The Last of Us FAQ/Walkthrough

by Krystal109
  Updated to v2.0 on

The Last of Us - FAQ/Walkthrough

Version 2.5 - July 31, 2013

  • Gameplay Completed
  • Optional Conversations Added+Completed
  • Multiplayer Added + Completed


Author: Krystal K. - krystalnexus [at] yahoo [dot] com

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First of all, thanks for reading my FAQ.

This guide is intended to walk you through the gameplay, while finding all secrets and collectibles. It will include all side quests, collectibles, and strategies.

If you want me to add something or notice a mistake, please email me at the above address with the correct information.

Donation Info

Firstly, thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this. If you find yourself using my guide and found it to be handy, please consider sending a donation to support the time and effort I have put forth to make a comprehensive and useful guide.

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  • Send a GIFT through Paypal to krystalnexus(at)yahoo(dot)com
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Thanks again for your time. I in no way want you to feel obligated to donate, your support via emails is always appreciated though.





The controls for The Last of Us are similar to most action-adventure games, most notably the Uncharted series. If you are familiar with these games, a quick overview should be enough to refresh your memory. If you are unfamiliar with these games, please take a moment to look these over while you try them out on screen.

L Analog Move character
R Analog Move camera
D-Pad (Up) Select Health Kit or Nail Bomb
D-Pad (Down) Select Bottle/Brick, Molotov, Smoke Bomb
D-Pad (Left) + X Select long weapon
D-Pad (Right) + X Select handgun
L1 + R1 Fire Weapon
R1 Reload
R2 Listen Mode
L1 Aim Weapon
L2 Sprint
R3 Flashlight Toggle
Triangle Interact
Square Melee Attack
O Crouch/Stand, Dive underwater
X Action
Start Pause
Select Menu





Joel has a set health indicated in by the green bar around the current weapon selection in the bottom right of the screen. When Joel is attacked he will lose health and when the bar is depleted he will die and you'll need to restart from the last checkpoint. Note that some enemies, such as Clickers and Bloaters, have a one hit kill that will kill Joel no matter what his current health is.


Equipment & Weapons

Joel carries a Flashlight at all times, which can be turned on by hitting R3, and an assortment of equipment that he scavenges through the game. Due to a limited backpack size, Joel can only carry a limited amount of ammo and have up to four things equipped and available quickly via the D-Pad:

  • 1 Small Firearm (Right)
  • 1 Long Firearm (Left)
  • Brick or Bottle (Down)
  • Health Kit (Up)

As Joel progresses through the game he will scavenge new weapons to help him make his way through the numerous infected and scavengers that wish him dead. Bombs can be quickly equipped by pressing up or down on the D-Pad to the desired bomb, but new weapons will remain unequipped and will have to be equipped by pressing left or right on the D-Pad and holding X to select a new weapon.

Note that if you create the "Holsters" at a workbench, Joel has the ability to equip 2 Small and 2 Long Firearms at once.


Movement & Actions

The following is a list of the movement and actions that Joel can perform and what they do.


Joel can climb over most low obstacles in the world to help him advance through the destroyed remains of civilization by pressing X near a low obstacle or ladder. In some cases, ledges will be too high to climb up alone and require Ellie's help. When looking at a high ledge press Triangle, if available, to boost Ellie up and then follow with her help by pressing X.



If you want to go stealthy, crouching by pressing O will be an important part of your survival. Note that while this appears to make you more quiet, you will still need to move slowly to avoid excess noise and sneak up on enemies.



Because nature has begun to reclaim the world, blocking sewage in major cities, much of the world has become flooded. Luckily, Joel can swim when he enters deep water and even dive by pressing O. Underwater, Joel has a limited amount of air, indicated by the half-circle next to the health meter, and you will need to resurface by pressing X before he runs out. If you run out of air, Joel's health will begin to fall.


Riding a Horse

Taking a note from games such as Assassin's Creed, Joel and Ellie may rarely encounter a horse that they can ride. While the controls are similar to Joel's normal actions, horses do not automatically jump over obstructions. Watch out for logs and barricades and make sure to press X when you see one.



Combat can be approached in two major ways: going in guns a blazing or staying stealthy and undetected. While going in with the guns is a perfect answer to some encounters, other encounters are best done through stealth or distraction with bottles and bricks.


Listen Mode

One of the most useful abilities that Joel possesses is listen mode. By holding down R2, Joel will crouch and listen to the noise of the enemies around him and identify their position, even if he can not see them. This will let you see around corners and find out if the enemies are coming your way or facing away and can be taken by surprise.


Melee Combat

When guns are too loud or you find yourself in a desperate situation, melee can be a good way to get yourself out of a pinch. By pressing Square, Joel can engage in melee combat with his fist or melee weapons that he has found on the ground.

Melee weapons have a limited use, set by the durability of the object, but they can be upgraded with a Blade and Binding. Modified melee weapons are a one-hit kill and increase the durability of the weapon. Additionally, once the modification breaks, the weapon can be upgraded again.


Using Explosives

When faced with large groups of enemies, bombs come in handy for taking out multiple targets with limited resources. There are three types of bomb: Nail Bombs, Molotov Cocktails, and Smoke Bombs. These can be thrown by holding L1 to arc the bomb and R1 to toss it once you are ready.

Note that causing a distraction with a bottle or brick to draw a large group of enemies close together will help maximize the damage.

Molotov Cocktails

Once Joel finds the first Molotov Cocktail on the body of the Firefly in the Outskirts, Joel can craft them with a rag and alcohol. Molotovs can be tossed to create a wide fire explosion that sets anything within range on fire. These are highly effective against infected and can even destroy a Bloater.

Nail Bombs

Inside the church basement of Bill's Town Bill will teach Joel how to create Nail Bombs by combining a blade and explosive. Nail Bombs are essentially proximity mines and can be thrown like a grenade or placed as a trap to explode when an enemy gets within range. If hit directly, enemies will become stunned by the spikey bomb and then explode afterwards.

Smoke Bombs

Once discovered in Pittsburgh, Joel can craft a Smoke Bomb with sugar and explosive. By tossing a Smoke Bomb, Joel can stun enemies and escape their clutches. Be careful, as Smoke Bombs can also stun Joel. Note that enemies stunned with Smoke Bombs can be shived from the front.


Stealth Combat

Stealth encounters are the key to keeping your guns ready with ammo when needed and Joel healthy. By using stealth kills, Joel will save ammo and stay undetected from the many enemies that may be within range of a gunshot.

Grabs and Executions

When approaching an enemy from behind, Joel will be promoted with a grab option by hitting Triangle. Once grabbed, Joel can either hold the enemy hostage, strangle them, or shiv them (depending on if they are human or infected).



In order to survive, Joel and Ellie will need to scavenge the wreckage of the places they encounter to try and find valuable items that can be combined and used to help aid them in their journey. The following is a list of what types of items you can find, and how each of them is useful.

Health Items

By far the most important items in the games, there are three different types: Health Kits, Health Can, and Health Bars. Health Kits heal most of your character's health, but are rare to find. They can be crafted with Alcohol and a Rag, but at the cost of not crafting something offensive with the same materials. In some rare cases, when running at low health, Health Kits may be found in unique "Low Health" spawn points or be given to the player by Ellie or Tess. the other two health items come in three sizes: Large, Medium, and Small. These items can not be placed in your inventory and heal Joel instantly, but for less than Health Kits.


Melee Weapons

Melee weapons are close quarters items, such as pipes and bats. While increasing your basic melee attack power, these items each have a limited amount of hits before breaking or becoming so dull that they are no longer useful. Some items, such as hatchets and machetes, also have limited use, but they are one-hit kills and can be modified through crafting.



Shivs get their own little section because they are extremely valuable. They are required for both taking down an Infected Clicker, requires the Shiv Master Skill, and opening special "Shiv Doors". Craftable with a Blade and Binding, these items have limited use and will break when their durability runs out. Note that Training Manuals can increase the durability of Shivs, getting you three uses if you find all by the end of the game.



Joel can find guns in the world to help him survive difficult enemies and encounters, with the ability to equip one handgun and one long gun at a time. All unequipped weapons are stored in the backpack and can be equipped by using X and the D-Pad (left or right). Note that by using parts at a workbench, Joel can create holsters that allow him to equip two of each kind at a time. While great for quick kills, guns take ammunition, which is rarely found and dropped by enemies.



There are three types of explosives: Molotov Cocktails, Nail Bombs, and Smoke Bombs. These items can be rarely found, but once you learn the recipe you can craft them fairly easy. They are essential for Bloater enemies and groups, meaning you should always keep one on hand in case of emergency.


Bottles & Bricks

If you want to go the stealth route, bottles and bricks are your best friend. These handy items can be used to distract enemies by throwing them away from where you'd like to go to draw the enemy's attention or used to stun an enemy on contact. To equip, press Down on the D-Pad and then throw it with L1 + R1, aiming with the trajectory arc. If you are in a rush, you can automatically throw these by pressing or holding R1.



There are a total of five craftable items in the game and a bunch of melee weapon modifications. To craft items, hit Select and then choose the crafting tab. All found recipes will be listed here, with a wrench over an item meaning you can craft at least one. Selecting a craftable item with X will automatically bring up the crafting screen and allow you to make the items.

Item Required Items
Modified Melee Weapon Melee Weapon + Blade + Binding
Shiv Blade + Binding
Health Kit Rag + Alcohol
Molotov Cocktail Rag + Alcohol
Nail Bomb Blade + Explosive
Smoke Bomb Explosive + Sugar

Only three items of each type can be carried at a time, so using items as needed to be able to scavenge more ingredients is a good idea.

Note that half items, items with a half circle to indicate that it is not a complete item, can not be used in a recipe until another half is found to complete the item.


Upgrading Joel

As Joel finds Supplements on his journey, either through vitamin pills or plants, he gains points that can eventually be used to purchase upgrades in his combat abilities. These upgrades can be anything from increasing his maximum health to making his shivs more durable and giving him a last minute escape from a Clickers one hit kill by shiving then in the neck.

Name Description Level Cost
Maximum Health Increases weapon stability. 50 100 -
Listen Modes Distance Increases radius of listen mode. 20 30 50
Crafting Speed Reduces crafting times. 25 30 50
Healing Speed Use Health Kits faster. 30 40 50
Weapon Sway Increases weapon stability. 50 100 -
Shiv Master Allows you to escape a Clickers attack with a shiv and increases the shivs durability. 75 100 -



There are four types of collectibles: Firefly Pendants, Artifacts, Training Manuals, and Comics.

Firefly Pendants

There are thirty Firefly Pendants that can be collected through the single player story.

Training Manuals

There are twelve Training Manuals, two per craftable item, that containing information that improves that item type.


Artifacts are like documents, they give you information on the world and some contain safe combinations, allowing you to open the safes in the world with valuable items.


Ellie likes comics, so Joel will look out for them on his journeys. These comics can be viewed in the collectibles menu.

Additionally, there are Supplements to upgrade Joel's skills and Parts to upgrade his weapons, though neither of these appear in the collectibles menu.



While I normally write guides for Normal difficulty, I find that many people wish for information on tougher difficulties. For this reason, this guide is designed for HARD DIFFICULTY, which means that item placement may differ if you are playing on a lower difficulty.





After the heartwarming intro, you will be in control of Sarah. Start by checking the phone, which is dead, and then read the birthday card from Sarah to Joel on her dresser. Exit the bedroom and head across the hall into the bathroom, where a newspaper hint at the events in the world leading up to the pandemic. Continue down the hall into Joel's room, lit by the television, to see even more events unfold and then look out the window. When you're ready head downstairs.

The cell in the kitchen rings as you approach, with some messages from Joel's brother Tommy saying he is coming over and there is also a note on the fridge from Joel. After viewing this, head for Joel's office nearby to finally find Joel. Wait for Joel to load the gun and shoot the infected and then watch the scenes as Joel, Sarah, and Tommy drive away from Joel's home to try and leave town. Unfortunately, everyone had the same idea and the infected are attacking the drivers on the road. Seeking a way out, Tommy head into town and crashes.

As you awaken from the crash you will take over control of Joel. Kick open the window to the car by pressing Square and then exit for a scene. When you have control again, follow Tommy through the streets and down an alley. An infected in the alley will attack, so quickly press Square to hold him off while Tommy covers you. Continue into a building where you will be split up from Tommy in a cutscene.

Exit the back of the building and run across the parking lot quickly to the broken wall and head down the hill. Don't turn around to see what is following you, it is an infected, and keep running straight down the path until you reach the final cutscene.


The Quarantine Zone


20 Years Later

Tommy is nowhere to be found, but a woman name Tess appears to be friendly with Joel. Watch the scene and then follow Tess through the town, avoiding walking into the soldiers as they will not hesitate to shoot you for getting in their way.

Many of the townsfolk will talk about life in the quarantine zone and you can witness the identification and execution of infected.

Before heading for the checkpoint guards, talk to the man and woman by the news stand for the first Optional Conversation. These are conversations that shed light on the world around you and lead to a trophy if you manage to hear them all.

Head for the section zone and present your ID to the guard for a scene. When you have control again, turn around and sprint after Tess into a nearby building. Follow Tess and listen to the conversations to learn more about Robert and the Fireflies, a resistance group that fights against the military. When you reach the final room, help Tess push aside the cabinet and enter the tunnels.


Beyond the Wall

Follow Tess through the tunnels to your backpack and gain the [[9mm Pistol]] and Handgun Ammo x4. You also start with two artifacts: the Boston Q.Z. Map and the Military Pamphlet, which you can view from the menu. Follow Tess and boost her up the ledge, by looking up and hitting Triangle, and then follow her by hitting X when she offers her hand. Continue up into the building and into the overgrown streets.

As you exit the pizzeria Tess will have an Optional Conversation that you should make sure to get before following Tess. Find the ladder behind a blue car and place it on the wall near Tess to climb up.

Head through the living room and into the kitchen, where you can open the drawers to find Parts x3. Instead of following Tess, head into the room by the kitchen and find the David Michael Vigil - 000102 Firefly Pendant on the desk. Now follow Tess down into the lower basement and turn on your flashlight by hitting R3.

As you approach the lower rooms, spores will infest the air and Joel will put on his mask. Head through the rooms and crouch under the broken wall and continue. Push the board out of the way and head through the gap for a scene. You can choose not to help the poor guy, but since his gun with Handgun Ammo x2 is nearby, put him out of his misery.

Continue through the maze of rooms until you run into some Infected Runners and learn how to use Joel's hearing to see what is going on nearby. Do as the game instructs by slowly sneaking up on the nearest infected and grab him with Triangle and quickly strangle him by hitting Square. The other two infected can not be taken by surprise, so go in with your fists and punch them to death.

After the coast is clear, head into the area to the right of the stairs and grab the Health Bar if needed and then take the stairs. Instead of heading across the planks, open the door in the nearby room and grab the Note to Brother and Health Bar, if needed. Head back and drop into the outside and follow Tess through a secret broken wall to proceed.

As you enter, head right and duck under a broken wall to find the plank that Tess mentions fell down. Pick it up and place it on the wall nearby, where Tess waits, and then turn around and head back the way you came and climb to the upper level. Cross the plank and grab the Health Bar on the metal walkway above the stairs if needed and follow Tess down.

Continue to follow Tess over a pylon and under a broken platform into an area with a white couch against one wall. If you look up at the tree branch here, you should see a the Ben Glueck - 000106 Firefly Pendant hanging from a branch, which you can shoot down. Now follow Tess into the nearby building and into the slums.


The Slums

Take a moment to listen to the interesting conversations of the slums residence and then head down the narrow alley into a bus. Upon exiting the bus, head straight and you should find the Drafting Notice on the ground in the left area and the Wanted Poster by the fence to the quarantine zone. Now turn around and walk toward the man by Tess' location to continue.

Nothing spells fight like a bunch of crates on the ground for cover, so after the cutscene stay low and slowly get the angle on them and then either melee them or shoot them (melee is obviously more dangerous, but if you time it when they are using cover you should be okay). Continue around the corner and boost Tess up and then follow. Continue to the next area where more of Robert's men await.

Two guys walk into the courtyard and two more remain in the building. Start by letting Tess take out the one to the left and let the other walk off into the distance, do not follow. Instead, make your way to the left of the doorway across the way and listen to the men inside. When the one on the right turns his back from the door, and the other is also looking away, sneak in and strangle the one on the left while Tess takes out the other. Now exit out the window to sneak up on the final guy, who drops a Warehouse Key. Re-enter the building and get the Health Bar on the desk in the far room and the Health Can on the ground near the trash before continuing through the door.

The AI is very dynamic and each time you play the enemies won't always respond the same way. For this reason, it is hard to write strategies for encounters, but I will try my best to get a successful run that usually works. In general, patience is a virtue and the enemies will usually come to you at some point.

Wait for the men to finish their conversation and the man to take his position by the door and grab the bottle, do not throw it. Now sneak up to the crate to the left of the man at the door and grab him from his left side, making sure you pull him back to the left so you are not seen by the other men.

Take position back behind the crate and wait for the other man to see the body and investigate. Sometimes he will enter the building and sometimes he will investigate the area on the other side of the wall divider. If he investigates the room you are in, Tess should draw his attention and allow you to stealth kill him. If he heads off to the other door, head out the door and then sneak attack him as he enters the other building.

Take cover by the staircase going up and wait to see if the man above comes down. If he does, strangle him when he reached the bottom. If he doesn't, wait for him to turn around to walk back into the room and sneak up on him. Inside the upstairs room there is a bunch of paint cans that if you walk into will draw the attention of nearby enemies. Using this, draw the enemies into the room and hide. When their back is to you, or they are checking on a corpse, grab them and kill them.

Head into the warehouse and into the room on the left to find a Shiv and then grab the Health Kit from the opposite room on the upper level. Now meet up with Tess and open the gate.

After Joel jumps down, head off to the left through the containers and grab the Shiv on the gray boxes by the orange container. Do not head through the orange container and instead go around the outside to the left and sneak up on the guard and strangle him. Continue around the outside to the left and wait for the man inside to move right behind some crates and then sneak up to the same set of crates. When he heads back off to the left, strangle him and then follow the railing right to the Dock Notes and hide.

A nearby thug will stand facing your location and won't move for a while, so throw a bottle or brick toward the yellow forklift and sneak up behind him and strangle him. The final guy stands outside between you and the Shipping Manifest and can be rushed, as no other enemies will join the fight. Head back inside the warehouse and hug the left wall, passing through a white container to sneak up on another thug. The final guy in this area lies just behind the containers on the right as you approach the door.

Head through the doors to find Robert and then chase him down.


The Cargo

Instead of following Marlene up the stairs, head to the area to the right of the stairs to find 1/4 Blades, 1/2 Binding, and Parts x7. Follow Marlene to the roof for a scene and then head through the roof window and grab the Parts x3 on the table. Now help her with the door to continue.

Sneak through the crates and up the stairs and enter the left building, where you can jump over a desk and strangle the guard. Once clear, enter the room and hug the right wall to find a 1/2 Blades on a cabinet on the right. Jump through the window and hug the left wall to kill another guard. Watch out for the two men on the bridge and work your way around to kill them quietly. When the coast is clear, head down the stairs and into the building. Follow Marlene for a scene and meet Ellie.

