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Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Formatted FAQ/Walkthrough

by Krystal109
  Updated to v1.15 on

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - FAQ/Walkthrough

Version 1.15 - Dec. 27, 2013

  • Completed
    • Collectibles - Art Collection
    • Side-Quests - Mini-Games
    • Side-Quests - The Great Inagua Hideout
    • Side-Quests - Assassination Contracts
    • Achievement/Trophies
  • Updated
    • Side-Quests - Kenway's Fleet (linking issues)


Author: Krystal K. - krystalnexus [at] yahoo [dot] com

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First of all, thanks for reading my FAQ. This guide is intended to walk you through the gameplay, while finding all secrets and collectibles. It will include all side quests, collectibles, and strategies. If you want me to add something or notice a mistake, please email me at the above address with the correct information.

Donation Info

Firstly, thanks to everyone who takes the time to read this. If you find yourself using my guide and found it to be handy, please consider sending a donation to support the time and effort I have put forth to make a comprehensive and useful guide.

If you DO wish to donate anything:

  • Send a GIFT through Paypal to krystalnexus(at)yahoo(dot)com
  • Send an Amazon Gift Card to the above email

Thanks again for your time. I in no way want you to feel obligated to donate, your support via emails is always appreciated though.





The controls have not changed significantly since Assassin's Creed III, so you shouldn't have too much trouble if you played the previous games. That being said, the game will introduce the use of all controls through gameplay tutorials.

PS3/PS4 Xbox 360/Xbox One Wii U Standard Battle
L Analog L Stick L Stick Character Movement Character Movement
Kill Streak Aiming
R Analog R Stick R Stick Camera Movement Camera Movement
D-Pad D-Pad D-Pad Quick Inventory Quick Inventory
X A B Manual Jumps Break Defense
Fast Walk
O B A Interact Counter
Square X Y Primary Attack Primary Attack
Triangle Y X Secondary Attack Secondary Attack
R1/R2 (PS4) RT ZR High Profile Exit Combat Mode
L1/L2 (PS4) LT ZL Manual Aim Manual Aim
R2/R1 (PS4) RB R Collectibles Button -
L2/L1 (PS4 LB L Reload Reload
R3 R3 R3 Reset Camera Reset Camera
L3 L3 L3 Eagle Vision Eagle Vision
Start Start Start Pause Pause
Select Back Select Map Button -

See the Naval Basics section for controls on the ship.


Game Objectives

As with the previous games in the series, AC IV begins with some linear events that will introduce the player to basic gameplay controls. For seasoned players this should be a refresher course and a low difficulty introduction for new players. After a few linear chapters, the sandbox style gameplay will open up and allow the player multiple options.


Main Memories

Like the previous games, AC IV is split up into sequences made up of memories. In order to progress, the player must complete the main memories (marked with an exclamation point) to progress the story. These memories are the core of the games story, but there is a lot of Side Quests that the player can do to get the full game experience.

Secondary Memories

Secondary Memories are events that are optional and are made up of all the games Side Quests. These will flesh out the gameplay and make the players experience that much more enjoyable.

Full Synch & Memory Replay

All memories have Full Synchronization conditions that the player must fulfill in order to get the "Full Synchronization" and 100% the Progress Tracker. If the player does not complete the optional objectives, or only completes a few of them, they will receive a percent equal to their achievements. No worries! The player can always replay a memory by selecting it from the Progress Tracker to retry the objective.


Health & Desynchronization

Edwards's health is indicated by the gauge in the top left of the screen. When damage is taken, Edward will regenerate the health back fairly quickly as long as he is not in combat. Desynch occurs under certain conditions and will cause the player to have to replay the sequence from the last checkpoint.

  • Death
  • Fail an objective such as losing a target or not following an ally
  • Running out of bounds (indicated with the fractured Animus visual)


Movement & Navigation

Due to the game covering most of the basic movement controls in the tutorial chapters, I am only going to cover advanced information or controls that are not covered in the control section above; this will mostly cover common game features that were introduced in AC III with adjustments for AC IV.


Freerunning Through Trees

Although intimidating at first, once the player learns the visual signs for freerunning through trees they will find that it is easy and quite fluid. Unlike normal freerunning in the previous games or freerunning in town, where paths tend to end abruptly with nowhere to go, tree paths tend to link to each other seamlessly to reach cliff sides, bent trees leading back to the ground, or Leap of Faith destinations. The following are a bullet point set of tips:
  • Bent trees with a stump at its base or rock outcroppings that create a ramp usually signify a freerunning course
    • Some larger trees with v-shaped notches can be used to climb to a higher section
    • Other small v-shaped notches must simply be jumped through
    • Trees with branches on both sides of the trunk can be quickly passed around the trunk
    • Thin branches and vines can be swung across in most cases

Fast Travel Networks

Fast Travel has remained the same since AC III, with you only having to select a viable location from the map:
  • Any visited location will be allowed to fast travel to unless a memory negates this ability. This includes towns, islands, shipwrecks, caves, and Naval Forts
    • Most viewpoint can also be fast traveled to, allowing you to easily travel directly to, or rather close, to anywhere you want on an island or town


Unlike the previous games, AC IV spends much of the time in water, though the controls have not changed. Holding the High Profile Button will allow Edward to swim faster while the Interact button will dive him under water for stealthy approaches. That being said, when you are in shipwrecks of diving through deep areas, Edward has more advanced controls that will be covered in the game.


Social Interactions

- Info Coming Soon


Notoriety & Stealth


Notoriety returns with the game, but only at sea rather than in town. In general, it is always good to keep notoriety low to ease sailing through the Caribbean and prevent excessive amounts of battles and Hunters following you. Unlike the previous games you are either safe or hunted, with Hunter ships only approaching once your status has become too high from pirating too many ships. In order to lower notoriety, you will either need to lower it as an option when boarding and defeating a ship or bribing a local official in towns.


Whenever the player stands in close proximity to two or more civilians they will automatically blend in with the crowd and take on their behavior. While in "blend" the player is immune to being seen by enemy troops or suspicious individuals. As long as the hostiles are not in open conflict with the player, they can hide to prevent detection.

Hiding Places & Stalking Areas

There are many places in the cities to hide from view and previous players will be aware of the many options, such as hay carts, tall brush or grass that when entered will cause the player to crouch and serve as cover, benches, and wells. New to AC IV is outhouses which are generally attached to building and can be hidden in and attacked from like other stalking locations.

Corner Cover

If the player leans against any flat wall they will enter cover behind it. From this position, the play will gain the ability to Whistle and call over a guard and corner assassinate them. This also allows the player to keep a target in view around corners when following them without being detected.

Breaking Line of Sight

If for some reason the player is engaged in combat and wishes to escape, AC IV has kept the ability to run through open windows and doors to cut through a building and lose their pursuers. Like with the previous game, there is no need to navigate the interiors, as the AI will take over until the player reaches the other side.


Assassination & Combat

Depending on the individual, players will find themselves either engaging in combat a lot or a little. The basis for all combat is based on high profile or low profile actions against enemies.

High Profile assassinations have a much larger range of actions then low profile assassinations, but also put the player in a position to be seen and engaged in open conflict. This should only be used if there are no other targets around or the player doesn't mind engaging in combat.

Types of Assassinations:

  • Standard Assassinations - performed on the same level as the target
  • Double Assassinations - performed on the same level as two targets in close proximity
  • Air Assassinations - performed from above the target
  • Ledge Assassination - performed while hanging from a ledge below the target
  • Hiding Assassination - performed while in a hiding place, such as a hay cart
  • Corner Assassination - performed from a cover position on a flat-wall corner
  • Stalking Zone Assassination - performed while hiding in a stalking zone

Aside from assassinations, the player can perform a multitude of non-lethal attacks using the same combination of locations with the fists equipped. In addition, the player can tackle couriers or escaping targets by holding the High Profile Button and pressing the Interact Button while in range.


If the player is engaged in open conflict they can choose to run, by holding the High Profile Button to disable combat mode, or engage in battle. For combat controls, see the Controls section above for all available commands in battle. What the game fails to highlight is Kill Streaks and countering ranged attcks.

Kill Streaks

Kill streaks are a combat technique that result in chaining enemy deaths together from one to another, allowing the player to get instant kills without having to fight every soldier individually. In order to start a kill streak the player must succeed in defeating an enemy via a combo attack or counter kill. During the animation of the soldiers death, hold the L stick in the direction of the next soldier you'd like to kill and press the Primary Attack again. This can be done until there are no targets left or a players chain is broken by an enemy immune to counter kills or they are hit with an attack.

Human Shields

While not formally introduced in the game, the Human Shield will pop up anytime there is a enemy with a ranged weapon aiming at you and a shield available. Much easier than the previous game, enemies can be easily grabbed mid-combat to be used to protect Edward from ranged fire.




Sequence 01

This is the tutorial chapter that will refresh you on the basics of land and naval gameplay, first introduced in Assassin's Creed III, and introduce any new features that have been added for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.


Memory 01: Edward Kenway

Once you gain control, make your way to the ships wheel and take control. After a quick tutorial on how to fire the cannons, use the Left Stick to navigate the ship and target the enemy ships. You can attack from any angle, with the new explosive barrels being dropped from the back of the ship, so navigate around until you defeat all ships for a cutscene.

Do as the game instructs and swim to the shore for a scene. After the scene, freerun across the downed tree on the left side of the path and make your way across the bridge. You should now see white beams that lead up to a path that will eventually lead to your first synchronization. Swan dive off the perch into the thickets below and pop out for a scene. Instead of following the path northwest, head to the tree overlooking the water below to the west and dive into the water far below, allowing you to collect the Treasure to the west. Check the north side of the cover for another Treasure and then head west to the Message in a Bottle, 16. The Observatorie.

To reach the area above again, use the bow of the sunken ship to make your way northeast to a Treasure nearby. Using the nearby trees, climb up and follow the path north to another Treasure before it curves west. You can skin an dead animal nearby, reintroducing the hunting system from AC III, and then get the nearby Treasure. Follow the path north and climb up for another glance at your target.

Instead of following the mysterious man, head northeast for another Treasure and then make your way up the tower for another synchronization. Dive into the water below and then head north for a scene and chase. Instead of following the man directly, look for shortcuts on the right until you catch up to the man and draw your weapons. Do as the game instructs and counter the man and then attack to defeat him.

Head to the downed tree and synchronize before you jump into the water below. Instead of heading straight, turn around and enter the waterfall for a Treasure and then head toward the schooner. After you jump into the brush you will get a tutorial on stalking zones. You can choose to either stalk your way around and lure the guards in for silent assassinations or you can outright attack them. Either way, once all the guard are defeated get the Treasure in the south and then approach the merchant for a scene.

Before following Stede, check the nearby corpse for a Treasure Map. You can now swim to the ships, take the helm, and sail out of the cape.


Present Day

Of course there has to be an Animus subject running these memories, so you'll wake up in a strange room with a strange woman. Do as she asks and follow her through Abstergo Entertainment's building, learning a bit about this new venture that Abstergo seems to be into. Once you get your communicator you can access it to view quests and activities, messages, and files. Continue to follow Melanie and then access the elevator through your communicator and choose Fl. 2 - Sample 17.

Head toward the receptionist for a scene and then grab the Sticky Note 17 off the receptionist's desk. Instead of following Melanie, head to the southwest corner of the area and get the Sticky Note 4. Follow the wall east and grab the Sticky Note 7 by the fruit near the red beanbag and then check the southern most cubicle for the Sticky Note 8. Head to your cubicle for a scene, grab the Sticky Note 2 from your desk and then hop into the Animus.

You will notice that you do not have access to anything above 0, meaning all the doors are locked and are unable to be opened at this time.


Sequence 02


Memory 01: Lively Havana

Optional Objectives:

  • Tackle the pickpocket
  • Use Smoke Bombs to escape combat

I will only be mentioning Treasure locations on small islands that missions take place and that are directly on your way through the area. Large locations, such as cities, and islands that are completely optional are covered in the Island Breakdown.

Additional, although I do not mention Side Quests keep an eye out for new symbols on that map that are not merely collectibles and check them out for things such as Assassination Contracts and Tavern events.

Follow Stede until you reach the weapons vendor and buy any sword. Stede seems to have gotten us lost, so climb the church to synchronize with the viewpoint. Once the tavern is identified Stede will be in trouble and you'll need to chase down and tackle the pickpocket. Once tackled, defeat the man and then loot Stede's money and return to him. Follow him to the tavern for a scene.

The tavern brawl acts as a tutorial for brawling combat and after defeating the drunkards you will be attacked by Spanish soldiers. Do as the game suggests and equip your Smoke Bombs and then use one to run past the guards in the entrance to the tavern. Make your way out of the restricted zone and then lose your enemies to complete the mission.

You can now freely explore Havana, though much of the [[Side Quest]]s will be locked. That being said, you can still collect items and synch viewpoints.


Memory 02: ...And My Sugar?

Optional Objectives:

  • Hire Dancers to distract guards
  • Stay out of combat

Head for the exclamation marker by the docks in Havana to find out what happened to Stede after your escape. You will need to tail the Spanish soldiers while not being spotted. Stick a decent way away from the soldiers and use groups of civilians, haystacks, etc to carefully follow them. When they head through the restricted areas, follow along on the outside of the buildings and spot them on the other side. This will happen twice and then they will run off.

Follow them at a distance so they do not turn around and they will eventually stop. You need to eavesdrop on the conversation as the men walk, so hire the dancers and Fast Walk to keep up with them. When the objective changes to follow the Captain, use Eagle Vision to tag him and then follow him to a restricted zone. Wait for him to enter and exit the restricted zone and he will patrol the area of empty stalls. Stick close, since he doesn't turn around, and when he stops at a stall Fast Walk up to him and pick the key.

Use the beams in the water by the docks to enter the side of the fort and hug the wall, whistling to bring the guard out for a silent kill. Now enter and take out the other guards and follow the path up a set of stairs.

Barrels can be ignited to draw enemies nearby. This can be used in conjunction with the nearby closet to stealth kill some enemies, but is entirely optional.

Jump out the window on the other side of the barrels and make your way along the side of the fort, getting an Animus Fragment, and then climbing the wall up to the top floor. Wait for the patrol to come to the ledge of the area and ledge assassinate him. Check the roof of your target to the left and make sure that the sentry is not on this side of the roof and then climb up and Fast Walk to the door. After a scene, head to the fort wall and jump into the water to make your way back to Stede.


Memory 03: Mister Walpole, I Presume?

Optional Objectives:

  • Complete Rogers' shooting challenge
  • Pickpocket all Templars

Interact with the exclamation point at the gates of the Governor's Mansion in the southwest of the area you originally arrived in. Follow the path to the terrace for a scene and then take some shots at the marked dummies. Once all the targets have been shot, and the men have stopped chatting, and then talk to Rogers to engage in his shooting challenge. Once you have succeeded, talk to Julien for a scene and then follow your hosts.

As you enter the village area set up with targets you need to listen to Rogers and Julien to tell you what kind of assassination they want to see. Once they do, the potential target(s) will be highlighted and you can perform the correct kind of attack. The first attack is a standard close range ground assassination, the second is an assassination from the haystack, the third is a blended attack from around a corner or from within a crowd, the four is an aerial one, and the final is a high profile assassination done when running. Once you have completed the required assassinations talk to Julien and follow you hosts again.

After another scene, you will gain control of Edward for a short time. To complete the final objective you will need to pickpocket all three men before the meeting ends.


Memory 04: A Man They Call the Sage

Optional Objectives:

  • Tackle the Sage from above
  • Use the Pistol in combat

Talk to Rogers on the docks to start this mission and then follow the group. When the group is ambushed by assassins, stick close to Torres. Assassin's will guard standard attacks unless they are mid swing, so you will need to use counter attacks, grabs, your Pistol (for ground and roof targets), and whatever else to guard Torres. Don't worry about killing every assassin and letting Torres run off, instead just stick close to him and move on when he does.

When the Sage makes a break for it, don't follow him on the rooftops and instead use the street level. You will want to follow the road right until you reach a grassy area with a tree and stairs on both sides, just before the Sage reaches this location, and take position on the back left corner. When the Sage comes running, hold down the High Profile Button and tap the Interact Button to tackle him as he runs below (you do not need to press the Left Stick at all).


Memory 05: Claiming What's Due

Optional Objectives:

  • Stay out of combat
  • Kill three guards from Stalking Zones

Talk to Stede to the east of the Governor's Mansion to start this mission and then hop the fence and use the tall grass to kill both the guards. Continue and another patrolling guard can be lured into the grass with a whistle, giving you three stalking zone kills. Now all we need to do is make it into the prison without engaging in combat. Head for the house on the south end of the field to traverse over some guards and dive into some hay. Use the grass to kill the key holder silently and then loot the key.

Use the boxes by the wall to vault up and over and then use the tall grass to make your way along the wall, making sure to only pass when the guard have their backs to you. When it is clear, use the cart to climb the wall and jump into the bushes on the other side. Fast Walk around the wall to the left, around the wall, and open the gate to the prison for a scene.


Memory 06: The Treasure Fleet

Optional Objectives:

  • Free 23 pirates
  • Kill three guards from behind corners

After breaking free, take position on the right side of the doorway and whistle the first guard over for a corner assassinate. Move into the room and talk position on the left side of the shelves and whistle another guard over for your second corner assassination and then move into the next room and corner assassinate the final guard on the left. Now approach the back of the cabin and interact with the table for a scene.

Make your way up the ladder and to the bow of the ship, using the canvas covered boxes for cover and to lure enemies with whistles, although you can just go all out with your swords if you wish. Free the first group of prisoners and then head up the front of the bow. Turn left and jump from one mast to the other and then use the rigging to get above the two guards by the prisoners and air assassinate them. Free the prisoners and head up the bow to the next ship.

Ledge assassinate both the guards and the back of the ship and then hug the right railing to kill the Brute. Now approach the prisoners, air assassinating the two guards, and release the prisoners. Use the quick ascender to get to the top of the mast and then head out along the rigging to the next ship. Use the rigging again to head to the stern of the ship and wait for the patrolling guard to leave the stern so you can quietly double air assassinate the two guards. Now wait for the patrol to come back and corner assassinate him so you can reach the lower deck. Plow through the enemies, unless you want to do a stealth run, and then free the prisoners at the end. Head back above and follow the prisoners into the water and to the final ship, where you will need to kill the Captain and take control of the helm.

You will need to head for the waypoint while you avoid the fleet, rogue waves, and tornadoes. The fleet will easily be outrun, so just keep heading for the waypoint while looking out for any tornado. When you reach the waypoint you will get the Jackdaw and the game will now open up a great deal.


Sequence 03


Memory 01: This Tyro Captain

Optional Objectives:

  • Shoot an Iguana
  • Air assassinate an Ocelot

As you sail you can find random Naval loot and crew members in the water. Watch out for any of the symbols on the mini-map that indicate their presence and make sure to go to them.

Additionally, you should come across a Royal Convoy, which will trigger your first "discovery sharing". These are social discoveries that appear when playing online and are tagged for friends. There are many other social discoveries, so keep an eye out.

Sail to the green waypoint to the east to reach Abaco Island. You need to kill two Ocelot and two Iguana for the supplies to make Edward's holsters, but if you are going for 100% you will need to do it in a certain way. Killing two Iguana shouldn't be too hard, just make sure to free aim to kill one with the Pistol. Next, head for the downed tree that leads to the waypoint to get a better view of the area.

Grab the Treasure to the north and then hop on the bent tree to climb up the normal tree and eventually reach the Animus Fragment. Now head to the south side of the island and grab the Message in a Bottle, 11. Peter Beckford the Elder. Head east to check the corpse for another Treasure Map and then head up the tree just south of the Animus Fragment for you can get it.

In the northeast, find the fallen tree that indicates the start of a freerun path and make your way up into the trees. From here you should be able to air assassinate an Ocelot. Once you have killed 2 of each enemy the menu will automatically open. Go to Crafting and make the Pistol Holster II and Health Upgrade I. Head back up into the trees to get the final Animus Fragment and complete the island. You can now use the life boat to return to the ship and talk to Adewale.

Most of the northeast section of the ocean is now unlocked to be explored if you would like to before heading to Nassau.


Memory 02: Now Hiring

Optional Objectives:

  • Disarm and kill three guards
  • Shoot the rope to save the pirate

Head to the exclamation point below Abaco Island to enter Nassau. After a scene, make your way to the tavern where you can talk to Adewale to start the mission. You will now have to free pirates from your enemies. You can start by heading north of the tavern to find a man fighting three solider, so help him out. Just west of that is two more men fighting off four guards. Keep making your way across the island until you have freed all the pirates.

Before you return to the Tavern to turn in the mission, make sure that you complete the disarm and kill soldiers optional objective. To do this, select the fists and counter and disarm the weapon. You can then kill the soldier with his own weapon.


Memory 03: Prizes and Plunder

Optional Objectives:

  • Use a swivel gun to kill three sailors
  • Plunder 20 Rum

Head to the north beach of Nassau and talk to Benjamin Hornigold to start this mission. Sail south of Nassau and find a schooner with at least 10 Rum and attack it. Make sure you do not sink the ship, stopping when the ship is low health and stops moving. Once the ship is incapacitated, pull up slowly beside it, or behind it, and board the ship. Instead of jumping on board though, head to the swivel gun on the desk near the helm and use this to destroy the crew for the optional objective. If you need more Rum, or more kills with the swivel gun, continue to hunt the seas before you head to Salt Key Bank.

When you reach Salt Key Bank, head to the waypoint and purchase an the Hull Armour upgrade to complete the mission.


Memory 04: Raise the Black Flag

Optional Objectives:

  • Plunder a Hunter ship
  • Plunder 30 Sugar

You will need to take on 2 brig ships to get the required Metal to complete this mission, but you will also need to look for Sugar. Once you have the 70 Metal, the Jackdaw's notoriety will become wanted and Hunter ships will now pursue you. These ships are recognizable due to their X mark on the mini-map and their red tint to indicate an active enemy ship.

Once you have all the optional objectives complete head back to Salt Key Bank and bribe the local officer for 200 R. Return to the Jackdaw and head to the Captain's Quarters and interact with the ship model to purchase Broadside Cannons to complete the memory.


Memory 05: Sugarcane and its Yields

Optional Objectives:

  • Sabotage two alarm bells
  • Stay out of combat

Set sail for Andreas Island and park on the south side of the island. Start by checking the corpse on the south top of the island for a Treasure Map and then inside the sunken ships broken hull for Treasure x2. Continue along the west beach toward the viewpoint tower and you should get another Treasure in the area nearby before you climb up and synchronize. Now that you have the area uncovered, head east to the Message in a Bottle for 9. A Curiouse Incident at Sea, and then get the Animus Fragment from the cliff. Assassinate the two men guarding the Treasure with the Manuscript, "De Gama Diary Extract", and then head north to the Treasure x2.

With the island collection complete you can now talk to James Kidd to start the memory. Follow Kidd until he stops and then head toward the green zone and use Eagle Vision to find your target. Use the tall grass and the small groups of people to follow the agent to the restricted zone. You don't need to enter the zone, instead follow it along the left side and when indicated you can run north and return to the Jackdaw's helm.

