Neoseeker : Dinobasher: Starring Bignose the Caveman FAQs : Dinobasher: Starring Bignose the Caveman FAQ/Walkthrough

Dinobasher: Starring Bignose the Caveman FAQ/Walkthrough

by KeyBlade999   Updated to vFinal on
             ____  _             _               _
            |  _ \(_)           | |             | |                _
            | | | |_ _ __   ___ | |__   __ _____| |__   ___ _ __  (_)
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         \__|_| |_|\___|   \____|\__,_| \__/ \___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|

  • Game: Dinobasher: Starring Bignose the Caveman
  • Console: Sega Master System
  • File Type: Formatted FAQ/Walkthrough
  • Author: KeyBlade999 (a.k.a. Daniel Chaviers)
  • Version: Final
  • Time of Update: 4:06 AM 3/26/2013
  • File Size: 74.3 KB


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Welcome to another FAQ of mine. This one covers the SMS game known as Dinobasher: Starring Bignose the Caveman. This generic 2D platformer is one of the oddities in FAQing careers. This is a game whose release was cancelled and, yet, here we are - me making this FAQ, and you perusing it. Well, whatever the reason, it was also released on the NES console, one of the SMS's competitors back in the day.

This game was apparently made by Codemasters in 1993 for Sega's Master System (or at least says in the in-game copyright notice - remember, no official release). In the twenty years hence, not a single complete FAQ has been written for it, until now. I, along with other members of the GameFAQs FAQ Contributor boards, have taken it upon ourselves to write at least one guide for every Sega Master System game out there and, at least at the time of writing, we're very close with only a half-dozen left, once this is done! ^_^

And, so, that's more or less how I came upon this came. Thanks for listening to my ramblin'; I hope you enjoy!

Game Controls

Button Resultant Effects
D-Pad Move around.
1 Button Attack
2 Button Jump
2 Button (hold) Ascend in flying stages when held.
Down + 1 + 2 Use purchased spells.


Some Notes (READ!)

  • WALKTHROUGH NOMENCLATURE NOTE: Just so we're clear on this, when the game says "X Miles Completed" before a level, that means that you are working on Mile (X+1) - in other words, "0 Miles Completed" means this is Mile 1. That is because, for example, if you've completed zero miles, then you've completed zero levels, which means this is your mile or level. Got that?

  • BOSS GLITCH NOTE: During bosses, there is one particular glitch you need to be wary of. When you end a boss fight, the timer still counts down for about five seconds. Normally, when the timer hits zero, you lose a life. This effect remains - even in the little shaking sequence when nothing happens, if the timer hits zero, this glitch is activated. Basically, you'll respawn as normal (possibly with a still-shaking screen until you die or win). However, when you progress to the boss, he'll be abnormally tedious to beat. Basically, the game loops the boss back to having only a dozen or so hit points to approximately 255! This makes the boss extremely difficult, as you'll likely die due to timer issues. Therefore, if you're timer is at or under 10 seconds when fighting a boss, just die - better to lose one life than all of them!

  • FLYING LEVEL BOSS GLITCH NOTE: This one applies only to the bosses of the flying levels - you know, the ones where you transition from one level to the next. During those boss fights, it is not a good idea to try and hit the head of the dinosaur as he is on the left side of the screen. This causes the game to hang for an indefinite period of time, requiring, more likely than not, resetting the Master System entirely, causing you to lose all of your progress thus far.

Island 1, Mile 1

When you begin this level, head to the right and defeat the enemy running along the ground. Further to the right are some bones in the air. These not only give you 75 points, but will also help you by functioning as a unit of money in later levels! Jump over the gap further right, grabbing the bones on the way. (Obviously, we jump over the gap to avoid death.) Nearby should also be a bundle of stones hanging in the air.

These stones will firstly give you a unit of health if Bignose's health is at one (light-brown hair) - you can two at once (dark-brown hair). Additionally, if you already have dark-brown hair, then you can fire multiple projectiles at once with the 1 Button. It starts at just one stone when you get darker hair, then two, and up to three total. If you take damage, though, you'll go straight down to light-brown hair, one unit of health, and no stone projectiles.

Continue along over the gaps for a while. Grab a bone or two on the way. After the gap next to the small depression, you'll finally find another enemy to beat up, who is traveling near a bone hanging in the air above. Grab the latter and go over the next few gaps, grabbing a bone on the way. At the peak of the staircase-like ledges, go right, defeat the enemy, and grab the bone. Further to the right, you'll find a large gap. Run at it and jump as late as possible to get across the gap, grabbing a couple of bones and a stone bundle on the way.

Defeat the nearby enemy and continue to the right to meet up with the level boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Triceratops

This particular "breed" of boss is not that hard to contend with. It primarily will just rush at you. You, therefore, can jump over it and turn around afterwards, then use a projectile shot with the 1 Button. If you do not have sufficient health for that strategy, then you can go up behind it as the rushing attack ends and thwack it with your club just once, then flee, jump over it again, and repeat.

Island 1, Mile 2

Begin this level by defeating the enemy to the right and continuing in that direction. For a while, there's going to be little to mention without repeating myself - basically, grab bones, grab bundles of stones, defeat enemies, and jump over gaps. You can handle this, I assume? And, really, that's pretty much the whole level. =/ It'll take about sixty seconds to reach the boss if you don't hang around needlessly.

LEVEL BOSS: Triceratops

This particular "breed" of boss is not that hard to contend with. It primarily will just rush at you. You, therefore, can jump over it and turn around afterwards, then use a projectile shot with the 1 Button. If you do not have sufficient health for that strategy, then you can go up behind it as the rushing attack ends and thwack it with your club just once, then flee, jump over it again, and repeat.

Island 1, Mile 3 - Shops

You'll deal with a shopping area first. There are three stone huts in front of you, and you must choose one to go into. You can only go into one of them and make use of their stock. Note that some of these items will require you to press Down + 1 + 2 in a level to trigger their effects (usually just the "spell" items), though I've never gotten any conclusive results from that.

Your ideal shop is on the right - the Double Club, Double Stone, and Fast Stoning all help greatly, as will extra lives, obviously. The jump spell is relatively negligible, as it doesn't really seem to have any effect, and it's not like you actually need it.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Extra Life 15 Bones Gives you an extra life; no point if you have nine.
Invincible 12 Bones Allows temporal invulnerability.
Slow Spell 8 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.
Light Spell 8 Bones Probably lets stones fly further.
Quake Spell 8 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Jump Spell 4 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Hard Feet 6 Bones Allows you to kill enemies by jumping on them.
Light Spell 10 Bones Probably lets stones fly further.
Quake Spell 10 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.
Slow Spell 5 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Extra Life 15 Bones Gives you an extra life; no point if you have nine.
Jump Spell 4 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Double Club 3 Bones Unknown; maybe increases attack power or speed.
Double Stone 3 Bones Allows you to fire two stones at once.
Fast Stoning 3 Bones Greatly increases your firing rate for stones.