If you kill the final soldier by the stairs too close to the door, Marlene will not head over to the dead Fireflies. You can restart the encounter to pull her back and get her to head over to the corpses.

Check the body by the news stand for the Philip Liu - 000105 Firefly Pendant and then head down through the area, into an alley, and to a fire escape. In order to reach the ledge above, look for the dumpster in the building nearby and grab it and move it under the ledge. now climb up and follow the linear path all the way back to Joel's Apartment.


The Outskirts



Before doing anything, turn around and grab Tess's List from the living room table. Once you are ready, talk to Tess for an Optional Conversation and enter the small room behind the bookshelf. You will need to start the generator by hitting Triangle when the moving bar is in the lower section of the meter. Three successful pulls later and you can ride the elevator down.

At the bottom of the elevator head right and pick up the Patrol Routes Map. Continue through the tunnels and up a ladder to the outside world. Follow the girls along the riverbed and then up the container for a cutscene.

Follow Tess closely and avoid the lights. You need to make your way through the drainage pipes and to the other side. Drop into the deep water and climb up the other side. Instead of heading up the broken road to the upper level, search the right side of the area to find 1/4 Blades.

Climb up and hill and immediately hide behind the wooden wall to avoid the guards fire. Rush the stairs on your left and drop down into a ruined building. Head across the building to a garage door and ignore it, jumping through a window to find a 1/2 Binding in the desk on the other side. Now return to the garage door and open it.

Follow Tess from the car to the tank and then into a ruined building. Quickly pick up the brick nearby and throw it through the window opening to distract both soldiers and allowing you to rush through the opening on the right. Continue to the next brick on the ground and throw it out past the soldier on the right to draw his attention into the street and continue hugging the right wall.

Drop down into the large hole in the ground and take the drainpipe into the next room and follow the path through a small hole into a long corridor. Stick to the left side and follow it all the way to a room with 1/2 Blades and Parts x5. Exit and head through the large opening on the opposite wall and hang a left. Follow this to a gate to reach downtown Boston.



Follow Tess under the overpass, but when she turn left to climb up the road, head straight and jump through a gap in the fence to find a small area with Supplement x5. Crawl under the structure and meet up with the girls, grabbing the Evacuation Leaflet near the Fourth Street West sign. Follow Tess a bit, but before heading up the ramp turn left into the truck to find Parts x5. Now follow Tess and Ellie up the ramp.

After spotting the capitol building, turn to your right and crouch under the rubble to reach a new area. Immediately turn right and run all the way along the walkway to the last tree and knock down the Joseph Lenz - 000113 Firefly Pendant with a bottle or the nearby brick.

Enter the building on your right and examine the fresh corpse for another Optional Conversation and then continue through the door next to the stairs, where you can find Parts x6. Exit and head up the stairs, grabbing the Field Ops Log and then continue up the stairs to the 6th level, ignoring the 5th, to find 1/4 Blades.

Return to the 5th level and remove the Infected Clicker from the door to break in and then check the drawer of the desk for a 1/4 Blades. Grab the Supplement x5 and head under the cabinets and over a desk into the office. Ignore the door for now and walk to the other side of the cubicles to get a 3/4 Binding from a desk and then head through the door.

Quickly hit Square multiple times as the Clicker attacks to fend him off until Tess can save you. Enter the room directly across from where you exited and check the cabinet on your left for a Rag. Tess will grab the Alcohol from another nearby cabinet and hand it over, allowing you to now craft Health Kits.

Despite Tess telling you to heal yourself, you will find some health soon and should conserve your supplies.

The next room has the first Shiv Door in the game, but is worth using a shiv on to get the 1/2 Binding, Parts x25, and Supplement x10. Exit and return to the main hallway and enter the final room, where you will need to boost Tess up and then follow yourself.

After the cutscene, watch the Clicker carefully to learn where it is headed. The best way to deal with this guy is to wait for him to get close and throw a bottle or brick behind it to make it turn. Quickly pick up another brick and very slowly follow the Clicker, hoping it doesn't randomly turn around, and when you see the grab selection bash its head in by hitting Square.

Once the Clicker is dead, head back to where you jumped up and follow the wall of cabinets to find a Health Bar. Hug the right wall and enter the bathroom across the hall to find a Rag and an Alcohol. Now head right into the office of cubicles and check one of the cubicles for another Health Bar. When you are ready, follow Tess up and over the nearby ledge and grab the Health Kit next to the corpse before jumping down onto the steps and move the metal cabinet.

Continue to follow Tess and Ellie outside and across the scaffolding to enter the 4th level. Heading right will get you a 2x4, while heading left toward Tess and Ellie is the Revolver. You will need to drop down into the lower room and kill all enemies to advance, but going in guns blazing is generally a bad idea.

Start by dropping down and hugging the left wall and turning the corner left for an easy stealth kill on the nearby Infected Runner. Return to the hall and watch as the Runner enters a far door and exits a closer nearby door. When he passes back into the main area and all enemies are in the right section, walk into the left room and hide behind the L-shaped desk in the middle of the room. Wait patiently as the Runner returns to the far door and wait for him to walk past, you will need to be in the corner of the L-shaped desk so that he does not see you over it. You should be able to grab him just before he exits the door. Once dead, grab the Health Bar and examine the enemy locations.

There are two more runners, one on the left area and one by the Clicker. The one by the Clicker may seem difficult, but it is actually quite easy. Return to where you killed the first Runner and wait the the cement wall for the Runner to appear on the other side. As soon as it turns it's back, walk up and stealth kill it (the Clicker is totally oblivious). The one of the left is an easy kill now that there is no one to see you kill it. Return to the wall on the far side, wait for it to walk past, and stealth kill it. With only the Clicker left, make sure to grab a brick and very slowly sneak up to it and go all out with the melee attacks.

Once clear, Ellie and Tess will join you. Grab a 2x4 near the far pillar and then climb up and get the Revolver Ammo from the corpse. Grab the cabinet to move it out of the way of the door and wait for Tess to make a path for you. In the next room, grab the 1/2 Alcohol, 1/4 Blades, and a Health Bar.

You will likely need to start making room for other items, so make sure to craft and carry the max amount of Shivs and Health Kits when you have an abundance of supplies.

Continue into the next area and follow the linear path down until you reach a large sign that says Oliver LLF. Instead of following the path down, follow it up and along a ledge to get 1/2 Blades and Supplement x5. Head back down and follow the path around a corner, grabbing the 1/4 Blades and 3/4 Binding, and drop down, getting Parts x4 on the blue bench. Check the payphones for Supplement x5 and the Firefly corpse for a Molotov Cocktail and Rag. Finally, grab the Firefly Map on the corpse by the escalator and exit through the hole behind the vending machines.

This area is crawling with Clickers, which means you can not take them out with melee combat. Start by grabbing the Shiv nearby, or coming back for it after you use one, and sneak up on the nearby Clicker and shiv it through a stealth attack (press Triangle twice). Now head left and sneak up on the Runner feasting on a corpse.

Ignore the other Clickers for a moment and enter the store nearby to find a Health Bar on the broken shelves and the Note to Derek in the counter drawer. Return toward the entrance and make your way to the right side of the area where a Runner stands in the corner. This guy guards a safe with Parts x50, but attacking him will draw the attention of the Clickers. Finish him quickly, grab the parts, and run all the way back to the entrance and then crouch and make your way to the store, hoping they don't follow you.

Once the whole fiasco has died down, the enemies positions change a bit and make it even more dangerous. Unless you really need the health, ignore the Health Bar in the center of the Clicker infested area and make your way to the back right corner. There is a Health Can in a room off to the right, just past the area with the safe.

The last area may have a Clicker in it that walks up and down the hall. Wait for it to head back toward the main infested area and then look up to a ledge to boost Tess up to drop the nearby ladder.



Upon entering the outside again Tess will indicate which direction you need to go. Unfortunately you will need to get something to boost yourself up and that is a cabinet guarded by three Runners in the building to the left of the bus. Start by entering the building through the broken wall nearby and strangling the first Runner on the left. Exit and make your way around the left side of the building to sneak up on another Runner and then take out the last one however you feel like.

Grab the 1/4 Blades from the desk nearby and then move the nearby cabinet from the middle of the room to the bus. Climb over and then turn around and search the truck for the Medical Pamphlet. Continue down the alley and open the nearby garage for a scene.

Inside the back of the truck is Supplement x5 and near the door is the first workbench. Workbenches can be used to upgrade your weapons and make holsters. At the moment, you are unable to make holsters, so choose what you want to upgrade and then move into the next room.

Grab the Revolver Ammo x1 on the counter and continue straight across the room, taking the right door, to find 1/2 Blades. Now make your way into the much larger room and look under the collapsed floor for 1/2 Blades and 3/4 Alcohol. Head up the collapsed floor and climb up the side by the windows to shimmy over to the Michael Kiper - 000109 Fire Emblem and then continue into the other side of the next floor.

Find the 1/4 Blades in the cabinet near the suit of armor and then crawl under the rubble and move the beam to let Tess and Ellie through. Head through the new exit to the right and wait for the nearby Clicker to walk by ans smash it with a brick. Quickly retreat back to the beam you moved and allow the enemies to reset a bit.

You can take out the second one with a shiv or 2x4 and then the third with the 2x4 (if you didn't use it) or the brick in the large room off to the right. Enter the cafeteria on the left side of the area, where the girls were, and grab the 1/2 Blades and Health Can. The shiv door in the cafeteria leads to Handgun Ammo x4, Revolver Ammo x3, Rag, Alcohol, Parts x25 and Supplement x10.

Now head out the door at the end of the hall and up the stairs to another door. The Runner here is busy trying to break into the room with Tess and Ellie, so sneak up on it and strangle it and then enter the door. Tess and Ellie are in trouble, with a bunch of Runners coming in for the attack. If you have been conserving your ammo you can shoot them, but sometimes simple melee combat will just be easier. Once all the enemies are dead, heal up, check the corpses, and talk to both girls for Optional Conversations before you exit through the window in the other room.

Climb the fire escape to the roof and grab the wooden plank on the ground and place it on the railing to reach the other roof.


The Capitol Building

Head down the steps and get the Revolver Ammo x2 and Firefly Orders off the corpse at the foot of the steps and then push the dumpster against the fence to get up and over. Follow the road left and instead of going to the right, to the Capitol Building, go left and hop in the stone gazebo to find the Melinda Davidson - 000214 Firefly Pendant. Now head to the building for a scene.

After the scene, grab the 3/4 Rag and 1/2 Alcohol from the table on the lower level and then head up the left stairs to the level above the entryway. Keep right and enter a room with a lot of tables and grab the 1/4 Blades from the table below the window on the left. Turn around and head for the podium and get the 1/2 Binding behind it and Supplement x5 on top of it. Head out the nearby opening and hop into the adjacent room and grab the Hunting Rifle.

As you head into the hall with the crates, take position on the left wall behind the crate and wait for the guard to enter the room on the left. Now walk forward and hide behind the left side of the pillar and wait for a guard to approach on the right. When he passes, walk around and strangle him. You can now enter the left room and use the cases for cover to strangle the second guard. You should now have plenty of room to move around to strangle the last two guards, just be careful of their movement so that they do not sneak up on you. Grab the Supplement x5 from the desk in the back left room and head down the hall and stairs and drop to the next level.

Hug the right wall to get a Rag and 3/4 Binding from the case and then enter the dark room on the right with a Health Bar. Hide behind the chair, on the left side of the door, and wait for a guard to enter and then strangle him. Another guard may come in to check the location. If so, use the desk to stay out of his sight and when you find an opportunity to strangle him without others watch, do it.

Sometimes the first guard enters from the opposite side and the second takes much longer to check the area. Watch the guards and take out the two that patrol this room before leaving it. Also, sometimes the third guard will come close enough to spot the bodies and will need to be taken out here as well.

You should now be clear to leave this room out the way you originally came in and head to the opposite side of the area. Here there are a few crates that you can use for cover and possibly a guard with his back to you in a doorway. If this is the case, strangle him safely. If not, use the cover to stay hidden and either grab him quickly from around a corner, if he's walking toward you, or sneak up behind him and strangle him.

The final area has two guard in a large room with lots of cover spots and another in the room to the right with some bookcases. Approach from the left area and wait for the guard to move away and take position in an L-shaped cover section just on the other side of the doorway, against a pillar. When the left guard walks by quietly sneak up behind him and kill him behind the crates so the other guard doesn't see you. There is also a Health Bar on the crate here.

Sometimes the guard that patrols the bookcase room will leave and head back out into the section you already cleared. Watch your back in case this guy tries to sneak up on you and kill him quietly.

The final 1-2 guards are usually far enough away from each other that you should have no problem with them. Remember to keep an eye on all enemy movement so you know where they are. There is another Health Bar in the room with the bookcases that you should grab if needed before exiting the building.

Head to the subway entrance and rush down the steps for a scene. Run inside the subway and hug the right wall to grab the 1/2 Alcohol and 1/2 Blades then rush down the hall. After the scene, wait for one of the guards to approach and strangle him. Assuming the other doesn't see you, wait for him to pass one way or the other on the tracks and drop down to sneak up behind him.

Once the coast is clear, head onto the tracks to the right and find Supplement x5 between the two trains and behind a pillar. Head the opposite way down the tunnel now and dive under the obstructions until you meet up with Ellie again by a corpse with the Smuggler Note. Hop into the hallway behind the corpse and swim to the other side, where Supplement x5 hide on the surface and Parts x4 and the Shiyao Jiang - 000178 Firefly Pendant hide in the flooded area below.

In order to progress, head back to the main area and grab the raft in the water and use it to transport Ellie from one side to the other, where she will lower a ladder for Joel. You can now exit the subway around the corner.


Bill's Town


The Woods

Keep to the right on the path to find Supplement x5 in the bushes and then check the drain pipe on the right for 1/2 Alcohol. There isn't anything else and all paths on the other side of the riverbed lead to a fenced area with two buildings on the left. Start by going behind the leftmost building to grab the plank and lean it against the building opposite this wall, separate from the fence. Now climb the air conditioner to reach the roof, pull the plank up, and place it between you and the other building (make sure to pick up the modified pipe).

Drop down the other side and check the stacked barrels to find 1/4 Blades and then head toward the other buildings and drop down again. The cabin in the center of this area has a Clicker, so quietly approach it and smack it with your new modified lead pipe for an instant kill. Inside you can find 1/2 Rag and then head down the steps and kill the other Clicker with the less silent brick.

Enter the large building and check the dead end hall for Parts x5 and Supplement x5 and then the office for 1/4 Blades, Parts x2, Handgun Ammo x2 and the Pills Note. Head outside and drop down toward the fence and shiv open the nearby door for Alcohol, Supplement x15, Parts x10, and Rifle Ammo x3. Now boost Ellie over the fence to continue.


Main Street

Hug the left wall into a fenced area with the gnomes behind the building on the left and grab the 1/2 Blades, 1/2 Binding, Parts x8, and Supplement x10. Exit through the building and cross the street and head up the stairs to a back door with Parts x8 sitting on the ground. There is another Parts x5 behind this house, near the blue garbage, that you should get and then you can enter the building for an Optional Conversation with Ellie and 1/2 Blades in the kitchen.

Continue down the street and hop on the cop car to reach the top of the camper where the Hui Wang - 000197 Firefly Pendant lies and then grab the Note to Bob on the barb wire at the end of the street. This contains the combination to a safe we passed earlier, so turn around and follow the path back to a red truck on the left side, past the evacuation sign, to open the safe for Parts x50, Supplement x10 and Rifle Ammo x3.

Head back toward the barb wire and enter the music store on the left and grab the 1/4 Rag, 3/4 Binding, Perimeter Note, and Parts x10. Head back outside and into the alley for a scene and then grab the 1/4 Rag by the blue garbage. Another shiv door is up the small steps to the right, it contains 1/2 Blades, Parts x25, 3/4 Alcohol, and Supplement x15.

Keep heading down the alley and grab the Arrow x2 sticking out of the dead Runner and then use the ladder to climb up the back of the truck to find the Bow and another Arrow. Cross the plank and then grab it and place it against the wall so you can climb up and use it to reach the next roof over.

A Clicker stands on the other side of the building, but a direct hit in the head with the bow will instantly kill it. Follow the roofs and head down the ladder on the other side and crawl under the nail bomb. Take a left, entering the building and go up the stairs, and enter the bedroom to get 1/2 Rag. Equip a brick or melee weapon before heading into the adjacent room and kill the Runner. Grab the Note to Rachel and Supplement x5 then head back outside.

Head to the opposite end of the alley and throw a bottle at the double trapped fence to set off the explosive. Continue forward, grabbing the Revolver Ammo x8 and then throw another bottle or brick at the ground trap. Inside the building, grab the Revolver Ammo x8 and then open the door for a shock.

There is two phases to this fight: the first phase you will need to shoot the Runners and Clickers before they reach Joel while Ellie tries to drop you and the second you will need to keep the infected off Ellie. Once you are dropped, tap Square to quickly get free and then sprint after Bill.

As soon as you exit, turn to the right and stand by the door and wait for Bill to open it. Rush inside and take cover, as a Clicker comes in the far door. Take it out with a brick or your melee weapon (or throw a Molotov at the front door so the enemies that follow are also burned) and then deal with the 2 Runners that follow.Before following Bill outside, grab the Health Bar, near the place you entered, 1/4 Alcohol, and 3/4 Rag in the small room on the right. If your melee weapon has seen a lot of use, grab the Baseball Bat by the exit and exit the building, following the linear path to a cutscene.



You start in Bill's place with lots of supplies nearby and an Optional Conversation with Ellie about the chess set nearby. Grab Bill's Map, the 1/4 Binding, 3/4 Alcohol, Parts x5, Revolver Ammo x3, Fences Note, 1/4 Blades, and Shiv: Sharpening Training Manual.

Now that our shivs are improved, it would be a great time to upgrade the Shiv Master skill to save yourself from one-hit kills from Clickers. Maximum Health is also a good skill to invest in, as it will help with your survivability.

Follow Bill upstairs and turn right into the bedroom for 1/2 Blades, Hunters Note, and Supplement x5. Follow Bill to another building, where there is Parts x4 behind the desk, and then follow him to the street.

Take position behind the cars, grabbing the 1/4 Blades and prepare for a fight. The Runners will reach you first and Joel can go to town with the lead pipe, but when the Clickers get close pull out your gun and start shooting. If a Clicker grabs Joel, quickly hit Triangle to shiv them.

After the fight, grab the new lead pipe on the pavement by the building and then look up at the street lamp further down the pavement. To get the [[Alex Raymond Vincent - 000266]] Firefly Pendant use any of the many bricks and bottles, but make sure to get another brick before you continue on. Inside the gate, grab the 1/2 Rag and then head up the stairs and turn left to find Parts x10. Now head to the cellar for a cutscene.



Bill will hand over the Shotgun and then can be approached to gain a Nail Bomb, which you can now craft. Grab the 1/2 Rag, 1/4 Blades, Binding, and 1/4 Alcohol from the room nearby, and the Tools Level 1 and Parts x15 from the opposite side, and then take a second to create one or both of the gun holsters at the workbench. Head upstairs now and through the main church to Bill's room on the right for Supplement x5 and the Bomb Note. When you are ready, follow Bill out the window and into the graveyard.

