Shadowrun FAQ/Guide/Waklthrough/Whatnot Ramza789 Version 1.10 Now before you start reading you might be wondering, What is Shadowrun? Well Shadowrun is a PnP(Pen and Paper) RPG that was transformed into a FPS. Note: Use the Find Feature to get to sections easier (CTRL + F -> Whatever is in the brackets.) Make sure to copy the heading and click "match case". @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Table of Contents @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1. Basics [1BAS] i. Controls [1CTR] ii. Basic Tactics/Tips [1BTT] 2. Races [2RCE] 3. Equipment [3EPM] i. Weapons [3WPS] ii. Magics [3MGS] iii. Techs [3TCS] 4. Builds [4BUD] 5. The Game Itself [5TGI] i. Game Type Explaination ii. Map Explainations 6. Achivements/How to [6ACH] 7. Copyright Stuff [7CYS] 8. To-Do List [8TDL] 9. Version Info [9VER] 10. Credits [0CDT] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1. Basics [1BAS] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Note: This information is mostly taken from the Manual. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i. Controls [1CTRL] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ A - Jump X - Reload/(Hold to pick up the Artifact/other objects) Y - Change weapons/(Hold to pick up weapons) B - (Hold to access your radial menu) Right Stick - Move sight/(Click to zoom if available) D-Pad Up - "Update"(Report Threats/Call for Resurrect) Left - "Help"(Call Right - "Move"(Tell people to move to the target area) Right Stick - Move around/(Click to Crouch) Back - View Scoreboard Start - Menu(Buy Menu/Settings/Leave Game) Right Bumper/Left Bumper/Left Trigger - (Assignable for the various Techs/Magics) Right Trigger - Shoots @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ii. Basic Tactics/Tips [1BTT] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -Hold B to access the radial menu(Pretty basic but whatever). From there you can access your Magics/Techs and assign them to the Bumpers/Left tigger orHit right trigger to "Quick Cast" them from the menu without assigning them. -Generally, you should always have Resurrect as it sucks to be the jerkoff who is the last one up and causes the team to lose because he/she didn't have rez. -Certain combonations work better than others. Be smart when picking Techs/Magics. -Don't go overboard on Techs if you're not Human or Magic if you're a troll. Your essence will be locked up quite quickly. -Don't get weapons first round unless you are sure you will live. Generally techs/magics are better as you retain them after death. -Always destroy corpses, you never know when the person might come back from deathand kill you. -Gust can supress fall damage. Point it at the ground and cast before collidingto minimize damage. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2. Races [2RCE] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ +----+ Human +----+ Humans don't really have any weaknesses, but they don't really have any advantages.They are the most balenced out of the races. As their "Racial" abilities, They get an extra $500 at the start of the game, and are not hindered by techs. Stats Health 7 pips Essence 6 Pips Top Speed 8 Pips Strength 7 Pips They have fairly balenced stats, they don't take too much of a speed reduction from heavy weapons and move fairly fast. Suggested Builds: Sniper (Smartlink,Sniper/SMG,Glider,Tree of Life) +----+ Dwarf +----+ Dwarves are(In a nut shell), angry midgets. They make very great use of magic centered builds(Such as healers or summoners), and great ninjas (people overlook the short guys). They have a low health pool and die quite quickly when confronted in combat. Their racial is that they can drain essence from near by essence holding things( Tree of Life, Strangle, People,Minions, etc). Dwarves cannot be sniped in the head which makes them very hard to kill from a range, however they die quite fast to a shotgun. Stats Health 6 pips Essence 10 pips Top Speed 7 pips Strength 9 pips As you can see, the dwarves have quite high stats, using big weapons barely affects them, and the only draw back is their tiny health pool. Suggested Builds: Healer (Resurrect,SMG/Shotgun,Tree of Life,Teleport/Smoke) +----+ Troll +----+ Trolls are the giant scary "monsters" of the game. They are huge, and strike fear into many people. They're great fighters however. They have the largest health pool in the