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MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (Human Male Adept from the Multiplayer) *Disclaimer: This guide is intended for new players. Reading this guide does not give you license to act like a arrogant jerk because you now know super secret things about Gameplay Mechanics (like Shockwave dealing extra Damage to Barriers). ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ Table of Contents: [Find w/ Cntrl + F] Overview [OVIEW] Recommended Build [RBUILD] Rationale [BUILDRAT] Recommended Weapons [RECWEAP] Biotic Explosions [BIOEXPL] Active Powers: Singularity [SINGL] Tips [SINGTIPS] Evolution Rationale [SINGRAT] Warp [WRP] Tips [WRPTIPS] Evolution Rationale [WRPEVO] Shockwave [SWAVE] Tips [SWAVETIP] Evolution Rationale [SWAVEEVO] Passive Powers: Alliance Training [ALLTRA] Evolution Rationale [ALLEVO] Fitness [FITNSS] Evolution Rationale [FITEVO] Dealing with Enemies Cerberus [CERBR] Reapers [REAPR] Geth [GTH] Collectors [COLLCT] Legal / Contact Info [WHOCARES] ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ [OVIEW] Human Adepts ====================== <> Rely on Biotic Explosions to deal the majority of their damage. <> Spam Singularity to Disable and Prime Enemies for Biotic Explosions. <> Have one of the strongest Biotic Explosion Combos in the game (Warp + Shockwave). <> Work best with Biotic-Based Classes (Who can Prime and Detonate Biotic Explosions without overwriting them), or Weapon-Based Classes. <> Do not synergize well with Tech-Based Classes. <> Can devastate slow-moving Bosses like Atlas Mechs, Banshees, Brutes, Scions, and Primes (especially when there is more than one of them close together). <> Have 500 base Health / Shields. <> Can "Combat Roll". <> Have a fairly powerful Heavy Melee which can stagger some enemies. ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ [RBUILD] Recommended Build =========================== Singularity: Rank 6 o-o o-o o-o -->| |->|#|->| | o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o |#|->|#|->|#|-| o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o -->|#|->| |->|#| o-o o-o o-o Warp: Rank 6 o-o o-o o-o -->| |->| |->|#| o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o |#|->|#|->|#|-| o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o -->|#|->|#|->| | o-o o-o o-o Shockwave: Rank 6 o-o o-o o-o -->| |->|#|->|#| o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o |#|->|#|->|#|-| o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o -->|#|->| |->| | o-o o-o o-o ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alliance Training: or Alliance Training: Rank 0 o-o o-o o-o /\ Rank 4 o-o o-o o-o -->| |->| |->| | \/ -->| |->| |->| | o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o /\ o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o | |->| |->| |-| \/ |#|->|#|->|#|-| o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o /\ o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o -->| |->| |->| | \/ -->|#|->| |->| | o-o o-o o-o /\ o-o o-o o-o \/ /\ Fitness: \/ Fitness: Rank 6 o-o o-o o-o /\ Rank 4 o-o o-o o-o -->| |->| |->| | \/ -->| |->| |->| | o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o /\ o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o |#|->|#|->|#|-| \/ |#|->|#|->|#|-| o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o /\ o-o o-o o-o | o-o o-o o-o -->|#|->|#|->|#| \/ -->|#|->| |->| | o-o o-o o-o /\ o-o o-o o-o \/ ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [BUILDRAT] Build Rationale ========================= Human Adepts rely on Biotic Explosions for the majority of their damage (this will be a recurring theme). Since Biotic Explosion Damage is not affected by the Passive Power Bonuses from Alliance Training, Fitness can be maxed out without sacrificing significant amounts of damage. If you decide to use a heavier long-range weapon; like the Avenger or Phaeston Assault Rifles, or the Raptor, Viper, or Incisor Sniper Rifles, take up to Rank 4 of Alliance Training to take advantage of the reduced penalty to Power Recharge Speed from weapon weight. You should still be able to keep a fairly high Power Recharge Speed, while being more effective at dealing long-range weapon damage than if you are using a Pistol or SMG. ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [RECWEAP] Recommended Weapons ============================= Predator Pistol < Phalanx Pistol < Tempest SMG <> Eventually you will want an Acolyte to destroy shields. <> Any Pistol or SMG can be effective as long as you remain at 200% Power Recharge Speed to maximize your damage from Biotic Explosions. <> If you are putting 4 Points into Alliance Training, some Assault Rifles (like the Avenger or Phaeston) may be viable without having lengthy cooldowns. ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ [BIOEXPL] Biotic Explosions =========================== <> Consist of a Primer Power and a Detonator Power. Two different Powers must be used to trigger a Biotic Explosion (you cannot use Warp to Detonate Warp). <> Primer Powers: Annihilation Field (Aura) Barrier (when Detonated) Biotic Sphere (With Rank 6 Warp Effect) Dark Channel Dark Sphere Lash Lift Grenade Pull Reave Shockwave (When Rank 6 Lifting Shockwave is taken) Singularity Stasis Warp <> Detonation Powers: Annihilation Field (when Detonated) Biotic Charge Biotic Orbs Biotic Slash Biotic Sphere (With Rank 6 Warp Effect) Cluster Grenade Dark Sphere (when Detonated) Lash Lift Grenade Nova Reave Seeker Swarm Shockwave Singularity (with Rank 6 Detonation) Smash Throw Warp <> Biotic Explosion damage is based on 4 things: The Rank of the Primer The Rank of the Detonator "Bonuses to Biotic Detonations" The Difficulty setting (More Damage on Higher Difficulties). <> Biotic Explosion Damage is NOT affected by Bonuses to Power Damage. <> Armor and Barriers take more damage from Biotic Explosions (+100%). <> Shields take reduced damage from Biotic Explosions (-50%). <> Tech Powers can overwrite Biotic Primers, causing your Detonator Powers to cause Tech Explosions instead of Biotic Explosions. <> Any Biotic Power which deals direct Damage can Detonate Tech Explosions (Warp, Shockwave, and Singularity's Detonate can all Detonate Tech Explosions, while Powers like Reave cannot). ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ [SINGL] Singularity -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rank 1 =================================== Cooldown: 2.67 =< 8.0 >= 24.0 Seconds* Duration: 8 Seconds Radius: 1.50 m Damage Per Second**: 100 Primes enemies for Biotic Explosions (Can Detonate Biotic Explosions if Rank 6: Detonate is taken) (Can Detonate Tech Explosions if Rank 6: Detonate is taken) Rank 2: Recharge Speed =================================== Lowers Cooldown to 2.46 =< 6.4 >= 22.0 Seconds* Rank 3: Damage =================================== Increases Damage Per Second by 20** Rank 4: Duration Rank 4: Radius =================================== ===================================== Increases Duration to 20 Seconds Increases Radius to 2.03 m Rank 5: Lifting Damage Rank 5: Recharge Speed =================================== ===================================== Inflicts 50 Damage per Second to Lowers Cooldown to Lifted Targets*** 2.22 =< 5.0 >= 19.20 Seconds* Rank 6: Damage Rank 6: Detonate =================================== ===================================== Increases Damage Per Second by 50** Detonate Singularity when the field dies to inflict 500 damage across 7 meters.**** *: Cooldown depends on Power Recharge Speed (adjusted by Weapon Weight) +200% Recharge Speed =< 0% Recharge Speed >= -200% Recharge Speed. **: Damage Per Second is inflicted to any enemy within the Radius, regardless of being lifted. ***: Lifting damage only affects enemies who are disabled by Singularity. ****: Base Damage is affected by bonuses to Power Damage. This Evolution can Detonate Biotic Explosions. ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [SINGTIPS] Singularity Tips ========================== <> Aim above the enemy when they are protected by low cover. This will cause Singularity to arc upward then downward, possibly pulling the enemy from cover. <> Cast Singularity on the ground near enemies when they are in melee range. This will prevent them from dodging it. <> Only one instance of Singularity can be active at a time. <> Detonating enemies caught in its radius will not remove Singularity from play, but will likely remove them from the area of effect. <> Singularity can only Prime enemies once per use. <> Rank 6 Detonate Evolution can Detonate Biotic Explosions in addition to inflicting the (500 base) damage. Singularity cannot detonate itself. ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [SINGRAT] Rank 4 Evolution: Duration v. Radius ============================================== Recommended: Radius Radius makes it easier to catch multiple enemies within the area of effect. Most basic enemies will die within 1 Biotic Explosion if your Primer and Detonator Powers are Rank 6. Enemies hiding behind walls/cover will be easier to disable with Radius. Duration makes it harder to use Singularity as a Detonator when dealing with Bosses because they will have an increased amount of time to move out of the blast radius. Rank 5 Evolution: Lift Damage v. Recharge Speed ========================================================= Recommended: Lift Damage (Recharge Speed is viable) Recharge speed will only lower the cool down of Singularity between .24 and 2.8 seconds depending on your Power Recharge Speed. If you intend to use heavier weapons, Recharge Speed will be more beneficial. Rank 6 Evolution: Damage v. Detonate ============================================== Recommended: Detonate Human Adepts deal the majority of their damage as Biotic Explosions. Consider that if you choose Damage, you are trading 400 Damage over 8 Seconds to all enemies within the Radius (1.5m or 2.03m), for 500 Damage to all enemeies within 7m, in addition to a possible Biotic Explosion. ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ [WRP] Warp -=-=-=-=-=-=- Rank 1 =================================== Cooldown: 2.67 =< 8.0 >= 24.0 Seconds* Damage: 250 Duration: 10 Seconds** Primes enemies for Biotic Explosions Detonates Biotic Explosions Detonates Tech Explosions Bonus Damage to Armor (+50%) Bonus Damage to Barriers (+100%) Reduced Damage to Shields (-50%) Rank 2: Recharge Speed =================================== Lowers Cooldown to 2.46 =< 6.4 >= 22.0 Seconds* Rank 3: Damage =================================== Increases Damage by 50 Rank 4: Damage Rank 4: Detonate =================================== ===================================== Increases Damage by 75 Increases Force, Damage and impact Radius of Biotic Detonations by 50% Rank 5: Lasting Damage Rank 5: Expose =================================== ===================================== Increases Damage by 100, Increase Weapon and Power Damage Increases Duration by 6 Seconds taken 15% for 10 Seconds Rank 6: Pierce Rank 6: Recharge Speed =================================== ===================================== Increases Damage to Barriers and Lowers Cooldown to Armor by 50%, Weaken Armored 2.22 =< 5.0 >= 19.20 Seconds* Targets by an additional 25% *: Cooldown depends on Power Recharge Speed (adjusted by Weapon Weight) +200% Recharge Speed =< 0% Recharge Speed >= -200% Recharge Speed. **: Warp deals the majority of its Damage with the initial impact, and a small portion of damage over time. ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [WRPTIPS] Warp Tips =================== <> Warp staggers most enemies when it hits. Use this opportunity to line up accurate shots. <> Warp can Detonate Tech Primer Powers (like Incinerate, Flamer, etc). <> The Damage over time is rarely sufficient to finish weakened enemies, however it will prevent shields from recharging as long as it is active. <> Warp increases Weapon Damage inflicted to Armor even without the Rank 6 Pierce Evolution. Pierce increases Damage to Armor even further (both the Damage done by the Warp Power, and Weapon Damage). ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [WRPEVO] Rank 4 Evolution: Damage v. Detonate ============================================== Recommended: Detonate Detonate increases the Damage of Biotic Explosions whether it is used as a Primer or Detonator, but will not increase the Damage of Tech Explosions. Rank 5 Evolution: Lasting Damage v. Expose ==================================================== Recommended: Expose Expose will increase Weapon and Power Damage against the target from all sources for 10 seconds. This will help bring down Bosses faster than an extra 100 damage per cast. Rank 6 Evolution: Pierce v. Recharge Speed ==================================================== Recommended: Pierce (Recharge Speed is viable) Pierce will help your team take down Armored targets easier, but Recharge Speed can be effective (especially if you are trying to earn the Challenge Points for Warp). ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ [SWAVE] Shockwave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rank 1 =================================== Cooldown: 2.67 =< 8.0 >= 24.0 Seconds* Damage: 300 Force: 700 N Radius: 2 m Range: 16 m Detonates Biotic Explosions Detonates Tech Explosions (Primes for Biotic Explosions if Rank 6: Lifting Shockwave is taken) Bonus Damage to Barriers (+50%) Rank 2: Recharge Speed =================================== Lowers Cooldown to 2.46 =< 6.4 >= 22.0 Seconds* Rank 3: Force & Damage =================================== Increases Damage by 75 and Force by 175 N Rank 4: Force & Damage Rank 4: Radius =================================== ===================================== Increases Damage by 90 and Force Increases Radius to 2.60 m by 210 N Rank 5: Detonate Rank 5: Reach =================================== ===================================== Increases Force and Damage of Increases Distance to 24 m Biotic Explosions by 65% Rank 6: Recharge Speed Rank 6: Lifting Shockwave =================================== ===================================== Lowers Cooldown to Lifts targets in the air. Primes 2.19 =< 4.85 >= 18.80 Seconds enemies for a Biotic Explosion if Shockwave did not Detonate a Biotic Explosion *: Cooldown depends on Power Recharge Speed (adjusted by Weapon Weight) +200% Recharge Speed =< 0% Recharge Speed >= -200% Recharge Speed. ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [SWAVETIP] Shockwave Tips ======================== <> Shockwave can Detonate multiple Power Explosions with each use. This makes it exceptionally powerful when combined with Singularity against groups of enemies. <> Shockwave travels through walls. <> Shockwave moves in a straight line based on where you are looking. This makes it effective against enemies who are at a different elevation than the player. ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [SWAVEEVO] Rank 4 Evolution: Force & Damage v. Radius ==================================================== Recommended: Radius Even though the Radius Evolution only increases the diameter of the cascading blasts to 2.6 m, it makes a big difference when attempting to Detonate enemies who are not restrained by Singularity. Rolling enemies, large groups of enemies, even in-game lag can be effectively defeated with an increased Radius. Rank 5 Evolution: Detonate v. Reach ============================================= Recommended: Detonate Shockwave's Rank 5 Detonation Evolution combines with Warp's Rank 4 Detonation to increase the Force and Damage of Biotic Explosions by 115%. This more than doubles the damage inflicted during Biotic Explosions and would be criminal to pass up. Warp can fulfill the role of long-range Detonator in place of a Shockwave enhanced by Reach. Rank 6 Evolution: Recharge Speed v. Lifting Shockwave =============================================================== Recommended: Recharge Speed (Lifting Shockwave is viable) Since the Recharge Speed only decreases the Cool Down by a fraction of a second, either choice may be effective. I usually go with Recharge Speed because I rely on Singularity as a disabler. Lifting Shockwave will only restrain enemies who are unshielded and lacking Armor. Singularity functions better as a disabling power since it can disable enemies for a longer duration than Lifting Shockwave. ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ [ALLTRA] Alliance Training -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rank 1 =================================== Weapon Damage Bonus: 5% Power Damage Bonus: 5%* Singularity: +5 Damage per Second Warp: +12.5 Damage Shockwave: +15 Damage, +35 Force Weight Capacity Bonus: 10 Rank 2: Power Damage =================================== Increases Power Damage and Force bonuses by 5% Singularity: +5 Damage per Second Warp: +12.5 Damage Shockwave: +15 Damage, +35 Force Rank 3: Weapon Damage =================================== Increase Weapon Damage by 5% Rank 4: Weapon Damage Rank 4: Damage & Capacity =================================== ===================================== Increases Weapon Damage by 7.5% Increases Power Damage and Force bonuses by 10% Singularity: +10 Damage per Second Warp: +25 Damage Shockwave: +30 Damage, +70 Force Weight Capacity Bonus: 20 Rank 5: Power Damage Rank 5: Headshots =================================== ===================================== Increases Power Damage and Force Increases Headshot damage bonus by bonuses by 15% 20% Singularity: +15 Damage per Second Warp: +37.5 Damage Shockwave: +45 Damage, +105 Force Rank 6: Weapon Weight Rank 6: Weapon Damage =================================== ===================================== Decrease the Weight of all Weapons Increase Weapon Damage by 10% by 20% *: Bonuses values to Power Damage are calculated using the Rank 1 Damage of a Power and NOT the adjusted Damage a Power deals at higher Ranks. Bonus Power Damage does NOT affect the Damage or Force of Biotic Explosions. ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [ALLEVO] Quick Rationale ========================= Level up points are better spent increasing survivability via Fitness. If you prefer to use heavier weapons (like Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles), take Alliance Training to Rank 4, and Evolve Damage & Capacity to reduce the penalty to Power Recharge Speed since the majority of the Human Adept's damage will still be dealt by Biotic Explosions. ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ [FITNSS] Fitness -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rank 1 =================================== Health & Shield Bonus: +15% Total Health / Shields: 575 / 575 (Health / Shields: +75 / +75) Melee Damage Bonus: 15% Rank 2: Durability =================================== Health & Shield Bonus: +10% Total Health / Shields: 625 / 625 (Health / Shields: +50 / +50) Rank 3: Melee Damage =================================== Melee Damage Bonus: +20% Rank 4: Melee Damage Rank 4: Durability =================================== ===================================== Melee Damage Bonus: +30% Health & Shield Bonus: +15% Total Health / Shields: 700 / 700 (Health / Shields: +75 / +75) Rank 5: Martial Artist Rank 5: Shield Recharge =================================== ===================================== Increase Melee Damage by 75% for Decrease Shield Recharge Delay by 30 Seconds when an enemy is killed 15% by a Heavy Melee Rank 6: Melee Synergy Rank 6: Fitness Expert =================================== ===================================== Increase Melee Damage Bonus by 30% Health & Shield Bonus: +25% Increase Weapon Damage by 25% for 20 Total Health / Shields: 825 / 825 Seconds after an enemy is killed by (Health / Shields: +125 / +125) Heavy Melee ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [FITEVO] Quick Rationale ========================= Take Health & Shield bonuses all the way, you won't be punching anyone, foo! ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ [CERBR] Dealing With Cerberus Enemies ======================================= Guardians ------------- Aim Singularity as high above the Guardian as you can without losing your lock-on. Higher elevation helps. The goal is to get behind the Shield and disable the Guardian. Even if you dont lift the Guardian off his feet, Singularity will sightly stagger them every few seconds and deal damage. Dragoons ------------ Warp + Shockwave should defeat Dragoons in one Biotic Explosion. When they are alone, try to bait them into swinging their whips by moving to their front-left flank. If they jump forward, no movement is necessary, but if they raise their arms behind their head, prepare to roll backwards or laterally. When Dragoons are in a group of 2 or more, try to hit them both with Singularity, then follow through with Shockwave. Phantoms ------------ Aim high with Singularity to increase the chances that they will be unable to dodge the Power. Shockwave deals extra damage against barriers, and it travels through walls, so exploit that. Eventually you will want to bring a weapon that excels at destroying shields (Acolyte) so they can be suspended by Singularity after a well placed Acolyte shot. Atlas --------- Slow-moving, easy to catch with Singularity Detonations, Atlas Mechs shouldn't trouble you unless you are out in the open, or surrounded by other enemies. ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [REAPR] Dealing with Reapers ============================== Ravagers ------------ Ravagers are easy prey for Singularity -> Warp (Detonate), Warp -> Singularity Detonates, when they are far away. At close range, Warp + Shockwave will easily destroy them. Roll laterally to place your character at the Ravager's flanks to avoid their projectile attacks. Brutes ---------- When they are far away, utilize Singularity and Warp, and always position yourself in an area where you can roll to one side when they charge. Try to line up multiple enemies with Singularity and Shockwave to take them down quickly. Banshees ------------ While Banshees are teleporting around, use well-timed Warp + Shockwave Biotic Explosions to quickly destroy their barriers. When they are standing still and protected by the white shimmering shield, they cannot be Primed for Biotic Explosions. If they are standing still, use Singularity to whittle them down, and be sure to use Warp at least once every 10 seconds to increase Weapon Damage against them. ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [GTH] Dealing with Geth =========================== Hunters ----------- Shoot them to temporarily break their Tactical Cloak, and enable lock-on. Use Singularity, then Warp if they are far away, or Shockwave if they are close. Often the Biotic Explosion will destroy their shields, and the Singularity will suspend them. Pyros --------- Keep your distance with Singularity -> Warp Biotic Explosions. Unless you have a weapon that excels at destroying shields, it will take several Biotic Explosions before they are defeated. Primes ---------- Biotic Explosions will usually destroy any Turrets or Combat Drones close to the Prime. When there are other enemies within close proximity to the Prime, be sure to utilize Singularity + Shockwave to cause multiple Biotic Explosions. Stay behind cover and at a distance when not using Powers against Primes. ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ [COLLCT] Dealing with Collectors ================================= Captains ------------ Captains should be dealt with immediately because their seeker swarms can Disable Power use. While Captains are summoning more Swarms, they are immobilized and unable to evade projectiles. Cast Singularity when you see them doubled over, and follow through with Warp or Shockwave depending on how close you are to them. Scions ---------- Scions are very vulnerable to Singularity -> Warp (Detonates Biotic Explosion), Warp -> Singularity Detonates (and causes a second Biotic Explosion), since they are large and slow-moving targets. Warp -> Shockwave is also devastating if you can position yourself close enough to use it. Praetorians --------------- Try to leave Praetorians alone until most enemies are cleared since they require constant attention to effectively avoid damage from their Line-Laser and Missile Spam attacks. Be sure to enter cover when the Lasers are being fired because the attack can often hit you if you are just standing behind an obstruction instead of taking cover. When a Praetorian has the Purple Sphere covering its body, it is protected from most Power Damage and effects (except a few Powers like Reave), meaning it cannot be Primed for Biotic Explosions or debuffed by Powers like Warp during this time. Cobra Missiles and weapons will still damage the Praetorian if it has its shield up, but hold your powers until the barrier drops. ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~ [WHOCARES] Legal / Contact Info ============================== Copyright 2013 8bitPunk So far, only GameFAQs has permission to host this guide. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Send me a PM on GameFAQs if you would like to contact me. ~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~\#/~ (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) (#) ~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~/#\~