Modify your lead pipe so that it can do a one-hit kill and then head to the first tombstone and grab the bottle. Toss it at the far gate to draw one of the Clickers over and then smash its face in with a brick. Quickly crouch and back up to the first tombstone and wait for one of the other Clickers to come investigate. With your modified pipe, hit and kill it quickly.

Slowly advance to the steps leading to the next area and throw one of the nearby bottles into the middle of the area, hopefully drawing over two of the three Clickers. Throw a Nail Bomb out in the middle of Clickers and hope to kill at least two. If one of them is left, wait for it to head closer to the final Clicker in the other area and then throw another bottle/Nail Bomb combo to take those two out as well. Grab the Supplement x5 in the corner of the final area and then have Bill open the gate.

There are three Runners here, two straight ahead and one in the alley. Sneak up to the two and strangle one and hope that Bill kills the other. If he doesn't, no sweat, as you can strangle it as well. Finally, kill the one in the alley and then enter the fenced backyard.

If you have any Nail Bombs left, throwing a bottle to get the Clicker and one of the Runners together and then tossing it in is great. If you don't use a brick on the Clicker and then finish off the Runners with your lead pipe. Head toward the house on the right and grab the Parts x10 and 1/4 Blades in the garage, and Peter Mrozik - 000263 from the laundry room.

The next backyard has a Clicker and two Runners. One of the Runners patrols over the roof of the garage and the other inside the garage below. Take out the one on the bottom quietly and then grab the Parts x7. The one on the roof and the Clicker should be easily enough to handle with not extra Runner to spot you killing the other.

Follow the backyards to the right into the next area and grab the Health Can from the barbeque. The other building on the opposite side has Parts x13, Arrow x3 and a Bow (in case you missed it previously). Return to the street and into the garage on the other side, where Ellie will sneak through the doggie door to let you into the next yard.

There are a total of four Clickers in this next area, all standing still for some perfect bow head shots. Start by killing the two in the yard with precision shots and then the two inside the house with the bow and a brick. Check the room with the final Clicker for a 1/2 Rag and 3/4 Binding and then the other side of the hall for Parts x5 before exiting and climbing up the camper and into the next yard.

Check the corner of the backyard for Supplement x5 and then head inside. There is Handgun Ammo x5 in the gray desk in the main hall, outside the kitchen, and Parts x5, 3/4 Rag, Supplement x5, and a Boy's Diary upstairs. Make sure to wait for Ellie to approach you in the kid's room for an Optional Conversation and when you're ready, grab the Arrows x2 in the garage and help Bill with the door to reach the school.

There are a bunch of Runners here, and while they can be taken head on, it is not really advised. Start by sticking close to the house and walking right, hiding behind a bush next to a tree. A Runner will walk around the cop car in a circle here and can be stealth killed when she walks past the bush and turns left.

Next is the Runner in the middle of the area that was probably the first one you noticed. Stand behind the long wall on the left and when he walks by and starts heading right sneak up on him and strangle him. Check the left area for the woman that walks back and forth by the blue and white sign. When she is heading away, hide between the table and the side of the sign so she can't see you as she walks up. When she starts to get closer, move around the left of the sign and hide until she walks up and turn around and then kill him quietly.

The final Runner that you can stealth kill is in the middle of the area walking along a bus and around an L-shaped pylon. Approach this from the left and wait for it to walk along the left side of the pylons and then hide in the corner of the pylon. When she walks past the right side, pop out and stealth kill her.

The next Runner is basically a trap, as there are more hiding behind the bus on the right. Feel free to pull out your guns to take out the first few and then finish the others up with melee attacks. Once the coast is clear, boost Ellie on top of the indicated bus to lower the ladder and reach the other side. The infected will swarm the location, so run straight back to the back of the building and onto the vent. Open the window, or wait for Bill to open a window if you cant find it, for a cutscene.


High School Escape

When you have control again, head down the left wall of the main hall and watch out for the Runner on the left. When it move off to the left, take position behind the desk so you can strangle it on its next trip by. Head up the destroyed stair for 1/2 Blades and 1/2 Alcohol and then hug the left wall and notice the Runner walking up and down the hallway nearby. Wait for the Runner to walk all the way up to the classroom and when it starts heading back down the hall follow it and strangle it.

The nearby doorway here leads into the classroom, where two Runners and a Clicker enter. Trigger their appearance and then back out of the doorway and hide behind the desk. The female Runner will walk up the classroom and come out the far door and circle back down to the entrance where we triggered it. Stay behind the desk and when she walks by, circle around and strangle her.

The easiest way to deal with the last Runner and Clicker in the classroom is to bomb them, but if you are out then I have figured out another strategy. Grab the bottle by the door and when the Clicker inside the classroom is near the far door, and the Runner is out of the room, toss a bottle down the hall. This will draw the Clicker out and allow you to enter the classroom and hide behind the second desk on the right. From here, you can wait for the Runner and kill him when he turns to walk out of the room.

Check the Clickers, if either of them are in the classroom wait until they leave or shiv them (hopefully only 1). As you exit the classroom, three Runners will come down the hall. You will be forced to kill them, so just hope that the Clickers are far enough away that they can't hear you. If one of them does come after you, take them out with your shotgun.

As you enter, the Bloater will come crashing through the far doors. These guys like to throw spores and are one-hit kills at close range. Equip a Molotov Cocktail and throw it at the bastard and then deal with the two Runners with your shotgun as he stumbles around on fire. Once the Runners are dead, focus your attacks on the Bloaters head while backing away from him and he should go down in 3-4 shots.

Head to the door where the Bloater came from and grab the 3/4 Rag on the right wall and the Parts x10 in the room he came from. Boost Bill up and then turn around and use L3 to focus on the three Runners coming your way. Take them out quickly and then help yourself up the bleachers and out the other side. Follow Bill into the alley and fend off the Runners long enough to let your buddies up the ladder and then follow them for a scene.

Search the house to get Supplement x5 in the kitchen, Note from Frank, Parts x8, Health Bar, 1/2 Explosive, 1/2 Alcohol, 3/4 Binding in the bedroom, and Shotgun Shells x8 in the garage.

There is an Optional Conversation for both Ellie and Bill. If you give Bill the letter, make sure to pick it up and re-add it to your collectibles before continuing.

Note that this new Note from Frank counts as a new entry in your collectibles and must be gathered for 100%.

When you are ready, get behind the truck and start pushing. The first attempt will fail and as you push it down the street you will be attacked three times by enemies. Fend them off and continue to push until the truck heads off down then hill and rush after it, jumping in the back and ignoring the enemies.

Watch the scene to gain the Siphon Hose and continue to the next town.




Alone and Forsaken

Save yourself by hitting Square repeatedly and then rush over and save Ellie. Afterwards, back up to the long shelf that the truck crashed into and move along it to the left, grabbing the Alcohol at the end. When the man comes in and heads around, you should be able to sneak up on him and strangle him. The other guys also come in to investigate and can be handled the same way. When the group of three come from the outside, strangle the first and then take out the other two as quickly and safely as you can.

Search the store for a Health Bar on the shelves by the back of your truck, a Health Can in the cabinets to the right of the exit, and Revolver Ammo x2 in the drawer below the cash register. Across the street, starting from the right-most building, you can find Parts x8 in the drawers, 1/4 Binding in the locker of the small room, and 1/4 Blades in a drawer in the larger room. Before helping Ellie with the garage door, turn around and run down the opposite alley to find a Rag.

After opening the garage, grab the Parts x6, 1/2 Binding, and 1/4 Alcohol from the lockers on the right and the Tourist Manifest nearby. On the other side of the room, grab the Tools Level 2, Smoke Bomb, 1/4 Blades, and 1/2 Rag. Upstairs check the room on the right for Handgun Ammo x5, 1/2 Blades, Supplement x5 and Health: Splinting Training Manual. The blue door at the end of the hall has Parts x5, Arrow x2, an Ambush Map, and a workbench that you should use.

When you are ready, exit the other door, go up the stairs, and drop to the main road. Grab the Parts x10 from the corners and the Supplement x5 near the red car. There is a comic called Termination Shock inside the bus, 1/4 Rag and 1/4 Explosive in the open luggage just after it.

As you approach the end of the street a shot will ring out. Take cover and head right around the area as the men walk toward where you entered and make your way to the top of the bus. Drop down and check the booth on the right for Parts x5 and Lost Hill Notes.

As you enter the desolate quarantine zone, take a left and hide in the area to the right of the bus, with 1/4 Alcohol on the ground. Wait for the Hunter to pass and then walk around the bus and strangle him. Another Hunter nearby can be strangled by using the car for cover and the other by hiding behind the crates.

Head back to the entrance, grabbing the Traitors Flyer on the left wall opposite the tent you killed the last man, and take the alley to overhear a conversation with three more men. Wait for them to split up and the nearest to walk past the doorway and then enter and strangle him. Wait for the Hunter on the right to head back into the rooms and crawl up to the right of the doorway. Wait for the guard again and when he leaves the room, hop through both sets of windows and take cover behind the blue cabinets. When the guard starts walking around toward you, circle to the left and sneak up on him for a stealth kill.

This whole area has an upstairs with guys that can hear and see you. Even when you think it is clear, crouch and search the area quietly.

Grab the 1/2 Blades, 1/4 Sugar, and Parts x4 in this room and then hop back through the window and get the 1/4 Binding from the locker we passed and the Abandon Zone Note on the desk. With all the open area, you should have no problem sneaking up on the final Hunter, so kill him and then head back to the other side of the area.

Near the stairs, to the left of where you entered, is an Applicant Checklist. Follow the left wall of the building and open the cabinet under the cash registers for 1/2 Blades, Parts x5, and 1/2 Rag. Watch out for a Hunter nearby and kill him quietly and then check the end of the other alley, outside the building, for the Mazden Risk - 000153 Firefly Pendant.

Depending on if you made noise when killing some guys, you may find that a few of the guys from the upper level have come down. If this is the case, try and sneak up around them and take them out quietly.

There are 4 entrances to the upstairs, but we want to take the one by the burning barrel to the right of where we first came in. Walk up the steps slowly and then hug the left wall to hide behind a counter. From here, you should be able to shoot the man standing by the barrel with a headshot from your bow. Grab the Sugar and 1/2 Binding from the cabinet before continuing.

Watch the guy off to the right to learn his pattern and when he is walking away from you, sneak up to the blue cabinet and wait for him to return (make sure to hide on the short end when he comes up to it and when he turns off to the right you can sneak around it to the left and kill him).

The next guy is on the other side of the building circling a bookcase. Hug the left banister and make your way closer to his position and learn his pattern. When he moves behind the bookcases, hide behind the short grey cabinet. Wait for him to return and take him down when he passes you. The final guy is standing by a bookshelf with his back to you and is easily taken out.

Sometimes men will ambushed you and guard all the exits back downstairs. Luckily, you won't need to go back down, so go ahead and ignore them.

Grab the Health Bar on the bookcase by the last Hunter and then head back to the staircase where you entered and shiv open the door nearby. Inside you will find Handgun Ammo x5, Explosive, Parts x50, Supplement x5, and the Lost Areas Map. As you exit, listen to Ellie's book of puns (which had me in tears), and then head out the backdoor by the burning barrel.

Follow the stairs down and grab the 1/2 Alcohol at the bottom and continue down the street. Take the stairs and drop down on the others side where you can find Supplement x5. Follow the alley to the main street for a scene and then head right to a poster of a woman for some more banter between Joel and Ellie. After another set of puns, grab the Parts x4 in the corner opposite the poster and then cross the street and shiv open the door behind the blue truck. Inside is Arrow x2, Mother's Letter, a Rag, Revolver Ammo x2, 3/4 Binding, Rifle Ammo x3, Supplement x15, and Parts x50.

Continue down the street and dive into the water, grabbing the Parts x10 at the bottom, and then move the raft over to Ellie so she can hop on and then take her to the bus. Once she has moved the plank into position and enter the container holding the plank up. Swim to the stairs straight ahead and head upstairs to find the Stash Note, 1/4 Binding, Supplement x5, and 1/2 Blades. Now drop downstairs and check behind the counter for a 1/4 Rag and then exit the building and cross the plank to reach the hotel.


Hotel Lobby

Start by checking the right side of the area for Supplement x5 and then head to the opposite side for 3/4 Alcohol and some optional talk of Joel lamenting over coffee. The scaffolding nearby has the ladder, which you should grab and then place on the other side of the same scaffolding to crawl up and gain Parts x10.

Place the ladder on the left of the destroyed staircase and climb up and then walk across to the right, sticking close to the wall, to get the Note to Staff. With the note in hand, you can now unlock the safe on the lower level behind the counter to get Parts x50, 1/2 Explosive, Shiv: Reinforcement Training Manual, and Revolver Ammo x4.

Return up the ladder for more pun jokes and then continue outside and hop in the window straight across the way, ignoring the Hunter on your left. A Hunter should cross the hall in front of you and stop at a desk, opening himself up to a sneak attack. Head down the hall and wait for the Hunter to cross from left to right and then enter the first room on the right and sneak up on him. Check the first room for 3/4 Binding and 1/2 Blades and then head back out in the hall and grab the Health Bar from the vending machine.

Head down the hall next to the vending machine, make sure that no noise has drawn one of the Hunters out, and then wait for the Hunter in the left room to inspect the bathroom, the closest room to you, and sneak in and stealth kill him. Carefully cross to the other side of the bedrooms and get the 1/2 Blades and 1/2 Alcohol in the dressers on the way. Wait for the Hunter across the hall to move to the right and sneak in and kill him. There is a 1/2 Rag in the bathroom and an Explosive and Health Bar on the balcony outside.

Head back inside and take the last hall to a staircase and head up, but stop at the top of the stairs before the next level landing. Wait for the Hunter to pass the door to the right, heading down the hall and away from the other Hunter, and then kill him quietly. Now continue into the open area and then head down a hall and carefully kill the Hunter in the room to the right, which also has a Health Can.

Continue down the hall and in the rooms directly ahead is another Hunter. Take position on the wall and wait for him to walk into the right bathroom and kill him and then grab the 3/4 Rag. Get the 1/2 Sugar on the right side of the bed and then check the other bedroom and bathroom for Parts x7 and Supplement x5. Note that if you cause noise the Hunter nearby will come and investigate. Kill the final Hunter on this floor when he investigates or when he exits out into the hall and then get the 1/4 Blades from the bathroom and Health Can in the refrigerator.

=----= There are some rooms on the opposite side of this area that have more Hunters, but are purely optional. Items found there include: 1/4 Blades, Supplement x5, 1/4 Rag, and Parts x10.

Head upstairs to the next level by the burning barrel and check the suitcase for Alcohol and 1/2 Explosive and then open the elevator. Climb up the ladder to the top of the elevator and then shimmy through the small gap and hop onto the elevator and boost Ellie up for a scene.

There is some Parts x10 directly below where Joel lands that is hard to get in such a tight place, but they are there. Head toward the doorway and then go right into a storage area to get 1/4 Blades before you exit and through the door. You'll need to dive and swim through a submerged room to reach the next area.

The small room to the right leads to a storage room with Parts x25 and a Shiv. The larger door is blocked by a gate, which you must swim under, and eventually leads to two rooms that a bunch of rats run into. The left room contains a Health Can, 3/4 Explosive, 3/4 Rag, and 1/4 Alcohol, while the right room contains Rifle Ammo x3 and 1/2 Binding.

You now have two options, start the generator and have a Bloater and a bunch of Stalkers come to you, or head upstairs and go to them. I suggest you touch the generator to activate the first few and kill them as they run up to you by the generator and then head up the collapsed floor in this room.

There is Parts x5 in the desk and a Hotel Keycard across the hall. Head out and down the other hall to the laundry room, grabbing the Supplement x10, and then head down the right hall to find a locked door.

Your objective is to turn on the generator and then use the keycard at this door, but the Bloater and one more Stalker will be in your way. What you need to do is start the generator and then rush to the laundry room. Draw the Bloater inside and then rush the door. If the Stalker comes for you, kill it with a one-hit kill from an upgraded melee weapon. Once you are through the door you are safe.

Head upstairs and get the Revolver Ammo x2 in the bathroom and check the other room for Supplement x5, Parts x5 and a workbench. The room on the opposite side of the hall has Parts x10 and 1/2 Blades that you should get and then head through the door and take cover.

Wait for the Hunter to kill the Clicker and investigate the storage room and then take him out. Grab the 1/2 Explosive, Parts x5, and Sugar and then exit and turn left and take cover in the center of the room. Another Hunter will enter and walk left and down the center of the cooking area. You can circle right and sneak up on him, but watch out not to kick over any pots as you move around. Grab the Health Bar by the microwave in the corner and then head out into the lobby.

Two Hunters patrol the area in a circle. Learn their patterns and take the first out when there is objects between you and then other Hunter. The other Hunter may come to investigate if his friend doesn't reply to him, but is easily taken out either way. Get the Parts x5 on a table in the booth in the far right corner and the ladder you need is in the opposite one. Place it and climb up and prepare for a lot of Square button mashing and a scene.

Climb the ladder and take the first left and pass the gap on the right side to reach an area with Parts x13, an Accretion comic, 1/2 Rag, and 1/4 Blades. Continue downstairs and head into the ladies room, second on the left, and get the Colby Reed - 000232 Firefly Pendant and then continue. At the intersection turn right and search the drawer for 1/4 Explosive and continue toward the exit, getting the Melee: Knots Training Manual before jumping a table.

Enter the ballroom and get the 3/4 Alcohol and Parts x4 by the Hawaii backdrop and then head for the stage. You need to push the piano against the wall to reach the upper level and then head around to the opposite side to get 3/4 Binding and Parts x5. You can now continue and leave the hotel for a scene.


Financial District

Start by heading left and hiding behind the blue car. When the men split up, wait for the one nearest you to walk by the cop car and stealth kill him. Continue left to the stone bench, which has a Health Bar, and then check the inside of the building. The Hunter inside patrols the area and can be safely taken down when he walks behind the bar. If the guy across the way on the balcony sees you, you went too soon. There is Parts x3 by the elevators in this building as well that you should grab.

Exit the side you entered and head right along the concrete wall and wait for an opening to move to the concrete planter in the open. There is a Hunter that patrols to this planter and a Hunter on the balcony in the distance. You will want to kill the Hunter when he stands next to the planter with his back to you, allowing you to kill him without the Hunter on the balcony seeing you.

Keep heading around the outside of the area to the coffee shop on the other side of the street and watch out for the Hunter inside. When he heads upstairs, jump through the window that takes you behind the counter, not into the main seating area, and grab the 1/2 Blades and 3/4 Sugar. Do not go out from behind the counter and instead wait for the Hunter to return and pass the counter to head out the door. Follow him quietly and take him out when he stops outside.

Grab the Health Bar on one of the counters by the bar, and the 1/4 Alcohol in the small room under the stairs, and the then head upstairs and cross to the balcony where the Hunter patrols over the area and take him out. Hop inside the second floor and get an Arrow, 1/2 Explosive, and Rag from a desk before leaving by hoping down the truck on the other side of the balcony.

Grab the Parts x25 and then wait for the right time to kill the Hunter. Enter the building below the balcony now and watch out for the Hunter. Wait for a good time to kill him and then enter the freezer to get the Fireflies Note from the corpse.

