurious heights of Illium to the Shadow Broker's own secret lair. Adds the Shadow Broker intel center, new research, and five new achievements--and the chance to continue a relationship with Liara." ALTERNATE APPEARANCE PACK 2 14nalt --------------------------- Cost: 160 MSP ($2.00) / 160 BP ($2.00) The thirteenth piece of DLC for Mass Effect 2 was released on February 8, 2011. "Alternate Appearance Pack 2" gives new outfits to three of Shepard's companions, and costs 160 Microsoft Points ($2.00) for players on the Xbox 360 and 160 BioWare Points ($2.00) for players on the PC. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "The Alternate Appearance Pack #2 features new outfits for your favorite squad members, including Tali, Miranda, and Grunt." ARRIVAL 14oarr ------- Cost: 560 MSP ($7.00) / 560 BP ($7.00) On March 29, 2011 the fourteenth and final piece of downloadable content was released. Intended to bridge the gap between Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3, "Arrival" allows players to forestall a Reaper invasion from dark space. Players can acquire this DLC for 560 Microsoft Points ($7.00) on the Xbox 360 or 560 BioWare Points ($7.00) on the PC. Description from the Mass Effect 2 website: "A deep cover agent is missing in Batarian space, after reporting evidence of an imminent Reaper invasion. Shepard must travel to the edge of the galaxy, rescue the agent, and discover the truth behind the Arrival. Uncover new research and 3 new achievements in this spectacular new adventure for Mass Effect 2." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION II ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============ Walkthrough 21walk ============ Please Note: This guide does not always provide the fastest possible path through the game. It is intended for those who want to enjoy the complete Mass Effect 2 experience, and includes some optional items that are not required to complete your adventure. The walkthrough will also not be entirely spoiler-free: In addition to guiding players through the game, it is intended to provide a reference for players who may be confused about certain plot points. The Walkthrough is divided into four sections. The first is the Primary Mission Walkthrough, detailing the main story in which Shepard must put a stop to the disappearance of human colonists. This section includes some optional components, but these tasks will be designated as such and you may skip them at your discretion. Next up is a section dealing with Loyalty Missions. These missions are optional, but their completion impacts the final outcome of the suicide mission. There is also a section for Optional Assignments, detailing every side mission in Mass Effect 2. Assignments that deviate from the main path will be included in this section. Finally, the last section consists of a brief listing of all Codex entries new to Mass Effect 2, and how to acquire them. PRIMARY MISSION WALKTHROUGH 21apri --------------------------- Your adventure begins on the crew deck of the SSV Normandy, the most advanced System Alliance starship ever created. You are Commander Shepard, the first human Spectre, who has been tasked with wiping out those responsible for the attack on the Citadel... This section takes you through the primary mission. There are many steps involved, some of which are optional. SECTION 1 - Prologue 21a1pr 1 - "It's not the geth." The Normandy is under attack. You were taken by surprise and there is no chance of fighting back. The only hope is to get all surviving crew members to the escape shuttles. New Mission: "Prologue: Save Joker" ~~~~~~~~~~ DECISIONS MADE IN MASS EFFECT 1 Right away you may notice the impact of decisions made in the first game. During the attack, a character rushes up to Commander Shepard to begin your first conversation. This character can be one of three from the previous game: Kaidan Alenko, Ashley Williams, or Liara T'Soni. Which character you interact with is dependent on your choices in Mass Effect 1. If you imported a character from a completed game of Mass Effect 1, then the surviving crew member will be the one you chose to save in that game--unless you had a romance with Liara, in which case she will appear instead. If you started a new game of Mass Effect 2 without importing a character, then this decision will retroactively be made for you based upon your character's gender. The same holds for all events in Mass Effect 2 involving characters from the first game. Whether an individual is alive (and what their reactions are towards you) will be a function of your decisions in the first game--or whether you played the first game at all. ~~~~~~~~~~ 2 - Get to the Cockpit After giving some orders to your surviving squad member, you gain control of Commander Shepard for the first time. Proceed forward past the sleeper pods, and take a right at the fork in the crew quarters. There are stairs to either side, but only the one on the right is free from flaming debris. Ascend the stairs and proceed out onto the command deck. Follow the path towards the bow of the ship where you can find Joker, the ship's helmsman. Joker has Vrolik's syndrome (a condition which makes his bones unusually brittle) so he will need your help to make it to the last shuttle quickly. ~~~~~~~~~~ THE LAZARUS PROJECT Shepard's lifeless body is recovered, and a project begins that will bring the first human Spectre back from the dead. This is the point in the game where character creation takes place. For more information on the character creation process, refer to the Character Creation entry in Section I. (13acha) When you wake up, you will be taken through a tutorial level. Simply follow the instructions given to you by the other characters. ~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - A Rude Awakening You awake prematurely on an operating table. The Lazarus Project has been a success, but your scars have not been given enough time to heal. Recuperation will have to wait however, as the space station is under attack. Follow Miranda's instructions and grab your armor and pistol from the weapons locker in front of you. Take cover in the indicated circle and the door will be blasted open. Inside you can find a thermal clip for your pistol: Simply walk over the clip to acquire it, then press X (R on the PC) to load it. Weapon Acquired: M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol Mission Complete: "Prologue: Save Joker" 4 - Hostile Mechs Through the door in the next room you will encounter your first enemy, a hacked mech. These mechs are part of the station's defenses, but someone has hacked into the security system and is using them in an attempt to kill you. These mechs have no armor or shields, and are extremely vulnerable to tech powers. For now, simply use your pistol to dispatch the mech--and remember that headshots inflict more damage. Proceed up the stairs and take cover in the next room. Eliminate the mech that enters from the opposite door, but stay put, as four more will enter from a door on the left side of the room. You can then pick up a thermal clip from the small room where they entered. 5 - Heavy Weapons Training Follow the corridor to find yourself on the balcony of another room. Pick up the grenade launcher on the floor and follow the instructions to equip it. Four mechs will enter from the door on the level below you, so use the grenade launcher to destroy them. Bear right and step on the elevator to activate it. When you reach the bottom, hold the A button (Spacebar on the PC) to storm through the fire safely. Follow the corridor to the point where Miranda drops out of contact. In a room across the hall you can access a pair of Cerberus laptops to hear some data logs from people working on the Lazarus Project. In the center of the far wall there is also a wall safe you can bypass to acquire some credits. Weapon Acquired: M-100 Grenade Launcher ~~~~~~~~~~ BYPASS MINIGAME One of two minigames used for unlocking sealed doors and containers, the Bypass minigame involves matching nodes that are connected on a circuit board. Moving your cursor over a node reveals a certain symbol. Find two matching symbols and then click on them in succession to compete that circuit. When each of the circuits is complete, the lock will open. Even though the nodes change each time you attempt a bypass, the circuit board on which they are etched remains the same. This means that it will become faster and easier to perform a bypass the more times you do it, as you can develop an intuition about which nodes connect with each other. However, be careful not to select two nodes that are not connected, as this will shut down the bypass operation--and in some cases you will not be able to start it again. ~~~~~~~~~~ 6 - Jacob Exit the room and head up the stairs. At the top you can access the public computer to hear another audio recording from a member of the Lazarus Project. Proceed into the next room and eliminate the mechs on the far balcony to initiate a conversation with Jacob Taylor, one of the people responsible for security on the station. He can fill you in on Project Lazarus and what has been happening while you were unconscious. When another wave of mechs shows up, hold the Right Bumper (Left Shift on PC) and select Jacob's "Pull" ability to deal with them. After talking to Jacob again you can access another audio recording on the bench behind you. +2 Renegade - "I need answers!" +2 Paragon - "Just a few questions." +2 Renegade - "I'm tired of taking orders!" 7 - Rescue Wilson Head through the unlocked door and pick up the thermal clip on the right side of the corridor. In the next room there are a few more mechs to fight, after which Wilson will call for help on the radio. At the top of the next flight of stairs, bear left to access another recording of Miranda on a Cerberus laptop. The unlocked door on this floor leads to Wilson, who has been injured and needs medical assistance. He will instruct you to grab the medi- gel from the nearby medical station. To use medi-gel, access it just as you did Jacob's abilities. When more mechs show up, use Wilson's "Overload" ability on the nearby canisters to create an explosion that will destroy them. +2 Paragon - "Let's get you out of here" +2 Renegade - "It doesn't matter." +2 Paragon - "But she tried to help me." +2 Renegade - "Maybe, maybe not." +2 Paragon - "That sounds familiar..." +2 Renegade - "You lied to me." +2 Paragon - "I'll never work for Cerberus!" +2 Renegade - "What are you after?" / "He'd better have answers." _______________________________________ | | | TIP - Explosive objects cause extra | | damage when you use Overload on them. | |_______________________________________| 8 - Get to the Shuttle There is a datapad on the floor ahead which you can hack to acquire some credits. Head down the stairs and into the large room that leads to the escape shuttles. There are a few mechs straight ahead, and two more on the balcony. You can use the stairwells to the left or right, but be careful, as four mechs will enter from either side when you reach the second level. When all the enemies are dealt with, enter the room on the left side of the balcony to find a wall safe and a data pad you can access. You can also listen to the final audio recording on the nearby laptop. When you are ready to move on, open the door on the far side of the room. ~~~~~~~~~~ HACKING MINIGAME The Hacking minigame involves identifying the target code segment from a scrolling list of random segments. The easiest way to do this is to identify a distinguishing feature about the target code (for example, several lines of code all the same color) and then scan the list for that feature. If you select a non-matching code segment three times you will be locked out. Additionally, scrolling over a code segment with security probes (the red boxes with an X) will remove a correct code segment that you have locked in. Like the bypass minigame, if you fail you may not be able to try again. ~~~~~~~~~~ 9 - Escape the Station You meet up with Miranda in the docking bay. She will take you to see the Illusive man, the head of Cerberus. As there is only one shuttle, you have little choice in the matter. +2 Renegade - "I knew he was lying." 10 - Memory Testing On the shuttle, Miranda wants to ask you some questions to ensure your memory of events before the Normandy's destruction are intact. Questions will vary depending on the background of your character and what decisions you made in Mass Effect 1. Even if you imported a game, your choice for the human Councilor will determine whether Anderson or Udina holds the position in Mass Effect 2. +2 Paragon - "I had no choice." +2 Paragon - "It was painful." +2 Paragon - "I lost a lot of people." +2 Renegade - "I had to win." +2 Renegade - "I refused to die." +2 Renegade - "I did what was necessary." +2 Paragon - "It was a hard choice." +2 Renegade - "It was that or die." New Mission: "Prologue: Awakening" 11 - The Illusive Man When you arrive, head down the stairs to meet with the Illusive Man. He will inform you that human colonists have been going missing and he needs you to find out why. He is sending you to Freedom's Progress, the most recent human colony to drop out of contact, with the hope that your team will be the first investigators to arrive. +2 Paragon - "You don't know me." +2 Renegade - "I need some answers." +2 Paragon - "You're not my friend." +2 Renegade - "Skip the pleasantries." / "Not bad." +2 Paragon - "I'll need a lot of convincing." / "Maybe I believe you." +2 Renegade - "Where do we start?" +2 Paragon - "Do I have a choice?" +2 Renegade - "I'll find the evidence." +1000 XP New Mission: "Freedom's Progress" 12 - Miranda and Jacob When you are done speaking with the Illusive Man, head back up the stairs. There is an armor locker on the right wall where you can customize your appearance. You can talk to Miranda and Jacob to learn more about them, or use the door on the far side of the room to proceed to the shuttle. +2 Paragon - "Thanks for resurrecting me." / "I'll do my best." +2 Renegade - "You sound jealous." +2 Paragon - "We don't have to be enemies." +2 Renegade - "Is there a problem here?" / "What's your problem?" +2 Paragon - "Those colonists need my help." +2 Renegade - "I didn't join Cerberus." / "I'll reserve judgment" +2 Paragon - "Yes." / "I'm not sure." +2 Renegade - "No." Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits SECTION 2 - Freedom's Progress 21a2fr 1 - Arrival In the shuttle you can discuss the situation with Miranda and Jacob. The Illusive Man says that you are in charge of the operation, so they will be following your orders. The colony is little more than a collection of prefabricated homes nestled inside a quarry. When you arrive, proceed through the first prefab and down the steps. Salvage the spare parts on the left, and then open the large door. On the other side you will have to fight a group of mechs. These are not much tougher than the ones you faced on the Cerberus station, but the FENRIS ones will attempt to engage you at close range. Use any biotic powers at your disposal to immobilize them. In the next room you will find a med kit and a wall safe in the back corner. Outside are a few more mechs and some spare parts you can salvage. +2 Paragon - "Someone could still be alive." +2 Renegade - "Do whatever it takes." Mission Complete: "Prologue: Awakening" 2 - The Quarians In the next room you will encounter a group of quarians led by Tali'Zorah. They are trying to rescue one of their fellow quarians who was on Freedom's Progress when the colonists went missing. They have confirmed that he is alive, but he has rigged the mechs to attack anyone else in the colony. You will have to fight your way through to reach him. +5 Paragon "I'll prove it's really me." +2 Renegade - "Don't point those guns at me." +2 Paragon - "I didn't have a choice." +2 Renegade - "I did it to help humanity." +2 Renegade - "You think he's alive?" +2 Paragon - "We need to team up." +2 Renegade - "We'll handle it from here." +2 Paragon - "Sounds like a plan." +2 Renegade - "Forget it." 3 - Drone Defenses There is a wall safe in the next room, and outside the door you will be attacked by a group of assault drones. Instead of a health bar, these enemies are protected entirely by shields. You can still use your weapons to take them out, but they are especially susceptible to tech powers like Miranda's Overload. Be wary of the rocket drones, which have a stronger attack than their assault counterparts. Grab the med kit in the next room when they are dealt with. You have a maximum capacity of medi-gel, so any excess medi-gel you acquire will be converted into 100 credits. Keep moving and head down the stairs to trigger an attack by another group of drones. Stick to cover and use your tech powers to eliminate them. There is a med kit and some spare parts in the courtyard which you can salvage before you proceed through the large door. 4 - Reaching Veetor In the next courtyard you have to take on a YMIR mech. This is your introduction to fighting enemies with multiple defensive layers. You must first break through its shields and armor before you can affect its health bar or use disabling biotic powers. As noted before, Overload works well against shields, and you can use incendiary ammo or Incinerate to take down its armor. You may want to duck inside the prefab to the left, which will provide you with solid cover from the mech as well as some extra grenade launcher ammo. Stay in cover and use your squad to draw the mech's fire and it should go down quickly enough. When it is destroyed, you can find a med kit in the prefab on the right side of the courtyard. In the center of the courtyard is some refined iridium, as well as a damaged mech you can scan for research data (which you will be able to use later to create upgrades). _______________________________________ | | | TIP - Power cells grant you some | | heavy weapons ammo, but also | | replenish your regular ammo. | |_______________________________________| 5 - The Collectors Proceed up the steps near the damaged mech to find Veetor's hiding place. Depending on your dialog choice you will either need to perform a Paragon or a Renegade action by pressing either the left or right triggers (mouse buttons on the PC) when prompted. This will get Veetor's attention. He will inform you about what happened to the colony: A species of aliens known as the Collectors used advanced technology to immobilize the colonists and take them back to their ship. You need to get this information back the Illusive Man. Miranda will want to take Veetor with you to determine if he knows anything else, but Tali will object. If you choose to let Tali take Veetor back to her people, you will receive his omni-tool data instead, which Cerberus intelligence will examine. +2 Paragon - "You're safe now." +2 Renegade - "Snap out of it!" +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "Thank you, Veetor." +2 Renegade - "What a waste of time" +15 Paragon - "Veetor goes with Tali." +15 Renegade - "Veetor has to come with us." 6 - Debrief You will automatically be taken back to see the Illusive Man. He will tell you what he knows about the Collectors, and tasks you with finding a way to stop them. To reach the Collectors you will have to travel through the Omega 4 relay, a trip no non-Collector ship has ever been known to return from. It is considered a suicide mission, so the first thing you will need to do is assemble a team capable of handling whatever might be on the other side of the relay. You are being given command of the SR-2, Cerberus's attempt to recreate and enhance the original Normandy, and a list of dossiers of potential recruits. +2 Paragon - "Having friends pays off." +2 Paragon - "What aren't you telling me?" +2 Paragon - "I can't do it alone." +2 Renegade - "Agreed." +2 Paragon - "I hope so." +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 10000 Credits Mission Complete: "Freedom's Progress" New Mission: "Stop the Collectors" New Mission: "Citadel: The Council" New Mission: "Dossier: The Professor" New Mission: "Dossier: The Warlord" New Mission: "Dossier: Archangel" New Mission: "Dossier: The Convict" 7 - Getting Acquainted with the Normandy One of the first things to do is have a look around your ship. In most rooms you can access EDI--the ship's artificial intelligence--for information on each area. Use the elevator to travel between decks. Talk to everyone you can, and explore the ship as much as possible to get a sense of the layout. Some areas will be closed for now, but will open up when you recruit new members for your team. You should also introduce yourself to Yeoman Kelly Chambers, who will alert you if you have any new messages at your private terminal. +2 Paragon - "Joker won't like this." +2 Renegade - "AIs are dangerous." +2 Renegade - "Glad to hear it." +2 Paragon - "You are very loving" +2 Renegade - "You're naive." ~~~~~~~~~~ THE SUICIDE MISSION The heart of Mass Effect 2 is acquiring the equipment and personnel to take on a mission few people believe you can survive. Whether you or your crew make it through the climactic battle is a function of how well you assemble your team, how loyal they are to you, and how prepared they are for your mission. The first step is acquiring your team. It is not essential to have every possible character by your side when you choose to enter the Omega 4 relay, but it improves your chances of success. Each team member you acquire will ultimately ask to see you about a personal matter. How you handle these missions--or whether you deal with them at all- -will determine whether or not a character becomes loyal to you. Having a loyal squad improves your odds of survival. The final component of your preparation is acquiring upgrades. Some upgrades will improve certain aspects of the Normandy, while others will affect the abilities of you or your squad members. A few upgrades can be purchased with credits from various merchants across the galaxy, but most will have to be researched using the Normandy's laboratory once you have acquired a scientist capable of developing them. Doing so requires having the requisite number of resources, which you can obtain while on missions, or by using probes on uninhabited planets. ~~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 3 - The Professor 21a3pr 1 - Acquiring Mordin Solus Mordin is a salarian scientist and an expert in biological warfare. According to his dossier he currently runs a medical clinic in the slums on Omega, a lawless space station in the Terminus Systems known as a haven for criminals and terrorists. Access the galaxy map on the command deck and maneuver the ship to Omega. Select the station to dock there. When you arrive, a batarian named Moklan will demand that you go visit someone named Aria at a club nearby--Afterlife. New Mission: "Omega: Aria T'Loak" 2 - Meet with Aria (Optional) Afterlife is straight ahead when you leave the docking platform. You can head there and meet with Aria if you want, but it is not required to obtain the Professor. Aria will tell you that Mordin is down in the slums treating people who are infected with a plague that has spread through the district. +2 Renegade - "Like hell." +2 Paragon - "Simple enough." +2 Renegade - "I have similar rules." Mission Complete: "Omega: Aria T'Loak" 3 - The Quarantined Zone Follow your map to reach the entrance to the quarantined zone. There is a turian guard at the entrance who has been charged with keeping civilians from coming or going while the plague is still a threat. He will not stop you from entering when you say you are looking for Mordin, but you will have to fight a few district guards unless you can persuade him to radio ahead and let them know you are coming. When you reach the quarantined zone, check behind the barriers ahead of you to find some refined element zero. Further down the corridor you can find a medical station, as well as the district guards you will have to fight if you did not get permission to be here. +5 Paragon - "Let me in and I'll help." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "I'm going in." [Intimidate] +2 Paragon - "Don't worry. You'll stay back." +2 Renegade - "I need you to come." 5 - The Gozu District Open the door and descend the steps to encounter a few Blue Suns troopers. They will not see you at first, so you have a good chance of taking them by surprise. Hack the nearby bank terminal, and collect the power cells in the next room. You can bypass the door on the right to find two dead citizens and a few audio logs of their last days before the plague took them. Return to the area where you fought the troopers and bear left to find a batarian plague victim. You can perform a Paragon action to save his life, or let him die and acquire 2000 credits from his PDA. If he lives you can promise to have the doctor send someone to help him. Past the batarian, take the door on the right and descend the steps to find a dead batarian--and recover some credits from his wall safe. +2 Renegade - "Leave him." +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "I'm here to help." +2 Renegade - "I need information." 6 - The Barricade Return up the steps and continue along the path to reach a barricade erected by the Blue Suns mercs. Up the steps to the left you can find a med kit and a circuit board you can salvage. Guarding the barricade is a legionnaire flanked by two troopers. They will receive reinforcements, so stick to cover and do not move up until they have all been dealt with. To the right of the barricade is a door leading to the home of a pair of human refugees. You can persuade them to seek out Mordin's clinic--and also raid their wall safe and med kit. Beyond the barricade is a dead turian with a modified assault rifle you can recover for a research upgrade. +5 Paragon - "I'll help you get there." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "Hiding here won't save you." [Intimidate] 7 - Kokomo Plaza In the next area you will find the Blue Suns fighting the Blood Pack, a rival mercenary group. The Blue Suns had been in charge of protection for the district, but the Blood Pack has used the plague as an opportunity to move in on their turf. They will bring a lot of reinforcements to this fight, so be careful not to get surrounded. The pyros are excellent Overload targets because the tanks on their backs will explode. Most of the troopers are not too dangerous, but there are a few krogan and varren to be concerned about as well. When the fighting dies down, check out the room on the left side to find some refined element zero and a couple of human looters. You can persuade them to stop, fight it out with them, or leave them alone. +2 Paragon - "I don't like looters." +5 Paragon - "No... but someone will." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "If I have to." [Intimidate] +2 Renegade - "Yes." 8 - The Med Clinic There should be no one else between you and Mordin's clinic. Head inside and bear left to find him. Searching the clinic you can find three med kits, several refined resources, a research station you can use for upgrading your medi-gel capacity, and some power cells. Mordin will agree to join your team if you will help him save the district from the vorcha, who have shut down the environmental systems in an attempt to kill everyone. Fortunately, the doctor has synthesized a plague cure, so if you can restore power and get the cure circulating through the ventilation system, the district will be saved. He gives you a pistol to help you out, and asks that you look for his assistant Daniel, who is stuck in vorcha territory. +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "I'll take care of it." +2 Renegade - "Why can't anything be simple?" Weapon Acquired: M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon 9 - Fight through the Blood Pack There is an unlocked door in the lobby you can use to leave the clinic. Around the next corner is another group of Blood Pack troopers. A few of them are armored, but it should not be too difficult to handle. Hit up the gambling terminal to the left of the stairs for some extra credits. There is also a med station on the far back right wall, as well as a bank terminal at the top of the stairs. Continue on until you reach a corridor with a room to either side. The door on the left will lead you to the doctor's assistant, after which you can use the door on the right to reach the ramp down to the environmental control center. The big concern here are the vorcha heavies on the far balcony. They can be hard to hit, so try bending some powers around their cover, or using the explosive canisters nearby to take them out. When they have been dealt with, descend the steps and fight through the remaining troopers to get inside. 10 - Deposit the Cure There are a few more enemies inside the entrance, along with a med kit and some salvageable parts to the right side. Follow the arrows to reach the control room, where one of the vorcha will explain that the Collectors are behind their actions here on Omega. Defeat the troopers, then inject the cure into the control center on the back wall. Be ready for a counterattack. You still need to initialize the fans, which are located in alcoves on either side of the room. Your immediate concern should be the boom-squad up on the balconies, but be patient and cautious and you should be able to take them out. +2 Paragon - "Why are you doing this?" +2 Renegade - "You're dead." 11 - Debrief When both fans are initialized you will be taken back to see Mordin, who agrees to honor his end of the bargain and help you stop the Collectors. When you return to the Normandy he will set up in the laboratory on the starboard side of the command deck. +2 Paragon - "I'm not like that." / "I saved your life!" +2 Paragon - "I'm sorry. He's dead." / "Sorry, no." +2 Renegade - "I thought about it." / "You ungrateful little ass!" +2 Renegade - "He got himself killed." / "I didn't look." +2 Paragon - "Will you join me?" +2 Renegade - "Don't forget our deal." +2 Paragon - "Cerberus hasn't changed." +2 Renegade - "Cerberus does good work." +2 Renegade - "You think this is fascinating?" +2 Paragon - "Yes." +2 Renegade - "Stay focused, Professor." +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 25000 Credits Mission Complete: "Dossier: The Professor" ~~~~~~~~~~ UPGRADING Now that you have a scientist on the team, you will be able to access the research terminal in the Normandy's laboratory to commission Mordin to construct various upgrades using the resources you have acquired. ~~~~~~~~~~ 12 - Gavorn (Optional) When you return to Omega, talk to Shisk, a vorcha near Kenn's Salvage. You will then be able to speak with Captain Gavorn near the docking bay. Aria pays him to keep the vorcha population in line, and he compliments you on your work in the slums. +2 Paragon - "Who, me? Nah." +2 Renegade - "I did you a favor." SECTION 4 - Archangel 21a4ar 1 - Acquiring Archangel As long as you are still visiting Omega, you should recruit Archangel. His tactical expertise and sharpshooting skill will be a real asset to the team. 2 - Join the Mercs Head back to Afterlife and ask Aria about Archangel (if you have not done so already). She will tell you that he has managed to attract the ire of every merc group on the station, and they are all teaming up to take him down. The mercenaries are recruiting freelancers to help with their attack, so talk to the nearby merc recruiter to sign up. When you are ready to go after Archangel, leave the club and bear right to reach the transport depot, where a Blue Suns driver is waiting for you. +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "How old are you?" +2 Renegade - "Yes." +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] 3 - Plan of Attack The Blue Suns, Blood Pack, and Eclipse mercs have agreed to work together, and they have cornered Archangel in his base of operations. The only way in or out is a bridge that they have blocked off with a series of barricades. You can explore the camp and talk to the leaders of each merc group, but they do not have much to say to you. They have been working on a few alternate plans to infiltrate Archangel's base, and they need the freelancers they have hired to create a distraction. That means charging up the middle of the bridge into an obvious kill zone. +2 Paragon - "Calm down." +2 Renegade - "What an ass." +2 Renegade - "This should be good." 4 - Preparations EDI will suggest taking some actions to improve your chances in the coming battle: You will have to fight your way to Archangel, then fight your way back out. Take the first left past the Eclipse camp to find a room where they store their mechs. You can grab some credits and resources here, but the real prize is the heavy mech diagnostic station, where you can bypass the mech's targeting program. This means that when they activate it, it will attack the mercs. Past the second barricade there is a datapad you can hack, as well as a door on the right which you can bypass to find some research data, power cells, medi-gel, and more credits. To the left of the final barricade you can find Sergeant Cathka, who is responsible for repairing the gunship. Talk to him when you are ready to start the operation. He can fill you in on a few more details, but the big opportunity here is to perform a Renegade action to cut short his repairs. +5 Renegade [Interrupt] 5 - Assault the Base You will get dropped in with the other freelancers. They present no challenge at all, so take your time exploring the base and collecting any ammunition or medi-gel you need. There should be plenty of ammo, but you may want to hold off acquiring all the medi-gel, as you may need it later. You can also grab a research upgrade by scanning the X-Mods near the base of the stairs. When the freelancers are dead you can enter Archangel's room, where he will reveal his identity to you. When he hands you his sniper rifle you can perform a Renegade action to take out one of the mechs. +2 Paragon - "It's good to see you." +2 Renegade - "Is that you, Garrus?" +2 Paragon - "They won't get through." +2 Renegade -"Let's kick ass." +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] 6 - Eclipse The first wave of enemies you have to hold off are the Eclipse, spearheaded by their LOKI mechs. I suggest staying up on the balcony for now, as it gives you a good vantage point from which to attack the enemies coming over the bridge. If anyone slips past you and gets into the base, reposition yourself at the top of the stairs and take them out from there. Following the mechs, Eclipse troopers will start coming over the wall. Concentrate on the engineers and vanguards as they have extra defenses. There are also a few heavy troopers that can cause some problems, but biotics works great for pushing them off the bridge. 7 - The Heavy Mech Eventually, they will drop in the YMIR mech. If you reprogrammed its targeting computer then you can sit back and watch as it takes out the other mechs and troopers for you. Otherwise, apply the rules for taking down enemies with multiple defensive layers: Overload its shields, use incendiary powers or ammo on its armor, and biotics when it is down to its red health bar. The same holds for when Jaroth himself shows up. After the fighting dies down you can pick up some medi-gel and search the nearby footlocker. You should also pick up the Vindicator Battle Rifle from the couch if you have not done so already. Talk to Garrus when you are ready for the next round. Weapon Acquired: M-15 Vindicator Battle Rifle 8 - The Blood Pack The mercs have penetrated the basement and are forcing you to fight on two fronts. You can take your full team down to the basement to close off that entrance, or leave one of your squad members to help Garrus hold his position. Leaving someone behind will increase the amount of time you have to seal the basement shutters before Garrus gets overwhelmed, but it means you also have one less person to help you accomplish your objective. Descend the stairs and bear left to reach the basement door. Immediately ahead is a medical station and a weapons locker where you can change out your equipment. +5 Paragon - "I'm not leaving you alone." +5 Renegade - "You need help." 9 - Close the Shutters There are three shutters to close on this level to keep the Blood Pack out. Each takes ten seconds to close, and the countdown will abort if the shutter becomes obstructed by anyone walking underneath it. The one directly ahead of you is easy enough to seal before the group of troopers on the other side can get through it. The door on the right side leads to a fairly large room, already teeming with enemies when you arrive. It is very easy to get surrounded in this room if you push forward too quickly. The enemies tend to appear in waves, so take out each wave before advancing closer to the shutters. There is a medical kit to the right of the shutter you can use to replenish your medi-gel if necessary. When the shutter is closed, turn around and head across to the final room. This area is much narrower, which can make things a little tricky. Around the corner is a pyro you will need to be wary of, as it can be hard to get an angle on him without getting blasted in the face with his flamethrower. Beyond that, the path to the final shutter is relatively clear. 