Follow the agent's ship while staying out of the enemies yellow range of vision. You will eventually arrive at Cat Island where you'll need to hurry along the coast, just outside of the Restricted Zone, to eavesdrop on the target. Once the two men start walking, jump the fence and stay within the tall grass to avoid detection. Eventually, the guard will wander off looking for the key to the warehouse.

Technically you have passed the optional objective to avoide combat, so if you do end up in a fight it is not the end of the world. That being said, we need to find the key and sabotage two alarm bells first. Head west a bit and you should find the key holder by the tower. He and a friend will walk your way, so wait for them to pass and then double assassinate them from behind to get the key.

Now make your way back toward the tower and attack the patrol on the ground from the hay cart when the lookout isn't watching. Wait for him to turn again to approach the nearby bell, the one the drunk guard was standing at, and sabotage it. Now head back toward the warehouse and go around the east side of it, jumping into the pile of leaves on the other side when the Captain isn't looking. From here, you should be able to kill the Captain and then kill the guard by the alarm.

With both bells sabotaged, grab the Treasure x2 and Animus Fragment nearby before looking the warehouse.

You can now raid Warehouses all over the Caribbean for supplies and money. These will restock over time, so keep a look out on the map for full warehouses to get some bankroll and items for upgrading the Jackdaw.


Memory 06: Proper Defenses

Optional Objectives:

  • Use one broadside to sink two boats
  • Use heavy shot to sink two ships

If you plan to complete the optional objectives you will need to purchase the first Heavy Shot upgrade.

Sail to Salt Lagoon and land on the east side by the viewpoint, which you should synchronize. This should uncover the Treasure to the south and the Animus Fragment to the north. Continue north to get the other Treasure x2 and then use the trees to the north to get the other Animus Fragment. The corpse on the east beach has another Treasure Map, so get it before you talk to Blackbeard on the beach to start this mission.

Sail to the waypoint and head to the northeast side of the zone, using the spyglass to identify the "El Arca Del Maestro" ship. Stay out of its cone of vision and tail the ship. You will need to avoid the sight of other ships as well, causing you to do some sharp maneuvering, but otherwise the trip should be uneventful.

Once the other pirates, Charles Vane, head for the Galleon and are defeated by Mortar's you will need to avoid the Mortar shots by slowing down and jerking away from the yellow circles. After three rounds of fire you will then be attacked by eight ships. To get the optional objective, broadside ships while they are close together without aiming, this uses Heavy Shot fire instead of standard fire. It is worth noting that the objective for defeating two ships with one broaddside does not need to be a Heavy Shot, so if you have two ships left at low health, take your time and aim a shot that will hit them both.


Memory 07: A Single Madman

Optional Objectives:

  • Stay out of combat
  • Sabotage two alarm bells

Head for the exclamation point on the island of Great Inagua to start this mission. From the ship, head up the steps and the pile of stone to climb the wall and make your way left. You may notice the Animus Fragment above you, to get this go left on the wall rather then right, which continues the path. After the bridge collapses, climb up and use the crack in the wall to reach the Treasure before you drop back down and continue.

In the next large area, head through the ruins and into the jungle and take cover in the grass. A sentry here can be lured and killed, but after that you need to sprint straight through, across the columns, and into the next area (optionally you can take it slow and kill the first guard when the other walks off and then take the second one out). Continue and hide behind the pillar and wait for the next guard to walk up the bank and turn away, quickly walking up and killing him or crossing the branch above for an air assassination.

If you head off to the left, toward the Treasure instead of toward the waypoint, you will come to an area with a White Jaguar and a Shanty - Whiskey Johnny.

Continue back along the path toward the waypoint, kill another guard, and slide under the downed tree. The next area has a guard, which can easily be taken out from the bushes, and an Animus Fragment, accessed by using the trees to the north and swing over to it. Continue, opening the Treasure and hit the first waypoint.

Follow the cliff and head back into the jungle, using the trees and vines to get another Animus Fragment, and carefully approach the village and enter the stalking zone on the left. Although it is possible to head through the heart of the village, look off to the right to find a small path that leads around the right of the men, and also has a Treasure. Take the high road into the next part of the village and enter the stalking zone, watching out for the Gunner above the whole area. Head around the left of the hut directly in front of you and then follow the stalking zones around the left all, another hut, and eventually out of the area.

When you reach the main town, wait for the coast to clear and then head into the bushes directly in front of the guard standing still at the door of the nearest house. Wait for the circling guard to be far enough away and then whistle the door guard over and kill him. Now head to the outhouse on the side of the same building to kill the circling guard. Head out of the outhouse and northeast to the next stalking zone, killing another patrolling guard who passes this area. Continue to the corner of the last building and look toward the waypoint, where a guard patrols around a tree with stalking zones nearby. Wait for it to clear and then head to the bushes and kill the guard when he returns. Now watch the beach and make sure that the guard is walking toward the east and then silently approach the powder keg and ignite it, backing into the bushes and toward the beach. Once the keg goes off the guard on the beach will be checking the nearby bushes, so run for the water and hop in.

Swim toward the bow of Julien's ship and then climb up the far side. There is a guard that stands on the railing that you will need to ledge assassinate when the patrolling guard on the main deck isn't nearby and then crawl along to the back of the ship. Get onto the ropes that lead up to the mast and when the guards are not looking climb your way up to one of the sail posts and run along it to the other side, positioning yourself above Julien for a nice air assassination.


Present Day

Follow Melanie into the elevator and pick Fl. 15 - CCO. Enter Olivier's office for a scene and then grab the Sticky Note 19 by the bookshelves to the left of the door on the way out. Head back down to Subject 17 and head for the waypoint. John will give you infinite access to all Level 1 areas, so head into the workstation and access the computer to come across your first [[Hacking]] mini-game. The objective is to reach any spot on the green line and then follow the green line for an infinite loop.

There are three computers in this one room you can hack. The first computer you can hack is the required one for the story to get the Post-Mortem Report: Subject 17 file, and the other two unlock the Great Minds in History, Commission 2 and Subject 17: memo 3. Grab the Sticky Note 12 on the sothwest wall and exit.

This floor also has another Level 1 room with two more computers, both are new Data Stream mini-games. One of the computers has the "Subject Zero" - audio file 4 and the other has the Subject 17: memo 2. Additionally the north wall has the Sticky Note 16 that you should get.

After you have retrieved the file, head to the Lobby and check behind the receptionist's desk on the east side of the area for the Sticky Note 10. Hand the file over to the "courier" (Shaun and Rebecca) and then check the messages before you return to the Animus.


Sequence 04


Memory 01: This Old Cove

Follow Kidd through the forest until you reach the Mayan Stela and climb on to the top of the structure to interact with it. You will need to align the square and circle with the objects on the ground to discover the location where you can dig up a Mayan Stone. You will also get the location of all the other Mayan Stones on the map.

The Shanty - The Wild Goose in the nearby trees that you can get before you run off to follow Kidd.

Grab the Treasure as you follow Kidd and when you reach the underground cavern follow Kidd to a treasure room. You will get the location of the other Templar Keys and can now loot the Treasure here. Exit the house and make your way to the viewpoint and then dive down and meet up with Kidd to finish this memory.

Great Inagua will become your base and you can now upgrade it by purchasing buildings and interacting with people.


Memory 02: Nothing is True...

Optional Objectives:

  • Knock out three Assassins
  • Loot four Treasure Chests

Once you are ready to continue, head to the Jackdaw and listen to what Adewale has to say. After the conversation, head to the Captain's Cabin and interact with the map to access Kenway's Fleet.

This section of the game requires an internet connection and is similar to Mediterranean Defense and Assassin Guild from previous Assassin's Creed games. Additionally, boarded ships can now be added to Kenway's Fleet.

Whether you accessed the fleet or not, take the helm and make your way to Tulum. After landing, open the Treasure nearby and then climb the wall and hide in the stalking zone. There is two assassins here that when split up can be lured to the bushes with an easy whistle, netting you two of the optional 3 knock outs. Climb the mast to synchronize with the viewpoint and then dive off to get the Animus Fragment.

Ignore the land and instead swim around the beach and rocks toward the Treasure on the far side. A guard patrols back and forth here, so make sure to dive under water when he is walking toward the chest and then hop on land and knock him out when he turns around to walk the other way. You should now have no problem reaching the waypoint and then following it to a new area.

Wait for the assassin to head away from you and then use the trees to reach the Animus Fragment. From there you should be able to jump to the stalking zone and wait for the two assassins on the other side to split up. Use the column nearby to enter the trees and make your way to the next waypoint. When you reach the large area with multiple assassins, stick to the left wall and when the patrolling guard is walking away head up the steps and climb the wall.

From the first stalking zone you should be able to knock out the static assassins when his friends aren't looking. You can then move left to the next stalking zone and take out the second one. The third assassin needs to be taken out when he is closest to his original position, otherwise a nearby sentry will come over to investigate his body. Once all three of the assassins are taken care of, open the third Treasure required for the optional objective. Sneak up on the final assassin in the area and incapacitate him. The assassin in the distance can easily spot you, so watch his path and when he is walking right to pause at the cliff use the ruins in the middle of the area to leap across to the other side and hide behind the pillar. When it is clear, move to the back of the stalking zone and whistle to pull the static guard back and take him out, leaving it clear to take out the patrolling guard.

A Gunner far in the distance, by the waypoint, poses a serious issue here and timing will be key. Wait for the Gunner to head to the farthest point of her route and then use the branches to reach the ledge with the waypoint, pull up, run to the right of the broken column, and find some bushes on the right side. If for any reason you are detected after hitting the waypoint, you will luckily be past this part and not need to worry about it again.

Head toward the back of the area, but do not approach Kidd. Instead, head west toward the Mayan Stela, which you can complete for another Mayan Stone and then open the final Treasure required for the optional objective. Now approach Kidd to enter the next memory.


Memory 03: The Sage's Buried Treasure

This memory mostly consists of following Kidd and is of little interest other than story and platforming. Watch out when Kidd enters the bridge, if you follow you will not make it even though you should be able to. Instead, turn left and use the vines on the wall to jump to the red jaguar effigy and pull it down, as Kidd does the same with the blue one.

Follow Kidd again, jumping into the pool and use the on-screen instructions to follow him deeper into the Mayan Temple. When you reach the puzzle you will have to match every effigy with the same color as that of the wheel. This is easily done by using the none colored effigies to raise a effigy off the circle and by jumping on a colored effigy to lower it onto the circle. With that in mind, match up all three effigies with the circle to advance and complete the memory.


Memory 04: Overrun and Outnumbered

Optional Objectives:

  • Use eight Sleep Darts on guards
  • Use two Berserk Darts on guards

Follow Kidd and when you gain control use a Sleep Dart on the nearby guard. Kidd will jump down and kick the man, indicating that you should do the same to permanently knock out enemies. Berserk Darts, on the other hand, are similar to Poison Darts from previous games and will have the enemies attacking the allies until they are incapacitated or the timer on the darts effect wears off.

Start by following Kidd to a tree on the right and then jump up on the ledge and take out the Gunner. With this vantage you should be able to Sleep Dart the guard patrolling the steps and the three men directly below and then finish them off. Free the man in the temple and open the Treasure and then check to the east. It is always fun to use Berserk Darts to distract enemies while you find a nice safe place, like the bushes to the left of the closest guards position and usually ends with you having at least one less guard. Once you are in a safe place, sleep the leftover guards and then free the prisoners.

Take out the guards and prisoners to the north and south, along with a Treasure, and then head northeast along on the upper lever and put to sleep a Gunner on a wooden path. Finish him off, open the Treasure nearby and then backtrack to the viewpoint. Leap of Faith through an Animus Fragment and then look north for another group of guards and prisoners that you can free and then head down the bank into the bushes. There is two guards near the prisoners, one patrolling, and the Gunner in the tower to watch out for. Backtrack up the steps and use the walkway to the right of the hut to reach some ropes that eventually lead to the tower to free the prisoner and finish off the Gunner.

Look below you and a guard should walk toward you and stop just below the tower. Air assassinate him and then quickly hide in the bushes before the men in the distance identify you. Finish off the final three guards and release the prisoners. If you have no casualties from being spotted so far you should get a cutscene.

Kidd will introduce you to Assassination Contracts, if you haven't already been doing them. Talk to Kidd again to follow him into the Temple to place the Mayan Stones you found from Mayan Stelas.


Sequence 05


Memory 01: The Forts

Optional Objectives:

  • Use the Mortar to damage the fort
  • Use a running assassination to kill the officer

If you want to complete the optional objective you will need to purchase the first Mortar upgrade to unlock the weapon.

Fast travel back to Nassau for a scene and then return to the Jackdaw. Sail to the exclamation point to start this memory and then draw out the brig with any attacks. Once you defeat it, use the ship to repair the Jackdaw and take on the fort. You will want to use Mortar shots on the fort for the optional objective and then circle, keep moving, using Heavy Shots and standard broadsides to finish off both towers.

With the towers gone, swim ashore and run straight through the courtyard, into a building with an Animus Fragment and then exit to the right and running assassinate the officer. You can now focus on getting the other Animus Fragment and Treasure x2 as you make your way up the fort to the war room for a scene.


Memory 02: Traveling Salesman

Optional Objectives:

  • Kill four Gunners
  • Kill five guards stunned by Smoke Bombs

Sail to Kingston and then head east along the beach and talk to Adewale to start this memory. Follow the men to the restricted zone and when then enter turn around and take the first right, up a ramp and onto the rooftops. Wait for the men to start heading north and then jump through the trees and kill the first of four Gunners. Head through the trees again to the next roof and hide behind the chimney to assassinate the Gunner that climbs up.

When the men walk through the garden in the backyard of the current building and north again, hop down and run straight west to the next building with a ladder to the roof and climb up. As the men move south, follow them through the roofs, cross the rope, and climb up to the tall building where another Gunner awaits. Follow the men west again and when they head toward the garden, Leap of Faith into the hay and then head through the gap in the fence. As the men walk west, hop into the hay cart with the soldier leaning against it to silently kill him. Now wait for the men to pass the Brute by the stalking zone, run up, and defeat him too.

Back on the street, wait for the men to walk around a building with an open door leading to a set of stairs and wait a few seconds before running inside and landing on a branch outside. Get up and proceed to the rooftop of the nearby building and then use the beam connecting to the house to the north to kill your final Gunner. From here, Leap of Faith into the hay below and kill the soldier and then follow them from bush to bush until they stop.

Equip your Smoke Bombs while they talk and when combat begins run in and drop a bomb and kill as many of the targets as you can (most likely 3-4). Kidd will run off and when you tackle him the memory will end. This means if you want the final optional objective you will need to Smoke Bomb some random redcoats and kill them as you run after Kidds, no worries you shouldn't have a problem killing 1-2 and then catching up to him.


Memory 03: Unmanned

Optional Objectives:

  • Use two Berserk Darts on Brutes
  • Use two Sleep Darts on Gunners

Head to the exclamation point at the top of the windmill in Kingston and synchronize before you talk to Kidd to start this memory. After the scene, Leap of Faith into the hay below and make your way into the grass. You will need to kill the guard that walks up and back from the bell to your west and then cross to the next bit of grass and do the same to the man by the fence. Head toward the bell now and watch the guards, killing the one the one that walks close to it. The tower nearby has a Gunner that you can sleep and then carefully sabotage the first bell.

Eliminate the scout that walks under the tower and then head for the hay. If the guard is nowhere nearby, jump out of the hay and enter the bushes by the wall and follow the wall to a stalking zone near the bell. Wait for the scout that patrols to the man north of the bell to come closer and then whistle him over and kill him. Wait until all the guards are turned and hop the fence across the way and take out the static sentry from the bushes. When the guard that patrols the area returns, take him out as well. Now use a Sleep Dart on the Gunner in the nearby tower and when no one is looking sabotage the bell.

You can now backtrack a bit to the stream in the north and run along the log, into the v-shaped tree, up to the next level and run along the branches to the final tree, where you can go up another level. Berserk Dart the Brute leaning against the cart and watch as chaos ensues. When everything is said and done, Sleep Dart who you need to in order to Leap of Faith out of the tree and sabotage the final bell.

Make your way carefully to the waypoint to meet up with Kidd for a scene and then enter the gates and hide in the bushes to the right. A Brute comes walking down the steps on the left of the mansion, so if you still need Berserk Darts on Brutes this should be the final one. Head to the right side of the steps and climb the wall of the facade to the roof and hide behind the chimney. Approach the Gunner up here carefully and kill him and then use the v-shaped trees nearby to locate and air assassinate Prins.

You will now need to escape from the massive amounts of enemies by using the cart that Edward notices in the cutscene. This should lead you to a straight forward escape route if you stick to the high ground and only jump off when you see hay or have no where else to go. Once you get out of the restricted zone, become anonymous and meet up with Kidd again.


Sequence 06


Memory 01: Diving for Medicines

Optional Objectives:

  • Loot three Treasure Chests
  • Avoid being attacked by a shark

Fast travel to Nassau for a scene and then return to the Jackdaw and purchase a Diving Bell from the Captain's Cabin. Set sail and meet Blackbeard off the Florida Coast, his ship is the Queen Anne's Revenge, for a scene. Dock at the nearby waypoint to drop the Diving Bell.

Start by heading to the nearby Treasure and then swim past the barrel and into the broken hull behind the three jellyfish for another Treasure. Use the barrel to get some air and then get the Animus Fragment from the mast of the ship, stopping inside the nearby hull for another Treasure. Now head for the glowing hatch and open it, stopping to get air, and enter. Interact with the chest for a scene and then swim through the tunnel to an air pocket.

Dive back down and continue through a rough current, where you need to avoid colliding with objects, and when you exit you will meet up with a friend who is quickly devoured. Use the barrel nearby to catch some air and then hide in the seaweed. When the sharks swim away, head for the hull to the right and get the Animus Fragment. Exit into the seaweed and get the two Treasures nearby and then stop at the Diving Bell for some air. Return to the seaweed once again, to get the final Animus Fragment and Treasure you passed before leaving the area for good.


Memory 02: Devil's Advocate

Optional Objectives:

  • Rescue five survivors
  • Kill three guards stunned by Smoke Bombs

Head to the pirate ship by the Salt Lagoon for a scene and then sail to the waypoint, rescuing survivors as you sail by. When you reach the waypoint you will need to find the Queen Anne's Revenge in the southeast corner of the zone. Park near land and rush to Blackbeard's aid, Smoke Bombs at the ready. Stick close to Blackbeard and stun the soldiers, taking them out for the optional objective, and make sure to focus on those closest to Blackbeard.

After defeating all the enemies, head to the Queen Anne's Revenge and take the helm. Head straight for the man o'war and aim the ships impressive and deadly broadsides at your enemy. Once defeated you will get a scene and then be tasked with defeating the Captain. You can do this by making your way across the riggings and mast to air assassinate them or on the ground with a Smoke Bomb to kill him instantly.


Memory 03: The Siege of Charles-Towne

Optional Objectives:

  • Use three Sleep Darts on Crocodiles
  • Skin a Crocodile

Head to the exclamation point to Bonnet's ship The Revenge to start this memory. You need to sail at half sail, or slower, as you stay left and out of the pools of light that indicate the watchtower's field of vision. Once the boat automatically docks, jump onto the roofs and make your way to the bell.

There are multiple guards in the area that pose a problem. Leap of Faith into the hay cart and take out the first guard when the patrol isn't looking and then whistle the patrol over to finish him off as well. The rest of the stationary guards are facing away from the bell and can be ignored, but there is still a patrolling guard on the opposite side. Wait for him to walk away from the bell before you run in an sabotage it, returning to the ship that has now moved to your location on the docks.

Continue to follow the ship again to the next dock and this time you'll be pursuing the ship on foot. First though, we should Sleep Dart some crocodiles and skin one to complete the optional objectives. There is three crocodiles in the location where you exit, one on the right, one on the left (sometimes hard to get and can be skipped), and one straight ahead. Sleep all three crocodiles and then skin the one straight ahead before you process forward and climb the wall.

Shimmy across the hull of the ship and on the last beam you will need to climb up and swing to a branch, followed by running along a long. If you did need to skip one of the crocodiles from the previous area, there is a croc off to the left that you can dart as you pass by. Ignore the guard by the bell, running left, and use the crates to reach the upper level and catch up to the boat.

Wait for the boat to pass and then hop across the columns to reach a tumbled church. Do not pull up, as a guard on the other side will see you, and shimmy right to pull up and swing to the chandelier. From here you can move right and exit the other side of the church, if you are spotted just keep going. Swing to the ground and use the crates to get up to the next level and then wait for the boat to catch up, where it will have some difficulties. Continue on after the boat passes until you swing down into some grass for cover by a bunch of guards.

Walk toward the guards, who will begin to move, and make your way to the wall that the boat stops by. Once the eavesdrop starts you will need to climb the wall and use the beams to keep up with the men, being careful about getting ahead and having them spot you. When the men pause, wait for them to continue before you swing down and quickly hide to the right behind the wall. When the men move again get behind the barrels.

When the alarm is sounded the Captain will run off and you will need to pursue him. You can't actually kill him until much later, so focus on running swiftly and avoiding the guards. In general, you want to stick to the top and whenever you encounter a group of guards on the ground there is usually a ramp or alternate path to avoid them. Just keep moving forward, making sure to press jump when you slide down a ramp toward a crocodile's face, until you jump through a v-shaped set of banisters and then air assassinate the target.


Present Day

You can now hack into more computers on the same floor as your desk for the Security Systems Presentation (with an interesting Easter Egg of "ctOS", the same security system for Ubisoft's new Watch Dogs game) and the Crypto-History: Artifacts files.

Head to the elevator and up to Olivier's office again and when John contacts you follow his instructions. After entering the Level 2 area, check the right wall under the "Acces Reserve Restricted Area" for the Sticky Note 9 and then head into the camera room and hack the camera system (7-5-2) to watch the meeting.

After the scene, head to the waypoint and follow John's instructions to hack into Olivier's computer. After accessing the CONFIDENTIAL - Subject - RE: Potential time periods? file, wait for the receptionist to leave and then hack her computer too, getting the From the Journals of Edward James Kenway file.

You can ignore the request to head to the lobby and return to Subject 17's floor for more stuff to hack, netting you the following:

When you are ready head to the Lobby, where you can hack the camera room on the right and get the Sticky Note 11, and then hand over the file to Rebecca and Shaun. Grab the Sticky Note 6 from Shaun's coffee stand and then return to the Animus.


Sequence 07


Memory 01: We Demand a Parlay

Optional Objectives:

  • Sabotage the alarm bell
  • Kill three guards while hanging from ledges

In Nassau, talk to the men to start the memory and the return of Woodes Rogers. As soon as the men start to move, tag Rogers and then move further into the alley and climb the building on the left with a ladder. Instead of climbing all the way up, stop on the ledge and assassinate the scout when he walks toward you. Keep an eye on the men until a guard breaks off from the group and enters the alley and then air assassinate him. Watch the men from the large tree until they move on.