Island 1, Mile 3 - Level

When you begin the level, deal with the man-eating plant to your right, then head to the right. Jump over the gap, or just fall into it for a bone and a hidden area. There, head to the right, collect the bones from the alcove, and continue on, defeating enemies as you go. Ascend to the top at the end of the path via the ledge, go right, then over the edge to the right. Defeat the nearby man-eating plant and continue to the moving platform. Ride it back outside.

There, progress to the right for a while, defeating enemies along the way. That'll be the general philosophy until you reach the trees. Get on the stump of a branch nearby, grab the bone, then jump to the right to the next branch. Ignore that bone nearby; just get on the next branch and jump to the next one to find the more-valuable bundle of stones. Continue to the right and defeat the enemy there, then continue further right.

You'll soon see a tree stump. Stand on it and it will rise up. Use it to jump on the branch to the right. From there, jump right across the gap. Grab the nearby bone and defeat the nearby man-eating plants. Continue right to the trees. Jump across the branches as you head right, picking up a bone or two on the way. On the other side, defeat the nearby enemies and continue to the right. You should soon reach the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Blue Dinosaur

This boss pretty much just does one thing - fire fireballs at you periodically. They'll be aimed directly at you, too, so you'll need to dodge around. As time goes on, the rate of fire will increase. However, the strategy is pretty simple.

If you have the ability to fire stones with the 1 Button, simply stand around the middle of the screen and fire them while jumping, and also just jump over the fireballs as they come. If you don't have the ability to fire stones, go forward to the dinosaur, smack him, and flee, repeating this after dodging a fireball.

Island 1, Mile 4

Here, jump right and over the gap. As you do, a bone will appear over it, signifying that there's a secret area down there. You may want to try to get the bone atop the nearby tree first, though. If not (or if you do), then head into the pit. Down there, go right and defeat the enemies as you progress. Go as far as possible - it's fairly pointless otherwise. At the end, jump onto the moving platform and ride it back to the surface.

Once on the surface, progress to the right, defeat the plant, and get on the nearby moving platform. (Take note that you have to move along with the platform, or just jump to the other side, or you'll fall into the pit.) On the other side, peruse the branches to cross the gap and head further right. When the cliff drops off, be sure to get the two bones to the left before continuing. Defeat the nearby enemies, then jump onto the ledge to the right. Jump onto the tree branches there, then jump up again to reach a higher area.

Here, progress onto the ledge to the right, then simply jump into the pit. Yeah, nothing to see here.

At the bottom, proceed to the right and land on the tree stump to trigger another tree stump to pop out of the ground nearby. Use it to cross the gap nearby. From there, continue right to find some more trees to cross. Do so, but beware of the enemies nearby as well - try to grab the bone near the end, too. On the ledge further to the right, there should be another bone, and then a tree to the right. Defeat the enemy near it, and grab the bone, then proceed to the right for the next boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Blue Scorpion

This is basically another version of the blue dinosaur boss we've seen before. Its lone, main attack is to shoot some kind of gunk from its tail directly at you... And that's pretty much it. He doesn't move and the firing rate doesn't seem to increase as time goes on, either. So, basically, if you have the ability to fire stones, just fire them and jump over the gunk as it comes. If you can't fire stones, then go in, attack, retreat, jump over the gunk, and repeat.

Island 1, Mile 5

Here, you will be in an automatically-scrolling level - it'll progress with or without you. It's fairly vacant of enemies actually, most of which you can see coming from a mile away. So, in reality, just jump over gaps, remain aware, and try to stay in the middle of the screen.

LEVEL BOSS: Green Pterodactyl

This boss is actually one of the harder ones, although that's not saying much. He'll basically either do one long swoop right-to-left across the screen (except for the corners) or do two smaller ones (also skipping the center), then loop back for another. Really. That's it. That's quite prone to abuse as well. Simply stand in the lower-left corner and mash the crap out of the 1 Button and you'll be done eventually. You can also jump to smack him sooner with stones if you can fire them.

Island 1, Mile 6 - Shop

You'll deal with a shopping area first. There are three stone huts in front of you, and you must choose one to go into. You can only go into one of them and make use of their stock. Note that some of these items will require you to press Down + 1 + 2 in a level to trigger their effects (usually just the "spell" items), though I've never gotten any conclusive results from that.

Your ideal shop is either in the middle for the Trebel Stone and Hard Feet (basically for the offensively-focused) or the one on the right for the lives, invulnerability, the auto clubbing, and the quick stop (for the defensively-focused). Take your pick, I suppose.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Slow Spell 8 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.
Float Spell 12 Bones Maybe lets stones stay up for longer.
Jump Spell 4 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Quick Stop 5 Bones Lowers the inertia from running, like on ice.
Quake Spell 8 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Double Stone 5 Bones Allows the simultaneous firing of two stones.
Treble Stone 8 Bones Allows the simultaneous firing of three stones.
Stun Spell 6 Bones Probably stuns all nearby enemies for a brief time.
Light Spell 8 Bones Probably lets stones fly further.
Hard Feet 4 Bones Allows you to kill enemies by jumping on them.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Extra Life 15 Bones Gives you an extra life; no point if you have nine.
Invincible 12 Bones Temporarily makes you invincible.
Auto Club 5 Bones Unknown. Presumably makes the game attack for you.
Quick Stop 5 Bones Lowers the inertia from running, like on ice.
Float Spell 10 Bones Maybe lets stones stay up for longer.

Island 1, Mile 6 - Level

This is actually one of the flying levels. Basically, if you hold down the 2 Button, you'll go up; if you let go of the 2 Button, you'll go down. Going down into the water or on an island or other terrestial feature will kill you, so look out! (Oddly, the palm trees won't hurt you, so don't worry about them.) You can otherwise move horizontally with Left/Right on the D-Pad, though, except for the boss, you won't be allowed past the halfway point of the screen.

This level is pretty pointless to navigate you through. Basically, avoid and/or kill enemies, try to stay high, and avoid anything coming up from below. Feel free to try for some of the pickups, but don't risk your life over the ones close to the water. Eventually, you will reach the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Sea Dinosaur

This boss has just a lone attack, like the other bosses in this game. This one will go into the water and surface at the left side, the right side, or in the center. He will then swing his head right, then left in an attempt to bite you.