A few guys have respawned in the area in static positions now. Because they are in twos mostly, it makes it difficult to sneak up on them without causing distractions. If you want to try and stealth kill them they are in the following positions: there are two guys by the elevators in the first shop we killed a guy, one on the far side of the area past that building, a couple in the shops on the other side, and two behind the white truck we dropped down from the balcony. If you do engage in a fight, Ellie will help you kill them.

When the coast is clear, head back to the white truck and open the gate on the other side to continue. Inside you can grab Parts x10 and a Rag before moving the cart that Ellie used to hop over the back of the vending machines. On the other side is Supplements x5 and a workbench that you can use. Continue for a scene and then through the door and upstairs.

You can hear two Hunters talking about Joel and Ellie as you exit the staircase. These guys will walk toward you and down the stairs, but do not need to be engaged. Hide behind the door and wait for them to pass and then enter the office and get the Health Bar and Final Attack Note before exiting the building.

As you approach the next area, hug the right wall as Hunters patrol the upstairs building across the street. Follow the right wall to an overturned news stand with a Health Bar and then enter the building just before the Nail Bomb trap. As you walk upstairs, a Hunter will move away from the door, but you can follow him straight away and strangle him behind a desk and out of view.

The other two Hunters patrol close together and can be difficult to kill quietly. The trick is to wait for both men to turn away and sneak up to the right desk in the room and hide. The safest option is to wait for the one by the window to face away and shoot the one that stands against the desk you are hiding behind with a bow headshot. You can then strangle the last guy easily.

The room with the three Hunters contains a 1/2 Explosive and Mob Attack Note that you should grab behind the counter. Now cross the street and jump into the building across the way through a window, do not enter the door on the left with a Nail Bomb. Grab the 1/2 Blades from the counter and crawl under the Nail Bomb trap and hide behind the car on the other side.

When the nearby Hunter isn't looking, move to the leftmost pylon and wait for him to return and stand next to you. Do not attack straight away, but wait for him to turn and walk the other direction and grab him before he heads around to the other side of the tank.

There is two Hunters to your left and one Hunter down the street facing your direction. You need to sneak back to where you came from and exit the building on the left to hide behind some pylons. Two of the Hunters stay static, while the third walks back and forth between the L-shaped pylon wall and the building across the way. You need to shoot the Hunter that patrols with your bow when he stops and then quitely take out the other two static men.

Once the area is clear, grab the Parts x5 by the "Death for Freedom" graffiti and then check the building for Shotgun Shells x2, Truck Note, 1/2 Binding, 1/2 Rag, and a Health Can. There is also a shiv door here that contains Supplement x10, Sugar, Explosive, 1/4 Blades, 3/4 Rag, Handgun Ammo x4 and Parts x50.

In order to proceed, boost Ellie up to the nearby fire escape and drop down next to the Military Preparatory School for a quick conversation with Ellie. Head for the "Dawn of the Wolf" poster and check the garbage for 1/2 Alcohol and a Rag and then continue down the alley for more Hunters.

Hop into the closest window and grab the 1/2 Alcohol and then sit to the left of the window that overlooks the area where the Hunters patrol. You can skip this whole section if you want, but if you want to kill them you can do so. Wait for the Hunter nearest you to walk all the way close to the window and then hit him with a headshot from the bow. You can now safely take out the other guy when he stops to look at the soda machine when you enter through the glass on the other side of the area.

Exit into the alley and approach the next guy by the shelves, but be careful of brushing the bush and causing noise. Cross the street carefully, making sure the turret of the armored truck is facing away, and enter the building.

The man automatically become aggressive and heads your way, so back up and walk along the outside wall to the blue car. The Hunter will exit and look around, but not notice you. As he walks off to the left, walk back along the wall and sneak up on him.

Enter and make your way to the office window and jump in to find 1/4 Blades and 3/4 Rag and then head out the window to the alley and run around the corner before the truck fires on you. Two Hunters will come at you, so kill them and then run down the alley quickly and enter a building on the other side.

Head upstairs and grab the Alcohol and then use the fire escape to reach the adjacent building. Grab the Parts x2 and 1/2 Binding on the dresser and check the bathroom for Supplement x5. Finally, grab the 1/4 Blades from the kitchen and then exit the window and shimmy along the side to enter another window for a scene.


Escape the City

Head for the kitchen and grab the Parts x7 and Molotov: Construction Training Manual and then check the living room for 1/2 Sugar. Head down one floor and shiv open the door to a room with Rifle Ammo x2, Parts x25, Deep Phase comic, Supplement x5, 1/2 Explosive, a Rag, Handgun Ammo x4, and a Binding. There is also Supplement x10, 1/2 Blades, and a Health Can in the kitchen.

Continue downstairs to a toy store for a scene. You may notice Ellie standing over the toy that Sam dropped, but she won't pick it up until you turn your camera away from her. Now check out Jak & Daxter and Uncharted board games and leave the shop.

Three Hunters meet up for a quick conversation. A well placed Molotov Cocktail can take out at least two of the three and the third can be finished off with your handgun. Once it is clear, go back to the entrance and grab the Parts x10, 3/4 Explosive and 1/2 Alcohol and then follow Henry up the truck.

Two men rush out and take position, but they are not aggressive right away. Make your way to the wall in front of them crouching and they shouldn't notice you. Hug the right wall and climb up and take out the oblivious Hunter closest to you, followed by the other.

Head into the building and ignore Henry and check the bathroom for the Lucas Rios - 000295 Firefly Pendant and then follow the group. Inside the architecture office you should find the Trial Note in the conference room and Supplement x5 near the cafeteria. When you are ready, follow Henry for another scene.

After the scene, head down the hall and hug to left wall to find a storage room with Parts x5 and then follow the stairs down. When you reach the ground floor, sneak up on the left Hunter at the barrel and sneak attack him while Henry takes care of the other. The area behind the counter on your right is hiding 1/2 Blades, 3/4 Alcohol and Parts x10 that you should grab by hoping the counter.

Head out into the street and stick close to the pylons. When the spotlight is not facing you, or the guard is busy shooting something in the distance, hop over the pylon and advance toward the light. Stop at the final pylon and wait for the patrolling Hunter to stand by you and turn around and then kill him quietly. If all goes well the spotlight guard should not see you and you can shut off the generator.

As soon as you shut it off a bunch of guys will come investigate. I suggest hugging the left wall and hiding behind the platform where they jump down. Let the first guy walk off and strangle the 2nd and 3rd guy while he walks off. If you are lucky, you won't be seen until the 1st guy turns around. Either way, you will likely need to draw your gun and kill a few by force rather than by stealth.

Once the area is clear, open the gate and then head for the container and boost the crew up for a scene. When you have control again, rush to the garage on the opposite side and quickly tap Triangle to open it and get inside. You are safe for a bit now, so grab the 3/4 Binding and 3/4 Explosive and then head into the bar.

Immediately cross to the billiard table and take position while the Hunter investigates behind the bar. Take him out quietly and then grab the Health Can behind the counter if needed. If you hide behind the right side of the second billiard and look straight ahead at the gap between the pillar and the hot dog stand you should spot a guy quietly crouching, he does not show up on Joel's ability to sense sound. Wait for the patrolling Hunter to walk toward the back of the area and then shoot an arrow over the table and through the gap to headshot this sneaky bastard that prevents you from quietly killing the patrol.

Once the guy behind the stand is dead, you should be able to sneak attack the patrolling guard that walks by the door and then head into the circular counter and around the right side to sneak up on the final guy. Grab the Supplement x5 from the hot dog stand and then move the cart, head through the chained door, and rush down the street away after Ellie and away from the vehicle for a scene.


The Suburbs



Run along the beach and check the small destroyed boat for 1/4 Blades and then follow the path to the right to a larger boat and hop down into the hull and turn around to find the Josh Scheffler - 000127 Firefly Pendant. Hop back up and go into the control room to find the Boat Note, Antiparticles comic, 3/4 Binding, and 3/4 Rag. You can now head back toward Henry and Sam to open the sewer drain and head inside.

Follow the right wall and climb up into the other pipe that has water flowing into the main sewage drain to access a small area with the Robert Righetti - 000219 Firefly Pendant, Parts x5, and 1/2 Blades. Head back and continue along the path, following Ellie, to open a small vent so she can crawl through and open the nearby gate, which has Supplement x10, 3/4 Explosive, Sugar, Sewer Notes, and Parts x50. Now return and follow Henry to continue.

When you reach the flooded room, hop into the water by the car and dive down by its hood to collect the Eddie Fuentes - 000168 Firefly Pendant. Now swim over to the gate by the group and dive down to free the pipe from the gate and allow Henry to raise it. Swim underneath to a new area and immediately turn right and crawl through the broken rubble to reach 1/2 Blades and 3/4 Binding.

Return to the previous room and climb the ladder, but instead of pushing the raft down and heading back to the group, quietly open the door to reveal a storage room with two Clickers. By now you should have your shivs upgraded, so take out the first with the shiv and the second with a brick or melee weapon (you do not NEED to kill either to collect the items in the room). Once clear, grab the Parts x25, Health Can, Trading Note, 3/4 Rag, and 1/2 Explosive. Now return and push the raft into the water and bring it back to the group so they can cross to the generator.

Wait for Henry and Sam to cross and then grab Henry's hand to get up. Hug the left wall and enter the room part way down the tunnel and get the [[Tools Level 3]], Supplement x5 and 1/2 Rag. Now continue and trigger the sound trap.

Inside, grab the Shorty from the table and take a right at the intersection to find Supplement x5 in the locker, a Rag on the dirty laundry, and the Bomb: Containment Training Manual on the way back. Proceed down the other tunnel and prepare for a big fight.

As you open the gate, several Runners and a Clicker will attack. Take them out with a mix of bombs, gunfire, and melee combat. Take the right path to find a storage room with the Rain Catcher Note before retuning and jumping the barricade.

Check the top of the stairs area for Parts x3 and then the side room for Supplement x5 and the Cornered Note by the corpses. There is also a Parts x10 on the level above by the pipes that you should get before you continue along the path and down the stairs. Check under them for 1/4 Alcohol and 1/4 Rag and then enter the door for a scene.

Quietly enter the door and head right to pick up the Parts x10 and 1/2 Alcohol and then get ready for a fight. There is a very dangerous way to approach by running into the room. The safest way to approach this fight is to stay back near the entrance to the area and use Molotovs and Nail Bombs to take out the two Clickers and 4-5 Stalkers. After that, the Stalkers should be running around a bunch and allow you to finish them off with your handgun. If there is only 1-2 left and you are having issues killing them, go in with a melee weapon to finish them off.

Head through the yellow painted doorway and get the 1/4 Blades from the cart, Parts x10 on the shelf, and Parts x2 from the locker. Head out the opposite side and over to the makeshift kitchen for a Health Can and follow the wall right up into a kid's bedroom to find Supplement x10. Continue to a large bedroom, which has noting but an upgraded Baseball Bat, and then cross directly across the area to find Sugar on a shelf by the stairs. Now head through the arched tunnel to reach the laundry area, where you can find 1/2 Alcohol and 1/4 Rag. Keep going to the classroom area and hug the right wall to find the Kid's Drawing on the bookshelf and then boost Sam up to the ladder.

Before you go any further, make sure you have at least 2 Molotov Cocktails to make the next bit easy. As you drop down, Henry and Ellie will come rushing in. Quickly follow them and push on the door until Sam heads through the vent and opens the door. Continue to run upstairs and when you reach the dead end room, grab the Molotov Cocktail and take position by the exit.

Turn toward the left doorway and prep a Molotov Cocktail. As soon as you see the first enemy, toss the Molotov. This should take out the first wave, but if anything makes it through finish it off. Quickly prep another Molotov and when you the next wave comes toss it and finish off any stragglers. After a third wave the door should be open and you can approach it for a scene.



Grab the Parts x13 from the back of the van and then continue into town. Enter the second house on the right and grab the Parts x1, 1/2 Blades, and Supplement x5 from the first floor. Downstairs, there is 1/2 Alcohol and upstairs is a 1/2 Rag, 1/4 Blades, Looting Note, and Parts x10. Exit and run to the end of the street for an optional dialog with Henry about the "Will Shoot on Sight'' writing and then turn around and head up to the house straight ahead with the "U Loot I Shoot".

Enter and grab the 1/4 Alcohol, Health Can, and 3/4 Sugar and then continue down the street to the ice cream truck for another optional dialog. You can use the workbench in the nearby garage to upgrade your weapons. The house next to the garage has 1/2 Blades on the coffee table, Parts x4 in the kitchen, and the Father's Note upstairs. Make sure to pull down the ceiling panel in the hall and boost Ellie up to get the Melee: Techniques Training Manual before leaving.

If you head to the end of the alley for some optional dialog about the Firefly Emblem and Ellie should pull out her pun book for another set of jokes, followed a quick contribution from Sam. Enter the side yard of the house and grab a brick and then look up at the tree to spot the Matthew White - 000118 Firefly Pendant in the branch above the swing set.

Enter the last house and check the living room for Supplement x10 and Parts x7 in the kitchen. Upstairs, is the Survivors Note, [[Messenger Particle]] comic and 1/2 Explosive. In order to open the safe, head up the stairs again and grab the Matchbook, Arrow x2, and 3/4 Rag. You can now head back down and open the safe for Supplement x10, Parts x50, and Shorty Ammo x4.

After the kids are done playing darts you can walk over and try your hand at the game by picking up the last dart. Unfortunately, Joel sucks as much as I do at darts.

When you are ready, head out the back and hop down for a scene. The easier of the two paths to take is the left, as you stay under cover from the sniper more frequently. Stick to cover and move quietly, but when you reach the first house you can enter you will encounter resistance. There is no need to be quiet when killing these guys, so pull out your rifle and shoot them from a distance while watching your back from the ones that come close.

Proceed forward and hop the fence and enter the house with the sniper for some more guys. Take them out and then grab the 1/2 Rag and 1/2 Blades from the kitchen counter and head upstairs to find the sniper.

It's time for Joel to take command of that brilliant rifle and take out the Hunters as they approach your team. After a few waves of Hunters, a tank will come out and fire on your guys. Continue to kill Hunters until the top of the tank pops off and a Hunter throws Molotov Cocktails at your group. You need to fire on him as he pops up and before he torches your crew. Once the tank is gone, you need to protect your group from waves of infected until you are overrun and a scene starts.


Tommy's Dam


Hydroelectric Dam

Follow the path straight to a crashed truck and grab the El Diablo gun to the left of it on the ground. There is also a 1/2 Blades and 1/2 Alcohol here that you should grab before backtracking and dropping down the trail on the right. Follow the linear path while hugging the right wall and you should find the Foreign Element up on a ledge before you reach the bridge.

Continue to the plant and shiv open the door up the steps to find Arrows x2, Handgun Ammo x5, Supplement x10, 3/4 Alcohol, Parts x50, and Explosive. Now head out and turn the valve before you hop into the water to the right. There isn't anything in the water, so simply swim into the metal building and pry the raft loose from the roofing. Drag it over to Ellie and then over to the wall by the other valve to drop her off and then swim back to the first valve and walk across for a quick high five.

Pop down into the grassy area on the left and grab the Binding and then check the little bear further left for some optional dialog. Continue up the rocks or through the stairs to another grassy area that eventually leads to a bulldozer. There is a Supplement x10 on the far side of this and the small cabin contains the Power Plant Map, Parts x5, 1/4 Blades, and 3/4 Rag. You can now proceed by examining the Fedra gate.

After the scene, follow the group to the horses for some optional dialog and give it a pat. Follow Maria and Tommy inside for a scene and then follow Tommy over to a bag for a sentimental optional dialog. Afterwards, head upstairs and go left instead of following Tommy to a storage room to get Supplement x10, 3/4 Alcohol, 1/2 Explosive, and Parts x10.

Continue to follow Tommy outside and cross the dam, stopping to talk to the woman on the right for a quick optional conversation, and then pet the dog on the other side. Across from the dog is some crates with Parts x5 on them.

Inside grab the Supplement x5 and 1/4 Blades on the table and make sure to get the Smoke: Chemistry Training Manual on the control panel. To the left is a workbench, which you can use if needed, and then take the stairs to the left to the ground floor.

A room under the control room has El Diablo Ammo x2, Parts x35, and the Ryan Oliverio - 000194 Firefly Pendant that you should get before crossing to the other side of the room and following Tommy for a scene.

You will need to make your way back the way you came with a bunch of bandits causing trouble on the way. Make your way through the first area killing the men on the lower level, grabbing the Rifle Ammo x3 on side of the first machine, and then snipe the men on the upper level before heading up the stairs.

Instead of following Tommy's men, who encounter hostiles in the control room, take the right door and jump through the window on the other side to circle back and sneak in behind them for some easy stealth kills. Once clear, grab the Plant Schematics that the workers were looking at on the table and continue.

Outside you will encounter even more enemies on the top and bottom level. Try and snipe as many as you can from a distance before pulling out the Shotgun and finishing off the stragglers. If you find yourself in trouble, hide and heal before heading out more. Also watch out for the men above throwing Molotov Cocktails down at you and keep moving. When the bottom level is clear, head back and then take the top and finish off the men.

Continue down into the next room and finish the guys at the door with some quick shots from the El Diablo and then head down and grab the Rifle Ammo x3 behind the right crate and El Diablo Ammo x3 on the other crate. Inside the door and to the left is Sugar, but if you don't pick it up before all enemies are dead the cutscene won't allow you to get it.


Ranch House

Ride the horses down the linear path to a dead end and then turn around and take the small path on the left into the woods. Keep going until you get a scene and are knocked off the horses.

A group of bandits block your path forward, so let's take them out. Start by killing the guy running around and then snipe the guy in back when you have the chance. Make your way up the right side and hop up the rock and shoot the guy hiding with a Molotov Cocktail on your left. As you approach the house, two more guys ahead will pop out and need to be taken down quickly. All that is left is a guy by the house on the opposite side and a guy back by where you came in.

Once the area is clear, grab the Health Can from the barbeque that you passed before the house and then check the house for an Arrow and Rag. Make sure to check the bodies before hopping on the horse and continuing to the ranch.

Hop off the horse and enter the house and turn left to check the bathroom for Supplement x10 and then continue along the left side to the kitchen to find 3/4 Sugar on the counter and a Health Can. The small laundry room that connects to the kitchen has Shorty Ammo x4 and a Rag that you should get before crossing to the other side of the house. Head through the living room to a desk off to the left and get the Brento Pino - 000317 Firefly Pendant and then head upstairs.

Check the bedroom straight ahead and its adjoined rooms to find the Zero Point comic, 1/4 Blades, 1/2 Binding, and 1/4 Alcohol and then head to the back bedroom where Ellie is for a scene.

The two men upstairs split up with one going into the bedrooms to the left and the other heading off to the right. Immediately follow the one that goes right and strangle him inside behind the doorway. Now turn around and head out into the other rooms and sneak up on the other guy.

As you head downstairs, three more men will break up with one going to the kitchen, one to the living room, and one to the dining room area. Head down the stairs and turn around to take out the one in the dining area and then carefully watch for the one in the living room. If/when he comes to check on his fallen buddy, circle around through the main hall and sneak up on him.

