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Watch Dogs City Hotspot Guide

by ShadowDragon777   Updated to v1.0 on

Table of Contents

  1. City Hotspots Introduction
  2. Contact Info
  3. Version History
  4. Brandon Docks
    1. Cermak Bridge
    2. Four Deuces
    3. Lakeshore Water Refinery
    4. Sienna Brick Factory
    5. The Yacht Club
    6. Windy City Shipyards
  5. Mad Mile
    1. 2nd Regiment Armory
    2. Birthplace of the Chicago South Club
    3. Chicago World News Tower
    4. Commonwealth Hotel
    5. Crowley Building
    6. Hanson Park
    7. Home of Samuel "Nails" Morton
    8. John Hancock Center
    9. Lipstick Killer - Brown Crime Scene
    10. Lipstick Killer - Degnan Crime Scene
    11. Lipstick Killer - Ross Crime Scene
    12. Navy Pier Building
    13. O'Banion's Flower Shop
    14. Saga Theater
    15. Seaside Restaurant
    16. Sheridan Wave Club
    17. St. Valentine's Day Massacre
    18. St. Valentine's Day Massacre Lookout
    19. The Sands
    20. The Sausage Vat Murder
    21. Triomphe Tower
    22. Water Tower
    23. WKZ-TV Mad Mile
  6. Parker Square
    1. Botanical Gardens
    2. Farris Halstead Library
    3. May Stadium
    4. Owl Motel
    5. Parker Square Marina
    6. Phoebus Theater
    7. Piper Gate
    8. St. Joseph Cemetery
  7. Pawnee
    1. Abandoned Station
    2. Bernai Island
    3. Blume
    4. Bridge Construction
    5. Crazy Moose Inn
    6. Dam
    7. Junkyard
    8. Pawnee Mill
    9. Pawnee Trailer Park
    10. Tackle Shop
    11. The Pawnee Murder House
    12. Vyvyn K. Turner Bridge
  8. The Loop
    1. 35 East Wacker Drive
    2. Abraham Lincoln Statue
    3. Ambrose Theatre
    4. Aon Center
    5. Bloody Maxwell Police Station
    6. Bootlegging Factory
    7. Bram Steffan Pavilion
    8. Carding Center
    9. Chicago Arts & Sciences Center
    10. Chicago Commerce Building
    11. Chicago Eastland Disaster
    12. City Hall
    13. City Marina
    14. Cree Theatre
    15. Desplaines Street Police Station
    16. Face Fountain
    17. Forever Sculpture
    18. Haymarket Square Riot
    19. Lexington Hotel
    20. Lombardo Murder
    21. Harbor Lighthouse
    22. Meadowmoore Dairies
    23. Miller's Rail Bar
    24. Ocean Tower
    25. Palin Correctional Center
    26. Raven Building
    27. Randolph Street Subway Terminal
    28. Saffard Memorial Fountain
    29. Secret Six
    30. Seventh Federal Bank
    31. South Tech University
    32. St. Jude Police League
    33. The Fort Dearborn Massacre
    34. Tremont House Hotel
    35. Vault Tower
    36. WKZ-TV
    37. Willis Tower
  9. The Wards
    1. Aiello's Bakery
    2. Big Jim Colosimo's Cafe
    3. Burned Down Factory
    4. Deadman's Corner
    5. Hawthorne Hotel
    6. Hit on Johnny Torrio
    7. Home of Lloyd Pinkerton
    8. John A. Walsh Public School
    9. Murder Castle
    10. Rossi-Fremont
    11. Shotgun Man
    12. Stockyards
    13. The Murder Market
    14. V Alley
  10. Badges
    1. A More Perfect Union
    2. Architectural Marvels
    3. Ahoy!
    4. Ashes to Ashes
    5. Auto Graveyard
    6. Batter Up!
    7. Best Buds
    8. Big Kahuna
    9. Bridge Builder
    10. Broken Rail
    11. Call of the Water
    12. Cemetery Waltz
    13. Centurion
    14. Crowd Surfer
    15. Dam It!
    16. Double Wide
    17. Fugative
    18. Getting Around
    19. Got You Something
    20. Green Thumb
    21. Has Bean
    22. Honest Abe
    23. Jewelers' Delight
    24. Keeper of the Lighthouse
    25. Lumberjack
    26. Man on the Run
    27. Native Chicagoan
    28. Newb
    29. Newly Elected
    30. Nightcrawler
    31. Pack Your Bags
    32. Pier Pressure
    33. Power Hungry
    34. Power of Friendship
    35. Regular
    36. Romantic Getaway
    37. Sophisticated
    38. Take Five
    39. Theater Buff
    40. Top of the World
    41. Uber Tourist
    42. Water Under the Bridge
    43. We Are Not Alone
  11. Credits
  12. Legal Stuff
  13. The End
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City Hotspots Introduction

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City Hotsposts in Watch_Dogs are various locations in the game which give you little bits of history about the city. There are 100 hotspots in total scattered around. You can find them by seeing little white check marks on your map. Once you check into a hotspot then the icon on the map becomes grayed out. Other then reading about the history of the spot, you can also leave items or take items that are left by other players in the spot. Also the person who checks into the spot the most times in a 7 day period is declared the mayor of that hotspot. This guide will list out all 100 hotspots and transcripts of the history as it is displayed in-game. The game also includes 43 badges which can be unlocked through various interactions with the Hotspots.

Note: One of the trickier hotspots to see from the map is the 'Farris Halstead Library' in Parker Square which can be sometimes hidden under the 'Made Men' criminal convoy icon.

Contact Info

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Spoiler. Highlight text to view

You may contact me at
theshadowdragon777 (at) y a h o o (dot) com

but only for the following things.