Head up the building to the left and ledge assassinate the guard and then continue to follow Rogers and the group across the rooftops. You will likely cross another guards that you can quietly kill. When the men approach the fort, hide in the stalking zones on the cliffside until the men enter the fort. You will now need to make your way inside the fort.

To the left of the fort entrance is the hanging platform and behind that is some trees and ledges that lead up into the fort. There are three guards on the way up that you can carefully ledge assassinate for the optional objective and then double air assassinate the men below. Run across the rampart and take out the Gunner and the look further along the path to a guard patrolling a wooden platform. Wait for the guard to turn his back and then run to the broken wall behind him and whistle him over for a kill (watch out for the Gunner in the distance and hide on the thin broken side of the wall to avoid his detection).

Below is a bunch of guards that patrol the area below. When all guards are at their most distant positions, jump off the wooden platform and hide in the grass by the bell. Wait for the Brute to return and then walk away again and sabotage the bell (this has the added benefit of making it impossible to desynch if you are detected). You should have no problem moving from one stalking zone to the next to reach the plans.


Memory 02: The Gunpowder Plot

Optional Objectives:

  • Kill four guards in one kill streak
  • Use 10 Blowpipe darts on guards

Make your way to the exclamation point in Nassau and talk to Charles Vane to start this mission. The good news is that there is no detection limitations, in fact you will need to get in open conflict to get the four kill streak for the optional objective. To complete the kill streak objective, find a large group of standard guards and throw down a smoke bomb to get at least 3 and then combo the fourth in at the end (you can create kill streaks by pressing the attack button and holding in the direction of your next target).

Before you grab the last powder keg, make sure that you have used 10 darts on enemies. If you don't have a lot on you, you can get more through crafting or by looting defeated guards.


Memory 03: Commodore Eighty-Sixed

Optional Objectives:

  • Kill three guards from Stalking Zones
  • Air assassinate Chamberlaine

Head to the exclamation point in Nassau and talk to Vane to start this memory. The game happily sets you on the way to completing the first task by having a guard standing right next to a stalking zone, so take him out. Make sure to tag the men with Eagle Vision and as the men approach the restricted zone head right, keeping just outside the restricted area. Eventually the men will turn right, heading your way, so take cover and let them pass.

As the men head south you will want to head to the right side of the restricted zone and find some bushes, when a guard nearby that can be lured with a whistle for a kill. Kill the other guard and then follow the men along the cliffside to a Leap of Faith by a rock and join them on their level. One of the guards from the group will break off and present his back to you, so get that final stalking zone kill and then continue to carefully follow the men on the right side of the tents.

When the objective changes to kill the Commodore, swim out to the ship and use the debris to reach the rigging. Climb the foremast and follow the rigging to the stern of the ship where you should easily be able to air assassinate the Commodore.


Memory 04: The Fireship

Optional Objectives:

  • Use the Mortar to sink three ships
  • Use a Fire Barrel to sink a ship

Head back to Nassau and talk to Vane by the beach to start this memory. As you follow the Royal Phoenix you will need to protect it from incoming gunboats. Start by taking out three with Mortar shot and if one gets behind you throw out a bunch of Fire Barrels, you will likely hit a few and get the kill you need.

When the Fireship breaks through the armada's lines you have smooth sailing all the way to the memory's end.


Sequence 08


Memory 01: Do Not Go Gently

Optional Objectives:

  • Use Heavy Shot to incapacitate the man o'war
  • Kill four guards

Fast travel to Abaco Island and then make your way to the exclamation point for a scene. This mission may look familiar to those who watch a lot of the game trailers prior to its release. Start by following the man and sitting at the bench to avoid detection and then join the men by the fire when he moves on. Continue to follow him into the next area and take position into the stalking zones as you move toward them and start the eavesdrop.

Kill both the guards quietly and then stop at the barrels until the men move on. Take the stalking zone to the left of the steps and when the men turn right follow them, killing the guard, and head through the building and into the stalking zone on the other side, where you can kill your fourth guard. Run straight across the courtyard and enter the grass on the other side of the wall and follow the men, killing another guard, and then enter the left room and go up the ramp. Wait for the men to pass and then hop down into the flowers and follow them to the camp.

You will now need to reach the Jackdaw in the set amount of time. This is a very straightforward path, just stay out of the fire and keep going.

Once at the Jackdaw, head into the water and loot come of the barrels to stock up on Heavy Shot. You want to get some good broadside Heavy Shots on the man o'war without letting it broadside you with their triple cannons. I suggest you go along the side of them once and then make a sharp turn with almost no power to broadside it from behind, where it has no defenses. Once defeated, board the ship and despite the objective you will just need to survive for a set period of time. Once you have lasted long enough a cutscene will occur and you will need to swim back to the Jackdaw and escape the fleet.


Memory 02: Vainglorious Bastards

Optional Objectives:

  • Damage the Royal African Pearl with an upgraded ram
  • Use the fort's defenses to sink a ship

In order to complete the first optional objective you will need to conquer the Naval [[Fort Cabo De Cruz]] before starting this memory.

Head to the exclamation point for a scene with Vane and then follow his ship to the Royal African Pearl. You will need to tail the ship, using the swivel gun to blow up the Fire Barrels and the Chain Shot or Mortars to damage it. Keep following it until you come out of the cove and Vane's skip will be seriously damaged, giving you 15 seconds to sail over to him and save him.

Once Vane is on the ship, make sure to ram the Royal African Pearl for the optional objective and then incapacitate it however you want. Instead of boarding the ship, damage the Spanish ships, making sure to leave at least one alive, and then sail over to the Fort. The Fort should auto attack the ship(s) and sink it, satisfying the other objective.

Return to the Royal African Pearl and complete the objectives to finish the memory.


Memory 03: Marooned

Optional Objectives:

  • Skin three animals
  • Air assassinate Vane

Vane has apparently gone a little looney, as if he wasn't before, after his stay on the island without wine and women. Start by heading to the bowsprit of the sunken ship and synchronizing the viewpoint and then clear the beach of Treasure x2 and the Message in a Bottle 2. Earlie Opinions of My Condition. You can now head inland, following the waypoints, until you spot the Animus Fragment, which you can get by climbing the rock to a tree and then crossing the branches.

The Black Jaguar is located on this island and is worth killing for the optional objective and its pelt, which is used to craft Sleep Dart I. Additionally, although there is other areas to hunt in this zone, you can actually run far away and then return to make this Black Jaguar respawn and complete the optional objective here.

From the Jaguar's area, head south notice a stone wall with a tree branch facing it. Follow the freerun path backwards to find some stones that you can climb that leads to vines, which eventually lead you over the stone wall. This area has two Treasures and an Animus Fragment that you should get before continuing.

Follow the waypoints for a quick scene and then climb the ruins to a Treasure. From the treasure you should be able to jump to the nearby tree for an Animus Fragment and then complete the Mayan Stela for a Mayan Stone. Now climb the ruins on the other side of the gorge and get the Treasure on a ledge before jumping to the stone effigy and climbing up to the viewpoint and synchronizing it.

Leap of Faith off the ruins and then follow Vane for a scene. You want to head right to a tree and a ruins with a doorway and then from here straight and then left to flank Vane. When you reach Vane's previous location he will have moved and left you a little gift.

Follow Vane until you come to the first powder keg and you will find your second Jaguar, if you still need these kills. There is also a pit with a corpse, guarded by a crocodile, and an Animus Fragment in the area. Make your way to Vane for a cutscene and then you will need to avoid Vane in the same way you did previously.

Make your way around the right side of the ruin that Vane is on and then climb the back. You can actually get all the way up to the viewpoint and synchronize it before you air assassinate Vane and finish the memory.


Sequence 09


Memory 01: Imagine My Surprise

Optional Objectives:

  • Kill four Brutes
  • Sabotage two alarm bells

Fast travel to Kingston and head to the exclamation point to talk to a man from the Royal African Company. Head into the grass of the restricted zone and take out the three guards by the alarm bell so you can sabotage it and make this easier on you if you are detected. Exit the restricted area and follow the wall to the southeast side of the area and hop back into the stalking zones. Once again there is three men guarding a bell that you will want to kill and sabotage. Grab the Treasure inside the building and then follow the grass north and then west.

In order to kill enough Brutes we are going to need to draw them over to the grass quietly. Wait for everyone else to be facing away and then stand up out of the grass until the Brute's detection meter is half full and he begins to move. With the Brute on his way over, you can return to the grass and kill him quietly. Wait for the coast to clear and then move toward the two-story house and kill your third Brute. With the majority of the treats taken care of, Sleep Dart the Gunner on the roof and then take him out.

Head back to the ground and onto the roof of the opposite building and activate Eagle Vision to spot Hornigold and Rogers. With the two men tagged, backtrack and climb up the nearby tree. As the men walk south, follow them through the trees and then Leap of Faith into the hay below. There is no need to follow the men directly, since you can apparently see through walls when they are tagged, so take the east road and wait for them by a tree to the north of the restricted area.

Wait for Hornigold and Rogers to catch up and then follow them through the stalking zones until they enter a large restricted zone and then head into the grassy farm nearby and wait for the eavesdrop to pop up.

Enter the stalking zone just barely in the circle and then use the gap in the fence to reach a stalking zone inside the restricted zone. Start by killing the guard by the bushes and then move to the next one and kill the other when the men pass into the barn. You will need to quickly climb into the second level of the barn, kill the Gunner, and then make for the haycart on the other side. When the men pass, head into the fence and take position behind the crates until the guard turns his back to you for an easy kill and then follow along the warehouse wall for a scene.

After the scene you will still need one Brute kill for 100%, so head out to the dock to find a Brute and drop a Smoke Bomb to kill him, escape, and finish the memory by escaping.


Memory 02: Trust is Earned

Optional Objectives:

  • Double assassinate Cockram and Burgess
  • Free two groups of pirates

Sail to the exclamation point to the far southeast to start this memory and then you will need to defeat 5 ships before you can sail ashore. Once on land, synchronize the viewpoint and then grab the Treasure on the beach. As you head toward the waypoint you will cross two groups of guards that can be double assassinated with ease. Use the trees to get the Animus Fragment and then enter the camp for a Treasure and a scene.

You don't need to be stealthy, but it doesn't help to avoid open conflict as you make your way through this area and especially when you approach the men guarding the pirates. Start by putting a waypoint on the Treasure to the north to get you close to the first set of pirates.

Clear out the area of enemies around the treasure and then take position on the fence so you can see the Gunners and the guard nearby. Whistle over the first guard for a corner assassination and then hide behind the building on the right. You will want to ignore the Gunners and pirates for now and Sleep Dart the Gunner in the tower so you can kill the patrolling guard and then kill the Gunner above. You should now easily be able to free the first set of pirates.

If you want the Animus Fragment x2 above the ocean you will need to dive into the water and circle your way back up the beach, twice.

Make your way along the cliffside toward the next set of pirates and use Darts and stalking zones to keep quiet, though as long as you are far enough away from the Gunners protecting the pirates you shouldn't have a problem if you are detected. Once you have killed the guards and freed the second set of pirates, Sleep Dart the nearby Gunner in a tower and climb it to kill him and synch the viewpoint.

Once you Leap of Faith and find Cockram and Bergess you will have limited time to double assassinate them, as they eventually break apart and never get close enough again to perform it. From the hay cart, kill the Scout between you and the house and then go behind it and follow the coast east. Kill the guards that get in your way quietly and then stop at the last house. There is a large tree here with some stalking zone at its base that you can use for cover while you wait for the two men to join up and turn their backs away from you, allowing you to sprint in and double running assassinate them.

Wait for the lecture by the Sage to end and you will be done with Sequence 09.


Sequence 10


Memory 01: Black Bart's Gambit

Optional Objectives:

  • Stay out of combat
  • Use a rope swing to kill the captain

Head to the exclamation point to the southwest of Misteriosa to find the ship the Princess and start this memory. Sail slowly through the channel until you reach the Portuguese ship and then dive into the water and swim over, using O/B to stealth approach. Swim up to the left side of the ship, aligning yourself with the rigging that leads to the top of the main mast and when the majority of the crew is not looking climb up (you will be spotted but as long as you are not full detected you will not ruin the optional objective). When you reach the first platform with the guard, shimmy left along the platform and climb up and then make your way to the flag (you can Sleep Dart the guard on the other mast for safety if you want). Return to the Jackdaw.

Do as instructed and make your way through the channel slowly until you find the "Nosso Senhor". Instead of following the chest on land, and running into tons of guards, swim along the coast to the opposite beach and wait for the Gunner and guards on the ground to face away and make your way to the Stalking Zone under the tower. Sleep Dart the guards near the chest, loot it, and then make your way back to the Jackdaw.

Sail through the channel some more until you catch up to the ship again and then dive into the water and enter the beach from the far south, avoiding the two patrolling guards and entering the Stalking Zone. You can Berserk Dart the Brute near the tower to keep the guards below distracted and then use the bent tree to run to the tower and double assassinate the two lookouts.

Make sure that the men below are facing away from the water or still distracted and then jump down into the ocean and swim along the beach to a shipwreck. From the bowsprit of the wrecked ship, Sleep Dart the Scout that patrol between you and the tower and then climb the ladder and kill the lookout. Look at the ship nearby and wait for the Captain to walk almost on deck and then run and hop on the rope, keeping the Captain in view and spamming the assassinate button (do not hold X/A or you will jump off before the air assassination and have to start over from the beginning and kill both lookouts again).

Once you have control of the flagship you will need to escape while defeating all the ships. The flagship is well armed with Heavy Shot and rear cannons, but the Mortars are the most deadly weapon on this baby. Use the Mortars every chance you get while you use the other weapons during reload and then sail to the waypoint for a scene.


Memory 02: Murder and Mayhem

Optional Objectives:

  • Stay out of combat while finding Hornigold
  • Air assassinate Hornigold

Sail to the exclamation point to start this memory and then sail northeast toward the main island, trailing the ship. When the ship you were tailing heads south, take position behind the peninsula and wait for the patrol ship to the east to start to turn south and then continue along the coast. When you reach the southern tip of the northern island sail across to the south island and follow its coast around a small island and then north along the search zone to find Hornigold's ship to the north of the large island we started by.

Once you spot Hornigold's ship you no longer need to worry about staying out of combat and will need to focus on sinking the fast schooner. After major damage The Benjamin will crash land on the island and you will have to follow on foot.

There is no penalty for open conflict, as long as it is nowhere near Hornigold, so you can make a stealthy or loud approach (I will be writing this in a non-stealth way). Stop by the Mayan Stela and solve the puzzle for another Mayan Stone and then head for the Animus Fragment, killing the Gunner and men on the opposite side of the water. Head east to a beach and then find a rock the leads up into the trees for a freerun path to another Mayan Stela with a Mayan Stone. Now head southwest to another set of ruins and clear out the guards, especially the Gunner, and then grab the Treasure x2 from under the temple by falling into a gorge on the south side.

Once you reach the final bit of island that Hornigold is on you will need to be more careful, focusing on stealth so you do not ruin your air assassination for the optional objective. Stick to the south side of the ruins and Sleep Dart the Brute and Scout that are in your way. Continue along the south ledge of the island and then enter the lower level of the temple for Treasure x2 and then climb up the pillars on the back side and air assassinate Hornigold.


Memory 03: The Observatory

Optional Objectives:

  • Incapacitate all Guardians while unarmed
  • Incapacitate five Guardians from Stalking Zones

Sail to the exclamation point on Long Bay to start this memory and enter the jungle. You want to incapacitate, not kill, all Guardians so make sure that you have your fists equipped. Enter the bushes on the right and then use Eagle Vision to spot the first guardian and hug the right wall to get behind him and knock him out. Use Eagle Vision to spot the other two guardians in the zone and Sleep Dart the first, taking him out quietly, before sneaking up on the third for a Stalking Zone incapacitate to clear the zone. With the zone clear you can now get the Animus Fragment in this area and the Treasure to the north. Do not go into the next zone from this area, instead backtrack to the previous area and head along the path by the water.

As you enter the search zone hide in the bushes to the right and make your way to the right, Sleep Darting and knocking out the three guardians to clear the zone. Once cleared, head over the swamp and into the tree platforms, where you can Sleep Dart another guardian and knock him out. Identify the guardians to the north and west and use the beam to the west to air knockout the one guardian and then sneak up and take out the other for a stalking zone knockout. Head east carefully, identifying and then knocking out the final guardian in the area.

As you approach the caves you will come to a beach village with a viewpoint you can synch and an Animus Fragment above the poles in the ocean to the north. Enter the caves and take position in the stalking zone and identify the three guardians. The guardian sitting on the ground may look like an easy knockout, but the game is stupid and will have you punch him if he is sitting down. In order to get the nearest guardian to stand up, Sleep Dart one of the guardians in the distance and then take him out when he stands up. Now make your way over to the other two guards and take them both out.

You will need to make your way across the upper level, Sleep Dart the guardian Gunners and knock him out. Make your way across the bridge and look out for the other Gunner on the opposite side and Sleep Dart him and then jump across the gap to finish him. With the Gunner's gone we can now take out the two guardians in this area and get the Treasure.

Wait for the Gunner on the lower level to walk to his eastern-most position and Sleep Dart/knock him out and then head down to the water and Sleep Dart the two static guards. The third guard should come over within range and Sleep him as well to finish him off. The path will lead back to the entrance, where you can walk under where you entered the cave to find a Treasure.

Backtrack to the south end of the cave where a guardian patrols a small cavern and take him out when he turns his back. Follow the path down and back into the jungle where you can find Animus Fragment x2. When the path splits north, use Eagle Vision to spot a guardian in the bushes and take him out before you head north. As you approach the waterfall, look to the left for another guardian that you need to take out before you get the nearby Treasure.

Head south to a new area where a guardian patrols across the smooth stone walkway and Sleep Dart him and take him out. Climb the structure to synch the viewpoint and then spot the guardian below with an air knockout. His buddy is in the stalking zone nearby and should be taken out before you climb the Mayan Stela and complete it for the Mayan Stone.

Follow Roberts through the Observatory and drop the crate where the waypoint identifies. After the long scene climb your way back up to the upper level. The path back is sealed, so approach the wall to the north and climb the structure up and then shimmy left. As the camera indicates you will want to climb you the structure more, shimmy across, back jump, and then shimmy left. You will automatically get an Animus Fragment as you make your way out and slide down the cliff. Make your way toward the pirates on the beach to end this memory.


Present Day

After the communication from Lemay and John from IT you can roam the area, hacking the computer for the [[Great Minds in Histroy, Commission 1]] and grabbing the Sticky Note 14. Head for the waypoint, getting the Sticky Note 18 under the "Securite Security" writing, and access the camera to solve the puzzle (3-5-7-7).

You can now head to the server room and approach the server, hacking it (3-7-7-7) to initiate the remote hack, getting the Age of Cutthroats video. After the scene, return to the Animus.


Sequence 11


Memory 01: To Suffer Without Dying

Optional Objectives:

  • Sabotage three alarm bells
  • Visit two old friends

When the scene starts you can choose to rattle the cage to help in your escape or simply wait for events to unfold naturally. Once you have control, head left up the crates and into the trees to a Leap of Faith into a hay cart and then assassinate the guard that walks by. Wait for the Captain and nearby guards to turn away and then sabotage the bell and head into the stalking zone nearby. A guard may come to investigate, so kill him if he does and then cross to the other side, killing the other two guards quietly when possible.

If the guards spot the body of their buddies they will run for the alarm, so if you are going for stealth you don't want to kill anyone in the open or you want to use the corpses to lure more guards in the area to make sure that you clear it out before moving on.

There is actually no reason to stay quiet, but it does make the mission easier. If you don't care you can just go in and kill all the men and focus on any enemy that is running for a bell to kill them so they don't trigger it.

Follow the wall southwest to a fence and then wait for the nearby patrol to walk by and assassinate him. Look to make sure all guards are facing away and then rush to the well and hop inside and carefully shimmy around to kill the guard standing by it. Wait for a clear path to the crates across the way and take position on a corner so you can whistle and corner assassinate the final patrol in this area. The final static guard should be no problem for you, so take him out and then sabotage the bell.

Follow the stalking zone to two guards and wait for the patrolling guards to look away and move to the bushes behind the single guard to the north. Wait for his buddy who stops right in front of him to start walking away and then stealth kill the single guard from the bushes. Wait for his buddy to return and whistle him over for another stealth kill and then return to the area behind the pair of guards. Wait for the patrolling guard to walk away so you can double assassinate the guards and then rush over and finish off the last one.

If you head south a bit you can find the body of Rackham in a cage and interact with him for the optional objective and then climb the wall and jump to Rackham's position and then over to the Animus Fragment. Head along the wall with the scaffolding toward the bell and look above the north gate where a Gunner patrols and either wait for him to look away or Sleep Dart him and then sabotage the bell.

The guard near the cart will come to investigate, so get back in the stalking zone and kill him and then head up the scaffolding and then hop down to some crates. With the Gunner still asleep, wait for the guard to walk north and then run along the south wall to some bushes. Watch for the guard who walks in the ditch below and make sure he can't see you and continue along the south wall to the next corner.

Wait for the guard that patrols the sunken ditch to return and when he turns his back run down and kill him and then return to the bushes on the inner side of the corner. Look to the east wall and wait for the patrolling guard to turn and walk away and then double assassinate the guards by the cannon and return to the bushes you came from. Wait for the patrol to return and investigate his friends death and then jump the gap to get behind him and finish him off as well. Using the inner wall, head for the the roof of the house to the north and then turn and hop into the hay on the corner of the area below.

In the courtyard there is a lot of guards you can ignore, so wait for the guards to walk away and then whistle over the guard blocking your exit and kill him from the hay. When clear and all guards are not looking, head inside the prison (you must be anonymous).

Follow the corridor until it bends right and use the wall to whistle the guard over and corner assassinate him. Since there is no penalty for open conflict, enter the main room and kill the guards and then check the cell in the corner to complete the optional objective. The rest of the memory is a straight shot to the girls with only a few guards in your way.


Memory 02: Delirium

This memory starts directly after the the previous and is a story focused memory with all you needing to do is head for the waypoints. After a bunch of scenes where you have minor control you will complete this memory.


Memory 03: ...Everything is Permitted

Optional Objectives:

  • Use the Rope Dart to hang two guards
  • Use the Rope Dart to pull three guards

Fast travel to Tulum to start this memory with Adewale and then follow Ah Tabai for another scene and get the Rope Dart.

This sequence is short and action packed with limited opportunities to get the optional objectives filled. In the first fight I suggest you hang at least one man and get the three pulls. In the second fight, get the second hang and finish off the enemies. If for any reason you find you need to hang more guards, when you reach the beach get up into the trees and find a target quickly.

The Rope Dart is great for getting Captains and Brutes off their feet for easier kills, so use this to your advantage.

Once you reach the beach get the required kills and then rush over to the Spanish ship and kill the Captain.