If you have the ability to fire stones, then you simply need to hover around halfway from the water and attack when the boss surfaces in the center or on the right. If you don't, then you'll need to approach it, smack it, and quickly retreat. Either way, it's not too hard.

Island 2, Mile 1

Begin this level by defeating the turtle to the right, then jumping across the gap. Grab the bone in the tree if you want to (or can), then jump to the right and across the water. Consider water to be dangerous, too - after all, cavemen do not bathe much at all. Continue on to the right once on the other side. The main theme of this passage will be to defeat enemies, grab bones, and jump over pits and water as they come.

It gets a bit more complicated soon. As you approach an abnormally lengthy pit of water, a bee will swipe at you. Crossing this pit is not as easy as it seems. You must cross it by hopping on the turtles' backs - the turtles are safe and will pop up at regular intervals. On the other side, further to the right, there will be a tree. Jump on its top branch and jump rightward across the gap onto another branch.

From there, continue to the right, beating enemies and jump over water as you progress to and through the tree-filled sequence. There is one particular point I'm curious about. When one bee swipes at you, you're on a long branch from a tree just past a leaping fish. If you jump high enough on the next branch, you'll enter an upper area. There, you can progress to the right pretty easily (if you stay high enough) to grab some various pickups, with a drop-down to the main level at the far right.

Down there, progress to the right along the lower level and you'll soon reach the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Lake Dinosaur

Akin to the dinosaur of the flying levels, but he'll stay in one place. He can swing his head from the right to the left to try to bite you, but it's only effective if you stay on that grassy platform next to him. There is also one of those annoying bees buzzing around nearby, but that's relatively negligible - just jump over him as needed.

Offense-wise, you can probably just do the usual. If you have the ability to fire projectiles, do so from afar, dodging the bee as needed. If you cannot, go up, smack the dinosaur, and leave before being hit, dodging the bee as needed.

Island 2, Mile 2

Here, begin by going to the right and along the higher path of ledges. You'll find a few rats on the way to beat with your club, so you know. Get the stones near the next bright-red ledge, then jump into the pit with the bone nearby. When you land, to the right, there are some bones. Grab 'em and continue on along the to the staircase-like structure. Ascend to its apex, then leap upwards to reach another area.

Go to the right in the next area and grab the stones you see in mid-air - you may lessen the risk of doing so by beating up the nearby rat first. Then go over the pit nearby to the ledge next to the lava. To note to the idiots - lava burns and will kill. Proceed onto the next ledge, taking note of the dripping water that will damage you. Leap to the right from there across the ledges, grabbing a few pickups as you reach the other side. You'll find a rat in the middle set of ledges. Not much further is the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Fireworm

This boss's main attack is to rush you. Typically, he'll appear from the bottom-leftmost pit and go up. As the boss ascends toward a hole or down into another, its body will slant some to compensate (otherwise, he'll just smash into the cave wall) - the space between the "slant" and your ground will not be sufficient to avoid damage. Therefore, you need to move aside, sometimes.

Obviously, the boss will only slant one way at a time - this leaves the other side vulnerable to club attacks. (The boss is vulnerable to projectile attacks during the whole battle.) You need to get there and smack him. But how?

The boss actually has a pattern.

  • Step #1: Enter a hole in the roof.
  • Step #2: Go two spaces to the right while off-screen.
  • Step #3: Go down.
  • Step #4: Enter the first hole on the left.
  • Step #5: Go one space to the left while off-screen.
  • Step #6: Go up.
  • Step #7:
    • If coming from the center hole, go to the far left and ascend into the leftmost hole in the roof.
    • If coming from the leftmost hole, go into the second hole in the roof.

Abuse this pattern to win.

Island 2, Mile 3 - Shop

You'll deal with a shopping area first. There are three stone huts in front of you, and you must choose one to go into. You can only go into one of them and make use of their stock. Note that some of these items will require you to press Down + 1 + 2 in a level to trigger their effects (usually just the "spell" items), though I've never gotten any conclusive results from that.

Your ideal shop is the middle one; there, stock up on pretty much each of the items.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Extra Life 18 Bones Gives you an extra life; no point if you have nine.
Invincible 15 Bones Temporarily makes you invincible.
Auto Club 8 Bones Unknown. Presumably makes the game attack for you.
Quick Stop 8 Bones Lowers the inertia from running, like on ice.
Float Spell 13 Bones Maybe lets stones stay up for longer.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Double Club 8 Bones Unknown; maybe increases attack power or speed.
Fast Club 8 Bones Greatly increases your clubbing speed.
Treble Stone 12 Bones Allows the simultaneous firing of three stones.
Hard Feet 9 Bones Allows you to kill enemies by jumping on them.
Quick Stop 8 Bones Lowers the inertia from running, like on ice.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Extra Life 18 Bones Gives you an extra life; no point if you have nine.
Invincible 15 Bones Temporarily makes you invincible.
Slow Spell 8 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.
Light Spell 8 Bones Probably lets stones fly further.
Quake Spell 8 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.

Island 2, Mile 3 - Level

When you begin, go to the right and pick up the bone pickup. Continue on to the pit of water. Cross via the turtles and beware the leaping fish. Don't worry about the bone over the water - it's too risky. Past there, ascend the ledges and leap over the pits of water. For the third, you'll need to time this carefully and jump onto a turtle below (preferably the one in the middle of the water), then leap to land. Beware of the leaping fishes!

On the other side, progress right and jump over the pit. Grab the bone above this ledge, then leap into the pit you just jumped over - it's safe, don't worry. Down there, progress to the bone nearby, then jump over the gap. On the other side, jump across the ledges for some bones, then a moving platform. Use said platform to return to the main level.

Back there, go right and jump over the water pits. Grab the stone bundle on the way, and beware the leaping fish on the last pit. Grab the bone on the other side and go right. Jump over the gap and the next pits - beware of fishes, but do grab the bones. You'll need to use a turtle to cross a long gap further ahead. Continue to the right from there and jump over a gap and a water pit with a fish in it. Grab the bone and stone bundle on the other side, then cross the next water pit via the turtles (beware the fish).

Grab the bone on the other side, then head right, up the ledges, and over the water pits for the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Lake Dinosaur

Akin to the dinosaur of the flying levels, but he'll stay in one place. He can swing his head from the right to the left to try to bite you, but it's only effective if you stay on that grassy platform next to him. There is also one of those annoying bees buzzing around nearby, but that's relatively negligible - just jump over him as needed.

Offense-wise, you can probably just do the usual. If you have the ability to fire projectiles, do so from afar, dodging the bee as needed. If you cannot, go up, smack the dinosaur, and leave before being hit, dodging the bee as needed.