*Errors in my guide
*Spelling Mistakes
*Constructive Criticism
*Asking if you can use this FAQ on your site

Things you should not email to me:

*Things that have nothing to do with Watch_Dogs
*Hate Mail/Flames

Version History

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Version Number: 1.0
Date Added: 08/11/2014
What's New: Everything.

Brandon Docks

__________                           .___              ________                 __            
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        \/             \/     \/      \/           \/          \/            \/     \/     \/ 

Cermak Bridge

Named after one of Chicago's notable mayors, the Cermak bridge helps connect commuters from the suburbs to the downtown core. A common site for local suicides, a small grassroots organization has dedicated itself to monitoring the bridge 24/7. Members sing cheerful songs, strike up conversations, and give flowers to passerbys who look like they want to end their lives. Suicide on this bridge have since decreased.

Four Deuces

Taken over by mob boss Johnny Torrio and Al Capone in 1922, this less than friendly establishment had already seen its share of shootings between drunken gamblers. Rumor had it that the place was equipped with a trap door down to the basement where deadbeats were treated to some gangster hospitality. No tipping required.

Lakeshore Water Refinery

The Lakeshore Water Refinery has a long and spooky history. In 1954, an employee on the graveyard shift fell into one of the refinery's reservoirs, and drowned. While the subsequent city-wide panic over the cleanliness of their water was short-lived, it is believed that the worker's ghost still haunts the reservoir. Some employees claim to feel something trying to push them in as well. Maybe it's the wind. Yeah, it's... just the wind.

Sienna Brick Factory

Known as 'the old rail station', Sienna Brick Factory not only provided building materials to the region, it was also famous for being featured in the 1985 horror classic The Stone Cold Killer. For you film buffs, the bloodcurdling climax between rookie cop Kate Houston and the SCK was filmed on the rooftops. The Stone Cold Killer had his iconic death on the pile of cinder blocks next to the building!

The Yacht Club

Not to be confused with that other, more prestigious Yacht Club, this boat lot is still a wonderful place to visit if you like yachts, boats, or any type of water vehicle. Limitations in their budget means they can only afford to hold races from the Club to a buoy a few yards out and back. At least they have fun.f

Windy City Shipyards

Tens of thousands of shipping containers have moved in and out of the shipyard every year for over a century. The Windy City Shipyards is one of Chicago's most vital lifelines, and lately, with so much mob activity near the yards, it might become one of Chicago's most notorious. Not a place you want to go fishing, if you catch my drift.

Mad Mile

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2nd Regiment Armory

Not far from here is the former site of the 2nd Regiment Armory. We could not get the legal rights to place a plague on the actual site, but this is close enough. 845 bodies from the Eastland ferry disaster were brought to the Armory until they could be identified by their relatives. To this day people claim to hear sobbing, whispering, and doors slamming, and a phantom woman dressed in early 1900s attire has been seen drifting through the site.

Birthplace of the Chicago South Club

This parking garage is the site of an insignificant bar known for one notable event. According to his autobiography, Henry "Mick" O'Brien met here with the Irish "businessmen" in 1951. They decided to pool their resources and reclaim power and territory from the fledgling Chicago Outfit. In honor of the North Side Gang, whose reign ended with the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, these individuals quickly named themselves the Chicago South Club.

Chicago World News Tower

This neo-gothic skyscraper is the home of the Chicago World News, the most commonly-read newspaper in the Chicago area. The newspaper ran a contest in 1919, offering cash to anyone who could create the best design for their new headquarters. The contest winner, surprisingly was a butcher. Of course, this layman's design proved to be unbuildable, so the World News hired a qualified architect to design the tower instead.

Commonwealth Hotel

It must've been quite the collection of thieves and underworld types on the floors of the Commonwealth. The infamous John Dillinger roamed these plush carpeted halls. In 1933 Dr. Harold Cassidy and Dr. Wilhelm Loeser resided at the Commonwealth, and were gracious enough to perform plastic surgery on Dillinger in their rooms.

Crowley Building

When construction began in 1920, the Crowley Building was the first major office building north of the Chicago River. Take a look around now! Originally owned by the government, Crowley is rumored to have been the site of a top-secret laboratory specializing in hallucinogenics. In 1947, the building became privately owned, and the government left no trace of their work behind.

Hanson Park

As the Chicago South Club spread, their reach inevitably met the resistance of the Chicago Outfit and other outlying gangs. One act of retaliation took place near this park, and while details of the attack have never been agreed upon - whether the Chicago Outfit was responsible, how many Club members were killed - only one survivor was seen fleeing the scene. Lucky guy.

Home of Samuel "Nails" Morton

This site was the home of Samual "Nails" Morton, a Jewish gangster who served in World War One before establishing his life of crime in Chicago. Morton was a member of the North Side Gang along with Dean O'Banion. He reportedly shot two police officers for interrupting him as he ate dinner. Imagine what he would've done to telemarketers.

John Hancock Center

Nicknamed "Big John," its one of the tallest residential buildings in the world. The 44th floor is where you'll find the pool, which is considered the highest indoor swimming pool in America. Imagine the view? It must be like doing the back stroke in clouds. Birds fly by with this, 'what the hell?' look on their faces.

Lipstick Killer - Brown Crime Scene

Winter 1945. Inside a small brownstone walk-up with old world charm, Frances Brown was found shot and brutally stabbed - the knife still in her neck, left naked in the bathtub. Her wounds washed and taped and her nightgown was wrapped around her head. Some criminal experts believe that these are the early killings of the later famous Los Angeles murder known as Black Dahlia.

Lipstick Killer - Degnan Crime Scene

January 1946, 6-year-old Suzanne Degnan was found dismembered and scattered throughout the local sewers. Various witnesses mentioned seeing a man between 35-40 years of age, but to get a quick arrest, police honed in on 17 year old petty burglar, William George Heirens. Though he confessed, Heirens later claimed it was because of police brutality. Heirens died in prison on March 5th, 2012.