Sequence 12


Memory 01: A Governor No Longer

Optional Objectives:

  • Kill the diplomat from a haystack
  • Kill Rogers from a bench

Fast travel to Kingston and head to the exclamation point to start this memory. Head toward the markets and identify your target and then climb the buildings to the north. Locate the white tower to the north and the restricted zone north of that; this is your destination. Stay within 40m of your target but make your way to the roof of the building just south of the restricted and Leap of Faith into the hay below. Wait for the diplomat to stop there and the guard to walk by and grab him before he moves on.

After a scene head for the waypoint and hug the left wall, using the veranda to hide from Rogers. Sit on the bench here and wait for Rogers to walk by and you can easily kill him. You can now escape the area quickly and then head for the waypoint.


Memory 02: Royal Misfortune

Optional Objectives:

  • Kill eight guards by destroying powder kegs
  • Use a Rope Dart to kill Roberts

Sail to the exclamation point to enter Principe and start this memory. Swim ashore by the Animus Fragment on the left, which you can get, and then enter the stalking zone on the left. There are 2 powder kegs on the slope to your left that will cause a chain reaction when hit, so target them with free aim and when the large patrol walks by and stops hit it. Use Berserk Darts on the remaining guards and finish off anyone left.

Head behind the house, between it and the ramp to the upper level, and follow this to a large area of stalking zones with a Brute. Take out the Brute and then spot the powder keg in the street and wait for another patrol to finish off your optional objective. You can then distract the searching guards with a few Berserk Darts and backtrack to the ramp.

Though there is no need for stealth the less enemies you have on your tail the better when you find Roberts. For this reason, I suggest you kill all the guards in your way before approaching the coast and spotting Roberts. Once spotted, Roberts will jump onto his ship and leave you to fight his minions. You don't want to kill them all, as a clock is ticking down, so throw a Smoke Bomb down and kill two and then head for the tree and jump into the water. You will need to reach the Jackdaw's helm in the alloted time or fail.

You can't follow Roberts directly at first, so sail around the cover and dwindle his life with Mortar and Chain Shot while avoiding the Fire Barrels. Even if you manage to get the ship almost sunk the life will not deplete until you get to open water so save your ammunition. Once the British ships arrive, finish of the Royal Fortune.

Use the lift to get to the top of the Jackdaw's mast and make your way to the main mast above Roberts and target him with the Rope Dart and hang his ass.


Memory 03: Tainted Blood

Optional Objectives:

  • Stay out of combat
  • Use two guards as a human shield

Fast travel to Havana and quietly make your way to the assassin to start this memory. Although you don't need to stay out of combat, it is a good idea to anyways to avoid wasted time. Start by making your way across the roofs, Sleep Darting the Gunner, and then knock out the Gunner and follow the roofs along the wall of the main area to finally spot El Tiburon.

Backtrack the way you came and when the men turn east just stay on the roofs and follow them quietly. When they stop to kill a few men in the open wait for them to pass and then head to the building across the way so that you are now on the right side of the men and continue to follow them over the roofs. Kill the first Gunner you come across and then Sleep Dart his friend to the northeast and kill him as well. Continue north and Sleep Dart a Scout on the roof and a Gunner just a little further ahead and El Tiburon will enter the fort.

The objective to stay out of combat will officially begin and you should take it slowly and carefully from here on out. Free run through the trees to the outer wall and climb up, being careful that the Gunner is facing away when you pull up and assassinate him. Sleep Dart the Scout on the south side of the fort before you take him out and then do the same for the one to the north of where you jumped into the fort. You can now go out onto the rope above the courtyard and air assassinate Torres.

In the fight with El Tiburon that follows, you will want to focus on the optional objective of using the plain soldiers and human shields against Tiburon's pistol. Once you have the objective filled, you can go to work defeating El Tiburon. If for any reason you run out of bullets and the game bugs (as it did for me) so that you can't open the chests for more ammo, lose El Tiburon and loot some of the bodies for more ammo.

After the scene you will need to escape the area and hide. This can be done easily by jumping into the ocean and swimming south and then make your way to the waypoint.


Memory 04: Ever a Splinter

Optional Objectives:

  • Free seven Guardian hostages
  • Use the Observatory's defenses to kill four guards

Sail to Long Bay and take out one of the two man o'war's blocking your way to the beach so you can start the memory. Swim to the beach and synch the viewpoint and grab the Treasure to the south before you follow the waypoints into the jungle.

If you are out of ammunition of any kind, you can loot the corpses for more ammo, this save you having to buy them before starting the memory.

When you reach the restricted zone and the burning village ignore the cave and make your way across the water and Sleep Dart the three guards to free the first set of guardians. You can now enter the cave and stop at the stalking zone just above the Gunner and two Scouts, sleeping them and then taking the right path down and releasing the guardians. Head back up and cross the first small bridge and then Sleep Dart the final set of guards to free the guardians. With the optional objective cleared, head for the Observatory.

When you reach the Observatory you will need to run up the moving platforms as they appear and then jump to the middle platform moving side to side with the Spanish soldiers. Kill the men and then jump on either side of the vertical platforms moving up and down. You need to mak your way up to one of the platforms sticking out here so you can get on the stone walkway high above and then traverse to the ledge above the doorway deeper into the cave.

As you enter the circular area with man soldiers stay on the outside of the circle until you can see where the defensive beams appear. Once you know where they are, you can use them to defeat the guards and complete the second optional objective. If you find yourself in a stick situation use a Smoke Bomb and once you have all four kills from the defenses go ahead and defeat the rest of the enemies.

Your final approach is a platforming section across the moving platforms, along a wall and eventually up above Torres for a nice air assassination.



After a face to face encounter with John from IT you will get the "Devils of the Caribbean" Teaser and a communication from Shaun and Rebecca. You can now access all the areas with Level 3 clearance, let's start at the bottom floor (Servers) and work our way up:

Fl. B - Servers

Fl. 1 - Lobby

Fl. 2 - Sample 17

Fl. 15 - CCO

If you have collected all the [[Notes]] you will get the MANIFESTO OF THE INSTRUMENTS OF THE FIRST WILL.

Return to the Animus for a trophy/achievement and the final conclusion of the story (Make sure to watch until the "reveal" for another trophy/achievement).







All swords are rated by three categories that define their effectiveness in battle: Damage, Speed, and Combo.


The strength of each successful attack. This stats isn't too important as the majority of kills achieved through counterattacks.


The higher the speed, the faster and more frequent Kenway can attack.


This indicates the number of hits required before Kenway can deliver a finishing blow. The higher the number, the fewer hits are needed.

Name Spd Combo Dmg Cost Available
Officer's Smallswords 1 2 1 - -
British Cutlasses 2 3 2 800 General Store
Spanish Cup-hilt Rapiers 2 3 2 1200 General Store
French Dress Swords 3 3 1 3000 General Store
Espada Ancha 2 3 3 5000 General Store
Privateer's Cutlasses 3 3 3 6500 General Store
British Colonial Cutlasses 2 4 3 8000 General Store
Pirate Scimitars 2 3 5 10000 General Store
French Court Swords 4 3 4 12500 General Store
Officer's Rapiers 5 4 3 14000 General Store
Pistol Swords 5 4 3 - Find 3 Social Chests
Scottish Broadswords 3 5 3 - Community Challenge Reward
Persian Scimitars 2 2 3 - Complete all Assassin Contracts
The Blades of Toledo 4 3 3 - Uplay Reward



All pistols are rated by three categories that define their effectiveness in battle: Damage, Stun, and Range.


The damage dealt by non-lethal shots. Note that headshots from manual aim are always a one-hit kill


The length of time a target is stunned if not killed by the shot.


The range at which the pistol if effective up to.

Name Dmg Stun Range Cost Available
Common Flintlock Pistols 1 1 3 - -
Pirate Blunderbusses 3 3 1 800 General Store
Standard Wheellock Pistols 1 1 5 2500 General Store
Spanish Officer Pistols 3 3 3 7000 General Store
Cannon-Barrel Pistols 3 5 3 9000 General Store
Golden Flintlock 5 5 3 - Complete all Naval Contracts
Captain's Wheellock Pistols 3 1 3 - Community Challenge Reward



Outfits are the appearance of Edward Kenway on screen and can be changed by accessing the Captain's Cabin on the Jackdaw.

Name Cost/Crafting Ingredients Available Bonus
Edward Kenway's Robes - Default -
Brown Cloak 1500 General Store -
Pirate Cloak 6000 General Store -
Crimson Captain Cloak 3000 General Store -
Privateer Outfit 5000 General Store -
Pirate Captain Outfit 8000 General Store -
Merchant Outfit 10000 General Store -
Politician's Outfit 12000 General Store -
Explorer Outfit - Community Challenge Reward -
Governor's Outfit - Find a Social Chest -
Officer's Outfit - Complete the Gibraltar mission in Kenway's Fleet -
Templar Armor - Complete all Templar Hunts Reduces damage by 25%
Stealth Outfit - Complete half of the Assassin Contracts Reduces detection rate
Mayan Outfit - Complete all Mayan Stela puzzles Deflects bullets
Edward the Legend Outfit - Uplay Reward -
Hunter Outfit Red Howler Monkey Skin + White Jaguar Pelt - Reduce detection by animals
Feline Pelt Outfit Ocelot Pelt + Jaguar Pelt - -
Shark Hunter Outfit Bull Shark Skin + Hammerhead Shark Bone - -
Whaler Outfit White Whale Skin x3 - -
Altair Ibn-La'Ahad Robes - Have Uplay data for one of the Assassin's Creed games -
Ezio Auditore's Robes - Have Uplay data for two of the Assassin's Creed games -
Connor's Outfit - Have Uplay data for three of the Assassin's Creed games -


Naval Basics

Straight from the beginning of the game you will be handed a ship and given control over the seas. In order to excel at the naval battles, as well as get around, you must first master the handling and firing of the ship.

PS3/PS4 Xbox360/Xbox One Wii U Command
L Analog L Stick L Stick Ship Steering
R Analog R Stick R Stick Camera Movement
D-Pad D-Pad D-Pad Change or Mute Shanties
X A B Increase Speed
O B A Decrease Speed
Square X Y Brace for Impact / Collect Loot
Triangle Y X Fire Swivel Gun (Hold and Release)
L1/L2 LT ZL Manual Aim
R1/R2 RT ZR Fire Cannons (Hold and Release)
L2/L1 LB L Mortar (Hold and Release)
R2/R1 RB R Spyglass


  • Sailing at Full Sail makes the ship faster, but will reduce maneuverability.
  • Sailing at Half Sail allows you to make tight turns in the open sea or around obstacles.
  • Rogue Winds will push a ship at Full Sail into obstacles, even if you steers completely in the opposite directions. To counteract this, you should sail at Half Sail or alternate between the two.
  • The mini-map shows the direction of the wind with an arrow and color depending on your direction within the arrow. Use the indicator to help the Jackdaw maintain a high speed by always sailing with or across it, rather than against it.


Naval Weapons & Tips

Unlike the previous Assassin's Creed, where you selected your ammo type with the directional pad, Assassin's Creed IV has you attack being based on where you are attacking from and the range. The following is a list of the weapons and how/when you can obtain them.

Weapon Round Notes Available Ammo Range (m)
Broadside Cannon Round Shot This is the standard shot on either the right or left of tha Jackdaw through Manual Aim. This is the standard weapon that you will end up using the most in combat due to its solid damage and aiming flexibility. Default Unlimited 0-250
Broadside Cannon Heavy Shot This is used automatically when you fire a broadside without using Manual Aim, "blind fire". It deals incredible amounts of damage, but at close range only. Best used only when you pass close to a ship. Upgrade Limited 0-150
Swivel Gun - Used to fire on weak spots exposed when you inflict damage on other ships with any other weapon. Hold to align the reticle and release when lined up. This is great for doing damage during reload times. Default Unlimited 0-300
Chase Cannon Chain Shot This is the weapon used when you aim forward off the Jackdaw's bow with Manual Aim. Though not powerful, the weapon does have a stun effect that can be useful when you want to avoid an enemy broadside. Default Unlimited 0-350
Mortar - One of the most powerful weapons due to its damage and range, it is a go to weapon against large ships. The drawback is the limited ammo that you will want to stock up on after every major naval battle. Upgrade Limited 150-500
Fire Barrels - Used when firing from the back of the Jackdaw, you can Manual Aim these onto ships that pass behind you when they attempt to ram you. You can also drop them and shoot them with the Swivel Gun as other ships pass. Default Limited 40-55
Ram - The ram is simply used when you run your ship into another, bow first. The greater the speed, the more damage upon impact. Make sure you brace just before impact to avoid heavy damage to the Jackdaw. Upgrade - -



  • Try to avoid approaching ships directly at their sides, where you are vulnerable to broadsides.
  • Try to keep the majority of enemy ships on one side of the Jackdaw to keep a handle of the situation and do the most damage with the broadsides, but note that cannons can be fired independently and have their own timers.
  • Holding Manual Aim longer will focus the broadside attack range and make it more powerful.
  • Use the waves to avoid fire while curving shots over the waves to get good shots in while protecting yourself.
  • Use the Jackdaw's speed and the enemy ships blind spots to get in safe shots while the enemy ship tries to turn to get its sights on you.



Once you have weakened an enemy ship enough to reduce its damage to the red section the ship will become immobile. You then have two options: sink the ship or board it. If you sink the ship you will only gain half of the cargo on the ship as collectibles after the ship has fully sunk. On the other hand, boarding it has some benefits and drawbacks. While boarding ships is time consuming and can be costly on your crew stats, boarding automatically ends the attack by other ships until you defeat the ship. This can be a benefit to you, allowing you to board and repair the Jackdaw in mid combat in large naval battles.

  • After engaging in a boarding you can use the Swivel Gun, only a few feet from the helm, to get in five free shots while the Jackdaw pulls up next to the ship.
  • The mast closest to the helm has a lift that can be used to reach the rigging and cross to the other ship to help you reach some of the boarding objectives, such as killing Scouts in the masts.
  • When killing enemies on the deck of the other ship focus on weaker enemies to allow for kill streaks and avoid Brutes and Officers.
  • Take note of the red barrels on the deck, powder reserves. These can be shot or lit to destroy the enemies standing around it.

Boarding Objectives
Objective Notes
Kill the Crew You can use the Swivel Gun to thin enemy numbers and then head over to the enemy ship and finish off the rest.
Kill Officers These are usually Scouts archetypes rather than Officers, so you can use counterattacks and kill streaks to take them out.
Kill Captain(s) You can use the Swivel Gun to try and kill these guys before boarding or air assassinate them. If needed, use Smoke Bombs to get quick kills.
Kill Scouts On larger ships the Marksmen are commonly a boardng objective. You can use the lifts on either ship to reach the masts and defeat these enemies.
Destroy Powder Reserves The powder reserves should be a target with the Swivel Gun ever time you board a ship, so having them as an objective is nothing special.
Destroy Ship Flags Complete all of the other objectives and then make your way to the flags.

Sometimes you may come across an incapacitated ship that you did not attack with an empty deck and a crew already dead. These ships can not be boarded in the standard fashion and must be boarded by manually pulling up to them and swimming/jumping across. The loot will be located in boxes, that can be opened, and the dead Captain can be looted for some cash. On the other hand, you can just fire on it to destroy it.


Jackdaw Upgrades

The Jackdaw can be upgraded from the Captain's Cabin or any Harbormaster. If you plan to take on any of the Naval Forts or Legendary Ships you will need to upgrade the ship as you progress through the main storyline. All ship upgrades require a certain amount of money, but some also require a cargo investments as well. Cargo can be obtained by plundering other ships and convoys, looting warehouses, collecting crates, and opening chests found in shipwrecks.

There are five types of cargo obtainable:

Cargo Details
Name Sell Uses
Cloth 5 Used for Storage and Hull upgrades
Metal 5 Used for Weapons and Hull upgrades
Wood 5 Used for Ram, Mortar, and Hull upgrades
Rum 15 Sell at the Captain's Cabin or Harbormaster
Sugar 20

Note that the amount of cargo you can carry is based on the Capacity of the Jackdaw, which can be upgraded, and many of the highest level upgrades require the Elite Designs.


Upgrade Lists & Details

Broadside Cannons
1 2 3 4 5 6 Elite
Costs - - 2,000R 4,000R 8,000R 12,000R 20,000R
70 Metal 150 Metal 300 Metal 350 Metal 500 Metal 650 Metal
# of Cannons 7 10 13 16 19 21 23
Damage/Cost Ration - 57.4% 7.3% 3.7% 2.1% 0.9% 0.6%
Round Shot Strength
1 2 3 4 Elite
Costs - 900R 4,000R 12,000R 35,000R
Damage 40 50 65 80 100
Damage/Cost Ration - 17.3% 5.8% 1.9% 0.9%
Heavy Shot Strength
1 2 Elite
Costs 900R 6,000R 25,000R
Damage 120 180 260
Damage/Cost Ration 138% 15.6% 5.0%
Chase Cannons
1 2
Costs - 3,000R
60 Metal
100 Wood
# of Cannons 2 4
Damage/Cost Ration - 2.7%
Chain Shot Strength
1 2 3
Costs - 2,500R 6,000R
Damage 40 50 65
Damage/Cost Ration - 1.2% 0.8%
Swivel Guns
1 2 3 Elite
Costs - 700R 5,000R 15,000R
25 Metal 200 Metal 400 Metal
Damage 200 300 400 500
Damage/Cost Ration - 12.1% 1.7% 0.6%
Max Weak Points 1 3 5 10
Fire Barrel Strength
1 2 Elite
Costs - 3,000R 8,000R
Damage 200 400 600
Damage/Cost Ration - 6.7% 2.5%
1 2 3 Elite
Costs 800R 3500R 8,000R 25,000R
200 Metal 300 Metal 650 Metal
Damage 1000 2100 3300 3900
Damage/Cost Ration 125% 24.4% 12.6% 2.1%
1 2 3 Elite
Costs 500R 2000R 5,000R 15,000R
- - 150 Metal 200 Metal
25 Wood 75 Wood 250 Wood 600 Wood
Damage 600 1200 2000 4000
Damage/Cost Ration 96% 25.3% 11.4% 10.5%


Ship Archetypes

There are four types of enemy vessels that the player will need to engage in battle with over the multiple memories:

Ship Lvl Plunder Notes
Gunboat 1 Ammo These small ships are fast, but weak. They are limited to 2 front facing cannons with no ability to broadside or attack behind them. That being said, these ships usually appear in numbers and can easily dish out some damage if not taken care of quickly. Taking out these quickly with broadsides, especially if you can hit two at once, is a good idea.
Schooner 4 Medium (not Metal), 1 Crew Schooners are fast due to light armor, but chasing them is a bad idea as they tend to drop Fire Barrels. With 4 broadside cannons, they can be deadly in groups and should be taken out quickly. Attack them with broadsides and use the Swivel Gun to hit their weak points and finish them off.
Brig 17 Medium, 3 Crew These fast and aggressive ship will spend most of their time trying to ram you, making them perfect targets for speeding up and dropping some Fire Barrels on them as they pass behind you. With cannons on all sides, they are best avoided from the sides and best attacked from the rear.
Frigate 23 Large, 5 Crew The best all around ships in the Caribbean, they are durable with decent handling. Avoid their broadsides if possible or brace as needed. Attacking them from afar with Mortars is the safest plan of attack, though costly, and from the rear, where they have no cannons. Try and stay behind them as they circle to try and face you and use the Swivel Gun on their weak points.
Man-of-War 36 Large, 7 Crew These beasts are great at long range and close range combat due to their triple broadside cannons and Mortar shots. There is no safe zone other than behind these slow monsters, so stay there and use Heavy Shot and Swivel Gun fire to eat them up. As with Frigates, the Jackdaw has better manuverability to its advantage, so use it.


Hunting Basics

Hunting is a major side event that allows you to hunt and skin animals that are used for Edward's Upgrades and making money. The following is a list of the animals, their location, and their drops.

Animals are divided into two categories:

  • Passive Animals - These animals will flee from Edward when they see him. To kill them easily you will want to use a ranged weapon or sneak up on them from hiding places, stalking zones, or from above.
  • Aggressive Animals - These animals will attack Edward when they see him. To kill them easily you will want to use a ranged weapon or complete a QTE event when they attack.


Animal Locations & Tips

Animal Type Habitat Reward Sell Buy
Black Jaguar Land Pinos Isle, Isla Providencia Black Jaguar Pelt 300 3,000
Capuchin Monkey Land Misteriosa Island, Tulum, New Bone Capuchin Monkey Pelt 75 750
Crocodile Land Nassau, Long Bay, Isla Providencia, Tulum, Matanzas Crocodile Leather 200 2,000
Deer Land Kingston, Santanillas, Salt Lagoon, Principe Deer Hide 150 1,500
Green Inagua Land Abaco Island, Andreas Island Iguana Leather 90 900
Howler Monkey Land Kingston, Cape Bonavista, Principe, Long Bay, Cat Island, Tortuga Howler Monkey Skin 100 1,000
Hutia Land Cayman Sound, Long Bay, Jiguey Hutia Hide 85 850
Jaguar Land Cape Bonavista, Principe, Tulum Jaguar Pelt 200 2,000
Ocelot Land Andreas Island, Cumberland Bay Ocelot Pelt 125 1,250
Rabbit Land Nassau, Kingston, Corozal Rabbit Pelt 70 700
Red Howler Monkey Land Isla Procidencia Red Howler Monkey Skin 500 5,000
White Jaguar Land Great Inagua, Cayman Sound (during [[Opla Apito]]) White Jaguar Pelt 600 6,000
Wild Pig Land Nassau, Mariguana Island, Cape Bonavista, Great Inagua Wild Pig Hide 150 1,500
Bull Shark Water Water type animals appear in different places in the Caribbean Bull Shark Skin 580 2,900
Great White Shark Water Great White Shark Bone 550 2,750
Hammerhead Shark Water Hammhead Shark Bone 400 2,000
Humpback Whale Water Humpback Whale Skin 700 3,500
Killer Whale Water Killer Whale Skin 630 3,150
White Whale Water White Whale Skin 4,000 20,000

Note that all animals drop bones, which can be sold for 50R, but they are best for crafting darts.


Harpooning Tactics

Harpooning can be done at any water animal locations, but without some upgrades you will need to be extremely accurate. When harpooning there are two things you need to keep an eye on: your boats health and your stock of harpoons. If you run out of harpoons or your rowboat is destroyed you will exit the hunting and have to re-enter and try again.

Hunting is fairly simple, with you manually aiming harpoons at your target to deplete their health. When the first harpoon hits you will latch on to the target and be dragged behind, causing the camera to shake. All further harpoons can be aimed at the base of the rope to hit the target again. Eventually, the target will break free and disappear. Skim the area for your target and listen for the splash to indicate its return. The more aggressive animals will attack the rowboat unless attacked first.

Once the target's health is depleted they will be hoist aboard the ship and their reward handed over.


