Neoseeker : The Game of Harmony FAQs : The Game of Harmony FAQ/Walkthrough

The Game of Harmony FAQ/Walkthrough

by KeyBlade999   Updated to vFinal on
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  • Game: The Game of Harmony
  • Console: GameBoy
  • File Type: Formatted FAQ/Walkthrough
  • Author: KeyBlade999 (a.k.a. Daniel Chaviers)
  • Version: Final
  • Time of Update: 1:11 AM 12/19/2012
  • File Size: 27.3 KB


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Welcome to another one of my FAQs. This particular FAQ covers the GameBoy game known as The Game of Harmony. The Game of Harmony was released in 1990, and it is an excellent game, at least conceptually - use the laws of physics, namely momentum and reflection, to harmoniously bump spheres into like spheres. It can often be a lot harder than it sounds, but, in the end, that is what makes this game amazing.

It has been more than twenty years since the release of this game. And yet, like many sheer hundreds of other GameBoy games, it has gone uncovered by GameFAQs in that entire time. The FAQ Contributor Boards, including myself, of GameFAQs have taken it upon themselves to complete at least one FAQ for each and every GameBoy game, among other consoles.

And so, that is how I came upon this game. Thanks for listening to my ramblin'; hope you enjoy!

Game Controls

Button Resultant Effects
D-Pad Up N/A.
D-Pad Down N/A.
D-Pad Left Rotate ~22.5 degrees counterclockwise.
D-Pad Right Rotate ~22.5 degrees clockwise.
A Button Accelerate; move in direction you're facing.
B Button Instant 180-degree turn.
Start Button Pause and unpause gameplay.
Select Button N/A.

Basics of the Game

Throughout the course of this game, you have one primary goal. As the game's name suggests, you want to match like things with like things. You do so by ramming them into each other to make them disappear. For example, shove together two triangle-emblemed spheres and - poof! - they disappear and you gain points. You will want to make all of the spheres disappear to continue onto the next level.

In doing so, your secondary goal is to gain points. This can be done primarily, of course, by removing spheres. This is also done when you, for example, run into one of the smaller spheres, soon to grow into a larger sphere - no matching needed, just a few presses of the A Button.

Of course, with these types of games, chaos is not just a mathematical theory, but an expected, ominpresent threat. There is, indeed, a penalty for two unlike spheres colliding together - more spheres. Triangles and squares make diamonds; squares and diamonds make triangles; and diamonds and triangles make squares. While, yes, these small spheres can be grabbed for bonus points - which is the goal of every fourth stage, the bonus stage - they soon grow into larger spheres that must be gotten rid of by the same method as the other spheres.

And, let's say you don't get rid of every sphere in a certain amount of time. After a set amount of time, the orbs will explode - their approach to this time can be found by watching how fast they are pulsing. Faster pulses mean you're about to lose. Generally, yes, the explosions will kill you, but, if the number of spheres is low enough, you will not die - just lose part of your health. Take note of this factor, because it is abuseable in most levels of the game, and is my personal recommendation in a fair few.

That's about it for now, I guess.


Welcome to the bulk of this FAQ/Walkthrough. Within this section, you'll find a wealth of information, guiding you from start to finish for this game. All of the info is arranged in a chronological order. This section has been arranged into several smaller sub-sections, so you can find what you want more easily. What the sub-sections are can be found by looking in the Contents section near the top of the document.

Level 01

^l1|A screenshot of the level.

Pretty simple, I guess. You will want to try and knock the two triangle blocks together, then the two diamond blocks together. So long as you don't accidentally skew them to the other side of the screen, you should be good here.

Level 02

^l2|A screenshot of the level.

This level is actually a little harder than it looks. You see that narrow alley in the middle? You need to shove your ship in there. It'll be hard - the opening is very, very barely wider than you - so try to move a bit more carefully. Once in there, you should be able to floor it and win.

Level 03

^l3|A screenshot of the level.

You can see that "triangle" in the middle of the level with the three spheres, right? At the bottom of it are two diamonds - ram into the right one and they should connect and dissipate. Then come from above the upper square and ram it downward into the other square, then ram the triangles into each other.

Level 04

^l4|A screenshot of the level.

This is a bonus level in which you are mostly to gain points by running through the small spheres. I would prefer to go through the top-left set first, heading left, which will warp me into the other three. Then I'd go down and take those two, go right and warp across to the next two, and then take the remaining three.

Level 05

^l5|A screenshot of the level.

This level is a bit hard, but is reasonably possible. Hit the upper-left triangle so that it goes towards the up and left - it should warp to the other corner and bump into the other triangle. Then bump the lower-left square so it goes down and left, soon warping to the other corner and into the other square.