The last guy should now be easy enough to take out by hiding behind the kitchen counter by the strolls and circling around as he walks out of the laundry room. With everyone dead, head for the door and leave for a scene.


The University


Go Big Horns

Instead of continuing toward the university, turn around and ride all the way to the dead end with a blue car and white truck and dismount to grab the Free Radicals comics. Return to the university wall and enter by the second security booth and head left to a dead end with a container and blue car turned on its side to find Supplement x10. Now head for the main area through the security gate.

Don't jump over the barricades and instead enter the building on your right to a workshop and grab the Flamethrower, Parts x5 to the right, Parts x3 by the workbench, another Parts x5 past the workbench, Supplement x5 by the tool boxes, and Parts x13 by the entrance upstairs. The first door leads outside to where you entered, so go upstairs and use the first door to a balcony that contains Alcohol, Explosive, and Sniper's Nest Log.

Hop the barricade and head straight up the steps and hug the right wall to find a yellow tree and a bunch of bottles. Use these bottles to knock down the Hope Pino - 000318 Firefly Pendant from the tree and then head back the way you came and into the building across the way.

Follow the path to a gate for a scene and then check the electric panel on the right. Grab the Wall Panel Note next to the control panel and the Parts x12 on the table nearby. As you head upstairs continue straight and jump through the window to a balcony outside and position yourself so you can throw a bottle into the middle of the room. Wait for the Runner that walks around the outside of the room to enter the door, throw the bottle and then throw a Nail Bomb or Molotov Cocktail in after and kill all but one of them. The last one you can take out quietly or with force easily.

Start the generator and then exit and head across the upper level to the other side, where Supplement x5 sits on a bench, and then head downstairs and try the door again. Enter the square and head left to another barricade, but do not jump over. Instead, look to your right and use the turned over container to reach the second floor and get the Parts x10, Supplement x5, and Alex Rohner - 000260 Firefly Pendant.

As you enter the large open square with the fountain, turn right and check in the back of the overturned truck to find 1/4 Blades and 3/4 Alcohol. Hop into the building on the right of the square and take the stairs to a landing and then into a bedroom area to find Supplement x10, Parts x10, the Health: Sterilization Training Manual, and another Supplement x10 and Parts x11 in the dresser.

Return to the ground and head to the back of the Main Hall to a dorm building. On the left side of the dorm building you should get some optional dialog at the Firefly emblem, but we need to head for the gate at the middle. The generator is located on the other side of the fence and the only way through is to head through the infested dorm.

Enter the dorm and check the room for Parts x7, Supplement x5, and the UEC Campus Map. Head upstairs and enter room 201 for a Rag, room 202 for Supplement x5 and the Student's Journal, and room 203 for Parts x10. Now proceed to the end of the hall and drop down.

There are a bunch Clickers and a Bloater here, but luckily most are static. Take out the static ones with your bow via headshots and the others you can shiv or also headshot, depending on how confident you feel about moving targets. If you do miss a Clicker and end up drawing two or more to a location, throw a Molotov Cocktail at them to finish them all. The noise will likely draw the Bloater to that position, so throw a Molotov Cocktail and a Nail Bomb at him and he should go down.

Check the corpse of the Bloater for the Joe Warren - 000310 Firefly Pendant, the left-most room for 1/4 Blades and a Binding, room 102 for 1/4 Blades and 1/2 Binding, and room 103 for Arrow x2. You can then exit into the stairwell at the end of the hall by pressing Square repeatedly.

Before exiting out to the generator, check room 209 for Supplement x10 and the Newspaper Clipping and room 208 for Parts x5, 1/2 Explosive, and 1/2 Binding.

Outside, push the generator over to the control panel by the gate, plug it in, and start it up. Despite mounting Callus, hop off and check the right side of the area to find 1/2 Blades and 1/2 Alcohol and then continue to the next area by jumping the barricade.

Head straight to the first tent on your left to grab 1/4 Blades and 1/2 Alcohol. The next tent has Parts x10, the one after that has Parts x11, and the one after that has Parts x7. The tents all the way at the end of the street have Parts x8 and the Erik Griggs - 000111 Firefly Pendant that you should grab an then you can finally head across toward the left side of Richard Harington Science Lab.

The gate is rusted shut, so grab the dumpster and head down the hill to break the gate open and then move it over to the white truck and climb up to reach the inside of the Science Building.


Science Building

Hang a left and enter a storage area to grab Parts x25 from a locker and then use the workbench if desired.

Come back to the workbench once you get the new Level 4 Tool coming up.

The door leads to a larger room with Supplement x5, 3/4 Rag and 1/4 Blades in the cabinet on the left side. Exit and turn left to check the desk for Parts x5, 1/4 Explosive, and 1/2 Blades and then continue down the hall to the left. The lab on the left has Parts x10 in a locker, while the shiv door across the way blocks the Tools Level 4, Supplement x15, Parts x50, Handgun Ammo x4, a Rag, Flamethrower Ammo x20, and the Molotov: Deployment Training Manual.

Head back to the door about halfway up the hall and follow it to a large empty room and check the clipboard on the crates that Ellie is pillaging through. There's no where to go but up, so head on up and through the open doors to another door on the other side.

This area screams combat with all its bricks and bottles, but for now it is clear. Turn left and check the desk for El Diablo Ammo x2 and a Binding and the head down the hall and enter the far left room. Grab and play the Office Recorder and then check the cabinet on the desk by the door to the next room over for 1/4 Blades and 1/2 Binding. Head into the next room and get the Supplement x5 from a drawer and then head into the next room. There is Parts x4 in a drawer here, but other that that nothing. The next room has a Health Bar and Supplement x10, while the last room has Revolver Ammo x2 and Parts x10.

Head toward the door marked Exit for a scene and then head through to a lab and grab the Fungal X-Rays before using the door in the back corner. The next room has a Lab Recorder and the Sadie Pearle Hickman - 000231 Firefly Pendant, while the final room has Parts x5, 1/2 Alcohol, 3/4 Rag, and 1/2 Explosive. Now push into the next room for a scene to get the Firefly's Recorder.

As you head back the way you came two Hunters will rush you, so take them out quickly. While the exit strategy can be taken stealthy by using the environment to lose them, sometimes the direct approach of using your guns is quicker and easier. Use whatever method you want to take out the girls in the first area and then be careful as your approach the flare.

Three more guys will come rushing up the stairs, but you can lose them be staying in the room and hiding behind the cabinets as they run in. Stealth kill as many as you can before getting noticed and then continue down the stairs. Three more guys will pop out and you can either take them head on or run back upstairs and lose them for some stealth kills. As you enter the next door a Hunter will pop out and attack. Quickly press Square for a scene and prepare to shoot when the Hunters break through the door.

Once your are on your feet again, follow Ellie into a lab room and wait for her to flank him and then help out. Continue to follow Ellie until you reach the horse for a scene.


Lakeside Resort


The Hunt

Ellie has her own backpack and her own set of collectibles you might want to check out. These include: No Pun Intended, No Pun Intended: Volume Too, To Get to the Other Side, Riley's Pendant, Sam's Robot, Walkman, Note from Mom, Switchblade, and Joel & Sarah Photo.

Take a look at these and flip them for some comment. I guess she snagged that photo that Tommy tried to give to Joel while she and Maria were hiding from Bandits.

Start by sneak up on the deer and shooting it from a distance to cause it to bleed. You will now need to follow its tracks all the way through the forest until you eventually reach a bunch of destroyed buildings. Enter the first building and turn left into the first room for 1/2 Blades and the Uncertainty comic and then follow the blood to the dead deer.

After the cutscene you will need to defend the windows as Runners and Clickers attack. Make sure to reload your rifle in between waves and if you are in dire need you can always use your bow. I suggest you grab the Health Kit in the locker before the encounter even begins and then take out the guys on the right and then the left. After helping David move the shelf and killing the Clicker that grabs you, watch the nearby set of windows before returning to the right side. Make sure to check the corpse of any guys that come in and heal when needed.

When David runs off, follow him up the stairs and then cover the stairs while he moves the cabinet. Once the cabinet is in the way you are safe to grab the Health Bar nearby. Exit the building and check the green building on your left for 1/4 Blades and then follow David.

When the grate collapses, duck through the hole behind you and head right to find 3/4 Rag and Explosive. A Clicker heads around this corner and if you stand partly in the hole you should be able to knife him as he comes around. Watch out for the Clicker farther back moving around and go around the left of the machine to get a straight bow headshot on the inactive Clicker.

Drop down and check the left side of this room for a small tunnel with 1/2 Blades and Alcohol before you kill the last Clicker and climb the ladder (note that stealth killing this guy is difficult, so a shot with the rifle and then rushing to the ladder works too). Check the left and right side of this area for 1/2 Explosive and 1/2 Blades and then have David boost you up.

Proceed along the catwalk until you encounter a Clicker, which can easily be shot in the head as it walks in your direction or taken out with a stealth kill or stunned and knifed, and then enter the room on the left to find the Travis Kistof - 000283, a Rag, and 3/4 Alcohol. Head out and drop the ladder for your new buddy and follow him down the windowed walkway to a new area.

Head up the small steps on the right and grab the Arrow x2, a Molotov Cocktail, a Rag, a Nail Bomb, Handgun Ammo x5, 1/2 Blades x3 and Explosive x2. Quickly make some bombs and Health Kits and then pull out your gun and prepare for a fight. Three Runners and two Clickers will come from the hall you just came through in the first wave and can be taken down from the upper area, using the stairs and then ledge as a way to confuse the AI as to which way to attack.

After the first wave is down, reload and check the corpses and get off the upper landing. More infected will come through the windows on the left and right of the upper landing. Keep moving and kill them with rifle shots to the midsection. After a second wave is dead, prepare for the Bloater that enters by equipping some Molotov Cocktails. These babies will slowly burn him to death, so toss one and then focus on the infected. When only the Bloater is left you can finish him off with a Nail Bomb or a few shots to the body. Once it is clear, check the corpses before talking to David.

After the long cutscene where we learn what Joel is up to, ride the horse through town while avoiding the enemies fire and kicking them off when they try and mount Callus. When you crash land off a cliff, run down the hill toward the house and jump in the window.

As you approach the living room you will hear the talk of Hunters entering the building. Back up to the bedroom and hide in the closet and wait for the first man to enter and stealth kill him. A second guy will come check on him and can be dispatched the same way. With the house mostly clear, grab the 3/4 Alcohol and 1/4 Blades from the desk behind the couch and the Arrow x2 sticking out of some of the furniture.

Two more guys patrol the house to the right, but sometimes they will come investigate the house you start in and head straight for the bedroom. If you notice them coming your way, back up to the closet and create another pile of corpses. The wooden gazebo outside to the right has the Paul D. Braun - 000153 Firefly Pendant and the cabin next to it has a Health Bar, 1/2 Blades and 1/2 Explosive. Hop out and into the next cabin for another 1/2 Blades and 1/2 Explosive and then look in the distance at the Hunters.

When it is clear, head for the bathrooms on the right and hop inside the first room to get the 1/2 Alcohol x2. Some guys patrol around here and can possibly be killed with stealth if you are lucky. If you do draw attention, use the bathrooms and line of sight to break free and disengage some of your enemies. Your bow is great here, as one hit kills and it can quietly take guys out while drawing more to the dead bodies position.

Once you clear the area, check "Sadie's Snack Bar" for a Rag and then head up the steps and follow the trail to a pipe. After exiting the pipe, turn around and go up the steps to find the Negentropy comic. Head toward the gate and turn right to grab the dumpster and pull it away from the wall so that you can travel through the pipe on the other side.

As you approach the lodge a bunch of Hunters will patrol the area. The safest strategy is to use the bow and kill enemies and they check the area. Stick by the grey crates by the gate on the right and take out the Hunters as they walk through the patio of around the area to the left. When you can, check the corpses for some of your arrows back so you don't run out.

With the area clear, head to the left side of the lodge and climb a crate to jump through the destroyed ceiling and check the left side of the restaurant for 1/2 Blades and 1/2 Alcohol. Head right and take the left hall down to a storage room with 1/2 Alcohol and a Rag and then return to the main area.

Open the glass door and hop behind the counter to grab the 1/2 Explosive and 1/4 Blades before you proceed and encounter more Hunters. These guys will try and flank you and grab you from behind, so keep a look out and watch your back, but there is no need to be stealthy. Before you exit the doors, grab the 3/4 Alcohol and 1/2 Rag.


Cabin Resort

After waking up, grab the Revolver Ammo x2 and then check the garage for a Rag. As you head down the hill some guys will pop out of a gate at the end of the street, so run for the car on the right side of the street and hide. Snipe one of the guys off too the left and then move right behind the stone wall to snipe the guy on the house patio.

The other men will rush back into the gate, so move up and check the corpses for ammo. Rush to the left side of the gate and peek in and snipe another guy and then should run off again. As you approach the final area, use the gap in the fence to shoot the men across the way, there is a total of three, and then check their bodies.

Check the house for a Health Can, 3/4 Rag, Parts x7, and 1/2 Alcohol and then hop out the window to the main street for a scene.

As soon as you have control head down the alley and enter the door on your right, the other is blocked. Inside, crawl under the turned over shelf and get the Health Kit behind it. Now return to the room and move the cart to advance into a building. If you wait by the last shelf by the door a guy will eventually enter and can be killed quietly.

Jump out the window and into the next shop and kill the guy here and his buddy that comes and investigates. There is a Health Kit in the desk at the back and you can jump out the back window in the bathroom to cross the street and into an alley. Hide under the stairs and wait for the Hunter to come down by the mail trucks and take him out. Hop through the gap in the stone wall behind the stairs and head up to quietly take out another Hunter.

Proceed down the street and pop under the metal fence and make your way around the left side to stab another Hunter waiting on the other side. Proceed down the left side of the street into an alley and wait by the second opening, a hole in the stone wall. When the two Hunters split up enough and the one Hunter that walks by the hole turns, take him out quietly and then hide as his buddy enters. If his friend seeing the corpse, get him while he is looking at it. If not, kill him outside on the street when his back is turned.

Cross the street and make your way down the street carefully until you reach a dead end. Use the dumpster to jump into the nearby building. Hop over the window and grab the Health Kit on the shelves and the Health Kit further in on the kitchen counter. Return to the desk and continue to the right through a room of crates and grab the Health Kit on some crates at the end.

Even if you don't need the health now, take note of where they are and where the glass on the ground makes noise.

As you exit the building David will come in and attack Ellie. The fight consists of three rounds in which Ellie needs to stab David from behind with a stealth attack. Do not try and take him head on, as he is more powerful and will brush your attacks aside before attacking back.

In the first round you should have no trouble sneak up on David as he walks around.
The second time is also rather easy, except that you won't automatically run away and will need to sprint away and hide after you stab him.
In the third round, David will get low and sneak around the area, making him hard to track. Keep low and avoid stepping on any dishes and wait for him to move to know where he is. Follow him around slowly until you get a chance to circle around behind him and attack for a scene.

Back on Joel, you can enter a gas station store where three Hunters will approach. The best strategy is to head outside and hide behind the pumps and kill the first Hunter as he walks by. Now go inside under the garage door and wait for the other two Hunters to investigate. When the split up, follow the one down the alley to the left and take him out. After that the final one should be easy enough.

Check behind the cash register for 3/4 Binding and 1/2 Explosive and then exit and cross the street to a truck on the left and check the back of it for 1/4 Blades and 3/4 Alcohol. Follow the left side of the street into a house and hop out the back side into and alley for a shiv door that contains the Smoke: Shaping Training Manual, Supplement x10, Parts x50, and an Explosive.

Exit the alley and snipe the guard on the barricade with your bow to draw over three Hunters. Hide and wait for one to enter the nearest door and then follow him and take him out. Another Hunter will come investigate, so circle through the bedrooms and around the other side to kill him too. The final guy should be easy enough to deal with. As you enter the barricade via the truck, the other guard will likely come down. Back up and hide behind the truck's door and kill him as he exits.

Head through the barricade again and continue around the corner to the left for three more Hunters. Use the stone wall to hide and take out the first and the second and then take out the final one before following the street into an alley and into a storage room. Inside, you can grab Ellie's Backpack and the Meat Ledger before continuing for a scene.

Back on Ellie, crawl for the blade and then press Triangle for a heart wrenching scene.


Bus Depot


Highway Exit

Stand around and wait for Joel to finish talking to Ellie for an optional dialog and then head on down the highway. The camper has Alcohol, Supplement x5, Sugar, Parts x3, and a Family Photograph inside. Outside, talk to Ellie for some optional dialog in front of the Air West banner and then head off to the left to find Parts x4 behind a rusted van on the other side of a bunch of pylons.

Head back to the off ramp and take it down and hug the wall past the bus to find the Katerina Perich - 000149 Firefly Pendant behind the car against the orange barrels. Underneath the highway you should find Parts x5 and on the opposite side of the highway behind a bush is Supplement x5. Now head to the car dam and climb up and over the gate via the bus.

Check behind the humvee on the right for Parts x5 and then enter the building and take the stairs down and check the lockers directly ahead for Parts x10. The lockers further down have Supplement x10 that you should grab and then talk to Ellie when she takes a seat on the bench. The suitcase in the corner here has a Note to Wife and 1/4 Binding, while the pile of clothes has 3/4 Rag.

Head to the right side of the room and try to boost Ellie up for a scene and then boost her up. Follow her all the way to an opening in the side of the building and then walk up and pet the giraffe. Keep following her to the roof and talk to her for a scene. When you head for the stairwell you'll get another scene.

Head downstairs and enter the large room and hang a left to find 1/2 Sugar and Parts x10 on this side of the room, while the other side has 1/2 Alcohol. Head to the restroom for the comic Precipitate from the poor guy who got killed on the John and then exit through the other side of the area.

Head left toward the port-o-potties for a quick conversation and then check the overturned garbage for Parts x5. Head down the street and enter the first tent for 1/4 Blades, 1/4 Alcohol, and 1/2 Binding and the second large tent for 1/4 Blades, Shorty Ammo x4, Supplement x10, and the Tools Level 5.

Exit and follow the tents to an area light in front of the green tent and look up to spot the Nicole Hoo - 000201 Firefly Pendant. Cross the street to some more tents for a workbench, Salt Lake Q.Z. Map, an Arrow, Parts x25, El Diablo Ammo x3, and 1/4 Rag. Now head for the bus for an optional convo with Ellie, who hands over the photo she took from Tommy's place.


Underground Tunnel

Head through the bus and out the other side to find Arrow x2 sticking out of a car's tire and start heading down the tunnel. Once you pass the bus, turn around and head up the other side to find the Natalie Hoo - 000202 Firefly Pendant. Now enter the tunnel.

Use the cars to hop over the truck and then hug the left wall and jump the railing to find Parts x10, 1/2 Blades, and 1/4 Rag. Cross back to the walkway on the other side of the tunnel and follow it to 1/4 Alcohol by a truck and you should notice the infected nearby.

Continue down the right side and you will come across two Runners, one on the left and one off to the right. Take out both with shots from your bow, rather than risking stealth attacks, and check their bodies for drops. Continue down the right side where another Runner and a Clicker hang out. Another shot for your bow at the Runner will take it out, but the Clicker can be left alone. Wait for the Clicker to head off to the left, check the corpse and then jump up on the walkway and grab the Explosive and 3/4 Binding.