Edward's Upgrades

Upgrade Effect/Capacity Recipe
Health Upgrade I Health +25% Iguana Leather x2
Health Upgrade II Health +25% Deer Hide x2
Health Upgrade III Health +25% Jaguar Pelt x2
Health Upgrade IV Health +25% Great White Shark Bone x2
Pistol Holster II Pistol +1 Ocelot Pelt x2
Pistol Holster III Pistol +1 Humpback Whale Skin x2
Pistol Holster IV Pistol +1 Crocodile Leather x2
Pistol Ammo Pouch I Bullets +10 Wild Pig Hide x2
Pistol Ammo Pouch II Bullets +10 Hammerhead Shark Bone x2
Smoke Bomb Pouch I Bombs + 5 Hutia Hide x2
Smoke Bomb Pouch II Bombs + 5 Rabbit Hide x2
Rope Dart Pouch I Rope Darts +5 Black Jaguar Pelt x2
Rope Dart Pouch II Rope Darts +5 Crocodile Leather x2
Dart Pouch I Darts +5 (both varieties) Howler Monkey Skin x2
Dart Pouch II Darts +5 (both varieties) Killer Whale Skin x2
Sleep Dart I Sleep duration +20 secs Black Jaguar Pelt x2
Sleep Dart II Sleep duration +20 secs Great White Shark Bone x2
Berserk Dart I Berserk duration +20 secs Bull Shark Skin x2
Berserk Dart II Berserk duration +20 secs Capuchin Monkey Pelt x2
Hunter Outfit Reduces the detection range of animals Red Howler Monkey Skin + White Jaguar Pelt
Feline Pelt Outfit - Ocelot Pelt + Jaguar Pelt
Shark-Hunter Outfit - Bull Shark Skin + Hammerhead Shark Bone
Whaler Outfit - White Whale Skin x3
Sleep Dart Dart +1 Bone
Berserk Dart Dart +1 Bone
Rope Dart Dart +1 Bone






Billy Riley

Locations: Havana

Old Biley Riley was a dancing master.
Old Biley Riley, oh, Old Biley Riley!
Old Biley Riley's master of a drogher.
Old Biley Riley, oh, Old Biley Riley!

Master of a drogher bound for Antigua.
Old Biley Riley, oh, Old Biley Riley!
Old Biley Riley has a nice young daughter.
Old Biley Riley, oh, Old Biley Riley!
Oh Missy Riley, little Missy Riley.
Old Biley Riley, oh, Old Biley Riley!
Had a pretty daughter, but we can't get at her.
Old Biley Riley, oh, Old Biley Riley!
Screw her up and away we go, boys.
Old Biley Riley, oh, Old Biley Riley!
One more pull and then belay, boys.
Old Biley Riley, oh, Old Biley Riley!


Bully in the Alley

Location: Havana

Help me, Bob, I'm bully in the alley,
Way, hey, bully in the alley!
Help me, Bob, I'm bully in the alley,
Bully down in shinbone al.
Sally is the girl that I love dearly,
Way, hey, bully in the alley!
Sally is the girl that I spliced dearly.
Bully down in shinbone al.
For seven long years I counted little Sally,
Way, hey, bully in the alley!
But all she did was dilly and dally.
Bully down in shinbone al.
I ever get back, I'll marry little Sally,
Way, hey, bully in the alley!
Have six kids and live in Shin-bone Alley.
Bully down in shinbone al.


Captain Kidd

Location: Grand Cayman

O, my name was Captain Kidd,
As I sailed, as I sailed,
O, my name was Captain Kidd,
as I sailed.
My name was Captain Kidd,
And God's laws I did forbid,
And so wickedly I did
as I sailed, as I sailed.
So wickedly I did
as I sailed.
I murdered William Moore,
as I sailed, as I sailed.
O, I murdered William Moore,
as I sailed.
I laid him in his gore,
Not many leagues from the shore,
O, I murdered William Moore,
as I sailed, as I sailed.
I murdered William Moore,
as I sailed.
I spied three ships from Spain,
as I sailed, as I sailed.
O, I spied three ships from Spain,
as I sailed.
I spied three ships from Spain,
and I fired on them a-main,
And most of them I slain,
as I sailed, as I sailed.
And most of them I slain,
as I sailed.
Come all you young and old,
see me die, see me die.
Come all you young and old,
see me die.
You are welcome to my goal,
And by it I lost my souls,
Come all you young and old,
I must die, I must die.
Come all you young and old,
I must die.


Cheerly Man

Location: Nassau

Oh, Nancy Dawson, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
She rubbed the Bo-sun Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
That was a caution, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man,
O! Haulee, Hi-oh,
Cheerly, man.
Oh, Sally Racket, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
Pawned my best jacket, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
And sold pawn the ticket, Hi-oh!
Oh, Kittey Carson, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
Jilted the parson, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
Married a mason, Hi-oh!
Oh Betsy Baker, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
Lived in Long Acre, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
Married a Quaker, Hi-oh!
Oh Jenny Walker, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
Married a hawker, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
That was a conker, Hi-oh!
Oh, Polly Riddle, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
Broke her new fiddle, Hi-oh!
Cheerly, man!
Right through the middle, Hi-oh!


Darby Ram

Location: Havana

As I was going to Derby, 'twas on a market day,
I met the finest ram, sirs, that ever was fed upon hay.
That's a lie, that's a lie
That's a lie, a lie, a lie!
This ram and I got drunk, sir, as drunk as drunk could be,
And when we sobered up, sir, we were far away out on the sea.
This wonderful old ram, sir, was playful as a kid;
He swallowed the captain's spyglass along with the bo'sun's fid.
One morning on the poop, sir, afore eight bells was struck,
He climbed up to the sky's I yard an' sat down on the trunk.
This wonderful ol'ram, sir, he tried a silly trick,
He tried to jump a five-barrel fence and landed in a rick.
This wonderful ol'ram, sir, it grew two horns of brass,
One grew out o' his shoulder blade, t'other turned into a mast.
An' when this ram was killed, sir, the butcher was covered in blood,
Five and twenty butcher boys was carried away the flood.
An' when this ram was z dead, sir, they buried it in St. Joan's,
It tool ten men an' an elephant to carry one of it's bones.


Drunken Sailor

Location: Nassau

Weigh-hay and up she rises,
Weigh-hay and up she rises,
Weigh-hay and up she rises,
Early in the morning!
What will we do with a drunken sailor,
What will we do with a drunken sailor,
What will we do with a drunken sailor,
Early in the morning!
Put 'em in the scuppers with a hose pipe on him,
Put 'em in the scuppers with a hose pipe on him,
Put 'em in the scuppers with a hose pipe on him,
Early in the morning!
Put him in the brig until he's sober,
Put him in the brig until he's sober,
Put him in the brig until he's sober,
Early in the morning!


Fish in the Sea

Location: Salt Key Bank

Come all you young sailor men, listen to me,
I'll sing you a song of the fish in the sea;
And it's...
Windy weather, boys, stormy weather, boys,
When the wind blows, we're all together boys;
Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds, blow,
Jolly sou'wester, boys, steady she goes.
Up jumps the eel with his slippery tail,
Climbs up aloft and reefs the topsail.
Then up jumps the shark with his nine rows of teeth,
Saying, "You eat the dough boys, and I'll eat the beef!"
Up jumps the whale...the largest of all,
"If you want any wind, well, I'll blow ye a squall!"


Good Morning Ladies All

Location: Kingston

We are outward bound for Mobile town
With a heave-o, haul!
An' we'll heave the ol' wheel round an' round
Good mornin' ladies all!
An' when we get to Mobile town
With a heave-o, haul!
Oh, 'tis there we'll drink an' sorrow drown
Good mornin' ladies all!
Them gals down south are free an' gay
With a heave-o, haul!
Wid them we'll spend our hard-earned pay
Good mornin' ladies all!
We'll swing around, we'll have good fun
With a heave-o, haul!
An' soon we'll be back on the homeward run
Good mornin' ladies all!
An' when we get to Bristol town
With a heave-o, haul!
For the very last time we'll waltz around
Good mornin' ladies all!
With Poll and Meg an' Sally too
With a heave-o, haul!
We'll drink an' dance wid a hullabaloo
Good mornin' ladies all!
So a long goodbye to all you dears
With a heave-o, haul!
Don't cry for us, don't waste yer tears
Good mornin' ladies all!


Handy Me Boys

Location: Kingston

Why can't ye be so handy-o!
Handy me boys, so handy!
Oh, aloft this yard must go.
Handy me boys, so handy!
Ooh! Up aloft from down below.
Handy me boys, so handy!
Growl ye may, but go ye must.
Handy me boys, so handy!
Growl too much an yer head they'll bust.
Handy me boys, so handy!
Oh, a bully ship an' a bully crew.
Handy me boys, so handy!
Oh, we're the gang for the kick'er through.
Handy me boys, so handy!
Yer advance has gone, yer at sea again.
Handy me boys, so handy!
Hey, bound round the horn though the hail an' rain.
Handy me boys, so handy!
Sing an' haul, an' haul an' sing.
Handy me boys, so handy!
Up aloft this yard we'll swing.
Handy me boys, so handy!
Up aloft that yard must go.
Handy me boys, so handy!
For we are outward bound, ye know.
Handy me boys, so handy!
A handy ship an' a handy crew.
Handy me boys, so handy!
A handy Mate an Old Man too.
Handy me boys, so handy!


Hauley Hauley Ho

Location: Obtain the Jackdaw

England, ould Ireland
England, ould Ireland
England, ould Ireland
Hauley Hauley Ho!
Paddy M'Ginty
Paddy, Jack and Jackie too,
Oh Paddy M'Ginty,
Hauley Hauley Ho!
Shamrock an' Rose, boys,
Shamrock, Rose, and prickly Thistle too,
Shamrock an' Rose, boys,
Hauley Hauley Ho!
England, ould Ireland
England, ould Ireland
England, ould Ireland
Hauley Hauley Ho!


Hi-Ho Come Roll Me Over

Location: Kingston

Why don't you blow
High-O! cume roll me over
Why don't you blow
High-O! cume roll me over
One man to trike the bell
High-O! cume roll me over
One man to trike the bell
High-O! cume roll me over
Two men to man the wheel
High-O! cume roll me over
Two men to man the wheel
High-O! cume roll me over
Three men, to gallant braces
High-O! cume roll me over
Three men, to gallant braces
High-O! cume roll me over
Four men to furl t'garns'ls
High-O! cume roll me over
Four men to furl t'garns'ls
High-O! cume roll me over
Five men to bunt-a-bo
High-O! cume roll me over
Five men to bunt-a-bo
High-O! cume roll me over


Homeward Bound

Location: Obtain the Jackdaw


Johnny Boker

Location: Obtain the Jackdaw


Leave Her, Johnny

Location: Nassau


Lowlands Away

Location: Obtain the Jackdaw


Paddy Doyle's Boots

Location: Nassau


Padstow's Farewell

Location: Obtain the Jackdaw


Randy Dandy-O

Location: Nassau


Roll and Go

Location: Kingston


Roll, Boys, Roll!

Location: Obtain the Jackdaw


Roller Bowler

Location: Obtain the Jackdaw


Running Down to Cuba

Location: Havana


So Early in the Morning

Location: Cape Bonabista


Spanish Ladies

Location: Havana


Stormalong John

Location: Kingston


The Coasts of High Barbary

Location: Havana


The Dead Horse

Location: Havana


The Rio Grande

Location: Cat Island


The Sailboat Malarkey

Location: Kingston


The Wild Goose

Location: Great Inagua


The Worst Old Ship

Location: Obtain the Jackdaw


Where Am I to go M'Johnnies

Location: Obtain the Jackdaw


Whiskey Johnny

Location: Great Inagua


'Way Me Susiana

Location: Obtain the Jackdaw






"Aberdeen Bestiary" (Phoenix Detail)


"Atalanta Fugies"


"Cortez and La malinche" from The History of Tlaxcala


"Cronicas dos Feitos de Guine"


"De Gama Diary Extract"


"Epistola de Magnete"


"Introductio Geographica"


"Magellan's Ship"


"Sacred Theory of the Earth"


"Solaris" from "Mundus Subterraneus"


"Tabulae Rudolphinae"


"The Fetus in the Womb"


"Vertumnus, a Portrait of Today"


"Voynich Manuscript" - Folio 33v


"Voynich Manuscript" - Folio 34r


"Voynich Manuscript" - Folio 34v


"Voynich Manuscript" - Folio 35r


"World Map" (1570)


Columbus Map


Mayan "Dresden" Codex




1. On My Name and Origin


2. Earlie Opinions of My Condition


3. On the Playce of my Birthe

. ====4. My Firste Reverie===== .

5. My Deepening Predicament


6. My Apprentycehip


7. On Leaving Home


8. What the Voices Saide


9. A Curiouse Incident at Sea


10. Finding Steadey Work


11. Peter Beckford the Elder


12. The Templar Arrives


13. Another Fryghtfull Reverie


14. The Assassyn


15. Reste and Repaste


16. The Observatorie


17. Taking My Leave


18. My Searche

. ====19. On Being a "Sage"===== .

20. A Secret Incomprhensible


Art Collection


"An English Ship in Action with Barbary Vessels"

Kenway's Fleet: North West Europe - A Worthy Trip


"Harbour Scene at Sunset"

Kenway's Fleet: Bay of Biscay - A Sweet Journey


"Merry Company"

Kenway's Fleet: North West Europe - A New Cathedral


"Nymphs By A Fountain"

Kenway's Fleet: Portugal - New Trading Posts


"Saint Jerome as Cardinal"

Kenway's Fleet: Bay of Biscay - Sweet Broth


"The Burning of the 'Royal James' at the Battle of Solebay"

Kenway's Fleet: North West Europe - A Piece of the Action


"The Flight into Egypt"

Kenway's Fleet: Cape Verde - An Old Frenchman


Baroque Guitar

Kenway's Fleet: Mediterranean Sea - The Catalans


Bat-nosed Figurine

Purchased: 500R


Beaver Pelt

Kenway's Fleet: Eastern Canada - Break of Dawn II



Kenway's Fleet: Southern British Colonies - American Dreams


Bust of a Water Diety

Purchased: 1,500R



Kenway's Fleet: Bay of Biscay - Hungry Corsairs



Kenway's Fleet: Gulf of Mexico - Fortune's Flavor



Kenway's Fleet: Eastern British Colonies - New Partners



Kenway's Fleet: Eastern Canada - Promises to Keep


Copper Field Flask

Kenway's Fleet: Mediterranean Sea - A New Medicine


Diety Figurine

Purchased: 800R



Kenway's Fleet: North Africa - The Cook's Order


Eagle Figurine

Purchased: 1,000R


Earth Monster Relief

Purchased: 1,125R


Goa Stone Container

Kenway's Fleet: Portugal - Cursed Night


Head of an Oba

Kenway's Fleet: South Africa - The Eager Hunters


Jar with Four Faces

Kenway's Fleet: Gulf of Mexico - The General Store


Jar with Ritual Scene

Purchased: 1,7500R


Joined Armchair with Cushion

Kenway's Fleet: Eastern British Colonies - Taste of Money


Kast Cupboard

Kenway's Fleet: Southern British Colonies - The Sail Mates


Maize Diety

Purchased: 1,900R


Map of the World

Kenway's Fleet: North Africa - The Sweet Tooth


Mirror Back

Kenway's Fleet: South Atlantic - Diplomacy III



Kenway's Fleet: North West Europe - A Long Voyage


Parade Helmet a l'Antique

Kenway's Fleet: South Africa - New Economic Hub


Pectoral Disk

Purchased: 2,100R


Pedestal Bowl

Purchased: 2,250R


Scherer's 1700 Globe

Kenway's Fleet: North West Europe - The Great Plague


Seated Zemi Figure

Purchased: 2,400R


Silver Teapot

Kenway's Fleet: Eastern Canada - Old Partners


Silver Two-handed Bowl

Kenway's Fleet: Eastern British Colonies - Emerging Opportunities


Standard Bearer

Purchased: 2,500R


Taino Bust

Purchased: 1,300R


Tripod Vessel with Date Glyph

Purchased: 2,650R



Purchased: 2,700R



Kenway's Fleet: South Atlantic - A Feast of Riches


Vanitas Still-life

Kenway's Fleet: Mediterranean Sea - Being Mad



Kenway's Fleet: Bay of Biscay - Successful Atlantic


Vulture Vessel

Purchased: 3,000R


Whydah Gally Style Bell

Kenway's Fleet: Mediterranean Sea - The Smokers


Wooden Term Statue of St. Adrian

Kenway's Fleet: Bay of Biscay - The Corsairs' Request


Wooden Term Statue of St. Livertin

Kenway's Fleet: Cape Verde - Giant Appetites


Yoke-Form Vessel

Kenway's Fleet: South Atlantic - To the South




AE Employee Passport


"Devils of the Caribbean" Teaser


Age of Cutthroats


From the Journals of Edward James Kenway


CONFIDENTIAL - Subject - RE: Potential time periods?


Security Systems Presentation




"Hidden Secrets" Ad Concept


Early Animus Prototypes


"Divine Science" Video


Crypto-History: Artifacts


Crypto-History: Locations


"Divine Science" Presentation


Subject 1 - interview session


Abstergo pack


Post-Mortem Report: Subject 17


Subject 17: recovered media


Subject 17: memo 1


Subject 17: memo 2


Subject 17: memo 3


Subject 17: memo 4


Desmond pack


"Subject Zero" - audio file 1


"Subject Zero" - audio file 2


"Subject Zero" - audio file 3


"Subject Zero" - audio file 4


"Subject Zero" - audio file 5


Great Minds in History, Commission 1


Great Minds in History, Commission 2


Great Minds in History, Commission 3


Great Minds in History, Commission 4


Market Analysis: A. Ibn La'Ahad


Market Analysis: E. Auditore


Market Analysis: A. de Grandpre


Market Analysis: C. Kenway


Sticky Note 1


Sticky Note 2


Sticky Note 3


Sticky Note 4


Sticky Note 5


Sticky Note 6


Sticky Note 7


Sticky Note 8


Sticky Note 9


Sticky Note 10


Sticky Note 11


Sticky Note 12


Sticky Note 13


Sticky Note 14


Sticky Note 15


Sticky Note 16


Sticky Note 17


Sticky Note 18


Sticky Note 19


Sticky Note 20





As you complete the main missions and Abstergo Entertainment you will notice that your cubicle shelves are being filled with figurines of characters from Assassin's Creed IV. The following information is how to unlock each figurine.

Name Condition
Edward Kenway Figurine Complete Sequence 01
Loreano Torres Figurine Complete Sequence 02
Calico Jack Figurine Complete Sequence 03
James Kidd Figurine Complete Sequence 04
Laurens Prins Figurine Complete Sequence 05
Stede Bonnet Figurine Complete Sequence 06
Charles Vane Figurine Complete Sequence 07
Blackbeard Figurine Complete Sequence 08
Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts Figurine Complete Sequence 09
Benjamin Hornigold Figurine Complete Sequence 10
Anne Bonny Figurine Complete Sequence 11
Woodes Rogers Figurine Complete Sequence 12
Gentleman Edward Figurine Complete Sequence 13
Templar Armor Figurine Complete all Templar Hunts and obtain the Templar Armor
Mayan Armor Figurine Find all Mayan Stones and obtain the Mayan Outfit
The Rebel Figurine Complete 20 Multiplayer sessions with the Rebel character
Lady Black Figurine Complete 20 Multiplayer sessions with the Lady Black character
The Mercenary Figurine Complete 20 Multiplayer sessions with the Mercenary character
The Duellist Figurine Complete 20 Multiplayer sessions with the Duellist character
The Dandy Figurine Complete 20 Multiplayer sessions with the Dandy character


Treasure Maps

Treasure Maps are found in many locations throughout the world and lead to valuable hidden treasure. Each map as coordinates to an island, not a location on an island. Find the correct island by checking the world map and finding the island or location in question. Once you arrive at the island, use the Treasure Tool to equip the map and quickly view the map.

Each map as two major points of interest to help you find the treasure: A landmark, and the X that marks the spot. Landmarks can be anything big, such as a windmill, a sunken ship, or a large building. Using this feature and the generic path and drawings you should be able to find the treasure. You will know when you are in the right spot because the "Dig" option will appear in the upper right of the screen as possible actions.

The following is a list of where you can find all Treasure Maps, in an order as if you were going to collect and solve all maps in a row, and where they lead to.


Andreas Island

The Andreas Island Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Mariguana Island on the western section. Make your way to Andreas Island and check the small island to the south of the main part of Andreas Island for the place marked with "Dig".

^l1|Andreas Island Treasure Map ^l2|Andreas Island Treasure Location


Abaco Island

The Abaco Island Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Andreas Island on the southern shore. Make your way to Abaco Island and check the center of the small island to the northeast of the main part of Abaco Island for the place marked with "Dig".

^l3|Abaco Island Treasure Map ^l4|Abaco Island Treasure Location


Salt Lagoon

The Salt Lagoon Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Abaco Island on the southern beach. Make your way to Salt Lagoon and check the northwest corner of the island for the place marked with "Dig".

^l5|Salt Lagoon Treasure Map ^l6|Salt Lagoon Treasure Location


New Bone

The New Bone Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Salt Lagoon on the northeast beach. Make your way to New Bone and check the eastern tip of the island by the windmill for the place marked with "Dig".

^l7|New Bone Treasure Map ^l8|New Bone Treasure Location


Isla Providencia

The Isla Providencia Treasure Map is obtained through completing the "Scarlatina" mission in the "Eastern Canada" section of Kenway's Fleet. Make your way to Isla Providencia's southern viewpoint and head south of the shipwreck to a bit of land with three palm trees in a circle for the place marked with "Dig".

^l9|Isla Providencia Treasure Map ^l10|Isla Providencia Treasure Location


Long Bay

The Long Bay Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Isla Providencia in the northwest section of the area. Make your way to Long Bay's northeast viewpoint and then head across the water west for the place marked with "Dig" between the two stalking zones below the two huts.

^l11|Long Bay Treasure Map ^l12|Long Bay Treasure Location


Cumberland Bay

The Cumberland Bay Treasure Map is obtained through completing "The Empty Cellar" mission in the "Eastern British Colonies" section of Kenway's Fleet. Make your way to the northern-most tip of Cumberland Bay for the place marked with "Dig".


Pinos Isle

The Pinos Isle Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Cumberland Bay on the southeast shore. Make your way to Pinos Isle's northern viewpoint and check the dirt next to the tree to the northeast for the place marked with "Dig".

^l15|Pinos Isle Treasure Map ^l16|Pinos Isle Treasure Location


Cayman Sound

The Cayman Sound Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Pinos Isle's northern ruins. Make your way to the northeast corner of Cayman Sound and locate a small rock south of some palm tree for the place marked with "Dig".

^l17|Cayman Sound Treasure Map ^l18|Cayman Sound Treasure Location


Petite Caverne

The Petite Caverne Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Cayman Sound in the northeast section of the map, close to the islands own treasure. Make your way to Petite Caverne and head through the bottom section of the cave to the ship. From the ships location head up the ramp and hug the right wall to a small ledge with a stalking zone for the place marked with "Dig".