10 - Protect Garrus Back at the base, Garn will take a krogan warrior up the stairs with him to attack Garrus. Deal with the vorcha troopers quickly, then hurry after them. You can take cover at the top of the steps and eliminate the warrior, then head into the room to fight Garn. If you back off, he will refocus his attention on Garrus, something you can use to your advantage. 11 - The Blue Suns Whether you dealt with Cathka or not, the gunship will show up and the Blue Suns will begin dropping off mercs. A few of them have extra shields or armor, but it should not be anything too difficult. When Garrus says they are rappelling down the side wall, reposition yourself at the top of the stairs to keep them from getting up to the second level. The final enemy is Tarak and his gunship. Now is the time to make use of any heavy weapons ammo you have, as almost anything else will be only marginally effective. 12 - Debrief Garrus is badly injured, but aside from some damage to his appearance, Chakwas will be able to restore full functionality. When you are done talking, Garrus will get set up in the forward batteries on the crew deck. +2 Paragon - "No worse than usual, buddy." +2 Paragon - "You've got my back." +2 Renegade - "Cerberus is right this time." +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 20000 Credits Mission Complete: "Dossier: Archangel" SECTION 5 - The Convict 21a5co 1 - Acquiring Jack Next up on your list of specialists is Jack, who is rumored to be the most powerful human biotic in the galaxy. Jack is being held on the prison ship Purgatory, but Cerberus has negotiated the prisoner's release. Head to the Osun System in the Hourglass Nebula to find the prison. 2 - Warden Kuril When you arrive, talk to the prison guard ahead of you. He will ask you to relinquish your weapons, but ultimately they will not be taken from you. The warden arrives and gives you a brief tour of the station. He will then leave to check that the funds for Jack's release been transferred. On the way to outprocessing you can persuade the guards to stop beating the prisoner in one of the interrogation rooms. Prisoner 780 will ask that you buy him too, but rescinds his request when he finds out you are here for Jack... +2 Renegade - "Go to hell." +2 Renegade - "It's not going to happen." +2 Paragon - "Is this necessary?" +2 Renegade - "That's justice" +5 Paragon - "This is beneath you." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "I told you to stop." [Intimidate] +2 Renegade - "You're doing the right thing." 3 - Outprocesing Keep left at the fork to get to outprocessing. When you access the door on the far side of the room you will realize it only leads to one of the modular cells you saw earlier. It seems that not only does the warden have no intention of handing Jack over to you, he means to make you his prisoner as well! +2 Paragon - "Let's negotiate." +2 Renegade - "What about serving the galaxy?" / "Hell, no." 4 - Find Jack Your mission is far too important to waste time rotting in prison, so you will have to fight your way out. Some Blue Suns troopers and FENRIS mechs will attack you. When they are dead, head back the way you came, this time taking the path to the supermax wing. Kill the technician in the room at the end of the corridor, and activate the security controls to release Jack. Hit up the med station and grab the refined element zero before you proceed. 5 - Jack's Wake of Destruction Head out the door and continue down the ramp. In the room with the destroyed mechs you can scan one for some research data. Follow the path Jack has carved into the side passage, where there are some power cells you can grab, along with a dead prison guard you can loot. The passage opens up into the cell block you saw on your way in--only now you are on the other side of the glass. You need to get to the door on the far side of the room, but there is a YMIR mech to contend with first. Fortunately, it moves quite slowly and there is enough cover that it should not be able to do much harm to you. Before moving on, head up the ramp to the left and hack the PDA of the dead prison guard. You can also scan the shotgun by the door for some research data. 6 - The Next Cell Block There is a medical station, credits, and some power cells in the next room. Move on to the next cell block where more Blue Suns and another heavy mech are waiting for you. I would advise that you get up on the balcony to the left to have a better vantage point on the reinforcements coming through the door on the far side. On your way forward, grab the credits off the prison guard by the door. 7 - Showdown with Kuril Pick up the supplies in the anteroom and move on to the final cell block. Kuril is at the far end of the room, protected by three of the station's shield generators. The one to the left is unguarded, and there are only a few Blue Suns protecting the one in the center. Just shoot each one until they are destroyed. You need to be a little more cautious making your way to the right, as there are many more defenders and you have to cross a bridge without any cover. When you eliminate all the enemies, take down the last shield protecting Kuril. He has shields and armor, but his weapon is only dangerous if you get too close. 8 - Debrief With the warden dead the only thing left to do is pick up Jack. She is not pleased about having to work with Cerberus, but the Normandy is the only way off the station. She agrees to come along in exchange for access to Cerberus's files. You can lie to her, but it does not make a difference. Once aboard, she will take up residence on the Engineering Sub-Deck. +2 Paragon - "Give her the files now." +2 Renegade - "You can wait for your files." +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete: "Dossier: The Convict" SECTION 6 - The Warlord 21a6wa 1 - Acquiring the Warlord The next dossier from the Illusive Man points to Korlus, a junkyard world whose economy is based on the recycling of spacecraft. Here you will find a Krogan named Okeer, who is believed to have contacted the Collectors for technology to help save his people from the genophage. If so, his knowledge of the Collectors would make him a valuable ally. 2 - The Merc Camp Okeer's lab is nestled in the heart of a Blue Suns training ground. Merc groups like the Suns use the husks of old spaceships for weapons testing or combat training, though it is unclear what Okeer would be doing here. Round the corner ahead and take out the first group of troopers, who will attack you on sight. Beyond is a wounded merc who can fill you in on the situation: It seems Okeer has been attempting to breed an army of krogan, but the ones he has produced thus far have had damaged mental functions so the Blue Suns have been using them in live-fire training exercises. Eventually, he will be contacted on the radio by his superior. You can convince him not to divulge your location, but it does not really matter: You will have to fight your way through the Suns regardless. +2 Paragon - "Medi-gel change your mind?" +2 Renegade - "Where's the warlord?" +5 Paragon - "Get rid of them." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "Reply with bad instructions." [Intimidate] +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] 3 - Tank-Grown Around the next corner there are some troopers up on the balcony. Head down the steps and follow the trail of dead krogan. There is a med kit up ahead, and some heavy troopers up on the balcony around the next corner. Move left and descend the hill to find one of the tank-grown krogan. Help fight off his attackers. After you speak with him, he will move the large piece of debris blocking your path so you can proceed. 4 - To the Lab Now you have a lot of fighting to do. Start by killing the fleeing mercenaries at the bottom of the hill. There are several krogan berserkers up ahead, so be cautious. When the krogan are dead, grab the refined platinum from the container and head up the stairs. At the top there is a sniper rifle you can scan for some research data, along with some power cells and a medical station. Be ready when you open the door, as a group of heavies are waiting on the other side. When they are dealt with, proceed left along the balcony. After fighting a large group of mercs, hack the PDA on the far side. Be ready to fight another group at the top of the stairs. Grab some credits from the Blue Suns corpse on the balcony, then head across the bridge and finish off the last of the mercs on this level. There are power cells, a datapad, and a wall safe in this room. Go up the stairs again, then fight your way across the battlefield. When you get to the stairs at the far side, head up them to get a good vantage point on the remaining enemies. When everyone on this level is dead, you are finally ready to go see Okeer. 5 - The Warlord Bear left and continue through the door. Access the medical station and hack the secure terminal for some extra credits. If she survived your encounter on Virmire in Mass Effect 1, Rana Thanoptis will be here as well. Okeer is in the next room. He was apparently contracted by Jedore--the mercenary leader--to create an army of krogan, but so far his experiments have been largely unsuccessful. However, his use of Collector technology has allowed him to create one pure krogan--the perfect soldier. His strategy is not to merely to restore the krogan to the numbers that once threatened the galaxy, but rather to make each new krogan as powerful as possible. He would like to continue his work, but Jedore has become impatient... +2 Paragon - "Why are you here?" +2 Renegade - "Everyone there should be dead." +2 Paragon - "Try harder to avoid trouble." +2 Renegade - "Stay out of my way." +2 Paragon - "Okeer, I presume?" +2 Renegade - "Change your tone." +2 Paragon - "A tough decision." +2 Renegade - "I did what I had to do." +2 Paragon - "Will you join us?" +2 Renegade - "Is your soldier ready?" / "I'm handing you to Cerberus." +2 Paragon - "Why so concerned?" +2 Renegade - "Why should I trust you?" / "Looks like I hold power now." 6 - Jedore The Blue Suns leader has decided to scrap the project and start over from Okeer's data. Head out the door and down the ramps to reach her. In addition to Jedore herself, you will have to contend with her heavy mech and any krogan she can release from their pods. Take up position on the left side of the room. It will be difficult to approach Jedore directly, so focus on taking out the krogan berserkers first. When Jedore is dead, return to the lab. Do not forget to bypass the lab terminal on the right to recover some research data. 7 - Okeer's Legacy Okeer is dead--killed by the toxins pumped into the room. However, his pure krogan subject is intact, and would make a fine replacement if it lives up to Okeer's expectations. +2 Paragon - "He's hard to pass up." / "Professional jealousy, Mordin?" +2 Renegade - "Is he worth the headache?" / "That's my call." 8 - Debrief Back on the Normandy, the question arises: What should be done with the krogan? Cerberus is concerned about the dangers of waking it up, and does not want to miss the opportunity to study it. But a pure krogan would be a powerful ally--if he can be persuaded to join your cause. +2 Paragon - "Relax, it's sealed." +2 Renegade - "Keep it to yourselves." +2 Paragon - "So we'll be careful." +2 Renegade - "Replaceable." +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 20000 Credits "Dossier: The Warlord" -> "Dr. Okeer's Legacy" 9 - Open the Tank (Optional) If you choose to open the tank, the krogan will attack you. If you are unable to persuades him to join your mission, you will have to shoot him to prove that you are worthy of his loyalty. Either way, you gain a new team member--Grunt. +2 Paragon - "He's too valuable to leave." +2 Renegade - "Do as I say, EDI." +2 Paragon - "You'll get more than that." +5 Paragon - "Join my crew. We'll find it." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "My command is your reason." [Intimidate] +2 Paragon - "Stand down or else." +2 Renegade - "I released you. You owe me." +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "You leave me no choice" +2 Renegade - "I was being generous." Mission Complete: "Dr. Okeer's Legacy" SECTION 7 - Horizon 21a7ho 1 - Early Warning As soon as you have followed up on all four of the Illusive Man's dossiers, he will contact you with new information: Horizon--a human colony in the Terminus Systems--has just dropped out of contact. Believing this to be the latest Collector attack, he is ordering you to head to Horizon immediately and meet the abductors head-on. New Mission: "Horizon" 2 - Explore the Colony You will be taken directly to Horizon. The Collector attack is already underway when you arrive, and the colonists are in the process of being loaded onto the Collector ship. Round the corner up ahead to begin your first encounter with the Collectors. The drones are very vulnerable, but the guardians have a biotic barrier. Pay special attention to the assassins, as they carry the Collector heavy weapon. Use Concussive Shot or Warp to take down their barriers, and biotic powers to immobilize them. Pick up the power cells after defeating all the enemies, and hack the datapad on the table up ahead. 3 - The Reaper Connection Continue up the hill and drop down the small ledge to enter the next area. There is a datapad in the prefab unit on the right, but first you must contend with more Collectors--and an old nemesis: Husks. These monstrosities have no weapons and will attempt to engage you at close range. Individually they are not very powerful, but in groups they become extremely dangerous. The husks are created using Reaper technology, so this proves the Collectors are working with them. Examine the dead Collector on the far side of the area to find a research upgrade. In the next area you can find a med kit in the prefab to the left of the path, plus a wall safe on the right side. +2 Paragon - "Let's go save the colonists" +2 Renegade - "We're wasting time here." 4 - Harbinger Up ahead and around the corner, take the stairs near the static colonists to find a room with a computer you can hack for credits. (You're not above stealing from helpless colonists are you?) Head back down the stairs and grab the Collector Particle Beam leaning against one of the pods. This will replace your current heavy weapon, but there will be a weapons locker up ahead where you can swap it for a different heavy weapon. Next you will encounter Harbinger, a drone under direct control of the Collector General. While controlled, the drone gains armor and a biotic barrier, making it the most powerful Collector soldier you will face. Whenever you are fighting Harbinger you should deal with the other drones first, as it may jump to another soldier when you destroy it. There are some power cells in a shack to the far left that you should grab before proceeding through the large door on the right. Weapon Acquired: Collector Particle Beam 5 - The Mechanic Inside you will find a mechanic who managed to escape capture by the Collectors. He will tell you that the colony's defense towers need to be calibrated--a job EDI should make quick work of. The terminal can be found at the base of the communications tower on the far side of the colony. +2 Renegade - "Calm down!" +2 Paragon - "Who are you?" +2 Renegade - "You're a coward." +2 Paragon - "Wait here." 6 - To the Tower Grab the refined palladium and change out your weapons at the locker if you so desire. There are also some credits in the wall safe for you to collect. Head out the door to get back to the action. The courtyard with the transmitter is through the door on the far side of this area, but you will have to fight your way there. Expect to see Harbinger again, along with a new enemy, the scion. These foes can absorb a lot of damage, and can also launch a biotic Shockwave, so stick to cover whenever you have to contend with one. There is not much to pick up in this area, just some research data from a dead collector and some credits in a computer up on the top level. 7 - Restore Power Head through the large door to reach the communications tower. There are some power cells to the right, and a med kit on a platform to the left. You will be beset by husks and scions. When things die down, hack the computer near the tower to give EDI access to the defense systems. Recalibrating the defenses is simple, but you will have to wait for the generator to power up. Retreat to the far side of the combat area, and prepare for several waves of enemy reinforcements. Most of these enemies are ones you have faced before, but you will ultimately have to fight a new enemy: The praetorian. Each time you whittle down a portion of its thick armor, it will generate a new biotic barrier to protect itself. It also has a powerful beam weapon at its disposal, so stick to cover as much as you can, and retreat quickly if it starts getting too close. 8 - An Attack Interrupted With the defense towers online, the Collector ship will be forced to withdraw. Some of the colonists were saved--a small victory perhaps, but a victory nonetheless. You will also be reunited with one of your former crew members, who is decidedly displeased that you have joined up with Cerberus... +2 Paragon - "It's too late." +2 Renegade - "What do you expect me to do?" +2 Paragon - "I'm sorry." +2 Renegade - "Blame them, not me." +2 Paragon - "It's good to see you again." +2 Renegade - "I was. We can't get into it." +2 Paragon - "Too much time has passed." +2 Renegade - "I have important things to do." +2 Paragon - "Cerberus isn't the enemy." +2 Renegade - "I don't work for Cerberus." +2 Paragon - "I'm not a traitor." +2 Renegade - "Get over it." +2 Paragon - "You're too emotional" +2 Paragon - "Don't go. Join Me." +2 Renegade - "Fat Chance." 9 - Debrief The Illusive Man suspected that the Collectors were interested in you, so he leaked information that you were alive in order to lure the Collectors into an attack on one of your known associates. A calculated risk, but you were able to save half the colony, which is better than anyone has accomplished thus far. You still lack the information necessary to launch an attack on the Omega 4 relay, so you will need to continue building up your team. In the meantime, the Illusive Man will forward three more dossiers for you to look into. If you talk with Kelly afterwards she will express her concern, knowing that reuniting with someone after so long can be difficult. +2 Paragon - "I didn't save everyone." +2 Renegade - "I enjoyed the fight." +2 Paragon - "No more colonies get hit." +2 Renegade - "Let's go on the offensive." +5 Paragon - "My team is strong." +2 Renegade - "Don't worry so much." +2 Paragon - "We can do this." +2 Renegade - "Don't lose your nerve now." +2 Renegade - "No." +2 Paragon - "Thank you." +2 Renegade - "No, it's easy." +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 30000 Credits Mission Complete: "Horizon" New Mission: "Dossier: The Justicar" New Mission: "Dossier: The Assassin" New Mission: "Dossier: Tali" ~~~~~~~~~~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS At this point you will start having the option to help your team members with various personal issues. Each member of your team has some loose ends they want to tie up before they embark on the mission through the Omega 4 relay. Preparing for this suicide mission means having everyone at their best, so helping your team members will ensure their minds are properly focused when the time comes. Your journal will update with new missions as they become available, and you can also find out about them by talking to Yeoman Chambers on the command deck. Completing these missions is entirely optional, but it will make you better prepared to face whatever is on the other side of the Omega 4 relay. Each Loyalty mission will be covered in detail in the next section. (21bloy) ~~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 8 - The Citadel 21a8ci 1 - Security Before you head off to track down the specialists in your new dossiers, take the time to visit the Citadel. In addition to a few optional assignments, you will be able to seek reinstatement into the Spectres or visit the shops on the Zakera Ward. When you arrive, go straight through the door ahead of you and speak to the guard. The C-Sec system believes you are dead, so you will have to speak to Captain Bailey to get it straightened out. New Mission: "Citadel: Captain Bailey" 2 - Bailey Head through the door and speak with Captain Bailey. You can get him to restore your "alive" status, or tell him to leave the system alone and let it continue to think you are dead. There is no consequence for this decision. Mission Complete: "Citadel: Captain Bailey" 3 - Anderson, Udina, and the Council Check your map to find one of the many rapid transit terminals and use it to travel to the Presidium. This will take you directly to the human embassy, where you will meet with Anderson, who is--depending on the choice you made in the shuttle from the Lazarus Station--either an advisor to Councilor Udina, or the Councilor himself. He can fill you in on what has been going on the last two years. If the Council survived the Battle of the Citadel, they will offer to reinstate you into the Spectres, though it makes little difference. Mission Complete: "Citadel: The Council" SECTION 9 - The Justicar 21a9ju 1 - Acquiring the Justicar Up next on your list of specialists is Samara, a powerful asari whose biotic powers and combat training will make her a worthy member of your suicide squad. Samara has recently come to Illium, a world colonized by asari corporations only a few centuries ago. Travel to the Crescent Nebula and land on Illium to begin your search 2 - Nos Astra A concierge will greet you when you arrive on Illium. Your docking fees have been waved by Liara T'Soni, who has an office near the trading floor. Once a member of Commander Shepard's crew, Liara is now an information broker in Nos Astra, so you should seek her out to learn where to find the specialists in your dossiers. New Mission: "Illium: Liara T'Soni" 3 - Liara Head past the trading floor and up the stairs to Liara's office. She can tell you that Samara had to register with Tracking Officer Dara, so you should see her in the carport if you want to find out where she is now. You can also find out about Liara's efforts to take down the Shadow Broker, and volunteer your assistance. "Illium: Liara T'Soni" -> "Illium: Liara: System Hacking" ~~~~~~~~~~ NEW INTEL (*DLC*) The "Lair of the Shadow Broker" downloadable content changes your interaction with Liara and allows you to skip the minor mission described in this section with a single dialogue choice. If you have this content installed you can simply give Liara the Shadow Broker's location, negating the need to find the Observer. When Liara leaves for her apartment, you will be able to access her desk for the intel you need on Samara and Thane. The Lair of the Shadow Broker content is detailed later in the guide: (21b13l) ~~~~~~~~~~ 4 - Hack the Terminals Use your map to find your way to the transportation hub. The first secure station is near the tracking office: Hack it and then hurry to the vulnerable system nearby to upload the data to Liara. Repeat this process two more times in this area to collect all the data, then return to Liara to find out what the next step is. Liara has narrowed the search for the Shadow Broker's agent down to five individuals on Illium. She needs your help to find the right one. +2 Paragon - "Is he after you?" +2 Renegade - "Are you on his side?" +40 XP "Illium: Liara: System Hacking" -> "Illium: Liara: The Observer" 5 - Five Males? There are five datapoints you can hack, each one revealing a little more information about the individuals under suspicion. One terminal is in Eternity, and the rest are scattered around the trading floor. You can call Liara and accuse any of the individuals after hacking a datapoint, but if you hack all five terminals you will have the additional option of telling her that none of the suspects could be the Observer. Head back to Liara to wrap up your part in her plans. +2 Paragon - "Kill the salarian" +2 Paragon - "Kill the vorcha" +2 Paragon - "Kill the turian" +2 Paragon - "Kill the batarian" +2 Paragon - "Kill the krogan" +5 Paragon - "None of the suspects fit." +2 Paragon - "Don't give in to temptation." +2 Renegade - "Good luck, Liara." +40 XP Mission Complete: "Illium: Liara: The Observer" 6 - Officer Dara Head back to the transportation hub and speak with the tracking officer. She will tell you that Samara left for the commercial spaceport a few hours ago. You can summon a cab to take you there. +2 Paragon - "I only want to talk." +2 Renegade - "So what if she did?" 7 - The Spaceport The spaceport is locked down--a volus businessman has been murdered, and Detective Anaya isn't letting anyone leave until the case is resolved. Head into the police station, where you can grab some extra medi-gel or swap out your equipment at the weapons locker. The detective will tell you that you can find Samara at the crime scene. Anaya's superiors are pressuring her to arrest the justicar before she causes any trouble, but Anaya is reluctant: Justicars will kill anyone who obstructs their pursuit of justice. You should try to find Samara before that happens. 8 - Back Alleys It is time to investigate the crime scene. Leave the police station and approach the area that has been cordoned off. At the end of the alley there are some circuit boards you can salvage. Up the stairs on the left you will encounter an Eclipse vanguard, a sisterhood initiate, and a group of LOKI mechs. When they are dead, just go through the door on the left to encounter Samara. She is searching for the name of a ship that the Eclipse used to smuggle a certain package offworld. Until she finds what she is after, she will be unable to join you. +2 Paragon - "You killed in cold blood." +2 Paragon - "Yes, I am." +2 Renegade - "No, not really." +2 Paragon - "I need you on my team." +2 Paragon - "Maybe I can help." 9 - The Eclipse Base Anaya is forced to arrest Samara, who will be forced to kill her unless you can find the evidence she seeks. Speak with the volus Pitne For, who can give you a passcard to enter the Eclipse base. You can perform a Renegade action to pull a gun on him, but he gives you the information regardless. Head over to the elevator nearby and use it to reach the base. +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] 10 - Toxins There is a dormant mech at the top of the elevator, and a number of vanguards in the next room. The quirk to the Eclipse base is that it is littered with containers that--when smashed open--release a chemical that is toxic in large doses, but can boost biotic abilities in moderation. In practice, your best bet is just to avoid the cloud of gas that appears, as it will begin to damage you if you stay near it for too long. 11 - Elnora (Optional) Pick up the Scimitar Assault Shotgun in the next room. Through the door on the right you can find Elnora, an eclipse merc who claims to be a raw recruit and is having serious misgivings about joining up. You can perform a Renegade action to kill her when she pulls a gun on you, or you can let her walk away. Grab the power cells and the research data from the room before you leave. +5 Renegade - [Interrupt.] +5 Paragon - "Go." Weapon Acquired: M-27 Scimitar Assault Shotgun 12 - Clear out the Base You will find more mercs and mechs at the top of the stairs. There is a medical station on this level, as well as an Eclipse terminal you can hack. Head up the stairs, rinse, and repeat: There is another medical station, and another terminal on this level as well. 13 - The Gunship Grab the refined platinum to the left when you reach the top level. You will find a gunship nearby, which will retreat as soon as you attack it or get too close. Clear out all the mercs and then head inside to find some power cells and a medical station. There is also a data file you can access in which Elnora confesses to murdering Pitne For's business partner. If you did not kill her when you had the chance, she will be long gone by now. Head through the tunnel to get back outside, then kill the mechs and grab the power cells. Have your heavy weapon ready when you cross the bridge, as the gunship will make a reappearance. Whatever damage you might have done previously will be gone when you reencounter it here, so grab some cover and fire as many rounds as you can. The gunship will sweep back and forth across this area, sometimes hovering on the near side of the bridge, other times flying off into the distance to set up an attack run. Look out for the FENRIS mechs that it sometimes drops onto the battlefield. When you take it down, cross the bridge and grab the med kit. 14 - Wasea Keep going until you find Niftu Cal, a volus visibly under the influence of the Minagen X3 supplied by Pitne For. He drastically overestimates his biotic abilities, and will charge into combat unless you perform a Paragon action: Needless to say, it will not end well for him when you encounter Captain Wasea in the next room. When the fight begins, tell your squad to take cover, then flank around to the right side. Unless you kill her quickly, Wasea will use her biotics to move the giant crates blocking the stairs behind her and retreat to the upper level of the room. She will also hurl the toxic containers at you, so be careful to avoid them. There is less room to maneuver on the upper level, but there is still plenty of cover. When all the mercs are defeated, return to Wasea's desk to collect her datapad. +2 Paragon - "Calm down." +2 Renegade - "You're high." +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +5 Renegade - "We're right behind you." 15 - Samara's Oath Return to the police station and give Samara the name of the ship she was looking for. With her business on Illium concluded, she agrees to join your team. Detective Anaya is more than happy to let her depart. Samara will swear an oath to temporarily suspend her justicar code so that she can follow your orders, even if they conflict with her strict moral code. +2 Paragon - "I am honored." / "Welcome to the team." +2 Renegade - "You'll do anything I say?" +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 30000 Credits Mission Complete: "Dossier: The Justicar" 16 - Debrief When you return to the Normandy, Samara will begin using the starboard observation deck as her quarters. +2 Renegade - "We need her." SECTION 10 - The Assassin 21a10a 1 - Acquiring Thane Head back to Illium, this time to pick up the Assassin. Your dossier lists Thane Krios as a noted sniper and biotics expert, who has been a hired killer for nearly his whole life. Whatever his history, the top assassin in the galaxy would be a worthy addition to your team. 2 - Liara's Intel If you have yet to do so, go visit Liara and ask her about Thane. She will direct you to Seryna, the former head of security for Nassana Dantius. Dantius is Thane's latest target, and while Seryna cannot tell you exactly where Thane is, she can tell you where he is going... +2 Renegade - "Show some respect." +2 Paragon - "Where is he?" +2 Renegade - "Then talk fast." 3 - The Dantius Towers When you arrive you will see some mechs gunning down the salarian workers. Nassana is paranoid about security, and has ordered her forces to kill anyone on sight, even her own employees. Take out the mechs and then head to the alcove on the left to find a medical station and a secure terminal. Back on the right side of the entrance you can find a wounded salarian. Perform a Paragon action to save his life. +2 Paragon - "I'm sorry." +2 Renegade - "You're lucky." +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +5 Paragon - "Hang on." +2 Renegade - "We're done here." 4 - Ground Floors This mission requires a lot of combat, but most of the enemies you will face are troopers or mechs. Head to the left and enter the door on the opposite side to find a ramp up to the next level. Grab the med kits on the right, and then clear out this floor as well. Circle around to find a door you can bypass, where there are a few salarians hiding from Nassana's mercs. Past this door on the left you will find an alcove with a secure terminal and some power cells where you can acquire the Viper Sniper Rifle. Before you call the elevator on this floor, tell your squad to take cover behind the barriers opposite the door: When it arrives, two Eclipse engineers and a krogan bounty hunter will come with it. +2 Paragon - "Yes." +2 Renegade - "No." Weapon Acquired: M-97 Viper Sniper Rifle 5 - The Penthouse Level Take the service elevator to the top floors. There is an Eclipse trooper who is reluctant to give you any information, so you can perform a Renegade action to shove him out the nearby window. Take out the mechs and troopers in the next room, then bypass the door on the left to find another group of salarians. You can perform a Renegade action to disarm the salarian with the pistol, or persuade him that you are not a threat. When they leave, grab the med kit and hack the PDA on the merc corpse. Head left when you leave and pick up some power cells. You can also taunt Nassana by using the nearby comm terminal. Head up the ramp and clear out the next level. There is some element zero, a med kit, and a weapons locker on the far side. +2 Renegade - "I need answers." +2 Paragon - "I've got an offer." +2 Renegade - "Listen carefully." +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] +5 Paragon - "Don't be stupid." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "I hope you can fly." [Intimidate] +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] +5 Paragon - "Let me help you." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "Put down the gun." [Intimidate] +2 Paragon - "I don't think so." +2 Renegade - "Not that one." 6 - The Bridge Follow the path to the exterior of the building. Fight your way through the mechs and vanguards to reach the bridge connecting the two towers, then scan the submachine gun, grab the med kit, and hack the PDA. There is plenty of cover on the bridge, just be wary of the rocket drones on the far side. Ascend the stairs on the opposite end of the bridge, and take out the remaining vanguards. Kill the commando guarding the door and you will be able to stroll right into Nassana's office. +2 Paragon - "Interesting idea." +2 Renegade - "Is that what you think?" +2 Paragon - "You still think it's me?" +2 Renegade - "You're delusional." +2 Paragon - "I met some of your workers." +2 Renegade - "You're pathetic." +2 Paragon - "Bastard." +2 Paragon - "Saving lives." +2 Renegade - "Killing bad guys." +2 Paragon - "We'll find a way." +2 Renegade - "So I've heard." +2 Paragon - "I'm sorry." +2 Renegade - "You're worried about humans?" 7 - Debrief Thane agrees to join up with you--no charge. He has a medical condition that will kill him in less than a year, but it should not impact his ability to complete your mission. When you return to the Normandy, Thane will take up residence in the life support section of the crew deck. +2 Paragon - "What's the problem, Jacob?" +2 Renegade - "Watch yourself, Thane." +2 Renegade - "Keep an eye on him." +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 30000 Credits Mission Complete: "Dossier: The Assassin" 8 - Message from Seryna (Optional) Go back to where you encountered Seryna on Illium and speak with Tana. She will give you a message from Seryna congratulating you on taking down Nassana. SECTION 11 - The Engineer 21a11e 1 - Acquiring Tali No organic knows more about the geth. Tali'Zorah is an expert engineer and machinist, and her knowledge of systems hacking and combat tech will make her a valuable member of the team. Tali is currently on a special assignment in the Far Rim--deep within geth-controlled space. 