Lipstick Killer - Ross Crime Scene

A summer day 1945, police knew when they arrived that this wasn't any ordinary burglary gone wrong. Josephine Ross had been repeatedly stabbed, the killer then bathed her and taped her wounds with surgical tape. Her head was wrapped in a dress. Strands of black hair were found clutched in her hand as she had desperately attempted to fend off her attacker. No one was ever convicted of her death.

Navy Pier Building

Welcome to Chicago's #1 tourist attraction! The Navy Pier is home to museums, boat tours, and an amusement park. The Navy Pier is also known as Municipal Pier #2, which makes me wonder why it isn't #1. And where is Municipal Pier #1, anyway?

O'Banion's Flower Shop

Owned by Irish mob boss Dean O'Banion, his flower shop served as the gang's headquarters. O'Banion himself made and sent the floral arrangements for mobster funerals. And it was just such an occasion when gunmen walked in. Six direct shots dropped O'Banion in a heartbeat. O'Banion's funeral had one of the largest turnouts of any in Chicago's history with flowers from his shop.

Saga Theater

In 1934 Public Enemy Number #1, John Dillinger, was gunned down by federal officers nearby. Steps away from the exit, Dillinger caught on that the authorities were surrounding him and so he bolted. He was fatally shot in the neck and eye and died instantly in the nearby ally. Anxious souvenir hunters reportedly leapt on the body dabbing pieces of clothing into Dillinger's blood.

Seaside Restaurant

Avast, ye land lubbers! This be the finest seafaring vessel among these here islands, so climb aboard and feast upon the finest catches of the sea. Ye will feel like a pirate who's found buried treasure, and, uh... walk the plank. Sorry, I lost the metaphor there.

Sheridan Wave Club

Owned by George "Bugs" Moran and Julian "Potatoes" Kaufman of the Irish North Side Gang, the Sheridan Wave Club catered to an exclusive high-roller clientele. It's rumored the police took 10% of the house profits. Needless to say, this club was very lucrative for the gang. Facing public pressure over the 1929 St. Valentine's Day Massacre, the police commissioner ordered a raid and closure of the club for good.

St. Valentine's Day Massacre

George "Bugs" Moran headquartered his North Side Gang in a garage at this address. Capone had considered the Moran gang a thorn in his side for years. But Capone was out of town when five gangsters disguised as police entered the garage and lined the North Side Gang against the wall. The seven men were found with over 100 bullets riddled through their bodies.

St. Valentine's Day Massacre Lookout

Bugs Moran wasn't in the garage when someone gave the signal to machine-gun the North Side Gang memebers against the brick wall. While Moran was grateful that the shooters had mistaken small time racketeer, Albert Weinshank, for Moran, poor Albert wouldn't have seen in that way.

The Sands

What do you do if you're a mayor in 1850 with a criminal shantytown in your beloved city? If you're major Long John Wentworth, you lure the residents of The Sands to a fake horse race and then have your men tear all the shacks down. I'm not sure how long it took for the prostitutes, gamblers, thieves and murderers to figure out the horses weren't racing, but when they got back they started one helluva riot. Just when the situation could be described as really bad. The entire area - roughly the size of a horse track - was flattened into a smocking rubble.

The Sausage Vat Murder

1897 Adolph Luetgart made his successful sausage factory the scene of his crime when he murdered his wife, Louisa. Investigators found a skull and a gold ring with the initials, L.L., in a factory vat. Though officially charged with burning his wife, rumors persisted that she had been ground into sausage. This caused sausage sales to decline and ultimately put the factory out of business.

Triomphe Tower

Named after the notorious hotel tycoon, the Tromphe Tower is an elite residential building and hotel build by the wealthy for the wealthy, and is known for its luxurious elegance and high prices. If you have the wallet for it, a night's stay in the Tri-Tow comes highly recommended, you rich so-and-so.

Water Tower

The Chicago Water Tower was built in 1869, and was one of the few buildings in the city to survive the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Which makes sense, if you think about it. After all it is a water tower, right? Upon seeing it, Oscar Wilde called the water tower a "monstrosity." What does he know?

WKZ-TV Mad Mile

As Chicago's oldest TV station, WKZ-TV has covered the election campaigns and inaugurations of every major political player in the city for the last 70 years. Equally impressive, it also covered the exposure and arrest of nearly every major political player in the city for the last 70 years. Maybe a *slight* exaggeration, but who can resist?

Parker Square

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                \/           \/    \/                \/    |__|          \/            \/ 

Botanical Gardens

Brimming with magnificent flora since 1992, the Botanical Gardens serves as a reminder of how important it is to preserve the natural beauty of our world. The statues that populate the courtyard were donated by oil baron Kurt Igmar, giving the gardens an air of Greek classicism and cruel irony. Allergy medication is available for purchase in the gift shop.

Farris Halstead Library

The Farris Halstead Library may not be much to look at from the outside, but it provides a valuable service to the community. The library is a popular gathering place for local youth. They use its parking lot to skateboard, play basketball, and find love. If they were to ever go inside the library, they would also find a lot of books.

May Stadium

May Stadium is a great place to catch a game. Built in 1901, the May was one of the first large-scale baseball venues in the country. Sit yourself among 35,000 fans for a game. When you're hungry, chow down on a tasty hot dog from the stadium's concession stand. Just make sure you have a shot of penicillin handy, because you'll need it!

Owl Motel

This quiet little motel had its own short moment of heated excitement in 1967, when an informant crucial to the conviction of Sam "Teets" Battaglia was kept under wraps in room 205. For the time of Battaglia's trial, the informant, Joseph Joyce, had to be moved repeatedly to escape being murdered by Battaglia's men. The Owl Motel was Joyce's last relocation before he took the stand, putting away Battaglia for good.