^l19|Petite Caverne Treasure Map ^l20|Petite Caverne Treasure Location



The Tulum Treasure Map is found on the cadavar in Petite Caverne on the far west side of the area. Make your way to Tulum's southern viewpoint and check at the base of the tree attached to a large rock to the west for the place marked with "Dig".

^l21|Tulum Treasure Map ^l22|Tulum Treasure Location


Ambergris Key

The Ambergris Key Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Corozal on the northeast island. Make your way to Ambergis Key, an underwater location, and swim through the northern tunnel of jellyfish and follow it until you surface in near the restricted zone. Instead of heading toward the ruins, head to the southeast corner of the cavern for the place marked with "Dig".

^l23|Ambergris Key Treasure Map ^l24|Ambergris Key Treasure Location



The Misteriosa Treasure Map is found on the cadavar in Ambergris Key's smuggler den. Head to the viewpoint on Misteriosa and then head north behind the temple to a patch of land to the left of the fountain for the place marked with "Dig".

^l25|Misteriosa Treasure Map ^l26|Misteriosa Treasure Location



The Kingston Treasure Map is found on the cadavar half way up Misteriosa's main temple. Make your way to Kingston's southeastern-most viewpoint on the northern section of Kingston and head along the beach to some crates by a dingy and a large hill for the place marked with "Dig".

^l27|Kingston Treasure Map ^l28|Kingston Treasure Location


San Juan

The San Juan Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Santanillas's northeast island. Make your way to San Juan, an underwater location, and swim through the tunnels until you reach the restricted zone and the first set of guards. Take out the two guards and then check the ground by the ladder for the place marked with "Dig".

^l29|San Juan Treasure Map ^l30|San Juan Treasure Location


Anotto Bay

The Anotto Bay Treasure Map is obtained through completing the "Great Reputation II" mission in the "Mediterranean Sea" section of Kenway's Fleet.



The Principe Treasure Map is found on the cadavar in Anotto Bay's smuggler den. Make your way to Principe and enter the fortified area and find the northern cliff with four cannons and three towers. Head around the towers to the east to the cliffside for the place marked with "Dig".

^l33|Principe Treasure Map ^l34|Principe Tower Location ^l35|Principe Treasure Location



The Matanzas Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Tortuga's northeastern beach. Make your way to Matanzas and head east past the warehouse to a small road that leads to the Mayan Stela for the place marked with "Dig" just behind the stela in a small cave.

^l36|Matanzas Treasure Map ^l37|Matanzas Treasure Location



The Havana Treasure Map is one of the few maps that is found in the same location on the northern part of Havana by the monastery. Head to the southern shore of Havana and look for the place marked with "Dig" by a fallen tree.

^l38|Havana Treasure Map ^l39|Havana Treasure Location


Cape Bonavista

The Cape Bonavista Treasure Map is one of the few maps that is found on the same location on the eastern shore. From the map's location head west until you reach a hidden cave entrance. Enter the cave and look for the place marked with "Dig".

^l40|Cape Bonavista Treasure Map ^l41|Cape Bonavista Cave Location ^l42|Cape Bonavista Treasure Location



The Jiguey Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Ile A Vache's northeast shore. Make your way to Jiguey's smuggler's den and clear out the cave before you check south of the palm tree by some rocks for the place marked with "Dig".

^l43|Jiguey Treasure Map ^l44|Jiguey Treasure Location



The Nassau Treasure Map is found on the cadavar on Great Inagua inside a cave to the west of the docks accessed via a tree freerun. Make your way to Nassau and check east of the swamp for the place marked with "Dig" by a diagonally grown tree.

^l45|Nassau Treasure Map ^l46|Nassau Treasure Location


Elite Designs

Most of the Jackdaw's top level upgrades require a design plan in order to be purchased. The follow is the location of each design.

Upgrade Location
Elite Hull Armor San Ignacio Wreck
Elite Broadside Cannons The Blue Hole
Elite Ram La Concepcion Wreck
Elite Round Shot Strength Kabah Ruins
Elite Mortars Antocha Wreck
Elite Swivel Guns Devil's Eye Caverns
Elite Heavy Shot Strength Ambergris Key
Elite Fire Barrel Strength San Juan Treasure Map
Elite Heavy Shot Storage Petite Caverne Treasure Map
Elite Mortar Storage Matanzas Treasure Map
Elite Fire Barrel Storage Isla Providencia Treasure Map
Elite Harpoon Strength Andreas Island Treasure Map




Island Breakdown

The following list will cover a checklist of collectibles for each island in alphabetical order.

See Naval Forts and Shipwrecks for other location information.

- Info Coming Soon


Abaco Island


Andreas Island




Black Island


Cape Bonavista


Cat Island


Cayman Sound




Crooked Island


Cumberland Bay




Grand Cayman


Great Inagua




Ile A Vache


Isla Providencia






Long Bay


Mariguana Island






Mystery Island




New Bone


Petite Caverne


Pinos Isle




Sacrifice Island


Salt Key Bank


Salt Lagoon










Side Quests


Abstergo Challenges

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Synchronize 5 viewpoints Dive into water from over height of 45 meters Hang 5 enemies with the Rope Dart
Perform 10 assassinations Climb for a total of 300 meters Swim for a total of 2 nautical miles
Perform 10 air assassinations Perform 5 double assassinations Have 10 enemies killed by a berserk guard
Kill 10 enemies from hiding places Perform 10 escapes by blending or hiding Complete all Assassin Contracts
Complete 3 Assassin Contracts Poison 10 enemies with the Blowpipe
Complete the first set of Assassin Contracts
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Buy 3 ship upgrades Capture 5 Naval Forts Defeat 3 man o'war
Sink a ship using the Swivel Gun Defeat 5 ships you previously tagged Plunder 3 Warehouses without triggering an alarm
Capture 3 ships Sink a ship by ramming it Defeat a Legendary Ship
Plunder 3 Warehouses Sink a Level 3 Hunter patrol Total distance of 300 nautical miles by sailing
Reset your Wanted Level at a local officer Unlock 5 Taverns Plunder all Smuggler's Dens
Drink 5 glasses of Rum in Taverns Sail a total distance of 100 nautical miles
Complete 3 Naval Contracts Own 5 different figureheads
Plunder a Smuggler's Den
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Collect 10 Animus Fragments Collect 50 Animus Fragments Collect all 200 Animus Fragments
Solve 3 Mayan Stela puzzles Collect 5 Shanties Survive 10 Shark attacks
Explore 3 underwater shipwrecks Collect 5 Letters Synchronize all viewpoints
Loot 10 underwater chests Collect 5 Manuscripts Solve all Mayan Stela puzzles
Collect a Treasure Map Visit 15 different locations Explore all underwater shipwrecks
Loot all underwater chests
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Disarm 5 enemies Achieve a 5-enemy Kill Streak Achieve a 7-enemy Kill Streak
Achieve a 3-enemy Kill Streak Kill an enemy with every type of weapon Disarm and kill 3 Scouts with their own weapons
Kill 5 Captains Kill 30 enemies with a headshot Kill 15 enemies with the Rope Dart
Kill 5 enemies with a headshot Kill 4 enemies in a row using gold pistols
Kill 5 enemies affected by a Smoke Bomb on 10 secs.
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Skin 5 animals Skin 15 animals Kill a White Jaguar
Pet 5 Dogs Kill 10 animals with the Blowpipe Kill a Red Howler Monkey
Kill 2 Crocodiles Kill 5 animals with the Rope Dart Craft all upgrades for Kenway
Kill 2 Monkeys Harpoon and kill 5 sea animals Skin every species of animal
Kill an Ocelot with the Hidden Blade Craft 5 upgrades for Kenway Harpoon and kill each type of sea animal
Golden Boy
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Pickpocket 200R Free a trade route using Kenway's Fleet Buy all hideout upgrades
Loot 10 bodies Complete 25 trading missions in Kenway's Fleet Win 2,000R at the mini-games
Possess 5,000R Buy 5 hideout upgrades Possess 100,000R
Sell a total of 500 carho to a harbormaster Spend 50,000R Unlock all Kenway's Fleet destinations
Hire 5 groups of dancers Win each mini-game once
Acquire 10 ship models for your Hideout collection
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Get 25% total Synchronization Share 3 Royal Convoy locations Get 75% total Synchronization
Share 3 Social Chest locations Share 3 White Whale locations Get 100% total Synchronization
Get 50% total Synchronization



Mini-Games are small gambling games that allow you to compete against an opponent for money, based on your wager. Though this may seem like a good way to get money, the games are long and the amount of money you can win is pitiful.



Beginner Nassau
Intermediate Kingston
Expert Ile a Vache

Tips & Tactics:

  • The opening move is critical as it may weaken the player's lines and allow the AI to take a large chunk of their pieces. There are four opening moves available: a vertical, a horizontal, and two diagonal. The diagonal moves will lead to longer games, with it taking longer to clear the board. On the other hand, the vertical move will weaken the players lines and lead to shorter games.
  • Sometimes it's better for the player to end a move in a safe place, rather than weakening their lines to get more enemy pieces and leaving themselves open to counter moves.
  • When the board begins to clear out, try to keep all pieces in the middle of the board where there is more tactical moves available.
  • Sometimes it can be useful to sacrifice a piece by forcing the AI to move toward the outside with a "move away" capture move.


Six/Nine/Twelve Men's Morris

Beginner Crooked Island
Intermediate Andreas Island
Salt Key Bank
Expert Kingston

Tips & Tactics:

  • Place pieces at intersections where they get the most movement.
  • Try to create two mills so that the AI can only block one, allowing the other to be created and instantly removing an enemy piece.



Beginner Havana
Intermediate Great Inagua
Expert Grand Cayman

Tips & Tactics:

  • Use the required mandatory capture moves to manipulate an opponent into positions that are to their disadvantage.
  • The pieces on the borders have limited movement. Try to keep all pieces in the center and the AI's pieces against the walls.
  • Don't be afraid to sacrifice a piece or two to obtain a king. The tactical movement ability is much more important than being down a piece or two.


The Great Inagua Hideout

From Sequence 04 and onward you can upgrade Great Inagua the same way you would upgrade your home in previous Assassin's Creed games. In some cases you will need to make straight purchases in the town to upgrade the island, while other items like the Art Collection is unlocked through Kenway's Fleet or purchased from the General Store.

Cove Upgrades
Upgrade Price Unlock
Harbormaster 500 Unlocks the Harbormaster
Tavern 3,500 Unlocks the Tavern
General Store 700 Unlocks the General Store
Brothel 15,000 Hire Dancers for free in the Caribbean
Campfire 7,000 Hire Pirates for free in the Caribbean
Manor - Facade 6,000 -
Manor - Tower and Gardens 18,000 -
Manor - Guest House 40,000 -
Ship Models
The Jackdaw Gain the Jackdaw
Nosso Senhor da Compreensao Take the helm of the "Nosso Senhor da Compreensao"
The Revenge Take the helm of "The Revenge"
Queen Anne's Revenge Take the helm of the "Queen Anne's Revenge"
The Eldorado Take the helm of "The Eldorado"
Spanish Gunboat Sink a Spanish gunboat
Spanish Schooner Sink a Spanish schooner
Spanish Brig Sink a Spanish brig
Spanish Frigate Sink a Spanish frigate
Spanish Man o' War Sink a Spanish Man o' War
English Gunboat Sink a English gunboat
English Schooner Sink a English schooner
English Brig Sink a English brig
English Frigate Sink a English frigate
English Man o' War Sink a English Man o' War
El Impoluto Sink "[[El Impoluto]]"
HMS Prince Sink the "[[HMS Prince]]"
La Dama Negra Sink "[[La Dama Negra]]"
Brothers in Arms Sink the "[[Brothers in Arms]]"


Templar Keys

There are a total of five Templar Keys, four of which are attached to a chain of side-missions that can be taken on after opening up Great Inagua and finding the Templar Armor.


Templar Hunt 01 - Opia Apito


The Taino Assassin

Talk to Opia Apito on Cayman Sound to start this mission. Your objective is to skin more animals than her, but there is a limited supply and you will be racing against her. Make sure you have a gun with decent range and some bullets before you start this.

The first kill will be hers, you can not beat her to the target and shoot it before her, so head northwest to the second target and locate it with Eagle Vision and then shoot it and skin it quickly. Sprint back south now and hope to get to the next Hutia before her and locate and skin it. You will need to wait for more search locations, but you will likely have no problem beating her at this point. When the White Jaguar appears, kill it before it attacks or react to the QTE to defeat it and complete the memory.


Templar Ships

Meet up with Opia in Grand Cayman and then follow her for a quick conversation. Afterward, head to the easedrop zone and use Eagle Vision to spot your targets. Following the three is as easy as moving from one blending spot to another until the three break up and you can then Fast Walk up to the target and pickpocket the ledger.


Right-Hand Man

Opia is only a short distance from the end of the last memory in Grand Cayman, so follow her to Vargas' house and hide in the bushes nearby for a scene. You will need to chase Vargas down, but you will not catch him. Once you trigger the cutscene where Vargas boards a ship run along the planks toward the Jackdaw and board it, catching Vargas' ship and boarding it to kill him.


The Trail of Lucia Marquez

Sail or fast travel to Pinos Isle to the north and talk to Opia on the beach to start this memory. Follow the target easily from stalking zone to stalking zone until you reach a set of guards you will need to kill. Use the powder keg nearest the guards for some kills and then finish off the rest. When more guards attack, use Smoke Bombs to immobilize them and make your job easy. After all the enemies are dead Marquez will pop out and run away. Chase her down and when she turns to shoot running assassinate her to complete the memory and the first Templar Hunt.


Templar Hunt 02 - Rhona Dinsmore


Bureau Under Attack

Talk to Rhona in Havana's Assassin Bureau to start this memory and then deal with the attackers while protecting Rhona. After the first wave you will have to deal with multiple waves of enemies while protecting Rhona. This can be done in the conventional way or you can listen to Rhona and grab the powder kegs and place them near the choke points and manual aim at one, Rhona will also aim at one so make sure you are targetting a different one. When the enemy wave comes in, shoot the powder keg you targeted and deal with any leftovers. Reset the kegs and reload your gun between each wave and you will finish this memory in no time.


A Thief in the Market

Talk to Rhona in the same place in Havana to continue to the next memory. Instead of entering the search zone from the north, head to the northwest entrance to the market and then use Eagle Vision to spot your target. Doing this will cause the thief to run straight into you for an easy tackle.


Arms Race

Return to Rhona at the Assassin Bureau to start this memory. Your objective is to destroy all three powder kegs with no particular objective to do it stealthy other than your own preference.


Flint's End

Meet Rhona north of the Assassin Bureau in Havana and then follow her to the Restricted Zone. You can either enter the zone and head straight for Flint and kill him quickly, sometimes Rhona might actually do that herself, or you can skirt the zone and stealthly approach from the opposite side of the zone to headshot Flint from safety.


Templar Hunt 03 - Anto


The Maroon Assassin

Meet Anto at the Assassin Bureau in Kingston to start this memory. Your mission is to eavesdrop on multiple targets without being spotted. Though this may sound like a bit of trouble, Kingston is happy to provide multiple Dancers near the eavesdrop locations to conceal Edwards from suspicion, so make sure you hire some. When the men begin to run, follow the one through the alley to your right and tackle him to complete the memory.


Recruiting Maroons

Talk to Anto in the west section of Kingston to continue to the next memory. You need to tree three slaves held at gunpoint in small Restricted Zones, hopefully quietly, with Anto's help. Your first target is a short walk west, but rather than heading through the front gate guarded by enemies, head along the north side to a small house that gives you a perfect double air assassination on the guards below. The next slave is to the northeast, conveniently near some dancers that can be used to distract the guards by the prisoner and allow you to easily release him. The final slave is to the northeast and you can enter by jumping the fence by some crates when the guard isn't looking ans whistle him over for a corner assassinate. Anto will take out the other guard and then you need only worry about the final guard protecting the slave to complete the memory.


Under Attack

Return to the Assassin Bureau in to start this memory that is similar to the Dinsmore one, with multiple waves attacking the Bureau. Your objective is to keep Anto alive, so stay close to him and use kill streaks to deal with the weak soldiers. In between waves you have the opportunity to thin the next way by going out and striking them down, but make sure you return to the Bureau when they begin to attack. Once you have survived three waves you will complete the memory.


The Commander's Ruse

Talk to Anto in the center of Kingston to start this memory and then use Eagle Vision to locate your target. You can simply follow Anto, who not only knows the way but will also deal with any Marksmen in the way, to reach the Restricted Zone. Rather than heading in through the obvious south side of the zone, circle around the east side to the northern entrance to spot the Captain with Eagle Vision. Once you have him in your sights you can use a Berserk Dart on the Captain or the nearby guards to have him killed and complete the memory.


Templar Hunt 04 - Vance Travers


Oh Brother...

Meet Vance at the center of Nassau to start this memory and then head north to the search zone and hire some dancers to avoid detection from the men you must tail as you eavesdrop on them. When the eavesdrop ends by the Restricted Zone, climb the building on the right to spot Upton and take him out with a Berserk Dart or a headshot.


The Other Brother

Meet up with Upton in Nassau to start this memory and then follow him until he asks you to hide. Once the other brother shows up, mark them with Eagle Vision and then follow from a distance. When they reach the market the first thieves will come from the northwest, so head west to the left side of the market and deal with them while the brothers talk. Continue to follow the men through the gallows area, purchasing the dancers for easy tailing from here on out, and quietly kill the final thief that arrives.

When the two brothers break up, follow Vance as he meets up with his beloved for a quick eavesdrop conversation. Once the conversation is over your will have 60 seconds to reach the search zone and kill the man hired to kill Upton. You can find him by jumping on the rooftop directly in front of you as you reach the zone and looking north for the man who arrives and takes position the the wall of the building, setting himself up for a perfect air assassination.


Upton's Sorrow

Rather than leaving town Upton will head to the tavern only a short distance away, so talk to him to start the memory. You start this memory in a big tavern brawl with no weapons, so use counter kills and kill streaks to cut through the men quickly. Afterwards, you will need to escort Upton to a set of waypoints, stopping once to dismiss some dancers that have caught his fancy and finally defeating some guards who Upton makes unhappy with some public urination.


Queen of Pirates, King of Fools

Meet up with Upton in the west side of Nassau to start this memory and then follow head to the waypoint that leads to a large search area. Use the trees to head through the zone to the west side of the area and locate Vance, who you can kill with an air assassination. A chase with Jing Lang will begin, but a few shots from the pistol will deal with her quickly so you can escape the zone and complete the memory.


Mayan Stones

Scattered throughout the Caribbean are Mayan Stelas that offer a simple puzzle for the location of a Mayan Stone. To interact with the stela, climb to the top of the structure and interact with it to enter Eagle Vision. A puzzle will appear in which you need to align the drawing with the highlighted objects in the environment. Once the puzzle is properly aligned, the game will reveal the dig location. Once all 16 stones are collected you can open the door in Tulum to gain the Mayan Outfit.

Despite being introduced by Captain Kidd automatically in later chapters, you can actually solve the Mayan Stelas you encounter from the beginning of the game.

^l47|Cape Bonavista Stela Solution ^l48|Matanzas Stela Solution ^l49|Cat Island Stela Solution ^l50|Great Inagua Stela Solution ^l51|Tortuga Stela Solution ^l52|Long Bay Stela Solution ^l53|Isla Providencia Stela Solution ^l54|Isla Providencia Stela Solution ^l55|New Bone Stela Solution ^l56|Misteriosa Stela Solution ^l57|Misteriosa Stela Solution ^l58|Santanillas Stela Solution ^l59|Santanillas Stela Solution ^l60|Pinos Isle Stela Solution ^l61|Pinos Isle Stela Solution ^l62|Tulum Stela Solution


Assassination Contracts

On most islands and in all towns you can find coops that offer you Assassination Contracts. All contracts take place in Restricted Zones, preventing you from and easy approach to your target and must be completed in order, where applicable.


Andreas Island


The Treasure Hunter

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract takes place on Abaco Island, with the whole island being a restricted zone. You will need to hide in the bushes and whistle over some guards to get to the inner part of the island and then use poison darts to stay out of combat and kill the target.


A Slaver's Business

Reward: 1,000R

This contract takes place on a ship that pulls up to the dock soon after you accept the contract. You will want to ignore the guards on the dock, as any action that causes them to engage in combat will cause the ship to sail away. Instead, swim out and around the ship and climb the rigging to get an air assassination.




The Pirate Captain

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract takes place to the west in the swamp area and is best approached by heading up into the trees outside the restricted zone and following them into the center of the area. Once you spot your target, you can air assassinate him or take him out with a ranged attack.


The Outlaws

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,000R

This contract also takes place to the west, in the large mansion near the swamps. The target is on the ground level on the west side of the restricted zone and can be approached by using sleep darts on the guards and Marksmen to get close enough to finish him off without detection.


Salt Key Bank


Shady Business

Reward: 1,000R

This is one of the few contracts that takes place in the sea and has no stealth bonus. Simply sail up to the location, identify the ship, and defeat it.

. ====The Informant===== Reward: 1,000R

This contract takes place at Fort Dry Tortuga and is easy enough to complete without the need for stealth. Simply fast travel to the fort, make your way up the scaffolding and then poison dart or headshot the informant.




No More Taxes

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract takes place to the south and can be completed with stealth by climbing the wall on the north side of the building and then shooting the target with a poison dart or headshot.


A Botched Escape

Reward: 1,000R

This contract takes place to the west and with no stealth required you can simply engage in open conflict on the guards and then chase down and kill the target.

. ====The Spanish Commander===== Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract is easiest if you approach the restricted zone from the south and climb the building. Make sure to sleep dart the Marksmen on the building to the east and then identify your target in the courtyard below and kill him with a ranged attack.


Unlicensed Dealer

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract is to the northeast and the nearby dancers provide easy access once you distract the four guards at the gate. After the entrance is clear, step is and carefully identify your target and kill him at a distance without being spotted by him or other guards inside.


Beach Bonfire

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

Once again the dancers nearby give you easy access to the area. Start by sleep darting the Marksman on the thatched roof and then use the dancers to get within range of your target and kill him with ranged fire or poison darts.


A Shipment of Powder

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract is located on the docks and if you take position to the right of the Harbormaster you should be able to spot your target. Using poison darts, shoot the guard on the lower dock and he should draw over more guards and the target. If the poisoned guard dies before the target comes over, poison a new guard. When the target is within range you can poison him and he will die soon enough against the multitude of guards.




Tomb Raiders

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract takes place on Pinos Isle and is easiest to complete by fast traveling to the viewpoint and then waiting for the target to walk around the outside of the the temple and air assassinate him.


A Last Drink for the Road

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This is easiest way to complete this is to take the rooftops to the area of search and then headshot him with a bullet, poison darts will not affect him and he will escape on his ship.


Crooked Island


The Poachers

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contracts takes place on Mariguana Island and is hard to complete with a stealth run do to the multiple Marksmen placed throughout the island. You will want to sleep dart or poison dart guards as you slowly get into range until you can find and kill your target with a ranged weapon.


The Deserter

Reward: 1,000R

This contract takes place on Salt Lagoon and can be fast traveled to and then completed with no concern for stealth.