Island 2, Mile 4

Defeat the rat nearby, then proceed to the right. Jump into the pit and you'll find a hidden area. There, proceed along the path to the end (yes, it's vacant) and you'll find a moving platform. Use it to go back to the main level of the cave. There, head to the right and defeat the rat crawling around the stalagmites. Cross the lava pit and defeat the rat on the other side, then jump back onto the ledge above the lava, then go right a ledge to the bundle of stones.

Continue right and grab the bone, then jump into the pit to find another one. (Yes, the pit's safe.) At the bottom, go right and into the next pit. There, continue into another pit.

Here, defeat the enemy and go right. Ascend the ledges for some bones, then continue jumping into the next area. There, jump onto the ledge to the left, then jump onto those to the right, then ascend into the next area. There, defeat the enemies and jump onto the middle ledges, then jump from there to the next area.

There, proceed to the right and you'll find some lava. Jump onto the mid-air platform and defeat the spider that descends from the roof. Get on the platform below and jump across the ledges to the one with the rat and spider. Defeat them, then go back along the mid-air ledges for a useful pickup. Then continue on to the right. Past the rocks, jump over the pit (you may have to deal with a nearby spider in the air), and continue right. Jump at the end of the path to progress to the next area.

There, jump onto the mid-air platform and continue onto the next ledge. There, drop down, but beware of the hard-to-see rat down there. Progress right and beat the spider, then jump down into the gap. Progress to the right and jump over the pits (grabbing some stones as you go) and you'll reach the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Fireworm

This boss's main attack is to rush you. Typically, he'll appear from the bottom-leftmost pit and go up. As the boss ascends toward a hole or down into another, its body will slant some to compensate (otherwise, he'll just smash into the cave wall) - the space between the "slant" and your ground will not be sufficient to avoid damage. Therefore, you need to move aside, sometimes.

Obviously, the boss will only slant one way at a time - this leaves the other side vulnerable to club attacks. (The boss is vulnerable to projectile attacks during the whole battle.) You need to get there and smack him. But how?

The boss actually has a pattern.

  • Step #1: Enter a hole in the roof.
  • Step #2: Go two spaces to the right while off-screen.
  • Step #3: Go down.
  • Step #4: Enter the first hole on the left.
  • Step #5: Go one space to the left while off-screen.
  • Step #6: Go up.
  • Step #7:
    • If coming from the center hole, go to the far left and ascend into the leftmost hole in the roof.
    • If coming from the leftmost hole, go into the second hole in the roof.

Abuse this pattern to win.

Island 2, Mile 5

When you arrive, go to the right, jump over the pit, and climb the tree branches for a bone. Then jump into the pit you jumped over (it's safe!). Here, simply progress linearly to the far right, defeating enemies on the way. Ignore all of the platforms except for the one at the far right. Use it to return to the surface. Up there, progress to the right and cross the pit via the moving platform - note that you have to move with it or you'll fall off. Also try to grab the bundle of stones on the way.

On the other side, progress to the right for a bit (beware of flying pterodactyls!). As you ascend the ledges, you'll see an alcove below with some bones in it. Go down there and defeat the nearby cobra, then grab those bones. Continue to the right and ascend the tree at the end of the path. There, in the sky, simply ascend to the ledge nearby, then go into the pit to the right of it.

Back on the surface, progress to the right and step on the tree stump to make a partial bridge forward. Use it and grab the bone as you go, but be wary of the pterodactyl that rushes you from behind. Continue to the right for another pterodactyl and a cobra or two and you'll soon reach the tree sequence. Generally head to the right, being sure to smash enemies and grab the bones. Past there are a few more enemies, two bones you can't reach, a tree, and a bundle of stones. Past there, you'll find the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Blue Scorpion

This is basically another version of the blue dinosaur boss we've seen before. Its lone, main attack is to shoot some kind of gunk from its tail directly at you... And that's pretty much it. He doesn't move and the firing rate doesn't seem to increase as time goes on, either. So, basically, if you have the ability to fire stones, just fire them and jump over the gunk as it comes. If you can't fire stones, then go in, attack, retreat, jump over the gunk, and repeat.

Island 2, Mile 6 - Shop

You'll deal with a shopping area first. There are three stone huts in front of you, and you must choose one to go into. You can only go into one of them and make use of their stock. Note that some of these items will require you to press Down + 1 + 2 in a level to trigger their effects (usually just the "spell" items), though I've never gotten any conclusive results from that.

Your ideal shop is the rightmost one; stock up on the Double Club, Double Stone, and Fast Stoning there, and some lives if you want.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Invincible 15 Bones Temporarily makes you invincible.
Quake Spell 8 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.
Fast Club 8 Bones Greatly increases your clubbing speed.
Stun Spell 9 Bones Probably stuns all nearby enemies for a brief time.
Power Stones 8 Bones Increases the power of your stone-based attacks.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Slow Spell 11 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.
Float Spell 15 Bones Maybe lets stones stay up for longer.
Jump Spell 7 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Quick Stop 8 Bones Lowers the inertia from running, like on ice.
Quake Spell 11 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Extra Life 18 Bones Gives you an extra life; no point if you have nine.
Jump Spell 7 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Double Club 6 Bones Unknown; maybe increases attack power or speed.
Double Stone 6 Bones Allows the simultaneous firing of two stones.
Fast Stoning 6 Bones Greatly increases your firing rate for stones.

Island 2, Mile 6 - Level

Here, head to the right and grab the bone. Jump across the water via the turtles, grabbing the stones on the way. Get the bones on the other side and head further to the right, but beware of the bee that creeps up on you. Cross the next water pit with the turtles (don't get the bones - too risky). Cross the next one with the turtles, too, but don't go out of your way for the stone bundle - keep moving, keep moving!

On the other side, continue on to the right, but be careful of the bee that tries to ambush you. Continue on and grab the bone as you head to the water pit. There, cross it, but you'll need to time your jump carefully because you'll need to use the turtles. There are several pits in all, with some bones in between the water pits on little "islands". The really long water pit will also have several bones above it - ignore them, it is not worth losing a life over.

On the other side, continue up the ledges to the next water pit. Time your jump to land on one of the turtles. Cross to the next ledge, again not risking yourself needlessly for the bone or the stone bundle. The boss is on the other side of the water pit.

LEVEL BOSS: Lake Dinosaur

Akin to the dinosaur of the flying levels, but he'll stay in one place. He can swing his head from the right to the left to try to bite you, but it's only effective if you stay on that grassy platform next to him. There is also one of those annoying bees buzzing around nearby, but that's relatively negligible - just jump over him as needed.