When it is clear, cross back to the right side of the tunnel and continue to a railing and hop over to the walkway for Flamethrower Ammo x50. Enter the room on the right and grab the Parts x3, 1/4 Blades, 1/2 Explosive, and 1/2 Alcohol and then shoot the following three Runners with arrows. The room on the other side has Parts x25, 1/4 Blades, and 3/4 Binding that you should grab and then exit.

Take a right and go down a bit and then shoot the Runner on the other side of the railing before grabbing the El Diablo Ammo x2, 1/4 Alcohol, and a Rag. While it is totally an option to sneak through this area, I don't like the risk. Instead, hide behind the railing and toss in a brick or bottle to draw the enemies to one location and then throw in a few Molotov Cocktails and let them burn. If some live, throw in a Nail Bomb for good measure. Now check the sizzling pile of corpses for drops.

The Bomb: Shrapnel Training Manual is on top of a truck in the middle of the water to your left, so slowly make your way over to the grassy area and hop up. Continue along the tunnel and boost Ellie on top of the truck. Climb the crate drop down the other side and follow the water to a dead end. Pop into the water and swim through the submerged bus and hop onto the truck from the other side to grab the ladder and place it for Ellie to climb up.

Hop on the vent to the right and follow it to the Catalysis comic and then drop into the water below and grab the Revolver Ammo x5 by the corpse. Boost Ellie into the room and then kill the Clicker that attacks her so she can open the door. Check the room for 1/2 Blades and use the workbench if needed.

Exit and head right to open the shiv door that contains Parts x50, 3/4 Sugar, Supplement x10, 3/4 Explosive, and an Arrow. Continue to the water and dive in, go through the doorway and swim right, and exit the water. Use the ledge to climb up and reach the vents and follow the path to the raft and knock it down for Ellie.

Use the raft to take Ellie across to the other side and then wait for her to drop the ladder on the first platform and try to climb up. When the ladder breaks, grab it and turn around and use it to climb up the other side. Grab it again and make your way to the gap and use it as a bridge to cross and continue to the next tunnel.

Use the trucks and vents to make your way across and when the bus collapses prepare to hit Triangle a bunch to try and crawl up the side. When that fails, wait for Ellie to hop on and then repeatedly press Triangle a bunch. Once again you will fail and the bus tips. Quickly swim out the door, over to Ellie and surface for a scene.


The Firefly Lab


The Hospital

Turn around and grab the Revolver Ammo x3 off the man you just killed and then hop through the window on the right and hug the wall that faces the counter. When the guards check the body of Ethan, one guard will head off down a hall and the other will check the window by the counter. When he turns back away from the door, pop out and grab him by the counter. Now when his buddy come to investigate, jump out the window you came through originally and circle around and get him while he check on his friend, This strategy can be used for the following two guards that follow from the distant halls, but with the office on the other side of the bodies.

Hop through the window across from Ethan's body and grab the 1/4 Blades and 1/2 Alcohol from the table and exit the window on the other side to find 3/4 Binding on a gurney. Now return to Ethan's body and enter the second room on the left and search the bathroom for 3/4 Rag and then head to the lab across the hall and grab the Supplement x5 from the table and 1/4 Blades from a counter.

As you jump into the brightly lit area, two guards will approach from the right and a static guard will be straight ahead and a little to the right. Jump back into the lab and wait for the two men to split up and take out the nearest one that heads off to the right while the other investigates the area over by the static guard. Hop back into the lab and wait for the other guy to head through the room and then turn right to check on his friend and follow him to strangle him too.

To the right in the open area is 1/2 Blades, Sugar, and a Health Can, while the small office next to the static guards has 1/2 Alcohol, 1/4 Blades, and 1/2 Binding. The two static guards are in your way, but you can get them to move by causing a distraction with a brick/bottle or even shoot an arrow. Once they stop looking in your direction, shoot them with the bow headshot or sneak up and strangle them.

The room to the left of the West Wing has a 1/4 Explosive that you should grab and then head down the hall and hide behind the receptionist desk and let the three Fireflies pass by. Grab the 3/4 Alcohol and 1/2 Explosive and then walk toward the exit.

As you enter a Firefly will bust through the door on the other side and begin to fire. Either take cover or throw a brick/bottle to stun him and then take him out with a melee attack. Check the chairs to the left of the door that he popped out of for Supplement x5 and then check the small office for 1/4 Rag and 1/2 Binding before heading through the door the Firefly popped out of.

Head upstairs and grab the Surgeon's Recorder from the counter and turn around and check a small room for Marlene's Recorder 1, 1/2 Alcohol, 1/2 Binding, 1/2 Explosive and 1/4 Blades. The office behind the counter can be opened with a shiv to get Supplement x10, Bryony Stewart-Seume - 000304 Firefly Pendant, Rag, 1/2 Blades, Shotgun Ammo x2, Revolver Ammo x3 and 1/2 Explosive.

Exit into the next room and head into the tent for 1/2 Alcohol, 1/4 Blades, and Marlene's Journal. Continue for a quick scene and then wait for the Firefly to turn his lamp and walk across the area. If you time it right he may mention seeing something, but won't fire on you or investigate. Enter the door and work your way around a gurney and stop behind the crates to the left of the door when the guard isn't look and the other guard is patrolling away from the doorway. Pop in and strangle him and then take cover again.

The next guard patrols in an area where the moving Firefly in the hall can see you, so instead of going inside wait for him to inspect the far door and use your bow to headshot him. There are now three guys in the hall and more in a barricade by the back. Entering the hall will get you spotted, so use your bow to headshot them quietly. The final guys behind the barricade can be taken out with a Molotov Cocktail.

Head through the door and enter the first room on the right to find Marlene's Recorder 2. After that it is a straight shot to the operating room. Shoot the doctor in your way and then grab Ellie and make your linear escape out of the building to trigger some scenes.





After heading through the fence, check the right side of the area to find the final comic, Singularity. Other than that, follow Joel to the final cutscene.




Firefly Pendants

Firefly Pendants are necklaces dropped by members of Firefly that are scattered across the world during Joel and Ellie's journey. There are a total of 30 pendants in the game to be found and they can be viewed in the collectibles menu.


David Michael Vigil - 000102

The Quarantine Zone: Beyond the Wall - As Tess and Joel leave the Quarantine Zone Joel will place and climb a ladder to a second floor building. Instead of following Tess down the stairs, check the bedroom past the kitchen to find this on a desk.

Ben Glueck - 000106

The Quarantine Zone: Beyond the Wall - After leaving the warehouse and heading through the alley and under a broken walkway, look up in the tree to the left of the white couch to find this on a tree branch.

Philip Liu - 000105

The Quarantine Zone: The Cargo - After meeting Ellie and exiting the building, check the corpse leaning against the news stand in the middle of the street.

Joseph Lenz - 000113

The Outskirts: Downtown - Before entering the Boylstone building, run all the way to the right and throw a brick at the tree branch to drop this.

Michael Kiper - 000109

The Outskirts: Museum - When you climb up the destroyed floor to the second floor, pull yourself up by the windows and shimmy over to this in a display case.

Melinda Davidson - 000214

The Outskirts: The Capitol Building - After reaching the flooded street outside the capitol building, swim along the left side to the marble gazebo to find this in the water.

Shiyao Jiang - 000178

The Outskirts: The Capitol Building - Before helping Ellie across the water with the raft, enter the tunnel on the other side of the corpse and swim into a flooded room to find this.

Hui Wang - 000197

Bill's Town: Main Street - On top of the large camper on the main street.

Alex Raymond - 000266

Bill's Town: Safehouse - After exiting the buildings to another street and being attacked by infected, follow the buildings on the right and knock this down from the street lamp.

Peter Mrozik - 000263

Bill's Town: Graveyard - Enter the second house via the backyards and find this in the laundry room.

Mazden Risk - 000153

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - In the alley on the other side of the main building in the Pittsburgh Quarantine Zone.

Colby Reed - 000232

Pittsburgh: Hotel Lobby - After exiting the resturant area and returning to the first floor, enter the women's restroom to find this.

Lucas Rios - 000295

Pittsburgh: Escape the City - After killing the two oblivious men on the roof, cross the planks and enter the restrooms on teh left to find this.

Josh Scheffler - 000127

The Suburbs: Sewers - Drop into the hull of the fishing boat on the beach and look behind the netting.

Robert Righetti - 000219

The Suburbs: Sewers - After entering the sewers, climb into the small opening with water flowing into the main drain pipe to find this.

Eddie Fuentes - 000168

The Suburbs: Sewers - Once you reach the flooded room where you need to pry the bar from the gate, jump into the water and search the from of the vertical car.

Matthew White - 000118

The Suburbs: Suburbs - After eaching the suburbs, head to the dead end where the dogs were and check the side yard with the dog house and swings and look up into the tree branches.

Ryan Oliverio - 000194

Tommy's Dam: Hydroelectric Dam - Check inside the room under the dam's control room while following Tommy.

Brento Pino - 000317

Tommy's Dam: Ranch House - Enter the ranch and check the desk in the room attached to the living room.

Hope Pino - 000318

The University: Go Big Horn - After jumping the first barricade and going up the stairs, check the yellow tree branches in the area on the right.

Alex Rohner - 000260

The University: Go Big Horn - Before jumping the barricade to enter the large square with the fountain, use the overturned dumpster on the right to reach the second floor of the building.

Joe Warren - 000310

The University: Go Big Horn - Off the corpse of the Bloater in the first floor dormitory.

Erik Griggs - 000111

The University: Go Big Horn - In the last tent on the grounds outside the Richard Harington Science Lab.

Sadie Pearle Hickman - 000231

The University: Science Building - After seeing the monkey in the lab, check the shelves on the right side of the room.

Travis Kistof - 000283

Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - After having David boost Ellie up to the walkway, kill the Clicker and check the room to the left.

Paul D. Braun - 000153

Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - After distracting David's group and Callus being shot, head through the first house and check the wooden gazebo outside to the right.

Katerina Perich - 000149

Bus Depot: Highway Exit - After taking the off ramp, hug the left wall and check behind the car crashed into the orange barrels.

Nicole Hoo - 000201

Bus Depot: Highway Exit - Outside the bus depot in the area with all the lab tents, check the top of the area light.

Natalie Hoo - 000202

Bus Depot: Underground Tunnel - Before entering the tunnel, check between the left wall and the bus.

Bryony Stewart-Seume - 000304

The Firefly Lab: The Hospital - On the sixth floor, enter the shiv door behind the receptionists desk.



Artifacts are documents left in the world that can be found during Joel and Ellie's journey and give insight into the world around you. There is a total of 85 Artifactes in the game to be found and they can be viewed in the collectibles menu.


Boston Q.Z. Map

The Quarantine Zone: 20 Years Later - Obtained automatically when you gain the backpack and Handgun

Military Pamphlet

The Quarantine Zone: 20 Years Later - Obtained automatically when you gain the backpack and Handgun

Note to Brother

The Quarantine Zone: Beyond the Wall - After defeating the Runners in the spore infested basement, head upstairs and check the room to the left instead of crossing the planks and proceeding.

Drafting Notice

The Quarantine Zone: The Slums - After walking through the bus and witnessing the brawl to the right, but before talking to the man by the gate, check the ground straight ahead.

Wanted Poster

The Quarantine Zone: The Slums - Just beyond the Drafting Notice to the left of the people looking into the Quarantine Zone.

Warehouse Key

The Quarantine Zone: The Slums - Defeat all of Robert's men when you encounter them for the first time and check the final body for this.

Shipping Manifest

The Quarantine Zone: The Slums - By the railing on the wharf, before heading into the warehouse.

Dock Notes

The Quarantine Zone: The Slums - Inside the docks warehouse to the right of the ship behind a crate.

Tess's List

The Outskirts: Outside - After meeting up with Tess again at Joel's apartment, check his living room coffeee table for this.

Patrol Routes Map

The Outskirts: Outside - After taking the elevator down in Joel's apartment, turn right and search near the water heaters.

Evacuation Leaflet

The Outskirts: Downtown - After heading under the overpass, climb up the destroyed road and find this by a street lamp on the right.

Field Ops Log

The Outskirts: Downtown - On your wait up the stairs in the Boylstone building, grab this from the military soldier's corpse.

Firefly Map

The Outskirts: Downtown - On the dead Firfly by the escalator, past where you first obtain the Molotov Cocktail, in the subway.

Note to Derek

The Outskirts: Downtown - Inside a drawer, under the register, in the store in the area with all the Clickers.

Medical Pamphlet

The Outskirts: Museum - After using the desk to jump over the semi-truck, turn around and check inside for this.

Firefly Orders

The Outskirts: The Capitol Building - After exiting the museum and crossing the plank, go down the steps to find this on a corpse.

Smuggler Note

The Outskirts: The Capitol Building - In the subway area after killing some soldiers and swimming through the flooded subway, meet up with Ellie and get this off the corpse nearby.

Pills Note

Bill's Town: The Woods - After killing the two Clickers and before boosting Ellie over the gate to enter the main street, head to the second floor of the building on the right to find this.

Note to Bob

Bill's Town: Main Street - At the end of main street on the barbed wire.

Perimeter Note

Bill's Town: Main Street - Inside the Marquis Music Store in the back room.

Note to Rachel

Bill's Town: Main Street - Instead of heading through the double Nail Bombed gate, turn the other way in the back alley and open the door to an apartment to find this inside.

Bill's Map

Bill's Town: Safehouse - On a table in Bill's safehouse.

Fences Note

Bill's Town: Safehouse - In the small office in the corner of Bill's safehouse.

Hunters Note

Bill's Town: Safehouse - Follow Bill out of the bar and upstairs, enter the room off to the side to find this.

Bomb Note

Bill's Town: Graveyard - Inside the church, check Bill's room off to the right to find this.

Boy's Diary

Bill's Town: Graveyard - In the house full of static Clickers, go upstairs to the kids room to find this.

Note from Frank

Bill's Town: High School Escape - In Frank's hideout, find this in Frank's bedroom.

Note from Frank (2)

Bill's Town: High School Escape - Hand over the note to Bill, who throws it on the ground, and then pick it up again.

Siphon Hose

Bill's Town: High School Escape - Obtained during the cutscene as you leave Bill's Town.

Tourist Manifest

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - After the initial fight with the Hunters, enter the garage at the end of the street to find this.

Ambush Map

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - In the second floor of the garage, head into the door at the end of the hall to find a workbench and this on the wall.

Lost Hill Notes

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - In the Pittsburgh Quarantine Zone, after climbing over the bus, find this in the booth to the right.

Traitors Flyer

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - After defeating the three Hunters in main area of the Pittsburgh Quarantine Zone, turn around and grab this on the wall between the large tent and the entrance to the zone.

Abandon Zone Note

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - Enter the building in the Pittsburg Quarantine Zone via the first alley and find this in the first office on the right.

Applicant Checklist

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - Enter the building in the Pittsburg Quarantine Zone via the first alley and find this on the left, under the stairs.

Lost Areas Map

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - Inside the shiv door on the second floor of the main building in the Pittsburgh Quarantine Zone.

Mother's Letter

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - After exiting the Pittsburgh Quarantine Zone and reach the main streets again, use a shiv on the door behind the blue truck to find this inside.

Stash Note

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - Search the second floor of the Rivers Cafe to find this on a small counter.

Note to Staff

Pittsburgh: Hotel Lobby - After using the ladder to reach the second floor, cross the destroyed staircase by hugging the left wall to get this on the other side.

Hotel Keycard

Pittsburgh: Hotel Lobby - Found in the control room of the sewers, it is required to advance the story and reconnect with Ellie.

Fireflies Note

Pittsburgh: Financial District - Inside the freezer in Don Fiocchi Subs in the corner of the Financial District.

Final Attack Note

Pittsburgh: Financial District - After exiting the main area of the Financial District and heading upstairs, two Hunters will head downstairs. Check the office where they came from to find this.

Mob Attack Note

Pittsburgh: Financial District - In the trap infested section of town, head to the building on the right and upstairs where three Hunters patrol. This note is on the other side of the area behind the receptionist's desk.

Truck Note

Pittsburgh: Financial District - In the building by the "Death for Freedom" grafitti, before boosting Ellie up to the fire escape.

Trial Note

Pittsburgh: Escape the City - Inside the conference room of the architecture office.

Boat Note

The Suburbs: Sewers - Inside the control room of the boat on the beach.

Sewer Notes

The Suburbs: Sewers - After Ellie heads through th vent to get you into the storage room check the far corner for this on a table.

Trading Note

The Suburbs: Sewers - In the storage room near where you knock the pallet into the water below is a room with two Clickers and this.

Rain Catcher Note

The Suburbs: Sewers - After defeating the Runners and Clickers through the gate, head right to a utility room.

Cornered Note

The Suburbs: Sewers - After defeating the Runners and Clickers through the gate, jump the barricade and check the room on the left.

Kid's Drawing

The Suburbs: Sewers - After defeating the Stalkers and Clickers in the survivors living area, check a bookshelf in the school area.

Looting Note

The Suburbs: Suburbs - After eaching the suburbs, enter the second brick house on the right and go upstairs and check the back bedroom.

Father's Note

The Suburbs: Suburbs - After eaching the suburbs, enter the brick house on the second street and check the upstairs bedroom.

Survivors Note

The Suburbs: Suburbs - After eaching the suburbs, enter the last house by the dead end and enter the front bedroom on the second floor.


The Suburbs: Suburbs - After eaching the suburbs, enter the last house by the dead end and check the desk on the third floor.

Power Plant Map

Tommy's Dam: Hydroelectric Dam - Before approaching the gate to the power plant, check the guard booth nearby.

Plant Schematics

Tommy's Dam: Hydroelectric Dam - Inside the dam's conrtol room on the table after bandits have invaded.

Sniper's Nest Log

The University: Go Big Horn - Before jumping the barricade in the university, enter the building on the right and check the top floor balcony.

Wall Panel Note

The University: Go Big Horn - After checking the panel that requires you to start the generator in the room of Runners, grab this on the wall next to the panel.

UEC Campus Map

The University: Go Big Horn - After entering the dormitory by ducking under the furniture blocking the doorway, check the counter in the main office.

Student's Journal

The University: Go Big Horn - Inside room 202 of the dormitory.

Newspaper Clipping

The University: Go Big Horn - Inside room 209 of the dormitory.

Office Recorder

The University: Science Building - In the storage room on the left of the third floor inside the science building.

Fungal X-Rays

The University: Science Building - After heading through the "Exit" for a scene, head into the lab and find this on the left.

Lab Recorder

The University: Science Building - After seeing the monkey in the lab, find this in the same room on a table to the right.

Firefly's Recorder

The University: Science Building - Obtained automatically through the story events.

No Pun Intended

Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - Obtained automatically when you take control of Ellie.

No Pun Intended: Volume Too

Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - Obtained automatically when you take control of Ellie.

To Get to the Other Side

Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - Obtained automatically when you take control of Ellie.

Riley's Pendant

Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - Obtained automatically when you take control of Ellie.

Sam's Robot

Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - Obtained automatically when you take control of Ellie.


Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - Obtained automatically when you take control of Ellie.

Note from Mom

Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - Obtained automatically when you take control of Ellie.


Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - Obtained automatically when you take control of Ellie.

Joel & Sarah Photo

Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - Obtained automatically when you take control of Ellie.

