================================================================================ Tales of Vesperia Walkthrough ================================================================================ Created by KADFC (aka Kaddy Gamer, Fabian Chang) Created on August 29, 2008 at 12:29 PM Pacific Time Copyright KADFC 2008 Youtube Account: www.youtube.com/user/KaddyGamer Version 1.00 First Version Submitted on: September 1 2008 @ 8:18 PM Pacific Time Current Version Submitted on: October 26 2008 @ 5:00 PM Pacific Time * If you need additional help, visit my youtube account and see the videos that I have created that supplements this walkthrough/FAQ. Depending on how far you are at, I might have what you're looking for. If not, ask on the boards, wait for the next update, etc... There is a chance that my video walkthrough will bypass this walkthrough, so who knows. * I do have all the warehouse solving vids done and uploaded if my explanation wasn't clear in this. Hard to explain 2 layed warehouses. This guide can not be used to make a profit. It can't be reproduced in any other way, printed or hosted anywhere without my approval. This is for personal use only. If you paid for this guide, you got ripped off. You may save this guide on your computer or print it out, but it can't be distributed without the knowledge of where this guide came from, nor who made it. This guide originates from Gamefaqs. Since there are many sites asking for permission and I'm only here to help those in need, I'll grant those who asked for it. Permission is granted for the following sites: - Super Cheats - UnlimitedGamer.net - CheatPlanet.com - Gamesradar.com - Gamershell Please use Ctrl + F (Control Find) to search the guide. * This is only extended then before. Additional stuff that is found has not been added since most people using it are near the end. It will be editted much, much later. Hopefully, before December or so. * Do not email me with correction or addons that I can make. I already have a list of them, it's only the matter of finding it and actually adding it in. Well, I guess only email me suggestion after 1.00 is released. * I currently don't even have my 360 avaliable to play with. Not yet. * Don't send me emails regarding the last section for the Grade FAQ. I need to fix that, I know that. * Oh, by the way. A few things that I should really add, but I'm not going to bother with are the folling. This serves as a reminder to myself: - Judith's Spear (Brionac List, the first event in Aspio is needed) - Kow Kids (2nd to last part, must be done after rescuing E) - Elucifer's Grave - 2 Items in Heracules - Overdrive Dolls, the last few (if I did miss any of them) - Itemania and Monster Book's 50% triggers (Aspio and Nor) - Grade Shop Info - EX Dungeon + 200 Man Melee - Bunny Guild (Haven't even joined yet) - Sidequest Headers - 100% Checklist Skeleton Addon (... Who knows when) - Youtube Related Links Insertion Section: Up to Spirits * Last thing, not going to bother with typos and what not. At least, not until December. Don't like this walkthrough? Create your own. Use Brady's walkthrough, and see how much info that piece of **** provides. ^_^ ================================================================================ Table of Content ================================================================================ 1) Introduction 2) Controls and References 3) Tips and Early Heads Up 4) Walkthrough 5) Credits ================================================================================ Introduction ================================================================================ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) The Imperial Capitol - "Zaphias" 2) First Time on World Map 3) Deidon Hold 4) Quoi Woods 5) The City of Blossoms - "Halure" -> Short Sidequest Run-around 6) Return to Quoi Woods 7) Halure (Panacea Bottle Time) 8) The Sealed City of Scholars - "Aspio" 9) Shaikos Ruins 10) Aspios (After Ruins) 11) Halure 12) Ehmead Hills 13) The Port Town - "Capua Nor" 14) Magistrate's Home (Basement) 15) The Port Town - "Capua Torim" 16) The Fallen City - "Caer Bocram" 17) The Rising City - "Heliord" 18) Very Sidequests 1 19) The Den of Guild - "Dahngrest" 20) Forest of Keiv Moc 21) Dahngrest 22) The Tower of Gears - "Ghasfarost" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Dahngrest 2) Heliord 2 3) Capua Torim 2 4) Fiertia 5) The Ghost Ship - "Atherum" 6) Very Sidequests 2 7) The Coliseum City - "Nordopolica" 8) The Weasand of Cados 9) The Desert Oasis - "Mantaic" 10) The Sands of Kogorh 11) The Heartland Town - "Yormgen" 12) Mantaic 2 13) Nordopolica 2 14) Dahngrest 2 15) Manor of the Wicked 16) Dahngrest 3 17) Mt. Temza 18) Waiting On Ship 19) Sidequesting A 20) Phaeroh's Craig + Aspio 21) Egothor Forest 22) The Home of the Kritya - "Myorzo" 23) Yormgen 2 24) The Forgotten Shrine - "Baction" 25) The Mobile Fortress - "Heracles" 26) The Blade Drifts of Zopheir 27) Halure + Quoi Woods 28) Zaphias, City Not Livable 29) Zaphias, City Livable 30) Sidquesting B - First Fell Arm - Abyssion 31) The Enduring Shrine of Zaude ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) The Gathering - Zaphias, Aspio, Dahngrest 2) Sidequesting C 3) Zopheir 4) Sidequesting D 5) Nordopolica Attacked 6) The Erealumean Crystallands 7) Relewiese Hollow 8) Few Minor Siders 9) Last Spirit 10) Sorcerer's Ring Level 4 and Second Fell Arm - Zarich 11) Third Fell Arm - Nebilim (Keiv Moc) 12) Fourth Fell Arm - Mercurius (Relewiese Hollow) 13) Gigantos and the Fifth Fell Arm - Glasya Labolas 14) Port Nor Shopping 15) Blastia Destroyer (Final Part) 16) Reinforcements and Vesperia No. 1 17) Gathering of Leaders and Sidequesting E 18) The Happy Place - "Nam Cobanda Isle" 19) * Gald Grinding Casino Trick 20) Donation Time 21) Leader's Meeting 22) Sidequesting F Part 1 23) Restoring Aurnion 24) Sidequesting F Part 2 25) Recollection Guardian 26) * Grade Grinding Rita 27) Cook Master Section 28) 100 Man Melee (Colesium) 29) Too Much Free Time 30) The Ancient Tower - "Tarqaron" 31) Tarqaron's EXTRA SECTION 32) Seven Fell Arm Sidequest - Ending Extention Sidequest 33) Final Boss ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Post Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) (Yet to be done) As of right now, there isn't any guides for Tales of Vesperia. I'm only here to give a brief description for those that want a guide of some sorts. As of right now, I'm not finished with the game yet, but I have done a few tests here and there making sure that I got everything. I will be post vids on youtube showing my progress through the game. You can also use that series of vids for your own reference. I made this guide without the help of any other resources except for probably the users on gamefaqs' message board for Tales of Vesperia. The Brady Strategy guide... I don't trust it. They usually rush their printings to meet deadlines like always. What's good about them? Pictures and a brief description of what to expect, but it probably won't cover everything. * Note, I've now completed the game 3 times. Almost done with Vesperia Master English is my first language, but it's not the only one. So do expect typos every now and then because I tend to think faster than I can type and I hardly go back to read what I read, unless I find it needed. This will probably be my first walkthrough for a Tales game. I've played Tales of the Abyss before and I'm very familiar with the game's playing style. Eternia and Rebirth, closely the same in someways. This walkthrough will be done on Easy mode since getting achievements doesn't depend on what difficulty you're on. I can only offer so little in terms of strategy. I would say trial and error, level up, or just did what I did. If this is your first Tales game or your first RPG, you will just have to learn in order to enjoy the game. Most of my references will come from Tales of the Abyss in contrasting. Don't be offended. If you do feel so, read some other guide. Don't read further into the game because there will be spoilers. However, if you just got to that area, their names will only be substituted with a simple letter from the alphabet. I'm trying to make this as spoiler free as possible and if you see that I revealed something that could be spoilers, give me a message on youtube or an "ATTN: KADFC" on the boards. Also, if you're really stuck, I will probably provide a link of how I did it myself. Be warned, these vids are full spoilers. You can find them, as well as the playlist for them on my youtube account. For this walkthrough however I will only provide 3 links for each area. You can probably find more help by yourself if you look hard enough. It's the numbering system BTW. Skits will be for one section. Then afterwards, I won't even bother stating them. By then, you should already know if there's a skit available or not. The chances for you to see all the skits is slim to none. Most likely, you will have to wait a long time in that area for the skit to be optional to you. ================================================================================ Controls and References ================================================================================ You will eventually get a battle tutorial on your first fight, so I don't find the need to cover to mush detail, so I'll just type what I think is needed. I think I'll just basically type out what the instruction manual said while adding my personal thoughts in. Map Screen Controls Field Map Normal Map ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Stick Move Character Move Character - Hold down B to walk instead of run ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Right Stick Turn Camera Turn Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Right Stick Button Turn Camera to the North ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Left stick Button Call Ba'ul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D-Pad Zoom in/out and Turn Character Move character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Button Enter/Examine/Activate Talk/Examine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X Button Switch Mini Map Display Shoot Sorcerer's Ring ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Y Button Display Main Menu Display Main Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B Button Cancel, used to quickly exit something (Not apart of the manual) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Bumper - LB Rotate Camera View Casual Action (Right Bumper) Right Bumper - RB - I personally use these while on the world map to rotate the camera angle. Better than using the Right stick. Learned it from TotA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start Button Pause Pause ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Button Start a Skit Start a Skit In summary. Use the Left stick to move your character everywhere. For a beginner just know that A is confirm and B is cancel. Simple enough? On the world map, use Left and Right Bumpers to shift your overall view. Main Menu Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Stick/D-Pad Selector A Button Confirm B Button Cancel X Button Change Leader Left/Right trigger/bumper switch characters and item categories Battle Screen Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Left Stick Move Character; Free Run with Left Trigger Select Target with Right Bumper Right Stick Use Artes Shortcut (Done in the Main Menu, or in battle) D-Pad Activate Overlimit A Button Activate Artes (With and without Left Stick) B Button Normal Attack (Physical attack) X Button Guard (Blocks enemies' physical attack) Y Button Display Battle Menu Right Trigger Trigger Fatal Strike Left Trigger Free Run (Combined with Left Stick to move) Left Bumper Cancel Item Request Right Bumper Select Target Start Button Pause Game Back Button Switch Control Mode between Manual, Automatic, and Semi-Automatic* Manual means you will be on your own controlling your character. Semi - automatic means you'll be controlling your character, but you'll get assistant. With this, you don't need to walk and attack, just press attack and the character will move into and attack. Automatic means the computer's AI will battle the enemy for you. Also, I will use N (North), S (South), W (West), and E (East) to show you where to go. Or you can think of it in this way: N - I will use N, north, down. Anything that means head towards the screen, therefore, you can see the character's face. S - The total opposite of North and you should see the character's back W - To the left (I will sometime say left as well as right) E - To the right The screen can't be shift, not counting the world map, so this way you know what I'm talking about. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about and I don't have to explain anything more. WM = World Map SR = Sorcerer's Ring For the world map itself, there's actually North, East, South and West. So just follow the compass or use the little map for your personal aide. ================================================================================ Tips and Early Heads Up ================================================================================ Read this part first. This is the soul of this guide. Tips means what you should or should not do. Early heads up in terms of knowing things ahead of time before you miss them. General knowledge which I hope to spread out. Here goes: 1) Power of Holy Bottles: For a cheap 300 Gald a Bottle, you can use this to bypass all random battles on the field. However, stay too close to an enemy for 4 seconds straight and you'll go into a battle with them. An enemy that fully blocks your path can't be bypassed, you'll have to fight them. 2) Easy Mode This guide is played on easy mode. Playing on Normal or Hard will not give you any benefits, except a personal challenge. 3) No Good Boss Strategies Since this is played on easy mode, there are no suggestions in terms of how to defeat the bosses. I will give general tips if I feel the need. 4) Secret Missions SM for short. All boss related battles have these. I will be covering all of these and only expect these. Doing all secret battles is required for getting a title. True Knight 5) Monster Collector and Item Collector There's title given for both categories. This process starts at the beginning of the game regardless if you have the actual thing or not. Data for these are transfered into EX New Game. Monster Collector Use a Magic Lens on EVERY single enemy in the game. A lot of them are missable. Event changes and boss forms. Go around and get into all types of battles, hold RB to switch from enemy to enemy. If you do not see their HP displayed, use a Magic Lens on them. Always double check a boss (after secret mission triggers, situation changes). Magic Lens are cheap and very affordable (10 gald for one) Item Collector Half it comes from doing the Monster Collector. By using Magic Lens on enemies, it reveals what they drop or what you can steal from them. The other half is from the shops. To get these, you will have to buy one of each. Meaning, buy at least ONE of everything that they offer. Things through Synthesis also count. So you have to create all of them. This guide will offer assistance for the MC. IC is self explanatory. * That portion has not been added yet. Coming Soon. 4) Do Not Sell Weapons and Sub Weapons In this game, weapons and sub weapons are needed for each character to learn skills. Synthesis also requires these. So pay close attention because you might not have learned all of those before creating the new weapon. Even if the weapon don't teach you skills, don't sell them or you will regret it. You can sell all other equipments though. 5) Learn from Tutorials A lot people skip them, but you do learn a lot from them. 6) Item Hater It's a title earned for not using items during battle for part 1. Using Magic Lens counts since it's used in battle. If you use them off field, like Holy Bottle or Cooking, those don't count. You can also get this title from just watching the skit. So, just get enough grades to buy all the skits and just watch it in EX New Game to get the title. 7) Level Up, Gald, and Grade I'm not here to suggest when to grind, as I find it not efficent. Levels don't transfer to EX New Game. So once you restart the game again, it will go back to 5. Grade's 10x EXP will aide you. Level should only be grind if you're at the end of the game and tryig to gather materials from the enemy. Gald and Grade can be grinded later on using a specific method which is proven to be faster than all other methods. Gald, Casino. Grade, Tidal Wave. Sidequests that involve donations (Orphange and Hot Springs) don't have a deadline, so you can leave them until the end of the game. 7) Recepies From Wonder Chef There's only one missable recepie in the whole game. That being the first one and that's in Aspio. Even the deadline for this is huge and it's really hard to miss. From entrance, left side and near the door. All other recepies can not be missed. 8) Karolin Sword This is a one time weapon from the storyline. You only get one of these. It's used in synthesis for two different weapons, so choose wisely. 9) Sidequests There's a huge chunck of stuff that is missable. Kouli's flow chart: http://ameblo.jp/koulinovesperia/ Lists them all. So I suggest that you use this in combination with this 10) Giganto Monsters Do Not kill any of them until you've talked to Rich and started the quest itself. This is required to do the rest of the quest. Gigantos are huge monsters that are way harder than normal field enemies. Each of them will drop a rare item, which only they can drop. It's proven that all Giganto Monster can be respawned. To spawn one, there's a few methods. Save and reload your game, check. Go into the world map and come back, check. Go two screens away and come back, check. I would have to say the chances of respawning one is 5% or less. 11) Hunter's Monocule When grinding for materials, levels, etc... always have this equipped on one of the characters. It increases the chances for drops. This accessory is obtained as you proceed into the game and you can synth this as well. The effects do stack. 12) Moon Selector and Special Flag Both items are made through Synthesis. Moon Selector can be obtained through a storyline boss battle (Temza). Both are valuables. Moon Selector: Use this to change controlling character during battle. Press Y to go into menu, then press Start to change characters. Special Flag: Use this to change the character that you control outside of battle. Press Y into the menu, go down, and press X to switch. 13) Chests of the World Getting 85% of all the chests in the game will get you a title. With that being said, open all of them and take their items. Even if you're fully stocked on them, still take them. Unless you want to backtrack and get them again. I didn't do this, so I have to go through everywhere to get mine in order to get this title. It was not fun at all. ================================================================================ Walkthrough ================================================================================ You'll need a hard drive or a memory card to save your game. You can play the game with either of this, but you won't save your game nor get any achievements, but you probably know that. * Item Hater Title for Y. If you want this title, you can't use any items in battle until a little bit after Part 1, when you're going back to Heliord Time to start the game. You'll be given an explanation of how this world works. Then you get a scene with your MC (Main character). Spoilers won't take place until I know for certain that the name stated is far beyond from what you should know. T rushes in and talk to Y. Y is the person you're controlling. Watch the scene. You'll be introduced into... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Imperial Capitol - "Zaphias" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk-lglB2pWo www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgBa3u2sIYE www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2dpXuwH1u8 Items Found In Area: Wonder Log Magic Lens, 100 Gald, Magic Lens, Prison Key, Apple Gel, Magic Lens, Holy Bottle, Orange Gel, Life Bottle, Cape, Egg, Life Bottle, 200 Gald, Orange Gel, Apple Gel, Holy Bottle, Life Bottle, Orange Gel, Apple Gel Items (Sewers) and Beyond: Life Bottle, Magic Lens, Apple Gel, Holy Bottle, 200 Gald, 150 Gald, Orange Gel, Orange Gel, Orange Gel x4, Melange Gel x4, Life Bottle x4, Bread x4, Egg x2, 500 Gald When you get control, press Back to see your First skit. This is your first chat with R (which is in fact an animal of a certain type). Then you may head S to save your game. Press A, then select a slot to save. Head N and up the stairs to start a scene. After that, head N even more and into the next area. Once you're there, make your way to the left. You see a shop. Don't buy anything, not needed. You then encounter the Wonder Reporter. After that, you'll get the Wonder Log. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Optional: This is what I did, but you can completely ignore this because I like my own controls. Press Y to open menu screen. To the very last thing and into Configs. Set Battle Difficulty to Easy. Go to Button configuration. Scroll up to Normal Attacks. Set Normal attacks to the A Button. This way A is for normal attacks and B is for Artes. Now go back to the main menu. Go into Artes. Go down and you'll see 4 slots. The first slot have Azure Edge. Now put Azure Edge into all 4 slots. That way you can be doing anything and once you press B, you'll use that arte. Azure Edge is like... a long range fireball-like attack. You can play with your equipment and skill menu, but there's nothing to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go more N and up the stairs, another scene. After that, go a little bit north. Another skit can be scene. Go W and talk to the door of the home. Proceed E and check the ground for a Magic Lens. Go the W side and enter from that door. Once inside, you'll see 2 paintings with candles. Check them to get 100 Gald and Magic Lens. Go up the stairs and talk to the leftest door. A scene starts. Now head out S through the main doors. Once outside, you'll encounter Tweedle A and Tweedle B (not their actual names but nicknames). You'll need to battle them, which also comes with the Battle Tutorial. Learn what you can from the Tutorial. Or you can keep tapping Y to get to the real battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #1: Free Run close to draw them to attack, then do 3 attacks follow up with an Arte. Basically, tap A 3 times and quickly press B. Azure has long range, so make good use of that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the battle, C shows up. The first letter actually starts with a C, I'm not making it up. You'll be captured. After all of that talking, you'll get the Prison Key, go trigger another skit, check your bed to get an Apple Gel. You may save your game. Head W. To the right of that sleeping guard, get Magic Lens. Proceed a little to the left and check the boxes. You'll get your equipment back. Now W to the next screen. You'll be forced into a battle instantly. There's 2 guards on the bottom floor and 1 on the middle, none on top. Check the boxes on the bottom floor on the left side for a Holy Bottle. On the middle floor, boxes on the right, to get an Orange Gel. Then go the center and into the tunnel/hallway. No enemies in here. Open the two chests for Life Bottle and Cape. Talk to the statue if you want. Proceed back into the place with 3 floors. Head to the top level and make to the W. A scene and you'll be drawn into battle. After that battle, go N. Proceed N and a small scene. Y smells something good. Go the E and enter. On the SE, you'll see a painting on the right side, check near it to get an Egg. On the E side, check the food to restore your HP and MP. Now back into the main hall. Head N and up the stairs. Go a little bit to the left and S to get a chest with a Life Bottle in it. Now head W. Save your game. Proceed south. After meeting a guard, go into the left and enter a hole. Slowly go left and you see a chest, there's a guard nearby. 200 Gald. Head back to the right into the hallway. Now south. Another scene. F's room is mentioned. Go into F's room. A scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #2: First part shouldn't be too hard. Attack 3 times and use arte. Free Run to evade his attacks. After a while, second phase comes up. - Second phase. He gets stronger with some added new moves as well. E joins you for the battle. Also, there is where you get your Secret Mission #1. You're suppose to protect E, but all I did was constantly attack Z until he dies. E isn't suppose to take a certain amount of damage from this battle. Unlike most SMs, there won't be a great until the end or so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another scene. Now you're back in the hallway. Go back into F's room. Check the northwestern closet for an Orange Gel. South central to find a chest near the bed, Apple Gel. From that, go left to get a Holy Bottle. Now back into the hallway. Now all the way south and then go left into the hole. Another scene. Only one path, to the left hole. Then go north. Another scene Trigger a skit. Go north. Right after the first guard, go to the right hole. I guess you'll need to kill him. On the northeast side, trigger that to open the gate. It serves no reason, just something to do. Go back into the hallway. Proceed north now, and to the left hole. Go south. There's a hole on the left side, not needed. Instead, keep going south and enter the right hole. As you go to the right, open the chest, Life Bottle. Open the gate if you want, but you'll probably need to fight that guy. Go to the left and back into the hallway. Should have the ability to trigger a skit. Head south and into that hole. You should see an angel statue in the middle of the room, no guards on this screen. Chest at northeast corner, Orange Gel. Northwest chest, Apple Gel. Go to the left hole and talk to the angel. Head back to the first angel and talk to it. Triggers a scene. Trigger a skit. Yuri will be standing on the left side. Grab the angel and pull it to the left. Another scene. Climb down. Another talking part. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- No guards, but monsters now. You'll be forced into a "link battle." For all of these monsters, use down normal to dispose of them. Another talking part. Skit. Go to the right, chest at northeast corner, Life Bottle. Head back to the left, and go south. You'll see a chest to the right, Magic Lens. Skit. Now make your way all the way to the left. Then south, see a chest to the south guarded by a monster, Apple Gel. Go to the right. See two crates blocking a chest. Pull any of these crates outward. I pulled the north one to the north. Get the chest, Holy Bottle. Go south. Ignore the 2 crates, go the left. There's a chest, 200 Gald. Go back to the 2 crates. Pull the left one to the north. Get the chest, 150 Gald. Go to the right, then south. When you can go to the right, do so. There's a chest, Orange Gel. Proceed to the northwest corner and there's ladder. Pull any crate to the right and climb the ladder. A scene. Quite Funny. Now you're outside of that house. Time to get back to the lower quarters. Should be fairly easy. Keep on going to the east south direction. Keep going that way. A scene. L, A, and B (LAB?) talks to you. Keep going south now. A scene. Now go to Yuri's house. To the right of his bed, Orange Gel. Save. Time to exit. From the save point, go north, then make your way to the south east part to trigger a scene. You get a half-assed world map. As well as: Orange Gel x4, Melange Gel x4, Life Bottle x4, Bread x4, Egg x2, and lastly 500 Gald. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First Time on World Map ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LRuEJojs3E Items Found In Area: N/A - I'm not including Search Points. Those are just too out of the way. Skit. Without moving the view, you'll see a bridge, cross that. Now you will see a paved road. That's your way to the next area. However, before that, as you're traveling along, to the right, you'll see a bunch of tents. They call this "King of Adventure Travelers' Lodge." Which is basically an inn on the roads that isn't apart of a city or town. There's a quite of few of these, but it depends on if you want to use them or not. Karen and Rich are the owners. Skit. * KING OF ADVENTURERS: Encounter them twice to trigger their sidequest. The first time is on the way to Deidon Hold. The second time is after your 4th member joins (including Repede), which is right after Halure. Head back to the world map and proceed to Deidon Hold. A scene. Later on, a tutorial with equipments and etc... Save ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deidon Hold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DQEdxLY8Rk Items Found In Area: Magic Lens, Orange Gel, Milk + Egg, Apple Gel Go the west, then south. You should be curving down. Now to the northeast to see a bunch of crates, Magic Lens and Orange Gel. For starters, I went to buy weapons for everyone just to make sure that I'm up-to-date. Chances of me spending any more gald for weapons will be low because I will pick up all possible chests. You decide. Go back to where you got your tutorial, and head north and into the Guard Station, which has a door. Once inside, go all the way north. Boxes on the right, Milk x1 + Egg x1. Go a little bit south for a chest, Apple Gel. Climb the ladder to the north. * Up the stairs on the left and talk to that guy. Scene. Go back and save. * (MINOR SPOILERS)... This guy is called....E K U D .... Spell that backwards for his real name. From the save point, go north and try to cross the bridge to trigger a scene It's quite long. Skit. Go to the west, another scene. K is quite hawt or at least she's my type. Skit. Exit Deidon Hold. You'll now need to go North West. From Deidon Hold, to the west of that, there's this entrance that brings you to a higher altitude. After that stay away from the forest and keep on going west. As you keep on going, it's in between two mountain ranges. Look for a forest whose trees are different. Go into it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quoi Woods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WojY9NEOrNg Items Found In Area: Apple Gel, Iron Circlet, Bread + Egg, Magic Lens, Hard Mail, Cape, Monster Collector, Life Bottle, (Sandwich) Scene. Go north, slowly progress east a little. There's a north and east route. Go east first. At the end of east, there's a chest, Apple Gel x1. Now go to the north route. As you go, it split into left and right. Use the left route. There's an enemy guarding a chest, Iron Circlet. Now go south and use the right route now. There's a chance that the enemy might be guarding it, wait or kill, you decide. Keep on going east. See a chest, can't get it though because it's a scene time. Learn about Cook in the process. Skit. Good skit. Hug the southern bushes, to the left maybe, check to get Bread x1 + Egg x1. Now go back to the chest that we couldn't get before (still on the north side), Magic Lens. Save point on the right side. There's 2 skits. You may need to wait a long time for the other one to show up. From the save point, head south and east. A chest on the north side on the way there, Hard Mail. Keep going east and north. When you're about to go to the east again, a chest on the north, Cape. Go east. Scene. You get "Monster Book" as well as some extra baggage. Skit. Head back a little to see a chest, Life Bottle. Head north to exit to the world map. Scene. As you go the WM, don't move. Look at the minimap on the upper right. There is a structure there. That's our next destination. Or in other words, go north and find a purple leaf'd tree, then enter it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The City of Blossoms - "Halure" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygTWLIcdEtY Items Found In Area: Orange Gel, Magic Lens, Apple Gel Scene. To the right, house closes to the entrance is the major's house. Go into it. Check the right side to get Orange Gel (outside of circle). Go north and check the right side of that tree, Magic Lens. Exit Major's house. No shops are working currently. Proceed to the west, cross the bridge. Scene Skit. The house to the right is where the inn is. Save. At the inn, go up to where the rooms are. Go into the 2nd door from the left Check the desk on the right, Apple Gel. Exit the Inn. Go west and north. Scene. Go back to where you were originally were and keep going north. Scene. Skit. Head south and go east to cross the bridge. Head north to where the shop is and talk to him. Scene. Head little bit south and meet Karol near the bridge. Scene. Skit. Head to the right to the major's house. Find the major outside of his house. Talk to him to get the first needed item. Exit to the world map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Short Sidequest Run-around ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I did a small detour. I felt like getting stuff earlier than needed. Head northeastish. You'll see a mountain with holes in it, skip that. Keep going to the east. See a bunch of ruins, enter it. Mysterious Ruins* Items: Magic Lens, 800 Gald, Orange Gel, Life Bottle, Half Guard (11111) <--- Search tag since you'll be coming to this place later on. This area is a little further into the game, but whatever. Little bit to the north. Hug the right side. You'll meet a chest, Magic Lens. Skit. All the way north and up the stairs on the right. A little more north and there's a chest hiding behind the pillar, 800 Gald. Down the stairs and hug the left to see a tree. There's a chest to the south of that which is hidden, Orange Gel. Proceed back to the entrance, now hug to the left. There's a chest on the south, Life Bottle. Now back to the entrance. Go all the way north. You should see a chest on the right side, Half Guard. That's about it. Exit this place, to the WM again. * KING OF ADVENTURERS: Keep on going east to get to another ????. It's the traveling inn again. A scene will trigger automatically. Rest in their inn. Head back to Halure and back to Quoi Woods. Skits on the way there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return to Quoi Woods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irn74f10P50&feature=related Items Found In Area: Orange Gel (I just forgot to double check previously), Item #2 and #3 that is needed to create the Panacea bottle Scene. As you go back, I forgot to get a chest. Hug the south and there's a chest, Orange Gel. Recall where the save point is and head there. As you arrive, scene. Item number 2 obtained, in some ways. The scene is great. Try to head back a little bit more, a scene. Time to battle. Battling a bird, a wolf, and the main dish (Egg Bear). I got no strategy or tips for this guy. Just keep attacking. Free Run not needed. Scene. Head back to Halure. You'll trigger another scene and a few skits on the way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Halure (Panacea Bottle Time) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVQAskfEVUI Items Found In Area: Life Bottle, Nectar Bottle, Holy Bottle Go the shop and talk. Time to use Synthesis. Pick Synthesis and make the Bottle. Simple as that. Head to the west and all the way north to where the Halure's Tree is. Scene. Another beautiful scene. Too bad I forgot to do a HQ for it, o well. Okay, back to work. Skit. Head north and check the grasses in front of the tree, Life Bottle. Go the right and open those two chests under the arch, Nectar Bottle and Holy Bottle. Go south, talking part. Major gives you an order. Skit. There's a guy standing next to the shop keeper, it looks like he's reading something. He will give you "Today's suggested synthesis." Read them for fun, I guess. Proceed to major's house. Award time. Not. Bad E! :[ Try to exit Halure. Scene. On the WM, Skit. Remember where you saw that mountains with a lot of holes in it, go there. If not, go north east to find it. It's on the paved road as well. Enter it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Sealed City of Scholars - "Aspio" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sn5nAJ6kZ_k Items Found In Area: Apple Gel x3, (Item) Collector Book, (Salisbury Steak) Scene. Approach the front entrance and talking time. Go to the left side. Locate the bouncing onion that is VERY HARD TO FIND. Not. This is the first Wonder Chef. You'll get Salisbury Steak. Approach the door now. Scene. Head up the stairs. The guy kneeling down is the synthesis suggestor. The shop is to the right, and the inn is to the right of that. Check the south of that to get an Apple Gel x3. Skit. Proceed all the way north - east. Then up the stairs and keep going to the right. Enter it. Scene There are 3 trigger parts for talking parts. Northwest, North, and Eastern Blackboard. Then talk to the pile of books near Estelle. Scene. Skit. Climb up the ladder. Check the desk for Collector's Book. Check the north to trigger a scene. Classic. Skit. Exit Aspio. You can now use the guard's path if you want. Once on the WM, time for the Shaikos Ruins, which I've already been to and done the entrance chests. If you haven't Ctrl + F this: (11111) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shaikos Ruins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mizfLFsK83c Items Found In Area: (Short Sidequest Run-around not included) Amber Cloak, Leather Boots, Sorcerer's Ring, Apple Gel, Ohka, Chain, Long Sword, Great Axe, Orange Gel, Stiletto Scene. Head to where the northern most chest was. Down a few stairs and hug the left to see a statue, a scene. Head down. Scene. Skit. Proceed south and you'll notice 2 bridges. One leading to the left and the other to the south. Take the south bridge first. At that end there's a chest for Amber Cloak. Now take the left bridge. A chest to the southwest corner, Leather Boots. Up the stairs on the west, now south. Scene. Then go to the right. Scene. Use the Sorcerer's Ring and shoot at the crest with X. Another scene. Notice where the bridge raised. Approach it for a few tutorial battles Cross the bridge. Chest to the north, Apple Gel. Head northwest for the next screen. Okay listen. Head to the north-most and center-most section, which is the one farthest back. Use the SR on the crest on the left side to activate a bridge on the left. Do note where it is. Cross that bridge and open that chest, Ohka. Use SR on the crest next to it to activate a bridge on the north right side. Cross it and a chest, Chain. From there, go south. You'll see a crest to the south of that, activate it. Open that chest as well, Long Sword. Now proceed to the northeastern hole. A chest to your left with an enemy nearby (semi-hidden), Great Axe. Now to your right, save point. Save. Keep on going to the right. Then north. Right after the first enemy, there's a crest on the pillar to your left, SR it. Keep on going north, up the stairs. SR the crest on the NW corner. Go south and hug to the left to cross the bridge. Then north and up the stairs. SR the crest to the NE corner. A little bit north for a chest, Orange Gel. Now all the way south, take the east bridge. Go up and hit that crest. This will make 4 enemies come out from the west side. You don't need to kill them, just the last one. But if you can't, you'll have to fight them. The very last one isn't even moving. Just SR it to get into a battle with it. When it's defeated the central's south bridge will be raised, as well as to a chest, Stiletto. Now go north, scene. Boss time afterwards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #3 To get the Secret Mission for this battle, you'll have to attack his legs when he's performing his X-Factor attack. He charges for it, so you should have time. Look for the leg that's glowing blue and attack it. I, however, forgot to do this one, so I'll do it for new game plus. If you're just looking for a way to beat this guy with east. There's two ways. Block when needed and attack to stun him, or stay far away and spam Azure Edge ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now you'll need to go all the way back. On the way there, when the first bridge was raised, you'll encounter an enemy. Scene. Now head back to Aspios. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aspios (After Ruins) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head into Rita's place. Scene. A few skits on the way. Try to exit Aspio, scene, skit. Go and check Rita's Room. Check the upper left on the bottom floor, scene. This is required for Brionc and the only missable part. If you missed this part, the deadline is before entering Nor Harbor (just to be safe) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Halure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene. Go up to the Halure Tree and talk to Rita, scene. Skit. Try to exit Halure, scene. Tutorial Battle on using OL. Scene. WM. Skit. From here, locate the paved road on the west and follow it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ehmead Hills ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YCWO0aDK7Y Items Found In Area: Francisca, Poison Bottle x3, Melange Gel, Scarf, Life Bottle x2, Tama-hagne, Orange Gel, Holy Bottle, 2000 Gald, Armet Helm, Tent Scene. Go north, another scene. You'll need to take the hidden route. Skits. At first, there's two routes, north and right. The separation is where you see the first enemy, which is a ladybug (I guess). So take the north route first. As you get further on, a scene with flowers. Evil. Keep on going north, or hug north to arrive to a chest, Francisca. Go back and locate the flowers, go to the left and arrive at another chest, Poison Bottle x3. Skits. Now head back down south and take the right path. Keep on going to the right to arrive at a chest, Melange Gel. Now head west and go north. Another fork, left and right. Take the left path to a chest, Scarf. Now take the right route. Along the way, to the north-right there's a chest, Life Bottle x2. North some more to a save point. Before that, go north and there's a chest, Tama-hagne. Now head back and save. Go west from to enter the next boss battle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #4 I guess a hard battle for some people. The hardest part isn't defeating this boss, it's getting the Secret Mission. You'll have to lure the boss in front of one of the flowers, then attack the flower to force it to spray its stuff, therefore knocking the boss unconscious. Tips. Free Run like your life depended on it and wait near a flower. Study his movements to know what he's about to do something. Your allies would most likely get killed in the process. Also, kill off his minions first. Blocking works most of the time. Since mine is on easy mode, that seems to work better, but still hard. I was at level 13~ I defeated him. Anyways, good luck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After battle, scene. Skit. I would save, after that, go to the left. Then north. Scene. Another beautiful one. Somewhat. From there, hug south and move to the left, Orange Gel. Keep on going to the left, then southish. After the bird, hug the right. There's two chests on the north side, Holy Bottle and 2000 Gald. Then head the left side for another chest, Armet Helm. Now keep going south. Scene. Tent obtained. Now go left, and enter the World Map. Now go back into Ehmead Hills. Keep going to the right to trigger a scene. On WM. Follow the paved road. Do notice that there's a route (unpaved) on the left side that basically leads to a forest. Remember this area for future references. Keep following the paved road and enter the place ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Port Town - "Capua Nor" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InuuLgLtZr0 Items Found In Area: Paralysis Ward, Panacea Bottle, (Sorbet) Scene. Locate the Wonder Chef at the Southeaster corner, Sorbet learned. From where your members are at, to the right is the inn, which I suggest you save. From your member's location, go north and then right into that alleyway. Scene, follow with a battle with 3 people saying "Cut" and "Slice." Defeat them. It should be an easy battle, in some ways, if you're not caught in their comboing. Scene. Finally shows up. Head to the Inn's south entrance. Talk to them. Talk to them again, say yes. Go north and enter the left room. Scene. Exit the inn. Go all the way north and play the Dice game with the Dice Master. If you beat him, Rita gets herself a new costume. You have to beat him 3 times a row. It's all about luck. If you're sick of it, let's continue. Head west from the inn's entrance to the magistrate's home. Scene. Go back to the inn. Scene. On WM. Remember that route that lead to the forest, yes, we're going there. Along the way, near the fork, a scene. Now continue up into the forest. Many skits on the way. You can see him standing there and waiting patiently. Wasn't that easy to spot? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rhybgaro. I'm not going to consider him a boss battle. He falls very, very easily. I don't even see him taking 100 HP of my life. Actually, he never got the chance to attack more than once and I dodged his first attack, which means... yeah. Scene after battle. Now head back to Capua Nor. As you enter this port again, scene. Go into the inn and left door. Scene. Head to magistrate's home again. Scene. Before approach him, hug the south and check for 2 items, Paralysis Ward and Panacea Bottle. Now approach him, scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magistrate's Home (Basement) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1dLjQWWciE Items Found In Area: Knight Sword, Leather Whip, Gladius, Kotaro, Matt After the scene, skit. All rooms are squares with 4 possible doors (N, E, S, and W). Hope you can keep up. There are hallways, which only means 1 way. 1) East 2) East (Hallway) 3) 2 Chests located north (Knight Sword and Leather Whip) 4) West 5) West (Hallway) 6) North 7) North (Hallway) 8) Scene -> Chest at SW corner (Gladius) -> East 9) East (Hallway) 10) Chest at East (Kotaro) -> Kill Any Enemy For a Key (Needed) -> West 11) West (Hallway) 12) North 13) North (Hallway, Key Used) 14) Wait for enemy, kill enemy. Small Wolf Key obtained -> South 15) South (Hallway) 16) West 17) West (Hallway) 18) Proceed West a little, scene There's nothing on this screen. I searched a lot times. Just go all the way north. Scene, very long and nice scene. More talking. Skit. Go north to see a save point with a chest nearby, Matt x1. Save game, needed Head north. Long, long scene. You'll get a warm-up battle. About three of them, not really hard. All close range attacks. Scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #5 This guy isn't hard on Easy Mode. However, we want the Secret Mission from him and that can be hard to do. But there are a few tricks. The first one, which I didn't use, is draw him to the edge of ship. Wait for him to do one of his special attacks, then quickly get under him and use Overlimit. I did it a different way. Force him into a corner with physical attacks. Perform Wold Strike to knock him into the air. As soon as Wolf Strike's uppercut connects, quickly use Overlimit to throw him off the ship. To win this battle all I did was abuse Free Run and attack after he finishes attacking, use Wolf Strike, run away and look for an opening. Blocking does help in some ways, but I was felt like just pounding him with the good ol 3hit 1 arte Or, get into OL, and keep attacking him with whatever you want. After battle, scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Port Town - "Capua Torim" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKES2-kamgw Items Found In Area: Matt, Magic Lens x3, Life Bottle, Poison Bottle, Lottery Gel, Holy Bottle (Fried Chicken and Fries) Scene. Skit. The inn is on the far west side of this place, the very last building on the westside. Enter the inn and save. Go north and the right room. Scene. Skit. Go a little bit to the east and talk to Raven. Skit. Shop and Synthesis guy is nearby. Go back into the inn. Go into the left room, check the north between the beds for Matt x1, right central desk for Magic Lens x3. Now go to the right room, check the left central desk for Life Bottle x1. Now stay at the inn. Scene. Exit Inn. Head east. Once you go down the stairs, check the boxes on the north, Poison Bottle. Keep going west, when you see another set of boxes check it, Lottery Gel. Down another stairs, keep on going west. At the tower house, locate a fish to right side. This is Wonder Chef and you'll learn Fried Chicken and Fries. Go inside the Lighthouse. Climb the ladder on the right side. Take the door on the left. Make your way to a chest, Holy Bottle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now exit Capua Torim, which is on the west side. On WM, follow the paved road. However, you see that traveling inn. Why is it there? To block your path that's why. Them being there doesn't make sense. Do I look like I need your service? I just got out of a Port Town for crying loud. Anyways, follow the paved road. Cross a wood-like bridge. Once over the bridge, the forest craves a empty path which leads to over next destination. Enter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Fallen City - "Caer Bocram" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXNM6V4Nwn8 Items Found In Area: Epee, Straw Hat, Matt, Paralysis Bottle x3, Orange Gel, Password Clue 1, - Limit Bottle, Magic Lens x3, Apple Gel, Cocktail Dress, King Sized Belt - Holy Raven, Orange Gel, Tsurugi, Password Clue 3, Lamellar Leather, 1000 Gald, Password Clue 2, Purple Ribbon, Apple Gel - Life Bottle, Paralysis Bottle, 3000 Gald Chest Enemy, Matt, Magic Mist, War Axe Scene. Skit. Go north. Two paths, left and right. Before that, talk to the machine thing that looks like a piston head. Skit. Go left. After the first door, there's a chest on left of that house, Epee. Keep going left and on the bottom there's another chest, Straw Hat. Now make your way to the north. Scene. Go down into that new entrance. Scene. Use SR on it. Scene, go back up to the top. Skit. Go back to that house that has Epee close to it, or the first door that you saw on the left side, use that door. Check north, Matt. Go talk to the Piston head, scene. SR the dot on the piston head and it will go sink down. Before we use this, take the right path. There's a chest near the south part, Paralysis Bottle x3. Go into the house. Check the right side, Orange Gel. Check the northeast side, Obtained Password Clue 1. Exit the house and use that piston head. From now, let's call these things PH. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use this PH and Move Forward. Go to the left and enter that door. Check the chest on the southeast corner, Limit Bottle. Go a little bit north and check around, Magic Lens x3. As you can see, there's 2 stairs, one goes up and the other ones goes down. Go up first. Check the left side to get Apple Gel. Two chests south of that, Cocktail Dress and King Sized Belt. Now go back down, and use the stairs going down. Save. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go back to the upper floor and use the door on the right. Activate the PH with SR. Use it and Move to the Left. From where you landed, use the door on the right. Open the chest up on the right side, Holy Raven. Check a bit to the north, Orange Gel. Use the ladder on the left. Activate the PH with SR once again, use it and Move to the Right. Grab the chest located up and left from where you landed (it's left of the statue), Tsurugi. From there go south and check, you'll jump down to the bottom floor. Go left and use the door on the left (the same house we were just in). Climb Ladder. Now use the PH and Move Forward. Go left and enter that door. Go up the stairs. Check the books on the right, Obtained Password Clue 3. Open chest on the northwest side, Lamellar Leather. Go back down and exit this house. Head to the right and check to move down to the lower floor. Now go all the way to the right and enter that door. Check the upper left for 1000 Gald. Go down the stairs. Check the upper right bookshelves to the upper right, Obtained Password Clue 2. Open the chest on the south, Purple Ribbon. Head back up and exit the house. Forgot to mention. Outside of this house, there's a chest nearby, Apple Gel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go all the way to the left. Scene. Keep going left and up the stairs. Enter the door on the north. Check the chest on the right side, Life Bottle. Check the north west side, Paralysis Bottle. Exit the house. Make your way down the stairs. Near the stair's bottom, there's a chest. It's actually an enemy. Optional. If you win though, you do get 3000 Gald. Keep on going to the right and it's time for that tutorial battle that I skipped earlier. This tutorial battle, learn it well. It's very useful. SR the PH on the south part. Use it and Move Forward. Enter the house on the north. Check the northwest side, Matt x1. Check the chest on the middle north, Magic Mist Exit the house. On the upper left, there's a chest blocked by an enemy, War Axe. Now head southwest. Check the south part to jump down. Use the the PH to shoot yourself back up. Use the Left-most house. Use the stairs that take you down. Save your game. Boss battle time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go all the way down and then to the left. Scene. Check the machine. This part is where everyone on the message boards has question on and most people the answer for it. The answer is: sun After that, enter the vault like door. Scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss Battle #6 Gusios As the battle starts, you only get to use Yuri. As time passes by, one member joins up with you. You'll eventually get a party of 4. There is a Secret Mission in this. I figured out a foolproof way to get it, but it does take some effort. When he's trying to do his special attack, he will stand on his two feet. During that time, go below one of his paws, jump up to it, and do a normal slash. That should do it. There are other ways, but I found this one most useful. Before that, stay close to him and constantly be on block mode since all of his attacks are physical, except for a few. Attack 3 times and guard works as well. Overlimit when you can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After battle, scene. Go back up and save your game if you want. Try to exit this house and go to the left. K will rejoin your party. Skit. From that scene, head south and jump down. Then proceed south and attempt to get out of Caer Bocram. Scene. After that talking, Skit. Now check the north side to see this thing swinging around. It's the Wonder Chef, today we learn Fish and Miso Sauce. Now proceed south, and south again. Scene ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Rising City - "Heliord" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBmWyMYe8gY Items Found In Area: (Fish and Miso Sauce) Go west a little and Rita will be there. Go more west and talk to F. Scene. More west again, tutorial time. Time to learn the next step in Overlimit, the power of Burst Arte. After that defeat them. From there go to the Inn. Synth guy is there and you can save your game. Go left and then up the stairs. Talk to the guard to the right. Head back down and try to stay at the inn. Scene. Skit. Exit the inn and go east. Talk to the blastia core. Scene. E joins up. Head over to Chevaliers HQ and north again, check the north side to see this thing swinging around. It's the Wonder Chef, today we learn Fish and Miso Sauce. Skit. Talk to Flynn. Scene. Exit the HQ. Scene. Very long. Back at the inn. Talk to Karol. Scene. Go back to where Estelle and Rita was at, that room. Scene. A few skits. Stay at the Inn. Scene. Skit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Very Sidequests 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) Go outside of the Inn. From the entrance, check the right side of that balcony. Check carefully. Wonder Reporter should be there. 2) Head to where the Blastia is. Automatic scene with Drake. 3) Head into the Chevaliers HQ. Scene with some knight guy. 4) Exit the HQ and exit Heliord from the east side... Now walk yourself to Caer Bocram (your previous dungeon). Once you're inside, take the left path and keep going. You'll meet D. This is a talking scene, didn't notice that when I heard about it. Get yourself back to Heliord and save Now exit Heliord from the west. There's only one path to the next area. However, once you cross the bridge, look for the place with a Blastia Halo on top of it. Proceed and enter it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Den of Guild - "Dahngrest" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jZIqmLOdtY Items Found In Area: Panacea Bottle, Orange Gel, Apple Gel, Holy Bottle, Dark Bottle, Limit Bottle, (Minestrone Soup) Scene. From where you start, keep on going north. Scene. Go south and get ready to battle. There's 2 battles. No strategy, just kill and win. Don't you like how Yuri uses his artes? A few skits. Head north, then go west into Tavern "Sagittarius" located on the north side. It's a building of course. Go west and check the drawers in the middle by the wall a few times: Panacea Bottle, Orange Gel, and Apple Gel. Go to the right side now, check the drawers on the southeast corner a few times: Holy Bottle, Dark Bottle, Limit Bottle. Now exit the Tavern and proceed west. Scene. During the middle of the scene, another battle. Scene again. After that, go east. Once at the 4 way fork, go north. Scene. Keiv Moc is it? Skit. Go north and into Don's HQ (Guild Union HQ). Go a little bit north, but then stay on the right side and talk to that thing. It's Wonder Chef and for today we get to learn Minestrone Soup. Wtf is that... A few more skits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time to exit this place and go to the world map. Before that though, get familiar with where the inn and shops are, there are clumped in one section. Save your game as well. From the Inn, go west to exit this place and back on the WM. As soon as you're on the WM. There's a trail of forest. Follow it. It only leads to one place and that place is where you're suppose to go to next. Look for that extra green lump on your left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forest of Keiv Moc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSip3VsT5gs Items Found In Area: Bastard Sword, Chain Wip, Estoc, Orange Gel, Weak Bottle x2, Rabbit's Foot - Poison Bottle x2, Limit Bottle, Mind Bottle Scene. R joins for some reason. Guess who R is? Skits. I suggest using a few Holy Bottles if you're planning to get every chest in this place. The battle here can come constantly, thus ticking you off. This place is quite weird, well at least the first part. First part being before the save point. There is a lot of stuff before reaching that spot. Anyways, enough of that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go up the only branch, scene. Head down and keep going down. Another scene. Keep going down (down as in more into the earth, up as in more into the sky) At the bottom, you'll get 2 chests, Bastard Sword and Chain Whip. Go back up and take the left path. Scene. A 4-way, and you came from the east. Head south and there's a chest, Estoc. Head west and also a chest, Orange Gel. Now head north and you'll be in a 3-way. Don't get confused. If you go to the right, you'll be backwards rather than forwards because that whole part is a circle. So we should go to the left instead. As you head to the left, we are given another 3-way. The south path leads us to the save point and the west path leads us to more treasures. We take the left path for now. This whole left path is a 1 way with 1 branching out at the end. As you keep going this path, you'll end up on the ground and then it seems your going to the west. On the way there, you'll meet up a huge plant creature. To the west of that creature, there's a chest, Weak Bottle x2. Then hug to the east and keep hugging it to trail you off to another route/branch to a chest, Rabbit's Foot. Now, if you can proceed back north, up the branch, and to the that south route to where the save point is. One screen south of that save point though, there's a chest, Poison Bottle x2. Now go back north and save your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From save point, there's a chest on the north central side. The chest is a monster. Nothing special. The battle itself gives you 4000 Gald and afterwards, a Limit Bottle. Head up the branch to the west. On the way there stick to the left side for a chest, Mind Bottle, but I doubt anyone will miss that chest. Keep on going west. Soon you'll arrive at a save point. Save your game because there's a boss battle ahead. Head toward the left (for a boss). Scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #7 There is a Secret Mission for this battle. That is to use Raven's Serpent to counter the boss from healing themselves. When the boss heals, green numbers flashes. Serpent is like setting a landmine, well basically, it's a trap. I know some people might say to use it near the water/puddle, and that's also what I did as well, but I don't think that's needed. As long as serpent can knock him down during his recovery phase, it counts. What I did was draw the enemy near the pool, get next to it, and constantly set up Serpent like a madman. If you do this one by one you'll need to time it and I'm an impatient person, so setting up in a single blob and wait for him to him works. He also needs to be at 23K HP or less in order for him to use recovery. If you're going for the secret mission, I advice you to use items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now you'll need to walk out of Keiv Moc. Near the entrance, scene. Make yourself to Dahngrest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dahngrest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Save at the Inn if you want. Proceed to the Union's HQ, which is northeast building in this place. Keep going north, scene. Try to exit the HQ and proceed south, scene. Now go back into the HQ and go into the left, which is the prison. Scene. Exit the HQ again and go south. Scene. Might want to save now. Head to the right/east, where you previously couldn't the cavern. Scene, a very good one, VA comes at the end. After some time, you'll end up in... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Tower of Gears - "Ghasfarost" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You'll be sent into a battle by yourself (Yuri only). Not too hard. Block and freerun as needed. Scenes after scenes. J is the hawtest person ever in this game. Don't argue, she's the best. After that, from where you stand, go to the right and enter that room. Save your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Area: Pineapple Gel, Life Bottle, Melange Gel, Life Bottle, Specific, Magic Lens x3, Leather Coat, Battle Suit, Crescent Axe - Rivet Belt, Holy Bottle x3, Kurama, Orange Gel - Blue Dragon, Wizard Horn, (Salad) - Holy Cloak, Spike Hammer - Smash Bow, Lemon Gel, Halberd, Warrior Symbol, Thief's Cape Go left to go back to where we left off. From there, go to the left until you are on the wall, then to the north, scene. After that enter the SW door, which is very close to you. You get your equipments back. Scene. Now open that chest directly left of Yuri, Pineapple Gel. Now chest the table at the center of the room on the left, Life Bottle. Exit back to the right. Make yourself to the NE section. (As you pass by, the guy near the SE door is seller/buyer.) Once at the NE section, go to the left to see 2 chests, Melange Gel, Life Bottle. Now enter the NE door (kind of hard to see). There is a chest to the north, Specific. Check the NE section, Magic Lens x3. Go left to exit out. Go to where that shop guy is. To the left of him is this machine, SR it to activate it. A set of stair is lowered down. Use these stairs. Go south, scene. There are 3 south exits, take one of them and don't go into a battle while trying to do so. Scene. Now head north and back into where you came out of. There are 3 enemies on the south side (which is where you are at right now), and 1 enemy to the northside. Make your way to the left side and enter the NW door. Check the upper left, Leather Coat. Exit to the right. Go through the north side and there's a chest on the north, Battle Suit. I forgot to mention another chest and that chest is on the SW side close to the bat enemy, Crescent Axe. I went back down to save, your call. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head back up to the place where you joined up with everyone. If you're wondering, you should head south and you should be outside of this castle. There's 2 ladders, one to your left and right. Take the right one and go up. Go north to find a chest, Rivet Belt. Go left and check he boxes, Holy Bottle x3. Now go north. Now here is the fun part. Go to the upper right of the bottom floor, scene. Before I go any further, listen. Each screen has many floors. I'll number these floors. The lowest floor will be the first floor, the next one up is the second floor, and so forth. After that scene you'll need to use the SR to activate/move these gears/parts Go to the left, scene. Go up these stairs. To the left should be an enemy, and nearby it is a chest, Kurama. Go right and head up to the 3rd Floor. Go to the right and SR the machine on the North. Go to the left and go to the 4th Floor. Go to the left and SR the machine there. Go the right, which has an enemy, and there's a chest nearby on the right, Orange Gel. Go to the 2nd Floor and to the left (where you got Kurama) and SR the machine to the north. Go to the 4th floor and go up to the next screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go to the left and take the stairs up to the 2nd floor. Chest north of the stairs, Blue Dragon. Go to the 3rd floor and another chest nearby the stairs, Wizard Horn. To 4th Floor, scene. Go to the 2nd Floor, go to the right, enemy nearby, SR the machine on the south. Which activates a path. Go to the 3rd floor, go the right, to the north, and activate the machine on the left. Down to the first floor, a new path has opened up on the right. Go to the north to find this spinning blue and white, star-like thing This is Wonder Chef, he'll teach you Salad in this dark dreary place. How nice. Then SR the machine to the right. To the 2nd Floor, and SR the north machine on the left. Go north, west, south, and SR the other machine, which is the south machine on the left. To the 4th Floor and go all the way to the left. A little bit to the south and SR the machine on the right. This extends the path you now stand. Go more south and activate that other machine nearby. Now head up to the next screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On first floor with a chest on the NE side, Holy Cloak. Up to the 3rd Floor and to the right. Head North and SR the machine on the left. Down to the 2nd Floor and go to the right, enemy nearby. All the way south, SR the machine on the left. Down to the 1st Floor and SR the machine on the left. Up to the 2nd Floor, go to the left and then south, SR the machine on the right. Up to the 3rd Floor, to the left, north, and SR the machine on the right. Up to the 4th Floor, chest near the stairs, Spike Hammer. Go to the left, south, SR the machine on the right. Get yourself to the right side. South, and SR the machine on the south. Enemy nearby. Cross that newly made path though. SR the machine on the left. Down to the 3rd Floor. Go to the right, north, and SR the machine on the left. Now to the 4th floor and up to the next screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Save point near where you are. Two chests on the right, with enemy guarding it, Smash Bow and Lemon Gel. Save your game. Up to the 3rd floor. No more SRing! Chest near the stairs, Halberd. Two chests on the NE side, Warrior Symbol and Thief's Cape. Head to the west and you'll notice an elevator/door. Don't go into it yet, boss is up ahead. Do some preparations and might want to save. Now go up. Scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #8 The secret mission for this battle is as simply and easy as it gets. Set your targets to one of those "greenish orbs" that surrounds this area. There is 4 of them total. While you do these, freerun away from minions or even the boss. If it is the boss, attack a different one. I used Azure Wolf Strike along with a 3 hit combo to take each one of them out. After that, you'll get the SM. If I was to play this battle again, I'll probably do it even if I didn't need the achievement simply because it eliminates more minions coming in. After those 4 are taken down. Concentrate on the mages, then whatever is left. The boss does have a ground pounding attacking. Free Run away when needed. Don't forget about Overlimit and Burst Artes. I don't like his Hammer Roll. Keep pounding him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the battle, scene. Then: Achievement Unlocked: 100G Recovered the Aqua Blastia Therefore, it means Part 1 is done. Time for Part 2 now. Need you'll to go back to Dahngrest. To do that, you're on the sand like area. Look for the green area. There is a bridge that connects the two pieces of lands. Then keep going west. ---------- Part 2 ---------- Dahngrest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once back, scene. Go to the left. Now go rest at the Inn. Save your game as well. Scene, very long. Now you're outside the Inn. Go south. Scene. Now your on the bridge. Exit to the WM. Stop! Don't move! Go back into Dahngrest right now. Scene. Return to the WM and make your way to Heliord. You'll get a lot scenes on the way there, as well as skits. If you're on the resting area, talk to everyone. Then talk to Repede again, pick the option to rest. Now head to Heliord. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heliord 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Area: N/A Scene. Go to the Inn. Save and stay at the inn. Scene. Exit the Inn. Go the left to find Judy. Scene. Exit Inn, go to the Blastia. Scene. I personally save right now because I want to see the scenes offered. There's 3 options to pick, just remember that. Anyways, talk to the guard. Now pick between, Estelle, Judy, and Karol. All three scenes are good in their own ways. Plus each comes with their own skits as well. Now go to the Inn and talk to the shop keeper. Scene. Now you need a few items before you can continue. I already have these items from battling previously. These items are: 1 Soft ball (or was that a Soft tail?) 1 Basilisk Scale 1 Small Bird Feather I already had all 3 of those and you can test it too by just talking to the shop keeper afterwards. Scene. Now go talk to the guard south of the Balastia. Depending on who you pick, you'll get a different scene. After that, the scenario splits into two options: Yuri or Karol. Same thing as before, different outcomes in some ways, as well as skits. I personally picked Karol both times just for the fun of it. If you picked Yuri, it will automatically continue. If you picked Karol, you need to go to the HQ to the right. Scene. Head back to the blastia. Scene. Save if you're unsure about yourself, battle up ahead. Take the elevator down to the working field. No items, boo! Head to the SE section. Scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #9 No SM for this battle. Take the minions out first. Then concentrate on the boss. I don't like his gun. Overlimit, Burst Arte, and Fatal Strike whenever possible. Shouldn't even be hard with Free Run abuse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the battle, scene. You'll need go to Torim (Port Town). Make your way to the south, and keep on going east. If you're doing it right, you should be near the ocean and on the southern part of the continent. Keep going east and you should be able to use a bridge to get out of the forest. If you see a mountain range, the bridge is likely to the right of it. Once you cross the bridge, scene. Everyone is hungry! Keep going east. Enter Torim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Capua Torim 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene. Go to the right, pass the inn, shop, Fortune's HQ, and to the right of that should be a tree with a lady standing next to it. Talk to her, scene Now go left and back into the Inn. Save if needed. Rest at inn. Scene. Everyone is thinking. You need to go to each of them and talk to them before going through to the rest of the game. Here it goes: - Karol: Right room of the inn. Very obvious. - Rita: Left room of the inn Exit Inn - Repede: Left of Inn's entrance - Estelle: SE of the Inn. Bottom area - Judith: Try to exit Torim from the west. Remember this habit. - Raven: Way far to the right. Left Docking Bay After that, head back into the inn and rest. Scene. Exit inn. All the way to the right. Scene. Keep going to the right. Another scene. One of my goddesses has returned. Now go to the left Docking Bay and talk to her. After that, talk to her again and pick yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fiertia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not hard to control at all. It's the same thing as when you're running on the world map. Only difference from what I can see is RT moves you forward and LT move you backwards. Besides that, nothing new. The quest itself is linear. Very linear. Head south. Scene. Get ready to battle. I got no strategy against Mermans because to me, they're like going into a random battle. Too easy in my case. Keep going south and the area would slowly get more and more foggier/mister. Scene. This is getting exciting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Ghost Ship - "Atherum" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The scene keeps on going. I like this. No escape! No! After that, save. You will be forced to use Yuri, Repede, and 2 other members of your choice. The only difference in this case are the skits they share with Yuri from my testing. Repedge and Yuri will have a skit no matter what you do. Yuri can partner up with Estelle, Karol, Judith, and Raven. To get these to work, you need to pick them first. If you saw one of them, you can't repick them to see the other one. However, you can reload your game to see the other ones and you'll need to repick them again. From my test, it's impossible to get a Yuri + Rita combo. I hope the skit from the Grade Shop can prove me wrong. As for who I pick, I added Estelle and Raven. Estelle to heal and Raven because I don't want that many casters left behind. Overall, your other two members don't matter because I'm using Holy Bottles for this whole entire place. I don't enjoy these battles at all even though I can win. Anyways, lets move on. Pick your party. Restock items (for me, 15 Holy Bottles). Skit. Use a Holy Bottle. BTW, Holy Bottles last for a limit amount of time. I played this area a few times to know where the chests are. That's what I've been doing throughout this whole game thus far. I like hard battles on easy mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Area: Ogre Sword, Trident, Lemon Gel, Orange Gel, Life Bottle, Magic Lens x3, Seal Bottle, Specific, Takemikazuchi, Holy Bottle - Seal Bottle, Limit Bottle, Specific, Treat, Pineapple Gel, Melange Gel, Matt - Limit Bottle, Orange Gel, 4000 Gald, Seal Bottle, Pirate Hat, Holy Symbol Okay, you're on the ship. Go to the left and use the stairs. Near the stairs is a chest, Ogre Sword. Go back down and move all the way north to see a chest, Trident. Go to the central of this ship and find the hole on the right side (which is the cabin if you will). Now go all the way through the hallway. Another hallway with an apparent chest, Lemon Gel. Keep going to the right through another hallway. That's 3 so far. A room with a set of stairs. Under those stairs on the south side is a chest with Orange Gel. Go to the NE side and hug the east wall, Life Bottle. Now take the right door. From where you are, go north and hug the west wall for two items, Magic Lens x3 and Seal Bottle. Take the left door back to the room with the stairs. Use the stairs and go up. Another stair going up. There's a chest under the stair on the south side, Snipe Xiphos. Take the left door. Walk to the south, then to the left. This is a kitchen. Check the left side for Rice x1, Dried Seaweed x1, and Salmon x1. I wonder if the whole ship is a refrigerator or something. That's the only reason I came up with. There are more items in this room, but invisible enemies block your way. So go back to where the door is. Go north, then west, then south to a chest... Whoops, it's a monster, forgot to mention that. Block when needed and fairly easy battle. Well it does give you a Specific after the battle. Now use the right door to exit out. Head to the NE room. If you're using Holy Bottle, you'll have to go north and maneuver yourself to the left and right, then quickly to the south to get a chest, Takemikazuchi. Now exit with the left door. Use the stairs to go up. Go to the SE door. Check the left side of desk, Holy Bottle, nice I love these. Exit to the left. There's a chest under the stairs on the north side, Limit Bottle. Now take the left door (the stairs don't go any higher, don't be fooled). Keep going to the left. Scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, time to use the members that you didn't take with. Restock Holy Bottles if needed. Save before seeing any skits. You only get one shot and they are always random. "I'll save them" is Karol's skit, and "Sounds like fun" is Judy's skit. That's all I know for right now. Reload to see all. Now go north and onto the ship. Near the hole to the right, there is also a ladder. Use the ladder. At the top is a chest, Seal Bottle x1, Limit Bottle x1, Specific x1, Treat x1. If you've been here before, you wouldn't see this path extension. Take this new path. The reason I didn't get these before is because climbing the ladder takes time and that is wasted on my Holy Bottle's time and I'm going go up here anyways, so why bother? Take this new path to the right. Keep going to the right, then use the southern ladder to go down. Enter the door to the right of the ladder. Open the obvious chest, Pineapple Gel. Another chest on the north end, Melange Gel. Exit this place. Use the door to the north/right. Go through this hallway. Another hallway with a chest, Matt x1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reunion scene. Save point under the stairs. Use the left door. Chest on the south, Limit Bottle. Hug the walls until you get to the NE chest, Orange Gel Use the stairs and go up. Check the NE's bookshelves, 4000 Gald. Go to the right. Scene. Check the desk in the middle of the room, Seal Bottle. Check the SE side along those desks, Pirate Hat. Now up the ladder to the north side. There's a chest on the east, Holy Symbol. Now back down the ladder. Talk to the corpse, scene. Get ready for a battle. No difference from the other random battles that you've encountered in this place. Scene. Use the left door. Check the NW side, scene. Go down the ladder. Use the ladder on the upper left. Check the SE side and use the ladder. Go back on board the Fiertia, scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Very Sidequests 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Miracle Gel x2, Spicy Potion, Limit Bottle, 2000 Gald, Veil, Power Light, Lottery Gel x3, Golden Horn, (Seafood Bowl) We are now free to use the ship and go to anywhere we please. Don't let the storyline stuff bother you. We have a few sidequests to do. 1) Go to Zaphias (where the story began). Attempt to up the stairs to the noble's area. Scene. Apart of the Clay Quest. 2) Go west to find the same guy again and talk to him. 3) Exit out of noble's area, go to where the shop is. Talk to the lady to the east of the shop. There should be other kids around her. Scene. Done 4) Go to Deidon Hold, save game. Talk to the guy on the NE side and do the first Warehouse minigame. Here's my solution, but you should probably watch the vid to get it. Or, figure it out yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deidon Hold Warehouse Mini-game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ E = Enter a) B1 Left 2, Up all the way b) B2 Up 2, Left 3, Up all the way c) B3 Left 2, Up d) B4 Right, B5 Right, B6 Down, #1 Miracle Gel x2 e) B7 Left, All the way down, #2 Spicy Potion f) B8 Up, B9 Right, All the way down g) BX Left, All the way up, Limit Bottle x3 B4 B5 #3 B9 B3 B6 BX B7 #1 B8 B1 #2 -> E B2 5) Go to Halure. Near the entrance, to the west is a couple. Talk, scene. 6) There's a man standing next to the Inn. Talk, scene. Raven will learn Arrivederci afterwards 7) Go to Halure tree and talk to the Major, scene 8) Stay at the inn. Go back to the Halure tree, talk to the girls, scene You will get Veil (Estelle Only Add-on, status menu then add it) 9) Go onto the WM. Head to the north of Halure to fine the wagon. I've met with them both times and get dialogue in the process. Rest at this inn. Scene. 10) Get back on the ship and head for Nor (Port Town) 11) Talk to the lady outside the Inn's entrance, scene. Seafood Bowl learned 12) Take the path to the Magistrate's home. Talk to a guy with a green shirt on, scene. Raven learns Vacance. 13) Go to Torim (Port). Go north. This will start Repede's Territory Quest If not, go by here again until you start it. Even if you start, don't do it yet until you get the 2nd ship. It makes a difference. 