Level 06

^l6|A screenshot of the level.

In this level, you will want to first get betweem the left triangle-square linking and push the triangle upwards a few times. Once it's out, it should ram into the other triangle; if not, force this to happen, then bump the squares together.

Level 07

^l7|A screenshot of the level.

This is, by far, the hardest level insofar. You'll want to start by ramming the left square while your ship is going up and right at a 45-degree angle. With some luck, it'll reflect off of the central wall and warp across without hitting the triangle block. It should also continue on a path to the right-center square. If not, help it out a little. Use a similar process to work out the triangle and diamond spheres as well.

If you continue to have trouble on this, it is worth noting that you can at least lose a life and come back with full health. In my experience - and this is how I managed to pass the level - you should be able to survive an explosion in such a manner.

Level 08

^l8|A screenshot of the level.

This is another bonus stage, in which you want to hit the small square spheres. First go along the central alleyway of three, then curve around to either the left or right one, but carefully inch your way in there. Then press the B Button and try to go to the other one, though it is unlikely you'll have time.

Level 09

^l9|A screenshot of the level.

Simple. Hit the bottom-right diamond so it will go up and right into the other diamond, then just bump the two triangle blocks together.

Level 10

^l10|A screenshot of the level.

This level is annoying, but not impossible. You'll want to drag out the square attached to you and go around the right side of the other square without touching it. Turn around to head upwards and put the other sqaure directly behind you and the two squares should touch. Then go right to warp to the other side of the screen and bump the two triangles together.

Level 11

^l11|A screenshot of the level.

Bump each shape so that it goes up and to the right - not that hard. I'd prefer to start with the triangle, then the diamond, then leave the square for last. And, yes, it does work with the squares.

Level 12

^l12|A screenshot of the level.

This is a bonus level in which you merely need to grab the orbs as they appear - the faster you do it, the more points you get.

Level 13

^l13|A screenshot of the level.

Here, begin by simply ramming the upper-left triangle until it gets near the other one, then ram them together. Then adjust the squares as needed and ram them together.

Level 14

^l14|A screenshot of the level.

Here, you'll want to lightly bump one of the triangles so that it'll come out from the barrier, then inch it over and up into the other one. The next one's a little harder, though you are able to survive the time-resultant explosion if you have full health. Anyways, ram one of the diamonds obliquely to dislodge it from the wall and nudge it over to the other wall, then into the other diamond.

Level 15

^l15|A screenshot of the level.

Simply go into each of the corners and knock like spheres into like spheres.

Level 16

^l16|A screenshot of the level.

In this bonus level, you'll want to warp across the left side of the screen to grab the square orb, then continue along grabbing each orb that transforms into a square one for bonus points.

Level 17

^l17|A screenshot of the level.

In this level, you'll definitely want to focus on the lower two groups. As you can tell, the groups are aligned such that the diamonds and triangles are nearly in line horizontally. Knock the lower-right triangle to the right so it'll warp across the screen, then reverse the sphere connection, dragging it into the other triangle. Then ram the two squares together and repeat this process with the upper two groups.

Level 18

^l18|A screenshot of the level.

You'll need to hit the nearby square hard enough to dislodge it from the central barriers, then hit it through the lower-left corner of the screen to reach the top-right, where the other square is. Then you'll have to repeat a similar process with the other two spheres.

Level 19

^l19|A screenshot of the level.

This level can definitely be a little annoying. You'll want to first have the ship head left and around the triangle without actually warping and messing up the connection. This should result in the contact between the triangle spheres; if not, you may need to bring the stand-alone sphere closer to the other one manually.

Beyond this point, you usually don't have much time, and it's hard, so the suicide tactic is an option - at full health, wait out the clock and you should be able to survive the explosion while passing the level. Even so, at least try to complete the level - you'll need to get into that narrow passageway, bump the square, then press B and hold A for a second to stop bumping the sphere - otherwise, it'll go too far and back into the alley. Upon success, get out and bump the top-right square into the other one.

Level 20

^l20|A screenshot of the level.

In this bonus level, your sole goal is to take the squares and nothing else. You'll first want to try, perhaps, for the lowest of them. Once you get it, press B to turn around and then lightly accelerate to the other one. Repeat a similar process with the others.

Level 21

^l21|A screenshot of the level.

Dislodge the diamonds and a winner is you. -_-

Level 22

^l22|A screenshot of the level.

This one is a bit ... confusing to do, I guess. You'll first need to accelerate straight at one of the spheres and, just as you make contact, press the B Button but, most importantly, keep holding the A Button. What this results in is bounceback from the ball on the barrier and, since you turned around and accelerated out of there, you are not in the way to bounce the ball back in.