Lake Resort Map

Lakeside Resort: Cabin Resort - Obtained automatically when Joel interrogates the survivors.

Ellie's Backpack

Lakeside Resort: Cabin Resort - After entering the back of the meat shop, check the shelves.

Meat Ledger

Lakeside Resort: Cabin Resort - After entering the back of the meat shop, check the shelves.

Family Photograph

Bus Depot: Highway Exit - Inside the camper parked on the highway.

Note to Wife

Bus Depot: Highway Exit - Inside the bus depot lobby, check the luggage across from the ladder you need to boost Ellie up to.

Salt Lake Q.Z. Map

Bus Depot: Highway Exit - Inside the small tent in the far right of the triage area, where the workbench is.

Surgeon's Recorder

The Firefly Lab: The Hospital - After exiting the sixth floor stairwell, check the counter straight ahead.

Marlene's Recorder 1

The Firefly Lab: The Hospital - From the sixth floor entrance, check the room on the right.

Marlene's Journal

The Firefly Lab: The Hospital - Inside the large tent of the sixth floor.

Marlene's Recorder 2

The Firefly Lab: The Hospital - After killing all the guards outside the pediatrics area, enter and check the first room on the right.


Training Manuals

There are a total of twelve training manuals that enhances Joel's abilities in some way. This can be anything from making Shivs more durable or increasing the fire range on Molotov Cocktails. There is a total of two manuals for each of the following: Melee, Shivs, Molotov Cocktails, Smoke Bombs, Health Kits, and Nail Bombs.


Shiv: Sharpening

Bill's Town: Safehouse - On the far end of the bar before leaving Bill's safehouse.

Health: Splinting

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - In the second floor of the garage, head into the Hunter's room on teh right to find this.

Shiv: Reinforcement

Pittsburgh: Hotel Lobby - After finding the Note to Staff, drop back down to the first floor and open the safe behind the counter on the right.

Melee: Knots

Pittsburgh: Hotel Lobby - As you exit the Hotel you should easily spot this on a table before entering the ballroom.

Molotov: Construction

Pittsburgh: Escape the City - In the kitchen of the apartment where you meet Henry and Sam.

Bomb: Containment

The Suburbs: Sewers - After trigger the sound alarm, check the shelves past the Shorty for this.

Melee: Techniques

The Suburbs: Suburbs - After eaching the suburbs, enter the brick house on the second street and boost Ellie up into the attic.

Smoke: Chemistry

Tommy's Dam: Hydroelectric Dam - Inside the dam's conrtol room on the control panel while following Tommy.

Health: Sterilization

The University: Go Big Horn - Enter the building on the right of the large open square with the fountain, climb to the top floor, and use the roof to reach a sleeping area.

Molotov: Deployment

The University: Science Building - Inside the lecture room shiv door on the second floor.

Smoke: Shaping

Lakeside Resort: Cabin Resort - When controlling Joel in town, jump out the back of the motel to a small alley to find this in a shiv door.

Bomb: Shrapnel

Bus Depot: Underground Tunnel - In between the large group of Clickers and the the other group of Clickers and Bloaters, check the roof of the truck parked halfway in the water and halfway up the grassy hill.



The moment that Ellie reveals that she stole the comic book from Bill's Safehouse, Joel begins to look out for these and collect them to keep Ellie's mind occupied. There is a total of 14 Comics in the game to be found and they can be viewed in the collectibles menu.


Force Carrier

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - Obtained during the cutscene when Ellie admits to stealing it from Bill's place.

Termination Shock

Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken - After reaching the road, after the Hunter's garage, find this in the bus blocking most of the road.


Pittsburgh: Hotel Lobby - After regrouping with Ellie, climb the ladder and enter the loft above the restuarant area by shimming against the wall to find this.

Deep Phase

Pittsburgh: Escape the City - Inside the shiv door on the floor below where you meet Henry and Sam.


The Suburbs: Sewers - Inside the control room of the boat on the beach.

Messanger Particle

The Suburbs: Suburbs - After eaching the suburbs, enter the last house by the dead end and enter the front bedroom and check the bathroom.

Foreign Element

Tommy's Dam: Hydroelectric Dam - As you hike along the riverbed hug the right wall to climb up a hill before you go under the bridge.

Zero Point

Tommy's Dam: Ranch House - Enter the ranch and head upstairs and enter the first room on the left.

Free Radicals

The University: Go Big Horns - Turn away from the university and follow the path to a dead end and grab this from the blue car near the white truck.


Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - Follow the deer blood trail into the first building and check the desk drawer in the left room.


Lakeside Resort: The Hunt - After following the cliffside trail and heading through a pipe, turn around and check the stone bench.


Bus Depot: Highway Exit - After spotting the giraffes and cutting through the bus depot, enter the waiting room and check the men's restroom.


Bus Deopt: Underground Tunnel - After swimming underwater and dropping a ladder for Ellie, jump on the vent and follow it to the end.


Jackson: Epilogue - After climbing through the fence, check the right side of the woods to find a truck.


Optional Conversation

Optional Conversations are optional talk topics that Joel can have with those around him. These topics are indicated by a talk bubble over the object or person that the conversation is with/about. Approach the talk bubble and press Triangle to start the conversation.

The Quarantine Zone: 20 Years Later
1 Follow Tess toward the section checkpoint, but stop and talk to the couple by the newspaper machines.
The Quarantine Zone: Beyond the Wall
2 As you exit the Pizzaria through the front door, talk to Tess.
The Outskirts: Outside
3 Inside Joel's apartment, talk to Tess by the window before moving the bookcase.
The Outskirts: Downtown
4 After entering the tilted building, examine the dead soldier in the hallway straight ahead.
The Outskirts: Museum
5 After the fight with the Runners, after being separated from being Tess and Ellie, talk to Tess near the open window.
6 After the fight with the Runners, after being separated from being Tess and Ellie, talk to Ellie near the open window.
Bill's Town: The Woods
7 Enter Anthony's Pizza & Subs on Main Street and talk to Ellie at the arcade machine.
Bill's Town: Safehouse
8 Inside the bar, talk to Ellie about the chess set in one of the booths.
Bill's Town: Graveyard
9 After cutting through the treehouse, between the two houses, and entering the house on the other side, talk to Ellie in the kid's room on the 2nd floor.
Bill's Town: High School Escape
10 Before leaving Frank's place, talk to Ellie in the truck and encourage her.
11 Give Bill the letter from Frank, found in Frank's bedroom.
Pittsburgh: Alone and Forsaken
12 After the initial fight, enter the garage door and talk to Ellie about the bodies.
13 After cutting through the hunter's camp and dropping back into the highway, move up the road and talk to Ellie about the skeleton hanging out of the car.
14 Climb over the bus, past the scouting hunters, and approach the graffiti on the right wall before heading to the checkpoint maze.
15 After heading through the bookstore, move through the alley to a flooded street. Turn right and look on the right wall for a poster of a skinny woman for a conversation with Ellie.
Pittsburgh: Hotel Lobby
16 After dropping into the hotel lobby, head left and examine the coffee machine.
17 In the 2nd floor room, climb up the furniture to reach a 3rd floor bathroom. Talk to Ellie about the dead couple in the bathroom.
18 Inside the hotel ballroom, check out the beach photo backdrop.
Pittsburgh: Financial District
19 After clearing all the hunters from the plaza, head toward the hung man by the bank for a conversation with Ellie.
20 After climbing the fire escape by the credit union, drop back onto the street and check out the military school.
21 After checking out the military school, head across to the parking lot to the "Dawn of the Wolf" movie billboard on the side of the building.
The Suburbs: Suburbs
22 At the bend in the road, approach the "Will Shoot on Sight" graffiti.
23 Inside the demolished kitchen at the end of the first street, Henry will talk about barbeques.
24 On the next street, approach the ice cream truck.
25 In the house next to the dead end, watch the kids play darts and then play it yourself.
Tommy's Dam: Hydroelectric Dam
26 After raising and crossing the sluice gate, drop off to the left of the walkway into the grass and over a log to a teddy bear grave marker.
27 When you reach the Dam, follow Ellie over to the horses and talk to her.
28 While following Tommy, talk to the woman on the Dam.
The University: Go Big Horns
29 Enter the University by hoping the barricade, and talk to Ellie about football by the football banner.
30 Exit the main courtyard with the fountain and examine the Firrfly Emblem by the dormitory entrance.
The University: Science Building
31 After crossing the walkway in the atrium, check the Firefly luggage next to the stairs.
Lakeside Resort: The Hunt
32 After escaping the Clickers and taking the sky bridge into the room with the supplies, collect the supplies and talk to David before the incoming waves of infected attack.
Bus Depot: Highway Exit
33 As you head down the freeway, Ellie will not be responding and this conversation will pop up.
34 Before heading down the freeway, check the airline advertisement on the right side of the road.
35 Inside the bus station, tell Ellie about the ladder that they can use.
36 After chasing Ellie out of the bus station and into the next building, pet the giraffe at the window.
37 As the herd of giraffes move through the park, lean against the wall and share the beautiful moment with Ellie.
38 Before exiting the triage area and before heading through the bus, talk to Ellie to get the picture of Joel and Sarah.


Tags & Unlockables

Tags are objectives achieved during Story and Multiplayer Mode that earn you cash to purchase bonuses, such as Concept Art and Alternate Skins. Earning all Story Mode tags grants the player $12,500, which is enough to purchase all unlockables.



Name Objective Pts
Fallen Firefly Find 1 Firefly Pendant 100
Firefly Squad Find 10 Firefly Pendants 100
Firefly Militia Find 20 Firefly Pendants 100
Look for the Light Find all 30 Firefly Pendants 250
Daniela Star Collect 3 Comics 100
Savage Starlight Fan Collect 7 Comics 100
Endure and Survive Collect all Comics 250
Collector Find 1 Artifact 100
Nostalgic Find 10 Artifacts 100
Every Nook and Cranny Find 30 Artifacts 100
It was all just lying there Find all Artifacts 250
Self Help Find 1 Training Manual 100
Reading Material Find 6 Training Manuals 100
I got this Find all Training Manuals 250
Scavenger Find all collectibles 500
Melee Crafter Craft 30 upgraded melee weapons 100
Shiv Crafter Craft 30 Shivs 100
Kit Crafter Craft 30 Health Kits 100
Molotov Crafter Craft 30 Molotovs 100
Bomb Crafter Craft 30 Nail Bombs 100
Smoke Crafter Craft 30 Smoke Bombs 100
Let's gear up Craft every item 100
Shiv Doors
Secret Cache Unlock 1 Shiv Door 100
Breaking and Entering Unlock 5 Shiv Doors 100
Master of Unlocking Unlock all Shiv Doors 250
Take your Vitamins Upgrade a skill 100
Performance Enhancement Fully upgrade a skill 100
Everything we've been through Fully upgrade Joel with supplements 250
For emergencies only Fully upgrade all weapons 500
Getting to know you Engage in an optional conversation 100
Small Talk Engage in 10 optional conversations 100
Bonding Engage in 20 optional conversations 100
I want to talk about it Engage in all optional conversations 250
No Pun Intended Listen to a full set of Ellie's Jokes 100
No Pun Intended: Part Too Listen to 2 full sets of Ellie's Jokes 250
That's all I got Listen to all of Ellie's Jokes 500
Kills w/ Items
Hey, A**hole Hit 10 enemies with a brick or bottle 100
Heads Up! Hit 30 enemies with a brick or bottle 100
Up Close and Personal Kill 50 enemies with a melee weapon 100
By Any Means Kill 5 enemies in a row with a melee weapon 100
Molotov Master Kill 50 enemies with Molotovs 100
Molotov Expert Kill 3 enemies with 1 Molotov 250
Nail Bomb Master Kill 50 enemies with Nail Bombs 100
Nail Bomb Expert Kill 3 enemies with 1 Nail Bomb 250
Improvised Weapon Master Kill 50 enemies with an upgraded melee weapon 100
Improvised Weapon Expert Kill 3 enemies with an upgraded melee weapon in a row 100
Make it Quick Kill 50 enemies with a Shiv 100
Smoke Bomb Master Kill 30 enemies while they are in smoke from a Smoke Bomb 100
Kills w/ Weapons
Put him down! Kill 10 enemies while holding an enemy as a human shield 100
Makeshift Armor Kill 3 enemies while holding the same human shield 250
Steady Hand Kill an enemy from 30 meters away with the Bow and Arrow 250
Bow Expert Kill 5 enemies in a row with the Bow without beaking stealth 250
Rifle Master Kill 30 enemies with Hunting Rifle headshots 250
Flamethrower Expert Kill 5 enemies with a single burst if the Flamethrower 250
Shotgun Expert Kill 3 enemies with a single Shotgun blast 250
Stealth Kills
Bare Hands Stealth kill 20 enemies by strangling them 100
Infected Kills
Too Close for Comfort Kill a Bloater at close range 100
The Hunter Becomes the Hunted Kill a Stalker with a stealth kill from behind 100
Personal Space Shiv 25 Clickers after they grab you 100
Game Completion
No Matter What - Easy Complete the game on Easy 250
No Matter What - Normal Complete the game on Normal 250
No Matter What - Hard Complete the game on Hard 500
No Matter What - Survivor Complete the game on Survivor 500
The Last of Us - Easy + Complete the game on Easy + 250
The Last of Us - Normal + Complete the game on Normal + 250
The Last of Us - Hard + Complete the game on Hard + 500
The Last of Us - Survivor + Complete the game on Survivor + 500
Knowing the Basics Win a game in TDM and Elimination -
Populace Build your clan to 40 people in Supply Run Online -
Firefly Complete the Firefly Journey -
Hunter Complete the Hunter Journey -



Character Skins Concept Art Galleries
Name Cost Name Cost
Joel - Brown Shirt 250 Promotional Concept Art Gallery -
Joel - Short Sleeve Denim Shirt 250 Concept Art Gallery 1 100
Joel - Long Sleeve Denim Shirt 500 Concept Art Gallery 2 100
Joel - Grey Sweatshirt 250 Concept Art Gallery 3 100
Joel - Gold Plaid Shirt 500 Concept Art Gallery 4 100
Joel - Red Plaid Shirt 500 Concept Art Gallery 5 100
Joel - Purple Plaid Shirt 1000 Concept Art Gallery 6 100
Joel - Camper Backpack 500 Concept Art Gallery 7 100
Joel - Military Backpack 1000 Concept Art Gallery 8 100
Ellie - Naughty Dog T-Shirt 2 500 Concept Art Gallery 9 100
Ellie - Naughty Dog T-Shirt 3 500 Concept Art Gallery 10 100
Ellie - Jak and Daxter T-Shirt 500 Concept Art Gallery 11 100
Ellie - Jak Hoodie 500 Characters Concept Art Gallery 200
Ellie - Jumpsuit 1000 Infected Concept Art Gallery 200
Ellie - Red Flannel 250 Comics Art Gallery 100
Ellie - Angel Knives 500 Render Modes
Ellie - Daxter Backpack 1000 Black and White 100
Ellie - Punk Backpack 500 Dreampop 100
Ellie - Jak Goggles 500 Old West 100



Factions are the multiplayer element of The Last of Us. In factions, players choose a faction, Hunter or Firefly, and try to build up their clan and protect them from others. Upon starting up the multiplayer, players are asked to choose a side: Hunters or Fireflies. This initial choice is permanent and cannot be changed while the clan is alive until either they are wiped out or the player completes the 12 Week campaign.

There is little difference between the two factions, except HUD color (Blue for Hunters and Yellow for Fireflies) and dialog.


How Clans Work

Each clan consists of two major bits of information that is the basis for your objective in the multiplayer: Clan Population and Supplies. The larger your clan, the more supplies you need to keep them all healthy.


12 Weeks

Each game is a day, with the objective being to keep your clan alive for 12 weeks.

Population & Supplies

Your clan starts out with 10 healthy clan members. In order to keep these clan members alive, the player will need to collect supplies from matches each game. If a player is unable to scavenge enough supplies in a game, clan members will become unhealthy, sick, or even die.

There are two major ways to gain supplies:

  • Killing enemies and scavenging their bodies for supplies
  • Gaining parts through other deeds that are converted into supplies at the end of the match, spent or unspent

Clan Challenges & Missions

Every few days during the 12 week period the clan will face some sort of challenge. These challenges can result in either the addition of new clan members or the death of your clan population. In order to decide the amount gained or lost, players pick a mission type that they must complete in three days (matches). There is three tiers per missions, with each tier resulting in more gained or less lost.

Ranking & Progression

Players ranking is not based on supplies or experience, but the number of weeks they have survived.

Each player starts out with a rank of 0 and two slashes //. When a player completes the twelve weeks for either faction a white dot appears to the right of their rank and the left of the two slashes. This will occur until the fourth dot, in which case an X with a dot on the left will replace the two slashes. This pattern continues on.

Earning Parts

While supplies are the primary way to feed the clan, all parts gained in a match are converted to supplies at the end of the match (spent of not). Almost every action in multiplayer results in gaining parts, meaning that a player can obtainall the supplies they need without ever gaining supplies from a downed/executed enemy.

Action Supply Raid Survivors
Revive 100 100
Heal 20 20
Gift an Item 100 100
Craft an Item 30 30
Execution 50 50
Special Execution 75 75
Mark Enemy 15 15
Marked Enemy Downed 25 25
Retaliation 50 50
Revenge 50 50
Win Game 1250 1250
Lose Game 750 750
Win Round - 425
Lose Round - 250
Last One Standing 500 200
Suicide 100 100
Kill 100 100
Long-Ranged Kill 30 30
Assist Kill 50 50
Headshot Kill 30 30
Molotov Kill 25 25
Nail Bomb Kill 25 25
Shiv Kill 75 75


Multiplayer Modes

The Last of Us only has two multiplayer modes: Supply Raid and Survivors. Both modes count toward your clans timeline, with each game being a day in the week.


Supply Raid

In Supply Raid, players join a team of up to four players with a total of twenty respawns. Each time a player on a team dies and respawns, a life from the pool of 20 is taken away. When there are no more respawns on a team the round will enter Sudden Death, meaning that all deaths for the team will become permanent. The first team to lose all 24 respawns and then be wiped out loses.

All scavenged or crafted items on one life carry through death and will be available when the player respawns. This means that players can scavenge items in one life and then craft and use them in the next. Additionally, placed Nail Bombs will remain on the map, even if a player dies, allowing them to get downs even after they have respawned or permanently died.


Survivors is a no respawn match of seven rounds with the first team to reach four wins the victor. Teams still consist of up to four players, but scavenged or crafted items do not carry over between rounds.


Gearing Up

Each player has a total of four custom loadouts and four standard loadouts. Each loadout consists of the following options:

  • 1 Small Firearm
  • 1 Large Firearm
  • Up to 4 Survival Skills
  • 1 Purchasable Weapon


Default Loadouts

Assault Loadout
Shorty Brawler 1 Assault Rifle
Burst Rifle Marathon Runner 1
Explosion Expert 1
Sniper Loadout
Revolver Sharpshooter 2 Military Sniper
Hunting Rifle
Support Loadout
Revolver Crafter 2 -
First Aid Training 2
Hawk-eyed 1
Stealth Loadout
Silenced 9mm Covert Training 2 -
Bow Strategist 1

Loadout Points & Custom Loadouts

When the player starts their first clan, the player have 8 loadout points that can be used to allocate weapons and skills to their custom loadouts. As the clans supply grows, the player will gain more loadout points to a total of 13.

