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MOVE LIST COMPLETION: 37/37 FAQ COMPLETION: 100% UNLOCKABLES COMPLETION: 100% OVERALL COMPLETION: 100% ----------------------------- ANSWERS TO THE FAQS YOU NEED! ----------------------------- I get asked these questions so freaking much and I'm tired of it. HOW DO I PIN? When standing next to someone, hold the down button and then push A. HOW DO I START A CAREER? You have to create a wrestler first. HOW DO I THROW SOMEONE OVER THE ROPES? Irish whip them and then clothesline them over as they bounce off the ropes, that's usually how I do it. Thank you for your time and please don't email me about any of these things any more. If you do, your mom won't have sex with me. .... Just kidding. She will anyways. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | [ TABLE OF CONTENTS | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | 1.0 Introduction | | 1.1 Guide Introduction | | 1.2 Game Introduction | | 1.3 Author Introduction | | 2.0 Frequently Asked Questions | | 3.0 Move Lists | | 4.0 Unlockables List | | 5.0 Other Information | | 5.1 Credits | | 5.2 Other Guides | | 5.3 Future Guides | | 5.4 Contact Information | | 5.5 Revision History | | 5.6 Future Updates | | 5.7 What I Need | | 6.0 Conclusion | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Songs to help you get rolling - "Machinehead" by Bush, "Big Time" by Soundtrack of Our Lives =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | 1.0 |. . . . . . . . . . . . .INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 1.0 | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This be where I introduce myself and the guide, yo. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -------- 1.1 --------- Guide Introduction *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Well, this is another wrestling guide by the former self proclaimed wrestling guide master of the world. I haven't done one of these in a while, and when I saw Wrestlemania 21 for XBOX on the bounty list, I decided I might as well go ahead and snatch the bounty up. Besides, I haven't done a guide for a brand new game in a while.. since FFTA and AoS, I guess, and they were both GBA games. This will also give me a guide for an XBOX game, which is pretty cool. The guide is not going to be terribly complex, as I am not a master of the game by any stretch of the imagination. I'm going to run down the basics of the game, then answer some FAQ's, then give the move lists as well as a bio of each wrestler, then in-depth guides on the various game modes and match types, unlockables, create a wrestler, and XBOX Live play. That's really all I could think to add, but if I think of more stuff, I'll be sure to add it in a future update. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -------- 1.2 --------- Game Introduction *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- The bad news here is that WWE Wrestlemania 21 is a pretty inferior game when compared to other previous entries in the wrestling game world. For one, the storyline mode leaves a lot to be desired. You can only do so much, and you can only use a created character. In addition, the game engine could use some work, and XBOX Live play is the biggest disappointment I've had in a video game in quite a long time. Regardless, the game still has some benefits, and the fact that it's on XBOX will please fans who were growing bored with WWF Raw 1 and 2. This is probably the best wrestling game the system will ever see sadly, so take it or leave it I guess. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -------- 1.3 --------- Author Introduction *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- My name is Steve McFadden, and I'm a 21 year old male currently residing in Greenacres, FL, near West Palm Beach, until January 2007 more than likely, as I have to go to college here before moving to North Carolina to be with my girlfriend. That has its bad side, but the good news is that I can pursue my main hobby: writing video game guides. It really is a blast for me to do and I can't think of anything I'd rather do when I am motivated to write. In addition to being a big fan of writing, I am a huge fan of wrestling, as you may expect. I'm not as big a fan as I was in 1999-2001 when I did a slew of wrestling game guides, but I still enjoy the current product a fair bit. My favorite wrestlers are Kurt Angle, Christian, Randy Orton, and Muhammad Hassan at the moment, but it constantly changes. If you wish to contact me, you may do so by reading the contact information at the bottom of the page, and then emailing me or AIMing me with your questions or if you just wish to talk. However, please be respectful and understand that I do have some sort of a life, and I've written for dozens of games and can't be expected to remember everything about every one of them. Thanks in advance. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | 2.0 |. . . . . . . . . FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . .| 2.0 | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Here is the section where I answer any questions I see pop up on the message boards, as well as any questions I get via email that I actually know the answers to. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. How do I edit a wrestler's entrance song? I want to include John Cena's new theme song, and it's not in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: No, you can only edit a created wrestler's entrance song, even if you have the new theme song for a wrestler on the hard drive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Is there really more than one release of this game out there? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: A lot of people I respect (like JPeeples, a knowledgeable and intelligent guy) claims that THQ released more than one issue of this game, and I happen to agree. Both releases suffer from poor replays still, but the re-release of the game does fix some problems, especially those dealing with XBOX Live online play. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. So, how can I change a created wrestler's entrance song? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A: You can upload songs from your hard drive into the game, and they'll appear on the bottom of the entrance songs list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Is there any codes in the game? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I found these on Gamespot.com: Easy Way to unlock everything in "Shop Zone" 1) At the start menu screen Hold down the Right and Left Triggers2) Then push White Button- Black Button3) Then push A-B-X-Y All at Once.4) Then push StartAll of the Unlockables in the WWE Shopzone will say Unlocked. Everything will stay Unlocked until you play a Match. All of the Arenas and Legends will be unlocked for one Match.Then just push the Code in again. So for Create-A- Belt and Create-A-Wrestler this Code will save your Money because you wont have to Buy anything but Attributes points. Play as Big Show 2003 without unlocking him Go to Exhibition mode, Single, and choose a singles match. When you get to the superstar choose screen choose Big Show as player one. Hit back and return to the controler set-up screen. Hit A again and to go to the superstar set up screen. Move down and Big Show 2003 will be available to play as in any Singles match. NOTE: If you play any other match type (tag,trip. threat,rumble) the glitch will not work again until you reset the x-box. Make offline superstar work online Normally when you create a superstar offline, you can not use it on Live. However, if you go into CAS mode while signed into Live, you can simply duplicate your superstar and now that clone will work on or offline. You still need to be signed into Live to be able to edit him though. 1 Free strength attribute point When you go to create a wrestler, You can easily gain 1 free strength attribute point. To do this, click on attributes when creating a wrestler. Scroll down the list of selectable attributes quickly and you should see that an extra strength attribute point has been added. Note - This trick can only be used once for each CAW. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. How do I pin? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When standing next to someone, hold the down button and then push A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. How do I start a career? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have to create a wrestler first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. How do I throw someone over the ropes? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Irish whip them and then clothesline them over as they bounce off the ropes, that's usually how I do it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. How come you didn't answer my email? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you asked how to pin, how to start a career, or how to throw someone over the ropes, I didn't. Tough shit, you know now. More coming soon, stay tuned! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | 3.0 |. . . . . . . . . . . . . MOVE LISTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .| 3.0 | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is by far my favorite part of the wrestling guides that I do! Here, I will list each wrestler, and their bio, followed by the moves that they do in the order the game lists them. I threw in unlockable wrestlers along with the regular ones, but it shouldn't be too big of an issue, right? :D Note the moves are based off the default moves, I know you can change them if you want to. Basic controls - Left thumbstick/D-Pad - move character Right thumstick left or right - Taunt #1 Right thumstick up or down - Taunt #2 Click right thumbstick - Change your target Click left thumbstick - Call for interference Tap A button - Initiate a light grapple Hold A button - Initiate a strong grapple Tap B button - Initiate a specialty grapple Hold B button - Initiate a submission grapple Tap X during any grapple - Strike attack Tap X - basic strike Tap or hold the Y button - Run Tap the L trigger - Counter a grapple Tap the R trigger - Counter a strike White button - Pick up or drop a weapon/tag partner L trigger + Direction - Climb the turnbuckle, cage, or ladder/enter and exit the ring A + B - Primary finisher A + B + any direction - Secondary finisher L + R trigger - Counter a finisher _ _ _ _ / \ _ __ __| | _ __ ___ | |_ | |__ ___ / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | | '__| / _ \ | __| | '_ \ / _ \ / ___ \ | | | | | (_| | | | | __/ | |_ | | | | | __/ /_/ \_\ |_| |_| \__,_| |_| \___| \__| |_| |_| \___| ____ _ _ / ___| (_) __ _ _ __ | |_ | | _ | | / _` | | '_ \ | __| | |_| | | | | (_| | | | | | | |_ \____| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \__| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Yes, ANDRE THE FREAKING GIANT is in this game, I kid you not. He's also in Day of Reckoning and Smackdown vs RAW, I guess they wanted as many legends as possible. And legends don't get much bigger than one of the original icons of the entire wrestling industry. Andre is truly a giant and he will be missed by his many fans who loved the beloved superhuman giant during his years of a superstar. Andre tragically passed away in 1993, leaving behind a legacy that is far bigger than his massive size. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 747 - X, Left 747 - X, Right Axe Handle - X, Right Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Up Axe Handle - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Clothesline - A Dudley Neckbreaker - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Avalanche - A, B Power Slam - Directional, A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Smash - A, Left Leg Wrench - A, Up Leg Wrench - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chest Walk - A, Up Chest Walk - A, Left Chest Walk - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chest Walk - A, Up Chest Walk - A, Left Chest Walk - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Splash - X, Up Splash - X, Down Splash - X, Right Splash - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Splash - X, Up Splash - X, Down Splash - X, Right Splash - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Splash - X, Up Splash - X, Down Splash - X, Right Splash - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Boot - A, Left Big Chest Slap - A, Right Eye Rake - A, Down Headbutt - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Giant Push - A, Up Gorilla Press Drop - A, Right Gorilla Press Overhead Slam - A, Down Gorilla Press Drop - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rope Choke - A, Left Rope Choke - A, Right Top Rope Choke - A, Down Top Rope Choke - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Drop - A, Up Back Drop - A, Down Belly Bump - A Knee to Stomach - A, Left Knee to Stomach - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Shoulder Block - A, Up Running Shoulder Block - A, Down Running Shoulder Block - A, Left Running Shoulder Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Bulldog - A, Left Bulldog - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Running Shoulder Block - X, Up Running Shoulder Block - X, Down Running Shoulder Block - X, Right Running Shoulder Block - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Earthquake - X, Up Earthquake - X, Down Earthquake - X, Right Earthquake - X, Down Earthquake - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Boot - A/B, Left Chop - A/B, Down Eye Rake - A/B, Up Headbutt - A/B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - B, Down Choke Hold - B, Left Gut Buster - B, Right Regular Body Slam - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Up Belly to Back Suplex - A, Left Full Nelson Slam - A, Right Grab Trunks/Forearm Smash - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asian Spike - A, Left Asian Spike - A, Right Neck Vice - A, Up Neck Vice - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Left, Down Gut Kick - X, Right, Down Kick to Gut - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Fist to Traps - X, Left Giant Chop - X, Up Punch to the Head - X Punch w/Elbow - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker Press - B, Up Bear Hug - B, Left Nerve Pinch - B, Down Sleeper Hold - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newton Splash - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Andre Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Andre Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Andre Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Andre Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right The Big Sit - A, Down The Big Sit - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Left Beel - A, Up Choke and Beel - A, Down Choke and Beel - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks/Rear Forearm Smash - A, Left Toss Through Ring Post - A, Down Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke - A, Left Foot Choke - A, Down Foot Choke - A, Right Foot Choke - A, Up ____ _ _ _ | __ ) __ _ | |_ (_) ___ | |_ __ _ | _ \ / _` | | __| | | / __| | __| / _` | | |_) | | (_| | | |_ | | \__ \ | |_ | (_| | |____/ \__,_| \__| |_| |___/ \__| \__,_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Batista is the current world champion on RAW, and one of the most popular wrestlers on the entire roster. His massive size makes him an attraction to the marks, and his decent wrestling skills and awesome character got him over with most internet fans as well. Batista is definitely the total package, and his high statistics on Wrestlemania 21 should help indicate that for you. His finishing maneuver, the Batista Bomb, is one of the strongest in the entire game. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 747 - X, Left 747 - X, Right Axe Handle - X, Right Axe Handle - X, Left Clothesline - X, Up Clothesline - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T-Slam - A T-Slam - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Batista Bomb - A, B Swinging Rock Bottom - Directional, A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop to Leg - A, Right Leg Bar - A, Left Leg Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Right Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Up Standing Arm Bar - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camel Clutch - A, Left Ground Choke - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A, Down Headlock Punch - A, Right Hip Toss - A, Left Triple Shoulder Block - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Brain Damage - A, Right Gorilla Press Drop - A, Up Gorilla Press Gut Buster - A, Down Sidewalk Slam - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rope Choke - A, Left Rope Choke - A, Right Rope Gut Kick - A, Down Rope Gut Kick - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bossman Slam - A Flapjack - A, Left Flapjack - A, Right Power Slam - A, Up Power Slam - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Up Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Left Sleeper Slam - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Running Shoulder Block - X, Up Running Shoulder Block - X, Down Running Shoulder Block - X, Right Running Shoulder Block - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 747 - X, Up 747 - X, Down 747 - X, Right 747 - X, Down Elbow Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gorilla Press Drop - A/B, Right Headlock Punch - A/B, Down Regular Body Slam - A/B, Left Triple Shoulder Block - A/B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alabama Slam - B, Left Fall Away Slam - B, Right Running Powerslam - B, Down Spine Buster - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Up Belly to Back Suplex - A, Right Full Nelson Slam - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Vice - A, Up Neck Vice - A, Down Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Left Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jumping Boot - X, Left, Down Jumping Boot - X, Right, Down Kick to Gut - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Haymaker - X Kidney Punch - X, Right Punch to Head - X, Left Punch w/Elbow - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker Press - B, Left Bear Hug - B, Up Cobra Clutch - B, Right Full Nelson - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demolition Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Batista Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Batista Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Batista Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Batista Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Down Boot Wash - A, Up Stomping a Mudhole - A, Left Stomping a Mudhole - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Down Choke and Beel - A, Right Corner Punches - A, Up Running Shoulder - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Superplex - A, Left Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke - A, Left Foot Choke - A, Right Tree of Woe - A, Down Tree of Woe - A, Up ____ _ ____ _ | __ ) (_) __ _ / ___| | |__ ___ __ __ | _ \ | | / _` | \___ \ | '_ \ / _ \ \ \ /\ / / | |_) | | | | (_| | ___) | | | | | | (_) | \ V V / |____/ |_| \__, | |____/ |_| |_| \___/ \_/\_/ |___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Big Show tops the scales at an amazing 7'2, 500 pounds, making him the biggest wrestler in the game besides Andre the Giant. His chokeslam finisher is one of the most devastating in the entire game, and if you could get over his lack of speed and stamina, his raw power and athletic ability make him a force to be reckoned with. Ever since he got a bald head, his aggressiveness has really improved as well. You will love using The Big Show if you choose him and know how to use him wisely. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 747 - X, Down 747 - X, Up Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Clothesline - X, Left Clothesline - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Left Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Clothesline - A Double Clothesline - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slam - A, B Show Stopper - Directional, A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop to Leg - A, Up Leg Smash - A, Right Leg Wrench - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chest Walk - A, Left Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Right Standing Arm Bar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Eye Rake - A, Up Ground Choke - A, Right Ground Punches - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Splash - X, Up Splash - X, Right Splash - X, Down Splash - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Boot - A, Left Big Chest Slap - A, Right Body Slam - A, Down Headbutt - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Giant Push - A, Right Gorilla Press Drop - A, Left Gorilla Press Overhead Slam - A, Down Sidewalk Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Left Choke Slingshot - A, Right Rope Choke - A, Down Rope Choke - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Drop - A, Up Back Drop - A, Down Polish Hammer - A Spine Buster - A, Left Spine Buster - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rolling Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Up Rolling Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Left Sleeper Slam - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Running Shoulder Block - X, Up Running Shoulder Block - X, Down Running Shoulder Block - X, Right Running Shoulder Block - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 747 - X, Up 747 - X, Down 747 - X, Right 747 - X, Down Earthquake - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Boot - A/B, Up Body Slam - A/B, Right Gorilla Press Drop - A/B, Down Headbutt - A/B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - B, Down Choke Hold - B, Left Giant Chop - B, Right Leg Drop Slam - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Right Belly to Back Suplex - A, Left Full Nelson Slam - A, Up Reverse DDT - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asian Spike - A, Left Asian Spike - A, Right Neck Vice - A, Up Neck Vice - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Boot - X, Right, Down Big Boot - X, Left, Down Kick to Gut - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Fist to Traps - X, Left Kidney Punch - X, Up Punch to Head - X Punch w/Elbow - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker Press - B, Down Bear Hug - B, Up Chin Lock - B, Right Head Lock - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newton Splash - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Show Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Big Show Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Big Show Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Big Show Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right The Big Sit - A, Down The Big Sit - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Left Choke and Beel - A, Right Corner Punches - A, Down Running Shoulder - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Left Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Down Turnbuckle Smash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke - A, Up Foot Choke - A, Down Running Knee - A, Left Running Knee - A, Right ____ _ _____ | __ ) ___ ___ | | __ ___ _ __ |_ _| | _ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |/ / / _ \ | '__| | | | |_) | | (_) | | (_) | | < | __/ | | | | |____/ \___/ \___/ |_|\_\ \___| |_| |_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Booker T is the five time, five time, five time, five time, five time WCW champion, sucka! Therefore, you may think that he's this awesome wrestler, and he kind of is, but I never really liked him too much. He does high flying stuff sometimes, and sometimes he does mat-based stuff, but he doesn't really seem to be good at anything in particular. His spinaroonie taunt sends the crowd into a frenzy, however, so he may be good for something. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Left Flying Leg Drop - X, Right Leaping Fist - X, Up Leaping Fist - X, Dowm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heart Attack - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bookend - A, B Scissor Kick - Directional, A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop to Leg - A, Up Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Right Step Over Toe Hold - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Left Short Arm Scissor - A, Right Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Front Face Lock - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Booker T Knee Drop - X, Up Booker T Knee Drop - X, Right Booker T Knee Drop - X, Down Booker T Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag Leg Drop - A, Right Body Slam - A, Down Reverse Atomic Drop - A, Up Short Arm Clothesline - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fireman's Carry - A, Down Sidewalk Slam - A, Up Spine Buster - A, Right Suplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rope Gut Kick - A, Left Rope Gut Kick - A, Right Slingshot Suplex - A, Down Slingshot Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Drop - A, Up Back Drop - A, Down Flapjack - A Knee to Stomach - A, Left Knee to Stomach - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Up Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Left Sleeper Slam - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baseball Slide - X, Left Baseball Slide - X, Right Baseball Slide - X, Down Baseball Slide - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Running Roaring Elbow - X, Up Running Roaring Elbow - X, Down Running Roaring Elbow - X, Right Running Roaring Elbow - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Up Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - A/B, Up Fireman's Carry - A/B, Down Gut Buster - A/B, Right Reverse Atomic Drop - A/B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Twist Kick - B, Up DDT - B, Down Gourd Buster - B, Right Gutwrench Suplex - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Nelson Slam - A, Up Knee Breaker - A, Down Reverse DDT - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Scissors - A, Up Body Scissors - A, Down Surfboard (Sitting) - A, Left Surfboard (Sitting) - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Down Super Kick - X, Left, Down Super Kick - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Up Punch to Gut - X, Left Punch w/Elbow - X, Right Throat Chop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Right Arm Wringer - B, Down Double Underhook - B, Left Head Lock - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam to Knee - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Booker T Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Booker T Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Booker T Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Booker T Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right Stomping A Mudhole - A, Down Stomping A Mudhole - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Right Choke and Beel - A, Down Corner Punches - A, Up Superplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Down Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Right Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke - A, Up Foot Choke - A, Down Running Knee - A, Left Running Knee - A, Right ____ _ _ _ _ | __ ) _ __ ___ | |_ | | | | __ _ _ __ | |_ | _ \ | '__| / _ \ | __| | |_| | / _` | | '__| | __| | |_) | | | | __/ | |_ | _ | | (_| | | | | |_ |____/ |_| \___| \__| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| \__| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Bret Hart is one of the true legends in this business, as his early success in the 90's helped keep the WWF afloat in some of its roughest years. Some may say he eventually got screwed over by the WWF, but they did include him in this game for some reason, leaving me to believe it MIGHT be a work. Anyways, he is one of the best technical wrestlers that the world has ever seen, so use that expertise to your advantage by grounding your opponent and challenging them to a mat-based contest, while trying to avoid power and high flying stuff. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Elbow Drop - X, Down Flying Elbow Drop - X, Up Flying Leg Drop - X, Left Flying Leg Drop - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hart Attack - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bret Hart Piledriver - A, B Sharpshooter - Directional, A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Grapevine - A, Up Nagata Lock - A, Right STF - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flipping Hammer Lock - A, Right Fujiwar Armbar - A, Up Short Arm Scissor - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Head Lock - A, Left Flipping Camel Clutch - A, Right Head Scissors - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop 2 - X, Up Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right Elbow Drop 2 - X, Down Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Right Hip Toss - A, Left Reverse Atomic Drop - A, Up Standing Drop Kick - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Up DDT - A, Right Hangman Neck Breaker - A, Down Russian Leg Sweep - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Down Choke Slingshot - A, Up Slingshot Suplex - A, Left Slingshot Suplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop Toe Hold - A Flapjack - A, Down Flapjack - A, Up Spine Buster - A, Left Spine Buster - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Breaker - A, Left Neck Breaker - A, Right Stampede Clothesline - A, Down Stampede Clothesline - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Up Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Down Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Right Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Headbutt - X Running Elbow Drop - X, Up Running Elbow Drop - X, Down Running Elbow Drop - X, Right Running Elbow Drop - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - A/B, Up Hangman Neck Breaker - A/B, Right Reverse Atomic Drop - A/B, Down Russian Leg Sweep - A/B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fisherman's Suplex - B, Right German Suplex - B, Up Northern Lights Suplex 2 - B, Down Snap Suplex - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Right Belly to Back Suplex - A, Left Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Up Reverse DDT - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Back - A, Left Kick to Back - A, Right Neck Snap - A, Down Neck Snap - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Left, Down Gut Kick - X, Right, Down Kick to Gut - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X Haymaker - X, Right Punch to Gut - X, Up Punch to Head - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Up Arm Bar - B, Left Hammer Lock - B, Right Standing Octopus - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demolition Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bret Hart Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Bret Hart Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Bret Hart Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Bret Hart Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Left Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Right Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Down Monkey Flip - A, Left Running Shoulder - A, Up Superplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Superplex - A, Right Snake Eyes - A, Left Turnbuckle Surfboard - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Left Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Right ____ _ _ _ _ _ / ___| | |__ __ _ _ __ | | (_) ___ | | | | __ _ __ _ ___ | | | '_ \ / _` | | '__| | | | | / _ \ | |_| | / _` | / _` | / __| | |___ | | | | | (_| | | | | | | | | __/ | _ | | (_| | | (_| | \__ \ \____| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| |_| \__,_| \__,_| |___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Charlie Haas was originally one of the Haas Brothers, an up and coming team from OVW, when his brother Russ tragically passed away. Charlie continued his dream, however, and as a result he is one of the real true bright stars of the WWE. He has outstanding talent as a wrestler and he proved his charisma in angles with Rico and as a member of the hilarious stable Team Angle. Charlie is a really good submissions wrestler, so use that to your advantage by incorporating lots of mat-based offense into your attacks. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Down Flying Drop Kick - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Leaping Fist - X, Up Leaping Fist - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T-Slam - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air Raid Siren - A, B Haas of Pain - Directional, A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Grapevine - A, Left Nagata Lock - A, Right Sit Across Face - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fujiwar Armbar - A, Up Short Arm Scissor - A, Left Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Front Face Lock - A, Up Head Scissors - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A, Up Drop Kick - A, Down Drop Toe Hold - A, Left Snap Mare - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fireman's Carry - A, Down Gut Buster - A, Left Insiguri - A, Up Spine Buster - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Down Slingshot Suplex - A, Up Wipeout - A, Left Wipeout - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop Toe Hold - A Flapjack - A, Left Flapjack - A, Right Front Drop - A, Down Front Drop - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix Head Scissor - A, Down Crucifix Head Scissor - A, Up Floatover DDT - A, Left Floatover DDT - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Up Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Down Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Right Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forearm Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - x, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A/B, Right Gut Buster - A/B, Down Insiguri - A/B, Up Spine Buster - A/B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - B, Left Fisherman's Suplex - B, Down Full Nelson Slam (Standing Grapple Front) - B, Up German Suplex (Standing Grapple Front) - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Suplex - A, Left Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up Sleeper Slam - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sitting Surfboard - A, Left Sitting Surfboard - A, Right Strangle Hold 2 - A, Down Strangle Hold 2 - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Gut - X, Down Super Kick - X, Left, Down Super Kick - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Up Haymaker - X, Right Punch to Gut - X, Left Punch to Head - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Wringer - B, Down Cross Face Chicken Wing - B, Left Head Lock - B, Up Standing Bow and Arrow - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam to Knee - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charlie Haas Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Charlie Haas Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Charlie Haas Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Charlie Haas Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Left Alley Oop - A, Right Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Up Monkey Flip - A, Right Running Shoulder - A, Down Superplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Superplex - A, Right Snake Eyes - A, Down Turnbuckle Surfboard - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Down Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Up Running Knee - A, Left Running Knee - A, Right ____ _ / ___| | |__ __ _ __ __ ___ | | | '_ \ / _` | \ \ / / / _ \ | |___ | | | | | (_| | \ V / | (_) | \____| |_| |_| \__,_| \_/ \___/ ____ / ___| _ _ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ | | _ | | | | / _ \ | '__| | '__| / _ \ | '__| / _ \ | |_| | | |_| | | __/ | | | | | __/ | | | (_) | \____| \__,_| \___| |_| |_| \___| |_| \___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Oooh, Chavo! Chavo Guerrero has been around for numerous years, and in that time he's proven to be a consistently good wrestler. He is especially good at being a heel and annoying everyone. He's a cruiserweight, but his style is not as high flying as you may expect. Instead, he does like to mix the high flying style of your typical cruiserweight with the mat-based skills of a technically proficient mat wrestler. His Gory Bomb finisher is truly a sight to behold if you get a chance to use it. It definitely has some history.. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Corkscrew Moonsault - X, Left Corkscrew Moonsault - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flapjack - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chavo DDT - Directional, A, B Gory Bomb - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Grapevine - A, Right Nagata Lock - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flipping Hammer Lock - A, Right Fujiwar Armbar - A, Left Short Arm Scissor - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Front Face Lock - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Down European Uppercut - A, Right Snap Mare - A, Left Standing Drop Kick (Standing Grapple Front) A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A, Left Hangman Neck Breaker - A, Right Shoulder Breaker - A, Up Suplex - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Left Choke Slingshot - A, Right Slingshot Suplex - A, Down Slingshot Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop Toe Hold - A Knee to Stomach - A, Down Knee to Stomach - A, Up Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker - A, Left Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix Head Scissor - A, Down Crucifix Head Scissor - A, Up Floatover DDT - A, Left Floatover DDT - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop Block - A, Down Chop Block - A, Up Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Left Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plancha - X, Left Plancha - X, Right Plancha - X, Down Plancha - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flying Clothesline - X, Down Flying Clothesline - X, Left Flying Clothesline - X, Right Flying Clothesline - X, Up Leg Lariat - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Elbow Drop - X, Down Running Elbow Drop - X, Left Running Elbow Drop - X, Right Running Elbow Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ European Uppercut - A/B, Down Falcon Driver - A/B, Left Hangman Neck Breaker - A/B, Right Insiguri - A/B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Falcon Driver - B, Right Hurrancanrana - B, Left Snap Suplex - B, Up Sunset Bomb - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Suplex - A, Down Bullsdg - A, Right Reverse DDT - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Scissor - A, Down Body Scissor - A, Up Sitting Surfboard - A, Left Sitting Surfboard - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ High Roundhouse - X, Left, Down High Roundhouse - X, Right, Down Kick to Gut - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X Jab - X, Up Punch to Gut - X, Right Punch to Head - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Up Arm Wringer - B, Down Clover Leaf - B, Right Head Lock - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demolition Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chavo Guerrero Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Chavo Guerrero Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Chavo Guerrero Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Chavo Guerrero Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Left Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Right Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Right Monkey Flip - A, Left Superplex - A, Up Tiger Mask - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Side Slam - A, Left Tornado DDT - A, Right Turnbuckle Surfboard - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Down Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Up Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Left Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Right ____ _ _ ____ _ _ / ___| | |__ _ __ (_) ___ | __ ) ___ _ __ ___ (_) | |_ | | | '_ \ | '__| | | / __| | _ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | | | __| | |___ | | | | | | | | \__ \ | |_) | | __/ | | | | | (_) | | | | |_ \____| |_| |_| |_| |_| |___/ |____/ \___| |_| |_| \___/ |_| \__| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ The "Canadian Crippler". The "Rabid Wolverine." Whatever you want to call him, there is no mistaking the fact that Chris Benoit is one of the best wrestlers in the WWE, as well as being one of the most popular. Despite an unarguable lack of charisma, Benoit managed to connect with the fanbase for one reason: his amazing wrestling skills. His hard work and determination also helped, but his incredible wrestling cannot be ignored. When you use him, master the art of the submission style of wrestling. He is deadly when using mat-based skills, and it will be hard to lose when you're giving your opponent a WRESTLING match, not a fight. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Down Flying Drop Kick - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Suplex - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crippler Crossface - A, B Flying Headbutt - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Grapevine - A, Up Sharpshooter - A, Right STF - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flipping Hammer Lock - A, Right Fujiwar Armbar - A, Up Standing Armbar - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flipping Camel Clutch - A, Right Head Scissors - A, Up Triangle Choke - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop 2 - X, Up Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right Elbow Drop 2 - X, Down Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Right Body Slam - A, Up Drop Kick - A, Down Drop Toe Hold (Standing Grapple Front) - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Down Fisherman Buster - A, Left Power Bomb - A, Right Shoulder Breaker - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rope Gut Kick - A, Down Rope Gut Kick - A, Up Slingshot Suplex - A, Left Slingshot Suplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Drop - A, Left Back Drop - A, Right Drop Toe Hold - A Knee to Stomach - A, Up or Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix - A Crucifix - A, Left Crucifix - A, Right Stampede Clothesline - A, Up Stampede Clothesline - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right One Arm Bulldog - A, Down One Arm Bulldog - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Double Forearm - X, Down Double Forearm - X, Left Double Forearm - X, Right Double Forearm - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Left Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Up Headbutt - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A/B, Up Body Slam - A/B, Down Drop Kick - A/B, Right Russian Leg Sweep - A/B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fisherman's Suplex - B, Right Hat Trick - B, Up Northern Lights Suplex 2 - B, Down Snap Suplex - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Right Belly to Back Suplex - A, Left Grab Arms w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Up Russian Leg Sweep - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Left Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Right Strangle Hold 2 - A, Down Strangle Hold 2 - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Left, Down Gut Kick - X, Right, Down Kick to Gut - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X Punch to Gut - X, Up Punch to Head - X, Left Throat Chop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hammer Lock - B, Left Neck and Arm Stretch - B, Right Sharpshooter - B, Down Standing Octopus - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demolition Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chris Benoit Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Chris Benoit Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Chris Benoit Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Chris Benoit Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Left Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Right Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Down Monkey Flip - A, Left Running Shoulder - A, Up Superplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Superplex - A, Right Side Slam - A, Down Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Left Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Right ____ _ _ / ___| | |__ _ __ (_) ___ | | | '_ \ | '__| | | / __| | |___ | | | | | | | | \__ \ \____| |_| |_| |_| |_| |___/ ___ _ __ | | ___ _ __ (_) ___ | |__ ___ _ | | / _ \ | '__| | | / __| | '_ \ / _ \ | |_| | | __/ | | | | | (__ | | | | | (_) | \___/ \___| |_| |_| \___| |_| |_| \___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Y2J has been one of the more entertaining and "over" superstars that the wrestling world has seen throughout the years. His wrestling skills have always been top notch, as he combines mat based training with high flying skills. His Walls of Jericho submission move is one of the most dangerous out there, as it's an awesome variation of the popular Boston Crab maneuver. He also loves to use the Bulldog, and one of my favorite moves that I wish he'd bring back more regularly, the Flashback. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Down Flying Drop Kick - X, Up Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Up Moonsault - X, Left Moonsault - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Atomic Drop - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lionsault - A, B, Directional Walls of Jericho - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Leg Lock - A, Right Leg Grapevine - A, Up Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow and Arrow Sitting - A, Up Short Arm Scissor - A, Left Standing Armbar - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camel Clutch - A, Right Front Face Lock - A, Left Head Scissors - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop 2 - X, Up Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right Elbow Drop 2 - X, Down Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Right Hip Toss - A, Up Snap Mare - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Tight Belly to Back Suplex - A, Down Northern Lights Suplex 2 - A, Left Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rope Gut Kick - A, Left Rope Gut Kick - A, Right Slingshot Suplex - A, Down Slingshot Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Drop - A, Down Back Drop - A, Up Drop Toe Hold - A Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker - A, Left Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - A Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Left Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Right Sleeperslam - A, Down Sleeperslam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop Block - A, Down Chop Block - A, Up One Arm Bulldog - A, Left One Arm Bulldog - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plancha - X, Left Plancha - X, Right Plancha - X, Down Plancha - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Down Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Left Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Right Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Up Wheel Kick - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jericho Senton - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A/B, Right Backbreaker - A/B, Down Insiguri - A/B, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A/B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - B, Right Insiguri - B, Left Repeating Power Bomb - B, Up STO - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Suplex - A, Right German Suplex - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Down Sleeperslam - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Snap - A, Left Neck Snap - A, Right Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Down Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Gut - X, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Left, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Up Kidney Punch - X, Left Punch to Head - X Punch w/Elbow - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Underhook - B, Up Head Lock - B, Right Sleeper Hold - B, Left Standing Bow and Arrow - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chris Jericho Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Chris Jericho Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Chris Jericho Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Chris Jericho Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Left Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Right Boot Wash - A, Down Boot Wash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Left Monkey Flip - A, Down Running Shoulder - A, Up Superplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dvon Neckbreaker - A, Left Tornado DDT - A, Down Turnbuckle Surfboard - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Down Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Up Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Left Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Right ____ _ _ _ _ / ___| | |__ _ __ (_) ___ | |_ (_) __ _ _ __ | | | '_ \ | '__| | | / __| | __| | | / _` | | '_ \ | |___ | | | | | | | | \__ \ | |_ | | | (_| | | | | | \____| |_| |_| |_| |_| |___/ \__| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Christian is without a shadow of a doubt one of my favorite wrestlers on RAW. He debuted a fairly long time ago (1998, I believe) as a light heavyweight and won the title in his 1st match. Since then, he has won numerous tag titles, but surprisingly he's had a great deal of success as a singles competitor, winning the European, IC, US, and hardcore titles. He used to be regarded as simply a guy who would never get over once Edge and Christian broke up, but instead he became infinitely more entertaining than Edge, and has gotten a nice push as a result. He's also one of the few, if not the only, superstar to stay as either a heel or face since the Invasion ended. It's too bad Tomko isn't in the game, they're a good team. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Elbow Drop - X, Down Flying Elbow Drop - X, Up Flying Leg Drop - X, Left Flying Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Suplex - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christian DDT - A, B, Directional Unprettier - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Grapevine - A, Left Nagata Lock - A, Right Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow and Arrow Sitting - A, Up Flipping Hammer Lock - A, Right Short Arm Scissor - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Eye Rake - A, Right Front Face Lock - A, Left Ground Punches - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop 2 - X, Up Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right Elbow Drop 2 - X, Down Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Left Drop Kick - A, Right Eye Rake - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Down Jawbreaker - A, Right Power Slam - A, Up Suplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Left Slingshot Suplex - A, Right Wipeout - A, Down Wipeout - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Drop - A Flapjack - A, Left Flapjack - A, Right Front Drop - A, Down Front Drop - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix - A, Down Crucifix - A, Up Neck Breaker - A Neck Breaker - A, Left Neck Breaker - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plancha - X, Left Plancha - X, Right Plancha - X, Down Plancha - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X, Down Clothesline - X, Left Clothesline - X, Right Clothesline - X, Up Leaping Forearm Smash - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up Running Elbow Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop Kick - A/B, Down Eye Rake - A/B, Right Jawbreaker - A/B, Up Russian Leg Sweep - A/B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christian Backbreaker - B, Up DDT - B, Left Hangman Neck Breaker - B, Right Northern Lights Suplex - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Nelson Slam - A, Down Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Knee Breaker - A, Up Russian Leg Sweep - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Perfect Neck Snap - A, Left Perfect Neck Snap - A, Right Sitting Surfboard - A, Down Sitting Surfboard - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Gut - X, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Left, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Up Low Blow - X, Left Punch to Gut - X, Right Punch to Head - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Left Arm Bar - B, Down Chin Lock - B, Up Cross Face Chicken Wing - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Christian Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Christian Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Christian Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Christian Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Down Boot Wash - A, Up Stomping a Mudhole - A, Left Stomping A Mudhole - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Left Lucha DDT - A, Down Running Shoulder - A, Up Superplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dvon Neckbreaker - A, Right Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Left Turnbuckle Surfboard - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Down Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Up Nut Stomp - A, Left Nut Stomp - A, Right _____ _ _ _ | ____| __| | __| | (_) ___ | _| / _` | / _` | | | / _ \ | |___ | (_| | | (_| | | | | __/ |_____| \__,_| \__,_| |_| \___| ____ / ___| _ _ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ | | _ | | | | / _ \ | '__| | '__| / _ \ | '__| / _ \ | |_| | | |_| | | __/ | | | | | __/ | | | (_) | \____| \__,_| \___| |_| |_| \___| |_| \___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Latino Heat Eddie Guerrero has always been a fairly well received superstar, whether he's getting heel or face heat. As a former WWE champion, IC champion, and various other titles, Eddie is known to be a great wrestler who can really bring it in the ring. He has lately toned down his high flying cruiserweight style to that of a more conservative in ring, mat-based approach, but overall he is still one of the most respected and talented competitors that the WWE has today. His Frog Splash finisher from the top rope is a pretty serious finishing move that will usually finish off his opponent. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Down Flying Drop Kick - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Senton Bomb - X, Down Senton Bomb - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Suplex - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Frog Splash - A, B Gory Special - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Leg Lock - A, Up Leg Bar - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Right Flipping Hammer Lock - A, Up Short Arm Scissor - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camel Clutch - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Left Head Scissors - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Right Drop Kick to Legs - A, Up Headbutt - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gutwrench Suplex - A, Left Northern Lights Suplex 2 - A, Up Power Slam (Standing Grapple) - A, Down Tilt-A-Whirl Slam - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Left Slingshot Suplex - A, Right Wipeout - A, Down Wipeout - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop Toe Hold - A Flapjack - A, Left Flapjack - A, Right Front Drop - A, Down Front Drop - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix Head Scissor - A, Left Crucifix Head Scissor - A, Right Crucifix Head Scissor - A Float Over DDT - A, Down Float Over DDT - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Left Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twisting Plancha - X, Left Twisting Plancha - X, Right Twisting Plancha - X, Down Twisting Plancha - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leaping Forearm Smash - X Leg Lariat - X, Down Leg Lariat - X, Left Leg Lariat - X, Right Leg Lariat - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Elbow Drop - X Running Senton - X, Down Running Senton - X, Left Running Senton - X, Right Running Senton - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop Kick to Legs - A/B, Right Headbutt - A/B, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A/B, Down Swinging Neck Breaker - A/B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hurracanrana - B, Left Swinging Neck Breaker - B, Up Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker - B, Right Tres Amigos - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Suplex - A, Right German Suplex - A, Left Reverse DDT - A, Down Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sitting Surfboard - A, Down Sitting Surfboard - A, Up Strangle Hold 2 - A, Left Strangle Hold 2 - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Gut - X, Left, Down Kick to Gut - X, Right, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X Low Blow - X, Right Punch to Head - X, Left Quick Jab - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clover Leaf - B, Down Sleeper Hold 2 - B, Right Standing Bow and Arrow - B, Left Standing Octopus - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demolition Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eddie Guerrero Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Eddie Guerrero Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Eddie Guerrero Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Eddie Guerrero Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Left Alley Oop - A, Right Stomping a Mudhole - A, Down Stomping A Mudhole - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Left Lucha DDT - A, Down Monkey Flip - A, Right Superplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Superplex - A, Right Snake Eyes - A, Down Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nut Stomp - A, Left Nut Stomp - A, Right Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Down Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Up _____ _ | ____| __| | __ _ ___ | _| / _` | / _` | / _ \ | |___ | (_| | | (_| | | __/ |_____| \__,_| \__, | \___| |___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Edge has really been mired in a weird predicament since returning from an injury. One of the most over and popular stars on Smackdown (hailed as "The Future" along with Cena and Mysterio.. I think that stable lasted about 7 seconds) has seen his popularity decrease significantly, and his push increase as a result, since being moved to RAW for no reason last year. Welcome to WWE logic. Since you can't use a suitcase to whack people upside the head in this game, you may find it hard to win matches with Edge in this game. Just kidding, but he still sucks. He's a decent enough wrestler but his charisma has really fallen apart, and it's not like he is super talented in the ring. His Spear is a nice finisher, especially when Rhyno and Goldberg do it. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Down Flying Drop Kick - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Leaping Fist - X, Down Leaping Fist - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T-Slam - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edge Spear - A, B Edgecutioner - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Left Nagata Lock - A, Right Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow and Arrow Sitting - A, Left Cross Arm Breaker - A, Right Fujiwar Armbar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camel Clutch Variation - A, Up Foot Eye Rake - A, Right Front Face Lock - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Left Regular Body Slam - A, Down Short Arm Clothesline - A, Right Snap Mare - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Buster - A, Down Spine Buster - A, Right Suplex - A, Left Swinging Neck Breaker - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Left Slingshot Suplex - A, Right Wipeout - A, Down Wipeout - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Drop - A Drop Toe Hold - A, Left Drop Toe Hold - A, Right Spine Buster - A, Down Spine Buster - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Breaker - A Neck Breaker - A, Left Neck Breaker - A, Right Sleeper Slam - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right One Arm Bulldog - A, Down One Arm Bulldog - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X, Down Clothesline - X, Left Clothesline - X, Right Clothesline - X, Up Leaping Forearm Smash - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jumping Elbow Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A/B, Left Gut Buster - A/B, Down Short Arm Clothesline - A/B, Right Spine Buster (Standing Grapple) - A/B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - B, Left Edge-0-Matic - B, Up Northern Lights Suplex 1 - B, Down Swinging Neck Breaker - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Suplex - A, Right Full Nelson Slam - A, Down Knee Breaker - A, Up Russian Leg Sweep - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Perfect Neck Snap - A, Left Perfect Neck Snap - A, Right Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Down Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jumping Boot - X, Down Kick to Gut - X, Left, Down Kick to Gut - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Up Haymaker - X, Left Punch to Gut - X, Right Punch to Head - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Left Chin Lock - B, Up Edgeucator - B, Right Standing Bow and Arrow - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam to Knee - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Edge Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Edge Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Edge Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Edge Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Left Alley Oop - A, Right Boot Wash - A, Down Boot Wash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Left Monkey Flip - A, Right Running Shoulder - A, Up Superplex - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dvon Neckbreaker - A, Right Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Down Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nut Stomp - A, Down Nut Stomp - A, Up Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Left Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Right _____ | ____| _ _ __ _ ___ _ __ ___ | _| | | | | / _` | / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | |___ | |_| | | (_| | | __/ | | | | | __/ |_____| \__,_| \__, | \___| |_| |_| \___| |___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- The WWE showed how GENIUS they are with this character. They wanted him to be a retard who slowly discovers how good he is at wrestling. So, they got the retard part out of the way, jobbed him to HHH, and he hasn't been seen since. That's the biggest waste of TV time since Hardcore Holly's last single match. I also don't understand why they gave an actual talented wrestler like Nick Dinsmore this gimmick. They could have given it to Edge. He would be perfect for the role, as we wouldn't have to put up with his attempts at "acting". Eugene is a perfectly competent wrestler with some nice old school wrestling moves. He's not a high flyer, so stick to the ground attack. Eugene may be slow, but he's an excellent wrestler. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Leaping Fist - X, Down Leaping Fist - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flapjack - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stunner - A, B Special People's Elbow - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Leg Lock - A, Right Nagata Lock - A, Left Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow and Arrow Sitting - A, Up Cross Arm Breaker - A, Left Short Arm Scissor - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Head Lock - A, Right Flipping Camel Clutch - A, Left Head Scissors - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flair Knee Drop - X, Up Flair Knee Drop - X, Right Flair Knee Drop - X, Down Flair Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Up Eugene's Throat Thrust - A, Down Regular Body Slam - A, Right Snap Mare - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Airplane Spin - A, Up Gut Buster - A, Right Suplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Left Slingshot Suplex - A, Right Wipeout - A, Down Wipeout - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Drop - A Drop Toe Hold - A, Left Drop Toe Hold - A, Right Spine Buster - A, Down Spine Buster - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Breaker - A Neck Breaker - A, Left Neck Breaker - A, Right Sleeper Slam - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right One Arm Bulldog - A, Down One Arm Bulldog - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X, Down Clothesline - X, Left Clothesline - X, Right Clothesline - X, Up Leaping Forearm Smash - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up Running Elbow Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A/B, Down Body Slam - A/B, Up Eugene's Throat Thrust - A/B, Left Gut Buster - A/B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eugene Dog Headbutts - B, Up Eugene Tomahawk Chop - B, Right Rock Bottom - B, Down Rolling Body Scissors - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Left Belly to Back Suplex - A, Down Knee Breaker - A, Right Slop Drop - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Scissors - A, Left Body Scissors - A, Right Strangle Hold 2 - A, Down Strangle Hold 2 - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Gut - X, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Left, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Right Haymaker - X, Up Punch to Gut - X, Left Punch to Head - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crippler Crossface - B, Down Head Lock - B, Up Sharpshooter - B, Left Sleeper Hold - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newton Splash - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eugene Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Eugene Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Eugene Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Eugene Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Left Alley Oop - A, Right Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Down Monkey Flip - A, Left Running Shoulder - A, Up Superplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Side Slam - A, Left Snake Eyes - A, Right Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke - A, Down Foot Choke - A, Up Running Knee - A, Left Running Knee - A, Right ____ _ / ___| __ _ _ __ _ __ (_) ___ ___ _ __ | | _ / _` | | '__| | '__| | | / __| / _ \ | '_ \ | |_| | | (_| | | | | | | | \__ \ | (_) | | | | | \____| \__,_| |_| |_| |_| |___/ \___/ |_| |_| ____ _ / ___| __ _ __| | ___ | | / _` | / _` | / _ \ | |___ | (_| | | (_| | | __/ \____| \__,_| \__,_| \___| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Garrison Cade being in this game really surprises me. Why not other jobbers that have had more TV time and exposure? The world may never know. He's a pretty decent rookie, but he's nothing special. His promos are blah, his look is plain, and there's nothing about him that really makes him stand out from the crowded WWE scene. About the only thing notable with him is his short lived stint with The Coach as his manager. Yes, he needs a lot of work to do in the future. I can't picture anyone ever using him, but if you do, just focus on submissions and power based moves, as that's what he is best at. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Down Flying Drop Kick - X, Up Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Up Leaping Fist - X, Left Leaping Fist - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Clothesline - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flying Elbow Drop - A, B Sitting Rock Bottom - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Right Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Up Fujiwar Armbar - A, Left Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Head Lock - A, Right Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Ground Punches - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Boot - A, Up Body Slam - A, Down Eye Rake - A, Left Snap Mare - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Right Drop Kick - A, Left Jawbreaker - A, Down Regular Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Down Choke Slingshot - A, Up Top Rope Choke - A, Left Top Rope Choke - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Drop - A Flapjack - A, Down Flapjack - A, Up Knee to Stomach - A, Left Knee to Stomach - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix - A, Down Crucifix - A, Up Sleeper Slam - A Sleeper Slam - A, Left Sleeper Slam - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Running Roaring Elbow - X, Down Running Roaring Elbow - X, Left Running Roaring Elbow - X, Right Running Roaring Elbow - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forearm Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A/B, Right Eye Rake - A/B, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A/B, Up Swinging Neck Breaker - A/B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Underhook Suplex - B, Left Gourd Buster - B, Up Insiguri - B, Down Swinging Neck Breaker - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Down Belly to Back Suplex - A, Left Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Back - A, Left Kick to Back - A, Right Perfect Neck Snap - A, Down Perfect Neck Snap - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Down Kick to Gut - X, Left, Down Kick to Gut - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Up Haymaker - X, Right Punch to Gut - X, Left Punch to Head - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Wringer - B, Left Front Face Lock - B, Up Fuller Leg Lock - B, Down Neck and Arm Stretch - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Garrison Cade Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Garrison Cade Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Garrison Cade Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Garrison Cade Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Left Alley Oop - A, Right Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Right Monkey Flip - A, Left Running Shoulder - A, Down Superplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Down Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke - A, Down Foot Choke - A, Up Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Left Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Right _ _ _ | | | | _ _ _ __ _ __ (_) ___ __ _ _ __ ___ | |_| | | | | | | '__| | '__| | | / __| / _` | | '_ \ / _ \ | _ | | |_| | | | | | | | | (__ | (_| | | | | | | __/ |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| |_| \___| \__,_| |_| |_| \___| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- I used to really like Shane Helms when he was wrestling in WCW with Three Count under the name "Sugar" Shane Helms. He was quite a good wrestler, with one of the best finishers in the business, the Vertabreaker. Of course, he came from WCW, so the WWE banned the Vertabreaker and turned him into a superhero goof. If Vince wants to know why he lost money off the InVasion, this is a good place to start. Despite having a pretty crappy character that got old about 3 years ago, he is still a great wrestler with awesome high flying skills. His taunts are annoying and his outfit is lame, but he's still the same guy that impressed everyone with his talents in WCW. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Moonsault - X, Down Moonsault - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double DDT - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eye of the Hurricane - A, B Shining Wizard - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Right Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow and Arrow Sitting - A, Right Flipping Hammer Lock - A, Left Standing Armbar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Head Lock - A, Right Ground Punches - A, Up Head Scissors - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Up Drop Kick to Legs - A, Right Hip Toss - A, Down Snap Mare w/Drop Kick - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag Leg Drop - A, Right Body Slam - A, Down DDT - A, Left Fireman's Carry - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Down Choke Slingshot - A, Up Wipeout - A, Left Wipeout - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Drop - A Backdrop - A, Left Backdrop - A, Right Drop Toe Hold - A Knee to Stomach - A, Down Knee to Stomach - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix - A, Down Crucifix - A, Up Tornado DDT - A Tornado DDT - A, Left Tornado DDT - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Down Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Twisting Plancha - X, Left Twisting Plancha - X, Right Twisting Plancha - X, Down Twisting Plancha - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flying Double Chop - X Leg Lariat - X, Down Leg Lariat - X, Left Leg Lariat - X, Right Leg Lariat - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jumping Elbow Drop - X Standing Shooting Star Press - X, Down Standing Shooting Star Press - X, Left Standing Shooting Star Press - X, Right Standing Shooting Star Press - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A/B, Down DDT - A/B, Up Drop Kick to Legs - A/B, Right Insiguri (Standing Grapple) - A/B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slam - B, Down Hopping Clothesline - B, Up Insiguri - B, Left Northern Lights Suplex 1 - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Down Belly to Back Suplex - A, Right Reverse DDT - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Snap - A, Left Neck Snap - A, Right Sitting Surfboard - A, Down Sitting Surfboard - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Gut - X, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Left, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Up Punch to Gut - X, Right Quick Jab - X, Left Ridge Hand - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Up Arm Bar - B, Left Arm Wrench - B, Right Head Lock - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demolition Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hurricane Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Hurricane Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Hurricane Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Hurricane Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop Powerbomb - A, Left Alley Oop Powerbomb - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Up Monkey Flip - A, Right Slice Bread #2 - A, Down Tiger Mask - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Tornado DDT - A, Down Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nut Stomp - A, Left Nut Stomp - A, Right Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up _ | | __ _ ____ ____ _ | | / _` | |_ / |_ / | |_| | | (_| | / / / / \___/ \__,_| /___| /___| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ What the hell is Jazz doing in this game? She was fired a while ago along with her husband Rodney Mack and they haven't been seen or heard for since. The roster choice in this game makes less sense than Day of Reckoning. Anyways, she's a fairly good women's wrestler, probably the best or one of the best out there. She's ugly as hell, but very ferocious in the ring. Use her various submission and power moves for best results. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Suplex - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitch Clamp - A, B Gorilla Press Drop - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Right Nagata Lock - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow and Arrow Sitting - A, Right Cross Arm Breaker - A, Left Fujiwar Armbar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Front Face Lock - A, Right Ground Punches - A, Up Head Scissors - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Up Drop Toe Hold - A, Down Eye Rake - A, Right Snap Mare - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Breaker - A, Up Body Slam - A, Left Jawbreaker - A, Down Suplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Down Choke Slingshot - A, Up Slingshot Suplex - A, Left Slingshot Suplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Left Backdrop - A, Right Flapjack - A Knee to Stomach - A, Down Knee to Stomach - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - A Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Left Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Right Sleeper Slam - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baseball Slide - X, Left Baseball Slide - X, Right Baseball Slide - X, Down Baseball Slide - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Running Shoulder Block - X, Down Running Shoulder Block - X, Left Running Shoulder Block - X, Right Running Shoulder Block - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A/B, Down Body Slam - A/B, Up Eye Rake - A/B, Right Jawbreaker - A/B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - B, Down Double Underhook Suplex - B, Left Fisherman's Suplex - B, Up Power Slam - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Down Belly to Back Suplex - A, Right Reverse DDT - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asian Spike - A, Left Asian Spike - A, Right Neck Vice - A, Down Neck Vice - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Down Kick to Gut - X, Left, Down Kick to Gut - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Up Haymaker - X, Left Punch to Gut - X, Right Punch to Head - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Up Bear Hug - B, Down Chin Lock - B, Left Standing Octopus - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jazz Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Jazz Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Sexy Bra and Panty Animations - A-Pad Down Sexy Bra and Panty Animations - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Right Choke and Beel - A, Down Corner Punches - A, Up Running Shoulder - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Side Slam - A, Left Snake Eyes - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Down Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Up Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Left Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Right _ ____ _ | | | __ ) | | _ | | | _ \ | | | |_| | | |_) | | |___ \___/ |____/ |_____| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ JBL used to be the annoying half of the dumb tag team APA, and the strides he has made since becoming the JBL character is truly amazing. He held the WWE title for about 10 months or so, being the longest reigning champion in a long time. He also developed an awesome snob-like character that just cares about money and himself. He's one of my favorite characters, and his wrestling skills aren't as bad as some people think. He's no Benoit or Angle, but for a power wrestler, he's really not that bad at all. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T-Slam - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alabama Slam - A, B, Directional Clothesline From Hell - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Right Leg Smash - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow and Arrow Sitting - A, Left Cross Arm Breaker - A, Right Short Arm Scissor - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camel Clutch - A, Up Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Groung Punches - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Boot - A, Right Body Slam - A, Right Short Arm Clothesline - A, Left Triple Shoulder Block - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Breaker - A, Left Gorilla Press Overhead Suplex - A, Right Regular Suplex - A, Down Sidewalk Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Left Choke Slingshot - A, Right Rope Gut Kick - A, Down Rope Gut Kick - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Left Backdrop - A, Right Bossman Slam - A Power Slam - A, Down Power Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Breaker - A Neck Breaker - A, Left Neck Breaker - A, Right Sleeper Slam - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Left Bulldog - A, Right Chop Block - A, Down Chop Block - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baseball Slide - X, Left Baseball Slide - X, Right Baseball Slide - X, Down Baseball Slide - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Running Shoulder Block - X, Down Running Shoulder Block - X, Left Running Shoulder Block - X, Right Running Shoulder Block - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Boot - A/B, Down Body Slam - A/B, Left DDT - A/B, Up Short Arm Clothesline - A/B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Club - B, Up DDT - B, Left Fall Away Slam - B, Right Power Bomb - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Up Belly to Back Suplex - A, Down Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Reverse DDT - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Back - A, Down Kick to Back - A, Up Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Left Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jumping Boot - X, Down Kick to Gut - X, Left, Down Kick to Gut - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X Haymaker - X, Up Kidney Punch - X, Right Punch to Head - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Wringer - B, Down Bear Hug - B, Up Head Lock - B, Left Sleeper Hold 2 - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newton Splash - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bradshaw Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Bradshaw Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Bradshaw Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Bradshaw Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke and Beel - A, Left Corner Punches - A, Up Running Shoulder - A, Down Superplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Left Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Right Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Down Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Up Running Knee - A, Left Running Knee - A, Right _ _ | | (_) _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ _ | | | | | '_ ` _ \ | '_ ` _ \ | | | | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| | \___/ |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| \__, | |___/ ____ _ / ___| _ __ _ _ | | __ __ _ \___ \ | '_ \ | | | | | |/ / / _` | ___) | | | | | | |_| | | < | (_| | |____/ |_| |_| \__,_| |_|\_\ \__,_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka is one of the true legends in the industry, as he has been credited as being an inspiration for many superstars that have since come and gone through the industry, most notable being the immortal Mick Foley. He is a solid wrestler in this game, not too bad for a freaking old guy. He was always known as a high flyer so make sure to incorporate a lot of that into your offense. In addition, he has some nice submission holds and power moves that can come in handy. I can't question the inclusion of this guy in the game, he's pretty good. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Suplex - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Piledriver - A, B, Directional Superfly Splash - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Left Nagata Lock - A, Right Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Up Fujiwar Armbar - A, Left Short Arm Scissor - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Front Face Lock - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Left Head Scissors - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Wringer Flip - A, Right Drop Kick - A, Down Hip Toss - A, Left Snuka Jumping Headbutt - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Down Body Slam - A, Up Reverse Atomic Drop - A, Right Suplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Left Slingshot Suplex - A, Right Wipeout - A, Down Wipeout - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A Flapjack - A, Left Flapjack - A, Right Power Slam - A, Down Power Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Down Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Up Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Left Bulldog - A, Right Bulldog - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Left Bulldog - A, Right Chop Block - A, Down Chop Block - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plancha - X, Left Plancha - X, Right Plancha - X, Down Plancha - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Flying Double Chop - X, Down Flying Double Chop - X, Left Flying Double Chop - X, Right Flying Double Chop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 747 - X, Down 747 - X, Left 747 - X, Right 747 - X, Up Headbutt - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A/B, Right Drop Kick - A/B, Up Jumping Headbutt - A/B, Left Reverse Atomic Drop - A/B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - B, Right Roundhouse Kick - B, Left Samoan Drop - B, Down Snuka Chop - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Right Belly to Back Suplex - A, Down Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Back - A, Left Kick to Back - A, Right Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Down Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Low Roundhouse - X, Left, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Right, Down Mid Roundhouse Kick - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Left Elbow Strike - X, Right Punch to Gut - X, Up Punch to Head - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Bar - B, Right Arm Wringer - B, Down Double Underhook - B, Up Head Lock - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam On Knee - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Superfly Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Superfly Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Superfly Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Superfly Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Down Alley Oop - A, Up Running Knee Smash - A, Left Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Right Corner Punches - A, Left Running Shoulder - A, Up Superplex - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Up Snake Eyes - A, Right Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Left Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Knee - A, Left Running Knee - A, Right Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Down Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Up _ _ ____ | | ___ | |__ _ __ / ___| ___ _ __ __ _ _ | | / _ \ | '_ \ | '_ \ | | / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | | |_| | | (_) | | | | | | | | | | |___ | __/ | | | | | (_| | \___/ \___/ |_| |_| |_| |_| \____| \___| |_| |_| \__,_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ I am going to try very hard to keep my personal opinion of Mr. Cena out of this column. Oh damn, who am I kidding. This guy sucks. He used to be good when he debuted and had a 3 1/2 star match with Angle, but it's quickly become apparent that that's the only guy he can have a good match against. And let's face it, seven year old mentally challenged girls can have a 2 star match against Kurt if he's motivated. Just ask Edge. Or Cena. His character is completely idiotic as well. In game wise, he's not bad, with some decent power moves. I try not to use him much, though, and I get sick of fighting against him on XBOX Live. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Down Flying Drop Kick - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double DDT - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Five Knuckle Shuffle - A, B, Directional FU - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boston Crab - A, Right Leg Bar - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Right Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Up Standing Armbar - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camel Clutch - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Left Head Scissors - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fireman's Carry - A, Left Headbutt - A, Up Regular Body Slam - A, Down Short Arm Clothesline - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Arm DDT - A, Left Power Bomb - A, Down Spine Buster - A, Up T Bone Suplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Down Slingshot Suplex - A, Up Wipeout - A, Left Wipeout - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A Bossman Slam - A, Left Bossman Slam - A, Right Knee To Stomach - A, Down Knee To Stomach - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix - A Crucifix - A, Left Crucifix - A, Right Sleeper Slam - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right One Arm Bulldog - A, Down One Arm Bulldog - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baseball Slide - X, Left Baseball Slide - X, Right Baseball Slide - X, Down Baseball Slide - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Running Roaring Elbow - X, Down Running Roaring Elbow - X, Left Running Roaring Elbow - X, Right Running Roaring Elbow - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forearm Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fireman's Carry - A/B, Left Gorilla Press Drop - A/B, Down Headbutt - A/B, Up Short Arm Clothesline - A/B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Can't See Me Suplex - B, Up Gorilla Press Drop - B, Right Protoplex - B, Left Suicide - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Right Belly to Back Suplex 2 - A, Down Full Nelson Slam - A, Left German Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Scissors - A, Down Body Scissors - A, Up Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Left Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Down Kick to Gut - X, Left, Down Kick to Gut - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Low Blow - X, Right Punch to Gut - X, Left Punch to Head - X, Up Slap (Palm) - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bear Hug - B, Left Cena Underhook - B, Down Chin Lock - B, Right Head Lock - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demolition Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ John Cena Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left John Cena Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left John Cena Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down John Cena Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Left Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Up Corner Punches - A, Right Running Shoulder - A, Down Superplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Up Side Slam - A, Right Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Down Turnbuckle Surfboard - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nut Stomp - A, Left Nut Stomp - A, Right Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up _ __ | |/ / __ _ _ __ ___ | ' / / _` | | '_ \ / _ \ | . \ | (_| | | | | | | __/ |_|\_\ \__,_| |_| |_| \___| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BAH GAWD THATS GONNA BE KANE! Sorry, couldn't help myself. Before I set myself on fire and jump out a window, I'll tell you all about the big monster Kane. He's an outstanding wrestler for a man his size, with an awesome variety of power AND TOP ROPE =O maneuvers that make him a true monster inside the squared circle. Don't expect to be performing a lot of submissions, but otherwise you can't go wrong with this guy. Just be careful when he goes on the top rope, that damn clothesline is usually coming. ;) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 747 - X, Left 747 - X, Right Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Clothesline - X, Left Clothesline - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T-Slam - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slam - A, B Tombstone - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop to Leg - A, Right Leg Bar - A, Left Leg Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Up Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Right Standing Armbar - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camel Clutch - A, Left Ground Choke - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A, Left Headbutt - A, Up Hip Toss - A, Down Short Arm Clothesline - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Left DDT - A, Right Gutwrench Suplex - A, Down Power Bomb - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Left Choke Slingshot - A, Right Top Rope Choke - A, Down Top Rope Choke - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A Power Slam (Running Counter) - A, Left Power Slam (Running Counter) - A, Right Spine Buster - A, Down Spine Buster - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rolling Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Left Rolling Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Right Sleeper Slam - A Sleeper Slam - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right Suicide Dive - A, Down Suicide Dive - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Running Shoulder Block - X, Down Running Shoulder Block - X, Left Running Shoulder Block - X, Right Running Shoulder Block - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Breaker - A/B, Left Body Slam - A/B, Right DDT - A/B, Up Headbutt - A/B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Boot - B, Left Gorilla Press Overhead Slam - B, Down Shoulder Breaker - B, Right Sidewalk Slam - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Down Belly to Back Suplex - A, Left Full Nelson Slam - A, Left Knee Breaker - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Back - A, Left Kick to Back - A, Right Neck Vice - A, Down Neck Vice - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Left, Down Gut Kick - X, Right, Down Jumping Boot - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Fist To Traps - X, Left Haymaker - X Kidney Punch - X, Right Throat Chop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker Press - B, Up Chin Lock - B, Right Choke Hold - B, Left Full Nelson - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newton Splash - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kane Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Kane Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Kane Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Kane Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Down Boot Wash - A, Up Running Knee Smash - A, Left Running Knee Smash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Down Choke and Beel - A, Up Corner Charge - A, Right Superplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Left Snake Eyes - A, Right Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Left Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Right Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Down Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Right _ __ _ _ _ | |/ / _ _ _ __ | |_ / \ _ __ __ _ | | ___ | ' / | | | | | '__| | __| / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | | | / _ \ | . \ | |_| | | | | |_ / ___ \ | | | | | (_| | | | | __/ |_|\_\ \__,_| |_| \__| /_/ \_\ |_| |_| \__, | |_| \___| |___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Kurt Angle is now my favorite wrestler on the RAW brand, as my favorite wrestlers switched brands. He is a truly awesome competitor, and he is the only person in WWE/WWF/whatever history to have won a gold medal in the olympics. As an outstanding Olympic athlete, Kurt knows how to get it done inside the ring. He utilizes a ton of unique and awesome submission holds, and no one is better at catch-as-can style as Kurt Angle. Plus, he's been known to be a solid brawler and even has an awesome moonsault. What's not to love? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Leaping Fist - X, Left Leaping Fist - X, Right Moonsault - X, Down Moonsault - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Atomic Drop - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Angle Slam - A, B Ankle Lock - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop to Leg - A, Right Figure Four Leg Lock - A, Left STF - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flipping Hammer Lock - A, Left Fujiwar Armbar - A, Up Standing Armbar - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flipping Camel Clutch - A, Up Front Face Lock - A, Right Strangle Hold 1 - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop 2 - X, Up Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right Elbow Drop 2 - X, Down Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Up Fireman's Carry - A, Left Hip Toss - A, Down Snap Mare - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hangman Neck Breaker - A, Right Regular Suplex - A, Up Russian Leg Sweep - A, Down Swinging Neck Breaker - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Down Slingshot Suplex - A, Up Wipeout - A, Left Wipeout - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Down Backdrop - A, Up Drop Toe Hold - A Flapjack - A, Left Flapjack - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Down Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Up Stampede Clothesline - A Stampede Clothesline - A, Left Stampede Clothesline - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Flying Double Chop - X, Down Flying Double Chop - X, Left Flying Double Chop - X, Right Flying Double Chop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Left Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Up Forearm Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - A/B, Left Fireman's Carry - A/B, Right Hangman Neck Breaker - A/B, Up Swinging Neck Breaker - A/B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - B, Up DDT - B, Left Double Underhook Suplex - B, Right The Three I's - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Left Belly to Back Suplex - A, Right German Suplex - A, Down Olympic Takedown - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Snap - A, Left Neck Snap - A, Right Strangle Hold 2 - A, Down Strange Hold 2 - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Down Kick to Gut - X, Left, Down Kick to Gut - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Right Haymaker - X, Up Low Blow - X Punch to Head - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Under Hook - B, Up European Cravat - B, Left Fuller Leg Lock - B, Right Hammer Lock - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam On Knee - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kurt Angle Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Kurt Angle Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Kurt Angle Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Kurt Angle Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Left Alley Oop - A, Right Stomping A Mudhole- A, Down Stomping A Mudhole - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Right Monkey Flip - A, Up Running Shoulder - A, Down Superplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Superplex - A, Down Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Up Side Slam - A, Left Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nut Stomp - A, Left Nut Stomp - A, Right Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up _ _ _ | | (_) | |_ __ _ | | | | | __| / _` | | |___ | | | |_ | (_| | |_____| |_| \__| \__,_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Lita, when she first came into WWE, was so popular with the young ladies that she quickly became one of the most popular wrestlers in the company. However, she has fallen on hard times in the last few years. A very bad knee injury suffered on the short lived television series Dark Angel proved costly for her career over a year, and then she had a very public breakup with her long time boyfriend, Matt Hardy, which meant a lot of her previous fans turned on her. She still has her share of fans, but she is not nearly as popular as she once was, and she rarely ever wrestles any more, either. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Left Flying Leg Drop - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Up Moonsault - X, Down Moonsault - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double DDT - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lita DDT - A, B, Directional Moonsault - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Right Nagata Lock - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Left Flipping Hammer Lock - A, Right Short Arm Scissor - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flipping Camel Clutch - A, Left Front Face Lock - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Down Arm Wringer Flap - A, Left Standing Drop Kick - A, Up Trip w/Double Leg Drop - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A, Down Bulldog From Standing Grapple - A, Right Russian Leg Sweep - A, Left Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Left Slingshot Suplex - A, Right Wipeout - A, Down Wipeout - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Left Backdrop - A, Right Drop Toe Hold - A Knee to Stomach - A, Down Knee to Stomach - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix Head Scissors - A, Down Crucifix Head Scissors - A, Up Neck Breaker - A Neck Breaker - A, Left Neck Breaker - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop Block - A, Down Chop Block - A, Up Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Left Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plancha - X, Left Plancha - X, Right Plancha - X, Down Plancha - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X, Down Clothesline - X, Left Clothesline - X, Right Clothesline - X, Up Running Drop Kick - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Elbow Drop - X, Down Running Elbow Drop - X, Left Running Elbow Drop - X, Right Running Elbow Drop - X, Up Running Senton - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A/B, Up Drop Kick - A/B, Left Jawbreaker - A/B, Down Russian Leg Sweep - A/B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hurracanrana - B, Left Jawbreaker - B, Down Tilt A Whirl Slam - B, Up Twist of Fate - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Suplex - A, Up Knee Breaker - A, Down Regular Bulldog - A, Right Reverse DDT - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick To Front - A, Left Kick To Front - A, Right Sitting Surfboard - A, Down Sitting Surfboard - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spinning Roundhouse - X, Left, Down Spinning Roundhouse - X, Right, Down Spinning Sidekick - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backhand - X, Up Big Lady Slap - X, Right Chop - X Palm Strike - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Down Arm Bar - B, Right Standing Bow and Arrow - B, Left Standing Octopus - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lita Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Lita Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Lita Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Lita Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Left Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Up Monkey Flip - A, Left Superplex - A, Right Tiger Mask - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Side Slam - A, Left Tornado DDT - A, Right Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Left Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Right __ __ _ _ _ | \/ | __ _ _ __ | | __ (_) _ __ __| | | |\/| | / _` | | '_ \ | |/ / | | | '_ \ / _` | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | < | | | | | | | (_| | |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| |_|\_\ |_| |_| |_| \__,_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ I'm glad they included him in this game, as he is a true hardcore legend. If technical wrestling is your style, then use a Benoit or Angle. Similarly, this guy sucks at high flying stuff, too. What he is good for is brawling. There's been very few wrestlers in WWE history that could brawl as well as Mick "Mankind" Foley could. He is willing to put his body on the line on a semi regular basis, and he has earned the respect of wrestling fans everywhere with his work ethic and desire to make sure the fans felt like they paid for something special. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Elbow Drop - X, Down Flying Elbow Drop - X, Up Flying Leg Drop - X, Left Flying Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Suplex - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Armed DDT - A, B, Directional Mandible Claw - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Right Leg Wrench - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Short Arm Scissor - A, Left Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Right Standing Armbar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foor Eye Rake - A, Left Ground Punches - A, Up Head Scissors - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A, Down Headbutt - A, Left Short Arm Clothesline - A, Up Snap Mare - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Right Belly To back Suplex - A, Down Snowplow - A, Left Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Down Choke Slingshot - A, Up Rope Gut Kick - A, Left Rope Gut Kick - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A Bossman Slam - A, Left Bossman Slam - A, Right Knee to Stomach - A, Down Knee to Stomach - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - A Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Left Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Right Neck Breaker - A, Down Neck Breaker - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X Running Roaring Elbow - X, Down Running Roaring Elbow - X, Left Running Roaring Elbow - X, Right Running Roaring Elbow - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - A/B, Up Face Buster - A/B, Down Headbutt - A/B, Left Short Arm Clothesline - A/B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - B, Down Face Buster - B, Up Gut Wrench Suplex - B, Left Swinging Neck Breaker - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Down Full Nelson Slam - A, Left Knee Breaker - A, Right Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asian Spike - A, Down Asian Spike - A, Up Kick to Back - A, Left Kick to Back - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Down Kick to Gut - X, Left, Down Kick to Gut - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Up Haymaker - X, Right Punch to Gut - X, Left Punch to Head - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Wringer - B, Left Bear Hug - B, Up Double Under Hook - B, Right Head Lock - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newton Splash - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mick Foley Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Mick Foley Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Mick Foley Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Mick Foley Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Right Choke and Beel - A, Up Corner Punches - A, Left Running Shoulder - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Snake Eyes - A, Left Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Down Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Knee - A, Left Running Knee - A, Right Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Down Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Up _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | \/ | __ _ | |_ | |_ | | | | __ _ _ __ __| | _ _ | |\/| | / _` | | __| | __| | |_| | / _` | | '__| / _` | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | |_ | |_ | _ | | (_| | | | | (_| | | |_| | |_| |_| \__,_| \__| \__| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| \__,_| \__, | |___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Matt Hardy is more over now than ever before, but that has more to do with stuff that happened in his personal life. Matt Hardy is a pretty good wrestler, and surprisingly he is the one that got over after the Hardyz split up. Everyone expected Matt to be the leftover one while Jeff got the huge push, but it's funny how fate works. He's a good high flying type wrestler that can be used as a cruiserweight at times. He's very technically sound with some decent looking moves like the Side Effect, one of my favorite moves in the WWE right now. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Down Flying Drop Kick - X, Up Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Up Moonsault - X, Left Moonsault - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flapjack - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Side Effect - A, B, Directional Twist of Fate - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop to Leg - A, Up Leg Grapevine - A, Left Nagata Lock - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Right Flipping Hammer Lock - A, Left Short Arm Scissor - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Ground Punches - A, Right Head Scissors - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop 2- X, Up Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right Elbow Drop 2 - X, Down Elbow Drop 2 - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop Kick - A, Up Eye Rake - A, Right Snap Mare - A, Down Trip with Double Leg Drop - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Right Body Slam - A, Down Hangman Neck Breaker - A, Up Regular Suplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Top Rope Choke (Front) - A, Left Top Rope Choke (Front) - A, Right Wipeout - A, Down Wipeout - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Left Backdrop - A, Right Front Drop - A, Down Front Drop - A, Up Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sleeper Slam - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Up Tornado DDT - A Tornado DDT - A, Left Tornado DDT - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Left Bulldog - A, Right Chop Block - A, Down Chop Block - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plancha - X, Left Plancha - X, Right Plancha - X, Down Plancha - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flying Double Chop - X, Down Flying Double Chop - X, Left Flying Double Chop - X, Right Flying Double Chop - X, Up Leg Lariat - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up Running Elbow Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - A/B, Up Drop Kick - A/B, Down Eye Rake - A/B, Right Hangman Neck Breaker - A/B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - B, Up Insiguri - B, Right Ricochet - B, Down Sit Down Power Bomb - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Up Belly to Back Suplex - A, Right Reverse DDT - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Scissor - A, Down Body Scissor - A, Up Sitting Surfboard - A, Left Sitting Surfboard - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Gut - X, Down Mid Roundhouse Kick - X, Down, Left Mid Roundhouse Kick - X, Down, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Haymaker - X, Up Punch to Gut - X, Right Punch to Head - X, Left Throat Chop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Wringer - B, Down Clover Leaf - B, Right Neck and Arm Stretch - B, Up Sitting Bow and Arrow - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demolition Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matt Hardy Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Matt Hardy Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Matt Hardy Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Matt Hardy Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Right Monkey Flip - A, Up Running Shoulder - A, Down Superplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Superplex - A, Down Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Up Side Slam - A, Left Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Right Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nut Stomp - A, Down Nut Stomp - A, Up Running Knee - A, Left Running Knee - A, Right _ _ _ _ _ | \ | | (_) __| | (_) __ _ | \| | | | / _` | | | / _` | | |\ | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | |_| \_| |_| \__,_| |_| \__,_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Nidia is someone, like Jazz, who makes a questionable appearance on this game's decent but not spectacular roster. Regardless, I think Nidia was one of the more talented women's wrestlers on the roster. I say WAS because the geniuses at the WWE decided to release her for very little reason whatsoever. So, expect this to be the last WWE game she's in, at least for a while. She's pretty good on the mat, so keep that in mind when using her. Wow, that didn't sound wrong at all. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Atomic Drop - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Death Valley Driver - A, B Roundhouse Kick - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Right Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow and Arrow Sitting - A, Right Cross Arm Breaker - A, Left Standing Armbar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Head Lock - A, Right Ground Punches - A, Up Head Scissors - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop 2 - X, Up Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right Elbow Drop 2 - X, Down Elbow Drop 2 - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Up Arm Wringer Flip - A, Left Hip Toss - A, Down Snap Mare - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - A, Left Face Buster - A, Right Jawbreaker - A, Down Regular Body Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Down Choke Slingshot - A, Up Wipeout - A, Left Wipeout - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Left Backdrop - A, Right Drop Toe Hold - A Knee to Stomach - A, Down Knee to Stomach - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix - A, Down Crucifix - A, Up Neck Breaker - A Neck Breaker - A, Left Neck Breaker - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ One Arm Bulldog - A, Left One Arm Bulldog - A, Right Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Down Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baseball Slide - X, Left Baseball Slide - X, Right Baseball Slide - X, Down Baseball Slide - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Drop Kick - X Wheel Kick - X, Down Wheel Kick - X, Left Wheel Kick - X, Right Wheel Kick - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jumping Elbow Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A/B, Up Face Buster - A/B, Left Full Nelson Slam - A/B, Down Jawbreaker - A/B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - B, Right Hangman Neck Breaker - B, Down Insiguri - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Down Belly to Back Suplex - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Scissor - A, Down Body Scissor - A, Up Kick to Back - A, Left Kick to Back - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spinning Roundhouse - X, Left, Down Spinning Roundhouse - X, Right, Down Spinning Sidekick - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Lady Slap - X Bitch Slap (Backhand) - X, Left Bitch Slap (Backhand) - X, Right Chop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Up Arm Wringer - B, Left Full Nelson - B, Right Standing Bow and Arrow - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nidia Taunt 2 - A-Pad Left Nidia Taunt 2 - A-Pad Right Sexy Bra and Panty Animations - A-Pad Down Sexy Bra and Panty Animations - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke and Beel - A, Right Corner Punches - A, Left Monkey Flip - A, Up Superplex - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Superplex - A, Down Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Side Slam - A, Left Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Left Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Right Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up ____ _ | _ \ __ _ _ __ __| | _ _ | |_) | / _` | | '_ \ / _` | | | | | | _ < | (_| | | | | | | (_| | | |_| | |_| \_\ \__,_| |_| |_| \__,_| \__, | |___/ ___ _ / _ \ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ | | | | | '__| | __| / _ \ | '_ \ | |_| | | | | |_ | (_) | | | | | \___/ |_| \__| \___/ |_| |_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Randy Orton started off as a brash young babyface looking to make a name for himself in the WWE, and a wonderful long journey has culminated a few years later in him being one of the better heels in the WWE. In this game, he's a baby face, fresh off leaving Evolution and trying to get the world title back from HHH. Of course, that never happened and it led to an eventual heel run as the legend killer which is still going on today. Anyways, I like Randy a lot even though a lot of people don't. His offense works well for a video game, too. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Leaping Fist - X, Down Leaping Fist - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T-Slam - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Novacain - A, B, Directional RKO - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Leg Lock - A, Right Knee Drop to Leg - A, Left Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Left Short Arm Scissor - A, Right Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Front Face Lock - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Right Head Scissors - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag Leg Drop - A, Left Body Slam - A, Up Drop Kick - A, Down European Uppercut - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Suplex - A, Up Power Slam (Standing Grapple) - A, Right Short Arm Clothesline - A, Down T-Bone Suplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Down Slingshot Suplex - A, Up Top Rope Choke - A, Left Top Rope Choke - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Down Backdrop - A, Up Drop Toe Hold - A Knee to Stomach - A, Left Knee to Stomach - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Breaker - A, Down Neck Breaker - A, Up Stampede Clothesline - A Stampede Clothesline - A, Left Stampede Clothesline - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flying Clothesline - X, Down Flying Clothesline - X, Left Flying Clothesline - X, Right Flying Clothesline - X, Up Flying Clothesline - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forearm Drop - X, Down Forearm Drop - X, Left Forearm Drop - X, Right Forearm Drop - X, Up Running Elbow Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A/B, Right DDT - A/B, Left Drop Kick - A/B, Down European Uppercut - A/B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - B, Left Orton Gutwrench - B, Right Orton Neck Breaker - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Up Knee Breaker - A, Down Reverse DDT - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Snap - A, Down Neck Snap - A, Up Neck Vice - A, Left Neck Vice - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jumping Boot - X, Down Kick to Gut - X, Left, Right Kick to Gut - X, Left, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop 1 - X, Right Low Blow - X Punch to Gut - X, Up Punch to Head - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Wringer - B, Down Chin Lock - B, Up Double Underhook - B, Right Standing Wristlock - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam in Knee - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Randy Orton Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Randy Orton Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Randy Orton Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Randy Orton Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Down Alley Oop - A, Up Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke and Beel - A, Right Corner Punches - A, Up Running Shoulder - A, Down Superplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dvon Neckbreaker - A, Left Snake Eyes - A, Down Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Left Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Right Nut Stomp - A, Down Nut Stomp - A, Up ____ ____ | _ \ ___ _ __ ___ | _ \ _ _ _ __ _ __ ___ ___ | |_) | / _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | | | | | | | | | '_ \ | '__| / _ \ / _ \ | _ < | __/ | | | | | __/ | |_| | | |_| | | |_) | | | | __/ | __/ |_| \_\ \___| |_| |_| \___| |____/ \__,_| | .__/ |_| \___| \___| |_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Rene Dupree is the youngest superstar in the game, as he's barely past his teenage years. His talent is beyond his years and I often think of him as a guy that's a few years away from being the next big thing in the WWE. They aren't really doing anything with him right now, but I have always liked his matches and I think he has some decent skills on the mic. Due to his young age, they don't have to use him much now because they can tap into his potential years from now and he can STILL be the youngest champion ever years from now. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Elbow Drop - X, Down Flying Elbow Drop - X, Up Flying Leg Drop - X, Left Flying Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Atomic Drop - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Death Valley Driver - A, B, Directional Falcon Arrow - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boston Crab - A, Left Elbow Drop to Leg - A, Right Leg Wrench - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flipping Hammer Lock - A, Up Short Arm Scissor - A, Left Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Head Lock - A, Right Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Ground Choke - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A, Down Eye Rake - A, Left Short Arm Clothesline - A, Up Snap Mare - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Right Power Slam (Standing Grapple) - A, Left Regular Suplex - A, Up Spine Buster - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Left Choke Slingshot - A, Right Top Rope Choke - A, Down Top Rope Choke - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop Toe Hold - A Front Drop - A, Down Front Drop - A, Up Spine Buster - A, Left Spine Buster - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix - A, Down Crucifix - A, Up Stampede Clothesline - A Stampede Clothesline - A, Left Stampede Clothesline - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right One Arm Bulldog - A, Down One Arm Bulldog - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flying Clothesline - X, Down Flying Clothesline - X, Left Flying Clothesline - X, Right Flying Clothesline - X, Up Flying Clothesline - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forearm Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A/B, Left Body Slam - A/B, Up Eye Rake - A/B, Down Short Arm Clothesline - A/B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - B, Down Face Buster - B, Up Sit Down Power Bomb - B, Left Swinging Neck Breaker - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ German Suplex - A, Down Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Reverse DDT - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Back - A, Down Kick to Back - A, Up Strangle Hold 2 - A, Left Strangle Hold 2 - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Gut - X, Down Mid Roundhouse Kick - X, Left, Down Mid Roundhouse Kick - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop 1 - X, Up Haymaker - X, Right Punch to Head - X Quick Jab - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bear Hug - B, Up Fuller Leg Lock - B, Left Head Lock - B, Down Standing Wristlock - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam in Knee - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rene Dupree Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Rene Dupree Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Rene Dupree Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Rene Dupree Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Left Alley Oop - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Right Corner Punches - A, Left Running Shoulder - A, Down Superplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Surfboard for Turnbuckle - A, Left Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Down Tree of Woe - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Down Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Up Nut Stomp - A, Left Nut Stomp - A, Right ____ _ _____ _ _ | _ \ (_) ___ | ___| | | __ _ (_) _ __ | |_) | | | / __| | |_ | | / _` | | | | '__| | _ < | | | (__ | _| | | | (_| | | | | | |_| \_\ |_| \___| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ What more can be said about the legendary Ric Flair? He's always been known as one of the best wrestlers of all time, despite his repetitive spirit in matches on occasion. Regardless, he's always been one of the best interviews in the business, and some of his taunts are legendary and hilarious to boot. I am not a big fan of the guy personally, as I feel he is WAY too old to still be wrestling and would better off being someone's manager, but his contributions to the industry cannot be denied, and I find a lot of people using him online due to his legendary status alone. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Down Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Flying Elbow Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Suplex - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ High Cross Body - A, B, Directional Figure Four Leg Lock - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop to Leg - A, Up Knee Drop to Leg - A, Left Leg Smash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow and Arrow Sitting - A, Left Cross Arm Breaker - A, Right Standing Armbar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Front Face Lock - A, Right Head Scissors - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop (Front) - A, Right Eye Rake - A, Down Headlock Punch - A, Left Hip Toss - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Down Body Slam - A, Right Low Blow - A, Left Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Left Choke Slingshot - A, Right Top Rope Choke - A, Down Top Rope Choke - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Left Backdrop - A, Right Drop Toe Hold - A Knee to Stomach - A, Down Knee to Stomach - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Breaker - A Neck Breaker - A, Left Neck Breaker - A, Right Sleeper Slam - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baseball Slide - X, Left Baseball Slide - X, Right Baseball Slide - X, Down Baseball Slide - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Clothesline - X Running Shoulder Block - X, Down Running Shoulder Block - X, Left Running Shoulder Block - X, Right Running Shoulder Block - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X Forearm Drop - X, Down Forearm Drop - X, Left Forearm Drop - X, Right Forearm Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - A/B, Left Eye Poke - A/B, Up Eye Rake -A/B, Right Piledriver - A/B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - B, Down Double Underhook Suplex - B, Left Eye Poke - B, Right Piledriver - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Left Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Down Knee Breaker - A, Right Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Scissors - A, Left Body Scissors - A, Right Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Down Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Down Kick to Gut - X, Left, Right Kick to Gut - X, Left, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop 1 Punch to Gut - X, Right Punch to Head - X, Left Throat Chop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Down Arm Wringer - B, Right Hammer Lock - B, Left Head Lock - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam in Knee - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ric Flair Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Ric Flair Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Ric Flair Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Ric Flair Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke and Beel - A, Up Corner Punches - A, Left Running Shoulder - A, Down Superplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Superplex - A, Down Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Left Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Left Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Right Nut Stomp - A, Down Nut Stomp - A, Up _____ _ ____ _ |_ _| | |__ ___ | _ \ ___ ___ | | __ | | | '_ \ / _ \ | |_) | / _ \ / __| | |/ / | | | | | | | __/ | _ < | (_) | | (__ | < |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| \_\ \___/ \___| |_|\_\ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Do you smell what The Rock is cooking? Another odd choice for inclusion in the game, but he goes under the "legends" status with Andre the Giant and others, so I guess it's okay. He hasn't wrestled since Wrestlemania 20, but almost everyone loved him when he was around. Whether he was a face or heel, he had a cocky attitude about him, with awesome mic skills and great wrestling talent. He's using his mic skills now to become an actor, in movies anyways, and he's become one of the most popular movie actors out there. Too bad his heart seems to have fallen out of wrestling, because he had a chance to be one of the all time greats, easily. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Leaping Fist - X, Down Leaping Fist - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T-Slam - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ People's Elbow - A, B Rock Bottom - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Left Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Right Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Left Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Up Standing Armbar - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Front Face Lock - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Right Head Scissors - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A, Up Hip Toss - A, Right Short Arm Clothesline - A, Left Snap Mare - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Death Valley Driver - A, Right Regular Suplex - A, Down Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up Spine Buster - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Down Slingshot Suplex - A, Up Top Rope Choke - A, Left Top Rope Choke - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Down Backdrop - A, Up Drop Toe Hold - A Knee to Stomach - A, Left Knee to Stomach - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - A Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Left Belly to Belly Suplex, - A, Right Neck Breaker - A, Down Neck Breaker - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flying Clothesline - X, Down Flying Clothesline - X, Left Flying Clothesline - X, Right Flying Clothesline - X, Up Running Roaring Elbow - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Left Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Up Running Elbow Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A/B, Up DDT - A/B, Left Short Arm Clothesline - A/B, Right Spine Buster - A/B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bionic Elbow - B, Up DDT - B, Left People's Punches - B, Down Samoan Drop - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Right Belly to Back Suplex - A, Up German Suplex - A, Down Reverse DDT - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Back - A, Left Kick to Back - A, Right Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Down Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Left, Down Gut Kick - X, Right, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bionic Elbow - X, Left Haymaker - X, Up Punch to Head - X Quick Jab - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Wringer - B, Down Chin Lock - B, Up Head Lock - B, Left Sharpshooter - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam in Knee - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rock Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Rock Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Rock Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Rock Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Down Alley Oop - A, Up Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Up Corner Punches - A, Right Running Shoulder - A, Down Superplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Superplex - A, Left Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Right Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Knee 1 - A, Down Running Knee 1 - A, Up Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Left Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Right ____ _ _ ____ / ___| ___ ___ | |_ | |_ _ _ |___ \ \___ \ / __| / _ \ | __| | __| | | | | __) | ___) | | (__ | (_) | | |_ | |_ | |_| | / __/ |____/ \___| \___/ \__| \__| \__, | |_____| |___/ _ _ _ _ | | | | ___ | |_ | |_ _ _ | |_| | / _ \ | __| | __| | | | | | _ | | (_) | | |_ | |_ | |_| | |_| |_| \___/ \__| \__| \__, | |___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Honestly, I don't mean to sound like a broken record here, but these roster inclusions are truly mind boggling sometimes. SCOTTY 2 HOTTY? Career jobber that was over for a few years as one half of the awesome tag team Too Cool? The guy that hasn't won a meaningful match since 2000 or so? I don't understand why they included him and excluded people like Rob Conway, but I don't make the rosters, and I've already complained about the stupid choices enough. He's an okay wrestler, and everyone used to love his stupid "Worm" finisher which is even crazier than the People's Elbow. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Down Flying Drop Kick - X, Up Flying Leg Drop - X, Left Flying Leg Drop - X, Right Moonsault - X, Down Moonsault - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Atomic Drop - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Step Up Inziguri - A, B, Directional The Worm - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Right Nagata Lock - A, Up Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flipping Hammer Lock - A, Left Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Up Standing Armbar - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Ground Punches - A, Up Head Scissors - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Left Drop Kick - A, Up Headlock Punch - A, Down Snap Mare - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag Leg Drop - A, Down Reverse Atomic Drop - A, Up Super Kick - A, Right Suplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Left Choke Slingshot - A, Right Slingshot Suplex - A, Down Slingshot Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Down Backdrop - A, Up Drop Toe Hold - A Knee to Stomach - A, Left Knee to Stomach - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix - A, Down Crucifix - A, Up Float Over DDT - A Float Over DDT - A, Left Float Over DDT - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Left Twisting Hurracanrana - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Lariat - X, Down Leg Lariat - X, Left Leg Lariat - X, Right Leg Lariat - X, Up Running Drop Kick - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up Running Elbow Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - A/B, Up Headlock Punch - A/B, Left Reverse Atomic Drop - A/B, Down Swinging Neck Breaker - A/B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog From Standing Grapple - B, Left DDT - B, Down Inziguri - B, Up Swinging Neck Breaker - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Down Regular Bulldog - A, Right Reverse DDT - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Scissors - A, Left Body Scissors - A, Right Neck Snap - A, Down Neck Snap - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Gut - X, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Left, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop 1 - X, Up Punch to Gut - X, Right Punch to Head - X Quick Jab - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Wringer - B, Left Chin Lock - B, Down Fuller Leg Lock - B, Up Standing Wristlock - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline 3 - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scotty 2 Hotty Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Scotty 2 Hotty Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Scotty 2 Hotty Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Scotty 2 Hotty Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Left Alley Oop - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Down Monkey Flip - A, Right Running Shoulder - A, Up Superplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Side Slam - A, Left Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Down Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Right Running Knee 1 - A, Left Running Knee 1 - A, Right ____ _ / ___| | |__ __ _ __ __ _ __ \___ \ | '_ \ / _` | \ \ /\ / / | '_ \ ___) | | | | | | (_| | \ V V / | | | | |____/ |_| |_| \__,_| \_/\_/ |_| |_| __ __ _ _ _ | \/ | (_) ___ | |__ __ _ ___ | | ___ | |\/| | | | / __| | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ | | / __| | | | | | | | (__ | | | | | (_| | | __/ | | \__ \ |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| |_| \__,_| \___| |_| |___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ I just finished his book that recently came out, and I think it's one of the funniest works of fictions I've ever read. Too bad it's supposed to be a biography. Regardless of any personal animosity that the wrestling community had built up against him, no one can deny that the man has been involved in some classic wrestling matches, and always gives his all no matter what or where he is wrestling. He loves the business and his list of classic matches can be topped by very few. I do think his time has also passed him, as coming out to "Sexy Boy" in leather pants is unbecoming for a 40 year old, but I cannot deny that he can still bring it in big time matches. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Left Flying Leg Drop - X, Right Moonsault - X, Down Moonsault - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Suplex - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flying Elbow Drop - A, B Sweet Chin Music - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boston Crab - A, Left Leg Bar - A, Right Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cross Arm Breaker - A, Left Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Right Standing Armbar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camel Clutch - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Right Head Scissors - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Flip Splash - X, Up Back Flip Splash - X, Right Back Flip Splash - X, Down Back Flip Splash - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag Leg Drop - A, Right Drop Toe Hold - A, Down Hurracanrana - A, Left Reverse Atomic Drop - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Up Inziguri - A, Right Power Slam - A, Down Suplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Down Choke Slingshot - A, Up Slingshot Suplex - A, Left Slingshot Suplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Down Backdrop - A, Up Flapjack - A Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker - A, Left Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix - A, Down Crucifix - A, Up Sleeper Slam - A Sleeper Slam - A, Left Sleeper Slam - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right One Arm Bulldog - A, Down One Arm Bulldog - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plancha - X, Left Plancha - X, Right Plancha - X, Down Plancha - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X, Down Clothesline - X, Left Clothesline - X, Right Clothesline - X, Up Leaping Forearm Smash - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Forearm Drop - X, Down Forearm Drop - X, Left Forearm Drop - X, Right Forearm Drop - X, Up Jumping Elbow Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A/B, Up Inziguri - A/B, Right Pile Driver - A/B, Left Reverse Atomic Drop - A/B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dragon Screw Leg Lock - B, Down Hangman Neck Breaker - B, Right Northern Lights Suplex 2 - B, Left Pile Driver - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Right Belly to Back Suplex - A, Up Bulldog - A, Down Russian Leg Sweep - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Scissors - A, Left Body Scissors - A, Right Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Down Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Left, Down Gut Kick - X, Right, Down Superkick - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X Haymaker - X, Up Punch to Gut - X, Right Punch to Head - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Wringer - B, Left Sharpshooter - B, Right Sleeper Hold 2 - B, Up Standing Wristlock - B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shawn Michaels Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Shawn Michaels Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Shawn Michaels Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Shawn Michaels Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Down Alley Oop Power Bomb - A, Up Running Knee Smash - A, Left Running Knee Smash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Down Monkey Flip - A, Left Running Shoulder - A, Up Superplex - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Surfboard For Turnbuckle - A, Down Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Left Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Left Tree of Woe Stomp - A, Right ____ _ _ _ / ___| | |__ ___ | | | |_ ___ _ __ \___ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | | | __| / _ \ | '_ \ ___) | | | | | | __/ | | | |_ | (_) | | | | | |____/ |_| |_| \___| |_| \__| \___/ |_| |_| ____ _ _ | __ ) ___ _ __ (_) __ _ _ __ ___ (_) _ __ | _ \ / _ \ | '_ \ | | / _` | | '_ ` _ \ | | | '_ \ | |_) | | __/ | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____/ \___| |_| |_| _/ | \__,_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |__/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Ain't no stopping him, now. Seems like the booking community didn't listen, as he has sadly virtually disappeared from the television broadcasts. A lot of people absolutely love him, and I am one of them. I've been a huge fan of him for years, from his time in OVW with Brock Lesnar as one half of the Minnesota Stretching Crew, to his time in the WWE with Charlie Haas as one half of my favorite tag team of all time, the World's Greatest Tag Team/Team Angle. He is one of my favorite singles wrestlers now, despite his mediocre mic skills. He can really bring it in the ring, and he has a ton of talent and some unique moves that few have seen before. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Flying Drop Kick - X, Down Flying Drop Kick - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Down Flying Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double DDT - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shelton Splash - A, B T Bone Power Slam - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up STF - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fujiwa Armbar - A, Left Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Right Standing Armbar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Leg Lock - A, Right Ground Punches - A, Up Head Scissors - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A, Down Drop Kick - A, Left Short Arm Clothesline - A, Up Snap Mare - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A, Right Power Slam - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Down Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slingshot Suplex - A, Down Slingshot Suplex - A, Up Wipeout - A, Left Wipeout - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop Toe Hold - A Front Drop - A, Down Front Drop - A, Up Power Slam - A, Left Power Slam - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix - A, Down Crucifix - A, Up Neck Breaker - A Neck Breaker - A, Down Neck Breaker - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Down Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Left Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Right Leaping Forearm Smash - X, Up Running Clothesline - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Elbow Drop - X, Down Running Elbow Drop - X, Left Running Elbow Drop - X, Right Running Elbow Drop - X, Up Running Senton - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker - A/B, Left Drop Kick - A/B, Up Russian Leg Sweep - A/B, Right Short Arm Clothesline - A/B, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Belly Suplex - B, Down Hangman Neck Breaker - B, Right Super Kick - B, Left Tornado Heel Kick - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Suplex - A, Left German Suplex - A, Down Regular Bulldog - A, Right Sleeper Slam - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sitting Surfboard - A, Left Sitting Surfboard - A, Right Strangle Hold 2 - A, Down Strangle Hold 2 - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Down Super Kick - X, Left, Down Super Kick - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop - X, Up Haymaker - X, Right Punch to Head - X Quick Jab - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Up Neck And Arm Stretch - B, Right Sleeper Hold 2 - B, Down Standing Bow and Arrow - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam to Knee - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shelton Benjamin Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Shelton Benjamin Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Shelton Benjamin Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Shelton Benjamin Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Left Alley Oop - A, Right Boot Wash - A, Down Boot Wash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Down Monkey Flip - A, Right Running Shoulder - A, Up Superplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Superplex - A, Right Side Slam - A, Down Snake Eyes - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nut Stomp - A, Down Nut Stomp - A, Up Running Knee - A, Left Running Knee - A, Right ____ _ _ / ___| _ __ (_) | | __ ___ \___ \ | '_ \ | | | |/ / / _ \ ___) | | |_) | | | | < | __/ |____/ | .__/ |_| |_|\_\ \___| |_| ____ _ _ | _ \ _ _ __| | | | ___ _ _ | | | | | | | | / _` | | | / _ \ | | | | | |_| | | |_| | | (_| | | | | __/ | |_| | |____/ \__,_| \__,_| |_| \___| \__, | |___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Spike Dudley is another strange inclusion in the game, but then I'd REALLY sound like a broken record at this point. He is the smallest wrestler in the WWE, weighing in at 150 pounds or so and is very small in height. He no longer even wrestles for the WWE to the best of my knowledge, but he was a fairly popular wrestler back in the day, especially in the ECW wrestling organization. His finisher, the Dudley Dog, is simply one of the coolest finishing moves I have ever seen. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Left Flying Leg Drop - X, Right Moonsault - X, Down Moonsault - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double DDT - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dudley Dog - A, B Spike Dudley Drop - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Right Leg Grapevine - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fujiwa Armbar - A, Left Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Right Standing Armbar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Figure Four Head Lock - A, Right Ground Punches - A, Up Head Scissors - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corkscrew Leg Drop - X, Up Corkscrew Leg Drop - X, Right Corkscrew Leg Drop - X, Down Corkscrew Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Down Drop Toe Hold - A, Up Eye Rake - A, Left Reverse Atomic Drop - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop Kick - A, Right Regular Suplex - A, Up Russian Leg Sweep - A, Left Step Up Insiguri - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Down Choke Slingshot - A, Up Top Rope Choke - A, Left Top Rope Choke - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Left Backdrop - A, Right Belly Bump - A, Down Belly Bump - A, Up Drop Toe Hold - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix Head Scissors - A, Down Crucifix Head Scissors - A, Up Float Over DDT - A Float Over DDT - A, Left Float Over DDT - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Plancha - X, Left Plancha - X, Right Plancha - X, Down Plancha - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Drop Kick - X Running Elbow Drop - X, Down Running Elbow Drop - X, Left Running Elbow Drop - X, Right Running Elbow Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up Running Elbow Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drop Kick - A/B, Right Jawbreaker - A/B, Down Reverse Atomic Drop - A/B, Up Russian Leg Sweep - A/B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - B, Up DDT - B, Down Hurracanrana - B, Left Jawbreaker - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Forearm to Back - A, Up Knee Breaker - A, Down Regular Bulldog - A, Right Reverse DDT - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Back - A, Left Kick to Back - A, Right Kick to Front - A, Down Kick to Front - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Gut - X, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Left, Down Low Roundhouse - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kick to Gut - X, Down Mid Roundhouse Kick - X, Left, Down Mid Roundhouse Kick - X, Right, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Wringer - B, Left Head Lock - B, Down Standing Arm Bar - B, Up Standing Wristlock - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demolition Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spike Dudley Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Spike Dudley Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Spike Dudley Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Spike Dudley Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up Spike Stomps - A, Left Spike Stomps - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Left Monkey Flip - A, Right Sliced Bread #2 - A, Up Tiger Mask - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dvon Neck Breaker - A, Down Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Turnbuckle Surfboard - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Down Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Up Nut Stomp - A, Left Nut Stomp - A, Right _____ _ _ _ _ |_ _| _ __ (_) _ __ | | ___ | | | | | | | '__| | | | '_ \ | | / _ \ | |_| | | | | | | | | |_) | | | | __/ | _ | |_| |_| |_| | .__/ |_| \___| |_| |_| |_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ It's all about The Game, and how you play it. Triple H's career has been under a microscope ever since he got married to the boss's daughter, Stephanie McMahon. He has been accused of getting special treatment since then, and maybe rightfully so. He has won tons of world titles, only Ric Flair has won more in his career. He has always been the focus of attention in the WWE, but I just see this as a desperate attempt for them to create a new superstar in the mold of a Stone Cold or Rock. It's not working, but don't tell them that. The Pedigree is such a bad ass finisher, though. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Left Flying Elbow Drop - X, Right Leaping Fist - X, Down Leaping Fist - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Atomic Drop - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Indian Death Lock - A, B, Directional Pedigree - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop to Leg - A, Right Leg Grapevine - A, Left Leg Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Short Arm Scissors - A, Up Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Left Standing Armbar - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Head Scissors - A, Up Strangle Hold 1 - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A, Left Eye Rake - A, Up Knee Breaker - A, Down Low Blow - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - A, Down Gutwrench Suplex - A, Left Spine Buster - A, Right Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Top Rope Choke - A, Left Top Rope Choke - A, Right Wipeout - A, Down Wipeout - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee to Stomach - A, Left Knee to Stomach - A, Right Spine Buster - A, Down Spine Buster - A, Up Triple H Knee - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly To Belly Suplex - A, Down Belly to Belly Suplex - A, Up Stampede Clothesline - A Stampede Clothesline - A, Left Stampede Clothesline - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Left Bulldog - A, Right Chop Block - A, Down Chop Block - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baseball Slide - X, Left Baseball Slide - X, Right Baseball Slide - X, Down Baseball Slide - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X, Down Clothesline - X, Left Clothesline - X, Right Clothesline - X, Up Running Shoulder Block - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X Forearm Drop - X, Down Forearm Drop - X, Left Forearm Drop - X, Right Forearm Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eye Rake - A/B, Left Full Nelson Slam - A/B, Down Head Smash To Knee - A/B, Right Low Blow - A/B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head Smash To Knee - B, Down Tackle and Choke - B, Up Triple H Backbreaker - B, Left Triple H Neckbreaker - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Right Belly to Back Suplex 2 - A, Left Full Nelson Slam - A, Up Russian Leg Sweep - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Snap - A, Down Neck Snap - A, Up Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Left Sitting Ab Stretch - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Left, Down Gut Kick - X, Right, Down Kick to Gut - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop 1 - X, Left Kidney Punch - X, Right Low Blow - X, Up Punch w/Elbow - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Down Clover Leaf - B, Left Head Lock - B, Up Sleeper Hold 2 - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline 3 - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Triple H Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Triple H Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Triple H Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Triple H Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Left Alley Oop - A, Right Boot Wash - A, Down Boot Wash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Up Choke and Beel - A, Right Corner Punches - A, Down Superplex - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Snake Eyes - A, Down Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Right Turnbuckle Head Smash - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nut Stomp - A, Down Nut Stomp - A, Up Running Knee - A, Left Running Knee - A, Right _____ _ _ |_ _| _ __ (_) ___ | |__ | | | '__| | | / __| | '_ \ | | | | | | \__ \ | | | | |_| |_| |_| |___/ |_| |_| ____ _ _ / ___| | |_ _ __ __ _ | |_ _ _ ___ \___ \ | __| | '__| / _` | | __| | | | | / __| ___) | | |_ | | | (_| | | |_ | |_| | \__ \ |____/ \__| |_| \__,_| \__| \__,_| |___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ When Trish Stratus first joined the WWE, she was not the most popular person in the world. A lot of people felt she had no reason being in the WWE, as she had no previous wrestling experience and was basically a fitness model for years. She did not have the most ideal first few years in the company, as she did not display a modicum of talent and was basically a valet for Test, Albert, and later Val Venis. However, she has really tried hard and the last few years have seen her grow as a wrestler and personality, and she is now one of the more complete wrestlers on the entire roster. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Drop Kick - X, Left Flying Drop Kick - X, Right Flying Leg Drop - X, Left Flying Leg Drop - X, Right Moonsault - X, Down Moonsault - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Clothesline - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stratusfaction - A, B Trish Bulldog - A, B, Directional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Right Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bow and Arrow Sitting - B, Right Fujiwa Armbar - A, Left Standing Armbar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Front Face Lock - A, Right Ground Punches - A, Up Head Scissors - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Up Arm Wringer Flip - A, Left Hip Toss - A, Down Snap Mare - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A, Right DDT - A, Left Drop Kick - A, Up Power Slam - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Top Rope Choke - A, Down Top Rope Choke - A, Up Wipeout - A, Left Wipeout - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backdrop - A, Left Backdrop - A, Right Drop Toe Hold - A Knee to Stomach - A, Down Knee to Stomach - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crucifix Head Scissors - A, Down Crucifix Head Scissors - A, Up Neck Breaker - A Neck Breaker - A, Left Neck Breaker - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baseball Slide - X, Left Baseball Slide - X, Right Baseball Slide - X, Down Baseball Slide - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Clothesline - X Running Drop Kick - X, Down Running Drop Kick - X, Left Running Drop Kick - X, Right Running Drop Kick - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up Running Elbow Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A/B, Left DDT - A/B, Down Drop Kick - A/B, Right Swinging Neck Breaker - A/B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Insiguri - B, Left Spine Buster - B, Up Swinging Neck Breaker - B, Down Thesz Press - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Down Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Reverse DDT - A, Left Russian Leg Sweep - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Scissors - A, Down Body Scissors - A, Up Kick to Back - A, Left Kick to Back - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spinning Roundhouse - X, Left, Down Spinning Roundhouse - X, Right, Down Spinning Sidekick - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backhand - X, Right Big Lady Slap - X, Left Diva Chop - X, Up Overhead Chop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abdominal Stretch - B, Up Chin Lock - B, Down Neck and Arm Stretch - B, Right Standing Arm Bar - B, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clothesline - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sexy Bra and Panties Animation - A-Pad Left Sexy Bra and Panties Animation - A-Pad Right Trish Stratus Taunt 1 - A-Pad Down Trish Stratus Taunt 1 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corner Punches - A, Down Monkey Flip - A, Left Stratusphere - A, Right Superplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Side Slam - A, Left Snake Eyes - A, Down Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Down Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Up Running Knee 1 - A, Left Running Knee 1 - A, Right _ _ _ _ _ | | | | _ __ __| | ___ _ __ | |_ __ _ | | __ ___ _ __ | | | | | '_ \ / _` | / _ \ | '__| | __| / _` | | |/ / / _ \ | '__| | |_| | | | | | | (_| | | __/ | | | |_ | (_| | | < | __/ | | \___/ |_| |_| \__,_| \___| |_| \__| \__,_| |_|\_\ \___| |_| -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Undertaker is arguably one of the most popular wrestlers of all time, as he is one of the few guys that even non wrestling fans probably have heard of at some point. His character is that of a dead man zombie, which is far superior to his previous character of a bike riding redneck. The Undertaker has a problem with selling and jobbing, which makes him a bit of a target on the Internet Wrestling Community, who hates everyone over 6'5". Regardless, he has proven over the years to be a great competitor and tremendous character, and he is a sure fire hall of famer. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Left Axe Handle - X, Right Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Down Flying Elbow Drop - X, Up Leaping Fist - X, Left Leaping Fist - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ T-Slam - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slam - A, B, Directional Tombstone Piledriver - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Bar - A, Right Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fujiwa Armbar - A, Right Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Left Standing Armbar - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Ground Choke - A, Right Ground Punches - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leg Drop - X, Up Leg Drop - X, Right Leg Drop - X, Down Leg Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Right Big Boot - X, Left Body Slam - A, Down Russian Leg Sweep - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Belly to Back Suplex - A, Right Choke w/Brain Damage - A, Down Shoulder Breaker - A, Up Triple Shoulder Block - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Left Choke Slingshot - A, Right Rope Choke - A, Down Rope Choke - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss Man Slam - A Power Slam - A, Down Power Slam - A, Up Spine Buster - A, Left Spine Buster - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sleeper Slam - A, Down Sleeper Slam - A, Up Stampede Clothesline - A Stampede Clothesline - A, Left Stampede Clothesline - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Down Bulldog - A, Up Chop Block - A, Left Chop Block - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suicide Dive - X, Left Suicide Dive - X, Right Suicide Dive - X, Down Suicide Dive - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flying Clothesline - X Running Shoulder Block - X, Down Running Shoulder Block - X, Left Running Shoulder Block - X, Right Running Shoulder Block - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jumping Elbow Drop - X Quick Leg Drop - X, Down Quick Leg Drop - X, Left Quick Leg Drop - X, Right Quick Leg Drop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Big Boot - A/B, Right DDT - A/B, Down Full Nelson Slam - A/B, Left Triple Shoulder Block - A/B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - B, Left Gutwrench Suplex - B, Right Power Bomb - B, Down Sidewalk Slam - B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Left Belly to Back Suplex - A, Right Full Nelson Slam - A, Down Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asian Spike - A, Down Asian Spike - A, Up Neck Vice - A, Left Neck Vice - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jumping Boot - X, Left, Down Jumping Boot - X, Right, Down Kick to Gut - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Haymaker - X, Right Kidney Punch - X, Left Punch to Head - X Throat Chop - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Backbreaker Press - B, Left Bear Hug - B, Up Dragon Sleeper - B, Down Standing Arm Bar - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newton Splash - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Undertaker Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Undertaker Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Undertaker Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Undertaker Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boot Wash - A, Left Boot Wash - A, Right Running Knee Smash - A, Down Running Knee Smash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke and Beel - A, Up Corner Charge - A, Down Old School - A, Left Taker Soup Bones - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Snake Eyes - A, Left Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Left Foot Choke (Tree of Woe) - A, Right Running Knee 1 - A, Down Running Knee 1 - A, Up __ __ _ __ __ _ \ \ / / __ _ | | \ \ / / ___ _ __ (_) ___ \ \ / / / _` | | | \ \ / / / _ \ | '_ \ | | / __| \ V / | (_| | | | \ V / | __/ | | | | | | \__ \ \_/ \__,_| |_| \_/ \___| |_| |_| |_| |___/ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| BIOGRAPHY |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Holy cow, a jobber that I'm not going to complain about being included! Why's that? Because I love Val Venis! He is one of my favorite wrestlers, and has been for years. He has a lot of wrestling talent and has been significantly underutilized in recent years, ever since his run as the underrated "Chief Morely" ended. His character is that of a former porn star, and he used to give some of the most hilarious promos ever. In addition, his classic moment with Kaientai continues to be a favorite amongst those that were watching wrestling back then. I love Val Venis and hope he one day gets that push he deserves. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ --------------------------------| MOVE LIST |--------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aerial Attack off Turnbuckle or Object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Axe Handle - X, Down Axe Handle - X, Up Flying Elbow Drop - X, Down Flying Elbow Drop - X, Up Flying Leg Drop - X, Left Flying Leg Drop - X, Right Leaping Fist - X, Left Leaping Fist - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Team - Normal Move ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flapjack - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finisher - Special Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Irish Whip Knees - A, B, Directional The Money Shot - A, B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Lower Body (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop To Leg - A, Right Single Leg Boston Crab - A, Left Step Over Toe Hold - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fujiwa Armbar - A, Left Sitting Bow and Arrow - A, Up Standing Armbar - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Grapple - Upper Body (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Foot Eye Rake - A, Left Front Face Lock - A, Up Ground Punches - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Arms) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fist Drop - X, Up Fist Drop - X, Right Fist Drop - X, Down Fist Drop - X, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Up Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ground Strike - Directional (Legs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Knee Drop - X, Up Knee Drop - X, Right Knee Drop - X, Down Knee Drop - X, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Quick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Drag - A, Right Body Slam - A, Down Russian Leg Sweep - A, Left Short Arm Clothesline - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quick or Strong Grapple - Strong ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Full Nelson Slam - A, Right German Suplex - A, Left Spine Buster - A, Down Suplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ropes (Grapple) - Opponent Tied on Ropes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Choke Slingshot - A, Left Choke Slingshot - A, Right Rope Gut Kick - A, Down Rope Gut Kick - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Counter Attack (Opponent is Running) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back Drop - A, Down Back Drop - A, Up Boss Man Slam - A, Left Boss Man Slam - A, Right Knee To Stomach - A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Neck Breaker - A, Down Neck Breaker - A, Up Sleeper Slam - A Sleeper Slam - A, Left Sleeper Slam - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Grapple Attack (From Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bulldog - A, Left Bulldog - A, Right Chop Block - A, Down Chop Block - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Move (Dive Attack Through/over Ropes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Baseball Slide - X, Left Baseball Slide - X, Right Baseball Slide - X, Down Baseball Slide - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Clothesline - X Running Roaring Elbow - X, Down Running Roaring Elbow - X, Left Running Roaring Elbow - X, Right Running Shoulder Block - X, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running Strike (Opponent on Ground) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elbow Drop - X, Down Elbow Drop - X, Left Elbow Drop - X, Right Elbow Drop - X, Up Quick Leg Drop - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Safe Grapple (Outside Ring) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam - A/B, Right Gut Buster - A/B, Down Short Arm Clothesline - A/B, Left Spine Buster - A/B, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialty Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DDT - B, Down Gut Buster - B, Up Sit Down Power Bomb - B, Left Swinging Neck Breaker - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Behind) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Atomic Drop - A, Right Belly to Back Suplex 2 - A, Up Bulldog - A, Down Reverse DDT - A, Left ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standing Grapple (Opponent Sitting) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sitting Surfboard - A, Down Sitting Surfboard - A, Up Strangle Hold 2 - A, Left Strangle Hold 2 - A, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Feet or Knees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gut Kick - X, Left, Down Gut Kick - X, Right, Down Kick to Gut - X, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strikes with Hands or Arms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chop 1 - X, Up Haymaker - X, Right Punch to Gut - X, Left Punch to Head - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submission Grapple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arm Bar - B, Down Full Nelson - B, Up Sleeper Hold 2 - B, Left Standing Octopus - B, Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tag Team Double Team Move (In Corner) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Body Slam On Knee - X ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Val Venis Taunt 1 - A-Pad Left Val Venis Taunt 1 - A-Pad Right Val Venis Taunt 2 - A-Pad Down Val Venis Taunt 2 - A-Pad Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Against An Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alley Oop - A, Left Alley Oop - A, Right Boot Wash - A, Down Boot Wash - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Back) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beel - A, Right Corner Punches - A, Left Running Shoulder - A, Down Superplex - A, Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Grapple - Grapple Attack Against An Opponent Stuck on Turnbuckle (Front) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab Trunks w/Back Forearm Smash - A, Right Snake Eyes - A, Left Toss Through Ropes Into Post - A, Down ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turnbuckle Tree of Woe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nut Stomp - A, Left Nut Stomp - A, Right Running Knee - A, Down Running Knee - A, Up =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | 4.0 |. . . . . . . . . . . UNLOCKABLES GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . | 4.0 | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is just a quick chart of the unlockables in the game. Name of the unlockable, how much money you need in shopzone, and your prestige level needed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Prestige || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Rising Star Prestige || 100,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Superstar Prestige || 300,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Legend Prestige || 500,000 || Superstar || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-= || Legends || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Jimmy Snuka || 150,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Big Show 2003 || 150,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rey Mysterio || 200,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || The Rock || 300,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Mankind || 400,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Bret Hart || 500,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Andre the Giant || 1,000,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=- || Arenas || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Gymnasium || 100,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Summerslam || 120,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Wrestling Club || 150,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Survivor Series || 250,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Training Facility || 300,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Royal Rumble || 600,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Civic Center || 750,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Industrial Basement || 900,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Wrestlemania || 1,000,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=- || Weapons|| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Paddle || 125,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Urn || 175,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Crowbar || 175,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Flag || 175,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Sledgehammer || 200,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || 2x4 Board || 200,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Barbed Wire Bat || 200,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Attributes || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || 1 || 10,000 || ||------------------------||------------------------|| || 2 || 19,000 || ||------------------------||------------------------|| || 3 || 28,000 || ||------------------------||------------------------|| || 4 || 35,000 || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || CAW - Accessories || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Dog Neck Collar || 2,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Gold Necklaces || 2,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Exposed Fingers || 7,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Olympian Medal || 3,500 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Knuckle Rings || 6,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || WWE Classic || 8,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Olympian Medal || 3,500 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || NWO White w/Border || 8,500 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || NWO White || 8,500 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || D-Generation X Logo 4 || 9,500 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || CAW - Head || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Undead || 1,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || War Paint || 1,500 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || El Gran Luchador || 2,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Orient Express 2 || 2,200 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || JBL Cowboy || 3,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || French Beret || 3,300 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Uganda || 2,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Canadian Flyer || 2,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Demolition (Crush) || 2,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Hurricane Mask || 2,800 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Undertaker Hat || 3,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Fuji Hat || 3,800 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rey Mysterio Mask || 3,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Black Gold || 3,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Luchador || 3,200 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Top Hat || 3,500 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || L.O.D. || 3,500 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Classic Kane Mask || 3,800 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Fedora || 4,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Pale Ghost || 4,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Egyptian Pharaoh || 4,500 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Native American || 4,500 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Clown || 4,500 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chain Mail Hood || 4,800 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || CAW - Upper Body || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Big Collar Suit || 6,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Cop Shirt || 6,500 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Demolition Singlet || 7,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Regular Winner Coat || 7,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Referee Shirt || 7,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Decorative Arm Band L || 8,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Classic Kane Fire || 9,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || CAW - Lower Body || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Curled Toe || 2,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Skin Tight - Short || 6,500 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Medical Knee Brace || 7,500 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Cowboy Boots || 2,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Jean Shorts - Classic || 7,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Combat Boots || 3,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Gym Shoes || 3,500 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Genie Pants || 5,500 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Snake Scales || 9,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || CAW - Moves || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Rising Star Moves || 175,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Superstar Moves || 300,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Legend Moves || 450,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || CAW - Entrances || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Music Mogul || 5,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Video Tech || 20,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Cameraman || 30,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Pyromaniac || 50,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || WWE Fan Club || 100,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || Create A Championship || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Backlash PPV || 15,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || No Way Out PPV || 15,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Unforgiven PPV || 15,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Hitman Hart || 25,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Smoking Skull || 25,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Million Dollar Title || 30,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Smackdown TV Title || 30,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Gold Belt || 400,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Death Valley Title || 50,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Platinum Belt || 800,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= || Titantron || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Chavo Guerrero || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Scotty 2 Hotty || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Nidia || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Miss Jackie || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Charlie Haas || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Garrison Cade || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Jazz || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Hurricane || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Val Venis || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rene Dupree || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rhyno || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Spike Dudley || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Dudley Boyz || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Tajiri || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Lita || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Christian || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rob Van Dam || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Shelton Benjamin || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rey Mysterio || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chris Benoit || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Batista || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Ric Flair || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Big Show || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Edge || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Eddie Guerrero || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || John Cena || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Booker T || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Eugene || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || JBL || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Kane || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Kurt Angle || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Shawn Michaels || 20,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Stacy Keibler || 20,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Trish Stratus || 20,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Randy Orton || 20,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Undertaker || 20,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chris Jericho || 20,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Triple H || 20,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=- || Images || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Wrestling Club || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Gymnasium 1 || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rey Mysterio || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || JBL || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Ric Flair || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Great American Bash || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Armageddon || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || No Mercy || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Vengeance || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Taboo Tuesday || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Unforgiven || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Bad Blood || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Judgment Day || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Backlash || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || No Way Out || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Survivor Series || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Royal Rumble || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Summerslam || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Wrestlemania 21 || 5,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Batista || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Triple H || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Randy Orton || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Ric Flair || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Val Venis || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chris Jericho || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Kane || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chris Benoit || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Shawn Michaels || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Eugene || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Christian || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Shelton Benjamin || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Edge || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rhyno || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Matt Hardy || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Tajiri || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Hurricane || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Kurt Angle || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || John Cena || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Undertaker || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rey Mysterio || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Eddie Guerrero || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Big Show || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Charlie Haas || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Booker T || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chavo Guerrero || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rob Van Dam || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Bubba Ray Dudley || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || D-Von Dudley || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Spike Dudley || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || JBL || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rene Dupree || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Theodore Long || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Tazz || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Jim Ross || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Jerry Lawler || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Eric Bischoff || 2,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Stacy Keibler 1 || 3,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Stacy Keibler 2 || 3,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Trish Stratus 1 || 3,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Trish Stratus 2 || 3,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Lita 1 || 3,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Lita 2 || 3,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Miss Jackie 1 || 3,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Miss Jackie 2 || 3,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || The Rock 1 || 3,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || The Rock 2 || 3,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Gymnasium 2 || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Eddie Guerrero || 5,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Edge || 5,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chris Benoit || 5,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Undertaker Logo || 5,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Million Dollar || 5,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Cruiserweight 1 || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Cruiserweight 2 || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Hardcore || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Flag Side || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Raw TV || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Smackdown TV || 10,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Gymnasium 3 || 25,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Basement 1 || 25,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Basement 2 || 25,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Basement 3 || 25,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Civic Center 1 || 25,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Civic Center 2 || 25,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || John Cena || 5,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Randy Orton || 5,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Classic IC 1 || 12,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Classic IC 2 || 12,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Classic IC 3 || 12,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Undisputed 1 || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Undisputed 2 || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Undisputed 3 || 15,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Hi Tech Training 1 || 15,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Hi Tech Training 2 || 15,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Kurt Angle || 5,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Triple H || 5,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Classic Heavyweight 1 || 15,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Classic Heavyweight 2 || 15,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Classic Heavyweight 3 || 15,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Classic Heavyweight 4 || 15,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Lita Bra and Panties 1 || 3,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Lita Bra and Panties 2 || 3,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Lita Bra and Panties 3 || 3,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Lita Bra and Panties 4 || 3,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Face Renders || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Big Show || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Batista || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Booker T || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Bubba Ray Dudley || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Charlie Haas || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chavo Guerrero || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chris Benoit || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chris Jericho || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Christian || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || D-Von Dudley || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Eddie Guerrero || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Edge || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Eugene || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Garrison Cade || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Hurricane || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Jazz || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || JBL || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || John Cena || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Kane || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Kurt Angle || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Lita || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Matt Hardy || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Miss Jackie || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Nidia || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Randy Orton || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rene Dupree || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rey Mysterio || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rhyno || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Ric Flair || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rob Van Dam || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Scotty 2 Hotty || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Shawn Michaels || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Shelton Benjamin || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Spike Dudley || 1,500 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Stacy Keibler || 1,500 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Tajiri || 1,500 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Triple H || 1,500 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Trish Stratus || 1,500 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Undertaker || 1,500 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Val Venis || 1,500 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Andre the Giant || 1,500 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Bret Hart || 1,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Jimmy Snuka || 1,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Mankind || 1,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || The Rock || 1,500 || Superstar || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Load Screens || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Survivor Series || 30,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Armageddon || 30,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Raw || 30,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Smackdown || 35,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Velocity || 35,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Hi Tech Training || 35,000 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Gymnasium || 40,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Industrial Basement 1 || 40,000 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Industrial Basement 2 || 40,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Wrestling Club || 40,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-= || Logos || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || NAME OF UNLOCKABLE || SHOPZONE MONEY || PRESTIGE LEVEL || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- || Batista || 1,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Charlie Haas || 1,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chris Benoit || 1,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Chris Jericho || 1,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Eddie Guerrero || 1,000 || Amateur || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Edge || 1,200 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Eugene || 1,200 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || John Cena || 1,200 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Kane || 1,200 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Kurt Angle || 1,200 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Matt Hardy || 1,200 || Rising Star || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Randy Orton || 1,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rene Dupree || 1,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Rey Mysterio || 1,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Ric Flair || 1,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Shawn Michaels || 1,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Shelton Benjamin || 1,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Tajiri || 1,500 || Superstar || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Triple H || 2,000 || Legend || ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------|| || Undertaker || 2,000 || Legend || =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | 5.0 |. . . . . . . . . . . OTHER INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . .| 5.0 | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is just the final section where I thank people, show a revision history, pimp my other guides, and give you a look at what's to come in the guide, as well as some of the stuff that I need to complete the guide. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -------- 5.1 --------- Credits *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Jeremy Peeples - For providing the basic controls list for me! I bought the game without a manual so this was a BIG help. Thanks man! WM21 Board - Despite the rampant stupidity and dumb questions, this was a relatively decent board for information. Sayain Prince and Dale "Gruel" Kulas - For being two awesome GameFAQs buddies who love wrestling, I probably got some information or something off of them during the course of writing this guide. GameFAQs - For posting this guide and also for having a FAQ Bounty up for this game. I'll buy Stella Deus with the money, probably. :) Not a bad deal! Richard Beast and Ryan Harrison - My two best buds on GameFAQs. Thanks for all the laughs through the years, gays.. I mean, guys. IGN and the game - Help with move names and controls and stuff. Gamespot - I got the codes from them. If that's a problem, I'll rewrite the section if they wish. All my other peeps - For supporting me and listening to me, yadda yadda. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -------- 5.2 --------- Other Guides *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- I have written about 35 complete guides now, give or take a few. I've written for a wide variety of games, mainly RPGs and wrestling games, but lately I am trying to deviate from that. I know this is not a good start, but hey, its an XBOX game, right? :D *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -------- 5.3 --------- Future Guides *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- I plan to write guides for the following 5 games by the end of the summer: - Final Fantasy 8 - WWF No Mercy - Circus Capers - Tales of Phantasia - Final Fantasy Tactics Wish me luck with that, I'll need it. ;) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -------- 5.4 --------- Contact Information *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- You can check out all of my other guides on GameFAQs, which will hopefully include a very sexy Tales of Symphonia guide soon. I can't wait to finish that thing. I am most proud of this guide and Legend of Legaia, but I did guides for a lot of Final Fantasies, as well as some random Castlevania and wrestling games, and both Tales of Destiny games. Check them out! In addition on my quest to write for all the Final Fantasy games, I will try to finish my Aria of Sorrow and NCAA 2004 guides, as well as some random NES games (Predator, NOES, Jeopardy Jr., and Puss and Boots, anyone?) and guides for the other 2 Castlevania games that employ the new style. Oh, and I might do a Wild Arms 3 guide. And I still have to finish my ToS and FF8 guides.. And there's always Final Fantasy 12 and NCAA Football 2006 to look forward to... I appreciate any information you can contribute, especially to game basics, and team ratings. Also, feel free to email any questions that would be good for a FAQ section, as I plan to add one to a future update. Any errors and omissions that you may see can be corrected if you inform me of them. I'll also credit you, if your error or omission is actually correct and worth an update for me to fix. I am somewhat busy, you know. That's about it. If anyone would like me to add anything, you can always email me. AIM: JuanDixonFor3 MSN: mcfa4834@bellsouth.net YIM: nicklacheysnightmare If you contact me on one of the instant messengers, and I do not respond, it probably means I am busy. I am always talking with my girl, and friends, so sometimes I just ignore some instant messages from people I do not know. Be nice, and I will talk to you, just don't come out and ask the question and be all rude if I do not respond in five seconds, otherwise I probably will just block you. I will answer all e-mails about the game, however. You can contact me by emailing me at penguin_faqs@yahoo.com One last note: Only email me about the game at penguin_faqs@yahoo.com, all emails about WWE Wrestlemania 21 sent to my other e-mail addresses will be deleted and/or ignored. Thanks to all those that have emailed me so far, I appreciate it! 1. Check my email backlog. If it's filled up, you may have to wait a while before you get a response. 2. I check my email once in a while. Please wait for a response, because I will respond to all emails. 3. Please read my guide before asking questions, that's why I have a FAQ section. 4. I will only post your question/tip in my guide if it is good, and has not been answered in this guide. Also, I have AIM and Yahoo. My AIM name is JuanDixonFor3, but PLEASE do not harass me with annoying questions or I'll block you. I only wish to chat with people. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -------- 5.5 --------- Revision History *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- I like going back years from now and reading this section. :) -------------------------- LASTEST UPDATE -------------------------- v1.00 - November 27, 2005 - 455.8KB - After another huge update and major reformatting, I am finally finished this FAQ, more than six months after it started. Whoo hoo, now I can move onto focusing on Dragon Quest 8 without feeling guilty about seeing a half blue dot next to this FAQ! -------------------------- PREVIOUS UPDATES -------------------------- v0.80 - November 26, 2005 - 254.8KB - I am really determined to finish this thing now so I can move onto finishing my other FAQs, mainly Dragon Quest 8 and Alias. I added in six whole move lists and finished up the entire unlockables section. As you can imagine, that was a whole lot of work, but I am supremely pleased with my progress and honestly think this will finally be done soon. I figured out I skipped over Lita, so I'll make sure to add that skank in. Only 6 more move lists left! v0.60 - November 25, 2005 - 192.8 KB - Yep, I gave up on this after a complete FAQ was submitted, only to discover he stole a lot from me, so it was removed and now I am determined to finish this thing. I added in Randy Orton's move list, so 12 more to go. Give me two weeks, tops. v0.50 - July 17, 2005 - 186.0KB - I am now officially rolling. Just a quick update to add in 3 more move lists: Mankind, Matt Hardy, and Nidia. Guide should definitely be done soon, hopefully by the time RAW comes on tomorrow night! v0.30 - July 17, 2005 - 166.8KB - Hey, I'm still hanging around. I just had some stuff to do and did an entire No Mercy co write in 2 days. The bounty's going away soon so I better get this done quick. I finally added in some of the answers to more frequently asked questions, which was important. I decided to remove the in depth guides at this time. Unlockables list was updated and I added in the move lists for Jimmy Snuka, John Cena, Kane, and Kurt Angle. I should have most of the guide done by tomorrow and finished on Tuesday, hence the 0.30 update. v0.07 - July 6, 2005 - 136.4KB - Whoops, I didn't forget about this guide. I just haven't been motivated. I'll finish it now. JBL's move list was added and I worked on the unlockables list some more. v0.06 - May 27, 2005 - 127.1KB - Haha, yesterday I put it was the 27th like the smart guy I am. Anyways, 2nd day updating in a row. I'M ON FIRE! 6 more move lists added. That's right, six. Whoo. All the way up to Jazz (still want to know why she's in this game) now, with more to come tomorrow. I also added in the controls listing thanks to the awesome Jeremy Peeples! v0.05 - May 26, 2005 - 87.8KB - I'm back on track and hopefully will finish the moves lists before school starts for me on Tuesday. I added in five wrestler move lists, the entire C section. D should be easy since there are none... I'll try to add in six tomorrow, as well as some other unlockables I may find. Finally, I added in a completion percentage tracker at the top of the guide. v0.04 - May 22, 2005 - 55.2KB - Sorry about the late update. I was trying to finish FF8 and FFT, and got them BOTH done. :) So, I can focus more on this guide. I added in the move lists for Bret Hart and Booker T. I then added in a FAQ about codes and decided to do an unlockables list, and got that completely done. Go me! More to come, so stick around! v0.03 - May 15, 2005 - 37.0KB - Just another quick update because GameFAQs still hasn't updated since I first submitted this guide two days ago. I added in Big Show's move list and worked on the other move lists a little bit, fixing up move names and reorganizing some stuff around. More to come later today or tomorrow, I really want to finish this guide.. v0.02 - May 14, 2005 - 30.7KB - Just a quick update to show I am serious about finishing this guide. I will work more on it later, as well. Fixed up some issues with Andre's move list and added in Batista. More to come later, stay tuned... v0.01 - May 13, 2005 - 24.5KB - I guess I am officially crazy after all. Guide started officially, based off a whim I had when I saw no guides posted and the fact I haven't done a wrestling guide in a while. Format started, Andre's move list is done, some FAQ's added, and that's it for this version. I'll have more tomorrow, stay tuned. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -------- 5.6 --------- Future Updates *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- I am finally done this FAQ, so I am just going to add in CAWs and game modes and stuff in the future if I feel like it. Wish me luck :) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- -------- 5.7 --------- What I Need *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Right now, I'm mainly asking for any created wrestler formulas, as well as any FAQs and information I may need to make this guide better. Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to provide! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | 6.0 |. . . . . . . . . . . . . CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .| 6.0 | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thanks for reading my guide! I really hope you enjoyed the hard work that went into it, and right now it's the only WWE Wrestlemania 21 guide on GameFAQs! How cool is that? Take care, Psycho Penguin