14) Go to the right side and talk to the Warehouse Keeper. Another one, yes. For this one, there are teleporters, T, and you use your SR to hit the stone to ride that block up, but you'll need to stand on it before hitting the switch. Not perfect, but job done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Torim Warehouse Mini-game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ a) B1 Right 4, Up 2 b) B3 Left, Up c) B4 Left 2, Up. Stand on Block and shoot with SR to the right d) B6 Left B5 Right 2, Up, Left e) B8 Left 3, B7 Right 4, Up; Bottom Floor f) B9 Down 3, Right g) BB Left 2, Up h) BA Right, All the way up; Step on T2, Top Floor i) BC Left 2, All the way up j) BE Down, Right, All the way up; Bottom Floor k) BE Down, Right, All the way up j) BG Up 6, Left 2, Right, Up, Left 3 k) BH Right, Down, Left 3 l) BI All the way Left m) BK Down; BL Up 2, Right, Up 2, Right 3 n) BM Right, BN Right 4; T3, Top Floor o) BO Down 2, Left; #1 Power Light p) BP Left; BQ Left 3, Down, Left; Bottom Floor q) BO All the way to the Right r) BJ Right 2, Down 2, All the way to the Right; T2 Top Floor s) BF Down 2, Right, Up 2; Bottom; Right 2, All the way up t) T4 Top Floor; BR Left; BS Up; Bottom Floor u) BS Up 8, Right, up; T2 Top v) BD Left 3, Up 3; Bottom; Down 1, Left 3, All Up, #2 Lottery Gel x3 w) T3 Up, Left; Down; Figure it out, #3 Golden Horn -------------- Bottom Floor -------------- BJ T3 #3 BI BH BK BM BN BL T4 #2 T1 BG B4 B3 B9 BA BB B1 (E) B2 T2 ----------- Top Floor ----------- BP BO T3 T4 BQ BR #1 BS -------------- -------------- B6 B5 BF B7 BE B8 BC T1 T2 BD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Coliseum City - "Nordopolica" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: (Kebab Sandwich) The location of this place is somewhat hard to describe. Let's just say, go go to where the Ghost Ship is and head SW from that place. A lot more south. You can tell the place by the blastia ring that's around it. I believe there is also fireworks near it. Also, if it's getting darker and darker, you're getting hotter and hotter. Scene. Go to the left, then a little bit south. Fine a guy close to a boiling pot, talk to him. Another of Judith's Spear Quest. Head back to the right and talk to Tokunaga, scene. Now make yourself to the north. After the wooden bridge, talk to the guy on the right. Scene with Drake. Keep going north and enter the main door. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Save Point. All the way to the right, north into another door. From entrance go to the right. Wonder Chef will teach you Kebab Sandwich. Go north up the stairs and talk to the guy on the left (big weapon), scene. South to exit. Talk to the lady near the save point. Stay at the inn. Scene. About the meaning of Vesperia. All the way south, pass the coliseum doors and keep going south, scene. Talk to the couple to the right of the boiling pot, scene. Go back to the coliseum and stay at the inn, scene. Shining Eagle learned by Yuri. Go to the main counter of the coliseum (place with 3 girls), talk to Regaey on the right. Scene. Go back out and save your game, SM ahead and you don't want to regret it. Go back to the main counter and go up the stairs. Scene with Duke. Talk to the middle girl, join the battles. Scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There will be 3 weak battles before you get the main event. All 3 weak battles can be easily done with normal attacks and free run. Block works as well and they don't deal that much damage. Heal when needed. There's a surprise twist in who the main eventer are. Clue? "It's the hearthrob with the steely gaze!"... For this battle, you can do whatever you want. However, I've figured something interesting. There's 2 ways to end this. 1) Yuri's HP reaches 1 or you deal a certain amount of damage to him 2) Each battle has a certain amount of time. Free Run until time runs out. Scene in-between and afterwards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #10 To get the SM for this battle, it's quite simple. Keep guarding/blocking. Your allies will deal enough damage for him to recharge his arm. For my battle, splash from Rita seems to recharge him. Let him keep charging it until you get "Great." Then begin your assault. I would stay away when he's in OL mode. Use your own OL and Burst Arte. Fatal Strike whenever possible - --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---------------------------------------- After battle, scene. There's a few monsters on the fields. Kill 2 of these groups of monsters, scene. Try to exit coliseum, scene. Save. Go all the way south (left), scene, and exit Nordopolica. Like always, follow the paved road to get to a cavern. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Weasand of Cados ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Seal Bottle x3, Limit Bottle x1, Mighty Guard, Verbena, 8000 Gald, Spike Bow, War Harpoon, Aquamarine, Avenger's Scroll - Jiralya, Spine Ripper, Silver Circlet, Simple Tent, Silver Hat, Sinclair Saber (Maybe On Your Second Time through this place) Scene. Drawn into a battle against 3 enemies from Leviathan. Scene. Go forward. Chest to the left, of where a certain someone was at, Seal Bottle x3. Then to the right an enemy block a chest, Limit Bottle. As you keep going further, it will split into 2. Path down and path up. Take the right path down. Chest blocked by enemy, Mighty Guard. Now take the path to the left. Path split into 2 again. Take the lower path down. There's a Giganto blocking a cave. Get ready to battle it. Drill Hermit I think it's called. I defeated this guy and I didn't get my achievement. Use Fatal Strike always. I don't have much strategy on this guy. Overlimit with many strikes works. I used Yuri, Rita, Karol, and Judith. I would replace one of them for Estelle for the healing though. I wasn't prepared, but I still won. - --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---------------------------------------- The cave that Giganto has a chest (to the hidden left), Verbena. Get out of the cave and go to the right that has a chest, 8000 Gald. How go to the left and back up and take the upper path. Another split. Take the lower path to an enemy blocking a chest, Spike Bow. Go into the cave now. Two paths again. Take the right path down and around. Two chests near the end, War Harpoon and Aquamarine. Go to the left, and take the left path up and around. To the very south of that path is a chest, Avenger's Scroll. Go a little bit more, scene. Keep going for a Save Point. Save. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the save point, go north up to a chest, Jiralya. Back to save point, to the right. A split, take the right path to a chest, Spine Ripper. Take to the left path and another split. Take the right path and around to a chest in the cave, Silver Circlet. Now go back and take the left path, blocked by an enemy. After that continue the path. All the way up to a save point. Save game now. I would suggest Yuri and the 3 girls. Adjust equipment accordingly. Get ready for a boss battle. Go to the left, scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #11 This boss has 2 forms. The huge cloudy form and "Split" (up) form. We begin with the cloudy form. Go up to it guard and attack. As time goes by, it will use "Split." In Split form, I see... 8 or 9 bats? This is where the SM comes in. You may not like this, but this does make the battle a little bit easier or at least I think so. Set your target for "Leader Bat" and do whatever you can to kill him first. Tap R2 to get the target closes to you. What I did was constantly attack with UP normal hits to do most of my damage. I also suggest equipping the Recover skill. Keep attacking it until it goes down. You'll get "Great." Name aim for one Magic Bat after another and do the same thing as before. Azure Wolf Strike when they are on the ground works as well Dragon Swarm, o yeah. Rita will take care of the rest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene after battle. Before you exit to the WM, head back to where the first Save Point was. From there go right to get a scene with Duke. Go back to where the boss battle ended. Check the lower left for a chest, Simple Tent. Check the west for a hidden chest, Silver Hat. Now go north and into the WM. Find the obvious town and go into it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Desert Oasis - "Mantaic" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: (Curry), Many Bottles* Scene. Go north and into the Inn, save. You now need to talk to everyone. 1) Rita. Left of save point 2) Karol. South of Inn's entrance 3) Raven. Left of Inn's entrance, near the shop 4) Judith. Keep on going to the left/west from the shop 5) Estelle. Very north, near the oasis A few more things to do. From where Estelle was, look to the right to find a guard with 2 trees to the right of it. A cactus in a pot? It's Wonder Chef and he'll teach you Curry. Wonder Reporter is here as well. Talk to the left tree while you're standing to the north. Very well hidden huh? At first, I thought that trigger was for talking to the guard. Attempt to go back to the Inn, scene. Now go stay at the inn, scene, followed with another scene. You will a lot of items, each for one personal. The only one I recall is the expensive one. Get out of the Inn and head toward the oasis, scene. Go back to the inn, rest at the inn again. Yes, we need a lot, a lot of sleep for the upcoming trip. Scene. Buy a few Holy Bottles just in case you get annoyed. Save. Exit to the left. Scene ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Sands of Kogorh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Flameberge, Stinger, Stone Bottle x3, Executioner, Limit Bottle, Mizuchi, Phoenix Guard, Rapid Shot, Air Stone x3, Riot, Mother's Memento (Mantaic) - Silver Circlet, Flare Cape, Aqua Cape, Striped Ribbon, Glowing Ribbon Scene. Okay, this is based on my personal testing. I might've missed a few things, but o well. This is a general mapping of this place. It's quite huge and this isn't drawn to scale. What else... SR the cactus to get more water. The bigger the cactus, the more water you get. However, if you constantly use Holy Bottles to get through this place, going without water isn't a problem. Without water, your HP will start depleting. Yet, it won't ever go below 1 HP. After the first half, scene. Oasis, save point. The longer you stay in the desert, the more skits you get. There's like 4 or 5 total. At the oasis check the lower tree's chest, Rapid Shot. Check the lower left of the oasis, Air Stone x3. To the left of the save point a chest, Riot. Save. Do not go further yet. Hate to say this, but I'll need. Go back to Mantaic and once again, stay at the inn. Scene. This is required for a future SM. More reason to do this. After this. Restock Holy Bottles and head back to the oasis in the desert. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter into the Second Half after saving at the Oasis again. I decided to tackle the Giganto monster because I've skipped a lot of enemies on the way here. By defeating this enemy I can get myself up to date with a fair amount of EXP. Let see... Yuri + 3 Girls + Free Run + Overlimit + Attack Azure Wolf Strike + Fatal Strikes (!) + 15 Life Bottles = Win. After winning go back and save. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (E) = Entrance; (X) = Exit First Half .------------------(X)-------- .--------(X)---------------. | G | | (P) | | E F | | K | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | C | | I | | D | | | | | | H | | | | J | | B | | | | | | S | | A | | | | | | | | | | | |----(E)----------------------| |------------------(E)-----| A = Flameberge S = Giganto (Butterfly?) B = Stinger H = Silver Circlet C = Stone Bottle x3 I = Flare Cape + Aqua Cape D = Executioner J = Striped Ribbon E = Limit Bottle K = Glowing Ribbon F = Mizuchi G = Phoenix Guard (P) = Save Point with Scene As you arrive to the 2nd save point, there's a scene. Save. Prepare for a boss battle up ahead. Getting the SM may not be that easy and you may need to do this battle repeatedly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #12 This battle is like a flying stingray. I'm not impressed with most of his attacks. When the battle field is daytime, he's weak to Water and absorbs Fire. When the battle field is nighttime, he's weak to Fire and absorbs Water. That Flameberge for Yuri is great when it's night. If not, equip something else. Use overlimits like crazy, Azure Wolf Strike, Dragon Swarm, etc... If you're going for the SM though, that's where the boss' orb comes to action. When he does that move to change from day to night and night to day, you need to attack that orb that comes from his mouth. A few ways that people suggest are using these skills to reach the enemy: Yuri's Severing Fang, Judith's Up Normal, Tractor Beam. As long as you hit the orb a few times and it'll explode. I, however, was very frustrated and I had no other choice then to use Tractor Beam, which was learned in battle. In my method, equip Flameberge on Yuri and have the AI attack when it's night, and attack with Aqua Blast when it's day. Just by these actions, it will force him to show his Orb. With some timing, Tractor Beam can destroy the orb. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After battle, scene. When you wake up, your in an Inn. Save game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Heartland Town - "Yormgen" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: (Croquette), Hourglass, All Divide, Limit Bottle, Simple Tent, Clear Crystal Ciel, Strange Mark Before exiting the inn. Check the right inside the room. Wonder Chef will teach you Croquette. Check the left side for Hourglass and All Divide, check this twice to get both items. Head outside, scene. Outside of the Inn's entrance, check the right side for a hidden chest, Limit Bottle. Now go north while hugging to the east. Umbrellas with a wood patio. Open chest on the bottom floor's north corner, Simple Tent. Talk to the girl nearby, scene Now go into the only north house of this place. Enter the Sage's residents. Scene. I want my time/money back! After this, everyone splits up. You will need to talk to everyone again. 1) Rita. Go back into the Sage's home. After that, check the upper left of the home to get Strange Mark. 2) Raven. Exit Sage's home and hug the left side. 3) Karol. Go back to the wood patio where you met the girl, top section 4) Estelle + Repede. Outside of the Inn 5) Judith. Try to Exit Yormgen from the south. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After doing all of this, go to the Inn and rest. A few Holy Bottles wouldn't hurt. Save if needed. After resting, head out of the inn and then south. Scene. When you're on the WM, head south and back into the desert. Go back to the Oasis. Near the save point there should be this greenish cloud, talk to it and pick yes. You'll be teleported back to the first half's exit. Then go back to Mantaic. (I love the scene with Judith and Showers) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mantaic 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene. Head north and hug the eastside to reach two children, talk to them, scene. Go to the inn. Rest at the inn. Scene. Very, very long. Go to the oasis, scene. Another long one. Go back into the inn and rest, exit inn, scene. Now go north into the hole to the right of the inn's entrance. The K-Z wants items to feed his friend. For starters, he wants a common Apple Gel for the first time. Give it to him. In return, you'll get... Milk. Exit Mantaic and make your way back to the caves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As you're traveling to the caves, scene. Into the caves, scene. On your first screen of where you are in control, as you go south, there's a chest, Sinclair Saber. I'm pretty sure this wasn't there on my first trip through this place. Keep going backwards. Scene. Scene. Twiddle A and B. Back to Nordopolica. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nordopolica 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go north, scene. More north, save, and stay at the inn, scene. Go talk to the guy that guard's Belius room. Scene. Head to Belius' room, scene. Go to where the Colesium is, scene. Into Colesium, scene. Can't save, just go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #13 Free Run and block. Overlimit as well. Not too hard. Now, for the SM in this battle. Wait until she decides to turn all the fire off from the torches. When that happens, by using Yuri, use Destruction Field while targeting each one of those torches. Light all 4 of them back up for "Great." After that, the duplicate will be gone. So just finish the battle. When the enemy gets into Overlimit mode, she is on berserk or something. Dragon Swarm, don't you love the sound that she makes? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After battle, scene. Scene. Make your way to dock, scene. Save. You'll need to talk to everyone again as well. 1) Raven, south of exit. 2) Rita and Repede. SE of exit. 3) Estelle. North of Exit 4) Karol. Northwest side After that, talk to the cabin, rest. Scene. Travel North. The fastest way to do this is by landing on the shores near Heliord and walking your way to Dahngrest to the north. Scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dahngrest 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go the inn and rest. Scene. From the inn's entrance, go to the left, scene. Exit out to the left. You'll now need to head for the Manor of the Wicked. From here, head west to Keiv Moc. Hug the north for a bridge. Then move your way to the north until you see this castle/house. Enter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Manor of the Wicked ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Gothic Plate, Lemon Gel, 7000 Gald, Grim Cardian, Orange Gel, Apple Gel, Panacea Bottle, Holy Bottle - Gothic Guard, Ruby Wand, Crimson Axe, Limit Bottle, Stone Slasher Scene. Go north and use the only doors. Scene. Drawn into a battle. Okay, there's 2 floors in this place. The right side is the same (3 doors to the right). From where we start off, check the left of the stairs on the ground, Gothic Plate. Go to the left and check the north as well, Lemon Gel. Check the lower left, top chest, 7000 Gald. Now make your ways to the right of the stairs. Enter the first door to the right of the stairs. Search the lower right of the room, Grim Cardian. Exit out. Head to the right. There are 3 rooms to the right and 1 door to the north. The lowest door will be number 1 and next one up will be 2, and the northeast door will be 4. Door 1 - Orange Gel (Top Right chest) Door 2 - Apple Gel (Top chest) Door 4 - Panacea Bottle (Right shelves), Holy Bottle (Top Left) Go left and back to the stairs, go up. See a save point south. Check the left of the save point, Gothic Guard. Check the right of the save point for a chest, Ruby Wand. Save. Door 1 - Crimson Axe (Near Top Left) Door 2 - Limit Bottle (Upper Right) Door 3 - Stone Slasher (Bottom Right chest); Might want to head back, save. Door 4 - Scene. Get ready for a battle. Same as the minions before. Scene. Head all the way back to Dahngrest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dahngrest 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene. Head north, scene. Go south. Get outside of the HQ and to the 4-way cross. Once there, go left, and you'll find Karol on the north side. Talk to him, scene. Head for the inn. To the south, you'll find Estelle, talk to her, scene. Take the east exit out and you'll meet up with Rita, scene. Sorry, head back to Dahngrest. Yes, walk back there. Sleep at the inn, scene Karol will get his Insomniac title. Sleep again. And again. And again. Keep doing this until you get a scene. Now, keep staying at the inn until Karol learns Special. Mystic Arte required. Head to the west Cavern. Scene. Exit cavern, scene with Drake. Now exit Dahngrest and jump back on the ship. Heading Zaphias, which is the capitol where the story started. Go to Yuri's room, scene. You'll get a Bread afterwards. Exit Zaphias and back to the ship Okay, this might be tricky, but it's quite possible. You need to enter the area northwest of Nordopolica by ship. You'll need to slowly slip your way into there. Do whatever you can and after that find a shore to depart on Yormgen is near this place if you didn't already know. Anyways, head to the north and arrive at a place near two mountain-like area ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mt. Temza ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Tent, Red Sage, Saffron, Deadly Horn, Lemon Gel, Crimson Phoenix +1, Treat, Specific - Transform Bow, Aries, Tribal Guard, Limit Bottle Scene. Go up and to the left, Tent. Now to the right. Up for a scene. To the left and up that path to find a chest, Red Sage. North again to find another chest, Saffron. Go back to the right and use the right path. Hug the right and keep going to arrive at a chest, Deadly Horn. Go back and keep going up. No matter what you do, you have to beat this tree enemy, as well as any that block your path. Keep going up, ignore the left and open the chest on the right, Lemon Gel. Then head up. Scene. Along the path a chest, Crimson Phoenix +1. More north. Before crossing the bridge, check the right side for a chest, Treat x1 + Specific x1. Now go north. Scene. Hawtness is back. Save. Proceed to the right. To the right there's a path that goes down to a chest, Transform Bow. Go back up and on the right side is a chest, Aries. Go north to the next screen. As you go the right, the paths will split into an X. You came from the lower left. Go to the middle for a chest, Tribal Guard. Go to Top Left to find a chest, it's a monster. Battle itself is worth 20000 Gald and after battle you will get a Limit Bottle. Head to top right, save. Go up and get ready for a battle. Scene. (You do get to repick your team before this battle. Judith has to be in the party. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #14 This battle, honestly, is the first time that I lost twice in a row. I was not prepared both times, but I soon was. In the process of doing so, it was actually pretty easy. Oh, yeah, the SM for this battle. When T uses his attack called 'Dragon Blade: Advent,' he sticks his arm onto the ground and 3 yellow snake comes out. Before this move ends, attack him. That takes care of 1/2 of the SM. Now for the other half. When N uses an attack called 'Rending Slash,' she is stuck on the ground for a certain amount of time. Her body is like stuck to the ground and her feet struggling to get up. Attack her quickly to get this SM. Trigger both 'Great's and the SM is yours. You do have to win the battle for it to count though. To win this battle though, I suggest to take out N first since she can revive her partner in the process and she can also use First Aid, which can make the battle longer than needed. It's possible, but bothersome. I suggest using using Burste Artes with OL slashes constantly. I used Dragon Swarm in the process as well. Good luck. Into the cave and a scene will trigger. Your ship will not have an attachment that will greatly increase the ship's capabilities. Save. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Waiting On Ship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You'll need to talk to everyone again. Rita. Near where Judith is sleeping. Along of Repede Estelle. East central. Raven. North westish Karol. South eastish Now go back to where Judith was and talk to her. Scene. Ready to try the new attachment? It's quite the same thing as with controlling the ship. It's more powerful then you think, at least that what I thought when I first used it. Okay, here are some of the new features: 1. Click the Left Stick to land or fly 2. Weather and environments don't affect where you can go. 3. However, that doesn't mean you can land anywhere. Land on flats and water 4. Ba'ul can pick you up and bring you onto the ship while you're standing on any land itself. It can't pick you up on ice however or land there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sidequesting A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Waiter/Waitress Mini-Game: Head to Dahngrest and into the West Cavern. Scene. Talk to the middle bartender, scene. Time to do the Waiter/Waitress mini-game. I've did it with everyone and it's easier than you think. Each person has 3 levels that they must complete in order for them to get their Costumes. Tips? Well for one, you don't have to pay attention to the customers' signs. That doesn't matter at all. Doing it faster wouldn't get you anything. The whole point in this game is to order the right amount, the right type, and bring it to the right customer. If I were you, use a paper/pen to write down whatever they have to say. Later on, actually say out loud what they ordered and how many, then read the next part. If they canceled it, then don't write it down. Order the right stuff next and bring it to the customer. I actually used 3 pieces of paper because I didn't want to read something that I wrote down a long time ago. Also, it would be nice to remember certain parts of the order so that you don't have to write down the full name. Last tip, take your time writing everything down. Pausing won't make a difference, Good luck (Note: I think Judith's costume is the best. Bias, I know) - Judith: Glamorous Maid Rita: Kitty Cat Waitress Estelle: Gracious Waitress Karol: Lunch Lady Raven: Gentleman Afterwards, you'll get a lot of skits regarding these costumes. - Head out of the West Cavern and go to the 4-way crossing, in the middle. Find a girl to talk to, scene. Go to the right and talk to a girl in pink, scene. Now head to the HQ's entrance, scene. Go into the HQ, scene. - Well, since we have Ba'ul now. Now is the earliest time to do the Dog Map quest. Here is what you do and yes, this can seem long or it can take forever. Look at the world map via menu. Press Y to open the Dog Map. Red is an enemy's and blue is yours. You have to claim more land for Repede, thus beating the other dog out. You travel around the whole world and use Matts, Tents, Barriers, etc.. to rest at each single area to claim that land for yourself. That's a lot of places. You can't use these staying items constantly though. The fastest way I see it is use Tent, get into a random battle, use tent, etc.. You don't have to win these battles, just go into one. It took me about an hour to get enough territory to trigger a scene with the enemy. I would have to say that I covered a little bit more than 50% in order to trigger this scene. (NOTE, I was told you can do this at the end of the game.) - Go to Dahngrest and enter from the east side. Talk to the cat nearby. Scene. - Go to Mantiac (desert town). To the right of the Inn's entrance is a hole to the Kow Kids. Hand over a Trident to get... Rice, Potato, Onion, and Carrot. While here, go to the north and talk to a guy in a tux, scene. This will be your first BV Job. Accept it. Now go to the man standing outside of the Inn's entrance, scene. You'll get the Book of Friendship and Comrade Crest. To end this job, go the inn at Torim. Delivery complete. You'll get Rainbow Bookmark as proof. Go back to Mantiac and to the left. A talking scene. Reward: 3000 Gald. - While at Mantiac, go to the Oasis and talk to the the guy siting next to the kids. Scene. Go sleep at the inn, scene. Go to the oasis again, scene. - Go to Aspio. Go the library. Check the books to the left of the shop lady. Scene. Mention about a book. Hermes' Notes - Go to Shaikos Ruins. Scene. - Go to Ehmead Hills, from Nor's side. Go up and hug the right, scene. You will get Fire Lily. - Go to Torim and sleep at the Inn. Scene about Hermes. - Go to Nordopolica, go north, scene. - If you've finished the Mantiac job, go to Dahngrest, west cavern, and talk to the right waiter to get your second job. Accept the job. Go to the inn and talk to the lady near the beds, scene without Karol. Attempt to exit out from the east, scene. Fly to Heliord. Take the lift down to the campsite Talk to a girl on the left side in a brownish/red shirt, scene. Go back to Dahngrest and into the inn. Talk to her again, talking scene. Job Done. Judith's Spear Quest Parts: - Go to the place where you met Judith for the first time (Tower of Gears, Ghasafrost). The room where the first save point was at. Scene - Go to Torim, up to Fortune HQ, and talk to Kaufman, scene. - Go to Dahngrest, head into the right store. The one without the inn. Scene - If you did everything else so far, go to Mantiac's Inn. Scene. Rest at the inn, scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phaeroh's Craig + Aspio ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time to continue with the storyline. To get to this place, from Mantiac, using Ba'ul, fly north to find this odd rock. Scene. Go north, scene. Now go to Aspio, scene. Go up the stairs and talk to the key in the central circle, near the top left, scene. Now go to Rita's place, scene. No matter what Karol said in terms of where to go next, DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM. His direction are awful. Very Awful. It's no where close to where the real location is. This is what he said, quoted: "I'm pretty sure it's on the west side of Hypionia, to the south of here." First, not on this continent. South... and a lot of west. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Egothor Forest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Panacea Bottle, Gaia Cleaver, Magic Lens x5, Mythril Helm, Tent, Queen's Whip, Limit Bottle, 3000 Gald, Life Bottle - 9000 Gald, Turquoise, Mythirl Circlet, Mythril Boots, Lavender, Red Saffron, Sage, Overdrive Warrior Okay, I'll tell you the real location of where Egothor is. First go to Nordopolica. Go to the continent to the east. It's on the north side, it is covered in a forest, and has this thing sticking out from the top. Enter it and you'll get scene. As you go north, hug the right to a chest, Panacea Bottle. North again and take the 2nd left to find a chest, Gaia Cleaver. Now make yourself to the right leading to a chest, Magic Lens x5. A little bit north, scene, drawn into battle. Finish the spell users first. Scene. The road now splits into 3, one to the left and 2 to the right. Remember this area. Take the upper right path first. You will come to a bridge, but first take the chest to the left of that bridge, Mythril Helm. Now go south and onto that bridge. After crossing the bridge, check the north for a chest, Tent. Now head south and around, scene. Drawn into battle. The same thing as last time. Scene. Now go back to that 3-way cross and take the lower right path. Cross two bridges. Take the north path. Then another split, left and right. Take the left to two chests, Queen's Whip and Limit Bottle. Now use the right and into that cave hole, scene. As you keep going, there may seem to be a lot of splits, but each one of them are short. Take the 2nd left to a chest, 3000 Gald. Take the only right path to a chest, Life Bottle. Finish it off with the north path and keep going. You'll end up at a save point, save. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Split into two, north and south. Go north. 2nd split, right and south. Take the right one to two chests. Right chest is a monster, 3000 Gald from battle and 9000 Gald afterwards. Left chest has a Turquoise. Now take the south path. 3rd Split, left and right. Go left to a chest, Mythril Circlet. Now use the right. You'll run into a Giganto. I rather leave it be for now. I used a Holy Potion to get by it. Keep going and to a chest, Mythril Boots. Keep going, and to the next screen. 4th Split, north and southeast. Take the SE first. End up with 2 monsters, both guarding a chest. You'll have to defeat them in order to claim their chest. Left chest has Lavender, right chest has Red Saffron. Now go back up and take the north path. 5th Split, left and right, with 2 very noticeable chests for each side. Right chest has Sage, left chest has Overdrive Warrior Now make your way all the way back to the save point. Save. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go north and prepare for a few battles, both of which are the same exact thing. These guys seems to be a little bit stronger than before. There are only two battles. Scenes. Now, see that jellyfish-like object floating in the air, approach and enter it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Home of the Kritya - "Myorzo" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Barrier, (Cream Stew), All-Divide x2, Flare Stone, Frost Stone, Air Stone, Geo Stone, Specific, Treat, Dragoon Boots Scene. Head north. Before entering the main doors, check the lower left of that door near the ruins, Barrier. Enter the main doors, scene. Go to the lower right of this screen to see this blue/white top spinning thing. It's the Wonder Chef! Nice disguise! Today he'll teach you Cream Stew. The shops are on the next right. The resting/save area are to the left of that and to continue the storyline, proceed into the house to the left. Before that though, we should do the Warehouse of this place. It'll become unavailable if we progress with the storyline and I don't want to find out when it'll open up again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Myorzo Warehouse Mini-game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ a) B2 Down; B1 Left, Down, Right 5, Up b) B2 Up 2, Right 6, Up 2 c) B4 Right; B3 Right, UP; B5 Up 3; B4 Left d) B6 Left, Down, Left 3; B8 Left; B9 All the way Up e) BA Left 2, Down 5, All the way Up, to a chest, All-Divide x2 f) BC Left, Down, All the way Right g) B7 Right 2, Left, ATW Up h) BD Right, ATW Up; B5 Up 5, Left, Up i) BE Up, Right 2; B3 Right, Up 5, Left, Up, Left j) B4 Up 7, Left, Up 5, Right 2, to a chest, Hourglass x2 k) BI Right 2; BH Left; BF Up; BG Down 3 l) BI Left 2, Down, Right 2, Down m) BH Right 2, Down, Right, Down. n) Now go down the stairs, to the left and chest it: Flare Stone, Frost Stone, Air Stone, Geo Stone o) 2000 Gald afterwards BE BFBG BHBI BABB BD B9 BC B8 B6 B7 B1 B3 B4 B2 B5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now head into the Elder's Residence, scene. While in his home, go all the way to the top/upper part. Check the right side, Specific, and then the left side, Treat. Go to the resting area, scene. Raven and Estelle are both out of your party. Now head back to the main gates, scene. Go back into town and talk to 2 Krityans, then go talk to the Major. Head back to the gate again, scene. Judith will now get the Title 'Guardian of the Truth' (which is actually a costume that you may remember) and Dragoon Boots Fly yourself to Yormgen. Here are a few hits. 1) From Mt. Temza, go south 2) From Phaeroh's Craig, go north 3) It's near the lake/body of water ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yormgen 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I guess this place hasn't changed at all. How nice. Scene. You may check around, but there's definitely nothing to get here. Go talk to the knight. Exit Yormgen. We now need to go to Bactition. It's to the east of Egothor Forest. When you approach it, scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Forgotten Shrine - "Baction" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Pineapple Gel, Life Bottle, Dark Bottle, Lemon Gel - Twinkle Star, Panacea Bottle, Holy Bottle, Lemon Gel, Limit Bottle, Masakari Cleaver - 8000 Gald, Wind Cape, Magic Lens x5, Lottery Gel, Kylin, Simple Tent, Limit Bottle, Mermaid Cloak, Magic Lantern, Mythril Gauntlet, Melange Gel, 6000 Gald, Heal Bracelet, Lemon Gel, Panacea Bottle Scene. What! No battles? Chest on the left (near entrance), Pineapple Gel. Then there's a hidden chest on the right, north of the pink flowers, Life Bottle. Go into the shrine, scene. There's a chest on the lower left, Dark Bottle. There's another chest on the upper central, Lemon Gel. Then go to the upper right and use the ladder. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go north. Scene. Well Karol is deciding to make a map, and guess what, so will I. I'm only going to give you the stuff that you should know, meaning there's parts that you can't go to yet. We are currently on BF1. BF1 ------------------------------- X = Ladder (aka Exit) | | | | | | | | | A = Twinkle Star ------------------------------- B = Panacea Bottle | | | | | | | | | C = Holy Bottle, Lemon Gel ------------------------------- SP = Save Point | | | | | | | | | XA = Limit Bottle, Stairs to BF2 ------------------------------- XB = Stairs to B1, Masakari Cleaver | | | | |XA | | | | YD = Dark Room, Jump Off ----------------- ------------- XC = Stairs to B1 | | | | - | XC| | | ----------------- --- --------- | | | | |SP | YD| | A | ---------------- -- ------- - | | | | C | | -XB | | ------------- --- ----------- - | | | | - - B - - X | ------------------------------- BF2 ------------------------------- XA = Stair to BF1 | | | | | | | | | A = 8000 Gald ------------------------------- B = Wind Cape | | | L | | | | | | C = Scene with Statue, Magic Lens x5 --------- --------------------- SP = Save Point | | | K | | | | | | D = Lottery Gel, Kylin --------- --------------------- E = Scene + Battle, Simple Tent | | |SP | | | | | | F = Limit Bottle -------- -------------------- G = Scene | -XA | | | | | | | H = Mermaid Cloak, via YD, Magic Latern - --- --- ---------------------- I = Mythril Gauntlet | B | A | XC| I | | | | | J = Melange Gel - ----------- ----------------- XB = Stairs to BF1 | C | | H - - | | | | XC = Stairs to BF1 - ------- ------- ------------- K = 6000 Gald, Heal Bracelet, Lemon Gel, |SP | | G |XB - J | | | | Panacea Bottle ------ --------------------- L = Dungeon Boss | | D | - | F | | | | - --- ------- --- ------------- | - - - E - | | | | ------------------------------- Now this is pretty much self-explanatory. Get the chests if you want. They are in those rooms. I could give you the location of each, but you should get some fun once and a while. I do want to say one thing though. In the YD, aka Dark Room, purposely jump off to reach H in the BF3 floor. Do this 3 times total. This will trigger a scene in which you'll obtain this key item called 'Magic Lantern.' With this, all rooms like this will be so bright forever. So no more eerie Dark Rooms. This item could be missable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #15 His attacks are the same as before. Whatever he used before, he uses in this battle as well. There's nothing really hard about this boss compared to a normal human boss. The SM for this battle, is another story. You'll have to wait until he uses his Mystic Arte 'Blast Heart' and then attack him while he's trying to recover. For him to use Blast Heart though, he has to be in OL form. Chances are higher when he is in his 2nd OL, but for battle, he only used it during his 3rd OL (Overlimit if you didn't already know). So until then, you'll just have to attack him or guard. If you're killing him too fast, equip a weaker weapon and combo him constantly to charge his OL bar. Another thing that you probably want is the skilled called Recover. Once he gets into OL form, stay very close to him. After Blast Heart is over, you should see him grasping his heart. Quickly break his shield and add one more attack to get the SM. If you don't see him grasping the heart, you'll have to wait again for Blast Heart to come out. Quote: "Burn this life to punish my enemy. Blast Heart!" Aagh! Excellent! Scene after scene. You now need to find Heracles. This so called battleship is in the ocean SW of the capitol, Zaphias. Hopefully you can manage to trigger the scene. I suggest you rest somewhere first. Your HP/MP might be very low right now and for some reason, it doesn't automatically recover for you after the last battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Mobile Fortress - "Heracles" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene. Immortal Old Man title obtained. I was extremely mad in this place, you don't even know. I was just persistent ftw. Head down to the left stairs and you see Tweedle A and B there. Talk to one of the Tweedles, they should be selling items etc... Me, I got maxed out Holy Bottles of course. Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Naginata, Life Bottle, Limit Bottle - Holy Bottle, Melange Gel, Wonder Symbol, Lemon Gel, Pineapple Gel - Dark Bottle, Rose Whip, Specific, Tent - Panacea Bottle, Treat - Guardian Stamp - Lemon Gel, Pineapple Gel From where the shop is, go to the right to find a chest, Naginata. Now go all the way to the left and down the stairs. All the way to the left, down the stairs again. Once you get there, go to the right for a chest, Life Bottle. Proceed to the left, down the stairs. Keep going to the right to get a chest, Limit Bottle. Go to the left and enter that red door. You should now be inside. Now go north to trigger a scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go left to find the first room. Talk to it, and you'll get constant signs of '?' To get rid of that, just SR the door to unlock it. Go inside that room. Chest on the right, Holy Bottle. Check the left bed's left side, Reflex. Exit out. Continue to the left to see 2 more doors. Right Door: Chest with Melange Gel Left Door: Wonder Symbol on the upper right Continue with the south stairs. To the south of those stairs, you'll see a ladder. Climb down. To the right for a chest, Lemon Gel. Back up the ladder and keep going to the left to find another ladder. Chest to the left, Pineapple Gel. Up again. Talk to the machine to the left, select Move. Enter the second door to the right, the very big one. There should be a scene, if not, you got the wrong door. There's a save point at the very bottom floor, just to let you know ahead of time, but don't go down there just yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now, from where we left off after the scene, take the leftest door. Chest on the very left side, Dark Bottle. Exit out. Use the south stairs and go down. Below the first set of stairs, there is a room to the right, SR it and go in. Check the upper right, Rose Whip. Continue to the bottom floor and get to the save point. Check the upper and right side of the save point, Specific. Go up the south stairs (where all the guards are), then check the right side for a chest, Tent. Of course, if you're not using a Holy Bottle, then you might as well go this chest later on, since you'll be passing through here eventually. Now save your game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now go all the way to the top floor and take the right door. You'll be outside now. Go to the right for a chest, Panacea Bottle. Up to stairs, then up another set of stairs. Don't go up yet, there's a chest on this floor and it's on left side, Treat. Now go up the stairs and use the red door on the right. You're back side again. Go to the right and keep going to the only path. Don't use the ladder yet, keep going on this level and use the door on the left. To the south is this yellow-aura machine, SR it and make it explode. Go north and up those stairs and exit to the right. To the right you'll see a box. Push this box to the left and keep pushing even on the next screen. There's this gate blocking your box from dropping down, SR it, and push the box once more. Another machine explodes. Okay, to the left of south stairs that we just used recently, you'll find a ladder, use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To the left. Go up the next ladder (not down). Chest near the top, Guardian Stamp. Move south. This is a game. SR the box when you think that when it drops, it'll crush that machine at the very bottom. Do so and another piece of the barrier is removed. Use the ladder and go back down. Go to the left, hug south to find this ladder, use it. If you look closely at the lower level, there's another machine and just so happen there's boxes moving on top of it. Time the SR to make the box hit that one as well. Remember this section well, we'll be coming back here sooner than you think. Let's call this section QW. Now climb back up to where all the barriers walls were at. Defeat the mage. Talk to the computer panel once. Now go back to QW. From there, take the south ladder. There's a computer panel near the bottom of those ladders. Talk to it and pick "Upper Level." Climb back to the upper level and go west to where that moveable floor is at. You'll see a box. Push the box all the way to the NW side. Then push the box over to the SW side, which should break the machine in the process. Therefore, the last piece to the puzzle has now been solved. Head over to that area now. There's a save point nearby. I suggest you save. Boss and SM is next ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #16 This guy is faster than usual. Some of his attacks are hard to stop. Be cautious when he get into his OL mode. Keep comboing and pounding him down. Sooner or later, he'll use 'Poison Perfume' on himself. His attacks now will inflict Paralyze. Okay, here's the SM for this battle. Use Nice Recovery Smash next to Zagi to cure him of his poison. If you don't have Moon Selector right now, you'll need to start the battle and control Karol. Karol is the only one that can do this SM. After that, just finish him off. (Nice Aid Smash =/= Nice Recovery Smash) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene after battle. There should be a item nearby, but maybe I thinking too much. Anyways, exit out. All the way south and use that unfolded ladder. The main place you're going to is to the first Save Point that we used in this place. Whatever works for you, I already said the shortcut. Before going to that save point, scene. Enter the door to the right, aka Engine Room. Use the elevator and go up, scene. It's a circle and you're at the bottom central of it. Go to the left to get a chest, Lemon Gel. All the way to the north now, scene. There's a chest on the right side as well, Pineapple Gel. All the way right to exit this place. Scene after scenes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Capua Nor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After all of that, you're here now. Save. Exit the inn, scene. Go back into the inn and talk to Judith, scene. Exit Capua Nor. We need to go to the Blade Drifts of Zopheir (Zopheir for short from now on). Go get there keep going east and north at the same time. Another way to say it would be north of Ehmead Hill's entrance. Just make sure you're constantly going north in the process. As you keep going, you'll see a lot of glaciers (aka flat layers of ice). Keep find the right path to go and you will end up in Zopheir. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Blade Drifts of Zopheir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Tabar, Panacea Bottle, Melange Gel, Lemon Gel, Limit Bottle - Pineapple Gel, Hades, Cure Bottle, Falcon Needle, Life Bottle - Diamond Guard, Tent, Body Pain, Limit Bottle, Bloody Coat, Seal Bottle, Psychedelica, Lottery Gel, Magic Lens x5 Scene. First go north. There's a chest to the left/north side, Tabar. Go north again, and there's another chest on the left side as well, Panacea Bottle. Keep going north to encounter another chest, Melange Gel. Try to go any further on and that creature will do some destruction. Scene. Go south and back to where you got your first chest. From there, go east. Another chest on the north side, Lemon Gel, Keep going to the east. The road will split into 2, north and south. Take the north. Encounter a chest, Limit Bottle. Keep going on this path, more destruction. Scene ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go to the south, there's a chest, Pineapple Gel. Go onto the newly made path. A split into two, use the north path. There's a chest on the path, Hades. Keep going north to see two chests, Cure Bottle and ... destruction. Other chest has Falcon Needle. Now go back and take the south path. As you keep going, another split. South path for a chest, Life Bottle. To the east to find a save point. Save needed. Watch the scene afterwards before reading any further down. Doing so means you'll be reading spoilers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #17 As the battle starts, you'll only get to use Karol and no one else. Karol will be by himself and you need to stay alive. There's a lot people saying they can't get pass the first part, which is this. You don't need to hit this boss at all, meaning you can just Free Run constantly until all the scenes are triggered. Another issues is, even if you Free Run, the enemy can still get you. If that happens, heal with items and/or use Reaper Knock to buy yourself some time. Reaper Knock will sometimes stun the enemy, if not, it will still knock the enemy down while you get the chance to run. If you lose all your HP though, that is game over. After a certain amount of time, another scene is triggers and everyone joins in for the battle. This battle is hard if you don't know what you're doing. However, I do know, so I'm here to guide you. I've used Yuri to beat him and that wasn't really easy. I won, but a lot hassle. Since this monster is a flying type, I suggest you use Judith. She can jump to attack and most, if not all of her attacks, are aerial. I picked Judith to use, Rita, Karol, and Raven to heal. Another key to make this battle easier is Raven. Karol can heal you up as well. I, on the other hand, use normal attacks, normal up, and Luna Gale to trigger FS hits. Her FS is what I used to kill this guy fast. About he SM for this battle. You wait until this guy dive under the land and he'll stick his fin out. As far as I can see, you can only hit his fin once fin stickup. So you'll need to wait for him to do this 3 times in a row. After that, hit him again on the fin and the SM is yours. Besides, that, Free Run whenever you can't see him and find your chances. Read his movement and block when needed. I used a lot of items in this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the battle, scene, Brave One title for Karol. Go south to find a chest, Diamond Guard. I suggest you go back and save. Go back to the blastia and hug the north to go to a chest, Tent. Go back down, east to 2 paths, north and south. Go north and get the obvious chest, Body Paint. From there, keep going north/eastish. At the end, you'll get a chest, Limit Bottle. Go all the way back and take the south path, rather the middle path. Another split, take the left one of course, chest with Bloody Coat. Nothing on the the other one. Go all the way back again, and now take the very bottom path. Keep going east and you'll find a chest eventually on the south side, Seal Bottle. Back to the east path. Keep going more and you'll see another chest near the bottom/central, Psychedelica (sp?). Keep going north now and to the left/north part there's a chest, Lottery Gel. All the way to the right now, but try not to trigger the event yet. From here, go north to reach a chest to the right, Magic Lens x5. Now to east and scene triggers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are now on the very east of Aspio and Halure. Go south first though. So for right now, go to Halure as that's apart of the storyline after all. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Halure + Quoi Woods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene. Head to the inn for a rest. Scene. Attempt to exit Halure. Scene. Go back to the inn, second door from the left. Scene. After: "A job nobody wants to do." Attempt to exit Halure again, scene. Now, really exit Halure. Go to Quoi Woods. Try to go to where the save point was in this place. Scene. Exit Quoi Woods, not the way you came in here with. In other words, we're trying to get to Zaphias. Before going to the castle though. Make a stop at Deidon Hold. Go into the HQ and up to the top. To the same place where you saw Duke last time. Guess what, he's there again. Scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zaphias, City Not Livable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene. There isn't much to say since this is a one-way road to the castle entrance. Scene at gate. Go into the castle now. Once inside, take the right upper door. Then north and north again. That should trigger a scene. Nice, relaxing music. Save. Once you exit this area, the BG music goes back to its original state. Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Elder Cloak, Spirit Bangle, Mystic Mark, Limit Bottle, Breaker Bow, Lapis Lazuli, Vagabond +1, 15000 Gald, Transform Bow +1(a) + Moon Guard Okay, exit this place to the left to go back into the halls. Go south and take the first hole on the left. Keep going north and north until you trigger a scene. A chest to the left, Spirit Bangle. Another to the right, Elder Cloak. There's an enemy/mage or something on the throne. To the left of the throne/chair check it, Mystic Mark. You may go north to check the doors for clues, but that's not really required at all. In which case, exit to the south. Down the first set of stairs on the right and enter the hole to the right. All the way north now. There's 2 chests here, Limit Bottle and Breaker Bow. Afterwards, SR the angel in the middle. This will trigger an image above the angel. Go back to where the save point is at. There's a blastia on that floor, which is in the center/top on the first floor. Check behind it, Lapis Lazuli Exit to the south. Then go to the left. South again. Lower left. SR the angel on the top. Exit to the right. North. Right. North again. Now up the stairs on the left and enter the left hole. Go north. Two chests are seen, Vagabond +1 and 15000 Gald. SR the angel in the middle. Exit out. From here, keep going south and east until you're back to where the prison is at. There's angel near the prison. Go to it and SR it. Puzzle is now solved and all, but there's one more thing left. Go into the prison. Check the rightest chamber, Transform Bow +1(a) + Moon Guard. Now go back to where that last scene with trigged with that hawt chick. Proceed north to the door and then SR that door to activate it. Save point nearby. Save. Do some minor equipment/skill adjustment as needed. This won't be a hard fight at all. I would say that I was not surprised. Keep going up now. Yes, it's very long. Hope you don't lose. I'll laugh if you do. Scene at top. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #18 There's two parts. The SM is on the second part. So before then, give her everything you got. You can keep comboing against her, thus stunning her and making her not be able to move. She is quite slow is some sense. Make sure Raven is in your party is you're having trouble. Now for the second part. You'll only get to use Yuri for this SM part. The SM is very, very easy. Unless of course, you didn't get the item before. As soon as this second part starts, go into the menu and use the item 'Mother's Memento' on the Boss. That's it, the 'Great' will be triggered. I've personally tried to use it on the first part, but that doesn't do anything at all. Even if you did use it during then, you'll always get it back afterwards. It's like you can use as many times as you want before doing this SM. Go figure. After that, destroy her! I kept going into OL and using Burst Artes and comboing her constantly. She is so easy to guard. Don't like it when she gets into OL mode though. Her Burste Arte is quite nice. Interrupt her when she is casting. Soon, it will end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene after battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zaphias, City Livable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You now need to talk to all your party members. Here are the locations. Karol - Save point where Lower Quarter gathered up Judith - One screen south of the other save point Rita + Estelle - Angel near the Prison Raven - Prison Chamber, where you first met him Repede - From Prison area, keep going to the left to find a guy standing near the exit. Talk to him. Rest. Scene. Go to the Lower Quarters and you'll have to use the upper right exit instead of the other one. Scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sidquesting B - First Fell Arm - Abyssion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Golen Helm, Golden Horn, Holy Ring, Overdrive Lady, Chamoile, Great Raptor Beak, Savory, Stone Charm, Spirit Ring, Feather Coat. - Specific x3, Treat x3, Paralysis Ward - Flare Cape x3 - Abyssion - Pineapple Gel, Hotengeki, Red Basil, Antenna Guard, Savory, Amulet, Basil, Poison Charm Another sidequesting part. It shouldn't be that long, unless you read everything that is. Never mind, it is long even without reading it all. - Go to Mt. Temza. Go north, talking scene. - With the powered up SR from Heracules, a few chests that can't be obtained before is now available. 1st screen with enemies, after the tree, SR the right to get a chest, Golden Helm. As you go up so more, look for the rocks on the left, SR it and chest it, Golden Horn. Another one to the right as you go up, chest it, Holy Ring. The screen after the save point, SR the rocks to the left, Overdrive Lady. Next screen. Take the left path and SR both the left and right side. Left chest, Chamomile; Right chest, Great Raptor Beak. To the lower right side now, SR the rocks, chest it x3, Savory, Stone Charm, Spirit Ring. I forgot a chest before, so I'll get it now. It's the cave to the left of Ba'ul area, chest it, Feather Coat. Use the greensih portal nearby to exit this area faster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nordopolica Warehouse Minigame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This place is now avaliable. It's near Belius' chambers. NOTE* B? = A box is there, but you don't need to touch it. a) BA All the way Right b) BB All c) BC Left 2, Up, Left 2. Chest for Specific x3 d) BD Down, Right 3, Up 2 e) Take T1 to the top, BF All the way Left, BE into the same hole as BF f) Go back down, BH Right; BI Right, Down, Right g) BH Down 2, Up, Right, Down, Right 2 (Tricky) h) BJ All the way Right, BK All the way Left i) BL Down, BM Down, BN Left, Chest for Treat x3 j) BO All the way Left, take T2 up k) BP Left 2, BT All the way Right l) BR Left, BR Down. Go back down m) BT Up 2, Left; BR Right 5, Up, Left 2, Up. Go back up stairs n) BQ All the way left. Go back down stairs. o) BQ Right 2, Up 2, Left. Chest for Paralysis Ward Bottom Floor T2 BK BO BJ B? BL BH B? B? BI B? BM B? BN T1 BD BA BB BC X - - - - - - - - - Top Floor BP T2 BS BR BQ BT - - - - - - - - - B? BF BE T1 2000 Gald for clearing. While you're here at Nordopolica, go buy these items: Poison Ward, Paralysis Ward, Stone Ward - Go to Mantiac. Talk to Kow Kid and give him the 3 Wards. In return, he'll give you 3 Flare Capes. Yes, 3 of them. - Go to Heliord. Talk to a kid close to the Blastia. Scene. You'll go into a battle. Afterwards, Repede gets his "Special" skill and along with the title of "Nanny" - Go to Nor. Head to the left and locate Duke on the bridge. Talk to him, scene. - Go to Myorzo. Go rest at the free place. Scene. Voice acting - Go to the Elder's Residence to trigger a scene. This triggers the Fell Arms event. Scene. Abyssion obtained. - With the new SR's powers, Baction's hidden area can now be uncovered. For this section, I'm just going to copy/paste from the previous and add details to it. I don't want to type that stuff out and make you confuse about it. With this map and my guiding, you should be able to notice what areas are now avaliable and new. BF1 ------------------------------- X = Ladder (aka Exit) | | | | | | | | | A = Twinkle Star ------------------------------- B = Panacea Bottle | | | | | | | | | C = Holy Bottle, Lemon Gel ------------------------------- SP = Save Point | | | | | | | | | XA = Limit Bottle, Stairs to BF2 ------------------------------- XB = Stairs to BF1, Masakari Cleaver | | | | |XA | | | | YD = Dark Room, Jump Off ----------------- ------------- XC = Stairs to BF1 | | | | - | XC|AB -XD | ----------------- --- --- ----- AA = Dark Room | | | | |SP | YD|AA - A | AB = Pineapple Gel, Hotengeki ---------------- -- ------- - XD = Stairs to BF2 | | | | C | | -XB | | ------------- --- ----------- - | | | | - - B - - X | ------------------------------- BF2 ------------------------------- XA = Stair to BF1 | | | | | | | | | A = 8000 Gald ------------------------------- B = Wind Cape | | | L | | | | | | C = Scene with Statue, Magic Lens x5 --------- --------------------- SP = Save Point | | | K | | | | | | D = Lottery Gel, Kylin --------- --------------------- E = Scene + Battle, Simple Tent | | |SP | | | | | | F = Limit Bottle -------- -------------------- G = Scene | -XA | | | |AE - | | H = Mermaid Cloak, via YD, Magic Latern - --- --- --------------- ------ I = Mythril Gauntlet | B | A | XC| I |AC - - | | J = Melange Gel - ----------- ------- --- ----- XB = Stairs to BF1 | C |AG - H - - |AD | | | XC = Stairs to BF1 - ------- ------- ------- ----- K = 6000 Gald, Heal Bracelet, Lemon Gel, |SP | - G |XB - J | - | | Panacea Bottle ------ ----------- --------- L = Dungeon Boss | | D | - | F | - | | - --- ------- --- --- --- ----- AC = Stairs to BF1 | - - - E - |AXX|AF | | AD = Red Basil ------------------------------- AE = Antenna Guard, Savory AF = Amulet AXX = Location of Shovel* AG = Basil, Poison Charm To start off, look at BF1 and more directly, from AA. Anything that is A? are new areas. This will lead to BF2. AXX, Location of Shovel is apart of a future sidequest. I guess it wouldn't hurt to wait for that sidequest before doing this part. Another reason is, there's no quick exit out of this place. - Go to Torim and enter this place from the docks. Go north to trigger a scene with Sciliy. After the scene, your ship will get the crane and fully powered up features to travel any seas/oceans. The purpose of the crane is so that you can get treasures from the ocean, just like Search Points. They are usually identified by having a lot of seaguls circling around them. - The Hotspring is now avaliable. It's located in the Northwest region. If you see a forest with weird designs on it (cirlce with some