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Time Soldiers FAQ/Walkthrough

by KeyBlade999   Updated to vFinal on
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  • Game: Time Soldiers
  • Console: Sega Master System
  • File Type: Formatted FAQ/Strategy Guide
  • Author: KeyBlade999 (a.k.a. Daniel Chaviers)
  • Version: Final
  • Time of Update: 12:34 AM 2/8/2013
  • File Size: 14.4 KB


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Welcome to another FAQ of mine. This one covers the SMS game known as Time Soldiers. Time Soldiers is a decent, albeit difficult, top-down platformer. It was seemingly designed for two players, kind of like Contra on the NES, as it is much easier in that regard.

This game was apparently made by the Alpha Denshi company in 1989 for Sega's Master System. In the over twenty years hence, not a single complete FAQ has be written for it, until now. I, along with other members of the GameFAQs FAQ Contributor boards, have taken it upon themselves to write at least one guide for every Sega Master System game out there and, at least at the time of writing, we're very close! ^_^

And, so, that's more or less how I came upon this came. Thanks for listening to my ramblin'; I hope you enjoy!

Game Controls

^s1|Player sprites. The controls are essentially the same for both players in the case of a two-player mode. However, each player has a different sprite, as shown at the right. You might want to pay attention to that, lest you get confused.

Button Resultant Effects
D-Pad Move around.
1 Button Use basic weapons.
2 Button Use special weapons.

FAQ/Strategy Guide

No Walkthrough?

To answer your first question, such a task is not as easy as it would seem - maybe even impossible. The levels are seemingly randomly generated, or at least my playthroughs did not properly line up. However, I have managed to make some general strategies that work for most levels, and the bosses *do* seem to line up fairly well, so not all is lost, I suppose. I shall detail both in the sections ahead. And, again, sorry about that.

What seemingly can be covered:

General Tips

  • Play with a second person! Weird tip, huh? Well, this game operates in a co-op format. It is quite difficult to play by yourself - think The Adventures of Cookie and Cream on the PlayStation 2, or Contra on the NES - and still so with a second person. However, this second person will greatly aid in your efforts and it's almost worth trying to find someone else to play with.
  • Keep mashing the 1 Button!! This cannot be said enough. Seeing as there is no incidence of friendly fire here, and you're obviously alone in one player, and you have an infinite level of 1 Button ammunition, there's no downside whatsoever to just mashing the 1 Button. This will greatly help you in keeping enemies away from you, and can easily take out enemies in your path.
  • Keep marchin' on! Never stay in one place for too long. Enemies know how to swarm upon you quite quickly, and most are capable of shooting projectiles. These projectiles all seem to rely on the same ideas, though - and, if one hits you, you lose a life, right then! Staying still for too long will allow enemies to accumulate on-screen, thusly increasing the number of projectiles on-screen as well, and thusly, the danger. You mainly want to just move forward towards the level mini-boss, dodging enemies as you go, but killing what you can on the way.
  • One step forward, two steps back... Not all levels go strictly up (as referenced by the D-Pad) in this game. Try to keep that in mind - remember to also check to the left and right if there's no progress happening.
  • Special weaponry? Some enemies are known to drop a number of pickups. Some are S-Ups, which presumably boost score; some are P-Ups, which temporarily boost firing power; and then you have a number of weapons. These primarily include missiles, laser spheres, and triple-firing. Each is activated with the 2 Button, and the ammunition for each is limited. I highly recommend saving these for the mini-bosses or, more preferably, the main boss you fight before rescuing a warrior.
  • Bosses? There are two main types of bosses. There are the minor mini-bosses you find during the level. When you find them, the terrain of the level will stay. These can be readily beaten by just shooting at them and there's nothing in particular you want to do for them except dodge their attacks and shoot at them when you can. After they are beaten, a little flower-like thing will appear to take you to the next level. The Major Bosses of the game take you to an area with a black background and a huge enemy. They are different. I recommend saving up the special weapon ammunition for them. See the Major Bosses section for more information.
  • Suicide tactics? NO! Unlike most such games, those will not work here. Don't not even think of that. All that will do is get you killed (duh!), but, as the main application to this is to bosses, you'll also likely not get much worthwhile in.

Major Bosses

During the course of the game, your primary goal is to progress through the levels to rescue five warriors. While the levels leading up to the rescue of each warrior are fairly randomized from personal experience, you will probably notice that each warrior is attached to a specific boss. This section is used to detail potential strategies for said bosses.

