Neoseeker : Big Challenge! Go Go Bowling FAQs : Big Challenge! Go Go Bowling FAQ

Big Challenge! Go Go Bowling FAQ

by KeyBlade999   Updated to vFinal on
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  • Game: Big Challenge! Go Go Bowling
  • Console: Famicom Disk System
  • File Type: Formatted Shift-JIS FAQ
  • Author: KeyBlade999 (a.k.a. Daniel Chaviers)
  • Version: Final
  • Time of Update: 3:25 AM 7/31/2014


While I do write all of my guides for free, it does take a lot of time and effort to put them together. If you're feeling generous and want to show your appreciation, I am gladly accepting donations. I don't know exactly what the donations will be used for, but just know that you would definitely be helping me make more quality FAQs! Even the smallest donation amounts are appreciated, and they are a great way to say how much you appreciate the work I do. If you do decide you'd like to donate, please send the donations through PayPal at the e-mail address listed below. Thank you so very much for at least considering this!!

Donation/Contact E-Mail


Welcome to my first FAQ for the Famicom Disk System in a while, although it will doubtfully be my last. =D This FAQ covers the game Big Challenge! Go Go Bowling. It is one of a few rare games that came out before the motion-control console era dominated by the Wii, 360, and PS3 back in the mid- and late-2000s. As you might well guess, it is a simple game regarding bowling, albeit it one of the more accurate non-motion ones I've seen in a while, at least in terms of the physics. It's a decent game, I suppose. Anyhow.

It's been over twenty-five years since this game's launch in 1989 by Jaleco. And since then, not a single FAQ has been written for it. Well, there's always a first time for everything, no? Ever since the start of the NES FAQ Completion Project on GameFAQs some years ago - a project designed to get a guide out for every single NES game out there - many older, obscurer games have been covered (sometimes only) by GameFAQs, and many people, once stuck, have been aided. This project has been very successful, spawning hundreds of FAQs - indeed, that project has even been expanded to cover games for the Famicom Disk System, the Japan-only peripheral for the NES as the NES FAQ CP neared completion, and now we aim for even further completionism!

Well, anyways, my babbling aside, I hope you enjoy this FAQ!

Basics of the Game


At the game's title screen, press Start and you will arrive at a menu with three choices.

  • チャレンジ (charenzi): You will be given two options when you go into this mode: はじめから (hajimekara, "new game") or つづける (tsuzukeru, "continue"). If you would like to start an old game, choose the latter; otherwise, the former.

  • パーティー (pati): This will take you to another menu with three further choices. The mode as a whole is seemingly used for team matchups with up to four people versus the AI. However, for some reason, the game will refuse to actually allow you beyond the team entry and will return a disk error of either 07 or 24, regardless of the side of the disk used, so there's little point to this mode.
    • とうるく (touruku): In this menu, you choose the names for the four human players. Use Select to swap amongst the characters, and use "End" (おわり, awari) to finish.
    • まっしょう (matsushou): This allows you to delete players from the roster. Press Select to swap between players, and Start to delete.
    • けんたく (kentaku): Here, you'll select the first team of four from the up-to-four humans (1-4) and four AI (5-8) available. Use the D-Pad to select a player on the bottom, and Select to move the top cursor to the spot where you will press Start to play them. Use "End" to finish.

  • ペア (pea): Seemingly the same as the パーティー (pati) mode, but again with the same disk error problems.

Bowling Basics

When you begin gameplay, in the center of the screen will be the bowling lane. At the bottom is your bowling ball (a positional cursor for you), and at the end are the ten bowling pins. A diagram of what pins remain is in the bottom-right: the lit-up ones are still there. At the sides of the lane are gutters: if the ball goes in there, you will certainly hit no pins. At the top-left is a spin gauge, and at the right-middle is a default spin (i.e. the one a bowler naturally has when attempting to bowl straight). At the top-right is the frame number (1 to 10), and the dots below that will represent the current portion of the frame.

First, about how to bowl in itself. First, you will want to use the D-Pad to move the bowling ball at the bottom left or right: even though you can spin the ball, this will nonetheless alter the trajectory and force with which the ball hits the pins if you do not intend to hit them head-on, so be sure to consider it. Next, if you wish to, set up a default spin with the B Button: at the middle-right, you can see how powerfully and in what direction the ball will angle itself to the left or to the right.

When both things are properly set, press the A Button and the gauge in the top-left will descend, then ascend. That white arrow at the left side represents a "straight" ball, assuming you have no pre-set spin applied to the ball. Since your bowler is right-handed, if you go above the gauge (a late release of the ball), the ball will angle to the left; likewise, an early release (the gauge is not filled enough), the ball will angle to the right. Simple enough?

The goal in bowling is to knock down all ten pins in a frame, or at least as many as you can manage. You have two chances to do so in every frame, and you normally earn a number of points equal to the number of pins knocked down. The exceptions to this rule are spares and strikes: spares imply all ten pins are knocked down by the second throw, and strikes imply you knock all ten down on the first throw. They will double the points earned in a set number of the next throws you take: spares double the value of the next throw, and strikes double the value of the next two. Every frame will consist of either a strike or two throws: when a strike occurs, the frame ends immediately. There are ten frames in all. The tenth frame is the most special. In that instance, if you get a strike or spare within two throws, then you get an extra third throw. A "perfect" game will thus consist of twelve consecutive strikes: strikes on the first nine frames, then three strikes in the tenth, for a total of 300 points.

Gameplay generally ends after the tenth frame: whoever has more points after then will win. If you wish to check your scores in-game, press Select during your turn. That's about it, though.


In no particular order...

  • GameFAQs, Neoseeker, and Supercheats:
    • For being the most amazing FAQ-hosting sites I know.

  • CJayC, SBAllen, and Devin Morgan:
    • General sucking up to the GameFAQs admins. =P

  • Me (KeyBlade999):
    • For making this FAQ. =P

  • You, the reader:
    • For hopefully enjoying this FAQ.

Version History

  • Final:
    • Done.
    • Time: 3:25 AM 7/31/2014


This FAQ may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

© 2014 Daniel Chaviers (a.k.a. KeyBlade999).

If you would wish to contact me concerning this or my other FAQs, use this e-mail:, or PM (Private Message) me on the GameFAQs message boards.

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This is the end of KeyBlade999's Big Challenge! Go Go Bowling (FDS) FAQ.

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