slashes in the middle) then you found it. It's not an island, that's Cobanda. Anyways, go inside and talk to the main desk. Scene. - Go to Phaeroh's Craig. Scene. Go north, scene. This is apart of the EX Dungeon. You need to trigger this in order to get this dungeon at the end of the game. If you don't do this before then, well, you missed it. Go to the Sage's house and talk to the sage. Scene. Talk to him again, and stay for the night. Scene. Well, time to continue with the storyline. Head to center of the world map. Scene. Enter that island in the middle of the map. Scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Enduring Shrine of Zaude ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Barrier, Panacea Bottle, 20000 Gald, 15000 Gald, Moon Cloak, Life Bottle, Limit Bottle, Special Gel, Splash Dress - Pineapple Gel, Dunamis, Lemon Gel, Rare Plate, Rare Protector - Rod, Mjolnir, Shiden - Lemon Gel, World Charm, Melange Gel, Death Contrast, Asura Go to the right and keep going on the water to find a chest, Barrier. Save point up ahead. Go continue to the north and check the vent, scene. Go inside Descend the stairs and go to the left/up path, into the next screen. Make yourself to the north. You'll see a bunch of chests. These are the items that you'll get in the process: Panacea Bottle 20000 Gald Life Bottle Limit Bottle Zaude Orb 15000 Gald Moon Cloak Special Gel Splash Dress You can take all of them. Zaude Orb is the key, so you'll have to take it. After that, go back to the south room. To the top/middle, which you passed through before, is a room with an altair, talk to it. This will place the Zaude Orb on it. Now SR it. The whole place would be flooded. Return back to the south room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The whole place is now changed. Go to the left and onto the ramp. Take the lower/left path to a chest, Pineapple Gel. Now to the right and into that hole, into the north section. Go north and back into the water. Go north and up the stairs to a chest, Dunamis. Back into the water, to the right, and back onto the ramp. Make your way south and to the south section. Go to the right and it will lead you to a chest, Lemon Gel. Now you need to backtrack. To the north, to the left, back to the south. Enter the water, swim south and up the ramp to the left. Scene. Now up the stairs. There are 2 chests in this room. The upper left one, Rare Plate, and the upper right one, Rare Protector. If you go to the south door and enter it further on, it will trigger a scene. This is optional. Anyways, take the north door. As you keep going north, a save point. Definetly save your game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #19 This boss uses a gun and spams it at will. Comboing with Yuri's Shining Fang works wonders in immobolizing him. Forgot to mention, there's 2 parts. When he goes into OL mode, I suggest Free Running away; it's quite deadly. He can also jump high and shoot the ground you're standing on. Estelle is good for healing in this situation. There is a SM for this battle. When he reveals his thing to you, you have to use Raven and hit his chest with Rain. This is by far, the hardest SM to get. There's a certain angle you have to him and he must not be guarding himself. Not just that, he also has auto shield, which you need to break before shooting with Raven's Rain. When you attack too much, he will also guard. There's 2 methods and I've used both of them. I would say method one is better 1) Have Yuri set as AI and have him use only Shining Fang. At the same time, you use Raven, get into OL mode and spam Rain. Keep Raven in OL mode and keep spamming Rain like crazy. When I got it, twice that is, both of his arms aren't near his chest and the shield is gone as well. 2) Set everyone to Defend and control only Raven. Go into OL mode and keep spamming Rain. If you do it right, Rain will destroy both the shield and hit his chest at the same time. This took quite many attempts. After the battle, scene. Go back and save, especially if you got the SM from that battle. Or like me, who got the whole next section memorized, continue until the next save point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From where the last battle ended, go north. See that monster front of you, ignore it for now. It's a Giganto, but if you insist, go ahead. Well, I'll fight him. Shining Fang to hit him for more than once, Azure Edge with OL form to constantly knock him. Or use Rita and spam spells in OL mode. There are 3 chests after that battle, Rod, Mjolnir, Shiden. AFAIK, you do need to defeat the Giganto before you can get the chests. Go to the right. Hallway, go to the right. Up the stairs on the right. Push the right statue to the lower ground. Then move it to the left of the bottom statue, so they are side by side. Go back up the stairs and SR the blue orb. Water is raised. Swim to the lower right and then make yourself to the left across that self-made bridge. Continue to the north to see a red orb. You have to position yourself on the left side first. Then SR the red stone. If done correctly, you'll now be on the left ledge. Go to the left and use that door. Hallway, go to the left. There's an altair on north central side. Keep going to the left. Hallway, left again ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now you're on the room with no enemies and you're on the top floor. Go to the bottom floor. Push the top/north statue (the first one that you'll see after going down the stairs), which has the blue orb, to the lower left area of it's limits. Now push the left statue to the right. Then all the way up into the water. Stand on the left staue and SR the blue orb. If you don't understand that, this should help. -------- | | B = Blue Orb Statue |B | S = Left Staue, Stand on it and SR the Blue Orb S -------- -------- | | | | -------- After you SR the blue orb, water will rise. There are 2 chests, Red Orb and Lemon Gel. You do have to fight that enemy. After that, SR the Red Orb. Go to the left and SR that other Red Orb to take all the enemies away. Go to the right and back to that room with the altair. Set the Red Orb onto the altair and SR it. Go all the way back to the left with stairs. Go to the bottom floor. Make yourself to the upper right part. Push that statue to the south, cross it. Two chests on the south side, World Charm and Melange Gel. Go into the door on the right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hallway, to the right door. Go up the stairs and to the north, enter that door. There are two chests in this place. Upper Right chest, Death Contrast; Upper Left chest, Asura. Go to the north door on the bottom floor, enter it. There's a battle up ahead. I can't tell the difference between them and normal battles that I've fought in this place before. Scene after battle. Save at the save point. As you might already know, boss battle up ahead. Scene as you enter the north doors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #20 I can't see how this battle is any special then fighting other human enemies. He does have a few magic atacks that send ice which is apart of a quick attack. Shield as well, just like the last battle. Run way when he OL himself The SM in this battle is weird. I don't consider it hard, just tedious. To sum it up, you need to let him use his Mystic Arte until he gets tired. This will take at least 10 minutes and it will only work when see him being exhausted. The features of him being exhauted is as follows: 1) His whole upper body is bent down toward the floor 2) His sword is basically touching the ground 3) His left hand is holding onto his chest 4) You can see the very top of his ahead, if not more. When you see this happening, use Shining Fang twice. First to remove his shield and the next one will bring him down. I've done this 3 times so far, and I notice that when he's in this stage, you have 6/7 seconds to knock him down. That's plently of time. After the battle, scene. Then: Achievement Unlocked: 150G Ended Alexei's Ambitions Therefore, it means Part 2 is done. Time for Part 3 now. The last part. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Gathering - Zaphias, Aspio, Dahngrest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scene. Suggest that you save once you exit the house. Go north, scene. Back inside the house. Go back outside, keep going north to the fountain, scene. Keep going north, scene. Now, go to Aspio. North until you trigger a scene. Into Rita's house and talk to her. Scene. Exit Aspio and head for Dahngrest. Enter Dahngrest. Make your way to the central area. Scene. Head to the Union HQ, scene. Cyano Ciel Crystal obtained. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sidequesting C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are a few sidequests that needs to be done now. - Go to the Torim. From whatever you're at, head toward the houses at the central area. Scene with Gauche and Droite. - With the previous task done, go to Zaude. I suggest you save outside, since the one inside has been removed. Put Repede in the main party. Now make your way to the area where you fought your first boss in this area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPTIONAL BOSS This battle is hard and on the side, you have steal both weapons from them. You don't have to steal both, but why not? Stealing of them, means you can make the other from Synthesis, but why bother when you can just take both of them. To do this, change into Repeded. OL repede and constantly spam Thievery until the words "No Item to steal" shows up, swtich your target, and do the same thing again. Being in OL mode means you won't see Repede's sitting down part, which speeds up the process. The reason to get both of these swords are because of the skills that they teach. After stealing both weapons, defeat them. Change back into a character who you're familiar with. It's a hard battle overall and I was on Easy mode. I suggest setting everyone "Target: Same enemy" and Items: "Up to you." From what I see, take down the red-haired first because she tends to heal more frequently then the other one. Plus, I'm pretty sure she's the only one that can revive. Then on the last one, no matter what you do, don't let them cast magic because they both heal a lot of HP. Comboing to stun them. Fun battle huh. After battle, scene. Divine Cannon and Letter of Challenge (L. Claw) obtained Divine Cannon is Raven's Strongest Weapon, not counting Fell Arms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Go to Heliord and into the bottom camp site. To the lower left section. Scene with Sicily - Go to Dahngrest. To the east entrance, talk to the guy near the bridge. Scene. - Go to Torim and into the docks. Talk to the guy on the right side. Scene. Accept the job. - Go to Dahngrest. Go into the inn and talk to the girl near the beds. Scene - Go to Mt. Temza. You'll have to make yourself all the way to the top. When you see that greenish portal, hugged the north part and go the right for a trigger. Everlight Ore obtained. Use the greenish portal to get out. As you try to exit this place, scene. - Go to Torim. Go the harbos again and talk to the same guy. Scene. - Go to Dahngrest and into the west tavern. Talk to the waiter on the right side, scene. Accept the job. - Go to Zaphias and to the Public Quarters. Locate LeBlanc on the right side, sitting on the chairs. Scene. - Zaphias, enter the tavern close to Yuri's house/home. Talk to the lady with the blue hair near the counter, scene. - Zaphias, the noble quarters, this scene will trigger as you walk around. Dark Enforcer - Go to the Manor of the Wicked. Scene will take place near the entrance - Go to Dahngrest, talk to a guy near the east entrance, scene. Letter to Leviathan's Claw obtained. - Back to the Manor of Wicked. Drawn into battle. Win and scene. - Go to Zaphias and head for the same tavern as before, scene. You are now given 2 options as to how will proceed. Picked number 2 at the end. I saved first of course as I wanted to see how both worked out. In any case, to talk to them to trigger it. 1) Accept their reward 2) Refuse to take their reward. Then head toward the fountain and locate LeBlanc on the right side. Talk to him, scene. Both leads to the same voice acting dialogue. - Back to Dahngrest again. Into the west tavern, right waiter. Scene. 6000 Gald awarded. - Into the Union HQ and to the left side is the Bunny Guild guy. Talk to him. You get items as you get more titles. Many attachments are obtained like this, aka Bunny Ears. You do have to agree to it first though. You'll get the Badge and some ears first. - Same area as the Bunny Guild, now to the right side and talk to the 2 guys. Scene. Accept the job - Go to Baction. I drew a map early on where the shovel is. Use the control function to search for: AXX to locate the shovel and then bring it back to this guy. - Go to the right waiter on the west tavern again. He'll give you basement keys. - Go to Ghasafrost and enter the big door. Talk to the level on the left side, scene. SR the machine. Go down the new path, scene. Fake Dein Nomos obtained There's also a chest nearby, Limit Bottle. FDN is a very good weapon. I suggest using it on the final battle as well. - Go to Myorzo and into the Mayor's house. Check the very back for a trigger, scene. - Go to Aspio and talk to the same guy that told you about Egothor, scene. Estelle learned Astion. Lose Bush Baby Doll - Fly to the top of Mt. Temza, scene. That was fun. Now to continue with the storyline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zopheir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Spirit Symbol, Miracle Gel, Lapis Lazuli, Limit Bottle*, All Divide, Hourglass Enter Zopheir from the east. The west doesn't work at all. Scene. By using the SR, you can move Ice Pillars to unlock chests in this area. There's quite a lot of them. Anyways, proceed further for another scene. After that scene, SR the north pillar. Now go to the left and to where the blastia is. Don't go near it yet. Take the path 1 up from where you were and continue on. Then SR the south pillar. Go to the right and opened the chest you knocked early on, Spirit Symbol. Go to the furthest right and SR that pillar. Now head back and make yourself all the way to the left side, even further away from the blastia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When you get to the 4 way path, go south and SR the pillar. Take the west path, locate the pillar in the north, and SR it. Make west. South chest, Miracle Gel. North chest, Lapis Lazuli. There was another chest nearby, Limit Bottle, but I might've skipped through that one previously. Now go to where the blastia is and talk to it. Scene This minigame of some sorts is pretty easy. Y, X, A, B are the only way to complete this. Are (buttons) will come from the right side and go to the left. As it approaches Estelle's blueish absorber, push the button accordingly. When you do it right, the are will go to the right and increase the energy bar. I've managed miss 1 every time, but that's good enough. From what I've tested, it needs to be over half way full. Scene. "The Splishy-Splashy Water-Colored Quee--" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Take the south path to the east. Open the chest nearby, All Divide. Keep going to the right. Locate the pillar on the north and SR it (it's near the big ice surface at the end). Go up and open that chest, Hourglass. As you head toward the right exit, scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sidequesting D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Krones' Dew, Ultimate Red Cape - Go to Zaphias and into the noble quarters. Scene in the same area as before. Dark Enforcer Final Part (One of my favorite costumes for Yuri) - Go to Myorzo. Talk to the little girl on the bottom right where all the Krytians are. Scene. This is a challenging minigame I admit that. But there are a few ways to cheap/cheat your way through. You can open the minimap to locate where all the yellow/red circles are. Just make a quick path for yourself, memorize it and it's easily as yours. There are 5 levels total. Personally, I only used the world map for the very last one since they are all over the place, literally. Complete level 3 to get Krone's Dew Krones' Dew let Ba;ul (ball) land on a few new locations. Ba'ul can land on ice now, the left side of Mt. Temza, etc... Completing all 5 levels will get you Judith's Super Dragon Rider and Ultimate Red Cape - Go to Halure and to the Halure Tree. Scene will trigger. Storybook. Estelle's Fairy Tale Weaver. - Stay at the inn. Head back to the tree. Scene. Estelle' Force Field ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nordopolica Attacked ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As you approach it, drawn into battle with 2 Outbreakers. This can be quite a long battle. After that enter Nordopolica, scene. Attempt to exit, scene. You'll be back on the ship, scene. Relewise and Crystallands. - Go to Dahngrest and stay at the inn. Scene. Raven's ... - Go to Heliord's bottom camp site (lower left). Sicily scene. Go to the right and look for that robot. Talk to it, scene. Go back scene. - Go to Aspio. Scene with Rita. Go up the stairs, scene. Rita's ... Storyline suggest Crystallands first because it's easier, so we'll tackle this place first. This place is located north of Nor/Torim and NW of Halure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Erealumean Crystallands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevant Youtube Links: Items Found In Section: Limit Bottle, Melange Gel, Stun Talisman, Cowboy Hat, Rare Protector, - Highlander, Dark Avenger, 25000, Lemon Gel + Pineapple Gel, Strike Eagle, Spinning Drill Hammer, Sword Whip, Red Savory, Basil, Saffron, Orochi +1, Longinus Scene as you enter this place. Go north and there's a trail on the right side leading to a chest, Limit Bottle. Back onto the trail and to the north. At very north, before going to the right, there should be a chest that can be shattered with SR, Melange Gel. After that go to the right, SR all crystals in your parth. As you keep goin, there's a very tall icicle, SR it to create a bridge to the right side. Before crossing the bridge, check the north side for a chest, Stun Talisman. Now cross the bridge. After crossing the bridge, go to the north side and SR a path. A turle enemy will appear. Behind them are two chests, Cowboy Hat and Rare Protector. Go back south, and make your way to the right, scene. Battle? No. Save point nearby. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From where the save point is at, a four way. Take the south path to a chest, Highlander. East, SR it for enemy, chest behind it, Dark Avenger. Then to the north path to move on. Split into 2 paths. Take the left path to a chest, which is an enemy. Battle itself gives 10000 Gald, afterwards, 25000 Gald. Now take the right path. Chest on the way there to the north, Lemon Gel + Pineapple Gel. Proceed to the right. You'll notice that the north is full of red. Another split, take the right path. Another split again, take the south path. SR a few crystals to make a path. 3 chests, Strike Eagle, Spinning Drill Hammer, and Sword Whip. Now go back to where the split was and take the upper right. SR crystal/enemy. Keep going. You'll need to SR another tall icicle for a bridge. See that enemy to the north, that's Fenrir. You can tackle him, I didn't since he isn't guarding/blocking me from getting those 3 chests north of him, Red Savory, Basil, and Saffron. To see those 3 chests though, you do need to SR the crystal in front of it btw. Holy Bottle ftw. Now go all the way back to the area where you saw a field of red. Go north and head the right side. SR the right side which path leads to 2 chests, Orochi +1 and Longinus. Now go back and continue the path to the north. Save sphere nearby, save. Boss Battle ahead. Scene as you enter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS BATTLE #21 If you have low levels like I do, I suggest guarding when he attacks and only attack when he stops. He does have a shield though. Shining Fang can bypass this. The SM is really easy to get. When he pounds his chest, just using Shining Fang on him to knock him down. It works wonders. If you're having trouble killing him. Use Rita, OL and spam a spell constantly. Tidal Wave anyone? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the battle, scene. Now you'll have to backtrack all the way back to the entrance. There's no shortcut, yet. Exit the place and it's for the next spirit to be