Neoseeker : Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II : Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II FAQs : Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II FAQ/Walkthrough

Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II FAQ/Walkthrough

by KeyBlade999   Updated to vFinal on
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  • Game: Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II
  • Console: Sega Master System
  • File Type: Formatted FAQ/Walkthrough
  • Author: KeyBlade999 (a.k.a. Daniel Chaviers)
  • Version: Final
  • Time of Update: 11:07 PM 1/8/2013
  • File Size: 20.4 KB


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Welcome to another one of my FAQs. This particular FAQ covers the Sega Master System game known as Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II. This is a game that, like many other SMS games, was developed by Sega and released for their Master System in 1992.

It has been just over twenty years since the release of this game. And yet, like many dozens of SMS games, it has gone uncovered by GameFAQs in that entire time. The FAQ Contributor Boards, including myself, of GameFAQs have taken it upon themselves to complete at least one FAQ for each and every Master System game, among other consoles.

And so, that is how I came upon this game. Thanks for listening to my ramblin'; hope you enjoy!

Game Controls

Button Resultant Effects
D-Pad Up Cycle through menu options.
D-Pad Down Cycle through menu options.
D-Pad Left Cycle through menu options.
Turn to the left.
D-Pad Right Cycle through menu options.
Turn to the right.
1 Button Confirm menu options.
Go down in gears on a six-speed transmission.
Brake or slow down on an automatic transmission.
2 Button Confirm menu options.
Go up in gears on a six-speed transmission.
Accelerate when driving an automatic transmission.

Pre-Race Details

Mode Select

There are three modes in which you can choose from after pressing the 1 Button at the title screen.

  • World Championship: A sequential series of pre-determined races, made to take you across all sixteen tracks. Consider it your career or story mode of sorts.

  • Free Practice: In this mode, you freely choose tracks solely for the purpose of just practicing on them. Definitely the mode for beginners to ... well, begin on. You'll begin with track selection.

  • Option: This is, obviously, more of an option menu. Put the cursor over the "Level" box and press the 1 Button to end settings configuration.
    • Level: This basically is the "Beginner" or "Professional" choice. They are like easy and hard difficulty, respectively.
    • B.G.M.: Part of the sound test. Press the 1 Button to choose any of six background tracks to listen to.
    • S.E.: Also part of the sound test; press the 1 Button to listen to any of eight main sound effects.
    • Voice: The vocal portion of the sound test; press the 1 Button to listen.

Track Selection

There are a number of tracks in this game. See the Tracks section of the FAQ for further details and the like. After having been given a track automatically in World Championship, or choosing one in Free Practice, you'll get several options, depending on the mode.

  • World Championship:
    • Setting: Adjust your car for optimal performance on the track. Go to Car Settings for more...
    • Qualify: Take a qualifier race to set your position in the main race. While not needed, it is suggested. Otherwise, you'll begin the main race in 12th, or last, place. Not exactly ideal.
    • Race: Begin the main race.

  • Free Practice:
    • Message: Receive additional info and tips on the track.
    • Setting: Adjust your car for optimal performance on the track. Go to Car Settings for more...
    • Free Run: Race at your own will.
    • End: Do nothing.

Car Settings

When given the option prior to racing, you can choose to go to "Setting". This brings you to a menu where you can configure your car's transmission, wing, tire, and gear as you wish to do so, so that you may have optimal performance on a track. At the end of this section are the relative effects of these on speed.

  • (Trans)Mission:
    • The six-speed transmission is a manual-shift car. During the race, you will have to use the 1 and 2 Buttons to go down and up speeds, respectively. Each "speed" has a higher maximum speed than the one lower in number to it. (6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1.) This is the preferred one, for you are allowed greater control of your speed. It does seem to have the higher maximum speed as well.
    • The automatic transmission will leave the gear-shifting to your speed - you will control your speed here by using the 2 Button to accelerate and 1 Button to brake. While this does provide less control over your speed, especially around sharp curves, it is easier on the unexperienced gamer - more control, and lower speed.