Parker Square Marina

Though not as large as the city's main marina, Parker Square's humble little harbor was recently the subject of a twenty million dollar city revamp. Rather, it was until the Chicago South Club did its own "financial reevaluation" and the money went to the main marina instead. Kind of makes you wonder what's hidden beneath the waves, doesn't it?

Phoebus Theater

While it seems diminutive compared to its bigger brothers in the city, the Phoebus Theater remains a popular venue for comedians and entertainers. In 1989, legendary funnyman Domingo Mendez performed for eight straight hours, using only a toothbrush as a prop for over 200 sketches and bits. The audience was both impressed and tired.

Piper Gate

The Piper Gate serves as the starting point for Chicago's annual Cinco de Mayo street festival. For an entire weekend, this small corner of Chicago comes to life in a celebration of Mexican music, food, and culture. It is one of my personal favorite things to do in the city. Try to find my next year! I'll be the one gorging myself on pupusas and trying to talk up some tango dancers.

St. Joseph Cemetery

Among the tombstones of honest, hardworking men and women, there is one grave site in the cemetery that is particulary notable. Dug into the cemetery's mountain, bearing a sculpture of his likeness, is the grand tomb of Finnegan Jones, Chicago's most popular Lincoln impersonator. Upon his death, Jones received a state funeral attended by over 1000 adoring fans.


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                \/           \/     \/     \/

Abandoned Station

This incomplete train station was the infamous setting of a blood-soaked shootout between the Chicago South Club and law enforcement on September 3rd, 1955. Three police officers were brutally gunned down on the station's platform, while five Club members escaped unharmed. This shootout became so romanticized, it inspired copycat murders in and around the unfinished station. As a result, work was soon abandoned.

Bernai Island

Welcome to Bernai Island! This isolated property has been owned by the Bernai family for generations. Due to municipal loopholes, Bernai Island is legally its own nation. While its autonomy is not recognized internationally, or even locally, Bernai Island designates itself as a constitutional monarchy and has placed trade sanctions on North Korea. You're welcome to visit, but you'll need your passport.


Besides being the inception of our smart city ctOS network, Blume is involved in lots of high tech research and development. Behind that scary super secret security, we may never known what that tech is. I do, however, try every now and then to sift through their dumpsters and see if I can find a hover car or ray gun.

Bridge Construction

Due to the barriers encountered in attempting to replace neighboring bridges, the municipal government has begun construction on a more modern connection to the rest of the city of Chicago. The bridge has yet to be named, but for the sake of promotion, developers Barbieri & Selcedo are currently accepting suggestions on their website. Keep it cheerful! We don't want jumpers.

Crazy Moose Inn

This is the Crazy Moose Inn. They serve breakfast, when management decides to finally crawl out of bed.


The Pawnee Dam was built in 1936 in an effort to push back the Pawnee River and facilitate development in this outskirt of Chicago. The dam was a success until the Illinois drought of 1981 caused the Pawnee River to dry up. Now the dam stands there, not really serving a purpose besides being a historical monument. Tours are available on select dates, so if you're into hydroelectrical engineering, you will have a ball.


This junkyard is owned by a pair of eccentrics who pride themselves in their highly vicious guard dogs, whom they publicly revealed were imported from Belgium and trained in the toughest guard dog academies of Bruges. The problem is, no one has actually seen these dogs. And the barking sounds recorded. No matter! Criminals avoid the yard anyway. Why take chances?

Pawnee Mill

This Pawnee fixture has provided the state with quality lumber for over one hundred years. But a certain unsavory event occurred here at the turn of the century. Let's just say it involved an evil, moustache-twirling Count, a damsel who was tied to the mill's conveyor belt, and a dashing rogue who saved the day. Apparently that sort of thing was common back in the day.

Pawnee Trailer Park

Welcome to the Pawnee "Mobile Home and Alternate Living Community." If city life and all the stresses that come with it are becoming too much for you, then a community such as this might be the place for you. After all, the only thing better than a house is a house on wheels!

Tackle Shop

In the last five years, this inconspicuous tackle shop has been subjected to more police raids than any single business in all of Chicago within the same timeframe. While these raids have never revealed anything incriminating, local authorities have repeatedly claimed that the shop is the nexus of a burgeoning chapter of the Chicago South Club. The Mayor of Pawnee has denied any gang presence in Pawnee, but it might be best to buy your lures and reels elsewhere.

The Pawnee Murder House

August 1988: Pawnee police arrested homeowner Candy Amos for the murder of her husband, then-mayor Sandford Amos. Mayor Amos, who was openly abusive towards his wife and had recently been indicted on charges of corruption, was not mourned upon his death. Although Candy Amos would die in prison one year later, she quickly became a local legend, a symbol of female empowerment and revolution.

Vyvyn K. Turner Bridge

The Vyvyn K. Turner Bridge, nicknamed "the Vyv," has won the title of "Finest Covered Bridge" from the Illinois Board of Covered Bridge Appreciation, a record ten times! The IBCBA has played a significant role in preventing the Vyv Bridge from being demolished and replaced with something safer and more reliable. It really is a nice bridge, isn't it?

The Loop

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35 East Wacker Drive

One of the tallest buildings in the world, 35 East Wacker was constructed with a specially designed car elevator to transport jewellery merchants safely into the tower. What isn't widely known is that a billion dollars' worth of jewels is rumored to be encased somewhere within this 90 year old building's walls. I have a clue where they might be, but I'm not sharing.

Abraham Lincoln Statue

It took 12 years for sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens to create this stoic statue of Abe. Weird that it took another 20 years for it to finally be revealed in 1926. It makes me wonder if people walked through Grant Park for 2 decades wondering what was under the tarp. More importantly, what was Honest Abe hiding under there for so long?