2 - Haestrom Dholen is aging at an alarming rate. It is giving off very high levels of radiation, so exposure to sunlight on the surface of Haestrom will begin to degrade your shields. While it will not kill you, it is best to avoid sunlight while in combat. When you arrive, descend the ramps and enter the gatehouse. Salvage the damaged geth, and collect some medi-gel before opening the gate. Outside, a geth ship will drop some troopers. To get across the battlefield more safely, ascend the ramp to the right where there is more shade and cover. Up here you can find a ramp inside the structure which leads to a customized heavy pistol you can scan for some research data. Grab the iridium outside and then continue to the next area. 3 - The Quarians Around the corner you can find a radio linked to Kal'Reegar, one of the quarian marines assigned to protect Tali. Salvage the geth hunter and pick up the Tempest SMG on the ground nearby. You will need to collect two demolition charges to clear the path to the quarians. Bear left and fight your way inside the opening to find the first charge. There is also a med kit and a medical station in the area. When you pick up the demo charge, be ready for a counterattack, including a geth prime. Fight your way back outside and head left. Cross the open ground ahead to reach an enclave with the second charge. Once again, be ready for an ambush when you come back outside. One of your squad members will suggest ducking into the room on the left, which leads up to the walkway above you. Fight through the geth and return to the collapsed pillar. Plant the explosives, get clear of the blast, and then head inside. +2 Paragon - "I'm here to help." +2 Renegade - "They're all dead." +2 Paragon - "What's your current status?" Weapon Acquired: M-9 Tempest Submachine Gun 4 - Link Up with Kal'Reegar Salvage the damaged geth in this room and scan the geth rifle for some research data. Activate the communications console to respond to Tali, who will open the door for you. Head outside and fight your way across the field to reach Kal'Reegar, after disabling the security lockdown. +2 Paragon - "No one else is left." +2 Paragon - "I came here to help." +2 Renegade - "I'm recruiting you." 5 - The Colossus Reegar is pinned down by a geth colossus. You can tell him to stay put and perform a Paragon action to keep him out of harm's way, but you may want to have him shooting at the colossus to distract it. The battlefield is quite large, so you can approach the colossus from several directions. However, be ready for a counterattack when you get close. When the colossus is destroyed, check the battlefield for any iridium containers or power cells you may have missed, then head inside to link up with Tali. Be aware that Kal'Reegar can be killed during this battle. If you want to be sure that he lives, tell him to stay down. +2 Paragon - "Is she safe?" +2 Paragon - "No. Stay down." +15 Paragon - [Interrupt] +15 Renegade - "Sounds like a plan." +2 Paragon - "Can you join me now?" +2 Renegade - "The quarians owe me." +2 Paragon - "Do you need transportation?" +2 Renegade - "Tali's with me now." 6 - Debrief Tali is not pleased to learn the extent of your involvement with Cerberus, or that you have an AI on board. She will get set up on the engineering deck if you wish to speak with her. +2 Paragon - "I agree completely." +2 Paragon - "Feel free to study the ship." +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 30000 Credits Mission Complete: "Dossier: Tali" ~~~~~~~~~~ MESSAGE FROM THE ILLUSIVE MAN Completing five missions--these can be dossier, loyalty, or N7 missions-- after the events on Horizon will trigger another message from the Illusive Man: Apparently, a distress call was received from a turian vessel that encountered a Collector ship. The turians were destroyed, but they managed to disable the Collector vessel during the battle. The Illusive Man wants you to board the ship and learn anything you can that would help get your team get through the Omega 4 relay. ~~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 12 - The Collector Ship 21a12c 1 - Explore the Ship When you arrive on the ship, follow the tunnels until you reach the testing area. Salvage the Collector technology and open the nearby med kit, then access the terminal to reveal a disturbing secret about the Collectors. After the conversation with EDI, you will get to choose one of three rewards, which will vary depending on your combat class. +2 Paragon - "Maybe they're better off" +2 Renegade - "We can't help them now." +2 Paragon - "The Collectors are Protheans!" +2 Paragon - "That's a horrible fate." +2 Renegade - "They'd be better off dead." New Mission: "Collector Ship" ~~~~~~~~~~ WEAPON UPGRADE Classes that only use pistols (adepts, engineers, and sentinels) will get to take on one extra weapon ability: They will henceforth be able to use either assault rifles, shotguns, or sniper rifles. For classes that already have access to one or more of these weapons (soldiers, infiltrators, vanguards) the choice to pick a weapon ability will be replaced by choosing an actual new weapon: -> Revenant Machine Gun -> Claymore Heavy Shotgun -> Widow Sniper Rifle This is the only point at which these weapons can be acquired, so choose wisely. If you picked up a weapon ability, use the weapons locker nearby to see if you can swap out the default weapon for a better one. The game should autosave right before this choice, so try out your weapon and reload this save if you decide you want something different. ~~~~~~~~~~ 2 - To the Command Center Grab the power cells and refined element zero. At the top of the ramps there is some more Collector technology you can salvage, along with a terminal you can access to acquire some research data. Keep going until you get to the central chamber of the ship, where a seemingly endless number of Collector storage pods are being held. There is a command console here that you can use to establish a link with the Normandy. +2 Paragon - "We're okay..." +2 Renegade - "Status report - now!" 3 - "This was a trap." To no one's great surprise, the ship is not disabled after all. You will have to fight off a Collector ambush: Each new platform will have either a group of drones--that may become harbingers--or a single scion. I would advise that you hold your squad back and do not leave the cover of the starting platform. This fight can be challenging on the higher difficulty levels, so try to focus on killing one enemy at a time as quickly as possible. Reactivate the controls when all the Collectors are dead. This will reestablish your connection to EDI, who will lower the platform so you can escape. +2 Paragon - "Good work." +2 Renegade - "About time." +2 Paragon - "Don't jump to conclusions." +2 Renegade - "He betrayed us!" 4 - Get to the Shuttle It will take the Collector ship some time to power up all of its systems, but after what it did to the original Normandy you ought to get out of there as fast as possible. Follow EDI's instructions and head through the first door. Salvage the Collector technology and then take cover as a group of drones arrives. Once they are dead, move left and descend the ramp. There are more enemies in this area, but you can find some power cells, a med kit, and some element zero on the far wall. 5 - The Praetorian Drop down the ledge in the center of the room. Send your squad up ahead to distract the husks, as you will need to focus all your attention on the praetorian floating towards you. Take cover at the top of the ramps and use any heavy weapons ammo you have. As it approaches, circle around the cover so you do not expose yourself. If you need to reposition, try to wait until it drops to recharge its barrier. 6 - Escape the Ship Continue through the door that EDI opens for you. Off a ledge to the right you can spot the area where you accessed the Collector terminal. Keep going to the left, salvage some more tech, and grab another research upgrade. There are more Collectors in the next room. Position your squad in cover, then take the ramp up to the right to flank them. Eliminate the drones, as well as the scion down the hall. Continue down the hallway until you encounter a wave of husks. Biotic powers are useful here because the cooldown is very short, meaning you can disable multiple enemies in quick succession. The husks are the only thing between you and the shuttle, so as soon as they are dealt with you are home free. 7 - Debrief The Illusive Man knew it was a trap, but he was convinced that you had to believe the turian distress call was genuine in order to make the operation a success. Regardless, information gleaned from the Collector databanks indicates that the Omega 4 relay links to the galactic core--a region that would be extremely dangerous to travel to. Fortunately, the Illusive Man has a lead on a long-dead derelict Reaper that may have the IFF codes you will need to safely activate the relay and travel to the Collector base. If you talk with Kelly after the mission she will express her gratitude that the Illusive Man had EDI installed on the new Normandy. +2 Paragon - "I knew I couldn't trust you." +2 Renegade - "What the hell is going on?" +2 Paragon - "I'd have found another way." +2 Renegade - "Never again, you hear me?" +2 Renegade - "Another 'derelict' ship?" +2 Paragon - "I agree." +2 Renegade - "I still don't like it." +2 Paragon - "Thank the entire crew." +2 Renegade - "I didn't need her." +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 37500 Credits Mission Complete: "Collector Ship" ~~~~~~~~~~ THE REAPER The decision now falls to you: Continue to build up your team, or head directly for the Reaper to recover the IFF codes? While there is no immediate penalty for delaying this mission, traveling to the Reaper will trigger events related to the endgame. Once you have been to the Reaper, there will be a limited number of missions you can complete before you must decide whether or not to go through the Omega 4 relay--and this decision does affect who will survive. If you are interested in completing as much of the game as possible--and having the best ending--You should put off traveling to the Reaper until you have done everything else you want to do. ~~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 13 - The Reaper IFF 21a13r 1 - Board the Reaper Now that you are out of dossiers the only thing left to do is travel to the derelict Reaper and retrieve its IFF. You will board the Reaper from the airlock set up by the Cerberus science team. There are lots of credits you can nab just inside and to the left, along with the first of several logs detailing the science team's descent into madness. Access the two medical stations at the end of the hall, and then continue into the Reaper. New Mission: "Reaper IFF" 2 - Trapped The Reaper's kinetic barriers will become active, trapping you inside the ship until you can shut them down. Bear right and continue down the catwalks to discover what became of the science team: They were all transformed into husks. This is a good opportunity to use your biotic powers, as pushing the husks off the catwalks will kill them instantly. Fight through the husks and grab the items at the end of the walkway. Down the ramp in the next area, be ready to fight a large contingent of husks as well as a scion. Hack the research terminal at the far end, then head back the way you came to find the airlock on the left. If you have Tali, Jacob, or Garrus in your squad, you will be able to examine and comment on the dragon's teeth nearby. +2 Paragon - "They don't deserve this." +2 Renegade - "Nobody touch anything." 3 - "Shepard-Commander" The next area is teeming with husks, abominations, and scions. Try to eliminate all the weaker enemies before taking on the scions, as their Shockwave attack can be very dangerous. Stick to cover to avoid it, but be ready to retreat if they get too close. You can also shoot the explosive crates to do some extra damage to their armor. When you finally make it through all the enemies, bypass the door to reach a terminal where you can acquire the Reaper IFF. 4 - The Reaper Core In the final area you must destroy the Reaper Core while fighting off hordes of husks and abominations. Heavy weapons are useful for doing a lot of damage to the core quickly, as it will periodically close and you will be unable to affect it. You will also need to direct your squad members manually to attack the core, as they will not target it on their own. Husks will spawn on all sides, so put your team in the middle of the area and do your best to protect them from the husks. Once the core is destroyed, you will escape the ship. +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 25000 Credits Mission Complete: "Reaper IFF" 5 - Activate the Geth (Optional) Back on the Normandy, you will have to decide what to do with the geth you captured. Cerberus will pay you if you hand it over to them for research, but if you decide it is worth the risk, you can go down to the AI core (though the medical bay) and reactivate it. The geth will explain that there are two geth factions: Those who followed Saren and the Reapers, and those who did not. It is a member of those who did not worship Sovereign, and will ally with you as long as you are fighting what it calls "the heretics." Since you need a way to address is, the geth will go by the name Legion. +15 Paragon - "I want to talk to it first." +15 Renegade - "Cerberus gets the geth." ~~~~~~~~~~ INTEGRATING THE IFF It will take some time to integrate the IFF into the Normandy's systems. To be more precise, you will be able to complete (at most) a further two missions before you will able to activate the Omega 4 relay. These can be dossiers, loyalty mission, or N7 assignments. However, after completing said missions, the decision will fall to you whether or not to enter the relay immediately. What you encounter on the other side--and who lives or dies--will depend on your decision. The rest of the primary mission walkthrough will be included in the secrets section at the very end of this guide. (34dwal) Continue reading to see the loyalty missions for each squad member, and the other optional assignments. ~~~~~~~~~~ LOYALTY MISSIONS 21bloy ---------------- THE GIFT OF GREATNESS 21b1gi 1 - Jacob's Father Jacob will ask to speak with you about a message he received. Apparently, the ship his father served on just sent out a distress signal--after being missing for nearly a decade. When you get a chance, he would like the opportunity to investigate the crash site. New Mission: "Jacob: The Gift of Greatness" 2 - The Crash Site Go to the Alpha Draconis System and land on 2175 Aeia. Approach the crash site of the SSV Hugo Gernsback. There are some spare parts near the wreck that you can salvage. Talk to the beacon VI to learn more about what happened after the crash. You can find some more logs inside the ship, along with a PDA you can hack. 3 - The Hunters Further up the path you will encounter one of the survivors. Forced to eat the toxic local flora, she has lost much of her mental capacity. She warns you about "the hunters," the ones who are rebelling against the leadership of Jacob's father. When these hunters arrive, you must perform a Paragon action to save her life. Kill them, and then salvage the spare parts nearby before moving on. +2 Paragon - "Calm down!" +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] 4 - The Settlement Up the hill you will find a group of survivors--all female. Examine the statue in the center of the settlement, and pick up the med kit nearby. There are some more spare parts you can salvage on the right side of the encampment, and a PDA in the center you can access for some credits. Kill the mechs that approach, and then speak with the doctor to learn more about what happened after the crash. Rig the inactive mech to explode to open up the path out of the camp. +2 Renegade - "We're waiting." +2 Paragon - "Sounds like he cracked." +2 Renegade - "Harsh, but defendable." +2 Paragon - "Does this make sense to you?" +2 Renegade - "They're fighting back now. 5 - The Leader's Defenses To reach Taylor, you will have to fight your way through his automated defense mechs. Do not miss the chance to scan the heavy pistol up ahead to acquire some research data, or salvage the spare parts nearby. There are more spare parts and some power cells outside the walls to Taylor's base. Inside the outer wall you will have to take on his squad of brainwashed guards, along with a single heavy mech. When all the guards are dead, grab the element zero and some credits from the PDA on the ground, then proceed through the door. 6 - Acting Captain Jacob will confront his father about the crimes he committed against the other survivors, but the ultimate decision of what to do with him will fall to you. You can arrest him and leave him for the Alliance, give him a pistol to take his own life, or let the group of feral hunters have their way with him. No matter how you decide, you will earn Jacob's loyalty. +2 Paragon - "I'm Shepard. You know Jacob." +2 Renegade - "Never Mind. Explain Yourself." +2 Paragon - "Let's hear the truth" +2 Renegade - "Surprised?" +2 Paragon - "A decade, Taylor. Why?" +2 Renegade - "Touching, but I don't buy it." +2 Paragon - "We can undo the damage." / "You'll answer for this." +2 Renegade - "Tempting, but taken too far." +15 Paragon - "He can't escape the law now." +15 Renegade - "I'd shoot him." +5 Paragon - "Leave him in the hell he made." +5 Renegade - "Leave him in the hell he made." +2 Paragon - "Good job" +2 Renegade - "We'd better be." +2 Renegade - "Still toying with us?" +2 Renegade - "To help or mess with him?" +2 Paragon - "You're welcome." +2 Renegade - "One time only." +750 XP Cerberus Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete: "Jacob: The Gift of Greatness" THE PRODIGAL 21b2pr 1 - Miranda's Sister Miranda has received some disturbing news. When she escaped from her father several years ago, she took her twin sister with her. Oriana was meant to have a normal life on Illium, but it seems that her father's agents have tracked her down. Miranda has gotten Cerberus to relocate the family somewhere safe, but she wants to go to Illium and oversee the operation personally. New Mission: "Miranda: The Prodigal" 2 - Miranda's Contact Travel to Illium and meet with Lanteia at Eternity. It seems Miranda's friend, Niket, has been tipped off about a group of Eclipse mercenaries sent to capture Miranda's sister. The new plan is for Niket to escort Oriana and get her off the planet safely, while you and your team distract the mercs. +2 Paragon - "What should we do?" +2 Renegade - "We're altering the plan?" 3 - Eclipse Your shuttle will arrive at the cargo area, where the Eclipse are unloading troops for the operation. The merc leader will give you a chance to leave, but a fight is inevitable. You can perform a Renegade action to kill him and several others before the fight starts. Battle through the heavies and engineers, and take the elevator around the next corner. +2 Paragon - "I'm with Miranda." +2 Renegade - "Get lost. Now." +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "We need to get to your sister." 4 - To the Transport Terminal There is a PDA in a room to the right. Fight your way past the next group of mercs, then pick up the med kit and scan the submachine gun for some research data. Past the crates is a locker on the left containing some credits. There is also a terminal you can hack in a room on the other side of the trench. Continue around the crates, and eventually you will come upon another terminal on your left. Around the next corner is the elevator to the transport terminal. Just clear out the vanguards and grab the medi-gel from the medical station. +2 Paragon - "Maybe you're right." +2 Renegade - "Niket betrayed you." 5 - Niket At the top of the elevator you come upon Niket and Enyala--proof enough that he has betrayed Miranda. You can perform a Paragon action to stop Miranda from killing him, but he dies either way. The fight with Enyala takes place in a fairly large area, with three corridors between you and the elevator. A good strategy is to camp at the middle path and send one squad member to either side to keep them from flanking you. There is a med kit on the right, and a terminal near the elevator containing some extra credits. +2 Paragon - "What happens now?" +2 Renegade - "Kill him." +2 Paragon - "We can solve this peacefully." +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "You couldn't have." +2 Renegade - "Live and learn." +2 Paragon - "You would've regretted it." +2 Paragon - "Don't blame yourself." 6 - Oriana Miranda's sister is safe. You can leave, but Miranda will regret it if you do not convince her to go talk with her sister first. +15 Paragon - "You should speak with her." +15 Renegade - "If you say so." +750 XP Cerberus Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete: "Miranda: The Prodigal" SUBJECT ZERO 21b3su 1 - Jack's Childhood Jack was raised in a Cerberus facility for biotics: She and others like her were tortured and experimented on in an effort to make more powerful humans. She has located the facility in the Cerberus files you gave her, and wants to go there so she can destroy it. +2 Paragon - "Settle Down." +2 Renegade - "We're going in." New Mission: "Jack: Subject Zero" 2 - Explore the Facility When you get to Pragia, follow the ramps down to get out of the rain. Hack the terminal in the first room. The security console in the next area makes it appear that the Illusive Man was not fully aware of what was going on at the Pragia facility. Continue through the door and fight off the varren at the bottom of the ramp. There is a blood stain on the ground you can examine to learn about the arena in which subjects were pitted against each other. Grab the med kit in the next hallway. There is a security console you can access to view another log, this time making it seem that Jack's memories about her escape are not entirely accurate. +2 Paragon - "Maybe there was more to it." +2 Renegade - "Or not." 3 - The Blood Pack Head through the door and descend the steps. Bypass the door on the left to find some element zero. When you reach the morgue, you will find it crawling with Blood Pack mercenaries. After the initial group is defeated, be ready for a second group attacking from the left side of the room. Before you leave, grab the PDA in the alcove on the right. Bypass the door. In the hallway with the bunk beds you can salvage a circuit board on the right side. Grab the med kit on the walkway with the two-way mirror, and then proceed inside to access some more logs and some power cells. Don't miss the research terminal, which you can hack to acquire some upgrade data. In the next room you will encounter Kureck and more mercenaries. Clear them out and grab the credits from the secure container at the back of the room, then continue through the door on the right. +2 Paragon - "Don't blame yourself." +2 Renegade - "Makes sense." +2 Paragon - "You were distracted." +2 Paragon - "Why are you here?" +2 Renegade - "Get ready to fight." 4 - Aresh It seems Jack was not the only survivor. Another subject has returned to the facility, and wants to start it up again. Whether you tell Jack to kill or spare Aresh, she will do the opposite. You will need to persuade her or perform an action to get your way. Afterwards you can take a look around the room to learn more about Jack's life before her escape. +2 Paragon - "He was drawn here, like you." +15 Paragon - "Killing him changes nothing." [Charm] +15 Renegade - "Do it." [Intimidate] +5 Paragon - "Leave him alone." +5 Renegade - "Kill him." +10 Paragon - [Interrupt] +10 Renegade - [Interrupt] +750 XP Cerberus Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete: "Jack: Subject Zero" ~~~~~~~~~~ JACK AND MIRANDA Your two companions will get into a heated argument after you complete both of their loyalty missions. You must use a persuasive option to appease both parties, otherwise you will have to side with either Jack or Miranda. This will cause you to lose the loyalty of the slighted team member. +15 Paragon - "This is a distraction." +15 Renegade - "This ends now!" The only way to regain their loyalty is to speak with them individually and use a persuasive option to get them to forgive you. ~~~~~~~~~~ OLD BLOOD 21b4ol 1 - Mordin's Pupil Before starting the clinic on Omega, Mordin led a team which was responsible for modifying the krogan genophage. A member of that team has recently gone missing on Tuchanka. Mordin believes he has been kidnapped by Blood Pack mercenaries, and he wants you to help rescue him. New Mission: "Mordin: Old Blood" 2 - The Scout Master Travel to Tuchanka and find the Scout Master. He can tell you that the salarian has been taken by Clan Weyrloc, and will provide you with transportation to get to their base. 3 - The Weyrloc Base When you arrive, follow the path through the debris, eliminating the local predators and Blood Pack soldiers. Along the way you can find a med kit and some refined iridium. Inside the entrance you can examine a dead human who shows signs of gruesome experimentation. Continue down the steps and pick up the iridium on the right. +2 Paragon - "I'm stopping this." 4 - The Clanspeaker Proceed through the door to encounter the clanspeaker for clan Weyrloc. He will give a long speech about how curing the genophage will make his clan the dominant force in the galaxy. At any point during this speech you can perform a Renegade action to kill him--and you may as well, because you will have to fight the enemies in this room anyway. Either shift left to ensure the krogan coming down the stairs do not outflank you, or move to cover by the ramp to cut them off. Grab the iridium in this room, then continue up the ramps and through the door. +2 Renegade - "Look what I've done so far." +2 Paragon - "No one else has to die." +2 Paragon - "Why not try diplomacy?" +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] 5 - The Laboratory In the next area you will find evidence of genophage research and experimentation, including a dead female krogan. You can salvage some credits here, pick up some iridium, and hack a terminal to acquire some research data. Continue through the door. The room on the right with the sick krogan has a datapad you can hack. Continue down the hall and into the next area, where you will have to fight through some more Blood Pack enemies. Grab the heavy weapons ammo on this level, and then descend the stairs. There is a locked crate containing some credits on this level. Continue through the door and down the stairs to find a research terminal you can hack as well. +2 Renegade - "We killed dozens already." +2 Paragon - "Like undo the genophage." +2 Renegade - "Great. Talk about the corpse." +2 Paragon - "The genophage was wrong." +2 Renegade - "The genophage was right." +2 Paragon - "That's garbage" +2 Renegade - "I agree with you." 6 - Maelon It turns out that Maelon is not a prisoner after all: He is working with the krogan to cure the genophage. Mordin will kill him unless you intervene. You can then convince him whether to keep Maelon's research data or destroy it for good. +2 Paragon - "He didn't need rescuing." +2 Renegade - "He betrayed you." +2 Paragon - "What now, Mordin?." +2 Renegade - "The project is over." +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "Are you okay? +2 Renegade - "Are we done?" +2 Paragon - "Remember that." / "You were hurting too." +2 Renegade - "Found a spot of racism?" / "It was his fault." +2 Renegade - "Are we done?" +2 Paragon - "His research was sick." +2 Renegade - "Might be worth keeping." +15 Paragon - "You should help the krogan." / "Hold onto the data." +15 Renegade - "Genophage was the right call." / "Destroy the data." +750 XP Cerberus Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete: "Mordin: Old Blood" RITE OF PASSAGE 21b5ri 1 - Grunt's Blood Rage Grunt is having medical problems: He cannot control his urge to fight. You will need to seek out other krogan on Tuchanka and learn what can be done to help Grunt. New Mission: "Grunt: Rite of Passage" 2 - The Shaman Travel to Tuchanka and speak with the clan leader about Grunt. Apparently, he is not sick, he simply needs to go through a ritual known as the Rite so he can become a full member of a clan. He will direct you to the Shaman upstairs, who will allow you to perform the Rite. +2 Renegade - "Does that change anything?" +2 Paragon - "His call." +2 Paragon - "We have permission." +2 Renegade - "He dares stand in Grunt's way?" / "I want this crap over." +2 Paragon - "He is part of my crew." +2 Renegade - "We will kill for Grunt." +5 Renegade [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "You defy a shaman?" +2 Renegade - "Do you want to die, Uvenk?" / "Let's get this crap going!" +2 Paragon "You argue like an alien." [Charm] +2 Renegade "So you're fearful." [Intimidate] 3 - The Keystone Here you will face three waves of enemies. Activating the keystone triggers each wave. Before you begin, check around the battlefield: Collect all the credits from the dead corpses and turbine parts (though you should leave the med kits and power cells until you need them). The first wave consists entirely of varren. Order your squad to stand in the open, and use your powers to disable and kill each enemy as it approaches. Klixen make up the second wave. They are tougher, but a bit slower than the varren. Finally, a thresher maw appears. Now is the time to use any heavy weapons you have. The thresher maw's attacks can destroy most of the flimsy cover, so stick to the solid stone walls to avoid its attacks. Be ready to reposition to a new location when it shifts from one side of the battlefield to the other. You can complete the Rite by simply staying alive for five minutes, but there is an achievement for taking down the thresher maw. 4 - Clan Gatatog Uvenk wants to use Grunt--but as a tool rather than a full member of his clan. When the fight breaks out, flank around to the right side to grab some med kits. There are also two Urdnot corpses you can loot if you get to them before the battle concludes. When you return from the Rite, Grunt will be accepted into a clan, and allowed to serve under you. This should put an end to any emotional instability. You will also be granted some research data and a discount on items sold by Fortack. +2 Paragon - "This is sacrilege." +2 Renegade - "This is just political." +2 Paragon - "He's the ultimate krogan." +2 Renegade - "Are you here to fight?" +2 Paragon - "Your call, Grunt." +2 Renegade - "He can't join your clan." +750 XP Cerberus Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete: "Grunt: Rite of Passage" THE ARDAT-YAKSHI 21b6ar 1 - Samara's Daughter Samara reveals that the target she was hunting on Illium is an Ardat-Yakshi, an asari with a rare genetic mutation that causes her to overpower the nervous system of any individual she mates with, a process that is intensely pleasurable and ultimately fatal for her victims. The target, named Morinth, is also Samara's daughter. She has tracked Morinth to Omega, and would like to travel there to complete her mission. New Mission: "Samara: The Ardat-Yakshi" 2 - Pick up the Trail Return to Omega and seek out Aria. She suspected there was an Ardat-Yakshi on the station, and can point you in the direction of her most recent victim. Use your map to find the apartments and head there to meet Diana, the victim's mother. Examine everything in Nev's room, as this information will be useful later. Head to the VIP area of Afterlife, and use the code word you learned from Nev's diary to gain access. +2 Paragon - "I believe you." +2 Paragon - "I'm on your side." +2 Renegade - "Yes." +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +2 Renegade - "No promises." +2 Renegade - "This sounds easy." +2 Paragon - "A perfect predator." +2 Renegade - "Can't wait to meet her." 3 - Attracting Attention The goal inside the club is to attract Morinth's attention, and each interaction you have with another person in the club will either gain Morinth's interest or lose it. Start by talking to Vij, who can tell you about Morinth's favorite band. +2 Renegade - "Get away from me." ~~~~~~~~~~ MORINTH'S INTEREST Here is a list of people you can talk to in the club. You only have one chance to do the correct thing with each of them. Edwin - The bartender. Offer to buy everyone a round of drinks, or persuade him to do so. Do not just tell him to give drinks for free. +5 Paragon - "Treat your customers." [Charm] Horftin - Will ask you to say "terminal" and "eternity" to Florit. Go over and say the words in that order. Do not reverse the order. Meln - A turian harassing one of the dancers. Step in and put a stop to it. Do not just walk away. Verf - Krogan minding his own business. Offer to take it outside. Do not fling an ineffectual insult. +5 Renegade - "Let's step outside." [Intimidate] Vertin - One of two turians planning to mug people later in the evening. Insult them to provoke a fight. Do not say you are here to stop their plan. +5 Renegade - "Not much." [Intimidate] Waera - Asari on the dance floor. Just dance with her. Do not brag about how good you are. If you fail too many times in your interactions, Morinth will become disinterested and leave. You will have blown your chance and Samara will not be pleased. ~~~~~~~~~~ 4 - Talking with Morinth (Optional) If you get Morinth's attention, she will invite you to sit with her. Now is the time to use the information you gleaned from Nev and Vij. Avoid discussing family or justicars. When you discuss music, bring up Expel 10 and Hallex. When talking about art, mention that you like Forta and Vaenia. Finally, when discussing travel, say that you enjoy going to dangerous places. If you do not provide her with stimulating conversation, Morinth will excuse herself and Samara will lose her chance. 5 - "Want to get out of here?" (Optional) If you interest Morinth enough, she will invite you back to her apartment. Be sure to scan the assault rifle on the wall for some research data. When you sit down to talk with her, you must use persuasive options to avoid falling under her spell. Regardless, Samara will arrive and the two will duel. If you were able to resist Morinth's charms, you will have the option of choosing between them. If you elect to kill Samara, Morinth will join you in her place, and will impersonate Samara around the other crew members. +30 Paragon - "Kill Morinth" +45 Renegade - "Kill Samara" +2 Paragon - "Are you okay?" +750 XP Cerberus Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete - "Samara: The Ardat-Yakshi" _______________________________________ | | | TIP - If you choose Morinth over | | Samara, do not attempt to mate with | | her. | |_______________________________________| EYE FOR AN EYE 21b7ey 1 - Garrus's Reprisal Garrus has tracked down the member of his team who betrayed him and got the others killed. He wants to go to the Citadel and exact his revenge. New Mission: "Garrus: Eye for an Eye" 2 - Finding Fade When you arrive on the Citadel, speak with Captain Bailey, who will point you in the direction of the warehouse down on level 26. There you will encounter a volus and his krogan bodyguards. When the contact finds out that you want him to help you find someone, he will order his guards to kill you. You can perform a Renegade action to take them out, but they will not attack you regardless. The contact will direct you to Harkin, a former C-Sec agent who runs his operation out of the factory district. +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] +2 Renegade - "Shut up." +2 Renegade - "I can't wait." 3 - Trailing Harkin Use the rapid transit system to get to the factory district. Harkin will flee when you arrive, and you must fight your way through his guards. These are mostly LOKI mechs and Blue Suns troopers. Head through the door and search the trash for some credits. Grab the med kit and then make your way through the stacked crates. While in the factory, be alert for mechs and soldiers getting dropped off in large containers on either side of the battlefield. There is a wall safe containing some credits off to the left. Continue around the corner and fight your way forward to the bridge controls. Grab all the supplies, and then lower the bridge to continue the fight. Look out for the YMIR mech that will get dropped in the midst of the other soldiers. Inside the next room is a terminal you can hack for a research upgrade. You can also pause here to talk with Garrus about the mission. 