  • Gear:
    • Model-A gear favors speed. You'll usually go around 10 km/h faster than with Model-B gear. At the same time, though, this raises your inertia, making it more likely for you to go off the track, especially around curves. This is designed moreso for courses filled with many straightaways.
    • Model-B gear seems to favor stability over speed. Keeping all of the other stuff the same, you'll go ~10 km/h slower than on the other gear. However, this also helps keep you on the track around turns. Courses filled with many turns would be better in having this.

  • Tire:
    • The B Comp. tires tend to be better grippers on the roadway. You'll be able to stay on the track more, and make sharper turns, or just more responsive ones (as far as speed goes). Generally, this should be your preference for every course.
    • The C Comp. tires can barely grip the roadway! Exaggeration aside, they do have trouble staying on the roadway properly, increasing your inertia and making it more likely for you to go off the road due to a curve. Frankly, it is pointless to use this except on courses with very gentle curves, though B. Comp. is good for pretty much all of them.

  • Wing:
    • Type-0 wings tend to be parallel to the surface of the road - at least, the context says such. Physically, this model is less air-resistant, allowing for higher maximum speeds. You will have less stability. Particularly, you have less "grounding" stability - that is to say, the higher your speed, the more likely it is for your car to just flip over and/or fly sporadically! Granted, you never truly "fly" in this game, but, in the end, it does make it harder for you to turn, though you can have a higher speed. This is good for those relatively turnless courses.
    • Type-45 wings, given the context, are likely to be pointing down at the road at a 45-degree angle. This means, in comparison with the Type-0 wings, you will have higher air-resistance. While this does lose speed, it makes you more stable. You won't, for example, fly off the road as often, and can take turns more easily.

Transmission Gear Tire Wing
6-Speed Automatic Model-A Model-B B Comp. C. Comp. Type-0 Type-45
ア0 km/h -10 km/h ア0 km/h -10 km/h ア0 km/h ア0 km/h ア0 km/h -10 km/h

The Race Itself

Section Purpose

This section, akin the previous main section, is meant to describe procedure within the race itself in general. If you want specific track details, go to the Tracks section.

Race Types

  • Practice Race: A practice race has no particular conditions to it. You will just around in metaphorical circles for self-improvement. There is no qualifier, and the competition is just the clock. This is only applicable during the "Free Practice" mode.

  • Qualifier Race: Apparent in the World Championship modes, this race will be used to determine what position you'll start in. It is completely optional; however, not doing it and going straight to the main race puts you starting in last (twelfth) place. You'll see two time markers at the start - one marks your time, initially 0'00"00; the other marks the time you want to beat. This can vary from track to track. The closer to the initial time on the best lap marker, or better, the better your place in the main race. This will change as you beat it. If you want to exit the qualifier race, you must pause the game first with the button on the console, then press 1 and 2 at the same time.

  • The Main Race: This is the actual race. Here, you'll go around the track a number of times in competition with other, AI players. These opponents will bump into you at times, so you'll want to try to dodge them - otherwise, it is a competition for first place. At the end of the race, you'll receive points to rank you across the other races you'll do, in addition to a password you need to keep track of, as it saves your progress.


When actually playing any race, you'll be controlling the car in one of two ways. In the 6-Speed system, the car accelerates automatically; you only have to steer and use the 1/2 Buttons to go down/up the gears. In the Automatic system, you make the car steer, accelerate (2 Button), or slow down (1 Button).

Throughout any racecourse, you'll encounter at least two turns, and often many more. You will need to coordinate your speed and turning abilities. Depending on the turn, a number of things can be done. Most turns under 90 degrees can be done by staying to the inside of the curve and just holding the D-Pad in the proper direction, even at 326 km/h. Beyond that, you may need to slow down or downshift gears to maintain a good speed. After you downshift/slow down, assuming you're not going straight into another turn, upshift/speed up as you exit the curve.