Ambrose Theatre

The "Theater of the World" opened October 26, 2921, and is faithfully designed in the French Baroque style that is meticulously maintained to this day. Slip backstage on a tour to discover the long-running tradition of performers signing the walls. Fascinating to me that for a theatre as old as this one, not one crime has been uncovered within its gilded doors. There has to be *some* dark secrets lurking behind those plush velvet curtains.

Aon Center

Completed in 1974, the Aon Center was the tallest building in Chicago at the time and was nicknamed "Big Stan." You might notice as you explore this fair city that many skyscrapers are nicknamed "Big Something." I wonder why that is?

Bloody Maxwell Police Station

Built in 1888 as an architectural fortress, the 7th District Police Station was deep in the heart of the Terror District where the criminal element festered. More police were killed in the line of duty in this area, and in this era, than any other in the history of the Chicago police department. Al Capone and other famous mobsters, such as Sam Giancana, were "guests" of Bloody Maxwell at various points in their criminal careers.

Bootlegging Factory

In the 1920s, this warehouse was the central location for production of bootleg alcohol run by the savage crime family known as the Genna brothers. Competing against the North Side Gang for the liquor trade, a gang war erupted. In 1925, three of the brothers were gunned down in separate gunfights against the North Siders and police. The other brothers subsequently fled Chicago. No one really knows how many brothers there were in total.

Bram Steffan Pavilion

Grant Park's center for classical music, the Bram Steffan Pavilion is home to Chicago's largest annual musical festival. The city prides itself in being able to host free concerts here. The Pavilion's acoustics are so impeccable, music performed can be heard outside the park. So those of you who love music but hate people, you're in luck!

Carding Center

The Carding Center is a postmodern architectural marvel. This government building features a large atrium and open concept offices, meant to symolize transparency in the state's government. Excuse me while I roll my eyes.

Chicago Arts & Sciences Center

An 1897 landmark, the Chicago Arts & Sciences Center is where the Mayor of Chicago traditionally welcomes presidents, royalty, and other world leaders. Besides the huge number of art exhibitions, the main reason this building is amazing is the 38 foot glass domed rotunda. They don't make them like that anymore.

Chicago Commerce Building

The Commerce Building is the place to be for day traders in the city. High atop the tower stands a statue of Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture. Because, you know, day traders are the farmers of the 21st century. I guess.

Chicago Eastland Disaster

July 4th, 1915: The Western Electric Company chartered a steamer, the Eastland, to take their employees and families to a picnic in Michigan. Recent regulations had the steamer retrofitted with lifeboats. Unfortunately this extra weight made the Eastland top heavy. Not 20ft from shore and only fifteen minutes into the trip, the steamer rolled over and sank. 841 passengers and 4 crew members drowned.

City Hall

If these walls could talk, we'd all be cynical, anti-political - yeah ... too late. The architectural design of this building is supposed to represent strength, dignity, and vigor. In a city where 470 of its politicians have been convicted of corruption in the past few decades, the word "paradox" comes to mind. So far no mayor of Chicago has ever been convicted of a crime, but a dozen of them have been entangled in scandals.

City Marina

The marina is a Hotspot for boating enthusiasts. It has only recently begun to shake off its notorious crime history. Between 1960 and 1966, police found nearly a dozen bodies near the marina, with evidence indicating they were unsuccessfully weighed down. Although no charges were ever officially made, these deaths were all believed to be the work of the Chicago South Club.

Cree Theatre

The Cree Theater was built in 1910, making it one of the oldest venues in the city. Famous for being one of the last remaining stacked or "double-decker" performing arts theaters in the world, it's also infamous for a brief conversion to screen soft-core pornographic films. It was restored in 1990 after being acquired by the city's heritage department. Don't worry, they reupholstered everything.

Desplaines Street Police Station

October 1893: the very troubled Patrick Prendergast went to the home of Chicago Mayor Carter Harrison Sr., and shot the mayor three times before escaping. Shortly after, he turned himself in to police at the Des Plaines station. Prendergast's motive was a meandering tale. His lawyer attempted to have him declared insane but the attempts failed. Prendergast was executed by hanging in 1894.

Face Fountain

No, Chicago is not being invaded by monsters with giant heads. Situated in Millennium Park, this unique fountain is a cross- section of city life and digital art. Oh those fancy artists and their wacky inspirations. I'm guessing the inspiration for this fountain involved cubes. Lots of cubes. I'm just guessing here.

Forever Sculpture

We here in Chicago are as open-minded and diverse a group as it comes. That's why we don't mind when they take up space with giant, pretentious sculpture. This was one of Joseph DeMarco's first gifts to the city. He claims the title "Forever" symbolizes Chicago's resilience, but I suspect it has more to do with how long we'll have to look at the damn thing.

Haymarket Square Riot

In 1886, a protest by workers demanding better wages erupted into a tragedy when an unknown person threw a bomb at the police. This Sparked a shootout, resulting in the deaths of 8 police officers and an unknown number of protesters. Four men were convicted of murdering the officers and were executed. However, it was never proven any of them had thrown the bomb.

Lexington Hotel

The Lexington was Capone's last stop before he was arrested in 1931 for tax evasion. Built in 1892 as a standard luxury hotel, when Capone and his gang moved in they gave the Lex a shooting gallery, a vault and secret passageways leading to taverns and brothels. They were meant to be an easy escape from the police and other potential threats. But not even secret tunnels can save a guy from the IRS.

Lombardo Murder

September 7, 1928, thirty-six year old Antonio Lombardo and his bodyguards were confronted by two well dressed men carrying guns. Lombardo started running across Madison but didn't make it far. Gunned down in broad daylight. He hit the pavement face down in front of the office crowd. Lombardo was a trusted advisor, and third man, to Al Capone. It's believed that Bugs Moran leader of the North Side Gang had issued the hit on Lombardo knowing this would be a blow to Capone. As with so many of these mob hits, the real gunmen were never apprehended.

