Neoseeker : F-1 Spirit: The Way to Formula-1 FAQs : F-1 Spirit: The Way to Formula-1 FAQ/Walkthrough

F-1 Spirit: The Way to Formula-1 FAQ/Walkthrough

by KeyBlade999   Updated to vFinal on
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  • Game: F-1 Spirit: The Way to Formula-1
  • Console: Sega Master System
  • File Type: Formatted FAQ/Walkthrough
  • Author: KeyBlade999 (a.k.a. Daniel Chaviers)
  • Version: Final
  • Time of Update: 10:38 PM 4/4/2013
  • File Size: 13.0 KB


While I do write all of my guides for free, it does take a lot of time and effort to put them together. If you're feeling generous and want to show your appreciation, I am gladly accepting donations. I don't know exactly what the donations will be used for, but just know that you would definitely be helping me make more quality FAQs! Even the smallest donation amounts are appreciated, and they are a great way to say how much you appreciate the work I do. If you do decide you'd like to donate, please send the donations through PayPal at the e-mail address listed below. Thank you so very much for at least considering this!!

Donation/Contact E-Mail


Welcome to another FAQ of mine. This one covers the SMS game known as F-1 Spirit: The Way to Formula-1. This game is another of your fairly generic racing games that proliferated home consoles such as the SMS in the 1980s, trying to recreate the craze games like Pole Position would put through arcades. I will admit, though, this game is a bit better than the other racing games you'll find on the SMS - not too bad for its day, especially given that it is a Korean homebrew, of all things!

This game was made by Zemina in 1987 for Sega's Master System. In the over twenty-five years hence, not a single complete FAQ has been written for it, until now. I, along with other members of the GameFAQs FAQ Contributor boards, have taken it upon ourselves to write at least one guide for every Sega Master System game out there and, at least at the time of writing, we're very close with under half-a-dozen to go!

And, so, that's more or less how I came upon this came. Thanks for listening to my ramblin'; I hope you enjoy!

Game Controls

Button Resultant Effects
D-Pad Cycle through menu choices
Rotate/turn left and right
Go up or down gears (manual only)
1 Button Confirm decisions
2 Button Cancel/decline decisions

Basics of the Game


After you reach the title screen, press the 1 or 2 Button to go on to the next menu. There, you'll see two menus: "Game" and "Command". "Game" will let you go further into gameplay and do stuff. "Command" brings you to the following menu:

  • Game: Return to title menu.
  • Exchange: ???
  • Password: Receive a password for whatever in-game progress you have.
  • Input Password: Basically input a password for a loading option.
  • Game Over: Return to title screen.

If you opted to go to "Game", then you get the following options:

  • 1 Player: A single-player race versus the AI.
  • 2 Player: 1 Player with two humans.
  • Battle Mode: A two-human mode in which you compete for points based on survival ability in the races moreso than your actual position.


Next, you'll get to pick one of the three tracks of the game. Elementally speaking, what you see is, in fact, what you get. Observe.

^l1|The tracks.

Car Customization

When you start up the game after the track has been selected, you then get to choose a car. There are three custom-made cars available to you, which are respectively for those looking for durability, a balance, and blazing speed. However, you can also make a custom car.

Firstly, you'll choose your type of engine. These seem to be oriented in an order from high speed but less control, then a balance, then low speed with better control.

Secondly, you'll choose your body type. This is another inverse relationship, with high durability and low speed on the left, balance in the middle, and low durability with high speed on the right.

Third is the type of brake. I'm not quite sure how to rate this, as individual situations can always vary greatly. It seems that the first type of brake is better on curvy courses, like the Stock course, the third is better on the F3 course, and the one in the middle is generally best on the Rally Course.

Next is your suspension. This helps you maintain speed on rough, off-road tracks. A hard suspension seems to be best on more road-filled track, and the opposite is true for off-road tracks. Alternating tracks would be best handled by the balance in the middle.