4 - The Warehouse Fight your way through the remaining mechs and climb the platforms. You can hack a PDA off to the right to collect some credits. Before you can get to Harkin you will have to take on two YMIR mechs at once. Retreat to cover and focus all your attacks on one mech at a time. Remember that a fatal headshot to a heavy mech causes a massive explosion. When the mechs are dead, climb up the platforms on the left to reach Harkin. Garrus will force Harkin to give up Sidonis, and will shoot him unless you perform a Paragon action. +2 Renegade - "Ouch." +2 Paragon - "Be reasonable." +5 Paragon [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "That wasn't necessary. " +2 Renegade - "Shut up." 5 - Sidonis Garrus will get set up at the meeting place. He needs you to go over and talk to Sidonis to get him in position. To allow Garrus to take the shot, simply step out of the way at any point during the conversation. The only way to keep Sidonis alive is to keep blocking Garrus's view. You will need to perform a Paragon action, and then persuade Garrus to let Sidonis go. +2 Paragon - "You Okay?" +2 Renegade - "He's not worth it." +2 Paragon - "I don't know." / "You sure about this?" +2 Renegade - "You bet." +2 Paragon - "Give me a chance." +2 Paragon - "Do you really believe that?" +2 Paragon - "[Warn Sidonis]" +2 Renegade - "[Move to the side]" +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +15 Renegade - "[Let Garrus take the shot]" +2 Paragon - "[Keep talking]" +15 Paragon "Don't do it, Garrus." [Charm] +15 Renegade - "I can't help you." +2 Paragon - "You're lucky." +2 Renegade - "Leave." +2 Paragon - "It's for the best." +2 Paragon - "I understand." +2 Paragon - "Trust your heart." +2 Renegade - "You done with this." +750 XP Cerberus Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete: "Garrus: Eye for an Eye" SINS OF THE FATHER 21b8si 1 - Thane's Son Thane has received information that his son is on the Citadel, and has accepted an assassination contract. He would like to go to the Citadel and stop the assassination from occurring. New Mission: "Thane: Sins of the Father" 2 - Mouse Talk with Bailey when you get to the Citadel. He can point you in the direction of Mouse, who can be found up on level 28. Mouse is very reluctant to give up any information, so you will either have to perform a Renegade action, use your persuasive options, or pay him 3000 credits for the information. Mouse will tell you about Elias Kelham, the man who hired Thane's son. +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] +5 Paragon - "We'll protect you." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "I'm losing patience." [Intimidate] 3 - Enhanced Interrogation Return to Bailey, who will agree to arrest Kelham and give you a few minutes alone with him. One way or another, Kelham will give up the information--it is just faster if you get violent. Kelham will tell you about Joram Talid, the turian he wanted to have killed. Bailey will have someone take you to where you can find him. +5 Paragon - "I'm a Spectre. Start talking." [Intimidate] +5 Renegade - "I'm a Spectre. Start talking." [Intimidate] +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] x3 +5 Paragon - "We'll sweeten the pot." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "You should talk to us." [Intimidate] +2 Paragon - "That's democracy for you." +2 Renegade - "Not my problem." 4 - Following Talid You will be positioned on the catwalks above Talid's position. Periodically, Thane will contact you asking for an update on Talid. You will need to have him on your screen in order to send a report to Thane. Start by grabbing the datapad on the right, then update Thane. Head through the door on your left. Talid will stop once more, and then further down the street he will send his bodyguard into Aquila. Set up on the opposite side of the street to have the best view of him. When the bodyguard concludes his business, they will move quickly, so be ready. Their next stop will be the bar with the rotating martini glasses. After shaking down the bartender he will continue into the next room where they will talk with a group of krogan. When he gets to this point, update Thane and continue through the door. You can perform a Renegade action on the stock boy in the next room (or lie your way past him), but you are in no danger of losing Talid at this point. 5 Renegade - [Interrupt] 5 Paragon - "I'm a health inspector." [Charm] 5 Renegade - "There's a bomb." [Intimidate] 5 Paragon - "I'm lost." [Charm] 5 Renegade - "You can't stop me." [Intimidate] 5 Paragon - "Here's the truth." [Charm] 5 Renegade - "A life is at stake." [Intimidate] _______________________________________ | | | TIP - You will not gain Thane's | | loyalty if you fail to stop the | | assassination. | |_______________________________________| 5 - Standoff with Kolyat (Optional) Kolyat's assassination attempt does not go as planned. He will chase Talid back to his apartment and hold him at gunpoint when you arrive. If you do not perform a Paragon action to defuse the situation peacefully, you will have to shoot either Kolyat (a nonlethal hit) or Talid. When things calm down you will have the chance to persuade Bailey to knock down the charges against Kolyat so he will not have to go to prison. 15 Paragon - [Interrupt] 15 Renegade - "[Kill the Hostage]" 5 Paragon - "[Disable Kolyat]" 5 Renegade - "[Disable Kolyat]" 2 Paragon - "Thane's dying." 2 Renegade - "He did this for you." 5 Paragon - "Those guys were criminals." [Charm] 5 Renegade - "Who cares about them?" [Intimidate] +750 XP Cerberus Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete: "Thane: Sins of the Father" TREASON 21b9tr 1 - Tali's Hearing Tali has received some disturbing news: A message from the Migrant Fleet has informed her that she is being charged with treason, a crime punishable by exile. She is being given the opportunity to return to the fleet and defend herself, but she needs you to go with her. New Mission: "Tali: Treason" _______________________________________ | | | TIP - Bringing Legion to the Migrant | | Fleet will make for a different | | experience. | |_______________________________________| 2 - Arrival on the Rayya Travel to the Valhallan Threshold and dock with the migrant fleet. Follow the hallway until you reach Shala'Raan, one of the members of the fleet's Admiralty Board. Because she is a close friend of the Zorah family, she will not be able to cast judgment at the hearing. Additionally, Tali is being tried as a member of the Normandy--meaning you, as her captain, will have to speak on her behalf. +2 Paragon - "I owe Tali a great deal." +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "Calm down." +2 Renegade - "It's called Legion." +5 Paragon - "You'll have to shoot us both." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "If it acts up, I'll kill it." [Intimidate] +2 Paragon - "I'll do this for Tali." +2 Paragon - "I'm honored." +2 Renegade - "This is a terrible idea." 3 - Surprising News At the hearing it will be revealed that the lab ship where Tali's father was working has been seized by the geth. The Board can see no explanation except that Tali sent back--knowingly or otherwise--active pieces of geth which subsequently multiplied and took over the ship. Tali's father and the crew of the Alarei are presumed dead. +5 Paragon "It's my pleasure." [Charm] +5 Renegade "Look at her record." [Intimidate] +2 Renegade "What's the point?" +5 Paragon "We need to help." [Charm] +5 Renegade "You've got a lot of nerve." [Intimidate] +2 Paragon "We must. For Tali's sake." +2 Renegade "If it proves her loyalty." 4 - Board the Alarei Tali will volunteer to take back the Alarei from the geth. Recapturing the ship is the best hope of finding evidence to exonerate her when the hearing reconvenes. Before you leave you can talk with many of the quarians, including the admirals who will be deciding Tali's fate. If you left Veetor return to the Flotilla, you will be able to speak to him as well. When you are ready to leave, take the exit on the right side of the chamber and follow the corridors to the shuttle guard. +2 Paragon - "You went too far." +2 Renegade - "Thanks. Will it help?" +2 Paragon - "I hope you feel better." 5 - Recapture the Ship On the Alarei, keep on the lookout for laptops, which you can access to acquire hefty sums of credits. There are also a few quarian logs you can access to learn more about what happened on the ship prior to the geth takeover. When fighting the geth, Tali's AI Hacking ability is especially useful. Try to take down the shields of the more powerful hunters and destroyers, and then hack them to make them turn on the lesser geth troopers. Head through the first room and enter the door on the left to find a medical station and a repair drone you can examine to learn about the kinds of materials Tali sent back to her father. Head down the hall and hack the monitor in the room on the right to receive some research data. Take the stairs up to the next floor and fight your way through the geth until you reach a room where you can descend once again. +2 Paragon - "That's a bad idea." +2 Renegade - "That's a worthy promise." +2 Paragon - "Then find another world." / "Settle down somewhere else." +2 Renegade - "So take it back, then." / "It's worth it." 6 - Rael's Legacy In the next hallway is the lifeless body of Rael'Zorah. You can perform a Paragon action to comfort Tali. Head up the stairs and eliminate the remaining geth: a prime, a hunter, and two troopers. You can pick up a model flotilla ship for your room on the Normandy off to the right side when you enter. There is also a laptop to the left containing some credits. Access the quarian console in the center of the room to acquire the evidence proving that Rael was acting without Tali's knowledge. +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +2 Paragon - "This wasn't his choice." +2 Renegade - "We'll destroy the geth." +2 Paragon - "He did what he could." +2 Renegade - "The geth cut him off." +2 Paragon - "He wanted to keep his promise." +2 Renegade - "That's what we needed." / "That sounded bad." 7 - The Hearing Return to the hearing, which has reconvened without you. You have several choices here: Submit the evidence to clear Tali's name, withhold the evidence, or use your persuasive options to convince the Admiralty Board that Tali would never betray her people. If you saved Kal'Reegar and allowed Veetor to return to the Flotilla, you can also rally the crowd to Tali's defense. The admirals will render their decision, and Tali will either be exonerated or exiled. You can talk to the various quarians before you leave the Rayya. +2 Paragon - "You should pardon Tali." +2 Renegade - "You could have waited." +30 Paragon - "I don't need evidence." [Charm] +30 Renegade - "You're wasting our time!" [Intimidate] +30 Paragon - "[Rally the Crowd.]" +30 Paragon - "We have no evidence." +30 Renegade - "Yes. Here is the evidence." +2 Paragon - "Don't go to war." / "She's with me." +2 Renegade - "Good luck in the war." +2 Paragon - "Your ideas are wrong." +2 Renegade - "All that matters is victory." +2 Paragon - "Keep pushing for peace." +2 Renegade - "You need to go to war." +2 Paragon - "I support Tali." +2 Renegade - "She had no choice!" +2 Paragon - "This was Rael's fault." / "I'm sorry." +2 Renegade - "You don't want to know." / "That's not my problem." +2 Paragon - "You were motivated." +2 Paragon - "Thanks for standing by me." +750 XP Cerberus Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete: "Tali: Treason" _______________________________________ | | | TIP - Going against Tali's wishes at | | the hearing will preclude you from | | gaining her loyalty. | |_______________________________________| A HOUSE DIVIDED 21b10h 1 - Legion's Consensus Legion will ask to speak with you: He has learned of a virus that the heretics plan to use to make all geth believe as they do. He wishes to use Normandy's stealth capabilities to approach the geth base where the virus is being developed, and destroy it. New Mission: "Legion: A House Divided" 2 - Haratar While on the ship, breaking the green data streams by walking over them will alert all geth in the room to your presence. In each of these rooms you must destroy one or more geth hubs to unlock the door so you can proceed. Each of these hubs can also be looted for credits after it has been destroyed. You will also encounter inactive rocket drones. Legion can override these from a distance, and they will attack any enemies in the area (even ones you have used AI Hacking on.) However, they will only be active for a short time before self-destructing, and there is a limit to how many turrets Legion can hack at once, so use them wisely. Be on the lookout for a geth terminal you can hack to acquire some research data. +2 Paragon - "Rewriting is unethical." +2 Renegade - "They're just machines." +2 Paragon - "The heretics are part of you." +2 Renegade - "Why worry about brainwashing?" +2 Paragon - "That could be traumatizing." / +2 Renegade - "You feel guilty." +2 Paragon - "You'd lose that perspective." +2 Renegade - "Their judgment sucks." +2 Paragon - "Things change." +2 Renegade - "You were naive." +2 Paragon - "It's not your fault." +2 Renegade - "It's their fault." 3 - The Core Eventually you will come to the core of the ship, where Legion will be begin the process of analyzing the data in the geth systems. This will alert the station, and you will have to fight off several waves of geth until the process is completed. Tell your team to take cover in the center of the room where you can fire at the geth that come up the ramps to either side. There are also several rocket drones you can hack, mainly on the level below. 4 - Escape the Station When the datamine is complete, you will have the choice of simply destroying the station, or uploading a modified virus that will rewrite the heretics to be like the other geth. When you have made your decision, the door to the right will open, which you can use to escape the station. You do not have to travel far, but you will have to contend with several troopers, and a geth prime guarding the exit. +30 Paragon - "We'll rewrite them." +30 Renegade - "It's safer to kill them." +750 XP Cerberus Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete: "Legion: A House Divided" ~~~~~~~~~~ TALI AND LEGION Once again, two of your companions will have a tense standoff. You will have to use a persuasive option to appease both parties, otherwise you will have to side with either Tali or Legion. This will cause you to lose the loyalty of the slighted team member. +15 Paragon - "You're both right." +15 Renegade - "Knock this crap off." The only way to regain their loyalty is to speak with them individually and use a persuasive option to get them to forgive you. ~~~~~~~~~~ THE PRICE OF REVENGE (*DLC*) 21b11p 1 - Zaeed's Unfinished Business When you first acquire Zaeed on Omega, he will tell you about some business he needs to take care of in the Ismar Frontier. Travel to the Faia System and land on Zorya to begin the mission. The situation is this: Some Blue Suns mercs are running a refinery using human slaves as workers. Officially you are here to liberate the workers, but Zaeed also has an ulterior motive for coming to this planet in particular... +2 Paragon - "Welcome aboard." +2 Renegade - "Report to the Normandy" +2 Paragon - "No. He didn't." +2 Renegade - "There's always a catch." +2 Paragon - "We can do that." +2 Renegade - "If there's time." Mission Complete: "Dossier: The Veteran" New Mission: "Zaeed: The Price of Revenge" 2 - Perimeter Defenses Your shuttle will draw the attention of the Suns when you land. At the southern checkpoint you will run into a few troopers, but do not push ahead too quickly or their reinforcements will surround you. Keep moving until you get to the bridge, where it will be revealed that Zaeed founded the Blue Suns with another merc named Vido Santiago. Vido betrayed Zaeed and tried to kill him, so now Zaeed is back for revenge. Keep going until you reach the large door to the facility. +2 Paragon - "You know this guy?" +2 Renegade - "Vido sounds dangerous." 3 - The Refinery Zaeed will start a fire that threatens to destroy the refinery and everyone inside. Continue along the walkway until you encounter a worker who warns you that the entire complex is in danger of exploding unless someone can shut off the gas valves. You will have to decide whether to enter the refinery and save the workers, or pursue Vido to make sure he does not escape. +2 Paragon - "That was unnecessary." +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +2 Renegade - "Warn me next time." +2 Paragon - "We came to save these people." +2 Renegade - "You do what I tell you." +2 Paragon - "Keep to the mission, or else." +2 Renegade - "If that's what you need." +2 Paragon - "You suggest we leave them?" +2 Renegade - "You must really want him dead." +15 Paragon - "Forget Loyalty. We save them." +15 Renegade - "Zaeed's right. Vido must die." _______________________________________ | | | TIP - You get a heavy weapons upgrade | | for saving the workers, or an assault | | rifle upgrade for going after Vido. | |_______________________________________| 4 - Save the Workers (Optional) If you chose to save the refinery workers, bypass the door to get inside. Continue up the stairs. There are fires everywhere in the next room, but there are several fuel control points you can use to clear a path. Take the stairs on the far side of the room, then cross the platform and activate the fire extinguisher systems in the observation room. There is also a research terminal you can access for a heavy weapons ammo upgrade. With the sprinklers on you can continue through the next door. Follow the catwalk to the end, and then drop down onto the pile of containers. 5 - Follow Vido (Optional) If you chose to stop Vido, you will have to fight your way through another group of Suns. There is a room ahead where you can salvage servos for some credits, and access a research terminal for an assault rifle upgrade. There are more troopers in the next area, but nothing else worth mentioning. 6 - Escape the Refinery Regardless of the path you chose, you are now in the same location. Grab the refined Palladium on the left, and pick up the M-451 Firestorm heavy weapon off the floor in the next room. Try it out on the two turians around the corner, and if you do not like it simply swap it out at the weapons locker nearby. There are also some power cells you can use to replenish your heavy ammo. There are a few things to worry about in the next room in addition to the usual complement of troopers: There are two tanks overhead which will begin to move on rails, spraying burning gas as they go. Stay clear when they pass by, or shoot them down when they are over a group of enemies. There is also a YMIR mech on the back wall which will activate when attacked- -or when the tanks are destroyed. There are some salvageable bits in alcoves to either side of the room, and a med kit in the center. Proceed through the large door when all the enemies have been dealt with. 7 - Vido's Fate Whether Vido lives or dies is dependent on whether you took the time to rescue the refinery workers. If he escapes, the only way to gain Zaeed's loyalty is by using your persuasive options. +750 XP Eldfell-Ashland Corp Funding: 30000 Credits OR Zaeed Funding: 15000 Credits Mission Complete: "Zaeed: The Price of Revenge" _______________________________________ | | | TIP - If you do this mission after | | the game ends, you have the option of | | leaving Zaeed behind to die. | |_______________________________________| STEALING MEMORY (*DLC*) 21b12s 1 - Kasumi's Lost Love With Kasumi's dossier in hand, travel to the Citadel. You can acquire her by interacting with the advertisement on the right side of the security checkpoint when you arrive. Kasumi's loyalty is dependent on helping her recover an item stolen from a close friend of hers. The target's name is Donovan Hock, a wealthy arms-dealer living on Beckenstein. +2 Renegade - "Cut the crap. +2 Paragon - "Welcome aboard." +2 Renegade - "Let's head out." Mission Complete: "Dossier: The Master Thief" New Mission: "Kasumi: Stealing Memory" 2 - Getting In The plan is to recover Keiji's graybox during a party at Hock's mansion. Simply travel to the Boltzmann System in the Serpent Nebula and land on Beckenstein to begin the mission. The guard will turn Kasumi away when you arrive, so she will need to remain cloaked for now. The vault is located on the lower level at the far end of the hall when you arrive, and is accessible via stairwells to either side. The vault has several security systems you will need to bypass in order to get inside: There is a DNA scanner, a voice identification system, and a kinetic barrier. +2 Paragon - "Of course" +2 Renegade - "If that's what it takes." +2 Paragon - "What's the plan?" +2 Renegade - "I can do this alone." New Mission: "Kasumi: DNA Scanner" New Mission: "Kasumi: Voice Lock" New Mission: "Kasumi: Kinetic Barrier" 3 - Collecting Samples The door to Hock's private rooms are located on the right side of the hall (as you originally entered) but the guard will not agree to let you in unless you have authorization. At the rear of the hall you can head out onto a balcony. Off to the left side you will find a datapad with some useful information: Apparently the security personnel are afraid of angering their security chief. You can use this knowledge to trick the guard into letting you pass. Alternatively, you can head to the other end of the balcony and hop the railing to sneak into Hock's quarters instead. Just kill the Eclipse troopers and shoot out the window to get inside. In Hock's bedroom you can find DNA samples on the antique weapons, the datapad on his desk, and the wineglass on the table. Checking the alarm clock near his bed will alert the guards. You can find credits in the couch cushions as well as a wall safe at the back of the room. When you have enough DNA, head back to the vault and use the DNA scanner. Mission Complete: "Kasumi: DNA Scanner" 4 - Voice Recognition All you need to do to get a sample of Hock's voice is to keep him talking. This can be accomplished by using one persuasive dialogue option when you speak with him. Afterwards, bypass the security room door on the right side of the hall (as you originally entered) and take out the guards inside. There is a wall safe and a medical station here, as well as a datapad with the password you need. Return to the vault to enter the password. 5 Paragon - "Expecting Trouble?" [Charm] 5 Renegade - "Understandable." [Intimidate] 5 Paragon - "I think we could be allies." [Charm] 5 Renegade - "Don't walk away from me." [Intimidate] 5 Paragon - "We should do business." [Charm] 5 Renegade - "My enemy is your enemy" [Intimidate] 2 Paragon - "You have great taste in wine." 2 Renegade - "Not much of a party." Mission Complete: "Kasumi: Voice Lock" 5 - Cut the Power After examining the kinetic barrier power cable in the vault corridor, Kasumi will set your omni-tool to detect the magnetic field it generates. This will allow you to see the cable beneath the floor. Follow the cable upstairs and across the hall to an alcove with several paintings. Pull on the statuette to reveal the control panel for the kinetic barrier, which Kasumi will use to shut it down. Mission Complete: "Kasumi: Kinetic Barrier" 6 - Crack the Vault Opening the secure elevator will allow you to get out of your formal attire and equip your weapons and armor. Inside the vault you can check out many of the items in Hock's collection. Be sure to grab the Locust Submachine Gun from the display table with Keiji's graybox. Weapon Acquired: M-12 Locust Submachine Gun 7 - Escape the Estate Grabbing the graybox will alert Hock to your presence. He will give a long speech, which you can cut short with a Renegade action. Several guards will burst into the room, including the security chief herself. Beyond the door is a weapons locker you can use to swap out your gear. Continue into the next room and fight your way through another group of guards and a YMIR mech. Take the stairs on the right side at the end of the corridor and hack the nearby PDA. To proceed in the next area you will need to circle around to the left and fire the mass accelerator cannon to blow open a hole in the wall. There are also two sets of spare parts, a med kit, and some refined platinum in the area. Continue through the hole and make your way past more guards and another heavy mech. At the far side there is a med kit and a dead merc you can collect some research data from. +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] 8 - Showdown with Hock There are more mercs and some refined platinum in the next room, after which you can exit the facility. You will not be able to call for the landing shuttle however, as Hock arrives piloting a gunship. Unlike other gunships you may have faced, this one has a regenerating kinetic barrier. Just take care of all the enemies on the platform and Kasumi will eventually take care of the shield herself. After this scene just take down Hock's armor and you will be free to return to the Normandy. 9 - Keiji's Memories On the shuttle, Kasumi will activate Keiji's graybox. After the scene you can tell Kasumi to keep the data, or honor her lover's wishes and destroy it. +5 Paragon - "Keep the graybox" +4 Renegade - "Do it" +5 Paragon - "Let me do it" +2 Renegade - "Let me do it" +750 XP Cerberus Funding: 30000 Credits Mission Complete: "Kasumi: Stealng Memory" LAIR OF THE SHADOW BROKER (*DLC*) 21b13l ~~~~~~~~~~ LIARA'S MISSION Though not technically a loyalty mission, I have placed "Lair of the Shadow Broker" here because it most closely follows the formula of the other loyalty missions and because it is categorized by the game as a "Mission" rather than an "Assignment." ~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - So Cerberus gave me this Intel... A message at your private terminal reveals that Cerberus has uncovered information that can lead you to the Shadow Broker himself. They want you to give this information to Liara T'Soni so that she can help you eliminate him. Take this new intel to Liara on Illium, who will tell you to meet her at her apartment. +2 Paragon - "You saved me." +2 Renegade - "Why give me to Cerberus?" New Mission: "Lair of the Shadow Broker" 2 - Botched Assassination Use your map to find the taxi stand and use it to travel to Liara's apartment. When you arrive you will find that local police and a Spectre named Tela Vasir have cordoned off the area because someone tried to kill Liara. The assassin failed, but now Liara is missing. You need to search the apartment for clues that will lead you to her location. Examine the picture next to the bed on the second floor, and then the Prothean relic at the foot of the stairs. +2 Paragon - "She's in danger." +2 Renegade - "So she did find something." 3 - Trade Center Bombing The information from Liara's apartment leads you to the Dracon Trade Center. As soon as you arrive, explosives take out several floors in an apparent attempt to kill Liara. Enter the building and grab the credits from the locker on the right. Ascend the stairs to the next floor to find some medical stations and a PDA. On the next level there is an ATM you can hack and some power cells off to the right. Head through the door and get ready for contact with the Shadow Broker's private army. The agents have flashbang grenades, but are otherwise fairly weak enemies. There are a few heavies, engineers, and vanguards to contend with as well. Keep an eye out for terminals you can access for extra credits. When you get to a point where your path is blocked by fire, use the maintenance console in the room on the left to clear the path. There is also some element zero and some salvageable equipment here as well. Access the research terminal and wall safe past the next group of enemies and then proceed through the door. +2 Paragon - "Wait, Liara. She's a friend" +2 Renegade - "It was you?" 4 - Chasing a Spectre Vasir has the data and is trying to escape. Fight your way through a few more agents and leave the building the way you came in. You will need to fly the skycar in pursuit of Vasir. Use your boost except in tight turns and it should be easy enough to stay on her tail. Eventually she will crash at a hotel and call in reinforcements to slow you down. Grab the med kit from your cab. Each wave of reinforcements will arrive in a different location, so stay mobile and make use of the ample cover. Eventually a transport will crash and you will be able to exit the parking area. Collect the supplies in the hotel room and grab the power cells and research data from Vasir's crashed skycar. 5 - Hostage Negotiations When you catch up with Vasir she will have taken a hostage. No matter how you resolve the situation you will end up battling Vasir in a large combat area. She has a very tough biotic barrier you will need to whittle down in order to kill her. Vasir will charge around the battlefield very rapidly, but you can use Liara's stasis ability to freeze her in place. Though she will be invulnerable while the power is active, she will fall to the ground and be momentarily incapacitated when the stasis field wears off. As you deplete her barrier she will retreat and call in a few reinforcements, but once she is down to only her health she will be much easier to defeat. After the battle you will retrieve the data and head for the Shadow Broker's secret base. In the conversation with Liara there are three Paragon interrupts you can use to prolong the dialogue. +2 Paragon - "Mariana, I'm here to help." +2 Renegade - "Escaping won't help you." +15 Paragon - "I'll shoot if I have to." [Charm] +15 Renegade - "You're pathetic." [Intimidate] +15 Paragon - "[Drop thermal clips.]" +15 Renegade - "[Wound the hostage.]" +2 Paragon - "You crossed the line." +2 Renegade - "I don't buy it." +2 Paragon - "Yes." +2 Renegade - "What they had to do." +5 Paragon per [Interrupt] 6 - Getting Inside You land on the exterior of the ship and will need to make your way towards the stern to find a hatch you can use to get inside. The path is linear, but you will need to fight through a significant enemy force to reach your goal. Biotic powers like pull are especially useful here, as enemies can be lifted out into the storm and vaporized by lightning. You should also make use of the lightning capacitors you come across, as shooting these will unleash an attack resembling that of the Arc Projector. Just don't get to close when you set them off, as you and your squadmates are vulnerable to this attack as well. Eventually you will arrive at the hatch and Liara will set up a program to bypass the security and get you inside. While the program is running you will need to fight off several waves of enemies. If you stick to cover near the hatch and make use of the four lightning capacitors this should be an easy fight. 7 - The Shadow Broker Once inside, fight your way down the corridor to reach the prison block. Bypass the door to get inside and talk to Feron, then continue down the hall to the Shadow Broker's office. During this fight, be aware that the cover in the room can be destroyed by the Shadow Broker's charge attack. You will need to take down his shields and armor, then get close and hit him with a melee attack. Repeat three times and Liara will finish him off. +2 Paragon - "Are you alright?" +2 Paragon - "We're all leaving." +2 Renegade - "The Broker's overconfident." +2 Paragon - "You're sure about this?" +2 Renegade - "Good. Useful intel." +5 Paragon - "[Hug her]" +5 Renegade - "It's just nerves." +2 Paragon - "I'll miss you." +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 45000 Credits Mission Complete: "Lair of the Shadow Broker" ~~~~~~~~~~ THE INFORMATION NETWORK With the Shadow Broker dead, his information network will fall into Liara's hands. Visiting the Shadow Broker's base will give you the following: Dossiers - Access to information on all your team members, as well as a few other characters. Investment Opportunities - Fund missions to achieve certain goals. You will receive either double your initial investment, or nothing if the mission fails. Survey Information - You can buy intel leading you to a few mineral-rich planets. Advanced Training - For the cost of 1000 element zero you can redistribute the talent points of any squad member. Delivery Pickup - A random reward of resources or a damage upgrade. A new reward will be available each time you return after completing a mission. Video Archive - View short clips of various individuals, sometimes offering unique insights into their private lives. You will also be able to invite Liara back to your ship for drinks--and more, if she was your love interest in Mass Effect 1. ~~~~~~~~~~ OPTIONAL ASSIGNMENTS 21copt -------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++ 21c1ar Assignment: Arrival Given by: Accessing your private terminal on the Command Deck Location: Normandy Requirements: Install the Arrival DLC, Complete Horizon 1 - Incoming Message from Admiral Hackett After completing the mission on Horizon, your journal will update, indicating that you have an incoming message from Alliance Command. Access your private terminal on the Command Deck to begin a mission briefing with Admiral Hackett. It seems one of the Alliance's deep cover operatives has been kidnapped by batarians, who are accusing her of terrorism. Due to the Alliance's sensitive relationship with the batarians, Hackett wants you to go in alone, and rescue the operative as discretely as possible. +2 Paragon - "I'll save her." +2 Renegade - "If I have time." ~~~~~~~~~~ COVERT ACTION There is an achievement for reaching Dr. Kenson without being detected by the batarians. While you can still go in guns blazing if you wish, this guide will be outlining how to get into the batarian compound without triggering any alarms. ~~~~~~~~~~ 2 - Sneaking Mission The Viper Nebula will be added to your galaxy map. Travel to the Bahak System and land on Aratoht. You will be by yourself for this mission, so plan your loadout accordingly. When you land, cut the power relay to open the door and get out of the rain. Follow the hallway and head down the stairs on your left to activate the controls that will extend the bridge so you can proceed. At the end of the hallway, take the stairs up to the next level. Avoid triggering the laser tripwires when you circle around to the left. Continue until you reach a dead end. 3 - Gas Problems There is a pipe on the ceiling you can shoot that will cause a small explosion to open a path. Use the valve to redirect the gas flow so you can pass. Immediately ahead is a T junction. In order to go straight you will need to toggle two gas valves, one immediately to the right, and one down the hallway to the left. This will allow you access to a room where you can grab 400 credits and a heavy weapons ammo upgrade. Head back to the junction and go right down the long hallway, toggling the valve at the end to get through. Head to the top of the ramps and open the door to get back outside. 3 - Avoiding Detection Wait for the guard across the way to go back inside, then descend the steps and head to the right of the barriers. Cutting power to the relay will lower a transport to your left that you can mantle up to proceed. Head through the door and then back outside. Go left to find a room with some refined iridium, then head back and go right and drop down. Go up the stairs and through the door to get out of the rain. There are guards in the room on the right but you can walk right past them down the hallway. When you get to the hangar bay, enter the room on your left and access the crane controls. Use the middle control to move the crane forward, then the control on the left to move it into position over the crate on the far wall. Then use the right control twice to lower the crane and pick up the crate. This will let you pick up a medi-gel capacity upgrade and some more iridium. Use the vehicle lift controls to lower the truck so you can descend to the next level. Activate the controls on the bottom to raise it again, revealing a med kit and some credits underneath. Access the locker in the next room and cut the power to shut off the lasers. Then hug the right wall and go all the way down to the end of the hallway. Turn left, then enter the door at the end to reach Dr. Kenson. +2 Renegade - "I'm here for the evidence." 4 - Fight Your Way Out Once you free Dr. Kenson the batarians will be alerted. When you exit the room, the path to the left will now be open. Head down the steps and grab the ammo and med kit. Through the next door is a large room in a semicircular shape. In the center and off to the right is the security console Dr. Kenson will need to access. You will need to hold off a few waves of batarians. Start by immediately heading back to the door you entered from. You will need to lock this door down to prevent reinforcements from coming in that way. Next there will be four elevators coming up from below, starting on the far side, each carrying three guards. Once all the enemies have been dealt with, a platform will extend out to the middle of the room, where you can access the main elevator to get back to the hangar bay. You will need to deal with the batarian guards and take out the power junctions on each side of the hangar bay doors in order to escape on the shuttle. 