Harbor Lighthouse

Harbor Lighthouse has been a beacon to passing ships and teenagers looking for a place to make out since it was built in 1893. At the time it was considered state of the art engineering and has always been upgraded accordingly. The lens is extremely rare. So here's hoping it lasts longer than the light bulb in my bathroom.

Meadowmoore Dairies

This park was once the site of Meadowmoore Dairies, opened in 1932 by Al Capone three months before he was incarcerated. Capone, along with his right-hand man Murray Humphreys, were keen to get into the milk business upon learning they could get a greater markup for milk than alcohol. Capone famously remarked to his associates, "we've been in the wrong business all along!"

Miller's Rail Bar

Harkening back to the day when this sort of establishment would have been illegal, Miller's Rail is a classic pub set in the heart of Chicago. Every year, they hold the now-legendary Shepherd's Pie Eating Contest. Foodies from around the world flock to Miller's Rail every July 14th to see how much beef, peas, onions, mashed potatoes, and gravy they can chow down on. A fantastic tradition, but not a good date to use the pub's restrooms.

Ocean Tower

This striking skyscraper is unique to Chicago for many reasons. Not only does it feature one-of-a-kind, undulating balconies that give the building a watery quality, it is also the tallest building in the world to have a woman as lead architect. Girl power!

Palin Correctional Center

For almost 40 years, this geometrically curious building has been a unique but imposing symbol of law and order in Chicago. Although many prisoners have attempted to escape, no one has been able to stay free for very long. I think the building is kind of pretty, myself.

Raven Building

The Great Fire of 1871 consumed most of Chicago, including City Hall. The Raven Building became the temporary home of the municipal government while Chicago was rebuilt. In 1958, young Commissioner J. Sallik was closing in on a union scam with the Chicago South Club when he was gunned down just outside the Raven Building. No one has ever been charged with the crime.

Randolph Street Subway Terminal

Alfred Jake Lingle, crime reporter for the Chicago Tribune, liked to play middleman between Capone, the mob and police. With Jake demanding more and more compensation and suddenly being a dangerous liability with so much information in his noggin, somebody decided that Jake needed a bullet there instead. The murder of Jake Lingle goes unsolved with only one clue... the murder weapon was later tied to the St. Valentine's Day Massacre.

Saffard Memorial Fountain

Saffard Fountain may be the first thing you'll see if you step onto Chicago's front lawn. It's a breathtaking representation of Lake Michigan and the states that surround it. In Wintertime, taxpayers doll it up in dazzling lights. In Summertime, if you're lucky, you can catch the siren songs of its majestic mermaid - you usually have a good twenty minutes before the cops haul him away.

Secret Six

It took the shooting of a business contractor in 1930 here to set Chicago's influential businessmen after Capone. It's these six men who hired Eliot Ness to stop Capone once and for all. To this day not much is known of the six. They aided investigations where they could by providing funds and expertise in business and taxes. They operated their own speakeasy to spy on the criminals.

Seventh Federal Bank

It's a grand old building that's seen its share of thieves. One day in September 1933, bank robber Alvin Karpis used machine-guns and smoke bombs to rob the bank. With five sacks loaded in the car, Karpis made his getaway right into a head-on collision. When an officer stopped to investigate the accident, Karpis gunned the officer down and stole a car. The escape took Karpis to a south side hideout where he discovered the sacks were full of mail.

South Tech University

What do you mean, you've never heard of South Tech University? This is one of the finest universities in the country, well known for its Geology, Interpretive Dance, and Astrobiology departments. Their football team, the South Tech Sandtippers, is expected to do well this season. Go, Sandtippers!

St. Jude Police League

1932: In the midst of the Great Depression, Prohibition, and the reign of Al Capone, The Chicago Police Department founded the St. Jude Police Department founded the St. Jude Police League, a charitable organization that honors police killed in the line of duty and supports their families. Two decades later, the St. Jude Police League Memorial March was initiated. The parade, dedicated to remembering fallen state and city police officers, has since become an annual tradition.

The Fort Dearborn Massacre

August 15, 1812: American soldiers at Fort Dearborn, led by Captain Heald, offered to pay members of the Potawatomi tribe in weapons, liquor, and money to escort them to Fort Wayne. At the last minute, Heald ordered their surplus good to be destroyed, going back on their deal. The Potawatomi retaliated by attacking the Americans as they left Fort Dearborn. On his site, 26 Americans, including 12 children, were killed, while another 28 were taken prisoner.

Tremont House Hotel

Built in 1833, the Tremont was designed to be one of the first luxurious hotels in Chicago, and was subsequently rebuilt 3 times. Abraham Lincoln stayed here. Criminal John Stone lingered around the 2nd floor hall off and on for a few years until he was arrested and convicted for rape in 1840. Stone has the dubious distinction of being the first man to be executed in the city of Chicago.

Vault Tower

This skyscraper is known for housing the headquarters of numerous banking and energy corporations. The radio show Walt, Wait... Don't Tell Me! is taped weekly inside the auditorium. And no, your eyes are not messing with you; the tower was built to look curved.


Known for the cable cars looping through this district since 1882, the Downtown Loop is the heart of Chicago, and the historical WKZ tower is the nerve center. In 1967, a radio tower on the roof picked up a unique coded transmission thought to be a message from the Russians. It was later revealed to be a hoax created by a group of college students. The coded transmission? "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

Willis Tower

The Willis Tower is the tallest building in the United States of America, standing at over 1,450 feet. One fun feature of the tower is the Skydeck, where you can feel the building sway in the wind and get a view of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana. Or for you daredevils, the tower features glass balconies, so you can see why exactly you should be afraid of heights.