    • Warrior Rescued: Dymos
    • Level Type: The World Wars
    • Strategy: The boss's weak point primarily consists of the main cannon in the center of its body, the only one facing due south. That's pretty much the main target. However, the tendency of this boss to use attacks going in pretty much every direction, in addition to explosive missiles heading south, makes this boss a bit difficult. You'll probably want to launch all of your special weapon ammunition at it early on - enough successful hits should bring it down if your ammo is high enough. From there, you'll need to dodge the projectiles as best as you can to beat this boss, hitting it when such is possible.

    • Warrior Rescued: Laplace
    • Level Type: The Age of Rome
    • Strategy: This particular boss is actually rather easy, albeit quite lengthy, if you do this right. The boss is swinging around a mace while moving around himself. The mace and the boss are quite easily dodged. You mainly want to hit the lower half of the boss's face. This can be readily done from afar, especially with special weaponry, or by darting forward, shooting, and moving back. The boss has a regular pattern to his movements: go right along the top part of the path, down at the right, left for 1/3 screen, up to the back, left 1/3 screen, down to his "front" area, left 1/3 screen, up, and loop from there. You can use this to plan ahead for where to aim, which tends to help increase the damage you deal.

    • Warrior Rescued: Sirius
    • Level Type: The Primitive Age
    • Strategy: This boss is quite possibly the weakest, yet most dangerous boss. You will quickly note that his primary attack is a stream of fiery breath that'll go from him straight to the bottom of the screen, incinerinating you if you're there. The best strategy I was able to use was to fire off a few missiles upon entering the level, moving aside, and refiring as needed. I won in about two or three iterations of this using special weapons, though you can also use your basic shots, but with probably less success life-wise. As could be expected, this boss's weak point is his head.

    • Warrior Rescued: Altair
    • Level Type: The Future World
    • Strategy: This boss's primary attack is to launch an energy wave from his chest, which soon splits into three, one heading southwest, one south, and one southeast, each soon circling back to unite further south, often near the edge of the screen. Other than this, all he does is move around, although rather freely. This nevertheless leaves quite an opening from the side. The boss's weak point is his head. If you get a player one or both sides (depending on if this is one- or two-player), each of whom is able to sufficiently move aside as needed, all you need to do is continue on shooting at him and dodging him whenever he comes by.
      • To the curious, the boss's movement pattern is to go from, starting at the top-left, down-right forty-five degrees until the bottom, due north, down-right again, due north to the top-right, then this is mirrored, then the process is looped.

    • Warrior Rescued: Alpha
    • Level Type: The Age of Wars
    • Strategy: There's nothing I could readily think for this boss's name, but it looks like a human with long red hair, just sitting down - kind of like a meditating monk. Anyways, this is one boss you'll pretty much need special weapons for. This boss is able to emit a stream of projectiles, aimed directly at you, fairly constantly. He also moves around rather freely, and his weak point is, of course, his head. You'll need to either run in circles around the boss and shoot him down, or try a type of suicide technique where you unleash all of your special weapon ammunition when close up. It'll be tough, that's for sure, but the strategy is pretty much that.

Final Boss

After having rescued all five of the warriors, you'll then progress through one more stage before you get to fight the final boss, the one who caused you to go on your journey in the first place.

    • Found Where: Final stage after rescuing the five warriors, at the end
    • Strategy: This boss is primarily a strengthened rip-off of the robot boss you previously fought. He's a lot bigger and a lot more resilient, however. You'll end up finding his primary attack to be the same as the robot boss - an energy wave launched from his chest that later splits into three, then later reunites near the bottom of the screen. Also like with the robot boss, the boss's weak point is his head. If you have any special weapon ammunition, the start of the fight is the best time to launch it - you may even kill him if you have a full load of it. Otherwise, take the general strategy from the robot boss fight - get up in the top corners and attack the head. Granted, you'll have to be more cautious, as this boss is a lot bigger, but it is completely manageable.


In no particular order...

  • GameFAQs, Neoseeker, and Supercheats:
    • For being the most amazing FAQ-hosting sites I know.

  • CJayC, SBAllen, and Devin Morgan:
    • General sucking up to the GameFAQs admins. =P

  • Me (KeyBlade999):
    • For making this FAQ. =P

  • You, the reader:
    • For hopefully enjoying this FAQ.

Version History

  • Final:
    • Foreseeably final version, unless I can find some level of consistency in level sequences.
    • Time: 12:34 AM 2/8/2013.


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All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

ゥ 2013 Daniel Chaviers (a.k.a. KeyBlade999).

If you would wish to contact me concerning this or my other FAQs, use this e-mail:, or PM (Private Message) me on the GameFAQs message boards.

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This is the end of KeyBlade999's Time Soldiers (SMS) FAQ/Strategy Guide.

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