game and are not slowed down by large weapons. They are, however, the slowest race in the game, but they make up for it with their Racial. Their Racial causes their skin to harden as they take bullets, and as it hardens, they slow down and take less damage, as well as their essence begins draining. SMGs or Miniguns against trolls are a bad idea as their skin will harden before you kill them, and they'll be taking little or no damage. Stats Health 10 pips Essence 6 pips Top Speed 6 pips Strength 10 pips The giant heavy weapon is great in any group, a troll can take damage aswell as dish out a fair bit aswell. Suggested Build: Monster (Tree of Life,Shotgun/Minigun,Smartlink,Wired Reflexes) +---+ Elf +---+ Ah elves, the pretty boys. They have pointy ears that make every Legolas love cream their pants. They're the quick moving annoyances of the game. can you tell I don't like elves?). I guess I should say something positive eh? Hmm, they have a large essence pool and are the fastest race out there. They have a lower health pool than the dwarf, and have the lowest Strength. They make up for their low health pool with their racial. Whenever they're not taking damage, they slowly regnerate their own health making them great for hit and runs. Stats Health 5 pips Essence 8 pips Top Speed 10 pips Strength 6 pips I hate elves. Suggested Build: Don't know, never play as an elf but this is the most common build Ninja (Smoke,Katana/SMG,Wired Reflexes,Gust/Teleport) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 3. Equipment [3EPM] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Here I will discuss the various equipment options and rate them in my opinnion. This does not mean that if I give something a low rating, it sucks, I just don't find it usefull. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i. Weapons [3WPS] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ +----+ Pistol +----+ No Readable Stats or Price Mag Size: 12 Bullets Comments: Works well for what it's designed to do: be a decent free gun. You spawn with this gun every time you die. Works wonders against trolls as the gun is stronger than the SMG and doesn't bring up the armor as fast as the SMG. Rating: 8/10 +--+ SMG +--+ Stats(For some reason, the game rates the guns in each area on a scale of 7) Price: $500 Damage: 1/7 Pips Accuracy: 3/7 Pips Rate of Fire: 7/7 Pips Ideal Range: 3/7 pips Mag Size: 50 Bullets Comments: Great weapon, cheap and effective. Works well both early on and late on. Pretty worthless agains a troll. 8/10 +---+ Rifle +---+ Stats Price: $500 Damage: 2/7 Pips Accuracy: 6/7 Pips Rate of Fire: 5/7 Pips Ideal Range: 6/7 Pips Mag Size: 15 Bullets Zoom: 1 Comments: I never really liked this gun, the extra 1 damage never really did it for me. I don't use it much and such, don't have much to say. 4/10 +-----+ Shotgun +-----+ Stats Price: $750 Damage: 6/7 Pips Accuracy: 2/7 Pips Rate of Fire: 3/7 Pips Ideal Range: 2/7 Pips Mag Size: 5 Shells Comments: I adore this gun, it's THE BEST weapon you can have in CQC (Close Quarters Combat). It has insane damage, and can drop most things in 2 or so shots(Even trolls if you aim for the head). 10/10 +-----+ Katana +-----+ Stats Price: $1000 Damage: 3/7 Pips Accuracy: 2/7 Pips Rate of Fire: 3/7 Pips Ideal Range: 1/7 Pips Mag Size: N/A Comments: If you couple this with the Tech: Wired Reflexes, it makes some good fun, but overall, this weapon isn't that good. It's only usefullness is sneaking up behind people(snipers particularly) as it causes them to bleed out. 6/10 +------+ Minigun +------+ Stats Price: $1250 Damage: 1/7 Pips Accuracy: 4/7 Pips Rate of Fire: 7/7 Pips Ideal Range: 4/7 Pips Mag Size: 100 Rounds. Comments: Picture the SMG, now add some steriods and you have the Minigun. This thing is great coupled with SmartLink as it makes the gun incrediablly accurate. Only downside is that it's the heavyest weapon in the game. 7/10 +----------+ Sniper Rifle +----------+ Stats Price: $2500 Damage: 5/7 Accuracy: 7/7 Rate of Fire: 2/7 Ideal Range: 7/7 Mag Size: 4 Rounds Zoom: 2 Comments: Great from a distance. Oneshot kill if used properly. Only drawback is the slow reload. 