5 - The Project Kenson will explain that she has uncovered evidence that a Reaper invasion is imminent. Her team has set up a base on a nearby asteroid, where you will be able to see this evidence for yourself. When you arrive you will be able to find some power cells off to the left, some credits to the right, and some palladium behind the shuttle. There is also a weapons locker where you can change your loadout. Follow Dr. Kenson until you reach the artifact. 6 - The Artifact The Reaper artifact has predictably affected the minds of those who have been exposed to it. Kenson and her unit have no intention of stopping the invasion. You will be captured, but you get an achievement for fighting them off as long as possible. This fight can be quite difficult. It is important to stay mobile so you can collect enough ammunition, but you should try to stick to the corners of the room to avoid being flanked. You need to prioritize the pyros, as their flamethrowers have a surprising range and can stagger you long enough for the other project soldiers to kill you. You know you have reached the last wave of enemies when the YMIR mech shows up. Mop up any remaining enemies and the mech will be too slow to be much of a problem. 7 - "The sedatives aren't working!" Even if you win the fight in the room with the artifact you will pass out and wake up almost two days later. Grab the mech controls and use them to take over a nearby LOKI mech. Kill the scientist and the other mechs and then shoot the power junction to open the door and free yourself. Equip your weapons and armor, then bypass the door to escape. Fight your way through the recreation room, salvaging some credits from a deactivated mech at the far end. Continue from one pod to the next until you reach the engine control room. Here you can activate the fusion torches that will propel the asteroid into the mass relay. +5 Paragon - "[Warn batarian colonies]" +2 Renegade - "[Call Normandy for pickup]" 8 - Avoiding a Meltdown Kenson will try to overheat the element zero reactor core to destroy the asteroid before it can reach its destination. Two enemies will come through a door on your left. Take them out then use the elevator behind them. After a conversation with Kenson, overload the door lock and use the elevator on the right to go up to the next level. Grab the element zero, then access the first cooling rod in the next room. Continue circling clockwise around the core and take the elevator back down. Use the medical station and grab the credits in the room on the right, then deactivate the plasma venting. This will allow you to head back to where you got off the elevator and continue straight. Bear right to grab some element zero, then back to the left and down the hallway. The door on the opposite end of the maintenance area is locked, but you can shoot the explosive crate on the right to open a path. Remove the lockdown, and be ready for enemies coming down the elevator at the end of the hall. Grab some more element zero from the landing, then take another elevator up to the top level. There is a room full of crates and some tough enemies on your left. Take them out, then bypass the door. Grab the credits and resources and then use the second cooling control to prevent a meltdown. Take the elevator down to confront Kenson. +2 Paragon - "You're wasting your time." +2 Renegade - "I will stop you." +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] 9 - Escaping the Asteroid Use the elevator and follow the path to the communications tower. There is a heavy skin weave upgrade as well as some credits and resources in a room off the left side of the hallway. Continue down the steps and grab the survey data before entering the airlock. You will have to fight your way across the surface of the asteroid to reach the tower and open up communications with the Normandy. Don't move up too fast, as the number of enemies and the YMIR mech at the end can quickly surround you. Defeat all the enemies and access the comm relay to end the mission. 10 - Debrief Admiral Hackett will come to debrief you in person. He isn't pleased about the loss of Dr. Kenson, and he warns you that eventually the Alliance will call you to Earth to answer for your actions, but he understands that you did what had to be done. +1000 XP Cerberus Funding: 3500 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ 21c2ci Assignment: Citadel: Crime in Progress 21c2ac Given by: Overhear the volus accuse the quarian on Level 26 Location: Citadel Requirements: none 1 - The Missing Chit A volus is accusing a quarian on her pilgrimage of stealing his credit chit. Head over to Saronis Applications and speak to Marab. He will tell you that the volus left without his credit chit, so it was not stolen after all. Head back and give the news to the volus. The C-Sec officer will give a warning to the quarian anyway, and you can perform a Paragon action to chide him for doing so. +5 Paragon - [Interrupt] +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Citadel: Found Forged ID (Citadel: False Positives) 21c2bf Given by: none Location: Citadel Requirements: Be on mission "Eye for an Eye" 1 - Falsely Accused (Optional) When you have completed Thane's loyalty mission you will find two asari on level 27 sitting near the stairs to level 26. After discussing their situation, you can head back to the C-Sec customs agent near your shuttle to argue on their behalf. +5 Paragon - "They're not geth!" [Charm] +5 Renegade - "This is crap." [Intimidate] +5 Paragon - "I'm a Spectre. Let them leave." +2 Paragon - "I'm a Spectre." / "Friendly persuasion." 2 - The ID (Optional) While chasing Harkin, you can find some forged IDs. After you finish the mission, return to the asari. You can give them the IDs in exchange for 1000 credits. +5 Renegade - "I have forged IDs." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Citadel: Krogan Sushi 21c2ck Given by: Overhear two krogan talking on Level 27 Location: Citadel Requirements: none 1 - Fish in the Lake You can overhear Rukar and Kargesh talking on the Citadel about whether or not there are fish in the lake on the Presidium. Head up to level 28 and find the Dark Star Lounge, where a Presidium groundskeeper can tell you definitively that there are no fish in the lake. 2 - Inform the Krogan You can simply return to the krogan and give him the bad news to complete the assignment. However, if you buy a fish at the nearby gift shop you can claim it is from the Presidium lake and offer to sell it to him. Strangely, you are rewarded with 1000 credits either way. +5 Paragon - "There are no fish." +5 Renegade - "[LIE] I have a Presidium fish." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ 21c3il Assignment: Illium: Blue Rose of Illium 21c3ab Given by: Asari merchant near carport Location: Illium Requirements: Complete Horizon 1 - Krogan Poetry An asari is being pestered by her ex-boyfriend's poetic attempts to woo her back. You have to use your persuasive options to either convince her to get rid of him, or commit to him. Either way gets you a discount at her kiosk, Memories of Illium. +2 Paragon - "Do you need help?" +5 Paragon - "You should take him back." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "Get rid of him." [Intimidate] +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Illium: Conrad Verner (Illium: A Troublemaker) 21c3bc Given by: Asari outside Eternity Location: Illium Requirements: Complete Horizon, Conrad Verner must survive Mass Effect 1 1 - Not You Again... An asari outside the Eternity club will alert you to a man causing trouble inside, and--sure enough--it is your adoring fan, Conrad Verner. He is back, wearing a replica suit of N7 armor, and trying to intimidate the bartender. You can tell him to get lost, but if you ask what he is doing here he will tell you that a merchant claiming to be an undercover cop told him that Eternity is actually a front for a red sand dealer. +2 Paragon - "For crying out loud..." +2 Renegade - "[Hit him.]" +5 Renegade - "[Shoot his foot.]" +5 Renegade - "Get lost, Conrad. We're done." +2 Paragon - "Let me handle this." "Illium: A Troublemaker" -> "Illium: Conrad Verner" 2 - The Weapons Merchant (Optional) Use your map to find your way to the carport. You are looking for the owner of Gateway Personal Defense. You can tell her to leave Conrad alone, but you can also lie and tell her than the deed is waiting for her at Eternity, or make her go lie to Conrad and tell him he did a great job. Either persuasive option gets you a discount at her kiosk. +5 Paragon - "[LIE] I'll help you." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "Shut up and listen." [Intimidate] +2 Renegade - "I should kill you." 3 - Return to Eternity (Optional) If you did not persuade the merchant, you have to go back to Conrad and admit that he was manipulated, but you can still persuade him to give up his attempts at vigilante justice. However, if you persuaded the weapons merchant, then you can humor Conrad's hero fantasy and let him believe he did a good job. +5 Paragon - "[LIE] It was a sting." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "You blew her cover." [Intimidate] +5 Paragon - "You did fine. Now stop." +5 Renegade - "[LIE] This was really risky." +5 Paragon - "You didn't screw up." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "You should have been yourself." [Intimidate] +2 Renegade - "Yes, you screwed up." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Illium: Gianna Parasini 21c3cg Given by: Giana Parasini near the trading floor Location: Illium Requirements: Complete Horizon, Gianna must survive in Mass Effect 1 1 - About That Beer... You can run into Gianna Parasini near the trading area on Illium. After some reminiscing, she will depart in a hurry. Check the drink she left behind to find a note with instructions. Head over and talk to the Serrice Technology merchant. You can blow Gianna's cover in exchange for a store discount, or trick her into opening up about her secret inventory. If you helped her out, you can go back and speak to Gianna once more. +2 Paragon - "It was my pleasure." +5 Renegade - "You're being watched." +2 Paragon - "You love doing this." +2 Renegade - "Is this time real?" +2 Paragon - "It was good to see you." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Illium: Indentured Service 21c3di Given by: Slave Broker Location: Illium Requirements: Complete a Dossier mission on Illium 1 - The Quarian's Contract A quarian at Eternity is hoping that someone will take on her service contract, but as she is an indentured servant, the Synthetic Insights rep is reluctant to do so. To complete this assignment, you must either persuade the slave broker to let the quarian out of her contract, or convince the Synthetic Insights rep to hire the quarian. +2 Paragon - "Free your slave. Now." +5 Paragon - "You can free her!" [Charm] +5 Renegade - "That's enough. Let her go!" [Intimidate] +5 Paragon - "This would be good business." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "You're prejudiced!" [Intimidate] +2 Paragon - "No problem." +2 Renegade - "I don't need your thanks." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Illium: Medical Scans 21c3em Given by: Shiala Location: Illium Requirements: Complete Horizon 1 - Zhu's False Hope You can find either Shiala or another colonist in the transportation hub on Illium. It seems the colonists from Zhu's Hope have been tricked into signing a deal that allows a company called Baria Frontiers to perform invasive medical procedures on them. She needs help negotiating a new contract with their representative. Head over and speak to Erinya. It soon becomes apparent that the reason for her refusal to renegotiate is due to her hatred of humans: It will take a persuasive dialog option to make her see the error of her ways. When you have convinced Erinya, return with the good news. +2 Paragon - "Can I offer assistance?" +5 Paragon - "Tell me about your family." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "They didn't hate aliens." [Intimidate] +2 Paragon - "It's not all bad." +2 Renegade - "Only with death." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Illium: The Assassin: Salarian Family Data 21c3fa Given by: Datapad at the top of the elevator in the Dantius tower Location: Illium Requirements: On mission to recruit the Assassin 1 - Salarian Genealogy There is a datapad you can collect while on the mission to find Thane that contains information on the genetic history of a salarian family. The next time you return to Illium, head past the trading floor and find the salarian who is talking anxiously. Return the datapad to him for a monetary reward. +2 Paragon - "I found your data." +2 Renegade - "You'll want to see this." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Illium: The Justicar: Smuggling Evidence 21c3gj Given by: Shipping manifest in Eclipse base Location: Illium Requirements: On mission to recruit the Justicar 1 - Pitne's Shipment On the top level of the Eclipse base you can find a shipping manifest that proves Pitne For was illegally supplying the mercenaries with red sand. When you return to the spaceport you can give the evidence to Pitne in exchange for 9000 credits, or deliver it to Detective Anaya for less than half that sum. +5 Renegade - "Fine." +5 Paragon - "Pitne For is a smuggler." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Illium: The Justicar: Stolen Goods Founds 21c3hj Given by: Shipping details at crime scene Location: Illium Requirements: On mission to recruit the Justicar 1 - Extra Stock Surplus Read the shipping details to the right as you enter the crime scene to discover records of two people conspiring to steal goods from their employer. You can upload the message to alert Thax. The next time you come to Illium, a krogan will meet you in the docking area and thank you for passing on this information. He will also reward you with 1500 credits. +2 Paragon - "I did." +2 Renegade - "What's it to you?" +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Illium: The Prodigal: Lost Locket Found 21c3ip Given by: Examine trinket in transit terminal Location: Illium Requirements: On loyalty mission for Miranda 1 - Sentimental Value You can find a locket near the final elevator after you fight Enyala. Return this locket to the asari at the Nos Astra Exchange for a 500 credit reward. +2 Paragon - "Don't bother. I can help." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ 21c4n7 Assignment: N7: Abandoned Mine 21c4aa Given by: none Location: Aequitas Requirements: none 1 - The Abandoned Mine Scanning Aequitas in the Minos Wasteland reveals alien signatures from within an abandoned mine. When you land, it won't be long before you realize that the miners were transformed into husks. Biotics are extremely useful here for keeping them at bay: Husks are most dangerous when they surround you, as their melee attacks can keep you from moving or defending yourself. You will also encounter a few abominations. Target these enemies first, as the explosion they unleash when they die can damage or kill any husks surrounding them. There are some resources you can gather in the mine, as well as a few lockers you can access for some extra credits. When EDI warns you about the powerful alien device in the mine, just charge ahead to take it out quickly: There is no point in waiting around to fight the endless stream of husks that appear. There are bombs to either side of the device. Shoot them both to destroy it. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Abandoned Research Station 21c4ba Given by: Private message Location: Jarrahe Station Requirements: Complete "N7: Wrecked Merchant Freighter" 1 - The Abandoned Station Logs recovered from the MSV Corsica point to Jarrahe Station in the Strabo System of the Eagle Nebula as the last location of the ship before it crashed. When you arrive, you will find that the entire crew has been murdered. Head into the next room, grab the resources, and restore power to the docking area so you can proceed into the station. Datapads left on the floor will point to the VI as the cause of the station's troubles, but the VI core itself is sealed. You will need to restore power in each of the station's wings in order to access it. 2 - Living Quarters Head into the medical lab to find the living quarters controls. Restoring power will lock you in the room, but you can access the three nearby station controls to remedy the situation. Each station will toggle the locking mechanism of certain doors. Activate the rightmost and center consoles to unlock all the doors. 3 - Engineering The VI will vent damaging plasma to block your path. You can access the personal lockers in the alcove to the right to loot some credits. The plasma vents do not stay on continuously, so watch for the timing, and move ahead when it is safe to do so. You can restore power at the end of the tunnel. 4 - Research Lab Grab the iridium in the lab, and restore power. Once again you will be locked in. Head over to the computers and use them to manipulate the beam so that it destroys the device on the far wall. Solution: Activate computer 1 once, computer 2 twice, computer 3 once, and computer 4 three times. 5 - Shut down the VI You can now restore power to the hub area, which will let you into the VI core. Head through the open doors and deactivate the VI mainframe to complete the assignment. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Anomalous Weather Detected 21c4ca Given by: none Location: Canalus Requirements: none 1 - Geth-Made Climate Change The planet Canalus (Dirada System, Pylos Nebula) has a geth device that is affecting the planet's climate. Visibility on the surface is extremely low, so you will really have to search carefully to find all the refined palladium in the area. The geth here are slow and fairly weak. A combination of tech and biotic powers should make fighting through them quite easy. Simply access the geth terminal to shut down the weather device. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Archeological Dig Site 21c4da Given by: none Location: Canalus Requirements: Talk to Jacob about his father 1 - The Dig Site Scan the planet Joab (Enoch System, Rosetta Nebula) to find evidence that an archeological dig site has been captured by Blue Suns mercenaries. Land at the site and clear out the initial group of mercenaries. You can find some element zero off to the left of the landing site. Inside there are personal lockers containing 750 credits to either side of the main entrance, along with a med kit on a table in the center. In a passageway to the left you can find another locker, this time with 2250 credits. 2 - Prothean Ruins Follow the ramps to the next room, where you must fight Lieutenant Locke, a Blue Suns commander, and some more troopers. Grab the element zero in the center, then open the door on the far side of the room to find the Prothean relic the Suns uncovered. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Blood Pack Base 21c4eb Given by: Private message Location: Zada Ban Requirements: none 1 - Destroy the Base The relay on Tarith will point you to a Blood Pack base on Zada Ban, a planet in the Shrike Abyssal. Cross the rock bridge and grab the palladium on the other side. The area is crawling with vorcha, so use biotics to knock them off the narrow paths that lead into the base. Descend the stairs and cross another bridge. Through the door you will find Kalusk, the krogan in charge of this facility. You can fight him, but the goal is to destroy all the containment cells around the central tanks. Doing so will cause a chain reaction that will destroy the base. When you are given the warning to evacuate, simply retreat the way you came in. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Blood Pack Communications Relay 21c4fb Given by: none Location: Tarith Requirements: none 1 - The Blood Pack Signal Scans of the planet Tarith in the Lusarn System of the Crescent Nebula reveal a high-powered communications relay on the planet's surface. It appears to be associated with a Blood Pack mining operation. By disabling the relay, you could deal a serious blow to the Blood Pack's operations. 2 - Follow the Beacons The fog on the planet limits your visibility, but you will come across beacons you can activate which will show you the way you need to go to reach the communications relay. You can also travel off the beaten path to find some raw materials you can harvest platinum from. The only enemies to worry about are the klixen. Their size can make them intimidating, but they are extremely susceptible to biotic attacks. 3 - The Relay When you have followed the beacons back to the communications relay, you will finally encounter Salamul, the krogan who was using vorcha to mine the planet--until they were driven off by the klixen. He can take you by surprise, so be ready to retreat if he gets too close to you. Try sending your squad ahead of you to draw his attention. When you have mopped up his assistants, bypass the communications terminal to shut down the Blood Pack operation on Tarith. When you get back to the Normandy, check your messages at your private terminal to learn where the resources mined on Tarith were being sent. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Blue Suns Base 21c4gc Given by: Private message Location: Sanctum Requirements: Complete "N7: MSV Strontium Mule" 1 - The Suns Base The Mule was lured in by a false distress signal in the Decorus System, Sigurd's Cradle. Alliance Command wants you to land on Sanctum and disable that transmitter so no more ships get lured into the same trap. When you land, fight your way through the initial wave of defenders and get inside. Don't forget to grab the iridium by the entrance. Stick to the balconies to give you height and cover. When you get down to the ground floor, check the living quarters on the right to find a wall safe containing 1875 credits. 2 - The Mines Head back across to the mess hall, where a TBM has accidentally broken through and created an opening into the mines. Grab the iridium casks and power cells in this area, then head into the next room and get ready for a tough fight. You must destroy two YMIR mechs in a fairly confined area with a lot of destructible cover. There is a med kit over to the left that you will need to destroy a crate to get to. There is also a wall safe in the room on the left containing 1875 credits. When you are ready to leave, bypass the door in the center and shutdown the distress beacon. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Captured Mining Facility 21c4he Given by: none Location: Helyme Requirements: none 1 - The Mines Scanning the planet Helyme (Zelune System, Crescent Nebula) will reveal the presence of Eclipse mercenaries. Eclipse has taken over a mining facility, but it is not known why. Head inside the mine and take out the initial group of Eclipse troopers and vanguards. Take a left to find some refined palladium, then return and bypass the door. 2 - Retrieve the Data In the next area, keep to the right and circle around the enemies to clear them out. There are some power cells in an alcove near the entrance. When all the enemies are dealt with, hack the mainframe to begin the decryption process. This will trigger Eclipse reinforcements. You have a few seconds to find somewhere to bunker down. Fortunately, all the enemies are ones you have faced before. Just stick to cover and try not to let them surround you. When the decryption process is complete, return to the mainframe and retrieve the data. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Eclipse Smuggling Depot (N7: Eclipse Smuggled Cargo) 21c4ie Given by: Aria at Afterlife Location: Omega, Daratar Requirements: none 1 - Learn about the Cache (Optional) If you hand in the evidence suggesting the mercs plan to take down Aria, she will reward you with the location of a cache she doesn't need. 2 - The Depot The coordinates actually lead you to an outpost in the Faryar System of the Hourglass Nebula which the Eclipse are using as part of their smuggling operation. "N7: Eclipse Smuggled Cargo" -> "N7: Eclipse Smuggling Depot" 3 - Stop the Scuttling Land at the outpost to discover that the Eclipse have deployed heavy mechs to destroy the cargo rather than let you take it. There are three mechs in total, and the faster you destroy them the fewer crates they will be able to destroy. There is some refined element zero and a med kit in an alcove to one side of the depot, along with some power cells on the landing pad. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Endangered Research Station 21c4jh Given by: none Location: Sinmara Requirements: none 1 - Save the Station A research station on Sinmara (Solveig System, Caleston Rift) is in danger of being destroyed by harmful solar flares. You must reactivate the station's shields to save it. Grab some palladium from the broken generator on the left, then bypass the central control terminal. Use the control switch to direct power to each subsystem before you activate it. Activate the cooling unit and the shield generator, then bypass the shield controls to reactivate the station's magnetic shields. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Hahne-Kedar Facility 21c4kj Given by: Private message Location: Capek Requirements: Complete "N7: Abandoned Research Station" 1 - The Mech Factory The factory responsible for producing the faulty mechs can be found on Capek in the Titan Nebula. When you land, fight through the mechs and enter the facility. The room ahead of you has a med kit and a wall safe, as well as a terminal you can use to learn more about what happened to the facility. Continue down the hallway to enter the production floor. Circle around until you find the stairs leading down to the area with the piled up crates. You can find some power cells down here if you wander around, but to reach the control room just head in the direction the mechs are coming from. There is some element zero in the room at the other end of the floor. Just take the ramps up to control room and hack the computer to shut down the production line. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Imminent Ship Crash 21c4ki Given by: Private message Location: MSV Broken Arrow Requirements: Purchase Pylos Nebula star chart 1 - Save the Ship Travel to the Nariph System in the Pylos Nebula. The Broken Arrow has been hijacked by the geth and is on a collision course with a nearby planet. You have less than six minutes from the time you board the ship to get its engines back online. Bypass the door ahead of you and override the emergency seal to get into the engine room. There are two power couplings you must reactivate, but you will be interrupted if an enemy attacks you during the process. When both couplings are online, head up the ramp and restart the engines. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Javelin Missiles Launched 21c4lj Given by: none Location: Franklin Requirements: Complete: "N7: MSV Strontium Mule" 1 - Stop the Missiles The colony on Franklin (Skepsis System, Sigurd's Cradle) is in danger of being destroyed by missiles launched by a group of batarian terrorists. You have five minutes from the time you land to stop the missiles before they reach their targets. Take out the troopers on the left, then bypass the door on the right. In this room, taking the path to the right puts you in a better position to take out the enemies in this room. When they are dead you will be able to enter the missile silo, but first grab the palladium and the power cells. Fight your way to the control panel, and grab the 3750 credits from the wall safe on the right. 2 - The Colony's Fate When you hack the kill switch you will find that there is only one code you can use to stop a single missile. You can save the colony, but this will destroy the spaceport, meaning the colony will no longer be viable. Or, you can save the spaceport and allow the Alliance to keep this strategically important location--at the cost of thousands of lives. The choice is yours. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Lost Operative 21c4ml Given by: Private message from Cerberus Command Location: Lorek Requirements: none 1 - Missing in Action A Cerberus operative has gone missing, and it is believed that he is being held captive by Eclipse mercenaries on Lorek. Travel to the Fathar system in the Omega Nebula and scan the inner-most planet for an anomaly. There is a Cerberus transmitter on the surface, and you can also detect other transmissions matching those of encoded Eclipse communications. 2 - Find the Operative When you first land there is some platinum behind some crates to your right. Proceed up the ramps and enter research lab 2, where you will encounter Eclipse mercs. There is a medical kit and a wall safe in the back room. You can check the security logs to learn that Eclipse is trying to find proof that Cerberus was involved in rachni experiments. The captured the Cerberus agent, believing he could decipher the data they had recovered, but he refused to talk and was ultimately tortured to death. 3 - The Data Bypass the holding cell security to get into the interrogation area. Several trooper will come out to attack you. The toughest opponent is a salarian named Morl who has shield and armor defenses. There is some platinum behind a tank on the catwalk outside. Proceed through the door to the interrogation room to find the encrypted data the mercs were hoping to crack. You can recover the data for yourself, or upload it either to Cerberus or the Alliance. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Mining the Canyon 21c4nm Given by: none Location: Taitus Requirements: none 1 - Using the Mech A YMIR mech on Taitus (Talava System, Caleston Rift) has been abandoned. Restore the mech's memory to reactivate it. It will begin to follow its programmed orders, but quickly loses power. Grab the nearby power cells and use them to reactivate the mech. Each time the mech loses power you will need to find some power cells to reactivate it. Eventually it will get far enough to blast through a wall of rock. Proceed inside the opening to recover 5000 units of platinum. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: MSV Estevanico 21c4om Given by: none Location: Zanethu Requirements: none 1 - Shipwrecked Scanning the planet Zanethu in the Ploitari System of the Hourglass Nebula will reveal a large shipwreck, with signatures bearing resemblance to the MSV Estevanico, a freighter that was lost in this sector one year ago. 2 - Investigate the Crash Site Travel down to the surface to investigate. There are no enemies to worry about, so the shuttle will drop you off without any squad members. Start by heading left, towards the bow of the ship. There is a ramp you can descend that will take you over to the starboard side. Bear right and proceed down the nearby ramp to find some refined iridium. Look above you and shoot the loose piece of the ship's hull, which will fall in such a way as to let you proceed. Circle around towards the port side, and head back up the ramp to find more iridium. Mount the nearby block, and follow the ramp back up to the starboard hull. Proceed towards the bow, bearing left to cross back to the port side, then back across another walkway further towards the bow to get back to the starboard side of the ship. Head back towards the stern to find a ramp leading down a level. Grab the iridium, continue down the steps, then back across once they collapse. Loot the last iridium container, then head up the steps and across the narrow plank to reach the mainframe. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: MSV Strontium Mule 21c4pm Given by: PDA at Blue Suns archeological dig site Location: MSV Strontium Mule Requirements: Complete "N7: Archeological Dig Site" 1 - Board the Mule Information gathered at the Blue Suns archeological site will point you to the Strontium Mule, a freighter recently hijacked by the Suns than has some valuable--but unspecified--cargo on board. Cerberus wants you to recover this cargo, and eliminate anyone who gets in your way. Travel to the Arinlarkan System in the Omega Nebula and board the Mule. Fight your way through the cargo hold and take the stairs in the next room up to the second level. Bypass the hub security console to open the doors on this level. 2 - Get to the Bridge The central door leads to the engine room, where you can find some power cells but little else. The doors to either side have ramps that will take you up to the top level. Through the right door there is a room with a medical station you can use. On the top level, head back towards the bow, where you will find a locked door to the bridge. Head left and use the terminal to bypass the bridge security console to open the door. Kill Captain Vorhess and his bodyguards, then be ready for a counterattack from the way you came in. 3 - Retrieve the Cargo Reading the ship's main log will let you into the room with the cargo. Fight your way through Sgt. Boortis and back towards the bow of the ship. At the fork, head through the door on the left and grab the iridium and the research data. Grab the payload to earn 3750 credits and complete the mission. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Quarian Crash Site 21c4qq Given by: Private message Location: Gei Hinnom Requirements: none 1 - Rescue the Quarian A quarian crash landed on the planet Gei Hinnom in the Sheol System of the Hades Nexus. Land at the crash site, and grab the med kit and palladium nearby. The quarian is up ahead. When you call your shuttle to rescue her, a pack of varren will attack. Use your biotics on the varren to keep them away from you and the quarian. When the shuttle lands, use it to escape the planet. A quarian ship will come to pick up the girl you rescued. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: N7: Wrecked Merchant Freighter 21c4rw Given by: none Location: Neith Requirements: none 1 - Investigate the Landing Area Scans of the planet Neith (Amun System of the Eagle Nebula) reveal the crash site of a merchant freighter. When you take the shuttle down to investigate, grab the crate of refined platinum nearby (the first of many crates you can find at the crash site). There are also some damaged mech parts off to the left and right you can salvage for 1500 credits. The crash site is split into two paths by the crash, but each links up on the other side. You can examine the area to find numerous logs about the ship's status, but of special note is the shipping manifest: This freighter was delivering nearly 200 mechs to an Elanus Risk Control facility. When you are done looking around, mount the two ledges near the crashed ship and deactivate the signal transmitter 2 - Return to the Shuttle As you might have guessed, the mechs that brought down the ship will arrive, meaning you will have to fight your way back to the shuttle. The VI will warn you about increasing sandstorm activity, but there is no time limit. When you reach the shuttle, get aboard, as the mechs will continue to spawn indefinitely and you don't gain anything by killing them. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ 21c5no Assignment: Normandy Crash Site 21c5ac Given by: Private message from Admiral Hackett Location: Alchera Requirements: Download from the Cerberus Network 1 - The Old Normandy A message on your private terminal will alter you that the final resting place of the SSV Normandy has been found--on the planet Alchera of the Amada System in the Omega Nebula. Alliance Command would like you to land at the crash site and recover the dog tags of the crew members who went down with the ship, and find an appropriate location to place a memorial to their sacrifice. 2 - The Crash Site Land on Alchera. There are no hostiles, so you won't need a team to come with you. There are twenty dog tags in all to be found, but fortunately they give off a glow that makes them easy to spot. There are some fragile containers you will have to shoot to uncover a few of the tags, but otherwise they shouldn't be difficult to locate if you search the site thoroughly. You can also collect Shepard's old N7 helmet off to the right of the CIC. The last thing to do is place the memorial monument. There are numerous acceptable locations, and there really is no right or wrong answer: Just choose a place you feel is appropriate. When the monument is placed, return to your shuttle to leave the site. 3 - Pressly's Datapad (Optional) Players of Mass Effect 1 may remember Navigator Pressly's distrust of aliens at the start of the game. At the crash site you can recover his datapad near the CIC, which reveals that he had a change of heart as he spent more time working with non-humans. +10 XP (per dog tag found) Alliance Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Normandy: FBA Couplings 21c5bf Given by: Engineer Donnelly, Engineer Daniels Location: Normandy, Omega Requirements: none 1 - Maintenance Hassles The engineers down on Deck 4 are having to spend an inordinate amount of time on maintenance tasks. Some T6-FBA couplings could make their jobs easier, but they are hard to come by. +2 Paragon - "Hello." +2 Renegade - "Shape up!" 2 - Obtain the Couplings Head to Omega and visit the market district. The quarian Kenn runs a salvage shop where you can buy the couplings. 