Neoseeker : Bomb Jack FAQs : Bomb Jack FAQ/Walkthrough

Bomb Jack FAQ/Walkthrough

by KeyBlade999   Updated to vFinal on
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  • Game: Bomb Jack
  • Console: GameBoy
  • File Type: Formatted FAQ/Walkthrough
  • Author: KeyBlade999 (a.k.a. Daniel Chaviers)
  • Version: Final
  • Time of Update: 12:26 AM 6/22/2014
  • File Size: 13 KB


While I do write all of my guides for free, it does take a lot of time and effort to put them together. If you're feeling generous and want to show your appreciation, I am gladly accepting donations. I don't know exactly what the donations will be used for, but just know that you would definitely be helping me make more quality FAQs! Even the smallest donation amounts are appreciated, and they are a great way to say how much you appreciate the work I do. If you do decide you'd like to donate, please send the donations through PayPal at the e-mail address listed below. Thank you so very much for at least considering this!!

Donation/Contact E-Mail


Hello, and welcome to another FAQ of mine. This covers the GameBoy game known as Bomb Jack, a US-exclusive title. It's actually a pretty fun game: I dunno why, but I have a tendency to like these kind of "platformer-collection" type of games. Oh well. Whatever the case, I've got nothing else to do, so I might as well try to help you with it. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose. =P

It's been over twenty years since this game's launch in 1992 by Infogrames. And since then, not a single FAQ has been written for it. Well, there's always a first time for everything, no? Ever since the start of the GB FAQ Completion Project on GameFAQs several years ago - a project designed to get a guide out for every single GB game out there - many people have now been helped because older, rarer, less popular games have gotten guides.

And so, that is how I came upon this game. Thanks for listening to my ramblin'; hope you enjoy!

Basics of the Game

Game Controls

Button Resultant Effects
D-Pad Left/Right - Move around.
Down - Increase rate of descent when in mid-air.
Up - Increase rate of ascent when jumping.
A Button Jump. Hold to increase the height of your jump. Tap repeatedly in mid-air to halt your fall.
B Button N/A
Start Button Pause/unpause gameplay.
Select Button N/A


At the title screen, you can opt to immediately start the game with the default settings, or you can change the settings. These settings include the enemies' movement speed, the option to use background music in the middle of the game, and the overall difficulty level.

The object of the game is pretty simple: collect all of the bombs in the level. Each bomb is worth 100 points, and your point total is in the bottom-right. (It will change as you do actions that earn you points from the score total to the point value of that particular action.) There is nothing else to that, in all essence. However, some of the bombs will have a black cursor over them: if you collect those bombs, you will get increasing amounts of extra points per bomb. It doesn't matter if you pick them up in that intended order, though. Then again, collecting them in that order nets you a 50,000-point bonus.

The only real other thing to elaborate on are the enemies. There are a number of enemies you'll find in each level; at higher difficulties, more shall be found. Simply touching them will kill you, and you have no way to combat them except simply dodging them, so be careful! You begin with 4 lives (the game initially shows a "3"), and you will lose the game when all of them are gone. However, you can always continue from the level on which you died.

Oh, and because I almost fell for it my first time, there is no gap in the bottom of the level that causes you to die if you fall in there. The few pixels it would take to render that part on-screen were cut-off. =/

I think that's about it.


Some Quick Notes

As you probably have already noticed in levels that you yourself have been forced to replay multiple times, the orientation of the enemies can differ a fair bit. Additionally, there are always multiple solutions to each level, with the viability of each being primarily based on the enemies' speed and the like.

For the sake of this walkthrough, then, be sure to keep in mind that I will only cover general strategies for each level: general paths to go along, in other words. I am more than open to alternative paths, of course, but these are the ones I used and that I got to work. Just saying.

Level 01

General Strategy: Collect the bombs lying directly above you, then follow that path right, down, and left. Hit the ground at the end and get the three bombs to the left, then the four above and to the left. Continue jumping up to the top of the level for the remainder.

^l1|Level layout.

Level 02

General Strategy: Clean out the lower platforms, then jump across the upper/middle two to clean out the remainder.

^l2|Level layout.

Level 03

General Strategy: Clean out the "L"-shaped cluster to the left, then jump to the "L" cluster above there. Jump across the gap to the top-right and get those, then the "L" cluster below, and then the four on the ground.

^l3|Level layout.

Level 04

General Strategy: Clean out the ground level, then just work up from there, layer by layer.

^l4|Level layout.

Level 05

General Strategy: Try to get under each column and do a large jump (Up+A) to get the whole column. You may even want to try moving over in mid-air after getting one column to get the other when falling.

^l5|Level layout.

Level 06

General Strategy: Get the line of bombs you can see to the left, and follow them underneath the starting platform. Continue to the lower-right corner and jump up to get those and to land on the higher portion of the starting platform. Then get the bombs above there and head to the top-left corner for the remainder.

^l6|Level layout.

Level 07

General Strategy: Just clear out the groups to the left, then to the right, then above.

^l7|Level layout.

Level 08

General Strategy: Go left and get those three bombs, then jump up for three more. Go back to the left and leap up for those three and fall over the edge of the ledge for the other three. Then repeat on the other side.

^l8|Level layout.

Level 09

General Strategy: Collect the six bombs to the left, then fall into the gap below for the nine there. Then go right and through the small gap for another six. Leap up from the corner for the final three.

^l9|Level layout.

Level 10

General Strategy: Level 1 without the ledges. Get the bombs to the left upon landing, then leap up for four. For the rest, you'll pretty much have to pick them off individually with big jumps. Remember that tapping A a bunch in mid-air helps you to hover, but you'll still be able to move left/right, so that will be very useful!

^l10|Level layout.

Level 11

General Strategy: When you land, get the group of six above and to your left, then get the opposite group of four that's also in the box. Leap out of the top of the box for those two, then go right and down for those eight. Then head to the lower-left and leap straight up for three more.

^l11|Level layout.

Level 12

General Strategy: Clean out the ground level's seven bombs first. Then ascend one side's ledges, taking out all of the bombs on the way before leaping to the other side to get those as you descend the ledges.

^l12|Level layout.

Levels 13-60 - The Loop

Levels 13 through 60 - the remaining 48 levels of the game, as far as the game itself cares, after Level 12 - are nothing but a loop of the first twelve. There is pretty much no difference among these levels from the originals, except perhaps a slight increment in difficulty. If you are somehow having trouble on one of these levels, use the links below to go to the proper sections.

After finishing the game, you will be told your score, see a brief credits roll, and (more than likely, if you hit Level 60) be able to enter your initials into the high score board. (Assuming your score exceeded 100,000. I actually hit somewhere close to 750,000 after 60 levels, so ... yeah.)


In no particular order...

  • GameFAQs, Neoseeker, and Supercheats:
    • For being the most amazing FAQ-hosting sites I know.

  • CJayC, SBAllen, and Devin Morgan:
    • General sucking up to the GameFAQs admins. =P

  • Me (KeyBlade999):
    • For making this FAQ. =P

  • You, the reader:
    • For hopefully enjoying this FAQ.

Version History

  • Final:
    • First and probably only version.
    • Time: 12:26 AM 6/22/2014


This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

ゥ 2014 Daniel Chaviers (a.k.a. KeyBlade999).

If you would wish to contact me concerning this or my other FAQs, use this e-mail:, or PM (Private Message) me on the GameFAQs message boards.

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This is the end of KeyBlade999's Bomb Jack (GB) FAQ/Walkthrough.

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