Otherwise, the races are pretty simple. You do not want to run off of the road, or you'll hit something. The terrain beyond the road always will slow you down, and there are no shortcuts. Additionally, beware other cars in main races - they will slow you down if you hit them. Beyond that, there's not much to say.

One minor, but interesting, note can be found by looking at the track map in the top of the screen during the map race. The yellow dot is your opponent who is the farthest ahead - usually, this is, expectedly, Ayrton Senna. The red dot is always you, practice, qualifier, or main race. Just keep note of that.

That's all I can say on the subject of the races in general - more specific stuff is in the Tracks section. Master these techniques and you'll soon be beating the computer without any difficulty at all. Good luck!


Section Format


  • Recommended Transmission: Which transmission I'd prefer you to use.
  • Recommended Gear: The better gear for this course.
  • Recommended Tire: The better tire for this course.
  • Recommended Wing: The better wing for this course.

Finally, below these, we find a map of the track, taken from an in-game screenshot. The courses generally go clockwise, starting at the gray band.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-B
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0 or Type-45 (the Model-B gear should be able to cover it)

^l1|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-A
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0

^l2|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed or Automatic
  • Recommended Gear: Model-A
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0
  • Notes: This is only what I generally use. Those curves in the center of the track (see map below), mainly the two sharp ones, are what will give you trouble. Either keep your high maximum speed by slowing down (easier on an automatic), or swap the gear/wing listed for their counterparts.

^l3|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-B
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0

^l4|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed or Automatic
  • Recommended Gear: Model-B
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-45
  • Notes: I'd personally feel that, even for a 6-Speed "pro" like myself, that the speed control of the Automatic transmission is better here than ever. Do as you will, though.

^l5|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-B
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0

^l6|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-A
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0
  • Notes: Granted, this is what I use, and I usually do fine - I just have to really slow down on the hairpin turn about 1/3 of the way in. You may want to consider opting for the more stable gear and wing, and maybe even the automatic transmission, if you're having trouble with that turn - that's what is most likely to do you in, anyways.

^l7|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-B
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0 or Type-45

^l8|Track map.

San Marino


  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-A
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0

^l9|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-B
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-45
  • Notes: Be especially careful on those many turns in the northeast and southwest corners. You may want to opt for the automatic transmission - speed control is very, very crucial in those spots.

^l10|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-B
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0

^l11|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-A or Model-B
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0

^l12|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-B
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-45
  • Notes: The main reason for this setup are those extreme hairpin turns at the north side. If you can deal with them, feel free to opt for a Model-A gear - but not an additional Type-0. That will destabilize you too much. The Model-A is quite the risk in itself. You may also want to consider the automatic transmission for further speed control.

^l13|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-A
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0
  • Notes: The main thing to remember here is, with this setup, you're more likely to win ... and crash, due to the turns in the southwest. However, that's very little comparative risk - just take it easy on those turns, downshift a gear or so.

^l14|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-A
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0

^l15|Track map.



  • Recommended Transmission: 6-Speed
  • Recommended Gear: Model-B
  • Recommended Tire: B Comp.
  • Recommended Wing: Type-0

^l16|Track map.


In no particular order...

  • tim roast:
    • For providing a useful link to this game.

  • GameFAQs, Neoseeker, and Supercheats:
    • For being the most amazing FAQ-hosting sites I know.

  • CJayC, SBAllen, and Devin Morgan:
    • General sucking up to the GameFAQs admins. =P

  • Me (KeyBlade999):
    • For making this FAQ. =P

  • You, the reader:
    • For hopefully enjoying this FAQ.

Version History

  • Final:
    • First and likely only version of this FAQ completed.
    • Time: 11:07 PM 1/8/2013.


This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

ゥ 2013 Daniel Chaviers (a.k.a. KeyBlade999).

If you would wish to contact me concerning this or my other FAQs, use this e-mail:, or PM (Private Message) me on the GameFAQs message boards.

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This is the end of KeyBlade999's Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (SMS) FAQ/Walkthrough.

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