9/10 +-------------+ Rocket Launcher +-------------+ Stats Price: $5000 Damage: 7/7 Accuracy: 1/7 Rate of Fire: 1/7 Ideal Range: 5/7 Mag Size: 1 Rocket Zoom: 1 Comments: If you have cash, pick it up. It's a bit innacurate, but great for killing, it's a 1hit kill on anything, if it lands near or on them. Rating: 7.5/10 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ii. Magics [3MGS] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Note: These may very depending on your race. +-----------+ Tree of Life +-----------+ Price: $2000 Essence Used/Held: 3/0 Use: Drops a tree that is used to heal near by people and can be used as cover if needed Comments: Great for anyone. It sucks having to depend on somebody to drop a tree for you when you're near death. The only race that has an excuse not to get it are the elves as they can just regen. Rating: 10/10 +--------+ Resurrect +--------+ Price: $2000 Essence Used/Held: 4/4 Use: Resurrects near by allies providing that their corpses are in tact. Comments: One of the(if not the) best spells in the game. It can turn the tides from 6 on 1 to 6 on 6. The only race that has an excuse not to get it are the Trolls because their essence pool is low as is. 10/10 +-------+ Strangle +-------+ Price: $2000 Essence Used/Held: 2/2 Use: Brings up Crystal-like spikes in the target area that slow down and injure anyone who comes through. Comments: This spell is fairly usefull on defense as it allows the defense time to focus on the enemies and controls the flow of "traffic" to and from the artifact. 7/10 +---+ Gust +---+ Price: $2000 Essence Used/Held: 2/0 Use: Gusts the target back a few feet. Can pull people out of smoke. Comments: Good for high maps like Maelstrom, and great if the other team has a lot of ninjas. 7/10 +----+ Smoke +----+ Price: $2000 Essence Used/Held: 1 and then 1 per second every second it's activated. Use: Makes you become immune to damage of all sorts. However, your unable to attack and gust will destroy you. Comments: Great for quick escapes. However, gust will destroy you, and often(unless you jump off of a high ledge, whatever is attacking will persue you. But it's still usefull. 6/10 +-------+ Teleport +-------+ Price: $2250 Essence Used/Held: 2/0 Use: Teleports you in the DIRECTION you're moving(not looking. Can go through objects as long as you're in range. Comments: Not always usefull, only on large maps with a lot of floors/walls. 6/10 +-----+ Summon +-----+ Price: $3000 Essence Used/Held: 4/4 Use: Creates a minion that is very powerful. Tapping the button will cause the minion to patrol the area you're targeting. Holding it will cause the minion to chase after the nearest enemy to your target. Comments: Sa'll Right. Great to guard an area, or to put a hit on a certain player. Once the minion is on the person, it doesn't stop until one of them dies. 7/10 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ iii. Techs [3TCS] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Note: Humans have 0/0 for all of these. +------+ Grenade +------+ Price: Free Essence Used/Held: 0/0 Use: Throws a grenade at the target. Comments: Like the pistol, this does what it's supposed to do, and does it well. If thrown right, can be very deadly. You spawn with 2 grenades each round. 9/10 +----+ Glider +----+ Price: $2000 Essence Used/Held: 0/2 Use: Deploys wings that can give you an extra boost in height or slow your fall. Comments: Good for large open maps, such as Maelstrom or Power Station. Helps when teleporting as you can slow your fall if you drop teleport into thin air. 8/10 +-------------+ Enhanced Vision +-------------+ Price: $2000 Essence Used/Held: 3/3 Use: Allows you to see through walls and objects for 50 meters. Comments: Not really all that good, there are better things that could fill the slot. 5/10 +-------------------+ Anti-Magic Generators +-------------------+ Price: $1500 Essence Used/Held: 0/0 Use: Throws a grenade that acts like a dwarf(Drains essence in the area that it detonates). Comments: I usually play as a dwarf so I can't really vouch for this N/A/10 +---------+ Smart Link +---------+ Price: $2000 Essence Used/Held: 2/2 Use: Allows all guns to gain +1 zoom, adds accuracy and removes that ability to shoot teammates. Comments: Very Usefull when using the minigun and can be helpful to those snipers than need aim assistance. 8/10 +-------------+ Wired Reflexes +-------------+ Price: $2000 Essence Used/Held: Varies Use: Adds a passive speed bonus and allows you to deflect bullets with the katana. When you click the button, drains a bit of health and adds a small speed boost. Comments: Almost necissary for trolls as they move slowwww. 