Offense-wise, you can probably just do the usual. If you have the ability to fire projectiles, do so from afar, dodging the bee as needed. If you cannot, go up, smack the dinosaur, and leave before being hit, dodging the bee as needed.

Island 2, Mile 7

This is actually one of the flying levels. Basically, if you hold down the 2 Button, you'll go up; if you let go of the 2 Button, you'll go down. Land on the terrestial features (pretty much the volcanoes here) will kill you, so don't stay too low! You can otherwise move horizontally with Left/Right on the D-Pad, though, except for the boss, you won't be allowed past the halfway point of the screen.

This level is pretty pointless to navigate you through. Basically, avoid and/or kill enemies, try to stay high, and avoid anything coming up from below. Feel free to try for some of the pickups, but don't risk your life over the ones close to the water. Eventually, you will reach the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Sea Dinosaur

This boss has just a lone attack, like the other bosses in this game. This one will go into the water and surface at the left side, the right side, or in the center. He will then swing his head right, then left in an attempt to bite you.

If you have the ability to fire stones, then you simply need to hover around halfway from the water and attack when the boss surfaces in the center or on the right. If you don't, then you'll need to approach it, smack it, and quickly retreat. Either way, it's not too hard.

Island 3, Mile 1


Like with most games, where there is ice, there is a chance to slip 'n' slide around. This greatly inhibits you by making it more likely for you to slide into, say, bottomless pits. Therefore, if you are trying to move carefully, you can always just jump and that will stop your horizontal movement once you land.

Defeat the enemy to the right and continue along the path. Really, this level is mostly described by saying "go to the right, jump over the gaps, defeat the enemies, and grab any pickups along the way". So we'll stick with that. There is one point where a bone will appear in a pit where you can jump into said pit and go to the far right, collecting bones and beating a few enemies on the way, to find a platform leading back up to the surface.

Back on the surface, two more bottomless pits to the right, you'll find a bone in another pit. DO NOT GO INTO THAT PIT! This pit is glitched - going in there will effectively hang the game, forcing you to reset the console and lose all of your progress. So, yeah, don't do it!

Beyond those two minor things, we can go with the aforementioned philosophy all of the way to the level's boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Triceratops

This particular "breed" of boss is not that hard to contend with. It primarily will just rush at you. You, therefore, can jump over it and turn around afterwards, then use a projectile shot with the 1 Button. If you do not have sufficient health for that strategy, then you can go up behind it as the rushing attack ends and thwack it with your club just once, then flee, jump over it again, and repeat.

Island 3, Mile 2 - Shop

You'll deal with a shopping area first. There are three stone huts in front of you, and you must choose one to go into. You can only go into one of them and make use of their stock. Note that some of these items will require you to press Down + 1 + 2 in a level to trigger their effects (usually just the "spell" items), though I've never gotten any conclusive results from that.

Your ideal shop is the rightmost one; stock up on the stone items and Hard Feet, then leave.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Jump Spell 10 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Hard Feet 12 Bones Allows you to kill enemies by jumping on them.
Light Spell 16 Bones Probably lets stones fly further.
Quake Spell 16 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.
Slow Spell 11 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Double Stone 11 Bones Allows the simultaneous firing of two stones.
Treble Stone 14 Bones Allows the simultaneous firing of three stones.
Stun Spell 12 Bones Probably stuns all nearby enemies for a brief time.
Light Spell 14 Bones Probably lets stones fly further.
Hard Feet 10 Bones Allows you to kill enemies by jumping on them.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Slow Spell 14 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.
Float Spell 18 Bones Maybe lets stones stay up for longer.
Quick Stop 10 Bones Lowers the inertia from running, like on ice.
Jump Spell 11 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Quake Spell 14 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.

Island 3, Mile 2 - Level

Head to the right and along the higher platforms, defeating enemies on the way. Near the edge of the platform, jump to reach an area in the sky. There, go to the right and hope along the clouds to get to the bundle of stones. Continue to the right and grab the two bones on the next cloud set. Continue along the clouds for some more bones, then hop into the gap below.

Backin the main level, continue to the right along the high ledges. Grab the bundle of stones when you see it, then continue right along the ledges, defeating a few more enemies on the way. At the end, you'll see two small ledges, with one made of circles below the rightmost one. Walk from the left small ledge rightward to land on the circular ledge, which will then rise up. Grab the bone nearby, then jump to the right.

There, continue along the ledges, defeating enemies as they come. Be careful, as you'll need to make some pretty long jumps, too. You'll also find a few pickups along the way. Anyways, continue along the ledges and defeat enemies and pick up pickups - there's little of note until the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Saber-Toothed Tiger

This boss can be the hardest you ever deal with. Basically, it'll leap at you, often overshooting you. However, this overshooting is relatively slight - if you were to stand still for a few seconds, the boss would eventually close in next to you. You don't want that to happen. The two usual strategies still apply here, though - attack from afar with stones, which is greatly preferable, or the other "get close, smack, and retreat quickly" strategy.

Island 3, Mile 3

Grab the bone hanging above you and proceed to the right. Jump over the water to the small ledge, then grab the bundle of stones and jump to the right again. Grab the nearby bone and jump over the next pit. A bone will then appear in the aforementioned pit, so jump into it. Within, go to the right and defeat a few bats as you proceed. Ignore the first moving platform as you go along, past which you'll find a bunch of falling stalactites. Let them fall before proceeding. Past them, you'll find a moving platform. Use it.

In the next area, proceed to the right, but beware the leaping frog from the right, as well as the bat ambushing you from the back. Continue to the right and grab the bone. Further along, you'll find another bat, then a bundle of stones. To the right of there, you'll find some platforms. Stick along the higher set of platforms and you won't have to deal with as many frogs - if any - and will also be able to grab a bone. Not much further along is a gap with a bone in it. Go on down.

Down here, go right and grab the two bones, then continue along. Ascend the nearby staircase-like ledges and jump at their peak to reach the next area. There, head to the right and jump over a gap to find some mid-air ledges. Cross them as you proceed, grabbing a few pickups on the way. You'll eventually find the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Fireworm

This boss's main attack is to rush you. Typically, he'll appear from the bottom-leftmost pit and go up. As the boss ascends toward a hole or down into another, its body will slant some to compensate (otherwise, he'll just smash into the cave wall) - the space between the "slant" and your ground will not be sufficient to avoid damage. Therefore, you need to move aside, sometimes.

Obviously, the boss will only slant one way at a time - this leaves the other side vulnerable to club attacks. (The boss is vulnerable to projectile attacks during the whole battle.) You need to get there and smack him. But how?

The boss actually has a pattern.