When creating custom loadouts, the player spends the available loadout points to choose what they want. This could result in a balanced loadout of weapons and skills or a loadout with all skills and only a handgun.

One-Use Boosters

For every 5 clan members you you will earn one-use boosters. These items are selected before a match starts, and after selecting a loadout, and give the player a bonus for the current match.

Booster Effect
Starting Ammo Multiplayer 25% increased ammo for both firearms
Cheaper Ammo 25% reduction for all ammo
Cheaper Armor 25% reduction for armor cost
Cheaper Purchased Weapons 25% reduction for purchased weapon cost
Starting Small Firearm Upgrade Start with Level 1 upgrade
Starting Large Firearm Upgrade Start with Level 1 upgrade
Increased Part Earnings 10% more parts earned


Weapon Selection

In Factions, players can equip up to two weapons, not counting purchasable weapons: 1 Small Firearm and 1 Large Firearm

Weapon Type LP CostUnlock Fire Rate Reload Speed Dmg. Acc. Clip Size Ammo Capacity
Revolver Small Free Start 4/10 3/10 5/10 6/10 6/7/8 18/19/20
9mm Small Free Start 7/10 6/10 2/10 4/10 7/9/11 37/39/41
Silenced 9mm Small 2 250 Supplies
Shorty Small 1 375 Supplies 4/10 3/10 6/10 5/10 2/2/2 7/7/7
Silenced Shorty Small 3 1125 Supplies
Semi-Auto Rifle Large 2 Start 5/10 4/10 5/10 7/10 10/12/14 40/42/44
Silenced Semi-Auto Rifle Large 4 700 Supplies
Burst Rifle Large 2 1375 Supplies 6/10 4/10 3/10 4/10 9/12/15 33/36/39
Silenced Burst Rifle Large 4 3000 Supplies
Hunting Rifle Large 2 Start 2/10 2/10 8/10 9/10 1/1/1 16/16/16
Silenced Hunting Rifle Large 4 1950 Supplies
Bow Large 3 3400 Supplies 3/10 4/10 6/10 7/10 1/1/1 16/16/16


Survival Skills

Survival Skills can be equipped to a loadout and account for a majority of the ability of the player to survive in a match.

Name Level Cost UnlockDescription
Pistol Auto-Zoom 1 1 Start Zoom in while aiming a 9mm or Revolver.
2 2 150 Zoom in further while aiming a 9mm or Revolver.
Explosion Expert 1 1 25 The radius of your explosives is increased by 25%
2 3 2275 The radius of your explosives is increased by 50%
Reviver 1 1 Start Revive fallen teammates 30% faster and with 20 more health.
2 3 1375 Revive fallen teammates 45% faster, revive them with 25 more health, and get 25% more Parts from revives.
3 4 2625 Revive fallen teammates 55% faster, revive them with 30 more health, and get 50% more Parts from revives.
Brawler 1 2 150 Craft modded weapons in half the time and they can take an additional hit.
2 3 1950 Craft modded weapons in half the time, they can take an additional hit, and gain 10 health back with each melee hit.
Covert Training 1 2 Start Start with a shiv on each spawn.
2 4 700 You won't show up in the enemy's listen mode when crouch walking, and start with a shiv on each spawn.
3 5 6325 You can't be marked, won't show up in the enemy's listen mode when crouch walking, and start with a shiv on spawn.
Sharp Ears 1 2 250 The listen mode meter regenerates 10% faster and you can stay in listen mode 10% longer.
2 3 3000 Enter listen mode more quickly, the meter regenerates 20% faster, and you can stay in listen mode 20% longer.
Strategist 1 2 Start Know when you've been marked.
2 4 2275 Know when you've been marked and see nearby enemies on the radar.
3 5 5775 Know when you've been marked, see nearby enemies on the radar, and can choose an ally to respawn on. You are able to respawn several seconds early.
Hawk-eyed 1 2 25 Marks last 3 seconds longer. Aim at an enemy and click R3 to mark.
2 3 375 Marks last 3 seconds longer and marked enemies glow. Aim at an enemy and click R3 to mark.
3 4 4275 Marks last 3 seconds longer, marked enemies glow, and enemies within a short distance of your target are also marked. Aim at an enemy and click R3 to mark.
Crafter 1 2 Start Craft 75% faster.
2 4 700 Craft 75% faster, and for every 3 items you craft, you receive a giftbox. Equip this giftbox using the up button and you can give it to an ally. They receive a random item.
3 5 5250 Craft 75% faster, and for every 2 items you craft, you receive a giftbox. Equip this giftbox using the up button and you can give it to an ally. They receive a random item.
First Aid Training 1 2 25 Use Health Kits 75% faster.
2 4 1125 Use Health Kits 75% faster and can heal injured teammates. When looking at an injured teammate, you can hold X to slowly heal them. 10 health every 2 seconds.
3 6 4275 Use Health Kits 75% faster and can heal injured teammates. When looking at an injured teammate, you can hold X to slowly heal them. 20 health every 2 seconds.
Sharpshooter 1 2 Start Scope sway reduced by 25% and damage wobble reduced by 20%.
2 4 900 Scope sway reduced by 37% and damage wobble reduced by 35%. Get 15 health back for every headshot.
3 5 4750 Scope sway reduced by 50% and damage wobble reduced by 65%. Get 25 health back for every headshot.
Marathan Runner 1 1 Start Sprint for 15% longer and sprint regenerates 15% faster.
2 3 250 Sprint for 30% longer and sprint regenerates 30% faster.
Collector 1 3 375 Increases the number of parts you earn by 10%
2 5 4275 Increases the number of parts you earn by 20%

Purchasable Weapons

In Factions, players can equip up to two standard weapons and purchase an additional weapon in a match with supplies, if equipped to the loadout.

Weapon LP CostParts CostUnlock Fire Rate Reload Speed Dmg. Acc. Clip Size Ammo Capacity
El Diablo 3 350 150 Supplies 4/10 3/10 6/10 8/10 6 12
Assault Rifle 3 350 900 Supplies 9/10 4/10 3/10 5/10 20 50
Shotgun 3 325 Start 5/10 3/10 8/10 5/10 6 14
Military Sniper 4 450 6900 Supplies 6/10 3/10 10/10 9/10 5 15
Flamethrower 2 300 4750 Supplies 9/10 3/10 2/10 4/10 100 200
Machete 4 475 2625 Supplies - - - - 2 Kills 4 Kills



By accessing the Customization feature you can determine what your characters appearance will look like through clothing. As you are unable to change your individual body type in any way, this is the only way to have slight control of your multiplayer avatar.



Name Unlock Condition
Default -
Baseball Cap 10 Population
Beanie 10 Population
Crochet Beanie 10 Population
Jeep Cap -
Greek Fisherman Survive Until Week 1, Day 3
Fedora 25 Population
Conductor Cap 25 Population
Cadet Cap 30 Population
Straw Cowboy Hat 30 Population
Winter Hat Survive Until Week 2, Day 7
Legionnaire Survive Until Week 2, Day 7
Flat Cap Survive Until Week 2, Day 7
Deerstalker Survive Until Week 3, Day 7
Head Wrap Survive Until Week 3, Day 7
Pawkul 40 Population
Norwegian Hat 40 Population
Sou'wester Survive Until Week 4, Day 3
Hunting Hat Survive Until Week 5, Day 7
Bucket Hat Survive Until Week 5, Day 7
Bowler Hat 55 Population
Pith Hat Survive Until Week 6, Day 7
Military Hat Survive Until Week 6, Day 7
Skipper Survive Until Week 7, Day 3
Cavalry Hat Survive Until Week 7, Day 3
Garrison Cap 60 Population
Civil War Hat 60 Population
Porkpie Survive Until Week 8, Day 7
Boonie Hat 70 Population
Flame Head Wrap 70 Population
Campaign Cover Survive Until Week 9, Day 7
Rancher 85 Population
Fur Aviator Survive Until Week 10, Day 3
Headphones Survive Until Week 10, Day 3
Aussie Cattleman 90 Population
Poet Fedora 100 Population
Naval Officer Hat Survive Until Week 12, Day 7
Beret 115 Population
Black Rancher Hat 120 Population



Name Unlock Condition
Default -
Bandana Survive Until Week 1, Day 3
Surgeon Mask -
Goggles Survive Until Week 3, Day 7
Ballistic Mask 55 Population
Pollution Mask Survive Until Week 8, Day 7
Hockey Mask 85 Population
Combat Mask Survive Until Week 11, Day 7
Skull Mask 85 Population After 12 Weeks



Name Unlock Condition
Riot Helmet -
Biker Helmet 25 Population
Military Helmet Survive Until Week 4, Day 3
Spiked Helmet 40 Population
Battle Helmet Survive Until Week 9, Day 7
Combat Helmet 90 Population
SWAT Helmet 100 Population
Flight Helmet 70 Population After 12 Weeks



Name Unlock Condition
Fist Pump 15 Population
Knuckles Survive Until Week 2, Day 3
Chest Pound 45 Population
Blow Smoke Survive Until Week 5, Day 3
Salute Survive Until Week 8, Day 3
Come Here Survive Until Week 11, Day 4
Back Off 75 Population
Neck Crack Survive Until Week 12, Day 3
Bow 105 Population
Close Call 55 Population After 12 Weeks



Emblems are the images that can be layered together to create a logo that can be placed on the torse and arms or backpack.

None -
Angled Corner -
Circle -
Round Curve -
Angled Square -
Rounded Square -
Tech Square -
Sharp Square -
Bomb -
Clover -
Spray -
Cubed -
Paw -
Fist -
2x4 -
9mm Ammo -
Half Circle 20 Population
New Angle 20 Population
Squares 20 Population
Four Star 20 Population
Octagon 20 Population
Triple Hex 20 Population
Ring 20 Population
Heart 20 Population
King's Crown 20 Population
Large Eye 20 Population
Puzzle Piece 20 Population
Brick 20 Population
Bat 20 Population
Revolver Ammo 20 Population
Binding 20 Population
Angeled Triangle Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Octagon Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Thin Corners Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
8-Point Star Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Diamond Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Triple Streak Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Saw Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Eyes Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Lock Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Y Shape Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Triad Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Wooden Arrow Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Pipe Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Sugar Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
9mm Survive Until Week 1, Day 7
Arrow Border 35 Population
Sharp Curver 35 Population
Wide Octagon 35 Population
Abstract 35 Population
Egg 35 Population
Shuriken 35 Population
Shape X 35 Population
Spade 35 Population
The Hand 35 Population
Bombshell 35 Population
Assault Rifle Ammo 35 Population
Alcohol 35 Population
Health Kit 35 Population
Revolver 35 Population
Large Curve Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Braided Border Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Arrow Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Cog Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Splat Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Bomb Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Snowflake Badge Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Acorn Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Star Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Battleaxe Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Hunting Rifle Ammo Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Bottle Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Shorty Survive Until Week 3, Day 3
Barbed Border 50 Population
Dotted Outline 50 Population
Arrow 50 Population
Five Squares 50 Population
Wide Badge 50 Population
Eightball 50 Population
Nuke 50 Population
Bonebreaker 50 Population
Shotgun Shell 50 Population
Scissors 50 Population
Pistol 50 Population
Machete 50 Population
Shiv 50 Population
Bone Border Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
Squared Oriental Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
Curve Badge Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
Wide Star Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
Wide Roman Block Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
Fancy Star Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
Sun Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
Celtic Braid Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
Thin Star Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
El Diablo Ammo Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
Rag Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
El Diablo Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
Semi-Auto Rifle Survive Until Week 4, Day 7
Oriental Outline Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Roman Block Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Shield Badge Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Cluster Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Spearhead Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Boot Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Gasmask Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Wraith Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Flamethrower Ammo Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Explosive Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Bandage Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Mine Survive Until Week 6, Day 3
Angled Pillars Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Hexes Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Rectangles Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Bullet Ring Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Plain Shield Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Rock On Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Spooky Eye Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Samurai Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Modded 2x4 Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Modded Bat Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Modded Pipe Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Molotov Survive Until Week 7, Day 7
Skull Swirls 65 Population
Sharp Square 65 Population
Card 65 Population
Curved Cluster 65 Population
Antlers 65 Population
Flex 65 Population
Demon 65 Population
Part 65 Population
Stag 65 Population
Pawn 65 Population
Nurse Hat 65 Population
Tech Lines Survive Until Week 9, Day 3
Leaves Survive Until Week 9, Day 3
Crescent Survive Until Week 9, Day 3
Suit Survive Until Week 9, Day 3
Shark Jaw Survive Until Week 9, Day 3
Supplies Survive Until Week 9, Day 3
Crafter Survive Until Week 9, Day 3
Hunting Rifle Survive Until Week 9, Day 3
Military Sniper Survive Until Week 9, Day 3
Sideways Diamond 80 Population
Doubled Curver 80 Population
Pirate Skull 80 Population
Katana 80 Population
Ninja Two 80 Population
Brawler 80 Population
Burst Rifle 80 Population
Feather 80 Population
Helmet 80 Population
Vest 80 Population
Flower 80 Population
Steering Helm 80 Population
Doubled Triangles Survive Until Week 11, Day 1
Gavel Survive Until Week 11, Day 1
Skull Survive Until Week 11, Day 1
Chopper Survive Until Week 11, Day 1
Kitty Survive Until Week 11, Day 1
Flamethrower Survive Until Week 11, Day 1
Scope Survive Until Week 11, Day 1
Shotgun Survive Until Week 11, Day 1
Star Medal 40 Population After 12 Weeks
Medic 40 Population After 12 Weeks
Knife 40 Population After 12 Weeks
Leaf 40 Population After 12 Weeks
Ninja 40 Population After 12 Weeks
Demonskull 40 Population After 12 Weeks
Brock the Brick 40 Population After 12 Weeks
Bow 40 Population After 12 Weeks
Armor 40 Population After 12 Weeks
Lit Bomb 40 Population After 12 Weeks
Denied 95 Population
Banner 95 Population
Hawk 95 Population
Hook 95 Population
Spiked Bat 95 Population
Assault Rifle 95 Population
Large Bomb 95 Population
Knight 95 Population
Hawk Head 95 Population
Smokebomb 95 Population
Barbed 110 Population
Bear Claw 110 Population
Monkeywrench 110 Population
Endless Knot 110 Population
Kabuki 110 Population
Brass Knuckles 110 Population
Firefly Emblem 110 Population
Hunter Sign 110 Population
Bleached Skull 110 Population
Stealth Mask 110 Population


Challenges & Missions

Every few days during the 12 week period the clan will face some sort of challenge. These challenges can result in either the addition of new clan members or the death of your clan population.

Examples of different challenges:

Malaria Outbreak

An outbreak of malaria is sweeping the area. The [Hunters/Fireflies] have a supply of anti-malarial medicine. Improve the training of the group so we can mount an attack and steal it. +0-10% Population

Hunters/Firefly Attack

Scouts have picked up a large group of [Hunters/Fireflies] massing nearby for an attack. improve the training of the group to help us survive the attack. -60-10% Population or -100-20% Population

In order to decide the amount gained or lost, players pick a mission type that they must complete in three days (matches). There is three tiers per missions, with each tier resulting in more gained or less lost.

Mission Goal T.1 T.2 T.3 T.4 T.5 T.6 T.7 T.8
Down Enemies 3 6 9 15 20 25 35 45
Executions 2 4 7 12 15 20 30 35
Special Executions 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20
Revives 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 25
Heal Teammates 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Downs w/ Molotovs 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20
Downs w/ Bombs 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20
Give Crafting Items 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20
Mark Enemies 7 14 21 28 35 42 48 56
Downs w/ Melee 3 6 9 12 15 18 25 30
Shiv Executions 1 2 3 5 7 9 12 15
Downs w/ 9mm 3 6 9 15 20 25 35 45
Downs w/ Revolver 3 6 9 15 20 25 35 45
Downs w/ Shorty 3 6 9 15 20 25 35 45
Downs w/ Hunting Rifle 3 6 9 15 20 25 35 45
Downs w/ Semi-Auto 3 6 9 15 20 25 35 45
Downs w/ Burst Rifle 3 6 9 15 20 25 35 45
Downs w/ Bow 3 6 9 15 20 25 35 45
Downs w/ Long-Range 2 4 6 8 10 16 20 24
Downs w/ Headshots 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 20



Name Description Type
It can't be for nothing Obtain all other trophies Platinum
Look for the Light Find all Firefly Pendants Silver
Endure and Survive Collect all Comics Bronze
It was all just lying there Find all Artifacts Silver
I got this Find all Training Manuals Bronze
Scavenger Found all collectibles Gold
Let's gear up Craft every item Bronze
Master of Unlocking Unlock all shiv doors Bronze
Everything we've been through Fully upgrade Joel with supplements Silver
For emergencies only Fully upgrade all weapons Gold
I want to talk about it Engage in all optional conversations Silver
That's all I got Survive all of Ellie's jokes Gold
No Matter What - Easy Complete the game on Easy Bronze
No Matter What - Normal Complete the game on Normal Silver
No Matter What - Hard Complete the game on Hard Silver
No Matter What - Survivor Complete the game on Survivor Gold
The Last of Us - Easy + Complete the game on Easy + Silver
The Last of Us - Normal + Complete the game on Normal + Silver
The Last of Us - Hard + Complete the game on Hard + Silver
The Last of Us - Survivor + Complete the game on Survivor + Gold
Knowing the Basics Win a game of Supply Raid and Survivors in find match Bronze
Populace Build your clan to 40 people in Factions Bronze
Firefly Complete the Firefly Journey Gold
Hunter Complete the Hunter Journey Gold



Firstly, do not contact me about something that can be answered in this guide. Please read the following FAQ before emailing me.

Q) Can you tell me how to get past [fill in the blank]?

A) Almost everything that is not straight forward is in this guide, so try and find it first or figure it out yourself.


Q) Can you explain [fill in the blank] better?

A) Sure, just let me know what is unclear and I will updated this walkthrough.


Q) Your walkthrough is incorrect [fill in the blank]!

A) Let me know what is wrong and I will fix it. Thank You!


If you still have a question please contact me at: krystalnexus [at] yahoo [dot] com


Version History and Updates

Version 2.0 - Jun. 23, 2013

  • Walkthrough Complete
  • Collectibles Complete
  • Tags & Unlockables Complete
  • Trophies Complete

Version 1.5 - Jun. 21, 2013

  • Walkthrough The University to The Bus Depot Complete

Version 1.0 - Jun. 20, 2013

  • Walkthrough the Financial District to The University Complete
  • Added Collectibles

Version 0.5 - Jun. 17, 2013

  • Gameplay Section Complete
  • Walkthrough: Prologue to the Financial District Complete


Copyright & Disclaimer

Special Thanks:

Now for the legal stuff.

This FAQ is copyrighted (c) 2012 Krystal K. (krystalnexus [at] yahoo [dot] com) and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, under any circumstances except for personal private use.

If you are caught stealing this document, you can and will be punished to the full extent of the law.

It was written specifically for the following website(s):


These are the only Internet sites that have permission to post this guide.

It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. In another words, this document may not be redistributed in any form unless you have obtained permission from me.

Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

If you find any mistakes or see any information that may be wrong or missing, contact me at krystalnexus [at] yahoo [dot] com