The Wards

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Aiello's Bakery

It was Aiello's Bakery that provided the mob with sugar for their bootleg stills. Feeling the pinch from all sides of the mob invading his successful import businesses and wanting to be top boss himself, Aiello tried multiple times to take out Capone including poisoning. Aiello managed to stay alive while also being an FBI informant for a while. Capone finally ordered a hit on Aiello in October 1930. So much for ambition.

Big Jim Colosimo's Cafe

Before Torrio and before Capone, Big Jim Colosimo ran Chicago's Outfit. Big Jim controlled the South Side's hundreds of gambling saloons, opium dens and brothels from 1902 to 1920. Big Jim sealed his fate when he refused to expand the business into illegal liquor smuggling. Johnny Torrio, anxious to expand the business, ordered a hit on his boss. Colosimo was gunned down in his own establishment.

Burned Down Factory

A modern-day relic, this old factory serves as a reminder of the perils of love and obsession. The story goes that an employee, spurned by the love of his life, walked into work wearing dynamite on his belt, and brought the building down around him. He left a note saying that this was meant to be "one last gift" tor his true love. I'm sure she would've been content with flowers.

Deadman's Corner

Few cities can claim one, let alone more than one, corner so notoriously named. A few blocks from Bloody Maxwell is an intersection known as Deadman's Corner. The slum area was the location for a series of fatal shootouts that had taken place here. A swamp of criminals, this location was reportedly where more police were killed by thugs than any other in Chicago's long criminal history.

Hawthorne Hotel

The Hawthorne was famous in its day for being one of Al Capone's many headquarters. January 17th, 1926: Al Capone's men decide to give their boss a birthday present. The gang kidnapped jazz musician Fats Waller and brought him to play for Capone's birthday party. Waller played for three days straight with a gun to his head. Waller later said he was paid "really well."

Hit on Johnny Torrio

In 1925, George "Bugs" Moran and Hymie Weiss targeted Johnny Torrio after their mob boss, Dean O'Banion, was gunned down in his flower shop. In revenge, Moran and Weiss pulled up behind Torrio and his wife as they were about to enter their home. Blasted with shotgun fire in his gut, chest and face, Torrio remarkable managed to survive. Immediately afterward, Torrio signed over call his control to Al Capone. He retired to Italy.

Home of Lloyd Pinkerton

This was the home of Lloyd Pinkerton, a community leader and founder of the Black Viceroys. Pinkerton arrived in Chicago in 1960 and quickly became involved in the betterment of The Wards. His group, the Black Viceroys, raised funds for local schools, organized meal programs, and advocated civil rights. Growing racial tensions led to Pinkerton's murder in 1966 and transformed the Black Viceroys from community organizers into a violent gang.

John A. Walsh Public School

They learn young... on the border between two warring gangs, Irishers and the Immigrant Bohemians, battles were waged on and off school property by kids ranging in age from 10-15 years. These battles resulted in numerous deaths. In a final bloody battle on December, 1905, scores of kids on either side faced off. When police finally intervened the area was strewn with casualties. The number of fatalities was never recorded.

Murder Castle

The 1893 World's Fair was the perfect bait for Dr. Henry Howard Holmes (aka Herman Mudgett) to lure his estimated 200+ victims to his front door. Holmes built the 60 room, 3-story building with secret passageways, trap doors and chutes. Holmes advertised for tourists and staff. These unwary visitors and employees checked in and never left. The building burned down in 1895. Holmes was convicted and executed in 1895.


The infamous Rossi-Fremont Low Income Housing Co-op was doomed from the start. idealists thought they could build an instant community, but decades of poor infrastructure, policing, and funding has turned it into more of a gang-ridden prison. Many of the citizens living here are trapped. If Chicago is focusing on being a smarter city, let's hope they stop being stupid about this place.

Shotgun Man

Between 1910 and 1911, an unidentified man, referred to as "Shotgun Man" gunned down 15 Italian immigrants. Believed to be an assassin working for the Black Hand extortionist gangs, Shotgun Man murdered those who refused to pay up. He disappeared as quickly as he appeared.


Known as "Packing Town" located in a large stretch of land on the South side, the Stockyards were founded in 1863 and grew to 130 miles of track producing 80% of the meat consumed in the U.S. by 1923. In 1919, when workers went on strike for better pay, a race riot broke out. Police killed 4 while attempting to get the crowd under control.

The Murder Market

This once-thriving market was once a place where the common-folk could rub shoulders with the privileged, or as I like to call them--the mafia. You could strike up a conversation with Machine Gun Jack while waiting on your cold cuts. For a lot of people, it was the closest they'd ever get to celebrity. Unfortunately, it also got them close to one of the worst gang shootouts in Chicago history. Thirty-two people checked out that day and the only coupons used were toe-tags.

V Alley

February 1971: the Viceroys had spent the last year in a turf war with an upstart gang known as P.D.C. - gang violence came to a head in this alley, when 5 unnamed Viceroys ambushed and killed 15 key members of P.D.C. The massacre was covered by every major newspaper in the state, and brought the Viceroys legitimacy and power, while the remaining members P.D.C. went into hiding or joined the V's.


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There are a total of 43 badges included in the game which are unlocked by through visiting hotspots.

A More Perfect Union

  • Message: "Happy 4th of July!"
  • How to Unlock: Check into the John Hancock Center on the fourth of July. (system date)

Architectural Marvels

  • Message: "Buildings, don't you just love them!"
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Vault Tower, Willis Tower, Triomphe Tower, Chicago World News Tower, WKZ-TV Tower, Water Tower, and the John Hancock Center.


  • Message: "Permission to come aboard, Captain?"
  • How to Unlock: Checking in at The Chicago Yacht Club.

Ashes to Ashes

  • Message: "It's nice to get out and see the sights."
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Burned Down Factory.