In other words, the ball's out. Maneuver it against the one opposite it, then repeat with the others.

Level 23

^l23|A screenshot of the level.

By far one of the most annoying levels I've seen so far... I mostly relied on luck here and managed to bump the two triangles together - bump the lower-left one to the left and through the warp, and up a little. This does make it easier to get rid of the others - you just need to bump the standalone spheres into their respective others that are in the link. Of course, the main problem is the chaotic nature in what happens when two unlike spheres collide, a factor I cannot really help you with beyond saying to try and get those small spheres before they grow, but only try after getting rid of the triangles.

Level 24

^l24|A screenshot of the level.

This level is another bonus level in which you mostly go to the square marker and go to the next, and the next one, and so on. The faster you do it, the more points you earn.

Level 25

^l25|A screenshot of the level.

Ready for a mind****?

Anyways, the solution is not as obvious as it seems. You'll have two main strategies here to use:

  • Suicide:
    • This is, by far, the easier of the two strategies. You simply will need to bump the two squares, then the two triangles together. Mission complete once you run down the clock, and you'll win assuming you have enough health remaining.

  • The Intent:
    • Bump a square and triangle sphere together gently. This will result in a small diamond sphere. If possible, bump the square into the square and the triangle into the triangle to get rid of those impediments, then bump the two diamonds together to finish the level.

Level 26

^l26|A screenshot of the level.

Here, you'll want to circle around to the left side of the upper of the squares, and the elastic drag force should force the two squares to touch. Get rid of any small squares that resulted from any unlike touching, then ram the two triangles together. Then maneuver yourself so that the standalone diamond is between you and the one you're dragging to finish the level due to more attractive forces.

Level 27

^l27|A screenshot of the level.

Slam the two adjacent triangles in the center together to get rid of that problem. Then take the central diamond and push it upward into that diamond, and then push the two squares together as well.

The next step seems a little iffy. If you look in the screenshot above, there is a small dot next to the ship - that is a power-up. If it is there, you can grab it to make any spheres you touch for a limited time period disappear. If it is there by the time you're left with the outer triangles, then go ahead and use it to take those two out; if it is not there, then ram one of them to the center of the area (remember the warping thing), then into the other triangle.

Level 28

^l28|A screenshot of the level.

This is a level in which you need to get the orbs as they turn into squares. You'll start with the top-left one and work around the corners, more or less, before going into the narrow columns. Yeah, good luck with that. >_>

Level 29

^l29|A screenshot of the level.

For this level, you'll want to head to the left triangle and ram it so that it hits the top-right triangle. This may take a few tries, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Next, smash the two square spheres together to get rid of them. Finally, hit the diamonds to dislodge them from the center, which generally ends up in the two ramming each other by accident. =P

Level 30

^l30|A screenshot of the level.

Annoyances abound, to a point. You'll want to first take the top-left triangle and ram it into the middle-left triangle. Then take the top diamond and ram it into the middle one. Ram the two remaining triangles together, then the two diamonds together. Shouldn't be too hard, in theory.

Level 31

^l31|A screenshot of the level.

Here, you'll want to maneuver the ship in a way that puts the lower-right standalone triangle between the ship and the triangle behind it. However, try to do so without warping - you'll end up messing up the draglines and, overall, everything. Once you successfully maneuver, the two triangles should end up going towards each other and cancelling each other out. After that, just bump the two square spheres together to end the level.

Level 32

^l32|A screenshot of the level.

In this bonus level, you'll want to avoid touching any of the spheres except the squares to earn bonus points. You'll want to begin by going around to the left-central group of three - it is strongly suggested that you just tap the A Button and be extremely careful. Maneuver back outside and take either the topmost or bottom square orb with a careful parking job. Then press the B Button and get the other one, then press the B Button again and go forward and around to the final, leftmost square.

Level 33

^l33|A screenshot of the level.

This level will be extremely annoying. I would honestly suggest using the suicide tactic in this level - here, that basically means just waiting out the clock until the spheres explode and, if you survive, you'll continue onward.

Otherwise, read on. You'll need to ram one of the triangles so that it'll bounce off some, enough for you to get behind it and gently navigate it into the other one. That's the general principle, anyways - just don't do it too hard on the initial strike and you should do fine.

Level 34

^l34|A screenshot of the level.

And this is the most annoying level of the game. All I am capable of saying it to dislodge the group and hope you are able to immediately cancel two of the spheres out, which is about as likely as 200 men kicking 200 men in the crotch simultaneously.

The majority of the time will see you dealing with a large, large number of spin-off spheres. You will pretty much have to ignore the time for the time being - your primary goal here should be to remove the original group before all else.