The Plantation Master

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract is in the north and is easiest to complete by approaching from the south, killing the two guards quietly, and the climbing the wall when all guards are facing away and killing the target.


The Guard Post

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract is located on a hilltop with only one road leading to the target, which is guarded. Instead of taking the standard road, ignore the two Brutes and follow around the stone to a group of soldiers nearby with some rocks that can be climbed and lead straight to the target.


The Slave Traders

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract takes place to the east, but if you circle around to the east side of the restricted zone you can hide in a bush between two building and then use Eagle Vision to find your target nearby. With his head in easy view, you can use a headshot or a poison dart to finish this contract.


The Judge

Reward: 1,000R

This contract takes place on the southern half of Kingston and can be reached by fast travel or via the boats on the south docks. When you locate your target he will begin to run. The target can be chased down and killed or shoot him as he runs away.


The Weapons Smugglers

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract is fairly easy if you approach the restricted zone from the west and climb the building to kill the Marksman. Once the Marksman is dead, jump to the east roof and use Eagle Vision to spot your target and kill him with a gunshot to the head or a poison dart.


The British Captain

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract takes place in a small restriction zone on the south beach and can easily be completed with a headshot to the head, just be careful to stand outside the detection zone and that no Marksmen nearby see you.


[[Ile a Vache]]


The Expedition

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract takes place on Cumberland Bay and can be fast traveled to if you have cleared the viewpoint. The viewpoint will put you right next to a Marksman and your target, so quickly sleep dart the Marksman and then you can easily take out the target.


The Slave Master

Reward: 1,000R

This contract takes place on Tortuga, a island covered in a restricted zone due to the warehouse located there. It is easiest to use the fast travel to reach the viewpoint and then Leap of Faith and take out the keyholder. After that, carefully take out the guards and move north along the west side of the island. The target is in the backyard of the house to the far north all by himself.


New Bone



Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract takes place on Cayman Sound and the large amount of guards and search area makes this target annoying to reach with stealth. I find the best way to approach this is to fast travel to the viewpoint and then poison dart a guard to cause a distraction and allow you to reach the ground quietly. After that you should be able to use the stalking areas to hide and find the target and kill him with ranged attacks.


The Dreaded Porate

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract takes place on Misteriosa and is quickly completed by taking the viewpoint fast travel location and then making your way down enough to air assassinate the target.


Grand Cayman


The Twin Dilemma

Reward: 1,000R

Although this contract doesn't require stealth, it is easy enough to stand outside the restricted zone and poison dart your targets to defeat them without ever engaging in combat.


The Smuggler's Squat

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract takes place at Anotto Bay and is best done when you explore the cavern for treasure. Without weapons this is very hard to complete with a stealth run, but it is possible if you locate the target on the far side of the smuggler's den and just go straight for him before the other enemies lock onto you as a target.




The Unworthy Brother

Reward: 1,000R

This contract takes place at Fort Chinchorro, which must be under your control to complete. With no stealth requirement this should be an easy in and out kill for the 1,000R.


The Outlaw's Cave

Rewards: 1,000 - 1,500R

This contract takes place at Ambergris Key and is best done when you explore the cavern for treasure. See the details on the location page for how to handle Ambergris Key and just remember that there is an extra target walking around that you will want to identify and kill.


Naval Contracts

Upon clearing the Naval Forts you can take up Naval Contracts by talking to the contract giver at the correct fort. Naval Contracts generally involve defeating certain ships and do not require you to return to the NPC that gave you the contract. Most forts only have one contract, but in some cases this is not the case, but contracts must be completed in order.


Fort Dry Tortuga


Private Escort

Reward: 2,400R

Depending on when you choose to try and do this you may find it very easy or rather hard. The trick is to stay between the enemy ships and the Neptuno, keeping it safe. As you head east you will first run into two gunboats, which you can take down with Chain Shot, the Swivel Gun, and Broadside Cannons as you pass to south. After the gunboats are defeated, turn right and head around the Neptuno clockwise to prepare for the next wave with some Broadside Cannon fire and more Swivel Gun combos. Keep holding right to circle the Neptuno in a clockwise function and the final wave of two brigs and two schooner, should appear right next to you. Take down the brigs with some Mortar fire and then finish off the schooners to complete this mission.


Fort Eleuthera


A Spanish Plague

Reward: 1,200 R

Your objective is to sink three Spanish gunboats, which can be located almost anywhere in the northern section of the map.


Fort Gibara


Silk on the Waves

Reward: 1,200R

Your objective is to loot 30 Cloth from any ship and return it to the merchant. If you already have 30 Cloth you can skip the looting bit and turn in the cloth directly to finish this contract fast and easy.


Fort Punta Guarico


Weathering the Storm

Reward: 1,200R

Your objective is to find and sink the British ships near the fort to the southeast. As you enter the storm that covers the search zone, put your sails at half to allow for better maneuvering in the storm. The British ships are lined up in a row, so once you spot them on the radar try and line your ship up with theirs to get a horizontal pass on all the ships. Stay around 200-250m away, to get in Broadside Cannon fire, Swivel Gun shots, and Mortars while avoiding their close range attacks. Once all the ships are defeated and destroyed you complete the contract.


Fort Navassa


Blind Justice

Reward: 1,800R

Your objective is to find and defeat the British man o'war, but as you enter the search zone to the south your will encounter three brigs. Instead of taking them on head on you should sneak up behind them in their blind spot and use Heavy Shot to take them out quickly, finishing them off with Broadside Cannons as needed. The man o'war will enter around the tip of the south tip of the island, where you can get in some free Mortar shots, unless it tries to do the same. Use Heavy Shots on the bow of the ship and then turn and follow the coast along the side of the ship, bracing from its fire, and then get to its stern and use more Heavy Shots and Mortar fire to finish it off. Once the ship is defeated and boarded successfully you complete the contract.


A Personal Matter

Reward: 1,800R

Your objective is to find and sink the HMS Defiance, which is not very hard as long as you don't engage it when there is multiple British ships in the area. Use Mortar fire when the ship is at a distance and Heavy Shot when you are within range.


Fort Cabo de Cruz



Reward: 1,800R

Your objective is to loot 60 Wood from any ship and return it to the merchant. If you already have 60 Wood you can skip the looting bit and turn in the wood directly to finish this contract fast and easy.


Fort Castillo de Jagua


Eye for an Eye

Reward: 1,800R

Your objective is to find and board the San Lorenzo, a frigate to the southwest of Fort Castillo de Jagua. This Spanish ship is easy if taken alone, so check that there is no other Spanish ships around when you engage it. The ship is easiest if you head straight for it head to head, engaging in battle with a Heavy Shot to the side and then turning around its stern and hitting it more in the blind side. Once she is damaged, board her and complete the objective to finish the contract.


Fort Conttroyor


The Law of the Ocean

Reward: 1,800R

Your objective is to sail to the ambush point and then board the Hercules. After reaching the ambush point and getting the quick scene, sail at half sail and aim your broadsides along the path as you cross in front of the ships. The schooners should be no problem to take out in a well placed Broadside Cannon shot, but the brig will need a Heavy Shot and Swivel Gun fire to finish it off. Once the Hercules is disabled you can finish off the remaining schooners and then board the ship to complete the contract.


The Realities of War

Reward: 2,400R

Your objective is to sail to your allies aid and protect them from the Spanish ships. Head straight for the blue dots in the search zone and follow the ships until the first wave appears. Sail between your two allies, preventing the one brig from attacking the Spanish ships, and when your allies are clear attack the first two ships using Broadside Cannon fire and the Swivel Gun.

Once the first two ships are defeated the frigate and two brigs will appear nearby. You can use Mortar shot on them from a distance as you make a sweep across the front of them with Heavy Shot. Circle around them tossing Heavy Shot and Swivel Gun fire at them and the ships should go down in no time.


Fort Chinchorro



Reward: 2,400R

Your objective is to sink two Spanish brigs and a frigate, which are located in the area around Fort Chinchorro. If you defeated the fort you should have no problem taking down these ships in singles, but watch out for getting too many Spanish ships aiding each other.


Smuggler's Den

Reward: 2,400R

Your objective is to find the Spanish blockade and defeat the ships, including a man o'war. Sail around the coast until you reach the cove that the Spanish ships protect and then use Mortar fire before sailing parallel to the fleet, using your whole arsenal to take out the ships.


Fort Charlotte


Hunter Gatherer

Reward: 2,400R

Your objective is to defeat two Hunter ships by raising your wanted level high enough for them to appear. This is easily done by engaging and defeating multiple ships quickly in the north, focusing on schooner and gunboats. Once you reach the first wanted status the Hunter ships will appear after some time and can be defeated slowly. That being said, if you want to get it done quickly you can reach level 2 wanted to get a second Hunter to appear quickly.


Papers, Please

Reward: 2,400R

Your objective is to locate the HMS Courage and sink it. Once you locate the ship you can stop on one side of the the island as it circles to the other side. Once it is on the south side of the island you can attack it with mortars, causing the ship to slowly u-turn around. Keep hitting it as it turns around and then meet it to the south and finish it off with some Heavy Shot and Broadside Cannons. Once it is defeated, board it and complete the objective to finish the contract.


Fort Serranilla


The Final Contract

Reward: 2,400R

This mission is only available once all other Naval Contracts have been completed.

Your objective is to find the Hollander in the search zone and protect it from enemy waves. When you first engage the Hollander it will already be heavily damaged and under attack by gunboats and schooners. These pose little threat to both you and the Hollander, so take them out with the Broadside Cannons and Swivel Gun, saving your Mortar shot. The second wave consists of two brigs and a frigate. These can be welcomed with Mortar fire, possibly taking out a brig on the way and then stay close to the Hollander, between it and the enemy when possible, and finish off the rest with Heavy Shot and Swivel Gun shots. The final wave of two frigates and a man o'war is best approached aggressively with Mortar fire and Heavy Shot as you head them off to dwindle the damage to the Hollander. Once again, try and stay between the Hollander and the enemy ships to protect it.




San Ignacio Wreck

The San Ignacio Wreck is visited during the story campaign, but if for some reason you missed something and need to return the information has been covered here as well.

Start by heading to the nearby Treasure and then swim past the barrel and into the broken hull behind the three jellyfish for another Treasure. Use the barrel to get some air and then get the Animus Fragment from the mast of the ship, stopping inside the nearby hull for another Treasure. Now head for the glowing hatch and open it, stopping to get air, and enter. Interact with the chest for a scene and then swim through the tunnel to an air pocket.

Dive back down and continue through a rough current, where you need to avoid colliding with objects, and when you exit you will meet up with a friend who is quickly devoured. Use the barrel nearby to catch some air and then hide in the seaweed. When the sharks swim away, head for the hull to the right and get the Animus Fragment. Exit into the seaweed and get the two Treasures nearby and then stop at the Diving Bell for some air. Return to the seaweed once again, to get the final Animus Fragment and Treasure you passed before leaving the area for good.


Antocha Wreck

From the diving bell locate the nearest Treasure and approach it carefully, avoiding the eel. Exit out the back of the wreckage and stay low to the ground using the seaweed to avoid the sharks. Swim left around the rock to another seaweed patch and a barrel for some air and then get the Treasure inside the next wreck. Head back out to the seaweed and when the shark is off to the right head for the seaweed on the left, using the burst beam to propel yourself forward. From here you should be able to get the Treasure inside the hull, while being careful of the eel.

Head back to the air barrel and then the seaweed patch. Turn toward the sharks location and look up into the rocks to spot another area of the ship. When the shark turns away to swim to the far side, swim up and left to enter the ship. Be wary of the sea urchins and swim down the corridor to another Treasure and then turn around and enter the door behind you for another Treasure. Once again, turn around and swim through a door and upstairs to the Treasure with the Elite Mortar Design Plans. With little air left, turn around and head outside to the air barrel.

You will now have a very risky swim up the mast to the Animus Fragment that will likely lead to an attack, if not death. Stick close to the mast and use it to break the line of sight with the sharks in the area both up and down and then swim down the other side to the hull or air barrel, whichever is closest or safest. Grab some air and then follow the deck of the ship to the final Treasure. Exit the west side of the hull and then turn south and swim to the burst beam to propel Edward forward, aiming for the Animus Fragment. Be careful of the eels in the seaweed as you enter and then head back to the diving bell to leave.


Kabah Ruins

From the diving bell head south to a Treasure while avoiding an eel and then return to the bell. Look to the northwest to spot a temple ruins with some seaweed on the ocean floor and swim down to the patch. From here, head around the front of the ruins and enter the doorway and carefully make your way to the Treasure with the Elite Round Shot Design Plans. Exit the way you came in and swim up to the top of the temple for an Animus Fragment before returning to the bell for some air.

Head back down to the seaweed and then swim town the front of the temple toward the air barrel and swim up and over the nearby eel to reach the next Treasure. Continue into the tunnel and stop at the air pocket and then take a right down a long corridor. The current here will push you back at regular intervals and is proceeded by an "earthquake". In order to reach the end of the tunnel you will need to swim into an opening on the right side of the tunnel to avoid the current and reach the end, getting a Treasure in the first gap and reach an Animus Fragment and air pocket on the second. Return to the tunnel entrance and leave.

As you leave the tunnel, avoiding the eel again, head right to a patch of seaweed and when the sharks turn away follow the ditch down to another Treasure and then get some air at the nearby barrel. Turn around and hug the wall on your left to swim to some burst beams and propel yourself forward and into the seaweed at the bottom of the area.

Get some air if you need it and then swim inside the nearby wreck, avoiding the sea urchin and eel, and grab the Treasure. Return to the seaweed and then head up and over the bow of the shipwreck nearby to reach the Animus Fragment on the other side and get some air from the barrel. Keep swimming along the sea floor to the seventh Treasure and then wait for the shark to pass before making a break to the air barrel on the left. From the barrel, use the burst beam to reach the next temple entrance and exit the other side to get the final Treasure on the sea floor. You can now return to the diving bell and return to the surface.


Anotto Bay

Before heading to this location it is worth noting that it has a Treasure Map and Assassin Contract attached to it that are worth getting before you head out. The Treasure Map is obtained through Kenway's Fleet, while the contract can be picked up in Grand Cayman, called The Smuggler's Squat.

Anotto Bay is an underwater maze with a shark heading through the tunnels, so taking a certain route will lead you inside safely while heading the wrong way can get you eaten. Start by swimming into the cave and using the burst beam to propel you forward to a ladder and swim up. The shark will appear here and swims in a counterclockwise patrol, while we need to head clockwise.

Start by waiting for the shark to pass and then hug the left wall until you reach an air bubble. The shark should pass the tunnels entrance as you exit, if it has not passed already, and then turn left and head straight to a ladder and swim up for the first Treasure. Turn around and follow the tunnel to an air pocket and then continue to an Animus Fragment by the dead end. Turn around again and swim through the tunnel and up to the surface and climb out. After a short walk, jump back into the water and follow the linear tunnel to the smuggler's den.

Start by climbing up one of the beams to the railing and ledge assassinate the first smuggler and then kill his buddy beating up a slave in the corner. Take cover by the crates nearby and wait for the patrolling guard to return and whistle him over for a corner assassinate. There is a guard in front of the chest to the right facing your way, but if you run in and attack him quickly he will not alert his friends and you can grab the second Treasure.

Clear out the rest of the men to grab the final Treasure and Treasure Map. To reach the Animus Fragment, jump into the hole in the floor of the smuggler's den and follow it west to another hole in the floor of the room with the fragment. The Treasure Map dig location is located only a few feet from the ladder that leads up and out into the ocean, so get it before leaving.


Devil's Eye Caverns

This is one of the few areas without sharks, but you will still need to watch out for other plant and animal life. Start by collecting the Treasure x2 in the area and then use the air barrel to replenish your air before heading into the tunnel behind it. Follow the tunnel until you spot an undersea current and when you enter it you will want to stick to the left wall, using the High Profile Button to swim left at the sea urchin covered stalactite to reach the Animus Fragment. Return to the current and follow it to its end.

Grab some air at the air barrel as you exit the cave and then grab the nearby Treasure, avoiding the eel. Exit the back and enter the next wreck from the deck door and open the Treasure and then follow the tunnel to a current. Head for the air pocket when you reach it and then get the Treasure before you follow the tunnel to an Animus Fragment and another air pocket.

Leave the water and get the Treasure x2, one with the Elite Swivel Gun Design Plan, and then enter the water on the other side to grab the last Treasure. You can now make your way through the tunnels back to the diving bell.


San Juan

Before heading to this location it is worth noting that it has a Treasure Map that can be obtained from Santanillas.

From the diving bell swim into the tunnels and follow the linear path as you avoid sea urchin and moray eels. As you approach the obvious Animus Fragment make sure you swim over the eel to grab it and then surface in the air pocket for some air. As you swim west through the tunnel you will get caught in a short current that will drop you by a Treasure and then continue through the tunnels until you reach the smuggler's den.

Start by ledge assassinating the first guard and then kill his buddy to get the second Treasure. If you have the Treasure Map for San Juan you can find the dig location on the ledge to the right of the first guards location. Climb the ladder to the next area and air assassinate the one guard against the wall while the patrolling guard isn't looking and then take out the patrol. Leave the rest of the smuggler's alone, as they are in pairs and don't pose a threat, and then loot the Treasure. Climb up and deal with the Marksmen before grabbing the Animus Fragment and leaving.


The Black Trench

From the diving bell swim south into the wreck and avoid the sea urchin and jellyfish as you grab the Treasure and exit out the opposite side into some seaweed. Wait for the shark to turn away and then grab some air at the air barrel before heading into the nearby wreck and getting the next Treasure. Exit out the other side into some seaweed and grab some air.

The hull of the ship nearby has a Treasure straight ahead and if you swim up the trapdoor to the Captain's Cabin you can find another Treasure. Swim on deck and pop in another trapdoor for the Animus Fragment and then grab some air at the nearby barrel. Wait for the shark below to turn left and make a break for the second half of the hull and open the Treasure, ignore the air barrel. Swim left and around to a small set of stairs and swim down the other side to reach another Treasure. Use the air barrel nearby and then wait for the shark to move to grab the Animus Fragment in the nearby wreck.

You will now need to backtrack down the ship, using the air barrel we passed if needed, and make your way to the final Treasure before returning to the diving bell.


La Concepcion Wreck

From the diving bell head north through the seaweed patch and into the first shipwreck guarded by jellyfish to open your first Treasure. Exit out the other side of the ship and use the seaweed to conceal yourself from the shark as you make your way to the air barrel to grab some air.

From the air barrel, wait for the sharks to move away and then use the burst beam to propel yourself forward to the next wreck and enter, avoiding the jellyfish, and open the next Treasure. Exit the wreck from the other side when the shark moves away and swim to the ocean floor and use the seaweed to head to the air barrel to the south.

Enter the nearby ship through the doorway by the air barrel and head straight until you hit a wall with a Treasure on the other side. Pick up the Animus Fragment and then exit through the stairs, not the side of the ship, and grab the Treasure by the captain's cabin before you use the air barrel. Quickly make your way up the large mast, using the mast and rigging to break line of sight to the sharks, and grab the Animus Fragment. You will now need to angle yourself down to the other half of the ship at the bottom of the sea and make a break for the hull.

Grab the Treasure inside the hull and wait from the shark patrolling above to move to go above deck, turn right and go around the railing and enter another part of the ship for the next Treasure with the Elite Ram Design Plans. Wait for the shark to move and head for the final Treasure before you grab the Animus Fragment and swim back to the diving bell.


Ambergris Key

Before heading to this location it is worth noting that it has a Treasure Map that can be obtained from Corozal. The second [[Assassination Contract]] for Corozal is also located here, but as the first requires you to complete the Fort Chinchorro you may not wish to do that just now.

The first part of this section is purely about ignoring the jellyfish while making your way to the smuggler's den. Make sure to grab the Treasure below the air pocket before you continue until you reach the smuggler's den. If you have the Corozal Treasure Map you can find the dig location in the south corner of the area before you even head up into the den.

Start by climbing up the wall of the ruins below the Animus Fragment to obtain it and then make your way up the horizontal pillar to the static guard above and ledge assassinate him (Note: many times he will spot you and you will have to engage him and his patrol in combat). If your are lucky enough not to engage every single enemy in the area into combat and are still in stealth after killing the first two guards you can head inside.

This area is hard due to the inability to double assassinate and the difficulty of the guards. The trick is to engage the enemies in the south corner when the circling patrol is far enough away that they will not engage in combat. Stealth kill one of the guards and then counter kill the other quickly before the patrol returns. Take cover and when the patrol comes to survey the area you can take them out without the others engaging. From there, dwindle off any that are left. If for any reason you feel you may need to run away to heal head out the way you came and hide in the water below until the guards reset.

Once the area is clear of guards you can grab the Treasure x2, the Treasure Map off the cadavrr, and the Animus Fragment in the middle of the structure above accessed via the beams.


The Blue Hole

Head for the first Treasure using the burst beam to plunge forward, while avoiding the shark, and then head across the deck and enter the other side of the ship to reach the air barrel. From the air barrel look down the ship and wait for the shark to clear the path and then make a break for the next Treasure. Enter the nearby doorway and turn left to go up some stairs back to the deck and get the Treasure behind the wall here while avoiding the shark. Wait for the shark to turn again and head over the left side of the ship, over the stairs and along the side, and enter the hull again.

Swim to the right to get the Animus Fragment and then down to another Treasure before leaving to some seaweed on the sea floor. By now you will be starving for oxygen, so make your way to the air barrel nearby before you drown. Backtrack a bit to a Treasure guarded by eels and then head east. Use the seaweed and burst beam to head east and then turn north and avoided two more eels to get another Treasure with the Elite Broadside Cannons Design Plan. Head south now, avoiding the shark once again, and make your way to the air barrel.

The Animus Fragment above you is out in the open and will likely get you bitten by a shark as you head for it, but no worries. Once gotten, make your way back down to the sea floor and head along the seaweed to the next air barrel and the final Treasure. From here you should have no problem reaching the Animus Fragment at the bottom of the final ship. You can now return to the diving bell.


Naval Forts

There are a total of 10 Naval Forts, one of which is already captured in the main story memories. In order to take over a fort you must first destroy all of its defenses (3-9) and then dock and defeat the fort's Captains (2-3). Once the Captains are defeated you can enter the war room and kill the fort's Commander to free the fort. Captured forts will then be under your control and attack British and Spanish ships that pass by.


Fort Dry Tortuga

This fort is easiest if approached from the east side along the southern part of the island to allow you cover until you and almost right next to the forts defenses. As you loop around the corner get in a few broadsides on the southern defenses and you should be good within a single pass.

Once you are on the ground you can enter the fort via the wall to the left of the main gate and then climb the wall to your left and the scaffolding straight ahead. This will allow you to run along the back of the fort and perform an air assassination on the Captain. You can then enter the war room and kill the fort's Commander.

After the fort is cleared you can get the Treasure x2, Animus Fragment x2, and start the Naval Contract, Private Escort.