3 - Skyllian-Five Deliver the couplings to your engineers and they will offer to play some poker with you. If you persuade them to go easy you can win up to 500 credits. +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Normandy: Serrice Ice Brandy 21c5cs Given by: Doctor Chakwas Location: Normandy, Omega Requirements: none 1 - A Missed Opportunity Doctor Chakwas is back at work on the Normandy's crew deck, but she lost an expensive bottle of Serrice Ice Brandy when the old Normandy was destroyed. She regrets never having the opportunity to open it, but she would appreciate another chance should you find one. +2 Paragon - "Why are you here?" 2 - Purchase the Brandy You can find the brandy on the upper level of Afterlife on Omega, or at the Dark Star Lounge on the Citadel. The bottle costs 1000 credits. 3 - The Perfect Toast Return to the Normandy and give the bottle to Doctor Chakwas. You can choose to put off drinking it, but you wouldn't want the chance to pass her by like it did last time, do you? The longer you talk with Chakwas, the more options open up for the target of your toast. +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Normandy: Special Ingredients 21c5ds Given by: Mess Sergeant Gardner Location: Normandy, Citadel Requirements: none 1 - Lousy Food The Normandy's cook is doing the best he can with the food provided by Cerberus, but he would like the opportunity to prepare meals with better ingredients. Find him on the crew deck and ask him to give you the list of items he's looking for. 2 - Acquire the Ingredients Travel to the Citadel and find the Zakera Cafe on level 27. Here you can purchase the high-quality provisions Gardner is looking for. Simply return to the Normandy and speak with the Mess Sergeant to complete the assignment. +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ 21c6om Assignment: Omega: Archangel: Datapad Recovered 21c6aa Given by: Read Message to Tarak Location: Omega (Eclipse camp) Requirements: On mission to recover Archangel 1 - You Shouldn't Leave These Things Lying Around In the Eclipse camp outside Archangel's hideout, there is a datapad you can recover which reveals that the merc groups plan to take on Aria once Archangel is dealt with. 2 - Deliver the Information After concluding your business with Archangel, return to Afterlife on Omega and deliver the datapad to Aria. If you also helped her with Patriarch, she will offer to reward you with the location of a cache on an uncharted world. Refer to the "N7: Eclipse Smuggled Cargo" assignment. +2 Paragon - "No thanks." +2 Renegade - "Just like that?" +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Omega: Batarian Bartender 21c6bb Given by: Forvan Location: Omega Requirements: none 1 - Order a Drink While on Omega, visit the lower level of Afterlife and order a drink from the bartender, Forvan. You will pass out and wake up in a back alley with the vorcha. Apparently the bartender has been poisoning humans who buy drinks from him, but you are the first one to survive. +2 Paragon - "Thanks for the advice." +2 Renegade - "That bartender will pay." 2 - Confront the Batarian Head back to Afterlife and speak with the bartender. You can tell him he's not worth the trouble for some Paragon points, turn the crowd against him, or make him drink his own poison. The batarian will eventually be replaced by a Salarian who serves untainted drinks to his human customers. +2 Paragon - "You're done poisoning people." +5 Paragon - "[Incite the Crowd]" [Charm] +5 Renegade - "[Make him drink it]" [Intimidate] +5 Paragon - "You're not worth my time." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Omega: Packages for Ish 21c6cp Given by: Ish Location: Omega Requirements: Acquire Archangel and the Professor 1 - Collect the Packages A salarian named Ish can be found outside the main entrance to Afterlife. He wants you to retrieve some packages from Illium and the Citadel and deliver them to him. Find the Illium package at Eternity, and the Citadel package outside Saronis Applications on level 26. Return to Ish with the packages and either deliver them in exchange for credits and some Renegade points, or talk him out of the information-dealing business. Alternatively, you can bring the packages to Anto (one of Aria's bodyguards) for a smaller reward, but the potential of a few Paragon points. +5 Renegade - Deliver both packages +5 Paragon - "This is bad for Aria." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "Aria wouldn't be happy." [Intimidate] +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Omega: Struggling Quarian 21c6ds Given by: Kenn Location: Omega Requirements: none 1 - Kenn's Pilgrimage A quarian named Kenn is running a salvage shop on Omega in an effort to raise enough funds to leave the station. Unfortunately, another merchant, Harrot, has been forcing Kenn to sell his goods at higher prices, so he has been unable to attract business. You can pay the 1000 credits Kenn needs, or you can go visit Harrot and persuade him either to leave the quarian alone or buy him out. If you convince Harrot, he will give you a discount on his goods. +5 Paragon - "Maybe we can cut a deal." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "Your prices are insulting." [Intimidate] +5 Paragon - "[Give him 1000 credits]" +5 Paragon - "Leave the quarian alone." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "Just shut the quarian down." [Intimidate] +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Omega: The Patriarch 21c6ep Given by: Grizz at Afterlife Location: Omega Requirements: Acquire Archangel or the Professor 1 - Aria Has a Job for You Speak with Grizz, one of Aria's guards at Afterlife. He says she wants you to get the Krogan known as "Patriarch" to safety. You can persuade him to tell you more about Aria's motivations and why she wants an outsider like you to handle it. 2 - Patriarch Head down to the lower level of Afterlife and find Patriarch in an alcove to the west. It seems that he once ran Omega, but Aria defeated him and took over the station. She left Patriarch alive as an "advisor," but it seems he is more of a trophy. You can take Patriarch to safety, or you can offer to take out the people trying to kill him (Paragon persuade), or tell him to take them on himself and die like a warrior (Renegade persuade). If you choose to take out the assassins yourself, just head up the ramp and head out the door to your left. Return to Grizz to complete the assignment. If you also delivered the datapad from Archangel's base to Aria, she will offer to reward you with the location of a cache on an uncharted world. Refer to the "N7: Eclipse Smuggled Cargo" assignment. +2 Paragon - "You have to get out of here." +2 Paragon - "Time to go, Patriarch." +5 Paragon - "Let us be your 'muscle.'" [Charm] +5 Renegade - "What kind of krogan are you?" [Intimidate] +2 Paragon - "Goodbye." +2 Renegade - "Don't waste this." +2 Paragon - "He didn't live like a krogan." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Omega: The Professor: Missing Assistant 21c6fp Given by: Mordin Solus Location: Omega (quarantine zone) Requirements: On mission to recover the Professor 1 - The Doctor's Assistant While on the mission to acquire the Professor, Mordin will ask that you look for his assistant Daniel. After fighting your way through a host of Blood Pack troopers, you will find Daniel being held captive by batarians in a room on the left side after you ascend the stairs. Unless you can persuade them to let him go, Daniel will be killed and you will have to give the bad news to Mordin. Grab the med kit before you leave. +5 Paragon - "Nobody needs to die." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "Kill him, and you're next." [Intimidate] +2 Paragon - "Everybody stay calm." / "Let's talk this out." +5 Renegade - "[Signal henchman.]" +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ 21c7ov Assignment: Overlord 21c7ao Given by: Private message from the Illusive Man Location: Normandy, Aite Requirements: Install the Overlord downloadable content 1 - Someone Plugged in the Overlord A message from the Illusive Man informs you of a secret Cerberus research project that has dropped out of contact. He does not tell you what they were working on, but asks that you head to the Phoenix Massing to investigate. 2 - Dish Control Land on Aite in the Typhon system. You will be contacted by Dr. Archer, who claims that you need to retract the large transmission dish directly ahead of you. First, turn left and look around the corner to find some power cells. Off to the right and down a ramp you can also find some refined palladium. Enter the facility and descend the stairs. Archer will appear on the monitor and explain that a rogue VI program has seized control of the facility. Continue until you reach the control panel where you can retract the dish. 3 - To the Tram Unfortunately, the VI overrides your commands. You will have to get to the dish itself and destroy the antennae to keep it from uploading its program and escaping the planet. At this point you will start seeing the security cameras activate and track your movements. You can shoot them if you wish. Through the door and down the stairs you can find a PDA containing some credits. Through the next door is a large room containing a number of geth, including several destroyers and rocket troopers. When they are all dead, you can raid the cafe register behind the counter for some credits. There is also a medical station and some power cells nearby. Up the stairs you can find a side room with a wall safe and one of Archer's logs. Continue onwards, salvage some parts, grab some first aid, and then activate the tram. 4 - Destroy the Antennae When you arrive at dish control make your way out onto the catwalks. Grab the power cells in the first alcove then fight your way through the geth. On the other side of the collapsed section is some refined palladium, a medical station, and another audio log. Access the terminal to extend the walkway. Be ready for an ambush from the catwalk on the left. Bypass the door to get inside. You will need to eliminate the geth in the central chamber-- including a geth prime--then ascend the stairs to access the surface of the dish. Archer will tell you to destroy the capacitors on each of the support struts located around the dish. Just access the console next to each strut, and shoot the capacitor when it becomes exposed. Expect geth reinforcements after you destroy each capacitor. Destroying three of the four struts will be sufficient to stop the transmission. When the dust settles Archer will explain the situation. 5 - Data Hound (Optional) Return to the Hammerhead. You will now be let loose in the hub area leading to Vulcan, Prometheus, and Atlas Stations. You can head to either Vulcan or Prometheus first, but you will have to save Atlas for last. There are also six data caches scattered around this area, usually protected by turrets. Most of these are not difficult to locate if you scout around for them, but it is easy to miss the cache hidden under the rock bridge leading to Vulcan Station. +250 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Overlord: Vulcan Station 21c7bv Given by: Find Vulcan Station Location: Aite Requirements: Save Hermes Station 1 - Vent Jumping Follow the on-screen indicators to reach Vulcan Station. When you arrive, drive the Hammerhead into the venting station, and use the vents to boost you up to the top of the cliff. Destroy the Cerberus turret. At the fork, take the left path to acquire some iridium, then return and take the right path to proceed. Before you is a lava flow with chunks of rock floating in it. You must hover between these rocks to reach the other side, but you can not stay on one rock too long or it will sink into the lava. When you reach the other side, use the vent to launch yourself up to the next level, where there is a hangar you can use to dock the Hammerhead. Inside the facility, you will have to fight through several LOKI mechs under control of the VI. Bypass the lock on the valve controls to open the vent outside, then Return to the Hammerhead. 2 - Reach Vulcan Station Use the vent you just opened to launch yourself up the nearby cliff. Eliminate the turret guarding the iridium, then head forward to the next lava flow. This is the same as before, except your destination is downstream. You will need to jump the Hammerhead back and forth on the rocks until they float far enough that you can depart on the far side of the molten river. When you reach your destination, you can use the vent on the right side and the cliffs on the left to reach iridium caches. The next lava flow is similar to the previous one, except you must now fight the current to reach a destination upstream, at which point you will be able to exit the Hammerhead once more. 3 - Override the Lockdown Inside the station there are several explosive canisters which release pressurized gasses. When timed correctly, this can be used to push the enemy mechs off of nearby ledges. Bypass the valve controls and grab the datapad to the right when you enter. Fight your way up the stairs and through the LOKI mechs. On the top level there is a room on the left containing a wall safe and a research log. Access the medical station in the next room, then get ready for another fight, this time with a YMIR mech. Head up the stairs and bypass the door to override the lockdown. +250 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Overlord: Prometheus Station 21c7cp Given by: Find Prometheus Station Location: Aite Requirements: Save Hermes Station 1 - Enter the Ship As Archer says, Prometheus Station is a crashed geth ship. To get inside you will have to disable the four shield generators, each of which has its own shield. Your weapons can take down these shields, but it will take a significant number of hits. Instead, wait near one of the generators for the geth turret to target you, then quickly move out of the way. The attack will take down the shield, allowing you to easily destroy the generator. Repeat for each of the four generators and the main shield will go down, allowing you to destroy the turret and enter the ship. Don't miss the data point containing some refined platinum before you move on. 2 - Reach the Override Controls Take note of the deactivated geth prime in the center of the first room. Make your way upstairs and salvage the lab equipment for some credits. There are no enemies to worry about in the ship--all the geth are deactivated. Simply follow the path the VI lays out for you. Take some time to look around and find all the salvageable equipment and resources. Eventually you will reach a large flooded room with an interface for controlling the platforms you can walk on. The override controls (along with a med kit and some credits) are off to the left, and an alcove with some medi-gel, credits, and power cells is off to the right. You will need to move the platforms in order to reach your goal: Start Extra Goal ### ### 1### # # # 2# #1 # #2 # # 2# #3 # 123 # 1 3# 3 # 1 3 # 1 3# 32 # ##3 # ## 3# ##2 # 3 - Escape the Station Overriding the lockdown will unlock many of the areas you previously could not enter. Unfortunately, these areas of the ship also contained geth which have now been reactivated. You will have to fight your way back to the Hammerhead. The path is not quite the same as before, however, as some sections of the ship have collapsed. Just follow the geth until you get back to the main room, where the geth prime is now active. Fortunately, you have the advantage of height and cover. Take out the lesser geth before taking on the prime. When all the geth are eliminated return to the Hammerhead. +250 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Overlord: Atlas Station 21c7da Given by: Dr. Archer Location: Aite Requirements: Save Hermes Station 1 - Get to the Server Room After you override the lockdowns in Vulcan and Prometheus stations, you will finally be able to access Atlas Station and put a stop to this VI once and for all. Follow the path until you reach a large room with a med kit and some salvageable hardware. You will need to activate the elevator by summoning it twice and accessing the secure computer once. Eliminate the geth, then take use the elevator. Hack the computer for some credits, grab the refined palladium, and scan the damaged geth for a research upgrade. Head down the hallway and access the VI server console. 2 - The VI Down the hallway there are a few geth to fight. At the end is a room with some power cells and palladium where you can see Archer experimenting on a captured geth. In the next room there are some geth troopers who will ignore you unless you get too close. Loot everything in the room beyond, then activate the elevator. Eliminate the geth, then take the lift down to the VI core. Here you will have to prevent the VI from uploading its program. The VI connections are manifested as glowing orbs that will travel along the tendrils extending from the core itself. You must shoot these connections to destroy them. Destroying a group of connections will briefly expose the core, the destruction of which will abort the upload When the dust settles the true cost of Archer's research will be revealed. You will have to decide if it was worth it. +250 XP Cerberus Funding: 7500 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ 21c8pr Assignment: Project Firewalker: Geth Incursion 21c8ag Given by: Private message Location: Lattesh Requirements: Complete "Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost" 1 - Research Data Data recovered from Zeona has revealed several of the research sites used by the Firewalker team. If you retrace their steps you may be able to find the Prothean site they were looking for. 2 - Frostbite Head to the Phoenix Massing and land on Lattesh in the Chomos System. The temperatures here are cold enough to damage the Hammerhead if you remain here too long, so you will need to work quickly to recover as much data as possible. There are ten sensor pads on the surface. The path between them is linear, so the only difficulty lies in how quickly you can access them. Each time you download data from a node, you will receive a boost to your engine temperature, though the returns from this become increasingly short- lived. You do not need to access all the nodes to complete the mission, but you are rewarded with palladium for each one you recover data from. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 2500 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Project Firewalker: Prothean Site 21c8bp Given by: Firewalker DLC Location: Kopis Requirements: Find the location of the research team's discovery 1 - Accessing the Ruins The Prothean site has been located: Travel to Kopis in The Hoplos System in the Hades Nexus. The geth have gotten to the site first and erected a kinetic barrier around it. You will need to disable all four generators powering the field in order to get inside. Just follow the blue cables to locate each generator. Three of the generators are on a plateau surrounding the site, so you will need to do some Hammerhead platforming to reach them. With the barrier down, simply land at the excavation site and enter the complex. 2 - Recover the Artifact Grab the element zero along the right side as you enter the facility. You can recover some logs here detailing what happened to the two researchers, along with some dead bodies at the bottom of the steps. Access the research terminal for some upgrade data, then hack the nearby computer to reveal the artifact: A Prothean sphere not unlike the one found on Eletania in Mass Effect 1. Simply examine the relic to recover the artifact and complete the mission. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 3750 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost 21c8cr Given by: Firewalker DLC Location: Zeona Requirements: Install the Firewalker downloadable content 1 - Missing Research Team The MSV Rosalie--carrying a Cerberus research team and a prototype planetside exploration vehicle--has gone missing in the Ismar Frontier. The cell leader wants you to investigate the team's last known location and recover the vehicle if possible. 2 - The Hammerhead Travel to Zeona (Elytsa System in the Ismar Frontier). A scan of the planet reveals the location of the Hammerhead exploration vehicle, as well as several active data storage sites that may contain information as to the whereabouts of the research team. When you land, bypass the cargo computer control terminal to access the Hammerhead. 3 - The Storage Sites The Hammerhead controls similarly to Commander Shepard, with the addition of a jumping ability. Note: players of the PC version of Mass Effect 2 may need to restore the default control scheme in order for the Hammerhead to control properly. The first storage site is straight ahead. You will be able to identify it by the pillar of blue light extending above it. Maneuver the vehicle on top of the site, then hold the indicated button to begin acquiring the data. Doing so will cause the Hammerhead to shift away from the pad, so be ready to correct for this so that the data transfer is not interrupted. From here, use the vehicle's jumping ability to reach the second site above you. Once you have the data, fire your missiles to clear the path before you. There is a site immediately to your left when you exit the tunnel. You will need to jump up to the second level and jump between plateaus to reach the remaining storage sites. When all the sites have been visited you will be able to call the Normandy for extraction. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 7500 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Project Firewalker: Survey Sites Located 21c8ds Given by: Private message Location: Corang Requirements: Complete "Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost" 1 - Research Data Data recovered from Zeona has revealed several of the research sites used by the Firewalker team. If you retrace their steps you may be able to find the Prothean site they were looking for. 2 - Survey Sites Travel to the Verr System in the Hawking Eta Cluster and land on Corang. The planet has been overrun by the geth, so you will need to fight your way through them to acquire the data. Focus on the smallest enemies first, as their fire can actually be the most deadly. The attacks from the large colossi are much easier to avoid by simply strafing. The first of five artifact sites is directly ahead of you when you land. Just eliminate the geth and then collect the data. Circle around to the left and hop across the islands to reach the second site. There is also a secondary site where you can obtain some platinum. Even though the Hammerhead can hover, you will still be destroyed if you spend too much time over the acid. Jump up the ramps and head through the tunnel to reach site number three. Launch yourself up the ledge to the left as you entered to reach another secondary site, then press onward to acquire the fourth artifact. A long ramp nearby will take you up to where you can reach the final artifact. Be careful in this area however, as there are many enemies in close proximity. Do not be afraid to retreat if you begin taking too much damage: If you are destroyed you must begin the mission again. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 1250 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Project Firewalker: Volcano Station 21c8ev Given by: Private message Location: Karumto Requirements: Complete "Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost" 1 - Research Data Data recovered from Zeona has revealed several of the research sites used by the Firewalker team. If you retrace their steps you may be able to find the Prothean site they were looking for. 2 - The Research Station Travel to the Yakawa System in the Caleston Rift. Each data site you find within the crater will earn you some iridium, but the goal of the mission is to locate the abandoned research station, which you can find down at the bottom of the vent after passing through a short tunnel. Disembark at the docking bay and ascend the ramps. In the room on the left you can find a wall safe and a datapad. Past the broken glass there is a door you can bypass to find some refined iridium. Activating the sensors in the control room will trigger a sudden increase in volcanic activity. Grab the credits from the locker nearby and then return to the Hammerhead. 3 - Escape the Volcano Take your time with the escape section, as a fall into the lava will be fatal. Remember that you can jump higher when you do not have the boost activated. Ascend the ramp and make your way through the tunnel. Jump across the gaps as they present themselves and then make your way through another tunnel. Do not boost yourself too high on the final jump or you will hit the wall and bounce backwards into the lava. +125 XP Cerberus Funding: 1250 Credits ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ 21c9tu Assignment: Tuchanka: Combustion Manifold 21c9ac Given by: Mechanic Location: Tuchanka Requirements: Learn about Tuchanka from Grunt or Mordin 1 - The Broken Tomkah There is a mechanic on Tuchanka who needs a combustion manifold to fix the vehicle he is working on. You can find said manifold to the right of the entrance to the Weyrloc base while you are on the mission to recover Mordin's team member. Simply return it to the mechanic when the mission is complete. +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Tuchanka: Killing Pyjacks 21c9bk Given by: Ratch Location: Tuchanka Requirements: Learn about Tuchanka from Grunt or Mordin 1 - Space Monkey Infestation While on Tuchanka, speak with Ratch to learn about their pyjack problem. Head over to the defense gun controls near the chief scout to begin killing some pyjacks. There are three waves of pyjacks to contend with (12, 15, and then 18 pyjacks per wave). They will run from the top to the bottom of the screen, and those that get through will eat some of the food stores. You have twenty shells to use in each round, but the area of effect is large enough that you do not need to be particularly accurate with your aiming reticule. When all the pyjacks are killed, return to Ratch for a discount on his wares. +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Assignment: Tuchanka: Old Blood: Missing Scout 21c9co Given by: Scout Master Location: Tuchanka Requirements: Learn about Tuchanka from Grunt or Mordin 1 - The Missing Scout When you travel to the Weyrloc base to find Mordin's team member, you will learn about a scout who was captured by the Weyrlocs. You can find him inside the base, but he will refuse to leave, believing he will able to help cure the genophage. You will have to use your persuasive options to get him to leave voluntarily. Otherwise, he will attack and you will be forced to kill him. +2 Paragon - "We were looking for you." +2 Paragon - "Mordin can help." / "Can you get out?." +2 Renegade - "Just sit tight." / "I dealt with them." +2 Paragon - "I want to help." +5 Paragon - "It doesn't help your clan." [Charm] +5 Renegade - "I see what's really going on." [Intimidate] +2 Paragon - "Stay here! I'm trying to help!." +2 Renegade - "[Lie] Relax. It's okay." +5 Renegade - "Forget it. I'm leaving." +40 XP ++++++++++++++++++++ NEW CODEX ENTRIES 21dnew ----------------- This is a guide to finding the information available to you through the Galactic Codex. You begin Mass Effect 2 with a substantial number of entries from the previous game, but there are several new ones you can acquire as well. There is not necessarily only one way to receive a certain codex entry, but these are some of the circumstances in which an entry can be gained. Primary Codex Entries 21d1pr ********************* Aliens: Non-Council Races Collectors - Learn about Collectors on Freedom's Progress Praetorians - Encounter a praetorian on Horizon Reapers: Indoctrination - Find indoctrination on the derelict Reaper Sovereign - Purchase the Sovereign model ship on the Citadel Vorcha - Learn about vorcha in the quarantined zone of Omega Humanity and the Systems Alliance Rise of the Alliance - Access your private terminal on the Normandy Organizations Cerberus - Learn about Cerberus from Jacob Cerberus: The Illusive Man - Meet the Illusive Man Mercenaries: Blue Suns - Talk to Tarak outside Archangel's base on Omega Mercenaries: Eclipse - Talk to Jaroth outside Archangel's base on Omega Mercenaries: The Blood Pack - Talk to Garn outside Archangel's base Planets and Locations 2175 Aeia - Land on Aeia Freedom's Progress - Learn about the colony from the Illusive Man Haestrom - Land on Haestrom Horizon - Land on Horizon Illium - Land on Illium Korlus - Land on Korlus Omega - Land on Omega Pragia - Land on Pragia Rakhana - Learn about the drell homeworld from Thane The Perseus Veil - Learn about the heretic virus from Legion Tuchanka - Land on Tuchanka Ships and Vehicles Normandy Armor Upgrade: Silaris Armor - Upgrade the SR-2's armor Normandy Shield Upgrade: Cyclonic Barrier Technology (CBT) - Upgrade Normandy SR-2 - Acquire command of your new ship Normandy Weapon Upgrade: Thanix Magnetic-Hydrodynamic Weapon - Upgrade UT-47 Kodiak "Drop Shuttle" - Use monitoring station on Normandy Deck 4 Weapons, Armor, and Equipment Collector Particle Beam - Pick up the heavy weapon on Horizon M-622 Avalanche - Research the heavy weapon in the Normandy's lab ML-77 Missile Launcher - Research the heavy weapon in the Normandy's lab Secondary Codex Entries 21d2se *********************** Aliens: Council Races Asari: Ardat-Yakshi - Talk with Samara about Ardat-Yakshis Asari: Justicars - Talk with Samara about justicars Aliens: Non-Council Races Collectors: Collector General - encounter Harbinger on Horizon Drell: Biology - Talk with Thane about his medical condition Drell: Culture - Talk to Thane about the Compact Geth: Culture - Talk to Legion about the quarians Geth: Heretics - Reactivate Legion in the Normandy's AI core Geth: Technology - Talk with Legion about the neural network Krogan: Blood Rage - Speak to the tank-born krogan on Korlus Aliens: Non-Sapient Creatures Husks: Scions - encounter scions on Horizon Cerberus Project: Overlord Aite - Learn about Project Overlord from the Illusive Man Citadel and Galactic Government Battle of the Citadel - Have your memory tested by Miranda Planets and Locations Purgatory - Visit the prison ship in the Osun System The Migrant Fleet - Begin Tali's loyalty mission Publications Ascension - Buy a copy from the Zakera Cafe on the Citadel Fornax - Buy a copy from the Omega Market Revelations - Buy a copy from the Zakera Cafe on the Citadel Shadow Games: The Broker's Secrets The Yahg - Read the Shadow Broker's dossier on his ship Ships and Vehicles A-61 Mantis Gunship - Talk to Cathka outside Archangel's base on Omega Helios Thruster Module - Upgrade the Normandy's fuel cells Quarian Liveships - Dock with the migrant fleet Space Combat: Pursuit Tactics - Examine flight controls on Deck 2 Weapons: Disruptor Torpedoes - Access monitoring station on Deck 3 Technology Argus Planet Scan Technology - Upgrade the Normandy's planet scanner Computers: Haptic Adaptive Interface - Examine controls on Deck 2 Security Mechs - Encounter mechs on Freedom's Progress The Veteran: Zaeed's Secrets M-451 Firestorm - Pick up the heavy weapon on Zorya Mercenaries: Blue Suns (Full History) - Meet Vido on Zorya Planet: Zorya - Recruit Zaeed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION III ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================= Equipment and Upgrades 31equi ======================= MERCHANTS 31amer --------- NOTE: Some items do not become available until after completing the Horizon or Collector Ship missions. Baria Frontiers (Illium) PRICE *************** Star Chart - Hades Nexus 500 Star Chart - Minos Wasteland 500 Star Chart - Pylos Nebula 500 Star Chart - Shrike Abyssal 500 Citadel Souvenirs (Citadel) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) ***************** Space Hamster 9200 (7666) Illium Skald Fish 500 (416) Thessian Sunfish 500 (416) Model - Normandy SR-1 500 (416) Model - Destiny Ascension 500 (416) Model - Sovereign 500 (416) Drink Kiosk (Illium) PRICE *********** Shot of liquor 5 Glass of wine 10 Mystery drink! 