  • Step #1: Enter a hole in the roof.
  • Step #2: Go two spaces to the right while off-screen.
  • Step #3: Go down.
  • Step #4: Enter the first hole on the left.
  • Step #5: Go one space to the left while off-screen.
  • Step #6: Go up.
  • Step #7:
    • If coming from the center hole, go to the far left and ascend into the leftmost hole in the roof.
    • If coming from the leftmost hole, go into the second hole in the roof.

Abuse this pattern to win.

Island 3, Mile 4 - Shop

Wow, so soon?

You'll deal with a shopping area first. There are three stone huts in front of you, and you must choose one to go into. You can only go into one of them and make use of their stock. Note that some of these items will require you to press Down + 1 + 2 in a level to trigger their effects (usually just the "spell" items), though I've never gotten any conclusive results from that.

Your ideal shop is the middle one, where pretty everything is known to be quite useful. The rightmost shop is also useful, though, if you need lives (plus there's the club and stone items).

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Invincible 18 Bones Temporarily makes you invincible.
Quake Spell 11 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.
Fast Club 11 Bones Greatly increases your clubbing speed.
Stun Spell 12 Bones Probably stuns all nearby enemies for a brief time.
Power Stones 11 Bones Increases the power of your stone-based attacks.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Double Club 11 Bones Unknown; maybe increases attack power or speed.
Fast Club 11 Bones Allows the simultaneous firing of three stones.
Treble Stone 15 Bones Allows the simultaneous firing of three stones.
Hard Feet 12 Bones Allows you to kill enemies by jumping on them.
Quick Stop 11 Bones Lowers the inertia from running, like on ice.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Extra Life 19 Bones Gives you an extra life; no point if you have nine.
Jump Spell 10 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Double Club 9 Bones Unknown; maybe increases attack power or speed.
Double Stone 9 Bones Allows the simultaneous firing of two stones.
Fast Stoning 9 Bones Greatly increases your firing rate for stones.

Island 3, Mile 4 - Level

This level is a bit more unique than the rest. Here, you basically will progress to the right for a few moments, defeating a few enemies on the way (little to note in that respect), then you'll jump off of the right side of the rightmost ledge. You'll know you're there when it seems like the mountain in the background seems to end. On the fall down, you'll find a number of bones and stones.

There is a regular order to these items, more or less.

  • Drop #1: Ten entirely on the left. Just stay still.
  • Drop #2: Ten entirely on the right.
  • Drop #3: Five on the left, then five on the right.
  • Drop #4: Five on the right, then five on the left.

After your fourth drop, simply proceed to the right along the platforms as you've done before in this level to reach the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Saber-Toothed Tiger

This boss can be the hardest you ever deal with. Basically, it'll leap at you, often overshooting you. However, this overshooting is relatively slight - if you were to stand still for a few seconds, the boss would eventually close in next to you. You don't want that to happen. The two usual strategies still apply here, though - attack from afar with stones, which is greatly preferable, or the other "get close, smack, and retreat quickly" strategy.

Island 3, Mile 5

This level automatically does the scrolling for you, so you know. Basically, you'll move to the right for a while. There are enemies on the way, but you really can just handle the first half of the level by mashing the 1 Button. (Of course, you're encouraged to pick up the pickups on the way.) Other than that, there's little to mention. At the end of the level, though, you'll need to jump over some gaps in the ice or you'll die - these gaps actually become part of the boss fight, so you know.

LEVEL BOSS: Green Fish

In all honest, there's very, very little anyone can say about this boss. It'll basically just leap straight up, then go back into the water. It may cross to another hole, but that's fairly rare. If you have projectiles, you can always just attack from afar - with a ledge between you and it, you'll be completely safe. The strategy of going close, smacking, and retreating also works (but will definitely take longer) for those not willing or unable to use projectiles.

Island 3, Mile 6 - Shop

Wow, so soon? Again?

You'll deal with a shopping area first. There are three stone huts in front of you, and you must choose one to go into. You can only go into one of them and make use of their stock. Note that some of these items will require you to press Down + 1 + 2 in a level to trigger their effects (usually just the "spell" items), though I've never gotten any conclusive results from that.

Your ideal shop is ... well, none of them are particularly useful after the last two levels. It's not like you should've died in any of them. Well, if anything, the first shop have marginally more useful stuff, namely for those of you who died.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Extra Life 19 Bones Gives you an extra life; no point if you have nine.
Invincible 18 Bones Temporarily makes you invincible.
Auto Club 11 Bones Unknown. Presumably makes the game attack for you.
Quick Stop 11 Bones Lowers the inertia from running, like on ice.
Float Spell 16 Bones Maybe lets stones stay up for longer.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Extra Life 19 Bones Gives you an extra life; no point if you have nine.
Invincible 18 Bones Temporarily makes you invincible.
Slow Spell 14 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.
Light Spell 14 Bones Probably lets stones fly further.
Quake Spell 14 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Jump Spell 10 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Hard Feet 12 Bones Allows you to kill enemies by jumping on them.
Light Spell 16 Bones Probably lets stones fly further.
Quake Spell 16 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.
Slow Spell 11 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.

Island 3, Mile 6 - Level

This is actually one of the flying levels. Basically, if you hold down the 2 Button, you'll go up; if you let go of the 2 Button, you'll go down. Landing on the terrestial features (pretty much the islands (except the palm trees) here) will kill you, so don't stay too low! You can otherwise move horizontally with Left/Right on the D-Pad, though, except for the boss, you won't be allowed past the halfway point of the screen.

This level is pretty pointless to navigate you through. Basically, avoid and/or kill enemies, try to stay high, and avoid anything coming up from below. Feel free to try for some of the pickups, but don't risk your life over the ones close to the water. Eventually, you will reach the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Sea Dinosaur

This boss has just a lone attack, like the other bosses in this game. This one will go into the water and surface at the left side, the right side, or in the center. He will then swing his head right, then left in an attempt to bite you.

If you have the ability to fire stones, then you simply need to hover around halfway from the water and attack when the boss surfaces in the center or on the right. If you don't, then you'll need to approach it, smack it, and quickly retreat. Either way, it's not too hard.

Island 4, Mile 1

Begin this level by defeating the enemy to the right and continuing in that direction. For a while, there's going to be little to mention without repeating myself - basically, grab bones, grab bundles of stones, defeat enemies, and jump over gaps. You can handle this, I assume? And, really, that's pretty much the whole level. =/ It'll take about sixty seconds to reach the boss if you don't hang around needlessly.