Fort Eleuthera

This fort is easiest if approached from the west side, allowing you to defeat all its defenses in a single pass and then dock on the east side. Although it may seem like a potential threat, Eleuthera has weak firepower and will likely do little to no damage to the Jackdaw.

Once you are on the ground, enter the fort via the wall to the left of the main gate and follow the rampart to the far side. You can then head north up the stairs and climb up the scaffolding on the nearby building to reach the upper level where you'll spot the Captain below on the other side for an easy air assassination.

After the fort is cleared you can get the Treasure x2, Animus Fragment x2, and start the Naval Contract, A Spanish Plague.


Fort Gibara

Gibara is best approached from the west or the north, as the east usually has frigate infested water that can pose a serious issue. While the fort is weak at only 3 defenses, the main gate has Heavy Shot cannons that can eat into the Jackdaw's health if you stay in range too long. It is best to sweep across the area quickly and aim at the gate from an angle, rather than straight on to quickly take out the threat and then deal with whatever is left over.

Once you are on the ground, Gibara has the same layout as Fort Eleuthera. As with Eleuthera, enter by climbing the wall to the left of the main gate and follow the rampart to the far side. You can then head south up the stairs and climb up the scaffolding on the nearby building to reach the upper level where you'll spot the Captain below on the other side for an easy air assassination. You can then climb back up and enter the war room and kill the fort's Commander.

After the fort is cleared you can get the Treasure x2, Animus Fragment x2, and start the Naval Contract, Silk on the Waves.


Fort Punta Guarico

This is the fort you are required to take over in Memory 01 of Sequence 05.

After the fort is cleared you can get the Treasure x2, Animus Fragment x2, and start the Naval Contract, Weathering the Storm.


Fort Navassa

Navassa is an island, and as such you can circle around it and get in shots on all 9 of its defenses. Unfortunately, the schooners that protect this fort can easily pose a threat, matching speed ahead of the Jackdaw placing Fire Barrels. The schooners should be your first target, taking them out at a distance from the fort to make a safe approach and allowing you to board them for repairs if you take too much damage.

Once you are on the ground, enter the fort via the lift straight ahead and then climb the left wall to avoid the eyes of the Captain off to the right. Head straight and get on the building nearby to air assassinate the first Captain before he runs off to the south. You can now climb up the building again and air assassinate the Captain in the courtyard on the east side of the building. Head back up the steps and then run through the scaffolding and air assassinate the final Captain to enter the nearby war room and kill the fort's Commander.

After the fort is cleared you can get the Treasure x2, Animus Fragment x2, and start the Naval Contract, Blind Justice.


Fort Cabo de Cruz

Capturing Cabo de Cruz is the only fort needed to get 100% synchronization of the main memories, outside of the one automatically captured in the story section of the game. Cabo also has a habit of being surrounded by ships in the Restricted Zone, so approach it from the west where the least amount of ships are located. As soon as you are within the 500m range for Mortar fire you should barrage the fort, weakening the nearest defenses so that when you are within cannon range you can finish them off quickly.

Once you are on the ground, enter the fort through the lift and the wall to the left of the main gate. Straight ahead is the first Captain, which you can shoot with a Berserk Dart, and then climb the wall to the left to sneak up behind the other Captain and air assassinate him. Wait for the first Captain to die, if he hasn't already, and then enter the war room and kill the fort's Commander.

After the fort is cleared you can get the Treasure x2, Animus Fragment x2, and start the Naval Contract, Driftwood.


Fort Castillo de Jagua

The safest journey to this fort is to sail in from the west for a straightforward assault with Mortar fire and broadsides. There is usually a few gunboats in the area, but these should be no problem for the Jackdaw at this point and you can concentrate fire on the fort itself. Once the defenses are gone you can finish off the surrounding boats so you can dock.

Once you are on the ground, enter the fort via the left wall of the main gate and then jump across to the roofing and find the part of the wall that will let you climb up. When you reach the upper level use the crates to reach the beams coming out of the walls to air assassinate the first Captain. From there make your way down and behind the final Captain and defeat him as well. Now climb back up the fort and enter the war room to kill the fort's Commander.

After the fort is cleared you can get the Treasure x2, Animus Fragment x2, and start the Naval Contract, Eye for an Eye.


Fort Conttroyor

Fort Conttroyor is covered in a perpetual storm, with tornadoes, so while it is a small island and you may think it is smart to circle it closely it can actually be very deadly. Stay at a distance and weaken the defenses with Mortar fire while you avoid the tornadoes and then get in close, no closer than 200m, to finish off the defenses with broadsides.

Once you are on the ground, enter the fort via the wall to the right of the main gate and then head south the engage in combat with the first Captain and his two Scout guards. This fight is unavoidable, so throw down a Smoke Bomb to kill him and then head back north. The guard to the east can be taken out with a Berserk Dart and the final guard to the north can be taken out with an air assassination.

After the fort is cleared you can get the Treasure x2, Animus Fragment x2, and start the Naval Contract, The Law of the Ocean.


Fort Chinchorro

Chinchorro is by far the hardest of the forts; not due to its defenses but due to the ships that come to its aid and the worsening storm that surrounds it. As you engage the fort with Mortars and cannon fire it will begin to rain and the surrounding ships will come to the forts aid. The longer you take, the worse the situation will become until you are defeated. To prevent defeat, you need to finish this quickly by trying to approach the fort without drawing the attention of any nearby frigates and then going all out as quickly as possible.

Once you are on the ground, enter the fort via the right side of the main gate and hop down to the hanging cages and cross them to reach the first Captain. Climb the walls and head for the second Captain, who you can Smoke Bomb and defeat, and then climb up again and approach the final Captain, who will run right to you and his death sentence. Once all Captains are defeated you can enter the war room and kill the forts Commander.

After the fort is cleared you can get the Treasure x2, Animus Fragment x2, and start the Naval Contract, Contraband.


Fort Charlotte

Like Fort Conttroyor, Charlotte is in a constant storm, making rogue waves a larger focus than the forts minor 5 defense. Stick close to the fort and the shore as much as possible to cause the waves to dissipate and face the waves and brace as needed. In between watching for waves get in some good Heavy Shot strikes on the defenses and they will go down in no time.

Once you are on the ground, enter the fort via the ramp and then climb the wall to the rampart and follow it left, hitting the two Captains in the courtyard with Berserk Darts and leaving them to die to their allies. Follow the rampart around to the opposite side of the fort and then head up the steps, around the area and continuing up the steps until you approach the final Captain from behind and kill him. You can then enter the doors directly behind the final Captain to defeat the fort's Commander.

After the fort is cleared you can get the Treasure x2, Animus Fragment x2, and start the Naval Contract, Hunter Gatherer.


Fort Serranilla

Serranilla is the easiest of the top tier forts and it is commonly under attack by Spanish ships that make great healing for the Jackdaw if you get in trouble. Though its firepower and 7 defense is worth mentioning you can always sail out of range to the north or south of the fort to recover a bit and allow you to turn around safely out of range of the cannons and mortars.

Once you are on the ground, enter the fort and cross the wire to climb the wall on the other side, following the roofing to an area of the wall that you can climb. Sneak up on the first Captain and kill him and then take out the second Captain to the east with a Berserk Dart and let your enemies take care of him. Turn west and head up the ramp to the final Captain and finish him off so you can approach the war room and kill the fort's Commander.

After the fort is cleared you can get the Treasure x2 and Animus Fragment x2, and start the Naval Contract, The Final Contract.


Legendary Ships

-Info Coming Soon


Kenway's Fleet

Kenway's Fleet is unlocked early in Sequence 04 with very little information on how it works. A great source of money for those who invest the effort into doing Kenway's Fleet, Kenway's Fleet is accessed from the Captain's Cabin on the Jackdaw or through the Companion App from Ubisoft on the iOS or Android. At the very basic level Kenway's Fleet consists of three steps:

  • Gain new ships for the fleet by defeating and boarding ships and choosing to send them to Kenway's Fleet
  • In the Kenway's Fleet menu select a trade route and engage in ship battles for trade resources and to secure a route
  • With the trade resources and secure routes, send your ship on missions for money


New Ships for the Fleet

Every ship in the Caribbean has a level, with three levels per ship type, that you can view by using the Spyglass. This level affects the attributes of each ship, viewable when choosing to add them to your fleet, comparing with other ships if you are out of docks, or when they are already in your fleet.

Ship Type Lvl Battle Attributes Trading Attributes
Spd Pwr Hlth Capacity Success Bonus Time Reduction
Schooner 4 63 12 27 15 0% 27%
8 66 14 29 15 3% 29%
11 70 15 30 20 5% 30%
Brig 17 54 23 45 25 10% 18%
20 50 24 48 30 12% 19%
25 60 25 50 35 15% 20%
Frigate 23 45 32 63 40 40% 9%
29 47 33 67 50 40% 10%
38 50 35 70 60 40% 10%
Man o'War 36 9 63 135 70 55% 0%
49 20 67 143 80 55% 0%
60 30 70 150 90 55% 0%

In order to add a ship to your fleet you must have an empty dock, but more can be purchased with gems.

Dock Cost Dock Cost
5 20 11 600
6 50 12 1000
7 80 13 2000
8 120 14 3000
9 200 15 5000
10 350



There are three types of resources that are used in Kenway's Fleet:


Gemstones are the currency in Kenway's Fleet. They are used to repair ships, unlock new docks, and expand your fleet. To obtain gemstones you must either salvage ships or complete Ship Battles.


Cargo is what you will be trading to make money and is gained by completing Ship Battles. There are five types: Rice, Tobacco, Cocoa, Wine, and Olive Oil.

Fire Barrels

Fire Barrels are used in Ship Battles when the outcome looks grim to do massive damage.


Ship Battles

Ship Battles are a major function of Kenway's Fleet, securing routes and giving you new resources. Trade routes are classified as four different types: Green = Safe, Yellow = Hazardous, Orange = Dangerous, and Red = Treacherous. When hoving on any trade route you may have the option to take part in ship battles. Once selected, the odds of success will be presented. If it is less than 100% you can either add more ships or repair ships to reach 100% (less than 100% can result in losing your ships altogether). There are three attributes that determine the outcome of each battle:


The ships speed determines how fast it will fire, with the ship in the top row getting a +10 speed bonus. In general you want the ship in the top row to be faster in speed value than the fastest ship in the enemies ranks. This will allow you to strike first and slow the enemy attack.


This is the ships damag output. The ship in the middle row gets a +5 damage bonus.


The maximum damage the ship can sustain. The ship in the bottom row gets a +5% health bonus.

In general, frigates are the best all around as they are not too slow but still put out a lot of damage. Keep a few in your docks specifically for combat to ensure you are getting the most resources with the least amount of damage to your ships that will need to be repaired.


Trading Missions

Trade Missions give you the chance to turn resources earned through Ship Battles into money. Each mission involves loading up one of your ships with the required cargo units and sending them to a destination. Every mission has four characteristics:

Travel Time

This is the required real-world time (hours.minutes) needed to complete a mission. This can be shortened by using a ship with a high Travel Reduction percent.


This is the amount of real-world time before a completed mission can be taken again.

Cargo Units/Space

This is the amount of resources and space required for the ship with low cargo ships such as schooners are unable to take on high Cargo missions (40+).


This is the reward for completing a mission. Note that any additional rewards past money is a one-time reward that will not be rewarded on multiple completions.

Southern British Colonies
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
First Business 0.03 0.18 Wine 5 5 50R
The Sail Mates 0.03 0.21 Tobacco 5 5 75R, Kast Cupboard
American Dreams 0.05 0.30 Tobacco 3 8 100R, Bracelet
Wine 5
New Horizon 0.05 0.30 Tobacco 5 5 100R
Gulf of Mexico
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
The General Store 0.18 1.48 Tobacco 10 10 200R, Jar with Four Faces
Diplomacy I 0.09 0.54 Wine 15 15 150R
A Good Deed 0.09 0.54 Tobacco 5 5 100R
Diplomacy II 0.30 3.00 Wine 20 20 400R
Fortune's Flavor 0.30 3.00 Tobacco 15 15 300R, Chalice
South Atlantic
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
A Feast of Riches 8.00 16.00 Rice 5 15 1000R, Trumpet
Wine 10
Outlaws III 8.00 16.00 Tobacco 20 20 1200R, [[Gilded Wheel]]
Diplomacy III 10.00 20.00 Tobacco 10 10 1300R, Mirror Back
Brethren of the Coast I 10.00 20.00 Wine 20 20 1400R
To the South 5.00 10.00 Wine 10 15 800R, Yoke-Form Vessel
Cocoa 5
Good Works 5.00 10.00 Rice 25 25 900R
The Big Smoke 5.00 10.00 Tobacco 30 30 1000R
Eastern British Colonies
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
Taste of Money 5.00 10.00 Tobacco 15 15 800R, Joined Armchair with Cushion
The Empty Cellar 5.00 10.00 Wine 25 25 900R, Treasure Map
Secret Medicine 4.00 8.00 Olive Oil 5 5 600R
New Partners 4.00 8.00 Rice 20 20 700R, Clock
Save the Children 3.00 6.00 Rice 15 15 600R
Emerging Opportunities 3.00 6.00 Cocoa 5 25 800R, Silver Two-handed Bowl
Tobacco 20
North Africa
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
A Popular Stop 6.00 12.00 Olive Oil 10 10 1100R
Feeding the Fathers 6.00 12.00 Rice 15 35 1200R
Wine 20
The Sweet Tooth 6.00 12.00 Cocoa 15 15 1000R, Map of the World
The Cook's Order 10.00 20.00 Wine 25 45 1800R, Drum
Tobacco 20
The Famous Stew 10.00 20.00 Olive Oil 5 35 1800R
Rice 30
The Musicians 8.00 16.00 Rice 20 40 1500R
Tobacco 20
Before the Storm 8.00 16.00 Wine 30 30 1300R
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
New Trading Posts 15.00 6.00 Rice 30 40 2500R, "Nymphs By A Fountain"
Olive Oil 10
The Old Man's Order 15.00 6.00 Tobacco 35 35 2200R
Cursed Night 12.00 0.00 Wine 40 40 1900R, Goa Stone Container
Do No Harm 12.00 0.00 Cocoa 15 15 1700R
Eastern Canada
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
Promises to Keep 8.00 16.00 Wine 30 55 1700R, Commode
Rice 25
The Lost Expedition I 8.00 16.00 Tobacco 45 45 1600R, [[Diamond Sail]]
Scarlatina 8.00 16.00 Cocoa 20 20 1400R, Treasure Map
The Lost Expedition II 6.00 12.00 Rice 45 45 1300R
Old Partners 6.00 12.00 Tobacco 30 45 1700R, Silver Teapot
Olive Oil 15
Break of Dawn II 10.00 20.00 Rice 30 45 2200R, Beaver Pelt
Olive Oil 15
The Lost Expedition III 10.00 20.00 Wine 40 40 1700R
Cape Verde
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
An Old Frenchman 10.00 20.00 Tobacco 30 30 1600R, "The Flight into Egypt"
Meet the Tributes I 12.00 0.00 Cocoa 40 40 2300R
Giant Appetites 0.00 0.00 Wine 30 50 3400R, Wooden Term Statue of St. Livertin
Tobacco 20
Meet the Tributes II 0.00 0.00 Rice 50 50 3400R
South Africa
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
A Promise of Profit 10.00 20.00 Rice 45 45 1800R
The Eager Hunters 10.00 20.00 Wine 30 70 2200R, Head of an Oba
Tobacco 40
Door to Europe 18.00 12.00 Wine 30 30 2400R
Table Bay's Luck 12.00 0.00 Cocoa 40 40 5000R
New Economic Hub 12.00 0.00 Olive Oil 30 30 5200R, Parade Helmet a l'Antique
Bay of Biscay
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
Alliance I 18.00 12.00 Tobacco 50 50 2700R
Hungry Corsairs 18.00 12.00 Rice 30 70 3000R, Cabinet
Wine 40
The Corsairs' Request 18.00 12.00 Cocoa 40 40 3000R, Wooden Term Statue of St. Adrian
Alliance II 10.00 20.00 Rice 60 60 2000R
Sweet Broth 10.00 20.00 Olive Oil 10 10 1500R, "Saint Jerome as Cardinal"
A Sweet Journey 10.00 20.00 Cocoa 20 20 1600R, "Harbour Scene at Sunset"
Successful Atlantic 12.00 0.00 Cocoa 45 45 2400R, Violoncello
North West Europe
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
Homeward Bound 12.00 0.00 Rice 75 75 2400R, [[Ranger Figurehead]]
A Worthy Trip 12.00 0.00 Wine 60 60 2200R, "An English Ship in Action with Barbary Vessels"
Welcoming the Irish 12.00 0.00 Tobacco 30 50 1800R
Cocoa 20
A New Cathedral 0.00 0.00 Wine 75 75 3800R, "Merry Company"
The Poet 0.00 0.00 Tobacco 60 60 3500R
The Great Plague 0.00 0.00 Rice 60 60 3500R, Scherer's 1700 Globe
A Piece of the Action 18.00 12.00 Tobacco 75 75 3100R, "The Burning of the 'Royal James' at the Battle of Solebay"
A Long Voyage 18.00 12.00 Cocoa 50 50 3200R, Oboe
Mediterranean Sea
Mission Time Cooldown Cargo/Units Space Reward(s)
Great Reputation I 18.00 12.00 Wine 80 80 3200R, [[Officier Outfit]]
Being Mad 18.00 12.00 Rice 40 80 3200R, Vanitas Still-life
Tobacco 40
Great Reputation II 0.00 0.00 Rice 70 70 3700R, Treasure Map
The Catalans 0.00 0.00 Olive Oil 30 30 3800R, Baroque Guitar
The Smokers 0.00 0.00 Wine 70 70 3700R, Whydah Gally Style Bell
Great Reputation III 12.00 0.00 Tobacco 80 80 5200R
A New Medicine 12.00 0.00 Cocoa 50 50 5200R, Copper Field Flask


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Aveline Missions

- Info Coming Soon



- Info Coming Soon



Main Story Milestone
Name Unlock Condition
Heroes Aren't Born Complete Sequence 01
Good While It Lasted Complete Sequence 02
A Pirate's Life For Me Complete Sequence 03
No Apologies Complete Sequence 04
Death Of A Salesman Complete Sequence 05
Mixing Up The Medicines Complete Sequence 06
The Hammer Falls Complete Sequence 07
Adrift Complete Sequence 08
A New Hope Complete Sequence 09
My Elusive Fortune Complete Sequence 10
Been Down So Long... Complete Sequence 11
Just Like Starting Over Complete Sequence 12
Saw That One Coming... Complete Sequence 13
Routine Hacking Complete Present 02
Getting Weird Around Here Complete Present 03
Bunker Buddies Complete Present 04
It's All Good Complete Present 05
Side Quests & Optional Objectives
Name Unlock Condition
By The Book Complete 100% of all main mission constraints
Hungover Wake up in a haystack
Silence, Fool! Kill a guard ringing a bell
Owned Complete every activity in a single location
Vault Raider Unlock the secret door in Tulum
Killer Killer Harpoon a killer whale
Help A Brother Out Complete a Templar Hunt sequence
Sea Legs Complete all naval contracts
King Of The Castle Capture all forts
Employee Of The Month Complete 25 Abstergo challenges
Business And Pleasure Earn 50,000 reales
Mer-man Swim a total of 1 nmi
Redingote Up! Craft the Hunter outfit
Thug Life Plunder 30 ships
Devil Of The Caribbean Defeat all 4 legendary ships
Destroyer Fully upgrade the Jackdaw
Seven Deadly Seas Explore all underwater shipwrecks
Barfly Unlock all taverns
Cannon fodder Recruit 500 crew members
FTFY Fully upgrade your hideout
Cartographer Visit every location of the game
Ghost In The Machine Hack 15 computers in Abstergo Entertainment
Roped In perform 5 air assassinations from a swining rope
Sharing Is Caring Share each type of discover with friends once
All Aboard! Board a ship without losing any crew members
Siren Song Rescue pirate hostages by distracting enemies with dancers
Wild West Indies Kill 4 enemies in a row using multi-pistols
Excavator Find a hidden treasure
Name Unlock Condition
Committed To The Cause Reacg level 55 in Multiplayer
Personal Bag Of Tricks Finish a game session with an ability set that you customized in Mutiplayer
Master Of The Caribbean Complete the Discovery Mode of Wolfpack in Multiplayer
Lab Technician Play and complete a game session of Game Lab in the Multiplayer Public playlist
All Rounder Play on every game mode, and use every ability and ranged weapon once in Multiplayer



Firstly, do not contact me about something that can be answered in this guide. Please read the following FAQ before emailing me.

Q) Can you tell me how to get past [fill in the blank]?

A) Almost everything that is not straight forward is in this guide, so try and find it first or figure it out yourself.


Q) Can you explain [fill in the blank] better?

A) Sure, just let me know what is unclear and I will updated this walkthrough.


Q) Your walkthrough is incorrect [fill in the blank]!

A) Let me know what is wrong and I will fix it. Thank You!


If you still have a question please contact me at: krystalnexus [at] yahoo [dot] com


Version History and Updates

Version 1.14 - Dec. 9, 2013

  • Completed
    • Collectibles - Mayan Stones

Version 1.13 - Nov. 26, 2013

  • Completed
    • Collectibles - Documents
    • Collectibles - Art Collection
    • Side Quests - Naval Contracts
    • Side Quests - Naval Forts
  • Updated
    • Collectibles - Shanties

Version 1.12 - Nov. 21, 2013

  • Completed
    • Side Quests - Templar Keys
    • Side Quests - Shipwrecks

Version 1.11 - Nov. 18, 2013

  • Fixed the bug that was causing the guide to not appear.
  • Completed
    • Collectibles - Treasure Maps
    • Collectibles - Elite Designs
  • Updated
    • Collectibles - Shanties
    • Collectibles - Documents
    • Collectibles - Art Collection
    • Collectibles - Files
    • Side Quests - Templar Keys
    • Side Quests - Shipwrecks

Version 1.1 - Nov. 12, 2013

  • Complete
    • Equipment
    • Naval Basics, Upgrades, Ship Archtypes
    • Hunting Basics, Animal Locations, Edward's Upgrades
    • Collectibles - Figurines
    • Side Quests - Abstergo Challenges
    • Side Quests - Kenway's Fleet
  • Updated
    • Collectibles - Shanties
    • Collectibles - Files

Version 1.0 - Nov. 4, 2013

  • Layout Complete
  • Gameplay Complete
  • Walkthrough Complete


Copyright & Disclaimer

Special Thanks:

Now for the legal stuff.

This FAQ is copyrighted (c) 2013 Krystal K. (krystalnexus [at] yahoo [dot] com) and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, under any circumstances except for personal private use.

If you are caught stealing this document, you can and will be punished to the full extent of the law.

It was written specifically for the following website(s):


These are the only Internet sites that have permission to post this guide.

It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. In another words, this document may not be redistributed in any form unless you have obtained permission from me.

Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

If you find any mistakes or see any information that may be wrong or missing, contact me at krystalnexus [at] yahoo [dot] com