Finally, you have your transmission. You have an automatic transmission on the left, which will switch the gears for you at a cost of slightly lower speeds. The two manual transmissions make you do so in the race with Up/Down on the D-Pad (upshift/downshift, respectively), with higher gears having higher speeds. The manual transmissions are slightly faster than the automatic one, and the hi-gear transmission is slightly faster than the others.


You can pretty much see the Tracks section for how to deal with the various tracks in the game, having the maps there and all. For the record, here are some recommendations for the tracks, based on car customization:

Track Engine Body Brake Suspension Transmission
Stock Race Option #3 Option #3 Option #1 Option #1 Option #3
Rally Option #2 Option #2 Option #2 Option #3 Option #3
F3 Race Option #1 Option #1 Option #3 Option #1 Option #3

As for playing, beyond using the maps, here are the basics of racing.

At the right, you'll generally see your heads-up display. This will show your track map and position on it, speed, place, gear, fuel remaining, and damage to your car. We'll discuss these now:

  • Track Map: Should be obvious.
  • Speed: How fast you're going. Increases up to a certain maximum as you hold the 1 Button.
  • Place: Your relative position compared to the rest of the group.
  • Gear: There are four gears you can have; as this goes up, so does your max speed.
  • Fuel: This goes down with time; if it empties, you automatically lose, so fill up!
  • Damage: When one of these blinks, that part is partially inefficient, generally making you lose control, speed, or both! You will need to get to a pit area quickly to correct this.

When handling your car, you'll want to use the 1 Button to accelerate and the 2 Button to brake. As you go along, you'll find a few turns, where you'll be able to use Left or Right on the D-Pad to turn. When turning, you will want to downshift (Down Button) into a lower gear if possible on a manual transmission, or use the 2 Button with a few taps on an automatic; as you come out of the turn, then upshift (Up Button) a gear or stop tapping the 2 Button. This will maximize efficiency. Turns are forecasted ahead of time by arrow markings on the road showing the direction in which you'll make the turn.

There are also a number of other cars on the track. While you're initial encounters with them are likely to end with you causing them to explode, this is not favorable at all - if you've ever played Grand Theft Auto, you know how much damage being just close to an explosion can cause to a car. Frankly, since these explosions are caused by powerful, repeated contact, it is optimal to not even try to touch cars - after all, they, too, can knock you off the road into the trees or something, causing you to crash and lose time.

That's really about it. The remainder would consist of how to do a pit stop. This is a bit different than in most racing games, but also the more accurate representation. Pit stop lanes will be a side road from the main track just before the finish line. You go into the pit lane, then, and slow down there and you'll get what is almost a zoom-in on the car. Continue slowing the car down to zero km/h and you'll get your damage healed and fuel refilled. It is best to do this with every two or three laps, depending on how well you manage fuel, primarily. You will lose positions more often than not when making a pit stop; it is also notable that you can go through there and be relatively unopposed by other cars, so if you have trouble with crowding around the finish line, that's the route to take.

That's about it. After getting the race results, these are added onto the record attributed to a now-altered password you can get from the "Command" menu at the title menu. These passwords are reloaded by the "Input Password" option in the same menu.


In no particular order...

  • GameFAQs, Neoseeker, and Supercheats:
    • For being the most amazing FAQ-hosting sites I know.

  • CJayC, SBAllen, and Devin Morgan:
    • General sucking up to the GameFAQs admins. =P

  • Me (KeyBlade999):
    • For making this FAQ. =P

  • You, the reader:
    • For hopefully enjoying this FAQ.

Version History

  • v0.00:
    • General preformatting.
    • Time: 6:45 AM 4/4/2013.

  • Final:
    • First and likely only version of this FAQ completed.
    • Time: 10:38 PM 4/4/2013.


This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

ゥ 2013 Daniel Chaviers (a.k.a. KeyBlade999).

If you would wish to contact me concerning this or my other FAQs, use this e-mail:, or PM (Private Message) me on the GameFAQs message boards.

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This is the end of KeyBlade999's F-1 Spirit: The Way to Formula-1 (SMS) FAQ/Walkthrough.

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