25 Fortack's Database (Tuchanka) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) ****************** Assault Rifle Damage 60000 (50000) Biotic Damage 90000 (75000) Heavy Pistol Damage 60000 (50000) Shotgun Damage 60000 (50000) Gateway Personal Defense (Illium) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) ************************ Heavy Skin Weave 90000 (75000) Submachine gun Damage 60000 (50000) Assault Rifle Damage 60000 (50000) Amplifier Plates 2000 (1666) Damage Protection 90000 (75000) Harrot's Emporium (Omega) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) ***************** Visor 2000 (1666) Model Ship 13 - Geth Ship 2000 (1666) Capacitor Chestplate 4000 (3333) Ordinance Packs 2000 (1666) Hack Module 30000 (25000) Kenn's Salvage (Omega) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) ************** Heavy Weapon Ammo 30000 (25000) Nashan Stellar Dynamics T6-FBA Couplings 500 (416) Heavy Sink Weave 90000 (75000) Shotgun Damage 60000 (50000) Memories of Illium (Illium) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) ****************** Prejek Paddle Fish 8000 (6666) Model - Alliance Cruiser 500 (416) Model - Athabasca Class Freighter 500 (416) Omega Market (Omega) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) ************ Stimulator Conduits 4000 (3333) Model - Turian Cruiser 500 (416) Sniper Rifle Damage 60000 (50000) Fornax 5 (4) Strength Boost Pads 4000 (3333) Stabilization Gauntlets 8000 (6666) Ratch's Wares (Tuchanka) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) ************* Pyjack Meat - (0) Heavy Weapon Ammo 30000 (25000) Stabilization Gauntlets 4000 (3333) Death Mask 8000 (6666) Asymmetric Defense Layer 8000 (6666) Shield Harness 8000 (6666) Rodam Expeditions (Citadel) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) ***************** Sniper Rifle Damage 60000 (50000) Heavy Pistol Damage 60000 (50000) Submachine gun Damage 60000 (50000) Off-Hand Ammo Pack 2000 (1666) Aegis Vest 2000 (1666) Saronis Applications (Citadel) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) ******************** Tech Damage 90000 (75000) Damage Protection 90000 (75000) Serrice Technology (Illium) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) ****************** Biotic Damage 90000 (75000) Bypass Module 30000 (25000) Medi-Gel Capacity 30000 (25000) Tech Damage 90000 (75000) Sirta Foundation (Citadel) PRICE (WITH DISCOUNT) **************** Medi-Gel Capacity 30000 (25000) Life Support Webbing 8000 (6666) Zakera Cafe (Citadel) PRICE *********** High-Grade Provisions 500 Ascension Novel 5 Revelations Novel 5 WEAPONS 31bwea ------- Assault Rifles ************** M-8 Avenger Assault Rifle -> Default weapon M-15 Vindicator Battle Rifle -> Acquire from couch in Archangel's base on Omega M-76 Revenant Machine Gun -> Acquire on Collector ship M-96 Mattock Heavy Rifle -> Acquire with Firepower Pack DLC Geth Pulse Rifle -> Acquire on Haestrom (Hardcore and Insanity only) Collector Assault Rifle -> Bonus with Collector's and Digital Deluxe Editions Shotguns ******** M-23 Katana Shotgun -> Default weapon M-27 Scimitar Assault Shotgun -> Acquire on Illium (Eclipse base) M-300 Claymore Heavy Shotgun -> Acquire on Collector ship M-22 Eviscerator Shotgun -> Acquire with Cerberus Assault Gear DLC Geth Plasma Shotgun -> Acquire with Firepower Pack DLC Heavy Pistols ************* M-3 Predator Heavy Pistol -> Default weapon M-5 Phalanx Heavy Pistol -> Acquire with Firepower Pack DLC M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon -> Acquire from the Professor on Omega Submachine Guns *************** M-4 Shuriken Machine Pistol -> Default weapon M-9 Tempest Submachine Gun -> Acquire on Haestrom M-12 Locust Submachine Gun -> Acquire on Beckenstein (Kasumi DLC) Sniper Rifles ************* M-92 Mantis Sniper Rifle -> Default weapon M-97 Viper Sniper Rifle -> Acquire on Illium (Dantius tower) M-98 Widow Anti-Material Rifle -> Acquire from Collector ship M-29 Incisor Sniper Rifle -> Bonus with Digital Deluxe Edition -> Acquire with Aegis Pack DLC Heavy Weapons ************* M-100 Grenade Launcher -> Acquire on Lazarus Station ML-77 Missile Launcher -> Researched upgrade M-622 Avalanche -> Researched upgrade M-920 Cain -> Researched upgrade Collector Particle Beam -> Acquire on Horizon Arc Projector -> Acquire with Arc Projector DLC M-451 Firestorm -> Acquire on Zorya (Zaeed DLC) M-490 Blackstorm Projector -> Bonus with preorder of Mass Effect 2 at select retailers ARMOR 31carm ----- Helmet ****** N7 Helmet -> +5% health -> Default equipment N7 Breather Helmet -> +5% health -> Default equipment Death Mask -> +10% negotiation skill -> Purchased at Ratch's Wares on Tuchanka Visor -> +10% headshot damage -> Purchased from Harrot's Emporium on Omega Recon Hood -> +5% weapon damage -> Promotional item Sentry Interface -> +5% shield strength -> Promotional item Umbra Visor -> +5% power damage -> Promotional item Archon Visor -> -5% power recharge time -> Equalizer Pack (DLC) Capacitor Helmet -> -10% shield recharge delay -> Equalizer Pack (DLC) Kestrel Helmet -> +5% head shot damage -> +3% weapon damage -> +3% shield strength -> Aegis Pack (DLC) Chest ***** N7 Chestplate -> +3% power damage -> Default equipment Aegis Vest -> +5% health -> Purchased from Rodam Expeditions on the Citadel Capacitor Chestplate -> -10% delay before shield recharge -> Purchased from Harrot's Emporium on Omega Shield Harness -> +5% shields -> Purchased at Ratch's Wares on Tuchanka Kestrel Torso Sheath -> +10% melee damage -> +5% weapon damage -> +3% shield strength -> Aegis Pack (DLC) Shoulders ********* N7 Shoulder Guards -> +3% weapon damage -> Default equipment Amplifier Plates -> +5% power damage -> Purchased from Gateway Personal Defense on Illium Asymmetric Defense Layer -> +5% health -> Purchased at Ratch's Wares on Tuchanka Strength Boost Pads -> +25% melee damage -> Purchased at Omega Market Kestrel Shoulder Pieces -> +8% shield strength -> +10% melee damage -> Aegis Pack (DLC) Arms **** N7 Gauntlets -> +3% health -> Default equipment Heavy Damping Gauntlets -> +5% shields -> Purchased from Ratch's Wares on Tuchanka Off-Hand Ammo Pack -> +10% ammo capacity -> Purchased from Rodam Expeditions on the Citadel Stabilization Gauntlets -> +5% shields -> Purchased from Ratch's Wares on Tuchanka Kestrel Arm Sheathing -> +3% weapon damage -> +3% shield strength -> +10% melee damage -> Aegis Pack (DLC) Legs **** N7 Greaves -> +3% shield strength -> Default equipment Life Support Webbing -> +10% health -> Purchased from Sirta Foundation on the Citadel Stimulator Conduits -> +10% storm speed -> Purchased from Omega Market Ordnance Packs -> +10% heavy weapons ammo -> Purchased from Harrot's Emporium on Omega Kestrel Power Pack -> +8% shield strength -> +5% heavy weapons ammo -> Aegis Pack (DLC) Full Suits ********** Blood Dragon Armor -> +15% power damage -> +10% shield strength -> Bonus with purchase of Dragon Age: Origins Cerberus Assault Armor -> +10% heavy weapon ammo -> +10% shield strength -> +10% health -> Part of Cerberus Assault Gear DLC Collector Armor -> +10% regeneration rate -> +10% storm speed -> +20% health -> Bonus with Collector's and Digital Deluxe Editions Inferno Armor -> +10% negotiation skill -> +10% power damage -> +10% storm speed -> Bonus with preorder at select retailers, or with Equalizer Pack Kestrel Armor -> +30% melee damage -> +5% headshot damage -> +11% weapon damage -> +25% shield strength -> +5% heavy weapon ammo capacity -> Part of Aegis Pack DLC Terminus Assault Armor -> +10% storm speed -> +10% reserve ammunition -> +15% shields -> Bonus with preorder of Mass Effect 2 at select retailers UPGRADES 31dupg -------- Weapon Upgrades 31d1we *************** Tier 1 ------ Assault Rifle Damage (1-7) 2500-12500 Iridium -> +10% damage per upgrade -> Found on dead turian in Omega's quarantine district -> Found by scanning disassembled geth rifle on Haestrom -> Found in Morinth's apartment on Omega -> Found in research terminal on Zorya (Zaeed DLC, renegade path only) -> Delivery pickup at the Shadow Broker Base (Shadow Broker DLC) -> Purchased from Gateway Personal Defense on Illium -> Purchased from Fortack's Database on Tuchanka Heavy Pistol Damage (1-6) 2500-10000 Palladium -> +10% damage per upgrade -> Found by scanning customized heavy pistol on Haestrom -> Found by scanning heavy pistol on 2175 Aeia -> Found in the catwalks while helping Thane on the Citadel -> Found at the Dracon Trade Center on Illium (Shadow Broker DLC) -> Purchased from Rodam Expeditions on the Citadel -> Purchased from Fortack's Database on Tuchanka Shotgun Damage (1-6) 2500-10000 Platinum -> +10% damage per upgrade -> Found by scanning shotgun on Purgatory -> Found by scanning the Cerberus shotgun on the derelict Reaper -> Reward for completing the Rite on Tuchanka -> Delivery pickup at the Shadow Broker Base (Shadow Broker DLC) -> Purchased from Kenn's Salvage on Omega -> Purchased from Fortack's Database on Tuchanka Sniper Rifle Damage (1-6) 2500-10000 Platinum -> +10% damage per upgrade -> Found by scanning sniper rifle on Korlus -> Found by scanning the Cerberus rifle on the derelict Reaper -> Found in the factory district on the Citadel -> Delivery pickup at the Shadow Broker Base (Shadow Broker DLC) -> Purchased from Omega Market -> Purchased from Rodam Expeditions on the Citadel Submachinegun Damage (1-6) 2500-10000 Iridium -> +10% damage per upgrade -> Found at merc camp outside Archangel's base on Omega -> Fount on dead merc in Dantius tower on Illium -> Found on Illium while helping Miranda -> Delivery pickup at the Shadow Broker Base (Shadow Broker DLC) -> Purchased from Rodam Expeditions on the Citadel -> Purchased from Gateway Personal Defense on Illium Tier 2 ------ Assault Rifle Penetration 15000 Iridium -> +25% damage vs. armor/shields/barriers -> Requires Assault Rifle Damage 2 AP Heavy Pistol 15000 Palladium -> +50% damage vs. armor -> Requires Heavy Pistol Damage 2 Shotgun Shield Piercing 15000 Platinum -> +50% damage vs. shields/barriers -> Requires Shotgun Damage 2 AP Sniper Rifle 15000 Platinum -> +50% damage vs. armor -> Requires Sniper Rifle Damage 2 SMG Shield Piercing 15000 Iridium -> +50% damage vs. shields/barriers -> Requires Submachinegun Damage 2 Tier 3 ------ Assault Rifle Accuracy 25000 Iridium -> Unspecified accuracy bonus -> Requires Assault Rifle Damage 3 Heavy Pistol Damage (1-5) 25000 Palladium -> 2x damage (sometimes) -> Requires Heavy Pistol Damage 3 Shotgun Extra Rounds 25000 Platinum -> 2x capacity -> Requires Shotgun Damage 3 Sniper Headshot Damage 25000 Platinum -> +50% headshot damage -> Requires Sniper Rifle Damage 3 SMG Extra Rounds 25000 Iridium -> +50% capacity -> Requires Submachinegun Damage 3 Armor Upgrades 31d2ar ************** Tier 1 ------ Biotic Damage (1-6) 500-2000 Element Zero -> +10% biotic damage per upgrade -> Found on dead Collector on Horizon -> Found in Eclipse base on Illium -> Found in research terminal on Pragia -> Found in research terminal on Kopis (Firewalker DLC) -> Purchased from Serrice Technology on Illium -> Purchased from Fortack's Database on Tuchanka Damage Protection (1-6) 2500-10500 Palladium -> +10% shields/barriers/armor per upgrade -> Found on YMIR mech corpse on Purgatory -> Found by accessing control terminal on Collector ship -> Found on Canalus -> Found at the Azure hotel on Illium (Shadow Broker DLC) -> Purchased from Saronis Applications on the Citadel -> Purchased from Gateway Personal Defense on Illium Medi-Gel Capacity (1-5) 2500-7500 Platinum -> +1 capacity per upgrade -> Found in Mordin's clinic on Omega -> Found by scanning dead merc while helping Miranda on Illium -> Reward for completing Serrice Ice Brandy assignment -> Purchased from Sirta Foundation on the Citadel -> Purchased from Serrice Technology on Illium Tech Damage (1-6) 500-2000 Element Zero -> +10% tech damage per upgrade -> Found on ground floor of Archangel's base on Omega -> Found by accessing control terminal on Collector ship -> Found on dead merc on Beckenstein (Kasumi DLC) -> Reward for representing Tali at her trial -> Purchased from Saronis Applications on the Citadel -> Purchased from Serrice Technology on the Citadel Tier 2 ------ Biotic Duration 3000 Element Zero -> +20% biotic duration -> Requires Biotic Damage 2 Redundant Field Generator 15000 Palladium -> Instantly restores shields sometimes -> Requires Damage Protection 2 Trauma Module 15000 Platinum -> Unity heals squad to full health -> Requires Medi-Gel Capacity 2 Tech Duration 3000 Element Zero -> +20% tech duration -> Requires Tech Damage 2 Tier 3 ------ Biotic Cooldown 5000 Element Zero -> -20% biotic cooldown time -> Requires Biotic Damage 3 Hard Shields 25000 Palladium -> +20% shield damage absorption (Shepard only) -> Requires Damage Protection 3 Emergency Shielding 25000 Platinum -> Unity restores squad shields to full strength -> Requires Medi-Gel Capacity 3 Tech Cooldowns 5000 Element Zero -> -20% tech cooldown time -> Requires Tech Damage 3 Ship Upgrades 31d3sh ************* Advanced Mineral Scanner 15000 Iridium -> Speeds up planet scanning -> Suggested by Miranda Extended Fuel Cells 3000 Element Zero -> +50% fuel capacity -> Suggested by Samara Heavy Ship Armor 15000 Palladium -> Designed to withstand a Collector ship's weapons -> Suggested by Jacob Med-Bay Upgrade 50000 Platinum -> Allows healing of facial scars -> Suggested by Dr. Chakwas in a private message Modular Probe Bay 15000 Iridium -> +100% probe capacity -> Suggested by Thane Multicore Shielding 15000 Palladium -> Should survive a Collector attack -> Suggested by Tali Thanix Cannon 15000 Platinum -> Powerful enough to destroy a Collector ship -> Suggested by Garrus Prototypes 31d4pr ********** Heavy Weapons ------------- Heavy Weapon Ammo (1-6) 2500-10000 Iridium -> +15% capacity per upgrade -> Found on damaged mech on Freedom's Progress -> Found at Blood Pack base on Zada Ban -> Found in Weyrloc base on Tuchanka -> Found in research station on Zorya (Paragon path only) -> Purchased from Kenn's Salvage on Omega -> Purchased from Ratch's Wares on Tuchanka ML-77 Missile Launcher 5000 Iridium -> Requires Heavy Weapon Ammo 1 M-622 Avalanche 15000 Iridium -> Requires Heavy Weapon Ammo 2 M-920 Cain 25000 Iridium -> Requires Heavy Weapon Ammo 3 Heavy Armor ----------- Heavy Skin Weave (1-6) 2500-10000 Palladium -> +10% health per upgrade (Shepard only) -> Found on dead Collector on Horizon -> Found in research terminal on derelict Reaper -> Found on MSV Strontium Mule -> Found in Atlas Station on Aite (Overlord DLC) -> Purchased from Gateway Personal Defense on Illium -> Purchased from Kenn's Salvage on Omega Heavy Bone Weave 15000 Palladium -> +50% melee damage absorption (Shepard only) -> Requires Heavy Skin Weave 2 Heavy Muscle Weave 25000 Palladium -> More powerful melee attack (Shepard only) -> Requires Heavy Skin Weave 3 Squad Specific -------------- Geth Shield Strength (1-2) 2500-5000 Platinum -> +25% shield strength per upgrade (Legion only) -> Found by hacking monitor on migrant ship Alarei -> Found on heretic station Geth Sniper Rifle 15000 Platinum -> Adds Widow Sniper Rifle (Legion only) -> Suggested by Legion Krogan Vitality (1-2) 2500-5000 Platinum -> +25% health per upgrade (Grunt only) -> Found in Okeer's lab on Korlus -> Found in Weyrloc base on Tuchanka Krogan Shotgun 15000 Platinum -> Adds Claymore Heavy Shotgun (Grunt only) -> Suggested by Grunt Mordin Omni-tool 3000 Element Zero -> +20% tech damage (Mordin only) -> Suggested by Mordin Subject Zero Biotic Boost 3000 Element Zero -> +20% biotic damage (Jack only) -> Suggested by Jack Training -------- Retrain Powers 2500 Element Zero -> Allows Shepard to reallocate talent points -> Unlocked after completing Horizon Advanced Training 5000 Element Zero -> Allows Shepard to learn a bonus power -> Unlocked after completing a loyalty mission or importing a ME2 file For Sale 31d5fo ******** Bypass Module 25000-30000 Credits -> 2x time limit -> Purchasable from Serrice Technology on Illium Hack Module 25000-30000 Credits -> 2x time limit -> Purchasable from Harrot's Emporium on Omega ================== Combat Strategies 32comb ================== 1. Know your class Each class in Mass Effect 2 has strengths and weaknesses. Soldiers are the best at using weapons and can absorb the most damage, but lack tech or biotic powers. Engineers do well against synthetics like mechs or the geth and can overload shields, but are not the best when it comes to combat. Adepts are great at disabling opponents with their biotic powers, but do not fare as well against enemies with multiple defensive layers. The other three classes are hybrids of the first three, but every class has its own special abilities. Make use of your class's unique talents, and you will be more effective in combat. 2. Know your enemy The strengths and weaknesses of your enemy are important to be aware of. If you are not sure what you are walking into, a balanced squad is the way to go. If you do know what enemies you are going to face on a given planet however, consider bringing along characters suited to dealing with that specific enemy type. For example, team members with tech powers will be most effective when fighting synthetic enemies or enemies with shields. 3. Using cover Pressing your back against a wall is often the safest thing you can do in combat. It provides you protection, and allows you the ability to only fire your weapon when it is safe to do so. However, there are some disadvantages, and it is important to be aware of them. Not all enemies have ranged weapons, and even some of those that do will have a tendency to charge at you. In these cases your best bet is to backpedal away, as staying in cover severely limits your mobility and opens you up to melee attacks. Biotic powers can be vital for dealing with charging enemies. Additionally, you may want to stay mobile when you are facing a large number of enemies in an open area. Sometimes big groups will try to surround you, in which case staying in one place is not a good idea. Cover will not help you if it is not between you and your enemy. 4. Using your squad This is certain to vary depending on your class, but a few general ideas apply when it comes to using your squad in combat. First, you should always know what abilities each of your squad members has and how best to use them. Depending on your settings, your squad may use many of their abilities on their own, which can take the pressure off of inexperienced players to make tactical decisions. However, your squad will be most effective if you give the orders on what powers to use. For example, you can have multiple squad members attack a specific enemy, or have one character take out an enemy's armor so you can use your biotic abilities. You will also be able to use your squad for fire and maneuver tactics. Sending your squad out front to take up a position near the enemy (but still in cover) is a good general rule at the start of many firefights. Enemies tend to focus their attention on whoever is closest to them, so having your squad protected but also drawing fire from the enemy frees you to flank and finish them. This is also a good technique for infiltrators or soldiers that are focused on sniper rifle combat. Sending your squad up ahead can draw enemies out into the open, allowing you to deal with them from a safe distance. 5. Improving your odds On the higher difficulty levels some of the more aggressive tactics break down. It becomes a bad idea to run out into open areas, or to fight enemies in places where they can surround you. Additionally, nearly all the enemies you encounter will have some form of protection in addition to their health bar. To make up for this, you can revert to the classic RPG tactic of scouting ahead to locate a few enemies, then retreating to a safe place where you can more easily destroy them when they follow you. This is especially effective in narrow corridors where you can funnel enemies into a tight field of fire. When playing on Insanity, you need to do whatever it takes to get the job done. 6. Bending powers Many of the powers in Mass Effect 2 can be manipulated to strike enemies from a certain angle. For example, by aiming to the left of your target and using Push, your biotic attack will curve towards the enemy and knock them to the right. You can use this to bend powers around cover or to knock enemies off of ledges. 7. Miscellaneous tips Explosives are your friend. There are a number of them placed in each area, and it is a shame to let them go to waste. If an enemy is nearby, shoot the explosive to deal massive damage. You can also destroy certain objects that enemies take cover behind. If an enemy is hiding behind destructible cover, try using Overload or shooting it to take away their protection. ==================== Guide to the Galaxy 33guid ==================== When in command of the Normandy, you can travel to any known star system by accessing the galaxy map, located prominently in the center of Deck 2 ++++++++++++++++++++ Caleston Rift (unlock: "Collector Ship" or "Project Firewalker") Aysur System (unlock: "Collector Ship" or "Project Firewalker") -> Agnin -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Shasu -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Dranen -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Alformus -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum, Palladium -> Shir -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium, Palladium -> Tamagauta -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Palladium Balor System (unlock: "Collector Ship" or "Project Firewalker") -> Cernunnos -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Bres -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Caleston -- Moon -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -> Elatha -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Fuel Depot -> Partholon -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum Solveig System (unlock: "Collector Ship") -> Surtur -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Sinmara -- Moon -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Iridium -- Assignment: ** N7: Endangered Research Station -> Thrivaldi -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: Platinum Talava System (unlock: "Collector Ship") -> Aitarus -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Kaushus -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Maitrum -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Taitus -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -- Assignment: ** N7: Mining the Canyon Yakawa System (unlock: "Project Firewalker") -> Sakata -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Nambu -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Maskawa -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Karumto -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Palladium -- Assignment: ** Project Firewalker: Volcano Station -> Kobayashi -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Crescent Nebula (unlock: "Horizon") Lusarn System (unlock: "Horizon") -> Jontan -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Iridium, Platinum, Palladium -> Euntanta -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Doriae -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Tarith -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -- Assignment: ** N7: Blood Pack Communications Relay -> Xetic -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum Ondeste System (unlock: "Horizon") -> Zesmeri -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Acaeria -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Maisuth -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Platinum Tasale System (unlock: "Horizon") -> Beregale -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Illium -- Missions: ** Dossier: The Justicar ** Dossier: The Assassin -- Loyalty Mission: ** Miranda: The Prodigal -> Ponolus -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Fuel Depot -> Thail -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Naxell -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Mass Relay Zelene System (unlock: "Horizon") -> Nepyma -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Helyme -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium, Platinum, Palladium -- Assignment: ** N7: Captured Mining Facility -> Epho -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Gaelon -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Palladium ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Eagle Nebula Amun System -> Sekhmet -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -> Sobek -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Anhur -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -> Neith -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -- Assignment: ** N7: Wrecked Merchant Freighter -> Bast -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: None Imir System -> Osalri -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum, Palladium -> Korlus -- Mission: ** Dossier: The Warlord -> Quodis -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Fuel Depot -> Gregas -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Mass Relay Malgus System -> Uzin -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum, Palladium -> Wrill -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Flett -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium Relic System -> Murky Water -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Fitful Current -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> First Land -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Island Wind -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Murky Water -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Rough Tide -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum, Palladium -> Preying Mouth -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Element Zero -> Beach Thunder -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium Strabo System -> Antigar -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Jarrahe Station -- Space Station -- Assignment: ** N7: Abandoned Research Station ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Far Rim (unlock: "Horizon") Dholen System (unlock: "Horizon") -> Gotha -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Palladium -> Charoum -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Haestom -- Mission: ** Dossier: Tali -> Mass Relay Ma-at System (unlock: "Horizon") -> Ammut -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Hades Nexus (unlock: Star Chart or "Project Firewalker") Hekate System (unlock: Star Chart or "Project Firewalker") -> Ker -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Triodia -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Fuel Depot -> Bothros -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Mass Relay Hoplos (unlock: "Project Firewalker") -> Talaria -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Makhaira -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Kopis -- Moon -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -- Assignment: ** Project Firewalker: Prothean Site -> Trident -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Aegis -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None Pamyat System (unlock: Star Chart) -> Komarov -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Dobrovolski -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium -> Patsayev -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Volkov -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium Sheol System (unlock: Star Chart) -> Gei Hinnom -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -- Assignment: ** N7: Quarian Crash Site ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Hawking Eta Cluster (unlock: "Collector Ship" or "Project Firewalker") Century System (unlock: "Collector Ship") -> Tamahera -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Klendagon -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Cantra -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Tharopto -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum Chandrasekhar System (unlock: "Collector Ship" or "Project Firewalker") -> Teshub -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Fuel Depot -> Hebat -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum, Palladium -> Mass Relay Schwartzchild System (unlock: "Collector Ship") -> Atahil -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Etamis -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -> Linossa -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Rihali -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum Thorne System (unlock: "Collector Ship") -> Derelict Reaper -- Mission: ** -> Mnemosyne -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum, Palladium -> Lethe -- Moon -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium Verr System (unlock: "Project Firewalker") -> Corang -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -- Assignment: ** Project Firewalker: Survey Sites Located -> Allusah -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Serao -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: Platinum ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Hourglass Nebula Faryar System -> Quarem -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Daratar -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -- Assignment: ** N7: Eclipse Smuggling Depot -> Tunfigel -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Nephros -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Alingon -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Wenrum -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Antictra -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium Osun System -> Orunmila -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Prison Ship Purgatory (Ship) -- Mission: ** Dossier: The Convict -> Erinle -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -> Aganju -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Fuel Depot -> Olokun -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Mass Relay Ploitari System -> Aigela -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Zanethu -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Iridium -- Assignment: ** N7: MSV Estevanico -> Synalus -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Thegan -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Palladium Sowilo System (unlock: "Lair of the Shadow Broker") -> Ansuz -- Resources: Rich -> Hagalaz -- Resources: Moderate -- Mission: ** Lair of the Shadow Broker -> Isa -- Resources: Depleted -> Kenaz -- Resources: Rich -> Thurisaz -- Resources: Poor -> Uruz -- Resources: Rich ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Ismar Frontier (unlock: "Price of Revenge" or "Project Firewalker") Aquila System (unlock: "Price of Revenge" or "Project Firewalker") -> Lepini -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: None -> Vecchio -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Volturno -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Iridium, Platinum -> Fuel Depot -> Metaponto -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: None -> Pollino -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: None -> Mass Relay Elysta System (unlock: "Project Firewalker") -> Seleas -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Zeona -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -- Assignment: ** Project Firewalker: Rosalie Lost -> Odasst -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Hasano -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: None -> Melile -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None Faia System (unlock: "Price of Revenge") -> Imaen System -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Zorya -- Loyalty Mission: ** Zaeed: The Price of Revenge -> Viantel -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Hito -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: None ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Krogan DMZ (unlock: "Old Blood" or "Rite of Passage") Aralakh System (unlock: "Old Blood" or "Rite of Passage") -> Durak -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Kanin -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Kruban -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Tuchanka -- Loyalty Missions: ** Mordin: Old Blood ** Grunt: Rite of Passage -> Fuel Depot -> Ruam -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: None -> Vaul -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None Dranek System (unlock: "Project Firewalker") -> Kelim -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Dor -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Sazgoth -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Rothla -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum Nith System (unlock: "Old Blood" or "Rite of Passage") -> Mantun -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium -> Tula -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Temerarus -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Local Cluster Sol System -> Mercury -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Venus -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Earth -> Mars -> Jupiter -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Saturn -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Uranus -- Resources: Depleted -- Primary Resource: None -> Neptune -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: None -> Pluto -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Mass Relay ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Minos Wasteland (unlock: Star Chart) Caestus System (unlock: Star Chart) -> Invictus -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -> Temerarus -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium Fortis System (unlock: Star Chart) -> Vir -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Pietas -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Aequitas -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -- Assignment: ** N7: Abandoned Mine -> Mass Relay ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Nubian Expanse (unlock: "Subject Zero") Dakka System (unlock: "Subject Zero") -> Bannik -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum, Palladium -> Pragia -- Loyalty Mission: ** Jack: Subject Zero -> Alkonost -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Fuel Depot -> Gamayun -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Zirnitra -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Mass Relay Kalabsha System (unlock: "Subject Zero") -> Yamm -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium, Platinum, Palladium -> Tefnut -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: Platinum Qertassi System -> Norehsa -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Omega Nebula Amada System (unlock: "Normandy Crash Site") -> Takkan -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Karora -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Eingana -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum, Palladium -> Alchera -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -- Assignment: ** Normandy Crash Site (DLC) -> Anjea -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum Arinlarkan System -> Utha -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> MSV Strontium Mule (Ship) -- Assignment: ** N7: MSV Strontium Mule Batala System -> Logasiri -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Thunawanuro -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -> Nearog -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum Fathar System -> Lorek -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -- Assignment: ** N7: Lost Operative -> Korar -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Dorgal -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum Kairavamori System -> Sehtor -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Vatar -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Uwan Oche -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium Sahrabarik System -> Urdak -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum, Palladium -> Omega -- Space Station -- Mission: ** Dossier: Archangel ** Dossier: The Professor ** Dossier: The Veteran (DLC) -> Imorkan -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Omega 4 Relay -> Fuel Depot -> Bindur -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Mass Relay ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Phoenix Massing (unlock: "A House Divided," "Firewalker," or "Overlord") Chomos System (unlock: "Project Firewalker") -> Trigestis -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Lattesh -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -- Assignment: ** Project Firewalker: Geth Incursion Salahiel System (unlock: "A House Divided" or "Firewalker") -> Ekuna -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium The Sea of Storms (unlock: "A House Divided") -> Heratic Station -- Space Station -- Loyalty Mission: ** Legion: A House Divided Tassrah (unlock: "A House Divided," "Firewalker," or "Overlord") -> Pahhur -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Sarapai -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Fuel Depot -> Ishassara -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Mass Relay Typhon (unlock: "Overlord") -> Echidna -- Resources: Good -> Aite -- Assignment: ** Overlord -> Moros -- Resources: Rich -> Ponos -- Resources: Good ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Pylos Nebula (unlock: Star Chart) Dirada System (unlock: Star Chart) -> Siano -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium -> Thenusi -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Canalus -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -- Assignment: ** N7: Anomalous Weather Detected -> Zeth -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Sineus -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: None -> Vioresa -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: Platinum Kriseroi (unlock: Star Chart) -> Neidus -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Iridium, Platinum, Palladium -> Theonax -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Uzin -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Geus -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Tenoth -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum Nariph System (unlock: Star Chart) -> Isale -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Fuel Depot -> MSV Broken Arrow -- Assignment: ** N7: Imminent Ship Crash -> Jonus -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Mass Relay Satent System (unlock: Star Chart) -> Rescel -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Raisaris -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium -> Anedia -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Boro -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -> Nataisa -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Rosetta Nebula (unlock: "The Gift of Greatness") Alpha Draconis System (unlock: "The Gift of Greatness") -> 2175 Aeia -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -- Loyalty Mission: ** Jacob: The Gift of Greatness -> 2175 AR2 -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: Palladium Enoch System (unlock: "The Gift of Greatness") -> Laban -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium -> Mizraim -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Element Zero -> Joab -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -- Assignment: ** N7: Archeological Dig Site -> Fuel Depot -> Goliath -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Mass Relay Phi Clio System (unlock: "The Gift of Greatness") -> Cyllene -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: None -> Parnassus -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Serpent Nebula Boltzmann (unlock: "Stolen Memory") -> Wheeler -- Loyally Mission: ** Kasumi: Stealing Memory (DLC) -> Beckenstein -> Thooft -> Veltman -> Feynman Widow System -> Citadel -- Space Station -- Loyally Missions: ** Garrus: Eye for an Eye ** Thane: Sins of the Father -> Fuel Depot -> Mass Relay ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Shadow Sea (unlock: "Horizon") Iera System -> Venture -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Prospect -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: None -> Horizon -- Mission: ** Horizon -> Watchman -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Mass Relay ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Shrike Abyssal (unlock: Star Chart) Urla Rast System (unlock: Star Chart) -> Bovis Tor -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Talis Fia -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Doz Atab -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum Xe Cha System (unlock: Star Chart) -> Zada Ban -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Palladium -- Assignment: ** N7: Blood Pack Base -> Aphras -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Iridium, Platinum, Palladium -> Tosal Nym -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium -> Fuel Depot -> Vem Osca -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Mass Relay ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Sigurd's Cradle (unlock: "N7: MSV Strontium Mule") Decoris System (unlock: "N7: MSV Strontium Mule") -> Laena -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Sanctum -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -- Assignment: ** N7: Blue Suns Base Skepsis System (unlock: "N7: MSV Strontium Mule") -> Wallace -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum, Palladium -> Darwin -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Watson -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Platinum -> Franklin -- Moon -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -- Assignment: ** N7: Javelin Missiles Launched -> Crick -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Pauling -- Resources: Poor -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Fuel Depot -> Keimowitz -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Mass Relay ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Titan Nebula (unlock: "N7: Abandoned Research Station") Haskins System -> Capek -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium, Palladium -> Mass Relay ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Valhallan Threshold (unlock: "Treason") Micah System (unlock: "Treason") -> Elohi -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum, Palladium -> Dumah -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: None -> Farlas -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium -> Israfil -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium -> Kakabel -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Element Zero, Iridium, Palladium Paz System (unlock: "Treason") -> Garvug -- Resources: Good -- Primary Resource: Element Zero Reheel-Leyya (unlock: "Treason") -> The Migrant Fleet -- Loyalty Mission: ** Tali: Treason -> Fuel Depot -> Mass Relay ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ Viper Nebula (unlock: "Arrival" DLC) Bahak System (unlock: "Arrival" DLC) -> Clogon -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Aratoht -- Resources: Moderate -- Assignment: ** Arrival (DLC) -> Yunaca -- Resources: Rich -- Primary Resource: Iridium -> Urmola -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Platinum -> Bastzuda -- Resources: Moderate -- Primary Resource: Palladium -> Mass Relay ++++++++++++++++++++ ======== Secrets 34secr ======== INFORMATION IMPORTED FROM MASS EFFECT 1 34ainf --------------------------------------- Minor Characters 34a1mi **************** Khalisah Al-Jilani -> ME1 Role: Citadel reporter. -> ME2 Appearance: Miss Al-Jilani will approach you again on the Citadel and ask for an interview. Like last time, you can refuse to cooperate, give diplomatic answers, or simply punch her in the face. +2 Paragon - "You made me look bad." / "Yes, I remember." +2 Renegade - "Am I supposed to know you?" +5 Renegade - [Interrupt] +5 Paragon - "We stood as one to save many." +5 Paragon - "We created an opportunity." +5 Renegade - "Don't disrespect the dead." +2 Paragon - "I'm not doing this." +2 Renegade - "I don't need this garbage." David Anderson -> ME1 Role: Normandy captain, advisor to Ambassador Udina. -> ME2 Appearance: Depending on your decision at the beginning of the game, Anderson will be either the human councilor, or the advisor to Councilor Udina. Anoleis -> ME1 Role: Administrator of Port Hanshan on Noveria. -> ME2 Appearance: If you helped Gianna Parasini take down Anoleis, she will tell you that he is serving a sentence in a "white-collar prison." Lizbeth Baynham -> ME1 Role: Exogeni researcher. -> ME2 Appearance: If you helped save Zhu's Hope, Lizbeth will send you an email thanking you for all your help. Samesh Bhatia -> ME1 Role: Grieving husband. -> ME2 Appearance: If you helped retrieve Nirali Bhatia's body for Samesh, he will send you an email thanking you and informing you that he has opened a restaurant on Earth. Helena Blake -> ME1 Role: Crime boss. -> ME2 Appearance: If you helped Blake eliminate her rivals then you can find her on Omega. If you convinced her to give up her life of crime then she will be there doing social work. Otherwise she has sold her criminal enterprise to Aria. Kate Bowman -> ME1 Role: Hostage on asteroid X57. -> ME2 Appearance: If you saved her life, Kate will send you an email about a celebration in your honor. Martin Burns -> ME1 Role: Chairman of the Alliance Parliamentary Subcommittee for Transhuman Studies. -> ME2 Appearance: If you rescued Chairman Burns from the biotic extremists, he will ensure that the L2 biotics receive the reparations they requested. Chakwas -> ME1 Role: Normandy doctor. -> ME2 Appearance: Dr. Chakwas signs up with Cerberus when she finds out you are alive, and will serve as the doctor on the SR-2. Chellick -> ME1 Role: C-Sec Agent. -> ME2 Appearance: A news report on the Citadel refers to "Executor Chellick," meaning he has been promoted to the head of Citadel Security. It is unknown what became of Pallin, the previous executor. Chorban -> ME1 Role: Researcher on the keepers. -> ME2 Appearance: If you scanned the keepers for Chorban he will send you an email about his findings. Nassana Dantius -> ME1 Role: Asari diplomat. -> ME2 Appearance: Nassana is being targeted by an assassin, and has bunkered down in one of her skyscrapers on Illium. Fist -> ME1 Role: Owner of Chora's Den. -> ME2 Appearance: If Fist survived your encounter on the Citadel, he can be found at the lower level of Afterlife on Omega +2 Paragon - "You're welcome." +2 Renegade - "I don't remember or care." Hackett -> ME1 Role: Admiral of the Alliance Fifth Fleet. -> ME2 Appearance: Hackett sends you the location of the Normandy crash site and asks that you recover the dog tags of the crewmen who died there. With the Arrival DLC he makes a personal appearance on the Normandy. Harkin -> ME1 Role: Former C-Sec agent. -> ME2 Appearance: Harkin turns to crime, and makes a name for himself on the Citadel by helping people disappear. Jahleed -> ME1 Role: Researcher on the keepers. -> ME2 Appearance: If you give the keeper data to Jahleed, he will email you about his findings. Chloe Michel -> ME1 Role: Doctor on the Citadel. -> ME2 Appearance: You will receive an email from Dr. Michel inquiring as to the status of yourself and Garrus. Jeff "Joker" Moreau -> ME1 Role: Normandy helmsman. -> ME2 Appearance: Grounded after the destruction of the Normandy, Joker joins up with Cerberus when he learns of your return. Morlan -> ME1 Role: Citadel merchant. -> ME2 Appearance: Morlan will send you a spam email. Nelyna -> ME1 Role: Acolyte for the asari Consort. -> ME2 Appearance: It can be surmised from the conversation with Erinya on Illium that Nelyna was her daughter and that she was killed during the Battle for the Citadel. Han Olar -> ME1 Role: Binary Helix researcher. -> ME2 Appearance: If you met Han Olar on Noveria he sends you an email detailing the status of his therapy. Gianna Parasini -> ME1 Role: Noveria Internal Affairs agent. -> ME2 Appearance: Gianna can be found at the Nos Astra Exchange on Illium. Her reaction towards you depends on whether or not you helped her take down Anoleis. Pressly -> ME1 Role: Normandy navigator, executive officer. -> ME2 Appearance: Pressly is killed when the Normandy is attacked by the Collectors. You can find his datapad near the CIC at the Normandy crash site. Lorik Qui'in -> ME1 Role: Synthetic Insights manager. -> ME2 Appearance: If you gave Qui'in the evidence you recovered from the Synthetic Insights office on Noveria, he will send you an email. Saphyria -> ME1 Role: Receptionist at Citadel embassies. -> ME2 Appearance: It can be surmised from the conversation with Erinya on Illium that Saphyria was her daughter and that she was killed during the Battle for the Citadel. Sha'ira -> ME1 Role: Asari Consort. -> ME2 Appearance: A news report informs you that she may be leaving the Citadel after years of bad press. If you received her gift of words she will send you an email stating that she is pleased you are still alive. Shiala -> ME1 Role: Follower of Matriarch Benezia. -> ME2 Appearance: If you saved Shiala and Zhu's Hope you can find her on Illium attempting to renegotiate an unfair contract. Talitha -> ME1 Role: Colonist, survivor of Mindoir slaver attack. -> ME2 Appearance: If you had the Colonist background and saved Talitha's life, she will send you an email thanking you. Rana Thanoptis -> ME1 Role: Asari geneticist, genophage researcher. -> ME2 Appearance: If you allowed her to leave when you encountered her \ on Virmire, Rana shows up again in Okeer's laboratory on Korlus, again working on a krogan breeding project. This time however there is no option to kill her. Toombs -> ME1 Role: Tortured Alliance soldier, Akuze survivor. -> ME2 Appearance: If Toombs survived your encounter on Ontarom, he will send you an email expressing his disgust that you have joined up with Cerberus. Donnel Udina -> ME1 Role: Human ambassador to the Citadel. -> ME2 Appearance: Depending on your decision at the beginning of the game, Udina is either the human councilor, or advisor to Councilor Anderson. Conrad Verner -> ME1 Role: Shepard's superfan. -> ME2 Appearance: Assuming he was not killed on the Citadel, you can find Conrad shaking down the bartender at Eternity on Illium. Wayne -> ME1 Role: Cerberus scientist. -> ME2 Appearance: If he survived your encounter on Ontarom, a news report reveals that he will be testifying against Cerberus. Emily Wong -> ME1 Role: Citadel journalist. -> ME2 Appearance: Wong has a job doing news reports on the Citadel. If you helped her with her investigations she will send you an email asking for an interview. Major Decisions 34a2ma *************** Fate of the Rachni Queen -> If you released the Rachni Queen, then her emissary will contact you on Illium. She is keeping her promise to raise her children in a hidden place, where they will learn not to repeat the mistakes that let to their near-annihilation. -> If you killed the Rachni Queen, there are still rachni in the galaxy (thanks to Cerberus), but they are disorganized and feral. Fate of Ashley / Kaidan -> If he survived the battle on Virmire, Kaidan will be sent on a mission to assist colonies in the Terminus Systems that may be targets for the Collectors. You encounter him on Horizon, one of these colonies. If you had a romantic relationship with Kaidan, a photograph of him will sit on the desk in your quarters on the SR-2. This picture will be turned face-down if you do not remain faithful to him throughout the game. If Kaidan died on Virmire, a news report on the Citadel will mention that a memorial fund has been established in his honor. -> If she survived the battle on Virmire, Ashley will be sent on a mission to assist colonies in the Terminus Systems that may be targets for the Collectors. You encounter her on Horizon, one of these colonies. If you had a romantic relationship with Ashley, a photograph of her will sit on the desk in your quarters on the SR-2. This picture will be turned face-down if you do not remain faithful to Ashley throughout the game. If she died on Virmire, a news report on the Citadel will mention her sacrifice. Fate of Wrex -> If Wrex was killed on Virmire, the traditional and conservative Wreav becomes the leader of Clan Urdnot. -> If Wrex survived, he takes over the clan, makes sweeping reforms and begins to unite the other clans under the Urdnot banner. Fate of the Council -> If you saved the Council and made Anderson the human councilor they will offer to reinstate you as a Spectre, though you can decline. -> If an all-human Council was formed after the Battle for the Citadel, the other Council species will be more distrustful of humanity. DID YOU KNOW? 34bdid ------------- -> There is unique EDI dialogue when you send probes to Uranus (Sol System, Local Cluster). -> If you imbibe the "Mystery Drink" at Eternity on Illium, the bartender's appearance will change. -> If you convince Ereba (the asari running the Memories of Illium kiosk) to commit to her boyfriend Charr, you can find them together on Tuchanka. -> Legion will sometimes dance if you watch him on the Normandy for long enough. -> If you stand near Joker he will make comments to EDI about the Normandy's status. -> Tali and Garrus have a unique conversation if you walk up the stairs to level 28 on the Citadel Zakera Ward with them in your squad. -> You can drink to the point of passing out at the Dark Star Lounge on the Citadel. -> You can trigger a massive explosion by killing a YMIR mech with a shot to its head. NO ONE LEFT BEHIND 34cnoo ------------------ One of the achievements in Mass Effect 2 is awarded for surviving the suicide mission without losing any members of your squad. In order to do this, you must upgrade the Normandy's shields, armor, and weapons, which you can unlocked by asking Tali, Jacob, and Garrus about ways to improve your chances against the Collectors. For each upgrade you fail to obtain, one of your squad members will die, so YOU MUST GET ALL THREE UPGRADES in order to satisfy the requirements for the achievement. The next important factor is obtaining the loyalty of your squad members. While you do not technically need every squad member to be loyal, it is highly recommended if you are attempting to earn the achievement. The loyalty missions for Jacob, Mordin, Grunt, Garrus, Kasumi, and Legion are straightforward: Completing them is guaranteed to earn the loyalty of these characters. However, it is possible to complete the missions for Samara, Tali, Thane, and Zaeed without earning their loyalty: -> In Samara's case, you will miss out on her loyalty if you fail to attract Morinth's attention in the Afterlife VIP area or make poor conversation choices when talking with her. -> On Tali's mission, delivering the evidence from the Alerei to the Admiralty Board against Tali's wishes will cost you her loyalty. -> You will fail to earn Thane's loyalty if you don't update him on Talid's position while on his loyalty mission. -> As for Zaeed, if you chose to save the factory workers you will have to persuade Zaeed at the end of the mission in order to earn his loyalty. There are also two instances where you can lose a character's loyalty if your Paragon or Renegade skill is not high enough. After completing the loyalty missions for Miranda and Jack, or Legion and Tali, you will be forced to intervene in a conflict between these two characters. If you are unable to defuse the situation with your persuasive options, you will lose the loyalty of the character you do not side with. The Miranda/Jack confrontation requires an especially high Paragon score or a moderate Renegade score, while the Tali/Legion confrontation requires an especially high Renegade score or a moderate Paragon score. In order to ensure that you do not lose loyalty it is helpful to play the game making entirely Paragon or Renegade decisions, as playing a neutral or "grey" character can make these encounters more difficult. Leveling up your class-specific power (Combat Mastery, Tech Mastery, Biotic Mastery, Assault Mastery, Operative, or Defender depending on your class) also grants you a boost to your Paragon and Renegade scores. It also helps to import a character from Mass Effect 1 with a high Paragon or Renegade score, as this will give you a boost to that category at the start of the game. Once you have a full team of loyal recruits you are ready to hit the Omega 4 relay. When you arrive on the other side, you will have to make a series of decisions that will determine whether or not everyone will survive. The plan is to split the group into two teams who will assault along parallel corridors, but in order to link up on the other side you will need a specialist to enter the ventilation shaft and open the doors from the other side. This specialist MUST BE LOYAL in order to survive. To get the doors open and closed quickly you will need to choose a tech expert: Good Choices: Even among the quarians Tali is considered a brilliant engineer, and she has had extensive experience solving technical challenges. As a mobile platform, Legion possesses advanced AI computing power far surpassing regular geth. Kasumi is a master at getting into places undetected. Poor Choices: Mordin is a biologist and geneticist. Thane is an assassin whose specialties are biotics and sniping. Garrus and Jacob have some technical skill, but are primarily soldiers. You will lead one group, so you must decide who will lead the other. The second fire team leader MUST BE LOYAL as well, or the specialist you sent into the shaft will die. Naturally, you will want to choose someone with leadership experience: Good Choices: Garrus commanded a team of mercenaries on Omega. Jacob was a Corsair, who has extensive experience working in teams. Miranda is a Cerberus officer, your second-in-command, and is in charge of the Lazarus Cell. Poor Choices: Mordin is a scientist. Tali and Legion are tech specialists. Zaeed, Samara, Jack, Kasumi, and Thane work alone. Grunt just woke up. After completing the first section of the Collector base and regrouping with your squad you must select a biotic specialist to escort you through the next chamber. If you select a biotic who is not loyal, one of the two team members you take with you WILL die: Good Choices: Jack was trained to be the most powerful human biotic. As an asari, Samara has natural biotic talents, which have been augmented by centuries of living as a justicar. Morinth is an Ardat-Yakshi, a rare and powerful asari who has only become more powerful over her long life. Poor Choices: Thane, Miranda, and Jacob all have some biotic skills but could not be considered specialists. They will not be able to maintain the field for very long. When it comes to selecting a diversion team leader, the same criteria applies as before. Any fire team leader except a loyal Garrus or Jacob WILL BE KILLED. The exception is Miranda, who will survive as fire team leader for this section whether she is loyal or not. You will also need a specialist to escort the surviving Normandy crew back to the ship. While it is tempting to choose someone powerful like Grunt, any loyal squad member can make the journey successfully: Good Choices: Tali and Mordin have some combat abilities but they are better thinkers than fighters. Jack and Kasumi are also considered "soft" characters and will be a liability later. Having these characters around will bring down the collective combat prowess of the team, so sending them back to the ship is a good decision. Poor Choices: Grunt, Zaeed, and Garrus are best suited for the task of holding the line later. You will want to save these characters. After traversing the chamber with the seeker swarms you will have to decide who to bring with you when you head to the central chamber. While those you leave behind do not have to be loyal to survive, those you bring with you MUST BE LOYAL or they will be killed after the final battle: Good Choices: "Soft" characters like Tali, Mordin, Jack, or Kasumi. Bringing them with you means that those you leave behind will not have to worry about protecting them. Poor Choices: Grunt, Zaeed, and Garrus are hardened warriors who will do the best job of holding the line. Specialists like Samara, Morinth, Legion, Jacob, Thane, and Miranda will also do a good job. If all your squad members are loyal, making these choices will ensure the best possible outcome on the suicide mission. "No one gets left behind." WALKTHROUGH CONCLUSION 34dwal ---------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~ SPOILER WARNING To this point, I have been intentionally nonspecific about the end of the game. However, from this point forward I will be discussing the criteria in which certain characters will live or die. If you do not wish to know this information, stop reading now. ~~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 14 - Through the Relay 34d14t 1 - Testing the IFF As mentioned previously, after you acquire the Reaper IFF you will be able to complete no more than two missions before the IFF becomes fully integrated with the Normandy's systems. (It may be fewer, depending on how many unfinished missions you have in your journal. For example, if you completed all loyalty missions--and did not activate Legion--before obtaining the IFF, then the next part of the story will start.) The next time you access the galaxy map, EDI will mention that the IFF needs to be tested, and recommends you put all your team members on the shuttle and use it to reach your next destination. As you might guess, this is a thinly-veiled plot device to get you and your team off this ship. +2 Paragon - "You thought of everything." +2 Renegade - "Let's move!" 2 - "Transmitting?" The Reaper IFF contained a virus that begins broadcasting the location of the Normandy to the Collectors. In the blink of an eye, the Normandy is under attack. EDI can save the ship, but she needs Joker to manually unlock her sealed databases in the AI core, which is down on deck 3. Follow the blinking lights in the center of the walkway around to the left of the CIC and into the research lab, where you can find a maintenance shaft you can use to reach deck 3. If you dawdle or stray too far from the prescribed path, a scion will kill Joker and you will fail the mission. On deck 3, follow crewman Hawthorne past the elevator and through the medical bay to reach the AI core. After EDI's hardware is connected you will have to crawl through another duct to reach the engineering sub deck. Ascend the stairs to the landing, but be careful not to move up until the Collectors have passed by. Open the door and access the controls in front of you to reactivate the drive core. EDI will open the airlocks to flush any remaining Collectors from the ship: It is too late for the crew, they have already been taken aboard the Collector vessel. +2 Paragon - "Are you okay, Joker?" +2 Paragon - "Is the virus contained?" / "We need to get the crew back." +2 Renegade - "I'm not interested in excuses." +2 Paragon - "I trust it." +2 Renegade - "You're equipment, not crew." ~~~~~~~~~~ CONSEQUENCE OF DELAY When you return to the Normandy, you will have the ability to go through the Omega 4 relay in pursuit of the Collector ship. If you go on any other missions first, half the Normandy's crew will be killed, including Yeoman Chambers. If you complete more than three missions after this event, everyone but Chakwas will be killed. ~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - Through the Relay When you are ready, travel to the Omega 4 relay. There are three upgrades that are critical for keeping your crew alive on the other side: You must have the Heavy Ship Armor, the Multicore Shielding, and the Thanix Cannon. For each of these upgrades you lack, one squad member will be killed. When you get to the other side of the relay, the Normandy will come under attack from Collector defense drones. You must select a team and head to the cargo hold to fight the oculus. Use any heavy weapons ammo you have: There are some power cells you can pick up around the area. When you do enough damage it will retreat, but will come back after another cutscene. Just stay in cover when it fires and fire when you get the chance. +2 Paragon - "The team is strong." +2 Renegade - "I don't need to know." 4 - "We need a plan." When the Normandy lands on the Collector base, you will convene a meeting of the surviving crew members. The plan is to split the group into two teams, who will assault along parallel corridors and meet up at the far side. However, the doors are locked from the other side. You will need a tech specialist to open the doors by traveling through one of the ventilation shafts. You will want to pick a tech expert, meaning Tali, Legion, or Kasumi. To lead the second fire team, you will want someone who has leadership experience, meaning Garrus, Miranda, or Jacob. You should pick team members who are loyal for these roles. New Mission: "Collector Base: Infiltration" 5 - To the Rendezvous Point Proceed forward until you encounter your first group of Collector drones. There is a path along the left side that you should use to flank them, as it provides excellent cover. At the other end of the room your specialist will encounter the first of eight heat exchangers blocking his or her path. You will need to remove each one before the temperature in the shaft becomes too great. There are two more valves along the wall in the next room, where you will also begin encountering Harbinger. As always, take out the other drones first to keep him from taking control of another host when he is killed. There is another valve in the corridor between rooms. The next chamber can be difficult because there are many Collectors in close proximity. Just stick to cover and focus on one enemy at a time. Open the fifth valve on the left, then the sixth one at the end of the room. Enemies will continue to fly in when you reach the final chamber, so just flank around the left side and open the final two valves. 6 - The Normandy Crew When you reach the doors you will link up with your specialist and the other fire team. If you made poor decisions with your two choices on the Normandy, your specialist will be killed trying to get the door closed behind you. In this room you will find a number of humans trapped in Collector pods. If you came through the relay immediately after the Collector attack, you will see Lilith from Horizon get liquefied by nanomachines. If you delayed coming through the relay, you will see the same happen to Kelly Chambers instead. Chakwas will survive either way, but the only chance she and the others have of making it back to the Normandy is if you send one of your team members with them. As long as said team member is loyal, they will all reach the Normandy safely. +2 Paragon - "I'd never abandon my crew" +2 Renegade - "I didn't come for you." +20 Paragon - "I'll have someone escort you." +15 Renegade - "The mission comes first." 8 - "Any biotic could handle it." In the next phase of the mission, you will once again split into two teams. The route you will take is filled with seeker swarms, and despite the defenses Mordin developed, you will need a specialist to create a biotic field to protect you and your squad. While you can choose anyone with biotic abilities, the only biotics powerful enough to make it the whole way are Jack and Samara (or her daughter). The same criteria as last time will apply for choosing a leader for the second fire team. (The exception is Miranda, who will survive as fire team leader for this section regardless of her loyalty.) Mission Complete: "Collector Base: Infiltration" New Mission: "Collector Base: The Long Walk" 9 - The Swarm Chamber Stick close to your specialist. Around the first corner you will have to stop to fight off a group of enemies. Tell your squad to take cover along the railing, and position yourself on the corner by the ramp: Harbinger will attack from this direction. When they are defeated you will need to signal your specialist to move out. Descend the ramp and take out the husks and abominations. You need to stop once again to fight off some Collectors, followed by many more husks and a scion. You will need to strike a balance between staying mobile versus the husks while using cover to avoid the scion's Shockwave. When your specialist gets weak and begins to hurry, you will know you are close to the exit. 10 - "Defend this position." A poor choice of specialist will result in the death of one of your squad members at the hands of the seeker swarms. The leader of your second fire team will also die if you made a bad selection. After a short breather you will need to select two team members to come with you. These should be loyal squad members. You will have one last chance to inspire those you leave to guard the door before you depart for the central chamber. +2 Paragon - "We must honor the fallen." +2 Renegade - "People died. Make it count." +2 Paragon - "The galaxy is depending on us." +2 Renegade - "Feel sorry for the Collectors." Mission Complete: "Collector Base: The Long Walk" 11 - Platform Hopping As each new platform flies in, kill all the enemies and then move up in preparation for the next one. Biotics can be particularly useful for knocking drones off the ledges. The final platform will have three abominations and two scions. Fortunately, there is more than enough cover to negate their Shockwaves if you can handle the abominations quickly. When all the enemies are dead, activate the console on the final platform. +2 Paragon - "We can't let it survive." +2 Renegade - "Let's take it down." 12 - The Central Chamber In the main chamber, take cover off to the right, and eliminate the Collectors that arrive. Each time you eliminate a wave of enemies you will be able to take a shot at the Reaper's weak points. If you are quick you should be able to destroy more than one per cycle. When the Reaper falls, you will be contacted by the Illusive Man. Rather than destroying the station, he wants you to set off a radiation pulse that will eliminate all organic life within the blast radius, but leave the base itself intact. Consider his motivations, then make your choice. +2 Paragon - "I didn't do it alone." +2 Renegade - "I'm just getting started." +2 Paragon - "This place is an abomination." +2 Renegade - "You think it can help?" +2 Paragon - "How can I trust you?" +2 Paragon - "This doesn't feel right." +2 Renegade - "Are you sure?" +15 Paragon - "No. We don't need it." +15 Renegade - "OK, let's take it and use it." 13 - The Larva It's not over yet. The Reaper is active after all, and it will claw its way back up to the platforms. There are several weak points on the Reaper's body that you will have to aim for: If you have any ammo for your heavy weapon, now is the time to use it. Let your squad keep the Collectors busy so you can focus exclusively on damaging the Reaper. When it gets low on health, it will begin taking down some of the platforms, so you will have to displace. You can stick to the center platform to avoid this attack. The Reaper also tends to stay down longer when it is about to take down a platform, so be alert for this attack. If you run out of ammo, look for some on the remains of the Collectors you have killed. 14 - Escape to the Normandy The Reaper is defeated, but it will take the platforms down with it. Your squad members will only survive the fall if they were loyal to you. In the end you will have to jump to the Normandy and will end up hanging on for dear life. If two or more team members survived they will be able to pull you to safety. Afterwards, sit back and enjoy the ending sequence. CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed MASS EFFECT 2! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION IV ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======== Credits 41cred ======== I wish to thank... -> Casey Hudson, Preston Watamaniuk, Mac Walters, Drew Karpyshyn, Derek Watts, David Falkner, Yanick Roy, Ray Muzyka, Greg Zeschuk, and the talented team at BioWare for their dedication and commitment to creating the best story-driven games in the world. -> Chris Priestly for putting up with the terrible BioWare Community. -> The Mass Effect Wikia ( for providing a community for knowledge. Contributors: -> Carl Huang for submitting information on the new DLC packs. -> Chris Yates for noticing an error in the No One Left Behind section. -> Christian Kirby for submitting an update for the final boss fight. -> Carl Huang for noticing information missing from update 1.19. -> Carl Huang for submitting information on the Firepower Pack. -> Adam Tarantino for submitting an update for the minor characters section. -> Blake Cripps for reminding me to include Kasumi in the suicide mission. -> Daniel Bollendorf for another ending to the Packages for Ish assignment. -> Richard Templin for noticing an omission in the MSV Estevanico assignment. -> Joseph Minhtam for submitting a bit of miscellaneous info. -> Travis Phipps for compiling a list of upgrade locations. -> Daniel Brown for noticing missing info about Thane's loyalty mission. -> Aje C for pointing out the discount at Fortack's Database. -> The Mass Effect instruction manual for basic information. ========== Revisions 42revi ========== v0.10 - 01/29/2010 - Started Writing. Added table of contents and began writing a rough overview of information in Section I. Began work on the walkthrough. -> 4,505 words v0.20 - 01/30/2010 - Added to Section I. Completed walkthrough for tutorial, Freedom's Progress, and Professor, plus some Omega side missions. -> 10,269 words v0.30 - 01/31/2010 - Miscellaneous information, a few N7 missions, Archangel walkthrough. -> 12,532 words v0.40 - 02/01/2010 - Added planetary information. Added Convict walkthrough. -> 14,040 words v0.41 - 02/02/2010 - Added planetary information. Miscellaneous N7 assignments. -> 14,399 words v0.50 - 02/03/2010 - Added Warlord, Horizon walkthroughs. -> 16,730 words v0.51 - 02/04/2010 - Added planetary information and miscellaneous N7 assignments. -> 17,704 words v0.60 - 02/05/2010 - Added numerous assignments, upgrade info, and planetary information. Added Price of Revenge, Justicar, and Collector Ship walkthroughs. Started Assassin walkthrough. -> 23,653 words v0.70 - 02/06/2010 - Finished Assassin walkthrough. Added planetary information and several N7 assignments. Added Gift of Greatness and started Prodigal walkthrough. -> 27,161 words v0.80 - 02/07/2010 - Finished Prodigal walkthrough. Added planetary information and a few assignments. -> 28,336 words v0.90 - 02/08/2010 - Added Rite of Passage, Subject Zero, Old Blood, Eye for an Eye, Ardat-Yakshi, Sins of the Father, Tali, Treason, and Reaper IFF walkthroughs. Added planetary data. -> 33,546 words v1.00 - 02/09/2010 - Updated Section I. Spell checked and proofread. Miscellaneous updates and tweaks. Added walkthroughs for House Divided, and endgame. -> 37,707 words v1.01 - 02/10/2010 - Minor tweaks. Updated for Cerberus Assault Gear DLC. -> 37,955 words v1.02 - 02/11/2010 - Minor tweaks and fixes. Added Insanity strategies. -> 38,812 words v1.03 - 02/14/2010 - Updated and tweaked various parts of the walkthrough. Fixed some spelling errors. -> 39,514 words v1.04 - 02/15/2010 - Added some missing codex entries and locations for research pickups. -> 39,761 words v1.05 - 02/17/2010 - Minor additions. -> 39,944 words v1.06 - 02/21/2010 - Miscellaneous tweaks and updates. Expanded table of contents. -> 40,520 words v1.07 - 02/22/2010 - Added No One Left Behind section. -> 41,597 words v1.08 - 02/26/2010 - Expanded Secrets section. -> 43,313 words v1.09 - 03/02/2010 - Made some corrections. -> 43,633 words v1.10 - 03/09/2010 - Updated for the latest DLC. -> 43,868 words v1.11 - 03/15/2010 - Miscellaneous changes to Section II. Updated MSV Estenavico assignment. -> 43,923 words v1.12 - 03/23/2010 - Updated for information on the latest DLC. -> 44,455 words v1.13 - 03/25/2010 - Added assignments and planetary information for the Firewalker DLC. -> 45,878 words v1.14 - 04/09/2010 - Updated for the Kasumi DLC. -> 46,870 words v1.15 - 05/10/2010 - Updated for the equalizer pack. Fixed some spelling errors. -> 47,039 words v1.16 - 06/21/2010 - Updated for the Overlord DLC. -> 48,938 words v1.17 - 07/07/2010 - Updated for Aegis Pack DLC. Updated Packages for Ish assignment. -> 49,218 words v1.18 - 07/13/2010 - Minor update to Overlord assignment. -> 49,319 words v1.19 - 09/09/2010 - Updated for the Lair of the Shadow Broker and Firepower Pack. Made changes to the "No One Left Behind" section. -> 51,147 words v1.20 - 09/13/2010 - Fixed information missing in the last update. Updated guide to the galaxy. -> 51,693 words v1.21 - 01/27/2011 - Updated with some reader feedback. -> 52,026 words v1.22 - 04/11/2011 - Updated for the Arrival DLC. Fixed some formatting issues. -> 53,940 words v1.30 - 08/17/2011 - Updated guide to final version. Proofread guide and made formatting changes. - 57,803 words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will be the final iteration of this guide. I offer my greatest thanks to everyone who assisted in its creation, and it is my hope that readers will continue to find it helpful in the future. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~