I will note that, near the end, a bone will appear in a gap. Feel free to jump down in there, and go to the right. You'll find a few bones, a few enemies, and a bundle of stones on the way. Use the rightmost platform to get back up top. From there, it's just more of the aforementioned philosophy to the boss. (There is another gap with a bone in it on the way. It effectively will pop you out in the gap just to the right of there, so you know. But, hey, free bone.)

LEVEL BOSS: Triceratops

This particular "breed" of boss is not that hard to contend with. It primarily will just rush at you. You, therefore, can jump over it and turn around afterwards, then use a projectile shot with the 1 Button. If you do not have sufficient health for that strategy, then you can go up behind it as the rushing attack ends and thwack it with your club just once, then flee, jump over it again, and repeat.

Island 4, Mile 2

Defeat the rat nearby, then proceed to the right. Jump over the pit and proceed to the right some more. Continue along while avoiding the water. At the end, ascend the ledges and leap once more to get to the next area. There, get on the mid-air ledge near you, then leap onto the next ledge to the right and grab the bones. Continue right along ground level into the pit.

In the next area, proceed to the right. Be sure to dodge the dripping, damaging water. Jump into the very narrow pit just past the water and you'll trigger some kind of switch that raises the nearby wall. Continue along to the right and over the next gap. Defeat the rat crawling along the nearby ledges and ascend the nearby platforms for some bones. Continue along ground level to the right for a bit. You'll soon see some spiders.

Beat them and grab the nearby bone, then continue on to the right. You'll soon find a rat; smash and proceed. Stay along the higher ledges unless you feel like deal with a few spiders. Past those ledges, you can hit ground level and U-turn for the bundle of stones, but beware of the rat crawling amongst the stalagmites there. Continue on and into the next pit. (And, yes, there was a bone embedded in that wall. O_o)

In the next area, proceed to the right (beware of the water!) and bypass the moving platform in lieu of the one further ahead. Ride said platform into the next area. There, cross the mid-air ledges as you head right and over the lava pit. You'll find a bone on the way, plus a spider near the solid ledge. A quick jump from the latter will land you near the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Fireworm

This boss's main attack is to rush you. Typically, he'll appear from the bottom-leftmost pit and go up. As the boss ascends toward a hole or down into another, its body will slant some to compensate (otherwise, he'll just smash into the cave wall) - the space between the "slant" and your ground will not be sufficient to avoid damage. Therefore, you need to move aside, sometimes.

Obviously, the boss will only slant one way at a time - this leaves the other side vulnerable to club attacks. (The boss is vulnerable to projectile attacks during the whole battle.) You need to get there and smack him. But how?

The boss actually has a pattern.

  • Step #1: Enter a hole in the roof.
  • Step #2: Go two spaces to the right while off-screen.
  • Step #3: Go down.
  • Step #4: Enter the first hole on the left.
  • Step #5: Go one space to the left while off-screen.
  • Step #6: Go up.
  • Step #7:
    • If coming from the center hole, go to the far left and ascend into the leftmost hole in the roof.
    • If coming from the leftmost hole, go into the second hole in the roof.

Abuse this pattern to win.

Island 4, Mile 3 - Shop

You'll deal with a shopping area first. There are three stone huts in front of you, and you must choose one to go into. You can only go into one of them and make use of their stock. Note that some of these items will require you to press Down + 1 + 2 in a level to trigger their effects (usually just the "spell" items), though I've never gotten any conclusive results from that.

Your ideal shop is the rightmost one if you need the clubs, stones, and feet, and maybe the Quick Stop will help, too. Otherwise, the middle shop is also pretty nice with the Invincible, Fast Club, and Power Stones items. Take your pick.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Jump Spell 14 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Hard Feet 17 Bones Allows you to kill enemies by jumping on them.
Light Spell 15 Bones Probably lets stones fly further.
Quake Spell 17 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.
Slow Spell 13 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Invincible 19 Bones Temporarily makes you invincible.
Quake Spell 14 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.
Fast Club 14 Bones Greatly increases your clubbing speed.
Stun Spell 15 Bones Probably stuns all nearby enemies for a brief time.
Power Stones 14 Bones Increases the power of your stone-based attacks.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Double Club 14 Bones Unknown; maybe increases attack power or speed.
Fast Club 14 Bones Allows the simultaneous firing of three stones.
Treble Stone 18 Bones Allows the simultaneous firing of three stones.
Hard Feet 15 Bones Allows you to kill enemies by jumping on them.
Quick Stop 14 Bones Lowers the inertia from running, like on ice.

Island 4, Mile 3 - Level

This is your general auto-scrolling level, so it is not like there is a whole lot to say. This will take place among a set of trees, which makes things a lot easier than the developers may have thought - I mean, come on, tons of platforms, right? Anyways, progress along with the screen. Try to stay in the middle, defeat enemies as they come, and grab pickups (although don't needlessly risk yourself over them). You'll soon reach the boss...

LEVEL BOSS: Blue Dinosaur

This boss pretty much just does one thing - fire fireballs at you periodically. They'll be aimed directly at you, too, so you'll need to dodge around. As time goes on, the rate of fire will increase. However, the strategy is pretty simple.

If you have the ability to fire stones with the 1 Button, simply stand around the middle of the screen and fire them while jumping, and also just jump over the fireballs as they come. If you don't have the ability to fire stones, go forward to the dinosaur, smack him, and flee, repeating this after dodging a fireball.

Island 4, Mile 4

Begin this level by going to the right. You'll soon see a man-eating plant, with a tree further ahead. Ascend to the top-right branch of the tree, grab the bone, then go into the pit with the bone on the right side side of the trunk. Proceed in this "hidden" area's linear path for a bit, defeating enemies as they come. Ascend the moving platform at the end to return to the surface world.

Back up there, cross the trees as you head right ot the next solid ledge. There, defeat the nearby man-eating plant and the one to the right. Grab the bone if you didn't do so in the interim and proceed further right. Cross the water via the turtles, then grab the bones on the other side. Cross the next pit of water, which contains a leaping fish. Defeat the man-eating plant on the other side, and also grab the nearby bone. Continue across the next pit via turtles.

On the other side, you'll be ambushed by a bee. Look out for that and continue onto the next higher ledge. There, backtrack onto the tree above and left for some bones, then continue back to the right. Defeat two more enemies as you go. When you reach the tree past the second man-eating plant, ascend to the tree (unless you wanna die), then cross the gap from there. Yes, those stones and bones down there are merely baiting you for a trap.