Auto Graveyard

  • Message: "See anything you like?"
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Junkyard 10 times.

Batter Up!

  • Message: "Buy me a pretzel, would you? Enjoy the game fellas."
  • How to Unlock: In a multiplayer session, check into the May Stadium with 3 players on your friends list.

Best Buds

  • Message: "Looks like your friends been here too; you two should hang out together more often."
  • How to Unlock: In a multiplayer session, check into a location that a player on your friend list has already checked into.

Big Kahuna

  • Message: "This is my city!"
  • How to Unlock: Become the mayor of City Hall.

Bridge Builder

  • Message: "Ever been to Madison County? I think you might like it."
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Cermak Bridge, the Bridge Construction, and the Vyvyn K. Turner Bridge.

Broken Rail

  • Message: "You might be here for some time..."
  • How to Unlock: In a multiplayer session, check in at the Abandoned Station with a friend.

Call of the Water

  • Message: "You really like boats, don't you?"
  • How to Unlock: Check into The Chicago Yacht Club and the Windy City Shipyards within 90 seconds of eachother.

Cemetery Waltz

  • Message: When the clock strikes midnight...I'm too scared to finish this sentence!"
  • How to Unlock: Check into the St. Joseph Cemetery at midnight. (game time)


  • Message: " Whoa, 100 check-ins; you池e certainly getting around town!"
  • How to Unlock: Check in 100 times total.

Crowd Surfer

  • Message: "I predict a riot! That痴 5 people checked in here at the same time!"
  • How to Unlock: In a multiplayer session, check into a location where 4 other players are checked in.

Dam It!

  • Message: "It ain't just beavers who can build impressive dams; check out this beauty."
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Dam.

Double Wide

  • Message: "The only thing better than a house is a house on wheels!"
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Pawnee Trailer Park.


  • Message: "You're brave! Don't hang around too long!"
  • How to Unlock: Check into the Palin Correctional Center while actively chased by the police.

Getting Around

  • Message: "You致e checked in at 10 unique locations; keep exploring!"
  • How to Unlock: Check in at 10 unique locations in the game.

Got You Something

  • Message: "You池e too kind; that痴 5 gifts you致e left for others."
  • How to Unlock: Leave 5 gifts at check-in locations.

Green Thumb

  • Message: "Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?"
  • How to Unlock: Check into the Botanical Gardens when it's raining.

Has Bean

  • Message: "Sculpture is art for the masses. Glad to see you taking an interest!"
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Forever Sculpture.

Honest Abe

  • Message: "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Abraham Lincoln Statue.

Jewelers' Delight

  • Message: "This was once the tallest building outside of New York, you know."
  • How to Unlock: Check in at 35 East Wacker Drive.

Keeper of the Lighthouse

  • Message: "It can get pretty lonely out here; it can even drive you mad!"
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Harbor Lighthouse.


  • Message: "There's trouble at the old mill! Wait, never mind..."
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Pawnee Mill.

Man on the Run

  • Message: Here, piggy piggy.
  • How to Unlock: Check into a City Traveler location with maximum felony active.

Native Chicagoan

  • Message: "Wow, you致e checked in at every location. We bow down to your greatness."
  • How to Unlock: Check into every location in-game at least once.


  • Message: "Congratulations on your first check-in!"
  • How to Unlock: Perform your first check-in at any location in the game.

Newly Elected

  • Message: "Congratulations, you're a mayor!"
  • How to Unlock: Become the mayor of a City Traveler location.


  • Message: "Whoops, Blume must have forgotten to pay the electricity bill."
  • How to unlock: Check in at Blume during a blackout.

Pack Your Bags

  • Message: "Sorry, we've lost your reservation, try a different hotel."
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Owl Motel and the Crazy Moose Inn within 240 seconds of each other.

Pier Pressure

  • Message: "Feeling nautical, are we?"
  • How to Unlock: Check into the Navy Pier Building.

Power Hungry

  • Message: "Power corrupts, so be careful!"
  • How to Unlock: Become the mayor of 3 locations at the same time.

Power of Friendship

  • Message: "Nice to see you致e made friends."
  • How to Unlock: In a multiplayer session, check in to the same location as a player on your friends list within 30 seconds of each other.


  • Message: "Hey, you must be a regular! That痴 5 check-ins at one location in a week!"
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the same location 5 times within a 7-day period.

Romantic Getaway

  • Message: "I'm not going to ask too many questions; just don't get caught, okay?"
  • How to Unlock: In a multiplayer session, check into the Owl Motel with a friend after midnight. (game time)


  • Message: "Good to see that you are expanding your horizons."
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Chicago Arts & Sciences Center.

Take Five

  • Message: "Hey, that痴 5 unique location check-ins now!"
  • How to Unlock: Check in at 5 unique locations in game.

Theater Buff

  • Message: "Looks like you've soaked up all the city has to offer!"
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Ambrose Theatre, the Phoebus Theater, and the Cree Theater.

Top of the World

  • Message: "Wow, you致e got a head for heights! You致e checked in at the 3 highest locations!"
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the 3 tallest buildings in the game (not the highest points; the skyscrapers in Mad Mile and the Loop).

Uber Tourist

  • Message: "Let me count: 1,2,3...200 check-ins! Impressive."
  • Howt to Unlock: Check in a total of 200 times.

Water Under the Bridge

  • Message: "Why did the chicken cross the bridge? To get to the other side."
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the Cermak Bridge.

We Are Not Alone

  • Message: "Is there anybody out there?"
  • How to Unlock: Check in at the WKZ-TV Center during a communications disruption.


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-Thanks to Ubisoft for making this great and fun game.
-Thanks to for the various ASCII art in this guide.

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The End

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This is the end of the FAQ, thank you for reading it and hopefully it was interesting and helpful.