7/10 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 4. Builds [4BUD] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Note: These are the builds that I use and thought up. I'm sorry if it bares resemablance to(or is) one of your builds. If you would like credit, just email me. Sniper (3/10 For Newbies. 10/10 For good snipers) Races: Dwarf/Elf/Human Weapons: Sniper(Of course), Shotgun or SMG. Techs/Magic: Teleport, Tree of Life, Glider, Smartlink if you're bad at aiming. Order: Follow A if you're Dwarf/Elf. Follow B if you're human.(note, Elves can skip A. First Round.) A. First Round: Get Tree of Life. B. First Round: Get Sniper and don't Die. A. Second Round: Save. B. Second Round: Save. A. Third Round: Grab Tele or Glider. B. Third Round: Grab Tree of Life. A. Fourth Round: Grab either Tele/Glider(Whichever you didn't get last round). B. Fourth Round: Grab Tele or Glider. A. Fifth Round: Grab Sniper. B. Fifth Round: Grab either Tele/Glider(Whichever you didn't get last round). A. Sixth Round: If needed, Get Smartlink, or grab your Secondary Weapon. B. Sixth Round: If needed, Get Smartlink, or grab your Secondary Weapon. Comments: Only pick this build if you're confident in your sniping skills, as this build has very little room for failure. Healer (8/10 Newbie, 10/10 smart person) Races: Dwarf/Elf Weapons: SMG, Shotgun Magic/Tech: Teleport, Tree of Life, Resurrect, Smoke. First Round: Grab Res. Second Round: If you have more than 2k, Grab Tree, otherwise grab a weapon and follow B. A. Third Round: Buy a weapon( if you haven't picked one up yet.) B. Third Round: Grab Tree of Life. A. Fourth Round: Get Teleport. B. Fourth Round: Save or buy Teleport if you can afford it. A. Fifth Round: Grab Smoke. B. Fifth Round: Get Teleport. A. Sixth Round: Do whatever you want, build was done at Fifth. B. Sixth Round: Grab Smoke. Comments: This build is great, as resses give a fair bit of bonus cash. Smoke isn't needed, but is very useful as sometimes when teleporting into res somebody, you teleport into a group of enemies. Powerhouse (7/10 Newbie) Races: Troll Weapons: Shotgun, Minigun. Magic/Tech: Tree of Life, Smartlink, Wired Reflexes. First Round: Buy Tree of Life. Second Round: Save Third Round: Grab Smartlink Fourth Round: Buy Wired Reflexes. Fifth Round: Save/Minigun. Sixth Round: Minigun/Shotgun. Comments: Not much to say, this is the standard troll build. If you set up next to a tree, you can lay in some serious damage with the minigun taking very little damage. Wired Reflexes helps with awful reload time on the mini, and to flee if you need to. Ninja (9/10 Newbie, 10/10 Smart Person) Races: Human/Dwarf/Elf(Sorry, trolls are just too damn slow). Weapons: Katana, SMG Magic/Tech: Smoke, Enhanced Vision, Teleport, Wired Reflexes First Round: Buy Smoke. Second Round: Buy a Katana. Third Round: Buy an SMG. Fourth Round: Get Enhanced Vision. Fifth Round: Get Teleport. Sixth Round: Get Wired Reflexes. Comments: This hand is the easiest build to play, and the most used build. The main focus is to use Enhanced Vision to spot somebody, tele in behind them, and cut them in the back to make'em bleed out. If they notice you, pull out the smg. Elves excell at this because of their speed, but fall short when the person sees them. This build is easy to use, but somebody who masters it is a force to be reckoned with. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 5. The Game Itself [5TGI] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This section will outline each game type, give tips for each game type and map. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ i. Game Type Explainations @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ There are three different game types in "Shadowrun": Extraction, Raid and Attrition. +---------+ Extraction +---------+ Possible Maps: Favela, Lobby, Maelstrom, Nerve Center and Pinnacle. Goal: Pick up the Artifact and deliver it to the other team's spawn. Either team can pick up the artifact and score it. The round ends when either: the artifact is scored(That team wins), time runs out(Team with the most kills) or all of the players on one team are dead(The team still living). Tips: - Do not rush the Artifact at the beginning, it will be crowded and you have a great chance of dying. Instead, hang