Continue on to the right past the nearby man-eating plant. Grab the bones in the air nearby, but beware of the spider crawling below. (Oddly, the thing won't die. =/) Continue along to the right however you choose, jumping over gaps and defeating enemies and grabbing pickups as you reach the boss. With regard to the tree sequence near the water, you'll want to jump rightward from the topmost branch when you can see no more trees to the right. That's about it, though, until the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Lake Dinosaur

Akin to the dinosaur of the flying levels, but he'll stay in one place. He can swing his head from the right to the left to try to bite you, but it's only effective if you stay on that grassy platform next to him. There is also one of those annoying bees buzzing around nearby, but that's relatively negligible - just jump over him as needed.

Offense-wise, you can probably just do the usual. If you have the ability to fire projectiles, do so from afar, dodging the bee as needed. If you cannot, go up, smack the dinosaur, and leave before being hit, dodging the bee as needed.

Island 4, Mile 5 - Shop

You'll deal with a shopping area first. There are three stone huts in front of you, and you must choose one to go into. You can only go into one of them and make use of their stock. Note that some of these items will require you to press Down + 1 + 2 in a level to trigger their effects (usually just the "spell" items), though I've never gotten any conclusive results from that.

Your ideal shop is ... well, they all kinda such, it seems. The middle shop has the most useful stuff, though, so go there.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Slow Spell 17 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.
Float Spell 19 Bones Maybe lets stones stay up for longer.
Jump Spell 13 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Quick Stop 14 Bones Lowers the inertia from running, like on ice.
Quake Spell 17 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Invincible 19 Bones Temporarily makes you invincible.
Quake Spell 14 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.
Fast Club 14 Bones Greatly increases your clubbing speed.
Stun Spell 15 Bones Probably stuns all nearby enemies for a brief time.
Power Stones 14 Bones Increases the power of your stone-based attacks.

Item Name Item Cost Item Effect
Jump Spell 13 Bones Probably increases your jumping power and distance.
Hard Feet 15 Bones Allows you to kill enemies by jumping on them.
Light Spell 19 Bones Probably lets stones fly further.
Quake Spell 19 Bones Probably damages ground-based enemies.
Slow Spell 14 Bones Makes things slow briefly, maybe.

Island 4, Mile 5 - Level

In this level, go to the right and cross the ledges, staying along the top and defeating enemies as they come at you. Jump to the right from the ledge to a scorpion's ledge and defeat it, then jump right for up to four bones. (You can grab those you don't reach by simply jumping.) Continue on to the right and jump across to the next ledge. From there, go further along the top ledges, defeating enemies as they come. At the bones, jump at the top one first, then go back for the other one.

Continue rightward along the ledges. At the end, you'll see two small ledges, with one made of circles below the rightmost one. Walk from the left small ledge rightward to land on the circular ledge, which will then rise up. Grab the bone nearby, then jump to the right.

There, continue along the ledges, defeating enemies as they come. Be careful, as you'll need to make some pretty long jumps, too. You'll also find a few pickups along the way. Anyways, continue along the ledges and defeat enemies and pick up pickups - there's little of note until the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Saber-Toothed Tiger

This boss can be the hardest you ever deal with. Basically, it'll leap at you, often overshooting you. However, this overshooting is relatively slight - if you were to stand still for a few seconds, the boss would eventually close in next to you. You don't want that to happen. The two usual strategies still apply here, though - attack from afar with stones, which is greatly preferable, or the other "get close, smack, and retreat quickly" strategy.

Island 4, Mile 6

When you begin the level, deal with the man-eating plants to your right, then head to the right. Jump over the gap, then just fall into it for a bone and a hidden area. There, simply head to the right for a while, defeating enemies as you go along, collecting bones from the ledges in the alcoves. Use the moving platform at the end to return to the surface.

There, progress to the right for a while, defeating enemies along the way. That'll be the general philosophy until you reach the trees. As you go through, you'll see a bundle of stones in an alcove below you. Get the valuable bundle of stones. Continue to the right and defeat the enemy there, then continue further right. At the end is a tree. Ascend it to reach a sky area; there, go right, to the tree, to the ledge, and into the gap to the surface. Continue along with our current philosophy.

You'll soon see a tree stump. Stand on it and another branch will pop out, helping you across the gap. Cross the gap and continue right to the trees. Jump across the branches as you head right, picking up a bone or two on the way. On the other side, defeat the nearby enemies and continue to the right. You should soon reach the boss.

LEVEL BOSS: Blue Scorpion

This is basically another version of the blue dinosaur boss we've seen before. Its lone, main attack is to shoot some kind of gunk from its tail directly at you... And that's pretty much it. He doesn't move and the firing rate doesn't seem to increase as time goes on, either. So, basically, if you have the ability to fire stones, just fire them and jump over the gunk as it comes. If you can't fire stones, then go in, attack, retreat, jump over the gunk, and repeat.

Island 4, Mile 7

This is actually one of the flying levels. Basically, if you hold down the 2 Button, you'll go up; if you let go of the 2 Button, you'll go down. Landing on the terrestial features (pretty much the volcanoes here) will kill you, so don't stay too low! You can otherwise move horizontally with Left/Right on the D-Pad, though, except for the boss, you won't be allowed past the halfway point of the screen.

This level is pretty pointless to navigate you through. Basically, avoid and/or kill enemies, try to stay high, and avoid anything coming up from below. Feel free to try for some of the pickups, but don't risk your life over the ones close to the water. Eventually, you will reach the boss.

FINAL BOSS: Orange Pterodactyl

This boss is actually pretty easy for a final boss. He'll fly around sporadically with no true meaning to his flying, except perhaps to ram you in the process. You simply want to get close and smack him with your club, if you don't have the ability to fire projectiles. If you do, by all means stand in the top-left corner and let them fly - if you have Treble Stones especially, that'll cover a wide area!

After that, pat yourself on the back and enjoy the ending, for you have just beaten Dinobasher: Starring Bignose the Caveman!! Congratulations!


In no particular order...

  • GameFAQs, Neoseeker, and Supercheats:
    • For being the most amazing FAQ-hosting sites I know.

  • CJayC, SBAllen, and Devin Morgan:
    • General sucking up to the GameFAQs admins. =P

  • Me (KeyBlade999):
    • For making this FAQ. =P

  • You, the reader:
    • For hopefully enjoying this FAQ.

Version History

  • Final:
    • Shoved out what will likely be the first and only publicated version of this FAQ.
    • Time: 4:06 AM 3/26/2013.


This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

ゥ 2013 Daniel Chaviers (a.k.a. KeyBlade999).

If you would wish to contact me concerning this or my other FAQs, use this e-mail:, or PM (Private Message) me on the GameFAQs message boards.

Allowed sites for my FAQs Forever-Banned Sites
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This is the end of KeyBlade999's Dinobasher: Starring Bignose the Caveman (SMS) FAQ/Walkthrough.

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