Level 35

^l35|A screenshot of the level.

Time for some simplicity to ease that headache. Go around and knock the two diamonds together, then return to the lower-right triangle. Knock it to the right a bit to warp over to the other side and near the alleyway, then knock it along there into that triangle.

Level 36

^l36|A screenshot of the level.

Another bonus level. Here, simply get the square spheres as they appear; the faster you go, the more points you earn.

Level 37

^l37|A screenshot of the level.

What I did here was dislodge the right group of blocks, then the left group of blocks, both by their triangle spheres. Then I knocked the two triangles together, then the two squares.

Level 38

^l38|A screenshot of the level.

Begin by moving the lower diamond to the left very slightly. Get underneath it then and push it up and into the other diamond. Then push the two squares together, then push the triangles together - you can do the latter by pushing the triangle on the right further right to abuse the warping.

Level 39

^l39|A screenshot of the level.

Trust me, you want to take the suicidal tactic here - it simply consists of waiting out the clock at a high level of health so that, when the clock empties and the spheres explode to damage you, you survive and continue onto the next level.

If not, here's what you do:

  • Knock the diamond and triangle together to produce a square
  • Knock the diamond and triangle together again
  • Knock the diamond and square together to produce a triangle
  • Knock a square and triangle together to produce a diamond
  • Pair off the diamonds
  • Pair off the squares
  • Pair off the triangles

Level 40

^l40|A screenshot of the level.

This is another bonus level in which you are supposed to get the spheres as they turn into square-emblemed spheres. Simple enough.

Level 41

^l41|A screenshot of the level.

For a late-game level, this is oddly simple. Knock the left triangle over to the right one, then do the same for the squares.

Level 42

^l42|A screenshot of the level.

This level is simpler than you're probably making it if you're actually looking here for help. Knock the two squares together, then the two diamonds, then the two triangles.

Level 43

^l43|A screenshot of the level.

The suicide tactic is a relatively viable option here - remember, here, you'll need to empty out the pair of squares before waiting out the clock.

Otherwise, do this:

  • Knock the diamond and square together for a triangle
  • Knock the triangle and square together for a diamond
  • Pair off the squares
  • Pair off the triangles
  • Pair off the diamonds

Level 44

^l44|A screenshot of the level.

In this bonus level, you need to get the square-emblemed spheres and no others. Begin by getting the lower-right one, then carefully inching into the nearby alcove for the next square. Return outside of the alcove and warp right to repeat there. Exit that alcove and go around to the next square, take it, then carefully maneuver your way into the other two. The other two are easier to get, but beware the central barrier, which has a tendency to bounce you into the other orbs if you're not careful.

Level 45

^l45|A screenshot of the level.

... Really? Bounce the upper-left triangle off the wall by hitting it when going up-right, then finish its journey to the other triangle. Bump the upper square through the top warp, but do so very carefully, then bump it left into the other square.

Level 46

^l46|A screenshot of the level.

You'll want to hit the lower-left triangle while going up and right to at least make it warp - generally, this will reverse the dragline and shove the two triangles together. If the square and diamond touched, take care of the resultant "baby sphere", then shove the two squares together, then the two diamonds.

Level 47

^l47|A screenshot of the level.

Begin this level by ramming the nearby square straight down, which warps it across and into the other square. Repeatedly ram the lower-right triangle to try and dislodge it, then dislodge the other set so they're both floating in space, then just knock like spheres together.

Level 48

^l48|A screenshot of the level.

Get the orbs as they appear; the faster you go, the more points you earn. Not that hard a concept, even if you do note that this is a bonus level.

Level 49

^l49|A screenshot of the level.

Here, you will want to try flying to the top-right corner without warping. This should bring the two triangles in contact, though it is almost certain to cause two unlike spheres to bump and make a small sphere. After the triangle goes away, take care of that small sphere. Then simply get the standalone diamond between you and the one you're dragging behind you and accelerate to finish.

Level 50

^l50|A screenshot of the level.

Here, you'll want to accelerate forward and hit the wall so that two orbs are dislodged. Repeat this if only one was dislodged. After that, simply ram two spheres that have the emblem together to get rid of them, and repeat with the other pair to finish the game.

Version History

  • v0.20:
    • Eleven levels completed.
    • Time: 11:31 PM 12/17/2012.

  • Final:
    • All fifty levels completed.
    • Time: 1:11 AM 12/19/2012.


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All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

ゥ 2012-2013 Daniel Chaviers (a.k.a. KeyBlade999).

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This is the end of KeyBlade999's The Game of Harmony (GB) FAQ/Walkthrough.

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