back and watch where the other team is coming from, and try to either shoot at them, or lob grenades in that area. - Take sharp turns, and avoid open hallways. - Don't Hesitate to drop the Artifact to defend yourself, it's much easier to get the artifact back than to play man down. - Don't Hesitate to drop in the Artifact. This is not Rainbow Six: Vegas, you do not get extra points for holding the Artifact longer. +---+ Raid +---+ Possible Maps: Dig Site, Power Plant, Poco and Temple Grounds. Goals: Grab the Artifact and score it. Very similar to Extraction except one team is always on defense depending on the map. The round ends when either: Artifact is Scored(Assault Team), Time runs out(Defending Team), or all of the players on one team are dead(The team still living). Tips: - Get Strangle, can really help slow down the artifact carrier. - Watch all possible enterances to the Artifact room. - Watch all possible enterances to the capture point. - Teleport is one of the best spells for the assault team. Being able to tele into the Artifact is very helpful. - Don't take the Artifact the same way each time. Generally people will figure out where you're going and try to stop you. +--------+ Attrition +--------+ Possible Maps: All of the Maps. Goal: This is the basic deathmatch game type. There is an artifact, but all it does is allow you to see where all of the opposing team is(like an enhanced enhanced vision). The round ends when: time runs out(Team holding the artifact wins), or when all of one team is killed(living team). Tips: - There is no reason to not have Ressurect, as bodies cannot be destroyed. - Play smart, work as a team. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ii. Maps Explaination @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -UNDER CONSTRUCTION- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 6. Achievments/How to [6AHT] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Note: Copied the list from the Gfaqs, and added the how to. 100 Wins (100) Win 100 games during your Shadowrun career. Simple Enough, Just win 100 times... 3 for the Price of 1 (25) Kill three enemies with one grenade. Plan your grenades, throw 2 or 3 at a cluster of enemies, pretty easy too. Assistant (20) Get a 5:1 damage-to-kill ratio. Make sure you don't kill too much, just damage them and let somebody else kill them. BFF (20) Play Public Match in a Party with players on both XBox 360 and Windows Vista. Kinda hard if you have no vista friends. Otherwise pretty straightforward. Blowhard (10) Gust 5 enemies to their deaths. Simple on big maps such as Maelstrom. Brother From Another Mother (20) Perform a cross-platform Resurrection. See Bff Chapter 1 Training (10) Complete Chapter 1 Training. Chapter 2 Training (10) Complete Chapter 2 Training. Chapter 3 Training (10) Complete Chapter 3 Training. Chapter 4 Training (10) Complete Chapter 4 Training. Chapter 5 Training (10) Complete Chapter 5 Training. Chapter 6 Training (10) Complete Chapter 6 Training. Self Explanitory. Dwarf Player (10) Play as a Dwarf for one hundred games. Just play dwarf, fairly easy. Dwarf Scourge (10) Kill one hundred enemy Dwarves. Just kill dwarves, fairly easy, but time consuming. Elf Bane (10) Kill one hundred enemy Elves. See Dwarf Scourge. Elf Player (10) Play as an Elf for one hundred games. See Dwarf Player. Godlike (25) In a 6vs6 or 8vs8 match kill all of the enemies without being hit and not allowing them to resurrect anyone This one is pretty tough, I suggest being a sniper and playing on an open map. Healer (10) Save your allies with the Tree of Life. You need to heal 50 pips of life in one round, find a few people who are bleeding out and drop a tree. Heavy Smoker (10) Ignore a great deal of damage using Smoke. Be smoked for 60 minutes total. Just time consuming. Human Player (10) Play as a Human for one hundred games. See Dwarf Player. Lead Hose (20) Kill one hundred enemies with the Minigun. Couple this with the Smartlink achievement. Just takes time. Master Blaster (10) Kill one hundred enemies with the Rocket Launcher. Hardest of the "Kill one hundred enemies with..." as the Rocket Launcher is expensive. Just try to get 2 or 3 kills with it a game. Master Gardener (25) Kill 5 enemies with Strangle. Shoot'em, and then drop a strangle before they die. Master Ninja (100) Inflict one hundred mortal wounds with the Katana. One of the, if not the, hardest achievments to get. They have to die to the mortal wounds, and nothing else. I really have no tips for this one. Master Thief (25) Deliver the Artifact untouched despite heavy defense. You must score it 4 people within 20 meters of the extration zone. This is east on "Power Station" as the Extraction point is in the center of the roof. Mine Is The Superior Platform (50) Kill 100 players on the opposite platform. Kinda hard, as I don't know many vista players. But again, it'll just take time. Popgun (20) Kill one hundred enemies with the Pistol. Pretty easy, the pistol is a great gun. Resurrector (10) Bring back one hundred allies from the dead. Really, easy, just get res first round for a few games and you're golden. Runner (10) Carry the Artifact all the way to the delivery point. Self Explanatory. Shadowrun Fever (25) Kill and squat on a player that already has the achievement Tea Bag everyone you kill. Shotty (20) Kill one hundred enemies with the Shotgun. Pretty easy. Small World (20) Play Public Match with players on both XBox 360 and Windows Vista. Easiest of the Cross-Platform ones. It's all luck. Sniper (20) Kill one hundred enemies with the Sniper Rifle. Pretty easy. Special Delivery (20) Kill one hundred enemies with Grenades. Pretty easy. Street Samurai (20) Kill one hundred enemies with the Katana. Pretty easy. Summoner (10) Kill one hundred enemies with your Minions. Just sick the minion the artifact and you'll get the achievment soon enough. Target Lock (10) Kill one hundred enemies with SmartLink active. Do it with the minigun. Tatter Tatter (20) Kill one hundred enemies with the Rifle. Kinda Hard because the rifle isn't that good. Teleporter (10) Teleport one hundred times. Very easy, do it in one game. That Was Close (20) Kill the Artifact carrier less than ten meters from the delivery point, and win the round. Just wait near the extration point and then BAM with the shotty. That's One Frustrated Sniper (10) Block ten sniper shots with Wired Reflexes. If you see a sniper, pick up wired reflexes and the katana. Win. Triple rez (10) Resurrect three allies simotaneously Just luck really. Troll Player (10) Play as a Troll for one hundred games. See Dwarf Player. Trollhammer (10) Kill one hundred enemy Trolls. See Dwarf Scourge. Unstoppable (50) Kill ten enemies in a row without being killed. Very hard, it's currently bugged so you cannot die even after you get the 10 kills. You need to get the 10 kills and then survive for the rest of the game. Kills of people who were resurrected do not count. Well-Rounded (20) Win a Public Match game as each race. Pretty easy. Well-Traveled (20) Play a Public Match on each map. Prety easy. Winning Streak (10) Win ten consecutive rounds. Find a group of people, and just roll 2 games for an easy achievment. You're Coming With Me (25) Avenge your own death! Kill your killer after being resurrected. Zombie Scores! (20) Deliver the Artifact while bleeding out. No strat to this, just pray that your rezzer dies while you're near the extration zone. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 7. Copyright Stuff [7CYS] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Copyright 2007, Ramza789. Please don't steal this. It's only allowed to be posted with my permission and at the moment can only be used on or If you want permission to use this, send me an email at Ramza789(AT)Yahoo(DOT)com. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 8. To-Do List [8TDL] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To do... Add Map Explainations Add more Builds @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 9. Version Info [9VER] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Verion 1.1 - Added "The Game Itself" section. Updated the "To Do" list. Version 1.06 - Fixed information in the magic section and the achievment section. Added the credit section. Version 1.05 - Added to-do list, the build section, and elaborated on my "suggested build" segment. Submitted 6/18/07 Version 1.01 - Added "What is Shadowrun" and the Version Info. Submitted 6/17/07 Version 1.0 - Barebones Guide. Submitted 6/16/07. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 10. Credits [0CDR] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Thanks for correcting some of my Acheivment how tos, and telling me about varying essence use on magics.